#thank you X! 😊
freepassbound · 2 years
This is a tumblr hug, or a tumblr high five, or a tumblr sitting in the same room together, pass it on to your ten favorite followers or mutuals <3 🤗
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Goodness! Thank you, X!
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emmer-g · 8 months
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barbie-girlll · 2 years
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midnight snack
artist: sarikarip on twitter
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rlbbackup · 2 years
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I have no doubt this has already been made.
I'm still posting it anyway!
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Why do u ship drarry? (no hate btw just curious)
Thanks for the ask! I actually have a whole list of why lol, but for the sake of your sanity, I’ll just summarize it:
1: Enemies-to-lovers fucking hits hard. Forbidden love is also a nice trope.
2: They fight like an old married couple. (please get the reference.)
3: They’re both very invested in each other's life. For better or for worse, both Harry and Draco are often really concerned about what the other one is doing. They both take turns being really involved in one another’s business. 
4: Draco wants to prove himself and he always craves Harry’s attention. His jealousy is shown consciously but yet subconsciously, it’s the need for Harry’s attention. Draco’s jealousy of Harry makes him obsessed. And well, Harry is canonically obsessed with Draco.
5: S e x u a l. T e n s i o n What? Who said that? (Harry and Draco are rivals, and rivalry is hot. The heat between them can be taken as sexual tension and can even lead to it.)
6: Subtext: “‘typical’ said Harry darkly. ‘Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy.’” - We never want to make a fool of ourselves in front of our crushes. 
“Malfoy bent down to examine a shelf full of skulls. ‘everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick-‘ ‘You have told me this at least a dozen times already.’ Said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son.” -I mean this speaks for itself.
"’Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?’" said a voice Harry had no trouble recognizing. He straightened, and came face-to-face with Draco Malfoy.” - No trouble recognizing? You don’t say…
‘Besides, if it makes you feel any better, Malfoy is staying over for the holidays.’  - yes i know the context but still
“Malfoy stood on one side, the sunlight gleaming on his white-blond head. He caught Harry’s eyes and smirked.” - I’m sorry, this is so funny to me, why does Harry describe his arch nemesis like this? Lol
“Harry lay curled uncomfortably under the cloak to ensure that every inch of him remained hidden, and watched Pansy the sleek blond hair off Malfoy’s forehead, smirking as she did so, as though anyone would have loved to have been in her place.” - Harry would have loved to be in her place.
“His whole body revealed with his legs still curled absurdly into the cramped kneeling position. He couldn’t move a muscle; he could only gaze up at Malfoy, who smiled broadly.” - This without context 😭
“You’re getting a bit obsessed with Malfoy, Harry, I mean thinking of missing a match just to follow him…” - I mean…
“Harry, however, had never been less interested in quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.” - An actual quote from the book.
 “Harry did not sleep well that night. He lay awake for what felt like hours, wondering how Malfoy was using the Room of Requirements… Harry's mind worked feverishly and his dreams, when he finally fell asleep, were broken and disturbed by images of Malfoy.” - This is getting out of hand…
“‘what?’ Said Harry wheeling around to stare at her ‘He’s ill? What’s wrong with him?’” - Sounds like he cares lol
“Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly that It hurt.” - 💀💀💀
So to wrap this up: They’re rich, they’re hot, and they’re gay, so what’s not to love? So there you have it, a couple of reasons why I ship Drarry! 
Thanks for the ask btw! ILYSM!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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avonne-writes · 1 month
May I ask for a sick fic of high school AU?🥹 Gale gets sick, and it's a bad one. John stays with him the whole time and takes care of him. During this time, John realized how tender and patient Gale was and how much he loved him🥹
Hi dear 😊 Sorry, I’m not doing requests! But I can always share some headcanons, I love talking about these boys 🥰
When Gale gets sick in the HS AU:
He's very irritable until he gets some medication
At home, he was never really coddled when he was sick as a kid. His mom took care of him but there was always some detachment there, like she really had to be elsewhere. Working, for example. He used to spend most of his time alone in his bed until he recovered.
So, Gale learned that being sick was a nuisance and that getting back on his feet as fast as possible got him his parents' company again (which he still craved as a child). So the belief formed that he mustn't be sick.
Therefore, he’s very much the type to hide an illness and attempt to carry on as if nothing's wrong.
Meanwhile, Bucky is used to being cuddled and spoiled when he’s sick. His understanding of comfort for a sick person is not peace and silence, but hugs and food and forehead kisses and comfort movies.
It's a shock to his system how badly Gale reacts to this at first
Maybe, Bucky notices that Gale has a fever and touches his forehead, then tries to stroke his back, but Gale snaps at him to leave him alone, he’s fucking fine. Part of this explosive reaction is the subconscious response to being found out to be sick.
Bucky backs off and leaves the room. Comes back later with hot soup and checks on Gale. Another unpleasant surprise greets him - Gale’s gunpowder anger has been replaced with sadness.
Gale asks him, hurt, where he has been. Bucky bursts into a rant that he doesn’t know what Gale wants.
Gale doesn’t reply, just stays curled up, motionless. Bucky ends up climbing on the bed/sofa next to him, puts on his headphones and starts watching stuff on his phone.
It turns out that this is what Gale needed. For him to be there but not be overbearing. For Gale to feel his support but not feel like he’s keeping Bucky away from something. Just his presence and the sense that it's okay to rest and not do anything.
Eventually, Gale ends up putting a loose arm around Bucky's middle and sleeps like that.
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Beautiful brown eyes.. 💜❤️ for anonymous. pt 2 💜
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|| Engagement ||
Matt Murdock x gn reader
Tags/warnings: mild angst, mild smut, meta, sorry not sorry I had to!!! 😂
As always, I adore and appreciate any comments, reblogs, etc and I'm extremely thankful to you for reading my fics!
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Matt's arms tighten around you as you lie snuggled up together in bed. He can pick up on your disconnected mood from your elevated heart rate and the way he hears your breathing change every time you think about saying something and then stop yourself.
"You know you can talk to me, if something's wrong." He says quietly.
You take a deep inhale, sighing it out as you nuzzle into his t-shirt at his shoulder. "I know," you reply, choosing to ignore the invitation to unload.
He pushes a little harder in response. "Sweetie, you've been off for a while now, you think I hadn't noticed?"
"Urgh. It's stupid."
He turns his head to kiss you on the top of your head, giving you another squeeze. "I'm sure it's not, and talking about might help? If you want."
You huff out another sigh. "I dunno, I've kind of talked it over with others but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I'm not sure it's something I can fix."
Concern washes over Matt's features. "Is– is it something I've done? Or not done?" He gently takes your face in his hands. "Sweetheart, you'd tell me if it was me wouldn't you? I'd want you to."
You smile, bringing your hand up to stroke through his soft, messy hair. "Of course I would, and no it's nothing you've done, so don't fret."
The worry melts from his brow. "Alright, but c'mon, try me. I'm sure we can do something about whatever it is that's got you down."
"Well… it's work related. I'm not getting anywhere near as much feedback on my stuff as I used to. You know how in the creative sector we kinda thrive on others sharing our work to bring it to the attention of others? I've been feeling for a while now that the sense of community that we had has just sort of disappeared. People don't seem to want to interact that much with what we make."
Matt groans. "Baby, is this about the lack of reblogs on Tumblr again? "
You can't help frowning. "It is." You admit.
He smiles and rolls over to cage you underneath him. "I could make you forget about it, for a while at least?"
"Matty!" You push him off with a frustrated sigh. "Are you honestly trying to distract me with sex? You know how important this is to me."
"I know, I'm sorry. I don't mean to trivialise the issue, I just thought I could take your mind off it, maybe make you feel better."
"So kind and selfless of you…" you smirk as he starts to kiss along the column of your neck.
"I try." He smiles. "Anyway, you were saying? And I'm gonna keep kissing you."
"Fine. Okay, so I know that I should create for myself and not for other people…"
"But it's nice to get some recognition, right?" You nod as Matt holds himself over you again continuing to make his way down your neck towards your collarbones.
"Right. I really do appreciate the likes, but if people are just 'liking' my work without sharing it, that means it just ends up dead in the water. No-one else really gets the chance to enjoy it."
"Any idea why they are not sharing?" Matt asks, lightly stroking your side.
"I dunno, maybe they're not familiar with how the site works, that it doesn't have an algorithm? Maybe they're embarrassed to let other people see what they're looking at? Especially if it's something a bit risqué."
Matt hums. "Yeah but didn't you tell me before that they could just create a sideblog that's not associated with their main account, and reblog things they like using that and no one would be any wiser?'
"Exactly! And anyway, it's not like everyone doesn't enjoy looking at and reading porn…"
Matt lifts his head up, a slight sly smile pulling up the corner of his mouth. "Mm true. So what else are you sad about?"
You sigh again. You can't seem to stop yourself.
"Well, people aren't commenting on works either. There's rarely any discussion, I mean even just a manic keyboard smash would be amazing for an artist to see in their notifications, but there's barely even that anymore. Commenting on a stranger's fan works is so much fun, it can really bring people together!"
"That's how a great community grows isn't it?" Matt asks you.
"Yep, and you end up making so many friends you would never have thought. I miss that aspect of it a lot."
Matt's swiftly moving down to lavish attention over your chest, and you momentarily lose your train of thought as his lips brush over your nipple. "And have you brought people's attention to this problem?"
"Of course! Many other creators have explained why reblogs and sharing are so important in eloquently written PSAs, but I guess that the target audience must not see them because they're perhaps only looking at the stories and fanart from tags and they maybe don't see the other dashboard posts. I dunno."
Matt starts to lick an achingly slow intimate path down your stomach and you feel heat spreading throughout your body, your heart rate now elevated for quite a different reason. Then suddenly, he stops.
"Have you thought about maybe incorporating the message into one of your creations? Maybe that might reach the intended audience better."
You close your eyes as you consider the idea. He shifts further down the bed and you allow him to spread your thighs apart and slot his shoulders inbetween.
"Mm, well… that's- actually that's a good idea. I mean, it can't hurt to try, can it? You're the devil on my shoulder Matty."
"Exactly. But leave it till tomorrow sweetheart. Right now this devil wants to make you feel good."
You bite down on your lip as he flashes you a smoldering look before ducking down to make good on his promise.
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auriellethenymph · 8 months
The Ancient Scriptures
[Long ago, there lived a great being who created many worlds life thriving through their veins, the stars in the night sky would sparkle in their eyes, as the light from the sun and moon glittered in her hair. Yet her skin that must not be caressed by mortal hands for fear of tainting the creator, they welcome us low creatures with love and warmth, touching us as frail creatures that may break.
Our dear creator, whom we shall protect, whom shall we respect, whom shall we go when we pass. The creator shall be forever known in our hearts, minds, and blood. For they have given all, as they wait for the loyal to return to her side filled with love and warmth forevernore.
Their heavens welcome us who are tainted, imperfect, and flawed. Punishing those who have went too far, burning in the gates of misery and despair, in the dark depths of eternity.
For the creators words "All my creations may be flawed, but it's their flaws that make them perfect. Those who may be absent of flaws and imperfections, you needn't worry, for I love each and everyone of you equally. Every inch of grass and moss, to every roaring sea and waves, to every wisp of fresh air, to every light that shines down, to every fire that burns with passion, to every cold snowflake that sparkles, the every crack the ground has- my creatons shall have every ounce of love I have in my heart."
Years later, the creator's children came down and was simply shocked at the war that was happening, and told the creator what had they witnessed, and the creator was hurt.
They came down, letting their presence known, seeing the seven archons who have survived. They did not show themselves, only heard and felt. "I have seen what has happened and am disappointed, but I applaud you for survivng the cruel and harsh war. I wish for you to not repeat this history of war, for the next I shall not be able to handle. I have been pained by the deaths of my creations and what the Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles have done. I shall be asleep as my children will watch all of you, show them the same respect you show to me. For their eyes shall be mine, the actions will have been on my will, with many purposes they shall help, but remember, take advantage or hurt them, you shall all be gone."
And that is the last message from our beloved creator. We shall tread carefully, as if her children has arrived, pray that they will stay, for they are within them. Be kind, respectful, and honest, and you shall be welcomed in the gates of the creators heavens.
-This was copied from the ancient scriptures written by the archons. And have been confirmed by the Dendro Archon, Electro Archon, Hydro Archon, and Cryo Archon.]
As Lumine read the book about her mother/god she smiled. 'Ah... Mother is respected in the world. I'm still not sure about it due to The Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles, i think it would have been fit to call home..'
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thewritetofreespeech · 2 months
hello! before i start blabbing, i wanna say i enjoy all your writing and really appreciate the time you put into it! (it's crazy tbh, i'd never have the patience/creativity for it,, especially with some of the oddly specific stuff you've been able to answer/write for so well lol)
but if you're still cool with writing for vnc, could I request a noe x male or gender neutral reader who's been sheltered/isolated (like noe used to be when he was younger) and is having a hard time socially/mentally? if that's too vague or you'd rather write something happier, i'd love to see noe and/or vanitas with a hyper-affectionate reader who kinda wants to spoil them lol
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Noé considers himself a fairly learned man of the world now. He’s not, but let’s just let him think that. It makes him so happy.
But he remembers what it was like when he first came to Paris, or the Professors manor. All the new sights, smells, sounds. It can be overwhelming.
He doesn’t ask the specifics of why they were so sheltered. Nor does he dare use his ability on them to find out without their consent.
Noé assumes that they will tell him in their own time. Or they won’t. And that’s perfectly fine too.
Acts as their tour guide around the city, with poor results.
Besides his innate horrible sense of direction, Noé usually has no idea what he’s talking about. Much to Vanitas’s annoyance as he follows behind and corrects Noé, so they don’t give them the wrong information.
He is helpful though in telling them all the things he wished someone had told him. As well as being supportive.
Being isolated can be very, well, isolating. And even when you’re not there anymore you can still feel cut off from everyone. Like you’re so far behind you’ll never catch up.
Noé doesn’t want them to feel that way, so he’ll always be the one person there with them. So, they don’t feel alone.
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mydarlingbat · 1 year
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the-empty-refrigerator · 11 months
when you specifically type in a CERTAIN SPECIFIC SHIP and your results are anything but that certain specific ship.
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thatseventiesbitch · 5 days
would love to hear some Donna positivity! she is one of my favorite characters and I love your posts
Thank you! ❤️
Donna's one of my favorite characters, too. It seems like these bad vibes from the fandom come around like clockwork and while I have grown to expect and accept them, I find myself not agreeing with so many of the common criticisms. Like:
"Donna thinks she's too good for Eric and he's lucky to be with her."
THIS Donna???
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-and I really need to stop myself or I will be here all night. 🤣
Other common takes are that she's a bad friend (mostly to Jackie), that she never apologizes, or that she overreacts and gets upset over minor things - and I disagree with those just as strongly. Donna's playful, intelligent, passionate, loyal, and capable of reflection and growth.
I do think she has flaws - I wrote about some of them here. A perfect character (or friend, or girlfriend) she is not. But a bad friend, overreactive, and someone who puts Eric down she is also not, and never has been. Throughout the series the exact opposite was true: Donna gave Eric his confidence.
I've also seen some takes (in fanfic and posts) that she's not capable of romance and/or is unable to connect with Eric on the emotional level he needs and. I'm just like. Are we even watching the same show? I -
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hartpisces · 4 days
release ur limited star knowledge (i wanna know 🤨)
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im so glad u asked!
it started when i found out ant is a leo and kat is a scorpio, which was SO wild to me because it just makes perfect sense?? heres the post i made about them when I was going insane about this revelation —>
(take the moon signs with a grain of salt, since the exact birthtime isn’t known)
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For jalen specifically, hes a VIRGO which again, very intriguing because from what i’ve seen, he does very much present as a hardworking, nitpicky, perfectionist, reserved guy (fe: almost every argument he has with josh involves nitpicking, his press conferences.. THE LOCKER CONVO “your locker looks like a tornado hit it” OK VIRGO!!!) Virgos are also known to be shy/easily embarrassed especially when receiving praise, which is so insane to me seeing how he responds to josh (being rendered speechless oml), donte, the media, literally anyone complimenting him. He is a textbook humble virgo!! (also the sign of the virgin btw, lmfao)
Now it gets spicy when you consider that his moon sign is Aries, meaning his emotions are ruled by this fiery, defensive-ass sign, and he acts this way with the people he’s most comfortable around. This is totally represented when he tries to poke Josh’s buttons constantly, but it ultimately backfires every time because Jalen can be short tempered, and a bit spiky. Him being a virgo, he wants to prove how chill, “normal” as he says, he is. But at the end of the day, someone who KNOWS him, and is intuitive (will get to that later) will know how easily flustered he gets. I see why he is such a great leader (im a knicks fan so i have to glaze rq) he gets the precision/composure from his sun, and passion from his moon, bam leads a team through the playoffs.
Now for his venus (sign of beauty, love, romance) his venus is in cancer! ♋️ 🦀 🦀 these people are sensitive, cautious, CLINGY (“we have to hangout everyday”) when it comes to relationships you kind of have to approach them like a crab 🦀 because they WILL cling forever (he literally refused to let go of Donte and Josh, and never will). Very emotional lovers, but they will avoid emotional confrontation in fear of getting hurt. Also soo sentimental! (his reaction to josh being traded while he was at Villanova, you know this man loves feeling nostalgic). Cancer lovers want to be consumed, to belong entirely to someone (if i speak…)
Also gonna do Josh because i make everything about Jalen and Josh. Josh is a pisces sun, taurus moon. Being a pisces, he dreams big, is emotional, VERY intuitive, and he has this ability to sort of be a chameleon and fit in with very diverse groups. This could explain his passion for podcasts, since he’s had two in his career and had all sorts of guests. Pisces can unfortunately be TOO sensitive (cough, beating bitches up in college). While they are dreamers, they are notoriously late to everything, and prefer to chase after them at their very specific pace (explains Josh’s hatred for practice? also moving into his bestfriend’s house during highschool because he knew it would help his grades, environment matters to him). As for his intuition, Josh is very understanding of other’s emotions and his own, more so than Jalen. The most important part about josh being a pisces to me is that it proves he is a full on LOVER BOY and can see through a prickly guy like Jalen.
His moon is in taurus. To his core he is dominant af (literally was described as a dog that needs to mark his territory, always wants the upper hand in arguments). He’s stable, steady, calm (he IS the one who always gets into Jalen’s head first, not the other way around) and is uncomfortable with surprises. I don’t have a link but I read an article where he was talking about how terrible his trade from the lakers felt; he overall resists change. Taurus is also the sign of pleasure and is often aligned with materialism and a love for food (his watch collection? obsession with mike & ike’s??) Overall hes very chill and has soo many lover traits, just do not threaten his dominance lmfaoo.
(I was the most shocked with this placement) Josh’s venus is in Aquarius. The approach people with this placement take with love is friends first, full trust, and then they’ll consider a relationship. They are unpredictable in their advances (josh calling jalen cute on camera twice?? josh’s unpredictable ways of touching jalen and donte whenever he feels like it???), and will try to impress their person of interest with provocative jokes and their rebelliousness. They don’t want to be tied down, but they don’t mind setting rules for their partner. They also might avoid an actual *love* confrontation/confession. The independence of these types aren’t always a bad thing, since their partner will receive a lot of space/won’t feel suffocated.
Accurate or not, this is such a sharp contrast to Jalen’s Cancer venus. Jalen doesn’t WANT space, he could cling 🦀🦀onto Josh all day and still feel too far. There might be conflict in terms of communication; Josh might flirt as a “joke” and Jalen would feel that it’s real, being the more emotional, hopelessly romantic one. This doesn’t mean Josh doesn’t feel the same way, his Aquarius-approach to love just makes him way more cautious about committing to love. His Pisces sun might want him to fall in love, but the Aquarius energy in him is yelling NO! Josh will touch Jalen like he’s his, will leave Jalen stammering, flustered. Jalen will look at him and smile with so much longing, but it’s just another thing they won’t talk about. Jalen is just too careful, awkward and Josh is ever-so conflicted. Jalen fell first, Josh fell harder??👀👀 (hypothetically ofc) (maybe)
i wish i could find out their rising signs because that would be so interesting to me, but obviously nba players don’t care to know their exact birthdate in the name of astrology😭
these boys got issues to sort out
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yoo can you do an essay on wolfstar? i wanna see what your opinion of it is lol
I personally like Wolfstar! I’m not a HUGE fan of it nor am I a huge fan of the marauders fandom in general (if you want, I can go more in depth on that) but yea, I l personally like it. I mean, Sirius was a better option for Remus than Tonks was, he was willing to leave her twice! And the whole hug moment in the movies was so sweet, it was if we were seeing two lovers rejoice together after they were forcibly separated. I don’t really have much too say about Wofstar without going into details of my opinions on the marauders fandom which is VERY controversial so yea, this is pretty much all I have to say about Wolfstar, it’s sweet, it’s gay, what’s not to like? Thanks for the ask btw! ILYSM!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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quinloki · 27 days
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Hi Quin! 👋 I hope you are feeling better? You know I always liked Marco, but ever since following you, I've become obsessed with him. Like, him pinning me down with his talons? Yes please 🥵
Indeed 🥰
And I’m glad to have helped deepen your love for the bird that deserves so much =D
There’s actually a bit in @standfucker ‘s one shot Whiteout that just… whew. Read it if you haven’t, but there’s a statement about the reader’s “sweet gentle” Marco getting into dominating them more than he expected he’d like and yeah.
Marco can be 100% vanilla no problem, but I think he finds pleasure in being a brat-tamer, and even more than that something of a soft - if not firm - dom.
Just, yeah. I - oof. Once you fall for him there’s no saving you, imo xD ☺️ grade A retirement Blorbo.
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