#the refugee boy and his sister
randybutternubber · 10 months
Because LN 3 just got announced I thought now would be a good time to shit this animation out on tumblr dot com
The song is Demo 4 of the mind electric, warning for eye strain, possible flash, eye contact, and sad kids. I may finish it, I may not, I’m very happy with it though
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This is for the main and comic kids, who's on the naughty or nice list and what action did they do to earn a spot on their respective list?
This is like the exact opposite of the Presents Ask lol~
Six, the Pretender, the Lollipop Kid, the Refugee Boy's Sister, the Long Haired Girl, the Forked Kid
Mono, the Raincoat Girl, the Spoon Girl, the Ghost Kid, the Toddler, the Green Boy, the Mummy Kid, the Tall Boy, the Strong Boy
Banned from Getting Presents Regardless
the Runaway Kid, the Refugee Boy, the Humpback Girl
The Kids
Six: She knows what she's done, and so do you... the Runaway Kid: Doesn't believe in Santa (or the North Wind for that matter), so no presents for him Mono: The goodest boy gets all the gifts~ the Raincoat Girl: Why wouldn't the kindest girl be on the Nice List? the Pretender: Way too spoiled for gifts
the Spoon Girl: Despite her living conditions, her optimism and determination gets her on the Nice List the Lollipop Kid: Gets into too many fights at school the Ghost Kid: He's kind to animals and others, so that puts him on the Nice List the Toddler: A literal baby...of course he/they're on the Nice List
the Green Boy: Was suppose to be on the Naughty List, but his last minute change in behavior just managed to get him on the other one the Refugee Boy: This is mainly out of sheer spite from North Wind the Refugee Boy’s Sister: This girl tried to cheat her way out of something major, which put her on the Naughty List the Long Haired Girl: While she's not as mean as the Pretender, she's still pretty mean. Got on the Naughty List for it the Humpback Girl: Every time she gets a gift, the Mirror Man steals it. So, no gifts for her because it's pointless... the Mummy Kid: A good boy with bad luck. He's on the Nice List out of pity the Tall Boy: Good kid and very helpful. On the Nice List he goes~ the Forked Boy: This mischievous kid and his clones are very close from getting on the Banned List for all the pranks he does the Strong Boy: He's on the Nice List mainly because North Wind wants to see which gift will get him out the Mirror Dimension
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girlfictions · 7 months
something i’ve been thinking about lately is like. growing up muslim right after 9/11 is something i’d never really reflected on much because it was all i’d ever known — at 5, my friend’s mum didn’t let her invite me to her birthday party because i was the only brown girl in our class, at 12, my classmates would joke about my family being part of isis, at 16, my dad was interrogated by american airport security for hours — and it always stung and it always hurt but it was just the way things were because the western world hated muslims. but i don’t think i’ve ever fully comprehended the extent to which we were hated until now.
palestine is being turned into a mass graveyard. every single day there are new photos of the atrocities being carried out against them and videos of them pleading for help and still those who can actually intervene turn a blind eye. israel is claiming to only be targeting hamas “terrorists” while bombing a refugee camp. israeli police raided and assaulted a non-zionist jewish neighbourhood. israeli soldiers are posting tiktoks of them torturing captured palestinians. this is not a complicated issue and it never has been. ethnic cleansing is being committed right in front of us. and yet the western world leaders refuse to call for a ceasefire.
and while zionist organisations accuse pro-palestine demonstrations of anti-semitism, while zionist celebrities insist that they’re afraid to leave their mansions in los angeles, a six year old muslim boy was stabbed to death and his mother wounded in the same attack in chicago. a muslim doctor was murdered while sitting outside her apartment complex in texas. hundreds of peaceful protesters have been arrested (many of whom have been jewish). despite what zionists want you to believe, this is not a jewish/muslim conflict. i have so much love and gratitude to my brave jewish brothers and sisters all over the world who are condemning israel for their actions.
ultimately, israel have been granted impunity by the west. they have slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocent palestinians. they have bombed hospitals and schools indiscriminately. they have used white phosphorus, violating the geneva convention. they have completely eradicated nearly 900 bloodlines. how many more need to be wiped out? how many more children need to be buried underneath the rubble? how many more doctors need to be confronted with the bodies of their own family members? how many more journalists need to detail the horrific acts of violence they are witnessing? what more can be done to the palestinian people that has not been done already?
i truly believe that palestine will be free one day. i believe the palestinian people will receive the justice they finally deserve. but what breaks my heart is how much they have suffered and will continue to suffer before they are deemed worthy of help. and it would be to all of our detriment if we ignored how much of a factor palestine being a predominantly muslim state has played into the way the world has reacted to their genocide.
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comradekatara · 3 months
i don’t want to watch natla but i appreciate very much you posting about “zuko’s little faggot diary” that shit made me crack up laughing ty
that’s just canon to me. he’s a boy who loves to monologue. of course he keeps a diary. how else is he gonna keep track of his special interests. where else is he gonna write down his angsty poetry. you know he spent months tracking aang down taking detailed notes on his garb, his fighting style, his flight patterns, and not once ever bothered taking note of his name, even though he easily could’ve learned it from the million times katara screamed it over the course of their fights.
which, if you’ll allow me to go on a tangent, is another thing that bothers me. when ppl are like “zuko learned their names because they all say one another’s names constantly.” and you think that means he actively made an effort to REMEMBER it????? you must be out of your damn gourd if you think that the most one-track minded human being in the history of the universe is paying attention to anything that doesn’t directly interest him in that very moment. but i digress.
i just KNOW that zuko was soo mad that he lost his diary after his ship got blown up by zhao because years of precious poetry and avatar lore, burned to cinders by that PHILISTINE!!!! and then as a refugee in the earth kingdom, he languishes, diaryless, because he’s too embarrassed to actually spend what little money they have on something so extraneous. and then once back in the fire nation he obviously can’t keep a diary because azula will do everything in her power to read it (he learned that the hard way as a child). but then, finally, once he flees to the western air temple, he can actually keep a diary again, now that he is surrounded by nice, normal people who don’t actually care enough about him to snoop through his belongings.
or so he thinks.
now, aang, being a respectful young lad, would never share his findings with the rest of the group, especially since none of them have actually warmed up to him yet. but that doesn’t prevent him from reading everything zuko has ever written in that diary. and of course, he doesn’t tell zuko, because he has the tact and savvy to know that if he alerts zuko to his snooping, then he will simply hide his diary better, or even worse, stop writing in it altogether. and zuko can’t stop writing!! for he has a poet’s soul!!!
also, zuko has somehow gathered a lot of information on sokka that aang himself did not know, despite being friends with him for nearly a year now (like the fact that he dated the moon??? or the fact that his mother was killed by the fire nation??? although that one he really should’ve figured out on his own. considering that he and katara are siblings, and thus logically would share a mother). and so aang really needs zuko to keep updating his SOKKA LORE notebook because he feels kind of guilty that he knew basically nothing about his friend and yet zuko, the least observant person he has ever met, is somehow an expert in sokkology (although aang is deeply offended on katara’s behalf that he simply refers to her as “sokka’s sister” or sometimes “the angry one”).
for the record, aang never actually puts together WHY zuko is so fascinated by sokka. he’s just like “of course he’d be intrigued by sokka. he has a very complex mind, what an adventure to attempt to fathom the depths of his psyche.” like he just assumes that zuko is using sokka as a case study for completely innocuous reasons. he also assumes that zuko, like any teenage boy with eyes, is infatuated with katara. not at first, obviously, because to zuko she is still “girl sister, long hair” but eventually. once they reconcile, and become friends. and then his diary makes a sharp turn from carefully documenting any and all sokka lore to “katara said this really funny thing today” “katara is so nice and pretty” “katara is such a good waterbender” and suddenly aang is NOT having fun anymore!!!! halt the presses!!!!!
so aang just kind of sulks to himself for a while because it’s not like he can TELL anyone about his NEW ROMANTIC RIVAL in the BID FOR KATARA’S AFFECTIONS, but he does try to vaguely intimate to sokka and toph that it bothers him. and toph’s just like “what?? you mean all those times she hooked up with haru at the western air temple???” and aang’s just like. “HARU??????!!?!!??!?!?”
anyway. zuko isn’t a complete idiot, so after a few good years of being friends with aang, he finally catches onto the fact that aang has been keeping up with his diary every time he visits the palace, after like, the fourth or fifth time that aang accidentally lets a piece of information slip that he only could’ve known via reading zuko’s diary. so zuko decides to mess with him, and starts keeping a fake diary in the place he used to keep his real diary (columbus style) and writing shit in it like, “aang’s recent experimentations with facial hair are so embarrassing. just because you’re finally old enough to grow a weak little mustache doesn’t mean that you, under any circumstances, SHOULD. i bet katara is throwing up puking every day just having to kiss his horrendous furry mouth.” or, “katara said that she thinks roku was not only hotter, but also a way better avatar than aang, and personally, i agree. if he was still the avatar today no one would ever go hungry and we would have total world peace.” or, “aang is way too comfortable going shirtless. if i had that scrawny lanky body i would cover that shit up with a big ol sweater every day.” or, “aang said something really mean the other day and it hurt my feelings and i cried alone in my room for 3 hours. aang is literally a bully????”
and aang can’t even SAY anything because zuko is allowed to say whatever he wants about his friends in the privacy of his own journal, but also he decides that if zuko truly hates him so much, then he will simply stop visiting the fire nation so frequently, out of respect to his friend. at which point zuko realizes that he may have gone too far, so the next time aang visits him, he puts his real diary in his drawer with an entry that reads, “i can’t believe aang keeps falling for my fake diary prank. he doesn’t even know that im messing with him. and he never will, because my system is flawless, and i’ll never ever lose track of which diary is the real one and which one is the fake.”
at which point aang runs headfirst into a meeting between fire lord zuko and his senior council and is just like “ZUKO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!” and tackles him in a hug with no regard for propriety. he nearly gives zuko a concussion from the force of his hug. but dammit if it isn’t worth it.
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toastandjamie · 3 months
Thinking about Mat’s first meeting with Olver. Just this twenty year old who’s so frustrated with responsibility that despite hating fighting goes into this situation looking for an excuse to hit someone. Then he sees that a kids involved, and he tries to diffuse the situation, he’s tired and just wants to solve this quickly so he can go back to the inn and get some sleep- then this full grown man threatens to kill a child, for the crime of roughing his horse. And Mat, Mat KNOWS what it’s like to be that kid, too curious for his own good and getting into trouble, but never NEVER has anyone threatened to hurt him over it. And Mat without any thought for potential repercussions breaks a dudes wrist and hits the other right between the legs. And then he threatens to have the lot of them run out of town by the Band because they had the audacity to say that Olver was “just a peasant child” as of that changed the situation for Mat, a horse traders son in fancy clothes. Because to Mat that’s all he is, a peasant in nice clothes. Then he’s trying to figure out what to do with Olver, since his parents are no where to he found, and Olver tells him not to talk about him like he isn’t there. And Mat ACKNOWLEDGES that, he apologizes and kneels down so they can be eye level. He doesn’t talk down to Olver, because he knows what it’s like to have other people make decisions for him. He is so keenly aware of his Olver feels, the frustration and rebelliousness that comes from being a child because he isn’t that far removed from it. Just three years ago he was still just a kid, older and a bit more mature than Olver perhaps, but still just a kid and one who hadn’t seen the horrors that ten year old Olver had seen. He acknowledges Olver’s feelings and talks to him like he’s anyone else, and redirects Olver’s stubbornness so skillfully. He’s just so good with kids in a way that not even just having two younger sisters can account for. He Gets It, the parts of him that others consider immature are what make him so good at communicating with Olver.
Then think about this from Olver’s perspective. He’s been alone for who knows how long, forced to flee his home, to bury his mother, and now all alone in some strange place. He was likely sleeping in the stables, and that was how he ended up trying to make friends with the Hunter of the Horns horse. Then this Hunter drags him out to the middle of the street, threatening to Jill him. Olver was brave about it but it must’ve been terrifying. Especially upon realizing that none of the other refugees would help. Then suddenly a man in nobles clothes, a strange hat and the coolest looking spear he’s probably ever seen intercedes on his behalf. A man Olver has never seen before, a foreigner no less, but here he is coming to rescue Olver like some gleemans hero. Then Olver sees Mat fight, while to Mat this was hardly even a struggle, a few cracks with the blunt of his spear and the ‘fight’ is over, but to Olver, Mat probably looked like a warder with how easily he handled two armed men presumably trained in using those swords they carry. We as an audience see Mat mainly through the eyes of people who don’t take him seriously, Mat himself included, so it’s easy to overlook just how badass Mat must seem to anyone else looking from the outside, especially a young angry boy who wants to fight the aiel who killed his father. We don’t know how Olver found out, or when, but imagine being Olver and hearing the most certainly exaggerated story of Mat “dueling” Couladin. Is it any wonder that Olver hero worships Mat? That inspite of what Olver perceived as Mat being hypocritical and foolish(or as Mat sees it trying to properly care for a child and be a good influence) he still considers Mat to be someone to emulate. Whether Olver sees Mat as more a mentor, brother or father figure he very clearly idolizes him. He wants to be like Mat, he wants Mat’s attention and praise because despite Mat being “no bloody hero” to this little boy he IS a hero, one worthy of any gleemans story
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ludibriadormonoteista · 4 months
Jaune: There’s no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high- AAAH! *Gets Shoved Against the Wall*
Yang: What are your intentions with my sister?!
Jaune: Your sister?! OH! You mean Ruby? We just met, like, yesterday!
Yang: You think I don’t know what your game here is?! That I would let some guy my sister just met taint what’s left of her innocence?! I mean, what are the odds Ruby's first friend at Beacon turned out to be some good-for-nothing boy like you?!
Jaune: Fifty-fifty? *Gets Shoved Harder* OW!
Yang: I’m going to make myself very clear here! If you so much glance at her the wrong way, I will show you a world of pain only the Grimm can imagine! Got that?!
Jaune: *Gulp* Y-Yes ma’am.
Yang: Good. *Releases Him* I’ll be watching you at the initiation. Don’t even think about sneaking in the same Team as Ruby.
Jaune: I-I’ll keep that in mind…
Jaune: Hey Yang, I got your message. I just finished helping some refugees from Mantle settle in. What did you wanna- WHOA! *Gets Shoved Against the Wall* …Well, this feels familiar.
Yang: What’s your deal with Ruby, huh?!
Jaune: My deal with Ruby?
Yang: Don’t play coy with me now! Just answer the damn question!
Jaune: N-Nothing! There’s nothing going on between me and her!
Yang: Yeah, I can see that! WHY HAVEN’T YOU MADE A MOVE ALREADY?!
Jaune: I-I SWEAR, YANG! I WASN’T- Wait, what?
Yang: Ruby has been travelling with you for over a year now. So why haven’t you two started dating yet?!
Jaune: Wha-?! Wha-?! But you told me back at Beacon-!
Yang: That was ages ago, you numb-nuts! Listen, Ruby needs a supportive partner who’s willing to go through the same lengths you did to protect her. You’ve seen what she went through in the Ever After. Don’t you think she deserves to settle down with someone she likes?
Jaune: I get where you coming from, but still-
Yang: And besides, we need more of “Her Kind” now more than ever!
Jaune: …I don’t follow.
Yang: Do I have to spell it out?! *Shoves Him Harder* Ruby was Summer’s only daughter! She’s literally the last of her kind! If we’re gonna stand a chance against Salem and her army, we need more Silver-Eyed Warriors!
Jaune: A-And how am I supposed to help with that?!
Yang: You know exactly how.
Jaune: I… Do?
Yang: Jaune. My man. My fellow blond-in-arms… I need you to continue the Rose Bloodline.
Jaune: WHAT?!
Yang: You heard me! I’ve seen what your family’s capable of! You and Ruby are the only ones who can get us a fresh batch of Silver-Eyed Juggernauts in record time!
Jaune: Yang! You’re talking crazy now!
Jaune: Yang, please! Come to your senses!
Jaune: SORRY! *Slips Through his Armor, Escaping her Grip* I just remembered I’m needed somewhere else! See ya! *Running for his Life*
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lathalea · 5 months
The Shrieking Monster
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ This is a gift for @babe-bombadil as part of the @whiteoliphaunt 2023 exchange. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Happy New Year everyone! 🥳
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Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield & Dis & little Fili & Kili Rating: G Warnings: family fluff Author's notes: A story set in the Blue Mountains about Thorin trying to be both a ruler and a good uncle at once. Young Fili and Kili are making it a tad difficult in their own cute way. Special thanks to @naryaflame for your linguistic help with a name :) If you prefer, you can read this fic on AO3.
Khuzdul: Thorinuldûm - Thorin’s Halls, the settlement of the refugees from the Lonely Mountain in the Blue Mountains Amad - mother
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It was a perfect morning. Thorin stretched and yawned, settling himself on his favourite chair in the kitchen. The air that whiffed into the dwarven stronghold from the outside felt warm on his cheeks and smelled like spring. As he sipped his morning tea, that strong, aromatic blend Dori bought in Bree, his sister appeared at the threshold. She gave Thorin a bright smile and, seeing her steaming mug on the table, she sat next to him. The lazy silence of the early hours of the day was soon broken by the appearance of two dishevelled pebbles, one with a thatch of golden hair, the other – with his hair as brown as a bear’s fur in winter. After the mandatory morning hugs, Thorin readied breakfast while Dís prepared her sons for the day, humming to herself. Thorin could not stop himself from smiling. His sister was probably already thinking of her visit to the market. She adored going there in the morning, especially on the days when the merchants arrived with new goods – and today was one of those days. Thorin sighed. As much as he wanted her to have a very much needed moment of respite – his sister-sons were quite a handful, to put it mildly – he was painfully aware of what it was going to mean to him. Half a day of having his eyes around his head and his ears pricked up for any unusual noises they may create… or worse – the ominous silence. In the past, there was only a handful of moments when he and Dís realised that the boys went completely silent. It never bode well. 
This day, however, started with the pitter-patter of the boys’ bare feet, chatter and laughter, and the clatter of their bowls as they ate their oatmeal. Dís reminded them to behave while she was gone, and left for the market. Fíli seemed very content about this state of things, knowing well by now that staying with his mother’s brother meant visiting various places in these halls, like forges, or assisting Thorin in other exciting ways. It was different with Kíli – his loud wails of protest at being so cruelly abandoned reverberated against the walls of their home. Thorin imagined they must have followed their mother through the corridors of Thorinuldûm for a long while. Her Little Bear, as Dís called him, was still too young to understand the connection between Mommy leaving, and the sudden appearance of candied rhubarb or his favourite cream toffees.
Distracting Kíli from his misery was not easy, but Thorin managed it by offering to take the boys for a new adventure. Their big blue eyes shone as he told them they would be going to the lower levels of the city together. It was a real treat – Kíli had never been there before and Fíli visited them only a handful of times.
Thorin had a mind to visit the Engineers’ Quarter and show the lads around while discussing some technical issues with one of the water engineers. And so they began their adventure. As they descended down the wide stone stairs Kíli stumbled and yawned, so Thorin decided to carry him the rest of the way. Soon Little Bear began snoring in his arms, and Thorin attempted to ignore the fact that his own tunic was becoming gradually soaked through with his nephew’s saliva. He also started suspecting that the moniker “Little Bear” must have surely come from the fact that Kíli seemed to weigh more and more with every step, like a true bear.
“At least he is not crying,” Thorin muttered to himself, and kept on walking. Thank Mahal for silver linings.
As they arrived at their destination, however, the situation got worse. The Engineers’ Quarter was a crowded place that smelled like tar, coal, and burned leather. Not minding the much larger adult dwarves in their soot-stained clothes who carried – or carted – their wares from one place to another, curious Fíli began rushing between them, oblivious of the chaos he was creating. He took a look at the wheelwright’s workshop here, and then he had to see the toolmaker’s booth there; he then insisted on seeing how parchment was being made, and attempted to find the place where they manufactured those shiny cogwheels. If not for his golden mane, Thorin would have lost his nephew at least a couple of times. Brór, the water engineer he had a meeting with, joined Thorin in the chase for the high-spirited boy. Instead of looking at the water supply pipeline blueprints and trying to fix a problem with water pressure, they ended up unwillingly playing a hide-and-run game to the delight of the onlookers. Seeing your own king running back and forth through the great cavern with one giggling pebble strapped to his chest while chasing after the other one must have been very amusing… for anyone but him, Thorin thought with resignation. His resignation grew even more when he noticed Fíli climbing onto a tall work table… and jumping down onto a heap of coal.
When Thorin finally caught the runaway, they were both out of breath. Although it was rather Fíli who caught his uncle – the boy ran into him and clung to his left leg as if a throng of orcs chased him.
Fíli raised his teary-eyed face to Thorin and sobbed out, “A monster wanted to eat meeee…”
“A monster? Here?” Thorin’s brow furrowed.
It took him a while to reassure Fíli that no monster was going to eat him. In turn, Thorin promised to get rid of the said monster that apparently lurked in a nearby chamber, and shrieked at him. He left his nephews in the care of Brór who tried to look solemn, but his twitching lips betrayed him. Thorin grunted and entered the chamber, carefully looking around, adjusting his eyes to the dark surroundings. And then he saw two glowing points of red. And heard the shrieking.
When Thorin returned to Brór, Kíli was fast asleep once again. Leaving Little Bear in the engineer’s care once again, he took Fíli’s hand and led him to the entrance of the dark chamber. When they opened the door, they both heard the continuous shrieking now. His nephew stopped and refused to walk inside, covering his ears and closing his eyes.
“There are no monsters here, Fíli.” Thorin reassured the boy. “See for yourself.”
“Nnoooo…” muttered Fíli, hiding behind his uncle.
“Do not be afraid,” Thorin added. “Nothing will hurt you here. I promise.”
On the bench by the door stood a lantern. It took him a moment to light it. With the lantern in hand, Thorin crossed the threshold and approached the nearest lantern that hung on the wall, and then another, and another. Soon, the whole chamber was bright as day, each lantern giving off a pleasant yellow glow.
“You can come in now,” Thorin smiled encouragingly.
With his ears covered and his eyes set on the shrieking, wobbling entity in the middle of the chamber, Fíli shook his head.
“This is not a monster.” Thorin stepped towards the huge bulbous shape that made so much noise. He placed his hand on the top of the strange shaking thing and added, “This is a washing barrel.”
Fíli blinked and took a good look at it. The two red glowing points did not look like a pair of evil eyes any longer. Those were two ball-shaped lanterns standing on top of the… thing. That shrieking noise now seemed to sound like a couple of cogwheels that needed a bit of oil, and not like a monster’s screech. And the arm that seemed to reach out to grab him before, turned out to be a cast iron lever.
“A… barrel?” Fíli looked at his uncle and took one uncertain step towards him and the strange contraption.
“Correct. A barrel that washes your clothes,” Thorin explained in an even voice and at the same moment the shrieking stopped. “Look, it has just finished the washing cycle. Let me show you how it works. First, you open this hatch, like so… Watch out for the water! These clothes are clean, they only need to be wrung out and dried.”
As he spoke, Fíli slowly started closing the distance between them, his eyes becoming wider and wider.
“... but if you want to wash your clothes,” Thorin continued, “you need to put them inside, here, and add some soap suds. Then you close the hatch, pour some water here, crank this lever a few times, do this, like so, and wait for the washing barrel to finish its work!”
Thorin kept on talking until Fíli seemed to be completely in awe of this new piece of machinery, his fear completely forgotten. He peppered his uncle with tons of questions: how many cogwheels were there, how many times one should crank the lever, what the barrel was made of… and so on, and so forth. When they left the chamber, there was a big smile on the boy’s lips instead of tears. 
On their way back home Fíli exclaimed, “This was the bestest adventure ever!”
Thorin thought that sometimes being an uncle happened to be quite rewarding. Even if his tunic was still wet from Kíli’s sleepy drooling.
His attitude completely changed less than half an hour later, when his nephews disappeared. Both of them. At once.
Stumbling over several painfully angular wooden toys, Thorin searched the boys’ bedroom. Nothing. He even looked under their beds (twice!), but there was no sign of the boys anywhere. They weren't sitting in the common kitchen nor searching for snacks in the pantry. Nor in Dwalin’s rooms where Kíli liked to play hide-and-scare with the big warrior. There were nowhere to be found – not in the rocking chair by the fireplace, nor even in Balin’s study by that large desk where Fíli liked to play so often. Thorin closed his eyes. If he did not find his nephews before Dís returned from the market, his sister would have Thorin’s own head on a spike. The wrath of dwarf-women was ten times fiercer than the one of dwarf-men. In the case of his little sister, the number was much higher, at least a hundred times. And Thorin would do everything he could to avoid being on the receiving end of it.
There was no time to lose. He recruited Dwalin, Óin, and Halkatla, Balin’s wife, to the task of finding the boys, but they returned empty-handed. No one had seen the boys since their early lunch. Then, they were supposed to take a nap, and Thorin remembered their yawning as they closed the door to their bedroom behind him.
And now they were gone. Kidnapped? — No, impossible, Thorin thought. Dwarves cherished their children like the greatest treasures they were, and no one else was allowed into Thorinuldûm. There were no goblins nor other dangers here either. It felt as if the boys magically disappeared in a puff of smoke. Thorin looked around the wide corridor he stood in, but he found no traces of the missing boys.
“Have you checked all of their favourite places?” Halkatla asked, her red-and-silver braids clinking as she turned her head towards Óin.
“Aye, we did,” he nodded. “Not a sign of them.”
“Those wee rascals! I bet they are up to somethin’.” Dwalin said. “They remind me of us. Remember that time, Thorin, when we were around their age or so, and half of Erebor was lookin’ for us all day long?”
“It would be difficult to forget it,” Thorin admitted. “We wanted to avoid another boring lesson with our tutor…”
“...and instead we went to explore the mines! What a shame we lost our way,” Dwalin grinned and nudged him. “It was fun!”
“Aye, fun on an empty belly. If only you had not forgotten our food,” Thorin replied, relieved that his nephews had a proper meal at least.
“If only ye had not forgotten that map ye were supposed to borrow from your father’s desk,” Dwalin chuckled.
Before Thorin could form an adequate riposte, a mousy-haired dwarf approached him.
“M’lord, Master Brór says that the pipeline is fully functional again,” the messenger bowed.
Thorin gave him a nod of thanks. At least he brought a piece of good news. Master Brór was a skilled engineer, and the way he handled Thorin’s own sister-sons…
“Either way,” Dwalin continued, “we had a real adventure on that day, hadn’t we, Thorin?”
A thought appeared in Thorin’s mind. Master Brór. An adventure.
“There was one place where we have not searched yet,” he turned to his companions.
“I am listening,” Halkatla tilted her head, reminding him of a curious raven.
“The Engineers’ Quarters.”
Master Brór was more than happy to receive words of thanks from Thorin in person for fixing that pipeline issue once and for all. Despite Thorin’s hopes, he had not seen Fíli or Kíli since they left the Engineers’ Quarters with their uncle earlier that day. Dwalin muttered a curse under his breath.
“Well, that’s it. I’m goin’ to check the workshops,” the warrior said.
“I’ll take the ones on the left, you take the ones on the right,” Halkatla followed him.
“Let’s go,” Dwalin replied, his voice trailing off as he walked away. “And those wee cave bats would better be there or I swear…”
Master Brór addressed Thorin, “I will spread the word as you requested, my lord. Someone must have seen them, I am certain of it. They could not have simply disappeared.”
Thorin agreed with him and began his own search. The rocks could not have swallowed them whole! Magic was out of the question as well, there had to be a logical solution to this! Thoring pulled at his short beard in frustration. Wandering through the area and looking for any signs of his nephews in places they visited earlier that day, he wondered if Óin had any luck. The healer was waiting at their home in case Fíli and Kíli returned there on their own. Perhaps the three of them were already sitting by the fire, with Óin telling the boys countless amusing stories, while Thorin and his companions were checking every nook and cranny on the lower level, going out of their minds with worry. He raised his head, listening to a peculiar sound and trying to figure out its source. It sounded like… shrieking. It was not at all difficult to recall Fíli’s eyes shining with fear, awe, and then curiosity at the sight of the washing barrel.
Without thinking, Thorin turned his steps towards the chamber that housed the “monster” Fíli had been so afraid of not so long ago.
When Thorin arrived at his destination, the door was ajar. Thorin could hear the shrieking very well, but there were other sounds too. Very familiar sounds.
He took a deep breath and shouted, “Dwalin! I found them!”
When Thorin stepped inside the chamber, the sounds became even clearer. One of them he identified as uncontrollable giggling, and the other one, slightly muted, sounded like: “Woooo! Woooo! Wooooo! A carousel! Woooo! Faster, Fíli! Woooo!”
Thorin breathed out a sigh of relief only to be struck by a pang of dread a moment later.
Fíli stood by the washing barrel, cranking the lever, grinning from ear to ear, and laughing. Kíli was nowhere to be seen, but his enthusiastic shouts seemed to be coming from inside of the barrel. Inside, not outside. Thorin swallowed; he considered screaming in terror, but something told him that this was most definitely an example of behaviour unworthy of a king. It took him a moment to melt the ball of ice that was forming in his stomach. He closed the distance between him and the barrel in a blink of an eye.
Thank Mahal, the hatch was open. Inside, Kíli sat with his back against a wall of the large metal container inside the machine, surrounded by various articles of laundry, with a happy grin on his face, and a stray sock on top of his head. A wave of relief washed over Thorin.
“Uncle Thorin! Uncle Thorin!” Fíli exclaimed. “We’re playing carousel! Want to jump in?”
Thorin did not.
“It is time to return home, boys,” Thorin simply said, taking Kíli out of the barrel. His clothes were damp and he smelled like those violet flowers Dís liked so much, but other than that, he looked happy, and what’s more important, he was in one piece – just like his older brother.
“But uncle...” Fíli started.
“Your amad will be home soon. Do you not want to see what she bought at the market?”
“A sugar horse? She promised!” The boy recalled his favourite treat.
Holding Kíli firmly against his chest with one arm, Thorin held out his hand to Fíli.
“Let us go and see,” he said with a smile as his nephew’s tiny hand grabbed his.
There would yet be time for scolding and for a conversation about not sneaking out anywhere alone, but for now, the only thing that Thorin wanted was to safely bring his little rascals home.
He only hoped they would manage to reach their halls before Dís returned.
When Dís crossed the threshold of their home later in the afternoon, she was greeted by complete silence. Her sons were nowhere to be seen, which was very suspicious. They were always the first ones to run to her and see what she brought them this time. She expected Thorin to welcome her and help her unpack her basket, as usual — but he was not there either. Was this that ominous silence she dreaded so much whenever her boys were executing another of their silly mischiefs? Not really. It seemed as if their home was empty… until she heard a familiar sound coming from a nearby chamber. Dís put the basket on the floor and tiptoed deeper into their halls.
The picture that unfolded before her eyes was the last thing she had expected. Her brother was half sitting, half lying on the sofa, his legs stretched out in front of him, his head resting on the backrest, his eyes closed. Fíli was cuddled up to his uncle’s side, his hair tousled, making her think of a skein of golden yarn. Kíli lay on the opposite side of his uncle, his head resting on Thorin’s lap and turned towards her. He had his thumb in his mouth. Dís could clearly see the darker stain of drool on her brother’s trousers and stifled a giggle. 
All three of them were asleep, of course. And all three of them were snoring in perfect unison. If she closed her eyes she could almost imagine that she had a working sawmill in front of her.
This scene was too adorable for Dís to interrupt it, so she decided that she would let her three boys sleep a little longer. There was no harm in a little nap, after all. Besides, she was tired, and there was still some space left on the sofa…As she drifted off to sleep beside them, her last conscious thought was: “Why do all three of them smell like my lavender laundry soap?”
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I like Strange New Worlds but boy is their Spock behavior strange.
"taking out" the Vulcan in Spock should make his body feel off but ffs he's still Spock. I don't think they intended it this way but the way they wrote this whole scenario is like having an AfroLatina character "lose" their Latina side and suddenly not be able to make a tortilla or speak their native spanish. I mean. What?
Their whole narrative on him being human and Vulcan and showing "human" as like the fun/passionate side he's denying himself is starting to feel very anti-Vulcan, which in its own way feels super white centrist. We can go all in on the bacon scene but I'm not Jewish so more knowledgable Jewish people about the cultural *disaster* that choice was can cover the mess that is but... Yikes.
They've even done mixed race struggles better with other characters. B'Elanna in Voyager has a great arc reconciling her Klingon and human sides throughout multiple episodes and none of them imply weird shit like this. They all encourage her to accept herself where's she's at, no matter how much Klingon or human "percentage" that means. It just means both.
And in all fairness, B'Elanna's portrayal is in no way perfect but its better than *this*.
Someone on Twitter said this would've been a much more impactful episode if Spock spent all of it fearing he'd lose all connection to his Vulcan side, only to realize that (like his human adopted sister!!) He is still a child of Vulcan regardless of his geneology/biological makeup. But nah. This. *Bacon*.
After such a strong story about hope, augments, refugees, and prejudice a few episodes ago we get this? Shenanigans.
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ladystoneboobs · 7 months
possibly incomplete list of asoiaf characters described as having red or even "ginger" hair (or red-gold as opposed to red-brown or ghiscari red-black), never auburn:
mycah, the butcher's boy*
beric dondarrion (red-gold hair)*
lharys, member of the three stooges men-at-arms (wild rust-colored hair)**
unnamed and unfortunate mother of robert baratheon's doomed youngest child, barra (light red-haired mother of black-haired baby)*
tomard aka "fat tom", stark guardsman (with his ginger whiskers)*
horas "horror" redwyne (orange hair)*
hobber "slobber" redwyne (orange hair)*
unnamed red-haired whore leaning out a window the day of ned's execution (presumably not the same as above since she was joking about the king's death)*
melisandre of asshai (deep burnished copper. red and terrible and red.)*
a man called jaqen h'ghar (red on one side, white on the other)*
pug-nosed dancy from chataya's brothel (described as red-haired by tyrion in acok but honey-blonde in asos, so presumably hair dye must have been involved between those book mentions.)**
addam marbrand (hair the same copper color as his horse's mane)*
"ginger-headed" maester frenken*
unnamed beardless ginger youth among theon's crew at winterfell*
ygritte, a spearwife "kissed-by-fire" (bright red)*
arryk aka "left" or "right", lady olenna's red-mustached guardsman*
erryk aka "left" or "right", lady olenna's other, identical, red-mustached guardsman*
lord paxter redwyne (tufts of orange hair)**
anguy the archer of the bwb*
a red-bearded karstark rapist dead in a crow cage at stoney sept*
tansy, innkeeper of the peach in stoney sept*
meryn trant (rust-red hair)*
"red" ronnet connington
mero, "the titan's bastard", former commander of the second sons (bushy red-gold beard)
a red-headed soldier who came with stannis to the wall
shadrich "the mad mouse" (bristly orange hair)*
lord rykker's red-mustached maester
marwyn belmore, lysa's former guard captain (ginger-headed)*
lord benedar belmore with a beard that was "a ginger-grey horror"*
lord orton merryweather (reddish-orange hair)
"the red oarsman", one of euron greyoy's followers (fiery red hair)
unnamed red-haired sailor arriving at port in braavos*
lord clement piper
and his son lewys "little lew" piper, who served as squire to jaime lannister in the riverlands
unnamed red-haired youth who first escaped northward with varamyr from the battle at the wall
one of illyrio's washerwomen (dull red hair)**
jon connington (once red hair gone to grey, still red at the roots and eyebrows even when the rest was dyed blue. also had a bright red beard as a younger man.)**
rolly "duck" duckfield (a shock of orange hair)**
a young man among the wildling refugees at mole's town whose red hair reminded jon of ygritte*
the "sunset kingdoms" girl raped by tyrion in the brothel where he was captured by jorah**
hagen's daughter, only other woman among asha greyjoy's crew
roggon rustbeard, one of asha's men
mully of the nw (greasy orange hair)*
bloodbeard, commander of the company of the cat (fiery red whiskers)
"ginger" jack, a toungeless sellsword of the windblown sent to dany, face nearly covered by his bristly, orange beard
gerrick kingsblood*
and his son*
and gerrick's daughter #1*
and gerrick's daughter #2*
and gerrick's daughter #3*
ronald storm, son of ronnet connington
one of the 7 "choicest" enslaved girls from the yunkish ship who were sacrificed by victarion (red-gold hair)
an enslaved redhead boy in line for a well, asking tyrion about dany**
nail, apprentice to hammer, the armorer for the second sons**
maester tybald, redhaired maester from the dreadfort serving arnolf karstark
valena toland, heiress to ghost hill (bright red hair)
teora toland, valena's younger sister with the same hair
uther shett, knight arriving for sweetrobin's tourney (ginger-haired and whiskered)*
*characters whose hair is described in the povs of starks (or jon snow) who only use the terms auburn or red-brown for catelyn, robb, sansa etc. and do not compare said characters to said tully-haired relations
**characters whose hair is described by tyrion lannister, who spent significant time with sansa and exclusively referred to her hair as auburn (without anyone else telling him her hair color as catelyn told brienne)
the only asoiaf characters ever described as having auburn hair:
catelyn tully stark
robb stark (red-brown/auburn tully hair "so like" his mother's, with a beard redder than his hair)
sansa stark (auburn hair lighter than her mother's, most reddish glowing in candlelight)
brandon "bran" stark (hair not bright red enough for him to distinguish himself from young benjen at first glance in a weirwood flashback)
rickon stark
brynden "the blackfish" tully (once auburn hair gone to grey)
edmure tully (auburn hair with a fiery beard, likely brighter than his hair like robb's)
lysa tully arryn baelish
known tully descendants never described as having auburn hair
arya stark (darker brown stark-colored hair)
hoster tully (hair and beard gone from brown to brown streaked with grey to white as snow)
robert "sweetrobin" arryn (fine brown hair, thought by sansa to be his best feature)
fun fact: the only other character that i can find to ever even be descibed as having red-brown hair in the main series is rowan, one of the spearwives who accompanied mance on his mission to winterfell. (described by theon, who had psychological reasons not to think of any hair-resemblance to robb and co.)
tl;dr i suppose my point here is that auburn hair in the real world may be a term thrown around wildly as a fancier way of saying red hair, but grrm and his westerosi creations seem to keep to a much more specific (true) definition. not just specific, almost entirely unique to a certain family, a weird mutation passing down their line somewhat inexplicably, like the magic platinum hair of the targaryens. (ned stark's 4 tully-haired kids being sorta like alicent hightower's 4 targ-haired kids where nobody can really explain why it was so dominant.) except it's actually more unique to the tullys than either black hair to the baratheons or silver hair to the targaryens, with the velaryons also having valyrian hair as well as some people in the essosi free cities too. which i guess makes rowan the wildling the equalivent of an unknown dragonseed or a lysene woman who could pass as a targ, and regular brown-haired hoster and sweetrobin the equivalent of regular blonde-haired alysanne and alyssa targaryen. so the next time someone calls the tullys lame or whatever, just remember that in-universe they're actually more special than the dragonriders, at least hairwise.
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sadboytournament · 1 year
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Nico: His father is hades, king of the underworld. He was born before WW2, and spent 50ish years in a cursed hotel with his sister until his dad finally remembered their existence and got them out and into the modern world, where his sister was killed and he spent a year crawling around with McDonald’s, summoning ghosts to try to bring her back. A lot more happened also
Zuko: listen. he is the saddest boy. he got abused by his father, his grandfather ordered his death and his father agreed, his mother disappeared, then his father burnt half his face off and banished him. he is an emo king, he literally says once “I’m never happy.” he is so sad that it makes him mad which makes him sad. he literally spends like 70% of the show in terrible circumstances (banished, then refugee, then back with his abusive father) being miserable about it.
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If the Refugee Boy’s sister is still alive (which I’m not sure if it’s the case in your headcanons :P) and with her brother, what will the siblings’ lives be like?
She's sorta in limbo for me :'D
the Refugee Boy's Sister
These two had a rough life...
First, the Brother never got his charm from his Father, which would have prevented North Wind from destroying the village
Second, they've been on the run from the North Wind and also chased out of every village they've tried to settle in
Third, she freaking dies...thanks to North Wind!
If, however, they had a decent life, the first and second tidbits would still happen
The Refugee Siblings didn't have good parents, but they were always close. If you messed with one, the other would swoop in and punch someone
This would be no different against the North Wind
It's dangerous, so the Siblings come up with a plan after they had a run-in with the Ferryman. They learn that North Wind loves games
Lucky for them, they also like games...
They wait for North Wind to appear and wager a bet against them. If they win, the Siblings go free. If they lose...
North Wind eagerly accepts, thinking it would be an easy victory
But the Siblings are clever~
The game is that they go in opposite directions and meet at the other end of the planet. Whoever had eye contact with the other first, won
North Wind thought it was stupid, but accepted anyways and dashed off
The Siblings smiled and walked off in the opposite direction. For once, they weren't being chased. That gave they peace for a long while
When they meet their noisy enemy again, they're plan was to merely avoiding looking at them in the eyes. The wind monster can't technically win if they can't make eye contact with the Siblings~
It was stupid, sure, but North Wind liked to win with sheer force over cheating. It was risk the Siblings were willing to try to be safe for once
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
The outcast twins (7)
lo'ak/ Jake and sister reader + others
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A new journey had began for the sully family tiro after they had left the forest, and seek refugee on the ocean. The journey had started off as hard and very emotional, but that all soon changed over time. Everyone has to start off with a journey in their life, that helps them become the navi they are later in life.
Y/n " ......" today was the day that spider and uncle norm along with some others will be coming to the village today, after many days of talking and wait today was the approved day.
lo'ak " I can't wait to see spider again"
y/n " same here"
tsireya " we will make sure to give a good warm welcome"
y/n " thank you reya"
rotxo " so how will they be getting here anyways"
lo'ak " dad said they might come on thier ikran or the helicopters"
aonung " that thing the sky people ride"
y/n " yes it will be okay they are going to land far away but you can get a closer look if you wish"
aonung " sure that sound interesting"
soyu " yes I want to see one of them up close as well"
y/n " good"
Jake " hey kids I got a call from your uncle norm and uncle max, they will be arriving later on today as they need to make sure everything is okay and sent up the group that wants to come"
lo'ak " that okay dad we can wait to see them all"
Jake " good"
tsireya " you most be happy as well Jake to see you friends again"
Jake " yes after a couple days I have missed them and it will be good to see them, and have to a check in to see how everyone is doing"
lo'ak " are we going to have a meeting"
Jake " no just some talking among friends no meeting yet"
y/n " yes sir and we also made sure to have extra oxygen packs for spider and anyone else who will need them, for emergencies"
Jake " good thinkings kids well I leave you all to enjoy your lesson, as I need on some scouting missions with tonowari and some members of the clan he wishes for me to meet"
the kids " bye" Jake soon had nodded his head as he soon walked off from the kids, as he soon joined up with tonowari and some other reef navi.
sayou " it looks like we have some time to do our task and lessons, if everyone is fine with that and we can still have fun doing it" the group had need their heads as they soon followed after, sayou as the went on to do their tasks. The boys had gone to do some fishing and attend to the nets, while you are helping tsireya gather some fruits and nuts.
y/n " do we need a couple more cannonball fruits"
tisreya " yes" you had climbed onto the tree to get the fruit from the tree that were to high up, for tsireya and you to reach from the ground. You had knocked a couple more fruit down as they landed in the empty basket below you. You soon had jumped from the branch and landed on the sand.
tsireya " that was amazing y/n"
y/n " thank you"
????? " hello young ladies" the two teens girls soon looked and saw ronal standing there, she gave the girls a soft smile.
tsireya " mother hello"
ronal " hello my daughter I was walking pass when I spotted you girls it, seems like you two are doing your task"
y/n " yes we are ma'am the boys had went out on the water"
tsireya " we decided to stay here and help out"
ronal " good y/n your father has told me your grandmother had helped, you learn some of the healing ways"
y/n " yes she did"
tsireya " you were going to be as healer or tshaik"
y/n " that was the plan at first but everything changed it soon had went, to my sisters but I still had been taught the way of healing of navi and humans"
tsireya " that amazing"
ronal " I was wondering if you will be fine learning some of the healing ways along side my daughter, as you teaching shouldn't end and I think mo'at will like you to keep on learning"
y/n " thank you ma'am"
ronal " your welcome" ronal had soon left the girls as they went on with their task, once the girls had brought the supplies back to the village to be handed out to the families or storage.The boys had soon retuned with some fish and nets to be repaid for later on in the day or week.
Later on that day
Jake " hey kids" the teens were hanging out on the sandy beach when Jake and tonowari had finally retuned, along with the others that came with them.
lo'ak " hey dad"
Jake " well I have some good news everyone will be here soon"
lo'ak " that amazing dad"
tonowari " will they be able to land here"
Jake " yes they can"
y/n" hey do you all hear that" everyone soon heard the sounds of helicopter and ikrans, and soon enough a horn had been blow getting everyone attention.
Jake " it will be best if we keep everyone back"
tonowari " agreed anii and txoko please help Jake and his kids keep everyone back"
anii and txoko " yes" the people had all came to look as the helicopter had landed everyone cover their face, once sand started blowing in everyone face. The helicopter had landed a few feet but this kicked up some sand. The ikran soon landed right after as everyone got off their the ikran or helicopter.
norm " hey Jake good to see you again"
Jake " back to you buddy"
spider " hey guys"
twins " spider" the twins soon ran to spider and hugged him they were happy to see him in person.
spider " wow you two have changed and I love the look"
y/n " thank you and it good to see you as well have you gotten taller"
spider " yes and I seems like I might of have a growth spurt since the last time I saw you"
lo'ak " well now you and here come meet everyone in person"
spider " sure" the four metkayain teens and walked to the twins and spider.
aonung " wow sky people kids are very small close up you are the size of child"
spider " yeah I get that alot it nice to meet you all in person"
rotox " yes it good to see you hey why don't we show you around"
spider " sure dad can I go on tour of the village"
norm " sure but let he hug your cousins first" the twins had given norm a hug and hugged everyone else that they had missed so much. They all talked a bit more until the four reef teens had given spider the tour of the village, with the help of the twins as well.
sayou " so you all been friends since you were very small"
lo'ak " yes spider here will leave the base to come hangout with us, he had gained the name spider when we were very young"
tsireya " why spider"
spider " I was always running and climbing everyone that my dad stared calling me spider, along with everyone else and it was better then my name"
aonung " what the matter with your name I thought spider was your name"
spider " well I was dad after my birth father"
sayou " so norm not your dad by blood"
spider " no he took me in and raise me as his own with the help of others, you see my brith father is not a very good man and I was named after him ... we don't have a good relationship and I really don't wish to have my name like him right now"
rotxo " oh"
spider " yes so I have gone by the name spider"
tsireya " well that a good name"
sayou " yes it a good name"
spider " thank you"
sayou " hey we can start teaching you the ways of the water the next time, you are here so you can learn to adapt to your nee home"
spider " thank you"
spider " hey uncle Jake seem to be doing well since the last time, I had seen him"
y/n " yes he had been doing well since the last time we show you all, and it good to see him like this" the teens had looked over he was speaking with tonowari and ronal along with norm and max.
spider " yes dad thinks maybe being here will be good for uncle Jake and everyone else"
y/n " it will be good for all the adults and us"
tsireya " see all of you are becoming one of us right away" the teens had fallen out in laughter about the whole situation, it was good to see everyone getting along well. There had been some worry that everyone will not get along well but it seems like that was proven wrong.
That night
spider " I'm happy that dad allowed me to sleep over tonight"
lo'ak " it cool to have you spending the night with us"
spider " so dude what with you and tsireya"
lo'ak " what I don't know what you mean"
spider ' oh I don't do be acing like you were not all smiles when, you and her were all close today you have fallen in love"
lo'ak " okay I might or might not have a crush on her happy"
spider " super and what about you y/n and that sayou guy" you had blushed bright red, as your brother and spider look at you. Soon making both of the teens fall out laughing as you tru hiding your face.
y/n " I don't know why I missed you both being together" you yelled at the two as you turn bright red even more. making them laugh even more.
y/n " you know spider when you are here you might fall in love, and we will make sure everyone knows about it"
spider ' we will see about that"
???? " it was good to have you on the portal today Jake sully, you are very quikcy and skills as the stores say" the three teen had heard someone speaking with Jake.
Jake " thank you txedo"
txedo " your welcome"
???? " yes tonowari was right about asking you to come and meeting with your husband and dreamwlaker clan members, was good and fun"
Jake " well I'm happy everyone had been able to have a good experience today, and I have to thank tonowari and you both for let me come and help me understand more of the sea"
txedo " your welcome" the teens soon saw Jake coming near the entrance with the two adults from earlier today.
y/n " hey dad welcome home"
Jake " hey kids it good to see you are all inside, I thought you will be outside explore"
y/n " we were at first but came inside a an hour ago"
Jake " good oh kids this is Anii and txedo they are some members of the clan that tonowari introduced me to"
twins and spider " hello"
Jake " txedo and anii these are my twins lo'ak and y/n and my nephew spider"
anii " hello your father has spoken highly of you twins and spider as well"
txedo " yes we have also gotten to see you kids getting along with the tonowari kids, and be helpful within the clan it very appreciate"
y/n " thank you"
anni " we hope we can make your family and clan feel welcome here"
lo'ak " that makes us feel good and we are starting to feel like we are welcome here"
txedo " good"
anii " well Jake we hope to see you tomorrow we will leave you and your family to enjoy the evening"
Jake " yes thank you once again"
txedo " you welcome and thank you as well" the two reef navi had soon left a smile had grown on Jake face, as he greets goodbye to the pair. The three adults seem to make eye contact with each other and smile like children, who seem to be overjoyed about something. The three teens had taken noticed this behavior and some to exchange looks with each other, and smile at each other before Jake turns arounds and looks at them.
Jake " well who wants to help me make dinner" Jake had looked at the kids and smile brightly, at them after some talking it was agreed. That baked fish along with some satay vegetables will be the meal of the evening, with some sweets that spider had brought the family and some juice as well. It was good to have everyone back together after being away for so long.
spider " this place is so beautiful"
lo'ak " you haven't see it all yet spider you will soon see more, along with us as well"
y/n " we can finally see more of what we haven't seen before, and explore more of what the great mother has made"
spider " well I can't wait to see what happens I have made some records for kiri, neteyam and tuk hoping to send them, but I can't fearing they will never hear them and I barley got answers from them when I called"
y/n " we have done the same as well dad had read stoires for tuk, knowing there are nights she gets scared and can't fall asleep without them ... he left some with grandmother I think and neytiri but it matter if they had been kept .... he left records for neteyam and kiri as well .... I miss them and now I'm crying like a baby" tears were falling down your face your brother and spider, had brought you into their embrace,
lo'ak " we will all miss them and you are not a boy for crying" you had wiped away your tears, the three teens had talked a bit more about everything they saw today and the past days they were separated. They had made a small records as well knowing it might never be sent, but it was good anyways. The kids had gone to bed that night happy and feeling good and blessed that they were back, together after being away for so long. That night everyone seem to have gone to bed happier and cheerful, dreaming of what tomorrow will have for them.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 9 months
I keep thinking about Otto stating that the Ferryman cannot cross over into the real world. Remembering the comic with the Humpback Girl, where it's shown that he clearly can since I am 100% sure she is NOT a child of the Nowhere, I am wondering if Otto's assumptions are just... wrong.
Otto is learning with us. AND he's not a reliable narrator in the slightest.
When Noone says that the Ferryman "does not belong to their world" I don't think she necessarely means that he can't physically cross over; Noone is not from the Nowhere and she still can vanish into it just fine. I think it's moreso an implication that the Ferryman is not a former child turned Resident: he is from the Nowhere. Period. He might be one of the few characters whom we know for a fact are children of the Nowhere.
More information has also been emerging about the Ferryman's modus operandi when he's targeting a victim:
He seems to prefer going after singular children rather than a group, or even a duo. In the fourth episode, where Noone was in the presence of other teens, he did not show up; he only appeared to be watching her without intervening during episode 1 and 2, where she had a companion. In the Humpback Girl's tale, he only goes to her after the rest of the group is gone, and the Refugee Boy is also alone when he takes the place of his sister for the bet he made with North Wind. This might be to deny children any opportunity to even second guess the idea of following him; if they have no one to discuss the idea with during a dire situation, what else can they really do?
^ It also seems that when he chooses a victim, he sticks to them until he gets them. He had the chance to help Jester when he and Noone got separated (as he picks lone victims), but didn't do anything.
On that note: it might be a coincidence but right now it seems that he doesn't feel the need to save children if the threat they are facing is human/has human shape. Again: he only stepped in to help Noone when she was threatened by the Muscle in episode 3, and he made that famous deal with the North Wind in the comics. All the other monsters who tried to kill Noone were human, and the Ferryman did not do anything to stop them. During the Mirror Man incident, he only shows up in the aftermath when he is already defeated.
^ the only exception of this is Six, whom he takes on the Maw forcibly. The crowd she was in was not hostile to her until he pointed her out: even then, they didn't really attack her. They had noticed her prior, but when he pointed at her, they all followed suit.
^^ On this note... I wonder if the Ferryman has been on Six's trail for longer than we think, and only waited for Mono to be gone before stepping in.
He can indeed teleport. And he can indeed talk, if very little since he struggles getting his voice out through the layers of skin. While we were shown the first in the comics, the second was something that we had no confirmation of up until now. We have not seen his shape-shifting abilities make an appearence as of now but I have a suspicion we will very soon.
So now, knowing that Noone has been vanishing consistently ever since she took the Ferryman's hand in the Mall, I wonder if all that she had to do to be permanently connected with the Nowhere was just that: grab his hand. Accept his help. Once you do that, he will take you to the Maw no matter where you're from.
I am rather certain that this is where things will wrap up. With Noone either being brought on the Maw, or whatever it used to be, or dying in the process. I do not trust Otto.
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aftercamlann · 8 months
Thank you to all our wonderful writers, artists, beta readers and hype readers who participated in this years After Camlann Big Bang! We hope you will consider participating again this year!
Below is the final masterlist for After Camlann 2023:
*** Title: This Remarkable Season Author: s0mmerspr0ssen Artist: PapySanzo89 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, side: Leon/Morgana, Gwen/Lancelot, Gwaine/Percival, (temporary) Cenred/Merlin, surprise/minor pairings Rating: Explicit Word count: 79,313 Summary: Arthur Pendragon, Crown Prince of Camelot, must marry. King Uther expects him to choose a high-ranking noble, preferably a lady, from amongst the Camelot ton. But as fate would have it, the Prince finds himself drawn to Mr Merlin Emrys, an obscure gentleman from the countryside. Merlin, impoverished and desperate to save his family from complete ruin, must marry, too. Feelings are secondary, for the match must be an advantageous one. Soon, both Arthur and Merlin are caught between the pressure of expectations and what their hearts truly desire…
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: The Chough's Call Author: Aro_Tarot Artist: Winnett Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Mordred/Daegal Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 85,861 Summary: When Arthur went back to his hometown to find his missing sister, he wasn’t sure what he would find. He simply hoped that there would be some clue that would lead him to her. A clue, he did find, but instead of pointing him in a direction, it led to him being knocked out and waking up in a different world, one with magic.
Taken, rescued, and now staying in a refugee sanctuary, Arthur was now not just searching for his sister but also the figure known in history and legend as the Once and Future King. As he works as an assistant to a sorcerer named Merlin, befriends a group of knights, and is accompanied with his childhood figurine turned living chough, Arthur starts to question if he would want to go home after all of this is over. Of course, that is only if the others and him can survive the prophecy, the return of the ancient evil known as the Ivory, and if Emrys can fulfill his part by finding the Once and Future King.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: I hear that deserts heal your history Author: Celaenos Artist: gramnel Pairings/Characters: Morgana & Arthur, Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Merlin Rating: Mature Word count: 68,355 Summary: Morgana pushes herself up slowly, looking around. She is in the backseat of a car, in what looks like a vast and empty desert, pulled off against the side of a highway. No cars, no people anywhere that she can see. A blonde woman is sleeping in the front passenger seat. Morgana stares at her, confusion overwhelming, even as the dawning horror builds the longer that Morgana studies her features. The sharp edges are there: the tilt of her chin, the shape of her nose, the way that her mouth opens just slightly—it’s all there plain as day, and Morgana feels faint. Furious. Terrified. Why now, after all this time?
She crawls over, flinging open the backseat and vomits down into the dirt.
In the front seat of the Cadillac, the reincarnation of her brother wakes with a start.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Flicker Of A Candlelight, Heat Of An Inferno Author: lavender_spice Artist: MerlinLikeTheBird Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Gwen/Morgana Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 93,168 Summary: When Merlin gets injured on a hunting trip, Arthur is forced to face his true feelings for his stubbornly loyal manservant. Merlin is everything he should not want, and yet Arthur struggles to keep his feelings at bay.
On top of all this, after learning of his father's lies and hypocrisy, Arthur hatches a plan to put an end to his people's suffering once and for all, finding unlikely allies along the way.
Can the two boys intertwined by destiny navigate their relationship amongst betrayal, secrecy, and a near-impossible mission?
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Charlatans and Ruffians Author: thenerdyindividual Artist: kairennart Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwaine/Merlin Rating: Mature Word count: 84,980 Summary: Merlin and Gwaine spend their days bopping around kingdoms, performing for the masses in exchange for petty coin. Sometimes they perform for room and board. When they perform at a tavern, the tavern owner gives Merlin a ring for payment, everything changes. Turns out the ring was haunted by the ghost of Queen Ygraine Pendragon. Now Ygraine is threatening to haunt Merlin for the rest of his life if he doesn't travel to Camelot to protect her son Arthur.
He goes to Camelot, and it turns out that Arthur is a huge pain in the ass. But he's also kind and does his best for his people, and that has Merlin and Gwaine falling for him.
If only Merlin didn't have to contend with a genocidal king and political plot involving the Kingdom of Magic.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: till our souls catch us up Author: EachPeachPearPlum Artist: griffonskies Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Mordred (Merlin), Freya (Merlin), Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Morgause (Merlin), Nimueh (Merlin) Rating: Mature Word count: 47,641 Summary: "Everyone but Uther Pendragon will be allowed to live," the voice says, echoing through Arthur's bones, the raw power of it terrifying beyond anything he’s ever felt, and he knows that even if the owner of the voice can be trusted to spare his citizens, the offer of sanctuary does not extend to him.
Or: When Camelot falls to an army of sorcerers, Arthur expects to follow his father to the pyre. Instead, he’s surprised when the new king spares his life, although he’s not entirely sure death wouldn’t have been better than spending the rest of his days locked in his room, waiting for Emrys to get bored of having him around.
What follows is a tale of murder attempts, evil schemes, and a mysterious prophecy.
And destiny, of course.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: In A Land Of Snarky Dragons Author & Artist: BGN846 (bgn_846) Pairings/Characters: Merlin & Arthur Rating: Teen and Up Word count: Word Count: 48,369 Summary: Merlin is living the best life, learning how to raise dragons from his dragonlord father, Balinor, on their farm. This teenager has not a care in the world (magic is legal) until the local druids pay a visit. Merlin is not happy to discover he has a destiny featuring another person he’s never met. Once and future king his arse, not on his farm. Ignoring the prophecy with the mystery no named future king, Merlin tries to pretend everything is fine.
However, one giant, scaled, slightly bored troublemaker named, Kilgharrah, decides that this prophecy of destiny and kings is the perfect adventure to get his blood pumping. So the great dragon does what he does best, and proceeds to stir the proverbial pot.
Cue, kidnappings, rescues, attempted coups, and a fair amount of dragons all to keep destiny on track.
Story and Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: it’s a fated thing Author: fabledfrog Artist: a_star_is_here Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon - Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Gwen, Morgana Pendragon, the Knights of the Roundtable, OCs Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 34,848 Summary: Merlin has a good life. He sleeps in the royal bed, sits on the king's right, uses magic out in the open, free and never again hidden.
He likes the first bit, is tired of the second, and is still awed by the last.
When he first told Arthur, he hadn't expected them to work together to destroy the destinies that had been written since the dawn of time; he hadn't thought that they would be able to change their path so drastically that everything would be different.
He hadn't even realised it, when all had been said and done. He'd only learned the truth of what they had done when he had gone to the Crystal Caves and they had shown him what his life could have been.
He'd thought they were safe from it; the cruel fate that had awaited them was averted.
Only, not everyone was happy with that.
In which Merlin's magic is used to create problems for the future. Or the past. All time in general.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: We Are Made for Flying Author: remaymber Artist: CaughtInTheRa1n Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, side: Morgana/Leon, Gwen/Lance, Percival/Gwaine, Freya, Hunith, Uther Rating: Mature Word count: 62,114 Summary: When Arthur sees Merlin for the first time at Camelot circus, he knows he is doomed. What makes his fate even worse is that Merlin seems dead set on hating him. But as destiny wants it, they find they need each other to solve the mystery that is Uther Pendragon to protect Camelot. As time passes and slowly the questions asked turn into answers with grave consequences, the final question remains: Do opposites attract, or will their differences be insurmountable after all?
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Author: salamandair Artist: Stelle Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 30,490 Summary: Seven years ago, Merlin and Arthur were engaged to be married. They were happy, in love and had plans to create a better future
Seven years ago, Arthur’s world was turned upside down and the lovers broke off their engagement.
Seven years later, Arthur Pendragon is now Albion’s youngest Prime Minister in history and hates anything to do with magic.
Seven Years later, Merlin Wyvern is now the leader of a rights group fighting for equal rights for magic users.
Now, their separate worlds collide as a decades-long fight finally comes to a head to change Albion forever.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Nerdboy and the Incredible Prat Author: bad_peppermint Artist: paintedpigeon Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 34,828 Summary: The guy Merlin keeps running into at Comic-Con, wearing matching cosplay, just might be his soulmate. Too bad he’s kind of an asshole.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: The Reluctant Prince Author: Cookie Artist: Schweet_heart Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 33,900 Summary: Arthur has never really wanted to be a prince, and the thought of being king in the future fills him with dread. But that is his destiny and not even falling in love with a stage magician called Merlin can change that.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Out of the Dark (Into the Light) Author: MyKingdomComeUndone Artist: Profiad Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana, Gaius, Gwen, Lancelot, Mordred, Will, Sophia, Edwin, Valiant, Anhora Rating: Explicit Word count: 40,894 Summary: Instead of participating in a deadly drinking game by the sea to save Camelot from unicorn-related famine, Arthur finds himself in a cave, along with a bunch of total strangers. The catch? The only thing each of them remembers is their own name. Before panic can truly set in, an old man with a staff appears out of thin air to tell them it’s all part of a test: only the first of them to reach the exit will be permitted to leave. The others won’t be so lucky…
The quest sounds straightforward enough, but on the way, Arthur and his fellow amnesiacs are faced with wicked traps, dangerous creatures, and some threats that may even come from within their group. And as if that’s not enough trouble to face without his memories to guide him, Arthur also has to deal with his increasingly distracting feelings for a certain dark-haired sorcerer among their group, going by the name of ‘Merlin’…
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: A Smooth Sea Never Made A Skilled Pirate Author: Pearl09 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Arthur, Leon, Gwaine, Lancelot, Uther Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 41,752 Summary: Arthur grew up in Camelot, next to the sea. However, he was never allowed out on the water. As the one thing out of his reach, it was the one place he yearned to be—even just to briefly experience the open ocean. When he finally decides to take his life in his own hands and hears rumors of a pirate ship nearby that might let him on board and out of the city, he has no idea what is really in store for him.
Story is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Chase the Sun Author: MerlinLikeTheBird Artist: wortvermis Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine, Leon, Freya Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 27,572 Summary: “We lived together before and we both survived, didn’t we?” Arthur doesn’t take the bait.
“Barely,” Merlin answers, picturing their uni days. The first taste of living with anyone other than his mother or sleepovers with Will. It all made for strange, dreamlike memories, for all that it has only been a few years past.
He feels like a very old twenty five most times. He shouldn’t be this age and so tired.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Take Me Up (cast me away) Author: sacredraisincakes Artist: Athena Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Explicit Word count: 58,975 Summary: In an effort to ease tensions between the kingdoms of Albion, Arthur plans a summit to bring together each of the monarchs to create a treaty between them. But schemes from within his own kingdom force him to change his plans ever so slightly.
"No one will believe us."
"They will... We'll start now, and over the next few weeks make it more and more obvious, until the moment we announce our engagement... Then once our visitors are gone, we simply end the betrothal. Everything goes back to the way it was."Edits for the main houses of sparringett's epic Merlin/GoT crossover fic (to be posted later, hopefully).
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: I Don't Know How to Start Author: thetreeofwillow Artist: Shadow_Hole Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur. Other characters: Gwen, Gaius, Morgana Rating: Mature Word count: 38,605 Summary: When Merlin collapses in a long forgotten hallway, Arthur has to fight for his life.
With Camelot still sitting on the edge of destruction following the dragon’s attack, Arthur should be preoccupied with reconstruction and resource management. Instead, Merlin has taken ill, and for some reason, Arthur can’t keep his mind off him.
What is Arthur to do with his kingdom in tatters, his whole world view shifting and his closest relationships rocking closely held beliefs? How is he to handle this while being drawn ever closer to Merlin? Merlin, whose condition is worsening by the day.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Sacrificing All Within Me, To Save Us Author: LadyDanielle Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Explicit Word count: 55,286 Summary: In his second year as King of Camelot, Arthur has legalized magic and prospered the kingdom with Merlin's guidance. But rumors spread that Arthur is just a puppet under Merlin's control. Arthur begins to doubt himself - maybe he’s depending too much on Merlin's ideas instead of his own judgment. How can he push past expectations to rule as he chooses, including taking Merlin as his consort openly if he can’t rely on his own decisions.
To prove himself, Arthur makes a risky choice that could be the fall of Camelot. He decides to find out the hard way.
Story is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Fate has made you so Author: slantedknitting Artist: LFB72 Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Elena Rating: Explicit Word count: 29,351 Summary: It’s 1953, and Arthur is a young, up-and-coming architect working on rebuilding London. All he wants is to be successful and live his life in peace and quiet. All his boss wants is to find a good match for his daughter Elena, and he thinks he’s found that match in Arthur. Arthur agrees to go out with her to get ahead at the firm, but the person he’s really interested in is her friend Merlin, and it turns out Elena has her own purposes for being with Arthur.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Contact High Author: Leandra Artist: Papysanzo Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Explicit Word count: 84,292 Summary: After a toxic relationship, Arthur is afraid of getting hurt again, but then he meets Gwen, a scriptwriter he collaborates with in one of his film classes. To win her heart, he plans to cook her the best vegan food she has ever had. The idea would be brilliant, but Arthur is neither vegan, nor can he cook. In a desperate move, he enlists the help of Merlin, the obnoxious barista who works at his favourite coffee shop by day, and is a vegan food vlogger by night.
With his past as a young offender, and a history of addiction, Merlin can’t find a job as a chef, and his dream of opening his own restaurant someday seems unreachable. He pours all his passion into his food videos, but while his recipes and personality have what it takes, his video making skills are subpar at best.
Arthur and Merlin put their animosity aside and strike a deal: Merlin will cook for Gwen, and Arthur will claim he made the food, while in exchange, Arthur will help Merlin make better food videos. It seems the perfect way to meet everyone's needs …
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Where Gods Go Artist: mirayladraws Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: N/A - Art Summary: When Arthur Pendragon gets read in on the Animus project, the last thing he expects is to fall in love and get pulled into a war between Assassins and Templars.
Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Dave Author: Camelittle Artist: LFB72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, side Gwen/Lancelot, side Morgana/Gwaine/Leon, early Merlin/Will, Various UK Panel Show Hosts, OCs, Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 60,342 Summary: Merlin - lover of crunchy fried snacks and secret admirer of his straight flat mate, Arthur - never expected to have a career in comedy. But after trying stand-up on a successful open mic night at university, he finds himself hooked. He and Arthur run a successful late night talk radio for a show for a while, but Arthur’s father intervenes. After a misunderstanding forces them into conflict, Merlin vows never to see Arthur again, to protect his own soft, pathetic, pining heart. Which would be fine, if the UK comedy circuit weren’t so small. But for some reason, they keep bumping into one another - at comedy festivals, and on radio and TV panel shows - and despite everything, the chemistry that made their radio show so popular in the distant past grows stronger than ever.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Reluctantly in Love Author: chaosgenes Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, minor Lancelot/Guinevere Rating: Explicit Word count: 29,923 Summary: Arthur has waited for Naming Day all his life, but could not be more disappointed when he finds out who the Soul Stone names for him. It isn’t the prisoner he meets in the dungeons, but his heart aches for him anyway.
Merlin has never thought about soulmates until they come knocking at his door in Ealdor. Convinced that there’s something wrong with the Soul Stone, he travels to magic-banned Camelot to end its influence. He never thought that he would be enraptured by the crown prince who comes to interrogate him.
Story and Art are here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Of Oaths Made and Broken Author: Zorbo_Jorks Artist: aueth Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwaine/Mithian, Elena/Vivian, ft. The Knights, Gwen, Uther, and Morgause Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 48,323 Summary: Kilgwan just smiled— a gleeful presentation of far too many jagged teeth. He leaned forward on his throne and sang, “When the five of you I last did see, five promises you made to me! Three promises are broken now— one yet to test and one still sound.”
Arthur growled, and Morgana made a similar noise beside him.
“Are you serious?” she asked, “That was years ago!”
“A word given is a word to keep,” the creature sang back, ignoring the table’s shouts of dismay, “You sow lost words— dark gifts you reap.”
As children, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Elyan, and Leon made vows to a creature named Kilgwan in the catacombs of Camelot.
Years later, on the even of Arthur's prospective betrothal, they are whisked away to make ammends for breaking them. Merlin and Gwaine must make up for the prince's sudden absence by disguising the latter as Arthur to court Princesses Mithian, Vivian, and Elena in his place, all while Merlin tries to find Arthur and his friends before any ill befalls them.
Amid this, Morgause schemes to kill the Pendragons and Merlin pines for his prince, convinced his love cannot be.
It takes very little for the delicate web of problems to fall into chaos.
Story and Art are here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: All Winding Paths Lead Back Author: Imagined Artist: feuxx Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 76,250 Summary: “You’ll give me magical training?” Merlin asks.
Arthur smiles. “Yes, and training in courtly etiquette. I imagine Ealdor doesn’t have nobles?”
“We don’t have nobles, but we do have pigs. And chickens,” Merlin says. When Arthur raises his eyebrows at him, Merlin flushes heavily with embarrassment. “Oh, shut up. My lord.”
“Don’t talk to your king like that,” Arthur says, but he doesn’t actually seem very upset about it, even though Merlin sort of wants to hit himself in the face. “Welcome to Camelot, sorcerer-apprentice Merlin of Ealdor.”
Or: Merlin is sixteen when he comes to Camelot, vying for the new position of court sorcerer that has opened under King Arthur—a noble king, golden and lionhearted, who is trying to legalise magic in all of Albion. Of course, Merlin doesn't expect to be chosen.
But he is.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: And All the Bells Were Ringing (ARTWORK) Artist: SerpentineWizard12 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Explicit Word count: N/A - Art Summary: “When he grew tired of swimming, Arthur waded out onto the bank and flung himself down without self-consciousness, lying back on his elbows between the roots of the nearest tree. Merlin lingered in the water for some minutes longer, watching the prince’s movements out of the corner of his eye, the way the water collected in the dips and hollows of his body and threatened to run all the way down. There was something unguarded about Arthur when he was like this; Merlin could think of only a handful of moments in which he had seen the prince without his veneer of distance and authority, and each one stood out in his memory like keys to a puzzle box, unravelling the complexity of Arthur’s personality one layer at a time.
Story is here | Reblog on Tumblr here
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makima-s-most-smile · 2 months
I saw this post today and thought about it (I also didn't want to rant on a post that is a year old... so... separate post)
The soul talk is from Conrad in Stampede, if I remember it right, and it is mostly basis for him to justify his eugenist views and his inhumane experimentations.
All plants are sentient and sapient. While they are individuals, they are also existing in a state of psychic linked hivemind, not quite dissimilar to Zazie the Beast (though they are one person with many bodies, while plants are many people with many bodies connected through another dimension).
Plants feel joy, hurt, fear. And humans who work with them seem to be aware of it, as seen in flashbacks in the manga. A plant engineer is shown at a last run and seen praying as the plant is killed. They know and they feel guilt.
Though, does the regular human know it? Or does the general public see them as generic producers? Kinda like people today forget that the bacon they get in the supermarket is from a once living being, a pig, that lived, breathed and oinked. And that disconnect invites greed, dehumanisation of the plants and the overusage of them. That disconnect invites waste, greed and cruelty towards plants.
A big difficulty in the coexistence between humans is -besides the dependency of humanity on plants as producers - that plants and humans cannot directly communicate. A plant cannot just say: No! She cannot decide to not produce. And that puts her in a position that is easily exploited.
Her wellbeing is in the hands of her caretakers. And the actions of those are dependent on their power (Are they independent or can someone pressure them for more food, more materials, more anything?), their education (were they taught by other plant engineers? If not, how do they avoid critical malfunctions killing more plants which worsens the pressure to produce on other plants) and environmental factors (98 put it pretty good. By destroying July without killing anyone, the people needed shelter elsewhere. The refugees put pressure on the system in place, which let to more plants dying and more humans dying as a result. No Man's Land/Gunsmoke is a system barely held in balance, if at all. Even a tiny shift in higher birthrates, a bad sandstorm, a malfunction, can topple everything.)
That's were independent plants like Knives, Vash, Tesla, Chronica and Domina come in. They are born from their sisters, who need their bulbs to live, as beings that can walk the surface and talk like the humans. Additionally to that, they need a caretaker like every baby does. That way, Independent plants are in the role of a bridge between the two species.
Independents are not only able to communicate with humans, they are also able to do the same with their sisters. Sadly… Knives and Vash SUCK at communicating. Finding the remains (are they just remains? That remains to be seen… (In Stampede)) of Tesla, traumatised the boys and their following path, while diverging radically from each other, is not one of peaceful, intertwined living.
Knives is scared as fuck that he will be murdered the same way as Tesla was. While he cares about his brother, this is mostly about himself. Knives does not listen. He does not listen to Vash and he really does not listen to his sisters. Knives does as Knives does and everyone else is in for the ride.
And by stranding humanity onto a planet without any ressources like he did, Knives also made it extremely difficult for humanity to be good. They are as desperate and as vicious as Knives is (thank you @duncanor for pointing that out). Knives put humanity into a situation that makes it easy for him to point at them and say: 'Look, they are all rabid beasts, killing and maiming each other. They need to die faster.'
Vash is grieving and feels guilty. He does listen, he smiles and then keeps on going the same way he was on before. Vash is put in a situation of having to listen to his sisters being overworked and dying, but he also sees humans desperatedly fighting for ressources and trying to live. So he does nothing to change the status quo, only barely patching one grievance to rush to the next one, while trying to find his brother. Because Vash needs everyone to live. His sisters AND humanity for which Rem died. And changing the system could destroy everything. So he focuses on patching things up and stopping his brother.
Tesla is dead, Domina and Chronica are still on Earth. I am sure the latter two would be entirely overwhelmed, too, in Vash' situation. How do you fix that massive ball of mismanagement, when humanity is barely scratching by? Yes, the Independent Plants exist, they are in a unique place to overcome the crack of communication between the species.
But how? No one gave Vash or Knives any instruction in how to do their part in this. We got from one line that the independents went through a similar uprising on earth, too. But we do not know how they overcame it to coexist.
So, NO ONE is in a position to truly fix this situation, since there are not many ressources beyond the plants and there are so many more humans just existing than the planet and plants could provide for. There… there is no answer.
THIS is no trolley problem… If you save the plants, humanity dies, but plants need humanity, too. This is a last ditch effort of two species to not die out. It is their extinction. Many dinosaurs survived the meteor and then died off in the next years, decades due to starvation, thirst or just not finding a mate.
And then there is the last important part. What do the plants want? Knives does only what Knives wants, he has no idea what his sisters want. Humans also have no idea. And Vash… doesn't dare to disturb the status quo, because he wants to keep everyone alive.
From what we can gather in Trimax and interviews, plants like humans and they like producing things. And it is one of the few positive parts of Trimax' ending, plants and humans communicate. The plants share all the good and bad memories of humans with humanity and receive help from humanity. Plants see their future with humanity interlinked. They want humanity to survive, too, together.
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fae-only-reblogs · 1 month
My Little Nightmares headcanons
This is probably messy to read I apologize! Remember these headcanons are just for fun & while some of them might have roots in canon they are ONLY headcanons! ❤️
The sound of Nightmares 🎧 (TSON)
- Sisi & Otto were foster kids adopted by the same family (no biological relation)
- I don't personally think Sisi/Cici is Six but I lean of her being the RCG from VLN
- Sisi could be an entirely different character to begin with
- Noone is blonde
- Children in the Waking world are still super small just as in the games
Very Little Nightmares (VLN)
- the pretender has parents
- IF the pretender & RCG do have a time loop situation it's of the easiest to be broken
- RCG & The pretender are friends! Then eventually they'll become friends who are also girls and beyond that who knows!
- The pretender is porcelain but can still grow
- The pretender gave RCG the name Rain because children who enter the Nowhere eventually lose their memories from the Waking world.
- The pretender's parents are out on business, somewhere. Either in the pale city or some location from TSON 🎧
LN comics
- The long haired girl & the boy in green are siblings
- The hunched back girl has powers of some kind (shown off in the comics but unsure what kind of powers they are exactly)
- ⭐ refugee boy & his sister as well as the hunched back girl were born in the Nowhere (More on this in a bit)
Little Nightmares (LN)
- The Lady & Six are the same person (time loop)
- There were four previous ladies before the current one (Lady Six). But these four were different individuals filling a title rather than the same person completing a loop four different times!
- Lady 1 passed her powers to lady 2, from her to Lady 3, and I believe Lady 4 wasn't killed but sent to the flooded parts of the Maw to become the granny by Lady 5 (or the 1st version of her anyways)
- Lady 5/Adult Six & Six have been in their own time loop for quite awhile. Maybe it's because the Nowhere finds their time loop particularly entertaining or the supply of (misery/souls/meat/whatever else the Nowhere sustains itself off of) has been significantly more than what those past four ladies could provide it. Time loop = entertaining & or Time loop = efficiency.
- The Lady is close with the doctor, the teacher, the hunter, and the barber due to having their portraits hung around the Maw.
- Children can't permanently die & we'll just essentially respond unless 1 of 3 events occur: 1) The soul reaches a breaking point/corruption & just can't continue. 2) They get taken out by a power strong enough to perma kill them - the pretender's ability to just evaporate you completely as in VLN. 3) The Nowhere consumes them in one way or another
- The flashlight girl is the daughter of the Lady (Adoptive or biological)
- The flashlight girl's model is taller than Six & Seven's models so I think she's closer to her teenage years 13 years old
- Not many HCs on Runaway kid other than his 'name' is Seven & he's 9 years old
Little Nightmares 2 (LN2)
- Mono & the thin man are the same person (Time Loop)
- The Thin man is one individual rather than a role to be filled (like the Lady)
- The thin man is a TV show/Radio host
- Thin man & The lady still keep in contact somehow (I like the idea of messaging birds)
- The hunter is Six's adoptive parent
- Spoon girl & Lollipop kid are friends! She 100% protects him from the monster's every time
- Mono came from an orphanage that caught fire (based off the LN2 comics)
- ⭐ Non hostile adults exist in the Nowhere (Refugee boy comes from a village after all) These villages were probably formed by children who were able to grow up without becoming monsters or puppets to the Nowhere (The Lady/Thin man)
- The Nowhere probably isn't fond of anything that isn't misery so I think these villages could make deals with powerful entities or the Nowhere itself so that the entity gains something for protection (probably a child sacrifice- yeah....)
There's still more I can put here but that can come later once I've posted all my drawings I've been doing for my main blog! Thank you for reading!
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