obeymcarmy · 14 days
Hi simps! Just here to tell you:
You're skin is not paper so don't cut it
Your neck is not a coat so don't hang it
You aren't a movie so don't end yourself
Your body is not a criminal so don't be judging it
Your heart is not a door while watching anime so don't lock it
Please don't s!lf harm if you need free therapy I'm here for you and always remember you're very skeebedee and not a toilet at Taco bell also read all the tags I know you don't you don't you little suaay baka đŸ‘č.
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mentalhealthsavingclub · 3 months
Hey, have you not told your friends/family/mom/dad your mental health is so low? why havent you! your gonna get the help youll need!
The help their prob gon give me if i tell them
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slumsden · 5 years
this is one of those times
this is one of those times 
when i cannot think of other 
but mess
 this is one of those times 
when i see what a contrary to the stars i can be
 this is one of those times 
when i sit on the corner of my bed 
and do self-pity
 I felt sorry for my left wrist 
because i am right handed, 
 this is one of those times 
but now i do different things
 when i am at this time 
 which is one of those times,
 those were the times i wrote 
but not letters but lines,
 i could not understand it 
 but it was painful 
 this is one of those times 
where, yes, it is still painful 
 so i write with letters 
i understand 
 this time, i read it after i write it,
 i may cry but not
 like one of those times 
 where it left me wounded,
 this time i understand more 
and i read it
 until i cannot feel it 
 until next time, 
                  like one of these times
~SL ❀
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makelovenotroles-blog · 6 years
Wir haben ein Problem- und zwar ein großes. Wir versuchen unsere Welt in schwarz und weiß, hell und dunkel, gut und böse einzuteilen. Es ist zu verwirrend, zu gefĂ€hrlich, daran zu denken, dass es nie nur die eine Seite der Medaille gibt. Alle Medaillen haben eine Vorder- und RĂŒckseite. Es ist so verstĂ€ndlich, dass das Angst macht, aber es ist keine Lösung, die dunkle Seite der Wahrheit zu verdrĂ€ngen, zu leugnen und so zu tun, als wĂŒrde es sie nicht geben. Wenn wir darĂŒber schweigen, werden andere Menschen darunter leiden - und das ist kein vielleicht, wahrscheinlich, möglicherweise. Es ist sicher so. Nur weil wir nicht reden und der Wahrheit nicht ins Gesicht sehen wollen, laufen in unserer Welt so viele Vergewaltiger herum. Es ist eine Sache, dass es sie gibt, aber eine andere ist das Bild, das wir alle von ihnen im Kopf haben. Tut mir leid, euch zu enttĂ€uschen, aber Vergewaltiger sind nicht nur die Menschen, die nachts in dunkel Gassen lauern und dich ĂŒberfallen oder die, die dir in der Disco etwas ins Glas tun und dich dann mit nach Hause nehmen. Es sind von außen Menschen wie du und ich. Sie haben ein Leben, sie haben Freunde, Hobbys und einen Job. Man kann einem Menschen nicht ins Gesicht sehen und wissen, ah ja der ist ein Vergewaltiger. Wir können es einem Menschen NICHT ansehen. Aber wenn uns etwas auffĂ€llt, dieser Mensch sich grenzĂŒberschreitend anderen gegenĂŒber verhĂ€lt oder jemand andeutet, dass ihm/ihr* was passiert ist, dass er/sie* nicht wollte, dann MÜSSEN wir zuhören. Und nicht nur das, wir mĂŒssen handeln und der Person, die etwas schreckliches erlebt hat, helfen. Vergewaltiger sind meist keine Fremden. Es sind viel öfter Familienangehörige, Freunde oder gute Bekannte und genau das macht es fĂŒr die Betroffenen so schwierig, darĂŒber zu reden. Es sind keine durch und durch schlechten Menschen, deshalb sucht man als Betroffener immer zuerst den Fehler bei sich selbst. Aber glaubt mir, da ist und war kein Fehler. Wurdest du nicht gefragt, wurdest du ĂŒberredet oder war es eine Situation, in der du Sex nicht wolltest, die Person aber doch mit dir geschlafen hat, dann war es eine Vergewaltigung, egal wer es getan hat. Und glaub mir, egal wie sehr du dich schĂ€mst, es nicht wahrhaben willst oder dir die Schuld gibst. Es ist nicht deine Schuld und es gibt fĂŒr dich keinen Grund, dich zu schĂ€men. Du wurdest in deinen Grundrechten verletzt und dir wurde jegliche Sicherheit in wenigen Sekunden genommen. Möglicherweise begleiten dich die Konsequenzen der Vergewaltigung dein Leben lang. Aber glaub mir, mit therapeutischer Hilfe und Freunden, denen du dich anvertrauen kannst, ist es möglich, das zu ĂŒberstehen und weiterzuleben. Und an alle Menschen da draußen, die es vielleicht nicht am eigenen Leib erleben, aber vermuten oder ahnen, dass es ihren Freunden oder Bekannten passiert, helft ihnen, redet mit ihnen. Haltet alle zusammen und sorgt gemeinsam dafĂŒr, dass es nicht mehr passiert und der TĂ€ter eine gerechte Strafe erhĂ€lt.
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barri--cades · 3 years
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There are times where we are also victims of our own selves and that also applies with cyber bullying. Is is really possible for us to bully ourselves?
Here’s a story of Hannah Smith to rest this case.
Hannah Smith was a 14-year-old living in Lutterworth, England, when she began receiving hateful messages on the social-networking site Ask.fm. A few weeks later, she committed suicide.
Convinced their daughter was a victim of cyber bullying, her family called for the question-and-answer site to be shut down. But when Ask.fm officials investigated what happened, they found that 98 percent of the messages sent to Hannah could be tracked back to her own IP address.
Hannah had been anonymously posting the derogatory comments about herself—something known as digital self-harm. Source: edweek.org
A group conducted a research regarding this with 6,000 respondents and 6% revealed that they in fact cyber bullied themselves.
“These are youth who are knowingly and intentionally posting negative messages about themselves—and reporting that they did so to researchers. We should be deeply concerned that there are young people out there who are struggling and not getting the support that they need,” researcher Danah Boyd said in an email.
Our advocacy also aims to stop self harm in the web and inform people how beautiful and worthy they are. To all people who are reading this, you are loved and you are worthy, love yourself more.
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drunk-cobain · 6 years
Roses are red
Daisies are white
Your body is perfect
Don’t hurt it tonight
– i love you ❀
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scriblotixsketchex · 5 years
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Harmful Habits
admit it we had cut our own hairwe peeled skin on our fingerswe peeled skin on our lips or even biting itwe even had cut ourselves
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vampon · 7 years
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SUICIDE IS REAL. You can't stop it by not talking about it. Don't give advices. Don't tell people you care about what they have to do. Just say that you are with them, whatever it takes. You'll never know if they need it. Or maybe you'll learn they actually needed it... Hope you never will. #WhatYouDontSee Don't be rude, don't judge people with their looks, be kind. You'll never know what a word can cause. You'll never know how much a word can mean to somebody else. Our parents or people around us prefers to never talk about suicide or they always avoid us talking about it because it scares them if something like this ever happens. But that only makes it worse. If you can't talk to someone and think that they won't understand you just please write how you feel to Support groups or contact a Hotline from mentalhelp.net Remember you are not the only one feeling like this. There are people who get through this with helps. If you ever feel bad, if you ever feel like you can't do this anymore, feel free to message me. You can also search for Koko Bot to tell how you feel as anon. I promise it will get better. Just don't give up... >#StopTheStigma #StopSelfHarm #ThirteenReasonsWhy #SuicidePrevention #YOUmatter (at Kayseri, Turkey)
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morbidhov · 7 years
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Hey guys. I would like for you all to help me share this message and potentially raise awareness on a very important topic. Mental health and support. The realest friend i or anyone else could’ve ever came across was named Kevin. Kevin didn’t have the best close support. His mother was in a different country and his dad and him didn’t have the closest relationship. He went through a lot on his own, including mild schizophrenia, homelessness and hunger. Things that lead to his suicide, and my incredible sadness, days before his 21st birthday on the 4th of July. I wish he was here, to try and do much more with the understanding i acquired after his death. Thing is though he might not be around, but YOUR sister, or kid, or coworker, or neighbor is. Anyone could be going through the unimaginable. We shouldn’t overlook our loved ones and their lack of mental health. We should learn to help them as an entity. Lets help them work through their issues with support, love, and knowledge on the topic. I hope all of you guys take this very seriously. It hurts a lot to know someone close to you felt hopeless enough they would take their lives while being in yours. Their pain must’ve been that intense. Don’t go through the pain i’m experiencing and talk to anyone you feel might be even a tad bit down. We can change peoples attitudes with just some attention and care. Thank you guys. 07/12/17.
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thealienscaughtme · 7 years
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Because tattoos can ease the emotional pain of self-Harm scars. I chose to be happy 🙂💕
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mentalhealthsavingclub · 3 months
I ate a chicken leg, i got from the store.. the chicken tasted good but the chicken directly said it was gay. -đŸȘ's quote.
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you might feel sad or empty
depressed or lonely or anxious
inherently lost or shut out or angry or exhausted...
these things are okay.
they don’t feel okay but they are.
you don’t feel like you can open up, like your problems aren’t worth the burden, but somebody will listen
if you can make it through today, 24 hours,1440 minutes, then you can make it through this.
i know it sounds stupid, and i know you don’t want to hear how “it will pass” but it does.
make tea, take a bath, go on a walk to the largest body of water you can find and scream, or throw rocks. 
take care of yourself, because there is only one you
you are one in a universe, i know it seems small, but you are a star, shining out among billions and billions
people would notice if you left, you can’t leave.
those people who saw you on the street, or in a hallway or a coffee shop and thought how you looked sad or trustworthy or beautiful or how you had nice hair, they’d notice.
you are important, your scars make you remarkable. your eyes hold secrets that only you know. your nose and fingers and your beautiful, ramshackle mind are so amazing, they are exceptional.
your body, beaten and broken and more beautiful than it was before is yours,and nobody can tell you otherwise.
the way you walk, and think, and speak when you’ve drunk too much, and the way you yawn, and spread mayonnaise on bread, and rub your eyes, and glance up when something catches your eye are all extraordinary.
please, please don’t leave us. don’t leave me.
today will pass, tomorrow will pass, and soon you will learn to love yourself again and you will learn that even when things aren’t okay, they will be. 
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saintsaddiction · 7 years
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If I Have Harmed ANY ONE in ANY WAY either Knowingly or Unknowingly through My Own Confusions I Ask for Forgiveness!!! If ANY ONE has Harmed Me in ANY WAY either Knowingly or Unknowingly through Their Own Confusions I Forgive Them!!! And if There is a Situation I am NOT YET Ready to Forgive I Forgive My Self for That!!! For ALL THE WAYS I Harm My Self - Negate - Doubt - Belittle My Self - Judge or Be Unkind to My Self through My Own Confusions I Forgive My Self!!! @SaintsAddiction www.SaintsAddiction.com Forgive Your Self from Addiction #SaintsAddiction #Message #Forgiveness #STOPSelfHarm #Habits #FREEYourSelfFromAddiction #AddictionSurvivor #DepressionSurvivor #CleanseYourSOUL #DontJudgeMe #Forgive #STOPJudgingYourSelf #JudgeMeWhenYourePerfect #NOONEisPerfect #Saint #SAINTS #SaintsBrand - www.fb.com/SaintsAddiction LOVE and FORGIVENESS
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smileybuttonbitch · 7 years
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In the first photo, my life felt like it was in a downhill spiral. I starved myself because I was told I wasn't skinny enough, pretty enough, all that stuff girls het told. I was right though, everything proceeded to get worse. The next two were taken shortly after I hit my all time low. I don't think anyone but me can really see the pain in my eyes. I felt like I was screaming and no one could hear me. Whether someone else or myself had taken my life, I didn't want to be alive anymore. I thought it was unfair to be in so much pain. I stayed in that same state of mind for almost six months. An abusive relationship changed who I am whether I want to admit it or not. I lost friends, my best friend too, over the course of two years as I let someone ruin me from the inside out. I'm not going into detail on that, I just hope this person has fixed themselves and loves the next how a person deserves to be loved. Long story short. I got this tattoo to cover a scar that reminded me of the worst time in my life. I got it exactly one year since it happened, and now I wouldn't change a thing that happened. I wouldn't have learned and grew to be a better person. I wouldn't have all of the self love I have today, and I wouldn't have these amazing friends and family surrounding me everyday with the love and passion everyone deserves. Sometimes you just have to make things look pretty and move on. 💜 I know a lot of people won't like it, but I would much rather see myself with a beautiful night sky than a scar that brings back my pain. If anyone is/was in an abusive relationship and needs someone to vent here, I'm always here. It might be hard, but it gets easier. 💋 #honestyhour #selflove #glowup #tattoo #stopdomesticviolence #stopselfharm #itgetsbetter
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njsnumberonesuppstore · 6 years
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We lost another Brother today RIP SIR #supplementguynj #suicideawareness #mentalhealthawareness #suicideprevention #suicide #suicideawarenesssaturday #suicideawarenessday #depression #suicidepreventionmonth #mentalillness #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #staystrong #youarenotalone #suicidepreventionawareness #selfcare #depressionquotes #thosewhowonder #suiciderecovery #stopselfharm #stay #startupcompany #selfhate #recoveryisworthit #reborn #nonprofitstartup #ineedhelp #dailymotivation #bodypositivity #ruok Powered by @TagOmatic https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrYWfFhanN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6rtr553x3m2d
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drunk-cobain · 6 years
“I feel like I’m out of my mind.
It feels like my life ain’t mine.”
– Logic, 1-800-273-8255
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