#they are in a log cabin and they're just in love in the snow
wh3nturtlesfly · 11 months
Hi sorry if I'm doing this wrong, I don't know how requests work but I would love to see a hero x villain piece where they're stuck in a log cabin together cause of a snow storm! Bonus if the hero has injuries the villain has to take care of 🤭 thank you, your writing is amazing :)
Thank youuu, and I’m SO SORRY this took so long to answer, I hope its still alright, and again I’m sorry for such the long wait!!
The world outside was a slur of white. Flakes passed across the windows with a crystalline grace. They swirled amongst gusts of wind, all of which sent drafts through the old window panes. Frost continued to spread along the corners of the glass and even indoors Hero’s own breath clouded.
They winced when Villain pressed a damp cloth to their abdomen.
“Stop struggling, you’ll only make it worse.” they said, never looking up. The cloth had been white just moments before, pristine as it was taken from the closet and dunked into a bowl of warm water. Now it was caked with crimson. Hero bit their tongue to keep from grimacing.
A patter of water droplets returned to the bowl as Villain wrung out the towel. With a sigh they looked once at Hero’s wound before dunking the fabric back in.
Hero allowed their eyes to trail downwards and for the first time took in the true extent of their injury. A gaping hole served as the aftermath of a dodge executed too slowly. The cause still lay on the floor, having been torn out the moment they stepped indoors. Its blade glinted beside the fireplace, the silver tarnished by scarlet blood.
“Do you mind me asking what you were thinking?” Villain didn’t look up but Hero could only imagine the wrinkle in their brow. Their voice sounded tired. Whether they said it or not, the subtext hung above both their heads. How could you be so stupid?
Hero winced through another wave of pain. “Supervillain’s plan-” they grit their teeth, “I couldn’t just stand by when I figured out what they’re going to do.”
“And you just happened to graze over the fact that Supervillain might suspect you’d come after them?”
“I didn’t think they’d send their lackeys after me.”
“Yeah, well you guessed wrong.” Villain’s jaw was set, but there was concern laced with their words. With a quiet splash they deposited the rag into the bowl and felt for a roll of bandages at their side. It was a shock to find Hero’s skin was nearly as pale as the fabric, still carrying a bluish tinge from the cold.
They looked out the window in hopes of distracting their mind. The cloth was rough against their skin, a contrast from Villain’s cool fingers. “If you’re thinking of running off I would advise against it.” Villain spoke up just as they secured the last of the bandage.
“How’d you know?” Hero was only half joking.
A half hearted attempt at a laugh fell from the Villain. “I know you,” their chuckle faded into wariness. Outside flakes swirled in their frozen paradise and they couldn’t help but gaze out into the raging storm. “Nothing will stop you. Even bleeding and on the edge of consciousness, you would have kept crawling until you died had I not found you.”
Hero shrugged, “That’s just my job.”
“Your job is to help this world. If you go out there now you’ll die, and that sure wouldn’t be very helpful would it?” Villain turned away before they could get a response. Depositing the bowl and rag on a nearby counter, they felt for the kettle at their side.
Steaming water poured from its spout. Villain filled two cups nearly to the brim, just enough space left to insert a tea bag into each. Color began to flow from the thin paper, creating swirls of red. Red. Villain forced themself to look away from the Hero and the soiled cloth they had discarded.
“To help regulate your body temperature,” they explained when they handed Hero the cup. The scent of berries and spices drifted from the beverage’s surface. It almost made the whole exchange feel normal. Cozy even. Villain raised their hand just before Hero could take a sip.
“Careful, it's hot.”
They were met with a chuckle and despite the warning Hero downed a fair portion. It splattered across the floor a moment later.
“Ack! It burns!”
Villain didn’t try to hide it as they rolled their eyes. “A simple cup of tea, and even then you have no self preservation.” That got them a scowl in return, though Villain’s attention had already fallen onto something else. Outside the wind had grown and whistled loudly against the windowpane. Nearly everything was covered in white, not even the nearby trees visible in the storm. “It’s getting bad out there,” they sighed.
“Guess I’m lucky you found me then.” Hero took another drink, though more careful this time. The distant look in their eyes was all too recognizable.
“I told you. You’re not going out there.”
“What makes you think you could stop me?”
“You wouldn’t get three feet from this cabin without succumbing to the cold and snow. Not that I’d ever let you reach that point regardless. With your wounds you are in no shape to face it out there, much less enter battle.”
Hero scoffed, “A little storm doesn’t scare me.” Their voice faltered as they looked to the ground, “Not when there are worse things.”
Tea untouched in Villain’s hands, they forced themself to take a sip while also processing the statement. They knew the detriments of going out in Hero’s shape, and as such they would never let them leave until they had healed somewhat. But after that- Was it selfish that they didn’t want the Hero to cross Supervillain’s path? If this is what had come of the first time, Villain hated to admit they feared what would happen the next time. And still, to keep Hero locked away, even if it meant they could be safe-
“We have two nights left at most. Storms of this level will continue for some time, and I assume we’ll be trapped through most of the day. However,” Villain raised their gaze, “If the sun does make an appearance, it may be possible to set foot outdoors a few mornings after.”
Hero’s head cocked to the side, “What are you saying?”
What were they saying? Villain opened their mouth to speak, then closed it again. This was their nemesis, someone they had fought before. They had quarreled time and time again, but the moment Villain had seen Hero, shivering as flakes covered their nearly unconscious body, they had to help. Something about seeing their nemesis, bloody, freezing, scared. Though they would never admit it, Villain hated to see the Hero hurt.
With a deep breath, they squared their shoulders and faced Hero. “Once the storm ends, you can leave. Your wounds should be decently healed by then. But until then, you must stay. Rest, and gain back what you’ve lost.” Villain gripped their mug tightly, “I know how important this is, for you and the world, and I could never take something like that from you- but, I do have one condition if you do decide to go.”
Hero was hesitant. Curious yet unsure as they gazed into the eyes of the criminal.“And that is?”
“You must take me with you.”
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
I forgot the name of the au (I'm a fake fan PepeHands /j), but the one with the twins. I remember you mentioning that Techno gets captured and Dream has to take care of the babies by himself, what happens during that time?
the first thing that happens is dream panics.
it was techno that wanted to take in the twins, it was techno who chopped the logs for the cabin, and techno who knitted the sweaters.
so dream considers just leaving, going to find punz, continuing his plan the way he had always wanted to.
but techno has stayed with dream even when he didn't have to and the twins trust him, love him, and dream can't just abandon them. plus, he owes techno. he can't leave him to rot in the prison that dream had built.
for a few days, while dream is coming to terms with it all, he does his best to take care of them. he might not know all the stories techno told or the songs he sang, but dream has his own stories and songs.
then he decides it's time to free techno. he considers taking the twins with him, knowing how dangerous it would be for two toddlers, but then dream remembers the cabins in the snow.
anyway, phil is about to learn that he has two grandkids? godchildren? well, whatever they are, they're standing on the porch with dream and it's snowing. he'll let them in.
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brainyxbat · 4 months
Chapter 1: A Town That Welcomes Pirates? Setting Foot on Whisky Peak
(episode 64)
After leaving Reverse Mountain with Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday in tow, the crew encountered a snowfall.
Nami watched grumpily from inside the cabin, bundled up in a green coat, red earmuffs, and a yellow plaid scarf. "What in the world is with this snow? It was warm just a little while ago."
Outside, the boys were playing with the cold, white fluff. "All right! Done!" Luffy finished a goofy-looking snowman with wooden beams for the nose and arms, a green cape, and a barrel on the head. "This is the man that fell from the sky, Mr. Snow Barrel!"
Usopp chuckled with a smirk. "That's such a crude snowman."
"Look at my soulful artwork, the Snow Queen!" He proudly presented his sculpture; a tall, elegant woman sitting on a round throne.
Luffy's eyes widened. "Whoa! That's incredible!"
Venus grinned brightly, as she buttoned up her bat-hem cloak. "That's amazing!"
"Thank you! My good friend Kaya, who gave us the Going Merry, was my muse!"
"Your friend Kaya? Ooh, interesting~," She teased, and giggled.
"Oh, no no no! We're best friends, and nothing else!" He insisted frantically.
"Ah. Well, that's great! And you did amazingly there!"
Through their conversation, Luffy felt challenged. "Okay then! Snow Barrel Punch!"
"How about next, I make one of-" Usopp was cut off by a beam totaling the head of his creation.
"Luffy!" Venus glared, as the sniper slowly became unhinged.
"What the hell are you doing?!" He kicked through the snowman's head, making the barrel cave in to the body.
"Ahh! Mr. Snow Barrel! How dare you!" He tackled the sniper angrily.
Usopp chucked snowballs at an incredibly rapid pace. "Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!"
Luffy retaliated with rolling a large snowball in his direction, chasing him. "How is this?!"
Usopp pursued him with the snow boulder, now with an imprint shaped like his own body, over his head. "You bastard! Hold it, Luffy!"
As Venus pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, Nami watched them with irritation. "How come they're so energetic when it's this cold?"
Meanwhile, Sanji was at work in shoveling the snow off the ship, and into the ocean. "Nami-san! How much snow shoveling of love would you like me to do?!" He gushed.
"Please continue until it stops snowing, Sanji-kun!"
"Yaay! Nami-san!"
"Hey, you," Mr. 9 sneered to the navigator, as he and Ms. Wednesday sat at the table, each wrapped in a blanket, "Doesn't this ship have a heater?"
"I'm cold," She complained.
"Shut up! You guys aren't guests!" Nami yelled. "Go help shovel snow, or something!"
Venus grabbed Usopp's elbow when he was still angry with Luffy. "Come on, let's drop it. Usopp, want to make snow angels?"
"Sure thing!" He beamed, quickly forgotten by the captain, and they laid down in a more clear area. As he moved his arms and legs accordingly, his mind wandered. What was Venus doing to him? Why was he so nervous around her? His heart fluttered when he saw her brightly smiling face, snowflakes dotting her ivory skin, and long green hair; what was wrong with him?
Later on, the weather changed yet again. "Lightning?! What on Earth is going on with the weather around here?!" She watched, as strong gusts of wind blew the flag like crazy. "It was sunny up until recently. The next moment, it started snowing, and now lightning. The seasons, as well as the weather, go around randomly. It's just like what Crocus-san said."
"That's how it is in the Grand Line," Ms. Wednesday informed.
"It seems that you guys're clueless about the Grand Line," Mr. 9 added.
"You haven't been steering for a while now," Ms. Wednesday pointed out with a devious grin, "Is that really okay?"
Nami perked up at that. "I just checked the direction." She left the cabin to look again. "Ahhhh!" She screamed in terror.
Usopp sat up with Venus. "Wh-what?"
"What's the matter?" Luffy looked in her direction.
"What's wrong, Nami-san?!"
She gaped at her Log Pose in horror. "Ahhh... no way! Turn the ship around 180 degrees! Hurry!"
"180 degrees?!" Usopp exclaimed. "Why're we going back?!"
"Did you forget something?" Luffy asked.
"The ship has turned around, and is going in the opposite direction! When I looked away from the Log Pose for a second...! The waves were calm earlier."
"Are you really a navigator?" Nami glared at Ms. Wednesday's sassy remark. "In this sea, you can't trust the winds, sky, waves, clouds... anything. The only thing that doesn't change is the direction that the Log Pose points. Do you understand that?"
Nami kicked both prisoners off the table. "Stop bossing me around in those cozy blankets, and go help already!" She then ran outside. "Brace the yard! Receive the wind from starboard! Turn the ship 180 degrees to the left! Usopp, Venus! Take care of the lateen sail!"
"Got it!" He rushed to do so with the witch.
"Sanji-kun! Take the helm!"
"Leave it to me, Nami-san!"
"You guys! I'm counting on you!"
"She's such a slave driver," Mr. 9 griped, as he and Ms. Wednesday worked.
"Hey, wait!" Usopp noticed. "The wind has changed."
"No way!"
Sure enough, a warm gust came in, blowing the clouds away from the sun. "It's the first spring gale!" Mr. 9 cheered.
Nami looked on in awe. "Why?!"
To Usopp's annoyance, Zoro was asleep through everything going on. "Don't just sleep while the snow accumulates on you!"
The girls took off their winter outerwear for the warmer weather, as Luffy watched the horizon. "Hey! I saw a dolphin jump over there! Let's go there."
"You keep quiet!" Nami ordered.
Usopp stood on the rope ladder for a better look. "The waves are getting high! I see an iceberg in the 10 o'clock direction!"
"Nami-san! It's getting foggy!" Sanji reported.
"What the hell's with this sea?!"
"W-w-we're gonna crash!!" Usopp screamed. Sanji strained to pull the helm, Nami soon helping, while Venus hugged Usopp's closest leg in fear, and Zoro was still fast asleep. The ship ended up grazing the iceberg at one side.
Nami ran outside when Luffy returned from the lower deck. "Hey! Water's leaking at the bottom of the ship!" He reported.
"We have to patch it right away!"
"Got it!" Usopp ran down with tools and wood, as Venus followed close behind.
"The clouds are moving fast!" Nami remarked, as dark clouds came rolling in over them. "W-wind's coming!"
Luffy held the brim of his hat. "It's strong!"
Ms. Wednesday watched with horror. "It's coming!"
"Unfurl the sails!" Nami ordered. "That wind is too strong! If we take it directly, we'll overturn!"
Sanji emerged from the kitchen, carrying a platter with onigiri rice balls. "Everyone! Eat this! Let's gather our strength!" He set the platter on a pair of barrels, and everyone crowded over to dig in, before returning to their positions. Mr. 9 callously pushed Venus away, rendering her unable to grab any, so Usopp swiped extras to give her while they worked. Sanji glared at Luffy when he was greedily stuffing his face. "You're eating too much!" He scolded with a punch to his head.
As Nami struggled to unfurl the bigger sail through the wind, a ripping sound caught Usopp's attention. He turned to Venus, who was finishing her last rice ball while hammering nails in the wood planks. "Stay here!" She nodded, and continued hammering, as he ran up to see what happened. "Oh crap! The sail is torn!"
"Forget about things up here," Nami ordered. "Go help Venus fix the bottom of the ship!"
"There's another part of the bottom of the ship damaged!" Ms. Wednesday reported, holding the door open.
"Dammit!" Usopp leaped back down to find the poor witch struggling to patch up both damaged areas on her own. He frantically took one of the hammers out of her mouth. "Focus on one spot! I got the other!"
Before long, the chaos came to an end, and everything was peaceful again. Zoro stretched his arms with a long grunt, and sat up from the railing. "Ahhh, that felt good." He walked around the mast to find the rest of the crew laid out on the deck, exhausted. Usopp rested against the railing, Sanji was completely sprawled out face-up, and Venus was in the former's lap. "Hey, no matter how nice the weather is, you guys shouldn't be so lazy," He chastised, and turned to find Nami with her arm draped from the upper deck. "We'd better be on the right track."
"You..." Usopp, Venus, Sanji, and Nami started seething in fury.
"Hm?" He found Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday laid out by the mast. "Why're you guys on this ship?"
"You're slow!" Mr. 9 exclaimed.
"We're heading to their town right now," Luffy said, "It's called Whisky Peak."
"You mean we're taking them back? We don't owe them anything."
"Right, we don't," Luffy crossed his arms.
"Well, not like it matters to me." Zoro knelt down, after they sat up. "Yeah, your faces say that you're thinking bad thoughts," He taunted, "What were your names again?"
They flinched back in fear. "I-I'm Mr. 9."
"I'm Ms. Wednesday."
"Right," He grinned, "Something has been bothering me ever since I first heard your names." They stood on their feet with nervousness. "I feel like I've heard them somewhere before, or maybe not." They flinched again. "Well, either way-" He was interrupted by a hard punch in his head.
Nami. "How dare you sleep comfortably all this time," She growled, "You kept sleeping no matter how many times we tried to wake you up."
"What?!" He looked back.
She gave him three big bumps on his head. "Don't let your guard down, everyone! We don't know what else might happen." Usopp and Venus listened, as Sanji had a smoke, still laying down, and Luffy sat on the railing with a fishing pole. "I was finally able to realize the danger of this sea just now. I was able to understand why it's called the Grand Line. There's no doubt about it since my navigation skills don't work at all."
"How blunt," Usopp remarked, as Venus sat up, "Are we gonna be okay?"
"We'll be fine!" She assured. "Things will still work out for sure. In fact... look!" She pointed to an island that appeared to be consisted of green, multi-sized cacti. "Our first journey is over." Everyone looked on in awe, as they descended closer.
Luffy returned to his seat on the prow. "It's an island!"
"Alright!" Venus cheered.
"So this is Whisky Peak," Sanji remarked, "But it's a really funny looking island."
"Those cacti are huge!" Luffy exclaimed.
"It's like a desert," Venus pointed out, "Only no sand."
"Hm?" Everyone turned around when their prisoners jumped on the railing.
"Well then, we'll be leaving now," Mr. 9 announced.
"Thanks or taking us home, honeys," Ms. Wednesday added.
"If we're linked by fate, we'll meet again!"
"Bye bye, baby!" With that, they leaped into the ocean.
"Huh?" Usopp, Venus, and Nami watched in confusion, as they swam to the island.
"They're gone," Nami remarked.
"Who on Earth were they?" Usopp wondered aloud.
"I hope they're not power holders," Venus commented.
"Who cares!" Luffy beamed. "We're landing!"
"There's a river at the front," Nami pointed out, "Looks like we can go inland by ship."
Usopp started feeling nervous. "I-isn't it possible that there're monsters, or things like that?"
"It's definitely possible," Sanji remarked, "This is the Grand Line."
"If we come across islands, we can just leave the island," Luffy proposed.
"Hold on a sec," Nami realized, "Don't forget that we have to stay on this island for a certain period of time."
"Oh, that's right," Venus nodded.
"Why?" Luffy asked.
Nami held up her wrist with the Log Pose. "Unless we store the magnetism of this island in the Log Pose, we can't go to the next island. Since each island requires a different amount of time to store the log, some islands require only several hours, while others require days."
Usopp was scared of those odds. "Th-then even when this is a monster island that we want to escape from right away, it's possible that we have to stay her for days, until the log is stored?"
"That's right."
Luffy beamed. "Well, we can think about that when it happens. Let's go already!"
"Luffy's right," Zoro chimed in, "Let's go. It's not worth thinking about."
"No matter what happens, I'll protect Nami-san and Venus-chan," Sanji vowed.
Usopp started holding his throat. "H-hey, wait. Listen, everyone; my chronic illness is suddenly..."
"You're sick?" Venus innocently turned to him in concern.
"Yes! My "do not go to the island" disease is-"
"Then we're going in," Nami declared.
"Listen. Make sure you're prepared to run, as well as fight."
"Ah, well, like I said, my chronic illness is- well, I guess you're not listening."
"I wonder what'll appear," Sanji remarked.
"Guys, Usopp says he's sick!"
"Venus, I'll explain later," Zoro said.
In the fog, some local men were watching the ship with binoculars. "Hey, it's a pirate ship."
"Pirates are here!"
As they floated through the river, Luffy spotted something ahead. "Huh? Something's moving."
"Humans?" Sanji watched the silhouettes watching them. "Humans are there!"
"Everyone, be careful," Nami ordered.
"Gotcha," Venus nodded, and prepared her hands.
Usopp's legs shook, as he drew back his slingshot. "Ahhh, dammit! Since it's come to this, I've prepared myself. Monsters, or whatever you are, come on out!"
To their surprise, instead of trying to attack... everyone cheered! "Welcome to the Grand Line! To the welcoming town, Whisky Peak!"
"Hey, they're cheering for us!" Venus pointed out.
Usopp looked through his goggles in surprise. "Yeah! F-far from monsters, we're being welcomed!"
"What's going on?" Sanji asked in confusion.
"Pirates! Welcome to our town!"
"Hurray for the heroes on the sea!"
Sanji brightened up when he noticed some beauties in the crowd. "Whoa! There're lots of cute girls!"
"Ahh! Look this way! They're handsome!"
"Hello, cutie!" Venus blushed at the guys gawking in her direction. She didn't know why they would say it about her, but she liked it.
"Maybe pirates are people's heroes after all," Nami remarked, as Usopp blew kisses at the crowd.
"Heeeey!" Luffy cheered.
"Welco-" A man with giant white curls, and a saxophone started his greeting, but started to clear his throat. "Ma-ma-ma~," He sang to test his voice, then continued, "Welcome. My name is Igarappoi. I'm the mayor of Whisky Peak."
"Okay. I'm Luffy; nice to meet you. Pops, you went overboard on curling your hair."
"Whisky Peak is a town that thrives on making liquor and music. Hospitality is the pride of our town. As for our proud liquor, it's as bountiful as the seawater. Would you allow us to throw a party for you, so that we may hear your tales of-" He cleared his throat again. "Ma-ma-ma~. Your tales of adventure?"
"We'll be glad to!" Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp exclaimed with ecstasy, and started to hop away. "All right!"
"Yeah!" Venus cheered, as she followed with jumps, leaving Nami and Zoro behind.
"Four idiots," Nami remarked. "Say, by the way," She held up her Log Pose for Igarappoi to see, "How long will it take for the log of this island to be stored?"
"Log? Forget such boring stuff," He dismissed, "Please just rest after a long journey." He stood behind her, and laid his hand on her shoulder. "Now, everyone! Prepare for the party! Sing to entertain the adventurers!"
"Party time!!" Everyone cheered.
Little did the Straw Hats know... they were being watched.
Later that night, as the moon was in its last quarter, the partying still commenced. People drank themselves silly, and played loud music with various instruments. A drunk Usopp was telling one of his tall tales to some of the partiers. "Then I said with utter coolness, "Sea Kings, don't you touch my friends.""
"Captain Usopp!"
"You're so amazing!"
"Well, regarding the Calm Belt, even though I trembled a bit, though. A tremble of excitement, that is."
"Cheers to Usopp-san!"
From the bar, Venus listened on with a smile. "The story amusing you?" The bartender asked.
"Yeah, it does. Though I remember some slight differences."
"Ah. Can I get you a drink?"
"Oh, I don't drink," She turned the offer down gently, "I never have. Ironically, I lived in a bar for a few years."
"Come on, cutie," He insisted, "You were never tempted before?"
"Cutie?" She raised an eyebrow in genuine confusion. "Why're you calling me that?"
"Just stating facts." That didn't answer her question. "Let me treat you; it's on me."
She pondered the idea for a moment. What did she have to lose? And she couldn't let such kindness go in vain. "Well... there's a first for everything!" She decided cheerfully. "Gimme one, please!"
"Great!" He poured her a drink in a barrel-like mug. "Here you go."
"Thanks!" She had a little sip, and blinked in surprise. "Not bad!" She started downing it, while leaning back.
Nami sat on an L-shaped couch, Zoro on the other side, as a full mug set in front of her. "Now, please don't hold back, drink up," Igarappoi offered.
"No, thank you," She kindly refused, "I'd rather not drink alcohol."
"Don't worr-" He cleared his throat, "Ma-ma-ma~. Don't worry. It's a special drink made of prime grapes that are used to make prime wine. Its flavor is wine itself, but it doesn't contain alcohol."
"I see," Nami had a sip, and grinned brightly, "You're right! This is delicious!"
"We had a good grape harvest again this year. Now, to celebrate the harvest, we'll have our usual toast competition!" The patrons cheered at that. "That is, you continue to toast, and the last one standing is the winner. Please join in on our competition."
"No, thanks. I can't drink that much."
"The prize money for the winner is 100,000 berries!" Igarappoi took a bag bearing the currency symbol out of his jacket.
Nami was on her feet, now determined. "Another cup, please!" She then turned to the swordsman. "Zoro! You participate too! You don't have money, do you?"
"Cheers!" Everyone toasted.
As Luffy vigorously stuffed his face, Zoro was in the competition. "Whoa! Amazing! He finished his 10th cup!" He slammed the mug on the table.
"This is it," His rival collapsed on the table. "I can't drink anymore."
"This girl's downing her 12th cup!"
Nami wiped her mouth with satisfaction, as two competitors fell behind her. "Take that!"
"More food!" A round-bellied Luffy held out his platter.
"Whoa! The captain finished a meal for 20 people!"
The chef collapsed with a grin, still holding his knife. "The cook is down!"
"Please, I can't go on..."
"Hey, the spellcaster is getting down!" Sure enough, a drunk Venus was dancing all along the bar quite enthusiastically, her plaits swinging about. "How many drinks did she have?!"
"J-just one!" The bartender sputtered, feeling shocked himself. "That prime grape kind!"
"One?! That's crazy!"
"She was so meek before; now she's quite bold!"
Usopp paused his tale, and didn't notice the listeners demanding he continue, as his eyes were on Venus, blushing. He watched her hair fly all around; the way her short bangs bounced below her brow... she was so cute.
And pretty.
What the hell was wrong with him?!
Sanji meanwhile, was in his personal heaven; surrounded by pretty girls. "Whoa! This young man is trying to hit on 20 girls at the same time!"
"What's with this gang?!"
Igarappoi laughed. "It's really a fu-" He cleared his throat. "Ma-ma-ma~. A fun night! I'm glad that you all seem to be having fun." His smile turned more devious. "Yes, indeed, I'm very glad."
"For that reason, we failed our mission of securing food," Mr. 9 was writing his and Ms. Wednesday's report, "However, we'd like to report that we succeeded in leading the gang to Cactus Island, baby. All right!" He finished writing, and rolled the paper up. "If we submit this, we somehow should be able to clear our names."
"Right," Ms. Wednesday grabbed the roll, "I'll drop it in the Unluckies Box immediately." She walked outside, and dropped the roll in a mailbox bearing an eagle and otter... and a Jolly Roger emblem with "Baroque" above it. "They'll deliver it for us... to the boss."
In the bar, Zoro finally set his mug down. "This is it. I quit. I'm gonna sleep." He flopped face-down on the table.
"Whoa! The young man is finally down after his 13th cup."
"What?!" A blushing Nami glared. "You're hopeless, Zoro!"
"There's only two left."
"They're at the 15th cup. She's competing against the sister."
The nun lifted her mug to her lips. "You should quit too, for your own sake."
"Don't be silly! I definitely won't quit, until I get the prize money." She laughed pridefully.
Luffy flopped down on the floor in exhaustion. "Ahhh! Thanks for the food. I can't eat any more."
Next to him, two more cooks flopped down by the first. "Three cooks are also down!"
"Glad you enjoyed it," One muttered.
As Nami downed her mug, the nun laid on the table. "I can't drink anymore."
She wiped her mouth, and held out her empty mug. "I won!!" She laughed victoriously, and flopped down on the table deliriously. "Ahh, what fun."
"She's finally down."
Usopp leaned back in relaxation. "What a nice town." He turned to see Venus still dancing, but now on the floor. She certainly was attractive.
Why was he having these thoughts?
She was coming his way.
"Woo!" She flopped down next to him. "That was fun."
He chuckled, as she giggled. "You're a good dancer."
"Thanks! Maybe next time... you can dance with me."
His cheeks turned red. "Really?"
She nodded. "It can go with your stories."
"Y-yeah, maybe," He stammered.
What was she doing to him?
Meanwhile, Sanji's head was happily rested on a girl's lap. "This is a paradise."
Deeper into the night, all the Straw Hats were out like lights. Zoro was still at the table, Usopp was leaned back on the couch, Venus' head was face-up in his lap, Nami was at her table, Luffy was on the floor, and Sanji was laid out face-down on the bench. "So, they wore themselves out partying, and fell asleep," Igarappoi remarked outside, "Sweet dreams, adventurers. Again, tonight the Cactus Rocks look beautiful, dancing under the moonlight."
Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday sat on the roof of the building across from where the partying was going on. "You're such a poet, Igarappoi, no, Mr. 8," He corrected himself.
"Oh, it's you guys."
They jumped down on the ground. "What happened to them?" Ms. Wednesday asked.
"They've fallen." Mr. 8 started to walk away, and turned back to them. "To hell."
The disgruntled nun stepped outside to join. "Geez... since they're a little stubborn, I added a little alcohol in their drinks. Otherwise, they might still be up, and having a good time." She took off her disguise, revealing her short, pink pigtails, muscular build, white boots, and a pink and white checkerboard mini dress with green daisies. "But was it really necessary to put on an elaborate act, for just six weak-looking brats? We should've just beat them at the harbor. This town is already short of food. Also, we didn't have our hopes up for the whale meat anyway."
"You didn't have to say it like that!" Mr. 9 glared defensively. "We did try our best!"
"Calm down," Mr. 8 ordered, "Look at this. I've checked them out beforehand." He took Luffy's wanted poster out of his jacket.
"Th-thirty million berries?!" The three exclaimed in shock.
"Them?!" Mr. 9 sputtered.
"It's foolish to judge a pirate's ability based on their looks, Ms. Mon-" He cleared his throat. "Ma-ma-ma~. Ms. Monday."
She rubbed her head sheepishly. "S-sorry."
"But we've already settled. Looks like we can send a good report to the boss. Confiscate all the money, and other valuables on the ship immediately."
"So what about them?" Ms. Monday asked.
"What do we do?" Mr. 9 added.
"If we kill them, the bounty drops by 30%. The Government wants to hold public executions. Go! Capture them alive!"
"Hey. Sorry, but..." Zoro sat cross-legged on a roof behind them, to their shock, sword drawn, "Do you mind letting them sleep? They're all exhausted from the journey this afternoon."
A couple of men rushed outside. "Mr. 8! Ms. Monday! The guy with the bellyband escaped from the room when we weren't looking!"
Ms. Wednesday glared at their late report. "He's over there."
"You bastard...!" Mr. 8 glared. "I thought you were completely asleep!"
Zoro grinned with pride. "Swordsmen never make the mistake of letting their guard down that much." He stood on his feet, as he observed their tough exteriors. "So, let's see if I've got this right. This is a nest of bounty hunters. You dupe pirates who are in high spirits after having just entered the Grand Line. Looks like there're about 100 bounty hunters here. I'll fight you all... Baroque Works!"
The agents flinched in shock. "You bastard!" Mr. 8 exclaimed. "How is it you know our company's name?!"
"When I used to be in a similar line of work, I was recruited by your company once. Naturally, I rejected it. Employees don't know each other's identities, and are called by code names. Of course, the boss' whereabouts, and his identity are also a mystery, even to them. Baroque Works is a criminal group that just faithfully carries out their orders. Humph!" He grinned. "Was it a secret?"
"This is surprising," Mr. 8 remarked, "If you know our secrets, then we have no other choice, but to kill you." Zoro stared silently, undeterred. "Another gravestone will be added to the Cactus Rocks." It was then, when the swordsman noticed: said rocks were cemeteries! The "thorns" were cross-shaped gravestones, scattered all over each rock. "Kill him!"
But Zoro was gone, to everyone's shock. "H-he disappeared!" Ms. Wednesday exclaimed, wide-eyed.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 5 months
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Hi, and welcome to the Masterlist of the Sweet & Spicy Bingo ~ Winter Edition, hosted by @sweetspicybingo! 💙
On this Masterlist, you'll find all the prompts I've filled along the way, and they combine angst, fluff, and smut. Each one-shot will have its appropriate warnings when necessary.
If you'd like to check my other works, you can find them on my Main Masterlist! For now, I hope you will enjoy the works I've created while participating in the Sweet & Spicy Bingo ~ Winter Edition! 💙
I do not work with a tag list. If you want to be kept up to date when I post new fanfictions, you can follow @nicoline1998enilocin-library 💙
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Card: @sweetspicybingo || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
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|| 🥀 ~ Angst || 💙 ~ Fluff || 🌶️ ~ Smut ||
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Birthday Boy || 💙 🌶️ || Robert Downey Jr. ~ RPF Prompt || 1-1: The Polar Express Robert's birthday is coming up, so you decide to share this special moment for just a few days away from the spotlight. During your trip, you have a special surprise for him that will make it one never to forget. To top it all off, you're throwing a surprise party when you two come back, complete with his Marvel co-stars, friends, family, and two beautiful children.
1-2: Stocking stuffer
I'm s-mitten for you || 💙 || Young!Tony Stark Prompt || 1-3: Holiday shopping It's a perfect winter day outside, so you're all going to the Christmas market together. It's a fun afternoon filled with snow, lots of Christmas cheer, games, and festive snacks. In the evening you enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate or warm milk and a Christmas movie, before having a big sleepover in the living room.
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That's My Girl || 🥀 💙 🌶️ || Young!Tony Stark Prompt || 2-1: New Year's Kiss You're ringing in the New Year with your entire family; it will be a night to never forget. When your Mom gets the surprise of her life, there won't be a single dry eye in the room. When the fireworks start to slow down, you and Tony can't help but think back to your first New Year's Eve together, and the memories made that evening.
2-2: Fucking for warmth
Snowed in together || 💙 🌶️ || Robert Downey Jr. ~ RPF Prompt || 2-3: Snow day You're enjoying a ski trip with your husband until you're snowed in at the log cabin you're staying in. It's a good thing you've gotten the perfect routine down for snowy days, and you enjoy every single second of the cuddles, kisses, and hot chocolate as you try to turn this day into an unforgettable one.
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Santa's Naughty Girl || 🌶️ || Loki Laufeyson Prompt || 3-1: Sexy Santa You and Loki haven't met up in a few months due to conflicting schedules, but this night the stars finally align for you. He decides to surprise you whilst he's dressed as a sexy Santa, and you've never been more excited to be on someone's naughty list.
Dreaming Of You || 💙 || Robert Downey Jr. ~ RPF Prompt || 3-2: The Nightmare Before Christmas Life with your husband, Robert, and your three-month-old son, Joseph, has been nothing short of a dream, and you are grateful you get to live this life with him. When you find out you're having another baby after almost a year and a half later, you get a surprise of a lifetime, and the love between you and your husband only grows stronger because of it.
Cookies for Santa || 💙 || Young!Tony Stark Prompt || 3-3: Milk & cookies Your twins are very excited to be celebrating Christmas - but especially to see Santa. They're still too young to fully grasp the idea behind it, but you and Tony manage to come up with a plan to have Santa pay a little visit to your house, and the twins are very excited about finally seeing Santa bringing their presents.
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ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
Hi!! Love your work, could I request something sweet with Cantrell? Maybe they're already in a relationship or something, idk, it can have smut if u feel like it. Thank you!!! :)))
Log Cabin
Pairing: Jerry Cantrell x fem! Reader
Warnings: fingering
Summary: Jerry’s friends invite you two to a secluded cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Word Count: 2.2k
Request?: Yes!
I found this gif from @handofbrokennails tumblr page :)
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Jerry's car struggled to stay on the icy roads as the snow fell around us. We were on our way north for a vacation. Jerry's old friends had rented a log cabin on the coast and were inviting some of their girlfriends to join them for a short vacation. I agreed almost immediately, eager to escape the hustle and bustle of city life for a while.
“I sure hope you know where you’re going, Jer. The last thing I want is to be cooped up in this car in a snowstorm.”
“I know where I’m going babe. Don’t worry.”
Jerry's gaze was fixed on the road ahead of him, and he gripped the steering wheel tightly to keep the car straight. I leaned back in my seat, relaxing my body and stretching my tense muscles, my joints softly cracking.
“Alright. I trust you. How much longer?”
“Not long. Only about another forty five minutes.”
I placed my feet on the dash and leaned back slightly in my seat to relax and stretch my legs.
“Ugh. My joints are so tense.”
I gently massaged my thighs and calves, rubbing out all of the knots.
“Mine are too. I can’t wait to see the place. My buddy says it’s amazing.”
I'd never met these people before. Jerry explained that they were old friends from his childhood who wanted to initiate a reunion. The rest of the boring car ride was spent flipping through radio stations, dozing off, and admiring the beautiful snow that was falling all around the car. I became antsy in my seat. I was so excited to see this cabin in the woods. It would be a fantastic opportunity for Jerry and me to take some well-deserved time away from his band and all of the responsibilities of daily life.
As the scenery whizzed by, I watched the snow fall onto the white ground. Watching each individual flake float down and melt into the ever-growing pile of snow that lay undisturbed on the ground was truly breathtaking. The magnificent tall green trees that lined our pathway reached so far into the sky that I couldn't see the tops of them due to the roof of the car obstructing my view. Everything was caked in a thick layer of pure white snow.
I felt like we'd been driving down the forest path for an hour. This cabin must be tucked away in the woods.
Jerry took a left onto a small dirt road deep in the woods. The trees had grown even taller, and the roads had become even icier.
“We’re almost out of gas, Jer. I hope we’re almost there.”
“Five more minutes baby.”
We arrived at a large cabin in a clearing almost exactly five minutes later. I jumped out of the car, eager to see the sights and stretch my legs. My boots landed on the snowy ground, and a cool breeze blew all around me. Snowflakes fell from the sky and landed on me, soaking into my jacket and pants.
From the outside, the cabin was truly stunning. Exquisite dark wood was perfectly shaped into a cabin that sat peacefully on the snowy ground. Two lamps hung from either side of the large double doors. Jerry snatched our bags and hoisted them onto his shoulders. We didn't bring much, just a few pairs of clothes for the weekend.
We walked carefully up to the front doors, holding hands. We held on to each other and the railings for dear life due to the slick steps under our feet. When Jerry pushed open the door, a wave of warm air hit my face, making me sweat under my jacket.
“Hey you guys! We thought you got lost!”
I met Jerry's old friends and their girlfriends, and they were all pleasant. One of his friends, who appeared to be seven feet tall, led us to our room in the back of the cabin. There was a small window that allowed us to see the beautiful scenery behind us. I removed my jacket and tossed it onto the king bed located in the center of the room. Jerry carefully placed our bags on the bed and began folding our clothes before placing them in the dresser.
“Woah, Jer look at that hot tub!”
I pointed to a large hot tub on the back deck through the window. Jerry's ears perked up, and his gaze followed my finger to the tub, where it came to a halt.
“That’s sick! I hope we get to go in it!”
He was looking over my shoulder, staring intently outside. I turned my head, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
“We will.”
Jerry turned to face me, reacting to the kiss. He smirked before crashing his lips onto mine, pressing me into the wall behind me. The air in my lungs was released as my back made contact with the hardwood behind me. A loud band erupted throughout the room, definitely attracting the attention of his friends.
I kissed him back feverishly, cherishing the feeling of his soft lips pressed against mine.
I said breathily in between kisses.
“We can’t do this right now.”
Jerry didn’t listen to me, he kept attacking my mouth and pressing me against the wall with his body. His chest was flush against mine, his heat radiating through my sweater.
I pulled back, swerving the next time he tried to kiss me and smirking.
I said with a sarcastic yet stern tone.
“Your friends are waiting for us. Control yourself.”
Jerry rolled his eyes.
He pecked my lips before removing his body from mine. I would’ve liked for him to have had me right then and there, but I knew it would have to wait for later.
“I just can’t help it. You’re too goddamn gorgeous.”
Jerry smirked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
“Move it Cantrell. Your friends are waiting for us.”
I shooed him away with my hands. We both made our way back towards the living room where everyone was situated, watching television.
It was late, the sun had dipped down below the horizon, and everyone was tired. I sat on Jerry's lap, watching whatever movie was on in the background. I sighed deeply and melted into Jerry's chest. Everyone else was passed out, sprawled across the various comfortable couches and seats.
Jerry and I were the only two people who remained awake. He drew me into him by wrapping his arm around the front of my stomach. I squirmed, getting used to being positioned against him. I was wide awake, unable to relax for even a single second. I continued to squirm, readjusting my clothes and repositioning the blanket.
“Jeez babe. You’re anxious tonight.”
I leaned my head back on his shoulder, staring at him from the side.
“Well you got me all worked up Cantrell. Now I can’t sit still.”
I whispered suggestively into his ear. Jerry grabbed the edges of the blanket and pulled them gingerly up to my chest before placing his hand on my thigh, the other arm settling around me.
I mumbled under my breath, his fingertips trailing up to the buttons on my jeans.
“We’ll wake up your friends.”
I whispered quietly, not wanting to get caught. The movie was still playing in the background, drowning out the noise of our voices.
Jerry placed his lips against my ear.
“Well then you better be quiet, gorgeous.”
He unbuttoned my pants with one swift motion and began unzipping them. I sighed deeply, leaning my head back onto his shoulder.
Jerry reached his hand into my pants, rubbing my clit painfully slowly. I tried to move my hips, but the strong arm wrapped around me inhibited my movements.
He cupped my heat through my underwear, eliciting a soft moan from my parted lips.
“Would this help you relax, gorgeous?”
I nodded vigorously, already too worked up to chicken out. Jerry hooked his legs under mine, separating them so he could position me at the perfect angle to push my panties to the side and dip a finger into me.
I moaned loudly at the sudden pleasurable sensation. Jerry clasped his free hand over my mouth, muffling my noises.
“Shhhh. You’re gonna wake them up.”
He murmured sexily in my ear, his voice raspy and low. His movements resumed, this time adding a second finger. His pace was slow, achingly slow. I grabbed onto his wrist as a silent indication that I wanted more. He added a third finger, picking up his pace. I whimpered against his hand due to the blissful stretch his thick fingers provided.
The exquisite feeling of Jerry’s calloused fingertips thrusting into the walls of my pussy caused the familiar tight sensation in the pit of my stomach to build. The wet sound of his fingers moving expertly inside of me was almost deafening. I continued to whimper and moan against his hand, praying the movie provided enough noise to mask the sounds.
Jerry sunk his fingers deeper into me, his knuckles now the only thing exposed. The deeper sensation sent me topping over the edge, cumming around his fingers with a strained whimper.
Jerry allowed me to ride out my orgasm, removing his hand once he was certain I had come down. I breathed deeply in the now silent room.
“I love you.”
Jerry leaned in and placed a gentle kiss right behind my ear.
“I love you too gorgeous. Are you relaxed now?”
My limbs were weak, and my eyelids were heavy. I closed my eyes and hummed in satisfaction.
Jerry gave me a big hug around my waist and nuzzled his head into my shoulder.
“Whaddya say we go to bed?”
I melted into Jerry's chest as I smiled with pure bliss.
“I’d like that.”
He hooked one arm under my leg and the other behind my back. He stood up to his full height and gingerly carried me into our bedroom. My head lulled from side to side as I swayed gently with his body as he walked.
He carefully placed me on the bed. I didn't even bother changing my clothes. I kicked off my jeans and nuzzled into the warm covers, tossing them to the side. The faux fur blanket absorbed my body heat and warmed me to the core. I hummed in contentment.
Jerry took off his shirt and jeans and snuggled up next to me, drawing me into his chest.
“Will you marry me Y/N?”
He whispered directly into my ear. I scoffed and rolled onto my side to face him.
“You know I’d love to, Jerry, but now really isn’t the best time.”
Jerry cupped my face in his hand, his thumb pads gently tracing over my cheekbones.
“Why wait? I love you more than anything in the entire world.”
I ran my fingers through his hair, smoothing out any small knots.
“Jerry, we don’t have to be married to love each other.”
Jerry pressed his hands against my lower back, drawing me up against his chest. Our noses were almost touching, our faces inches apart.
“I know, but it would be nice to make it official.”
He leaned in and kissed my lips tenderly.
“I wanna see you walk down that aisle, wearing white.”
In between kisses, he murmured against my lips.
“And I wanna see you wearing a tux under an arch with flowers.”
I played into our fantasies, already anticipating this fictitious wedding. Jerry drew back, a solemn expression on his face.
“I promise you, Y/N, when I have enough money I’ll buy you the biggest diamond money can buy. And I’ll propose to you properly, under the night sky on a sandy beach.”
I looked him in the eyes, bringing my hands up to his cheek and gently removing stray hairs from his face. I smiled sweetly, despite the fact that he couldn't see me due to the lack of light in the bedroom.
“I’d like that.”
I wanted to tell him that I didn't require anything extravagant. The only thing I'd ever wanted so badly in my entire life was him, but when he looked at me with his sweet eyes while our bodies were pressed together, there was no way I could say no. I rolled onto my other side and pressed my back against his chest.
“Goodnight Jerry.”
Jerry encircled me with his arms, drawing me in closer. There was no longer any space between us. Our breathing was in sync, our eyes were closed, and we were completely relaxed in each other's company.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
His voice was barely audible. His words segwayed into the subsequent silence, which engulfed the entire atmosphere. The only sounds were the droning of the television in the background and the soft rustling of the trees outside our window. In Jerry's arms, I felt safe. My limbs had gone numb as I sank into the soft mattress.
Jerry muttered something under his breath in the brief moments just before I fell into a deep sleep.
“I love you Y/N. You’re the only one for me. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”
And with that, I drifted off to sleep.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Ok hi, I finally thought of a request for you. Fingon x gen!reader so everyone can read.
A nice fluff for him where him and reader are spending their time away from their duties during his time as crown prince in Middle Earth. They're in a cabin in the woods watching the snowfall and just cuddling by the fireplace, chatting away about random things and being a cute couple.
Hope this isn't too much. 😁 have a great day.
No this isn't to much, I don't get request often and when I do i put them as my first priority, besides I have way to much time on my hands, and I always like writing for Silmarillion elves when i get the chance to, I hope you enjoy.
What Was Universe The Again?
Pairing: Fingon x Reader
You and Fingon finally got some time away from your duties, as a crowned prince and one of the kingsguard you both never really got time off together, as much as you got to see each other during your work, you both had to keep it professional, especially around the king.
So when you got time off, you almost immediately packed your things together, and made your way to your families hunting cabin, your family was one of hunters, so you had a log cabin out in the woods near the mountains of Hithlim, it was a 5 day ride from the city, but well worth it, especially in winter.
When you arrived you pushed the door open, a fire was dieing in the hearth, the cold light trickled in threw the window, a note sat on the table, the cabin was small but it was your home before you moved, it was comfortable as well, you picked up the note as Fingon made himself at home on the leather chair covered in pelts In front of the fire after dropping the bags down.
"My parent, have gone to visit an edian village not to far out of the kingdoms borders, to trade, they will not be back until next month, we have the cabin to our self Meleth" You said setting the note back down before going to tend the fire.
"Why must you be so good at everything, your like my family but all shoved into one" Fingon said casting his legs and head over the arm rests, you looked from the fire up to the prince, you simply smiled.
"As a kid, my family didn't like depending on others, so they learned how to do everything for themselves from blacksmithing to hunting, they taught me there skills, with determination I am sure you could be as good as me" You said standing you glanced to the door which swang open to see snow had started to fall, so you closed the door.
Fingon opened his arms "Come here Meleth" He said you did and you lay on his stomach and your head rested on his chest, he ran his hands threw your hair, you both soon shifted into a more comfortable position after you made so tea and hot cakes, they rested on the small carved wooden table next to the chair you sat on Fingon's lap with the pelts covering you and your head rested against his shoulder, while he was rubbing circles absentmindedly into your back, the fire warmed you as you both watch the snow fall from outside the window.
Sometimes with Fingon in moments like this you could really forget everything, What was the universe again. because in moments like these it felt as if you and Fingon were the only people in the world, and he was your Universe.
You placed a kiss to his temple, and he turned you you return the kiss to you but on your lips, "Gi Melin Meleth-nin" Fingon muttered pressing his forehead against yours.
"Gi Melin ana Meleth-nin" You muttered back, Fingon smiled.
"Tindómiel-nin I can hold the whole of Valinor in my hands" Fingon stated proudly.
"That is physically Impossible" You returned he just cupped your face in his hands.
"no it's not, i'm doing it right now" Fingon said with a smile plastered on his face, you blushed a deep shade of red from the bottom of your neck to the tips of your ears as you buried your face in Fingon's neck.
He laughed and hugged you, "Even with that hard stoic shell of a kingsguard, you really are the softest most gentle and kind person I know I am glad I fell in love with you, Tindómiel-nin" Fingon said.
"You just like teasing me" You huffed the prince just smiled at your pouting face and grabbed one of the honey cakes you made and shoved it in your mouth.
"oh really, I know many a guard who cannot cook, and yet you cook the most delicious of foods" you huffed as you had a mouthful of cake in your mouth.
"well most guards are thick aren't they" You returned.
"I'm a Guard" Fingon said
"That just proves my point" You said with a smirk, now you had a pouting Fingon, you just laughed as he struggled to come up with a snarky reply and failed as always.
It really was moments like this the universe slipped away and it was only you two.
Elvish Translations:
Tindómiel - morning star
Tindómiel-nin - my morning star
Meleth-nin - my love
Gi Melin - I love you
Gi Melin ana Meleth-nin - I love you two my love
Meleth - My love
A/n: a bit short for one of my normals fic's but i think it's sweeter short, thanks you for the request.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
i just read the new vikingverse post and my reaction was YES YES VIKINGVERSE YES pls lili grace us with more vikingverse, i love the au so much you're mind is incredible
right now all i can think about is jungkook giving you his first courting gift, he’s the only alpha that hasn’t given you one and though it’s not customary for betas or omegas to give each other courting gifts (that burden is all on the alphas who need to show that they’re good providers), it hurts a little that even seokjin has started to lavish you with little things before jungkook’s gotten the courage to give you something of his own and declare his intent.
the other alphas gifts were perfect, and jungkook just can’t decide the right gift. hoseok gave you a thick fluffy pelt- perfect for the coming winter, he’s already heart you and seokjin talk of making it into a cloak for you to keep you warm. namjoon’s gifts were more subtle- more over arching to meet all of your needs. you ask for more bandages for the infirmary and namjoon gives them. you need more medcin, namjoon will barter with another pack for it in a heartbeat, you need a new chair or your stove in your little cabin? and namjoon is there ready to make sure you’re comfortable hell- your whole one-room cabin in its self was a courting gift from namjoon. and though it’s expected that the pack alpha would give the most lavish gifts- it still stings jungkook’s pride just a little bit when he realized he can’t think of anything for you.
he shudders to think of the past courting gifts he’d given to seokjin and Jimin when he was little more than a freshly presented pup, the roughly crafted comb that seokjin had cooed and pinched his cheek over. “no Hyung you don’t understand that was” seokjin’s soft kiss on jungkook’s cheek, the first time he’d ever been kissed by the elder. “I understand perfectly my little kookie”
or the dried flowers he’d given jimin- small and yellow like his hair- not the gifts of a strong alpha that could provide but the gifts of a pup. i think namjoon would talk to jungkook and coach him through it. telling the younger pup that the best courting gifts come from the heart; you'd love something personal that you'd use often. something that would have you thinking of jungkook every time you reach for it.
he doesn't want to give you bed things- after going to your little bed things and seeing how sparse you keep your room and loft- jungkook's sure it wouldn't be appreciated. other omegas pile their beds high with little pillows and things, but you've learned to keep in simple- used to keeping on the move. you're more fierce than other omegas too- jungkook always finds himself watching you- the way your arms never strain underneath patients when you move them. arms bulging attractively. holding two pups in either arm- something he can barely do. jungkook wants to give you a courting gift to match your strength.
he's always been good at makeing things with his hands. and he channels all ofhis love and pure yearning for you into a blade. he tempers it enough to make is thin but strong, slight and small enough for you to maneuver but larger than the usual dagger. you have no use for that sort of thing- the small delicate knives that could barely do damage. no- jungkook wouldn't make the assumption of thinking you'd always have one of them on hand- jungkook knows you can keep yourself safe and he only wants to help you do that.
he even asks jimin to help him with it too, wants to make sure it's light enough for him to wield (not that the omega is weak either- it's just that omegas, in general, tend to be slighter with wider hips- different bodies than wiry straight alphas, or stout betas). after he's polished it to a smooth mirror-like surface and fashioned you a little hip holster (with jin's help for measurements; the older omega taking one of your skirts with the insistence that he'll mend it for you since you're shit at stitching things up if it isn't a wound).
after that's done- they'res the issue of trying to give it to you. jungkook's just so shy- he can't bear to give it to you face to face, or hang it on your doorknob or leave it on your chair at dinner. every time he almost hands it over he chickens out, more than once you tease him for his red face.  not understanding. the others shooting him a knowing look.
it's later one night after a little bit of wine has been drank over dinner, the alphas are out settling things down for the night, hoseok checking the wall watch, namjoon taking time to talk with a few of the heads of houses over some minor issues, and jungkook- gone to shut down the forge for the night. the betas piled into the bathroom with the door open to hear you all chatter while they bathe. and though you’re not hushed enough that they wouldn’t hear you- taehyung and yoongi tend to get a little wrapped up in each other whenever they get alone time.  you pile in with the other omegas soft in front of the roaring fire, logs piled high to the side keeping out the chill, though the wine has more than a little flush in your cheeks.
you wouldn't have relented if it wasn't seokjin who'd bugged you to let loose with them one night (what good was being lead omega if you couldn't convince your pack to let loose once in a while- seokjin's words- not yours) the three of you are giggly and drunk, it's then that seokjin and jimin unfortunately let it slip to you.
"he's been so shy- it's absolutely adorable when kookie gets flustered, i wish you where around to see it more" "me?? you mean he's flustered over me?" you're aghast but so soft looking- the kind of look that has seokjin and jimin curling up around you close. seokjin watching you from where he lays, belly against the fluffy pelt below you, watching the way jimin can't resist touching you- he's such a cuddly thing, stroking down your arms and twining your hair around his fingers. jimin's always been this way and it warms seokjin's heart to see you not flinch away like you had at first- instead leaning into his slow scent marking and grooming.
"i didn't think jungkook liked me that way" jimin laughs hard enough to tip into your leg, bent over, cheek pressed against your skirt pulled taught over your knees. "no no- you should see how excited he's been to give you his courting gift”
unbeknownst to all of them, jungkook’s just gotten in, is hanging his cloak on the door when he hears jimin’s words, at the sound of his whipping cloak and his muted ‘hyung?” jimin all but jumps up when he sees him, “you told?” jungkook looks so so crushed, can’t even raise his head to meet your eyes, jimin’s apology tumbling from his lips, but it’s you that truly soothes the alpha. “he didn’t tell me what if that helps”
“oh” thats all jungkook can say, just oh- and he boils with embarrassment, behind you, seokjin smirks a little bit as jungkook reassures jimin that it’s okay- he couldn’t have expected to keep it a secret for long after all. you stand awkwardly in the door before seokjin practically pushes you out the door,
“well it’s getting late- and since jungkookie is here he can definitely walk you home” seokjin says, nuzzling into the side of your head sweetly before he all but pushes you out, ignoring both your and jungkook’s protests. until you're all but stranded in the hallway, jungkook stoops to pull your cloak more tightly over your shoulder as you leave the compound, both of you entranced in an uncomfortable silence that slowly turns comfortable as both of you realize- what’s just transpired is all right. it’s a testament to jungkook’s character that he didn’t get upset at jimin. and it gives jungkook just a tiny bit of hope- that you hadn’t looked too offput when you’d learned of his courting gift.
“so you got me something huh?” you ask, nothing but the sound of softly falling snow accompanying you. “what was it?” you bump shoulders with him, and he looks up, little pony tail bobbing, “a pillow? or a locket? some trinket.” you're smiling and it's so easy to smile back, jungkook looks away bashfully as you round on your little cabin. “no- i didn’t want to make you anything so simple or so- unuseful.”
“if it’s from you- then it’s not unuseful,” you’re on the steps of your cabin now, kicking off the snow that's gathered there with your boots. “you really want it?” jungkook looks up at you so so hopeful. “of course i want it jungkookie,” he blushes, going red all the way from his chest to his forehead. his nose scrunches with the force of his smile and he almost melts when you cup his cheek for a second before you bid him goodnight.
he flops into the bed when he gets home, kicking his feet and nuzzling in close to seokjin’s tummy. “did she like it baby?” “didn’t give it to her yet but” jungkook is smiling so hard his cheeks are straining, “she’s so- hyung- I’m so” “I know honey- I know.” he gets it- they all do. you’re the last piece of their pack. 
the next day, you find the blade on your front porch. he must have gone home and brought it right back to your cabin. you marvel over the fine craftsmanship. the hours and hours jungkook must have spent making the blade absolutely perfect. and when jungkook catches you wearing it around your waist, his whole body feels warm and light and in love. now he no longer has you yearn so hard- or at least. not for long
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Unedited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Twenty Three: The One When They're Alone
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 4040
     Lily knew was never a huge fan of Christmas. The only reason she put the amount of effort she did into it was for Hunter. He loved the holiday. As a child, it was usually one of the only days that his father would be home the whole day. But it was one of Lily's least favourites, because her parents weren't typically home for Christmas. Usually, Lily and her siblings would find themselves up at their grandparents. She wasn't complaining, she loved her grandparents, and she knew her parents wanted to be home, but their work was essentially them constantly travelling. And then further in her future, Scott may have been there for Hunter, but he was not there for Lily. He was seemingly at his worst during the holidays...and she just happened to be the one on the receiving end of his anger.
Lily hadn't seen Bucky get angry yet. It sat in the back of her mind like a looming threat, and she wondered if the past few months had simply been a facade. That in reality, he was no different. Did she think it was true? No, no she didn't think he would ever hurt her. But she had suffered such trauma from Scott that she just...she was never too sure.
"Your turn, doll," Bucky smiled, picking up two boxes that were very clearly wrapped by Rose, seeing as the girl was sending a knowing nod at her older sister, "Yeah yeah Rose wrapped them, my attempt was sad."
Lily laughed and kissed the man's cheek before turning to his presents that sat in her lap. She picked up the first one, it was long and rectangular, not too large either. Raising her eyebrow, she carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a lovely leather case with her name scripted on the top of it. Looking over at him, she pursed her lips before lifting the black lid, feeling the tears prick at her forest green eyes. She stared down at the silver necklace, running her hands over the scripted letter that hung from the chain. It was a small pendant, simple and discreet. But it was something that made Lily's heart grow three times its size. A simple B hung from the chain.
"Buck..." she whispered, looking up at him with glazed and teary eyes, "It's lovely." she cooed, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips before lifting it from the white pillow it rested on.
"Let me." Bucky chuckled, taking the piece of jewelry and moving her blonde hair across her shoulder. She turned her back to him and shivered at his metal hand brushing against the back of her neck as he clasped the necklace together.
"Alright open the other one." Gen said excitedly, earning a head tilt from the blonde. Bucky chuckled lowly from behind her and Lily readjusted herself in her seat, carefully unwrapping the next box.
As she opened the lid of the next box, her confusion only grew. Inside the box laid a single white envelope with her name written. Reaching in and pulling out the box, Lily furrowed her eyebrows. Opening the envelope, her heart only continued to grow. Inside sat a picture of a cabin, covered in snow and decorated with lovely garland. The cabin was built of logs, and had a fire burning on the inside. The snow was so perfectly landscaped it almost seemed fake, but she knew it was just a picturesque image taken to lure people in for what she figured would be a vacation. In the bottom, a handwritten note was written out in Bucky's hand writing, with a simple few words summing up exactly what it was.
"Just the two of us." He repeated aloud, hand resting on the small of her back, tracing gentle patterns, "It's Steve's cabin. Y'know with him retired now, he doesn't exactly have a lot to do. But he said it's ours for as long as we want it." he continued, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"It's perfect, Buck," she whispered, a gentle chuckle lacing her voice as she turned and placed a kiss to his forehead, "Absolutely perfect."
And it was. Bucky and Lily had decided to take Steve up on his offer the weekend of Valentine's Day. The couple had reached three months together officially, and she figured it would be nice for them to experience the romantic weekend alone together. No kids, no sisters, no work, no distractions. Bucky had promised her that there would be no interruptions, and that it was just going to be the two of them. He made an emphasis on the whole 'no work' part, and Lily would be sure to hold him to it.
Turning off the car, Bucky turned to look at Lily with a kind and loving smile on his face, "Alright doll, we've arrived."
Lily glanced out the window and smiled at the snowy landscape. It was February so the cold wasn't unbearable, but it wasn't exactly a comfortable temperature either. Lily was a Long Island native, so Northern New York weather wasn't exactly her favourite thing. It dipped down quite low and she would have to estimate it sat at about minus ten celsius currently. Either way, she was just grateful for the time alone with Bucky. It had felt like ages since the two didn't have something going on around them. Whether it be Bucky's work, or Lily's. Not to mention, Rose was nearing her due date and constantly stressed about the arrival of her baby, while also finding somewhere to live that wasn't Lily's.
"That drive felt like hours," Lily teased, leaning over and nudging Bucky's arm, "I'm just glad you didn't fall asleep on me old man." she quipped, popping open her door and stepping out from the car.
"You have been hanging out with Sam way too much," Bucky chuckled, following the blondes suit, "You're starting to sound like him."
"Well the man is a comedic genius, I should be taking pointers." She hummed, picking up her bag from the back seat and hauling it over her shoulder, rounding the car to meet Bucky.
"Don't tell him that, it'll inflate his ego even bigger than it is." Bucky chuckled, walking over and quickly grabbing her by the waist.
The blonde let out a bright laugh, curling over in his arms and stumbling along the snow. Bucky's chuckle filled her ears like a sweet song as the two stumbled back towards the log cabin belonging to their friend. His lips found her cheek and peppered loving pecks along it, causing her giggles to evolve into small squeaks as she fumbled to pull out the keys. When she found them, it didn't take long for the blonde to unlock the door and peel herself from the supersoldiers arms. Dropping her bag and tugging the grey knit hat off of her hair, Lily turned to look back at the man who stood in front of the door. Placing her hands on her hips, she admired him for a moment. Nothing was on her mind. Just him.
The way his eyes sunk a bit deeper into his face due to the years of struggle and trauma. The way he had let his beard grow out a bit, not fully a beard but a thicker stubble. Were his shoulders always so broad? Lily admired the way his arm flexed when he removed his own hat, swallowing deeply. But the biggest thing that stood out to her was the way he looked at her. That deep thought sort of gaze, as if he were doing the same thing she was. Admiring everything about the other. No exterior factors playing any games, just the two of them. Alone. He looked at her so lovingly, watching her every move intently and studying the way she acted. He was so in tune with everything about Lily that she began to blush, and he was merely looking at her, neither had spoken.
"What're you staring at, Barnes?" she quipped, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothin', Osborne." he retorted, closing the door and sliding his jacket off before turning back towards her, a smirk evident on his lips.
Pursing her lips into a smile, Lily ran forward and jumped up onto the man, wrapping her legs around his torso. Her arms snuck around his neck, while his found underneath her thighs. Their lips hovered mere centimetres from the others, breathing in the others' existence before finally connecting. It was cheesy and cliche but she felt fireworks deep within her stomach. The two moved together like ocean waves joining together, creating a large body of water. Lily's hands tangled themselves into the short strands on the top of his head and Bucky stumbled his way to the couch. He bent over and laid her gently on the leather couch. She hummed softly at the feeling of a yarn blanket tickling at her neck as he hovered above her. Both of their faces were flushed from the cold outside and the passionate moment they had just shared. Bucky's steel blue eyes stared down at her and he reached over the couch. Furrowing her eyebrows, Lily watched as he pulled out a black old fashioned camera.
"Surprised you know how to work one of those things, old man." she teased, covering her face with her chilled hands.
"Oh don't get smart with me now, doll," he purred, moving her hands with his metal one, "you'll regret it later." the man winked, quickly snapping a photo of the woman before tossing the camera onto the table.
"Is that a threat or a promise." Lily returned, a smirk evident on her lips.
"Well...I did tell Steve he'll probably want to hire a deep cleaning service after we're done." He chuckled, resting his weight on his heels.
"James Barnes!"
Lily hummed gently to herself to the song that played through the small kitchen in the cabin. Saving All My Love For You by Whitney Houston was her background noise of choice as she put together a romantic dinner for her and Bucky to commemorate their first night there. The lyrics left her mouth in a soft tone as she chopped up cucumbers for the salad, her hips swaying gently to the music. Bucky had stepped out to the grocery store in town to pick up a few things they had left back at the house, and Lily wanted to surprise him. She had packed a dress that her and Gen had found at a vintage shop in Manhattan, it was 40's inspired, with a deep forest green colour, a bow at the collar with a keyhole that exposed a bit of her collarbone, and hit just below her knee. It had short sleeves, and made her feel like she should be on the dance floor of The Cotton Club in Harlem during the 1940's. She had attempted the classic pin curls of the time but...they were subpar.
Glancing behind her, Lily stirred the marinara sauce as the chicken baked in the oven. But the lights of the car made her stomach drop. She was hoping the snow would slow him down enough for her to finish dinner and have it ready for him when he got home. Pouting to herself, Lily returned to her chopping. Well, as much as she wanted her plan to fully execute itself, she tried her best. Not to mention, he had shown himself to be a fast driver. Her voice continued to sing out the lyrics to Whitney, as she checked on the chicken. She popped her head up briefly when she heard the crunching of snow grow closer to the door. She stood, and brushed off the soft dress she wore as she waited.
"The snow is crazy, doll, I swear," Bucky's voice called, "but I got the snacks you wanted. I also rented a few movi- woah."
A blush flooded the blonde's face as she locked eyes with the man across from her. He was covered in snow and carrying four different grocery bags. But they fell from his fists as he stared at her longer. Insecurities washed over Lily at his silence and she crossed her arms over her stomach, that familiar queasy feeling returning. Her eyes shifted to stare down at her feet as she shuffled on the hardwood floor, waiting for him to say something, or anything at that.
She didn't even hear him take off his jacket, his boots, or anything. She didn't even hear him walk over to her. But she did feel the way his arms slipped around her waist, hands playing along her stomach as the music changed into the 40's love songs she had put in the queue. The gentle sounds of guitar played as Aubrey Hepburn's melodic tone filled the kitchen. Moon River began to play, and Bucky nuzzled his face into the crook of Lily's neck. Her eyes fluttered shut as he swayed behind her, his grip moving her with him. The food long forgotten about, Lily turned to face him, arms wrapping around his neck. Their foreheads met one anothers, eyes shut as they continued to sway back and forth in the kitchen. With the snow falling outside, and the delectable smells filling the cabin, Lily felt like she was in a dream. Any worry she had ever felt leaving her as the moment consumed her.
His lips ghosted hers as the song came to an end, but his grip didn't waver. The two continued with their dance, seconds turning to minutes as time seemed to cease to exist. The only thing both felt was the bodies of each other. His hands gripping her waist, rubbing circles through the silky material of her dress. The smoky musk of him filling her senses acting as though it were a drug, sending her into a state of euphoria. She knew they weren't a conventional couple, but it were these moments that reminded her that they could be. The couple that went on walks on the beach, or walked the dog through central park. Or danced in the kitchen at 3 in the morning. Went on ice cream dates, with or without Hunter. Spent time talking and telling the other just what went on in their heads. Growing together as separate people with a shared love.
But the fire alarm pulled her back from her daydreams, and reality smacked Lily in the face.
"Oh my god the chicken!" She exclaimed, pulling away from Bucky's strong grip as she grabbed her oven mitts and pulled open the oven, a puff of smoke wafting into her face.
Bucky laughed gently as Lily scrambled around, trying to salvage the rest of the meal she had planned. When she saw the sauce and chicken however, her heart sunk down to the floor. Groaning, the blonde placed her elbows on the counter and her face in her hands. She shook her head and felt the heartbreak spread through her at her failed evening attempt.
"If it makes you feel better," Bucky cooed, lifting his girlfriends chin to look at him, "I bought your favourite pizza, and rented your favourite movie...and just so happened to pick up your favourite ice cream," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, "and as hot as you look in this dress...why don't we just get into pyjamas and watch a few movies and veg out."
Lily smiled sadly at him and nodded, "I like that plan. I should have known that trying to cook alone would be a disaster."
"I give it an A for effort."
"Oh whatever, metal man."
Lily groaned as she stretched her arms above her head, before rubbing the heel of her hand into her eyes. Peeling the lids apart, the bright sun sent a shock through her system. Collecting her barings, Lily realized her and Bucky had fallen asleep on the couch. She had to admit, it was a pretty comfy couch. It was made of leather and had deep sides with the tufted coverings, and small cashmere blankets that were not at all big enough to cover anyone. But the two had grabbed a few spare from the closet before they settled in for their movie night. Glancing down, Bucky's head rested on her stomach, the man still sound asleep. She admired the calmness in his face, the stress lines faded and smoothed out as he rested. Reaching behind her, she grabbed ahold of the camera he had brought and quickly snapped a photo, admiring his gentle snores. She ran her fingers through his hair and tilted her head to the side. Lily had known Bucky was handsome, hell, the first time she saw him she knew it.
He had chiseled cheekbones, a sharp jawline that was covered with stubble. His cheeks hollowed slightly, and his eyes creased at the edges. His nose was straight with a slight bump to it, and it fit his face shape perfectly. His eyes were hooded and even closed, held stories that she couldn't imagine. While asleep, they were less noticeable, but there were creases in the centre of his forehead, and Lily's stomach did a flip. His breathing was still that of a deep sleep, and she couldn't help but trace the contours of his face. The aged lines that each told a tale of his life. The rough patches of hair that prickled at the blonde's still hands as she continued to admire him.
Moments later, he began to stir from between her legs, causing Lily to giggle slightly as his nose scrunched. His eyes seemed to force themselves open at the noise, and the same feeling she got from the bright light seemed to hit Bucky as well. Her soft coos caused a groan to emit from the man's throat as he burrowed his face deeper into her stomach, pulling the blankets further over them both. Shaking her head, Lily pulled herself up from underneath the large man, or at least tried to. His weight was on a certain part of her body that just held her in one place. Throwing her head back, Lily shook her head before looking back down at him.
"Buck, c'mon, let's get up." She sighed, ruffling the messy curls on his head.
"Five more minutes." He whined, pulling her closer by her hips.
"No. I'm a mother, I know what five more minutes means," she laughed, "and we are not spending all day on the couch. Lets go skate on the lake today, love."
Bucky shot up, eyes wide at her request, "No. No, I refuse."
Furrowing her eyebrows, Lily crossed her slightly cramped legs, "...and why do you refuse, Mr. Barnes?"
Bucky scratched the back of his neck as he avoided the intense gaze that Lily was sending his way. Lowering her eyes, the blonde crawled forward and took his face into her hands. They locked eyes and for a moment, she thought about kissing him. But she figured it would be better to figure out why he was so against going skating. Then it clicked, and she realized just why he was so against it. Pursing her lips to keep from smiling, Lily leaned back onto her heels.
"Bucky...do you not know how to skate?" She wondered, cocking an eyebrow at him.
"...Do not tell Steve or Sam they will be on my ass about it." Bucky quickly said, taking his girlfriends hands into his own.
"I won't, I won't, but I'm invoking the 'It's Valentine's Day' card. Because it's Valentines Day, and it will be romantic," she grinned, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, "plus, I'll teach you how to skate. It's not that hard I promise. I saw they have skates down at the lake so c'mon, gotta get a good pair."
"You're gonna be the death of me, doll."
"That's what I'm here for."
He wasn't lying when he said he didn't know how to skate. Lily skated gracefully out onto the ice, waiting for Bucky to lace up his skates. It had been a while since she had skated, seeing as it wasn't something she did commonly. She used to go all the time with Gen back in Long Island when they were younger, but eventually they stopped. But her muscle memory kicked in as she twirled and skated around the ice. She dodged children and couples as she warmed up her body. Only to spot Bucky hesitantly staring at the ice in front of him. Lily made her way back towards him, stretching her mitt covered hand out towards him.
"It's not going to bite, Buck," Lily smiled softly, moving a bit closer, "C'mon. I'll be here the whole time." she reassured, gripping his hand as he curled it into hers.
The moment he stepped onto the ice, both ended up falling. Him from a lack of balance, and her from the fact he fell. Bucky groaned while Lily laughed, pushing herself off the ground and placing her hands on her hips. He had flopped his arms out and let his head fall against the ice, a clearly forced pained look on his features. Rolling her eyes, Lily gripped his hand and yanked, attempting to pull him back up onto his feet. The thing is, he was a supersoldier, she was a doctor. She had strength, hell, she pushed out a child. But you see, Bucky was, once again, a supersoldier. Dropping his arm, and crossing her own over her chest, Lily glared down at him.
"I won't cook dinner for a week if you don't help me get you up." Lily threatened, arching her brow.
Opening his eyes, Bucky mirrored her expression, "Is that a threat or a promise?" He teased, resulting in a handful of snow to be thrown at him. A low laugh escaped from his chest as Bucky heaved himself up, gripping onto Lily for support.
"Wow you're such a comedian." She quipped, rolling her eyes and gripping onto his forearms.
The two skated for a few hours. Two to be exact. Bucky had essentially latched onto Lily's waist the entire time. She skated around, dragging him behind her as he bent over and hugged himself to her back, arms tightly wound around her waist. At one point, he did let go and try to stand on his own. He lasted about...five minutes. After that, Lily had to offer her back as support for the poor man so he didn't go tumbling face first into the ice. The entire time was spent laughing and stumbling, as well as Lily trying her hardest to just get him to stand. Sadly, she didn't have much luck. He continued to grip onto her even when they were heading back towards the edge to leave and take off their skates. It was endearing, but Lily had hoped to get somewhere with it. Still, she had a good time. And seeing The Winter Soldier be genuinely afraid to fall made Lily's heart swell. Seeing that more vulnerable side of him made Lily sure they were moving in a good direction in their relationship.
As the two neared the cabin, Lily saw a familiar car parked on the road across from where they were staring. She didn't think too much of it as they walked into the cabin, ridding of their coats and winter gear they had layered on, to face the bone chilling cold that had taken over the outdoors. Both then dropped onto the couch with cups of tea and coffee, Lily had the tea, and Bucky the coffee. His arm draped around her, drawing patterns into her knit sweater covered arm.
But the peace didn't last long.
A knock on the door surprised Lily and Bucky. They both stopped talking about their ideal vacations, and turned to look at the door. Lily placed her tea down and stood to her feet, making her way over towards the wooden piece. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she glanced over at Bucky before she pulled the door open. Her jaw went slack and mind went blank when she saw the person. Because she knew the reason he would be here.
"Hey Lily...is Bucky here?"
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Hey guess what
You're a wonderful person and you can't fight it.
But thats not what im here for, I am here to ask question. The same question I asked Ash a while ago.
If your mutuals were dogs what kind of dog would they be? (Mutt is an acceptable answer)
Do not answer this on October 25 please.
Well I believe I've answered this already at some point but I will answer again!
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@a-casual-egg : Yep, always with the yellow or gold for you. But loyal, cute, fluffy, energetic, beautiful. I just get the image of you bounding round trying to make people happy and being enthusiastic.
"Egg, no! Don't jump in the....You're not getting in the car now, I'm not having a wet dog in the car."
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@thegreatwhodini : Something cute and fluffy, loyal but striking. Energetic, smart. I get the image of Krish bounding through snow and forest, fun but they have a mission. Possibly in a log cabin at some point, laying on a blanket and getting snow everywhere, making everything wet but no one can be angry, look at the dog.
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@murderturtles : My opinion that they are a pincher is never going to change. To me it's the most striking colour-wise for a dog. The build, the colour and the attitude. Smart, quick, somewhat intimidating, loyal, defensive, amazing. Image of a somewhat wild looking dog around a junkyard, intimidating anyone they dislike but being insanely loyal to those they protect. Just a wonderful dog and person.
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@hyrule-rian : Aleris has made me think smol is always appropriate for Rian. Yorkies are just bundles of elegance, energy, power and smarts. Unlike most small terriers I'd say they're less yappy and more cheeky. (Though cheek is common with terriers as well.) I get the image of a Yorkie just bounding down and controlling all these other bigger dogs because no one's going to mess with that dog, look at it, it's a force to be reckoned with.
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@good-lord-no : Okay...maybe Griff's NOT like a beautiful Irish Wolfhound but...they both have my heart, are idiots, adorable, with hearts almost as big as them, loyal, snuggly, make me smile, laugh and I'd let do anything to me. They're selfless to a point of danger. This is just me loving the breed so....sorry guys.
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peppermintquartz · 3 years
minific, Playroom!verse
TyRo (E)
“Do you think I should order a diesel generator for our trip?”
“What?” Roman looks up from his tablet to see Tyler staring intently with a slight frown at his own tablet, one finger poised in the air. “Babe, what are you talking about?”
Tyler glances over. “You know, our trip into the wilderness next weekend. We’ll need power, right? Won’t we need, like, electricity?”
With a sigh and then a quiet laugh, Roman sets aside his work and goes over to kiss his boyfriend. “Babe,” he says, very seriously, “we’re just going to a cabin in the woods. We’ll have electricity, and a modern toilet, and we’re gonna be fine.”
“We won’t have internet service though,” Tyler says, pouting. “I’m going to be so out of touch by the time we get back.”
Still grinning, Roman kisses him on the forehead and flicks the same spot, making him yelp. “It’s just one weekend, babe, you’re just going to have to suck it up and bear with it.”
Tyler rolls his pretty brown eyes. “Fine. If a Kardashian murders someone over the weekend and I didn’t get to hear about it because we’re off ‘roughing it’, you’re gonna pay.”
The cabin is small, in Tyler’s opinion, though nothing can possibly be smaller than Roman’s two bedroom apartment, which, thankfully, Roman no longer leases. Tyler visited just once, out of curiosity, and never returned. There's only so much he will endure for his boyfriend, and a bathroom without a tub is not on the list.
At least this cabin has a good-sized kitchen for Roman to work in, a decent queen-sized bed, and the single bathroom looks clean, with subway tiles on the wall and deep gray slate flooring. There is a clawfoot tub, too, even if it’s not big enough for them both to share, as well as a shower.
The weather is going to become colder through the weekend, however; Tyler still has reservations about staying in a tiny cabin in the middle of the woods in Maine in October, but Roman hasn't had time off for all of spring and summer, so they're going to make the best of it. Besides, Roman promised a cozy time.
“Tyler, help with the groceries,” Roman calls out. "I'm gonna grab some wood for the fireplace."
"I know I wanna grab some wood," Tyler mutters to himself as he puts away the supplies. Squash, carrots, cabbage, steaks, bacon, cereal, berries, apples, juice boxes (what the hell?), beer, wine (thank fuck), ... "Where are my snacks?"
He scrunches up the plastic bags - they'll use it for their trash - and heads outside to ask Roman about the rest of their food, but stops the second he sees his boyfriend.
His tall, muscled, tattooed, sweaty, practically shirtless boyfriend. With an ax. Chopping wood.
Tyler whimpers.
Roman swings the ax down and the log snaps apart with a satisfying crack. When he straightens, he spies Tyler at the door and lifts up his protective goggles. His red flannel shirt, the one Tyler has teased him mercilessly about for the entire trip, is now unbuttoned, how rude. "Babe, hey. I'm almost done, gonna split another log. Joe said that would last us for the weekend, unless there's unexpected snow."
"Yeah, I'll wait. Here. While you do that," says Tyler. He marvels that he kept his voice steady, considering that he's picturing himself bending over that stump so Roman can work with a different kind of wood. Ax not necessary.
Roman doesn't seem to notice. After placing another log on the stump, he raises his arms (Tyler notices how beautifully the light catches on his bronze skin) and swings down, splitting the wood neatly in half. Then he splits the seasoned wood into quarters, then eighths, as if he's done this all his life.
Tyler says as much when he helps to gather up the firewood.
"I had to do it back as a kid, and Dad said it was character-building to chop firewood for the lovely old folks living next door," Roman says, "except we were in Florida so it wasn't like we needed firewood of any sort. I think Dad just wanted me working out my teenage energy."
"I have to meet your parents soon and thank your father for insisting," Tyler says with an innocent smile. He carries the cut wood inside, careful not to let the fibers or bark catch on his clothes.
Roman chuckles. "You're finally ready to meet my parents? They've only wanted to meet you since, I dunno, the moment they heard we were dating."
It's not really a big deal, but it is a big deal to Tyler. He fights down the initial rejection and instead says, "I'll go meet them, on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Stay dressed like a lumberjack and fuck me right now."
Roman's eyebrows climb, his wide mouth curving with a smug smile. "Knew you'd want some once you see this getup." He removes the goggles and advances on Tyler who's kneeling on the rug in front of the fireplace. "It was fucking cold with the shirt unbuttoned."
"Fuck the cold. You should've gone shirtless completely," Tyler murmurs before Roman's lips close over his.
The tall man still has his gloves on as he pulls off Tyler's long-sleeved shirt, and the texture of those rough work gloves over Tyler's skin is more tantalizing than he thought possible. He whines as Roman assaults his neck with his bearded mouth, while his gloved hands play over his nipples. The flannel shirt is soft in Tyler's grip and he whines again, torn between wanting Roman to remove the shirt and wanting Roman to fuck him with the shirt on.
He jolts when his hand falls on bare floor. "Babe, hang on, we gotta turn up the heat. I don't want pneumonia."
"Do people even get pneumonia these days?" Roman murmurs, still mouthing greedily at Tyler's neck, like a persistent vampire trying to locate the best place to bite. "I'll turn up the heat, don't worry."
"Babe, I'm serious. It's barely forty-five degrees and the sun's going down."
With a grumble, Roman stands up, showing off just how much he's enjoying their making out. Then he smiles smugly and winks at Tyler. "I've already cut the wood, might as well make use of it."
Tyler bites his lower lip, his skin prickling from the chill and also from anticipation, as Roman starts a fire. It takes him a few tries before the wood is crackling happily, but the flames do catch, and soon Roman is back on top of Tyler again. He strips his boyfriend mercilessly, ignoring the blond man's weak protests, and takes off one of his gloves to dig around a pocket of his jeans.
"Babe, you good with a bit of rough?" Roman mutters as he finally locates his condom. "Kinda wanna just fuck you without prep, but only if you're good with that."
Tyler bites his lower lip and nods. The rug is comfortable enough, and having his sexy Samoan beast of a boyfriend in a flannel shirt and jeans looking like the rugged lead of some cheesy romance novel is turning him on in a way he didn't expect. "Keep your clothes on," he begs.
"Can't fuck you if my dick is in my pants."
"Well, yes, I want that, but don't take the jeans off. Just-" Sitting up, Tyler hastens to help Roman undo his belt and fly, reaching inside to grope his boyfriend's erection. He practically coos when Roman starts grinding against his hand. "Come on, babe, make like a lumberjack and work that wood."
Roman pauses and stares at Tyler, an eyebrow raised. "Jokes like that will kill the libido."
"Oh come on," Tyler begs with a mischievous glint in his pretty eyes. "Shiver me timbers now."
"That's for pirates," says Roman, but he hauls his boyfriend's bare ass onto his lap once he has rolled thr condom onto his stiff cock. "Ready?"
Tyler takes a deep breath and exhales, shaky and warm, as Roman breaches him. Another slow breath and he sinks down, thankful that they had sex earlier that day and so he's not too tight for this to hurt.
The flannel under Tyler's hands is soft, and he can feel the roughness of denim (and the cool metal of the zipper) under his ass and thighs; Roman's bare chest glistens, and even the scar across his belly seems gilded.
Roman nuzzles the tender skin under Tyler's jaw. "Ride me, babe, I wanna watch you fall apart."
"You gonna catch me?"
"Yeah. Promise." Roman pulls Tyler in for a punishingly sweet kiss. "You're in safe hands."
Tyler obliges and begins moving. True to his word, Roman keeps his hands - one gloved, one bare - on his hips, and his eyes skate from Tyler's face down to his erection and back up.
It's barely a few minutes when Roman shoves Tyler down, hard, making him gasp, and then pulls out. Ignoring Tyler's protests, he rolls them onto the blond man's back.
"Hang on now," Roman warns, a feral smirk on his lips, his nose wrinkling slightly just before he shifts Tyler's left leg over his shoulder. Then he thrusts into Tyler again, who gasps with delight, his eyes rolling back in his head. Somehow, Roman feels thicker in him. "Yeah, yeah this works. This is better."
His gloved hand grabs Tyler's left knee and his bare hand grips the back of Tyler's neck. He takes a deep breath before he starts pounding into his boyfriend in earnest, sucking Tyler's thumb into his mouth and biting lightly on the knuckle. Tyler's free hand is tangled in the collar of the red flannel shirt, twisting and pulling as he fights for air and leverage. He can't push back much against Roman, almost entirely at his mercy, and he moans, high and sweet, when Roman releases his thumb and begins sucking at the crook of his neck and under his ear, his hot breath heavy and damp.
Blindly, Tyler grips what he can of Roman's shoulders, the flannel shirt making it hard for him to get much purchase. Roman works hard, his hips thrusting quick and hard, chasing Tyler towards the edge, relentless and ravenous.
"Roman, Roman," Tyler cries out breathlessly, before his back arches and his voice cracks. He comes in a sticky mess between them, and whimpers when Roman doesn't stop, doesn't even slow, his fingers clutching weakly at the red shirt and trying to tangle into Roman's dark hair.
With a low, quiet grunt, Roman suddenly tenses, and then his hips jolt and jerk. Tyler is gasping, eyes tearing up from oversensitivity, and presses his slack lips to Roman's forehead and cheek. His heart is racing wildly. Roman buries his face in Tyler's neck. Now and again his tongue darts out to lap at where he was sucking on Tyler's skin, as if trying to prove to himself that he didn't inflict any hurt.
They stay cuddled for a while. Eventually, Roman slips out of him, and then ties off the condom to toss it at the wastebasket near the coffee table. It lands on the rim.
"That looks so floppy and sad," Tyler comments, and for some reason that sets him off into a giggle fit. "A floppy condom. Floppy dick."
Roman pulls his laughing boyfriend into his arms and kisses the top of his head. "You ridiculous man," he mumbles. "You're the only one who makes me want to be this silly for you every day."
Tyler wipes the tears from his eyes. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that I love you, babe," Roman answers. "I mean that I wanna make you laugh every damn day of my life, no matter how silly I have to be."
"Even dressing up as a lumberjack?"
"Yes. And enduring dumb jokes about timber and lumber and whatnot."
"Well, you know how it is. Once you go wood, nothing's as good."
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thegayfromrulid · 3 years
How about a Yujikiri oneshot where they're in the real world, Eugeo misses snow and since they can't just make it snow, Kirito gets some really rare item in Alfheim that makes it snow wherever they are and uses that for a VR date with him.
Hello, anon! This was such a cute prompt! <3 I really enjoyed writing this. I had a lot of fun brainstorming the rare item for this, as well as imagining these two cute boys having fun in the snow! 
           “Does it ever snow in Saitama?”
           The question seemed a bit out of nowhere to me, as I finished loading the dishwasher and hadn’t been talking about climate with Eugeo prior to this moment. I looked up from what I was doing and saw him gazing out of the window, looking around at the world. It was still summer, even after spending an incredibly long time inside of the STL as a member of the Underworld. I wiped off my hands and went to stand over beside him, giving him a grin.
           “Yeah, sometimes,” I said. “Usually in the winter we’ll get some decent flakes. Why?”
           There was a sad look on his face, one that made me start to think. He was eager to see snow again. Eugeo had lived in Rulid, which was at the northernmost tip of Norlangarth. He’d lived at the foot of mountains, which meant that he was used to colder winters. Since he’d left that village, he’d not seen as much snow in the warmer capital city. It had been, in a sense, ages since he’d seen snow.
           Eugeo brushed it off, though, acting as if he wasn’t missing seeing it. I shouldn’t have expected anything less. Eugeo was the sort of person who never talked about the things troubling his heart. I would just have to do something about this. I told him it might not be as long as he thought before he saw snow again, to which he laughed and told me there was no such thing as a cryogenic art in the real world. I just laughed and saw him off, eager to get a plan in motion.
           I did a bit of online searching with the help of Suguha. As it would turn out, there was a very rare item in ALO that had the power to make it snow anywhere in the world. It was a stone, a mate to similar stones with different weather properties: summoning rain, clearing the skies for a sunny day, summoning a tornado or a hurricane or a tsunami. These stones were meant to give certain fairy races advantages and disadvantages in a PvP fight. I figured they would work just as well for a little date-time surprise.
           The entire group agreed to help out with the mission to recover the ‹‹ Snær Stone ››, so-called for the runes that decorated its surface. They spelled out the word “snær,” an Old Norse name for snow, Suguha told me. In order to earn the stone, we had to complete a rather difficult quest in an area of ALO called Niflheim called “The Hunt of Ullr.” In the quest, the patron saint of skiers, Ullr, offers players sets of skis and asks them to hunt down wolf-type monsters to protect the local NPC population. As a reward for the quest, each player would receive money, special snow resistant gear, the skis themselves, and, to the player with the most kills, the ‹‹ Snær Stone ››.
           Alice offered to keep Eugeo busy and offline for the duration of the quest, giving the rest of the group time to head out to the Niflheim area and complete the quest. It proved to be particularly tricky, as expected, as the act of skiing wasn’t as easily picked up as was sword fighting with the assist system. Much like riding horses or driving vehicles, this action in VR required some real-world practice—of which, to my surprise, Klein had the most. We spent a fair amount of time learning how to ski, and once we sort of had that down, the best player wound up being Sinon, whose bow gave her a serious advantage over the rest of us when hunting down the wolves. The gang agreed to let me have the last attack on each monster, though, so that I would end up with the stone.
           The stone felt well-earned by the time Ullr was placing it in my hands. I wanted to fall over from fatigue, but I was reminded that this was only the first step of the plan. I had to exit the dive, meet up with Eugeo, and then convince him to come back to the log cabin with me for a special snowy date. I stayed behind with Asuna, staring at the stone in my palm as I thought.
           “Do you think this will really be enough for him?” I asked her.
           She gave me that knowing best friend smile, and then she reached over to me and closed my fingers around the stone. Our eyes met, and she smiled at me, nodding.
           “He loves you, Kirito,” she said. “Don’t panic. He’s going to be very happy that you put in this much effort for him.”
           I felt my confidence increase just a bit. Asuna always knew what to say.
           “Now, go give your boyfriend a present he won’t forget!” she told me.
           In a flash, she was gone, leaving me alone with my thoughts. She was right. Eugeo knew that there was no magic in Japan. He would never fault me for using ALO as the date location for snow because of that. There was nothing for me to worry about. Nodding to myself, I quickly slipped the stone into my inventory and logged out to go and text Eugeo.
           He agreed to meet up with me at a game shop close to my house. I told him to bring along his Amusphere so that we could get in some gaming time together. He went along with it. I think playing ALO reminded him of how we met. The fantasy world, even though it wasn’t at all the same as the one he’d been raised in, made more sense to him than my home world did. We checked out a few new titles at the store and then headed back to my place. I urged him to dive from my bed next to me.
           “If you insist,” he said. “But there’s more room if one of us takes the couch.”
           I laughed and shook my head.
           “We’ll be diving,” I said. “Do we really need that much extra room?”
           He just smiled at me and shook his head. He knew just as well as I did that it was an excuse to lay beside him. We climbed onto the bed, laying side-by-side, and slipped on our Amuspheres to dive into the log cabin. We shouted the log on command in unison, and seconds later, we were standing in the living area, right where we’d logged out. I smiled across the room at the blue-eyed Undine boy. I hurried over to him and grasped his hand. Eugeo let out a slight yelp and then a laugh as I tugged him along after me into the forest.
           “Where are we going, Kirito?” he asked, smiling over at me.
           I picked a spot in the woods that had a little bit of a clearing, and I stopped to remove the stone from my inventory. I’d read over the item’s instructions for how to use it. I recited a spell that had been given to me in those instructions, making sure to pronounce everything carefully as I spoke. I turned back to Eugeo, who had a quizzical look on his face, and I waited. I slipped the stone into my pocket and reached one hand out to him. He took it, still confused, and he smiled at me.
           “What kind of a spell was that?” he asked.
           I pointed my other hand up. He slipped his fingers into my hand as his eyes followed my gesture. I watched his eyes start to sparkle as he realized what was happening. Gentle snowflakes started to fall around us, landing on the ground, the trees, and our avatars. Luckily for me, this particular spell caused an area effect that would turn this place into a wintry landscape. The ground started to turn white with packed snow, and the trees held just enough to look like an old-fashioned Christmas card. Eugeo started laughing and put out his hand to catch a few of the snowflakes.
           “How did you do that, Kirito?” he asked.
           Pulling the stone out of my pocket, I opened his palm and set it down in his hand.
           “With this, we can see snow anytime we like,” I said.
           Eugeo clutched the stone in his palm and then threw his arms around me, tackling me with a hug. We fell down into the freshly fallen snow, sending up a powdery spray as we landed. The both of us laughed, now covered with icy crystals. Eugeo leaned forward and slipped his lips into mine, stealing a warm kiss amidst the cold now swirling gently around us. I cupped his face in my hands, feeling his cold cheeks start to fill with warmth.
           His eyes opened a little as he pulled away from the kiss. Our noses were barely touching. The snow falling around his face made him look less like a fairy and more like an angel. Some of it stuck to his hair, and the sunlight hit those crystals, making them sparkle. I smiled. He looked so handsome in the snow. It had been so long since I’d seen him smiling the way he’d smiled at me back in the Underworld.
           “Thank you,” he whispered. “I missed this so much.”
           I chuckled.
           “I’m glad you like the snow,” I said.
           Eugeo shook his head.
           “No, not just the snow,” he said. “I missed us just enjoying the simple things in life together.”
           I pulled him in for another kiss.
           “Me, too,” I admitted.
           I rolled us over in the snow and hopped up to my feet.
           “Now,” I said. “Are we going to enjoy this weather, or are we just going to sit and kiss in the snow?”
           Before Eugeo could respond, I was already tossing a bit of snow at him. He laughed like a child and jumped up to start throwing it back at me. We frolicked around in the snow, tossing it at one another, rolling around in it, and building little snowmen, completely lost in a little corner of winter that we’d made for ourselves. When we’d tired ourselves out, we went back into the cabin to log out, and we curled up against one another, gently dozing off as we warmed one another up from the virtual chill.
           A glimpse of Eugeo’s face before I fell asleep told me everything I needed to know. He was smiling brightly. I cuddled up to him, grateful that this VR snow day had brought him such a happy smile.
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jisungiespark · 4 years
tagged by: @antifasera :)
stars or clouds / tony stark or steve rogers (I'm not a big fan of either, but I liked tws and cw would've been better if it was just cap/nat/sam/bucky) / buzzfeed unsolved or buzzfeed worth it / lavender or rose / chocolate or vanilla / latte or americano / police procedural shows or hospital shows (I know it sounds bad and I rly don't like cop shows but I kinda like criminal minds) / fast zombies or slow zombies (both are awesome) / modern films or classic films (I like both, but we used to actually put effort into most films; now, not so much but there are always new amazing ones coming out each year and I sound pretentious but I'm talking abt like washed up horror movies, reboots and superhero stuff as being low effort) / musicals or plays (maybe musicals?) / h*milton or in the height / blue lightsaber or green lightsaber (like both, mainly green) / hats or headbands (bandanas are best but I also love snap backs and some headbands are adorable) / queen or elton john / multicolored lights or white lights / pastels or neon (I'm picky so it depends on exactly which colors, and how they're being used) / flowers or succulents / log cabin or hotel / sprinkles or cookie crumbs / ghosts or aliens / single book or book series (I rarely read LOL) / library or bookstore / brunch or dinner / snow or leaves / jean jacket or leather jacket / tea cup or mug / galaxies or constellations
tagging: @prestige2008 @puccicontrol @zhouyixuan @spacerschoice and if anyone else wants to do it, please do~ and say you tagged me I'd love to read it :)
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orangetreenurturer · 2 years
The Native American Brown Bear
Bears are soft cuddly warm blankets of love
They are helpful with multiple things in terms of the usage of their nails.. They are close animals and love to be near their people and are very protective of children. They have sharp teeth for shredding meat and black noses because they do not enjoy direct sunlight and prefer to nap all day thus them being great sources of information about anything. They really do sleep on it..
When they sleep they Astral travel to other worlds where they learn their information like we do. They prefer to be fed by their keepers such as bones, organs and meat you don't want. They are not a huge fan of running after meals as they're to heavy for constant running. They have small ears because love closeness especially the whispers of little children. They have small eyes because they do not go far for hunting and prefer to eat something that's within a close proximity to them.
They usually prefer something that's already been eaten because they don't like killing and requires training to hunt as they have to ask prey whether they want to be alive or not and will eat fur. Bears are known for catching fish too because they find it fun and usually fish will just straight into their mouths because they know the bears are there.
If you're ever in the woods and you see a bear make sure your not giving the notion that you came to die or else they will eat you because you said so.. Also if you're a threat to their environment they will also attact to protect their land, babies, family and other animals that walk through that area as they know this is where the bears stay so when they don't feel well they know who will take care of them.
They have long noses to sniff out the baddies, they're very susceptible people with negative intention or animals with negative intentions. They can also smell when the rain is coming.
A brown bears prefered sleeping environment is a log cabin with a fire place and would prefered to be used a bed for a small child of 7.
They have small tails because they are cute, long tails represent, agility, cunning and fastness where as short tails represent stubbornness, laziness and gluttony.
Bears are masculine in feature but feminine in softness.
Their brown coats protect them against winds and are very warm even in heavy snow they don't like walking in wet environments as it gets their hair soggy. Tho they'd rather be in a cabin they have a few layers to keep them warm.
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I can apply these traits to a myself as someone with a bear I as spirit animal: Stubborn, loves sleep, protective of children doesn't go out much. Like a little fun in the summer time and like people talking about their day in whispers.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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April 18: Rocky IV
(previous notes: Rocky III)
The Cold War one! I was in high school when this came out, and it seems like the Rocky movie that has most endured in pop culture for people my age, and even younger maybe? I haven't seen it in a very, very long time so I'm wondering if the Rocky-versus-All-Of-Communism logline is going to seem like a pathetically irrelevant conflict. Or, frankly, if that sentiment is going to sound like the dipshits that attacked the US Capitol just a few short months ago. It's definitely going to feel like just a slight twist on a formula that's been working, right? Let's see…
Totally different intro from the rest of the series, and surprisingly the recap of the end of the last movie also includes the hit single from the last movie. But also there is a thing about an American-flag glove and a Soviet-flag glove punching each other into an explosion.
They were so happy with the chummy chit-chat at the end of Rocky III that they just gratuitously include that whole scene here. It is a cheap way to eat up a couple of minutes.
Oh My God. The first actual new scene in this movie serves the important purpose of documenting for all time how dazzlingly technically advanced things were in 1985. For Paulie's birthday party, he gets a ROBOT! It talks… ROBOT-style! Paulie is whelmed by how robot-y it is.
"Open your prize," Rocky tells her when asking Adrian to open her PRESENT. Why did he say "prize".
MEANWHILE IN SOVIET UNION… They do a quick montage that only vaguely suggests something about a boxer and the USSR.
Apollo Creed spots an innocuous news story about Russian boxer Ivan Drago coming to America to participate in sportsmanlike fighting. AC is PISSED! A Russian being competitive, oh hell no.
At least Drago has a female companion so there will be an actual female character who isn't played by Talia Shire.
"Commies Are Evil" isn't the only theme of this movie; there's also "The Marvels of Technology". Drago's unmatched strength is demonstrated for the press in a very electricity-filled gym. And the robot has been in three scenes already in the first fifteen minutes! Oh I hope they aren't going to get me to fall in love with Robot Character only to have it lose in a boxing match to The Commies.
Big press conference to announce that AC will be fighting Drago in an exhibition match. AC is all cocky and Drago literally says nothing the whole scene. He is characterized as perhaps yet another robot character. But his wife and some other Russian guy do all the talking, and if they're supposed to seem like the Bad Guy, I don't see it. They are perfectly diplomatic and AC is just acting like a tool.
0:23:23 - I remember this scene, we all do, oh yes we do. The Fight That Does Not Go So Well. It starts with a super flashy intro; they're at the venue in Vegas and there are showgirls and pretend fighter planes and Actual James Brown singing this movie's legit hit single, "Living in America", singing it all At The Russians as AC descends in front of a monster thing in spangly Uncle Sam garb. AC actually dances alongside James Brown and around Drago. What they're doing, these diabolical filmmakers, is going to make what happens next sting the audience pretty bad.
Right before the fight, Drago's first line is "you vill lose". Monotone. Robotic. Technology! #1985
Drago beats him to actual death, he twitches on the floor as Drago robotically says things like "I will not be defeated". It is a bummer, this turn of events.
New press conference. Rocky is going to fight Drago. "No money. It's not about the money." That's weird, addressing money in this press conference. They're not really addressing the monumental fact that Rocky is sitting next to the guy that killed Apollo Creed.
This time, the Soviets are less diplomatic. Rocky barely says anything, but the old Russian dude calls him little and weak. They have a good point, though, about how Drago gets death threats in the US on account of he is a killer of an American hero, even though the wife also says he is not a killer. But that's why the fight will be in Russia.
New montage with a very 80s pop song. Worth noting that we have not heard any of the famous music from the first movie. This montage also looks very 80s, with it's flashbacks using a lot of different, highly techologically sophisticated frame rates.
0:42:41 - Adrian eye-close sighting! Thank you so much for that, it is what we all want and only you, Rocky-movie, can provide it.
Flashbacks to all the other movies. He is thinking about it all as he anticipates The Hell Of Going To Russia. Remember when he pointed to the jacket in the window that one time? Rocky does. Remember when he looked at his statue? Rocky does. He even somehow remembers Adrian closing her eyes. This is a music video with mostly recycled footage from the whole series.
0:48:35 - Another "modern" pop song, I think it's the band called Survivor again. Were we supposed to love all the catchy tunes and go out and buy the soundtrack? We only remember the James Brown one in 2021.
It is snowy in Russia ha ha! Paulie has joined him on the trip because he is part of Rocky's staff, but he doesn't like how cold it is ha ha.
Rocky's quarters consist of a log cabin dripping with icicles at the foot of some really pretty mountains. I play Geoguessr a lot and I don't ever see pretty mountains like that in Russia, but they must have them, right?
Rocky has been assigned minders. He is told they will go wherever he goes. I'm pretty sure that's not an unfair characterization.
He's got Apollo's trainer guy there with him, but Rocky makes it clear that he just has to do this training stuff on his own or whatever blah blah.
Now a montage going back and forth between Drago training and Rocky just running through the snow-covered countryside. ON HIS OWN. Plus also sawing wood and displacing boulders on his own. Oh and being the dog in a dogsled pulling Paulie! Locals look at Rocky because, look, a man doing something, that's new and confusing. Drago has electric machines. Rocky fells trees! Drago is inside comfortable facilities. Rocky is growing his beard out! The minders observe it all. The minders observe it all.
There is a subplot about how Adrian is dealing with this whole thing. She had been unconfident earlier, and did not join Rocky in USSR. But surprise, she is now there in Russia suddenly because love! Rocky continues to train, not so alone-y now and with a new rock song with more major chords. That is Drago's weakness! Communism hates major triads.
Gotta have inspired running, right? This time Rocky runs up a snowy mountain, running so hard that the minders can't keep up! At the peak he does his trademark cheer howl in that pretty place… but he is saying "DRAGO!!!!!!!!!"
Just like that, we're at the big fight. This time it's in Russia and it's mostly uniformed soldiers in the crowd.
Ugh. Quick cut to Rocky's kid watching at home on TV with friends. He says "that's my dad" and one of them replies "what do you think we are, nerds?" Ladies and gentlemen, the wit of Mr. Stallone: Screenwriter.
Do we need to talk about Drago's hair? He has very styled hair. I think it looks like Vanilla Ice hair. Is that a strange choice? I don't know how to think about hair, I guess.
"I must break you". That's what Drago says to Rocky right before they fight. I remember it. It is an above average dialogue choice compared with other Rocky-movie-right-before-the-fight dialogue choices.
Drago punches Rocky a lot, and the commentators make sure we know that Rocky might lose and they may even have to stop the fight. But also, yes, it does just look like Rocky is taking a lot of rough beating.
"He's not human. He's a piece of iron." So speaks Drago in unbecoming monotone. I don't know what that means.
It's a montage now, an appealingly edited summary of a whole bunch of rounds. The two boxers are both doing well and maybe not doing well, both. Montage.
I guess I'm experiencing what I remember noticing back when I first saw this in the 80s, which is that they really did convince us that Drago was indestructible, and now we're seeing him be damaged and it's kind of satisfying.
1:21:15 - Whoa, I forgot about this. The Soviet Diplomat Man is giving Drago a hard time about not winning yet, and Drago lifts him up violently by the neck and says something about I Will Win For Me, For Me. It's a little like we're supposed to think Drago is increasingly inspired by American Freedom, maybe? But it won't help him if he's still the bad guy in a Rocky movie.
This fight is taking a long time. A lot of this movie's running time is being consumed by this fight.
Eventually Rocky wins, because it turns out that he is just better because Freedom, and it's that same tiresome "Rocky-won" music, maybe arranged a little differently.
What does he say in the mic at the end? What is his message? "During this fight, I seen a lot of changing…" he says that during this fight, like during the actual boxing match, they all grew to appreciate each other. And it's better to do boxing than do nuclear annihilations. The whole crowd cheers for Rocky! Even the important Soviet Boss Men, startling even themselves with their abrupt adoration of The Wise American. Then when he says Merry Christmas Kid to his kid at home, well this whole entire crowd clearly thinks Rocky is better than their whole entire country. We don't see Drago any more. We don't know if he, too, is moved by Rocky's profound monologue. And we never find out what Drago and Robot Character think of each other.
So that's it, that's the end of Rocky IV. I get why it fires people up in a simple way, but I don’t think it's good. It totally assumes you'll understand that Rocky wins because the USSR just kind of sucks. Or you won't care that it's improbable that Rocky wins because it's just so gratifying to see Drago falter. Which they achieve by making him look very perfect, and having no charming characteristics.
It's true, though, how cocky we were about technology in the mid-80s.
(next: Rocky V)
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