#thanks mr gunn what the fuck
lazlolullaby · 1 year
Ok since the trilogy is over...
what is Gamora’s most romantic line and why is it: “If it turns out he’s evil, we’ll just kill him?”
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eyeopeningarchivist · 9 months
Statement of Jeremiah Gunn
Concerning: The abandoned asylum near Sellafield
Statement taken: December 26th, 1960
Transcription by: Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist, Magnus Inst. London (1818)
Statement begins....
It’s not like I expected it. I know Windscale was only a few years ago but they don’t tell you these things only take a few hours to really fuck up the environment. That’s... Not why I’m here, no, but I felt like it was important to mention. The asylum had been built with lead liners in the walls just in case a nuclear disaster ever happened and it was a good idea... Unfortunately, it wasn’t in all of the walls, just in the ones around the administration and staff areas. The patients were left completely exposed. Something about the budget cuts or something. Typical...
Anyway, I was sent into the asylum to see if there was anything salvageable from the site. Turned out to be a big risk on their part and a big waste of time on mine. There was nothing there that didn’t end up glow-in-the-dark. I wish I hadn’t gone. I wouldn’t have the scars or the nightmares... Surprisingly though, I didn’t end up with any trace of radioactivity in me. They were still there, you know. The patients. They didn’t get out of there. I don’t think they wanted to and yes, I realize that sounds really weird but it’s true. They were alive in there even after the three years it’s been since the disaster. They were really messed up and I’m almost positive they’d started resorting to cannibalism but they were still them.
Without anyone there to maintain the building it started to deteriorate. Water damage in the ceiling, floors starting to chip, you know. The usual things that start happening when council buildings aren’t being kept up like they should. Anyway, I was going through one of the hallways, which I hated because it was pitch dark in there and it just felt like a horror film waiting to happen, and I could hear something scratching. Like, I tried at first to convince myself that it was a rat or something but it was obviously way too big. I wanted to run but I looked at my timer and I still had twenty minutes until I could leave. A rep from the company I had been hired by was waiting outside and if I came out early without anything to show for it I wasn’t getting paid. I needed the money and yeah, it was worth possibly getting murdered over.
I looked through the little window that was in the door that the scratching was coming from and that’s when I saw them. About twenty people, clothes manky and all of them looking grey and awful, milling about in what looked to be a patient’s common area. The scratching was coming from a very large man who was propped up against the door, his limbs missing, cut off at the base. The scratching sound was made by him rubbing his face against the door, his skin thick and leathery like a bad sunburn. I don’t know if they saw me or not and I don’t bloody care. I went back to the entrance, waited by the door until the time ran out, and I got the hell out of there.
I told everyone I could about that place but people think I belong in an asylum myself. I know it sounds completely impossible but I swear it’s true. You lot are the only ones I’ve told who didn’t laugh in my face so... Thanks, I guess...
Statement ends...
The Windscale Fire was a nuclear disaster in 1957 where uranium metal fuel ignited in Reactor Pile 1, releasing an estimated 20,000 curies of radioactivity into the environment. Supposedly, about 95% of the really dangerous material was captured and no evacuation measures were taken. It’s still listed as one of the worst nuclear disasters in human history though, getting a 5 out of 7 on the INES. The idea that, three years after the event, the patients at the Seascale Psychiatric Penitentiary were still alive and actively moving given the amount of time passed and exposure to radiation... Well, let’s just say I think Mr. Gunn had absorbed too many electrons. Our attempts to locate him to get a follow up on his statement seem to back me up as he was admitted to the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury six days after this statement was given with severe radiation sickness and is reported to have passed a week later.
The only thing that bothers me about this... Is that there are lots of reports, starting in 1960 and continuing to this day, of people claiming to see a light on at the hospital where the common area would have been. Some even say there are figures inside but no evidence has ever been given and I’m not about to make my assistants go into that place to get it.
End Recording.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, May 7th
WESLEY: Oh, God! Oh, God! GILES: (calmly) It doesn't seem too promising, does it? WESLEY: Stay calm, Mr. Giles. We have to stay calm. GILES: Well, thank God you're here. I was planning to panic.
~~Bad Girls~~
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 811: Pretender:  Part I / III
Neo's eyes flew open and quickly sat up in her bed, quickly looking around. The door was closed, and the room seemed exactly as she had left it, except for the daylight streaming in from the window. She rushed over to the door and tried it, finding it still locked. She let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure what to do until the light caught her eye. She rushed over to see the mountains around her, but turning to the side she could see what they called the garden. They acted as if having something that was potentially a garden was something to celebrate about. Annoying children. She saw the chameleon walking through the so-called garden, disappearing and reappearing at a whim. She seemed to stop to enjoy the sun for a few minutes before there was a knock on her door.
Neo slowly moved over to the door and heard a second knock. She knocked on the door. "Uh?" Ruby asked through the door, "Breakfast?" she asked. Neo paused for a moment before knocking again. "Uh, okay?!"
* * *
Ilia sat down next to Jaune's empty seat, and he and Taiyang walked out with trays of food.
"How come she gets the good seat?" Yang asked, and Jaune sighed.
"Because we're not doing the official seating plan where everyone has a spot based on precedance. I mean, seriously."
"Well, how come Weiss gets the other seat next to you?" Yang asked.
"You want to know why?" Jaune asked, "Because you are really distracting, and I would constantly be turning my head, and that just makes me dizzy."
"Then what about Weiss?" Yang asked, "Are you saying she's not worth looking at?" And Jaune sighed once again.
"You know what? I'm not doing this." Jaune replied. "You're all gorgeous. You're all wonderful. You're all beautiful. And I'm not enforcing seating. I really don't want to see you guys fighting about it."
"To play the dragon's advocate." Weiss quipped, "Should your wives not get priority?"
"Do we want to talk about what happens at night?" Blake asked.
This caused Weiss to flush blue and develop a blush, looking around nervously.
"When you put it that way..." Yang trailed off, as her scales flushed orange. "Alright, I'll admit, I've been a heel. Can we save the spanking for later tonight?"
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Weiss asked, and Ruby Petal Burst into the chair next to Yang.
"So?" Nora asked.
"I don't think she's going to come down." Ruby stated.
"Kind of expected that." Jaune added, as he was putting the trays on the table.
"You did just adopt her." Taiyang stated, "You have to give her time."
"I know." Nora huffed. "But we were orphans, too, and we were eager to have Jaune-Jaune take care of us."
"You were what?" Jaune asked.
"We found each other with alarming alacrity." Ren said with a smile.
"Okay?" Ruby asked, "We know what happened to Ren's family, but what about Nora?"
"Oh?" Nora asked, "She ran away when the Grimm attacked. Fucking bitch." she huffed.
"What-what-what?!" Weiss asked, quickly standing up and pointing at her. She then stood properly and heavily breathed in. "Pardon my exuberance?"
"Your what?" Nora asked.
"My candor." Weiss stated.
"What's a condor have to do with this?"
Weiss developed a frustrated look that quickly turned into a smile "My apologies, but, we had assumed your parents died in some calamity."
"Nope." Nora simply stated. "She just ran the fuck off, leaving me to fend for myself. Ren saved me, and we've been together ever since. And then we got to Beacon, and, you know?"
"Despite his many faults." Ren stated, "Many faults." he repeated, "Jaune gave us something we had never had for a decade, stability and familiarity. From the earliest moments, Jaune put our own sake above his own."
"It was kind of funny to watch him always struggling." Nora stated, "But he was trying to take care of us, so, you know?"
"I know." Yang simply stated.
"Right?" Nora asked.
Weiss then breathed in deep and sat back down, "And Ciel, I must ask how you are handling this?"
"Handling what?" Ciel asked.
"Maybe suddenly becoming Jaune's minion?" Yang asked, "Just sayin'."
"I am unsure how I should find it." Ciel stated. "I have been accepted far more readily than I was expecting, I have spent a good deal of time training with skilled combat instructors, the food is more than adequate. The only thing I have trouble adjusting to is the expectation of self-determination."
"The what?" Ruby asked.
"She wants to be told what to do." Yang replied.
"Indeed." Ciel stated.
"So do you." Ruby said to Yang.
"But only by Jaune." Yang stated. "Wait..."
"Too bad." Blake replied, "You already said it."
"I am used to a more regimented training." Ciel added.
"Unfortunately," Weiss said to her, and paused to let everyone look at her, "if you are to be a Huntress, you will be entirely self-determined."
"Unless she's a Specialist." Yang added.
"Speaking of?" Jaune asked.
"She insists she remain on standby." Weiss said as she elegantly sat down, "Though I suspect it is simply that she has grown accustomed to living in our hangar."
"She's also not the friendly sort." Yang added.
"Maybe we should help her?" Blake asked.
"I did hug her." Jaune stated, and then looked at the far end where Qrow and Raven were sitting.
"I don't know why you're looking at us?" Qrow asked, "We don't exactly have a good track record with this. I honestly don't know how I'm part of this group."
"We took a vote!" Ruby exclaimed.
"Indeed." Weiss added, "We have decided that Qrow is an honourary Uncle."
"And me?" Taiyang asked.
"You have definitely earned your place as an honourary father." Weiss stated.
"Not a dad?" Taiyang asked.
"I have only have one daddy." Weiss stated, and then developed a shocked look, using her hand to cover her mouth.
"I think, at this point." Yang said, and everyone looked at her, "The Cat's out of the bag, right Blake?"
Blake quickly looked back and forth a few times.
"I've got a question." Qrow stated, and everyone looked at him. "What about Rae?" Raven scoffed at him.
"She is still married to Mr. Taiyang." Weiss stated.
"Dad." Taiyang replied.
"Father?" Weiss asked with a bright smile. "As such, she is an honourary mother-in-law."
"That doesn't make any..." Qrow tried to say.
"No, it's fair." Raven stated. "I didn't expect Yang to welcome me back with open arms, like Tai did. I'm happy with how far we've come."
"Why does that sound like you're giving up?" Yang asked.
"Did you want her to try harder?" Qrow asked.
Both Yang and Raven looked at each other, not sure what to say.
* * *
Taiyang walked up the stairs carrying a couple plates of food. When he hit the third floor he stopped in front of Neo's door, put the plate on the ground, and knocked before walking off.
* * *
Neo heard a knock and walked up to the door. After a moment she knocked, but heard nothing in reply. She stood there staring at the door for a few minutes until finally creaking it open. She saw the plate on the ground, and carefully looked around. No one was there, so she quickly opened the door, pulled the plate in, and quickly closed and locked it once again.
* * *
Taiyang carried the plate into the hangar. "Hello?" he called out.
"Hello?" Winter replied, and he could hear the clack of heels as she approached. Winter walked around a corner and looked at him curiously.
"I didn't want to just barge into your room."
"My, uh?" Winter asked, "My quarters?" She then breathed in deep, folding her hands in front of her, "These are not my quarters."
"This is where you are sleeping." Taiyang said, and handed her the plate.
"Thank you." she said to him, "But the reason I am sleeping here is that I am on standby."
"Why?" Taiyang asked.
"Mr. Arc asked me to?" Winter asked.
"But Cinder is gone." Taiyang stated.
"Well, yes, we still have another escaped prisoner they are trying to reform."
"That's not it, is it?" Taiyang asked, and Winter looked at him curiously. "You haven't been asked to stand down." Winter just stared at him, unsure of what to say. "If that works for you, that works for you, but we need to understand what we do."
Winter looked lost for a few moments before her eyes focused on him. "Thank you once again." she distantly said.
* * *
Cinder flipped through her scroll. "What's making you so happy?" Emerald asked.
"Oh?" Cinder asked, "With the CCT restored, there are so many wonderful bounties nearby. Without the CCT, they had trouble getting them fulfilled."
"Don't you have to be a bounty hunter?" Mercury asked.
Cinder played with a scroll for a few moments, before turning it to Mercury and Emerald. The display showed a Vacuan bounty hunting registration with her face, but for Eleanore Gunn.
"You used a fake name?" Mercury asked.
"This is Vacuo." Cinder replied, "They expect you to. It's really only about making sure the right one gets paid."
"What does it mean?" Emerald asked.
"Eleanore is my middle name, and Gunn is a name usually used for bastards."
"You're hardly a..." Emerald voiced.
"I certainly don't remember my father." Cinder stated. "Or my mother. And I do plan to become the queen bitch of the badlands."
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mstrumpeter · 3 years
“I’m glad we both have found back to you.”
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader (chapter three)
Word Count: 1,950
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies.
Warnings: swearing, age gap, jealousy and slight smut
Summary: You met a handsome musician and his band, including a surprise form your past.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
It was the day of Kelsey’s very first Blues Brothers concert. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror taking care of her make-up. She usually wasn’t the type of girl that applied much but for tonights special occasion she chose to add some eye shadow and a soft lip gloss to her regular make-up which involved a foundation, mascara, some light powder and doing her eyebrows. The girl tied up her hair in a bun and pulled out one curly strand  at each side of her face. She picked another dress from her wardrobe, this time it was a dark red one with dark blue flowers on it, matching well to her blonde hair. She put on her black boots again, which she loved above all, given to her as a birthday present by her mum and threw on one of her black leather jackets.
She entered the concert hall and was surprised how big it was. This is a fucking barn. I didn’t think they would fill it. But they did, most seats were already taken. She was lucky to find a single empty seat on the far left edge, second row.
The show opener was “I Can’t Turn You Loose” and Jake and Elwood did a grant entry, Elwood with his briefcase and his harp in it and Jake was doing incredible flic-flacs across the entire stage. They played a great choice of songs with solos for the sax, the guitars, trombone, the horn, piano and harmonica, bringing out every member of the band, suiting Jake’s rough voice very well. She couldn’t resist staring at Mr. Fabulous during his stunning solo in the Peter Gunn theme. He looked hot killing those high notes with his sensuous chiseled lips and she missed his hazel eyes which were covered by the dark sunglasses everyone was wearing during concerts. Her staring of course hadn’t gone unnoticed by the trumpet player and as soon as the song came to an end he gave the girl his biggest and warmest smile, clearly happy to see her in the crowd. It wasn’t that easy staying focused on Alan though, with Elwood dancing and vibing right in front of Kelsey’s eyes. The tall man looked so sexy, swaying this hips and tasty bum to the rhythm of the music, and the way he played his harp, looked like he was making love to it. Every now and then he gave her a few glances before shaking his butt and she could swear he did it a little wilder just for her. She enjoyed every minute of their concert and was one of the loudest when calling for an encore.
After the concert she walked up the stairs at the side of the stage to greet the boys. Kelsey immediately caught the trumpet players eyes, who quickly put down his horn, excited to see her. As they both walked towards each other Kelsey was pulled into a hug from Elwood, approaching her from the side. “I don’t believe it, I didn’t knew you were coming.” “Hi Elwood.” The girl stammered taken by surprise and broke away from his arms.”Alan has invited me.”, she explained while letting her gaze wander in search of that very same man. But Alan had turned around on his heel as his heart dropped from seeing the two embracing each other. She saw him walking down the stairs to the backstage area with Lou carrying some of the equipment and she instantly felt bad for letting him down. She needed to talk to him after what had happened yesterday. “I’m almost finished but gotta help Willie demounting the drum set first.” Elwood explained. Kelsey quickly jumped down the stairs Alan had taken before and bumped into Tom. “Woah, slow down girl!” “Damn, I’m really sorry, Tom… Have you seen Alan?” The troubled girl apologised to the trombone player. “Mr.Fabulous? Yeah think he has already left with Lou. Seemed to be in quite a hurry.”, the tall man explained to her. She sighted in disappointment. “Oh, alright… Aaand Tom? Brilliant show by the way!” “Well thank you.”, he smiled and gave her a little bow. Kelsey then decided she should try not thinking about the horn player tonight as she went outside, waiting for Elwood to show up.
He pulled her out of her thoughts by poking her in the side and hugging her from behind. “You ready girl?” “Sure, been waiting for you.”, she beamed as he took her hand and they started walking to the little place where Sonny Boy was presenting some of his best tunes and songs.
When the show came to an end, the two walked hand in hand to Elwood’s car, inhaling the fresh but cold night air. The handsome musician gave Kelsey a look. “You freezing?” “Huh? No, I’m alright.”, she stated but the man took off his suit jacket putting it over her shoulders. “Thanks Elwood.” They reached the Blues Mobile, turning to each other. He broke in on Kelsey by crushing his lips on hers and pulled her in a tight hug. The kiss became more heated before Elwood stopped for a second, both gasping for air, when the pushed his forehead against hers. “I had a fantastic time with you tonight.” She wanted to answer but he pulled her into another deep kiss. The man grabbed her legs at each side and placed her on the bonnet of the Caddy, stepping in between her spread legs. Kelsey pulled at his shirt collar, loosening his tie and started to unbutton the white shirt. Elwood had moved his lips from her mouth down to her neck, nibbling at her ear causing her to moan softly. “How about we continue this at my place?”, he whispered in her ear. It would be a lie to say she wasn’t extremely tempted to agree on that but something held her back. “Perhaps another time, Elwood? It became rather late.”, she tried to say in a seductive way, not wanting to push him away completely. She couldn’t catch much of his reaction since he was wearing his shades. She caressed his face giving his glasses a soft tap. “Do you ever take these off?” “He gave her a roguish smile. “Only in bed.” “Stop it, you!”, she exclaimed and gave him a push on his chest. “Come on girl, I take you home!” She took a seat in the Cadillac’s passenger seat and watched the houses and lights they passed by while Elwood drove. He stopped at a red signal as the lifting bridge in front of them slowly started to move up, so the approaching tanker could pass. “You’re free from giddiness?” He grinned. “Err.. that depends.” Kelsey answered nervy. That answer satisfied him way enough so in the twinkling of an eye, he hit the gas, twisted the steering wheel around and raced straight towards the moving the bridge. The girl jumped up in her seat, grabbing the handle right above the car door and yelled in panic “Heeell, what are you doing?!?” The car picked up speed and jumped from one edge of the bridge to the other side, landing with a big jolt. Kelsey gasped for excitement, looking back at the bridge behind them. “THAT WAS AWESOME! What else can you do?” He laughed “Relax girl, think that’s enough for one night, don’t want the cops on me.” Shortly afterwards they reached Kelsey’s flat. He opened the passengers door for her and walked her to the main door. “So.. you’re sure I won’t get to take these off tonight?” He wiggled his eyebrows causing his glasses so slide down a few inches. “Well you can do whatever you like in ‘your’ bed.. by yourself.” He rolled his eyes in joking way and licked his lips. “You are such a tease, you know that?” He leaned in a gave her a kiss on the lips. “See you hun.”, the man whispered and made his way back to the car, driving off after giving the girl a quick wave. The next day the band had its usual rehearsal of course. Alan was one of the first showing up, so he started unpacking and warming up. While he applied some oil to the valves of his horn, Elwood, Jake, Willie and Murphy walked in. “Come on Mr. Motorhead, don’t be shy” Jake patted him on the back. “Yeah man!” Willie shouted. “Tell us if you finally got her laid. We do have a right to know.” “The hell you have”, Elwood said annoyed. Murphy added “If I’m up to speed it was their 3rd date, you all know what ‘that’ means.” Alan looked up from his horn, watching the guys acting like a bunch of pubescents.” Willie clapped his hands. “Nice man, real nice. How was it? Boy if you ask me, she's one of those wild ones who likes to take the reins!” Alan dropped the small bottle of oil. Did they really…? Could it be true? Elwood sighed. “You know what they say. ‘A gentleman does not boast of his conquests.’” “Aaaand once again we all know what ‘that’ means.” Murphy assured causing the harp player to roll his eyes but Alan couldn’t see that with Elwood being turned away from him. That statement though hit Alan right in the heart. So they really have. He just stood there, staring dead ahead. He didn’t know what to think or say or feel. But it hurt. It hurt as hell. “You don’t wanna pick that up?… Alan? ... Are you alright?” Lou waved his hand in front of his friend's eyes, bringing him back to reality. “Huh?” “The oil?” Lou pointed down. “Oh, err… yeah.”, Alan said emotionless and grabbed the little bottle.
As everyone was set up they started rehearsing, first on the list was “Gimme Some Lovin”. Jake started dictating the rhythm and the guys gave it everything. Except for Alan. As soon as the others realised he hadn’t joined them, they stopped. Jake gave him a look “You’re ready or what?” “Yeah, yeah, just start over.”, the trumpet player mumbled and so they did. They played half of the song when Murphy interrupted, suggesting to change a chord in the guitar parts. Tom looked over at Alan. “Psst, Alan, what the hell was that? Sounded like you left out a bunch of notes there, man.” The trumpet player didn’t even look at him but hissed under his breath. “Yeah, whatever.” Alan couldn’t stop thinking about ‘them’. He saw them in front of his inner eye, making out and with each second more he imagined them it hurt him even more. They started from the scratch until the chorus came up for the second time. Alan missed his cue, rapidly tried to catch up but lagged behind, so Jake broke off again. “I’m sorry guys, I, I seem to have some trouble focusing today.” Steve was fuming “Jeez Mr. Fabulous.”, he mocked his nickname by pronouncing it funny. "As soon as we make a mistake your bigheaded New York ass is hacked off but once you’re playing like crap, it’s alright, huh?” To be fair, this was nothing new, Steve and Alan often had a brush with each other, Steve’s southern characteristic trait hitting on Alan’s New Yorker attitude often ended in disputes. Lou chipped in “Woah hey, calm down, guys!” “Steve’s right though...” Elwood muttered, shrugging his shoulders. Alan gave him an intensely strain look but laughed derisively. “You know what guys? Fuck this, I’m getting out of here!” And with these words he grabbed his things, rushed to the door, kicked it open and left.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
I'm going to be a little shit and say soft Gunnbones bc yeah ❤
SAMMMMMMMMM YOU LITTLE - listen i take no responsibility for this.
Also I am 90% sure these sound nothing like them but in my defense I have literally never paid attention to Ben Gunn in my life and Billy doesn’t even know what Billy sounds like.  (Also on AO3!)
“The task I am giving to you is of the utmost importance. Deliver Flint, then find the cache and return with it.”
The words echo in Ben’s head and he feels fear grip him again. The threat in Silver’s voice - with it or not at all - sends him further into the forest. It’s even more eerie than it had been the first time he’d seen it. Now, there is no battle, no war. No one to run from. Just him, alone - in a forest filled with an increasing number of ghosts - and a nearly impossible task. 
He’s been here a week already with no sign of even a shovel mark. He’s had to remember the trapping his father taught him - snares and watching for game tracks and how to make a spear from a knife. 
Those memories had served him well when he’d attempted to escape the maroons, and he’d been thankful for them.
Now he wishes he hadn’t ever told the crew of the Walrus about his ability to survive.
He knows he’s never going to be able to find the cache. He knows that, at least. There are too many places Flint could have hidden it and as good as he is at surviving, hunting has never been his forte. 
He just hopes that maybe he can stay here long enough that John Silver will forget about him, as he wants the world to forget about Flint.
“And I’ve got a long fucking memory-”
The snap of a twig too heavy to be a deer makes him spin - and he almost loses his footing when he gets tangled in the foliage that snakes the ground. 
When he looks up, at first, Ben thinks he must be done for. Surely - 
“Ben?” Billy Bones lowers the knife. 
“What are you doing here?” 
It’s an all too familiar feeling - his life in Billy’s hands. Ben remembers the last time, being so sure he was dead in that water that smelled like burning powder and blood, only to somehow come out alive. 
- Or not at all -
“Mr. Silver sent me here to find the cache.” Billy’s mouth hardens and Ben wonders again if he’s about to meet his end at the hands of - well. 
“Sent you here to die, more like it.” 
As punishment.
“What do you mean?” 
“Flint’s the only one who know where it is, isn’t he?” Billy seems like he wants to say more, but instead he just shakes his head. “Nevermind. Come on. Might as well stick together.”
Ben wants to ask why. Why didn’t you shoot me? But he follows silently. He knows when not to tempt fate. Unsurprisingly, Billy has more than enough food to share. Ben had taught him when they were on Nassau and living between the town and the plantations how to trap. It had been hell trying to hide and not get caught and feed everyone and still somehow fight a fight he didn’t understand - but somehow it had felt less like hell than when he was alone in the cage, back on the maroon’s island.
He still has nightmares about that.
But right now, as they sit around the small fire Billy has started and wait for the rabbit to cook, it’s not that near death experience that’s weighing on his mind.
“Why didn’t you shoot me?” 
His voice is soft - in truth the words barely come out. Billy looks up from the spit.
“In the water. When the Walrus sunk. Why didn’t you shoot me, too?”
Billy stares at him, and then back at the fire. Ben knows it isn’t, but it feels like an eternity before he speaks.
“Out of all of them. Every one of those men that I fought and bled alongside, not one of them would disobey him to help me. I propped him up, tried to help him get rid of Flint - what we all wanted - and in the end he betrayed me and took everyone with him. Except you.” 
The intensity of Billy’s gaze has always scared Ben, a little. He usually feels small and insignificant in the face of that intensity at the best of times but now, it feels different. Now he feels like the center of it and he feels almost too big for his own skin.
“You were the only one who cared if I lived when the Spanish raided Nassau. That meant something to me.” 
“It just wasn’t right.” 
It feels like an excuse for the real reason he hadn’t been able to stand the thought of Billy dying tied and beaten. The real reason he had - for possibly the first time in his life - stood up against something he thought was wrong. 
Now when he thinks about all that Silver has done to see his own ending be the one that gets told, he’s more terrified than ever of John Silver - even though he knows the truth and not the story. 
Even though he knows the truth he’s still terrified of the man who managed to weave such a convincing lie it stopped what had seemed like an unstoppable war, dead. Cold. That kind of power reminded him too much of the unshakeable and unquestionable authority the queen of the maroons had used to kill his shipmates - that his captain before that had used to keep them all in line. The kind of power he’s been subject to all his life. 
Ben has been running from power for so long but in that moment he had defied John Silver in freeing Billy. And somehow Silver had known and sent him here in a fruitless search for what it had cost him. 
That Ben would do it again if it meant saving Billy Bones’ life - that didn’t feel like powerlessness.
“It just wasn’t right.” He repeats.
Billy exhales, tilting his head in agreement. “Well.” Ben waits, but there isn’t more to the thought. The rabbit is done; cooked until the skin has just started to burn on the outside, and Ben’s mouth waters at the thought of food. When Billy pulls out a soggy but mostly intact chunk of cheese to slather over the meat, it seems almost an impossibly decadent feast. 
As they eat, Ben can see Billy thinking. Finally, “What happened?”
He looks up, confused.
“After they defeated Rogers. I assume if you’re here looking for the cache, Flint isn’t giving up the location to Silver.” 
It hits Ben, then - that Billy doesn’t know. Doesn’t know the truth or the lie and it’s in Ben’s hands, which he learns. He thinks back, to trust. To sparing Billy, and Billy sparing him in return. To powerlessness and power over a story. In another small act of defiance against John Silver, he tells Billy Bones the truth.
“The war’s over. Mr. Silver sent Flint to a plantation in Georgia. He’s there, I assume for good from what it sounded like.” Except he’s got - well...
Ben thinks about that too. Seeing the man he had come to fear second only to John Silver himself weeping openly, kissing the blond man who’d been in the field, there. Thomas Hamilton.
“You make sure that Flint sees Thomas Hamilton.”
Ben hadn’t understood that part of the instructions. Why this Hamilton was so important his presence would stop Flint from fleeing, in Silver’s mind. But then he thinks about what he had seen in that field, and about how John Silver is still on the island with the Maroons. With his Madi.
And Ben looks across the fire to Billy. 
“You’re telling me that Silver expects Flint to stay put - after he betrayed him and sold the Flint’s war out from under him, just because an old lover is there?” 
Ben shrugs. He hadn’t known Flint long enough to know, either way.
“He seemed certain of it. Told me to make sure Flint saw that Hamilton fellow and then come back here, for the treasure.”
“Without a map.”
“I did ask.” He’d asked only once - just before they’d reached Georgia. Asked Flint if he’d give up the location now that he was being given what he’d been promised. His end of the bargain.
Flint’s answer had been a puzzle Ben is still trying to figure out.
It had seemed both cruel and sad, somehow, but Ben hadn’t gotten a chance to ask for clarification before Flint’s attention had been drawn completely elsewhere. 
“He’ll be back for it.” Billy’s voice interrupts his memory.
“Flint would never let something like this go.”
“Silver said he wouldn’t - couldn’t - be seen again. That he’d stay where Thomas Hamilton was.”
“Flint’s never cared about anyone enough to give up this war before. He’s addicted to getting something from it.” 
Billy seems so certain, but again the image of Flint - looking so wholly different than Ben had ever seen him, leaning against Thomas Hamilton - enters his mind.
“Well either way I’ll be here for years - trying to find the cache without a map.”
Billy looks over at him again, seems to be measuring something. What, Ben isn’t sure. 
“Don’t look for it. You’re safe here. Silver won’t come back, not if he hasn’t already. Don’t look for it till I bring you the map.”
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hacash · 4 years
last man standing
summary: June 1947. After a particularly bad day, Meyer realises he’s the last one left.
It occurs to him, sitting out on the balcony in the sticky-sweet miasma of Miami heat, that there’s no-one left he can talk to about this.
Oh, he has friends – it’s funny how many people want to be pals with the little man when he, more or less, owns Cuba - and associates, and a wife, God bless her, asleep in the next room. Still, Meyer thinks as he pours himself yet another scotch, it’s not the same.
It’s not…the people who were there, they no longer…look, it’s one thing to know people now when you’ve made it, but the people who knew you then, still running in the Lower East Side, still reaching for it all…well, it’s just not the same, is it?
One by one, the old faces seem to melt away, and now… Well. People like them don’t plan on growing older, and if you don’t plan for something it never happens.
Fucking Benny. Never the world’s greatest planner.
Another scotch. Shit. He finds himself remembering, as if he were an old man already – alter kocher, comes Benny’s voice, and he nearly vomits over his shoes -  that afternoon down at Atlantic City, when the world spread out before him like some sort of fucking dream and everything was theirs for the taking. The big man, he thinks sourly to himself, your first time around the table like some kind of damn equal instead of waiting at the door for A.R. and Charlie to finish their yammering, and you thought nothing could possibly go wrong.
Look how well that little escapade went. In the long term, barely worth the trouble. Damn, they’d all been kids back then. Taking on Chicago, Atlantic City, New York, it’s all ours, gentlemen, the old way of doing things has passed – how long ago was that? Years; fucking years ago.
I thought I was invincible, and all my friends with me. I thought no-one could make me do anything I didn’t want to do ever again. Some fucking joke that turned out to be, huh? Look at where he is now. And there he was still…knees to the ground, gasping little immigrant kid, doing precisely what he didn’t want to do.
They were meant to be invincible. Look at them now. Jimmy Darmody, abandoned in an unmarked grave. Al had been barely recognisable as the man that ruled Chicago by the time they buried him, thanks to all that cocaine and his whores. Richard Harrow, the quiet one – Meyer remembers flicking through an ancient newspaper and finding out they’d found him beneath the boardwalk riddled with bullets. As for Mickey Doyle…well, he’d always said one day that man’s lip would get him in trouble, and Charlie proved him right.
(Benny wanted to come with them to Atlantic City back in ’21. Charlie had nearly had a fit at the idea. Jesus Christ, Benny had snapped, I won’t embarrass you in front of your new fancy friends; as far as dangerous goes, I’d like to meet the guy who can get the drop on me. At the time Meyer had thought it was funny.)
And Charlie? In fucking Palermo, of all places. What fucking use is he in Palermo? He doesn’t even like Italy, had been Meyer’s first thought when the news came, as if the elevated minds of the US government concerned themselves with where a criminal would like to be deported. He’s a New Yorker, not an Italian. He came from Sicily anyway, it’s a completely different land mass, you’re not even sending him to the right place. As if Charlie would have cared, all that shit was for the Mustache Petes who actually thought which village your grandfather was born in determined who you were as a man. But at the time it seemed important that they gave a damn where they were sending him. Recognised just who they were dealing with – not just shipping a parcel back to where it came from, whoops, wrong address, just toss it back to the post office with the rest of the scrap and let those dagos sort out the mess for us….
He’s drunk, Meyer realises – not just drunk, but wretchedly, miserably fucked, the sort of drunk he hasn’t been since Charlie’s deportation, or since they dug up A.R. in that alley outside Park Central. Sweat creasing over his skin, head reeling; maybe he was in better shape to deal with grief as a younger man. Maybe tragedy has a sense of timing, like some punk kid in an alley; wait until a man is nice and relaxed and stupid and thinks life’s going his way, then bam – over the head with a blackjack, and suddenly the world’s not the place you thought it was.
He’s in Florida. Charlie’s in Italy. And Benny…
And there’s no-one left who knows them as they were. That’s the thought that tears him apart from the inside. He’s spent so long crawling out from that tenement basement flat, dragging himself from the Lower East Side step by step, and now the thought of no-one knowing him as he was – as they were, hungry young men always searching for the future – nearly breaks him open.
Atlantic City. 1921. A memory flickers clumsily in him. The graceless twin impulses of grief and alcohol drive him to grasp for the telephone, cradle it as if it were a life preserver.
The operator says it’s an Illinois number. Funny that. Then again, Meyer wouldn’t have expected him to stay in New Jersey.
“Mr Thompson? Eli. It’s Meyer, Meyer Lansky. From New York.”
A clunk, the sound of someone shaking off the remnants of sleep. “For fuck’s – ” There’s a muffled burst of expletives on the other end of the line. “What the hell do you want?”
He finds himself spluttering, sniggering like a schoolboy in on the joke, because the bottle of scotch currently pickling him from the inside out finds it very funny indeed: ringing up some poor bastard – must be pushing sixty, sixty-five – in the middle of the night to unburden his soul like some Catholic kid with their, what-you-call-it, confessionals crap. Well, fuck you, he thinks cheerfully, you and your fucking brother, everything you did. You always wanted to survive above all else, well congratulations, you did it, which means you’re the one who has to listen now.
“My apologies. The late hour, of course,” he forces out, trying to inject whatever clipped good manners he used to rely on back in the day – anything to stop richer men, bigger men, from shooting him in the head. It was always a shield, but right now it isn’t working; his voice is shaking and Jesus, why does it feel like he’s dragging every word up from his guts? “I hope I didn’t disturb.”
“You’ve got no reason to call me. I’ve had nothing to do with the business since my brother…Fuck. My wife’s going to wake any minute. Why’m I even explaining to you?”
Good point. Why exactly is he on the phone to someone he hasn’t spoken to in over twenty years: save that it’s the middle of the night and his oldest friend is dead and he doesn’t know what time it is in Italy, and all he knows that if he doesn’t speak to someone who knew him as he was back in the old days, even as an enemy, he’ll go mad.
“I’m hanging up now.”
“I’m sorry, Eli,” he says hastily, tripping over the scotch. “For disturbing you, your wife, and all that. You’ll come down to Miami, my expense, isn’t that how you Thompsons used to do things? I just…” - his tongue’s running away from him and God, he’s so tired, when was the last time he slept? five days ago maybe, when he finally gave the okay to…to what happened – “Felt like talking to someone …and I just had some news. About an old friend.”
There’s a grunt from the other line. “I’ll bite. Who?”
“Benny. Your brother kidnapped him once, back in the day.”
A snort. “Bugsy. Little shit, I remember him. Nucky told me he was the screwiest little wiseass he ever came across. What about him?”
“He died today.”
Silence. Meyer hasn’t given the hows or the wherefores; still, maybe there’s something in their line of work that enables you to sense it, that dead doesn’t just mean the tragedy of a car crash or a sour bout of pneumonia. Sheriff of Atlantic City: probably Eli visited no end of widows to tell them that someone was dead, in that particular way. “My condolences,” he says finally. “But you fellas all sign off on that sorta thing these days, don’t you? Do it polite, civilised. So who gave the okay for Siegel to go?”
“I did.”
I did. Me. I thought I could hold them off for long enough, I got careless – kidding myself that as long as I asked, they’d listen. You thought you were a big shot, didn’t you? Benny could do whatever he wanted – spend other men’s money, fuck around in the desert, none of it would matter if you were protecting him. How many times did you tell him that? How many times did you lie?
‘Fuck’s sake, Ben. You’re a grown man now, you need to take some responsibility for what you’re doing out there.’
‘Christ, hocking me with this again? You’re worse than my mother, Meyer.’
‘I’ve been taking care of you for long enough. I’ll sort it, alright, but get it together.’
Big joke. Thinking you can do it all, and you can’t even protect your oldest friend. What does that say about you, Little Man?
Eli hasn’t spoken, he realises, for a good while now. Just breathing on the end of the line, like a death rattle.
“Jesus Christ.”
A half-laugh, contemptuous. “I don’t know him personally. Maybe you could put in a good word.”
“Huh. Well.”
“You’re right though,” the words come gushing out of him, the way they always do when Meyer’s frightened, or angry, or drunk, or all three, “we do keep things civilised. So when Benny started getting in over his head, borrowing big money and looking as if he wasn’t going to pay it back, well, we thought – I,” he gives a bitter laugh, “thought it could be kept from getting out of hand. So I talked, and I talked. And they listened,” another laugh, “for a while, at least. But the project – the hotel – he was putting together, it…well. Didn’t look as if it was going to pan out. You remember what the business was like, back in your day.” For a moment his voice turns sour. “Everything has to pan out right. And Benny. Jesus. There was no reigning him in one way or another. And everyone else was gunning for it, and I – ” Fuck. “I couldn’t see another way out. So.”
“Sounds like you did the best you could.”
“If I did the best I could Ben Siegel would still be alive,” Meyer spits, a hot line of anger running through his voice.
“Why aren’t you talking to your partner about this? The Italian one, the asshole?”
Good point. He has the number after all, there’s no excuse. Charlie ought to hear it from a friend. But that would involve telling Charlie what he’s done. Admitting that at the end of the day, he had no choice.
A sigh. “Alright then. Why call me?”
“Because you’re the only one left. I wanted to talk to someone… who remembers what we were. The work we did back then, with Jimmy and the others…” God, he doesn’t know where he’s going with this. Maybe he just wants to be reminded, even for a second, that there was a time when they was young and fierce and had it all still to come. “And you’re the only one who knows what this feels like.”
(Sitting there in Darmody’s ballroom suite, or near enough, in a new suite he’d had made that week and feeling like a fucking king – watching Jimmy hem and haw and feeling nothing but pitying contempt for this little schmuck who’d gotten in way too deep with no way of backing out. Eli’s voice, rough and cynical even then. Jesus Christ, just kill him.)
There’s a chill on the other end of the line. “You ought to watch what you’re saying.”
“I’m not judging you. I’d have killed your brother myself, given the chance.”
“Is there a point to this, Lansky?”
“The point is…” he feels himself sway, or rather slip, down below the depths of what is sensible or real, down into the mire; there are waters closing over his head with the truth that his oldest friend in the world is dead because he gave the all-clear for the trigger to be pulled, “when you’re the one whose back is against the wall and you can’t see a way out, and you say those words – and it’s your friend – how do you come back from that?”
“Think you already know the answer to that.”
He does. Doesn’t want to though. That would mean accepting the fact that matters have changed irrevocably, that outside forces have changed him against his will, and he’s powerless to stop it. He doesn’t like being powerless.
“Twenty minutes afterwards my associates took control of the hotel. One of them called me to say the Sidecars were the best he’d ever tasted.” Fuck, he wants to be sick.
“Get some sleep, Meyer. Then call your friend.” Eli’s voice is almost gentle, as if it were one of his kids calling up over a skinned knee or an ugly date. “Oh, and Meyer?”
“If I ever see you near my family again, I’ll gut you myself.”
The line goes dead. Well, Meyer thinks as he replaces the receiver, that’s fair enough. He doesn’t respect Eli for a hell of a lot, but he supposes he’ll credit him with that much: he knows how to be a father.
Sipping Sidecars in the Flamingo while Ben Siegel bled to death. And twenty minutes after you gave the order, he remembers, you were drinking at the Regent, because Moe Sedway invited you and you didn’t want him to see how rattled you were. How’s that for class, Little Man?
Would Benny have known? If they gave him time to think before that last bullet snuffed him out, surely he would have realised. Benny might have been reckless, but he wasn’t stupid. For him to be killed, the right people had to give the order.
Fuck. Fuck it all.
And he has no choice. Again, he knows precisely what he has to do. It’s out of his hands. Again.
Clumsily he fumbles for the telephone. Mutters his name when it’s finally picked up.
“Meyer? Jesus, what time is it over there?”
“Charlie.” He draws in a breath, closes his eyes. “We need to talk.”
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 83)
"Snoozing Through Sayreville"
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In Sam's room, Luna wastes no time. Popping two bars herself, she hands two to her friend. They've spent many early mornings like this. Coming back to homebase and rounding down from an AllNighter together.
Luna showers first. She feels like hot horse shit. Still catching trails in the bathroom, she washes the grit from last night off of her.
Leaning under the water, she wishes her skin could absorb it's hydration. They've only been on tour for 10 days but Luna's exhausted. Her body physically hurts, her brain feels like mush and she's emotionally wiped out. The constant fighting, traveling, drinking and drug use starting to take it's toll.
Once out of the shower, she tosses on panties, a tank and a hotel robe. Climbing into the queen sized bed, she rolls up a handful of joints as Sam showers.
Curling up together, Luna fires up a joint as Sam finds something for them to watch. Looking at her friend, she asks if She's Okay.
Exhaling out a cloud of smoke, Luna says "Yeah. I just need a hard reset." To Sam's nod of understanding.
Mrs. Doubtfire is own. It's one of their favorite movies. Getting high, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Luna's thankful for Sam's companionship as the two girls snuggle into bed. Quickly falling asleep. Knocking out for the rest of the day.
Colson does no such thing. Still pissed and now even more confused by Luna, he can't sleep. He's out of coke and doesn't know what to do with himself. Not thinking to grab any Xanax off of his bitchy girlfriend.
With everyone checked into their rooms, Colson heads back to The Bus. Cracking a beer at 9A instead of sleeping, he plays NBA2K19 until he passes out with the controller in his hands.
Ashleigh finds him around 430P. Waking him up, he's miserable.
"Leave me the fuck alone. Unless it's 7P, don't fucking bother me." He grumbles, walking to the back of The Bus.
Dropping face first into the bed, all he smells is Luna. His dick twitches and heart hurts as he reaches his arm out, over her empty space.
"What the fuck are we doin', Loons..." He thinks, wishing she wasn't so stubborn and him not an Asshole. Wanting her next to him more than anything in this world.
For once his brain refuses to slide down the 16 million different hallways of Hotel Diablo. Falling back asleep as he holds a pillow. Pretending it's smell is Luna.
Ashleigh knocks on Sam's door next. Knowing its more likely for her than Sam, Luna gets up. Sam snoozing away.
She's groggy and unhappy but isn't nearly as intolerable as Colson. Probably because she believes in sleep. Greeting Ashleigh, Luna yawns, asking What Time Is It.
It's around 5-530P.
Stretching long, Luna motions Ashleigh to sit with her on the couch. Wrapped in a blanket, she lights a joint and asks her What's Up.
"Couple things...." Ashleigh begins. "You okay?" She asks to Luna's nod.
Luna takes a deep hit. Appreciating Ashleigh's concern.
Exhaling, she says "Yeah, I just need a minute to myself.... Sorry you got left with that nonsense last night." Luna apologizes as she hits the joint again.
Ashleigh grins. "You'd be proud of me. I'm pretty sure I got anyone who saw anything to sign a NDA. Even Bleta. I was gonna contact Monica on your behalf but wanted to talk to you first."
There's a lot of things said in that one sentence. It takes Luna's fuzzy mind a second to understand them all.
"OH WOW!! You did that for me?" She grins back at Ashleigh, touched by her actions. "Look at you go, Girl! Thank you!" Luna reaches to hug her friend.
That's when it hits her.
"Wait... What do you mean Bleta?" She asks as her whole facial expression changes.
Not realizing Luna doesn't know who BeBe Rexha is personally, she panics at her words.
"Yeah, Loons. That's who you hit last night..." She says cautiously.
"He had Bleta at the fucking show!?" The Ring of Fire is wild in Luna's eyes.
"No.. No.. No.. SHE told ME, he didn't know she was there until he seen her..." Ashleigh's trying not to make things worse.
Sighing before she hits the joint again. Luna shakes her head with a Whatever. Her and Ashleigh sit quietly for a moment.
"He didn't know, Loons." Ashleigh tries to comfort her.
"I know...." Luna closes her eyes as she exhales another cloud of smoke. "Fuck her. I'll call Mon and let her know what I did. She'll probably want the NDA's..." Luna looks at Ashleigh. "Thank you, Ash. Really. You didn't have to stick your neck out for me like that. It means a lot." Reaching to hug her again.
"It's no problem, Loons. You're family." She hugs her back, pulling away, she laughs. "Besides, I learned it from you."
This makes Luna smile. Hitting the last of the joint, she puts it out.
"Tell me about Diddy and Massachusetts." Luna says, changing the subject.
Ashleigh goes on to explain how it's seeming to be a domestic dispute. Some guy tossed a Moltav cocktail because his Ex was there with someone else.
"Fucking seriously?" Luna asks in disbielf.
Shaking her head, she reaches for another joint. Ashleigh noticing for the first time that Luna smokes just as much as Colson. If not more.
Luna goes on to ask about casualties. Ashleigh replying that about a hundred people received smoke inhalation. In a building with over 4K people in it, That's Amazing, they agree. Luna thinks for a minute as she hits the joint.
"All fans?" She asks to Ashleigh's nod. "You know what I'd do?" Luna exhales again.
"Nope, but I want to!" She replies, making them both laugh.
"Find out exactly who the victims are, collect enough merch and have him sign it. Along with a personalized Get Well note.." Luna says as she continues to hit the joint.
"How are you so fucking business savvy??" Ashleigh asks her in awe.
Smiling, Luna acknowledges how she has a collective village of teachers. From all different ranges and walks of life.
Finishing up, Luna walks Ashleigh to the door. She's gonna see what she can get started on with this merch idea.
"So, we won't see you tonight?" Ashleigh asks her.
"Nah... Probably not. I'm taking the day." Luna says as she hugs Ashleigh before shutting the door.
"Who's Bleta?" Sam groans from under the covers.
"She has so many freaking questions..." Luna thinks, rolling her eyes.
Colson's still frustrated before the show. Trying not to take his shit out on anyone else, he finds a cinderblock outside. With it resting on his thighs, he does backwards pushes ups off the seat of a chair.
"I can't believe she's not fucking coming..." He thinks to himself, irritated. He misses Luna and wants to stop fighting with her. "I gotta talk to her after the show.... I still wanna know why the Fuck she was with Tommy." He feels the jealousy rise again as he pumps his upper body off the edge of the chair.
Sam and Luna are sitting on the balcony of her room. Luna smoking a cigarette.
Trying to relax, enjoying the light air as she sketches. It's an interpretation of what she feels from last night.
Sam playing around on her phone. Falling down an internet wormhole as she lights a joint.
Once Ashleigh left, Luna and Sam had sat together talking about her and Colson and getting high. For the first time ever, Luna told someone other than Colson about Tommy. If Sam is going to form an opinion on Colson, Luna wants it to be based on all the facts. Sam was only slightly surprised at the news of Luna's affair. Looking back, certain things making sense to her about Luna at certain times that didn't before. They talked about Bleta and how Luna didn't realize it was her. Sam asking if it made any difference. Looking down, Luna had touched her homemade ring before stating No. She's not worried about any other girls. Especially THAT one.
"Oh Fuck, Loons... You're gonna be pissed...." Sam says handing Luna her phone.
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"Musician Machine Gunn Kelly, also known as MGK, is kicking his latest tour off with a bang! Last night in his girlfriend, That Brooklyn Bitch's hometown of NY, MGK surprised his fans after performing their hit single Bad Things together at the PlayStation Theatre. Revealing that he would be marrying the songstress this summer. Some considering this announcement shockingly quick. The couple have only been spotted together since late April. The New York native first appearing on The Dirt star's SnapStories and Instagram during his birthday party in LA. Surprisingly, that doesn't seem to be the biggest bang of the night. One source reporting that, the beef between That Brooklyn Bitch and BeBe Rexha is alive and well. The two Brooklyn residents having come for each other on the charts already, over what is assumed to be their relationships with the heavily tattooed, rapper turned actor. Reportedly, the fued spilled out into a scene BackStage after the concert last night. "It wasn't in BeBe's favor." The source from the performance stating."
"THIS. Is what I was talking about last night in the cab." Luna sighs. She hands Sam her phone. "I'm going back to bed."
Is almost eight o'clock at night.
Tonight, they're playing the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
For the most part, Colson can put his shit on the back burner and do his job. That's what he does tonight.
Letting Slim and Sex Drive hype the crowd, Colson stops being Colson, or Kells or even Dad. Becoming Machine Gun Kelly.
"WHAT'S GOOD, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!" He screams walking out on to the stage to his adoring fans.
Starting off with the normal formula of Habits, Breaking News 2 and El Diablo. Colson jumps, dances and kicks around the stage as him and The Band tear through Loco, GTS, and Wild Boy. Skipping Let You Go and Bad Things.
Trap Paris and The Break Up replace them. Followed by I'm Think I'm Okay, Hollywood Whore and Candy. Choosing to keep all the original lyrics.
Rook shines as always during Shout At The Devil. The crowd going wild for him.
They still have another eleven songs left to the set. MGK keeps pushing.
Luna wakes back up around 930P. Sam's up, diddling around. Missing Colson, Luna asks her if she wants to hit the show.
Grinning, Sam nods Yes.
Looking at the clock, they move fast and get dressed. Sam ordering an uber. Luna throwing on a back, lace crop top, cutoffs, Docs, and a flannel around her waist with blazing red lips.
Grabbing her leather and bag, Luna and Sam are out the door. Luna's golden hair loosley floating behind them as Sam's brunette locks weave along with it.
As the room cheers and lights explode around them, The Band continues on. See Through My Tears, Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, and Lately come next.
With this leg's setlist pretty secure, they round out with Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The Band thinks they're done as Colson stands alone on stage with only his guitar. Everyone quiets as he begins to pick out unknown chords.
"I don't know if you guys'll know this but, I'm... You know what, Fuck it. I just wanna sing this shit right now." He says to the audience. Turning to The Band, he says "Imma do this on my own." To their confused nods.
He starts to play the base melody of a song he's been featured on. It's original tone is poppy with a lot of studio tech. To figure it out raw, OnStage alone, is pretty intimidating.
Colson takes his time. He's in no rush. Feeling like he's got it, he begins. Opening at the end of the chorus by The Vamps, Colson voice is deep and melodic. It carries a hint of vulnerability.
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
He closes his eyes as he thinks of Luna and where he wants to start.
🎶I don't go to church🎶
🎶Cuz your my religion🎶
🎶I'm hung on your words🎶
🎶Given' me something🎶
🎶To believe in🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
The feeling of the song is showcased against only his guitar and demeanour. He mixes and changes the lyrics to fit how he feelings. Voice crawling over the words.
🎶Kitten, I know you don't lie🎶
🎶When you say🎶
🎶That you mine🎶
🎶I can't look in those eyes🎶
🎶Without fallen'🎶
🎶A thousand times🎶
🎶Just wanna hear you testify🎶
🎶Kitten, tell me you don't lie🎶
🎶When you say🎶
🎶That you'll be mine🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
Wishing Luna was where she should be. Sitting next to him. His voice slightly breaking through the chorus.
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
His guitar humming his pain.
Thinking of how hollow his lyrics were when he wrote them, he kicks them out now. Thoughts drifting to their new meaning.
🎶I shut down for you//I go in//I dove in//And drown in you//They should be crowning you//Cuz//You're way to good to be true//Hold up, hold up//Ay//Please don't hesitate//Take me//While there's still something//Left to take//Kitty you're all that I crave//Tell me how many days//Do I have to chase you//Do I have to chase//Before you let me//Let me taste you//Before I can say//All I wanna say//To you//Is//I can't escape//I cannot escape from you🎶
Looking over SideStage, he sees her. Doing a double take. "Holy Fuck, she came." He can't help but feel his eyes begin to sting with tiny tears. That first cosmic boner appearing again.
🎶Kitten...You are way too good to be true🎶
He says as grins at her as they make eye contact.
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
🎶You way too good to be true🎶
Colson finishes serenading Luna to the crowds sweet Awws.
Colson and Luna head back to the hotel. Holding hands in the uber the whole ride. Grabbing her things from Sam's room, he guides her to theirs. They need to talk.
"Sit with me, please." She directs him, patting the bed.
Sitting next to her, he sighs. Colson knows Luna is about to rip into him. They've been fighting on and off over bullshit for the last few days. She turns to him, lacing her fingers in his. Always choosing her words wisely.
"I went to see Tommy yesterday because I own properties that he's invested in. It's something Monica ran between us for a long time until I seen him a couple weeks ago. Like I told you, he started texting me. I took being in The City as an opportunity to let him know that if things can't go back to strictly business, then there will be NO business...." Luna explains.
Colson's quiet for a moment. He wants to ask what she does for Tommy but Luna's a lot calmer then he had expected. He's pretty sure he knows the answer and doesn't wanna push fighting with her.
"As for Em..." Luna continues, she's hitting everything. "We were friends. And I say were because I'm pretty we're not anymore, which, it is what it is...." Luna looks Colson in his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about YOU.... Why are you still so hellbent that I'm out here doggen' you?" She asks.
Colson lays back on the bed. Sighing, he rubs his face. Luna lays next to him on her back. They stare at the ceiling together.
"I'm sorry about Bleta." He finally speaks. "I swear I didn't know she would be there. I should've told her to leave. I wasn't gonna do anything. I was jealous though and wanted to piss you off." He turns his head to look at her.
"I know...." Luna sighs, running her fingers through his blonde hair.
He rolls over to her, placing his arm around her waist. She can see remorse all over his face.
"I should've never shoved you either. I don't know what I was thinking..." He looks down with shame.
Colson doesn't believe in putting his hands on women. Never wanting to hurt Luna in any way. Especially physically.
"That was some dick shit..." She agrees as he looks up at her.
"I know... I'm fucked up. I just, sometimes I feel like you're gonna figure out that I'm not good enough for you..." He trails off, Luna watching his eyes well.
Luna pushes him onto his back as she climbs on top of him. Random blonde hairs dangling down and brushing his face. She kisses him sweetly on both cheeks.
Looking into his eyes, she reminds him how only his actions can make him lose her. He tells her, that's his biggest fear. Fucking shit up as usual.
"Bunny... We're both two fucked up souls living in a fish bowl... stuck on your counter in LA." She winks to his smirk. "We're always gonna be crazy. We're always gonna be jealous. It's because we're stupid in love with each other. I don't care that we fight. As long as we come back to this." She flicks her fingers between them.
Colson lifts up to run his hands alongside Luna's head, pulling her in for a kiss. His touch is electric. Making a flash of warmth run through her. She kisses him back as her hands roam down his body.
Taking each other's shirts off, Colson flips Luna onto her back. Kissing her all over her neck, she has on no bra. Moving down her chest, to her breasts and nipples, he slides a hand down Luna's shorts. Running his fingers along her bare pussy. Slowly dipping them inside of her to her moans.
"I missed you." He tells her as he sucks on her neck.
"Me too. So much." She agrees as she moves his mouth to hers.
Wiggling out of her shorts. He unbuttons and steps out of his. Gazing down at Luna's naked, tattooed body.
Climbing on top of her, he slowly guides himself inside her pussy. They rarely fuck missionary style. Letting the touch of each other consume them, Luna and Colson are delicate with each other. Another rarity.
"God, you feel so fucking good." He moans.
Taking slow, deep strokes inside of her. Luna's leg is wrapped around his waist, the other around his calf as she lifts her hips. Pulling him deeper into her.
Feeling close, their pace picks up. Kisses sloppier. Moans loader.
Gripping his skin as he kisses her mouth, Colson asks if she's ready. Luna pants out Yes as he places his hand on her throat.
Bucking hard against him, Luna's eyes roll back in her head as Colson slides into Home. Both of them cumming all over the other.
Breathing heavily, Colson lays on her chest, wrapping his himself around her tiny body. Happy to have her back in his bed and in his arms.
"I love you." He tells her, kissing her collarbone. She hums a satisfied Me Too.
Lifting off of her, he asks if Luna's hunger. Realizing she hasn't eaten all day, she responds with a Starving.
They order room service. Burgers, fries, pineapples and champagne.
Sipping on champagne after they've eaten. They snuggle up together. Enjoying the quiet moment away from the tour.
"I'm sorry I'm so fucked up." Colson turns to Luna apologizing again. He spins his finger around the top of his head like a halo. "Hotel Diablo..." He says.
"You should get that tatted on there." Luna laughs, slightly mocking him.
Eyes lighting up, he runs with it. "Yeah?" He asks.
Luna shrugs and asks "Why not?"
Nodding his head, the doors begin to unlock inside Hotel Diablo. Pulling her close for an amused kiss, he calls her a genius.
"An evil one." She laughs, kissing him back.
"Even better!" He beams while tickling her.
They spend the rest of the night in bed together. Getting high as they giggle. Making out as they watch Talladega Nights.
"She really is mine." Colson thinks as Luna lays on his chest. He can see his ring on her finger and feel his lock around her neck touching his skin. A wave of relief washes over him. Never being in love before and always feeling abandoned, Colson holds Luna a little tighter. He knows in his heart that she'd never willingly leave him without a fierce fight.
Colson sweetly makes love to Luna again before they fall asleep tangled in each other. Both relieved to be back with the other. Each hating when they're apart.
To be continued....
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mrninjapineapple · 5 years
Interview with an OC - Tallulah “Bullseye” Mason
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(I was tagged by the amazing @scorpio-skies, thank you! :D) 
Tagging: Anybody who wants to do this and hasn’t yet! I think everyone has been tagged!
1. What is your name?
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“Because I tend to hit what I’m aiming at. And before you ask, yes, it’s my only name… the only one that matters anyway.”
3. Are you single or taken?
“Free as the wind. I try not to let myself get tied down… unless I’m in the mood, that is…”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“I’m pretty good with guns, not too bad up close either. But you need something killed from a mile away? I’m the one you need.”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
*She pulls out her pistol and shoots the interviewer until the clip finishes. The next interviewer enters the room and pulls up a chair, nervously eyeing his former colleague.*
“Hi, you’ll be asking the questions now. Do a better job than that guy…”
6. What’s your eye color?
“Kinda green? But not really… Hazel? Is that the word? Fuck, I don’t know! Hazel green, I guess!”
7. How about your hair color?
“Whatever I want. It’s purple right now but I might switch it up... I’m feeling a change.”
8. Have any family members?
“Just Grizz and the gang. Next question.”
9. Oh? How about pets?
“Nope, never been an animal person, really. Tank has Fluffy and she’s more than enough for the whole group.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“Raiders. Or ‘target practice’ as I like to call ‘em!”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“I like to spend my down time in Goodneighbor. Have a nice little situation going with someone special there. Apart from that, I drink at the Rail, throw a few caps in poker, and help Kent with stuff… not like that.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“Sure! Mostly people who deserved it though. Raiders, gunners, other assorted bastards… Still trying to make up for the ones who didn’t deserve it…”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Only people who deserved it. Like your friend here…”
*She gestures to the dead interviewer and smile a big, toothy grin.*
14. What kind of animal are you?
“No idea. Not an animal person, remember? Think of a badass animal who doesn’t take any shit, does what they want, and is happy to live and let live… mostly. That’s what I am.”
15. Name your worst habits?
“I can’t think of any. I drink and take chems whenever I’m on down time but it’s not like I’m a junkie. I know when to stop.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Grizz is like the dad of the group. He’s strict when he needs to be but he’s fair. I’ve learned a lot from him.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“Keep your labels… everyone deserves a bit of love now and then.”
18. Do you go to school?
“Sure, we had a school back home… back when there was a home. I learned everything I needed to know. Everything else, I learned from experience.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Nope, not for me.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“People have heard of the work the Misfits do but I wouldn’t say we had fans. Admirers, sure. Oh, wait, there was that guy who wanted to talk about dissecting raiders. Pullman? Pickman! Nice man. Lovely art collection.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Ferals. I… I just lock up when I see them. The Misfits take care of them for me, though.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“My armour. Accessorised it myself! Grizz says it’s not protective enough but a sniper needs flexibility. Besides, if I can’t look good when going raider hunting then they might as well kill me!
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Okay, this is gonna sound really gross but there was this one place we went through – I think it was a school pre-war or something – and they had this weird pink goo in the cafeteria. Hey, don’t make that face! Anyway, it was so good, I carried as much of it as I could in tubs but I’ve always had a hankering for some more.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
"You? No, I like you. Your friend? Well, ask him…”
*The former interviewer’s body has begun to lose colour, growing rigid at an alarming rate.*
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“True! Just be sure to stay on my good side, then.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“Wait, is that politics? Bleh! What part of ‘stay on my good side’ don’t you understand? Next question.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“Hmm let’s see… Grizz, Scav, Tank, Doc, Gunn, Valyn, Rae… how many is that? 7? Okay, and Fluffy and Mr Winkles make 9.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“It’s okay I guess. Now pink goo pie… that would be interesting!”
29. Favorite drink?
“You ever had a Nuka-Victory? They’re pretty rare but definitely worth it! Aside from that though, regular Nuka Cola suits me just fine!”
30. What’s your favorite place?
"We’ve got a couple of really nice safehouses. The one up at Sunshine is nice. So is the one outside Diamond City.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Well, I do have a little thing with someone in Goodneighbor. But I wouldn’t want to embarrass her… aaand now you know it’s a her. Fuck. Next question.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“And I gave a stupid answer so I guess we both win!”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
*She stiffens in her seat.*
“Neither. Next question.”
34. What’s your type?
“Just don’t be a dick. Looking decent and smelling good won’t hurt your chances either.”
35. Any fetishes?
“How much time you got?”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Well, you can’t camp unless you’re outdoors…”
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Protocol Mom Card
Hiii! So I’m new here trying my hand at some fanfic and @propertyofpoeandbucky put up a mystery challenge that I decided to take part it. I asked for a prompt and here’s what she gave me “Be a responsible adult for once and face the consequences of your actions!”. So I tried my best and I really like it so I hope you do too! Thank you for reading! 
Bucky x Reader 
Words: ~1,500 
Warnings: some cussing? one f bomb and some bs 
All I hear is a crash over their yelling. Then silence. Silence is never a good thing with those two. All I wanted to do today is relax and use Bucky as a pillow as I catch up on 9-1-1, but no the two man childs have to ruin my plans. So now I am dragging Bucky with me to make sure they don’t escape. I am so over this bullshit.
“Bucky when we get in there you are to murder stare immediately. Arms crossed pissed off murder face. Steve and Tony have gone too far. I am over this. Got it?” I am in official mom mode as I ask (tell) him to help.
“No problem doll. We were finally learning what happened in Bobby’s past. I was comfortable and the punk and the idiot are just ruining it. So full on Winter face they get.” Bucky happily goes along with this plan.
“Yes miss?”
“When Bucky and I enter this room you are to lock it down no escapes. I am enforcing Protocol Mom Card and I do not need either of the two leaving. Feel free to alert the rest of the team of it’s happenings and broadcast it to them if they wish.”
”Yes ma’am. Protocol Mom Card enabled.”
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y. A great help as always.”
As I walk into the room I see the worst possible outcome. The two humongous idiots have gone and broken the mug that Clint gave to Nat. She loves that thing and guards it like a dragon guards its horde. I heard the doors lock, but luckily the Idiots haven’t. Time to lecture some sense into these fools.
“Eh hem.” I try, but nope they’re stuck in their fight.
“Tony? Steve?” Nothing.
“CAPTAIN DORITO! TONY STANK!” There now I’ve got their attention.
They turn around looking like they’re going to start yelling at me instead of each other, but then they notice Bucky behind me and his expression. Slowly they look around and realize they have messed up. Slowly they start to inch away like they’re going to run.
“Yes miss?”
“Please inform these idiots what protocol has been enabled.”
“Protocol Mom Card has been enabled sirs.”
“Please also inform them of the next protocol that automatically becomes enabled if this proves to not work out.”
“Next up is Protocol Helicopter Mode. A S.H.I.E.L.D. approved nanny will be brought in for each of you. Boss’ will report to Miss Potts and Miss Y/L/N. Captain Rogers will report to Mr.Barnes and Miss Y/L/N. You will be on probation until you can prove you can be trusted.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs them.
At this point they have stopped trying to leave and dread has filed their faces.
“Now here is what is going to happen. You are going to go sit on the couch and listen to what I have to say. I will hear you out one at a time and if you try to interrupt each other I have no qualms about employing Bucky here to hold your mouth closed. He is not happy that our plans were interrupted so he will happily just sit on you and hold your mouth closed. Right darling?”
“Oh yes. I am over this shit and if sitting on them to shut them up helps I am your man Doll.” Bucky confirms.
“Now we are going to start with Tony. You may explain what this fight was about in your point of view. Now get started.”
“Now Steve without making comments about Tony’s explanation tell me your point of view of things.” I say rubbing my temples over this bullshit.
“I refused the blueberries because I had already had breakfast and was no longer hungry. As for the coffee after the Asgardian mead spiked coffee incident I don’t accept coffee in cups from him anymore.” Steve used his Captain lecture voice to get his point across.
“Oh dear lord someone shoot me. Bucky? Will you shoot me so I don’t have to deal with this? They didn’t even realize that Nats favorite mug is over there shattered because of this.” I pleaded.
“Oh Doll I won’t shoot you but Nat may shoot them for you. I doubt you’ll even have to ask. That mug was from Clint from years ago sentimental value and all.” Bucky happily states watching the two idiots faces go gray.
“Oh fuck.” Was the simultaneous mutter.
“Now now Language Stevie.” Bucky is really enjoying this.
“Now here is what is going to happen. I am going to tell you something important and then you two are going to clean up the mess, go out together and pick out a new mug for Nat that you put thought into. Tony you will also be calling that spa that Pepper likes and booking Nat a spa day. Steve you will give her the day off. You will present her with the gift and a full apology. Be responsible adults for once and face the consequences of your actions! If that means facing a murderous Nat then so be it maybe you will learn. Do the both of you understand?” I ask in full on Mom Voice.
“Do we have to actually go out? Can’t I just order from F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” Tony asks.
“For once I am in agreement with Tony. Going out to just buy a mug seems like a risk of getting mobbed and hounded.” Steve tries to reason.
“Well good. Buying a gift in person is more heartfelt and if you get mobbed and hounded by fans? Then oh well tell them you’re buying an apology gift. There. Plan made. It’s happening.” I am not backing down on this.
They just kind of stand there staring at me.
“Now what are you waiting for? Get cleaning! Work together! Tony no using bots I have DUM-E running an errand for me so don’t even think about it.” I give the marching orders.
“Yes miss?”
“Keep an eye on them both here cleaning and their shopping trip if you don’t mind.” I request.
“No problem miss. They will be monitored.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs me.
“Thank you. Now come on babe back to 9-1-1.” I grab Bucky and we leave them to it under F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s watchful eyes.
*Later that Night*
I was getting ready for bed when there was a knock on my door.
“Come in!”
In comes Nat. She takes a seat on mine and Bucky's bed while I am taking off a face mask at my vanity.
“I wanted to thank you for how you handled Steve and Tony earlier. Previously if they had broken something of someone else's it would be ignored and they would leave the mess for someone else to find because they end up so wrapped up in their stupid arguing. Now because of this I keep nothing of value sentimental or not in the common areas. I have a whole cabinet of doubles of that mug, Clint is clumsy enough without factoring in idiots arguing. Barnes was right when he said I would shoot them for you though. No one has ever gone out of their way like this for me. So as a thank you I managed to get Tony to add you to my spa day. You and I are going to be pampered and then at the end of the night Barnes is going to be taking you out on Tony’s dime. I know you were brought on to essentially nanny us, but you truly have become Team Mom and we do love you for it. So thank you.” She just smiles warmly at me.
“You have made my cry. I do love all of you and that’s why I am no longer getting paid to be Team Mom. I just love you guys and want to be sure you’re all taken care of. You and I are going to have an amazing spa day. Thank you.” I hug her hard as I stupidly cry.
“Now back to your husband I have cuddles to cash in and tv to watch. Tonight is Project Runway. We adore Tim Gunn.” I scoot her out my door and lock it behind her.
“You can come out now Mr. Assassin. You would think you would be better at hiding.” I scold.
“Now come on you just know me, she didn’t know I was here or else she wouldn’t have busted out that speech. So like you said you have some cuddles to cash in and some Tim Gunn to watch lets get to it.” He slaps my ass as he passes me to get into bed.
“Okay okay I’m coming.” I curl up with him and put on Project Runway to settle down for the night.
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rahirah · 5 years
via Barb's Place OK, guys, normally I try not to publish things which are this rough, but fuck it, it has been YEARS and I feel like I owe the six of you who are still hoping to read the rest of POM someday something. So here is the crappy first draft of Ch. 14, scene 1. (If you feel like leaving critical comments, please do. It needs savaging.) As Tara collapsed into Willow's arms, the silver cross, still straining at the end of its chain towards the stone, collapsed with her. Only a necklace again, and not the needle of Angel's moral compass. Buffy snatched it and held it tight, till her palms ached where the metal dug into the flesh. She could almost imagine the cross burning her hand, as if she were the vampire. Angel wouldn't, couldn't be doing the things Spike had described if he still had a soul. He might be infuriatingly high-handed sometimes, but he wasn't some kind of undead Don Corleone. Okay, fine, he'd basically put out a hit on Spike last year, and there'd been that whole episode with Resurrected Darla – she was certain she didn't know all the details there, and was even more certain she didn't want to – and that thing with the submarine, though Spike wasn't the world's most reliable narrator where Angel was concerned, and that had been forever ago and Angel had been really depressed back then and it shouldn't count, should it? And anyway, he'd said he'd had an epiphany, hadn't he? Buffy forced herself to take a breath and relax. Or to take a breath, at least. Damn Angel anyway. There was a corner of her heart that would always be his, just as she suspected that a corner of Spike's heart would always belong to Drusilla, so why couldn't they both just stay in their respective corners, safely cocooned in nostalgia? It would make life so much simpler. Everyone else was still arguing. Giles, bless him, had intercepted Kennedy and the Finns, but Dawn pounced on Spike with the speed and ferocity of Miss Kitty hunting the wily laser pointer. "Come on, spill! What plan?" "Doesn't bloody matter what plan, because it's bugfuck insane, and we're not having it." He really wasn't at a hundred percent yet. Insane plans were the last thing that was likely to put Dawn off. Her sister folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You do realize that this is the twenty-first century, and I can just, like, phone Cordy and ask her what it is?" Spike's jaw worked, and he glanced up at the ceiling and then over at her, as if imploring the heavens and the Slayer in order of importance. Buffy sighed. "We kinda used her for First Evil bait last year, Spike. The protect-poor-innocent-Dawnie ship has sailed, lost radio contact, and disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle." "I miss the days when a bloke could cut a sodding phone line," Spike muttered. "All bloody right, here's the gist. Chase had the idea this Burkle chit can use Dawn to pop into another dimension, where we'll conveniently run into no slavering monsters whatsoever, traipse across the landscape without falling into any inconvenient pits of molten lava, and pop back into this world in the Hyperion's safe. Then she fancies we can drag this Gunn bloke back the in same manner as whence we came, no doubt scattering sodding rose petals in our wake. I told her — " "But I can do that!" Dawn exclaimed, whirling on Buffy. "You know I can. I got us to Pylea and back last summer! We could drive close to the Hyperion as we can, cross over into the other dimension, hike to the spot where the Hyperion would be, cross back into our world, rescue the prisoners, and cross back to the World of No Slavering Monsters to get back to the car, and then cross back into our world again." At Spike's dubious expression, her own grew obstinate. "Seriously, how is this worse than you sneaking in and out of Angel's hotel through the sewers, which are definitely full of slavering monsters?" You had to admit Spike was giving it the old college try. "And supposing we miss the safe? Pop out in the middle of the lobby? Or the middle of a wall?" "You said Mr. Tanner's with them, right?" Dawn replied, smug. "He's a geomancer, remember? He specializes in topographic magic. I'll bet he can come up with something to get us to the right spot. I'm not dumb. I know this is going to be dangerous, but you need me. It's not like I'm going on some solo mission here. I'll be with you and Buffy, and Faith might even get here by then. All I'm going to do is stand around and exude Key vibes while you guys make with the punchy-kicky." She looked Spike in the eye. "I did fine in Pylea, didn't I? If this was some random nest of vampires..." "But it's not." Buffy hated the brittleness in her voice. "If Angel's really... it took everything I had to beat him last time." More. "You have a lot more now than you had then," Dawn said, her voice softening. "You're only alone if you want to be, Buffy. Let me help. Please." She'd had help last time, too. How could she explain to Dawn that the memory which haunted her nightmares even now was the result of that help: the look of stunned betrayal on Angel's face as she plunged the sword into his heart? If Willow had called his soul back five minutes later, or half an hour sooner... Dawn had never known that particular flavor of heartbreak. She took her sister's hand. "Thanks, Dawnie. But – " "No buts. I get it," Dawn said with the certainty of someone who didn't. "You have all this romantic baggage, and Spike has all these weird-ass vampire daddy issues – " "Oi!" "Well, you do! But you guys have fought demons, and wizards, and gods. I'm not saying Angel isn't a badass, but repeat after me: He's only a vampire." Spike's lips twitched in a rueful smile. "Bit might have a point, love." Rats. She did. Buffy grimaced. "You're not supposed to be the insightful sister." "I've always been the insightful sister." Dawn let her go and bounced back with a grin. "So I'm coming with you, right?" "You're coming." Buffy straightened. "OK, people. Spike and I leave for L.A. tomorrow morning. Kennedy, Willow, Tara, Giles, you're all with us – we'll take two cars if we have to. Riley, do whatever you need to to get your people there, and let me know when you'll arrive. And make sure they know not to randomly stake anything with fangs. Spike's called in some favors from the local vamps, and while I'm not gonna cry bitter tears if some of them come home in a Dust Buster, I don't want to waste troops. We won't know how many of them will keep their word till they actually show up in L.A., so Xander, can you and Anya stay here and coordinate things with David, and let us know how many are coming and when they'll meet up with us?" Xander nodded; if he was disappointed not to be tagged for combat duty, he didn't show it. "Anya and I can pack up the weapons and supplies tonight, if you want to get some rest, Buff." Buffy shot him a grateful look. "That would be great. We'll talk to Cordy in the morning about someplace to stash any allied vamps. Riley?" Riley exchanged a look with Sam. "We've got some fast talking to do with Headquarters. I'll keep you updated." Team Finn rose in tandem and headed for the door. Giles, having assessed the population of Casa Summers and deemed it excessive, was phoning a hotel. Willow was fussing around with Tara, and – "What are we going to do with Grandpa when we get there, Slayer?" And Spike was looking at her like he expected her to have an answer for that. Maybe she did. "After we catch him? We can enroll him in Riley's chiphead program if we have to. At least until we find out what's going on." Spike frowned. "You think a chip in the head's gonna be enough? For Angel?" How was this even a question? "It was enough for you. And it's only temporary." "It was an excuse to hang about in your general vicinity. Not that I'd have admitted as much at the time." His tone was serious; Spike wasn't even trying to pick a fight, damn him, and she really wanted to punch something in the nose right now. "Angel, he won't put up with it, not for the pleasure of anyone's company." Buffy choked back a bitter sound halfway between a laugh and a sob. "'A more permanent solution,' huh? Maybe everyone's right. It took me... so long, last time. To... do what I had to. And people died for it. I can't let that happen again. But I can't..." The words dried up in her throat, too painful to force out. "All of you want me to kill him, don't you?" She was shaking. "So easy for all of you to say, because he's not your friend or your lover. Well, you know what? Screw that! Drusilla's up there with him, and I haven't once questioned that you'll be able to handle her!" Spike's eyes flashed yellow for a second, but he didn't rise to the bait. Maybe his L.A. adventure had really knocked some restraint into him after all. "Yeah, well, maybe you should. I promised you Dru's ashes once, if ever you gave me a crumb. P'raps you've noticed that she's not actually a big pile of dust yet, for all I've gotten the whole sodding cake by now." His shoulders drooped. "Fuck it all, pet, I don't want you to kill him. I hate his sodding guts, but he's family. It's just... you keep talking as if you can fix him. What if there's nothing to fix? What if he really has just stopped trying?" "Then we convince him to start trying again. We didn't give up on Willow when the First had her, did we?" Spike stood silent for a moment, his bright head bowed. Then he sighed. "Fair do's," he said. Whatever that meant. "You know I'll back you, Slayer. I've got no doubts you'll do as you have to. Whatever that turns out to be. Just needed to have my say first." The unshakable confidence in his voice was... not cheering, exactly, but something. She laid her forehead against his shoulder, saying with touch what couldn't be said with words. After a moment his arm snaked around her shoulders, and she felt the uneven rise and fall of his chest gradually match the rhythm of her own breathing. She wondered if he even realized that he did that. "I've got to get some sleep. You coming up?" He glanced across the room. "Up in a mo.' Want a word with Tara. Bird's had a rough night of it," Join the club. "OK. See you in a bit." It occurred to her, as she climbed the stairs, that if the worst ever happened between the two of them, Spike would see that final stroke from her hands as an affirmation rather than a betrayal: a little gesture to show that she cared. Which was weird and sick and vampirey, and also... strangely comforting. No wonder Angel was convinced she'd come back from heaven wrong. TBD comments
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solraneth-archive · 6 years
The Story Lives
Silver and Madi after Treasure Island. It’s not explicitly silverflint, it could be interpreted however you prefer. Definitely silvermadi though, I like to think that she forgave him, after all. Thank you @zwergenmaedchen​ and @ceraunos​ for reading this and encouraging me to post it! More under the cut.
“...day was breaking when we came alongside the Hispaniola. Ben Gunn was on deck alone, and as soon as we came on board he began, with wonderful contortions, to make us a confession. Silver was gone. The maroon had connived at his escape in a shore boat some hours ago, and he now assured us he had only done so to preserve our lives, which would certainly have been forfeit if ‘that man with the one leg had stayed aboard.’”
– R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island
  As Silver rowed closer to the island, he noted with satisfaction that two men were waiting for him on the beach. Of course the island was being guarded as strictly now as it had been when the crew of the Walrus first found it. Nostalgia, so familiar to him during the time spent on Skeleton Island, overwhelmed him again. He rowed as close to the land as possible and the men came into the water to help him take the boat ashore.
“Mr. Silver,” one of them greeted him, “She is waiting for you.”
“I know.”
 A dull thud of Silver’s crutch sounded behind her and Madi turned around, unable to keep a little smile from playing on her lips.
“You’re back.”
“As you can see,” he moved forward and threw a small sack on the table. Madi glanced quickly at it before turning her gaze back to Silver, whose eyes were on her, hungry, almost desperate.
“Is that…”
“Our share of the Urca treasure, yes. Fucking Urca gold,” Silver sighed and moved forward again, leaning against the table. His hand came up to play with his beard. “They kept saying it’s cursed and I’m so close to believing them. Men died because of it back then and men died this time too. So many men, for one fucking chest of treasure.”
Madi came to stand next to him. She lay her hand on his and he clutched it immediately.
“I wasn’t sure you would survive this,” she said, “but I’m glad you did.”
“I have to admit, I wasn’t sure either,” Silver smiled at her, then gestured behind him, “I brought some things from Freetown – bags of flour, spices, stuff like that. It’s not much,” he smiled apologetically, “But it’s the best I could muster at the moment. Your men must’ve brought it all from the beach already, I suppose.”
Madi nodded and squeezed his hand, with what he guessed was gratitude. “How is your leg?”
“It’s fine,” Silver moved to the chair that stood in the corner of the room and collapsed into it.
She looked him over, taking in his appearance, as if testing whether he was telling the truth. Then she nodded, satisfied. “You’re tired. I’ll bring you food.”
 When Madi came with food and clean clothes, she found Silver already asleep, in the same position that she left him. She put the plate with some bread and salted meat on the table, draped the clothes over the chair and went to speak with her men who had just come from Nassau.
 Silver was eating when Madi returned in the evening. She sat in the chair across of him, putting the books she was carrying on the table.
“You brought these for me,” she noted, a hint of fondness in her voice.
“Thought you might enjoy them,” He smiled. His smile was genuine but a little sad, she noticed. There were bags under his eyes which she’d earlier attributed to lack of sleep. She didn’t know the details, but from what he said, she concluded that it hadn’t been an easy journey. He was bound to be tired, after all. However, his eyes and his face revealed another – emotional – kind of exhaustion.
“Something’s bothering you,” Madi said.
Silver sighed and looked away from her, his eyes focusing on something in the corner of the room.
“The moment I decided to take part in this whole… endeavour, I knew it would be difficult. Then again, when had anything ever been easy for me? I didn’t expect it to be so hard, though,” His gaze returned to Madi and she nodded, urging him to go on. He needed to talk about it and she would listen, no matter how long it took.
“The goddamn place brought back too many memories,” Silver said, leaning against the back of the chair. “I…” he stretched his leg and closed his eyes, “I had been thinking of him the whole time we were there, you know. I remembered everything so vividly on that fucking island – you, him, the English, the war… Hands noticed and took me aside and yelled at me to stop being a sentimental prick. He’s dead now. Israel Hands, the man who survived everything, survived Teach, Woodes Rogers and the English, Flint, the war – he’s dead, rotting away on Skeleton Island, killed by a boy. Christ, we’re all getting old, aren’t we?”
“I suppose that’s not what’s tormenting you?”
Silver huffed, “No… No. I thought of Flint more during the last months than I had during all these years. The man’s a phenomenon. The men were still terrified of him, even those who had sailed with us back then. Everyone knows he is dead and yet they’re afraid of him. Christ, I fed them these terrible stories of Captain Flint and they listened and trembled from fright, even those who knew him, even those who knew half of those stories were lies. They… God, they were saying Flint’s ghost was haunting that place, they kept hearing his voice and his singing. His singing, can you imagine? Have you ever heard Flint sing?! The man’s a legend, half of what the world knows about him isn’t true and yet, it’s what people believe most eagerly.”
Madi stood up and walked to stand in front of Silver.
“You miss him,” she stated simply. Silver huffed.
“You don’t want to admit this, but you do. Why don’t you go to him?”
He stared at her, “Go to him?”
“He’s not really dead, is he? I know you’ve been spying on him, you would’ve told me if he died.”
“I had Hands keeping an eye on him before we went after the treasure, yeah,” Silver admitted.
“You know where he is, then.”
Silver shook his head, “Look, even if I were to go to see him, I would be dead before I even greeted him.” Weak argument, he told himself. Madi seemed to think so too.
“He will not kill you and you know it. See him.”
“Maybe,” Silver gave up and settled more comfortably in his chair, “Maybe I will.”
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acrownforaking · 6 years
Infinity War: First Impressions
Needless to say, my ass will be back in the theatre soon to see Infinity War again -- perhaps several times -- but after one go-through, I’m gonna cover my initial thoughts and feelings about the movie. And hooBOY, I have a lot of them.
The Good
Is this Thanos: The Movie? Yes, yes it is. But that’s not a bad thing. Aside from Josh Brolin’s fantastic performance, the writers really outdid themselves with this one. For a giant, purple nutsack from space, he is remarkably human, with understandable motives, that while incredibly misguided, are almost...noble? I never expected to walk out of Infinity War and find myself grappling with a philosophical struggle over whether the villain was right or not. Besides Loki, most Marvel villains are as generic and comic-booky as expected, but Thanos fucking shined in Infinity War. 
This should have been a mess. For all intents and purposes, Infinity War (MOST AMBITIOUS CROSSOVER EVENT IN HISTORY HER DE HER) was doomed from the start. Juggling five-times the amount of characters of the original Avengers, while creating a followable plot and introducing a new villain. Sure, we’ve been teased Thanos, but we didn’t really know anything about him. We just knew Grimace was coming, and he was gonna get the shinies, goddamnit. But somehow, everyone had a chance to speak and do something relevant, everyone mattered, in some way, and even though the plot was largely fragmented, broken off into several simultaneous stories, there was no confusion. I still can’t get over how something so massive was so cohesive, so streamlined.
Some people have complained about length, but I didn’t register that the movie pushed a three hour run time until I’d left. I was on the edge of my seat, laughing, or crying for the entire run. I was never bored, never wondered when a certain scene would end. I thoroughly enjoyed every second.
The humor was on point. The Russos took a lot of good cues from the Gunns and Taika, because the GOTG/Ragnorak hilarity was there, with the perfect comedic timing and memorable lines. “Thank you, sweet rabbit.” and “I am Steve Rogers!” will stick with me for a long time. Nothing beats Trash Panda, but this came very close.
They picked some unusual pairs for certain stories that turned out really well. 
The dynamic between Thor, Rocket, and Groot was great to watch, and even with Thor rolling with them, had a very distinct GOTG vibe to it. Also surprised by the depth of emotion in that scene between Thor and Rocket (you know the one), but after the tear-jerking brilliance of the Yondu/Rocket scene in GOTG2, I should’ve seen the heartbreak coming. 
Strange and Tony together was also fantastic. They’ve been compared endlessly since Doctor Strange was released, and to have two massive egos butting heads like that was something that I think was long awaited for many fans, and didn’t disappoint -- and it did show that yes, Strange is not a copy paste of Tony in a different universe. Strange remains pretty Machiavellian while Tony sees more intrinsic value in every human life. Even though they had similar “redemption arcs” in their separate movies, the contrast between the two of them was more on display than anything else, and I loved that.
Peter Quill and Thor. Need I say more?
Some of the sweeping space shots were awe-inspiring. I thought that the Valkyrie scene in Ragnorak was peak Marvel beauty, but Infinity War was absolutely gorgeous. 
Red Skull coming back was a really interesting twist.
Those mindless, Resident Evil style monsters that Thanos released in Wakanda were actually scary as shit, and it was a lot more interesting watching the Squad tear into those than say, the Ultron minions, or...basically any other generic evil thing they’ve fought, just because they were so mindless and vicious.
SQUIDWARD. Great small-time villain, and whoever did his voice acting killed it.
Tony and Pepper talking about having kids, the broken-up conversation on the space-ship...oh, it wounds me so...but it was fantastic writing. Grounding for Tony, certainly, reminding us that he’s settled into a pseudo-normal life since Civil War AND HE WANTS LITTLE TONYS AND PEPPERS AND YOU KNOW THAT WHEN HE THOUGHT HE WAS DYING THAT’S ALL HE WAS THINKING OF, HE WAS THINKING, NO, NO, THIS ISN’T RIGHT, PEPPER AND I ARE GONNA HAVE A BABY, WE’RE HAVING A BABY
Bruce really shined and it made me so happy, and I don’t have much to say on the subject other than I’m psyched he got the amount of screen-time that he did. I vastly prefer Bruce to the Hulk, and the comic relief of Bruce basically having Hulk ED was great. 
Yes, the end crushed me, of course. But I appreciated that so much was subverted, tropes, expectations, you name it -- they failed. The heroes failed and the casualties are incalculable. The villain goes home to rest and sit on his laurels while the heroes mourn their dead. How often does that happen in blockbuster cinema? What a breath of fresh air. (I STILL HATE YOU FOR PETER PARKER, MARVEL.)
Speaking of me hating Marvel for Peter: that scene was crushing. I started sobbing, and I heard a lot of crying from around the theatre. Just...”Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.” ... “No, no, I don’t want to go.” It tore me up inside unlike anything else I’ve ever seen in the MCU.
And so spoke the prophet Ned: “Holy shit, we’re all gonna die!” 
The Bad
While everybody shined at one point or another, there were some characters that were really thrust into the forefront in promos that in reality had very, very few scenes in the movie. Mainly, I’m talking about Bucky. He got a new arm, hugged Steve, swung Rocket around, and then died. I was hoping for more. 
There were a few interactions I was hoping to see but never got. Mainly: Tony and Bucky, Tony and Cap, Shuri and Tony, Shuri and Bucky. But there’s time for that yet, because let’s be real: ain’t none of these motherfuckers staying dead. Except for Loki, Heimdall, and Gamora. RIP.  
While the humor always made me laugh, there were a few misplaced moments that undercut the emotional weight of whatever had just happened. Drax standing there while Gamora asked Peter to kill her if it came down to it is the main thing that stands out in my mind as jarring.
I was a little underwhelmed when I found out that the Soul Gem was on some random planet, but that’s mainly because I was hoping that the “Heimdall has the Soul Gem” theory wasn’t going to be Jossed. 
It seems strange at this point that no one in the films has acknowledged any of the canon introduced in Agents of SHIELD, like the Inhumans, but truthfully, I complain about this because I just want Coulson to be in the films and for the original Avengers to know that he’s still alive.
The Ugly
Some of the cinematography was...meh. Especially when they were fighting in Wakanda, there was a lot of shaky cam and random cuts that made the action pretty hard to follow. 
Nebula getting ripped apart. Ouch. 
I feel as though Thanos announcing himself by murdering Loki and Heimdall was a great way to establish how dangerous he was (along with beating the shit out of the Hulk) but WOW it was hard to see Loki die like that.
I...I get what they were trying to do with the forge...and, true, it was pretty cool, but holy shit, why did Peter Dinklage need to do that voice. It sounded forced and ridiculous. Any GOT fans remember Tyrion imitating his cousin Orson? That’s what Peter’s character sounded like THE ENTIRE TIME. I couldn’t take him seriously. I get that they were probably trying to distance this character (I can’t remember his name) from Tyrion, but for the love of God, why not just let him do his American voice, then? Or just his Tyrion voice, because most people see Tyrion when they look at him anyway and that can’t be avoided sometimes. 
I’ll probably have even more to say about Infinity War once I’ve digested it a bit, but TL:DR -- this is one of the best films in the MCU. Possibly the best. My expectations were subverted and it was better than I ever dreamed it could be...so if you haven’t seen it, you need to!
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diamond-song42 · 6 years
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Diamond Encounters of the Celeb Kind 1: Michael Rooker What do I do when I'm too tired to study but not ready to sleep? I write stuff! Happy Thursday readers! I've wanted to do this idea for a while so I'm starting here. Friends, I have been to my fair share of Comic-Cons and Everfrees, and in the process bulked up my celebrity autograph collection. Each celebrity I've met has been a little different, so I'm compiling some of the memorable ones to share with you. With "Avengers: Infinity War" on the horizon, I thought I'd start with a Marvel personality known as Michael Rooker. He plays Yondu in "Guardians of the Galaxy!" I met him at Emerald City Comic-Con 2017. When I saw he (along with Sean Gunn, his first mate Kraglin) would be in Seattle (my area of the woods), I thought I'd go meet them because "Guardians Vol. 2" would be released soon and thus the autograph prices would be jacked up. I didn't get Sean's autograph, though he plays a role in my story. The day I went to see Rooker, the line wasn't too long compared to some of the other lines around me. For those who haven't been to a convention of this sort, let me paint a picture for you: The celebrity in question has a table and assistant. The curtain behind them has their face and a stack of headshots and promotional shots from movies/TV/whatever sits on the table. When the celebrity arrives to the scheduled signing, they emerge from behind the curtain (there are hallways connected to other rooms behind them). A few people arrived (including Mr. Gunn at the adjacent table) as I waited, so I thought nothing out of the ordinary would happen. Oh, I was wrong. Yondu does not emerge from a frilly curtain. Yondu barges right down the middle of the line to announce his appearance. (Politely, of course. Everyone moved and cheered when he arrived.) Sean was not pleased about this. He encouraged his (shorter) line to boo Rooker. And for his actions, he got a (fake) punch to the gut from Rooker. When I reached the front, I paid the table assistant and picked a nice screencap of Yondu from the first "Guardians" movie. Rooker was dressed casually, a polo shirt with a fedora and sunglasses. He warmly greeted me. "Hello, young lady!" I introduced myself and he chose a Sharpie to sign with. (Celebs usually have multiple Sharpies in case one color isn't readily visible on a headshot.) Before he put his Sharpie to the paper, he stopped. "Hold on a second, sweetheart." he said. "I need to clean my glasses." I was happy to wait. He took off his sunglasses, grabbed a cloth on the table, and began polishing the lenses. He then turned to his assistant and said in a mildly hushed voice: "I just don't get how people can see out of glasses with fingerprints and stuff! I can't do it! How the fuck can anyone see out of this shit?!" I laughed as he turned back to me and put the newly-cleaned sunglasses back on. "Sorry about that, sweetheart." he said. He swapped the cloth for the Sharpie and got ready to sign. Before he could put the Sharpie to the picture (again), he looked at my glasses, back to the picture, and back at me. Then he picked up the cloth again and started nearing it to no face. "Here, let me get that for you!" The whole line, the assistant, and SEAN GUNN burst out laughing. Of course, he didn't actually touch me (a big no-no). He quickly backed off with a "Just kidding!". He finally signed my headshot and sent me on my merry way. That was an experience I won't forget soon. Thanks for reading the first installment of Diamond Encounters of the Celeb Kind! I might do this again soon. I might not. I'll do what I feel like. Pone Reviews is back on Saturday. Diamond out!
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Triple H, Billy Gunn, Christian, Val Venis x Fem Reader- “Let’s Roleplay, I’ll Wear A Disguise”
One of the most popular words in the professional wrestling world is "kayfabe".
What does that word mean?
It means when something, in particular professional wrestling, is presented as being real, even if it's fake.
Yeah, for several years, the World Wrestling Federation presented itself as real.
Kayfabe doesn't just apply to wrestling matches, but also the characters and gimmicks wrestlers are presented as, although Kane and Mankind aren't really horror movie psychopaths, the Rock isn't really a trash talking guido, and Stone Cold isn't really an angry redneck.
Kayfabe can be a lot of fun, especially when it comes to playing a character.
Hmmmmm, playing a character in wrestling, especially a really memorable character that sticks out in your mind, got any ideas?
One evening at the beginning of 1999, you were in a hotel room with 5 wrestlers.
Who were they?
Triple H, Billy Gunn, Val Venis, and Christian.
In that hotel room, you shared a bed with these 4 wrestlers, you were slightly on all fours in the middle of the bed, where Val was lying on his back on the bed's mattress while you rode and bounced up and down his cock, Billy Gunn was right behind you, pounding your asshole with his dick, Christian's face was buried in the side of your neck, biting and sucking your neck, and Triple H was standing on his knees in front of you with his jeans pulled down, exposing his genitals to you.
Triple H had his hair completely hanging down and not tied back in little braids or a ponytail, because this is how you like the way he looks.
Christian was wearing a long sleeved, loose fitting white dress shirt with those purple wrestling tights he wears in the Brood.
Billy's hair was hanging down, not tied back in a ponytail or little braids, because he looks sexiest with his long blond hair hanging down.
You made Billy Gunn fuck your ass because his nickname is "Mr. Ass" and would eventually have an entrance theme describing how he's an ass man, Val Venis is fucking your twat since he plays a porn star, Christian's sucking your neck because he plays a vampire in that Brood trio, and Triple H on "Monday Night Raw" plays an immature fratboy who makes dick jokes and points to his crotch while saying an obscene insult related to fellatio.
Triple H could be fucking your cunt while you give Val Venis a blowjob, considering Triple H's jokes he says in D Generation X are related to penis/vagina sex ("I got the rocket if you want the ride!" and "I've got a knife that will fit in your drawers!") and sometimes Val Venis references fellatio (like that "Soldier of Love" promo where it was implied Jenna Jameson was giving him head), but that will be for next time.
While Billy was fucking you, his hands were squeezing a handful of your ass cheeks.
Triple H's cock was growing harder and filling up with blood while you were sucking on his cock.
The bed was creaking and squeaking while you bounced up and down Val's lap, hopefully you and this bed won't fall through a ceiling.
You as well as these other wrestlers hope that people next door won't hear that you're having sex, though the WWF is increasing in popularity by the late 90's, and maybe some people who watch wrestling would be excited to see you really having sex with these 4.
You actually have had a few gangbangs like this before, where wrestlers played their characters while having sex with you (Shawn Michaels giving you a lapdance since he plays a male stripper while you rode on Billy Gunn's lap reverse cowgirl, since he used to play a cowboy in that Smoking Gunns duo).
As you tried sucking on Triple H's cock, Triple H's hands were motioning and pointing at his crotch, his hands making a "chopping" motion and forming a "v" shape.
"Suck it!" he exclaimed, pushing his crotch forward at you.
Billy, Christian and Val laughed and smiled from ear to ear hearing him proclaim that, and even you couldn't help but break out into a smile.
And indeed, you listened to Triple H's command, despite that his cock was already in your mouth and you were busy giving him head.
As you sucked on Triple H's dick, precum was leaking out of the slit of his penishead and onto your tongue, where you swallowed his precum, sucking any precum that trickled down his shaft or out of his slit.
Sometimes, your tongue licked up and down his shaft like a Popsicle, licking up any precum that dripped down it, other times your lips going up his shaft made his precum blend and smear into his erection.
You moaned and mumbled while having Triple H's penis in your mouth, because of Val and Billy fucking you, and your moans and breath heated up Trips' shaft, your moans buzzing and vibrating around his shaft.
Val's hands held your hips while you rode him, making sure you stay on his lap for now.
Christian was giving you a huge pink hickey on your neck from sucking your neck, and he's gonna probably give you a lot of them when you're having sex.
Triple H's hands this time crossed at the wrists to form an "x" shape, raising those hands up, still in an "x" shape, only to quickly drop them down.
"Suck it!" he repeated, thrusting and pushing his genitals at you while he made that gesture.
And you listened and obeyed him, he doesn't have to shout that, though he is staying in character.
Plus, him shouting that obscene catchphrase and doing that gesture is soooooooooooo hot to you.
Speaking of sucking it, Christian was growing tired from sucking one part of your neck, so he moved his mouth to another part of your neck, your skin being released from his teeth, only for him to sink his teeth into another part of your skin, suctioning his lips around the part of your skin.
He left a pink hickey on your neck with his bitemarks engraved in your flesh, that hickey might fade away.
Your tits and bouncing and flopping back and forth, up and down above Val's face, and the Big Valbowski would love to suck on and play with your tits, maybe he even can.
Triple H would love to jack off on your breasts considering he's made so many women in the audience flash their tits, and maybe he could.
Trips was looking at you sucking on his cock, grinning a shit eating grin from ear to ear, so happy and proud of you sucking his dick.
You'd love to slide your fingers down through Christian's long, silky locks, and maybe you even can.
Hell, you want to slide your fingers down through Billy, Triple H and Val's hair as well, though it's a bit difficult for your hand to reach out and touch Triple H's hair, unless you, Val and Billy moved a few inches.
You would invite Jeff Hardy and Test (the same Test who married Stephanie McMahon on "Monday Night Raw" and dated Stacy Keibler) to this gangbang, but they didn't really play characters during this time.
Eventually, you did have a gangbang where you sucked on Jeff Hardy, Test, Val and even Shawn Michaels' dicks while Triple H fucked your pussy and Billy Gunn pounded your ass while Christian was sucking your neck, and sometimes you even had this same gangbang but this time you gave Triple H a blowjob while Val fucked your twat.
Since Billy Gunn is nicknamed Mr. Ass and in his entrance theme, it stays he loves to love and kick asses, there's something else Billy loves to do to asses that isn't mentioned in that song.
He removed his hands from your ass cheeks and tried to spank your ass cheeks while he fucked your bum, his hands swatting your cheeks and trying to turn them pink.
Did it work?
A little bit, yeah.
You yelped and cried out when Billy smacked your ass, but, y'know, Billy is an ass man...
You lifted one of your hands off of the bed and moved it behind Christian's head, your fingers sneaking in between strands of his blond hair, only for those fingers to slide and glide down through his long silky locks, your hand pulling Christian into your neck, but not enough that his nostrils are smothered by your neck and he's suffocating.
Billy tried to spank your ass harder this time, which made you cry out while having a cock in your mouth, but you're trying not to bite on Triple H's dick while sucking it.
You haven't been faking your orgasm, these men really are turning you on.
You wish other wrestlers who play characters could be in this orgy, Scott Hall a.k.a. the former Razor Ramon is one of them, but he's over in WCW now.
Your pussy's been getting more moist and wet thanks to being fucked by 2 men at the same time as well as having someone suck your neck.
Val can feel your tits swishing back and forth above his face, so he made his hands roam up your hips all the way to your breasts, where his hands cupped your tits when they reached them.
His hands squeezed and fondled your breasts, and you could feel his palms on your areolas and nipples.
Val also didn't get to fondle and squeeze your tits, but his fingers tweaked and pinched them as well.
Poor Billy and Triple H won't get a chance to play with your breasts or jack off on them, but Billy is playing his Ass Man character.
Your moans are muffled from Triple H's dick in your mouth, but they  are a little bit loud.
As you've been getting fucked, Billy's eyes shut tight and teeth grimaced, and thankfully he's behind you so you don't have to see his funny facial expressions.
That goes for Val as well, and Triple H is rolling his eyes to the top of his head and biting his lip.
You're surprised that Triple H isn't shouting any of his naughty sexual innuendos he says on "Monday Night Raw", but maybe next time he will.
Hell, why isn't Val saying his sexual innuendos while he's fucking you?
Though, you've had sex with Triple H when he said those innuendos, you even had a threesome with him and Val Venis saying their notorious sexual innuendos.
Not to mention he did exclaim "My bazooka is locked, cocked and ready to unload!" before this gangbang with Christian, Val and Billy and he pointed to his crotch when he shouted that.
Your moans keep getting higher pitched when you're getting fucked and spanked, and your ass turns pinker as you're getting fucked.
Being fucked for so long has to have a reaction, what is that reaction?
That reaction is you crying out and your twat creaming while Val's dick was inside your pussy, your clit pounding and throbbing hard after you came.
Despite that you've came, it isn't over until some other people cum.
Triple H was trying to look at you while you sucked his cock, he still had that naughty smirk spread across his face.
He was murmuring under his breath how dirty and slutty you are, and he knows that.
You lifted one of your hands and moved it behind Billy's head, trying to slide your fingers down and through his blond hair.
He could feel your arm and hand trying to reach out, which made him smile.
Triple H and Val are probably getting jealous that your fingers are sliding down through Billy and Christian's hair, but not theirs.
Wait your turn and be patient.
The inside of your twat was even slipperier after you creamed, and Val's dick is still sliding back and forth inside your pussy hole.
Billy's shaft has been sliding back and forth in between your ass cheeks during this gangbang, clapping your cheeks in more ways than one.
Val's getting tired from fondling your breasts, so he removed his hands from your tits, lifting his head up from the bed and trying to wrap his mouth around one of your nipples.
Did he?
You could feel his rough, bristly facial hair on your skin.
He didn't just suck your nipple, but made the tip of his tongue run in circles on your areola.
Pretty soon, Billy felt like he was gonna cum, and he leaned his head back and groaned quite loudly as he jizzed in your ass.
His dick released his seed in your butt, little squirts of his cum shooting out of his slit in your ass.
Your ass became easier for his cock to slide back and forth in your ass now that he's came in there, and he still continued to fuck you despite already jizzing.
Eventually, Triple H jizzed in your mouth, leaning his head back and closing his eyes when he came, and you swallowed all of his cum that came out of his slit and dripped down his shaft.
Val was the last one to cum inside you, groaning a rough, gravelly groan when he came in your twat.
When these 3 all jizzed in you, you pulled yourself off of Val's lap, Billy and Val's dicks leaving your pussy and ass, their seed leaking out of your holes and spilling onto the bed's comforter.
You gave Val a blowjob, cleaning his dick off.
You didn't blow Billy Gunn, why?
His dick was up your bacteria filled ass where shit comes out, despite that your rear end was completely clean and didn't have any shit smeared on your ass cheeks.
Y'know, Triple H once shouted "Instead of spreading your legs like some cheap whore" and repeatedly called Sunny "skanky" on "Monday Night Raw", yet you were having promiscuous sex and even a few gangbangs with multiple wrestlers, Triple H was even involved in them.
Plus, Trips shouldn't throw stones in glass houses considering this was the same man that said "Ladies, I've got a knife that will fit in your drawers!" and "You desert ladies, after you're done getting pricked by my cactus, I'll let you play with my prairie dog!".
Eventually, you had a few more gangbangs like this, letting Triple H and Shawn Michaels play their DX characters (despite Shawn now playing a commissioner and not a male stripper), Val playing his porn star character, Christian playing a vampire and Val Venis playing a porn star.
This gangbang was like you were getting fucked by the characters Triple H, Val, Billy and Christian play in the WWF.
0 notes
scaredofrobots · 7 years
based on @kittykitpanda headcanon My friends @elanev91 @beks21 and @levins18 and @petalstofish  are BULLIES. THEY BULLY ME
I was gonna post as a “HAPPY 45 DAYS UNTIL CHRIMA” tomorrow but know you nerds love Taylor more than me
Living life without regrets was generally easy for James Potter. Mistakes, he would make and try to fix- but regrets were generally avoided and not something he would allow himself to have.
That was until Sixth Year Potions. James Potter believed he would regret being late to the first day of Advanced Potions for the rest of his life.
When he arrived only two minutes before class started, he was surprised to see Sirius Black sitting with Lily Evans. When he took the seat next to Remus he didn’t even have to ask for an explanation, “Sirius has decided that NEW MATE LILY EVANS should not be subjected to partner with ‘that foul racist greasy headed git’ so he has taken it upon himself to be Lily’s potions partner, and don’t even ask- I lost rock paper scissors for it as me. And then since you weren’t here and he knew you’d be pissed I had to do another round,” here Remus did his Sirius impression- which was basically just him yelling, “as James- he always does rock first Remus so I’m Evans’ partner”
Before James could protest or approach Sirius and demand a rock paper scissors redo, Professor Slughorn entered the room and started class.
Sixth Year was apparently going to be the worst, they were brewing some complicated ass potion that even Remus didn’t understand. They spent the entire class muttering “what the fuck is a dingle berry?” or  “wait- we were supposed to stir it how many times?” and “shit- I didn’t even see that ingredient back there.”
While James and Remus were dying a slow and painful death, Lily and Sirius seemed to be having the time of their lives. They were fucking laughing and leisurely working on the potion as if it were the easiest thing in the world and that brewing this fucking potion was actually enjoyable.
At the end of class when Slughorn was gathering their vials, he remarked “Ahh...Ms. Evans, Mr. Black- you’ve brewed a perfect potion and earned yourself a break from homework.”
When he and Remus were assigned an extra foot of parchment, James found himself cursing the extra piece of bacon he ate at breakfast that made him late.
As they headed back to their common room for a free period, Lily caught up with him.
“Tough luck, Potter,” Lily sympathized as she linked arms with him. Despite his scowl, his heart sped up a little bit.
“That's alright Evans, I’ll be sure to be on time and then we can be partners,” he smiled back to her.
“NOPE,” Sirius exclaimed, as he came between them and dropped his arms over their shoulders, “The early Marauder gets the worm and in the case of potions Evans is the best worm there is and I intend to keep her.”
“First of all,” Lily started, “I am not a worm- but I am stuck with Sirius because Slughorn said we’d be partners with whoever we matched with today for the rest of this term. Secondly, I’ve told you calling yourself The Marauders is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It won’t ever catch on and you just seem like a bunch of weirdos who named your friend group for no discernible reason.”
“IT IS NOT STUPID!!!” all of the boys responded loudly and angrily.
“Well, it’s bloody confusing. My mother thought I was involved in gang activity or something when you lot came round to apologize about the O.W.L. incident and told her ‘We are the Marauders and we have important business with your daughter.’”
Lily relented, “I had to explain to her that you were basically 8 year old boys who somehow found your way home from Neverland. But then you all charmed your way into my house and now my mother is planning your Christmas jumpers. ”
“Well, we Marauders are incredibly charming and fit, don’t you know,” Sirius explained.
“Idiots, the lot of you, I don’t know why I waste my time,” Lily exhaled, but her smile was very telling.
Lily and Sirius becoming potions partners began to cause a multitude of problems for James Potter. He had to watch as his best mate became better mates with the girl of his dreams. He had to watch as Sirius kept that ‘that foul racist greasy headed git’ from speaking to Lily. And worst of all he had to watch as Lily and Sirius began to have inside jokes- most of which were at his expense.
One night in mid-October, James returned from quidditch practice to find Lily and Sirius inexplicably sitting in the common room wearing matching Christmas pajamas. If this wasn’t bizarre enough, Sirius had his head in Lily’s lap and he was instructing her on how to “do a proper French braid.”
James sat down across from them and was completely ignored until Lily said “ok- now switch.”
As they switched places and Sirius began to braid Lily’s hair, James was greeted with Lily’s smile and a “How was Quidditch, Potter?”
James ranted about his team and Lily gave some advice on “people management” and “leadership.” They chatted happily for the better part of an hour. Sirius was focused on braiding Lily’s hair into a series of complicated overlapping and intertwined knots.
As Sirius finished his masterpiece he cleared his throat and declared “You know Evans, I believe that your hair is as Beautiful as Life Itself, and as a man who also has hair that is as Beautiful as Life Itself- we should start a society.”
James knew that this wasn’t going to end well when Lily turned around to Sirius, grinning, and responded, “I’ve been thinking the same thing. Naturally we need to create requirements. Like length, quality of shine and of course-” she turned to James and grinned, “-neatness. Can’t have messy hair in our society.”
James started, “Oh for fucks sake-”
But Sirius stopped him “She’s right, James. I’m calling our first meeting to order and since you do not meet the requirements for membership, you have to leave”
“Right, right. Anyway Lily, back to what I was-” James started again but was once again interrupted, this time by Lily,  “Sorry Potter, Sirius is right. We have to work out these details. I’m sure you’re tired from Quidditch and you still stink. I’ll talk to you at breakfast- yeah?”
Grumbling to himself, James retreated to his dorm.
Lily Evans did not speak to James Potter at breakfast. In fact she and Sirius were missing all morning.
When James arrived at the potions classroom (10 minutes early thankyouverymuch) he discovered where his alleged mates Sirius and Lily had gotten to. He stood out of sight and eavesdropped.
“Thank you so much for sponsoring this society professor,” Lily cooed in a disgustingly sweet voice, “we think it will really help boost student confidence and inter-House unity”
“Yes,” Sirius added in his lawyer voice, “and shouldn’t the beautiful people of this school get the recognition they deserve?”
“Yes, yes of course,” Slughorn pontificated loudly, “I am very honored that you invited me to sponsor it. It is a shame you never got to see my hair that was so beautiful when I was younger but I am honored with the honorary membership. Your bylaws and membership all seem to be in order so I am happy to sign and forward to the headmaster. Now I’ll just take this paperwork and this pineapple and will be right back to start class.”
As soon as Slughorn’s retreated into his office, James witnessed Lily and Sirius do the most ridiculous victory dance.
Entering the room James stated, “I can’t believe you’ve made an official club.”
“SOCIETY!” was yelled back at him
“Alright alright society,” James acknowledged, “and because I know you need five members to make if official- I’ll join”
He was met with laughter.
“Sorry to break your heart James, but Lily here already found three other members,” Sirius announced proudly, “and mate, we told you last night you don’t meet the qualifications.”
Scoffing, James asked, “Who?”
“Membership is confidential,” Lily explained and patted James sympathetically on the shoulder.
Potions that day was the absofuckinglutelyworst shit James had ever endured.
Again, they had to use dingle berries and he swore the instructions kept changing.
“Seriously Remus, what the fuck are those?” James wailed as their potion turned blue and not ‘a pleasing shade of yellow’ that they were going for.
But Professor Slughorn was besotted with Lily and Sirius the entire class. Lily and Sirius’ potion was one shade of yellow lighter than James and was pronounced “More Beautiful Than Life Itself”
James was seriously considering just how terrible Azkaban might be for a double murder by lunch.
Her wrote to his mum for advice a week later when he discovered that REMUS FUCKING LUPIN was one of the Fabulous Original Five. James had only discovered this piece of information while looking for the fucking map in Sirius’ damn nest of a bed that was covered in parchment, scraps of bacon, dirty socks and jumpers James had never seen.
While James was sifting through the garbage to find the map he stumbled upon an folder written  in Lily’s hand labeled:
Official Hogwarts Society for Witches and Wizards with Hair as Beautiful as Life Itself Official TOP SECRET Business
Naturally, he opened the folder and began to peruse the documents.
He passed by the 23 page long bylaws and found the membership page.
On it was written
We the members of the Hogwarts Society for Witches and Wizards with Hair as Beautiful as Life Itself Hereby Solemnly Swear to never reveal our membership to anyone (especially James Fleamont Potter) 1.Sirius Black 2.Lily Evans 3. Thomas Gunn 4.Katie George 5. Remus Lupin
His mate. His best mate who had laughed about the stupid hair society was a member and a dirty dity liar. James hated all of his friends. So he did what any only child would do. He wrote to his mother to complain about his fucking traitor mates.
His mum, however was no help.
It sounds like Sirius and Lily are just trying to irritate you. Just ignore them.
You do have fabulous hair, dear. It's just not as fabulous as Sirius’. I’ve never seen Lily’s but if it is half as fabulous as you’ve made it sound- I don’t blame them for excluding you.
Focus on something else.
Ignoring THE SOCIETY was easier said than done. The five members had grown to 25 by January and the anonymity thing apparently had gone out the window. James had bit his tongue about every single member, but when he overheard Nigel Fucking Babbington asking Thomas Gunn about the next SOCIETY MEETING, he lost it.
He ran into the boys dormitory and raged, “NIGEL CLIVE BABBINGTON, SIRIUS?!?! His hair is decent at best”
“It's the beard, mate,” Sirius lazily responded.
Somehow, James made it to April without killing Lily or Sirius or any other members of THE SOCIETY.
The only upside to Lily and Sirius starting THE SOCIETY was that it meant Lily was around a lot more. Whenever she and Sirius weren’t whispering on corners and giggling- she was having actual meaningful conversations with James.
Lily had even started accompanying James to quidditch practice and keeping stats for him. James learned she was absolutely mad about sports and he was intrigued by football, which Lily described in great detail and told him “I’ll take you to a match over the summer”.
The prospect of spending time alone with Lily over the summer kept him in a good mood for a week.
That was until on April 15th, he was awoken by Lily Evans bursting into their dorm and announcing, “SIRIUS GET UP YOU’RE LATE!”
There was much commotion and grumbling as Sirius quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on his shoes “Sorry Lily! I forgot to set my alarm”
“Forgot? This is official and important society business!” Lily was saying and holding up a massive wig
“Fuck Evans, The Sun Isn’t Even Up!” James complained
“I KNOW JAMES. That is the point. Sirius. If I get pulled into the fucking Great Lake again trying to induct Goofy-” Lily was raging
“Goofy?” James asked
“THE SQUID,” was the chorus reply
“You’re inducting the squid?” James asked and sat up
“YES- PAY ATTENTION. We had to name him so we could write his name on the roster. Sirius thought SUNSET was the most docile time for squids but it is SUNRISE and he needs to get his ass out of the door so we can get this done.
“WHAT A FUCKINMINUTE” James yelled, “I have been trying to ignore this fuckery and these shenanigans attached to THE SOCIETY since it began but this is the final straw. THE SQUID?!? FIRST OF ALL- IT IS BALD! IT IS NOT A MAMMAL! IT DOESN’T HAVE A BELLYBUTTON OR HAIR?!? HOW CAN YOU PUT THE FUCKIN SQUID IN THE CLUB-”
“SOCIETY” Lily and Sirius roared
“FUCK! I don't understand how you can induct a squid but not your best mate?” Jame finished totally exasperated
Offended, Lily explained, “We are giving Goofy a wig. And honestly, he’s been looking a little down in the dumps lately so we thought giving him hair and including him would boost his spirits. Now come on Sirius we are late!”
James watched, horrified and totally depressed as Lily and Sirius excited the dorm and Sirius said simply “Later mate.”
As James tried to go back to sleep he heard Remus say quietly “I fucking hate you all” and Peter’s response “I’m moving out tomorrow.”
As was his custom when he was upset, James ignored Sirius and Lily for two weeks. They didn’t seem to fucking notice though because they were too busy plotting something else that had to do with THE SOCIETY. He was sure he had seen them hiding invitations from him and all manner of decorations and trinkets.
When their probation period was over, James sat next to Lily at breakfast. “Ah, speaking to me again are we?” she implored as she handed him the bacon.
“Yes,” James responded, “your two weeks is up.”
“You are the most dramatic person in my life James Potter. And I say this as someone who is currently co president of a society with Sirius Black,” Lily started
“Please don’t bring up your rubbish cl-society with me, alright?” James pleaded
Rolling her eyes Lily changed subjects “Fine. I really want to yell at you about how Palmer needs to get his act together on the Quidditch Pitch anyway”
For the rest of the term, Lily and Sirius carefully avoided bringing up THE SOCIETY around James.
That was until after the final presummer postseason quidditch practice. As Lily was helping James put away the equipment she casually asked him, “So I know I’m not supposed to bring up THE SOCIETY around you but, well Sirius has planned this mad end of year gala with Slughorn’s help and it’s invitation only. I was wondering if you’d maybe like to go? With me? If not I mean I know you think its stupid but I thought-” she trailed off.
James’ mind was reeling. Holy fucking shit this was it. This was finally it. Lily Evans was finally fucking asking him. He’d been waiting so long and had been so patient.
He was finally getting invited into THE SOCIETY and he was going to be inducted at the end of the year gala!
“YES!” James said, a little too excitedly and then amended, “I mean sounds fun, what should I wear?”
Grinning, Lily started to explain the finer points of the semi formal gala and how she was excited because Slughorn had even managed to get permission to serve wine at the event.
They chatted happily on the walk back to the tower and James made a mental note to write to his dad to ask for some of that new potion so he’d look nice for his induction.
The night of THE GALA, James carefully styled his hair into a pompadour and finished I️t off with 4 sprays of THE NEW SLEEKEAZY’S LUCIOUS LOCKS SPRAY. He felt that his hair, did in fact look more fabulous than life itself. Until he entered the dorm room and was accosted by Sirius demanding, “What the fuck have you done to your hair?”
“I wanted to look nice for my induction tonight Sirius fuck off,” James explained
“Excuse me your WHAT?” Sirius asked as he narrowed his eyes
“Lily invited me to the gala tonight to join THE SOCIETY” James said, barely containing his excitement
“THE FUCK SHE DID. EXCUSE ME I HAVE TO YELL AT MY CO-PRESIDENT!” Sirius exclaimed as he walked out of the door
20 minutes later, James was finishing getting ready and making sure his robes looked neat and pressed when Sirius entered again looking a little stunned.
“Mate, you need to sit down for this” Sirius said grimly
“Oh shuttup Sirius you can’t veto it or some shit like that Evans asked me,” James responded irritably.
“Yes,” Sirius pronounced, “Lily Evans did ask you to go to the gala tonight. But not to be inducted. NAY-” and this he emphasized by putting his hand on his heart, “LILY EVANS ASKED YOU TO THE GALA AS HER DATE BECAUSE SHE FANCIES YOU.”
James sat down.
His heart was racing.
He couldn’t breathe
Trying to process James stated, “She….Lily….Lily Evans asked me on a date? And I said yes? And I didn’t even know it was a date...I….I…..”
“You’re really fucking thick sometimes James. I mean she’s been after you all spring. Following you around, going to quidditch. She told me she figured you were scared or something so she asked you.” Sirius explained to him slowly like a child
James was still panicking “She…..she…...she….I…..a date? But…..and the hair…..and”
“Oh for fucks sake,” Sirius said and vanished
Two minutes later James was still trying to process this when Lily Evans herself entered the dorm she stopped short and exclaimed,  “What the fuck did you do to your hair James?”
“I ….thought….induction...loook…..nice….not….date” James tried to explain and failed
Pinching the bridge of her nose Lily exhaled “God Bless……”
She suddenly stood up straight,, crossed over to him and kissed him.
Stunend, James didn't react but simply stared at her when she pulled away.
“Look James Potter. I fancy you. You’re going to get your hair out of that ridiculous pompadour. Get your shit together and then come down stairs and charm the shit out of me with some idiotic compliment. Then, we will go to the party. If you’re lucky, we’ll sneak a bottle of wine out and go snog behind some tapestry. You’ve got 15 minutes so please try to be on time,” her final orders given Lily swept from the room.
James had never been as prompt as he was that evening. 14 minutes later, he met Lily in the common and did in fact “charm the shit out of her”.  They went to THE GALA and Lily acted as if the pep talk in the dormitory hadn’t ever happened.
Later, behind the tapestry while she was running a hand through his hair Lily told him “You know, your hair is as beautiful as life itself. We were wrong”
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