#the screenshots are much darker than what they looked like in game
simgerale · 2 years
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noelle minton (heir) & bronson littler (future spouse)
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Let’s Fall in Love, IRL | Chapter 8
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pairing: Jisung x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, Pen pals to lovers, friend of a friend to lovers
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, mention of a panic attack (but not actually)
summary: When she was a child, L/n Y/n was in a horrible accident that left her face disfigured.  After getting bullied relentlessly by her classmates for her appearance, Y/n escaped to the digital world where she meets Felix. Now an adult, Y/n has be come a complete social recluse, only talking to her 4 childhood best friends and roommates and her only friends. When Felix goes AFK one day in the middle of a game, Felix’s roommates decides to step in. Is this the start a new relationship or will Y/n’s crippling social anxiety get in the way?
taglist: CLOSED
word count: 1,931
screenshot count: 1 (another delulu video)
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©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
“Lixie…Lix…Felix…Lee Felix…Yongbok-ah…”
“Hm?” Felix hums, finally paying attention to you.
"'Are you still watching?'" You ask, mimicking the question that appeared on both of your screens.
As far as you can tell, Felix hasn't been watching since he hit play 6 episodes ago. You've been engrossed in the anime that you've been watching, but every few minutes you'd look over to his screen to find him blankly staring at something. What, you're not entirely sure, but it sure as hell wasn't Netflix.
You felt bad. You hadn't talked to anyone besides your brothers for days. And even then it was only when one of them had to literally drag you away from your computer to take a break from working. At one point, both Chan and Changbin unplugged your computer, after saving your work, and confiscated the pen for your tablet to spend more than 20 minutes with everyone. Both Felix and Han offered to just sit with you on a call while you worked but you knew you'd get distracted. And, with Changbin's version of exposure therapy, you were more drained than you've ever been. But when Felix texted you asking to binge a show, you decided that you deserved a little break and a reward for getting through the week.
"Yeah, I'm still watching," He lies.
You watch as Felix rolls his neck and stretches his arms to the side. His hair is tucked away neatly in a blue beanie. You're not sure if it's because of the quality of the camera or the light from his desk, but his face looks noticeably paler. His freckles are much darker on his face than you're used to and the bags under his eyes.
He's exhausted, that much you know. He's been streaming a lot more lately. You get his notifications and sometimes you'll put it on in the background while you work, but only for a little bit. You've sent both him and Han snacks and drinks while you've been working to remind them to take care of their health, but it looks like Felix is letting his suffer.
"Which character is your favorite so far?" You decide to test him. You know Felix well enough that he'd lie and say he wasn't to keep watching with you if you were to ask him directly.
"The blonde one," He says quickly.
"Which one? There's seven," You press further.
"Seven?" Felix's eyes widen, "Are we watching The Sound of Music?"
You can't help but giggle at Felix's reaction. You watch as his face turns red as his eyes scan the screen, probably rereading the title of the show. It seems to have pulled him out of his slump.
"You know," You sit up further in your chair, "we can stop watching if you're not into it. Oh! Do you want to see the characters you're going to voice?"
A small smile appears on Felix's face. "Oh you know I love looking at your art. You've probably been dying to show me for a while now."
"I have! But I finally finished the design for the main one that you're going to be doing. Hold on,"
You quickly search for the folder that has your character designs and open the handful that you wanted Felix to voice.
"We can continue watching later if you want," Felix says softly.
"It's okay, you weren't that much into it. I can watch the rest of it by myself. We can watch a movie instead if you want. Your choice." After you make sure you open all of the files, you take over sharing your screen.
Felix quietly nods while the images load for him. You're not sure how to read his expression. You silently plan to pretend that you have to get back to work after so he can go and take a nap or something.
"Can you see it?"
"Yeah! These are so cool. Hey, that one kinda looks like me!" Felix's features light up again as he looks at the character designs.
"Yeah, that's Prince Silas Rafferty. He's one of the main heroes. His quest begins after his father, King Edmund Rafferty, also voiced by you, is assassinated. Many believe that Si murdered his father to claim the throne and he is banished. He spends the rest of the game trying to find out who is responsible and avenge his father. Oh and this is--"
Knock knock
"Hold on, Y/n," Felix turns to his door, taking a deep sigh. "Come in!"
"Hey, I know you said not to bother you, but we have a situation."
You freeze as Jisung's warm, soft voice hits your ears. You can't see him, Felix's camera is positioned away from his door. Perfect to avoid accidental shots of his roommates.
"What happened?" Felix asks, getting less annoyed.
"So In and I were--oh hey, Y/n sent you the characters for her game. Did she send you mine? I'm a thief! I can't remember what my name is. Something with a 'T.'"
Jisung appears on camera, his full body in the frame. He's wearing a large black hoodie that nearly swallows him whole. his oversized jeans seem smaller in comparison to his hoodie. His hair is flat and he's wearing large, black-rimmed glasses you've never seen him in before. His hair is also hidden behind a yellow beanie.
"Timble," You remind him of his character's name.
"Oh hey, Y/n, you're here too?" Jisung leans in closer to the computer, a large smile quickly taking over his face.
"Hi Hanji," You roll up the sleeves of your jacket, suddenly feeling hot. Inuyasha gets up from his spot in the corner of your room and makes your way over to you. He rests his head on your lap. You quickly pull up Timble's artwork for Jisung and Felix to look at.
Felix's eyes quickly shift between the two of you. He opens his mouth and closes it like a fish gasping for water.
"Han, what was the situation?" He finally asks.
"Oh, right!" Jisung turns his attention back to Felix, "Long story short, Innie is stuck on top of the fridge."
"And you just left him there?" Felix jumps up and runs out of his room.
Jisung just stares at the door that Felix ran out of, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment for forgetting why he came to him in the first place.
"Shouldn't you go help them?" You turn your full attention to the video chat.
"I need a break. I spent the past 20 minutes trying to get him down by myself. They'll call me if they need me." He sighs as he sits down in Felix's chair.
His face is clearer now. So clear that you can see the lack of lenses in his glasses. You also notice how pink and swollen his bottom lip is. Almost like he was nervously chewing it earlier. He probably was while he tried to figure out how to get his roommate down.
"Why is your Innie on top of the fridge?" You ask, breaking the silence.
"He wanted to film a few tik toks and one of them required him to be somewhere high. It was either the fridge or we filmed it outside. We didn't need another reason for the neighbors to think we're weird, so..." He puts his elbows on the desk and rests his chin in his hands.
"The life of an influencer normally is from what I've seen...Were you guys watching The Promised Neverland?" His eyes shift to Felix's other screen.
"Yeah, we got through half of the first season."
"How'd you like it? I wasn't sure if it was going to be triggering for you or anything when I recommended it. But I thought you might like it. Sorry, if it was," You watch as Jisung nervously licks his lips.
"Oh no yeah, I had major flashbacks while watching," You joke, laughing. "But in all seriousness, some of it was similar to how I grew up. Not all of it, obviously, but the home aspect was a bit similar. The art is mesmerizing though. I want to study it. And Lix didn't like it so I'm just going to finish it alone." Your hand instinctively runs through Inuyasha's fur, calming you almost.
"I can watch the rest with you. Let me re-watch the first half and then I'll finish it with you." He suggests.
"Are you sure?"
"I watched it by myself the first time and it was kinda lonely. Needed someone to freak out with. And trust me, you're going to want someone to freak out with. It's going to get both heavy and crazy, especially season two."
"Won't it be boring? You already watched it all." You sit up straighter in your chair.
"Hm, I could watch paint dry with you and it'd be interesting. You'd probably start diving into the history of paint and, well, we've already established that I like the sound of your voice so..."
Badum, badum
"You're an idiot. The history of paint?" You laugh, remember one of the calls you had with Jisung where you just started reading the history of textiles on Wikipedia out loud while you were researching for your game.
"A cute dork, no?" He tilts his head to the side, blinking into the camera.
"Han! Come here!" You're cut off by the distant sound of Felix's voice coming from somewhere in his apartment. Probably from the kitchen.
"Those idiots, they're going to wake up Minho hyung and then we're all in trouble. I've got to go." Jisung quickly gets up and leaves the room.
You're alone for a few moments, continuously stroking Inuyasha's fur. You debate hanging up the call and just going back to work or waiting for Felix. You're started when Jisung immediately pops back up on the screen.
"Can I call you tonight?" He asks quickly.
"Yeah, of course. And don't watch the first half of the show. I'll rewatch it with you so you can get the full history of paint experience."
You can't help but smile as a large, toothy grin overtakes Jisung's face. Your stomach does a summersault as you see how tiny his eyes get from his smile.
"Whatever you want, I'll be happy. I seriously have to go, I'll talk to you later." He gives you a little wave before disappearing off the screen again.
You don't feel well, your heart and brain are going a mile a minute. You feel hot, all the heat going to your head. It almost feels like a panic attack, but different somehow. You don't feel the overwhelming sense of dread that normally comes with a panic attack. Instead, you feel...hope? Instead of cold and like you were outside of your body you felt...warm and fuzzy?
Inuyasha gently takes your hand in his mouth and tries to gently pull you to the ground. Normally, you'd let him. It's his job, what he's trained to do. But, unlike when you're actively having a panic attack, your head is clear.
"Innie, if you bark, I swear to god, you are sleeping in Changbin's room." You warn him, not wanting anyone to rush into your room.
Because if you did you know they would calm you down and try to figure out what freaked you out. And you would have to sit there and tell them that you were having...the opposite of a panic attack? A joy attack? Some sort of mindfucking attack that you wouldn't even know how to explain.
All because of Han Jisung.
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @phtogravi @lilcutieana @veedoesntknaur @yongbbokkie @brain-empty-only-draken @thisisnotjacinta @thefangirloncrack @chlodavids @heartz4chuu @sunshinessky @reverse-soe @its-hannjisung @angelsandtimelords @zeejones @liknws @marked-unknown @sansona @aaasia111 @jhstayy @aslou @hyunbae-35 @kangaracharacha @skz-streamer @btskzfav @weird-bookworm @jihanniee @everglowdaisies @puppysmileseungmin
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Mini Costume Meta
Poker game Eddie!!
I did bucks outfit yesterday and today its the turn of Eddie!!
Again I apologise for the rubbish screenshots, I'll have better ones in my actual costume meta after the episode has aired!!
It's really hard to tell in these screenshots, but Eddie is dressed in a blue tartan suit. When the still dropped and we all went into meltdown, I thought the jacket was blue and a dark green teal, now I've seen it a bit better, I'm pretty sure its actually royal and navy blue - a navy that is almost black!
Ok firstly we have the check theme to contend with and the fact that in 911 verse, check means potential danger and change and that rings true here, I just don't think the check is for physical danger.
We need to look at all the times Eddie has worn a suit to fully appreciate what is going on with the check, so bear with me!
This new suit is the 4th one we've seen Eddie wear. First up is the navy suit (and grey marl tie) we see him wear to his interview and look around Durrand School.
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Then we have the black on black suit we see him in when he's suit shopping for Christopher with Ana.
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Followed by the blue check suit with black spotty shirt we see him in at Hen and Karens vow renewal.
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I hope you can all start to see what is going on here - each suit is connected not only to where Eddie is at mentally, but it is also connected to a person (Shannon, Ana, Eddie himself and then this new one Buck) and a key moment in Eddies story.
I'm not going to really really drill down into all the suits because I don't have the time, but that first navy suit with its white shirt and mismatched tie is very much conveying an Eddie who is both uncomfortable and unsure of who he is - the mismatched nature of the overall outfit is meant to look a bitt off and jarring. The navy of the suit itself is about trust, loyalty and stability - all things very relevant to Eddie in that moment - he is trusting Carla (and by extension Buck), he is trying to provide stability for Chris, and he is still loyal to Shannon.
Its very telling that the only truly odd one out is the black suit - the one connected to Ana! Its also the only suit we know for definite that Eddie didn't pick for himself. The black suit is meant to indicate the concept of the black dog of depression - a black cloud hanging over both Eddie and the relationship with Ana.
The suit Eddie wears to the HenRen vow renewal with its small check pattern and the black shirt with the blue dots is showing us Eddies progress - he's still going through it, the check tells us that - but the fact that we've gone from Eddie having panic attacks in a black suit and we've now got an Eddie in a much brighter blue (still with some black in the shirt as a nod to the previous suit - think of it like the blue overtaking and erasing the black) indicating that he is much calmer and at peace with himself. If you want to read more about this suit, then head over to my pinned post and read the costume meta for 5x18!
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Back to the check theme and the new suit jacket - yes this is a darker suit than the previous one, but its still two shades of blue - a combination of the navy of the first suit and a brighter blue which connects to the vow renewal suit. connecting the two suits to this suit is important from a narrative perspective,
for me the use of this tartan check is just the next stage of the very tiny check - its not going to be all smooth sailing for Eddie yet and I think the Pepa meddling is the thing that the check is foreshadowing
White pocket squares - nobility and wealth as well as love and luck - much of these meanings stem from the age of chivalry - ladies pocket squares being given to knights of the joust as a token of luck etc
In modern US parlance, pocket squares are a symbol of anti traditionalist values - by this I mean, you won't find those of a right wing persuasion (Donal Trump and his lot) wearing a pocket square. Pocket squares are and were considered a symbol of sophistication - especially in golden age Hollywood - Cary Grant, Fred Astaire, Clark Gable etc all wore pocket squares in various ways.
The reason I'm giving you all this information is to point out that the fact we have Eddie wearing one here is both interesting and telling. As far as I'm aware this is the first time we've seen one worn on 911 (I don't have any notes of any of the mains wearing one in my costume plots!) so this is tapping into all of the meanings above, Eddie is wearing it as a symbol of wealth (appropriate for a poker game!) but mostly as a nod to old school Hollywood.
The costume department are trying to evoke that era through Eddies costume, the set is also evoking that era and so the two things are working in tandem (Bucks red velvet suit jacket also does the same thing - it mimics a smoking jacket which was a common thing for men to have in their wardrobe and wear to play poker or pool). They're essentially trying to make Eddie look like those leading men because in their films they always got the girl (in Eddies case its indicating he's gonna get the boy!).
Onto the Black turtleneck! Black turtlenecks have such an interesting history, they have very strong links with antiestablishment and activism - often worn as a statement or a symbol of protest. The turtleneck is meant to be non-conformist and set the wearer apart from societal norms. The black panthers wore them as part of their 'protest uniform' in the 50's and 60's making them part of the activist style and cementing them as a garment of protest and dissent.
Steve Jobs very deliberately chose the black turtle neck as part of his uniform - to appear down to earth and casual, but also to set him apart from the shirt and tie wearing Bill Gates - it made Apple seem not only aspirational, but also more user friendly to the everyman over the nerdy suits of the establishment!
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We've seen it used for the same purpose in film - think Cary Grant in to catch a thief - wearing both a navy and white striped turtleneck as well as a black one when he's being 'the cat'
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Or even Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face - when she's in the jazz club dancing - a scene supposed to show her as different from the traditional models found gracing the pages of 'Quality' the fictional magazine Fred Astaire's Character photographs for.
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In the 1920's and 30's, Noel Coward made them popular and as a result they became a symbol of queerness - this is also the origin of the black turtleneck as a piece of clothing representing something non-conformist that all the other iterations stem from.
So Eddie wearing a black turtleneck at this moment in time is such a choice. It is meant to show us an Eddie who is comfortable in his own skin and that that Eddie is non-conformist. This works on a couple of fronts - it is a nod to the fact he has defied his families expectations and choices for him - that he has decided to be better for himself, that he's going to therapy and working on himself. But its also a nod to an Eddie now comfortable enough to break from heteronormativity and embrace his queerness - something which is still considered to be non-conforming!
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I've already screamed about Eddies watch (you can see a decent glimpse of it in the still above), so I won't go into it too much here, but I will mention again how important I think it is that this is (likely, as we've not yet seen the episode) the first time we're seeing this new watch. I mentioned previously that the first time we saw the blue faced leather strapped watch was at his coffee date with Ana - a watch very much connected with Christopher and of course that relationship was very much about Eddie following Christophers heart not his own (even though we know Christophers heart will probably be happier with Buck than it ever was with Ana!!!). So this new watch is very much now connected to Buck (and the fact that Buck appears to also be wearing a new and metal watch has me all kinds of feral because if he is it is telling us that Buck and Eddie are both on the same page and that their timing is now in sync - so Buddie cannon here we come!!
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emelinstriker · 14 days
I don't know anything about vh au... Can you explain it?
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Have more doodles I did of VH!Princess Iron Fan and VH!Yellowtusk earlier today. :D
Aight so, I won't spoiler the story in case any of you wanna experience the game(s) for yourselves, or you wanna see fake screenshots/comics from the AU w/o being just told about it. Though, I can say that MK and his friends are Vault Hunters looking for the Vault on Pandora, meanwhile Sun Wukong/Monkey King is tha main villain and antagonist of the story they'll be in.
But in general- The Vault Hunters AU is, as said in my previous posts, based on the Borderlands franchise, and it'll mostly be tackling BL2 and Tales, with little moments of the other games here and there. (BL2 is the one I recently started playing again, so that's the one where my hyperfixation is on. And most of the characters will be replacing the ones from that game specifically. Some characters like for example Macaque, the Mayor, and Spindrax are replacing characters from Tales though, or recurring characters from other parts of the franchise. And yes, Spindrax is in the AU.)
I probably will have to edit my Disclaimer/Content Warnings post later cuz of the AU adding a lot more dark things as well as dark humor and adult jokes than ESAU ever did, lmao- Like there's one VH!Wukong doodle I have in particular that I haven't posted yet just because of that much darker humor.
If any of you have ever played Borderlands, and especially BL2, you know what I mean by that.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
imposter!sagau but the imposter is your sibling au
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imagine | sagau | imposter au | siblings au
alright now that i've fallen into the sagau rabbit hole behold the results...
imagine sagau but the "imposter" that got isekai'ed was your younger sibling (especially as siblings who often get comments about visual similarities)
if i had the plot and motivation to write a series about this, i would definitely write in both the pov of younger and older sibling so that readers can choose which sibling to read as :)
in my pov so that uh we don't have to experience truck-kun's wrath </3 let's say that another way to get isekai'ed is by saying a particular set of words
it's not an absolute phrase set in stone, but rather if someone says a wish or desire in a definite tone.
for example: younger sibling said to their older sibling in an argument that "i wish you were never my sibling"
and thus causes their isekai :)
now this is where things can really start to play around, but let's say that younger sibling is only a casual player of genshin, or rather, they don't really know or play much of the game in comparison to their older sibling, who plays genshin as if it's their lifeline knowing absolutely everything from lore to builds to rituals. older sibling may also be a fanfic reader writer and is aware of the self aware au.
ahaha... good luck younger sibling
younger sibling wakes up in a completely different land they're used to, dressed in rpg looking clothes, and next to a glowing stone statue next to them.
younger sibling thinks this is one detailed dream and appreciates the scenery... until they hear hostile voices approaching
"there they are, that's the imposter that's appeared! seize them!"
start running
meanwhile back in the real world, older sibling wakes up and wants to check up on younger sibling after their fight the night before, but things seem to be off...
their belongings and/or room are now nonexistent. when asking your parents of their whereabouts they only give you incredulous looks not knowing who you're asking of as if they never existed.
"maybe we should book an appointment with your therapist. i fear you're starting to see and hear things..."
adamant to prove your younger sibling's existence, now concerned about all the anomalies happening, you start digging for whatever evidence you can find. specifically, photographic.
but any photographic evidence you had including them has been altered, your sibling now out of the picture... except for in a very specific video game screenshots, where you played genshin impact with them in co-op.
your heart sinks.
immediately you turn on whatever platform you used to play and log into the game. but even in the starting screen you could already sense and see and hear how unusual everything was, how everything was all glitchy and darker.
you're silently hoping it isn't what you think it is...
and then you log in.
teyvat is no longer what you remembered seeing the night before. you hear chaos and discord and ongoing battle music. the skies are stormier and red, the winds howled violently, the earth now uneven with cracks. what is going on? who in teyvat concurred the archons' wrath?
descending upon liyue, regardless of whatever nation you last left from, you are met with not your usual party of four, but rather the traveller you play as, standing in front of none other than the four currently revealed archons who are all on one knee kneeling before you.
as you approach them, the electro and geo archons brighten up, almost eerily, at the sight of traveller, while the anemo and dendro archons stayed more reserved, keeping their heads bowed down.
there's never been an event scripted like this...
"Your Holiness!" ...they've never addressed traveller like this "What an honour it is to be blessed by your presence at last!" oh no... "We must also thank Traveller for bringing their grace to us safely as the Chosen Vessel."
"You're just in time, Dearest Creator, for we have just caught an imposter. Now you may witness their beheading!"
you gasped and put a hand to your mouth, fighting back sobs as you witness your fears come to life.
and of course, they noticed.
"Oh Your Grace... there's no need to cry. Don't worry, this will all be over soon."
no it won't. this nightmare is far from over.
like in the electro archon's quest, your screen became glitchy and red as you are no longer able to control traveller's actions. no matter what keys you pressed and clicked, you could only keep walking towards the yuehai pavilion. though you could see glimpses of sadness on the traveller's face.
and then your troubled heart finally tips over the edge
at the sight of your younger sibling about to be behead.
what will you do now, C̵̗͈̻̺̹̬͔̼̏͗̾̅̃̀̃͗̀͑͊̕͠͝͝ͅŗ̸̭̱̜̮̫̤̳̂̆̈́̆̈͆͒͊̾͜͝ͅę̷͆̽̈́̑̎̀̑a̷̫̟͍̫̫͓͎͍͆́̀̍̈̚͝ṫ̵̡̛̤̯̯͕̾̾̊̈̎̍̄̏̓͌̊͜͠ͅô̸̮̝̌r̴̺̩͚̹̼̜͐͌̽́̅̓͘Y̸̛͉͒͐̐͛̈́́̓̈̕͝͝ö̴̤̺͇́͊͐́̑̅̅́̿͝͝͠ư̷̦̪̗̖̗͈̰̝͂͐̆̐̀̒̍̄̾̑͊̀̄͝r̴̤̰̒͌͌͐͛̅̈͝͝ͅḢ̸̩̰̫͕͍̎̋͑͐̑́͐̀͂͌̕͝ỏ̴͕͉̽̌l̵̛̠̲̣͚̩͑̐̈́̔̈́̍͜i̵̡̛͓̓͒͐͆̈́̌͆̔͛n̶̛̜̗͇͉͙̦͊͛̿̑̇͂͗̏͜͝ę̷̬̯͙̘̼̱̲͆͝ş̴̝͓̹̰̜͕̮̜̩̯̻̯͎͔̇s̶̢̞̥͈̭̔̽̍̈́̎̇̌̐͊͛̓̿̕Ŗ̵͈̼̬͈̘̀͒̅̄͑̇̄̿͑ę̸̛̠̮̬̝̰͙͖̝͖͉͔̺̼͑͌̓͊̄̏̌͊̄̃͝͝ͅả̶̧͔̳̺͎̬̋̍́͐d̷͖̣̤̻̭̱̫̻̦̘̘̎́͌͋͊͒̈́͜͜e̸̳̤̩͓̫̱͇̣̓́͐̔́̕r̸̢̡͚̪̪̞͍̝̱͕̗̫̜͚̀̏ͅO̶͎̗͙̞̳̻͈͉̔̐͂͛̔̏l̵̼̤͓̉̋̀̇͆̍̂͗̍̔̀͝͝d̴͇̗̭͇̾͑̈́͘e̶̛̛̥͇̳͈͍̱̦̗̜̰̅̐͗̋̔̌̓̀̅̈̚͝ṟ̶̱͍̭̕ͅS̸̢̥̱̣͓͊̒͆i̴̡̧͈̟̻̼̯̩̘̣̓b̸̡̘͙̠̯̙̖͇̙̲͖̪̍͒͝l̸̛̠̣͐̊̆̍̀̿̑̓̾̂͠i̸̡̨̤̭̫͕̣̯̦̼͙̊̅̏̇̈̊̊̇̚͝͝n̷̢̛͔̞͈̳̤̱̱̉̔̎̄̇͌̅̈́̌̈́̑͌̚̚ͅg̵͈̟̻̦͚̼̳͖͑̎?
i did NOT mean for this post to be this long, it was only supposed to be a snippet of an imagine omg XD and i even had extra ideas that i couldn't fit in like older sibling making a sagau side acc ask the community and find ways to isekai into genshin, ei empathizing with the siblings, and older sibling showing their wrath to genshin (because i would absolutely wreck havoc in hell should anything happen to my younger siblings) D": oh well oh well maybe another time~ regardless, i hope you enjoyed!
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nyssasims · 1 year
Hii! I'm absolutely in love of how good your screenshots are, both in game and in cas, I was wondering is it possible you could make a little tutorial on how you do it? Idk why mine always look like blurry or something idk it's very uninspiring
hi @simsinfinitylt. thank you so much 🥺! and please do not feel discouraged. it really is all trial and error, i promise. it definitely took me a minute myself to find what worked best for me. this is my current editing system:
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chapter 1: a pc for me the most important thing is to have a good computer that can play the game on max settings. make sure all your settings are maxed out, with laptop mode and edge smoothing off. i also play the game in 4k resolution (3840 x 2160), the max for my monitor (but it might be different for you).
additionally, i use the graphics overhaul overrider by simp4sims, the 'ultimate quality' preset.
graphic overhaul: graphics rules setters
here are my pc specs...
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chapter 2: maybe she's born with it. maybe... it's reshade reshade honestly does most of the work as well as the world lighting mods by @softerhaze. i hope to be able to find time to make my own preset one day, but for now, i use the daisies reshade by @breezytrait. here are my lighting and visual mods...
reshade: daisies (i tweaked the preset a bit, mostly increasing the mxao here) world lighting mods: twinkle toes, shadows for days light replacements: no glow v2, out of the dark, inner glow cloud replacement: studio ghibli clouds
chapter 3: say click. take a pic
i take all of my screenshots in tab mode. i find that it's best to go into tab mode further away than you want the picture, then slowly move the camera forward with the arrow keys to frame the screenshot. this is especially great for really up close photos of sims faces.
i capture all my screenshots with the built in reshade capture function and use the no drift camera mod to keep the tab camera steady
tab mode mods: no drift
chapter 4: call me by your lightroom
now that the screenshots are taken, off to lightroom they go. i honestly don't do much editing in lightroom in terms of color grading. i mainly focus on the details and lights sections. here are my settings...
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here are examples, before and after, of what the edits look like on top of the reshade
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these are the same settings i use for all my photos. with the exception of the 'contrast' slider which I sometimes bring up for sims with darker skin tones. and the 'shadows' slider i sometimes bring down for night photos.
chapter 5: shout out to picsart. gotta be one of my favorite genders
from lightroom, i'll then import the photos into picarts to finish them off with light leaks and dust particles (as needed). i use the 'detail' brush under 'retouch' to color in sims and objects in the foreground (rocks, plants, bottles, etc.) to make them pop even more.
i also use this app to blur things that the reshade dof couldn't get to. here are some finished examples before and after.
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chapter 6: the sons of picsart
for overlay graphics and texts, i use photoshop and phonto. for the psds, i'll import them into photoshop first to make edits then send them off to picsart to add them to my image. i'll use phonto to add texts and sometimes doodles
here are links to some of my favorite psds and other useful resources
photoshop psds: moodlets, promotions, holiday, ui mockups other resources: sims 4 icons, text message
chapter 7: she doesn't even go here
for cas photos, since there is no tab mode, i just take screenshots as is, with the reshade dof from my preset on to blur out most of the background.
i use the cas lighting by @breezytrait to brighten the cas room up.
cas lighting: hard side light
then edit them in lightroom with he same edits as in-game photos (see chapter 4).
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chapter 8: the bell doesn't dismiss you, i do
and that is how i typically edit my photos. i hope this helps inspire you for your future content... and was extensive enough. but of course if you have anymore questions feel free to leave them down below. my inbox is always open and i'm happy to help 😊.
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saruin · 5 months
okay this is kind of stupid but i feel strongly about this so: I put your beautiful sim in my mods folder and checked for any duplicates and deleted the duplicates. then i opened my game, and thought everything was fine until I noticed, halfway through gameplaying, that Kash's skin was much lighter than it's supposed to be.
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nothing could have prepared me for the unintentional whitewashing of Kash Monet, and i was horrified. so i rushed to fix it in cas and got something more like the shade she was supposed to have.
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But I had already taken a lotta screenshots of stuff that was happening to her, so I tried to edit the photos and make her skin look darker.
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it's not that good.
So i can either showcase these edited screenshots with an explanation of why her skin changes at the end, OR I can keep these edite screenshots to myself, give a backstory of what she went through in the game so far and take some new screenshots with her proper skintone. What would you like me to do?
its not a big deal to me. Do whatever you feel is right
Like I said, she's yours now ❤️
(though if I remember correctly she is using NSW skin tone and if you deleted the one that was in her mods I did make it darker by lowering the slider for it. Though I'm not sure if that's the full reason her skin tone might have changed.)
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peregrinefashion · 7 months
Brand Creation Process Notes: Peregrine
Part 1
So I felt for a long time like I was neglecting my main muse just because I didn't have the patterns I needed to meet my Very Specific Vision of a brand, and by the time I'm getting around to making this post I Have Found The Lolita Dresses And Can Die Happy but even so, the rest of her brand is still just. So satisfying to me.
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I knew from the start that I wanted to do a something reminiscent of a luxury/girly kei brand, with a stronger, darker color palette. I knew for a while that I wanted navy to be my base color, with cream and maybe gold, but I wasn't sure what to do for an accent color. I eventually settled on two--a jade green and a mulberry color--and while they do look nice together, they're not meant to be used in the same outfit. It's more designed so that you can pick a dominant color--navy or cream or a balance of both--and an accent color--jade or mulberry--and mix and match any of the pieces until you have a cromulent outfit.
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I'm describing it a little backwards, because I ended up waiting for patterns before I picked the colors. Even though the site I was using to compare color palettes has HSB, the colors display a little differently in game. The lighter navy is much brighter and feels more saturated in game, and the off-white feels much closer to white than to the cream. The only way to see those differences was to test them on actual patterns in-game, and it wasn't fun for me to test them on patterns I wouldn't be using and exit out.
So, I had to wait for patterns.
As I said above, i really wanted Peregrine's brand to be something between cute and elegant, and evocative of a luxury brand (I say, as someone who has never shopped at a luxury brand in my life). In terms of patterns, I knew I wanted a lot of fluffy knitwear, lace, cute dresses, suits and the depressingly few boy lolita patterns we have in game for the type Bs (mens fashion git gud challenge). But I really wanted the overall image to be fairly fancy and elegant. I wanted to make things that would work well with the lolita dresses when I finally was able to work them in, rather than make things that I was likely to stop using.
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It was also really important to me to make a feminine brand that didn't have floral patterns. First of all, this brand is for me first. I hope the rest of you like it, but I came here to make art for me first. And I like floral patterns, but I get frustrated at not being able to find things in patterns that I do like. Thus, Peregrine's brand gets lace and bows patterns, subtle polka dots and pinstripes, plaids, and as many of the star patterns as I can make look classy instead of florals. I might make an exception for one or two of the lolita dresses I've seen around, but the bulk of the florals are going to Murasaki's brand.
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Above are almost all the patterns I've collected for use in Peregrine's brand so far. I haven't used all of them yet, and there are a few gacha patterns (the silk skirts, leather ballet flats) that I've used up already. Since Fashion dreamer mixes all your own brands together and i'm making a lot of duplicates for mix-and-matchability, I don't have a very efficient way to screenshot the finished products, but you can see the kind of image I'm going for! I also am trying to pay attention to finishes as well, for example I favor the leather ballet flats from the gacha over the just ballet flats that are in my pattern list, or I favor crew socks with emblem or wool crew socks over plain ones. When possible, I like to grab the versions of shirts or dresses that have necklaces over the ones that don't.
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Once I got patterns, i finally got to start creating! I think the first thing I made for Peregrine's brand was the asymmetric knit dress she's wearing in the picture on the left, followed by the silk skirts and pearl-embroidered sweaters I got 50 million of from the gacha. Those items really solidified how I was going to use the colors I chose, interestingly enough. Outerwear has to be done in the darker navy or the cream to show up better over shirts or dresses made with the lighter navy/off-white. Non-lolita shirts are almost always off-white. Any metal on a pattern has to be changed to gold. The pale pink and greens are reserved for gems that look like they should have a high reflectivity. Cream tends to look better as lace than the off-white does.
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I know I absolutely favor the green when styling, but I love how the pink looks as well (even if I don't have nearly as many good pictures of it, augh). It's really satisfying to see all my pieces in my inventory, and mix and match them new and different ways.
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If you've read this long, thank you! I put a lot of thought into my brand and I'm really proud of it. I'm going to try and take more photos, especially of the pieces that I don't tend to favor while styling.
If you enjoyed any of these looks please visit my showroom/request lookits! You can also DM me if you want something specific. I'm happy to accommodate!
ID: wEkrjAYrkL
In Part 2, I'll talk about vetting Lolita dresses for inclusion in my brand, and also hopefully name the damn thing.
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dreamboundedstar · 1 year
Saw This in “The Oeder Games” and Wanted to Share.
At the beginning of the episode, I notice that Zeke's dad was sitting at a table with a lady in a blue blouse, some guy in a blue tie, and Zeke. More than that, the lady was sitting next to Zeke in the longer shots. (who knows where Zeke goes when they get closer though. XD) I notice she's either close to Zeke or Zeke's dad as seen in the images below.
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So since Cheryl has no canon face as of this moment, I headcanon that the blue blouse lady is Cheryl. Though, feel free to say I'm wrong and she appears in another episode under another name because I honestly want to know. I don't keep up with all the bg characters of BB so I'm not sure if the lady is in any other episodes or not. I also want to keep an eye out for the guy that's next to Zeke's dad in the first screenshot. I want to say he's Zeke's 44-year-old brother, but I'm not sure if he's already a character with his own lore separate from Zeke's family. The character he looks the most like, at least from what I found so far is Glen. I don't think he's Glen though because Glen has darker brown hair and the hair is not as smooth (also I think Glen has slightly tanner skin). Hopefully, I'll find him outside of this episode one of these days. Also, since Zeke's dad doesn't necessarily look like someone who could have a 44-year-old son, here's my headcanon. Zeke's 44-year-old is the result of teen pregnancy and Zeke's dad is between his late 50s and early 60s. He also dyes his balding hair to make himself feel younger than he is. Back to maybe Cheryl. I suppose there's still a possibility that the lady could be Zeke's bio mom and she just got a bigger redesign compared to Zeke's dad from what he looked like in "The Belchies".
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Then again, we still don't know if this lady from "The Belchies" was an early design for Cheryl or not either. Until we get an episode that actually reveals Cheryl or Zeke's bio mom, these two designs are all I have to go off of. So Occam's razor, since Cheryl gets talked about more than his bio mom, I'm going to assume the blue blouse lady is Cheryl and not his bio mom or some random woman until proven otherwise. TLDR, I headcanon the blue shirt lady as Zeke's stepmom but I'm still not sure if she could be just a random bg character with her own thing or even a redesign of Zeke's bio mom (if the woman from "The Belchies" wasn't a proto Cheryl that is). Many questions are left unanswered for now and not much proof to grasp, the nature of many headcanons for brief bg characters.
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zenixromeave · 1 year
review of aphmau’s mcd skins/designs! (season 1)
original skin
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this one doesn’t really count, given it was just Jess’ usual Minecraft skin and it wasn’t really meant for the world which would be established for MCD, but I’ll talk about it anyways for funsies.
I actually prefer this hairstyle for her. It’s not a big change, but the more side swept fringe she has later is used in basically all of her character designs, so this slightly more blunt hairstyle that covers more of her forehead is a nice change of pace. The shading on her hair has always been weird, but again, it’s a nice difference compared to how many of the female characters have very similar hair.
The colors in the outfit obviously don’t fit the world, but they’re not terrible on their own. The lack of shading is a little bland though, and her shorts are so short they’re practically unrecognizable as clothing on a Minecraft skin. Otherwise, I think these colors go well with her character. They’re colorful and stand out, but they’re also actually pretty unsaturated and let her skin, eyes, and hair stand out.
iron armor
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Okay, this isn’t even a change in skin, but I think she looks really good in her armor, and she wore it for a long time. Again, the greyer tones of the outfit really let her character pop, and since this is actual iron armor (with small bits of leather), the lack of color or saturation makes perfect sense. I would say that maybe, in a perfect world, her eyes would be hue-shifted to better match the brown in the leather (or vice versa), and her hair would be slightly darker to enhance the contrast, but it makes perfect sense why that couldn’t be done in actuality. The armor is thanks to her texture pack, but it’s really cute and gives a sense of it being hand made, which makes sense for her character. She looks cute in it.
diamond armor
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She doesn’t start many of her videos by doing an f5 view for this outfit, so it’s less instantly recognizable and iconic to me personally, but it’s actually pretty cute! The clunkiness of it makes her look cute underneath, and gives it a cool, bulky, strong appearance. I can greatly appreciate this texture pack not going the route of making the diamond armor just armor fully made of diamonds, because while it is iconic in the game, it is tacky looking and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Another props to the texture pack artist for giving different designs to the different sets of armor. The helmet is a little strangely shaped and comes across more like a hat in it’s silhouette, and the gap between the leggings and boots has always been confusing and off-putting. I have never been able to tell if the armor is genuinely supposed to look like that, or if the boots and leggings weren’t designed around each other and the boots cover a large part of the leggings and make what would be normal armor look like iron bootyshorts. Otherwise, I think this looks pretty good, actually.
No comment on the sword that’s the size of her whole body.
flower crown dress
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I would prefer to use an in-game screenshot rather than a thumbnail, but I couldn’t find one (I didn’t care enough to go into a video and take my own screenshot). The colors between Aphmau’s actual skins and her in the thumbnails seem pretty consistent though, so I don’t think it changes much this time.
I know it has to be purple. I know. But it can’t be. Purple is historically tied to royalty because it used to be incredibly hard to make. Even in Minecraft, purple dye is one of the dyes more difficult to obtain, as it requires blue and red dye to make and isn’t acquired from any flowers. Specifically, during this time in Minecraft, blue dye was lapis lazuli, and therefore was only obtainable through mining or maybe loot chests, so again, it was slightly more difficult to obtain.
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As seen here, the end of her dress is certainly not magenta. I wanted to say that maybe we could pretend it was magenta, a dye which is much easier to obtain, at least in Minecraft. However, that’s definitely purple.
Despite the historical/world building inaccuracies, this outfit has some visual flaws, but it isn’t too bad. The most glaringly obvious flaw to me is that the “white part” of her dress at the top is a light purple, while the “white part” at the bottom is perfectly white with no purple undertones. As I understand it, these are meant to be part of the same garment, but if not, it’s still a bit noticable that the ends of her dress are pure white, despite how it reaches the floor and she wears this outfit for a while, going in the dirt and grass plenty of times. Making this part of her dress shorter or more off-white probably would have avoided this, knowing of course she wouldn’t want to edit her skin to have literal dirt at the bottom of it. If it were less white initially, (could have just been the same light purple as the top portion. I don’t like it myself, but I can’t really identify any legitimate problems I have with it. I just don’t like it.) dirt wouldn’t show up quite as much as on the pure white, and therefore it wouldn’t be so weird that it looks so clean.
princess (?) disguise
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The silhouette is nice, but that’s all I can say positively about this one. There’s no consistent shading, even on her hair, which is usually consistent between her designs. I guess Nicole dyed her hair, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have shaded it the same way as usual... This is also the only skin of hers, to my knowledge, where even her eye color is changed. Maybe it’s just because it’s a disguise, and she’s supposed to look different, but it’s weird considering she never changes characters eye colors like that, and it’s not like Nicole gave her colored contacts.
The yellow/gold should have been slightly more orange, and it’s tone is far too similar to her skin, and almost blends in at some points. The purple, too, is too light and doesn’t fit the medieval fantasy world very well at all. It definitely doesn’t give her the appearance of someone who should have been in the mines for weeks(?) at this point (that was a story that was part of her disguise.) Additionally, why the hell would Nicole have had this on hand?
On top of al that, maybe I’m just imagining things, but this outfit is very reminiscent of orientalist belly dancer stereotypes/tropes(?), with its small top, draped sleeves and gold accents. It’s very much giving “recolored princess Jasmine,” who might have been a sincere attempt at good representation, but was really an oversexualized, generalized orientalist caricature.
Don’t like this one.
That outfit Dante gave her
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This one slays bitch!!! I think it’s adorable. The colors are soft and wintery but don’t take away from her own warm colors. If I’m remembering correctly though, this outfit had a skirt or shorts, which doesn’t make sense for Dante to have had and doesn’t make sense for the occasion in the first place. However, I can’t find a different picture of this one, so take that with a grain of salt. I love this outfit.
tailored by Cadenza
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Another day another slay!! This outfit doesn’t make PERFECT sense within universe considering the short shorts and purple, but it looks great!! Cadenza is a professional tailor and at this point Aphmau has made her way up in the world pretty significantly, so it’s not a terrible stretch to have this purple color. The dark purple provides a similar color to all the black to make this outfit mostly dark, with a hint of white, and it mixes really well. The white is fully bordered by black (her hair and her sleeves) so it stands out a lot, and the purple is a more subtle pop amidst the black. The color coordination is great. It looks cute. 10/10 I don’t care if it’s not incredibly practical because it slays. What a good note to end the season with! I sure hope the next two seasons can match this quality. (Spoilers, I think it does, actually! With maybe a few exceptions.
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swampgallows · 1 year
Im a bit newer to WoW and i could care less about the Dragon Flights but i though Nozdormu always looked like that
he used to be slightly more asian-coded (evidenced by his stereotypical "fu manchu" mustache)—about as much as the old gelkis/magram centaur were, though riddled with negative "marauder" stereotypes.
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this, night elves, and "woo ping", are what used to pass for 'asian' in wow. night elves borrow some cultural elements from korean and other east asian cultures, such as pagoda architecture, celebration of lunar new year, food items like kimchi and red bean buns, and clothing items like hanboks. but as far as immediate visual decoding, canon, and fan reception, these cultural influences are rarely featured in the characterization or depiction of night elves.
enter nozdormu's few appearances in the caverns of time dungeons and the dragon soul raid:
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sure cata's graphics weren't the best, but nozdormu's custom model was read by much of wow's playerbase as asian, especially when compared to the standard blood elf model and other dragons in the same cinematic.
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speaking of limited representation in wow's history, alexstrasza also used to have more of a bronze skin tone, as you can see in the screenshot above, and sometimes nozdormu was drawn this way by fans—he is a bronze dragon, after all! for example, this art of nozdormu fighting murozond, drawn by blizzard-featured chinese fan artist breathing2004, gives nozdormu both darker hair and skin tone:
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alexstrasza was also later whitewashed compared to her cataclysm model, both in official artwork and in her debut in heroes of the storm:
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here is a fanmade comparison, from left to right: her cataclysm model, a screenshot from the announcement cinematic, and her in-game model/default skin in hots. below is alexstrasza's in-game cataclysm model at the end of dragon soul, versus official artwork in the book Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects:
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she has reached a (somewhat) happy medium in dragonflight. her skin maintains a darker undertone and now boasts freckles and makeup highlights, but the overall color is more of a "blink and you'll miss it" general "warm" tone than the distinct darker skintone of her cataclysm model.
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here she is in a pre-rendered cinematic in dragonflight (extra warm because she's looking out at the sunset; compare her "darker" skin to the lighting on wrathion's). but hey, at least she's not pink anymore.
to bring it back to nozdormu, in the same cinematic nozdormu's model is markedly different from both the loading screen artwork (right) and in the legacies shorts (bottom). his eye shape suggests possible epicanthic folds, which seem to have been sculpted specifically for nozdormu as they are not the standard for the blood elf model, yet they are absent in the artwork. (there were other elf models with similar eyes in the past, but blizzard rounded them for the player models).
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overall i think both nozdormu and alexstrasza stlll "read" as white. it doesnt really help that the "east asian" facial options promised at blizzcon 2019 were never truly delivered; the "asian" eyes as they are in-game (right) look nothing like the concept presented (left):
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as a result it may be a while before there is true asian representation in WoW, and nozdormu's ambiguity means those fans are now waiting even longer.
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Chapter 14- Part 1
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Ah, look at that resolution- yeah, the white bar at the top is a little inconvenient, but it’s a minor thing compared to everything. I know I could crop it out, but I specifically used this new method to minimize the amount of cropping I had to do, so I’m not gonna bother with it. 
Anyways, our newest destination is Jasper Ward, and I remember exactly where we need to go! So let’s get going, back to Peridot Ward!
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And there’s the entry tunnel! I didn’t go inside of it back then because…well, the dialogue from the NPCs implied I wouldn’t get very far, so I didn’t see much point in it. But now, we’ve got the plot on our side, so we can go as far as we want!
…Hey, wait- why is Jasper the green-colored ward? Shouldn’t it be more like…red or orange or reddish-orange, like actual jaspers are? The other wards- namely Obsidia, Onyx, and Coral- have color associations that make sense for the minerals they’re named after, so what’s up with this one? Heck- if you really think about it, the colors for Peridot and Jasper Wards would make more sense if they were swapped, since peridots are typically some flavor of green. 
Honestly, if Lapis Ward isn’t associated with blue, I’m gonna be…at least somewhat mildly miffed. Anyways, enough outta me, into the tunnel we go-
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Another guard, huh? I hope this one doesn’t try to impede us like the one at Obsidia Ward did- we’ve got Florinia’s permission, so it should be fine, right?
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“Kerfuffle” is…definitely one word to use to describe what happened.
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Here’s the question I have right now: is it just one PULSE machine doing this, or is it two, one for each ward? Like, how widespread is the range of this particular PULSE? I think it was implied back in Obsidia Park that the Tangrowth PULSE’s reach and power has limitations, but the fact that the PULSE Dex called it “05C” implies there are A and B variants as well, which might be even stronger…
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Oh dear, so Team Meteor’s body count is increasing ever higher? Are we gonna see plant-entagled corpses as we explore these wards? Seems like the kinda thing a game advertised as being darker than the canon games might do.
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Um- yeah! Of course, officer! Xera’s got two out of eighteen Gym Badges, that makes her qualified to handle this…yeah, definitely…
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Ah, shoot- the timing of taking screenshots with this program is a little different from how I was doing it before. Guess I’ll have to get used to it.
Anyways, through the gate and into the light we go…into a new area of devastation!
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AH, CHILD JUMPSCARE! Who is she? And…the heck is Corey doing over there? Mm- wait, is this…?
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Aha, I do remember Corey mentioning having a daughter a little while ago. So that’s her, huh? Definitely more…pink than I was expecting, I can tell which parent she doesn’t get her looks from.
But like- Corey, my man, Jasper Ward is apparently almost abandoned, if there are any degenerates in this city, they’re not here. Jasper Ward is completely dangerous and unfit for children for entirely different reasons!
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I mean, Xera’s hardly a stranger. Corey knows who she is, he knows she’s at least slightly trustworthy- she helped him get his medicine back that one time, and she kept quiet about his business in the Obsidia Slums. That’s gotta count for something, yeah?
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Ah, she is stricken with adolescence- something even a doctor like Corey can’t deal with using just medicine.
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
can i ask for that luigi's mansion remake rant? i'm genuinely curious about your thoughts on it!! :0
Okay so I will admit I have not played the remake. So like I'm sure it's a good experience for those who haven't played the original, but just from the visuals I have seen of it, I personally think it's a massive downgrade in the atmosphere department. I am gonna put this under a read more because. It is very long.
My primary example of this is just to show screenshots of the foyer
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It's like, fairly obvious they changed the palette, made it brighter, more vibrant, etc. Which doesn't really work when you consider this mansion is based on old timey mansions, its palette shows off its age. Not to mention the lighting. i do not get why they made the lighting yellow. Yellow lighting usually signifies comfort or hominess, as it's associated with stuff like fireplaces or lamps, but white light is a lot more. Discomforting. It's like hospital lighting, you know you're not in immediate danger, but it does not make you comfortable.
Not to mention what they did to King Boo, and I know they did this for continuity and because the 3DS hardware is more limited
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But I just don't think he looks as interesting as his original design. The original game had this green overlay to pretty much everything, like the mansion had greenish-brown walls and stuff, and King Boo's model is actually green. It just kinda made him seem more spooky, as he wasn't just pure white, he was an off white. Plus him being green made his crown and eyes stand out more, and because those are some of his defining characteristics, it actually helped define his appearance (I have. an entire rant on King Boo's designs but that's not what this is)
Again I'm sure this game isn't like. Bad. I'm sure it's a good experience if you've never played the original, but as someone who has the original and has played it more times than any other game I own, I don't know why I'd play the remake over it. The remake jus lacks the atmosphere, and I know that's a complaint levied at LM2 and LM3 as well, but it's worse here because this isn't a new game this is a remake of a game that mastered the spooky atmosphere
And I know people say "they cant make it too scary, it's a kid's game" as if the original game was not made for the same audience as every other game in the franchise, since Mario games are made for everybody, not just children. Also that argument doesn't work when you consider there are much darker Mario spinoffs (*coughs in Paper Mario TTYD and Super Paper Mario. Also Mario and Luigi Partners in Time*).
Also I don't know why they added new rankings to the game, but at least it lets you replay boss fights. I also appreciate the Dark Moon control mode, because the Dark Moon controls do have some improvements, most notably the dodge feature and the strolbulb (makes it easier to see the ghosts' hearts, which I know some people struggle with doing in the original). I also like Gooigi's lore in this game, since he was introduced here and this game is canonically an alternate timeline if you really think about it.
(Also anybody who says LM3DS has the PAL Hidden Mansion mode is wrong. no it does not. The LM3DS Hidden Mansion removes like over half the features that make the PAL Hidden Mansion so insanely different. I have watched an entire video about this, I have a lot of thoughts. I wish i had a PAL Gamecube.)
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irenespring · 5 months
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House MD Drag Race Simulation Week 5: The Snatch Game!
Why did my screenshot not capture the name of maxi challenge on the day of the most iconic maxi challenge? For the uninitiated reading this, the Snatch Game is an impersonation contest in the format of the game show The Match Game.
Because the simulator randomly assigns Snatch Game characters to each contestant, I didn't screenshot them, as many were extremely dicey (black celebrity impersonations assigned to white contestants, for example). The Snatch Game is where my computer reset and lost progress, and the first time it did assign House to do Gypsy Rose Blanchard which is just messed up and tactless enough that I think it does actually fit what he would do. So we can keep that one.
Here are my (likely terrible) ideas for the others (tell me your ideas in tags/replies!):
Masters: Elizabeth Blackwell (the first female doctor given a medical license in the United States). It flopped because she memorized a handful of jokes about feminism and couldn't figure out where to take it from there. Once it became clear she was losing she couldn't recover. At one point she couldn't even write a response to Ru's question.
Wilson: Taylor Swift. Thought he could translate House's myriad of jokes about Wilson's and Taylor's dramatic breakups into an impression that would be hip with the youths. Was very, very wrong. So wrong it will go down in Drag Race herstory as an iconic mandatory-watching performance.
Cuddy: Barbara Streisand. Not an inspired pick but she did okay. Mostly was kept out of boring territory for giving Wilson acting notes during the challenge.
Chase: Courtney Act (Australian Drag Race competitor from season 6). His impersonation was spot on but it's understood to be a mistake to do past Drag Race competitors and he ran out of mannerisms to make a joke out of. He's lucky Masters and Wilson flopped so hard.
Thirteen: Taylor Swift. Once she saw Wilson was doing Taylor, and heard his impression, she switched to Taylor because she knew she could do a better one-- which would at least put her into safe territory. A vicious strategic move that will be remembered and studied. Her Taylor Swift was secretly enacting a master plan to win the United States Presidency and take over the world. She brought a prop of a binder to show a fake agreement between her and the CIA to use mass-market music for mind control. She pointed to Wilson's Taylor and said that they switched to that plan because the cloning experiment was an abject failure, just look at how off her clone was.
Foreman: Marjorie Taylor Greene. He knew everyone expected him to be monotone and wanted to show the judges "flexibility." His completely batshit insane acting impressed everyone. In the werk room he said he would just be imitating House.
House: His Gypsy Rose Blanchard was dark, line-crossing, and borderline in very bad taste. It resulted in So Much Twitter Discourse. This was the episode where the producers made him talk about his parents. In context, some of his darker jokes were excused. Seeing how Ru accepted Trixie Mattel's audition tape to be on the show even though her proposed Snatch Game character was Anne Frank, the bad taste argument still wouldn't have stopped him from winning.
Additional commentary:
House has been studying Drag Race after losing the first quiz challenge to Masters. It paid off, and he was even more of an asshole about it than usual to cover for Feelings around the whole "produces making him do the backstory reveal" thing.
Wilson's Taylor Swift was so bad even House tried to gently talk him out of it. House and Thirteen's alliance was threatened by him subconsciously being displeased that she was making a strategic move against Wilson. They survived because in the end he was proud of her for her evil.
Untucked is wild this episode. "Shadying" is not a word. What exactly are Wilson and Thirteen planning on doing to Cuddy?
Wilson tried to make one of his Serious Psychology Arguments about House only going after Foreman's makeup skills because Foreman's comment about acting like him to be Marjorie Taylor Greene hurt his feelings. House responded by saying that in regards to Foreman's mockery, he was going to shake it off and singing the chorus of the song off-key.
All the judges thought Masters had actually walked off out of humiliation, which hinted to them that maybe they did need to send her home.
Wilson and Cuddy are no longer friends because he thinks she sabotaged him by going after him during the Snatch Game.
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hey-sherry · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Demo Thinky Thoughts
A bit late, but I wanted to share my first reaction to the Awakened demo! This is essentially an expanded version of what I wrote on the FW discord, with screenshots edited to look nicer for tumblr. I will do a separate post on the extra stuff that is normally inaccessible without Ansel. [Extra stuff post here]
So: spoilers ahead + keep in mind that the game is darker and moodier, I edited some of the screenshots so that they are clearer on tumblr/mobile view.
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Sweet sweet concept art, gorgeous intro music, yay! The main theme is atmospheric and dark, giving me very slight vibes of the Sarif HQ track from DX:HR... I mean this in a good way, not in a “they copied it” way. It’s that sort of nostalgic ambience, but deeper and darker. One day I’ll stop drawing parallels to Deus Ex, but today is not that day.
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The intro cinematic is pre-rendered and really good; I liked Sherlock's narration and the implication it's all in Watson's/players' hands now... He sounds more authoritative and distant than in CO.
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I really liked the visual with the fly caught in the cobweb.
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I did not expect this! It's a really fun title sequence and wow, we’re being thrown straight into chapter 3. I too thought it would be London but this is great 😄
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WATSON!!! At this point I’m thinking, “Oooh we're gonna play as Watson, they probably don’t want to show Sherlock just yet, I know someone who's gonna be very happy about this o,o” (ahem hem, @lucere-aeresta​) I like long dialogues/cinematics so this intro was a treat. I'll have to replay of course but it felt very satisfying to see a chunk of the story here and be introduced to the new characters. There’s a lot going on!
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The receptionist
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Dr. Gygax!
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You can walk around a little and talk to a couple of NPCs. There’s this easter egg - it’s a Lovecraft easter egg (thanks for figuring that one out, Lucere!) The paper itself is straight from Cordona. :D
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You cannot pick this letter up, but the message is very clear. May be a clue in the final game.
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Who’s there...? BTW this is the exact face Sherlock gives Jon when he plays the guitar too loudly in the CO seance scene :D
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OH NO. LMAO! This had me in stitches, and of course I lied. Nice American accent, you dork. The subsequent journal entry essentially saying "Watson tried to act, I guess" gave me a chuckle. I tried!  So hard! And in the en-- moving on...
Here’s how the journal looks like now. The clues have updated icons and you can toggle to sort them by type (document, conversation, item, etc.) or the order in which you found them.
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So yeah, Sherlock shows up in disguise and a terrible American accent, says the iconic “Guten day,” and then he gets sedated because Watson cannot lie to save his life.
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Of course. OF COURSE. Now I know someone who's going to be a bit disappointed we don’t spend much time as Watson, but that's not me. 😂 My first thought -> they heard us cry and wail about the stubble and said "We're gonna make you beg to have the stubble back" Ok, ok, you win. I'm sorry. 😭
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(insert half an hour of zooming around with Ansel instead of playing the damn game) This is how the game levels look when you go out of bounds!
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Found some of you in the back! And in the cells! :3 (There’s a wall with photographs of the Kickstarter backers, and a row of cells with names and custom faces - although you cannot see the characters very well at this point.)
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Right, I should play. The lockpicking puzzles were fun, but I'll admit I found both of them extremely easy. But I am a seasoned adventure game fan and it's a nice little thing to do for that feeling of escaping the cells. The “Mycroft” (custom) difficulty setting does let you change the puzzle difficulty, so we are probably going to face a bigger challenge in the finished game. The settings don’t make a difference in the demo, though.
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So yeah, I think it’s safe to say he’s a full blown addict by now. Vogel, what have you done?
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Ran into the guard three times, got a game over 😎 Confirmation that yeah Sherlock is still afraid of water! I bet he's gonna love the trip to America and boating around the swamps. What could go wrong.
FYI, there's a guard that you need to figure out how to get past. It's not a sneaking sequence, but you need some items. If he notices you 3 times he rings the alarm, and the game reloads
At this point I'm having fun just investigating stuff and admiring the new journal etc., it's all very nicely designed. It's awesome that we can sort evidence by type now! The mind palace facelift is so good and feels more involved than before.
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Back to the game... I SQUEALED!!! 😄 duhhh
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And again! Two back to back CO references, yay ♥
Well I am a smart detective and deal with the guard with my brain and not my fists. Time to yoink all of his clothes. Where did his body go? We don't ask such questions around here...
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ANSEL PHYSICS RESET MY BELOVED ♥♥ never fix this please never ever
(cue another photoshoot) 
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The biggest tease in all of the demo: THAT EXCLAMATION MARK. Let... me... see... outfits! 😂 Lovingggg the updated outfit screen, so happy there's some gorgeous lighting in there. It looked kinda bad in CO.
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Okay, back to playing the game! I LIED, more photoshoots as the inmates scream, cry, and wail all around me. Sucks to be them, I guess.
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Okay, Gerda! I LOVE her new design, and her voice actress too! She was so great.
Gerda is the second inmate that we meet. She wants her friend Heidi back and until then she will not talk. The first inmate that we meet is Mauricio Napoleon, it is just a short but entertaining conversation/cinematic. We don’t talk to him any more in the demo.
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He does that lil smile as she spits the worst threats at him, it's glorious
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Something something Silent Hill 3 (Gorgeous!)
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I try to play the mountain goat in every game and the absence of the jump button will not stop me
So I didn't take screenshots of the quite meaty gameplay surrounding getting Heidi back and figuring out what's going on, so here's some thoughts: - The updated crime scene investigation looks fantastic! The smokey green aesthetics are fitting and everything is much clearer than it was in CO. I like that we can see how many variations there are for each 'node'. The only thing I'm not sure about is the first person perspective - Sherlock's close focus mode - because I had trouble seeing what's different in the variations, and sometimes the models would push me back a little bit when they loaded. I'd move away from the node just by trying to see things and had trouble re-positioning... not a great deal of trouble, of course, but it is a downgrade from SHCO. I think the 3rd person mode like with Jon in CO works much better. This is my biggest criticism of the demo. - There was a tad too much running back and forth just to seemingly fetch a few items... this may be polished further, I don't know. It gave me old adventure game vibes where you kinda run back and forth for a few small things lol. - I wished we could use the items more directly and/or assemble things, not just have them as text in the inventory... but I understand that making a new puzzle feature may be too much work at this point - The "three clues" dialogue confused me for a moment, but so it did in CO as well so this may be a ‘me’ problem 😂 I keep forgetting that there are 3 different questions to answer, not that I need to present 3 accurate clues... hahah. - The darker overtones are soooo up my alley! When I figured out what had happened to one of the people in the casket... ooof anyway, time to find and assemble Heidi!
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Him <3
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Awww, isn't it cute?
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Oh so wrong 😂 I did NOTTTT expect this ahahahahhhh Hands down the best part of the demo The mental health aspect of the remake was what had me a little worried, but you know what, I think it's gonna be fine 😂 Heidi is one bad bench, and Sherlock just ACCEPTING he's now talking to a demonic doll and making the most of it is just chef's kiss Love, love, love. We're all mad here.
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I unlocked a reward, and what a sweet one it is! Sadly, you cannot change your clothes in the demo. The updated physics make his chain and bag go bouncing like crazy, haha.
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And thank
for reading! Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions.
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
He gets up, steps off the trail in pursuit of the flashlight, leaving Petey behind to wait for him on the trail. Thankfully, the flashlight’s a literal beacon, so it’s not too hard to track where it is, just a few metres to the other side of the trail-side trees and it didn’t go far at all down the hill. He squeezes between a couple pines, feeling the rough bark drag against the canvas of his backpack.
The woods he passes into are brilliant, clear, as lit up as if it were midday. There must be a thousand flashlights all around him, looking at him like sets of eyes in the bushes. He takes a step across flat, grass-soft ground and watches the lights move, all trained on him, bright, burning like iceglare, and he squints, shuts his eyes to let them get used to it.
It’s much darker with his eyes closed -- not because his eyelids are in the way but because there’s only one source of flash light. The real one, the old knowing-voice at the back of his mind says.
“The real one,” he mumbles, dropping to his knees, eyes still closed, and raking his hands through the undergrowth toward the light until they close on a heavy metal rod. When he opens his eyes, the only light is the flashlight in his hand.
Any commentary on the flashlight scene? The clearing thousands of flashlights is one of the visuals that really stuck with me
waaa sorry i took so long to get to this! letsgo
He gets up, steps off the trail in pursuit of the flashlight, leaving Petey behind to wait for him on the trail. Thankfully, the flashlight’s a literal beacon, so it’s not too hard to track where it is, just a few metres to the other side of the trail-side trees and it didn’t go far at all down the hill. He squeezes between a couple pines, feeling the rough bark drag against the canvas of his backpack.
Okay, so this anecdote wasn't actually part of the greater outline. In fact, here's the screenshot of the outline that covers the part of the story where this takes place:
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What really needed to happen in this chunk (between the two of them starting on the mountain and the Good Stuff happening) was that I needed to slow down the pace, create some characterization, and build some tension/suspicion. Hence things like the word game -- I'm padding for time here!
The woods he passes into are brilliant, clear, as lit up as if it were midday. There must be a thousand flashlights all around him, looking at him like sets of eyes in the bushes. He takes a step across flat, grass-soft ground and watches the lights move, all trained on him, bright, burning like iceglare, and he squints, shuts his eyes to let them get used to it.
After creating both a bond and a temporary fissure with Petey, I was going to start introducing the supernatural elements of the world to the story, so I needed something that would be obviously magical, and hopefully creepy besides -- and what's creepier than being watched in an environment when you're all alone?
I'm also noting that both Quinn's "real" sources of lighting get impeded or destroyed by the magic of the mountain somehow -- this happens with the flashlight (and then it gets taken by Petey, who's falling for the tricks), and in a panic spurred by the ghost he knocks over and waterlogs his candle and matches.
The phrase "iceglare" here is also directly inspired by something -- just before this, I listened to an episode of a podcast, You're Wrong About, notably the Flight 571 episode featuring survivalist and adventurer Blair Braverman. Blair spent a year of her life on an iceberg, and she has this tangent in the episode where she describes that glow from reflected ice can severely damage your eyes because of its brightness. I don't know why, but it stuck to me.
It’s much darker with his eyes closed -- not because his eyelids are in the way but because there’s only one source of flash light. The real one, the old knowing-voice at the back of his mind says.
“The real one,” he mumbles, dropping to his knees, eyes still closed, and raking his hands through the undergrowth toward the light until they close on a heavy metal rod. When he opens his eyes, the only light is the flashlight in his hand.
One of the first things I wanted to establish when writing the supernatural elements is that the lines between reality and fiction were becoming less clear; a pretty straightforward illusion seemed to be the best way to go.
Probably the most important part of my characterization of Quinn is practicality, or maybe groundedness; that, more than most people, he's not prone to flights of fancy and that he's a lot more mentally prepared to face weird stuff as it arises. The "knowing" just seemed like a way to exaggerate that to the proportions this fic kind of wanted.
This flashlight is also directly reminiscent of one I used to have growing up: it was far too heavy for my little-kid arms to practically wield, and it was basically a searchlight. You could use it as a blunt weapon if you wanted, and that's the kind of flashlight this version of Quinn would definitely have.
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