gojou-violin · 19 days
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The sinner's curse
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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Megumi agrees to be photographed only if he shows his Shikigami
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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Blue lock babies brightening your day! ☀️
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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240225 JOHNNY
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gojou-violin · 2 months
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gojou-violin · 2 months
Oya High full-time students meet Nakaoka's big sister.
"Okay! Nakaoka, you coming?"
Nakagoshi called out with a grin, together with their friends who were ready to go wherever they had decided for today to hang out.
"Huh? Where?"
Not totally listening earlier, the others frowned. Nakagoshi approaching him and put him in a headlock making Nakaoka protest. The older teen had always liked to tease him whenever he could.
"Arcade of course! Don't tell me you're going to bail on us again?!"
They were currently on the rooftop, together with the other 3rd years, mainly Fujio with Tsukasa and Jamuo chatting, Todoroki reading quietly with Shibaman and Tsuji on the other side by the couch, and the duo, Yasushi and Kiyoshi bickering with their buddies by the side of the pool while the younger ones, mostly the ChunChun faction were on the other side talking about boy's stuff when they decided to go to the arcade.
Nakaoka looked at Nakagoshi with an apologetic look.
"I can't today. Sorry Nakagoshi-san. I'll come with next time!"
Then he rushed out in a hurry making the others frown at his escape.
"What's his problem? He always leaves early these past weeks."
"Do you think something's going on with him, Nakagoshi-san?"
Nakagoshi didn't answer but his face was serious, so they decided to leave it alone. If something was going on with their youngest, Nakagoshi would be the first to know. They're like two peas in a pod, always with each other, protecting each other and no secrets were hidden so Nakagoshi is kind of worried about Nakaoka's uncanny behavior.
Afterall, he never leaves early and was always the first to invite everyone to hang out. It's not like he has a shitty family life, and his mother was actually pretty sweet, always cooking delicious meals for them whenever they visit the teen, and he didn't think that he has problems on money. So, he is pretty worried why he would always insist to leave early these past weeks, even missing out on their weekly party two times in a row.
"Don't worry about him. Maybe he is just busy with things at home."
The others noticed that Nakagoshi's words seemed like a reassurance for himself rather, but they didn't comment on it. Even the 3rd years had noticed the kind of sullen atmosphere within the 2nd and 1st years but decided not to meddle.
"Are we still going?"
One of the 2nd years decided to break the ice and it was a minute of silent before Nakagoshi went back to his bright attitude, cheering with glee as he beckoned the others.
"Yeah, we are! Let's go!"
"That was awesome, Fujio-san!"
"Right?! I'm awesome, right?!"
"Don't pamper him, Nakaoka. His head is already bigger than it is."
"Hah?! What did you say?!"
As per usual, the Oya High full-time students, mainly the faction heads were hanging out after being in a fight with another school who tried to take them on again but failed.
And of course, aside from Nakagoshi, Nakaoka also looks up to their senior and leader, Hanaoka Fujio. He would always compliment the older teen which makes the latter raise his chest with a proud huff, doing things to impress his juniors which will also makes the other 3rd years roll their eyes.
"Ahh I'm hungry!"
Now clutching his stomach, Fujio complained, and Tsukasa chuckled. Even the others agreed. Of course, after a fight, food will always be what's next for growing teens like them. With this, they began suggesting places they knew, and arguments had started. Some, especially Yasushi and Fujio wanted ramen, Kiyoshi wanted Ice Cream which earned a lot of questioning looks, Tsuji and Shibaman craved for desserts like cake, Todoroki just stayed quiet, Tsukasa quietly wanted steam buns, and Jamuo argued for monjayaki, while the ChunChun faction surprisingly all wanted Yakisoba.
Despite their rocky start, surprisingly, they mostly hang out to eat after their fights. That would mean all faction heads and some of their buddies. Even Todoroki would join occasionally without a protest which is the most surprising of all, but they weren't complaining. They can't be bothered to fight with each other when they're tired and hungry.
While the others were arguing, Nakagoshi noticed how Nakaoka would constantly look at his phone which made him frown. He had a feeling that the young one will again try to leave them, so he put a hand around Nakaoka with a look.
"Not trying to leave early again, aren't ya?"
Nakaoka just chuckled in nervousness and all eyes were on him. Certainly, all of them were aware of Nakaoka's odd behavior of leaving early and Yasushi decided to speak up, too curious with what's going on. In contrary to his looks, he can be a bit nosey if he wanted.
"You're not up to something shady, are you?"
"What? Of course not!"
"Then why do you always leave early?"
Nakagoshi had finally asked the teen and Nakaoka just scratched his head with a defeated sigh. Not knowing what to say, he avoided their looks with a nervous laugh.
A feminine voice stated which made them, especially Nakaoka whip his head to the voice's direction and saw a familiar face. The figure then approached him, suddenly holding his face with a frown which shocked the others and made Nakaoka embarrassed that his cheeks turned pink.
"Did you fight again?! Your face is bruised!"
A girl, fair skinned, her hair short and wavy with a distinguished strawberry blonde color, and a pretty face, a couple inches smaller than Nakaoka who's currently scolding him had caught the teenagers' attention.
But what surprised them the most was Nakaoka's words. Removing her hands from his face with an embarrassed look, he protested with a whine.
"Stop it Nee-chan, it's embarrassing!"
They never knew he had a sister, although some might have like Nakagoshi, he never saw her so even he was shocked. She is undeniably pretty, and shares similar features with Nakaoka, although more feminine.
With their loud reactions, she finally realized that Nakaoka had some-- well not some but a lot of companions so she was also surprised but immediately composed herself with a smile.
"Are they your friends? It's nice to meet ya' kids! I'm Sho-chan's big sister, just call me Akane."
She introduced herself while Nakaoka carried the box she was carrying earlier with a grunt. Totally not ready to meet his sister in a situation like this, especially when he's gone to a fight earlier and has bruises all over. He never liked to worry his big sister.
They Oya full timers also responded and introduced themselves with enthusiasm, while some suddenly went shy, just like Kiyoshi. When it was Nakagoshi's turn, Akane suddenly perked up at the mention of his name and patted the teen on his head.
"So, you're Nakagoshi huh. Thanks for looking out for my baby brother!"
"Nee-san! Stop calling me that!"
Her little endearment made him embarrassed while the others laughed at his reddening ears. His tough facade would be diminished if this continues. Even Nakagoshi chuckled in amusement.
"What are you doing here anyway? What's in here?"
He decided to change the topic before he'll lose his dignity completely. Not wanting them to see him completely being babied by his sister which Akane had always done. Despite being the leader of the first years, he is still one of the youngest in Oya, even among most of the first years that most would still sometimes treat him like a kid, especially Nakagoshi and some of the 3rd years. Particularly and surprisingly, Tsukasa and the duo, Shibaman and Tsuji. Tsukasa and occasionally Fujio would always look out for him in fights aside from Nakagoshi when he is surrounded by a lot of enemies and the duo from Todoroki's faction liked his style and taste in music that they would lend him CDs and records.
Shaking the box, he asked his sister to which she replied with a grin.
"I'm just dropping some stuff at the diner."
Nakaoka nodded and was about to say something again when they heard a tummy rumble. Like actually rumble so loud that they all heard it. Looking at their leader, he just grinned while scratching his head in embarrassment.
"Well, how about this. You kids hungry? Sho-chan why don't you invite your friends and have some dinner at the diner? It would be a good opportunity for feedbacks you know so I know what to adjust before the opening."
Akane offered and Nakaoka was taken aback at first but in the end, relented. Actually, excited to invite them to try out his sister's cooking.
"What do you say guys?!"
"Hell yeah!"
"So, this is why you always leave early. You could've said so and we could have helped ya' dumbass."
Nakagoshi playfully punched Nakaoka's shoulders while the latter shyly let out a smile. The reason why he's always eager to go home was because he was helping out his sister in remodeling an old bar into a diner. His sister, the reason why nobody had ever met her was because she was studying college abroad, and upon finishing college a year ago, she recently came back and decided to open up a diner. Truthfully, Nakaoka's household were known for their cooking skills, even Nakaoka knew how to cook variety of dishes that sometimes he lets Nakagoshi and the others taste his made-up recipes and they would always end up good.
"It's fine Nakagoshi-san. Besides, I originally wanted to invite you and the others when Nee-chan had her opening, but I guess change of plans. Sorry for not telling you."
Nakaoka may love fighting and hiphop but his sister is special to him. Ever since they were kids, she would always protect him from those who will pick on him because he was shorter than the others way back then. It was a good thing that puberty hit him, and he's gotten taller. She was also the one to teach him how to cook when he reached middle school before she went abroad. It was because she liked to send him CDs that caught her attention that he got introduced to hiphop and began to love it. He learned everything because of his sister, especially that she was the one who taught him how to fight. That's why now that his sister is back, he wanted to be there for her like she always had been for him. Especially now that she is starting to build her dream of owning her own restaurant diner.
"It's fine. We're thankful though. Your sister is very kind to invite us all and let us be her first costumers for free."
"Yeah! And she's pretty too!"
"Oi! Don't push it!"
They playfully bantered while Nakaoka excused himself to help his sister in preparing the large batch of cuisines for his hungry friends. Upon reaching the kitchen, he smiled when he saw how excited his sister were as she prepared the dishes. She always liked to cook for others, saying that nothing can make her happier but to see someone smiling and saying 'delicious' to the food that she makes.
"They're rowdy but they're good guys. Sometimes."
Nakaoka stated which made Akane laugh, not bothered by the group of teens bickering inside her diner. In fact, she is actually glad that her baby brother got himself a lot of friends, even if they are obviously delinquents. She didn't like it at first when Nakaoka got himself involved in fighting, but she accepted as long as he didn't get himself in deep trouble and remember his morals. That even if you use your fists, it isn't to intentionally hurt people but to protect. Never fight dirty and know your limits. And Akane could see how they weren't just some punks who likes to fight just to seek pure pleasure in hurting others, but instead, they still have a heart while acting tough on the outside. Nakaoka likes to tell her stories about his friends and his life in Oya High and she likes to listen to his stories.
"I can see that."
The two siblings continued their work, unbeknownst to them, the others could hear their laughter which made them, especially Nakagoshi smile.
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gojou-violin · 3 months
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gojou-violin · 3 months
pretty please
uh quick. send in anime boys who i can use for idol!character x reader or streamer!character x reader or.... you get the point.
i have the thoughts churning, i just need a character. thanks. (pref. a brat)
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gojou-violin · 3 months
uh quick. send in anime boys who i can use for idol!character x reader or streamer!character x reader or.... you get the point.
i have the thoughts churning, i just need a character. thanks. (pref. a brat)
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gojou-violin · 3 months
uh quick. send in anime boys who i can use for idol!character x reader or streamer!character x reader or.... you get the point.
i have the thoughts churning, i just need a character. thanks. (pref. a brat)
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gojou-violin · 3 months
Is it bad that I’ve found myself trying to cope with my friend’s death after 2 years through Moonbin from Astro and how Seungkwan is dealing with his death..? I feel like this is totally delulu….. but like. Everything I see of Moonbin just breaks my heart and reminds me of my friend who passed 😔
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gojou-violin · 3 months
lol now I finally finished setting up my Twitter……. Plz go follow
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gojou-violin · 4 months
lol now I finally finished setting up my Twitter……. Plz go follow
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