#the woes of a classics student
septemberkisses · 4 months
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February - A month of falling in love with academics 🤎
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voltairai · 3 months
for the love of god will SOMEONE tell me where the olive oil distribution warehouses were in 3rd century rome.. big oil wants to silence me
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter One
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter One: Girl Problems and Beach Woes
Summary: Saiki tries to avoid Yumehara since she has a crush on him and gets dragged to the beach.
            “How do you get a girl to stop liking you?”
            “I thought Teruhashi was just confused about how you don’t react to her,” said (Y/N). They weren’t offput by the sudden conversation. Saiki wasn’t one to beat around the bush. And, hey, it was nice to have people get straight to the point.
            “It’s someone else.”
            “Well, aren’t you popular!” teased (Y/N).
            Saiki gave them a look. “I don’t want to be.”
            “Alright, I understand,” said (Y/N). “The best way to get a girl to stop liking you is to stop giving her hope, get her a different guy, or get a partner yourself. However, there are some girls who will never lose hope. In that case, it’s pointless to do anything. Only time would solve that one.”
            “So if her attempts to flirt with me or get to know me don’t work, she might lose interest?”
            “Yeah, unless she’s a determined one.” (Y/N) shrugged.
            I already know what Yumehara is planning, but I can’t let (Y/N) know since it wouldn’t be normal. “What might a girl do?” asked Saiki.
            “Hmm, she’ll probably use classic tropes like bumping into you from around a corner. She might ‘drop’ books or papers to make sure you have a reason to stick around,” explained (Y/N), “She might use a slight variation of that by dropping something of hers by you and pretending not to notice.” They smiled. “Those are some of the common ones, at least.”
            “Alright,” said Saiki.
            ���Good luck!” said (Y/N).
            The day had ended, and (Y/N) stood out in the rain. The students passed by them with umbrellas, but (Y/N) paid them no mind. The downpour was rejuvenating. It made them feel alive. They spun around, feeling the rain on their skin. Was it a little manic-pixie-dream-person? Sure. But it was also “Singing in the Rain,” which is classy and not a terrible cliché.
            Yare yare. They’re going to get sick from that.
            They held their arms out wide, tilting their head to the sky and closing their eyes. At that exact moment, a beam of light struck the sky. A circle of light fell down, hitting (Y/N) at just the right angle. They seemed to glow.
            If someone saw them, maybe they’d say “oh, wow.” If.
            The moment ended as the sky cleared, and Saiki teleported down, walking out to where (Y/N) was waiting.
             “Hey, Saiki, solve your problem?” asked (Y/N), pushing their damp hair back.
            “You look like that and you’re asking about me?” Saiki deadpanned more than usual.
            “What’s life without a bit of romance?”
            “What does dancing in the rain have to do with being in a relationship with someone?” questioned Saiki.
            “Romance is also about the feeling of excitement and separation from the everyday,” said (Y/N), smiling. “I like to enjoy the little things in life. Some people like to be serious—” they grinned at him teasingly “—but I like a little fun. And anyways, you haven’t told me whether or not you solved your problem!”
            Saiki looked back to where Yumehara was standing under an umbrella with a boy and blushing. He could hear her thoughts, and she was already into the new guy (although Saiki was slightly insulted about how easily she got over him). “Yeah, it all worked out in the end.”
            (Y/N) followed the pink-haired boy’s gaze and saw the pair. They found it strange that the pair were under an umbrella since it was sunny outside now, but it was sweet all the same. “Aw, what a nice ending. She has happiness, and you have one less bother.”
            A couple days later, (Y/N) headed over to Saiki’s. They were bored, planned to go to the beach, and wanted someone to go with. Coincidentally, Nendou had the same idea and was going to Saiki’s house. Together, they knocked on the door.
            Yare yare. I can’t read either of their minds, so I didn’t realize it was them before opening the door. Saiki sighed inwardly.
            “Hey, pal!” said Nendou, “Let’s go to the beach!”
            “It’s so sunny and beautiful! You can waste tomorrow inside,” said (Y/N), knowing exactly what Saiki was up to. They put their hands on their hips and grinned. In their pink swim-shorts and white swim shirt, they weren’t very threatening.
            “A-a-are they Kuu’s friends?” asked Mrs. Saiki in complete shock.
            “He’s not my friend.” Then, realizing what he forgot, Saiki added, “Neither are they.”
            “Wahh! This is the first time any of Kuu’s friends have come to our house to visit.” Mrs. Saiki was nearly in tears. “I’m so happy!”
            “We’re best friends,” declared (Y/N) proudly, and Saiki deadpanned.
            “To think that Kuu has finally gotten a best friend!” Mrs. Saiki dabbed at her eyes.
            “Hey, pal, I didn’t know you had a big sister,” said Nendou.
            “He thought I was his big sister! I’m so happy!” Tears continued streaming down Saiki’s mother’s face.
            “Just how many times are you going to make my mom cry?” asked Saiki.
            “Yeah, I’m starting to feel kinda bad, even if they are happy tears,” admitted (Y/N).
            “What? What? You’re his mom?” Nendou was surprised. “Me and pinky here are off to the beach and came to ask him to join us.”
            “Why am I pinky?” wondered (Y/N).
            “You wear a lot of pink,” said Saiki matter-of-factly.
            “Oh, that sounds nice,” commented Mrs. Saiki happily.
            “Obviously, I’m not going. I’ll spare myself the pain,” said Saiki.
            His mother suddenly had a scary look on her face. “Your friends went to all the trouble to come and get you. You’re going to the beach, Kusuo.”
            “Oh,” said Saiki. He wasn’t going to argue with her. He may be a psychic, but she was still his mom and quite intimidating at times.
            They had arrived at the beach finally. Along the way, the group had picked up Kaidou as well, who was now being teased by Nendou since he didn’t want to get in the water (it seemed he couldn’t swim, though he denied this).
            Saiki sat down on his beach towel. (Y/N) spread theirs out beside him. They lay back and closed their eyes, basking in the sun’s warmth. A nice moment of peace was just what they needed before they started swimming.
            “Kaidou’s drowning.”
            “Huh?!” They sat up suddenly, and sure enough, Kaidou was floundering on his back in three inches of water. (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief. “You almost gave me a heart attack, Saiki!”
            “I’ll save you!” came an energetic cry. A lifeguard dove into the water, sliding on his stomach because it was shallow. Unfortunately, his swimsuit got stuck in the sand, revealing his bare bottom. It was, of course, Hairo.
            “Oh, it’s you, Hairo!” said Nendou.
            “Great job, Hairo!” cheered (Y/N).
            “Why are you congratulating him? Kaidou wasn’t in danger.”
            “Because it’s nice,” answered (Y/N). They were there to encourage their friend.
            “Oh, Nendou, (Y/N)! You, too, Saiki?” commented Hairo.
            Saiki didn’t answer. He was too busy reading.
            “What’re you doing here?” asked Nendou after they were out of the water.
            “I volunteer as a lifeguard,” explained Hairo.
            “Ahhh! I’m drowning!” screamed a swimmer.
            “I’m coming!” yelled Hairo. He dove into the water and swam out to sea.
            “Volunteering when it’s this hot? That’s amazing,” said Nendou. “Hey, pal, pinky, aren’t you guys gonna swim?”
            “Just forget I’m here,” said Saiki, not looking up from his book.
            “I might in a moment,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            The tall boy looked disheartened until spying a group of girls. “Okay, then!” He put on shades. “I’ll go hit on girls.”
            “Do you have any idea what you’re saying?” commented Saiki.
            “He lost interest in swimming pretty quickly,” said (Y/N), amused.
            “Hey, have you ever looked in a mirror?” cried Kaidou from behind Nendou, “Why don’t you try walking on walker?! You have better odds of pulling that off!”
            “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Guys’ looks aren’t important.” Nendou gave a confident thumbs-up. “It’s all about attitude.”
            While Nendou walked off and was (inevitably) rejected by multiple girls, (Y/N) turned to Saiki.
            “Sorry you got dragged here,” said (Y/N).
            “Weren’t you the one who invited me?” questioned Saiki.
            “Well, yeah…” (Y/N) rubbed the back of their head sheepishly. “But I wanted you to come by choice. I didn’t expect your mom to be so scary.” They smiled at the pink-haired boy. “So anyways, feel free to stay here and read. If you need me, I’ll be swimming.” They stood up and headed towards the water.
            “Yare yare. The other idiots are just going to come bother me, so I’ll join you.” He glanced over to where Nendou was chasing after girls. “And I don’t want people to think I’m with him.” He took off his jacket and t-shirt, stole Nendou’s floatie, and began walking to the water.
            “That’s fair,” admitted (Y/N), cringing at poor, clueless Nendou.
            Soon enough, the pair were swimming in the ocean. No words were needed; both enjoyed the soft sounds of the waves (Saiki was plagued by people’s thoughts, however). Saiki decided to give (Y/N) a turn in the floatie so they could relax their muscles from swimming (and so he could swim down to the bottom of the ocean to try to avoid thoughts). (Y/N) was bobbing on the waves watching the shore, not paying attention to Saiki, when something caught their attention. A young girl seemed to be floundering in the waves.
            “Is that girl in trouble?” they wondered, concerned and stressed now. There was no response. “Saiki?” They frowned and turned to where their friend should be, but he was gone. Worried for the girl, (Y/N) left the floatie and began to swim over. They tried to drag the device behind them, but it was cumbersome and slowed them down. They let it go and swam to the girl, who was already sinking. (Y/N) held their breath and dove under. They dragged the girl to the surface, gasping for air. Struggling to support the unconscious woman, (Y/N) started to pull her to the shore.
            Luckily, Nendou, already carrying Kaidou, arrived and helped hold the girl. “All right!” said Nendou. “You doin’ good, pinky?”
            “I’m fine,” panted (Y/N), relieved to have some of the weight lifted from them.
            “Hey! What happened?” asked Hairo, swimming up to them energetically.
            “Oh, Hairo! Great timing,” said (Y/N).
            “Give us a hand!” said Nendou.
            “Sure, I’ll h—Ahh! My leg’s cramped!” Hairo began to fall below the waves.
            Oh, boy. (Y/N) sighed and pulled Hairo up. They and Nendou were now holding up three people between them.
            “You, too?! Geez,” said Nendou.
            “Sorry,” mumbled Hairo.
            “It’s fine, let’s just hurry to shore,” said (Y/N).
            Yare yare. They’re so high maintenance. Saiki swam up from underneath them.
            “This is too much for you guys! Let go of me!” said Hairo.
            “Shut up!” said Nendou, but he was starting to fall underwater.
            (Y/N) wasn’t fairing much better. They had already been swimming for a while before doing this, so they were exhausted. “Crap…!” They fell below the waves with Nendou and the others. Nendou grabbed them, but they continued to sink. Suddenly, they were lifted above the waves. (Y/N) felt something was support them from below.
            “A-Are you standing on water?” gasped Hairo.
            No, I’m holding them up, thought Saiki. He began carrying them to shore but made it appear like Nendou was running across the waves.
            “See? Didn’t I tell you that you could pick up walking on water faster than you could pick up girls?” said Kaidou.
            Just as they were about to the shore, (Y/N) slipped from Nendou’s grasp and fell into the water. Nendou was close enough to walk everybody to the beach, so Saiki let go of him. He dove deeper into the water and grabbed (Y/N)’s wrist, pulling them up with him. Calmly, he carried them out of the water and put them down on the beach gently. (Y/N) coughed up water but seemed unharmed.
            “Are you okay?” asked Saiki.
            “I’ll feel better after some rest,” said (Y/N), smiling. “Thank you for saving me.”
            Saiki sighed. It seemed to be a sound of exasperation, but it was really a sound of relief. He didn’t like his friends (acknowledged or not) being hurt. “It’s getting late. Let’s go.”
            (Y/N) grinned at him. “Good idea.” They decided not to harp on Saiki helping them. They’d not tease him like that.
Saiki and (Y/N) gathered up their stuff and began walking back with Nendou and Kaidou, who had been talking to the girl who was saved.
            “Knowing you, I thought you’d demand something in return for saving you,” said Kaidou to Nendou.
            “Humph, I wouldn’t do something so lame,” said Nendou, “Of course, if she fell in love with me, well, I guess I’d have to live with it, right?”
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped but was amused at their dramatic expressions. They doubted that in particular would happen. After all, just saving someone’s life wouldn’t make them fall in love. That being said, it was a rather nice thing to do.
            And I guess it is a nice fantasy, thought (Y/N). And being saved by Saiki was fun, like a fairytale.
            …Huh? That was a new thought.
            “That won’t happen,” said Kaidou.
            “What’d you say?!” demanded Nendou.
            (Y/N) began laughing at their antics. They could put those thoughts on the backburner.
            “You never got thanked by that girl, aren’t you upset that Nendou gets the recognition?” asked Saiki.
            Huh, I thought he wasn’t around when that happened… thought (Y/N). They shrugged. “She was saved. That’s all that matters, right? I imagine that if you were saving people you wouldn’t care about recognition.”
            Saiki blinked. Am I sure they aren’t a psychic?
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Rook Info Compilation part 19: Book 6 and Music
Rook invites himself to the Island of Woe in Book 6 in pursuit of Vil (and in one of Idia’s seiyuu Uchiyama Kouki’s greatest moments, which Tumblr’s egophiliac has animated brilliantly, here!).
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Rook reminds Epel and the Prefect that their goal is not to win the inevitable battle against the Charon but to lose and be taken inside STYX headquarters, and then freezes an island of ice on the ocean to serve as a battlefield.
Rook says that he had been fully prepared to take drastic measures if STYX had been doing something terrible to the kidnapped students, but he feels better knowing that they are receiving special exams and blot treatments.
When Ortho asks why it is that he came Rook explains, “So that I could tell myself, ‘I did what I could,’ which resonates with Ortho, who later says, “Thanks to you and your friends coming here, I think I finally understand my purpose. I must do my best so I can say, ‘I did what I could.’"
(Ortho then proceeds to shut down Cerebus and unite with the soul of the dead child he was created to replace.)
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According to Trey, Rook will sometimes sing randomly during Science Club meetings.
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Deuce says that Rook started singing during while weeding the fire lotuses during Glorious Masquerade despite looking pained (“It was like watching a musical”) and Rook also bursts into song during Spectral Soiree, singing part of an obscure opera “known only to true enthusiasts.”
Vil says that Rook, Epel and the Film Research club (of which neither of them are members) got together and performed a “tolerable” opera for Vil’s birthday.
Rook is also a fan of classical musical and shares a conversation with a ghost about a Coral Sea court musician from three hundred years earlier, impressing the ghost with his familiarity with music history.
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In addition to classical music and operas Rook also enjoys musicals, with historical musical “King’s Road” having a particular influence on him when he was a child. Rook explains, “I had trouble expressing myself as a child. But one day, I went with my family to the Shaftlands Royal Theater, and my whole life changed.”
He had seen “King’s Road” for the first time, and says that the performance of the lead actor—Neige LeBlanche—was the first time he’d been moved to tears.
Rook says it wasn’t Neige himself who moved him but the elements of the show combined—music, costumes, design—that made Neige shine. He says that the other cast members were spectacular, especially the villains, but he does not specify that child-Vil was one of them.
In his third birthday vignette Rook says that he often watches movies and TV dramas, and there is one series in particular that he has seen over 100 times.
Rook says he got two tickets to an opera from his parents for his birthday. (Other presents Rook received for his birthday have been compiled here.)
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idylliclament · 3 months
The Course of Love: Professor D./Reader (Resident Lover) [Snippet]
When one misstep from Cassandra leads to her opting out of the school play to you preforming as the lover for the world of theatre, you find yourself dressed beside Professor Dimitrescu, awaiting the curtains to reveal the light. OR: You are Romeo. She is Juliet—and your professor.
You know all too well that Cassandra, daughter of the Professor Dimitrescu and star of Mother Miranda All Girls' University, can be quite the—
"Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!" Juliet's finger curls over the pommel, releasing the weapon from the deceased Romeo's belt; the first for a fair girl. "This is thy sheath;" She lifts the dagger and points the blade to her chest, thrusting in with the carry of a sharp gasp. "there rust, and let me die." She mutters her final words to the audience, dramatically so for the effect, before joining the body that lays beside her. The death marks the end of a young love that how so appealing, would so too be pronounced guilty on six charges (With one manslaughter.) of murder.
Woe, Juliet, by a miracle come true, walks the day once more and converses with Romeo on stage, rolling up his sleeve to write her phone number on.
—clutter, one you cannot pinpoint a singular word to ascribe to it.
Cassandra, the actress posing as Juliet, sheepishly winks at the director before bringing herself up, dusting off her dress as the backstage crew steps in, beginning to re-arrange the equipment for a restart of the scene.
"The rest is silence, as Hamlet said. I advise the same to you all." Cassandra declares elegantly, holding up a hand in honour.
She stretches her arms out, standing tall for her upcoming soliloquy, that of which is but a ramble. She has always been one to become her character in act.
"We all know he's the best Shakespearean hero to take advice from." Estera reacts scornfully, mocking Cassandra, who discards her response nonetheless.
"Well, the play should have ended here, the perfect moment. People come to watch Romeo and Juliet for Romeo and Juliet. I bet you no one buying our tickets knows any of the other characters' names or even the plot itself." Cassandra raises fair points, receiving differing answers to her words, with a 'Don't steal my thunder after stealing the whole show.' from Prince Escalus and two 'The final lines have meaning even if they're not said by you, attention whore.' from Lord Montague and Lord Capulet, respectively. 
With a quick turn of her heel, Cassandra shifts to face your classmates and instead, shamelessly so, falls behind and into the Capulet tomb, pushing it against Romeo, injuring the actress (You wonder how the poor thing could deserve such luck?).
'A minor sprain', they said, would not mean a new rehearsal nor a hundred so students aligned politely at 8 in the morning with playbooks and mugs in hand, determined to prove themselves a candidate, a suitor even, fit to be the new Juliet's new Romeo. 
Most shocking of all, you had not pictured a goddess ascending down on a rainy Monday of exam week to throw a dice and gamble her chance for a role—Oh, wait, now, that hat does seem most familiar...
"Professor Dimitrescu? What are you doing here?!" A wave of students exclaim at the sight of Cassandra's own mother, here to replace her daughter as the tale's heroine; a dispute between family, to be called the classical soap opera trope you were but swoon over with as a teenager. 'O, traitorous villainy!' shouts the audience, yet in your love would this woman be cherished.
Suddenly, Romeo seems a fate for you to play.
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Ignore the low-quality edit. It has become a ritual for me.
The full work will be posted later on ao3. When? Great question...
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Teach me a melody (a.i)
Pairing: Teacher! Ashton Irwin x teacher!fem! reader
Summary: Valentine's Day at school and someone has a surprise for you
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.8
Author's note: self indulgent cause I'm a teacher that loves VDAY. might become a blurb series? REMEMBER THAT REBLOGS ARE IMPORTANT AND APPRECIATED as well as COMMENTS, LIKES AND INTERACTIONS. Please, SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and happy reading
My masterlist // taglist in comments.
Valentine’s Day, a full 24 hours where people get into a frenzy of either showing how in love they were, complaining about the capitalist propaganda, or wallowing in their own woe of not having found anyone to spend the day with. And, of course, all three scenarios prove to be true in the craziest, hormone-filled place of all: Highschool. 
“I swear if Jamie got me one of those chocolate bars from the candy machine again…” You heard one sophomore complain to their friend as they passed you by in the hallway. A small smile crept on your face when you remembered Jamie carrying a toddler-size teddy bear out of their car earlier this morning. 
Out of the corner of your eye you watched as the theater kids began with their annual project of singing telegrams to raise some money for their spring musical. You wondered how many renditions of Bruno Mars’s “Just the way you are” you’ll hear this year interrupting your classroom. 
Contrary to popular belief, you loved it. 
Ever since you were a child you loved Valentine’s Day. You enjoy watching people express their love in so many, creative ways. You like every picture, watch every video and swoon a little with the classical proposal you see at least once every February 14th. And yes, you firmly believed that love should be expressed every day and not just once a year, but there was just something so magical about this day where everyone celebrated love and the energies were filled with hopes and dreams.
You walked through the halls with ease and with a silly love song playing in your brain. You smiled at the students that were already waiting at the door of your classroom and wished them a good morning as you unlocked the door for them. There were still a few minutes before the bell rang, so there wouldn’t have been any problems for them to just take their seats a bit earlier. 
“Oh my god! Who got you those flowers?” You asked one of your students as they came in carrying a whole bouquet. 
“Me!” They laughed “I love me the most and I can buy my own flowers whenever I want to” 
You laughed along with them “I can’t argue with that amazing logic. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart” 
“Happy Valentine’s Miss L/N!” Your student said and went in and took their seat.
In the meantime, your eyes couldn’t help but wander to the classroom in front of yours. Feeling your heart beat a little bit faster when you noticed the lovely curly-haired man that sat at the desk. 
You looked at the time and bit your lip slightly. Yes, you had enough time. 
“Good morning, Mr. Irwin!” You called, knocking on his open door. 
The man turned at the sound of his name, a wide smile forming on his face the moment he saw you leaning against the doorframe. 
Ashton Irwin, the music teacher. One of the youngest, most handsome, and most beloved teachers in the whole school. He was one of the many additions to the staff alongside yourself and a few others last year after many of the senior teachers finally retired. It would’ve been a lie to say that you didn’t fancy him from the first moment you saw him. His hazel eyes and easy smile; the way he laughed and how easy it was for him to make friends with everyone, even yourself; how all of his students love him, even the troublemakers. He was just so effortlessly cool, it would be impossible to deny your little crush on him.
“Y/N!” He said, never have been one for formalities “Good morning! I thought you were one of my students, I was about to tell you to nod off somewhere else because my first class is in the third period”
“And you need the peace and quiet to last a bit more? Ah, so easy the life of an artist. Never having to read essays about how William Shakespeare would’ve “ate” in booktok” He chuckled, you blushed “I’ll leave you to enjoy your free time” 
“I never said you should leave,” He pouted “I do enjoy the company of adults in my free time” His eyes lingered on you for a bit “You look rather festive” 
You looked down at your pink shirt; red, pink, and white nails with hearts drawn on them; and unconsciously touched your heart-shaped earrings as you blushed. 
“Would you believe me if I say that the shirt was white until a stranger put their red socks on the washing machine?” 
Ashton let out a loud laugh “I would believe anything you say, Y/N. Though I didn’t take you for someone that loved V-Day” 
“I’ve always loved it,” You confessed with a shrug “It was my parent’s favorite holiday, always making a big show out of it and including me and my siblings with a big lunch before they went out on a date of their own. I loved their love and I guess that made me love love in general” 
You raised your eyes and found him sitting back on his chair, eyes focused on you as a soft smile adorned his face. 
“It’s silly, I know-”
“Not at all,” Ashton said, ever so calmly “I love that story, thank you for sharing it” 
“What about you?” You asked, looking around the decoration-free classroom “Not in the mood for love?” 
“Ehh, I didn’t put that much thought into it. I never really do unless I have someone to share it with” 
“Well, I’m in the same boat as you. But I still love to celebrate it” You shrugged, ignoring the way both your eyes gleamed with something more than recognition when you both admitted to being single “Anyway, I should go to class. The bell’s about to ring” 
“Y-yeah! Of course” He blushed “Have a nice day, Y/N” 
“You too, Ash” You smile as you walked back to your class and ignored the “ooohs” of your students when you entered, looking back at the neighboring class to see Ashton smiling at that. 
It was almost the end of the school day when someone knocked at your classroom door. 
“Excuse me, Miss L/N?” One of the theater kids popped their head in “We have a very important sing-a-gram to send” 
“Oh?” You asked in a teasing tone, making your students giggle “Of course, dear. And who would that be for?” 
A group of teenagers came in, all wearing knowing smiles as one of them said: “It’s actually for you, miss. From a secret admirer” 
The class absolutely went mad at that, cheering and hollering as the group started to sing a beautiful version of “All of Me” by John Legend. You sat there absolutely bewildered, smiling widely in awe at the gesture. You thanked them after they were done, congratulating them on their talent and wishing them a good day. And if you thought you'd seen a glimpse of a curly head watching over the door’s window, it was most likely your imagination. 
As you were sorting out the last of your papers and got everything ready to go home, your ears picked up a familiar melody coming from the class across the hall. A small smile played on the corner of your lips as you ventured over there, knowing what you might find. 
Ashton was sitting at the piano that stood in the middle of the room. His fingers gracefully pressed on the tiles as the melody soared. He was so concentrated that he didn’t even hear you come in. 
“Cause all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections” He sang. 
You’ve heard him sing before, but that didn’t take away from the fact that it took your breath away each time he did. His voice was on a lower register, calm and soothing as the words dripped like honey out of him. It completely hypnotized you as you leaned against the door frame, watching over him with a new, indescribable feeling inside your heart. 
“Cause I’ll give you all of me if you’d give me all of you. Cards on the table I’m showing all my hearts, risking it all for a chance…” The slight change of lyrics called your attention “Cause all of me loves all of you. You’ll be my end and my beginning if you’d have me mmm-hmm…”  
He ended up humming the rest of the song, closing his eyes as he let the music move him. That is something you always admired about him; his passion for what he does. It didn’t matter if it was teaching, playing, or even talking to you about the last book he read and he thinks you might like it. Ashton’s heart always had space for more, and if he were to share it completely, you knew you’d want to be a part of it.
When he was done, his hands kept still, ghosting over the tiles. He sighed and grabbed a pen and a notebook and he started scribbling on it. 
“That was gorgeous, Ash” 
The sound of your voice startled him. He turned to you so quickly that you were sure it gave him whiplash. He was a blushing mess as he opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.
“Sorry,” You said, “I didn’t mean to-”
“No!” He shouted, cringing at his own tone of voice “No, I’m sorry- I’m used to being the only one here. And-” He sighed, not knowing what else to say “Did you listen to all of it?” 
“Yeah, I really liked it” You smiled softly at him, walking forwards “Must be a really special person for you to rewrite a whole song for them” 
“It’s, uhm… It’s something I’ve been working on with my students” Ashton admitted “Trying to adapt songs to their own situations and feelings… It might help them connect with lyricism better”
“And your feelings are…?”
“Unrequited, I'm afraid” He smiled sadly at you as you came to stand in front of him “I don’t know how to make her notice me as something more” 
“Maybe she already knows,” You said, looking at the tiles and letting your fingers grace over a few of them “You know I got that song in a sing-a-gram today, the OG version” 
Ashton smiled, trying to mask his tone as he asked “Really?” 
“Mmhmm, someone might’ve been listening to me talk about how that’s one of my favorite songs. The kids didn’t tell me who it was, though”
“Do you want to know who it was?” 
“When they are ready to share it, yes,” You said, looking back at him and finding his eyes already on you. Gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips. You smiled “Would you teach it to me?” 
Ashton smiled as he scooted over on the bench, patting the space next to him for you to sit. His hands covered yours and guided you through a dance across the piano, letting the melody say the rest. 
Tags:  @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @wastelandcth @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @as-hs-blogg @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat  @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @lendeluxe
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kikidewynter · 7 months
reboot boss: woe is me i have student loans my life is falling apart
classic boss: you went to school ??
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4uru · 5 months
Ok I figured out why I don't read classic literature books. English is my second language. I'm fluent in it. But still it's secondary. So when I'm reading English I translate it in my brain. Now the translation process doesn't even register. But when I read classic literature, I have to translate it into modern English and then to Bangla for me to fully get what they are saying. It's extra steps. That's why I consume these literature through video essays and summaries. I'm very interested in them but they are too complicated for me. Sometimes I have to click of off fanfics for this reason too. I like the premise, I love the vibes. But I am not patient enough, or competent enough to go through with it.
(I also don't read Bangla literature books if they are ten times worse than the English ones. Woes of being an English version student: can't read Bangla or English properly)
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roskirambles · 5 months
(Archive) Animated movie of the day: Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Originally posted: January 13th, 2023 Can a passion project be an artist's great disappointment? What happens when time, effort and a desire to bring something strange to life becomes that unfulfilling work of yours? Well, good ol' Walt found out in his life time how that feels, as after decades of trying to get an adaptation of Lewis Carrol's seminal literary classic made, when the day came… he didn't feel like the end result matched the book's quality, claiming it had "no heart". Which is ironic since visually speaking it became the version that most likely comes to people's mind when the story is discussed.
I've already talked about the woes of adaptation from page to film, and in the case of this film it is no different… mostly because there's a lot here that isn't technically from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but it's sequel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. The result of development hell in lieu of World War II getting in the way of the original (much darker) planned film, this one just mixes characters together from both books and changes the tone of the whole thing. While admittedly oniric, the book was clever and full of humor and satire with a distinctively British edge, something that may get lost in the decidedly American slapstick of the film.
And of course, there's surrealism of the visuals. If there's something that down the line allowed this adaptation to be regarded as the classic it certainly wasn't when it came out, is the eccelctic redesign of it's illustrated counterparts. In contrast with John Tenniel's hatched illustrations, the film favors a modernist aesthetic with bright colors and simplified shapes, which lend themselves to exaggeration in the movement. A bit of a narrative mess otherwise, but that comes with the territory, the novel wasn't built on conventional plotting.
It may not be a powerful three act structure but it's engrossing on it's imagination alone.
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Seriously, EVERYTHING about this film is kind of a glorious, hypnotic mess. Some of the sequences came from improvised places, the production was halted and restarted as something else multiple times, and the source material was already a complicated one as it was trying to mimic(at points too effectively) the incoherent nature of a dream.
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Which is why it saw success when it was re-released along with Fantasia in 1974, with a new marketing approach to appeal to college students of psychedelic interests.
And then there's the impressively darker take they were going for in the 30's. You can read more about that here: http://lukefarookhi.blogspot.com/2008/08/david-hall-and-alice-in-wonderland.html
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mari-zuko · 1 year
{ KAIA GERBER, 22, CISGENDER FEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that MARI ZUKO? A JUNIOR originally from BOSTON, MA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study LITERATURE & CLASSICS. They’re THE CLOSET GAY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Mari Zuko, the younger daughter of the dean of Ogden College, has the weight of the world on her shoulders. Or at least the weight of her parent's expectations. Desperate for validation and acceptance, Mari bends over backwards to try to live up to all the hopes and dreams they pinned on her, perfecting the facade of the picture-perfect sorority president with ease. In reality, she's constantly masking who she really is - including her sexuality - and how hard she always has to try.
morrigan (acotar) - leighton murray (sex lives of college girls) - blair waldorf (gossip girl) - jordan baker (the great gatsby) - sydney sage (bloodlines series) - gabby windey (the bachelorette) - eloise bridgerton (bridgerton) - margaery tyrell (game of thrones) - santana lopez (glee) - abby littman (ginny and georgia) - brittany (bottoms)
THE CLOSET GAY - transparent closet - lipstick lesbian -girly girl with a tomboy streak - hard-drinking party girl - hypocrite - weight woes - deadpan snarker & stepford snarker - always second best (to her sister bryn & in some ways to greer) & successful sibling syndrome - jerk with a heart of gold - aloof dark haired girl
Literature & Classics
Art History
KKG President, Undergraduate Student Council, Art Club, Writing Club, Ballet Company
FULL NAME: Mari Zuko
NICKNAME(S): Mar, but usually she just goes by Mari
DATE OF BIRTH: february 1st, 2001
AGE: twenty-two
ZODIAC CHART: aquarius sun, scorpio moon, libra rising. also pisces mercury, cancer mars, pisces venus, gemini jupiter, taurus saturn
OCCUPATION: student at ogden college
HOMETOWN: boston, mass
ETHNICITY: white (unspecified), ashkenazi jewish
LANGUAGE(S): english
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis female, she/her
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: lesbian.....ally, bc she's straight, she's soooo straight (she's gay)
FACE CLAIM: Kaia Gerber
HEIGHT: 5′10″
EYE COLOR: Dark brown
HAIR COLOR + STYLE: dark to medium brown, occasionally highlighted blonde, but usually worn long with layers & curtain bangs
POSITIVE TRAITS: meticulous, captivating, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS: reckless, standoffish, controlling, selfish, aloof
SKILLS: deceit, making the patriarchy work in her favor, being the life of the party
DRUGS? yes
Mari Zuko may not have been the typical sorority president. She was sardonic, dry, brash, and most importantly - never caught dead in a pastel. But it became clear from an early age that Mari was the one who her parents pinned their hopes on. Bryn, her older sister, made it obvious she wasn’t going to indulge their father - the dean of Ogden College - and did the exact opposite. In fact, she didn’t even apply to college. So the pressure all fell on Mari. And it’s not that she exactly cared…maybe ambition was too strong a word, considering Mari’s goals weren’t motivated on any personal level, but she certainly had goals. They just were motivated by her desire for others admiration, envy, and, of course, their approval. 
Mari is the second daughter of two parents with extraordinarily high expectations for their children. While Bryn, her elder sister, always was able to shake them off without much effort, Mari often felt like she was collapsing under the weight of what they wanted for her. It didn’t help that her father was the Dean of Ogden, his ever sharp eyes on what the going ons on campus were. Not to say Mari didn’t have moments of weakness - she absolutely did. And Greer was one of those moments.
But regardless of her relationship with Greer, Mari knew her coming out wouldn’t be all that accepted or welcomed. She was a sorority president. She was the Dean’s daughter. She had high standards she had to live up to, and as her sister had already discarded those, the expectations for both Zuko sisters fell on her. Regardless of her feelings for Greer, Mari knew they weren’t enough to be ready to come out. Especially when some days, it seemed like half the campus felt the same way
some wanted dynamics -
an angsty tense frenemies situation - do i want to be her or do i want to be with her vibes
more homoerotic friendships. always more homoerotic friendships. it's a closeted queer girls right !!!
any wlw dynamics. like, literally any lmao
someone mari is using to try to get over greer - could honestly be someone masc (rip) or femme, but it's very much just about mari trying to move on
speaking of mascs, ummm, more sad hook-ups bc mari is trying to be straight are always fun (read: angsty) to write !!!
the npc she hooked up with and called greer at the beginning of the year xoxo
still would love a bearding relationship tbh
this would be a past connection, but mari's first girl experience - probably someone from high school, another charged homoerotic friendship for the girlies
men she butts heads with tbh
um ... friends. female friends, specifically, but friends in general would be cool.
Mari knew that she wasn’t straight, but something about Greer - who she became close with their freshman year, having met several times when they were younger thanks to the Morrison parents being Ogden alumnae (and of course, Mari's father being the Dean) - sharpened all of that. The way she commanded attention in a crowd, the way she lit up a room. Mari fell hard, and fast. But Greer always had boyfriends. Greer was straight. At least publicly.
That was something that Mari felt they had in common, for a long time. That they were straight. Or at least, they weren’t out. But behind closed doors, regardless of what their relationship statuses may have been, the two girls were…together. They passed it off as being close friends, Mari a sorority girl with a penchant for partying that slid right into Greer’s inner circle, but the two of them knew that wasn’t the case. That it was something more.
family page tbd
SOCIAL CLASS: upper class
FATHER: Dean Zuko (Timothy Olyphant FC)
MOTHER: Ruth Zuko (Rachel Weisz FC)
SIBLING(S)? one older sister - Bryn Zuko (Emily Ratajkowski FC)
when mari starts feeling defensive, too vulnerable, or anything along those lines where she feels like she's somewhat backed into a corner, she tends to default to sarcasm so she can hide it
mari holds herself together pretty well, and seems like she's well behaved to the public eye - but girl can party, and when she goes out? she goes hard.
tw eating disorder thanks to her parents never-ending pressure growing up, and feeling like she has to live up to her older sister, one thing mari felt like she could always control was her diet, and she's teetered on the edge of a serious eating disorder for years
she's a huge lit nerd and loves poetry - specifically, vaguely sapphic poetry. emily dickinson is her favorite !!!
she can get pretty manipulative and petty and passive aggressive - it takes a lot to push her there, but she will get there, and usually once she's there with someone, she stays there. exhibit a - monty
she is not very athletic but she did pretend to play tennis freshman year to check out greer (see: slocg when leighton is trying to get with tatum)
she did used to dance ballet, and quit before coming to college. her parents didn't think it was a serious enough career
neither do they think studying poetry is serious enough - so if anyone asks, mari wants to be an editor or something
but in reality, she takes every poetry or feminist lit class she can
let's see - after homecoming with the texts, mari thought "g" might actually be greer - and nearly lost her damn mind
she ran into the very drunk, publicly allowed to be freaking out naive newcomer and it made her very angry and jealous and everything bc she felt like she couldn't act out like that, since no one knew the truth about her and greer
"no one" - link, ida, lennon, and sorta vaguely diego? knew i think that's it but if i'm forgetting we talked about your muse knowing PLEASE PLEASE message me again bc i feel like i am forgetting someone
she also then hooked up with someone to put greer out of her mind and accidentally called them by greer's name so that uh...didn't help
this year, besides the hook-up, ollie, jesse, kepler (....sort of, she's still denying it after those texts), & maybe milo (we'll see where the nye thread finishes up lol) have learned the truth (again if i'm missing your muse plz yell at me)
speaking of the texts, mari got blackmailed by g to send a text to all greer's hook-ups from last year during her bday party
she did not get any clues in the kkg haunted house - even though it's her chapter, mari flat out refuses to go through it every year so
but she knows about some of them - and she knows ollie suspected milo of being "g"
she then got a letter after thanksgiving, accused milo of planting it in her room, and shared it with jesse in a wholesome (read: drunken) bonding moment
realistically there's still more i one day would want to add to this, but !! for now !!! it's better than it was
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veronicaleighauthor · 6 months
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
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“Pride and Prejudice” is a timeless classic, and the basis for many of today’s romcoms. Boy meets girl, boy offends girl, girl hates boy, girl inspires boy to become a better man, boy and girl live happily ever after. There have been countless updated retellings. Countless. Most of the Hallmark Movies are reminiscent of this trope. “You Got Mail” is by far one of the more popular ones. The Mormons have their version in “Pride & Prejudice: A Latter-Day Comedy.” There’s “Bride & Prejudice” a Bollywood version; a version where Lizzy and Darcy take on Zombies; and the murder mystery, “Death Comes to Pemberly.” I’m not even going to mention all of the novels flooding the market are “Pride and Prejudice” inspired. I love a new spin on an old classic…but let’s not beat a dead horse. Austen is a genius and considering all of the romcoms, remakes, retellings, the recycled “Pride and Prejudice” formula can feel worn out. Or worse, cheapened.
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One afternoon, I noticed my sister looking at her phone, earbuds in, laughing out loud.
            “Veronica, you have got to see this!” She insisted, when she finished watching a video. “It’s a new, updated ‘Pride and Prejudice’ on YouTube. It’s called ‘The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.’ It’s hilarious!”
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I nodded, but wasn’t too enthused with the idea. As I mentioned above, I had had my fill of “Pride and Prejudice” knock offs. Often the actors fall short in their portrayals of the characters. Or the 19th century manners, customs, and plotlines don’t translate well to the 21st century. Example – Lydia running off with Wickham, living out of wedlock in London, and having to marry to save her from complete ruin. While it wasn’t fair in the book, considering they lived in Georgian/Regency England, Lydia and Wickham had to marry. However, in the 21st century, reputations aren’t “ruined” if people live together. Also, in this modern era, women have more rights, freedoms, education, and money, which doesn’t make it imperative for them to marry at all if they don’t want to.
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A few weeks later, I tuned into the first episode. Then the second, third…and so on. There were a hundred episodes in all and of an evening before turning in, I watched a handful. Lizzie Bennet, a grad student who lives at home and is up to her eyeballs in debt, is intent on having a lucrative career and decides to do a vlog series for a class. The audience gradually meets the large cast of characters in Lizzie’s life…her sisters sweet Jane and wild Lydia, her bestie Charlotte Lu, new comers Bing and Caroline Lee. A few are left to our imaginations, or end up in Lizzie’s comical reenactments. The one who she mocks most in her imitations is Darcy, a friend of Bing’s, who’s snobbish and rude behavior offends her. The story (which mirrors the original in a round about way) plays out before the camera, or is reenacted. Darcy continues to be illusive, until episode sixty, when the man himself makes an impromptu cameo.
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The series of misunderstandings are eventually solved, and Darcy and Lizzie surrender their pride and prejudice, and allow themselves to fall in love. Their relationship is a marriage of true minds. As much as I enjoyed this new take on an old classic, it was many of the side characters whose story arcs intrigued me.
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When Bing Lee returns to reunite with Jane, rather than jump at the chance of reconciling, Jane is offered an explanation and apology. She has plans put in motion in regards to her career, and instead of forfeiting her dreams, Bing Lee follows her lead and supports her.
Charlotte Lu isn’t condemned for accepting Mr. Collins’ proposal…of a job. While Lizzie might question her motives and happiness, we see Charlotte content with her choices and she has a way out of her financial woes. She can help provide for her mother and younger sister too.
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Best of all, Lydia is not conveniently married off to Wickham at the story’s end. Lydia is not the one-dimensional, selfish ditz shown in some adaptations/retellings. She is a well-rounded, three-dimensional young woman. We feel compassion when she makes mistakes and is manipulated, and we can rejoice when she thrives after her association with Wickham ends.
I’ve watched The Lizzie Bennet Diaries multiple times and it never gets old. There’s something about it, especially during this pandemic, that is heartwarming. The oddball Bennet’s remind me of my own family. I’ve laughed and cried with this version, as much as I have with the original.
And you know what, I think it’s time for me to tune into it again. You can watch it for free on Youtube! I’ll even link the first episode here.
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sonofthedunes · 9 months
What classical element(s)--western or eastern, either is fine--do you associate Andrie with?
ohhh i love this question!! I think i associate her with the western classical elements :3
FIRE- well, when you’re from a desert planet, this is a given. :p andrie has reddish hair and a fierce temper-her words were the only weapon she had growing up, and she’s honed them like knives. and when she actually has access to blasters and lightsabers later in life, she takes to them exceptionally quickly. woe to anyone who corners her or threatens the people she loves…she will leap at you with teeth and claws bared, and neither of you will leave unscathed.
WATER- as my recent fic details, her eyes remind luke of the sea: restless, wild and strangely comforting. when she at last allows herself to connect to the force, she finds that it flows through and around her like water, bearing her on its current and guiding her just where she needs to be (as it’s been doing her whole life). in combat she can harness its power to become a great wave if need be, destroying any obstacle in her path.
AIR- often in her youth (being unaware of the living force shaping her destiny), andrie felt like a leaf on the wind: drifting to and fro aimlessly, simply waiting to be snatched by someone for their own purpose. but when she makes the choice to run away from home and sneak onto the millennium falcon, she realizes she’s had the power to fly all along-her wings were just being tied down.
EARTH- despite all she accomplishes in the course of her life, traces of the bitch from Tatooine still remain in andrie. the one who swears like a smuggler and will not hesitate to shout and might spit right in the face of an enemy. the one who prefers simplicity in (most) things. the one who, when the jedi temple is built, likes to remind her extremely powerful-golden boy-rebel pilot-jedi master husband that she knew him when he was just a whiny farm boy and there are some very interesting stories she could tell their students. you know, just to keep him humble. because she loves him. (she does though. deeply. and it grounds him like nothing else.)
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twstchaos · 1 year
Original Character: The Goddess
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Introducing: The Goddess!!!
Technical Information
Name: Kore Meraki (Κóρε Μεράκι)
Japanese: コレ・メラカイ
Romaji: Kore Merakai
Nickname(s): Betta* (Floyd), Mademoiselle Bosseuse (Rook)
*Floyd has to specify which “Betta” he is talking to using scientific names: Betta splendens (Vil) or Betta persephone (Kore).
Warning: Contains chapter six spoilers
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Pronoun: She/Her
Age: 18
Birthday: March 20
Starsign: Pisces
Height: 180cm
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Homeland: Kingdom of Heroes/Island of Woe
Family: Ourios Meraki (Father), Demetria (Mother), Teleia Meraki (Step-Mother), Khalkeus Argos (Half-Brother), Ergane Meraki (Half-Sister), Enyalius Argos (Half-Brother), Cythereia Drepanum (Sister-in-Law), Cynthia Aigletou (Half-Sister), Phoebus Aigletes (Half-Brother), Poimandres Pleiades (Half-Brother), Lysius Meraki (Half-Brother)
Professional Status
Dorm: Ignihyde
School Year: Third
Class: 3-B (No. 13)
Occupation: Student, Aide to the Heir of the Shroud Household
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subject: Classical Literature and Classics in Art
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Gyro
Least Favorite Food: Olive
Dislikes: Running errands for Idia
Hobby: Tabletop Roleplay Games
Talents: Instantly finding whatever dice she is looking for in her dice sack
Kore has long dark brown hair tied back into a high ponytail, leaving some longer strands of her bangs to neatly frame her face. Before moving to the Island of Woe, she had an olive complexion, but years of living with the Shrouds faded her skin tone which make her freckles and eyebags more noticeable. Her eyes are purple in color. Kore sports a permanent pout from having to do all of the heavy lifting for Idia.
Kore dons the standard Night Raven Academy female uniform, which consists of the black blazer on top of the blue, gold-lined vest designated for students of Ignihyde, and a short black skirt, all without the black and white tie. She ties the Ignihyde armband around her hip. In the dormitory, Kore wears a dark navy blue deep v-neck tank top with the standard bright blue half-vest over her right shoulder and across her torso, navy-blue pants, and black and blue boots. She either drapes the jacket over her shoulders or ties it around her waist.
Kore is a very snarky individual, spending years around Idia would do that to a person. Somehow his introvertedness did not rub off on her, helping Ortho drag the Ignihyde dorm leader out of his room. Where Idia is not, Kore will be, running errands for him and generally doing the hard work. Despite her hatred towards doing everything for him, Kore and Idia do get along well, but him making up by buying her dice and gyros does make Kore a tiny bit willing to do it. Speaking of dice, she is the textbook definition of a dice goblin, always showing up to the Board Game Club with a new set of dice. Kore is one of the more competitive members of the Board Game Club, either dishing out challenges or readily accepting them from others.  
(Chapter Six Spoilers)
The Merakis are a prominent family in the Kingdom of Heroes and one of the head families of the Jupiter Conglomerate. The patriarch of the household, Ourios Meraki, sired eight children; the youngest of which is Kore with his ex, Demetria. Her parents split when she was an infant, resulting in her spending her time between the Meraki household in the Kingdom of Heroes and Demetria’s in the Shaftlands.
Growing up, due to business relations, the Merakis and Shrouds had a decent connection with each other. Thus, Kore and Idia were somewhat close as children. However, at the young age of ten, the two would become inseparable. Disaster struck the Shroud family, and as the youngest of eight with zero possibility of ever becoming the head of the Merakis, Ourios handed custody of Kore over to the Shrouds as a companion to their grief-stricken child. She was forced to leave her brothers and sisters behind and live in the Island of Woe.
Kore was there by Idia’s side through all of the failed test runs, supporting his attempt at creating life. She held him as he broke down, and he held her when she missed her siblings too much.
Four years after Idia successfully brought Ortho to life, they both received their letters of admission to Night Raven College. Together with Ortho, Kore and Idia attended the prestigious school and were both placed into Ignihyde. In the crowd stood a certain student of Ignihyde about to embark on his journey as an interning fourth year: Poimandres Pleiades, the youngest son of Ourios Meraki and the older half-brother of Kore. Upon their arrival into the dormitory, Poimandres took it upon himself to welcome his baby sister whom he had not seen in six whole years with open arms. After their reunion at the school, Kore was finally able to reestablish her bond with her older siblings, starting with Poimandres.
Abilities and Unique Magic:
Because of her experience and enjoyment with tabletop roleplay games, Kore is very adept and quick with improvisation and thinking on her feet.
Kore’s Unique Magic is called “Restoration”. Restoration is a purely support-based power, which allows Kore to negate and remove any and all effects from an individual target. Additionally, she can act as a conduit for blot accumulation by siphoning blot from whomever she is in physical contact with and must keep holding on to the person to take in blot. Kore can also redirect the accumulated blot into another target.
Incantation: “Take a rest. Debuff negation. Heal upon my word. Restoration.”
She is twisted from Persephone from Greek Mythology 
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and Megara from Disney’s Hercules.
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More information will come out in the future~
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lassieposting · 2 years
1,8,11,12,17 and 18 for eliza and Nefarian for the brotp game plz?
Send a number + a BROTP pairing for platonic headcanons!
1. What kind of places/situations do they hang out?
During the War, they mostly got to socialise at Mevolent's parties, but if they were to reconnect now, they'd mostly be stylish cafe people, meeting up for expensive froufrou coffees and a session of bitchy people-watching.
8. Would they ever agree to fake date or be a platonic plus one?
They'd go to parties together, sure! Eliza likes to make a splash, and showing up to like, the Requiem Ball, with Nefarian Serpine is going to yeet China right off her Most Notorious Attendee pedestal. They wouldn't fake date though. They're both attractive, flirty people who like badly thought out whirlwind affairs - they have no reason to want to look like they're off the market.
11. Imagine they're shopping for clothes together. How does it go?
They'd probably enjoy it, tbh.
Og!Serpine and Eliza would've had a great time - they were both very classy, elegant, well-dressed people. Og!Serpine liked the Victorian aesthetic, and I picture Eliza as very vintage-glam.
But Alt!Nef is from a dimension where fashions were totally different, and from what little I've seen of phase two, he seems to lean more towards casual clothes than Og!Serpine. I'm pretty sure he's wearing a trucker hat when he reveals himself to Skug? Like this man does not know what constitutes classy in this dimension whatsoever, and he lives in student housing, so that doesn't help. Eliza would judge him hard. Jeans? Oh dear, Nefarian, are you quite well? Have you given up on life?
But she'd also relish the opportunity to take him out and dress him up, get him some decent suits. Partly because she's quietly that kind of girl, she likes the makeover scenes in movies, but also because he'd owe her one.
12. Would they ever consider being roommates? Why or why not?
Nah. Partly because they're both 400+ and "roommates" was not even a concept for the vast majority of their lifetimes, but also because they're both promiscuous as hell, and having their own space is essential to being able to bring home your latest ill-advised hookup.
17. How do they react to each other's taste in music?
They don't like each other's music. But they're from the 1500s, so like. It's mostly snippy little comments about ever so slightly different styles of classical music that most people can't even tell apart - "What was Doofenschmirtz thinking using a lute for this piece?" "The lute is UNDERRATED!" - and they get really pedantic about it. Eliza also solidly thinks that no good music has been produced since the era of vaudeville and jazz clubs, while Nef thinks the music he hears on the radio is "intriguing", so they bicker about that too. There's no such thing as synth or autotune where he's from!
18. Have they ever cried in front of the other?
Yes, but not about anything serious. They're both backstabbing schemers, and they know to keep anything they don't want used against them close to the chest. But they've had like, a tipsy boo-hoo or two over petty relationship woes or someone they want but can't have, when they want to be the centre of attention for a bit.
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dollysdeardiary · 2 months
April 21st, 2024
Hello, once again.
Yesterday I returned from my little escapade in Westerville, a small yet lively town where my university was located. Needless to say, I enjoyed the campus, the people, and the professors, so I have committed, officially. I will be attending Otterbein University in the Class of 2028, pursuing a Bachelor's in Fine Arts in Musical Theatre. How exciting! I am already thinking on how to decorate my dormitory, my new classmates, all of it! I can't wait to take you, my dear reader, along with me for the ride. It's sure to be an adventure for the ages. I never thought I'd be attending a school up North, yet here I am. I had my eyes set on Oklahoma City University, a college close to home. But it wasn't meant to be, which is alright. In the world of show business, you must always be ready to accept a "no" and not take it personally.
I've been taking the time this beautiful Sunday to unpack and continue my studies for school. I've missed lots of school these days due to college visits. My grades have suffered some, but nothing I cannot recover from. I've been diligent in my work when I'm not away traveling, but it is still rather exhausting trying to keep up. I attend a prestigious private school with a (rather) rigorous curriculum, so missing one day can be a little more than stressful. I've only taken a small break this afternoon to write to you all. Truly, I care for you, my dear reader, to write to you in these tumultuous times of being a student (woe is me!).
While I was in Westerville, I had the pleasure of observing a few classes I would be taking as a future Otterbein Cardinal. One was a choir rehearsal for the choir named the "Otterbein Singers". It's a choir that is full of Musical Theatre majors only, and it is mandatory to attend. It was an entertaining rehearsal to observe as I listened to them sing their songs. One was in Latin, a classic piece, and how lovely it was! If only I knew the name to tell you, dear reader. They rehearse in the university's church named "The Church of The Master". I was told the church is affiliated with the university, but not exactly a part of campus officially. Although, if the student use it as a rehearsal space, I would consider it an "unofficial" part of campus.
I also had the pleasure of observing a showcase of this year's freshman class at Otterbein. They all showed very polished and skilled performances, and I loved it. They performed some pieces from Come From Away, Wicked, Oklahoma!, and many more. They were also many attractive individuals there, who could sing like birds on a line! Here's to hoping a girl like me could find a wonderful beau, I can only hope so.
There are a few issues with attending this school, however. The freshman dorms have no air conditioning, which is sure to be a nightmare in the summer heat, but I can always install a unit or a fan, and a heater for the winter months. Oh, and the food in the dining halls are not of the best quality, so it would be best for me to get groceries on the weekends to create simple meals to take to class. I understand as a theatre student I would be so swamped I wouldn't have the time to make a full-course meal, but that doesn't stop me from making something simple. Dear reader, I am a true "foodie" as some like to put it, and I will not starve, nor will I eat subpar food. I will eat good food, always. My mother always said I am immature in some aspects for college, but that she knows I will never go hungry or eat "junk" as she puts it.
Anyway, the clock is telling me it is now 1 PM, and it is time for a nice, late lunch, and to get ready to see my friend's play. My dear friend Scarlett is playing Meg in Little Women, as well as my other friend Clementine who plays Beth. I must head off to eat and get ready.
Thank you for reading, my dear friend.
Dolly Astor
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moonley18 · 7 months
I Will Never Financially Recover From This Tacky Sweatshirt
Embrace the humorous side of adulting with the I Will Never Financially Recover From This Tacky Sweatshirt. Whether you're navigating student loans, adult responsibilities, or just life's unexpected expenses, this sweatshirt serves as a lighthearted acknowledgment of the struggles we all face.
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The vibrant and intentionally tacky design adds a touch of whimsy to a classic wardrobe staple. Cozy up in this I Will Never Financially Recover From This Tacky Sweatshirt and share a laugh with fellow warriors in the battle against financial woes.
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