#and everyone is sick of hearing about it wah wah sad again just like yesterday and the day before ad nauseum
cowboykakashi · 1 year
#Alexa I am so so sad#ugh it’s stupid I’m so sick of being sad#and everyone is sick of hearing about it wah wah sad again just like yesterday and the day before ad nauseum#ugh. well tell you all the truth I’m kinda ugly and all of my new coworkers are so fucking pretty and it makes me feel like shit every day#I don’t want to assume bad things about them cuz they seem like genuinely good people mostly but I do feel like they all look down on me#for being both ugly and bad at my job like fuck dude I really got nothing to offer here other than the fact that I fucking show up#if you know me irl please leave me some fucking dignity and don’t read this I’m already ashamed enough for having feelings in the frst plac#this is so stupid just cuz I met a coworker for the first time that I am extremely attracted to that is way out of my fuckin league#and like I haven’t been interested in A Person in ? almost 2 years cuz every time I have been in the past#in the last 4 years at least it has ended poorly with me feeling like shit like no one will ever want me#and at this point honestly I can’t help but believe that cuz it’s been a long fucking time since anyone has#is it cuz I’m ugly ? is it cuz I’m weird ? cuz I have fucking nothing to offer ?#cuz I’m desperate for affection attention someone to give a shit about me fucking anything#god I don’t know but I feel like I am really and truly at the end of my rope here and I don’t know what to do with myself#shut up satan#negativity
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solartranslations · 3 years
VF Pace Chapter 4: Double Happiness
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Catarina is on this ship. That reality sinks into Pace’s heart…
~*Flashback: Dining Room*~
Pace: …
Pace: The lasagna’s delicious, right?
Pace: What, you don’t like it? But it’s so good?
Pace: Huh? You’ll give me the rest? Really!?
Pace: Yay, thank you…wait!
Pace: …This is your share so you should eat it. I’ve eaten mine already
(*sigh) Pace: I’ve eaten someone’s share before…and that made her sick since she didn’t have enough to eat
Pace: So I really can’t take that. You eat it, Ojou
Luca: Pace, that wasn’t your fault. Catarina-san…
Pace: Luca…
Felicita: *smile*
Pace: And look, Ojou-sama wants you to eat it
Pace: But…
Felicita: *kick*
Pace: Wah! Why did you kick me!
~*End Flashback*~
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Pace: Uh…huh…it’s morning?
Pace: Oh right, I lost my glasses. Everything’s so fuzzy it’s hard to see
Pace: But I could still see in my dream without them
~*Flashback: Courtyard*~
Pace: Hey, Jolly. Since you know stuff, I’ve got something to ask you
Jolly: There isn’t anyone as ignorant as you, what is it?
Pace: Why can I still see in my dreams when I take my glasses off?
Jolly: Hm…truly idiotic
Jolly: Pace…do you sleep with your eyes open?
Pace: They’re closed
Jolly: Dreams occur when your body sleeps but your brain is active…it is said that you see them while in REM sleep
Jolly: Which means they are images created directly by your brain. Your eyesight has no impact on them
Pace: Huh
Jolly: Perhaps I’ll show you a nightmare as a test…*chuckle*, next time then
~*End Flashback*~
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Pace: Jolly…that felt like a long time ago. I wonder how everyone else from the Family is doing
Pace: Jolly…that felt like a long time ago. I wonder how everyone else from the Family is doing Felicita: Zzz
Pace: Ojou’s still sleeping, I don’t have my glasses, and I can’t move my legs…this is a problem
Pace: I guess I’ll just have to wait here until someone from the Family shows up
Ash: Found them. Strawberry Head…and the guy who ate all the apples on the ship
Ash: He seriously ate almost every apple I had stocked up. It takes so long to find one every time
(*glare) Ash: It’s unforgivable
Pace: Huh? Is someone there? Luca? Debito?
Pace: Maybe it’s my imagination? I’m not sure since I can’t see
Felicita: *gets up*
Pace: Oh, morning Ojou. You up?
❤≪Pace≫ Seems as usual
Person: Did Ojou sleep well?
Daily: It’s tough without my glasses…
Pain: I can’t move my legs
Felicita: *step*
Pace: Ah don’t worry, Ojou. I can’t see without my glasses so I didn’t see your sleeping face at all
Pace: I’d try my best not to look even if I did have them since you’d kick me. Ahaha…ow ow ow…
Pace: Huh, my legs? They’ve been like this since yesterday. It hurts too much to move
Felicita: !
Pace: Ah, Ojou! You don’t have to do anything! I think it’s just bruised
>It’s my fault…I’m sorry
(+10 Amore)
>We need to ice them
(+20 Amore)
>You can’t stand?
(No Amore)
Pace: No, don’t be. It’s not your fault
Pace: …I’d feel guilty if you blamed yourself for this
Pace: With what…I’ll be fine even without that…ow ow…
Felicita: !
Pace: Sorry, it does hurt… But there isn’t anything nearby, so I’m not sure we can ice them…
Pace: …Thanks for worrying over me, Ojou
Pace: Ow ow ow…nope, I really can’t
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Pace≫ Can't seem to handle it
Person: It’s not Ojou’s fault!
Pain: Please don’t look so sad
Person: I get sad seeing Ojou sad
Link: I’m really fine!
Pain: I can endure this much!
Person: It’s not Ojou’s fault!
Pain: Please don’t look so sad
Pace: But I’ll be fine eventually. I’m actually pretty tough
Fukurota: Hoot
Pace: Fukurota?
Pace: Huh? You brought water? Thanks for doing that
(*pat pat)
Pace: Wha, that’s cold!
>I’ll go look for your glasses too
(+5 Amore)
>What else do you need?
(No Amore)
Pace: Huh, really!? Thank you!
Pace: It’s pretty hard not being able to see anything
Pace: Huh? Well…my glasses I guess. Or anything else that would work
Felicita: Okay
Pace: You’re going to look for them?
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned
Person: Ojou’s so nice~
Pain: I’m so useless~…
Felicita: *dash*
Pace: But it’s dangerous on your own, so…and she’s already gone
Pace: …*sigh*, even if I had a bit more strength I guess I still can’t do anything like this
Pace: I feel so pathetic
Ash: What? Strawberry Head just left that guy and went off somewhere
Ash: Well, I’m not going to waste this chance
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Felicita: !
Fukurota: Ho-hoot!
Felicita: *sigh*
Ash: Hey! Strawberry Head!
❤≪Ash≫ Seems irritated
Person: Good thing she’s alone
Pain: This is for him
Felicita: !
Ash: We need to talk. Can you come with me?
Felicita: *glare*
Ash: There’s no need for that. I wanted to ask you how to turn him…no, I want to know about the Tarocco
>Stay away
>I’ve got nothing to say to you
Ash: Hah…so you’re trying to act brave. You have a grudge against me then…?
Ash: Okay. So you’re saying that you won’t help me
Ash: Then, I apologize for knocking you out and bringing you to this ship. Sorry
❤≪Ash≫ Seems to be plotting
Person: If she won’t help then I’ll try the glasses guy…
Arcana: I’ve got my powers
Pain: This is all for him…
Felicita: !
Ash: It’s because you’re so weak. But I am sorry
Ash: Right…before you tell me about the Tarocco, can you tell me your name?
Felicita: …
Ash: Huh…Felicita…
(*whack) Felicita: Ahh!
Ash: Take a nap, Strawberry Head. If you won’t tell me about the Tarocco, I’ll just ask that guy
Ash: While I use the “Magician” card, “Il Bagatto” to borrow your appearance!
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Ash: Da Mero, Trasformarsi in
Ash: Felicita
~*Scene: VF Deck*~
Pace: *sigh*, it’s so quiet. I don’t sense anyone nearby either
Pace: Where is everyone…*yawn*
Pace: Huh, who is it? Ojou?
Pace: Ah, that presence is definitely you, Ojou. What is it? Did you find my glasses?
Pace: Huh? You don’t know anything about my glasses? Really?
Pace: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it, Ojou
Pace: I’m the one who lost them, and they might be broken anyway
Felicita (Ash): Yeah
Pace: What? You want to ask me about the Tarocco you stole?
Felicita (Ash): …!
Pace: Huh, that you stole? No, that alchemist was the one who stole it, right?
(*ba-dump) Felicita (Ash): !
Pace: What’s going on, Ojou? You usually wouldn’t ask that
Felicita (Ash): …
(*shine) Pace: What!? I-It’s because you love me… Is that really true!?
Pace: Okay, Ojou! I love you too, so you can ask me anything you want!
Pace: I’ll tell you everything I know! Did you just want to know about the Tarocco’s compensation?
Pace: Hm?
(*shing) Felicita: !
>Pace, what are you doing!?
(No Amore)
>I brought your glasses!
(+10 Amore)
>Don’t say anything!
(+5 Amore)
Pace: Eek!? I’m sorry, Ojou!
Pace: …Wait, why are you mad?
Pace: Huh? My glasses?
Pace: You just said you didn’t have them…what’s going on?
Pace: Huh? Why shouldn’t I say anything…?
❤≪Pace≫ Seems shocked ❤≪Pace≫ Seems confused ❤≪Pace≫ Seems confused
Person: Ojou’s voice is coming from two different places?
Person: Am I hearing this wrong?
Person: Ojou’s voice is coming from two different places?
Person: Am I hearing this wrong?
Person: Ojou’s voice is coming from two different places?
Person: Am I hearing this wrong?
Pace: I can’t see that well, but I think I can hear Ojou’s voice coming from far away
Pace: What’s going on?
Felicita: *glare*
Felicita: Hya!
Felicita (Ash): *dodge*
Pace: What? What’s happening? Did you just show up again, Ojou?
Pace: I don’t get it… Now it kind of looks like there are two people
Fukurota: Hoot hoot!
Pace: Huh? Oh, my glasses…. Thank you
(*puts on)
Pace: …Okay, what!? There’s two Ojous?
❤≪Pace≫ Seems shocked
Person: Ojou is multiplying!?
Daily: Something’s wrong with my glasses
Pace: I don’t know what’s going on, but…
(*gasp) Pace: Does this mean…I have a beauty on each arm? I’ve got double of the Ojou I love!
(*shine) Pace: Yahoo!
❤≪Pace≫ Seems happy
Pleasure: There’s double of who I love!
Pleasure: I won’t think about the reason for now
(*whack) Fukurota: Hoot!!!
Pace: Ow! Don’t peck me, Fukurota!
>One’s a fake!
>Don’t say something so stupid!
Pace: A-a fake…I don’t know what that means
Pace: And why is there a fake Ojou?
Pace: It might be stupid but…
Pace: That’s how I honestly feel…so that hurt a bit
❤≪Pace≫ Seems shocked ❤≪Pace≫ Seems to want to cry
Person: Is Ojou mad?
Pain: I don’t understand!
Person: This Ojou is mad!
Pain: I was just being honest!
Pace: But, both Ojous are cute so I don’t know what to do
❤≪Pace≫ Seems confused
Pain: She’s definitely mad
Pain: I’m just happy that there’s more of Ojou…
Felicita: *sigh*
>You can’t tell which is the real me?
(+10 Amore)
>What is it that you love about me?
(+20 Amore)
>Do you really love me?
(-10 Amore)
Pace: Huh? Can I tell…?
Pace: Um…I can’t tell. I honestly didn’t think this would happen…
Pace: Huh? What do I love… what do you mean?
Pace: I just love you! You know that, right!?
Pace: Huh? I do love you, of course I…
Pace: Huh? Wait…. Do I…, do I really love Ojou?
Pace: Then, what is it about her that I love? That she’s part of the Family? Her looks? Personality?
Pace: There’s two Ojous in front of me. One of them is one I’ve spent time with…
Pace: The other is a new Ojou that I share no memories with…
Pace: She looks exactly the same, so would she come to love me too?
Pace: Would I fall in love with someone I hadn’t spent any time with too?
(*bam) Pace: …No! That wouldn’t happen!
Pace: What I love about Ojou isn’t just what’s on the surface! It’s what’s inside…
Pace: And the precious memories I have with her!
Pace: The real Ojou should be able to see into my heart…!
(*grip) Pace: I’m sorry for hesitating, Ojou! How I really feel is right here!
❤≪Pace≫ Ojou
Love: Ojou, I love you!!
(*blush) Felicita: !
Felicita (Ash): Ahh!
Felicita: *glare*
Felicita (Ash): *shaky*
Ash: Guh…
❤≪Ash≫ Seems confused
Person: Ow!
Person: How’d he figure it out!?
Pace: Ojou!!
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned
Love: I’m sorry for not knowing!
Person: Is she hurt!?
Pace: …!? Ojou, you’re hurt. Did it happen when you were on your own…?
>That was a bit too much!
(No Amore)
>I’m okay. Pace, thank you…
(+20 Amore)
>What about your legs, Pace?
(+10 Amore)
Pace: Huh? Ah, sorry Ojou! You do look alike!
Pace: I forgot she had the same face as you, and…
Pace: Hehe, I should be thanking you, Ojou
Pace: I know now
Pace: My legs? Oh, I’m fine! I can’t worry about that now!
Pace: I was wrong before, but I know now
❤≪Pace≫ Seems nervous ❤≪Pace≫ Seems excited ❤≪Pace≫ Seems excited
Person: I guess a punch to the face was too much
Love: Ojou is the one I love!
Pleasure: Ojou is so nice
Daily: The one I love is the Ojou who cutely hides her embarrassment with kicks!
Pleasure: The pain is completely gone now
Love: The Ojou in front of me is the one I love!
Ash: Damn it, how…we should have looked exactly the same…
❤≪Ash≫ Seems irritated ❤≪Pace≫ Can’t seem to handle it
Person: He hit me way too hard!
Person: I’ve been found out…
Pain: I just want to save him…
Person: I won’t forgive anyone who makes Ojou sad
Person: Although I have made her sad before…
Pace: I don’t know who you are, but I’m so mad my legs don’t hurt anymore. So thanks for that
Pace: But I can’t forgive you for using Ojou’s appearance
Pace: You’re the alchemist who stole the Tarocco, right?
(*bam) Pace: Even if you weren’t, I won’t apologize for punching you
(*whish) Ash: So what if I am!!
(*dodge) Pace: Whoa!
(*grip) Pace: Guess we still need to teach you a lesson then! Ready, Ojou?
(*whoosh) Pace: Hyaaah!
Felicita: Hya!
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
(*whack) Ash: Guh!
(*dodge) Ash: Ha!
(*step) Ash: It’s all Strawberry Head’s fault for not talking to me in the first place! Haa!!
Felicita: …
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
Felicita: *dodge*
Pace: Good one, Ojou!
(*whack) Felicita: Ah!
Pace: ! Ojou!?
(*bam) Pace: You should still fight fair and square instead of using cheap tricks!
Ash: That’s what I’m doing now! I’m going to beat both of you!
Pace: I won’t lose in a pure all-out fight though!
Ash: Yeah, right!
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Pace: Haaa…
Pace: Porci Tutto…Trapassare!!
(*step) (*whoosh)
Ash: !? Damn it!
Felicita: …
(*step) Felicita: Hya!
(+50 Amore)
(-50 Amore)
(*whack) Ash: Gwah!!
(*clang) Ash: …!!
Ash: *panting*… You two are strong…. It’s my loss…
❤≪Ash≫ Can’t seem to handle it ❤≪Pace≫ Seems happy
Pleasure: How are they so strong…
Pain: I lost
Link: I won’t let anyone else have Ojou
Arcana: He hasn’t given us back the Tarocco yet!
Pace: As long as I’m here, you won’t touch Ojou. Got it? And give back the Tarocco, okay?
Ash: S-shut up…and besides…didn’t I say that Tarocco was originally mine?
Pace: Still…Ojou! I’m sorry!
❤≪Pace≫ Ojou
Love: I love everything about Ojou!
Ash: Aren’t we still talking!
Pace: I was reminded of what I love about you, Ojou
Pace: Right, what I love is…
Felicita: Hya!
(*whack) Pace: Gwah!!
❤≪Pace≫ Seems shocked
Person: O-Ojou…is super mad!?
Pain: I still have things I wanted to tell her!
Pace: Eeek… So you really are still mad that I was happy to see two of you!!
(*gets up) Pace: N-no! I like how you’re like this too, Ojou!
❤≪Pace≫ Ojou
Love: I love everything about Ojou!
Pain: I love taking her kicks too!
Pace: So I’ll accept all of it, Ojou!
(*whish) Felicita: Hyah!
Pace: Gah!
Pace: Ow…
Ash: …Uh, what’s going on?
Felicita: *smile*
~*End of Scene*~
Special Voice obtained. It can be heard in the Profile section
(Continue to Pace Chapter 5)
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youarejesting · 4 years
Femme: 40
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Pregnancy, Alcohol Consumption (drink responsibly), mentions making love, cumplay (not really), birth, tasting breast milk, emotions and more that I cant think of.
Length: 5.8k words
Announcement: This is dedicated to the Sherlock holmes anon who guessed the dad debate correct. It was Yoongi. Autocorrects may occur and other errors just let me know if there is anything majorly wrong.
Recap: Back from America. You and the boys have to deal with sickness as the last of winter turns to spring. You are finally able to go back to work, however, you find out you are pregnant. The doctor is running the DNA test who is the father.
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The boys joined you one by one, each taking boxes and sorting through them, you helped to carry a rubbish bag for anything they were finally ready to part with. You organised so much stuff, and could finally see the crisp cream walls and grey marble tiles. 
“We finally can have a computer room for our games?” Taehyung wiggles excitedly bumping fists with Jungkook who was wearing a pair of rabbit ears.  “Or a new dance studio” Jimin grinned at Hoseok who made a cheerful noise while he was buried under a pile of little bags. 
“Actually I was wondering if perhaps I could have this room” You spoke quietly folding an old shirt of Jin’s.  “What why?” Namjoon was quite alarmed, “did we do something wrong?”
“No it is not that, I just want to make something special in this room. A surprise” they nodded some did so reluctantly. You got the key to the room. And ushered them out so you could start planning. 
Over the next few weeks, Jiyong and Moon Inshik helped paint and they snuck in furniture while the boys were out. Jiyong was designing the whole thing. Describing your dream nursery with sketches and the colour scheme was white, grey and peach. Later moving on to clothing and designs preferring no pictures or words on the clothes. The baby clothes colour scheme was peach and yellow. 
“You think the baby will be a girl?”  “I think the baby would look cute in pink and yellow” “Have you heard back from the doctor about the DNA test?”
“Uh yeah yesterday I received the letter, I just wanted to make it special, I don’t know whether to tell him first or if it should be a group thing?” “Whatever feels right” he leaned down to your belly, his hands were cold and fingers thin, his daughter followed his actions touching your stomach as well and whispered to your baby giggling. “Uncle Jiyong is going to spoil you rotten” 
“I don’t think you could if you tried”
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Yoongi was in his studio returning home in a formal suit, he had met with a client and it seemed the meeting had gone really well; by the way, he didn’t shuffle and drop his bag but was actually humming. Knocking politely before opening the door he grinned “y/n? come in kitten” 
The studio was brightly lit, which seemed odd, and his lips were pulled up in a smile. He looked content just satisfied with his day. You walked over slowly, he looked too happy, you were now having second thoughts. Maybe you shouldn’t tell them who the father is and just say we are pregnant to all the boys. “How was your day?”
“Really good, those boys are hectic, but they liked the song and I got a good percentage of its profits. And there will be more if I help them with the rest of their album. They actually invited us all to dinner tonight so, would you like to come”
He was so chatty and bubbly you hoped this didn’t ruin it, he kept trying to pull you forward and you were subtly avoiding him. Touching things on his desk and cleaning up a few papers. His sweater paws laid on the arms of his desk chair no longer grabbing for you.
“Why are you avoiding me, did I do something wrong?” His smile faded and you wanted to hit yourself for being the reason.  “No, you are perfect Yoongi,” Not looking at him, the guilt of ruining his happiness set in.  “Did you do something wrong, did you break something?”
“Yoongi, I have something to tell you and it’s important” he licked his pretty pink lips in anticipation. Standing with a sigh he ran his hand down his face, loosening his tie and removing his jacket. The sight stirring you, you liked watching Yoongi undress. He walked you to the couch, where he held your hand and waited patiently. 
“Tell me” his voice was low and serious offering you a moment.  “It’s good news well I think so, but I am worried how you will feel”
Searching your face for the answer, your hands were shaking as you pulled the opened letter from your pocket and you handed it to him. 
Opening the paper he began reading, he was quiet for a long time frowning “what does it mean? the DNA results confirm with ninety-nine point eight percent accuracy that Min Yoongi is determined as the biological father”
He looked up to see you crying. “I’m not your great great great granddad or something am I, we aren’t even from the same country”  “No idiot” Laughing through misty eyes you pulled out the ultrasound photo and sniffled “This is our baby, Yoongi. You're going to be a dad”
Lunging into your arms he pulled back alarmed touching your belly to make sure he hadn’t hurt the precious bean inside. He wasted no time kissing your lips, face and neck. Laughing even though he was crying, he held you to his chest. “My kitten we are having a baby”
The afternoon was spent cuddling in his bedroom. He rubbed your tummy humming quietly, it was a soft tune that you had never heard before and he looked so content. Stirring only occasionally to ask you questions, “How long has it been?”
“Well I found out when I was about nine weeks, and I technically didn’t want anyone to know until after sixteen weeks, but currently I am twelve weeks which is three months. I’m not showing just yet, but, will you still love me when I get fat?” “I want to see you big with my baby inside of you” he grinned leisurely tracing his fingers around your belly button. 
Deciding to show Yoongi the nursery, the two of you agreed to keep it a secret until sixteen weeks. Just in case anything went wrong. Yoongi stepped inside and you showed him the crib, little toys, blankets and a few outfits. “There’s a little rocking chair for when I am nursing the baby, everything is themed peach and yellow because I don’t want my baby limited to ‘girl colours’ or ‘boy colours’. I just want them to be clean, happy, healthy and look cute like their dad”
“It’s beautiful” he smiled sitting in the white rocking chair and humming the tune again.  “What are you humming?” “Ah, nothing just something my mum used to sing to me” he rubbed his neck sheepishly pulling you onto his lap rocking you both as he hummed. 
You were so peaceful you didn’t hear someone come home. Not even when they stepped into the room. “Wah these boots are so little and cute,” Namjoon was holding the tiny boots up to his face, eyes wide marvelling at how they sat on the palm of his hand. 
“Ah, Namjoon!”  “Are we having a baby?” He asked glassy eyes meeting yours. You could only nod before he pulled you into a hug  “Is Yoongi the father?” “We are all the fathers, I can’t do it on my own, I have no idea how to raise a child, but biologically yes” 
“Congratulations, we should celebrate wait till the boys find out,” grabbing Namjoon’s arm before he ran off. “Joonie no, we have to wait until sixteen weeks, because before that it seems too early what if something happens and the maknaes get sad because of it,” he nodded getting serious. 
“Okay I won’t tell anyone” he raised his hand to his heart to swear it to you. The three of you left the room locking it up so no one would enter. You got ready for dinner dressing up nicely and stepping into Yoongi’s bedroom. 
“Hoseok just came home, did you tell them about dinner tonight?” “Mm, I texted them earlier today” he rolled out of bed his hair dishevelled and his crescent moon eyes bright. 
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Arriving at the restaurant you saw a large group of young men, each well dressed, handsome, tall and very lean.  “hello you must be Suga’s family” “Suga?”  “Yeah that’s his producer name” Taehyung whispered before playfully nipping at the shell of your ear. 
“Hello my name is Taeyong, I am the leader of NCT” he shook your hand bowing. Everyone sat down ordering food from the elaborate and expensive menu, “how about some champagne, to celebrate”
“Excuse me, Can we get a bottle of Champagne and what would you kids like?” Jaehyun grinned slapping the boys on the back.  “Hyung?” They pouted, not happy with being called kids.
“Can we get a pitcher of cherry coke and another of sprite please?” You asked the waiter and he nodded, the boys looked at you curiously. “I feel like some soda” 
You had fun playing games with Chenle and Jisung. Proud that you only had to go to the bathroom twice throughout the whole meal. Namjoon and Yoongi were getting really drunk as Namjoon kept slurring Congratulations to Yoongi and toasting to him. Taehyung the only other sober adult at the table helped you call rides for everyone to head home.
Carrying Namjoon inside your apartment building while he was singing at the top of his lungs Taehyung had started to sweat. “Moonchild you shine, When you rise, it's your time, C'mon yo” he tried to get the others to sing each wobbling comically in the elevator. Someone stepped onto the elevator and he grinned at the stumbling detective, recognition on his face.
“Namjoon?” “Moooooonchild dooooon't cry, When moooooon rise, it's your time, C'mon yo” Namjoon was trying to convince this man who seemed to know his name into singing his strange song with him.
“Namjoon how have you been?” “Soup-” he snickered into his hand “sooper dooper good” “I haven’t seen you since school, hey I just moved into this building so I guess I can see you around” He laughed patting him on the back making him fall forward. 
“Sorry about him they were celebrating tonight, I am Y/N” “Jackson Wang, you’re the girl who does the femme guide videos that BamBam has been watching. How did I not recognize Namjoon in the videos?”
“Do you have a femme?” “No, but we will very soon and are kind of scared about what to do?” “If you have any questions feel free to ask” you gave him your number and herded the boys out the elevator and towards your apartment.
Once inside you sent the boys who were more cognitive to shower and go to bed. While you and Taehyung were practically carrying Namjoon and Yoongi to their rooms. Yoongi was kissing your belly giggling a wide gummy grin. “I am your dad, and I love you and…” Wondering if he had fallen asleep you heard a sniffle 
“... I will try not to fuck up, okay so just go easy on me, I don’t really know what I am supposed to do, I will be there when you get sad and I will try to not get mad at you when you break my things, which you will cause you’re a child. I love you and your mum loves you and when the boys find out they will love you, I know this cause I am a dad, your dad”
There were steps thumping back down the hallway and Taehyung covered in tears ran at you stopping to delicately hug you. “we’re having a baby.” He was square mouth crying his body shaking with the small sobs “Namjoon said Yoongi is the father?”
“Don’t cry, it’s okay, I am a dad, you can hug me,” Yoongi said so sure of himself, puffing his chest out, standing to hug collapse against Taehyung “You want to say hi to the baby, you can’t see them ‘cause they are in there Tae, I put the baby in here, cause I am a dad”
Namjoon stumbled in holding the little baby shoes he had stolen from the nursery. “Yoongi, I got you a present for you, look they are so little” Namjoon and Yoongi curled up on the bed together holding a shoe each. Only after they argued on who got the left one, Namjoon said it was the most important as the left always goes missing. “I should have the left one because I am a dad”
Taehyung ignored the two drunkards and lifted your shirt bending down to place a kiss on your tummy. Whispering quietly and rubbing soothing circles on your hips. He lured you to his room and stripped and laid you on his bed so he could take photos. 
“Hello my friend I expect it would be warm inside someone’s belly, I don’t know where you are hiding because I can’t see you yet, but I know your in there” he looked up at you, “can they hear me?”
With no time to answer Taehyung opened your legs and practically shouted into your vagina, you lost it laughing so hard and he pouted.  “It’s really sweet but don’t scream at my business” he grinned and wiggling his eyebrows 
“Would you rather I do something else” you nodded at his offer. Slowly and hesitantly he buried himself between your legs, rolling his body against yours in slow thrusts trying not to hurt you. 
For the first time, he wasn’t chasing his high with you, he was holding your hands and telling you how much he loved you. You felt so special his slow moans were in a thick baritone. The two of you cuddled all night listening to classical music.
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You had such a peaceful rest, Taehyung had exhausted you into a deep sleep. When you woke you felt sick rushing to the nearest bathroom. Vomiting in the toilet, your throat burnt with the acid from your stomach. No matter how bad the morning sickness got, you were thankful that it always faded quickly.
Washing your mouth out and heading to the kitchen, you saw Jimin was making some toast. He was dressed in a pastel blue button-up and tan trousers, looking angelic. He pushed the plate of toast across the bench towards you and proceeded to make another two pieces for himself.
He looked tired from last night and you giggled, his thick lips pursed staring out the window. “My prince you look-“
“Princess, I think you might be pregnant” he blurted out “I don’t know much about females but I started researching after the incident in the bathroom and well... you have been throwing up every morning and you have been to the bathroom a lot and you didn’t drink last night and just so many things”
Jimin crossed the bench and hugged you, burying his nose in your hair where he gently inhaled your scented conditioner. “it’s okay love we are all here for you, have you been to the doctor, we can book you in for a check-up-”
“Jimin, I have already been, you can’t tell anyone okay?” “Tell anyone what?” Seokjin walked in heading to the fridge, he opened the doors and was shuffling around the fruit and vegetable crisper, his broad shoulder facing you. Throwing an egg at the kitchen window, it hit with a loud bang. Seokjin jumped at the noise turning around eyes wide looking for the source of the noise. Only to see Jimin frozen and looking at you like you were crazed.
“Don’t tell anyone Jimin threw an egg at the window” Pointing accusingly at Jimin and then at the said window, his mouth opening and shutting trying to speak and defend himself before he deflated. “Please don’t tell” he pouted, Seokjin took a cup of coffee and his fruit breakfast and left for work, the two of you alone once more eating toast silently.
“Jimin, pregnancies are really unstable you don’t tell anyone until sixteen weeks, I am only twelve please don’t tell anyone, imagine how devastated everyone would be if something happened” You held out your pinky and he took it with his, swearing to you he wouldn’t tell before sharing a kiss.
“You are not lying to me are you, you really are?” he whispered nodding you told him that you were, in fact, pregnant and it was Yoongi’s baby, but you wanted all the boys to treat this baby as if it was theirs as you were one big family. He dragged you to his room, locking the door, and sitting you on the bed. 
You felt electricity buzz through you, as he knelt between your legs, followed by warmth when he hugged your middle. “Hello Um… baby, my name is Uh Jimin, I love you little one. I know you will be loved by everyone. I will teach you everything I know, and when you need help I want you to know you can come to me. I promise” he was smiling so brightly at your tummy his fingers delicately caressing and tickling your sides. He saw you had started crying hand pressed to your mouth to suppress whimpers. 
“Princess don’t cry,” kissing your forehead he smelt like orange blossom and when his lips met yours he tasted like plum jam on toast. “I’m sorry it’s just everyone has been so good and talking to the baby and I’m so hormonal and emotional” 
Rounding up all the boys who knew your secret and dragging them into Yoongi’s studio much to his dismay, you discussed keeping it top secret. They all understood swearing they would try not to let it slip.
“What are you working on? A lullaby?” Taehyung read the computer screen, “Is it for the baby, I want to make a song too please” “Me too” Jimin piped up, they all got Yoongi to agree, Namjoon was also onboard with the idea of writing something. You were all excited and in your own thoughts when you heard Hoseok shout from the kitchen. 
“Why is there an egg splattered on the kitchen window, god I hope that’s egg if it’s not y’all need some sort of god to save your soul from sins and maybe a doctor yellow-orange is not a good colour”
You didn’t make it till the end of the day until they all knew, “You're pregnant!” Hoseok accused the ultrasound had fallen from Yoongi’s pocket, “this is a baby right, not a lumpy tumour, I have seen an ultrasound before”
Seokjin was choking on noodles, “really?” “Jagiya have you been playing with strays?” Hoseok grinned “You knew and didn’t tell us?” Jungkook pointed
Jimin put on a shocked face, pretending like he didn’t know “princess, you are pregnant? Since when? who is the father?” “But Jimin you already knew,” Taehyung said causing everyone to facepalm.  “You all knew?”  “I just found out” Seokjin breathed trying to console the screeching Jungkook.
“Same” Hoseok raising his hands innocently. You explained why you didn’t tell them and how the boys had found out you were expecting. “I told Yoongi, because, this is his biological child. Namjoon found out on and got drunk accidentally telling Taehyung and Jimin figure it out on his own.
Jungkook finally forgave you and each of the boys took turns talking to your belly and looking at the ultrasound. 
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Seven months pregnant and staying in a hotel, you walked out of the elaborate bathroom and got dressed. You had a small paid crew filming you for your channel. 
Your phone started ringing the caller ID said Seokjin, you answered, “hello my love” “Are you ready, the boys are getting tired of waiting?” “Alright stop complaining I need to get my room key” you scooped up your things up and headed to the elevator. Handing T.O.P your room key. 
Looking at your reflection in the mirror the dress you wore made your little round tummy look cute and you felt like you were glowing. The elevator stopped on the ground floor and you slowly walked out and headed towards the hall. Seokjin's hotel was a luxury style building a perfect place for all occasions and the food was lovely. 
The boys would be waiting for you just around the corner, there was a sweet piano piece playing. You recognised it as the one Yoongi had gifted you in the piano-shaped music box. 
Inshik smiled by the entrance and took your hand kissing it. He told you how beautiful you looked and Jiyong placed your veil in your hair. It was time to go in. The boys next door, we’re all dressed in pretty suits each carrying a basket of petals. They were your flower boys.
They each hugged you Kai and Soobin patting your round belly. “Rub the belly for good luck?” “I’m not Buddha”
They went down the aisle first throwing the petals. Jiyong followed wearing a spectacular bridesmaid dress, he had made it to perfectly work with his shape and it was in your weddings accent colour.
Inshik held out his arm and you hooked yours around it, “you don’t have to do this, just remember we can leave at any time if you are scared or have second thoughts”
“Nothing can stop me from getting married today.” He led you down the aisle. Everyone you knew was there the NCT group, Rose, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo, Jiyong’s family including Misuk who had the rings and Jackson and his family there. Jackson had introduced you to his family which had a new member a lovely femme who you had visited and helped her get settled in this new lifestyle. 
One look at each other across the hall and you all started crying, thanking the heavens you wore waterproof makeup. Reading your vows addressing them each one at a time and telling them intricately how much you loved and adored them. They read theirs to you each telling you how much you completed them and made them better. The celebrant was an old friend of Seokjin’s. His name was Leeteuk. Apparently, he officiated weddings often for the hotel. He had great fun making everyone feel special and relaxed during the ceremony. 
“I now pronounce you, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride” They each took their turn kissing you each kiss different. But each kiss was filled with love and passion. 
The ceremony led into the reception where you danced a small progressive waltz with the boys, spinning you onto the next partner. Cutting the cake and throwing the bouquet marked the end of the evening. The honeymoon suite was spacious and very romantically set. You were worshipped through the evening and well into the morning until you were utterly exhausted. 
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Nine months pregnant and waddling to work beside Jungkook, who was trying and failing to hide his amusement at the way you swayed. Going to work was less about actually working and more about talking with Inshik. You sat keeping him company and served a few customers. It wasn't a hard job, you also liked the cool temperature of the icecream van. You had some ice cream and was talking with Inshik about the book you bought for his birthday two months ago. He had finally finished it and was discussing the plot twists and character development.
Jungkook arrived to pack up the picnic tables and umbrellas, he refused to let you set up or pack up the equipment. He would just smile and tell you to go easy as pregnant women shouldn’t lift or exert themselves. Then at the end of the day, the two of you walked home hand in hand picking up, Jimin and Seokjin along the way. 
The moment you stepped in the door Taehyung was waiting to whisk you away into Namjoon’s office where he would undress you. He had been using the back of the office for photoshoots. Most people have one maternity shoot you had one every day, sometimes he just took different angles of your belly. Your favourite photo was one he took where your feet were peeking out from behind your belly.
You couldn’t say no especially when he praised you so much and made you feel beautiful, it always ended with the two of you making love in Namjoons office. Which Namjoon himself had confessed was always a nice sight to come home to. 
Namjoon and the boys had all practised how to change a baby’s clothes, Jungkook was admittedly better at it than you. “I love you mama bear” Taehyung whispered helping you into your robe. Jimin poked his head into the room with a bright smile, he clicked his tongue in disapproval. “Taehyungie, you not supposed to leave marks like this every day, our princess has work”
“I didn’t leave any yesterday” he held his arms up with a grin. 
“Princess, I got another bottle of cream” Jimin excitedly hugged you his chest pressed to your back swaying you both his hands under your tummy taking the weight off your back. Moaning in relief you laid your head back. “I will rub it onto your belly, this is the best for stretch marks they say you won’t even be able to see anything.”
“Mmm?” “And then afterwards I can cut some peaches” he kissed your jaw.  “Mmm yeah then what baby?” “Then maybe I can rub your back” “I love when you talk dirty to me”
After you were lathered in vitamin E cream, fed and massaged, everyone had returned home. Seokjin massaged your feet and painted your toenails.
“Excuse me, are you single?” You grinned at the broad-shouldered gentleman at your feet.  “Ah I am married and my pregnant wife is so stunning” he smiled wiggling his hand to flash the ring on his hand. 
“My pregnant wife is pretty too” Hoseok kissed your temple making hearts at you.  “Oh, what are your wives names?” “Y/n” they answered in unison and pretended to raise fists at each other.
“You trying to steal my wife?” “Ya! Who would want to marry your horse face” 
You took their moment of distraction to sneak of looking for Jungkook. He was supposed to be making dinner. You looked everywhere. Instead finding Yoongi sitting in the nursery hands clasped together gently rocking back and forth on the rocking chair. His eyes closed as he made a sound that could have been mistaken as a purr. 
“Hey daddy” you grinned he didn’t even flinch but his lips pulled up in a soft lazy smile. He blinked slowly coming out of his daze and looking up at your swollen figure, “you still love me?” 
You asked them every day and each one replied the same. ‘Always’ he held his arms out and you walked into them his long arms wrapping around your waist just touching at the small of your back. He gently pressed his soft and squishy cheek against your tummy, you felt the baby shift pressing an elbow into his face. “hey are you ruining my moment with your mother, when you get out we will have words”
Yoongi walked you to his room, passing the chaos in the lounge. He shut the bedroom door cancelling out the noise, he took a moment to admire how beautiful you looked just being yourself. You were flicking through the books on his bedside table. 
“Jimin has been on our backs to read these stupid books about pregnancy. Reading is what we have Namjoon for” You laughed smacking his arm, his eyes darkened and he growled at you “did you just hit me?”
“Get on your hands and knees” he pulled off your robe. Undoing his pants and grasping his shaft firmly he slipped himself inside you gently. His long arms reaching around you to hold your round belly in his hands. You moaned as he took the weight off your back. He always did this and when you asked he said it wasn’t fair that you had to carry the weight all the time. 
You were feeling really good he was warming up, he always started so cautiously and gentle until you asked him for more. Being pregnant made orgasms feel so much stronger except this time you felt weird all of a sudden really really weird. 
A sharp pain in your back and a tightness that rolled down your stomach, you felt trickling down your legs. Yoongi moaned thrusting a little harder at how you had tightened so hard around him he was so close. He was about to let go when you shouted.
“Yoongi wait stop. bangtan bangtan!” He pulled out and looked at you worried, never hearing you say the safe word before touching your face and then your stomach. 
“What did I do?”  “My water just broke” “Your what”
“How far did you get through the fucking book Yoongi” you snatched the book off the bedside table finding the dog eared page, “you’re on the third page?” “Yeah” he frowned guilty his voice breathless and his cock rock hard and throbbing in anticipation to his release. Laughing at his cluelessness.
“Fuck I love you” you kissed him, his hands rubbing your belly forgetting the contraction that had passed through you not a second ago. You scraped your nails along his scalp and moaned into his mouth and this seemed to be all he needed as he came hard on your thigh. 
The two of you looked down, your eyes staring at the pool of cum before your eyes travelled back up his chest to his guilty and pissed off expression. “Did you just come on my thigh?” “What a waste” He pouted, smirking you ran your finger over it swiping a little for a taste which made him smile even though he tried his hardest to still be pissed. 
You cleaned up and began pacing slowly, you needed to hold out for a while before heading to the hospital. Your contractions weren’t anywhere near close. You called the birthing clinic to let them know your water had broke and that you would come in when your contractions get closer. You were timing the contractions on your phone. 
That night at around nine you made your way to the hospital, you had the baby later that evening just before midnight. A little boy. He had his father’s crescent eye shape, cute nose and mouth. The boys stepped into the room their cheeks wet, noses pink. Yoongi had the first hold and the boys patted his shoulders gently in congratulations. 
“His name is Min Kyung Ju” 
Jungkook was a mess he hadn’t stopped crying, he didn’t like to see you in pain and especially didn’t like to hear you crying during the delivery. Taehyung had filmed a little of you in the hospital room before you went into active labour. 
The boys loved Kyungju named as the 32nd generation of the Min clan. The boy’s parents stopped by the hospital dropping off some flowers and meeting the baby. 
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You were breastfeeding one day when Kyungju opened his eyes you started giggling he had your eye colour. They weren’t the dark brown almost black colour of Yoongi‘s they were lighter (lighter brown, green, hazel, grey, blue, pink). 
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Your channel had become so popular. You had the NCT boys on your show for mukbangs, especially with Seokjin. Playing games with the younger ones. The TXT boys had their own channel now and collaborated with you guys often. 
Misuk loved Kyungju. She would lay on her belly and watch him wriggle around on the floor. “Kyungie is so funny”
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You came home from an appointment on a particularly hot day to see Jimin shirtless with the baby lying naked on his chest on the couch. Everything was so beautiful you decided to take a photo. Jimin groaned in exasperation his eyes snapping open. “Really, why would you pee on me?”
“I will get a towel” giggling at Jimin who was glaring up at you to get a towel.
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Kyungju was a vocal baby but never really cried, ever since birth, he would make gummy squeaks and little sounds when he breathed, he liked to hear his own voice, Yoongi had made a space in his studio where a small bouncer sat beside the desk and he could watch his son chew on the ears of his Woogie. (A floppy cat toy that had a small rattle sound inside)
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Taehyung took so many photos of your son you couldn’t help but grin as he ran to you with his camera showing you all the photos. “This is when he started to yawn, this is him smiling the same gummy smile as Yoongi.”
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While playing with Seokjin, he started babbling a string of dadadada and blowing raspberries, the whole room went quiet as he squealed and giggled at his Woogie before pulling his feet up to hold, his foot in his mouth. 
“Ew, feet are not for mouths” Seokjin grinned at the boy, “did your foul mouth daddy teach you that one?”
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Namjoon was playing with Kyungju bouncing him, while you got dressed for the day. Kyungju’s eyebrows pulled together in concentration made Namjoon laugh that is until milk poured from the infant’s mouth and onto his suit. He called for help. “Ahh someone grab the baby, he vomited on me” 
“Hold him properly, you’re scaring him” Taehyung scolded grabbing a cloth to clean the mess. Hoseok scooped up the bundle and cooed making the boy giggle once more. 
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It was a special night you went on a date with Jungkook. You went to Han River on a dinner cruise and had delicious food. Returning home late Jungkook led you to his room pulling off your dress and kissing your neck. You were both excited to have some time to indulge in your pleasures, it had been two months since having Kyungju, two months since you last had sex. Wearing your best lingerie. You told him you wanted to ride him and he responded with a grin, laying back on the bed propping his head up with pillows. He pushed your panties to the side and guided you down his thick length.
Getting really into the moment, Jungkook gripping your hips as you bounced on top of him. He hissed when you circled your hips. Yet the moment had to be broken by a cry from the baby monitor, freezing in place, you both turned to the monitor screen which was in all the boy’s rooms. You watched as Hoseok entered the Nursery to take care of the baby his voice playing through the monitor. “Your mum just wants one night off” the crying settled but you heard a gasp from underneath you. 
Looking down you noticed your bra was wet, the babies' cry made your milk start leaking. Jungkook gently massaged your hips and bit his lip. His shy bunny smile and his knitted brows showed you he was curious and wanting to ask something. “Yeobo, can I try some?”
“I mean if you want. I heard a lot of bodybuilders actually use breast milk” Laughing at how quick he was to sit up. He shushed you his cheeks flushed pulling down your bra and tasting some of your milk. You blushed and he grinned up at you. “It’s weird, not horrible just different, I think I will stick to regular milk”
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Kyungju was a lazy baby, but still liked to wriggle and roll across the floor, he was always up to mischief. Whenever he was picked up by Namjoon he had a habit of drooling or blowing raspberries, you knew it was because he liked the faces Namjoon pulled when he did it.
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The baby album which was released with songs you all had written for Kyungju, it sold twenty thousand copies and every day you sold a few more. It wasn’t anything too spectacular but it made you some money. You discussed the possibility of hosting live shows where you can talk to audiences and meet fans of the channel perhaps even sing a song or two live. However, you decided you were not ready for another overseas type experience, especially with a baby. 
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Waking to a cry. This one sounded different and Namjoon was the first to respond, he arrived at Seokjin’s room with your precious baby.  “Love, I think Kyungie is sick”
You and Seokjin shot out of bed and got dressed heading to the hospital, it was just a fever caused by a cold. After a course of antibiotics, he was back to normal. 
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Kyungju was scared of the vacuum he started crying when Seokjin started cleaning the living room. Jimin tried his best to console him, but it wasn’t going well. Unable to handle the sound of his sons crying nor watching the tears run down the poor boys face Yoongi took his son and walked him into the soundproof studio and patted his son to sleep. You were amused listening to the boys argue.
“So now I am the devil for cleaning the house, no one is yelling at Hoseok for cleaning” “Because the mop isn’t screaming in our son's ear”
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Femme Media 40
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 9x14: “Captives”
THEN: Angel civil war. Bartholomew. Kevin Tran, an unwilling Prophet, and his beloved mother, who may or may not be dead. Kevin is now dead, just as Sam sadly predicted. Sam confronts Dean then breaks his will.
Classic ghost symptoms at the Bunker.
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“Lonely is the Night” by Billy Squier. I think this is its second time on the show?
A sword against a ghost? Really, Sam?
“Yep. Bunker’s haunted.”
Ha. So matter of fact.
“Okay, so whoever's haunting us died here.”
“What, dead man of letters?”
“No, that doesn't track. I mean, we're the first people to occupy this place in 50 years. Why would a ghost wait so long to get its spook on?”
“Must have been a more recent death.”
Your biggest clue, boys.
The coffee maker’s beeping...and Kevin smashes a cup to confirm it’s him.
An angel attending a funeral.
I can see the plaid sticking out from underneath Cas’ collar.
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“We don't make war. We live humbly among these humans.” The Switzerland of angels, if you will.
It took Bobby  months for him to make contact, it took Kevin slightly shorter than that.
“Kevin, I'm sorry. You did not choose this life. You busted your ass, you lost everything, everyone you've loved... And your reward? Getting killed... On my watch. If I... It was on me. It was my fault, and...And there's nothing I can do to make that right. I am so sorry.”
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Pay attention, Dean.
“No, this is not happening. Didn't spend months struggling to break through the veil just to get stuck listening to Dean Winchester having a self-pity session. Didn't hear enough of those when I was alive.” Dude, he was apologizing to you.
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Spirits are stuck in the veil.
“Find my mother.”
“Crowley only told you she was alive to mess with you.”
Do him one last favor, please.
“Our boss has been looking for you.”  
Wichita, Kansas.
“I'm still stuck on the fact that we're trying to summon a ghost named Candy. You know, just 'cause Kevin said he heard his mom is alive doesn't mean she --”
“Hey, we at least owe it to the kid to try, right?”
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Cas is beautiful.
Cas, meet Bartholomew.
An, uh, unexpected friendly hug?
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“You feel that? I think I felt a chill.”
“Yeah. It's 'cause it's cold.”
Brother banter?
There she goes.
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“Raphael fled. Most of his loyalists, dead or captured.” So Bartholomew learned from Cas.
“You've been flying solo for so long, you've forgotten that's what angels do. We follow orders.”
“Not you, though. Not anymore.”
“That's right. I give them.”
This took a turn.
Candy went through hell. :(
RIP Candy. Killed by a demon.
...and there's Ms. Tran.
Candy was a beloved mistress of a power politician...Ms. Tran is the beloved mother of a powerful prophet.
“Human leverage. But why kill Candy?”
“Well, you heard her. Uh, she tried to make a break for it. Maybe Crowley wanted to make an example.”
“No. No. The guy left in charge. Crowley wanted the victims alive.”
“So, what, you want to give him a medal?”
Romans 8:31.
Bartholomew wants to recruit Cas.
“Let me guess -- 5'5", pasty white, black-rimmed hipster glasses just like the last place.”
*Employee who matches the description to a T comes out.*
Agents Nicks and McVie. (Fleetwood Mac shout outs. Nice.)
I love the shared look when the other guy comes out just like Dean’s description.
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“Okay. It's all leased by the same guy -- a D. Webster.”
“D. Webster? Wait. As in, like, Daniel Webster?”
“Well, I know a lame Crowley in-joke when I see one.”
Sam found Ms. Tran!
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Tear my heart out of my ass, why don’t you? It’d hurt less.
You’ve been bamboozled, Dean!
Bartholomew has quite the operation going on.
“I've had my hands so full with the factions, it's distracted me from the real goal. But with you by my side -- the new boss and the ultimate rebel working together -- think of the message that would send to would-be dissidents. They'd finally understand that resistance is futile.” Slow your jets, Bart.
The angel from the funeral?
“I'm gonna torture the rebel, find out what he knows, then kill him. And you're going to help.”
Ms. Tran takes control. 
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Every time she mentions Kevin, I lose a year off my life.
“Listen. Ms. Tran....”
“You will take me to my son. Flashlight. Flashlight!”
That just gave her more motivation to get out.
RIP Barry. Killed by Del.
“I wasn't even allowed to kill anyone. I was told to protect them. I mean, how sick is that? Am I not a young, vital demon with basic demon needs and rights?” Poor you. wah wah.
Dean is posing like a damn male model right now, omg.
“Who I was, what I did, that's not who I am.” Tell him!
“No? Then who are you?” Again with that dilemma.
“I was never free to leave. My only choice was to obey or be killed. Well, I choose.”
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RIP angel. Killed by Bartholomew.
Sam takes down Del.
“As your refusal makes perfectly clear, you always thought you were better than me. Shall we put your superiority to the test once and for all?” Now hold on.
“You never did understand, Castiel. There can be no peace without bloodshed.” Bartholomew’s last words.
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Finished him quickly, damn.
RIP Bartholomew. Killed by Cas.
“Let me pass.” What a boss.
“Do it. Kill me.”
“No, we're saving you for someone else.”
“Much worse.”
“Do the honors, Ms. Tran.”
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RIP Del. Killed by Ms. Tran.
“Take me to my son.”
I actually want to die right now.
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Kevin’s father’s ring. What he attached himself to.
The way she grasps the ring, the only thing left of her son, breaks my heart.
Ms. Tran got a fair warning about harboring a spirit...but it’s her son. She’ll take that risk.
“When I fell, I thought I had no choice, but yesterday, you've showed me that there is a choice. And I choose you.” Cas is a Pokeman now? (I’m still making that same joke, apparently.)
Cas now has a following, if he wants it.
Ms. Tran wanted to look out for Kevin, and he wants to look out for her as well.
“Enjoy your time with your mom. The, uh, uninterrupted, 24/7, no-escape quality time.” :’) I believe it’ll be 2 years of that. 
“Hey, before I go... Will you guys promise me something?”
“Yeah.” “Anything.”
“Can you two... Get over it? Dudes, just 'cause you couldn't see me doesn't mean I couldn't see you. The drama, the fighting... It's stupid. My mom's taking home a ghost. You two... You're both still here.”
I remember being so fucking happy Kevin said that.
I’m so sad this was the end Ms. Tran got. 
FUCKING SAM. Seriously, Why? After all these years, I still don’t get it.
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