#the best thing about fan fiction genres is breaking them
twyrrinren · 5 months
while in other fandoms mpreg is mainly written as angst or fluff, in laios' case it would be HORROR. like he's terrified of having children? and also a baby is nurtured by his parent's body???
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hoonvrs · 6 months
ICE ICE BABY — p. sunghoon
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PAIRING sunghoon × fmr
DESC. skating date with hoon gone wrong??
GENRE est. relationship, fluff
WARNING swearing
W. COUNT 1.2k
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pulling some strings to rent out a whole ice rink after closing wasn't easy.
thankfully mrs. park kept most of her connections from sunghoons skating days and came to the rescue when you told her your date plans for his birthday.
safe to say sunghoon was beyond confused when you pulled him around with so much excitement it was rolling off you in waves. he could almost see it through the fabric on his eyes, “is the blindfold really necessary?”
“yes, don't want to spoil the surprise, duh,” you kept pulling him hoping he wouldn’t notice the sudden drop in temperature walking past a set of doors.
as soon as you had him standing directly in front of the entrance to the rink, you walked behind him carefully taking off the blindfold, “ta-da!”
it took him a few blinks to adjust to the harsh lighting above, looking around in confusion when he starts to realise where you’d taken him. suddenly, a pair of white skates is shoved into his hands, “how did you even get these?”
you put a finger up to his lips, shushing him with a little shake of your head, “no time for questions. put them on, let's skate!”
a lightbulb turned on in your boyfriend's head, you could see it in the way his eyes lit up with an ominous smile spreading across his face. he wasn’t oblivious to the copious amount of fan fiction his fans have written about him — maybe he’s read one or two here and there — so he wasn’t entirely new to the ‘figure skater park sunghoon takes his girlfriend on a date where he teaches her how to skate’ trope.
the idea of seeing you wobbling on the ice like a fawn learning how to walk sent butterflies to his stomach, leaving him no option but to be your knight in shining armour as he approaches and takes you by the hand as he glides you both around the room as a love song starts playing in the back.
sunghoon should really stop reading those fanfics.
he couldn’t hide his excitement. rushing to put on his skate, even having to start over lacing it a few times because he kept messing up but as soon as they were both on and secure, he made a beeline for the ice.
getting on the ice was like meeting an old friend. something warm and familiar, comforting in a way only he could feel, and he couldn’t wait to introduce his first love to his last.
except he constantly forgets that throughout your whole relationship, nothing has ever gone the fairy tale way his fans have depicted, feeling the giddiness in his belly drop dead when he turns to see you getting on the ice.
the issue wasn’t you joining him, but how you did. knitting his eyebrow watching you trying to familiarise yourself with the new footing, “why aren’t you shaking?”
”what,” you looked at your boyfriend puzzled. you should’ve prepared yourself honestly, sunghoon has a track record of saying the weirdest things at odd times.
“why are you good at this? aren’t you meant to be falling and holding onto the board for dear life?”
now it was just two idiots staring at each other at a loss, “hoon, babe, i can skate.”
a pout settles on his lips, casting his eyes down before skating off at an ungodly speed, “hey! don't leave me!”
your skating skills were average at best. i mean, you can walk and maybe speed up a little but nowhere near your athlete boyfriend who was doing rounds around the rink like a hamster on crack.
huffing under your breath you decided to just let him tire himself out a little as you tried to find your footing correctly, so you didn’t fall and break your back.
once you got to the centre you heard a pair of blades skim the layer of ice right behind you, “are you done with your little hissy fit, babygirl?”
“don’t call me that,” he scowled. he walked straight into your line of sight, remnants of the pout still there. slowly he grabs both of your hands into his, interlacing your fingers together as he starts to pull you along.
“want to tell me why you’re sulking?” 
“i’m not sulking.” sunghoons ‘cold ice prince’ image must be a big rumour that got out of hand because how could someone so cute be intimidating?
once he slows down his pace you slip out a hand, gently placing it on his cheek, “tell me.”
you can see him trying to avoid eye contact as a rosy hue starts to creep up from his neck to his face that he’d probably try to blame on the cold if you mention it knowing that both of you know he’s practically immune to the cold at this point, “i just, i kind of wanted it to be like those books where i try and teach you how to skate cause you’re shit at it but it’s okay cause i’m here but i can’t even do that.”
surprise isn’t even the word to describe what you’re feeling. how could such a small confession make your heart flutter and your cheeks warm?
“i mean, i’m no professional. guess this means we're skipping the basics and you have to teach me some tricks, live out your coaching dream through me.”
seeing his demeanour instantly change should’ve been a warning in itself.
“first lesson, triple axel! get some speed and momentum then when you’re ready quickly push off the ice and life your knees but make sure to—“
a hand covering his mouth interrupted his rambling as you look at him as if he’s suddenly grown a second head, “how about we start with some spins then get around to the jumps, hm?”
nodding his head enthusiastically he doesn’t waste any time. it takes you a minute to get the hand of spinning on literal ice without feeling like you would fall fat onto the ground, but you soon got the hang of it.
you managed to convince your boyfriend that was enough learning knowing if you tried anything else you would run your battery straight to zero before you could do what you planned for the rest of the day. now you were back hand in hand, gliding around the perimeter together.
sometimes you think that sunghoon does things without thinking, this for instance.
once you guys are both safely skating, all two feet on the ice then next thing you know you find yourself colliding with the ground, the fall softened by your boyfriend's body below you because something possessed him to believe he could pick you up mid skate like he’s seen with skating duos even though the man himself has never done it before, never mind with a amateur skater like yourself.
“oh my god,” you screamed, not being able to hold back from laughing straight into his face. sunghoon looks at you, fondness swirling in his eyes watching you struggle to catch your breath, “are you stupid? why would you do that?”
he ignores your question choosing instead to scan your face, noticing your nose has gotten red at the tip and your lips a little pale, “your lips look cold. want them to meet mine?”
“shut up,” before he could respond you pushed your lips against his, sharing soft kisses to stop whatever other cheesy pickup line he could come up with to escape.
and although the air around you nipped at your skin and could barely feel the tip of your fingers you felt warm inside.
just you, sunghoon and his first love.
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perm taglist @mesopret @whoschr ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @boyfhee @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly @seongclb @dammit-jjk @flwrshee @produmads ​@teddywonss @aleiouvre @dneltrise @aleiouvre @nyxvrse @yohanabanana @whois-alexis @tinyegg @sserafimez @satsuri3su @yuemvi @chirokookie @idk-tbh777 @s00buwu @ynsvnte @isawritesss
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uniquexusposts · 1 month
Her || Charles Leclerc
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fan fiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 4/? Word count: 2379 Co writer: @mistrose23
Summary: This was Matilde Jørgensen, the newly appointed team principal of Scuderia Ferrari, about to face one of the most nerve-wracking challenges of her life. She tried to save the team from more disappointing results and put everything on the line to make them world champion again. There will be a big challenge to lead a historic team as 'newbie' and keeping her work and personal opinions apart from each other. The big question everybody will be asking: is she capable to do so?
Previous chapter
Chapter 2: From Friends to Rivals
Matilde found herself in unfamiliar territory as she sat on a relaxing stool in the airport lounge of the airline she was flying with today. It was the first time she sat in an airport lounge - a lounge for business class, because usually she flew economy as that was all she could pay for. And since she wasn't a 'Head' of a department, or someone that important, she flew economy with her team. And now as team principal, she sat in a lounge, between people with money and probably a status. Nevertheless, her flight was delayed. Whether you sit in a lounge or at the gate, the impatience level feels the same.
A teasing remark snapped her out of her contemplation. "You won't make friends with that look on your face, ey."
The new team principal looked up and she was greeted by her best friend and ex-colleague. With a playful response, Matilde countered: "It's a good thing that I am not waiting to make any new friends," Matilde replied and sat up. "Hello, darling."
Gemma sat down on the stool in front of her. "Finally," she breathed, the weight of the past three weeks hearable in her words. "What a week, well, three weeks; testing, racing, everything." She looked next to her and saw two people joining them by sitting down at the two seats next to them.
"Hello," GP smiled, Max Verstappen's race engineer.
"Hey, hey," Hannah chimed in and sat down, she was the Head of Strategy.
Matilde looked at her former colleagues, now rivals. A smile grew on her face. "Now I finally get to experience how it feels to be important," she teased. "You get fancy shit."
"Do you know how extremely hard we work?" Gemma replied with a mock-offended expression on her face.
GP smirked. "All you get to do is listen to Max during interviews," he said to Gemma.
A collective laughter enveloped them. As the amusement settled, Matilde added her own remark. "Oh, right, and the husband has the toughest job ever here." She looked at GP.
They all laughed.
"But Matt, let's debrief. Tell me about your week." Hannah's tone shifted, steering the conversation toward a more serious topic.
Matilde's expression took on a thoughtful cast, the weight of her new role evident in her gaze. "It has been a rollercoaster," she began, a note of exhaustion and determination in her voice. "And I am still on it." She looked at them one by one, figuring out if she could speak out loud about her thoughts. These three people were close to her during her time at Red Bull. Matilde joined Red Bull at the same time as GP, she was Hannah's right hand and Gemma became a really close friend. "Honestly, I have more respect for Christian now. It's only been a week, but I have no idea what I'm doing or what has happened."
"Why?" Gemma asked.
"I still have to process everything." Matilde took a deep breath. "I got here and I became Kim Kardashian."
"Yeah, of course. Binotto gets sacked and a day later you're here," Hannah remarked with a hint of playful scepticism.
"What's up with that?" GP curiously asked.
Matilde pressed the corners of her mouth down and threw her hands up in the air. "I don't know. Honestly, I'm just as surprised as you are. I mean, the deal was as good as done, but I was expected to start after the summer break. That's why I stepped down last year after Zandvoort, because I was already talking with Ferrari. But it's quite a red flag, isn't it? The fact that they let him do testing..."
"What do you expect from Ferrari?" Gemma said, adding a note of realism in her tone. "The team's as red as their livery."
GP looked disapproving at Gemma. "Don't let her regret making this decision, Gemma," he said.
"A new clown entered the circus. I hope I can keep up the act," Matilde blurted. "And stay for longer, make some changes, understand the deeper issues of this team and their philosophy, perhaps win some races. No, but I can't really say what I think of it yet, I still have to process everything, but so far, it's overwhelming and busy and nice."
GP took a sip of his cappuccino. "Woman is still in shock. And the team?"
"Tough crowd," she answered. "Exactly how I expected them to be. Stubborn, old-fashioned, but they're kind so far. It's different from Red Bull, with different people and team spirit."
"And Leclerc and Sainz?" Hannah asked.
"Can't really tell yet, honestly. They were both quite distant, Leclerc more than Sainz. But it's the first week, I don't know. I can't make assumptions already." Matilde took a deep breath. "But I don't have the same vibes, yet, as I had with Max and Checo - I can't really compare them with each other, but it feels like I have to earn Leclerc and Sainz's respect first."
Her friends exchanged knowing glances, understanding the feelings Matilde was experiencing.
"It's the first impression that counts the most," GP said, adding his perspective. "But like what?"
Matilde paused for a moment. Could she share this? But on the other hand, the race had passed and they had gathered the data already. And they spoke as equals rather than competitors. "I know the strategy is not my job anymore, I have a team for that. I can have an opinion on it and I have to keep it to myself, but..." Matilde let out a groan of frustration.
"Let me guess, you had a strategy in your mind and they didn't want to use it?" Hannah asked.
Matilde pressed her lips into a thin. "The jokes we made about the strategy at Ferrari?" She let out a breath. "Exactly that."
"Oh, boy," Gemma mumbled.
"Let's say there may be a reason why we didn't make it on the podium," Matilde replied and put on a professional smile. "I am not used to leading a team yet, I still have that team player inside me and I want to stir during the briefings, but I have other things to do."
Gemma grinned. "What was your strategy?"
Matilde only looked at her, not saying a word.
"Softs, 15, softs, 35, hards," Hannah filled in. "And what did you do?"
"Sainz had softs, 13, hards, 31, hards. Leclerc had softs, 13, hards, 33, hards," Matilde explained. "The result? Fourth and fifth position. It worked, I'm not denying that. I don't want to say this, but I'm convinced that if we used the strategy I proposed, we would have been in a fight with you. We could have pushed harder." Matilde shrugged. "But fine, first race, new team, new team principal. It's fine for now."
GP nodded in agreement. "But hey, don't be harsh on yourself. You managed to get points. It was almost a podium."
Her response was candid, her aspirations were set high. "It could have been a podium."
GP smiled. 'Look at you, there's that winning mentality.'
Matilde smiled as well and blushed a little bit.
"Your first times are always a bummer, they always suck. You can be satisfied, you didn't get a DNF for one or both cars," Gemma said. "All right, work aside. Are you going to the UK or Italy actually?" She turned the conversation towards her travel plans.
"Italy. My dad and brothers moved everything from Northampton to Modena. So I'm curious to see where I will end up, to see what Ferrari managed to get."
Gemma smirked. "Did you ask them to find you a place? Team principal commands at its finest."
"Gotta make use of my position now," Matilde replied playfully. "No, they offered to help me find a place. I was like: sure, you do you. I haven't seen any of it yet. I only know Italy as a holiday destination, not as a living situation."
The conversation continued, blurring the lines between their professional analyses and friendly banter. Matilde asked about their weekend and they talked about multiple situations within the Red Bull team.
Time, however, was slipping away. Matilde looked at her watch and sighed. "As much as I love spending time with you, my flight won't wait forever."
Gemma raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "Well, well, look at her. Our very own high-flying team principal on a tight schedule."
Matilde rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
"Yeah, we wouldn't want the mighty team principal to be late for her flight. Wouldn't want the plane to take off without her," GP chimed in.
"Hilarious, guys."
Hannah smiled. "We're just one garage away. You know where to find us," she amusingly smiled.
With a final exchange of smiles and hugs, Matilde turned and walked toward the exit of the lounge. She made her way to her gate and stepped on the plane, leaving the first weekend behind in Bahrain.
* * *
As the taxi navigated the surroundings of Emilia-Romagna, Matilde gazed out of the window, inspecting and observing the scenery that would now be her daily backdrop. She was tired. The flight from Bahrain was long; the time went slow. Since it was a day flight, she barely slept. She had a stop in Istanbul, but luckily she still made it to the planned flight to Bologna. It was almost evening, meaning she could jump into her bed once she got to her new place.
Seated comfortably in the backseat, Matilde pulled out her phone. As the taxi continued its journey, she navigated through various news articles and opinion pieces that were written about the Bahrain Grand Prix. She was no stranger to the media within the world, having spent years in the world and she got used to it, but this time it was different. The headlines were about her - Matilde Jørgensen, the new face of Scuderia Ferrari.
She read the articles with a mixture of curiosity and determination. The critics had their say about her, like they had about everyone on the grid, but this time, it was her. And only her. They were curious to see how a relatively young woman would handle the pressure at Ferrari and how she would lead the team without the knowledge of being a team principal. They spoke about her welcome, her decisions so far, the strategy choices and the team management during her first race weekend. Some praised her audacity to step into such a high-pressure role, while others (the most) questioned her lack of experience as a team principal. The highs and lows of the race weekend were analysed in black and white by experts and wannabes.
Matilde's lips pressed into a thin line as she read through the critics. She finally understood why famous people never read things about themselves, and she was only a team principal. Each word was a reminder of the immense responsibilities she had undertaken. She might be new to this role, but she was ready to learn, fail, adapt and prove herself.
Her attention alternated between the articles and the passing scenery. She had entered the city, her new home. With a final glance at her phone, she set it aside. Matilde was ready to take in her new city. But one sentence kept on repeating itself in her mind:
"Jørgensen is too present during the race."
The criticisms would always be there, people always had an opinion on something, no matter what or who you were.
As the taxi finally pulled into Matilde's street, her heart quickened. The taxi slowed and she took a deep breath as the taxi stopped. The driver told her that they arrived. Matilde paid for his services and got out of the car, being welcomed by the Italian air. The driver got her suitcase from the truck and gave it to the woman. Matilde thanked him once again.
She stood before the entrance of her new apartment building. Her gaze traced the building; the building had a timeless charm over it, a blend of classic Italian design and modern functionality. She walked to the front door and pressed on the bell of her apartment: number 6.
"Det er mig: Matilde," she smiled, saying it was her, since her family was already at her new place.
"Oh, Tilly! Kom snart ind," her dad happily said, saying she had to enter the building quickly.
With a smile on her face, she entered the building. The entrance was roomy and just beautiful. She was welcomed with the scent of aged wood and fresh flowers. The lobby was a graceful fusion of traditional elements and contemporary aesthetics. It was like she had entered her Pinterest board. She walked up the stairs to her apartment on the third floor.
"Velkommen hjem," her dad welcomed Matilde home as she entered her place.
A warm feeling entered her body when she heard the Danish language. "Dad," she happily said and flew into his arms.
The reunion started when Matilde's two brothers appeared in the living room as well. Lars and Jens were happy to see their little sister, especially after this week, they were extremely proud. Viggo was a proud father too, of course. Matilde asked about how they moved her household from the UK to Italy.
"That's a worry for later," Lars smiled. "Go explore your new house."
Jens proudly smiled. "We tried to style it, and you can change it later, obviously, but this is what we thought was cool."
"Oh, it's amazing, guys. You are angels. How can I thank you?" Matilde placed her hands on her cheeks and didn't know where to look.
"By giving us paddock passes," Jens widely smiled.
Lars looked playfully, but disapprovingly at Jens. "Too early, dude."
Matilde hit Jens on his chest and rolled her eyes, shaking her head afterwards.
The apartment exuded a modern, yet classic and cosy ambience. It was weird to see her furniture standing in the space. She walked through her apartment and was surprised in every room she entered. It was a two-bedroom apartment, it wasn't big, but it was just her and she didn't need much space. The living room was small, but cosy; her couch just fitted in the space.
"This is amazing. Thank you so much. Wow." Matilde looked at her family. "It feels like we are on Buying Blind," she laughed, still perplexed on seeing her new apartment. 
Next chapter
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
This is the question for next week. I’ll be on holiday then so I thought it’d be best to send it in when I can.
It’s Q&A Friday with your host R.Q anon! This week’s question is…
Do you mainly play rhythm games or is another genre of game you like? If so did you play anything interesting lately?
That’s all for this week! See you next week for another Q&A Friday
Honestly I don't play that many rhythm games anymore, and all the ones I do/have played are also in the idol/gacha genre because I like the characters/story/art that come with them. That said i was cracked at piano tiles when I was 10, but I wouldn't play it nowadays. The only ones I play now are proseka and D4DJ.
I don't think I really have a favorite genre come to think of it, I tend to play a lot of different things (usually stuff that's attached to franchises I already like because I'm boring). Like some of my favorite franchises are Sonic and Ace Attorney, but I wouldn't necessarily say platformers and visual novels are my favorite genres, especially since I haven't played many other visual novels at all. I have played some other platformers and I do like the genre but Sonic's momentum based and fast gameplay hits different (I'm particularly a fan of classic era & mania and have played those games more times than I can count. Mainly I just try to break the shit out of Sonic 1 whenever I play it now but that's also fun because it has a lot of exploitable glitches. Also Sonic Adventure 2 is peak fiction go play SA2. It's anti-military AND has Shadow the Hedgehog and those two things are very connected please go play SA2 or watch a playthrough or something. Listen to the OST while you're at it. Or any StH OST. Sorry for waffling about Sonic. Moving on).
Recently I've been playing The Great Ace Attorney (this sounds really casual so I just want to make it clear that I'm completely hooked on it). As of writing this 1 week ago, I'm on the second case of Resolve. It's really good and I recommend checking it out if you like the AA franchise but haven't played it already. Honestly it might be my favorite AA game. If you need more convincing then remember it's the only game with Herlock Sholmes in it.
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Growing Cold - Jeong Jaehyun [Chapter 1]
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Summary: How long does it take to fall in love with someone? How many seasons does it take to fall out of it? How long does it take to forget someone? But more importantly, how long does it take to remember everything?
Pairing: Jaehyun x f!reader.
Genre: fluff, smut, angst.
Content: explicit sex, suggestive, reader slightly older than Jaehyun, memory loss, a little bit of science fiction.
A/N: First of all, thank you so much for all the interest in this fic. I didn’t expect it to be this much. Also, thank you for the 113 followers! I’ll try to keeo the updates as consistant as possible, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to follow through it because of my outside life. But I do intend on updating it every 2 weeks at first.  Hope you all enjoy it!
Taglist: @fubsyy, @mkjeong, @nominsgirl, @baehaechannie​
Navigation: Growing Cold Masterlist | Chapter Two
Actor commented on Y/N Y/L/N’s photo and made everyone go crazy for a couple of hours
That Park Seo Joon is up and about giving us all a heart attack with his beautiful smile and amazing soul is the understatement of the year. The 30-year-old handsome actor is known to take everyone’s breath away with his wholehearted performances. In any drama or movie, you can bet. I mean, who hasn’t thought about him ever since She was Pretty? He made sure to stay constantly in our minds - and hearts. 
Park Seo Joon is known for being openly active on social media, with his fun posts and stories on Instagram. However, fans had something to freak out about last weekend, as Sunday the actor liked and commented on a recent photo of model Y/N Y/L/N, to the despair of the fangirls.
Hundred of thousands of replies have been recorded and when asked about it, Park laughed it off. “She really is gorgeous. I’m not going to deny that.” (See video below)
Of course, there was nothing from the 26-year-old model, but there are theories going on about it on the internet, theories that have left this journalist open-mouthed. But would Y/N be having anything with the actor or is it just a long shot in the dark?
There hasn’t been anything about the two of them meeting in real life and while Park Seo Joon is always out and about, the same can’t be said about the model, who likes to keep her privacy and is often seen with another hot-shot, the singer Jeong Jaehyun, although neither of them has confirmed any kind of relationship between them and both say they’re only friends. 
Whether or not this was just Park being a normal guy and complimenting a girl, we can’t stop thinking about how cute of a couple those two would make! We even managed to manip our new favorite ship! (See below)
Y/N stared at the screen of her phone for a few more moments before cracking up. She couldn’t believe her life had led her to this moment, one she would be featured in teenager magazines and shipped with an actor she had never met. Of course, she knew who he was, she had watched his movies and dramas and she had to admit that he was all that everyone was saying. But had she met him? No, of course not. 
Her notifications on Instagram had been blowing up for the past 48 hours, making the girl mute the app and ignore all kinds of messages she had been receiving. It was a good idea, no drama, no fans throwing insults at her (something that would happen, she was sure of it), no fans asking things she couldn’t answer, no gossip magazines mentioning her on Twitter… Nothing. It was just Y/N, the bed she had been on, Netflix, and some good company. That is until she got a call from her best friend begging her to read that article.
Hana had been in her life for as long as she could remember, her best friend ever since they were little girls playing in the sandbox. They might have taken completely different paths in life, but they were always by each other’s side whenever it was needed. 
Y/N was willing to read the article because it was Hana who wrote it. She would trust her best friend with everything in her life, even gossips the media wanted to spread. 
The fact that Hana had been chosen to write something about her life was completely amusing. Sometimes, Y/N wondered if her best friend had told her boss they were best friends and that was why, but the truth is that Y/N knew, for a fact, that Hana had kept her mouth closed when it came to being friends with someone as famous as Y/N and it could only be the most ridiculous coincidence in the world. No one had ever suspected anything. 
With a small smile, Y/N closed the e-mail her friend had sent her and shook her head. As always, Hana had written something so close to the truth without saying anything that she couldn’t believe the way her friend had with words. She had no other way than to say it was perfect and she wouldn’t change a thing. 
From: Y/N
To: Hana
You know, one of these days they’ll get suspicious as to how you know so much about my life.
From: Hana
To: Y/N
I’ll just tell them I stan you. I’m an obsessive fangirl. But how is it?
From: Y/N
To: Hana
You know it’s perfect. Now stop freaking out, cause I know you are!
From: Hana
To: Y/N
This could very well be my ship!
From: Y/N
To: Hana
You are aware that I have never met him, right?
From: Hana
To: Y/N
Oh, sweetie… God works in mysterious ways.
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was reading. There were times she worried about Hana living for far too long in her teenage years with all the young celebrities she had to be in touch with for her job - and for her own pleasure too. Of course, you never know what the future holds, but there was no way Y/N would ever be with Park Seo Joon. She was perfectly fine the way she was, with who she was. Even if she didn’t have anyone, exactly, at the time. 
Her life was great the way it was and adding drama to it, as the comments had made sure to confirm her worries, was nothing but a waste of time. 
Hana sent her just a thumb up as a reply, something Y/N knew that meant she had posted the article and Y/N couldn’t wait to see what else would be said about her after that. 
With a devious smile on her face, the girl opened her Instagram for the first time that week and clicked on her most recent photo, the comment Seo Joon had left being the first one. And then she clicked on the heart next to it without a second thought.
Instantly, her phone blew up with at least five messages from her best friend.
From: Hana
To: Y/N
You bitch!
I can’t believe you just did that
I’m gonna fucking kill you, Y/L/N
Couldn’t you have done it before I posted it?
I hate you so much!
From: Y/N
To: Hana
I just gave you another story to write. You should love me!
From: Hana
To: Y/N
The laugh that erupted from Y/N was loud and genuine. She loved messing with her best friend to the point of making her professional life a living hell sometimes. 
“What’s so funny?” a raspy voice called her out, her laughter slowly dying out as she stared ahead, the once empty room now giving sight to something she quite enjoyed. 
There was a reason Y/N liked to keep her life private; There was a reason she found no trouble at all in setting all her apps on mute and that reason was standing right in front of her. His wet jet-black hair dripping into the floor and slowly tracing down his handsome face, leading down past his shoulders, glistening in the fluorescent light against his chest, one she had so many times run her hands over. The marks of her nails still painting in a soft red on the pale skin, dying down on the white towel poorly secured around his waist.
Y/N followed all of it in complete silence, her eyes never daring to move from the man standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his dark brown eyes focused on her shallow breaths, the way her chest seemed to rise and fall in the bra she was wearing, the only piece of clothing her upper body was sporting. 
Her eyes had turned into a darker shade, something he could see from where he was, something he enjoyed a little too much. Her long legs, hidden under the white thick duvet, squirmed under his intense stare, her insides churning in excitement as she watched his hungry eyes roam all over her.
Jaehyun had known Y/N for a good three years. They had been introduced in a party Johnny had thrown and hit it off immediately. At the time, both of them had completely different lives, both of them dated and there was nothing more than genuine friendship. They were both easy people to talk to, had pretty much the same interests. And even though they had super busy schedules, it was always easy to talk through messages and phone calls.
It all started to change, though, when both of their relationships went down the drain and what once was an innocent friendship saw there the chance to change into something else.
There was no name to what they had, they hadn’t talked about it. A whole year had gone without it being fully addressed, but it wasn’t just a friends with benefits thing and they both knew it. 
It was something else, something, as much as they liked to deny, with deeper feelings involved. It wasn’t easy to simply hide it from everyone. They had to be cautious, they couldn’t let people out of their friends' circle get suspicious, they couldn’t let anyone notice how much they meant to each other.
It was easier that way, less dramatic, and more personal. Something they would only share with people they were comfortable with. And yet they weren’t anything official. 
There was something dreadful in being in a committed relationship when they had started whatever they had. The ghosts of their pasts still lingering over them, so it was only natural to take things as they came, to move around it and see where it was going to lead them. But maybe neither of them had thought it would last this long without coming to a real thing.
They had grown used to how they worked and thought that there was nothing to be talked about.
“It’s just Hana,” she shrugged it off, her brain finally snapping out of her thoughts. 
There was something she would never be able to do when standing anywhere near that man, and it was stop fantasizing about him. He was like her own kind of Greek god, the personification of a sacred deity thrown into this Earth to be of her delight. There could be a thousand lifetimes and there weren’t going to be one of them that she didn’t find him handsome, no matter what. He just caused that kind of feelings in her. 
“Oh,” he muttered, his body leaning off the wood, his soft steps echoing through the floor as he made his way to the girl. “I thought we were supposed to pretend we were stranded in a deserted island,” he smirked, his eyes ravishing over her exposed chest, taking every inch of her skin in, his tongue darting out of his mouth to run over his smooth lips. 
“You were taking a little too long on that shower,” Y/N murmured, her eyes wide open as she watched the man walking up to her, her hands twitching in excitement to run over his torso and add a few more scratch marks to it. 
The hunger in his eyes was like fuel to her, burning too bright and hot that she felt it in her core, his breath fanning over her face, now too close to her and yet too far. He was towering over the girl, his body hovering hers, not touching an inch of it, much to her dismay. 
“I had to keep myself entertained,” she breathed out, her lips brushing against his in a feeble attempt of toying with him, baiting him in her mercy; he didn’t buy it. Jaehyun knew her way too well. 
“I’m sure you could have thought of better ways to do it,” he mumbled, his hand slowly tracing the curve of her neck, intertwining in her hair softly, caressing her while still running his tongue over his lips, watching as she tried to keep her eyes on his, but failing to unfocus from his mouth. “I’m sure you could’ve just…” he started once again, his hand now retreating from the hair and sliding down her arms, softly and slowly, the touch leaving goosebumps in its wake as his breath fanned down on her, her eyes now shut in anticipation. “You could’ve just joined me.”
Jaehyun left no time for a reply, it was never his intention. 
Without a single second to spare, his lips crashed down on hers, roughly and hungry, their breaths mingling and panting, the only sound in the bedroom aside from the occasional smacks of their lips. 
Jaehyun’s hands couldn’t find a home, traveling from her arms to her waist, pulling her closer to him, feeling her chest flush against his, her warmth spreading through him as a safety blanket, her legs freeing from the confines of the duvet before closing around him at the same time his hands reached her back, his fingers carefully running down her spine. The touch was so gentle she couldn’t help but moan at the feeling it caused, her back arching off the bed and into him, her mouth opening in the shape of an O.
Jaehyun took it as his advantage, sliding his tongue into her mouth in a wet kiss, exploring every corner of her mouth, massaging her own tongue before fighting for dominance over the kiss, which she surrendered to him. 
Y/N kissed him in abandonment as if leaving her whole life to him, giving him everything she had, everything she would ever have. 
She clutched to his neck fiercer, fingers slipping into his hair and pulling at the roots with wanton, desperately trying to draw a moan out of him, with success. 
He could never get enough of that woman and she knew exactly what to do to get him going, but if he was to ever make it to their appointment, he would have to put an end to it and soon. Jaehyun could feel himself coming up with excuses to his friends as to why he didn’t show up to their party already.
Gasping out for air, Jaehyun broke their connection, his nose running along her cheeks to her shoulders, leaving open-mouthed kisses on her collarbone, his mind reminding him of not leaving any visible mark on her skin before, finally, sucking in the skin on her chest, right above her breast, a small gasp coming out of her throat, her eyes still closed as she bit her lips together in pleasure. 
“You should get ready,” Jaehyun murmured against her skin, his lips still taunting her endlessly. 
“Can’t we just… Skip it?” Her voice sounded so broken for having to leave at that exact moment. She just wanted to spend the rest of the evening lying on that bed at his mercy. The real world could suck sometimes.
“Again?” Jaehyun chuckled, his face now in front of hers. “Didn’t we just skip your friend’s party yesterday?”
“And look at how much more fun we had,” she bargained, her brown eyes dark in want as she stared at him. 
Jeong Jaehyun had the power of making her turn into putty by only being in the room and he knew it.
The singer smiled down at the girl, pressed a lingering kiss to her lips and pulled away before she could get too carried away. 
“Go get ready, beautiful,” he laughed walking away.
Contrary to his belief, they actually left home and just in time to miss the rush hour, something both of them were glad. Although it was a fairly quick ride from Seocho-gu to Itaewon, you never know how much time you would lose stuck in trafic.
It was one thing when you didn’t have much to do, but when you had a party, even if a small gathering, the anxiety of being in the same place for too long would be too much.  
Y/N sat in the passenger seat, enjoying the view of the city flashing past them as the car headed towards the center of the city, a low song playing on the radio, keeping the atmosphere in the vehicle serene and light. Golden specks of light entered through the windshield, the last rays of sunshine of the day illuminating their skin in a golden tone, Jaehyun’s eyes hidden by his black ray-ban focusing on the road ahead.
She took the time to admire it all, the way his hands held the steering-wheel expertly, sliding across it every now and then, the same hands she loved running around her body, the same hands she loved to just hold and have it clasped around hers.  
The sunlight kissed his skin almost adoringly, highlighting his cheekbones and adding a new color to the speck of tones she had seen his face turn into. Y/N knew that if Jaehyun were to take off his glasses at that moment, his eyes wouldn’t be the same dark brown color they always were; they would have turned into a melted chocolate-color, like someone had melted the delicacy and poured into his irises. It was mesmerizing and breathtaking, worth of losing herself into them. And she had, so many times it was beyond her comprehension, but she didn’t mind one bit.
Y/N reached her hands over the handbrake, her palm turned up in an obvious sign of telling Jaehyun something. His right hand let go of the steering-wheel, intertwining on hers without a second thought, his face turning to her side with a smile plastered on his lips, the devotion his eyes held hidden by the dark shades he had on.  
It was at times like these that the singer felt like he had everything he could have asked for. Everything felt right, even if it didn’t seem like it.
There was something about the way their hands seemed to fit effortlessly, how they always had been thinking the same thing before speaking it, how they seemed to be in the exact same place when it came to their lives.  
It was uncanny that they should be together. Everyone had said so, from his friends to his family, always bugging him about it, saying that he had to properly ask her to be his girlfriend. A girl like that wasn’t easy to find, that’s what his dad said whenever they visited.
But it wasn’t so simple. They had been ‘together’ for so long that he just couldn’t see the right way or the right time to do it. They had fallen into a pattern that their relationship was real and official, even if unspoken, even if hidden from the world.  Saying something just felt like doubting everything they had ever had.  
“Have I ever told you how much I like it when you bring me to meet your friends?” Her voice disrupted his track of thought, bringing him back into reality and to the car.  
His hand was still wrapped around hers as he drove down the road, the sun barely visible in the horizon. She had perked up in her seat, something Y/N always seemed to do when she wanted to share some kind of secret. It was endearing watching her whole self light up at the idea of telling someone something she deemed intimate.  
“You do?” His eyes went back to hers, watching the excitement take over her features, her eyes brightening as she looked back at him in innocence, her head tilted to the side as if she couldn’t believe he was asking her that.  
“Of course I do!” She hooted. “What’s not to like? They are all always so welcoming and fun to be around. They bring some other side of you too, I guess. You seem more relaxed, more natural and... More you. Something I only get to see when you’re not on the spotlight.” Y/N proposed, her fingers snapping up as she listed everything she had said. “Not to mention the fact that they’re super funny and make everything feel safe. It makes me feel like everything is so normal.”
Jaehyun smiled. He understood everything she was saying and couldn’t help but agree. It seemed like they were in a safe environment every time they were with them, the world could fall apart and yet they would remain one.  
It seemed strange that a group of people could hold such importance to them, but it made sense to him. With his friends, it was a few of the moments that he could be himself, without any pressure. It was like going home every time he needed to go back.
The fact that Y/N felt the same way meant something to him. He didn’t know what yet, but it had something to do with the fact that his chest would feel warm sharing with her all the memories he had made and were to make with them.
It didn’t mind what it was or how silly it seemed to anyone else. She would listen to him intently and appreciate the fact that he felt like he could share it with her, could trust on her with bits of him that weren’t on full display. And she loved it. She loved listening to him talking, she loved picturing his younger version doing all the things coming out of his mouth. Maybe that was why she loved those counted getaways with him and his group of friends.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @red-the-dragon-writes
Who You Are:
Red Dragon || Ne/nem/nir
I'm a 22-year-old Queer writer who loves horror. I've been writing stories since I was a little kid and come from a family of aspiring authors (all the way up through my grandparents!) I enjoy working in a deliberately stripped-down style featuring a narratively close third person limited point of view featuring an opinionated narrator, untrustworthy characters, and limited description.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Action, comedy, fanfic, fantasy, horror, psychological, sci-fi, thriller, tragedy. New adult and adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Can I say "horror fusion" haha? It would have to be horror. I really love getting to pull reactions out of my readers, and horror also lets me push the boundaries of what I've ever seen in fiction before without shying away from how what is new or unusual can also be uniquely unsettling. Plus- no one ever expects horror protagonists to be smart, and I like the lack of pressure required to just write characters being stupid, whereas in a traditional mystery or action story usually the main cast is intended to be smarter and cooler than the reader. I delight in using dramatic irony to build reveals up in such a way that the audience knows before the main characters do, and that works best in horror where it allows me to drive up the tension as well. However, in my actual writing, I like to fuse horror with comedy or mystery or some other genre to make it a little more fun. Horror- in my experience, at least- hits hardest when you can get the reader to laugh a couple times.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
I definitely don't like "genre"/happily-ever-after romance. I'm pretty firmly aromantic, and at this point in my life I find romance to be almost painfully boring. I find it really hard to write a romance as my central driver of plot, and even moreso when it's a normal romance without either action-adventure or horror elements.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
I'm not sure I have a "real" target audience. I primarily write fanfiction at the moment while I overhaul my original work ideas, so that's a start- people who like Transformers. A lot of my work deals with adult topics like sex and abuse or coercion, so my audience is also above the age of 18 and comfortable reading about that, or at least interested in some way. And from there... I'm not sure. Fans of black comedy who like to watch characters experience awful torment, I suppose. I find that a lot of stories in the same general vein as what I do tend to "shy away" from the edge or otherwise try to soften what they're writing about somewhat, and I'd rather lean into whatever I'm writing. Like a car crash, or something. If other people are talking about fenderbenders, I'm going to go the full nine yards and write about totalling both vehicles demolition-derby style. In conclusion, I guess I'm aiming for a specific part of the Transformers fandom, wherein instead of reading light-hearted stories they want something worse, but at the same time hardcore angst where the character never gets a break and it's all very miserable just isn't striking a believable chord, or they want the characters involved to have a little more agency over their life than just being the Character Things Happen To.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
I like themes of power, coercion and control, as well as themes of petty rebellion slowly shaking off the yoke of someone else's coercion or control. I think nearly everyone in their life has experience with some authority figure that wanted them to do things that would have either been harmful or counterproductive, and I'm no different. While I typically turn this up to eleven in my writing, it's definitely coming from a place of personal experience- if not with the topic, then at least with the concept. I also really like themes of family - not necessarily good or bad, but always flawed in some kind of way. And I really enjoy playing with ideas that violate "the sanctity of the mind" in some way, whether it be mind-reading, spells or coding tricks to get into your mind and force you to behave differently, or having to share a body and essentially just be a mind working with multiple people to do anything. I just really like making characters work around problems that real people only vaguely experience, but are close enough to real life that the reader can have a frame of reference for it, and I think that shines through with all my favorite things.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
My least favorite trope is probably bodice-ripper-style "rape as seduction" like you find in classic romance novels and/or a "perfect victim" character that is only ever acted on and never gets a chance to stand up for themself. I understand it's something other people like or want to see, but defiance runs in my veins, and it always comes over as hugely unrealistic to me. At the end of the day, I want to watch characters struggle up toward the light, even if they fail in the end; if they just sit down and die- or, worse, decide they're okay with this after all- I'm always going to walk away unsatisfied. I'm also not fond of fantasy creatures that are inherently evil. From my pen name and username it's pretty clear I like dragons; I'm also fond of snakes, spiders, centipedes, jackals, and wasps. Animals are never inherently evil and people are even less inherently evil, because you're able to much more easily communicate with them. If the fantasy creatures are on the other side of an ideological divide, sure, but I really am not fond of "ogre instead of human" as shorthand for "100% evil villain we can never ever make peace with." If a character is being given the kind of intelligence you'd find on a human and some grasp of speech, I find it really frustrating when they're just Super Evil in search not of some goal that can be discussed but just because Ooh Evil Monster. It feels both lazy and really frustrating to me, and has been the number-one reason I put down fantasy novels since I was ten.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
My current original fiction project is technically a genre romance (I know, I said I'd never write those!) that deals more with poisonous ideology, religious intolerance, and genocide than actual romance. I've been working on it since roughly 2017, and at the moment I'm reworking the plot to try to zero in more effectively on what I want to say with it. For a little background context, my whole family is Jewish, and I came up with the idea for this one during the Trump Administration while I was slowly coming to be more aware of politics than I'd been previously. This story deals a lot with the anxieties of being Jewish in a world like today's, so I really want to make sure that the point comes across despite the many layers of abstraction and fantasy I'm filtering it through. It's a story that's close to my heart despite the fact that, frankly, what I -have- written of it not being very good because I wrote it when I was sixteen.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
That's a tough question. A large part of what gets me writing is that I have ideas in my head that I desperately want to communicate to other people, but I don't know how to make it work if I only describe them outside of a narrative context. But what definitely keeps me writing is the response I get from other people. I have been working on detangling this for years, but like many other writers on the internet these days, attention really keeps me going. When I was younger I used to print my short stories and show them to all of my relatives; now I post them on Tumblr and ArchiveOfOurOwn and show as many of my online friends as want to read it.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
I started writing when I was five or six, shortly after I learned to read. I mentioned that I come from a long line of other aspiring authors; my father has been writing novels since before I can even remember. I learned to write because I fell in love with reading and wanted to make my own stories that were nicer to dragons, since I was a little kid and really liked dragons and hadn't yet found anything where they were the real main characters. Both of my parents were very supportive of this, which helped a lot, because otherwise I don't think I would have kept writing my whole life the way I have.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
A lot of my inspiration comes from seeing other people fumble some part of a story and being convinced that I can do it better. I don't think this is terribly unusual, but it is a little bit annoying when I'm trying to identify influences or inspiration and all I can point out is things that I think weren't very good, or were good -except- for this one element that I'm actually riffing off of. Outside that... A lot of my more ambitious works in progress actually come from weird dreams with narratively interesting setups that I decide to run with, or random bolts of inspiration that hit when I see some random image and get a "vibe" to capture. For example, the inspiration for my long original project that I'm working on came from a dream; but the inspiration for the Valentine's Day project that I'm currently writing comes from my friend mentioning the movie "My Bloody Valentine 3D" one too many times when I was in a bad mood and making me want to write the worst valentine ever because I thought it would be funny and it had an interesting"vibe" to it.
What works of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Last year, I decided to just write a lot rather than writing things that were good. Turns out that this is a very effective way to write things that are good, but as a result it's all Transformers fanfiction. Regardless, I think the work that I'm actually most proud of is a fairly long epistolary horror told through emails about a character being brought to an alien planet and rapidly discovering that things are not as they should be and the planet is a lot more alive than it seems. It was a really lightweight project that I intended to kind of just take up space while I worked on a different thing, which didn't work out, but it wound up doing a lot of things that I think were, in retrospect, really interesting, and the character writing in it is some of the best I think I've ever done. At the end of the day I think that unusual formats have a lot of potential when it comes to creating stories that have some kind of unusual flavor to them, and I'm always chasing after that feeling of "this is the first time I've ever seen this".
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I've never professionally published anything, but I would like to.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you? Why?
To be honest, the part of publishing that most appeals to me is the part where I get paid and can go to my relatives and tell them that I got published by an actual publisher and now I have a real book out. The part that least appeals to me is every other part of publishing. It's always sounded like a major hassle and a giant pain in the ass to me (when I was growing up, my father was constantly sending his books out to publishers, and so far has still never been published) but, at the same time, I'd love to be the first person in my family to have a book published by Tor or Hachette or some other real-deal imprint.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
The part of the writing process that most appeals to me is the part where I've written something cool and I can show it to other people. I also really like getting to write horror sequences or fight scenes, but my favorite part is basically just asking for a beta or getting to share the finished work. The least appealing part of writing for me is definitely editing. In order to get around my dislike for editing, I've gotten to the point where instead of actually doing regular edits, I literally just rewrite the entire story using the first draft as an outline. This takes forever and it's not very fun either, but it's better than going through line by line and trying to figure out which parts are good and which ones aren't. I have never gotten the chance to work with a professional editor before, and I imagine the experience is different when somebody else is doing the editing for you, but as it stands I hate editing my own work.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
I absolutely write in pure chaos. The only thing I need to make sure that I can write is a warm drink - tea or coffee- and music I like playing. I've discovered that one of my favorite places to write is outdoors in the middle of the night over the summer, but I can and will write anywhere. I'll be writing in my college classes later today. Then I'll come home and sit on my bed and write some more. And then, historically speaking, I'll go out and I'll write on my phone while sitting in the back of a bar or something, and I'll come home and write in the kitchen while my dinner's cooking. I pretty much never stop writing when I've got an idea in my head. I write on vacation, while at the grocery store, when I'm supposed to be working, and every other time besides.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
I've been a writeblr for about three or four years these days. I really joined the community around 2020, when during quarantine lockdowns I decided to write an alternate universe take on the backstory of one of the characters that I have in my long-term novel project because I didn't want to work on that. I wound up joining regular so that I had some kind of community to talk about that wip in, and I've stuck around ever since. I've been tangential to writeblr since well before that, though- I love seeing writing on tumblr and I really enjoy original fiction.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
Natalie Ironside - @natalieironside - writes a lot of trans-focused action stories that appeal to me both as a trans individual and a person who likes action. Her protagonists are often characters who don't necessarily wield a ton of institutional power but fight for what they want and what they deserve regardless. Ezra - @doikayt - another Jewish writer, which I appreciate, but also every part of their writing I've seen is really cool. Speculative fiction is a favorite genre for me, even though it's one I don't often write in myself. Jax Wolff - @blind-the-winds - a writeblr I'm newer to following but really like, they post some really interesting snippets and do a lot of tag games.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
Definitely the interactive aspect. If you interact with writeblr, writeblr will interact with you. I love attention and I love getting to see other people's writing, so this is perfect for me.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
Writeblr has a bigotry issue. It happens. In any community where people are showing up to share their creations without someone at the door vetting them when they come through, there will be people who are bigoted or who have biases that they have not vetted. It's something that most marginalized individuals, myself included, have already come to expect from most online communities. However, because writeblr is an interconnected and highly interactive community, when issues of antisemitism or Islamophobia or racism or sexism or homophobia come up, it's almost impossible to avoid seeing it and it's very frustrating that everyone seems to feel the need to jump in and defend their friends if they believe that the bigotry wasn't poorly intended or it was accidental. I don't want to be trapped in and on ending chamber of "hey, look how antisemitic/Islamophobic/racist/homophobic/otherwise hateful this writer is" for however long the issue is being brought up- it's emotionally taxing- and I know that other marginalized writeblrs who do the hard work and speak out against people who are being bigoted tend to see much more aggressive and, frankly, bigoted backlash than the people they're speaking to or about. I don't know how to fix this, because it's an issue basically everywhere, and if there was a fix for it I'm sure someone would have mentioned it already. But I would like to see more support for a: marginalized writers in the writeblr space, and b: those of us who would like to disengage from the topic after a short period of time. At the end of the day, I'd like writeblr to be a space where writers of all stripes can spend their time- not only cis, straight, white, Christian, abled writers. A lot of how people pitched writeblr to me when I was thinking about joining in was on the idea that Tumblr is a place with less of the traditional barriers of entry than traditional publishing, but if the bigotry issue runs unchecked, eventually it will just be a space with the same kind of demographics as traditional publishing.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I don't really contribute much. I play tag games sometimes and I occasionally make advice posts after I found something that works for myself. I could certainly be doing more, but honestly, I'm kind of lazy and I don't really have that much to say, so on the advice front I've kind of made all the posts I have to make already, and I'm not terribly well suited for running events or communities. I'm much more happy to be a person in the background and a leader in the forefront here.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
I like reading short snippets- in the range of 100-1000 words- and I enjoy interacting with interactive games, like a tag games or ask games. I think my favorite kind of post would have to be tag games where we share short snippets of our wips- the best of both worlds.
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
I like to share snippets of my work. This is probably the easiest for me to do, because all I have to do is copy blocks of text and paste them into tumblr.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
My main Tumblr is @bitegore :D
Questions For Fun:
What is your favorite dragon-related story? What makes it your favorite?
For my favorite dragon-related story I had to split this question into two parts, because I read so many books with dragons in it that I can't help but differentiate between stories where dragons are people and stories where dragons are very intelligent and scary animals. The first dragon story i want to talk about is the Heartstrikers series by Rachel Aaron, an urban fantasy novel following the Only Nice Dragon after he gets kicked out of his home for being too nice and therefore disappointing the family. It's been a big inspiration for how I write since I first read it when I was fifteen; the idea of a protagonist not taking the two options set out for them but making their own choice, the idea of a world where magic and modern society and technology blend and interact, and different social modes of interaction and how they might not seem as useful as they wind up being (aka; the power of friendship, treated more seriously, lol) all really compel me and I enjoy Aaron's storytelling a lot. The only reason I wouldn't necessarily consider this a "final" answer is because, like a lot of other urban fantasy novels, the dragons in this are shapeshifters and the protagonist spends most of his time in a human form. The other one I could probably talk about would be the Dragonriders of Pern series, which I'm really due for a reread of. Pern is one of those series that I read as a kid that rocked my whole world. Not only is it about dragons, which I love- but it's also one of the early sci-fi fantasy stories where the genre was still finding its feet, and much like other stories in the same vein from the same time, the slow reveal of the sci-fi elements underpinning the fantasy absolutely fascinated me when I was a kid and still do for me now. The things I like about both series are different, but one of my favorite things is when dragons are treated as neutral parts of the world or positive ones, rather than uniquely evil monsters. I think I mentioned that that was a trope I don't like very much, and while it can be done well- Maur from The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley is a great example of a dragon so evil that even killing him doesn't solve the problem, and that's another favorite book of mine- it really delights me when instead dragons are just there, for better or worse. And while the worldbuilding in both books is very different, with enormously different styles and aesthetic trappings and social structures, both put a lot of work into crafting a world that feels believable, which is another thing I really enjoy in my stories and which makes these two beat out a lot of other narratives where dragons are more of a unique rarity or an aberration upon the face of the world they're in. And, finally… I just think they're cool. They're stories that both do things that, at least when I read them, I hadn't seen before. The stylistic trappings of fantasy and science fiction from the late 60s and early 70s, like Pern is, are very different from modern genre conventions, which makes the experience fun and novel for me as someone who was born in the early 2000s, and Heartstrikers- an urban fantasy speculative-fiction novel set in Detroit with an unusual spin on a "standard" magic system and very interesting legal setup- also felt like a breath of fresh air when I first read it.
Who is your favorite Transformer?
My favorite Transformer would have to be Vortex. He's interesting- a violent bad guy character who also manages to be nonchalant and amused almost every time he's on-screen. And, of course, it doesn't hurt that I think his design is really cool. A big robot with swords on his back that he uses to fly with? That's cool and I love it.
What is your favorite piece of horror-flavored media? Why?
It's hard for me to answer this question. My default is to answer with the horror movie I like best- Us by Jordan Peele, a movie so incredibly well-paced I have genuinely never seen the like before or since- but that's just straight-away horror. Down The Rabbit Hole by hypnoticwriter, a work referencing the Mystery Flesh Pit project by Trevor Roberts, is also really good, but the line between thriller and horror is indistinct at best, and usually when I say "horror-flavored", I mean that horror elements have been thrown in for seasoning and spice rather than consuming the tone of the work and changing the genre entirely. I think for this question I'm going to go with Transformers, actually. In terms of genre, the All Hail Megatron story is closer to a disaster survival story with action elements than horror. It tells a story about the Autobots being nearly defeated and the Earth being taken over by the Decepticons. But many scenes are paced and written like horror. Dangerous monsters are hunting the surviving Autobots, fuel is running out... and on Earth, the Decepticons see humans as vermin or playthings. It's a really fun series and one I really enjoy.
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themushroomgoesyeet · 3 months
POV: you're an ace author writing typical romance tropes
Mainstream romance: the meet cute must be iconic! It's the moment where two star-crossed lovers, soulmates even, will meet for the first time! People must know that the love interest is the most gorgeous person on the planet to the MC and not like other girls™
Me: oh yeah, the meet cute will happen, but these two won't be at all romantically inclined towards each other until they are somewhat friends at least
Mainstream romance: they're obviously in love with each other, so of course they have to kiss 5 seconds into their relationship, no matter what it is!
Me: what is this, Disney? Nah, you ain't getting a kiss until they both confirm that they at least have mutual feelings for each other
Mainstream romance: even though they just kissed, they must bandy about each other in a careful dance without ever admitting that they actually love each other until the fans are ready to kill something!
Me: actually, since they've been friends for a few weeks and have been spending that time getting to know each other, there's enough trust between them to cause a cute & tender scene where one or both of them admits their feelings and immediately get reciprocated for their troubles
Mainstream romance: oh, but if course we also have to have the endearing best friends who interrupt everything, or get confused and try to ship the MCs with the wrong person! Like the romantic rival, for example, who's such a dashing bad boy that we spend an entire section of the story with the MC questioning if they have feelings for the rival instead & the LI being pouty and jealous until our star-crossed lovers feel practically betrayed by each other!
Me: or we could just not do that lol. Hell, make the rival fall in love with the best friend or someone else entirely, wouldn't that be interesting
Mainstream romance: and the sex! They have to be all over each other at every single moment they have, with plenty of accidental (or not so accidental) nudity and steamy bedroom scenes
Me: ......first of all, ew
I'll do you one better though; how about instead of sex we have cute little dates that both further and boost the relationship, with plenty of scenarios that give the MCs safe spaces to open up more and more to each other and build their trust and love for each other. Bonus points if they work through trauma together
Mainstream romance: but now that they're definitely together, we still need some drama so let's break them up in the next installment of the story! (This is definitely not because we don't know how to write romance after establishing a relationship)
Me: wow, that's horrible! I vote that actually, they don't suddenly have a terrible break up when the curtains close, because that's not how IRL relationships work! What's actually going to happen is that now that the MCs are in the relationship, they get to navigate the next part of their journey as a couple, and learn how to communicate properly and deal with things as a team like civilized adults
Mainstream romance: we definitely don't need to care about their married life, if they even get married at all! God forbid they be happy and start growing a family
Me: why not? Marriage is a natural progression in a loving relationship, and can be an amazing thing to explore with your fictional couple. Not to mention all the trials and joys that can come with parenthood. Think of the potential that has for a story! Plus, half the time the fandoms will marry them & invent children for them anyway, so why not make it canon?
Mainstream romance: it doesn't matter what the genre is, even if they're trying to stop doomsday or survive a zombie apocalypse the romance always comes first!
Me: that's so impractical, why? They've got 24 hours to stop a death ray, what on earth makes you think they have time to smooch? Sure they can still have soft, quiet moments, but they're trying to survive/save the world damnit, love is not the first thing they're thinking about
Mainstream romance: love triangles! Love triangles everywhere!
Me: I would literally rather die than write a love triangle. It's either one couple, or they end up being polyamorus. There is no in between
Mainstream romance: our stories are mostly heteronormative, but we'll sprinkle in some gay side characters or a gay sub-ship to fill our representation quota
Me: ah, now that is what I like to call "the token gay person/token representation", and I hate it. Sure, statistically people from the LGTBQ+ community are still a minority, but that's not gonna stop you from seeing them everywhere. Make it natural! Have more than one "gay" background character/ship, have the more important side characters be part of the community, do more LGTBQ+ romance! Same goes for ethnic groups, religious denominations, and people with disabilities (mental or physical). & Don't make them all underdog sob stories either, because while fighting for acceptance & understanding for these groups is very important, it doesn't have to be the only story you tell
Idk what the point of this post was I'm just tired of all these stupid romance tropes
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littlelambdrgnfly · 3 months
Oh my gosh i would die for an animated beatles series. i think that would be so cool. I'm so passionate about art of the beatles in general, more than i can express, and i think that would fit a lot better/ be more interesting. I think it'd also be better if so many people are so expectant for the casting to look like them. No problems on casting if you can just animate them :)
I will honestly be relieved if it doesnt happen. music biopics arent my thing either. many will disagree with me but i hated the freddie mercury biopic :( </3 loved rocketman though. But im always suspicious of movies being made about very complicated topics, especially if theyre making it just to make money. i think if they do end up making 4 movies about them, it will inevitably be bad since all 4 of their lives are so hard to represent in the format of a movie (thats at least what i feel)
And i didnt even think about their lives being almost similar during their times as beatles since they spent maybe like 60% or more of their time together up until maybe 1967. Great point. Even if it was about when they were more separated from 1967-1970, i still dont think their lives were varied enough to make 4 individual films about them
sorry im going on but you are still a beloved blog i go back to now and then (lol) and a cool person i think, so im glad i could get your opinion and also just love talking about this (since i havent been able to talk about it with another beatles fan so far) - person who sent the question about the biopic
Honestly, ever since I mentioned it, I’ve been obsessed with thinking about an animated Beatles series! Like, my god, it has the potential to be so good! I keep planning it out in my head, like each episode would be at a specific time, early years, Hamburg, Beatlemania, etc… A talented animator can express so much with so little in a way that live action usually can’t touch, and that would be so important in a rich story like the Beatles’. You could even do each chapter in a different style, or with different artists, just to highlight the changes they’re going through! God, someone get me in a room with a Netflix producer, PLEASE.
I didn’t even see Bohemian Rhapsody and I adore Queen and Freddie Mercury. As soon as I heard that the band was involved with the making, I knew that it wasn’t gonna be good. 😅 I really don’t watch any musician/actor biopics. Celebrities, and families of celebrities, are always going to make themselves look as good as possible, even if it means making a worse movie. But the whole genre is just so predictable— you’ve got a young person who loves entertainment but they’ve got some kind of barrier holding them back, they break through, they experience fame, they hit a low point usually with substance abuse, and then they either get better or die. You can’t really help it, it’s just the nature of a celebrity’s life, there’s always going to be the same elements. I mean, there’s a connection as to why Amadeus is so heavily fictionalized, not even told from Mozart’s perspective, and why it’s the best music biopic ever lol. There’s a real fine line between keeping enough of the true story and making an engaging film, and I don’t think that many filmmakers are up to the challenge.
Thanks for sending these asks! I love talking about film and television and the awful awful decisions Hollywood seems intent on making lmao! 💖
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quirkybtsarmy · 2 years
So, I was wondering if you could do a little drabble where the boys take the reader out, and treat her to some coffee and dessert in those cute little coffee shops? Just some fluff because reader definitely deserves some rest after all the torture she went through 🥺
This sounds so adorable! I'm squealing!
She does deserve a break... I am REALLY throwing her under the bus, aren't I? 🤣😭
Ok. I'll give it my best shot!
Also I have beaten COVID! Woo!
SPELLPROOF One-Shot: Trying new things.
Pairing: ot7 X reader
Genre: Fluff, Fluff and even more fluff, humor (if you find me funny)
Warnings: BTS being cute, YN being cute, everyone is being cute.
NOTE: This takes place in the SpellProof universe but it isn't at the start of any chapter. It is further along, in a sense, but this is just a filler so I can actually make the rest of the story seem coherent.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own BTS. This fan fiction is just for fun!
Today was a great day for YN. Why? Because she was going to do something she has never done.
Going into public with a lot of noises.
To 'normal' people, it's fine; they go on with their lives. YN, however; not so much.
Since she is autistic, her hearing is more sensitive to noise than other people's hearings. Add in her fennec Fox ears and you have a recipe for a disaster waiting to happen.
One time Namjoon forgot to tell her that there was a thunderstorm happening and when the thunder hit her eardrums, she jumped off the couch and snuggled up to Yoongi and Hoseok, shivering and shaking like a leaf on a windy day.
But she is going to be okay. She has her boys with her so she can focus on something and not get overwhelmed by everything going on.
YN was reading one of her fantasy books that Namjoon gave her when there was a knock on the door. Her ears perked up and her tails thumped against the chair.
"Come in!"
The door opened, revealing Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook at her door. Tae walked over to YN, sat in front of her legs and put his head in her lap. YN giggles. Jungkook sleepily walked in, sat down next to her and started whining. Jimin, on the other hand, fluttered over to her and plopped himself on YN's lap, straddling her thick (or as I say, thick with 2 c's) thighs. This move caused YN to let out an 'oof' when Jimin landed.
Taehyung moved his head out of the way quickly and repositioned himself so he was on YNs left side. Jimin took YNs hands and put them in his hair. YN started to scratch his head, causing Jimin to hum softly and put his head into YNs chest. YN giggles again.
"Good morning to you too."
Jungkook looks up, eyes half open.
"YN-ah, Hobi-hyung wants you downstairs, dressed and ready to go out and eat."
As YN was about to answer, a loud stomach grumble answered for her. YN slowly looked to her left and saw Tae pouting.
"I wanted to eat breakfast, but Jin smacked my head with a spatula. He said that we should treat you to some food from his abeoji*s restaurant. So... Could you hurry?"
YN looked at Jimin for an opinion, but he currently had his head leaning back slightly into YNs hands. His eyes were closed in pleasure (minds out of the gutter... I see you...) His mouth slightly open with a smile and his wings were fluttering. YN tapped his head, causing Jimin to snap out of his trance.
"Hey! Why did you stop?? I was enjoying myself."
Tae snickered. Jimin smacked his head in response. "Not like that!"
Jimin got off YNs lap, pulling Tae up with him and push Tae out of the room.
"YN, I have to deal with a brat, so could you deal with Jungkook? Don't worry. It's like dealing with a sleepy puppy. Bye bye!"
Jimin closed the door, leaving YN with a sleepy Jungkook.
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(Can I just say... Jungkook being sleepy is the cutest thing I have ever seen. And I finally have found out how to put in GIFs. Geez. Took me long enough) She crouched down in front of Jungkook, who was slightly swaying. She looked at the clock on her bedside table. 4pm.
How is this boy sleepy AT 4PM??
She looked back at Jungkook. "What are you so sleepy, Kookie?"
She started to stroke his ears, which made Jungkook whine and made his tail thump.
"Mmmmm.... Playing..... Games.....TaeTae....Not my fault...." Jungkook sleepily mumbled as he pushed his head into YN's hand more.
Ah. That makes sense.
Well, Hobi said to get ready. So she has to. There is one problem.
There is currently a wizard wolf boy on her floor, sleepily swaying.
Could she call one of the boys to grab him? No. They are probably busy. Could she get Bam or RJ to do it for her? No. RJ was with Jin and Bam was outside with Hobi, who was currently making sure that the flowers around the property were taken care of.
She huffed. It's time to take matters into her own hands.
'He looks pretty light...' YN thought to herself.
She retracted her hand from Jungkook, who let out a sound of annoyance. YN put her hands under Jungkook's thighs and lifted him into her chest. Jungkook's head flopped onto her shoulder. She grunted.
'...never mind...'
YN carefully turned around and went to her door. She opened it and slowly and steadily, went downstairs with the sleepy maknae in her arms.
Namjoon was reading one of his many books when he saw the woman bring Jungkook down the stairs. He watched with wide eyes and an agape mouth as YN went to the couch and tossed Jungkook lightly onto it. YN turned around, then jumped at the sight of Namjoon.
Namjoon was sat in a beige chair wearing an oversized sleeveless hoodie with blue and white text that says BALENCIAGA PARIS with an emblem in the middle, blue baggy jeans, white sneakers and an orange beanie.
Namjoon shook his head in shock.
"How... Why... How did you do that?"
YN looks at Jungkook, who was now sitting up, looking around the room sleepily.
"Ummm.... With my hands...?"
"But how did you hold him up?!"
"Uhhh... With my arms..."
"I mean, I thought that we could hold things up, but damn... I'm mistaken!" Namjoon smiled at YN.
"There's one thing that we can't hold." Yoongi said while walking into the room and flopping on the couch, causing Jungkook to get up and go into his room. Yoongi was wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants with white sneakers. Simple, yet effective.
"And what would that be?" YN asked.
Yoongi smiled at YN "That, my curious 12 Tailed Fox, would be alcohol."
Jimin fluttered into the room and sat in front of Namjoon. Jimin was wearing a dark green sweatshirt that said BE A GOOD HUMAN on the back with yellow smiley faces on the elbows, black skinny jeans and black Chelsea boots.
"Hey! We can hold our liquor. I'm a goddamn pro!"
"Remember what happened at Ossu Seiromushi on our anniversary?"
Jimin's face paled. "Are we going there today?"
Yoongi gave Jimin an evil grin. Jimin looked at the ground in shock and cussed out Yoongi in Korean.
Namjoon was silent, let out a silent giggle then went back to reading while shooing YN away, signalling her to get ready. She went upstairs into her room and opened her walk-in wardrobe.
She looked around her wardrobe with slight shock in her eyes. Why did she make all the boys get her clothing options? There were so many options that it made her have a slight meltdown. What does she wear today? Is the weather hot or cold? Was the weather just at the right temperature? Does she wear a dress? If so, does she wear heels, flats or sneakers? Does she wear a playsuit? Maybe a nice T-shirt and pant combo? What about-
A knock on the door brings her back to reality.
"Hey, you ok in there?" Hobi asked from the other side of the door. YN smiles. Hobi is like a sadness detector. He feels something is off, he tries to resolve it.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just... There's a lot of clothing, that's all."
"Awwww! You'll be fine! I have faith in you, sweetie! Anyway, I'll be downstairs with the boys. See you in a moment!"
YN looked back at the clothing and took a deep breath. She looked at the temperature on her phone. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just right. She is feeling in a dress mood today so she went to the dress part of the wardrobe.
She looked at her dresses. She pulled out a beautiful floral dress that Tae got her from Gucci. She looked at the price tag. She almost choked on her own spit.
Yeah... She's putting that back.
She saw a short neon green dress. Nope. Not in a million years. Then... She saw it... The dress that she was looking for.
The Strawberry Dress.
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The dress was beautiful. It made her feel like a princess. She immediately grabbed it and put it on. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked... Amazing. She put on white sneakers and accessorised with a small white purse, some silver earrings and glasses with a clear frame.
She giggled and walked out of her wardrobe with a confident stride. She walked down the stairs and caught all the boys attention. Well... Except Jin.
"Wow... YN, you look..." Jungkook said while walking towards her.
"Like an angel..." Jungkook held her hand and lifted it up so she can spin for him. She did, causing the dress to flow freely with her movements. She truly looked like an angel.
YN giggled, grabbed the car keys from the key bowl (I don't know if you guys have that, but it's a bowl or place where you put your keys...) turned around and jingled the keys. "Well, shall we?"
Jimin tilted his head. "Since when could you drive?"
While Jimin said this, the boys and girl started to lock up the house so they could leave without the worries of being burgled.
YN thought for a moment. "I taught myself, got what I needed for the requirements for a license, then POOF! I can drive."
Tae chuckled while getting in the car. "You're lucky Namjoon didn't teach you. Otherwise the car would be engulfed in flames." This statement caused everyone to laugh. Except Namjoon.
"Boy, you are so lucky that I don't whoop your ass..."
The restaurant was very quiet. Probably because Jin made everyone who made a loud noise leave the premises IMMEDIATELY! He didn't want his jagi to have a sensory overload, did he?... Wait... Jagi?
Jin saw the boys enter with YN in tow, who was currently holding Hobi's hand and was looking at the different decorations in curiousity. It was very nicely decorated. Maybe she could decorate the house like this.
"YN-ah!" Jin walked out of the kitchen and went to YN with his arms open. YN smiled and went into Jin's embrace. Jin swayed side to side since he knows that the movement helps stimulate her in a new place.
"Are you ready to try delicious food, made by yours truly?" Jin pretended to throw his hair over his shoulder by doing a hair flip.
YNs tails started to thump against her back and in the air in excitement. "I'm ready!" YN then walked over to the biggest table and sat on a chair. The boys looked at her and then walked over to join in her happiness.
"Jin-hyung, how long have you been here for?" YN tilted her head in curiousity.
"Well, my appa asked me to prepare food for today today and there wasn't really any business happening so I stayed behind so... I think... From 9 in the morning?"
YN looked at the clock. It's 5 now. YN widened her eyes.
"Why were you here for that long?!"
Jin laughed his iconic laugh(and I mean, *iconic*, darling).
"I wanted to treat you. I've been treating these boys for a long time now. Whenever someone new comes along, I make them food. Probably the potion conjuring part of me kicking in. *Snickers* Since I think you might be around for a while, I'm going to spoil you whether you like it or not." Jin ended his sentence with a smile.
Jin flicked his wrists and different plates of Korean dishes came out from the kitchen. When the plates were set in front of all the boys and YN, all of their stomachs started to growl in unison like they were in a band. (Hmmmm... A band you say?🤔🤔🤔)
YN was overwhelmed. In a good way. She has never had this much food in front of her before. But boy, she going to enjoy every single bite. Since she isn't Korean (if you are, I'm sorry!) She was learning about the different dishes that the boys (aka. Yoongi and Jin) made.
Slowly but surely, she identified all of the dishes on the table and smiled.There was kimchijeon* bibimbap,* tteokbokki*, bulgogi*, jjiage*, Korean fried chicken, bibim nengmyun* and samgyetang* on their table.
Jin remembered her favourite foods.
From a nod from Namjoon, it was a Food. Frenzy. Boys grabbing food from left and right. Conversations were happening like they hadn't seen each other in years; talking about the weather to how the greenhouse was coming along.
While enjoying her Korean fried chicken, she looked at all of the boys. She loves the chaotic behaviour of them. Jungkook is currently having a debate on whether his girlfriend in the future would peel a perilla with Jimin while Namjoon and Jin were trying not to spit out their kimchijeon.
She had another bite of her meal and closed her eyes in content.
This is something she could get used to.
No cliffhanger this time. Huh.
Anyway. I hope you guys enjoyed!
Korean translations (If it's wrong, blame Google)
Abeoji - father
Appa - dad (this is only appropriate when a son/daughter calls their father this)
Kimchijeon - Kimchi pancake
Bibimbap - consists of warm rice topped with mixed vegetables, beef or chicken, and raw egg, as well as soy sauce and a dollop of chilli pepper paste for seasoning.
Tteokbokki - red rice cakes
Bulgogi - consists of thin slices of marinated beef sirloin that are cooked alongside sliced onions, green peppers, and garlic using a charcoal burner, resulting in a distinctive smoky flavour.
Jjiage - Korean stew
Bibim nengmyun - spicy cold noodles
Samgyetang - Ginseng chicken soup.
Hopefully that was all the translations. I got the food ideas from this website: https://au.hotels.com/go/south-korea/great-korean-dishes
Anyway, have a good day!
Author Emily OUT! 💜
Taglist: @nonbinaryidiot @kookiecrumb @exactlyfuriouscoffee @angelic-lawyer @candied-lavender @persphonesorchid @singukieee
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
I love how my favorite yandere Jojo/Genshin blogs happen to be Scaramouche fans with pfp and has a thing for Fugo.
Out of curiosity I'm wondering, why do you like your men impatient and angry? (Plus involved with purple gas at some point.)
i'd honestly like to know the same thing myself ... my best hypothesis is that it makes for an interesting dynamic for daydreaming/writing. since it'd be such a Journey to break down their walls and win them over. there's always been something about the 'grump and their ray of sunshine' trope i adore. it's so cute. gets me every time.
there does seem to be two main genres of men (FICTIONAL, purely fictional, i'd kick the shins of most of these suckers irl), that i predictably fall for.
camp A is the charismatic, intelligent/powerful squad (chrollo, giorno, johan, makishima shogo, izaya orihara, gojo satoru, tony stark)
camp B is the rough around the edges squad: (scaramouche who is more like sandpaper all around but i digress, fugo, ayato kirishima, levi ackerman somewhat fits into this as well ?)
huh . there's definitely more of a pattern here than i realized. much to think about.
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liked the top 3 list, wondered if you wanted to share from any of these?
Hiya! Thank you so much for the asks dude!!! You chose some really fun ones to ramble about <33
Link to the asks
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle
Oooooh, I doodle a lot, but I fall back on a few things
My own characters, especially the main characters from my novel (check them out at @the-supernova-sapphics )
Werewolves! I like to mess around with ears and face shapes and fur to make them match their human form, it’s very fun. And I just have a very intense werewolf special interest
As much as I talk about HATING drawing hands, they are okay sometimes. I doodle hands a lot to try to get a feel for them and it’s fun to try different gestures
36: Top 3 books from your childhood
I am a horse girl. I grew up on Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. I had a series of classic books condensed for children, and then I read the actual book at least a dozen times growing up
In the same vein, I also had a condensed kid’s version of Call of the Wild by Jack London. Loved that one a lot <33 I have yet to read the original, but I intend to do so
Bit of a strange one, but Kalahari by Jessica Khoury was a favorite in middle school. I hadn’t read anything like it before and I haven’t really since. Interesting concept, minor twist on a zombie virus almost? and I loved it
46: Top 3 fan fictions you’ve read
Okay so my favorite fanfic is probably Bloodletting by @agentgenevra . I have talked about it a LOT over here and I will sing it’s praises forever. Let me do it yet again. First of all, vampire Nancy. Vampire Robin. That is enough to get you hooked. But! This fic has one of the BEST AU plot lines I have ever read. The way each character and their individual motivations and personalities connect into this big web of a plot is FASCINATING. And! Tension! Tension! Tension! Eve is a genius and I fucking adore this fic.
Second place would most likely go to Dancing in the Moonlight by summersociety. I want this fic injected directly into my bloodstream. It’s somehow serious and unapologetically goofy at the same time. Again with tension! Monster hunter Nancy is a badass! Werewolf Robin is complicated! AROO BROKE MY HEART. Martha is also a queen.
Finally, I think I’m going to have to go with Raise Dead by @eskawrites . Go in with the warning that this is the only fic that LEGITIMATELY, not as an exaggeration, made me cry. The feelings are very raw and very intense, this fic will break you heart and then mend it. Chapter 3 especially ruined me. Angst galore dude. And very poetic writing, I love it.
71: Top 3 songs of this month
Only three? Damn I gotta really narrow down the favorites list
Everywhere, Everything by Noah Kahan is one of the best romantic songs I’ve ever heard, it’s kind of giving Hozier imagery but a little more upbeat and also this man’s voice does things to me
Late Bloomer by Semler, I’m writing a fic based on this one and it’s just very soft and good and I love the lyricism, plus the guitar!!!
Real genre skip here, but I swear Punk Tactics by Joey Valence and Brae is laced with something, that song is addictive and my funky neurodivergent brain loves it
Honorable mentions are Everlong by Foo Fighters, The View Between Villages by Noah Kahan, and Maple Syrup by The Backseat Lovers
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ghoulical · 1 year
Notes on FDA
A list of notes and possible FAQs about certain decisions and ground rules I’ve made throughout the writing process. If you do have any other questions, feel free to shoot me an Ask or a DM, and I'll try my best to answer!
Establishing the canon for this story, and this series as a whole, is difficult, to say the least. For one, while most of the Slenderverse series share a canon universe, Marble Hornets does not. I also did not follow the ARGs as religiously as other fans do when they were at peak activity, so I might be missing details from there. As of editing this in 2023, the canon comic sequel series to Marble Hornets has introduced new lore that makes it even more difficult for me to fit it into everything I've established with this work so far (the Ark sequence was cool as hell but it sure threw a wrench to my plot planning).
Obviously, add in popular creepypastas like Eyeless Jack and Jeff the Killer into the mix, as well as a pinch of SCP Foundation, and it is, indeed, a horrifying amalgamation of something.
That being said, I still want to make this work, and to do that, I do need to bend, or even break, a few rules. I will try to be as faithful to the original material as much as possible, but to find a way to connect everything in a way that ties the most loose ends and makes the most sense with what bits of lore and information from each series, it may mean that I will have to omit some things and change others.
If you don't like it, don't read it, and don't come at me with torches and pitchforks. Make your own thing if you want. I am but a simple fan-fiction writer trying to make something that made me happy once.
Time & Setting
I first wrote this story in 2017, hence why the story is set in 2017, because up until that point, I was still pretty much up-to-date with what goes on in all the fandoms attached to this story. 2017 also happened to be the year that everything sort-of started to die out; EMH, which was the only series with some activity back then, was in "full ARG mode" as I was told, and I did not participate in any of it because I had IRL things to worry about.
During the 3-year hiatus I took in writing, I did work on the timeline of this series—a lot—and I can safely say that it is better for this first book to be set in 2017 rather than present time, considering most creepypastas were set/created in the early 2010s. I also did the math, as best as I could with what little information I have, for when all the pre-story events would have taken place (including canon events) and it's all conveniently lined up if I had the present story set in 2017.
As for location, “New Haven” is indeed the name of several real-life locations in the United States. But none of them are the actual setting for this story—I really just chose a generic town name that's nice and possibly has a metaphorical meaning to the story, but don't sweat trying to look into it. Other named locations would be established canon settings (e.g. Alabama for Marble Hornets), or derived connections to other canon settings (e.g. Skye, Jack and Toby are from Denver, because Toby was canonically from Denver, so story-wise it would make most sense if Skye and Jack were too).
Theme, Content, Genre
You won't find fluff here—not technically, anyway. The reason I say this is because I want to clarify to potential readers that this is not the type of fan-fiction where everybody knows each other, everybody’s friends with each other, and they all live in a giant mansion in the middle of the woods. This story is about as real as the ARGs would be, where not everybody is guaranteed to like each other. Really, it's more likely that they don't.
But I don’t often see creepypasta fan works that focus on the humanity and psychology of these characters. I know the more monstrous ones technically don’t have humanity, and they don’t have typical psychological processes either because they’re monsters and they’re not real. However, I as the author, and as someone who enjoys and majored in Psychology, am very much interested in these topics and how they would apply to these characters, if they ever exist. These people, their characters, and their relationships—it’s what drew me to the ARG series in the first place. I want to explore that more throughout this story, as much as I can.
So yes, relationships exist, but their nuances are much more complicated, and that's personally the best part about writing this story.
Ticci Toby
So about halfway through the book, Toby Rogers (F.K.A. Ticci Toby) has like one actual appearance, and only mostly mentioned or referred to by other characters, despite originally being billed as one of the main characters in the story. This was done on purpose.
In the time I've worked on this story, Toby's creator grisgrisdoll (F.K.A. Kastoway) has publicly stated that they are distancing themselves from the creepypasta community, and wish to move on to other non-pasta-related art projects. Presently, their new concept of Tobias Rogers has no affiliations to Slender Man or creepypasta. All in all, the character belongs to them, so I want to respect their wishes as much as I can.
My original plan was for Toby to have a larger role as we go along (think recurring character getting promoted to series regular). He does still have a pretty big part in the plot of the first book, and frankly, a big part in the background story preceding the book's written plot, especially Skye's background. Because of this, while I can eventually remove him from the plot in future installments, it's impossible for me to remove him completely from the first book, without pretty much completely overhauling the entire damn thing.
So instead, what I can do is minimize his appearances for as much as possible, and only writing him into scenes when absolutely necessary. In the meantime, I'll also be taking caution in staying true to the original material as much as possible, as I do with almost all creepypasta I include in this story.
If you've been here a while and read the story in its previous iterations, you would know that Tr*beTw*lve was originally one of the series this story was heavily referencing from. It was also one of the bigger contributors to the Slender Man mythos and lore in general, most notably expanding the concept of proxies.
In 2020, it became apparent through multiple allegations that the series' creator has done terrible things that I personally condemn and do not condone, and as such, I will no longer support anything from him, nor do I want this dear project of mine to be affiliated to anything derived from him in any way, shape or form.
Since then, I've worked to remove all references to TT from this story, and changed all the plot-relevant details that were derived from TT, to tie in more into either Marble Hornets or EverymanHYBRID, or more original ideas (yeah, I have those too). There are some previous drafts that are still currently available to read that still have some references, but in the future these will likely be rewritten, and these references will be removed as well.
It was fun while it lasted, but hey at least my brain spawned another couple sequel ideas because of this development, so it really did work out for the better for me.
More to be added in the future!
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shyuch · 1 year
So I went to Swampcon...
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^This is not my picture, I stole it so I would have a good photo to use as my banner.
What can I say? My first convention; I'd say I'm a pretty closeted anime fan, so this is something definitely new for me. I definitely enjoyed it though.
I went to Idolfest (my favorite of all):
I must say, the last girl really knew how to dance. Plus, it was Eurobeat, so I couldn't stop myself from getting so hype. The rest of the performances were fire as well, it's just the last one blew me out of the water. It's one of those things where you just want to absolutely head-bang to it.
I didn't get it on video, but she did a NASTYYYYYY body roll that had everyone screaming near the end.
I also went to Artist Alley:
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Got some prints of the best video game series ever: Yakuza. On the left is Kiryu and on the right is Majima. They are both legendary in their own ways, and I guess you will have to find out why by playing the actual game. The art style was really cool also, placing them alongside their respective symbols.
(My profile picture is also from this series, Akira Nishikiyama)
I would've gotten bigger prints, but I was already extremely broke from spring break, so I had to settle for less. Although, I did get a pair of horns from a shop.
I saw Vincent:
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Also, there's the horns I was talking about earlier. But it's just a great picture isn't it, two dudes having fun at an anime convention hosted by their university.
I saw the best/worst Vocaloid concert ever:
Don't get me wrong, it's cool. It's cool to see a bunch of other vocaloid fans packed in the same room, listening to the same niche genre of music. However, it was just a 2D projection of a video (I kinda managed to turn down the exposure and make it look cool?). It's no different than me just linking a video of:
I know I shouldn't expect too much, but somewhere in my heart I really wanted there to be some crazy 3D projection that they set up in the grand ball room to absolutely blow us away.
(Fun fact, I think Senbonzakura is about the Meiji Restoration)
Bonus R2D2:
That's it. It's just R2D2 with me repeatedly saying "o." I was cool to see something more on the Geek side than the Otaku side.
Some Analysis:
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While there wasn't millions of Doujinshi stalls scattered everyone along the Reitz, we can still see the Otaku traits in action. For example, the cosplays. I bet there were more cosplayers than actual non-cosplayers there. Each of them did it on their favorite characters in a different way, and we can really see how they managed to refictionalize a fictional character.
Additionally, the Moe elements. Remember when I was fangirling over that eurobeat dance? The way that woman was dressed up, it was definitely to appeal ot the Moe elements. The knee high wide socks, the short plaid skirt, headband... They combined a bunch of elements that people like into an outfit for the otakus to enjoy.
Not to mention, my prints. The Moe elements in this case were the symbols and the character's physiques. Their respective symbols is a big part of what makes the whole franchise "cool." Also, their muscular physiques also attract a lot of other men who maybe want to participate in the guise of a hegemonic masculinity, not to mention that their clothes are also what makes them appealing. Not give the wrong idea though, the majority of the game does not depict the characters as this "super macho" hegemonic masculinity, it only does that through the main story. The rest of the game show them as being tender and kind.
Also, the acceptance of queerness was clear throughout the whole convention. Nobody batted an eye. It was cool to see something in theory, that Otakus can distinguish from fiction and reality, hobby and self, play out in a setting like this.
Overall, I'm definitely doing this again.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
I want to compliment your writing, but I'm afraid it will come off like a dig at fanfic in general, especially other writers, and it's NOT meant that way! I used to write fanfic myself. Granted, mine was about NSYNC and Twilight (aging myself here), but aside from the subject matter, fanfic hasn't changed that much in the 25 years I've been reading/writing it.
I mean this in the most complimentary way possible: Your writing feels like I'm reading a best-selling novel, not fan-fiction. It's BETTER than many published novels I've read (again I refer to Twilight here 😂). Everything about your stories just feels so refined. From the layered and intricate story lines, to the well-rounded characters and hyper-realistic dialog, to the vocabulary and varied sentence structure, it's always such a pleasure to read.
In fact, I won't let myself get into your newer stories because I can't binge devour them yet! I like to wait for more of the chapters to be complete because it always feels like one chapter at a time is never enough. But major kudos to you, because I don't know how you juggle so many stories simultaneously while being so busy, and still maintain such an intense update schedule. You really amaze me, and I'm so very happy I stumbled upon Little Bean. I was honestly looking for a very specific type of story (virgin JK with a language barrier 🫣), but I found so many wonderful stories from you in genres I never thought I'd enjoy so much!
Thank you for the wonderful worlds you create and for giving me these little breaks from my own daily stresses. You are by far the best fanfic author I've read (and I've read a lot), and absolutely one of the best authors I've read in general. ❤️
This is so sweet and really melted me after a rotten two weeks as I've been trying to get back to my stories and struggling becaues I've been so depleted by IRL and doubting my ability with that energy gone. But your comment gave me such a reassurance and a boost, so thank you so so much!
I know what you mean about wanting to be sure praise for one person doesn't seem like a dig at anyone else, and I appreciate that! It's why I try to be so upfront that I have been writing for a loooong time (my first fanfics were Animorphs and Hanson! speaking of dating myself lmao! I still have a print out of the first fanfic I fell in love with like 23 years ago) and I'm still learning so many things --often from writers even younger than myself! Everyone has different talents and are at different places on their writing journey and it's so easy for writers to compare ourselves to each other when it's not good for our writer souls!
My update schedule may be slowing down to a more human speed now haha but we'll see! I've found that juggling multiple stories keeps me from hitting the wall creatively if I'm only working on one; can't make a chapter work? I can jump to something else and let that one simmer for a little bit.
"(virgin JK with a language barrier 🫣)" Yeah why do you think I started that story!!!! lmaooo it was one of if not the very first scene I wrote for the whole series 🤣🤣 If you found any other good ones, lemme know 😉
Anyway thank you again for such a long, kind note. It's helping me get back on track this week!
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bookclub4m · 1 year
Episode 166 - Sports (Non-Fiction)
This episode we’re talking about Non-Fiction Sports books! We discuss how to define sports, live sports, weird rules, and more!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Things We Read (or tried to…)
The Comic Book Story of Basketball: A Fast-Break History of Hops, Hoops, and Alley-OOPS
Canadian Heritage Minutes: Basketball (YouTube)
(lots more below in “Links, Articles, and Things”)
Walking: One Step at a Time by Erling Kagge, translated by Becky L. Crook, narrated by Atli Gunnarsson
Revolutions: How Women Changed the World on Two Wheels by Hannah Ross
One Game at a Time: Why Sports Matter by Matt Hern
Strong Like a Woman: 100 Game-Changing Female Athletes by Laken Litman
A Most Beautiful Thing: The True Story of America's First All-Black High School Rowing Team by Arshay Cooper, narrated by Adam Lazarre-White
Other Media We Mentioned
Football in Sun and Shadow by Eduardo Galeano, translated by Mark Fried
Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics by Gabriel Kuhn
Links, Articles, and Things
Which Pokémon are the most goth? (featuring Matthew and Jam)
Lumberjack World Championship (Wikipedia)
Sports Book Awards
Mascot Mischief (Jam’s mascot RPG)
Pawtucket Red Sox (Wikipedia)
It’s possible the burlesque wrestling event that Anna and Matthew went to was Glam Slam, which still exists!
Heritage Minutes (Wikipedia)
Wilder Penfield (YouTube)
Sam Steele (YouTube)
Halifax Explosion (YouTube)
Jackie Shane (YouTube) (most recent one!)
The 10 Best Canadian Heritage Minutes of All Time
A Part of Our Heritage (YouTube)
AK Press (Wikipedia)
Green Bay Packers (Wikipedia)
List of fan-owned sports teams (Wikipedia)
Sex verification in sports (Wikipedia)
Testosterone regulations in women's athletics (Wikipedia)
Zhang Shan: The only female shooter to win gold in a mixed competition
“After the Barcelona Games, the International Shooting Union barred women from shooting against men. For the next years, the skeet event remained on the Olympic Games programme, but only for male athletes.”
The Bob Emergency: a study of athletes named Bob, Part I by Jon Bois
Barbados intentionally scored an own goal to help them win by two thanks to a weird golden goal rule Weird Rules on Secret Base (YouTube)
Twenty20 (Wikipedia)
“Twenty20 (T20) is a shortened game format of cricket.”
Episode 159 - Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose by Leigh Cowart
16 Sports (Non-Fiction)books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina  by Misty Copeland
Indigenous Feminist Gikendaasowin (Knowledge): Decolonization through Physical Activity by Tricia McGuire-Adams
Rebound: Sports, Community, and the Inclusive City by Perry King
A Beautiful Work in Progress by Mirna Valerio
Basketball (and Other Things): a Collection of Questions Asked, Answered, Illustrated by Shea Serrano
Black Gods of the Asphalt: Religion, Hip-hop, and Street Basketball by Onaje X. O. Woodbine
Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete by William C. Rhoden
In My Skin: My Life on and Off the Basketball Court by Brittney Griner
Blood in the Garden: The Flagrant History of the 1990s New York Knicks by Chris Herring
A Team of Their Own: How an International Sisterhood Made Olympic History by Seth Berkman 
Tigerbelle: The Wyomia Tyus Story by Wyomia Tyus, Elizabeth Terzakis
Rise of the Black Quarterback: What It Means for America by Jason Reid
Courage to Soar: A Body in Motion, a Life in Balance by Simone Biles with Michelle Burford
My Olympic Life by Anita L. DeFrantz and Josh Young
Back in the Frame: How to get back on your bike, whatever life throws at you by Jools Walker 
Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable by Tim S. Grover
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, January 17th we’ll be discussing reading resolutions!!
Then on Tuesday, February 7th it’ll be our annual Valentine’s Day episode and we’ll be talking about the genre of Holiday Romance!
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andromedapip · 1 year
An Idea For A Story.
I’ve had this idea for a romance story for a while now, since about Christmas. I have tried several times to actually put it into writing but I can’t write fiction so instead I will do the next best thing which is summarizing it.
The story goes like this.
Our main protagonist is a romance media obsessed wallflower, particularly a fan of romance anime and manga but also engages with with the classics of the genre. Despite all this he doesn’t have any personal aspirations for romance or getting a girlfriend.
At school he is paired with a group of two others, a guy and a girl from his class. As they work together he comes to believe that his work partners would make a lovely couple. Assuming I wanted to make this a longer piece this would be a significant portion of the story. They eventually do begin dating and our main character gets a new hobby of watching them like he engages with his romance stories.
Eventually, the couple breaks up on mutual terms. This absolutely destroys our protagonist and he makes it his mission to get them back together. Because his entire conception of romance comes from anime and manga, he decides that the best way to do so is to make a grand gesture. By this point in the story it is close to Christmas time so he decides to host a house party. At this house party he intends to get the former couple to meet together at the center of the living room where there will be a piece of mistletoe above head.
However it doesn’t go to plan, hi-jinks ensue and our protagonist and the girl end up meeting with each other under the mistletoe where she decides to take the time to confess her feelings for the protagonist and ask if he would like to go out some time and dance with her at the party.
Now I actually never intended for this to have a good ending. I instead have this idea where our protagonist begins yelling at her for messing up his plans of getting her back with her ex. Our girl is understandably disturbed and so are the rest of the party goers. Incredibly embarrassed she leaves and the party dies.
Our protagonist has become a social outcast at school. He thinks about that night often, the ways he could have saved it and come up with another plan of getting the two back together. Sometimes he thinks about if he had said yes to her, about what their relationship would have been like but he makes a point to mentioning how he quickly pushes those thoughts out of his head.
Not much more to it. Of course I would ideally make the effort to actually write this story but fiction is incredibly hard for me. The furthest I got was forty words before giving up. It’s just hard coming up with characters. I’m not a very original guy.
That is all, thanks for reading. 
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