#that i def over-rendered ....
simphic · 2 months
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Yassah for DAZED magazine. "The Wonderfully Odd" issue, an exploration on the new age of self-discovery.
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sage-nebula · 9 days
I loved the new IDW Sonic issue! Too bad I know without looking that people are going to be stupid and awful about Lanolin 🫠
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eightyuh · 5 months
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Wick's End chapter 3 status update
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sl-vega · 11 days
Hi Vee, I would like to request a sick! gn reader with some of the genshin characters (Yae Miko, Wanderer, Albedo, and Kazuha) where reader can’t really talk all to well cause of said sickness. What sort of shenanigans would ensue as our dear reader tries to communicate. It’d also be really cool if the reader knew a bit of sign language and tried to communicate that way (your choice on whether the characters know it or don’t). Have a lovely morning/day/evening!
pairings: Yae Miko, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha x [GN!] Reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanons/drabbles, canon compliant, sick! reader, reader knows sign language
synopsis: in which your s/o tries their best to make you feel better since you've fallen ill
CW: mild language, potentially ooc, vee doesn't know how to do headcanons so you have been warned
additional notes: lol perfect timing for this request cuz I'm actually sick rn // header credits: yae header by @/k1aya on pinterest, albedo header by @/kuno on pinterest, wanderer header by @/ggoldiz on pinterest, Kazuha header by @/detailuffy on pinterest
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YAE MIKO-Divina Vulpes
miss girl would be babying you 100%
kinda acts more like your mom than your s/o in this case tbh
"I told you not to go adventuring in the rain!" but then she goes back to saying shit like "aww you poor thing~, let me get some soup for you"
yae would also tease you too, cuz yk, she's yae miko
since she's not human, I don't think she can get sick, well not any human diseases at least
she tries her best to be there for you though, probably reads a bunch of light novels from her publishing house to help you fall asleep
if you try to communicate via sign language to her, she probably just hushes you and grabs your hands so you stop frantically making hand signs
cuz she wants you to get your rest
I think she does know a little sign language, but she never really committed to learning it, she'd gladly start for you though
i think she'd turn into her fox form and let you cuddle with her like she's a stuffed animal
totally not projecting rn
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ALBEDO-Princeps Cretaceus
he'd def send sucrose over to check on you if he's busy, but once he's done with his work, he is SPRINTING over to check on you
✨he's a runner he's a track star✨
maybe it's just me but I feel like Albedo would be the type of boyfriend that worries over you a lot
when he does come over, he probably has lots of concoctions that are supposed to clear your throat, but they're probably made of...
less than delicious materials
and you aren't becoming your boyfriend's personal test subject no thank you, not today
since he has a little sister, he knows how to take care of you
probably has experience cuz klee would get super sick after running around in the rain for too long-
makes you chicken soup, and tea, the usual
if you try to communicate with him via sign language due to losing your voice, he'll probably have the same reaction as yae
just forces you to go back to sleep
he def knows sign language (mr. genius🙄) but he wants you to get better as soon as possible
klee also comes over at some point, probably tells you some crazy story about how she tried to blow up dawn winery with diona or smth-
her and Albedo also make some get well cards for you once you fall asleep as well <3
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this mf
if you've heard his voice lines you already know what this bastard would say to you
he'd call you weak and say shit like "a small illness has already rendered you helpless? how pathetic..."
he's a puppet so he's never been sick cuz he can't get sick either
nahida would probably slap him and scold him and tell him to be nicer though
on the inside he's super concerned about you
lowkey, he's afraid of losing you
not that he'd ever admit it-
(tsundere scara for the win)
he's worried that you're going to end up like the child he used to live with, and that you'll become "powerless before your mortality" as he'd like to say
same as yae + albedo, if you'd try to communicate with him via sign language he'll tell you to sleep
(in a slightly aggressive way but he's scara what do you expect?)
i don't think he knows sign language at all tbh
he'll ask nahida about it and he'll probably start borrowing books from the akidemiya and practices in secret for you
he WILL ruin his sleep schedule for you but he'll probably just brush it off and be like: "meh, it was easy."
when in reality this mf has spent an AGONIZING amount of time just to try and impress you
he'll make you tea too, the bitter kind
the VERY bitter kind
oml this sounds like scara slander 😭 dw I actually really like him
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like albedo, he'd be super worried about you
tells beidou that he needs to make sure you're okay before the crux leaves for it's next destination
brings you tea, soup, and writes cute little love poems for you while you rest in his lap
tells you stories about his travels while holding your hand and sappy stuff like that
kazuha is a top tier boyfriend fr fr
unlike the others, if you tried to communicate with him via sign language, he let you teach him certain phrases
i think he knows a little bit due to his travels so he's picked up on a bit of it
he thinks it's really cute of how you try to explain things to him since you can't speak so you probably alternate between the hand signs themselves and pen and paper
VERY attentive to you
"slow down love, we have all the time in the world."
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agarthanguide · 7 months
How the heck do you get Ashton to actually look like a rock? Signed, a fanartist who has tried every brush under the sun but still cannot nail it the way you brilliantly have.
ahhh thank you so much for the kind words!
Answer (sort of)- Ash's palette was hugely up in the air for a really long time. I kept pitching random bits of color at Taliesin, but his write up did not have any specific coloring in it from the get-go. And because I knew they were made of rock, I trended towards something to the left or right of grey (his working/code name had the word grey in it, as well, which def influenced me).
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This went on for a while, until one day Tal did his Tal thing and just sent me plans for the finished Ashton. He painted over one of my sketches with the colors he wanted, included refs of some textures. The textures for the skin included nephrite and serpentine (nephrite is one form of jade, serpentine is a whole other thing.)
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The serpentine reference had these really bold lines running through it, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to replicate them, so i just... dropped the texture into the sketch. I think I was just checking to see if it was gonna make them unreadable, but it actually looked pretty great. I painted over it a bit to work out where the lines should fall and how to get them to bend around the figure. And then when I was doing the final render, I made a brush that made the fucky line effect. There's one key element to the brush that I will show you-
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The shape of the brush is just a random splatter shape, but the angle, size, and roundness change in response to pen pressure, so that as you draw, you can increase the size with added pressure, and some lovely, 3-D helix shapes will start appearing as you go.
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From there it's easy- Make an extreme dark and an extreme light in your little texture space, then paint over in variations of green to push things deeper into Ash's "skin" while maintaining a slight transparency.
Here's some other little tips- - Before you add intense, lined texture, start with a textured base. This can be anything. Once I used a picture of the amazon rainforest with heavy color correction. Sometimes I use sponge brushes. Have fun with it. - Try to make the larger textures support the underlying figure. My go-to is large, lazy spirals that shimmy up and down their limbs. - Don't fight the lighting too much. To increase readability, try to use elements of higher or rougher texture to frame the features, while keeping the immediate area of their eyes, for example, less busy.
Good luck, and thanks for the ask!
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delcakoo · 1 year
hi ! can i req jungwon as the big spoon?
hihi ofcc <3 writing this def cheered me up, thank u for the cute req anonnie! (soft hours closed)
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9:41PM — “jagi, are you sleepy yet?” jungwon whispers, head against your chest as the promised neverland plays softly on your tv in front of you.
you tap your phone curiously at his question, brows furrowing at the early time displayed on your screen. “it’s only like, 10pm, wonnie.”
your boyfriend peers up at you grumpily, large cat eyes nearly impossible to refuse. “i know, but i’m really really getting sleepy, y/n,” he continues to complain, wiggling around like a toddler.
snickering at his tired antics, you reach for the remote to turn off the anime, watching from your peripheral vision as jungwon grins happily at your inability to tell him ‘no’.
only a minute or two later, you find yourself hopping into bed, jungwon following close behind from his side of the mattress while eliciting a silent yawn. once you’re both securely settled in the sheets, you quickly lift an arm to turn off your lamp, embracing the pitch black darkness that follows suit.
at this point, normally you’d wrap your arms around the boy, leave a few gentle pecks down the back of his head and neck before murmuring out a ‘goodnight’ and ‘sleep well’. but you’re shocked to say the least when you feel jungwon push you over to face away from him, a lazy arm pulling your back right up against his chest while the other lays above your head on the pillow protectively.
“what- what are you doing?” you inquire, rendered speechless. his heart beat is surprisingly calm and relaxed, opposing your unsteady one at the close yet unusual contact of the male. it was practically an unspoken rule that you were supposed to hold him in bed, not the other way around!
jungwon giggles, dragging you impossibly closer and snuggling his face into your hair. “i felt like trying out big spoon tonight,” he explains cutely.
“oh? and what’s your opinion thus far?”
“i get the appeal,” he instantly admits. “i have so much power! i can change positions and cuddle you however i want and there’s nothing you can do about it~” you can nearly envision the cat boy’s snarky, teasing expression at that moment, sighing as a larger leg raises on top of yours, effectively trapping you in place like a snake to its prey.
your boyfriend may look weak and small compared to some of his weightlifting bandmates, but there was no doubt in his strength at times like these. “ah, this is seriously perfect,” jungwon groans in satisfaction.
you fake a dramatic huff, “yeah, for you, idiot. i’m practically immobile over here.” little did he know you that you were busy smiling like an idiot, thanking the overwhelming darkness for hiding your ears and cheeks growing warmer by the minute.
“yoi, don’t pretend you aren’t loving this.”
perhaps you’d allow jungwon to take charge of cuddling more often.
the ‘yoi’ is supposed to be that thing wonnie always does irl 😭 i just didn’t know how i should spell it jshsj
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feathernotes · 6 months
I want to talk about sustainability in your work process, featuring our fave: Backgrounds. How to simplify, convey, and deliver in comics! (examples include Phantomarine, Wychwood, Shaderunners and Ghost Junk Sickness) The usual suspect to burnout is often the workload involved. Many ppl who FULL HAM on pages that def need a detail cut for many reasons Main one being: You don’t need excessive detail to tell whats happening in a small panel, in fact, less is better. When you observe a page in its entirety, where does the eye travel? Where does the eye stop? Having a fully rendered BG in multiple panels can actually be a huge distraction, on top of the time it takes to get there. So how do you balance?
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In Phantomarine, the most detailed panel is the establishing one, it holds our characters and allows readers to understand the positions they're all in/standing at. Its one panel that provides a specific telling detail: the railings behind Phae indicate we're on the boat.
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In the bottom left panel,the artist uses the railings again, but doesnt have to render the lights, floor boards, or sea to show where we were, then uses the colours of said BG and mood to paint the rest of the page. This is where colours/gradients and small objects save the day! The same example is here, just flipped. The establishing shot shares DETAILS that you need to show the readers where we are, then the BG of Pavel eating food isnt over whelmed with background characters or other details that get in the way of the ACTION that is to be conveyed
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it would be rather distracting if we were to see Pavel eat that bowl, with sooo many more details involved in the panel- instead, the drapes, hues of light, and clever sound effects tell us what is happening. Wychwood does the very same with establishing shots, then KEY DETAILS to provide the reader with where the character is standing, without sacrificing the facial expressions and details of the CHARACTERS that we need to get across
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Most detail is in the top panel, the BAR that Julian holds onto is a KEY PIECE to show where they are in the BG already established. Perfect use of BG! Get used to thinking of those key details when changing scenes and establishing shots!
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Pick those key details to tell the reader where they are and draw that. If you have a library scene, please just draw that BG once! Take a specific bookcase or key feature, use blocked shapes and colours, and make it less detailed than the provided establishing shot. I also wanna talk about : Action Scenes Focusing on the ACTION of the scenes is SO important when you have them, and often details get lost when a creator focuses on details that can distract a reader! My advice? Most action scenes are best without/need little backgrounds. A few shots from Ghost Junk Sickness demonstrate this. We're paying attention to the action- we've been established where we are before, so let's play in the sandbox now.
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Have a panel or two peppered in there, with the same principal as above to ground where your character is, but do not add a BG in every panel. It instantly takes away from the action when it's not integrated as well, and it takes SO MUCH MORE TIME to draw that sequence!
Read More amazing tips: Here are some GREAT examples by the creators of ShadeRunners, HERE who break down how they do backgrounds ( AND CROWD SHOTS!!!!)
TL;DR: Comics are a MULTITUDE of skills and needs. It takes a lot of time and work to pull it off, so working with methods that make it easiest for you as the creator is what will help you maintain that momentum and stability you need! Good luck and get comicking!
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umeoniii · 1 year
Can you do lesbian fluff (or smut) for the aot girls????
lesbian relationship hcs w aot girls
nsfw & sfw
w: annie, mikasa, sasha,
☆ very introverted obvi, but she can actually be very extroverted w her s/o
☆ prefers cute dates at food places like bakeries or sushi restaurants
☆ loves when her s/o makes her sweets
☆ for gifts i feel like she writes things, like letters or poems maybe even a song (probably too embarrassed to sing though)
☆ not the most affectionate but when she is she’s a lot, like a lil puppy dog
☆ sleeps a lot, she sleeps all over her s/o
she falls asleep on their lap, shoulders, stomach i feel like she’s a really sleepy girl
☆ likes hearing her s/o’s stories and adventures
she likes giving her input and opinions
☆ wears ur hoodies maybe bcs she likes the smell, maybe bcs their comfier, maybe bcs she likes bugging you
☆ gets flustered when you even show that you think abt her
☆ actually anything you do makes her flustered deep down
☆ takes turns w u giving back massages
☆ forcefully takes you w her to the gym
you don’t even have to work out but she still wants you there
☆ she lets you touch her abs, even though she finds it odd
♡ she’s more dominant BUT she can be more subby depending on how she’s feeling
♡ loud
♡ likes scissoring
♡ when she is feeling submissive she likes when her s/o eats her out
♡ owns a good amount of sex toys, she bought them really for you
♡ very great stamina
♡ can last a few rounds before getting overstimulated and tired
☆ little spoon when sleeping
☆ very introverted even with her s/o
☆ likes quite and secluded dates, like a picnic
☆ likes when you take photos of her but she doesn’t like for the whole world to see them
☆ makes things for her s/o
something as small as cookies or as big as a crocheted sweater
☆ type of gf who would share a milkshake willingly
☆ super cuddly and warm
☆ remembers lots of things abt you, some things you’d render “useless”
like you had a hamster named zunie in 5th grade
☆ has a playlist of songs that make her think of u
☆ let’s you pick out her outfits sometimes
☆ keeps all the plushies you’ve ever bought her
♡ sub
♡ whimpers and whines
♡ holds you very tightly
♡ sometimes she lowkey gets all somber and sad during sex whispering stuff like “please don’t leave me ever”
♡ sex is very intimate w her
♡ squirter
♡ when she is giving to her s/o she literally eats pussy like a starved woman
☆ naggy loud gf
it’s very sweet though
☆ shows her s/o a lot of love…. a lot
she gives you wet kisses and blows raspberries into your tummy
☆ you guys alr know she likes dates at restaurants but i feel like she’d also like people watching, feeding ducks, or the movies. she likes fun stuff
☆ never a dull moment with her
☆ sleeps wildly, sometimes you just gotta sleep on the couch. she probably snores too.
☆ she’s the type to post all pictures of you for the world to see. ALL
☆ makes slideshows on stuff like why she thinks you guys should buy a roomba
☆ forces u to do couplely things like match outfits
☆ buys corny cards for holidays
“you’re purrfecf for me! love, sash”
☆ play wrestles
takes it way too far. she jumps off the couch and tries to body slam you
☆ if you have bigger boobs just know she’s not gonna leave em alone
she lies on them to sleep and she always just touches them and gropes them
she makes “jokes” about you breastfeeding her and calling you mommy (it’s not really a joke)
~ ♡ def calls you mommy in bed regardless of chest size
♡ with all the eating she does she’s gotta be able to eat pussy
♡ vv whiny
♡ sub
♡ cant last longer than around 2 minutes
♡ will literally touch herself right next to u in bed while you’re sleep
♡ puts whipped cream on your body and licks and eats it off
a/n: i am SO sorry this took so long, i literally got stuck and was gonna try and make this one super duper long but i gave up on it and finished it last .°(ಗдಗ。)° . i hope u enjoy it n’ if there’s another character u wanna see u can request it! <333
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syddsatyrn · 4 months
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Chapter 1 ⛤ Chapter 2 ⛤ Chapter 3 ⛤ Chapter 4 ⛤ Chapter 5 Masterlist
⛤Pairing: - Eddie Munson x FemReader
⛤Warnings: Swearing, drinking, smoking, fluff, friends to lovers, drug use
⛤Words: 2k
⛤Song: "Photograph" By Def Leppard
⛤Summary: Moving away from Hawkins was the biggest mistake of your life. You left your best friends and forgot to stay in touch. Years later, you decide to hit up your good friend Steve. Its time to make a plan and make amends. The one thing you didn't expect was feelings to resurface when you saw your old highschool crush.
⛤Notes: This series is 18+ Minors scram. @hellfiremunsonn is my trusty beta reader, go check out their fics! They are so good!
⛤Chapter 3: Reunion Eddie unlocks the front door of his apartment, he's trying to be extra careful not to make any noise. He looks over at the couch and quickly notices Dustin snoring away. He slowly shut the door behind him and carried on down the hallway. Upon entering his bedroom, he flipped the light switch, and nestled in his bed was Y/N. A figure he did not anticipate whatsoever. “....Y/N?” He almost thought he was dreaming. You sat up quickly, entirely shocked by the sight in front of you. You exchanged glances, the air was filled with so many unspoken questions. Eddie is trying to mentally make sense of the sight before him. His face starts to turn red as he slowly realizes his high school crush is sleeping in his bed. “Eddie?!” You are so confused, Steve said he wouldn't be back for a couple of days. Is this some kind of setup? Goddammit Steve. “I am SO sorry.” You frantically roll out of his bed and stand there, searching for some kind of expression on Eddie’s face. “Steve must have been confused, he said you wouldn't be home for a couple of days. We made a plan and I came out to surprise you guys.” “Well…I’m certainly surprised.” He says as he sets his bags down. He approaches you and immediately wraps his arms around your shoulders. “It's so good to see you, Y/N.” He says, just barely above a whisper. You were rendered speechless, your face was pressed against his chest. He kisses the top of your head, something he always used to do. You wrapped your arms around his midsection and it took everything in you to fight back those reunion tears. It was a long hug, one that had to make up for years of physical and emotional distance. He finally lets go, and you meet his gaze. “It’s good to see you too, Eddie.” You say with a smile, he hasn't changed a bit. His hair is a little longer, but he still wears the same ripped jeans, leather jacket, and silver rings. “I’m the one who should be sorry, I came home early. My last show was canceled due to bad weather.” Eddie explains, “I should have called but I didn’t have time to use a phone.” He snags one of the cigarettes off the bedside table and lights it. “No it's cool, I’m really happy to see you.” You say as you sit back down on the edge of Eddie's bed. “How was your tour? I heard your band is doing well nowadays.” “We are actually! I feel like we’ve made a serious breakthrough in the industry. The tour was fun, I got to see New York. The food was amazing, the fans are a blast.” “Oh wow, so you’re like a big celebrity now, huh?” You tease, Eddie smirks and takes a drag off his cigarette. He walks over to his bags and puts his guitar in the empty guitar stand. “Hardly. How have you been? I haven't heard from you in forever and suddenly you end up in my bed?” He inquires, still holding on to that prominent smirk. “Things got pretty intense when we moved, it was like everything in my life came crashing down around me. I feel really bad about not keeping in touch with you guys. When I planned this with Steve I knew I would have to make some apologies.” You finally admit to him that you could have done better. Every time you didn't call or stay in touch it made you feel guilty. After some time it felt like a stupid, awkward thing to do. So you tried to forget about it, a big mistake on your part. It was time for you to explain yourself and make up for being so detached. “It's no big thing, sweetheart,” Eddie says as he sits next to you on the bed. “You can sleep in my bed, I can take the floor.” “No! I would feel terrible. Just…Just share it with me. It's fine, there's plenty of room.” You can feel your face getting warmer. It’s a pretty big bed so it probably won't get weird, right? “Well…if you’re sure.” He replies, noticing how exhausted you look. “You should get some rest, we can talk more in the morning.” “Thanks, Eddie, you’re a saint.” You crawl back under the covers. “Not even close, darling.” Eddie loosens and kicks off his boots. He walks over to his closet and changes into sweatpants and a fresh T-shirt.
You honestly tried to not glance at the metalhead's slender figure but failed miserably. He has new tattoos you’ve never seen before and he’s gained a bit more muscle in his arms. Eddie pulls a hair tie from his wrist and wraps his hair up in a messy bun. You didn't think Eddie Munson could get any hotter, but he did. Eddie flips the light switch and crawls into bed with you. You turn to face him and he faces you. This feels familiar, like deja vu.
“If this is too weird let me know.” He says, barely above a whisper. “It’s only weird if you make it weird, Munson.” You respond with a giggle.  ------------- The morning sun beams through the window, you can hear the sound of cars driving by the apartments. You open your eyes and gaze at the soft yellow glow pouring into the room.  The bed was so warm and comfortable, you never wanted to leave. You roll over and immediately realize you’ve curled up next to Eddie rather close. He’s You hear a couple of knocks on the door and Steve calls your name.  “Hey Y/N, I brought you a cup of coffee, open up.” You roll out of bed and open the bedroom door. Steve hands you the cup of coffee with a smile. “Good morning sunsh–” He trails off after he sees Eddie reluctantly sit up and rub his sleepy eyes. You could see the gears turning in his brain as he put two and two together. just snoozing away like nothing is happening, completely unaware of the fact that he was nearly spooning you. 
“When did you get home?!” Steve asks, a puzzled look on his face. “Last night.” Eddie yawns, “How come I don't get any coffee, Harrington?” He jokes with a sleepy grin. Steve gives you a look that immediately translates to “That didn’t take long”. You follow Steve to the kitchen and prepare a cup of coffee for Eddie.
“So did you guys–” You cut him off and he snorts. 
“No! Of course not!” Your face gets red and Steve can't stop laughing at how flustered you’re getting. You try to keep your voice down because Dustin is still sleeping like a rock on the couch. “Why would you say that?!” “Okay okay! I was just asking.” He says feeling satisfied by your unsettled expression. You take the coffee to Eddie’s room and Steve finishes up the bacon and pancakes.
Eddie is sitting upright, still trying to wake up. He smiles at you when you hand him a cup of coffee. “Thank you, sweetheart.” he says and pats the spot next to him, asking you to come sit.
Steve walks in with three plates of food. He hands one to Eddie and he practically scarfs it down. How long has it been since he last ate?? Steve sat on the floor in front of you and began cutting apart his pancakes with his fork.
“So, what's on the agenda today?” Steve asks with his mouth semi-full. 
“I’m not sure yet, I just got here.” Eddie replies, “Isn't Robin coming by?”
“Yeah but who knows when that will be.” Steve answers and shrugs.
The knock at the door was so on cue it was amazing. Dustin rolls off the couch and opens the door. 
“Hey kiddo, you’re still here?” Robin asks. Dustin gives her a drowsy nod and she laughs. You could recognize her voice and hopped up off the bed and rushed out into the hallway. Robin sees you and stops dead in her tracks. She's completely floored, her eyes are wide and her mouth is agape. Suddenly, without any warning you both start screaming and running towards each other. “Oh my god, you are here?!” She shouts and you scream “I am!” Robin wraps her arms around you and you do the very same. She squeezed you so tight you might explode. She is still as energetic as ever. Robin has been your best friend since middle school. You’ve missed her so much you almost start to cry.
“I can't believe you are here, I thought you dropped off the face of the planet!” She says and you laugh. “Honestly, I was just really depressed.” You reply. “I’m sorry for being a bad friend.” You sit back down and finish your breakfast, Robin leans against the doorframe. She gives Steve a suspicious look, “Is this why you wouldn't let me come over yesterday?” Steve almost chokes on his food. “I mean, yeah but we were planning a surprise! We are all going to hideout tonight to celebrate.” “I’m totally in, but do you think I could steal Y/N for the day?” Robin looks at Steve and Steve glances at Eddie. Why is Eddie suddenly your keeper? “As long as you wash her and bring her back.” Eddie chimes in and you laugh and gently shove him with your shoulder. “Hell yes! Let's go shopping. I need new shoes.” Robin cheers, and you giggle at Eddie's dumb comment. You grab your duffle bag on the floor and take it to the bathroom with you to get dressed. You grabbed a black t-shirt, and a pair of ripped jeans, and topped off your look with classic Converse. After adding silver rings and chains to your look you smooth out your shirt and look in the mirror. You add a touch of makeup to cover up the fact that you didn't get much sleep. After all the preparation, you meet Robin at the door. “You ready?” She asks as you grab your jacket and your wallet. You nod and wave at Eddie, who finally made his way to the kitchen for a second cup of coffee. “I’ll be back later, guys!” You announce. All three of the boys say goodbye in unison, which ultimately makes you laugh. After deciding to take Robin’s car, you both hop in and buckle your seatbelts. “Okay okay, tell me everything.” Robin says while pulling out of the parking lot. “Oh god, where do I even start?” You let out a groan, “Okay, first of all, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I abandoned you guys, that was really lame of me. I missed you all so much.” “Apology accepted.” Robin said. “I was never mad at you, I figured life had gotten in the way. I almost wanted to track you down and show up on your doorstep.” She laughs and you smile at her. “I would have totally been cool with that.” You reply. “Where are we going anyway?” “To Starcourt mall.” She finally tells you. “That place still exists?!” You ask. Robin and Steve used to work at this ice cream shop in the food court. You would visit them during their shift almost every day. “I know, I am just as surprised as you are.” Robin replies with a laugh.
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iztea · 6 months
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They still feel off specially the eyes i could feel them about to manifest their own life and run off
Even my linework is ... Idk what's wrong and it's the problem maybe I'm staring too much but I don't think so
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Sorry for bothering alot but i loved your last advice ty
i think the main problem with the first picture has to do with the proportions and anatomy of the lower body area aka the neck and shoulders. i'd make the shoulders wider and add some sort of form to the neck so that it looks believable instead of a flat rectangle shape ( maybe make it slimmer a bit too? although that might be just a stylistic choice so you do you). That's the first thing i'd fix because otherwise the head looks too big in comparison to the rest of the body, and it can throw you off
I actually think you did a great job with the eyes, they have a lot of life and that comes from the fact that they are the most rendered part of your piece, which is not a bad thing. The thing is, while it is true that the eyes are the main focal point of a face and portrait in general, that doesn't mean you can neglect the other parts, so i think it is also a consistency issue or not figuring out exactly what sort of style or rendering you want to go with that holds you back (which is totally fine and normal ofc). So let's pick a semi-realistic stylized rendering style for this since this is the vibe i'm getting from this piece.
If that's the style we're going for, then the face should have a bit more form. You have to remember that our facial features ( eyes, nose, lips) are connected with each other via the planes of the face, right? So, for a semirealistic style, revisit your reference and try to idenitify what those planes are and how they connect to those features, and most importantly, where the shadows hit, and just accentuate them more, because at the moment they look like 3rd forms plastered over a 2d surface which is not right, our skin has form as well. Color-wise, don't be afraid to go darker with the shadows, they really make your drawings pop. Without looking at a reference, i'd def add some shadow under the lips, a bit where the lips connect to the nose, under the neck, and in the lower body area.
I'm really trying to avoid the most basic answer which is " practice anatomy !!1! " because everyone can say that however, at the end of the day, this is the main thing the face lacks. And tbvh you don't have to actually know anatomy, you just gotta know some proportions things that make the face look believable enough. I feel like the features are mostly just drawn from the reference without an understanding of the structure behind it. Something tells me that in the reference picture, the person had their head tilted a bit upwards, but here it's kinda flat and the features are just painted without following the motion. Try to draw over your reference picture the vertical and horizontal lines and make up the head shape behind it to figure out the way it is tilting and facing, because the lips, eyes nose, etc will follow that same sort of flow, they're not stationary. I'd also make the eyes a bit smaller, or maybe make the skull bigger bc i think they are touching the outer edge too much now, and also narrow the distance between the nose and lips just a bit. Kinda hard to explain without actually doing it myself. But really, try to play with that, and try getting comfy with drawing 3d forms i know it's easier said than done but..... there really isn't any shortcut unfortunately As for the lineart drawing, yes it's actually pretty solid, i like that duplicate blur thing you did, i'm familiar with that technique and it def has its perks so that's great. Im not an expert on lineart, however here i think there are too many " unnecessary" lines that could easily be omitted (purple). Less is more and all that~ The hair strands at the end feel too stiff and identical (green). If you notice, they all just end in this " V" shape and they rarely overlap thus making the image look flat. Try to break this pattern by introducing more spontaneity aka random hairflies, making the strands overlap, adding more shape variety etc
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Make sure that the lines connect properly whenever they meet, and also although you already did it and i think that's great, you can make some lines even thicker, go even further and add even more lineweight. As a general thing, usually, the exterior or contour lines are thicker and whatever it is inside is thinner so experiment with that, you can start from the nose- thicker lines for the nostrils thinner for that nose tip i forgot what it's called and also add thin lines that just hint at the form. Lineart is hardd so i don't blame you, but if you're gonna keep the lineart in, try "shading" with black blocks so to speak, make sure the lineart layer can stand on its own, and pay more attention to the lower part area (neck and shoulders) even if it is less exciting to ink
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The Cure To My Stressful Nights Is You At My Mercy
Furuya x fem!reader
Long overdue for my dear Hades @villain-hotline based on this little drabble. I had your comment on how you needed a fic of him hunting and fucking his gf in my screenshots for so long 😭
Warnings: mdni, cnc, predator and prey themes, Furuya slaps you once, fear play?, rough sex, slight humiliation/objectification?, reader has prepped herself beforehand, the "she"s refers to her pussy btw, beginning of aftercare (it´s cut off, furuya would def draw you a bath and cook for you etc. after)
Wordcount: 800+
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Your watched the door with bated breath. His steps were heavy - he was pissed, you could tell. You could hear him place his gun on the table, then the metal of his belt clicking open.
You shivered when he pulled the belt off, the leather snapping against the air.
"C´mon sweetheart, be good today." He wasn´t even trying to sound sweet to lull you into a sense of security. He was downright threatening you. Tears hung against your lashes when his steps stilled before your bedroom door. A whimper escaped you and your eyes widened. You slapped your hands on your mouth, pressing your fingers into your cheeks to prevent more sounds. But you already knew it was futile. You had already lost. A sob racked through your body when he violently pulled you out of the closet.
"There you are," he hummed, but his voice was drenched in cruelty. He held your chin tight, yanking your face upwards, forcing you to look at him. He raised his eyebrows at the pitiful sight before him.
"You already knew I had a bad day, hmm?" He gently brushed away some tears with his other hand. Then, he leaned forward, until his hot breath fanned over your wet face. "You really should have run faster, sweetheart."
He all but threw you on the bed, forcing your clothes off immediately after, fully ignoring your pitiful whimpers and cries. He was exhausted and stressed, that was all. Couldn´t you see? Didn´t you want to help him?
"I want you to scream today," he rasped against your ear, smiling when he felt you shiver underneath him. He quickly reached down to pull himself out of his pants, groaning when he pressed his length against your drooling little pussy. He chuckled. Of course she was drooling, she knows him well after all. Well enough, to tell that he needed a pretty girl to hunt down. His short messages already having told her all she needed to know as he did not even reply to your sweet "I love you" text.
His cock slid in so easily, and your back arched when he filled you with a single thrust. Furuya gave you no time to relax, immediately plunging in and out of you without care. He could smell your juices on your fingers when they desperately searched for a hold as he kept on working his hips against yours in an unforgiving pace. His mind was clouded and all that existed to him in that moment was you; the way your face scrunched up in a mix of pain and pleasure and the little yelps that escaped your glossy lips whenever he thrust in harsh and deep as if trying to bruise you on the inside too.
You had stopped fighting back, he noticed suddenly. But the way you clawed at his back, completely overwhelmed by him was enough. Either way, you were broken for him, and he was determined to fuck you up even more.
He landed a slap against your cheek, delivering the hit alongside a particularly sharp thrust into your pussy. Your eyes opened suddenly, back arching and a scream leaving your lips. His toes curled at the sound and he couldn´t stop the guttural groan escaping him. He had trouble holding himself up as he kept up his brutal pace, hands gripping your sides so tight, bruises had already started to form.
With every inward thrust, he pulled your body to meet his hips, rendering you nothing more than his little sex doll.
He didn´t think he ever loved someone this much.
His back arched suddenly, and his hips stuttered. Furuya started to drive himself into you erratically, until finally he forced himself as deep as he could get, holding you still so he could pump his cum into you with hard thrusts without you escaping him.
He let you down abruptly, your body bouncing on the mattress, but crushed only a second later under his weight.
"You´re too heavy," you all but forced out of your throat, hurting from all the screams he had drawn out of you. He shivered at the sound as he started to run his hands up and down your sides. He chuckled when the pressure on the bruises - now darkened - made you flinch and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"You´re so mean to me. And you haven´t even answered my text," you pouted.
At that, Furuya pushed himself up, until for the first time this evening he looked into your eyes with utmost fondness.
"I love you, sweetheart, you know I do." He pressed a lingering kiss to your lips. When he pulled back, he kept a hand on your cheek, gently caressing your skin. "Was I too much?"
You shook your head.
"Good." He seemed relieved, nodding to himself with his soft hair a mess and a blush covering his nose and cheeks.
"And you? Are you okay?"
His eyes widened in surprise, but then he smiled.
"Of course baby," he kissed you again. "I´m always okay when I´m with you."
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usafphantom2 · 21 days
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The Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird "Big Tail" has calibration stripes painted on its tail to help with tracking during early flight and taxi tests
Big Tail - One of a Kind Variant
Shortly after the first SR-71’s began flying operational missions over North Vietnam, the Air Force was looking into ways of expanding the capabilities of the aircraft. With the interchangeable noses, mission planners had to make a choice of flying either optical cameras or side-looking radar, depending upon the mission requirements and the weather over the target area. Unfortunately several missions were rendered useless when weather over the target area prevented the use of the optical camera systems installed. There was also the possibility that future ground defenses had the ability to reach the SR-71 from behind since it carried no aft facing countermeasures.
SR-71A 959 Big Tail on the ramp at Palmdale.(Lockheed Photo)
In 1974, the Air Force identified a requirement for aft facing ECM requirement on the SR-71. Several proposals examined by the Air Force included conformal packages, belly pods as well as an extended tail fairing. After researching all the possibilities, the extended tail appeared to be the most viable option based on lowest cost, added volume and least aerodynamic drag. The new “Big Tail” assembly is 13-feet, 9-inches long and weighs 1,273 lbs. with 49 cubic feet of space to carry 864 lbs. of payload. The primary payload consisted of aft facing ECM as well as the 24-inch Optical Bar Camera. The new assembly needed to articulate 8.5 degrees up and down to clear the runway during take-off and landing.
The tenth SR-71 built (61-7959) was selected to receive the new modification. This aircraft was already being used for flight test duties at Palmdale at the time so there would be no effect on the operational fleet. Between April and November 1975, ‘959 received the modification with the new tail fairing; necessary modifications included a 51-inch adapter unit for the new tail, air conditioning for cameras and other equipment as well as routing the fuel vent along the upper surface of the tail. In addition to the tail modification, chine bays were modified to accommodate the 24-inch Optical Bar Camera.
The modified tail assembly shows up well in this view as SR-71A 61-7959 ‘Big Tail’ takes on fuel from a KC-135Q tanker aircraft. The ex-tended tail required the fuel dump port to be routed across the top of the new tail assembly.
With the stress and vibration testing completed, ‘Big Tail’ was taken out for the first high-speed taxi test on November 20, 1975 by Lockheed test crew Darrell Greenamyer (pilot) and Steven Belgeau (Reconnaissance Systems Officer-RSO). Two weeks later, on December 3, the same crew took Big Tail up on its first flight. Lasting just over one hour, the crew performed basic flight checks as well as tail deflections and fuel dump tests. With each test flight with the same Lockheed crew, Big Tail flew to higher speeds and altitudes achieving Mach 3 at 75,000 ft during the 6th flight on January 28,1976. Prior to turning the aircraft over to Air Force test crews, Greenamyer performed 4 solo flights to prove the system could be run by just a single crewmember. The RSO’s seat occupied by a ballast dummy affectionately known as “Sierra Sam”.
Once Lockheed crews proved the system worked, the Air Force took over all flight testing. Tom Pugh and Bob Riedenauer became the pilots and RSO duties went to William Frazier and John Carnochan with the first Air Force flight taking place on May 5, 1976. Over the next 6 months these Air Force crews made 23 flights in ‘Big Tail’, testing various camera systems in the tail and chine bays, as well as new ECM systems such as the DEF I, DEF J and DEF A-2.
Although ‘Big Tail’ proved to be a viable system, the Air Force chose not to pursue the concept any further.  After only 36 flights with the extended tail, ‘959 made its last flight on Oct. 29 1976
@Habubrats71 via X
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irondiotallica · 2 months
Flare Up
I went a little ham with this one. Couldn't stop writing it seems, but here is a new blurb. It's def a little clunkier than the other one, but I like the idea of Steve becoming a physical therapist after everything and offering his services to the cute metalhead he's had a crush on since the upside down. Idk. Oh and fun fact, Times Square used to be the porn capital before the 1990s when Mayor Rudolph Giuliani shut it down to clean up the city. Anyway, enjoy the blurb! -Silas
Eddie’s hip furiously blazed with a flash of stabbing pain. His joints had been bothering him underneath the scars left by the bats and their fucked up little teeth. The scarred flesh on his left hip was uncomfortably tight, pulled taut over his muscles and bones.
The damaged skin constricted his right shoulder, as though the skin would burst into a bleeding fissure with the tiny struggling breaths that Eddie was pushing through in labored waves. He was moments away from caving and taking a dosage of pills despite having agreed to take them less.
He felt as though his insides weren’t aware that he had been kept alive. It felt like his nerves had continued to decay turning into soaked cotton doused in kerosene with one little spark of discomfort able to render him incapacitated. 
Eddie shuffled to his phone with dread flooding through his system like an unprepared county during monsoon season. He knew that he had to call, but he was reluctant to do so. Even if he had been told it was no trouble, he knew it was more than it was worth.
He fidgeted, clenching his fingers around the coiled cord that connected the phone to the receiver. He dialed the numbers still imprinted in his brain from the day they had been hastily scribbled with a wolfish grin and intoxicating charm. The phone rang once, twice, three times, and Eddie began to put the phone back in its cradle when he heard a warm voice call out.
“Hello! This is Hawkins Physio Clinic, Dr. Harrington’s office. How may I help you?”
Eddie felt his face flush at the rush that hearing Steve’s voice gave him.
“Um H-hi,” Eddie coughed as he tried to clear the nervous lump from his throat,” Hey Steve.”
His words came out weak and nervous to his ears, he couldn’t imagine how it sounded to Steve.
Eddie could practically hear the grin that Steve was wearing through the phone.
“What can I do for you Eds,” Steve huffed out behind quiet chuckles.
Eddie tried to think before he spoke, but the words were flashing like the overwhelming neon signs that covered the porn capital of seemingly the world, Times Square. He continued to stumble through his words.
“Well, you said, uh,” his words were stubbornly refusing to come out of his mouth, thick with nerves,” you said if my joints were giving trouble, to call you.”
Eddie was not used to this. Asking for help was difficult and normally he wouldn’t ask, letting the issue fester, but he was dying. The pain was consistent and recurring. Somedays were good, but for the last week, he had mainly bad days filled with tears and laying on the floor praying for the pain to pass.
“I did say that. Are you finally taking me up on my offer? I’ve been told that I’ve got the magic touch.”
God, the cocky assurance in his voice was enough to make Eddie stand at attention in more ways than one, but another jolt of agony quickly snubbed that thought out.
It slipped past his lips before he could stop himself. His free hand gripped his thigh as he slid himself down to the ground waiting for the pain to pass. His breath was coming out short and a little frantic.
“Eddie, are you okay?”
Steve’s voice was warm and sweet like heated milk before bed as the cockiness dissipated, replaced with concern. Eddie wanted to answer, but the pain was crashing in waves and drowning him mercilessly. Still, he tries to answer.
“Ye-,” Eddie takes a deep breath in, feeling a few tears slip past his bottom eyelid,” Yeah, Steve. My nerves are just-”
Eddie breathes in again. He can’t stop the slew of pants leaving his lungs. 
“-misfiring. Just misfiring or whatever the fuck the doctor said,” he finally choked out, his voice tense and seizing with stress.
“I’ll be right there, okay? Just stay put.”
Eddie laughs at that although it comes out weak and soft.
“Where am I gonna go?”
“Oh shut up, you dork. You know what I mean.”
Eddie laughs a bit more before a groan leaves his lips at another jolt. He hears the click of disconnection and puts the phone down on the floor before laying on the tiles hoping for the chilly ceramic to ease the continuous, seizing torture. 
Eddie is still on the floor when a series of knocks echoes around him. Three rapid ones followed by four spaced out. Steve was here.
“It’s open,” Eddie calls out as he strains with tension.
Steve steps in and immediately heads to Eddie with graceful movements. Eddie looks at him through slitted eyes. Steve reaches down, pulling Eddie close, and murmuring sweet words to him. You’re so good, doing amazing, such a strong guy, so strong for me; flowing past his plush lips into Eddie’s ears.
A warm, secure, big hand grips Eddie’s hip as the palm presses down and drags his hip, resulting in a quick crack and Eddie feeling his joint loosen. Eddie pushed his face into Steve’s shoulder letting those hands massage his hip and the muscles surrounding it.
 God, Steve did have the magic touch, Eddie thought to himself with each warm bout of pressure. 
He let a sigh slip as those hands deviated to pop his shoulder before massaging the sore blades. He felt good, floaty in Steve’s care.
“There we go. Good job Eds. Always so good for me.”
Eddie feels his cheeks glow red as he tries not to think of the implications of those words. Eddie stays wrapped in Steve’s arms, comfortable.
“Thank you,” he stutters out with relief weighing his voice down.
Steve grins down at him with something akin to infatuation glimmering brightly in his gaze. Eddie couldn’t help but stare unabashedly at the pretty picture that Steve Harrington made. His warm brown eyes brimming with life. His little moles that were perfectly placed on his face as though planned. Those stupidly perfect, stupidly white teeth that Eddie had thought only possible in movies. Who could forget the hair? That stupidly styled mop of gorgeous mousy brown hair. Steve was stunning in Eddie’s eyes.
“If you really want to thank me, you could let me take you out this Saturday; see that new sequel to Alien?”
“You have the worst timing for things. Robin was right, you are a dingus,” Eddie teased, laughing at the way Steve looked away with a blush that went as far as the tips of his ears. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled out, squeezing Eddie just a little tighter. 
After Steve had finally collected himself, he looked at Eddie questioningly,” So? Are you letting me take you out?”
Eddie nodded with a grin, boyish and wide. 
Steve responded with a match grin and confirmation.
“It’s a date.”
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desires-of-chain · 4 months
Tasty brain brought up a scenario straight out of those 90s shoujo mangas (you know the ones. With all the political intrigue and psychological warfare) where the reader is isekaid and ends up being a concubine for protection. But. BUT. OHOHOHO, I'm not going to the dubcon, sexist crap here!
Let's put it this way: headcanon where in Hyrule, there's a honeymoon period of a month whenever someone gets married or got a new concubine. Because what if they're strangers? We're not gonna jump straight into baby making right away, there needs to be adjusting periods, getting to know each other, easing each other into intimacy especially if one or both parties are virgins, etc etc depending on the social norms regarding intimacy and sex allowed between unmarried people prior akjdjdkd so we got lotsa time for talking, teasing, and loads of foreplay until they do ittt and indulge in kink.
Reader and Fierce Deity are very Respectful. There's defs a power imbalance in a lot of things so they gotta navigate around that and have talks over cultures to avoid misunderstandings. (See 🎀 here furiously hammering away the typical tropes that cockblock or destroy fun, consensual sex.) Also, as soon as they figured out the mutual horniness and actual affection, they immediately start hashing out the stuff they are fine with and how to proceed with it with ALL THE TEASING AND FLIRTING AND SEXUAL TENSION. Maybe it's Reader who's the virgin. Maybe it's Fierce Deity. Maybe both. Or maybe they're both experienced and just hashing things out before they jump in the bed or the nearest surface.
People are gonna expect Fierce Deity always being the dominant one but NO, THAT'S NOT FUN AT ALL, NO, HE LIKES IT WHEN HE SURRENDERS AND GETS REWARDED FOR IT. People tend to focus waaay too much on one aspect of the war god and HERE'S HIS TINY BRIDE ACCEPTING EVERY ASPECT OF HIM. They're both switches but Fierce Deity is yet to experience the joys of being a sub because everyone is too damn scared "to be that audacious go a god." (To be fair, they're right, but Fierce Deity is a pleasant sort of exception.) Tiny mortal is a dom of the scariest mofo in the pantheon. People would not believe it, that's too absurd, right?
People would not know about a war god on his knees, head between his concubine's thighs and lips inches away from her core, only because his concubine is holding a leash taut and the collar is keeping him at that agonizing distance. He can break out of it but he's not going to. Or perhaps his concubine had been sneaky and created the collar and leash out of divine materials again to render him truly helpless. No one else but her would know about how hard his cock gets when he's powerless and at her mercy and forced to beg for a taste of her.
No one would know about when he had been on top, fucking her ruthlessly and keeping her from her own release, the woman who would grin and have the gall to goad him, insulting how he's taking her: "Are you a really god or just dog in a rut?" And he'd promptly make his rude little wife submit, lovingly break her like how she lovingly breaks him.
There's loads more in my head, like the fact she's made concubine and NOT his wife since a) she doesn't want to be immortal (yet) and b) divine politics: nobody is gonna want a mere mortal to get elevates to their level, she gotta be immortal first! But I'm still in a horny mood so focus on sexy times it is!
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🎀 anon, bestie, i'm eatin this shit up. I swear if you don't continue, I'm gon go feral. /j
okay, okay, but like I love the idea of reader being a lil shit to Fierce in bed and also domming him???? I JUST KNOW THAT MAN IS NUTTIN' ON THE SPOT.
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youraveragebtsstan · 2 months
DemonDean and SoullessSam Headcanon!
I have this reoccurring headcanon of DemonDean and SoullessSam irrespective of eachother that I thought I'd finally share.
(FYI: Prior to these scenarios taking place, Dean and Sam have had sex before. Of course they know it's morally wrong, but it just feels so right.)
After the wall comes down in Sam's mind, Sam finds out his soulless counterpart wasn't exactly tender when initiating sex with Dean. No wonder Dean pulled away whenever he tried to touch him. He wouldn't want to touch him either. In fact, he hated his own reflection- feeling sick whenever he looked in the mirror. Dean shrugged off his apologies with the same nonchalant attitude every time, Sam feeling more vile with each one.
It's nearly two months after his soul is returned that Dean hugs him without hesitation- a bad call rendering Sam a little too still as he laid on the ground. A few weeks later they kiss again. There was just something so attractive about the way Dean sang along to Def Leppard, Sam couldn't help himself. And after a six hour long trek from Iowa to Missouri, when Dean threw his little brother onto the bed before his bag could hit the floor, Sam was more than surprised.
The sex was clumsy yet delicate, desperate yet determined- and much like their first time it was magical.
When Sam awoke the next day, he came to in his Dean's arms. And with a recycled inuendo about breakfast in bed rolling off his brother's tongue, he rolled his eyes- but it was mornings like this Sam wouldn't have any other way.
Sure, Dean could be a dick at times but DemonDean took the cake. His snide remarks about Sam's savior complex was manageable at first, but once they veerd into degradation territory, Sam soon became visibly uneasy.
The problem was Dean knew all of Sammy's little secrets when it came to his knack for masochism. The way he'd beg for Dean to ruin him with just his eyes after a few drinks too many. How he'd crumble into the sheets when Dean pulled on his hair, the cold tickle of his amulet scraping his back. The fact of the matter is, Sam loved when Dean ordered him around- now that Sam thought he could easily do the same just tickled DemonDean pink.
Stalking Sam around the bunker, DemonDean said some rather inappropriate things that should have made Sam crawl out of his skin; but infact, as he ran for literal fear of his life, he couldn't ignore the steady growing uncomfortability his jeans held. Even as Cas retrieved their 2nd gallon of holy water, Sam knew by the glint in Dean's glossy black eyes that he had too had lost.
After the smoke spewed from Dean's body, the two never discussed what happened- though, Sam had a sinking suspicion it wasn't necessary. They both noticed how Sam's breath would hitch whenever Dean stepped a little too close. Dean's occasional itch to bend Sam over the nearest surface was visible in the way he'd stare into space mid conversation.
But eventually, their awkwardness passed- the brothers returning to their usual bedroom routine a few months later. Though after the occasional hard case, they did explore the boundaries of Sammy's masochism, one demon blade at a time.
Listen, it's not much (and not a full fledged piece of work by any means), but I just wanted to shared what goes through my mind when I see DemonDean or SoullessSam on screen. Enjoy, you filthy animals! 🥰😜🤫
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scatterbrainedbot · 4 months
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Wanted to render it but ran out of time :') BUT PLEASE KNOW!! Your Rat son au is my Roman empire. I think about it at LEAST once a week, like the designs and concepts and characterization and UGH EVERYTHING!! ITS ALL SO GOOD!! AND UR STYLE?? IM FOREVER CONSUMING IT!!! Literally peek nostalgia, comfort, even thru the angst its just so perfect im-
and- and splinter just bring me so much joy. Hes so goofy and soft and I sob every time I see him, imagine getting like the most gentle and affirming hug- I would cry immediately.
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