#this all just sucks i feel very isolated and sad and i hate it
lukesreggie · 2 years
No one talks about how lonely your 20s (and 30s) can get bc your people are always doing something and/or have other plans or are ok with being by themselves when you need companionship most and it hurts
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I . . . *concentrating on breathing deeply and slowly so I don't hyperventilate*
I just . . . *breathing getting quicker even though I'm trying to calm down*
I . . . I . . . *heart is racing at an alarming speed*
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The previews haven't lied to us once! The previews told us Pisaeng was going to show up at Kawi's in his wedding tux and kiss him, and he did. The previews showed us Pisaeng was going to confess to Kawi on the rooftop, and he did! Then the previews said Kawi would kiss Pisaeng, AND HE DID!
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Kawi told Pear he liked her and she kindly rejected him. Pisaeng told Pear he has no feelings for her beyond friendship. Pisaeng told Kawi he liked him, and Kawi kindly told Pisaeng the feelings were not reciprocated.
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And this!
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Kawi intended to tell Pisaeng he is from the future, and even though Pisaeng probably thought Kawi was drunk rambling, it matters that Kawi wants to tell Pisaeng. And for Pisaeng to have felt he was gay for YEARS, and finally have the confidence to tell his mom that he doesn't need her approval or shielding from reality was amazing.
This show isn't lying to us! I can trust it! Because when Pisaeng asked Max if he felt isolated after realizing he was gay, Max answered honestly.
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This has been a big discussion this week for Step by Step, so seeing the boundaries between Max and Pisaeng although Max is slightly crossing it, shows there is hesitation on both sides, but they are growing closer. Unlike these clear boundaries.
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Kawi had a double boundary with Pear after he realized Pisaeng told her his issue, but with Pisaeng, Kawi was boxed in the boundary.
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It started at the dinner, with Pisaeng's window being opened but Kawi boxed in.
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And it continued throughout the night until Kawi crossed the line multiple times (IN THE PINK!).
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And after that, they were boxed in, together.
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It's great that Pisaeng's mom stated that Pisaeng never brings anyone over because she said it due to Pisaeng bringing a drunk Kawi home, but we learned Kawi was there earlier, and very sober, to get a shirt from Pisaeng, and they were boxed in together then as well. So will Pisaeng's place serve as their safe space?
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Even more interesting is, much like Step by Step and the rich boys' closets, Pisaeng's closet has mirrors (reflective) and glass.
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After Pisaeng's conversation with his mom, we realize that Pisaeng, much like Step by Step's Jeng, isn't closeted but can't be OUT out. Pisaeng has known he was different and has been sad and isolated since with his ironic Cheers Queers Beer.
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I mentioned it last week, but this show is really harping on the honesty aspect for all its characters. Kawi, who never drank before, is trying to drown all his conflicted feelings in alcohol instead of being honest with himself. Pear's dad encouraged MORE drinking, while Pisaeng refused to drink what his mother offers him. Kawi is running but Pisaeng is done trying to bury his emotions.
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But when Kawi woke up the next day after kissing Pisaeng, he immediately asked Pisaeng if it was a dream at breakfast, then he attempted to ask Pisaeng about it again.
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And right before he crossed the line with Pisaeng AGAIN and leaned his head on Pisaeng's shoulder, he admitted that he hates himself for "sucking so much" that he needs constant help from everyone else.
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Because the first time Kawi crossed the line was to stop Pisaeng from leaving, which caused him to apologize to Pisaeng for being a jerk, and we'll see him ask Pisaeng to stay AGAIN next week in the hospital. Kawi is literally and figuratively starting to reach out for comfort.
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This show really is telling us that being ourselves is good enough, but we have to be honest with ourselves so we can figure out who we really are.
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I HATE that Not cannot stop putting his own foot in his mouth every two seconds, but Pear pushing back against what he believes is a "straight man" is the type of reflection the show is commanding of its characters and us as the audience.
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Max questioned Kawi about what is wrong with him and why he keeps pushing Pisaeng away. Kawi questioned Pisaeng about why he continues to be so nice to him. And Pear questioned Not about his ideas on masculinity and sexuality. All the questions require some level of self-reflection, which Kawi is having to do in leaps and bounds sandwiched between an abundance of knowledge.
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Pear also encouraged Kawi to be honest with her.
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Because the answers we seek aren't at the bottom of a bottle, but deep within ourselves.
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A show that hasn't lied to us yet is leading by example - We must be honest.
Pisaeng having to basically tell Kawi to shut up and eat because Kawi is too honest about everything else except his emotions was hilarious.
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Kawi jumps into the future next week and sees he's a famous musician, but I think he stays there for a bit and this is where we will get the future issues from the trailer.
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Because Kawi didn't look sad when he moved the globe, so I'm hoping his dad does well in surgery which prompts Kawi to see how his life is now that his dad is alive.
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But I'm worried this line will come back to haunt us.
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I loved that we were shown Pisaeng changing Kawi without any sexual connotation. It's important to see this without it being implied that the gay man can't control himself. This scene was merely a man trying to help his friend.
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And Pisaeng stopping the second he realized Kawi was asleep and sleeping on the chair rather than the bed were more excellent choices.
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Finally, the nod to performative allyship where the mom is fine with her employees being gay but has strategically tried to keep her child in the closet is the sweet subtle commentary I live for. This is also why Pisaeng did not tell Max, a Tired Gay, that she was his mother. It would be rough to hear that she isn't as cool as presented.
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Max, the best character and a Tired Gay, is gonna have to kill his idol.
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(My colors theory is sticking. Pear was in a light purple, but Pisaeng was in Kawi's brown. He changed into black after kissing Kawi. Is Max blue though?)
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
X-Men 97 Episode 9 Thoughts
Ooff, I have some very complicated feelings about all of this. But unsurprisingly I have a lot to say about Rogue...
When I read that Beau DeMayo's favorite comic book was X-Men #25 I figured two things were going to happen -- that they'd get Magneto to pull out Wolverine's adamantium and that Rogue would play the Colossus role of going with Magneto.
And, the more I think about it -- this entire season was crafted to get to that moment - the moment of Magneto pulling out Wolverine's adamantium. It just feels like everything was written around one dude's past traumas. And I mean, while I'm not happy with the guy - I do get how you end up doing that with fiction.
Shame that X-Men #24 wasn't his favorite. We'd be having a whole different discussion...
I understand how we got here. I understand Rogue's grief and her in story decision making (mostly). I understand what the writers were going for. But, my god, it just sucks. It sucks that they did this to her. It sucks that this show needs to compress so much into so little time that there's no real time to let the show breathe and form organically. It sucks that they've isolated her as a character so that the grief would consume her so that we'd get to this point.
Rogue dreaming about feeling Remy and waking up only for Nightcrawler to tell her it isn't real broke me. Rogue in that trench coat broke me. Rogue deciding to go with Magneto so she could play the Colossus role -- and the fact that Remy died so she could get there - makes me angry.
It's not about love triangle shenanigans, I'm glad that that's really not a part of it. But they did the whole triangle for her to have it make /more/ sense that she'd do it. Because sans that, she wouldn't have. It was written purposely so she'd be in a mental state where it narratively does make (some) sense that she'd go with Magneto.
And I just... thanks, I hate it.
But also, I don't know where we go from here? The X-Men beat Bastion in the finale. Yay? At what cost? They've clearly set up Onslaught, which, yeah, okay, let's do that mess. But character wise... where do we go from here? What do you do with Rogue's character now?
I mean, there are some answers. I don't really love any of them for her.
X-Men, despite all the darkness, always was about hope. And I'm wondering where the hope in this series is. Because despite grand standing speeches from Xavier, I don't see it. If the finale can't give us any of that, then I don't see a reason to go on watching. Which really does break my heart :(
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Some other things:
I do kind of love Rogue's non-reaction to the fact that Magneto is alive. it's just so glossed over. Due to the time compression, the writing of this show, while it has moments, isn't as even as people make it out to be.
I do kind of wonder if we'll get a scene with Rogue standing at Remy's grave, only for him to not be in it.
I'm glad Storm is back, she's the only character (along with Nightcrawler) that I really care about in this mess. (Obvs beyond Rogue)
I'm sad Storm didn't have any reaction to Remy's death though.
I did like the little Storm and Jean moment - such a good friendship, so sad that we only saw two minutes of it the entire season.
I feel like this show misses the mark on women... were there any in the writer's room??
...did they really just kill off Jean again? *sigh* (There's no body though...)
The blue and gold teams thing made me laugh for some reason. Oh, they're just pushing so hard to make things happen only for it to feel hollow.
Idk, I just feel meh about everything else, tbh.
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himehomu · 7 months
Homura did nothing wrong. And I stand by that. Because, she didn't do anything wrong towards anyone nor did she do anything with malicious intent. The only thing she did wrong is entirely in regards to herself. Rather than basing Homura's entire character around an act she made out of love or reduce her character to an evildoer with no morals nor love in her heart like some people still do to this day under the poor facade of “valid criticism,” I'm going to explain what Homura actually did wrong in Rebellion and her what her act of selfishness actually was.
What Homura did wrong was condemn herself to suffering as an immortal deity, the Devil whom acts as a rebellion against God, The Law of Cycles, strict laws of the original universe, which included Madoka Kaname not existing. That is what she did wrong, but not in the black and white, Good-vs-Evil way most people interpret this as. Yes, they are meant to be enemies one day, but because God favors rules and always doing the right thing, whereas the Devil favors her desire to stay in a world where Madoka is happy, where her friends are happy, where they are safe and have a chance at a life. A desire for happiness vs maintaining order of a broken world for the greater good, even if maintaining order means making sacrifices and making hard choices that directly rebel against that desire and yearning for happiness.
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But, here is why Homura is wrong in dooming herself to her fate as the Devil. It's very subtle, but seconds before the Flower Field scene, as they are walking, Madoka turns and tells Homura that it really hurts her seeing her in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it. This may seem like a simple thing a friend would say, but remember that Madoka lost her memories as a goddess. And, as a goddess, she was stuck alone in Heaven having to watch life go by, Homura's life go by, and wasn't able to interfere. Think about that for a second. Think about being Madokami.
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Think about when she could finally understand just how much Homura did for her, just how much Homura fought for her in all those time loops; the moment she's able to reciprocate her feelings, she fades from existence as the consequence. Wanting so badly to comfort Homura as she bears the psychological burden of being the only person to remember her, to know her, to miss her, to grieve and mourn her. Thinking the only time she’ll ever be able to see let alone talk to Homura again is when she’s essentially dying from all the grief, the pain, the guilt, the sadness of not being able to save her from her fate of being a goddess trapped in isolation. Think about that, then look at what she says here again. Of course it hurts Madoka seeing Homura hurting so badly and feeling powerless to do anything about it. Because that's what she's been doing as The Law of Cycles. Much like how she said she'd never make the decision to become a Goddess in the first place a few seconds later, she says this because this is the real Madoka who loves and cherishes Homura, who hates to see her hurt.
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Take that into consideration when looking at what Homura turns herself into at the end of Rebellion, how she's suffering and you can see the exhaustion on her face and in her eyes, how you can see the immortality essentially sucking the humanity out of her to the point where she herself believes she is evil. This was never about Good vs. Evil. This is about Homura hating herself so much not only for being unable to save Madoka, but possibly even for loving her in the first place considering her love is what made her powerful enough to condemn herself to her fate as a Goddess trapped in Heaven with her wish. This is about Madoka hating herself so much to where she only deems herself worthy so long as she's helping others, her self-loathing making her reduce herself to a sacrificial lamb and throwing away her life for the better of everyone else, caring so little for herself and being unable to even fathom that she'd be mourned or grieved if she were to die, thus sacrificing herself over and over, seeing herself as a means to an end if it means freedom for everyone she loves. Madoka has always been there to comfort Homura and protect her since the first timeline. How can she do that if her memories and powers to do so are locked away? She can't. Because Homura doesn't believe she deserves Madoka's love.
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Homura doesn't believe she's worth Madoka's sacrifice in becoming a God and Madoka doesn't believe she's worth Homura's sacrifice in becoming the Devil. Madoka cannot understand that she is so so much more than what she can give to other people whilst Homura is the only one that does. Homura can't understand that dooming herself to immortality pains and hurts Madoka because she can't do anything about it thus she can't save her from her suffering like how Homura ceased her suffering. It's a cycle. A snake eating it's own tail. A pumpkin that spins round and round and round. They're both selfish and they're both selfless. Homura is selfish in the sense that she's not taking into consideration how Madoka would feel if she knew how much she were suffering as the Devil for her sake yet she is being selfless because she's only suffering as the Devil for Madoka and her family and their friends to have a happy life. Madoka is selfish in the same sense that she's not taking into consideration just how psychologically damaging it is for Homura to not only have to watch her die over and over again throughout 100 timelines but to then erase herself from existence with Homura being the only one to remember her and she is selfless by of course only sacrificing herself so much because she cares for everyone and all Magical Girls, Homura especially included. They both love each other enough to sacrifice themselves for the other but they both hate themselves so much to where they believe they are undeserving of the other's love hence they keep dooming themselves to suffering in isolation and in turn dooming each other.
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ebullientheart · 10 months
doctor who. spencer reid x reader
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content — fluff. spencer is sad for a bit. fem!reader. just tooth rotting fluff. blurb. doctor who reference.
spencer feels insignificant, but that’s why he has you.
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a bad case had every agent shellshocked. it always did. when they had such streaks of success, a failure felt like a full breakdown of their abilities, like suddenly they just weren’t good enough. they were the best of the best, but still human, and they tended to forget that.
especially doctor spencer reid. often, he felt alienated becuase of his intellectual capacity, but he was used to that isolation. it was a dull pain. but what was always raw, and fresh, was suddenly feeling out of touch with this defining quality, like maybe he wasn’t that smart after all. the comedown from that tore at his heart everytime.
you were getting ready for bed, swiping cleanser over your face, followed by moisturiser, when you looked out of the bathroom into your bedroom. spencer was sat, rigid, under the covers, just blinking slowly. he hadn’t picked up his book, he hadn’t turned on his reading light, which is what he usually did for at least half an hour before sleep. but it didn’t look like he was going to do that either.
the confusion, the sadness, it was painted harshly on his face, in his eyes. you hated that.
“hey,” you whispered, switching off the bathroom light and swinging yourself into bed. you leant over to kiss him on the cheek, and he turned slightly towards you, but gave no other indication he heard.
leaving your lamp on, you straightened yourself and bit the bullet, “do you want to talk about this, spencer?”
his name tumbling from your lips is what had him looking at you, finally. the way you said it, with so much love that he just felt undeserving of, grabbed his attention, though cruelly. undeserving.
he stammered, “i- i don’t know…”
he wondered if you were aware of the way you looked at him, tracing your fingers lightly over the side of his face. his heart was skipping a beat, probably another, just from your lovestruck look. pure, soulful warmth spread from your fingertips to his skin, almost reminding him of his worth, to you if nothing else. but the gripping reminder of loss stopped him embracing it.
“i’m not… i’m not as smart as i was. or thought i was. i guess it’s just, now, i’m not needed or… important.”
the words were hushed, hurt. you sucked in a breath at the self hatred rolling from his voice, clearly what he thought to be the truest sentences he could muster.
it wasn’t often you remembered phrases from the many shows and books he showed you. you engaged with them at the time, but they tended to slip your mind after a while.
“that’s incredible.”
spencer looked up from his hands with a frown, “what?”
“in all my years of time and space, i’ve never met anyone that wasn’t important.”
it seemed to let his guard down enough for him to process the love you were trying to force into his mind, his lungs, his chest, wherever you could make it stick. he practically glowed.
as a kindness, he didn’t point out that your wording was off, instead pulling you closer for a chaste, sweet kiss, and to allow to fully cup his face in your palms, “i love you very much, spencer, but i’m not biased when i say that you are brilliant. and smart. and lovely, and loved, and a hero. you are a very, very attractive genius.”
he smirked, “i never said i wasn’t attractive.”
“i felt like reminding you.”
then he kissed you again, slightly less chaste, but impossibly sweeter, his hands kind against the slope of your back.
his speech was muffled as he refused to pull more than millimetres away from your lips, as he declared, “you’re too good to me.”
“i can stop.” you teased.
again, between his mouth on yours, “don’t you dare.”
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pillarsalt · 3 months
How do you cope with loneliness? My friends are so important to me but sometimes I feel like I can't fully relate to them anymore, and I just think about how they would hate me if they knew I was GC. I have TIF and even a few TIM friends that I love and cherish very dearly because I can see that they've just fallen victim to a toxic ideology feeding their body dysmorphia and self-esteem issues. But I can't tell them how genuinely worried I am about their mental health or send them detrans testimonies that I think they would relate to because they'd think I was some hateful violent monster that I'm not. Even the content creators that bring me joy and comfort are all so fiercely anti-TERF and it just makes me sad. I don't want to hurt anyone. I even distanced from the radfem community a bit because I felt like I was becoming too hateful towards men and TIMs when I truly believe many of the ones in my life are just trying their best and fell victim to a manipulative ideology that myself and other women also fell for. It's not that I wish I was still a TRA, because I feel much more at peace internally with my identity and my belief system, but I don't know if I can say peaking has made me happier overall. I feel like I don't fit in anywhere now. Making radfem friends helped a little bit but it's not the same as being around people I've known for years and gotten close to for reasons other than this one shared belief. I don't just want to abandon them all. And it's FRUSTRATING to see people spew misinformed fearmongered nonsense and not be able to actually help them dissect those beliefs. Feeling like the only one who sees things for how they really are, but forced to play along regardless, is just so restrictive and isolating.
To be completely honest with you, I don't have a great answer. I've been lucky to have one or two close friends at a time to whom I can tell everything, including my uncensored feminism-related beliefs. I've also been (and currently am) in friend groups with multiple people who identify as trans or are dating someone who identifies as trans, and have had to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself to keep the peace. I agree it's incredibly difficult sometimes, and I know a fair few of them would instantly drop me if they knew I was a "terf". It's kind of funny because I know some of them have an inkling of what I think about the issue, but say nothing so they don't have to fight with me. If anyone asked my opinion directly, I wouldn't lie, but I admit that I lie by omission.
It is hard to watch the ones who take the medicalization route hurt themselves. My ex girlfriend and I still talk, she's a they/them nonbinary now and despite always and still being very feminine and never expressing discomfort with her body before (including posting thirst traps often,) she wants to get a mastectomy soon. It sucks because of course after having looked into this phenomenon for so long, I'm well aware of the complications and side effects that can result from a major procedure like this: phantom pain/itching, extensive and restrictive scarring, the risks of infection and necrosis, and of course the risk of regretting having an entire organ unnecessarily removed from your body later on when it's no longer fashionable to do so. It sucks that voicing even the mere suggestion that it might be a bad idea is enough to have you shunned as an apostate. I genuinely care about her and I would feel similarly if she was having any other radical cosmetic surgery like breast implants or a BBL. At the end of the day, our friends will make their own choices regardless of how we feel about it, and the only thing we can really do is be there for them in the end.
I feel similarly to you in that I don't want to hurt anyone, only to protect people and especially women from the harms that are intrinsic to trans ideology. Unfortunately, you can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped. Sometimes though, you can play dumb and ask questions that might get them to think a little bit more about the rhetoric they're repeating. For example, I often go out for drinks with coworkers, one of whom is a she/they nonbinary woman. One time she said something about how she couldn't be a full they/them because she's still 'girly' sometimes. I said something like "doesn't it seem kind of regressive to associate how feminine you are with how much of a woman you are? what about butch lesbians?" She didn't have an answer and brushed it off, but I could see the cogs turning a bit. Playing the uninformed normie pointing out the obvious sometimes gets them to realize how twisted the logic in trans echo chambers can be. And I think sometimes expressing your disagreement with the dogma can show your friends, who know you well and know you're a good person, that, contrary to what they've been told, not everyone who disagrees with gender ideology is an evil nazi out to slaughter transwomen in the streets.
But yes, in general, it is very very isolating to hold radical feminist beliefs. I'm sorry you're going through it. One thing to remember is, there are tons of women even in your general vicinity, who like you, don't buy into gender rhetoric but aren't saying anything in order to preserve their safety and social lives. I do believe that as the world seems to be becoming more aware of the reality of the situation, more and more people will feel able to be open about their dissent, and it will become less of a fringe opinion as the flaws in the ideology are exposed. Here's hoping I guess. Keep your chin up anon.
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ystrike1 · 6 months
Kimi no Tamenara Nandemo Suruyo Kyouaidanshi ni Torawarete - By Takeru Uduki (2/10)
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Behold the worst yandere offering I have found in the year 2023. I cannot believe how bad this got. Every chapter gets more ridiculous and less fun at the same time. The main character is an annoying coward who marries an equally boring side character in the end. This one gets some points though. The criminal stalker actually gets punished.
Nana is a boring, nice girl with an extreme phobia of men. She's also pretty.
Her best friend Kaoru isn't actually a woman. It's a man. Not just a man. He's the same rich, spoiled boy that harassed her for attention in elementary school. He's completely insane.
The ONLY good part of this story is the fact that he lives a miserable life. Nana doesn't choose him.
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Kaoru screwed Nana up so bad. She had to go to an all girls high school. She doesn't go out much. She avoids places that are popular with men. She's in university...and her only friend is Kaoru...
I know it's not fair, but it's impossible to make friends when you have such an extreme phobia.
There is one normal man in this story.
His name is Nanjo. He's bland as tofu and he marries Nana in the end.
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Kaoru regularly drugs Nana so he can take pictures of her while she sleeps. Kaoru also touches her. He also has a secret room full of trophies that belong to her. He wanders around this room completely nude.
He's extremely creepy and scary. The setup isn't awful, but everyone sucks.
Every single character in this is so gratingly annoying its unreal. Also some of the art looks like shit.
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I thought this would maybe be an ok read by chapter 2, but then it pisses the bed. It shits the bed. It pisses me off. Nana gets abused. She escapes from her yandere tormentor. This SHOULD be a very cool story.
It absolutely ruins itself, and the finale is dogshit.
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Kaoru is a rich brat.
He's supposed to marry a nice, rich girl who is super in love with him. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this poor girl. We see her during the finale, and she's totally smitten with this loser. She's also very pretty, but for some reason Kaoru has been stalking some boring girl...who hasn't given him the time of day since elementary school.
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Nanjo Normal tries to assault her....but Nana is actually smart enough to suspect foul play. Nanjo said he was drugged, and he only touched her. He didn't violate her. He had a fever too.
Izumi, a professor who is secretly an evil bastard butler, drugged Nanjo to isolate Nana. To increase her fear of men. To make her more dependent, and distracting for Kaoru.
I hate Izumi because it seems like he's obsessed with Nana too for a minute, but nope. We don't get an ending with two hot yandere half brothers.
Izumi only cares about taking over the family.
Kind of a huge bummer for the yandere fans reading this.
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I hate this guy. Izumi. Izumi. Izumi. He tortures Nana so damn much. All so he can have his brothers position. She is absolutely an innocent victim, and it's just sad to see it.
Izumi is a secret half brother illegitimate child character!!! Which is a very boring cliché.
He usurps Kaoru and he becomes the heir...because Kaoru is a moron that won't marry the ideal fiance he has.
By the way.....
Kaoru isn't actually a real yandere.
He is obsessed with Nana, but Izumi has been enabling him. Spoiling him. Suggesting that Nana is his true love and prize. Basically, Izumi encoured Kaoru to become a stalker so he could easily usurp Kaoru to get power.
Izumi has been doing this since Kaoru was young and impressionable.
Another bummer for the yandere fans trying to read this garbage.
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The story becomes a boring cliché drama about the two brothers. I am not kidding Nana barely appears for like half a chapter. She's supposed to be the POV character it's ridiculous. The rich boy drama is so stereotypical and boring. It's a yawn fest, which features alot of gratuitous woman abuse.
It's just no fun.
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The story JUMPS from Nana having lesbian feelings for her female best friend who is actually a male stalker.....to this???
We don't even know Kaoru is rich until like chapter three.
Anyway the ending sucks.
Nana goes through more traumatic shit.
She chooses to be with Nanjo.
She FORGIVES Kaoru. She doesn't even punch him in the face, and Izumi gets away with his countless crimes because he's rich and powerful now.
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It takes THREE YEARS with Nanjo for her to get over her trauma, so she can finally wed the nice guy that treats her right.
Kaoru is forced to...marry a gorgeous girl and be obscenely weathly forever??? How awful?? Kaoru never even cared about ruling the family. He just wanted the power to stalk Nana without being thrown in jail. He's a worthless little shit and his wife deserves better.
Izumi is never ever punished for anything, and we get the WORST wedding scene ever.
Kaoru stands there across the street, while she gets married. Izumi is a guest for some God forsaken reason, and he brings flowers.
From Kaoru.
Nana cries and holds the flowers, and she thanks Kaoru for leaving and letting her be happy?????
Punch Izumi???
Punch Kaoru????
This is a very rare case. Nana had no real romantic interest in Izumi OR Kaoru. She was just abused by them, and she was used as a tool by Izumi?
WTF is he at her wedding?
Girl didn't get to enjoy any money or good s** what gives?
Kick em out of the wedding hall Ugh.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 13 - condor
Condor Flugdienst is a German airline which operates medium-to-long-haul scheduled and charter flights with a specialty in flights from Europe to locations associated with vacation and leisure, such as the Mediterranean. They’ve been doing this for 70 years now, but in April 2022 they unveiled an overhaul of their livery. They would get a quick start on rolling it out, as they very confidently ordered 59 new planes to paint it on!
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Oh boy.
The worst thing about this livery is that it’s not a thoughtless choice. It’s very intentional and very thought out, and that makes me sad because I’m about to angrily insult someone’s earnest hard work. In fact, they have an entire webpage dedicated to their inspiration and thought process. It will be the source of all images and quotes used in the remainder of this review.
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Vacations are striped. And Condor is vacation. Umbrellas, beach towels, ice cream shops..who doesn’t love them and the stripes will make you smile. They stand for easiness, freedom to experience the world, for the gentle breeze in your hair, sunshine on your face and now for Condor. In the future our fleet will also be in this new design.  For decades, stripes have had meaning in our way of life. Timeless, elegant and recognizable – just like us.
I hate to say it, but they’re right (despite the fact that the paragraph is written pretty jankily). That’s a really clever association that’s clearly been thought out and is very recognizable. Like, in isolation I really like this idea. It just sucks that it’s very ugly? 
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I mean, it really doesn’t help that they picked a colorway that blends right into this picturesque island landscape for this particular shot, but I think what I’m angriest about is that despite committing to this absolutely vile candy cane look they didn’t even extend it to the wings and nacelles, which would have really hammered home the beach blanket look! Also, the black text is practically invisible and looks super out of place. It feels like they have this vision but they get so wrapped up in it that they mess up all the details and forget to make it good. 
But the green is very purposeful, too. 
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Our five colors: Sunshine, Passion, Sea, Island and Beach. Colors are not only found around the globe on holidays, they also stand for the fact that our world cannot be defined by a single color. Therefore our “Fleet” is looking forward to a new design, visibly striped and colorful in Sunshine (yellow), Passion (red), Sea (blue), Island (green) and Beach (beige).
I really really like these! This feels really nice, the rare airline livery with an explicit meaning that reflects what it doesand isn't just vague corporate jargon about how the color blue somehow reflects Scandinavian identity. If you’re going to do a jellybean livery this is how you should do it - every aspect of the livery swapped, visible at a glance, bright and exciting, everything intentional and explicit in its purpose. 
I love the idea and it makes me angry that it looks hideous. 
Like, it could be good. They could have tried horizontal stripes, maybe, even diagonal stripes, or some sort of wave pattern to them. I don’t know. With how much care was put into the idea surely someone could come up with something better than I have. 
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My friend @elyvator's (who took the above photograph) mother recently flew on a condor flight. There's something so surreal about seeing this big garish thing parked in a miserable soggy grey airport next to tarmac and a jet bridge and concrete.
You could miss the text entirely if you weren't looking for it. The stark white engine adds to the perception that the wing doesn't even look attached to the fuselage - like it's floating away. This doesn't belong here, and not in a good way. This isn't a plane that screams 'I might be on an awful rainy airport apron but I'm going to take you to a magical faraway beach', this is a plane as seen by someone still half-asleep after a party with a throbbing head while they're going downstairs to get a glass of water. And it had so much potential to not be that, to be something good. They came up with a great idea and then made every possible wrong choice in implementing it.
I can at least work up a bit of ironic affection for it, a sort of charm in its ugliness. It’s not the planes’ fault, and they wear it as well as they can. They’re still fundamentally cute to me. But that’s not what I’m here to judge. I’m sorry, airplanes. I'm sorry they did this to you.
This...this hurts me. It really does. 
condor is getting Runway Runway’s first ever grade of F.
I love the thought process. I love everything about the idea. This could have been so fantastic if only they didn’t make it ugly.
I still agree with everything I have said here. However, I have since slightly reframed condor's standing. To fully understand how I feel about this airline, I recommend this as a sort of part two to this post.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
i feel like he’d be totally delusional, that man has not had a single clever thought in his LIFE
Orderly Anon [💉]
Oh you have no idea... I'd love to try out a proper concept for him! Hope this was long enough?
Yandere! Cronus Ampora Concept
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overly flirtatious behavior, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Brief threats of self harm mention (Cronus being Cronus), Kidnapping, Isolation, Clingy, Forced relationship.
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Cronus has been rejected so many times by others I'm not surprised he'd lose it after awhile.
By the time Cronus meets you he could care less if you're a human or a troll.
He just wants someone in a quadrant to love him already.
However, while most trolls are used to a fellow troll partner, Cronus may feel better with a human darling.
That's due to the whole seeing himself as a human aspect he has.
Cronus is a very demanding yandere.
He's needy and does just about anything and everything to get the attention of you.
Cronus would even resort to emotional manipulation to either win you over or make you stay with him. (Threats of self-harm or anything like that-)
Cronus is desperate and demanding.
He'd stalk you and hound you just to have your attention.
He's a hopeless flirt, constantly complimenting and flirting with you to win you over.
He lays the flattery on thick.
He even tries to compose songs for you in hopes of impressing you.
He can be rude and overall a bad person yet tries to play it cool and be caring with you.
He is such a suck up if it means you'll love him.
He's more likely to go for Matespritship yet will honestly take anything.
I imagine Cronus is used to feeling envious so he primarily gets really childish when jealous.
Honestly if you ever did give him a chance he'd probably be easy to control.
Just dangle the fact you'll leave him and he behaves.
Honestly, since he messes with your emotions, do it back and he's humbled.
While he's easy to control in a mutual relationship, I can't say the same if you drive him over the edge.
For the most part Cronus will follow you around like a pathetic puppy.
He's... sad to look at sometimes.
He's used to rejections and envy so he's a bit more patient than you think.
Although the moment that patience falters he can be a bit volatile.
He'll throw a bit of a fit, complaining and yelling about how hard he has it.
He so bad just wants you to love him.
At this point he feels he actually needs it.
He'd be a yandere to eventually just kidnap you if he feels he could lose his chance.
In his eyes you are his last chance of being loved.
No one else likes him so he is really desperate to have you.
If Cronus snapped he would isolate you in a room away from anyone else.
After all, if he isn't going to have you willingly, then he might as well take what he wants!
He's waited long enough, hasn't he?
Cronus does not seem like a violent yandere.
He's dramatic and emotional, he's more likely just to be an annoyance if he hates someone around you.
Can't see him killing anyone.
Be it you joined him in a quadrant willingly or not, Cronus is physically affectionate.
I like the HC people have that violet and/or fuchsia bloods feel cold to the touch due to being aquatic.
Cronus certainly craves your warmth and feels cold when he gives physical affection.
He has a poor sense of personal space so he is very clingy.
Cronus may slightly be a worship yandere, as I said before he'll do anything to appeal to you.
He is incredibly delusional.
Even if he has you locked away where only he can see you, he still thinks there's a chance you'll love him willingly.
He feels somehow you hold romantic feelings for him and is going to fish them out somehow.
He thinks that he's the only one for you.
He isn't really a giving yandere.
For the most part he takes.
He takes affection, attention, warmth, etc....
However he also intends to try to make you happy as his partner to keep you.
Cronus feels like he'd be an entitled yandere due to his demanding traits.
He feels you're his and is willing to take what he feels is his.
He may say blood color doesn't matter but he's still just as entitled as any violet blood.
Overall the primary traits of Cronus is the fact he's demanding, dramatic, clingy, flirtatious, lacks boundaries, delusional, and is very desperate.
He can possibly be controlled if you agree to being his partner.
He will take time to snap, but when he does, he comes in full force.
Cronus is willing to play nice with his darling if they are willing to go along with it.
The moment he realizes he isn't getting anywhere with you, however...
Well... then he's done playing nice, isn't he? It's about time he gets what he wants.
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violetlunette · 29 days
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For this: https://violetlunette.tumblr.com/post/750101935997206528/i-saw-others-doing-it-so-i-thought-id-give-it-a#notes
Ah, my pure, honest, “straight” and true Silver! <3 I’ll try to summarize instead of rambling: I didn’t warm up to him at first as I thought his entire character revolved entirely around Malleus or Sebek, whom he was always grouped with it seemed. He seemed less like his own person and more of an accessory. The only reason I started giving him attention was because of Lilia, who I enjoyed. But then I got to know him—or as well as you can know a character. Instantly, I related to his feeling towards his father as I have a very close relationship with my parents and I experience the same fears Silver has. I love Silver’s personality. He’s kind, honest, sweet, polite, and one of the hardest workers of the cast. I love that while he’s loyal, he’s not blindly so. If Malleus or Lilia pulls shit he calls them out and puts his foot down, especially if it harms others. I’ve never liked the servant who’s blindly loyal and willing to toss the world aside just for their master’s / lover’s sake character, so Silver won my heart at the Endless Halloween Event when he called Malleus and Lilia out for not thinking things through and possibly endangering students. Malleus and Lilia are precious to him, but he knows they’re not the only people in the world. That’s one of the things I love most about him; Silver will do what’s morally right, regardless of what it costs him personally. That being said, he’s not suicidally self-sacrificing either. Silver values his life and defends it along with others. He’s only willing to lay it down when there’s no choice. He’s also one of the few characters in fiction whose obliviousness I don’t mind. I had to think on why this was so as this is a trait in Kalim that bothers me when otherwise find him cute. Then I realized it’s because Silver isn’t willfully ignorant like Kalim who tends to ignore things, even when they’re spelled out to him. Silver was raised isolated so it makes sense his social skills suck, but even then he’s not blind. 8/10 he can tell when he’s caused someone trouble and makes steps to amend it. The only case I can recall where he’s blatantly oblivious is in regards towards Leona’s feelings towards Malleus, but that’s due to his personal experience with Sebek who’s less than honest about his feelings. Otherwise when the truth is presented to him, he accepts it and adjusts. (Oof, if only more people were like that.) I like him as a “character,” as well. Silver has several interesting dilemma about him. As stated, Silver is one of the hardest working characters in the series as he is always training and does his best to study. However, due to his sleep spells, everyone believes he’s lazy and with no other explanation Silver is forced to accept this as well. It’s tragic because the audience knows it’s not his fault, but alas… His backstory is interesting too, more so than anyone else in my opinion, and it’s so heartwarming. He was born to people who did bad things against the ones he loves more than anything, and yet those same people overcame that hate and chose to love him instead. Speaking of which I adore his relationship with Lilia. These two fully encapsulates platonic true love, which we’re getting to see more and more. The relationship with the others are good too, but it’s Lilia and Silver that stole my heart. (His dynamic with Idia is fun as well. I’m sad we don’t get more moments of the two interacting in book 7, but I digress.) All in all, Silver’s my boi. He’s a just, honest and true knight who fits the title to a T.
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simcardiac-arrested · 9 months
can i ask some stuff aboutyour ocs you mightve already said/shown at some point on the askblog . thank you in advance either wayyy
how does NS even "know" to blame NWB for his suffering? how well does he remember the conflux fuckening?
it seems like FTA has seen NS at their happiest post-trauma, which is. sad. why does he hate them?
does Wayback intentionally self-isolate from the rest of his group, cuz it seems like at very least WT would try and humor him, and CD wouldn't care about his productivity.
WAIT IS CD IN THAT ONE ARTIST COMIC WITH NS PRE-VIRUS CD? REAL? actually do their groupmates feel like.. upset about the change in *her*? ok sorry i know this is so many asks are not the best way to do this but i am runnin g away
hi ! totally fine. probably have revealed some of this stuff already but i have the memory of a dust particle so idgaf we Will talk about this once more
1. i think sep remembers that it was wayback’s ‘fault’ because well, that’s Licherally how it all started. like the reason they went through all of this at all was cuz they had to take wayback’s workload as well. i think waves would often talk about how sep needs to be Better than that useless green bitch. but mainly i think that everytime sep would be forced to overwork themself they would also see wayback just doing nothing and having fun and whatever and they’d be Reminded. re: how well does sep remember the conflux fuckening … i will be honest it’s tricky to explain and i feel like anytime i do it 1. completely changes 2. doesn’t make 100% total sense. but also i think that’s ok ^_^ i don’t need it to make total sense i just need u guys to get the gist of it. because like … well memory problems and/or loss in Human brains already kind of works weirdly. and with sep he is both biological and mechanical and literally One Big Superbrain; so basically i’ve always imagined that while his memories and files can just be erased with no consequences like how it would usually happen to a normal computer, i think the biological part of him would always Know to some degree and be aware. i think the best way i’ve ever explained it is that it’s like walking into a mall in the middle of a weekend and seeing it empty. it just feels off, like something is missing, like there should be People there, because it’s 2pm on sunday and everyone fucking loves malls. but there’s no one. you can Tell something is wrong and something is missing but you can never fully Understand, just follow your deja vu and gut feelings. i hope that mostly makes sense!!
2. first of all, fates is just a really reserved and negative person and a Professional Hater, so she can find reasons to hate almost anyone for almost anything. it comes naturally to her. the surface reasons for hating sep would be that he is generally annoying and can be condescending even while helping fates. she just doesn’t really like him as a person, she thinks he Sucks. but the deeper reasons … well. let’s just say maybe fates and wayback have more parallels than u might think (said by a guy who barely draws attention to these parallels (I’M SORRY WE JUST HAVENT GOTTEN TO THAT PART YET !!! UEAHGHH) (completely unrelated. Hi skiddles hi steven)))
3. nope, wayback only self-isolates when he’s Going Thru Shit, which i understand is like 100% of the time but you know what i mean — the thing with his local group is that he’s an Enigma to them. they do not understand him and like a good half of them think he’s just annoying (ris, fta, sep(???)). also to be fair wayback is just not super interested in all the iterator business so he barely checks the local group (even if he dislikes being lonely). and while wt does try to humor him most of the time they are also Quite Old and do not really get what the fuck he is on about 80% of the time. also they honestly just have bigger things to worry about. now with cd it’s a different deal because she and wayback would make amazing buddies, it’s just that she’s actually a really big fan of his weirdass music and therefore is way too shy to ever actually talk to him. also she thinks if she does become friends with him then the whole group will hate her because they all seem to dislike wayback to some degree. she whines to weaving about this often and they just go No one would dislike u man … but she doesn’t believe them. she’s quite peculiar if i do say so
4. yesss cd used to be sep’s artist buddy! and uhmm. to be honest i don’t think most of the group knew cd that well before (ris and soar are not huge fans of interacting and son isn’t either) and/or just don’t really gaf about what happened (fta and ris once more). so yeah don’t even worry about it. i mean i’m sure Someone is upset about it . don’t know really. Who said that. must’ve been the wind
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can i just talk abt how goddamn isolating being autistic is (for me at least)
big rant ahead
like of course for the more obvious reason of i can't read social cues and i have trouble interacting/socializing with people. but like there's so much more to that and i haven't seen anyone else ever talk abt it. it makes me think maybe this is just me who feels like this.
i fucking wish i could be like everybody else. i wish i could express my feelings in a normal way. i wish i could show people i loved them properly. in ways where there's absolutely no doubt about it.
my boyfriend knows he's loved by physical touch. that's his love language. i hate being touched. i don't like hugs and i don't like hand-holding and i don't like cuddling. sometimes i can make myself do it but most of the time i can't and it kills me to know he's not getting the love he needs or deserves. just because my brain isn't the right way.
it's hard for me to even understand the feeling of love. it's hard for me to understand all of my feelings. but especially one so complicated. i don't get it. it confuses me. it's weird and complicated and makes me feel arrrggggshghfgr. i never had crushes (or i guess never knew i did maybe?) as a kid and it made me feel left out. i would pretend to have crushes on people just to feel like everybody else.
i used to think i was good at reading social cues up until somewhat recently. the reason i thought this is because i never knew what i was missing. it wasn't there for me. it wasn't until i heard a neurotypical person explain how they experience things that i realized... holy shit. i've missed so much. i've missed so many subtle things. this made me think... how many people actually liked me as a kid but i couldn't tell because they didn't say it up front? how many times did i sob myself to sleep as a child thinking nobody liked me when maybe i didn't have to?
it's the same way with shows and movies, too. i miss out on so much and it fucking sucks. i can't fully understand even my hyperfixations. god only knows how many important things i missed just because i can't see them? i see people talk about this or that in a show i've watched dozens of times and thought about so deeply and i'm like... what the fuck are they talking about??? and then i realize, they're talking about things that were told through non-verbal communication and such. things that i don't pick up on. things i never realized had any meaning.
another thing with shows and movies is that i absolutely hate watching them with other people. it's because when i'm around other people i feel like i need to react to certain things a certain way. i need to display my emotions the same way they do. if they cry, i should be crying or otherwise i'm a cold heartless bitch. if they're laughing, i need to laugh too otherwise i'm emotionless and weird. i feel the same emotions, i know i do. i just don't show them outwardly. and i hate that. when things are sad or funny, i feel those emotions. it's just that that's not the way i express them. i feel like i need to perform or else i'm wrong. i'm watching the show wrong. i'm feeling those emotions the wrong way.
sometimes i feel like i even think the wrong way. the way my brain works is that i don't think in just words. when i am in my head and thinking, it's a mix of words and images and gestures and feelings and sounds and sensations and smells and what the fuck ever. it's so hard to put what i think into words. i think that i think some very good thoughts and i'd love to share them but i can't and it hurts me because i want other people to be able to enjoy what i'm enjoying, you know? like i'm not saying i'm the best and my thoughts are the best, it just makes me happy to share my passions and ideas. but i can't. my speech is stop-and-go and choppy and forced. it's hard. it's hard to even type this out. it's hard to find words.
i feel so isolated. i feel like i miss so much. like everybody else is speaking a different language i'm not allowed to ever learn. it's their secret. i'm not allowed. but they make fun of me for not knowing anyway.
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partiallypearl · 11 months
"You know I won’t ever tell." Terra and Beatrix being besties
is this like two weeks late? mayhaps. it is what it is. thank you @penflicks for the prompt, and your patience!
As a principle, Beatrix didn't talk to people who were crying. She wasn't a comforting person: years of isolation had made that clear, and the few times she had tried comforting people since coming to Alfea hadn't worked out.
So when she walked into the Winx suite to wait for Stella, and found Terra crying on one of the couches, in all honesty, Beatrix wanted to run back out and pretend she had never seen it. But a nagging little voice in the back of her head told her, that she need to do something.
"You uh, you okay?" She asked, and the dirty blonde looked at her, tear tracks staining her cheeks. "I'm fine. What are you doing here?"
Beatrix raised an eyebrow. "Waiting for Stella. Why are you crying?"
Terra shook her head, her waves falling into her face as she fiddled with the Peter Pan collar of her shirt - which was floral patterned. She looked like a frilly cupcake, a depressed one, for that matter.
"It's so dumb, I'm so stupid." Terra muttered and Beatrix simply stared at her. "Calling yourself an idiot won't improve anything."
"I know that." Terra snapped in response. "I don't need you of all people to tell me that." Beatrix snorted, sitting down beside the blonde, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Being a bitch to me won’t solve your problem. So spill it, or suck it up Harvey. You know I won’t ever tell.”
After a long moment of deathly silence, Terra spoke like she usually did, fast paced and with barely any breaths in between. “I thought my dad would want to come for my award ceremony. The one we’re having next week. But he’s so busy with Malacoy Academy stuff, and he can’t come, and neither can my mom and it’s not fair because Sam’s had three events in the last two weeks and both of them have been there for him, and I know it’s dumb. I’m well aware that I’m being stupid over this.”
Beatrix nodded, encouraging the other girl to continue. “I just… I feel so alone. I know logically I’m not, I have the girls, and Kat. But I’ve never been away from my dad and my brother this long.”
And as much as she hated to, Beatrix understood the feeling. Losing her dad had been sould crushing in so many ways. For 16 years straight, it had been just the two of them, and all of a sudden, it was Beatrix on her own. Alone. Feeling betrayed by everyone.
Probably not completely unlike what Terra was feeling at the moment.
“Alright look. I’m only going to say this once. As much as I loathe to admit it, you’re very smart and a force to be reckoned with. If your dad doesn’t want to show up for you like he does for Sam, that’s his own prerogative. You can’t let him being a shitty dad ruin your week.”
Terra looked at her, still sad, but looking a lot more sure of herself. “Yeah. I can’t.” Beatrix nodded, grateful that this conversation was over.
She moved to walk towards Stella’s bedroom, figuring she could hide in there.
“Hey Beatrix?” Terra’s voice made her pause. “Yeah?”
“Thank you.” Terra said, a soft smile on her face. As much Beatrix hated it, she found herself smiling back as well.
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gorillaxyz · 4 days
im not sad posting im reflecting...
sigh. im frustrated with myself. every opportunity i have to make friends i either dont take it or i do... but we just drift a part bc i bring up the things i like too much and no one really cares :/
like with my last really close friend we were :) awesome... it was so awesome. i love him so much he might be one of my fav people ever. he was so funny and intelligent... and we were close :) really close... i was at the time heavily fixated on a boy i liked. and we would talk abt that. but when i moved on to well. something id usually fixate on :( we just kind of drifted a part.
theres more too it... there was a girl we were friends with who just..????? hated me😭 and theg started leaving me out of conversations and stuff :/ which is whatever. but it sucks
im sad i have no one to rely on :( and i wish i didnt drive people away. i wish someone could be interested in me for more reasons than they want to fuck me. which wasnt the case wuth the last friend i was super close with. but the majority of people i have spoken to in recent years :/ it just makes me sad. i hate being so openly objectified by these men. it makes me feel sick. its not happening with anyone anymore but it just makes me sad to think about. it makes me feel like i dont matter anything at all to my peers. its very isolating
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aita-blorbos · 29 days
Aita for needing to feed on souls to survive?
🔮 (to find this again)
Hi!! I (girl i guess?15) am a demon! I became one when i almost died when i was a lot younger. Typical stuff, your dad tries to kill you to avoid a prediction from this hack medium but ends up fulfilling the prophecy anyways because he didn't realize the one gift he bought for me in my isolation was a mirror with Levi (demon, probably like 3000 yrs old) chilling inside and it liked me so it saved me :p
But back to the whole souls thing! I'm picky about what i eat!! I dont like, just go about the town murdering!
I seek out people that are evil, like my dad was. Its easy with the help of the folks that watch over me now - especially River (M 20somethin). He isn't magical at all, he's unassuming and kind, so people tend to trust him! And he's very serious about picking me the food i like to eat.
We seek people that suck - people that abuse others, hurt innocents and stuff like that. Usually I warn them to change once or twice, because i feel bad about this sort of thing, but River doesn't think i should starve myself like that or whatever :p i still like to give chances to redeem.
And if they don't do it, then they die! Usually River kills them for me. But he's had lots of close calls. He almost dies a lot, and he's only human. Honestly, most my friends are very mortal, and I worry if this diet of mine might be dangerous in the long run - especially if... certain angels come looking for me. Still can't believe that jerk, i thought he was supposed to be my friend...
But on the souls! It's also the only thing that gives me the nutrients to survive. I don't know what to do, or even if there's a way not to eat souls anymore :(
And also? Levi is still up there in my brain. He talks to me sometimes, and I try to let him have some out time and hold the reins to my body so to speak, but he only likes to if i almost die again. He gets scary. He's not picky about what he eats, and he hates how sweet bad souls taste. So i worry if i starve myself trying to find a cure, he might hurt my friends. He already doesn't like that River doesn't think i am a traditional demon. I don't know why it bothers him so much.
Oh - another plus to the demony thing, provided enough energy, i can grant wishes! And the powers come into the shape of these pretty gemstones. For example, though i didn't get to do this one, my best friend December (boyo, 16) has a wish stone that prevents him from being killed. As long as it's intact, wether you cut him, drown him or do whatever, he can't die! But he still can be hurt and incapacitated and I'm not good at healing magic, so if you do that to him, I'll kill you. Violently. He already needs mobility help, he doesnt need more!! I wanna make him another wish stone to help that, but he insists its okay. I hope these stones don't take physical tolls, now that i think of it...
Anyways back to the topic at hand!!! Is it bad that i eat souls? I'm trying super hard to be careful!! And if you have any suggestions of what i could do about this (that dont hurt Levi he's just sad and crusty and in my brain :( dont be mean), please lmk!
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
Bastard Corner: Maffic Gabbro—the magma tycoon
from: Weekend at Omelas (quick, grab the kid and run!)
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Gabbro is a greedy, corrupt, tyrant whose temper is as explosive as his lava mine. He doesn’t give a damn about his workers and treats his staff like objects. His character was loosely inspired by the “corrupt official”贪官 archetype from classic chinese dramas.
Favourite detail: Gabbro is the only one with dialogue in this scene which makes it sound like he’s talking to himself. This reflects his inflated ego, his word is the only one that matters around here, everyone else is literally a non-entity. 
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God his POV is SO FUN to write. He’s so cruel and petty, which is very carthartic in it’s own way. Firstly, it holds a mirror up to ourselves. We’ve all said snide, hateful and judgmental things at some point. Sometimes it takes self-recognition in the other to realise “hang on…am I the asshole?” But most importantly, what he doesn’t say is just as important. Gabbro has this way of obfuscating and rationalizing his own misdeeds and it’s kind of fun to read between the lines to find out what he’s actually saying. 
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Gabbro takes a genuine liking to undercover Qui-Gon Jinn which goes a long way to humanizing him. I really like this touch because it adds dimension to his character. Evil people don’t think they’re evil, from Gabbro’s perspective he’s just a ruthless businessman with exacting standards. Everyone’s looking out for themselves, afterall, why shouldn’t he try to get rich? 
Just like everyone else, he recognizes and appreciates positive qualities in people. Qui-Gon is humble, intelligent and curious. It makes sense that gabbro, who spends a lot of time surrounded by sycophants, opportunists and nepotism, would really like him.
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well well well, if it isn't the consequences of his actions. Gabbro is in a hell of his own making. He holds himself above everyone and feels deeply isolated as a result. he demands total obedience and ruthlessness from his staff and hates them for it. He’s fabulously wealthy but has no friends and a string of failed marriages. Underneath it all he’s kind of just a sad, lonely old man.
(btw Gabbro is a vessel of the narrative, he’s not an analogue to any real person. Actual Billionaires 100% suck. they're not deep they're just greedy)
I really like this role reversal because Gabbro is actually the one who is emotionally honest while Qui-Gon is being manipulative and masking his intentions. It’s a nice little moral grey patch.
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Did you notice Qui-Gon never says who he is or why he’s here? He never outright lies, Gabbro just made a bunch of assumptions. 
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Lets take a moment to appreciate that this mf just threatened to sue the jedi order.
I try to give my characters a few positive traits to balance their negative ones. For all his faults, Gabbro is NOT a coward. Even when Qui-Gon has him on the ropes, he never backs down or comes close to confessing. 
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Just when Gabbro thinks he’s gotten away with it… BAM! The safety inspection comes out of left field and wacks him over the head. I still laugh about it. It’s fucking Kafkaesque. This guy gets away with ILLEGAL ARMS DEALING and gets rekt by…fucking space OSHA. Its like al capone getting away with murder and jailed for tax evasion. Theres only one force more deadly and soulcrushing than the dark side and it is BUREAUCRACY.
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