#this just had to come out of my system or i would have combusted
katasstrophy · 1 year
those tiktoks that are like “using my scary dog privilege to walk alone at night” but when you turn your phone the scary dog is just your insanely ripped and a little fucked in the head pro athlete boyfriend shidou ryusei<3
cheeky bastard wears a white muscle tank that clings to every sculpted crevice of his body, so flimsy you can see his nipples poking at the fabric even under the weak blare of the yellow streetlights. flexes his rippling biceps at you on purpose so the camera can catch the well defined veins running up his tan skin (WHORE) before tilting his head to side and flashing a predatory smile that leaves you with goosebumps forming in its wake, a toothpick rolled between his all white supermodel teeth until it catches on the curve of his slightly fanged canine.
and your followers may think, what a nice little detail, that the magenta of his irises matches the color of the choker resting all pretty and inviting on his jugular, but you know better<3 know it serves more as a collar you tug on as you take your personal little demon - your feral hellcat - on his daily walk. know it serves as a life line you dig your desperate, shaking fingers into, not caring if your nails scratch, because you know ryusei gets off on the sting of the angry red lines you mark his throat with when he unleashes himself on top of you.
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minxiiwrites · 3 months
🌸C'mere kitty kitty
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I have no wifi today and instead of studying for midterms I'm doing this, tsktsk it's so hard being the best B))
: Idia x gn!reader
: Summary; Reader turns into a feline because of an alchemy class accident
: Contents; Fluff, no warnings
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How did this happen? How did it come up to this? How did all of the events, actions, choices and consequences were all alined to this specific outcome? You didn't wanna know
The first time Idia sees you with feline features, he's understandably gonna freak out about it. Bombarding you with questions and tidbits of what happened to your body.
Are your ears and tail connected to your nervous system making you feel touch from them? Do you share the same habits and traits as another beastman would? If he theoretically made a point lazer and swirled it on the floor would you chase it?
You deadpanned at the last question.
If he saw your form in public (and by some miracle, not in his tablet but face to face) he would just bombard you with questions and that's it. He's not really confident enough to do anything else, hell, he was only able to approach you because his love for cats practically controlled his body faster than he could realize it
However, if you meet in the comfort of his room, then the situation is relatively similar. The big difference is that he would relatively sneak glances at you and your kitty cat features, observing and overanalyzing every little move you make. Even though he's technically all alone (with his crush o ma gaw) he's still a socially awkward loser. And plus, how does one even politely say that they wanna touch a literal body part of theirs without sounding like a creep
Once you give him your consent though, he may or may not abuse that privilege. Randomly petting your head, scratching behind your ears, poking at your tail, he's like a toddler.
Everytime he does he has this dopey genuine smile on his face, if you lean in to his touches he'll literally combust!! Hair tips turning pink as he clammers and coos at how adorable you're being, all with his heart beating God knows how fast
If you are the one initiating physical contact, like taking his hand and leading it towards your head, or rubbing your tail against his arm and/or back, then you broke him beyond compare. He isn't even used to physical contact with normies, how much more with his crush?! (He's such a loser I love him)
May or may not make small little inventions for your cute little kitty problems, e.i; a brush thin but durable enough to comb through your tail to remove stray fur that dirty your couches. Specialized custom made headphones for kitty cats like you so you can still listen to music even with different ears. It's an obsession I tell you
And whenever he sees you use the things he made specifically for you, he'd feel so effing smug and proud like 'y'see that cute kitty cat brushing their tail with an amazing cool useful high tech gadget gizmo cowabunga unga brush? Heh 😼 I made it for them all by myself B)) *swipes nose with finger, smirks cockily, flips hair sassily*'
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I had to cut this short cause my school starts at 5am tomorrow and it's already 11pm acckk wahh I wanna talk more about Idia catboy grr
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
You shouldn't let your loved ones buy a boat. Especially a used boat. They always seem like good ideas – like cars, but cheaper, and they can go where cars can't – but the maintenance and ownership costs are completely ridiculous. Marina fees. Unique outboard engine parts. Transoms, whatever those are. Ultimately, that shiny new-used boat will just sit in your father-in-law's driveway, slowly rotting underneath a succession of increasingly-expensive boat covers as the perfectly good tires on the trailer holding it go flat.
Here at Seat Safety Switch's Ship Scrapping System, we're dedicated to taking those boats back off the road, where "road" is "your driveway." You might be surprised to hear that almost every boat contains a perfectly good internal combustion engine: an internal combustion engine, I hasten to add, that is likely to be two-stroke. That's right: two-strokes made during my lifetime. It's a crime not to slap those puppies into a car and let the suburbs find out what the north end of 9000 rpm sounds like.
Millions of boats are abandoned every year, too, which threatens our beloved killer whales. Using our method is more environmentally friendly than simply forgetting to tie your boat up at the end of a bad day of wrenching. We'll drop it off in a nearby forest, farmer's field, or police station parking lot, where it will quickly become someone else's problem. The whales will enjoy an unencumbered commute to their orca jobs, free of busted-ass boats floating around their properties.
Sure, it takes a lot of adapting. Coolant, the bellhousing, all the electronics, figuring out which Tim Hortons dumpster won't notice you throwing out a whole-ass propeller. Boat engines are specially built for their environment, and only a complete idiot would bother modifying them to work in a car, when junkyards are full of perfectly-good car engines already. That's why we have someone on staff whose job it is to dare you to finish the conversion, at which point it becomes a matter of personal pride, rather than something lame like fiscal responsibility. Once the spite kicks in, you'd be surprised how many exotic exhaust expansion chambers you can weld together and shove inside the cabin of the car.
So come on down and help us turn that decrepit old boat into a decrepit new car. No jetskis, though. We had a terrible accident with one of those last week: it turns out that you can in fact achieve acceleration with those on the road just as they shipped from the factory, but turning is very hard. We'll always remember Second-Oldest Tom's sacrifice.
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Attention| Kuroo T.
time for some hurt/comfort as requested by my friend.
Pronouns are female but if wanted I can make a gender-neutral version!
TW: Swearing, Yelling, and creepy dude
Synopsis: Your both stressed about exams, he lashes out, you walk home and encounter someone.
Words: 1870
It was the middle of finals week, every student's most hated favorite week the education system has to bring. For 3rd years, this could finalize GPAs and getting into a certain college, so everyone’s up to their neck with studies, including you and your boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsurou.
You hadn’t been able to see him in weeks outside of school because of how busy you’d both been. He had volleyball practice and you had your own club activities to attend on top of your academics. You had decided that you wanted to see him finally. You were nothing but stressed out and anxious, and seeing Kuroo would bring you some peace and tie you back down to earth to feel loved.
You texted him about wanting to see him and you both set up a study date at his house. You packed your bag full of study material and headed over. He lived a while away walking but you didn't mind. A little exercise doesn’t hurt, right?
After a small journey and a snack, you knocked on his door and waited until he let you in.
As he opened the door, all he gave was a small “Hey.” and he turned back to go to his room. You expected a little more but let it slide since he might’ve been in the middle of a paper and had his mind focused on it. You followed him to his room and sat across from him at the table in the middle.
He immediately went back to typing on his computer, occasionally writing things down in his notebook. You went ahead and took out some stationery like pencils, pens, highlighters, and sticky notes along with your notebook, laptop, and pocky.
After an hour he had said about two words to you. You had asked a few questions about the material in your study guide and he’d only respond with “mhm,” or “I dunno.”. Now you started to get slightly irritated. You understand that he’s focused and very responsible about his grades, but he can spare a few seconds to answer your question, right?
You were a good ten minutes into your chemistry packet and were lost. Maybe taking AP chemistry wasn’t the smartest choice you ever made. You got by, but you tended to struggle.
“Hey, Tetsu,” You spoke up, “Can you help me out with this? I'm confused about the whole Singular, Double replacement along with Combustion and then balancing it.”
“Tetsurou are you even listening to me?”
“WHAT?” He yelled “What could you possibly want? Can’t you see I'm busy? You can literally look it up yourself, why ask me when I’m clearly in the middle of something!”
You felt yourself shrink into a ball. You just looked down at your paper and went silent. He didn’t even bat an eye, going straight back to what he was doing previously.
“Listen,” he didn’t look up from his laptop,” If you’re looking for attention, this isn’t the place.”
It was then your heart dropped. Maybe, you were annoying. Maybe you were just looking for attention. Were you really that lonely that there was no one else to hang out with? At these times? Maybe he was just stressed. Maybe you were stressed. Maybe he didn’t mean it.
But maybe doesn’t mean anything.
After a good few minutes of contemplating, you grabbed your things and packed up your bag. You gave him one last look and he never looked up. You left his room, followed by his house entirely.
By now, it had gotten dark. Not dark like ten-at-night-dark but dark enough that the street lamps had come on. You walked back in silence. Your headphones had died at his house since you had forgotten to charge them beforehand. Now you were stuck with your thoughts. How delightful.
You put your focus on your feet, trying to keep your mind off what had just occurred only a few minutes ago. It’d be at least twenty minutes before you’d get home. Having walked for a good ten, the sky only got darker.
The neighborhood was quiet and lonely. The kids had gone back inside from their outside activities which left the streets feeling like a ghost town. But that didn’t last for long. Like everything in life, something comes along to, in an optimistic way to put it, spice things up.
Thud thud thud
What was that?
Thud thud thud
Was it just your feet?
Thud thud thud
No, it was out of sync with your pace. You felt eyes on the back of your head.
Thud thud thud
They were becoming louder.
Thud thud thud
You tried increasing your walking speed, hoping to make it home faster, as you were paranoid to look back.
Thud thud thud
Faster and closer the steps became.
You felt a hand. A strong hand on your wrist.
You panicked, you couldn’t scream for help.
“Excuse me,” They started, “You dropped this.”
Your wallet. You dropped your wallet and this nice guy just wanted to give it back. Bruh
“Oh, thank you! I had no idea!” You mentioned. Welp, there was nothing to worry about, you’re just paranoid.
“It’s no problem.” He replied. You got a good look at him. Tall, with a slight build to him. He was dressed in a hoodie and blue jeans. Just some guy. Some dude. Yup, definitely one of the dudes ever.
“Well, I need to be going, thank you!” You perked and turned around to walk away.
‘Hold on a sec.”
Fucking damn it-
“A pretty lady like you shouldn’t be walking alone this late at night.” He said, “Im heading over to eat with some friends, why don’t you join me?”
“I'm good, thank you.” You said, slightly startled. “As I said, I have to get going.”
He grabbed your arm, “Oh come on. Have some fun… You know, my friends would love to be around such a pretty girl like you.”
Oh hell nah-
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not going-”
“Oh don’t be such a bitch!” He yelled, keeping his grip on you as you struggle out of it, “You’ll have everyone’s attention. All eyes on you. A lady like you would love that, wouldn’t you?”
All eyes on you.
“Hey!” You hear a voice in the distance. “Get your hands off her!”
“Hey man, chill, we’re just talking, isn’t that right sweetheart?” He looked at you with threatening eyes. Disgusting. You couldn’t say anything. Fear and anxiety had swept you away and you could only comply with the silence. “We were just about to head over and grab a bite.”
“Yeah right. That’s bullshit if I’ve ever heard it.” Kuroo spat back.
“Watch your fucking mouth, dude.” the creep answered, his arm wrapped over your shoulder. “Our status is none of your goddamn business.”
Kuroo looked around franticly, but just with his eyes.
Your wallet.
In shock and fear, you had dropped your wallet.
The creep ended up seeing it but had been too slow to pick it up before your love had.
“What’s her name?” Your boyfriend questioned, looking like he was ready to deck the dude. “If you know her so well what's her fucking name?” He held up your wallet. You didn’t have your license yet so there was no form of actual identification on there. But the dude didn’t have to know that.
He stared at your boyfriend, standing his guard. He relaxed a little and spoke up. “Listen, dude, you got me. But hey, I just wanna take her out. You get it right?” he gave a half-assed smile hoping to convince the rooster head in front of him to let him off the hook.
“No way in hell” He spoke with slight venom, “‘Cause that ‘girl’ you got wrapped around your arm is my girlfriend.”
He froze. Caught in a lie.
He pushed you behind him and stepped forward.
“Yeah right. Look who’s spewing bullshit now.” He got all tough, hoping to scare your boyfriend away, but that didn't really work.
Cause he decked him.
Yup, you read that right.
He fucking decked him.
“What the hell dude!-” He tried to get a word in Kuro had already grabbed your arm and made a run for it.
After turning a few corners, he finally stopped. He was slightly out of breath while you were breathing heavily. He turned to you and grabbed your shoulders.
“Hey,” He breathed, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” You painted, avoiding eye contact,” I’m good… I’m alright.”
“Hey, look at me.” He cupped your chin. There was an ever so slight plea in his voice you could just barely recognize.
“Please…” You looked at him, finally. His eyes filled with worry, “Did he hurt you?”
“...No, no I’m okay. I lived.” You answered, regaining your breath.
He let out a breath and looked down.
“Holy shit… I was so worried.”
“Yeah… I bet you were,” You said, feeling slightly guilty. “Sorry.”
“No no no no,” He shut you up and looked back at you, “You have nothing to apologize for, I’m an ass, okay. If anything I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m so stressed right now but you are too. I know you needed this and I ruined it for you. I'm so, so sorry.” He apologized, genuinely.
“And that,” He mentioned “That guy was in no way your fault. Never is, never will be. You’re just so pretty, and I’m so lucky to be the one who gets you.”
Your eyes water a bit. You go in for a hug and he wraps his arms back around you, bringing you a sense of safety and security.
“I love you, I promise. Right now just isn’t my best moment to see you.” He started, “ But after finals are over with, I promise I’ll make all the time in the world for you. You deserve my attention.”
You stood there. You didn’t know what to say.
“Thank you.” You mustered up.
He walked you back to your house, the whole twenty minutes, never letting go of your hand. He stopped at your front door and looked at you. He leaned in and met your lips. You two stayed like that for a bit, just taking in each other's presence. When you broke it off to head inside, you saw how he looked at you with such admiration.
Such love.
Then you knew, he truly did love you.
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Why I Headcanon Azula Suffering from Mental Illness, Pre-Sozin's Comet
Note: To make it super clear, I have no relevant training when it comes to mental health, or in psychology in general. I am just a fan sharing my headcanon based on what I think would lead into interesting storytelling. So if you have any problems (ex. you think I engaged in ableism) with my characterization and/or diagnosis of Azula, please let me know in the comments.
One of the more contentious arguments in the ATLA fandom is whether or not Azula has any mental disorder(s), and if so, what they are. 
Some fans think Azula suffered from some combination of antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and/or bi-polar personality disorder, and so all the events of the back half of Season 3 did was make her actively psychotic. 
Meanwhile, there are other fans who believe that Azula’s problem was being a poorly socialized kid who was raised to be the perfect conqueror and tyrant, and so her mental breakdown during Sozin’s Comet was a temporary stress-based breakdown caused by her life falling apart.
And while the comics could have provided a clear answer, they unfortunately haven’t as of the time of this post. 
This is because while Azula suffered from constant delusions and hallucinations for at least a year, they can be easily explained by her less than ideal treatment in her asylum.
(Yes, apparently it is canon that there is systemic abuse present in the Fire Nation’s asylum system, and that it played a major role in not only Azula’s worsened mental state in the comics, but also why the Fire Warriors willingly joined Azula’s side as well.)
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Moreover, despite her and Zuko claiming that she appears to mentally better off in Smoke and Shadow, with Azula claiming that she no longer sees or hears “Ursa”, she occasionally is drawn in the same fashion as an actively psychotic Azula is in The Search.
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Which suggests that her escaping the asylum and finding a new purpose in life, turning Zuko into a tyrant or retaking the throne for herself, is just a temporary fix.
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In addition, at least in the post-Sozin’s Comet comics written by Gene Luen Yang, Azula is supposed to be suffering from a split personality disorder. 
Yet I am pretty sure that a significant portion of fandom would agree with me when I say that did not appear to be the case in those comics considering Azula never appears to switch between her normal personality and any alters.
Therefore, considering the franchise refuses to give a clear answer on what, if any, mental illness(es) Azula has, what, if any, mental illness(es) Azula has is the realm of headcanons for now.
So, what mental illness(es), if any, do I headcanon Azula suffering from?
Well, I headcanon that Azula has (childhood) schizoaffective disorder plus complex post-trauma stress disorder (C-PTSD) caused by the fact that Ursa did manage to teach her morals, but she had to consciously disregard them to be her father's perfect heir. 
And that the first time she hallucinated Ursa was after her father made her do something heinous, like torturing an agitator in a prison at his command, or after she smiled after Zuko's burning, thinking that deserved it, even though deep down she knew it was wrong.
I also headcanon that she went to great lengths to hide her hallucinations and avoid triggering herself by doing things like avoiding mirrors to the point that no one other than Lo and Li suspected there was anything wrong with her.
But as Zuko, Ty Lee, and Mai “abandon” her before the events of the show occur, she starts to fall apart.
Hence why she seeks out Ty Lee and Mai, even though there are better fighters available like Combustion Man, and why she allows Zuko to "redeem" himself.
That and "Ursa" telling her that she has been a bad sister for trying to imprison or kill her own brother, and that he deserves to come back home, not in chains or in a coffin, but by her side as their father’s rightful heir once again. 
So, with her brother and friends back in her life, combined with the fact that she has succeeded in securing her father’s love by essentially winning the war as far as she is concerned, Azula is able to keep “Ursa” for the most part suppressed.
Hence why Azula appears to be happy and even somewhat normal during the first part of Season 3.
This, even though “Ursa” keeps telling her from time to time that it is wrong to blackmail her brother about the Avatar’s potential survival, and that it is a matter of time before Mai and Ty Lee stop tolerating her after everything she has done to them, especially Ty Lee.
So it’s no surprise that after Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Ozai's "betrayals", especially considering the nature of their “betrayals” and how they all occurred within a short timeframe, that she becomes actively psychotic, with her condition then worsening due to the abusive asylum she was placed in, as well as the fact no one came to visit her until Zuko needed her to find Ursa.
But after Noriko apologizes for not loving her enough, plus Zuko affirming that he will always love her, she stops being actively psychotic due to a combination of no longer being in the asylum and her realizing her purpose in life is to "help" Zuko.
However, Azula hasn’t really healed, since her actions in Smoke and Shadow were essentially having a manic episode due to having a new purpose in life, no longer being in the asylum, and having new friends in the form of the Fire Warriors.
Moreover, her trying to turn Zuko into a tyrant, or if that fails, retaking the throne for herself, is a giant coping mechanism since actively coming to terms with the fact her trying to be her father’s perfect heir alienated her from everyone who she cared about would be too much for her psyche.
Especially since there doesn’t seem any way to redeem herself, let alone get her brother, Mai, and/or Ty Lee’s forgiveness and companionship again.
And why do I headcanon Azula suffering from (childhood) schizoaffective disorder alongside C-PTSD?
Well, initially, before rewatching ATLA, I used to think that Azula’s breakdown was a temporary, stress-induced breakdown caused by her life falling apart.
But after rewatching ATLA, or more specifically, the mirror scene, I picked on something very peculiar: Azula doesn’t appear to be shocked by the presence of “Ursa”, even though as far as she is concerned, Ursa has been gone for over five years at this point.
Azula: “All right hair, it's time to face your doom.”
Azula grabs the bangs hanging in front of her face. She lifts them in the air and cuts them, with them falling near her feet. Her reflection in the mirror shows her grinning, with her hair a mess, but she stops grinning as she notices Ursa appears in the reflection, behind Azula.
Ursa: “What a shame, you always had such beautiful hair.”
Azula: “What are you doing here‌?”
Ursa: “I didn't want to miss my own daughter's coronation.”
Azula: “Don't pretend to act proud. I know what you really think of me. You think I'm a monster.
Ursa: [Cuts to shot of Azula looking at her reflection in the mirror, clearly angered; off-camera.] “I think you're confused. All your life you used fear to control people, like your friends Mai and Ty Lee.”
Azula: [Closes her eyes before turning around sharply to face her mother.] “Well what choice do I have?! [Cuts to shot of her standing in the room, her back to the mirror which still shows the reflection of her mother.] Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way. Even you fear me.”
Ursa: [Sincerely.] “No. I love you, Azula. I do.”
Cuts to close-up of Azula as she bends over slightly, tears in her eyes, and her hair hanging down in messy locks. Cuts to shot of her hand gripped around a hairbrush on the table. The camera shifts as the enraged princess lets out a shout and hurls the brush at the mirror. The resulting impact shatters a large portion of the mirror, including where Ursa's reflection was seen. Cuts to overhead shot of the room as Azula kneels over and begins bitterly crying. The room is devoid of any other people, showing that Ursa's reflection was a mere hallucination.
So, after reading the comics and learning that not only did Azula continue to suffer from hallucinations and delusions, but also that her “recovery” wasn’t really a recovery at all, I came to the conclusion that you can tell a compelling story of Azula suffering from (childhood) schizoaffective disorder plus C-PTSD.
Or more specifically, you can tell a compelling story of Azula constantly struggling to suppress her conscience after Ursa left and she got molded into Ozai's perfect weapon, with her symptoms worsening as her friends and brother slowly but surely leave her life, only getting better after she forcibly brings them back into her life.
But after Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Ozai “betray” her one by one, making her (subconsciously) realize that all the people she had hurt and pushed away in pursuit of Ozai’s "love" was all for nothing, and that she was wrong to ignore to “Ursa”, she can no longer keep her symptoms under check.
And that her behavior from Sozin’s Comet onward can be explained due a combination of the asylum worsening her condition, her going through periods of mania and depression, and her trying to avoid consciously admitting that Ozai’s abuse and her own choices led her to lose everything that mattered to her since doing so might break her for good.
So to conclude, I headcanon Azula suffering from (childhood) schizoaffective disorder plus C-PTSD, even pre-Sozin’s Comet, partially because Azula was not surprised at the presence of “Ursa” during the mirror scene, and partially because she continued to be suffering from delusions and hallucinations long after Sozin’s Comet.
And while I wish the writers for the franchise would do more research before trying to depict Azula suffering from such disorders, I do think with has already be depicted and said that there is enough present already to tell a compelling story involving Azula trying to deal with and overcome such disorders, regardless if she actually does succeed in overcoming them, or at least learn how to manage them.
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thetypedwriter · 4 months
Curious Tides Book Review
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Curious Tides by Pascale Lacelle Book Review 
This book has so many things to love. 
Too bad I disliked almost all of them because of other glaring issues in the book. 
I still give Lacelle so much credit. Her book had so many dreams (literally) and tried to tackle so much for a debut YA novel. However, I really think she could have benefited from a more succinct editor, by changing up her timeline, and by shearing off a good 200 pages or so. 
This book’s plot is ambitious. It switches POV’s between two main characters: Emory and Baz. Emory, a student at Aldryn College, specializes in healing powers. Used to being mediocre and constantly standing in the shadows of her best friend, Romie, Emory is suddenly the recipient of every power after a near death experience that leaves several dead, including Romie.
However, in the aftermath of the event, Emory learns that she’s a mythical tidecaller. Baz meanwhile, is an eclipse-born, a person who receives his powers from being born on a lunar eclipse.
Known for their horrific and “evil” powers that combust in an event called “collapsing”, Baz is ostracized and alienated by the other students at Aldryn, but also the world at large for his incredible, but frightening ability to control time (another big issue that I won’t even get into). 
The setting of this book is a world based on the idea that people receive abilities depending on the moon they were born under. There’s lore galore, colleges dedicated to honing special abilities, rituals, language, and mythology–all based on the tides and the moon. 
The details that Lacelle includes in this is really interesting, as is the concept of magic based on the moon phases itself. A dark academia setting based on the tides and lunar alignments? I love it.
However, the magic system was needlessly complicated and Lacelle spent way too much time describing events, world-building facets, and societal elements that had nothing to do with the plot and only succeeded in making the book longer instead of pulling me into the story more deeply. 
In addition, a lot of Lacelle’s writing was incredibly repetitive. She hit the same points over and over and over again: eclipse-born are evil and everyone hates them, everyone loves the moon, Kieran is hot, Romie is great, Baz’s memory of his father’s printing press blowing up, Emory feeling inadequate compared to Romie, and Baz thinking or describing the children’s book Sorrow of the Drowned Gods. 
No joke, the items I listed up above were about 75% of the book. The remaining 25% was action, too-in depth details about the college that didn’t matter—like what all the different halls were called and what they looked like in each dormitory, more flashbacks of Emory and Baz’s past, and interactions between the characters. 
Even though Emory and Baz are at a college, their classes don’t matter whatsoever. Honestly, I have no idea why they’re even at a college other than to have them all in one place. Emory’s classes are described once, briefly, and we see her go to about two classes. Otherwise, it’s not mentioned at all. 
The characters themselves were okay. Not great. Just…okay. Lacelle tried way, way too hard to give her characters depth, but only succeeded in telling instead of showing.
Instead of me figuring something out about Emory, Lacelle would have a huge, descriptive paragraph of Emory realizing that she compared herself to Romie too much and that she had her own self-worth. Moments like this aren’t bad per se, but they were way too frequent for my liking. 
Let me, the reader, figure things out about the characters and come to my own conclusions. Don’t spell out every single detail for me and hold my hand. It’s tedious and it’s boring. Lacelle did this constantly. 
In addition, for a nearly 600-paged book, about four characters mattered: Emory, Baz, Kieran, and Kai. Emory and Baz are the main characters so it’s hard to discount them, even though they’re not that interesting due to having every single personality trait of theirs spelled out and analyzed by the author itself. 
Kieran and Kai, although important characters, were very one-dimensional. Kieran’s power-obsessed manipulative personality was not a secret whatsoever.
Lacelle reveals his “true” nature at the climactic end, even though the signs showing his megalomania were painfully clear to a ten-year-old. 
I liked Kai the most, but he’s in very little of the book. We see him mainly in flashbacks and then at the very end. Lacelle, why lock up your most interesting characters and hide them away for most of the novel?? She does this with Romie too, a more egregious error. 
Romie dying is the catalyst for this whole story. It’s what changes Emory and makes her a tidecaller, it’s what invigorates Kieran and sets him on his master plan, it’s what influences Kai to collapse—the whole story starts with Romie dying at Doveremere Cave. 
Yet…Lacelle starts the story after this event. Why would an author do this??? It’s excruciating. Your most important part of the whole novel isn’t even included in the novel. She inserts it later as a flashback, but I don’t want a flashback. I want the real thing. 
The book should have started with Romie and Emory going to Dovermere and then 
progress from there. It easily could have been the first chapter and it would have introduced us to Romie’s character more, set up Romie and Emory’s friendship, and acted as the catalyst for the whole story. 
Even better, it could have even started with Baz’s memory of his father’s printing press blowing up, then the three of them starting at Aldryn, them going to Dovermere, Romie dying, and thennnnn continuing.
That already would have been a better book. It wouldn’t even have to be longer. By cutting out all the repetitive and useless bits that I already mentioned, Lacelle would have had plenty of room to include these essential moments. 
I truly don’t understand the choices she (or her editor) made about the plot timeline and pacing because they were all terrible.
This is a true injustice when you take into account how original and fascinating the initial concept is and how much time and effort she put into the world and its lore. 
Recommendation: This book had all the right ingredients for something truly great, but fell short due to verbose, albeit beautiful writing, a slow plot, choppy pacing, predictable characters, and too dense world-building that added nothing to the story.
If you want dark academia, look elsewhere like If We Were Villains or the Atlas Paradox. These stories have much better plots with much more interesting characters and it doesn’t take 600 pages to get to the end. 
Score: 4/10
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nightynite · 2 months
I thought this would be neat and precise, but this kind of ended up being a ramble about the Postal Dudes and how their system works. And my interpretations of them, I guess. Anyway, if you're curious to learn about Red, Dude, and Cowboy, click the read more, because I am scared as shit to post something this long without making it easily skippable.
Let's begin, shall we?
Red: Postal 1 Dude, was the host of the system for most of childhood/teen/young adult years. After 1997, he stopped. He's extremely guarded and doesn't like getting to close anyone--something that's stuck throughout the entire system and all the years they've been alive. He's quiet and doesn't like speaking often, and will avoid talking if he can really help it. Sometimes, he'll freeze up mid-sentence and be unable to continue verbally for a couple minutes. Due to how DID works, it's most likely that Red started /existing/ during childhood, and whoever was THE original kid Dude, is no longer a thing. Red formed specifically to take on everything the kid originally had to, and was hostile, reactive, and paranoid to survive. During this time as he was growing up though, along with delusions and hallucinations, he had another voice beside him. Dude, though he has been mistaken for the Demon: Postal 2 Dude, the main host of the system up until the car crash that formed Cowboy, sometimes called Green or Three (usually by mistake, or because Cowboy got too embarrassing), and after the 11 years spent in Catharsis or whatever. The Postal Dude himself, Dude, is a rather... Combustible person. He tries to play along with the people he meets and knows, but is ultimately always dragged down into a spiral of wanting to stop living this horrible life he's in. Something always goes wrong, he has nothing to live for besides Champ, and no matter what he does, he's never been able to escape the Hell that he's been stuck in for all these years. He's mostly selfish, in the sense that he's much more likely to run from a bad situation than help out someone who's in danger--unless there's something in it for him. It's hard for him to care about others, and it's hard for him to meet anyone even remotely sane nowadays. At this point, he's just counting the days until he finally snaps. And snap he did--when he shot himself in the head on Friday and ended up in a twisted hellscape of his own making. Mad Cow Tourettes Zombies are a laughing matter in the face of one million crazy and wacked out Gary Colemans throwing fucking grenades and scissors at you from every direction. I mean, seriously, what was up with that? Were those hospital attendants or just makings of Dude's mind? What the hell was happening? And why the hell were those Colemans so strong? Where the fuck did the grenades come from Anyway, back on track: Cowboy, aka Green, aka Three, aka Loser, aka Dumbass, aka Fuckwit (I'm assuming I don't need to make it any more clear?): Postal 3 Dude, a game I have not bothered playing and instead watched a longplay of because by god, that gameplay is ass. So, he formed after the car crash, and was the first one to wake up. That brain damage mixed with a nuclear blast really does something to a guy, huh? Well, once he was back on the road and fixed up, he went to Catharsis with Champ and did... Some stuff. I'm going to say that stuff was NOT everything shown in the actual game because the story is dumb to me and i think I could rewrite it and make it more fun. Haha, that'd be cool, right? Anyway. Cowboy's the most anxious of the group. He tries to be cool and act like everything's chill and like he's in control of things, when really he's usually not. He's not prone to violence--at least not as much as Dude and Red might be--but he IS going to resort to it if he can't get what he wants in a somewhat tame way. I imagine, if he and Movie dude were to meet, they would like kiss and make out under the moonlight. Who said that Anyway, if you have anything you want to know in particular about these dudes, let me know because I love talking about all my thoughts. and Stuff.
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mmmichyyy · 3 months
i just need to vent a lil bit or else i'm going to combust.
i work at an office for a small company. i hate confrontation. i'm a pretty quiet person and keep things to myself mostly and don't bother anyone. i do my work, i get off work, i don't think about work at home, and that's that.
my manager is one of the most frustrating people i've ever encountered. she is over sixty, extremely stuck in her ways and borderline delusional. she is incompetent with computers, constantly says she's not good with computers, yet doesn't do anything to learn or advance her skills. one time she asked me why she couldn't move a file from one folder to another. at the time i didn't have the time or energy to explain to her how it worked (also because i've tried explaining other basic computer things in the past and all she kept saying was "i'll never understand" so i stopped trying) so i just did it for her. it took me literally 2 seconds. the next day she said i stayed up all night thinking about what happened yesterday, i don't understand why you did that, why could you just teach me. i said i have tried before, you just don't listen. then she said okay next time i have a computer issue i won't ask you. i said okay fine. she ignored me for months after that unless it was absolutely necessary to talk to me, which honestly was fine by me.
one time she accused me of "stealing and shredding company documents" without any evidence. she told my supervisor she didn't know what i was working on, didn't understand the computer system i use, photocopied reports i had written like she was collecting evidence to my supervisor (who doesn't come into the office often) as if she was catching me in the act of doing something nefarious, when in reality i scan every report for my supervisor to see. i sit beside this person every day. she could've turned her head and asked me questions and i would've answered her. instead she just assumed i was "suspicious" because she has hate in her heart and thinks everyone's out to get her, but honestly i just don't care enough about my job to do all the extra work of "stealing company information" ????? i just want to get paid dude.
my supervisor sat me down and told me she believes me, that my manager is from a different generation, that as long as i do my work then it's fine. so ever since then i don't engage with my manager, i don't confront her, i don't talk to her unless it's work related. she refocused her negative energy to other coworkers. i don't have the mental capacity to coddle her or interact with her. if she talks to me, then i just nod politely.
cut to recently she has started to make passive aggressive comments to my new coworker. i keep quiet, but my coworker and i text to vent about her, since we can't talk out loud when she's there. she made a comment to my coworker about something a few days ago and finally i snapped, i confronted her, asked her why she would say something like that, she said that's just who i am, i am this direct, blah blah blah. she ignored me for a few days after that. then, out of fucking nowhere, she accused me of "forging her signature on a quarterly report" last year (????) with absolutely zero evidence to back up her claim. i just about lost it. i can be quiet about a lot of things, but i will defend myself if you accuse me of doing something i didn't do, especially something this serious. like if a person said shit like that in any professional setting with an actual HR department they would be reprimanded, right?!
i'm just exhausted. i wrote a long email to my supervisor about my side of the story. i know nothing will happen to my manager but i just wanted to make sure that my supervisor knows i didn't do anything wrong and that if my manager wants to accuse me of something, then she has to file a formal complaint and present actual evidence to back up her claim, instead of randomly spewing bullshit out of nowhere just because she's petty. also she burps a lot which is fucking gross.
anyway. idk who's going to read this. i just had to write this out or else i was going to combust. this isn't half the shit she's done. whatever. i'm fine. i just want to do my work and get paid and survive in this shitty economy and pay my rent dude. some people are just fucking weird. the end.
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ridestomars · 2 years
Steve x exchange student reader? <3
YES YES YES, ANON!!! i wanna smooch your brain so bad rn.. this is my first time doing headcanons please bare with me <3 i have no idea if this is good bc it's not proofread, but i can totally develop more of this concept later (because i love it sm!!)
set in 1984, so you & steeb are 18.
do i really have to mention that you'd be, like, the talk of the whole town for, like, months? because you will!
i mean, nobody has even seen you, because you haven't moved officially. yet everyone is talking about the foreign family that just bought a house near hawkins high.
(it's a small town, almost nothing happens. i'm sure you can understand).
okay, so maybe you weren't exactly happy about moving to that shithole, but you were still under your guardian's wing, so there wasn't much you could do.
so, there you are: living in the american suburbs of hawkins, indiana.
and that meant you had to go to school as well. which you weren't looking forward to, at all. because, as we all know, first days at school are tough and first days at a new school are even harder. so can you imagine what's like having your first day at a new school in a new country?
it's not like you were expecting a warm welcome or confetti and balloons at your entrance, but you weren't expecting what happened either.
they had asked you to go to the headmaster's office, so he could talk to you about how the american school system worked, and how it was applied to their school.
it wasn't the most exciting thing, as you can imagine, but your surprise awaited you in the hallway, right outside the principal's office.
as soon as you walked out of the room, you saw a tall and strong boy who looked too distracted by the notice board to hear your footsteps and the door locking behind you.
his diverted state gave you plenty of time to appreciate how cute his butt looked moving in his jeans, accompanying the shuffle of his feet. as your eyes went up, you noticed the tight polo shirt he used, that hugged his back muscles beautifully, and the voluminous hair that sat perfectly on his head.
you already knew that he was handsome.
either way, it was better to leave before you combusted right then and there, just by looking at this stranger's back.
taking a few steps and passing right by him, you heard a male voice shout your name. looking over your shoulder, you saw that same boy jogging to catch up with you. and you heart was beating fast against your chest.
"hi! you must be y/n, right?" he asked with a sweet smile on his face. even though he was asking just to make sure, it was obvious that you were you, since he has never seen you around town before. when you nodded, he introduced himself, "i'm steve harrington. the principal asked me to show you around school".
"alright", you replied, a bit uneasy. if steve noticed that, he decided not to say anything because he kept staring at you with that bright smile of his.
that nervousness didn't last long because as soon as you started walking through the places he knew like the palm of his hand, you eased into a friendly conversation.
i mean, it was pretty easy. since he made it his mission to get to know you by constantly trying to bring random questions like "how's the weather?" "do you think it's too cold?" "you probably don't like hawkins that much, right? with you being from your native country and stuff..."
steve couldn't bring himself to stop talking, and you thought his endless mumbling questions were the most adorable thing in the whole world. so you gave into his chatter, laughing along with him while answering his questions.
you got along pretty easily, and by the end of your tour, you realized that you didn't even pay attention to any of the places he escorted you to.
not that it mattered that much when he asked if you were interested in coming to his upcoming basketball game. you gladly said yes, promising him that you would attend.
even though you never watched a single sports game in your whole life, you couldn't deny him. not when he was looking at you with that pretty smile on his lips.
so, of course, you were there on the day of the game, cheerily waiting for the boy in the first row.
and when he saw you, he gave you an excited wave. looking even more ravishing wearing those gym shorts of his <3333
you were quick to learn all of the basketball rules that day.
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steve masterlist | main masterlist | navigation 𖤐 hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep ─ currently accepting requests for concepts & moodboards for eddie munson and steve harrington.
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Summary: Meet Sadie Greene
WC: 960
Warnings: Mention of someone burning? Not sure if that counts. Other than that, nothing.
Authors Note: I am once again obsessed with AHS seeing as it is AHS season. No Kyle yet, just Sadie's introduction, but I promise he's worth the wait. Probably a bit rushed and not the best writing I hope you enjoy. <3!
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Sadie Greene had been at Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies for two years. The Academy welcomed her shortly after her high school graduation when they caught wind of a principal “Spontaneously Combust After Handing Student Her Diploma.” Was it her best moment? No. But, did Sadie regret it? Also no. She thought that bastard deserved it after the shit he was accused of. So, just nine days after her high school graduation, she was taken to Miss Robichaux’s with a very vague explanation as to what was going on and left there. 
As she walked in, the first thing she noticed was how quiet it was. The large mansion was seemingly deserted, with not a single soul in sight. She could only hear the sound of her footsteps as she poked her head into the various rooms surrounding the entryway. As she made her way into a large sitting room, the clearing of a throat caused her to quickly turn. Standing there was a young woman, most likely in her early thirties, with blonde hair and a polite smile on her face.
“Hello,” she began, “I’m Cordelia Foxx, the headmistress of Miss Robichaux's. You’re Miss Greene, I presume?” She asked Sadie, waiting for her confirmation, although she felt like Cordelia already knew, seeing as they were seemingly the only two people in the mansion. After nodding briefly Cordelia continued. “I’m sure this is all confusing to you, and if you will follow me I will explain it all to you. You can leave your bags here, if you like. Our concierge will get them.” With that, Cordelia turned and walked towards the grand staircase, veering off towards the right. Sadie quickly looked at her bags on the floor, then followed Cordelia. When she made her way into the room– which turned out to be an office– she found Cordelia standing behind the desk. Motioning her hand towards the chair on the opposite side of the desk, she beckoned Sadie to take a seat.
“So,” the headmistress said, “to begin, I would like to know what your mother told you before you came here.” Folding her hands on the desk, she looked at Sadie expectantly. Sadie matched her gaze before speaking. 
“She said I’m a witch.” She sighed. “Didn’t say much other than that, it’s gone in and out of the women in our family for generations. Some get it, some don’t. My mom thought it had died out completely because it hadn’t shown up in the last four generations before me. But obviously, well,” She paused, motioning to herself with her hands while raising her left eyebrow, “it didn’t.” She dropped her gaze to the floor when she finished, trying to look anywhere other than at the woman in front of her, whose gaze seemed to have turned from expectant to inquisitory.
“Sadie, I want you to know that coming here is not a punishment, even if you think it is.” She leaned forward a bit, unfolding her hands to lightly lay one of hers closer to the girl, gaining her attention. Sadie looked back up at her before speaking again. “Our kind is dying out–we have been for a while. Fewer and fewer young women are learning about their powers. The lucky ones go through life not finding out ever, while the less fortunate experience events not so unlike yours. Coming here is not to punish you for what you did, it’s to teach you how to harness and control your powers. We need to hide, because too many of us have met nasty ends from being caught by humans.” 
Sadie looked back at her. “You know, he deserved it. And it’s not like I killed him, his hand is just a bit disfigured. You should have heard the accusations. I mean, I couldn’t let him get away without punishment, and it’s not like the justice system would do anything. Most he’d get would be a slap on the wrist.” She slouched slightly in her chair, mumbling the last bit of her tangent to herself, waiting for Cordelia to speak again.
“I’m sure he did deserve it, but what you did is dangerous. How everything managed to get cleaned up is beyond me, but you need to be careful. A slip up like that in the wrong place or around the wrong people and it could be you burning, only this time you’re hanging by your wrists and being doused in gasoline.” 
Sadie swallowed, just now only feeling slightly scared by her outburst at graduation. Understanding her need to control her powers, she looked up at Cordelia once again.
“How am I gonna control it?”
Cordelia flashed her polite smile again before speaking. “Well, staying here is a good start. Of course, I can’t make you stay, and seeing as you’re eighteen neither can your mother, but if you choose to stay it would be in your benefit. Here, you will learn how to harness your current power, and any others that may appear, in a safe and controlled environment. That way, once you leave these four walls, you won’t have to worry about your powers going rouge.” She paused for a second, allowing Sadie to take in what she told her. “If you would like to stay, I’ll show you to your room.”
Avoiding Cordelia’s expectant gaze, Sadie hurriedly thought over everything in her head, knowing it would be in her best interest to stay. She looked up at Cordelia before nodding. “I want to stay.”
Cordelia flashed her a smile before leading her out of her office and up towards her room.
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[Kinktober 2022: Foursome, feat. HuaLian (18+)]
FengQing | Heaven Official’s Blessing 24-10-2022
Day 24: [Three or moresome] | B̷u̷k̷k̷a̷k̷e | G̷o̷r̷e
Xie Lian wasn’t sure what he had expected while going with Feng Xin and Mu Qing on an investigation. Ending up stuck in a room after being fed an aphrodisiac isn’t on the list of possible outcomes.
His body felt like it was on fire, the air suffocating, his skin too sensitive to everything and his head was pounding painfully. But more importantly, he tried to hide just how hard he had gotten.
If he were to look at everyone else in the small room, he’d realise they were pretty much all in the same state.
He wasn’t sure what he should have expected when he and Hua Cheng followed Feng Xin and Mu Qing on their investigation. It was supposed to be about strange disappearances in the south, a lot of men going missing and none had been seen since then.
Little did he expect for them to be drugged with aphrodisiacs as they were trying to get information. Even worst, being trapped in a room they couldn’t get out of.
“Gege, you are burning up” Hua Cheng commented after gently touching his forehead, frowning at his state. He leaned into the somewhat cool touch. Even his husband felt warmer than usual despite being a ghost.
“Fuck my spiritual energy is being blocked and I can’t fucking open this door” Feng Xin complain, kicking at the door. It was clearly taking a toll on him, seeing how his movements were more sluggish than intended.
“Would you quit yelling for once” Mu Qing snapped back, suddenly pulling him away from the door so he would stop making so much noise. He didn’t expect for the man to stumbled back the way he did, something between a yelp and a moan escaping his mouth when the man fell on his lap.
“How weak are you that only this makes you moan” Feng Xin mocked, trying to get up from where he had fallen.
“Weak?!” Mu Qing replied, “Then what is this,” he asked, hand going to palm at the obvious tent in his pants. He smirked when Feng Xin groaned, legs giving out a little and nearly falling all over him again.
Xie Lian couldn’t help but blush even more at the action the two other men were doing, trying to prove their point by keeping on pushing against each other. Hearing his friends moan and groan in pleasure sure wasn’t on the list of things he had planned for this investigation.
“I think we should get our strength back if we manage to get the aphrodisiac out of our system” Hua Cheng ends up commenting. To this, Xie Lian only blushed even more, looking up at the ghost king who offered him a small smile.
“No shit genius” Mu Qing replied with sarcasm.
“This means we should probably try to accelerate the process before they decide to come back and do something to us” Hua Cheng added.
“San Lang” Xie Lian replied a bit more quietly, shifting where he was sitting. The idea of doing anything while his friends were there was… pretty embarrassing.
He felt himself being pulled into Hua Cheng’s lap, arms wrapping around him. He would really like the touch, were he not feeling like he was about to combustion and while having an audience.
“It’s okay Gege,” Hua Cheng said nicely, leaning his chin on Xie Lian’s shoulder, “if you’re embarrassed I can always make sure they won’t be able to look” he added.
It sounded too cheerful for the weird implication this had.
“What do you want to do while you’re… helping him,” Feng Xin asked, frowning.
“I don’t care” the ghost king smiled, “You could both go have fun in your own corner for all I care”.
It was a bit hard to do really, seeing that the room was really small and barely left 2m between where the couple was in their corner and where Feng Xin and Mu Qing were fighting near the door.
Xie Lian couldn’t help but squirm where he was sitting, blushing when he felt just how hard Hua Cheng was against him. One looked up at his friends and he could tell they were doing all that much better.
“It’s alright” he simply said, “Just don’t fight anymore” he added. Everything was starting to feel too much, I wanted to get some release and hearing them fight wasn’t really helping him feel better.
“As Gege demands” Hua Cheng replied, kissing his neck as hands started to work his robes off.
Then they were already getting lost in their own bubble, Hua Cheng undressing him after he did admit feeling too hot. Hands skillfully finding every sensitive part of his body.
Xie Lian tried to keep his voice in check, but it was a bit hard to do as Hua Cheng kept teasing him.
He ended up retaliating, trying to turn a little so he could help take away the ghost king’s clothes too, not wanting to be the only one like this.
Plus, the layers were making it hard to also try and pleasure him.
As they were lost in each other, Feng Xin and Mu Qing couldn’t help but look away. They had already seen Xie Lian half naked in the past, from helping him change or training. But this was completely different.
They couldn’t stop hearing though, and they would both lie if they said it didn’t push their arousal further.
Then they exchanged a look, before nodding in silent agreement. They couldn’t just wait it out and see what would happen when their spiritual energy was still blocked.
And simply jerking off while the couple was going at it just felt weird.
So they might as well join in.
Soon they were at each other’s clothes, nearly ripping it off of. It sure look way less loving and gentle than what their companion were doing.
They somehow started to argue again on who should top, if they were to go that far. At some point Mu Qing just gave up, starting to get tired from all this and just wanting to get it over with.
He was surprised by how much ease Feng Xin had to move him around, placing him on his hand and knee as he started fingering him. He sure hadn’t expected him to go directly for that, but he assumed he shouldn’t have expected for the man to be one to want to caress him.
Although he was being surprisingly gentle despite all the barking he was doing.
Once he stopped focusing on what was happening behind him, he realised with a startle that Xie Lian was in a similar position as him now. They were nearly breathing against each other, the room too small for all of them really.
He wanted to look away, but somehow ended up rather captivated by how the martial god looked like. It had been a while since he last saw him so up close, and never…. In this kind of situation.
He blushed when he met eyes with him, looking away quickly when he realised that he was probably not looking any better. Not when he was trying to keep in his moans, Feng Xin was surprisingly pretty good at it. He wasn’t sure if he should actually be that surprised.
He was taken out of his thoughts when he felt a hand grab his, Xie Lian offering him an awkward but reassuring smile. He couldn’t help but let a laugh escape him at the absurdity of the situation.
He also didn’t miss the glare Hua Cheng was giving him, he nearly wanted to touch Xie Lian more just to piss him off, but didn’t want to make it more awkward for the god.
“Just go on already,” Mu Qing said to Feng Xin. He felt like he was burning and he needed more to come.
And he was pretty sure just fingering him wouldn’t do it for Feng Xin either.
“Tsk, how fucking impatient” he mumbled, fingers pulling out, leaving him twitching around nothing. He instead felt him shift behind him, something pressing against him, before pushing in.
He also felt Feng Xin lean over him, his free arm going around his torso, keeping him close. “Tell me if it’s hurt” he heard near his ear, feeling his hot breath against his neck.
This felt strangely intimate, something weird in him reacting to all this.
He decided to ignore him, just focusing on staying relaxed so it could go better. Thankfully they had some balm without them to somewhat make it slide better.
He sure didn’t expect it when Feng Xin started to kiss his neck, nibbling at the skin slightly as he started moving his hips. He turned a little towards him as he was panting, looking at him a bit puzzled. He shivered slightly at the heated look he received, not having expected that.
When he was kissed he was even more surprised, moaning against Feng Xin's lips as he hit just the right spot while moving. He decided to keep kissing him, feeling like it could be him quiet more.
“They seem to be getting along for once,” Hua Cheng chuckled as he pulled his lover back against his chest, enjoying the lovely sound Xie Lian made as he slowly sank on his cock. Still, the god managed to hum in agreement, shyly eyeing the two martial gods.
He couldn’t focus on them for too long though, since Hua Cheng started moving his hips to fuck into him. Hands were teasing his chest and his leaking cock, knowing just how he liked it. He ended up turning towards the ghost king, demanding kisses too from him.
And as much as he was focusing on Hua Cheng, he sure wasn’t fully unaffected by his friends. He would never have expected in his rather long life to find the sight of friend having sex to be arousing. Maybe it was the specific situation, but still.
They weren’t really there only for that though, Feeling how Hua Cheng wasn’t really taking his tie to make it last as long as possible. They were doing this for a reason and lust wasn’t really at the top of the list right now.
Feng Xin had also picked up the pace, one of his hand jerking Mu Qing in a similar quick rhythm to the movement of his hips.
Everyone ended up coming around the same time, some more delayed than others. This wouldn’t be enough to get all the drugs out of their system, but Feng Xin could already feel some spiritual energy coming back to him.
“They’ll fucking see” he grumbled as he was dressing up again, “I’ll kick some ass even without my full energy”.
Maybe if needed they to because there was still some aphrodisiac left in their system, they would finish the job. Now they just needed to get out.
(god this feels a bit all over the place. Also, am not sure if it's as much foursome as just having sex in the same room, but still, here it is¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Original - AO3
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camels-pen · 2 years
A Jarring Discovery
Ectoberhaunt day 10 - Harvest & Hunger
Summary: They were supposed to go to the movies.
warning: major character death, vivisection, blood, gore
Ao3 Link | 2nd part of the a life cut short series
Kyle knocked several times. The chipper and ever-prepared voice that was always just a bit too energetic… didn’t answer. 
“Hey, is anybody home?” He called. Still no rushed response nor the echoes of stomping feet running down an old wooden staircase to hastily rip open the door, as if leaving him outside even a moment more would cause him to spontaneously combust. 
Kyle backed up, eyeing Jazz’s window and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Yo, Jazz!” he yelled. No crashes. No loud stumbling. No grumpy I-definitely-just-woke-up-and-hate-my-sister’s-friends voice shouting from the adjacent window that the front door was open and to quit with the yelling already!
He texted her. Waited five minutes as he cycled through various social media. 
No response.
Kyle hummed. He didn’t want to play this card, but Jazz had left him no choice.
Kyle grinned as he pulled out the Fenton Lipstick Laser—given to him for emergencies only, including but not limited to: “suspected” ghost attacks. 
Obviously he tested it—strictly for safety reasons, of course—which led to the discovery that, on the highest setting, it could cut through steel.
Clearly, this counted as an emergency and considering he is using it as Jazz’s parents intended, he’ll be completely forgiven. Thus, no harm done. 
It really was a shame though, the Fentons’ will have to make a whole new anti-ghost locking system for their door. It might even cause their home security system to have problems and all sorts of ghosts will be able to come and go with ease—
Yeah, Kyle loved this thing.
He felt so much destructive joy cutting their door lock into little tiny pieces and then stepping on it for good measure as he walked inside.
“Jazz? I’m totally here to rescue you from the ghost that’s torturing you or whatever.” Kyle twirled the Lipstick Laser between his fingers, never fumbling as he checked the first floor of the house. Nothing.
“Mrs. Fenton? Are you guys around?” Kyle poked his head into all the open rooms on the second floor. Still nothing.
He plopped himself down on the living room couch with a sigh. “Maaaan, did her dad drag her to help set up for the mayor’s rally today or something?”
His eyes drifted to the heavy metal door cutting the basement lab off from the rest of the house. Kyle had only been down there once, but the vibes down there were pretty bad.
Jazz would probably be there if she was helping Danny with half-ghost stuff though.
Kyle walked up to the lab door and stared at it.
It'd probably be a bad idea to shoot the laser at it right? Like, there might be flammable stuff on the other side. Maybe.
Though… he really wanted to shoot the laser again.
Valiantly, Kyle resisted the temptation and knocked. 
“It’s sound-proof,” Jazz had said. “Great for fixing up Danny with no one noticing. Not so great for accidentally locking myself in there after everyone’s gone to bed.”
Ugh, right. What was the code for the door again? And where the heck did they even put the number pad?
Kyle slapped the walls around the door in clockwise increments before the pad popped out of the wall beside the bottom left corner.
It took him a good 15 minutes of trying to remember the code Jazz showed him last time, but he got it right eventually. Several mechanical whirrs started up as the door slowly rose from the floor.
Once it was half open, Kyle ducked under it, an easy smile on his face as he leisurely strolled down the steps. “Hey, Jazz. So, just telling you now, I totally fucked up your front door lock—”
Jazz lay with her head lolled to the side, eyes blank and unfocused while strapped to a metal table. Her chest was cut open and the skin pinned to the metal surface with dried blood staining her clothes, the table, and the floor underneath it. 
Mrs. Fenton stared at him from her place at Jazz’s side, her arms frozen inside a broken rib cage and strangely empty torso. A glint of light caught Kyle’s eye and he mechanically moved his gaze to the side.
On a pristine table behind Mrs. Fenton, there sat a group of glowing green jars that held the outlines of familiar shapes: a liver, a pair of lungs, and a heart.
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lydiathane · 2 years
Prompt #5: Cutting Corners
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The times were getting dire and I knew it. I think about it constantly, ruminate on how I let it get so bad, what the turning point was where I became a danger. I’ve never looked at myself that way, you know? All my life, I’ve been a predator for one thing only, and I would never characterize it as being afraid of me, because what can the Void really fear when all it knows is appetite? What did it ever have to fear when it could just as easily drag me under, too? For the longest time, I was controlled even when I knew I was compromised; I worked out a system, albeit something of a shameful one, and I kept satiated on the aetherial table scraps of what devils I slayed. Fair’s fair, isn’t it? It was my one way to prove my worth to the world in exchange for letting me live this unnaturally long, shitty little existence. Where did it go wrong?
At the cusp of annihilation, I let myself go. When the blasphemies came, I had one last burst of courage to face what came and try to live with a modicum of dignity in case it all went to shit. And when I couldn’t take the pressure of putting my sword through beasts who had only just been children, or families I had only just tried to comfort right in front of my fucking eyes, I walked away. I turned tail and became a glutton on The Basilisk to watch the sunset of humanity from the center of an orgy and grew sloppy with my discipline from there on out. Even when the apocalypse was cancelled, I never came back from that. I let the hunger and madness take root like some shitty little weed, and what started as a perfectly manageable issue became a spread of pernicious, deep-rooted tangles slowly killing me within.
What started as intrigue after a motley group of Garleans rescued me into their autocarriage became a smoldering coal, and technology quickly filled the role of the first real hobby I ever let myself have that didn’t involve gambling or getting fucked up. And when I finally had the chance to turn my newly-kindled interest in magitek into a job, I jumped on it without hesitation, because who in their right mind wouldn’t? But it was about more than just passion, I wasn’t ready to go back to my former life, I wasn’t ready to face what was waiting for me, and most of all I wasn’t even sure it was safe for me to do it. So instead, I spent my days in the old man’s garage with my arms buried in machine guts, inhaling fuel vapors until I’m sure my insides turned blue (thankfully, decades of smoking prepared me). Did you know combusted ceruleum puts off aether? It’s noxious, but what about me wasn’t at the point I was huffing dregs to ward off the growing chasm of hunger? You’d think this was a red flag for me to turn my shit around, a complete five-alarm fire blazing bells at me to pay attention to my needs, to stop trying to run from the rot and just turn and face it. The days were a blur. I didn’t face it.
At this point, I was doing periodic tours back in Garlemald to meet with a rescue corps comprised of native Garleans who knew how to operate machinery, and Eorzean aid groups who were still reaching remote parts of Ilsabard to convince the locals to come out of hiding and save them from a certain death. I had a clever system in place, one that I thought harmless. No, even worse, I thought it was for the greater good. I volunteered for the longest hauls, the loneliest stretches where I knew I’d be driving for twelve, fourteen hours at a time. Nobody wanted it, but where else do I exist except at the margins? I volunteered gladly for reasons nobody could comprehend, but what better time to safely take my fill of a living entity than when they were sleeping in the passenger’s seat? This unique means of sating myself meant my extra provisions could be shared with them since I didn’t need it. It meant that if the vehicle broke down in the middle of that white hell (and it did, on more than one occasion), my odds of survival remained higher than if I were any ordinary fuck.
With every route, I found myself less satisfied with the measured amount I was taking, so I’d keep pushing myself to work longer days, to pick up more passengers, always more. The problem with this plan is that at some point, you start doing your job so well that the passengers become fewer and farther between as a natural result, and any normal fucking person would’ve been happy about that. There are not an unlimited number of people who need help when fleeing a dead nation, but me and this hunger, we had no bottom, we saw no end. It had been at least a week that I was driving and refueling and driving and refueling when I found a remote farm that had yet to be checked over for signs of life. My wicked heart skipped a beat when I saw fresh footprints leading around the property...
There’s a lot here you can call a confession, but how fucked is it that the worst part of it all is something I still can’t bring myself to say? I’m not ready to talk about it. I thought I was, but I can’t, and I don’t think anyone would understand even if I tried. I’m still too ashamed of the result of letting my curse fester, and anyone can put two and two together about what happens when a wolf tends your flock. They needed me, and I’ll never forgive myself.
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Why Do People Think Comics!Zuko Is Becoming Ozai 2.0
A common criticism of the ATLA comics is the fact that several characters, like Aang and Mai, think that Zuko is behaving like, or is on the road to becoming, his old man. 
For yes, it is true that Zuko makes lots of mistakes in the comics, mistakes like failing to talk to Kuei and Aang before unilaterally ending support for the Harmony Restoration Movement, thus almost restarting the Hundred Year War, or failing to ask Mai and Ty Lee how they felt about him releasing Azula from the asylum into his custody. Not to mention all the mistakes he made in the TV show like siding with Azula in Ba Sing Se or hiring Combustion Man to kill the Gaang.
But is it not equally true that Zuko was not only instrumental in taking down Ozai’s regime, but also enabled, albeit indirectly, Mai and Ty Lee to escape their toxic/abusive friendship with Azula? 
Did they not spend quality time with him and learn that, beneath the social awkwardness, anger, and hot-headedness, he is someone who wants to do the right thing, is willing to admit his mistakes, and is willing to rectify the harms he caused to the best of his abilities, even when he thinks there is no forgiveness or reward in store?
So why are his friends and allies so quick to label him Ozai 2.0 instead of trying to give him support and help him work through his problems, especially when they know he has the mountential task of reforming the Fire Nation essentially by himself, and especially when they know he is the only viable long-term claimant to the throne who is on their side?
Well, despite the comics never clearly stating the reason, I think the answer is quite obvious once you take into account what his nuclear family members are like, or more specifically, their mental states. This is because with Azula's fall to madness plus Ozai's mad plan to burn the Earth Kingdom becoming public knowledge, people know that mental illness runs in his bloodline, and so they fear that he too may fall into madness.
Hence why everyone keeps saying he is turning into Ozai, even though Zuko's actions are driven by a mix of selfishness, naivety, inexperience, and stress, and not the over the top sadistic maliciousness and ambitiousness that drove Ozai.
“Ok, that makes sense. But how come then they don’t insist on taking measures or offer him resources to help him stay clear of that path to begin with? For yeah they know that Zuko is susceptible to mental illness, but did they not see him fight against his upbringing, indoctrination, and abuse to do the right thing with no expectation he would get anything out of it other than a clear conscience?”
“So why don’t they help him establish a healthy support system instead of, for example, agreeing to end his life when it seems like he is going off the deep end?”
While I agree a hundred percent with the above opinion, the problem is four fold in my opinion. First, they aren't always going to be there for him most of the time due to living in other parts of the world, or in Mai’s case, wanting to spend time away from him and pressures associated with royal life. 
Second, he isn't just their friend, or (potential) lover in Mai’s case, but also the Fire Lord. So matter how hard they try, they won't always be successful at separating Zuko, their hot-headed, socially awkward friend/lover who risked life and limb to help end the war, from Zuko, Fire Lord of the reforming Fire Nation, and someone who has intimate ties to the old regime.
Third, apparently Aang's era lacked knowledge in regards to mental health. For even though "Nightmares and Daydreams" suggested otherwise, they have no concept of therapy. In fact, the Fire Nation's idea of mental health services are asylums that share more in common with torture-like 19th Century western asylums than our modern conception of therapy considering the usage of straightjackets.
(Even though they really had no other real way to restraint Azula, or the other Fire Warriors, that would not be equally tortious, if not worse, as long as she kept her bending, it does not change the fact that using a straightjacket on someone is torture.) 
Finally, the Gaang, despite their feats and power, are all teenagers who are still growing up and dealing with their own issues and trauma. So I don't think it is fair to expect them to be the emotional support system that Zuko, who is the oldest one in their peer group outside of Sokka, needs. Especially when the older and wiser Iroh struggled to support Zuko.
“Ok, so the Gaang can’t take an active role in ensuring that Zuko does succumb to his inner darkness. Nor should they since they are too young and ill-qualified to play such a role in his life. But why do they treat Zuko at times like an irrational actor, or fail to treat him like one of their most important political allies?”
“For example, why did Aang agree to The Promise when anyone with any common sense would know Zuko was speaking out of fear? How come no one ever checked up on him outside of diplomatic meetings in the year between the start of The Promise and the start of the Yu Dao Crisis? How come Aang was so quick to kill Zuko the moment it seemed like Zuko was starting to slip?”
“If Zuko expects Aang to be able to drop everything to murder him, is he wrong to also expect Aang to drop everything to have honest conversations with him before he becomes an Ozai-tier monster?”
Well, my response is that friendship is a two-way street. Moreover, Zuko is a ruler and a legal adult, so it is not too much to expect him to not fall apart just because he does not have his friends by his side all the time. 
So just like the Gaang were being bad friends and politicians by indulging in his fears and letting him languish until he became liable to go to Ozai for advice and actual use it, Zuko was a bad friend and ruler, not to mention arguably a manchild, for letting it get to that point.
For Zuko should have never asked Aang, his best friend and someone with a no kill rule for deeply held religious and cultural reasons, to kill him if he ever started to slip.
Zuko, despite having Mai, and later the Kyoshi Warriors, by his side, decides to secretly seek advice from Ozai.
Zuko is the one who unilaterally ended the Harmony Restoration Movement and assaulted Katara when Katara and Aang tried to ask him why he suddenly changed course.
Zuko, despite getting shown mercy by Aang and convincing Aang that it was right to stop the Harmony Restoration Movement in regards to the oldest colonies, thinks that it is wise to have Aang set up a conference with Kuei to discuss the change in plans instead of making a beeline to the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace.
In fact, Zuko decides to go to Ozai for more advice and decides to bring an army to Yu Dao knowing damn well it is liable to restart the Hundred Year War, and only gets bailed out by Aang coming with the radical (in ATLA) solution of self-determination in the nick of time.
But to conclude since I I think I have rambled on long enough, the reason why people think comics!Zuko is becoming Ozai 2.0 because they know madness runs in his nuclear family, and so that, combined with their era’s limited knowledge on mental health, causes them to think that Zuko is one bad day from succumbing to his inner darkness. 
Especially since they are too young, busy, and ill-equipped to serve as the support unit Zuko needs as he attempts to reform the Fire Nation, and Zuko himself has not done the best job of avoiding situations where he is liable to succumb to his inner darkness.
So is there anything anyone can do to help him?
Well, outside of the Gaang checking up on Zuko more frequently, Zuko needs to continue working on himself, and in the process come up with healthy coping mechanisms both in his professional and personal life, so he can not only become the ruler the Fire Nation and the world needs, but also the healthy, happy, and (relatively) well-adjusted person he wants to be as well.
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afoxyblogger · 2 years
#my belief system is im destined to keep coming back to earth until i’ve experienced everything about living#so i want to do as much as i can per life and then i’ll finally be free
bruh bruh bruh brunh
sorry i got stupidly excited reading your tags because i feel this too. i saw a psychic once, right. idk if you believe in that stuff, but this lady spooked me with how accurate she was. i thought i was going to get like some palm reading mumbo jumbo and it was gonna be a fun little experience with my aunt. NO. this woman asks for a metal object i have owned for more than 6 months, so i hand her my cell phone, and she just holds it in her hand and explains to me my past life experiences-- apparently i similarly went through some tough shit in my past life. i was apparently like kidnapped and lived on a boat as a slave of sorts, my aunt was almost pissed at this woman for telling me this bc i was like 15 at the time right. she then said that every day i would look outside on the boat at a particular scenery, before she finished, she asked if i could describe it to her. and i jumped up bc i knew it, i'd seen it in day dreams. it was water, with land in the distance with one tall mountain that always had snowy peaks. and the land like, it was very lush and green, not at all like where i live (desert). and she confirmed this as being Mount Fuji. ANYWAY she said she told me the story of my past life because everything i went through in my past life was a lesson learned, an experience gained, even being kidnapped and kept as a slave, it was something experienced and she said a soul must experience everything before it moves on. depravity, horror, true happiness, joy, etc. and that my soul was particularly young and had not experienced much yet. so that i would likely be reincarnated a few times more or something like that--
and that's all i remember about that thing. i think my aunt went next immediately after that so i wanted to say!! there's possibly some validation(?) to that theory? at least from a psychic in california lol.
sorry for the long message, just got excited to share beliefs with someone haha - Rey (& Grim somewhere)
ur so good lol I’m gonna put my thoughts into a readmore so it doesnt get too long
I’ve never gone to psychics or mediums but mostly it’s because I’m afraid of what they’ll find lol. I had an opportunity at a county fair once and realized I didn’t really want to find out 😅
i’ve also never touched holy water because I was worried it would cause me to spontaneously combust, which was a thing I worried about since I was very young and I feel like that was a sign lol
I feel like for this life I’ve definitely knocked out a lot of experiences from the bucket list (getting disowned for my identity, transitioning, organizing my own moves, embroidery, all that jazz) and I’m hoping to do more and feel more as the years go by
the life I remember most is the one where I got my ‘sona’, which was basically an alternate Earth of some kind. I think he was my first humanoid reincarnation, and he still had many animalistic tendencies. a lot of kins that I have are actually previous lives that I’ve ended up remembering very vividly, which is why kinning is so spiritual to me specifically. I align with red foxes bc I’m pretty sure I’ve come back as that quite a lot if not being human, so it gives me comfort :)
Just from little evidences of online quizzes always giving me ‘old soul’ or ‘wise beyond years’ results, people commenting on my social/emotional maturity, my innate desire to learn and to teach, I thought it was just for fun but they’ve actually helped to give me a different perspective and flesh out what makes me more comfortable to believe in, yknow?
There’s a spiritual aspect to my OSDD-1B as well, in the sense that everyone here is a soul that couldn’t find a body and some systems with walk-ins are simply more receptive to those souls, but I mostly just think of this body that way and don’t push it on others
I can explain more with asks to @archer-system since that’s where I’d be more comfortable sharing things, but I appreciate the ask and I’m glad my tags resonated with u!!! 💕
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oldguy56-world · 2 years
One Million Years B.C.
I was walking through the park the other day with my wife and somehow got to thinking about dinosaurs. (Make of it what you will, but don't try to get into my stream of thought. That is a dangerous place) Anyway, I was thinking about what killed off the dinosaurs and the popular belief is it was a big meteor. But what if it wasn't? I have several theories about what might have caused their demise and unlike the movie this blog shares a title with I am striving for historical accuracy. There will be no theories about women in bikinis fighting dinosaurs even though it is a nice thought to have. I believe more in what I saw on that 60's documentary series called the Flintstones. How the footage was preserved all this time is a wonder of the world.
Now that I have that imagery in all of our heads, here are some extremely plausible alternatives to what killed Barney and friends.
Covid 1. Yes the first Covid. They would not have had the medical knowhow to combat this virus and think about it, where would they find a mask big enough for their giant heads? And they were stubborn. No matter how often Joe Biden pleaded with them they just wouldn't listen. (Yes I went there)
They were out of shape. The reason they all had fat behinds was lack of exercise. Look at the T-Rex. Top of the food chain, but do you think they could manage even one push up with those little arms of theirs?
Brontosaurus and other herbivores lacked protein in their diet. How much wheat can a 40 ton beast eat? Probably never had a decent bowel movement and may have imploded. A cautionary tale for all of you Vegans out there.
No thumbs. Never could make weapons to defend themselves from those bikini clad women. (Sorry I said I wouldn't go there but come on.)
They started migrating all over the known world so when they got to places like India or the Caribbean the food was too spicy for their cold blooded systems. A lot of internal combustion for creatures that formed all the oil we use. Recipe for massive internal combustion.
Speaking of oil, since that seems to be what they mainly were comprised of, being eaten by other dinosaurs could not have been a great dietary regimen. When I eat oily food it never sits well. They probably got weak from perpetual diarrhea and fell off a lot of cliffs that seemed to be around.
Cows. These would have been as delicious then as they are now so the first congress of cattle was formed to devise a way to survive. (Read my July 2018 Blog Conspiracy Theory to see just how insidious these bovines can be) They changed their diets to begin to flatulate methane. This smothered the dinosaurs. They are starting to do the same thing now. (Uh-oh. I have said too much. I have lain low since that 2018 blog so they would not come after me. Now I have to go into hiding again. When will I learn?) If you don't think this was effective I have to ask you: How many cows do you see in the world today vs. dinosaurs? I rest my case.
So there you have it. Perhaps it was one of these, perhaps all of them. I do know it wasn't alien abduction. Spaceships can't be that big can they?
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Sometimes the right answer to a question is not the obvious one. It never hurts to investigate all possibilities.
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