#this is phrased so weird but mood
tswwwit · 1 year
I would love, even if its just its just brief summaries, to know the different thoughts going through bills head throughout the last smut. (mainly when he got the text and when dipper starts just blurting out thoughts and ideas bc i think those moments would be fun to see)
Imagine you're having the shittiest day at work. You're gritting your teeth and hanging onto it by your fingernails, knowing that eventually dealing with this absolutely idiotic, waffling, overstuffed, condescending dipshit of a client will be done with, you'll charge him out the nose for your services - which will probably be, like a hundred dollars, the way this is going! What bullshit. At least afterwards, you can collapse onto the bed and complain to your spouse about it. Which you have been doing, actually, waiting for a decent excuse to bail or check out early.
Then you get a text. And it's your partner saying they got you a brand new console, your favorite pizza - Oh! And a million bucks in untraceable cash - but you might have to kick your shitty client in the nuts so hard his eyes pop out. Does that sound... okay? No pressure or anything.
The reason Bill was a minute later than expected is because even he needed a moment. It was the sheer whiplash from going from Shit to Fucking Amazing.
#answers#Bill went from full on eeueuughhh about his day to practically having hearts floating around him#Perhaps literally depending on the magic situation in the place he was in#In my head Bill was 'hired' by a (shitty) villain and he got out of it by doing a quick betrayal and demanding to be cast out by the 'heros#“I Got THIS to get back to!! You think I wanna keep him waiting???”#He already hovers in his normal triangle form but this man was practically floating with delight heading back to Dipper#A graph of Bill's mood would start out super low then spike sharply at the pic#It then stays super high up with more spikes during all the shenanigans#After the smut they likely get cleaned up. Cuddle. And talk shit about idiots they've had to deal with#Bill Cipher has gone from doing his evil deeds and playing piano to an empty bedroom while raiding his own bar for distraction#To coming home to someone who'll listen to him bitch about his day and absolutely bicker with him about it#Calling him the worst thing in the universe. A scourge upon reality.#The most clever awful bastard. How *dare* he be handsome that's a crime -and frankly Dipper basically did it for him so he can't take credi#And sometimes even saying 'yeah you didn't *entirely* deserve to be screwed over that way. I could have done that *way* better.'#While Bill rests his head in his lap. Having someone listen to him ramble while he gets his hair played with. Lots of really good kisses#Warm. Close. Grossly domestic. But hey! Even *sex* can seem gross if you phrase it weird and *that's* a normal demonic pleasure#Sometimes fun things are just fuckin' FUN y'know?? Even if this one seems weird to other demons#It's. Nice. REALLY nice.#There's absolute no goddamn way he's going back to NOT having this#Even death won't pry it out of his greedy little mitts
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jankwritten · 1 year
i think one of my biggest gripes with TSATS is the sentence structure and the way that things are phrased.
Sentence structure: the book is CONSTANTLY using ", and", or "then", or "but" instead of splitting up a phrase into two separate sentences. Once I noticed it, I couldn't stop noticing it. In some places it works fine, but right out the gate, as the first line of chapter one, it 1) caught my attention in a negative way and 2) felt immediately clunky and awkward.
The way that the book demonstrates action also feels unnatural and doesn't flow as well as it could. Things are described as happening "now", such as when Kayla takes her lolipop out of her mouth and holds it at her side, the book narrates it as "now holding the lolipop at her side". We didn't SEE that action occur, we're just being described the RESULT of the action, does that make sense? As a reader, you want to SEE the action, you want to SEE her tug the lolipop out of her mouth, see her hand hang by her side as her expression pinches with anxiety over the discussion. We don't want to just be told that "now" her lolipop is out of her mouth, y'know?
There are also sentences that just feel flat out unedited, phrases that have too many words for what they want to accomplish, or with a structure that doesn't make sense - like on page 56, the sentence "They raced up the steps to the platform, Nico easily outrunning his boyfriend, though that was mostly due to Will having to get his land legs again."
First of all - why are they running up the platform? In the previous line, where we're told their cab driver got them to the station with 6 minutes to spare, the specific choice of saying "to spare" makes it sound like there is plenty of time to make it to their train. In the sentences after, we even learn that Nico and Will wound up waiting for their train anyway, so, the fact that they're running when Will feels sick reads...weird, to me. If I was car sick, and then somebody forced me to run for no reason, I would not be a happy camper.
Second of all - The addition of the final third of the sentence, after the second comma, should be it's own phrase. It should be given it's own space, like "(though that was mostly because Will didn't have his land legs back yet)." because it's not important information, just an offhanded comment Nico is making.
Third of all - "though that was mostly due to" and "having to get his" are clunky and wordy. It could've just been "Nico easily outrunning his boyfriend, who didn't have his land legs back yet." It's a smoother sentence that doesn't get bogged down by the extra words.
And that's just one instance. This book is LOADED with moments like this, where action will get lost in a sentence's wordiness. The book tries to be quick and snappy, in Riordan's style, but it fails because it can't quite nail down the phrasing.
There are also moments where the only thing the characters are interacting with is each other, only grinning, grimacing, sighing, glancing at one another, etc etc, instead of doing actions while they speak. Fidgeting with their hands, shifting from side to side, looking away at their surroundings, that kind of stuff is how you convey a MOOD. Body language is important when writing character conversations!! Is somebody relaxed, or are their shoulders tensed up, arms folded across their chest with their muscles flexed, leaning back on one leg with their body halfway tilted away, as if they were ready to flee at a moment's notice? These are the kind of details that I'm missing in TSATS, the kind of things that feel like they're missing.
I also have a lot of gripes with the dialogue itself.
People don't talk like they do in TSATS. The content of what they're saying is realistic enough, sure, yeah, but the specific way that a lot of the dialogue is phrased? It doesn't feel natural. Try reading some of the sentences out loud without editing any of the words. It doesn't sound the way a human being SPEAKS.
THAT'S what I mean when I say these characters are OOC. The way that they're speaking is uncomfortable and feels as if they're being used as a puppet, or a mouthpiece for what somebody ELSE wants them to say.
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god my coworker is cool but they like constantly try to one up everything i say. i forget what exactly we were talking about but i mentioned how my family is irish and mexican and there's lots of alcoholism/ addiction. and they were like "yeah my dad's addiction is scary. he loves smoking and adds mint essential oil bc they don't sell menthols" or whatever and like um. well my dad's addiction killed him so
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my favorite odd lil gremlin pepper man
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jinglejanglemornings · 3 months
nothing pisses me off quite like people who work in mental health and just have less than zero awareness around obsessive compulsive disorder
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linabirb · 3 months
yes i'm using my own gifs but i keep getting notes on that one milgram s1 and milgram s2 art style comparison post and a lot of people are saying that shidou and mikoto look completely different now which is true but.
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just so you understand i've said before that i got into milgram back when akaa came out and i watched all the t1 mvs in the same day and then went to watch akaa and sat there. thinking that akaa haruka is like a completely different person. completely different haruka. that mv alone made me think that the theory about haruka being actually older than 17 could actually be true BECAUSE HE LOOKS SO MUCH OLDER THAN WEAKNESS HARUKA PLEASE TELL ME I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES IT HE EVEN LOOKS OLDER WHEN IT'S HIS CHILD SELF I AM SHAKING YOU I AM NOT INSANE
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elytrafemme · 2 years
you know, freshman year was three years ago and nobody at all remembers me back then, but going into senior year is truly me fighting the war of the 9th grade mental health allegations on the side of the 9th grade mental health allegations
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lilyaceofdiamonds · 1 year
The sentence ‘my mother is pissed at me because i refuse to quit my retail job so i can fly to [redacted state] for christmas and when i said they could come to my state she said they had already bought tickets’ is just. How does that even sound real.
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
okay imagine like with svt (either ot13 or minghao jihoon and seungkwan pls) you’re studying for some test in eng / a language other than korean and you go to them with like the tiniest handwriting, tons of notes, all on one page all proud and theyre just like “…now wtf does this say bro” love u axie (if i can call u that) take a rest and i love u sooo so much! u can dm me if my req is a little confusing <33
speaking your native language in their presence ♡
a/n. the way i RAN to write this!! it took a moment ngl but phew, i’m done!! thank you for requesting, hopefully you like it roxie!!! and ofc you can call me axie, it makes my heart melt ngl <3
also i had a race with time to finish it before you go on a hiatus i was STRESSING LMAO but i made it 😌
warnings. cursing >:T
oh and for anyone interested i also have enha && skz && bts versions of this!!
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┆彡 SEUNGCHEOL [ 승철 ]
mans so used to talking w you in korean that he kind of??? forgot??
so once you were talking with your mom over the phone and his mouth went ajar
like that man was ready to call the exorcist
and then it clicked and he was like oh ☺️
after the shock went away he swore he fell in love over n over again
loves hearing you talk in your native tongue :(
he’s so entertained by it too, like i swear he’s like a kid (affectionate)
you were laying in seungcheol’s arms, head nuzzled into his neck. his big arms held you tightly and he softly drew shapes onto your skin.
“and… seventeen?” his question made you smile. you translated how the number sounds in your native language.
and cheol started giggling.
“sev…enteen… it’s so.. rustly” he chuckled, attempting to say it “oh! what about our songs?”
“well… hot would be hot” you barely finished and seungcheol was giggling like a teenager. it was so contagious that you couldn’t help but start laughing too. but then he attempted to say it and failed horribly, causing a full on hysteric laughter from both of you.
maybe it was the late hour or his failed attempts. whatever it was, it felt so heartwarming.
he will learn with your help a couple of basic phrases!!
due to his busy schedule he can’t study on his own but once he has some free time he’s doing those duolingo lessons LIKE A FREAK
oh and also
if he’s pouting bc he’s in a bad mood, all it takes is a kiss and a nickname thrown at him in your native language ^_^
┆彡 JEONGHAN [ 정한 ]
he’s like a cat – curious but won’t let it show
shushes everyone in the room if you’re talking to your friends or parents in your native language through the phone :”)
obviously so they hear you better duh (not because he wants to listen, duh)
will learn some phrases on his own so you two can communicate (and cheat) while you’re playing games w his friends hehe
he absolutely fell in love with the kitchen of your home country like 😭😭😭
and and he absolutely adores the names of the dishes, esp when you pronounce them so effortlessly
it unlocked something in him….. sure he had a soft spot for you but now oh boy
“hannie…” you whined, tugging his sleeve.
you had a small fight, well… more of a disagreement: he wanted some ramyeon and you were craving (dish name). obviously he folded in half and knew he’s done for the second the dish name rolled off your tongue so satisfyingly.
“please? we didn’t have it in a while! we can order (dish name no2) too? pleasepleasepleaseee” you pouted. jeonghan sighed dramatically, raising his eyebrows.
“okay. but say it one more time” he grunted, a smile creeping on his face.
“you’re so weird” you mumbled amusingly in your native language and he frowned
“hey, i understood that!” jeonghan scoffed, causing you to chuckle.
he looks at you with literal hearts in his eyes whenever you speak your native language, just saying <\\3
when he’s feeling extremely soft, usually when you’re about to go to sleep cuddled n all, he’ll ask you to just whisper some random stories
it lulls him to sleep so fast
please also caress his hair he’ll melt on spot 🥹
┆彡 JOSHUA [ 조슈아 ]
he knows the struggles of feeling away from home so the second you start feeling homesick he’s there to make you feel better:”)
shua loves hearing you mutter some random words, for example when you’re counting or something
will also ask for music recommendations and he will learn some of the songs so he can sing them while playing the guitar
also he’s INVESTED
like,, shua will watch you scribble down in your mother tongue mesmerised
it’s not that fun, however, when you’re in a rush and you left him a note with a grocery list scribbled down
… and a couple of things in your native language…. messily written that even the translator doesn’t understand it…
“uhhh… y/n, darling?” joshua’s voice rung in your ears as you picked up the incoming face time call. you smiled upon seeing his cute but puzzled face.
“yes, baby? also good morning to you too” you hummed, fixing your earphones. his face lit up upon seeing you
“oh woah, you look good today. but i’m in a bit of a pickle…” he hesitated, the camera turning around. you noticed the note you left behind and your eyes widened upon realising that you wrote some of the items in (language name).
“oh” you giggled.
“oh indeed” he shook his head with a loving smile “and even the translator doesn’t–“
“it’s butter, flour and cucumbers” you explained and joshua let out a dramatic, relieved sigh
he notes down the words after such incidents so he doesn’t have to call you eveytime
and it’s safe to say that he’s build a quite big vocabulary so far
and he’s always so proud like
“hey y/n i bought the (cucumbers in your language) you wanted!” with the widest grin ever
┆彡 JUNHUI [ 文俊�� ]
my mans woke up one day and decided to learn your language
bought books, textbooks, audiobooks, duolingo plus (or premium, however it’s called) and casually managed to learn A LOT
he just loves the way it sounds and aspires to talk so fluently like you
ofc he knows he still has a lot to learn but don’t underestimate him
and the main reason when he’s gonna use it it’s just… bothering you ^_^
“–and then he gave me flowers! yeah! he’s the sweetest!” you were gossiping with your bestie over the phone, peeking at jun calmly reading a book “ugh, i know! i know, i know, i know, shut up!”
jun just smirked, getting ready to say something.
“trust me, i’d drop on my knee right here right now if i weren’t such a chicken” you giggled and blush creeped on your cheeks when you met your boyfriend’s curious gaze
“i’d prefer to do it, to be honest, but you’re such a cutie” jun said calmly in (language name) and casually returned to his book. your mouth fell ajar as your bestie started squealing over the fact that he spoke (language name)… apparently.
jun just winked and you cleared your throat, hanging up quickly.
“what was that?!” you laughed and he just shook his head with a mischievous smile.
he’s such a gremlin >:(
so yeah, expect him to start spilling tea in your native language as an excuse to 1) spend more time w you 2) practice his skills
but as i said he’s??? like?? almost fluent??? his accent is so so adorable too <|\3
he’s so smug abt it as well
like if you ask him, he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know a thing in (language name)
but if he’s abt to bully you (affectionately) he’ll come up with the most creative nicknames known to a humankind
also, if you have siblings… he WILL gossip w them in your mother tongue too 😐
┆彡 SOONYOUNG [ 순영 ]
oh boy.
he’s so so curious to hear you say even one (1) thing in your language
but totally misses it when you actually say some words throughout the day
obviously knows one word: tiger (wow shocking?!!!)
and uses it sm 😭 he has your contact name written as my tiger but my is in korean and tiger in your native language 🥹
he calls you like that often, it’s like a new nickname for you
he may be not so invested into actually learning it but your culture tho!!! esp dancing n music… sigh <\\3
you stepped into your apartment, the weight of this tiring day on your shoulders. as you lazily took off your shoes and put the bag with groceries into the ground you realised something.
the song playing in the background was strangely similar. suddenly it clicked. it was a popular song by an artist from your country! just when you realised, the sound of shoes squeaking against the wooden floor stopped.
“are you dancing to… (song title)?” you breathed out as your boyfriend popped out from behind the corner.
“yeah! i love the vibe of the song!” he grinned and gave you a welcome kiss. after pulling away you could see the gears were turning in his head “could you translate the lyrics?”
as you made your way to the practice room, you hummed the song underneath your breath. and in this moment soonyoung’s heart skipped a beat.
since that moment it’s like a routine that you sing/hum him to sleep some songs in your native language
or just whisper some stories
he’s out like a baby fr
a big enjoyer of the soap operas
he’ll binge them with you or alone and be actually invested in the drama
that’s how he also learned curse words ☺️☺️
┆彡 WONWOO [ 원우 ]
oh my precious nonu :((
he adores it sm when you speak your native language
when you’re shy abt it he just has to use all of his willpower to prevent himself from squealing like a teenage girl
will ask you to teach him and it’s just so so soft *screams*
you’ll be laying in bed, in his arms as you read through the textbook and explain the grammar of the sentence given
and he’ll repeat it in tiny 🥹
it’s so so wholesome
you let out a sigh, the grasp on your mouse tightening. wonwoo noticed and let out a chuckle.
“what’s up?” he asked, peeking at your screen.
“the fucking skeleton won’t leave me alone” you grunted in your mother tongue, earning a gasp from him. suddenly the arrow that the minecraft skeleton shot hit you and you fell down from the tree at top of which were you hiding “fuck!”
“baby!” he laughed hysterically, his head thrown back. your eyes widened, realising the curse words
“sorry! why is this stupid block game making me emotional?! ignore me” you scoffed and he just shook his head, smiling proudly at the new knowledge he obtained.
he finds it so endearing when you swear in your native language 😭😭😭
and it’s such a bad habit, especially when you play games together, that he started doing it too???
wonwoo laughs that you’re a bad influence but secretly he loves the way the curses roll of tongue 😭😭
┆彡 JIHOON [ 지훈 ]
you could sneeze and you’re literally inspiring him to write 82837492 songs
so when he heard you talk in (language name) he was just like in another dimension
he’s smiling like an idiot fr his friends thought something was wrong but it was just you <3
uh however he kind of… never saw your handwriting in (language name)
and once you were studying for an important exam and mans had a heart attack
“hey y/nnie have you seen my…?” his voice died out in his throat upon seeing you and your notes. they were all scribbled in a tiny handwriting in some… letters he didn’t fully recognise. you had like five A4 pages of such notes.
jihoon blinked repeatedly, trying to think if he wasn’t in the sun for too long today – his eyes must be playing a trick on him.
“look! im so happy with the outcome, it looks so cute!” you grinned and turned around to see him almost hyperventilating “hoonie?”
“what–“ he frowned, pointing with his finger at one of the pages. what is going on?
“it’s in (language name), dumbass” you scoffed, everything suddenly making sense to him “it helps me understand stuff better”
“oh” he grunted, shifting his gaze to the page with little drawings “what does it say?”
“oh it’s the–“ you started explaining, throwing in some words in your mother tongue subconsciously. he just smiled and listened attentively.
regarding that, he enjoys just listening to you as you study and whisper some of the words/sentences in your mother tongue!
it really calms him down and usually puts to sleep to <\\\3
oh oh! and when you caress his hair while doing so… ah, he’s so whipped
he has tons of songs that are unreleased… and yes, you guessed correctly, with your consent he used some of your voice memos n all in the background
the songs are so cute :( he’s really proud of them too!! and it’s so sweet that it’s just… for the both of you <3
please leave in his studio some “i love you!” or “have a good day” sticky notes, preferably in (language name) or with translations?! he’ll melt :[
also another one that reaaaally likes the curse words >:T
┆彡 SEOKMIN [ 석민 ]
from the moment he met you he was always curious about your culture n native language but never pushed you to speak it n all
and gradually while dating him you started using it more and he started paying more attention
like he didn’t notice before that the funny sound you do while dropping something is actually cursing! 😀
what’s surprising, he understands a lot – maybe it’s the context or just some magical powers
but sometimes you can communicate like you say something in (language name) and he answers in korean bc he understood
and he’s so so in love with your accent and the way your face lights up when you speak it your mother of tongue
but for the love of god please – somehow – stop speaking it in your sleep, he’s gonna have a heart attack one day 🥰🥰
dokyeom stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up. he wasn’t sure why but suddenly he heard something.
it was definitely something. he sat straightly, narrowing his brows confused. what is that sound? is that a burglar? or…?
he looked over at you. no, you were sleeping peacefully. seokmin looked around the dark room, his heart speeding up. was this a nightmare? or was he just going insane?
then again. no, it must be someone saying something. something that he can’t understand.
then it clicked and he looked at you. your mouth was moving slightly, incoherent (language name) words being spoken.
he scoffed and went back to sleep, pulling you closer.
it took him so much time to get used to that but anyways 🏃‍♀️💨
and he’ll definitely make fun of you for that too (as if he didn’t have a whole ass jumpscare)
he absolutely adores ballads in (language name), it’s like his new obsession
and he tries to sing them, with the cutest accent ever :(
will occasionally twist some words but it’s okay, he’s enjoying himself 🫶
┆彡 MINGYU [ 민규 ]
this dork
he always acknowledged your native language n all but unlike dk he asks u to speak it 24/7
like, you don’t get it: he’s obsessed.
you could insult him in his face in (language name) and he’ll look at you with hearts in his eyes
he wants to learn it, he really does, but it’s just so frustrating when he fails :(
mingyu was sitting at the dinner table, his food long forgotten while he was biting at the end of the pencil. glasses sitting at the bridge of his nose, brows furrowed.
“gyu? you’re still here?” your voice snapped him back to reality, eyes widening. you rubbed your eyes.
“yeah i just don’t get it…” he whined, shoulders slumping “i understand the words but they don’t make a logical sentence in my head”
“baby…” you chuckled softly and stood behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your chin on his shoulder.
he grabbed his food, cold now, and slowly chewed on it as you explained everything.
“because look. this word, what does it mean?” you asked, noticing that he’s eating so you just scoffed and continued “girl, right? but this ending here added means girl’s. and this? old. but those letters here? they make it an adjective, so…?”
“older?” he asked, puppy eyes glaring at you with adoration. you nodded with encouragement and he tried again “so… the girl’s older brother had a dog?”
“yeah! good job baby! now let’s go to sleep, hm? i’m tired” you giggled and pecked his cheek. he nodded proudly.
kisses really motivate him btw >:)
he watches those yt videos of people teaching and giving tips but he loves when you give him private tutoring lessons 🫶
will often cook you some regional dishes in return
generally, he enjoys exploring your national cuisine ^_^
also would love to go to (country name) w you and take some pics…
… or propose there
so just go there w him already! 🙄
┆彡 MINGHAO [ 徐明浩 ]
shut up i want him
you’re each other’s private tour guides 😭
museum dates are such a must, and you’re just talking abt something that impacted a certain artwork (like cultural event in history or something) and he just listens genuinely interested!! and vice versa
loves when you read out loud poetry in your native language :(
started taking lessons?? like one day you woke up and he was just on a zoom call saying something like “my name is minghao” with the cutest smile ever
and you’re like?????
he’s such a fast learner 🥹 hao believes it’s because he truly wants to learn in order to communicate with you 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
but that didn’t prepare you for what was about to come next…
don’t let him near your parents. he WILL gossip with them abt you.
“does she swear a lot?” your mom’s voice reached your ears as you walked into the your apartment, grocery bags in your hands. your parents were visiting you and minghao but…
“like a sailor! no, i’m joking. of course she doesn’t. she does snore a lot, though” your boyfriend giggled and you let out a dramatic gasp.
“hao!” you whined and they both looked at you, not really caring that you’re here now.
“i guess she has that after her father” your mom chuckled and minghao noticed her tea is almost finished, so he poured some more in “oh, you’re such a gentleman”
“it would be a crime if i wasn’t in a presence of such an beautiful lady” he hummed and sent you a playful look. you just rolled your eyes and started unpacking the groceries.
“gentleman my ass” you grunted quietly.
“y/n!” your mom frowned and suddenly you heard someone standing up. in no time minghao hugged you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck
“i just told your mom you don’t swear, honey” he murmured in korean
“well, ass is not a swear word” you pouted. minghao chuckled and helped you unpack the bag.
“you’re right, it’s a part of human body but i am surely more than that” your boyfriend teased and you just nudged his arm, rolling your eyes once again.
i feel like it might take a while but he’ll actually manage to be fluent?
so when you sadly forget a bit of (language name) due to mostly using korean and make a mistake, it’s almost like that mingyu-joshua moment
and hao is the one correcting you 😭
and your just like?? excuse me?? it was just a mispronunciation🙄☝️
but he doesn’t let it go and teases you >:(
┆彡 SEUNGKWAN [ 승관 ]
he straight up asked you one day to teach him some (language name) bc he thought it sounded cute <|3
and you’re like 🥹 yeah 🥹
but uh, he’s not a very patient student and gives up quickly 😭😭
but it’s okay!! he tried n also has a busy schedule so it’s understandable
nevertheless, he still adores when you speak your mother tongue
esp when you call him nicknames sigh
however our lovely boo kind of forgot how the written letters vary from spoken words
“what are you doing?” seugkwan hummed intrigued upon seeing you scribble something on paper. you looked up and met his soft gaze.
“oh, this? this is a crossword! korean ones are still too difficult for me so my friend sent me a couple of those in (language name)” you explained and tapped the paper with the tip of your pencil. he frowned, looking at the letters in brackets
“what the fuck” kwan grunted confused. not only he didn’t recognise some of the letters but it was also the fact that they were going vertically. you scoffed and let out a sudden gasp, filling in a new word. seungkwan watched you amused, how swiftly you wrote down the letters on paper “what is it?”
“it’s umm, a historical reference. a surname of one guy, you know” you hummed. seungkwan sat down next to you and watched you fill the crossword, occasionally translating the questions and words you put in while you explained what they meant and why were they the answer.
in no time this turned into a couple activity: sometimes like this, sometimes he did a korean one and you watched, sometimes you solved them at the same time - him in korean, you in your mother tongue
he learned a lot of words thanks to this
and he has the cutest accent ever like i swear 🥹
seungkwan loves watching soap operas too like he lives for the drama
often repeats (shouts) what the characters are shouting too LMAO
so you’re chilling and suddenly you hear “get out of my house! now!” with his accent
also watches movies n animations in (language name) to learn some new words
he knows all the disney songs in (language) and majority of them he knows by a heart <\3
so you just sometimes blast let it go or under the sea in (language name) and sing along >_<
┆彡 VERNON [ 버논 ]
this menace
he’s so chill about it
secretly loves when you accidentally sneak some words in your language it’s just so adorable
or when you forget a word and try to describe it… n then you give up and say it in (language name) just to see him smile <\\\\3
he decided that he’ll learn some random words??? like for example he just likes how umbrella sounds in (language name) so he just?? learned how to spell and say it
and uses it in random moments too like he’s so goofy <\3
you were casually chatting with his members, a raging discussion about whether mint chocolate ice cream is such a controversial topic in your country as well.
“i wouldn’t say so? people don’t… really care? a lot of people i know like it, actually! a bigger dispute would rather be some casual stuff like, do you sleep in socks or not… or which goes first: cereal or milk” you explained, looking at vernon. you could almost hear gears turning in his head, knowing what’s about to come
“toothpick” he said in (language name) suddenly, causing everyone to look at him confused. you started laughing at how serious he was when he said it; he started laughing too, it was simply contagious.
his friends looked at you completely flabbergasted, not sure what happened.
“i think they officially lost it” minghao mumbled, a smile creeping on his lips as you and vernon laughed like maniacs.
he always finds the most unfunny memes funny, like it could be even a meme from 2015 and he’d laugh
sends them to you too
and surprisingly?? he’s on track with the newest memes in your country like??
will know the most basic phrases too but sometimes mixes them
do you hand him a piece of orange bc he asked you to and then he goes “goodbye”
and you’re like?? 😭
but he tried okay?!
┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
chan is super hyped about hearing you talk in (language name), it just amazes him how easily you switch between languages
but he never asked u to speak to him bc he didn’t want to feel you pressured or something
but whenever at home you just forget a word he loves when you say it in (language name) even if he doesn’t understand shit
or when you’re just so excited and into a convo and you don’t notice that you sneaked a few foreign words :”)
he always repeats them after you quietly ^_^
one day though, he’s just feeling soft and tired and his brain shut off
“y/n… can you say something in (language name)?” chan whispered suddenly, forcing his eyes to open and peek at you. you hummed, pushing some stray strands of hair that fell onto his forehead. laying on your sides but facing each other, chan noticed how your cheeks flushed pink.
“well… you’re not going to understand me anyways but… i love you. so, so much. i’m so grateful to have you in my life, you make me feel at ease. i can’t imagine my life without you…” you hummed and he noticed how your voice broke when you started the next sentence “and it hurts me to see when you put too much pressure on yourself, baby. you think you’re not good enough but to me, your members and your fans… and literally everyone else, you are. you so are, channie…”
he panicked once you teared up, fully awake. chan pulled you closer, calming you down
“i’m sorry” he mumbled, heart breaking at the sound of your sobs. you just scoffed, shaking your head
“don’t apologise, i just love you so much” you mumbled into his shirt and he swore he was about to melt.
i feel like deep down he knew what you meant <\3
if he hears about one (1) event even slightly connected with (country name) he’ll drag you there so you can feel at home for a moment (as if he’s not your home) and also translate some stuff for him
absolutely loves when you call him nicknames in your mother tongue, like
you could call him the goofiest and cheesiest nickname and he’s squealing like a teenage girl
but then he calls you the same or finds some new nicknames on the internet
sometimes to make you laugh or confuse he’ll put a sentence or a question to google translate and it’ll just… translate it so bad
“what do you mean ‘where’s the broccoli dog??’” you frown and he just laughs his ass off bc 1) it mistranslated OR 2) he purposely put some silly stuff to make you puzzled
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
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Hihi! I’m in an angsty mood, so if it’s no bother would you mind writing falsely suspected traitor!reader (gn) with Gaz, ghost, soap, velikan, roach, Keegan and Krueger (I’m sorry, I don’t know your character limit, it’s completely up to you how many and which of them you want to write for!!) but they only find out reader is innocent after they already tortured reader?
Reader does forgive them but is very much traumatised, believing it’s something they did in order to bring suspicion to themselves, so reader starts to act differently. More meek and withdrawn, always keeping their head down and voice quiet, flinches and has low self esteem, …etc
Of course no pressure to write this at all!! And I’m sorry if any of the phrasing is weird, English is not my first language 😅
Hope you have a great day/evening!
a/n: I’m pretty sure I have a request just like this in my inbox and drafts somewhere lol (my drafts from old old requests are still gathering dust I’m so so so sorry to the people who requested btw)
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-heart shattered with the most painful look on his face when he found out you didn’t lie to him. That you were innocent.. that when he was doing everything to pull info out of you and treating you like scum, that your answers of ‘I’m not lying!’ And pleas were all.. real
-went to you the second he could, shivering in self hatred especially when he saw the wounds he had caused on your body
-once you finally got back to good terms, he could see all the damage he did and it hurt him so much. He wanted YOU back, the loud, funny, unworried you… he didn’t know what to do
-held you so close for so long as soon as he figured out you didn’t lie to him. Or the team.
-tried everything and I mean EVERYTHING to try to get you back to how you were before it all
-every time you flinch or whisper, he can feel his guilt stabbing him though the heart, he can just imagine how you must feel.. and to think he could have helped.
-If he wasn’t so close to the rest of the team, he probably would have yelled at all of 141 for even assuming you were the traitor
-feels so utterly guilty, like a wound was given to himself rather then you
-hates the fact he genuinely thought you would ever do that to him
-tried to distance himself from you now that you were back… he was just so guilty
-what if he hurt you again? What if you were still mad? What if you hated him now? He just couldn’t face it.
-when he found out you forgave him, an invisible weight was lifted off of him. But as he saw you be so quiet, he could feel his hands sake and his body almost collapse. He did this. He hurt his lover. He could never trust himself with you like he used to again.
-was oh so careful with you since then.. but could never shake the guilt
-he HATED you when he thought you were a traitor. He had deleted every photo. Burnt every gift. Broke any shared thought. So finding out he had lost all of that hurt him so much he sat and cried for days, begging and pleading to anything that time could rewind and that he could have his memories and gifts back
-he tried so hard to make new ones with you to, he basically followed you like a lost puppy. But he knew even though you forgave him, he was damned to feel guilt every time you weren’t your same old self
-he missed his memories of you in photos and pages of his journals, he missed your bright smile and loud confidence, he missed all the things you changed from trauma he didn’t stop
-he hated himself for hating you when you were so innocent
-he felt rage, rage at his teammates, rage at the captain who reported you for suspicious activity, and most of all, rage at himself for not protecting you like he always promised you he would
-couldn’t stand seeing you flinch, couldn’t stand not being able to reassure you that it would be okay and that he would protect you if it ever happened again
-because he knew his words of protection didn’t mean anything now. He had failed to protect you and even participated in harming you for something as simple as a claim…
-he thought that as soon as he started to fix things, you yourself would get fixed. But he was so wrong
-tried anything he could think of to make you feel safe to be yourself again, and whenever it didn’t work he’d secretly shed a tear
-it was like seeing his lovers ghost.. you weren’t you anymore, and it shattered him so much that he couldn’t fix it
-he could fix his guns, he could clean up your wounds, he could tell you that it was okay to be yourself again, he could fix the broken mirrors in his room, but he couldn’t fix you. He couldn’t get you back the way he remembered you, and he knew no matter how many years of therapy kortac paid for, it still wouldn’t fix you perfectly…
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
Chocolate-covered strawberries
riddle x gn!reader
have u ever wanted to have a (totally definitely platonic with no romantic feelings involved, wdym? *wink wink*) sleepover w riddle? bcs if so, you might wanna read this
thanks to @chillpanda36 's plant related encouragement i am once again riddleposting (hope u dont mind being tagged >︿<)
I kinda got carried away and wrote waaaaay more than I thought i would
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"Wow, your room is so... swanky." you commented upon entering his room for the first time. It was decorated in checkerboard patterns and heart motifs, which was very fitting for the dorm of Heartslabyul.
You never expected him to actually agree when you jokingly suggested a sleepover, but you're definitely not complaining.
"Thank you. It was modeled after the Queen of Hearts' castle and has mostly stayed the same throughout the dorm's history. I only made a few adjustments to have it be better suited to me." he explained. Clearly, he took good care of the place since it looked very clean and organised.
"By the way, you won't collar me if I happen to break any of your weird rules by accident, will you?" you were still somewhat worried you'd have to sleep with that uncomfy collar around your neck.
"I will excuse you from the rules, just this once. But do not call the rules 'weird', as it is quite disrespectful to do so." he crossed his arms.
Well, atleast you're glad about that.
You placed down the little bag of stuff you brought with you just for this occasion. You got so excited you ended up planning out several activities for you and Riddle to do.
But first, you have pyjamas to change into! Riddle graciously offered to let you change in his bathroom. Even in there, everything is super clean and organised, almost to a scary degree. Somehow, you get the feeling that Riddle doesn't really know how to "have fun". In a 'casually messing around with firends' kinda way.
After changing into your pyjamas, you call out to Riddle to make sure he's done changing as well. Once he confirms he has, you exit his bathroom to find Riddle in an oversized, frilly pair of white pjyamas, the kind you'd find people wearing in the medieval times. Oh. My. God.
"Pffft.... You-" you had to pause to hold back from laughing. "You look like a starving victorian child." you couldn't help but point out the silly resemblance. The pjyamas brought the whole look together.
"I haven't the slightest clue what a victorian child is, but I am certainly not starving. Why must you constantly insult me with such strange phrases?" Oh, it makes sense he wouldn't get the comparison. And even if he did, you feel like he wouldn't be very amused.
"They aren't insults. Just little comparisons." You smiled innocently at him. While they are just comparisons in a sense, they are usually meant to rile him up a little bit. You just can't help but banter with anyone and everyone sometimes.
Riddle felt a slight shiver run down his spine since you reminded him of a certain someone who likes comparing people to sea creatures at that moment. Though your lovely smile didn't resemble his creepy grin at all.
Lovely... smile? What is he even thinking about right now?
"Are you... good? You're making a weird face." your voice snapped him out of it and he assured you he was perfectly fine. No cause for concern.
"You might not be starving, but are you in the mood for a little snack?" you tried your best to sound enticing, like you're mass advertising the little surprise you brought along with you.
"The rules state that-"
"I double-checked the dorm rules, don't worry. And I also know you don't like junk food, so I made sure my snack is on the healthier side. Sorry for interrupting you, by the way." you laughed awkwardly at his offended pout. But you weren't going to lie, his angry face wasn't intimidating or scary at all (atleast not right now). It gives off more of an 'angry little kitten' vibe to you. But you already made one silly comparison tonight so you feel like Riddle might appreciate this one even less.
"Well then. I'd like to know what it is." he actually seemed pretty interested in what you came up with. You dug around your bag, pulling out a packet of chocolate-covered strawberries.
"Feast your eyes on these bad boys!" the specific choice of chocolate-covered strawberries was a calculated one on your end. You had asked Trey about Riddle's food preferences before, but it was unrelated to this sleepover. You can only thank your past self (and Trey) for arming you with the valuable knowledge that Riddle likes strawberry tarts (and consequently strawberries, you hope).
"Oh. I suppose these look quite tasty." he was actually really pleasantly surprised about your choice of snack. It's surprisingly fit to his tastes.
How thoughtful of you...
"Here, have one!" you actually made homemade chocolate just for these. Trey gave you a good baking lesson on how to do that. So of course, you want him to be the first one to try!
He hesitates for a moment. Although the food you're giving him doesn't break any of the Queen's rules, it still feels off to be eating so late at night. Scheduled meals are so ingrained into his mind that he feels the sudden urge to reject the offer and go brush his teeth immediately.
But something strange blooms in his heart when he sees the excitement in your gaze and he submits, telling himself he'll do it just this once. For you.
He grabs one of the strawberries from the packet, slowly and hesitantly raising it to his mouth as if it were forbidden to eat. It still felt forbidden, no matter how many times he told himself it was fine to let loose sometimes.
"It's... delicious." he comments upon eating the entire strawberry.
"Oh, goodie! I was worried I messed up the chocolate, somehow." his eyes went slightly wide upon hearing that you made part of them yourself. He felt his chest tighten up slighly. In a good way.
"In that case, I shall have some more. And you eat them too, since you prepared them for this occasion." the two of you sat down on the edge of his bed, placing the strawberries in between you so you could both easily reach for them while talking.
You still made sure you swallowed the food before you talked though. To avoid a scolding about proper manners from Riddle.
"So, for this sleepover I was thinking we could try summoning a demon, playing board games, doing karaoke, watching a movie, playing 'would you rather', making a pillow fort, and-"
"What was that first one?" Riddle had never experienced a sleepover before, so he had no clue what people actually did in them but he always just imagined sleepovers were purely sleeping at eachother's houses, not doing anything BUT that. He could barely keep up with all of the things you were listing off, but the first one ESPECIALLY stumped him.
"Summoning a demon? Everyone tries that in sleepovers. Usually doesn't work." you shrugged casually, reaching for another strawberry.
"How... horrific. And utterly nonsensical. What joy do you get from doing something so horrible? Especially if you know it won't work?" he seemed genuinely stumped by the concept, which made you want to laugh but you held back since you didn't want to choke on a chocolate-covered strawberry. It would certainly be a way to go.
"It's about the thrill, Riddle. What if it actually works this time? You never know...." you whisper teasingly, like a narrarator in a horror movie.
"In that case, we are absolutely not doing that." he hates to admit it, but he's actually kind of worried a silly ritual might workmand is taking precautions right now to not let it happen at all.
"Hahaha, that's fine! We can do all the other stuff, then." you decided to take mercy on him after seeing how hard he's trying not to let it show that he's scared of demon summoning games. He reminds you of your friends on your first sleepover when you tried summoning a demon. All of you were acting tough and unbothered back then, but were deathly afraid and unable to sleep after.
When you reached for another strawberry, you just happened to grab Riddle's hand instead. Seems you were both going for the same one. Actually, that one's the final one!
"Oops... you go ahead and take it. I feel like I've had enough." you smiled awkwardly at him. Gosh, is it suddenly slightly hotter in here or is it just you?
"Thank you." Riddle looked away, turning his head so you wouldn't see his reddening face as he ate the final strawberry. He's kinda mad at himself for getting so flustered over an accidental hand hold. Your hand felt so... nice to hold. It would be so nice if he could hold it more often. Gah, what on earth is he thinking?! None of this is rational...
An awkward silence fills the room.
And you get a cheeky little idea.
You picked up a pillow from his bed and threw it at the back of his head.
"Hey. What do you think you are doing-HHMMF!" you threw another pillow, this time directly at his face as he turned around to scold you.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" you yelled out excitedly, already grabbing another pillow to defend yourself with as you scurried on the other side of his bed. You giggled at the way his entire face flushed red with anger.
"That was no fair! I was not prepared at all!" you totally caught Riddle off guard, but now he was prepared to have his revenge. He never had a pillow fight before, but if little kids are capable of having one, so is he. And he is quite confident that his magical abilities will give him the upper hand against you.
"Even if you were, I'd still win! They called me the pillow fight champion back in my world!" you throw a pillow at him, which he stops with his magic.
"Oh, we'll see about that. You've had quite enough of landing hits on me, I believe." he smirked confidently at you, feeling a childlike excitement running through his veins.
Now that he thinks about it, it has been a long long time since he has felt this excited and relaxed. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to do this over and over and over again.
In moderation.
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mcflymemes · 1 month
PAST LIVES (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
who do you think they are to each other?
i guess that doesn't make sense.
why are you crying?
what did you decide?
i will probably marry him.
you want to go on a date with him?
if you leave something behind, you gain something, too.
you're really leaving? you're never coming back?
there was so much in it that i responded to, but the one phrase that sticks with me the most is the line "the long journey is rotting."
who else should we look up?
think of it as a blessing that you broke up, and consider this a new beginning.
of course you miss her, you moron.
do you have a secret girlfriend or something?
who's messaging you at 3AM?
thank you for this meal.
did you drink a lot last night?
why are you in such a good mood?
i recognize you.
how are we meeting again like this?
i didn't even know that you remembered me!
i just looked for you as a joke, then i saw that you'd been looking for me.
i tried really hard to find you.
do you still cry a lot?
you would always stay with me whenever i was crying.
you can't cry in new york city.
i'm a really fun person to talk to.
what time is it there?
it doesn't make a lot of sense, but... can i even say something like this? i missed you.
i only speak korean with you and my mom.
you're the same as the 12 year old kid in my memory.
have you seen eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?
will you come to new york sometime?
will you come to seoul sometime?
i want us to stop talking to each other for a while.
i want to accomplish something here.
what are you sorry about? were we dating or something?
tonight, we drink 'til we die.
you got the worst room.
maybe you and i were somebody to each other in another lifetime.
do you believe that? that you and i knew each other in another life?
it's going to rain the whole time you're there.
i missed you. i was disappointed.
we're not together right now.
do you not want to get married?
i'm too ordinary.
my job is ordinary, my income is ordinary. it's all ordinary.
is it hard to get married if you don't make a ton of money?
want me to take a photo of you?
you look good.
why do you fight?
it's like planting two trees in one pot. our roots are finding their place.
you're worrying about me?
getting married is hard for idealistic people like you.
why did you look for me?
i just wanted to see you one more time.
i think i was a little pissed off because you just left.
you're right. there's nothing to be sorry about.
i don't have a right to be mad.
i'm not gonna miss my rehearsals for some dude.
we're not meant for each other.
we slept together because we both happened to be single.
you make it sound so romantic.
that's not how life works.
this is my life. and i'm living it with you.
this is where i ended up. this is where i'm supposed to be.
it's just that you make my life so much bigger, and i'm wondering if i do the same thing for you.
you're forgetting the part where i love you.
you never sleep talk in english. you only dream in korean.
i didn't know that. you never told me.
most of the time i think it's cute, but sometimes... i don't know. i get scared.
you dream in a language that i can't understand. there's this whole place inside of you where i can't go.
you really are exactly the same as i remember you.
when we stopped talking... i really missed you. did you miss me?
i don't know, seeing you again and being here makes me have a lot of weird thoughts.
what if you had never left? if you hadn't left like that, and we just grew up together, would i have still looked for you?
would we have dated? broken up? gotten married? would we have kids together?
you had to leave because you're you.
i think there was something in our past lives.
i never thought i'd be part of something like this.
i'm really glad you came here. it was the right thing to do.
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carmesi-butterfly · 6 months
nishimura riki + fem! reader. word count 1,5k. not idols au/school au. warnings stalking (?) this one-shot is probably the most unserious thing i've ever written. not proofread.
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"i checked your twitter account," said riki, trying to maintain a serious face and failing miserably, a few giggles came out of his mouth while he attempted to act normal.
"eh? that's not possible, my account is private" you looked at him with confusion, trying to decipher his weird laugh.
your twitter account has been a recurrent topic since both became friends, first of all because; who doesn't have twitter? it was the diary of the new generations, most of the teenagers had a profile in there! of course, you were one of them, but the way that you treated your account like confidential information made the japanese boy pretty suspicious.
it was a private account with no more than 15 followers, most of them probably were internet friends because it wasn't a novelty that you were not social by any means, on the contrary, you could be considered a loner, because of that, the apparent "state secret" hiding in your profile made ni-ki more than curious about what you could be secreting.
"i don't want you to get mad at me" pleaded, following that he proceeded to show you an interesting account that you knew well.
a profile named 'riri', with one of those famous headers with silly quotes you can find on pinterest and as an icon an orange cat with the emoji ☝️ referring to the recent meme that became viral, to finalize the bio was decorated with the phrase 'proud hater'. you got a request from that account just a few weeks ago, it followed most of the people you followed so it wasn't any suspicious to you, besides that's how you made a few of your friends! Following or being followed by oomfs of your oomfs, that's how social media works.
"that's you?" your voice raised annoyed and nervous, "you used that account to stalk me?!" with anger, you got up from your seat on the school rooftop.
"i wanted to know why you're hiding things from me!" his tone matched yours, being not loud enough to be heard by the other students who navigated through the school.
"if i hide things from you there's a reason!" your mood escalated from there, not only did your anger grow bigger but an immense urge to cry hit you.
“i-i know… I’m sorry y/n, i thought it would be something stupid, not that you like me”
riki brings your biggest secret into the conversation without any filter, dropping it like a not-warned bomb that fell into you and unloaded the last level of emotions you were hiding on a facade of pure rage.
now everything made sense, his giggly laugh without a reason while looking at you, the weird things he said that seemed like an inner joke you could not understand, the weird “i know your secret” he released randomly in your conversations... you thought it was all a joke! it's nishimura riki that we’re talking about. He enjoys pranking and tends to do and say weird stuff, it could be a completely normal behavior for him, but no, this time it wasn't.
“why did you think doing this was a good idea?” you claimed, hiding your face between the palms of your hands while a few tears slid down your face.
“sunoo once said that he knows you like me, so heeseung gave me the idea of stalking your accounts for any signal but your accounts are private… so he helped me by making a stalking account, i know it was wrong. i'm sorry, please don't cry” he begged after confessing everything, trying to get near you therefore he could calm you at least a little bit.
“sunoo and heeseung know?!” you blurted, your eyes opened as if you were trying to imitate an owl’s gaze, and your hands transitioned from covering your face to holding it, any similarity with ‘the scream’ by edvard munch is just a coincidence.
“the whole group knows” announced, opening the hell gates with a simple phrase.
“riki are you kidding me?! i don't care that you know even if you violated my privacy, because i would've told you sooner or later, but your friends?! how humiliating, i’m never coming to school again” and the catharsis started, a big flow of verbal vomit came out of your mouth going from ‘they're probably making fun of me right now’ to ‘i’m gonna delete all my social media and never use my phone again’ all of this accompanied by fat tears.
the poor boy felt hopeless, watching you practically going insane in front of him without knowing what to do to help you, or more reasonably: how to amend his mistake. luckily for him, his guardian angels appeared in the scene to help him, hiding behind the door of the rooftop heeseung (the one responsible for this mess) and jungwon (a heart warmed soul who wanted to help his friend) were hiding, their faces full of horror admiring the scene that was unloading in front of them. what happens next is worthy of a comedic movie. His friends started a physical and exaggerated demonstration of how he should calm you, hugging each other and emphasizing comfort acts such as back patting and forehead kissing. ni-ki would've burst out laughing if it wasn't for you crying like a baby.
“please don't cry, i’m sorry, you can beat me all you want if it makes you feel better” proposed completely seriously, while slowly without trying to upset you more he got closer, searching to imitate the “comforting” hug he saw his friends do, let's not lie… it was a bit awkward, but he tried and that's okay.
gradually you ended up relinquishing the embrace, starting by clinging to him delicately and finishing by squeezing his torso the strongest you could.
“beating you is not enough, i need you to die” your voice came out weird because of the amount of strength you were applying to the “hug”, but despite that, your head relied on his chest.
“you will suffer a lot without me!” a small laugh flew out of his mouth, refreshing the conversation. “are you still mad at me?” the nishimura looked down, searching for your face and any kind of reaction from it.
“yes” your response was cut and short, it could've worried your crush if it wasn't for the water dripping off your nose because of all the crying.
“u-uhm, i have something to tell you, maybe this will help you feel better” his heart started to beat faster and you could feel it through the hug, he cleared his throat in a way of trying to shake the nerves out, “the reason i did all of this stupid plan was that… i had hopes that you talked about me there, uhm…” a small pause to take a big breath after the confession interrupted the moment, but he quickly picked up the conversation, “my friends encouraged me to confess, specially sunoo, you know that he has a sixth sense with gossip” joked.
“you're telling me that… you did all of this because you like me?” you asked dumbfounded, the question got him more embarrassed than he already was, why did it make him sound so stupid?
he nodded, ignoring your attempt at visual contact while trying to hold back his smile. “then, do you feel better now?”
“no” denied, “but i know what can make me feel better” and after saying that, a naughty smile appeared on your face.
“what? i will buy you a lot of food from the cafeteria if that's what you want-”
his phrase got interrupted by you, who continued speaking, “do you remember… when i found that folder on your phone that had a ton of pictures of you trying to fake your muscles? how would you feel if i told your friends about it?” ni-ki’s smile disappeared instantly, now his face reflected nothing more than true terror.
in a matter of seconds, your bodies separated and you started running to the rooftop door. riki knew what you were trying to do, getting into the school, searching for his friends, and revealing his shameful secret! this can't be, but after being a bad friend things were not on his side, he tried following you the fast as he could but forgot a small detail, his friends hiding behind the gate. as soon as you got to the exit the spot where the two boys were hiding got exposed and both seemed nervous about that, but you couldn't care less.
“hi, guys! it's so nice to see you, i have something amazing to tell you!” your acting, so giggly and happy relaxed jungwon and heeseung who were scared of being scolded for spying. “did you know that riki-”
at that exact moment, the japanese covered his ears, not wanting to hear all the things you might be saying to his comrades who surely were going to make fun of him until the day he died. well, at least he can make fun of them because he got a girlfriend (even if you aren't his girlfriend yet) and they don't!
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randomshyperson · 5 months
Fluorescent Adolescent - Heart Shaped Series
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Chapter Summary: Layla's presence brings back some ghosts from your past and for the first time, you want to include Wanda in everything.
Warnings: Typical canon violence, mentions of blood, stitches, and pregnancy nausea, talking about abusive environments (innuendo of different forms of exploration), mild angsty with a bit of comedy as well, some Blackhill drama too | Words: 6.935k
A/N-> This chapter is a bit longer but I tried to put more characters background on it. I know it's late, I've been struggling with my writer's block, but it's finally here. I'm also sorry there's no smut on this one, but the chapter mood was not a sexy one. We will be back to our normal schedule I promise. Also, the extra chapter with their first kiss is almost ready as well! So hopefully, the next update won't take that long.
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“Do you really have to do that?”
The question drew a confused laugh from you. With your hands busy with a first aid kit borrowed from Natasha, you can only offer a look to your girlfriend.
But Wanda snorted stubbornly, crossing her arms before stopping in the doorway of the bathroom in Black Widow's room, who was standing outside with the rest of the team. You were supposed to go back outside right away before Layla had a nervous breakdown at being left with the entire Avengers team while you grabbed the kit to fix your own reaction to seeing her and ending up hurting her.
"I just don't understand why you have to do the bandage. Can't you ask Nat or any of them?" Wanda insisted, sounding very irritated and you had no idea why.
"Well, Layla only trusts me of all the people present and I'm the one who threw her against a snack machine." You half-heartedly explain the whole thing. "If you'll excuse me, sweetheart."
Wanda gave you the room but did so with a grimace that you would probably try to understand later. She's been acting so weird ever since your partner arrived, but Layla's presence is making you worried enough. You'd talk to Wanda after you understood exactly what the other woman was doing here.
Outside, and in the outer courtyard that was more isolated from the rest of the motel, Layla was sitting at one of the tables with the Avengers doing a poor job of disguising the fact that they were on alert for her. Sitting down, her jacket was laid beside her, and she was wearing a tank top that exposed the redness of her new bruise and made you groan low in guilt. Wanda, who hadn't left your trail since Layla appeared, glared at you as soon as she caught the sound.
For the witch, she didn't see the bruise but the beautiful woman with well-defined muscles, a tight tank top and curls that made her look even more attractive than before. And you, who apparently had a long-term relationship with the curly woman and were friendly enough for her to come looking for you.
You didn't even notice the look Wanda gave you, busy opening the kit and mumbling apologies to Layla in Arabic that made Wanda spend the next few minutes imagining you learning another language just to talk to your friend.
She was so distracted by her own neuroses that she didn't notice Natasha approaching, and leaning on the pillar she was also resting on.
"Wow, if looks could kill..." teased the widow, but Wanda snorted lowly, ignoring the phrase and trying to pretend she wasn't watching you pull whatever piece of glass the machine left behind in Layla's back, while you whispered apologies to her for it. 
Natasha chuckled at the witch's expression and wasn't intimidated by her aggressive attitude. It surprised her that Wanda, a moment later, was the one who started the conversation.
"Do you think they seem close?"
You had just pressed a cotton pad with alcohol on Layla's wound, and because you were sitting next to her, the woman, grunting in pain, instinctively grabbed your thigh. 
Nat raised an eyebrow.
"I bet you ten bucks they've slept together." Replied the widow, and Wanda grunted in disgust before turning away from the scene. Natasha giggled. "Hey, I'm joking."
"Whatever, I'd better get out of here before I blow something up." Muttered the witch in a frown, practically running away from the scene.
Natasha sighed, regretting having taken the provocation too far. She took one last look at you and Layla before turning back to Steve and Sam on the other side of the courtyard.
You were just finishing sewing the few stitches on Layla's shoulder when she called your attention.
"Sorry, I promise I'm almost done-"
"It's not that, يا حلو (sweetie)." She interrupts gently. "I don't think your girlfriend likes me."
You smile, unable to take your eyes off the stitches you're closing. "Don't be silly, Wanda doesn't know you well enough." You retort. " She'll need at least a few days not to like you."
Layla chuckles, pinching you gently for the joke. You finish the stitches next, and as you assess the work to make sure they won't open, she speaks again.
"I've been looking for you."  Layla's tone is a little upset, and it surprises you. You look at her, but she continues to stare at the team from a distance. "I thought you might have been kidnapped. Or even killed. I almost went to Valentina to ask." You swallow, ready to apologize when Layla finally looks at you. "And all this time you've been playing superhero with your new friends?"
"Layla, it's nothing like that."
"So what's it like?" She demands with a hard stare. You sigh, hesitating about taking it all in like that, and Layla studies you intently. When she speaks again, it's in another language that she hopes no prying ears can understand. "هل هي مهمة أخرى؟ (Is it another assignment)?"
You look back at Natasha talking to Sam and of course she would know Arabic, but she didn't really seem to be paying attention to the conversation.
Either way, you face Layla and and denies it with your head. You sigh once more before forcing a smile at her. "I'm not here on business."
Layla doesn't seem to believe your words. "Come on, I'm not going to torment you if your girlfriend asked you to steal something for them." She shrugged. "I even heard that they're being treated like criminals now. Decided to act on their own, huh?"
You don't answer right away. You occupy your hands with the bloodstained cotton and the needle thread, saving what can be reused, like the alcohol, and throwing away the rest.
When you return to the table where Layla is still exchanging hard looks in the direction of the Avengers, you lean over to talk to her.
"Valentina didn't send me here." You say. "Like I said, it's not about work. Me and Wanda, we're together for real."
Despite the tense exchange between her and the rest of the team, excitement shines through her irises and she looks at you with wide, surprised eyes, a smile playing on her lips.
"Oh, you didn't say."
You chuckle shyly, looking away from your colleague. "Shut up."
"No, I mean it." She giggles. "Damn, I think I owe Xu Xialing some money." You frown in confusion, and Layla sighs. "She bet you'd put a ring on it before the end of the year, and here we are."
Your ears heat up, but you roll your eyes. "I can't believe you bet on me."
Layla chuckles, gently bumping her good shoulder against yours. "Come on, what do you expect from the founder of the Golden Daggers? She breathes gambling. You got really drunk after the last championship and started whining about how much you missed your little Sokovian witch. I wasn't expecting to owe Xialing 20,000 Yuan either, but here we are."
It's your turn to laugh, covering your face for a moment. "And how is she? Xu Xialing?"
Layla snorts softly, shrugging. "Honestly, I have no idea. But if the club is still standing, then she must be fine."
"You should visit her."
"Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you." Layla retorts somewhat ironically, and you hesitate, looking away. "What? Why are you acting so weird?"
You chuckled weakly, trying to gather your courage. Finally, you take a deep breath and say. "I'm not going to do these things anymore, Layla. Nothing we did together. Robberies, fights, the club. None of it. I want out."
But it doesn't take Layla by surprise. She remains silent before looking away.
"I guess I expected that."
You frown. "Really?"
Layla chuckles, looking at you again. "Yeah. Since the day you arrived from Italy, acting so... quirky."
"I wouldn't use that word."
"I thought it would be rude to call you a simp." 
You chuckle, shaking your head. Layla laughs too, before leaning her good shoulder against yours. It's an affectionate gesture, which she used to do a lot when you were on long robberies and so exhausted that the world would stop making sense. The touch was a way of anchoring each other back to reality.
"You could have told me." She says gently, even if the words hide a certain disappointment. 
You swallow, looking down at your shoes. "I was afraid, I guess." You mumble, and she frowns in confusion. You sigh sadly. "I'm not good with these things, Layla. You're my work partner. I thought, if I'm not working anymore, I'll lose you. I just... didn't want that. It was easier not saying anything."
Layla reaches over to entwine her arm in yours and take your hand. "You're an idiot."
"Thanks." You mumble, but she chuckles, squeezing your fingers for a moment.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." She says and you look at her curiously. She sighs. "For giving you the impression that we were just work colleagues. You're my friend. You've always been my friend."
You smile, ignoring the sudden urge to cry. 
"I'm sorry I didn't call." You mumble. "I didn't want to worry you."
"Nah, it's fine." She assures you with a smile. "It's like Bulgaria all over again. I should have waited for backup, but all I ended up doing was calling you for help. I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that you got me out of that basement wearing the Chief of Government's face." You chuckle nostalgically at the story of what was probably the moment when your friendship and partnership with Layla was settled. 
"You want to get even? Tell Valentina about me." It's supposed to be a joke, but it immediately makes Layla tense up.
She opens her mouth to say something, but suddenly there's a backpack slamming into her lap. 
"Your things are in one piece again." It's Wanda, angry and with red eyes that make Layla frown with some concern. The remnants of her magic leaving the backpack also signal that Wanda has repaired anything broken by the impact earlier. "You can leave now."
You only realized you were still holding Layla's hand because Wanda was looking directly at it. It was your friend who let go first, chuckling weakly at the whole thing while you tried to understand exactly why Wanda seemed about to murder someone.
"Thanks for fixing my stuff, but I still have a few things to discuss with my partner." Layla replies with a shrug, her backpack in her hands. "I'll get something to eat first, I'm starving."
But Wanda steps forward. "There are some great restaurants on the road."
The curly gives a confused snort at the hostility, but you get to your feet before your friend ends up giving a rude answer to a witch who could do a lot worse than push her against a snack machine.
You enter Wanda's field of vision, and much of the fury disappears from her gaze. 
"Hey, can we talk?" You ask, and the witch gives the thief one last angry look before allowing herself to be taken to a far corner of the courtyard. You sigh softly as soon as you're alone with her. "What was that all about, Wanda?"
She crosses her arms, her jaw clenched. It's so unfair that Wanda always finds ways to make herself more attractive. 
"You told me you didn't have any friends, but you seem very close to that woman."
You hesitate, and that doesn't help your situation. Wanda narrows her eyes at you, and you try not to look intimidated under her red irises.
"It's complicated."
" It's better not to be, darling, because if she touches you again I swear I'll-"
"Wow, you're jealous." You interrupt her sentence as you realize it, a laugh escaping you. "Holy shit, you really are."
Wanda doesn't reply, rolling her eyes and looking away, but you stare at her with a certain intensity. 
"No one's ever been jealous of me before." You confess quietly, and despite the color in her cheeks, she looks at you with irritation.
"Stop it." She retorts. "That's not a good thing. You shouldn't try to look on the bright side, I'm not… “ She takes a deep breath, as if trying to calm her nerves. Then, she tries to smile. “I'm just being silly. You should say that."
You chuckle. One of your hands moves up to brush the rebellious strands of hair out of front of her eyes.
"Alright, I'll try. Wanda, you're being silly. There's no reason to be jealous. Better? I kinda sound like those movie characters."
Wanda grunted in frustration, hiding her face in your chest afterward. "It's not fair." She mutters, her voice muffled in your clothes as your hands wrap around her shoulders. "She was all over you, and I can't even be mad at you for being clueless."
You sigh, without breaking the embrace, trying to explain further:
"It was a friendly gesture, I promise. It's nothing like when we hold hands. When Layla and I would go on missions together, sometimes we'd spend so long hiding, rationing food while injured, that we'd start to get a little crazy. The touch would ground us again. She reached out to my hand because I told her I wasn't going to work with her anymore."
Wanda breaks the embrace to look at you. "Because you're staying with me."
You smile and nod. "That's right, darling. Just like I promised."
The witch sighs, sinking her face into your chest again for a long moment. You don't mind and stroke her hair until Wanda ignores the insecurities that have arisen and relies only on you.
She's still hugging you when she mutters: "I'm sorry for snapping at your friend. I'll apologize to her too."
"It's okay, I doubt Layla took it to heart." You mutter, and Wanda breaks the hug to look you in the eye.
"What does she still have to discuss with you?" The witch asked more seriously, with a different kind of concern rather than jealousy now.
You force a smile. "Let's find out." 
The new information you passed on to Layla about running away seemed to have some kind of effect on her because when you and Wanda found her again, she was chatting amiably with the rest of the Avengers. Wanda had the impression that Sam was actually flirting with her and felt some weight leave her shoulders even though you had assured her that there was nothing between you. 
With the most sympathetic exchange between Layla and the rest of the team, she was invited to stay - Of course, she didn't miss the opportunity to make a few jokes on earth mighty heroes having lunch with criminals, but everyone took it as a joke. And shortly after eating, Wanda noticed that the two of you exchanged a look that meant it was time to talk.
She was ready to deal with her own jealous insecurities when you, who had been by her side all lunch, leaned over to kiss her cheek.
"Come on, love, let's go for a walk with Layla." It's an invitation, not just to talk, but to a part of your life that Wanda has never seen. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to control her anxiety, and it helps a little by the look of reassurance that Natasha throws her from across the table.  
Layla, now with the bandage securely sewn up, is wearing a jacket again and dark glasses that make her look too cool even for the fugitive Avengers. 
Wanda wishes she wasn't so nice and clever in her jokes and comments during lunch either, so it would be easier to hate her.
So far, she has only been able to understand exactly why you were friends.
"I gotta catch a bus, come on." Layla says as soon as you're on your feet. There's no bigger goodbye for the Avengers than a nod, and it makes sense since despite the polite exchange, they're not friends and Layla is still on the wanted list.
You keep your hand intertwined with Wanda's, and at a slow pace, you accompany Layla to the nearest bus stop.
"It's quite of sad you couln't get a car, my friend." You tease, earning a short laugh from Layla. Even though you can't see behind her glasses, you're sure she rolled her eyes.
"I couldn't bring my bike straight here from across the globe, and I wasn't going to attract unwanted attention by stealing a new one." She explains casually. "Besides, there's decent public transportation around here." She winks at you and Wanda. "I will survive."
You reach the bus stop on the corner, it's completely empty but that's not atypical for a corner motel in an isolated place.
Wanda decides to sit on one of the benches, and even though you're standing, you don't occupy her view or try to exclude her from the conversation. You lean against one of the railings and cross your arms, offering Wanda a small smile before facing Layla.
"So, Miss El-Faouly, how fucked am I?"
She chuckles, shaking her head.
"I told you, Valentina doesn't know you ran away." She retorts. "Not yet."
You sigh, and Wanda bites the inside of your cheek. She has so many questions, but you think it's best not to interrupt. 
"What does she know?"
Layla shrugs. "She probably thinks you're having another morality crisis." The woman retorts, stealing a few glances down the street. "You've been away before. A few times on vacation, yes? But she'll know what you're up to if you don't come back soon."
You look down to check the watch on your wrist. You laugh humorlessly. "Actually, I've just missed the deadline. It's Tuesday, which means that officially, this is my longest period without contact after a mission. I guess she hadn't come to me yet because what I picked up in Greece arrived in the mail."
Wanda doesn't ask - not about what you were stealing before you joined her. The connection, the freshly healed bullet wound you had when you arrived. She knew you were working. 
Layla steals a glance at the witch before clearing her throat.
"What if... you came back?" Your expression hardens immediately, but Layla clarifies; "Just to talk to Valentina, Y/N."
"No, Layla."
"She'll make things more difficult if she knows you've just left. You know that. If only-"
"It's out of the question."
"God, why are you being so stubborn?" Layla replies a little impatiently, her eyes studying you. "Your superhero girlfriend will be fine for a few days without you!"
"Layla." You cut in more seriously, and the girl snorts angrily but doesn't insist. Exchanging a glance with Wanda, you soften your tone. "I'm not leaving her, Layla. I can't, it's not right. Wanda, she... she's pregnant."
Layla widens her eyes, looking between the two of you in shock. "What? Really? And it's yours?"
You and Wanda choke at the same time. With her ears slightly reddened, she gives your friend a deadly stare. "Of course it is!"
The thief shakes her head quickly. "I didn't mean it like that!" She tries quickly. "I just... I didn't know you could, Y/N."
You sigh wearily. "I can transform into any Caborn-based form and you think I'm unlikely to have children?" 
But Layla rolls her eyes, suddenly a little hesitant. "That's not what I meant either." She mutters. "I just assumed... you couldn't. Not after all they've done to you..."
But you clear your throat, get to your feet and Layla falls silent. Wanda frowns in curiosity at the interaction, but you're delivering something to your friend.
"Here, for Lagaro. For all the trouble." You hand over your watch and Layla grimaces.
"And my trouble?"
You chuckle. "Af if  you weren't dying to see me."
Wanda clears her throat, and you take a step away from Layla before your girlfriend loses her temper again. The curly doesn't notice, busy putting your watch back in her pocket and checking the street again.
"Lagaro will be happy to know you're not dead, Y/N. Not just with the watch." Your friend comments and you nod, moving closer to Wanda to rest one of your arms on her shoulder. You're trying to relax the tension that has arisen there. When Layla looks at you again, her expression is more serious. "Think about what I said. I understand why you can't leave her, I really do. I guess it's the same idea with Marc disappearing to protect me."
You smile. "Marc disappears because he's an idiot, you should have married someone more... present." Layla raises her middle finger at you, but Wanda suddenly feels very silly knowing that all this time, your friend was married.
There's a bus approaching on the corner, Layla sighs as she sees it stop at a red light. She then offers you two a smile.
"Despite the circumstances, I'm really happy for you both." She assures you with sparkling eyes. "Just... be safe, darling. Okay?"
As she hugs you, she whispers something that Wanda doesn't hear and has to ignore the instinct to ask. She doesn't want to pry, but she feels so curious that she almost uses her powers to find out.
Instead, she also says goodbye to Layla and the two of you watch the woman get on the bus and leave.
Once you're alone, you entwine your hands together again and give Wanda a small smile.
"I can almost hear the gears in your mind working, baby." You tell her gently, and Wanda sighs. "You know you can ask me anything, don't you?
She nods, before looking around to see the growing number of lunchtime passers-by. With another sigh, she faces you.
"Let's go back inside."
It's a silent, tense walk back. You can sense that Wanda is nervous, and you fear that she's insecure again, about trusting you, about feeling left out.
The Avengers are no longer outside, whether they're back in their own rooms or out for a walk, you don't need to give any excuses about Layla's quick farewell. 
Wanda enters first, and as you close the door, she crosses her arms and waits in the center of the room.
With a sigh, you speak first. "Come on, darling, ask me anything you want." You try to sound as gentle as you can, yet Wanda seems very nervous.
"I've spent so much time studying you. Your missions, your deeds, your disguises." She begins. "Still, I feel like I don't know anything."
"Well, that's because I'm good at what I do." Wanda looks at you seriously and you sigh, forcing yourself to act more serious about the whole thing. "Sweetheart, you know me. You know me more than anyone else."
You try to touch her cheek, but Wanda pulls away. "You say that, but I don't think it's true." She fights back annoyed. "I didn't even know about Layla. What else are you hiding?"
You frown in surprise at the accusation. But instead of starting a fight, you swallow dry. "I wasn't hiding. This is hard for me. I can't just dump my life on you. Sharing... doesn't come naturally to someone like me."
Wanda looks down, a little uncertain. "I just want you to trust me."
"And I do." You assure her, stepping forward to touch her shoulders. This time, she almost melts into your touch. "Look at me, I've been an wanted criminal for as long as I can remember, but I'm here, in a hotel surrounded by avengers, just to be with you. I want to be with you, no matter the risk, no matter what. Not only do I trust you, but I love you. Do you understand what I'm saying? You not knowing all the details of my past, of my work, doesn't make it any less true."
Wanda takes a deep breath and lets her forehead fall to yours. You stroke her shoulders, thinking about breaking the distance when suddely she moves away.
"You really have to go, don't you?" She asks with tears in her eyes, and you feel your stomach sink. You shake your head immediately, but something in your gaze makes Wanda's tears start to fall.
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I'll find another way." You assure her, but she turns her back, wiping her face and sitting down on the bed. Wanda hugs her own body and you let your arms fall by your sides. Seeing her cry is always the worst, and for a second, you let your anger get the better of you. "What? Do you want me to leave by any chance?"
Wanda lets out a tearful laugh. "Don't do that."
You snort angrily. "I'm telling you that I want to stay, that I am going to stay. And you're crying, as if you're sure I'm going to leave. I don't like being called a liar, Wanda."
She shakes her head. "Stop."
"No, you stop. I'm telling you something, but you're acting as if I'm going to abandon you. As if you were sure. Do you really think so little of me?"
Wanda chokes, raising pleading eyes to you.
"Of course not!" she retorts. "Don't say that."
The seriousness in her gaze makes you feel ashamed that you'd even considered such a thing. You prepare to apologize, but Wanda speaks again.
"It's your thoughts." She mutters, now she's the one who looks ashamed as she gazes at the floor. "Your mind is screaming that. You're so worried, I can easily hear it."
"Wanda, I...
"It's okay." She cuts in with a tearful voice. "I'm not angry, I think I get it. You don't want to put me in danger, but I'd like you to understand that you don't have to worry about it. I can protect us both."
You chuckle weakly, looking down at your feet. "That sounds lovely, but the last time I left you, you ended up in the Raft, darling. I don't want that to happen ever again."
"And it won't."
"You don't know that." You retort, moving closer to kneel in front of her. Your hands search for hers. "I won't leave you again, Wanda. Not like I used to do to get back to work. We're in this together. Can you please believe me?"
Wanda lets go of one of her hands to stroke the loose strands of hair away from your face. "Why is it so hard for you to get away from Valentina?" She asks, and the red irises explain why she can read the insecurities in your mind. You hesitate, but when you make a move to pull away, the grip on your hand tightens. "What's different between escaping her and escaping Hydra?"
But the hesitation in your eyes turned to confusion. "Escape Hydra? Wanda, I've never escaped them."
It was then her turn to be confused. "B-but I thought... your records. You haven't worked with Strucker for years. I assume-"
"That I just left them? Like you did?" You add, suddenly upset. Wanda says nothing and allows you to let go of her hand to sit down next to her on the bed. You sigh before speaking again. "I never ran away from Hydra, Wanda. My program was a success. And because of that fact, Strucker was allowed to command yours." You say, without meeting her gaze, your hands fiddling with the loose threads of your jeans. "Even if he made mistakes, even if volunteers kept dying, he could still be in charge. Because it worked for me, so it would work for others."
"What happened to you?" she risks asking and you sniffle.
"What happens to valuable merchandise, of course." You reply darkly. "I was sold." Wanda chokes softly, but you force a sad smile and keep talking. "I was 10, maybe younger. The program was complete, Strucker decided it was time to show off his new triumph. At his request, I created my first fixed identity at that time, to make it easier to find clients. To have a trademark, I guess. But with each buyer, they wanted something different. The Slayer, Mighty Samuel, Scorpion, Dark Diamond, any weird name they wanted. Any face they needed. For any service they paid for." The way your jaw tenses makes Wanda understand what is hidden between your words. Everything that was left out of the Shield and Avengers files, simply because they didn't know you were all those people.
Wanda reaches for your hand, interlacing your fingers together. "If it's too painful, you don't have to talk about it."
You squeeze back, shaking your head. "No, it's fine. I can talk about it, it's been a while. And Val, hm, she put me in therapy for a while. So I could talk about the program, my past, for her records."
"Tell me about her." Wanda asks because this doesn't just sound like a contractor and employee relationship. You sigh, nodding.
"I was 16 when the CIA caught up with me. It was no challenge, of course. But the agent who found me, Valentina Fontaine, had intel on me. At the time, Hydra and Shield shared the same name, so I couldn't tell who was a friend so easily. But Valentina? Oh, she knew a lot. She didn't care about the coats of arms one would wear, she just had a particular interest in special individuals. But she didn't approve of the way I was being enslaved. Barbaric she called. She charmed me, so, so easily. She was always very good with words. Manipulative. She got me to take her to my owner at the time, said she would give me my freedom." You sighed tiredly. "But when I took her to him, the rest of her team revealed themselves. They killed anyone who tried to fight and imprisoned the rest. My master, my boss." You correct yourself as you feel Wanda complains about the title. "He swore he was going to kill me for the betrayal. So Val shot him in front of me, and said that from then on, I owed her my life."
"You don't owe her anything. You know that, don't you?" Wanda retorts immediately, but you move uncomfortably as if the idea was already craved in your mind, and remind Wanda of how Bucky feels about the Winter Soldier and everything Hydra has put him through.
"I can think about it rationally, but practically? No, it's not that simple." You murmur, adjusting yourself to turn your whole body towards Wanda, your fingers playing with hers. "Valentina didn't use me, not like the others did. She bought me a place, gave me a name." You laugh weakly. "Of course, she couldn't say she'd got me in a dirty shed in Madripoor. No, she had to lie. She let me be Lady Fontaine, a distant relative of hers. She paid me very well for any service. I could travel wherever I wanted, have my own teams. I was free."
"As long as you kept working for her."
You swallow, agreeing. "Yeah, as long as I kept doing the job." You mutter. "But for someone like me, the life I had before, the deal was not bad, not at all. The whole sense of freedom. But then... I met you. Suddenly all those expensive things I could buy, all the adrenaline of a new robbery, everything stopped making sense if I didn't have you by my side.”
Wanda smiles tenderly, leaning in to steal a kiss from you. It's quick, but deep enough to make you sigh against her lips.
"Nothing and no one will ever keep us apart again, detka. I promise." Wanda whispers, her arms going to your shoulders so she can hug you and sit on your lap. You melt into the warm sensation, hugging her back with the same intensity.
It takes you by surprise, of course, and a moment later, Wanda hurries away.
"Is something wrong?" But she's already stumbling out of bed, running for the bathroom. "Wanda?" You barely get to your feet and hear her throwing up. First, your body goes into full alert, and then you sigh and relax as you remember: Pregnant girlfriend.
When you reach the door, it slams shut in your face, still shining with red magic. You chuckle.
"Don't come in here. It's disgusting." Wanda grumbles from inside, but you shake your head in disbelief and open the door, reaching up to hold her hair, calming any protests with a caress on her back as Wanda flushes all her lunch down the toilet. 
"Can I run you a hot bath?" you suggest, still holding her hair. Wanda nods weakly, and you smile briefly.
You walk away to the bathtub while hoping that her state is enough for her not to notice your racing thoughts about keeping a pregnant woman in those conditions. 
Wanda gets shot in the stomach. You wake up with a jolt.
The motel room is poorly lit, and you realize you've fallen asleep sitting up. Wanda sleeps deeply beside you, and you sigh before leaving the bed.
The bathroom light is the only one on in the room and gives away the previous activities - Wanda's nauseated state for almost the entire night. Perhaps the events were the reason for your nightmares.
Knowing that your girlfriend would easily notice your discomfort and end up waking up due to the nature of her powers, you left the room to get some air, and maybe push those thoughts away.
Given the time of night, the motel was quiet. But the figure smoking on the balcony made you take a deep breath.
"Hi, Nat."
The widow wasn't startled, she'd probably heard you coming out. She mumbled the greeting back, taking a long drag before offering the item to you. Your response was a dismissive nod.
"Sorry about the smoke." She says, and you scratch your eyes for a moment, shrugging in a sign that you weren't really bothered by it. 
The next moment, you ask: "Rough night?"
Natasha gives a small laugh. "You have no idea." She retorts, attracting your curiosity. But the concern in her eyes is for Wanda's safety, she realizes, and quickly clarifies: "Nothing affecting your little witch, relax."
Despite feeling a weight leave your shoulders, you adjust your body towards the widow. "I know we're not friends and that this is a situation of necessity, but I'm grateful for the way you're keeping us safe. If there's anything I can do to help you with your problem, please don't hesitate to ask."
The sincerity of the words surprised her for a moment. And then, after another swallow, Nat laughs lightly and comments: "If you have any solution for a broken heart, I'll take it."
You frown, absorbing her words for a moment. Nat almost immediately looks away, busy smoking as if hoping that the cigarette would take away all the pain she was feeling. Your mind is racing with all the things you've been entrusted with about the widow, be it work-related or the little socializing of the last few months.
You don't have enough to know exactly what Natasha is saying, but it occurs to you that she must really need to speak to someone about it, at least enough to mention it to you.
"What happened?"
The next laugh that escapes her is a sad one. "Nothing you can fix it."
"I wasn't intending to anyway." You respond gently, offering her a smile. "I'm just here to listen. If you need to talk to someone."
"I have people to listen to me, thank you." She snaps back, and you sigh tiredly before stepping away from the edge.
You nod and retort; "All right, Romanoff, sorry for intruding." And you turn away, heading for the stairs. 
But from the balcony, Nat only lets you go down two steps before saying; "I was engaged. Past tense." And you raise a frown in surprise at her, only for Nat to sigh, looking like she's going to burst into tears at any moment. "Like I said, it's nothing you can help me with."
But you rest your waist on the railing and keep looking up. "I'm sorry, the Captain is an asshole-"
"What?" Nat cuts you off with a grimace. "I wasn't talking about Steve!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I assumed you two-" But Nat bursts into laughter, and you shut up. It's better that she's laughing than crying anyway. 
Wiping away tears of laughter, she shakes her head. "I understand why Wanda likes you. Your cluelessness is hilarious."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Nat chuckles briefly, taking one last drag before putting out her cigarette. She rests her elbows on the edge and looks down at you.
"Agent Hill was my fiancée." She explains, more gently than before. "We had a plan. One that didn't involve me switching sides and ending up fleeing across Europe."
You offer Nat a look of understanding. She sighs, looking away so you don't see her tears.
"Let me guess, Miss Hill believes you prioritized the Avengers over the life you planned together?"
Nat chuckles humorlessly, humming in agreement. She looks at you again with watery eyes. "Don't you think she's right?"
You sigh. "I think things are more complicated than that."
"They certainly are." Nat mutters tiredly. She swallows dryly, pushing her own emotions away before looking at you with a certain determination. It's going to be about you now. "How long are you going to keep this up, Y/N?"
It's your turn to sigh and cross your arms. Your gaze wanders away. Natasha decides to press.
"There are hundreds of bounties on you." She says. "You've annoyed too many people."
"I know." 
"And Wanda needs to see a doctor-"
"Natalia." You cut her off, and her given name catches her off guard. She falls silent, staring at you intently. You sigh. “"I'll go where Wanda goes. No more leaving. I'm tired of running away."
Natasha remains quiet and thoughtful for a long moment. When she suddenly laughs dryly and offers you the cigarette again, you think it's best to accept.
"I think I just got Maria's point." She mumbles in annoyance, and you're a little taken aback by the tears in her eyes. But you try to take a drag on the cigarette, and start coughing, and it works to make Nat laugh and help you instead of crying. She takes the cigarette back, and gives you one last pat on the back, her hand staying in place instead of moving away. "That girl loves you with all her heart, Y/N. She'll follow you if you ask her to, so I beg you, make your decisions with your head, not your heart. Don't put her in danger that you can't protect her from."
You look at Nat. "Do you think that's what you're doing for Maria? Protecting her?"
"This isn't about Maria and me."
But you pull away from Nat's touch, looking at her hard. "I think it is." You insist seriously. "I can't protect Wanda from anything, and I don't need to. She's infinitely more powerful than I am. And I certainly won't be plotting decisions without her. If she decides to leave with me, that's her choice. Not any of yours, and maybe that's the problem with the Avengers, huh? You have a bad habit of putting your members in no-win situations."
Nat forces a smile. "Yes, we're the ones who are wrong not to want Wanda running around with a thief." She ironizes it, and you swallow, your gaze tired and disappointed. Nat is upset, and well, you're the easiest target here. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. "Excuse me, for not wanting her in Madripoor, surrounded by the Chinese Mob!" 
You sniffle lightly, shaking your head. "Do you know who's in Madripoor, Natalia? Your old colleague, Sharon Carter. The one who sacrificed her career for what you and Steve did. The one who was abandoned by you two without hesitation. Just like Clint did it, for whom Wanda's twin brother died and for whom she accepted this position. He abandoned her without looking back. Because that's what the Avengers do for each other, isn't it?" you retort angrily. "But I am the villain. I'm the one who stays and takes care of Wanda no matter what and makes her my priority, and I'm still the wrong one. Even though I'm not the one who let her end up in a fucking straitjacket, locked up like an animal!"
You don't realize you're screaming, but for a whole moment, all you can see is that damn newspaper photo of how Wanda looked, how she was captured. Nat's cheeks are wet, but she doesn't lose her posture.
You chuckle humorlessly. "You've got a damn nerve acting like you're better than me, Romanoff. Especially you."
"Don't go there." She warns with a dangerous look, but you shake your head.
"What would be the point?" You retort. "I'm over the past, but I can't say the same for you. You're pushing Agent Hill away because you're afraid of who you were, you're afraid that anger is still there. You're not giving Maria the choice to love you completely. And I'm not going to make the same mistake with Wanda."
With one last hard look at Nat, you turn to leave. Deciding that you need to take a walk and calm your nerves before going back to your room.
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winwintea · 1 month
secure that card! 04. refund date
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Chenle couldn’t help but feel a little remorseful as he watched you limp out of your dorm building in crutches. 
“Hey” He waved, as he rolled down the window.
You gave him a sideways glance, looking at his 2024 Mercedez GLE63, and then back at him, “A little help, please?” 
His expression hardened, as he quickly scurried out of the car, running around to grab the designer bags from your hands. You hoisted yourself into the passenger seat, and he laid your crutches and bags on the backseat. 
When Chenle started driving, you decided to make small conversation. “I’m, sure you’ve read my hospital records but let’s pretend like that never happened. I’m Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you.” “Zhong Chenle.” He smiled, still looking at the road. “Sorry for running into you.” Your face relaxed a bit as you shifted into the seat, slumping your head back, “It was my fault anyways. I should’ve been looking for cars when recklessly crossing the street.” you added, sighing, “My boyfriend had just broken up with me, right before the accident. Wasn’t really thinking clearly.” “Boyfriend…?” Chenle asked curiously, eagerly listening to you speak. 
“Oh yeah.” You gave him a helpless smile, as the mood started to turn a little sour.
Chenle picked up on this, and he didn’t want to lose this perfect opportunity to get you to open up more, so he tried to crack a light joke, “Honestly I’m just glad you didn’t sue me.” He ran a couple of fingers through his hair before turning to look at you for the first time since he had started driving.
“Are you kidding? You paid for my medical bills. That’s more than I needed.” He chuckled, continuing to focus on the road again, “It was the least I could do for you. And now you won’t even accept the other gifts.”
Before you could answer, Chenle quickly changed the subject, “So how long have you been here?” You looked at him curiously, wondering about the sudden change of subject, “Do you mean on campus? Or like in general.” He realized that the question was phrased in a weird way, and corrected himself, “Well I’m from Shanghai, so i’m not a native here. However, you seem to have no accent, so I can merely assume you’re from the US? Am I correct?” “Oh!” You smiled, and Chenle seemed to notice some sparks of light reflected by the sun that seemed to lit up from your eyes. It made you seem even more beautiful. “Born & raised here. Live laugh love.” You sighed again, resting your head on the headrest. You two were almost at the mall, already pulling into the parking lot. “It must be hard to live away from home.” “Actually, it’s quite nice. Living abroad is a fun challenge.” Chenle wondered how the conversation had suddenly turned on him. At least he knew now that you were in fact a US citizen, which was key to his task. Now for step two: How to win you over?
“I’ve never heard anyone describe it as 'fun'.” you looked at him, puzzled. “Well…” He took a breath, steering the car into a parking spot. “I’m glad to be the first.”
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸@marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr
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carionto · 6 months
Do you think aliens would be weirded or freaked out that when we're tickled, it's actually a pain response but laughter (sometimes anger) is the only way we can deal with it? Or that tickling is even a thing?
That startling repeated noise.
Humans often make it, particularly when with other Humans. They say it's generally a reaction to positive emotional and unexpected physical stimulation in certain parts of their bodies. It is quite... disturbing sometimes.
Once a Human asked me to "tickle" them, saying my slender feathery limbs would be a fantastic sensation to experience. They raised their arms up and exposed their bare skin and said: "Go for the sides. My ribs are extra sensitive to that." Hesitantly, I complied.
Upon the lightest touch, they screamed louder than I had ever heard anyone do. It was mortifying, like the death-wail of a raging beast. I instinctively snapped back and my feet jolted me 10 meters away in a second.
The Human kept making this noise for a brief moment, then asked me to come back and continue, saying: "Oh man, I've never felt anything that gently peculiar. It's like a hundred feathers all in one place caressing each individual nerve ending. It's okay, us Humans love laughing like this, it's great."
Despite my initial shock and discomfort at the noise, I decided to comply and "tickle" the Human for a few minutes. It was a rather grueling experience to be honest, but after a short while, seeing more of what their "joy" looks like, I grew accustomed to the noise. Just a little.
"Whoo, damn, that actually tired me out. Haven't had a good laugh like that in a while, thanks for humoring me." The Human said while looking exhausted and catching their breath. I have never seen a Human on this station be physically tired before, even when they run and jump around and recklessly endanger their lives. But a light touch, I barely even had to move, and the Human was all but incapacitated.
"Hey, could you do me a favor? When you go back to your department, give one of the people there a tickle, someone who looks all gloomy or is often complaining about something. They could use a laugh. It won't be as effective through clothing, but trust me, they'll thank you for it. And if they don't just tell them I told you to do it, it'll be fine."
That last phrase raised alarm bells, but the reassurance and how much fun they seemed to have convinced me to accept their request. After all, it is a good thing to spread joy and happiness, so if this is one way I can help out Humans, then I should.
Big mistake.
When I got back and noticed one Human who fit the description, I approached them from behind and tickled the back of their neck, as I was told that is another sensitive spot.
They screamed, turned around and slapped my arm out of the way faster than I could retract it.
The bone is still healing, doctors said it would take a month for all the fractures to fully reconnect and harden, but the nerve connection to my seventh finger was so badly damaged I would never be able to fully extend it again.
I was visited by both Humans who I had "tickled" and the first was in a very apologetic and defeated mood. The other spoke: "I apologize for breaking your arm. I did not mean to. Tickling is one of those things we don't fully understand about ourselves, but it isn't just about having fun and being entertained." This was pointed more to the first Human.
"It's an automatic response, most Humans feel ticklish like this one here, but some, like me, find it painful and our response to external stimuli towards sensitive parts of our bodies is to protect them fiercely, like you had the misfortune of experience for yourself."
"I'll speak to the administration and have them include this in the guidelines for interacting with us Humans. And," turning directly towards the first Human now: "I'll have them include a section for Humans about not teaching our Alien friends to play children's tricks on us." They turned back to me. "Get well soon, and again, sorry about this mess."
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