#thank you aud :)
spaceratprodigy · 5 months
@oldworldwidgets — [ palette prompts ]
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jennyfromthebes · 10 months
Left home in a blur
Arrived in the night
Everything is going to be alright
Came back to the place
Where it all flared out
Just to check if the reservoir
Still bore the mark of the drought
Up to 13th and Taylor, check my pulse
You weren’t there, and neither was anybody else
Stared down demons, came back breathing
No real point in ever leaving
Tracy and Ivory and Brad and me too
We will see some great miracle before the night is through
Slipped in through the entrance
Stood in the hall
Left my fingerprints on the elevator wall
Went down to my old room
Stood outside it a minute
Wondering if parts of me
Were still there in it
Who can say it won’t be me
You are gone now and I am free
Wesley and Quinn and Devon and you
We will all be fixed up as good as new
And I stared at the number 10 on my old apartment’s door
That’s one ghost that can’t bite me anymore
And someday we will all feel at home in our new skin
And someday we will never be alone again
When the sun comes up and the night has passed
We shall all be healed at last, at last, at last
We Shall All Be Healed (track written for the album of the same name but unreleased), performed at 2015-10-04 - Saturn - Birmingham, AL, recording from the Internet Archive.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 7 months
we’re getting new Vongola rings except bc they’re proper real jewellery they’re ¥20,900 each. :)
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
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Why does my art take forever
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salarymanwaka · 1 year
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I've restocked a few things on my online store and finally stopped procrastinating on adding them to the catalog so here it is!! (><)o;; ⭐ low stock and pre-2022 items are not included, but can be checked directly on the store website: [here] ⭐ details for freebie holiday postcards can be found at the bottom, currently there is a limit of 3 free cards per person or 10 per order there's also a USA group order going on until Jan 12th! 🇺🇸 so anyone hoping to save on shipping fees feel free to check it out!
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sanguineterrain · 3 months
ok so the store I worked at when I was 19 had tv displays that would play movies that they would occasionally cycle through and one of those movies was superman returns. about 4 days a week, 7-8 hrs a shift, for 6 MONTHS I worked next to a display of 5 tvs playing superman returns over and over and over again.
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..anyway, brandon routh is adorable and one of my favorites of the super boys. if you can ignore the kevin spacey as lex luther it's a pretty good movie.
lmaoooo aud I feel like my DC interest keeps triggering repressed memories of yours 😭 8 hours straight is CRAZY
I haven't met a Superman I don't like tbh and I think Brandon Routh will only extend that list! So maybe I will watch it and ignore Kevin creepy 🤔 Dean Cain's beautiful eyes and mouth called to me tonight so I began watching Lois and Clark (so far I like it a lot!) If anyone was wondering lol
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astuteobservations · 8 months
I found a pair of gymshark leggings for $7 at a salvos 🥵
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gallawitchxx · 11 months
I feel like I haven't stumbled upon many of your reblogs recently. Why is the tumble cycle trying to keep us apart??
Anyway, I love you, I miss you, and I hope you can take a minute today and dance in your living room with the blinds open.
AUDS AUDS AUUUUUUDS! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺 i love you so much, thank you for popping into my inbox! 😌😌😌😇
tumblr (derogatory) is always trying to keep us apart! how rude! & also i moved timezones & have just been traveling again, so i have not been on the dash all that much these days. but i try to keep up! & i am absolutely still here!
auds, i love you, i miss you, i myself had to go to your blog the other day to catch up on the vacation boys, & i hope that you're surrounded by only love & warmth today & every day 🖤🖤🖤
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squirrel-fund · 1 year
Cheese on a cracker, I am so easily distracted sometimes.
Have a sweet Andy sets up a surprise at the wrong campsite gif as an apology and know I think you're super wonderful as well 🧡
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everlarrk · 1 year
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Yes drugs are dangerous, I almost bought a metre tall lava lamp whilst high and I can not afford that at 22
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*Sings off key*
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Wishing the absolute best birthday to my (almost) birthday twin!!! 😁😁
Hope your day is as perfect as you!!
Oh, and the boys are celebrating with you too! 😁
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Love you lovely girl!! ❤️❤️
That gif looks delicious, the cake too 😏
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philososwift · 2 years
summer break is over soon and i’m going back to uni on monday and i sorta hate studies so i really dread this moment, you can’t even imagine how the perspective of getting new taylor’s content is helping me going through all of this
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peggycatrerr · 1 year
if it helps, leon nip slip is a mod rather than something actually in game. so unless ur prepared to mod ur game, don't pay $60 just for leon nip. that said, leon by default is quite the eye candy so hey, could be worth it!
i saw the email notification for this anon this morning when i woke up and i have to say i love it. i feel like an intervention is being staged.
don't worry, i did assume that it was either a mod or one of the dlc outfits but i had seen quite a few gifs of him throughout the day and then i saw that gifset really late at night and it had roughly the same effect on me that a scandalously elegant ankle may have had on a dangerously repressed victorian. i ended up downloading the demo of the game because like, this is NOT the sort of video game i usually play, i'm not spending money on it until i can confirm i will actually enjoy it, and believe it or not, i don't think this game that has so many polygons that its demo takes up 10 gigabytes was, like, designed to be played on a dell inspiron 2-in-1 that has most of its ram going towards an ungodly amount of firefox tabs at any given moment (it crashed). so, no, i don't think i will be purchasing resident evil 4. i'll just stick to objectifying gifs for now.
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
how about Jason with the prompt "text me when you get home"? the one time they forget/fall asleep before sending the text and Jay loses hid mind. rushes over expecting them to be dead but they passed out on the couch as soon as they got home
really superbly SCRUMPTIOUS prompt Aud. I love protective jaybird 🥰‼️ thanks for sending something in 🫶
jason todd x gn!reader. worried protective snuggly jason. no warnings really, ya boy is just paranoid and madly in love with you 💓
request something! I rb all fics to @sanguinelibrary
As soon as you get out of your last class of the day, your phone rings.
You answer it, wedging the phone between your ear and shoulder as you fish in your bag for a couple of bills. You're already walking to the train station.
"Hi, snookie bear," you say into the phone, slightly delirious with hunger and sleep deprivation.
Jason snorts on the other end. "That's a new one. Hey, baby. Y'heading home?"
"Indeed I am."
"Need a ride?"
You wait and listen. Eventually, you hear the sounds of hitting and grunting in the background. You roll your eyes—only Jason would be in the middle of a fight and then ask if you need a ride home.
"No, I'm okay. It's not dark yet. Plus you sound busy."
"I'm never too busy for you," he says immediately. "And it's gonna get dark in an hour. Are you sure—"
"Yes, Jay," you say gently. "I'm sure. Don't worry about me. I'm going straight home."
You're already at the station. There's a good amount of people, students and workers alike. The university is in a relatively okay part of town, especially during the day. You're not worried. It's not like you traipse through Crime Alley on your downtime.
"Okay." Jason takes a deep breath. "Just—just be careful. Text me when you get home."
You note the hint of worry in his tone. Maybe this week has been particularly saturated with crime. Jason tends to get a little overbearing about your safety when he's had a tough week. You know he had go down to Blüdhaven and help his brother—with what specifically, you don't know.
Most of the time, you're sure you don't want to know.
"I always do," you say. The train pulls up to the station. "Ooh, train's here! I'll talk to you later. I'm thinking of ordering takeout. Too tired to cook."
"Okay, sweetheart. Be safe. Love you. Lock your door."
You roll your eyes fondly. "Yes, Jay. Love you too. Bye."
You hang up as you step onto the train. You pull your headphones out of your bag and shut your brain off during the ride. By the time you get off the train, you've lost hope that you'll be doing any work tonight. You're absolutely wiped out after three back-to-back classes.
It's still light when you get home. You lock the door after you get in, the habit ingrained into you, and dump your bag onto the couch.
Takeout is a no-go. You're hungry now and about thirty seconds away from passing out on the couch.
You change into your home clothes, eat a granola bar, and call it a day. You'll eat more later.
You turn off your phone to bar any annoying notifications and fall into bed, eyes closing immediately.
The sound of your deadbolt being teared off its chain wakes you up. You flinch and jump awake, trying to blink through sleep. Your mouth is dry from how hard you slept, and your eyesight is slightly blurry from the sudden flood of moisture.
Your bedroom door swings open, and suddenly you're pulled into warm, heavily muscled arms. You hug back on instinct; you'd know the feel of your boyfriend anywhere.
"Jay, h—"
"You didn't text," he says, voice shaking. "You said you would. I was—I thought you were—"
You tense, guilt knocking into you.
"Shit. Jason, I'm so sorry. I meant to, I was just so tired..."
Jason pulls back to look at you, hands still on your shoulders. His expression is stern.
"I'm gonna pick you up from now on. When are your late days?"
"Jay, no, GCU is across town. You can't possibly pick me up three days a week. That's too much! What about patrol?"
"Somebody else is out at this time," he says stonily. "Crime Alley can wait an hour while I get you home."
His eyes blaze green, a side effect of the Pit. You can tell he's putting every effort into keeping a lid on the worry and fear and anger over your silence.
"Jason." You cup his face. "Honey, I'm safe. I'm sorry I didn't text you. I'm sorry I worried you. But your adrenaline is spiked right now, Jay. Everything feels magnified. I don't need to be picked up. I was perfectly safe coming home. Okay?"
He shakes his head, holding your wrists. "Anything could've happened. I was so—fuck, baby, I was so scared. I-I checked the station footage and the traffic cams, and I didn't see you after you cut through the park, and I thought—I was sure you'd—"
Jason pulls your arms around his neck and buries his face into your shoulder. He supports you by the backs of your thighs, tugging you into his lap. Then he clings tight.
"Oh, Jay," you murmur, petting his curls. "I'm alright. This end of Gotham isn't so bad. And I know you'd have found me even if something had happened. But nothing did."
"Can't lose you," he chokes out.
"You won't lose me, honey," you say. "You keep me safe."
He trembles in your embrace. You kiss the shell of his ear and continue to pet his hair.
"Let me pick you up tomorrow, at least," he pleads. "We'll get dumplings at that place you like. You barely ate anything when you came home."
"Okay, Jay," you say, because you know he needs that reassurance. He won't relax without it. "That sounds good."
You keep stroking his hair. "Y'wanna order in now?"
"In a minute."
Jason lays you both down on the bed. He throws a leg over yours and pulls you into his chest. It's now that you see just how much tension is locked in his shoulders. He's exhausted.
"Jus' wanna hold you for a bit," he says, lips resting on your shoulder.
He's drowsy, the adrenaline finally ebbing. You close your eyes and snuggle into his arms.
"You can hold me for as long as you want," you say, threading your fingers with his. "I'm not going anywhere."
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santademikey · 1 year
Okay last ask but any requests you want me to write for Flo or Audra?
maybe something about linc sending audra a letter from ‘nam? the pair are very close so i imagine it would mean the world to her lmao
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