#this is so stupid just cuz I met a coworker for the first time that I am extremely attracted to that is way out of my fuckin league
cowboykakashi · 1 year
#Alexa I am so so sad#ugh it’s stupid I’m so sick of being sad#and everyone is sick of hearing about it wah wah sad again just like yesterday and the day before ad nauseum#ugh. well tell you all the truth I’m kinda ugly and all of my new coworkers are so fucking pretty and it makes me feel like shit every day#I don’t want to assume bad things about them cuz they seem like genuinely good people mostly but I do feel like they all look down on me#for being both ugly and bad at my job like fuck dude I really got nothing to offer here other than the fact that I fucking show up#if you know me irl please leave me some fucking dignity and don’t read this I’m already ashamed enough for having feelings in the frst plac#this is so stupid just cuz I met a coworker for the first time that I am extremely attracted to that is way out of my fuckin league#and like I haven’t been interested in A Person in ? almost 2 years cuz every time I have been in the past#in the last 4 years at least it has ended poorly with me feeling like shit like no one will ever want me#and at this point honestly I can’t help but believe that cuz it’s been a long fucking time since anyone has#is it cuz I’m ugly ? is it cuz I’m weird ? cuz I have fucking nothing to offer ?#cuz I’m desperate for affection attention someone to give a shit about me fucking anything#god I don’t know but I feel like I am really and truly at the end of my rope here and I don’t know what to do with myself#shut up satan#negativity
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angelyuji · 4 months
yandere superman headcanons
tw kidnapping, "nice" guys/incel behavior (kinda), isolation as punishment, manipulation, yandere stuff... the usual
yandere clark kent x gn!reader
diana prince is next guys I LOVE WOMEN!!! lemme know abt any tags i miss or just any other superman thoughts (yandere or not) cuz i love superman a lot
hes so big and buff and strong
ive been obsessed with superman and lois recently and i thought to myself “i need him so bad id do unspeakable things”
ALSOOOOOO have u guys seen the new superman??? ohmygodddd HELLOOO SAILOR
anyway here we go :)
sweetest kindest angel alive… at first glance
actual clark is genuinely the best sweetest guy in the world and i don’t think that would technically change but if anything he’d start buying into the incel/nice guy pills and that’s what would warp him
he’s literally sooo sweet to you (i cant get over how much a of cutie pie clark kent is)
ok pause lemme start from the beginning
when he first met you, he was e n a m o u r e d like he thinks youre the most beautiful person in the world type stuff
at first, the relationship is normal, you guys are friends, study buddies, coworkers, yk normal shit
he’s still super in love but hes kinda aware that its one-sided and he can’t make you like him
you guys are super close friends tho
but as his crush progresses, he starts to consult more than his friends and normal relationship advice, he starts to consult incel chatrooms and subreddits
he wants to go further than friendship with you, but all the guys in these chatrooms are telling him awful things abt u. for example:
‘hi! requesting help for getting out of the friendzone with my friend’ i’ve been friends with them for a long time, but i see them as more than a friend. ive had to watch as they date all these awful people and i just want them to see me more than a friend. any advice is appreciated!
– dude these ungrateful bitches are never gonna see u
– people like them never see the good guy until its too late
– u just gotta make them like u, nobody understands the nice guy until u make them
– all of these responses are so weird, just be normal and flirt a little!
ur stupid fuckign idiot nice guys don’t get a chance till u make them give u chance
women are so fucking stupid
reading all these “helpful” comments really warped his mindset
he went from innocent farm boy to incel misogynist becuz
they have to be right! like why else have u not given him the time of day as more than a friend
so soon, ur gonna notice these changes
he went from being supportive bestie to making snide comments, putting you down, making moves on you that you clearly don’t want
ur hurt, heartbroken, your friend became something unrecognizable
u’ll ask for some distance, just to think abt if u want to continue the friendship and clark will realize that he can’t make you like him from just this
so you’re gonna go home, take a nap, and next thing you know you’re getting snatched from bed by freaking superman
he genuinely believes he’s done the right thing
he’ll bring u to the fortress first. he has everything set up already, so u wont freeze or starve to death
i wont bore with the details but he would NEVER lay a hand on u
that’s NOT my superman
its more like
“i need you to eat something.” clark begs you, his eyes filled with worry. he had crouched down next to where you sat. clark had given you free-reign around his fortress, but you chose to sit in the corner near the entrance.
“fuck you.” you turn away from him, anger dripping from your voice. you haven’t eaten since he brought you to his ice castle, but you can’t remember how long ago that was. you missed home, your friends, your family. you missed freedom. you hear clark sigh.
“you’re gonna get sick if you keep going like this, (y/n).” his hand touches your face and you slap his hand away. you know there was no way you could hurt superman, but he holds his hand looking hurt, and you feel a twinge of guilt. he holds out a bag from Big Belly Burgers and places it next to you.
you scooch back, your back hitting the wall, not willing to back down. “i’ll eat if you let me go.” you feel like a child throwing a tantrum, but you would do anything to go home.
you see him rub his forehead in frustration, “this isn’t working.” he mutters to himself. you don’t say anything, wanting to see what he would do. instead of trying to fight you again, clark picks up the bag. “i’ll come back when you’re ready.” he says.
“come back? what are you talking ab-” in one blast of air, clark was gone and you were alone.
days had gone by, you felt like you were going crazy from the solitude and the hunger. thankfully, clark had left mountains of water bottles for you, so you tried to fill up with those. it wasn’t enough, you had started to miss your kidnapper’s company after many conversations with yourself. all you could do was sleep or stare at the wall, blankly. after a week, you couldn’t take the isolation. “clark?” you call out, weakly. not a moment passes before he appeared before you.
his eyes were filled with pity and worry, “are you ready, sweetheart?” his hands cup your face and you lean into the warmth, nodding.
he could never hurt you. that entire week away was killing him, but the commenters were right. you just needed to know that he was all you needed.
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gojou-violin · 2 years
this is enough
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| pairing: aki hayakawa x fem bodied!reader
| warnings: 18+ MDNI, chainsaw man manga spoilers, sad(?) sex, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, (breeding kink if you know aki and if you squint really hard), bad smut writing from me.
| wc: 3.3k
| a/n: when can i be happy after reading csm?
| taglist: @sintiva (just this once cuz i sent this ask), @aylitgirl
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Aki wasn't one to tell others the truth when he was struggling. He liked to bottle it up for the sake of suffering alone so that no one else had to worry about him or be burdened with his own "stupid" problems, especially when it came to the deals he'd made over the years with different devils who wanted this and that from him. Out of everyone you knew, you were sure that you were the only person in his life who knew every detail of what he was enduring.
The Curse Devil was the first to take from him. In exchange for time off his life, Aki could kill his opponents simply by stabbing them three times with the sword he always carried around with him. The first time you met Aki, he had a good twenty years to live... Now, he was close to two years...
The Fox Devil wanted from Aki what he wanted from every human he made contracts with: skin. There were days when Aki would leave the house whole, and when he'd come home that night, he'd have his arm bandaged up because the Fox Devil took the skin from his forearm. Aki always insisted that it was fine, that it was his curse to bear because it was a contract he made willingly; but that didn't change the fact that you forced him to go to the hospital every time in order to receive skin grafts.
The only time you'd ever seen Aki so scared about his future was after he came home to tell you that he made a new contract with the Future Devil who was living in his right eye. It was necessary after the Fox Devil got fed up with him and would no longer come to him even when the situation was dire and Aki was willing to give up everything he had to offer just for the sake of winning his fights-- So your husband had a Devil living in his eye now... Punishment, you supposed, for getting to see seconds into the future whenever Aki needed during battles.
Part of you couldn't understand how he had made all of these deals for the sake of surviving out there while up against all kinds of powerful Devils, yet none of them could save him when it mattered most. Where had his squad been? Where had they allowed this terrible thing to happen to him?
"You have to stop that," Aki whispered from across the table.
You looked over at him with a brow raised, just in time to catch him staring down at your bouncing knee. He always knew when you were overthinking something. It was so obvious by how you'd go quiet after getting lost in thought, and your knee would shake, and your hands would fidget on your lap.
You two were supposed to be on vacation, so why were you thinking about what happened when it was all in the past and nothing could change the outcome, even if you tried your very best. The doctors were good enough. They did their jobs as soon as Aki was taken to the hospital. It could have been worse. You both knew it. He could have been killed like some of his coworkers, or he could have come back in more pieces, or neither of his arms could have been reconnected like one of his friends.
It happened in the middle of the night a week ago. You got a call that Aki was in the hospital after his squad went to fight the Doll Devil who took both of Aki's arms. She snatched them clean off his body without so much as a blink of an eye or an inhale of her breath. It happened in a second, he told you later. One moment they were looking around, the next, he had no arms and was passing out on the ground. When he woke back up, he was in the hospital, you sitting next to him, holding onto his hand, the only one they could reattach after hours of surgery.
"Come here," he continued to whisper. It was like he was scared to disturb the gorgeous night you two were enjoying silently in the dark hotel room that had been gifted to you after he was put on leave due to his injuries.
Aki wanted to get back to work the second he was released from the hospital, however, his superiors denied the request, and to ensure that he stayed away, they sent the two of you to a hotel outside of the city for the weekend where you could relax and he could recover a bit more before actually going back. You knew that there was no stopping him. He was going to go back to work one way another, even if it ended up killing him faster than the Curse Devil promised; even though it would kill you to get a call that he wasn't in the hospital because he had died.
"Baby, come here," he spoke up a bit more to grab your attention.
Without thinking twice, your feet carried you out of your chair and over to him. His lap was warm as he used his one good hand to grab your hip and pull you close until you were straddling him, your faces close his nose bumping yours sweetly. It was cold outside. At some point in the evening you had considered going out to get food at a  nearby restaurant before you looked out the window to see that a snow storm had rolled in, trapping the two of you in the hotel which lost power nearly an hour later. That was alright, though. Aki wanted to spend a quiet night in. He liked watching the snowfall, so you both pulled up chairs to the window to lounge around while you waited for shitty food service to arrive. There wasn’t much the kitchen could make in a power outage, but the pint of ice cream they had to get rid of before it melted served the two of you well for a bit. Once you were done eating, though, that was when your thoughts began to drift, and Aki noticed that something was off.
Did he know how worried you were about him? Did he realize that every time you glanced at his missing arm, your heart wrenched in your chest? When would he finally say “fuck it” and leave that damn Devil Hunter career of his behind just to spend his last few years alive with you, the person who needed him around or nothing seemed right—
“Darling,” he cooed.
You melted into him, wrapping your arms around his neck so that he’d stay close and continue to nudge his nose against your cheek as he left kisses along your jawline.
“It’s okay.”
“I know that.”
He hummed a thought. “It’ll be okay.”
You couldn’t think of any kind of proper response to that because you weren’t sold on the idea that it would actually be alright. He had two years left, if that. How much longer was he willing to suffer? He’d given up his skin, his eye, his entire arm— You couldn’t give him up to the Curse Devil. You couldn’t. That monster would have to go through you before he could ever get to Aki.
“I’m here. I’ve always been here. That’s enough, isn’t it? Being here… Right now… Just the two of us… That’s enough.”
You hid your face in the crook of his neck suddenly as you croaked, “That’s enough…”
He nodded. “Exactly.” He was gently kissing the side of your head until you perked back up again then leaned in to kiss him. “Darling…” he mumbled against your lips.
“You’ve gotta stop scaring me like this. Please.”
His lips hovered over yours as he hesitated to reply. “I’m sorry.”
As he kissed you again, your fingers found the ends of his hair, gently tugging in order to ground yourself in the thought that it was enough, he was right, it was okay, and it would be okay. If Aki was sure that everything would be alright, then it had to be true. Afterall, you were the only person in the world who ever knew what he was really thinking and what he was struggling with. If anything was amiss with him, you’d be the first to know. It was okay. Being with him was enough.
Aki managed to find dominance in your kiss even though he was below you and all he could do was hold onto you with his one hand as you moved ever so slowly and lightly along his lap. A voice in the back of your head was screaming at you to stop because Aki was supposed to be resting; but your body was ahead of reason. Some desperate part of you was taking over. There was an urge tugging at your heart and a coil that was twisting in your stomach because you missed him— Even though he was right there, in your arms— You missed him. You were terrified of the past, you were dreading the future, and your whole body was begging to forget it all by simply being with him as a reminder that he was in fact there, that he was real, that he was okay, and that it was enough to be with him in that hotel room as you waited for the power to turn back on.
“Fuck—” Aki slid his hand around you so that he could palm your ass roughly. “Don’t stop—” He was trying to help you in your endeavor to get both of you off through your bathrobes.
But it couldn’t be helped. Even though he was moaning in your mouth as his hand gripped your ass while he moved you back and forth, you had to hesitate just to tear his robe apart, revealing his growing erection. Another minute or so and he’d be ready—
“Fuck, ‘Ki—” You were caught too off guard by him sliding his hand back along your hip and down to your clit that he found so easily, using his fingers expertly to tease the pearl roughly.
There was a bit of urgency to the way both of you were moving, like you needed to fuck each other in the next few seconds or you’d explode; yet it was all still so gentle, quiet, and oddly romantic. Whenever you and Aki were at home together, back when Denji and Power didn’t live with you, the two of you were worse than rabbits, the way you’d fuck constantly. Aki was the adrenaline rush type of guy. He loved finding different ways to please you. This hole, that hole, these fingers, this toy. This kink, that kink. This position, that position. Whatever it took to make you scream his name every day and night, Aki tried it. But there were times, very rarely, honestly, when it came down to basics where it was just you and him and the simple idea of fucking each other. No fancy toys, no crazy kinks, and no planning prior to the sex so that everything was safe and consentual because that was just how crazy it could get sometimes. This was the purest thing it could be: Two people in love who needed each other.
“I’m ready,” you insisted while reaching down to wrap your hand around his length.
Aki hissed at the feeling. “Okay— Fuck—” He moaned your name as you aligned his tip with your slick entrance.
As you slid down slowly onto his length, Aki’s fingers on your clit hesitated for a moment as he forgot how to simply breathe. It wasn’t until you were fully settled down that he finally let out a breath and threw his head back. You took the opportunity to kiss his neck. You nipped and licked enough to make sure that a hickey would surface soon to let the whole world know that you put it there because you loved him because he was only yours. He could make a million contracts with Devils just to sell his soul off— It didn’t matter because his heart was all yours.
“Is it okay if I move?”
Aki nodded eagerly. “Go on.”
With moans escaping both of you simultaneously, you rolled your hips in a circle just to test how deep he could reach inside of you. Aki wasn’t the largest man by any means, but he wasn’t small either. Though he wasn’t very thick, he made up for it in length, which meant that he could hit spots in you that you thought were impossible before you met him. He liked to watch your face burn bright whenever he’d fuck you because you were shocked by him every time. It just seemed outrageous that you’d think he was done but he’d keep going and going until finally his pelvis hit your skin and you knew he’d given you everything. He thought it was entertaining to see you so surprised. But this time, it wasn’t like that. You were on top, ready to take every inch, and you were testing the waters to see where you could get him to go if you rolled your hips left vs. right, and what would happen if you lifted up slightly then rolled around in a circle.
Aki’s fingers flicked your clit whenever you lifted up slightly. If you weren’t down against his thighs, then he had enough room to play with you, which is exactly what he wanted because the whimpers that left your mouth as you bit your lip were just so perfect. And to you, whenever you’d be pressed down all the way, you felt like you were in heaven whenever he’d groan your name. It was like hearing him chant a prayer. The way he’d break with a few curse words and a name of an angel— your name… Fuck, he was perfect.
“I love you.” Aki’s lips captured yours in another passionate kiss.
You could tell that it was difficult for him to find way to keep you closer than you already were, and that was only because he used to dig his fingers into your hips just to make sure you couldn’t get away from him; but without his other arm, he was forgetting how to hold onto you, and you could see it in his lust-heavy eyes that he was worried about losing you. He was probably asking himself what would happen if he didn’t hold you on his lap? Would you groan and go to bed? Absolutely not! He wasn’t less adequate. He wasn’t worth less now. He wasn’t going to lose you. What such stupid thoughts posessed him whenever he was worried about you.
“I love you,” you responded desperately. You needed him to believe you. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He must have known that you knew what he was thinking because his fingers worked faster on your clit and he kissed you so hard you almost got knocked backwards. If it weren’t for the fact that you were holding onto his shoulders, you probably would have fallen onto the floor.
“I love you, baby. Fuck— Love you so, so much.”
You whimpered into the kiss, “‘Ki…”
“Hmm, darling?”
“Don’t stop…”
It was difficult to keep reminding yourself that you needed to put in the work to move around on his cock while he was trying to force you towards an orgasm that you could already anticipate would knock the wind out of you. Somehow he was fine. He was moaning, sure, but he had regained enough sense since throwing his head back to know that it was up to him to keep kissing you and playing with your stiff clit; and you just had to breathe. Just breathe. It didn’t matter that you could feel him so far in you that your legs were shaking. It didn’t matter that you were squeezing so tight around his length that you could feel him twitching as he got close, too. It didn’t matter that you were teetering on the edge. All you wanted was to remind both of you what this all meant: Two people who were madly in love who needed each other.
“I need you, Aki.”
It wasn’t a “need” of the sexual variety— Though that was certainly true, as well. You said it because it meant that you needed him to live. You needed him to find some kind of way to stick around longer than two years. Whatever contract he’d have to make, there had to be some Devil out there who’d like to keep him alive longer than the Curse Devil wanted simply because Aki could be of use. Right? Someone had to want or need him as much as you.
“I know,” he whispered kindly.
It sounded almost like he was taking pity on you— A thought that you could bear, so you hugged him and rested your head on his shoulder as you fucked him faster. You didn’t need him to feel sorry for you, you just needed him to be there, to be enough.
“Darling, I’m close…”
You did your best to maintain your speed and balance as you continued to do what was working. He seemed to love it when he was buried inside of you to the hilt, so you stayed down and grinded on his hips in circles.
“Fuck, darling— Fuck— I’m close— Shit—”
For someone who took pride in his mature vocabulary and “proper” dialect, it was amazing to you that you could break him down to nothing but curse words oh-so-easily.
“In me, ‘Ki,” you begged.
The knot in your stomach tightened suddenly. The build up went straight down to where you were connected to him, so you instinctively squeezed around his length, forcing him to tip over the edge. You came as he twitched inside of you. A guttural groan left him while he came hard, his cum ending up exactly where you both agreed it belonged.
Your thrusting slowly winded down until you were at a complete stop, both of you panting while you came down from your highs, his cock still a bit hard as he relaxed against the cushions beneath him. You fell into his chest a bit more.
“Won’t you look at me?” he asked you.
With a bit of bravery you managed to conjure up, you lifted your head from his shoulder. It was then that you suddenly noticed that his eyes were watery and red, a sign that he was on the verge of breaking down for the first time in so long.
You panicked and rushed to kiss him. “I’m sorry—”
“I need you, too,” he insisted. “I’ve always needed you.” He kissed you again. “It’ll be okay. I promise. I’ll make it okay. I’m not going anywhere… Not yet at least.”
You hated words like that from him. “Not yet at least.” Couldn’t he just lie and promise that he’d be around forever? Just to make you forget for a little bit longer that the inevitable was on the horizon, that he’d lose more than just his arm, and that you’d eventually miss him and there’d be nothing you could do about it anymore. No more sitting on his lap. No more kissing him. No more hugging his body as he’d cum inside of you. No more hoping and praying that maybe you’d get pregnant and there’d be a part of him to remember him by after he’d die. He could lie to you, and you wouldn’t get mad, so long as it was about him always being there.
“I love you,” was all you could bear to say after you kissed him one last time before resting your head on his shoulder again.
Aki hugged his arm around your body and sniffled. “I love you, too.”
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1-800-local-slut · 11 months
Dean and Sam x Black Goth Reader
I was rewatching Interview with a Vampire. This was born then I passed out and finished writing it this morning. I hope you enjoy!
Dean and Sam with a gothic reader who lives in the bunker, isn’t a hunter and does research. She's into dark literature, loves the night, cats, poison, flowers and all that stuff. She's also super smart. She loves death, and dead people and works at a super old and cool bookstore.
Warnings: implied smut, stabbings, nothing else really
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Dean would have mixed feelings on this but ultimately love this
Thought you were a witch for a solid few seconds
Can you blame him? The cross necklace, solid black dress that hugged your curves and stopped at your thighs, the matching corset tied around your waist, the spider web stockings that he admired through the slit on your dress, the butterfly sleeves around your arms, the pentacle on your black chunky heels. Totally witchy.
Not to mention how beautiful you were, he didn’t think the looks were natural
He was enamored by your faux locs
You guys met when he was on a case thankfully in Kansas, and had to go to the bookstore you work
Thought you were sexy in a dark way
Was trying to figure out if you were punk or emo for a few seconds 
You had to go ask him if you could help him with something
You noticed him staring and tried to get your coworker to take him and she magically had to call her babysitter so you had to go talk to him
“Welcome to the Afterlife Athenaeum, how can I help you today?”
His ears melted when he heard your voice
You remind him of Morticia Addams
Had a childhood crush on Morticia Addams
He reminded you of a gas station attendant
He’d ask for something completely unrelated so he can he can keep hearing you talk
Listened to you talk to him about Gothic Architecture for five minutes, not having a clue what you were going on about
Got a book about funeral rites.
You told him that was a personal favorite and also threw in a book on embalming
Went back to the bunker with the books he needed and from there kept going back to the shop
Asks stupid questions to hear you talk
You two begun an unlikely friendship
He would make loud noises and disturb you unintentionally, you would glare at him with a reminder to stay quiet in the shop
Would follow you around watering the plants in the store while you closed
Swapping earbuds, and Dean being jumpscared by Shout At The Devil
He was honestly shocked, you just seem so serene and calm and reserved all the time and he was ready to hear a loud violin
When you found out he was a hunter, he was worried you’d run and call the police after seeing him stab a ‘man’ in the neck but then you saw it literally fizzle and pop
And he was right, you ran.
 Straight into his arms
You convinced him to let you take him to get dinner and tell you all about it
You listened with wide eyes about everything, understood why he would often ask for books on symbolism of different things, mythological creatures, but when you asked if he’s been a hunter basically all his life how come he didn’t have any books of his own.
Did not have an answer for that
He developed a crush on you after you didn’t run away 
Scared to make moves
But not too scared, cuz it’s Dean
Makes corny jokes 
“Are you a grave? Cuz I wanna be buried in you.”
“Dean, stop.” but you’re trying not to laugh because it’s dumb
“Are you a witch? Cuz I’m under your spell.”
“Dean.” your lips are pursed to restrain yourself
“How about for our first date we go to the cemetery and have a grave time? I’m just dying to meet you there.”
You laughed and Dean proudly smiled, wandered out the door of the cafe you guys usually meet with for some reason and didn’t come back
Eventually, you developed a crush on him as well
Confesses to you on a moonlit walk 
From there you two start dating
You guys went as Johnny and Mavis for Halloween one year
He likes when you kiss him and it leaves a black stain
Likes to help you pick out clothes and always jokes about burying you in them
Compares you to the goth kids from South Park
Watching Scooby Doo together
Convinced you to be Velma for Halloween, and when he saw you in the costume his brain rewired seeing you in it
You didn't even get to take the costume off yourself, he did it for you
Doesn’t really like reading with you but he likes watching you read and get super focused on whatever piece of literature it is
Loves watching horror movies with you
Matching jewelry 
He wears a different version of your cross necklace
Late night drives (doesn’t like you going outside at night but he can’t stop you)
Gets along with your cat but they fight for your attention like crazy
Likes to water the plants around your apartment 
Doesn’t want to ask you for help on a hunt, would like to keep you far away from it but your persistence wears him down
He wants you to leave lipstick stains on his abs and dick (and you do)
Loves picking out your lipstick 
Let’s you put eyeliner on him
Got you little bat clips to put in your afro and likes to see you use them
Loves when you put hair products into different containers and label them and likes to help (it’s just fun) 
He likes to run around in your boots sometimes even though his feet don’t fully fit
Got jumpscared when he saw you in the bunker one morning and called you a Victorian ghost child
When you asked to start a garden he didn’t see the point but you eventually got what you wanted
You torture him in the best way 
Gets you black roses instead of red ones
He loves your dresses and fishnets, he honestly falls apart over them
Loves seeing you get along with Sam, calls you both nerds
Cooks for the two of you
One night you told him you thought a pet bat would be cool and he went stiff and made you swear up and down to never mention it again
Likes seeing your stuff around his room, and doing laundry and finding your black bras and clothes
Loves how understanding you are about his job and the supernatural 
Your really helpful sometimes
Like he’ll tell you about something completely random and you’ll give him a full story explaining the origins of it in a morgue in Peru or something
Makes fun of you and says you shop at Hot Topic
He likes to put things up high for you so you have to either climb something and he can see your ass move or you have to ask him for help
All in all Dean would love his goth gf and all her oddities
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Sam wouldn’t really care
He too thought you were a witch when he first saw you
He was on an early morning run, and ran into a coffee shop to get a water
Saw you sitting there, dressed in all black in a corset dress with a choker around your neck and a tiny pentagram hanging from it and rose fishnet stockings
He loved your jewelry immediately, the silver accessories and rings that adorned your tiny fingers
He also loved your dark lipstick
You had your ear plugs plugged in, reading a book in Latin with your curly hair shining in the lights of the Sun through the window and a woman knowing Latin made his dick hard
Minding your own black business really
Sam went on about his day, went back to the bunker, showered up and talked to Dean about a case in New Mexico
Had to find some more information, reading the news articles, he saw there were flowers left at the scene of the crime
But he couldn’t find this one flower in any of his books so he went to a bookstore he had seen before in town, called Afterlife Athenaeum. He went at night due to a day full of scouring the internet and books to come up empty
And guess who he spotted? You
Now he didn’t pay much attention to you at first, in fact he didn’t recognize you at first because now you were in a different yet alluring outfit
You were just stocking books, but you were too short too reach up and get something on the top shelf and your cunt of a manager put the stool somewhere you couldn’t find
You were jumping and Sam thought you looked like a jumping spider and your boots made a loud noise through the empty bookstore when your shoes hit the ground
Looking around you saw a big ass white man and decided to try your luck
“Excuse me? I’m sorry to bother you but could you grab that book for me?” 
Tall, sexy, and helpful, you were ready to jump into his arms and escape with him.    
He gave you a charming smile and handed you the book which just so happened to be a book on the language of flowers. He looked it over with a pleased hum. “Oh I actually need this.” He stole a glance at your name tag and you smiled in delight. Despite dressing like you just left a funeral you were seemingly cheerful. “Perfect! It’s our last one too, I’ll ring you up. Is there anything else you need?” You asked, taking the book from his large hands. “No thank you.” 
When you rang him up his eyes stuck to your silver cross necklace that he had a hunch was just for fashion
You noticed him staring, and you decide to make moves
(I have a feeling Sam enjoys being seduced, follow me on this)
“New in town?” he automatically falls in love with your voice. You ask while looking down at the book, and checking the catalog for the title and the price. “No, just giving this place a try.” Sam kept stealing glances at you. You were just doing your regular work and he was entranced. “Well I hope to see  you again, we don’t get a lot of handsome customers” you said slyly, while handing him the bag with two fancy capital A’s on it.
And there’s a look between you too, and he left knowing he’d be coming back definitely
Came back two weeks later and looked for you. He asked a question on poisons and watched your eyes literally light up. He then listens to your info dump on plants and buys three of your recommendations
Eventually you two become friends, sharing music, CD’s, story recommendations and more
You find out he’s a hunter when you’re visiting a relatives grave one night and you watch him kill a shapeshifter 
Your jaw dropped, immediately began to quietly pack up and escape before you caught a stray. He saw you out of the corner of his eye and grabbed you while you ran, and the way he grabbed you made you get a lil excited. He explains everything to you, given it was that or you call the police . After he explained that he wasn’t a murderer, and explained the supernatural was real you exploded and listened to literally everything with such investment
Just adorable
After that, you two got a bit closer (nothing too crazy). He kept you a bit of a secret for a while
Needed help decoding a message left at a crime scene and went to your apartment. You made him some tea, he looked around your cozy apartment and learned you had a cat who immediately loved him
You sat down on the recliner, he took the couch right in front of your coffee table and you sat down on the arm of the couch to show him something. His eyes glued onto your thighs in your silk black shorts and matching top. He was imagining taking your matching robe off the moment he came inside
You noticed because you were staring at his dick through his pants since he came inside and he was hard like immediately and you decide to take your shot
“Sam?” You began while shutting your book and placing your elbow on the back of the couch. Your eyes were basically burning through him. “Yeah?” He was trying to focus on his laptop but couldn’t. “If you were a flower, you’d be an orchid.” You were now fidgeting with one of your black nails. He immediately got the hint, it was in the book you showed him “Really?” He flirted back with his eyes. “Oh yes, the orchid is a very alluring plant.” You continued and then moved your brown eyes to his.
The rest was history from there
After that night he was deeper under your spell
Likes to watch Phantom of the Opera with you
Dirty talks in Latin
You guys talk shit about people in Latin
“Asinus officium spectat terribilis.” (Her ass job looks terrible)
“Quod est medium infantem.” (That's mean baby)
He likes to fidget with your nails
He hates Halloween but you love it much to his dismay
Agreed to go as Morticia and Gomez one year and almost lost his mind seeing you in the dress
You didn’t make it out the house
He likes seeing you not dressed as fancy but casually in one of his big ass t-shirts and just walking around
First night you stayed at the bunker he was amazed by how your energy just changed the entire room 
Likes hearing you speak different languages
He tells you all the time you remind him of the moon
Loves loves loves seeing you dressed casually to the point where it’s an obsession
But he loves your fancy clothes as much as your casual t-shirts and tank tops you wear on laundry days
He likes when your in the library of the bunker trying to get a book down and you can’t reach it
He loves your plants
He enjoys seeing the different dark shades of purples, blacks and more
But he likes how you love all of the plants even the ones that are a bright red or yellow
He loves your perfumes
Accompanies you everywhere at night, and loves the way the moonlight reflects off your brown  skin
He loves when you put lip gloss on over your lipstick and kiss him
He buys your bonnets and anything else in a color he sees you commonly wear
A black mirror, a black head scarf, a black bandanna, silver charms for your braids when you get your hair done, black lip liner
Told you about Jess, and you listened with such kindness and respect his heart swelled
You told him about your beliefs that the dead should be treated with respect 
still listens to your info dumps (I’m telling you he will never get sick of your info dumps, you could be explaining the history of toast to him and he’d still be happy)
He likes that when you bruise, it’s a purplish red color so when he bites you or holds your hips too tight he takes deep satisfaction in knowing the next day there’ll be purple and dark hand marks around your hips.
Doesn’t want you hunting but knows you’re incredibly curious
Came to a conclusion that if he kept you in the loop about what he was hunting it would work out best for him, plus you’d be a great help
He’s partially convinced you know everything relating to death, human sacrifices, embalming methods, which works great for him 
He spends a lot of time with Dean looking at dead people and symbols he barely understands and if he can just send you a picture and in two minutes you can tell him exactly what it is the sooner he can kill it and go home
Dean calls you guys Dr. Frankenstien and his bride (Frankenstein was the DOCTOR not the monster I refuse to have incorrect terminology here)
You and Dean have an unlikely friendship, and you ended up learning Dean is a big fan of gothic romance
You guys watch horror movies together, and argue over which Purge movie was better (the answer is Election Year)
Sam just thinks you're cool, overall doesn’t really think too much about your fashion or interest. He just likes you and the fact that your sexy and smart is a huge bonus
Let me know what you guys think! I loved writing this and I loved rewatching interview with a vampire. Gothic stuff will always have a special place in my little black heart, and I like putting little nods to it in a lot of my writing. Anyways, that's all! Please enjoy <333
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mod2amaryllis · 6 months
tiny dumb VENT gross
UGH I'm just venting cuz i never thought I'd be in this mindset but huge part of my depression is that in September we were all ready and excited to start trying for kids, got my iud out, only to find out that one of my migraine injections would require us to wait for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS to conceive. fully taking the wind out of our sails. that is a long fucking time when you're already anticipating it could take that long or longer to successfully conceive.
meanwhile i have a coworker who's accidentally pregnant, going through it in misery, didn't want it, not really looking forward to it. this is NOT me complaining about her attitude, we're very close and i think the stuff she's put up with while pregnant is badass. this vent is that I'm so stupidly frustratingly jealous. and i never ever ever in a million years thought I'd be that person. and this coworker knows and agrees with me LOL we always joke that we need to switch situations NOW. UFFGGGH VENT VENT VENT but just. in my real life I'm open about this stuff, i willingly have given my bosses timelines of, hey, this is how we're family planning so this is how long I'll still be able to do surgeries, and those conversations are always met positively, so everyone was bummed on my behalf that now I'm stuck waiting thanks to my stupid fucking migraines and I'm just GRRRR
I'm jealous I'm jealous I'm jealous, and there's no one to blame, everyone is kind to me, i just have to sit in my unfair feelings while my coworker complains about this stuff that for the first time in my life I'm actively longing for. which is also not to belittle how much pregnancy will suck, it's just. i want that part of my life to start so bad.
we waited a good long time on purpose and are so happy we did, highly recommend, but now that i have to wait NOT by choice, it's weird quiet depression time, i feel stuck.
ok nice to get the words out back to work
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sugrhigh · 25 days
hey girl… imma give u a storytime cuz im going CRAZY
so me and this guy we work together, we have a seasonal job in the summer. we got really close real fast and we don’t exactly flirt like complement each other we like have a flirty banter if that makes sense? anyway i used to like him a lot but then the job ended and we didn’t really see each other that much but we still talk like daily so i kinda lost feelings. he also was talking to this other girl so i didn’t want to get in between them yk. but then we smoked together after not seeing each other for probably 2 months? then he told me ab how this girl is literally crazy and technically cheated on him even though they weren’t really dating. so then he goes “so as of today im a free man” and then we start talking about our sex history LMAO and then at the end of that convo he goes “i honestly thought me and you were gonna end up doing something” i literally DIED that was my confirmation that we both liked each other at one point ya know… so i replied saying something like “oh yeah same here” and he goes “yeah don’t you remember the rumours of us dating??” (i literally don’t and never heard of it) he was literally SOO SURE about it he was like “like 10 of our coworkers came up to me and asked if we were dating” im like oooookay whatever you say… (my friend is convinced he was “lying” to make something happen yk… i kinda think so too cuz i NEVER HEARD OF THAT RUMOUR. im also way closer with all the other coworkers because this guy im talking ab came into the job like during the last 2 months when i was there the whole time if that makes sense LMAO) so im like “oh really? i never heard anything ab that” and hes like “oh yeah it was crazy” and then it was like silent for a good minute and then all the sudden he goes “wanna makeout?” HOLYYYY FUCK I DIED BRO I FUCKING DIED so then we did and it was gooooooood until my fucking mom called and interrupted us… still mad ab it to this day. anyway that was all we did just makeout then i had to drop him off at home cuz he had work or something the next day, and i had a early flight the next day too LMAO.
so we never talked ab that AT ALL, and i get home from my vacation which was literally A WEEK. he’s texting me saying “girl i might have a gf soon” so im like oh! okay!!! great!!! and hes like “you have to hear the tea its so good” so then we hung out that night and he told me how he is now dating the best friend of the girl who cheated on him 😭😭 like okay king get it but i was kinda bummed that he sorta used me as a rebound but I honestly didn’t give a fuck and I didn’t let it hurt me. cuz i wasn’t gonna lose one of my best friends over stupid feelings ya knoww. so thats that NOW HERES THE GOOD PART.
me and him only ever hangout just us two or with our other coworkers. this weekend my girlfriends finally came home from uni and stuff so we obviously went out to bars lol, i was asking him to pick me up because we both live out in the country side of our town rather than the city ya know? so it was just easier that way, and it was supposed to be just me him and one of his friends but then my girls ride canceled on them so i asked if he could drive them home and he said yes. so now this the first time my friends have met him and like seen us together. keep in mind he still has that gf… the car ride was so fun all of us were laughing and we all got along very well. we drop off my one friend at her house and then he turns to me and is like “can we all come into your house i need to hit that bong” so im like yeah ofc duh and literally he wanted to get to my house SO BAD he didn’t even drop my other friend off, she was forced to stay the night at mine like 😭😭😭 anyway its the four of us now (me and my girlfriend, then him and his best friend) and we get to my house, i quickly change outta my bar clothes cuz fuck that then i go upstairs to see him at the top of the stairs and hes like “dude ive been WAITINGGGG lets fucking go” im like “what about our other friends dont they wanna smoke too?” And hes like “nahhh we need our time together” HELLO??!!! Died. so then we smoked blah blah our usual conversations and then we go back inside and all of us start playing mariokart. then they left cuz he was forcing me to go to bed so i could wake up and go to work in the morning 😭 but as soon as they left my girlfriend turned to me and was like “DUDEEEEE HE WANTS YOU SOOOO BAD” …. so now im going crazy 😀 mans has a fucking gf but is lowkey so flirty towards me and if my FRIENDS SAW THAT DURING THE FIRST TIME THEY MET HIM…. and the morning after i texted our girls gc and was like so guys am i going crazy or is there something here?? and they all replied with yes he wants you so bad bro. and my girlfriend apparently overheard him talking to his best friend and was like “me and my gf are fighting and shes literally crazy” so im like FUCKKKK LIKE WHAT DO I DO. and i think us 4 are gonna hangout again this weekend. so uh ill keep u updated if u want 😀 also sorry this is terribly long but IM GOING CRAZY AND I NEED HELP
he def sounds like he wants u in my humble opinion, i think whoever he’s dating now is the rebound from making out with YOU cuz it doesn’t seem like he likes her too much plus he jumped into it really quick. if yall hang out this weekend i would be a little extra flirty and see if maybe that inspires him to grow a pair and tell u how he feels
but always remember that no man is ever worth ur peace of mind so if he doesn’t sack up and be honest with you and his gf and himself….he can move to the back of the line!
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daddystevee · 4 years
you really love her, don’t you?
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(steve harrington x fem!reader)
A/N: good lord i feel like i’ve forgotten how to write. Its been way to fucking long. Sorry its basically all dialogue. haha so basically instead of Robin and Steve getting stuck with the Russians, its fem!reader and Steve. Robin, Erica and Dustin go out for help.
Warnings: a few curse words, mention of blood and vomit?
Summary: After being friends for years, reader has always thought that both she and Steve always had some sort of chemistry. But after the first few weeks of summer and working with Robin, she starts to think otherwise. Before the big battle with the mind flayer, reader and Steve let out their true feelings
Work count: 1.6k
Steve started off as kind of an acquaintance to you. The two of you would see each other in the hallways at school, and even sat next to each other to talk sometimes in some of your classes. But the day you ended up on the wrong road at the wrong time you got sucked into a scary situation, and it kind of forced the two of you to become friends, and over time best friends.
Throughout the years of fighting with the upside down you had grown to love your best friend. Steve has started to show some interest in you a few months before the two of you graduated. Both you and Steve would go hang out alone, whenever you could, but never really called them dates or anything. He would always act super flirty when he was around you, but you never brought it up to him, hoping he would make the first move.
It all carried on until the two of you scored a summer job at the new Starcourt mall, slinging ice cream at Scoops Ahoy, and he seemed to find some interest in your new coworker, Robin Buckley. You and Steve would still hang out, but when you did he would always ask if Robin could come along. While you didn’t mind Robin coming and hanging out, you wished it could still be just the two of you.
As the summer progressed, both you and Robin cracked a secret Russian code and ended up getting trapped in an underground base for more than 24 hours. You heard Steve get punched too many times, and in the end of it all, both you and Steve got injected with some sort of truth serum.
You follow closely behind Dustin going to the front row of the movie theatre, and being told to sit. Both you and Steve do as you’re told.
“Whatever you do, don’t go anywhere.” Dustin says in a very serious tone.
“Fine, dad.” Steve says back sassily, turning to look at you causing the two of you to burst out in laughter.
“We mean it, Harrington.” Robin says in such a way that it makes your giggles die down.
“This movie is pretty boring.” you lean over to whisper to Steve. You tear your eyes away from the screen to look at him as he continuously shoves the popcorn that he had mysteriously picked up, into his mouth.
“You know what’s not boring?” he asks with his mouth still full of popcorn, “Water.”
“I saw a water fountain on the way in here wanna go check it out?” you ask while wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Steve leaned forward to look over to the two smaller children talking to Robin, thinking really hard about what you had just asked.
“But Dustin said to not move.”
“Steve, when have we ever listened to Dustin.”
He leaned back and made eye contact with you and shrugged, throwing the bag of popcorn onto the ground and grabbing your hand, pulling you up and out of the theatre.
The two of you stumbled down the hallway and to the fountain, as soon as Steve saw it he ran to it like it was an old friend that he hadn’t seen in years. He instantly stuck his face into the water and drank like it was the last thing he’d ever do.
“That’s amazing”
“Slow down, bucko. Maybe take her on a date first.” you say before grabbing Steves shoulders pushing him out of the way, “It’s my turn, you’ve had enough.”
As you’re drinking the mediocre fountain water, you see out of the corner of your eye, Steve wobble over to the middle of the floor and look up to the ceiling.
“Hey, Y/N.” he says, causing you to lift your head looking in the direction that your name was coming from. “You gotta check this out.”
You take your last sip of water before walking over to the boy and looked up to the ceiling as he was, noticing that the roof was very pretty but starting to spin a little too fast for your liking.
After rushing to the bathroom to puke up all that was in your stomach, you and Steve sit on the yellow, white and black checkered floor in silence.
“Hey, the ceiling finally stopped spinning.” you said opening your eyes for the first time since laying down to cool yourself off on the floor.
“Holy shit, you’re right. You think we puked it all up?” he asks
“I think so? Ask me something.”
“Um, when was the last time you peed your pants?”
“Today. When the Russian doctor pulled out that bone saw.”
“Oh, my god.” He let out with a loud chuckle causing you to start laughing.
“It was just a tiny bit!” you say before sitting up against the wall of the stall so you could hear Steve a little bit better.
“Okay, okay my turn.”
“Alright, uh.” you start thinking. Of all of the things you could ask him, one thing comes to mind. “Have you ever been in love?”
“Yup, Nancy Wheeler. But you know how that went.”
“Do you ever feel like you’re still in love with her?”
“No, but I think it’s because I found someone who’s a little better for me.” he admits
You sigh as he continues putting your head on your crossed arms that are on your knees knowing where this is going.
“It’s crazy. You know how ever since Dustin’s gotten home from camp he’s been telling me that I’ve got to find my Suzie. I think I was just scared of Tommy making fun of me or something.”
“Or that I wouldn’t be prom king or whatever. It was so stupid because the girl I should’ve been hanging out with has been sitting in front of me, the whole time. Cuz first of all, she’s hilarious. She’s so funny.”
“And, I think she’s so pretty, beautiful even. I’ve never seen anyone as gorgeous as her. She’s smart, way smarter than me. She even helped crack a secret Russian code. She’s honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever met. You know?”
With your head still low, you felt tears creep their way into your eyes, stinging a little at the corner. You knew you shouldn’t have asked this question, you knew where this would lead. Not thinking about how badly it would actually hurt.
“Y/N?” you heard followed by a little knocking on the stall in front of you, causing you to lift your head a little and look in that direction. “Y/N, did you just OD in there? “
You sniffled a little wiping the tears that had fallen onto your cheeks on the back of your hand, “No, I’m fine. I’m still alive.” you say followed by a deep breath.
Suddenly you see a pair of feet slide under the divider, followed by the rest of Steve.
“So what do you think?” he asks you with a hint of hopefulness in his eyes.
You take another small breath before looking up at the bruised boy in front of you. “About?”
“This girl?”
“She sounds amazing, and perfect for you.” you say knowing he’s talking about Robin.
“Yeah? You really think?” he asks excitedly.
“I mean yeah, it sounds like you really love her, don’t you?”
“I really do.” he responds looking into your eyes while reaching for your hand. You pull your hand away from him kind of quickly with tears forming in your eyes, causing his brows to furrow in confusion.
“What- what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
“It’s nothing, nothing. I’m really happy for you, I think you and Robin are great for each other.” you say looking down into your lap.
“Wh- Robin? I wasn’t talking about Robin. I- I was talking about you.”
“You what?”
“I love you, you dingus.” he says as a small smile falls onto his lips. Steve switches sides, moving to sit much closer to you. You place your hand on his face, rubbing your thumb across his un-bruised cheek.
“I love you too, Steve.” You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but the kiss was short and sweet and it wasn’t like you had imagined. But given the circumstances, a dirty bathroom floor was not the place to have a long and passionate kiss.
“You know, that wasn’t anything like I had imagined it.” you say looking at Steve.
“I know, kissing on the bathroom floor covered in blood and vomit wasn’t exactly part of the plan for me either.” he says in response causing you to burst into a fit of giggles slowly turning into laughter. You were pretty sure you both still had some drugs in your system, but you felt better knowing that Steve felt the same way you felt about him.
While still laughing, you lean into kiss him another time but mid kiss Robin busts through the door with Erica and Dustin following close behind. You and Steve turn to look at your friends and Robin has a smirk on her lips as if she’s about to say something, but is instantly cut off by Erica.
“It’s about damn time, nerds. You two have been eyeballing each other since, the beginning of the summer.” she says with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes, and for some reason this caused the two of you to laugh even more. Sure it wasn’t perfect, but you now had a new sense of strength to make it through this, knowing that you had Steve by you and would be there for you on the other side of it all.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Shy Love
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Neil Melendez x female! reader
Genre: comedy, angst, prompt, romance, fluff 
Words: 2,304 (ok where did she come out of ?)
Request: By anon Could you do a Melendez x reader oneshot where at the hospital he’s the most shy person he’s ever seen but he happened to see her out and she’s totally different like loud and reckless and stuff, and he can’t decide which side of her he loves more and confesses
and another anon hiii idk if you’re taking requests but if you could do a neil melendez x reader fic w/ angst prompts 7 and 11 I’d be the happiest!!! (like mostly angst but ending with fluff if that makes sense)
Prompts: 7 -  “you should’ve said that yesterday.” 11 -  “it’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.”
Authors Note: MiX iT aLl ToGeThEr AnD yOu KnOw ThAt It’S tHe BeSt Of BoTh WoRlDSs!!!!!!! if you didnt get by the song i mixed two requests cuz why not but this one has a lot to do w walmart and like its funny and silly but then super angsty and gets rlly in the feels,,like its a whole lot but i love my boo sm he is lemonade
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“Y/N, how would you like to join us? We’re going to the bar when our shift is over,” Neil asked you with dreamy eyes. His hand resting on your shoulder. Neil was always trying to bring you out of your shell and make you associate with your coworkers. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to gather with your workmates its you were shy around them. With your friends from your hometown they knew how odd you were and would never judge you or dislike you but all these doctors you knew were way more mature than you. They had their life figured out and you were worried they wouldn’t like the real you and who you really are. 
You grabbed all your books that you were going to study that night for a patient of yours and carried your bag. “Thanks for the invite, but I think I’m going to call it a night.” You said with a small voice, thanking him with a kiss on the cheek. 
“You sure?” Neil smirked.
You waved, “bye Neil.”
Neil shook his head at you declining his offer. All he wanted was to have a night out with you. He wanted to get to know you better.
As you stepped out of the hospital your phone buzzed with a call. You chuckled as you saw the caller ID display your friend and roommate's name. 
“Yes, Janelle?” 
“Girl, meet me at Walmart! They got the good stuff you like so much on sale.” She was sparking with such enthusiasm for something so mellow. 
Giggling you put your friend on speaker as you started your car, “I think you’re the only person I know that gets excited for Walmart.”
“I thought since you’re always so busy-”
You rolled your e/c eyes, “here we go again! Always the same topic of conversation. I’m sorry I’m over here saving lives!”
“I’m just saying I barely see you anymore. I miss you. I want to know whats going on with your life. Any guys? Lets just hang out for a little bit, please.” 
You felt bad, your friend sounded lonely and you could go for some best friend advice and love at this moment. “Sure, why not? I’m coming over! Order me something from McDonald’s okay? I’m starving.”
Janelle laughed loudly on the other end.
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The burger hit the spot of your hunger. You licked your lips and wiped your fingers. 
“Do you think we need more of this?” Janelle pulled out the coffee creamer from the milk aisle. 
“Yes,” you said with a definite answer. “You drank all of the other one?”
Janelle looked at you bashfully, “oops, that was me?”
“Oops, that was me?” You repeated sarcastically. “Of course that was you. I barely get to drink coffee creamers anymore. I now drink that dark stuff at work.”
“Right, work. So how’s that Melendez doctor?”
You almost choked right there. People were eyeing you as you playfully slapped your friend in embarrassment. “Janelle! What if he’s here?”
“Honey, he probably shops at Whole Foods not at some Walmart, okay. Besides why are you so secretive about him?”
You waved your hands in front of your face to try hide your bashful expression, “Because, he’s so handsome and more mature than me. He has his whole life figured out. I’m still living off of Ramen while he probably eats with Beyonce!”
“Oh, someone has a crush! And he’s rich!”
You put bread in the cart and almost knocked the cart into an old woman, “Just because he may be rich, Janelle, doesn’t mean that’s the most important thing. But yes, Neil Melendez may be rich.” 
Your best friend and wing girl squealed louder than a pig. “Oh my God! You like him! You like him! You like him! Why don’t you just ask him out then? You are so pretty, he’d probably say yes.”
“That’s the problem. He may say yes. It’s not definite. I’m, I’m too afraid. It doesn’t matter. We are just coworkers he’s my boss and we have a professional relationship, nothing more.”
“Alright, I won’t push it anymore.” Janelle grew a big, evil, smile on her face. She skipped behind you and pushed you in the shopping cart. 
You screamed loud and whipped your head around to her, “what are you doing Janelle?”
“You’re too stressed out Y/N. Let loose. It’s time we have fun.” Janelle didn’t even give you enough time to interject because she was already speeding down the shopping lanes. She pushed you faster and faster. 
At first you were afraid but then the adrenaline got to you and you started laughing. She poured chip bags and bags of marshmallows on you to replicate rain. She twirled the cart and your cheery cackles were heard through out the whole store. 
This is what you meant. You could be a silly willy with your best friend and people that knew you. But you were too shy and afraid to reveal your fun self to others but more to Neil. You were frightened he would say you were too stupid for him or that you were not serious enough. Neil meant so much to you that you were always shy around him. You liked him so much and you never wanted to jeopardize your relationship you have with him. 
What you didn’t know was Neil did indeed shop at Walmart and he was doing some last minute shopping. 
He was peering at a bag of pistachios when he could of sworn he heard your shrieks. He paid no attention to it at first until he heard your voice nearby. It couldn’t have been you! No, not shy, flustered, Y/N. Neil turned the corner and was met with the surprise of you dancing in the shopping cart. He was a bit confused. You were always shy around him when Neil would talk and hang out with you. It was a complete 180. Who was this person? He couldn’t help but smile. You looked so adorable and cute having fun. You were being a ball of excitement. So different than how he knew you or what he thought he knew. He loved how sweet you were when you were shy but you seemed more happy now. He loved the real you. Neil even found himself getting jealous. Why didn’t you show your true, inner self to him? Were you afraid of him? He wanted to know everything about you and he felt like he didn’t know you at all. His smile started to disappeared. Neil didn’t think. Before he knew it he was making his way towards you and your roommate. 
“Hello Y/N,” Neil created a fake grin. 
You were completely horrified. Your heart pounded vigorously. Was he watching you this whole time? He probably thought you were being absurd. At once all the nerves consumed you. You became speechless. You were so embarrassed! You quickly hopped out of the cart and sheepishly put your hands behind your back. “H-hey Doctor Melendez. I didn’t know you shop here?”
“It’s Walmart. I hope I can shop here.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head. 
“What my friend means is that you look rich and so handsome that we suspected you might shop at places like Whole Foods and what not.” Janelle saved your butt.
Neil chuckled, “no, I need my junk food.” He then eyed you. “Saw you having fun here.”
You looked down, scared for his talk. 
“Why don’t I ever see this side of you? I think you should let that fire out more at work in front of all of us. I think its cute.” He winked at you as he walked away. 
“Oh my God Janelle,” you fell against the cart, leaning against it. “I think I just died. That was so embarrassing!”
Janelle danced around you, “are you serious? He said you were cute! Agh, I wish a guy would say that about me!”
“I’m so glad that’s over.”
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It wasn’t over. Far from it.
Neil couldn’t sleep that night. He was angry and jealous. He wanted to start a relationship with you but he didn’t even know who you were. How was it going to work? He didn’t understand why you kept who you were away from him? Do you hate him that much?
Neil paged you and texted you that he needed to discuss something with you, asap the next day at work.
Your bones shook like a tree. You were more than nervous, you were petrified. Was this about the fiasco at Walmart or was this something more? Neil meant so much to you, you didn’t want to ruin what you two already had. 
You knocked on the door to a vacant room. You saw Neil sitting at the table through the glass windows. 
“Come in,” he said loud for you to hear. 
You walked in slowly. 
“Please sit.”
You sat, biting your lip. You played with your fingers awaiting the blow. 
“I just want to say I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me but I wanted to discuss something that’s been bothering me.”
“I thought I knew you. I don’t know why but when I saw you having fun yesterday my heart hurt. It’s weird to explain.” Neil rubbed his temples, clearly this was effecting him. “I fell asleep that night thinking about you.”
“About me?” You felt flustered. 
Neil heard how that sounded and quickly tried to save himself from the grave he dug himself, “please, let me rephrase that. What I mean is, I know you for being this quiet, shy woman and who I saw yesterday was this outspoken, fun, burst of fire. Why is there such a change?”
You were afraid he was going to bring it up. You felt hot. You weren’t really sure how you were going to respond. “I don’t know.” You became shy. 
“I just don’t understand why you are so...afraid of me? Have I done something to scare you?”
“It’s not you okay,” you were becoming overwhelmed. Why did he have to bring up something you were insecure about? Why couldn’t he just let it go? “It’s me. I just I don’t-”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just want a complete honest answer. I don’t want you to dislike me. Please tell me what happened.”
You wanted to shut out everything. You were self conscious of your personality. You felt like crying. You stared at your hands and wanted to be sucked in a hole. Your lips trembled as a tear fell.
Neil saw that and felt like a monster. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to-”
You wiped your tears away and stood up, “You said enough. It’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.” You were about to leave but entered the room again. “I’m insecure about myself and I don’t like the real me. I’m afraid you won’t like who I am because I really like you Neil. I hide because who I really am is this crazy, reckless person. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I’m sorry I’m weird.” You walked away leaving Neil feeling defeated and hating himself because all he wanted to do was tell you how he truly felt. 
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It was the next day and you were swallowed up in your blanket, eating ice cream and watching rom cons that were too good to be true. You felt hollow. You thought you maybe had a chance with Neil but he hated you and found you unattractive. 
Janelle came in with a guilty look on her face, “it’s okay babes.” She hugged you tight. “If he doesn’t love you then he doesn’t deserve you because you are a gorgeous thing.” She smiled trying to make you laugh. 
You chuckled weakly and cried into Janelle’s shoulder feeling like a glob rather than a person. “I even told him how I felt.”
There was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” You slipped on your slippers and walked around the apartment gloomy. You opened the door and standing there was Neil holding a bouquet of roses. “Oh its you.” You threw the door in his face. 
“Please Y/N I really need to talk to you.”
Janelle turned you around like a mother, “go talk to him. Now.”
You groaned as you met with Neil’s body. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to apologize for the way I acted towards you yesterday. It was wrong and I am very sorry. I was being stupid. I was jealous because I wanted you to be yourself around me. I wanted to know how adorable you act and I want to push you in a cart. I want to have those fun moments with you because you are special Y/N. You have this beautiful, amazing personality that lights up the room and that makes me feel giddy. I’m a complete idiot for treating you like how I did but Y/N I like you. I like you a lot. I would love to take you on a date like a gentleman because you deserve the best. These are for you.” He handed you the roses. 
You were speechless, mouth agape as you stared at this man completely smitten with you and confessing. You smelled the roses and smiled, “they smell amazing. Thank you.”
“Phew, I’m glad you liked them because I was really nervous you were allergic or something-”
You pulled Neil’s collar and gave him a big kiss. It was sensual and perfect. It wasn’t too quick but not too long. Both lips moved in perfect sync. “You should’ve said that yesterday.”
“I really should of if I was going to get that outcome.”
Janelle started clapping in the background like a victorious warrior. “Amazing! So when’s the wedding?”
(ENDING A/N: i’m not sponsored by walmart sAdly i swear hhhhh)
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​, @fandomchick80​
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speedylightpeach · 3 years
A Decade and a bit
*Trigger warnings*
*18+ content*
It’s been about 12 years since I met a guy and ended up pregnant. I wanna say it was a choice, but it most certainly was not on purpose. I remember finding out, and being so afraid he would leave; telling my mom the same, just to have her blow up at him. Funny because now, I look back, wishing he’d have left right then and there. For the next 11 years it was bound to be hell; and all I can think is, how did I do this to myself? How did I allow this all to happen to me? How was I too blind to know I deserved better? I don’t know but still to this day, it haunts me, and unfortunately 60% of the time, I still don't believe I deserve better. February 2010 my daughter was conceived, honestly I was so happy, excited even. I remember hearing her first heartbeat, he wasn't there. I remember walking home with the biggest smile on my face, and feeling so stupid at the same time, walking around with this big weird smile on my face. She was a blessing. In the very beginning I decided I would raise her right, and try my best to build her up and make her strong. My mom always put me down, told me I couldn’t do anything. Well, she, that’s another whole different fricking story. Being pregnant was amazing, feeling baby move and just patiently waiting. I got lucky and didn’t even have bad morning sickness or pains or anything. Months roll around and these little red flags popped up but for some reason I was blind to them till later. I guess I just can handle a lot of shit. 6 maybe 7 months pregnant and we were walking somewhere, and i remember him like pulling me along and rushing me, and I was just so pregnant that I was getting stitches and it hurt, but he didn’t care cuz we had somewhere to be. I don’t even remember where, but the red flags came more and more, and I ignored them all. Not wanting to feel like I was an ass for thinking he was being an ass. He was an ass, and it only got worse and maybe I was an ass too, I don't think I'm innocent here, maybe we are both victims. I remember the day my daughter was born. I remember staying in Edmonton at his dad’s, doing the waiting game. November 23 2011, at 4:30 am, I remember waking him up and telling him that I was counting my contractions and I thought it was time. Now, after previously wishing he’d have left at the very beginning, this here is the next moment I wish we’d have separated and never turned back. Okay and first I have to say, this wasn’t one of those pregnancies where u end up going into the hospital ten times and just unsure. I went in once, around my due date to get induced, a week later, here we are. he looks at me, half asleep, and says “okay, well you go, and call me from the hospital if it’s time.” I wish i had walked out the door and let him miss it, sure seems like he didn’t even wanna be there. I have heard a lot of pregnancy stories, and I for one, had it easy. I went in at 4:30 am and had her by noon, with no complications. And while in the state I was in I sure would have liked to sleep, but here I’m looking over and he’s sleeping on the cot. Not enduring this with me, sleeping up to the very last moment. Just feels like the majority of these moments I look back and he wasn’t there. I thought the first couple years were good with the three of us, but I keep remembering things. Within the first year and a half of having her, I remember getting into an fight, and I remember him throwing a chair and being so afraid every time he would come near me. I’m pretty passive, until someone comes at me all aggressive. Honestly, this isn’t even the worst. Well, I’m not going to lie, in the first year or two with my daughter I spent a lot of nights going out to the bar, and he was pretty good about staying home with her, I mean even if he was just gunna sit and play video games all night anyways. I loved the bar. I loved the music, the way I felt so free and so good. Unfortunately, it got out of control. Maybe it had been so long since I felt the sparks of someone just simply touching a shoulder. A touch that didn't make me cringe, and I will tell you, if it makes you
cringe, I swear to god, go with your gut. Anyways, so I ended up way to drunk, and I ended up making out with the wrong guy. I remember feeling so good but so bad. I have a pretty good conscience, so I came clean. And boy did I eat shit. Well deserved I know, I crossed a line, maybe broke him, I'm not sure. I have never been more sorry in my life. And from that day on I basically quit drinking, we split up, kind of. I wanted that attachment so at this point I was basically willing to do whatever it took to get him back. To get him to see that I could change and i could be better. After a few months of doing these things I absolutely hated doing, he left and called me name after name after name. Letting me in just enough to get the good feels, then shoving my down in the ditch to drown, because for all i knew, that's what i deserved after what i did. 6 months apart, he’s living in Edmonton with his brother, unfortunately his brother was quite a mess at times too. Couldn't hold up his end, the bills were too much and my ex, well he needed help. So, he finally decided to let me back in. I remember the day we drove to Edmonton, it was February 2014, it was still winter and the winds were so bad, my mom didn't even wanna drive. It was like sign after sign after sign. The winds were like 100km winds, semi’s were blowing off the roads, and yet, I went. It was fine for a while, the three of us all living in one room, until one night my ex is at work, and his brother gets wasted and just starts getting so mad, clearly I just don't deal with aggression well. My ex came home and we ended up having to leave cuz his brother was on house arrest. He lost his job too for leaving to deal with our family crisis. We ended up grabbing everything we could from this place, losing a lot because all we could take was what we could take on the train with us. We managed to find another place, again all three of us living in one room sharing a house with a few Filipino people, they were pretty cool. The fighting never dulled or stopped. It was always something. I remember once being shown a Facebook account, with a Latino name and being assured that i had a fake Facebook account. The only thing was, it wasn't me. I will tell you another thing, a really shitty feeling, is when you're defending yourself persistently for something you didn't even do. Being told over and over again that your wrong when you know you're right. Being told I cheated with someone I never had. The landlord ended up selling the place so we found some roommates to move in with, another couple who had kids. These people were, intense to say lightly. Some what the same though, She couldn't leave without being harassed to come back home and deal with the kids. At this point I couldn't even see my best friend, because she had guys with her. I remember her coming to town and asking me to go to Red’s or something, and it was just such a fight to let me go. Are there guys? He didn't want me to go, and i remember swearing up and down that it wasn't his fault that I wouldn't go. He eventually did let me go, but when i came home it was assumptions and accusations. Seems like after this point every time i left the house, to go to work, to anything, I always walked back in to assumptions and accusations. I remember getting phone calls at work, with him screaming at me, and my coworkers just looking at me like I'm fucked. I wish I knew why I put up with it all. At this point I've probably been solely providing for my family for at least 4 years, since he lost that job. It was so hard to make ends meet with 13 dollars an hour and i just wore myself out. Sadly those were the days, i would ask my boss if i could stay longer, just so I didn't have to go home. This is where things really took a turn, because it wasn't just things I was doing anymore. Now its things someone else is doing, some stranger logging into his games and apps with convenient names to harass and make him feel bad. Which, I don’t know, I still to this day see as coincidences. Maybe I was wrong for not supporting him, I
honestly didn't know how. After all the times, I honestly felt like I would be lying if I said I believed it, and I had no one to talk to. I had already lost touch with reality. One day, the fight got so bad, I will never forget this day, it severely haunts me, and I pray I never get treated this way again. I don't even remember what we were fighting about, but it was bad, there were things thrown everywhere, glass smashed all over the place, my favorite things all broken. I remember standing in the kitchen while he picked up the weeks worth of garbage in the can and dumped it on me, and called me trash. And people wonder why I have no self worth, because I dealt with shit like this for too long. I broke. After the trash it was bong water, all over my Chili Peppers shirt stained with resin for life. I remember this was close to my daughters birthday. I was making her a cake and he threw that everywhere. I still have the video of the way the house looked. Whore, cunt, bitch, stupid. I pray that no one ever gets put down in this way. And fuck me, I still went back to him. Still allowed him another chance for what I don't know. With my mom and my best friend telling to leave, I justified it. Relationships are hard they take work, but hun not this much. Her birthday comes and he sits in his room the whole day. I don't remember the fight after that, the only thing I do remember was my daughter and niece in the living room probably only 4 and5 and he picked up my PlayStation and just threw it flat down right in front of them, and they looked so scared. At this point I’m yelling at him to get the fuck out. Do something to me that's one thing, I can take it a lot better than those poor little kids, whom had done nothing. As he was walking up the stairs I said his name and he turned around. I punched him in the face, and that was the first time I had ever hit anyone in the face ever. Its weird, I get to a point where I've had enough but then I'm okay and decide I guess I can handle a little more I don't know maybe it will be better, they say things get better… they didn't. I think it was 2017 when he finally moved back to our old town. Not long after I followed, I guess I just couldn't give myself the time to find something better, someone better. Ended up moving back in with him. This time, was the last time. This argument was horrid. Not as bad as having bong water and garbage dumped on you, but words have a way of sticking in the brain. Another fight i don't remember at all what I did, but I remember sitting on the deck begging my friend to come get me, when he throws a bag of roast beef sandwich meat at me and says my cunt smells. This guy has torn me down in every way possible. I honestly don't even have a clue as to how to rebuild myself. I wanted to leave the meat behind on the bed, with a note “ For when you start to miss me” I wish I had, but I guess I just didn't want to sink that low. I didn't realize how low I was already sinking. When he wanted sex that was it, he was either gunna belittle me until I just laid there and took it or he’d go watch porn and grope me while I tried to ignore it all. Honestly this is my biggest pain. I never want to feel what that feels like ever again. Lets be clear, he never once actually hit me, before he had pushed the back of the rocking chair and basically thrown me out of it, and this last time, he put his hand on my face and he shoved me. And I don't know why, but that's when I really broke. I walked out that door and never came back. We tried to be friends later, but it was too hard. He would try to kiss me and honestly cringe, to having to turn away to block a kiss u don't want. I so nicely explained how hard we tried and that we just had to let go. Spent a few months doing a lot of molly together. Before I realized I was sinking again, this time to molly. She felt so good. Gave me that feeling I wanted. Peace in my heart. No worries. No anger. Nothing. Peace. Just over two years separated and I honestly hope he leaves our lives and doesn't come back. I am sorry, that he misses
out on his kid, but I cannot fathom the idea of her going through the same tragedies I have. Today, I have anxiety, severe depression, mostly likely BPD, 60% of the time I feel like I'm drowning, or wish I was. I cant work, I hate going out for fear of people thinking and seeing me the way he did. All of those things he said have shaped the way I see myself and its so sad. One day, I hope I find my worth. And you, remember to love yourself more than anything else. I didn’t and it destroyed me. I had all the chances in the world to turn my life around, don’t miss yours.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
The Lost Boys Find Out Their Fem!S/O is Pregnant [4/4]
Alrighty then, my lovely fang babes! Here we are, we have the last of the first edition of the pregnancy saga! Worry not, dearest readers, for there is hope! I plan on doing a separate series about going through the pregnancy, and maybe even going through the childbirth with how the boys are as new dads. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more, and by tomorrow night we'll have a whole new set to love!
It was such a blast writing Paul's, I'm not gonna lie I got lost in the magic! We have a cute little character cameo for all you 80s movie nerds, lemme know if you can figure out what it is! So, without any more delays; here he is. The gorgeous, the goofy, the one, the only:
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Today had been an unexpected challenge. You barely got through your shift at the record store, every time you were in light it made you dizzy. Hangovers had nothing on this! Did you drink too much the night before? No, now that you thought about it any attempts to drink had you hugging a toilet. Not to mention your period was late as hell! Well, not the cramps, go figure. Just no blood. None at all. 
You never let on to your beau, Paul, though. The party boy vampire would become overly worried if you told him you were sick, and you weren't about to spoil a good time with a bit of nausea. So here you were, stumbling about the day into the late afternoon absolutely miserable. Your manager Iona offered you some crackers and ginger ale during your lunch break. No dice, within an hour you were running to the bathroom again. 
"Gosh hon, I dunno what ta tell ya. Maybe you ate something nasty, I told you that boardwalk food was fishy," Iona sighed, poking at her own lunch with a fork. Currently your coworker Andie was watching the front until you were feeling better.
"Kill me now, Iona," you groaned, chin resting on the table with your arms laid over your head. Then there was a smell. The greatest, most flavorful, mouthwatering scent you've ever experienced. Like a honey baked ham and a New York sirloin had a glorious new baby drizzled in ecstasy. Glancing over, your stomach growled at whatever it could be. If this were a cartoon you'd be flying to what it was.
Oddly enough, it was coming from Iona. Well, whatever black stuff was in her little plastic tupperware dish. Who cares what it was, it smelled incredible.
"Hey uh..," you asked, leaning over towards the sticky, mysterious delicacy calling your name. "You wouldn't mind if I had a bite, would ya?"
"You sure, hon? This isn't exactly your average dish, it's kinda weird," she tried to explain. God you couldn't take your eyes off it! Finally, your merciful manager pushed it your way, and you couldn't resist any longer. 
"I don't even care, this is the first thing in the past two days that hasn't made me nauseous," you muffled between cosmic bites.
Oh shit, this was heaven! It had to be some sort of meat, it reminded her of a nice spicy kielbasa, a slow roasted brisket, every second it changed to some new world of food you had never tried. What it was didn't matter by this point.
"Wooow. I've never met someone who liked black pudding that much."
Pudding? "I thought it was meat or something? It doesn't taste anything like pudding," you insisted, polishing off the very last specs of it. "Got any more?"
"No, no, not like chocolate pudding or stuff like that, kiddo. black pudding. It's this dish from the UK my new boyfriend made me. It's congealed pig's and cow blood mixed with spices."
You made a face. Blood? Like, blood blood? The cow equivalent of what Paul drank on a daily basis? Yet this was the first time you didn't puke, in fact, you kinda wanted more. Even knowing what is was made of.. for some reason you craved more. Meanwhile Iona continued to talk on and on, until one phrase caught your ears. "Yea, ya know my mom was so into for the longest time. Said she craved it her whole pregnancy, I never got a taste for it honestly."
A single thought popped into your head. A dangerous, foreboding thought that your intuition said was very much a possibility. In a flash you jumped up, nearly slamming your hands on the table. "I gotta go. Oh shit, I gotta go! I'll be right back, I swear, I'm so sorry, I swear to god I'll be right back," you shouted as you bolted out of the store.
"Wait what-?!"
You'd make it up to her once you got back. You had to know! You had to be sure..! Please just let it be paranoia! Please let it be anything, anything at all besides what you thought it was!
Once you reached the nearest CVS you made a B-line to the women's health section. Your hair clung to your face, your lungs stung like crazy but all you could think about was getting answers. And cue the disapproving glare of some old bat picking out a box of pads. Alright being 17 in front of the pregnancy tests looked bad. You weren't just a high schooler, you looked it too. "What're you looking at, " you snarl. Immediately she clutched her pearls, startled by this abrasive youngin' in no mood for dirty looks. God why'd there have to be so many options? Pink boxes, purple ones, bright yellow insisting it worked the fastest. The heavy fluorescent lights were no help at all, it made your head spin. You had no time for this crap. In a sweeping motion you grabbed three different brands and threw them into your basket, all you needed was….where was your wallet? Shit... Glancing around you checked for any nearby cameras or staff. Karma be damned, it was an emergency! Five finger discount it was. 
Once again you made a mad dash back to the record store as the sun finally set. All three boxes were crumpled in your hand, your boots running so fast it you hit a rock that'd be it.
But getting back to the record store was your best bet. You weren't about to pee in some dirty, old, nasty pharmacy bathroo- oh fuck. There was something that finally slowed your steps, nearly making you trip in the process. Four bikes parked right outside. Three of which were occupied by by Dwayne, David and Marko all talking amongst themselves.
Shiiiit, shit, shit! All you could do was swear repeatedly. Before they could spot you, you practically dove into the alleyway behind the store, rapidly disabling the alarm. If that went off it'd be a dead giveaway. Quickly you looked left and right before you slammed the door shut behind you still trying to catch air.
But there, right past the door to the employees lounge, over by the counter you could see a mass of blonde hair chatting away with Iona about Led Zeppelin's best album to date. Paul, gorgeous as every, laughing. It made your heart flutter, but then it sank. What if it was a-... He was never the type to run away from a challenge. But then again, a kid wasn't a challenge, it was a massive ordeal. It would take a huge chunk of his life- well, afterlife! Boozing and cruising would be switched out with drowsy days and busy nights. You weren't sure if you wanted him to know if you were, it would take all that from him. Unfortunately, he must've smelled you or sonething, because immediately he turned around like a puppy being called.
"Babe," he cheered with delight, rushing over to hug you. Rather squeeze you by your hips and lift you four feet off the ground. Quickly you stuffed the skinny boxes into your back pocket, now smushed up against his chest. "Where were you? Ion's said you just bolted mid-shift, we were worried sick! Well, I mean, I was more worried though, cuz I can't stand you bein' gone, kitten."
"Well, yeah uh, I forgot something I had to get at the store, and I forgot what time I got off," you hesitated, still antsy to escape to the bathroom. Truthfully you didn't actually want to, you had to! If you could, you'd just kiss him and ride off into the night to raise some hell like you always did. But this was too big to ignore.
Paul raised a brow. You weren't known for being this jumpy. You wouldn't look him in the eyes, they just kept darting towards the bathroom. Boy, you really did look sick, though. Pale, almost greenish with dark circles under your eyes. You even felt colder than usual. "Am I uh, interrupting something, babe?"
You managed to work out if his arms, giggling nervously. "Actually I-I had some of Iona's lunch earlier, and I just, gotta- be right back!"
With that, you bolted into the bathroom and slammed the door behind you. Again, weird. Paul just shrugged, maybe you had some bad Mexican.
 Iona wasn't convinced. Little miss jumpy-pants skipping out on her, you owed her an explanation. While Paul perused the albums she sunk over to the bathroom, rapidly tapping on the door. "Y/N! Psst! You good in there, hon?"
You were most certainly NOT good! Your hand shook, the third test finally finished. Not like it mattered! They all said the same thing. Every fucking one of them.
Positive. Positive. Positive.
No, no, no!
"Shit," you hissed. "Shit! Oh shit, oh fuck! Fuck-fuckity shit fuck fuck! Dammit." That's all you could do! You swore over, and over, and over, rapidly kicking the wall in front of you. Stupid pink plus! Why? Why did it have to be a plus?? Immediately you threw it in the trash and scooped up the other two. Maybe they were all flukes? Maybe only a doctor could tell you! You had to get home. Like now. Right now, you just had to rush home, make an appointment at the doctors, maybe hide in shame for a few days just until you could figure out what the hell to do with all this! Once again you wedged the tests in your back pocket and nearly tripped, cracking open the door to face your boss. "Iona, I gotta get home."
"Seriously, Y/N?? Why? What is with you?"
"Please, I swear I will make it up to you, I'll take a double shift, I'll wash your damn car-"
"Oh no, nuh-uh. Not until you tell me why you're being such a spaz," she practically shouted in a hissing whisper, absolutely exasperated. You teens and your drama, when she always said she wanted to fell young again this is NOT what she meant!  
"Listen i-... iyay amyay egnantpray," you whispered. Pig latin. It was a little code you two usually reserved for secrets. Well, that and talking smack about snotty customers. But wow was this a big ol' secret. 
Iona covered her mouth. Oh, you little idiot! You poor little idiot. Looking over at the unsuspecting boyfriend she sighed, looking you in the eyes. She wanted to just tell you to come clean to your man. The boy hung around you constantly, you two were the ultimate it-couple, there wasn't even sparks it was like watching supernovas. Something this big.. it shouldn't be left in the dark!
But that pitiful expression on your face just begged her to keep quiet, and frankly it wasn't her place to tell you what to do- well, at least in this regard. "Alright, alright. This saturday you're taking my night time shift, there's a big concert I wanna go to. And you gotta wax my car, it's gettin' nasty. And you better write the best damn apology note in the history of apology notes, sweetie. This is huge, you better come clean to him eventually, or I'll kick your little butt you hear me?"
"Yes. Absolutely, fine, deal. Just please, please keep him busy, I'm not ready to tell him," you whined, clutching the door. Frankly it sounded like a piss poor plan, but it couldn't be helped, not right now at least. You didn't have the strength to confront the situation head on, you were barely keeping it together. You wanted to cry all over, jump into his arms and come clean now, but this was neither the time or place.
As soon as Iona went to go over to Paul you stuffed the tests into your purse and bolted out the back door, only this time stealth was not on your side. Right at the mouth of the alleyway, just as you were about to be home free- you ran smack dab into a particularly lithe blonde that felt like a brick wall. You went flying onto the ground, your purse crashing onto concrete with a hundred pieces of your privacy going every direction. In a panic you began to rapidly stuff it all back, barely able to hide the first two tests as you threw some half baked apology Marko's way. Honestly he deserved a better one than that, but you were too frazzled to be fair at the moment.
"Oh shit, Y/N," Marko exclaimed, immediately kneeling down to help you gather the scattered remains of your purse. "Sorry, I didn't even see you, I was coming back for a smoke. Big Ed is such a douche, can you believe theres no smoking on the-..." His words trailed off, and you shortly saw why. Grasped between his pointer finger and thumb was the little pink strip, and a look of complete disbelief. All you could do was snatch it from him, a heavy moment of silence magically muffling the wild noise and shouts of the busy boardwalk. 
"Do...D-Don't worry about it. Look, I gotta get home, I'll see you arou-," you started, trying to jump up, maybe catch him off guard and make a run for it. Not this time. 
You hadn't even noticed he grabbed your wrist, it was such a blur. He stayed silent, standing up and looking right into your eyes with hidden malcontent. You swore if you answered wrong this mischievous cat would tear your throat out. After all, you were his best friend's girl. If you did anything, ANYTHING, to hurt him... Well, let's just say a pregnancy would be the least of your worries. "Why are you running, Y/N? What the hell is this thing," he asked quietly, eyes flickering between red and blue. "Did you…?"
"Oh don't fuckin' even," You snapped, smacking his arm, yanking your hand out of his grasp. "Of course not! You butt! God, are you serious? What do you take me for- No! I- fuck I just- no!" You kick the tin trash can beside you, watching a plethora of trash fly into the air. "I am freaking out! Of course it's Paul's. Oh fucking god, it's Paul's and I don't know what to do!"
Marko's expression softened, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, I didn't mean to make it sound like that, Y/N. Paul's my friend, I just had to be sure you weren't sneaking around, you know?"
You sighed, pushing back your mess of a hair with misty eyes. This was perfect, a real big screw up from start to finish. All you could do was look over at Marko with pleading eyes. "You can't tell him yet. Please, just please please PLEASE, Marko, don't tell Paul yet!"
"Tell me what, babe?"
Shit. Shit on a stick. You looked behind to see Paul halfway out the back door with a look of concern, one that he rarely carried. You and your dumb mouth, go figure.
The blonde pushed through and let the door close behind him, looking over at his best bud standing alone with his girlfriend who was begging him to keep something secret, from him no less.
"Nah, nah, don't look at me man, this is all on you guys," he sighed, hands up in a shielding motion. "Good luck buddy. Gotta go, Y/N." with that the young vampire excused himself from this melting pot of drama, hands stuffed in his pockets. 
You just stood there, keeping the little strip tightly grasped behind your back. Paul was silent, but glancing at his hands you saw they were balled so tight his knuckles were white. "P-paul…," you hesitated, biting down on your bottom lip. "I should really… get home.."
Paul only raised a brow, glancing at your arms still tucked behind you. This wasn't like you to hide from him, and that alone frightened him. Nothing had ever frightened him before. And he didn't like the taste of it one bit. "What's behind your back, babe?"
Again his spoke, this time his voice lowered into a low growl. "What... do you have... behind your back, babe?" The way he said it was so firm, it made you shake a little. You didn't like stern Paul. They way he hissed the word "babe", practically spoken through clenched teeth
Your throat ached, eyes darting across the ground struggling to think up a good excuse. Anything. A book, your purse, a surprise for him! Anything!
"N-nothing." Apparently, you failed to find any excuses. Great.
Paul's knuckles began to crack, jumping forward to try and snatch it from behind you. When you dodged him, he grew even more furious. You both began to struggle, pushing him away, insisting he just stop and let you leave. But every attempt to reject him only upset him further. Why were you hiding things from him?! How could you just ditch him at the record store when he was worried sick about you??
The struggle built up until finally he had enough. His eyes turned white with rings of fire, brow looming heavily over his eyes and fangs jutting out where his incisors once were. In a flash he grabbed you by you wrists, pinning you so hard to the wall it shook. You still tried to struggle. Thrash, kick, squirm! Steel wished it could be so strong, your muscles ached. This probably wasn't even his full strength, but it dwarfed you in comparison. This terrifying side of Paul you had certainly seen before, but never had you been on the receiving end. It was in all sense of the word, predatorial. He'd never try to kill you, but you still felt that horror build up inside. Rapid, sharp breaths made your chest heave, too afraid to look up at those red eyes still fixated on whatever you kept hidden from him. He continued to pry your stubborn fingers open, ignoring your shaking whimpers. He squoze your wrist, the tendons aching and contracting until your fingertips began to lift up. Any resistance was pretty much useless at this point, but dammit you still tried everything to worm out of his grip. But he had finally had it, you weren't gonna be keeping secrets from him. Now your last finger was pushed off, and he could see what was so damn important that you physically fought him to keep it secret. It was almost slow motion the way the strip spun to the ground, clattering down and landing beside his mud caked boots. He froze, slowly looking down at it. That's it? That's all you-...
You could barely read his face, so many different emotions flashing across it all at once. Occasionally he'd look back up at you, then back down at it. To the point you almost got annoyed that you were still being stuck to a wall while the reality set in. After all, it didn't take a rocket scientist to know what that was, just put you down already!
Paul looked at you still pinned beneath him, horrified at how he lost his temper and immediately released you. Still rubbing away the pain across your wrists, you watched him pick it up. A wave of guilt swarmed your body, you didn't know whether to hug him or punt him in the chest.
Hell, a massive tidal wave of guilt overflowed him too. It'd been such a long time since he got that angry.. but worst of all he'd never been like that with you. Never grabbed you so forcefully and ignored your pleas, it was a dark side of him he never wanted to display in front of you. Glancing at the little pink plus at the end of the stick, his mind swirled with a plethora of questions. But slowly he stood up, looking down at you still really trying to process everything that had happened in the past few minutes. "I don't… I don't understand.."
"You- You are such an ass," you shouted out of nowhere, enough that it made him jump. There you were. That's the fiery girl he knew, not the one he exactly wanted to be on the opposing side of at the moment, though.
Paul wasn't surprised you were pissed, but he definitely didn't expect you to start punching his arm. Again. Then again, and again you just kept hiting his arms, his chest, pushing and crying, you were so mad you wanted to chuck him in the ocean! It didn't really hurt that much, but he felt awful he drove you to that point.
Tears blurred your vision as you lashed out on him. All you could do was yell names between sobs, even whack him with your purse. "Paul, you absolute jerk! Butt! Jackass! You smarmy, half wit, blood-sucking tool! You said you were packing blanks, you absolute liar! I was gonna tell yo-! I mean, I know I shouldn't have run-! But you just couldn't wait- and then Marko- and you! You ! Jerk ! Butthead !"
"Hey, ow! Ow! Ow, dammit! I know, I know I went to far-ow not the hair dammit," he demanded, grabbing your arms before you could lay another mighty blow. "Babe! Babe, stop! I thought I was! I swear I didn't know- I-..I never thought that I could get you...." His hands slowly released your shoulders, moving to your hips. "I'm so sorry, baby. I swear, I didn't know.. I'm so sorry."
The way his voice softened only made you want to cry more. This whole day was a mess. You didn't mean to try and run.. You never should've tried to in the first place. God, you were so tired. All this running around, all this secrecy, the fighting, it was exhausting. Paul was the last person you wanted to fight. Sure you had spats and a few heated arguments. Every couple did, even vampires. But this, it was just so.m draining. With a firm thud you plopped your forehead on his sternum, your fingers tightly clinging to the upper sleeves of his jacket. "Wh-what am I supposed to do-… what are we supposed to do now..?"
Paul pondered his options with a solemn face, but there was only one that made him happy. Only one that sat right in his heart. What else could he possibly do, there was only ever going to be one answer even if you told him right away. Most of all, he couldn't stand the sorrow in your eyes. A frown never suited such a beautiful face. He never expected there to be anything to come from your heavy sexcapades, it never seemed like there was any risks in it. He'd never seen a vampire munchkin, least of all he'd never even heard of a vamp conceiving with a human. All he knew now is you, crying in his arms, terrified of what you were carrying. What it could mean. In that moment, he steeled his resolve and came to a final decision.
Silently he tilted your chin up, using his thumb to brush away all those tears staining your cheeks. Those blue eyes, you could get lost in them. Swallowed up by the sea. It wasn't hard to read his mind when he held onto your hip with one hand, while the other that pushed away salty droplets now cupped your cheek. Within moments you crashed your mouth into his, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
Warm. A surge of heat filled your body. It was the first time you felt truly alive all day. You could feel your chest heave against his, you didn't want any space between the two of you and only pressed tighter until there wasn't anything left. Each kiss gave momentary breath before you dove in for more. Neither of you could stop. You didn't want to pull away, not even for a split second. The way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he touched you, the way he felt beneath your fingers; it made your head spin. His hands began to wander, you clutched at anything you could get a hold of. Your body burned, so sweet and long. In those moments the world stopped, it just melted away in streams of light. No one was there but you two. 
It was over too soon, both of you rapidly panting for breath still intertwined. Oh, how you could stare into his eyes forever.
That frown was long gone, replaced by a tender smile. The one he had come to cherish. Paul chuckled softly, breathlessly nuzzling against your collar bone. Slowly he leaned in close to your ear, his disheveled blonde hair brushing up against your cheeks. Lips trailed up flesh, reavhing just beneath your ear. And then you heard those three forbidden words. Such sweet, tender words, you hadn't expected him to say. Although he whispered them so softly they might have gotten lost in the wind, to you they were as clear as the moon on a cloudless night.
"Y/N.... I love you."
It made your heart throb, you thought you might even faint. A lifetime of struggles led up to this beautiful moment. You never expected it to be a half-undressed heavy make out session with your vampire lover, the father of your unborn spawn, in the back alley of a record store on the Santa Carla Boardwalk. But here you were, nestled between him and an old brick wall. Paul loved you, he had said it, he finally said those words that could destroy any doubt you had. And more than anything in the whole wide world, you knew once and for all, you loved Paul.
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nthngbxtfanfics · 4 years
The MONSTA Office - IM (Changkyun)
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You suddenly felt something hitting your forehead. Looking down, you noticed a small piece of paper, crumpled into a small ball. Your eyebrows started to meet each other, as another crumple hit your face, this time closer to your eyes. Your eyes lifted to the direction it came from. 
You met your coworkers eyes, who wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. His smirk was hidden from the screen in front of him. Your eyes shot him a glare, being annoyed by the man sitting opposite from you.
You decided to ignore him and continued on your task. Changkyun didn’t like it and thought about a way to get your attention back. He nudged his foot against your leg multiple times. But you continued to act like you felt nothing. Your coworker clicked on his pen, while lifting his arm to push it in front of your face. He threw more paper crumples towards you, all abandoned on the floor. 
A new idea plopped up in his head, he opened the intern chat function for the company and spammed your messenger with random sentences. First some random facts that plopped up in his mind then some stupid dad jokes. His last card were cringe pickup lines that he found on the internet.
You thought he grew bored as your messenger stopped giving you notifications. But you were wrong. 
Changkyun was convinced he would get your attention, he tried one last thing. Even though he had to pull up all his encouragement and will power to do it.
“Y/N-ssi noona~ give me attention juseyo~” you couldn’t hold back the snort coming out of you, that was the last end of the straw. Your head met with the surface of your table, trying to hold back your laughter.
Despite being embarrassed by his attempt of doing aegyo, Changykun was still satisfied of you breaking your stone wall. A smirk placed over his lips as he stood up from his chair to examine your state.  Your forehead still sticked to the wood and your shoulders were shaking from laughing.
“So, since I got your attention, wanna have some fun?” you lifted your head, as your laughter slowly died down. Brushing away the small tears from the corner of your eyes, you met your table mates eyes, who was waiting for your response. 
A thought plopped up in your mind, why not annoy him a little? Your face became stone hard and a resting bitch-face placed over your features.
“No.” You looked him dead in the eyes. As the word left your lips, your eyes looked back down onto your screen. Missing Changkyuns reaction.
“Yah, Y/N-ssi~ I did not wasted my time, trying to catch your attention, only for you to respond like that. I called you a fucking Noona, even though I’m older than you!”
“Changkyun.” you exhaled before you continued your rant. But as you lifted your eyes back up, you only saw a pouting puppy with crossed arms in front of you. You couldn’t help yourself and feel defeated. No win for you this day. You hated it the most whenever Changkyun pulled out that card, but it’s better than him being some kind of perverted, horny teenage boy. “What do you want?” Changkyuns smile grew wide and his eyes started to sparkle, but were replaced in a matter of seconds into a devilish grin. His eyes got darker and his confident-level was rising.
You knew what it meant.
“I want you to get wasted with me, tonight!”
“Changkyun, I-”
“Nuh uh! You, me, that barbecue place and plenty of soju. Tonight! I want you to cancel all your plans cuz tonight is Changkyun time and all your attention will be on me” he emphasized every word with his circulating finger and the eyes of Satan. That just calls trouble for the whole night. The scenarios already playing in your mind, as your memories from the last time came up. The night just ended in Changkyun being the one completely wasted, throwing up all mixtures of alcohol he consumed that night, you taking him back to your Apartment, since you didn’t knew where he lived. And taking care of him for a whole day, because of his hangover. You also remembered what kind of drunk he was, a clingy motherfucker, who’s a mixture of I wanna cuddle you and I want my dick balls-deep in you.  And you were sure you wouldn’t need that. 
“Changkyun! I have to finish that and meet Shownu.” There was the pout again. His eyes narrowed at your low excuse, he just wasn’t having it.
“Is Shownu really more important than your best table and drinking mate?”
“Shownu is my boss and also yours, I can’t tell him no.”
“Who you can’t tell no?” a sudden presence made itself clear, you recognized the voice and turned your head to the person behind you. Speaking of said man, Shownu in his whole glory, stood behind you.
“Oh well-”
“Y/N-ssi, can’t finish the task today and was just too scared to cancel your meeting.” you shot Changkyun a glare as the male interrupted you and got amused by your little struggle.
“Y/N-ssi, I don’t mind, you can talk to me. If you can’t finish it, it’s ok. We can arrange it on a different day.” Shownu placed his warm palm on your shoulder, as you couldn’t hold back a curse under your breath. Gladly it went unnoticed by your boss.
“No Shownu-”
“Y/N-ssi, Shownu-hyung said it’s fine. Don’t worry.” the amusement rose within Changkyun and watched your frustration taking over your features.
“I’ll leave you then, come to my office when you’re done. You don’t have to tell Minhyuk to let you in. My doors are always open for you.” Shownu send you a warm smile, a pat on your shoulder and left you alone with Changkyun.
As soon as Shownu left, Changkyun couldn’t hold back his devilish laughter. “Looks like you’re free tonight, Babygirl! I told you to cancel all your plan. We’re going hard tonight!” a heavy sigh left your chest. You loved Changkyun, but going out with him is too risky for your well being. At this moment you just wished you had a boyfriend to avoid him, but it wouldn’t stop Changkyun anyway.
You leaned back on your chair, in the corner of your eyes you saw Jooheon walking by. You needed an excuse, an really good excuse to not go out.
“Jooheon!” you shouted, catching the males attention. Jooheon got startled by your sudden outburst. Changkyuns features grew hard, as he understood your attempts. But his goal was to get you for tonight and Jooheon won’t be the reason for his plans to get to waste. He watched you jumping up from your chair and walking straight to the overly confused Jooheon.
“Don’t you wanted me to look after your cats? Hm? Should I pick them up or should I stay at your place?” your small arm framed Jooheons shoulder, pulling him close to your side.
“Ehm. Y/N-ssi, that was last week you already looked after them.” his eyes grew wide as he noticed how close you were.
“Ah right, I forgot- ” you laughed nervously, catching glances at Changkyun “Don’t you want to visit your parents again? I can look after them though.” your arm grew tighter around him and Jooheon became flustered, not understanding the whole situation.
“Actually not. Why are you asking? Did you fell in love with Yoshi and Gucci?” your eyes glared at him annoyed, as a sneaky grin grew over his lips.
“Hey Jooheon!” you both turned to Changkyun. “Wanna have a drink tonight?”
“Yes! You see? You can go out with Changkyun and I take care of Yoshi and Gucci, ok?” you slapped Jooheons back, in an attempt to convince him.
“What the hell? As if they can’t stay alone for one night.”
“Y/N-ssi, I didn’t mean on going alone with Jooheon. I’m just inviting him to hang out with us.” Changkyun stood now next to you and Jooheon.
“Oh you both planned on going out? Why do you ask to take care of my cats then?” Jooheon turned to you and saw your displeased face. 
“Yea Y/N, did you forget about our meet up?” Changkyun teasing voice, was like annoying elevator music in your ears. You shot him a glare, earning a chuckle from the male. Now all clicked in Jooheons head, your behavior made now sense to the male. His mouth shot slightly open, his head turned aside as he nodded it along. Jooheon knew what your problem was and was ready to add more fuel to your annoyed state. Why not help his best friend and tease the shit out of you.
“Changkyun, I’ll gladly accept your offer.” Jooheon nodded along his words and shot a smile towards you.
“So you guys shall plan your night, I’ll continue to work then ok?” you tried to sneak out and head to the restroom. But Changkyun caught your arm and pulled you back, to hinder your escape.
“No No Y/N-ssi~ Like I said, we three will hang out together.” You pulled your arm out of Changkyuns grip and tsked at his annoying grin. You said nothing and walked to the kitchen office. Both mens eyes followed your leaving figure, a smirk over both lips and an triumphed handshake, emphasizing their partnership in this crime.
You reached the kitchen, to make yourself some coffee. You needed to cool down.
“Why do I have to deal with them now?” you mumbled to yourself, as your coffee was getting ready.
“Do you mean Changkyun and Jooheon?” Your head snapped to the side as you got startled by the sudden voice.
“Hoseok~” you whined into the males side, you were glad he was next to you. Your forehead met the strong shoulder of your friend. Wonho laughed at your distressed state and patted your head. “They want to go out drinking again. Hoseok~ I can’t handle another night with Changkyun and now Jooheon is joining us. What should I do?” your forehead got replaced by your chin.
“Well, I can’t help you with that issue. I mean it’s Changkyun, he always gets what he wants and you know that.” Wonho prepared your coffee and made himself a cup too.
“I know...Can I get a hug? I need comfort.” you held your arms up, to signal your desire for his soft muscles. Wonho chuckled and pulled you in his arms, he couldn’t help but smile at your cuteness. He felt bad for liking it when you’re frustrated.
“Here you are!” your cuddle session got interrupted by the said man, Changkyun. You groaned as your arms separated themselves from the radiating warmth of Wonhos body.
“What do you want?”
“We have to discuss what food we’ll eat, you idiot.”
“Changkyun, I really don’t wanna go. I’d rather finish that task, talk to Shownu, go home, eat and sleep.” you took your cup of coffee and walked out of the office kitchen. Changkyun followed your steps and continued to annoy your remaining brain cells.
“Y/N-ssi, but I want to go get a drink with you. Y/N-ssi Noona~ Please go with me. Don’t you wanna go out with your cutest table mate? Honey-hyung wants to spend time with you too. Noona~ don’t ignore me juseyo~” Changkyun followed you throughout the whole day, annoying you with his aegyo voice. You ignored the male, but I wasn’t going to back down.. Changkyuns behavior amused the people around the office. By now, everyone knew what was going on between you and him. Until you walked into the kitchen a second time, this time both of you alone.
Kihyun concentrated on his task, he was glad that you and Changkyun have left. He grew annoyed by the Maknaes constant whining. Kihyun wanted to help you, but with Changkyun attached to your butt would have been his biggest struggle. Now, he was glad you both left and hoped you’ll do something about and talk some sense into the boy. Sadly, the peace in the office got destroyed as a loud crashing sound came from the, normally quite room. All heads looked towards the door of their shared kitchen. The whole floor grew quite, waiting for the next impact.
“Fuck.” It seemed like Jooheons word started a  snow avalanche as loud noises, screaming, smashing and other non-human noises came from the kitchen.
“Leave me alone! For fucks sake!” your voice was loud and clear through those walls.
“No, only if you stop making excuses and go to that damn barbecue place with me!” Changkyun tried to be louder than you to overpower your voice.
“But I don’t want to go Changkyun, I have to finish that damn task!”
“Fuck that task! Fuck Shownu! I want you to fucking go and get fucking wasted!”
“I’d rather fuck Shownu than go and take care of your drunk ass!” Minhyuk snorted loudly, he tried his best holding back his laughter.
“My drunk ass is more entertaining than that task!”
“Changkyun! Maybe for you, since you can glue to my ass the whole night. But I’m not having it!”
“For fucks sake Y/N! Do what I’m telling you and go fucking out with me!” After this sentence, a loud noise erupted like an earthquake and many more. You threw everything that landed between your fingertips at Changkyun. More shouting erupted between you both. Madness, filled the small space, no one dared to go inside and stop you two. Too scared for their own life and then, the door smashed opened revealing a frightened man walking backwards in defense.
“Yah, Y/N-ssi put that down. Ow!” you hit Changkyun repeatedly with the towel in your hand. As you both walked out of the kitchen, you took new items to throw at Changkyun. The man looked to the side, the bin with shredded paper, looking at him, telling him to throw that at you. So he did and ran away afterwards. The content hit your face, coating the floor with little snippets. As your vision was clear again, you ran after Changkyun around the office. Changkyun tried his best to keep the distance between you two, pulling chairs behind him. Hiding behind coworkers, throwing more paper in to you. Yea it did looked childish, but that was kinda normal, especially when Changkyun goes onto your nerves. Normally he’s your chillest male friend who makes you laugh. But today, he either way someone put something in his coffee that turned him into an annoying brat or you just needed sleep. 
You catched him after a two minute race and hit him multiple times. Changkyun tired to stop you, he wouldn’t hurt you and tried not to hit you. He found it quite amusing how he managed to make you go rampage on him. But when you hit a very sensitive spot, the grin on his face disappeared and was ready to go hard. But you got pulled apart before he could lift his arm.
Wonho pulled you away from Changkyun, stopping you from your outburst. And Changkyun got pulled away by Jooheon and Mihyuk, a startled look left on both your faces. Embarrassment creeped up in you and you could feel your cheeks heating up, coloring them in deep pink.
“I’m good.” Changkyun came back from confusion and pulled away from his friends.
“You both sure are a lot of trouble, look at the office.” Kihyun nagged at you two and pointed around the room, showing the mess you made. “Because of you, no one could concentrate and you both had nothing better to do then make this mess.”
Your head hung low out of embarrassment, Changkyun avoided the older ones eyes.
“Sorry.” you both said in unison. Kihyun nodded in response, as a sigh escaped his chest.
“What should we do about this mess now?” Jooheon questioned.
“Clean up. Both of you.” Shownu came into display, viewing the mess you both made. His voice was stern, but calm.
“You made this mess together. I want you to clean up the mess and after you finished your shift, you both stay and do the work of Mrs Lee.”
“What?” Changkyun and you looked up to Shownu, disbelieved.
“I want you to take responsibility for this and get your punishment. I want to see you both tomorrow in my Office at 10.” Shownus gaze was strong and you felt small, but his eyes were more intense as they laid on you. You nodded and Shownu took it as a sign and left.
“You sure are a lot of trouble though.” stated Kihyun.
“Well Y/N-ssi you may have luck and Shownu-hyung and you will be alone so you can fuck him tomorrow.” Minhyuk laughed at his own joke, making the others snicker around him. More heat rushed to your cheeks and the redness becoming deeper. Your hands hid your face and Wonho hugged you from behind.
“I don’t wanna do this.” you whined as you squished the water out of the cloth in your hand. 
“We could have been eating grilled meet at your favorite place with some nice drinks. But no you needed to start a fucking riot and brought us to this situation.” Changkyun wasn’t amused about the punishment not even by your whining. He himself wanted to be somewhere else.
“How could I not? You’ve been annoying me the whole day even though I told I don’t wanted to.” you were mad and threw the wet cloth onto the table and looked to the man.
“But I wanted to spend some time with you.” Changkyun stopped sweeping the floor as he met your eyes.
“But why?” the same frustration from earlier came back as Changkyun seemed to not back down from his wish.
“I wanted you to relax and have some time off. You’ve been working on this task like a madman, as if your whole life depended on it. You looked extremely slim, I thought you haven’t been eating well. All I wanted was to treat you and loosen up a bit.” Changkyuns words filled your chest guilt. He fiddled with his fingers as his head hung low, avoiding your gaze. You thought you wouldn’t be too obvious.
“Changkyun. I’m sorry.” were the only words you could tell him in this moment.
“Don’t be, I should’ve made a different approach and not annoy you till the end. But I knew you wouldn’t give in and I thought this would be the only option.” your feet dragged you to Changkyun, your arms flew out and embraced the man. Your arms squeezed his shoulders, mumbling a “Thank you” into his shoulder. You pulled back after some time and looked into his eyes. You both smiled warmly.
“Still wanna go out and eat? My treat.” Your smile grew wider followed by a nod.
“But first let’s finish here.” Changkyun nodded and stepped out of your embrace, walking away from you.
“Not without some entertainment.” your friend walked up to Minhyuks desk turning on the speakers, turning them as high as possible. Loud music filled the room together with your laughter.
“May I have that dance.” Changkyun stretched his arm out for you. You reached out, lying your fingers gently into his palm. He pulled you along onto a free space in the room. As the song switched the son Riot by Hollywood Undead started to play. And your cleaning riot had started.
Your day finished with a warm meal, alcohol in your system and a spaced out Changkyun on your lap. 
What a day.
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simplysnexual · 4 years
Got inspired by @doctor492 ‘s SCP!au with Erasermic! I don’t often post my stories so have mercy! I took some creative liberties with their abilities and such. I’m also not terribly educated when it comes to all the SCP lore. 
Excerpts from a guard’s journal.
Day 1
My first day in this sector of the facility. There are 4 keter class anomalies in this sector. Two of which I am in charge of dealing with. These two are kinda...humanoid in appearance but I have yet to see more than quick glances. Training is extensive in this sector as one wrong move either means death or worse: the escape of a dangerous creature. Training has mostly been computerized and kinda boring. Can't wait to get to the hands on stuff. 
Day 5
Finally onto some interesting stuff. I’ve had my first encounter with the SCP nicknamed Eraserhead. He...well I suppose it, though it does have a masculine body type. Plus its kinda weird calling such a humanoid creature an it so I’ll just say him. Anyway, he is a shadowy figure that appears to be made of an ever shifting inky mass. He has bright, misty yellow “eyes.” These eye-like features could be something else entirely their own but appear to act like eyes, blinking and fixating on whatever his attention is on. White cloth-like ribbons float around him constantly like thin snakes writhing in the air. Wispy outlines that look like hair also frame his head and face. I don't know much else about Eraserhead but I’m excited to learn more.
Day 7
First encounter with the “Voice Demon.” Yet another humanoid anomaly, this one more so than Eraserhead. The Voice Demon appears to be a 6’1” white male with long blonde hair. The most jaring and notably inhuman feature is its mouth. A wide maw stretches past the normal stretch of a human mouth, wrapping around all the way to its ears. Its, well I’d called this one a he too. He has lacerations around his throat that appear to have been stitched up and plucked at only to be stitched again. I don’t know for sure but I believe those injuries were inflicted by the Foundation…
Day 10
Something rather interesting happened today. On my usual rounds to check on the anomalies, I discovered Eraserhead standing at the plexi glass window of his containment unit. Mirroring him on the other side of the hall was the “Voice Demon.” The demon’s spirling green eyes seemed softer than his usual jaring glare. As could be said for Eraserhead. But shortly after they noticed my presence, they went back to the darker corners of their units. 
Day 12
I’ve finally found out more about my two favorite SCPs. Turns out Eraserhead has the ability to not only control the writhing ribbons around him, but can also erase one function of the human body, such as the respiratory system or cardiac system. Pretty scary stuff right? A few guards have fallen to this creature’s abilities. I guess I have to be wary not to piss him off huh? As for the Voice Demon, his name is very fitting. His voice can reach beyond 177 decibels, a range passing which is dangerous to humans. This level of sound can burst cells in your lungs, shake your bones and even cause long term damage to your joints. I believe the facility tried to sever his vocal chords but found that not to be the source of his ability. I’ve yet to hear (hehe) of his ability being used or how they keep him from using it. 
Day 16
First incident on my shift, A fellow guard wasn’t being so careful around Eraserhead’s unit. There's an existing rule that you don’t stick around the plexi glass viewing window of his unit. Apparently this guy forgot or didn’t listen to the warning. Dude’s respiratory system shut down and I found him after hearing his gasping wheezes. The SCP medical team took him away. I’m not sure where to but I have a feeling it wasn’t to a hospital…
Day 18
Caught my favorite two charges interacting across the hall again. I hid around the corner to see what they did away from prying eyes. They seemed to be making gestures to each other and after a bit I noticed the Voice Demon fogging up the glass with his breath and drawing things, cats and flowers and the like. Eraserhead’s yellow slits of eyes squinted like how mine do when I smile. Strange...but endearing. Humanizing almost... 
Day 21
Found out what the Voice Demon’s smile looks like...Seems I made him laugh, not sure I can call it that but I’m guessing it was a laugh. I tripped on my idiot coworkers spilled coffee and kissed the floor. Once the Voice Demon made his laugh like noise, I turned to him and saw his lips had curved up and his eyes squinted. Eraserhead matched his squinting. I couldn’t help but smile myself...heh I guess I’m just as strange huh? Smiling at the strange and deadly creatures I guard from the world everyday. But hey it’s the little things that remind you of your humanity when you’re stuck in sterile white hallways all the time.
Day 25
A few guards went into Voice Demon’s unit to try to draw blood or something. Most came out with bleeding ears. Two came out in body bags after a gas filled the room to incapacitate the creature. I’m beginning to doubt the Foundation’s care for its employees…
Day 26
After reviewing the security footage of yesterday’s incident, I noticed the shifting form and writhing ribbons of Eraserhead had increased in their violent motion. His inky, ever-moving form had gone rough around the edges and his ribbons whipped as if in a tornado. Almost like...he was upset?  Angered that his neighbor, maybe even his friend was hurt?
Day 31 
Eraserhead and the Voice Demon are definitely friends of some sort. Yes I know I’m not supposed to humanize the anomalies but I can’t help myself. Their interactions continue and grow in complexity and frequency. It's kinda endearing to be honest. I don’t see much friendly interaction in this place. I feel just as trapped as they do sometimes…
Day 40
My first interaction with the Voice Demon. Guess I pissed off the facility or something cuz they sent me in ALONE to try to draw blood. I’d pretty much accepted my death sentence the second the doors closed behind me. But to my surprise the creature looked at me...curiously? I knelt down to try to seem less threatening and spoke to him like I would a scared child, like my siblings when they hid from a storm. Across the hall I caught a glimpse of Eraserhead’s form shifting violently again. I sat cross legged for a while, slowly trying to coax him over. I couldn’t believe it when the creature approached me and extended his arm for me. I held his wrist like I had when my little sister scraped her elbow. I spoke softly like I had to her as I took the Voice Demons blood, totally unaware of why but fixated on the sentience in his eyes. 
Day 45
The facility sent me into Eraserhead’s unit after my success with the Voice Demon. They didn’t send me for blood, I don’t even know if he has blood?? I think they sent me in for the hell of it, to watch a keter class at work or see what this one did with a human actually in his unit not just outside his window. Turns out, not much. The creature merely stared me down before shifting away and turning his back on me. Without anything really interesting happening for a good while, the high ups let me back out. I’m just as much contained as they are these days. I haven’t been allowed to leave since the interaction with the Voice Demon. But I can’t find it in myself to regret it.
Day 50
I don’t trust this place anymore. The staggering number of guards lost in a month is beyond what could be just “accidents.” The measures they go to “contain” these creatures they label monsters are beyond what’s right. Nearly worse than what the creatures do themselves. A place which considers beating what I could nearly call a person into submission just doesn’t seem right.
Day 51
I treated the Voice demon’s wounds today. He seemed sedated as I worked with him as gently as I could. I talked softly to him, about nothing in general but just to give him some comfort, something to focus on. My heart nearly stopped when I heard his voice. It was only a soft. “Thank you.”. His voice was soft but raspy from lack of use. I met his gaze and that’s when I made my decision. I’m getting them out of here. Him and Eraserhead. After all, what use is it freeing a lone creature to face the world outside without a friend?
Day 55
This Foundation is run by idiots. All this secretive crap covers up their incompetence. But this plan isn’t going to go through without sacrifice. It’s worth it. Without my family around to need me anymore I’m happy to die for a good reason. I’ve faced death before just for this stupid Foundation’s fun. Tomorrow during shift change I’m cutting the power on the sector where Eraserhead and the Voice Demon reside. It’ll be just long enough for the locks to fail and let them escape. I hope they get far away from this hell hole and pathe their way in the outside world. And maybe….just maybe, remember me fondly.
This was the last entry written in the young man’s journal. SCP guard Scarleton lay dying in the glistening blood pooling around him. The red flashing of alarms briefly illuminating the hall in intervals. His dying sight was the Voice Demon’s toxic green eyes spilling over with tears as he grasped the only guard, hell the only human to treat him like anything other than a monster. One more little smile found the man’s lips as he showed his blood stained teeth, eyes sliding closed. “Go on….be free.” He let out a wet laugh and went still. A shifting black form took the arm of the green eyed creature and drug him away to follow through on the guard’s dying words.
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Coffee and Cigarettes
Chapter One
This is the little surprise I was talking about, first chapter of my first fic!! Thank you to all of you so, so, so much for 100 followers (I know I’m a bit late, but it took me a minute to finish, so.. shhhh), but thank you all so, so much for sticking along for all of this. I know I haven’t been updating as much recently, but now that this is finished, I’ll be a lot better about it, I promise, I hope you enjoy!!!!!
Staff dating wasn’t against the rules. It was… slightly frowned upon by some of the board members, but it wasn’t against the rules. That hadn’t been an issue for Roger for the three years he had been working there, so he hadn’t thought anything was going to change when the school hired a replacement for the teacher that had taught engineering and wood shop.
Boy had he been wrong.
They wouldn’t normally cross paths. While their classrooms were in similar parts of the building, teachers didn’t tend to wander around the school because, obviously, they were working. That wasn’t how they ended up meeting, though.
No, the very first time Roger met Mr. Deacon was in the break room when he turned around too fast and accidentally hit him with a muffin and almost spilled coffee on him.
What a fantastic, completely Rogeresque way to meet someone.
To his defense, it was before seven o’clock in the morning, nearly an hour before school was due to start, and he’d been up late the night before, grading the last minute summer work that had been submitted to him minutes before the deadline.
Stupid slackers.
Then again, that had been him when he was in high school, so he didn’t really have much room to talk.
And regardless of how little sleep he’d gotten, there he was, bright an early. For all the work and extra hours teachers put in, they didn’t get paid nearly enough, so he in the mornings, his breakfast off of the coffee and assorted, slightly stale breakfast items that resided there.
His slightly stale breakfast item that was now a shower of crumbs coating the shirt of a complete stranger.
“Oh! Oh, I am so sorry, mate, really, I-”
“Oh, no, no, you’re alright. It’s early. Looks like you haven’t had a sip of coffee yet either, so I’ll let it slide this time around.”
As soon as the air around them lightened up a bit and he let himself relax, it struck him how… easy on the eyes this stranger was.
“Ah, right, right, I’ll take my free pass and be more careful next time. I’m Roger Taylor, by the way. I teach biology. Room 137.”
“Oh, alright, hello, Mr. Taylor. I’m John Deacon, I teach engineering and woodshop and… I’m in room…” he dug a piece of paper out of his pocket, “room number 146.”
“Ah, so you’re the new guy that’s replacing old Bernes.”
“Would appear so.”
“Well, I already like you better. He was a creep.”
“Was he, now? Well, I might be a bit biased in saying this, but I don’t believe I’m much of a creep, so I do hope that helps.” He offered a gap toothed smile and Roger felt something unfamiliar bubbling up in the pit of his stomach. 
“Well, you’re already much, much, much better than he is.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
They stood there for a moment in silence, sipping their coffee before one of them spoke again.
“So. Where’d you come from. Somewhere… North, I’m thinking?”
“Wow, look at you. Yeah. Up in the midlands, Oadby, actually.”
“Really? And how’s that? Living there, I mean.”
“Dull. Very dull. Very boring. Not a lot of stuff going on up there. I wouldn’t recommend visiting. There isn’t much to do, the people are too nice to not be hiding anything, and most of the hotels have rats.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m going on holiday, ‘cuz that’s something teachers do so often.”
The comment earned him a little laugh and another one of those smiles, and something so simple shouldn’t have made him as happy as it was.
He was man enough to admit that he pretty things, attractive people. He was also man enough to admit that John happened to fall under this column. Which meant he was able to convince himself it was the mild adrenaline rush that came from making an attractive person laugh.
Like when he picked up women -or men, he wasn’t really picky- at bars and made them smile and laugh and blush.
Except for the fact that this was his new coworker, they were in a teacher’s lounge in a high school, and he didn’t have the intention of going home with him. Because that would be entirely unprofessional and he didn’t want to do it either.
Alright, maybe if the setting was different, he might. But that meant alcohol would be involved, as well as a location that was much more likely to foster raw, sexual attraction.
Seven in the morning in a break room in a high school packed with other teachers, crappy coffee, and assorted bread products was neither the time nor the place.
And it seemed that it wasn’t going to be much of an issue, just a passing thought.
Which it was.
For now at least.
Over the course of the following weeks, Roger found himself and John becoming more and more friendly. He’d begun to worm his way into his little friend group, clicking almost instantly with Freddie, and bonding over some science geek stuff with Brian. He fit in like the fourth piece to their puzzle.
It was nice, meeting someone who he worked with that was good for more than discussion on the woes of being a teacher.
Sure, he’d had Brian and Freddie before, but it was nice to have a third friend, and to no longer be the ‘baby’ of the group.
(Normally whenever it was brought up, he was quickly mention the fact that he was twenty-six years old now, but it was quickly dismissed in favor of making fun of him.)
And John, he had come to find, was actually a rather interesting person. He loved music, but he didn’t think he could sing, so he stuck to the instruments. Specifically the stringed sort. He apparently had a bass, an electric, an acoustic, and a rhythm guitar at home, as well as a keyboard. That he offered lessons to bring in some extra money and because it was something he enjoyed doing. That music was a passion of his, and he’d been into it since he was younger, fell in love with the records his father would bring home every once in a blue moon and found that that aspect of his story was similar to Roger’s.
He’d learned that he’d been a tinkerer ever since he could hold a screw driver. Making magic out of scraps by age ten, which could have been a profession on it’s own, but he’d fallen in love with teaching and had gotten his masters in that after getting his bachelor of science in electronics. That he was still a tinkerer and he would buy bits and pieces of this and that when his budget allowed to make little things and that he had never once called a repairman because he’d always been able to fix the issue himself. How he would fix neighbors broken down appliances for free just because he wanted to. He’d even offered to come look at Roger’s busted air conditioning unit sometime.
That he had a sister named Julie, that she was seventeen and was preparing for her A levels, that she was very bright and that he was a very proud big brother. That he was a mama’s boy, spoke to her every other day on the phone. That when he was growing up, he’d taken over the typical ‘man of the house’ role since his father passed when he was young, that he didn’t get all sad and weepy when talking about his dad, just got a nostalgic, fond look in his eyes. That he’d just gotten a puppy named Eleanor and a ferret named Robert. An odd combination, Roger thought, but who was he to judge when all he had were a few fish.
Needless to say, he’d learned a lot about him in the short span of time they’d known each other in and he found him to be rather intriguing.
They’d slowly become the sort of teachers that bothered each other during prep periods. John would come bug him when he was doing notes and Roger would throw popcorn at him when he was trying to teach. It was nice, he thought.
Roger had finally given in to John’s offers and invited him over to have a look at the air conditioner. It was much cheaper than calling an electrician and John had insisted he didn’t mind, so he’d decided it wasn’t such a bad idea. And he wasn’t sure how much longer he could deal with keeping all his windows open and using a fan in its place. He was becoming a baked potato in his own home.
When John had gotten there, they’d exchanged pleasantries before Roger had led him to the source of irritation and he’d gone straight to work.
The conversation kept up while John.. well, Roger wasn’t quite sure what it was he was doing, actually, but.. That was besides the point. He was fixing the stupid AC unit for him and now Roger wouldn’t die of heatstroke or something stupid like that. 
He’d take a break every once in a while to have a drink and wipe the sweat off his forehead before diving back into his work. It was a nice almost silence they lapsed into, with an occasional joke, or comment, or John asking Roger to grab him a drink if he wouldn’t mind. It was certainly much better than the awkward work around that would be involved with a repairman and not nearly as expensive either.
It took a little while, but eventually Roger heard the familiar whir of the air conditioning unit kicking on.
“You’re a miracle worker, Deaks!”
“Ah, nah… just a fan that fell loose and some mixed up wires, is all. Nothing, really.”
“I could kiss you.”
He huffed out a laugh. “Think I’ll pass.”
“How can I repay you?”
“Oh, no, you don’t have to do that.”
“Well.. I can at least buy you dinner.”
“I’ll get takeaway and you and I can watch a movie.”
“Yeah. alright. Fine.”
“What catches your fancy tonight, Sir Deacon?”
“Sir?” He cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Just go with it.”
“Alright, well.. How does Chinese sound?”
“His highness shall be dining on the finest Asian cuisine tonight.”
“The finest, huh?”
“Or the cheapest.”
Roger ended up calling in to order the takeout and decided to let John find something for them to watch. He was mildly surprised when he plopped down on the couch and the TV was playing the opening credits to Peter Pan.
“A Disney man, huh?”
“Shut up. They’re good movies, believe it or not.”
“Okay, okay, okay, I won’t make fun of you. It just… you don’t seem the type.”
“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”
“I am not often what meets the eye.”
“Is that so?”
“It is so.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, then.” 
John ended up staying much later than Roger had thought he would. By the time he checked the clock, it was already half past ten. He opted not to say anything about it, though, because he did rather like John’s company. He had a good sense of humor and he liked to point out the flaws of and make fun of poorly made movies which Roger had discovered when they’d come across some old movie that seemed like it had a budget of forty dollars.
By now, though, they’d lulled into a comfortable silence like it had been before, only interjected by an occasional joke or comment.
By the time they got to the end of that movie, it was even later. Obviously. Because that’s how the flow of time worked. But it was late enough that Roger was tired, and by the looks of it, so was his company.
“I should get going.” He stretched his arms above his head. “Work tomorrow and all.”
“Are you sure that’s-”
“I mean, here. Like… on the couch. It’s late, you’re tired, you shouldn’t be driving. We can carpool tomorrow.”
“I don’t have anything to wear.”
“You can borrow something of mine.”
“I don’t have a toothbrush or anything. I don’t think I’ll be borrowing that from you.”
“I’ve got an extra in the cupboard.”
John gave him a skeptical look and for a minute Roger was worried he was going to say no.
��Yeah, alright, fine.”
“Great. I’ll grab you a pillow, the blankets are next to the couch.” He gestured in the general direction they were in before going off to get a pillow from his bed.
John was doing something on his phone when he got back, presumably texting his neighbor, asking her to keep the dog overnight, something he’d heard him mumbling to himself about when he was walking away. 
“Oi. Watch that,” He grumbled, setting the pillow down at the edge of the bed.
“I remind you that you are a guest here and I can kick you out at any moment.”
“Fine.” He plopped down on the couch, tugging the blanket over himself and folding up his knees to fit onto the couch.
“Goodnight, Mr. Deacon.”
“Goodnight, Mr. Taylor.”
When Roger got up at three in the morning to get a glass of water, he nearly jumped out of his skin at the body draped across his couch before remembering it was just John. As he was pouring his glass of water, he took note that when John wasn’t all curled into a ball, he was much too tall for the couch. Part of his legs hung over the edge of the couch, all the way up to his knees, and an arm was dangling over the side of the couch and he’d miraculously knocked the blanket off and into the middle of the room.
Without much thought, he bent down to scoop the blanket up and draped it over John, who made a soft, sleepy noise in response.
The… domestic nature of it all made something warm and fuzzy climb up his rib cage and wrap around his heart which startled him more than the thought of a stranger in his flat. He pushed them down quickly, going back to bed and leaving the untouched glass of water on the coffee table where he’d set it down earlier.
The next morning, Roger learned that you got places much faster when you used the carpool lane, and that John fancied cars nearly as much as he did,complaining about some of nicer cars that weren’t taken care of well as they took turns naming models and makes of the cars on the road.
(Which I will not be doing because while I am all for researching for things, I do not understand much about cars at all, and… yeah. No thank you. Sorry).
When they got to school together, Brian happened to be coming into the building as well, offering a raised eyebrow in regards to the fact that they’d obviously come to school together and the shirt John was wearing was one Roger had been wearing on Friday.
When they got into the break room, John went to get coffee and Brian cornered him.
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep with him.”
“Excuse me?”
“He’s wearing your clothes, Rog, and you carpooled.”
“I did not sleep with him. He came over to fix my air conditioner, stayed over too late and I let him sleep on the couch.”
“That’s all?”
“Jesus, Bri. I’m not stupid, that would be a bad idea, even I know that.”
“Okay, okay, fine.”
When John got back, he couldn’t help but think he certainly wouldn’t have minded if that happened.
And, yeah. Maybe he was a bit screwed.
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curlyshyy · 5 years
New Apartment and the same anxious energy with a while lotta guilt and regret :) (A short story by me)
I love that when I’m too lazy and sad to pull out a journal I can come on here cuz no one looks at this shit. Why do I event still have a tumblr?
The last two nights have been rough for me, as I think new happy events trigger my brain into being sad and hating myself? Of course it’s nights where I’ve had to open the bar at 9 AM the next morning. I suppose that’s the first reason I hadn’t been able to sleep. I hate my job low-key. I once loved Alamo Drafthouse. Adored it even. Then moved to this shit hole in Norrh Richland Hills which is the furthest from the Alamo way, and I’m not valued. I feel like a fuck up everyday. In a lot of ways I am. I’m functioning with severe anxiety and most people don’t know or understand. I do stupid things when I’m having a panic attack, and these managers judge me hard. But here’s the thing I know in my heart, even when I hate myself, I’m a good worker, I’m kind, and will do anything for my coworkers and will eventually get really good at this job.im dedicated to say the least. I think that’s what matters most but for now they just see me as a fuck up, slow learner. I work my ass off though and they don’t see it. If I could work every second of everyday. Ifthis shit hole wasn’t trying to cut everyone’s hours cuz they’re not making any money, i’d work myself into physical exhaustion, like I’m so good at doing. Thats the only thing I can feel. It’s my only escape and I hate being there. This is a little dramatic. My life has been improving, and yes I know I need therapy. We been knew. My ass was anxious at 5 years old. Anxiety is truly hell, I wish I’d just force myself to hurry up and get help, and I wish I wasn’t poor. I wish my mom had saw how fucked I was and made me get help as a kid, but she did the best she could. Could blame the bitch but like, she has a hard enough time accepting and coping with her own mental illness. She hardly acknowledges it. That must be hard to lie to yourself everyday, and say that you just have to choose happiness.
The reason the last two nights have been shit is cuz I stayed up dreading going to work and being there all day and I hate the fuck out of mornings and waking up before noon. Which is why I like closing and usually have night shifts. Since the fucks cut my hours I gotta take what I can get though. I need a constant distraction at night cuz my brain is literally scary as fuck. I can’t even tell anyone about 95% of it. It’s so terrifying. So I usually distract myself with my phone. But I was like “hey, brain I know we’re anxious af and sad, but can we go to sleep?” To which my brain replied : “Remember this event from two years ago? Haha you’re a terrible person.” Then my body physically stiffend, I felt physically ill and my head ached and all I could do was think about past mistakes and everything that makes me a failure and bad person. Typical manageable anxiety for me at this fucking point, I’m just not gonna be able to sleep and I know it. Then I remember an old friend, I used to work with at Chili’s. Javi. Literally one of the very slim parts of the things that I don’t block out and cringe hard about when it comes to chili’s, are our times together. I block that shit hard. I mean just thinking about me in this time frame is enough to make me believe I’m terrible. I wasn’t right. I regret literally everything about chili’s. That place is a nightmare and probably what hell is going to look like when I arrive. anyways god damn. Javi is this sweet kind angel. We were all struggling at this mother fucking chili’s let me tell you. My dumb ass had just come back from vid con (2017) How did I afford that? I spent my rent money. Also I couldn’t afford to eat for like a week. But YouTube was and still is the only thing in this world that makes my brain feel calm. It’s a safe place for me. And I was dumb as shit. Anyway my dumb ass was already starving before Vidcon and could barely afford rent. :) cuz chili’s doesn’t pay well. So I was real fucked when rent came up and literally considered myself lucky when I found a packet of cheezits lying around, cuz that was a good meal to me at the time. I guess I’m telling my coworkers this and busting my ass all night bussing peoples tables and helping out as a hostess which of course paid jack shit. And I know I’m about to go home fucked another night, and Javi, pulls out the $165 dollars he made that night, and hands it to me. The boy had bills, and worked all night too. Who would ever be so kind-hearted to do such a thing. I of course refused, cuz what the fuck. He insisted. I said I was going to cry and he said “aw don’t cry Sheyenne, or I’ll cry too.” And hugged me. I was also super numb and depressed and wanted to be with Hannah so much, and honestly I don’t feel like I was my best self. I look at that person and I don’t feel like it was me. But I used it to pay rent. Still wasn’t eating and he even bought me food one day. Literal angel. I don’t know or remember if I expressed enough gratefulness. I don’t know if I was capable of expressing it. A couple months later he’s about to move to Idaho, and we have a goodbye dinner, and I figure this is a good time to repay him. I give him $100 which is all I could really do at the time, and try to tell him I think he’s one of the best people I’ve ever met. He leaves, and I think we only ever talked one time after that, and I offered to buy him pizZa but never did for some reason? We never really talked again. I alwyas momentarily remember him, but I really have chili’s and the person I was in 2017 so far blocked that I really can’t remember that shit. It’s so hazy. There isn’t a full day I can remember. Just tiny bits and pieces. For some reason two nights ago I remembered him vividly. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I felt panic and guilty as fuck. Paralyizying guilt. I felt like I should never deserve to enjoy anything ever again in my entire life. I felt terrible. I felt like if he ever struggled to make it or eat, then I should’ve been there for him. I stalked his fb, cuz I needed to know he was okay.
He doesn’t use social media too much. His mom however posts about him a lot. Which confused me because I know they have a strained relationship, and he could have a lot of help from his mom, but I think he resented the help, because they didn’t always get along? I don’t know how fucked she was to him though. What fb told me was she paid for him to come every few months. He has a new girlfriend that he seems very happy with, he seems happy in general. He’s smiling in pics. But that’s social media. At best pictures his moms posting. I felt like I needed to know or I was going to have a breakdown. I don’t have his phone number for some reason, so I snapped him a long message. Usually I’d feel crazy to reach out especially when we Weren’t that close but I just needed to. I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t sleep. Then opened at work. The shake machine of course was fucked and I had to put it back together correctly only after shake mix poured everywhere. That’s just my life. Me doing something out of panic, and then having to redo it after looking like a dumb bitch. I truly learn from fucking up. I’m wired so fucking wrong. He finally responds once I’m off work. I read it. It’s not what I need to hear but it’s decent, and proves he doesn’t hate me. He tells me he’s good, but working at Taco Bell, and I know he’s still struggling which makes me sad, but I guess I’ve been struggling to, so I shouldn’t hold myself accountable for not reaching out. I’ve been so poor, and me and Hannah are just now catching up, and taking a breather after 2 years of struggling. I let my mind rest though because he’s alive and he’s eating and has a girlfriend and family who are looking out for him. Until the next night when I should be exhausted from no sleep. The guilt starts eating away at me again. I feel like I shoukdve sent him more money,but after a while I stopped thinking about it because of all that I was going through and that made me feel selfish. I felt that I owed him for my entire life. Maybe I blocked out how much he and his kinda gesture meant to me because anything regarding chili’s, is so far removed, and maybe that super vivid memory, is what I needed to remind me. I’ve also been struggling heavily with my mental health and off and on numb most of the time, so it is possible that I wasn’t as grateful as I could’ve been or at least didn’t properly show gratefulness. So I once again reached out and also sent $20. I really went for it this time. I said I literally need to know you’re okay and happy, and for you to know how special you are and sorry if this sounds crazy dog. Like I must’ve seemed fucking insane but I needed him to know. I don’t know why it was physically paining me so much. Maybe because of all the roommates and so called friends who disappeared without paying rent and left me fucked with no second thought of how I’d eat tomorrow. I just couldn’t bare to think that, He was out there roughing it, maybe Skiping a meal, (like Hannah and I’ve had to so so many times thanks to people who literally could give a fuck less.) After he was there when I needed help. He ended up telling me he didn’t need money, and that he did what he did because he was my fiend, and he even apologized that I didn’t have any friends at the time that would’ve helped me the way he did. He apologized. He told me that I deserved it. That really calmed me. I guess I forgot the good that I did because I just remember the bad. I guess I didn’t think about the positive effects I had on him. That I must’ve done something right for someone to care so deeply that they just handed me that kind of money, after a long shift. He saw that, and maybe he felt he owed me in a weird way. I still feel like I owe him. I wish I’d talked to him sooner. Genuinely good people are hard to find. Who tf would do what he did? Seriously. I am so glad I reached out though.
It worries me though. How small past events can trigger me so hard. It’s a snowball effect. Anxious about work, life, who I am, past mistakes, and it’s paralyzing and hurts my entire body and keeps me from sleep and makes me feel undeserving of a good life or any enjoyment. I really need to get help because it’s getting to an unmanageable point, like it was after I graduated 3 years ago. It scares me that so many past memories are blocked expect for bad ones and bits and pieces. It scares me that, there has never been a completely care free 100% happy period of my life, that lasted longer than a couple days, and now as an adult it’s an even shorter amount of time. Genuine happiness is rare and make men feel pointless. I’m empty most of the time and want things and have the capacity to work hard and achieve them but also feel that I don’t deserve them. I am capable of happiness and some days, I do feel genuinely happy even if it doesn’t last the whole day. My family and Hannah still have a lasting impact on me and even when I’m an unfeeling zombie, I still know love, and numbness makes it hard to feel but somehow not entirely impossible. Little bits of light get through the cracks, and in some ways I’ve gotten better at managing my brain, and I truly don’t want to die or think I deserve to like I once did. The guilt attacks and fears of being bad, and some how accidentally hurting someone emotionally or physically, still fuck my head up because I could never hurt anyone intentionally and feel guilt for any small pains caused alwyas. I wish I could take back many wrong words and hurtful actions done and said to loved ones, but I can’t but it’s okay because they forgive me, so I can forgive myself too. I have to let go of the past.
This really creeped in again because I started to feel excited about a fresh start and our apartment. My brain tries to tell me I don’t deserve it. I deserve to decorate with Hannah, and to allow myself happiness so that I can be happy and enjoy life and be a better girlfriend. I also need to get a new job that doesn’t make me feel like the scum of the earth.
A part from that all I’m feeling a lot better. I’m off tomorrow. I watched Phil’s new video and it made me feel hopeful, proud and nostalgic. YouTube and the youtubers that have been the stand ins for the lack of friends, have comforted me, inspired me, and put my brain to rest, and assured me I’m not as weird and alone as I think I am. That’s why I want to do YouTube. It’s a tough though. Editing takes a lot of time and I want to make things I’m proud of. I want to make music even though I’m bit a musician, I want to keep writing and actually read again like free 12 year old me did. I read and wrote so much then. I want to be that me again. I want to reach other people and help them feel less alone, I want to make a difference and I want to not feel like a failure. I just need to get past all of this guilt and I really think this is the start of that, and my journey to creating.
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Did someone ask for... Murder-fluff?!
I’m finally done, y’all!  I hope you like it!!
i do apologize for how ridiculously i type out his lisp in advance.
((oh hey, this is the internet’s first introduction to my OC, Venus.  She’s a rascal and i hope you like her too. lol))
. . .
‘Party pass cash in!!! <3’ The text came through on the five musicians phones.  Why she always alerted them all, no one knew.  William heaved a dramatic sigh tossing his dethphone back onto the couch.
“Not like sche’sch gonna hang out with anybody but Picklesch anyway…” He mumbled to himself.  He couldn’t rightfully be upset.  One could only assume someone preferred to spend time with their significant other, hence the significance.  But man were they annoying, flaunting their couple-hood all the time.  And knowing his pouting would be seen as invalid only made him angrier.  By the time the whoosh of the dethjet neared Mordhaus, he was nothing short of thrilled to tell Venus the rest of the band was out for the day.  That’d show her and her stupid good mood!
“DK!  Where we goin’ tonight?!”  The booming command for attention echoed in the empty front room.  Venus stood; arms stretched above her, her head thrown back to properly shout her excitement to the skies.  After a moment of realized silence, she lowered her gaze to observe her surroundings.  “Fellas?” She questioned.
Her klokateer escort attempted to scoot his way out of the awkward scene.  “3713.”  The number froze him in place.  “So, like… when you say ‘my masters await your arrival’ is that just a spiel?  Did Mr. O tell you thatcha have to say that?” Venus inquired.
The chill that went down his spine was nigh visible.  “Ma’am?” He managed to utter the word cautiously.
“No, but really.  You don’t lie to house guests and fly them out from New York knowing they’ll be left bored and they’ll absolutely have to pester you and several coworkers into entertaining them and then you find yourself in trouble because you aren’t supposed to be drinking on duty ‘but mean old V made you and it wasn’t your fault,’ right?”  She quizzed mockingly.
“I do apologize.  It was my understanding that-”
“Where do you get off ordering around OUR schervantsch?”  Murderface butted in.  The klokateer himself never expected the bassist to be his savior.  
“Oh there you are sire! Miss Remeldtindrinc has arrived. The uh- less scary one.”  The near-groveling gear was quickly dismissed with a shove and a trademark ‘fuck off’ as his far-from-benevolent master stood staring the small woman down.  Venus thought to call the worker out on his comment, but recalling the last time she’d upset Abigail, she concluded he was well within his rights to title them as such.  
“In all fairness, he was assigned to me.  But enough about that.” Venus eased off her cutting tone, directing a genuine smile and greeting at the man.  
“What’re you schmilin’ at?”
Venus, consistently unfazed by textbook Murderface behavior, sauntered over to the couch, her backpack thrown over one shoulder.  “Can’t be happy to see a familiar face?  It feels like it’s been ages!”  
“You schtayed for a month and went home for a week.”  He pointed out, following her.
She ignored the factual assertion. “Where’re the rest of your heathen friends?”  
He crossed his arms. Right, he was supposed to be laughing at her misfortune.  “They’re not here.  Looksch like you flew all this way for nothing.  But hey champ, better luck nexsht time!  I’ll be scheein’ ya!”  He began to motion her back to the door.  
Venus stood her ground, causing William’s force to become apparent.  She turned to face him.  “You… don’t wanna hang out with me?”  The less chipper tone caught him off guard.
“Well ahhh-  What?”  He backpedaled, unsure of what upsetting his band mate’s girlfriend would beget.  Not to mention, the hurt looked pretty genuine. “I’m not- I juscht figured…” Now he was the one sounding pouty, much to the young woman’s amusement.  
“Figured I wouldn’t want to hang with the legend: William Murderface just cuz the rest of the guys aren’t here? Get the fuck outta here, goofy!”  She nudged him in the ribs.  “You wanna party?  Let’s go party!”  
Before he could respond she was dragging him back to the drummer’s room.  “Just lemme change and we can be on our way.  What’re ya thinkin?  Dive bar?  Upscale joint?  Karaoke?” He was overwhelmed already, internally questioning how Pickles could tolerate this ball of enthusiasm on a regular basis.
She dumped the contents of the backpack on the drummer’s bed observing the pile as if even she wasn’t sure what all she’d stuffed inside.  “We could go hang with some bikers.  I brought my leather pants!”  Venus exclaimed, clutching the pair to her chest, expressing aloud how ecstatic she was to be able to fit them again.
William propped himself against the wall with his shoulder, defeated in his quest to disappoint the woman. He supposed this was fine.  It was a rare occurrence for him to feel welcome.  Why not make the best of it? “Well there’sch thisch bar in Shcotla… what are you doin’ there?”  He asked as Venus spritzed her curls.
“Hm?  Oh, ya see with hair like mine or Abigail’s, it gets dry faster than say, Skwisgaar’s.  So I have this handy little mixture of conditioner and water to keep the ‘fro in check.”  She’d gotten accustomed to explaining these things due to her favorite stoner’s curious nature and lack of self-maintenance on what hair he had left.  
She rolled her eyes. “Willy, come on.  Even good ol’ boys have conditioner.”  He raised an eyebrow.  “You’re joking!”  She turned to him, her mouth agape.  A slight headshake led her to begin plotting.  “Come here.” She waved him over.
“Why?”  William grew defensive again.  Venus tapped on the trigger of the spray bottle and imitated the spritzing sound effect.  “What? Why would I wanna do that?” He inquired.
She shrugged, going back to her own routine.  “You get a lot of shit for your hair, don’tcha?”  He couldn’t disagree.  “But hey, you won’t catch me upset about being able to save on product, so to each their own.”  She chuckled, scrunching the spirals to her liking and going back to mumbling to herself. “Kind of a ponytail night…”  
He spoke up, his interest piqued by the open options.  “What’sch the big deal?  Doesch it feel that different?”
Venus grabbed his wrist and patted his hand against her mane, having him compare the sections she’d worked on against the rest.  “I’d say so, wouldn’t you?”  
The bassist found himself relaxing again.  “Alright. I’ll try it.”  He agreed, with less hesitation in his voice.  “But this doeschn’t mean I’m schome nancshy boy, ok?  You get that thought outta your head, if that’sch what your angle isch!”  He reminded her with a threatening index finger.
Venus snickered, motioning for him to have a seat on the bed.  “Lemme ask you somethin’, Murderface.  What exactly constitutes homosexuality?  To you?  How can you‘tell’ someone’s gay?”  She humored his admittedly irritating notions as she begun attempting to part his hair.
“Well that’sch obviousch!” William rolled his eyes; confident he had the world figured out.  “You alwaysch see those dudesch with their fancshy clothesch and their two-hundred dollar haircutsch.  Never wanna get their nailsch dirty.”  He listed off.
“So Offdensen?”  She teased.
“No!  Not Offedenschen!  I mean- I don’t think scho.  No, like thosche pretty boy asscholesch with tight pantsch!”  He attempted to specify.
“Skwisgaar and Toki then?”
“Nooo!  Or maybe!  I don’t fucking know what those Schcandinavian baschtardsch do when no one’sch lookin’!”  He shuddered at the thought.
“Nate’s pants are pretty tight.  You think he’s gay?”  Venus giggled, working the leave-in spray through the dehydrated mass atop his head.
“Ok, no, Nathan’sch not gay.”
“Why isn’t Nathan gay?”
“Cuz he likesch pusschy!”
“Skwisgaar likes pussy more than anyone I’ve ever met.”  Venus countered.  
“He’ll fuck anything that movesch.”  William noted.
“You are dangerously close to understanding my point, bud.”  Venus giggled.
“What are you talking about?!”  He sighed in exasperation.
Venus attempted again to run the comb through his hair with only the slightest avail.  “Alright, hear me out. You know who else likes pussy and women in general?”  He gave her a questioning gesture.  “Yours truly.”
“Ok grossch, too much informatschion.”  He noted. “But you’re dating Picklesch which obviouschly meansch-”
“I get more now than ever in my life because the boy’s a master of the ménage.  You are correct, sir!”  She said cheekily.  “But I also love my little Irishman.”
Murderface raised an auburn brow, grunting slightly as she struggled with her task.  “Scho you don’t do threeschomesch just becausche he wantsch you to?”  
“No, dude.  I wanna bang who I wanna bang and I don’t worry about what’s in their pants until I get there. And then, I’ll happily make use of whatever awaits me.”  Venus smirked.  “Hell Nona’s mostly a lesbian.  So’s Abigail. Nathan is an outlier for a lot of girls I know...” She trailed off, distracted by pondering why that may be.
“So what’sch your point?” He huffed.
“I’m saying your sexual identity is based on who you wanna have sex with.  It’s that easy.  For some of us it can be anyone.  For some of us it’s none.  And you can’t be 100 percent sure who likes what unless an individual tells you.  So knock off that stereotyping shit.”  She threatened with a tug at his hair.  
He shrugged.  “I just have a sixschth schensche about thesche thingsch.”
“We call that gay-dar. It tends to be a lot more effective when used by our kind.”  She snorted, spraying his locks again.  
“Agh, don’t schay ‘our’ kind!  Feelsch like you’re lumping me in with ‘em.”
“I wasn’t. But if the shoe fits.”
“I don’t think I appreschiate the inschinuation.”
“Again, I’m not doing anything.  Maybe you’re projecting?”  He cast a furious gaze her way.  “And whether that is or is not the case, who. the hell. cares?  Honestly, what business is it of mine or yours what anyone does with another consenting adult?”
William sat in silence for a bit as she worked away at his unruly mane.  He pondered many deep-seeded thoughts he had never confronted before.  “Scho if I thought a man was…”
No sooner than he parted his lips, a nasal voice called into the room.  “Oh look at that, I didn’t know anybody else was here. Venus, babe, how the hell are ya?  Murderface, what are we doin?  Getting a makeover?”  Dick enthusiastically approached; shutting down any revelations the bassist may have been coming to.
“Knubbler!  Hi, doll!  Long time no see!”  Venus turned giving him a peck on each cheek once he reached her.  
Murderface returned to his defensive posture, annoyed with the new presence.  “What are you even doing here?  We don’t have any schesschions today.”  He pointed out in a grumble.
“Well ya see, I woke up on the recording room floor, figured it was a good night and thought you guys might wanna hang again!  Maybe get some sushi, hit the bar. What do you say?”  The engineer suggested.
Venus gasped, finally finagling the wide-tooth comb through a portion of William’s knots.  “Great minds think alike!  That’s why I’m here too.  But everyone bailed on us.”  
Knubbler gave her a set of finger guns.  “Well it’s your lucky day.  I can take you to one of my favorite places since nobody is here to object.  Bright lights, beautiful people, the whole nine yards, babe!”   He trusted she’d be in full agreement.  They had similar tastes based on some of their previous chats.  
“Excusche me, I might fuckin’ object!”  Murderface turned; offended by the assumption he shared their affinity for the club scene.
“Aw come on, Dick’s cool! He’ll show us a good time.  Old timers always know the best spots!” Venus goaded the brunet.
The man’s robotic eyes flashed red.  “Hey who are you callin’ old?  I’ll have you know, I can run circles around you and everybody else!  I’m a fifth of vodka in right now and you wouldn’t even know it!”
Venus giggled at the notion. “Sounds like something old man Pickles would say too.”  
After a heated battle with William’s coif and a few skincare pointers, the three of them found themselves in the deth limo, a bottle of champagne passing between them.  
“So what’s the scoop, Knubbles?  The suspense is killing me.”  Venus questioned, hoovering a line off the mirrored tray to her left.  
“This place is fucking amazing.  Drinks are a little pricier these days than I’d like, but what are you gonna do, right?” He chuckled.  
Murderface shook his head. “You’d better hope scho.  If it’sch lame, you two can say goodbye to your inschtant accessch passch.”  
“Grumpy, grumpy. Here, put some more liquor in you and get chipper, motherfucker!”  Venus slurred lightly.  
“Hot girls are instant access either way, Willy.  Don’t worry about us.”  Dick added on.  “And if you need a pick-me-up, I know a guy.”
“Awwww, Dick, you sweetheart.”  She waved a hand at him coyly as the vehicle came to a stop.  
They stood outside the disco, gazing up at the neon sign.  William fiddled with his wavier ‘do, suddenly worried about his appearance.  He wasn’t one to dress for this environment, after all. “Just relax.  You look great, man.”  Venus put a reassuring hand on his shoulder before they journeyed inside.  
Dick teleported to the bar, making a shady transaction beneath a napkin as he ordered a round for the three of them. He waved William and Venus over for extra hands.  
Climbing into an empty booth, Dick displayed the napkin in his half-closed hand.  “This shit will make you have a good time whether you want to or not.”  He grinned.
A weary Venus motioned for him to slide her the thin paper.  The small pouch wrapped inside contained 10 blue pills with tiny dolphins stamped on the sides.  “Ohh. Good.  This I can work with.”  She nodded in approval.
“What?  What isch it?”  William leaned over to get a better view.  
Venus removed a pill from the bag and gave him a closer view.  In a loud whisper she informed him.  “It’s ecstasy.  You should take it.”   She handed him the drug with a big grin.  “Thanks, by the way, Dick.  You didn’t have to do all this.”  
Knubbler shrugged. “What can I say?  I’m a nice guy.”  He boasted, tossing three of the pills into his mouth.  The younger pair stared in awe.  “Hey I don’t keep up, I do laps.”
Thirty minutes later and William felt himself loosening up.  Of course he’d experimented with many things over the years, but X wasn’t really his forte.  Call him old school, but booze and coke was a failsafe combo.  No need to complicate things, to hear him tell it.  
He panicked as he slipped the cocktail waitress a five and felt the fibers slide from between his fingers. Venus and Dick stifled laughter. “Hey you two schut the fuck up. Thisch is your fault!”  He whined.
“No, no, Willy, babe. We’re not laughing atcha.  It’s just a happy high.  Come on, let’s go dance!”  Knubbler bounced in his seat as the electronic bass bumped.  
“I don’t dansche.” Murderface insisted.
Venus slid him her cup of water.  “Come on! You pretty much gotta on this stuff. Look.”  She pointed to a woman lurking near the dance floor.  “She’s not having the time of her life.  Let’s go change that.”  She insisted, grabbing a hold of William’s hand and tugging lightly. “My friends pull ass when we go out. You’re not exempt.”
Murderface sighed, downing the remainder of the water and succumbing to the excess energy and peer pressure.  What was new?  He wondered to himself as they approached the colorfully lit tiles.
Dick immediately went into disco king mode, doing the hustle into the bustling crowd and leaving the metalhead and his tormentor to fend for themselves.  Venus shrugged, offering a hand to Murderface.  “If ya can’t beat ‘em, join em!”  She cheered, urging the bassist to twirl her.  
The lonesome looking woman flashed Venus a smile, seemingly amused with her dramatics.  She was a bit older, dressed in business casual wear.  Venus motioned for her to join them in their awkward boogying.  She initially declined, but Murderface, now fully immersed in his high, trapped her in an air lasso.  The woman hid a shy grin behind her hand as she hopped toward them, allowing herself to be pulled by the imaginary rope.
Venus took the opportunity to spin both of them, taking her cues from the confident blonde across the room. “Ok!  I see y’all” She cheered them on as the woman showed William her adorably dorky robot.  He countered with the sprinkler earning hoots and hollers from fellow patrons nearby.  The crowd loved the silly display, starting a wave of all the best throwback moves.  And all hell broke loose as the DJ caught wind of the group activities and slowed it down for the electric slide.
A few younger adults stood in confusion.  “What’s wrong?  Never been to a wedding before, kiddos?”  Knubbler attempted to spur them into action.  Venus ran to the front of the group of 20-somethings and helped them get the hang of things.  It was quite the show to behold.  
By the end of the line dance, the bar was in a happy uproar, requesting more oldies and running on nostalgia fuel.  Knubbler downed a water and got back to work, while Venus stopped by the shy pair to announce she was going for a smoke break.  “Oh wait, me too.”  The woman chuckled.
“Me three!” Murderface, followed, needing the fresh air more than anything.
“So what brings the infamous William Murderface to a place like this?”  The gruff-voiced woman queried in the quieter smoking area.
William repeatedly failed to work his zippo as he tried to formulate a response.  
Venus stepped in, lighting everyone’s cigarettes for them.  “Everyone likes a night on the town.  And nobody likes the same old, same old all the time.”  
“Yeah, what sche schaid.” William pointed a thumb at his slightly more social comrade.
The woman brushed choppy blonde bangs out of her face, enjoying the cooler night air on her forehead. “You’re right.  I’m getting too old for this myself.  But it had been a while since I made a public appearance so here we are.”  She motioned to her surroundings.  “The two of you don’t strike me as 808 fanatics though.”
Murderface leaned against the railed enclosure.  “Fuck no we’re not.  Thisch was all Knubbler’sch idea.  Just makin’ the bescht of a bad schituatschion.”  He rolled his eyes.
“Oh shush, Murderface. We’re having fun!  You can’t pretend you’re not.  Was that the lawnmower I saw back there?”  Venus teased.
“Ok, ok, schut it.” He chuckled lightly, releasing a small smoke cloud.
“And you’re the drummer’s girl, right?  Sorry, I’ve just seen you in the tabloids.”  The woman clenched her teeth, worried she was saying too much.
Venus chuckled, squatting down to the woman’s eyeline.  “They still don’t know who I am?  What a drag. I was hoping to be a household name by now.”  She giggled. “Yes I am the not-so-mysterious ‘Yorko Ono’ here to ruin the band or whatever tripe they’re sellin’.  My government is Venus.”  She offered the woman her hand.
“Marta.”  The woman shook Venus’s hand.  Murderface leaned over the table and received a shake as well. Boy, was her grip strong.  Murderface waved his hand, silently cursing at his now sore fingers.  
“Nice to meet you, Marta.” Venus smiled, forcing herself not to laugh at poor William’s crushed bass-playing hand.  “And if ya don’t mind me pointing it out, you don’t look much like one for the disco yourself.”  
“Oh, I’m definitely not.” She chuckled, taking another hit. “It’s my little sister’s birthday and she lives for this shit.  I’m more for the beer drinkin’ than the booty shakin’.”  She said with a matter-of-fact tone.  
“What do you normally lischten to then?”  William chimed in.  
“Hmm...  Thrash.  Though I guess I don’t look the type for that these days either.”  She raised devil horns with a sinister grin.  
Venus squealed in excitement, internally of course.  She was determined to hook them up now.  “A thrash gal, huh?  Who’s your favorite?”
“Fucking Exodus.  Holy crap man, I saw them in ’89 and I’ve been in love since.”  
“The Fabulousch Dischastour?!”  William chimed in excitedly.  “Fuck, man, that schit was fucking aewschome!”  He sat next to her and proceeded to gush about the bands he saved up for or snuck in to see in high school.  Venus flicked her cigarette into the ashtray and quietly departed, convinced her work there was done.
A few hours passed and the younger squadron of dancing machines tracked down team mom Marta, who’d been chatting up Murderface all night.  Venus sloppily knocked back a jack and coke as she approached the table to check on her match-making project.
“We’re ready to hit the next spot.  Are you coming?”  A long-haired woman questioned Marta.  
Venus watched Marta’s eyes dart between the girl she assumed was the aforementioned little sister and her new friend.  “Actually I was thinking I might head out.  But I’m glad you invited me!”  
The birthday girl cheerfully waved her off, giving her friends a suggestive smirk about the whole scenario once she was out of her sister’s sight.  
Knubbler approached, sweaty and still raring to go.  “Where to next, VR?”
She looked at the incoming call on her phone.  “Ahh, I’m being summoned!”  Venus flailed about, excited to see her beau but also in desperate need of updates on the William and Marta situation.  She answered Pickles’ call.  “Babe ohmygod, this is too cute, you need ta see it!  I’m not drunk, you’re drunk!  I mean yeah I am but thass irrelevant!”
She fluxuated between swears and giggles as one of the klokateer’s threw her over his shoulder, holding the phone to her chest as she screamed back to her small posse.  “Go on without me!  Remember me, brothersss!”  
Marta chuckled waving to the excitable woman.  “It was nice meeting you, Venus!”
“Nice meetin’ you, you won’erful badass of a lady! Be safe ok, I love you guys dearly!!”  Her words faded out as she was carried away. “Dick, you’re my hero!  Murderface, be good! Marta!  I know we jus’ met but be my first child’s godmother!”  Venus shouted holding onto the doorframe.  “Alas, I must go!”  She shouted in defeat as she was pried away for the night.
A month later, Venus was en route to Mordhaus giddy over a text from her bassist pal.  He seemed to be much more cheerful than usual.  
“Yeah he hasn’t been around much dese past few weeks, but dat can’t be why!”  Pickles asserted.  
“You’re just awful!” Venus snorted, attempting not to laugh aloud and encourage the drummer’s shit talking.  “Be nice to your band mate.  Also, I have no reason to lie. Look!” She shoved her phone toward his face.
“Yeah I really feel like Marta gets me.  Hell, I think I get myself more now. Thanks for the assist, bro.” And so it read.
He lowered the phone. “You tryin’ ta tell me dis chick was haht, single, inta metal, AND interested?  In fuckin’ Murderface?  Yer fuckin’ with me.  Or you must’ve passed out and dreamt dat shit up!”  Pickles shook his head in disbelief, pulling her into his lap.
“You’ll see when we get there! I didn’t even black out!  I remember everything.”  She settled into her place atop the cozy redhead’s thighs, examining the small image on her finger.  A devil emoji.  “Except the part where you convinced me to do this, you ass.”  Pickles snickered at the thought, recalling the actual events of her threatening to personally torture a series of klokateers if one of them didn’t come forth and admit to any tattooing experience.
“Yep.  Dat’s my bad.  You betcha.”  He rolled his eyes.
Once inside, Marta excitedly ran to hug Venus at the door.  “Long time no see!”  
Venus returned the excited embrace.  “So what’s the scoop, girl?  Will I be seeing you around these parts more often?”  
“Oh, about that.  I mean yeah, but not for… ah what was it you call it?  Murderface-sitting?”  Marta chuckled.  Before Venus could ask any more, she summoned over a blonde man.  He sported a septum ring and a series of lovely art pieces on his arms.  “Venus, this is my brother, Max.”  Venus stared at the man, mildly perplexed as she shook his hand.  “We’re twins, biologically and in spirit.”  
Murderface approached the huddle.  “’Schept he can do tattoos and piercingsch, so technically he’sch the cooler twin.” He joked.
“You dick!”  Marta laughed, punching the bassist in the arm.
Venus finally managed to read the room.  “Oh… OH! Well I am psyched to meet you Max!” She retried her handshake.  “And welcome to the gang!”  She winked.
“Nice to meetcha.  And thanks.”  Max said, happily accepting the pleasantries.
Marta clasped her hands together.  “Well! Now that intros are out of the way, I actually have a few errands to run, so I have to get goin’.”  She apologized for not being able to hang for longer.  
“Oh next time for sure!” Venus smiled waving her off.
“Well, an ass beatin’ on wheelchair bound is callin’ your name, motherfucker!”  Max bragged, turning to the bassist.
“Oh you’re fuckin on, dude!” William shouted, flashing the pair a genuine smile as Max pulled him away.
Venus swooned as she and Pickles made their way down the castle’s corridor.  “Must be spring.  Love’s in the air.”  
Pickles blinked at her in confusion.  “Arite maybe I’m missin’ sumthin.  Dat chick just bailed.  Whut’s so lovey-dovey about dat?”  
She turned to him with a sigh.  “I… am not at liberty to say.  Not our business what two consenting adults do.”  The short girl smirked, placing a light tap at the tip of his nose.
“No, wait, wut da fuck am I not getting’ here?”  Pickles whined.
“He’s my boyfriend, you fuckin’ dumbassch!”  Murderface shouted down the hall.
“Yeah, ya fuckin’ dumbass.” Venus snickered throwing her beanie in the speechless Pickles’ face.  
“Ohhhh!”  Pickles had a laugh at his own expense.  “Well good fer him!”
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 2 Part 2
And the next part is here !
Liam Sunday December 3
"You're free handsome, you can leave."
These words were sweet to his hear. After several hours serving customer, Judy finally let him go. (Of course Liam was glad to be serving and not taking care of the dishes anymore, but he met an old lady really strange who tried to touch his ass and he got a little scared). (She tried twice at least).
"You did well by the way." continued his boss. "I mean you only forgot five orders... That's a day to remember !"
The young lad frowned. He did not. (Ok, maybe he did). His coworkers called him "the lost waiter" for a reason... By the way, he wasn't sure to be useful for business.
"There's someone waiting for you outside." she concluded. "See you next week."
Kinda curious, Liam changed and headed towards the door. Surprisingly, it was Nick. That's new. Usually, he's playing video games at this hour. The dark-haired lad was wearing a fluffy jacket and black jeans. When he saw his roommate, he smiled.
"Hey bud'."
"Hey." greeted Liam. "What's going on ?"
He knew something was odd. The geek never went out of their flat without a good reason. And he just smiled, which was unusual since Rebecca and him had argued. And he got this little twitch when he wanted something. (Liam felt proud of himself. He was a real spy when he decided to). (Or just a good friend, but whatever).
"Nothing in particular." answered Nick. "Let's walk for a bit, please ?"
"Uh, okay."
Then, they became silent. At start, Liam just watched his friend. But then, his eyes got caught by a weird trash can on the other side of the street. It looked broken. I wonder who did that... Maybe Nick ? (He then remembered what he did, like three months ago, and he just blushed). Anyway, they  arrived at their building, but Nick just continued straight ahead.
"I'm not in the mood to listen to Rebbie and her boyfriend fuck." he complained. "Come on, let's go to the fastfood at the corner. I'm hungry".
Liam was honestly sleepy (like almost every night). (Or maybe everytime ?). However, he had also zero willpower. (You could ask him to dance naked in the street, he would do it). (Thinking about it, maybe not).
"Dude, are you coming or not ?" asked his roommate. "Stop looking at the sky like this, it's freaky".
Once inside, Nick ordered two burgers and some fries, and they sat far away the other customer. For a short time, they remained silent again. Liam nearly fall asleep. (Once he started to close his eyes, he had a really hard time resisting).
"So what's the deal ?" asked suddenly Nick. "Between you and this girl ?"
"You mean Judy ?"
"Not your boss silly, Colton's girlfriend. I saw you watching her. I mean, normally you're not looking something or someone in particular, just... dreamin'. But each times she's around, it's different. Have you a crush on her ? Cuz Nate let me thought you weren't... interested in girl anymore ya know ?"
Liam's brain took in the information. He's talking about Barbara. Dude his friend was more observant than he believed. He's always playing with his gameboy, but he saw that... I wonder if everyone else know too. But the truth was... Liam just failed to talk with Barbara. He just chickened out and ran under his blanket each time he tried to approach her.
"I'm not in love with her." belied the young lad. "I just happen to know her from highschool... But can we not talk about it ? Like we're not talking about you running away from our appartment because there are zombies in it."
(It was Liam's conclusion. Nick would only left if he mistakenly summoned undead). (But the unicorns would save the day). His friend stared at him, stunned.
"Man, you're so weird. I honestly don't understand how you're functioning. Anyway, I was just a bit angry at myself for stuff... But now it's ok. Let me finish this and we can go back, I can tell you're dead on your feet."
Rebecca Monday December 4
All the weekend, she had sensed something bad would happen. She had thought it was about sport, and couldn't find what the hell she had been missing. But now, she remenbered. The fucking group project. It was due for today, and they didn't finish it. Rebecca woke up panicked. She barely noticed Emilio who was still sleeping, and got dressed hella fast. Then, she rushed her neighbor's flat. Please, be awake. It's in one fucking hour. Please be awake. She couldn't afford to have a bad grade. Rebecca knocked so hard on the door that she probably woke up the whole floor. But Liam and Nick weren't answering. Those bloody sleepy heads ! She rushed towards the closest library. Let's hope I can do something by myself. She tried to call Colton, but he didn't ansewer either. Damnit. Rebacca was almost there when she ran into Matthew.
"Hey girl !" he shouted. "Where are you heading so fast ?"
"I forget to finish a group paper. I'm sorry but I need to go."
"Oh come on, that's no big deal." he replied ironically. "Stop being so serious about everything. You're already a star athetle, why do you need to study in the first place ?"
She stopped for a sec and looked at him. What a dumb question. My parents want me to. It's for my future.
"C'mon girl." Matthew laughed. "I mean, wouldn't you be better if you only trained ? And you really could use some free time for yourself. You got a bad reputation in the campus to be honest."
"What ? Why ?"
"Well, you're trying to be the best runner, the best swimmer, the best student and all... It's kinda obvious people don't like it. Oh, and your boyfriend got a lot of women after him aswell. They hate you."
Rebecca didn't knew what to say. People hated her... because she tried to be perfect ? What the hell ? Maybe that's the reason why Nick is so raging lately... He simply was jealous of her success.
"Anyway, it's always nice to talk with you, but I should hurry." stated Matthew. "Chelsea's waiting for me at the coffee shop."
Rebecca nodded and watched him draw away. Weird. After everything he did, I thought he just hated me but... now he's nice. Maybe he's trying to make it up on his behavior.
The young girl tried her best on the group project. Sadly, it wasn't enough at all. She headed towards the class quite depressed. Matthew's words were still making her think. And she feared the bad grade incoming. When she entered in the room, she looked at Colton, Liam et Nick. The first one looked a bit stressed too.
"We are screwed guys." he admitted while she sat. "We didn't finish the paper. In fact, we barely did it at all."
"We had a paper ?" asked Liam.
They all looked at him. That guy will turn me crazy one day. Did he know they had exams coming soon ? How the hell he managed to go to college exactly ?
"In fact, you're worried for nothing." assured Nick. "Because while you were all doing god know what, the genius I am did the project. Alone."
He gave it to the teacher with a smile.
"Don't thank me fellows." he added. "I know Rebbie doesn't like to thank people who saved her ass anyway."
She opened her mouth, but nothing came to her mind. He had all the rights in the world to be mad. And she should say something, she knew that. But his provoking look enraged her. Damnit. The runner girl was too proud. She just ignored him. And felt hella bad about it.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Wednesday December 6
The lad moaned. On the screen, the girl just pronounced his name in such a positive way. Bloody hell she had a sensual voice. With the remote, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey rewound. Oh damn, that was so hot. Yeah, Amber, the chearleader captain, had a beautiful voice. He sped up the video until he saw Zack Jonhson. This one murmured his name. Hell. That's something. Zack had a special tone. Especially when he said "Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey". He just whispered each syllabe with so much passion. The Dean's grandson listened it again. And again. Eventually, he came with a satisfied grunt. That was so good. A bit awkward, but so good anyway.
"Hey Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey !" hailed Summer through the door of his appartment. "Are you in there dude ?"
Well, she didn't pronounced his name like in the video, this bitch. She was way more submissive in bed. The blond lad adjusted his boxers and closed his zipper. He didn't bothered put a shirt, and opened the door.
"What do you want ?"
Stupid cow. She had gained some weight since she had become the head of the student. Just, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey had nothing against some chub. In fact, he could like it in some people. But this dummy ? She was uglier everytime he saw her.
"You asked me to tell you when the swimmers started their training." she reminded him. "Well they just started. And wow there are some cuties among them. Theo kept his card close to his chest."
She was definitely lusting after those guys. Such a pathetic predator. She was a collector, she couldn't handle the "break-up phase". And that was why she would be in troubles one day. But he didn't care, since he had already fucked her enough. He finally took a shirt, and headed towards the pool without even a glance for her.
When he arrived, he first heard Theo. That man had a strong voice. An unctuous one. He's a sneaky little bastard, but we had our greet time together. They ended it on a mutual agreement. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey then remarked Laura. The loyal girlfriend. That was a lovely weird story, honestly. Laura was deeply in love with Theo, even if she knew what he was doing. They had a sort of agreement, because he helped her back in times. It's cute, he loves her and fuck chubbies in the same time.
"Uh... Sorry but I need to get to the pool please. I'm already late."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey turned over and stared at his prey. Oh god, I'm in luck. It might even be too easy. He had done some research, and knew the boy's name was Liam. He was from the middle of nowhere. He had achieved highschool with an A-, and was now studying economics. He wasn't a scholarship holder, and he lived in a flat outside the main campus with one roommate. I also noticed he's from the same town than this cute soccer player... Muller. I like that boy, he's gifted. Anyway, it was time to start the hunt. And this braindead freshman didn't move yet. He was just looking... What the hell is he lookin' at exactly ?!
"I'm Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." the Dean's grandson introduced himself. "Nice to meet you."
The boy didn't answer. How come ? Is he that stupid ? Liam was tall, and ripped. Ripped as hell. Broad-shouldered, he had an impressive chest, and a blossoming six-pack. He was probably doing some cardio and muscle-development exercises as well as swimming. His face was kinda sexy. With chestnut hair, masculine feature, he had deep grey eyes, with a glint of blue. And his ass, that fucking ass made the hunter's cock hard in a second. But Liam seemed completely lost in his thoughts. I'm not being ignored by a little shitty swimmer. No way. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey kicked the lad in the leg. Gently of course. The freshman landed on Earth.
"What ? Did you say something ?" he asked.
"I'm Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." repeated patiently the hunter.
"Hello. I'm Liam Strucker. Nice to meet you."
There was something really, really odd about his tone. He sounds completely high, but he isn't. In fact, he didn't seem stupid either. I thought he was but...
"Can I go to the pool now ?" asked Liam. "I should be doing lenghts by now."
"Yeah, just go."
The hunt would be harder than the Dean's grandson expected. I think I understood why Theo failed to pick up this guy. It'll be fun.
To be continued
Some develpment without weight gain I know but we’ll come to it ! So Liam and Damian finally met ! Let’s see if the hunter will succeed to have our dreamy boy in his bed !
Nick is an important character for the story, even if he hasn’t his own pov. He’s a nice guy, doing all the work alone and all. But what’s in his mind ? Maybe it is related to the little belly he’s denying ? ;)
In a month or so, I’ll start to post another long story at the same time (probably every saturday). It’s called To the perfection and the main characters are Thomas Muller and Dan Vince. It’ll feature a lot of pining, kinky desires and weight gain.
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