#that shows some understanding of the characters as more than just
mrsjellymunson · 1 day
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Start Something
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie helps you generate a new D&D character, but that’s not the only thing that gets started that day
WC: ~2.5k
C/W: 18+, MDNI! NSFW? Physical flirting and teasing, heavy petting, sort of in public (nobody notices). Smut-adjacent? Thigh riding. Swearing. Nothing overly explicit, but it does get heated. Eddie and reader are both over 18. Trope: oh no, there aren’t enough seats, where will you sit? No y/n, one pet name. No physical descriptions of reader other than she wears a skirt (of unspecified appearance).
A/N: Should I be working on parts for my outstanding series? Yes. Would this not leave me alone until I wrote it down? Also yes. I had fun creating a new character in a different RPG and I have no idea whether this is how D&D works, so if it’s not, let’s just pretend, okay? 😆
I have a general taglist now, let me know if you’d like to be on it 🖤
My masterlist
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Eddie can’t believe his luck. You’re pretty (gorgeous, actually), insanely intelligent and have, for some as yet indecipherable reason, decided that you want to play D&D. With a load of nerdy teens. And him.
You’ve joined in with a couple of short campaigns at school, seeming to enjoy them immensely and fitting in well with the group, bantering with the boys and bonding with Erica over your shared ‘take no shit’ attitudes. At first Eddie wasn't sure how that dynamic would work, but you slipped easily into letting the younger girl show you the ropes, and Erica is clearly enjoying having more female energy around.
Eddie knows that creating a new character is one of your favourite things to do. He’d never admit it, but it’s one of his favourite things to watch, too. He adores the sparkle in your eyes, your creative brain and how excited and animated you get when you come up with new ideas. Sometimes they’re sketchy, or even impossible, which he finds hugely endearing. He also loves how you’ll always check in with him, asking his advice and respecting his opinion.
This weekend he’s running a oneshot at his trailer for the younger members and you. New characters, novel plot, the works. The plan is to create new characters in the morning, and play the game in the afternoon.
This’ll be the first time you’ve been to his home, or seen him anywhere outside of school, and Eddie’s nervous as all fuck.
He couched it as ‘a good opportunity to develop a greater understanding of the game’, but he definitely has an ulterior motive for inviting you here.
So far, he’s taken every opportunity he can to make you laugh, sit near you, even touch you. Creating scenarios where a subtle hug, or even a playful tickle is somehow appropriate. He covers it quickly by immediately doing it to someone else, hoping you won’t spot the bulge in his pants and the fact that he can’t stop looking at you.
He’s not sure for how long he can keep it up. He wants so much more, and it won’t be long before he either loses it, takes it too far, or, worst case scenario, you notice he’s being a total creep and ditch the group because of it.
He’s been trying to muster the balls to ask you out for weeks, practicing lines and imagining scenarios, but he’s found it more difficult to plan than even the most complex of his campaigns.
And although it’s unlikely given the crowd of nerds that’ll be around, he couldn’t miss an opportunity to be in your company. He thought that maybe, just maybe, he’d manage to get you somewhat alone and do it today.
He’s tidied up the trailer as subtly as he can, doing all the dishes and straightening Wayne’s caps, hoping the others won’t notice and ask him awkward questions. But he’s jittery and anxious, terrified that you’ll take one look at where and how he lives and decide you want nothing more to do with him…
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Eddie has no idea that you’re just as nervous as he is.
You’ve enjoyed the Hellfire campaigns so far, but haven’t really managed to get all that close to the Dungeon Master, much to your chagrin. Sure, the game is enormous fun and you love all the members and how welcoming they’ve been. But the DM? Holy hell, he’s hot as sin, and being able to spend time around the larger-than-life metal-lover only adds to your enjoyment of the sessions. But you can’t imagine it’ll ever go any further than that. You doubt that a geeky D&D novice who he’s hardly spoken to is his idea of the perfect girlfriend…
But god, the physical touches? Christ. It’s as much as you can do to hold it together. You’ve shared a few celebratory hugs, and he’s even tickled you a couple of times, all of which you’ve enjoyed far more than you’d let on, and filed away in your memory for retrieval when you’re alone at night in your bed. But you know that he’s like this with everyone, and are under no illusions that you’re special. So you relish each and every contact, wishing there could be more.
What if he looks at you for too long with those gorgeous, huge, chocolate-brown eyes? And what if you forget how to speak? It’s already happened an embarrassing amount of times, but you’ve managed to pass it off as being stumped because you’re a beginner. You don’t know for how much longer that excuse is gonna fly.
And, if all that wasn’t already enough to send your anxiety levels skyrocketing, you’re also acutely aware that you haven't spent time with any of the group outside of school as yet. You’re worried that you’re going to ruin their social dynamic, or mess up the game. Or embarrass yourself with no easy way to exit, having to wallow in your shame until the mums come back later to pick you all up. Your spiralling makes you realise that although it was really kind of Mrs Wheeler to offer you a lift, you’re now really wishing you’d brought your own car…
All kinds of anxious thoughts are running through your mind, from what if your ideas are stupid, to what if everyone (okay, specifically Eddie) dislikes the cookies you’ve baked??
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Neither of you should’ve worried.
As you enter his trailer, Eddie seems a little flustered, running a ringed hand through his gorgeous chestnut waves and unnecessarily straightening a pile of magazines on the coffee table. He smooths down his (new) black tee (that he totally didn’t buy especially for this occasion), and you pay it no mind, assuming he’s just always like this with visitors, and is excited for the campaign.
You barely glance around Eddie’s home, smiling softly at the trinkets you spot, and offering to help plate up the snacks in the kitchen area. You don’t look uncomfortable, and you certainly don’t pass judgment. Eddie eyes you as indirectly as he can, noticing the unusual skirt you’ve got on (that you totally totally didn’t choose specifically for today). He likes it.
Just like at school, you slot easily into the melee of pencils, paper, dice and snacks. Everyone loves your home baked cookies, including Eddie, and Erica even badgers you for the recipe.
Eddie thinks you couldn’t be any more perfect.
You think this isn’t so bad after all, and relax a little.
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The morning’s character building is going well, the fact that it’s a oneshot not diminishing anyone’s efforts or attention to detail.
You still haven’t quite got the hang of the dice and numbers parts, always asking for Eddie’s help with that. His help, not any of the others, he muses with a certain amount of pride and delight. (Selfishly, part of him secretly hopes you never get the hang of it, and will always need to seek his input.)
With you now added to the group, there aren’t enough seats at Eddie’s modest dining table. Nobody notices. Initially Dustin and Will are deep in a discussion on Eddie’s battered sofa, and Mike and Lucas are rifling through the fridge, both at that ‘hollow legs’ stage of teen development and constantly ravenous.
Your character’s almost done, and you just want to clarify a few things, so you ask across the table,
“Eddie? Can I bring this over for you to check please?”
He waves you over, putting on a fake English accent and saying,
“Of course you may, my dear. You know I’m always happy to assist my flock.”
You chuckle lightly at his endearing foolishness as you get up from your place next to Erica, taking your character sheet over to Eddie for his perusal. Behind you, the younger players all convene at the table to share their progress, and all the seats become filled.
With no free spots near him, and assuming you won’t be here for long, Eddie pats his leg absentmindedly and says, “Sit here, lemme see.”
You end up on his lap, facing sideways at ninety degrees.
You initially turn towards him and bring your sheet between you, but there’s not enough room for him to properly examine it, so you turn the other way and lay it on the table in front of him, turning so your back is to him, your legs straddling one of his knees. He leans forward and begins to check it over, confirming some details and asking for more particulars on others.
Eddie’s been admiring your enthusiasm and level of engagement all morning, and he’s impressed by the depth of information you’ve already managed to accumulate.
You’re absorbed with your new character, getting excited and gesticulating wildly. Ideas bounce easily between you and Eddie, his face smiling softly and his dimples popping as he gets to see you like this.
It doesn’t escape him, however, that you’re also bouncing on… him. He flushes a little, and hopes you don’t perceive it.
As you gesture at a particularly thorny issue on your paper, it dawns on Eddie exactly what parts of you are in contact with him, albeit through multiple layers of fabric. The softness of your thighs and the heat from your core against his leg fully absorb him for a moment, and he has to ask you to repeat yourself. You don’t seem to mind, assuming it was the general clamour in the room that meant he couldn’t hear you. That same clamour covers the sound of him awkwardly clearing his throat and gulping loudly.
It occurs to him that he’s never experienced anything… like this. Occasional hookups in the woods or after gigs at The Hideout are great and everything, but he’s never before felt like he has a literal, real-life angel sitting on his lap.
And you? You are slowly realising how nice Eddie’s lap feels beneath you. It’s warm and solid, and the denim of his dark jeans feels pleasantly rough on the skin of your legs where your skirt’s ridden up. There’s a pressure against your most intimate areas that’s generating a warm feeling of pleasure in your core. You’re trying to concentrate, but it’s not easy.
It takes a few more moments for you to catch up to where Eddie is, and you register that you’re essentially riding Eddie’s thigh each time you move.
Your lips roll inwards and you swallow deeply, closing your eyes for a moment, trying to compose yourself. It doesn’t help, and only serves to focus your attention even more fully on the delicious sensations beneath your legs. This is the closest you’ve ever been to your Dungeon Master, and for the longest time. And you can’t help how flustered it’s making you.
Embarrassed, you cough and go to stand, but quickly see that there’s nowhere for you to go. Eddie scans the room and notices your predicament, and, in a broken voice that’s almost unbearably soft, tells you, “It’s okay, Princess. You can stay here.”
Fuck. A pet name? You enjoyed that, perhaps a little too much. If you were being rational you could put it down to Eddie referencing your new character, who happens to be an aristocratic mage. But right now? Right now, you’re not feeling particularly rational.
You slowly sit back down, but as you do so Eddie shifts his position, causing you to spread your knees a bit wider than they were and land further up his leg, giving you even more contact with his thigh. You hope he didn’t hear the broken little hum that escaped you.
Eddie leans forward and in a voice that’s far too quiet, and far too close to your ear, he asks, “Are you… okay?”
You can barely breathe, and all you can manage in response is a tiny, squeaked, “Mhm.”
Behind you, Eddie takes a stuttering breath in, letting it out slowly before he resumes discussions with everyone else at the table.
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You each become more unfettered as the morning progresses. Further not-so-accidental encounters only serve to increase the tension between you both.
At one point, you lean forwards over the table to get one of the manuals, lifting your butt from his leg. For a moment you hope there won’t be a visible wet patch on your skirt, or on his jeans. But then you wonder whether it would actually be so terrible if there was, and whether it would actually be so terrible if Eddie saw…
Eddie saw. He hums slightly, but it sounds more like a whimper, and he attempts to cover it by clearing his throat for the umpteenth time today.
He wonders whether you’re doing this on purpose, whether you have any idea what you’re doing to him.
As you settle back onto his thigh, one of Eddie’s hands travels to your hip, holding it lightly, just resting it there. A fire travels up that entire side of your body.
You wonder whether he’s doing this on purpose, whether he has any idea what he’s doing to you.
He leans forward to reach for something on the table, and this time brushes his chest against your back for far longer than is necessary. You feel his breathing against your neck speeding up, hot gasps coming from between his lips instead of controlled outbreaths through his nose.
You reach for a die, and as you sit back you half-intentionally push your core down onto Eddie’s leg just a little bit harder. God, he feels so good. And so what if you’ve moved backwards slightly, so your thigh is even further between his legs, and your butt nudges his crotch?
You definitely feel something hard pressing against your ass. The grip on your hip tightens, and Eddie dips his head forward to hide his face and stifle a moan. Christ.
You think you hear him mumble a quiet and stilted, “Sh-it.”
Eddie can barely contain himself, this morning not going at all how he could’ve even dreamed. He had no idea whether you even liked him, and was planning to sound you out and maybe manage to ask if you wanted to do something cheesy like grab milkshakes sometime.
Having you hot and wet on his lap wasn’t even on the edges of the outside of the periphery of his radar. He’s really trying to keep it together, but he’s barely maintaining a grip on his actions.
Attempting to focus, he leans forward again to explain a character point. You turn your head and look into his eyes attentively, whilst simultaneously rocking your hips ever so subtly and chewing on the inside of your bottom lip.
All at once, something shifts. Something big.
Eddie holds your gaze for way too long. Or maybe you hold his.
Maybe it doesn’t matter anymore, as you both silently acknowledge that there’s way more going on here than simple D&D advice.
Simultaneously, you both come to realise that your affections are most definitely reciprocated.
Shit, he likes me.
Fuck, she likes me back.
And then, as your eyes are locked and he sees your pupils blow wide, Eddie loses that tenuous grip.
Suddenly, both of his hands come to your hips, and he presses his forehead against one of your shoulder blades. He grips you tightly and moves you back and forth against him, squeezing, pulling, pushing, dragging. He’s keeping his movements as tiny as possible so as not to rouse the attention of the group, but what he lacks in expansiveness he more than makes up for with strength and intensity.
You think this might genuinely be the most erotic thing you’ve ever done with your clothes on. You’re hot and wet, and you barely care that you’re in a room full of people, supposedly playing a nerdy game.
Eddie keeps moving you. One exquisite movement spreads your sopping folds in your underwear, and your mouth drops open in a gasp, hand gripping the edge of the rickety table. You try to disguise your movements by shoving the end of a pencil into your mouth and hunching over your paperwork.
Eddie totally notices, and stills you. His warm palms continue to press against your hips, his strong fingertips digging into your flesh. Instead of continuing the back and forth movements, he pulls you down as hard as he can onto his lap whilst outwardly retaining his composure, turning the garbled sounds coming from his throat into encouraging noises for the group.
The two of you can barely focus anymore. Eddie hasn’t let his hands travel anywhere above the tabletop, lest his actions be seen by the others, but if your expression is even half as flustered as Eddie’s is red, somebody is going to notice something. And soon.
You take a couple of deep, steadying breaths.
You’ve already completed your character, so you decide to do a faux check in with Eddie, asking, not entirely innocently,
“Eddie? Is there anything else you’d want me to… take off?”
Turning, you add, even less subtly,
“What should I do now, Master?”
Eddie’s face screws up and his jaw clenches, and you feel the rock of his hips as he bucks his hips up underneath you, pressing his harness into your flesh and muffling a grunt into your shoulder.
His head snaps back up suddenly and his voice becomes clear and piercing, as he inhales quickly and declares to the room, waving a hand,
“Okay, lunchtime! Everybody out!! You guys need some fresh air and I need a break. I don’t wanna see you for at least an hour, and you’d better come back with pizza! Goddit?”
The teens comply, bustling out the door, a few of them eye-rolling and grumbling something about how this is almost like being at home with their parents.
They’re still leaving as Eddie moves his face so close to you that you can feel his breath in your hairline, and his soft, pink lips tickle the edge of your ear.
In a low, velvety voice, he murmurs, in a tone that’s somehow both challenging and pleading,
“Please Princess, turn around and say that to my face...”
You smirk, and reach behind you to pick up a D12.
With all the sultriness you can muster, you raise your eyebrows and indicate for him to take it. He opens his hand, and you place it down, the tips of your fingers lightly skimming the hot, damp skin of his palm.
Looking into his eyes again, you’re relieved to discover that your power of speech remains entirely intact, as you murmur, with more confidence than you thought you possessed,
“Okay, Master. How about this? You roll, and the result is how many kisses you have to give me...”
Eddie swallows and almost chokes, sitting up straight and gently lobbing the die across the mess of paper and writing implements. His chocolate eyes don’t leave yours as it rolls and comes to a stop in the centre crease of one of his manuals. He struggles with an internal conflict of never wanting to break your gaze and a deep desire to check the number.
He has no idea where the rest of today, let alone this, is going, and he’s grateful he has at least the next hour to find out. But he does know one thing:
He’s never been so desperate to roll a 12 in his entire fucking life.
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Thanks so much for reading!
(This might become part of an anthology of D&D-related adventures - let me know if you’d like to see more!)
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed this, it’s honestly like throwing breadcrumbs and roses for your writers 😃🥰
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Tags: @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @curlyjoequinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust
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Hello, I'm not sure if you've explained it or not but going in the depths of Malleus and Leona's character relationship? Like explaining their interactions and how they actually think of one another
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Many fan works tend to depict Leona and Malleus as extremely antagonistic toward one another. However, the truth is that their relationship is more like a one sided dislike or annoyance (on Leona’s part). It’s not uncommon for them to bicker or have some tension in their conversations even when they have the same goal in mind such as protecting a harp (Beans Day) or wooing a ghost (although Malleus is not participating for the latter, Leona still insists the ghost would prefer him to Malleus to get that dig in). They’re definitely still on bad terms), but Malleus is generally pretty neutral with Leona unless he is provoked.
Leona’s beef with Malleus is story relevant and makes itself known in book 2. He appears to primarily dislike Malleus because it is thanks to his sheer power that Diasomnia crushes Savanaclaw every inter-dorm tournament, essentially dashing Savanaclaw students’ hopes of being scouted and going pro. Buuut it seems like from the way Leona speaks about his rival, he has long since held these feelings and they aren’t linked to a single inciting incident.
Part of why Leona dislikes Malleus in general seems to be Malleus’s attitude. Leona describes his fellow prince as “pretentious”, “high and mighty”, and acting in ways that show disrespect to him (like in Malleus’s Dorm Uniform vignettes, when he casted a spell meant for objects on Leona). He may also take issue with Malleus’s “incomprehensible fae humor”, which Leona references both during Halloween and in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes. Additionally, Leona outright states that he hates people who refuse to listen (Silver) and just march to the beat of their own drum (Rook), which are traits you can argue also fits Malleus (since Malleus didn’t really listen to the upset dorm leaders in his Dorm Uniform vignettes). Leona appears to prefer dealing with Malleus to Silver though, as he says that Malleus’s ears aren’t just “for show”. Interestingly, Leona might dislike Malleus less than Rook; Leona is wary of so much as wishing Rook a happy birthday and refuses to dine next to Rook… yet Leona does sit next to Malleus at the end of Terror is Trending.
Leona is one of the few students who isn’t afraid of Malleus and has the gall to openly insult him (or is rude) on more than one occasion. He doesn’t really show any remorse or intent to apologize. In fact, Leona understands very well what bothers Malleus and often acts on those points of weakness to goad him, whereas it is very rare for Malleus to start the fights. For example, Leona tells Malleus in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes, “You thinkin’ you’re gonna get it next time? Well, sorry to break it to you, but no one’s ever gonna invite you,” and, “You’re never gonna have a chance to wear those robes, so put’em away for good already.” This, of course, angers Malleus and leads into the two insulting one another’s physical features and exchanging threats (removing horns, declawing, calling each other animals or implying a lack of humanity, etc.). They similarly insult one another in Terror is Trending (again, Leona instigates: “Hmph, look at Mr. High-Horse over here. Were you flattered to be asked [to have your picture taken]?”) and again in Fairy Gala (Leona again: “Ever consider gettin’ off your tail and cleanin’ up your fellow fae’s mess?”). I’m sure there are tons of other instances you could come up with; these are just the immediate ones that come to my mind. Funnily enough, Lilia and Silver see these heated conversations as proof of Malleus and Leona’s friendship. I feel like this could also, in part, feed into Leona’s dislike of Malleus, as people having the wrong idea about your relationship can be irritating.
Now, Malleus does appear to care about maintaining amicable relations with representatives of other countries. Often it is he who instructs Sebek to apologize to Leona for being rude—two major instances of this occur in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes and during Vargas Camp. He even personally (and happily) welcomes Leona to Diasomnia in his Ceremonial Robes vignettes, viewing Leona as no different than any other guest.
This goes into the realm of speculation (so please bear with me!!) but it could be said that Malleus has a very… unique view of friendship? So Lilia and Silver may not be too far off when they say that Leona and Malleus are chums in their own weird way. In Glorious Masquerade, Rollo poses a real threat to Malleus and to his people—yet when Malleus experiences genuine fear for the first time, he seems more excited at the novel feeling rather than cower as a result of it. Following the climax, Malleus still presents the song he had prepared as a gift of good will for NBC. He also proceeds to play with Rollo’s guilt to get him to agree to sharing a dance. And THEN Malleus says he looks forward to being invited again????? These are all quite friendly gestures for someone who put you and all your people in danger, my guy… 😂 So perhaps Malleus just gas a very different way of approaching friendships? Hard to say, but that’s some food for thought!
Leona and Malleus have had moments of amicability, so it’s totally possible for them to get along. This happens primarily in Leona’s Union Jacket vignettes; in them, Malleus gifts the birthday boy an antique book in an ancient language (Leona’s best subject). The two then talk about enjoying the freedom of walking around town without an attendant or some servants trailing after them. Being of a similar social status, they are able to understand one another to some extent.
This is going into another point of speculation, but I wonder if Leona and Malleus recognize their similarities beyond this interview. I certainly have; they’re both arrogant princes that deeply desire what the other prince has, and I feel that their animosity, in part, comes from this realization (whether conscious or unconscious). I certainly get the sense that some of Leona’s hatred of Malleus comes from seeing his own desires manifested in him—of being that coveted prince praised for his power, his people lavishing him with affirmations, a crown… All the things Leona doesn’t have.
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myladysapphire · 2 days
His Sapphire Princess (IX)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,455
CW: angst? some fluff (like they reunite and don't hate each other and decide to start over), tensions, refrences of past SA, not proofread!
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n i hate this, but it's kind of a filler chapter anyway
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Aemond had been both eager and nervous for her return.
Though counting down the days, planning on how he would greet you, he also was scared.
He know she felt ignored by him, betrayed by how he had just stopped replying to her letters. Ignored her name days, ignored her completely.
But that was not entirely true.  He had wanted so badly to reply, writing letter upon letter, though some were just mindless scribbles. But not once did he find he wrote a letter worthy of her, worthy of the emotions he felt. He needed space and he had shown he needed it in the worse possible way.
He had hated how he knew some version of her, a guarded version. Her letters expressing less and less, over time just mere updates of her life before stopping altogether. And he hated that the version she knew of him was the scared little boy he had tried so hard to get ride of.
The version of Aemond he had gotten ride of, in all ways but with her. He wanted to be the old Aemond with her, but hated that he did. It was why he needed the space, the time to heal, the time to become the man he is today.
But as he stood in the training yard, staring at her as she talked to him, so ddiffernt, so cold.
He knew he made a mistake.
She was so different, she had changed, and not just her personality.
But her looks also. Gods she was the most stunning and beautiful woman he had ever seen, he had always thought it impossible for her to become more beautiful.
But her beauty was clouded by the look in her eyes, the anger, the hurt and the loneliness.
She looked so alone, even as she walked out the courtyard with her brothers, laughing. She same old melodic laugh that could capture a room. The loneliness ceased slightly when he looked into them, as if she was finally being seen.
He understood. There eyes always talked to each other, expressing their true emotions, it why he knew his eyes mirrored hers, but they also showed another emotion, regret.
Regret for reading your letters time and time again, annotating them as if they were quotes from his favourite novel. Regret from the stack of unsent letters he kept in his bedside draw.
Each filled with his thoughts. Most mindless scribbles, unfished letters ending with angry scribbled out words as words escaped him, as  fear filled him.
He had tried to write of the events in his life even detailing his fights with Ser Criston, his rides with Vaghar, the books he read. And yet he could never send them, fear of her seeing his liefe and not understanding why he needed the space, or fear that he would see the darkest parts of his mind grew as the years went on. The sweet kind boy she had once new fading, and a cruel, vengeful man taking his place.  
He had once longed to be a protector, her sworn sword, doing good in her name. now…now he revelled in fear. He loved how the woman would run at the sight of his sapphire eye, a sight he knew deep down she never would. He revelled in revenge, revenge by going to the brothel, the place of his hurt, and burning it.
It was ruthless, but the second he had done it, he felt free, healed.
And yet fear still gripped at him, fear of wheat you know thought of him.
Fear that she would not accept the new him, but as he had started at you he felt like the old sweet Aemond was still in there somewhere, but only for her, his Sapphire.
Watching her sway away he knew he had limited time, this week was the first week of their official courtship, but the week after they would begin the moon long celebrations for their wedding.
Celebrations were they would spend day after day, hour after hour together being the perfect couple.
And he didn’t want it to be an act.
He had returned to his rooms, opening his bedside draw, but instead of reaching for her letter he reached for his own, and realised what he wanted to do.
He waited, two days. Two days of agony.
He had somehow hoped those two days he would be able to approach her, talk to her. But now, all he could was watch her. Watch her spend day after day in someone else’s company
Whether it was one of the tens of ladies begging for her favour and chance at becoming her lady, or her brother Jace, or even Aegon.
Gods he had forgotten about Aegon’s obsession with her. He knew they wrote, Aegon often bragging about it. With Aegon telling him about her, their little jokes, their shared secrets.
Not that he was jealous, no. He was not jealous of how Aegon seemed to act as if they were betrothed to each other. For two days they seemed to walk everywhere together, sit with each other at dinners. Though her eyes were often searching for Aemond’s, Aegon’s eyes were always firmly planted on her. And whenever she wasn’t with him, he was like a lost pup, waiting for her to appear.
Those two days, though never alone they often found the other staring, their mouths would being to form words that they were never able to form. And so he finally built up the courage and sent her his letters.
When she had received Aemond’s letters she did not know what to expect.
They had appeared on her dresser, all 112 of them. Though some were scrapes of paper with random thoughts scribbled across them. One just one word repeated, 110 times.
Her name written, again and again, in the same neat, perfect handwriting Aemond had always had.
She then realised what this was, an apology.
She found the first letter he wrote that was left unsent, and she felt her heart break.
Dearest Visenya,
I am so sorry, I can not say why it has taken so long for me to only now reply.
Prepahs it was the guilt.
I never should of come to Winterfell, You had been kind and sweet, but I fear your kindness is unwarranted. I do not desire pity, I regret coming that night, I regret allowing you to see me so weak and scared. My whole life I have sworn to be your protector, your sword. And that night as I cried in your arms I felt like a small child, I felt smaller than when I did when Lucerys tore out my eye. And I hated it.
I have tried to look past it, look at it in away where I do not come across a whiny little boy and I am nothing but ashamed.
I had hoped to write you, bragging of my successes and yet all I can do I wallow In self pity at how I acted that night.
It matters not that I bested ser Criston for the first time, or how often I ride Vaghar.
For all I can think about it the look of pity you gave me.I do not need nor want your pity, my sapphire.
You gave me a place to stay and a place to cry, but I shall make it clear to you that the Aemond you saw that night is long gone. And shall never return. He can never return, not for you not for anyone.
So sweet, I shall not answer your request to come to Winterfell, I need the space, the time and so do you.
I fear distance is what we need, though we may hate it, I need to become Prince Aemond, and not just scared little Aemond, the boy who lost is eye, the boy who cried in your arms.
Yours, whether I say it or not,
Dearest Visneya,
It has been near six moons since I last wrote you, and you are writing less and less.
I have been cruel, I know. I have ignored you in the favour of bettering myself.
I do not deserve you, or your kindness even still.            
You seem to be doing well, a fact I envy not too see. But I myself am not.
I miss you more and more each day, I find myself looking for you ate very turn. And yet it has been over a year since you were at the red keep.
So much has changed, Aegon and Heleana are to wed soon, I have started training with a real sword.
I no longer wake in sweats from that night.
So much has changed and yet I have so little words to say, I hate it!
I used to have all the words in the world for you, never once fearing how you viewed me. For I knew how you viewed me then.
And now I fear you will judge me.
Hate me.
Resent me.
I fear I have become a stranger, and yet I have a dozen unsent letters all addressed to you, read and read time and time again your own.
I know you, and I fear you.
Fear your opinion of me, how you view me.
I fear-      
Most of his letters just ended, frustration finding him far to quickly, some were just mindless words and phrases.
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you  I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you .
Some were hateful, words said in anger, at how she still cared.
Dear Visenya,
Stop writing me.
How long must I ignore you to realise I want not to know you as we once did.
How am I to become the man you desire we spend all our time writing each other, stuck in our silly little heads!
Then gossip filled the red keep, gossip that Cregan had asked for your hand.
please, my sapphire, I beg of you do not marry him!
Your mother bids it but I do not!
And then her letters had stopped and he left once last letter to her.
Please, don’t stop writing me!
I know I have not been a friend to you but a stranger but without your letters the world has stopped.
I now I am a hypocrite, a hypocrite who cannot find the words. Who never has been able to speak his feelings, but show them.
I know not of a gesture to prove I want you till, I crave you and I need you.
but please, I cannot live without you, knowing you, please.
forever your Aemond.
Gods, she thought, he had to been hurt. Though not by her, and she had resented him for it. Resented how he had opened up to her, and then abandoned her ignored her for so long.
She knew it was hard for, he was never one for words. Gestures yes, but words? They always frustrated him, he could never formulate his feelings and yet this, the scribbled erratic thoughts and letters, unedited and rushed. They showed so much but also so little.
She has spent the whole day reading those letters, seeing no one bar her maid delivering her meals. And had it not been for her mother coming to grab her for dinner, demanding her presence, she would have sat on her thoughts all day and night.
But as she was sat next to Aemond she realised she would have less time to think on what Aemond’s gesture meant and what it meant for them.
“Aemond” she greeted, flipping her hair to the side as she sat.
“Senya” he greeted in response, eyes firmly on her.
 She squirmed in her seat, unsure on where to start. “Senya” he said again, capturing her attention, as they made eye contact some tension left her body.
“why?” she asked, its all she could think of, why?
He coughed awkwardly, clearly not expecting this conversation now, “I was never one for words, Visneya. But gestures, have always been something I excel at.” He moved his head closer to her, their conversation too private for prying eyes. “ I never should have ignored you, I know realise, it hurt us both, more than I ever thought” he shifted in his seat “seeing the look in your eyes when you arrived and realising I had made a mistake”
She nodded, urging him on, as she began to plate up her food.
“I focused solely on myself, I was selfish, but I won’t lie to you, my sapphire”
My sapphire, she liked that.
“I have become selfish and cruel, I have become a man who craves fear, but not from you, never from you”
“then what do you want from me?” she asked softly, before nervously looking to make sure no one else was listening to their conversation. “you did not want companionship from me, you ignored me for years on end, and yet by the end of the moon we will be wed!” she took a breath “if you have truly become selfish, and cruel, how do I know that it is for your betterment? And how will I know that you wont ever make me fear you?”
“because I became that person, so that I never have to feel fear again, feel the fear I felt at Driftmark, at that… at that brothel” she sighed, taking her hand in his “ I want to be your protector, it is all I have ever wanted, and how could I become that if I remained that scared, naïve little boy?”
Everything he was saying was true, but it also made her realize she did not know him anymore.
She breathed in “perhaps we should start over? Get to know one another again?”
He nodded, “I would like that”
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 day
HH characters crushing on the reader 1/3
If the character you want isnt here it will likely be in future parts unless I simply dont write for them!
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Husk
Notes: reader is GN for everyone EXCEPT vaggie and angel, reader is masc for angel, reader is fem for vaggie, post mainly focuses on the canon characters
CWs: none
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Oh this poor girl, she's so obvious when she has a crush for someone. She already goes above and beyond for nearly everyone to make sure their needs and comforts are accommodated- but when it comes to you she goes even further! she might even become a little suffocating if you dont set some boundaries... i can see her trying to shoot her shot and doing that awkward laugh with the finger guns if her pickup line goes over your head. shes doing her best... confesses her feelings pretty fast and shes very understanding if you dont return her feelings... very obvious and giddy around you!
Internalizes a lot of her feelings, especially... these ones... she becomes a little short with you. Not in a mean way, conversations just become more... tense, awkward, short. She doesn't know what to say and she doesn't want to blow it. I don't think she would avoid you, though. I don't think she would outright flirt with you, but she would say some stuff to try to read you if she should go forward with her advances. If you give her signals, expect a confession soon. Otherwise it's likely she's just going to eat her feelings and make herself move on.
It should go without saying that he's going to make his feelings for you very obvious.... though is it obvious if it's hard to tell between his usual behavior and the signals he's trying to show you? Sure he could tone down his innuendos and invitations, and be real around you... but if this prior to Husk getting through to him... it's not very likely. Unless you're already close to him. A lot of the flirting he sends your way is a lot more personalized, more in tune with you as a person rather than something that can be said to just anyone or just to you in passing. He puts thought into it. It's going to take a close eye to differentiate actually feelings from his usual activities.
Just like Charlie, he's very obvious. But no where near as smooth... He might just blurt out his feelings before he's ready to confess, and that's assuming you haven't already put the pieces together in your head! Hovers around you any chance he gets to hang out with you and does anything he can to try to impress you. He's so eager for your attention that it's a little.. pathetic... he does remember every little thing you say, though. It doesn't matter how small it is, it's going to bounce around in his head for eternity. Especially if it can give him ideas of things to make for you as a gift for when he's ready to confess to you.
Another one who internalizes his feelings. He won't try to bring up the topic, and I feel between all the characters I'm going to end up writing for... the only reason he would end up telling you how he feels is if he gets backed into a corner or you just outright ask him. He's not going to make a fool of himself and lie right to your face if you ask him. But how does he act? He might drink a little more than he already does and become more reclusive. He doesn't outright shut you out but you can tell that there's something going on with him.
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chaifootsteps · 23 hours
honestly even Stolas' song about how he's gonna fix things and everything is going to be better is very focused on himself
I swore I wouldn't dwell on the divorce So for my own health, I'll remind myself -> why would he think about the divorce anyway? he never loved Stella or felt bad about cheating on her, at least not anymore
I'll believe him and not the voice that says I'm not enough -> I just want someone to love me and fix my self esteem
Stolas' interlude section -> his life has been hard, brief acknowledgement that how he treated Blitzo was monstrous (which Stolas will forget by the end of the episode because his brain is apparently a sieve)
He's worthy of your love and trust -> these are the lyrics according to a transcript, so I'm choosing to read this as 'I can trust Blitzo enough to be vulnerable with him' and not 'he's worthy' as in Stolas is positioning himself like his love and trust is some great gift
on its own this isn't terrible - like it's fine for characters to have some introspection about their own feelings in a number like this. Problem is Stolas doesn't mention Blitzo's feelings at all until the last line
Will it please him or will I just be fucking it all up?
Like just a tweak would've gone so far here. Have him try to empathize with Blitzo's perspective or loneliness. Have him say more than just 'is he freely with me or no?' but have him reflect on how Blitzo must have felt if the answer is no and how he's gonna try and make it up to him. He doesn't consider giving Blitzo any space at all between ending the arrangement and springing a confession on him
The problem with Stolas in a relationship is that he's not a giver, he's a taker. In the arrangement he was concerned with making Blitzo do all the work of pleasing him and in the relationship he wants to have all he really wants is Blitzo to love and want him. He doesn't show much care for who Blitzo is as a person outside of thinking he's funny and liking how good he is in bed. He says it right there in the trailer 'I want someone to care, I want someone to want me'
And that's understandable but it's not enough to sustain a relationship. We've barely seen Stolas care about Blitzo's life at all outside him wishing Blitzo the best with the business. Meanwhile Blitzo has been very enmeshed with Stolas' life, given he's met Via more than once and helped bail Stolas out of a mess he created when she ran off
Yeah, I noticed this too, and it's all painfully true. Stolas's half of the duet contains a few token mentions of Blitzo's well-being and how Stolas will respect his choice whatever it is (that don't mean anything because he abandons them the second Blitzo rejects him) and beyond that, it's all just about Stolas's feelings, Stolas's fears, and how badly Stolas needs this to happen because he anticipates it will fix everything wrong in his life.
A character like that written in full awareness can be masterful (see Frollo, Hal from Megamind.) In Vivzie's hands, with all her sympathies resting squarely with Stolas, it's flat out dangerous.
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~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~
This is a lovely commission from a moon of mine. They wish to be anonymous, but I do have a brief description of the headcanons. Hazbin character finds out their friend is self-harming and how they would help them. Id like this one with Charlie, Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious Platonic Charlie, Angel Dust, & Sir Pentious x Reader
TW: SELF-HARM MENTIONED, COPING SKILLS (not all skills will work for everyone), ANGST/FLUFF
When the news was broken to Charlie that you had harmed yourself, she was the saddest she had ever been.
She tried hard to be as strong as she could for you, and she stood by your side.
She did all sorts of tasks until you were ready to start taking on things again.
She would try to get you to talk about why or what happened, but she quickly learned to just let you be.
She showered you in rainbows, glitter, and platonic love to show you she cared so much about you.
Whenever you opened up to her the first time, instead of harming yourself, she was ecstatic that you trusted her, and she hugged you for hours.
She will 100% cry with you and be there through the ups and downs
She learns about these places called rage rooms, and she makes it a deal with you that once a month, you two will go
Once all the damage and anger is out during your friend sessions, she will take you to your favorite food place and just talk with you about anything
She sends you daily texts asking you how you are and making sure that you are well
She does it at random times of the day, too, so you don't think she is doing it out of routine but because she cares.
Angel Dust:
Angel Dust understood the need to harm yourself to let the pain out all too well, but to see his best friend like that was painful.
He cleaned you up nicely and took you to a dive bar to discuss some things.
He is the most meticulous person out of everyone just because he gets it and knows how to get through it.
He bargains with you that he will cut down on drugs and booze if you get a therapist and do healing activities with him.
You two sign up for all sorts of activities around Pentagram City to take your mind off the bad.
You guys did photoshoots, dress-ups, safe parties, artwork, music, and anything to help make your mind travel elsewhere.
Over time, he would do nightly check-ins and make sure that you had no other tools or abilities to hurt yourself again.
Once you were clean for a while, he threw you a big party, disguising it as a half-birthday party or something wild, so only you two really knew the meaning of it.
If you ever relapse he is gentle and kind with you, starting the process entirely back over.
He never gets mad or puts you down if you have a relapse or bad day. He is understanding and helps you find your grove again.
He has no care in the world if you need to interrupt his shoots, and he will leave to take care of you.
If you get worried that Val will hurt him, Angel just tells you it's going to be okay and that you matter more to the world than a few extra shots that Val will assign.
Sir Pentious:
Pentious is the most anxious snake in the world. He is terrified when he hears the news because he thinks he is being a bad friend.
When you inform him why you did what you did, he is just as anxious, but he is anxious because he wants to prevent it from ever happening again.
He has the Egg Bois stay with you when he has to go and do something so you won't be alone.
He does extensive research on how to help with depression, anxiety, and self-harm. He even learns a trick or two for himself.
Once he is confident that he can help you and get you the help you need, he will relieve the Egg Bois of their duty.
He talks to you about literally every option for treatment and assistance.
He helps you decide to stay in a private hospital for the time being.
He visits every visitation, laughs, and talks with you in the communal spaces.
He is there to help you reintroduce yourself to daily life when you get discharged.
He practically moves in with you at one point, sleeping on your couch.
After a couple of months, he feels safe leaving you alone but makes sure his number is on speed dial.
He takes you to all your checkups and therapy appointments that you get scheduled.
He is texting you on the dot if you get prescribed medicine when you need to take it.
He reminds you every day how important you are to the world and that you are his and the Egg Bois best friend.
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david-talks-sw · 2 days
I havent watched it yet, but I saw a lot of reports that The Acolyte promotes a lot of Jedi Order "hate" if you will. What did you think about it? As a Jedi fan, I kind of DONT want to watch it because of that.
If you ask me, it's a fine show :) it hasn't quite gripped me, the thick lightsabers that look like toys are a nitpick that keeps triggering me.
But overall it's nice!
Yes, there are some small jabs.
The Jedi in The Acolyte are really reticent towards using their lightsabers, resorting to hand-to-hand or even stun weapons.
From what I've seen on Twitter, people are speculating that this is to show how much more "good" the Jedi were back then, as opposed to the more "square, dogmatic, quick-on-the-draw Prequel Jedi," who lost their compassion and have fully detached themselves to the point of dehumanizing themselves.
Yord is clearly meant to be one of the first "Prequel Jedi" as described above.
It's played for laughs 50% of the time, but yeah. The narrative frames him as being a bit of a dick who's a bit too proud of himself. And I'm seeing reflections of Tales of the Jedi Mace Windu & what Filoni described Episode I Obi-Wan as.
Same goes for Vernestra, dogmatically insisting he return to Coruscant because "protocol" and literally shown playing politics.
I've seen folks draw a parallel between Vernestra's attitude and that scene in Episode II where Yoda and Mace agree that they can't let the Senate know their powers of foresight are waning... and yeah, people interpret that scene as the two of them playing politics.
The director commentary of Episode II states that's not the case. It's more about the fact that if they trying to keep the war from starting.
Parallels between Sol and Qui-Gon
Very evident. But again... if you ask me, Sol is just being a Jedi. Qui-Gon isn't the only one with those character traits. Look at Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace, Shaak Ti.
Finally, there's some hints that some evil shit went down years prior to the show and the Jedi were at the center of it.
I'm gonna hazard a guess that it's not as black and white as Mae or Sol makes it seem. A "big misunderstanding" type deal.
So yeah. Vernestra and Yord strike me as one-dimensional and a bit cartoonish. But overall:
Love seeing Jedi do some Kung Fu.
Love that they finally fixed how lightsaber blades look on camera.
Love the concept of a Jedi-centered detective story.
Mae and Osha are fun in different ways, but I'm kinda scared that, from their mantra, the show is gonna culminate in a "Gray Jedi is the way" kinda direction, and you know how I feel about that.
Love Qimir. And I get the feeling he's more than what he says he is, if you get my drift.
Love the acting in it, the set pieces, the production value, the way some Force powers are used (Sol with the Force speed, fuck yeah!)
Love that the title of "sith acolyte" is an actual thing now. It kinda helps us figure out what Dooku was between when he left in Dooku: Jedi Lost and his last episode in Tales of the Jedi. If I understand correctly, Sidious had an apprentice while grooming an acolyte... once the apprentice kicked the bucket, he promoted Dooku.
8/10 as far as I'm concerned.
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danieyells · 2 days
hai again :3 idk if youve already done him but can you do tohmas voicelines? he is sooo interesting i, once again, want to study him
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Tohma is one of the I think two characters I haven't been asked to do yet!! I think he wouldn't appreciate you studying him either, anon, but I think he'd be willing to let you studying him becuase he didn't think you could actually succeed. . .but if you did, he'd have other uses for you lol
ANYWAY VOICELINES his are. Pretty expected in their nature lol he's like ritsu in that you will never see this man sweat.
"Well, hello there—I've been expecting you. May I ask for your assistance with something?"
"What do you mean? I lend a sympathetic ear to those in need—that's all."
"Honestly. This academy has far more than its fair share of loose cannons, wouldn't you agree?"
"I'm no more than a servant. Frostheim is ruled by a king, you see."
"I hope you'll join us for a party some time."
"No need to be nervous. I've nothing but the noblest of intentions."
normal people don't need to say things like this. you see why i feel like it's too obvious that he's shady! he comes out the gate with this shit!
You've Got Mail:
"Seems you have some mail. There could be some helpful information in there."
Affinity 1:
"An orderly life and a well-managed schedule are the key to keeping one's self fit and healthy."
Affinity 2:
"How delightful... It seems our king's peaceful slumber has yet to be disturbed."
of note: he looks irritated saying this. He'd love to slam Jin's door open and yell WAKE THE FUCK UP BITCH
Affinity 3:
"Is that everything? I'm afraid there are several matters I must attend to."
Affinity 4:
"Please excuse me. There's a small matter I must attend to. No, it's nothing serious. Of course I'm being honest—whatever do you mean?"
yeah your affinity is too low for me to think you're honest. LET US IN.
Affinity 5:
"Look at you, you're trembling. You must have had quite a frightening encounter. You poor thing."
this can happen between 8pm and 5am, so maybe some anomaly was lurking in the darkness and scared you?
Affinity 6:
"Providing this level of assistance goes without saying. Only once you can do so without instruction can you call yourself qualified."
Affinity 7:
"So this is where you've been idling your time away. Our captain is waiting for you."
stop trying to hide you are a servant and your king demands your services.
Affinity 8:
"Honestly. If he'd just take action, everything would be resolved instantaneously."
(In case there's any doubt, "he" is specifically referring to Jin--in Japanese he says "Dorm Leader". I wonder if this relates to the spy situation or the Institute. . .or something else entirely--)
Affinity 9:
"This conversation never happened. Understand?"
Either he needs someone to believe he wasn't here or he told you something ~Secret~
Affinity 10:
"An appropriate amount of sleep is essential to maintaining your physical and mental health, you know."
Affinity 11:
"Honestly. The second years have been making quite the racket this morning."
Affinity 12:
"I tend to eat lightly at lunch time. Would you like some? Don't worry—I assure you, it's not poisoned."
Affinity 13:
"Seems you've become involved in a difficult situation. How do I know? I just happened to overhear, that's all."
Affinity 14:
"It appears we're in for another full day."
Affinity 15:
"Good morning. Would you like to start the day with a cup of tea?"
Affinity 16:
"How about a game of chess to aid with digestion? I'm a patient teacher. I can show you how to win—against opponents other than myself, of course."
how would that help with. . .don't you usually have to exercise for. . .well I'm glad he's a patient teacher even if he won't teach you to beat him lol good strategy, make you a powerful ally.
Affinity 17:
"Good health is the greatest treasure. You shouldn't push yourself too hard. Good night—I'll finish up here."
He wants you to take care of yourself. . .so he'll do the hard work when it's time for you to rest. He wouldn't want something bad to happen to you because you were unwell.
Affinity 18:
"I always achieve my goals—using any means necessary. That goes without saying, don't you think?"
why restrict your means if you truly wish to fulfill your goal? Others use you for their means, so why not do the same yourself? If your ends are truly good perhaps the means aught not to matter so much.
Affinity 19:
"Please don't overexert yourself. There are many people here who need you."
that may sound like a reason to overexert yourself, but if you overdo it you won't be able to help anybody. You have to help yourself if you want to help anybody else. There's no shame in that.
Affinity 20:
"Take care not to overdo it today. You may insist you're fine—perhaps you even believe it—but I can tell at a glance that you're fatigued."
he's worried about you. Maybe it doesn't sound that way, but he wants to make sure you're well. He can tell you're wearing down before you can. He has an eye for others, that's all. Also maybe it's just me but he mentions health and wellness so much I can't help but wonder if he's had some sort of health problem in the past, or maybe Jin or someone else he knows and cares for. Also, hilarious that speaks to highly of caring for one's health when he smokes.
Affinity 21:
"Inexperience is not a crime. The important thing is choosing not to remain ignorant when you don't know something."
knowledge is in fact power
Affinity 22:
"Errant and Fuji lack polish, but they've got potential. They're sincere, and that's what counts."
he really looks at them and says "those're my boys. my loud annoying sons."
Affinity 23:
"Welcome to high society. That outfit suits you well. With that poise, you'll have no trouble fitting in here."
he dressed you up and brought you to a party because he likes and trusts you and wants to be seen with you. . .get used to the high life, he'd like to keep you in it as long as possible.
Affinity 24:
"Forgetting about everything I've got to do and be, just for a night every once in a while... It's not a bad feeling."
no titles, no images, no fronts, and no lies. no manipulation. no doing somebody else's job--no doing any job. Just. . .time for himself. And, presumably, someone he loves very much. I think he's earned that kind of break. Does this sound like you're about to fuck to anybody else--
Affinity 25(max):
"In times of difficulty, I hope you'll turn to those around you for help. I will be there to keep you safe."
Don't be like him and take so much upon yourself. . .rely on others. Ask for help! Find your people. Support each other. Don't try and go at it alone. It's okay to be united with your community. He is one of your people too, of course. Rely on him and he will keep you from harm. He's quite sweet, isn't he?
"That was quite the yawn. No need to apologize. Who wouldn't want to take a nap in this pleasant spring weather?"
"I once heard a poem that went, "In spring, one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn." I'm sorry to inform you dawn must come eventually, Captain."
"With every advent of spring comes a wealth of gleaming new foliage and a pleasant breeze. I still find it moving each year."
reminds me of that if you ask Tohma what his hobbies are in his character story chat he says he likes being out in nature and taking walks. . .which also reminds me that Alan likes camping. I bet they used to go camping together all the time.
"The blossoms of spring fall so quickly. Though beautiful, there is something almost brutal in their brevity."
"Ha ha. My apologies. Your face is so flushed I couldn't help myself."
'lol you're so sweaty you look like a wet rat'
"Sweltering days like this make me sincerely grateful to be in Frostheim."
i wonder how hot it was in the vagastrom garage in the summer. probably sucked ass in there. and smelt like big sweaty dudes.
"Would you care to enjoy the evening cool here with me?"
"If the heat becomes to much for you, please feel free to come visit us in Frostheim any time."
inviting them to frostheim late at night? how scandalous. . . .
"Pleasant days like this make me want to go on a trip somewhere far away."
i mean if anyone could get away with it it's definitely you. darkwick trusts you enough.
"Tea enjoyed while appreciating the colors of the fall leaves has a unique charm."
"The early dusks in the fall can take one by surprise. Be sure to stay alert when walking in the dark."
"There is nothing better than a book to while away the long fall nights. My eyes are rather tired though... Perhaps some exercise will be a good change of pace."
"I thought Frostheim had gotten me used to cold weather, but I suppose this is what they mean when they say "chilled to the bone.""
my god he's admitting weakness. someone call the papers.
"Even the cold weather doesn't seem to deter the second years from gallivanting about... Rather charming, isn't it? In the way barnyard animals are."
my noisy sons who play in the snow like puppies
"I'll take my leave earlier this evening. The nights are getting colder, after all. And there's a small matter I'd like to look into."
"Haven't you had your fill of winter scenery after frequenting Frostheim? Ha ha. You truly are a strange one."
His birthday:
"Thank you for putting together such a wonderful celebration for me. Oh? You've even gotten me a gift..."
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday. Perhaps it was a little presumptuous of me, but I've prepared a gift for you... Come now. There's no need to be so formal."
New Years:
"Happy New Year, {PC}. I expect you will help bring Frostheim to even greater heights this year."
why? are they being promoted to fuckin captain of frostheim or something now? tf?
Valentine's Day:
"Oh my, is this for me? How kind of you. I very much look forward to finding out what's inside."
White Day:
"I ordered you these sweets from a famous confectionery in Asakusa. Hopefully they suit your tastes."
April Fool's Day:
"What I wouldn't give to knock that bastard Jin's head off... Oh come now, what's that face? I'm joking, of course."
"Trick or treat. Oh? So you prefer tricks... Interesting."
what do you think he's dressed as? Oh no you didn't have any treats for him. . .be worried about what's coming i guess
"Merry Christmas. We'll be holding a party in Frostheim later. Would you care to join us?"
"Ignoring me, are you? You've certainly got guts."
"If something is concerning you, perhaps I could lend an ear. There may be something I can do to help."
"I've no interest in hearing your excuses. I suppose I'll need to be stricter with you going forward—I hope you've come prepared."
much like Jin. . .he believes you'll need to be retrained. Bad servant. Time to be reminded of your place.
IT FEELS LIKE HIS ARE VERY LOW KEY. He's secretive about his interests and so very busy as Jin's servant, it feels like they don't share much about him. . .hopefully we'll get more study opportunities, anon. I wonder if this makes his intentions seem more or less clear/honest for some? It could really go either way lol. WHAT REALLY GETS ME IS THE "just one night to not have to think about who i am and what i have to do is nice" ONE TBH. . .like he really works so hard trying to play every side for the outcome he wants. he works so hard keeping frostheim in order. no real hints to what his goals are, just that he acknowledges that he will do whatever it takes to reach them. Makes you wonder, but we probably won't learn anything for a long while haha
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Why Ceroba and the Feisty Four were right
Not bothering with any fancy opening, it's exactly what it says it is: Ceroba and the Feisty Four were right to call out Starlo.
Now before you crucify me, I love Starlo as a character. But I'm tired of people (not calling out anyone in particular) pretending that he's done absolutely nothing wrong and demonize Ceroba and the Feisty Four for snapping at him (largely Ceroba, but I see the Feisty Four get shat on every now and then). And this is not me calling Starlo a jerk. Typically, calling him a flat-out jerk would mean he did shit on purpose with malicious intent, and I don't think he acted out of spite. Rather, he did all those things because he just didn't think about it in the moment. I understand that, and I can 110% relate to that myself, honestly.
That being said, he did make some legit dick moves over the course of the game. Exhibit A: Having Moray walk around with a snake in their boot and giving them rashes.
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IK some of Starlo's more wild fans would probably do anything he says and all that, but put yourself in Moray's shoes (or boots I guess would be more appropriate). If your friend made you walk around with a rubber toy in your footwear that gave you a nasty rash, I think you'd be reasonable at least a bit angry at them.
Exhibit B: The Boulder Droppers
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They're literal goddam boulders. That shit could've killed someone. Setting them up at a busy mineshaft is reckless enough as it is but leaving them on after you're done using them just makes things even worse.
Exhibit C: Blaming Clover for everything that happened and shooting them over it.
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What am I supposed to say? If you hate Ceroba for what she did to Kanako and Clover, keep in mind that Starlo basically did the same exact thing.
Again, this is not me calling Starlo an asshole overall. Yes, he is a good monster deep down and just made some legit mistakes. But my point is, he does have flaws nonetheless and I can't stand people who ignore them. Like, him accepting what he did was wrong and coming to terms with that is one of the best parts of his character! C'mon guys.
And yes, people treat Ceroba as a horrible friend because she wasn't into it and apparently 'hates that part of Starlo' or whatever. If Ceroba actually hated Starlo's obsession with Western culture, do you think she'd indulge in his ramblings on humans?
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...or helped him set up all of those wanted posters for him?
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...or helping his family search for him when he 'goes missing' during a neutral run?
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*sarcastically* Wooooooow, what a horrible friend...
Yes, I understand Ceroba is a very blunt and sarcastic person, but I think because of that, she ends up coming off as harsher than she means to be. Trust me, I can relate to that.
To call her a heartless bitch is a disservice to her character. She does care deep down, even if she isn't that good at showing it.
And hey, she's a mourning widow and mother, I wouldn't blame her for not being good at showing positive emotions.
As for the Feisty Five, our favorite enby fish puts it best themself:
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My point is, despite snapping at him, Ceroba and the Feisty Four did not hate Starlo. They understood that his obsession over Western Culture was really important with him. It's made clear that they know he's a good monster deep down, despite his transgressions and were very ready to forgive him.
They just wanted him to dial it back. And yeah, he needed to. Granted, this is targeted at the 'Starlo did nothing wrong' crowd. If you admit that he's pretty heavily flawed but that Ceroba's done worse, I can accept that. Hell, despite me being a Ceroba apologist, I might even agree with you to a degree. But I am a bit tired of the fandom putting him on a pedestal while overhating everyone who remotely criticizes him.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 14 hours
heyyyy it's me again, but do you have any opinions on sako? like... i really like him and his personality, the way he dresses and how he likes to go to cafes! so i want to know moreeee abt him and was curious abt what u think !! (since you're always spot on when writing for them hehe)
hey again babes!! happy to see you again!! and oh, sako — I certainly do have some opinions on him! as I’ve stated before, I tend to just subconsciously engage in character analysis (honestly, it’s probably one of the main reasons I enjoy writing reader-inserts, because I get to put my analysis into writing whilst also pretending I’m witnessing their character first hand and interacting with them) — but onto the main point of sako!
post edit: this turned into something slightly monstrous so, uh, new category I guess? ‘mamaz does in-depth character analysis + headcanons’? urgh this feels like a lot of word vomit and oh lawd my passion for character analysis is sooo obvious here. I’m so sorry babes T^T
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even barring the anime (which hasn’t progressed much in terms of its adaptation of the manga), sako’s character hasn’t truly been explored thoroughly, I’d say. there are certain things that can be gleaned from his appearances, such as: he’s got a bit of stubborn/hardheaded side, which formed primarily after the fall out with hiragi. I’d also say that the impact of this fall out severely stunted some aspects of his social/relationship growth, such as his ability to accept/maintain solid relationships/friendships.
I believe that sako derived purpose from feeling as though he was needed — we are shown this during his fight with hiragi via his flashbacks. when hiragi asked sako not to follow him, it completely crushed him. I can only attribute that to a deep-seated need to be accepted by someone whom you look up to (i do believe that this bit of information reveals that sako is more than likely an only child — he lacked any sort of big brother/sister figure to look up to, and it was clear that he wasn’t in the position of older sibling due to his timid nature concerning the bullies. interpersonal relationships can dictate a lot about our personalities, and that includes our place within our sibling line — an older sibling is more likely to develop a protector sort of mindset, while a younger sibling may have a propensity to rely on others like they do their older sibling.)
thus, hiragi filled that role for sako. in a way, he showed sako what it felt like to have another person to depend on and idolize, and sako related that feeling to comfort and security. that comfort and security would be increased tenfold due to the fact that hiragi saved him, and even started to guide him on how to protect himself.
losing that felt like losing an entire piece of himself because sako had formed a piece of himself around the relationship/dynamic he had with hiragi. and just as is the case with everyone who experiences some form of deep hurt, sako’s brain/heart put up a defense mechanism. in sako’s case, he turned his pain into anger and resentment towards hiragi, and he wanted to mend that part of him that had felt as though hiragi looked down on him/didn’t accept him.
sako did this by growing stronger on his own — something that, more than likely on a subconscious level, was also employed to show sako himself that he could get stronger without hiragi, and that he didn’t need him — just as hiragi didn’t need sako. he was blinded by this desire to rid himself of the feelings of inadequacy and hurt that it became the only thing he could fixate on — and so though he grew in terms of physical strength, his mental/emotional/social growth slowed to a crawl.
this is where the hardheadedness and reluctance to move past his grudge comes in. for those who are caught up in the manga, we see that sako sti has trouble speaking to hiragi even after they’d traded blows and seemed to come to some sort of understanding. I believe this is in part from the guilt/embarrassment sako felt towards his grudge. at the end of the fight with hiragi, sako acknowledges that he know hiragi was only looking out for him — but again, he was too hurt to see it that way. he just wanted the pain to go away, and the fastest/easiest method was to morph it into hatred.
all in all, I believe sako is a pure fellow; but he experienced a trauma which caused him to become stunted in some ways — and I do believe he’s trying to grow in his own way.
sako already has difficulty with social interactions, so when you bring romance into the mix… oh boy. I feel as though, like any teenage boy, romance/sex has probably crossed his mind a few times; but I don’t see sako as the type to actively seek it. just given the glimpses of his personality and seeing how certain things have affected him, I believe he has a deep, genuine fear of rejection. as such, getting close to him would more than likely be extremely difficult. he’d have walls up all around him, and though I don’t believe he’d ever be rude, he may at times come off as stand offish. I also get the feeling that he blushes fairly easily, and becomes flustered when girls/guys/anyone in general flirts with him. or it may even go over his head completely.
I think with sako, it would be a matter of taking things slow — baby steps, if you would. sako isn’t going to be taking the initiative on anything, so you’d have to do that yourself; but you’d have to do incrementally so as not to startle him.
perhaps express interest in something he’s familiar with, or something he’s a fan of (cafes, for example.) again, with sako, it’s going to be all about the pace in which he’s comfortable with following; a pace which he isn’t going to explicitly confirm for you. you’d need to be highly perceptive/observant so as to notice any warning signs.
despite this, I truly believe that sako is a genuine, pure and wholehearted lover — in such that when he does fall in love, he falls in love for good. that’s the one. that’s the one he’s going to be with for the rest of his life. I see acts of service/devotion being a major love language for sako. he wants someone to devote himself to as it gives him a sense of completion/purpose. so expect him to do everything for you, even things you don’t ask him to do.
massages, breakfast in bed, maybe even written poems slipped beneath your pillow for when he leaves your room and you wake up without him. sako shows affection deeply but in ways that aren’t too commonly seen anymore; not the biggest fan of pda, but will love you up in private. will hold open doors for you. will pull out a chair for you. would drape his jacket over your head if it starts to rain unexpectedly to reduce the amount you get soaked. for some reason, when the two of you eat together, he always waits for you to take the first bite before he starts eating. you’ll never pay for dates. when the two of you walk together on the sidewalk, he makes sure that he’s the one that walks closest to the road.
I feel he may need reassurance fairly often; a by product of fear and trauma (he definitely has abandonment trauma), and for a while, he may be completely overcome with the fear that you will eventually leave him. also, he may end up trying to tackle things all on his own, and may even push you away sometimes. it’s not really his fault; it’s the trauma that causes him to do this, the fear of reliving that same pain of hiragi but on a much deeper scale, and so things may be rocky in the beginning. you may end up getting into fights a lot — your highs will be akin to being in heaven, but your lows will make hell look like a dream-vacation spot.
he’s soft and he’s damaged in his own ways, so you’ll just need to take care of him with patience and understanding and love ❤️ but trust me when I say that in turn, you’ll be loved far more deeply and purely than you could ever imagine.
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factsilike · 21 hours
I've seen so many takes about this so here's mine;
Stella is an abuser, a horrible wife and an equally horrible mother. That's all she is. She is not complex, she is not meant to be sympathised with, her role in the story is to be an antagonist to the main characters, because that's the way she was written. And it's not bad writing, like people claim it is.
If you don't like that and want that to change, well that's literally what fanfiction is for! Write your own fix it, your own version of her character where she's morally grey or complex or whatever, but don't jump to saying that she is badly written or that Vizie is a bad writer for no reason. Because all that seems to show is that she is not written the way you wanted her to be written, or a story you wanted to see. Write your own, then!
Because you can say that she was forced into this marriage as well or that she was cheated on so she has a right to feel aggrieved about that, and you would be right. Sure, as a child she could be sullen and miserable about this marriage and no one could blame her, but as an adult you become responsible for your actions, and you cannot continue to be bitter and take out your anger out on your partner for no reason. Because that quickly turns into abuse. Her poisonous nature had no base in the early stages of their relationship. Neither are we shown any care from her for her only daughter.
And from what we saw of her childhood picture, she seemed to be deeply unpleasant as a child anyway, so it's probably in her nature. I'd give her a pass as a child, but she didn't shed that behaviour as she grew up, or work on it to become better, so.
And of course Stolas was forced into this marriage as well, yet he, as is shown multiple times in the show, tries to make it work, was never actively malicious to her as she is and endured her abuse silently for so long, at least a decade or two. Honestly I think he does not get enough credit for that, because that takes some strength and resilience. And how utterly depressed he is all the time, because that is the result of those twenty long miserable years. He also clearly adores his daughter, who cannot for some reason see that which really frustrates me, but that is another post.
And as for the cheating-
If you watch carefully you'll notice that Stella wasn't really bothered by Stolas bedding someone else, so much as that someone else was an imp. She was more angered by that fact, that her husband had an affair with an imp, the lowest of the low classes in hell, because clearly she was classist, just like Stolas' father. She felt that it was a huge blow to her ego and reputation that her husband would rather be with an imp than her. So I would say that again, her anger was not really justified on that end.
Sometimes antagonists are meant to be just that. We are not given any reasons to sympathise with them, so we seem to make up reasons, because of course that horrible character must have good reason to be that horrible, right? It makes no sense otherwise!
This post is a result of me being really tired of people going with surface level analysis about villains and antagonists, like "she's Complex!!" or "He's soooo misunderstood and I'm the only one who truly understands him 😤" and "he's sooo tragic 🥺" like please. Look a little deeper and past what you want to see, I beg you.
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deafaq · 2 days
Hi!!! Your blog is amazing, i just found it but i learned so much by browsing it.
So i know you are not primarily a writing blog but i don't know who ellse to send this to and finding sources for reaserch in my native language is difficult and since i am on phone i can't find your faq section for the life of me so i might even ask questions you answered plenty of times My apologies for that and the lenght. I can fill half a dictionary when i get fixated on explaining myself.
For clarification: i am hearing and i don't know any form of sign language so i might ask some very stupid or insensitive questions unintentionaly i apologise in advance.
I am writing fantasy and the two nations share a spoken language but developed diferent sign languages from the same root sign language due to separation and different enviromental factors and needs both related and unrelated to the new circumstances (for example one of the nations consists entirely of magic users and i thought they would modifie the signs to flow more with magic as it can be influenced by movement among many things) My first question is if this portrayal is alright? Is there anything offensive that i should change? would it be realistic for sign languages to be influenced like this.
There are two characters in the the story who this relates to one of them is hard of hearing and had a vocal cord injurie that makes it painful and dificult to speak and uses sign language as his only form of comunication throughout the story, he was semi verbal even befor the injurie and used sign language as a primary form of comunication since his childhood. (Would it be alright to refer to this character as culturaly deaf/ Deaf.) The other character is hearing and fuly verbal but knows sign language for complicated resons that are not realy relevant here i think, he is semy fluent in it as he gets to use it pretty regulary . They are from diferent nations tus know different sign languages. Would it be realistic for the hearing character to try and understand what the HoH character is signing by repeating the signs himself and try and asign meaning to them in the sign language he knows when they first meet instead of paying attention to the character who is interpreting. To clarify the two nations are the only one mentioned in the story and they had no outside contact for many generations befor the meeting at the start of the story so the concept of different languages (be that spoken or sign) is not exactly dead but definitly foreign and he doesn't realise beforehand that they might have diferent languages. Would this be alright since i know its a trope that there is only one capital s Sign language and i dont want to strengten it.
Also would these two character have an easier time understanding/learning each others sign language since they share the same spoken language whic both of them understand and one of them can speak. Could they learn from eachother by the verbal character signing components of a sentence individualy and saying the words for them out loud and then showing them in the proper gramatical order saying the sentence out loud and then the non verbal character signing his signs for the words in the same order the verbal character did then signing the sentence with the correct grammar he knows. Maybe the non verbal character writing down words and sentences he wants to teach the verbal character in liue of speaking out loud so the conversation is not dominated by him and the HoH character has more agency. Would this be a faster proces for them than if it was one hearing character who doesn't know sign at all and a character who speaks primarily in sign. Would the speed of this be influenced by the fact that the two sign languages have the same root sign language or the long time they developed separately would make that obsolete. Would it be possible for them to fully learn the others sign language and comunicate in it in a relatively short time frame ( i don't have an exact time frame but 1 to 3 months at most) or would it make more sense for them to develope a pidgin ( i belive thats how its called in english, apologies if not).
Also would it be the right solution if they did learn eachothers sign language comunicated primarily in the Hoh/non verbal characters native sign language to be more acomodating to him.
Lastly would it be apropriate for this to be framed in the narrative as these characters becoming closer to each other over learning to comunicate with eaxchother, it helping the the hearing character, (who is an outsider) become closer to the comunity the HoH character belongs to/their interaction being a source of joy for both of the characters. And all this being importante to the plot ( not the main focus but characters becoming closer to eachother is a very important theme in the story in general) Is this respectful portrayal or is this apropriation from Deaf culture/telling a story thats not mine to tell.
Thank you if you answer, but i understand if you chose not to. Have a lovely day regardles.
that's a lot of text.
Anyway, here is a link to guide - https://deafaq.tumblr.com/post/190549529559/comprehensive-guide-to-writing-deaf-characters
Okay, so to take it one by one... Spoken languages and sign languages often don't follow same historical lines, so them having different development and different "similar" languages is pretty common. Not offensive, go ahead.
Though as a linguist, I must point out that if the two countries have same spoken language and no contact for many generations, the spoken language should differ too. Probably not to the point of being completely unintelligible, but it would be noticed pretty quickly.
Magical sign language is cool.
I am not very keen on the hard of hearing character with vocal chord injuries. It feels to me that the bigger emphasis is given to his lack of speaking, when it should be lack of hearing. Also, mute people are majorly over represented as sign language users compared to deaf/hoh people. This character can communicate only in sign language even if his vocal chords are fine - lot of deaf people do it, as they prefer not to use spoken language.
Re: the meeting of them... I mean, it can happen that two signers don't have common sign language but do have same spoken language. Happened to me with visiting British students, we ended up writing in English bcs BSL is completely beyond me.
But I am not really into the process you described for how the communication would work, bcs thats not really how it happens with deaf people most of the time. (or in this case, two people fairly fluent in sign language)
Usually, they'd use their sign language but with emphasis on more "iconic" communication/pantomime. (iconic = signs which look like the things they mean). Look up International sing to see what I mean. And since sign languages usually include iconic signs, even non-related sign languages are often more mutually intelligible as opposed to two non-related spoken languages. And if they have same root, there should be lot of same signs, especially for simple concepts like "sleep", "food", "me", etc.
Lot of deaf people have problems with spoken language grammar so they wouldn't bother with spoken language bridge at all. Using spoken language and writing and its grammar seems unnecessarily long winded, when you could communicate straight in SL. Also, if your HOH character has SL as his native language, he would probs prefer to stay in it.
I think they would be able to communicate basic ideas fairly quickly, esp if they communicated every day - few days at most. More difficult/meaningful conversation would likely take months or more, depending on their language aptitude and circumstances. At first, it would definitely be sort of piding/bridge language.
Then, they might switch to one sign language - probably the one they are more proficient with, so if the hard of hearing char is fluent, then theirs.
And sure, learning language is often how people get closer.
Hope this helped,
Mod T
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fernhelm · 16 hours
opinions on the black sister relationships? i love your character posts sm!
i’m blowing you a kiss!
i love thinking about them…sorry this took so long, i was busy lounging and watching killing eve. i might type up something about the dynamic between the three of them, but i broke them down into pairs here.
bella & cissa ♛
i made a webweave here that basically sums up my thoughts on bellacissa. i do think cissa thinks she’s a fanatic and completely bonkers, but she’d defend her anyway. narcissa appreciates that in their patriarchal fucked up family, bella is carving her own path—she isn’t docile or ladylike at all. so cissa takes some vicious pleasure in how unleashed bella is. conversely, bellatrix has a deep-seeded jealousy FOR narcissa, who is at least able to play the part of the perfect pure blood woman in a way bellatrix never could. my vision is that druella has contempt for bella but pays a lot of attention to narcissa. once druella is dead, bella sees narcissa as both her baby and her mother in a way, and she resents both. but i won’t get into bella here she deserves her own post.
bella & andy ♞
the hardest relationship for me is bella and andy. my belief is that these two are one year apart in age, like irish twins. we know from dh that they’re basically identical. I think they were pitted against each other a lot. they both end up teaching each other how conditional someone caring for you can be. it’s obvious that andy leaving really wounds bella (as evidenced by the ferocity with which she wants to kill ted and tonks), so there is a degree of power andy hold over her emotionally. bella is both the terrorist and the protector in the home. she goes after both her sisters, but it’s with the ultimate goal of making them strong enough to face anything that’s thrown at them…andy doesn’t want to change her or save her—she knows all the dark, evil parts of her and grapples with all the times bella showed her tenderness or turned her rage against someone else for her sake. i think they can read each other’s body language perfectly, but don’t understand each other’s minds at all. once they’re older they fight all the time, verbally if not with magic, and it would start with bella making some pointed jabs to get her attention and andy curating a biting response without looking up from her magazine and just like that they’re dueling. but once it’s over and they’re panting on the floor, bella would kick her leg and they’d smirk at each other a bit. or one of them would storm out. i do think that andy did bella’s hair for every event they attended between the ages of 8 and 16. huh, i guess i have more to say about them than i thought i did.
andy & cissa ♝
narcissa spends years stepping in the footprints andy has left behind. before she figures out who she is, she’s just a ghost of andy. she learns all her best defenses from her. i don’t think andy feels very bad about leaving her behind. i don’t think she’d try to convince narcissa to go with her either. she would miss her so much, but she’d grieve her like she’s dead. i don’t see her as a person who holds on to a lot of regrets. and she’s in love! she wants to run away and forget every bad thing that ever happened to her! is that a crime? narcissa thinks it is. growing up andy was her strongest ally, and she takes it as the ultimate betrayal when she leaves. similarly to regulus, she looks down on andy and maligns her whenever her name comes up, but it’s a cover up for how hurt she is. andy knows all the reasons that narcissa thinks she’s trapped in the life she leads, but she still thinks ‘if you want out, get out.’
daughters 1, 2, 3 ♙
fairy tales often follow a 1 2 3 format because it’s easy to remember a moral lesson tied up with a bow when it comes in a set of three (three billy goats, beauty and the beast, the peverell brothers). it goes bad bad good. so it’s super interesting that the ostensibly “good” one, andy, is the middle child. she is bookended by two death eater sisters. which raises the question: what went wrong (or right) with her? and for the others too—narcissa in canon is primarily draco’s mother, but giving her andromeda AND bellatrix as sisters raises all kinds of questions about her upbringing and interpersonal relationships. bellatrix chases and scolds narcissa at the beginning of half-blood prince, and she’s not particularly scary at all. the terrifying evil bitch who killed sirius calls her sister cissy? three sisters who mean vastly different things to harry, but we never get the three of them in a room, so so much is left to the imagination. lots to play with. good things come in threes!
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stitching-in-time · 22 hours
Finally caught up on Star Trek: Prodigy, and I truly think it's the best of the new Star Trek series. It has the strongest first season of any Trek show since Voyager, and it both respects the Star Trek universe and expands on it beautifully.
As an animated series, it has a grand scale and visual beauty that's unmatched in all of Star Trek. This show is breathtakingly gorgeous! All the design work is top notch; the character designs especially are truly different and unique and completely break the 'basically humanoid aliens with bumpy foreheads' mold.
For all that people seem to ignore it because it's a kids show, I think it has the strongest and most thoughtful writing of all the new Trek shows. The premise of child slaves escaping a mining asteroid in a stolen Starfleet ship is actually the darkest of any Trek series, and there's as many heartbreaking moral dilemmas to chew over as any Trek series ever gave us. But it captures the optimistic, humanist spirit of Star Trek far better than a show like Picard does, because unlike that show, it's not trying to be dark to be edgy or cool, it's trying to be honest and to find hope and light amidst dark circumstances. Hope that a better future is possible is what made Star Trek edgy in the first place, and as the world gets more cynical, holding onto that ideal is infinitely more punk than cynicism could ever be. Prodigy gets that, and it respects the history and lore of Star Trek while building on it. It was clearly made by people who've actually seen Voyager, and actually know and like Captain Janeway, because what we see of her here feels like the Janeway I grew up with. It's like getting to see an old friend again, having new adventures, while still being the same person she always was.
I do like all the other new Trek series, except for Picard, and I feel like for the most part, they've been very strong, and in keeping with the spirit of Star Trek. But Prodigy has this special mix of being tied directly to the old stuff while adding something entirely new. The epic scale of the first season's story arc was amazing, it is one of, if not the, best season finales I've ever seen in all of Star Trek. I'm grew up on the 90s shows, which will always have my heart, but Prodigy is such a mind-blowing expansion of that whole universe, I'm honestly astounded and grateful that someone used my old faves to make this epic new thing, which hopefully will bring an entirely new audience to the old stuff.
Despite the fact that there's lots of deep lore references that us grown up Trekkies can pick out with delight everywhere, the story of the main protagonists is self contained, and doesn't actually need any previous familarity with Star Trek to understand. Since the main characters don't know what Starfleet or the Federation even is, the audience can discover that along with them. It's such a genius concept, and it works so well! I honestly cried watching the season finale, it wrapped up the season's worth of story and character development so well, and set things up for an exciting new season. The characters are so well defined and lovable already! It has humor, it has adventure, it has heart, it's a classic Star Trek found family story!
I just can't rave about Prodigy enough, it exceeded all my expectations and then some. Everyone who loves Star Trek, please go watch it! Everyone who loves animation, please go watch it! Especially if you love Captain Janeway and Voyager, please go watch it! I want as many more seasons of this show as I can possibly get, so we need to keep streaming it so Netflix sees how popular it is and decides to make more.
I guess I'm in the category of old Trekkies now, so believe me when I say this show is what Star Trek is all about! Please please please give it a chance and you'll love it too!!!
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eternalera · 2 days
gonna be honest... this one has been spinning in my head for a while! so imma do an analysis of touya/dabi (I might switch between the two but its whatever) and just how much his arc makes sense for him and plays into his character. also his trauma and how it affected him. SO! with that being said this will kinda be ramblely and not very coherent but fuck it we ball.
also i have NOT read the manga so uh.... yeah-
(p.s this is REALLY LONG-)
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so basically I'm gonna be going over about why it makes sense that touya is a villain and why he chose this path specifically over the one that most people would do, especially after his incident which would be go back to your family and talk it out or whatever. (which he didnt do because hes a totally EDGELORD- excuse me-).
One thing that's been essential about touya's character, from the very beginning (talking childhood) is that he always wanted his father's attention. From a young age touya was raised as practically an only child because lets be honest with him inheriting fire and with endeavors whole 'i want an ice quirk so i dont overheat stuff' he likely payed a lot more attention to touya rather than fuyumi.
touya took in this affection from a young age and seeing how apparently endeavor only got worse as the years went by the view that touya had of his father was likely in somewhat of a good light, glad to be receiving attention from someone in his life that he clearly looked up to at the time. although this did have side effects like his disrespect for his mother (which he also probably gained from being around his father so often).
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remember that touya most likely gained a lot of attention from his father, that and his standards from a young age with no one to tell him 'hey this is wrong that hes doing this' as he didn't really care for his mother and her opinion because of guess who? his father. (this is where shoto and him differ as shoto clearly looked up to his mother, who was probably a lot more in his life than she was in touya's).
so the moment when its revealed that 'hey your quirk hurts you, dont use it' is the moment where everything shatters, not just for endeavor but for touya. imagine being told your whole life that you were gonna do something to make someone you looked up to so proud only to find out that you couldn't because of your bodies limits, something thats out of your control.
not only this, but touya likely would've been fine if endeavor had still shown some interest in him. but that wasn't the case. he moved on. touya already had these expectations built in his head that he's going to surpass All Might like his father wanted, so why isn't his father paying attention to him anymore? he probably figured out 'its because my quirk hurts me' so his response was 'its fine i'll push through the hurt and make him proud and show him that i can still do what he wants. so he'll have to pay attention to me again'
touya was so obviously raised on endeavors attention so when its ripped away all that remains in his is 'oh ive done something wrong, how can i fix it?' so once again he keeps training his quirk and hurting himself. not to mention that once again its clear how he looked up to his father
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not to mention that he knew what endeavor wanted. he wanted an ice and fire quirk, so when endeavor kept having more and more children it was probably only worsening his dread and anxiety. 'what if this one had the quirk?' 'would dad still love me?' 'would he still look at me?'
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he sees this as his father trying to get rid of him, as his father not having enough time for him in a way, which given how much attention he was raised on by his father, is absolutely devastating. SO- lets get to the main course shall we?
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at this moment i cant remember the exactly what happened but its where basically endeavors like 'STOP WITH YOUR QUIRK DAMMIT' and touya cant understand that. because if he stops then endeavor will stop looking at him. to touya he has to disobey endeavor, thats the only way all of his attention doesnt go to shoto who clearly has the right quirk his father wants with his split hair because quirks or whatever-
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(also fuyumi's face is hilarious in the second picture but moving on-)
in this scene he out right says 'look at me endeavor'. the kid who has been so basically pumped full of attention and praise has had enough of his father trying to constantly trying to seemingly get rid of him and throw him to the side. he wants his father's attention more than anything now, whether its endeavor yelling at him or praising him he just wants to be noticed by someone he's looked up to all of his life.
so he attacks shoto, no quite honestly i don't think that he was trying to kill shoto in this scene, as much as he was trying to scare endeavor/harm him. but thats just a personal opinion. so back to everything else i guess-
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in this he very excitedly tells endeavor to come to sekoto peak. endeavor wonders why and checks under the boys shirt only to find burns. and tried to tell him off but touya doesn't listen. he instead says that its really cool and that he might be able to get to shoto's level not only that but its also evident that what his father told him from a young age is still present in his mind as below he claims that he doesn't think that he'd lose to All Might, meaning even after when Endeavor's long thrown touya's training away forgetting about the boy ever being able to surpass All Might touya did not. most likely thinking about how this is his chance to impress his father.
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now with these next few lines it reveals a few things, touya doesnt think that endeavors happy with him. he thinks that hes not glad that his own son exists and reasonable it makes him sad as he starts tearing up. but keep in mind, he looks up to endeavor at this point and if the person he looks up to isn't happy with his existence at this point than what the hell is he doing. now this is totally different from before as he just wanted attention, good or bad as he yknow... tried to hurt/kill his younger brother- this is him actively wanting attention. and likely... this is the most healthy he's been mentally for a while.
he went from. this person who i look up to expects something from me, to uh oh i upset them what am i doing wrong? to why arent they paying attention anymore? if theyre not then im gonna harm someone to make them look at me for once. But now his mindset is more 'okay well maybe im not trying hard enough, if i try harder than he'll like me more'
once again... probably his healthiest mindset, that and we see the excitement on his face about this new move or power or whatever. he's genuinely excited over this and the fact that his father just blows it off is gonna take a toll on him. as what did he do wrong again? well we know he did nothing but he doesn't know that. after all the person he looked up to must have a reason right?
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he starts crying and with that everything burns. he can't control it and he ends up hurting himself in the process. covering his body in burns as he turns into basically what we see today.
but why didn't he go back? it would make sense right? well probably because of a few reasons.
how could he go back? what would they say? endeavor would be mad at him and plus he wanted to prove himself to his father on that peak. yet it seemed he only did the opposite
why didn't endeavor come? thats all he wanted, all he ever wanted so why didnt he? he no longer holds endeavor up to his high standard anymore, he's angry at him. and rightfully so
would they want him back? maybe natsuo would be there for him but what about the others? would they care for him?
of course the last one might be pushing it but you get the point. the second one probably affected him the most though and is why he became dabi, training his quirk so that he may surpass his father as a petty victory, trying to say 'i was right all along i can surpass you and all might and shoto'. its his last attempt at making his father look his way and he wants to do it right.
he wanted it to be something that his father couldnt just shove off hence the video and him taping it. one last time he wanted his father to look at him and be reminded of everything that had happened with him. and it worked, the todoroki's do go over what happened with touya and saw went went wrong, that being that they neglected him after building him up so high only to say that he was useless after all (its all endeavors doing but... whatever-).
so yeah those are basically my thoughts on it- might be slightly inaccurate but yknow what... this is getting long and i dont wanna type anymore :D
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faux-ee · 2 days
Fyodor’s Ability: Body Possession and The Possessed
Note: If you don’t want to read the looong premise just jump to the paragraph where I started with “the core idea,” I have it bolded and underlined.
Hi bsd fandom how are you…I don’t think anyone would remember me but I used to be one of the craziest fyolai enjoyers on this site. My irl life has honestly been a mess for the past years (and it still is ngl), but recently I went back to reading bsd and I’m so satisfied with Fyodor’s ability, I have to write something about it.
I’m not THAT obsessed with fyolai now; my current and perhaps forever obsession is the ship of Stavrogin x Pyotr (stavrovensky) from Dostoevsky’s novel, The Possessed (I have never been the same after this ship...I’ll elaborate on how incredible and messed up it is if anyone is curious about that), and with my tradition of studying fyolai alongside stavrovensky, even back when I was still mostly a bsd fan and understood very little about the latter, I was REALLY happy with how Fyodor’s ability has turned out, with all the implications of Possession.  
Let’s first establish that Asagiri totally has knowledge of The Possessed. He not only quoted it but also kinda borrowed the whole “group of five spreading evil and destroying the world” idea from it, and perhaps even modeled some scenes after the book’s 2014 TV adaptation. Goncharov, who pours tea for Fyodor and wants to feel “all is well,” can be seen as a parody of Kirillov and his speech in The Possessed, a character that happens to be an architect (remember Goncharov’s ability?).
Kirillov is also discussed in length by Camus — having adapted the book into a play — who wrote The Stranger and created Meursault. BSD became explicitly a metafiction after Gogol’s appearance, and The Possessed is a chronicle of events provided by an unreliable narrator, who seems weirdly omniscent, and the story also quickly tumbles into turmoil after certain characters’ sudden appearance. One scholar argues that the narrator is only making up a story and trying to make what happens seem logical, while it really is not. Gogol’s pretending to be a government official/one of the police, gunning Atsushi in a tunnel, and making the Agency take his blame for terrorism also echoes strongly the events in The Possessed. I won’t spoil you further though. 
The core idea of Dostoevsky’s The Possessed, or in some translations The Devils, or Demons, is that people who cannot think for themselves are often easily possessed by ideas planted into their heads — then driven to madness and self-destruction by what they think they have thought up themselves. Hell if that doesn’t sound familiar; that’s all Fyodor’s been doing to others, and it’s what he basically said in Chapter 42. 
("being led by the nose" also appears in the book, it's one of it's crackiest jokes, but i'm not sure if it's just a matter of translation in bsd.)
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Asagiri said he got the idea of Crime and Punishment being doubles from Ivan Karamazov, who truly is just a less stable/powerful version of Stavrogin in terms of intellect, the incarnation of the Devil — of Lucifer, in some Dostoevsky scholars’ words — the mysterious, beautiful protagonist of The Possessed shrouded by too many secrets, none of which gives a clue about his true character and purpose. (irl Dostoy said he “tore him [Stavrogin] out of my heart”; you can say he’s the author's special blorbo LOL). 
His name literally means “cross (stav)” + “horn (rog)”, showing the heaven-hell conflict within his character. Stavrogin sometimes sees a demon double of himself, too; like BSD Fyodor, he made peace with it (the paragraphs describing this is cut from some versions of the book). 
And like Fyodor, Stavrogin represents something “more evil than evil”: the void; but a void that could mess up people’s minds by “understanding” them, giving them answers for what they should be after, thus tricking them into abandoning their lives for this one pursuit, one impossible ideal. He used these ideas which he himself didn’t believe in to possess people, in every meaning of that word, and this possession comes with the process of enter into. People are no longer themselves, but — in many Dostoevsky scholars’ opinion — doubles of Stavrogin, shells of themselves that carry the pieces of this one nihilistic demon. 
Characters affected the most by Stavrogin in The Possessed let these toxic ideas enter their heads, because they are trying to get rid of unbelief and skepticism about god — kill their inner demons/defend themselves against Satan’s call. You could say they stepped right into Stavrogin’s twisted experiment just as they were trying to kill the heaven-hell ambivalence within themselves; kill “Stavrogin”. 
Tl;dr When people are trying to kill Fyodor, they are possessed by him and become doubles of him, but not complete replicas; they retain their personality in some way, but only through their own fixations that get integrated into Fyodor, the demon. It’s like black is the mixture of all colors, and chaos is a cacophony of all sounds. When they die, Fyodor exits the body with a darker, heavier, emptier soul, and enters into the next victim, who tried fruitlessly to defeat him. 
(In The Possessed, it is said that people who are possessed by ideas are basically consumed by them; their personal views on life are replaced by unreasonable fixations of the mind, which they devote their hearts wholly into. Nicolas Berdyaev connected this kind of fixation to the search for freedom and to attain godhood in his book Dostoevsky. This is a horrifying observation of the human psyche by irl Dostoy but it also reminds me of how Fyodor has described the singularity.) 
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There are other startling similarities between Fyodor and Stavrogin that I didn't mention. Please go read the book, it is in no way a daunting classic - it is supposed to be dark comedy; and if you can't stand old people drama, start from Volume 2, you might just experience the DoA arc all over...
P.P.S, It has been pointed out how fyolai interactions and their mannerisms mirror scenes and characters in The Possessed (2014). these two ships of crazy russian terrorists differ significantly while being similar on the surface (grumpy x sunshine, the religious/philosophical discussion on evil, soulmates, kill your darling etc.) but this is not the point of this post so I’ll leave it for now.
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