#the master's song
thenightling · 1 year
Now that Renfield is getting his own movie I think it’s time to remind Tumblr that Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula The Musical features a homoerotic song about “The Master” sung by Renfield.
These two need couples’ counseling.
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arlothia · 2 years
With today's Dracula Daily events, I thought it might be a good time to bring this video to your guys' attention again ;)
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the-crow-binary · 2 years
This song gives me the vibes of a servant in love (and obsessed) with his master and i just love it. I vibe with it.
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fedzzzart · 9 months
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aaaaaah looking at them all together is so satisfying!! and i’m so proud of actually finishing this🥰
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kaetor · 5 months
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the doctor dances!
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corallapis · 19 days
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I love that song. It's about Bonnie Prince Charlie. I know, it's sweet. Let's go. It's sweet, and it's sad. And it's about soldiers fighting. But it's sad, like a lullaby, and that's right, isn't it? Songs about soldiers should be sad, don't you think?
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angermango · 2 months
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i think Joltik mad Emmet is the funniest fanon concept tbh
[original insp: Everything Smells Like Salmon by Tom McGovern]
("fuck it up Emmet! [insane keyboard solo]")
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neotaissong · 1 month
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Via blackarchives.co
Students protest with a library sit-in at the University of Connecticut (April 1974) via the UCONN Library Archives & Special Collections Students staged a protest to pressure the university to meet a number of demands, including a cultural center and better support for Black and minority students. *unknown photographer
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tonsillessscum · 2 months
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 6 months
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This is a guide to help you become an IT girl . The term IT girl isn't same for everyone . For some it means a girl who has achieved a high celebrity status at a young age. For some, it means a girl who takes care of herself . In kpop , this title is mostly given to the ones who stay relevant for a longer time , have alot of brand deals & has made alot of impact on others - especially in fashion. What does being an IT girl means to you ?
🎀Tips to become an IT girl 🎀
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1) Healthy Skin
I have noticed how the most popular IT girls have healthy , clear and glass skin . For example : Song Jia, Jang Wonyoung , Jennie etc . They all have clear skin. Try to visit a dermatologist, get to know your skin type and develop a skin care routine which suits you. Get enough sleep , stay hydrated , don't touch your face with dirty hands & don't pick your pimples .
Wonyoung , Song Jia & Jennie take great care of their bodies . You must have seen Jennie's instagram posts , she is consistent & practices pilates daily. Wonyoung & Jia also practice pilates to stay in shape . Here is a video of them practicing pilates , click here for wonyoung & click here for song jia . Karina also workouts to maintain her body. This video can motivate you.
It's not necessary that you need to do pilates just because Wonyoung , Jia or Jennie does it , if you don't like pilates , find any other exercise like yoga,HIIT , cardio etc or any sport like swimming , badminton etc . Basically , just find any exercise whether it's pilates , cardio etc or sport like swimming , badminton etc to keep yourself in shape . Don't limit exercise to only weight loss , it will not only help your physical health but will help your mental health too !
3) Fashionsta
An IT girl should know how to choose outfits which compliment her . Get to know your body type and experiment with different kind of style to know which style suits you . You can take inspiration from celebrities too !
4) Elegance
Wonyoung , Jia , Jennie , Nayeon , Irene , Karina, Bae Suzy etc . These all IT girls are elegant . Wonyoung radiates princess & royalty vibes because of her elegance . Maintain a good posture which will make you appear elegant and confident . Be gentle & kind . Have a good grammar & vocabulary. Read more. Have a signature fragrance . Maintain personal hygiene. Here are some posts which have more tips on how to look elegant - this one by @malusokay & this one by @femmefatalevibe
5) Confidence & Self Love
Wonyoung , Song Jia , Irene , Jennie , Nayeon etc. These all IT girls have confidence& love themselves. They are confident in themselves .They put themselves first .Improving your self concept can also help 🤭. Remember what Wonyoung said ? She said how she only tends to give herself love . Song jia also said that she really loved herself & her phone wallpaper was herself ! Also don't chase anyone , chase your goals . Spend your time creating a beautiful garden & the butterflies will come !! This post by @girlbloggerbby has wonderful self love tips , I hope it helps you ! Also this post by @malusokay & this one by @ribbonie
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All these it girls are not only fashion icons but also trendsetters.Don't try to be like anyone else , take inspiration If you want to ! Learn from everyone, follow no one . Be your own trend setter. Don't follow trends , SET THEM !!
7) IDAF attitude
People can be really cruel & harsh sometimes . When it comes to social media, I would say these days , most of the time , comment section is always full of hatred. Song Jia got alot of hate for the stupid fake clothes scandal and she still gets hate till now but she doesn't allow it to affect her anymore. She is just busy in improving herself & her life. She doesn't let hate get to her. Wonyoung , Karina, nayeon etc they all get hate for just breathing but they don't let the negativity get to them . Stop seeking validation from others and don't care about their opinions . Most of the time we get hate when we have done nothing wrong , it's better to realize our worth at that time & know that people often project their own insecurity on others . I hope this post by @prettieinpink helps you & I have affirmations too related to seeking self validation , not external. Idaf mentality affirmations by @vixeneptune .
8) Have hobbies
This is inspired from Jia , she always spend time with herself & her hobbies . It can be anything - singing , dancing , writing poetry , painting, cooking etc . It doesn't have to make sense to others , just do it for you and your own happiness. You don't need to master It as well , write the most rubbish poetry in the world , it doesn't matter , as long as it makes you happy . Don't try to seek validation for your hobbies as well . If you like it , then just do it .
9) Be smart & hardworking
Wonyoung got 100/100 in science , English and Korean. She also won several math and science competitions . Romanticize studying & being smart . Read more & give your best in studies ! Nayeon , Wonyoung , Jia , Karina , Irene , Jennie etc they all are extremely hardworking .
10 ) Be mysterious
Song jia , Wonyoung , Jennie , Irene, Alexa Demie etc are mysterious . Don't reveal too much about yourself . Be more private . Keep your goals & emotions a secret . Most of the time people can use your secrets against you too or demotivate you when you share your goals with them .
11) Affirm
This tip is probably the most easiest and simple one . You can manifest being an IT girl!! Just affirm like you are an IT girl . Act like her& affirm and you will become one! You can also use the Jia , Wonyoung , Jennie etc affirmations to become like them! Wonyoung & Jia affirmations by @magic-irl . Wonyoung & Irene affirmations by @heejinisoutofideas . Wonyoung , Jia & Jennie affirmations made by me !! Alexa demie is also considered an IT girl & Meghan also. Affirmations by @nevillesgod for Alexa & @magic-irl for meghan . It girl affirmations by @vixeneptune . More affirmations for it girl by @cyber-f4iry . It girl vaunt by me .
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lilianade-comics · 5 months
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Blinding Lights (Girl Out of Time AU)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
Things you can't convince me aren't canon
The Doctor is autistic.
The Doctor and the Master are definitely divorced.
Five is asthmatic and has some sort of peripheral nerve damage in his legs (because his regeneration almost failed).
Nine wears Fitz Kreiner's leather jacket.
Time Lords are actually eldritch but normal humans can't tell because we can only perceive three dimensions at once.
River Song makes it out of the Library somehow.
The Spy Master first met the Doctor as 'O' when he was Eleven.
Sacha Dhawan plays a character called Reverend Matthew in the audio Ghost Walk, and I like to pretend it's the Master fucking around and being manipulative and shit in disguise. It's very entertaining, especially since a woman in his employ literally calls him Master at one point.
Evelyn knitted Seven's outfit.
Two and Jamie definitely had something going on.
Ood Sigma and hallucination Amy were Ten and Eleven's Watchers, respectively.
Eight is 'like that' (if you know you know) because the anesthesia Seven got delayed regeneration long enough that some of his brain started to die from lack of oxygen, bloodflow, etc etc.
If Survival had been a Sixey episode, he would have had a VERY different reaction to local catboy Master. (I said what I said.)
I'll add more eventually, but I need to sleep now.
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thefiresofpompeii · 19 days
diaries and drums and stories and snow and songs and digital afterlives! both river song and the master are HAUNTING THE NARRATIVE so hard they’re practically popping out of the screen
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alldni · 19 days
“well it’s uh — it’s kind of hard to sum up. I think if I had a diary, it would be a little bit too exciting for words. I think you could write it with drums. Can you write a diary in drums? I bet I could.”
1. fuck you steven moffat. 2.what a strange string of sentences to say. like i know it’s the doctor and everything but these thoughts just seem so. specific. hm! diaries and drums. where have i heard of diaries and drums before in doctor who.3. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. EVERYONE KEEPS SAYING VERY PARTICULAR SHIT ITS LIKE THE CHARACTERS! ARE NOT! FULLY IN CONTROL OF WHAT THEYRE SAYING/THEIR THOUGHT PROCESSES. 4. thank you steven moffat
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kbsd · 8 days
bucky egan // "free" by florence + the machine
the feeling comes so fast and i cannot control it i'm on fire, but i'm trying not to show it
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