#the whole thing was sweet but that’s probably the best bright spot in that area
stayathome-ts · 2 years
Just rambling about pseudomemories for a sec in the tags.
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styloplumes · 10 months
Cookie date ☆ Aubrey x Reader
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Notes: Aubrey x Reader, They/them pronouns, spoilers
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You and Aubrey met through the friend group. The two of you were inseparable after that, she was your best friend and you were hers.
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"Hey y/n! Mari is hosting another picnic at the hideout. Last one there has to give the other one of Mari's cookies!" Right after she said that she took off.
"Hey no fair you get a head start!" You started chasing after Aubrey yelling at her to slow down and she responded by running faster and laughing while doing so.
Eventually you managed to reach the designated area, unfortunately for you Aubrey had gotten there first along with the others. The picnic seemed to already be made and prepared.
"Alright y/n you lost the bet now you owe me one of Mari's cookies." "Well I never agreed to any bet!" "Fine then I'm going to tell Mari that you're being mean."
Aubrey stormed off toward Mari to tell on you. You would be lying if you weren't at least a little scared, Mari could be scary when mad and you didn't want to be the victim of that.
Thankfully Mari seemed to be understanding about the situation and just gave Aubrey one extra cookie. Fortunately for you Aubrey settled for that, as long as she got an extra cookie she was happy.
Not short after Kel started something up again, he was mad that only Aubrey got an extra cookie and not the rest of them. Hero and Mari had to settle things down and make sure things didn't escalate.
In the end everyone ending up getting an extra cookie, not like anybody minded, who wouldn't want Mari's famous cookies?
How perfect things were. Nothing could ruin those moments.
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How long has it been? You stopped counting a long time ago. Just thinking about the whole thing hurt.
Hero went to college, Kel busied himself with sports, Basil had become more nervous and shy whilst he started to avoid people and Sunny well you hadn't seen him in 4 years.
Aubrey. Your best friend, she went through a lot, everyone went through a lot. And yet despite that you stuck by her side supporting her and never leaving her side.
She's probably the one who changed the most. She had dyed her hair a bright pink, put on a tough face and was the leader of the scooter gang.
Even then she was still Aubrey. You knew her better than anyone, you know that she's not a completely different person, she's still the Aubrey you knew and love.
Despite the scooter gang's tough exterior they were actually a bunch of softies. They knew who they could trust and who they couldn't.
You were their leaders best friend, if she trusted you they knew you were someone they could trust too. Some of them would offer you out to Gino's pizza, sometimes Kim and Vance would even share their candy with you.
Technically you weren't part of the scooter gang yet they still treated you like a true member. You and the hooligans were like a family.
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"I think we should set Aubrey and y/n up for a date." "What if Aubrey gets mad at us? Plus what if they don't even like each other like that." "We should still do it, c'mon it'll be funny." "Alright fine let's do it."
The hooligans were snickering and plotting at the hangout spot planning a date for you and Aubrey. "What if this actually goes well." "Then they'll have to thank us and we'll be seen as the matchmakers that brought them together."
The plan was set. They were gonna text the two of you individually to meet up for a picnic at the hangout spot pretending like it was group gathering when in reality it was just going to be the two of you.
They pre-made the picnic and made sure it was all lovey dovey, candles, sweets, they even ordered a pizza from Gino's out of their own pocket.
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Hey y/n! Group meeting at the hangout spot. Come at 6 o clock. Don't be late!
Okay. I'll bake some homemade cookies and Some other snacks as well!
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Angel had texted you to come to the hangout out spot at 6 o clock. Delighted you prepared some chocolate chip cookies ahead of time. 'I'm sure they'll love them, especially Kim and Vance those two have a big sweet tooth.'
Finally it was close to 6 o clock so you made sure to set off a bit early to not be late as requested. 'I wonder why they would want a meeting this late? Oh well maybe it's something important.' Though the timing was a bit odd you didn't question it much.
You arrived early but only saw Aubrey sitting on a picnic blanket. The scenery had candles, roses and there was even a pizza set in the middle. It almost looked... romantic?
You sat down and put your batch of cookies to the side. Aubrey didn't look at you, didn't even glance, her eyes seemed to be drawn to the blanket. 'We are a bit early so maybe the others just haven't arrived yet, I mean our hangout spot is walking distance so maybe they went to the shops.' That's what you kept telling yourself.
But as time went on it was well past six and it was obvious the others weren't coming. The whole time Aubrey never looked up and there was a really awkward silence until she finally broke it.
"They're not gonna get away with this I swear." She finally looked up at you with a look of annoyance on her face. "Sorry y/n they set this whole thing up probably as a joke. You can leave if you want, I don't mind."
You finally caught on to what was happening. Why would they do this? Why all the trouble just for this? Even so you wanted to talk to Aubrey. Even though the two of you are best friends you never really got to have time alone together.
"No it's okay. I mean you can leave if you want I'm not forcing you to stay here! But it's just been awhile since we got to talk together." Aubrey couldn't deny this, it had been a while but that was partially her fault since she only wanted to spend time as a group, not one on one.
"Yeah, I'm sorry y/n I really am." All of a sudden she let her tough act down and was apologizing. "Huh? Don't worry Aubrey it isn't your fault, and well I'm sorry too. I'm your best friend and yet I haven't been there for you lately. What a best friend I am."
An awkward silence pursued once again until you reached into the little basket with the cookies and offered one to her. Chocolate chip, one of her favorites. She took it and happily ate it. It was nice seeing her smily and happy after being used to her tough side.
It had been a while since she had cookies, especially homemade ones. Oh how she missed them.. Chocolate chip. They taste just as good as they used to, only this time you were the one making them.
"There's plenty of more if you want some. In fact you can have all of them since I don't think I'll finish them." You handed her the basket full of cookies as she looked at you with uncertainty as if asking for conformation that you were giving her them.
You nodded but it was getting later and darker. Not wanting to waste the food you grabbed a slice of pizza that had just been sitting there waiting to be eaten. Aubrey followed and the two of you had dinner in a now comfortable silence.
Even though this was sort of an unofficial date there was something you wanted to tell her but was scared to in fear of losing what the two of you had. It would be okay now though right? Trying to muster up the courage Aubrey took notice of how you were acting.
"I have something to tell you."
The two of you said in union. "You go first." "No it's okay you can go first." "Okay what if we both say it at the same time." "Okay on count of three. One... two... THREE!"
"Wait what."
The two of you looked at each other baffled. She likes you? You like her?
"WOOOHOOOO I TOLD YOU GUYS THEY LIKED EACH OTHER!" All of a sudden there was a scream coming from behind the trees and bushes. Aubrey immediately got up and went running over there. Next thing you know the group of hooligans were exposed from their hiding place standing there with a look of shame on their faces.
"We're sorry" One of them mumbled. "But you gotta give us some credit. If we hadn't done anything you two love birds would've never confessed." Unfortunately that was most likely true, only because of the incident you managed to tell her your feelings.
"You guys are lucky this went well so I'm letting you off the hook but next time I won't be so nice." Aubrey scolded the hooligans like an angry mother while you watched. A reminder to never make Aubrey mad.
"Y/n! Save us!" "Don't think you can pull them into this mess, take responsibility for your actions!" Although they were your friends you couldn't help but watch in awe.
Aubrey sent them home as they walked the path in shame. "I'm sorry it turned out like that, I shouldn't have lost my temper." Aubrey was apologizing once again. You didn't say anything just walked up to her and planted a small kiss on her cheek.
A small pink hue spread across her face processing what had just happened. You stuck out your hand for her to take. "I know this is a bit odd so we can start things slow right?" She slowly nodded and took your hand with hers.
"Yeah, let's go." And with that two of you walked happily (and a bit embarrassed) the way home.
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MY TIME (Omori masterlist)
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technowoah · 3 years
Dating The Dream Team Headcanon(s)
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Dream! (Clay)
Our supposed golden retriever
He loves you with his whole heart and he'll tell you that every second he gets.
He loves showering you with affection on and off camera
Mostly off camera
Pda isn't a problem because no one knows his real face.
He'll kiss you, holding hands, hug you, piggyback rides when your feet hurt, locking arms, arms around eachother when you're walking. All of be above
Just hugging you from behind all of the time. And always wanting to be around you
But if people know who you are and know you're dating Dream you two rarely go outside in public areas.
But home dates are amazing too!
Blanket forts even though its so cliché, he insists.
Watching horror movies on the first date was his choice.
Ya know for somone to cuddle, just in case they get scared. It worked.
You guys dont need "dates" because you always are around eachother.
But Clay likes to have formal dates every now and then
At first you didn't know what to call Clay.
You had called Clay, Dream for the first month you two started officially dating.
One day he asked you why, and you said that you watch videos that he's in and gotton used to people calling him Dream
He melted on spot when you mentioned you watched his videos and videos with him in it.
Except for the minecraft cheating ones
He always asks if you like the video first before anyone else because he values your opinions.
He'll sit you on his lap while recording or editing and sometimes, I emphasize sometimes, your voice will make it into a video.
He was very protective of you, and still is. Especially because of the place he is in popularity.
In the beginning your conversations while speed running would always be either muted from his audience or either cut of from the extended manhunt videos.
Now he takes pride in having his significant other's voice in videos. He dosent cut out your conversations, except if they're too personal.
Or the kisses
Dream bought you roses on the first date, and now roses are such a special thing between you two.
Those little rose pendants for jewelry, fake roses to keep around his place, gifts things that reminded him of your first date with a rose that comes with it.
He gives you merch of course!
Your closet is full of Dream hoodies and a box full of milestone coins.
You always either get the prototype one or the first one made. Idk how he made that happen, but take his word for it.
You've meet "Drista" before, and you had met his family too!
His family adores you.
He has yet to meet yours, but one day he promises he will make a great first impression.
I would do into more detail, but Dream is one of the most caring, sweet, boyfriend's you'll ever have.
My boyyyy
I love sapnap srs
He'll treat you like royalty
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but further into your relationship he got more comfortable with showing you love in public.
He loves hugs, lying together, just hugs and sitting you on his lap and resting his head on your shoulder.
You guys mostly have home dates for him to have an excuse to hold you all day.
The dates are mostly movie marathons with one of you laying ontop of one another
He loves cheek kisses btw.. all the time
Conversation between you two flows so naturally you could talk for hours about anything.
You try to convince him to have a podcast.
When you get too riled up his voice calms you and he knows that so he uses it to his advantage.
You two play fight alot, its never serious you two barely fight.
Also calling him his real name was the strangest thing to him.
Like Dream, it had to take some getting used too because their friends wouldn't call them by their real name (most of the time)
He adores nicknames for the both of you. You both have too many nicknames but the most popular one between you is 'angel'
You never sit in the same room while he plays video games, because he can scream very loud.
There probably has been noise complaints. And you wouldn't be surprised.
You'll always defend him no matter what. Even when the twitter stans get to him, he knows you'll be there without a doubt. Always ready to defend your man.
You're kinda protective of Sapnap, but he's more protective over you.
You two would defend eachother to the ends of the earth.
You trust him with hanging out with other people, but you just dont trust Twitter.
He loves showing you off to his community. He kept you a secret at first then gradually started saying "my significant other" and they caught on.
Sapnap isnt that much of a gift giver. He loves to spend more quality time with a person.
He likes to spend more time with you than buy you material things all the time.
But he gives you his merch, but then the rest of the clothes you get are his actual hoodies.
He's actually starting to miss his clothing so he asks for them back for them to inevitably end up back in your closet.
You and Sapnap are planning to take a trip to meet his parents and then make a weekend out of it.
Then the next stop is to meet yours and out of all the relationships you've had you're not nervous for him to meet your parents.
We love sapnap in this household and he would just be the best boyfriend srs
GeorgeNotFound! (George)
This man is so annoying
But like in an endearing way ya know?
He never fails to brighten up your day
Making you laugh
repeating phrases over and over again
poking you nonstop to get a reaction out of you
giving you long hugs that never seem to end
kissing you all over your face.
He is just so bright.
Hes the neighbors kid
George loves giving you affection whether its kisses or holding your hand he wants you to know he's there.
Even if you dont want him to he'll always want to be around you.
He loves skinship.
George loves walking around London finding stuff to do for dates.
He loves taking small roadtrips too so you get to see stuff around the area you wouldn't normally see.
Just walking around holding hands while making fun of anything you can see.
You two are out in public a lot so when George does his meetups with his friends and brings you along people would stop them and want to take pictures.
He'll introduce you as his significant other in public to fans who ask or notice, but online when his friends ask about his relationship he says "what relationship?" Even though his whole fanbase knows you two are dating.
His fanbase loves you two together, but sometimes they can get too much.
George couldn't care less about what his fanbase thinks if him and his relationship and he wants you do think the same because its not worth it.
Your voice sometimes appear in his videos when you comment on something he does in minecraft.
George doesn't like to put his personal life out on the internet so he still keeps secrets about yall relationship
All his community knows is that you're his significant other and you're "really cool" in George’s words.
You stay in his room when he's recording because he insisted that you stay.
Also he doesn't give you his merch, he refuses to and everytime you ask he just says "because I said so" and "I need the money"
He ends up giving you merch, you knew it was a bluff anways.
Dreams love language is gift giving
Sapnaps is quality time
and George’s is skinship like I said.
Hugs and kisses all the time. Even when your mad at him
You guys have so many inside jokes its ridiculous.
You say them around your friends and laugh just to annoy them.
You guys love to flaunt your relationship around. Showing off that "this is George’s jumper" and "oh this is y/n's necklace"
One time you threatened to cut George’s hair and he didnt speak to you for like an hour.
You already have a good relationship with him and his friends, but you havent met his family yet.
If your family lives out of the country you both plan to travel for him to meet your family.
If your family is in the same country you guys plan a month where you both meet eachothers parents in that same month.
George would be so proud that he got to meet your parents. And the same goes for you.
After all you both love a little road trip from time to time.
Anyways being georges significant other would be a 20/10 experience.
Dream Team Imagines: @bozowrites
MCYT Imagines: @annshit @bobaducky @malfoysslutt @egorldevi
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Star Crossed Fuckers
Pairing: sub!peter x fem!reader + they're 18
Warnings: smut with some build-up, it's pretty clear when it starts. oral, m and f receiving, enjoy sub!peter
Request: Peter and you are best friends but both of you have always liked each other. One day somehow the line is crossed and you let your feelings all out. If possible ending in smut with subpeter 👉🏼👈🏼
Synopsis: You and Peter finally come to terms with the fact you're in love with each other and things get a little- passionately -heated
a/n: so I'm reposting this because it didn't get anywhere in terms of interaction. if it wasn't a request I'd prob delete it cuz I'm sensitive
Want to request something? Click Here
*Do not repost my work on any platform, reblogs are appreciated*
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You weren’t sure about soulmates, but you thought you and Peter were something along those lines. Only spending time with each other all through high school meant you knew everything about each other. Yes, even that he was a crime-fighting spider by night. It’s kind of hard to hide that you grew 2 sizes and got perfect eyesight overnight from your best friend.
Everything about him, you loved. You never stopped thinking about that boy, no matter what you were doing, he was in your thoughts. There was doubt in your mind that you were in love with him. If only you knew how to tell him.
Meanwhile, Peter thought the world of you. He tried spending every waking second with you. No matter what you did with that time, he felt like the luckiest person in the world. He loved just being in your presence because, well, he’s in love with you.
You played with the idea of telling him how you felt and so did he. Both of you denied trying, in fear any part of your friendship could be ruined. Your love for each other was buried deep down. Or, at least, that kind of love. You know, like every single friends-to-lovers trope??
People often mistook you for a couple, even when Peter introduced you to the Avengers, they assumed you were dating. He talked about you all of the time and it made sense with your body language. The small touches you’d give him, linking your arms or even hands when you walked. He threw his arm around you when he got the courage, but you initiated most of it.
Physical touch was definitely his love language after he didn’t get much of it during his childhood. He happened to be the only person you actually enjoyed receiving it from and giving it to, and Peter noticed this. He silently celebrated you trusting him enough to let your guard down.
“So glad that shit is over,” you let out a deep breath, running your hands down your face as you fell onto the couch in your family's living room.
“Our grad party or high school?” Peter chuckled as he took a seat next to you.
“Can’t believe you made us do it,”
“Excuse me,” you turned your upper body to look at the boy beside you, “I think I remember you smiling every time I looked over at you,”
“Probably because you were looking at me,” he smiled and your eyes rolled back.
“Mhm, I’m sure you couldn’t keep your eyes off of me,” you winked before checking a notification from your phone.
Peter was thankful you became preoccupied because his cheeks were definitely bright red. Yes, yes he was staring at you the entire evening. You looked amazing and he was enamored with you.
“My parents went out for dinner so we have the place to ourselves,”
Finally, he spent all day around other people, getting barely any attention from you and now he got you all to himself.
“What should we do?” Peter questioned while resisting the urge to tell you that he wished he could go to dinner, romantically, with you.
“Oh-,” you clapped your hands, startling him, and got off of the couch, “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere,”
And with that, you ran upstairs. Peter sat there, already missing your presence. You came back into the living room, something in your hand. Before Peter could ask, you jumped onto him and threw your arms over his shoulders, burying your face in his neck.
He didn’t object, missing your affection. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. It felt so good to be held by the person you’re in love with.
“Okay,” you pulled your head away from his neck and looked at him, a few tears pricking your eyes already, “I know how fucking corny it is, you don’t need to tell me,”
He nodded and you handed him a piece of paper. It read Certificate of Registration; Peanut.
“What’s this?” He asked, reading it over.
“I uh- I bought you a star and named it after you,” you flashed him a smile and started explaining how you went about it.
All Peter could hear was that the love of his life named something after him. And a star nonetheless. All he wanted to do was kiss you and tell you how much he loved you.
“And since we probably won’t-,” you wiped your eyes, Peter feeling his own tears collecting, “we won’t be able to see each other as often so I figured at night, we can look at the same stars still,”
Peter had the biggest grin on his face and you could see the creases around his eyes, your favorite expression of his.
“Honestly, I don’t even know if it’s in this area of the sky above New York and it’s not like it has a sign to say it’s yours but I wanted to get you something,” you told him, a laugh coming through your tears.
“I love it,” he pulled you back into a hug, squeezing tighter this time and his tears finally made it down his cheeks, “thank you so much, for everything,”
“Oh boy, you’re going to be the death of me, Peanut,” you kissed his shoulder and pulled back from him again.
Something came over you at that moment. You looked in his eyes and thought you saw the same thing going through him. He looked at you with so much love, every little detail about you was on his mind.
You leaned forward an inch or so, not sure if this was the right move. What if he rejects you and you ruin your destroy your friendship? Then again, you were going to different colleges and wouldn’t see each other in school. But you wanted him in your life forever.
Peter was internally screaming. You leaned in, did that mean you wanted to kiss him? He wasn’t really sure if that’s what you were going for, so he froze, silently wishing for you to kiss him.
“Peter?” You whispered with your face only a few inches from his.
“Y/n?” He glanced at your lips before making eye contact with you.
“I love you,” you kept your eyes on him, too scared to look away.
“As in-,”
“I am in love with you,”
Because what the hell, you couldn’t spend another second without knowing if he felt the same way. Peter was speechless, only replaying your words in his head over and over.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, a smile spreading across his face.
You brought your hands up to cup his cheeks and pulled him in, your lips connecting.
All of those feelings, every moment you both wanted to spill the kind of love you really had for each other, was put into this kiss. Peter never wanted it to end, you holding him close and being this intimate felt so natural after holding back for so long.
The minuscule touches you shared turned into so much more. Peter held your waist, which he’d touch before but now it had a whole new meaning. He didn’t want to go too far without knowing what you were comfortable with.
You sucked on his bottom lip before slowly pulling back, your eyes filled with lust.
“Wow,” he exhaled, fingers brushing your lower back.
“Yeah,” you placed a hand under his chin and smirked, “I really want to do it again,”
He eagerly nodded, beating you to it this time and pressing his lips to yours. It felt like you had done it so many times more than once before, yet still just as amazing and new.
After a few minutes of blatant making out, hair messed with, lips were swollen, shallow breathing filling the room, you cupped his cheeks again and barely took your lips off of his.
“Do you-” you ran your thumbs over his cheekbones and took a moment to catch your breath, “Do you wanna go to my room?”
His brown eyes went wide, the thought of that making his head spin.
“Yeah, if- if that’s what you want,” he leaned into your touch and scratched the back of his neck.
You knew he did that when he got nervous.
“You’re sure?” You tilted your head and took his hands in yours.
“Yes, definitely- I just,” he paused and leaned his forehead on your chest, “you’d be my first,”
You kissed the top of his head and ran your hands through his hair. It’s not like you didn’t know that. You spent all of your time together so you’d know if he had a girlfriend…or boyfriend.
“I don’t have condoms so we can’t do it, but we don’t have to do anything at all if you don’t feel comfortable,” you reassured him and he looked up at you through his eyelashes, “we can start in my room and go from there, okay?”
You got off of him, took his hand, and led him to your room. Both of you had a stupid smile there was no way of wiping off your faces.
“Sit down,” you told him and he listened, sitting on your bed with his back against the headboard.
You shut your door and locked it before getting onto your bed with him.
“Is this okay?” You asked, straddling his waist.
“More than,” he brought his hands to your waist and you leaned down, connecting your lips once again.
God, you couldn’t believe you went this long without being able to kiss Peter Parker.
You rocked your hips back and forth, the friction making him moan against your lips. You kissed down his jaw and then down to the spot below his ear, his chest rising and falling quicker beneath you.
“I love you,” he told you as you sucked on the sweet spot, earning a whimper from him.
“I know,” you whispered in his ear, your voice low and rough.
Your lips found their way down his neckline and you gestured for him to sit up so you could take off his shirt and you did the same, both articles of clothing forgotten.
He leaned back, this time laying down and you kissed down his chest, biting every once in a while. Before you got to his waistband, he stopped you.
“Wait, can I do s- something for you?”
“Yeah, I’d love that,” you smiled and got off of him.
You traded places and he hesitated when brushing his hand over the band of your pants.
“Go ahead,” you lifted your hips and he gently pulled your bottoms and underwear down your legs, the only piece of clothing left was your bra.
He eyed you hungrily, mouth slightly parted. But he just sat there, hands on his thighs with no idea what to do. He understood the basic task but a wave of nervousness washed over him.
“You don’t have to,” you saw how hesitant he was with a small frown on his face, “I’ll make sure you do a good job and I don’t expect to be perfect the first time you go down on someone”
“Okay, and tell me if you don’t like it, please?”
“Of course, but you'll do great, I'm sure,” you nodded and gave him an encouraging smile
He let out a deep sigh, leaning down, and started placing tender kisses down your inner thighs, your heart racing as he got closer to your bare center.
“Now run your tongue upward,”
He did as he was told, enjoying following your orders. His hands held onto your upper thighs as he continued to use his tongue, licking up and down your slit, until you gave him the next direction.
“Find my clit,” you smirked and threaded your hand through his hair, “Nope- yep,”
You arched your back off of the bed when he started sucking on it. His tongue felt so good and he loved seeing you like this, hair messy, heavy breathing, your hands pulling on his hair. He could stay here forever.
“Good boy,” you said as a moan left your lips and he blushed at the praise, his pants feeling tighter by the second.
Peter continued to lick and suck on your core, a pattern developing as he got you closer and closer to your climax. He whined at your taste, determined to do a good job all of the way through.
Your thighs began to close around his head and he opened them more, your reaction having nothing on his super strength. Plus, nothing was going to stop him from getting you to cum.
“Oh my god Peter,” you threw your head back as your orgasm hit you, the amazing feeling all from Peter’s mouth.
He continued to lap up your release, assuming he should wait until you told him to stop. When you came down from your high, you pulled him back by his curls, a nervous smile on his face.
“That was so good,” you told him as you sat up and he was glad to receive your approval.
You pulled him in for a long kiss, your tongue slipping into his mouth. It was sloppy but neither of you cared, you just couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. Or mouths for that matter.
You reached back and unclipped your bra and Peter watched in awe as it fell from your shoulders. Yep, he had pictured you naked before, he’s in love with you so…duh. The real thing was better than any picture he painted in his head.
“You’re beautiful,” he slowly reached out, uncertain if you’d want him to touch your boobs.
“You’re gorgeous, Peter,” you placed his hands on your chest, “I always knew you liked tits, you’re a whore for boobs- aren’t you pretty boy?” you smirked and he whined at your teasing, taking one in his mouth.
“I asked you a question,” you pulled him back by his hair and he looked up at you, his round puppy dog eyes full of love.
“Yes I- I love yours,” he sputtered before you pressed his face back into your chest and he groaned when he was met with your soft skin again.
Your hand slid down his bare torso, tracing his abs. You reached his belt buckle which you managed to undo with one hand.
“I wanna see you cum, okay?”
He nodded, still sucking on your tits.
“Get up, take everything off,” you instructed and he made haste, getting up and pulling
You admired him while he stood there waiting for you to tell him what to do. His dick stood tall and his cheeks turned red with your eyes running over him.
You got up and walked over to him, your eyes dark, tits bouncing and you just wanted to touch him. You backed him against the wall and held your hand in from of his mouth, seeing if he’d understand what you wanted.
He cocked his head before you pulled his bottom lip and he immediately opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue and licking your hand. You licked it yourself after, making eye contact with him. He felt his dick twitch and you hadn’t even touched him yet.
“You like that?” You asked when you wrapped your hand around his shaft, pumping him agonizingly slow.
“Yes, so much,” he said, his breathing getting heavier, "p- please, more"
You quickened your pace, every move you made he reacted to. His mouth fell open when you used your other hand to cup his balls, squeezing a little.
“F- fuck,” his lip quivered as he got closer to his orgasm.
You dropped down to your knees, looking up at him as you licked from his base to the tip. He tilted his head back, not caring about hitting the wall. Your mouth felt amazing and you looked so fucking hot with his dick in your mouth.
“Gonna cum like a good boy?” You rubbed small circles on his thighs and he nodded, his face scrunching right before it hit him.
He let out a loud whine, followed by whimpers as he came into your mouth. You made sure to swallow every last drop, trying to act like it maybe tasted good...
“So pretty,” you told him, standing up and cupping his cheeks, soothing him as he relaxed.
“You’re amazing,” he was breathless and you pulled him over to your bed, helping him get under the covers.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom,” you kissed his forehead and smoothed his hair over, “you did so well,”
He grinned at your praise and pulled you closer, wanting to feel your bare skin on his.
“We should have a serious talk when I get back, okay?” You whispered in his ear and then kissed his cheek.
“Yeah, definitely, I don't want to stargaze by myself,”
Taglist: @avengersbitch @criminalyetminimal
@quaksonhehe @marthakookie @t-bag2
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sugar-petals · 3 years
#Scream For Me (m)
↳ PAIRING. sub!hyunjin x domme!reader
↳ SUMMARY. It’s his first time. You’re in charge. He lets loose. 
↳ WORDS. 3k
warnings ⚠️ spit play, fingering, blindfolds, ribbon bondage, handjobs, casual domination, oral (f receives), slow dick riding, as you can tell by the title he’s very loud, sloppy sex, choking, aftercare
♡ NOTE ➝ surprise surprise, writing for stray kids today! vocal hyunjin is domme candy👌
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“I’ll be very gentle,” you hook two fingers down the hem of his jeans. Hyunjin quickly nods: Both your attention lies on just how much his pants are bulging out already. As long as you stay focussed, surely this will be a calm first time for him— Well, we’ll see about that. In fact, if you already knew what is slumbering inside of him? You’d get fucking ready.
“Can I please touch you as well?”
He’s fumbling at your thighs, your dress, and you can feel his nervousness in the fingertips already.
“You can. But first— Mommy unwraps her present. You know how it goes.“
And it’s a big present, I’m telling you. So big, you have a hard time smoothly unzipping him in one go. And since his hips won’t hold still — God is he sensitive to touching, but hey, what’s not to like — undressing him takes some real maneuvering. It’s not easy to whip a 300 feet yacht out of some average harbor. 
“Do you like it?” 
“Uh-huh. Something I can work with right there.”
A bit of lube distributed in both hands, a deep breath, now you’re good to go. You give it a few pumps to accommodate Hyunjin to your touch. As expected: He’s not very stoic about it. Even though he’s fully reclined on your bed, and it couldn’t be any cozier, he bucks up.
“Don’t worry. Just teasin’. Here,” you give him access to your dress by lifting it past your hip. His left hand finds its way past your underwear pretty fast. Guess who’s relieved by a distraction from his spike in arousal. Now that you think about it, he might like some casual handjobs in the daytime or while driving. During cuddles, maybe. 
How not to touch him all day. He’s all big and girthy, he reacts well. Your fingers fits perfectly around him, too. Hyunjin’s nice as fuck to hold and stroke. Not to mention lightning fast when it comes to reciprocating. He’s shy about a lot of things, and that’s because of having few experience, but not about being mutual. Green flag.
“So wet...”
“Just for you. Go ahead, take a dip.“
Hyunjin definitely looks like he’s having the time of his life just fingering you. Freestyle, no rules, no strategies. He delights in just pleasing you at every angle. Fuck, his hands are so nice. At one point, you resort to ripping off your panties altogether. Easier access. He gets even harder in your palm.
“Is that good?”
“That’s good, babe. Keep on circling.”
Those lips probably make for an even more unruly type of stimulation between your legs. If they’re only half as lawless, Jesus you’ll be spiralling already. They’re so nice and plump. Big cock, big lips, is there some sort of correlation? Anyway. Hyunjin feels like the type to eat pussy obsessively, so. But you think you have to be careful introducing him to it. Knowing him, he’d straight up suffocate himself on first try. Hwang Hyunjin, death by pussy.
“Can I try it with my lips as well, please?“
Fate has its way of doing things, huh. And he knows you’ve been looking at his lips, doesn’t he.
“I’ll only let you kiss and suck until I count to thirty. Wait, let me get on my back.”
Switching spots lets you feel the warmth where Hyunjin just led his back. He doesn’t waste much time. One blink and he props up his lips at your entrance, waiting for instructions. Well shit.
“Keep it shallow,” you get a fistful of his hair. “Kiss, kiss. Like that. Move it just an inch upward. Don’t touch your cock, I still wanna ride it later. Lay flat on the bed. Put your hands around my thighs. 29, 28...“
At that prospect, he becomes even more obedient. His tongue doesn’t do a bad job at all. Oh wonder, he breathes just fine. First time eating you out: You get the impression that this guy has some serious talent there.
“Tastes really good. It’s all bubbly,“ Hyunjin smiles bright from ear to ear. You’ve just stopped counting by now.
“Ugh, fuck it. Just eat, eat.”
That goes on for almost five minutes, in fact. He licks and services you perfectly. That his lips feel ten times more sensual than they already look has your breath going much shorter and your grip in his hair much tighter. So much about making assumptions. And it makes sense, not having his cock stimulated has Hyunjin cooling down a little. Suspiciously so. 
When you were stroking him off, he’d go wild right along. Conclusion: Handjobs and Hyunjin are like pressing a red button. Eating pussy: Chill area. Noted. Complete slobbery wetness: Also noted. You wonder what that’s good for.
“Hyunjin, should we go for it now? I want you inside me. You’ll slip right in so nicely. I’ll take good care of you, you don’t have to be nervous.“
“Can we kiss while we do it?”
Nothing you’d love more. You lay Hyunjin just where he started out, get a soft black ribbon from the nightstand. As promised, you tie his arms above his head, not too tightly or anything. A simple bow tie keeps the whole thing together, making it easy to open. The loose ends dangle at the sides of his wrists, teasing his skin. Goosebumps. It all makes for a nice view of his arms, and his head is brought a little forward, it’s perfect to kiss. He’s practically on the verge of kissing without you moving your lips close to his.
Starting with a little peck on the forehead and nose, you make sure he feels well in his position and get a second black ribbon to tie his eyes. A bit tighter, just so it won’t come off when his head moves. The knot you place on the right side rather than the back of the head, it’d be uncomfortable against the pillow he’s rested on. Hyunjin gets more and more excited.
“I want you to just feel. Do you want me to start?”
 “Yes—,” he says. “And, do it slowly. I don’t want you to hurt yourself also.“
He’s so sweet. And he knows his dick is kinda massive. Too many first times ruined because of that. 
“Extra slow, Hyunjin. I’ll make this feel really great for us. Come, kiss me.”
Your tongues connect just when you get hold of him with your right hand. The touch has Hyunjin groaning into the kiss—
Pretty fucking strongly.
There he goes again. Your fingers, red button, the whole shebang. Little did you know he’d start whining even more the second you line him up between your pussy lips, and move his tip around a bit. Just to say hi to your clit, and to give yourself a good feel of what’s going in first. Hyunjin is literally falling apart below you already. He can barely keep it in. 
And you can’t keep it out: Finally, you point his cock tip between your labia, and his saliva is just perfect to help you glide it past the entrance. Hyunjin’s kisses are getting hungry and desperate, and even louder, with heavy breaths along the way. 
“Jesus Christ,” he’ll catch you mumbling, and you can feel his dick throbbing. “Let me hear you!”
“You’re squeezing me! Oh shit, shit!”
Looks like someone’s very passionate to say the least. It didn’t stop with the handjob, then. Any kind of contact with his dick is having Hyunjin’s voice do somersaults. Guess why he’s walking around so noisily all day when he’s just walking and his pants do their thing like, giving him a good rub even if it’s just lightly on the surface.
With reactions like that, Hyunjin’s dick is well inside of you without any further ado. Boyfriend moaning, pussy open. While you’re enjoying the feel of being completely full with him, and imagine how deep his spit is being thrust inside you — oh god, yes — Hyunjin seems to have his own imaginations. The blindfold was both a good and a bad idea. He can’t anticipate your next move, but he also seems to feel you sliding him in twice as much. 
“Are you thinking I’m some kind of succubus, huh.”
You tease, wiggle your hips. Causing one loud fucking moan.
“It feels that way, ah!”
“Are you gonna scream your lungs out when I start moving, hm?“
“I can’t control it!”
“Let’s see then.”
You lean back into the kiss, bent forward just enough to change the way his dick is aligned inside of you all over again. A little bounce and the position is perfect.
“Wow, look. This is a good angle. It just goes right in.”
It’s amazing how he reacts at your mercy. Your kisses stifle the moans, but they also make him more on edge because he wants to let it out. Congrats, you’ve found the officially best way to torture him. 
“So. How about doing this.”
You raise your hips. It takes quite some effort to pull him out that far because he’s so girthy. It’s literally pulling at your walls as if they don’t wanna let him go. You do it slowly, terribly slow, every millimeter has your pussy lips deliciously tracing another facet of him. Moving up means cleaning some more saliva off his shaft. It all goes inside you. God bless his runny mouth while he was eating you out. 
Only Hyunjin’s tip remains inside of you. The air hitting what was previously buried inside you makes for a surefire way to make him break the kiss and bite his lips. 
“My cock! My, ah, my!”
His hands are all wobbly above his head. As are his legs behind you. 
“How are we taking it down there.”
“If you do that hip thing again, I can’t guarantee anything!“
So that’s what makes his heart beat faster.
“I’d be damn cruel making you cum so early, darling. Sooner or later I’ll milk all your semen anyway.“
Well, succubus indeed.
“I’ll just blow up, I can’t!“
“You’re lucky I won’t be riding you full-speed or something. You’re just too big for that. But what if I do the hip thing and you can’t cum?”
“Oh fuck!“
For good measure, you nuzzle him generously, and yes, do the thing. The agony in his expression is not even the full effect of what you’ve done. Hyunjin is screaming out loud. 
“And that was with a warning. I’ll do it again and if you can stand it, you get some pussy in your face. Wanna get treated?”
“Please, please treat me!”
“But first...”
To add some extra spice, you push down to his base all over again. Hyunjin arches, his teeth are almost sewn shut from the pressure of his tight jaw. Once he’s balls deep, you flick your hip just a little. A loud moan simmers into a little mewl, the jaw unclenches, his tongue starts lapping out. You’ve truly shut off his brain right now.
“Very well done.”
Pulling out works faster now, but you notice how it’s not as slippery anymore. A lot of Hyunjin’s spit has gathered around the lower third of his dick. It’s a nice sight to have it drip on his terribly swollen balls that are probably going through a whole bunch of things right now. 
“Good thing you get something to slurp on. We need more spit. Use your mouth!”
Hyunjin’s cock being untouched right now seems to take the edge off, but his mouth, holy shit. His mouth is on an eager spree to wet you up all over. On top of your own lubrication, Hyunjin provides another ridiculous amount of leakage all over your clit and folds. It’s running all over his face. 
The blindfold gets soaked as does his nose. A frantically moaning Hyunjin doesn’t seem to stop slurping and pushing out spit, you swear he’s gonna fucking drown. That method. It’s completely chaotic just like his fingering. You weren’t wrong, then. He might die then, but at least you’re able to remove the blindfold, wearing that is too gross. Hyunjin is excitedly blinking at you through his own spit like the sun is blinding him but he doesn’t mind.
“I love you. Amazing. Look at this. You’re so nasty. Come, let’s do this again. Hope that cock can push all that into me. It’s too good to waste.“
You get back to squatting on his dick, admittedly a little wobbly on the mattress now. Hyunjin’s satanic ritual tongue does not go without a notice. Nor does the way you slide back down on him, and back up.
“Oh woah!”
A clean thrust. Your pussy is dripping so much on him, a little stream glosses over the thread of veins on the underside. Before it reaches down and disappears between his thighs, you make sure to collect it with another thrust. Hyunjin stares just right at his cock disappearing in you, framed by your labia stretching out. His jaw is completely dropped.
“Yes, that’s how we’re looking like. You have a great cock. Listen to that sound.”
Smooth gliding and a wet little smack when you touch down.
“It’s, it’s amazing... It feels so warm and creamy.”
“Watch. I’ll be stirring your spit all inside me.“
Slowly, carefully, you ride him again, this time connecting several thrusts. Hyunjin looks adorable with his wide eyes and sweaty face. 
“Yes! Oh yes, oh.... That feels so good.”
“Nothing wasted. You’re doing really well. You’re good at this.“
You lean in for a deep kiss. Only after you tongue him down do you realize just how much he’s ruined his mouth. It’s so sticky and wet, and his lips are so exhausted. They’ve been swelling up more than you thought they would, he’s really put them to the test like a champ. Well, they’ve lost their virginity, too. The kiss ends with two wet mouths parting by a thread.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Yes. I really love it. Thank you, Hyunjin. Can I finish off first? I wanna use my hands to make you cum.“
“You’re the best,“ he becomes flustered, and watches in awe just how you reposition yourself all over again, pointing his cock at his belly flat this time. It’s perfect to just grind right above it. A bit of fluid leaking from your pussy mixed with lube and spit makes for the best slippery help to get your clit some intense stimulation from gliding squarely across Hyunjin’s bit vein. 
“Fucking hell, babe. That’s a wonder dick.”
How he throbs and pulsates is the last push it needs to get close. You loosen the tie of Hyunjin’s ribbon and his hands dart around you, hold you, and he winds his hips to give you more of the friction. 
But this time, he’s moving faster, and your orgasm arrives quicker than you count from 30, not even that. You get messy on his balls and base, and Hyunjin almost loses it from having you grind on him. That he’s been holding it in until now is a miracle. His hair is nothing but sweaty streaks right now.
As soon as the waves of pleasure become smaller and you can think again, both your and his hand come wrapping around his shaft. No problem moving your palms around, he’s covered in all that honey. Plus there’s more space, he could fit three palms. It feels so intimate doing it together and being in sync. Hyunjin’s broken moans and whines are well accompanied by more hip bucks and a quicker pace. Your two hands squeezing up and down makes Hyunjin start to beg to you.
“Please use the other hand, please, please choke me through this!“
You go for a lighter grip, hell, he hasn’t done this before, but Hyunjin isn’t having it. The protest is all loud and clear.
“Squeeze my throat! Please, harder, do it hard, please!”
You press down at either side of his neck, and make sure to translate that onto his cock as well, still jerking him off. You don’t let go until he’s cumming. 
A thick white spurt empties between the intertwine of your fingers. Hyunjin squeals out loud, catching air, almost crying. Another load has him all shaky, growling, and rubbing his own hand around yours to push out even the last bits of sperm. Surprise, there’s more cum leaking out.
“Oh, what to do with all that big dick.”
“It’s, it’s so much!“
“Come here with that milk.“
You lower your face on him and let the last clear bits come up against your puckered lips. They spread his cum all over the tip, kiss it, catch new threads, swirl them around while your hands are pumping the lower half, all the meaty girth. Never missing an opportunity for torture. Hyunjin is screaming and suffering all over again. His semen has been oozing all over your hands. 
“Clean it, babe. We’ll lay down in a minute. That’s an amazing icing.”
Hyunjin’s tongue has a last job and it does it well. Your fingers are super clean and well-kissed, his lips are so glorious. You’re both dizzy, but you at least manage to towel down. Because his face is a mess, your lips are dripping, your pussy is a swimming pool of spit, and that ruined dick has seen some things today, oh yeah it did. What better way to leave its virginity inside of you all slicked up and sloppy. 
Hyunjin starts freezing very fast by now, and you get a weighted blanket, with you on top of him, in a sweater, just because. Sharing heat is caring heat. You love cuddles after sex.
“Say something cute and nasty,” he pouts, and you think of a good way to summarize the evening. 
“I mean look at you. You’re officially a slut now. My slut,” you pinch his nose. “If you want. Let’s have some fun like that tomorrow again. I can’t wait, you know. That’s a really loud boy I got myself.“
“Oh yes, tomorrow!”
“I might be blowing you for more of that icing. It was really nice and sugary.“
“I eat lots of fruit!”
Now that’s a keeper.
“And I gotta say, shit...“
“You came really hard on my dick, right.”
Hyunjin makes an innocent face saying that, but you know very well how he’s been taking you in, he’s learning.
“That was that sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
He smiles a little, exhausted, but flustered. 
“Lot more to come. That’s only the first time for you.”
“I’ve been thinking that as well. Say it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen until tomorrow.“
“Exactly right. That’s the idea,” you kiss his neck now, breathing in the afterglow. “And, by the way. Um. I hope I removed the ribbons at the right timing.“
“It was in the right moment!“
“Should we try more like that next time?”
“I like it.“
“Me too. You look perfect tied up.”
The blindfold did the trick, you know it. Hyunjin has hardly reacted to your touch like that when cuddling. Although, that’s hard to compare, is it.
“And... You really could have choked me a little harder by the way.“
Hyunjin knows just how to mimic you. Another nose pinch for you, young man.
“We didn’t plan it so I thought I’d go easy on you. But if you like it. You want it rougher, don’t ya. You just wanna fucking scream.“
“I’ll admit it,” he nuzzles his face into your sweater. “I’m just very loud...”
“We’ll see what kind of ideas I’ll come up with to get you even louder. Deal?”
“Favorite deal.“
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FINAL NOTE. thank you for reading - caro 🐅
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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kasienda · 3 years
thanks for tagging me in the WIP ask game! i'm still working on my own post, but in the meantime: celebrity status? 👀
This story is basically Marinette having to deal with being a celebrity. She's constantly hounded by fans and reporters wanting pictures or quotes, and it's making it harder for her to find safe places to transform and her parents are constantly frustrated/worried with her for being late or absent to things. On a bad day, she snaps at an akuma victim, and even though she immediately apologizes her snapping is the thing that's all over the internet. She goes to Adrien for help with her PR problem, and they get close. And things improve for her... until someone snaps a picture of Ladybug and Adrien making out. And then to protect him, she kinda throws her own reputation to media wolves. ...
"Thank you, Chaton. I never know what to say to reporters. You’re a lifesaver."
"I'm always at your service, my lady." He said with his trademark grin and a two fingered salute.
They were about to part when his cat ears swiveled. So weird!
"We have picked up an extra tail," he pointed with his eyes. She glanced and saw their stalkers.
"Thanks for the intel. I'll be careful."
He waved her good-bye and they took off in opposite directions. Unfortunately, this meant she couldn't go straight home, which is what she wanted more than anything. She just wanted to curl up into a bath.
Her earrings beeped. Three minutes.
Some quick yo-yoing spiderman swings meant that her tail on foot or in a car would never be able to follow her, but she had to always set off in a different direction. She couldn't be seen always headed towards the same neighborhood day after day.
Another beep. Two minutes.
She had lost her tail. But she was in the wrong part of the city - the buildings here were huge overflowing mansions, with wide open spaces. She needed an oasis.
She turned a corner and suddenly knew exactly where she was. She turned toward the Agreste mansion. Adrien had a window open and everything.
Beep. One minute.
She didn't think about it, just quickly dove towards the potential haven. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than throwing herself at the mercy of some stranger. Hopefully, if she didn't quite make it she'd be able to trust Adrien not to look.
She landed on the smooth marble floor with a thud.
"Ladybug?" surprised green eyes greeted her.
"I'm about to time out," she stated without preamble.
He pointed to his bathroom. She had barely closed the door, when her transformation dissolved, and an exhausted Tikki fell into her hands. She let herself release a sigh of relief. That had been far too close.
"Uh... Ladybug? Are you okay?"
She suddenly realized where she was and exactly who was on the other side of that door. Heat flooded her cheeks.
"I-I'm fine," perhaps she should explain. She opened her purse, only to find it cookie-less. She cursed.
"You sure you're okay? Can I get you anything?"
"Ummm... Do you have any cookies? Or sweets?"
"Cookies? That's not fair..." his words faded into dissatisfied mumbling.
"Y-yeah. Cookies. Is that okay?"
"Just a second!"
His footsteps faded for a second. Only to return a few seconds later. He tapped on the door. And she started.
She opened the door a crack. And his hand slipped in, holding out the treat.
"You're in luck! My diet usually prohibits sweets. But my friend, Nino, occasionally hooks me up with some black market macarons from the best bakery in all of Paris."
Tikki inhaled the pale sandwich cookie in one bite. Before giving Marinette a nod.
"Spots on," and in a flash she felt the rush of Ladybug's power flow over her, somehow making her both less and more anxious. She opened the door.
"I'm sorry for stealing your rare treat. I promise I will make it up to you."
He waved away her concern. "Don't worry about it. I'm always willing to make a sacrifice or two for my favorite superhero."
"Me? I'm your favorite?" she asked, heat blooming under her mask.
"No competition!"
"T-thank you."
They stared at each other awkwardly, before looking away.
"Uhh... Do you mind if I lay low here for a bit? I was trying to lose a reporter who was following me. I'm confident they lost track of me by the time I ducked into your room, but I'm worried they'll keep combing the neighborhood for a while."
"You don't have to explain. I completely understand," his eyes were so soft. Green like a meadow in the spring.
She was struck by his sincerity. Of course, as a celebrity he probably had a lot of experience with dealing with the press. And she let herself relax.
"My room is your room!" he gestured grandly for her to take in the whole area.
She giggled. "I don’t know if this actually counts as a room," she commented, taking in everything from the grand piano to the foosball table to the rock climbing wall to the arcade. "It's more like an amusement park."
Adrien shrugged, some of the brightness in his eyes fading a bit. "My father tries to make sure I never have to want for anything."
"Do you not like it?"
He shrugged again. "It's pretty cool, but what’s the point if there's no one to share any of it with?"
She took another look around. With that context the room felt positively cavernous.
“Sounds lonely.”
He ducked into her line of sight, a smile stretched across his face. “I don’t have to be lonely today. You’re here.”
She blushed, and offered him a shy smile.
“So, what’s it like being a superhero?” he asked.
He was obviously trying to change the subject. She allowed it.
"Flying over rooftops is pretty cool. Constant life or death situations are stressful. What’s it like being a supermodel?"
He laughed. "Lots of responsibilities. Very little freedom."
"Sounds boring."
"Let's do something fun then."
"Why did you come here?" Adrien asked, pulling out a passionfruit macaron from her gift box.
“I may have heard that you were grounded for defending me on the Ladyblog. And wanted to come cheer you up!”
He smiled. “Mission successful then!”
"And uh... this may sound stupid... but I also need some advice."
"Advice? On being a superhero?" Adrien asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"On how to deal with being famous,” Ladybug said.
"So... why'd you pick me?"
"Umm... you're the only famous person I know?" Which wasn’t strictly true, but Jagged Stone wasn’t going to give good advice. And it’s not like Ladybug knew Jagged. Marinette did.
"Glad you think so highly of me..."
"I-I didn't mean it like that! I wouldn't be here if I didn't trust you!"
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary: Some hcs with Zhongli and his lover who is also a history nerd
Character(s): Zhongli
Warnings: None :)
Notes: I either simple for a 7000 year old daddy or a 3000 year old femboy, there’s no in-between 😤
Little back ground
Growing up, you’ve always been obsessed with the ideas of archons and visions. You weren’t really sure why or how they caught your interest, you just know that you were fascinated by the idea. So of course, after spending your whole childhood reading about archons and visions, the first thing you did when you go older was get a vision. You weren’t sure how you would get a vision all you know is that you needed to be recognized by the an archon. Luckily, it didn’t take you long to get recognized and earn your vision. The first step for learning all about visions and archon was complete
The 2nd step was actually going to a place that had a god. Up until now you lived in Mondstadt, which was an amazing place by itself. The people were so sweet, the food was delicious, the whole place was homey. With no god, the people were able to live with freedom and no grand traditions, however it wasn’t enough to satisfy your desire to learn all about gods. With your vision out of the way the 2nd thing was to now go to a place that is still influenced by a god. And what better place than Liyue. It’s somewhat close to Mondstadt and it is still heavily influenced by Lex Rapis, even if he has passed on. 
The first thing you did in Liyue was trying and befriend at least a few people so you weren’t alone. And along the surprisingly many you ended up befriending, one seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. Zhongli, a funeral parlor attendant.
He was a weird man, good looking man but weird. He looking no older than is late 20s yet he spoke and acted with the grace of someone with many years of experience. And yet, you found it to easy to talk to him. His vast knowledge of information it just what you were looking for when you came to Liyue. Not only was he surprisingly good eye candy to enjoy but he also helped you learn things that most of Liyue historians don’t seem to know
Dating Zhongli
How the 2 of you started to date is kinda basic. You had already spent so much time with him that it hardly felt any different. But of course, Zhongli being a gentleman and all he at least wanted to make it feel official. So he booked dinner at one of Liyue famous dinner spot.
Now we all know Zhongli is very big on traditions and order (hehe lil joke there 🤧) but yeah. So don’t be surprised when Zhongli shows up in a suit and tie holding a huge bouquet of glaze lillies. Now you loved the whole set, the flowers were gorgeous and Zhongli in a suit never looked better but that doesn’t mean you don’t tease him about it. Normally when the 2 of you were together you would also tease Zhongli about being old because he knows so many things and he would just sho it away but this time he actually seemed flustered. A small blush covered his cheeks. Your we’re definitely gonna to be remembering that for years
Now that date went say planned and the 2 of you officially started dating. Although it didn’t feel like things changed much, in a good way. Zhongli was still as old and as wide as ever and you were just as passionate to learn. However, it would’ve been nice to know that Zhongli is a very passionate lover too. A modest, but passionate one. Always giving kisses on your hands, buying you little things, and just doing everyone a gentleman would do. It was kinda overwhelming at first but just like the rest of him, you came to love it.
Library dates, library dates, library dates, library dates, library dates 🥺
The 2 of you definitely end up doing nothing but hanging out at a library, drinking some tea and listening to Zhongli’s stories about the old days. It was not different from before you 2 were dating but seeing how the 2 of you were committed to the relationship now Zhongli would tell you everything in great detail.
Things you probably never even heard of her talks about. It’s not that he didn’t trust you, well yeah, he didn’t trust you at first but he had a good reasons. Coming across something like you is rare nowadays, being so passionate and honest, so he wasn’t sure what you were doing with the information until he solidified his relationship with you.
Definitely has your own theories about your older lover. Like him being a time traveler or maybe a vampire or zombie. It’s kinda childish and kinda stupid but Zhongli knows things not even the oldest in Liyue know.
Picnic dates during a bright Sunny day. Zhongli will prepare his favorite snacks and tea then bring you to another really ancient spot that seems like a stop out of fairy tale. there he’ll tell you about what’s going on at work and what’s he been up too and just random trivia about the area.
He’s very talkive when it was just to 2 of you. That’s when he’ll let it slip that he’s Rex lapis, or something that gives it away. He doesn’t even seem to notice until you practically jumped up and called him out for it.
You definitely had a heart attack when he tell you that’s he’s like 7000 years old. And now that his biggest secret is out of the way, how he knows everything makes sense.
Although it’s not like you cared, you still fell in love with him and maybe even more. I mean it’s not everyday you get the date a god. Definitely a big confidence boost knowing that you were able to win over a god’s heart.
It took you a while to learn and even realize it but Zhongli is a lot more depressed than you thought. You can’t blame him tho, he’s lived for over 7000 ish years and had to watching everything be created and destroyed. Including his contacts and relationships.
So there will be a lot of moments where the 2 of you just cuddle in silence, with you relaxing and maybe catching a few z’s while Zhongli will just simply enjoy your company.
In moments like these, he’ll always have a hand on you, whether it’s on your hand, on your thigh or playing with your hair. He feels so much comfort in holding you and feeling you.
It doesn’t take you long to figure out that Zhongli is a very passionate lover when it comes to everything. He also gives the best. Kisses, hugs, dates...even more suggestive things 😳
But it only gives you all the more reason to fall in love with him.
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mashep23 · 3 years
Blame it on the Rain
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Modern!AU. A surprise rainstorm changes the course of your day.
Warnings: Like one cuss word? Pure fluff
A/N: My endless thanks and love to: the incredible @river-soul for her beta work and guidance, and the wonderful @whisperlullaby for her support and feedback. 💖💖💖
Disclaimer: image not mine
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Oh no. You groan in dismay. The skies open and fat rain droplets splatter darkly onto your clothes and coat as you dash down the sidewalk. You spot cover ahead and dart directly to the storefront with a blissfully wide awning.
You gracelessly slide under the shelter of the canopy, your haste for cover hindering your ability to slow down. Your flats abruptly catch traction on a patch of dry pavement and you pitch forward. Barely managing to stay upright, you have just a moment to breathe in relief when you're jostled from behind. Stumbling slightly from the jolt, you feel hands on your hips steady you from behind as you hear a man's voice swear quietly.
"Oh shit - er, shoot, sorry - I didn't realize you'd stopped! Are you okay?"
You're both breathless and laughing softly as you step apart. You take a moment to straighten your jacket and hitch your bag higher onto your shoulder, reassuring him before you even turn around.
"Oh gosh, yes I'm fine, thanks. Are you...okay…" Your voice trails off as you turn and face a broad chest, eyes travelling up and up. Good heavens. What were you saying? You blink to focus, your eyes taking in a startlingly handsome face before your brain catches up and you rush to cover your faltering speech.
"H-here let me move underneath a little more so you have some room," you offer as you shift to stand deeper under the awning.
He grins in thanks, following you under the canopy, and stepping further away from the rain dripping overhead from the edge. He looks down to check his clothing, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to smooth it after your sudden, albeit gentle, collision. You follow his gaze down, realizing he's dressed in some kind of uniform under his open coat, and you have to make yourself look away before he notices your stare.
"Sorry for almost causing you to fall, but thanks for catching me," you say after a moment, smiling as you chance a sideways glance at him. He's mid-peek, looking in your direction too and you catch his eyes, a surge of warmth filling you at his sheepish expression.
He clears his throat before replying, "I saw you make a break for it so I followed you. I should have been paying more attention." He gives a self-deprecating huff and shakes his head, shoving both hands into the pockets of his jacket. "I'm the one who needs to apologize for almost knocking you down."
"No need, honest. It’s all good." You deny sweetly, reassuring him.
You're rewarded with a cute half grin and you have to purse your lips to keep your smile small as you look out through the raindrops. You both stand there in a companionable silence, watching the street as the world seems to slow down.
It's soothing, relaxing, and makes you feel peaceful. Soon, you’re taking slow deep inhales of the fresh, clean air and enjoying the experience, feeling the tension ease from your shoulders. You hear a quiet, measured exhale from your companion and you both seem to realize at the same time that you’re doing the same thing. You share a shy grin before quickly looking away.
You spend the next couple minutes surreptitiously exchanging sideways glances with him, trying your best to make it seem like a natural move. You’re feeling ridiculously obvious, constantly biting your lip to contain your smile when you get caught looking. At the same time, however, if you’re getting caught then that means he was looking too...right? You're giddy at the thought and take one last long deep breath as you notice the rainstorm begin to lighten.
When the rain slows to a light misting sprinkle, as much as you’d like to be brave and say something to him - introduce yourself, anything - you lose your nerve. Sighing inwardly at yourself, you start preparing to set out from under the safety of the canopy. Pulling up the collar on your jacket and securing your bag to your shoulder, you smile and bid him farewell.
"Looks like it's letting up - better make the most of the break!" You say chipperly. "Thanks for keeping me company."
You give a small wave before heading down the sidewalk. He returns your wave and gives a small nod, a slight furrow to his brow, but otherwise a friendly expression on his face. As you turn away, you can't help but think maybe you should say something else, something to prompt another smile from him, just once more. Feeling a tiny rush of confidence and holding onto that feeling, you turn suddenly and call back to him.
"I hope you have a great day!" You allow yourself a moment to truly admire and appreciate the stunning smile you get in response. He really is just too pretty.
His lips spread a little wider before he returned the sentiment with a sincere, "Thank you! I hope you do too!"
You knew, just knew, that your answering smile was blinding, but you couldn't have toned it down if you tried. In an attempt to seem less obvious (moot point, really), you give him a quick nod before turning and heading back down the sidewalk.
You can't deny you have a little bit more pep in your step as you make your way to your meeting. As you come up to the company entrance, you pause to look through your bag, checking to make sure your portfolio is still dry. As you shift the bag back onto your shoulder, you feel something snag and pull on your jacket.
Your brow scrunches in a frown as you use your hand to try to correct the fabric, wondering what you could be caught on. Looking down as you pull your bag away from your body, you hear something hit the pavement. What the…?
After a quick glance around your feet and then behind you, you see an identification badge laying on the ground. As you stoop to retrieve it for further inspection, you realize you had inadvertently taken a souvenir from your fellow shelter-seeker under the canopy.
His handsome face looks solemnly back at you from what is obviously his work badge. Stark Technologies emblazoned across the top, S. Rogers under his photograph, SECURITY is in large print along the bottom.
He must have been headed to work! Oh man, he's gonna need this. You check your watch. There's no time. You'll have to return it to him after your meeting. Standing up and stashing the badge safely into your pocket, you enter the beautiful brick building to attend your meeting.
Luckily it's brief, your client wants to peruse the contents of your portfolio with his financial team before contacting you to finalize details. Expecting this, you graciously thank him for his consideration and within a half hour, you've concluded your meeting and are striding toward Stark Technologies. The trek isn't more than a few blocks, so you decide to walk it and enjoy the sun filtering through the clouds, the rainy morning a distant memory.
When you enter The Tower, you have to take a moment to get your bearings. Looking up and around, it's easy to spot the gleaming information desk positioned in the center of the bustling lobby. As you approach, you think of how you're going to phrase your request. Not wanting to get him into trouble for not having his badge, especially as a part of the security staff, you decide to just ask to speak to him.
The pleasant lady behind the desk sends you a sweet smile as she speaks into the phone to relay your request. After a quiet exchange, she directs you to a cozy waiting area situated to the side of the bank of elevators.
You sit stiffly on the edge of a plush couch and admire the décor as you wait. The building interior is predominantly glass, making the whole space appear larger, but also quite bright and open. You've got a silly smile on your face, thinking about the amount of Windex they must go through, when a throat clearing pulls you back to the present.
"Well, hello again."
You startle and stand quickly, flustered as you turn to face him. You watch his eyes flick down to your feet then back up to your face, a pleasant and patient smile in place. You lick your lips, trying to settle your nerves.
"Hi! Uh, so I know it probably seems odd that I'm here but um, I actually have something of yours. Came to return it - figured you might need this." You give him what you hope is a winning smile before reaching into your pocket and withdrawing the lost item. Your eyes stay on the badge in your fingers as you hold it out to him.
"Oh! Hey, thank you!" He takes the badge gently from you, fingertips brushing yours. When you finally lift your gaze, you find him grinning boyishly. He swiftly fastens his ID to his crisp shirt, completing his uniform.
You give him an appreciative once over and murmur a quiet, "You're welcome," as he continues.
"You know, you just saved me from so much paperwork and hoops to jump through to replace this stupid thing. Where did you find it?"
"It was stuck to me," you share with a laugh.
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, an open mouthed grin in place. Shaking your head and shrugging one shoulder, you continue.
"It must have happened when we bumped into each other. I wanted to get it back to you as soon as I realized I had it but I had to make my meeting first," you finish apologetically. "I hope you didn't get into trouble."
"No, not at all," he quickly assures you. "I should have noticed I didn't have it. Thank you again for bringing it to me. You didn't have to so I really appreciate it." That heartstopping smile he aimed at you was going to kill you.
You lick your lips again before you reply and notice his eyes drop to track the quick movement before flitting back up. For half a second, you suddenly feel emboldened.
"It was my pleasure, trust me." Unwilling to let the opportunity pass you by yet again, you jerk your chin toward the badge pinned to his chest and ask, "So, what does the 'S' stand for, Rogers?"
"Steve. It stands for Steve." He says, eyes crinkling as his lips spread into a wide grin. You give him your name and can't help but laugh as he holds out his hand. As you shake his hand, you both murmur, "Nice to meet you," and you're certain that you have matching delighted expressions on your faces.
You realize you've taken up a considerable amount of his time while he is on the clock and you give him a regretful smile as you release his hand.
"I'd better let you get back to it. Don't want to get you into real trouble." Quirking a corner of your mouth up, you grip the handle of your bag on your shoulder and tilt your head as you step back.
Steve starts slightly as he looks around, almost as if he'd forgotten where you both are. He looks back at you and nibbles on his lip before taking a small step closer.
"I do have to get going. But before I do...would it be too forward to ask you for your number?" He searched your face earnestly and you could swear he was holding his breath.
"Not at all. I was kinda hoping you would," you admit, beaming up at him as you hold out your hand for his phone. You draw your lip between your teeth in a slow pull, eyes travelling over his face as you wait. The look in his eye and the slow spread of his lips is slightly less boyish and a touch more sinful as he slips his phone from his pocket and hands it to you.
You enter your number into a new text thread and send yourself a simple message before relinquishing his phone back to him. You watch as he eagerly takes it back and saves your contact information. When he looks back up, he has a breathtaking smile on his face, eyes focused on yours. You have to blink a couple times to focus before drawing yourself up a little straighter to bid him goodbye.
"I expect to hear from you soon," you say confidently, smirking and winking as you turn to leave. His surprised but pleased huff of laughter makes you grin just a little bit wider when you peek back over your shoulder.
"Yes ma'am. You will." He's beaming, eyes tracking you as you give one more small wave before pushing through the door.
Tagging my discord family:
@buckyownsmylife @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
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missskzbiased · 3 years
Watermelon Sugar
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Oneshot, Drabble, Summer crush! au
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Fem! Reader
Word Count: ~2,9K
Notes: The last fanfic for the Valentine’s request [That you can find here]
If you never saw a schooner, please look for “escuna” in google images, so you can picture it! <3
Warnings: Make out?
Chan ||  Minho || Changbin || Hyunjin || Han || Felix || Seungmin || Jeongin
Requested: No, that was the beginning of the request idea xD 
General Tag List: @channiewoo @aliceu @bythesunnotbythemoon
[If you wish to be tagged to the other Valentine’s requests, please send me an ask <3]
   You gasped, marveled by the bay right in front of your eyes.
    You were sure your eyes were shining like twinkling little stars or something, and as much as you really wanted to look like the cool and elegant tourist, you couldn’t help but let your mouth fall agape and look around. The sun cast its light above the sea, allowing pretty sparks on the teal waters to get your attention from time to time, distracting you from the beautiful forest that surrounded you. The view was breathtaking and the way that the forest-green mountains stood up there like a giant barrier ─ kind enough to let an entrance for adventurers such as you ─ made your heart swell inside your chest.
    “Want me to take a picture for you, Sweetheart?” Not even the cool breeze that came straight from the sea was enough to cool down your face at the moment. You pursed your lips, coyly rubbing your arm as you glanced at his bright smile. He looked at you with lovely gentle eyes, waiting for a reaction as he extended his hand in your direction (not to hold yours but to ask for your phone), and the lack of response made him tilt his head in confusion “Y/N?” He called carefully.
    “Oh! Yeah! Yeah, I mean- Why not?” You snapped away from your thoughts “It’s such a beautiful view” You added, more composed now, handing him your phone. You didn’t miss the small smile on his lips as he nodded in agreement with you, positioning the phone to take a picture as he muttered something under his breath, a blush spreading on his face “What did you just say?” You frowned, bothered by the pose you choose.
    “I said you look perfect” He repeated mindlessly “No! I mean-“ He widened his eyes, snapping them at you as he realized what he had just said “You look good in the picture! Not that you don’t look good in real life… I mean-“ He floundered, making you burst into a fit of giggles “Here is your phone…” He sighed embarrassed, fingers brushing on yours as he handed it to you. That was the most romantic thing that happened to you on Valentine’s Day in your whole life. And he wasn’t even your boyfriend!
    The truth was that you barely knew him at all.
    The attractive stranger was called Hyunjin ─ a simple and pretty name, just like him ─ and apart from being a good photographer, as you could see by the pictures he took from you, he was also part of the crew. Of course, you knew that the kindness and cuteness that he had been showing you was nothing but strictly professional behavior to allure the tourists, and (obviously) you couldn’t help but swallow it hook, line, and sinker. In your defense, he probably worked like this for years and had mastered the perfect gentlemanliness that he was using against you!
    When you decided to take your single Valentine’s trip and get rid of all those insane expectations people had on you for being single for too long ─ really, what was the deal with them?! Didn’t they have anything better to worry about?! ─, you didn’t imagine that you would come across someone like him. You wouldn’t even believe you would have the courage to get your feet on a boat like this! But you promised yourself that as a self-discovery trip, you had to be bold and jump right into any new opportunities.
    You meant more like a one night stand or something like this.
    But navigating through a deep ocean with a cute guy sounded good too!
    The moment you spot him on your way to the beach ─ perfect smile, tanned skin, and wet hair sticking to his forehead and cheeks ─, you knew you were screwed. You tried to reason that you weren’t really a good swimmer and hoping in a boat like this wasn’t the best of the ideas even if he had offered you a really good price. Of course, he knew exactly what to say and promised you to be right by your side at all moments… What a flirty little bastard you found as a summer crush.
   “I’ll even fight the waters for you!” He had joked as you signed the paper “I’ll be right there to catch you if you fall, though I can assure you it’s very safe! The only thing that you might fall for is me” You laughed along with him, but he was indeed right.
    Was there a way to not fall for Hwang Hyunjin?
    The very first thing he did was to stick to his promises as you stared at the wobbly boat warily ─ clearly rethinking all of your life choices ─, wondering how the hell you would get inside it if the bloody thing kept swinging like that. Were you supposed to simply jump inside it? What if you just fell to the sea?! That would be the silliest way to die on a trip… Utterly humiliating. How would your family and friends take the news?
   You could even see the disappointment on everyone’s face.
    “Here, gimme your hand!” His voice had brought you back from your daydreaming.
    The crew was holding the ropes firmly to bring the schooner as closely as possible to the deck, making sure it was safe to get into the boat. Of course, Hyunjin had to drop it and hop inside the schooner as if it was nothing, wiping away his sweat with his forearm and extending his hand to you with a bright smile that made you flustered. You accepted his offer, yelping at his firm grip and the way he could make almost everything seem steady as you connected your eyes to his, stepping inside the rocking ship successfully.
    You averted your eyes from him ─ the shyness overcoming your willingness to keep looking at his orbs ─, and the magic suddenly ran off as the boat shook in a different rhythm (or maybe it was all the same and you were just being clumsy), prompting you to pathetically stumble over nothing. If it was a movie, that would be the moment you would crash onto his chest and be wrapped into strong arms as you looked into each other’s eyes and exchanged a flustered smile under his friends’ teasing… Of course, you weren’t in a movie, so you just had the humiliating experience of pretending it didn’t happen as you walked straight away from them.
    Being the prince charming wasn’t enough for Hyunjin.
    He was also a fierce environmental defender just like you.
    Your heart would melt for him, just like those damn glaciers.
    It happened almost one hour ago but you could still remember vividly how mad you felt as a random guy tossed an empty chip bag to the sea, completely ignoring the crew on how important the area was for the local fauna. The damn guy literally tossed a plastic bag to some animal choke to death for no reason. You would have said something or done something but before you could even react, Hyunjin jumped out of the boat, diving into the sea and swimming like a torpedo.
    The thrash must stay in the thrash! He sneered, shoving the bag into the man’s hands with a scowl as soon as he got back. It was needless o say that it surprised you, yet you felt the admiration growing in your chest. As we were saying… This is not only our home but also of those animals and we’re responsible to keep everything clean and safe for them and for us… We thank you for your collaboration.
    Could someone be more perfect?
    “We have some fruits for you to eat” Hyunjin said, snapping you away from your thoughts “Do you like watermelon?” He asked, offering a triangular piece for you to take. You gave him a small smile, nodding as you took it from his hands.
    “Oh! It’s really sweet!” You arched your brows in surprise “This is really good!” You hummed, eyes sparkling as you took another bite.
    “I may have chosen the sweeter one for my favorite traveler” He chuckled, sitting by your side as he ate his own piece “We’re almost arriving at the last stop… I highly recommend you to get into the water this time” He advised, glancing at you “I can help you out if you need to” He offered.
    “Unless you carry me in your back, there is no way I’ll survive inside the sea with no ground under my feet” You laughed “The other places I could go to the beach… What will I do in the middle of this bay?” You asked playfully.
    “It will be fun! This is the best spot to go! You could go to any other beach” He reasoned “Also, I can wait for you down there to support you in the water! There is no problem” He smiled at you.
    Why be so damn cute?
    “If you let me die, my family will sue you!” He laughed wholeheartedly at that, nodding.
    “Your family can rest peacefully today, you’ll be safe in my arms!” He chuckled, getting up “I have to help the guys out and prepare things for you guys to get in the water… As soon as I can go in, I’ll call you, okay?” You nodded, fighting back a smile as he walked away.
     He did just as promised.
    As soon as everything was settled down, Hyunjin took your hand in his, guiding you to the ladders. He jumped into the water ─ kinda showing off a little bit ─ waving at you from the water with a huge smile on his face. You took a deep breath, slowly going down the ladder. The closer you got to the deep water, the more you wondered what you were doing with your life.
    “That’s okay, I’m right here to catch you” He reassured you, sensing your hesitation. You peeked at him over your shoulder, seeing how he had his arms extended to hold you as soon as you got into the water.
    “We’ll die” You cried though you kept going down.
    “We’ll be just fine” He chuckled “Trust me, okay?”
    As soon as you got into the water, still attached to the ladder as if it could save your whole life, his arms wrapped you up. You yelped as he tugged you off of your safe place, bringing you some feet away from the boat.
   “For everything sacred in this world, please let me go back” You hissed, back pressed against his chest and eyes focused on the schooner, wondering why you tried to get into the water in the first place.
   “Hey, calm down” He soothed you, squeezing you in a hug and resting his chin on your shoulder “Breathe in” He instructed you, and you complied “Breathe out” He continued, and you did it again.
   “Yeah… Yeah, I think that worked” You sighed, a little bit more relieved, “Maybe I could even be alo—“ You interrupted yourself to scream, turning around desperately to wrap his waist with your legs, squirming as you hold him for dear life “Something touched me!” You yelled, trying to check the water to see what had just bickered you.
   He didn’t answer you at first.
   You glanced at him, noticing the compromising position you put both of us in. He looked down to avoid your chest on his eye level, ears burning in embarrassment as he held you by your sides delicately, unsure of how he should act. You felt your face burning when you noticed how your hands tugged on his hair, body pressed impossibly closer to him.
    “Oh my God, I’m so sorry” You mumbled, loosening your hold.
    “It must have been some fish” He muttered, still refusing to look at you.
    “Yeah…” You nodded “You guys said that there are tons of fishes here, right?” You asked awkwardly, and he nodded to confirm it “Cool…” You cleared your throat.
    He lifted his head, looking into your eyes as he adjusted his hold to your body, eyes wavering as he tried to focus his gaze on you. The moment was a little bit too intimate. You noticed how your legs were still around his waist, bodies pressed against each other, and breaths mingling, warming up your face. You let your eyes wander to his lips before returning your gaze to meet his.
    The moment made your stomach flutter.
    “Am I… Am I imagining things or…” He cleared his throat “I’m sorry but are you… Can I…” He floundered with his words, too flustered to say whatever he wanted to say.
    “Kiss me?” You questioned, and he snapped his eyes to yours again.
    “I mean… I shouldn’t have suggested it at all!” He said startled “I’m so sorry, this is so unprofessional! I didn’t mean to—“ You snorted, cupping his cheeks to make him stop talking.
    “I want to” You reassured him, staring at his lips “Can I?” You asked unsurely, checking for any signs of hesitancy in his eyes.
    “Please” He chuckled, sliding one hand to cup your face as the other one kept supporting your waist.
    He didn’t need to tell you twice.
    You slammed your lips against his, hands sliding to entangle his neck and play with his hair as you kissed each other. He hummed, hand going to the back of your head to keep you as close as possible to him. The kiss tasted like watermelon ─ sweet and kinda wet and sloppy ─, and you almost couldn’t remember you were in the middle of the sea, on Valentine’s day, kissing a complete stranger.
    A charming and sweet stranger, to be fair.
   He rested his forehead on yours as soon as the kiss came to an end, breathing heavily and closing his eyes to enjoy the moment for a while. You smirked; twirling his locks on your finger and making him shiver for a second. He opened his eyes, staring at you in complete bliss.
   “Wow” He muttered.
   “I agree” you chuckled, kissing his cheek before trailing the path to his jaw “Maybe we should repeat it sometime” You suggested, feeling how he tensed as you whispered against his skin.
  “You mean like now?” He giggled “Because I’m more than up to it”
  “I meant more like a date after the ride ends?” You said unsurely, shyly checking for his reaction.
   “I’m more than up to it as well” He smiled, brushing his nose on yours “Not that we need to do only one of those things…” He said suggestively making you chuckle “I kinda want to take advantage of how sweet your lips taste right now… If you’re up to it” He cleared his throat.
   “I’m more than up to it” You grinned, pecking his lips.
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bbygirljuvi · 3 years
Gruvia Week 2021 Day 3 - Discovery
Author’s note: This emotional roller coaster turned out longer than I intended. Hope you enjoy ^^
Summary: It take place several hours after Alodron’s defeat, on the way of Drameel.
Group had stoped over in a small yard inside the forest before continuing their path to Drameel. It was the excuse they gave the army. They were campers which had been attacked by some wild animal on thir campsite. They would head to Drameel right after dressed their wounds. Aldron was just a town’s name they knew. To their surprise, army really bought that.
It was really small yard, just enough to lit a campfire. So everybody was spread around the forest. Less injuried members were gettering up wood and food to prepare dinner while Wendy was running around, healing big injuries with last drop of her magic.
Everybody was tired, injured and confused yet happy. Small victory smiles were visible on every face. Joyful whispers were rising from everywhere. Fairy tail was safe and together again.
Gray leaned on a tree which wasn’t too far away from campsite but private from other sights. He closed his eyes with a big sigh while Juvia went to get health supplies. The nauseous feeling had been crippling inside him since the event with Metro kept getting stronger and he was at his limit at this point. His head was aching, there was a still fresh wound end of the dried blood track, his left shoulder was at least dislocated and without adrenaline rush, he was feeling like fainting.
He opened his eyes with two different footsteps coming to his way. Juvia was carrying dressing matterials while Wendy was carrying a bowl of water. Both of their faces was twisted in worry. Was he looking bad as he felt?
“Gray-san what’s wrong, where did you get hurt ?” Wendy asked in rush. “Just my arm and head, not big deal” he said with a ressuring smile but nobody bought that.
Juvia was sitting in the corner, giving Wendy enough space to do her stuff. It wasn’t easy tho. He looked like a mess. She’d been aware that his condition was getting worse every passing minute as they walk but he wasn’t looking half as bad before she left, had he’s been faking it not to worry her? Her heart twitched with another wave of affection.
Wendy checked his head first and gasped a little. It was worse then she initially thought. “Do you feel dizzy or like vomiting Gray-san?” she asked. He gave a small nod then hissed in pain. That hurted, he thought.
“You’re probably having a concussion, I will heal it right away. You should still rest tho.” she said while using her magic. With that ice mage started to feel alive again. “Shit, I’m feeling awesome Wendy, you are amazing!!”
She mumbled something like thank you with one of her cute blushes on and tend towards his left shoulder, fixed it instantly too. This time Juvia talked “ We are so luck to have you Wendy-san~” she said with a bright smile. The gloom had been radiated from her was long gone. “I’m glad I can help my friends. Juvia-san what about you, Did you get hurt too?”
“No, just some scratches, Juvia is okey.”she said while giving an impish look to Gray. Which led him to blush and turn his head. Wendy didn’t know what was that about but she had a guess. “Is that so, than I’m heading to Erza-san. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need.” And left while ice and water mages were waving goodbye, warning her for not to overuse her magic.
Idiot,idiot,idiot he repeated himself as Wendy’s footsteps faded. She’s my power to live?? What will you do next time, kiss her in the battlefield? You extra little-
His inner scrolling cut short by a wet cloth. Juvia was cleaning his face. “Dressing time” she said, trying so hard not to grin like a cheshire cat. She knew it would scare him if she teased him about it longer than she already did. But remaining calm was hard when all she heard was her beloved’s voice echoing in her head. Juvia was his power to live!!
With that she bit her lower lip in an unsuccessful attempt to stop a smile from forming. Gray rolled his eyes to that but relaxed a bit. Her dramatic reactions were so familiar... Yeah, he had practically confessed but it wasn’t something new. Things wouldn’t changed between them. With that realisation he even smiled when she covered her mouth to muff her slipped out giggles.
“Oh,shut up” he said while rolling his eyes once again. But this time he was chukling too. “Juvia’s mouth is sealed.” She said while switching to his arm, cleaning the area with a bright smile. She had almost finished bandaging his right arm when he stopped her. “Wendy healed me, I should have done dressing to you first.” “Not until Juvia finishes mummifing Gray-sama” she said, pushed him back and continued her job. “Hah, I knew it, you had come out of nowhere to kill me. White mage was just an excuse, wasn’t it?” He said playfully. So he was comfortable enough to joke around again? He usually needed more time for his awkwardness to fade off. Progress, she mentally noted.
“Of course it was.” She put her best yandere impression on: “ She missed her Gray-sama too much while he was away, she come here to make sure he won’t leave her ever again!” Than laughed grisly.
“Okey, that was terrifying. You are terrifying Juvia” he played along. “Oh and you should be terrified, Juvia is dead serious, see?” she said, started wrapping his abdomen faster while touching that soft spot she knew Gray was ticklish more than she had to.
His response was immediate. “Stop, no, Juvia sto-“ his words cut off with a laughter. His eyes began to fill with the effort not to burst out. He was crawling in different shapes to save himself but Juvia was merciless. She cornered him between her body, large tree that he was initially leaning on and ground he was currently laying. And tickled him more aggressively as she finished bandaging his wounds. “I have a reputation damn it, stop.” he said between laughters and hold her wrists together in a, successful this time, attempt to stop her. But instead of trying to tickle him more or accepting her defeat, she hissed in pain.
He got up fast, questioning what was wrong while rolling up her sleeves. When he saw weird, bruis like wounds covering her whole arm, he yelped.
“Juvia!! Why didn’t you say anything?” Juvia was looking pretty surprised too. “Where Juvia had been pinned inside Metro was stinging a bit but she didn’t think it was something important...” Her voice kept getting lower once she saw his angry expression. “Your whole arm and-“ he checked under his long boots “ leg are covered in red bruises and you didn’t think it was important!?” Juvia opened her mouth but Gray was just started. “You never take care of yourself. Can’t I even trust you when you say I’m fine?” He started to unbuttoning her coat aggressively since bruises were going beyond her upper arms. He’s stripping me, she mentally noted and placed it aside for later. It wasn’t the right time, he was really angry.
“And you bandaged me with those arms! Always depriving yourself, UGH” She opened her mouth once again when he paused his silent yelling to search right ointment in first-ait bag. But before she could found an excuse, moment passed. He continued scrolling her while angrily rubbing oinment on her left arm.
“What should I do, do I need to strip you every time after a mission to make sure you are okey-“ he paused once again when his eyes slightly crossed over the scar on her abdomen, the one he couldn’t stand seeing. Oh-uh Juvia thought, knowing this would make him grumpier. And she was right, his grip tightened on her wrist. Continued his speech angrier which was about how reckless she was, how she was not listening her physical needs, how she should get her priorities right...
And at that moment, it hit her... She knew her feelings were not as unrequited as it was before. She had known it before that sweet words from several hours ago, she’s my power to live. She had known it before he had claimed her body by saying it’s his. She had known it before unpleasant encounter with Invel. She even had known it before he had promised an answer to her on starry night.
But at that exact moment, while he was grumbling about how reckless she was and angrily wrapping bandage above her elbow; she realised he may care her more than she dared to assume. And at that exact moment she felt loved, more loved than she felt her entire life.
He stopped when he saw her eyes were shining with tears. His expression softened with guilt. Lightened his grip. “I’m sorry. Did i hurt you?” She shooke her head and hugged him carefully, trying not to ruin his effort by rubbing ointment off.
“Juvia will take care of herself more from now on, she won’t act reckless, promise.” She said with a touched voice. It was obvious she was crying. “Hey, hey what’s wrong?” Gray tried to push her, to saw her face but she tightened her arms and buried her face deeper in his neck. “Nothing, really. Can we stay like this for a while please.” she said. Gray was about to object when he felt her tears in his neck, followed by a smile. That was a genuine smile. Gray had never been good at reading people’s emotions but Juvia was different. He would understand if she faked it.
So he mumbled “What is this for all of a sudden?” but still wrapped his arms around her waist, rested his blushed cheek on her hair. They were out of sight anyway.
They stayed in that position until Mirajane declared it was dinner time.
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borkthemork · 3 years
Fanfic based on the Biker AU by @cnyicalnoodle on Twitter!
The Thai Go Diner had always been busy at this time of day. Marcy had seen people go in and out, tipping the jar with their coins and dollars, lugging their take-outs for the daily grind, always with something new to eat and talk about. People loved this place; Marcy reasoned that it all came from the delicious Thai food, the quick word-of-mouth, and the fact tourist areas were always the rage with these places.
Knowing this, one would think Marcy Wu was a regular at Thai Go but she wasn’t.
Actually, she’d been antsy to even pass through the door. She didn’t prevent herself out of anxiety, of course, perhaps...not really. Maybe.
For Marcy, it was because the waitress from across the way — the one with the pink dress, the bright smile, and her tied chocolate hair, all frizzled with crazy curls — did a lot of stupid interesting things to her heart and it was hard to not look her way when she got the chance to. Or be in her presence without feeling like Marcy was waayyy out of her league.
And somehow Anne liked to talk to her, a lot. It might be because of the current strategy Marcy had, but whether that was the cause for her luck was up to debate.
The current strategy Marcy had in getting Anne’s attention was to first order food. If she ordered food weekly then she would become a regular, then being said regular would bring Marcy Wu the chance to ask about the waitress’s day — probably see if she liked the talk of mechanics or the current Space Race or insect biology — and go from there. Waitresses liked bugs, right? She hoped so.
Anne didn’t seem to mind. She didn’t seem to mind Marcy at all, except for the whole biking attire at first, but that was in the past.
Today was the now.
So here Marcy was, tapping the menu while she perused the contents. Her lips were itchy, jacket a little tight on the collar. She must’ve been nervous again, but before she could adjust herself to a more comfy position, the waitress had poured her a cup of coffee, giving her a lopsided smile. “Hey, it’s you again.”
“Yep!” Marcy leaned onto the table, putting on her best smile. “It’s me, how’d you know?”
Anne raised a brow. She plopped a few sugar cubes into the cup and stirred — the usual. “A waitress remembers every face that comes through the door, and I know my eyes, you must be pulling my leg.”
Sadly, Marcy wasn’t. Her mouth had blabbered out something stupid rather than something smart. Just like the previous twenty or so visits. Marcy chuckled nervously. “Haha, you got me. You know me, I’m always a leg puller. I need coffee or I’m gonna be pulling a lot of legs today.”
A tiny grin grew on Anne’s beautiful face. “Yeah, we don’t want that.”
With that, Anne left for another table.
A few seconds past by, then another, before Marcy fully eased back into her seat, wiping a quick swatch of sweat from her forehead. So far so good, nothing messed up in the last hour and it was nice to see Anne pleased to see her again. Marcy might even have a chance to ask her big question.
Anne returned with the panang curry platter. It wafted of spice, of sweet seasoned chicken, and Marcy couldn’t help but hum her praises when she plopped the first serving into her mouth. Didn’t help that Anne observed her a little, that warm smile of hers making Marcy’s heart wallop against her chest.
“Soooo,” Marcy started to drum her hands against the table. “Anna Banana.”
Anne blinked at the nickname. Not in an unpleasant way, at least Marcy hoped so.
“Do you have anything after this?” Marcy asked, and flinched at how dry her throat sounded. “I mean, anything after your shift, not the specifics of what you’re currently doing after you leave this table.”
Anne giggled. “Well, Miss Wu, if you really want to know, I’m going to go on my lunch break. And I’m not gonna come back for an hour.”
Marcy straightened up. “That’s—” She cleared her throat, quick to calm herself down. “That’s great!”
“And why you so interested today, hm?” Anne leaned more on the table, cocking her head in a way that reminded Marcy of an intrigued cat. Her smile though? Definitely fox-like. “Are you asking for a date or something?”
Marcy choked. “Nah, nah!” She gave a sharp inhale. “I’m just thinking, since I fixed my motorcycle after the...yknow, the incident, it would be cool to finally show you what the bad boy’s made of.” Just like I promised.
Anne whistled, all sharp and impressed. “Dang, it’s finally fixed? You’re pretty fast for a biker.”
“Why be a biker if you can’t even fix your own bike?” Marcy said.
“Fair point.” Anne placed her notepad down onto the table. Marcy saw the previous orders she’d written out, with Anne scribbling a border onto a clean corner. “Where do you want to meet up? In front of the diner? At the mall?”
Marcy rubbed her chin. “Hmmm. Front’s the easiest way to get to you. I can drive in, wait for you, and then we can zoom off to wherever you want.”
The smile Anne wore grew even more. The jukebox played some Louis Armstrong, the music drifting between them in a content silence. After a moment, Anne had written the location and some digits down, and ripped one section off — the one section being her number. “Here. If I get kidnapped or something, then you know how to track me down.”
Marcy beamed and took the paper off her hands. “Cool. I’ll not be late.”
She made sure not to.
Later that day, Thai Go would light up in hazy glow. The streets were cold, drifting with the trickling traffic as everything started to slow down, people now in their offices and homes, settled down for the night’s end. Not for Marcy, of course. She leaned against her bike in the Thai Go lots, and thumbed the folded piece of paper in her pocket.
The streetlight reassured her that no one was going to jump her, but she preferred not to be out at such a time without a friend. In a few more minutes, she wouldn’t have to worry about that.
“Have you been waiting here this whole time?”
Marcy spotted Anne walking toward her, still in her dining getup. “Oh, hey!” She folded her arms, trying her best at a carefree smile — the cool smile, just like Sash said. “You ready for a ride?”
Anne grinned. “I didn’t walk out in the cold for nothing, definitely!” Her eyes drifted upward, much to Marcy’s confusion. But before she could ask, Anne responded. “What type of gel do you use? I swear it’s been hours and it still looks good.”
Marcy’s cheeks flushed. “Oh, well. I use a strong source.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, the kind that binds the strands together for ten hours.” Aka, she needed to thank Sasha later for the product recommendation. “When you’re on the road, anything can happen. Bad engine troubles, wheel problems, not looking...cool and getting bugs stuck to your hair. That kind of deal.” Smooth. “Best to be prepared!”
Anne smiled more. “Alright then, so how do we get started?”
“With what?”
“With riding,” she said, and patted the hub of Marcy’s motorcycle. “Do I just...?”
“Oh! Riding, yeah.” Marcy kicked the stand back in, remembering to scoot to the clear front of the seat, and patted the spot behind her. Anne hesitated. “Don’t worry, there’s enough space for both of us.”
“You sure? Doesn’t look comfy.”
“Trust me,” Marcy said. “There’s enough room. You can hold onto me if you’re worried.”
“Alright, if you say so.”
Marcy wanted to pinch herself. Okay, the last sentence just came out of her mouth but she couldn’t take it back. Not while Anne saddled on behind her, arms lingered now at Marcy’s waist.
Marcy took in a small breath. The engine growled to life below them, and the hold Anne had on her tightened even more as Marcy adjusted her hold on the handles.
This was the time to impress her. No going back.
Joe Sparrow, don’t fail me now.
“Okay.” Marcy stifled her excited giggle. “You ready, Anne?”
“Uhm, sure.” Anne sounded unsure to the fullest extent. “Hate to break the mood a bit, but how do you even sit on this thing?”
“Just hold on to me,“ she reassured. “It takes some getting used to.”
And if Anne didn’t get herself seated soon, she was going to endure the speed bumps in full force. Not like Marcy was going to go full throttle — she knew her driving limits...kind of.
“Alright, hold on to your seat, I’m about to break so many speed limits!”
“Okay I’l—WAIT WHA?”
The motorcycle zipped forward into the streets, Anne holding on all the way.
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animebaby00 · 3 years
I'll Never Stop Waiting (Armin Arlert x Reader) - One-shot
Instagram Request: Armin becomes separated from Y/N after an expedition and is unconvinced they're dead.
Warning: (Mild use of language)
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*5 years prior
Ack, Y/N, Eren, Mikasa ! Wait up !"
A young, brown haired boy no older than 10 looked behind his shoulder, a girl with black hair trailing right behind him, "Come on Armin ! Don't tell me you can't run faster than that ! We're gonna miss the scouts' return !"
Armin clenched his eyes shut, legs wobbling underneath him as he came to a stop, panting for breath, "I - I know but -"
He could hear feet walking towards him and a hand on his shoulder.
"Eren, just stop and let him catch up will ya ?"
The boy looked behind him and stopped again, "Awe not you too, Y/N ! We're gonna be-"
"Late. I got it." You said flatly, waving a hand, "You and Mikasa go on ahead. We'll catch up with you."
"Hmmmm….okay. But make sure you hurry !"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
Eren gave a toothy grin and ran on ahead with Mikasa trailing right behind him as you fully approached the panting blonde.
"You okay ?"
Armin looked up at you with one eye,."Yeah. I-I'm fine. But...you didn't have to do that. "
You shrugged, "Hey, Eren needs to be put in his place sometimes. Especially when he's not aware that one of his friends needs help."
Armin stood up a little straighter ," He's not a bad person."
"I'm not saying he's bad. I'm just saying he needs to act a little more aware and not act so...Eren."
Armin looked off "He'd probably explode if he heard you say that."
"Exactly my point. And let him. Maybe some of that explosion will break some of his skull and let more brain grow in."
At this, Armin giggled and took a few steps forward.
"Come on, we better get going," he shyly held a hand out, "Thank you waiting."
You smiled and gladly took his hand, squeezing it.
"I'm your friend. I'll never stop waiting for you."
It was bright. Unbearingly so even through closed eyelids. His head was pounding as the ray from the light above him pierced past the thin skin adorned with blonde lashes.
He blinked, he groaned, before he finally opened them fully to meet the wooden beams of a ceiling and a hanging, dome shielded lightbulb, and the faint pitter patter of raindrops were thumping against the roof.
He was inside. But how did he get here? God, his memory was so fuzzy.
"Armin !"
His eyes darted to the right, vision still plagued by whatever happened. But the lean, boyish outline, messy brown hair, and tone of voice was enough to help him identify the individual.
"E-eren?" He rasped.
"Oh, thank God…I'm so glad you're awake! Are you feeling okay? Do you-"
"Eren. Calm down."
That feminine voice. He turned his head to the left. Black hair. Red scarf.
"M-Mikasa ?"
"Mm. Are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I...I think so? Where am I? What happened?"
"You're in the infirmary." Mikasa said softly.
"The expedition didn't go as planned," Eren interrupted , "A giant group of titans began attacking 2 of our backup groups so we had to retreat. Christ….it was a goddamn bloodbath out there."
Armin's eyes widened, "H-how many…?"
The blonde shuddered. So many people.
"How did I get here ?" He asked dryly, " I was on backup but we didn't…?"
"They called you upwards since you weren't being attacked." Mikasa explained, " But mid retreat it looked like your 3DM gear malfunctioned and you fell from the wall of a cliff. We found you and carried you back in a wagon."
Armin nodded. No wonder his body felt like it had been beaten to a pulp.
But something still didn't feel right.
"Where's Y/N ?" Armin asked, looking between his two friends, " They were in the backup C with me. Why aren't they here?"
At this, Eren grimaced and looked off to the side while Mikasa buried her chin into the piece of red fabric around her neck.
Armin's breath hitched, "G-guys?"
"It was...really bad out there Armin." Eren admitted, running a hand over his face, "And honestly, we don't remember much. But in the midst of everything...we didn't see Y/N at all on the way back. We...don't know where they are…"
"W-what ?" Armin trembled, eyes widening.
Mikasa reached a hand out in noticing the blonde's troubled state, "Armin-"
"S-so your telling me," he quaked, face engraved with fear, "That Y/N...is out there," he pointed at the glass windows in the back of the room with a trembling finger, "B-by themselves ? Lost, in the dark and rain. Possibly surrounded by titans ? A-and possibly…" good god this word made him feel sick to his stomach.
Eren pressed his lips together and nodded while Mikasa looked down the bed, and Armin could have sworn he saw the outline of a few tears in her eyes.
Something inside him snapped, before he completely lost it.
"N-no…" he stuttered, shifting his legs upward, "No. No, they can't be…"
"Armin, please," Mikasa said desperately, "I know your upset but-"
"No ! I-I won't accept that ! T-they have to be okay !"
Armin shifted his body to the side and stood shakily from the bed, bones and muscles screaming at him to stop. But he didn't, and made his way to the door.
"Armin ! What the hell are you doing ?!" Eren exclaimed.
"I-It's not possible ! T-they have to be alive ! We have to help them !"
"Armin, lay back down" Mikasa argued, "You need-"
Both Eren and Mikasa froze, completely shocked by Amrin's outburst and we're even more shocked when, even in his state, he managed to hastily move out of the move and down the hall.
They were frozen from his actions, almost not even realizing what he was doing until the loud echoes of him calling out your name and words of refusal burst through the walls of the building.
"Shit...Armin !" Eren called, running after him. But Mikasa just stayed at the door, first clutched over her heart.
It couldn't be true. He didn't want to believe it.
You were his best friend. You were always there for him when no one else could be. You were always sweet, kind, considerate, and strong.
So very strong.
You didn't deserve this fate.
"Y/N !" Armin screamed, rushing past corridors, other soldiers, even other friends of his. And they all simply looked down at the floor upon hearing your name.
Armin didn't even pause in his hasteful movements as he arrived at a large oak door and pushed it open, revealing a dark sheet of night and rain. But that didn't stop him from moving forward, clothes and body becoming immediately drenched after taking only a few lunged steps away from the building.
"Y/N !" He cried, wiping at his snot and tear covered face, "WHERE ARE YOU ?!"
His eyes darted around desperately, hoping to see your face in the near pitch black, soaked darkness, wishing that maybe you had just gotten lost in a crowd or caught up with some old friends and weren't going to return until late.
The screams didn't stop,even as his throat grew raw, even as it stung everytime he swallowed his gasping, broken breaths. He prayed to Wall Maria that he would eventually hear the sound of your voice calling back to him, that you would run up with your own, watered down clothes, carrying that nonchalant smile that he adored so much.
But you never did.
A memorial was held for you a week later.
There was no report of the findings of your body or any news of the possibility that you were still alive.
Everyone was there, clad in their uniforms as the proceedings commenced in commemorating your services and honor that you put forth to the scouts. The weather was a drastic change from a mere 7 days ago, the dreary, cold, wet rain replaced with a warm sunset and a cool breeze.
Too calm of weather for the event at hand.
All stood tall as they watched the empty coffin slowly lower into the ground, the offering bouquets of flowers and lit candles put temporarily off to the side in waiting until the deed was done.
So many words were spoken, so many memories were shared, and so many tears were shed as your comrades spoke of you in lights that made you sound like the most wonderful and most pure bring on earth.
The crowd remained until nightfall until it slowly started to diminish by one to two people at a time, until there was only one person left.
He was quiet the whole ceremony. He only listened, most of the words muffled in his distracted hearing, still only focused on the possibility of missing your voice if by some miracle you turned up at your own funeral, making this whole thing a cruel yet life-relieving joke.
But yet again, his please weren't answered.
However he still wasn't convinced.
They hadn't found any remnants of your uniform or any broken 3DM gear in the areas they searched a few days after the expedition. They didn't have anything solid.
They had no proof that you were dead.
Armin stepped forward, a bouquet of F/F's squeezed in a clammy palm. He gently laid them down on top of all the other offerings presented to you, feeling the tears as they began pooling in his eyes.
"Y/N… I promise…no matter where you are…"
He brought his fingers to his lips and kissed them, before reaching out to smooth them over the polished rock of your gravestone, whispering those same words you had told him long ago.
"I'll never stop waiting for you…
A booming voice sounded from the watchtower "CADET L/N SPOTTED IN THE DISTANCE ! OPEN THE GATES !"
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 5)
I'm back on my bullshit. I decided I'd post these, once a day, four days a week. Then I'll go on breaks for the weekend to let interested readers catch up while also further writing more entries. At the time I'm posting this, for example, I'm in the process of analyzing Chapter 39. That way, it's easier for everyone to enjoy this essay. Which I hope people do.
Anyway, this can finally truly be called a ship essay, because one of our key players has FINALLY developed feelings! Going forward, Natsume's behavior will heavily feature his growing affections for Mikan. We'll be analyzing Natsume's self-preserving hesitation as well as his immediate instinct to give up any chance he has from the get-go.
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Chapter Seventeen
Natsume next shows up to walk into Class B during a commotion of Mikan’s retelling of the Reo incident. The kids all gather around him now too to ask questions and press about his condition. One kid even asks if he should teach Mikan a lesson for bragging about his rescue. Mikan smiles at him, under the assumption that their shared trauma has brought them closer and maybe even made them friends, but Natsume’s response is to simply turn away and ignore her.
He’s still Natsume after all. This is the first girl he’s ever liked, and she used to be somebody he despised, so the change in feelings is probably very strange to him. He’s confused and possibly embarrassed. He doesn’t know what to say or how to act.
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Can't have her getting any ideas that he's completely changed his mind about her or anything.
Most of the people that Natsume likes at the school (although that is just Ruka and Youichi… so… you know) know that he likes them. He spends time with them, is gentle with them, does things for them, and can openly say kind things to and about them. Mikan is different. He used to be her number one enemy, so all of a sudden switching gears and becoming her friend would be quite odd.
Over time, Natsume will find ways to be gentle and sweet to Mikan, but for now his crush is brand new and he doesn’t know how to act quite yet. He’d rather avoid her entirely, or pretend like nothing happened, than openly approach his new feelings.
Furthermore his behavior is always and under all circumstances inseparable from his status as Persona’s favorite and as the Black Cat. He may have some loved ones, but he keeps the number low and tries to avoid getting close to people for a reason. Naturally, nobody could ever really understand his experiences so there will always be a divide between him and the rest of his peers, but even more than that is that considering people precious turns them into targets.
Natsume has probably learned the hard way that displaying closeness and affection for his friends can have dangerous effects, so he might now think of showing that kind of affection as selfish or even cruel. Why subject somebody to something like that, merely because he has feelings for them? It’s not fair.
In either case, it’s really not that Natsume is naturally mean and cold. He just doesn’t trust his situation enough to properly act. It’s safer in every way to just pretend like nothing changed. It’s too much to deal with otherwise. But sooner rather than later, the hard thing will be staying away. Eventually, maintaining coldness with her will be almost impossible.
Chapter Eighteen
This chapter further touches on Natsume’s new-found crush and its consequences.
Class B is used to being in an environment where Natsume hates Mikan and is bothered by everything she does. He gives in to her slightly, in small ways, and it shocks his classmates. Now, it’s understandable that, even if he hadn’t developed a crush on her, he might still be softer to a girl who risked her life to save him, but it’s still odd.
Mikan recalls asking Natsume for help training her alice. She needs an offensive alice to nullify, so Iinchou or Hotaru’s would be ineffectual in training. Natsume is really the best person to ask, and, to everyone’s surprise, he actually agrees to help.
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Natsume doesn't need any convincing to help her, but what did she think practicing with a fire alice would entail?
And yes it does seem like he’s only doing it to torture her, because his alice is capable of genuine bodily harm and his admirers snicker with amusement at his antics, but I can’t help but assume there’s more to it.
He doesn’t really hesitate to help. He doesn’t need convincing at all. In some ways I think he did genuinely want to help. Her alice helped save his life, after all. Why not repay the favor by using his alice to help her train? To him, there's a lot of value in her alice, so training it is beneficial in his perspective as well.
And later still, Mikan spots Natsume sitting amongst the principal students. He stands out, as an elementary student next to upperclassmen. This moment is a good introduction to the arc. His crush on Mikan only grows stronger as the festival goes on, but there’s something looming over him too--he’s different from the rest of them. He stands out so much during the festival. He’s a dangerous ability type who’s not allowed to participate while also being a principal who has to sit on the stage for the opening ceremony. That's horribly ironic, but also shows just how singled out and under the spotlight he is. It’s a huge part of why he acts the way he does, so cold and mean and distant despite his growing affections. It’s all he can do.
He may see potential for a future, but he’d be foolish to think he should be able to acquire it, because his current circumstances have not changed at all.
The chapter ends with Natsume being asked by Koko if he wants to try out the special ability class event. He’s looking towards the special ability area, and we can tell the next chapter will be fun.
Chapter Nineteen
And how!
Natsume is here to see Ruka, his best friend, but he’s also here to catch a glimpse of the girl he has a crush on.
Sumire is also there, and it’s interesting to see that Natsume hasn’t changed in his attitude around her either, even though she also helped save him. She tries to embrace him and he dodges her.
This catches some people’s attention and they start to whisper about his presence.
In the anime, this moment is a bit more potent, hearing the murmurs and seeing a darkness over the gossiping kids, but the manga still establishes that the people waiting in line are by-and-large unhappy to see him. They whisper amongst themselves, rudely asking why he’d bother to come here, but that gloom only lasts for a moment (one singular panel and then Natsume’s responding bitterness) before Mikan appears jumping over the wall, calling his name and even smiling.
It’s almost like she was waiting for him to show up, running off from her post the second she heard Natsume was there. The dark looming screentones are replaced with flowery ones, and it’s hard not to think of this as his perspective: all is gloomy and then there is Mikan. All of a sudden, after hating her for so long, he thinks of her as bright sunshine, and he must have showed up just to see her and feel nice for a change.
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It's Natsume seeing Mikan through floral-filter lenses for me...
Of course, he ruins the mood. It feels almost as if he does it solely because he knows it will upset her. She was so excited to see him, and he manages to completely turn her mood from eager to angry, just the opposite of how she was able to unwittingly turn his mood from gloomy to... as close to content as he can get.
He’s okay now. He doesn’t want her getting any ideas.
Now, in my opinion, his method of bothering her could be anything and the plot would remain the same. What matters is that he wants to piss her off, and this just so happens to be the way he does it, partially because it’s intended to be funny. Mikan has to get angry at him for this chapter to progress the way it does, but his actions could have been replaced by any other irritating action and it could’ve gone the same way.
Tsubasa then appears, drawn to the sound of a loud commotion. He sees Natsume and vaguely wonders why he’s there. Everyone knows Natsume, at all grade levels, because he’s famous. For Tsubasa, whose only real knowledge of Mikan’s relationship with the kid is that he causes trouble in Class B, it would be strange to see him at the RPG.
Natsume, meanwhile, has no idea who Tsubasa is. Seeing Mikan crawl all over her senpai, seeing him easily comfort her, is something that bugs Natsume. He glares at Tsubasa, somebody whose name he doesn’t even know, and then starts leaving with Ruka.
At first, Tsubasa is confused to be treated like this, until he hugs Mikan tighter and sees both Natsume and Ruka turn in jealousy. Tsubasa gets it immediately. Thus begins a strange and tumultuous frenemy relationship between Tsubasa and Natsume, where they both begrudgingly understand each other while also irritating each other beyond belief.
Natsume is not interested in playing the game, insulting it and wondering how anyone could get hooked on it. Ultimately, it’s not even Mikan who convinces him to give it a shot; it’s Tsubasa taunting him, “then you should be able to win, no problem, right?”
Tsubasa will come to regret saying this, because the answer is yes.
The RPG is designed to be tough. Nobody has won the whole game yet. Beating one or two students is one thing, but being able to outsmart or outmaneuver the entire special ability class is a difficult feat.
Natsume agrees to play, and gets a robot cockroach as a weapon.
Tsubasa is hugging Mikan as Natsume is about to enter, and that pisses him off even more. He decides that Tsubasa will be his slave, his motive being get your hands off her. This is silly considering that just a short time ago, Natsume hated Mikan. His feelings really did a 180.
The challenges pick up in difficulty as he goes on. The first one is effortless. He doesn’t even move from where he’s standing. The mirror-alice girl just freaks out about the cockroach and sends him on his way after two seconds.
The next one is trickier, and Natsume will need to put in more effort than just standing and waiting for the cockroach to do its job. But not that much effort. He sits next to Megane, lights a fire, and waits. It’s a scorching flame, and although Megane tries to tough it out, he gives in with two seconds to spare. Natsume, a smartass, quips sarcastically that he’s sorry--he really can’t tell how hot it is. (This is not actually important or anything, it’s just interesting that Natsume is not affected by his own flames and can’t feel the heat of them. I might end up referring to this a couple times.)
With the exception of the first and last challenges, Natsume uses his alice to beat the maze; either by heating Megane up so his soul goes back into his body, or by writing with fire instead of chalk. The next challenge is the one Natsume has been waiting for and he’ll use his alice here too.
Tsubasa is shocked to find Natsume has progressed so quickly, but he proceeds with the challenge: Natsume has to touch him in thirty seconds, but it’ll be tricky ‘cause he’s held in place by his shadows. He toys with Natsume’s shadows a bit, which really pisses Natsume off. Tsubasa even apologizes nervously, even though he’s the one in control. Or he is, until Natsume uses his alice again and gets rid of the shadows.
Natsume’s anger towards Tsubasa all stems from jealousy. It’s not just that Tsubasa was hugging and comforting Mikan, it’s that he can. Natsume needs to distance himself from Mikan in order to keep her safe, and he’s aware of that right from the start, but there’s more to it. He’s busy establishing himself as an enemy to Mikan, doing things to bother her to make her angry with him, but nobody rushes to their bully for comfort, and Natsume knows this. It’s not just that Tsubasa was hugging Mikan; it’s that he feels like he will never get the chance.
And so the next and final challenge is where he gets to be selfish.
Mikan is aggravated to see him, obviously not thrilled that he was able to make it in such a short time. Her task is that he has to get her off the carpet in thirty seconds. He can’t hurt her or force her off the carpet, and because of their alice training together, he can’t use his alice on her either. (They’d apparently practiced so much that she was able to sharpen her skills significantly. Before, her alice was a wildcard and she struggled with using it, but now she’s able to use it with relative ease. That’s a lot of training in a short time, and I’m sure Natsume wasn’t upset at all the time they had to spend together as a result.)
Natsume must feel relief regarding Mikan's nullification alice. She's nullified his alice in pretty big ways already, one time to save his life. The girl he's crushing on is capable of turning off the thing that decreases his lifespan. She really is a breath of fresh air, in more ways than one, and his appreciation for her alice, even if he doesn't voice it, will only grow. This is important, but I'll talk way more about this in the other POV.
He tries the cockroach, but she’s a country girl and unaffected.
Natsume is genuinely stumped by her challenge, admitting to himself that it’s a tough one. He then comes up with a risky idea, no doubt influenced by her rescue of him when they were kidnapped by Reo. He plays sick. This act only works if Mikan falls for it and is concerned enough to jump off the carpet, but he’s a good actor on account of all the sick experience he has and she does fall for it in no time. Her being concerned was a given.
She jumps off, meaning he’s won the game, but that’s not enough of a victory for him. He acts sick until she’s closer, so he can grab her and put his arm around her. Yes, he calls her an idiot, but this is the closest he can get to a hug… for now. It doesn’t matter that she’s annoyed and dismayed that he won. All he cares about is that he got to touch her.
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She jumped down. He won already, but it's not enough! (Also sorry about two pictures. If it ruins the format, oh well.)
Natsume was jealous that Tsubasa got to do something he thinks he'll never be able to, and so he got a taste of what he wanted some other, convoluted way. He gets angry that Tsubasa is so touchy, but that's only because he wishes he could be touchy too. Natsume will get bolder and bolder with his physical affection, because he will want more and more to show it. When he starts being honest about this affection, she will be more eager to return it.
Natsume is the first winner, and Tsubasa admits it was never expected for somebody to be able to pass all the challenges. Part of the appeal is that it’s an unbeatable game, but Natsume’s feelings of jealousy and spite were enough to get him over the finish line. Though perhaps knowing it's beatable but only one person could is also appealing. It's possible to pass, but very rare for somebody to be able to, so they can draw in crowds by capitalizing on kids who want to the next person to beat the game.
He gets to choose a lamp, but he has no idea which one is whose. He cheats by asking Koko to tell him which one is the right one, but he ends up picking Mikan’s, because Koko assumed that’s the one he wanted. After all--Natsume was thinking about her. Natsume is lucky that Mikan was too anguished at being a slave to care about Natsume thinking about her, but it’s interesting to know that even when he’s supposed to be angry at Tsubasa, he was only thinking of Mikan.
Chapter Twenty
This chapter’s premise is pretty simple and light: Natsume can’t think of any use for Mikan other than to follow him and Ruka around the festival and carry their stuff. They navigate the technical ability class area and even encounter Hotaru, though only for a short time because she’s quite busy.
Most importantly, their time in the technical area makes Mikan insecure. Everyone in the tech class seems to know what they want to do with their lives, with their alices being perfect for research or creation. I’ll go into more detail with this during Mikan’s essay, but it’s important to note that Mikan asks the people around her if they’re prepared for their future only to see that they all are. Hotaru, Sumire, and even Ruka all have dreams for the future, even if Ruka won’t share his. Natsume has decided to leave the conversation and we don’t hear what his dream is, which makes sense because he doesn’t have one. Natsume doesn’t think he’ll live long enough to graduate, so why even bother wasting his own time and getting his hopes up for something unattainable?
It’s then revealed that Ruka is also a triple, and Mikan can’t tell, but the mood has been soured for Ruka. His triple-star status is a touchy subject that he’s unhappy with. His star rank is representative of Natsume’s suffering and he doesn’t like talking about it. He only says that he didn’t mention it because he didn’t get it on his own talent or effort before Natsume forces Mikan to walk in another direction, claiming to be hungry.
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This is literally just a scan of the TokyoPop version, which is better than the other version I see floating around.
He can tell Ruka is uncomfortable and is ready to step in so that his friend can feel better.
As a result, they end up at the cafe where Anna is working (after all, Mikan has been perfecting her puppy-dog eyes routine and I think both Ruka and Natsume are affected, even if the latter would never admit it).
Natsume takes the first bite of Anna’s hell pie, just to see a rot demon (or whatever that thing is) taunt him about the trouble his stomach will be in soon. He really doesn’t have a choice but to throw the tea over the pie. Ruka is grateful, but Mikan is outraged at how rude Natsume is acting, and even angrier when Natsume explains that the pie was horrible. She demands he apologize but Natsume simply walks away, content to be the bad guy because he saved his friends from getting food poisoning while also sparing Anna’s feelings and reputation at her cafe.
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"Your stomach will writhe" is such a potent threat. I feel sick just looking at that demon/scoundrel/rot thing.
This scene has more substance than in the anime. In the episode, Natsume sees the rotten scoundrel (or WHATEVER IT IS) before he can take a bite. He tosses the tea for all their sakes and ultimately nobody is hurt. But here, in the manga, Natsume has already taken a bite. We see the missing part of the pie, the residue on the fork. Natsume is already screwed. He's going to have food poisoning from Anna's pie, and he still puts her feelings before his own. He'd rather say that the pie is terrible according to his own tastes than to let everyone around know that she made such a health-risking mistake. He drenches the pie so that Mikan and Ruka don't get food poisoning, even if it's too late for him. Natsume leaves, knowing he will look like an asshole, AND with stomach problems on top of that, but at least he's the only one who will be seriously hurt.
This is a pretty insignificant example of a trait that we have seen before with Natsume but haven't really fully explored. It's going to play a major role for the rest of the manga, because Natsume has something of a martyr complex, where he is quick to sacrifice himself because he sees little to no value in his own happiness. This is a small example, and I'm not saying it's not kind of him, but there are consequences with his line of thinking. He's fine with looking like an asshole to protect people, or giving up things he wants so someone else can have it, or blowing himself up so two girls can escape safely. Whenever there's a chance to sacrifice himself, Natsume will take it every single time.
This may seem noble or romantic or admirable but it's not healthy at all. The way he was raised (no shade to Papa Hyuuga and Kaoru but also.... tentatively side-eyeing them for putting so much responsibility on him) and the way he is now tortured by the school has put him in a position where his self esteem is horribly low. This complex of his results in suicidal tendencies, even after he falls in love with Mikan (and even exacerbated by that love). For Natsume, love is sacrifice. He simply cannot love without feeling like he has to give something up. Ideally, he would grow out of this and maybe start seriously choosing himself sometimes. It's not evil to want yourself to be happy and to choose your own well-being, even if it occasionally makes others sad or upset.
In the context of the actual story though, we have yet another glimpse of a complex that will cause a LOT of trouble down the road for Natsume and Mikan.
Natsume has new feelings for Mikan and is having trouble navigating them. They will cause even more trouble in the next essay. We also touched more on Natsume's self-sacrificing tendencies and how devastating they will turn out to be. These tendencies will be consistent and persistent throughout the manga in regards to NatsuMikan's relationship, and cause more problems. These problems will pop up a bit in the next part, so stay tuned!
Also, small note: I call him Ruka and not Luca because I got used to it after watching the anime and through scans and fanfics. I heard his name pronounced that way and at first thought it was a Japanese name so I simply copied the pronunciation. When I found out it was supposed to be Luca, I'd already been using Ruka for a while. I don't really want to switch to using Luca most of the time because I know people in real life named Luca/Luka and I talk enough about GA on the daily where it might feel strange to me. I use Luca sometimes when I'm talking to others who prefer it, but Ruka is what I'm used to. I hope this isn't frustrating, but understand that I pronounce Killua's name (from HxH) like "Ki-ru-a" as well and in my head "Gakuen Alice" is pronounced "Gakuen Arisu" because I pronounce things based on what I hear when watching the anime ;-; These are things I have no real desire to change because they sound right to me. I'm sorry. (Nobody has said anything or complained, and this is not a vague or anything like that! I just wanted to say that I know it's supposed to be Luca and it's not my intention to be disrespectful when I pronounce/spell it Ruka. I am fucking crazy, but I am free.)
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drawlfoy · 3 years
snake for a badger
masterlist requests are closed, but read this before you click away! message me/send an ask to be tagged :)
pairing: hufflepuff!reader x draco
request? nope this was something that i came up with myself but low key i had quite a few hufflepuff requests that i never attended to and i wanted to give the hufflepuffs some love (my longest fics have had either ravenclaw or gryffindor readers, so this is your moment y’all...if you’re a slytherin then i’ll have something coming up for you soon ;))
summary: 6th year hufflepuff y/n y/l/n doesn’t know if she be afraid of draco malfoy after her friends warn her about his potential status as a death eater...and the fact that he keeps showing up to save her isn’t helping. THIS IS A TEASER!!!! for a much longer oneshot that’s currently in progress!!
warnings: teen drinking, secondhand embarrassment, swearing
a/n: important note that THIS IS A TEASER. i honestly have no idea how the entire oneshot is going to look (even though i assume that this isn’t exactly a one shot if there’s this added onto it). i’m not even sure if this is going to be a scene--it’s just the very first thing i wrote for it, and i liked it. i feel like draco’s character in this is really tricky because i haven’t yet decided how “ooc” i want him to be. i just really liked this idea and i’ve always had the image of y/n saving draco in this particular movie scene. let me know your thoughts!
no music recs, this is just a teaser
tags tags tags @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell
word count: 2.5k
Her shoes dug into the back of her heels as she tried to keep up with Ginny around the corner. 
“I don’t understand why you insist on wearing those...torture devices,” the red-haired witch said without adjusting her stride in the slightest. Y/N was tempted to just rip them off then and there and attend Slughorn’s party barefoot and carefree, but she knew better. It was in her best interest to try and get on the good side of the professors. Even though she had no intention of holding an office in the Ministry or becoming an Auror, she still wanted a good scroll of recommendation from her Potions professor. Especially considering his connections.
“Why don’t you just spell the back of them soft?” asked Ginny. “That’s what Parvati does. At least, I think that’s what she does. I don’t know how else she’s able to wear them with her uniform every day.”
“She doesn’t know the first thing about shoes.” Y/N winced the tip of her heel wobbled for a moment in between the cobblestones. “Once you spell a shoe soft, they’re never the same again. They’re ruined. At least, that’s what my mother has always told me--she swears by that balm stuff I keep on my nightstand.”
“Ah, Mrs. Y/L/N. I’m glad she’s not here to see me. I think she would demand that I pay with my life for my outfit today.”
Y/N managed a smile. “Hey. You know she likes you. I think so, at least.”
They rounded the corner, and this time Ginny was kind enough to steady Y/N as they made their way up the final flight of stairs. “I don’t know how you’re going to make it through the whole night, Y/N. I bet you wish you’d taken up Nott’s offer to be your date this time, huh? Now that you don’t have anyone to lean on if your feet get too tired?”
“There’s something called taking my shoes off if they hurt too much,” she responded. “And I could never regret that--I know he only did it because his mother told him to. Something about a favor for my mother after we saved her at a gala, I’m sure.”
“Also the fact that Millie would crucify you if she saw you with him.”
Y/N laughed. “That too. Imagine being a Hufflepuff who accidentally put a target on her back…”
“You’d be dead.”
“But very, very stylish. And if I died, my feet wouldn’t hurt anymore.”
Ginny tutted at her. “So morbid.”
The staircase had finally turned to their stop, and before the two girls had a chance to get off, Y/N heard a voice call out for her companion.
“Ginny! Hey, Ginny!”
She pulled Y/N up the last few steps and deposited her safely on the corridor platform before bounding off towards Harry and Luna at the opposite end of the hall. They must’ve come from a different direction. “I’ll catch up with you at the party, ok?”
Y/N just beamed at her friend as she closed the difference between her and Harry, pulling both him and Luna around the corner towards the music and sound of the party. If it was anyone else, she might’ve been offended, but she knew how much Harry meant to her. Even if Ginny didn’t know it yet. And Y/N would not, under any circumstance, slow her friend down because of her poor footwear choices.
She dusted her dress off before making her way further down the hall. It was slower going without the prospect of a steadying hand next to her, but it was getting easier. Maybe the balm she’d used on the leather really was softening with each step she took like it said on the box. 
Before she lifted the curtain to walk into the jovial evening, a flash of blond hair caught her eye. Platinum blond hair--the type that only belonged to one person she knew. 
His head snapped up from its previous spot on his knees that were folded up on the floor. The Slytherin was obscured by the darkness and the dividing wall that had been erected in the corridor, but Y/N was completely sure of what she was seeing.
She crept closer, inwardly cringing at the sound her heels made as they clacked across the stones. 
“Need anything, Y/L/N?” he drawled. Once she was close enough to see his face clearly, his expression made it clear that he was not in a good mood. Not like he ever was, though. 
“Why are you...er...just sitting here?” Fuck. She sounded so ditzy.
“Enjoying my Friday night.”
“Oh...ok.” Y/N swallowed. “You were invited to Slughorn’s party?” 
He shrugged. 
Her mouth felt dry. Obviously, he hadn’t been invited. Slughorn was notorious for wanting to keep a squeaky clean image, and entertaining the idea of inviting a Death Eater’s son was...out of question. And he never tried in his class anymore.
She dared another look down at him and nearly squeaked when she saw him staring directly back at her. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve at least told him goodbye or goodnight, but her words completely failed her. Instead, she just stared back, completely frozen. 
She couldn’t help it. Ever since last fall, she couldn’t act normal around him to save her life. Not after...that. 
A cat meowed in the distance, breaking whatever was paralyzing her. 
“I...I have to go. I think that’s Filch.” 
He said nothing--just tilted his head and raised an eyebrow like he was expecting something from her. She spun and walked as quickly as she could manage without breaking an ankle.
“What took you so long, Y/N?” Ginny asked the moment the curtain fell behind her, closing her back into the party. The tent that was magically set up was much more spacious than she was expecting, and the lime and peach coloring was surprisingly bright and cheery.
Her explanation was cut short by the sound of the entrance curtain being shoved aside with so much force that the nearest tables shook, the fine china clattering. 
Filch stood in front of them, holding a very peeved looking Draco Malfoy by the scruff of his neck. “Found this boy loitering around outside. I don’t imagine that he’s been invited to your party here.”
“I’ll take care of it.” Professor Snape appeared to her left, his robes billowing black behind him as he made his way towards the pair.
“Ok, ok, I admit it, I wasn’t--”
“Draco! Where have you been?” 
The words were out of her mouth before she even had the chance to think of the heavy, heavy regret that weighed down at her the moment they were spoken--not to mention the foreign feeling of the name “Draco” instead of Malfoy on her tongue. The tension in the room was tangible as Y/N took a few tentative steps forward. Snape whipped around to glare at her with a look that contained so much venom that it nearly stunned her.
“Miss Y/L/N? What’s going on?” Her sweet Potions professor materialized behind her. Y/N felt a twinge in her gut at what she was about to say--if she followed through, he probably wouldn’t ever give her the scroll of recommendation she wanted. “Did you invite him?”
Oh well. Here goes.
She drew in a shaky breath. “Yes. He’s my...uh...date tonight.”
Ginny spun around and sent her a death glare that said oh you are so telling me about this right now. 
Filch released his grip on Malfoy’s neck, shoving him forward into the crowd. Y/N met his eyes for a brief second, and the only emotion she could register was shock. And anger.
“Fine. Dumbledore will be hearing about this, though. And tell your date to stop breaking curfew in restricted areas.” 
With that, the curtain fell back and Filch was gone, leaving Y/N in the throes of her own despair. Malfoy was just a few feet away from her now, standing in all his gloomy glory. And she’d just told everyone that he was her date.
The music started up again, the strings echoing around the still room. A few couples hesitantly started dancing again, and the roar of conversation slowly picked back up to where it left off. Y/N and Malfoy were the only ones not doing something...coupley. 
“So,” said Malfoy. The sigh that followed was completely unreasonable. “I think you’re supposed to tell me to stop breaking curfew in restricted areas sometime soon.”
She gulped. “Yeah. That.”
He held out his hand, slow and gingerly like he was about to touch a hot stove. Y/N just gawked at it.
“We should probably dance. Or something. I don’t think you’re being a very believable date right now.” 
Y/N grabbed his hand and let him pull her into the mess of couples. It felt like her mind had taken a complete vacation. What had happened? How had this night ended up this way? “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” she started.
“Yeah, well, me neither.” He was practiced and comfortable as he guided her through the steps of whatever waltz was playing. Y/N never paid much attention when she was young to the dance lessons that her parents painstakingly put her through--and it was clear from how much she needed to depend on him. Her shoes didn’t help, 
“Ginny is going to fucking kill me,” she said suddenly. 
“You think?” he said, his tone flat. “Why’d you say I was your date? Were you that desperate for someone?”
“I…” The words died on her tongue as she tried to get them out. Malfoy spun her as she clung to the silk lapel of his suit, hanging on for dear life as her heels teetered. “You know why.” 
If he had any strong thoughts on the matter, he didn’t let it show on his face. He simply let his gaze flicker down at her for a second before he dipped her. “You know, in my world we don’t really return favors. If I were you, I would stop trying to repay me. There’s no point.”
“There doesn’t need to be one. I just…”
“Just worry about yourself, okay? I don’t need you to be stirring up your own drama with fruitless attempts to pay me back. I’m perfectly capable on my own.”
“I’m not doubting how capable you are! I’m just being a fair person!”
“Nothing about any of this is fair,” he snipped. “It doesn’t matter what you do. You’re not going to set anything right. You should know better, anyways. You shouldn’t be trying to help me. I’m surprised Potter isn’t teaching you this.”
Y/N’s cheeks grew hot while the song slowly creaked to the end. “Malfoy--” 
“I’m going to get us drinks.” He dropped her hand and was gone before another word could leave her lips.
It took Ginny no more than a minute to have her friend cornered in a quiet spot of the tent, her eyes glittering. “When were you going to tell me that you were going to ask Malfoy to be your date?”
“I didn’t,” Y/N told her. She decided that she might as well be truthful. “I just felt bad for him. Snape seemed like he was in a bad mood, and I don’t want to put him through that. I don’t want to put anyone through that.”
“Ugh, you are such a Hufflepuff,” her friend groaned. “I can’t believe you. You’re kind to a fault sometimes, you know.”
“What’s the harm, Gin?” asked Y/N. “He can’t hurt me. He’s not all that bad. He’s just a prat sometimes.”
“Can’t hurt you--oh, dear.” Ginny let out a shaky breath and ran her fingers through her hair, messing up the pinned portions. Y/N resisted the urge to cringe at the sight. “Hasn’t Harry told you? You need to stay away from Malfoy. He’s dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” increduled Y/N. “No way. He’s all bark, no bite. The worst thing he’s going to do is tell me that Hufflepuffs are stupid or something.”
“Y/N.” The intensity of Ginny’s voice made her snap to attention. “You really don’t know, do you? I can’t tell you now. But I’m sure Harry will later. Just...promise me you won’t let him get you alone? Ok? And please don’t do any other favors for him. You’ll understand later.”
They both turned at the sound of a male clearing his throat. Malfoy stood, uncomfortable and broody, carrying two goblets. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“No, not at all!” said Ginny, weirdly cheery. She leaned in, feigning to kiss Y/N’s cheek goodbye, but instead she whispered, “Don’t drink that.” And then she was gone.
“Trouble in paradise with Weaselette?” he asked.  
She took the goblet and faked taking a sip. “Er, no. Why do you ask?”
“You look awfully pale, my dear.” 
“It’s just the draft,” she told him, but in truth she knew that her face was suddenly flaming red again. 
“Hm.” He, on the contrary, took a real, genuine sip out of his goblet. “Want to sit down somewhere? I’m thinking I probably going to want to get out of here soon.”
“To each their own,” responded Y/N. She was slowly becoming warier after Ginny’s speech. There’s no way he would...no...not after what he did for her. “I’m staying around until I get Slughorn to talk to me, personally. I want him to really like me.”
“That old bat? I’m sure he already likes you, if he’s inviting you here and all.”
“I don’t think he likes me, per se. I think he just likes who my family rubs elbows with.”
A rare smile stretched across Malfoy’s face, but it didn’t seem sweet. “Ah, I remember your family now. If I recall correctly, your mother used to come do fittings for my mother?”
“Um, yeah. I believe so.” Y/N attempted to smile back, but something in her felt...off. What didn’t she know about Malfoy? Was he actually capable of hurting her? Did he want to hurt her?
“I think I’ve overstayed my welcome,” Malfoy said after a few beats of silence. “Unless you’d like to join my thrilling pursuits with breaking curfew in restricted areas, I’d better be off.”
“Malfoy…” Y/N started. She had no idea what else to tell him. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said, sending her another one of those sly smiles that made her stomach turn. “Enjoy the rest of your night, alright?”
She made a sorry attempt to smile back. He kept looking down at her, so intently that it made her uncomfortable. He was thinking--about what, she couldn’t determine. But clearly it was something, and the gears were turning.
“May I suggest something?” His eyes glinted in the dim party lighting. Malfoy seemed to take her silence and wide-eyed stare as a yes, leaning in closer so quickly that she didn’t even have a chance to spring away.
“You’re supposed to swallow when you fake drinking something.”
He plucked the goblet out of her hand and took a sip, raising an eyebrow at her as if to say see? 
Even long after he was gone, she could still feel his hot breath on her neck and hear the way his whispered voice sounded in her ear. 
final a/n: hehe here i am 1 minute late!! probably later once i get all my links set up/copy paste all my tags but here it is! this is a TEASER! so remember that! i hope to get the real oneshot out sometime after i get wonders of ohio p 10 out. let me know if this is something you guys want to read/if you like this version of draco. i rlly want to write a flirtier draco because i think we could all use that right now
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planetsano · 4 years
say so.
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summary: Bakugou can't roller skate so he sulks while watching his friends have fun without him. That's when he sees a very beautiful girl called (Name) and just can't stop staring at her. Kirishima notices Bakugou’s little crush and .. some cute chaos ensues.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
warning(s): cursing.
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“I don't even know why the fuck we're here anyway..” Bakugou grumbled angrily. He was as bitter as ever watching his friends lace up their roller skates hastily. All of them were excited to hit the wooden floor and do some rounds around the rink, all of them except for Bakugou of course.
“Come on, man. It'll be fun.” Kirishima encouraged him with a smile. Bakugou rolled his eyes and dismissed him with a lazy wave of the hand. The truth is, Bakugou didn't know how to skate. He's never tried it in his life and he'd rather break his own leg than to humiliate himself in front of a whole venue of people.
So instead, he sipped on a strawberry milkshake in the 50’s themed diner the place offered as a lounge area. Bakugou had a clear view of the venue. He found the rainbow neon lights and funky patterns to be tacky but he could see the appeal, it did feel very retro. Looking on, Bakugou spotted Mina laughing at Kirishima, who seemed to have fallen flat on his ass. That made Bakugou smirk and shake his ass.
‘Idiot..’ He thought. Bakugou’s eyes scanned the rest of the venue, nothing looked interesting or out of the norm. God he was so fucking bored. That's when he noticed her, time seemed to so down as he watched her glide almost weightlessly on the wooden floor. She seemed so carefree laughing alongside her friends. Her smile was so bright and inviting, Bakugou felt.. warm inside. He didn't like it.
She was the embodiment of beauty and confidence, dressed in an oversized rainbow sweater, high waist jean shorts, and two space buns on her head. She was gorgeous and it made Bakugou’s mouth dry up. The way she carried herself with such elegance but a sense of playfulness intrigued Bakugou. The girls stopped skating and leaned against the barricade to talk to what he was assuming to be another friend of theirs on the other side.
He continued to watch on, causing her friend beside her to notice that he was staring. With a knowing smile she leaned over to the mystery girl whispering something in her ear. The mystery girl looked at her friend with an unsure smile and shook her head, turning to look at Bakugou. He mentally punched himself finally realizing he'd been caught staring, so much so that her friend even pointed it out. Bakugou didn't know what he was expecting when they made eye contact but he definitely didn't anticipate her giving him a sweet smile and a tiny wave. His head snapped back to his milkshake in front of him a little too fast.
“Real fucking smooth, Katsuki..”  He mentally cursed at himself and toyed with the colorful straw in his shake in hopes to try to play it off. His eyes peaked back over to the girls, his curiosity getting the best of him. He saw her friend playfully nudging her with a smile. He couldn't hear exactly what she said but it was something along the lines of ‘Go talk to him, he's cute.’
“Bakubro!” Kirishima’s voice snapped Bakugou back to reality. He looked to see the redhead plop in the seat on the other side of the table.
“What?” Bakugou grumbled in irritation.
“Are you done sulking? Come and have fun with us.” Kirishima tried to convince him with an eager smile. Bakugou did feel kind of bad for not hanging out with his friends, but he just didn't have the heart to admit he'd bust his ass if he put some skates on.
“I'm not fucking sulking! I just-!” Bakugou immediately shut his mouth when he saw her roll right by him and into the diner area with her friends. They all went right to the counter to order something. Everything Kirishima was rambling about was fading into the background while Bakugou’s stare was fixed on one person. She was leaned against the counter backward, elbows resting on the countertop with her legs on full display.
Kirishima realized Bakugou wasn't listening and had a confused look on his face until his eyes followed Bakugou’s gaze. The redhead gave a knowing smile as his eyes finally landed on what, or should we say who, he was looking at. Bakugou returned his attention back to Kirishima feeling anger and embarrassment that he had been found out.
“Why the fuck are you smiling like that?” He said harshly, but Kirishima wasn't fazed. He was used to this brash personality and slick mouth.
“She's really pretty. Even Mina was gushing about her when she walked in.” Kirishima smiled again.
“The fuck are you on about..” Bakugou trailed off, averting his eyes to nothing in particular.
“I'm just saying you should talk to her if you're interested before someone else does.” Kirishima said. Bakugou didn’t want to admit it but he was right.
“You know what? I'll go break the ice!” Kirishima said cheerfully and stood up but before Bakugou could interfere, he was already making his way to the group of friends.
'I'm going to kill him..’ Bakugou thought.
Bakugou watched his friend chat with the girls. He said something that successfully made them all laugh then a few seconds later he pointed to Bakugou. All their attention on him momentarily until they all smiled and nodded. He watched as the girls and the redhead made their way over to his table.
So there Bakugou was, wondering why and how he got himself into this position. These damned rollerskates on his feet and contemplating whether he should whoop Kirishima’s ass now or later for even getting him in this situation. On the bright side, he learned that the girl's name was (Name) from the introductions a few minutes ago at the diner.
“Hey, you coming?” (Name) looked back and smiled at the blonde. Her smile faded away slowly as she saw just how.. uncomfortable he looked staring at the threshold of the tacky carpeted floor and the wooden floor of the rink. That's when it dawned on her that he probably didn't know how to skate.
‘Poor thing is probably too embarrassed to admit it.’ (Name) thought. He did come across as an alpha male. Something as seemingly silly as rollerblading making him feel this stressed probably hurt his pride and ego, but men will be men. She did find it cute though, he was so brooding but looked so lost right now.  
“Hold onto my hands.” (Name) said as she held her hands out in front of her. Bakugou snapped his head up giving her an incredulous look.
“Trust me, you'll be fine.” She gave him a reassuring smile and he reluctantly took her hands into his. Name pulled him past the threshold gently and before Bakugou knew it, she was guiding him on through the rink. Bakugou looked like a newborn deer trying to walk for the first time and (Name) felt bad, but she couldn't help but to giggle at him trying to find his footing all while trying to scold her for laughing at him.
“Its not fucking funny-!” He nearly slipped but caught himself. “Why is this shit so slippery?!” Bakugou’s hands never left hers, if anything he held onto her like she was his lifeline.
“Maybe if you straighten your legs and stop trying to impersonate Bambi, you'd be fine!” (Name) said with an innocent smile. Bakugou was pleasantly surprised at the fact this girl had a sense of humor and somewhat of a slick mouth. It only made him even more attracted to her.
“You're real fucking comedian.” Bakugou said, sarcasm oozing out of his voice immensely. Ugh, if he was struggling to keep his balance, he'd totally kiss her. His sarcasm made (Name) crack up even more. Bakugou actually took her advice and in no time he had been standing up straight gliding along the floor with her.
“Look! You're doing it!” She cheered with a bright and goofy smile on his face. Now that Bakugou found his balance, he was finally processing the fact that they had been holding hands this entire time now that he wasn't struggling to fall on his ass. He felt his stomach do flips and turns seeing her smile at him like that. He found it.. cute that she was so excited about him doing something so simple as standing up straight.
As the time passed the more the two got to know each other. Bakugou was kind of surprised that she made him laugh at her jokes. Her quick witted tongue and sense of humor made it all the more enjoyable. He even found himself skating without her as his training wheels. Still though, he wasn't as nearly as good as her. Watching her up close and personal while she did her thing was mesmerizing. And for a while.. Bakugou was actually having fun.
But all good things have to come to an end. The DJ announced the final song of the night and directed those who rented skates to return them and soon the crowd started to clear out, exiting the building in groups.
“How was it?” Kirishima asked the blonde sitting beside him on a bench outside. They watched as people entered their car, waiting for Mina who was in the bathroom and also their ride because this whole outing was her idea.
“I forgot to get her damn number.” Bakugou grumbled.
“What the heck? How?” Kirishima felt bad for his friend because he really did seem to like this girl. This was the first time in a whole he's seen him take genuine interest in someone besides the typical two week girlfriend because the sex was decent streak Bakugou was known to have.
“I lost her in the crowd.. she probably already fucking left with my luck.” Bakugou stood up.
“I'm going to the car.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked to where the car was. Or at least thought, where he car was. He fell asleep on the way there.
‘Where the fuck-’ Bakugou’s thoughts were cut off by a hug from behind. He was fully ready to curse this person out until he heard the voice and almost immediately knew who it was.
“Hey, Bambi! I lost you!”
He turned to see (Name) resting her head on his shoulder. Bakugou felt an overwhelming sense of happiness upon seeing her. He wanted to pick her up and kiss her right then and now.
“Stop calling me by that weak ass nickname.” Bakugou’s voice was cool and collected but on the inside he was kind of freaking out.
“It's so funny though.” (Name) released him from the hug and stood in front of him. She was even more beautiful under the moon’s luminary light.
“Damn, you're kind of a short ass now that I'm looking at you.” Bakugou teased with a smirk. She gasped and playfully pushed him.
“You’re so stupid.” (Name) laughed.
“(Name)! Stop flirting and come on!” A distant voice yelled out grabbing both of their attention. Over in the parking lot they saw her friends from earlier piled in a car flashing their headlights at them.
“Kiss him and keep it moving. Girl, my feet hurt!”
“He's fine as fuck! Get his number!”
“Does he have friends?!”
They all continued to tease their friend who so obviously had a crush on the guy standing in front of her.
“Oh my god..” (Name) hid her face in her hands in embarrassment. Bakugou actually thought it was pretty hilarious. But he had an idea.
“Don't be embarrassed, dummy.” He said closing the gap in between them, she looked up at him confused. “Let's give the audience a show.” Bakugou gently placed a hand on her dainty face and planted a kiss onto her lips. As their lips moved in sync they couldn't help but to smile into the kiss hearing her friends, along with Kirishima and Mina hyping them up in the parking lot.
They pulled away and (Name) got shy again, hiding her face into his chest. Bakugou felt triumphant, maybe tonight wasn't so bad.
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koutarousangel · 3 years
i wanna hold your hand.
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prompt : 49. “tonight’s all about you” + 50. “can i hold your hand?”
genre : fluff !
warning(s) : couple of swear words, tooth-rotting sweetness.
music suggestion : first date - frad, happiness - rex orange county, i’ll keep you safe - sagun
author’s note : thank you for your request, i’m so sorry it took so long !! THIS WAS SO ABSOLUTELY FUN TO WRITE HOLY CRAP !!
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“tonight’s all about you,” you said to your newly-wedded friend as she changed into her party outfit, wedding band glittering on her finger, “and your lovely husband of course, but everyone knows the blushing bride gets all the attention,” this only earned a look from your friend to which you stuck your tongue out.
a soft giggle left your friend’s lips, “shit, i can’t believe i’m married,” she breathed out as she looked down at the ring, before looking back at you, eyes shining with love and adoration.
her words made you scoff, “you’re kidding right? you would’ve married them on the spot if you were given the chance and you’ve been planning all of this forever,” you spoke as you put the protective cover over the wedding dress, “if there was anyone in this world who was going to get married, it was going to be you.”
you were incredibly happy for your friend; it was a beautiful ceremony, everything had gone perfectly, the way every bride wanted their wedding day to go. it was what she deserved, what she’d dreamed of ever since the two of you were younger.
the two of you had been best friends since you were toddlers, had a lot in common and got along wonderfully, but truth be told, she’d always been the type to dream about her perfect wedding, looking at wedding dresses and venues, planning everything in full detail. she wouldn’t have even gotten a wedding planner, had her best friend not been one in the first place.
it was comical, how you planned weddings for countless people and yet you’d never entertained the thought of getting married yourself. you were the living stereotype of how wedding planners were the worst at romance and how they were practically always the bridesmaid and never the bride. 
“who knows? maybe you’ll finally catch wedding fever since it’s your dear best friend who got married this time,” she stuck her tongue out at you as she twirled on the spot, letting out a dreamy sigh.
you shook your head and let out a small sigh, walking over to her and placing your hands on her shoulders, “c’mon you dumbass, everyone’s probably wondering where you ran off too, especially your lovely spouse.”
“it’s okay, i can’t be a runaway bride now, they’re stuck with me forever!” she dragged out her word as you pushed her out of the room, giggles floating through the empty hallways. 
the rest of the night continued on smoothly, with you juggling your jobs as the wedding planner and maid of honor, going round and speaking to people - people you knew from you and your friend’s youth, family, friends just a night filled with talking and laughter, occasionally catching your friend’s eye and giving her a little thumbs up to make sure that she wasn’t getting overwhelmed.
after the food, the celebrations flowed straight into the dancing, with the music getting louder and the people letting loose, the alcohol settling well in their bloodstream. most of the time, this was when you’d take your leave from any wedding that you were working on, but seeing as you were an honoured guest, you obviously couldn’t just up and leave.
still, you felt awkward on the dance floor and after entertaining your friend with one dance (after tons and tons of pouty faces and pleads) you decided to migrate away from the people and make your way towards a secluded area that had a fountain surrounded by a couple of benches. 
you let out a small sigh of relief as you turned your gaze towards the night sky, the sounds of music and people singing along and cheering turning into background noise. 
“not your scene?” came a smooth voice from behind you, completely catching you off guard. you turned your attention to the stranger and you swore your heart fluttered for a quick second - since when did it do that?
the stranger’s hair stuck up at all angles and it looked unkempt, but somehow it looked good on him - the moonlight accentuated his gorgeous amber eyes and the smirk his lips formed into made your heart do that little flutter again. you felt as if you were a teenager again, the one who believed in love at first sight, who was ready to offer her heart up to whoever asked for it, before being tainted by commitment issues and traumatising relationships.
“i usually leave before the dancing starts,” your explanation came out in what almost sounded like a sigh, feeling the bridge of your nose heat up as you cleared your throat and looked away from the man, “so yeah, i guess it’s not my ‘scene,” when you stole a glance at the man, he had his eyebrow raised in slight confusion and you decided to turn towards him, shooing away the shyness. 
“i’m a wedding planner, i attend these things on the regular,” you shook your head slightly, letting out a small laugh as he nodded in understanding, “but seeing as i’m the maid of honour and this isn’t a common client, i have to stick around,” a small smile made its way on your lips as you shrugged after your explanation, and before the conversation died out you sputtered out “what about you?”
he chuckled, “i’m a co-worker,” was the easy explanation he gave to which you let out a short, nervous laugh, looking back at the night sky, “as for why i’m not dancing, well i kinda saw the pretty lady i’ve been eyeing the whole night on her own and believed that it was my chance.”
his words caught you off guard the same way his presence had, and your cheeks burned even more, heart practically somersaulting over and over in your chest, no longer giving the gentle flutters, “maybe it is,” you tried to give off an aura of nonchalance, but the bright smile on your face betrayed you.
“i’m hoping so...” the man chuckled, “kuroo tetsurō, pleasure to meet you,” he bowed in greeting. attractive and respectful? you were sure that this was some sort of sick joke and that the cameras were going to roll out at any moment.
but they didn’t. not when you introduced yourself, not when the two of you moved to the railings and made idle conversation, not when you laughed at each other’s jokes. the conversation was the smoothest you’d had in a long time, and you would’ve been lying to yourself if you said that it wasn’t a breath of fresh air from all the idiots that you’d been meeting through the dating app your friend had told you to get.
he spoke about his love for sports, particularly volleyball, and his job as a sports promoter and then allowed you to speak about your job some more, before moving onto the things you liked and did in your spare time, and he was listening to anything and everything that you had to say. 
“so you knew the whole japanese national team when you were in highschool?” you laughed, “that’s impressive, you’re practically a celebrity,” was your teasing comment as you stepped up on the edge of the fountain, holding your arms out to balance yourself before letting them fall at your side, your new position allowing you to look down at the tall man, seeing his eyes from a different angle made you smile brighter before looking away.
even though you were cautious and steady with your movements, you could still feel kuroo’s arm hovering by you, as if he were ready to catch you if something was to go south, “yeah, i guess i am,” he murmured softly, heart thumping against his chest, “can i hold your hand? it’s dangerous to be walking up there and i can steady you.”
your heart gave yet another one of what has become its signature flutters at his question, and you just gave a shy nod, holding your hand out to him and keeping your eyes on it as he laced his fingers through the spaces between your own, before you looked up at his eyes, only to be met by him looking back at you.
“was this an excuse to hold my hand?” you asked quietly, teasing tone leaking through and a small smile settling on your face as you watched a bashful grin grow on his own.
“it worked, didn’t it?” kuroo teased back as the two of you continued to walk together. you’d turned your attention back at the thin surface you were walking on, cautiously placing one foot after the other. 
a finger from your free hand was brought up to your chin as you tapped it against your skin in faux thought, before letting it rest there and glancing over at him, “i’d say it did.”
kuroo held your hand as he helped you climb down from the fountain, and continued to hold your hand throughout the night as you continued to get to know each other, the sounds of the wedding continuing to be the source of background music, neither one of you even thinking about returning to the festivities, sweetly enjoying the rest of the night getting to know each other more and more. 
holding your hand easily became kuroo’s favourite thing to do as your relationship progressed and on the night the two of you exchanged your first ‘i love you’s, when you’d finally fallen asleep, he’d looked down at your hand in his and made a silent promise that he’d decorate it with a ring someday.
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