#the first time i got period cramps (the horrible ones that leave you shaking and crying) i thought it was gas
thinking about staying up all night and smoking weed and then its a school day so im taking my adderall which should keep me awake enough that i dont fall asleep on the bus
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dakarimainink · 3 years
Happy New Year
WARNING: Fluff, friendly, little bit of alcohol, angst, a bit of bullying
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x You (Reader)
Wordcount: 1.6K
Note: Not betad, all mistakes are my own.
This was a request by anon:
"heyy could u write a os about reader and pedro meeting each other at a mutual friend's party and they just hit it off??"
I'm so bad at fluffy writing because 'Im such a slut
I hope you like it.
I'm not gonna lie, I actually struggled writing this 😭
Extra note: Y/F/N = Your friend's name
DISCLAIMER: the number is fake! I got it off a fake number site!!
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You knew your friend was popular with a lot of people, but when you were invited to their New Year’s Eve party, you had no idea there would be so many and you barely recognised any of them. You guessed some of the guests were your friend’s partner’s, but it didn’t really make a difference to you now that you were standing alone on the side-line with a drink in hand.
You contemplated to just leave and go back to your original plan to celebrate in front of your TV with pyjamas on, it wasn’t as if you hadn’t done it before, but it was nice to see your friends again, at least some of them.
While contemplating what to do next, you absentmindedly plucked one and one chip from the bowl next to you, your eyes glossing over the mingling people around. Your thoughts drifted over to how your next year would be like, what goals you would set for yourself. It had been a slow year and you were truly ready for a fresh start.
In the corner of your eye, you noticed a small group of people approaching you. You took a step to the side, getting out of the way of the snack table. You turned your head away and looked at the fairy lights slinging across the walls.
The voice made you snap your head to the source, meeting a pair of curious baby blue eyes. You gulped as ice prickled in your veins. Fuck…
“Oh my god, it is you.” She giggled and turned to glance at the three other people standing with her. “Haven’t seen you since high school.” Your eyes dragged along her beautiful features and her silver cocktail dress. “Do you remember us?”
“How could I ever forget?” You mumbled with your head hanging low, dread washing over you as old memories hit you left and right and all you wanted to do was crawl away to the safety of your bed.
“I’ll never forget that time you got your period in the middle of the class, your seat was gushing red.” The woman cackled and you cringed inward at the memory. You had to go home that day and didn’t return to school until a week later once your period was done. “Or that time you got gum stuck in your hair.”
You chewed on your lip as you looked up at her, a hint of anger lingering at the back of your throat. “That was because of you.” You pointed out; your fingers tightened the grip around your glass.
The woman took a step closer to you with a smirk playing on her lips. “Mmm, and it was hilarious. You truly rocked your new hairstyle after that.” She grasped at your hair. “You should have kept it short.” She chuckled, lightly tugging at your hair before taking a step back.
You wanted so badly to snap back at her for what she put you through. Years of humiliation you had fought to suppress resurfaced as you were facing her for the first time since those horrible years.
She folded her arms and leaned her weight to one side. “Let me take a guess, you’re here alone? I wouldn’t be surprised, someone like you are born to be lonely.”
You met her cocky gaze and furrowed your brows. That was the last straw for you and you inhaled sharply, ready to bark out at her.
“There you are.”
Everyone snapped their head to the warm and vibrant voice to your right.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” You met the man’s gaze, warm dark eyes that radiated kindness. He stepped right up to you and pulled you in by the waist with a caring smile. “We need to get outside if we’re to catch the fireworks.”
You could feel the warmth radiate from him and the smell of dark spice and light citrus hit your senses and you inhaled deeply. You gaped at him, not sure as to what to say or do.
“If you’ll excuse us, ladies.” Shifting his hold to your hand, he led you away from them and towards the garden. You barely kept up with his long and confident strides through the crowds of people until you finally stood outside under the clear night sky.
The air was crisp and fresh, feeling grateful for getting out from the cramped and uncomfortable situation, you looked up at him with a grateful smile. “Thank you.” You breathed out.
“And I thought we were all grown-ups here.” He mumbled to himself as he gave you a once over. “You okay?”
You nodded.
“I’m sorry for just marching in there, but I couldn’t help but overhear how rudely they spoke to you.”
You cleared your throat, feeling the fuming heat cool off of you. “Actually, I’m grateful you did. I almost snapped at them, which would probably turn into a whole scene.” You rubbed the back of your neck uncomfortably.
He nodded understandably. “That would probably turn a few heads.” He chuckled and took a sip from his beer. He held out his hand to you. “Pedro.”
You took it with a smile on your lips. “No, that’s not my name.” You said with a serious tone.
“N-no I mean…” He noticed your smile had twisted into a playful smirk and he rolled his eyes teasingly.
“I’m Y/N.” You chuckled and let go of his hand, licking your lower lip in the process.
“So that’s how it is, huh?”
You nodded, proud of your little joke. “That’s how it is.” You took a sip from your glass. “You know what, I think you would look great in a hat.” You giggled, the thought had popped so randomly into your head, and usually you would have kept it to yourself, but the alcohol was already making you a bit smug.
His eyebrows shot up in amusement. “A hat? What kind of hat?”
“I dunno, just a hat.”
You both chuckled at the random thought. He nodded with a smirk playing on his plump lips. “A hat it is then.”
You cleared your throat, shaking off the thought of him reminding you of someone. “So, are you ready for the new year?”
“Yeah, ready for a new year with new adventures and new projects. And you?”
You shifted your weight to one side. God yes! “Pretty much, yeah. It’s been a long year, so ready to put it behind and get a new start. At least that’s what it feels like – a new start.” You smiled “I definitely won’t waste away in my pyjamas at all.” You added sarcastically.
He chuckled. “You know what, that sounds pretty nice. It also sounds like the plans I initially had for New Year this year.”
You snorted at his honesty. “Mine too.” You admitted with a chortle as you looked around at the other unfamiliar faces glancing at you.
“How do you know these people?” He asked, snapping your attention back at him. You couldn’t shake off the feeling of having seen this man before.
“Y/F/N and I have known each other since we were like three years old.” You replied. “And you?”
“Ah, Y/F/N is also a friend of mine. We met like - … - four years ago I think it is.” Your heart lightly fluttered at his furrowed brows as he thought about it. “Or is it three?” His eyes bounced to your gaze with a warm glow. “I can barely remember, time flies by so fast.”
You both looked out on the growing crowd by your side, everyone facing away from you to look up at the clear night sky. You felt a smile grow on your lips as you realised it was soon to be a new year.
They all chanted together as some fireworks flew up in the air and exploding, painting the black canvas with colours and sparks. You turned to look at Pedro beside you, who already had his gaze on you.
“ONE. HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone shouted out in unison.
He held out his beer bottle and you clinked your glass to it. “Happy new year.” He smiled sincerely, filling you with warmth.
“Happy new year.” You both took a sip from your own drinks and held each other’s gaze. You both took half a step closer and he bent down, wrapping his arms around you and hugged you tightly.
“To new beginnings.” He whispered.
Safety washed over you as you stood in his embrace. His scent overrode your senses as you wrapped your own arms around him. He pulled you a little closer as you heard him inhale deeply.
“Pedro.” An unknown voice called out in the distance.
He let go of you slowly, as if he was reluctant to part from you and looked behind you.
“Alex.” He chimed and took a step to the side to greet what you thought was his friend. “Happy new year.”
“Happy new year, man. The others are looking for you, they wanna wish you a happy new year as well, come on.” Alex grabbed Pedro’s wrist and pulled him with him.
You chuckled at the sight as Pedro looked over his shoulder at you with an apologetic look. You waved at him, hiding the feeling of dismal and emptiness as you watched him leave. Pedro… You echoed his name in your head, when suddenly realisation washed over you. Pedro…! You gaped at yourself in disbelief. Holy shit!
You woke up with a throbbing headache, rolled over and grasped for your phone. You had a few texts from different family members, but what caught your attention was a text from an unknown number.
You’re right, I do look great in a hat.
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Omg, ahaha
You're definitely rocking that hat!
How did you get your hands on a hat so quickly?
Have coffee with me and I’ll tell you the thrilling story of how I got it
Hahah sure. When?
El Barrista in an hour? I will be wearing my hat
See you in an hour
(Wanna be added to my tag list for Pedro Pascal and his characters? Let me know and I will happily add you)
@cynic-spirit, @lililolli, @notabotiswear, @sara-alonso, @blankmooon, @xoxo-callie, @mamacitapascal, @thewaythisis, @greeneyedblondie44
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
Period sex with Levi
Word count: 1,394
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, unprotected sex (pls always use protection, thank u very much), ooc and bad writing but that´s a given with me <33
A/N: I´m really sorry this isn´t any better. I really suck at writing smut, even more so in characterizing Levi
You always hated staying behind on a mission. Only that this time it really was out of your control, you wouldn´t be of any use on your period.
And you knew that, it was only logical. Yet when you were alone in the headquarters you couldn´t stop worrying and wondering if everyone was alright.
You knew you weren´t useless but you still felt that way in those times, you wanted to help and look out for everyone but there was nothing you could do with those cramps.
Your head was killing you and you were just in the kitchen, drinking some tea, trying to drown out the pain.
The throbbing was horrible, making you unable to focus on anything.
Moving around didn´t help either, it just made it worse.
After a while you decided to retreat to your room and try to get some sleep, but it didn´t come to you. With every step you could feel your insides tense up, making you feel sick.
When you finally arrived at your room and flopped down onto bed you couldn´t stop moving around, being frustrated that you just couldn´t find a position that didn´t hurt.
Time moved incredibly slowly and you just wanted Levi to return and cuddle you, make the pain go away.
But he´d probably be tired after the mission. Maybe you could bribe him into taking a nap with you.
The thought made you smile slightly, your heart skipped a beat when thinking about his warm hand on your belly.
You abruptly sat up in bed when you heard the doors open after a few hours, regretting your choice immediately afterwards. Nevertheless you got out of bed, biting your tongue and making your way downstairs to greet those who have returned.
“Why aren´t you in bed?” Levi asked once he got to you, the worry in his undertone being very clear.
He went straight to your shared room with you after saying a few words to the cadets, you closed the door behind him.
“Are you feeling any better, love?” he asked, looking at you intently, but his eyes were soft and gentle.
Though they dropped when you shook your head.
“No...I tried everything but nothing works, still hurts...” you complained, whining a bit in frustration.
“Oh darling, I wish I could help you. I want to have you in my arms so bad right now, but I´m still dirty. I´ll hurry underneath the shower and then I´ll try to make it better, alright?” Levi looked at you with the utmost concern, he hated seeing you in pain and even more he hated being unable to do anything about it, all he could provide were empty words.
At the mere thought of him in the shower you squeezed your legs together, biting your lip, making him raise an eyebrow and chuckle a bit.
He could read you like a book, it has been a while since the last time you had sex, time alone together was rare as it was, but Levi didn´t have a high libido, though he was always more than willing to please you whenever you needed and wanted it.
“The warm water will help you, don´t you think?” he smirked and his eyes glistened when you nodded.
“Join me. Though… I can´t promise you won´t get dirty, you don´t mind, do you?” he asked, his voice getting lower by the second.
You shook your head, getting undressed with him, watching his back muscles and shoulders as he took off his shirt.
It was a simple motion, something he did every day and yet it never failed to stir up your insides. Levi was incredibly handsome even though he didn´t think so.
It wasn´t like he was insecure, well, too much anyway, he simply didn´t care about his looks.
He didn´t care about the looks of anyone, he never thought they mattered. But then again, he hadn´t met you at this point.
You walked into his life and stayed unlike everyone else. And unlike most people, Levi wanted you to stay.
And fuck did you show him what beautiful meant, you were a goddess in his eyes, the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth.
The man worshiped you beyond anything else. He never got why people were physically attracted to each other, much less the intimacy of love.
But you taught him so much, he could never take his eyes off you.
Physical contact scared him before he met you, but now all he wanted was for you to play with his hair, to rest your head on his chest, fuck, he wanted to touch you too. Voluntarily.
Even on your period.
And especially now, now that he had such a good excuse, not that he needed one.
Levi always appreciated you for everything you were, he didn´t get horny too often but when he did he couldn´t hold back.
He needed you then and there, never minding the blood.
Period sex was never something Levi thought about even considering but now it just seemed like the best thing in the world.
His eyes were fixated on you as he pulled you into the shower with him, turning on the warm water.
Levi just couldn´t help but softly caress the small of your back, tracing his fingers over your spine, watching your lips part and your eyes darken with lust.
His mouth got dry as he reached your breasts, ever so gently moving his hands over your nipples, he knew how sensitive they were in this time of month.
He noticed how your breath hitched and smiled slightly, caressing your hips and waist with his thumbs, they were rough and calloused but those were the reasons it felt so good.
Levi moved his hand to your aching pussy, circling his thumb over your clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to send waves of pleasure through your body.
You moaned slightly and pulled him closer to you to kiss him passionately, he kissed back just as eagerly while inserting one finger inside of you, enjoying the familiar warmth, now only amplified by the blood.
You moved your hips in rhythm with him as he soon added another finger, slipping inside with ease.
He moved them both rather fast, pressing against your walls and that sweet spot that made your legs shake, meanwhile he was still working on your clit.
You reached out for him, feeling up his abs before moving to his cock and giving it a few good pumps.
Levi groaned and looked you deep in the eyes as he removed his fingers from your bloody pussy, leaving you wanting more for the small moment of emptiness.
He cleaned them underneath the shower head and then positioned himself between your legs where he hooked them around his waist to get better access.
You moaned slowly as he inserted himself into you, with such ease and care it made your heart jump.
You could feel your insides relax a bit, your cramps slowly were becoming more and more dull, not as sharp and painful anymore.
Levi moved slowly at first, as always he was gentle but steady. Deep thrusts and eye contact made you feel dizzy and all you could do was loosely wrap your arms around his strong shoulders and hold on.
You moaned and Levi grunted, he was quieter in bed but that never bothered you, you could still always tell when he felt good.
With each passing moment his thrust became faster and he continued to hit all the right spots, only adding to it was that he kept kissing you passionately and nibbling on your shoulder and neck a bit, not quite leaving marks.
You couldn´t hold back any longer and came with a loud cry of his name, he groaned deeply and filled his seed inside of you.
After you both caught your breaths again he proceeded to kiss you softly and wash you before leading you out of the shower to dry you and him.
“Do you feel any better, dear?” he asked you, the gentle warmth and concern never leaving his voice. “Not quite” you said, leading him to bed and laying down with him, you put his hand on your stomach and smiled at him.
“Now I do” you grinned and he chuckled a bit, kissing your forehead.
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bibbawrites · 3 years
She - Carrie Wilson x Female Reader (SMUT 18+)
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Request: girl x girl with Carrie having a bad day cause of Julie and needs to let off the anger with giving the reader an/some orgasm(s)?
Word Count: 1770 words
Summary: after being upstaged by julie at the school spirit rally carrie needs a way to work her anger out, and you are more than happy to be of assistance 
Warnings: sex (obviously), oral sex (female receiving), fingering, use of sex toys, swearing, overstimulation, slight dom
A/N: i finally got the motivation to write this and i dont completely hate it which is good haha sorry for any mistakes in editing, i got a bit lazy and just skim read it while cuddling a kitten lol so if theres any mistakes thats why  also no hate to julie or flynn but obviously carrie’s girlfriend wouldn’t like them and neither does carrie so yeah thats why they get shit on   anyways, hope you enjoy!!!
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​​​ @littlemissaddict​​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​​​ @headheartbellarke​​​ @lovesanimals​​​ @bartok-the-magnificent​​​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​​​ @fandomxreaders​​​​ @ifilwtmfc
“I swear Molina does this shit on purpose, just to piss me off.” Carrie ranted as the two of you walked down the hallway after the spirit rally.
“Do you know how hard I worked on that routine? And she just has to go and upstage me with some stupid fucking hologram act? Which came out of nowhere, might I add.” She continued, and you nodded, not wanting to sat the wrong thing and make it worse. 
You stood back and watched as your girlfriend confronted Julie, rolling your eyes at Nick who decided to step in. He never truly knew how to deal with Carrie. He followed as Carrie walked away and you hurried to catch up, grabbing onto your girfriend’s hand as she repeated her rant from earlier. 
The bell rang as Carrie turned to walk away, pulling you along with her. 
“Where are we going? Science is the other way.” You questioned. Carrie shook her head. 
“We’re not going to science.” She replied, pulling you into a janitors closet and shutting the door behind you. 
“Oh.” You said, understanding the situation. 
Carrie pulled you towards her, your lips crashing against hers. She tasted like she always did, like her favourite peach lipgloss and mint. Kissing Carrie was like the perfect duet, her lips were made to intertwine with yours. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Carrie shoving you against the wall, her lips moving from yours to trail down your neck, sucking marks into your skin as she went. 
“Carrie.” You mumbled. “Are we really gonna do this here?” 
She took a step back, eyeing you carefully, before pulling out her phone and pressing it to her ear. 
“Dad? I need you to call the school and excuse me and Y/N for the rest of the day.” She spoke and your eyes widened. You could hear the muffled sound of Carrie’s dad talking on the other end. She bit her lip. 
“It’s a girl problem.” She said after a moment. Her dad replied and a smile appeared on your girlfriend’s face. 
“Yes that kind of girl problem. Poor Y/N is feeling horrible, the cramps are just so bad on the first day of her cycle.” Carrie put on a sympathetic voice and after a moment she gave you a thumbs up and said goodbye to her father before hanging up. 
“How good are you at acting?” She questioned. You shrugged. 
“Decent enough, why?” You replied.
“My dad is coming to pick us up and drop us home at my house. You’re having a really bad period and you need to get some rest.” 
You nodded in understanding, and together you made your way outside, waiting for Trevor to arrive, and once he did you made sure to clutch at your stomach and lean on your girlfriend as she helped you into the car. 
“Do you need anything Y/N?” Trevor asked, as he drove the two of you home. “I can get whatever pads or tampons you need, and I can heat up a heat pack or get medication for your cramps.” 
Your heart swelled at the caring gesture. 
“I should be okay with just a lie down.” You replied. “But I’ll let you know if I need anything. Thank you.” 
“Of course. Anything to make you more comfortable.” Trevor responded as he pulled the car into the driveway. 
“I’ll go get you girls some pizza. I know Carrie loves comfort foods on her period.” He offered. You and Carrie exchanged a look, but agreed, and before you knew it you were flopping down onto your girlfriend’s king sized bed. 
“I feel kinda guilty.” You admitted. Carrie sighed. 
“Me too. Why does he have to be such a good dad?” She groaned. 
“Too late now to backtrack.” You said. Carrie nodded, rolling closer to you and pulling you into her arms. 
“Guess we should just make the most of our time together then.”
An hour and several slices of pizza later and Carrie and you had her whole house to yourselves, with her dad leaving for some meeting that would take several hours. 
Carrie had been staring at the wall for the past 15 minutes and you were starting to get worried about your girlfriend. You moved slightly, placing a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look at you. 
“Are you okay?” You questioned. 
“Just thinking about Julie again.” She explained, an annoyed look appearing on her face. 
“You need to forget about her babe. She’s not worth your time.” You stated, but Carrie ignored you, staring back at the wall again. 
“I just can’t believe she upstaged me after all the hard work we put into our performance.” She ranted. You took her hand. 
“If it makes you feel better, I thought that Dirty Candy was better by far.” You said, squeezing her hand. 
“You have to say that, you’re my girlfriend.” She rolled her eyes, but the light blush on her cheeks told you that she appreciated the compliment. You fell into silence for a moment, before an idea popped into your head. 
“Carrie.” You said. 
“What?” She replied, without even looking at you. 
“Remember that time that Flynn called me your bitch and I got so pissed off at her and you worked my anger out with some of the hottest sex we’ve ever had?” You asked. That got her attention, and she turned to look at you. 
“Yeah?” Her eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds. 
“Use me.” You stated. She bit her lip. 
“You sure?” She checked. You nodded. 
“Positive. I’m all yours to do whatever you want to me.” You assured her. 
“In that case...” Carrie sat up, her look suddenly very serious. “Take off your clothes. Now.” 
You obeyed, pulling your Dirty Candy t-shirt and your denim shorts quickly, and after a quick glance at Carrie, stripped your underwear and bra off too. 
“Lie down.” Carrie instructed, and you did as she said. You watched as she moved down her bed and spread your legs, her eyes never once leaving yours. 
She lent down and licked a strip up your pussy and you moaned loudly, not holding back since you knew that Trevor was gone. 
Carrie smirked, before moving to eat you out, her tongue swirling against your clit as she inserted a finger into you. 
“Carrie.” You moaned out, and she grazed her teeth along your clit as a response. 
“Holy shit.” You muttered, tangling your fingers through her hair. 
She added a second finger and your head fell back in pleasure. She really wasn’t holding back. You could feel the familiar feeling of your orgasm pooling in your stomach. 
“I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.” You breathed out, and she ignored you, curling her fingers inside you to hit your g-spot. You gasped loudly. 
“Carrie, please.” You moaned. 
“Cum for me baby.” She said, her mouth never leaving your clit, and the vibrations sent you tumbling over the edge, cumming with a loud moan of her name. 
She worked you through your orgasm before moving away, and you shut your eyes to take a moment. The bed dipped as Carrie climbed back onto it, and before you could react she was pressing a vibrator to your already sensitive clit. 
“Carrie, what?” You asked, eyes opening quickly. 
“You didn’t think I’d stop at one, did you?” She teased, pressing the vibrator against you again, causing your already sensitive body to twitch. You bit your lip, unable to respond. She grinned at you. 
“How many orgasms have you had in one go before?” She questioned. 
“Three.” You answered. She paused, thinking. 
“You can do more than that.” She decided, and your eyes widened. You opened your mouth to reply but she pressed the vibrator to your clit again, this time turning the level on the vibrator up. You squirmed, not even having time to warn her before your second orgasm hit. 
Smirking, Carrie left the vibrator on your clit, holding your hips down with her spare hand to stop you from trying to move away. The intense vibration so soon after your second orgasm had you cumming again in what felt like no time. 
“Please no more. I can’t take it.” You begged. Carrie shook her head. 
“Yes you can baby, I know you can.” She assured you. 
“I can’t Carrie, please.” You whined. She paused. 
“One more.” She decided. You whimpered as her fingers entered you once again, stretching you slightly, before she slid them out and slid the vibrator into you. 
You cried out, hot tears spilling down your cheeks as Carrie put her mouth back onto your clit, every little movement sending shudders through your overly sensitive body. 
“Come on baby, one more, you can do it.” Carrie coaxed, her tongue swirling against your clit. She angled the vibrator to hit your g-spot and that was enough to bring you to your fourth orgasm. 
“Good girl.” Carrie praised, removing the vibrator from you. Your body was shaking and your face was wet with tears. You knew you looked like a wreck. 
“I think we should have a bath.” Carrie decided, helping you into the bathroom. 
She helped you to sit on the closed toilet, before starting the bath, adding in your favourite Lush bubble bar that she always kept for when you were over, and some soothing bath soak. Once she was done she turned back to you. 
“I’ll be right back, okay?” She whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You just nodded, too exhausted to speak. 
Carrie was back in no time, carrying two pairs of soft pyjamas, and some apple juice with ice. She placed them down on the cabinet before turning the water off on the bath and adding in a bath bomb. She lit the candles surrounding the bath before turning her attention to you. 
“Ready to get in?” She questioned. 
“Yeah, I might need some help though.” You replied, your voice shaky. Carrie grinned, walking over to you and wrapping her arm around your waist to help you over to the bath. She helped you climb in before stripping off her clothes and climbing in with you, sitting herself behind you so that you could lean back against her. 
“Feel better now?” You asked in a soft voice. Carrie pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
“I do. Thank you, I love you.” She murmured. 
“I love you too. And anytime, I’ll always be here.” You responded, shutting your eyes as you snuggled against your girlfriend. 
And you meant it. 
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Double Whammy
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Reader gets a nasty cold and is on her period at the same time, so Spencer takes care of her.
Length: 2.6k
A/N: thank you for the request @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ ! I enjoyed writing this one, IT’S SO FLUFFY! 
Sometimes, the stars align and something favorable happens. Other times, the stars want nothing to do with each other and every possible thing that less than favorable happens. Unfortunately, the latter had been Y/N’s case for the past two days. She’d been fighting off a nasty, terrible cold. She didn’t get sick often, but when she did, it felt like her body’s main goal was to punish her for not being careful enough rather than heal itself. Her bones ached and her nose was blocked in a way that made her feel as though she’d never breathe properly again. On top of all that, her uterus made sure to be as unforgiving as possible as the dreaded time of the month rolled around. She could barely keep her eyes open as her body fought through the exhaustion that came with the double-whammy.
It was around 4 in the afternoon and Y/N had barely left the bed at all. She wished for some type of relief from her cramps but it just wasn’t coming. Her migraine wasn’t helping her out either. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had any water to drink. 
“Hello?” She croaked into the phone with a heavy cough. It came as a surprise to her that she even managed to let out a single word, although it sounded more like ‘bellow’ than ‘hello’.
“Y/N! How are you feeling today, my love?” Spencer’s chipper voice boomed through the speaker. 
“Not much better to be honest.” She murmured into the phone which was laying on the pillow that Spencer slept on, barely able to keep her puffy eyes open.  He heard her blow her nose and she uttered a small apology, knowing that must not have been pleasant to hear over the phone. He felt his heart twist in his chest, knowing she was feeling so under the weather and not be able to make her feel better.
He was currently on a case somewhere in the deserts of California. She hadn’t caught the cold yet when he left. She knew that he would have stayed with her if she’d caught it before he left, which would have made her feel like the biggest burden there was and she also knew that her boyfriend wasn’t the type to take no for an answer.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. But, I have great news. We closed the case, I’m getting on the jet now. I should be home in no time.” He says softly and she can feel a small smile fighting its way onto her face.
“That’s great, Spence…” she trailed off, losing more energy by the second, “Get home safe, love you.” 
“Love you more.” Spencer hung up and felt his shoulders drop in defeat before making his way back to his team as they climbed onto the jet. The guilt he felt for leaving her alone was overwhelming. He should be there for her, making her feel better. He knew she hated asking for help, but he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d taken care of herself at all. He guessed he’d find out soon enough.
It felt wrong walking in and finding their apartment void of any light or sound. Usually, there was some sort of noise or light coming from either a TV or a phone. He quietly made his way over to the bedroom and heard her snores. He sighed in relief, knowing she was at least resting. Spencer made his way over to the kitchen and figured she must have been starving. There was no evidence of any food or drink anywhere. He wondered when the last time she ingested something was. 
He made a quick call to Rossi, unsure of his cooking skills. He checked the fridge and pantry for the necessary ingredients and attempted to make chicken noodle soup with whatever they had available. He yawned as he cut up the vegetables, but quickly fought the sleep to continue cooking. He heard her soft snores stop and he peeked his head into the dark room again.
“Spence?” She managed to say softly, the thick covers muffling her voice. 
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m here.” He smiled as he approached their bed and turned on the lamp by their bedside. She winced at the sudden brightness and he quickly tried to block the light with his body to provide her eyes with some relief. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly as he took a seat at the edge of the bed. He took in her puffy eyes and red nose and wondered how she could still look so cute. Her bottom lip jutted out slightly and shook her head.
“I feel like absolute shit.” She mumbled and his heart dropped in his chest.
“Have you had anything to eat...or drink?” He bit his lip, already knowing the answer. She shook her head again softly, almost guilty. 
“Alright, I’m making you some soup. I think a hot shower will make you feel a lot better, Y/N/N. Come on, out of bed.” he tried to coax her with his hands. She only peered back at him over the duvet with tired eyes and small hands that wrapped around the edge of the duvet, Spencer found himself reveling in her adorable appearance and feeling bad about ruining her comfort, but he knew she probably stayed in bed all day. Spencer raised his eyebrows at her when she didn’t move. He smiled with relief when she didn’t fight him as he gently pulled back the covers from over her. 
“Come here, baby.” He motioned for her to come closer into his embrace. She slowly wrapped her arms around him and he lifted her out of bed, her legs locking behind his waist. He heard her sniffle into his neck as he carried her to the bathroom, he didn’t know whether she was crying or if it was just from the cold. He was too good to her, she didn’t know what she did to deserve such a compassionate partner, but she thanked the universe for allowing her to have him. Perhaps a tear or two managed to slip out of her eyes and into Spencer’s hair. Spencer turned his head slightly to press a kiss to her temple, murmuring into her hair, “I’ve got you, sweetheart.” He set her down as gently as he could and began to run the hot water.
“Okay, this should be perfect for decongesting your nasal pathways and loosening up the phlegm--” he stopped himself, knowing her head was probably pounding, “The soup should be ready by the time you finish your shower. If you need anything, I’ll be right outside.” He squeezed her shoulders and she sent him a tearful smile. 
As he closed the bathroom door, he took notice of a red patch of blood on the bed sheet on the mattress. He hastily checked his phone for the date and realized that her monthly visitor would be in fact--visiting. Spencer’s heart wrenched yet again as he could only imagine how horrible she really felt at the moment. He didn’t hesitate to change the sheets and clean the mattress of any remnants before neatly restoring order to the bed. He wanted to make sure she was taken care of, especially since he’d been away for so long. 
Somehow, he’d lost track of the pot that was currently boiling over the stove. He rushed to it, thankfully catching the pot right before it overflowed. He brought a spoon up to his lips and immediately winced at the lack of flavor. Spencer added some salt and continued to stir as he heard soft footsteps behind him. Y/N hugged his waist from behind silently and smushed her face against his back. Spencer smiled widely as he took the soup off the heat and swiveled around to wrap his arms around her. She noticed that he’d changed the sheets and made the bed and she honestly thought she was about to cry again.
“I missed you.” She mumbled into his shirt. Spencer kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.
“I missed you way more. I’m so sorry for being away while you’ve been--” He began to apologize but was interrupted by her frantically shaking her head.
“No, no, no. Don’t apologize. I’m just glad you’re back.” The words barely made it past her lips, her voice hoarse. She lifted her head from his chest to gaze at him and they both adoringly stared at each other for a bit too long. He reluctantly pulled away from the embrace to ladle some soup into a bowl while it was still hot. He made himself a bowl as well since he hadn’t had any dinner. She sighed heavily as she sat at the kitchen table.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer asked, setting the two bowls down.
“I...I don’t feel like eating.” She pouted again, Spencer knew this was the cold talking. 
“I don’t think you want to hear me list the benefits of soup when you have a cold.” Spencer teased, even though he knew she loved his info-dumps. She rolled her eyes playfully, smiling at him. “Besides, you haven’t eaten or drank anything in...judging by the color of your tongue and lips, around 16 hours. You need something in your system so you can take some medication to make you feel better, sweetheart.” He said as he hungrily spooned soup into his mouth. It really wasn’t that good, but it’d do the job.
She nodded, giving in and taking her first spoonful of soup. She giggled right after it.
“I know it’s not that good.” Spencer laughed.
“I didn’t say that!” She laughed back at him. She was happy to finally get out of the rut she was in and who would be able to do that better than Spencer? “Honestly, Spencer, it’s pretty good.”
“If you say so.” He grinned and took her hand over the table. They sipped their soup in a comfortable silence and she even got up to ladle a second helping of soup. It was the first thing she’d eaten in a while and her stomach appreciated the warmth.
“Do you need me to get you anything from the store?” he asked later as he put both their dishes away. He brought her some medicine for her cold and a cup of water, motioning for her to take them. He also made sure to make her some chamomile tea to help ease the cramps.
She nodded sheepishly, taking the medicine, “Chocolate.”
He laughed, fully expecting the response. “Alright, how about you set up a movie and drink your tea? I won’t take long.” He pressed a firm kiss to her forehead and walked towards the door.
“Spencer!” She called after him, sniffling again and wiping at her nose.
“Yeah?” He called back, slipping on his shoes.
“I also need pads!” She reminded him and he laughed.
“Okay, anything else?”
“Yes! I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He grinned as he made his way to the store.
She grabbed her cup of tea and plopped down onto the couch, setting up a movie that wouldn’t agitate her headache. As Spencer promised, he was back quickly. He changed into something comfortable and made his way over to the couch with her chocolate in his hand. She smiled gratefully as she unwrapped it and devoured half of it. Spencer could only watch with adoration.
“How is it?” he asked, watching her lick the corner of her lips, trying to get all the chocolate she possibly could.
“It’s the best thing I’ve had all day, Spence.” She threw herself in his arms, her head resting soundly on his chest, “Besides this, of course.” Spencer smiled as wide as he could as he rubbed her back. She pulled her head off his chest to stare at him in wonder.
“I will never get over how lucky I am to have you.” She whispered softly and Spencer resisted the tears threatening to rise in his eyes. He just sent her a watery smile and shook his head in disbelief, not trusting his words. He had no idea where he would even begin to describe how lucky he felt to have her. She placed a soft hand on the side of his neck to pull his cheek closer to kiss it, she would have kissed his lips but she didn’t want him to get sick. Her fingers threaded through his hair as she admired him. At this point, the movie was long forgotten, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to watch it.
“Hm, it’s getting long.” She twirled a piece around her fingers. Spencer nodded as he stared back at her.
“Do you...want to braid it?” He asked tentatively, instantly noticing how her face beamed at the idea. She’d always asked him if she could braid it for him but he always refused. But looking at her now, he’d let her do anything she wanted, especially if it meant making her feel better.
“Really?! You mean it? You’re not just offering because you pity me?” She squeaked excitedly.
“Well...that’s only part of it.” He laughed and rolled his eyes. She gasped and got up to walk to their bedroom to get a comb and some hair ties. This was the most energized she’d been since Spencer had seen her and he wasn’t about to deny that seeing her excited made it worth whatever was about to happen.
“Okay, you’re gonna have to sit on the floor. You’re too tall for me.” She said as she took her seat on the couch. Spencer moved to the floor and sat down between her legs. Her fingers threaded through his mop of curls and he instantly relaxed at her touch. She began to gently comb through his tangles, careful not to hurt him. He really didn’t mind, it brought him inexplicable peace, especially after a long day.
“Are you gonna fall asleep on me now?” She teased as she noticed his closed eyes and the way his head felt heavier against her hands.
“Mmm, I might.” He hummed.
She giggled and separated his hair into four sections, French braiding each one. It was nice to have a distraction. The only thing keeping Spencer’s head propped up was her knee and she thought he genuinely fell asleep until he felt the absence of her fingers in his hair.
“Are you done?” He asked quietly, his hand coming up to feel the braids. He took it as a yes when she didn’t smack his hand away. “Y/N, they feel so cool. I have to see.” He got up from his spot with a grunt and went into the bathroom to check himself out.
“I don’t think it suits me.” He laughed, unconvinced at his appearance. He brushed his teeth while he was at it. She laughed and shook her head in response, getting ready for bed as well.
“I personally think you look great! You should sleep with them in and we can see what your hair will look like in the morning.” She tried to reason with him, she just really didn’t want him to take them out so soon. He shook his head at her once again and turned the TV off with a huge yawn.
“Come on, Spence, let’s get in bed.” She grabbed his hand and took him to the bed. They instinctively wrapped their arms around one another.
Spencer whispered in her ear, “Are you feeling any better, sweetheart?”
She nodded against him, “Thank you, Spencer. I love you so much.” He smiled.
“I love you, more. Goodnight, Y/N.” She was already out like a light before she could respond.
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A Little Blood Never Hurt Anyone
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Fandom: The Mentalist
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader (Reader Menstruates, but no pronouns used, reader is Marcus’ partner not specified as GF or BF)
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: T (Nudity, nothing sexual though, are boy is just here to help you)
Warnings: Blood because periods and your embarrassment, but Marcus is a sweetie and he is here to help you. 
Summary: There’s one thing about Marcus that differentiates him from all your past boyfriend’s and that is that he’s an adult man who acts like an adult man. He’s mature, he’s responsible, he’s kind, he’s pragmatic and romantic. So when you’re bleeding everywhere, it surprises you, but really shouldn’t, that he’s calm, collected and just wants to take care of you.
Notes: This is a theme I come back to, I think mostly because as an adult who menstruates there’s something deeply attractive about a man who’s a actual adult and can’t handle you bleeding from your vagina like an adult and not like a child who can’t even say the word period. 
There was never a worse feeling than the slick wetness of blood pooling between your thighs at 2 in the morning. There was not a worse way to find yourself roused from sleep than to feel that sensation as blood slips down your inner thighs and pools beneath you soaking into your bed covers and clothes, this wake-up call was made exponentially worse when you realised Marcus had slept over and that you’d never even had to broach the topic of periods with him. No, no conversation had ever happened, you had no idea what his attitude was, but now you’d gone and bled over your bedding and partly on him, if the feeling of blood pooling near where he was curled around you was anything to go by. You hadn’t expected to have to deal with this with your boyfriend of four months, but you supposed it was inevitable, seeing as it happened every month. 
With a groan you push the duvet off of the two of you and sit up to assess the damage. Turning on the lamp, Marcus barely stirs as you take time to figure out what’s happened. There’s a noticeable red spot through your pajama bottoms and the fitted sheet underneath has a large wet spot too, looking to Marcus you feel embarrassment warm your cheeks at the blood stains on his pajama bottoms where he’d been curled up with you. It makes you want to cry because this is not how you wanted to wake up or spend your morning and you’ll have to wake Marcus who already has to get up early to leave for a case at 5am. He shouldn’t have to get up early and he shouldn’t have to have his pajama bottoms ruined by your blood. 
“Marcus...baby.” You shake his shoulders gently, wincing at the feeling of blood slipping down your legs as you sit up and how gross you feel in that moment. You can’t believe it came a whole week early, a whole week, how were you supposed to predict that? 
“Mmm, sweetheart? What’s wrong?” His voice is thick and heavy with sleep, deeper than usual if that’s possible and under any other circumstance it would make you want to curl up into him as he talked to you. 
“I...I started my period and there’s blood everywhere, I’m sorry for waking you, baby, but you need to get changed...I...I’m sorry.” It’s the embarrassment and upset in your voice that wakes him up fully, forcing him to sit up and take stock of the situation. You’re right there’s blood on him, but that’s okay, his pajamas are the ratty sort that he should have thrown out years ago anyway. You're covered in it and the bed needs changing too, but it’s okay, he thinks, this is okay, he can do that simply enough. He’s never minded changing the bed. The sheets are dark enough in colour that it shouldn’t stain too badly. He’s calculating the best course of action, what to do first before he even notices your downward gaze and trembling lip.
“Hey...honey,” He’s cupping your cheeks in his hands, large and warm. They bring your focus back onto him and not the blood that is drying on your legs or the aching that’s starting up in your lower back and abdomen. “It’s okay, a little blood never hurt anyone. Let’s get you cleaned up first, okay?” He keeps his voice soft for you, hands stroking a gentle thumb on the apple of your cheek before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
He’s wide awake now as he steps out of your bed and walks to your side, hands gripping your own as he walks you backwards to the bathroom. The bed can wait until he’s got you into the shower and got you some clothes and whatever else you need. You come first and you’re clearly uncomfortable as the blood flows steadily downwards with the force of gravity.
“I’m so embarrassed, Marcus…” You can’t wait to get clean, you feel horrible and uncomfortable. The lure of warm water has you picking up the pace to the bathroom even though your stomach cramps are getting worse and worse with each second. 
“Honey, you don’t have anything to be embarrassed about. If it’s about the blood…” He gestures to the red stains on his sweatpants that you just know aren’t coming out with how they’ve already dried, “I’m an adult, a little blood doesn’t bother me and I needed to throw these away anyway.” 
He turns the shower on, letting it heat up as he begins to help you out of your stained pajamas. He’s certain he can get the blood out of them if he gets them in a tub to soak fast enough, the blood is fresh enough. He knows they’re your favourite pair and he’d hate for you to have to throw them away, “I don’t ever want you to be ashamed of your periods, sweetheart, it’s natural. It’s okay.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” You think back to the last couple of boyfriends, how they just couldn’t even stomach you mentioning your period let alone the sight of blood or a sanitary towel or tampon. He’s so vastly different in the maturity with which he’s handling this that it confuses you that he’s not shying away from you right now. 
“Baby,” He holds your face in his hands again once you're free of your clothes, “I don’t know what sort of guys you were dating before, but they should have helped you with this, okay? I’m not setting a new standard, I'm just doing what I should.” It breaks his heart to think that you’re ashamed of your body, of something that you can’t help and that you somehow think he’s something special for doing what anyone should do for their partner when they’re bleeding for days on end. It’s the least you should expect from him. 
“Now, get your cute butt in that shower and I'll get these clothes in a bucket and change the bedding. Do you want one of my shirts to change into? Where do you keep your tampons? Pads?” Taps you on the butt, a light tap urging you under the warm spray before gathering your clothes. 
“Yes please, I think there’s one in my closet? The flannel that you left last time? I’ve got some stuff in here in the cupboard,” You think to your stash under the sink, grateful you weren’t running out of anything. 
“The flannel, got it, honey!” 
He leaves you to your shower and strips the bed off first before anything else. The blood spot is pretty large, but it’s still wet and once again he’s pretty sure the stain will come out, especially in the darker fabric. His pajama bottoms follow, they’re probably a lost cause but he figures he might as well try and clean them just in case. He putters to your kitchen and fills your mop bucket up with cold water and stain remover, leaving the laundry in it to soak before putting it anywhere near a washing machine.
The flannel is in your chest of drawers and he grabs it along with a pair of your underwear that he’s sure are one of your comfier pairs. You’re still under the stream of hot water when he comes in to place them on the closed lid of the toilet seat.
“Got some clothes for you, sweetheart.” He takes a moment to watch you. He’s just happy to see you relaxed, sure it’s early in the morning and he’s tired, but seeing you brighten, that’s worth it. He can sleep on the plane later, it’ll take a few hours to get from DC to New York where his case is and he doesn’t mind being tired if it means your day goes a little smoother. 
“Thank you, baby.” You sigh out in response, the warm water easing some of the pain in your body. The cramps never feel as bad under warm water and your back ache eases a little bit at least. 
“Do you have a spare set of bedding?” 
“Umm…” You have to think for a moment, what did you do with your old bedding, did you throw it out? No, you wouldn’t have, surely not. “Maybe? Check the cabinet in the hallway?” 
He finds it hidden in the back of the hallway cabinet, the bedding doesn’t match the current colour scheme of your room but he doesn’t think that matters much when you just need a clean, comfy bed to fall into. He has the bed made by the time you’re walking out of the bathroom, hair dripping wet, his flannel over your shoulders. 
“Get into bed, honey.” Marcus urges you, opening up the blankets for you and sliding in besides you. 
You reach over and turn the light off, “I’m sorry I woke you up at 2am…”
“It’s okay, sweetie, you need anything else?” He asks as he wraps himself around you, arms tight around your waist, face pressed into your shoulder, dropping little kisses there. His beard tickles a little, he’s still got the thing, not that you mind. He’s warm and he smells like comfort and that’s all you can really ask for even while your uterus is having a go at you.
“Just hold me till I fall asleep?” 
“I think that can be arranged.” A leg slips between yours, toes pressed into the back of your calf and it’s like having your own living, breathing weighted blanket. He becomes a comforting weight at your back, a warmth that has your eyes drooping and you yawning into your pillow. 
The next time you wake up it’s to say goodbye to him at 5 in the morning. He demands you stay in bed, giving you a longer than necessary kiss on his way out and making sure the laundry is in the washing machine before he leaves. You miss him the moment you hear the front door shut, but allow yourself to nuzzle back into your covers and fall back asleep. The lethargy you always feel around your period hitting you like a truck already. 
Work for the next few days is a killer. Your back aches, your stomach keeps cramping so hard you want to bend yourself in half to relieve them. You’re constantly hungry, constantly tired, and everything your co-workers say gets on your nerves. Added to missing your boyfriend, who’s off trying to deal with another stupid art thief who couldn’t wait a few more weeks before deciding to steal a Picasso, you’re having a hell of a week and a hell of a period. You’re not sure you’ve had one this bad in a while actually. 
It’s a Wednesday evening when the door to your home opens and closes again, the sound of keys being thrown on the side and shoes being kicked off meeting your ears. You’re curled up on your sofa, a hot water bottle pressed against your stomach in a vain effort to relieve some of your discomfort. 
“Marcus?” You call out because it can only be Marcus, no one else has a key to your place. You’re a little confused because he always phones you when he’s on his way back from a case, but the rustling of bags and his deep voice calling down the corridor reassures you that maybe he just forgot, it’s certainly not a burglar. Unless, he has an evil doppelganger somewhere. 
“It’s me, honey!” He drops his bag by the door, he’ll deal with the dirty laundry later and follows the sound of your voice into the living room. You’re curled up amongst what looks like every blanket you own, mind numbing TV playing that you’re not even watching, your face is scrunched up in pain and you're clutching your stomach. This part of the reason he decided to forgo going back to his own place, he wanted to check on you, make sure you’re okay, that and he really missed you.
He drops the shopping bags on the coffee table and crouches next to you, fingers pushing back strands of your hair and smoothing the harsh lines by your eyes as you wince. You’re warm to the touch and he hopes that’s normal for you and not a sign you’re getting sick on top of your period. 
“You okay?” 
“Just cramps. It’s okay...I’ll be okay., I’m just glad you’re back, I’ve missed you.” You ease into the soft feeling of fingers, the delicate little touches to your skin as rubs little circles into your temple and down your neck. You’ve missed this, missed him. You always miss him, but this period has hit you especially hard and you wanted him around more than ever.
“Missed you too, sweetheart.” He presses a quick kiss to your lips, but you grab his tie and pull him back down. Nipping at his bottom lip he opens his mouth to your tongue, hand cupping the back of your neck before you’re gasping in pain as another crump hits you. Marcus pulls back and presses his forehead to yours with a sigh and a quick kiss to your cheek. 
“Would a bath help? I stopped at the store on my way over, got some of your favourite bubblebath and those baked things that you like.” 
“Have I told you lately how you’re the perfect boyfriend?” You ask pressing kisses over his cheeks before settling for brushing your nose against his. You’re not sure how he manages to make you feel better even when you’re in pain and hormonal, but like a magic cure he does. 
“Mmm.. I don’t think so?”
“Well, you’re the perfect boyfriend and I love you very much.” You press another kiss to his lips, sighing into his mouth before pulling back and settling back into your nest of blankets. 
“I love you too, why don’t you stay here? I’ll go run that bath.” He reaches down to grab the bubblebath from the bag and tosses you a few bags of your favourite snacks to munch on while you wait. You decide then and there that anyone who ever gave him up was an absolute idiot who couldn’t see that they already had the crown jewels. Why would you ever want anyone else?
He’s never understood your fascination with burning hot bath water, but he makes it how you prefer it even if it’s a tad hot for his tastes. If he wasn’t so sore from his flight, he might have tried to carry you to the bath, but the last thing he wanted was to drop you when you weren’t feeling great, so instead he just moves your half eaten snacks to the coffee table and pulls you gently by the hands to your bathroom. 
There’s nothing sexual about the way he helps you undress, it’s something you love about Marcus, that he can put aside his libido to help you get undressed and into your bath. There’s no touches outside of the caring and gentle ones, no comments about your nudity, just him helping you get into the hot bath water. You sink into it like it’s the finest feather bed, watching him undress himself, before sliding in behind you. Legs on either side of yours, chest pressed to your back. 
Your tub is a little small for the two of you, so you can’t stretch out completely, but that’s fine because you’d take it being a little cramped and Marcus being there over being on your own. He helps you wash, careful with you at every step, gentle as he whispers how much he’s missed you, how much he loves you and tells you about his case and how they managed to catch the gang of thieves this time. 
He massages the back of your neck and shoulders as you lie against him, working on the knots that have started to form over the last few days. A pop in your neck has you sighing and you’re thankful for the press of his fingers over your spin and through the knots that have been causing you to lose sleep while he’s been gone. 
The two of you stay there until the water begins to get cool, Marcus helping you out of the tub and drying you down with a towel. He collects your clothes and helps you get dressed for bed even though you can put your things on yourself. It’s nice that you don’t have to, that he carefully slides your legs into your pajama bottoms and drags your favourite sleep shirt over your head before pressing two quick kisses to your lips and ushering you into bed. 
“Marcus, where are you going?” You ask when he leaves you there, hand grabbing his as he walks past you to the door to the rest of your home. You just want him wrapped around you right now and can’t understand why he’d leave you.
“I’m going to lock up, honey, and grab your blankets. I’ll be back.” He gives your hand a squeeze. He loves that you want him around, after all the times he’s been more invested than his partner, this time, this time it feels right. You don’t just tolerate him, you love him. You want him there and it makes every little thing he does for you infinitely more rewarding when he knows you appreciate him for everything. 
“Quickly?” You’re cute staring up at him with a pout and he knows that he wouldn’t be able to take longer than is strictly necessary when he knows you're waiting for him to come back to bed and curl up beside you.
“Quickly.” He leans over you placing a kiss to your nose before going to lock up. He makes sure all the windows are shut, the front door locked, the television off, all before grabbing the pile of blankets you’d left on the sofa to return to you.
He throws them around you, letting you grab a few to snuggle up with, before climbing in bed beside you, spooning you from behind. He takes a deep breath and feels his body relax with the familiar smell of your shampoo and the feeling of your warm skin against his cheek. He could spend the rest of his life looking after you, curling up with you after coming back from a case and he would die happy that way. He’d happily take care of you through every single period and every single bout of sickness, just as long as he gets to be with you. 
“You need anything?”
“No, everything I need is right here, baby.” You sigh back into his arms, twisting a leg through his as he rubs a hand over your stomach soothing away the lingering pains with gentle circles.
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josy1986 · 3 years
Period Pains
Beca Mitchel suffers from heavy cramps during terror week.
Beca never was the extremely girly type like most of the other Bellas but during that special time of the month, she surely hated being a woman.
The DJ laid curled up on her bed, wishing to god she had been born a man instead of an incubator on legs.
Fuck sake, why the hell do we need this kind of reminder we’re not knocked up?! She groaned, holding the pillow against her body even tighter. Her periods had surprised her this morning and had cursed like a sailor during her bathroom visit. The bloody mess wasn’t even the worst, the cramps she had to endure were horrible and her small bottle of vicodin was empty. Normal painkillers didn’t work for her and her doctor had given her a prescription for heavier ones that did. Unfortunately for her, she had run out last month and she was in no state to get a refill.
However, she had sent a text to Jesse, asking if he could do it for her. He was currently on his way to the Bellas house to pick up the prescription and go out to get Beca’s refill. She hoped to god he would hurry.
Chloe had gone out to a small grocery shop on campus, came to the realization that she forgot her wallet on her way there and turned back around. She arrived back at the house right when Jesse did. She watched the young approach and gave him a polite smile. “Morning.” She said, taking out the key to open the door.
“Hey, I’m here for Beca.” He stated and Chloe rolled her eyes, her back towards him as she finally opened the door and walked in.
Well duh, captain obvious… “She should be in her room. Which I’m sure you’ll be able to find.” She said, it was a bit more snarky than she probably had intended.
While he went upstairs, she kicked off her shoes, walked into the kitchen and took a bottle of cold water from the fridge. She settled on the couch in the living room while drinking, checking her phone to browse her social media before she would look for her lost wallet. 
It was only a few minutes later that she suddenly heard voices coming from upstairs. She couldn’t quite make out what was being said, but she could clearly hear Beca yelling and she sounded angry. Several seconds later, a door opened, Jesse came rushing down the stairs and hurried out the front door. Chloe frowned and after putting her water and phone down, she got back on her feet.
Slowly but surely, she walked up the stairs and headed to Beca’s room. “Beca..?” Her voice was soft and filled with worry. She wasn’t sure what happened but Beca didn’t usually yell at anyone. Unless you touched her music equipment and computer. If she caught you touching it you’d be flying out the window.
The door to Beca’s room was open slightly and after Chloe called for the DJ, she heard a soft but clearly painful groan. “Chlo..?” A pained whimper followed. “Oh god…”
Chloe pushed against the door to find her friend curled onto her bed with a clear pained expression on her features. “Oh my god, Beca, what happened..? What’s the matter?” Chloe was next to the brunette before Beca could even blink, worry seeped into her voice.
Beca just buried her face into her pillow in shame. “Periods…” She mumbled but Chloe heard it nonetheless. She felt for her friend, she herself suffered from really bad cramps too during her periods.
“Is there something I can do?” She asked, carefully placing a hand on Beca’s shoulder who didn’t pull away from the touch. “Did you take anything for the pain yet?” Chloe wasn’t sure if her friend heard her questions but Beca eventually reacted with a soft whimper at first. Her body cramping up around the pillow, the action pulled the pillow away from Beca’s face and revealed how much pain the brunette really was in. It broke Chloe’s heart seeing her crush in such a state and not being able to help.
“I’m… out of pain medication.” She whispered, her voice cracked and she let out a soft sob.
“Let me see if I have some left.” When Chloe was about to get up, she was stopped by Beca’s hand around her wrist. The DJ was shaking her head.
“Normal pills… they don’t work.” Chloe put her hand on Beca’s when she felt the other woman squeeze, Beca took slow and deep breaths to ease herself through the pain. It didn’t really work but there was nothing else she could do. “I take vicodin… the stuff you can… just buy in stores, it simply doesn’t work.” Beca swallowed loudly, her eyes screwed shut when another horrible cramp hit her full force. “Oh god… Chloe…” Beca whimpered in pain and the redhead wrapped her arms quickly around her friend, holding her close to offer some sort of comfort. The fact that Beca allowed her told her all she needed to know. The brunette wasn’t the touchy feely type, displays of affection among friends was something she never did.
“I got some heavy pills too. I should have a few left.” Chloe whispered although she didn’t want to leave Beca, not even for the few short minutes she would have to leave, go to her own room and come back.
Beca nodded and reluctantly let go of Chloe’s clothes so the redhead could leave. She watched her friend leave, feeling like it took half a day before she eventually returned. Right when another massive cramp hit her and took away her ability to breathe for a few short seconds. “Chloe…!” She cried right when the woman in question reentered the room.
“I’m here! I’m here Becs.” She assured the brunette who was holding out her hand for Chloe to take. Which the older Bella did while squatting down next to Beca’s bed. “I’m here, I got two pills for you. Here.” She held the pills in her free hand while the other was still occupied with holding Beca’s.
The DJ took a few seconds to compose herself, pushing herself up after letting go of Chloe’s hand, afraid she might crush it otherwise. Once she was sitting with her back against the wall for support, she took the offered pills along with some water that Chloe brought with her. Once the pills were down, she let out a deep sigh. “Thanks…” And offered Chloe a shy, pained smile.
Chloe offered a warm smile in return and settled next to her friend on the bed. “You’re very welcome, glad I could help.” Chloe felt her heart skip a beat when they locked eyes for a moment. Beca swallowed hard but quickly looked away, focussing instead on the wall at the opposite of her bed.
One hand resting on her belly while the other laid on the bed, between her and Chloe. The redhead looked at the hand, biting her lower lip while considering to put her own on Beca’s. Instead of just blatantly putting her hand on the brunettes, she placed her own right next to Beca’s. Giving her friend the opportunity to initiate anything if she’d want to.
“So… why did Jesse run out the door..?” Chloe started but it had the opposite effect of what she had hoped. Beca groaned in frustration and let herself flop back down onto the mattress. 
“Cause he’s a fucking idiot… that’s why.” She muttered and let out a deep sigh of frustration, her hand now resting on the mattress next her. She waited for a few seconds before she continued. “I uh… I asked him if he could get my refill…” She said with a soft voice.
“He didn’t want to get it for you?” What an asshole.
“Oh, no he did.”
Damnit, not an asshole then.
“But uh… he asked for a blowjob as a reward.”
Nevermind, still an asshole. “Oh my god! Are you kidding me..?” She was genuinely in shock.
“Yeah, that’s what I said too.” Beca grumbled, wrapping her other arm around her lower body when a new massive cramp announced itself. It momentarily robbed her of her ability to speak and breathe. She curled up into a ball, wishing to god that her crush wasn’t there to see her in such vulnerable state.
“Is… is there something I can do…?” Chloe offered, god how she just wanted to hold the brunette and give her some kind of comfort. That’s how she usually dealt with her own monthly week of terror. Aubrey being the one that cuddled up with her and watched movies together. However, Aubrey graduated and was commanding people around somewhere in the wild. This was the first time that she found Beca in such a state, her heart ached thinking that the brunette had to go through this every month on her own.
Chloe waited for an answer, hoping that Beca wouldn’t pull those walls back up and close herself off but the brunette remained silent. “I… I’ll be out of your hair again.” Chloe said and scooted closer to the bed’s edge so she could slip off. Before she could in fact get off, a weak and surprisingly cold hand, wrapped around her wrist. Chloe looked at her wrist first before looking at Beca, who looked at her with red eyes.
“Don’t.” She whispered and the redhead could feel the DJ tremble. “Please, stay.” There was something in her voice that Chloe never heard before: desperation. “I’m sorry, I’m just…” She sniffled, gently letting go of Chloe’s wrist.
Chloe smiled softly and instead of getting off of the bed, she moved to lay next to her friend instead. “Come here.” She whispered and Beca did just that, both women moving closer to one another.
Beca slipped her arms around Chloe’s waist, her head nestled under her friend’s chin. As much as she hated feeling like this, so incredibly needy and clingy, this was really nice. Chloe’s arms around her body made her feel safe and secure. Made her feel like she wasn’t alone in the world.
“Comfy…?” Chloe asked and it broke Beca’s train of thoughts.
“Yeah… thanks.” She mumbled against Chloe’s skin, she was warm, soft and comfortable. She was the only one that Beca allowed to peek past the walls around her heart.
Chloe’s heart hammered in her chest, her arms around her favorite person, being this close to her. About an hour ago she thought this was her worst day of the week when she realized she forgot her wallet. How that turned around to this, she had no idea but boy was she grateful for it. Without realizing it, she started to gently caress Beca’s hair. It was something she personally loved being done to her, so she hoped Beca would too. A soft hum of approval followed by a sigh in relief was all and more than she could have hoped for.
“Feels nice…” Beca whispered, her eyes closed while just enjoying the moment for once. 
“Glad you like it, I love it when someone plays with my hair.” Chloe said and let out a giggle when she heard Beca yawn.
“Oh, shit, sorry about that.” She apologised sincerely. “You’re being so sweet and cute and I’m just falling asleep.”
Chloe bit her lower lip, smiling. Did she just call me cute? A faint blush on her cheeks. “That’s okay, take a nap, the medication should be working by the time you wake up.”
“Mhn… I love strawberries…” Beca mumbled, clearly dozing off to sleep, the smell of Chloe’s shampoo clear as day while she took a slow, deep breath.
Chloe just listened while Beca’s breathing slowly evened out, a clear sign for the brunette that she did indeed fall asleep. She shifted her position slightly, only enough for her to look down and watch the woman she loved sleep peacefully. The walls around Beca, even though still present, Chloe managed to finally get to the other side and see the real Beca.
Her face showed no signs of pain or discomfort anymore now that she slept and cuddled up against Chloe. The older Bella couldn’t help herself and carefully cupped Beca’s cheek and to her surprise, the DJ smiled ever so slightly at the touch. Letting out the softest ‘mhn’.
Jesus, how can someone be this cute… Chloe swallowed hard when her eyes moved to Beca’s lips. It would be the easiest thing to close the small gap between them and kiss her. No… No! I’m not Jesse, no matter how much I..- No. Her hand remained on Beca's face but she placed her head back in its former position. Her chin resting on the top of the brunette’s head while she felt that sleep would claim her soon too.
Chloe stared at the wall, her thumb gently caressing the skin of Beca’s cheek. I wish I could tell you how I truly felt about you, Beca… She let her thoughts drift to the moment she had almost kissed the brunette during aca-initiation night.
Chloe was tipsy already when she had grabbed both of Beca’s wrists and pulled her in. She cringed at the memory of her telling Beca how she knew they’d be best friends really soon. I had to say something…! She facepalmed herself internally. That memory now is full of regret and missed opportunities. 
Beca Mitchel, the woman that single handedly turned her world upside down. The woman whose smile made Chloe’s heart skip a beat. The woman who, with a single look, could make her weak in the knees. The woman who could undo her with a touch as simple as holding onto her wrist.
While she shifted her position slightly to be able to look at Beca’s face, she felt her heart break. She let her eyes flutter shut, her friends face the last thing on her mind as sleep finally claimed her too.
The woman I’m so desperately in love with, it hurts.
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overly-b · 4 years
The Worst Day - JJ Maybank
In which you’ve had a horrible day, but it’s nothing that your boyfriend can’t remedy. 
Requested: yes!
Warnings: swearing, blood.
Word Count: 1.2k
Author's note: Thank you to @midnightmagicmusings for the request!
Unedited whoops
You were having the worst day of your life. 
You woke up with a raging headache. You started your period early, and being unprepared you bleed through your favorite pair of shorts, at work, in front of a table full of Kooks. Unable to find a new pair of shorts, you had to ask your boss if you could leave early, leading to a harsh lecture. You had to walk home with a bloody mess in your pants, shaking with anxiety, and you were also short on painkillers, making your cramps unbearable. 
Getting home, you tried to call your boyfriend JJ, but he was working, so it was a long shot. Even knowing this, his neglect to answer your call made you tear up. You hugged your arms around your body tightly, debilitated by the ache in your abdomen, and became heaving with sobs, but the sobs made your head hurt even worse, which made you sob even more. The endless cycle left you on the bathroom floor in a crumpled pile. You did your best to sit on the toilet and clean yourself up, but the light from the bathroom made your head pound, so it was a gruelling task. 
After what felt like ages, you were wearing clean underwear, feeling at least a little bit cleaner than before. You stood from the toilet, rushing to turn off all of the lights in the room, and close your blinds. Doing so made your head spin, but you needed your space to be as dark as possible. 
Curling up into a ball in your bed, you had no choice but to breathe through your cramps and pounding in your head. You had no idea how long you were in that position, but it was releasing some of the pain, so you were happy to stay in it as long as it took. Your phone would occasionally blink and beep, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move or look at the bright screen. 
After what you could have guessed was an hour or so, you noticed that the light from your windows was dimming, you had no intention of moving, and eventually, you drifted off to a soft sleep. 
You were shaken awake by all of the lights in your room turning on, and the booming voice of your boyfriend entering. 
“JJ!” You exclaimed. 
“Where have you been all day-” 
“JJ the lights, JJ please turn off the lights please, off, off please!” You cry, the sudden exposure had made your vision go white, and your head felt like it was going to explode. You did your best to cover your eyes with your hands but it was far too late. 
“Y/N what the hell?” JJ questions your behavior, obeying your wishes and turning your lights back off. “What’s going on?”
“Shhh, please shush.” 
JJ stands puzzled for a moment or two, but notices that you seem frazzled, so he lets you settle and doesn’t speak again. 
“I’m sorry,” You whisper. “I have an awful migraine, and cramps, and I’ve had the worst fucking day, and I just, need dark and quiet.” JJ says nothing. “And cuddles please” You add. 
That’s all it takes for JJ to be in your bed with you. He snuggles you deep into his side. 
“I know you said you wanted quiet but, do you want to talk about your day at all?” He proposes. You begin to softly explain the events of your day. Waking up with a headache, getting your period at work, bleeding through your pants, those annoying Kooks being the first to notice and tell you, being yelled at, having no pain meds, all the works. By the end, you were crying again, and your cramps seemed to be getting worse. 
“Sh, sh it’s okay baby.” He lets you cry into him. He knew how horrid your periods were, as well as your migraines when you had them. Both on the same day had to be killing you. “Baby are you gonna be okay if I leave for a bit to go grab some stuff?” 
“What? Why?” You shot at him, slightly panicked as to why he would leave you. 
“Just to go grab some stuff.” He states vaguely. 
“Okay…” You trailed off. 
“I’ll be right back my love, I promise, I love you. ” He kisses your forehead, and exits your room quickly, leaving you by yourself in your bed. 
“Love you too,” You muttered, saddened by the loss of his presence. 
JJ tried to make his trip as fast as possible, knowing that all you wanted from his was his snuggles. He ran by his house and grabbed your favorite sweatshirt of his, and your favorite pair of sweatpants. He stopped by the chateau and found a bottle of painkillers he knew you had put there for when the group needed them. He then ventured to the store, finding a heating pad, and stealing a salty snack, a fruity snack, and a chocolate snack, not knowing which you preferred at the moment. 
Racing back to your house, he was careful to not be loud this time, finding you in the same position he had left you in. 
“Where’d you go?” You called out, not opening your eyes. 
He stepped into your bathroom, starting a hot shower. 
“Can you get up for me baby?” 
“Don’t wanna.” You grumbled. 
“I promise it’ll be worth it.” He bargains. He eventually gets you out of the bed and into the hot shower, grinning at the sigh of satisfaction it gets from you. Once you are settled under the steaming water, he plugs in the heating pad he bought for you, and opens all of the snacks. He takes the pills and puts them next to your water bottle.  He then joins you in the shower, rubbing your back as you lean on his chest. 
After being in the shower for too long, he finds you not wanting to leave the tub in the same way you didn’t want to get into it. He leaves first, drying off and dressing quickly, before helping you out and dressing you in his clothes. You smile at the feeling of your favorite clothes of his resting on your figure. 
He lets you change your tampon, and makes sure that the heating pad is warm. 
You walk out of the bathroom to find the blond waiting for you with open arms. He gives you two pills, holding your water bottle to your lips to swallow. He allows you to settle in the way you find comfortable. 
You lay on top of him, head resting on his chest. The warmth of the heating pad on your back surprises you, but soothes your pain. 
“Where did you-” 
“Don’t worry about where I got it just shush and get comfy.” He orders. He rubs your back over the heating pad. “Chocolate, fruity, or salty?” He asks. 
“What snack do you want? I got your favorite of each.” 
Your cheeks turn red at the boy before you. 
He grins, taking a chocolate and placing one on your tongue. 
“You’re the best you know that?” 
“Yeah” He jokes. 
“I’m serious.” You place your chin on his chest, looking into his baby blue eyes. 
“I don’t like it when you’re hurting.” He explains quietly. 
“You’re the sweetest baby, I love you.” 
“I love you more. Now close your eyes, I want you to feel better.” 
That night, you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his fingers threading through your hair. It may have started as the worst day, but it ended in the best way it possibly could have.
Taglist: Feel free to message me to be added to my permanent taglist!
 @maybe-maybanks @sarahroutledge @midnightmagicmusings @midnightmagicmusingsmain @myrandom-fandomlife @mahleeyuh @berry-vee @y0ungandfuckingdumb @jjsredhat
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harrysgoldenline · 4 years
Hi!! Is it alright if I request a blurb please? Something abt Y/N getting her period at H's place and she panics bc she accidentally bled through his sheets and she's embarassed and her cramps hurt. How would H feel/react? THANK YOU LOVIE!!! (Secret admirer of your works here hehe! Keep on writing!!!)
Hi everyone! Sorry for taking a short little break, I’ve been feeling a little better but I missed writing too much so I had to come back. I really hope you like how this turned out! I hope this is good, i wrote it super fast because strangely enough I was planning on writing something like this and I got the request so it was meant to be!!! Thank you for requesting and thank you for all your kind messages. It really means a lot. 💕💕
Y/N stirred awake, the sunlight peaking through the blinds. Stirring a bit and smiling as she sees him, his long eyelashes resting against the tops of his cheeks. This along with his freshly shaved face made him appear much younger, his chocolate colored hair a messy mop on his forehead, pointing in all different directions.
As she scooted closer to him, she felt it, that dreaded familiar feeling and her eyes widen, heart stopping its beating a moment before pounding rapidly in her chest. Her eyes fluttering close as she let out a shaky sigh, peaking one eye opening and gently lifting the covers to end up seeing the stain, heart plummeting.
“Fuck.” She whispered, sitting up and her eyes scan Harry’s bedroom, trying to think of anything she could do to not have to deal with this situation.
She slowly peels the covers off, remembering back when Harry and her were eating a pizza they ordered in his bed and he ended up dropping a slice and finding a stain remover in his bathroom that got it out after letting it sit and rubbing at it with a wet washcloth.
She just was just praying the tool that removed pizza sauce could work the same on period blood.
She entered his bathroom and groaned at the blood stain that accompanied her on her pair of sweatpants. The girl kneels down, searching quickly for the stain remover and any leftover pads or tampons that she had left at Harry’s in the past.
Of course she couldn’t find either.
She began whispering profanities to herself, wishing she could have planned better and could have packed more extra clothes instead of just the dress she wore the night before and the pajamas she was in now.
She sneaks back into the bedroom, seeing Harry still laying peacefully as she nearly cartoon like tiptoes thought the room, checking the bedside table on his side quietly before dashing over to the other, desperate to find the stain stick anywhere.
After failing, she feels like giving up all together. Running away, changing her name and never looking back in stead of having to deal with the embarrassment of-
“Baby?” Harry lovely graveled, eyes slowly opening and watching her rummage through the nightstand, a deep chuckle coming from his chest, “what are you looking for? Come back to bed, need cuddles.”
“No!” She shrieked, watching him reach to pull back the blankets, the light sheets coming into view but coming to a sudden stop as the sound escapes her.
He gives her a confused look, sitting up a bit and resting his weight on his arm, a hand rubbing though his hair with his free one, “are you alright? Did something happen?”
She shakes her head, biting her bottom lips hard as she tries not to let her voice crack as that will lead to tears. But she can’t not tell him. There’s no way he won’t find out.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers, “I-It was an accident and I’m sorry because I should’ve known it was coming but I totally forgot and I’m not prepared and I’m sorry... I’ll clean everything or-or I’ll buy you new ones! Yeah I’ll buy you new ones!”
The girl kept rambling on and Harry slowly peeled away the covers, seeing the reason behind her tears and he slowly slid out of bed, arms going around the incoherent girl, making her stop her word vomit and lean into him, now wiping her eyes and burying her face in his chest.
He kisses the girls forehead a few times before pulling away, taking her hand and leading into the bathroom. He gestured for her to sit, but she decided against it, standing close to him and gripping his arm as he leaned down and filled up the large bathtub with water.
“I’ve got some bath bombs and bubble bath under the sink.” He began, facing the girl and softly pressing her lips, “I’ll throw the sheets and your clothes in the washer and go get you some stuff... do you like pads or tampons better? Can you just text me what you use?”
“I’m sorry. I feel horrible. I can can wash everything, or-or but you knew sheets-.”
“Nonesense!” He suddenly exclaimed, making her jump and let out a soft giggle as he continued, “It’s normal darling, nothing gross and nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? Besides, if I had to go through this I wouldn’t leave bed all week. Let me take care of you, okay?”
She nodded, kissing him softly and thanking him before he dismissed himself to get the sheets and for her to get herself in the bath comfortably as she recovered from her frazzled state.
As the girl cleaned herself a bit, she dropped in the prettiest pink bath bomb, watching it color the tub before her entering, feeling her mind body and souls relax as she laid down.
Harry reentered after softly knocking on the door, smiling as he saw his girl with her hair tied up and relaxed in the pink bath water. He gave her smile and collected her things, laying out a pair of boxer shorts and a large sweatshirt before telling her he will return shortly, leaving his girl in the tub and the washer running and telling the girl he loved her and promising her he’ll be back soon.
He did indeed keep his promise, arriving home around 25 minutes later and greeting the tranquil girl in his bathroom, leaving behind all of the products he picked out for her as he moved to replace the bed with an extra pair of sheets he threw in the drier, just so they were warm.
When Y/N emerges back into Harry’s room, dressed in his clothes and feeling fresh, her heart flutters more than ever before. There sat Harry with all of her favorite snacks and pint of ice cream for them, Disney Plus pulled up with Harry cuddled up under a mound of blankets.
She rushed over to the bed, sliding under the covers and wrapping herself tight around the man, pressing rapid kisses all over her face as he chucked, pulling her warm body into his own.
“Feel better, my love?” He smirked, happy to see her returned to her normal self, “or do ya cramps still hurt? Heard Gem say once bath helps but I also picked up a heating pad if you want me to grab it.”
“I’m so in love with you and I’m so so lucky..” She whispered, kissing him softly, feeling their heartbeats syncing as they laid together, “thank you for everything, Harry. You’re truly an angel from heaven. Don’t know how I got to be so lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one, sweetheart. And I love you, more than you could ever imagine, don’t ever forget it.” He whispered, kissing her again before pulling away and snuggling her into his chest, legs tangling together, “what first, Tangled or Beauty and the Beast?”
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honey-dewey · 3 years
The Unbearable Pain of Life Itself
Pairing: FtM Trans Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 2,385
Warnings: Frankie’s in pain from his period. Lots of tears, one mention of blood, nausea and vomit, and boy oh boy I cannot seem to write Frankie without making him cry. 
I just want an excuse to write the reader comforting Frankie okay? He’s had a hard day because of his period and all he wants is cuddles! Am I projecting? Yes! Do I feel any shame at this point? No!
Permanent taglist: @phoenixhalliwell
You knew Frankie woke up feeling like shit the second you rolled over in bed. How? Because he hadn’t left you coffee before leaving. 
Should that be a sign of health? Not really. But whenever you didn’t wake up next to your boyfriend, or cuddled up on top of him more accurately, he left you a cup of coffee and a post-it note with a heart on it as a way to say ‘I love you’ when he left early for work. 
Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you listened intently for any sign of your boyfriend throughout the house, wondering if he’d only just woken up and needed something. He wasn’t in the kitchen, as you’d originally thought. No, if he was, there would’ve been more crashing around and the distinct smell of coffee, considering he needed almost three cups before he was functional. But instead of a clumsy, sleepy Frankie, there was nothing. No usual cup waiting for you on the nightstand, no goodbye text or note from Frankie that he usually left whenever he had to leave for work early. 
Flinging the covers off you, you realized exactly what was plaguing Frankie and why his normal morning routine had gone out the window, sympathy immediately flooding you as you crawled over the blood stain that was slowly drying on the sheets. 
Slowly stripping the bed of the sheets and blankets, you headed into the kitchen, finding a half made pot of coffee and clear evidence that Frankie hadn’t been in the right headspace when he left for work. The bottle of knock off midol that worked just as well as the name brand shit was sitting next to the coffee pot, Frankie’s truck keys were still on the key hook, and he’d somehow managed to leave both his glasses and his hat at home. His birth control pills were sitting beside his empty coffee mug, the ring of spilled coffee making you wince as you put the mug in the sink. 
You sighed. Today was going to be long. 
All morning, you texted Santiago, who worked with Frankie and had picked him up that morning. According to Santi, Frankie was a mess, slowed by his pain and almost losing his meager breakfast multiple times. 
Eventually, you two reached a conclusion. Santiago couldn’t make Frankie go home and rest. No one could. Well, no one except for you. 
Around lunch, maybe five hours later, when you knew he’d be at his worst as the pain pills wore off, you scooped up the midol bottle and Frankie’s keys, getting into his truck. It was a bit bigger than your car, but was familiar territory for you all the same. 
Driving out to Frankie’s work, you worried about him so much you almost crashed. He very rarely got his period, considering the pills he was on and the extensive hormone changes he’d been through. But every six months, it was hell on earth for a week. He had every symptom under the sun, and they were all horrible. He was essentially bedridden for seven terrible days. Most times, he tried to power through it, but he couldn’t fight himself for very long. 
Pulling up to the building, you didn’t even bother locking the truck as you walked through the front doors. 
Santiago was with Frankie in the small break room, Frankie’s palms pressed to his eyes in an attempt to block out the headache-inducing lights. 
“Hon?” You murmured, crouching in front of Frankie’s bent form. “Oh honey, c’mere.” 
Frankie surged forward, blindly falling into your open arms. He shook, body trembling with pain, core pulling tight in regular intervals. 
“It’s okay,” you comforted, smoothing up and down his back. “I know, Frankie. Let’s go home, okay?”
A tiny whimper spurred you up, you supporting Frankie’s right side and Santiago coming over to support Frankie’s left as you headed back towards the front doors. 
When he was finally in the truck outside, Santiago helped you buckle him in before stepping back and waving. You waved back, handing Frankie a water bottle and the midol. “Two more Frankie.” 
He nodded, taking the pills and leaning back, breathing rhythmically, his left hand clutching your right. It wasn’t wisest to drive the truck with only one hand, but for Frankie, you bent the rules. 
Getting him into the house was a trip. It took twenty minutes due to the cramps and the headache and the God forsaken nausea, but he was finally breathing heavy on the couch, near tears but at least lying down. 
You wordlessly grabbed a few blankets and began to help Frankie out of his work clothes. He didn’t say anything or move much, only slowly thumbing over your wrist whenever it came near his hands and sleepily blinking at you as you draped the soft blankets over his body. You grabbed a heating pad, warming it in the microwave and placing it between Frankie’s hips. “Sleep,” you murmured, kissing his forehead and poking his nose. “It’s soup for dinner. Want a documentary?” 
Frankie nodded, the pills and the exhaustion from a night of sleeplessness finally crashing down on him and causing him to flicker in and out of sleep as you set up a few episodes of Our Planet to play. He liked the ocean ones the most, so you made sure they were first as you walked away from his slumped form. You slowly headed towards your office, fully intent on getting a few hours of work in before clocking out early. 
Two hours later, you sighed, leaning back from your computer and running your hands over your face. The documentaries in the background had been too distracting, so when you took a break to reheat the heating pad and check on Frankie, who was still asleep, you grabbed your headphones before shutting yourself back in your office. As you tugged said headphones off while scrubbing over your ears, you heard it. Sobbing. 
Immediately abandoning everything, you raced out of the office and into the living room, where Frankie was laying, collapsed on the floor in tears, shaking violently and hiccuping on his own breaths as he cried. 
“Frankie!” You fell to your knees, checking him over frantically. When you finally concluded that nothing was broken or hurt, you gathered him up in your arms, rocking slowly back and forth on the uncomfortable kitchen hardwood. “What’s wrong? Is it the cramps? The headache? Are you okay?” 
Frankie shook his head, still sobbing. “You-“ he stuttered, breath shuddering. “You weren’t. I thought. You were gone!” 
You stopped breathing, unable to exist beyond the pain in Frankie’s words. He hadn’t seen you, didn’t know where you’d gone, and for all he knew, you’d left the house completely. “Oh Frankie. I would never,” you breathed, smoothing over his hair. His hands, those damn shaking hands, gripped tightly at your shirt, as if you’d disappear if he let go. 
“Frankie, darling,” you said, feeling a full body chill racing across his skin and knowing his body was swinging wildly from feverish and freezing. “Let’s go have a bath.” 
Frankie didn’t object, allowing you to help him up and lead him to the bathroom. He was quiet, watching as you filled the tub with water and epsom salt. You left for a minute to grab a glass of cold water before hurrying back to the bathroom, not wanting to leave Frankie for any longer than you had to. 
The entire time you and Frankie lounged in the tub together, your back against his chest, he was calm. Much calmer than he’d been earlier, so you could only assume the pills were starting to touch his pain. 
Eventually, after both yours and his fingers had turned pruney and Frankie smelled like epsom salt and lavender soap, you hauled him out of the tub. He yawned, grinning sleepily as you handed him a warm towel and his favorite old pyjamas. So yes, the pills were finally working if Frankie was actually smiling. 
“Nap time?” He asked as he shuffled after you into the living room. 
“Snack time,” you corrected, grabbing one of the everything bagels Will had dropped off the other day and slicing it. “At least half of this, and then we can nap.” 
Frankie pouted, but waited patiently for you to toast and butter the bagel. Usually, he insisted on a load of cream cheese, but his stomach wouldn’t be able to handle it right now. Hell, you even were hesitant to use too much butter. 
You made yourself a bagel as well, also only using butter. When both were done, you and Frankie cuddled up on the couch and continued the documentary he’d been watching earlier. It was about sharks, something Frankie was surprisingly eager to watch. He absently ate the required half a bagel before he slumped against your side and then scooted down so he could lay his head in your lap. You smiled, humming Billy Joel and eating the other half of his bagel, knowing he probably wouldn’t. 
About halfway through the Disney nature Oceans documentary, you felt Frankie shift. He rolled to his side, then to his back, and then sat up and bolted for the bathroom. 
You paused the TV, following after Frankie with matching urgency. As he threw up the half a bagel he’d eaten, you rubbed his back, just waiting for it to be over. 
When he finally sat back, he was sweaty and panting, eyes full of tears. You sighed, handing him a cup of water. “Drink. You need to rehydrate.” 
Frankie nodded, accepting the water and taking small sips, slowly draining the cup over the course of a very agonizing forty five minutes, during which Frankie almost threw up again twice. 
When it seemed his stomach had finally settled, you helped him up and onto the couch once more. 
He was exhausted, immediately cocooning himself in the blankets and falling asleep again. You didn’t even bother with the documentary, instead grabbing an old book and reading out loud in an effort to keep Frankie asleep. 
The book wasn’t a favorite of yours, but Frankie really liked it, so you indulged him. Eventually, when it seemed he was well and truly asleep, you detangled yourself from him, getting up to grab two cans of soup from the cabinet and putting Frankie’s heating pad through the microwave again. Normally, you’d make the soup, but with how Frankie was, you didn’t want to risk being away from him for too long. 
Sure enough, when you sat back down, Frankie’s eyes blinked open slightly and he snuggled close. “Warm.” 
You smiled, the rasp to his voice incredibly endearing. “Mhm. I know. Here.” You pressed the heating pad to Frankie’s body, and he made a small noise of bliss. 
“What would I ever do without you?” He mumbled, sliding against your body and practically molding himself to you. 
Reaching an arm out to wrap Frankie in a one-sided hug, you shrugged, kissing his forehead. “I have no idea.” 
While he dozed, you texted the boys, who were all periodically texting you and fretting over Frankie. You gave them the run down, skipping over the more horrible bits. Will and Benny both wanted to visit, but you and Santiago decided that probably wasn’t the best idea tonight. Agreeing on tomorrow night, when some of the worst pain would be fading, you put your phone down and shook Frankie awake. 
“Huh?” He grumbled, rolling and glaring at you. “Why?” 
“Dinner,” you said, helping Frankie sit up. “The boys are coming around tomorrow, by the way.” 
Frankie shrugged. “Why do I have to eat dinner?” 
“You don’t,” you said, setting a bowl of canned soup in front of him. “Just drink some broth. Eat some of it if you can.” 
The rest of the night was spent on the couch, Frankie slowly drinking the broth out of his soup and you monitoring him. He didn’t throw up again, which was a blessing, and you were able to get a cup of tea into him as well before he finally asked to go to bed. 
“Sure thing,” you said, standing and stretching. Frankie watched, tiredly admiring your body. He grinned when you helped him to his feet, hands wandering, causing you to laugh. 
“Francisco Morales!” You scolded through your laughter, swatting his hand away from your ass. “That is rude!” 
Frankie pouted, his adorably crooked grin returning within seconds. “I’m in pain babe. Indulge me.” 
You rolled your eyes, smiling and helping Frankie into the bathroom. “I washed the sheets from last night,” you said, handing him his toothbrush. “And you are absolutely calling in sick tomorrow. No ifs, ands, or buts.” 
“Okay,” Frankie said, sticking his toothbrush into his mouth. “I love you.” 
You smiled, wiping toothpaste foam off Frankie’s face. “I love you too.” 
That night, you listened absently to the hum of the cicadas, cuddling Frankie, who was curled around you and his heating pad, his soft breath tickling your bare arm. He wasn’t asleep yet, but he was close. 
You took a deep breath, looking over Frankie’s head and staring at the moon, high in the summer sky. On nights like this, you cracked the window open to let the air in, with the precaution of multiple bug screens. 
“Babe?” Frankie mumbled, rolling a bit and pulling the heating pad out from between you. “You up?” 
Frankie tossed the heating pad aside, making a face as it hit the floor with a heavy thump. “You good?” 
You nodded. “Yeah. Just can’t sleep.” 
“That’s not good,” Frankie mumbled, scooting around until his face was six inches from yours. “Penny for your thoughts?” 
You smiled, kissing Frankie lightly. “Go to sleep, Catfish.” 
Frankie grinned. “Ooo, busting out the nicknames. Seriously, what’s on your mind?” 
“Nothing,” you answered honestly. “You’re just super warm.” 
Humming, Frankie wrapped you in a hug, the absence of the heating pad making it much more comfortable. “Better?” 
You melted into his chest, tracing a feather light finger over his top surgery scars. “Much.” 
Frankie kissed your forehead, head falling back to the pillow as exhaustion threatened to overtake him. “Get some sleep babe.” 
Nodding, you moved Frankie’s arm so you didn’t accidentally cut his circulation off. “Right back at you Frankie.”
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willadisastercry · 4 years
the boys of voltron when pidge is on her period
TW: description of things to do with mestraution, reference to blood, and depiction of vomiting and passing out
SUMMARY: so basically the boys are absolutely clueless when it comes to Pidge being on her period, only some of them make the connection at times but they kind of eventually forget completely that she even gets it and allura can’t necessarily relate... good thing Pidge’s periods haven’t been particularly painful while she’s been in space, until this one is and she is not at all prepared.
{2:27 am}
Pidge woke up drenched in sweat.
“What the f...?” she mused groggily, blinking dumbly in the dark trying to figure out what was wrong until she felt it, the throbbing ache in her stomach just above her bladder that somehow spread insttantly to her lower back and made her hips feel like they were being wrenched apart.
“Ooowwh,” she groaned queasily, rolling to her side and hugging her stomach tightly.
Pidge hadn’t had a heavy period since she’d been in space, she had been so busy with voltron, so physically active that it had lightened substantially and she almost forgot how painful they could be. It was sort of a blessing, that aspect at least.
But then the fact that she was in space at all was entirely inconvenient. No one got to pack before they became the universe’s greatest defender and the castle wasn’t necessarily toting the supplies humans needed, especially supplies specific to female humans. And they just didn’t carry pads or tampons in any Earth souvenir shops because why the fuck would they. 
So, it was awkward enough having to explain to Allura the intricacies of the female reproductive system when she found stained painties in her bin after her first offfical space period, let alone having to relay that to Coran in order for him to create sanitary products for her. Pidge would be utterly mortified if she ever had to ask him for more than the additional supply or additionally medicine to take away the horrible cramps and other unpleasant symptoms. But she hadn’t needed to yet, so she had never worried about it.
Until now. Because now she was crying from the excruciating agony of cramps after not having any for who knew how long.
Voltron had been relatively inactive doing promotions on planets they freed from the Galra, so they hadn’t been on a particularly taxing mission in weeks. Pidge had never even considered the sudden decrease in physical activity could cause her period to come back in full force. She should have considered it. She could’ve ask Coran before... she could’ve made something to...
She almost cried out as the onset of another wave of cramps made her stomach churn. This was bad. Her head was already pounding and her back ached dully, for the moment overshadowed by how foul her stomach and uterus felt, taking turns pulsing but both succeeding in making her want to profusely vomit up all of the green alien goop she’d had for dinner earlier.
The boys had remarked at just how much she was eating that night. Now she knew why. And now she was really regretting it.
Pidge pulled herself up to a hunch and waited a beat as the movement ran its course, a new flare of pain spreading down her back and making its way to the joints of her hips.
She needed to do something. The pain was unbearable. Everything that could hurt, did. She blinked back dots, a small whimper escaping her lips at the thought of it not ceasing anytime soon and so she got to her feet to begin making her way to the kitchen to search for something, anything before the next wave landed and she lost her resolve.
The hallway outside of her room was dark, the only light coming from a lamp in the common room. She made her way swiftly. First to the bathroom with Coran’s alien solution of a pad. Pausing only to wash her hands before trudging on. And then she could feel her stomach pulling, getting ready for another gush of pain. She walked quicker after that, despite the deep ache in her back that threatened the contents in her stomach once more.
When Pidge finally made it to the kitchen she was blinking back more dots and leaning heavily on the counter as she reached for a glass, her hands shaking holding the pitcher as she filled it. She takes a couple of sips. Her headache was splitting now.
There’s nothing in the cabinets for pain relief, there’s usually tea... some sort of herb thing. But there’s nothing, she’ll have to go to the infirmary. And then the realization that she’ll have to drag herself all the way across the ship while she felt like this made her head spin.
Like genuinely spin. Pidge couldn’t decipher why she suddenly felt so faint, she’d eaten more than enough that night, yea sure it hurt but this didn’t warrant-
And before Pidge knew it her mind had gone blank. She didn’t remember letting go of her glass or falling but suddenly the floor was rushing up to meet her face very quickly.
The floor tile of the castle was very cold against her clamy skin and it was very helpful in reviving her, so was the insessant shaking.
Pidge blinked in confusion, but the pain that followed her renewed consciousness prevented any sort of protest. She looked up to see a very worried Keith shaking her shoulders slightly.
“Pidge! What the fuck?! Are you okay?” he rambled off quickly, his eyes working her over trying to deduce what could possibly be the problem.
“Yeah...” she said sort of sadly, but before she could even consider how to start explaining she made a humph sound and lurched forward, narrowly clamping a hand over her mouth to choke back down the saliva that had welled up in her mouth, just as Lance nearly tipped himself over with how fast he had raced to discover the source of commotion.
“What the fuck was that?” he inquired surveying the strange sight, “uh, you guys having a party or something?”
Neither of them answered as Keith scrambled to shove the bowl that previously held earth veggies under Pidge’s chin and helped her sit up before she began aggressively losing the contents of her stomach.
“Lance, shut up! Pidge passed out... I don’t think she’s feeling great,” Keith explained, rubbing circles on Pidge’s back, her whole body trembling while she retched.
“Oh,” Lance softened, a pang of worry apparnt in his gut when he moved closer to check her out for himself.
He then got to work sweeping the broken glass away from where his friends sat before he lowered himself down as well. When Pidge finally came up for air she reddened immediately. This was just not ideal.
“I’m-i’m done, I think,” she rested her head back against the cabinet and held her stomach.
“So... what the heck was that?” Lance asked taking the bowl away to empty it.
“Uh, nothing—”
“Bull,” Keith interrupted. Pidge wasn’t expecting that, but then again she was talking to the king of hiding injuries and ailments and feelings, especially pain.
“No! I’m fine, really—“
“Yeahhh i’m just not buying it.” 
Pidge’s heart dropped as she realized Keith wasn’t going to just let it go. Crap.
“You passed out and then almost threw up all over me, you’re not fine Pidge. You can tell us what’s wrong... it’s not like we’ll judge or anything,” Keith said gingerly and she knew he meant it. Fuck.
Am I really about to confide in these two boneheads about my period? In space?!
“You can’t laugh,” she choked as another ache stole her breath. It was looking like she would in fact have to admit she was on her period if she wanted any sort of remedy, of which she really really did.
“We won’t, we promise,” Lance assured. She didn’t expect that either. From him at least.
“I’m on my fucking period,” she whispered almost inaudibly. Keith nodded in understanding.
“Oh! Well that explains it,” Lance breathed, “I thought you were like deathly ill or something.”
“Juries still out on that one,” Pidge grimaced, squirming as she tried to find a more comfortable position, one that didn’t put so much pressure on her hips or her stomach or her back.
“Oh, c’mon—“
“I wouldn’t finish that statement if I were you buddy,” Keith tried to hold back his laugh.
“Listen to the mullet,” Pidge warned, her death stare shutting the boy up instantly, “because only when you can handle feeling your uterus shedding its own skin without what just happened occurring can you then talk, otherwise please save it.”
Whether it was her subtle threat or the way her voice shook with her last plead, Lance did as he was told.
“So, how can we help you?” Keith offered, “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you like this, like... I mean I know you’re not traditionally sick but for all intents and purposes sure seem to be. So what can we do?”
Pidge shifted uncomfortably, unable to keep a straight face now.
“You can help me find some sort of medicine to take. Anything, literally anything. For pain, or sleep, or death, I don’t care. I’m good with whatever you can find.”
“Damn, I’m sorry Pidge. I’ve never seen you like this over your... your period before,” Lance apologized and scratched his head.
“Yeah, because it’s never been this bad,” she tried to steady her breath and shut her eyes, swaying her knees slowly from side to side because she was so freaking antsy and in such pain it was all she could to do to somewhat soothe herself.
“She look pale to you?” Pidge was barely aware of Lance hushing his worry under his breath.
“Yeah, but she’s like flushed too.”
And then there was the back of a cold hand against her forehead and an exclamation of concern.
The boys looked at each other worriedly like “shit, this is bad” and then launched into a discussion on how they were going to proceed. Pidge didn’t listen to the conversation that followed, she could only focus on keeping her fist pressed against the right spot on her lower back and refraining from crying out as the pain rose and dulled and rose again.
And then Lance was nudging her, his hands out for her to take. He helped her to her feet, his hands firm on her back when she stopped to wait for the blood rush to dissipate and then guided her over to the sunken couch. Keith must’ve been asleep on it before because there was a pillow and unraveled blanket next to a curled up Kosmo.
She laid down slowly while the boys bustled around her, not having enough energy to accurately produce any theories explaining why Keith would be sleeping in here and not in his own room, saving the thought for later.
Then she was aware that the boys had gone off to wherever and she was alone with a peaceful Kosmo as another horrible pain flared up in her back and travelled to her hips.
“Fuck!” she exclaimed, unable to surpress the tears as they rolled down her face, her breath hitching now. Pidge rolled to her stomach and brought her legs under her in a sort of mock child’s pose, accidentally waking Kosmo up in the process. But to her surprise, he didn’t seem annoyed at the disturbance like he normally would’ve been, he’d stretched out in front of her and licked her face instead.
Pidge could’ve sworn he looked genuinely worried, somehow sensing that the salty wetness of her face and contorted breathing meant anguish, because he then went to comfort her. This is right about when Keith and Lance turned up with Coran and some strange alien goodies in the heat of an enlightening conversation about how a cryopod likely wouldn’t make a lick of a difference in this situation.
“Good boy,” Keith commended, petting his wolf’s head who was in a vice grip in Pidge’s arms, but he didn’t seem to mind in the least.
“Little one, I am displeased to hear of your great discomfort. If I had known these menstrautions could be accompanied by such horrible pains I would’ve something prepared sooner... but fear not, my girl, because I may very well have a few remedies that might do the trick.”
Pidge sighed and heaved herself to a sitting position, Kosmo turning himself around and nestling in her lap. The boys silently remarking at how she’d somehow looked worse than before.
Her face and eyes were blotchy and puffy from crying and her trembling was more apparent now, either from the cold of the common room or her abnormal temperature, regardless she looked like she was really going through it.
And she was because as soon as she straightened up her face fell. Keith didn’t wait even a tick before he took off barreling for the veggie bowl, vaulting over the couch just in time to once again shove the bowl under Pidge’s chin.
Kosmo whined in distress.
“My girl...” Coran lamented, fussing with the supplies they had gathered in Lance’s arms.
“Here, once you’ve calmed down try this, it’ll make you sleepy but it should ease the pain for now,” Coran had a thick blue leaf in his hands.
Pidge nodded, Keith’s hand behind her neck gripping her solidly in case she tipped over because she looked like she was about to. Her face was ashen, almost tinged green.
“I’ll get you something to wash that down with,” Lance stated and headed for the kitchen. Coran headed off somewhere too.
It took her a minute to be sure she was done but when she was she shivered and sat back, Kosmo nudging his head under her arm.
“You cold? Or just shaky?”
“Cold. I run fevers sometimes but only usually the first day and then I spew when the cramps pick up... hey look, I’m sorry to be making such a fuss so late and keep you all up for something so stup—“
“Are you kidding?” Keith seemed genuinely taken back as he draped the blanket he was using earlier around the tiny girl’s shoulders.
“Wha—don’t apologize!! You know we’d all do anything to make sure you’re okay, your Pidge! You’re like our nerdy little sister, how can we not fuss over you?” Lance said when he returned with a little laugh. Pidge managed a smile while she gnawed on the oddly textured leaf, gulping it down quickly with the water Lance brought.
“And I was up anyway,” Keith started “I couldn’t sleep so I came out to hang with Kosmo. I was surprised you didn’t yell at me for being awake when you first came in. And then I heard the glass break followed by a sloid thud, so naturally I needed to see if ya know you were alive.”
They all laughed at that. Pidge let out a big yawn.
“I forgot you even get your period, Pidge. You never let on that you’re in pain, like ever. That’s freaky, that’s like a superpower holy--”
“I’ve got just what you need, my girl!” Coran beamed, effectively shutting down Lance’s tangent.
Coran presented Pidge with a blanket.
“Uhh, thanks?” she took it from him and rubbed at her eyes.
He then held up a remote and pressed a button. The blanket started to glow, it was getting warm.
“Oh, yes! You’re the best, Coran.” 
Pidge gave Keith’s blanket back and wrapped Coran’s around her middle, Kosmo seemed to like it to because he nuzzled into it and pawed at her for more of it to cover him.
“I don’t get it, if she’s feverish isn’t she gonna over heat?” Keith asked, more confused than anything, and maybe a little sad that his blanket was rejected.
“From what Allura has told me, heat sometimes soothes the cramps associated with a female human’s menstruation! It is quite fascinating, but it makes perfect sense, you see the release of the hormone prostaglandin is a hypothermic process so--”
“Okay, spare us and our simple minds. Anyway let’s be quieter, I think she’s finally asleep,” Lance pointed to a very peaceful Pidge curled up in her new blanket with Kosmo, her mouth hung open and steadily blowing on a tuft of hair with each breath.
“I think it’s time for you boys to retire as well,” Coran suggested, settling down at the other end of the couch, “I’m sure our Pidgeon has greatly appreciated all of your assistance, but you both need to rest, I can watch over her from here.”
Keith and Lance shared a look.
“What’s the harm is staying with her a bit longer, just to make sure she doesn’t get sick again or anything, ya know?” Keith postured.
“Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with staying just a little while longer,” Lance said stretching out at Pidge’s feet, she was nestled in the corner of the couch, so Keith took to the other part of the couch by Kosmo and rubbed his nose.
And within no time the two boneheads were out. Lance’s head resting on Pidge’s leg as a pillow, limbs strewn all about, snoring like an old man. While Keith was cacooned himself in his own blanket all but his arm because it was trapped under both Pidge and Kosmo.
This was the scene that Allura walked into early that morning. She was very confused to say the least.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
Speak No Evil (Part 21)
Mai stands in their palace yet she refuses to meet either of their eyes. Mostly she resists looking at Zuko. And somehow this infuriates Azula more than anything else. She had no trouble locking eyes with her when she was shoving her tongue down TyLee’s throat. Likely she had no trouble boasting about it to Zuko.
“Hello!” Seicho greets, “my name is Seicho and this is Zhang-Zin, my brother.”
“I didn’t realize that you’d be bringing friends home, Zuko.” Mai remarks stiffly, as though Seicho’s very presence is an affront. Granted, Azula hasn’t much room to talk given her first thoughts about the woman.
“They’re Azula’s friends.” Zuko replies. “They’re nice people.”
“Right, because Azula always keeps such pleasant company.”
Azula is very much inclined to agree with her.
“I never said that I was a good person.” Mai speaks up before Azula can jot anything down on her parchment. She wonders if that is Mai’s way of expressing guilt. The woman is nearly as dreadful with such as Azula herself.
‘Why is she still here?’ Azula scribbles onto the parchment.
“I’m trying to talk things out with her.” He replies.
Azula isn’t sure if she shares the desire. ‘Where is TyLee?’
Mai shrugs. “She’s been...different lately.”
Azula swallows, likely she has gone and made a complete and unsalvageable mess of things. Likely, TyLee doesn’t want to talk to her even  in a simpler, less romantic way. Mai certainly doesn’t.
She suspects that Seicho senses her discomfort as the woman inches closer and puts a hand upon her shoulder. This time Azula doesn’t shake it off.
“I think that all of us have been different lately.” Zuko agrees.
Azula is inclined to express that they are different in any good way. Mostly they have all collectively taken several steps back. A steady regression from any progress that they might have made. A pang comes over her at the realization that, at least at some point, for some period of time, she had bettered herself. If only she hadn’t gone and ruined it.
Zhang-Zin rubs his head. “Are things alway so tense here?”
“Yes.” They all answer at once. At least they can agree on one thing.
Zuko laughs, “we’re a sad bunch aren’t we?”
“The most miserable.” Mai sighs.
Azula would have laughed if she could. She isn’t quite sure how to express as much on the parchment without sounding sarcastic. She swallows, even the most basic expressions of joy have been lost to her.
“You know what you guys need?” Seicho asks.
‘Help?’ Azula jots down.
This draws another laugh from Zuko. She hadn’t expected it to lift her spirits any. But it does; it is such a subtle reminder but a reminder no less. She has managed to cling onto at least some forward progress. However rocky it can be; they don’t hate each other anymore.
“A big box of assorted mochi and lunch in a garden.” Seicho declares.
‘You’re just looking for an excuse to visit the palace gardens.’
“That too.” She shrugs.
“Aren’t we supposed to be preparing for our hike?” Zhang-Zin speaks.
Seicho elbows him in the stomach as Azula nods affirmatively. “You...the both of you need to lighten up, we have all the time in the world. We just got off of a cramped boat, we can relax--with a box of mochi in the garden--for a little while.”
Azula points to her throat.
“We have a ton of parchment to hold you over.”
Azula folds her arms over her chest.
“You especially can use a big box of mochi and a flower crown.” Her eyes shine with a devious glint. “And you don’t have to worry about the flowers pinching you as you try to collect them.” She grins.
Azula’s cheeks flush and decides once and for all that Seicho is a little shit.
“What is she talking about?” Mai asks.
“They made shell jewelry together and Azula tried to steal from a turtle-crab.”
“Since turtle-crabs live in shells would that be considered theft or a home invasion?”
Azula fixes Seicho with her best deadpan stare.
Things are different day to day. She dabbles in a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Some activities she likes less than others--fishing and bird watching to name two. She also doesn’t care for watching earthbending ball.
Fishing requires too much sitting still and a whole lot of nothing in particular. Bird watching is a little more engaging but she finds that she is much too excitable and fellow watchers aren’t particularly thrilled when her bouncing up and declaring, ‘oh look at that one!’ causes said birds to take flight. And earthbending ball, like kuai ball isn’t fun unless she is part taking.
But she adores yoga, climbing, dancing, and occasionally a good game of hide and explode with a pack of wild children. Tonight’s activity is a poetry reading. She thinks that this is the perfect way to give Tuya a taste of Fire Nation culture; they sit on tatami mats with small bowls of rice and miso soup.
Not only will she get to listen to the language of the Fire Nation and get a feel for their aesthetics but she will also get to  try out some traditional dishes. If they are lucky, this event will have music between readings.
“Are you going to read a poem?” Tuya asks.
“I’m not sure yet.” She thinks that she might want to, she has a few verses in mind about what it is like to be inside a glacier for the first time. She nuzzles herself close to Tuya who offers her a helping of rice.
It is a good day. A warm day. A kind day.
Six. Seicho can fit six mochi balls into her mouth at once. Azula hadn’t realized that watching someone eat mochi could leave her feeling so stressed. And Zhang-Zin...that man was able to cram seven.
“Fire of Agni!” Mai exclaims, it is the most passion that Azula ha heard from her in a while. “And I thought that you were a mochi demon.”
Azula jabs a thumb against her own chest.
“Yeah you. Remember when you ate three of them at once?”
At first she thinks that Mai is talking about their sleepover and then she recalls  a moment when Zuko had proclaimed that he could eat more mochi than she. She nods, she isn’t sure if she should be prideful or concerned in retrospect.
Seicho finishes swallowing the mochi. Azula is thankful that the woman hasn’t choked. She plucks a firelily from a nearby bush and tucks it behind Azula’s ear. She ruffles her hair, “perfect.”
Azula staches her invasive hand with a frown. Seicho remains unperturbed. Not only unperturbed, but thrilled to have Azula holding her hand. She doesn’t let Azula drop it and the princess isn’t sure that she wants to anyways.
“So what do you do, Zhang-Zin?” Zuko asks.
“Most of the time I either ferry people back and forth from Ember Island to the mainland. But when I have a day off Seicho and I usually go exploring together. One day we’re going to cover the entirety of Ember Island.”
‘Sounds horrible.’ But she can’t help but want to tag along. She looks at her ankles, the swelling has since passed and she isn’t sure that she is ready for round two.
“It’s actually a lot of fun if you have good company.” Seicho gives Azula’s hand a pointed squeeze and her tummy flutters slightly. “And comfy shoes.”
“Maybe if this next hike goes well, we can try to trek around Ember Island.” Zuko suggests.
“What hike?” Mai asks.
“We’re going to try to help Azula get her voice back.”
Azula fidgets with the grass beside her. She takes a sip of tea as she works up the willpower to ask, ‘do you want to come?’
Mai stares at the parchment as though it is some mysterious and mystifying tome. Likely, Mai hadn’t anticipated receiving an invite. And to be fair, Azula hadn’t anticipated inviting her.
Zuko smiles. “I think that it would be great for you to come along. We’ll have some time to talk about things. I think that we could all use that.”
“Azula especially could use the ability to talk.” Seicho remarks. With one small pout, Seicho is cupping her cheek. “Which is why we’re going to get her voice back.” She slings her arm over Azula’s shoulder. There is something strangely reassuring in her confidence.
Mai inhales deeply, “fine, I’ll go, but I’m not liable if I murder one of you in your sleep.”
“I’m willing to take that risk.” Zuko replies, “we haven’t murdered each other yet.”
‘It isn’t for lack of trying’. Azula shrugs.
“No kidding.” Mai rolls her eyes.
“What did you get me into?” Zhang-Zin asks Seicho as she declares, “this group is always so cheerful.” She pops another ball of mochi into her mouth and makes herself comfortable propped up against Azula.
Azula’s tummy gives another flutter. It has been so long since someone has snuggled up next to her. She missed the feeling. Hesitantly, she puts her arm around Seicho.
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jizemderler · 4 years
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Worry {Kim Namjoon/ 김 남 준}
A/N: This is my first (probably not last) bts imagine...it’s fluffy, it’s angsty...enjoy! 즐겨!
As the platform comes down you already see him struggling. While the others are breathing heavily too, they manage to jump down the platform to take their oxygen masks. He on the other hand stumbles down and is caught by a staff member. You check out all of the members before concentrating on Taehyung. The staff starts changing their outfits and fixing their make up. A couple of hands are running down their bodies and suddenly Taehyungs knees give in and you act immediately. You break through the crowd of staff. Since your the chief they move out the way so you can easily reach the young man. You grab his arm and wrap it around your shoulder to guide him into the empty back room. You close the door behind you and shut everybody else out. You know that he is hyperventilating because of the mass outside.
„Drink," you say and prepare all the stuff you're going to need in 30 seconds.
„I will get you 30 seconds of absolute silence. Drink up and get your mask on. Relax. I'll get you ready after that. Understood?" you say and look into his eyes.
„Thank you." he manages to get out and you pat his shoulder before leaving the room. Outside 10 people are waiting to get in to get him ready.
„Back off. Give me his clothes. I have the makeup inside. Don't go in. I'll get him ready in time." you say and everybody does as you say. You walk over to RM. You were furious but you had to stay professional so the show could go on.
„Is he okay?" he asks as soon as he sees you and you nod. „I got it under control. Keep an eye on him on stage. He has trouble breathing - don't crowd over him on stage. He might have a panic attack." you inform him formally.
„Hey," he says affectionately and tries to hold your hand but you're already leaving.
„Tell the others."
„Alright baby boy. Time's up," you say entering the room with his new outfit and smile a little seeing a bit of color on his cheeks.
„Put these on. We got 60 seconds," you say and hand him his new outfit. You turn around so he can change while you pick out the stuff you need for fixing his makeup.
You turn back around and he already has his eyes closed ready for you to work on him. You get his makeup done and step back.
„You're ready," you say and he opens his eyes.
„Don't tell the other ones," you say while handing him a treat and he takes it with a big smile on his face.
He stands up and embraces you in a big hug.
„You're going to wrinkle your outfit!" you scold him half-heartedly but he snuggled his face even more into your hair.
„Thank you for caring for us," he says and you pat his shoulder.
„Get out there. Don't overdo it this time," you warn him and pull back. „Go," you say and open the door before he can say anything. The staff is already waiting for him and they guide him to his place.
The show is done and you are packing your stuff when the door opens and the guys come storming in.
„Who is the best crisis manager?" Jin yells and Jungkook answers: "Noona!"
„1,2,3. Thank you." they say in unison while standing in a straight line holding hands and bow in front of you.
„It's my job. I'm chief of staff," you say and keep packing your stuff without looking up and it becomes silent in the room.
„I'm sorry about today." you hear Taehyung say after a long period of silence. You stop mid-movement and sigh while pinching the bridge of your nose.
„I'm not mad at you Tae," you assure him and try to keep calm.
„It doesn't feel like it," he says with a tiny voice and you look up at him. They are all watching you with worried eyes. „I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the industry. I hate seeing you guys like that. It fills me with anger. But I'm a professional and I manage you guys through it. That's why I'm here." you say and they furrow their brows even more and you shake your head. "You're not here just because you can manage a crisis well. You know that right?" Jimin says and you sigh.
„I'm sorry. I'm sorry for worrying you guys. You all did a great job today and I don't want to take away from that. Go home and celebrate. You were great." you say and force a smile on your lips but they don't budge.
„Go! I want to go home too. Get home safely. I'll see you tomorrow."
„Yeah. Let's go." RM says suddenly and you nod without looking at him. He starts pushing the other members out the door and they say their goodbyes. Namjoon is the last one left in the room and you look at each other for quite some time before he takes one step towards you.
„You should go too," you say and he stops in his tracks. A hurt expression passes his face and you look away. „I just need some time alone. It has nothing to do with you," you assure him and he looks at his feet with his hands shoved into his pockets. "I don't want you to feel bad for us...we're fine, really. Just...please don't pull away." he pleads and you don't know what to say. Seeing the members break down always took a toll on you and he knew it. You looked down and let out a big sigh. He took that as a chance to step forward and embrace you in his arms. His warm body against yours seemed to ease the anxiety in your chest. You let him hug you and breathed in his scent to calm your nerves and closed your eyes. You stood there in silence for some minutes and no words were needed for the other to understand how both of you were feeling.
Exactly two weeks later your worst nightmare became true. It was during a concert again and the guys had a really packed schedule which meant a lot of training, a lot of sleepless nights, and a lot of anxiety. All of that caused exhaustion which brought you to this day. The song had just ended and all lights went out so the boys could come down unnoticed and change their outfits. You didn't see it immediately because you were giving directions to everyone so the guys could make it in time. But when a group of people gasped it caught your attention and you looked his way just to see Namjoon lying on the floor almost unconscious. You rushed over there immediately and made your way through the crowd hovering over him. You felt panic rise up in your chest but you had to suppress your feelings to stay professional. That was the only way to help him. You took off your jacket and slid your hand under his neck to place the jacket under his head. "Bring a bucket of ice water and a towel," you ordered the guy next to you while freeing Namjoon from his heavy coat. He is half awake and groaning while his eyes roll back. "Namjoon? Can you hear me? Stay with us." you say calmly and check his temperature by touching his forehead and neck. "He is overheating," you say more to yourself and push his hair out of his face. "Get me the first aid kit," you say to another staff member and push everyone away. "Go get the other one's ready. He's fine," you say while taking the bucket of ice and the towel. You dunk the towel into the water and squeeze out the excess water before putting it on his forehead. "It's going to be cold. Don't pull back," you say to him and lift his legs to put them into the ice water. He winces again but listens and stays put. "Wait for two minutes and pull his legs up and stretch his muscles before he gets up. He'll have cramps if he dances with cold and sore muscles," you advise the guy standing by the bucket and he nods. 
"I need a bottle of water," you say into the room, and seconds later someone hands you a bottle of which you take the cap off. You slide your hand under his head again and lift him a little so he can take a sip. He is slowly regaining his consciousness and takes the bottle out of your hand to drink. "How are you feeling?" you ask seeing that he is much better now. "Good. Thanks to you," he says out of breath while resting his hand on yours and you restrain yourself from rolling your eyes. "Stay put until you stretch your muscles and don't get up too fast. Your blood circulation isn't balanced yet," you tell him and stand up. "Get him something to eat. Something sweet will work best," you say to his assistant and he nods before leaving to get something. You can hear Namjoon calling for your name but you're already walking away towards the back door with your hands formed to fists by your side. You can feel all of the members staring at you but you have to get out before losing your shit. As soon as you step out you take a deep breath you were holding since seeing Namjoon on the floor. Your heart was pounding as if it was trying to jump out of your chest and you felt dizzy. The horrible feeling you suppressed now came back in waves to overwhelm you and took your breath away. A tiny sob escaped your lips and you pressed your palm against your lips immediately to stop it from becoming a full-on crying session. You still had to work which meant you had to get over your shock quickly. You took another few deep breaths before calming your breathing and heart rate. After that, you gathered back your courage and went backstage. 
The guys were all ready and were standing back on the platform waiting to go back up on stage. Jimin was talking to Namjoon who was nodding to what he was listening to. He seemed back to his normal energetic self. He was always hyping the boys and himself up before going up on stage and checked if everyone was alright. His leadership got him where he is today besides his talent and good looks of course. You were always proud of him since the day you met him - but something was eating away at you and you couldn't just ignore it anymore.
After the concert ended you didn't wait for him to finish packing up and went back to your hotel room. They were probably going to meet in one of their rooms to talk about today - so you were hoping not to see him tonight. You wanted to sort your thoughts out before talking to him about your issues. So when someone knocked on your door half-past twelve you thought it was Namjoon. You were wondering why he wasn't just coming in since he knew your password. "Joon I'm really exhausted can we meet tomorrow for breakfast?" you said while opening the door and stopped in your tracks when you saw the eldest standing in front of you. "Jin-ah," you said with wide eyes and he smiled back at you. "Hey."
"Did he send you?" you glared at him and he chuckled while you peaked your head around the corner to see if Namjoon was hiding somewhere. "No. I stopped him from coming over. Can I come in? " he asked and pointed at your room. "I'm really tired. And so are you. Let's just rest, hm?" you said kindly rejecting him and he took time to look at you - trying to understand if you were fine.  "Noona,..." he started but you cut him off. "Let's not make a big deal about it. I'll talk to Namjoon tomorrow."
"Being the eldest sucks when you can't help anybody," he whined and you chuckled. "Yeah tell me about it." you laughed, both of you knowing that you were two years older than Jin and he joined with a chuckle. "Now that I've seen you smile a little...I guess I can go. Who's going to comfort baby Namjoon?" he asked trying to lure you in but you were working with them for too long to fall for that trap. "There are 6 of you guys. You'll manage." you mocked him playfully and he sighed theatrically. "I guess we will." he went along with your playful tone and you smiled. "Good night Jin. Sleep well," you said while patting his shoulder and went back into your room. 
You were having nightmares. The pictures from today were still haunting you and you couldn't sleep. You were turning and tossing when you heard the familiar beep of the door. Someone entered the password in. Since Namjoon was the only one who knew your password you laid still and acted as if you were asleep. He didn't turn on the light or call out your name. You only heard his cautious steps towards you. He climbed into your bed and slid under the covers - wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his body. He buried his face into your hair and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," he whispered to himself thinking you were asleep and tears build in your eyes. His grip around your waist tightened as if he was trying to shield you from bad experiences. "I love you so much," he whispered again after taking another big breath and you couldn't stay still anymore. You turned in his arms and hugged him back, burying your face in his chest. Sobs were escaping your throat which you had been suppressing the whole day. You held on to his shirt firmly as if he was going to slip through your fingers and he let you cry out your worries and fears. He knew he couldn't change anything and just held you. You cried for a long time and he didn't say a word. After a while, your sobs died down and your breathing became even. You had cried yourself to sleep, still holding onto Namjoon tightly and he placed a soft kiss on top of your head before closing his own eyes. 
The morning after was departure day, so there was nothing planned. So you stayed in with Namjoon and you two spent the day together. There was a gathered dinner in the evening which you decided to attend. Your eyes felt puffy and sore as you woke up. Namjoon was still asleep and you were enjoying his presence right next to you. His face looked so peacefully and your heart skipped a beat. You moved a strand of hair out of his to admire his features. You traced his eyebrows, cheeks, and nose with the tip of your finger. When you reached his lips he slightly opened his eyes and his lips formed to a sleepy smile. He kissed the tip of your fingers and pulled you into his arms. "Good morning," he said with his raspy sleep-deprived morning voice. "Good morning," you answered him and gave him a peck on his lips which made him pout. "What was that?" he asked and you chuckled. "A kiss," you answered well knowing what he meant. "Bullshit," he said and placed his lips on yours to give you a proper kiss. He cupped your face with his hands and caressed your cheek with his thumb while deepening the kiss. You slid your hands under his shirt which resulted in a satisfied moan on his side. You fought for dominance until both of you were out of breath and pulled away unwillingly. "Do we need to be somewhere?" he asked breathing heavily and you smiled knowing what he had in mind. "Not that I know of," you answered and a sheepish smile appeared on his face. "Good," he said and was suddenly hovering on top of you. "You're so beautiful," he said while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and you smiled up at him.
You got ready when dinner time was around the corner and tried to hide your nervousness from him. You couldn't get into an argument before dinner - that would take your courage away. So you tried to stay calm as much as possible and waited for him to come out of the bathroom. "Ready?" you asked when he stepped out and he nodded. He was wearing a casual fit and was still looking like a snack which made you smile. "You look good," you said and he smiled. "So do you, baby. Let's go," he said and held out his hand for you to take it.
Everybody was talking to everybody and the room was filled with drunken laughter and conversations. You've been gathering your courage the whole evening, waiting for the right moment but it had been very hard to catch everyone's attention. "Hey, you." someone said pulling you out of your thoughts and you could see Hoseok who was sitting on the other side of the table staring at you with a big smile holding up his glass of soju. "Cheers!" you said and knocked your glass against his and took a tiny sip. "Hyung. Isn't she older than you? Why'd you call her like that?" Jungkook but in and you chuckled. "I would get scolded if I ever did that." he pouted and you laughed even more. "I don't mind," you said and shrugged your shoulders. "Well, you should." Namjoon stepped in and you rolled your eyes. "Alright calm down lover boy," you said while patting his shoulder and earned a growl from Namjoon and a laugh from Teahyung who was sitting beside him. "I guess that's what it's like to date someone older," Taehyung said and you raised a brow at him. "Did you just call me old?" you asked playfully hurt and Jungkook chimed in: "You are older than all of us, so...". Which earned him a slap on the back of his head by none other than Jin.  
"Alright I'm gonna finish this age talk by announcing something." you chuckled and stood up, trying to catch everyone's attention. "I got something to tell you guys." you started and looked around, avoiding Namjoons gaze on purpose. "I thought I should tell you guys in advance, since I consider you all my close friends," you said and smiled at the staff members you've been working with for over ten years. "I'll be transferred to another group by the end of the month. I really loved working with you guys and I hope you'll do even a better job with the new chief of staff," you announced and could feel Namjoons glare burning into your skin. "What? You're leaving? Look I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to call you old..." you heard Taehyung desperately say and smiled down at him. "It has nothing to do with that," you assured him. You were going to add something when suddenly Namjoon jumped up, his chair falling over and rushed out of the room with angry steps and left through the front door. You sighed slightly and forced a smile back on your face. "Let's make this last month even better than the ones before, alright?" you said and raised your glass. After everyone was back to their own conversations you left the room to look for Namjoon. He was standing outside in the cold with his arms crossed over his chest while kicking the pebbles on the ground. You pushed the front door open and immediately had goosebumps all over your body from the cold. "Joon," you called out but he didn't turn around so you walked over to him and stood in front of him. "Hey," you said calmly and put your hand against his arm but he pulled away. "How long have you been planing to leave?" he asked and his icy voice bothered you more than the cold weather. "Not long," you answered and he huffed. "So the whole day, while I was thinking that everything was okay, you were planning to get away?" he said and his accusing tone hurt your feelings. "I wasn't planning to get away." "What were you doing then? Planning to leave me? Thanks for letting me know in front of a bunch of people." he said now louder than before. "I'm not leaving you. I wasn't planning anything. I just chose to work somewhere else. Why are you making it something it isn't?" you ask him trying to stay calm and his condescending huffing broke your heart. He shook his head while turning away from you which was a habit of his when he couldn't control his emotions. "It's not a big deal. We'll see each other every time you're not on tour. We'll make it work." you said and he closed his eyes. "This is so frustrating," he whispered and turned back to you. "This is because of the incident the other day, right?" he said and you didn't answer. "You'll have stuff like that happen wherever you work as long as you're in this industry. That's just how it is. You're old enough to know that." he said and there was no understanding in his voice. He was trying to pick a fight and you were losing your patience. "At least somewhere else I won't have to watch my boyfriend work himself to death," you said and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "Just because you won't see it doesn't mean that it won't happen. If you don't want to worry about me or the other guys anymore we'll have to break up."
You couldn't believe he just said that so you could just stare at him in disbelief. He knew exactly that you weren't leaving because you didn't want to care. You were leaving because you couldn't take seeing your most loved ones hurt. Him assuming that really hit you hard. You looked down with furrowed brows and tear escaped your eye. You took a shaky breath before walking back inside without saying anything and ramming his shoulder with yours while walking past him. He crossed a line - and he knew it. Back indie you grabbed your stuff and left without listening to the protests and questions of your friends. 
He didn't try making it up to you. But didn't make an effort either. So you kept working professionally without acknowledging the elephant in the room. You saw each other while working. You still fixed his clothes or makeup if the others messed up and he looked at you the same way as he looked at other staff members. Polite and friendly. The problems between you two wouldn't have been solved if the day didn't happen. He lacked an understanding of your situation and unfortunately, a day would come where he would be in your shoes. 
You didn't get any sleep that night. Things for the concert the next day kept going wrong so through the night different people kept calling you and you had to fix things. It was five a.m when you got your last call and decided to get up and shower to lose the tiring weight of sleep-deprivation. You ordered breakfast but couldn't get to eat it because an emergency occurred with the wardrobe department which meant you had to rush out. You had to rush from place to place so you didn't get to eat lunch or dinner either which meant you were running low on energy when the concert started. You already felt dizzy quite a few times but ignored it because you had no time. "Hey can you approve of this real quick?", someone tapped your shoulder and you pulled your gaze away from the monitor which was showing the boys perform on stage and looked at him. "Sure," you said and he walked away showing you the way. You were really wanky on your feet but you tried to hide it and followed him. When you came back the guys were back down and they were having their half an hour break before the second half of the concert started. You were supposed to check on them if they needed anything so you went to their backstage room. You were about to enter, your hand resting on the doorknob, when you suddenly lost vision. Everything went dark and you blinked a few times before your sight became clear again. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you felt a  headache coming. You took a few deep breaths and walked in after feeling like you could walk normally again. 
"Hey, guys. You did a great job," you said clapping your hands and forced a smile on your lips. "Do any of you need anything?" you asked and they looked up from their plates. "Everything is set. Thank you.", Namjoon answered formally as their leader and you nodded. His uninterested overly polite voice was like a dagger through your heart. Were you the only one hurting in this? It sure seemed like that. This must've given you the rest because Yoongi looked up and was looking really worried. "Noona, are you alright? You don't look so..." he started but you interrupted him. "I'll see you guys backstage then," you said and turned around to leave. You must've moved too fast because your vision got blurry again and the darkness crept back in. There was a knock on the door and someone walked in but you couldn't see who. "Are you alright miss?" your staff member asked but you couldn't answer. You tried taking another step but lost balance immediately and hit the ground. You're not sure what happened after that. When you regained consciousness you were lying in Namjoons arms and he was towering over you while caressing your face. "Hey. Can you hear me? Wake up.", you heard his worried voice from far away and closed your eyes again because your eyelids were so heavy. "No, no. Wake up, sweety. Look at me." he said and you forced your eyes open to look into those familiar brown eyes. You blinked slowly a few times before registering your surroundings. "Okay, move." Namjoon suddenly said and lift you up bridal style to carry you over to the couch. He laid you down carefully and made sure you were comfortable. "Medics are about to be here," he said more to calm himself and placed his hand against your cheek. "When did you eat last?" he asked you knowing your habit of forgetting to eat. "Yesterday." you managed to get out and you didn't understand the next thing he growled. He probably cursed. 
"Namjoon we need to go. Show starts in five." you heard someone say. "No." he said while holding on to your hand and you tried saying something but nothing was coming out. "I'll watch over her." the staff member who came in said and Namjoon shook his head. "I'm not leaving her like this." he refused and held your hand even tighter as if someone was going to pull you apart. "The medics will take care of her. We need to go. Everyone is waiting." Jin said reasonably and you gathered your strength together and opened your eyes again. You looked into his sad eyes and tried to smile. "Go," you said and tried pulling your hand away. You blinked reassuringly because there was no way for you to talk more. The medics came in right at that moment and he had to move away so that they could help you. "Let's go," Yoongi said softly while putting his hands on his leader's shoulders guiding him slowly towards the door.
It was the first time Namjoon hated being on stage. It was the first time he had to act more than sing. And acting fine was the hardest thing to do when thousands of people were watching you. He was going to rush backstage as soon as they got off the stage but a staff member caught him on his way. "We moved her to her hotel room. The medics said she's going to be fine once she gets some rest and sleeps out the meds." he was informed and a wave of relief washed over him. "They said she overworked herself. Hence the dizziness, headaches, and fainting." the staff answered when he asked about the reason. He nodded and the girl walked away. He felt like crying. He wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. At the same, he wanted to punch someone. The someone being him. He hated himself for leaving you alone and worrying you. You had enough going on and he behaved like a child whose lollipop got taken away. 
He didn't get to see you until later that night. It was half-past one when he entered your room. He was afraid of waking you since you really needed to rest but he had to see that you were okay. The lights were all out so he tiptoed to your bed and slid under the covers as slowly as possible. This time you didn't even pretend to be asleep and wait for him to say or do something. You just turned around and wrapped your arms around his waist. He didn't know what to do at first but it didn't take him long to wrapped his own arms around your shoulders and embrace you in a hug. You could hear his heartbeat through his chest which calmed you more down than any meds ever could. Both of you didn't say anything for a very long time until your stomach growled very loudly and told him that you were hungry. Your blood shot up into your head out of embarrassment and you were glad that it was dark in the room.
"Have you eaten anything?" he asked into the silence and you shook your head. "I just woke up from the sedatives," you answered and he gave you a kiss on top of your head before pulling away from the hug to turn on the night lamp. "What do you want to eat?" he asked while grabbing the hotel phone to call the room service. "I have the breakfast from this morning," you suggested while pointing over at the table where the cold food was standing. He growled something to himself again but it wasn't meant for your ears. "Do you crave something in particular or should I order randomly?" he asked again patiently and you smiled. "I could eat some jjajangmyeon."
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clintashaotp · 4 years
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Author’s note/summary: Sorry I’ve been so absent for a while. Hopefully, you all are still interested in a little fanfic! TW for miscarriage. Clintasha centric. 
Let Me Help You
1,895 Words
The two lines across the test are clear as day, but Natasha still doesn’t believe it. There’s no way. There’s literally no way. How could this even be possible? She doesn’t have time for a baby. She can’t have a baby, not right now. How is she supposed to tell Clint?
It’s late, but instead of going to bed she stays up, searching the internet for answers. How is she supposed to be a mother? How can she give her baby a childhood when she doesn’t know what a childhood is supposed to be? 
Weeks pass. She doesn’t tell Clint. She keeps meaning to tell him, but every time it seems like a good break in the conversation he starts to ramble on about something new, or turns on the TV, or trips over his own goddamn feet and she has to laugh along with him at his clumsiness. To be honest, she has no idea how to tell him. He’s been so happy lately, getting to be closer friends with the team and finding things that he’s interested in other than missions and training. She doesn’t want to scare him. 
When they are called for a mission she is almost relieved. Maybe she can talk to him afterwards, they’ve always been a little more open after missions. Natsaha takes a quick picture of the positive pregnancy test as proof before they board the jet and when she throws her stuff into the corner she sits down in a seat next to Clint, but just barely manages to mask her sigh of disappointment as Tony and Steve climb up the stairs as well. Fantastic. 
The cramping starts when they are halfway over the Atlantic ocean. Natasha tries her best to act normal and not let it show, but she knows its only a matter of time before Clint notices. Thankfully, their mission is distracting enough, and as Tony and Steve pull up the blueprints for the pirated ship they have to board, Natasha subtly shifts to a more comfortable position. 
“Ready?” Clint waggles his eyebrows at her and Natasha snorts. 
“Of course, weirdo. Put on your stupid parachute,” she teases back, clasping the buckles around her shoulders. 
“This is a simple mission. Get in, get the captives, and get out. There are only two captives, so this shouldn’t be a hard one,” Steve recounts, and Tony shrugs, finishing the last of his Redbull. 
“Shouldn’t be a problem. Nothing Iron Man can’t handle,” he quips with a smug grin, and Natasha and Clint roll their eyes in synch. 
The light banter seems fun and easy, but Natasha’s stomach drops when she feels the stabbing pain in her abdomen again. She doesn’t want to let the thought cross her mind, so she busies herself in bothering Clint, fluffing his hair with her hand. 
“Alright kids, drop door opening in three, two, one…” Tony slams the switch and the door at the back of the jet lowers. Natasha and Clint hop out first, Steve next--no parachute for the super soldier--and Tony speeds along past them, letting JARVIS keep the jet alive in the air. 
They land on the deck, and the jarring movement of contact almost makes Natasha cry out as sharp pain flashes through her back and stomach. She grits her teeth and sheds her parachute. 
“Clint, find a perch, scout from above, shout out positions from where you’re stationed,” Steve instructs. “Tony and Natasha go down below deck and take out the guards by the engines so they don’t steer off course. I’ll sneak into the lower floors to try to find the captives. There aren’t a lot of people on this ship, so try to stay away from lethal blows.”
“Got it,” Natasha responds, and Clint and Tony give affirmative answers. 
Natasha takes the lead, but the heavy clunking of Tony’s boots behind her reminds her of his presence. She slides down the ladder, trying to ignore the heavy, anxious feeling in her chest. Something is wrong, and it’s not the hostage situation. 
“I’ll take left, you take right,” Tony shrugs, and Natasha agrees with a nod, sprinting off towards the right and hitting one of the men with a spinning back kick, her body screaming in protest. The man lands a punch on her jaw and she grunts, pulling out her batons and knocking him along the side of his head, his body crashing into the wall and laying still. 
She knocks out the other two men with much less effort, and spins around to see Tony leaning casually against the other wall. 
“Well, you certainly took your time,” he smirks, and Natasha rolls her eyes at him. 
“Not all of us have repulsor beams, Metalhead,” she retorts, but a wave of pain cuts her off and she gasps as it hits her. The horrible stabbing in her stomach makes her head spin and she has to lean forward to steady herself against the wall. 
“Woah, you okay?” Tony steps forward, but Natasha cuts him off. 
“I’m fine,” she snaps, standing up straight. “Let’s go find Cap.”
“You didn’t get hit, did you?” Tony asks nervously, and Natasha shakes her head. 
“I said I’m fine,” she growls, and starts climbing up the ladder. When she climbs into the upper deck, she frowns. She feels something warm and wet and for a second wonders if her period came to surprise her, but it can’t be. She’s pregnant. Natasha almost gasps out loud when she realizes. There’s only one thing that it could be No. She can’t be losing Clint’s baby. Not now. 
Thankfully, her suit is black and can cover up the blood, so she stalks past Tony to follow the sound of Cap’s voice. The hostages are already untied when they reach the loading dock, and Clint is just putting away his last arrows into his quiver. 
The cramping in Natasha’s abdomen is just short of agony, and she can feel her hands shaking slightly with the mixture of fear and pain. She clenches her hands into fists to hide it, but she knows Clint will notice. She can’t tell him. She can’t tell him that she lost his baby. He doesn’t even know she’s pregnant. 
“I think it’s time to call it a day,” Tony shrugs, “I’ll call JARVIS to fly the ship down and we can load everyone up.”
Clint moves to stand next to Natasha, his quirky trademark grin plastered across his face, but he falters when he sees her protective stance. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks softly as to not alert the others, but Natasha just shakes him off. 
“I’m fine, Barton, stop your worrying,” she tries, but her voice hitches as another wave of pain wracks through her and he steps forward, putting a protective hand on her shoulder. 
“Nat, did you get hurt?” his voice is a little more urgent now, and he guides her into a corner, away from everyone else. 
“No. No, everything’s fine,” she mutters, but she bites her lip as she tries to fight away the pain. That’s when she feels the blood running down her leg.
“Are you bleeding?” he asks urgently, and Natasha groans, leaning against the wall and letting herself slide to the floor. “Nat. Natasha!”
That’s when she allows a tear to slide down her face. She looks up at him, his expression full of fear and concern. She doesn’t want to tell him. 
“If you don’t tell me what’s going on, I’ll call Steve, I swear I will,” Clint mutters, crouching next to her, and she leans against him, taking a deep breath. 
“I’m losing it,” she whispers softly, and she lets her head fall against his shoulder. She can’t bear to look up at him, and for a moment he doesn’t speak. She’s not sure if he understood, or if he’s angry with her, but his strong arms wrap around her softly. 
“Natasha,” he whispers, and she feels a sob building up in her body. 
“I’m so sorry,” she murmurs, but she still doesn’t want to look up at him. “It was yours, Clint. Ours. And I’m losing it.”
“We need to get you to a doctor,” Clint says quietly, and Natasha lifts her head slightly. His expression is strange, and the moment it would take her to decipher it is gone when Tony’s loud voice yells for them to come to the jet.
Clint helps her stand, letting her lean against him, and they walk towards the jet where it is hovering next to the loading dock. Steve and Tony help the captives board, and Clint subtly helps Natasha onto the wavering dock, holding her close as they cross the jet to sit in the furthest, most private corner. Thankfully, Steve and Tony have learned to respect their privacy, so they have the corner to themselves, the two captives sitting up front with the captain. 
“Do you want to change?” Clint hands her her bag, with an extra change of clothes inside. She heads into the bathroom, locking the door behind her, and changes slowly into her leggings and Clint’s shirt. She pulls a pad out of the outer pocket of her bag and puts it on, the pain making her hands shake. She just wants it all to be over. 
When she leaves the bathroom, Clint has already changed into some more comfortable shorts, and he is bare chested, sitting on the floor against the wall of the jet. She sees Tony giving them a weird look in the rearview mirror from where he is steering, as they normally don’t change until after they get back to the compound, but thankfully he doesn’t question them. 
Natasha leans against Clint, his legs on either side of her, and she closes her eyes, trying her best to breathe through the pain. 
“I didn’t know you were pregnant,” he says softly. Natasha can’t see his face, but she’s scared to think what his expression is right now
“I didn’t know how to tell you. I was going to after this mission, I promise,” she replies, then hisses as a sharp stabbing pain hits her. She groans, arching her back, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but it doesn’t help. 
“Let me help,” Clint says gruffly, and his warm hands press into her back, massaging her cramping muscles. She can feel the calluses on his fingers from billions of hours shooting his bow in the training room, feel the powerful strength behind his hands. But he is gentle. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” she says eventually, and Clint presses a soft kiss to her neck. 
“All I care about is that you’ll be safe,” he whispers into her ear. “I know everything hurts right now, but we’ll get you to a doctor and you’ll be alright.” he pauses for a moment, and stops massaging her back so he can hug her close to him. “And...if you wanted, maybe we could try again later.”
Natasha spins around to face him, ignoring the throbbing in her abdomen. “Clint,” she murmurs, and he gives her a little half-smile. 
“I mean it,” he nods, and she gives him a long, sweet kiss. When they break apart, he pushes a strand of her red curly hair behind her ear, looking her dead in the eyes. “Natasha, I want a family with you.” 
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monstaxperiments · 5 years
Monsta X reaction to you being angry with them over something stupid/insensitive they said..~
..~ Immediately covers his mouth but it was too late. While looking for a new rug to go in your shared apartment, you two walk through the animal furs and print section. Walking past a tan and brown rug, Minhyuk chuckles “I think they got this fur from Cuddles”. Cuddles being your dog of 4 years that past away just last week. You look at him wide eyed not believing he just said that. He sees your reaction and regrets ever being born. You storm off and he follows after you apologizing profusely about how stupid that was to say.  He’d spend the next week apologizing and buying you flowers and candy until you’ve had enough and finally forgave him.
..~ You’ve been moaning in bed for 30 minutes now and Hyungwon has had enough of it. You’re on your period and the cramps are increasingly becoming more unbearable as time goes on for the painkillers to kick in. He’s already given you 3 cups of tea and a heating pad but you still won’t shut up. He can hear you from the living room even when he turns up the volume on the TV. Another loud moan comes from the bedroom sending him over the edge. He gets up and heads towards your room super irritated “HEY! Can you please shut up! The neighbors are going to come knocking on our door any minute because of the loud ass noises you’re making. Suck it up!” he slams the door behind him and returns to the couch. Some times passes by and doesn’t hear a sound coming from the bedroom. He hesitantly gets up and enters the room “feeling better?” Silence. You’re laying in bed watching TV. “The pills kicked in?” Silence. You turn up the volume. Hyungwon sighs and sits on the bed “baby I’m sorry for shouting at you, I should’ve been more sensitive, I’m just a little stressed at work is all.” Silence. He sighs again and heads back into the living room. You’d give him the silent treatment for the rest of the day. He’d still try to talk to you normally and occasionally apologizes but he’d eventually get annoyed and give up. But when it was time for bed he’d cuddle up behind you and mutters “I love you” and you’d mutter “I love you too”
..~ You hummed your favorite song as you excitedly prepare dinner for you and Kihyun. You haven’t seen each other in a couple weeks and you offered to make dinner for your little reunion. He knows you’re not a very good cook but he doesn’t care he just wants to make you happy and if he has to eat less than average quality food he’d gladly take the L. He’s eaten your cooking before and is still alive so he figured eating your cooking today wouldn’t be too bad. He was wrong he thinks as he takes the first spoonful of the stew you cooked. Not showing much emotion he slowly chews and swallows the food with his head down. He looks up at you and sees you staring back at him smiling with anticipation. “Well?” you say excitedly. Oh my God why does she have to be so cute I can’t let her know how bad this is it would crush her “its great babe” he says with two thumbs up. He claps your hands with glee so happy that he likes it. He excuses himself to the bathroom smiling at how happy you are. Once in the bathroom he pulls out his phone and calls his best friend “Bro I just wanted to call and tell you I’m about to die soon and I love you man.” His friend asks what is he talking about. “Y/N cooked for me and its damn near diabolical. I can feel my insides deteriorating just from one bite” Kihyun continues to insult your cooking skills and questions your intelligence because you can’t make a simple stew, not knowing that the apartment walls were super thin and that you heard every word. He comes out of the bathroom to you sitting at the table crying. You tell him that you heard everything and what he said was really mean. He pulls up a chair next to you and apologizes profusely, saying that he was over exaggerating and that your stew wasn’t that bad. He starts to joke and make points about your cooking skills to help you see that your cooking needs improving, which make you laugh and realize that yeah you’re cooking sucks but he’s there to help you. You forgive him and kiss him on the cheek and he helps redo the stew. 
..~ Wonho would be in the living room watching a movie, while you’re in the kitchen making some ramen. A very beautiful woman appears on the screen and Wonho mumbles, “damn she’s hot” not knowing that you were right behind him “excuse me” you say startling him. He jumps up “but of course not as hot as you babe” he says with a hopeful smile but you’re not going for it. You take the bowls of ramen in your hands and head towards the bedroom “more ramen for me”. Wonho hurries after you “babe no please don’t take my ramen” You close and lock the door behind you, so he couldn’t get in. He’s softly call your name and knock on the door “babe please let me in, I’m sorry for what I said, It doesn’t mean anything.” You loudly start to slurp and eat the ramen so he could hear. He starts to get louder “HEY! Open the door you better not be eating mine!” Some times passes and he gives up returning to his movie. He hears the bedroom door open and he turns around. You hand him his bowl of ramen, he smiles as he takes it but his smile quickly goes away “it’s not hot anymore....” he says like a sad child. “of course not as hot as me right babe” you say with a smirk and heads to the kitchen to place your empty bowl in the sink. 
..~ Jooheon is over your apartment helping you pack for your trip together. You lay your outfits on the bed for his opinion and he gives you two thumbs up and a dimplely smile. He let out a sigh of relief because you spent a lot of time planning your outfits for this trip. You and Jooheon barely see each other and it was rare that your days off would align with each other and taking full advantage you plan a romantic getaway. You head into the kitchen to get you both a drink. Jooheon’s smile immediately drops from his face as soon as you leave the room. He looks over your outfits again and shakes his head. “my girlfriend has horrible style” he mumbles to himself “WHAT?” He nearly jumps out of his skin at the sound of your voice behind him. He apologizes over and over as you angrily rearrange your outfits on the bed, switch things out from your closet, rummage though drawers, etc. “babe your style isn’t horrible, it’s just.... different” “it’s ok to have a unique style” “no wait that outfit was fine” “these two pieces would go together better” His apologizing would slowly turn into him giving you fashion tips. Satisfied with your outfits he’d smile at you but you’d have a sad look on your face. He’d embrace you and tell you that he loves everything about you even your “interesting” style. You’d eventually forgive him on the drive to your destination because you couldn’t stay mad at him for too long.
..~ “These doesn’t fit either!” You’d shout to I.M from the fitting room. You two were out shopping and you wanted to get a new pair of jeans but your normal size didn’t fit. Nor did the next size up. “Wow really?” I.M responded in a concerned tone. You slip your sweatpants back on and exit the fitting room. I.M chuckles to himself “I guess sweatpants are all that fits you right now” he says referring to the movie Mean Girls “Maybe we should try Sears?”. You stare at him with an unamused look on your face. He looks at you apologetically “too harsh?” You didn’t respond you just cross your arms and walk in the opposite direction. He follows you silently at first, then tries to ease his way to your good side by complimenting you and telling jokes but you wouldn’t budge. On your way home you’d stop at your favorite ice cream shop and he’d buy you the biggest size that they offered to make you feel better and forgive him, which you do. “Hmmm maybe ice cream wasn’t the best option because of your jeans problem...” he says thoughtfully. You scoff and roll your eyes and head toward the exit. Oh shit.... I did it again he thinks as he hurries after you.
..~ You and Shownu were watching a drama at your apartment. The main character is a college student that tends to slack off and do poorly in school. The main character gets his test grade back and sees that he’s failed. Shownu chuckles to himself “I guess you can relate huh? Except you actually studied and still failed” Shownu laughs at his joke but notices he’s the only one laughing. He looks over at you and sees tears forming in your eyes. This semester you’re taking an advance chemistry class and you’ve been struggling since day one. You’ve been studying for a whole two weeks for the upcoming test which was a couple days ago and was extremely sad and disappointed to know that you failed. Shownu immediately shows remorse and realizes that that comment was completely out of line. He wraps his arms tightly around you and apologizes. You continue to cry about how dumb that class makes you feel. He then tells about all your other classes that you’ve excelled in and tells you not to give up and that everyone struggles with something. He continues to comfort you and apologize over sometime until you feel better and accept his apology. 
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creambunnie · 4 years
imagine handsome schoolmate!Hendery helping you .
you dragged yourself to school. it was the first day of your period and your cramps were killing you. you wanted to stay at home but you had a test and the teacher for the subject was too strict . he definitely won't let you off easily for skipping his test just because of a "mere stomach cramp" . ugh you wish you could just punch him in the guts for him to understand the suffer girls go through every month .
you clutched your belly as you walked slowly to your classroom. you groaned when you suddenly felt a really sharp pain. you squatted and wrapped your arms around your belly . you buried your head in between your knees as you mumbled your cries.
students passed by you quickly as they rushed to their own classrooms. you wanted to just cry out loud but you didn't have the energy to even do that. a few minutes passed,the pain didn't seem to soothe down.
you decided to stay in that position for a while when you felt a hand tapping your shoulder lightly.
"hey,are you okay?". a sweet voice asked.
you looked up, tears stained your pale face. you wiped them as you shook your head. "my period cramps are horrible. i can't walk properly...".
normally you would be embarrassed to talk about period with guys but you just wanted someone to help you.
the guy with the name tag "Hendery" frowned as he took you by your arm. he wrapped his arm around your waist as he helped you stand up. he wrapped your arm around his shoulder as he led you to the nurse room. "let me help you okay, it must be uncomfortable for you to stay like that.". you just nodded and let Hendery bring you to the nurse room.
Hendery helped you lie down on the bed and went to the nurse to inform her about your condition. after the nurse was enlightened, she gave you a hot pack to put on your belly as you didn't want to take in any of the period cramps pills.
you wrapped your body with the blanket and buried your face into the soft pillow. you moved around to find a comfortable position before slowly dozing off to sleep . totally forgetting about Hendery who was watching you all these while . Hendery chuckled at your actions as he sat on the chair beside your bed.
you woke up after a few hours of a good nap. your cramps were a bit soothed down but not totally. you gasped when you saw Hendery's head lying at the edge of your bed . you gulped as you patted his arm to wake him up.
"erm Hendery.. right? don't you need to go to your classes ? ". you asked hesitantly.
Hendery rubbed his eyes cutely and looked at his watch. "ahh, don't worry , i initially wanted to skip my first class!i hateeeee literature.". Hendery told as he yawned. "are you feeling better?". he asked concernly.
you blushed as you finally had the time to scan his prince-like face. you nodded and looked away . "ye--yeah, i feel a bit relaxed now.". Hendery flashed a cute smile as he patted your head.
"rest well okay? it's lunch time right now. i'll go first to meet my friends. you want anything from the cafeteria?". Hendery said as he stood up. you shook your head at his offer and gave a small smile. "it's okay, you should go now.". you said.
Hendery nodded and waved at you before exiting the nurse room.
the nurse who helped you earlier walked to your bed and nudged you softly. "is that handsome boy your boyfriend?". she teased. you blushed as you shook your head no. well, you wished he was.
that was the start of your crush on Hendery. well looks aside, he had a really good heart. he was understanding too. Hendery wasn't like most guys who look down on girls while they're having their period cramps. he didn't see it as something light. Hendery made sure you were feeling better before leaving you . he was a gentleman. Hendery helped you when no one did. he really was your dream man.
a few days after the incident, you kept seeing Hendery in the hallways. well maybe you guys had always passed by each other but didn't really know one another. now that you guys recognised each other,Hendery would always wave at you when he sees you. you would wave back shyly and walk away quickly before his friends could tease you.
after thinking about the day over and over again, you finally realised you didn't get the chance to thank him properly. so when you saw him in the hallways again you quickly walked up to him.
"hey Hendery , is it fine if we meet up here after school for a bit ? ". you asked.
Hendery gave a small smile and nodded his head. "sure! i'll see you later !". you smiled before walking away as your heart skipped a beat. *this is dangerous for my heart* you whined in your mind as you planned to buy some yummy snacks to gift him.
after school, you waited for him at the planned place. you stared out the window and saw students rushing out of school. you smiled at the scene before facing the front only to be welcomed by a handsome face a few inches away from your own face. you gasped and let out a small squeak as you stepped back .
Hendery who was bending down to your eye level straightened up and laughed out loud as he saw your cute reaction. he ended his laugh with a cute squeak and wiped his tears from laughing too hard. "i'm so sorry, you're just too cute.". you gulped at his words , preventing yourseld from blushing harder.
"so why did you want to meet me?". Hendery asked.
you gave a small smile and was about to explain when his phone rang as he got a text. he apologised as he read the text. Hendery replied to the text quickly before looking back at you.
"ah sorry, my girlfriend is searching for me so i told her my location.". Hendery explained.
you blinked as you felt your heart dropped to your stomach. "your gi--girlfriend?". you stuttered.
Hendery smiled shyly and nodded. "yeah,, oh there she is! babe over here!".
a cute girl with a shoulder length hair came running to Hendery with two bottles of banana milk in her hands. she passed one to Hendery before interwining their free fingers together.
you held the straps of your bag tighter as you witnessed the whole scene.
"babe , this is y/n , the girl i told you about the other day!". the girl gave you a wide smile as she reached her arm out to shake hands with you.
"ah!! hii i am Xiaoxi! i am glad Hendery could help you the other day!". she said cheerfully. you shook hands with her and gave a small smile.
"ye-yeahh,, i was about to properly thank Hendery just now. i realised i didn't get to thank him properly the other day...". you managed to breathe out.
Hendery chuckled and shook his head. "it was fine really, i hate seeing others suffering. if you need any help , don't hesitate to approach us, okay?". Xiaoxi nodded her head agreeing with her boyfriend. "if he had ignored you , i would beat the hell out of him. boys are supposed to be gentlemen, right?". you nodded at her statement and forced a chuckle. "ri--right, i'll go first then? thanks again for everything!". you said and quickly bid them goodbye before walking away from them.
you sat on one of the school benches. staring out of space , still having mixed feelings about your crush having a girlfriend. well, you didn't really expect him to like you back. you were just a someone. 'the girl he helped' girl. you didn't dislike Xiaoxi, she was lovely.
you sighed for the nth time that day as you stared at the banana milk in your hands.
"the banana milk won't taste as great if you sigh so sadly like that.". a voice startled you. you looked up and saw a boy that you recognised as one of Hendery's friends. his nametag read 'Yangyang'.
you gave him a sad smile and stretched out your hand to pass him the beverage. "you can have it.". you said as you stood up from the bench. Yangyang took the milk with a confused face . "are you sure?". you smiled more sincerely this time as you watched the boy in front of you frowned cutely.
"yes , hmm i guess i'll go back now. enjoy the drink!". you said as you slinged your bag on your shoulder and walked away.
Yangyang poked the milk with a straw and sipped on it happily as he watched you walk away.
*i'm gonna make you happier, i promise* .
a/n : yoshh hope you guys enjoyed this 💕
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