#thank you for the comments and the messages
fallatyourfeet · 3 days
No Negotiations (Thomas Shelby x Reader - One shot)
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Summary: Tommy thought he had been very careful keeping his relationship with YN a secret, but no, his number one enemy had discovered you. And these things rarely playout well in the world of the Peaky Blinders.
Word count: 1807
Warnings: Quite a few F bombs and quite a bit of angst. Maybe it ends well, maybe it doesn't.
A/N: This fic was a request and it's been a long time coming. I'm so happy to finally post something again.
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Gif: I don't know who this Gif belongs too, but I'd love to give credit to the creator if anyone knows.
Please feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, I would love to know what you think.
If you like this, please feel free to visit my blog and take a look around! You can find my masterlist in my bio.
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It was a particularly complicated time in Tommy’s life. There were a lot of different things going down. Dangerous things. And it most definitely was not a great time to be dating anyone. But YN wasn’t just ‘anyone’. To Tommy, she had very quickly and very unexpectantly, become everything. For the past year, it was YN that kept him sane during the whole fracture between his family. And with Luca Changretta still plotting his revenge against every single member of the Shelby clan, he thanked God that he had kept her completely separated from his family and business life. She was his escape. With her, his existence was simpler, uncomplicated. Cherished. Every secret second he stole by her side recharged him, settled him in ways he could never have imagined. Every night spent warming her bed gave him hours of blissful dreamless sleep. So, when he looked up from the ringside during the Goliath vs Bonnie Gold match to see her seat empty, he found himself unable to breathe.
Tommy started the night in good spirits, just happy knowing YN was there. Even if she was sitting anonymously across the opposite side of the hall, finding his thoughts already caught amongst the quiet moments he would steal away with her at the end of the night. When Arthur grew concerned of the men in Goliath’s corner, he urged him not to worry, to calm down and enjoy the match. And even when one of the men disappeared from ringside and Arthur felt the need to investigate, Tommy thought it was his older brother’s paranoia taking hold. But when Arthur didn’t return before the second man in Goliath’s corner slipped into the crowd, Tommy instantly found his stomach in knots, his eyes gravitating to YN’s seat.
It was empty.
Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe she had slipped away to the ladies. Or maybe she found herself completely disinterested in boxing and left to wait for him at their hotel room. Or maybe the growing knot in his stomach told him something much more unthinkable was taking place. Jumping from his seat, Tommy wasted no more time, easily slipping through the crowd, following the same path as Arthur.
It was unnervingly quiet walking down the passage and into the back rooms of the venue, Tommy barely registering the excitement of the crowd as it faded into the background. Only interested in the silence around him. But it was too much. Bellowing out both YN and Arthur’s name, his voice echoed and bounced off the tiled walls around him, his call answered by a gun shot. Tommy’s blood ran cold. The deafening sound vibrated through every cell in his body as if it had pierced his very flesh and Tommy couldn’t escape the hollow feeling that YN was somehow tangled in the mess.
Tommy moved desperately in and out of doorways in the direction of the gunshot, finding nothing. Until he turned the corner into a dimly lit room. But there was no mistaking what he saw, and he knew the scene before him would be forever burnt to his memory, causing him instantaneous regret. Arthur hunched over, visibly shaken as he clutched at his blood-stained neck, working hard to regain his breath. But he was alive. And beside him lay one of the men from Goliath’s corner, in a pool of his own blood, his face half blown away. But it was YN. Standing in that very same room, a room she was never supposed to be in, that had the regret burning like fire in his throat. Backed up against the cold tiled wall her whole body was trembling, arms outstretched as her hands clamped around Arthur’s pistol; knuckles white.
Tommy stepped into the room, startling her. Terrified, her trembling body swung around to face him, waving Arthur’s pistol unsteadily in his direction. All her features were overcome with fear, drained and washed out, his regret now burning bitter in his mouth. Moving towards her, he outstretched his hands, recognition dawning across her face. And when he whispered her name, she fell apart.
Simultaneously, the pistol slipped from her fingers, as her body slid down the wall, Tommy reaching her before she hit the floor, cradling her head, whispering against her ear, “It’s okay… you’re okay. I’ve got you.” Shaking his head, he found it hard to keep control of his voice, guilt ripping through his words, “I’m sorry… I’m so fucking sorry… I didn’t want this for you… I…” Tommy felt sick seeing her this way. Because of him, she had taken a man’s life, she didn’t deserve that kind of burden and there was nothing he could do to take it back.
“Tommy.” Arthur’s hoarse voice broke through his stupor. Looking across to his brother, he was no longer hunched over, but was instead standing before him, a steady stream of blood running from a gash to his neck. Speaking again, he gestured to the body on the floor, his words rough and strained, “I don’t know who the hell she is, Tommy, but he was tryin’ to drag her out the fuckin’ door.” Running blood-stained hands through his hair, he rubbed the back of his head, “I ripped her from his grip, but he fuckin’ got me Tommy, he had me… I’d be dead. She saved my fuckin’ arse.”
Tommy shuddered, not even allowing himself to think about what might have happened if Arthur didn’t reach her in time, all while he was too busy ignoring his brother’s concerns. Sudden gratitude spilled from his mouth, “Thank you, Arthur. You were right… I didn’t listen, but you were fucking right.”
Arthur crouched down, and whispered as if there were people in the room who could listen, “Who is she Tommy, and what does Changretta want with her?”
Surely the fact that he was on the ground cradling YN was explanation enough, but Tommy answered anyway, “She’s my girlfriend… I love her… that’s the all reason he needs.” And it was those words as they left his lips, that brought about an instant and upsetting decision.
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Luca Changretta was no longer a threat. He had been dealt with in the most final way. Until the moment Arthur unloaded a bullet into his head, Changretta thought both Arthur and YN were dead, leaving Tommy’s exit plan for the mafia boss sailing through without a hitch. But there was still one thing left for Tommy to do. Something that tore at his insides, just thinking about it. But there was no other choice.
It was necessary.
Staring at YN’s front door, he took a deep breath, unable to put it off any longer. Lifting the iron knocker, he tapped it against the timber and cleared his throat, waiting for the sound of her footsteps and yet, hoping not to hear them. Never had he waited at her door with such trepidation, any stress or worries usually melted away the moment his eyes caught sight of her house. Always far too confident that he’d never been seen. God, he had been so fucking stupid.
YN opened the door with one of her breathtaking smiles, she was not going to make this easy. Fuck, he was going to miss those smiles. Burning the image to memory, he went to speak, but she leaned forward and planted a kiss to his lips, her sweet voice announcing, “Thomas Shelby… you’re late, you’re never late.” Tommy inhaled deeply, knowing that soon enough he wouldn’t be able to recall the sound of her voice, when what he really wanted was to wake up to it every single morning.  
Internally nodding, Tommy realised she was right, he had been putting this meeting off all afternoon, and when she stepped aside to let him come in, he found his feet cemented to her doorstep, his voice lost upon his lips. Seeing his hesitation, her features suddenly clouded with apprehension and concern. And it tore him to shreds. “What’s wrong, Tommy? What happened?” Grabbing his hand, she pulled him inside, sitting them both down in the parlour, “Tell me, what’s going on?”
Tommy didn’t want to be inside her house, he wanted to drop the news and leave, but she deserved more, so much more. Chewing on his lip, he inhaled deeply and cleared his throat, working hard to keep his voice convincing, “YN… I… I can’t be with you anymore.” YN jumped from the seat as if he’d slapped her. Tommy’s eyes shifted to the floor, concentrating on a scratch in the timber beside his foot, “It’s not safe anymore… people know who you are now… I… I’d never survive if something happened to you... I’d never forgive myself.”
“Tommy!” A few seconds of silence followed before she called his name again, “Tommy… you need to look at me!” This was not a good idea, no good could come from seeing her face, but how could he deny her? After everything she had given him over the past year. All those stolen moments and blissful memories… memories that would keep him functioning during all the lonely nights that would follow without her.
Lifting his head, he kept his gaze unfocused, worried her expression might destroy his resolve. Not that it mattered, her words and tone conveyed everything. She was furious. But she didn’t raise her voice once. “No… No Tommy.” Her comment snapped his eyes into focus and the determination he saw; on her face; in her posture, it took him by surprise.
Shifting in his seat, he couldn’t think, couldn’t stop the internal wall of his will from crumbling, with every word she spoke. “I won’t let you do this. I could die crossing the road today. I could get sick tomorrow and die next week. I could die giving birth or fall asleep and never wake up.” Drawing a breath, she shook her head, it was barely noticeable, “People die every day, Tommy, there’s nothing we can do about it, but I’m not going to let you give me up.”
Knealing down, her hands enveloped his face, demanding his attention, “I’m not going to miss out on a life with you, how ever long or short that may be… Do you not think I’m terrified of losing you too?”
Tommy shook his head, but his wall of resolve was gone, and he knew the words he spoke were no more than white noise, “My life… it’s dangerous… Just being with me is-”
Losing patience, she cut his white noise short with unyielding hands, refusing to let him look away. Her eyes were fierce. And her decision was final. There would be no negotiations. “Just shut up Tommy, stop talking. I love you. And I know you love me…. I’m not stupid, I know the risk I’m taking. But for you, I’m willing to take it.”
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 2
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 ,-
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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“Cassy, pardon my eldest daughter. As a mother, I admit the mistakes and the shame you've witnessed today.” Genevieve clasped her friend’s hands together, her demeanor polished yet tense.
She couldn't ruin Victoria and Bucky's engagement because of you. She had worked hard to persuade her husband to connect with the Barnes.
Cassandra looked at Genevieve, noting how she was swallowing her pride—a remarkable feat for such a proud woman. She gently patted her friend's hand. “It’s alright. Every family has its own troubles.”
Genevieve's face brightened upon hearing that. She placed a hand on her chest. “Oh, what a great friend you are. I’m so glad we’re going to be in-laws.”
Victoria felt a wave of relief wash over her. Your attempt to ruin her future hadn't succeeded.
Bucky and his mother, exuding an air of sophistication and wealth, got into their Rolls-Royce Phantom. Cassandra's movements were graceful, and her every gesture was a testament to their family's high status. Still silent and composed, Bucky followed her, his mind racing with thoughts of the day’s events.
In the quiet ride, Bucky's mind kept replaying the events of the day. His fingers touched his lips.
Someone had touched his face and kissed him.
He hadn’t vomited or fainted.
He would have to see the doctor tomorrow.
“Are you alright?” Cassandra looked at her son, noticing how unusually quiet he seemed. He hadn't shown any reaction when she saw him get so close to you. Compared to Victoria, she could see Bucky's face turn pale.
Bucky murmured, “It's strange.”
Then he looked at his mother. “After what we saw today, do you still want to keep the engagement going?”
Cassandra tilted her head and crossed her arms. “We need their money. I thought being in-laws would benefit us, but I'm starting to have second thoughts. We'll see.”
She asked, “What about you? If you don't like it, we can stop the wedding.”
Bucky hummed, his eyes looking out the window. “I don't know.”
Right now, all he needed was an answer to why he didn’t react when you kissed him.
He grabbed his phone and started typing, his fingers moving quickly over the screen. “I want you to search for someone.” Then he clicked send.
Within a minute, his phone vibrated with a message: “OK.”
Bucky leaned back in his seat, his fingers lingering on his lips, his mind racing as the car smoothly glided through the city streets.
Inside the bedroom, Bucky emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets glistening on his six-pack abs and muscular chest. His dark hair was damp, and he exuded a fresh, clean scent.
He had spent an hour in the shower, trying to wash away the sensation of Victoria’s touch.
Then he heard his phone buzz again. It was the information he had requested about your background.
He quickly put on his pants, then sat on the edge of his bed, his body still slightly wet, and started reading the message, his eyes scanning the details intently.
The story unfolded: you are the child of the first wife. After your mother's death, your father, Jonathan, brought another woman and her daughter into the house.
It turned out that when Jonathan was drunk, a woman took advantage of the situation. That woman was Genevieve, and her daughter was Victoria.
You hated your stepmother and stepsister, becoming a rebel. You caused chaos at home and were a troublemaker at school, until the day you were finally kicked out of the house.
Bucky read on until he reached the part about your occupation. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he stood up abruptly. “She's what?!”
The bell's sound echoed throughout the entire building. It was supposed to signal the students to enter their classrooms. But they didn’t. They continued smoking, sitting on the floor, or sleeping.
This was a common sight at Granite Hills Reform School, where problematic, delinquent students from all over the country were gathered.
“Tuck. Tuck. Tuck.” The sound of something hitting the floor echoed in the hallway. Students who were still lingering started to head into their classrooms. The sound served as a final warning for them.
They didn’t want to have a problem with the person responsible for the noise.
“It’s time to enter the class, you lazy pricks. Why the heck are you guys still here? Are you discussing the solution for world peace?” You tapped a baseball bat on a locker door, addressing the final-year students who were still acting tough.
The students who had been acting strong before began to back away. One of them pulled a friend away from starting a fight with you. “Let's go. Didn’t you hear she fought two students who weighed like sumo wrestlers?”
“It was her? Damn. No wonder she broke her left hand.”
You watched as the last group of students left the hallway. Now it was empty.
You entered your classroom. Your students were already waiting for you, looking attentive and ready.
You sat on your chair and rested your leg on your teacher's desk.
Pointing at one student, you said, “Andre, prepare the TV.”
“TV again? When can we study?” Jimmy, one of the students, complained.
“Now you want to study? Fuck. I don't get paid enough for this,” you retorted.
“Grab your phone and look for 'To Kill a Mockingbird,'” you instructed.
“We didn't use the book?” Jimmy asked.
“What's the point? You're going to throw the book away,” you replied.
The other students agreed with your reasoning.
“Read two chapters, and I will ask you questions,” you said.
The students in your class started complaining amongst themselves, but you didn't care.
After a while, you announced, “Time's up,” and began asking questions.
You got up from your seat and walked around the class, your presence commanding attention. Then, you picked unlucky student Jimmy.
“Who is Scout Finch, and how does she introduce herself and her family in Chapter 1?” you asked.
Jimmy gulped nervously. “Scout Finch is a local shopkeeper who lives alone and has no family.”
“WRONG,” you declared bluntly.
“Miss, I know the answer,” Andre raised his hand eagerly.
“Give it to me,” you commanded.
“Scout Finch is the young narrator of the story. She introduces her father, Atticus Finch, her brother, Jem, and mentions her mother’s death,” Andre confidently answered.
You snapped your fingers, a smirk playing on your lips. “That's right. Bravo.” Then, you pulled dollar bills from your pants pocket and handed them to Andre.
“As a reward, you could skip this class, buy a coca-cola for you, and grab a coffee from the cafeteria for me,” you said.
“But… I'm diabetic,” Andre protested.
“A mineral water for you then,” you replied dismissively.
Andre rolled his eyes and left the classroom. As he headed to the cafeteria, he never imagined that the hallway would be empty and the dirty graffiti gone.
All of this has happened since you joined this school, and the crime records have also decreased significantly.
You were scary as heck, but you had made a change in this school.
As Andre returned to the class with the drinks, he saw someone who seemed out of place entering the building.
He looked the gentleman up and down. This man seemed to embody the type of person he wanted to become when he grew up.
“I'm looking for Miss Sinclair,” the man asked Andre with a deep voice.
Andre raised his eyebrows, taken aback. “My teacher?”
Back in the classroom, you sat behind your teacher's desk, still asking questions while waiting for your coffee. You rested your right arm behind you and propped your legs up on the desk again.
Finally, Andre entered.
“Finally—" you began, but your words stopped short when you saw the person behind your student.
“Whaa—Andre, did you bring your master?” Jimmy asked, starting to laugh. “Hahaha—oh.” He realized he was the only one laughing in the class.
Andre handed you your coffee. “Here's your coffee, miss. This gentleman is looking for you.”
“Oh, you have a gigolo, miss?” Jimmy quipped.
You looked at the guest while sipping your hot coffee. “The outfit he's wearing from head to toe is worth more than your net worth, Jimmy.”
Other students murmured while Jimmy asked, “Should I become a gigolo too?”
“What are you doing here?” you asked Bucky.
“I want to talk to you,” Bucky replied.
“I don't have time,” you retorted.
“Is this how you talk after you stole a kiss from me?” Bucky's words hung in the air.
“Oohhh…,” the students murmured in surprise, their voices echoing in the classroom. Seeing their intimidating teacher talking to a man who looked prosperous, and she stole a kiss??
“Get all of your asses out of this room,” you commanded sternly, gesturing for the students to leave.
“Awww,” the students started complaining, reluctant to leave as they wanted to see what happened next. However, they eventually relented and filed out of the classroom, grumbling as they went. In a short moment, the classroom had become empty.
“Is this how you talk to your students?” Bucky asked, a hint of amusement in his voice, observing your interaction with the students.
“They're not students, they're devil spawn,” you replied with a wry smile, leaning back in your chair with a sense of satisfaction.
“Pfft…” Bucky turned away his face, trying his best not to laugh. Now, he realizes entirely that you're different from all the women he's ever met, especially Victoria.
“So why are you here? Is it because I kissed you without your consent?” you asked bluntly, raising an eyebrow.
Bucky cleared his throat. “Ehm. Partly. And I want to talk to you about something else. Please,” he replied politely, his demeanor surprisingly calm despite the situation.
You raised your eyebrows, not expecting him to ask so politely. He didn't seem mad, even after you kissed him. You were starting to feel like Bucky was too good for your stepsister.
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Author Note: I have so much fun writing this chapter 😂
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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astroph1les · 1 day
coffee & stumbles | e.e
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summary: your first date with emily turns very tense when you run into your ex. luckily, you’re able to minimize your time with her when emily gets the hint that you weren’t comfortable.
here’s part one of this!
pairing: emily engstler x fem!reader
contains: fluff, mentions of past toxic relationship — manipulation, gaslighting, etc, readers ex is AWFUL, emily being protective and just the best </3
word count: 4.6K
a/n: ok so i’m obsessed with writing this. thank you guys for the support! inbox is open for more suggestions or ideas for future parts because tbh my mind is BLANK!
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“You’re kidding! Ugh, I wish I would’ve been there to see you all flustered around her,” your best friend, Delilah, exclaimed as she laid her feet on your lap, prodding at your thigh with her sock-covered toes.
You shook your head at her words, covering your face with one palm. As soon as you got off of your work, you headed straight to your shared apartment with Dahlia. Her strawberry hair was in a messy low bun, a few strands falling to frame her freckled face as she held a pint of mint chip ice cream. She had your cat, Luna, curled up in a ball in her lap.
“Shut up. I was not that flustered.” You lie, digging into your own pint of cookies and cream ice cream.
“You’re a shit liar, dude,” she shakes her head, sighing softly.
You were about to snip back when you saw a message pop up on your phone screen that was just resting on the coffee table. You lean forward with a grunt to snatch it and hold up your phone to your face.
from: unknown | Hey, it’s Emily! I’m so so sorry I didn’t text you sooner.
Being the nosy person she was, Delilah sat upright and rested her head on your shoulder. With her wooden spoon dangling from her lips, she gasped dramatically.
“Is that hot, tall tattooed girl?” She grinned cheekily.
“Yeah, I don’t know what to say, Del,” you whine as you rest your head on hers.
“Just be yourself. She clearly liked what she was lookin’ at and hearing so,” Delilah pokes at your cheek with her pointer finger. “Come on. Get in that.”
You shush her comments as you type out a small message. You beam as Luna had creepily crawled over to your own lap, running a hand over her soft fur.
to: emily | hey! how are you?
“How are you? Say something else. More flirty.” Delilah demanded with another poke to your cheek.
“Shut up!” You sneer. “I’m getting to it.”
from: emily | I’m doing good. I’m sorry if this is weird but can I call you?
You both gasp at the message, turning to each other with wide eyes.
“Should I say ‘yeah?’” You question, thumbs hovering over the keyboard.
“Hello? Yeah! I wanna hear this sexy raspy voice of hers.” Delilah grins as she creepily leans over your shoulder.
You blush as you regret telling her in detail everything you could retain about Emily. You shouldn't, right?
No, you needed to. Her voice was lingering in her brain from the moment she opened her mouth. Like who sounds like that?
But you wanted to save the conversation for when you saw her.
to: emily | im kind of with my bestfriend rn im sorry :/
“What the fuck?” Delilah frowned as you sent the message.
“Del, I love you but I really do not want to have my first phone call with her with you around. I’ll act even more nervous and weird.” You hold her hand with a tight squeeze.
Delilah reluctantly agrees because she knows your right. As much comfort she gave you, this was new and you wanted to do this on your own. You were 22 with minimal dating experience — all your own fault you felt. Something as exciting as this — a charming woman approaching you of all people — is something you wanted to keep for yourself.
“Well, I know I’ll be able to hear her soon,” she winked playfully at you but her eyes showed her understanding of your wanting for this to be more private.
from: emily | No, don’t apologize. But I really can’t wait to hear and see you again. Let me know when you’re free to grab that coffee :)
You beamed at your phone and hurriedly typed a response.
to: emily | im free thursday morning if that’s good for you too!
from: emily | Sounds good to me. I’ve seen Mia’s on 56th and always wanted to go. I could pick you up or we could meet there. Whatever makes you more comfortable lol
How adorable is she?
“Uh oh. I think someone’s getting a little nervous, dude,” Delilah teases with a shit-eating grin.
“She’s being sweet,” you defend, shaking your head.
“Yeah, I know but that last ‘lol’ really gives her away.”
Maybe it was a bit of an ego boost to know you made someone like her nervous to see you again. Delilah was sure she was bursting with nerves.
to: emily | i’m fine with either. whichever is easiest for you:)
“Okay you two are the cutest. I already sense good things with her,” Delilah announced.
“Enough with your psychic predictions. It freaks me out, Del, you know that.”
Delilah came from a long line of women who were perceived to be ‘witches’ and ‘hippies’. She eerily enough was able to predict a lot of things that have gone either right or wrong since your friendship began in high school.
from: emily | I have no problem picking you up
That’s settled then. She was coming to pick you up on Thursday.
Oh, damn it. What the hell were you going to wear?
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Thursday morning came faster than you expected.
The texts had been nonstop between the two of you. Emily had sent you a few pics of her outfits or meals that she was having. You hoped you didn’t seem as eager as you were in person over texts to get selfies from her. You showed Delilah one she took and she muttered ‘damn’ before nodding in approval.
It had been two days since you first met Emily but the time flew by. It even took you a second to realize that today was the day until Delilah bursted through your shared bathroom door, giddy and ready to help you get ready for the date. You groaned as she shook you slightly, nearly knocking your toothbrush out of your hand.
“Are you ready for your hot coffee date?” Delilah pressed a peck to your head, bouncing with joy.
“Del, I am on the verge of throwing up please.”
You rub at your forehead, feeling your anxiety-induced headache creeping its way to your temples.
“Oh. shit, sorry. Let me know when you’re ready to get dressed and I’ll help.”
You silently thank her as you brush your teeth, tilting your head as you examine your bare face. Internally, it was a battle between calling her and saying that you couldn’t make it due to a stomach bug.
Delilah was testing her psychic abilities and randomly blurted out, nearly shoulder checking you: “You are not canceling. Don’t even try it.”
You gasped and rubbed your shoulder, frowning as you spit out the foamy toothpaste.
“I wasn’t!” Your voice pitched higher.
God, you were awful at lying.
“Sure. I’m not letting you flake out. You need this. Plus, Luna needs another mommy,” Delilah teased, glancing down at the bathroom floor where Luna was brushing past your feet.
“What? We’re not enough for her?” You respond with an exasperated sigh.
“Uh, of course. But she knows her mom is a single mother and secretly wishes that she had another mom to take care of her when me, her aunt, isn’t here.”
You blink at her as you rinse off your toothbrush.
“Did she tell you this?” You snort.
“Duh. I’m a psychic and that includes being an animal one too.” Delilah states, shrugging her shoulders as she finishes up her morning face routine.
“I can’t believe you, Loonie. Shaming me for being a single mother?” You look down at her gray tail curling around your ankles.
Luna meows softly, tilting her head as her big green eyes stare up at you. She sits herself on the top of your bare foot, snuggling into your pajama pant leg.
“Alright, I forgive you but only because you’re so cute.” You preen, leaning down to scratch at the top of her head.
“Traitor.” Delilah scoffs as she applies her daily moisturizer and sunscreen. “But anyways, are you ready now?”
You lean down to pick up Luna who purrs a little as you move her into your arms. You place a few kisses on her head, feeling all the more relaxed.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
Delilah sucked in a deep breath, nodding curtly.
“Let’s get you lookin’ getting-coffee sexy.”
You shake your head at her words, thinking about how annoying she was but how much you loved her.
You and Delilah landed on a black and gray striped sweater with a pair of blue jean shorts and your favorite pair of docs with comfy socks so that the docs wouldn’t tear up your heels. Delilah beamed at the sight of you, pretending to wipe her eyes.
“God, you look beautiful. She’s going to fall in love,” she sighed dramatically as she brushed a few of your baby hairs out of your face.
You shake your head as your face heats up at her words. You sent Emily a text that you were ready when she was ready to which she responded with that she was on her way to go and pick you up.
“Should I, like, greet her at the door and ask her intentions with you?” Delilah hummed in thought as she picked up Luna and cradled her in her arms.
“Absolutely not. I’ll kick you in the back of your knee if you do that.”
Delilah frowned and shook her head. “Jesus, okay. I won’t.”
“Love you, though,” you scrunch your nose at her before scratching underneath Luna’s chin, watching her eyes shut slowly.
“Yeah, yeah, love you.”
The minutes passed steadily as you waited for a knock at the apartment door. You tried to distract yourself by checking to make sure you had everything you might need for the date: your wallet, keys, lip gloss, lip liner, oil blotting sheets, hand sanitizer, etc. Delilah put on Love Island as she ate her own breakfast and hot hazelnut coffee.
Next thing you knew, a few soft knocks came from your front door. You and Delilah’s necks snapped to each other before you both stood up from the couch. You shove her back a little as she holds her hands up in defense. You pointed a knowing finger at her before sucking in a deep breath, unlocking the three locks on the door.
You twist the knob and tug the door open to reveal Emily standin there with a kind smile on her face. She looked even better than what you remembered. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had on a light gray hoodie with a pair of blue jeans. She looked so cozy and warm, you felt immediately at ease.
“Hi,” you sighed out, leaning against the door.
“Hi,” she grinned, tilting her head a bit at her. “You look beautiful.”
You try not to curl into yourself at the sound of her voice, feeling more than overwhelmed.
“Thank you. You look beautiful, too.” You reply and try not to sound like you were in love with her already.
Her eyes soften at your words and you swear her cheeks turn a light pink as she mutters a ‘thank you’.
“Well, uh, are you ready to go?”
“Yeah. I’m ready to go,” you grin, turning to shut your door to give Delilah one more panicked look.
She gives you two thumbs up and blows you a kiss with Luna’s paw. You turned to Emily as you shut the door completely, adjusting the strap of your purse.
“Is everything okay?” She wonders as she hesitantly turns towards the stairs of your complex.
“No, yeah. I’m okay. I think I’m just nervous,” you admit, brushing a flyway behind your ear.
Nervous was an understatement, if you were going to be completely honest. Your heart was beating rapidly against your sternum, your fingers twisting your fidget ring around.
“Oh, trust me. I am too,” she eases your worries and motions to the stairs, holding her tattooed hand out for you. “I mean, going on a date with a pretty girl is always nerve-wracking.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at how annoyingly charming she was but you hated (loved) how reassured you felt once she said that. You took her larger hand in yours, giving her a shy smile.
“You’re a little bit of a flirt, huh?”
Emily merely shrugged her shoulders as she led you to where she parked in front of your apartment complex.
“Trying to make you feel comfortable. I promise you have nothing to worry about,” her kind raspy voice soothes your nerves.
You nod as you follow her to her truck. She was right. There really was nothing to worry about. It’s a coffee date: a coffee date with probably one of the hottest women you’ve ever encountered. She opened the passenger's side door and helped you up and into it.
The second you sat down into the seat, you felt a wave of nausea flow over your senses. You repeatedly twist your ring, sucking in a deep breath as you examine the interior of her car. It was pretty clean if you were going to be honest. Yours looked like a garage sale in the backseat as you constantly forgot to go and donate stuff you didn’t want anymore.
Emily got into her driver's seat, pushing back her flyaways and shutting the door. She put her key into the slot and turned over her car to start. The screen popped up with the most recent song, the volume at a low.
“Shit, sorry.” She tapped on the screen with her middle finger, her pale cheeks turning a soft pink.
“No, I respect it. Our Song is a cult classic,” you purse your lips to hold back your chuckle.
She opens her mouth as she puts her truck in reverse, not knowing what else to say.
“Okay, honestly, I’m trying to learn it on guitar and listening to it a lot helps,” Emily admits as she turns to get out of your complex.
Your eyes widened as you couldn’t believe how endearing she is. You lean back comfortably into the leather seats, smiling to yourself.
“Well, I definitely need to hear it now. You can’t just tell me that.” You raise your brows, watching her palm flatten against the wheel to make a turn.
And she made driving attractive. Fuck, you were so screwed.
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The whole drive was actually a lot more comfortable than you expected. Emily repeatedly glanced at you to make sure you were still okay. She even let you be in charge of the music which put you on the spot but you were successful on playing songs that she liked.
Or even pretended to like for your sake.
Now the two of you were now sitting down after placing your order with the person at the front. It was a bit packed but not too much to where you felt suffocated. You were sharing embarrassing stories and it felt so easy to talk to her. Her soft brown eyes invited you in to spill every secret that you had within you.
“I kid you not, he claimed to not have given me mono,” you said through soft giggles, shaking your head. “I told him I got it and he basically said that it wasn’t possible because he didn’t have it.”
“Is he a dumbass? That’s exactly how spreading mono works.” Emily questioned as she covered her mouth with her fingers, letting her own little laugh escape.
“I think so, honestly. Thankfully, that was, like, 5 years ago and it was my first and last date with a man.” You sighed out, brushing your hair behind your ear.
As your giggles died down, a waitress brought over your coffees and breakfast. You thank her as does Emily, looking at your plate of avocado toast with a side of eggs. She had gotten the same thing but with an extra side of eggs.
“Does everything look good?” She asked as she picked up her fork, about to dig into her eggs.
“Oh, yeah. I am starving.” You immediately pick up the toast to take a hefty bite.
Emily’s eyes stared at you from across the table as she grabbed the tobasco to drizzle over her medium eggs. You pause your movements as you stare back at her, suddenly aware of how fast you were eating.
“What?” You reply, setting the toast down and covering your mouth so that she couldn’t see the chewed-up mess in your mouth.
“Nothing. You’re cute is all,” she shrugged her shoulders and poked at broken eggs before shoving a piece into her mouth.
You froze and felt the blood rush into your cheeks. You had gotten another glance at her tongue piercing, now knowing that you didn’t just imagine that the first time the two of you met.
“Shut up,” you murmur, digging into your own eggs. “When did you get that tongue piercing?”
Her eyebrows raised like your question wasn’t one she received often.
“I’ve had it for about two years now, I think. Why?”
“I like it,” you dig back into your food, hoping your flushed face wasn’t giving away your own dirty thoughts.
Emily squinted her eyes for a second at you before shaking her head with a soft laugh. Before you could ask her another question, you catch a glimpse of a familiar face. Your expression falters for a moment but you shake your head, telling yourself that it couldn’t be.
“So, where do you work at? You obviously know where I work,” you chuckle, staring at her intently.
Emily’s figure tenses a bit but she straightens her back, clearing her throat.
“Well, I’m a professional basketball player. I play for the Washington Mystics.” She sounded hesitant to tell you but more relaxed once you simply smiled back at her.
“What the hell? That’s so cool,” you stare at her, tilting your head. “Have you always wanted to be a basketball player?”
“Actually, no. I used to get told I’d make a great lawyer because I like to argue so I was set on that for a bit.” She chuckled.
“My dad used to tell me the same thing. We just but heads a lot.” You shrug, twisting around the straw of your empty iced coffee.
“Did you want a refill?” Emily questioned, noticing your fiddling.
Now that she had mentioned it , you did want more. You knew it was pushing your caffeine intake but you were craving it.
“Yeah but I’ll get it. You already paid,” you pointed at her.
The two of you had shuffled to get your cards out but Emily was quicker than you were. You had sighed out when she handed the person at the register her card, watching her grinning charmingly.
Yeah, you weren’t complaining.
She held up both of her inked hands in defense.
“Okay, not gonna say it won’t again though so,” she smacked her plush lips against her teeth.
Again? She was already talking about seeing you again. You would be lying to yourself if that didn’t lift your spirits a bit.
“I’ll take your word for it. I’ll be right back. Did you want anything to go?” You question as you stand up from your seat.
Emily glanced down at her empty plates and shook her head, looking at you with gentle eyes.
“No, thank you. I’m okay, pretty girl.” She threw a very subtle wink in your direction, taking a sip of her own nearly finished coffee.
You nod and mutter a ‘no problem’, turning away before she could see how flustered you were over her sweet words. You walk up to the counter and ask for an iced vanilla latte to-go. The cashier tells you it’ll be a few minutes because of the low supply of grounds right now. You tell them it's fine and you’ll wait a little.
The cashier leaves towards the back room as you stand and examine the pastries they had on display. You were about to walk away too until you saw out of the corner of your eye a figure appear right next to you.
Oh, God.
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding. You just needed to get a to-go coffee and she came up to the counter as well.
Okay, you can just ignore her. You don’t have to say a thing. Maybe she doesn’t even realize you’re standing right next to her. You didn’t even know you were holding in a deep breath until you heard the voice that almost ruined your entire view on relationships.
“Hey,” you hear from next to you.
You shut your eyes with a soft sigh, turning to your ex with a fake grin.
“Hey Andi.”
“That’s it? Just ‘hey’? I mean, come on. You’re not,” she paused and pointed at you, a cheeky grin on her face, “you’re not still pissed over us breaking up right?”
Your face drops as you clear your throat, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Not really, no. I’m just asking what do you want because I have to get back to—”
“Oh, what? Your little date? Yeah, I noticed.” She snorted, looking at you with obvious judgment.
You just stare back at her in disbelief. Something in you wanted to snap and yell at her but Emily was only a few feet away at your table, probably wondering what was taking you so long.
“God, you still have that weird ass fidget ring, huh?” She motioned to your antsy fingers, which caused you to stop entirely.
She always tried to claim your anxiety was an excuse not to do certain things or talk to her. You could feel your eyes watering at the memories of her accusing you of cheating, not wanting her, etc because you tended to not talk to her about everything. Funny how she was the one who felt that way.
“Hey, baby, is everything okay?” A familiar voice comes up from behind you.
You relax at the sound of Emily’s voice, sucking in a deep breath and blinking away the burning tears in your eyes.
Wait, baby? It took you a second to realize she was pretending to be your girlfriend in order to give Andi the hint to back up. Could she tell how uncomfortable you were? Has she been watching you from your table?
“No, yeah. Sorry,” you glance at Andi who’s now looking Emily up and down with a hint of distaste.
“It’s okay,” her gentle voice told you, her soft hand resetting right on your lower back. “Who’s your friend?”
Her tone sharply changed when addressing Andi’s presence. Like she was trying to figure out who she was in relation to you. You open your mouth to reply ‘no one’ but Andi beat you to it.
You felt so embarrassed by your ex’s behavior, you turned into Emily’s body. There was no way you were going to explain the backstory of this on your first date.
“It’s okay. Let’s just go, please,” you try to whisper as lowly as possible.
Emily nods at your words, taking down her tense, brooding attitude for a moment. She sends Andi probably the bitchiest smile you could ever imagine and you had to hold back your snort.
“Have a good one,” she replies once more, nodding curtly.
You turn away as you and Emily walk back over to your table, almost missing your ex’s bitter expression. You knew at this point that you were more than flushed; due to both embarrassment and Emily’s actions.
You grab your purse off of the back of the chair, turning to Emily with a long sigh and shake your head.
“I am so so sorry about that. That was so immature of her. I was trying to hurry too so hopefully you wouldn't see her or have to interact with her but she was just so—“
Emily reached forward to place her palm on your shoulder, brows furrowed in worry:“Hey, woah. It’s okay. It’s seriously not that big of a deal.”
Was that not as humiliating as you thought it was? Were you probably blowing the situation out of proportion?
“Yeah. It’s not like you wanted that to happen. I could see how… uncomfortable she made you. I’m sorry about that.”
Emily sounded so genuine with her apology. She did nothing wrong.
“It’s okay,” you wave her off, scoffing. “Do you mind if we leave now though?”
Emily grabbed her keys from the counter, nodding slowly: “Yeah, of course.”
“You’re sure?” You check once more as the two of you make your way to the entrance/exit doors.
“Yes. I promise, alright?” Emily was chuckling now.
You nod, pursing your lips so that you wouldn’t say anything else stupid. You stand side-by-side with the tall woman, your hands grazing against each other. Emily takes your hand in hers within seconds of leaving the place, her slightly rough yet warm palms engulfing your own. You glance at her with your peripheral, noticing her little grin.
The whole drive back to your place was quiet but content. This caused your own equally cheeky grin to spread on your face. When the two of you arrived at her truck, you turned to her with heart eyes.
“I wanted to say thank you for kind of jumping in. I thought I had it but clearly, I didn’t.” You sigh, covering your forehead with your free hand.
“You don’t have to thank me. It was nothing,” she gave your hand a squeeze, her eyes drifting to your lips.
You subconsciously do the same, blinking slowly.
“Well, I’m thanking you regardless,” you scrunched up your nose at her. “I did like you calling me ‘baby’ though. That was a nice surprise.”
Emily leaned against her truck to copy your own stance, rubbing her thumb over the length of your pointer finger.
“Yeah?” She smirked attractively.
You nod, looking up at her with anticipation. Was she getting your hint that you wanted her to kiss you? She must have as she began to lean into you more, tilting her body and head down.
You tilt your chin up to meet her in the middle, giving her hand a slight squeeze. You locked lips tenderly, the passing by sounds of cars and people making this all the more romantic to you. Her lips were even softer than you had imagined. Her free hand lifted up to cup your cheek to guide you a bit.
You were out of practice with kissing but it’s never been like this for you. You wanted more of her lips if that was even possible. You almost pulled away to tug in her closer but she beat you to it.
“Okay, maybe it wasn’t nothing,” she cheekily replied.
You squint your eyes at her before shoving her shoulder with a gasp. She laughs softly as you realize what she was referencing.
“Shut up. I regret kissing you now,” you lie straight through your teeth.
“Really? So you would hate it if I kissed you again?” Emily tilted her head at you.
“Now you’re twisting my words,” you point at her, feeling her palms rest on your waist.
“How about you think about it on the way back to your place?” Emily completely ignores you, teasing you still.
You huff as if you were pissed before sighing dramatically. You almost lost your train of thought when you felt her thumbs caressing at your clothed lips.
“Fine. I will.” You raise your brows at her, jerking your head towards her truck. “Come on so I can sit with my thoughts.”
You ended up doing a lot more thinking the whole drive to your place. And maybe once you were dropped off, a few more kisses and promises of many more dates after that.
You couldn’t wait for it.
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tag-list: @uraesthete (i love u nell) COMMENT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST!
here’s part one! if you haven’t read it :)
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bcacstuff · 2 days
As you can imagine after last night's post, my inbox is flooded with message. It was already flooded on Wednesday after the article on JJ appeared, I showed you in a video. After I recorded that video the messages kept on coming in and after last night a 100-150+ more.
You got it, even if I wanted to, I simply can't answer you all. Many are similar to what I wrote, to the comments on that post, diverse opinions, expressions and more of that.
I do not wish to go on and on and on about this subject. I showed you what I had to show and tried to do so in the most appropriate but honest way. I left a warning in the middle that from there things were not going to be pretty. I can not make them prettier than they are. I showed you the facts like they are out there, you can try to ignore them, or stick your head in the sand. You can try to explain it away to fit your narrative, but the facts are going to stay there. They wont go away. It simply is what it is.
I do want to address some messages I received though, mostly echoing very naive things clearly coming from another blog. I have issues with that, as it obviously tries to twist facts out there for everyone to see and some in a very nasty way dragging Cait into this.
Saying Cait's picture is also on x rated websites is a lame, poor, ridiculous excuse to try and make it look like this girl isn't an escort, or that her pictures are stolen and put on these sites. Sorry, not sorry... if you can not tell the difference between Cait's web presence and that of an escort girl, you're a lost case sticking your head deep in the sand and ignoring the facts. Cait has nothing - I repeat nothing whatsoever to do with this whole mess.
She's not a model, a model shows her work on her IG, has an agency in her profile, and shows what brands she promotes. none of that can be found on her IG. You need to be blindfolded not to see how her IG already reeks towards the profession she earns her shown designer stuff and travels with. And a simple look at the persons she follows, the comments on her posts, her interactions tells you the rest. I mean, just one; a name like dubaichampagnepapi with a shady agency and a private club in Dubai tells you enough. I can go on and on, but as said (and as said in my initial post) I don't want to blow things up unnecessary. I don't need to show you ten more escort sites where she is listed all with different pics. It doesn't add more to the proof. Nuf said
I do not have any need to convince you, please keep your head in the sand and stay on the blog of your liking. Don't bother to sent me all these blind excuses, or ignorant echoing a certain blogger. Learn to use your own brain.
That also goes for the ones trying to excuse Sam on all kind of possible ways. Sorry, he created this mess himself. He didn't meet that woman by chance in a bar and then walked out of the bar holding her hand. Sorry, that is just plain naive, you got to admit that to yourself. These women do not hang out in a bar in Soho London. They go to Mayfair, shisha lounges, smoking water pipes, like the one LM posted last night. Just take a look at those sort of bars, you wont find Sam in there, that much I know.
It's not a crime what he did, it's just not looking that good and he surely knows it, hence he turned of the tags on his IG for the ones he doesn't follow. He isn't the first and he wont be the last. It was just not a very smart move. No need to blow it up though. We wont see anymore of that woman of that I'm sure.
I'm not sure yet, I might find some Anon messages perhaps tonight or over the weekend that I would like to answer, address or post. But please let's keep it all within normal perks and don't get overboard with things.
Thank you!
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Happily Never After
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Part 2 of Holiday Compromise
Summary: With your company expanding and dealing with your parents trying to get a hold of you, your plan to purpose to Wanda has been put on hold.
Note: Their will be MAJOR spoilers in the warnings.
Warnings: implied sex, nudity and non sexual nudity, drinking, stalking, threatening message, kidnapping, reader is a simp for Wanda and the boys, Vision is a decent man, talk of past trauma.
Word Count: 9.7k
"Have you asked her yet?" You looked up from your computer to see Natasha enter the conference room. Her arms were filled with her travel mug, breakfast, and laptop. She sighed when everything was out of her hands. She opened the brown paper bag, pulled out a breakfast sandwich, and handed it to you. You thanked her with a smile, but her question caught up with you.
"If I asked her to marry me, wouldn't you be the first to know?" You opened your food and took a bit, moaning at the taste. "That was stupid," it was a little muffled from the bagel in your mouth. Your comment received a quick slap to the back of your head. "Ouch," you whine, mouth full of food. You slapped her back, and she was quick to attack.
"Children," Yelena warned as she entered the room, followed by Shuri and Bucky. "Enough," Natasha mumbled something you missed in Russian and angrily sipped on her coffee. You laughed at her dramatic behavior and felt a little bad for Yelena. The blonde had to deal with you and Natasha as kids. Nine times out of ten, it ended up in a fight. "Can I see the ring?"
You smiled, took it out of your pocket, and slipped it across the table for the blonde to see. You bought it two days after the vacation with the family of three while Wanda was at work and the twins were at Vision's. It was a three-diamond ring from Tiffany's. The stones were pear-shaped. The ring was simple but flashy. You wanted to woo her. That was three months ago, and it was almost May.
Once Yelena was done, she handed it to Shuri. "I'm surprised you haven't lost it," Shuri teased and gave it to Bucky.
"Not a bad ring boss," he tossed it back to you and caught it. But Shuri is right," he said, taking his usual spot by the door. "You better pop the question before you lose it, or she finds it." Your team laughed.
"Why are you all picking on me?" You groaned. "I can fire all of you." Natasha chuckled.
"Please, your name is on the building, but everyone knows we run this company," you said, flipping the redhead off.
"Right, just remember I sign your checks each week," you deadpanned. "Let's go over any last-minute changes and questions we want to ask them." Your team was meeting with Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner of Stark Industries. When the holidays were over, an email from Pepper was in your inbox looking to form a business deal and collaborate with you. It was a dream come true to work with the Starks, and you wanted everything to go smoothly, which is one of the reasons why the ring was still with you and not on Wanda's finger. You were busy; if this meeting went well, you would be even busier.
You loved your job—making high-tech wearable devices like smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart clothing. But at the end of the meeting, you were hoping to create a new line with Stark's AI system—FRIDAY. Wanda was supportive through it all, making you love her even more. She would ensure you were eating, drinking enough water, and spending time away from your desk. All of her actions made the ring feel heavier each day.
A gentle knock on your home office's door pulled you away from your paperwork. Much needed to be done since the deal was made with Stark Industries. It was Wanda, wearing one of your button-up shirts, and the sleeves were pushed up to her elbows. You were pretty sure she was speaking, but the only thought in your head was how good she looked. The shirt was barely long enough to cover her red underwear. Her bare feet closed the distance between you and her. Carefully, she maneuvered onto your desk and sat down on the space. She could have ruined months of work, but it wouldn't have mattered to you. "Darling," she cupped your face in both her hands. "I was talking."
"And I wasn't listening," you admitted and grabbed her right foot, digging your thumb in the soul as you kissed her ankle. "I was thinking how beautiful you are, but how sexy it would be for my bite marks to cover your thighs," you bite down on the inside of her thigh. A hiss turned into a quiet moan left your girlfriend's lip. "Tell me what you were saying, baby."
"The boys are finally asleep," you continued your assault, littering her thighs with hickies. "Maybe," a quiet moan left her lips so she wouldn't wake the twins. "Extreme ice cream sundaes on a school night was not a good idea," you smirked. That was your idea, wanting to celebrate the deal with them.
"I'm sorry," you stood up slowly, undoing the shirt's buttons. Groaning when you saw she wasn't wearing a bra. "Tell me how to make it up to you," you loved the goosebumps that covered her skin. She was so sensitive, you loved it. When she didn't respond, you kissed her cheek and down the column of her throat. A sharp bite sent her hands to grip your hair. "Tell me, baby, I won't ask again."
"I need," her voice shook. You could feel heat radiating off her skin. "I need you to make me cum." It was the consent you needed. You pulled her hips to the edge of your desk and knelt between her lips. The paperwork that the team required tomorrow was no longer important. All you wanted -no, all you needed was to make your woman cum. Over and over again.
You splashed the cold water on your face to clean off the face wash. You were trying to be quiet as Wanda was asleep in bed. She tried to stay up with you as you finished the rest of your work, but it was a battle you knew she wouldn't win. She fell asleep on the couch, and once you were done, you carried her to bed and got ready. You were exhausted. Your work was terrific and essential, but some days, it felt like your brain was melting and dripping out of your nose. Sighing, you pulled back the covers and were about to join your sleeping girlfriend until your phone rang. You quickly silenced it, jumping at the sound. Luckily, Wanda remained asleep. "Fucking hell," you whispered and looked at the caller ID.
It was a number you hadn't seen in a long time—three years, to be exact—your father. You felt frozen; all you could do was watch the call and go to voicemail. "Sweetheart," Wanda's voice brought you back to reality. Are you coming back to bed?"
"Yeah," you said, silencing your phone and plugging it back into the charger. When you lay down, Wanda immediately placed her head on your chest.
"What's wrong?" Her accent was always deeper when she was tired. You thought it was cute. "Your heart is racing." Dammit. You hated how much your family affected you.
"It's because I'm in the presence of a goddess," she pinched your side and moved to rest her chin on your chest. You seemed to get lost in the green of her eyes. "I'm okay, baby. Just got a lot on my mind at work." She squinted her eyes at you.
"We are a team, remember?" You smiled and nodded.
"I remember," she kissed you softly and placed her head in the crook of your neck. "Sleep, baby. I promise I'm okay."
There was only one knock on your door before it opened to reveal your secretary, Sarah. "You have a visitor," you glanced at the clock. It was around lunch, and Wanda texted you this morning to say she wanted to spend it with you. You waved her in and focused on the phone call with Tony.
"Look, all I'm saying is we could partner with Odinson and Laufeyson and cut the cost of materials. It's a win-win" It was innovative thinking, and expanding both companies with New Asgard would be amazing. You watched Wanda walk, still in her uniform and a food bag. “Brunnhilde owes me a favor. She could set up the meeting," your girlfriend sat in front of your desk. You put up one finger to tell her you were almost done. She nodded and pulled out the food she brought.
"Yeah, it's a smart idea," you glanced at your calendar. The twin's birthday was marked on it, and it was coming soon. You made a mental note to order their birthday presents so they would arrive on time. "See if you can do it in a few weeks. I'm a little swamped at the moment." you chuckled.
"I've been telling you, kid. You need to delegate and hire some interns," you rolled your eyes and pulled the phone away from your ear, sending a playful glare to Wanda as the billionaire went on a tangent. It's fair. It was on your to-do list. Wanda giggled.
"Tony, I love you and hear you," you cut him off. "But my girl is here and I want to have lunch with her. Can we table this for another time?" You liked the blush that covered Wanda's cheeks. The man laughed.
"Enjoy, kid. Remember, don't do anything I wouldn't do, which isn't saying a lot," you chuckled. The billionaire was insane, but he was also a great business partner.
"Bye, Stark," you hung up before he could say anything else. "Sorry, I think the man likes to hear himself talk." You opened the sandwich she brought for you.
"It's fine," Wanda smiled. "How's your day been?" So you told her about your day; the endless amount of meetings and phone calls was taking a toll on you. She suggested taking another short vacation, just you and her. "It would have to be after the twin's birthday. You know that is coming up, right?"
"How could I forget? It's marked in my calendar." You showed her your calendar. You wrote it in red and circled it so it would stand out, and you wouldn't forget.
"I have something to ask you," you hated her tone and the way she played with the rings on her finger. "It's on behalf of the boys." It made you feel a little better.
"Baby," you reached for her hand and squeezed it. "You can ask me anything."
"The boys want to have their birthday party at their father's house," that made sense. His house was bigger; he had a yard and a pool. It was the perfect spot for a middle school birthday party. You figured this was about spending their birthday on a different day. "They want you to come to the party," you dropped her hand in shock. They wanted you to attend a party at your current girlfriend's ex-husband's house with his girlfriend. Fuck no. Hell no. "I know it's a lot, and you do not need to make a decision now. I told them it may make you uncomfortable?"
"Does Vision know they want me there?" Wanda sighed.
"He does and," you gave her a look to continue. "He was okay with it as long as you are." You blinked at her a few times, mouth opened slightly.
"Come again. That man has not liked me from day 1." You weren't looking for his approval, but you wanted things to be civil. Unfortunately, he was the twin's father. Wanda took your hand.
"I think he's starting to realize you aren't going anywhere," Damn straight. You were here to stay. "It helps that the boys like you, and we may have had our differences, but he loves them." That you knew was true. A small part of you, the younger you, was jealous that Wanda and Vision could still be parents to the twins through their divorce. Their main priority was Billy and Tommy, unlike your parents, who prioritized themselves.
"I'll think about it," if they wanted you there, then you could consider it, but God, it would be awkward. You hated awkward situations.
"Thank you," she helped you clean up and walked her to your office door. "Are you staying late?" You nodded. She brought her fingers to your temple and rubbed them. You moaned and fell into her. Her laugh made you feel lighter. "Don't stay too late, okay? You need sleep."
"I know. I'll text you when I'm done," you kissed her softly. "I love you." It was such a simple three-letter word, but it made your heart soar every time. You wondered if you said it enough.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Please take care of yourself," she said, fixing the collar of your shirt. "The boys and I need you," you said, cupping her cheeks and brushing your nose against hers.
"I need you too. Always."
It was late. So stupidly late that you were annoyed with yourself that you couldn't keep your promise to Wanda. There was one thing left to do on your to-do list. All you had to do was sign the contract Pepper sent over and send it back. However, your mind was so focused on what Wanda asked you that the words blurred today. So you opened a bottle of whiskey and poured yourself a glass. Soft jazz music played from the record player that Melina got you. "What the hell are you still doing here?" Natasha opened and closed your door. "Don't you have a woman keeping your bed warm?"
"I guess I could ask you the same thing," you said, grabbing an extra glass and filling it. "Instead of a woman, it's more like two strong and muscular men," she said, taking the full glass you offered.
"Are you jealous?" you cringed. Dating and sleeping with men were not your thing. "Come on, tell Mama Nat all of your troubles and how she can help," she sat down on your couch and flopped on the spot next to her.
"You can never say that in my presence. Keep that in the bedroom," the redhead threw her head back in a laugh.
"Come on, boss, what's going on?' You joined her on the couch with the bottle and your glass."
"My mind is all over the place. With the deal with Starks, Wanda asked me something, and-" You took a sip of your drink, stopping yourself from telling her about the phone call from your father.
"What happened between you and Wanda?" You sighed.
"The twin's birthday is coming up. No, you can not get them anything," she pouted in protest. "I'm still apologizing for the Christmas mess," she shrugged. "The party is at Vision's house, and they want me to go."
"Oh," Natasha let out a slow breath. "Shit," you laughed, finished your drink, and poured yourself another one. "So, do the boys want you there or Wanda?"
"The boys asked Wanda to ask me," you simplified. The redhead nodded. She was biting the inside of her cheek and moving the liquor in her glass.
"So you go," she shrugged. Your jaw dropped. Was she serious? She knew you hated awkward situations; you avoided them like the plague. "Look, it's huge. The boys want you there. It speaks volumes that they want you there to celebrate with them. You go for them."
"You make it sound so easy," you groaned, throwing your head back.
"Because it is," she flicked you on your cheek. "The twins love you. Everyone sees it. It's no surprise they want you there. Besides, if Vision gets on your nerves, throw him in the pool," she tried to hide her smile in her glass. "He uncanny acts like a robot; it may short-circuit his motherboard or something." You laughed hard. It made your stomach begin to hurt. The red joined in, and you fell against each other. Natasha always knew how to make you feel better. You were grateful for her.
Your phone ringing caught the laughter between you and your friend. "It's probably the misuses," you fished the phone out of your pocket as Natasha picked up the two dirty glasses. It was not Wanda. Oh, how you wished it was. "Who is it?" You forgot Natasha was still in your office. She ripped the phone out of your hand when you refused to answer. That snapped you out of it. "Your fucking mother. What the fuck does that cunt want?"
"I don't know because I didn't answer it," you deadpanned. She ignored the call and threw it on the couch next to you. You caught it before it bounced off.
"How long has seen been trying to reach you?" Her green eyes turned stormy, and you felt yourself shrink under her intense stare. It was impossible to lie to her. You used to joke that she was a Russian spy in her past life.
"Not long," you mumbled. "My father called me a few days ago. It's the first time she's called me," she huffed and threw her arms up, then on her hips.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it's not that big of a deal," your phone beeped, and you saw she left a voicemail. "Nat, you know how they are. They call when they need money. I ignore them, and when they find the money through someone else, they stop calling. It's the same way every time."
"I'm calling Melina."
"No!" You said suddenly and stood up. She raised an eyebrow at you with her phone in her hand. "I do not need the Russian mob going after my deadbeat parents. It will blow over."
"My parents aren't in the mob," you weren't 100% sure you believed her. Alexei had tattoos that would make any criminal go running. But she placed her phone back in her pocket. "I don't like this." You knew she wouldn't. It was another reason why you didn't tell her. She was very protective over you when it came to your parents. She had to mend a lot of the broken pieces caused by them.
"I know," you stood up, walked over to her, and placed your hands on her arms. "But they can't hurt me anymore." Natasha sighed, pinching the bridge of her noise.
"Promise me you will not give them anything. They don't deserve it," you nodded. "And promise me, if you don't feel safe, you call Maria or Melina." You nodded again. "I need to hear you say it."
"I promise." You knew they wouldn't intentionally hurt you, but to ease her nerves, you made the promise. Natasha pulled you into a hug, and you slumped against her. You felt safe. You felt like everything was going to be okay."
"Now, where are you off to?" Sarah asked when you stepped out of your office.
"I'm going to surprise Wanda at work," you smiled. "Can you transfer all calls to my personal? Oh! Do you want anything? I know you like their Ruben." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, and get me a slice of their cheesecake." Now that was a brilliant idea. She reached for her purse.
"If you hand me money, so help me, woman, I will slap you," she threw a piece of paper at you. Before you could retaliate, your phone rang. You stuck your tongue at her and answered it. "Hey, Wands, I was about to come see you."
"Actually," your smile dropped, and you stepped away from Sarah. "I need a favor." You hated how fast your heart started to beat. "Tommy and Billy have a half day that Vision and I forgot about. Can you pick them up? Vision will get them from you when he can."
"Of course. Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack," she laughed. "I'll leave right now. I love you. See you tonight?" You questioned.
"Yes, and I love you too," you smiled and hung up. You faced Sarah.
"Duty calls," you gave her a salute. "I'll get you food whenever the boys want to go." Sarah laughed with a wave of her hand.
"Enjoy your time with them. We'll hold down the fort here."
Picking up the twins was always a walk in the park since your name was on the approved pickup list. The only annoying thing was the receptionist, who liked to flirt with you. You clarified that you were seeing someone, but she didn't care. The twins loved to tease you over it, much to Wanda's dismay.
You brought them to The Western Flavor for lunch. "Okay, we need to establish some rules," you said as they opened their menus. "Real food first, then desserts or your mother may break up with me." Billy laughed.
"It would take a lot for Mom to leave you."
"Yeah, I think you are stuck with us." You were more than okay with that. As you decided what to order, the twins updated you on all the school gossip. You forgot how crazy it was to be in middle school. Once the waitress brought your food, you noticed a change in their behavior. "Alright," you took a sip of your drink. "What's going on? Why are you acting weird?"
"Puberty," Tommy answered. You glared at them both. Billy rolled his eyes.
"Has Mom asked you about our birthday party?" Shit. Wanda asked you three days ago; the party was in a week.
"She did," you answered slowly.
"And?" Billy asked.
"Boys-," you sighed.
"Please, we really want you there," Tommy pleaded. "You are the only adult who will play with us in the pool." You laughed at that. He wasn't wrong. The weather was in that weird phase of not spring but winter. You looked at the weather for next week, and it was supposed to be in the mid-70s to early 80s.
"Plus, we asked Dad, and he said it was fine." Billy took a French fry from your plate. "Well, we didn't ask Tiffany, but it's not her house, so her opinion doesn't matter." Tommy nodded along with his brother. The twins' clear dislike of their father's girlfriend made you snort, which caused them to laugh at you.
"Okay, fine, I'll go," they cheered, and you couldn't help but smile at how excited they were. "However, if I find myself in one awkward encounter with him, I will use you two as my decoy."
"Aye, aye, captain," Tommy said.
"Sir, yes, sir," you rolled your eyes and threw your straw wrapper at them. They discussed everything that was going to happen at their party. You made a mental note to ask Wanda how you could help. You groaned when your phone started to ring. The boys laughed at your displeasure. Glancing at it, you saw it was your mother. They could not take a hint. You silenced the ringer and focused on figuring out what milkshake you wanted.
"Who was that?" Billy asked.
"No one important," you answered and stole a look at the twins. They were staring at each other. It reminded you of Wanda's look when she didn't believe the story the boys tried to spin. It was a little uncanny how similar the look was. "It was my mother. We don't have the best relationships?"
"Is that why you spend holidays with us instead of your mom and dad?" Billy asked with a slight tilt of his head.
"Yes, before you guys, I would celebrate them with my coworkers or Natasha and Yelena." You spent a lot of Christmas and Thanksgiving at the Russian household. The last holiday you spent with your parents was when you were 11.
"Why don't you like them?" Tommy questioned.
"You don't have to answer that," Billy quickly added, glaring at his brother. You smiled. Kids were curious by nature, but it was okay. Besides, you've spoken about your relationship with your parents in therapy. It was easier.
"My parents divorced when I was around your age, but unlike your parents, they don't care about me," Billy frowned at your confession. "So they only call me when they need money or something from me."
"Parents shouldn't do that," you agreed with Billy, but sometimes, that wasn't the case. The waitress came by to collect your plates and asked if you wanted dessert. The twins wanted a milkshake, and you got a fudge sundae. She left with your order.
"Tiffany says that about mom," Tommy said. "That she is just with you for the money."
"Tommy," his brother hissed, slapping his brother under the table. So it was supposed to be a secret. You wanted to have a few words with Tiffany.
"You know that's not true, right?" They nodded.
"Trust me, we know," Billy said. "If mom were with you for the money, we wouldn't still live in our small apartment." You laughed, shaking your head.
"I don't like Tiffany," Tommy cringed, twitching his nose like Wanda when she said or tasted something she didn't like.
"Tommy!" Billy said again.
"What? Stop trying to be all high and mighty. You don't like her either," you smiled as Billy slumped in the booth.
"Your secret is safe with me," you promised.
"She's just so-" Billy groaned, unable to find the right words. "There is something about her we don't like." The waitress brought you the desserts.
"Maybe because she's dating your dad," you suggested and ate a spoonful of ice cream. It was weird; you liked the feeling of the brain freeze. Tommy shook his head.
"You are dating our mom, and we like you," he said. It was always nice to hear that. Anyway, what are you getting us for our birthday?" You laughed. You loved these boys so much.
"Pop a squat, boys," you told them when you entered your office after you dropped off Sarah's food. "Your dad will pick you up when he's done with work. So homework than video games."
"Awe, come on," Tommy whined. "Aren't you supposed to be the fun parent?" Parent. He called you the fun parent. It was so strange how that single word could fill you with butterflies.
"Homework while I do my job, then we can play Mario Kart," you compromised. They seemed content, and they got to work on your couch. You figured you had 45 minutes to tack your to-do list. So you followed their lead and got to work. You were 15 minutes off, and 30 minutes later, they were standing in front of your desk with their homework done. You glared at the boys and ignored the smiles on their faces.
"You promised," Billy said. Sighing, you reorganized the papers on your desk.
"Come on, boys. It's time for me to kick your butts in Mario Kart." They cheered and followed you to the conference room. You kept a few game consoles set up in there. So you set up the game and began to play.
You loved this time with the boys. When you first started dating Wanda, you were worried about the twins not liking you. They were a little standoffish, but you bonded with them over video games.
You were gifted an early copy of "Edge of Vengeance: Retribution," the second game in the franchise, by the developers. The first one was okay but not your favorite. So when you were at dinner with Wanda and the boys, you overheard the twins talking about it. You gifted it to them the next day. The smile on their face was something that would stick with you forever.
"No fair!" Tommy wined and dropped the controller onto the table. "You have to be cheating." You crossed the finish line, once again in first place.
"I'm sorry, little man, I'm just better than you," you teased and dusted off your shoulders. Billy laughed. He gave up trying to beat you a few rounds ago. You laughed as the door opened. It was Sarah.
"Their father is here," she told you. You nodded and paused the game.
"Alright. Grab your stuff," they put their controllers away without asking them.
"I almost beat you in the race before the last one," Tommy said. You stood between them as you walked to the elevator and into the lobby. "It was so unfair you used that shortcut." You smiled.
"Then you should have said we couldn't use short cuts," you said as the door closed and descended. "It's your fault." Billy laughed.
"She's got you there,"
"You are supposed to be on my side, jerk," Tommy lunged for this brother, but you grabbed his backpack and pulled him back.
"Enough," you told him. "The last thing I need is for you to break the elevator." The doors opened, and you walked out with your arms around your shoulders. "You'll get me one day, buddy; just don't give up." You found Vision as soon as you entered the lobby. Dressed in a suit and his arms crossed, he seemed a little out of place.
"Hi, Dad," Billy walked over to him and hugged him.
"Hello, boys. Did you have fun?"
"We did!" Tommy smiled. "Y/n, let us play Mario Kart." Their father looked at you.
"I made sure they did their homework first," you weren't completely useless when it came to kids.
"Thank you for picking them up. It slipped our minds."
"It's no big deal," you told him and shrugged. "I know my schedule is more flexible, so whenever you guys need me to pick them up, I can," he nodded.
"Dad, dad," Tommy pulled on Vision's arm. "She said she'll come to our birthday party."
"If that's okay," you added on quickly. "I don't want to intrude." The man must have given himself whiplash on how fast he looked at you and his son.
"You won't be," he said, even though his voice sounded strained. "You are always welcome." Your jaw almost dropped. What was happening right now? "Come on, boys. Let's get out of her hair. You can be quite a handful," he teased and ruffled their hair. The boys said goodbye, and you waved after them, unable to find any words after that bizarre encounter with your girlfriend's ex-husband.
"Are you okay, boss?" Bucky asked, walking over to you from his post.
"I think I need a drink after that," the veteran laughed.
"You are so dramatic," he said. You stuck your tongue at him and walked back to the elevator. After a few more hours of work, you will be home with Wanda. 
"Smells good," you smiled over your shoulder as Wanda entered the kitchen after her shower. Once Wanda's shift ended, you met her at the diner and drove you back to your house. While she showered away the day, you started on dinner. "Do you need help?" You shook your head.
"If you want to pick a wine to go with this, go right ahead," you had a pretty impressive wine collection and knew Wanda loved pairing a bottle with whatever dish. When she quit the diner, you would push her to culinary school. Once you placed the food, you carried the plates to the table, and Wanda brought the wine. She thanked you for cooking with a kiss. You spoke about nothing and everything. She caught you up on the latest drama at the diner and you gave her updates on work. Most of the time, you ate in a comfortable silence. It was one of your favorite things. There was no need to talk and fill the silence.
"So," you sipped on the wine. "I talked to the twins about their party." She nodded slowly and poured more wine from the bottle into her glass. "I will be going," you watched the relief wash over her. "If you wanted me to go so bad, you should have said so," you chuckled.
"I didn't want to put you in a situation you weren't comfortable in. I can deal with Vision. I don't like Tiffany," her nose scrunched in disgust. You laughed. Mother like son.
"What do you need help with?"
"Nothing," you glared at her. "I'm serious," she laughed. "Vision hired a catering service so I don't have to cook, and he rented extra chairs and tables from a party company. I may decorate the backyard, but everything is taken care of," your eyebrows went to your hairline. "I was shocked too, but all you have to do is show up," she stood up and picked up the dirty plates. "And look hot while you swim." You laughed and joined her in the kitchen. She was rinsing the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. You wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Are you ready for all the horny moms to eye fuck me the entire time?" Your girlfriend tensed up. You chuckled and pushed her hair out of the way to attack her neck with your lips. "Don't worry, baby. I only have eyes for you," you moved your hand underneath her shirt and felt goosebumps that appeared on her skin. "So sensitive," you teased. She dropped the plate in the sink and spun around quickly. Her lips attached to yours.
"You are mind," she mumbled against your lips. You picked her up with your hands underneath her things. The dishes could wait a little longer.
"When are you going to be home? I miss you." You chuckled. "What? Can I not miss my girlfriend leaving me alone in a cold bed."
"That bed is not cold because you like the house at 79 degrees," your girlfriend huffed. "Not even an even number when you know I hate odds," the woman had the audacity to laugh at you. "I miss you too, by the way. You know I'd rather be there with you than here."
"I know," she sighed. "How much longer are you going to be?" You looked at the stack of mail on your desk Sarah brought in before she left.
"30 minutes, an hour tops," you answered and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I have a headache," you whined.
"Drink some water and wear your glasses," you groaned. "I'll try to stay up and wait for you."
"Don't worry about it, baby," you leaned back in your chair. You need your sleep. I'll try not to wake you when I get home." Wanda was pulling a double shift tomorrow, and the ring on your desk seemed to tease you.
"I love you, sweetheart," you smiled at Wanda's sleepy voice.
"I love you too, baby," you said as you hung up and picked up the jewelry box. You were so busy. Thor and Loki agreed to work with you and Stark Industries, so that meant more paperwork, deadlines, and headaches for you. You wanted to get as much done before the birthday party as possible before the short weekend getaway you and Wanda planned.
You didn't have enough brainpower to plan a proposal. You wanted to involve the boys, but that's all you had figured out.
Sighing, you put the box down and picked up the stack of mail. A lot of it was junk, a few letters from organizations thanking you for your donations and a magazine subscription you don't remember signing up for. However, an envelope caught your attention. There was no return address and no postage mark as if someone had just dropped the letter off. Carefully, you opened it up and pulled out the letter.
Your stomach dropped immediately. The letter was created by cutting out maginze letters and gluing them together. It was something you saw out of an actual crime show. It read: 'Pay us what you owe, or they will get it.' A snake wrapped around your heart. It was difficult for you to breathe. You ran your hands over your face. As your hands shook, you picked up your phone and called an old friend.
"Why do I smell trouble?" Maria answered on the second ring. "Do I need to bail you and Natasha out of jail again?" You could have laughed if bile wasn't forming in your throat.
"Maria, I need you to come to my office," you said. "It's an emergency." Could she hear the shake in your voice? Fuck, your heart was pounding against your ribs. You were going to have a panic attack. "Ria, I need you."
"Shit," you heard movement on her side. "I'll be right there. Do I need to stay on the phone with you?"
"No," you said. "I'll be fine. Just hurry, please."
"I'll be right there. Do your breathing exercises for me, okay? You're no use to me if you pass out," she managed to make you chuckle.
"Thanks, Ria. I'll see you soon," she hung up. You stood up and walked away from your desk. You needed to get away from that letter. So you paced—5 steps one way, turn around 5 steps the other way, and repeat and repeat. It helped lessen the tension in your chest, and you began to breathe normally. It was going to be okay. You kept repeating that mantra in your head.
You opened the door before Maria could knock. "I heard you," you answered your unasked question.
"If you didn't sound so flustered on the phone, I'd joke about how creepy that is," she got you to smile. "Alright, what is it?" You waved her over to your desk and pointed to the letter. She put gloves on and picked it up. She read it over a few times. "Has anyone else touched this?" You shook your head.
"I was the only one to touch the letter, but Sarah may have touched the envelope." She nodded and placed the letter in an evidence bag.
"Okay, your fingerprints should still be in the system, so we can cross-reference yours on the letter," you rolled your eyes.
"You get arrested once, and it's all anybody talks about." The agent smirked.
"If I remember correctly, it was four times, and Fury was the first one to arrest you." You smiled and sat down on the couch.
"How's the big man? Still causing you headaches." Maria sat beside you, throwing her feet on the small table.
"Always. He misses you. Had to handcuff him to his chair when I told him you called and needed something." Now, that would have been a sight. You missed the man, too. There was a part of your childhood where you rebelled; not even Natasha's family could ring you in. It was a desperate attempt to get your parent's attention. Instead of getting their attention, you got the attention of Nick Fury. The man arrested you for breaking into an abandoned building and vandalism. You liked tagging buildings when you were younger. Since it was your first offense, you were sentenced to community service, which Fury oversaw.
He saw something in you that not a lot of people did. A young girl who was looking for someone to believe in. So when his agents brought you in three more times, he kept it off your record and became a mentor to you. If it wasn't for him and Natasha's family, you would not be the CEO of your own company. You owed them a lot.
"So, who do you owe money to?" You gasped at the accusation. "Look, you know I have to ask and look at every angel." You knew that but still it hurt.
"I don't own anybody anything," your headache was coming back full force.
"When was the last time you spoke to your parents?" You sighed, crossing your arms.
"3 years ago, almost 4. It was about the boat incident on Oneida." Maria nodded. "They've been calling me the past week, but I've ignored them."
"I will get a judge to sign off on your phone records and security camera. Hopefully, we can catch who dropped this off," she placed her hand on the back of your neck and squeezed it. "We'll figure out who did this," she promised. "It could also be a competitor. The deal you made with Stark has made headline news. Do you want me to assign agents to Wanda and the boys?" You shook your head.
"I don't want to worry them. I'll," you sighed and rubbed your hands across your face. I'll talk to them about it." She nodded, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Maria was similar to you. Her home life was not ideal, and it seemed Fury had the tendency to adopt strays and keep them underneath his wing. Unfortunately, she had to bail you and Natasha out of trouble every once in a while.
"How long have you been here?" She softly asked. You closed your eyes.
"I got in around 9," you answered. It would have been earlier, but Wanda held you hostage in bed, and it was very hard to say no to sleepy Wanda.
"You realize it's 11:30, right?" you groaned and nodded. "Go home, bean," she said. "Go home to Wanda and the boys. We'll take care of everything." You believed her. She was the deputy director and the leader of an impressive team. You trusted her with your life.
When you closed the door to your house, you felt the weight on your shoulders leave. It felt easier to breathe. You threw your bag on the couch, took off your shoes, and made sure to set the house alarm. Walking to your room, you checked on the boys, who were fast asleep. Good. You kept walking and found Wanda fast asleep. Her hair framed around her head. The blankets were pulled up to her chin. The sight made you smile, and you stripped out of your clothes and climbed into bed beside her. Usually, you would shower and change into pajamas, but you wanted to be in the safety of your shared bed.
Trying to avoid waking her, you pulled back the covers and laid yourself next to Wanda. Your head in the crock of her neck, inhaling her sent. She smelt of lavender and soothed your throbbing headache. On instinct, she wrapped her arms around you. Most nights you held her, you loved the feeling of her in your arms. Sometimes you needed to be held. "My baby," she mumbled, still clearly asleep. You smiled and kissed her shoulder.
"Yours, my love," you whispered. "Yours now and forever." You weren't going to let anyone hurt your family.
Oh, you were going to throw up. You desperately wanted to arrive with Wanda, but a video call with Tony, Shuri, and Thor was scheduled, and you could not reschedule it. The party officially started in two hours, but you wanted to show up early and help. Pumping yourself up, you knocked on the door with your free hand. The presents for the twins were in one hand, and your swimsuit, change of clothes, and a bottle of wine were in your backpack. The door opened. "Y/n," Vision said. Was he smiling at you?
"Vision," you forced a smile of your own.
"You're here!" You heard the thundering footsteps of the twins racing towards you.
"I'll take these," he took the presents right before Billy and Tommy threw themselves at you. "They've been on a sugar rush all morning." The man looked fondly at his sons, who were crushing you. Damn, where are they always this strong? They may break a rib. "Alright, boys," Vision chuckled. "Let her breathe." What the fuck was happening? Did you walk into a different timeline? Billy let go of you first, but Tommy kept hugging you.
"Happy birthday, boys," you ruffled Tommy's hair. "Are you excited for the party?"
"Yes!" Tommy said. "Let's go swimming." He grabbed onto your hand and began to drag you to the pool.
"Tommy," the boy froze at his father's tone. "You promised to help Tiffany in the kitchen. Go help her with your brother, then you can go in the pool." Tommy groaned and headed towards the kitchen, dragging his feet behind him. Billy rolled his eyes and followed his brother. Vision sighed. "They may send me to an early grave," There was a smile on his face.
"Oh, I can take these back," you reached for the presents, but he shook his head.
"I can take these to the table. Wanda is outside," you stared at the man as he left you in the entryway. You shook your head and walked over to the back door. Vision was right. Wanda was putting together a banner. Her back was to you. Quietly, you opened the door and walked over to her. She jumped when you wrapped your arms around her waist. The smell of her perfume helped you relax. Soon she relaxed in your arms.
"Hi baby," you whispered and kissed her cheek.
"How was the meeting?" She asked as she worked on the banner. You sighed.
"It was okay," you threw your bag in a chair and began to help her. "I think Thor has more energy than Tony." Wanda chuckled. You continued to place the letters together to spell 'Happy Birthday' in silence. Until a question was burning on your lips. You glanced at the house. "Is Vision okay?" You asked slowly. "He's acting strange, like Tommy hit him in the back of the head with a football." A smile slowly crept onto Wanda's face.
"No," she laughed. "He's been in a good mood since I got here," she shrugged. "I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth." You narrowed your eyes at the house. Something strange was happening here.
You hated to admit how much fun the party was. You spent a lot of your time being dragged around by the twins and involved in whatever game they wanted to play. They somehow convinced their father to play a game of chicken with you in the pool. You learned that the man would do anything to make his boys smile. It was annoyingly adorable.
The only issue you had was Tiffany. She cornered you in the kitchen when you made another pitcher of lemonade. Well, corned was a strong word, but she was interrogating you about your work and family.
Besides that, you enjoyed spending time with Wanda and meeting the parents of the twins' friends. It felt like you were part of the family. You sang Happy Birthday, ate cake, watched them open presents, and cuddled with Wanda while you watched Tommy and Billy run around with their friends.
Once the party was over and the last guest left, you grabbed a trash can and began picking up the backyard. It wasn't long till Vision joined. You held open the bag for him as he picked up bottles that missed the trash can. "You made their day by coming," he said, breaking the silence. I think they'll be talking about it all year." You stared at him, eyes squinting. Did I say something?"
"Vision, what the fuck is going on?" He seemed startled by your sudden outburst. "This is the most you've spoken to me since Wanda and I started dating." The man sighed. He walked over to the cooler and opened it. Returning to you, he handed you a beer. You watched him open it and offer you the bottle. You hit yours against his and opened it. You've never seen this man drink before. You really were in a weird timeline.
"I did not like you when you first started dating Wanda," you chuckled. Everyone with eyes knew that. "It was mostly my fault our marriage fell apart. I became complacent and did not realize what I had, and then she was gone." You frowned. Vision took another sip from the bottle. "And Billy and Tommy loved you. On my weekends, they would not stop talking about you." You understand now.
"I'm not here to steal your family, Vision," the man sighed.
"Well, I know that now," he said. "Billy helped me realize how unfair I was treating you. You always thought that boy was wise beyond his years. "So I am sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me." You weren't one to hold grudges, especially when the person was open and vulnerable with you.
"Water under the bridge, Vis," you said. "But thank you for being honest with me." He smiled and began to take down the remaining tables. Since it was a day full of confessions, you had one of your own. You took a sip of your beer. "I have a hypothetical question," he glanced at you while he laid the table on the grass. "How difficult is getting an Order of Protection in New York?" The man froze. "Hypothetically," you said again. Vision was a lawyer and part of the team for the district attorney. If anyone knew the process, it would be him.
"Am I that bad?" He joked. You rolled your eyes and mumbled, 'Jackass.' He chuckled and sipped his beer. "Hypothetically speaking, it can be filed in a criminal case or family court. Would this hypothetical order of protection be against a family member?" You crossed your arms.
"Hypothetically, yes," he sighed, watching his eyes look you up and down.
"Then hypothetically, you would need to file a petition that tells the judge and respondent what you would want," you nodded and took a step forward. "This hypothetical order of protection," you rolled your eyes. "Are Wanda and my sons in danger?"
"No," he gave you a look that he wasn't convinced. "No," you repeated. "Nothing will happen to them. I promise."
"Have you spoken to Wanda about this hypothetical order of protection?" You looked at the house and saw Wanda trying to get the twins to help clean up and put their toys away. She caught you staring, and she waved, but you saw the question in her gaze; 'Are you okay?' You nodded and waved back.
"I have not," he hummed.
"A little advice," you looked back at the man. "Tell her. She hates being lied to. She rather know the truth no matter how bad it is," you knew that. Sighing, you rang your hand through your hair. You felt his hand on your shoulder. "You are good for her."
"Thanks, Vis," you smiled. He nodded and began the original task of cleaning up. You finished your beer and threw the empty bottle in the trash. You placed your hands on your hips and looked around the backyard. Today was good. You hated to ruin it with your family bullshit.
"I am tired," Wanda slumped on the couch, not bothering to take off her shoes. You smiled, dropped your bag, and toed off your sneakers. Sitting by her feet, you unclipped her heels and dropped them to the floor. You massaged her calves and thighs. She groaned and flipped onto her back, letting her hair down from the ponytail braid.
"You did good, mama," you whispered. "A successful party if I say so." Wanda climbed onto your lap, her hands behind your head, playing with the hair. It was relaxing, and you felt your eyes closed.
"What were you and Vision talking about?" Your eyes snapped open, and you cringed.
"Can you not say your ex-husband's name while on my lap and the less-than-PG thoughts running through my head?" She laughed and rested her head in the crook of your neck. You ran her hand down her back, and she slumped against you. "I wanted some legal advice regarding my parents." The mention of your parents caused your girlfriend to tense up. She leaned back to look at you.
"Why ask Vision and not your lawyer?" Well, your lawyer was Melina, and you did not want to tell her what was happening. For the company, it was Carol. You learned very early on that mixing business and personal was messy.
"Because I was just looking for advice," she narrowed her eyes at you. "They've been calling me a lot."
"Why didn't you tell me?" You hated her tone. It made you feel like you were in trouble. You winced.
"They do this all the time when they want money," you said, feeling major deja vu when you were having a similar conversation with Natasha. You laid her down on the couch and hovered above her. "And I didn't want to worry you," Wanda sighed.
"What do you tell me all the time?" It was your turn to sigh.
"We are a team," you mumbled, kissed her cheek, and rested your forehead against hers. "I'm sorry."
"Are you okay?" Her eyes filled with worry and concern. You nodded. It was the truth. You were okay. "Is there anything else?"
"No," you said right away. The lie felt bitter on your tongue. She put her arms around your back and pulled you closer. When she first did this, you worried you would crush her. But she loved having you close. It was a physical reminder that you were hers, and she was yours. You kissed her shoulder. This was perfect. The little bubble of peace you both created was everything to you. You wouldn't change it for the world.
"Wanda," she looked up from her notepad while she took her table's order. It was her manager, while another server was walking over to her. "It's your son's school," Wanda's heart plummeted. She apologized to her table and walked to her manager's office.
"Hello," she said once she was alone.
"Hi Wanda, it's Amanda." Oh, Wanda knew who she was. It was the receptionist who kept flirting with you. "Billy and Tommy haven't gotten picked up yet. We tried calling Vision, but it went right to voice mail."
"They are still at school," Wanda said slowly as if Amanda spoke a foreign language.
"Yes, ma'am. They are in the office, perfectly safe. Will you be in to pick them up, or will you send in someone else?" Wanda didn't miss her flirtatious tone but she was so stuck on the fact her sons weren't picked up from school on the day you said you would do it.
"I'll be right there," she told her and hung up before Amanda could respond. What was going on?
When she frantically walked into the building, Wanda knew her boys were behind her. Bucky raised a questioning eyebrow but buzzed her through. It was rather comical when she ran right into Natasha. The collision caused the redhead to drop all her papers. "Wands, where is the fire?" She chuckled. "Isn't this how you fell in love with the boss? I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm spoken for." The memory always brought a smile to her face, but it tugged at her heart. Wanda and the boys helped pick up the papers. "Wait, I thought it was Y/n's day to pick up the little gremlins." She winked at the boys.
"It was, and clearly she didn't," Wanda handed her the papers she had picked up. So where is she?" Wanda hoped you forgot—that you got dragged into another meeting. Natasha's green eyes said something different. Her green eyes flickered to the trio in front of her and then to Bucky, who joined the group.
"She left about 45 minutes ago," she looked at Bucky, who nodded to confirm her story.
"Her phone is going right to voicemail," Billy added. Wanda watched your best friend's eyes turn stormy.
"Nat, what's wrong?" Natasha let out a shaky breath.
"Why don't we take the boys to the conference room?" she smiled. "I think the switch is still hooked up." The twins cheered and walked towards the conference room, leading the way. Natasha pulled out her phone and began to follow her sons, but Wanda stopped her.
"Who are you calling?" She glanced at the twins, who Bucky was now following.
"Maria Hill. She's-"
"An agent over at SHIELD," you spent one drunken night recanting all your stories with the agent and the red head. At the time it was funny but hearing Natasha say the agent's name made Wanda realize something terrible was happening. "Nat, what's going on?"
"I don't know," she put the phone to her ear. "But Maria will be our best bet." Oh, darling, what have you gotten yourself into?
It was the pain radiating from your neck and the side of your head that woke you up. Black dots covered your Vision, and you blinked a few times for them to disappear. You were bound to the chair in a room you didn't recognize. You yanked at the restraints, but they weren't moving. "I'd save your strength," the voice came from the corner of the room. You knew that voice.
"Tiffany," your throat was so dry. "What the fuck?" Vision's girlfriend walked out of the corner. She looked different from the party. Her hair was pinned up in a bun. No hair seemed to be out of place. Instead of her dress at the party, she wore black slacks and a red body suit. You remembered her face was dolled up with makeup, not bare. She gripped your chin and forced your head back. You winced. "What are you doing?" You hated how much your voice shook.
"How good is your Greek mythology?" Was she speaking with an accent? It felt like there was cotton in your eyes. "What is the mythological creature that is a serpent with nine heads?" You racked your brain for the answer. "Come on, sweetheart. Do you need another hint?" You tried to swallow, but you couldn't. Fuck, you needed water. "If you cut the head off two more, grow it back." It clicked. Tiffany smiled. "Say it."
"H-HYDRA," you whispered.
"Say it louder," she demanded, nails dug into your skin.
"HYDRA," you said. She dropped her hand, and your head fell forward. "What do you want with me?" You kept your head down.
"In due time, darling. Rest. The real fun will begin soon."
Don't worry Part 3 will be out next week :D
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kolaepup · 1 day
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Show your Pride YCH collab [open]
:3 another collab between @theredghostart and i @kolaepup <3 <3 <3
theredghost - sketch, lines, background kolaepup - background, color, shading, finishing
finished image will be fully colored and shaded! higher bids = higher detail
Starting bid: $30 Auto buy: none
Auction ends 24hrs after last bid!
BONUS NSFW ALT version unlocked at $150+!
Any species Any gender Any flag
Outfit can be changed
Payment plans accepted, just message me about your plan first thank you ;w;/!
TO BID: please comment your bid OR message me to bid!
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, self doubt, body image, mention of the word ‘daddy,’ kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 15 - Uh Oh | ‘Ours’
“Erm… where were you?!” Winnie yelped when you returned to your area of the club. “You left me alone with a strange man!” she grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side.
“I didn’t leave with a strange man. I left you with T’s friends, one of which you had your tongue down his throat so I kind of assumed you were okay being near him.” You quipped with a smug smile. Winnie didn’t realize you had caught her cheeky makeout with Jadon as you walked to the bathroom about an hour ago.
“Regardless!” She yelped again. You rolled your eyes. She stopped a waitress by your table and she grabbed 2 shots off a tray. “Here…” She handed you one. “Actually…” She grabbed 3 more. “Jadon!” She called for him, interrupting his conversation. As expected, like many boys before him, when Winnie called they answered. “George” She pulled the back of George’s shirt nearby. He turned around pretending that Winnie had yanked him over with some force which she hadn’t. You shook your head at his theatrics. Winnie asked him where Trent was. Trent was with George but since Winnie had begun her round up he had found his way over to you. “Oh shit! Sorry, I didn’t know you were here already.” She laughed seeing Trent. “Sorry! Okay, to George, Happy Birthday, Jadon, nice to meet you, Trent, I hope you had fun fucking my sister! Cheers!” She yelled before she ripped her shot back. Your jaw slacked. You slapped at her arm. You watched everyone at the table take theirs.
“Thank you, Winnie, that was very nice of you.” George had a goofy smile on his face, drunk beyond belief, loving that Winnie paid him mind and that she just called Trent out. George had a slight crush on Winnie. It was definitely more of a looks based attraction. You couldn’t really imagine it passed that. He didn’t know her all that well. You understood Winnie was gorgeous but she was outgoing and George was fairly reserved. It definitely didn’t go over your head though as you sat at dinner to celebrate his birthday while Winnie macked on Jadon. She wasn’t doing it on purpose, she didn’t know he had a thing for her.
“I did have a fun time so yeah, thank you very much, Win” Trent joked pinching in between her shoulder and neck. He rested his chin on you with a sly smile.
“Thank you for including me, Win. George, Happy Birthday bro.” Jadon spoke before he eyed that you hadn’t taken your shot. “Y/N… What’s this? It’s George’s birthday. Go on…” He gave you a sinister smile. You shut your eyes.
“Go on, baby or if you don’t want it, I’ll take it for you.” Trent cooed sweetly kissing your cheek.
“No! No! That’s not how this works! It’s for George’s birthday, welcoming Jadon, and for fucking her, she has to take it.” Winnie quipped with a similar smile to Jadons.
“Okay… Can we just stop with the whole I got fucked please? Like I didn’t…” You tried to keep talking but everyone just jeered.
“Y/N, first off, don’t be such a pussy. Take the shot, you used to be so fun. Secondly, your delusional if you think anyone here believes you two were just gone for an hour and didn’t fuck. Also, T came back with a fresh hickey that wasn’t there when the day started… you know what I’m not going to explain to you that you just had sex in vegas club...” Winnie kept rambling. The way she said it made it sound absolutely disgusting so you laughed. George shook his head at Winnie as she continued. Jadon looked at Winnie amazed with the way she spoke to you but more so at the speed at which she was talking.
“Baby, just take the shot please. Winnie, shut up.” Trent laughed, pinching her cheeks together, pursing her lips closed against her will. You dumped the glass of tequila in your mouth and swallowed so Trent let go of her. Winnie gave you a satisfied smile.
“T, baby?” you cooed asking for his attention as you walked down the corridor of the hotel towards your room. He hummed letting go of your hand momentarily to unlock the door. “Do you think I’m fun?”
“What?” He laughed a little confused as he pushed the door to your room open. Looking back at you as he held it open.
“Like do you think I’m fun? I feel like now I’m a mum.. Let’s do something fun.” While the door shut behind you, you came up to Trent and backed him into one of the entryway walls. You ran your hands up his chest and over his shoulders. You leaned in and started to kiss on his neck. He rolled his head to the side to give you more room loving the feeling of your lips on him.
“Yeah? You want to show me you’re fun?” He asked you. You hummed against his neck. “Where do you wanna be fun, baby?” Trent looked unfairly pretty all the time. He didn’t even have to try. The hour you spent this morning on your makeup couldn’t keep up with his genetics. You envied Teddy for inheriting the lottery that was his features. You sank into his embrace loving the way his hands felt on you. He dropped them lower and lower down your back until he could cheekily slap your ass. You gasped at the sting of it but didn’t even have time to scold him before he picked you up by the back of your thighs. You wrapped your legs around him tight and dragged your foot down his spine. He carried you outside onto the balcony. You moaned when you felt your back press into the railing.
“Can you kiss me, T?” You whined looking deep into his perfect mahogany eyes. You didn’t mean to sound so whiny but just the way he picked you up felt so rough and you wanted him to take control subconsciously. He smirked at you loving that he got you to a place where you were asking for him. He slid his thumb over your lips before he tilted your chin and pressed his to yours.
“I need more of you, baby.” He pulled away, breaking your steamy kiss. “I need you so bad.” He gruffed before his lips met yours again. Your hands were all over each other as you peeled your clothes off from tonight. His words were like gasoline on a fire. He treated you like a rag doll once your clothes were all peeled off. He set you down to stand on the balcony of your hotel room high above the city of Las Vegas in just the pretty bra you had worn under your top. He turned your body around slow. You bent over the railing willingly raising your ass into the night air. Trent let his spit fall onto your ass. He watched it fall down over your ass and into the folds of your pussy. His hands caressed the fat of your ass. He ran his hand up your spine.
“Did you like not wearing anything tonight?” You cocked your head to the side to see him. You gave a cheeky grin and shook your head ‘no.’ “Nah? Not even for me, baby. Didn’t like that I had these in my pocket all night?” He spoke to you with his lips right behind your ear in the sexiest way. He had pulled you back up to him, your back to his chest. He said he needed you but you thought you were going to scream if he didn’t touch you soon. He licked against your earlobe. He knew exactly what he was doing, riling you up. You felt his chest rumble when he silently giggled as you tried to rub your ass against his hardening cock to get him to do something, anything.
“T… Please, baby. It’s not funny.” You whined. He kissed your neck with a sly smirk. He grabbed your wrists off the railing and held them together behind your back. You felt him pull out said thong you hadn’t been wearing all night and wrapped them around your wrists linking them tightly together. You whimpered as he tightened them. “Oh fuck… T, You weren't kidding about that?”
“No baby, I’m not fucking about. I am here to have fun with you, yeah? I thought you wanted that?” He cooed in a teasing tone. You felt his hand slip underneath you dragging his fingers through your absolutely drenched folds and you whimpered. “I want you to make a mess on my fingers, can you do that for me?” he whispered into your ear as you nodded desperately overwhelmed by the intrusion of his fingers entering you. He curled his fingers inside you finding your gspot in seconds. He refused to let up. You were practically riding his fingers. Your moans getting increasingly louder when his thumb pressed harsh circles on your clit. You let out a soft cry as you rocked your hips onto his hand. Almost immediately you felt your orgasm come crashing over you. Your body shaking, if he wasn’t holding you, you would’ve collapsed. “Good girl.” He whispered in your ear. He teased you, dragging his leaking tip across the smooth skin of your ass before slipping it between your folds teasing your entrance. He slowly pushed his cock into your pussy without another word. You were completely drenched. You could feel yourself coat his length in your slick again and again as he drilled in and out of you. The recoil of your ass from his hard thrusts had Trent in pure heaven. God, it must’ve been a good 30 minutes of him just blowing your back out until you felt like your legs were going to give out. Trent could tell. You got whiny and had a hard time staying up and withstanding his force.
“You okay, baby? Want me to take care of you now?” you got out a measly ‘please.’ “Yeah? Alright baby. Just gimme cum f’me like this and then I’ll take care of you.”
“T…” You whined as you felt his hand come to rub tight harsh circles on your clit. You didn’t have a shot in hell at lasting. “Oh my god, baby, please.” You cried. You felt the tears roll down your face. Your high crashed over you
“Alright… c’mere baby.” He turned you around. “Promise, okay?” You nodded with a shy smile. You stepped forward and pressed your forehead against his chest. He rubbed your back before he picked you and carried you to the couch on the balcony. He laid your back down onto the cushion.
“I love you so much.” You pulled Trent down to you by his biceps pressing your lips to his. Your watery eyes looked up at him. He kissed you again.
“I love you, baby. Always. Want me to keep fucking you?” He gave you such a innocent sweet smile but he was eager to get back inside.
“Please” you giggled
“Ah yeah, fine, I guess I can. If you want” He threw his head to the side pretending it wasn't really something he wanted but Trent hadn’t cum yet and he was dying. He just needed to make sure you were okay. You were impatient though missing the feeling of him so you pulled him closer to your entrance. He slid his painfully hard cock back inside your dripping pussy. He was brash and filled you completely right away, unable to wait any longer. You took his whole length. You gasped at the way his cock stretched you out. Trent let out a moan that made your pussy twitch. Your arms scratched at his back as your legs wrapped tight around his waist. “Want me to cum inside you, baby? Fill you up?” He asked you with his lips nibbling on your neck as he began to drill into you. You nodded ardently with a whimper, unable to speak. “Want me to get you pregnant again? That what you want?” he grunted.
“Oh my god, T!” You yelped as he pushed somehow even deeper inside of you. “Fuck…” You don’t know what it was but just the idea of the beautiful man that you loved above you getting you pregnant, carrying his child set you off. Your pussy clenched tighter around him. He threw his head back in pleasure before he came forward again raising one of your legs up above your head keeping it straight. He softly kissed your ankle. The new position made your jaw slack.
“Cum f’me. Can you do that for me, baby?” He breathed into your neck. His thrusts were mind numbingly perfect. His warm lips covering your collarbones in steamy kisses. His pace had become relentless, his hips unforgiving as he moved, driving his cock in and out of you, consistently hitting a spot so deep inside you. You didn’t really have an option if you came or not, you were going to.
“Fuck, gonna cum beautiful.” he cursed. His fingers dug into your skin and his nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, as he pushed his hips into one last time before he spilled into your tight heat. Trent’s eyes rolled back at the way you gently moved your hips against his to help him ride out his high. You stayed like that for ages. The hot Southwest night air encompassing you. “C’mon… bringing you inside. I gotta lay down.” He laughed while picking you up. You weren’t sure how he managed because you felt like you could barely move. You wrapped your legs around him tightly and nestled yourself against his chest. He sat down on the bed and laid back.
“I hope no one else was outside on their balcony…” You looked up at him with a laugh. Trent’s eyes were closed but a cheeky smile started to pull his lips. You kissed him gently. He started laughing. He rolled his head to the side holding you tighter to him.
“I’m hungry, baby.” He turned back to look at you. “You want anything?” He sat up and reached for the hotel room phone. You shook your head ‘no’ at first. He gave you a patient glare. “You’re not eating my food, so what do you want?” He laughed.
“You wouldn’t share with me?” You pouted. “Me… The mother of your child? You wouldn’t share?” You draped your arms around his neck dramatically as if you were begging him. He shook his head ‘no.’ “Fine… fine… I think I want….” You rattled off way too much food. You laid in bed on top of him exhausted waiting. He ran his hands up and down your sides racking over your ribs when you heard a knock on the door. Room service had arrived. It was about 5 am at this point you should be eating breakfast probably but you had ordered all sorts of things. Trent was a bit more cautious with his order considering he was in season. He hadn’t even drank that much and your eyes were probably bigger than your stomach.
“Can you get it…” You giggled before you gave Trent a pouty face and puppy dog eyes.
“You’re on top of me!” He laughed at you. “How do you want me to.. Ugh.” He groaned sitting up bringing your body with his. “Alright c’mon.” Trent sat up right using his core strength and moved to the edge of the bed. You wrapped your legs around him before placing a kiss on his lips. He stood up and turned around. “Thank you. Now, let go.” he leaned over so your back was to the mattress. You let go over him and your limbs flopped onto the bed. Trent pulled on his boxers and made his way to the door.
“Thank youuuu” You sang cheekily happily getting situated back under the covers. He joined you and you ate about ¼ of your food. Trent ate about half of yours complaining the whole time that he shouldn’t have been doing it which was cute. You cuddled up, splitting the milkshake you had gotten watching a film until you realized you had about three hours before you had to leave to get to the race track.
“You’ve always been fun. Every day, baby.” Trent cooed ghosting his lips over your hair as you began to drift to sleep.
“How can I be more fun though?” You asked quietly. Trent was quiet for a moment trying to think about how to answer this correctly.
“Baby I think you’re the most fun. Maybe you need some spontaneity though.” He looked down at you and brushed some of your hair behind your ear.
“One year olds don’t do spontaneity.” You giggled sleepily imaging your little girl who you missed so much.
“Well I do. Give it a go sometime. Do something that you think would surprise me.” he cooed in a soft tone. You laid in bed with Trent in silence thinking of all the ways you could potentially ‘surprise’ him until his voice cut off your thoughts.
“Baby? When did you stop telling me?” He spoke quietly, almost half asleep. You looked up at him confused “like when you want me to blow your back out, when did you stop telling me?”
“Oh… I don’t know just has been so hectic, we’re on your schedule now so.” You responded, trying to brush it off. Frankly, it wasn’t really a thought out thing. You weren’t actively trying not to tell him.
“It’s our schedule.” He corrected you.
“I am not paid by Liverpool Football Club so not exactly... “ You giggled, reaching up to brush your thumb over his high cheekbone.
“Baby…” He cooed. You softly smiled at him. “I promise you for the rest of my life you can always tell me you want me to fuck you. Alright?” He laughed pretty damn sure every time you asked 99/100 times he was going to say yes.
“Okay, what about right now?” You cheekily asked him.
“C’mere.” he dragged your face up to his smushing a wet sloppy kiss on your lips, squishing your body impossibly tight to him.
You and Winnie had a flight back to New York from Las Vegas. You hated leaving Trent but you were desperate to get back to your baby. When you landed you and Winnie met your parents in Manhattan to get Teddy and then went to her apartment. You FaceTimed Lauren from her tiny living room exhausted from your travels but relieved to have the cutest girl in the world back in your arms.
“Winnie! I don’t know what you should do. It’s your call. It’s you and him in the bed, not me.” You finished your sentence with a little laugh..
“It wasn’t in the bed.” She giggled. You and Lauren rolled your eyes. You were updating her all about the trip you had just been on despite the fact that you were going to see her for dinner in a few hours.
“So it was fun?” Lauren cooed with interest.
“Y/N got her back blow out though.” Winnie felt inclined to let her know, trying to deviate away from the conversation about her. Lauren’s jaw dropped sarcastically to tease you. You having sex wasn’t exactly that groundbreaking.
“Okay, we need to stop saying that. I’ve heard that phrase more in the last 24 hours than I needed to in a lifetime.” You flashed a glare at Winnie. Returning back to your friend group an hour later from the bathroom of a club didn’t go unnoticed. Winnie was all ears of course when you finally caved and told her about the amazing sex you had. It was brag worthy, to be fair.
“Oooo how good did he fuck you? Mum and Daddddddyyy” Lauren teased you laughing. Teddy squealed, hearing the playful way Lauren sang ‘daddy.’ Winnie joined in riling up Teddy tickling her tummy.
“Guys! We’re talking about her father stop!!!!” You laughed trying to scold them but it was funny. “Yeah, you like dada, huh? We miss him right? We’ll call him in a second, Ted.” You cooed in a baby voice just to her.
“Ew! Well don’t say that!” Winnie gave you a sick face. You ignored her childishness about highlighting that Trent was Teddy’s dad. The three of you had a field day calling him daddy. He hated it when they did it but it always made you laugh.
“Aw, our Teddy girl. We only got you because your mummy was a little slutty, maybe we’ll get you a cousin with Win.” Lauren joked. She was poking fun about the morning you had had before you made it to the airport with Winnie which included an urgent stop at a pharmacy.
“No, stop. Not funny. No cousins, thank you.” Winnie quickly scolded Lauren for a joke she didn’t appreciate.
“No, we got her because mummy loves dada and we wanted you more than anything in the world. We love you so much, baby.” You corrected Lauren’s statement more speaking to Teddy and kissing her incessantly.
“Wait… so why is it any different than when you do it!?” Winnie yelped. She had been debating with you and Lauren and really herself if it was okay or not that she had let Jadon cum inside her. You couldn’t say anything, you didn’t have a horse in the race, you were holding a baby.
“Winnie, because you had to buy Plan B this morning!” Lauren screamed through the phone. Honestly, they were just being precautionary and it’s not like your first few nights with Trent were any different. It was a heat of the moment thing.
“Yeah, well who asked you.” Winnie waved her hand dismissing Lauren. She didn’t want to hear the facts.
“You called me. Goodbyeee. See you soon my pretty girls!” Lauren cooed before she hung up. You had dinner in a little over near Lauren’s apartment but you obviously couldn’t wait until then to spill all the tea. Teddy was coming so it was fairly early but you were still excited to go out in the city again with them.
“Can you believe almost 2 years ago you just had sex one day or night and now you have a baby.” Winnie turned to you on her couch, pulling both her legs up onto the cushion. She said it like it was the craziest thing in the world.
“That was the goal, Win.” You laughed. Then for a moment you paused trying to think about what day or night it might’ve been. You never really did the math. You were just so excited.
“Insane. Like you were ‘trying’' Winnie air quoted the word and then turned back to her TV shaking her head imagining that.
“Ugh I hate when people say that. ‘Trying’” you rolled your eyes. “Like you and him are trying, to everyone else you’re just having sex.” You spoke to her but she had already checked out. She wasn’t even watching TV anymore; she was engrossed in her phone. You were quiet for a little while before Winnie began kicking her feet against the couch excitedly. “What was that?” You laughed at her with curiosity about what had her so giddy. She turned her phone for you to see a message from Jadon.
‘So into you. Can’t stop thinking about you.’
“Well what did you send him?” You asked naively. You were happy she had a fun weekend. Of course, it did make you slightly nervous that the two people you were closest with were both talking to Trent’s friends. You hoped it would be fine, nothing dramatic happen. Jadon wasn’t as close but still you just hoped this either worked or had an amicable end.
“That’s besides the point!” She smirked. She didn’t need to tell you. The face alone gave it away immediately. Clearly it was something dirty.
“Winnie!” You yelled. She fell forward, pressing her forehead against your thigh attempting to hide her face from you. She sat back up and nestled into the corner of the couch though holding her phone high and tight to her chest as she responded.
“I don’t even want to see your response. Do we, Ted?” You giggled and kissed Teddy’s temple as she sat in your lap happily. “You know, I never put that together but you with a London boy makes a lot of sense.” You tried to discuss the possibility with Winnie but she was in her own world. A silly smile glued on her face as she texted away. Maybe at dinner she’d give you more.
December was a really busy month for Trent so he flew back directly to Liverpool for work. You were planning on staying in New York for a few days to check out some things for the wedding. It was really hard to do all of it remotely. You needed to see things first hand and approve a lot. You felt like the date was fast approaching. Your mum hated the idea but you and Trent decided you wanted to do it this summer. Why wait was your mentality. Your mum would’ve preferred she had two years to plan but that wasn’t going to happen you wanted to be his wife. You were a little worried about having Teddy alone for a few days but it’d be fine. You had Winnie and Lauren around. You few days passed and you went to the Plaza to look at florals, colors of tablecloths and plates. You’d text Trent everysingle decision you’d be asked to make and he’d respond with a simple ‘I trust you.’ It was fine. It was a little sad you couldn’t do it together but this is how things were. You and Lauren went to Ellie Saab one day for a fitting for a dress you wanted to wear the night before. Then you facetimed Trent from Tavern on the Green to look at the back garden and discuss menus. It was all a blur so day three or four of your trip, Winnie offered to take you and Teddy for lunch uptown to not think about the wedding for a little. You appreciated it. You were on the phone with Trent walking with Winnie and Teddy after you ate at Saint Ambrose on the Upper East Side.
“Can you go check on something for me while you’re in the area?” Trent asked you over the phone. You nodded and he said he’d text you the information. You didn’t understand what he was asking you to do. Anything he ever did or anyone he knew in New York was usually through you.
“What does that even mean?” You looked at Winnie after you hung up. You clicked the address he sent and went on your way. What you didn’t know was that Winnie and Trent were in cahoots the whole time. She helped plan this because he couldn’t be there. You walked into a residential apartment. It was a beautiful building with a gorgeous lobby but you didn’t understand what you were even there for. “What are we doing… this is so sus” You turned around to her as you pushed Teddy in her pram through the door towards the doorman.
“I know! For real.” Winnie lied pretending she was as confused as you. Trent had asked you to ‘check on something’ whatever that meant at this apartment.
“Hi, I need to pick something up I think?” You said unsure and with a question mark at the end. You looked back at Winnie once more with a ‘what the fuck do I say’ type of look. “Its Apartment 26A?” You told the doorman.
“Oh, of course mam. We were expecting you today.” He looked past you and at Winnie. Which you should’ve clocked in retrospect. He escorted you to the elevators and up you went. You went to the apartment and knocked.
“Trent said it’d be open right?” She looked at you for confirmation but you had no idea. She smiled and turned the doorknob. She opened it a little and let you push. It was an empty apartment. Big, white, and bright. You walked in just as confused as you were when you entered the building. You haphazardly stepped further inside into what you assumed to be the living space. Massive windows paneling the wall let light flood in. You squinted, it was so bright. There was obviously no window furnishings yet. When your eyes adjusted you looked at the hardwood floor and saw a few pieces of paper. You beant over and picked them up and thought you were going to literally fall over when you started reading. It was the original receipt from your first date with Trent. There was a card with it asking you on a date to the same restaurant and a little note.
‘I don’t want you to forget how equally important your life and your background is to our daughter. I love you both so much. Call me. T xx
You crouched down and began to cry. What was this? You grabbed your phone out of your purse and immediately called Trent obviously as instructed.
“What the fuck is this?” You sobbed. He laughed as he answered. You could tell he was training in the gym so he walked out of the room to hear you better.
“What do you think, baby?” He asked you like you were supposed to understand.
“To dinner? Sure.” You giggled.
“Yeah… baby, I figured but I meant about the apartment. It’s ours if you want it. I didn’t want to make a big decision like that without you and before the wedding if you get me but it can be, is what I’m saying.” He cooed with a smile. You had to sit down you could squat anymore you felt dizzy like your legs were going numb. You started crying and wiped the flooding tears off your face with your free hand. You nodded with a pout though. “Good. I love you, baby.”
You sat on the floor looking around the apartment and just kept crying after you hung up with him. Maybe the stress of planning and all the different time zones were getting to you or maybe you were just emotional. Trent didn’t have to do this. You loved living in England and you were happy Teddy was being raised there but this really was special. Winnie stood with Teddy at the big windows identifying and pointing to things outside as she giggled. This was really special.
You sat on the living room floor of Lauren’s apartment the following day with Teddy still in shock that you’d have an apartment in Manhattan again for her. You were watching Trent’s match which was weird to be having US pundits again but you were just happy you could watch at all and support him. The camera stuck to him as they discussed the upcoming fixture and his past performances.
“Is that your dada, Teddy girl?” You asked Teddy as she giggled loving seeing Trent’s face blown up on Lauren's big TV screen. Of course, they had to note that Trent attended the Grand Prix recently. It was just so typical for American coverage to focus on something so unrelated. ‘Looks like he had a lot of fun in Vegas’ one pundit said as Trent turned his head. The side of his neck, right before the color of his jersey began was a love bite, a bruising mark still visible on his fading tanned skin.
“Y/N!!! Oh my god! You did him dirty. He’s on live TV.” You shut your eyes a little embarrassed as Lauren yelled laughing that you obviously were the one that left that on him. “Your child is watching!” She teased. You rolled your eyes. “His mum will see that. Slutty, slutty, slutty.”
“Oh my god! Don’t say that!” You flicked your head back at her at the realization. It didn’t matter that you had a kid, that you were getting married, you didn’t want Dianne to know you were marking Trent up. You watched the game and Trent was in really good form. He was having a strong start to the season. The first half was okay it was 2-1 Liverppol but they really needed the win. All was looking good until the 65th minute or so when… honestly you weren't even sure what happened. All of sudden when the camera pulled to a wide angle you could see trent bent over holding onto the goal post in pain.
“What just happened…” You yelped, turning to Lauren. She shook her head equally confused. The game continued to play on so he proceeded to try to run but you could see he was limping. “Oh my god, Lauren… He needs to get off the pitch what just happened.” You thought you were going to have a panic attack when he bent over again in pain. You couldn’t believe you weren't there, that you couldn’t do anything while you just watched him. Trent had never really had many injuries before and practically none since you got together so this was uncharted.
“He’s fine. I’m sure it’s just a cramp.” Lauren cooed quietly trying to calm you down. You stood up and paced holding Teddy.
“He’s not. I know him, he’s not. He wouldn’t drag something out like this if it didn’t actually hurt.” You felt sick. Why was the ball still in play. You think maybe three minutes passed but it felt like an hour. “Stop playing! Oh my god. This is so dumb.” You watched until about the 70th minute when he finally got subbed off. You were relieved but then panic set in when he walked down the tunnel back to the locker room. That wasn’t good. You needed to get home.
You spoke to Trent after the game and he said he was fine. It was a muscle pull but it just tightened up so badly he couldn’t move it on the pitch. He said it already felt better but you didn’t really believe that. You knew he was just trying to settle your nerves. Thankfully your flight was tomorrow morning. You and Teddy got all your bags and said goodbye to Lauren and Winnie and began your long trip back to England. It wasn’t too bad. Teddy barely slept at all during the flight which made things interesting but for the hour she did you decided to listen to a podcast episode Liverpool had put out that Trent was on. He told you not to listen to it. It was just him babbling about things you already knew. You told him would though regardless because you just wanted to hear him talk to you for an hour when you couldn’t be with him so that’s just what you did.
“Trent, we know you don’t talk much about your private life off the pitch but we did want to say congratulations since you did share Instagram recently that you’re going to be getting married.” One of the podcasts hosts congratulated him and by proxy, you guessed, you. You had decided to finally share on Instagram a picture from your engagement and Trent had reshared it. You had been avoiding the internet since to be honest because you didn’t really want to read any negative comments.
“Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Marrying the love of my life. I’m very excited for this summer.” Trent told them and in turn revealed that you’d be getting married this summer which wasn’t a big deal most footballers got married in the summer.
“You seem to be taking on a lot of responsibility.” The other host didn’t ask a question but just kind of laid the fact out in the open. “Vice captain, dad, husband” He listed Trent’s titles.
“I think vice captain is probably the easiest you know.” He laughed. The sound of his coquettish laugh shattered your heart. You just wanted to rush home to him and instead you were stuck hours away. “I’m learning to be a dad. My fiance is just the most incredible mum. Straight out the gate she’s been amazing.” You pouted at his sweet compliment. It wasn’t true, you were learning how to be a parent along with him “It’s definitely not hard to love her, it’s hard not to if you’ve ever met her. So I think making the decision to get married was not really a decision at all. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Erm…but I think you know, taking on roles like that in my personal life…” Trent kept yapping segueing away from details about his life to get back to talking about football. You could just feel your whole body relaxing hearing him. It was so comfortable. It’s not like you didn’t speak to him before you took off, it just was nice and comforting. You couldn’t wait to get home. “I’m so blessed. A lot of people always say ‘oh what a nice life you’re able to provide for your family’ all these types of things and it’s very true. We’re fortunate in a lot of ways because of my job but honestly I couldn’t dream of the things my fiance provides for me and our daughter. What she gives to us is priceless and beyond comparison. I love that when I come off the pitch doing the thing I love most in the world I get to go home to the people that I love most in the world. If I have a bad game or things aren't going my way, I have my family and that’s so important for me. I’ve really never been happier.” You couldn't stop the silly smile coming across your face. He told you these things but the fact that he spoke about you like that in a professional setting, to other people, for the world to hear just made you melt.
You opened twitter and went to go see what people had said about the podcast. There of course was plenty of discourse about what he said about the team tactics and club related things but the other thing that seemed to populate a lot of conversation was the engagement.
“They’re engagedd??? I’m screaming!’
‘Trent fucking Alexander-Arnold is fucking engaged!”
‘I saw a TikTok of them in New York when he said she was his fiance STG’
That was the one. Frankly you hadn’t seen the TikTok but you remember doing the interview on the street in SoHo. The TkTok resurfaced after the podcast and everyone went berserk. They were shocked that you and Trent had kept this so wrapped up. It was also one of the few times people saw all 3 of you together and one of the even fewer times that they heard you speak. It made you laugh a little seeing all the chaos online, a little sad when people took shots at you, proud when people commented on how beautiful Teddy was but it was just nice that all the while you were scrolling you got to listen to your fiance’s calm voice.
When you got home you felt like you were going to cry seeing Trent. He just looked so sad. His already natural pout turned down even further. He looked so sleepy and cozy on your couch. When you had gotten through all your hellos and I miss yous you had gone upstairs to unpack your bags. Teddy stayed with Trent. He had some sort of like compression ice thing on his outstretched leg on the couch. Teddy sat on the floor pulling herself up and down excitedly playing her own game of peek-a boo with him. Trent hated when he couldn’t move like this. He’d go stir crazy but having Teddy for entertainment and extra cuddles didn’t make it as bad.
“Uh Oh!” Teddy cooed with a pout after she pulled herself once more to stand up holding onto the couch. She finally noticed Trent’s leg. She gave him an adorably sad face.
“Yeah, uh oh, Ted.” He laughed, picking her up from underneath her chubby arms. “C’mere, baby.” she giggled as he placed her to sit on his stomach. “Did you miss me?” She just kinda plopped forward to give him a hug. You felt like she could fully understand questions and directions, she just was still building her vocabulary. Trent answered a call from a trainer after Teddy had fallen asleep on his chest. You came downstairs and sat by his feet. You kissed his ankle waiting patiently as he listened to a reminder of his instructions for the next couple days. When he hung up, he patted the seat next to him so you came and cozied up to him. You leaned your head onto his chest and pushed some of Teddy’s little curls off her face. You smiled at him when the dogs came running into the room. One jumped on the couch next to you. Teddy woke up slowly hearing the jingles of their collars and the comotion. You pulled him into your lap and gave him a good scratch and cuddle. Teddy pushed herself upright with a huff and looked at you.
‘Woof!’ she pointed at the dog in your lap. You smiled and laughed. She had started to label things, not necessarily by their correct names but the ones that made sense and sort of stuck.
“Yeah, woof. Good job, smart girl. It’s a doggie. Can you say dog for me?” She gave it a go but just landed back on saying woof. So your dogs for the meantime were ‘woof’ and so were any other four legged animal.
“We got ‘woof’ before ‘daddy’ I don’t understand.” Trent looked at you a little annoyed but it was softened when Teddy cuddled back into his chest. You and he both knew she’d get there. She definitely knew that he was dada. She loved being with dada. Maybe it was just ‘d’ sounds you weren’t sure but you did feel a little bad. You crawled into bed that night happy to be back home with him.
“I missed you.” You whispered close to him under the covers. You dragged your hand over his chest and down his abs towards the waistband of his boxers. He looked good in any lighting but there were certain ones like the one you were in right now that he just looked exceptionally good. The way your bedroom had a warm glow to it before you turned the final light off that just worked for him. He looked angelic and simultaneously deliciously sexy.
“I can’t baby…” He groaned, annoyed at his own predicament. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, leaning his forehead on yours. You probably could find a sex position that would work for you but it probably wasn’t a great idea so soon after the injury. You understood you were just being cheeky.
“I know… I love you though.” You pouted at him teasingly. You’d have to find a position that would work for him though soon. You cuddled up closer to him the way you’d fall asleep with your head on his chest and one hand next to it. But you coyly placed that hand lower and lower and lower. “Goodnight.” You whispered one final time letting that hand get just about to where his hardening cock was.
“Stop!” He laughed. “Get your hands off me.” he whispered with a smile he couldn’t suppress. The rest of that week was slow paced. Trent would go into AXA for workouts and assessments for his muscle pull. He was sort of moody but you understood all he wanted to do was be back out playing.
“It’s constant.” He looked at you amazed and surprised as you fed Teddy some strawberries you had cut up for her. 2 weeks had passed and Trent was getting a lot closer to returning to the first team training but he still wasn’t there yet which meant he had been home a lot more and with Teddy a lot more.
“I know.” You laughed as Teddy squealed, squishing a strawberry in her hand and then pressing the mess it into the tabletop. She was a very happy baby, fairly quiet most of the time but she was still a baby. Trent wasn’t used to a full day shift with her. Sure, he was there the whole time in the summer but so were you. It was 2 v 1 and she was under a year old. In a short few months she was walking and talking a lot more.
“Like she’s nonstop.” He laughed bewildered as he wiped the smushed strawberry up.
“T… I know.” You giggled back at him picking Teddy up from her high chair. You wiped her mouth and rocked her back and forth. You stood in the kitchen holding your daughter wearing Trent’s sweat pants and a tiny tank top. Trent stared at you in awe. He couldn’t believe you were alone with her everyday when she was this active. He stood up and wrapped his arms around you. He kissed your lips soft and slow. You hummed loving the taste of the strawberries he had stolen from Teddy. “Promise me you’ll never stop kissing me.” You looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Couldn’t even if I wanted to.” He whispered to you, ghosting his lips over yours before he gave you another equally sweet kiss.
“I want our kids to almost be annoyed with our affection when they're older.” You laughed, stepping out of his hold to grab the container of fruit to put it back into your refrigerator.
“Kids?” He questioned you with a smile excited by curiosity if you meant kids as in having more or if it was just a slip of the tongue.
“Yeah… I think I guess kids. If you’d want that.” You cooed trying not to deep it too much. Trent came over and grabbed you once more, giving you a kiss as his answer. Teddy though was much more aware of this one and pressed her hand against his cheek.
“See we’re already halfway there.” He laughed referring to Teddy trying to push him away from you. Teddy had gotten clingy. You were her mummy and she wanted to make sure that was known to daddy as well. She had developed an understanding of her daily routine and would anticipate her everyday activities so a little while after her snack Teddy needed to nap and she waddled her way over to your staircase waiting for you saying ‘mama’ on repeat until you brought her.
“Should we be being more careful?” Trent asked you sort of vaguely as you sat on the couch.
“Are you serious?” You laughed unsure if he was being or not.
“Well this is a lot. Could we do a second? I don’t want to leave for training and you be home with two kids this young like what should or plan be?” He clarified and then questioned what you two should do.
“Is it bad if I say I need a little more time?” You sheepishly got your words out. “I just feel like my body is finally getting back to a place I’m okay with. I can’t imagine losing all my progress. Is that selfish? What do you want?” You looked at him feeling terribly guilty.
“Nah, I think we wait a minute. Give you a rest. Get accustomed and really appreciate family of 3 life and then maybe you know after the wedding we can reasses.”
“Yeah, that’s fine by me but we want more right?” You face pulled into a cheeky smile waiting to hear his answer you were pretty sure you already knew.
“Yeah, beautiful. I definitely want more babies with you. Wouldn’t mind the process either.” He whispered coming in to nibble on your neck. You rolled your eyes and teasingly shoved at his chest but quickly nestled back into his embrace on the couch.
A few hours later, Trent was in the back garden doing some activation things he had to do for the muscle pull. You had a turf field off the back of the house you had installed. It was convenient for Trent although he probably didn’t use it as much as you thought he would but he had been lately with the injury. It was a cold but sunny day so you figured after Teddy woke up you’d bundle her up in her coat and you could go get some fresh air.
“What’s daddy doing outside, hmm? Should we go see dada?” You asked her. You crouched down to her and helped her put her little puffer coat on and tiny trainers. You could scream every time you picked up her baby shoes. They were so cute. She giggled at the sound of her coat’s zipper being done up.
“Dada” Teddy repeated you and she palmed your cheek as your tied the laces of her trainers.
“Yeah?! That’s right, Teddy. Going to go see dada” Your eyes widened excitedly. “Can you say that again, say dada again?” you asked her whilst scooping her up. She repeated it giddy with the attention she got from saying it. You walked to the back of your house and slid the glass door open to outside.
“Ooo sunny but chilly, baby, huh? Brrrr.” you cooed rubbing your nose against her cheek. You walked over to the small field and put teddy down on the grass and she attempted to run which was adorable. It was like a wobbly walk but you understood she was trying to get to Trent as fast as she could. You followed in her wake.
“Hi, beautiful.” His cold hand cupped your face.
“Hi, we just came to see dada.” You stood holding Teddy’s hands above her head keeping her standing up right in between your legs.
“Dada!” She wiggled out of your hold tumbling forward onto her hands and knees. Like she was moving a lot as months progressed but it was clumsy as she still got the hang of things. Trent’s eyes widened. He immediately sat on the ground and pulled her to him.
“Oh my days… C’mere baby bear. Did you say dada?” He asked her enthusiastically. She giggled as he picked her up off the ground and buried his face in the tiny crook of her neck. His hair tickling her skin. She screamed dada a million times to get him to stop, excited he was so happy with her. Trent picked his head up with the most gorgeous smile you’d ever seen him give you. He looked at you bright eyed. “You know how we were talking about waiting…” He spoke with a cheeky tone.
“Oh shut up! Her saying two additional syllables doesn’t not rule out all the other things we talked about.” You laughed dismissing him. Now that Teddy had said dada he was all about having more.
“Yeah but listen to herrrr” He groaned standing back up with Teddy in his arms. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and took a few candid photos of them. They’d be good memories one day. “C’mon want to help dada?” He leaned over and placed Teddy on her two feet. She clung to his leg. He grabbed a ball and placed it in front of them. He pulled her off his leg and held her under her arms and helped her kick it. When you say she screamed… she screamed. She was so excited. You couldn't not laugh. Trent turned around to look at you in a fit of laughter.
“Good girl, Ted.” You encouraged her as you took your seat down onto the turf. You assumed after that reaction you’d be here for a while. You watched on with a smile. Teddy would turn around every so often to make sure you were still watching them after she heard your first compliment. If you happened to be on your phone the second she did, she would let you know. ‘Mama!’ yelled immediately grabbing your attention. They must’ve done that on repeat for an hour. Neither one was tired of it. Trent was stood on his knees next to her but leaned over and whispered in her ear. You watched him stand up and turn towards you.
“Should we go get mummy?” He asked Teddy and started to jog towards you Teddy eagerly trying to keep up with him. You smiled and got up from the turf. You ran towards Teddy and scooped her up off the grass. She squealed.
“Got you first, Teddy girl. Should we get daddy now? Daddy’s not that fast. Let’s chase daddy” You cooed, kissing her cheek about a 100 times in a row. He rolled his eyes unimpressed with your subtle jab. You jogged with her in your arms playfully and Trent took off away from you. Teddy was giggling so much you couldn’t help but laugh with her. The sound of her precious laugh was infectious. This probably wasn’t great for Trent to be doing but it was nice to have fun all together. He’d pivot in a different direction or make a face at her and she’d excitedly shriek.
“Dada!!!”” She screamed with her chubby little arms outstretched. You put her down and let her run after him on her own. You were out there much much later than you thought you’d be but the time was the last thing on your mind if she and him were this happy. Trent let Teddy catch him eventually. He was slowly learning how to ‘lose’ for her.
“I’m gonna grab mummy, watch Ted.” He whispered. You looked at him confused why he turned his attention towards you. He gave you a cheeky smirk. He ran at you full speed. He was fast whether or not you wanted to admit it so you didn’t get very far. He wrapped his arms around your waist and swung you around like you weighed nothing. “Mwah!” he kissed your cheek so grossly but you loved it. “Mwah!” He scooped up your legs so he was fully carrying you with another wet kiss.
“T!’ You squealed in a fit of giggles not expecting him to throw you around like this. Teddy’s eyes were bright and wide, loving seeing her mum and dad so happy. He jogged with you in his arms back towards Teddy. He crouched down to her level. You thought he'd let you go but he held you tight you couldn’t break out if you tried.
“Come give mummy a kiss, baby bear.” Trent cooed for Teddy to come. She quickly was at your side pressing her lips out in the cutest way slobbering all over your face. “Wow…” Trent couldn’t hold in his laughter watching her practically just spit on you. “You must love mummy a lot, huh?”
“Love mama!” She screamed, attempting to kiss you again. You stopped her next attempt with a giggle and held her face in your hands. You pressed a kiss of your own onto her lips.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 16 xx
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In which they visit Paris!
series masterlist
notes: let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and leave a comment! Enjoy :)
alexandrasaintmleux posted on their story
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caption: Louvre, pastries and Aubrey
olliebearman posted
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olliebearman c'est la vie (the only French I know 😌)
liked by kimi.antonelli, aubreyyang and 701,694 others
scuderiaferrari stick to italian
-- user2 ADMIN!!
landonorris nice sunnies
-- olliebearman thanks their borrowed
-- aubreyyang pls return them I can't see 😔
-- olliebearman omw 🏃‍♂️
-- user3 not them flirting under landos comment
-- landonorris right this is so rude I demand compensation
-- aubreyyang we'll get you a magnet
-- landonorris DEAL
user5 they're in love in this essay I will
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang are you happy to be in paris? 🇫🇷💋
liked by alexandrasaintmleux, olliebearman and 670,332 others
view all comments
dior.n.goodjohn OUI!!
-- aubreyyang miss u bae
aryansimhadri pls bring me back a t shirt too
-- aubreyyang will do
alexandrasaintmleux mignon
-- aubreyyang je t'adore <3
aubreyyfanpagee I love how we have collectively decided that yes, they are dating
r u still up 😊
yep what's up
wanna come to my room and watch a movie?
ive heard that line before
NOOO I would just like some cuddles and a Disney movie pls
okay :)
let me shower and ill head over
see you in 20
Aubrey examined her outfit: a big Ferrari shirt given to her through PR, a pair of cotton shorts and white scrunch socks. 
She figured it hardly mattered; more and more everyday, she was sure that Ollie would think she was beautiful not matter what she wore. 
When she showed up at his door, he was very broad, damp and shirtless. 
Not to brag, but she was one of the biggest young names in Hollywood. She’d worked with male models and actors alike, but none of them managed to stir up a storm in the pit of her stomach like Ollie could. 
His sweatpants (grey) were slung low on his hips, and he had a towel in one hand. With a dopey grin, he swung her into his arms as she squealed. 
“Oliver, you’re getting water in my hair! I just blew dried it!”
“Yeah? Looks nice.” He told her, all wide innocent eyes as he dumped her on his bed. The big television had Cars 1 & 2 queued up already. 
“Nice,” she grinned as he settled in beside her, “very fitting.”
“I thought you’d appreciate my wittiness.” He shrugged modestly, and she poked his rib. 
“Watch the movie, Bearman.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He casually flopped over onto her lap, laughing when she groaned at his weight. Aubrey slid her right leg under him, and he shifted so he was lying between her legs, still facing the TV with his head resting on her stomach. 
“How are you liking France?” He murmured, sliding a big hand up and down her calf.  Something low and hot bubbled in her stomach and only intensified when he dragged the tip of his nose over the sensitive skin of her thigh.
“I love it here. It’s so rare I get to practice my French now,” she carded her fingers through his soft brown hair, “how about you?”
“It’s…” he sighed contentedly, pushing up into her hand like a puppy dog, “it’s…really nice, doing touristy stuff. During race weekends we don’t get to.”
“Hmm. And there’s not much paparazzi around. In America, it’s so terrible. I just want to hide away in my apartment.”
“I’ll bet. Sometimes I forget that you’re super famous.” He admitted, stroking her ankle with his thumb.
“Sometimes I forget when I’m with you too.”
“I think that’s good. We’re just…two normal people.”
“Do you remember my Elle magazine interview?”
“How could I not?” He answered quietly, and she flushed. 
“I meant what I said you know. You and Charl and Alex and Lily…I’ve never got to be a teenager and this is really nice.”
“Me too. I mean this is pretty glamorous, but,” 
“It’s still better than just the cameras and the fame.” She concluded for him, suddenly feeling very sleepy.
“You’re better than any camera and all of the fame in the world, Yang.” He murmured.
Her fingers slid to his ear, fiddling with the soft his earlobe.
She wondered what they were. He was her best friend, no one could make her laugh or feel so much like he could. Being with his was easier than it had been with Mace or anyone else. He always told her what he was thinking.
"You are something special, Ollie Bearman."
Aubrey woke up to the sound of a Shakira song and a space heater pressed up against her. 
She realized, blinking the sleep out of her eyes, that the Shakira song was Charles’s ringtone and the space heater was one Ollie Bearman. 
She was tucked under the covers, her legs tangled with his much longer ones. Her face was pressed into his bicep, his forearms locked firmly around her waist. He looked so angelic, sleeping through Hips Don’t Lie. She sat up slowly, reaching for her phone. 
“Hello?” She asked blearily.
“Hello? That’s all you have to say for yourself? Alex and I are worried sick! Where are you?”
“Oh, shit. Sorry! I fell asleep in Ollie’s room,” she heard Alex yell on the other side of the line and Charles gasp, “no! Not like that. We watched a movie and knocked out, honest.” 
She felt like she’d been caught by her parents. 
“Aubrey?” Alex came onto the phone, “You will tell me everything later. Also can we please leave before lunch to shop? Charl owes me a bag. I told him you two would end up in a situation like this!”
“You guys bet about us?” Ollie lifted his head, squinting up at her. 
“No..?” The older woman tried, “Okay, yes. See you in an hour!”
“Wha..” He asked, voice deep from sleep. She bit her lip, no one should look that good waking up.
He pulled her back down, pressing his face into her hair. 
“We should get up,” she murmured, having no intention of moving for a while. 
“Sure.” He replied, burrowing them further into the sheets. 
aubberieyaang posted
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liked by walkdontrun, aryannawhatrudoinghere and 15 others
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celine_diorr another fallen soldier :(
-- celine_diorr damn maybe hes kinda good to keep around if he can get us more paddock passes
-- chuck_bushes yo can I get in on that
-- aubberieyaang ...
liv_laugh_love maybe so american was actually about you guys all along
-- aubberieyaang still a banger tho
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls @destinyg237 @ilivbullyingjeongin @eiaaasamantha @1uvsptnik
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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thatsatricky1 · 2 days
𝐍𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨
|| 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 ||
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nct Dream members x F reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Humor, Slightly suggestive
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @bunnychui @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun @bluedbliss @officiallyjaehyuns
(If you want to be tagged in my Nct Dream writing/works comment, inbox or message me)
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget likes, reblogs and comments are always encouraged and help keep writers like myself motivated to continue our works.
𝐊𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭:
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fenningrya · 22 hours
Thank y’all leaving so many wonderful messages in the tags, comments, and inbox. It means the world to me!!
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I read every single one that I get, and your uplifting words make my day even brighter. It’s a lot of people so it’s definitely overwhelming, but I’m thankful that all of you have been incredibly kind and loving!! Here’s to more silly art and more smiles!
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ellecdc · 1 day
While I don't like to spend time feeding into negativity on my page, I received a rude/aggressive comment which, though it had been sent to me anonymously, I have reason to suspect who it might have been from; so while I'm not going to broadcast it, it prompted something that I would like to remind anyone who might need it [which is truly maybe only 0.02% of you]
I have been on this app for 4 months; I have gotten hundreds [if not thousands] of asks sent to me during that time and I have always made a solid effort to respond to anyone and everyone who has taken time out of their day to reach out to me or even leave comments on my fics because it truly means the world to me
Over the past 4 months and throughout the hundred [or thousands] of asks and just as many comments and messages, I have only ever received 2 negative/rude/insulting asks - both were sent anonymously, one I had responded to and one I have blocked
And while this blog has grown bigger than I have ever imagined possible for myself and I now receive the most number of asks and requests than I ever had before, I continue to try to stay active, diligent in my responses, and enthusiastic in my chats and conversations with you all
I will admit that I have many unanswered asks in my inbox right now from a large number of my mutuals, listed anons, and many more requests that I have been saving for when the inspiration hits - I cannot respond to everyone and everything all of the time and for the most part, people have been very understanding about that
Sometimes I save chats for later when I have the headspace for it, sometimes I'll answer on the whim, and sometimes I save simple chats that I actually think would make for a good fic idea!
But it's important to note that I don't owe anyone the explanation I just gave to you all
The people that you interact with on this app are just that - people
People who have good days and bad days, people who have jobs and lives and loved ones who take precedence, and people who don't actually owe you anything
This is true whether you're a mutual, whether you're a dutiful fan, whether you're a listed anon, or otherwise - blogs don't owe you anything
They don't owe you a response, they don't owe you their time or energy, and they don't owe you their 110% every time you interact with them
I give my best to every single person I have spoken to on here, and some days my best is better than other days. Sometimes I get so excited when I'm out with friends or at work when I notice an ask from someone - mutual, anon, or otherwise - that I reply immediately because I just cannot wait to chat. This means I'm not always sitting down at my computer and able to give every single response the same amount of time or effort because I am a) busy, b) perhaps a little distracted and c) human
But I don't owe anyone that explanation either
This blog has always felt like a super niche book club filled with likeminded people who loved the same things I do, loved the same characters that I do, and who enjoyed chatting about it. It has also felt like a fun and wholesome community that I am happy to be apart of
And while I like to think that my blog is a safe space for everyone and anyone who might want to visit it; it's a safe space for me first
This blog is my space and my safe haven; you are welcome to it - but that welcome is a privilege, not a right - and I am not obligated to cater it to you
Like I said, I have only ever received two rude asks, but even though 99.98% of my messages are positive, the negative ones feel the loudest
Please think before you send criticizing asks to any blog; the 'saddest' thing of all is being both cowardly and cruel to people you don't know
& again, as always, thank you all for being here with me 🫶
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 15 hours
It's the parts of König that she didn't see
a/n: I worked on this special for quite some time and it's finally time to get a glimpse of what was going on in metalhead!könig's head during his time with reader... a little thank you to all the peeps who have kept up with the series and a little summary before we head into the last few chapters <3 (i added links to the chapters as well where the situations took place that i'm referring to)
(the usual CWs apply: age gap 25/41; MDNI, nsfw, lots of smut, fluff and a bit of angst)
the part before: saying goodbye
It's the parts of König that she didn't see. From the first moment on when they met.
How he was kneading his fingers before he just blurted out the comment, complimenting her on the shirt she was wearing, there in the bar.
The surprise when she approached him again, to talk. The thinly veiled flirty-ness on both sides that didn't quite register in his mind.
The little shock shooting through him when he realised that she was that much younger than him. His thoughts racing to find a way to gracefully navigate the situation while the sound of her cheery voice seeped into him.
Giving her his number when he offered to take her to a concert because she had nobody else to go with, thinking she would surely have forgotten about it by the next day.
The surprise on his face when she actually sent him a message in the morning.
The surprise growing when she didn't stop texting him, after she fixed the thing with going to the concert together. The pictures she sent him, just telling him about her day.
A little ding from his phone every now and then. The disappointment he tried to not feel when it was another email and not a message from her.
When he went to the drugstore before the concert, to pick up condoms, because the ones he still had at home weren't any good anymore.
It isn't even a date, we are just going to a concert. Because she didn't have anybody else to go with.
He felt himself going a little crazy over this. Cursing himself out because he was a 41 year old man anxious about buying condoms. Sure, not because of what other people might think while he purchased them. But overthinking what the younger woman he was going on a date with (that wasn't a date) might think.
Unsure if she would even consider him in that way. He didn't really trust his gut, the little voice in his head that reassured him that she was surely flirting with him over text. Better to be prepared, right?
The way his mind went blank when he saw her again, picking her up for the concert. She was really pretty in her outfit, but the thing that took his breath away was her disarming smile with which she beamed up at him.
She was tiny. In his mind she was tiny. A grown ass woman, sure, but compared to him everybody was small and dainty. And she seemed even more so.
And he saw that every time he looked at her. He always had to look down, but there she was. Cheery and yapping about her day. Looking up at him every so often, just having a normal conversation. And he couldn't fathom how that happened.
How his heart sank when he nudged her playfully while they were waiting in line at the bar. Which made her almost topple over. Fuck.
Her reassuring smile. "I don’t break that easily." The realisation on her face when she heard how that sounded. She was so easy to read, like an open book.
The one part of him wanted to find whoever tried to break her before. The other part wanted to break her himself. Just a little bit. See hot tears stream down her cheeks as she came on his dick. Make her scream for him. Feel her body writhing against his.
Verdammt. He shook his head, making those intrusive thoughts go away, but they kept pestering him.
When he put an arm around her shoulders, more reflex than anything really, shielding her off from the other people in the crowd bumping into her.
He almost pulled back, the nervous feeling of uncertainty licking up his spine, when he realised what he was doing. But then she leaned into him. Relief flooded him, his hand coming to lie on her hip.
Her shoulders didn't even reach his pecs, her head grazing over one of them, when she looked up at him. And for a moment, he felt like the unsure guy again that he once was. The huge grin on her face pushed that feeling away, the spark in her eyes, the excitement in her expression infecting him instantly.
"Thank you for taking me to the concert."
"You're so very welcome."
And he told himself right there and then that it didn't matter the slightest what came out of this. Seeing her get excited over being at the concert had already made it more than worth it tagging along. And he hadn’t been at one in so long, he had forgotten how fun it is.
He was willing his thoughts to stay platonic when he had her on his shoulders so she could see the band onstage better. Her skirt inevitably riding up, his fingers digging into her supple thighs to steady her and the warmth of her clothed pussy against the back of his neck. Trying to think about anything else but his head between her thighs and failing miserably.
When she very obviously tried to rile him up as he was taking her home afterwards, pulling out the "old man"-card again which clearly was a jab at his age. And he tried to ignore it. Trying to ignore the tension too that he felt, in case it was just him getting the wrong idea.
But then she dropped the b-word. Brat.
One banter led to another, and the banter led to her lips on his. Oh fuck, her soft moans. That he swallowed up with each kiss. She tasted so fucking good, the slight hint of beer that they both drank not able to drown out her taste.
Pulling her into him, her taking a seat in his lap. When she grinded down on him, no force in the world would have been able to conceal his erection, but he still tried to keep calm. To not lose his mind which was costing every ounce of restraint he could muster.
When she invited him up to his apartment, the innuendo clear, he had to double-check. “Are you sure you want this?”
That sweet "yes please" from her lips while she stared into his eyes and he couldn't find anything but want in them was finally enough to convince him that he wasn't dreaming.
Him not being able to stop grinning the whole day after dropping her off at work the next morning. Getting lost in the thoughts of her.
How her smaller body felt against his. Her soft thighs and tummy against his hard muscles. The way she shivered against his lips, coming down from her orgasm. Her taste in his mouth. He just wanted to go down on her again.
He also fit into her, perfectly. Sinking into her pussy, slowly, squeezing him tight. But he fit somehow.
His need to fuck her harder when he planned to do her slow and sweet. Her permission to not hold back, repeating how she won't break easily, dismantling his resolve.
Her moans when he pounded into her. His fucking name on her lips as he pressed her down into the mattress and she came again. He just wanted her to say it over and over as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.
Anticipating her messages all day long. Only a few of them. Trying not to feel the disappointment that was slowly sinking in.
He did what he always did when he couldn't drown out the voice in his head. Working out until his muscles hurt more than whatever was plaguing him. The dark screams from his headphones boomed in his ears while he upped the speed on the treadmill.
Still not able to forget how his name sounded on her lips. How her hands grabbed him. How her body...
He shook his head. No, he had to forget about that, or else he would go crazy.
Maybe it just had been a one-time thing for her?
Maybe she regrets it now? Maybe she thought about the age difference again and changed her mind? Which is fine, of course.
Maybe he did something wrong? Maybe he came on too strong still, despite making sure how she felt every step of the way. Asking if he could wake her up with his mouth. Something that made him curse himself out now.
He finally got the courage to text her about it. And she wanted to meet him, drive around in his car.
When he saw the look on her face as she waited for him on the curb in front of her apartment building. She wore her feelings on her sleeve and he could see the guilty conscience from a mile away. Which made him crack a joke, just to see her smile again.
“König Private Chauffeur inc. – at your service.” And it worked to make her laugh as she got in the passenger seat.
Her explanations how she has been held up with work made him feel better, at ease, although the little voice in his head still didn't shut up entirely. He even confessed that he hadn't been dating the last few years. Explaining his insecurities away, more to himself really, like it made any difference. This whole thing never had been about him, she had just been busy with work, all the doubts only had been in his head. Overthinking it all.
When she reassured him that she didn’t regret it and that it wasn’t anything he did. The blush on her face as she told him that she had indeed enjoyed it very much.
Oh, his ego almost couldn’t take it, and he knew he was getting cocky, unable to hide it, teasing her about it just a little bit. Needing to hear again how she couldn’t stop thinking about it either.
How she teased him in retaliation, her lips on his neck, her hand in his lap, so brazen. “Need you deep inside me.” His restraint snapping in an instant because the imagination alone drove him crazy.
The picture she sent him of her tits, earliest in the morning the next day. He probably never received a better Good Morning text.
Like he wasn't already awake, lying in bed, his morning wood straining against the boxer shorts, only made worse because first thing he thought about was how he fucked her on the backseat of his car. And he wasn’t planning to do anything about it, the thought alone making him feel dirty…
Yet he reciprocated her gesture and sent her a pic of his junk, safely tucked away in his boxers. Her naughty messages coaxing him to do something about his hard-on, he let her instructions guide him until he made a total mess. Sexting, something he never did before either.
He then took the chance to invite her to his place in the evening.
Which led to him taking the cover off the mirror on the ceiling in his bedroom. He often thought it was really unnecessary that he put that there. Not today though, with the prospect of fucking her on his bed.
He was standing on the mattress, polishing the reflective surface, making sure it's spotless. Grinning to himself thinking about her face when she sees it. Her face looking up at the mirrored image as he went down on her. Seeing what he got to see. Oh yeah, it had totally been worth it, just for that.
The way she looked standing there in his living room, in her casual comfy clothes. Stretching to get one of the books on the higher up shelves. Almost prompting him to help her, but he didn't. Because she surely would have asked. And he didn't wanna invade her space, even though she was traipsing around in his.
The incredulous look on her face as he unpacked the Asian take-out he ordered for them. When she realised that he actually considered her dietary preferences, which didn't make him feel good about it, but rather made him think. Who had made her feel like she wasn't a priority before?
Content with seeing her munch on a spring roll. Knowing that he fed her, even if he didn't cook it himself. The little pang of possessiveness spreading through his chest. Telling him that he was already too deep into it, but he didn't want it to stop either.
The way his heart jumped when she laughed at one of his stupid jokes. Which made him want to grin back at her. And make another joke, just to do it all again.
He didn't know when the last time was that he laughed that much.
Oh and the filthy nasty hard sex. His need to take her in every room in his house, on every possible surface there was. Starting at the bar in his party room, propped over the sturdy wooden furniture. In his bed, in the shower. On the counter in his kitchen. Then in his bed again.
After they spent the whole weekend together, he didn't want to have her leave, but he also knew it would've been ridiculous to have her stay, so she went home again.
When he called her because she couldn't sleep and he just needed to hear her voice. And he would have been content with that, but he could have never refused when she asked him to help her come. Guiding her through it with whispered instructions, her sweet sounds and choked moans spurring him on as well.
When he came over to her apartment, and she had cooked for him. And she showed him the games on her computer and he couldn’t stop teasing her while she was ingame. Getting her to be more open with him, to tell him what she liked, building a trust between them.
When he broke the bed fucking her the next moment and he asked her to stay at his place, the shame and guilty conscience of destroying her furniture with his thrusts (ugh) were driving his offer. Not thinking about other implications or what it would mean to have her stay with him.
For example, that she would see his reading glasses. That he totally wasn’t hiding from her. But she didn’t mind them at all, quite the contrary, if the way she dropped to her knees was any indication.
When he tied her to his bed then, he made her come over and over again. Wringing orgasms from her body, reading her every move, as she writhed, crying out. Her sounds getting muffled by the panties he stuffed between her lips, shutting her bratty mouth up in the best way. Worshipping her the way he knew how to while at the same time punishing her for mouthing off at him. When he finally sank into her, he loosened the cuffs, her pussy warm and tight around him, her thighs shaking, her frame shivering as she pulled him in. Her lips pressed to his, their chests up against each other, the skin sweaty, but he just needed her closer.
Pushing into her, he was so close already, then she looked up at him, that familiar expression on her face as her mouth dropped open. He was done for, even before that image and the feel of her underneath him burned into his mind.
And it didn’t help when she asked him if they could do it without a condom. His brain almost short-circuited, when he hadn’t allowed himself to be that close with anybody in quite some time, not dating somebody exclusively as they put it, and he entirely lost it as she sank down on his length. Her warmth and wetness around his dick was divine, and he just desperately tried not to burst with how she was squeezing him.
The soft look on her face, the way her breath caught in her throat… Fuck, she was too beautiful.
She weaseled her way into his life and he unintentionally welcomed her with open arms, because he didn't have any defenses against her bubbly nature and her genuine smile. Like a bright beam of sunshine that was tickling his nose. Getting closer and closer until it felt unnatural to not have her by his side.
And he still couldn't believe that she just saw him.
She didn't say anything. But he could tell that she knew. Ever since they talked about his work, well, he talked mostly and she listened. Soaked in the little bits and pieces about him that he dropped while talking. She just saw him, without even knowing his real name.
He kind of was waiting for her to pack up and leave, but she didn't. She didn't run away when he had bad days. The ones with the night terrors too. They were few and far between while being with her, and most days he even managed to get out of his slump, so she probably didn't notice.
Except for that one time, when he snapped at her, though he didn’t even mean too, mad at himself, not at her, and he saw the expression on her face fall before she practically fled the room. On those days it was hard for him not to hate himself.
Running after her, apologising. And when her arms closed around his waist, her head rested on his chest, and she told him everything was okay, he could almost believe it.
She fell asleep on him, after they fucked. Her eyebrows were turned up, his face turned in his direction like she was looking at him, but her lids were closed, her breath steady, just the tiniest of snores dropping from her lips.
His hands pushing her hair back, his fingers caressing her cheek, so soft. She was so soft and warm against him. So alive.
That thought flipped the switch in him.
The cold feeling of dread gripped him from beneath, like icy flames licking up his body as the familiar sensation set in. He tried to breathe through it, not to wake her up. Softly caressing down her back. Pulling her a little closer against his chest, suppressing a shiver.
He thought, he could do it. Maybe he would be strong enough this time, to not go down that spiral. But the thought of leaving somebody behind still scared him too much.
Fuck, that's why he stopped. Stopped building connections to people. It had been a conscious decision, and an easy one at that. Not relying on anybody else, and more importantly, not having anybody rely on him.
What could he give her anyway? Other than a few orgasms.
She made the house feel lively, although it was a little messier. Leaving her things in his space. Bringing her kitty with her, the rascal turning everything inside out.
Sitting beside him on the couch. And it still felt like his space.
She managed to drag him outside, not just for walks in the greenery. She made feel him lively too.
This much younger woman. Warm, soft and tiny against his chest. Who fit so perfectly against him, like a puzzle piece. Who looked like she was smiling, even in her sleep. So alive.
He shouldn't have let it come this far. He has to leave either way, going on the next mission, and he can't have her waiting for him. It wouldn't be fair to her. She shouldn’t wait for him, and she shouldn't grief if he didn't return.
It hasn't even been a month, it will be okay.
She's gonna be okay. In the long run, she's gonna be okay. Maybe find somebody who was better suited for her. Younger. With less baggage. Somebody who was easier to love. Who deserved her.
So, he needed to say goodbye, even if it will make him miserable.
Hearing her cry through the door after he ended things made him wanna burst through it, for a moment at least. A pang of regret cutting through the resolve he had built, but he still left.
Driving home in silence, not daring to listen to music. The playlist she put together of their favourite songs still opened on his phone, and he closed the app instead of pressing play.
The silence was eerie, feeling almost suffocating when he sat in his living room. The room where they spent so much time. His mind wasn’t able to focus on the book he tried to read, his thoughts always coming back to her. In her apartment. With her new bed.
He sighed and went upstairs to his bedroom, getting his clothes off, when the hair tie she lent him fell out of his pocket. He picked it up and just looked at the little thing.
Fuck. I'm such an asshole.
With a groan, he laid down, trying to find some sleep, the thing that lulled him in being her scent that still lingered on the sheets. He should have changed them, was the last thing on his mind before he fell asleep.
So, he went on the mission. Like he had always done. Gone for weeks and months at a time.
Yet this time he took something from home with himself. Because everything reminded him of her... His favourite songs intertwined with the memory of her singing or humming along when they listened to them.
Remembering that she used his shampoo for a while, how his scent would be all over her, but still sweeter, more herself. He sighed and washed his hair, damning the shampoo and himself. Putting it in a ponytail, with the hair tie she gave him.
Smoking a cigarette. A bad habit that he had under wraps most of the time but couldn't shake when he was on duty. Remembering the one cigarette they shared, in front of the bar where they first met.
More than once he caught himself looking at a picture of her on his phone. At pictures of them together. And their similarities became as obvious as the differences he had used to convince himself.
His mind revolved around her whenever he had a moment to himself. Wondering how she was doing. If she thought of him as well. Probably not.
He thought it would have been a distraction to know that she would be waiting for him at home. That the responsibility of staying alive would have been too much.
Seeing the relieve on his family's faces every time he returned broke his heart. He didn't die, this time. Not returning anymore after his grandma died and barely having anybody to care for him in his new surroundings freed him from that.
And she would have brought that back. Or at least so he thought. Knowing that there wouldn't be anybody waiting at home, it made him more reckless. It didn't matter anyway if he lived or died. And while that thought soothed him before, it made him all the more anxious and bitter now.
When a grenade exploded just a little too close to him, it threw him back against a wall and his senses blurred for a moment. The dizzy darkness in front of his eyes vanished and the ringing in his ears turned into her laughter, and he knew that he was fucked.
One evening, after one too many glasses he finally confided in someone. Horangi just laughed and patted his back. "You're in love, my friend.", he simply said. The younger man who had an eye for what's going on always told him plainly how he sees it.
"I guess I am. And I fucked it up." Telling Horangi about how he broke up with her, and he just shook his head.
"Of course. You always find a way to destroy things most efficiently.", he said, not an ounce of judgment in his voice.
König scoffed, taking another drink. "Thanks, just what I needed to hear."
Horangi pulled up an eyebrow, the look on his face alone calling him out on his shit.
"Yeah, yeah, don't look at me like that.", König grumbled. He finished his drink, getting up to finally head to bed.
Horangi's hand held him back.
"You want her back?"
"I don't think she will take me back."
"That's not what I was asking, dipshit."
König sighed. "I want her back.", he said, the thought sobering him a little.
"Then you at least gotta try."
Another pat on the back and König makes his way to his room. Only one thought on his mind.
I gotta at least try.
for the sake of completeness: the Masterlist
also sorry it took me so long to update, i finally finished my degree which took more brainpower and time than anticipated :') i hope you understand <3 thanks for reading and tune in soon for the return of the king - i will try to update within the week <3
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fuctacles · 14 hours
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@steddiesummerexchange for @chaosgremlinmunson | part 2/3 | beta @stevesjockstrap 💚
T | 10858 | Steddie, Buckingham, platonic Stobin and Hellcheer, Wayne&Eddie | Soulmate AU, unconventional soulmates, misunderstandings, idiot4idiot, fluff | divider & meme doodle by me | Part 1 | Part 3 | Ao3
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Eddie doesn't have to wait long for Robin to call him. He's chilling on his bed, plunking on the guitar and ignoring homework, when he hears a knock on his door.
"Son? There's a call for you," his uncle says through the closed door. (He'll say it's because he values his nephew's privacy, but they both know it's for plausible deniability.) Eddie is confused at first but then remembers he did give away his number that day, for a very important cause. He puts the guitar to the side and jumps up from the bed. 
"Who is it?" he asks upon opening his door, startling his uncle. The man raises his eyebrows at him.
"A girl that's not Chrissy," he says, voice carefully blank and yet calculatingly implying. "Robin from the sex store?"
If she has introduced herself like that, to a random dude's parental figure, he knows she and Chrissy would get along great. 
"It's not like that!" He rolls his eyes, before running toward the phone.
"Should I leave?" his uncle yells back.
"No, please, stay so you know it's a civilized conversation between a tutor and her student," he answers with a glare and picks up the receiver. "Hello?"
"Bold of you to assume we're a tutor and student already," comes the snark comment from the other end of the line. 
Eddie admits to himself, and only himself, that he might have jumped a bit on this one. 
"Sorry, I just had to say something normal to my uncle about the girl from the sex shop," he says pointedly and to her credit, the sex shop girl has the decency to make an apologetic hiss. 
"Yeah, sorry about that. Blurting shit out without thinking is my cardinal sin."
He barks out a laugh. Fuck, she is perfect.
"No worries, I'm sure my uncle has heard worse."
"I have," Wayne mutters under his breath while sorting through their laundry nearby. Well, in the cramped trailer space, everything was nearby. Eddie grins at him and his uncle fips him the bird without even looking up. Eddie flips one back.
"I'm assuming your friend passed my message?" he asks, focusing back on the conversation with his soulmate's crush.
"Yeah, he did. But before I agree to anything, I must ask you something."
"Are you hitting on me?" 
Eddie chokes on his tongue. 
"No?!" he reacts immediately. He hears her scoff into his ear so he tries to save it. "Not that you're not like, good looking or anything, you're just not my type and I actually really need the tutoring," he says the truth, even if it was just an afterthought in his plan to get closer to her for the wingmaning purposes. "Besides," he pauses, not sure if he should say anything. But something in the way Robin has been communicating so far makes him want to run his mouth without shame as well.
"Besides?" she prompts, slightly annoyed. It's her tone that helps him make up his mind in the end.
"I wouldn't do that to my friend," he says.
The line goes silent. Unnervingly so. Eddie gives her time to gather her thoughts and wonders if it was the wrong thing to say after all. If it was a confession too close to revealing his ulterior motives. 
"Which one?" she asks abruptly, cutting him off.
"I'm not into your DnD nerds."
Oh, so she did a background check on him. Well, not that there were many metalhead Eddies in Hawkins High. He presses the receiver between his shoulder and ear so he can pop his knuckles. His hands are itching for stimulation; guitar strings, a pen, a joint, anything. 
"What about nerdettes?" 
His uncle snorts somewhere in the background but Eddie is great and making up words, thank you very much and fuck you, Uncle Wayne, you're uncultured. 
"Yeah, that's..." Robin takes a loud, steadying breath. "That's more up my speed."
Eddie is not a quiet person. He finds it difficult not to voice his opinions and his favorite music has been described by some as "angry yelling". So he's very proud of himself for managing a silent little happy dance, even if he almost drops the phone in the process. He can feel his uncle's judgemental eyes on him but completely ignores them. 
"Great! I'll pass on the good news to her then." He smiles cockily against the receiver. 
"Yeah, uh, you do that." She coughs softly. "So um, am I safe to assume you are scheming to land your friend a date with me?"
"And the fact that I can tutor you, a super senior, while doing it, is just a cherry on top?" 
"Super super senior," Eddie corrects her. "But, uh, yeah, you'd be right." Eddie has a feeling they'll get along smoothly. Maybe there was another universe where they were platonic soulmates as well. 
"Does tomorrow work for you?"
"Uh, yeah," he says, almost forgetting what the call was supposed to be about. 
"Please do not bring your friend," she adds, a slight panic in her voice, 
"No of course." He nods furiously, even though she can't see it. "You haven't passed the soulmate's approval yet." 
"You guys are soulmates?" she asks, a bit too loud in his ear.
"Uh yeah?"
"Oh my god! Just like Steve and me!"
He blinks into the ether with a frown.
"You guys are soulmates?" 
"Duh! I've never met other platonic soulmates before. Do you think we could hang out, the four of us?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess?" He's a little bit lost, a ton ecstatic, but most of all, he wasn't prepared for all of this so he's scrambling for words to find. "I think it would be nice," he offers.
"Great. We can talk it out tomorrow, after school?" she offers and it takes him a moment to understand.
"Oh, yeah," he catches up finally, "The library?"
"Yeah, works for me. See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," he parrots. He listens to her drop one last goodnight before the line goes dead.
Wayne gives him a moment to contemplate on stuff, before walking up to him. He takes the phone from his loose grip and puts it back on the cradles.
"Wanna catch me up?" he asks. It's not demanding, it never is, the way he's heard some parents talk to their kids. It's a genuine offer to get involved in his nephew's life. Eddie's eyes finally focus on him.
"Can I get a beer?"
"Can I get a joint?" Wayne shoots back, making Eddie smile.
They sit around their tiny coffee table, sharing a joint while Eddie catches him up on the events since he and Chris stepped into a random sex shop in the middle of a storm. When he's finished, Wayne hoards the joint with a look of concern in his eyes, despite Eddie reaching out for his turn on the weed.
"Son." His voice turns stern, letting him know it's important and he should listen.
"What?" Eddie whines instead, making one more pathetic flail for the reefer. 
"So you meet this guy twice on sheer accident, your soulmates seem to be interested in each other and he has a DnD tattoo, which is something you are very interested in."
"Yeah?" Eddie frowns, completely oblivious to where his uncle is going. He reached out again but the joint was just flying further out of his reach. 
"Son. Don't you think the DnD soulmate he's looking for, might be you?" his uncle says bluntly, clearly the weed speaking through him properly.
Eddie shakes his head.
"I don't have the tattoo to match."
"Kid, I will smack you into a different state," Wayne says flatly and seems about ready to act on his threat. "Do they teach you nothing at school?"
"I don't know, I'm not learning anything."
Wayne glares at him while Eddie gives him an innocent smile. 
"I knew a guy," he says, the patience for his nephew thin yet endless. "Whose mark complimented his wives. He had a fork and she had a knife."
"You're joking," Eddie says with a delighted smile.
"No," Wayne smiles at him. "They opened a very successful bistro. I also knew a couple who got matching marks after they met."
"That's stupid." Eddie frowns. "How is that supposed to make finding your soulmate easier?"
Wayne shrugs.
"Since when anything in life is easy? Or smart? Or making sense?" 
His uncle stares at the wall with that ancient philosopher's gaze and Eddie finally manages to pluck the joint out of his hand.
"Okay, old man, I think that's enough weed for you today."
He doesn't protest and turns to his nephew instead.
"Every relationship is unique, you know? And so are the soulmate bonds."
Eddie knows it's true, but his mind doesn't want to wrap around the possibility suggested here. 
"You know what is very unique? A teenager and his uncle indulging in illegal substances on a random afternoon."
Wayne smiles at him, gathering him into a sideways hug.
"Ain't no other family like ours," he agrees. And then promptly breaks the moment by tightening his grip to give Eddie a noogie.
"Ow, no, Wayne! My hair!"
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"I didn't know I booked a double lesson." Eddie raises his eyebrows when he spots not one but two people waiting at the library entrance. 
The shrimp in a hat next to Robin snorts.
"Please," he lisps. "I don't need tutoring."
Eddie frowns at the tone of the literal freshman in front of him and watches Robin cross her arms.
"I don't know, kid, your Latin could use some work."
The kid bristles, his hackles rising like an angry cat. It looks very amusing and forces Eddie to bite his lip not to smile.
"I am working on it! Thank you very much!"
"So," Eddie reminds them of his presence. "What is the nerd doing here?" he rephrases his question.
"The nerd," the kid repeats, his tone not offended, but proud, which Eddie can totally fuck with. "Heard you're a Dungeon Master?" 
Under all his cockiness and self-confidence, he couldn't hide the excitement and hope. Eddie smiled against himself and gave a small bow.
"Indeed I am. Eddie the Banished, Son of the Moon. At your service."
"Oh my god," Robin groans, while the kid seems about ready to pee his pants from excitement. "Let's go, you nerds, you can talk on the way." She rolls her eyes and turns without looking back. Eddie follows her in the direction of study rooms and the kid trots along next to him.
"I'm Dustin, by the way. A dwarven bard," he introduces himself.
"Dustin?" It rings a bell... "Wait, Steve's freshman friend?"
The kid grins with delight.
"He said we're friends?"
"I don't remember what he said exactly," he covers up quickly. "But I do remember he mentioned a party looking for a DM. Are you guys new to DnD?"
The smile he got for that question made him lowkey want to smack the kid and highkey excited to have players he won't have to spend a whole campaign explaining the rules to. He would, if needed, but having seasoned players with their own playing styles he doesn't know yet? That's trouble at the table that he couldn't wait to witness.
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Robin refuses to let Dustin pass through the door professionally labeled (with a black marker on a piece of paper) as a 'student tutoring' room. She puts a hand against his chest when he tries to follow them.
"Listen, Henderson. I promised Steve I'd give this guy a chance..."
Eddie raises his eyebrow at that piece of information.
"And you're going to ruin it if you keep bothering us. Do you want Steve to be disappointed?"
Dustin frowns at her and the arm holding him back. He swats it away but doesn't pass the threshold. 
"That's blackmail," he huffs, crossing his arms.
"That's facts," Robin corrects him. "Go bother someone else. Eddie already agreed to play with you."
"But there's so much to discuss beforehand!" the boy protests. Eddie decides to throw him a bone. Mostly because he really needs to bring that wingmanning to a satisfying end.
"Can you come to our table tomorrow? I'll introduce you to Hellfire guys and we can talk out some details then."
Dustin immediately lights up.
"Can my friends come too?"
"Of course, man. Gotta test your vibe."
"Okay! Tomorrow at lunch!" He jumps up on the balls of his feet, slowly retracing backward. 
"Yeah, bud. See you then."
"See you! I'll show you the characters I've been working on!"
"You really don't have to—"
But he was already gone. Eddie sighs as Robin slams the door shut and falls against them with a groan.
"He's so exhausting," she complains. "Smart as hell, a great kid, but so exhausting."
Eddie chuckles. 
"Yeah, I can see that. How are you guys even friends?" he asks curiously. But Robin shakes her head, pushing herself away from the door. 
"Nuh-uh. You're not getting the backstory yet. Spanish first, chit-chat later."
Right. Studying. The bane of Eddie's existence.
Robin manages only half an hour of his stupidity (foreign-language-rejecting brain, she called it, but he'll keep calling it stupidity) before announcing a break.
She rests her head against her arms, blocking out the light, while Eddie runs through the million topics on his mind that he could start. Apparently, he stares at her hair long enough for her to notice it.
"Just say what's on your mind, man," she mumbles against the textbook.
"Did Steve really ask you to help me out?" This was not what he intended to ask, and certainly not what he was there for, but it was already out.
Robin lifts her head slightly.
"Yeah. He seems weirdly fond of you," she answers with her eyes narrowed like it was somehow his fault her friend was acting weird. 
Eddie shrugs, thinking of a reasonable explanation.
"Maybe he's hoping to find his soulmate if he keeps befriending DnD nerds," he offers. 
She snorts. It feels like she's laughing at him, though. He frowns. 
"Yeah. Speaking of soulmates, though..." She straightens up, suddenly nervous. "I think. And I might be wrong. But it felt similar with Steve, so I'm like, eighty percent sure..."
"Dude, just spill it."
Robin scrunched her nose.
"I have a feeling about Chrissy."
"Okay?" Eddie frowns. "I mean, that's why I'm here, right? To help you guys out?"
She shakes her head.
"No, like... A soulmate feeling."
Eddie's eyes go wide. 
"For real?"
She nods.
"I mean, at least I think so." 
"Well, you have something to compare it to, so I will trust your judgment," he reassures her. Only then do the meaning of her words hit him, and his eyes go wide. "Holy shit! You're Chrissy's soulmate!"
"Probably," Robin rushes in to add. "She didn't say anything about it, did she?" She's adamant about not getting her hopes up. If she was the only one who felt it, maybe it was a false alarm. Maybe she had eaten something bad earlier that day.
"No," Eddie admits with a twist of his mouth. "But she's not good at picking up this stuff. We had been friends for a month before we realized we were bonded."
That does make her feel better. She was the first to pick up on her bond with Steve as well, so maybe it was simply a Robin thing.
"But she's uh, she's interested, right?" she asks to clarify. It feels awkward but still a little less intimidating to have the buffer of her crush's best friend than talking to her directly. 
"She literally wouldn't shut up about you." Eddie grins at her. "Yesterday she dragged me to your store and was very disappointed not to find you there." Which, thinking of, reminds him of Steve. He frowns. "Did you tell Steve? Because I was positive for awhile, that he was hitting on Chris."
"No, I—"
Eddie slams his hand on the table, interrupting her.
"You sent him to spy!" He points at her accusingly. "He was asking about Chrissy for you!"
She shrugs, crossing her arms to give him a deadpan stare despite her fiercely red cheeks. 
"Yeah. And what are you doing right now?"
Eddie grins. Oh, he likes her. 
"Touche," he nods his head. "So, about that date..."
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They agree on a date next weekend, and in the meantime, Eddie dusts off an old campaign of his. A one-shot to make sure he'll even want to play with a bunch of kids. Betwee them and the Hellfire guys there's more than enough players, but Dustin asks if he can invite Steve too.
"I don't invite an audience into game sessions," Eddie tells him with a frown. He's gathering their character sheets to know what he'll be dealing with.
"As a player!" Dustin corrects him. "I've been trying to get him to play with us forever and since it's a one-shot maybe he'll finally cave."
Eddie makes a face.
"I'm not taking in a newbie with all seasoned players," he protests.
"But he knows everything about the game! Because of his soulmate?" Dustin reminds him like he's stupid. And he kind of is, because it should be hard to forget trivia. 
"Uh, right." He scratches his cheeks. "Fine, I guess. But I want his character sheet pronto." 
At that, Dustin digs deeper into his bag to retrieve another sheet of paper from between the pages of his math textbook. Eddie groans.
"Are you kidding me? You little shit." But he takes Steve's character sheet from him. Dustin grins widely, satisfied with himself.
"Just this once," he assures. "Well, unless he likes it."
Eddie huffs, offended. 
"He's gonna love it. I'm a great DM."
"I'm sure you are and I'm sure he will. This Friday?"
"3 PM sharp." Eddie points at him.
"Aye aye," Dustin salutes, backing away towards the school crowd and inevitably running into some kid. Not for the first time, and probably not the last one either, Eddie wonders how someone like Henderson got himself involved with Steve Harrington.
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Friday comes fast and Eddie is excited to have new players at his table again. Some idiots have been spreading shitty rumors about the game lately, so the interest has been scarce. And now he has three innocent freshmen at his table. And Steve Harrington.
He looks out of place between nerdy freshmen and metalheads. In Eddie's personal opinion, he even smells too well to be there. But he won't deny someone who wants to play. So he sets the scene and lets the dice roll. 
It started in a tavern but with a twist. The party heard a couple of leads and depending on which one they chose, it would lead to the proper adventure or immediate trouble. To everyone's surprise, when one of the NPCs stops talking, Steve is the one to speak up.
"He's lying. It's a trap."
"How do you know?" Mike, one of the freshmen, bristles. 
Everyone raises their eyebrows at Steve, who shrinks in his seat. 
"Uh, a hunch?"
It's a very spot-on hunch and the party is right to listen to him. 
The game proceeds and Eddie is enjoying himself, much like everyone else around the table. Well, maybe except for Steve. The further they went into the game, the quieter he got.
"Pee break!" Eddie announces around the halfway point and everyone scatters to use the bathroom, refill on snacks, or smoke. He's about to stop Harrington from leaving, but he sees him saying something to Dustin with a smile, his ass firm on the chair. And soon, there's only two of them left.
"You okay, man?" he asks without preamble. "If you don't like it I can kill off your character and you can go home," he offers. Usually, he would be meaner about it, but he's seen how much the guy means to Dustin. And to Robin. And Robin means a lot to Chrissy and Chrissy means a lot to him, and so the circle closes. He's not going to be mean to Steve Harrington. He doesn't even want to.
Instead of taking the out, Steve asks him a question.
"Is Bernard the traitor?"
Eddie smirks. Maybe Steve was more invested than he seemed. 
"I'm not answering questions like that, man. It's DM confidential."
Bernard was, in fact, a traitor. 
"He's leading them to the monster as an offering, isn't he?"
"What?" Eddie frowns. Did he read his notes somehow?
"He's killed his father that way too."
That... That wasn't in the notes. Eddie didn't write it down, it was an irrelevant backstory only for him to know.
"Did you write the story?" Steve asks, his brown eyes piercing. 
Eddie licks his lips and nods stiffly. He looks at Steve's hand instinctively, having a hunch of his own on how this story unfolds. 
Steve stands up and Eddie's eyes follow, for the first time studying him properly, how he deserves. His stupid preppy polo, his perfect hair, and the moles on his cheek. He raises his hand, the D20 tattoo on display.
"Shake my hand?"
Eddie sighs.
"Wayne's gonna beat up my ass," he murmurs before grabbing the offered hand. 
He lets out an undignified yelp and Steve lets go immediately, shock on his face. It was just a millisecond sting, nothing else, followed by an electric sensation across his body. He looks at his palm, at the point where their bodies just touched.
There is a matching dice tattoo on his skin. 
He shakes the dice experimentally. It rolls and lands on fourteen. Then ten. He looks up to find Steve's eyes on him, sparkling.
"What happened?!" Lucas suddenly bursts in, probably alerted by Eddie's yell. Dustin crowds in behind him, pushing in, and Jeff peeks curiously over their heads. But before Eddie can even start to explain anything, Dustin starts screeching.
"Oh my god! Are you guys soulmates?! You're soulmates! Oh my god, that's so cool! Holy shit Steve! I knew you'd get along!"
"Dude," Steve scolds him softly. Dustin deflates just a bit but he's still jumping.
"Guys," Eddie speaks up, surprised to even find his voice. "Five more minutes?" He looks up for support from Jeff, who gives him a nod and pulls the rowdy freshmen out of the room. The door closes and he has to pay attention to Steve again. He looks back at him and finds his face carefully blank.
"Disappointed?" he asks, making Steve recoil.
"What? Why would I... What?"
Eddie shrugs. 
"It's fine if I'm not what you expected. You're not what I imagined either."
Chrissy was a surprise, so he assumed if there was another soulmate out there for him, they would be more like him. He usually pictured another metalhead, maybe a hot guitarist, a fantasy writer, or a hot groupie obsessed with his music. A preppy guy living a quiet life in Hawkins? Not in a million years. 
Steve shrugs back.
"Robin isn't what I imagined either, but we work. I don't even know you, so how can I be disappointed?"
"Touche." Eddie grimaces. "Let's hang out sometime so we can speed up the process." 
Steve rolls his eyes but takes a small step towards him. Eddie lets him grab his hand and compare the matching tattoos on their palms. They were nearly identical, but with closer scrutiny, he could see the lines on Steve's were softer than on his. 
"We could make this weekend a double date if the girls agree."
"Uh, I don't know..."
But before he can elaborate, Steve's eyes widen, and his grasp on Eddie's hand tightens minutely.
"Shit, I just assumed you're into guys. I did that with Robin too, I'm so sorry." He's pulling his hand away, face red with embarrassment, but Eddie catches his fingers.
"Uh, no, I am. Both girls and dudes. You just... you know."
"Don't look the type?" Steve raises his eyebrow with amusement. 
"Not exactly," Eddie admits sheepishly. "Okay." He exhales. "Double date, huh? Yeah, I can do that." He nods mostly to reassure himself. Steve smiles and squeezes his hand gently before easing away from his grip. The noise behind the door was getting louder, meaning everyone was back from the bathroom break and seconds away from stomping in.
"Great. I always thought your eyes are beautiful," Steve says just before the party reenters the room. 
It's a lot of yelling and explaining before they can resume the game. It becomes the most unhinged playthrough Eddie has ever witnessed due to everyone making the most outrageous decisions to throw off Steve's omnipotence and make Eddie come up with lore and plot on the spot. 
When they are gathering their stuff a couple of hours later, he's exhausted in the best way.
Steve lingers, almost kicking Dustin out of the door. He even throws him the keys to the car, something he never does, but Eddie doesn't know that. He helps him gather his notes and figurines, which he doesn't protest like he would with others. They would snoop but what's the point in snooping when you already know the whole plot?
"That was fun," Steve admits as he hands Eddie the character sheets. "It's a boomer I can't enjoy the story since I already know everything."
Eddie lets out a soft hum while arranging the papers in his bag in a way they won't get damaged. 
"Gareth's been wanting to DM for a while. It would be nice to take a break once for a change and you could play without getting the plot spoilered," he offers. 
"I'd like that." Steve smiles. Eddie grins at him.
"Okay! I think that's all," he says, looking around for any misplaced dice. "Thanks for helping me out. These bastards always make a run for it as soon as we're done."
"You just don't want them touching your stuff," Steve points out, following him to the door as he fishes out the keys to close behind them.
"That's true, yeah."
Steve hovers behind him while he closes up and Eddie decides to spare him the awkwardness.
"You can go, I still have to give these back to the janitor. I'm sure Henderson is itching to take your car for a spin in the parking lot."
Steve straightens up at the reminder.
"Shit, yeah. I better go to him." He runs his hand through his hair, hesitating for one last moment. "See you tomorrow?"
Eddie almost forgot their double date is this Saturday, but he nods at him. 
"Yeah, see you." He's about to turn around and go their separate ways when Steve leans in.
It's just a soft brush of his lips on his cheek, but Eddie's body immediately sets on fire. 
"See you," throws Steve softly before leaving.
Eddie tightens his grip on the strap of his bag. The keys are digging into the meat of his palm, into the new tattoo there. 
"Oh my god."
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[Steve, relating the news.]
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fangirlera-part2 · 1 day
✦ Genre: SMAU
✦ SC #: 12
✦ Warnings:  Cursing, (lmk if I'm missing anything)
**Author’s note: Thank you to everyone that’s interacted to the series so far! Thinking about setting up a taglist for this series in particular. Just comment/message if you'd like to be on it
Part 1 ¦ Part 2 ¦ Part 3 Masterlist
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hey. do you know a way to separate inbox messages between comments on your fics and comments (replies) under other's fics? thank you
As far as I know, AO3 only differentiates between read and unread in your inbox (just like it differentiates between odd numbered and even numbered comments in a thread).
I'm not aware of a way to determine whether a comment is on your own work or someone else's. But maybe someone out there knows?
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campbyler · 1 day
Just want to say that I absolutely adore acswy so far <3
Your characterizations are just so amazing. Loving how y’all stayed pretty true to their cannon characters while adding a modern spin!
They’re both so relatable frrr
Genuinely I’m so grateful for all the work you put into the story (bro it takes me at least 5 days to cough up like 1,000 words so I commend you)
I completely understand just how annoying it is for people to ask for updates sooner. But 30k fucking words doesn’t just write itself. Also life is a thing and you owe us absolutely nothing!
People that write for fun and put their stuff out into the world are not getting payed. We just want to do it because we feel like it, and have absolutely no obligation to give anyone any content at all
Just want to put some positivity and common sense into the world bc I know people needs it
Just remember to have fun with the story and take breaks from it whenever you need ❤️
thank you so much for the kind message!! it’s always nice to hear that people enjoy the fic and the universe, but comments about characterization we always hold dear because it was something we were worried about going in!! and the grace with the upload times is very appreciated. thank you thank you thank you ❤️
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