#they goof around a lot but they are very good at reading situations and helping others. she cares about her friends but hides their pain
rinringringu · 2 years
i don't understand pinterest/tiktok pjsekai fans. mizuki is ok with both they and she. you guys get mad when someone assumes that pronouns equal gender (which is normal bcs it's incorrect) but then mizuki uses they/them in the english ver and suddenly they're "canonically non-binary"?? i think she's nb too, but that doesn't mean they can't use she/her pronouns, what the hell guys.
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So I done goofed, and my brain wasn't happy until I wrote a sequel to my little Barbed Wire Hearts snippet/ask/prompt thing from yesterday. So here ya go!
@swifty-fox @moghraidhs this is very much for you because we all needed this to happen
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I recommend listening to this while reading, it had me all up in my feels while writing this:
Walking into the hospital parking lot and seeing his old beat up red F150 still sitting there, like a silent vigil awaiting his return was almost a surreal experience for John. As much as he would have found the thought ridiculous in any other situation, he'd almost forgotten it existed in the time he had spent cooped up in the sterile environment of the hospital, mind awash with more pressing matters. Coupled with the stress and worry that had oozed from every single one of his pores like a sickness, the outside world other than room number 13 and its occupant was the only thing he had been mentally able to put any real energy into.
Curt and a few of the other boys had stopped by every few days to slink their way into the wing, jeans and boots and cowboy hats sticking out like a sore thumb amongst scrubs and white coats and had brought him a duffle bag of spare clothes and toiletries so he could use the visitor's showers. He'd made it pretty clear in the first days that he wouldn't be leaving any time soon, not even to pick himself up anything to eat (when he could remember to).
Curt had been an angel in that sense, too. He'd brought Bucky dinner a few nights in a row in the fortnight he was there, some cheap takeaway from one of the diners in the middle of town, burgers and such. And those nights he couldn't make it in to check up on things John had very helpfully been informed by one of the nurses on shift that she was to remind him to eat, even if it was from one of the crappy vending machines dotting the hospital corridors at the behest of a very worried friend that had called the front desk. The soft amused smile the woman had flashed his way alerted him to the fact that none of the nurses were bothered by Curt's mother-hen phonecalls. Especially when Bucky hadn't turned his phone off of silent since he'd been there and one too many calls had gone to voicemail. He knew he'd be getting an earful off Curt and the other boys once he had made it back to the grounds, but he also knew he'd be quickly forgiven his neglect, given the current circumstances.
As he got closer to the truck, pulling his keys out of his coat pocket and twirling them around his index finger, Bucky took a quick glance back over his shoulder at the figure not too far behind him, making sure they were still following him.
Buck still looked like he'd been hit by a semi truck, blue eyes cast down to the pavement as he diligently followed Bucky on auto-pilot, bruises still stark over his face, albeit slightly faded now, but still evident. Still sore looking. His left arm was cast from the hand all the way up to his elbow, held up gently in a sling over his good shoulder. Bucky had no doubt the other man could still feel the telltale ache in his left shoulder-socket where it had been popped completely out in the accident, features wincing every now and then if he stepped too heavily and jostled himself.
His blond hair was in a messed up disarray, bed-hair born of two weeks of laying in an uncomfortable hospital bed for hours at a time, sticking up in some places and falling softly across his forehead in others. The nurses had helped him up and into the room's private bathroom the night before and had helped him finally have a shower before he got discharged the next morning, an awkward affair that Bucky knew the blond didn't necessarily want to talk about if the blush that had painted his pale cheeks when prodded was anything to go by. Better than having to be given a spongebath though, by a long shot, and Bucky couldn't have agreed more.
He also couldn't help the small smile that pulled up at the corner of his lips as he raked his gaze over the smaller man's body, taking in the soft grey over-sized sweatpants (Bucky's) tightened as much as the drawstrings would allow around thinner hips, tucked loosely into worn Twisted X square toe boots. A good idea in hindsight when there was no way Buck would have been able to get himself into a pair of his usual jeans with the soreness of the bruising up his thigh and over the jut of his hip bone, matching his face in colour albeit a bit more angrier looking.
The nights were a bit cooler than they were a week or so before, so at Bucky's insistence Gale was also draped in one of John's massive Ariat puffer jackets, only one arm able to fill the sleeves while the other hung uselessly at Gale's side. With the collar pulled up around his ears, John felt a sense of pride and slight satisfaction knowing he was wearing his clothes. Everything but the plain white tshirt underneath the draped layers.
Walking over to the passenger side quickly after shoving the key in the driver's side door and unlocking it, Bucky opened the passenger door and swept his other arm out in a low gesture, a smirk on his face.
"After you, princess," he drawled, delighting in the unimpressed lift of an unbruised brow shot in his direction, but no real heat or disdain behind it.
He patiently waited with the door held open, allowing Buck to gingerly hoist himself up into the truck's cab knowing if he tried to assist in any way he'd get sworn at for his trouble, ever the independent hard-headed idiot Buck often was. Once the other man was seated comfortably, only a few winces and sharp intake of breath painfully hissed through clenched teeth, Bucky carefully shut the door and trotted around the front of the truck to climb into the driver's seat. He gave a double glance into the truck bed at his and Buck's bags he had tossed in a little while earlier before he'd gone back in to help with the discharge papers.
The old truck roared to life without much protest, and he couldn't help the self-satisfied little chuckle that escaped him, patting the dash like the vehicle was a loyal old dog at his heels. As much as he'd nearly forgotten about her amongst the chaos, he was happy to be back behind her wheel, even if the leather was peeling just a tiny bit from sun damage. It added more character, he thought.
He looked over at Gale, noticing the younger man sitting still and almost stiff, eyes zeroed in on the dash but glazed over in thought and what was probably left over sedation from the heavy painkillers he was given. His expression was blank, nothing giving away even the slightest hint at what was running through that pretty head of his, and Bucky felt that telltale tightening in his throat creep up again. But before he let it get a permanent grip, he reached forward, grabbing the black felt hat that had been sitting on the dash since the previous day (thanks, Curt) and picking it up before turning and dropping it perfectly over Buck's head.
The other man flinched in surprise, ripped out of his thoughts and his bright blue eyes coming back into focus as he turned to look at Bucky, a confused frown creasing his brow as he brought up his working hand and felt the hat underneath his fingers. He straightened it a few centimetres, eyes looking between Bucky's in a numb sort of questioning expression.
"My hat," he said dumbly, voice quieter and still that hint of lost that had Bucky swallowing back emotions that he didn't want to put a name to, instead letting a bright smile grow from his smirk in the blond's direction, teeth bright.
"Well, can't be much of a cowboy without your hat now, can you?" Bucky smiled, watching every minute change in Buck's expression like a hawk. He was rewarded with a swooping sensation in his chest when he noticed the smallest grin colour Buck's face, eyes flickering away from Bucky's with a small huff of a laugh to focus out the windshield.
"Don't think I'll be much of a cowboy for the next couple weeks, Bucky," Gale muttered. As if in stark reminder, he winced as he shifted slightly in the worn leather seat, obviously jostling one of the many painful areas littering his body.
"Ahhh come on," Bucky joked, leaning forward slightly to grip the ancient clutch and put the truck into gear. "You're still one of the best cowboys around, even if you are bruised and battered to high heaven."
Gale huffed out another light breath of a laugh, lifting his good elbow up to rest it against the open window, hand and fingers dangling on the outside and tapping a gentle beat against the metal of the door as Bucky pulled the vehicle out and towards the end of the parking lot onto the main road.
The next half hour of the drive back to the rodeo grounds was silent, just the monotone hum of the local radio turned down to barely audible from the truck's old speakers and the quick whoosh of another vehicle every now and then, passing them on the highway on the way back to where they'd just came from. The sun had dipped low enough on the horizon now that the reaching expanse of the county they were in painted a picture through the slightly dirty windshield, sky lit up in oranges and reds streaked through by a few stray clouds.
Bucky would hazard glances from the corner of his eyes every now and then at Gale, who sat still and stoic beside him, chin now rested in the palm of his hand against the window, eyes cast out to the scenery that rolled by. Bucky could tell that under the surface there was something much more sinister and harsh squeezing at Buck's heart and thoughts, spiraling down deep into a void that he worried he wouldn't be able to pull the younger man out of, even if he lassoed him like a runaway steer.
At some point, with a nervous swallow, Bucky reached his free hand out, covering Buck's thigh with the expanse of it, feeling the tension in the muscles and gave what he hoped was a comforting squeeze, gentle and barely there, but a reminder he was right there with him all the same. He counted it as a win when he noticed Buck's face turn to him slightly with a soft smile, eyes very obviously still avoiding John's own before turning back to the view from the window. It had Bucky releasing a long breath he hadn't realised he had been holding hostage in his chest. He didn't attempt to remove his hand, and Buck didn't make any effort to shift out from under it. If anything, he leaned into the touch, knee swinging softly towards the gear stick in Bucky's general direction after a few moments. A silent thank you.
Bucky couldn't help the gentle self-satisfied smile that graced itself onto his face.
By the time Bucky turned the truck off the highway and through the big open gates of the grounds, the sun had dipped that much further underneath the distant mountains that everything was washed in a barely perceivable darkness. What was left of the sunset was slowly turning itself to the deep blue of the night, stars beginning to reveal themselves against the quickly fading orange glow.
As the beam of the truck's headlights lit up the dirt road further into the grounds and towards the still set up camps close by the back of the arena, the familiar sight of gooseneck trailers and camper trailers, awnings folded out and a pit fire settled in the middle amongst them came more into view.
They could see the silhouettes of a dozen people, Curt and Dougie and Brady and the rest all chatting away circled around the fire, beers in a few hands as Bucky slowly pulled the truck to a stop up beside Crosby's trailer. It wasn't until he had turned off the engine, hopping out of the cab with stiff knees and moved around to Buck's side that Curt's voice cut through the night and reached them through the other voices.
"Ayyyy, the great Champion returns!" Bucky couldn't help the grin from painting his face as he looked up, mid opening Buck's door and seeing Curt walking in their direction, back lit up in orange from the fire's warmth and arms lifted above his head, beer bottle in one hand.
Buck had only just planted his boots on the ground with a slightly pained grunt before he was swept up in a happy but very careful embrace by Curt, the other shorter man being incredibly cautious as to which parts he touched, but none the less enthusiastic in his greeting. The curve of Buck's own smile, teeth glinting in the half darkness caught Bucky's eye and he couldn't help the weight that lifted from the centre of his chest.
"It's good to see you, Buck. They finally release you from that hellhole, huh? Thought our good ol' Bucky here was gonna rot himself to that chair by your bed if you didn't get outta there soon."
Bucky couldn't help the bashful way he rubbed at the back of his neck at Curt's words, hoping the slight colour that rose to his cheeks wasn't too obvious in the lowlight when Buck shot him a soft glance from his peripheral.
"Wild horses couldn't drag me away, Curt," Buck joked back. It was light-hearted and jovial, appeasing Curt's attention on him, but Bucky could see that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. There was a blank faraway look behind those baby blues, and it made Bucky's chest restrict uncomfortably as he watched as more of the boys made their way over. They all stepped forward to squeeze the blond cowboy's good shoulder or shake his good hand, some like Brady and Jack and Crosby mirroring Curt and pulling Buck into a gentle embrace, ever careful of his injuries.
Once they had all made their way over to the fire's warmth, Curt all but forcing Buck into one of the fold out camper chairs in his usual mother hen ways, everyone took their turn updating him and Bucky on everything they had missed while they had been in the hospital. Buck more-so, considering the first almost week the man had been unconscious for most of the time and had missed more than Bucky had.
Curt took a few moments to admonish Bucky like he had expected at having had his phone on silent for nearly the entire time, but Bucky just waved him off with a cocky smirk. He kept glancing at Buck every few minutes, taking note of every small change in the blond's expression, the way he joked with the others, the small smiles and tilt of his chin when he laughed as much as his broken ribs would allow him to in their process of healing. To any of the others, everything was normal, Buck's gentle quiet nature and injuries the reasoning as to why he wasn't quite himself yet, why there wasn't that normal spark in the shine of his eyes. But Bucky could feel the tension, the exhaustion that was more than just from pain and injury radiating from Buck like he was melded with the man's very mind himself. Could see the way he tucked himself further underneath Bucky's jacket every now and then with a faraway look on his face before he made himself more alert to the conversations around him.
Bucky just sat and boded his time, happy to not have to make too much small talk amongst the other boys as the night further darkened and the numbers on his watch got later and later.
When most of the conversations had died down and a few of the boys had retired to their trailers for the night, a few still milling about with the happiness that both Buckies return had caused and talking amongst themselves, voices slightly slurred from alcohol, Bucky stood from his seat against the wheel of one of the goosnecks and shoved his slightly chilled hands deep into his pocket. Making his way over to where Buck was still seated in the camper chair, staring blankly into the fire which wasn't as fierce as earlier in the evening now.
Leaning down, his lips close to Buck's ear from behind he whispered a low "Come on, Sunshine, follow me for a sec. Got something I wanna show ya."
He smirked when Buck jumped slightly in surprise at the sound of his voice so close, obviously so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed Bucky make his way over. Craning his neck backwards so he could look up at Bucky's face, blue eyes trying hard to focus on him upside down, he frowned in question.
"Come on," Bucky repeated, smile soft and obvious as he stepped to the side a little and held his hand out to Buck in an offer to help hoist him to his feet. The blond almost looked like he wasn't going to move, body language hesitant and lips pursing into a tight line, before he sighed and reached out with his good hand, gripping Bucky's offered firmly and allowing himself to be lifted into standing, a small grimace of pain fluttering across his features at his ribs obviously screaming in protest.
Once Bucky was sure he had recovered, he tugged at their joined hands gently, tilting his chin in the direction of the arena with a small smile. Buck looked at him, still questioning in his gaze before he allowed himself to be lead through the cluster of trailers. He didn't drop Bucky's hand, but instead almost hesitantly thread their fingers together. Bucky couldn't help his heart from soaring as he gave Gale's hand a gentle squeeze in silent comfort.
Like second nature he guided Gale out of the gathered maze of trailers, the sounds of the other boy's voices growing further and further behind them until the arena was not far in front of them, only just visible by some of the smaller flood-lights that were still on around the barriers. When they got closer, and Bucky turned towards the holding yards, he felt Gale falter slightly, his hand pulling back subconsciously but he didn't drop their hold.
Bucky looked back at Gale's face, seeing the blond's eyes focused out onto the sands, expression blank but taut like a frayed guitar string on the verge of snapping, and he slowed his stride.
"Hey," Bucky spoke gently, like he was approaching a ready-to-spook horse. When Buck still didn't look at him, he gave their still joined hands a squeeze and a shake, until Gale finally snapped his eyes back to Bucky's. They were wide and had a look of slight fear buried deep behind, flickering over Bucky's face trying to look for some semblance of comfort. Bucky held their gaze for a few moments, both men having stopped in their journey, and waited until he knew Buck was partially back in the present. "Hey it's okay, I promise. Trust me."
Gale's expression was still one of veiled panic and grief for a few more seconds, before he found whatever he was looking for in Bucky's own face and let his shoulders slouch and relax, breath exhaling slowly with a small nod.
With a comforting smile, Bucky tugged at their hands gently until Gale fell back into step behind him, eyes still glancing over to the middle of the arena every now and then like he was seeing invisible monsters advancing towards them.
Bucky could only imagine what was going through the smaller man's head, still often privvy to his own torturous memories and images from the day of Buck's accident no matter how hard he tried to forget and push them back. Every now and then the picture of Gale's face, bright red blood flowing down one side of it and slack in unconsciousness, pale and looking for all intent and purposes dead kept haunting him. But he stamped those thoughts down, focusing instead on the feeling of Buck's thankfully now warm fingers between his own, the slight sensation of his fluttering pulse.
Making it to the holding yards out behind the bull chutes, Bucky carefully made his way through the maze of yards, keeping a firm grip on Buck's hand as the two men threaded their way in and out between metal gates and runs in the dark.
Gale's voice, hushed and urgent, reached him from behind, and the smile only grew on his face. "Bucky I can't fucking see. We're both gonna fall head over tit if you don't slow-"
"Shhh!" Bucky answered back, only pulling Gale further into the pens.
Gale made an affronted noise, mouth parted. "Did you just fucking shush me?!"
"Sure did, now if you'd just shut your pretty mouth and look."
Gale gave his hand a harsh squeeze in retaliation. "Did you forget the part where I just said I can't see? What the hell am I even supposed to be looking a-"
Buck froze in his following of Bucky, the taller man allowing himself to be pulled to a complete stop when Buck's hand pulled against his as the whuffled knicker of a familiar horse finally reached the blond's ears in the darkness.
Bucky turned, facing Buck so he could catch sight of the smaller man's face in the dim light, and he couldn't help the genuine warm smile that split his face, noticing Gale's eyes focused somewhere off behind him, shock evident and an obvious glint of wetness beginning to form against dark blond bottom lashes.
His lips moved silently, stuck on actually producing any noise, until he glanced up at Bucky, brow furrowing into a look of pain. "John.."
"She's been waitin' for you," John said simply in response, still smiling brightly and allowing Buck's hand to drop from his as the blond stepped past him towards the last square pen at the end of the lane.
Almost as if he was seeing a ghost, Buck walked up carefully, eyes flickering over every inch of the palomino mare's body, taking in every inch of her as she walked up to the rails and shoved her head through and pushed her nose into Gale's chest, still murmuring at him. He couldn't help the way his breath rushed out of him at the contact, good hand lifting up shakily until he rested it on the white of her blaze. She nudged at him again, a questioning sort of move and lipped at the cast around his other arm. A silent question of 'what the hell is this thing? Why do you have this?'
Bucky slowly walked up to stand beside Buck, reaching up and resting his arms onto the higher rails in a casual air of relaxtion, and watched, transfixed as Gale just stared at the horse, hand still on her face, the younger's breathing jagged and coming in short bursts. Shock, relief.
After a few more moments, Buck seemed to come back to himself, a disbelieving breath escaping parted lips and turned his gaze back to Bucky. John could see the tears still evident in the other man's lower lashes, glittering and growing and threatening to fall to the dust underneath them.
Bucky smiled at him, resting his forehead against his folded arms and looked at the mare in question. "Curt's been looking after her while you were gone. Made sure she was real pampered, 'til you got back and did the pampering yourself."
"But she.. Bucky, I thought she was.."
Bucky chuckled, low and easy, and nudged his shoulder against Gale's. "What, dead? Nahhh, barely got a scrape on her. Tiny little cut just above the front hoof. Vet didn't even have to wrap it."
At John's words it was like a dam broke from within Buck, and he could only watch helpless as the tears gathered in the blond's eyes finally fell down his cheeks in silvery lines as he squeezed them shut, body bowing over at the waist with his good hand braced against his knee before straightening again. Buck tilted his face to the sky for a few seconds, breathing ragged, a barely audible sob hitching from his lungs painfully.
"I thought she broke her neck. God, Bucky I thought she was fucking dead, I thought she'd broke a leg, and she had to be shot. Fuck I- As soon as I woke up, that's all I could... that's all I could fucking-"
John stepped up to Gale, reaching up and pulling the smaller man against his broad chest and held him there, feeling the small tremors that wracked Gale's broken body. He put a hand against the back of Gale's head, fingers threading through golden strands, hat getting knocked off kilter and falling onto the ground.
"Hey, hey, you're okay. Everything's okay. Baby's okay. She's as tough as her goddamn rider," Bucky shushed him gently, resting his cheek against the top of Buck's head and just allowing the other to cry all but silently into his neck. He could feel the air chill the wetness there and looked up to the stars himself and thanked whatever was watching over them that Buck was still here, that he was still alive and able to be held in his arms like this. He felt his own eyes begin to gather tears at the fragility of the man in his arms, and swallowed harshly against them.
Bucky inhaled deeply, Gale's good hand clutched desperately in the side of his jacket, a warm weight sitting there as he pressed his lips into the crown of Buck's hair.
"Think she came out of it a bit better than you did, though," he whispered as an afterthought, lips curving into a smirk when he felt Gale clench his hand into a fist and thump it into his ribs in reply. He couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled in his chest, only slightly moving back so that he could look down at Buck, his smirk melting into a soft smile at the sight of Gale now looking up at him. Tear stained cheeks and lashes clumped together, a defiant glare but with no real malice directed at him, eyes bright and blue and more reminiscent of the Buck that John knew and adored.
Gale's eyes flickered from his down to his lips and back, frown easing into something much softer and more vulnerable, and Bucky thought his heart would explode at the pure emotion he could see mirrored in Buck's irises. His breath stuttered, smile slipping off of his lips and heart thundering like a freight train behind his ribs.
Everything fell into a syrupy slow motion as they stared at eachother, Bucky's hand that had been gently cupping the back of Buck's head slowly slipping around to cup the other man's cheek, slow and careful, thumb sweeping over the sharp line of his jaw in a barely there caress.
He swallowed thickly, noticing Buck nudge into that hold, eyes lowering back to his lips. He felt like his entire world was tilting on its axis, narrowing down to just the two of them standing out in the middle of the stock pens behind the arena where he nearly lost the one thing he had ever truly cared for more than the feeling of being perched up on a raging bull's back. Even riding a bull made his heart thunder less than it was right now.
Carefully, giving Gale the chance to pull away, he sighed, breath ghosting over the other man's lips. "Buck, I-"
"Shut the fuck up and kiss me John before we both die of old age," Gale whispered harshly, good hand that was gripping into Bucky's jacket tugging now and John couldn't help the surprised smile from lifting his lips.
"Sure thing, cowboy," John laughed silently, revelling in the familiar exasperated roll of Buck's eyes towards him before he surged forward and ever so gently pressed his lips against Gale's, eyes closing against the absolutely overwhelming sparks that ignited in his chest like someone had just lit fireworks behind his sternum.
Gale's lips were soft, just like he'd imagined a million times, pliant and warm and so gentle it stole his breath away, and it wasn't until Buck's good hand reached up and threaded through his dark curls that he allowed himself to deepen the kiss, tilting his head slightly. His lips parted, allowing Buck the access to slip his tongue carefully along his own, insistent and starved but always gentle. He could feel the taut guitar string tension like a mockery of earlier in the night behind Gale's kiss, a long awaited hunger like a man starved and then unleashed among all the sustenance he could have ever wished for.
It wasn't until Buck made a small sound in the back of his throat, a small needy gasp that Bucky allowed himself to pull back slightly, letting his lips linger as he allowed Buck a few more soft kisses before he gasped himself, pulling air into his starved lungs and it was only then he realised that at some point he had stopped breathing all together.
Buck didn't chase, happy and content with what had just happened, but still comfortable to stay wrapped up in John's arms, no sign of regret or fear in any way, and Bucky let his eyes open slowly and wander over the ruined and wrecked expression on the other man's face. Kiss swollen lips were still parted, breath huffing sharply, body still trembling but for entirely different reasons than before now, and Bucky didn't think he had ever seen anything more perfect, more beautiful in his life. Nothing, not even winning the PBR in Vegas could make him feel as elated or wonder-struck as this moment right here, having just kissed Gale fucking Cleven in some random rodeo grounds.
Trying for a few moments to catch his breath, Bucky let his thumb graze over Gale's jaw again in a gentle gesture, watching half lidded blue eyes peer up at him in wonder. He couldn't help the breathless laugh that escaped him, forehead bumping against Buck's, tips of their noses touching shortly after.
Baby knickered from behind them, shocking them back slightly into the present and John laughed again, the mare reminding him of something.
"By the way," Bucky panted, grin curving even further "Curt may wanna demand some compensation looking after your girl. He's down one half of an ass-cheek as of two days ago. She's got a nice pair of chompers on 'er."
Buck realed back, shock evident in his eyes and the gape of his mouth. "She fuckin' what?"
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strwbmei · 2 months
Matchup Event
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Matchup for: @schendsal
Matchups: Yukong, Bronya, Eula
Contains: fluff, smut, male reader, breeding (Yukong), creampie mentions (Yukong), mentions of lactation (Yukong), breast play (Yukong and Bronya), marking (Bronya), semi-public sex (Eula), implied masturbation (Eula), blowjob (Eula)
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Honestly, it was Yukong's part that took the longest because there was a bunch of stuff I had to confirm with the lore and then I ended up changing most of it by the time I was almost finished. Hope you like it, though!
Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers, I hope you continue to grow more and more!
Personality-wise I tend to be an ambivert.
Around close friends I'm the one in the group who's always cracking jokes or saying the most mind-numbingly stupid things. I do this to make them laugh and keep their spirits high, since I know that life can be pretty stressful for everyone. If that stress gets to be too much, then I'm happy to hear out their troubles and lend them a shoulder for support. I might not be able to solve their problems, but I want to be a source of strength for them at the least.
Outside my friend group I become a lot more closed off. Instead of goofing off, I'm told I become diligent and considerate of others. I like to make sure school assignments are completed ahead of time so my group can review it and help other groups if they become stuck. Though I usually end up as the group lead, I don't like to lead by force. Instead I prefer to let my team play to their strengths, and I'll make up the weaknesses as we go along. A happy team is a good team after all!
This doesn't mean I'm not without my flaws. I can be really immature at times, and I get depressed if I feel like I'm holding others back or can't perform at the high standard I set for myself. When this happens I usually close myself off from others and listen to music until I feel better. I can get competitive when it comes to things I'm passionate about, but not to the point of lashing out at others.
In terms of hobbies I have a few outside of games. I like reading, cooking for others, listening to music, and cheesy romance novels. I sketch a bit too, but I'm not very good at it, haha. I'm the type to take a lot of interest in my partners hobbies, and I'd probably bug them a bunch about it.
For the ask, I'd like a mix of SFW and NSFW with whomever I'm paired with. Sadly the only fandoms I'm familiar with are Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact. Grinding for those two eats up most of my spare time, so I haven't gotten to try the others. The scenario could be a festival date or comforting one another after a long day of work. But if inspiration strikes you, feel free to write what you please!
I'm a heterosexual dominant, so I suppose I wouldn't want to be paired up with any of the men. (Fine as they may be). Intimacy for me is more about the connection than being extreme with it, and I take pride in providing my partner with pleasure. For my own tastes, I am into breeding, sleepy sex, semi-public sex, oral (giving & receiving), and breast play.
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╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ No one would've guessed that you two were in a relationship, especially with how you two act in the workplace. In fact, everyone thought Yukong disliked you due to the high standard she always held you to when that was only because she knew she could count on you.
: ̗̀➛ That said, your relationship wasn't a secret. Yukong wasn't exactly the type to be all clingy and affectionate in public, much less while on the job, so everyone dismissed it as a joke whenever you called her your wife. They just thought you were one of those guys who liked getting treated harshly. Safe to say they were floored when they saw Yukong giving you a kiss on the cheek before heading into the building.
: ̗̀➛ She may have been an ace pilot who could calmly conquer the battlefield in any situation, but she couldn't help but feel nervous introducing you to Qingni. Yukong was extremely relieved that the two of you got along. Though, much to her detriment, you bonded over pulling silly pranks on her when she least expected them.
: ̗̀➛ Domestic life with Yukong couldn't be any better. She's responsible for her share of chores and helps you out whenever she can. Both her and Qingni are also a joy to cook for because you can easily see the way their eyes light up once they take the first bite.
: ̗̀➛ Once a month, without fail, the three of you clear your schedule to have a picnic trip together. Most of the time, you're the one who cooks all of the food while Yukong is the one who sets everything up. Once you're done eating, the three of you often opt to fly kites or catch up with each other. Both activities give Yukong a lot of comfort.
: ̗̀➛ Your relationship with her feels like home. In a future full of uncertainties and doubt, you find respite within each other. You might have disagreements every now and then, but they only make your bond and trust in the other person even stronger.
"Dear, could you pass me the salt, please?"
"Mm. Here you go."
"..." It's been a little bit longer than an hour since you first got home. You and Yukong didn't fight or anything, but the awkwardness is killing you. It's obvious that both of you have had a tiring day, even more so than usual.
The dining room is filled with soft, yet sharp sounds of tableware, and you're the first to actually try to break this uncomfortable silence. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Yukong." She nods and sighs. "I know, it's just... I've never been good with words."
Annnnnd it's back to that same soundlessness again. Not another word from either of you until you're in bed together. "I apologize for always treating you so harshly at work." She suddenly speaks up, turning to face you.
"It's nothing personal. Besides, I wouldn't want to get special treatment just because I'm your partner. What brought this on?"
She shakes her head. "Nothing in particular. I've just been really stressed with work lately, and I don't wish to cause any for you."
"Not at all. I know you only do that because you trust me." You smile, brushing a stray strand of hair from her forehead.
"Because you're one of the few I can depend on. You're always doing your best, and I'm proud of you for it."
"Yeah. Thank you, Yukong."
"I just want you to know that you can depend on me too. You don't have to shoulder everything on your own."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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: ̗̀➛ Breeding. Breeding. Breeding. It's quite literally all that's on her mind whenever the two of you make love. You could say that it's because of her genes or heat cycles, but Yukong can't deny that she's always wanted to have little pups to care for.
: ̗̀➛ She doesn't even care if she cums as long as you promise to stuff her full by the end of it. Of course, you'd never be so cruel, but it just goes to show how she'll gladly do anything to get you to breed her thoroughly.
: ̗̀➛ To Yukong, it doesn't matter whether she's on top or bottom. While she'd be grateful if you did most of the work, she's also perfectly willing to put in effort to get what she wants. Whether it be in her career or in bed, it's a whole different feeling of satisfaction to get what you've worked so hard for.
: ̗̀➛ Yukong isn't very vocal in bed, but that doesn't mean she isn't feeling good. It's quite the opposite, actually. You know you've got her good when she's biting her lip, nails digging into whatever part of you she can reach as her cunt clamps down hard on you.
: ̗̀➛ Despite never actually have given birth before, Yukong has the ability to lactate. You don't even have to play with her breasts to get her to— she'll lactate a good bit just from having an orgasm. Playing with her nipples certainly helps, though.
: ̗̀➛ Call her vanilla, but Yukong dislikes using toys in bed. She thinks they're a waste of time and prefers to get straight into the action. She won't mind using them on you if you want her to, but when it comes to herself, she'd much rather you pound her silly instead of wasting your energy on vibrators and the like.
You're in the kitchen, on your way to start making breakfast. You woke up early, and what better use of your time to make Yukong a nice meal? Currently, she's in your shared room, getting some much needed rest.
Or so you thought until you saw her standing by the doorframe wearing nothing but one of your dress shirts. "Good morning, Yukong. What do you think of pancakes for breakfast?" You smile at her, on your way to grab your apron.
You're quickly stopped in your tracks when Yukong suddenly stumbles, almost falling to the ground. "Yukong! Are you alright?" She shakes her head. "My love... I need your help."
You're worried and confused for a moment before you look down to see her thighs sticky with her fluids.
You gulp. "I understand. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Your hands make their way to the buttons of her shirt, and you're able to feel just how hot her body is beneath it. Even more so than during her usual heat cycles.
You leave kisses along her neck, collarbones, and her now exposed chest, but it seems Yukong doesn't want that. Her mind is hazy, and her lust for you only worsens by the second.
She takes your hand, guiding it to her dripping cunt,and you can feel just how much she needs you. Yukong looks at you with dazed eyes, "There's no need for you to be such a gentleman. I'm... really not in the mood for teasing right now."
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: ̗̀➛ Bronya loved being the Supreme Guardian. Truly, she did—but loving something doesn't mean she's always happy to do it. She was glad to help her people and take on their burdens, but the dark circles under her eyes spoke for themselves as did her obvious fatigue.
: ̗̀➛ Every day felt like an endless cycle of document after document until you came into her life. Everybody else felt it wasn't their place to try to assist Bronya with her duties, and you were the only one who made an effort to help.
: ̗̀➛ Seeing the cup of coffee on her desk with a small note always gives Bronya the strength she needs to push through the day because she immediately knows who it's from. The coffee is made just how she likes it, at just the right temperature. It's a secret that she won't tell even you, but she keeps all of those post-its you leave in a drawer and looks through them whenever she misses you.
: ̗̀➛ Even with a busy lifestyle, she tries to make as much time for you as she can and comes home into your arms as early as possible. Sure, fancy dates might not always be feasible, but can it really get better than cuddling with each other as you fall asleep?
: ̗̀➛ She doesn't want to reveal your relationship to the public until you're married, but everyone can clearly see that the two of you have something going on. The way she smiles when she's with you is completely different.
: ̗̀➛ Overall, they're just glad that their Supreme Guardian isn't overworking herself as much. Everyone tells her to rest, but you're the only one that she isn't as stubborn with.
Cocolia Rand, her mother. Cocolia Rand, the Supreme Guardian.
Since when did the line start to blur? Perhaps such a "line" did not exist in the first place. Perhaps she deliberately chose to ignore the undeniable signs of impending catastrophe. And yet, what did that lead to?
It's already been a year, but her nightmares repeat like clockwork all the same. Just when she thinks she's come to accept what happened, memories much too vivid come back to haunt her.
Bronya jolts awake in a cold sweat. She tries to draw breath, but air fails to enter her lungs. It feels as if they've closed themselves; as if this were punishment for her ignorance.
"Bronya... Bronya!" You call out to her. Seeing you has eased the aching in her heart ever so slightly, and finally, she can breathe.
Bronya hadn't shed a single tear since that day; she vowed to herself and to her mother that she wouldn't. Yet, without realizing it, a stream of them makes their way down her cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me so suddenly..." Bronya sniffles, wiping her tears. You pull her into a tight hug, and she gladly takes the opportunity to hide her face in your neck. She doesn't want you to see her like this.
"It's okay. It'll all be alright. I'm here for you."
Just like that, something inside of Bronya shatters. All of the anger and sadness she's felt for so long, all at once. She bursts into tears and sobs into your shirt. "You've been so brave, haven't you?"
Almost an hour passes as you comfort her, and she finally starts to calm down. She pulls away, looking up at you with puffy, tear-stained eyes. "There's nothing left. I've lost everything." You muster up the warmest smile you can manage and bring a hand up to caress her cheek. "You're wrong, Bronya. There is still something left." "A chance to take everything back."
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: ̗̀➛ Bronya is the most submissive person to walk this universe EVER. The human embodiment of the phrase "you tell me to jump, I ask how high." She'll do whatever you want as soon as you say the word because making you feel good makes her feel good.
: ̗̀➛ Considering the type of person you are, sex with Bronya is almost like a competition of pleasuring the other person more. She's very good at turning you on, but she's way too tired to do much most of the time. Bronya still tries, of course, but you always end up winning this little "competition" of yours.
: ̗̀➛ She's such a big baby in a way that just makes you want to spoil her rotten. Holding hands, hugging, kissing, you name it— she'll cling onto you every chance she gets. The sweet thing just has to touch you, and you could never bring yourself to deny her.
: ̗̀➛ Her moans are so pretty, too! They're drawn-out and breathy, growing louder as she nears her orgasm. She tries not to be too loud, but it just feels too good sometimes. One side of you wants to make her scream your name loud enough for everyone else to hear, while the other wants to keep her cute sounds all to yourself.
: ̗̀➛ Scratches a lot, but the marks aren't too deep thanks to her nails always being perfectly filed. She doesn't leave hickeys (much) as she's more of the type to leave soft, quick kisses wherever she can reach. Bronya can't help feeling guilty seeing the red lines she made on your back, though. There are many other ways she can mark you as hers, after all. She doesn't want to hurt you.
"My love..." Bronya sighs dreamily, feeling your hands trail up her body. Your warmth provided her comfort to get through the night, and truly, that was the only thing she sought from you before all of this began.
A kiss. That was all it took for lust to plant itself in your hearts.
She tilted her head, and you gladly took the chance to leave soft kisses along her neck. Your fingers traced her body; down to her her hips, back up to her breasts, and finally, they found themselves playing with her nipples.
"Mmh..." Bronya groaned, leaning into your touch. You hum in response, rolling the buds on your fingers. "Beautiful girl." A soft, yet sudden pinch makes her gasp and arch her back. "Love you so much..."
Your warmth was no longer enough. Bronya wanted more; wanted you. You made her feel like the greediest woman in Belobog, and for some reason, she loved it. "Please, I want you."
Halting your movements, you gently flip her over so that you're on top of her. You take the hand covering her mouth and kiss the inside of her wrist. "Then, you will have me. I'm all yours."
Is lust just another fragment of love or an impurity that taints it? Is Bronya your adored muse, or your most beloved sin?
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: ̗̀➛ Honestly, the two of you didn't quite get along at first. She wasn't outright uncooperative when the two of you went on missions, but you could feel how strangely distant she was being for seemingly no reason. You only broke the ice once you invited her to a drink to celebrate finishing a particularly difficult mission together.
: ̗̀➛ She's never had someone willingly accompany her, much less invite her to a bar, so she ended up talking your ear off as she vented her frustrations about the discrimination she faced just for her last name. While her family has done some messed up stuff, that isn't necessarily her fault. She's just a normal girl.
: ̗̀➛ No one could've expected it, but the first thing you discovered you had in common with the infamous Spindrift Knight was your love for cheesy romance novels. How you found out? You were both drunk. You started reciting the cringiest dialogue you could remember from them, and Eula continued the lines after you.
: ̗̀➛ Even though you first got to really know her while drinking with her, Eula only really shows her true self once she's alone with you. She's the gentlest, kindest, most compassionate woman you've ever met. You wonder if the rest of Mondstadt were blind to not see Eula beyond her being a Lawrence, but really, she's only this vulnerable when she's with you.
: ̗̀➛ Marriage in particular is one of her biggest fantasies. There's just something really romantic to her about being so... deeply connected to each other. Eula always thought it'd be impossible for someone like her, yet, here you are. You accept her and all her flaws with open arms. She's so used to blazing flames to the point that your gentle warmth feels so alien. It's not a feeling she's used to, but that doesn't mean that she won't cherish it.
: ̗̀➛ Speaking of marriage, Eula would prefer to take your last name. She's not running away from her family's actions; much less is she trying to clear their name. Eula knows that what they've done is unforgivable. A name is what makes up a good part of your identity. It's what people will remember you as and it's who you are to them. Bearing your last name makes her feel like she's taking a part of you with her wherever she goes no matter how much time passes, and that gives her indescribable comfort.
Eula never liked the Windblume festival. No, Eula hated the Windblume festival.
Why wouldn't she? Everything was so noisy. Even during the day, taverns were filled with drunks merrily getting wasted. There were fewer commissioners, which left more work for her to do.
It didn't help that the Windblume Festival also symbolized the downfall of the Lawrence clan.
Festivity filled Mondstadt's winds, and any form of participation from her earned nothing but more scorn from the townspeople she works so hard to protect.
Although Eula had you this time around, she didn't want to keep you from enjoying the festival just because she couldn't participate.
Alas, she forgot to consider one thing: It's you who knows her best. You know that she wants to celebrate just like everybody else. So if she can't go to the festival, why not bring the festival to her instead?
Maybe you can't exactly replicate the festive atmosphere and the little games, but that wasn't going to stop you. The essence of the Windblume Festival doesn't lie in high-quality wine and fancy ceremonies, but in showing your loved ones that you care.
Eula had her suspicions when you suddenly took her on a date saying you "knew a spot," but she didn't expect to see a secluded place in the forest filled to the brim with dandelions.
"So? What do you think?" You smile at her, pride filling you once you see how awestruck she is. It's not often she's so surprised. "It's... beautiful." Eula replies. The softness of her voice as she says this is one she shows only to you.
After a moment passes, you take a deep breath. "You're everything to me," you pick a dandelion, presenting it to her with a confident smile on your face. "more precious than the very air I breathe..."
It's her favorite line from her favorite novel. To other people, it might not make sense, but she remembers it vividly and she's glad that you do, too. She can't help but chuckle as she takes the flower from your hand.
"Or the chocolates I love." She continues. Honestly, it sounds more cheesy rather than romantic in real life, but she can't stop herself from smiling like an idiot. After all, she always viewed those books as nothing more than a mere fantasy.
"You'll always be my treasure."
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: ̗̀➛ Great would be an understatement to describe your sex life with Eula. She's flexible, has seemingly endless stamina, and her hips work wonders. Not to mention she has the most attractive body you've seen and an even more attractive face to go along with it.
: ̗̀➛ Eula is neither dominant nor submissive. She does things her own way, based on whatever she feels like doing at a given moment. If Eula wants to ride you, she'll ride you. If she wants to give you head, she'll give you head and vice versa. Eula is just focused on making the both of you feel good.
: ̗̀➛ She's fine with mostly anything as long as she can see your face during sex. If not that, then at least to feel your hands somewhere on her. Eula might not look like the type, but she's inexperienced with all of this and she just needs to see that you're the one making her feel so good.
: ̗̀➛ Eula denies it, but she loves the risk of semi-public sex. It gets her heartbeat rising and adrenaline pumping. Everything about it from having to keep quiet to the chance of being caught in such an explicit act turns her on.
: ̗̀➛ She's surprisingly shy in bed though, especially during your first time. She becomes all cute and focused, trying her best not to mess anything up. Eula becomes more daring and bold as time passes, but hearing reassurance and praise from you is always appreciated.
: ̗̀➛ Riding you is her favorite thing to do. The position you're in gives both of you just the right amount of control. She doesn't have to move much for it to feel good either, just feeling your cock grind against her walls has her biting her moans back.
"I understand that I'm attractive, but do you always have to be so... easily roused?" Eula looks up at you, a shade of pink spotting her cheeks and eyes full of annoyance.
Okay, maybe this was partly her fault since she's been putting herself in provocative positions in front of you, but she only expected a bit of fun once you got home.
She certainly wasn't expecting to suck you off in a random alleyway where you could easily be caught.
"Eula, you really don't have to..." You sigh. Admittedly, this whole situation was really turning you on, but you didn't want to force her into doing anything she didn't want to do nonetheless.
"You really think I'd let you walk home with such an obvious boner?" She glares. She did have a point— ignoring it would just bring both of you embarrassment. "Just... make sure to finish quickly. This place reeks..."
Nimble hands work to quickly undo your pants and free your aching cock. Eula would much rather take her time in the comforts of your home, but the situation just doesn't allow for that.
Not even a second later, you can feel her lips wrapped around the tip, working its way down your length eagerly. Every inch that isn't in her mouth is being carefully handled by her hands.
It takes all of your strength to keep quiet as she moves her tongue exactly how you like it. "Fuck... Eula..." You groan. When you start softly tugging at her hair and bucking your hips, she knows you're near your orgasm.
What really brought you over the edge was the sight of Eula grinding on her own hand as she sucked you off. Warm cum fills her mouth, and she swallows all of it. "Geez, you're gonna make a mess..." She complains.
Seeing the wet patch on her shorts, you know that you'll have to finish what you started.
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boomer293 · 2 months
Here's my submission for the @kirbyoctournament this year! I've watched from afar for a while but I finally mustered up the courage to submit!
Name: Wilder
Pronouns: He/Him
Image Reference: Drawn by @tatonslice (thank you bestie you're really good at this bestie)
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Personality and Backstory under the read more:
Personality: Very extroverted despite his circumstances; Wilder is a polite and understanding person through and through. Whether around friends, family, or new faces, Wilder is always trying to make someone smile and brighten up the world around him, never taking the lead in a conversation, but bouncing off the energy of others. He's an amazing listener, and encourages others to share their interests with the world, starting with himself. He can't help but get excited when he sees someone's eyes light up while rambling about something they like. Wilder truly basks in the positive emotions of others, but knows when to tone it down when he needs to. When the situation calls for it, Wilder can be very calm and understanding, someone one can confide in when struggling. While Wilder can no doubt make many friends, he finds it hard to keep them, and struggles to make real, deep emotional connections.
Bio: Wilder, while seemingly having it all, was actually extremely unfortunate throughout his life. To start, Wilder wasn't even born with that name, he was an orphan, bouncing around from home to home, place to place, after his real parents vanished at a very early age. He was given the name Wilder by one of the many homes he found himself in. Some of these homes were good, some not, and he often ran away, fending for himself for long periods of time before being taken in by another family or group of people. He's had the same whip since a young age, and it's seen a lot of use due to the utility a long, manipulatable object has when trying to fend for yourself. He started living by himself around his teenage years, at this point only having maybe a few friends he could confide in. Before this, he never really experienced big amounts of kindness in his life, only really being provided enough to live, barely a footnote in most people's lives, however; once he started living on his own, gaining his own freedom, he saw just how much kindness can mean. He was fortunate enough to have people offer him jobs, to make a living for himself, and when he proved himself at that job, people finally started to praise, and care for him. From that point on, Wilder swore to be kind, and to help those who need help.
Wilder's Relationship with @tatonslice 's Galacchio:
Galacchio and Wilder are childhood friends. They first met when they were around 6 or 7, when Wilder was with one of his many foster families. That foster family happened to be very involved in magic, and often dragged Wilder to big magic practice sessions where many magic users gathered. Not fitting in due to not...having magic, Wilder often sat to the side, trying not to be seen. Incidentally, Galacchio was in the exact same boat, and the two began talking to each other. Both being losers with no friends at that point, they bounced off each other brilliantly, and became fast friends. They spent much of their time together talking, laughing, and goofing off doing kid stuff. As they both grew older, they kept in touch, as Wilder, living on his/not moving around constantly could finally hang around Galacchio more consistently. However, as Galacchio started to shelter himself due to his nightmares and Wilder had to focus more on providing for himself the two slowly moved apart. Wilder, realizing this, got more and more desperate to see them, often going way out of his way to try and spend just a few minutes with Galacchio. Eventually, he realized that wasn't exactly normal and after a while of thinking and consideration was the first one to realize they had fallen for the other. Galacchio on the other hand, found his nightmares growing worse and worse, so he sheltered himself more and more from other, however, he too just couldn't get Wilder off of his mind. Fast forward to today, the two don't speak nearly as often as they used to, but they both realize that have feelings for the other and are both complete disasters about it.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Could I have some SDC with a young teen reader? Smallest and youngest of the crusaders but they got pulled into the whole "kill a over 100 year old vampire" but they take it with grace and joins them on the adventure with their stand, but like they are SUPER small and literally around giants and i'd like to think everyone would try to keep them safe in their own way. (maybe a hint of avpol as good dads trying to protect the reader and they accidentally call both of them their dad or something ajgjshjkafg sorry if this doesn't make sense)
omg this is so fun! this reminds me of the whole anne situation that only lasted for a little bit, so I kind of took it like that. thank you so much for the request and a fun one too! i love doing little headcanons like this! have a great day anon!! <333
SDC with a young teen reader who is dragged along the journey with them
Warnings - none!
Notes - i did make this platonic for obvious reasons, but nonetheless this was so much fun! and none of the photos used are mine just btw. credit to whoever's these are! :) thanks for the request again anon i had a blast writing this and avpol are my everything, so i gave them their own little section. have a good day!!!
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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he would hate you at first
with a burning passion
he's going on this trip to save his mother, not babysit
so he's very pissy around you
snappy a lot
like if you ask a question, he just starts yelling at you
the only reason you were allowed to go on the trip was because you had a powerful stand
he refuses to help you in any way, but that's also because he knows you're strong enough to do it by yourself
but he starts to notice little things you do
when walking with the crusaders, you try to measure yourself against them, trying to tippy toe to get to their height
you try to see past joseph who's in the front, but fail
so one day, jotaro just picks you up so you can see what they're looking at
"woah! so this is what it's like to be a giant!" you're in awe, not only that you're up that high, but the fact that jotaro could lift you with such ease
then he puts you down and pretends like nothing happened
he would be such a good dad if he didnt love dolphins so much omg
but then, while in egypt, he gets super worried about you
he protects you from everything, but acts as though he's not
he literally jumps in front of you to protect you from stand users
listen, he may be a stinky little prick sometimes, but he would protect you at all costs, even if he pretends like he wouldnt
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he would treat you like a little sibling
show you how to use your stand
hold your hand through long sections
gosh, he would probably even teach you how to drive while the other's are sleeping
i think he would also use his stand to goof off with you
he would have his stand wrap it's little tail around your leg and trip you or something (not in a mean way, but just to goof off)
then you would do the same
your stand would do the same
you would make it appear in his room and just mess around with his stuff
just like scoot it across the room or something so he constantly thinks he's losing something
but this man would not let you get into a fight alone
he would stick by your side constantly just to protect you
but it would be a learning opportunity too
he would just sit back and tell you what you should do and if he needs to get involved he will
also, he would just love exploring new places with you like taking you to the beach or to take pictures by the pyramids or something
Avpol (im mixing these two because they need to be together for this request <3)
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these two become your official dads
you would literally always be glued to their side
they would tell you stories or y'all would just do some tarot readings with Avdol
then you immediately start to ship it and try to push the two together always
saying stuff like "maybe you two should go grab dinner together while I hang out with Jotaro and the others" or "you two are so cute"
any way to hint that these two should be together, you take your chance
and they would always jump in front of stand users to protect you
you really cant get out of it since they're so big
you would hang from their arms like a flippin monkey
"hey dad! watch this!" you didnt even notice that you called them both dad as you did a flip on Jotaro's arm. when you turned to look at them, Polnareff was tearing up and Avdol was trying to calm him down. "what's wrong Pol-" you realized immediately what had just come out of your mouth. "sh-shoot... sorry i didnt mean to... its just," you fiddled with your thumbs and looked up at the closest thing you had to family. "i didnt know my dad... so you guys are like my two dads."
they love you forever and would do anything for you
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dad jokes
dad jokes
he is a good dad, he really is
if he knew about josuke, i think he would drop everything for him when he was younger
so for you
he treats you like hes a young dad all over again
he buys you ice cream
lets you drive the car when you shouldnt be
does reckless stuff with you because he trusts you enough for that
you arent allowed to be alone with joseph anymore just because everyone thinks you're in harm's way
so silly
you love this old fart
you think he's like a dad to you (not as much as your two favorite dads)
he'll protect you at all costs though, but knows you're strong enough to take care of yourself
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dazzle-writes · 7 months
Hello, saw you were doing match ups so wondered if you'd do one for me, with trigun characters
I'm an 160cm thin girl (20 y/o) with long brown curly hair and blue eyes, kinda look like merida from brave if that helps, enfp
I'm a lot like 98' vash (my biggest ever kin fr), goofing around and having fun, making dirty jokes with my friends, very clumsy and bubbly when in good mood, tho i don't shy away from being tough from time to time
I'm friendly and like meeting new people but keeping connections is my biggest flaw. I mostly keep it going with the ones i click with
I love being around people, but don't mind being alone for some periods of time, reading, watching something, drawing or doing whatever hobby i picked on
I'm an archeology student, have passion for history and literature, love psychology and philosophy, love things like true crime and paranormal stories, definitely would like to travel and see what the world and people have to offer. I'm the "do it for the plot" type of person, getting into random situations for the sake of seeing how it'll end and if i'll have a story in the end
When i was younger i was more like some kind of vash-milly combo, but now I'm more aware of people, i can't stand when someone is judgy from the beggining, when someone is too negative about the world and people, because even tho i myself get disappointed in people often, i still think that we should look for positive things in everyday life. Kind of "if life has no meaning, might as well find meaning in small things"
Sorry if this was too long, thank you if you've read this far ^^ and keep up with the good writing, you're doing amazing!
UWAAAA I'm so glad you like my writing! I've been swamped with work lately, so sorry this is taking a while!!
For trigun 98, I most definitely match you up with Wolfwood! You are just that little ray of sunshine he needs to keep going. Plus, he loves that you and him make sex jokes to each other about everything that you can. You two get kidnapped and held by Knives? Non-stop dick jokes. At first you try to at least mutter them under your breath, but soon enough you're both just spouting them out as fast as you can think of them. Knives is just standing there in shock that you can think of so many in a short amount of time. I also think you two would be like, surprisingly close beforehand. He a big cuddler too (have you fucking seen those titties MMMMM) and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL BUT WOLFWOOD IS TERRIFIED OF GHOSTS!!! Yall go ghost hunting and he is ATTACHED TO YOU LIKE NO OTHER. Homie is throwing round the holy water like he's a raincloud. You one day dig up and old book and are pretty sure that its haunted? He's hiding being his giant cross and shaking in his tight ass pants.
In trigun stampede however, Vash latches onto you like white on rice. You are exactly what this poor bean needs in his life!!!! You teach him to appreciate the little things, and show him that he's allowed to have wants and needs. He enjoys taking you around old crashed spaceships and letting you go wild with the archeological zoomies. In this universe, you also get kidnaped by Knives so Vash follows to come and save you and once again, you make so many dick jokes. The only difference is that Stampede Knives has never seen a wiener in his LIFE and doesn't get any joke you make. Do with this information what you will. Vash also really likes showing you his Plant siblings when his spilled the alien beans. You'd probably enjoy just quietly hanging with the Plant girlies because they just watch you draw or read or they nap! they are very nice when you need to recharge a social battery but don't want to be completely alone. Vash is also a big cuddler and understands having trouble keeping connections with people!! He's always moving so he gets sad thinking about all the people he wanted to grow closer too.
If we wanted to hit up the manga, then id actually pair you with Legato! I think you'd be just the right person to help him let himself be a better and softer person. Your love of psychology would really interest him, and I think you'd be that enemies-to tolerated-to friends-to lovers thing. He also likes learning about humans and the past, and I think that's he would really appreciate you showing him to good side of humanity through psychology and even true crime by showing how people come together and how people react to catastrophe and stress. He needs to see people doing good things, and you are just the person to show him around the world and prove it to him
ALSO SORRY THIS IS LIKE MONTHS LATE I got another job and started school SOBS!!! But I hope you enjoy!!!!
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
hello! ive been very skillfully avoiding reading other peoples reactions because once again i am behind by two chapters!!
so chapter five here we go!
i like that tommy’s just like a kid having a grand ole time and wilbur is like “this guys SUCKS.” its very silly
i just semi-recently read jane eyre so the curtains on fire are giving rochester’s curtains on fire but that was because his wife that he hid away lit them on fire whilst he was sleeping not because of you know an accident of sorts but anyways
i like that tommy is just tommy living his best life
to the city they go!!!
i like their interactions just in the carriage its interesting
(i wont go into flower imagery right now because that would leave us here for a while and while they might have meaning they most likely do not in this sensebut god i love flowers and all their meanings and even the way they coincide with characters and ahhh)
i like that wilbur can read her it makes sense for his character but now we get to see how perceptive tommy is which is basically not at all in this case at least
and wilbur is helping despite his hatred and his thoughts dont cross phil and how he would want him to help, but its a rather decision solely based on his own conscience and that is an interesting thing
and then theres tommy who takes everything as a challenge and yeah i just am intrigued by them
but this time wilbur holds himself because of phil and thats the contrast between the things he does for him and the things he does for his dad
tommy is doing things!!!
and i like this
i like that this shows tommy’s morals, it shows that he understands he has power in his position he just prefers to be a kid rather than have to act with that power constantly and i think that is telling of how he would be as an heir to the throne because he doesn’t act for the power he acts for the people
and hes a good person, exactly that wilbur, he doesnt play the games of politics and that is what makes him interesting
i like that in this situation wilbur knows what would be good and bad options and it sets him up to be able to better evaluate their answers from his own view
blank slate
and now tommy gets to go to the place because he is a possible heir interesting
anyways i enjoyed this chapter! i think it gave good insight on all the heirs character in a sense and how they would be as a leader and its just kind of setting that stage but anyways time for the next chapter!
- 🪿
lol yeah the contrast between wilbur and tommy in ch 5 is so funny. tommy is just a kid goofing around and wilbur is like "I hate my fucking life why am I stuck with him" he's such a dramatic teenager
gonna be 100% honest I don't really use a lot of flower language symbolism solely bc I feel like depending on the source you go off of you can find totally different meanings for the same flower like there seems to be very little consistency across the board and I never know what the 'right' source to use is. this isn't to say there is no flower language/symbolism is the fic, the references to roses are very intentional. and there are hints to certain things with the flowers mentioned in the palace garden but it's not exactly... symbolism, per se. anyway, you're more than welcome to analyze the flower language of the flowers at the market, just know that I didn't look into that at all and just chose the flowers mentioned there mostly based off vibes lol
yeah I liked pointing out that wilbur wasn't trying to help tommy with the seashell seller because of his father's orders, he genuinely didn't want to watch a 13 year old get ripped off
tommy is a blank slate like phil said. he's young and idealistic and most importantly, a good person. and one could say the reason he's still good is because he hasn't gotten involved in the games yet. you'll have to wait and see if he stays that way as the story progresses
ty I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter!!!
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simonwimon · 1 year
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Its 7:30 Am Perfect Time To Post OC Refs
also typed All Of That out under the readmore in case it's hard to read. this would have taken so much less time if i just didn't insist on handwriting it all LMAO
Tessa Yadid Ahava Hassan
30 and lovin' life
under no circumstances a scientist, despite the get-up
lives out of his scooby doo van
unnaturally unlucky but SUCH a good sport about it
DOES NOT have lightning powers.
just... the power to strike himself with lightning.
TOTALLY different!
not visible here, but has lichtenberg scars down his back
does his darndest to be a good person & put good vibes out into the world
...despite those good vibes never coming back around his way :(
"oh fuck i have to respect women *runs into oncoming traffic*" kind of guy
their unlucky streak is how they explain "almost running over a random man" AKA meeting rae - though that's more about the "nearly killing him" part rather than the "new van roommate" one
speaks in a kind of sing-songy, overly-fancy way. type of guy to say "jolly good" unironically
their unlucky streak ALSO leads to them getting tied up with rae's past. literally.
imagine the next pic here
31 and still kickin'
more prominent white hair
right hand missing ring & pinky fingers' last 2 digits
bad right leg - uses a cane when need be
lichtenberg scars now down back & both arms
traded the goggles & labcoat for glasses with side shields & a Grandma Sweater :)
turns out being held hostage by a shapeshifting alien hivemind, interrogated regularly for information on your not-husband, and kept in a hole the rest of the time is Bad For You
has A LOT of identity & confidence issues on account of the same shapeshifter taking tessa's place back home
doing their best to Not Explode
despite all the difficulties the last year presented, rae has been helping them A Lot. which they cannot thank him for enough
still keeps their Goofy Helpful Guy personality, just. a bit more subdued
ok now imagine the rae pic here
Renee Rosalinda Romero ... aka just Rae
they/it/she/he (stick with one, alternate, anything works!)
Incomprehensible Age Disease
everybody's favorite time-traveling identity-issue-having gay alien symbiant
the species he belongs to survives by befriending other sentient creatures, living alongside them, and slowly (over the course of several generations) changing their own biology to almost perfectly mimic the other's
...so when a different alien species trying to eliminate all disease and "faults" within its society finds them, it turns out they make Really Good Lab Rats
rae Spawns long after that becomes the norm. he's a test subject for curing & treating fatal diseases
the Big One he's used for is very deadly, but rae is MOSTLY unaffected - the only side effects are both Physical Teleportation and "Mental" Teleportation
basically: rae clips thru walls and his consciousness jumps back & forth to past & future raes
translates as rae having random amnesiac episodes, OR knowing what's going to happen for however long
anyways. gets so stressed during "treatment" one day he just teleports away through time & space To Earth
wandering around 'til he nearly gets hit by a van & meets tessa
sticks with them initially out of confusion, but ends up getting attached
actually Develops A Personality now that he's not constantly stressed as fuck
extremely laid back guy. usually has some sort of quip for every situation
if he's in anti-amnesia mode, 9 out of 10 times, he just uses his knowledge for goofs & gaffs instead of changing stuff
tessa helping out with amnesiac episodes has made him a lot more casual about them
is often accidentally intimidating. in reality wouldn't hurt a fly
eventually, rae's past catches up to him.
ok now imagine the next rae pic ok we're almost done
Incomprehensible Age Disease (+1 year)
big ol' clump of white hair now
eyesight a bit worse, especially in his left eye. used to have fake glasses as a placebo but tessa got her real ones
lichtenberg scars around left eye
got ONE WHOLE INCH TALLER!!! short king.
his style stayed mostly the same, but she started wearing tessa's old sweater. it's comfy. :)
all of the physical changes to his body help ground her when any particularly bad What Timeline Am I In Now episodes come up
dealing with the whole Fake Tessa debacle has made him a bit. Self-Doubt-Y
but having his not-husband's shoulder to lean on helps them both
despite... ALL THAT, she has somehow gotten more upbeat than she was before
turns out getting to explode (at least one part of) the weird hivemind trying to track you down and kidnap you is sort of cathartic
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sylviareviar · 2 years
I've been watching PlayFrame's Kingdom Hearts Story Mode Playthrough...
Fellas, is it weird if Goofy is my favorite Kingdom Hearts character? Unironically, I mean? Like, sure, Goofy belongs to Disney, but like... the Trinity Trio is my favorite, first of all, and second of all, the way he and Donald are handled in terms of taking care of Sora as he grows from 12 to like... what, 16, 17 years old?
I read somewhere here on Tumblr that the Trinity Trio has three brain cells among them, and Goofy has two of them at all times. And just... that's so true, isn't it? And all I can think of when I see Goofy acting so serious and smart and actually taking everyone else seriously despite his silly voice and lanky design and silly little shield, is that... This is what Serious Goofy looks like. This is Goofy in a life-or-death situation. His personality doesn't change completely, that's besides the point. But he displays these amazing capabilities we never see in the silly animated Disney stuff he's officially featured in, and I think that's crazy and good. It makes me think Goofy isn't just his name, it's an affectionate nickname given by his friends because, out of the friend group, he's always the one carrying the backbone of their high spirits. He's the one who keeps a smile on his face, does silly things, and acts stupid, his own reputation be damned. Mickey stresses out a lot--I've seen it in lots of scattered animated clips online. Donald is constantly angry. Out of the three of them, Goofy is always the happiest. Sometimes, he may even fuck with his friends just to make a jab at how the things they're stressing about aren't actually that big of a deal--or if they are, that they're overthinking things and should just slow down.
I guess the two clips I think about the most when thinking about this feature of Goofy's personality is this one meme clip I found of Mickey arguing with Goofy about how "Nobody's here," and Goofy leads him around in this big convoluted circle of "Aren't we somebody? So then somebody is here! So then help us!" And Mickey would be like "No--WE'RE stuck! ALL THREE of us!" "Well, Mick, I hate to tell ya, but somebody told me that there's nobody here." Mickey went off on a string of confused noises and eventually gave up. Then there was the other one where Goofy had this like, infinite ring of keys, of which the joke was that he had a "key to the heart," therefore GASP KINGDOM HEARTS REFERENCE BY OFFICIAL DISNEY?????? Actually, in all honesty, I haven't seen THAT many clips of Donald, Mickey, and Goofy. But even so, I can't help feeling like this really is his personality.
Like somehow, if he was allowed to, Goofy would totally goof off and find ways to make his friends smile and laugh or even frustrate them if he could while they traveled to other worlds--from Donald's general demeanor towards him, at least in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts I, it's clear he's done that before already. But with Sora, not only is the kid impressionable, but if Goofy truly decided to live up to his name, the only "responsible" adult in the group would be Donald, and for all that Goofy loves Donald, everyone knows he has anger issues and isn't very mature at all. So he steps up. When they genuinely need to figure something out--which is most of the time, since the entire franchise plays off of vast abstracts that no one can keep track of anymore because at this point everything is a fever dream--Goofy offers what he genuinely knows, rather than fumbling with words for the sake of appearing stupid for the bit. (Granted, he still fumbles words sometimes, but it's also possible that with such an unusual mouth shape, he genuinely struggles with speaking sometimes, which is also valid of him.)
I never in my life thought I'd make an entire essay overanalyzing a literal cartoon character and how much I love him in comparison to like, the rest of Kingdom Hearts. Granted, the main reason I'm a KH fan is, to be frank, the crossover appeal. I'm a sucker for crossovers and I love Kingdom Hearts for it. Most of the original characters (besides Sora, Riku, Kairi, and because I'm biased, Axel) are okay, I guess... Like, they're not bad--in fact, they're great, and they're engaging and I can see the appeal, but... For me, the appeal of Kingdom Hearts is the crossovers. I love hearing King Mickey talk about objectively Dark things. Man might as well tell Sora, in his high-pitched Mickey Mouse voice, that "Ya gotta be prepared to kill if ya wanna survive, Sora," because that'd be the most cursed, funniest shit I'd ever heard. But unironically, the Trinity Trio is my absolute favorite and maybe I'm weird, but I'm totally a fan of the Cartoon Character Angst we get in this franchise.
So fellas, I ask again. Is it weird that Goofy, unironically, is my top-favorite character in Kingdom Hearts, with Sora and then Mickey as my second and third? (Donald as a close fourth--no hate on Donald, but you literally can't top Mickey Mouse saying "Fellas, did someone mention the Door To Darkness?")
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honeydewday · 2 years
Two Weeks IV
Summary: In your jumbled world, you still find Peter at the center of it. What was going to be a nice getaway turned into a disaster. And what seemed to be a nice gift, turned into a choice you had already made.
Pair: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
a/n: what up! I’m back :) thank you very much for your patience with all those who have read and followed. feedback is appreciated :))
<previous part next part>
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Wrong. You couldn't have been more wrong.
Between keeping track of flashcards, snacks, and points, to Peter disappearing quite literally before the match, and who’s not to mention the explosion from the monument, you were more than ready to crawl into bed and sleep till next week.
The bus traveled back into the city, not much time before you’d reach the school. Watching as cars passed, Michelle’s head resting on your shoulder, she shifted perching her chin up top.
"So much for D.C. huh?" she whispered
Nodding, you kept quite still watching the cars that passed.
"You okay?"
Nodding once more, "Just tired is all."
"I'd imagine, I haven't seen you sleep since we left for the meet." She hummed
"I had a lot to keep track of." you answered back
“Something’s up,” she mumbled still not convinced, “I know you don’t like to sleep when something’s bothering you.”
She was right. You hadn’t been able to sleep since the first night of the trip. The possibility of having a nice school trip was ruined when Peter showed up and wiggled his way back on the team.
That night that the team arrived at the hotel, you had received a text from Ned asking you to help them hack Peter’s suit. Ignoring his text, your mind began racing through the endless possibilities as to why he wanted to hack the suit. Shaking the thought out of your head, closing your eyes in an attempt to find slumber, there was still one thing that was keeping you up…fear.
Your dreams. Too afraid of what you would see and be powerless to stop what would be concrete in reality, that sent you silently over the edge that night. Unable to even get just 5 minutes of sleep, you somehow managed to get ready, make it through the day, and celebrate with the team. Even so, when the monument incident took place, the guilt on your shoulder weighed heavy. Perhaps if you had just slept for an hour, you could’ve helped your teammates from sudden death and Peter definitely did have to expose himself as spidey in D.C.
“Yeah, I kinda get these nightmares” you explained
“Well, what’s bothering you?”
“Just worried about deadlines…” mumbling the fib
Sighing through her nose, she laid her head on your shoulder once more.
Turning into the parking lot, the bus was met with dozen of cars. The bus came to a stop, letting the first student walkout he was met with a bear gripping hug from their parents. All your classmates wandered off to find their parents as they greatly welcomed them back.
As you exited the bus, looking around, it suddenly hit you.
Shit. I forgot to text Happy.
Bidding goodbye to Michelle, scanning the crowd to see if Happy had gotten any word of the accident but there was no sign of the big goof in sight.
Pulling your phone out, dialing his number only for it to go straight to voicemail. Fuck. At this point, your only option was to walk to take the subway home and pray you actually make it to your front door. Continuing to try and call him, you mindless wander through the crowd until a voice calling out your name pulled you from your thoughts.
"Hey!" looking over your shoulder you see May and Peter catching up to you. "Do you need a ride?"
"Oh..." you watched as Peter look at you regretfully while his aunt smiled with glee. "I'm okay Mrs. Parker, thanks though"
"It's literally the middle of the night, it won't be safe to walk home" Peter argued.
You smirked in spite of his comment. As your eyes met him, he still held an apologetic look.
May watched the uneasiness of the situation, the tensions were obvious. Her intentions were good though, you had a feeling she was not going to take no for an answer.
She opened her mouth to protest further, but another voice shouting your name caught everyone's attention.
"Y/N? Y/N! Oh my-" Pepper called out as she grasped you in a tight embrace, "Are you okay? You never answered your phone" She quaked pulling away, holding your face to spot any injuries.
Standing there in astonishment, you watched as her brow scrunched in worry and her eyes filled with hope as she found no scratches on you. It was a rare occasion when Pepper or Tony picked you up. If they did, it meant that something serious really happened and that left them with nail-biting anxiety. They were out of town for the past few weeks, you took a guess they got wind of the news and immediately booked it home.
"Pepper, I'm fine." gently grabbing her wrists in an attempt to calm her down, "What are you even doing here? Happy could’ve came to pick me up.”
She shook her head and let out a small laugh, "Happy is just a nanny, when your life is in danger, as your mom, I'd be extremely disappointed in myself if I didn't make sure you were okay."
The tears that were building in your eyes now started to spill over. You couldn’t help it, from not being able to sleep, getting your heartbroken, and unsure if your dreams were accurate anymore, your mother’s warm embrace was quite comforting.
“I-“ pausing you sniffled as you pulled her into an embrace. "We should probably get out of here before someone recognizes you"
Letting go of one another, the two of you walked backed to the car. Not even five minutes had passed before Pepper spoke up.
“Tony told me about homecoming,” she said lowly
“Pepper, I don’t want to sound like a bitch but I’m over homecoming” you mumbled turning towards the window.
“He told me about the dream too” she egged on
Staring into the headlights that passed by, you sighed through your nose, fogging up the window, closing your eyes to ignore the question.
Hearing Pepper breathe in, she glanced at you a few times. "Remember when you were eight and you had that dream about Tony getting kidnapped and the night before he was going to leave, you wouldn't let go of his leg?"
Eyebrows wrinkled in confusion, yet it got you to look back at her.
"You kept screaming and crying about a group of men were going to capture and kill him." She explained "It was a scary moment for us. It terrified us. So much fear this little girl had over some nightmare, I even asked Tony if he still wanted to go."
She flashed a small smile, “Obviously Tony still left the next day, and well, you were right. Somehow someway, I think that scared us more than anything. Still, when you told us about the dream you had when you saw him coming home, that gave Happy and me a tremendous amount of hope. And again, you were right”
Parking on the curb to the little townhome the three of you shared, she turned off the car. “We’ve been through a lot so I’m going to assume you’ve seen a lot. Through a hero’s high and a family’s low, you’ve had to have seen everything that was bound to happen, and yet you still went through with it. Maybe you live in that moment to prepare yourself for when it actually happens.”
Shrugging as she opened the car door, getting out and looking back in, “so just be prepared for when it does.”
Staring at her in awe, it took you a moment to process what she had said to you. You were use to people saying “you’re just seeing things”, “that’s a calculated decision”, or your favorite, “that’s just pure luck”. Finally, it seemed that this phase was over. The people you loved the most in the world, finally believe you.
Trailing behind Pepper with your bags, you heard her greeting the man who was seated on the couch. As soon as he heard her voice he jumped up, ran over, and pulled you into a bear hug.
Releasing you from his grip, Tony gently held your face, moving it in every direction, “You’re okay, right? Scratches, Bruises? Concussions?”
Gripping his wrists, you stopped him, “I wasn’t in the monument, I was on the ground with Michelle. I’m fine”
Tony let out a sigh of relief and pulled you back into his embrace. “I shouldn’t have let you go, I thought bug boy quit every extracurricular activity he was in and now you can’t even enjoy-“
“Dad, he was actually following a lead on the guys he keeps trying to tell you about” you explained cutting him off
Tony shook his head, “I mean, great job. He did a heroic act that deserves to be acknowledged but my daughter-”
“Tony, let it go.” Pepper sighed placing a hand on his shoulder. Shaking his head once more, pinching the bridge of his nose, he finally nodded in agreement.
Tony and Pepper moved themselves to the couch. You on the other hand, we’re starving after this insane field trip. Grabbing your bags, you chunked them in your room and returned to the kitchen. Tony was channel surfing but stopped for a moment on a news channel that was praising Spider-Man for his courageous work today.
“Can you make some popcorn please?” Tony spoke up, seemingly in an effort to distract you from the news. “Extra butter”
Nodding, you went over to your pantry door, grabbed the bag, and popped it in the microwave. As it began cooking, you reached for a bowl in the cabinets and set it near. Snatching the trash leftover, you stepped on the pedal of your trash, but instead of coming face to face with other garbage, you were met with a bouquet of fresh flowers. Beginning to wilt but nonetheless, vibrant and sweet.
Reaching in to feel the softness of the petals, a familiar scent you would have forgotten if it wasn’t for this gift. A white envelope caught your eye that lay underneath the petals. Brushing past them, you took the letter and slowly opened it.
When will you give me the release I need?
Trust me when I say that I’ve been trying to move on. I just can’t. I miss the way the sunset would light up your eyes when we would find ourselves lying on the sand and the waves crashing at our toes. I’m sure that sea has seen your cry a number of times but that body of water must be jealous it could never comfort you the way I did.
I wish I had the opportunity to hold you in my arms once more. My mind is plagued by the memories we made, the touches we shared, the love we had; we could have pulled through it. We can still make it.
I know I shouldn’t love you after what you did but we’re practically living in cages, you more than anything. I hate to bring up old scars but don’t let him hold you back from what you truly desire.
Call me, write me, run to me. Everything you need is here. It's me. I'm here.
At the end of the letter, it read “our spot”, with a number and their name, which read-
"Y/N," Tony called out, "Leave the trash in the trash, the microwave's been bugging me for the past five minutes.
Looking back at the machine, the bag still popping some kernels, you rushed over to get the snack ready. A feeling of uneasiness began to stir in your stomach. You knew who it was, and you never expected to hear from him again. Before returning to the couch, you pocketed the letter, leading your mind to run miles in what you could consider the wrong direction.
You could go see him, just a little visit, what’s the harm in that? It sounds nice to run back into the arms of an old friend.
With the bowl in hand, you made your way back to the couch. Handing Tony the bowl, and finally settled in. As you mindlessly watched the movie Tony chose, you began reminding yourself of how your friend quite literally changed you, and for the worst. Looking back on it, you never want to be that person again.
Ungrateful, scandalous, callous punk who was stuck in an imaginary daze.
Whoever that person was seemed to have faded over time. You were more…content with how you felt now. You were lucky enough to find friends who didn’t know they had helped you through a difficult time.
“This Michelle girl is really saving you from all the trouble” Tony questioned between bites “why haven’t I met this young lady yet?”
You gave him an obvious look, “Maybe because you're Tony Stark"
Nodded with a smirk, "what's her actual name?"
"Michelle Jones" you responded
Nodding once more, he had a questionable look on his face. His brows scrunching meant he was trying to come up with something.
“Well, guess we could meet MJ homecoming night for pictures?” He questioned looking at pepper as she shrugged in response.
Shaking your head, another nickname added to the already long list.
A calm night with your family was rare, pushing aside your troubles, you were going to make sure to appreciate the quality time you had with them. Yet, that uneasy feeling started to pester you, maybe one visit wouldn’t hurt.
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When Peter arrived home, he headed straight to his room. A feeling of dignity and courage went into saving those people, but he still felt weighed down. Checking his phone, he texted you a simple “hi” and awaited your response.
Grabbing his backpack, he reached into the bag and pulled out his mask. Pulling it on, he sighed as he saw the A.I. welcome him back.
“Karen,” Peter whispered, as she answered back in the same quiet tone.
“I have a friend who…well, I don’t think they’ve checked their voicemail and I left like a pretty long confession-“
“You stole money.” The A.I finished for him
“No no, like kind of like a love confession.” He explains, “I left it for her before the Washington trip but maybe she heard it and got pissed?” Now speaking more to himself than the robot
Pausing for a moment to breathe, he couldn’t believe he was asking this.
“Is there any way to see if she heard it or-or maybe it didn’t go through because of something else?”
“I am able to access the Stark-“
“Never mind, it doesn’t feel right.” Shaking his head pulling the mask off
A knock at the door caught him off guard, stuffing his mask underneath his pillow he shouted at them to come in.
“Just wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything and if you were okay…” May asked peaking her head in
“I’m fine, thanks May” he responded with a small smile
Nodding, she entered the room and seated herself on his bed. “So what’s going on with you and Y/N?” She questioned “if looks could kill I would’ve been planning your funeral by now”
He let out a sigh, “I can't be with her"
May rubbed his back as she listened, "Honey, age is just a number and Stark is just a name, of course, you can."
He shook his head, "That doesn't bother me, it's just-"
"She doesn't feel the same?" she asked, "I mean you have to be blind not to see the way she looks at you or the times I've found you two cuddling when I've come home after work."
"It's complicated-"
"Everything's complicated, Peter. If you want her so bad, you'd go get her. You'd fix whatever you think is standing in your way."
"And if I messed up too bad? What if she doesn't want to fix it?" Peter breathed feeling the water well up in his eyes.
May shrugged but flashed him a smile, “Something tells me she would, I’m sure of that. But if she doesn’t, well then maybe it wasn’t meant to be. In that way, life complicated itself, you thought loving her would have the same effect on her but she doesn’t feel it. Complicated thought.”
As depressing as that sounded, she had a point. Peter knew that if you listened to the voicemail and chose not to talk things out with him, it was obvious. He blew his chance. All for the sake of his mentor.
Checking his phone for any messages the blank screen confirmed everything. He needed to put on a brave face and talk to you. At least one more time before something worse could happen.
Yet, there’s was still the mystery of who is this vulture guy. While he didn’t really believe you when you told him it was Liz’s dad, he remembered the face of the dealer that was there that night. Possibly the only one who can answer his question.
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The weekend went by in the blink of an eye, Monday morning was just like any other, however, instead of an empty house, the house was filled with your parent's laughs and the smell of burnt pancakes.
After rushing to get ready, you made your way to the kitchen. Attempting to eat what was editable, you began packing your bag. You had made up your mind. You were skipping school and had already texted your friend to meet you at your spot when the guilt weighed too heavy at 3AM.
"I'm driving you to school today kiddo" Tony announced placing his empty bowl in the sink.
Mentally cursing yourself, you breathed and nodded. This was a little issue but nothing you wouldn't get past. Grabbing your bag, you and Tony headed out the door.
Climbing in the car and starting the drive, Tony finally spoke up "I'm assuming you know that Mr. Parker has been calling me nonstop about the guy with wings"
You nodded, "I really don't want to talk about him right now"
"That's fine, really didn't get any info out of Pep." he sniffled "maybe you'd spill but I made some calls and it's been taken care of. They're going to bust them today at one of their deals" he explained, eyes still fixated on the road.
"Where's it going to happen?" you questioned but that resulted in Tony gripping the wheel in annoyance
"Just so if Peter gets word I can steer him in another direction, he's nonstop.”
"They're doing business around high noon on a boat, they think it'll be isolated because you know, it's in the middle of the ocean." he explained
Swallowing, a feeling of numbness shot through you. Is this what Peter was talking about? Is my dream finally coming together?
"I...I had a dream about Peter telling me about a boat, except he said it was a ferry, and the identity of the vulture." you confessed
Tony slowed down to a pause at a stoplight, glancing at you, he placed his hand on top of yours and gave it a squeeze. You'd imagine he was going to follow up the gesture by giving one of his speeches about how you're only a child and should let the adults handle it. Though, it was just the warm feeling in his hand that said enough. A feeling of comfort in your time of distress.
The light turned green and just a few blocks ahead stood your school. Pausing at the curb, you opened the door and got your backpack, stepping out of the car you looked back.
“I’ll pick you up after school, taking the family out to eat.” Tony smiled as you nodded and closed the door.
Rushing into school, you quickly booked it down the hallway crowded with kids. Arriving at your locker, you scurried to swirl your combination in an effort to not miss the train. As soon as you opened it, Michelle popped up behind the metal door, “Good morning sleeping beauty, didn’t even have the courtesy of texting me throughout the weekend?” She joked
You shook your head letting out a small laugh, "My parents were really worried about what happened and surprisingly they took time out of the schedules to spend the weekend with me.
"Mine were too, they never stopped with the questions."
Nodding as you reached your locker, Michelle kept telling you about her weekend and how she had her suspicions about spider-man showing up. Placing some books you weren’t going to need in the locker, you closed it, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
“You’re going chemistry…why don’t you have your book? She asked with a bewildered look.
“Um, well…I’m ditching today” whispering as the two of you began walking down the hall.
“What? Again?” She questioned with disappointment in her tone, “If this is yours and Parker’s attempt to makeup, I already have vile-“
“I’m meeting an old friend” cutting her off as your turned the corner to one of the exits. Before you could reach the door, Michelle blocked your path.
"An old friend?"
"Yeah, I've talked about him before...sort of.."
Squinting her eyes in suspicion, she gave you her meaned mugged look she’d give whenever she’d be curious as to what was not known. “If this friend is from your old school, and how you describe them, I already don’t like this idea.”
“Please get out of my way before a teacher walks by” you begged and tried to move past her.
“I know I’m paranoid most of the time but i don’t want to see your face plastered on every news station reporting they found your body naked in a ditch.” Her face was so close you had to take a step back and look at her with surprise.
“S-sorry, you know I love true crime” she mumbled stepping back
“I’m going to visit my ex…” you confessed, “now if I do end up dead, you have a lead.”
Shaking her head, she stepped aside, and pointed a finger at your face, “if I don’t hear from you by 8, I’m going to find you.”
Pushing her finger out of the way, you gave her a warm smile, “don’t worry MJ, I’ll be fine.”
Letting a laugh out, she gave you a puzzled look, “MJ?”
“It has a nice ring to it” smiling and finally exiting the building
Michelle backed away from the scene and shook her head grinning. Staten Island couldn’t be further away.
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A warm breeze caressed your face as you calmly waited. The sound of waves crashing over and over lulled your mind from the anticipation that had started to build from the thought of remembering his features.
Feeling the buzz from your phone, you whipped it out, receiving a text from MJ.
"Parker never showed and Ned's starting to worry. What do I say?"
Quickly responding to her, telling her to say that everything was fine. Sighing, you checked your other messages to see if there would be any indication that he would be on his way, you began pacing back and forth on the harbor.
A ferry blowing It’s horn pulled you from your thoughts. Eyeing the yellow boat, you recalled what your dad had told you. Deep down, you knew you had your true decision made. You had to shove away your anger and jealousy aside to help Peter.
Rushing to the other side of the pier, crowds of people and cars began boarding the ship. Buying your ticket and seating yourself near the back, you eyed the individuals who were entering. Unfortunately, you didn’t have a clue what these people looked like so nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Sending a quick text to Peter, letting him know that you obviously know where he is and that you’re on the same boat as him. You started scrolling mindlessly through your phone until Peter’s face appeared on the screen.
Sliding to answer, you didn’t even get a word out thanks to Peter’s panic state.
"What are you doing here?!" he screamed
"I made an executive decision to save your ass, what does it look like I'm doing?"
"Y/N there are literally criminals here-"
"We just came back from fighting heroes who are now terrorists, what's new?" you huffed in annoyance.
"There's some activity going on at the edge of the boat," he started, "What if something goes wrong? What if you get hurt or-or-“
Looking over your shoulder as he continued to worry, you spotted an older man standing from his seat. Your eyes followed as he walked out onto the balcony. Pushing yourself up as well, your legs began carrying you in the same direction.
"Shit..." Peter mumbled still over the phone, "Your dad's calling, please don't move-" a beeping indicating that the call ended.
Shaking your head, you shoved your phone back into your pocket as you continued to follow the man. However, before you could continue, you paused. Stepping back, you pressed yourself against the cool metal, peaking your head around the corner to eye the stranger who was now entering a van.
"FBI! Freeze!" a loud voice roared.
The boy in the suit whipped his head back and forth in confusion.
As the fighting continued, you lowered yourself down to a squat. Hearing guns go off and bodies slam into the boat, your pocket started vibrating again. Pulling out your phone, your heart stopped when Tony's name flashed on the screen.
"For someone who's been in enough trouble, you sure keep finding yourself in it. Care to explain why you're in Staten Island? " grievance in his tone
"Staten Island? Dad, I have no idea why my phone gives off that location." the little lie rolling off your tongue "Someone must have stolen my phone."
"Funny, because if someone stole it, why did you answer?"
"Well..." before you could think up something, a sway traveled through the boat as it groaned loudly.
Water began gushing as the boat began to split into two.
Gasping as you grip your phone, Tony's voice calling out your name, water crashing against your legs. Your empty hand gripped the railing as you braced for the sinking but, it stopped.
Letting out a shaky breath, you weakly brought your phone back up to your ear.
"I'm sorry-I'm okay! I think Peter took care of whatever-" though whatever he did, it didn't seem to work. The movement caused you to jerk and lose your footing. You yelped as you held onto the railing as the current tried to pull you down with it.
As you submerged underwater, cars began plopping into the ocean all around you. Scared to even move in any direction, you feared that this was the end. Yet, the boat began rising, and as you were brought back up, you gasped for air. You crawled further back into the boat while coughing up the water that was still stuck in your lungs.
Finally stopping, you looked up to see your dad's suit. "You." he snapped "Get in the suit"
Just as he commanded, another suit flew in and settled on the floor opening up. You hesitantly got up. Eyeing your father, you shook your head.
"Mr. Stark!" Peter shouted "Do you need any help?! What can I do?!"
"Get it now." He growled again, this time you did as you were told. The suit closed up as Friday greeted you.
"Friday, make sure she’s-"
"Peter was trying to help, he just-"
"Don't even start" Tony muttered as he began to fly off, ignoring Peter. Your suit followed him as Friday began reading your vital signs.
He had sent you home while he had stayed behind to deal with Peter. You had pleaded with your dad to just let it go but it seemed as if Spider-Man took it too far this time.
When you arrived home, the suit released you. Pepper greeted you with a hug but the look on her face read disappointed. Between the vision that you wanted to be true to what was happening in real life, you didn't know what realm you wanted to believe in.
You sat on your bed and waited for your dad to arrive. Pepper had already started her lecture. She tried to wrap her head around the situation but you couldn't explain to her why you had felt the need to be there.
Hearing the front door close, your dad had arrived. His footsteps grew louder as your door creaked open.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled "I-I thought he'd have it under control, that-that-"
"Y/N, I took away the suit. It's bad enough that I have to live with everything I've done. I can't have a kid's blood on my hands." he explained "I can't live with myself if I knew that my kid's blood were on my hands."
You adverted your eyes into your lap.
"I'm getting too old for your shenanigans," he puffed, "For some reason, I'd rather redo the last three years than have you risk your life every week for some boy who didn't look your way."
Swallowing as warm tears spilled from your eyes. Your stomach dropped, and for some reason, the familiar feeling of hopelessness wrapped around you like a blanket. The last three years were filled with solicítate parties, money, and too much liquor. You could argue that he was wrong; that Peter did want you.
But could you really if his actions were so obvious?
And honestly, as long as he didn’t know your true intentions of going there, everything was going to be fine.
"You're not the only one who has blood on your hands" whispering as you slowly made eye contact with him.
Tony swallowed, looking around your room. He knew what you had done. Even more childish than you were now, he knew you were only trying to help but it just added a point to his scoreboard.
"You have to give Peter the suit back, he was just trying to be like you-“ his scoff cut you off
"Grounded until I say so," he uttered "Your phone is at the bottom of the sea and that's where it will stay. Pepper and I will discuss what other schools are around the area."
Snorting you gave him a sour look, "Other schools? I’m not leaving Midtown, that isn’t your choice!"
"You made it our choice," he said as he walked out of the doorway. Pepper rubbed your back once more leaving as well.
Sighing as you tossed yourself back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling you wondered what Peter thought of all this. He was probably angry with you. Your dad gave him the suit and now he took it away, the only thing that gave him purpose. Yet, you decided that enough was enough. You were tired of being frustrated with him.
Sniffling as more tears rolled down your face, it was just a silly crush. Feelings that you had to move from and that’s exactly what you were going to do.
Across town, Peter’s world did crumble. He was back to being normal ole’ Peter. As he walked home in his hello kitty pj’s he tried to put together what Tony had lectured him about. He didn’t even know that you had followed him and if you had drowned, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
There was still one thing that irked him; maybe you did hear his voicemail and you came to find him? Maybe it was his ego but he’s hoping to have you run into his arms the next time you see him.
But on second thought, what if you didn’t want him anymore? An unsettling feeling festered in the pit of his stomach. Now that he had his mantle ripped from him, why would anyone want to be with just Peter Parker.
His bundle of thoughts carried him home, already feeling the heat in his eyes as tears started to form. Knocking at his door, May, her expression screamed worried more than anything.
After her lecture, he broke and spilled his sorrows while she comforted him. May sent him off to wash his disgusting odor away and he finally crawled into bed. He checked his phone, a dozen messages and missed calls from May, Ned, and Michelle. Sighing he tossed his phone to the side and pondered what trouble would be awaiting him tomorrow
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ouijaban · 3 years
Glaciator 2.0 Summary
For all the Miraculous fans who don't speak French and are struggling to understand, here's a basic summary of the episode:
Ladybug and Chat Noir are arguing in the beginning because they were named "couple of the year" when they're not a couple. Ladybug becomes very angry with him (and with everyone else involved), and, seeing this, Chat resolves to respect her feelings and fall out of love with her, but this makes him very sad. There's a brief sad montage, Adrien deletes all the Ladybug computers off his desktop and watches a news report (which Marinette also watches and fumes about) and there's a tense conversation between Adrien and Kagami where he says that no one can help him with what he's going through, at the end of which Adrien is almost akumatised, which shocks Papillon. Meanwhile, Kagami accosts Marinette and tells her she needs to confess to Adrien because he's depressed. She gives her the advice to write a dramatic speech, which she then does.
While on the phone trying to get billboards depicting them kissing taken down, she sees Adrien crying in the park, and is going to give him a present out of the one's she's accumulated (it's cookware and not a hamster) but fumbles it, and he gets driven away by the Gorilla on Gabriel's orders. When he gets back, Gabriel awkwardly gives him an "I'm there for you, sorry I've been a bad dad since your mother" speech, but Adrien brushes him off, surprising Plagg, who thinks his cold family situation will potentially improve. After looking at a photo of his mom and resolving to not end up like his father, Adrien goes out as Chat to destroy the kissing billboards and demonstrate his respect for Ladybug.
Marinette can't figure out who to practice her speech with (it's really bad, some gibberish about how on the first day they met she saw three suns I think) but she sees Chat Noir doing this from her balcony and flags him down to play the role of her "boyfriend who's not yet her boyfriend" (lmao)
Basically they goof around and banter a lot– she won't say the name of the person she's talking about (ofc) so she at first addresses the confession to Chat Noir, which confuses him, and then replaces Adrien's name with "Buttercup," which makes him laugh and she gets mad because he's making the wrong faces in response and being a bad actor. He reads the speech aloud and she realises how stupid it sounds. Anyway, after rehearsal goes poorly, Chat proposes they take a break and so they go to the cinema. André gets the wrong idea and thinks it's a date, and gets mad because according to him Ladybug and Chat Noir are meant for each other, not him and Marinette.
At the cinema, neither of them like the movie. Marinette explains how she overthinks everything and so the version of her that comes out around everyone isn't the real her but rather a highly practiced one, and then the guy behind them yells at them to shut up. They leave, and it's raining so Chat uses the baton as an umbrella. He then says he's the opposite to her, and he can't help but say things even though he knows he shouldn't, speaking about his constant confessions to Ladybug. He says she hates him now, and Marinette immediately says that she doesn't, and that he's a good kitty 🥺😭
When they get back to the balcony, Glaciator accosts them and accuses them of being a couple, and Chat says he'll come back to rehearse again.
Ladybug shows up and they fight him; the whole time, Chat is correcting himself about what's ok and what's not ok to say to her now that they're just friends– for example, using "us" for him and Ladybug, calling her my lady, etc, but he's going overboard. Ultimately they beat Glaciator, give him the Magical Charm, and the two of them part on good terms, and Chat returns to the balcony to finish up the rehearsal. Marinette reads a few lines and then acknowledges that her speech is bad, and gives one from the heart instead.
In essence, what she says is that she had the wrong impression when she and the guy she likes first met, she took him for someone who was pretentious, but after getting to know him she's learned how kind he is, and is very much in love with him despite struggling to communicate that effectively. Chat is obviously moved by this (and like 2 seconds away from figuring out who she's talking about). They part happily– both saying that the person the other loves is lucky to have them, basically– and it cuts to a scene at fencing, where Adrien is killing it and no longer depressed.
Kagami asks Marinette if she confessed, to which Marinette essentially replies sort of but not really. Then it's revealed that Kagami's seduction technique came from a shoujo manga and Marinette tells her she needs to hang out with her and the gang more (lmao)
Meanwhile, Adrien restores the Ladybug photos he deleted off his computer earlier, and explains to Plagg that he's not going to give up his love for Ladybug. He says that Marinette opened his eyes, and that if he shows Ladybug the "Adrien" side of him rather than only the guise of Chat Noir, maybe she'll fall in love with him.
And that's it! Let me know if you have any specific French questions. If I missed anything, I apologise; this is entirely from memory, so there are definitely scenes I didn't describe in adequate detail.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
TO LOVE AND BE LOVED - Part Three (Harry Styles)
a/n: part 3 wohoo! thank you so much for all the love you’ve been showing the series, it keeps me going and writing more and more! originally i thought it would turn out to be about three parts, but it has outgrown that limit so i added two more parts to the masterpost, that’s for sure is gonna happen but i might even add more?! not sure, im still in the writing process so i can’t tell how long it’s going to turn out to be, but this just means even more content for you guys!
as always, feedback is very much appreciated, please make sure to share your thoughts and comments on the part, it’s such a huge boost for writers to read what you thought!!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce
word count: 11.4k
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When you were working at the daycare you couldn’t focus on photography as much as you would have liked to. You often had to stay in for extra hours, wait until the last kid was picked up and then do paperwork, or change the decoration in your room or whatever Clair asked you to do that day. By the time you got home you just wanted to take a bath and fall into bed. You also had to travel 40 minutes to work which took away a lot of time from your day.
Working for Harry helped you immensely with focusing more on your passion. Even on his worse days he got home by six and since your workplace is your home, you don’t even have to drive forty minutes to enjoy the comfort of your home, you just walk up the stairs to your room and that’s it.
In addition, taking care of Izzy, you still have the chance to work on some editing or snap new pictures. You have time off when she has her classes and when you put her down for her nap. The best thing is that Izzy is quite interested in photography, she gets very interested whenever she sees you bring out one of your cameras and she always lets you take pictures of her, posing and goofing around. The folder on your computer that has her name is growing each day with more and more sweet photos of the little girl that has completely stolen your heart. You’ve been regularly getting your favorites shots of her printed and you always leave them on Harry’s desk so when he gets home he sees them and they make him forget about whatever happened at work that day.
You are getting more and more emails about possible sessions and slowly but surely, your weekends start to fill up with weddings, birthday parties and engagement photoshoots. It seems like you have definitely made the right choice when you took this job. No doubts.
“Can I ask a question, daddy?” Izzy is poking the peas around on her plate as the four of you sit at the dining table at dinner. Ruth has joined you today, because Harry had to make a quick trip to his office in the afternoon and you were out shopping with Trevor today.
“Sure, baby,” Harry hums nodding.
“Why don’t you eat meat?” she asks seriously, eyeing her own plate that has some chicken on it, while Harry’s is only stacked with veggies and potatoes.
“Because I decided that I won’t want to.”
“Can I decide that too?”
“You’re a little too young for that, baby. You need the meat to grow big. When you’re older you can think about what kind of things you want to and don’t want to eat.”
“Okay,” she nods without throwing a tantrum about her dad telling her no. You know quite a few kids who would have flipped over it, but not Izzy. Harry might not even realize how good of a job he is doing raising her and teaching her how to be a good human.
“I have another question,” she announces, glancing up at Harry.
“Go ahead.”
“If you don’t eat meat, does that make you an herbivore?”
You can’t push down a chuckle, you were not expecting this. Your eyes meet Ruth’s over the table, she is enjoying this conversation just as much as you do. It’s cute how Izzy put two and two together and made a seemingly logical conclusion.
“We learned about herbivore dinosaurs this week,” you inform Harry, who is a little lost about why his daughter just called him an herbivore. Also, you’re quite impressed that she remembered the word, though she struggled with it at first, but it seems like it finally stuck.
Harry shakes his head chuckling as he sets his fork down, looking over at Izzy.
“In a way I should be called an herbivore, but that’s not what you call people who don’t eat meat. I’m a vegetarian.”
“Oh, okay,” she nods, wrapping up the information in her head as she keeps eating.
You and Ruth clean up after dinner while Harry gives Izzy a bath, a little earlier than usually, because she spilled apple juice on herself, so he decided to just go straight for the bath instead of changing once more before bedtime.
“Will you be fine with putting these away, Darling?” Ruth asks as you’re drying the last few dishes.
“Sure! I’ll take care of it,” you smile back at her as she nods and heads into the living room.
Harry emerges from upstairs with a freshly cleaned Izzy on his arms. As soon as her little feet touch the floor she bolts over to join Ruth in front of the TV while Harry walks into the kitchen just as you put the last dish away.
“Hey, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” he starts and suddenly, you feel your stomach drop, especially because his face seems very serious.
“Oh God, what did I do?” you ask, feeling yourself panicking already.
“Nothing! It’s not like that!” he chuckles softly, realizing you kind of misunderstood the situation.
“Okay, good. Sorry, you just looked so serious.”
“Sorry, I was just… thinking. So two friends of mine that I work together with also are getting married soon. They had a photographer booked already, but the guy cancelled on them and, um, I hope you don’t mind, but I recommended you to them.”
“Really?” you ask in complete surprise.
“Yeah. Actually, they saw a picture of Izzy that you took in my office and we started talking about how you do photoshoots in your free time and then I told them to ask if you’d be up to do their wedding as well.”
“Wow, that’s really nice of you, Harry. Thank you!”
“I gave them your number, they’ll probably call you sometime next week or so.”
“Great!” you beam, excited about the new event you can work at. “I hope they’ll want to work with me.”
“I kind of hyped you up for them and they seemed very pleased with the pictures I showed them, so I’m sure they will want to,” Harry chuckles softly, even blushing a little. It always amazes you how a tall, muscular guy with so many tattoos can be such a soft, caring and loving person. It always reminds you not to judge the book by its cover.
“Thank you, Harry. This means a lot to me.” Reaching over you place your hand on his arm and give it a gentle squeeze before moving past him to join Ruth and Izzy in the living room.
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Harry was right about Sarah and Mitch being all excited to get in contact with you, because they don’t even wait for the next week to reach out. Sunday afternoon you are working on some more editing at the dining table while Harry and Izzy are painting on the other end of the table, busy with their masterpieces when your phone starts ringing, an unknown number shown on the screen.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you answer it, leaning back in your seat.
“Y/N, hi! My name is Sarah Jones, I hope I’m not calling at a bad time, Harry gave me your number this week.”
“Oh! Sarah, yeah! So nice to talk to you!” you beam and Harry’s eyes snap up to you at the mentioning of the familiar name. “Harry mentioned you’d reach out and don’t worry, I’m happy to chat.”
“That’s great. I wanted to wait until Monday, but truth is that we are kind of in a short of time and I was afraid you’d be already busy for our date, so I wanted to call you as soon as possible.”
“No worries.”
“So first and foremost, I’m gonna ask if you have anything planned on the last weekend of May. I know it’s just in a few weeks, but I really hope we can work it out.”
“Let me pull up my calendar,” you tell her as you open up the app on your computer that you use to keep track with your sessions and events. Finding the weekend in question in it, you smile at the empty space. “Good news, seems like I’m free that weekend.”
“Oh thank God!” she breathes out in relief and you let out a chuckle. “That’s so amazing. So then would it be possible to meet up sometime next week? You could show some more works of yours and we can discuss more details, how does that sound?”
“This week? Well I have to work—“ you start, but Harry cuts you off.
“Come into the office tomorrow morning.” “What?”
“Put her on speaker,” he smiles nodding towards your phone and you do as he asked, setting it to the table with Sarah on speaker. “Hey Sarah!”
“Harry, hi!”
“Aunt Sarah?” Izzy’s ears perk up, some pink paint on her cheeks that you have no idea how it got there, because her painting doesn’t even have any pink in it.
“Hi Izzy! So good to hear your voice!” she chuckles through the phone.
“Sarah, you’re gonna be at the studio Monday morning, right?” Harry asks and you can’t not notice how his voice changed the slightest bit as soon as he started talking about business.
“Yeah and Mitch is coming too,” she confirms.
“Okay then how about you come in tomorrow morning, Y/N?”
“But what about Izzy?”
“She can come too. I’ll look after her while you discuss the details, it’s no big deal. It’s been a while since the last time she came to work with me,” he smirks over at the little girl, who is already excited to spend some more time with her daddy at his workplace.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Absolutely,” he nods smiling.
“Thank you, well then I’m okay with tomorrow if it’s fine for you as well, Sarah.”
“That would be perfect! Thank you guys both, Mitch and I really appreciate it.”
“No worries,” Harry nods, going back to his painting. You take Sarah off the phone as you say your goodbye before ending the call.
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You start Monday off with some extra excitement. Not just because you are about to get booked for another event, but also because it’s going to be the first time you see Harry at his workplace. He has been quite good at keeping his business separated from his private life, it never really happens that you catch him dwell about anything work related whenever he is home and around Izzy. The phone call with Sarah was like a tiny glimpse of what he might be like when he is in work mode and you’re kind of curious to see more of this side of him.
Just as usual, Harry takes care of Izzy in the morning while you get ready on your own. You want to look good, not only are you going to meet more of his friends, but people he works with. Or should you say, people who work for him.
You choose a light pink dress, throwing a white knitted sweater over your shoulders with a pair of ballerinas. After putting on some light makeup and grabbing your purse and laptop you head downstairs to grab a quick breakfast. Izzy is already sitting at the table, still in her pajamas since her and food are a dangerous combination and Harry always makes sure to get her dressed once she is away from all of that.
“You look so pretty, Y/N!” she beams, her legs dangling from the chair as she digs into her oatmeal. Harry appears from the kitchen and he has the same look on his face like when he saw you leave for that wedding a while ago. A blush paints his cheeks as he slows his steps down, his eyes running down on the length of your body before they return to your face.
“Izzy is right, you look… really pretty, Y/N,” he compliments into your face, unlike last time when you only heard him call you pretty when he thought you were long gone.
“Thank you,” you breathe out with a soft chuckle.
The morning carries on as usual, Harry dresses Izzy for the day and then you all head out, however you stop short upon seeing the various cars parked on the driveway and the double garage.
“Maybe take the Rover, it’s got the child seat in it and I’ll take the Jaguar today,” Harry suggests as he hands you over the keys to the Rover and then nears the car he is taking for the day.
“Oh yeah, you just take the Jaguar, boss,” you chuckle under your breath, finding it a little funny that deciding on which car you’re taking for the day is even a question in someone else’s life.
Izzy sings along the radio as you follow Harry’s car into the label’s building. Of course, it’s not just some simple office building, it’s situated in the riches area of the city and the building is massive with loads of floors and a huge HES Records sign above the entrance where you meet Harry after parking down.
“Good morning, Mr. Styles! Hello, Izzy!” the woman behind the front desk smiles widely immediately, standing up from her chair to hand Harry a stack of envelopes. “Your post, sir.”
“Thank you, Veronica. Have a nice day,” Harry nods in her way as the three of you move through the hall to the elevators. Waiting for it to arrive, you glance at the board on the wall that lists everything you can find in the building and the level you should look for it at. There are endless amount of studios, at least three on each levels, offices, creative rooms and conference rooms. It’s pretty clear that HES Records manages a lot of talents and that requires a lot of space.
Arriving to the twentieth floor, which is of course the top of the building, you are in awe as you realize that the whole floor is basically Harry’s office. There’s a kind of hall area for his two assistants, he has his own conference room, his kitchen and dining area and of course, his office space. The whole place screams power and influence. The modern design of the interior makes it such a fancy work space not just for him, but for everyone else in the building. It’s truly impressive.
“Wow, Harry. This place is… amazing,” you breathe out as he walks the two of you into the conference room where Izzy immediately climbs up to one of the chairs, standing up so she can lean onto the table. Harry walks behind her and adjusts her so she just sits before she could fall off.
“Thank you. I really like this place too. I always thought it’s important to have a great place to work at,” he smiles, clearly proud of how far his business has come. “There’s a mini fridge over there, feel free to take anything you’d like. Sarah texted me on the way here that they’ll be here shortly.”
“Great, thank you,” you nod, taking a seat next to Izzy as you set your laptop up. The glass door of the room opens and one of the assistants peeks inside.
“Mr. Styles, Mrs. Wonstein is on the phone asking for you.”
“Oh, alright, give me a minute and I’ll take it.” The assistant nods and walks out. “Izzy, come with daddy a little, alright? Let Y/N do her thing.” “She can stay, if you want. I can look after her,” you tell him, but he shakes his head as Izzy climbs off the chair and running over to him, she takes his hand.
“No, just focus on this one. I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, Harry,” you smile with gratitude as the two of them walk out, leaving you alone. You start scrolling through your folders, wondering which photos you should show Sarah and Mitch, picking out some of your favorites while you wait for them, though they don’t take too long to arrive. Soon enough the glass door opens and the lovely couple walks in.
“Y/N! Hi, it’s so nice to finally meet you!” Sarah greets you, wrapping you in a warm hug before stepping aside.
“Hi, I’m Mitch, nice to meet you,” the groom-to-be smiles shyly as he pulls you in for a short hug as well.
“Good to meet you guys too,” you smile back at them as you all sit to the table.
“Thank you so much for meeting us in such a short notice. Our photographer bailed out on us and I was starting to really worry when Harry mentioned that you are doing this kind of stuff in your free time,” Sarah explains.
“No worries. Would you like to go over some of my previous works?” you offer and they both nod in excitement before you start clicking through some old projects.
They share their vision for the whole wedding and the kind of pictures they would like and you like their approach and feel like it’s right up your alley. They both seem to like what you show them and Sarah compliments on how well you are able to catch small, but important moments.
“The wedding won’t be too big, just friends and family, but we do want a lot of memories, it means a lot to us,” Sarah explains and you nod, noting everything she says.
“Harry said you like this oldschool kind of vibe in your pictures,” Mitch chimes in.
“Oh, yeah. I like to make them look like they weren’t taken on a digital sometimes.”
“Do you think you can make some of those for us as well? Not all of them, just a couple,” Sarah asks.
“Sure! It’s more about the editing process, but it’s totally doable.”
You go over a few more things, making sure you’re on the same page, but you feel like things are working out perfectly. Though you guessed they would be great people, it’s still nice to work with such a nice and professional couple. You’ve had some crazy ones before, they definitely don’t make the job easy on you, but it’s not the case right now.
“Okay, so are you sure the date is okay for you? We wouldn’t want you to cancel on anything you had before just because we are Harry’s friends,” Mitch assures you, but you give them a warm smile.
“I’m totally free, don’t worry. Harry doesn’t have that kind of advantage here,” you chuckle softly.
“Thank you so much in this case. You’re truly a lifesaver,” Sarah breathes out in relief.
“Thank you for the trust. I’m really looking forward to working with you guys!”
Finishing up the meeting you pack up, chatting a little out of the business talk with Sarah and Mitch as you head over to Harry’s office.
“Hey! How did it go?” Harry asks as soon as the three of you walk in. Izzy is sitting at his desk, like a little boss, coloring something as he is sitting on the corner of the desk.
“Amazing, we owe you one for suggesting her,” Sarah sighs and you can’t help but just chuckle at how thankful she really is that you could help them out.
“You owe me no more than just one dance at the wedding,” Harry smiles at her.
“Can I dance too?” Izzy’s head perks up.
“Oh baby, you’re not coming to the wedding. You’ll be staying with Grandma, I already told you.” Izzy pouts at her dad, but she doesn’t seem to mind it that much, she quickly goes back to coloring.
“We’ll dance some other time, okay?” Sarah offers her and she nods happily.
“Can I dance with Uncle Mitch too?” she questions and Mitch just smiles down at her.
“Of course,” he hums, curling an arm around Sarah’s waist. “I have a meeting in ten so I’ll head out, I’m gonna pick James up in the afternoon, alright?” He kisses Sarah’s temple before pulling Harry into a brotherly hug. “Y/N, it was so nice to meet you and thank you for everything again,” he smiles at you, enveloping you in a quick hug as well.
“See you soon,” you smile back before he waves his last goodbye and leaves. “Who’s James?” you ask curiously.
“James is our son. He is turning three this year,” Sarah beams proudly.
“Oh! You two already have a son, that’s great! I’ll make sure to snap a bunch of photos of him too,” you chuckle.
“Please, our house is already packed with pictures, but there’s just never enough,” Sarah laughs.
The three of you chat a little longer while Izzy is busy with her coloring, talking about the wedding and whatnot, Harry invites her and Mitch over for dinner sometime and she happily says yes before business is calling her so she heads out as well.
“Okay, come one, little Sunshine. Let’s get home, Rosaline will be over soon for your piano lesson,” you smile down at Izzy who throws all her coloring stuff into one of Harry’s drawers before hopping off the leather seat.
“I’ll see you in the afternoon, okay?” Harry leans down and kisses the top of her head before pressing his lips to her cheek as well.
“Bye daddy, have a good day!” she calls out, grabbing your hand as you head to the door, Harry following behind.
“Mr. Styles, you have a meeting in five with—“ one of the assistants speaks up, but Harry stops her.
“I know, tell him I’ll be down in a minute. And please call Isaac to remind him about his deadline tomorrow,” he asks in that voice again you heard yesterday when Sarah called. There’s just something so intimidating yet exciting in the way he bosses around, but not like an asshole. He is a man in power, but he surely knows how to use it for the good.
“I forgot to talk to you about the time Izzy is spending at my mum’s, please remind me to go over it with you tonight, alright?” Harry asks and you nod as the elevator’s door opens and the two of you walk in.
“Bye daddy!” Izzy waves at him.
“Bye baby, be good! Bye Y/N!” he smiles as the door starts to close.
“See you later,” you smile back before he disappears from your sight.
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The meeting with Sarah and Mitch got you buzzing, because it’s gonna be such an intimate yet beautiful wedding and those are your favorite. You can’t wait to start snapping the pictures and make their memories last forever of their big day.
You want to say thank you to Harry for suggesting you to them, so while Izzy is with Rosaline, you make a quick round to the grocery store and get everything you need to make some cupcakes, knowing well Harry loves those. He once told you that he could easily eat a dozen of those if he had the chance, so you think it’s gonna be the perfect way to thank him.
You keep the usual schedule, but after your little learning session in the afternoon, instead of heading out to the backyard to play, you suggest you bake the cupcakes together and Izzy is more than happy to help you.
It doesn’t take long for the kitchen to turn into a warzone, ingredients spilled to the counter all over the place, some music is playing in the background and you’ve been struggling to figure out how to use the different machines around the super modern kitchen.
You go all out with the decorations, you even bought some food coloring so you can make the cupcakes different colors and mess around with the icing and cream as well. You get so busy with the task on hand that time flies by faster than you expected. The two of you are still working on the decorating when the front door opens and Harry walks into the mess you’ve created in the past hours.
“What is doing on here?” he chuckles, seeing Izzy’s hair covered in flour, whipped cream on her nose and cheeks as she is throwing some sprinkles on one of the cupcakes, sitting on the kitchen island counter while you are finishing up another one.
“Oh! I wanted it to be a surprise!” you pout. “Izzy and I are making you cupcakes!”
“Why do I deserve a surprise?” he asks smirking, walking farther into the kitchen as he looks around, finding the mess quite amusing, rather than annoying. Harry knows well enough that it’s not easy to keep the place around you clean when there are kids involved in any process.
“I wanted to thank you for suggesting me to Sarah and Mitch. It was really nice of you.”
“Already told you it was nothing. Of course I suggest them a good photographer if I know one.”
You just smile at him shrugging, because no matter how hard he is trying to play it down, it meant a lot to you.
“Look daddy!” Izzy holds up her cupcake, half of it is covered with sprinkles, the other half is decorated with chocolate chips and she is clearly proud of it.
“That looks great, baby!” he smiles proudly, kissing the top of her head. “You have so much stuff on you, you could easily turn into a cupcake too,” he jokes, making her laugh.
“Be a cupcake with me, daddy!” Izzy beams and before Harry could stop her, she wipes some whipped cream to his face, getting him dirty as well. You gasp before letting out a laugh, Izzy shrieks happily seeing her dad all dressed up fancily and licking the cream off his face.
“Isabelle Styles, you have no idea what you just brought on yourself,” he warns in a low tone, already making Izzy scoot backwards as she is trying to escape, but she doesn’t have anywhere to go, the kitchen island’s edge is right behind her butt. However, she doesn’t realize it and tries to push herself back some more, deeming herself to fall right off, but before anything could happen Harry scoops her into his arms, pressing his creamy face to her cheek, making an even bigger mess that’s already there. Izzy is moving around, laughing and screaming as Harry gets some more cream to his hands, wiping it onto her anywhere he can.
“Oh my God, you are wasting all the cream!” you call him out, but it’s such a sweet moment to witness, you would never blame him for wasting it.
Harry stops attacking Izzy and turns to you with a dark look in his eyes.
“Izzy, I think Y/N looks too clean, doesn’t she?” he cocks his head to the side, exchanging a look with the girl in his arms.
“She does!” Izzy agrees as you start backing away from them. Harry sets Izzy down to her feet, grabbing the bowl with the remaining of the cream. He gets a handful for himself and lets Izzy fill her palms as well.
“Oh no, don’t you dare!” you warn them, holding up your pointing finger at them, trying to escape, but you are kind of cornered against the counter.
“It’s my house, I do whatever I want to,” he smirks, so full of himself and in a blink of the eye, they both launch themselves at you and Hell breaks loose.
They start whipping cream on you anywhere they can and when it’s gone, Harry just decides to go for anything else he can reach. Izzy is throwing sprinkles around while thanks to Harry, flour is flying everywhere, completely destroying the kitchen.
“Stop! No! I surrender!” you scream, fighting back, but it’s two against one.
“No mercy!” Harry shouts, so excited, as if he just transformed into a little boy, throwing mud around.
You grab his wrists when he tries to pour sugar on top of your head straight from the contained, holding him back, but he is so much stronger than you, it’s kind of a lost fight already. You don’t even realize how close he is, your chests are almost touching as he has you pinned against the counter, faces only about two inches away from each other. His wrist slides out of your hold, but he drops the sugar to the counter next to you. You try to snatch it to use his own weapon against him, but he is quick to stop you, forcing your hand down next to your side, but in the process he managed to bring you even closer, flushed against his hard chest and your lips part at the sudden mood change that he must be feeling as well, because the playfulness disappears from his eyes pretty fast and it’s replaced by something entirely different, something you can’t even read, because you haven’t seen it in his eyes before. And then…
Then you see his eyes flicker down to your lips, just a moment before yours move down to his. It’s that moment. It’s that exact moment when you just know you both are thinking about kissing, but you don’t know if it’s going to happen or now. You’re not even sure you want it to happen.
You fucking moron, of course you want to kiss him! That tiny voice in the back of your mind screams at you. In a heartbeat, it seems like he is about to move closer, but then the moment is interrupted and completely destroyed when a woman walks into the house, scaring you to death.
“Wow, it seems like Izzy took over control completely,” she comments, walking further into the house as you jump away from Harry, suddenly very aware of the mess you’ve made.
“Gemma, what—“ Harry starts, but he is quickly cut off.
“Don’t ask what I’m doing here, I literally texted you today that I would come by and you said it’s okay.” She gives him a look before her eyes move over to you as you’re trying to somehow clean everything up, but it’ll take a little longer probably. “You must be Y/N, hi! I’m Gemma, Harry’s sister.”
She steps over to you holding out a hand and you reach for it, but then stop, seeing that your palms are all floury. You both let out a chuckle, deciding to just move over the handshake.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, though it would have been better if we met when I didn’t have whipped cream in my eyes,” you joke.
“Auntie Gemma, we made cupcakes, do you want one?” Izzy runs up to her, holding up a cupcake that was finished, unlike the majority that are going to have poor decorations, since Harry and Izzy decided to use everything in the fight. Now it’s the floor that’s covered with icing, cream and sprinkles.
“Maybe later, sweetie, but they look awesome!”
As you wipe your face with a kitchen towel, you can feel Harry’s gaze on you, your heart beating so fast in your chest, it’s pushing all the blood up into your head that’s already feeling dizzy. What would have happened if Gemma didn’t walk in? Would has he kissed you? Or did you misread the situation and it was nothing just part of the game?
You busy yourself with cleaning up as Harry cleans himself a little with a paper towel before stepping closer to his sister.
“I totally forgot you texted, I replied in the middle of a meeting, I think I didn’t process the message.”
“It’s fine,” Gemma sighs. “I’m already used to my little brother forgetting about me,” she teases him, but he just rolls his eyes at her.
“Let me just help Y/N clean up the kitchen and I’ll be right with you. Would you mind cleaning Izzy off?” Harry asks her, but you stop him short.
“Oh, I’ll take care of this, don’t worry,” you assure him, but as his eyes snap over at you, you lose your voice. He clearly felt the moment as well earlier and now it’s kind of getting awkward, you don’t really want to be left alone with him right now. Not until you figure out what this whole thing was.
“Are you sure? I mean I was the one who started it and—“
“It’s fine,” you try your best to smile at him without overheating. He is standing several feet away from you, but you can still feel what it felt like to be pushed up against him.
Harry hesitates, his eyes following your every move while you are trying to busy yourself and act normal, while you are literally crumbling inside. You almost kissed your boss in the middle of his kitchen, you need a moment to process that.
“Alright, let me know if you need help,” he murmurs before picking Izzy up and heading upstairs to clean them both, Gemma following them right behind. When they are out of your sight, you lean against the counter, breathing out heavily.
Meanwhile upstairs, Harry hands Izzy his phone to play some games while he cleans her and himself off in the bathroom. Gemma sits on the edge of the tub, eyeing her brother curiously, which Harry notices.
“What?” he asks, stripping Izzy out of her dirty clothes.
“What was all that about?”
“What do you mean?”
“I saw you, Harry. You were like, ready to snog Y/N right then and there when I walked in. Did I miss something?”
“No idea what you’re talking about and I would appreciate it if you didn’t bring this up when it’s not just the two of us,” he replies firmly, looking down at the girl who is obliviously tapping on the screen. Gemma just rolls her eyes before leaving the two of them alone.
Wandering down she finds you scrubbing the counters from the mess you’ve made, deep in your thoughts. Seeing her walk in, you shoot her a smile, not sure what to say or if you even should say anything, but when she grabs a towel for herself and starts helping, you speak up.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”
“Don’t be silly, I’m happy to help,” she smiles, as she starts cleaning the kitchen island up. “So how do you like working for my brother, so far? He mentioned what happened with the daycare. Honestly, those mothers are entitled spoiled brats,” she scoffs making you smile.
“They weren’t too delightful even before the whole fiasco,” you chuckle softly. “But I really like it here. There are a lot more perks and it’s so much easier to focus on one kid than to have fifteen at a time,” you point out making her laugh.
“Yeah, I’m good with my two, don’t think I could handle more.”
“Oh, you have kids?”
“Yes, two sons. Beau is turning ten this year and Jasper turned six in January.” Gemma pulls out her phone from her back pocket and unlocking it she shows you the homescreen that has a picture of two adorable boys sitting on a bench next to each other, munching on a big bowl of strawberries. The younger one, Jasper has a red sunhat on his head while Beau is rocking some cool sunglasses.
“Oh my God, they look so much like you!”
“I get that a lot and honestly, they really should!” Gemma scoffs. “It took twenty fucking hours for Jasper’s big head to come out!”
“Wow that sounds way too much,” you laugh and Gemma nods with a tired, but clearly proud smile.
“Yeah, but it was worth it. Anyway, after my two boys, Izzy is the little princess of the family.”
“The boys get along well with her?” you ask as you both keep cleaning.
“They act like her big brothers, they get so protective over her!”
“That’s cute.”
“Yeah, they really are. My mom has this summer barbeque every year, if Harry doesn’t invite you with him then I’m doing it now, because you need to see how crazy out family gets,” she smirks at you. “All of our cousins and the kids are there, it’s a whole parade.”
“I’m sure it’s a lot of fun,” you smile at her. “One of my friends in high school had a really big family and they always invited me to birthdays at their place, I loved how lively and buzzing it was always.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to get together from time to time,” she nods smiling. “So do you have a boyfriend or something?” she asks then, implying that she is not even sure if you are playing on the team she is assuming.
“Oh, um, no. It’s just me for now. So no boyfriend for me.” Your answer, making sure it gives her the information she was trying to get as well.
“Are you done interrogating her, Gem?” Harry appears from upstairs, Izzy running ahead of him before smashing herself against Gemma’s legs.
“We’re just having a chat, is that a crime now?” she rolls her eyes. “Swear to God, he is such a control freak sometimes,” she then adds turning to you.
“Would you stop offending me in my own house?” Harry gives him a look. Gemma leans down and picks Izzy up into her arms.
“Izzy, you really should tell your dad to pull the stick out of his as—“
“You are not finishing that!” Harry cuts her off and you can’t push your laughter back. Harry’s eyes meet yours over Gemma’s shoulders and he realizes that you are still all dirty and messed up. “Y/N, go and take a shower if you want. We’ll take this over, alright?”
It wasn’t an order, but you feel like it was a very firm suggestion. He is clearly uncomfortable with you talking to Gemma and though you’re not sure why, you don’t want to upset him, so just nodding you drop the kitchen towel and head upstairs to clean yourself up.
“I hope you didn’t say anything to upset her,” Harry comments as he takes over the cleaning. Gemma grimaces.
“What could have I possibly said? I was just trying to get to know her!”
“You are always a little too up in my business, Gems,” he sighs.
“Daddy, can I watch some TV, please?” Izzy asks, tugging on his pants.
“Sure. Do you need me to switch it on?”
“No, I’m a big girl, I can do it,” Izzy nods before running off, leaving the siblings alone.
“Didn’t know Y/N was your business,” Gemma tilts her head to the side. Harry opens his mouth to defend himself, but nothing comes out. He was caught with this one. “Oh my God. I knew I walked in on something, you have a thing for her!” Gemma gasps with wide eyes.
“Stop with this! You and Niall are like some middle schoolers, it’s so fucking annoying!”
“So Niall sees it too, huh?”
“Niall is an idiot,” he points out. “He is… obsessed with this idea that I should start dating again and he thinks I should make a move on Y/N.”
“Well, he is an idiot, but he has a point.”
“No he doesn’t!” Harry argues, but Gemma just rolls her eyes.
“So you want to die alone? Is that your plan?”
Harry has always hated his sister’s bluntness. She never held herself back when it came to giving her opinion, whether it was wanted or not. But what Harry hates even more is that most of the time… Gemma is right.
He doesn’t want to die alone, no one wants that, but being with someone is a hard topic for Harry after losing the person he thought he would spend the rest of his life with. Even just the thought makes him feel like he is doing something bad, like he shouldn’t even be thinking about anyone but his wife, even years after the tragedy.
“Harry, look…” Gemma breathes out leaning against the counter next to her brother. “I know it’s a fucked up situation and I know things are still not in the right place in your head. But eventually you’ll have to move on. We all want to see you happy and I think that… I think Maggie would want that for you as well.”
Harry tries not to physically cringe at the name, the familiar pain is already clutching his heart, like it has been since the day of the accident. Some days are easier, some days are harder, but Gemma is right. Things are still not in the right place in his head and he knows that, he is just not sure how to fix it at this point.
“I’m not saying you should date Y/N, I’m not Niall to force anyone on you. I’m just telling you to try to get out a little more, just to test the waters. But you obviously like her so if it happens to be her, it wouldn’t be a big deal, if you ask me.”
Gemma shrugs and goes back to the cleaning while Harry keeps his swirling thoughts to himself. Two of the most important people have told him the same thing recently and though part of him wants to stubbornly go against it, his rational side knows that they might be right.
But not much can be done when a man is still blaming himself for the death of his own wife. Because that’s exactly the case when it comes to Harry and no one really knows that the thought has been haunting him for years now…
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After taking a quick shower, washing your hair and changing into clothes that are not covered in flour, you join Harry and Gemma downstairs and insist on finishing the rest of the cleaning while they move out to the terrace to talk. The evening goes by peacefully, Harry decides to order dinner and Gemma joins the three of you at the dining table.
You love watching the dynamic between them and they truly seem to be very close. Gemma likes to embarrass Harry with stories from their childhood and you are enjoying them all a little too much maybe, but it’s nice to think that he wasn’t always this confident businessman.
“It was so good to meet you, Y/N!” Gemma hugs you goodbye after dinner.
“You too!”
“Bye Izzy, come and give a smooch for your favorite auntie!” Squatting down she lets Izzy wrap her arms around her neck as she kisses her cheek sloppily.
“Bye Gemma,” she singsongs. Harry pulls his sister into a hug as well before walking her out.
You start washing the dishes, Izzy talking to you about whatever show she was watching earlier on TV. When Harry returns he tells you to just leave the rest of the cleaning up for him while he bathes Izzy, but you don’t listen to him and finish up while they are upstairs.
Bringing your laptop down you settle on the couch and just start scrolling through social media, reading articles and whatnot, the TV quietly playing in the background. You send out an email regarding the wedding you are attending this weekend, making sure everything is in place.
When Harry emerges again he joins you on the couch with a tired sigh.
“Thanks for washing the dishes but you really should just leave it to me when I ask you to,” he smiles at you softly.
“It’s not a big deal, I like to be useful,” you chuckle shutting your laptop down.
“As if you’re not useful enough already,” he huffs smiling to himself. “Oh, before I forget, I wanted to talk to you about Izzy going to my mum’s.”
“Oh, yeah, you mentioned it earlier.”
“Yeah. So she is going to spend a week at my mother’s and I timed it to line up with Sarah and Mitch’s wedding. So I’ll leave her at my mum’s Sunday evening and pick her up the next Sunday which lines up perfectly with the wedding on Saturday. That week is obviously free for you as well, like a paid vacation,” he chuckles.
“Sounds good. How far does your mother lives from here?”
“Just a few hours, not that horrible of a drive. If you’re up for it, we can carpool to the wedding and then pick her up together right from there and head home.”
“Yeah, that works for me, thanks,” you nod.
Harry stays and turns his attention on the TV, seemingly pretty unbothered while you still haven’t stopped thinking about what happened in the kitchen earlier. Glancing over at Harry it appears that it’s not that big of a deal for him, so it makes you settle with the thought that it’s not one for you either.
“Good night, Harry,” you smile at him grabbing your laptop and phone as you rise from your seat.
“Nigh, Y/N,” he smiles as you round the couch and head upstairs, but you stop at the bottom of the stairs, lancing back at the mop of locks that’s visible from him from behind. You watch him run his fingers through his hair and you let out a shaky breath, knowing well you did not convince yourself that it was nothing. Not for you, at least.
Because you wanted him to kiss you.
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The wedding you’re attending is held on a farm owned by the parents of the bride. The whole barn was transformed into this very country like fairytale location, lots of fairy lights and candles along with some nice, pastel colored flowers with a hint of purple between them.
Everything goes planned. Arriving you meet first with the groom and then with the bride in their separated rooms of the house, going over everything they want just one last time before you get down to work, snapping loads of pictures from them getting ready for the big day.
Emily, the bride is a chatty girl and all her bridesmaids are her sisters, coming from a big family with five daughters, she is the second oldest. The groom, Jesse is a few years older than Emily, but they are such a cute couple and they are clearly so madly in love, it’s always nice to see people be so happy with the right person.
You keep going back and forth between the groom and the bride and later you do the first look thing as well, when Jesse stands outside in the field and Emily walks up behind him, letting him see her for the first time. It really is always such a special moment and you tear up as well, watching Jesse fall speechless upon seeing his beautiful fiancé.
As the ceremony is about to start and the guests slowly take their seats on the two sides of the aisle, you make a quick trip down there to make sure you are using the right lenses, not wanting to change a lot when the ceremony has started. You stop in the corner, just trying out if you can shoot some pictures of the guests as well with the lens you are planning to use, you take a look around using the camera and that’s when you almost faint.
You would pick out that face from any, it has grown to you way too much, but you didn’t think you’d ever see him again. Lowering the camera you stare at the tall figure with parted lips, blinking a few times just to make sure it’s who you think it is.
But it is in fact your ex-fiancé, Keith, and to make it even worse, the woman standing next to him with his arm around her waist is the one he cheated on you with. They are still together and now you are staring right at them.
Tears sting your eyes as you try to look for a way to escape before he spots you, though you know he’ll see you sooner or later, but right now they are standing right at the entrance of the barn and you can’t avoid walking past them.
Keeping your head down you try to stay unnoticed as you march towards the exit, but you apparently, you are out of luck.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Keith calls after you just when you thought you were successful in sneaking out. Stopping in your tracks you seriously think about just running off, pretending like you didn’t even hear him, but it’s kind of too late and it would be ridiculous. So turning around on your heels, you plaster the fakest smile on your lips as you look at him.
“Keith, hi!” you breathe out, taking just a few steps closer to him, still keeping some distance between the two of you. Stella, the lucky woman on his arm blinks at you and at first you’re not even sure she realizes who you are or if she even knows you. The longer she looks at you the more certain you become that she indeed does not know that you’re the woman Keith cheated on with her. Nice.
Keith realizes that the two of you have been staring at each other awkwardly, so clearing his throat he quickly introduces the two of you to each other.
“Um, Y/N, this is Stella. Stella, this is… Y/N.”
You can tell he was thinking about using titles, but he decided to leave it at that, though it would have been a lot more interesting if he just titled the two of you.
Y/N, this is the woman I cheated on you with, who is my girlfriend now. Stella, this is Y/N, to whom I was engaged when I was fucking you!
You flash her a quick, not too honest smile and it seems like she is catching onto that something is not right, but she can’t tell for sure.
“What are you doing here?” Keith asks, a little harsher than you would have liked him to talk to you, but it’s kind of understandable. Seeing each other after what happened is not a pleasant experience for either of you, you assume. You hold up the camera as the answer for the stupid question and Keith furrows his eyebrows at you. “Oh, you still to the photography thingy?”
“Thingy?” you ask, quite offended. Keith always belittled your love for photography. He thought it was just a hobby, something that should stay just a hobby and not get turned into anything more. He once told you during a fight that it takes your time away from more important things, like doing chores. That was one of the most sexist things he has ever said to you and you should have packed your stuff right then and there. But you didn’t, stuck around for three more months before you found out about the cheating.
“Well, this thingy is kind of a side job for me,” you inform him.
“Oh. That sounds… fun,” he nods, but it’s clearer than daylight that he thinks it’s just a waste of time. Good thing he has no business in anything about you anymore.
“Um, I’m gonna go now, but I guess see you two around.” You shoot them another fake smile before turning around and walking away from this conversation straight from Hell.
Marching away from the barn you rush into the nearest bathroom you can find. You need a minute. Or maybe two… five. This did not just happen. You didn’t just face your cheating ex-fiancé with the woman he cheated on you, what kind of sick movie plot is this you found yourself in?
Placing your camera to the counter near the sink you wash your hands and sprinkle some water to your face as well before you lean to the edge of the sink, staring at your reflection in the mirror. You look like you’ve just seen a ghost and quite frankly, you would have been happier with the ghost than with Keith and Stella.
You’ve been doing alright since the breakup, but it’s obvious that only because you didn’t have to see Keith. Following the blowup when you found the explicit texts in his phone, you only had to face him twice and never since then. It’s easier to be okay when you don’t have to look at the person who hurt you most all the time, but coming face to face with him now really threw you off, especially with Stella on his arm. The fucker did not only cheat on you with her, but he went straight into a relationship with her and she probably doesn’t even know that she was just the sidechick in the beginning. If you were really evil, you’d go up to her and enlighten her about who you really are, but you are not one to cause a scene. Keith kept the two of you apart consciously, he never let you go into his office because he wanted Stella to think that he is a single man while he was engaged. Sickening to think how slyly he played the both of you and even after his little plan failed, he kept lying to the poor girl and lured her into a relationship. You wonder if he is already fucking another girl behind her back.
Your fingers start to turn white, gripping the edge of the sink tightly so you loosen up a bit, shaking your arms and shoulders off to pull yourself together. You fix your makeup and run your fingers through your hair quickly to give it some volume before grabbing the camera from the counter and heading out. However shocking it is to be at the same place as Keith again, you have a job to do right now and the bride and groom are expecting some amazing photos and that’s exactly what you’re gonna deliver.
You manage to busy yourself to the point where you are able to forget about Keith’s existence for most of the time. Following the happy couple around you don’t get too much free time, the camera is glued in front of your face basically and it brings you some peace. For a while.
Emily and Jesse disappear for an outfit change and it gives you a short break since they didn’t want that to be photographed, only when they return. So you get yourself a virgin cocktail from the bar and head outside to get some fresh air. You text back Heather and Trevor and then just scroll through Instagram, enjoying some alone time from the buzzing you’ve been around all day.
Turning to your right you spot Keith walking towards you, this time alone, but it doesn’t stop you from rolling your eyes.
“What do you want?” you mumble under your breath.
“Just… though we could chat for a little. It’s been a long time.”
“Not enough,” you retort. “And I would like to skip the chatting.”
“Come on, you can’t be still that mad at me,” he chuckles and you almost punch him in the face right then and there.
“Well I am. So go back to your little girlfriend and leave me alone.”
“I know things didn’t end too well, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be civil towards each other.” You can’t help the laughter that bubbles from your throat. He can’t be serious, trying to act like the bigger person now after everything he has done to you. This has got to be a joke.
“This is me being civil, because I’m not throwing anything at you. So leave me the fuck alone, let me do my job and then we hopefully don’t see each other again.”
“Come on. You don’t miss me, baby?” he smirks at you, completely ignoring what you just told him. You physically cringe at the pet name he just called you and you take a step away from him, needing the distance more than ever.
“I don’t. Now leave.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Too fucking bad. Now leave!” you raise your voice, but it does nothing. He is still standing there, looking at you like he didn’t completely destroy you just about a year ago.
“Heard that you haven’t dated anyone since we broke up.”
“Are you asking around after me?” you scowl.
“We have a few mutual friends,” he shrugs. “Is it because you still want me?”
“My dating life is none of your business, Keith. And I don’t want you. Quite frankly, I don’t even know how I could ever want you, so now please let me enjoy my break and leave me alone.”
“Y/N, I just—“ Keith reaches for your hand, but you pull back before he could touch you, holding up a finger at him you start talking slowly and very clearly so the message goes through.
“Don’t ever fucking touch me or talk to me. I want nothing to do with you, you’re a manipulating, cheating, egoistic asshole who ruins the life of others. I’m telling you this for the last time, Keith: leave me the fuck alone.”
He looks a bit stunned at your harsh response, but you couldn’t care less if you’ve hurt him. He did way worse things to you than snapping at you. As you walk past him to head back into the barn, he doesn’t let the chance to punch you in the stomach with his words one last time.
“I wish I could say you were a good fuck, but that wouldn’t be true. Good luck finding some lowlife loser who would even think about marrying you!”
Every fiber in your body is screaming to launch yourself at him and punch him until he is unconscious, because that’s exactly what he deserves. The tears are already stinging your eyes, but you don’t give him the satisfaction to see you react to his words. So swallowing hard you just keep on walking until you are out of his sight, bottling up the sobs and tears for the time when you’re home and on your own.
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It’s past two am when you arrive home, drained and exhausted, both emotionally and exhausted. Following the conversation you had wit Keith he didn’t try to talk to you anymore, but you could always feel his eyes on you, wherever you were, as if he wanted to see if you are watching him too, but you weren’t. Looking at him would have been too painful so you tried your best to keep your eyes away from him through the night.
You know damn well that what he told you when you were leaving was just to get a reaction out of you, to get you upset enough to start a fight with him, it’s just who he is, he enjoys having the last word and the higher ground in every situation, but you didn’t want to be his partner in his stupid games this time. However it still hurt, what he said.
Walking into the dead silent house you kick your shoes off, drop your keys into the little bowl next to the door and head to the kitchen to get yourself some water. Pouring yourself a glass you lean against the counter and as you stare ahead of you, nothing can stop the tears from falling.
Everything you kept bottled up during the afternoon and evening just hits you all at once, making you break down heavier than any time in the past months. You sob and cry, letting it all out until your head feels like exploding, but you still can’t stop. You were not ready to face the man that broke your heart like no one before.
In the middle of your breakdown you don’t even realize the footsteps coming from the stairs.
“Y/N?” Harry’s voice calls out, snapping you out of your pity party. He immediately sees that you’ve been crying like a baby, no doubt, but you still try to wipe your cheeks and eyes, pretending like everything is totally fine.
“Harry! What are you doing up so late?” you breathe out hoarsely.
“Just wanted to get some water, but have you been crying? What happened, are you alright?” he starts bombarding you with questions, clearly worried about you, seeing you in this state.
“Everything is fine, I just… had a rough night,” you chuckle through your tears that are still rolling down your cheeks, those bastards!
“A rough night doesn’t make you sob like this. What happened?” Rounding the kitchen island he stops in front of you, not sure how to approach the situation, but it’s kind of sweet how he wants to help, but doesn’t know how.
“I, uhh—I met my… ex-fiancé tonight. He was at the wedding I worked at,” you mumble shutting your eyes closed.
“Did he hurt you? Y/N, if he laid a hand on you, I swear—“ “No, he didn’t hurt me,” you shake your head before adding: “Well, not physically.”
“Come on, let’s sit down for a bit.” He gently takes your hand and pulls you to the couch in the living room, making you sit before he plops down next to you. “Tell me what happened.”
“It’s really stupid, I shouldn’t be this upset about it, but I just… It hurt and I can’t change it,” you whine, wiping some more tears away.
“I’m sure it’s not stupid. Tell me what happened!”
“He was there with the woman he cheated on me with. They are basically a couple now, but she doesn’t even know that Keith was engaged to me when they started dating, so it’s really fucked up. And it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal, because, you know, fuck him, he can do whatever he wants, it’s not my business anymore, but then he came up to me and tried to chitchat with me, which I didn’t really want, of course.”
Harry listens carefully, giving you his undivided attention while you fumble with the hem of your shirt, kind of avoiding to look him in the eyes. Part of you is afraid you’d see judgment in them and you don’t think you would be able to handle that.
“I asked him to leave me alone, but he just kept talking and then I snapped at him a little harsher and when I was walking away he…”
You scowl again, hearing his words play in your head so clearly, as if he was standing behind you, repeating them to you. Harry reaches out and he gently covers your hand with his warm palm, giving it a gentle squeeze, letting you know that he is patiently waiting, not rushing you to talk. Taking a deep breath you blink your tears away before continuing.
“He basically said that I wasn’t even a good fuck and no man will want to marry me.”
“Jesus fuck, what kind of asshole did you date, Y/N?” Harry snaps in horror and it’s kinda funny, makes you laugh through your tears.
“Seems like the worst kind,” you mumble with a bitter chuckle. “I know I shouldn’t have let his words get to my head, but… it’s easier said than done. I feel like such a loser,” you breathe out, your lips trembling as the tears are threatening to flow again.
“Don’t blame yourself for having feelings, it’s completely normal. Of course his words hurt, he once meant a lot to you and he probably knows that too, that’s why he tried to use it against you. What he said held no truth.”
“You think so?” you ask, voice barely more than just a whisper as you finally look at him. His green irises appear so warm as he smiles at you, squeezing your hand again. He scoots a little closer, his knee bumping against the side of your thigh.
“Y/N, I know so,” he chuckles. “That guy was a proper idiot for what he did to you. You didn’t deserve any of that and any many would be lucky to have you as their wife.”
“Really?” you pout, feeling so touched and loved from his words. It’s exactly the reassurance you needed.
“Absolutely,” he nods smiling sweetly.
Everything that happened today messed with your head big time. And now sitting with Harry on the couch, listening to him telling you how worthy you are of love and happiness, it completely throws you off. Ever since that moment in the kitchen before Gemma walked in, you’ve been nonstop thinking about what would have happened and it made you notice even the tiniest things about him.
Harry Styles is a man who is clearly a sight for the eyes, with his chiseled jawline, pink lips and gorgeous green eyes, the duality of his powerful and business appropriate attires he wears during the day and the tattoos hidden under his dress shirts, you’d have to be blind to say that he is not an attractive man. But on top of everything on the outside, he is a wonderful person on the inside and it twists your head more than you’d like it.
Your brain switches off for a moment, or just the rational side, but you completely stop thinking as you stare at each other. The intimacy and emotionality of the moment pushes all your common sense to the side as your gaze wanders down his lips.
The thought of kissing him comes fast and before you could even stop yourself, you move forward and press your lips to his. The touch of his lips against yours is sweet and warm and kind of intoxicating, but in just a blink of the eye your rationality gets a grip of you and your eyes pop open in realization of what you just did. Pulling back you gasp and cover your mouth in shock, feeling your whole inside trembling at the thought of getting yourself fired by this move.
Harry seems frozen and quite shocked as well, his lips are parted as he stays still in his spot.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I-I don’t know what’s gotten into me! Harry, I’m sorry, I promise—“
You start rambling in panic, but you don’t get to finish. Harry moves forward, his hand coming to the back of your head as he pulls you in for another kiss, this time making it a lot more passionate and even your tongues get involved. He is kissing you hard and you almost moan into his mouth when you feel his other hand come to your thigh, squeezing it just enough to send a shockwave up your spine. Your hands come up to the back of his hair and you hold onto him for dear life, carrying the kiss on like you’re two teenagers in your parents’ basement, doomed to get caught any moment. Harry goes in again and again, tugging on your bottom lip, licking into your mouth and making your insides twist just from having his lips on yours.
And then you both let go of each other, needing some time to breathe and you slowly realize what just happened. You both stare at each other in disbelief, completely shocked at your own actions, but neither of you have any idea what should happen next.
You let go of each other, sitting back to your normal positions, awkwardly breathing heavily and you realize you cannot deal with this right now. You are way too drained and tired to make it make sense so you decide to just… call it a night.
“I’ll head to bed,” you quietly inform him as you stand up from the couch, walking like a zombie, the shock still clouding your judgment.
“Good night,” Harry mumbles, just as confused as you are.
“Good night,” you nod and basically sprint up the stairs and don’t stop until you shut your door behind you.
Leaning your back against it, you slide down to the floor, hugging your knees to your chest as you stare into the darkness for long minutes. Quite some time passes by before you hear Harry walk upstairs, his door opens and then closes before silence falls on the house again. With a blank mind, you push yourself up, take a quick shower and just go to bed, ignoring everything that has happened today. You’ll deal with it in the morning.
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944 notes · View notes
parkjimin1010smuts · 3 years
Breaking Point || Kth
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Summary: Taehyung reveals just how he deals with his stress to his best friend y/n and late one night y/n reaches her breaking point and decides to put Taehyungs tactic to the test, but there is a slight problem she has no one to help her out, or does she?
Warnings: daddy kink, overstimulation, thigh riding, virgin reader, multiple orgasms, fingerings, unprotected sex (yalls stay safe out there though this is just a fanfic), dom tae, sub reader, pwp. Enjoy!!
An elbow nudging into the side of your ribcage pulled you back into the conscious realm. A slight gasp leaves your mouth as you jerked your head back up. Now who the hell thought it was the perfect moment to need your attention.
You gathered your surroundings haphazardly, a subtle frown settling upon your face as you realized just who it was, Kim Taehyung. “Morning princess, I almost thought you’d never wake up,” his velvety voice mocked.
Turning towards Taehyung, the frown on your face only deepened, a small sound of annoyance escaping you. With your eyes now in his direction you unintendedly began to check him out. The cluster of blonde hair that was normally nestled peacefully was a disheveled mess exposing his forehead. His plump cheeks were pushed up due to the goofy grin he had plastered on his face nearly concealing his chocolate brown eyes that were now mere crescent moons. I had to admit he had a very attractive smile, reminiscent of a box.
His body was clad in a pair of black slacks that clung beautifully against his muscular thighs leaving very little to the imagination. His caramel chest peeked at me from the confines of the loose summer shirt he wore. I was brought back to reality when the view of his chest was suddenly obscured by the change in his position as he was now bent over packing his things. Releasing I heavy sigh I began to mirror his actions before throwing my bag over my shoulder and making a beeline straight to the double doors. In true Taehyung fashion he was right on my tail, trailing me like the faithful guard dog he pretends to be.
You and Taehyung  have been best friends now for over 15 years, you both met in the early years of preschool and by the grace of the angels above you have not been separated ever since. Through thick and thin, trials and tribulations, Taehyung has been there every step of the way. Everything you have experienced so has he, that’s how close you two are and, in all honesty, you wouldn’t have it any other way with any other person. 
This closeness however was more often than not met with questioning glances and needless two cent comments, most of them romance related. But Taehyung was always so quick to shut them down with a little more fervor and enthusiasm than you would deem necessary.  It was clear to you that Taehyung simply had no interest in you romantically, and you understood. Who cared if you had a tini, tiny crush on him. Not you that’s for sure.
But I mean it was inevitable, the man who was now glued to you side in a steady march that matched your own was a literal god send. He was loyal, attractive and physically in shape. What more was there to ask for.
“What’s up with you lately, every time I see you you’re either lethargic or in one hell of a mood.” My best friend voiced before abruptly coming to a halt in front of his black pick up.
“Nothing I’ve just been up studying for finals and the stress Is finally getting to me I guess,” you say through clenched teeth. You really do feel like you're reaching your breaking point and seeing how well put together Taehyung just riles you up even further. Its really not fair, we are in the same course, the same exams, the same workloads and yet there he is basking in his ethereal beauty, fair skin with no signs of exertion. While you on the other hand are left to wallow in the deep dark bags that have taken residence beneath your forever dropping eyes. Don’t even get me started on the acne that picks the absolutely best moments to choose your face as their next canvas, please note the sarcasm.
Allowing your curiosity to surface you voice the question that has been eating at you for quite some time now, “How do you do it?” Taehyung shots a quick glance your way before reverting his attention back to the bustling road before us but the slight dip of his eyebrows was enough for you to know he wants you to elaborate.
With a deep breath you laid everything that had been forming a cluster in your mind out on the table for Taehyung to digest. When you was through with your mini rant session an eerie silence danced between you two for a good minute before Taehyung finally released a hearty chuckle. With his head thrown back and eyes closed from the intensity of his smile he was unable to see the way your face twisted in confusion.
“You think I’m ethereal?” Of course, that was the only thing his pea sized brain was able to pick. Suppressing all the swear words you had an indescribable urge to throw his way you simply rolled your eyes while sinking further into the leather car seat.
“I release my stress through other things.” He finally said after calming himself.
“Other things,” you said with a raise of my eyebrow. 
“Yeah, other things, or more specifically sex.” your eyes grow tenfold as you choke on your saliva. Sex?! Should this really have been a surprise to you, I mean he’s young healthy and oh just look at him.
However it still does nothing to subside the slight blush you feel creeping up your neck as you avert your eyes to your lap. While he was indeed your best friend and things not discussed between the two of you were few and far between, one thing he never seemed to ask you about was your sex life. Not that there was much to ask about in the first place. You were a virgin, not entirely from lack of trying but still a virgin none the less.
“Oh,” that was the only logical response your mind could muster given the circumstances.
“Oh,” Taehyung retorted as he maneuvered the car to rest in his driveway. Choosing to remain silent you purse your lips into a thin line, you refuse to falter, even when he turns his body to allow his eyes to have unlimited access to scrutinize you with their chocolate depths. The car suddenly feels so hot or maybe that’s just your face which is now beet red.
“What’s with your reaction y/n,” Taehyung presses fully failing to read the room, or car in this situation.
You have never had any problems confiding in Taehyung but for some reason you feel embarrassed to mention that you're still in fact a 23 year old virgin, especially after he just shared details of his very thriving sex life.
The silence drags on for a good three minutes and knowing your best friend you know there is no way he will ever give in and so you cave. “I’m a virgin, okay. There, are you happy now,” you hastily say with an exasperated sigh. Choosing to save yourself from the snarky remarks you know are about to flow like a river from your best friend you hurriedly make your way out of the confines of his car. You mentally curse the universe as you see we are in fact parked outside his apartment complex and any thoughts you had of fleeing the scene are disintegrated in mere seconds. As if adding fuel to the flame the sound of the car door sounds as Taehyung makes his way out of his car and round to my side.
“Please save it, I’m really not in the mood for your bullshit right now,” you cut him off before he can even part his lips. “Hey what’s wrong with you. Did you seriously think I would judge you just because you chose to keep it locked up.” you simply avert your gaze as his words settled in your head.
“Hey look at me, your virginity is nothing to be ashamed of okay, I’m sorry if I made you feel that way, but you know me better than that. You know I would never shame you for anything so insignificant.” The tone of his voice was calm and collected and shame suddenly washed over you from the way you had jumped the gun. You never realised how your reaction could have been perceived, Taehyung was always so understanding and here you were assuming only the worst of him.
Deciding not to push the conversation any further you simply lowered your head in embarrassment before heaving a sigh. You've been doing that a lot lately. Being the attentive best friend that he is Taehyung was quick to pick up on my signals and thankfully refrained from pushing the topic any further. A silence soon settled between us before Taehyung laced his fingers around your own before leading you back to his car.
“I’m gonna take you home and you just get some rest okay,” The soft nature of his voice just made you feel worse while simultaneously lifting your mood.
Yet again a frown had found its way onto your face as you stared at the clock that ticked away on your bedside table. It was just past 2am and yet the lights in your room were still on casting shadows over the immense paperwork clustered all over your bedsheets. Yet another sleepless night with your only companion being a cup of coffee made with  three sugars and a gallon of stress.
Grabbing the cup of steaming goodness you throw your head back as you allow the bitter taste to maneuverer its way into your body with hopes of getting your systems back on high alert. You put down the coffee with a soft clang so it’s now adjacent to the ticking demon that serves as a constant reminder of how shit you have it right now.
Fighting the urge to scream you plunge face first into your numerous worksheets. This was it, you had finally reached your breaking point, the tears that stung the corners of your eyes served as confirmation.
Just as you were about to succumb to the severity of it all and just allow yourself to scream and cry to your hearts content a certain blonde haired box smiled adorning goof crossed your mind. Or more specifically a certain conversation shared between the two of you.
You felt tingly sensations dance through your veins as the solution to all your problems was now just in front of you. However this feeling of euphoria was only short lived as not long after you realised there wasn’t a single person you could ask for help. Well there was that one guy you met during spring break, but your relationship came to a rocky end as he bumped heads with Taehyung over your relationship with him. He had accused you of slutting around with Taehyung and the man in question did not take lightly to his words. Lets just say his name is most definitely off the table, and so is my relief plan seeing as he is your only ex. Pathetic I know, no need to remind me.
You run your fingers across your laptop giving it a contemplative tap, while trying your hardest to push the most obvious solution to your problem to the back of your head. There was no way you could call him. Seriously, there was no plausible or conceivable scenario in which you went to your best friend, pleading for him to lend you his body to get off. You brought your hands to your face, a shriek of embarrassment escaping you at the mere idea.
This was the guy who had seen you at your worst, stumbling into your apartment with puke all over yourself when you were going through your hard liquor phase freshman year of college. There's no way he'd be interested in having sex with the girl he spent many nights holding her hair back as she hurled into her toilet.
You couldn’t ask Taehyung to partake in such an activity with you. Absolutely not.
No way.
The creaking of your apartment door sent you five feet into the air as the reality of the situation sinfully settled in your brain and the nerves were finally kicking in.
“Taehyung,” you whirled around to face him as his gaze zeroed in as you  shifted your body from one foot to the other, a tendency you displayed whenever nervous. You couldn't fight down the heat that was creeping up your neck as he stepped into your apartment, eyeing you cautiously as he slipped off his shoes.
“Hey is anything wrong, you sounded really anxious on the phone.”
“What, me, I’m perfectly fine!” You responded forcibly, the enthusiasm in your voice misplaced, given the nature of the conversation.
Taehyung simply nodded back at you, not noticing the awkward timber of your words or otherwise not minding. "Well if nothings wrong why'd you call me over to your place at 2am?" He inquired, like the wonderfully kind best friend he was. You pressed your lips together.
"About that, do you remember how you said you use sex as an outlet for your stress in order to maintain a level head, well would you mind having sex with me as I’m a pathetic excuse of a human who has no one else to turn to for my sexual needs." Oh god, there was no way you could ask that. Taehyung was your best friend, and that would be too unbearably awkward. What the hell were you thinking?
“Well i wanted to watch the conjuring 3 again and I remembered that you hadn’t watched it yet so what better time than now?” You swallowed uneasily, a gesture that unfortunately didn’t go unnoticed by your best friend. Your eyes nearly fell out of your head as the man of the hour suddenly took a step towards you, his eyes unmoving on your face.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" His tone was suddenly low and severe, eyes running all over your burning face as he searched for any physical ailment. There was something off about you, he realized. He wasn't sure what it was, but he could make out how your form was trembling, your eyes wide in panic.
“Do you want to have sex with me.” You reflexively shut your eyes as you allowed the weight if your words to hang heavy between the two of you it's only competitor being the unbearable silence that lingered in the air not long after. You could hear every inhale and exhale of the tall man that stood opposite you. Every passing second of silence made you regret your words and just as you were about to play it all of as a joke and retract your prior request a pair of soft lips pressed gently against your own stopping you right in your tracks.
Just as suddenly as it happened it came to an end. You could feel something stirring in your chest , the feeling of his lips on yours lingered, radiating heat like an old burn. You turned towards him and the look in his eyes nearly knocked the breath out of you, there was a dark sheen to them, one you had never seen. It was intimidating and attractive all the same, the fire in your belly igniting like never before. Before you could even think to stop yourself, you grabbed the collars of his shirt and pulled him down to you before taking his lips with your own.
In no time at all the kiss got heated as tongue and teeth were thrown into the mix. You feel his tongue explore the darkest depths of your  mouth as you fight back the need for air. His tongue reluctantly leaves your mouth all before licking a stripe across my bottom lip before his teeth bite down on it, hard but not enough to draw blood. You let out a whimper as his teeth finally released your lip.
There was a shift in the room, Taehyung could sense it. He knew exactly what you wanted and fuck if he didn't want the same thing. His entire body was on edge, he could hear every heavy exhale you pushed past your parted lips. "You're a virgin." The whine that came from you in response was low. "I don't want this to be something you regret in the morning.  I can't promise I'll be gentle." He licked his lips.
"Please, I just… just this once," Your words were soft and pleading, the sound of your thighs pressing together in search of relief filling Taehyungs ears. "I need you." He could see your hard nipples pressing against the thin material of your white shirt. They were distracting him, and thoughts of his hands cupping your breasts over your shirts, rubbing your cloth-covered nipple between his fingers, corrupted his mind. How easy it could've been for him to cave right then and there.
Your voice was small and dripping in submission. He felt like he was suffocating in the small space you called your living room. Fuck. He felt himself stiffen in his shorts. You were breathing heavily now, hands trembling as you fought the urge to throw yourself against Taehyung and bury your face into his neck. The mere thought of his skin against yours caused your whole body to shudder in want. When did you become like this. Your thoughts and actions almost made you seem unrecognisable but with the heat of the moment you couldn’t careless. You wanted this and how you wished Taehyung would stop being the gentleman he was and just fuck you already.
Taehyung was already heading towards you as he heeded his last warning, "Do you understand? I need to hear your answer."
“Oh god Taehyung just fuck me already!”  you hurriedly said followed by a deep exhale.
Without wasting another second Taehyung plopped himself onto your mustard couch before pulling you onto him. The sudden movement caused you to straddle one of his meaty thighs which had you quivering as your pussy throbbed from the sudden stimulation.  When you finally got comfortable you pulled the shirt over your head quickly, hands coming to fondle your own breasts, desperate for any skin contact.
You let out a cry as Taehyungs palms found the skin of your hips, urging you to grind against his thigh. You whined rocking back against his thigh. “Mm please Tae, I need your cock,” your own words surprised you.
"Hmm? You seem to be doing just fine without me, though." He cocked his head at you, hand coming up to smack the side of your thigh. A sharp moan fell from you, fingers tugging at your nipple as your hips sped up. Then, to your sweet relief, Taehyungs mouth found one of your breasts, taking no hesitation in pulling the hard bud into his mouth. You threw an arm over his shoulder, fingers floundering as they attempted to find anchorage on his sweat-soaked skin. Your other hand reached out to touch his abdomen, preening as his muscles flexed beneath your fingers.
He pulled away from your breast with a loud pop sound. Smirking up at you as your eyes began to flutter shut, he watched in amusement as your orgasm caught up with you quickly, a result of your heightened sensitivity and inexperience. He would have to teach you later how to refrain from Cumming so quickly.
"Fuck, oh god Taehyung" You cried into his shoulder, body jerking as you came unravelled. Taehyung couldn't help but let out a whine of his own, palming over his crotch as he watched you ride out your orgasm. Although he would never admit it the way his name fell from your lips like honey had his cock twitching in his now too tight jeans. " Taehyung, please." You panted once you had caught your breath, bringing your face up to his. “Fuck me" you managed to pant out without breaking eye contact. Thus lead to Taehyung  unconsciously letting out a groan.
"Is that what my pretty girl wants? Want daddy to fill you up, sweetheart?" The intimate pet name escaping him before he could think otherwise. It should have been no surprise to you that Taehyung had a daddy kink. Nonetheless you could feel a new wave of wetness staining his jeans from the pet name, from daddy, right down to the way his thigh was still flexing underneath your heat. It was all too much, you could feel your senses going into over drive.
"Yes daddy, fuck. Fuck me deep and hard until I'm stuffed with your cum.” You breathed into his neck. Taehyung was going to fucking explode. Every damn word you spoke went straight to his groin, his painfully hard cock straining against his Jean’s fabric. And with that in mind, he flipped you over, pushing your legs up into your chest so that he could see your clenched cunt fully exposed for him.
“You don't have any idea what you fucking do to me, do you? I'm so fucking hard for you, and I haven't even felt that lovely pussy of yours." He growled, his fingers coming down to circle your entrance. You didn't even have time to contemplate a response before his fingers rolled over your sensitive bud. His fingers felt so different to yours – your jaw slack as a silent sob fell out, his light but quick motions sending your back arching. Wrapping a hand against his wrist, you groaned, the feeling nearly overwhelming but still too good to pull him away.
Taehyung cursed as your hand came down to rub against the his cock still retrained by his jeans, the small action just gentle enough to have his hips jerking into you. He felt painfully hard and he feared if you didn’t stop he would bust a load right in his pants. His skilful hands were soon lost to his belt as he hurriedly worked to get rid of the only clothing left separating your bodies. "Gonna make a mess of this wet little pussy, okay? Let me know if you want me to stop." Were Taehyungs final words as he pressed himself inside you, hand reaching over to take yours into his.
A cry left you, eyebrows furrowing together as your head fell back, leaving Taehyung breathing heavily through his nose, jaw tense as he fought back a growl. The urge to sink his teeth into your sweat glistened neck was too much to resist and so he bent down and began showering hickeys over the canvas that was your neck.
The stretch stung a bit but he was able to easily slide into you thanks to your prior orgasm and the help of his fingers. You felt full and content, it was such an overwhelming feeling that when he bottomed out and his groin came in contact with your clit you came for the second time.
Eyes rolling to the back of your head you let out a loud moan that had you hiding your face in embarrassment. You could feel the hot breath of Taehyung as he chuckled from his position nestled between your breasts. After deciding you had had enough time to get accustomed to his size Taehyung pulled out almost completely before sliding back into you. You let out a whine as he bottomed out inside you, watching as his expression changed into a lewd one with your walls clamping around his fat cock. "How's that, baby?" You could only moan in response, nails digging into his back as he began to rock himself into you, entirely obsessed with the way your body was readjusting itself as he moved inside you. It was like your body knew exactly what to do, despite the sensation being otherwise strange.
Your fingers found your clit immediately, knowing that this was exactly how you wanted to cum, dripping down the couch and stretched out around  Taehyungs cock. "So big. Feels so good." You mumbled, your hair cascading around you as his pace quickened, fucking you hard and deep.
You let out an incoherent whimper, shuddering as Taehyungs thrusts into you deepened, spurred on by the way you continously moaned his name submissively. Your thighs felt wet and slick, the combined mixture of both yours and Taehyungs arousal dripping down onto them. You felt filthy and dirty and you were loving every second of it.
You could feel all your stress diminishing right before your eyes with every thrust of his hips. You felt elated, almost as though you were in another dimension, oh how you didn’t want this moment to come to an end. "My pretty little girl. You're making an absolute mess on my dick, isn't that right?"
"Yes, Daddy." You sobbed, body more than ready to succumb to your third orgasm of the night. "Such a good girl." He praised, a hand coming up to squeeze one of your supple tits. Your fingers found your abused clit once more. You circled around it liberally, the familiar euphoric feeling creeping up on you once more. "My sweet little girl. My precious girl." He cooed into your mouth, earning him an appreciative moan.
He was so close, fuck. “Cum in me daddy, I want you to come in me,” you whimpered desperately all in hopes of finally pushing him over the edge. And it seemed to have done the trick because with a final thrust he nestled himself deep within your warmth, a string of groans and curses tumbling out his mouth as he emptied his load into you. His release was the final push you needed to reach your most intense orgasm of the night. You shamelessly screamed as your back arched off the sofa and your body writhed in overstimulation.
"Fuck, fuck. I love you, holy shit, I love you." He peppered your face with kisses, breath shaky. Whether he let that slip due to the heat of the moment or whether those were his genuine feelings he had kept bottled up within him much like you, you chose to just revel in the moment stress free. "I love you more." You sighed adoringly, revelling in such an intimate gesture from him.
Thank you so much for reading 💜
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solanj · 3 years
Gatewatch&Co playing DnD
Jace is the forever DM. His plotlines are extremely well thought-trough and his puzzles are exquisite. Prefers detective-style stories and is great at setting up the intrigue. Players never can guess too early. He knows ALL the rules. Is prepping meticulously. He is that type of GM that will hand out actual letters or trinkets to players, if they happen to find them. Every NPC, every plotline, every bit of PC's backstories are accounted for and weaved into the planned narrative. (Of course it all always end up completely derailed) Actively uses illusions for both descriptions and combat and everyone just LOVES that. Still insists on having actual minis, though. After some persuasion from the party agreed to use telepathy to tell players the "only your character knows that" info, which drove his intrigue even further.
Chandra usually plays a hotheaded sorcerer. Gender and age may vary, but the sorcerer always falls for whomever Nissa is playing at the moment. Is the most enthusiastic of the group and the #1 reason Jace's thought-through plots get derailed. Because she always invents something crazy and drags the rest into it and even she never knows what her character is going to do until she opens her mouth to declare it. Due to it has the most dead characters among the party - Jace isn't a harsh GM, but he never fudges his rolls. Chandra doesn't sweat it, though, she just brings a new sorcerer next session. She generally ensures a goofy, light-hearted atmosphere and doesn't like it when stories go too dark or dramatic. Never waits for others to make a plan before heading into combat. Has the quickest combat turns.
Nissa only agreed to play because Chandra was SO enthusiastic about it that Nissa just hadn't the heart to say "no". She ended up loving it. Doesn't speak much at the table (and her characters are always the quite ones), but has the most carefully crafted backstories. Only uses third-person style, but never speaks out of character during the play time. Actually knows the rules very well and never blunders, but also never engages in rules arguments when they happen. Once all the revelations from her backstory come through her character ends up being everyone's favourite, remembered for a long time.
Gideon only plays because he thinks that a common bonding activity such as this is great for the Gatewatch's dynamics. Is usually the one to bring in snacks and to help Jace tidy everything up after the session. Plays martial tanky protective characters, usually goes with the options that PHB recommends. Likes to strategize in-game. Isn't good at roleplaying but is trying his best and everyone appreciates it. Was actually sad when Liliana left the party since her character made it easier for him to engage in conversations and decision-making due to her teasing and provocative nature. (No one knows if that was intentional on her part)
Teferi prefers GM'ing but doesn't have the time to prep and run the whole campaign. So he usually runs rather short adventures. He leans towards more humorous style and is a great improviser. Likes to give his players maximum freedom and allows them to goof around all they want, but still manages to make the plot work. His NPCs are usually witty, he does different (and often exagerrated) voices for each of them and players tend to engage into social side of the game a lot because the dialogue scenes with him are just so enjoyable. Loves to mess with the players. Adds red herrings, makes NPS pretend to believe the player's bluff only to reveal the truth at the best possible moment later, hands out tricky magical items (most players learned to NEVER draw cards from unchecked decks, but there is always Chandra...). He is placing the most bizarre and memorable mimics and hilarious traps. But does all that in good faith and with good humor, to make the players thrilled but not annoyed. And it works!
Kaya plays exclusively rogues and she probably tried every build possible. Is the min-maxer of the party. Is known for completely decimating the encounters that Jace planned to be extra challenging. Was often splitting the party at first, but agreed not to after some persuasion. Doesn't roleplay much, though she enjoys spectating others do it and never tries to force them to the next scene. LOVES Jace's puzzles and usually finds an unorthodox but interesting and convincing way to solve them. (That's probably why Jace can't really be annoyed with her despite her minmaxing) Has the best luck for crits in combat, but the worst for disabling traps.
Vraska rather often misses the sessions due to guild and/or pirate business, but she tries her hardest to have free spots on her schedule during game nights. Is probably the most dedicated member of the group. Grows very attached to her characters and once the campaign ends she never returns to the same archetype, so that the impression wouldn't dilute. And because of it she doesn't have a "type", though her characters are always brave and have troubled pasts. Is the one to commission the paintings of her characters (and sometimes the rest of the party too). Is also quite the shipper (no matter if the character in question is her own, party member or NPC), but keeps it to herself, only sharing with Jace sometimes. She tells Jace everything about her character in the beginning so that he can play it when Vraska has to miss a session.
Ral played every class in the game that he could more or less convincingly make into a charming bastard. Is prone to hogging the spotlight, but does roleplay so well and is so charming that others let it slide. Often insists on using some homebrewed rules (which he keeps reinventing right during the conversation), giving Jace a headache. Jace gave in once, but during the next several sessions he made sure to stage the situations so that every possible side effect of said homebrew came to bite Ral in the ass (yes, it's where most of his prep time went). Now they usually settle on just some minor changes for Ral's character. Is #2 reason for derailing Jace's plotlines. Unlike Chandra he does this absolutely intentionally, and Jace knows it, but sees as a challenge. His character is the one, to whom all the "curiosity" magic items go. You have no idea what a dedicated Izzet mage can do with a simple unmoving rod. Jace actually throws extra stuff his way just to see what crazy application Ral will come up with.
Liliana played a couple sessions once. She made a point of derailing the plotline in a discreet way while staying strictly in-character. Also she made Jace fluster whenever he had to play through a conversation with her via NPC. Decided that it was fun but ultimately not worth it in the long run. (To Jace's relief) Since she never actually plays Jace can discuss with her his plans and plots and sometimes he asks for her input on the villains. Sometimes he even invites Liliana to act out a villain in the dialogue-heavy session and she is VERY convincing. Her villains are always the ones players love to hate. From time to time she GMs oneshots and prefers intrigue- and drama-heavy stories, often horror, that may or may not be inspired by her long and varied life experiences. She isn't a stranger to fudging the rolls or overriding the rules if she feels that the situation calls for it. Is very good at reading the table and the undisputed master of putting her players in heart-wrenching situations faced with tough decisions. They usually love it, but Chandra refuses to play with her anymore because "don't we have enough of that shit IRL?!" She sometimes contemplates running a full WoD campaign, but always decides against it in the end.
Feel free to add your ideas!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Heyy, can I ask for a romantic my hero academia and/or Haikyuu matchup pleaseee?
I go by she/her, my zodiac sign is leo and I’m straight
About my apparence : I’m black girl and my height 5’7 (170cm). I have 4c hair (I often wear long braids) and slightly almond-shaped dark brown eyes. My general style is a mix between streetwear, Y2k and fancy.
About my personality, I’m an ambivert (mix of introvert and extrovert). I’m most introverted and shy with strangers but goofy and dynamic with people I’m comfortable with but I'm quite stubborn and sarcastic. I’m « adventurous » funny and I’m pretty chill. I also know to be serious when it is necessary. I can easily stand up for myself like when something/someone is bothering me I immediately say it (and put people in their place sometimes..) and don’t necessarily need people to help me with this ( but it sometimes depends on the situation).
I really like to cuddle, Chill, listen to RNB/ US Rap, watch Anime/Netflix/ Disney plus and play piano.
And finally, I’m collected but have a certain attitude. All that doesn't mean that i'm not polite and respectful because i really am.
At first, I’m not really affectionate because I’m pretty shy and « embarrassed » but after I’m a little bit clingy (but if my s/o need space, I have no problem with letting him the space he need) . My love languages are act of service, physical touch and teasing.
Thank you very much and have a wonderful day !
OH MY GOODNESS I HAVE THE PERFECT MAN FOR YOU!!! also, you sound really flippin cool! love the fashion sense and the everything you got going on! when i read this, i immediately thought of this man, so i hope you'll agree!
the character I chose for you is...
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you guys would vibe
for real
like hangin out in taco bell parking lots and just listening to music together
it's a whole vibe
literally, he would love all of your outfits and compliment you like the goddess you are
y'all would goof around and tease each other so much even in the middle of training or smthn and aizawa would get on your butts about it fr lmaooo
i just see you fitting so well with him
ANYWAY back to headcanons
he would come over to your dorm and cuddle you while watching some TV
big anime nerd, so at least you and him can goof around about that too
but you guys arent chaotic all the time
sometimes you're both really quiet just doing homework with music in the background and it's perfect
would love giving you sneak attack kisses on the cheek
and would also love your hair says your braids look absolutely stunning always and on the rare occasions that you dont have braids, he would LOVE it. he just loves any hairstyle or outfit choice you do and would love to match outfits with you
"You wanna go get food?" Sero stuck his head in your dorm room, swinging his keys.
You looked up from your homework. "Uh... I would love to, but we have an exam tomorrow and I-"
"What do you want?"
You tilted your head. "You don't have to Sero, I-"
"The usual then?"
You giggled softly and nodded. Sero quickly ran off and you got back to your homework, completely exhausted.
"Okay I'm back!!" Sero opened your door, holding bags of food including your absolute favorite. Seriously, this guy was your everything.
Luckily, you had finished your homework before he walked in, so you were just sitting and watching some anime on your bed.
"You all ready for the exam tomorrow?" Sero's voice sounded hopeful as he handed you some dinner, which you happily took.
"I am. Are you?"
Sero crawled into your arms, ready to spend the rest of his evening with you. "As ready as I can be."
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decoloraa · 2 years
Hello fellow person with fma Briggs ocs, do you want to tell me more about yours? (Believe it or not, but that moodboard with those images that remind you of Briggs got me curious about your ocs/Briggs headcanons :3)
Okay first one is Casther. He's Captain at Briggs. We already have Buccaneer as Captain at Briggs but I like to think that he is head of the defense department while Casther is head of the attacking department.
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His main responsibilities are leading a small squad in missions (often on Drachma territory), patrols and such.
One important thing to know about him: He's a white wolf chimera! He can't transform like Heinkel etc (for several reasons, no. 1 being that I can't draw animals), but he has some abilities (for example great smelling and hearing) and wolf-ish features (grey hair and fangs).
And to his personality: He's a goof who likes to take his job more or less seriously depending on the situation. For example he loves pulling pranks (mostly to annoy Miles). However he's deadly serious when it counts.
Second oc is Val: He's a doctor at Briggs. The two Briggs docs are specialized in automails and cold climate treatment. Val on the other hand is specialized on treating combat wounds and performing surgeries. He's quite the contrast to the other two docs (very chill and extrovert), being rather grumpy and not as talkative.
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Fact about Val: Olivier and him are childhood friends! Being both the eldest of influential family in Central they grew up close and remained friends later on. Once Olivier got the command over Briggs she recruited him (and Casther).
Also important: Casther and Val are idiots in love who think they're being sneaky and secretive (but literally everyone at Briggs knows).
Some quick thoughts abt our Briggs favorites:
Olivier is self explanatory bc we see a lot about her character. I'm definitely team "she's gay af" tho.
Buccaneer is very serious most of the time but I think most is bc he wants strangers to see him as intimidating. But that man is a dork. He's definitely in for joking around a lot and helping out with pranks every now and then too.
Miles is kinda hard to read and this may seem ooc to some but I like to see him as the one who takes his job the most seriously. Which leads to him to regularly lose his mind bc some idiots (Casther) pull a lot of jokes. Give this man a break.
Next oc is Thea: Take the 'guy finds child and raises it as his own' trope and put it into Briggs (I'm a sucker for this trope and it basically was why I even created my Briggs ocs). She's from Drachma and a squad of Briggs soldiers found her completely on her own when they were on a mission. Long story short is that they took her back to Briggs and in the end Casther became her guardian (or: he and Val became her dads). She grows up to be a total badass, being on the field regularly.
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These were my main ocs whom I constantly draw. Here are some others, all part of Casther's squad:
Silas: First Lieutenant, he's a tactician. Whenever he's not in the field with Casther, he assists Miles in planning out strategies. He's the nice and most responsible one out of the group.
Richard: He's a sniper and he once wanted to be a state alchemist. Dude can't draw a straight circle tho, so he's rather useless as an alchemist. Also he's a bastard.
Brooks: The heavy man in the squad and they're a pretty good mechanic too! Or to put it differently: every group needs a himbo and that is Brooks job.
Them and Richie are often involved with delevoping new weapons and technologies.
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These were the most important things, but actually there's a lot more to it (especially Casther being a chimera, Val and Olivier's childhood friendship) so feel free to ask for details!
Some general things I like to hc about Briggs: They're really badass but also huge dorks. I mean they're at the fort most of the year, I don't think they'd have much free time?? So they'd definitely be a big family who loves doing stupid/silly things like pulling pranks on each others.
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