#this does seem to come up a fair amount huh
aroeddiediaz · 2 months
7x04 Coda
Sprained ankles hurt. Eddie shouldn’t be as surprised as he is by the pain, because he knows all too well that the amount of pain injuries feel like is almost inverse with the actual damage they cause. A shot from a sniper felt like almost nothing, while a stubbed toe sends ricochets up his spine.
But that’s nothing compared to the encroaching feeling of dread as Eddie thinks back on his interactions with Buck over the last two weeks, and what might have caused his best friend to lash out at him.
“I think we fucked up,” he grumbles to Tommy, who gives him a quick glance before returning his attention to the road.
“You mean with Evan?” Tommy says.
Evan. That was kind of weird, right? Eddie had only ever heard Buck’s sister and parents call him by his first name before. He’d only used the name once himself, when he told Buck about his will.
But Buck hadn’t corrected Tommy on it, so he must not mind, Eddie supposes.
Eddie shakes that stray thought away.
“Yeah,” he continues, even though talking kind of hurts right now. That didn’t seem fair, it’s Eddie’s ankle that’s injured, not his lungs. “I mean, with me kind of blowing him off to come to that karaoke night… and the UFC fight in Vegas… and the pickup game…”
Looking back on it now, Eddie’s not sure when it all got so out of hand. He and Tommy had hit it off on the Coast Guard ride back to LA, while Buck was off checking in with Bobby and Athena. He’d been so excited as they shared their similar interests and history- army, MMA, old cars- that he’d immediately made plans to hang out. When Tommy mentioned that he could get them rinkside tickets in Vegas, Eddie had jumped on it immediately. He didn’t even think about mentioning it to Buck.
And the babysitting thing… Eddie kind of wants to curl up thinking back to the strange face Buck had made when Eddie asked him to watch over Chris. Buck usually loved hanging out with Chris, even volunteering for it when Eddie mentioned having plans, so he didn’t think twice about asking it of him. He should have known.
“Ooh, yeah.” Tommy lets out a whistle. “We did fuck up, huh. Could have at least invited him to muay thai after the match.”
Eddie laughs a little, strained by the pain and the stirrings of shame. “Buck doesn’t know muay thai. Just boxing.”
“Yeah?” There’s a funny tone to Tommy’s voice. “Maybe we should teach him.”
Eddie does a careful rotation of his inflamed joint. The stretch does help ease the pain a little. “Maybe you should offer him lessons,” he says. “I’m gonna be out of commission for a little bit.”
Tommy glances at him again. A slightly longer one, with them stopped at a red light, kind of searching. “You think he’d be interested in learning from me?”
“Oh yeah. You’re great. And Buck’s a quick study for sure.” Eddie glances out the window, and sees the urgent care clinic sign just past the intersection. “Actually, you think you could do me a favor?”
The light turns green. Tommy drives forward. “Of course.”
“Could you talk to Buck for me?” Eddie asks. “I’m sure he’s feeling all sorts of guilty right now, and it’s not his fault. He just got a little too aggressive at the game.”
It’s really too bad. Buck’s really good at basketball, for someone who hates the game so much. Eddie’s sure he’ll never get Buck to touch a ball again.
“Uh, yeah,” Tommy says, slowly, as he pulls up into the parking lot. “If you’re sure you want me to speak with him.”
Eddie nods. “He’s probably licking his wounds at his loft right now, and he’ll need a bit of a kick in the pants before he comes to see me. I trust you.”
Tommy chuckles a little. “Alright, then. I’ll swing by his place in the morning, before my shift, check in on him for you.”
That’s a relief. They find a parking spot close to the clinic entrance, and Eddie hisses a little as he opens the door and swings his legs out. He needs to be more considerate of Buck’s feelings, going forward. He has the sinking feeling that he’s started to take him for granted.
He’ll have to pay him more attention.
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moonswolfie · 9 months
You get caught by the sibling
Originally I was gonna write this for Lev but then I realised that I want to write this scenario for a fair amount of haikyuu boys so here we are (I decided to do characters who's siblings appear in the anime/manga excluding the miya twins and hoshiumi, sorry hoshiumi 😔)
I wanna write more for my boi hirugami, I just KNOW everyone's gonna be simping for him once the movies come out
CW: reader is gender neutral, I use the phrase "nii chan" cuz bro/brother sounds awkward, I use a name insert, some manga spoilers
Characters featured: Lev, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Hirugami
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˚ ༘ ೀLev Haiba
You were staying over at your boyfriend's place for the first time, and his family had been nothing but welcoming of you. They're all really sweet and excitable people, just like Lev himself.
That made you relieved, since you were scared his parents would be super strict or something, although that would be a little strange considering Lev's carefree behaviour.
Right now, you were sitting in his room in awkward silence. His room was surprisingly clean, you noted while looking around. (Alisa later informed you that he spent 3 hours cleaning his room before you arrived.)
"Hey, ummm..." you turned to him. He was looking off into a corner, eyes avoiding you nervously and a cute pink blush on his cheeks. He never usually acts like this. He isn't one to get nervous when asking for physical affection. He just asks you to hug him or hold his hand straight up. Or he just does it without even asking.
So that got you curious. "Yes?"
"Can I kiss you?" he asked, eyes shifting to you. He looked excited, looking at you with wide eyes and a smile, waiting for your answer.
"HUH?!" that was the thing you expected to hear the least.
"Hey, don't be so loud! I don't want anyone to come here right now..." he said, a pretty pout on his face. You just stared at him, wide eyed.
You noticed his body slightly trembling, probably from trying to contain his excitement and nervousness.
"Let's... do it." you said, clenching his blanket in your hand nervously.
At your confirmation, he made a noise of excitement, smiling widely like an innocent boy whose mom let him get candy while grocery shopping.
"Okay. Sit still..!" he instructed, awkwardly grabbing your arms. You closed your eyes, too nervous to look at him lean in. The bed made a noise as he shifted closer, and you soon felt his breath against your face. You were sure he could hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"Levochka~ I came to- Oh my!"
Your eyes opened immediately, and you spun your head around to find a surprised Alisa at the door. You didn't see it, but Lev looked equally shocked.
"THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Lev shouted nervously.
"Ah, I'll come back later~ Have fun!" Alisa smiled cheekily and closed the door. Your head slowly turned back to him, and he looked both embarrased and annoyed.
"Damn it, and I was so close..." he mumbled.
"...You can still do it, you know?" you said, looking down at his blanket. There was an awkward tension in the room.
"Not now that the mood is ruined!" he grabbed his head in frustration, blushing wildly.
"Later, then." you shrugged, blushing wildly yourself.
˚ ༘ ೀHinata Shoyo
You were helping Hinata with his summer break homework, solving it together in his room. He thanked you excessively when you agreed to come over, but you could never refuse an opportunity to come over to his house anyways.
His mom was really nice and even brought you two cookies. Natsu seemed excited to see you, as she always is. She even asked you to play with her, but Hinata's mom explained why you came over and she had the cutest pout on her face after.
After a while, you two were finally done with the homework, and he looked over to you, an idea flashing in his eyes before his cheeks turned pink. He was avoiding your gaze nervously. You tilted your head slightly, curious about his behaviour.
"So, ummm... since you've come over and, uhhh, helped me and everything... I-I wanted to thank you." Hinata was bright red at this point and seemed really nervous.
You hummed in question, waiting patiently for him to continue.
"W-With a kiss..." he mumbled quietly, probably too embarrased to say it louder, but you still heard him. You giggled a little at how cute he was.
"That's the best form of thank you I can possibly get." you couldn't contain your smile. You saw him tremble a little in excitement, and he scooted closer to you.
"O-Okay... I'll do it n-now..." he whispered, and you closed your eyes, knowing that he would get nervous if you kept looking at him.
You felt his lips press gently against yours, and you felt his hair brush against your forehead. You didn't kiss Hinata often yet, so every time it did happen it felt special, exciting.
"Nii-chan, let's go play with your...EW!" Natsu slid open the door to Hinata's room without warning, scrunching her little face up in disgust when she noticed what you two were doing.
"Nacchan! I-" Hinata scrambled away from you, stumbling over his words and not finishing the sentence.
"I'M TELLING MOM!" Natsu yelled, running away without closing the door. Hinata was too shocked to move, but soon swiftly got up, face scarlet red. "No, Nacchan, wait!" he ran after her.
You could hear Natsu tattling "MOM! NII-CHAN IS KISSING [NAME]!" downstairs with Hinata nervously denying it, attempting to do damage control. You could hear Hinata's mom chuckling at the scene, too.
To be fair, you were laughing right now as well. Whether it was from embarrasment or amusement, you're not sure.
˚ ༘ ೀKageyama Tobio
Kageyama randomly invited you over today, saying he was home alone. You knew his parents are often busy, but his sister was usually home with him, so this was quite the opportunity.
Knowing Kageyama, you were sure he didn't invite you over to do anything weird and simply wanted to spend time with you alone since things tend to get awkward when his family is around.
That being said, all you were doing was sitting in his room in silence. It didn't really feel uncomfortable, though. You have a feeling Kageyama simply enjoys being in your presence and doesn't feel the need to talk around you. Either that or he's just awkward.
Suddenly, you felt your hand being grabbed roughly, and you looked to your left to see Kageyama looking at you with strange determination. You haven't ever seen him make this kind of face, not even during a volleyball match.
"...Tobio?" you questioned, confused by his behaviour.
"Kiss me." he choked out, furrowing his brows.
"Uhhh, what?" you raised your eyebrows in disbelief. There's no way he just said what you think he said. Where is this even coming from?!
"I said, kiss me." Kageyama grit his teeth, face completely red now. You have a feeling he just doesn't know how to ask for a kiss properly, holding back your giggles as you let him do what he wants.
He grabbed your upper arms, and you let your eyes shut. You felt his breath on your face, lips so close to touching, when you suddenly heard a gasp.
"Tobio-chan, you little charmer~" Miwa leaned on the doorframe, smirking mischeviously. You covered your mouth with both of your hands, eyes wide as you moved away from Tobio.
"Why are you home?!" Kageyama yelled, mortified. He immediately let go of your arms.
"Work ended early. And there's no way we aren't talking about this later." Miwa seemed awfully amused. Kageyama huffed in annoyance at getting his opportunity to kiss you ruined.
"Oh, and by the way, you were doing it wrong. I'll teach you how to kiss the right way later." she said, closing the door behind her. There was complete silence in his room for a long time after that.
You turned to Kageyama, who was still red all over, gently taking his hand. "Tobio, I-"
"Don't. D-Don't say anything." he said quietly, his hand wriggling out of your gentle grip. Oh well, gazing at a flustered Kageyama is also a great activity.
But you can't help but worry about what Kageyama will do with Miwa's advice.
After his parents found out he has a partner, they incessantly kept asking him to meet you. In their own words, they wanted to "know what kind of person would fall in love with a kid like Kei". And you couldn't really blame them, knowing Tsukishima.
˚ ༘ ೀTsukishima Kei
They were pleasant to you, treating you well and even letting you stay over for dinner. You were a little surprised at how different they are from Tsukishima.
He took you to his room as soon as possible, wanting to avoid his mom questioning how you two ended up together, what he's like around you and such.
His room looked about the same as you expected, and he let you sit down on his bed, joining you.
"Your family is so nice! I wonder how they managed to get a grumpy boy like you mixed in there." you commented, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes, that being the only answer you got.
You didn't really know what else to say, so you just sat next to him in awkward silence. Then, you suddenly got an idea. A very very fun idea.
"Kei." you said, leaning forwards. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, waiting for you to continue. "Let's kiss." you said in an excited tone, and his lips pursed, face remaining blank.
"And why?" he asked, turning his head to you.
"Don't couples do that all the time?" you tilted your head, acting innocent. He sighed.
"...Fine." he acted like this was a pain to do, but you didn't miss the tiny sliver of a smile on his face. He was definitely excited right now. You leaned close and accidentally bumped your nose against his glasses.
"Be careful, those are- mmph..." you pressed your lips to his before he could finish his sentence, trying not to smile too hard into the kiss. This feels awesome!
His arm slowly wrapped around you, deepening the affection.
"Kei, mom says that- Ah!" you quickly broke the kiss to find Tsukishima's brother, Akiteru, standing at the door, frozen in shock.
"Well.... This is unexpected. I'm glad you two are happy together?" he said, awkward smile on his face. He slowly moved to close the door, not wanting to disrupt you further but just before he did it, Tsukishima stopped him.
"If you ever tell anyone about this, I will murder you." he said, furrowing his brows. The door opened again slightly, Akiteru wearing a worried smile on his face in the crack of the door.
"I won't, calm down. Just what do you think of me?" he assured him before shutting the door. As you sat there, processing what just happened, Tsukishima slowly brought his hands to his face, pushing his glasses up to his forehead. He groaned loudly into his hands.
"Are you okay?" you asked cautiously, blushing yourself.
"Do I look okay to you? Of course not." he pinched the bridge of his nose, face red.
You came over to your boyfriend's house for another study session this week. Exam season has been wild this year and you're eternally grateful for his help in your studies.
˚ ༘ ೀHirugami Sachiro
His family welcomed you upon your arrival as usual, the dog being especially happy to see you. The two of you are taking a break from studying just now, talking about various things in his room.
You suddenly felt the need to be close to him out of nowhere, wordlessly settling on his lap and hugging him. "Oh? Why are you hugging me?" he asked calmly.
"Do I need a reason?" you mumbled against him. "I guess not." he responded, gently placing an arm around you.
You looked up at him, not even trying to disguise the fact that you were staring at his lips. He raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly.
"Can I...?" you asked gently, not removing your gaze from his lips. He chuckled, asking "Can you what?"
He definitely knew what you were asking for, but just wanted to tease you a bit. You pouted, grumbling "I know you know what I mean." His smile became wider. "You're right, as always."
Before you could ask again, he gently pressed his lips against yours, and you hummed happily, squeezing him in your hold. His other hand gently moved to your face, holding it.
"Now what's this I see?" you were interrupted by Hirugami's older sister, standing at the door with an amused smile on her face. "You hate when my boyfriend is lovey dovey with me, but it's fine when you do it?"
Hirugami let out an annoyed sigh. "I hate your boyfriend because he's getting lovey dovey with you in front of me. I atleast do it in private."
"Jeez, okay then, you prude." his sister narrowed her eyes.
"I'm not a prude, I just prefer to not make others uncomfortable by making out with my partner in the living room." Hirugami still had a calm smile on his face, which made his sister even more annoyed.
"Whatever." his sister huffed, closing the door and walking off. When her footsteps could no longer be heard, he looked back at you with a slight frown on his face.
"Sorry about that. Where were we again?" he asked casually. It surprised you how calm he is about the whole thing, while you were turning red from the embarrasment of being caught.
"I... believe you were kissing me..." you mumbled.
"That's right." he said, cupping the side of your face.
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stormz369 · 3 months
The King of Hell and Me: Ch 4 - The Contract
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Chapter Guide Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
Summary: A witch summons Lucifer to earth to make a deal. Warnings: none I can think of? This is a generally sweet, fluffy chapter Word Count: 2.3k
Summoning the devil wasn't part of the plan. A demonic creature, yes, but the actual devil? The book didn't say anything about him. I was expecting to be dealing with an imp or some other kind of lower level Hellion. Someone with the power to do what I wanted, but not to completely fuck me over. Someone who'd take something I could spare. Not my soul.
The devil was also far less intimidating than I expected. He was a little on the short side, and far more human than I might have thought. Aside from the six glorious wings at his back, the least human things about him were his teeth and eyes; red and yellow, swirling with confusion and housing an ancient sorrow that seemed buried just below the surface. An unamused, but surprised look finally landed on me, knelt by the edge of the summoning circle. He made to move toward me, but was held in place by the ring of black salt. With a huff, he leaned back against the barrier, crossing his arms and observing me.
“... No one's summoned me to the mortal world in a long time. … You must be desperate.”
“I … I'll be honest, that wasn't supposed to happen, Sir … the book doesn't say anything about …” I fumbled through the book, rereading the spell. There was nothing to indicate who it called upon.
“Sir?” He chuckled, “well, that’s refreshing. Last time I was pulled into a summoning circle, the wretch had the nerve to call me ‘Dark Prince’ the whole time.”
I chuckled a bit awkwardly. “... Well, that's kind of a mouthful. If you don't mind, I think I'll stick with Mr. Morningstar?”
“Lucifer, please … but how did you know?”
“Aside from the snake and apple motifs you've got going on? You have six, very large, feathered wings. I might not be Christian, but I do know what angels are supposed to look like. … Sir.”
After a moment he let out a bark of a laugh, holding his sides. “Oh golly, you're entertaining! Alright, little witch. Whoever you were trying to summon, you've got me. So what deal were you trying to make?”
I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Now or never, I guess. “My best friend is ill, and the doctors have given up hope. …”
“You want to trade your soul for your friend's life?” He smiled gently.
“... Does it have to be my soul?”
A strange look passed over his beautiful face, and he considered me for a moment. “... Maybe we can come to another arrangement. … There is something I can't get in Hell, and you did bring me here.”
I nodded slowly, curious what Lucifer himself could possibly want from earth. “Yes?”
“... Only sinners end up in hell. I … I gave Eve that apple for her own benefit. To help her, and her children. So they could be better, be more … more. Not just animals, consumed by their instincts. But I’ve never seen any good come of it …”
“Oh … well that's not at all fair …” I frowned, looking up at him. “Especially considering how much good there is …’’
He cleared his throat, nodding a bit. “Right, so … if you show me some of that good, I'll heal your friend. Do we have a deal?”
“Huh? N- no, I don't just want my friend healed. I want a cure.”
“... Same thing?”
“No, Sir,-”
“... Lucifer, … the doctors don't know how to help her. Which means they don't know how to help anyone else with this illness either. I want my friend healed, but I also want there to be a cure for everyone else.”
A small smile slid across his lips. “... That amount of power will cost quite a bit more … but something tells me you're more than capable of paying the price.”
A crisp white scroll unfurled from his hand, gold ink scrawling across it before my eyes. I carefully took the paper in my hands, reading it carefully.
“... This says you decide when I've held up my side of the deal. How do I know you'll ever decide to pay up?”
He smirked a bit, sharp teeth glinting in the light. “You're a clever one. … Alright, as a show of good faith, I will heal your friend up front. … You earned that much at least.”
With a wave of his hand, the text changed. I reread the document and nodded. “... Thank you. Ok, where do I sign?”
A white feather quill appeared, and Lucifer took it. He tapped the end to his finger, and pulled away a trail of … liquid gold? He signed the bottom with a flourish, then offered me the quill.
“Touch it to the ring finger of your non-dominant hand, it will draw up a small amount of your blood to sign with.” He tapped the paper where I was to sign. 
I nodded, taking the quill, and placed it against my finger like he said. There was a brief, sharp, pain and when I pulled the quill away a trail of red followed. My finger appeared uninjured, but hurt like I had pricked it with a sewing needle. I signed where he indicated, and the summoning circle went up in flames, leaving no trace.
Lucifer smiled brightly, rolling up the scroll before he handed it to me. “Your contract, my lady.”
I took it, standing slowly. “... Thank you …”
He snapped his fingers, creating a crackle of energy throughout the room, and grinned. “There’s my side done, for now. So, how shall we start?”
It took me all afternoon to think on what to start with. While I made tea and thought about it, he entertained himself by looking through my books and movies. His wings disappeared as he sat on my couch, reading the back cover of a book.
“... Is this for entertainment, or documentation?” He held the book up to show me the cover.
“That’s historical fiction, so entertainment based loosely on fact. It's about the wives of Henry the Eighth. … Do you know about them? How much do you know about human history?”
He chuckled. “I do keep apprised of the major headlines up here, but I don't typically bother with anything more. … You derive entertainment out of the suffering of those women?”
I chuckled a bit, setting a teacup in front of him, and sitting on the other side of the couch. “I think most people who read stories about horrible events do so because they don't understand how such things happen. We have a certain … morbid fascination with cruelty. … But I think it's usually also about honoring the dead. … They suffered so horribly, but we remember them. We don't let the bad things that happened to them get swept under the rug.”
He took the tea, watching me. “... I see …. Well, what good is there in that?”
“Ever heard the phrase ‘those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it'?”
“You think remembering their pain will keep it at bay?”
“Something like that … can't avoid pain if you don't know what you're looking out for. Can't protect your loved ones unless you know what you're defending them against.”
He chuckled, sipping his tea. “I see…” He watched me, a curious look on his face. “So, any ideas yet?”
“Well, I was thinking we could start around town. You said it's been a while since you've been on earth?” He nodded, giving me a curious expression. “Then I think we ought to start with a little tour around town, so you can get acclimated. Maybe something will strike your fancy, yeah?”
“... You don't have to do that, you know.” A small frown slid across his face.
“Do what?”
“The tea, taking me on a tour … it's cute, but unnecessary.”
I set my teacup down, raising an eyebrow. “... Cute?”
“Trying to curry favor.” He frowned more.
A sharp laugh ripped out of me, and I covered my mouth. “... I'm sorry. … I'm not trying to ‘curry favor' with you, Lucifer. You're a guest in my home, you should be able to expect some basic hospitality. My grandma always said we should be hospitable to others, cause you never know when it'll make all the difference in their lives.”
He watched me for a moment and chuckled softly. “I don't think your grandmother meant you to be hospitable to the devil, little witch.”
“If my grandma were here right now, she would ask why I haven't set out any cookies. Sadly, I have none to offer you. But I was thinking we could stop for ice cream on our tour. There's a really cute local ice cream parlor, I'd say it definitely counts as something good people have done with free will.”
He blinked slowly. “... You are … not at all what I expected.”
“I could say the same thing about you.”
After a brief moment he smirked, standing up. “Where's this ice cream parlor?”
So I showed Lucifer around my little town. I took him to a playground where he could see happy families together. To a riverbank where my coven picked up litter and people went tubing and swimming. The ice cream parlor, and some other local businesses I liked. I bought him an ice cream cone, and a duck plushie he seemed particularly drawn to. He was hesitant to accept it, but once it was in his hands he held it to his chest, periodically stroking the tuft of fur on its head.
We walked in the sunshine, past schools and libraries. We watched a guitar player in a park, and got tacos from a food truck. And all day, I told him stories of kindness and generosity, big and small. Everything I could think of, from the Christmas truce in World War 1 to my brother's boss giving me free coffees when I pick him up from work. Any act of kindness I had experienced, seen, or heard of became an example of good things that happen because people have free will. 
When it started to get late I took him to my favorite place to watch the sunset. He sat beside me, still hugging the duck plushie, and watched the sun dip lower and lower, the sky turning brilliant shades of purple and red.
“So? Any thoughts?” I watched him think for a minute.
“... They're good stories. But there's one problem.”
“What's that?”
“... Most of it wouldn't be necessary if evil weren't so prevalent in the world.”
“... Well, … you can't have good without bad.”
“What?” He frowned, turning to me.
“Without knowing about bad, you wouldn't know about good either. You'd just have … middle. In order to know you like something you have to be able to compare it to something you don't like. Otherwise it would all just be. … Plus, when everything’s going worst is when we notice good things the most. Smaller kindnesses mean more when we're hurting.”
Lucifer looked back at the sunset, thinking. “... Why did you give me the duck?”
I chuckled softly. “You seemed to like it, and I could afford to get it for you. Everyone should get a souvenir when they take a trip.”
“So you weren't trying to get in good with the boss of Hell?”
“... Even though, by making a deal with me, you have condemned your soul to my realm when you die?”
“Anyone who thinks a duck plushie is going to buy them preferential treatment in hell is an idiot.” He gave me a skeptical look at that. “Lucifer, I swear, I only bought it for you because you seemed to like it.”
He thought for a minute, petting it absentmindedly again. “... You've held up your end of the bargain…”
“... But?”
“... When I finish my end, I go home. I can only be on earth for the time it takes to complete a deal. … I … I really enjoyed today.” As it got dark, his body started to glow with faint gold light. He looked up at the silver stars, and in that moment he seemed so sad, so delicate.
“... You know, I am asking for quite a lot … a cure for everyone with this disease, and all you get in return is some examples of kindness and an afternoon running around my town? … Maybe we could rework the contract.”
His eyes went wide as he turned to look at me. “... What did you have in mind?”
“... Well, you're not bad company. And I had a good day today too. We could do it again, if you wanted.”
Lucifer slowly grinned, and the contract was suddenly floating in front of me. An addendum was added to the bottom. Lucifer would send the necessary information to a doctor for the cure tonight, and once a month for the rest of my life, Lucifer would visit me wherever I was on earth. I would tell him more stories that showed what good has come of free will, and show him the good parts of life on earth.
I grinned, taking the quill that floated next to the scroll, and held it to my ring finger. A sharp pain later, I was signing at the bottom. Lucifer signed next to my name, his hand slightly shaking. “Alright … I'll see you again in one month then.”
I nodded. “I'm free on the third, if that works for you?”
He nodded. “The third. It's a date.”
With a snap of his fingers he was gone, and I knew some medical researcher somewhere was having the epiphany that would lead to the cure. In the meantime, I had a date with the devil to plan.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: The Cheshire Cat - Part 2
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Sakuya: Waah… they’re so cute!
Tsuzuru: Some of these cats are really tiny.
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Sakuya: Sorry for making you come with me.
Tsuzuru: Don’t worry about it, I came because I like being with you.
Sakuya: Thank you so much…!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Of course, I’ll help with anything I can!
Tsuzuru: Okay, right off the bat I guess, but… can you tell me what comes to your mind when you think about the Cheshire Cat?
Sakuya: Umm… right.
Sakuya: It’s kinda hard, but… I guess to sum it up in one word, freedom.
Sakuya: He’s just like a cat in that sense, he does as he pleases…
Tsuzuru: Alright, then… while we’re at it, how about you let me follow you around closely on a day that you spend freely in your own way?
Sakuya: Huh!? Follow me around closely?
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Sakuya: And spend my time freely… I know what those words mean, but what should I do?
Tsuzuru: Okay, maybe saying freely overcomplicates it, basically, you should just do whatever you want to do, Sakuya.
Tsuzuru: Like, go to someplace you want to go to or get something that you want to eat… and wherever that is, I’ll go along with you.
Sakuya: I see…
Sakuya: Okay, got it! I want to--.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Never thought you’d start off with a cat café, though.
Sakuya: Of course, I wanted to come here myself, but…
Sakuya: I thought it might be a good reference for my role as the Cheshire Cat.
Tsuzuru: That is true.
Tsuzuru: But anyway, even though it’s been a while since I’ve been to a cat café, it’s still just as healing as ever seeing the cats.
Sakuya: Hehe, it really is.
Cat A: Nya~.
Tsuzuru: Oh, that cat is looking at us.
Sakuya: C’mere.
Cat A: …Nya.
Sakuya: There you go. Come get pets…
Cat A: Purr.
Tsuzuru: Wow, that one’s so friendly. She looks so comfortable, and she’s purring too.
Tsuzuru: I’ll… try to interact with the cats over here, too. C’mere.
Cat B: …Mrw.
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Tsuzuru: Err… I’ll take that as a no. Maybe this little guy over here will let me pet him.
Cat C: Nya!
Tsuzuru: H-He ran away…!
Cat D: …
Tsuzuru: Oh, c’mere, buddy.
Cat D: Sniff-sniff…
Cat D: Mrow.
Tsuzuru: Hey! You seemed like you were a little interested in me.
Tsuzuru: Bet they were all super friendly before I showed up…
Sakuya: I-I’m sure they’ll warm up to you eventually!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Haaah, that was so fun…!
Sakuya: Going around the bookstore and seeing a performance by a theater company I’ve been interested in for a while after we went to the cat café…
Sakuya: It was all so interesting and really fulfilling!
Tsuzuru: Haha, it’s great, isn’t it?
Sakuya: And of course, our final stop to eat couldn’t be anywhere but here at Hanamura’s!
Shop Worker: Thank you for waiting. Here is your food.
Tsuzuru: Thank you.
Tsuzuru: Ooh, it looks as good as ever. Let’s dig in.
Sakuya: Yeah, let’s!
Tsuzuru: But like you were just saying, we sure did a lot today~.
Tsuzuru: Still can’t believe none of the cats ended up warming up to me. But I guess their I-do-what-I-want attitude is just one of the charms of cats.
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Sakuya: Umm… was all of that okay?
Tsuzuru: Huh?
Sakuya: Rather than feeling like I was acting freely, I kinda just felt like I was ordering you around, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru: Really? It didn’t feel like that at all to me.
Tsuzuru: I usually spend a fair amount hanging out with my younger brothers, so it was kinda just normal for me… at least, that’s how I felt.
Sakuya: Maybe for you that’s just an ordinary, everyday thing, but…
Sakuya: You came along with me to the places where I wanted to go, and now you’re having dinner with me.
Sakuya: So I’m really really happy and I had a lot of fun!
Tsuzuru: …
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun? Is something wrong?
Tsuzuru: No… I was just thinking something like that could be used for the script.
Sakuya: Really!?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Thanks for giving me an idea, and thanks for letting me follow you around so closely.
Sakuya: I’m happy to hear that! I can’t wait to see the script.
Sakuya: Mhmmhm… Hanamura’s napolitan is truly the best.
Tsuzuru: Ah, here, you’ve got ketchup on your lip.
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Sakuya: Wah, my bad…!
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viisoul · 1 year
{service!top!sanji (maybe?) , sub!reader(?) , m!receiving , f!giving , face fucking , voyeurism , sanji & his cute little nose bleeds<3}
sanji does everything in his power to make y/n feel loved, and especially doing the thing he does best. when y/n realizes it, she wants to show off her appreciation for sanji in a way that gets a good amount of blood rushing down his nose
"y/n, my dear! i have the dessert for you!" the familiar voice of sanji yelled out in a singsong voice, his long legs allowing him to take large steps as he twirled around with a plate in his hand.
y/n giggled as she watched sanji approach her with literal hearts in his eyes, a big smile on his lips. he'd finally reached her, gently placing the dish in her hands.
"thank you, sanji." she smiled.
"anything for you, my love!" he clasped his hands together, his heart eyes growing wider at her.
soon, a pouty-faced luffy came with his arms crossed.
"sanji! how come i can't get dess—?"
"because you don't need it." sanji cut him off with the most stoic expression, the blush on his cheeks disappearing and his heart eyes going dark.
"ugh! this is not fair!"
y/n laughed at him, soon leaning against sanji's shoulder.
"hey, sanji?"
"y-yes, darling?"
"if you have any leftover dessert, could you give it to luffy?" she whispered in his ear. "i'll give you a kiss if you do."
luffy watched as an unsettling amount of blood rushed down sanji's nostrils, a large grin growing on his face.
"of c-course, y/n!" and with that, he was rushing back to the kitchen.
"what'd you say?" luffy asked.
"oh, nothing important."
luffy raised a brow but decided not to question it anymore. he then walked away, probably headed to bother zoro or take a nap.
y/n decided to take that time to watch the clear blue water as she ate the treats that sanji made specially for her... and the leftovers he was going to give to luffy.
upon taking her first bites, she realize that sanji never disappointed her. he always cooked her meals and anything else she wanted with patience, precision, and of course his undying love.
maybe she'd give him more than a kiss to show him her appreciation.
after a while, everyone seemed satisfied. luffy got his dessert, y/n was happy with the dessert, and sanji was ecstatic by the fact that he'd gotten an invitation to her bedroom.
of course, it was probably just to talk about something that she couldn't bring herself to tell anyone else. after all, she'd always come to him before anyone else. she simply trusted sanji the most, and he promised to take her secrets to the grave unless said otherwise by her.
or possibly the fact that he still hadn't gotten his kiss from her yet.
still, he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander.
he knocked at her door, awaiting a response. it'd come quickly, along with the pretty face of y/n and her in that silk robe he insisted she'd look absolutely stunning in... and she did.
her lips curled into a smile.
"hey, sanji."
"heeeeey, y/n." he drawled, waving his hand as he blew smoke from his mouth.
"c'mere." she grabbed his hands, pulling him inside her bedroom.
he kicked her door closed, his pupils in the shape of hearts as he followed her to her bed.
"how are you?"
"i'm great~. what about you, my darling?"
"um... i'm good! i'm really glad to see you." she cupped his cheek, stroking his skin with her thumb.
he began to laugh like a fool head over heels in love, and a bit of blood began to fall from his nose.
"that's good."
"you remember how i told you i'd give you a kiss, right?"
"uh-huh." he nodded.
"how about i give you a little more than a kiss? to show how much i appreciate you."
"w-what else do you wanna g-give me, my love?" he began to stammer, his cheeks growing red and more blood falling from his nostrils.
his cigarette fell from his lips, and y/n took the initiative to step on it and put it out for him. she then placed her hand on his knee, slowly moving it up to his thigh and stopping.
sanji tried to speak, but it only came out as gibberish.
"how about it, sanji? do you want it?"
"uhm—! i, uh, i, err... you—." he wiped his nose, but there'd only been more blood rushing down.
although he thought and dreamed about it, he would've never thought it'd actually happen. this was a literal dream come true. he wanted it so bad.
y/n leaned into his ear, and he froze at the close contact.
"calm down." she whispered. "just breathe. take your time."
"y-you're serious?"
"of course. why wouldn't i be? after all you've done for me, i think you deserve it." she ran a finger down his chest, stopping at his lower abdomen.
"then... in that case..." he swallowed thickly. "y-yeah."
she slid off of the bed, crawling in between his thighs as she placed her hands on his crotch. sanji spread his legs to give her more space, tugging at his tie to loosen the suddenly itchy fabric.
she began to unzip his pants, pulling the waistband of his boxers down. she wasted no time to dig inside of his boxers, pulling out his erected cock. a single vein ran up from his base to his pinkish tip that'd spilled out a bit of precum. she grinned, planting her lips against that pretty tip of his.
"thanks, sanji." she spoke, thanking him for everything he'd done for her thus far.
though, sanji being sanji, he thought she was thanking him for allowing her to suck him off.
however, it no longer mattered when a drop of saliva fell from her lips and onto his tip, followed by the warm feeling of her mouth latching onto his dick. she'd went down a few inches, though, not completely. she wanted to take her time and savor him. a drawled moan slipped out from sanji, his hands grasping at the sheets as he threw his head back.
"oh, shit." he blurted out.
sanji was practically hypnotized by how fucking pretty she looked with her mouth stuffed with his cock. he let out a breathy, unsteady sigh, one that was enough to make y/n want to continue just to hear more of those exact sounds.
she began to bob her head, soon going far enough to where her nose touched his pelvis, his entire length shoved in her mouth. a small gag came from her, but it hadn't even been noticeable because of the loud, throaty moan sanji let out.
as she continued to stroke his cock with her mouth, her movements quickened. his dick that'd been lubricated by her spit resulted in a slurping sound, and it began to get messy with her saliva spilling out of her mouth.
sanji circled his fingertips behind her neck gently, absentmindedly thrusting his hips forward in a slow movement.
"yeah—, that's it..." he grunted.
she began to untie her robe to give sanji more to look at, and he was beyond ecstatic. it was her nude body out on display for only his eyes to see. on top of that, she trailed her hand between her legs, presumably going to play with herself to give sanji an irresistible view.
as her middle and ring fingers circled her clit, she let out a drawled moan on his cock. he threw his head back, narrowing his brows as he pushed her head further. his slutty whimpers were enough for her to get off to, let alone the fact she had his dick in her mouth.
y/n sloppily sucked him from top to bottom, her tongue swirling around his flushed pink tip. her eyes squinted shut, eyebrows stitching together as she began to rub herself faster.
he couldn't help but allow himself the pleasure of rocking his hips back and forth, pushing his cock deep inside of her mouth just to retract it and do the same thing over again. her gags and whines sounded so cute, sanji was desperate to hear it more. he started to grind his dick into the warmth and wetness of her mouth, his lips parting open and followed by more of his slutty groans.
she could feel herself dripping on her fingers, moans vibrating on his cock.
"fuck, you're gonna make me cum... shit—!" sanji's hip movement began to falter as he panted, his legs slightly trembling.
she could feel his warm, runny cum spill on her tongue, one last moan slipping from her lips. he let out a drawled hum, leaning against her bed.
he watched as she swallowed with no hesitation, a smile growing on her face. he wiped the blood from his nose, holding his hand out for y/n to take it.
"let me see how good you taste, ma beauté." and with that, he opened his mouth, bringing her fingers into his mouth as his tongue worked around to lick up all of her juices.
it seemed as if all of sanji's nervousness had disappeared into nothing and been replaced by a sense of boldness. y/n loved this side of him. she could feel her heart flutter and herself getting more turned on by that gesture. he grinned, pulling her fingers from his mouth.
"taste s'good..."
"sanji—..." she blurted out, though, she didn't exactly want anything from him.
"y'know, i still want my kiss, moun amour."
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warrenwitches3 · 9 months
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Chapter one
The maiden fair and wise opened her eyes to be greeted by an old looking mirror, holding flame of green like wild trees.
Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor…
‘Huh, who’s speaking?’
My proud, beautiful flower of evil.
‘Is it..the mirror’
You are truly the fairest one of all.
‘Where am I, is this one of Barons tricks?’
O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat…
Reveal unto me the visage I seek…
‘It sounds like it’s casting a spell
You, whose image the dark mirror did beckon forth…
If you heart buds it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
A hand reached out from the reflective surface willing the swan to hold it dearly
‘I have a desire to hold this hand’ and hold it she did, the two hands male and female grasped each other in an embrace of strangeness and curiosity. The mirror flickered.
As flame refuses even the stars to ash.
It showed a fire, burning of destruction and comfort.
As ice seals away even time itself.
Ice that holds a memory of fear and desperation.
As great trees swallow even the sky.
Earth swaying with beauty.
Fear not the power of darkness.
The hand held her tighter and her skin seemed to ache.
Common now, show me your power.
‘I have none but this curse I’m afraid’ all her words became trapped in her mind as her voice would not bare to interrupt the stranger.
We only have a little bit of time left.
All started to fade.
At all costs, do not let go of that hand.
She gripped it tighter fearing for if she lets go she would fall into a place much worse then now.
The soft fabric of the cramped space gave the girl a small amount of comfort, the thing she was in was very small not giving her room to extend her arms nor twist her body.
‘Whats going on.. where am I?’ She tried to push forward on the enclosure that was trapping her but nothing moved, not even allowing a crack of light to enter her space.
“I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me...” a voice spoke from outside of her imprisonment, a squeaky voice.
“A, child..?” She let out a murmur her, voice coming of a bit starchy from not using it and squawking.
“Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha!” Suddenly hot steaming blue fire, one she’s only seen the dark sorcerer Baron use, had blown the lid of her confinement. She stumbled out with the flames only slowing their heat to touch her for a moment, leaving no traces it was ever there apart from the smoking lid.
“Fire!? Dark magic fire!” She panicked but all she saw was a weasel cat like creature.
“Now to grab the good- HEY! You ain’t supposed to be awake!” It yelled at her from its place on the ground. The thing had a grey coat of fur and white fluff in the middle with blue flames emitting from the ears, and a tail that looked like a pitchfork.
“The weasel talks..” she stated to no one but herself, her confusion, shock and a small amount of fear all mixing together to make an unnamed emotion settle in her.
‘Why am I shocked..? I turn into a swan when dawn makes her presence’
“How... How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire! Tch. Whatever. You...human! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!”
‘And it wants to undress me as-well.. does this thing have no manners?!’
“If ya don’t your gonna regret it” he seemed to be ready to strike her down, even if she made no offensive moves towards him.
“You don’t even know if I have any under clothes on and you ask me to undress?!, how impolite” her tone held words used only to defend herself yet this animal went in for a strike of flames, and that’s when she realised that maybe being rude to another dark sorcerer while already being cursed isn’t a good idea so she ran.
Running hasn’t left her breathless in along time so she arrived to what appeared to be a library holding and ever continuing amount of books, like actually ever continuing, some books just kept coming through with no one there to restock them.
“More magic..” she felt dread in her. ‘What if I’m in a sorcerers lair? What if that animal back there was a henchman of Baron, what’s going on??’ The poor girl was left confused until said animal burst through the doors after her and her clothing.
“Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?” the little beast had found her and cornered her inside the library. “Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that—“
Something suddenly wrapped itself around the cats neck halting it from further aggression.
“YEOW! That hurt! What gives!” It started strangling around in its capture wanting its previous sense of freedom.
“Consider it tough love.” A man with a crow like mask that covered half his face appeared reprimanding the beast.
‘Now he definitely seems like a dark sorcerer’ everything thing in past experiences was telling her to run but she couldn’t move, especially not when the man set his eyes on her.
“Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students?” ‘New student..? I’m not a student, is this an academy?’
“My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules.” He tugged at the rope that bound Grim the creature, who seemed aggravated by being called a familiar.
“Oh sir, he’s not mine I don’t-“
“As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!” Grim struggled uselessly against his restraints once again not changing the fact that he was captured.
“Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?” The crow man did not seem to be very pleased when he turned to the girl with a tired look.
“Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it.Does the very notion of patience elude you?No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.”
The girl was now experiencing only one emotion in the moment, confusion. “Gate..?”.
“You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not?” If he meant the floating coffins then she nodded.
“All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up.”
“So the floating coffins are the gateways..?”
“The design is intended to symbolize a parting with your former world, and a rebirth into a new one.”
‘Rebirth into a new life..is my curse really still untaxed then, it’s only night so I really can’t tell, but..’ how she hoped it was true.
“But now is not the time for such prattle. You've a student orientation to attend! Go on, now. Make haste.” He turned away from her to walk before she spoke again.
“First can you tell me where I am?” She knew it was risky asking a sorcerer such type of question but she would like to know.
“Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness?The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories...” he trailed off “Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my graciousness is boundless”
‘He makes it sound like he’s the king of the world’ the maiden gave a subtle roll of her eyes and walked forward with the man.
“This is Night Raven College.” ‘College?’ “It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic.” ‘So I was right this is something of great sorcery’
“It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage.”
“An academy of magic..?” Her face was drowned in confusion and she kept swimming down the river called fear.
“Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.” Headmaster Crowley answered her.
“I do remember a phantom carriage with no rider and only horrific horses..” she still remembered the splash of water when she hit the ground, or the door opening with no one to greet her but a coffin.
“That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honored tradition.” Grim started to talk in a muffled sense although drowned out by his restraints.
“But I bare no magical talent headmaster Crowley-“ he seemed to not hear her and went in his way.
“Now then, let us attend you orientation” and off they all went, in a silence that left unattended questions in the air.
NOTE: yay! Finished chapter one so I hope it’s to people’s liking this is not like edited as I’m doing this all my self and I’m confident it makes sense. I’ve also decided with the help of someone that Malleus will be the final love interest as I does make more sense. I don’t really have an update plan as I sometimes lose motivation for things but I’ll try to attest have one chapter a week it’s not a promise though, I’m quite exited to write yuu in her swan form, I think I’m still gonna make her a student so imagine a swan showing up to a potions class trying to learn. I think it’ll be funny, also gonna have to get someone like silver to translate for her since he’s good at talking to animals, anyway I don’t wanna spoil much but have a nice day everyone!!
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Stuck With Me (part 22)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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"Of course you'll get your pleasure too, my love" Rhea smiles. You pull her down into a passionate kiss and allow her to take over complete control.
She takes off your strap on and scatters gentle kisses from you neck down to your lower abdomen. You just lay back and relax into her touch, enjoying every little moment with your girlfriend.
Oh boy, I never felt this way around someone. So.. Comfortable and relaxed.. Safe.. Ah God I never want to let her go
Your mind drifts off but you're quickly pulled back into reality as Rhea kisses your clit and begins to play a little with it. You flinch as you are quite surprised.
"You okay? Did I do something wrong?" Rhea immediately asks, a bit of concern in her voice. "No I'm fine" you chuckle "I was just surprised as I was caught in my thoughts again" she grins and goes back to what she was doing.
"Rhea?" you whisper some time later. "Hm?" she hums. "I don't think I want to do this anymore" "What do you mean? Are talking about this or our relationship?"
You can tell she's scared by her sudden change of expression. "This. Don't worry, I'd never want to leave you" you comfort her and pull her up into a kiss.
"okay, I'm glad then" she whispers and smiles. She lays down next to you, her head on you shoulder. You take the blanket next to her and cover the both of you.
"Were you actually scared I'd leave you?" you whisper and put an arm around her holding her close. "mhm" she hums and traces patterns on your chest with her fingers.
"Why would you think that? You know I love you" you want to know. "I don't know.. I just don't want to lose you I guess" she shrugs.
You chuckle "come on baby be serious. You clearly had some doubts there" "mh mh" she slightly shakes her head. "aw, you mad now?" you tease and tickle her a little.
"Hey" she laughs and sits up to tickle you back. You fight a little in a playful manner and you eventually manage to get back on top of your girlfriend.
You pin her arms above her head and straddle her. "Ngh you're stupid" Rhea acts like she's mad at you and pouts. You giggle and lean down to kiss her.
But Rhea turns her face away. "Hey" you exclaim "That's not fair" you grab her chin and make her look at you. She laughs and frees her other hand, then cups your cheek and kisses you.
"You happy now, huh?" she mocks you and gently pushes you off of her so she can stand up. "I'm hungry, what about we get something to eat and see what else we can do?"
"Sounds great" you smile. You throw on a t-shirt you stole from Rhea, it's oversize on you but you love it. "Little thief" She mocks you and wraps an arms around your neck to pull you in for a quick kiss.
You make your way to the kitchen and decide to make Rhea's favorite food, Pizza with an extra large amount of cheese.
You love to see her happily dancing around the kitchen, putting on every sort of cheese she can find. As you put the pizza in the preheated ofen you watch her doing some happy bounces and clapping her hands.
"How can someone be this excited over a simple pizza" you chuckle and walk over to her. Rhea makes a face and pulls you in by your hips.
"How can someone look this good in an old t-shirt?" she mimics you. You chuckle and wrap your arms around her neck. "I love you" you say and look her deep in the eyes.
"I love you too" she replies and kisses you "But don't you ever dare to leave me" she warns and pokes you with her index finger.
"Never ever, I promise. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life! You'd have to make really fucking big mistake to get rid of me" you smirk.
"What would that be? Kill someone?" she asks curiously and spins you around a bit so you slowly dancing.
You laugh "As if you'd do something like that. No, I don't know.." you shrug. You step closer to her and lean your head against her chest.
Rhea stops moving and leans back against the kitchen counter. You're snuggling like this until the timer you set for the pizza goes off and you take it out.
You get comfortable on the couch and select a movie to watch alongside. Rhea tips on her phone for a minute before telling you she won't be home tomorrow for the whole day, but that she's got a surprise for you later in the evening then.
Part 22 with plenty of Fluff. Stay tuned for part 23 cause I got a surprise 🤫
Taglist:@babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000
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footballfanficwriter · 11 months
Fights turns into nightmares
Summary:where Jude and the reader get into a fight
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"Why do you always pester me Jude"
"I'm not, I'm just asking questions"
"Why do you not trust me, I promise you it was nothing"
"It didn't look like nothing y/n he had his hands all over you"
"Yeah but I stopped him from touching me"
"You looked like you enjoyed it"
"If I enjoyed it I wouldn't have stopped him"
" it still happened though and I'm not happy about it"
"Did you think I was happy when I saw that girl's hands all over you huh?"
"That was nothing"
"Exactly, just like this event that took place it was nothing"
"But it's different"
"How is it different"
" because he could easily take advantage of you"
"Yeah but he didn't"
"But he could've"
"Jude, you're overeating"
"I'm not overreacting"
"For goodness sake Jude stop, what is the matter huh?, it seems like you've got a problem with everything I do nowadays, if it's not me cooking then it's the fact that I forgot to fold the laundry, if it's not that then it's me not spending time with you, what do you want from me?"
"I want you too do the things you're suppose to do"
"Oh yeah and what is that exactly"
"I bring most of the income in this family, I pay a huge amount of money to sustain our way of living"
"Really is that what we're doing now, comparing our salaries?"
"Mine is higher than yours, so yeah"
"Ok, the reason why I forgot to fold the laundry, cook and spend time with you is because, I've had a shit ton of work that needed to be done, I get pressured and stressed by my boss then I come back home to a person whose upset with me, it's not fair Jude"
"I get stressed as well, you know"
"That, that right there is why I can't approach you anymore and am scared to Express my feelings ,you always turn the conversation back to you and make it about yourself"
"All I said was that I get stressed as well, what am i not allowed to be stressed?"
"That's not what I'm say"
"Then what are you saying"
"I'm saying that when you feel stressed or when you feel down, I always comfort and make sure you feel better about yourself, but when the shoe is on the other foot, you can't do the same"
"How am I suppose to comfort you, if I don't know you need comforting"
"Well maybe if you asked me how I am, you'd know, everytime I try and tell you about my feelings, you always shut me down"
There's a silence between us and I look at him with a hurt expression and he looks at me with a shocked one
"Babe I-I didn't mean it, that's not what I meant to sa-" he tries to step closer to me and I pull back
" yeah but you still said it"
"Babe I didn't mea-"
"I think we should get some space from eachother for a while"
"I'll sleep in the guest room"
I walked to our room and grabbed my pajamas and all the things I might need for a few days and went to the guest room
As I open the door to leave I find Jude standing there
"I'm sorry" he says
" ok" I say and walk past him
"Does that mean you forgive me?" He asks as I walk away and slam the door
I go to the guest bedroom where I do my night routine
After doing that I make the bed so I can sleep and get comfortable
I get into the bed and try to fall asleep, but recent events keep replaying in my head, preventing me from sleeping
After a while I find myself unintentionally crying not knowing where the tears have come from all of a sudden
It's been 2 hours since I got into bed 30 minutes later I hear Jude screaming from the other room
I quickly get out out of the room and race to see what's happening in the room
When I enter I see Jude sweeting and him tossing and turning and mumbling words
I'm frozen for a second but quickly snap back to reality and attempt to wake him up
"Jude wake up"
"Jude come on"
After not being able to wake him up I make him sit up and shake his body, all that seems to do the trick because he wakes up with sweat on his forehead , wide red eyes and heavy breathing and panting, just like a dog would
"Y/n you're here?"
"Yeah I'm here, where would I be"
"I-I thought I had lost you, it was so real it all felt so real"
"Well it's not ok it wasn't real"
A-Are you crying" he says noticing my red eyes
"N-No, I'm not crying"
"Y/n stop, you don't have to pretend that you're not hurting" he says
"Jude, I'm perfectly fine"
"No, you're not, I've hurt you so much in our relationship,that you don't even feel comfortable coming to talk to me about your feelings, I'm so sorry I truly am, and I didn't mean what I said, when i said I don't care about your feelings"
"It's ok"
"I'll do better, for you, it's the least I can do considering everything you do for me"
"Are you ok?" I ask
"Yeah I'll be fine, I guess it was just a nightmare"
"About what?"
"I dreamt that we had an argument, that ended up with you dead because- because I had killed you, I just I don't want to be a monster, I don't want to you to end up being afraid of me"
"I'm not afraid of you Jude, I just want you to be there for me the way I'm there for you, I know you're stressed with everything that's going on right now, but I feel like you're neglecting me or that you don't want me anymore"
"Ofcourse I want to be with you babe, i just never thought you needed all of the attention, you seemed to be doing just fine with everything happening in our lived, I just didn't think you'd want my attention and affection"
"I do Jude, I really do"
"And I'll give it too you"
"Thank you"
I get of the bed and start walking towards the door
"Please stay, babe, please stay with me"
"Ok I'll stay with you"
I walk to the bed and get into bed and snuggle up to him and he puts an arm around me and kisses my forehead
"Goodnight Babe"
"Night Jude"
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aesteraceae · 1 year
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Pairing: Changbin/gn!Reader
Summary: You and Changbin relieve some tension before a schedule.
Tags under the cut!
Tags: Changbin x Reader, sub Changbin, implied poly skz, public teasing, semi-public sex, feminization (terms like "good girl", "babygirl", and "tits" are used to refer to Changbin, but he/him pronouns are still used), master kink, nipple play, oral sex (no parts specified), leg humping, aftercare
Lovely taglist: @sunnyville36 @snow-pegasus @toastyseungmo @sstarryoong @decaffedthoughts @bunnypig18
So that gym skz code huh............ The brainrot is real and true and not going Anywhere
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Toying with Changbin was always just so much fun.
You've been teasing him all day, subtle hands on his thighs, heated gazes, words that seem innocent but promise more.
It's always entertaining watching Changbin fall apart, but watching him fall apart and have to pretend to be normal...
Well. In your opinion, there are few sights that rival it.
"Come on, sweetheart, just let me take care of you."
Changbin shudders at the words, hand shooting out to grab your arm for support. It's subtle, hidden by Hyunjin sitting in front of you, but of course he notices.
He glances back, raising an eyebrow. He must see something in Changbin's eyes, or maybe even yours, because he scoffs and waves a hand.
"The supply room down that hall is empty, you've got like 30 minutes." He turns back to his video with a tiny smirk, and Changbin stands just a bit too quickly to be casual. You place a hand on his shoulder to steady him and walk down the hall, mercifully avoiding the gazes of the members. Changbin could get very touchy with this sort of thing, always sensitive when he got embarrassed, and you knew it would be hard to resist.
You wanted Changbin to yourself right now, and a full group fucking session would be too obvious. The staff do their best to keep things under wraps, it wouldn't be fair to give them more unnecessary work.
The supply closet is blissfully empty, only a few brooms and cleaning supplies on shelves against the far wall, benches lining the sides. It wasn't big, but it would work nicely for what you had planned.
"Come sit on my lap, babygirl."
You pat your thigh and spread your legs a little, smiling at the way his entire face goes red.
He obeys of course, slotting himself on your thighs, cock obviously hard in his pants. Really, you're doing the staff a favor. It would be a hassle to hide this during shooting.
"Good, baby. Take your shirt off for me, I want to see those pretty tits of yours."
Changbin whines softly before doing as he's told, revealing silky soft skin and a red bralette. It was something brought up by the stylists themselves, once Changbin complained too much about his chest hurting when they had to jump during dances.
The group had a field day with it, picking out bralettes and lacy lingerie. He didn't wear most of what they picked up for obvious reasons, but some of them, like this nice red bralette with just the right amount of lace made it through with some persuasion.
It's still wild to you sometimes just how much he fills it out. It's more of a short tank top than a bra really, but it does have cups and he fills them perfectly, especially now since he's been working out so much.
"Ah, look at you. So pretty, so soft and warm..." You press your lips to his collarbone, kissing a line across it and then to his chest. You run your tongue down the middle of his pecs, giggling when he shudders. He's already shaking hard enough to make sitting up difficult, so you hold his hips and slide him forward while you're at it. He yelps at the quick movement, and you cant help but notice how his chest bounces, just slightly.
You know you should hurry, 30 minutes wasn't as long as you wanted it to be, but Changbin looked so good, so pretty-
Later. You'd take him apart later, maybe even get some help from the others. For now, though, Changbin needed to be taken care of, and you're happy to provide.
"Let's get this off, yeah? I want to see your tits bounce properly."
You help him out of it, unable to resist a soft kiss to his cheek once it's off.
"So pretty. Don't you think so, babygirl?"
Changbin starts, surprised at being addressed, and it's so cute watching him remember how to form words.
"Yes. I'm- I'm a pretty girl for you, master."
The words send delicious spikes of heat down your spine, so you reward him with a kiss to his shoulder. "Good girl."
You slide your hands up from his hips to his chest, cupping them gently. He whines at just that tiny touch, hands spasming as he tries to find something to hold on to. "Hold onto my shoulders, babygirl. You'll need some support for this." Changbin's grip is tight, anticipating even before you've done anything.
It's a good thing, because you lean forward and catch one of his nipples in your mouth, and he's choking on a moan within seconds.
It sometimes confused you how sensitive his chest could be, especially when other parts of him usually aren't, but something about having his nipples played with was like flicking a switch in his brain, every trace of a filter leaving him at the slightest touch.
"Such pretty noises, but you've got to quiet down." You whisper, sucking a hickey right above his nipple, bright red and hot when you pull away. He's panting like a dog the next time you look up at him, lips parted perfectly to let his tongue fall out over red stained lips. You can't help but kiss him, sucking his tongue into your mouth and biting at his lips, hands gently kneading at his chest.
"You're such a good girl."
Changbin whimpers, muffling the noise with a kiss to your jaw.
"Master, can I- please, I want to touch you."
He sounds so desperate, so needy, that you can't help but give him what he wants.
"Kneel in front of me, honey."
He obeys immediately of course, so eager to please and make you feel good you could almost call it cute if it wasn't so hot.
You unbutton your pants and guide them down, exposing your skin to the cool air.
"Make me cum, babygirl."
Changbin doesn't waste any time, just dives in with a punishing pace. You have to bite down on your palm to keep quiet, hips working back against his face.
"So good, you taste- fuck, so good..."
He already seems wrecked just from tasting you, but you decide to be mean and raise your leg up to press against his cock, giving him something to grind on.
Changbin scratches red lines into your thighs as he bucks his hips forward against it, shaking too hard to do much for you.
"Master, please, I'll cum, please," He gasps and shoves his face against your thigh, shuddering hard, and you feel something warm seep through the fabric of your pant leg.
You start to pull him away but he resists, pressing forward and attacking you with his tongue and lips again, determined to follow orders.
He works with practiced movements, moaning through his aftershocks against you and even smirking against your skin when you make a particularly loud noise.
He knows he's good, even exhausted and fucked out, and that confidence does certain things to your chest.
You pull at his hair to make him moan against you again, bucking your hips up to get him closer, closer, closer...
It's not long before the heat turns your brain to mush, gasping and cursing, and only then does Changbin sit back on his heels.
He looks fucked out but satisfied, a dumb smile on his face. He could probably fall asleep right there, but you both had things to attend to.
"Come here, let me clean you up before you go on stage."
Changbin whines but doesn't protest, letting you slide his bralette and shirt back over his chest. It's tempting to clean him up with your mouth, but that would be pushing it, even for you.
Instead you use a few paper towels and apologize for the harshness of them, redoing his pants.
"Do I look okay? It would be really awkward if I went out there looking like- well, like I..."
Changbin flushes, staring at the door. You give him a once over - His hair is a bit messy, but nothing a comb couldn't fix. His clothes didn't get too wrinkled while you had your fun, so he doesn't look too different from before.
That is if you ignore his lips, flushed and swollen, held in a worried pout. You quite like it, actually. It's subtle, but anyone who looks hard enough will know exactly what you were up to. Exactly who Changbin belonged to.
"You look fine. Just... Stop making that expression."
He tilts his head, then raises a hand to touch his lips. "Oh. Oh. I... Got it."
He smiles, back to the dorky Changbin you know and love now that your teasing has finally come to a head.
"One last kiss, then we should head out."
Changbin kisses you like it's the last time he'll ever get to, and the best part is that it's not.
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jessicas-pi · 11 months
okay nobody asked but I'm doing it anyway, more Medieval AU Incorrect Quotes
Rex: Ahsoka told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Ezra: What goes up but never comes down? Caleb: The amount of stress you're bringing this family.
Barriss: Stressed. Korkie: Depressed. Merrin: Possessed. Chopper: Obsessed. Caleb: Well-dressed. Cal: Impressed. Ahsoka: Chicken breast. Everyone: ...What? Ahsoka: I just wanted to join in.
Ahsoka: We have a problem. Rex: No, YOU have a problem. I have a princess who keeps making them.
Barriss: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Ahsoka: That's why I carry two swords.
Omega: I love you both, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Cal: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Omega: Yes! Merrin: I am starting to feel sorry for you.
Sabine: I think I might be in love with someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it. Ursa: Just rip the bandage off. Sabine: It’s Ezra. Ursa: Put the bandage back on.
Ahsoka: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?' Ahsoka: Doesn't work when your bodyguard catches you sneaking out your window tho :/
Ketsu: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Ahsoka: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on. Skira: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Adenn isn’t.
Makheta: Rex is playing hard to get. Makheta: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Barriss: This is a mistake Ahsoka, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Barriss: But not today Ahsoka, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Cal: Goodnight moon. Cal: Goodnight tree. Cal: Goodnight ghosts only I can see.
Korkie: Can you please be serious, for five minutes? Ai-kel: My record is four but I think I can do it.
Caleb: So how was your day, kids? Ezra: We almost got surprise adopted! Caleb: What? Sabine: We almost got kidnapped. Caleb: Oh, okay. Caleb: WAIT WHAT?!
Ahsoka: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints. Rex: What hints have you given them? Ahsoka: Well, I think about him a lot. Ahsoka: And sometimes I even think about talking to him.
Merrin: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'I have not decided yet' is typically a good response.
Plo Koon: How many children do you have? Shaak Ti: Biologically, emotionally, or legally? Plo Koon: Fair question.
*At 3AM* Makheta: Why do we have different blood groups? Ahsoka: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
Caleb: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. Zeb: You were flirting with Hera. Caleb: So what? She's my wife. Zeb: You asked her if she was single. Caleb: Zeb: And then you cried when she said she wasn't.
Omega: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
Ezra: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Hera: Wasn't Sabine with you? Sabine: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Rex: Nothing in life is free. Makheta: Love is free. Korkie: Knowledge is free. Ahsoka: Friendship is free. Ai-kel: Everything's free if you don't pay for it. Everyone: ... Rex: That's illegal- Ahsoka: No, let him finish!
Ai-kel: When I first met you, I did not like you. Lux: I'm aware of that. Ai-kel: But then you and I had some time together. Lux: Uh-huh? Ai-kel: It did not get better.
Ahsoka: Am I in trouble? Rex: Take a guess. Ahsoka: No? Rex: Take another guess.
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raayllum · 1 year
Obviously it doesn't make everything instantly better between them, but from Callum's POV, he's seen Rayla was (somehow) right in her paranoia about Viren and he is in fact alive (just was unable to find him). What do you think Callum might feel or think about her leaving now, or if it does change at all?
This is a tricky one I’ve been sitting on because like, there’s a few layers to this
We know from the end of TTM that Callum didn’t ever fully believe that Viren was alive. He trusted what Rayla thought / had seen, enough to commit himself to her mission wholeheartedly, and it was his idea to leave as soon as possible to set out and complete it. (Callum may have even had it in his head that he’d be the one who would have to kill Viren, if they did find him, since cold blooded murder is something Rayla has never been able to accomplish with her blades.) So his concern was less “Viren may be alive” and more “I want to keep you alive/safe” which he reflects in TTM: “Together. That’s the most important thing” (reminiscent of “Taking Zym home to Xadia, that’s the most important thing we’ll ever do”). 
So I think the two biggest blows was 1) I can’t protect her and 2) She abandoned me. Number one is what is on his mind then probably for the bulk of the timeskip with the abandonment taking (somewhat) of a back seat, as while he says “This will will always be the anniversary of the day she left,” his birthday ends on a somber note of love and loss, being unsure of whether the girl he loves is even still alive.
Then, Rayla returns - unharmed, of her own accord, in S4 out of nowhere after two years. She certainly seems to be less of a wreck than he is, even when they reunite (which makes sense, as she had time to at least emotionally prepare, and he had no time at all). Cue “She abandoned me” coming to the forefront, and the anger about it being what makes Callum shut down / try to leave first in order to protect himself. It works, marginally. 
Callum is also a little (rightfully in some ways) petty about it. He doesn’t think that Rayla’s come back for him, after all.
C: So why are you back? Guess you must’ve found Viren, huh? Was he dead, after all?
This is a hit in a couple of ways. First reaffirms that Callum still doesn’t think Viren was ever alive (and that Rayla had in some ways left for nothing, to kill a target that was already in the grave), that Rayla probably couldn’t kill him (implied) even if she did find him (thus returning successfully bc she didn’t need to do anything), and that Rayla had only come back because her mission was over. Again, not choosing him.
Then Rayla corrects him and admits her failure while looking at her wrist.
R: I didn’t find him.
Absolutely devastating, thank you. So Callum processes, quick as a whip, jumps over “You came back for me then” and right into “you could’ve come back at any time / wouldn’t have left at all if you had just trusted me” and oof. Leading to his “So you disappeared for two years for no reason at all?” which is both technically true and not 100% fair. Rayla left to try to get closure that Viren was dead and they (particularly Callum) were actually safe, and neither of those things were nothing to her, even if they didn’t amount to anything. 
More on how Callum may feel like he failed Rayla (and how he feels like she failed him) here if you’re interested
Then they start slowly rebuilding, largely through action and re-familiarity, and Callum has basically entirely thawed by the end of 4x06 (even if again, big feelings still aren’t ready to be discussed, which is what the end of 4x09 signifies bc he’s turned a corner) and then. 
Viren shows up again, with Callum looking almost scared - we know he has reservations of some kind of way about Viren (and possibly his predecessor being what led to Rayla leaving in the first place, the ghost she just couldn’t shake)
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Then sadness as Callum, presumably, realizes that (as far as he knows) Rayla has been right this whole time 
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And Rayla says she has to go after Viren and Callum looks surprised
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Because he really thought, this time, that she’d stay. This whole time, Callum has been taking her choice to leave very personally - and very understandably so! - but in this moment, this scene, he realizes it was never about him. Not really. The same way Rayla left her letter in hopes of comforting him but also first and foremost, honestly, for herself. This is a part of her she cannot cut out even now that she’s honestly and earnestly tried, even though she came back for him, and now she has to leave again. 
So I don’t think Viren actually being alive recontextualizes her initial decision for him that much, but I do think it makes the fact that she comes back again in 4x09 - in the wake of 100% verified proof - all the more meaningful to him than it already was. He can’t change this part of her, he was also testing himself to see if he could let go and he can’t do that either, but he can love her and he does, and he finally lets himself admit he’s happy she’s back to her face - he finally starts to let himself say it to the person who needs to hear it the most
It’s certainly not all healed. He’s never going to like/approve of Rayla risking herself in the manner she does. Rayla still needs to learn all her lessons there (which, if she ever learns the truth about Viren’s ressurection, may help). And there’s so much left to talk about / work through - but now Callum’s willing to talk about it, and I can’t wait to see their development next season
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okay scenario. somewhere mid s3 the Carte Blanche ends up working with some of Buddy's criminal contacts/acquaintances who also take something of a specific and possibly impertinent interest in the Unnatural Disaster. their guy clocks Nureyev as 1.) the shady sixth ranger with the least amount of rapport with Jet, and 2.) a gossipy bitch (bc that was the gender he put on when he left the house that day) so they get him aside and try to get him to talk
nureyev’s is like. hmm. (juno is being mouthy to try to draw attention to himself. buddy has been a very particular kind of polite and pointed, and vespa is. playing with a knife and glaring. which to be fair she Does That but she's watching this guy and only lightly heckling juno and if nureyev is starting to suspect that they're maybe playing off each other a bit? and jet seems like he's just trying to vibe but he's definitely sticking even closer to rita than usual.
and then. oh he can tell the guy's trying to get him to talk about Jet, and sure he could just dissemble without a fuss but… he could also dissemble and make the other guy feel awkward about it)
nureyev: listen. i know what you're after. and i understand, truly. you want to know if it's true what they say about him, but you're too intimidated to ask outright.
contact: *shifts nervously*
nureyev: and of course, who could blame you? he's even more compelling in person, isn't he? the gravitas, the self-possession, the shoulders.
their contact: uhh. i mean you're not wrong.
nureyev: and he can cook.
contact: ...wait really? huh. you know he seems like a really good listener too.
nureyev: oh, absolutely. but i think it's only fair to warn you that you ought not to get your hopes up. because it's entirely true - he's just not interested. in anybody. devoted in his friendships, to be sure, but when it comes to all other affairs, you'll find him completely impervious. nothing personal. you could have just asked him, there'd be no harm in it, and i'm sure he'd let you down gently -
juno (wandering over to see what's up): could go either way, really. he put me in a dumpster and threatened to crush my head with the lid.
their contact: ...
nureyev (dear i am trying to make them feel bad about their assumptions about our friend and you are undermining the bit): compared to what other people have followed through on after meeting you, i'd say that only proves that he's a very paragon of restraint and circumspection. you do have a way about you, dearest beloved.
juno: you know if i had a cred for every time I had a crush on a master thief who put me in the garbage, i'd have... two creds, i guess.
nureyev (nostalgically): we both ended up in that garbage chute, didn't we?
juno: and I hated every second of it.
nureyev: I know dear you complained about it vociferously
their contact: ohh well that's a shame thanks for the heads up im just gonna - i think my hovercraft is on fire
nureyev (absentminded, still gazing into juno's eyes): bye-bye now
juno: i can cook too you know
nureyev: i know dear but we mustn’t let it get around, the last thing i need is another crime ring trying to sweep you off your feet
juno: i mean. wouldn’t they look at you first?
nureyev: my love. I can’t cook.
juno: oh yeah
(their contact's boss, later: so did you find anything out about what the Unnatural Disaster's up to now that he's back on the scene?
their contact: im sorry he's never gonna go out with you. the rumors are true he's like. completely aro-ace.
boss: oh.
contact: yeah
boss: are you sure
contact: no yeah. i thought maybe aurinko's son was just talking out his ass but their hacker backed it up.
contact: she was really nice actually. gave me a coupon for her favorite ice cream place.
contact: do. uh. do you wanna get ice cream with me.
boss: ...yeah that'd be nice.
boss: (later over ice cream) wait aurinko has a son??
contact: or whatever he’s adopted idk but he's super obnoxious
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akechi-touma-ask-blog · 10 months
Hey Akechii!! I have a would you rather question for you! :D
Would you rather know the date of your death, or know how you'd die??
Have a wonderful day Akechii!!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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“Hello! Wow, really hitting me with a hard question, huh? Since it’s not open-ended like some other questions I’ve received, I worry that I won’t be able to say much to you…”
“Death is such a complex thing. Whether you think of it as something to be avoided, or simply something that you accept as it comes, it can be viewed as such a negative or positive thing! I’ve known a few people in bad situations who viewed death as an escape; something to eventually look forward to. And it also depends on whether or not you’re religious, I suppose. If you believe there’s something waiting for you on the other side, that might be something hopeful to look forward to.”
“It also depends on what you decide is your value as a person, I suppose. I like to believe that I’m a good person, and that I do the right thing whenever I can, but I have lapses in judgment and weak moments, as does everyone else. It’s only human to make mistakes, whether or not you fear God or Heaven or Hell… Though, I do know someone who’s hardly human who makes mistakes from time to time— isn’t that right, Kusuo-kun…?”
“I’m only kidding! I don’t think there’s anything in your biology that sets you apart from a human, scientifically, but you’re definitely far from the average person. Really, I’m surprised you haven’t done worse in your life. At least from what I’m aware of, I guess…”
[‘What’s that supposed to mean?’]
“I mean, as far as I know, you haven’t murdered anyone, and haven’t done anything considered particularly immoral, but I haven’t been around for most of your life, so— Ah! Actually, you did beat up a few of our old classmates pretty badly back then, didn’t you?”
[‘Don’t bring that up. It’s embarrassing.’]
“The lengths you go to protect your friends! You’re a good person overall, I suppose.”
[‘What were you thinking before…?’]
“Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes! Death, for most people, is something to fear, or avoid. Even though it comes for everyone eventually, some people go to extreme lengths to try to prolong their life, aside from simply dieting and exercising. Even so, there are certain drugs such as rapamycin and metformin, that are considered to prolong life, in a way. Likely not in the way you’re thinking, however.”
“Besides, there’s this to consider— If life could be prolonged at will, what’s the point of living at all? Nothing you do would have any purpose. An artificially prolonged life would stop serving benefits at some point, so I think I’ll accept my death as it comes.”
[‘That wasn’t the question.’]
“It wasn't, was it? Silly me!”
“Now… would I rather know the date of my own death, or know how I was going to die…? I believe either option would provide a fair amount of stress.”
[‘What do you mean?’]
“Well, if I knew when I was going to die, I suppose I’d work to make the most of my life, even more than I do now. It’d be a bigger motivation, knowing that I only have a certain amount of time left on this Earth, and I’d do what I could accordingly. It’d be somewhat soothing to be able to live my life according to a timeline, knowing I’m in control of what I do and how I live, even if still reasonably affected by external stimuli.”
“Then what’s the issue, you ask? Well, assuming I’m lucky, say that I’m told I have 49 more years to live. That’s great and all, but when given a time limit, it’d seem agonizingly slow, even if I enjoy life. Once the date grows closer, even if still in a few years, I’d be tormented endlessly by the knowledge that my time is running out. Giving it a definitive answer makes it harder to feel like I have a great deal of time in the first place, no longer how long. And knowing might make it lose its luster, wouldn’t you say…?”
“Or suppose I’m told I have four months to live. Those four months would be the most painful and stressed of my life, because all I can do is wait for it to end. I think I’d be more comfortable with the uncertainty.”
[‘And the second half?’]
“Second half? Oh, yes!”
“I believe if I knew how I was going to die, I’d simply develop a phobia. I would know what would kill me, and possibly encounter it many times, depending on what it is, so I’d instinctively avoid it like the plague! That’s no way to live, don’t you think?”
“Ah, well, but I was supposed to choose one, right? I guess I’d choose to know when I was going to die, since it’s a bit more certain, but I’d be happiest not knowing at all.”
Thank you for the ask!
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neyxmessi · 1 year
to the last anon i’m sorry but please shut up. there’s no way you’re a long time barca and MESSI fan saying that HE is the one who messed up psg’s dynamic when it had absolutely fucking nothing to do with him. psg got messed up because mbappe’s contract was so large that they had to sell and/or loan important players like parades and di maria, hence the bums currently on psg. it has nothing to do with leo and i’m sorry but that genuinely genuinely just pissed me off. and no, barca may be doing good right now but they actually have a glaring amount of issues specifically in attack. they’re 15 points ahead because of some lucky 1-0 wins GIFTED by pedri that were lucky. they’re immensely static creatively and offensively and that’s where leo would fit in. clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about but sorry i will not have anyone dare saying or insinuating it was leo that messed up fucked up psg. it had nothing to do with him. and i find it hard to believe that any MESSI fan would say this, must be an anti in disguise because huh?
yea kylian really knew what he was doing with his contract and wage demand bc he knew psg would literally die without him LOL 😭
but definitely. tuchel leaving after PSG’s almost CL win also played a huge role for that first season. and like you said, the loaning out of players like di maria and paredes (ugh i miss them sm) caused them to for whatever reason get a bunch of bums💀 also galtier just doesn’t know what he’s doing most of the time. so I agree (and i think i made that clear hopefully from my last post) that i don’t think leo is at fault for whats going on with psg rn
and that’s a fair point too. pedri really does make a HUGE difference w Barca.
and an aside: i have to be honest that im horrible when it comes to knowing tactics so that’s what im kinda neutral when it comes to ppl arguing ab whether leo would fit back into barca or not bc im still learning 😭i don’t want it to seem like im just agreeing with everyone to be a people pleaser. i learn every day from reading stuff online and what my moots/followers tell me since my family and friends don’t watch football, so that’s why I’ve always disclaimed that when it comes to that stuff I’m not fully sure of what I’m talking ab.
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Man I have been through so much in the etheric realms in the last few days [/nights]. Wasn't sure whether to share or not; but with 18-Volt all-of-a-sudden seeming to come back, and some nasty energetic truths about Jak's situation, I thought these insights were worth being put up. This stems from Jak missing for days or even weeks, and the episodes getting increasingly worse. They are divided into 2 parts: Part 1 is the conversation that 18-Volt had with me, in which Terra monitored/supervised it at 18-Volt's request. Part 2 is where my teddy group (OCs) called a meeting, and Riku was kind enough to attend as well.
18-Volt (ESFP): "Hey, so on my little scouting sesh, I found out a few things about Jak, and they're not good".
Me: "You're not undermining him, are you?"
18-Volt: "Naw; not at all. See I've become casual buddies with Terra and agreed to let him have me on a leash a bit; that's why he's watchin' me talk to you. How else am I supposed to come back and help if people don't trust me?".
Me: "So then you may have something valuable to offer me about Jak, especially since you were giving me a massive amount of downloads while I was washing stuff earlier today".
18-Volt: "Yeah... You see, Jak might actually be quite sick, and you chasing after him this time is unhealthy, because you're gonna get poisoned yourself".
Me: "I've actually felt that poisoning since yesterday. What's going on?".
18-Volt: "Choice point for timelines is almost up; and you're dead on about Jak taking the lower one".
Me: "Ah shoot".
18-Volt: "My advice? Tack on that 50k cash grab now and ONLY reverse it if he makes a strong comeback. Even a medium one ain't good enough. That ABTD needs to truly show that it's not gonna glitch ya again, otherwise what's the point?".
Me: "You have a point there. The ABTD only started taking me seriously after I tacked on the $45,000 one and gave it the option for reversals".
18-Volt: "Uh huh! But whatever you do, you can't descend in order to clean out messes anymore. Because you've got an energy that behaves like the Wario-bug, that's eating up all the lower timelines. And you don't wanna be in its way".
Me: "Dammit".
18-Volt: "Not all's lost yet, okay? You could have an 18-Volt 2.0 moment where Jak wakes up and rushes back to you. But you can't get your hands dirty anymore; he has to come to you. Just like I said, go slam dunk that cash grab [50k] and work with the fallout of that. But you need to stay on the upper rungs with Terra because that man really loves you to the moon and back".
Me: "Okay, so I've just now applied the $50,000 penalty, as well as an additional $15,000 due to the promise of lassoing the ABTD if two of Jak's friends weren't able to come with him. 50k for him, and 7.5k for them".
18-Volt: "See? You're a champ! You've got a lotta love for everyone you meet. But Jak's gotta see that AND put it into practice. Because at the moment, you're asking daddy [Jak] to go to your school concerts and visit your art fairs, but he couldn't give a shit and just stays home being all miserable, making his daughter cry because he doesn't want tah support her in anything".
Me: "You put it in a harsh, but clear and honest perspective".
18-Volt: "Because also think about it this way. Who's been doing most of your rescue aids? Every time Jak's in trouble, Kingdom Hearts always rushes to your side. But when it's been the opposite, Jak does the bare minimum, if anything. Don't 'cha see that he's the one not wanting to connect with other worlds? Don't let him short-change you anymore. You've gotta leave him be until he chooses to come back or gets the shock of his life. And I know what you're thinking. You were supposed to have three at a time protecting you. I don't wanna steal Jak's thunder, but I'll take up the third slot, and I'll gladly give it back to him if he shows up for it".
The name 'The Mistress' is used quite a lot in this section, this is what the teddies always called me when I was little, and it's like saying The Princess.
Chloe-Nurse (?): "What's going on!? Why are we all meeting here?"
Selvian (INFJ): Sam saw something that no one has ever seen before".
Chloe-Nurse (?): "And?".
Selvian (INFJ): "She saw Jak crying in his room, which is something he hasn't even done since his father died. And... Uhh...".
Riku (DG - ISFP): "Looks like we're getting an energy interruption. Almost like someone doesn't want him on the higher timeline".
Nadia (ISTJ): "I question that 18-Volt guy ever since he's come back. Why does he have such an interest in Jak? I've heard not too good things about him [18V] in the past".
Riku (DG - ISFP): "With what Terra reported back, it seems like he just gets angry at anyone who tries to hurt Karla, and I've seen him do that before, with other people before, including myself actually. It seems the Warioware group already have knowledge on the situation as Jimmy T., Kat and Ana, and Ashley filled shortly the last time our abilities were compromised. So 18-Volt's just being a bit passionate in flipping his lid at Jak about the whole drama. But Dreamy WB [she] and myself are keeping a close eye on him".
Niki (ENFJ): "I actually think that if it wasn't for 18-Volt, Jak wouldn't even flinch at what's going on. Jak's crying because something must have hit a raw nerve, whether it's 18-Volt, or maybe he [Jak] saw the mistress striking down that $50,000 penalty today".
Mabo (INFP): "The ABTD's trying to stop her [me], but Jak is still seeking help in the background".
Riku (DG - ISFP): "Exactly".
Chloe-Fashion (?): "See? It's 18-Volt that's making Jak fight for his life [in a good way]. But how exactly is he [Jak] getting help?
Selvian (INFJ): "Jak has asked to see Josephine [INFJ] for regular counselling, and their first session I think was two days ago... Or was it yesterday?".
Chloe-Fashion (?): "She's [me] still poisoned though. How is it possible for the mistress to even get back to him, yet alone recover from this?".
Sabrina (ESTJ): "18-Volt actually said that it's still possible, but that it won't be easy".
Selvian (INFJ): "18-Volt's right. This is yet another battle, but this time with some bridges that must never be crossed; which is why the mistress must stay out of this. While Riku and Terra protect her, we need our strongest men and women in Haven City, which means Sabrina and I will be going for a few weeks obviously with Simona and Sam alone having no luck. Josephine takes over admin duties at home while Angela becomes the second tutor".
Samantha/Sam (INFP): "What about Kingdom Hearts?"
Selvian (INFJ): "Kingdom Hearts has shown that they can look after themselves, especially by Riku being here at this meeting. Sierra will stay behind with them, and work with Terra's girls, Nasha and Sibella. But Sabrina and I need to get to the bottom of this evil still lurking in Haven City, and we need to make sure Jak continues to see Joesphine on a regular basis until his problem is sorted out. It is likely that we won't be coming back without Jak".
Sam (INFP): "So you'll be stuck there forever?"
Nasha (ESFP): "What 'chu worrying about anyway, Samantha? You're one of Jak's original girls, so you can go there any time".
Riku (DG - ISFP): "I think she's more worried about Selv and Sabrina's safety and you guys getting to see each other again as a whole group".
Nasha (ESFP): "And why do you have to do this anyhow? Wasn't it over once the mistress shoved that 65 grand fine up the ABTD's ass?".
Selvian (INFJ): "She only did that as a last measure in-case the ABTD is stupid enough to never give him back. The $65,000 is a cap for if worldly events become too stressful and intense that she, or any of us, have no hope of getting him back. But until the very last day, we never ever give up. And until then, there is always a chance for the penalty to be reversed, whether partially or fully. Now no one tell her this, but we're gonna try as hard as we can to get him back for Christmas".
I've never assigned or known the personality for any of the Chloe's.
For the nurse, I'm thinking ESTP. And for the fashion stylist, I'm thinking ENFP like Sierra.
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claire-starsword · 9 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 4
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We're back and after all the setup in the previous part, we can just move on with the plot. The Guardiana's Magic School gang gets a tour of Alterone's escape rooms, to Max's delight, and he fails at them, requiring the help of a beloved old pal again.
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Seriously, why did she know this was here. I approve but I also have questions.
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She unfortunately has some catching up to do level wise, but healers are useful on any level so who cares, and she's not that away from Lowe in terms of stats.
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We get a Healing Seed from this terribly placed chest, like, why this.
As I anticipated in the previous part, Khris has as much defense as Tao (derogatory) so she gets loaded with all the Steel Rings I bought last time. I also give her a bunch of healing items that I got from chests. Don't even remember how much a Healing seed heals, but would suck to spend them this early, this is just for emergencies, and because I forgot to plan to buy herbs for her early. To be fair (hubris incoming), I don't think the next battle will be that hard.
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As you can see, the clear bonus for this one is the Jagged Flash, which I've insulted enough last time, and is not even usable in this playthrough. I guess we've somehow established a rivalry between the magic and axe schools huh, the epilogue was right.
This battle divides into two areas on each side of the river, with the enemies on top splitting between them. Usually on my normal playthrough I split the team to get the clear bonus, so I'm used to doing each area with roughly the same amount of characters I have here. That's why I'm not too worried.
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Of course, hubris has killed me before, so Max has the right idea too, let's be careful with the squishy spellcasters.
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I, also need to dunk on myself a bit, i've complained so much that this game doesn't let you check stats during battle but uh, turns out it does. It's with the R button. I'll dunk on the game too because that's a weird choice, just let me click on things with A like a normal person. Also it doesn't show enemies you haven't attacked yet it seems, which is kind of a pain. Perhaps on Chapter 4 I'll get to explain how bad that can be.
Enough rambling, I believe starting from the left will be the best as there are less enemies, we should be able to dispatch the bats before the knights come, they tend to stick to blocking the bridge. Let's do some boring turns of just walking.
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It takes four turns for us to get remotely close to each other. As I said the knights are sticking to the bridge, so I'm gonna bait the bats with Max and deal with them first. There are two more bats beyond the river and I expect them to come too.
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Bat behavior happens, and I messed up, the knights are actually out for blood.
Gong and Tao team up to take out one bat, and Max woke up as soon as the turn started, though you still can't move on the turn that happens.
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So yeah, he's not doing anything any time soon lmao
He still remains the greatest bait ever though. He and Gong still take only 1 damage from anything here, so I don't think anything will be a threat except the Dark Mage.
Tao and Gong wreck the two knights that advanced, and a bat from the other side finally comes, being greeted by Gong's counter immediately. Meanwhile, Max…
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Well, he is overleveled anyway.
Khris finally debuts by healing Max for 25 exp, which I think is more she'd ever get in the mega drive version. Not exactly sure how they adjust the exp for healing, but it will help a lot.
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She then manages to finish the bat tormenting Max doing 4 damage, which is more than I expected! Go girl we're one battle away from the Power Staff!
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I really wanna bait this bat before dealing with the bridge gang. Gong still has the Rousing Ring so there's no sleep risk.
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Actually the real reason there's no risk is that Gong has had enough of bats in general.
I try getting some exp for Lowe with this kill, but bats being bats, it dodges.
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Max asks for five more minutes on his afternoon nap, unfortunately for him he's a warrior so he returns to battle, finally making some sort of line to defend my squishy people.
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He's just in time to take a Blaze level 2 to the face. Ah, the wonders of magic.
oh c'mon, I've hit tumblr's image limit, that's gonna be a pain to deal with in this run. continuation in the reblogs i guess
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