#that means it’s an opinion piece
husky-and-starch · 2 years
Huggy Bears OTP is Starsky/Hutch; an essay
(Instead of doing my homework I’m writing you all a short Essay on my favorite topic: Starsky and Hutch. Please enjoy.)
In this essay I hope to prove to you all that Huggy Bear is Starsky and Hutch’s number one shipper. Now I’m making no claim to him being their first shipper. That still belongs to some queer watching Starsky and Hutch in 1975, no he started shipping them in season 3, specifically Episode 15; A Body Worth Guarding.
In this episode Starsky and Hutch must guard a Russian ballerina. Now, I’ll spare you the details, but Hutch ended up guarding the ballerina over night and Starsky was alone. He needed to find who was threatening her life. He went to Huggy Bear in the morning—pay attention to this part—and Huggy noticed something was off about his dear friend; he was rigid, blunt, and Huggy could see in his eyes the capability of great tragedy. Then it occurred to him; “a Starsky without a Hutch is like a pig without pork” it’s unnatural and as far as he knew impossible.
Huggy clearly doesn’t like this “new” Starsky. The laters discomfort in the morning (perhaps relating to the fact he knows his beloved partner is suffering with the Russian ballerina he, as far as Starsky knows, still hates) is disconcerting to Huggy and he even seems to start refusing to see one without the other in later episodes. Specifically the next episode; The Trap.
In this episode a trap is set to catch Detective Sargent Hutchinson by a man he’d put away—now out on probation—and Huggy was part of their set up. His restaurant was broken into and he was attacked so he called his two favorite detectives; Starsky and Hutch. What he said is the intriguing part though, when Starsky picked up the phone Huggy asks for him to come with his “better half”.
Now, better half is a phrase typically reserved for partners. Like, romantic ones. Spouses, the person you’re dating, rarely is it used for friends in an unironic way. That does ask another question; is it a joke? Is Huggy jokingly asking for Starsky’s better half? Well I don’t believe so. In the previous episode Huggy makes it clear to Starsky he prefers to see them together. He wants Starsky and Hutch not Starsky or Hutch. An impotent deviator.
I’ve heard arguments that Huggy and Starsky’s conversation in A Body Worth Guarding relate to antisemitism (the prejudice against Jewish people) it is never explicitly stated Starsky’s Jewish. I honestly don’t mind any headcannons—hell this is a whole essay for mine—and I can admit the argument for it is strong. It doesn’t make sense, if Starsky’s Jewish, that the “a Starsky without a Hutch is like a pig without pork” is an antisemitic comment from Huggy. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure pork is one of the foods Jewish people can’t eat and the whole episode has a lot of Jewish themes. Or we’ll one really obvious Jewish and antisemitic plot point; the “free the Russian Jews” protest outside of the ballet and the whole plot of the episode being an attempt for the supremacists to frame the Jewish for a crime and get them shut down.
That being said; now that I’ve acknowledged the strong points from that argument I’m going to pull one little thread to make way for my less realistic theory; Starsky religion (or perhaps lack there of) is never explained in the show (as far as I’ve seen at least). He’s said he’s not Catholic but there lots and lots and LOTS of other religions. Sure that does also allow the possibility that he’s Jewish but it also doesn’t confirm it. And who really wants to think Huggys antisemitic anyway?
Huggy is a beloved character and it’s a lot more fun to watch his actions throughout seasons 3 and 4 as a Starsky/Hutch shipper than anything else. Hell even 1&2 can be read like this if you want, I don’t judge. Wether or not you believe me, those folks who say it’s a antisemitic conversation or don’t think it’s much more than Starsky having a bad day and Huggy being out off by it that’s up to you. But this concludes my essay on why Huggy Bear is the number ones Starsky and Hutch sniper. I hope this inspired you to watch Starsky and Hutch again with a different lense.
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d-does-art · 27 days
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*crawls out of art block dungeon*
Here's a page of a comic I've been thinking of. I don't know if I'll finish it, but posting might help motivate me. Or I'll move on to the next thing, haha.   
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whatsitzface · 6 months
Fuck every percy jackson "fan" who is still complaining about percy & annabeths HAIR COLOURS being different then in the books. I hope Nico is blonde so that all of you cry and scream like fucking toddlers
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doverstar · 2 months
was today years old when discovering that the eleventh doctor wears leather trousers. his trousers are made of black leather. Black leather with the ends rolled up and I. have no idea what to think-
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vroomvroomwee · 6 months
Reblog if you respect trans identities. Reblog if trans women are women and trans men are men and non binary people are valid as fuck. Reblog if you support aroace, aroallo, alloace people regardless of their gender or gender expression. Reblog if the A in LGBTQIA is NOT for "ally". Reblog if being queer isn't determined by the oppression olympics.
Reblog if your account is a safe space for anyone and you're not a hateful, nasty, transphobic ass.
Reblog if that kind of hateful rhetoric will NEVER be seen on your blog
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carlyraejepsans · 10 months
look i understand that ai generated content is a controversial topic, and ultimately protecting artists' intellectual property should take moral priority, but i feel like when people say "you don't want character.ai you want to rp with someone" they're kinda missing the point because unlike a chatbot, you can't exactly look your rp partner in the eye and say "that sucked ass. do that again"
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aimbutmiss · 1 month
Just finished marineford with my mom. She cried (I did too) but that's not the point of this post. What I wanted to share was actually me telling her about the crocodad theory and she was INSTANTLY on board.
She was like "he must have had a love affair with Dragon 😏" and I didn't even say anything she just started shipping dragodile on her own.
Anyways that's it. I just think my mom is iconic.
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transmechanicus · 17 days
Kind of hard to ask as anon
But you doing ok?
Need to vent?
Hi very kind and thoughtful of you to ask, i am doing mmmmm suboptimal but i do not need to vent to a person per se, so much as i need to say absolutely insane shit in my tags and have everyone pretend not to see <3
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ofmdsalt · 27 days
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decided to go looking for the video essay these tags are talking about.
it's this one, btw, if you'd like to check it out. i highly recommend it as it brings up some salient points as to why the slashed budget and subsequent move from Hollywood studios to New Zealand change the writing and composition of the show from utilizing more wide shots to show off New Zealand's nature as a means to drive interest in tourism.
i wanted to check out the line these tags are talking out "Izzy says it's his job to manage Ed's moods" and then moves on.
this is not the right line and not the right read of what this reviewer was talking about. what the video essayist says is "Izzy's job, as Izzy describes it, is to manage Edward's erratic moods and thus assuage and protect Edward's crew."
the video does a good job at talking about how misplaced and misused Izzy's arc is in the show with other commentators echoing how they'd wished Izzy had remained this vestige of toxic masculinity within the lens of piracy to then be killed off. because why go through all this effort of giving Izzy an arc of redemption and acceptance and using him as a literal metaphor of the spirit of the ship (the unicorn figurehead) then to kill him off? there seem to be too many metaphors in this kitchen methinks
i could go on but i'd probably just be rehashing what the video already said, so again. highly recommend people check it out.
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alexcabotgf · 6 months
not to be true crime posting on main but i think i'm falling down the wm3 rabbit hole again
#xenia.txt#when i tell you this case keeps me up at night to this day#not even the murders themselves as much as the general public's reception to and opinions on the case 3 decades later like#i get why it;s always been so divisive especially after the pl docus came out (lots of opinions on those btw none of them are good#from the bottom of my heart fuck you joe berlinger and bruce sinofsky)#but it's truly baffling how no one is willing to do the research on what is arguably THE most well documented true crime case in recent#history like. everything that's ever been released to the general public is available online and i mean everything#you can find all the court files trial transcripts depositions interogation tapes aerial photos you name it it's out there for anyone with#internet connection to access at any and all hours of the day#and yet people are still foaming at the mouth fighting on reddit abt their innocence based off nothing but a couple of movies like#bffr with me right now!! almost every point the innocenters make can be easily debunked by scrolling through callahan for 15 minutes#'but they've been pushing for dna testing since their release so they can't be guilty' baby the case is closed!#it's been closed the second they took the plea. they can be striking under that courthouse and it still won't change a thing and they knowi#that's why they're pushing for it in the first place but that's just my opinion#^ and i say they but it's really only echols which makes a lot of sense to me personally#and if you want to talk abt dna testing let's talk abt the one that was done in 2011 and how the defense hurried to propose the plea as soo#as they got the results! let's talk abt those cause no one's ever seen them and i would very much like to#braga share the results the people want to know!!#makes me wonder which pieces of evidence they even submitted for that 2011 testing because if i'm remembering correctly#there was one that would've closed this case instantly and maybe that's why the results were never disclosed and the plea was rushed#but that's also just my opinion#and it's also interesting how the majority of people who have in fact deep dived into this case#(and i'm not talking abt big true crime youtubers as i'm very sceptical abt their research abilities)#all collectively lean towards guilty. much to think about#i was hoping someone would make another ~actually~ unbiased documentary for the 30th anniversary and go over all the case files#but i don't think that's even realistic at this point seeing as everyone and their mother has some sort of an opinion on this case#hbo deserves another lawsuit for this. they should've never won the first one in the first place#true crime tw
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
I typed shuggy into tag and noticed you answering some stuff about them so I hope it’s alright to ask!!! I finished Netflix version like yesterday and I loved shuggy vibes and I told this on tw and some people came to me and told me it’s mid and there are better shanks ships, because he doesn’t really care about buggy I tried to look through wiki but it’s so many stuff there and it will take me ages to catch up Does he care about buggy?? I want someone to spoil me!! I actually really want to know this!
Some might prefer other ships and that is alright, but straight-up saying that Shanks doesn't care about Buggy is just... Not true at all. That being the main reason why some people seem to not ship them is just ridiculous. The short answer is: Yes, he does care about Buggy. Quite a lot, actually. The Netflix adaptation skipped their flashback for literally no reason (I am guessing we will see it... Someday?) but it shows Shanks cares a lot for him.
A lot of stuff happens between them but the missing flashback is more than enough to know, I think: They were on a pirate crew together and these two are shown to be always arguing about stupid things from a very young age. Like. Childhood best friends type of thing. And I find it funny how people say Shanks doesn't care about Buggy when he is shown to be the one approaching him all the time instead of Buggy doing so. Shanks actually seems more open to showing his care for Buggy than him. Constantly. Long story short, things™ happen and Buggy finds this map and this devil fruit and he wants to sail on his own to sell it and find the treasure on the map to form his own pirate crew. Again, things™ happen and Shanks appears out of nowhere, making Buggy eat the fruit suddenly and drop the map into the sea. And because Shuggy is desperate for a new life and to make a name for himself, he jumps into the sea to grab the map. Of course, he's drowning, and Shanks doesn't hesitate, not even for a damn second to save him. Idk about you, but that is peak romance to me.
That is one of the reasons why Buggy is resentful toward Shanks. Although I think the map and fruit thing is more of a metaphor/symbology than anything else for, like, the real reason why Buggy resents Shanks. But that's another story--
And, if you don't care about spoilers, I'll just tell you THE Shuggy moment for me that shows how much Shanks cares about Buggy: They were supposed to go to the last island together with their crew but Buggy suddenly got sick and was told not to go despite his begging to let him do so. And Shanks (WITHOUT ANYBODY TELLING HIM TO, BY THE WAY, THIS IS ALL HIM) stayed back with him instead of going with the rest of the crew. He took care of Buggy when he was sick. And stayed back because he clearly didn't want to achieve their dream if Buggy wasn't there too or at least he thought it was unfair to do so without him. He was heavily worried about him, too, like-- (Not to mention the parallelisms of this with the same thing happening between a canon romantic couple in the same episode... Oda you're not subtle about Shuggy).
Most people will say "but that's a thing from the PAST! He used to care about Buggy but not anymore" but they are wrong. You truly, genuinely think that SHANKS is going to stop caring for his old friend??? ??????? ????? SHANKS????????? That man values personal connections and friendships so fucking bad it is. One of the things he teaches Luffy???? Like- There is NO way he doesn't care about Buggy. Also the bubble speech theory... When they meet again at Marineford and he smiles at him so sweetly... Crying sobbing...
I hope this was enough to answer your question! People might like other ships and that is completely alright! But saying Shanks doesn't care about Buggy......................... I am side-eyeing them......
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doverstar · 2 months
shoutout to Disney's Wish (2023) for completely spitting on the idea that wives help their husbands. like even if the pointy queen couldn't convince Chris Pine to turn good, you could have at least given us the evil power couple in the concept art
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I obviously cannot keep my obsessions to myself, so I started talking about Good Omens during book club and one of the other people there goes "Oh, the redhead demon and the white-haired angel I keep seeing everywhere?"
I mean yes but-
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raviollies · 9 months
I always feel like I need to make agreeable characters when I play dnd. I really aspire to have something like what you have with Blythe. Cuz she's clearly a very strong personality that isn't afraid to be difficult to her party members, but she also isn't derailing the campaign by being a bad fit for the party. That's such an awesome balance to achieve!
HILARIOUSLY, Blythe actually is very well liked in the campaign for the most part, there is only one singular character that dislikes her (Kasimir - partially due to her clear relationship to Rahadin)I play her as a highly charismatic, sweet talking, playful woman that can absolutely play nice to grease the wheels.
While yes, people can see that is ...well crazy, it's very clear she is not malicious for no reason, which she isn't! Up until recently she was the only evil party member, so she balanced out when other party members didn't want to get their hands dirty but something needed to be done. She is Neutral Evil just meaning she can go do unsavoury things to achieve her goals, and if her goals align with the party...well power to them! They have someone absolutely fucking insane that WILL get the job done, morals aside!
The other point is that Blythe is diplomatic. She may be opinionated but she does her best to avoid violence, unless it's an 100% fight she can win, and even then. She prefers to conserve resources in this manner, to avoid conflict and talk her way out of problems.
Just because she has a strong personality, and is an evil character doesn't mean she will be at odds with the good characters; plenty evil characters hide their unsavoury traits behind closed doors and can spin them to seem like they're reasonable. She's a silver tongued devil so to speak.
Most characters just seem hesitant to approach her in a romantic manner in case she get's offended because she can cast fireball upon ye :/
That and well. Keeping up with the level of excitement she seeks in her life.
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
taliesin and laura remain truly so fantastic at making characters who… don’t necessarily have something extremely and inherently in common but do have experiences that were caused by similar sources and that lead them to have quite different opinions/ideas about things but in ways that are typically very reconcilable? which is a lot of qualifiers but it’s a through line of vex/percy with nobility, jester & cad with loneliness (and also god stuff but in a different post maybe someday i’ll talk about how actually their god stuff is intensely related to their different experiences of loneliness), and now imogen & ashton with being left behind.
like vex was this character who technically had a claim to nobility due to her blood but at the same time was burdened because of that same claim. and percy who was born into and raised by nobility but that nobility ended up making his family the targets of a massacre. and then vex who lets down her walls and Do I Look Like I Come From Money? and percy giving her the title grand mistress of the grey hunt because it has nothing to do with blood, or his love for her, or anything aside from the fact that it’s something she can prove herself worthy of simply by virtue of who she Is, not who someone makes her. and percy and vex’s conversation about forgiveness and it’s necessity for growth as probably two of the characters most inclined to hold grudges.
and caduceus clay who gets left behind with nothing but his Belief while his family goes off into the world. and jester lavorre who gets shut inside with no company except her Belief as her mother protects her from the world. and they both get the burden of loneliness and the understanding of love’s nonmalicious imperfection. and caduceus having a panic attack on a ship and jester telling him that the world is a lot bigger than his cemetery and that means he has to break out of his comfort zone to find his path. and caduceus telling jester that he doesn’t think she gets as much credit as she ought to and she deserves more pastries. and jester thanking caduceus for showing her how cool it is to actually heal people and caduceus asking if she wants to use his shield while he doesn’t need it.
and ashton who was left broken and dying on the ground and was given inescapable pain as their means of survival. and imogen who was left behind by the only person who could provide true understanding of the pain she’d one day come to feel. and ashton who’s a barbarian, who wields their rage casually and unapologetically and who sees the Shittiness of the world but is unrelenting in his version of optimism. and imogen who is weighed down by pessimism she doesn’t Want to have but hasn’t cracked how to undo and who doesn’t admit her anger until it comes up again and again and again and carries it like a burden or like guilt, who we only see really Grasp and feel Confidence about her anger being something good in front of others when she has those conversations with ashton. and like. ashton who looks at imogen and sees a superhero. imogen venturing through ashton’s mind and holding his bleeding and exhausted head and saying i’m sorry. i’m sorry. and imogen who looks at ashton and sees someone special. and fucking “we got him killed.” and “no, we didn’t. don’t you dare. […] we are not what fucking killed that man. […] we are his eventual victory. we are his fucking revenge.” and “i’ll be his revenge.” and “i have no fucking doubt.”
and in general rp wise they both tend to make some of my favourite characters (also typically the ones i find most frustrating) because they both tend to make flaws that are easy to hate and they make those flaws very central to their characters but i think that’s also what makes their character interactions so deeply compelling because so frequently it’s like. yes yes these two characters have like. a helix of things they have in common but also things they deeply disagree on but they’re going to spider-man point at the things that are the same and they’re going to honour their differences while doing so. and it’s just. i always enjoy it so much and i was psyched when i heard about an imogen and ashton side pit stop in last nights episode and i was not let down when i watched the episode today.
#also gotta emphatically say that i Do Not Mean their characters understand each other better than others or completely#i just think those two consistently have characters that have opinions that would perhaps naturally be the most at odds but then#they always craft these dynamics that like. web together pieces of sameness so that their characters end up having deeply#meaningful relationships with one another.#but like. ashton and imogen really do Not get each other in a lot of ways. cad and jester were very opposite in a lot of ways#percy and vex i think probably had the most in common but also like . they had and have vast differences .#idk this probably is worth a longer post that lingers in my brain about how relationships between characters whether romantic or not#are actually Much more compelling and rewarding when characters Don’t just click and have perfect matching experiences#because. to have to Choose to want to understand someone and what they’ve experiences and why they differ from you#if actually a much stronger act of love than searching for your reflection in everyone you meet.#someday i’ll string together that post but. until then. tal and laura my beloveds. storytelling duo truly#cr3#cr2#jester lavorre#imogen temult#vex’ahlia#caduceus clay#ashton greymoore#percy de rolo#cr1#critical role#cr spoilers#no molly and jester input here because i haven’t watched early m9 in a Long time but. i’m sure there’s similar scenes in there.#honestly even like. jesters Earnestness with her still manipulative trickery vs. mollys much more . not necessarily Cruelness but just. idk#there’s something there with the way that when they meet jester is all in for the tarot cards for the experience that they both get out#of her choosing to believe what molly says vs molly going in to get something out of jester? yk.#but they’re still bestie icons. jester still tears a man in half in the hopes of saving molly. molly still died trying to help get her back.#anyway. beloveds#laura bailey#taliesin jaffe
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msnihilist · 2 months
I'm not super involved in the Nicktoons Unite fandom, but I have been combing through fics and I'm already tried of Danny being portrayed as the big brother/second smartest one instead of what he actually is: a fucking idiot.
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