#this is actually his real form guys the rats told me everything
melatien · 6 months
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happy halloween!
if you watched karate kid you'll understand the outfit design
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maya-the-skaven · 6 months
Much Ado About Rats: A Skaven Story
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Greetings everyone and welcome to the very first of my series of posts that will follow as I write my fanfiction about Skaven in the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar setting. While my fanfiction is something rather private and will probably go through a long and thorough process of writing, editing, proofreading and even rewriting before I am comfortable publishing it, I would still like to talk about its worldbuilding, its characters and my personal headcanon on all matters Skaven.
It's easy to consider Skaven as just cannon fodder for the good guys of the setting, nothing but a mass of hungry and inherently if not comically evil vermin that exist only to multiply, destroy and die, not too dissimilar from the Tyranids of the 40k setting. They represent all the worst traits both on individual and societal level and, more importantly, they're not human and kind of ugly and monstrous, you'd get weird looks if you told anyone you empathise with them, similar to reactions you'd get from the common audience if you said you feel nothing but pity for the orcs of the Lord of the Rings setting.
However, to me the Skaven are much like the Imperium of the 40k - they are independent individuals trapped in and molded by from their very birth to their rather short death by a highly institutionalized and hierarchical society with ruthless inner politics, warlordism and a merciless system of economics and labour. The Skaven who are not ready to do everything in their power to survive and chase the power are either destined for death or slavery. They fanatically worship a god that doesn't care that much for his children if not bestows constant malice onto them, but any deviation from that worship is tightly controlled by a tyranical sect of wizard-priests. The Skaven either conquer, ruthlessly exploiting their surroundings until their utter desolation, or stagnate forced to literally cannibalize each other to survive. They are essentially trapped in a vicious circle where the society forms natural selection where the most power-hungry, cruel and vicious individuals win and these individuals, in turn, do all in their power so that this society stays that way, with them in power and their subordinates in various forms of slavery. I don't know about you, but most of the above doesn't sound to me that different from average life of an Imperial citizen in a Hive World. Moreover, isn't that also what happened in real world many times? How the ultra-rich of today stay in power, how Nazis brainwashed the entirety of Germany into genocide and complete ruin, how medieval tyrants and their aristocrat countries held entire countries in serfdom, how USSR bureaucrats reproduced their own power by what amounted to negative selection?
The main difference between Imperium and the Skaven is that, while the Imperium also exists in a constant flux of decay, misery, exploitation and treachery, it still gets many stories about individuals that manage to represent better aspects of being human, in spite of their culture, their upbringing, their status. Skaven, however, are for some reason excluded from humanity and human stories, despite having the same sapience and free will as humans do, they almost never get any stories that center them and everywhere else they are just there to do something horrible (and sometimes funny) and then be defeated by the heroes of the story. Despite this, we got more intricate glimpses of Skaven in the Queek Headtaker novel, it turns out they can be loyal, they can have a conscience, they can be brave, they can reflect on the poor state of their species, they can actually care for each other for other reasons than power, however rare that is and however corrupted and abusive that care might be.
Skaven also make me reflect a lot about our own world. In a way they are kind of like Ferengi from Star Trek series, their culture on one hand seems completely alien from ours, but on the other hand it has direct connection to our culture because it is a huge exaggeration of it. We exist, function and prop up systems that cause suffering, we compete even if that means that someone else will go hungry, we punch down our most marginalised and miserable, we entrap people into economic system where the line must go always up propped by extremely underpaid labour or everyone will be scrounging for food, we exploit and destroy our environment without care for neither other living creatures nor even other humans, our current cultural mindset is thoroughly hierarchical and power-seeking with even those critical our the current state of things rarely escaping from it. It's easy to sneer at the Skaven as the utterly evil "monster" species of the setting, but they are only doing what we are doing, but dispensing with our dislike of grotesque, with our flimsy morals and with our ever so cautious self-preservation instinct. But in our world we have many stories of people prevailing despite tyranny, misery, poverty, people going to great lengths to help each other, people protesting and fighting injustice, even if their mind was still polluted by bigotry, cruelty or selfishness. If Rom from DS9 can unionize in spite of his entire species and culture, why not give a chance at better characterisation and characters for Skaven that doesn't revolve around being comically evil? Something akin to Queek's bravery and care for Ska, even if completely insane and abusive by our standards, Ska's unquestioning loyalty, Gnawdwell's refined composure and genuine pride for Queek, Sharpwit's recognition of Skaven being doomed to be trapped in their vicious cycle and never learning from any mistakes.
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Source: https://twitter.com/nan_ivel/status/1460612547887910914
My motivation for writing a fanfic about Skaven is thus motivated by this unfair treatment of simultaneously portraying the Skaven as sapient and free willed individuals completely capable of forming a society woes many traits and woes of our own and other similar societies in fiction, while they are always treated as non-persons, never get any kind of diversity despite numbering trillions and stories about them that delve deeper into their psyche are practically non-existent. My story will be focused on a band of Skaven finding their own ways and detaching their personalities from the society that made them what they are, it's an escape story, a story of change, a story of experiencing and feelings things you could never put a name to. This is not necessarily a story about redemption, bad guys becoming good, the Skaven being goodie-two-shoes, it's much more about a seed of hope that exists even for cruelest and vilest of beings to change in whatever way, it's humanising Skaven in a way how our own evil is deeply human and it's about negating the idea of evil being ontological and immutable for sapient persons of free will.
The fact that there are trillions of Skaven and tens of thousands of clans should be, on the contrary, taken as a reason for the fans and creators to experiment with imagining diverse environments, individuals, sub-cultures of the Skaven society, sprawling like a tumour, growing in every which way. Similarly the fact that there is not really a lot of actual established lore about the Skaven and either very old bits that can be easily considered not even close to canon, short paragraphs that describe the trope of Skaven, but rarely go into any nuance or expand on them or things that could be very easily supplemented by additional lore, rather than be contradicted.
For example, what is the true nature of Great Horned Rat, is he even a real god of Chaos, as his aspects, domains and character seems to change all the time? Or maybe he is the truest of them, since even his nature changes chaotically, usually following the constant dynamic flux Skaven as a whole find themselves in? What is the relationship of Skaven with gender? Are breeders just an irrelevant lore tidbit that could be disregarded, or maybe it could be expanded, for example, how clans that don't have the means to purchase Moulder monstrocities operate? What of cloned Skaven? How is Skaven biology influenced by their constant misuse of warpstone, permanent overexertion, starvation and lack of sleep? Are we to believe Black Hunger isn't a psychological reaction that a half-starved sleepless human couldn't experience? A lore purist could disregard all these questions, but they'll end up without a backbone to their faction and barely anything interesting to write or ponder, apart from them being just mindless characterless beasts of ruin.
Next posts will answer these questions and go more into detail about some of my personal headcanon that informs my fic, such as diversity and function of Skaven society, their biology and its relationship with warpstone and exertion, their reproductive cycle, basic details of Blight City are the protagonists come from and what Great Horned Rat represents in essence. But, of course, that’s just my interpretation.
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CW: Creepy dude flirting with a minor and slight eye-gore. For the love of everything, don’t feel obligated to intervene with this in a separate post or an ask or heck, even LOOK at it. You have EVERY RIGHT not to. I know the creeper bit is a real problem in the world and I don’t intend to hurt or make anyone uncomfortable. QAQ Love you guys!
Kit stepped out of the small convenience store with both a bottle of a fruit smoothie and a pack of...cigarettes. She walked past an alleyway where she suddenly felt someone yank on her tail to pull her back, making her yowl like a cat in discomfort. The one pulling her back was a middle aged man, wreaking of alcohol and garbage. “Aw...did you buy those for me~?” He was clearly wanting something out of her, besides the cigarettes. The more he attempted flirting, the more Kit just stared at him in silence.
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Kit glared daggers into the man’s eyes. “Do I have to persuade you~?” The man asks. Before he could lay a finger on her, Kit put a free hand on his chest and smirked.
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“Give me all the money you own.” Kit starts, confusing the creeper. “What? Are you joking?” He replies.
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“Also that eyeball.” Kit says, letting her hand form into a cat paw, swinging right at the man’s eyes and her claws leaving a real nasty wound from his temple to the bridge of his nose, his eyelids being forced shut. The man groaned in pain, holding his wounded eye and stumbling to the back of the wall. “Y-you BITCH! YOU SCRATCHED MY EYE!” He shouted. Kit was free to leave now. Her paw turned back to a human hand, and she looked at her nails, that were once just painted lavender, now stained with the creeper’s blood. “That’s annoying...” She muttered. “HEY, do you hear me!? You’re gonna pay for this!!” He yelled at her. Kit ignored him, letting her tail swish side to side as she opened up the pack.
She was about to take one out, but she froze. She could hear some bells ringing in her brain, that thought back with what she was told when it came to this habit of hers. How her health was important, and how she needed to quit. She closed up the cover and turned back to the jerk-wad who dared to peruse her. “You’re in luck, these are for you after all.” She says, tossing the box towards him. “Come near me again, and it’ll be both your eyes that I’ll want. Adios, rat.” She said, waving and leaving the alleyway with her fruit smoothie. The guy stared at her, angry and in pain. He’s lucky he didn’t actually lose that eye.
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Can you do Luke Patterson fanfic where the reader is Alex sister and is in the band who’s been in love with Luke all this time but he never noticed her. And ever since they met Julie she has seen them together has gotten jealous.So she hatches up one finally plan to make him jealous to get him to see her . And Luke realized he had been in love with her and confess to her . Sorry if it’s too much this is my first time asking for a request 🥺
TITLE: Unrequited (Luke Patterson x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Requested: Yes!
Prompt/summary:  Reader does one final attempt at getting Luke to notice her.
Word Count: 1,615
Authors note: appear I just write a lot of angst. Again Where’s my Love by SYML is the vibe lol
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The day we woke up on the floor of the garage in the year 2020 was the worst day of my life.
Or that’s what I decided at least.
Apparently we had spent the past 25 years in a dark room, with Alex crying for most of that time. The girl who found us, Julie, quickly became our only tie to the real world. We could only be seen playing if she was playing with us. We soon found out that we had unfinished business that we needed to attend to before we could properly cross over to the other side. We figured it was simple. Play the Orpheum and we were done. But getting to the Orpheum was going to be a lot harder than we thought.
Slowly we had started to build up a following on a thing called ‘YouTube’ where people share videos, I never thought such a wide library of videos could exist for free every single day. Practices became a daily thing, though I didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 
I really shouldn’t be jealous. Luke has chemistry with everyone he sings with. Alex would kill me if he found out that after all these years I was still crushing on his best friend. I couldn’t help the feeling in my throat when I saw Julie and Luke singing together though... the feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Like all the air was being sucked out of me while I tried to keep the feeling of anger from bubbling over.
Why can’t he look at me like that?
I never meant to get him jealous, because I always thought making crushes jealous was unhealthy and only ever worked in the movies. But as soon as I started only talking with Reggie and Alex at practice Luke started to notice how I didn’t go out of my way to talk to him like I used to.
As time went on I started only singing with Reggie on stage for the harmonies. Every time I would look over afterwards I would see Luke staring at me with an almost blank expression.
The next few days were miserable for me.
My only desire then was to go up to him and tell him why I had been avoiding him. That I had seen every glance, smirk, smile, and laugh he and Julie had shared and say it was breaking my heart in two. I just had to watch in silence. The fear of causing drama within the band had taken precedent over my unrequited love. 
I never meant for it to be taken this far. After Caleb branded us I truly began to wonder if my place in the band really meant anything to anyone. My feelings poured out over a page as I explained everything to them in a letter. A stupid letter that I didn’t know if I actually was going to deliver or not. 
My worst fears soon became a reality after I saw their interaction outside of Luke’s house on his birthday.
Tears fell out of my eyes as I slipped the letter into his songwriting notebook and poofed out of the garage. I knew they would find it. I knew my brother would know the first place to look for me, so I avoided it.
I stood in the alleyway behind the Orpheum, tears falling down my face as I held onto my brother’s sweatshirt he had given me a few days prior. Hopefully I could still keep it.
“Are you ready?”
I turned around and saw Caleb standing in all his elaborate glory, “I guess so.”
He smirked, “Why so hesitant little dove?”
“Um,” I mumbled, a shiver went down my spine at his awkward nickname, “I’m just going to miss them.”
“Miss them? You’re going to miss them? Oh (Y/n), they haven’t even noticed you were gone. You’ve got nothing to lose.”
Tears began to form in my eyes. Breathing became hard as I realized I had been sitting here for hours, and no one came yet.
“Poor (Y/n), in love with a boy who doesn’t even notice her. A brother who was rejected by even his parents, and a best friend who doesn’t even notice her feelings. You can leave all that behind, just shake my hand.”
I stood there, debating on if I really wanted to give it all up. Did I really get a choice in this? I slowly lifted my hand, still hesitating.
“(Y/n), look around. They haven’t even come for you yet, and I’m sure that rat Willie already told them what you were doing. They just don’t care-”
“That’s not true!”
I turned around and saw my band running towards me.
“(Y/n) don’t listen to him? He’s manipulating you,” Alex said.
Tears fell down my face as Caleb grabbed my shoulder, “You’re too late. (Y/n) just look at them. They didn’t even notice as you drifted further and further away.”
My eyes flickered up, Luke locked eyes with me. Tears were forming in his eyes, “(Y/n) please don’t do this.”
I looked back down at the ground.
Julie spoke up, “(Y/n), you really don’t realize how much you contribute to this band. We all care about you so much.”
“I doubt she wants to hear from you,” Caleb scoffed, “Seeing as you stole the one thing she most wanted away.”
The boys looked at each other confused but the look on Julie’s face told me that she knew exactly what Caleb meant.
“(Y/n) I promise you, Luke and I are just best friends. I’m so sorry you felt like you weren’t important to us anymore,” Julie said.
Luke looked up at me but I tried not to meet his gaze.
“(Y/n),” Alex said, “You’re my sister. I can’t lose you too. Please.”
Tears ran freely down my face as I pulled myself away from Caleb. Luke ran forward and caught me as I began to fall.
Caleb let out a frustrated yell and disappeared. I didn’t even bother to look up as I sobbed into my hands.
“I’m so sorry,” Luke whispered to me. Alex pulled everyone into a group hug.
“Guys I’m so sorry,” I sobbed.
“This isn’t your fault,” Reggie said.
I brought my hands down to wrap around Luke’s shoulders, “I just didn’t feel good enough. I wanted to know if you guys really cared. I’m so sorry I should have said something.”
“We’re just happy we got here in time,” Alex said, he ran a hand through my hair, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
My tears came to a slow stop, and eventually we began to walk home.
“Guys, I’m taking (Y/n) somewhere. We’ll catch up.”
The guys waved as Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me in a different direction. It soon became clear where he was taking me. 
“Do you remember this place?” he asked.
“Barely,” I said. I looked around the park I had always gone to, it had changed so much since 1995, “They tore the gazebo down.”
He looked over to where the rickety white structure used to be, a bathroom area was there now.
“I remember, you used to always go there after there was a fight at your house.”
I nodded, “Quiet, secluded, free to go to. Can’t tell you how many songs I wrote here.”
He pulled me over to sit on the benches near the playground. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he said. 
I looked up at the clouds, trying to get the answer straight in my head, “I just… I had seen how you looked at her. I wanted you to look at me like that. Once I started to pull away, no one seemed to notice. Caleb offered me his help, he said I’d be famous…”
“What made you hesitate?”
“I realized… I didn’t want a million admirerors, I just wanted one. Nothing could compare to that.”
I jumped as he reached over to grab my hand, bringing it over to sit in his lap as he covered it in both of his, “I want to be that person.”
“You always were.”
He smiled. He brought my hand up and placed a kiss gently on my knuckles. In a quick moment of bravery I leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.
He placed both his hands on my cheeks before pulling me into a real kiss. The boy I thought I had lost was kissing me. The kiss I had always dreamed of but thought I could never have. 
We both pulled away breathing heavily. I looked up and giggled at his swollen lips and tousled hair knowing I probably looked the same. 
“I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to say this. I love you (Y/n). I’ve loved you since the day I met you, I loved you after we died, and I loved you every moment till now. I guess the only reason why I didn’t do anything is I was so scared of you not liking me back, or how your brother would react.”
I sighed as he rubbed his thumb across my cheek, “How do you think he’ll react?”
“He told me while we were looking for you I should’ve asked you out weeks ago. He knows,” He laughed.
The sun had started to set, the light illuminated him making him look ethereal. I pulled him into another quick kiss, “I wish I had done this sooner.”
“What? The kiss or trying to sell your soul to a dead magician?”
I laughed, “Either.”
He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, “Don’t do the second one again anytime soon.”
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @peachyxdream @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp @wcnderwoo @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis @solophantomsmultis @marinettepotterandplagg @idkanymoremansstuff @carleywhittaker @spooky-season-bitch @sunsetcurve-h @peresphoncs @lolychu  @joshy-obx @mochamiilk @starenemy @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @cherrybombboom @etherealexsistence @itskindyl @heidimortensen123 @starkeysgirl @nicolewithasoul @chenellearose @voguesir 
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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(gif from Jason Passaro’s youtube edit here)
Title: One Shitty Friday Night (Part 1)
Pairings: Peter Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Colossus x Shadowcat
Summary: Set after the events of Deadpool 2, you and your boyfriend Peter are on a double date downtown with your fellow X-Men Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) and Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) when Deadpool and Russell arrive unexpectedly. Chaos and violence naturally ensues, including taking down mafia henchmen, dealing with news media and paparazzi who circle in with the action, and a jealous Peter. This will be concluded in Part 2 with the mixed reactions of Logan, Charles, and Erik when you all bring Wade and Russell back home, etc. 😄
Notes: For simplicity’s sake as Piotr R. is normally called “Peter” as well, he’ll just be referred to as Colossus here.
Warnings: Some alcohol use. And it’s Deadpool, so a lot of cursing and irreverent jokes of course. This started out as just crack!fic that became actual fic that had to be split into two parts because it hit post limit. Holy cow.
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
Kitty all but snorted, trying to put her drink back down on the table before it could end up fully sideways instead as her laughter left her trembling.
Colossus sighed quietly, but you could still see the warmth in his eyes as he looked down at her before helping dab up some of her errant wine off the table with a thick cloth napkin.
It was late Friday night, and save for your semi disapproving, large and very Russian designated driver, the other three of you were now several drinks deep and a bit too loudly enjoying Peter’s retelling of the Led Zeppelin cover band debacle. You’d been there with him that night, but it never got old the way Peter told it.
“I shit you not, and this guy still keeps hitting on Jean.” Peter continued, his third nearly empty glass of craft beer still in hand. “Scott’s about to fry the dude. They’re playing Immigrant Song, and these lasers start up. All dudebros in the club go wild, and Scott tries to sneak off a warning shot. Freaking air balls it! I have to move like forty people and it still blows a damn hole in the wall. But nobody even noticed! Fake Robert Plant is screaming his heart out and everybody is just eating it up. I swear my Dad could have flown in there, cape billowing and they still would have thought it was part of the show!”
You were at risk of being elbowed in this small restaurant booth, with how animated Peter was as he spoke beside you. But you didn’t mind. The lighting was dim, possibly verging on romantic, the smell of good food from the kitchen reminded you of what was to come, and you were just enjoying time with some of your favorite people.
When Peter did finally drop his hand again though, the not so subtle movements of it then up your thigh also promised something much more personal later tonight. Maybe it was the warmth from the mixed drinks you were also nursing, but you shifted your leg a little, pushing even more into his touch under the table. Your movement just signaled your silent agreement to him that tonight would be a perfect night to be throwing clothes on the floor as soon as you got back to your shared room at the mansion.
It’d been a long, tiring week after all. Helping teach classes during the day and training your ass off in the danger room every night, you didn’t think it was unreasonable to cut loose a bit now.
Even Colossus was chuckling a little at last, but the big guy was always softest around Kitty. You in particular had been one of her biggest supporters when she’d first confessed her attraction towards him. You’d noticed his bashfulness with her as well, and all the little glances he’d given her long before she’d ever worked up the courage to ask him out.
But that seemed so long ago now, it was hard to really remember a time when they weren’t together. Almost as long as you and Peter really.
You glanced up as the waiter came back by to check on you all, saying your food would be out in a few more minutes and asking if anyone needed more drinks.
“Oh gosh, we’re really running up the tab right?” Kitty smiled.
You could see the little bit of relief in Colossus’ expression as she waved the waiter off though, her current wine glass still nearly full. “I’m fine for now, thank you.”
Peter glanced at you and you nodded as well. A buzz was fine, but you didn’t want to be climbing the mansion stairs full on drunk tonight. “I’m good.”
As the waiter left, your conversation got a little more subdued. You leaned into Peter somewhat, hip to hip in the booth as he put his arm around your waist.
Kitty was now talking about a movie she thought you should all go see next weekend if you could. You were just in the process of agreeing as you’d wanted to see it too, when Colossus suddenly went stock still, a look of real surprise on his face.
Kitty evidently noticed as soon as you did, you both staring up at him in unison.
“Do not turn around,” He instructed to you and Peter, eyes locked on something behind you.
Of course when told to do one thing, it would take everything in Peter’s willpower to not do the opposite. But to his credit he actually did hesitate. “Do we need to be dodging something? I mean, I can move us if I need to, man. You just gotta let me know.” Peter stated.
“I don’t think he’s seen us yet. Please do not draw attention.” Colossus responded, still frustratingly vague to the rest of you.
But he hadn’t metaled up yet, his skin still entirely human looking. So on the plus side, it couldn’t be someone he thought an immediate physical threat.
You glanced to Kitty for some hope of explanation as she was seated beside Colossus and facing the same direction. But she was too short in comparison to him, and couldn’t see all the way across the booth dividers as easily as he could. “Well who is it?” Kitty demanded quietly.
But you heard an impatient voice carry over clearly from the nearby restaurant entrance.
“Look, you know he’s here. I know he’s here. Don’t make me leave you guys a bad Yelp review. I will totally Karen that shit up. I’m just here for him.” A pause. “...And some of the cannolis. God, I love those things. You went a little scarce on the filling last time though. Don’t make me add that to the Yelp review.”
You heard the hostess stutter, fear evidently building. “Sir, firearms are not allowed in this restaurant. The owner, he, I...I can’t.”
There was a loud sigh from the man, the distinct sound of a gun cocking, and then all hell broke loose.
“WADE!” Colossus screamed, your entire table flipping as he stood up, metal now encasing him in this even larger form.
Abruptly you were now standing back by the entrance yourself. Peter had one arm around you, and the other around Kitty as he let you both go just as instantly, having just brought you there before he disappeared again.
That little flare up of vertigo from the speed and sudden stop didn’t mix well with the alcohol, and she and you both stood there another moment, queasy as Peter appeared again with an armful of guns.
It would have been comical as he clearly had no idea where to put them now, but everyone else that had still been in the restaurant was already screaming and running for the doors in a panic.
The owner of the multiple guns couldn’t care less about the crowd however, only turning his full focus to the lot of you then in exasperation.
“Oh my God, you anti second amendment, mother fuckers. I’m in the middle of a job here!”
“You can’t just point guns at innocent people, Wade! We have talked about this many times!” Colossus retorted, all seven foot of him now standing over Deadpool with paternal like annoyance.
“For fuck’s sake, it’s called a threat. I wasn’t going to kill her you overprotective, asshat! Now Giovanni is probably holed up in some pussy ass panic room, or he’s already ghosted me out the back door! And yes, I know that is such a stereotypical mob boss name and totally sounds like the Pokemon villain. Fuck him and his always trying to take Pikachu! He had a talking cat the whole time who just wanted his love, but no, got to have the electric rat. Fuck!”
“Language, Wade!” Colossus scolded. “There is still a child present!”
And honestly in all this insanity, that was the first time you actually noticed Russell also still standing there. Everyone else in the room had now fled out into the street.
“I’m fucking fourteen,” The boy replied defiantly. “And yeah, we were working!”
“Daddy and angrier metal daddy are just talking, hon.” Deadpool commented, waving a hand.
There was a small gust of air beside you and you looked to Peter knowingly. Wade’s guns were now all on a table, though intentionally still distant from your current position. “So I just made a couple laps.” Peter spoke up. “The cops are already coming, and there’s still a bunch of guys in the basement. They were opening some crates, probably getting weapons? I didn’t know if we were taking them out yet though. I didn’t touch anything. But is Giovanni like a big dude with gold rings and all?”
“I’m telling you besides the drug and human trafficking, it’s practically more criminal how much he sets back Italian-American stereotypes. They are an honest, manicotti making people goddamn it.” Deadpool answered.
You really were starting to regret the amount of drinks you’d had. If you’d known tonight was going to be anything like this, you would have gladly stuck to water. Your head was already trying to throb a little as you finally spoke. “So, does this guy actually have warrants out on him? If the cops come, they’re all going to end up shooting each other most likely. Can we just defuse this by giving him up to them?”
“I would say we assist to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, if that is the case, yes. I’m sure the Professor would prefer that.” Colossus agreed.
“Freaking goody two shoes, all of you.” Wade sighed. “But he has to get arrested or dead okay? I don’t get paid otherwise.” He paused though, then looking back up to Colossus before suddenly elbowing him. As if he’d even really feel that. “And hello rudeness, are you not going to introduce me to your little girls night out club here before we go bust some heads in a gratuitous X-Force/X-Men hotties crossover?”
“X-Force?” Kitty asked, sounding as already over this as could be.
“Well, we are a little empty on the roster at the moment. Some...unfortunate parachuting incidents. Wind advisory that day. You know how it goes.” Deadpool shrugged.
By her expression, no. She did not know how it went.
But the sooner you started, the sooner this could be over. Colossus motioned to each of you in turn, “Peter, (Y/N), and Kitty. These are my teammates and friends.” He nodded back to Deadpool, “And this is Wade.” And then to the boy. “And Russell.”
Of course you already knew who they both were. It’d been a bit of a scandal really, with the whole Essex House fiasco and the deaths that had occurred there. Fair or not, a lot of the blame had ended up on Juggernaut the second time around though you thought. Which is why Charles hadn’t had to deal with too much bad press in the aftermath.
You could not let this become another Essex House situation for the X-Men though. You were about to speak up about heading to the basement together and Deadpool staying out of your way so you all could neutralize everyone without any fatal hits, when he gasped dramatically, making you freeze again.
“Kitty!? Like an actual girl named Kitty? Oh my God, this whole time I thought you were his cat!” He hit his own leg, laughing. “I’m thinking, holy shit this guy loves his goddamn cat, but who am I to judge you know? I had a dog named Mr. Shuggums. Cutest little fucker.” He took a breath. “I miss him.”
“Wade.” Colossus groaned. “We do not have all night.”
Okay, so there was still something sweet about Colossus gushing about his girlfriend even to this manic mercenary. But no kidding, this show really needed to get on the road here.
“Guys, why don’t we just let Peter disarm them all, Colossus, you grab Giovanni, and Kitty and I deal with anyone who still resists? No one has to get hurt, and then it’s all done, easy.”
“And then we go find somewhere else to eat. Killing me here. I wanted that damn calzone and tiramisu.” Peter sighed, pulling his goggles back down over his eyes again. “More guns coming up.”
He disappeared at once, but when he didn’t return immediately as you were so accustomed to, you and Kitty exchanged a nervous look.
And after only another few seconds, your instincts told you something had definitely gone wrong.
“Is the basement directly beneath us?” You asked Deadpool sharply, already reaching out a hand to Kitty. Your adrenaline was starting, all good feelings gone as it was now time to act.
But you’d worked together long enough now, you didn’t have to explain your plan to her or Colossus.
Yet when the previously mouthy merc had no instant response, just staring at you in thought, it was clear he hadn’t done any recon beforehand at all. He’d literally just walked in here and expected everything to work out.
“Perfect.” Kitty said sarcastically, glancing quickly to Colossus as she took your hand. “You’re our backup, dear, in case our vertical entrance doesn’t work out. Come find us.”
“Always.” He said, already turning, his weight shaking the floor as he ran to look for any stairway downward while you and Kitty dropped straight through the floor.
It was surely a risk of its own to use her phasing ability so blindly as this. You could end up in a too small crawlspace, in underground piping, a sewer system, anything really. She’d make sure not to go solid until it was safe, as to not impale or bury you alive of course. But if Peter were in trouble, there was no time to waste by ending up at a dead end and having to go back up and try again.
You’d held your breath, as there was no way for you to process oxygen either as your lungs and every other part of you shifted through the other matter. It was darkness and insulation, pipes, and conduit that flashed by at first. But in the fractions of seconds that it took to fall, you had already powered up. The white light of your energy field overtaking your body, shielding you both as you did fall into a larger open area.
It was even darker than the restaurant above, all concrete and dampness. The glow from your body was the brightest thing there as much more men than you’d expected all turned in surprise. You saw the glint of multiple gun barrels now, but the thing you wanted to see most was Peter’s silver hair as you’d scanned the area for him instantly.
There was a stairwell in the distance. He was laying near the bottom of it. But you had no time to be shocked or afraid, only anger swelled as you released Kitty’s hand, making you solid again. “I’ll get him.” Was all you said. Letting her know to protect herself as you flew to him. Bullets couldn’t hurt her if she was ready for them. But Peter would be defenseless without one of you now, and by means of your power of flight you were the faster of you and her.
The man closest to Peter had a different kind of gun though you realized. Something you didn’t recognize at all as he aimed at you. You splayed your palms to create an energy shield in front of you as he pulled the trigger.
It didn’t make a sound though. But everything around you instantly distorted as pain exploded through you. You saw five or six of him now, as your feet hit the ground, unable to concentrate enough to fly then. But even as you stumbled, realizing your shielding wasn’t fully stopping whatever that weapon was doing, you were still able to expand your shield rapidly, hitting the man with the force of a car in your pain and sending him flying into a nearby wall, the weapon clattering to the ground lightly against his now limp body.
But you still felt like you were going to puke.
“Kill them you idiots!” Someone screamed.
You dropped yourself, laying over Peter just as quickly, grateful to feel him breathing as you focused through the pain to extend a shield around you both as the gunfire started.
“Bitch!” Another man yelled as Kitty just walked unharmed through all the flying bullets towards you.
“Shadowcat actually,” She said, skilled enough in her powers to choose what was solid and what wasn’t. Just the outside of her fist being all she needed to crush his nose in one punch with a squirt of blood, and only the end of her foot used as she swept her leg after to knock his own right out from under him.
Even among your own team, sometimes people could forget that that petite Jewish girl was about as skilled a martial artist as anyone could be.
“Babe?” You heard against your ear though, glancing back down to Peter. There was real relief even in the chaos as you saw him smile up at you.
He talked back against your ear in the noise as Kitty continued to utterly wreck the guys around you. “I fucked up a little, right? That gun...they already had it going, aimed at the door when I came back, a trap...I think I hit every stair on the way down...I still see like three of you right now.”
“Ditto.” You breathed.
And then there was another even louder noise as the remnants of a door also came flying down the stairs. Colossus barreled in behind it like a stampeding elephant, Deadpool right behind him as they leapt over the both of you and joined the fray.
“We found the basement!” Deadpool announced gleefully, swords swinging. “Don’t think they’d even locked the door back actually, but fuck if big Russki doesn’t love a dramatic entrance!”
For a moment you thought all your words about at least trying not to kill had been for nothing, thinking Deadpool was going to chop these men into literal pieces. But even as blood sprayed left and right, you realized he was just cutting tendons. The men then unable to hold their guns, unable to stand at all as he crippled each he reached in succession.
It was still completely horrific, but hell, how much could you really ask for from someone like him? Especially when you yourself had slammed that one man into a concrete wall as if he were a ragdoll. You glanced over anxiously for a moment, glad to see him shifting a little, but still crumpled exactly where you’d thrown him. He was alive, a small relief at least.
Obviously the other gunmen hadn’t had a prayer either though once you’d all been down there together.
Colossus already had a still cursing Giovanni slung over one shoulder as you were now helping Peter back up and trying not to step in all the blood as you all walked over to Kitty.
“What a mess...very interesting weapon though,” She spoke of that odd gun that’d been used on you and Peter, it now in her hands as she turned it one way and then another examining it. “I’m bringing this back with us. The police don’t need anything like this. Hank and I can figure out how it works. And how to defend against it hopefully before we run into another one of these out in the field.”
“It seems this Giovanni was more a threat than expected,” Colossus said, giving the still squirming man an unhappy look, before looking back to you all. “Are you alright, Peter?”
“I’m still hungry.” Peter grumbled, an arm over your shoulder to still help stabilize him as his other hand went to his head as if it were pounding. He also had some bruising starting on his face, no doubt from his tumble down the stairs. “I wouldn’t have drank so damn much if I’d known we weren’t going to eat...”
With the speed of his metabolism, that alcohol likely was hitting him pretty hard now on his already empty stomach.
“We should turn this guy over and get out of here.” You agreed. Though you didn’t feel so hot yourself. Still a little nauseous from whatever that weapon did to your senses. But at least you weren’t seeing triple of everything anymore.
“Hold it, girl scouts!” Deadpool piped up, chipper as ever as he grabbed something at Giovanni’s neck before any of you could think to stop him.
The man choked just a moment though, before a piece of metal snapped off into Wade’s hands. It was a necklace, with a symbol of some sort. You saw just a glimpse of it before Deadpool pocketed it. “No proof of finishing the job, no payday for DP. No payday, then no liquor, no coke, no hookers. Am I right?”
It was too difficult to tell when if ever he was serious, and you all chose to ignore his comment, starting back up the stairs. The odd sounds of bullet fragments falling back down the stairwell caught Peter’s attention though as he gave a grossed out look to Wade for a moment.
The now impact deformed bullets were starting to work themselves back out of all the bloody holes in Deadpool’s costume. You knew where you’d seen that before of course, but Peter was the only one that actually said it aloud.
“Damn, you and Logan would be a pair.”
There was a pause, and you could swear even with the mask, you thought you saw Wade’s cheekbones move in a way that signaled he was outright grinning from ear to ear. “At least someone gets it. He still won’t return my calls though. Such a diva lately.”
Once you did get to the top of the stairs, you only found a very agitated Russell standing there, Wade’s guns in his arms. “You took long enough, the cops are outside you know. I’m not going back to jail for you!”
“Cool your tater tots, kid.” Deadpool responded lazily, in no hurry, but grabbing the weapons back to holster them all regardless.
“I could have finished this faster! I would have fried their asses!” Russell argued.
“You would have been shot. Fire does not stop bullets.” Colossus only answered matter of factly.
Russell made a face, but Wade cut him off before he could say any more.
“Now now, listen to metal daddy. No sass. And actually, I think there’s something we should talk about, champ. X-Force is way more badass and all, but we don’t exactly have a training and junior member tier yet. Maybe later. You might want to think about riding home with these guys and checking their setup out. I don’t have any powers myself to relate to you like that, except me being very shootable, devastatingly charming, sexy, smart, and a competitive level Skee-Ball player...”
Deadpool sighed, continuing. “But these guys have a Danger Room. Which is totally not a sex dungeon, yeah I was bummed about that too. But they could let you unleash that school shooter level teenage angst and burn all the shit you wanted until you really figure out your powers.”
Russel bristled. “I’m not a school shooter you prick! And you always said the X-Men were neutered dweebs and-”
Wade coughed loudly, ushering Russell forward suddenly as you all continued to walk. “Hah, kids. Such darlings. Mishear everything don’t they?”
Colossus only answered without offense though. “The offer is still open, Russell. Though you have said no before. The Professor would never turn down a young mutant in need.”
It was Peter who surprised you a little, a smirk on his face as he contributed. “Freaking sweet house too, man. Xavier’s loaded. Big screen TV, a pool, basketball court, your own room, supersonic jet. Bunch of cute girls as well, or cute boys, you know whatever you’re into.”
“I’m not gay.” Russell huffed, but actually looked to be listening now as he didn’t immediately spit back with a sarcastic retort.
Though you gave Peter a weird look and he just grinned. “What? I stayed for you didn’t I, babe? Just saying. I wasn’t exactly on board with the whole team thing before that either. I know where he’s coming from is all.”
“It’s up to you, Russell.” Kitty said more diplomatically, before returning to the matter at hand. “We’re parked at that parking garage two blocks south. Everyone meet back there, Colossus and I will hand this guy over to the cops out front. The rest of you, I’m sure there’s got to be some emergency exit you can sneak out of. Probably better to split up actually. Less attention.”
Just as Kitty had suggested, Deadpool and Russell went out one way, and you and Peter another. You came out onto another street behind the restaurant. And you’d just finally started to relax again, Peter taking your hand in his own and walking away like an honest to God normal couple for once, just out on the town together before you noticed an oddly placed white van with distinct lettering on it.
Peter saw it too just as the light from a camera hit you both.
“Hell,” You breathed.
“Want to run?” He asked seriously.
“Too late, they’d just film us ditching, and say we had something to hide.”
Your headache was returning in full force you thought as you steeled yourself, seeing the reporter now in a full sprint towards you.
“It’s Quicksilver! And (your codename)! The X-Men are here!” A woman shouted.
As you walked closer to the news van, the camera flashes only increased. It looked like a small group of paparazzi had also camped out here, hoping for this exact result. How did word travel so damn fast?
“Marcia Fletcher, WAFN nightly news!” She introduced herself at once, her camera man there just as quickly, huffing a little from the run as he got you both in focus.
You could see the lights on on his camera as she shoved her microphone in front of you and Peter. “You’re on live coverage of the Ruffiano’s restaurant shootings with WAFN. Is it true that Giovani Marcello was apprehended here tonight by the X-Men? And how did you know he was here when he’s been on Interpol’s most wanted list for four years?”
You knew without looking at him that Peter was happily deferring the speaking role to you now as you tried not to look rattled. You attempted to think of what Charles would and wouldn’t want you to say, even with the pain in your head and lingering nausea. “We didn’t know who was here. We were in the area and saw people running and went to help, that’s all.” You lied.
“But the reports of gunshots, witnesses also said Deadpool had drawn a gun on a restaurant employee and Colossus was seen inside. Is Deadpool now affiliated with the X-Men again? Did he shoot anyone?”
“Deadpool is not affiliated with the X-Men. Colossus was here tonight, but he only would have been defending anyone he thought in danger. Deadpool did not shoot anyone.” You tried to keep to short truths that time.
“But then why was Deadpool there? Should people really believe it would be a coincidence that the X-Men and Deadpool would be at the same incidence at one time if not working together?”
“Well you’re here aren’t you? Are you affiliated with us?” You replied before you could stop yourself, though still restraining the annoyance you really wanted to put into that statement. “Trouble attracts a crowd.”
Peter made a sound, a restrained laugh you knew. But before the reporter could blurt out another question, one of the now growing number of paparazzi called out, “(Your codename), hey look here! Is it true you and Quicksilver are still dating!?”
You knew better than to be baited, humoring any of them just made it worse. They were like piranhas. But Peter couldn’t help it, turning to look as so many cameras flashed. His arm slid around you protectively. “Why wouldn’t we be, dude?” He called back.
“Are you saying the photos of (your codename) and Gambit were before you two reconciling?”
It took every ounce of your self control to not respond, but oh God did you want to. It was the mission in Tanzania. You knew it. You, Storm, and Gambit. Peter had stayed in the U.S. for that one as it’d been the holidays and his Mom had wanted both he and Wanda over for some time together.
After the mission was over, the three of you had ended up on one of the beautiful Tanzanian beaches for a single day. Just a single day to yourselves.
You’d had the audacity to wear a revealing bathing suit though and you and Remy had been photographed together, him shirtless of course because it was a goddamn beach. And laughing and smiling because, surprise, you were friends! And they’d cropped Ororo out in all the closeups for complete loss of context.
It’d been a thing in some of the tabloids for a while, but you really thought that had finally blown over. Of course if anyone asked Remy, he liked to play coy on the whole subject to keep up his God’s gift to all men and women sex symbol status.
“Peter, let’s just go,” You whispered in his ear, sure anything else said would only make things worse.
But you could read him all too well, and when he turned his face to look back at you, you already knew what he was going to do. You didn’t try to stop him, because never would you humiliate him on live television with any type of rejection, but oh, you would never live this one down. Never.
He kissed you hard. And there was nothing fake about it, honestly the kind of kiss usually reserved for your bedroom as you felt heat rising up in you. The camera flashes clicking over and over as you could still taste the alcohol he’d drank before.
When he finally released you again, you gasped a little. He gave the photographers a ‘fuck you’ look, before speaking just to you. “Now we can go.”
“Fly or run?” You breathed.
“Fly please. I’m still about half out of it.” He admitted.
You powered up to some surprised and excited sounds from the crowd. Your whole body glowing white again in the energy you emitted.
“Wait, aren’t you going to stay and talk to the police!?” The reporter shouted.
“They know where to find us if they need us.” You answered, extending your energy field around Peter, before you took off vertically, making sure to get sideways over the rooftops as soon as you could though to breakup their camera angles and finally give you privacy again at last.
You landed gently atop the parking garage only a few moments later, letting him go again as you powered back down.
“Are you mad at me?” He asked, just taking your hand again though.
“No.” You said truthfully. “But, I have no idea what we’ve really just done. We still have to go home...home where the Professor always watches the 10:00 news with his late night tea.”
Peter sighed, only half joking. “We could always go stay with my Mom for a while?”
You just moved in closer, pulling him against you as you laid your head on his shoulder. “We’ll survive, babe. Somehow we always do.”
“I think that says more about you than me though. Pretty sure I’d be face down in a ditch somewhere already if it weren’t for you.”
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck then before raising your head back up to kiss him once more. Much softer this time, and even longer than his jealous little display a few minutes ago.
He made one of his little noises of contentment, hands sliding down to squeeze your butt through the thin pants you were wearing. As he pulled your hips tighter against him, he broke the kiss enough to speak regretfully. “I really was hoping to get lucky tonight...”
“Same.” You smiled. It had been a while. Mostly from you both being so tired by the time you finally got in bed. Passing out on each other had more been the norm the past couple weeks. “We get some food in you, and see where things go?”
“Gross! Get a room!”
You startled at the sudden shouting, having wholly thought yourselves alone up here in the moonlight.
Peter rolled his eyes, yelling back at Russell, “Kid, we have one! And we’d already be back there by now if it wasn’t for your little mafia hunting shenanigans!”
You looked over to see Deadpool and Russell both standing in the doorway to the parking garage stairs.
Wade whistled, leaning back against the doorframe. “Way to take down that Marcia Fletcher a notch! I always found her too uppity to be honest. I think she’s still butt hurt that they didn’t give her the lead anchor spot when Carl Sanderson moved to the early bird morning show. Tanya Meyer on the 5:00 news though, that’s my girl.”
You blinked. “How...how do you know-” It was literally minutes ago, it would have taken them just this long to walk here.
Deadpool lifted up his cell phone. “Facebook live, bitches. Don’t you follow WAFN? The recipes they post from Saturday morning cooking with Pat are always delish.” He looked back down at the phone though, happily reading. “Hah! Peggy Fredrickson from Brewster, New York thinks Marcia’s contouring and drawn on eyebrows are getting worse. Fire your makeup person, Marcia.” He tapped something on the screen. “Like comment! Oh, and Michael Morris from Ridgefield says who wouldn’t do Remy LeBeau. Damn, Michael, all out and proud on main.”
Peter let go of you, taking an annoyed breath. But then looking back to you. “Please let me at least prank Remy, something, anything.”
“But he didn’t do anything.” You replied, though only more stressed now that this was already blowing up on social media.
“Exactly! He should have at least denied it! But no, Mr. cool Cajun can’t admit that you’d actually choose me over him.”
“Hey now, I think you’re looking at this the wrong way, Quickie.” Deadpool interjected. “There’s always the ménage à trois option. I mean he’s French right? And Michael from Ridgefield is just spitting truth. Who wouldn’t want to do Remy LeBeau? He could shuffle my cards anytime.”
“You guys are so fucking weird.” Russell groaned. “Can we go find your damn car now?”
But you didn’t move yet, still looking fully at Peter. “Wade’s just trying to get under your skin. We all know how Remy is. He’d flirt with a piece of cardboard if it suited him. It doesn’t mean anything to him.” You recognized that Gambit was physically attractive of course, you had eyes too after all. But that was the only extent of it. You loved Peter. Not to mention you wouldn’t at all want to get on Rogue’s bad side. She and Gambit were tumultuous enough without someone else being added to the mix.
“This is adorable, really. But I did bring ‘good job team for sending a little girl selling, gentrification funding, pencil dick mob boss to butt fucking federal prison’ cannolis. Want some?” Deadpool offered, lifting up a large takeout box you somehow hadn’t noticed before.
Peter’s shoulders dropped a little, still heavily annoyed though eyeing the box. “So does this mean you’re coming back with us too?”
Wade shrugged, “The kid doesn’t know you guys. What kind of daddy would I be if I didn’t at least go and make sure he actually wanted to stay in your little mutant commune before I ditch him there?”
“You aren’t my damned dad.” Russell said, though almost sounding too tired to argue further at this point. He reached up, taking a cannoli from the box and biting into it as he started to walk back down the stairwell. “What floor is the car on?”
“Just one down from here, you already passed it. Black SUV,” you answered. Colossus and Kitty must not have been here yet if Wade and Russell had made it all the way to the top deck without finding them.
Peter grabbed your hand again, walking with you to the doorway as he grabbed three cannolis out the box begrudgingly with his other hand. He passed one off to you, before biting into the other two in quick succession.
And you only had a moment to see all the thick scarring under Wade’s mask as he lifted it just enough to start eating one himself, before turning to follow you both out and down the stairwell.
(Concluded in Part 2 here)
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium - August 24, 1984
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Some parts of the Hammer To Fall promo video were filmed during this show - the camera was filming the audience reactions during TYMD, Radio Ga Ga and Hammer To Fall. On the next day 20 fans from the Dutch fan club were invited to come again to the filming of the promo video.
At the gig, the band asked the audience to return the following day for the shoot. However, most likely assuming it was all a joke, the vast majority stayed away; in fact only a dozen fans turned up. Undeterred, the shoot went ahead anyway, with the band's performance that day interspersed with footage shot the previous night.
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This is the first show of The Works tour.
According to the July '89 issue of Record Collector, Queen ran through about 40 songs during rehearsals. This list of songs rehearsed that didn't end up in the setlist comes from someone who worked on the tour:
Great King Rat (longer version), Brighton Rock (full song), I'm In Love With My Car, Sweet Lady, White Man, We Will Rock You (fast), Play The Game, Need Your Loving Tonight, Put Out The Fire, Las Palabras de Amor, Life Is Real (both Freddie solo piano and Freddie/Brian acoustic duet versions)
The keyboardist for this tour (and also the '86 Magic tour) is session musician Spike Edney. He would also lend some vocals to many songs and play rhythm guitar in Hammer To Fall. He and Roger Taylor would form a band called "The Cross" in 1987 which spawned three albums, and he would return to Queen in the 21st century to play on the tours with Paul Rodgers and Adam Lambert.
Spike was recruited in a very informal way by a Queen associate. He went to Munich for their first rehearsal in early August, wound up partying for most of the first night, and missed the first day's rehearsal. It later transpired that everyone else had. He recalls, "The next day, we all managed to get to it eventually, to the first rehearsal, and all the gear was set up. The stage was huge, and I thought "Oh well, here we go then" and we got to the first song , and what I'd forgotten was that they hadn't actually played together for two years. So they said, OK, let's try one of the new songs, I think it was Radio Ga Ga, and we started playing it, and course, I knew it, I'd been studying it for weeks. You know, 1,2,3,4 and we start and we get about a minute into the song and the whole thing collapses. And they all look at each other, you know, very sheepishly, and they say, "Anyone know how it goes?" and I say "well, actually, I know. I know how it goes" and they said "Ah". And so I started showing them the chords and everything and Fred looked at me and said "You don't know the words, do you?" and "Well, yeah I do actually" so then they all came round the piano and we spent the whole day just going through songs, and I thought, "I'm gonna be all right here, this'll be OK"!"
The show started very late, as the band were still doing soundcheck when they were supposed to go on. Apparently over the previous week there were few occasions when all four band members actually showed up for rehearsal. Many songs (likely those listed above) never made the setlist, and soundcheck was an extensive cramming session, particularly for the older material that they hadn't played in years.
Roger Taylor later reflected that this European tour was one of his favourites, and many fans cite the early Works setlist as their favourite ever played by the band. Three medleys are now played, two of which have revived many old songs: Killer Queen, Seven Seas Of Rhye, Keep Yourself Alive, Liar, Stone Cold Crazy and Great King Rat. Staying Power from Hot Space returns to the set, as does Sheer Heart Attack from News Of The World. Only half of Staying Power is played, and it runs into Dragon Attack, followed by an improvisation running into a more compact version of Now I'm Here compared to previous tours.
Many people who attended shows on this tour recall Queen having a very heavy sound, especially on songs like Liar and Stone Cold Crazy. By 1984 they had gained a reputation as being one of the best live rock acts in the business.
Six songs from The Works are performed each night, and the introduction tape is from the album track "Machines". After the heavy G chords are heard on the tape twice, the band walk on stage in the darkness to play the chords the third time, which leads into the brand new "Tear It Up". This is yet another effective opening to a Queen show, something they would perfect time and time again.
I Want To Break Free is performed each night in 1984-85 as the first encore, with Freddie coming on stage sporting a pair of huge plastic breasts under a pink shirt. Part way through the song, he would remove the breasts and twirl them around for a while before finally throwing them into the audience. Some souvenir! As a result of this gag, Another One Bites The Dust has been moved from the encore to be earlier in the set.
This tour showcases an incredible lighting rig and an overall setup mimics the movie Metropolis, from which scenes were used for the promo video of Radio Ga Ga last year. The huge wheels behind the stage (modelled after the ones on The Works album cover) rotate at mostly random times - usually because they are turned manually by various crew members such as Roger's tech Chris "Crystal" Taylor whenever they have a free moment (Freddie Mercury's assistant Peter Freestone told the tale in 2021):
“Yeah, I mean Rio was… amazing. The feeling from that crowd… you know, something like 350,000 people. Oh, you can’t beat that. And when you’re flying in a helicopter over that crowd, it was stunning. But the thing is, I know this sounds really, really stupid but [laughs]… one thing I will always, always remember from that tour was, remember, in the back of the stage you had these wheels that turned every now and then, not constantly but just every now and then. That was because there was… the guy looking after Roger’s drums and me who actually turned those wheels. And there was no set cue or anything that, “Oh, it has to start on this bar, on this song.” No, it was when he wasn’t doing anything and I wasn’t doing anything, we’d say “Ok, let’s go and do it.” And we turned the wheels for a couple of minutes and then left them alone. He had then to do something for Roger and I would just sit there like I always did. And then you’d go back and you’d turn the wheels, like a hamster. We were like hamsters…”
However, a crew member who worked on the tour recalls otherwise: "I do know local crew members were used on the UK shows and certainly (a number of) European gigs. The other thing is that Radio Ga Ga had a set piece with the cogs and lighting, using low ambient lighting and strobes to emphasise mechanical motion of the cogs during the instrumental break. Would Roger Taylor be happy with no one covering him/his kit during a show? Possibly Peter Freestone is remembering production rehearsals when any spare bodies might have been asked to operate the cogs?"
During vocal improvisations on this tour, Freddie would often include bits of "Foolin' Around" and "Living On My Own" from his pending first solo album, which he had been working on during this period.
Freddie now plays a Telecaster for Crazy Little Thing Called Love. It would remain like this through the Magic tour.
The band no longer bring a gong with them on the road. Roger now does a cymbal roll at the end of Bohemian Rhapsody.
A fan recalls hearing the band running through Tear It Up whilst queuing up to enter the venue.
Freddie's voice is in superb shape for this show, but it will quickly weaken as the tour progresses. As incredible as Freddie Mercury was, he certainly did not take care of his voice at times, especially in the mid-80s. After a couple years of heavy smoking, Freddie's voice now sounds a lot deeper and raspier overall.
Before It's A Hard Life, Freddie says, "I think tonight we're gonna do songs from just about every album that we've ever made. You heard some very early stuff from the first album. Right now I think we're gonna do something very new, and we'll see what you think of it."
Freddie does a vocal exchange with the audience before Staying Power, singing "Get Down Make Love" and "Gimme Some Lovin" a few times. The band would improvise bits of the latter a couple times in 1986.
This is the only show on the entire Works tour where Roger plays regular acoustic drums on Another One Bites The Dust (before which Freddie teases the audience with a bit of Mustapha). For the rest of the tour, he'd play electronic drums. He'd also integrate the electronic drum kit into a few other songs, like at the beginning of Hammer To Fall, where one might argue that his sounds don't appropriately complement the guitar to create the intense, heavy sound.
The band sound very tight on this opening night of the tour, with the only exception being the rough transition from Stone Cold Crazy to Great King Rat. The keyboard and guitar solos are integrated together for the first few shows of the tour, during which Brian plays a few bits from Machines. Spike Edney uses his vocoder (a Roland VP-330) for the "machines" and "back to humans" lines heard throughout the tour during this spot (he would use his vocoder for the "radio" lines in Radio Ga Ga as well). After this segment, Brian then gets a few minutes to play on his own as usual.
Parts of the promo video for Hammer To Fall were filmed during this show. Claims from some (even official) sources state that Freddie invited the audience back for (what would actually be "additional") filming the following day aren't true. Here is all that Freddie had to say before the song: "This next song we're gonna use in our next video. So everybody just go mad and maybe later you'll see one of you guys inside the video one day. Oh, just go crazy, take your clothes off. It's called Hammer To Fall." After the song, he simply says, "Good night, you guys!" as that was the last song of the set.
Here is a fan's recollection: "On the night of the gig, there was a camera mounted on an arm that would swing over the front rows of the audience during a few songs. These audience shots were taken during Tie Your Mother Down, Radio Ga Ga, and Hammer To Fall itself. I guess they also had a camera up in the box at the back of the hall [as there are a few shots of both the audience and the band]. I don't remember any cameras onstage during the gig - just the one mounted on the arm."
The Dutch fan club invited only about twenty of its members to attend the video shoot the next day. They were instructed by a roadie to sit quietly on a chair and not to move or approach the band members. After a few hours, Brian came over and had a chat with them, checking to see if they were enjoying themselves and if they were hungry. He then promptly ordered them some take-out!
A minute of Tie Your Mother Down from this show was later broadcast on the Belgian TV station "RTBF" (x) (x). An audience-shot video allegedly exists as well, containing five songs.
After years of speculation, the existence of more footage from this show was proven when bits of it were included in the promo video for Let Me In Your Heart Again in 2014. About 30 seconds of Somebody To Love (largely crowd shots) were seen. There is, however, no accompanying audio. (x)
The first photo is from the autumn 1984 Queen fan club magazine. Brian is seen with a watchful eye over the proceedings. Tour manager Gerry Stickells and his wife are also in the shot.
Pics 2 through 6 were submitted by Alessio Rizzitelli, and the seventh pic was taken by Dave Matkin.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Warnings: choking, threats
Pairing(s): no pairs, Diavolo, Barbatos, Beelzebub, Lucifer
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“Where is she?!” To say he was angry is an understatement. Two hours. He was gone for two hours and you were left in Barbatos’ care with all the doors locked. He didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to jump off the balcony, either, but apparently he was wrong, considering the doors to the balcony were open and you were gone. You couldn’t have done it alone, though, but Barbatos swore that, although Beelzebub was there, he was with him the whole time. Hell, even if Beelzebub wasn’t, he doesn’t know his way around the castle like that. It just doesn’t make sense to him. You shouldn’t have survived the fall but there was no blood anywhere so someone must have taken you. Maybe one of the guards betrayed him? Possible. Right now, Diavolo is just seething with anger though and every time he thinks someone might know something, he’s met with empty answers and another dead body lying in front of him. If Michael hadn’t distracted him… “Angels?” No… no he would sense if an angel was in the Devildom. They stand out and Michael was the only one with him. 
“Damnit!” “You know, anger won’t help you think.” Beel. God, he’s such a buffoon, still eating his crab cakes as if his Queen didn’t just get kidnapped. “No offense, but you’re not helping my case, Beelzebub. Tell me again what you were doing here.” This is probably the sixteenth time Beel had to tell his story, forced to follow Barbatos and Diavolo around the Devildom in search for you, but at least he had his crab cakes. “I told you. I couldn’t stop thinking about those crab cakes from the wedding… I took all of them home the day of the wedding but I ate them all and Lucifer told me not to bother you for more.” Honestly, none of that is actually a lie. Those crab cakes were heavenly and he did inhale pretty much all of them in a matter of seconds. “I just figured since it’s been a while since then, Barbatos may have time.” And he did. Barbatos had way too much time but that was on Diavolo. He knows he can’t blame the Butler. All he told him was to keep anyone away from you and to bring food at the required meal times. That’s it. Diavolo didn’t like Barbatos to be with you for too long because although the demon never betrayed him, he just doesn’t want you to smell like anyone other than him. 
A deep growl escaped Diavolo, his wings twitching behind him. It was a natural instinct to switch into his demon form the minute he was notified of your disappearance and sadly, a lot of people had to suffer because of it. “Can I go home now?” “No!” Why was he taking Beel along again? The guy was of no use. He seemed innocent and he was with Barbatos the whole time, too, “unless…. Tell me where your brothers were, Beel.” Beel stiffened slightly but kept a poker face; no way was he going to rat them out. “Probably at the house? Asmo might have gone to the spa.” Seems believable, right? “Are you sure?” Beel nodded. Of course he knew better, but not even he knew where Lucifer took you. The guy didn’t say anything, but if he had to guess, maybe back to earth? “I doubt Belphie ever left his room and you know that just as well as I do.” Diavolo knew, yes. If Belphegor ever willingly moved, everyone needed to find shelter because something is wrong. “Okay. So you were with my servant, Asmo may have been at the spa, and Belphegor was sleeping. What about the other four?” 
“I’m assuming Levi was in his room, he’s just like Belphie after all.” Makes sense. Diavolo nodded, crossing his arms and motioning toward Beel to go on. “Mammon…. I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since yesterday, if I’m being honest.” So Mammon is a suspect. The thought of that demon gambling you off or something may seem ridiculous but it makes Diavolo angry and he’s digging his fingers into his skin, “next. Satan?” Beelzebub shrugged. Has he ever really known anything about Satan? “We don’t hang out a lot…. But he does make some mean ice coffee! He always puts extra whipped cream on mine and sometimes he drizzles me a heart with some choco---” “Beelzebub.” embarrassment rushed through the glutton when Barbatos called him out on his rambling and Diavolo was glaring daggers at him, putting Satan on the suspect list too. “And Lucifer.” Beel looked up, right at Diavolo, although his face was just as stern as the King’s. “I’m guessing he was in his office.” “guessing?” Beel nods, starting to glare because if it wasn’t for Diavolo, none of this would be happening in the first place, “I don’t know if you noticed but you took something from him.” 
A laugh escaped the Demon Lord, but it wasn’t a laugh felt in the heart, no. It was just… insensitive. Emotionless. It was merely a sound. “He got over it.” Beel narrowed his eyes because he knew better than that, “He has been holed up, drowning himself in paperwork more than usual.” Because of you, is what Beel meant to add. Lucifer meant a lot to the guy. Lucifer helped Beel a lot and he always believed in him; he always found a way to cheer for Beel. The least Beelzebub can do is acknowledge his brother’s feelings. “He literally never leaves his office anymore, and if he does, it’s to eat a few crumbs of food. I have to finish his plate for him.” “I’m sure that’s not a real issue to you, Beelzebub.” Never. Never has Beel wanted to commit violence like he does right now. Diavolo calls Lucifer his best friend and yet he backstabbed him. He lied to him. And now he’s making fun of the guy. What a great friend he is. 
But Beel knew better than to talk back. He won’t say anymore in fear of spilling something. “So Mammon and Satan are suspects, Barbatos. Remember that.” What? Beel’s eyes grew wide momentarily and he stepped up, almost getting in Diavolo’s face until Barbatos stopped him, “what? You don’t think they’d have anything to do with this?!” Diavolo looked at him, almost unimpressed, and brushed Barbatos’ hand away from between them, stepping up too until he almost bumped his horns against Beel’s head, “no one is not a suspect, Beelzebub. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and admit that Satan was more likely it than Mammon. The latter doesn’t really have the brains to plan this out, has he?” A growl escaped Beel. Although Mammon could be stupid, and all of his brothers knew that, Beel didn’t like that Diavolo talked to him like that. His fists clenched, as did his teeth, but he’s trying to hold back. “Mammon might not be as smart as Satan, but he isn’t completely dumb, either.” “So you think he could have done it? Interesting. Didn’t think you’d rat your own brother.” What? Beel blinked in confusion, leaning back a bit. “Maybe they worked together….” Diavolo went on and that’s when Beel started to realize that the guy is stalling; he’s playing a game. 
“It’s not just a coincidence that you were there during that time, Beelzebub, is it?” More confusion rushed through him and he gave Diavolo exactly that face. “What do you mean?” “Fine. I’ll play your game. You were a distraction, weren’t you?” A cold shiver ran down his spine but he kept his face of confusion as best as he could. How could Diavolo possibly know? No. He couldn’t. “You see, I thought it was odd that Michael wanted to talk to me. Granted, I needed to talk to the guy anyway and I rather not have the celestial realm on my back all the time about keeping a human. It was a conversation long overdue and desperately needed. It seemed normal enough, although I deemed his timing off. But then…. Then I come home and find my wife gone, which I’m sure you know is not just treason against myself, but also kidnapping and potential murder of the Queen, depending on what happened, and maybe an heir.” Heir? No. No way you’re pregnant. Just the thought is disgusting to him and he hopes it’s not true. “It’s too soon to tell, so maybe that charge will be off the criminal’s back.” Thank father; Beel let out a sigh of relief. Maybe stress caused you to never fall pregnant, let's hope. 
“Then, you happen to be oh so conveniently there at a time that I’m not, and you’re thinking that I believe this is all a coincidence? Beelzebub, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I know everything.” Barbatos. Beel’s eyes glanced at the butler before glancing back at Diavolo, who’s smirking now. “That’s right. Truthfully, I am hurt that my dearest friend would betray me like that, but I suppose it is payback. I don’t think he would hurt her, either. After all, he does hold a soft spot for her. However, there’s still one problem.” His smirk dropped and he grabbed Beelzebub by the throat, anger radiating through him again as he spoke through clenched teeth, “Barbatos can’t see where she is. He can’t see Lucifer either, which means he protected himself. You, Beelzebub, are going to tell me exactly where they are and in return, I’ll drop all charges against you and force you to only watch one of your beloved brothers die. If you don’t, I won’t hesitate to snap your neck, but not before I rip your brothers to shreds, starting with your favorite, Belphegor.” “Drop him, Diavolo. He doesn’t know anything.” Lucifer. Beel’s eyes landed behind Diavolo to watch the guy. Black. Gold. So that’s where he went. The smirk returned to Diavolo’s lips as he dropped Beelzebub back down, turning to face his dearest friend. 
“Welcome home, friend.” 
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swanpyart · 3 years
The Short Lived Adventures of RAPH and Casey Jones
This is an old pic that was made for a zine that was never published. So I’ll leave it here. It might not ever be finished, but I think the story is decent enough on its own.
Part 1:
Casey was completely fine by herself.
Sure, her parents never really paid her any mind, but she never needed them to; Casey was a fast learner, and was able to cook, clean, and do pretty much anything the adults could do.
“Look!” Ten-year-old Casey held up an English vocabulary test, with an “100%” written in the corner in cursive. “I passed!”
“Honey,” her mother barely looked at her from her seat at her desk, “One hundred percent is the bare minimum. Anything less means you practically failed.”
There was always an empty space in the bleachers whenever Casey had a hockey game. She would cross her arms as she waited for her parents to pick her up and watched as the people in the audience rushed down and hugged their own children after a game, regardless of whether they won or lost. When her parents finally showed up, she sat in the car quietly as they drove.
Casey spent almost everyday after school at her Granny’s while her parents were at work. The old woman’s house was always warm, mostly because she was always baking; cakes, cookies, and especially her famous brownies - made with a special ingredient.
At twelve years old, Casey had failed a math test for the first time, and burst into tears as she walked through her Granny’s front door. “I’m a failure!”
“Sweetie, everyone fails every now and then,” her Granny wiped a tear from Casey’s cheek and got out an antique mixing bowl, “but I can tell you tried really hard. That’s what matters; that you don’t stop trying your best.”
Afterwards, Casey and her Granny spent the afternoon baking brownies, and that was when she was granted the knowledge of the secret ingredient. She swore her secrecy and never told anyone.
Of course, that was a while ago; her grandmother had passed away sometime afterwards. Her parents reacted with more emotion when Casey had shaved her head than when they attended the funeral.
They also seemed only mildly surprised when, at thirteen years old, Casey was accepted into the Foot Clan and never came back home.
There, Casey promised to herself to show the world just how much of a not-failure she really is! Even if she had to work with the most vile Clan in all the world to achieve it and release the Shredder, the ultimate evil, unto the world. She had worked above and beyond to get where she is, and no one could stop her!
At least, that’s what she thought before the Shredder disappeared, and with him, the Clan’s purpose. And way before those strange, overgrown turtles with no sense of honor or discipline showed up and destroyed their chances, time and time again.
Suddenly, the group she had worked with since she was a preteen, and the closest thing she had to any family, were dragged away by outside obligations she never understood.
Foot Brute and Lieutenant were better parents than her own, but, in the end, they were her bosses and coworkers, and no replacement for a family.
Sure, everyone else may have given up, but she would stay committed to the Clan’s ultimate vision, even if she had to use her dear Granny’s recipe for evil. Grandma CJ’s Brownies were an absolute bust, but she had to try something.
Then, she met this weird, giant, smelly rat with a Japanese accent dressed like a teenager who somehow turned out to be the father of those overgrown turtles.
And, as weird as it was, despite not even being human, he sat next to her and heard what she had to say; and, for those few minutes, it was almost like being next to her Granny again.
“Just because you failed doesn’t make you a failure.”
If she had been smarter, maybe she should have listened a bit harder to what he was saying. If she had been smarter, maybe she would have calmed down and talked to the girl that was beating up the Girl Scouts. There were so many opportunities to just talk.
But then the Shredder was restored, and she really thought it would be the return of her Clan’s glory. Even as she looked at the beaten down forms of her previous bosses. Even as she saw Splinter and his family struggling for their lives. Even as she realized winning would mean the end of everything, including her.
There was no more Clan. She was still alone. She was just alone with a giant evil suit of demon armor.
But, now, she wasn’t.
Even after everything, Splinter offered her an invitation into their...
He had invited her to the lair a few weeks after the fight with Shredder.
“I’m working at the Foot Shack. After my former clan disbanded, they got bought out by another company, Splinter, sir.” She squeezed the mug of tea in her hands.
“Just ‘Splinter’ is fine,” Splinter had opened a bag of chips, and was reclining in his seat. The turtles were out with April at the arcade, taking a break from repairing the lair. “Where are you staying? Do you have a place to live?”
“Yes, I actually have my own apartment.”
There was a moment of awkward silence. Splinter sighed. “Listen, Casey, I know that it’s probably hard having to... uh, sort things out by yourself-”
“What?! No, I’m fine!” She flapped her hand dismissively. “My life is fantastic! It’s definitely not in complete shambles after losing everything I know.” She blinked, realizing that she overshared, and collected herself. “I’m doing great.”
“I-I never said it was in shambles,” He massaged his temple with two clawed fingers, his beady eyes squinting in frustration. “Look, all I am saying is that, if you ever need help, or if you ever get lonely and just want to talk, I am here. And my sons would probably say the same thing. You’re a Hamato now, at least in spirit.”
Casey’s eyes widened, then she looked down. “Thank you, but I’m a very independent person. I’ll be sure to not bug you unless it’s an emergency.”
Splinter nodded, but he’d dealt with enough children to see that Casey was a bit lonely. Still, he said nothing.
For a good while, Casey stuck to what she said; she didn’t really come by the lair unless she really felt the need to or if they needed an extra set of hands with repairing.
But… occasionally, she found herself asking questions. She found out Michelangelo loved cooking, and somehow he got her to agree to bake her Granny’s brownies together. She realized that Leonardo wasn’t just annoying in battle, but all the time, and that she started getting more and more used to it, even occasionally laughing along. She found out while playing video games with them, that Donnatello was just as vicious as her, and that April was equally as competitive.
And Raph, well… they didn’t talk very much. But he seemed nice every time they spoke.
But she kept her distance. After all, it was better if she didn’t get too attached.
She occasionally goes down to the local hockey rink and plays a few rounds with total strangers, and usually gets kicked out due to a combo of delinquent children and complaining parents.
So, here she is, lying on her bed, staring blankly at her phone, with a half eaten sandwich laying on her chest, and old sweatpants that she’s been wearing for a week because her clothes are in the laundromat. For a ninja-slash-ex-cult-member, her life had fallen into a fairly mundane pattern.
Everything could always be worse. So why did she still feel like such a failure?
And for some reason, Casey found herself at the sewer grate. She didn’t even know why she came here, really.
She was about to turn back when a feminine voice spoke from behind her. “Hey, CJ, what’s up?”
She spun around. It was April.
“I was just coming to visit.” Casey tensed up. She hadn’t expected to run into someone else.
“Oh, me too!” She opened up the grate, and started climbing down the ladder. “You coming or what?”
Casey gulped. She couldn’t back out now.
Raph paced the lair, quietly groaning as he tapped his chin.
It had been about six months since the fight with Shredder, but another challenge had presented itself; cleaning up the lair after it had been almost completely demolished. Thankfully, with Draxum’s help and Donnie being able to scavenge some old tech that didn’t get destroyed and whip up some devices for reconstruction, the place was finally fixed up after about a month and a half.
Now what? Well, in Leo’s words, it was the time for “rest and relaxation.”
That was pretty easy for the rest of his family to do.
Leo’s entire existence hinged on “rest and relaxation”; Mikey has an assortment of hobbies to keep him busy; Donnie had a tight schedule trying to repair all of his broken inventions; April was trying to adjust to all of the changes at school due to all of New York recovering from the recent Battle Nexus catastrophe; and Splinter, of course, was parked in front of the TV, finally at peace after the Shredder was defeated, and helping himself to milk and cake.
Raph should be relaxing, or at least recovering from all that’s happened to them. The fight with the Shredder was the most stressful and terrifying time of their lives. They lost their Gram-Gram, and even if she was now able to rest with their ancestors and her father, it still stung.
But it’s been such a long time since he’s been in a real fight, and he can tell he’s going a little bit stir-crazy.
Of course, the turtles would spend a lot of time out of the lair; but whenever Raph gets a call on the phone, he finds himself hoping it’s some kind of an emergency, only to turn out to be Todd calling them about the puppy farm, or Leo pestering Senior Hueso with an order for pick-up. It seemed like even their strongest enemies have gone on hiatus as well; there was no word of Big Mama as of late, and every other major bad guy they fought recently seemed to have been exhausted by the Shredder ordeal as well.
Raph’s usual sparring partner, Frankenfoot, is absolutely wonderful, but fighting him wasn’t exactly what Raph had in mind; it was fun, but couldn’t really be compared to the thrill of a real fight.
“Come on, guys,” Raph stood in front of the screen, blocking Leo and Mikey’s view of a Jupiter Jim rerun while Pops was passed out on the couch, snoring, a bag of chips lying open on his stomach. “We’ve been cooped up in the lair for a million years. Who wants to go wreck some bad guys?” He pounded his fist in his opposite hand for emphasis.
“Raph, I can’t see!” Mikey waved his hand in a dismissive way as he said it, and leaned to peek around his older brother and continue watching the screen.
“Ugh, we’ve been over this,” Leo exasperated from his spot on the ground, on his stomach and his head resting on his propped arms. “No crime fighting while we’re on vacation! This is the time to chillax, my guy.”
“How long are we gonna be chillaxing, exactly?” Raph put his hands on his hips, an inquisitive look on his face, even if, deep down, he knew what response he’d get.
“I don’t know, until some other crazy evil mutant guy tries to take over the city? There’s bound to be another one of those eventually.”
“What, so we just wait until some evil mastermind has some evil plan and gets all of New York in their evil clutches? It’s our job to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Raph tried to summon the energy he usually exudes when he attempts to make a rousing speech, but the rolling eyes and groans from his youngest brothers quickly made its effect futile.
“You know,” Donnie said from the back of the room, the other three having not noticed him walk in, “We did, oh, I don’t know, save all of New York City, take down Big Mama’s Battle Nexus scheme, and, most importantly, defeat our bloodline’s greatest enemy?!”
Raph furrowed his brow, his sharp fang digging into his lower lip.
“We deserve an indefinite break, and I need it, because I actually refuse to do any fighting until I have all my stuff back online. I’d love to fight with only my impeccable mind, but let’s be realistic.” The sandwich in his hand was brought to his face and he swallowed it whole. Donnie knew he had made an excellent point.
“Don’t worry,” Mikey beamed, tucking his arms and legs into his shell, “We’ll get back into the groove of things before you know it!”
“Yeah,” Leo agreed, “Think of it as, like, you know, self-care. Sometimes, you need a break from what you’re used to. Now, can you move out of the way?”
Raph sulked out of his siblings’ view of the screen and sunk into a beanbag, next to the couch their father was snoring in.
“Hey, guys!” The turtles turn around to see April and... Foot Recruit walk in.
Raph didn’t really know what to think of Foot Recruit, or Casey, as she preferred to be called. Pops insisted that she wasn’t dangerous anymore, but it was hard for him not to be a little wary; I mean, come on, she used to work with the Shredder!
 She’d been over only a handful of times over the past few months, usually to speak with Splinter and Mikey.
“Casey! April!” Mikey stuck his hands out of his shell in joy. He ran over and hugged them both. “It’s been a while.”
“Hey, Apes. And, hi to you too, Casey.” Leo kicked his legs up behind him.
“Above ground has been pretty hectic,” April leaned on Donnie’s shoulder as she spoke, “Everyone has been freaking out about disappearing from New York for a few days. Relaxing on a yacht sure beats coming back to the city in shambles. And finding another job is so hard when everyone’s paranoid we’re gonna all disappear again. Ugh, I wish we did, then I’d get another break!”
“Well, if you want a job, you can help me repair what’s left of my s- I mean, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. The Shredder tore him apart.” Donnie put his hands on his hips and relaxed his posture to cover his slip-up.
“Aw, your cute robot son isn’t repaired yet?” April teased.
As the two bickered while walking towards the lab, Raph looked back at Casey, who was standing by the entrance, visibly tense. 
“Hey, Casey. Um, why are you here?” Raph asked innocently, not realizing how rude he sounded.
“Smooth,” Leo chimed in unhelpfully.
Before he could take it back, Casey spoke, with a glare on her face. “I’m here for the orange one.”
Raph blinked. “Huh?”
“We’re gonna bake brownies!” Mikey clarified, his chest puffed out with pride. “Casey decided that I’m worthy of learning an old family recipe.”
“Yes!” Casey grinned, in a way that was far too menacing for someone talking about brownies. “I decided that, as a new member of your- um…” clan? Group? Committee?
“...Family?” Raph assisted.
“Uh, yes, that,” she turned shy for a few brief seconds, only to return to her previous bravado, pumping her fist in the air, “I will honor you with the knowledge of my grandmother’s most nefarious secret!”
Raph peeked into the kitchen as Mikey and Casey got to work. Of course, he trusted Mikey; but he had a hunch that Casey might be up to something.
Or maybe the boredom was just making him a bit more paranoid than usual.
Dirty dishes, half-full cups and brownie mix were strewn about the kitchen counter. Whatever this recipe pertained, it must be pretty intense.
“And, now, for the final ingredient. This one was given to me by my grandmother.” Casey pulled a canister of brown powder. She leaned over and whispered close to Mikey’s head. Whatever she was saying, Raph couldn’t hear.
Mikey gasped. “PUMPKIN SPICE?!”
Casey shushed him, then yelled herself. “It’s a secret, remember?!” She poured a generous amount into the mixing bowl full of batter.
The two of them looked so happy baking together, and Raph felt a pit of guilt in his stomach for assuming the worst. He really needed to chill out.
“Wait, so let me get this straight,” Leo sunk into the bean bag chair, “You’re a fan of Lou Jitsu, right?”
“That is correct.” Casey was sitting stiffly in her seat. Her expressions were intense, like she was about to strangle someone, but Raph had realized pretty quickly that this was just her default.
“You have all of the movies memorized?”
“Of course! I used his guidelines for self improvement in my schemes to take over the world! I mean, that’s not really relevant now, but-”
“And you said you spend almost all of your available money on Lou Jitsu merch?”
“I hide them all so my guests don’t see.”
“And, yet, you’ve never watched a Jupiter Jim film? The Jupiter Jim, his longtime franchise rival and co-star in Jupiter Jim Vs Lou Jitsu?” Leo clutched at his chest, as he held up the DVD case of the movie he was talking about for emphasis.
“Leo,” Raph warned, looking up from his phone, “don’t make her feel bad-”
Leo chuckled. “Oh ho ho, trust me I won’t. I’m definitely putting on a Jupiter Jim Vs. The Galaxy Riders Part 1 and Part 2, and you are going to love it!”
Casey cackled ominously. “You really think this ‘Jupiter Jim-’” She made quotation marks with her fingers for emphasis, “-can measure up to the greatness that is Lou Jitsu? Fine, I guess we’ll just have to see.”
Raph ended up dozing off after the fifth film, and woke up to see Casey and his brother still openly debating whether Lou Jitsu would beat Jupiter Jim if they were both in a desert completely unarmed and at full strength.
“I’m not scared of much,” Donnie mentions offhandedly one day, while Raph was doing a bicep curl, “but she -”
He points to Casey eating a sandwich like a hyena, while April sat next to her, texting.
“She terrifies me to no end.”
Donnie’s strange relationship with their new friend took Raph a while to comprehend. Then it became clear as day. If anyone could match Casey in moral ambiguity, it was his immediate younger brother.
“I made you a little gift,” the softshell grinned smugly, as he handed Casey what looked like a metal hockey stick.
“Oh, um,” Casey's eyes were wide, and a little watery, and her lips were in a warbly smile. “Thank you… no one’s ever given me something so nice.”
Donnie grinned. “Press the button on the side.”
When she did, the widest end of the hockey stick flipped open like a lighter, and a stream of fire shot out of the tip. Casey’s tears of joy gave way to maniacal laughter. “Those kids at the hockey rink won’t know what hit ‘em!”
Donnie joined her in glee, his eyes and teeth shining menacingly in the light of the flames. Raph watched in mild horror (He was plenty used to Donnie’s antics), at least until the fire alarm sounded and they were all drenched from the sprinklers.
Another month had passed since Casey started coming around, and Raph seemed like the only one in the lair who hadn’t quite jived with her yet. Sure, his suspicion had pretty much subsided, and he liked her company plenty, but the two of them hadn’t really clicked.
However, he noticed some slight changes over time. Casey’s eyes had bags under them which were more obvious in brighter lights, and sometimes she fell asleep on April’s shoulder (and snored louder than his Pops, somehow). Sometimes, there were hints of sadness on her face, even when she was laughing along with everyone.
Raph didn’t mention it for fear of being rude, but he couldn’t help his concern. After all, if she was upset, she probably wouldn’t mention to him all of the people.
Hockey wasn’t a sport Raph and his brothers knew much about, but he couldn’t help but get excited as Casey gushed about it, holding tightly onto the treasured tech-hockey stick Donnie had gifted her, wearing a huge grin on her face.
The two humans and four turtles (disguised as humans, of course) were just entering the hockey rink. The hall to the auditorium was cold and echoey.
“I come here every other Friday. The regulars here know my face, and they fear it. It’s ‘cause they know I’ll decimate everyone in my path!” She pumped her fist as she spoke, a sinister grin on her face, before she caught herself and straightened out. “Well, I do until the rink’s supervisors kick me out for making a scene and being mean to children.”
“Don’t sweat it, Casey,” Donnie spoke up, “You’re not the only one whose been kicked out of establishments for scaring kids.”
“Uh huh, exactly!” April agreed a bit too eagerly, and Raph looked back to see the distant, traumatized look in her eyes, and he could tell she was remembering the screams of children and the  sinister laughter of animatronics at a certain pizza joint.
The six teens got to the rink’s auditorium, and put their bags down on the bleachers. There weren’t too many people around.
Mikey whistled. “This place is massive!”
As Raph put on a maroon hoodie and pulled on his skates, Casey rolled onto the rink, over to a huddle of teenagers wearing hockey gear. “Hey!”
One of the teenagers - a boy with messy brown hair covering his eyes - responded. “Oh, you again. Guys, look, it’s that crazy girl from last week.”
“The name is Cassandra Jones!” Casey pulled down the hockey mask she was wearing and held up her stick. “I’m challenging you to another round! Did you really think you’d escape my wrath?!”
The kids started laughing. “You challenge us every time we’re here, and you always lose. What makes today so different?”
Casey laughed. “Well, for one thing, I’ve got my own team now, so you better get ready to go crying to your mommy!”
The group hadn’t stopped laughing, even as Casey walked back to the bleachers. Raph raised a brow. “Uh, what was all of that?”
She looked down. “Those are my enemies,” She clenched her fists, “A group of jerks who manage to beat me every time I come here.”
Raph paused for a second. The look on her face was determined, but had a hint of sadness to it. Raph understood how she felt; wanting to fight, but getting beaten down time and time again. He’d realized a while ago that he didn’t have to do it alone; and neither did she.
Raph put an arm around Casey’s shoulders, and cupped a hand to his mouth, shouting to the teenagers from across the rink. “Hey, knuckleheads! You get ready for a match; you’re not just dealing with Cassandra Jones anymore! you’re dealing with the Mad Dogs, now!”
“Yeah, right!” One of the kids, a girl with a ponytail, shouts back.
He turned to face his brothers and April, who were sitting on the bleachers, their attention already on Raph from his shouting. “Hey, those guys over there are saying we’re gonna lose! What do we say to that?!”
“Oh ho ho, I like this energy!” Leo stood up on the bleachers, joining in the hype. April and Mikey stood up beside him.
“Yeah, you chumps aren’t even at our level!”
“Ya’ll ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Donnie stood up slowly, his arms crossed from the cold. “Yeah, we’ll definitely beat you! But-” He switched to his normal volume, “let’s not make promises we can’t keep.”
Raph dismissed him, and looked at Casey, who was smiling. Together, they were able to beat the Shredder. This would be a piece of cake.
“Are we done? My mom is here to pick me up,” One of the kids, a girl with pigtails, mentioned as she walked towards her belongings on the bleachers.
Raph was gasping for air from his spot on the cold ground. Hockey was hard. Like, really, really hard.
In hindsight, their loss made sense; this was the turtles and April’s first time playing hockey, and even Casey, who’d been playing since she was a kid, wasn’t able to beat these kids. They really were just that good.
“Is that all you’ve got?!” Leo had fallen in front of the goal, two huge purple bruises visible on his face; one on his forehead, and the other under his eye, popping out from his green skin and red birthmarks.  
Mikey was crying on his knees, while April patted his shell, cussing out one of the kids who she felt pushed him too hard. Even as the kid was walking away. “And another thing-”
Donnie lay flat nearby, looking like a purple stain on the white shiny floor. He was never good at sports, but he tried. Geez, it was almost more embarrassing, with just how hard he tried.
They found a vending machine, and after Raph gave Leo a cold soda can to hold over his bruises, he walked past Casey, sitting with her head in her hands.
“Hey,” He placed a hand on her shoulder, and looked around to see if the others were watching. April, Mikey and Donnie were going off about losing the match, while Leo sat dejectedly in the corner, nursing his injuries. “Are you alright?”
She looked up, tears in her eyes, and her lower lip wobbling. She hastily rubbed at her face with her sleeve, her eyeliner smearing. “I’m...I’m fine.”
“Is this about us losing?”
“No, no, it’s not that,” She sighed. “It’s a lot of different things- It’s just…”
She trailed off, and Raph sat down next to her on the bleacher. He realized this had definitely been bubbling up for a while. If only he’d talked to her sooner.
“Ugh, all I’ve ever wanted was to be a success. Taking over the world was everything for me- helping the Foot, working for the Shredder, making that whole brownie pyramid-scheme. But now? I don’t have anything. I’ve hit rock bottom. Now, I’m stuck in a stupid rivalry with a bunch of kids in a hockey rink.”
She began to cry again. “What am I going to do? Am I just doomed to be a failure?”
“Just ‘cause you’re not taking over the world doesn’t make you a failure. Most people just stick to regular, everyday stuff and they turn out fine.”
“It’s not just about taking over the world,” Casey sighed. “I don’t have a purpose. No Clan, no commitments, no future. It’s like everything I do is a failure. I’m a failure.”
Raph felt himself start to tear up, too. What she was saying felt way too familiar. “You’re not the only one whose failed.”
“My Pops told us we were supposed to die in order to protect the Dark Armor. We failed to do that, but we realized how messed up that was, and we decided to do our own thing. And it totally worked out for us, ‘cause we ended up destroying Shred-face once and for all.”
He stood, wiping the small tears from the corners of his eyes. “Think about it. So what that you don’t got a purpose? I get it, but your ‘purpose’ was handed to you by those Foot-faces. What do you wanna do? What do you wanna succeed at?”
Casey sat quietly for a few moments, thinking, and Raph feared that he might have said something hurtful. He was never as savvy with people as Leo or Mikey.
Then she spoke. “I spent all of my life trying to be the best, even if it meant being the biggest bad guy in the world. Now, I want to be the best good guy!”
Her expression softened. “I guess what I really want - I want to stop people who were like me once. I want to stop evil people who want to control others. But...how?”
Raph thought. Then, an idea struck him. “You and me can team up!”
“For what?”
“I was a vigilante for a little while. I mean, I used to be, but I guess since I was already part of a team, and with the whole Shredder thing, I just sort of stopped. But, since my bros are on hiatus, you and me could fight crime undercover!”
Casey was looking at her lap, her head bowed. Raph cleared his throat. “I mean, only if you wanna, it’s just a suggestion-”
“That sounds amazing.” Casey looked up at him in awe, her dark eyes glossy with unshed tears. Suddenly, she stands up, and pumps a fist into the air. “Raph and Casey, the most feared vigilante duo in all of New York!”
“Yeah, Go big or go home!”  Raph pounded his fist into his other hand in excitement.
“Oh me gosh, stop yelling!” The two look behind them to Leo, still holding the can to his face. He turned in the direction of his twin. “Donnie, get me another can! This one’s warm!”
Casey was giving him a big smile, a far cry from her previous mood. Raph smiled back. Finally, he’d be able to go out and fight crime again; and this time, he wouldn’t be at it alone.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
may i please get a small fic about the loveshrooms?
I didn't expect anyone to like the idea, but I'm so glad you did!
I was going to bring a Yan Bakugou into the mix but- I felt like I could end up disappointing you in a way so I'll just leave it as a ambiguous character, what do you think?
Also, love shrooms is actually a really good name lol!
TW/Tags: loss of sanity and mentions of depressive thoughts // fungal contamination and mentions of diseases (and quarantine) // none gender specific (neither the reader or the character mentioned have their gender assigned) // touch starving // victim blaming mentality.
In need of help [Yandere!Virus/Fungus x Reader - Short Fanfiction]:
They were laying in their bed, wondering what the hell was happening with their body. It's been a week since they started to feel this way, endless headaches, hot burning skin temperature yet a feeling of always being cold dominated them, as if they were naked in the middle of a blizzard.
One day they started feeling dizzy while they were at work, so their boss has told them to go back home and rest, and they haven't gone back to their jobs in a full week because of some random sickness they got!
That's what they thought back then, they thought that this was all just a little flu that had ruined their days, but no, it turned out to be something completely more different than that.
They have heard about some sort of disease outbreak happening in their town, something that was still fairly new and mysterious to even the highest of doctors and world leaders. It was so sudden, out of nowhere people started to show symptoms of some sort of new illness, something that develops slowly yet quietly.
The contaminated would feel all that they were feeling right now, if not worse, since a lot of contaminated have shown some weird aggressive behavior randomly. Those that were contaminated were told to limit their contact with other people, some were privileged enough to be able to stay in hospitals receiving professional care, but they couldn't do that, they didn't want to believe that they were contaminated by some stupid looking fungus.
They just… Really, really didn't want to see a doctor, even if the symptoms are getting worse and worse, something forced them to keep their mouth shut. They didn't want to go to a hospital, they didn't want any doctors or scientists experimenting on them, they didn't want to be trapped inside that pearly white hell.
They heard rumours about servers experiments being done inside each hospital available, which caused the contaminated to get even more desperate to get out of there.
The thing is, no one knows if the contaminated were the ones who had decided that they didn't want to stay there, or if something else was dictating that decision.
Apparently, the cause of such distress was a little mushroom species that have only been discovered after the first incident happened. An incident where the first contaminated to fully develop the parasite had attacked someone in the streets (well, allegedly attacked, since there is no proof of the guy actually hurting someone, but it doesn't matter now since he was eliminated before he could attack someone). After that the contamination had spread wildly, it was as if the existence of such a dangerous thing had just been announced and out of nowhere, the damn thing had taken a hold of people's lives.
In one second everything was fine, and then in the next they were stuck at home, feeling hopeless. At least they don't have to be the lab rat of some crazy doctor and scientist. Until now, it has been pretty easy to hide the fact they were contaminated, key words being "until now", guess what happened?
"- Fucking- itchy fungus." They yelled as they continued to scratch their itchy arms, there were visible pink and red blotches around them, and on top of that they were now hurting because of how much force they were using on their itchy arms.
They have learned that it takes too many weeks for it to develop marks around the contaminated bodies, and that the mushrooms spread and thrive in cold habitats.
And guess who was the idiot that has come back from hiking in a snowy forest about two weeks ago? Yeah that 's right! This imbecile right here!
"- Ugh, what the hell do you want from me?" It's been three days since they started talking with the fungus growing inside them, since they noticed that indeed, the fucking thing comprehends human communication somehow.
Or maybe they were just insane.
This was basically an everyday routine, the mushroom would get agitated, they would ask it what it wanted, and in a brilliant moment of concentration they would remember exactly what the mushroom wanted.
"- Pizza again? Come on, you're going to make me spend all of my savings on some lackluster pizza?" They said while looking at their colorful arms, they needed to cover them if they wanted to see anyone else soon.
You see, ever since they started to stay inside their house to not spread the contamination, they have been ordering pizza at a very terrible place that sold only the most boring pizza they could have ever eaten. No flavor at a cheap prize!
It seemed like the stupid fungus had taken a liking to the terrible taste of nothingness, so they had decided to obliged with the fungus wishes.
"- Stupid parasite, you're lucky I can't beat you for making me waste so much in daily deliveries." They continued to be grumpy about it as they put some clothes on, normally they love to spend their time alone naked, and apparently the fungus also agreed with the decision. What? It's their apartment, they can be naked if they want.
They took their phone and typed the number to the pizzeria, well, at least they never take too long to deliver their mediocre pizza.
"- Hi, it's Anthony's Pizzeria, how can I help you?" They heard a familiar voice come from the other side of the call.
"- What-!" They yelped, almost causing the call to accidentally end right there and then.
It's you, it's your voice! They know it it's, they are sure of it!
"- … Uhn, hey, are you okay-"
"- I'm f-fine, sorry!" They have interrupted your question, they were so caught up about your voice that they forgot to order the pizza.
Oh but your voice! Your voice was so different in the call than in real life, it's so… Interesting! Yeah, that's surely the word they were looking for!
They have called so many times yet this was the first time you were the one to pick up! They guess that because of the contamination and quarantine stuff going on, they were low on staff and you were the one receiving the orders.
After all, you were the only person that worked there that would deliver their pizza every single time. It became such a normal thing that you two even know each other's names!
[Y/N], it's such a beautiful name, it fits the owner. Although they think you're pretty unlucky to have to work at a terrible place and also do deliveries to an unwelcoming neighborhood.
That's the reason why you're the one to always bring their pizza, it's because you're the only worker that they are willing to risk in such a terrible place. Fortunately, their only client around this area is them.
When they were about to finish their order, they asked if you were the one that was going to bring the pizza.
"- Yeah, it is me. You know, low on staff and all, why do you ask?" You ask them with that welcoming voice of yours. A hint of happiness graced your tone, you were happy that it was them ordering again.
Although you still think that their obsession with mediocre pizza is a little concerning, you ended up forming some sort of friendship with them. An odd one for sure, but you're still happy about it.
When you first met them, they would always give you some really scary vibes. They were so, well, cold and closed off. Never smiling, never giving tips, always in a terrible mood, etc.
But recently, they started to treat you with so much respect, even joking about your job with you. The first time you saw them smile, you thought you were seeing a completely different person.
You're still glad you found this new version of them. They look happier and you felt good for them. Maybe they have found their own happiness.
To hear your confirmation was the most exciting thing they could have heard all day! They were sulking in this disgusting room all day, yet hearing that you're coming makes them feel alive!
They can't even hide their excitement, you can hear them being happy and giggly over the idea of you coming over. Even if technically you're only coming there to deliver them their order and all.
When the call ends, they soon are brought back to reality. When they were talking to you, they felt like they were in the best place on Earth, yet when they looked around their apartment they could only observe the clues of a disgusting creature living in this dirty ass place without ever cleaning it, not even once.
It's a depressing sight, yet they have learned to deal with it. It was normal for them to be lazy and an absolute pig, although they are aware that even pigs are a lot cleaner than them.
They should at least take a shower before you come in.
And just as the idea of you being anywhere near them came into their mind, their personality had switched again, from a grumpy depressed loser to… to…
To whatever the hell they are right now!
Seriously, they were feeling like shit all day, yet at the moment the opportunity to see you comes up, they feel like their day it's already 100 times better!
They feel their heart pounding at an incredible passing, the water of the shower hitting their skin helping their temperature to cook down. They don't even feel so cold anymore, they feel- Powerful!
They feel better than the last time they saw you, which was yesterday, so it doesn't even make sense for them to miss your presence the way that they do, but still!
Apparently even the fungus seemed to be happier about this situation, as their arms weren't itchy at all and the headache they were feeling seemed to have stopped.
They thought the thing was only awaiting its meal, as all living creatures do when faced with the opportunity to get food without any efforts put into it.
It was as if the motive to actually fix a little bit of this place had suddenly appeared at the mention of your arrival! It was uncommon for them to do such a thing, even for a guest, and their neighbors can testify.
Not that they would want to be involved in their life either way, their neighbors know how unpleasant they can be, even to those that live near them.
To think your presence has such an impact on them and their life, even though they never experienced anything like this before, their sudden change in mood never really crossed their minds as being bad or unconventional. It just… Happens.
And- It doesn't feel bad at all.
Maybe this lonely loser is finally understanding the importance of healthy social interactions! Good for them?!
After getting out of the shower and putting their clothes back on, they straight up jump out of the bathroom to complete their next task, which was making their apartment seem a little more *pleasant", at least for someone that was looking at it from the other side of their door.
But before they could do much, their apartment bell rang and you called them from the other side of the door. You did something, however, that would soon be proven to be a bad decision.
You have decided to call them by their name instead of the usual "your pizza is here" or whatever the hell you used to scream so the customers could hear. You thought that you had spent enough time with them to be able to use their name in a friendly manner, which was nothing wrong with that, dearest! Is just that-
They haven't been able to hear people say their name in such a friendly way in a long, long time. It's both refreshing and terrifying how they craved that form of attention.
And what is just as terrifying is how fast they throw their body towards the door, like a desperate addicted trying to reach their dose of dopamine. But that comparison it's absurd, right? It has nothing to do with the current situation.
Oh no, wait-
"- [Y-Y/N]!? You came in e-earlier than I thought! How is everything going??" They would welcome you in, but the truth is that they haven't been able to finish all of the cleaning. Basically, they took all of the garbage that was in front of the door's view and put it deeper in their apartment.
Just like sweeping dirt under the rug, you were only able to see a moderately good looking apartment behind them, yet in reality, all of the dirty dishes and clothes that were previously laying around there, were now shoved under some tables in a desperate need to impress you.
Even if a little bit.
Because of how suddenly they opened the door and came into view, you got yourself a little spooked by the taller figure in front of you. They always looked pretty scary in your eyes, yet recently you started to notice that they have a softer side.
You can't help but associate them with big scary dogs, you guess that they only put some sort of facade to keep themselves appearing to be tough and strong and "scary". You can't lie that they got you pretty good the first time you met.
You answer them, telling how hard it has been to work in an awful pizzeria while the world is burning and a weird disease suddenly has been discovered out of nowhere. They tried their best to continue the small talk, yet it seemed like they didn't need to do much because soon enough you were babbling about your life.
They loved it, you were always so talkative, even to a complete stranger. They wanted to pay close attention to you and what you were saying yet they simply couldn't! Your presence was so overbearingly sweet that they thought they would have a heart attack!
I'm being serious though, their heart started to accelerate out of nowhere and a weird feeling started to arise inside their hearts. They felt so weird and uncomfortable because of the sudden sensations yet- It felt so good in a way.
They felt alive for once, they felt- They felt like they were capable of anything!
Yet they still felt like they needed something more than just… This, whatever the hell is giving them such a wonderful feeling. Could it really be you, the cause of such wonderful emotions to bloom?
Your skin looked so soft, your smile was so gentle even when you were focused on giving them their order, you looked like you cared for them so much that when you noticed their odd behavior you put your hand in their shoulder.
This one, simple little contact managed to get a hold of them and their thoughts, their breathing now way faster and frantic than before.
How long have they been without a human touch? They are pretty sure it wasn't long, yet they still feel… Shamefully needy.
They can't tell what's worse, trying to convince you that they were okay, or trying to convince themselves to not do something stupid. They didn't know what it was, but there was a suspicious feeling crawling up their spine, the feeling that if they didn't control themselves something bad could happen.
They lied of course, saying they were just- Dizzy and a little tired, that they were doing everything on auto pilot, and even if you end up believing them, the moment you take your hand away us the moment they regret not giving in to whatever odd urge they were having a couple of seconds ago.
You were soon about to leave, they didn't even notice that they were holding the pizza box and almost let it fall from their loose grip.
"- H-Hey, wait! [Y/N] I-" they sounded absolutely pathetic, they sounded desperate for your attention but at least it seemed like you didn't mind or simply didn't notice their tone of voice.
You were causing so much frustration yet you remained oblivious to their suffering.
"- Do you… Perhaps, want to hangout later? I-If you're not busy, of course…." They sounded like a teenager who just confessed their crush on someone, well, if they were trying in that situation, normally the other person would at least be aware of their feelings.
But no, of course they aren't and of course you only see their offer as a way to call you for a friendly date.
People sweet and naive like you used to get on their nerves, they used to ignore your type of person yet-
Here they are! Being pathetic and stuttering, the only good thing to come out of this interaction was that you accepted their offer.
At least you're kind enough to accept to meet this poor thing again in a more private scenario. Not in your daily "customer and worker" type of interaction.
And as your form goes away at each step you take, the intrusive thoughts start to come in again. Those thoughts, those pains from earlier, everything was starting to get back.
It really does seem like you're the cause for their problems. Their headaches, their low self-esteem thoughts, the stupid fungus itching their skin, all of that was your fault… Somehow.
In someway or another you were the one that would always show up in their dreams, in their intrusive thoughts. They closed the door to their apartment while slowly placing the pizza on their coffee table, since now their mind was starting to come up with the solution to their daily pains.
This is not about pizza, this is about you! About how you consume their mind, even when you aren't present.
Although, every time you're near them, they feel so much better, like all of their issues have gone away.
That 's it! You're not only the source of their problems, but also the solution! Oh, that 's perfect! They know exactly what they need to do to make sure you cure them.
Yeah… YEAH! YES! They won't need to suffer every day waiting for the next time to see you, they can simply have you by their side, right??!
Please, please tell them, please tell this mad person that you'll cure them of the same thing you contaminated them with!!
Please… They feel so, so cold and lonely. Their only company is a parasite who seems to agree with this person's mad, delusional thoughts.
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gayregis · 3 years
What do you think Regis and Ciri's relationship would be like? I was always a little upset that Geralt said he wanted Ciri to meet Zoltan and Reinart but he didn't say that about Regis or anyone from the Hansa. Do you think he wanted Ciri to meet Regis? What do you think their relationship would be like? I didn't understand why Regis was so impressed by Citi in Stigga, if she was obviously scared and they had like 5 min to talk. I don't like that all the characters are thrilled with Ciri at first sight. I also afraid that Ciri won't overcome her dislike of vampires as a witcher, and she and Regis won't have become friends :( What your thoughts on it?
this is such a good series of questions!!
i think that geralt did want ciri to meet the hansa, and i suppose she did - she mentions that they buried the bodies of geralt’s comrades outside of stygga when they left - though in the case of regis, of course, there was nothing left to bury. but i imagine that, in these moments, geralt told ciri about each member, their memories “living on” through story, which, in the witcher, is a form of immortality after death. but i think he specifically mentions wanting ciri to meet reynart and zoltan specifically because he thought (incorrectly, in reynart’s case :( ) that they were still alive, as opposed to the hansa, who he all saw either die in front of him or their corpses later when they buried them.
specifically for regis, i think geralt would have wanted ciri to meet him as they did become close and also regis helped a lot in terms of being geralt’s confidant during the quest to save ciri. but i also think that geralt would be still concious of how bizarre his and regis’ friendship is, and would think about it before any introductions - then again, the witcher seems to have less of these “planned introductions” and rather more of “by the seat of your pants introductions,” like when dandelion first meets ciri, it was both somewhat expected as (iirc?) they knew they were going to meet up with the other party (geralt and dandelion, yennefer and ciri), but how they actually meet up is a different story, because nothing in the witcher can ever be a calm summer afternoon, of course. so i believe that “the best” circumstances would be something like a formal introduction of ciri to all of the hansa members, geralt would simply introduce them all at the same time, because they’re each equally important in relation to him and ciri. i don’t thnk it would make sense for geralt to introduce regis separately from the rest of the hansa, because it would just take his character out of context (unless, of course, they were in some situation where the rest of the hansa wasn’t around). (and besides the point, but i think the most awkward formal introduction would be between cahir and ciri, because, it wouldn’t be an introduction at all, rather a third meeting. and canonically, cahir had dreams of ciri, so it would be even weirder since he’s already seen her a bunch and she hasn’t seen him at all.)
i think, honestly, a formal introduction between regis and ciri would go well, i don’t think too much would occur, even if only because of having questions but feeling that it’s not the right place or time to ask them -- like in a class, when a teacher asks, “any questions?...” and the entire class holds their breath because everyone is confused but no one knows exactly what to say -- i think it would be like that, because regis and ciri are BOTH very very naturally curious! regis would want to ask, so this is the child of destiny, this is your daughter, etc, etc, and ciri would want to ask pretty much everything about him to understand who he is. but i think both would understand, through experience, that a first introduction isn’t the time to ask every single question you have about a person. so it would be kind, but maybe overly formal becase of that awkwardness.
 i of course have all these headcanons and such about regis becoming a parental and mentor figure to angouleme, so i’m inclined to compare their relationship to that with ciri, but i think that would be a mistake. because angouleme and ciri are similar in build and appearance, and some traits and experiences of course, but they’re still different in my opinion, and their difference is exponential when you consider the differences of how angouleme and regis met VS how ciri and regis met, and that angouleme had no one else in her life VS ciri already has parents she loves. so instead of being more parental and advice-giving, i think regis would be kind to ciri of course, but i don’t think they would ever spend a lot of time together because ciri already has parents to spend time with, so regis would be still a sort of avuncular figure, good for advice and to listen, but not the main source of support. which is fine, i think. i think that the thing that ciri would most rely upon regis for would be dealing with her actions from when she was a rat, i think both regis and ciri have come out of a period where they have been the source of a lot of violence, and ciri may struggle with this and need advice from someone who’s been through it already.
i feel like regis also wasn’t overly impressed with ciri when he met her, his reaction seems more like dandelion’s to me, where she just appears as some young girl, the young girl that she is. i think only the observant or the close to ciri will understand that she is powerful (geralt, yennefer, milva (observant), cahir (half and half, i think he only understands it later)). regis and dandelion are observant in that they are intelligent and academics, but they often miss the background, the “fabric of reality” as i’ve referred to it -- things like the horseprints in the snow, regis was very willing to explain away as being somthing mundane, not considering it could have been something else. i think this logicalness of his character and unintentional insensitivity to the “powers that be” would make him more stumped than astute with ciri, unable to really figure her out despire having experiences in common with her. another trait that ciri and regis both share is being mysterious and a little closed-off if one doesn’t pry, and since they have no real reason to pry, i don’t think they’d be as close as characters that are more opposite to one another in this respect.
although regis did frighten ciri when they first met in stygga, i feel like they would totally get over that after a while. although dandelion aphoristically says in a little sacrifice that there’s never a second chance to make a good first impression, i think to how geralt and ciri got off on the wrong foot, as did yennefer and ciri -- and even though it was a more severe misunderstanding with yennefer, she ultimately became closer to yennefer than anyone else. so i don’t think that regis’s first impression to ciri would affect their friendship down the line that much, since ciri seems to have a knack for getting into poor first impressions with adults. but i do think it would influence how she sees him, because of course it would. everyone else met regis as he is normally, the pinnacle of kindness and thoughtfulness -- ciri saw him basically turn an entire room into hellish chaos and rip a guy’s throat out! it’s comical to us as the readers because we know regis and his very mild-mannered side, but to ciri, this would have been terrifying, of course demonstrated by her clenching her jaw so her teeth wouldn’t chatter. i don’t think that there’s any reason that they couldn’t eventually get over this, but i think it would definitely influence how ciri sees regis overall -- i think that even geralt sometimes forgets about what regis is capable of, like in lady of the lake when he vehemently defends regis’s right to be present in a coversation, when regis can actually just overhear the entire conversation although he walked away. to sort of summarize the situation, if your friend, who is a normal guy to you, had epic powers that you saw a couple of times, but he never really used them around you that much, you might not think of him as some kind of force VS, when you met your friend for the first time he was demonstrating his epic powers in full force... you would be way more aware of his power. but, these friendships may not have been super different at heart, because there’s still the same people involved in them. this is what i think, that ciri would just be the one who’s most aware that regis is a vampire, because she’ll never forget the first meeting -- but that does not necessarily mean she would end up trusting or liking him less at all!
i feel with the context of ciri being a witcher, it’s interesting because by the time regis appears in the series, the term of “witcher” is beginning to be unraveled with its threads examined for the readers. regis is part of this, and cahir is as well -- though regis is a monster, geralt has no desire to kill him, and yet cahir is a man, and geralt has a desire to kill him. the term of “monster” is questioned to hell and back throughout the entire series, but especially in regards to i think to these characters: geralt, regis, cahir, ciri, vilgefortz, and bonhart. each is a “monster” in some respect, either being labelled as one or doing monstrous things, or both. in ciri’s case, it becomes way more about “good” and “evil” than it does for geralt, who is more concerned with the original exploration of “human” and “monster.” for ciri, she actually became evil, she was a monster. but through many things, she learned her lesson and becomes something much more vague than just “good” or “evil” in the end. this is a lot like regis, who transversed the dichotomy of “evil monster” and “good human” to become something that’s neither of each (well, regis strives to be a good human, but just because he strives for it does not mean he 100% is that). so i think that because they have that similiarity, they would be more understanding of one another. especially with time as ciri begins to understand herself and the concept of evil more (as she had difficulty with vysogota -- the paradox is that she herself became evil, but then of course has her famous “repay evil” speech -- by that logic, she would want to exterminate herself, her ethical logic being clouded by self-preservation... but i think by the end she comes to realize that her evil was wrong as well, that she is not innocent, and even though this is true, she can still work against evil).
tldr ciri and regis are very similar characters, they would be friends due to this mutual understanding, but he would not be the most important figure in her life. they would likely bond over their shared struggles with good & evil, and also likely bond over making fun of geralt (as everyone does in this series)
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fanimesenseiwrites · 3 years
Kidnapped to Hell (pt. 5)
When Satan walked back into the common room, Barbatos and Diavolo were back in there talking with Lucifer and Solomon.
Satan walked over to them, focusing on Solomon.
Solomon looked at Satan first, but the other three looked at him as well.
"Don't bother Hoshiko about their abduction again," Satan's tone was somewhere between concerned and threatening.
Solomon frowned. "Satan, we need-"
"No, you don't. At least not from Hoshiko. Whatever you need to know, Barbatos can figure it out for you," Satan insisted.
"A statement from Hoshiko themself would solidify a case against their captors," Lucifer interjected.
Satan glared at Lucifer. "Do not retraumatize Hoshiko any further," his voice was cold and commanding.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on his hips. "Is that a threat?"
"That depends on you."
Lucifer's eyes flashed red as a warning.
"Lucifer," Diavolo spoke soothingly.
Lucifer huffed but didn't look away from Satan.
Diavolo looked at Satan. "I'd like to ask Hoshiko for their cooperation, but if they deny me then I promise that we won't bother them anymore."
Satan huffed. "Fine. But they're sleeping right now so you'll have to wait."
Diavolo nodded. "That's fine, they deserve the rest."
Satan nodded and went to sit down.
Diavolo watched him sit down then looked at Solomon. "Lucifer, Barbatos, and I are leaving to go apprehend the demons who kidnapped Hoshiko and interrogate them. I would like you to stay here in case Hoshiko decides that they're ready to talk."
Solomon nodded. "I can do that."
"And make sure Hoshiko isn't left alone, at least not in the house. I'm sure they're fine alone in their room but not everyone can leave house all at once," Diavolo clarified.
"That's understandable, we don't know if Hoshiko is safe yet," Solomon mused.
"Exactly," Diavolo concurred. "Alright, we'll be leaving."
Solomon nodded.
Diavolo left with Lucifer and Barbatos following close behind him.
Solomon sighed and went and sat down next to Asmodeus.
"Are you alright?" Asmo asked him.
Solomon looked at him and smiled. "I'm fine."
Asmo narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously. "Hm... if you say so."
"I do," Solomon insisted.
Asmo rubbed his thigh. "I think everything will be okay. Hoshiko is strong."
Solomon glanced at Asmo. "Of that I have no doubt."
"Then where are your doubts?" Asmo asked as he rest his chin on Solomon's shoulder.
"Not doubts, just concerns. I just wonder who would do this to Hoshiko; they haven't been practicing magic long enough to make enemies like that."
Asmo frowned. "Yeah..."
Solomon was quiet after that, afraid to say out loud what else was on his mind.
Then there was a sharp tapping against one of the windows.
Everyone looked toward the noise.
There was a crow sitting on just the other side of the window. It tapped the glass with its beak once again.
"Uh, Mammon? Is that one of yours?" Levi asked.
"Uh, yeah. I think so," Mammon replied as he stood up and walked over to the window. He unlatched the window and pushed it open. "Hey, what's up?"
The crow chittered excitedly.
"What?! Whaddya mean they're walkin' into the forest?!"
The crow squawked and flew off.
Mammon jumped out the window and ran off after the crow.
"Oi! Mammon!" Satan called before quickly following him through the window.
Everyone else got up to follow them, but opted to go out the back door instead.
When everyone else caught up to Mammon, they found him talking to three crows sitting on a branch just above eye level.
"How did three of ya lose one human?!"
One of the crows squawked and chittered.
"Mammon, what happened?" Solomon asked through heavy breathing.
Mammon looked at Solomon. "Hoshiko just walked out into the woods, all by themself! And these guys lost 'em because they got distracted by something shiny!"
Levi snickered. "That sounds familiar."
"This ain't funny! There's shit out here that could kill Hoshiko!" Mammon was really serious.
Levi was immediately worried once he was reminded of the dangers that lurked in the forest. "Well then... let's split up to look for them."
"Good idea," Beel complimented.
Mammon nodded and stuck his pinky fingers in his mouth then whistled loudly.
Four more crows appeared and landed on the branch with the other three.
"Alright, everyone take a crow with ya while ya search. They can follow ya from up above and help us keep in touch with each other."
Mammon's seemingly sudden competence was throwing everyone for a loop.
Mammon changed to his demon form. "I'll search from up high." With one swift flap of his wings, he was in the air.
One of the crows flew up to follow Mammon.
"... was that actually Mammon?" Belphie asked, actually serious.
"Right? That was kinda hot how he took charge like that," Asmo mused.
Satan smacked Asmo's arm before walking off to start searching for Hoshiko.
"Ow!" Asmo whined as he rubbed his arm then walked off with Solomon.
Belphie looked at Beel. "I think I know where Hoshiko is."
"You do?" Beel asked as he tilted his head curiously.
Belphie nodded. "Follow me." He headed off in a specific direction.
Beel and two crows followed him.
They soon came upon a meadow full of nightshade blossoms.
Sitting in the middle of the meadow was Hoshiko. They were wearing their RAD track suit and sitting with their knees pulled to their chest.
Beel told the crows to go tell everyone else that they had found Hoshiko while Belphie walked over to them.
"Hoshiko," Belphie spoke sweetly.
Hoshiko looked at him and smiled slightly. "Hey."
"You really like our spot, huh?" Belphie asked.
"Yeah, it's peaceful. Makes me wanna sleep," Hoshiko explained.
"That's not a bad idea," Belphie told them as he sat down next to them. "You know, everyone was looking for you."
Beel walked over and sat on the other side of Hoshiko.
"I haven't even been out here that long," Hoshiko said, a little confused.
"Yeah, Mammon's crows ratted you out," Belphie explained.
Hoshiko sighed. "I see."
Then Mammon flew down and landed right in front of the three of them. "Hoshiko!"
Hoshiko stood up. "Hey Mammon."
Beel and Belphie stood up as well.
Mammon hugged Hoshiko tightly then held them at arms length so he could look them in the eyes. "What're ya doin' out here?! You know there's dangerous shit out here!"
Hoshiko pulled away from him, startled and taken aback by him yelling at them. "I- I couldn't sleep so..."
The rest of the boys showed up at that point.
"So ya run off into the forest full of dangerous beasts all by yourself?! What if something had happened to you?!" Mammon was very animated with his lecture, continually using his hands to motion with.
Hoshiko looked down at the ground and tried really hard not to cry. "... It couldn't be any worse than what already happened to me."
Mammon's arms fell to his sides. He was at a loss for words and it seemed everyone else was too.
"I mean, I can't sleep 'cause as soon as I close my eyes I'm plagued by nightmares... it doesn't matter that I'm not in the eight circles anymore because they're still in my head."
Mammon reached for Hoshiko's hand.
Hoshiko took a step back and crossed their arms, preventing him from grabbing it.
Mammon looked at Hoshiko, a little shocked by their actions.
Hoshiko wouldn't look at him. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to be alone..."
"Why?" Mammon asked, his voice much more gentle this time. "Did we do somethin' wrong?"
Hoshiko couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "No... you just..." Their voice cracked. They wiped their eyes with the cuffs of their sleeves. "You guys wouldn't hurt me right?"
"Never," Beel declared immediately.
Hoshiko looked at him and nodded, tears still streaming down their face.
"Why do you even think you have to ask?" Mammon asked.
"Because..." Hoshiko sniffed, trying to regain enough composure to speak.
Satan walked over to Hoshiko and rubbed their back to try and offer them support, knowing full well what they were about to say.
Hoshiko took a deep breath. "When I was in the eight circles... it looked like to me... that it was y'all that were torturing me..."
The brothers were all stunned silent.
Mammon changed back to his human form and stepped close to Hoshiko. "I'd never hurt you."
Hoshiko looked up at him.
"I don't think I could live with myself if I did." There was a strange sort of sadness in Mammon's eyes that made Hoshiko want to cry some more.
Levi stepped forward. "You're the best in real life friend I've ever had. I'd have to be under some kind of mind control for hurting you to even cross my mind."
Hoshiko chuckled and wiped away the tears that fell.
Asmo walked over to Hoshiko and stroked their cheek. "How could I ever want to ruin a face or soul so beautiful?" He offered a sympathetic smile.
Hoshiko smiled slightly and nodded.
Beel gripped Hoshiko's shoulder.
Hoshiko looked at him.
"I only want to use my strength to protect you, never hurt you," he assured Hoshiko with intense eyes.
Hoshiko placed a hand over his and squeezed it.
"I was ready to fight Lord Diavolo over not protecting you, so I think you know how I feel about the subject," Belphie told Hoshiko.
Satan nodded in agreement.
Hoshiko chuckled but still kept crying.
"Why are ya crying? Don't ya believe us?" Mammon asked, worried.
"No, I do... just..." Hoshiko sniffed. "Y'all are the best family I've ever had."
Mammon immediately moved in to hug Hoshiko.
Hoshiko hugged back and gripped his jacket desperately.
"Let's go back to the house, yeah?" Mammon murmured sweetly.
Hoshiko pulled away and nodded.
Mammon started to lead the way back to the house.
Before Hoshiko could start to walk beside him, Solomon took up walking next to them.
"I'm sorry I was bothering you to talk about what happened to you earlier," Solomon promptly apologized.
Hoshiko looked at him. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry I got so hostile about it earlier."
"I see now why you did."
Hoshiko nodded and took Solomon's hand.
Solomon smiled slightly and laced their fingers together.
Asmo stepped in to walk on the other side of Hoshiko, taking their free hand in his.
Hoshiko looked at him.
Asmo leaned over to kiss their forehead.
Hoshiko smiled and leaned their head on Asmo's shoulder.
When they got back to the house, Solomon messaged Diavolo to update him about Hoshiko.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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jaywwriting · 4 years
Hi! Hello!! If possible please could I have some hcs for Akaashi and Kuroo, maybe where they have a crush, and how they show it or maybe confess if that makes sense🥺👉👈 thank you!!
henlo!! so after tons and tons of schoolwork, I finally had the time to answer this request. I'm super sorry for taking so long :( 
this was honestly super fun to write, I tried my best to include other characters in there too! ( bokuto and kenma hehe ) 
𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢
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He’s never really focused on anyone, ( in a romantic way ) nor did he ever tried impressing anyone
But when he first met you, oh boy it all changed in a blink of an eye
At first he thought he was having a fever or was falling ill
“Why does my heart race so much all of the sudden when I’m near s/o? Why am I stuttering so much when talking to them? I was doing well just now.”
“Bokuto what have you done to me—“
When he told Bokuto about this, he told him that he’s fallen for you. But being the guy that has never fallen for anyone, he didn’t believe him
He never trusted Bokuto anyway and he doesn’t even know why he told him about his conditions and stuff what the hECK
You have no idea how much research and quizzes this boy did online just to find out why he’s like that. But after getting loads of results that were the same, he came to the conclusion that yes, he has a crush on you
“For once Bokuto actually got something right!”
At first, he was super duper timid to talk to you since he didn’t know how this whole ‘crush’ thing worked. But after doing some research on how to get closer to your crush, he was slightly more confident than before!
Would have a small grin whenever he talked to you. It was shocking, since he wasn’t the type to smile that much
Would occasionally buy you snacks or beverages and either directly give them to you or leave it on your desk
Remember everything you like and dislike: from food to music; beverages and basically everything else. 
Occasionally walks you home like a gentleman
Whenever the both of you crossed paths, Bokuto would either nudge him closer to you or giggle teasingly. ( this owl once pushed Akaashi forcefully towards you and ended up getting smacked multiple times )
oh and bokuto told everyone in the team that Akaashi had a crush on you what a snitch
After getting smacked for being a snitch and loud-mouth multiple times, he still didn’t learn his lesson. How, you ask? He snitched and told you that his buddy had a crush on you
The next day, Akaashi finally mustered the courage to confess. After school, he ‘walked home’ with you, but brought you to a nearby part instead
“This is going to be really weird, and I’m fine if you don’t feel the same but—“
“I like you too.”
You agreed to go out with him and oH mY loRd he had the biggest, happiest smile you’ve ever seen ( while blushing insanely at the same time!! )
The next day, he was still pretty timid but initiated on holding your hand  ( nGAWWW )
oh and he tried murdering bokuto but that’s another story for another day
𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮
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He’s had a few crushes back then. But when he fell for you, he knew it was way different this time
You managed to capture his attention no matter what, even the smallest actions could make his heart beat even faster — copying down notes, reading a book, sleeping in class; he just fell for it all
Y’all were already pretty close, since you both are equally crackheaded and share the same interests :D
You were good friends with the volleyball team, so you’d often watch them practise. You’d always try to help out as much as possible: buying snacks, giving some tips, finding out some info about their opponents in upcoming matches etc. Whenever you contributed or helped the team, this boy would fall for you even harder
Loves hearing your laughter because it just brightens his day 
Always talking to Kenma about how beautiful and amazing you are.
“S/o’s such a goddess and an angel. Aphrodite can’t even compare to her!"
“You're such a hopeless romantic.” — Kenma
Would buy snacks for you ALL THE TIME
The only thing he’s good at remembering is whatever that has to do with volleyball. Tell him something that’s not volleyball related and he’ll forget t in just one second. But when it comes to you, he remembers everything you like and dislike; pet peeves, youtubers, music… basically almost everything
Would find opportunities to talk to you or just see you as such as possible because he just loves you so much and he’s fallen hard. Like,, real hard
One fine day, you, Kuroo and Kenma were hanging out while playing truth or dare ( Kenma was obviously forced into this )
Apparently Kenma wasn’t having a good day, so when Kuroo kept disturbing him from his down time ( aka gaming time ) he got pretty pissed. So he decided to get a little revenge
“Kuroo, truth or dare?”
“Dare! Come at me with whatever you’ve got!”
“I dare you to confess to your crush.”
Kuroo? Blushing. Heart? Thudding intensely. Hotel? Trivago.
He was known for being a really brave guy, so you didn’t expect him to turn out like this. But woAH YOU WERE WRONG
Stuttering, he shyly murmured that he has a crush on you, and the feeling’s mutual for you too!
After you agreed to be his girlfriend/boyfriend, he was smiling like insaneee!
Really big, cheeky grin from ear to ear along with a fit of laughter and light blush across his cheeks ( what a cutie uwu )
“Thank you for accepting him, s/o.” Kenma sighed, not looking away form his device. “Now I can finally play games in peace."
aye aye thank you for requesting and I hope you liked the headcannons! feel free to request for more, all the information are linked in my bio! ( labelled ‘info’) stay safe and have a great day!! ♡
- jayyy
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ootori-sibs · 3 years
Commoners do it better
Day three of @ohshc-week : hurt/comfort or & commoners
Tw for: assault, wh*re mention
Arai was just a normal young man; he had good grades, he had a part time job and a summer job as well. He was bisexual but hadn't even had his first kiss yet, his last crush had gotten into a private academy and had started hanging out with the one percent. He respected her for taking an opportunity where she saw it, apparently she'd even started dating one recently, if rumours were to be believed- he wondered if it was one of those redheads he'd met, or many one of the blonde ones.
His little public school had been invited to watch the Ouran private academy's sports events, just another way the rich liked to flaunt their wealth and talent. Arai didn't really care, he just wanted to see Haruhi again, he still considered her a friend in spite of his previous crush on her, who even keeps crushes from middle school? But unfortunately she was sat over by her club, and Arai didn't really want to disturb them again- last time that happened the twins seemed rather upset at him.
It seemed Haruhi was dating the tallest blonde, if the way he kissed her forehead was any indicator, they made a lovely couple. Another thing Arai noticed is that the young man wearing glasses seemed to be distancing himself from his friends, Arai knew nothing about how these rich folks functioned, but he knew enough about Haruhi to realise that she clearly hadn't noticed, or she'd be making an effort to keep all her friends included. He frowned, leaning over to the girl sitting next to him, "hey, do you know who that kid with the glasses is? The one to the left of Haruhi, about two seats over?"
The girl glanced at him, before looking to where he described, practically swooning, "ooh, that's Kyoya Ootori, he's like, super rich, he's hot too- a member of the hosts club, apparently Fujioka joined that club earlier this year which like, personally I think she's sleeping around cause like, why would a girl hang out with so many attractive guys like that, it's weird I tell you. Fujioka's such a nerd anyway, I don't see what they see in her."
Arai just sighed, not bothering to thank her, the girls still at his school were so rude, so valid. But what she'd said about the boy still stood up, Kyoya Ootori huh… Arai knew that the Ootori group was a very famous company, a monopoly if ever there was one, every big hospital in the area had their name on it somewhere, he was fairly sure his health insurance was theirs as well- he'd have to ask his mother. He figured he'd go watch another event as the football match concluded, Ouran's home team putting on quite the show.
He passed the stands built for the show, there were even concession stands peppered around, guess the rich liked to make money off their guests at any turn, Arai was considering picking up something to nibble on soon, his mother had given him double the normal allowance, considering he was visiting the richest school in Japan. He had his hands in his pockets, just looking around at the pretty cherry trees, it was a lovely clear day out and Arai was so glad he didn't have to study for once. He was just passing the second exit for the stands when he heard noises; the sound of struggling, coming from under the stands.
Arai peers under the stands, oh, some of the Ouran football team are here… and that Ootori kid. The poor guy appears to be cornered, as the captain of the football team leers at him, a couple of inches taller, but standing on his toes to appear more threatening. "-you really think we care about what those idiots have to say? They don't care about you Kyoya, everyone knows there's only one reason anyone keeps you around."
The poor guy seems unbelievably nervous, Arai can see how his hands shake and hear how his voice halters, "I-... My father will-"
"Oh that's right Kyoya, go running to daddy why don't you?" The football captain sneers, chuckling at his own cruel joke. His lackies were holding Kyoya back tightly, no way for the boy to get free of their grasp.
One of the footballers pipes up at that, seeming wholly amused by the whole thing, "oh, I heard he calls Souh daddy~" The whole club laughed at that, one of the boys holding Ootori, shook him roughly, mocking and hurting the boy.
"I- it's not like that, it's not-" he excused it, seemingly more upset at the insult then the pain, Arai found himself frozen in place, watching this scene unfold.
"Oh you whore Kyoya!" The captain laughed- Kuze, Arai had seen his name on a sign near the stands, "does his rat commoner know?" Oh great, they were classist too, though Arai was really more concerned with Kyoya.
Speaking of the boy, he was glancing away, refusing to meet his aggressor's eyes. "I told you Kuze, it's not like that…" he seemed annoyed now, still terrified, but now it was almost as if he was more tired then scared, how long at they been at this? The boy seemed quite worn down.
Kuze grins at him, getting really close to Ootori's face. "Well if you're such a whore, then you won't mind…" and he kissed the poor guy, whilst the other footballers held him still.
Arai glanced around in a panic, he had to do something. His gaze fell on a pebble and he grabbed it without even thinking, throwing it full force at that Kuze boy.
The guy looked over at him, frowning, "excuse me? What the fuck?" All the boys are looking at him now, and Arai feels how his fists clenched, noticing the look of recognition in Ootori's eyes.
"Let him go." Arai forced his voice to sound commanded, though he'd never done anything but follow his whole life.
Kuze just laughed at him, indeed stepping away from Kyoya, but his lackies did no such thing, "oh? What's this dirty fucking commoner playing at then?" He chuckled, hands on his hips, staring at Arai in quite the mocking fashion.
Arai took a deep breath, glaring right back, not letting his gaze falter. He took a measured step forward, not wanting to give away how scared he was. "I said, let him go. What kind of pathetic losers pick on someone weaker than yourselves? There's like six of you! Against one person?"
Apparently these boys had never been called pathetic before, as every one of them seemed surprised by Arai's words, Kuze simply glared, "a commoner? Calling us pathetic? Oh give me a break!" He laughs out loud at that, mocking and cruel, "you couldn't even afford to speak to us."
He was disgusted, but just kept approaching, keeping a safe distance however. "I find it rather typical that you'd hide behind your parents bank accounts, funny thing about us 'commoners'; we can hold our own without the need to get any family involved." He hoped he wouldn't have to go through with it, but he cracked his knuckles, "you ever been a fight with someone who doesn't even have a reputation to uphold?"
He was shaking in his boots, he knew he'd never be able to fight these athletes in any way, but he just hoped these rich fuckers would fall for his threats. Their eyes certainly went wide, one or two of the footballers stepped away from Kyoya, not wanting to get into a scrap with Arai one bit. Kuze looked slightly taken aback, it was clear he hadn't expected to face such a confident guy today, "ugh, there's no way you could take all of us, don't be stupid."
"Maybe not," Arai admitted with a nod, forcing a polite smile, "but I can certainly ruin those faces of yours, isn't reputation everything for you folks? Most commoners keep weapons and blades in their bags on the daily, the real word is dangerous gentlemen." He spoke the truth, keys and scissors count as weapons right? Of course the real world was a danger, where did they think danger came from? Space? Arai took another step forward, staring Kuze in the eyes with a determination that can only come from being a good man, with a moral compass, "so I ask you again, Kuze: Let. Him. Go."
Shocked at being called his first name, but a commoner no less, Kuze took a step back, a clear sign of weakness from the captain. His team instantly dropped poor Ootori to the floor, and their captain glared. "Fine!" He then turned and spat on the ground near Kyoya, "this fucking commoner won't always be here to protect you, bitch." With that, he stormed off, his team in pursuit.
"Why would you do that..?" Arai glanced down, seeing Ootori knelt on the floor, adjusting his glasses and looking up at him.
Arai paused, crouching down to reach Kyoya's eye level, "well anyone would in that situation, I don't know anyone who wouldn't. Are you alright Ootori?"
He nodded, "I'm fine, it's nothing really." Ootori had sighed, shifting to sit down more comfortably, so Arai sat next to him, nodding.
"Is that a normal thing?" He asked, watching Ootori closely, making sure that he was alright… he noticed how not just Ootori's hands were shaking, but his whole form.
"I'm sorry Arai, could you leave, I fear I am about to uh, experience extreme emotions." Ootori coughed nervously, glancing away.
"Oh, are you about to cry?" Arai hums in thought, smiling softly, "it's ok Ootori, you can cry around me, I won't tell anyone." He put a gentle hand on the other boy's shoulder, feeling him tense up beneath him, Arai paused for a moment before gently rubbing Ootori's back, allowing him to relax.
The rich boy was in tears, but he wasn't crying, at least not how Arai had seen it- Ootori was completely silent, the only sign that he was actually sad were the tears that ran down either side of his face as Arai gently rubbed his back, "it's ok, let it all out, I've got you…" Arai just kept murmuring words of encouragement and comfort, he didn't know this guy well at all but they were both Haruhi's friends, and Arai felt he had to be a decent human being at least. "It's alright Ootori… can I call you Kyoya?"
He nodded, "yes, sure," Kyoya sighed, glancing away from Arai. "So you're Haruhi's friend huh?"
"Yep," he smiled, wondering why Haruhi wouldn't have gone for this one, he's so much more subtle than her other friends, "we never actually spoke in Karuizawa, but I kinda wish we had, you seem pretty cool Kyoya."
Kyoya wiped his tears, brushing his trousers down. "Hm, well I am apparently the 'cool type' according to Tamaki. I apologize for having this be the first time we've spoken."
Arai paused, frowning slightly, "hey, don't worry about it, it doesn't change my opinion of you in the slightest." He spoke the truth, he'd never judge someone for any sort of experience like that, he didn't understand why someone would.
Was that a smile? There seemed to be the barest hint of one on Kyoya's face, the boy finally looking Arai in the face. "I'm glad, I wouldn't want any of Haruhi's old friends to think any less of me, she's quite a lovely young woman, it stands to reason he friends are as well."
"I could say the same to you, but you seem pretty awesome on your own." Arai moved his hand from Kyoya's back to his shoulder, smiling softly up at the guy, "why aren't you with your friends by the way?"
"Hm? Oh well Tamaki asked me to go get the commoners coffee from the club room but uh… I got a little held up, they're probably waiting for me." Kyoya shakily stood up, "do forgive me."
"Oh, can I come?" Arai stood as well, smiling kindly, "I'd love to see where you lot hang out."
"Oh of course, you can come if you'd like." Kyoya began to head towards one of the buildings, adjusting his blazer, "it's not set up so you won't have the full effect, but it's still a lovely room."
"I don't doubt that," Arai happily followed him, acutely aware of how his uniform was nowhere near as fancy as his.
They walked through the hallway, Arai talked to Kyoya about a lot of things; grades, family, the differences between rich and poor. Arai learnt that Kyoya was also a straight A student, he was happy to hear how Kyoya especially hated biology, especially human biology- Kyoya had already learnt almost everything they were teaching this year, thanks to his brothers and family hospitals, Arai simply found that fascinating. He also learnt that Kyoya had two brothers and one sister, all older than him, in return he told Kyoya all about being an only child, he expressed how much having siblings would be great and Kyoya told him exactly how wrong he was.
He'd of course noticed how hesitant Kyoya was to share any information that wasn't common knowledge, but Arai was simply happy to hear Kyoya's opinion on such public knowledge, plus it wasn't like he knew any of this, he didn't go around researching folks. By the time they go to the club room, the third music room on one of the wings, Kyoya had opened up enough to explain he'd been mildly jealous of Haruhi had first, and Arai couldn't imagine how that felt, though he supposed it must have been the same thing that one twin was feeling when he lashed out at Arai back in Karuizawa… Arai had never felt such envy, but he could sympathise.
Kyoya opened the door, holding it open for Arai, "here we are." Arai stepped forward, the first thing he noticed was the smell, warm coffee and roses, it was so… nice. There were roses in every case, and some stray petals on the floor, the curtains were closed but what light came through, bounced off the many gold objects in the room, including the small chandelier and gold adorned ceiling. There was a laptop, probably Kyoya's, on one of the tables, that had five bags neatly placed- Arai had to assume that Haruhi had taken her bag with her, just like Kyoya, they were both so practical like that… that was one of the things Arai had liked about Haruhi.
Kyoya wasn't stopping to stare however, he was used to seeing this room every day, he simply headed over to one of the tables, picking up a jar of instant coffee, "oh, huh, do rich people drink instant coffee too? I thought you guys like, got gold coffee beans or something…"
What was that sound? Oh, Arai had caught him off guard, Kyoya was chuckling. "Gold coffee beans? We're rich, we're not Midas." Oh, he made a little joke of his own, Arai chuckled lightly at that, he loved a little mythology joke. "But really," Kyoya continued, "we do usually use fresh coffee beans and we do have a coffee grinder in the storeroom. It just so happens that the club really enjoys commoner coffee?" He shrugs slightly.
"Commoners coffee?" Arai raised an eyebrow at that, tilting his head slightly.
"That's how most refer to it, I'm aware it's not exclusive to the poor." Kyoya rolls his eyes, tucking the jar into his bag, "I should probably get back to the hosts now, where do you need to be?"
"Oh!" Arai had completely forgotten what his train of thought was before coming across Kyoya, "oh yeah, I was just going to grab a snack or something," he shrugs, "I don't really need to be anywhere right now."
"Oh, can you afford snacks? I'll pay for it, I should probably get something to shut Tamaki up with anyway- don't want him asking where I was." Kyoya headed back to the door, hand on the doorknob.
Arai, ever the quick thinker, responded fairly snappy, "only if you let me buy you coffee some time!"
Kyoya froze, glancing back to Arai, "I… well then, I suppose I'd have to send you a copy of my schedule."
He smiled, surprising even himself with such confidence, maybe it was the adrenaline from scaring off the football club. "Please don't feel obligated to though, I just think it'd be fun…" he shrugged softly, feeling suddenly so nervous once again, there was a reason these boys were considered the beauty elite, even in a school such as Ouran academy- and here Arai was, trying on such a bold move with one.
"Oh I'm not saying no, certainly not, just a very busy man." Kyoya almost smiled at him once again, "besides; I need to schedule things to fit club activities and social events around school."
"Wow, that sounds very exhausting, don't you ever have free time?"
They were walking now, back down the corridors and down the stairs. "I suppose so, but I mostly use that for studying." They spent the entire way back, just talking about school and their studies, Kyoya offered to show him how he kept notes when they met up for coffee, Arai told him he'd like to see his notes, but he'd rather take that coffee date to get to know Kyoya, not Kyoya's study habits. They picked up some pretzel sticks from a concession stand, one pot for Arai, and one that Kyoya planned to use to bribe his friend into silence.
When they got to the stand, they paused, Kyoya looked down at Arai, silent for a moment- by now it was clear to Arai how emotionally constipated the richer boy was, so he didn't mind the silence, filling it himself. "I hope we can have that coffee date soon, Kyoya, you're really cool. I hope those boys don't bother you again."
Kyoya nodded slowly, "thank you Arai, I'll see you then…" and he turned, but Arai wasn't finished.
"Don't you need my number?"
Kyoya glanced back at him, once again getting so close to cracking a smile, "oh, I'll just ask Haruhi." Arai did wonder how he'd explain that to Haruhi, but he didn't ask, he just nodded, happy to have met Kyoya.
Maybe the rich weren't so bad… well they were- but Kyoya was cute.
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mimiwrites2000 · 4 years
Chapter Nine ~
AO3 ~~
Pairings: Armin x Annie/ Eren x Mikasa (other pairings will be added as the story goes on)
Words count: 3157
* spoilers for chapter 127 and up
an injury
a miracle
an understanding
and maybe 'everything happens for a reason' holds some truth in it, and all of it leads to that tingle of emotions with unsolvable maze that hypnotize its victims
~a story of broken hearts who are searching for a cure while mending each other’s wounds
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“You did what?!” Armin’s eyes widened, he thought he didn’t hear right because there was no way Eren actually-
“I asked her to marry me,” Eren said once again, not turning or moving in the slightest.
“Are you fucking serious?!” Armin paced around, his hands on his head, his eyes flickering to Eren then to the sky then to the ground.
“What were you thinking?” Armin asked, appalled and at the same time grateful that he was the one in this situation; not Jean. Armin took two steps forward, sat beside Eren, more like dropped beside him, and for the first time got a good look of his face.
Eren’s beard was growing out, though uneven; some places on his chin were empty, or did he pluck these hairs out? His hair was growing past his shoulders. He had a poker face on, and that frustrated Armin even more.
“Did you really…” Armin said through his teeth, surprised that his own voice sounded breathy and compressed, “d-did you really think she’d just… she’d just say yes?!”
Eren didn’t respond, but he did fidget for the first time, and Armin could tell that he was getting uncomfortable. Armin wanted Eren to beg the earth to split and swallow him.
“Eren, you’re… you’re…” Armin was trying to look for a suitable word, but his mind went blank, and he couldn’t think of anything to say, so he blurted out: “y-you’re stupid!”
Eren cracked a smirk at that, the corners of his eyes crinkled, and Armin noticed that his eyes were blood shot, just like Mikasa’s.
“Okay, uh, w-what else did you say to her?” Armin asked, both his hands on his head, ruffling his hair.
Eren took a few seconds to answer, as if he was having trouble remembering: “I apologized to her.”
“Yeah no shit! You don’t say you actually did that!”
Eren didn’t reply to Armin’s sarcastic comment, instead he watched the stream, a golden fish was thrashing its tail against the flow, fighting versus the undeterred water, flipping on its back countless times.
Armin wanted Eren to look him straight in the eyes and tell him that all of this is a joke, but Eren didn’t, and Armin had no idea what he was supposed to do with him.
“At least… you could’ve at least waited! you can’t just straight up ask her that. God, Eren I know you’re a hopeless romantic, but that’s just… stupid!”
“Well, I don’t really know what to do!” Eren said, exasperation interfering with his monotone voice.
“You could’ve asked for advice, dammit!”
“I don’t know! Anything! But not straight up proposing!” Armin took a deep breath, “you know Jean is waiting for a chance to kill you, and you just gave him the perfect opening.”
“You think he’s better for Mikasa, don’t you?” Eren asked out of nowhere, chewing on the inside of his cheek, making his cheekbones prominent.
“I…” started Armin, but he didn’t know how to finish his sentence, “I don’t know…”
“We both know that Jean would treat Mikasa better, he’d never hurt her like I did,” Eren hugged his knees to his chest, burying his face between them, he looked small and weak.
Armin’s lips opened the tiniest bit at how Eren’s hunched back reminded him of their days on the streets, before they joined the training corps. Back then, Eren was just a weak kid with anger boiling inside of him.
Chaotic times, but much simpler than these days.
Armin closed his eyes, let out a long sigh, then said: “Jean would never hurt Mikasa in any way, everyone knows that.”
Eren sank more into himself.
“But,” Armin continued, “it’s not about Jean, it’s about Mikasa, she’d never want to be with Jean, because…” Armin rolled his eyes over his own feeble choice of words, “everyone knows… how much she cares for you.”
After a few moments of silence, Eren sighed, the sigh weighted and labored, then he whispered: “I’m not begging for atonement, what I did is… irredeemable, but…” He threw his hands in the air, “Mikasa has nothing to do with it! I-”
Eren stopped, he looked at his hands, those hands that did horrible, atrocious acts. Red moisture oozed from between his fingers, tracking down a path of crimson down his wrist.
Thud, thud…
They dripped on the dirt, puddling into a damp darkened spot.
Eren swallowed and shook his head; this is not real. He lowered them, tilting his head down to his feet, and whispered: “I just want to make it up for her…”
The sounds of the stream accompanied with the wind rustling the leaves, creating a harmony, a tone orchestrated by nature… forming a relatively calming blend.
“Would you forgive me?” Eren asked, his eyes not wavering from the rocks underneath his shoes.
Armin wondered; would he be able to forgive Eren? Can he forget what happened and move forward?
Did he want to forgive Eren?
Armin’s eyes darted to the stream, the golden fish was still fighting the current, writhing in the water, until another golden fish wrestled its way to it, then nudged it with its head several times. Then, both turned and swam together with the stream, further away from Eren and Armin, where the water wasn’t violent, but it was tranquil and undisturbed.
“I’ll try…” Armin finally answered, still watching the trace of the two golden fishes. He confessed these words from the bottom of his heart, no lies, just a naked truth.
“Thanks…” Eren muttered, hugging himself.
Insecurity and uncertainty draped over Eren. Armin gawked at him, dozens of questions swirling in his head about the rumbling, the founder, the past and the future, but at the same time he had the sudden urge to hug Eren and forget all about it. Instead, Armin stretched a hand and patted Eren twice on the back.
“So, uh…” Armin started, the memory he saw also took a considerate space in his mind; the one with himself standing on an altar by the beach, but he couldn’t bring himself to talk about it, so he dodged his own thoughts and resumed: “did you had a ring?”
Not the best dodge.
Eren snorted, and Armin saw him smiling the first genuine smile in months, if not years.
They spoke with hushed voices, not wanting to disturb the nature around them, and they didn’t get back to the cottage until sunset.
When Armin walked into the cottage with Eren by his side, Jean threw daggers with his eyes at them, Armin rose his eyebrows, gesturing for Jean to not do anything reckless, but he didn’t seem like he planned anything; Mikasa probably told him so.
The next morning, Magath, Hanji and Gabi sat off towards the harbor, leaving the rest with nothing to do but wait.
Annie had a plenty of time on her hands to observe everyone as much as she wanted.
Connie was remarkably taller; she vividly remembers him being the dwarf of the 104th squad. Jean’s long hair suited him, and he looked older than his age, he looked like the type of guy to live in a fancy apartment and have wine on breakfast on Mondays.
Mikasa seemed… charming, but now it’s more prominent than ever, her hair alone was gorgeous, and Annie wondered how it would look like if it was longer…
Historia was and would always be the goddess.
Annie tried to avoid Levi as much as she could.
Annie talked to Reiner, but they avoided the heavy topics. An inaudible deal was shared between them to never talk about any sensitive matters, to never talk about what happened after she crystalized herself, about Bert’s death…
Eren was completely different too, the eager kid she remembered seems to have never existed. His forests glinting eyes were substituted with dull orbs, dark circles framing them, protruding them, sinking them more into their sockets, however, he seemed to get his spark back the more he spent time with Armin.
And yeah, Armin.
Now the dwarf of the group.
After some time thinking about it, Annie decided, from behind, he looked like a tough man, with broad shoulders, but the moment he’d turn and she laid her eyes on his face, the 15 years old kid with the weakest muscles is all she could see.
Armin’s face never changed, even with his new haircut, his baby face is something that would never change about him.
Armin would catch Annie staring sometimes; when he’d be sitting up the table, Annie would be on the farthest couch tracking each of his movements, and when Armin catches her, he’d smile and continue whatever he was doing.
Annie wondered if he thought of her as a creep.
But one day, Annie was the one to catch Armin staring.
Annie was outside, it was her turn to hang the laundry, and in the middle of it, she turned around and saw Armin standing at the threshold of the cottage, a basket filled with laundry in his hands. Armin’s cheeks immediately flushed red, and he stuttered some intangible words before he thrusted the basket in Annie’s arms and hurried inside.
It seemed that someone else noticed this ‘glances’ contest going on between them.
Mr. Leonhart.
Incontrovertibly, Mr. Leonhart would never be fine with someone he barely knew glancing at his daughter, and what triggered him more is that his daughter was stealing looks at him too.
And that was the same person who ratted his daughter out four years ago.
One evening, Mr. Leonhart followed Armin outside when he left to get wood for the fire.
“Good evening, young man.” Mr. Leonhart greeted.
Armin jumped and the wood he was carrying fell, missing his toes by an inch, he didn’t bend down to pick them up, instead, he stood erected and stuttered out: “O-oh Mr. Leonhart! Good evening t-to you too!”, his voice was a few notches higher.
“I was meaning to talk to you.” Mr. Leonhart said, one hand behind his back, the other clutched around the cane handle.
“Y-yeah sure! Is something wrong?” Armin rubbed his hands together; it was chilly outside.
“No, nothing is wrong… yet,” Mr. Leonhart took a step forward, “I was just thinking that I should inform you that…” He tapped his cane twice on the dirt, “after all of this is over, me and my daughter, Annie, are going back to Marley. We are aiming to compensate all those lost years and live in peace for the rest of our lives.”
Armin didn’t know what Mr. Leonhart expected him to say: “Yeah, sure, I want Annie to be happy-”
“Annie being happy or not has nothing to do with you, or this place.”
Armin’s brain paused, he blinked thrice trying to catch up with what Mr. Leonhart just chucked at him, he wanted to say something but couldn’t risk it, he knew he would stutter and make a fool of himself.
But when Mr. Leonhart turned his back and walked leisurely to the cottage, his chest puffed up despite leaning on his cane for support, the words flew out of Armin’s mouth, as if he had practiced them a million times before: “Annie’s happiness isn’t associated with someone or with a place, her happiness can only come from within herself.”
Mr. Leonhart halted in his steps, turned his head to the side, examining Armin from the corner of his eyes, but he didn’t reply, he merely drew circles with his cane on the dirt, got a better footing for it, and with deliberate steps, headed inside the cottage, leaving Armin standing there, looking down at the wood scattered by his feet.
Armin kept an eye on Mikasa, and he realized that he was the only one who knew that Eren proposed to her, but everyone was aware that something was up with her; she was distracted all the time. One time, she almost spilled boiling soup all over herself, after it, no one trusted Mikasa with anything that could hurt her.
Jean was the most irritated about this, but each time he tried to talk it out with Mikasa, she’d politely shove him away, and told him that she’s okay.
Jean never believed her.
The way Mikasa would dodge Eren was almost unbearable, she’d sit on the farthest available spot away from him, never look at his direction or acknowledge him in anyway. She would turn around if she crossed paths with him, she would distract herself with the hem of her shirt if the conversation involved Eren.
Until one night…
Just like they got used to; everyone shared the living room as a bedroom. The only two bedrooms were occupied with the two people in need of a bed; Historia and her kid, and Levi.
As always, Mikasa would lay her sleeping bag in the farthest available spot from Eren.
That night, Armin sleeping with Eren on his side, his mind never shut down, his thoughts were buzzing in his head, one time he would be thinking about Mikasa and Eren…
Armin was clueless of what to do with his two childhood friends, a part of him wanted to lock them in a room until they figured it out, but the other part told him to let them be, maybe it was better if he should let them find their way back to each other, even if it would take years.
Another time Armin would think about Annie, he had so many things to tell her, he wanted to sit by her side all day, he wanted to be with her, but some concealed barrier was holding him back.
Something in him told him to stay away.
And what was he supposed to do with her father?
Armin understood where Mr. Leonhart was coming from; Annie is his only daughter whom whereabouts were unknown for nine years. Any father would be protective over his daughter…
But Armin didn’t want any harm to Annie, hell, he would rather hurt himself than see a tear down her cheeks.
Annie went through enough.
She deserved peace.
She deserved happiness.
And if her happiness meant to stay away from Armin, then he would gladly vanish from her life.
Even if it would shatter him…
Armin’s thoughts would jump to Hanji and the rest who still didn’t come back-
Armin heard the shuffling of someone getting up.
Then he saw Mikasa tiptoe carefully across the room, slithering between sleeping bags, and when she got closer to him, he closed his eyes and pretended to be fast asleep.
However, Mikasa didn’t stop by him, she sneaked to the person sleeping next to him.
Mikasa slowly lifted Eren’s blanket and slid beside him. Eren stirred, opening his eyes, which widened the moment he saw Mikasa’s eyes right in front of his face, he blinked twice, not sure if he was still dreaming.
“Mikasa…?” Eren whispered, his voice hoarse and thick with sleep, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion, the pupil in his eyes doubling in size, trying to figure out Mikasa’s silhouette in the pitch-black room.
“Yes,” Mikasa said, her voice a little bit louder than Eren’s.
“Yes…?” he asked, then his eyebrows gradually rose up his forehead.
“I mean… if your… proposal… is still up…” Mikasa said, regret seeped into her mind, snickering in a corner, and she started to question if it was too late now to hop back into her sleeping bag.
“Yes!” Eren said, suddenly enthusiastic, shooting up on his elbow, Mikasa put her finger on his mouth, shushing him, then he laid down again and repeated in a lower voice, nodding his head, “yes, yes...”
Eren glanced at Mikasa’s finger on his mouth, and she immediately withdrew it. Her cheeks were heating up with each time her heart pumped blood into her veins, she didn’t know if Eren could see her face, but she was sure he would feel the heat radiating from the embarrassment she inserted herself in.
Eren’s mouth was agape, he couldn’t see Mikasa in the dark, but he saw the unmistakable shiny black orbs of hers. He kept his hands by his sides, his fingers trembling, yearning to run in her hair. Eren wouldn’t want to creep her away, he still didn’t believe if she was by his side or if his desperate desire to hold her close had finally turned him into a lunatic.
“Good,” Mikasa muttered, she sighed and sank deeper into the blankets, Eren only stared at her, and she avoided his eyes because one look at them and she’d really run back to her own sleeping bag.
A moment of silence passed, Eren’s eyes still wide and unbelieving.
After two hesitant failed attempts, Eren wrapped both his arms around Mikasa, and with equal hesitance, she hugged him back, burying her face in his chest, hiding her flaming cheeks.
Armin heard everything, and he was smiling at himself like an idiot, he was using all the power he had to not shoot up and hug both of his childhood friends.
The fog in Armin’s mind cleared up, and slowly the excitement he felt was wearing off, and sleep was taking over him.
That night, Armin slept with a bunch of ‘I love you’s muttered behind his back until they faded out, and everything was tranquil and quiet.
The next morning, it was a shock, to say the least, for everyone to wake up to Eren and Mikasa sleeping on the same pillow, with their bodies pressed together.
It was Historia who found them; she was an early riser and the first to wake up, and when she checked on everyone else, she noticed that Mikasa’s sleeping bag was vacant.
Historia didn’t give it much thought, Mikasa would probably be outside already, working out or something, but when Historia got to where Eren was sleeping, she saw that he seemed… curled on himself, she got concerned if he was in pain, but she couldn’t tell because the covers were over his face.
Historia crouched beside him and slowly lifted the blanket up.
Her squeal woke Armin up.
Armin shot up from his blankets, ready to strike, but froze when he saw Historia peaking at Eren with her eyes even more significant than they already are, her hand covering her mouth.
Historia only motioned between the two heads under the blanket.
A laugh escaped Armin, and it wasn’t at Historia’s childish behavior; he too felt like squealing, but that Eren and Mikasa were in an unstirred sleep to the point where everyone woke up and was staring at them; they didn’t even fidget.
Mikasa wouldn’t look into anyone’s eyes for the next week, probably, Armin thought, folding his blankets.
After the shock wore off, everyone decided that it would be better if they let them sleep some more, they both were undoubtedly sleep deprived for being out of it during all the chaos.
They slept until noon.
uh, are you guys enjoying this?
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succubusphan · 4 years
Everything I Wanted
Summary: Dan dreams and dreams of what his life could have been if he had gotten everything he ever wanted - the what ifs that pale in comparisson to what he had now.
Based on the Billie Eilish song.
Rating: G
Word count: 4.9k
Tags: Mild Angst, fluff, established relationship, lots of love and support, My best attempt at being poetic with quite a bit of help. Mild references to homophobia.
A/n: This fic was written for @thoughtathought for winning the charity auction for Dan’s Birthday. Thank you so much for your donation and for being extra amazing! And thank you to @schnaf  for being my support and grammar beta and @icequeenjules26 for adding to the grammar and poetry aspect of the fic. Thank you both for your opinions and unthank you to both of you for roasting me (I’ll see you in hell.)
This is an accompanying piece to If I Ain’t Got You but can be read as a stand alone.
Read on ao3
Rain fell mercilessly upon the streets of Wokingham. Dan sighed and brushed a wet strand of hair out of his face - he hated this fucking weather. His hair was already ruined, but there was no way around it. He pulled his jacket tighter around his body and made his way to school. 
 Dan walked down the hallway of The Forest School confidently. For once in his life he was on time to meet his friends before the first lesson of the day. Some of the people standing off to the side waved at him as he made his way to their usual meeting point. He waved back with a smile even though he didn’t know them. He didn’t mind. It was normal for less popular students to look up to the more popular ones and want their attention in whatever form they could get; he honestly felt a bit bad for them. Luckily for Dan, he had fit into his group right from the start.
 He found them outside the library, as usual. Not because they used it, though. “We’re too cool for that,” Thatcher had said, so the group never went inside. In fact, Dan didn’t know what the inside even looked like. 
 He leaned against the wall, trying to look cool. “Hey, what’s up?”
 “Nice hair, Howell,” Thatcher said. 
 The rest of them laughed - as they usually did - but Dan didn’t mind, they were his friends after all. 
 Thatcher didn’t drop it, though. “You look like a drowned rat.”
 “Thank you, Thatcher! When I want to look like a wanker I’ll ask you for hair advice,” Dan elbowed him. 
 The group laughed even louder and that made Dan’s heart soar a bit; he enjoyed making people laugh like that.
 “Oi, at least I do well with the birds!” Thatcher laughed, wrapping one arm around Dan’s shoulders. “Are you going to call Lara back? She keeps asking.”
 “Uh, yeah. I- ” Dan tried not to let his smile falter. “I will, when it’s time… you know, you gotta let them wait so they want it more.” He winked and his friend roared with laughter again. This time he felt empty. He wasn’t going to call Lara, but he didn’t want to admit that. They accepted him as they knew him, a straight boy who did kind of well at school and was funny; a cool guy. They didn’t need to know that it wasn’t the truth - nobody did. 
 “Damn right! Smart move, Dan. Come on, let’s visit our little friend over there.” Thatcher pointed to a scrawny looking boy. 
 Dan didn’t speak to him, but he knew him. They sat together in math class. If Dan closed his eyes, he could see that shining black hair and those piercing blue eyes just as clear he saw them in front of him now… his rosy lips and long pale fingers tracing over Dan’s skin.
 He shut his eyes, dreading it already. He wanted to leave, he wanted to disappear off the face of the earth, but of course, he had no such luck. Thatcher grabbed his arm and pulled him along. Bullying was a mandatory group activity. 
 “What’s up, Gaylord? What’s it like being lord of the gays?” Thatcher spat. 
 Dan tried his best to seem invisible, to fall behind the rest; he didn’t want any part in this. 
 The guy, Richie was his name, rolled his eyes at them. “What’s it like being Lord of the ignorants? Will you need me to tutor you again, Thatcher? Will you start begging me to -”
 Thatcher’s fist cut him off. It wasn’t a real punch, Dan knew. Thatcher could do a lot more damage if he wanted to, but he seemed conflicted. 
“You have no right to speak to us like that. If you do it again, you will regret it.”
 Richie sighed in defeat. He suddenly looked much older. Dan felt like crying, but he didn’t - he couldn’t. Richie stared into his eyes with unshed tears; as if he knew. He knew that Dan was just like him, but he was also a coward. Someone who would rather be with the bullies instead of being their victim. 
 It was true, but he was their victim too, just in a different way. Richie wiped some blood from his lip and looked at it as if it was a foreign object, then back at Dan. ‘Aren’t you going to do anything?’ his eyes pleaded, but Dan just lowered his head.
 He felt as if the world was crashing down on him like a breaking wave, drowning him, suffocating him in the process, so he did what he usually did when nothing felt right: he ran. He turned around and exited through the back door. He could no longer keep the tears from falling; he was such a piece of garbage. He ran until his lungs felt like they were about to explode. Oh, he was going to be in so much shit for bailing, he was going to be found out, he was - 
 He reached the corner of the street and tried to set foot down on the pavement but he found no support so he fell and fell and fell, into a never-ending dark pit, swallowing him whole.
 Dan jolted awake, his heart pumping in his chest, he was covered in sweat and could feel tear tracks on his cheeks. He sluggishly wiped them off with the back of his hand and tried to calm himself with a breathing exercise. He looked to the right where  Phil laid at his side, undisturbed, and smiled.
 The sunlight coming in through the window formed something like a halo around him. Dan’s smile deepened as he examined Phil’s face - the face of the man that had been his companion for eleven years now. He saw their entire story on Phil’s face, in the signs of ageing he loved so much. The stray grey hair, the smile lines, they spoke of so many adventures, arguments, laughs and love; they reminded Dan of their history together, their history as partners, as best friends. 
 Phil pouted in his sleep and Dan’s heart swelled in his chest. He was so in love with him, even to this day. There was no other way to describe Phil than as his soulmate. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, the remnants of the nightmare gradually fading from his memory. 
 Dan shuffled closer to Phil and placed his head on his shoulder, softly running his nose against Phil’s neck and breathing in his scent. He smelled like home. 
 Phil started to stir, unconsciously pulling Dan closer to his chest with a hum. Dan kissed Phil’s neck, causing him to finally crack one eye open and look at him questioningly. Dan just kept running his fingers through his chest hair, absentmindedly tracing little patterns without a notice. 
 Phil smiled and closed his eyes again, scrunching his face at the sunrays blinding him. “Mmm?”
 “Good morning,” Dan whispered. 
 “Morning.” He placed a kiss atop Dan’s head. “Why are you awake so early?”
 “Mmm. A dream.” He pulled at Phil’s chest hair a bit too hard, making him wince. “Or more like a nightmare… Bullies.”
 Phil frowned and held him a little tighter. “Dan, you know they can’t get you anymore.”
 “I know.” He sighed.
 “Wanna tell me about it?”
 “I guess it was how things could have gone if I’d been able to pass as straight as a teenager. That was everything I wanted, to just fit in.” 
 Phil hummed in acknowledgement. “Did they still bully you?”
 “No, I wouldn’t say they did, but they did something worse.”
 Phil stayed silent, giving Dan the time to process what he wanted to say. 
 “I was weak. They pressured me into being like them. They bullied my friend, Richie. In the dream, he wasn’t my friend, but he was gay and he knew I was too. He looked at me when Thatcher punched him.” Dan’s voice quivered; he suddenly felt like crying again. He allowed himself a moment to breathe. “He was pleading with his eyes, asking me for help and I did nothing.”
 Phil ran his hand up and down Dan’s arm comfortingly. “You wouldn’t have been like them, Dan. You know that, I know you do.”
 “How do you know? How can you be so sure?” Dan lifted his head and looked into Phil’s eyes.
 Smiling, Phil laced their fingers together. “Dan, I know you. We’ve been together for over ten years. I know you better than you know yourself.”
 Of course, Dan settled back down without replying. He wanted to deny that. He knew that Phil was right, but part of him always told him that he was not as great as people seemed to think, that he was just a great pretender. 
 But Phil pulled him away from that thought process right away. “Why do you think you had that dream?”
 The sunlight shined through the room, reflecting off of their sparkly nicknacks. Colourful circles danced on the far wall, vibrant shapes and patterns that created the illusion of a magical world. Dan kept running his fingers through Phil’s chest hair and followed the lights with his eyes. 
 “I guess writing about my childhood brought some memories back, and some doubts too,” he finally said. He hadn’t actually thought about it. His mind had been a bit more prone to … distress since he dived into his past and his mental health. 
 “Yeah, that would do it.”
 “Yeah,” Dan smiled softly, closing his eyes and placing a kiss on Phil’s chest. 
 “So it’s not because you think you actually would have been like that,” Phil pushed.
 “No, it’s not,” Dan said, his voice barely above a whisper. 
 Phil cupped his cheek and guided his chin up, pressing a kiss to his lips, his jaw, his dimples, his eyelids. Dan sighed and allowed himself to be loved, to feel happy and supported. Nobody could take this away from him. He was safe now.
 The hail smashed against the window of his 35th floor office, Dan looked out into the London sky with a heavy sigh. He had managed to push through university somehow, graduate at the top of his class and become a Senior Partner by 30. 
 He loved his career, he really did: the competitive aspect of it, the debate, and helping people. Sometimes he could even go as far as to say that he was happy, but most days he felt merely content. 
 Everyone had praised him for having so much drive and ambition, which was, in great part, the reason for his success, but sometimes he didn’t want any of it. 
 He had achieved what most people would want in life: A career, success, money, a loving boyfriend; but when he got home, when he crossed that door, he wanted to leave it all behind. He didn’t want to be a lawyer or discuss laws, or his cases, of the state of the world. He only wanted to be Dan; just Dan.
 He got on his Porsche and not five minutes later he was parked in front of his beautiful home. Then, he pushed the alarm button, locking it for the night and with the twist of a key, he was inside. 
 He removed his shoes by the door with a sigh and the noise of the TV coming from the lounge made him smile so he followed it. Richard sat on their sofa with his legs close to the side, gently moving his glass of wine in circles, letting the air mix with its contents. Dan walked up to him with a smile and cupped his cheek as he kissed his lips tenderly. “Hi,” he whispered against his boyfriend’s lips.
 “Hi,” Richard said immediately, letting his eyes return to the TV. “Why don’t you get changed? Dinner will be ready soon.”
 “Thank you, do you want to play Mario Kart while we eat?”
 Richard scoffed without even looking at him. “Dan, you know I do not like that sort of childish game and neither should you. You are a lawyer, and 30 years old at that. It’s time to grow up.”
 Dan’s smile vanished, he swallowed thick and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. “Right.”
 Richard heard it in his voice before Dan could say anything, he stretched his hand towards Dan and Dan held his out as well. Richard laced their fingers and pulled him onto the sofa. “I love you, Dan. I just think it’s time to let all those childish things go. We’re adults.” He ran his fingers on Dan’s chin gently. “And you, my love, need a shave.”
 Dan frowned; he felt so lost. He wanted to run. He was fed up with all the constrictions, the responsibilities, the eternal office hours and society’s demands on how he should behave. He just wanted to be happy, even for a little while. Why wasn’t that allowed? Why didn’t he have the right to play videogames and wear stupid pyjamas and have fun? He let out a heavy sigh. He felt so drained all of a sudden; if he’d had any energy, he would’ve cried, but he put on a little smile instead. “Could you shave me?” He asked. 
 Richard smiled widely. “Of course, love. Go change and meet me in the bathroom.”
 Dan smiled a little wider and went into their bedroom. It was their little thing, Richard liked to take care of Dan and Dan took care of him too. Maybe he was right, maybe Dan needed to stop wasting time. 
 Dan grabbed his pizza themed pyjamas, but then he shook his head, choosing to put on his Armani pair instead. Then, he grabbed all of his dorky pyjamas and video games and went into the kitchen; he stood beside the rubbish bin for a minute, finally shoving them in before he could regret his decision. The anime would be next, but that was a task for another day.
 He let Richard shave him, lost in thought with his head resting back on the chair. “Do you ever think about switching careers?”
 Richard raised an eyebrow at him and continued slowly dragging the razor on his chin.“No, of course not. Why?”
 “Sometimes I think this is killing my soul, like I’m slowly wasting away.”
 Richard stilled his hands. “Don’t be silly! And what would you do?” He asked with a smile before continuing.
 “I don’t know. I used to act; I’ve always loved theatre and comedy… something related to art, I guess.”
 Richard clucked his tongue and rolled his eyes with an amused smile. “Of course,” he kissed Dan’s head. “Tell you what, if you still want to do that when we retire, I will support you. What do you think?”
 Dan sank in his chair feeling even more empty than before. “Yeah, you’re right.” In a way, he was always acting to be the version of him that everyone expected.
 He stayed up until 4 that night, watching stand up comedy specials and dreaming of a better life that would never come. Maybe achieving your dreams was not all that people made it out to be. He wished he would have allowed himself to make mistakes, but now it was too late. He should have dropped out when he got the chance. Now he was trapped.
 Trapped was the first word clearly standing out in the jumbled mess that was Dan’s thoughts when he woke up.  He opened his eyes and tried to focus on his surroundings. He felt paralyzed, unable to move a single muscle, and a dull feeling of panic enveloped him like a heavy blanket, suffocating him; it rested on his chest like a boulder and made it hard to breathe. ‘Is this sleep paralysis?’. He blinked repeatedly, trying to make sense of the situation, until his eyes finally found what he sluggishly identified as source of his predicament: A very cuddly, sleeping Phil. 
 He was draped over Dan almost completely, his arms tightly wrapped around him and one of his legs tangled in Dan’s.
 Dan tried to move his feet, but that only caused him pins and needles. Disrupted by the movement, Phil wrapped his leg over his and hooked his foot behind his knee.
 Unable to contain himself, Dan snorted. Even in his sleep, Phil wanted to stake his claim on him. Dan sighed - he really loved that silly goose. Unbeknownst to most, Phil was also a cover hogger, which often left Dan feeling cold and vengeful. 
 Taking advantage of Phil’s state, he did the only thing he could think of: he rolled them back onto Phil’s side of the bed and smiled. Now it was his turn to wrap himself around Phil tightly and enjoy the warmth, but he used the covers to shelter them both from the chilly morning air. 
 The first rays of sun peeked above the horizon and Dan couldn’t help but feel incredibly grateful that he had pursued his career with Phil at his side - Phil, his partner in crime, his number one supporter, his companion through life. They had been a great duo for so many years, allowing them to grow as a pair but also as individuals in a secure environment. Now they got to stand beside each other in support and pride. 
 Phil hummed in his sleep as Dan caressed his arms softly, feeling the texture of the hairs there. It felt rough but comforting, like the pavement under the palm after a fall, reminding him he was still alive - overall, it felt real. It reminded him that even though his life felt like a dream, like a fairy-tale someone had written about his life, that was not what it was. It was his reality, no matter how unbelievable it seemed. 
 He sighed. This is what he wanted now. Cuddles in bed with his boyfriend, a career in a field he truly enjoyed, he truly felt himself in, and respect from the people in his life. He had it all, and he was well aware that without Phil’s love, support and encouragement he never would have made it. “Thank you,” he whispered into the quiet of the room, the words building up in his throat and breaking free entirely without his consent.
 “Mm?” Phil mumbled, not opening his eyes, obviously still in his dreamland.
 “Nothing, go back to sleep.” Dan smiled.
 “K. Make me breakfast.” Phil requested, clearly still asleep. “Don’t - let the unicorn eat Norman.”
“Ok, I won’t,” Dan said, dropping a kiss to his chest and settling back to sleep with a sigh. 
 A fine snowfall accompanied his trip through familiar streets, but even the delicate, white flakes did little to turn the scenery more pleasing. They couldn’t cover the piles of old snow at the side of the road, the dirt making them look like a brown slush that just served to make Dan’s inner child very sad. 
 He still remembered when his dad filled his room with artificial snow for his birthday and they had an amazing time playing in it; their laughter had woken up his mom and baby brother who had joined their games. Everything had been perfectly white, but no such luck today.
 Returning to the family home for christmas was always an emotional ordeal and this time was no different. 
 He sighed happily, wiping off the taxi window with his finger to be able to see out. He couldn’t wait to see them all. Once the car reached its destination, he paid the driver and dragged his suitcase out of the trunk. Before he could make it to the door, his dad stepped out, smiling widely and ready to take his suitcase - not without giving him a hug first, though.
 “Hello, son. How was the trip?” his dad asked, already dragging the suitcase to the door.
 Dan shoved his hands in his pockets to shield them from the cold and smiled. “It was good, thank you. Where’s Mum?”
 “In the kitchen with grandma. Adrian went for a run in the woods with Colin.”
 Dan shook his head fondly. “Same as usual then. Popsy? Watching the TV?”
 His Dad laughed. “Yes, I’m afraid.” 
 They made their way inside and shut the door behind them. Robert took the suitcase upstairs while Dan shook his granddad’s hand and went to the kitchen to greet the rest of the family and receive some hugs. He had been craving them more than ever lately. 
 “Oh, Daniel, it’s so good to see you. Come here,” his grandma said, opening her arms for a hug. 
 Dan hugged her tightly. “Hi, I missed you so much.” He never wanted to let go. It was silly, but he felt emotional at being able to see his family again after six months. 
 “That’s easy enough to solve, come visit more often!” his mum said, her arms stretched for an embrace already. 
 Dan hugged her and placed his chin atop her head. “Hi, mummy. How are you?” 
 “Quite well, my dear, but we were looking for someone to help us with the cookies!” she said, stepping away and rubbing his arm. 
 Dan sighed and rolled his eyes with an amused smile. “Ok, but I want real butter.”
 “Ok, she laughed. “It’s in the fridge, let it soften on the counter.” 
 Dan nodded and started to work on the recipe he had been taught so many years ago. At this point it was more a matter of muscle memory than thinking, so he relaxed into his baker role. 
 His grandma placed a hand on his arm trying to get his attention. “Daniel, how is this semester going? Did you get the extension you wanted on that paper?” 
 “No.” He smiled tightly. “Everything is going well. I need to improve some grades but I think I can manage to keep my score.” 
 His mum scoffed. “Of course you can, you always do.” 
 “Certainly, that’s why we never worry about you. How is that boyfriend of yours doing?” 
 “Thank you, grandma.” He kissed her temple. “He is doing well, he is working on his thesis so he will be spending the holidays on campus.” 
 The conversation slowly dissolved but they continued to work in an enjoyable silence. 
 Once the tray was in the oven, Dan finally decided to go back to his old room and flopped onto the bed. He huffed and sat back up, reaching for his suitcase and getting his laptop out. 
 He settled against the headboard and pulled up the latest video from his favourite youtuber, amazingphil. Phil was so gorgeous and fun and smart. Sometimes Dan wondered what would’ve happened if he had actually replied to him on twitter. Sending that dm had been risky enough, so he had dropped it immediately. Besides, he’d had a boyfriend at the time. There had been no reason to go looking for someone else; it wasn’t like Dan to do something like that.
 Dan pouted, ‘Would we have gotten along? What if we would’ve actually become boyfriends?’ He snorted. That was ridiculous. It’s not like someone famous like Phil was going to be interested in Dan, and he had to go to Uni anyway. Once he arrived at campus and settled in, he felt less lonely. It was at university that he opened his heart again and met his current boyfriend. He pressed his lips into a line thinking about the horrible breakup with the previous one. Dan didn’t even like to mention him by name so everyone called him “Voldemort.”
 ’Would Phil have cheated on me? Would have he broken my heart?’ 
 Dan left his computer on the bed beside him and laid down, looking around at the rainbow decorations, some put up by him, some added by his mum after he left. The pictures of them at Pride as a family were his favourites, he was tempted to bring them back to campus with him.
 He was already dreading going back. Oh, how he wished he would’ve stayed a happy child forever, but the older he got the more his loving family expected of him. He was the first child, pampered to no end, every opportunity at his fingertips, and they expected nothing but the best from him. They told him that often enough. 
 They didn’t demand it of him, they just expected it, out of love and support for him. In his family’s eyes, there was nothing wrong that Dan could do, and failing uni was one of those things. So many times during high school he had secretly pulled all nighters to keep his grades up, but now, at university, it was completely different. He felt like he was constantly trying to catch up but he never did. 
 Every single aspect of his life was crumbling, his grades, his health, his relationship and… his mental health. He didn’t have a reason to be sad, he knew that. So many kids wished they had what he’d had all his life, but he was still struggling. He was caving under the pressure, it was pathetic. 
 His boyfriend was going to break up with him, he could feel it coming. His family had been so disappointed when his highschool boyfriend dumped him right before Christmas, they had had to return his presents and all. And now, they had a family vacation coming shortly but it seemed like Dan couldn’t hold a man - or find the right one - he didn’t know anymore.
 His phone dinged, he checked the notification wearily. It was his boyfriend. “This is not working, Dan. I think we need to talk.”
 There it was. Of course, he waited until Dan was away to do this. Dan felt like he was hyperventilating and for a moment he thought that he was going to faint but instead, he started sobbing. Everything looked hazy but he could make out the water coming in from all the windows and doors flooding his room the more he cried. He was drowning in his own sorrows. He stood in an attempt to escape, but before he could even call for help, he found himself in a lake, kicking, trying to swim towards the surface, but he could never reach it. His lungs hurt more and more with every passing second. 
 “Dan? Dan!” a comforting voice called him, he swam to it. A ray of light broke through the water. 
 “Dan, wake up,” the voice whispered.
 Phil brushed his lips against Dan’s face. Dan was crying in his sleep so Phil shushed him and tried to chase the tears away, leaving a trail of kisses as he whispered: “As long as I’m here no one can hurt you.”
 Dan stirred awake and held onto him, continuing to sob so desperately it scared even himself. Sadness rested on his chest like a body of water, like he was trapped at the sombre bottom of the ocean, slowly but steadily getting crushed by the pressure. 
 “What’s wrong?” 
 Dan shook his head and kept on weeping, clutching at Phil for dear life, as if he was the anchor that kept himself from floating away, from sinking even further down into the darkness.
 “Dan, talk to me. Please, you’re worrying me.”
 “Sorry,” Dan tried to let out between his sobs. He struggled to get a grip of himself, to calm himself down, but it still took him a few minutes. 
 “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Phil pressed their foreheads together. 
 Dan swallowed, but nodded. “I had another dream.” He settled onto Phil’s chest, both for comfort and to avoid the piercing stare that only served to rile him up further. 
 “A nightmare.”
 “Mhm. I was home for christmas and everything was perfect.” 
 “That doesn’t sound too bad, what happened?” 
 “They loved me, and accepted me and they thought I was the smartest guy ever.” 
 Phil hummed but let him continue. 
 “In the end, the pressure became too much. Even the fact that they accepted my boyfriend turned into something else they could judge me on.” He sighed and finally met Phil’s eyes. “And the worst part was that I never messaged you back on twitter. We never met. I kept bouncing from one unhappy relationship to another.”
 Phil raised his eyebrows at him but said nothing. 
 “So this boyfriend started to break up with me over text -” 
 This time, Phil interrupted him. “Ouch.” 
 Dan smiled softly. “Yeah, so I started crying and my room flooded. Water kept coming in from everywhere and then it turned into a lake, so I tried to swim but I couldn’t. I was about to drown, but then you called me and I followed your voice. It was like a ray of sunshine flickering through the water.”
 Phil grinned and tightened his hold on Dan. “I knew you loved me. So, what does it mean?” 
 “I think it relates to the other dreams - or nightmares. In each of them I get things I wanted throughout my life so I end up in a very different place than I am right now.” 
 “Would that be so bad?” Phil asked him. 
 “Yes. Everything is as it should be. If I could go back in time, I would do it all over again. There is no life I would rather have than what we have right now.” 
 “I love you so much,” Phil said and kissed him oh so sweetly, their lips barely touching, just letting them rest on his with the weight of a feather. 
 “Love you,” Dan mumbled into the kiss. And he did, he really did. As long as he had Phil’s love and support, he had everything he wanted. 
29 notes · View notes
teetlesandnimjas · 4 years
What if in the explosion the brothers got separated?
This is a villain turtle au- if you don’t want to read it you can scroll past! I know it’s a cliche concept but it was fun! And I like doing my own spin on things.
(Note in this au when they’re mutated they are a little older, young kids, as this idea wouldn’t work if they weren’t SEMI competent. They’re still 13, 14, and 15 in modern times, but when they’re first mutated Mikey is 3, Leo and Donnie are 4, and Raph is 5)
Donnie: got scooped up by Draxum in the end, and works as his assistant first, son second. He has a similar position to Foot Recruit; despite being fully capable of actually being useful, he is treated with little respect and does mundane tasks like running errands and fixing random, broken objects. He is trained constantly but is told over and over again that he is “not good enough” yet. Despite this he puts his heart into everything he does. Broken clock? Sure he’ll fix it and it’s got LAZERS now! This causes him to accidentally make problems, and Draxum thinks that Donnie is “a complete and udder fool” which is further from the truth. Villain Donnie is a lot like canon Donnie personality wise but a bit more serious. He does not approve of Draxum’s use of mystic powers, and resents using them himself. He refuses the axe Draxum tries to give him. Draxum has little regard for what Donnie thinks and does, and therefore has an awful relationship with him. And yknow Donnie’s abandonment and self-worth issues? Yeah crank that up to 11. Basically Donnie hates Draxum and the Mystic City, and the Shredder going rouge is the last straw. “WATCH ME! ILL WIPE OUT THE HUMAN THREAT WITHOUT YOUR STUPID MAGIC! YOU HEAR ME BARON DRAXUM- I DEFY YOU!”
Leo: made his way to New York via Senior Hueso. Originally I was going to have him raised by Hueso but then realized it wouldn’t make a lot of sense- so Senior Hueso picks baby Leo up off the streets but ever the wanderer Leo walks right through the GIANT PORTAL IN THE WALL. From there Foot Brute, attempting and failing to find members for the clan, picks up this tiny, promising turtle off the street. “What is that thing?” “I dunno but he’s cute- and we’re in need of members” “That is an actual child” “so?” And then Leo is raised by his two dad- I mean sensei. I put raised lightly. He was treated better than Donnie but he was never given a lot of attention, and therefore turned to causing trouble to get attention. And not just from his dads, from anyone he can. Causing mischief in the city actually helped him in his training, as he became very skilled at sneaking, fighting, and stealing. He butts heads with Foot Recruit a lot because of his constant need for approval and attention. She finds him genuinely annoying while he just views it as “playful teasing.” That comes back to bite him the butt upon meeting Donnie, who comes along to help make form the Shredder armor, but he does not want to be there. Forced to work together, Donnie gets sick of Leo’s crap real fast but they don’t really hate each other, but in the moment they needed to play it off like they did and therefore gave the impression to the other that they DID hate them. Confusing, I know. Draxum tries and fails on multiple occasions to nab Leo but if he does he realizes it’ll put a major dent in his plans. So he forbids Donnie to speak to Leo. But no one stops Leo from talking to him. But Donnie’s coldness and Leo’s cruel banter really doesn’t help them get along. The moment Shredder goes rogue and the Foot Clan collapses, Leo flees in fear. “What if” this and “what if” that but mostly because he tried to take out Shredder and ruined his clan name. But even on the street, Leo remains the same annoying, much more cruel and dark humored mutant.
Mikey: Got scooped up by the Mud Dogs and taken to Big Mama, dragging only Lou’s glasses with him since even as a toddler he picked up anything shiny he saw. I plan to draw the interaction between tiny Mikey and the Dogs (and how Mikey got his name in this au) but that’s a surprise. Anyways pretty quickly he got entered in the Battle Nexus. Think about the appeal that fight would have! Just a couple years of training and then bam! “Introducing Hakka-gu! Our youngest fighter ever- only 8 years old!” And having natural talent and capabilities he was an instant hit. And he wasn’t treated horribly, after all Big Mama couldn’t risk one of her most profitable champions running away. But he is still treated as nothing but that- a profit, a marketable product. No one calls him his real name anymore, no one cares about him, just his capabilities. When he gets injured it isnt “are you okay?” It’s “is your body okay?” And sometimes he’s treated like an idiot- especially by Big Mama. He was never taught language and has very botched speaking patterns because “intelligence isnt important for a champion.” Well eventually he has enough of that, and through a bloodbath, he is able to escape to New York. Now he’ll get respect- he’ll make them respect him. But he gets quickly spotted by the Foot Clan and Draxum, as he’s in the way. Upon finding out about the plans to wipe out humans, he knows he has to stop them. Who can respect him if THESE GUYS wanna take over the world? He’s not getting mistreated again. But when the Shredder goes rogue he panics- he cant stop it but... he knows who can. He goes crawling back to Big Mama and strikes a deal. A better champion. Better than him. And she takes it, although in the end she makes some... alterations to the deal. But this doesn’t stop his quest for respect, and he ultimately heads back to New York.
Raph: Savage! He’s alone, a young child who doesn’t know where to go. He panics, and rampages all the way to New York. After a good, long, temper-tantrum, he finds himself in an alleyway, climbing into a sewer. And there he eats rats, he sets up a not-so-homely-home for himself. He flashes in and out of his anger, but he is almost always emotional and looking for some sort of control in his life. He gets that through rampages, causing destruction in any way he can. Usually he doesn’t make TOO much of a mess but he’s brought down a few buildings in his time. Eventually, upon seeing a rampaging demon-armor in the streets and seeing 2 figures trying to stop it (at this point Mikey is getting Big Mama) he realizes there are others out there like him. And then begins a struggle for control not over the world, but over himself too. There are times he gains control and although lonely, he knows he must learn. He learns English in flickers, and it isn’t perfect, but he can communicate. He can talk to them. Now he just needs to stop hurting them.
Extra notes:
In this au the only one with their weapon is Donnie. Mikey and Leo are skilled with the weapons they have in canon (the Ōdachi and Kusari-fundo) but they do not have mystic powers. Raph is... well... Raph. He can’t fight with weapons well but he can pack a punch.
Mikey is still a chef and artist, taking a liking to the ability to create, but just like with everything else he “needs to focus on his fights” so he can’t have interests. A kid like Mikey HATES this and any time he can he sneaks away to bake and draw. Usually this is at 2 am.
Leo has anxiety. The minute something not in the plan happens, or a loud noise, or having to talk to someone without a script, he goes into fight-or-flight mode. He often finds that the answer is to fight.
Raph is not necessarily evil- he is an antagonist but he is not evil. He simply has no control and lashes out at everything. That’s why he stays in the sewers. Nothing down there’s moves other than rats, bugs, and the water. But he has to get violent urges out some how.
April is a reporter-in-training in the au, as she never met the turtles until after the Shredder incident. She’s immediately interested in it, as she is everything “supernatural” and she gets dangerously close to some of their fights. I don’t know how they meet yet or if she becomes friends with any of them.
After the Shredder incident, the only thing stopping each turtle from destroying New York is each other. Seriously. They keep getting in each other’s ways because “I want to take over the world, not THEM!”
They all have certain villain stereotypes. Donnie is sort of a mad scientist, Leo is a teasing, monologging villain, Mikey acts like a nut case but has a certain intelligence to him, and Raph appears as a total destroyer.
In the end they get redeemed and find out they’re family, but it takes a while. Mikey is the one to hunt down Draxum, while Leo stalks him. Upon finding this out, having 3 out of 4 looking for each other, they find each other pretty fast. And there’s a big dramatic apology scene with all 3 of them, and at first Donnie thinks they’re conspiring against him and ambushes them but is only met with three harmless turtles who refuse to fight him. They tell him what the deal is and Donnie is shocked. And then he’s pissed. “WHY DIDNT DRAXUM TELL ME!? YOURE LYING! LIARS! NO!” In the end he realizes the truth, but it takes a little “talk” with Draxum. And then Donnie nearly commits murder. Don’t worry they stop him. But there’s no Draxum redemption arc because Donnie would continuously try to commit a felony. April is also somewhere in there and like gives the brothers goodness lessons but idk where that fits in I’m still working this out shajajajajaj
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