#stop fakeclaiming me
empowered-together · 1 year
Friendly reminder that before diagnosis my disability, neurodivergence, or my mental illness were just as real as after diagnosis.
No diagnosis ≠ faking
You have to have the symptoms and show the signs to even be diagnosed in the first place!
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scaryarcade · 10 months
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youre kidding yourself if you think academic support will prevent fakeclaiming, and even if it did, you'd be throwing tons of systems under the bus with this strategy. pushing for scientific validation above all else might result in some endogenic plural experiences being legitimized, but at the expense of others. so many inner experiences can't be quantified; the validity of someone's plurality should never be contingent on whether it can be observed through the lenses of psychology/neuroscience/etc. if the current view of plurality is "plurals are only valid if they fit into a medicalized box" the solution can't just be to create more medicalized boxes. this is respectability politics and another lazy attempt at dodging accountability for cultural appropriation 👎
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time I got accused of faking a disorder I never claimed to have, I’d have 3 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened 3 times
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richierambles · 3 months
im in the wrong side of tumblr i wont stop getting byler accs recommended...😭
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Filming people without their consent is a massive issue of not only privacy but ableism that's been going on for many years.
It started out with filming more visibly disabled people, like high support needs autistic people having meltdowns in public and (especially fat) disabled people literally just using mobility aids, but once that was deemed less acceptable it moved to other things. Filming people acting "weird" in public. Eating weird foods. Falling asleep in weird places. Wearing weird things. Stimming. You get the idea. It's no longer safe to be visibly weird in public and that's an issue for a lot of disabled people. I recently had to lay down on the floor of a department store because I had an ME crash while out shopping. Not only did I have to worry about the normal things like people coming up to ask me if I'm ok, I also had to worry about some video of me at my lowest point, when I'm suffering immensely, being shared around as "haha look at this weird bitch on the floor". It's upsetting. It's scary.
And then there's fakeclaiming. A fun trend where people will film us in public to "prove" there's some kind of huge epidemic of people faking disability. Spoiler alert: there is not. Most of the time the people they film are real disabled people who don't fit into the expected mold for disability, usually service dog teams or people who use mobility aids who don't "look sick". And you would think this trend would be some kind of abled nonsense, but it's not. It's often other disabled people doing the fakeclaiming. Yes, there are some times when it's obvious a service dog isn't trained properly, but other than that, it's damn near impossible to tell if someone is faking a disability, and you're much more likely to target a disabled person than a faker. I'd love to say this trend was new, but it's been going on since the days of "the people of walmart" where many of the people posted were fat mobility aid users, always with the assumption that they used it because they were too fat or lazy to move on their own. In fact, the image of a fat person in a mobility cart has become almost synonymous with "lazy". It's one of the things that drove me to get my own expensive power wheelchair, to avoid the judgmental stares in the grocery store when I was just trying to exist, to avoid the fear of public shame. Even now when I stand up from my chair to walk to the bathroom stall or reach something on a high shelf, I watch the corners of my vision for that telltale phone in the air. I feel like I'm never safe from the judgemental eye of the internet, even when I'm logged off, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way.
Tik Tok, YouTube, Instagram, these places are all great for disabled people, especially those of us without access to the outside world. But it's also become a source of great anxiety for anyone who's uncontrollably "weird", mostly disabled people. Leave us alone, I'm begging you, we just want to go to the fucking grocery store in peace and safety.
Stop filming people for "acting weird" or "faking a disability" in public. It's ableist, it's invasive, it's creepy, and it's humiliating. People don't exist in public for your amusement and especially not disabled people. You don't know who is disabled and who isn't no matter how many disabled people you've known or how sure you are that the person is faking.
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akatsukiofthestar · 2 years
Sometimes i want to get on my silly lil blog and pour my heart out and actually vent cuz i cant remember if anyone i know from real.life is on here (i do not want to concern them just want to shout into the void) but jfc
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thexspiral · 1 month
I'm being so real with you all, stop trying to appeal to fakeclaimers.
I am diagnosed with DID, in treatment, have an extremely covert presentation, and pretty much ONLY talk about having DID online. I got the trauma to show for it, which I've been open about before, and I'm heading for final fusion. I don't get mad when people fakeclaim me and just shrug it off bc I know I'm not.
I still get fakeclaimed.
You're never gonna win. You're always gonna be faking in their eyes, whether you are or aren't. No matter how many qualifications you have, they will never believe you.
So just stop trying. Be yourself, be weird about it.
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riotshotguns · 2 years
its 5 am i have not slept im on a subreddit that fakeclaims random systems because i have to piss myself off to stay awake hows everyone else doing
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 7 months
the post that i am nervous about posting
i saw a post earlier today and i felt i needed to address it. i'm not going to be linking the actual post as i feel that would be insensitive, but the basic gist of it was "i'm not a system because i have an insane number of fictives and can control who's fronting. plus, my childhood trauma wasn't strong enough to cause a split."
this was really bothering to us in a lot of ways.
number of fictives has no basis on validity, and it's a common tactic of fakeclaimers to target fictive-heavy systems and tell them that their existence is not valid.
WE control who's fronting. if felix wants to stop fronting, he simply asks raven, "would you mind fronting for a minute?" and they will. sometimes felix will stick to front and it's difficult for anyone else to front, but most times, we have control over it. that doesn't mean we're not a system.
say it with me, guys: IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MUCH TRAUMA YOU HAD OR HOW STRONG YOU THINK IT WAS. everyone is different and different levels of stress can trigger splits in different people. plus, when you're a literal CHILD, things are much more intense than they would be if you were 5, 6 years older. DO NOT DIMINISH YOUR TRAUMA. it may not have been a family member dying, and it may not have been straight up abuse but when you're a kid, things hurt a LOT more than they would if you were older. PLUS THERE ARE DIFFERENT REASONS SYSTEMS FORM THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH TRAUMA.
quick disclaimer by the way: if someone thinks they're a system and it turns out they're not, that is absolutely fine, it takes time to figure yourself out and you might have some hiccups along the way. but also, if you think you're a system member, PLEASE don't diminish your existence just because someone tells you that the way you are plural isn't chill.
i don't usually post about sys stuff, but this felt important to address.
OH ALSO: if you're a system you're a system. it doesn't matter how old you are and it doesn't matter if people tell you you're not. there is no wrong way to be multiple. pls remember that
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radwere · 3 months
fakeclaiming as a concept is so funny to me. like "ERM!!! THATS NOT HOW I WANT YOUR DISORDER TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP BEING DISABLED!!!!!"
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circutive · 25 days
nah because something we realized is that people will fakeclaim until someone brings up the "traumatic enough for [person's] opinion to count". like literally that's all it takes. someone getting told they need to stop pretending they're a system? just get someone pullin out the "yeah my uncle put me through cold-war cia interrogation tactics for the hell of it" somewhere and bam, the haters agree with the person being fakeclaimed. it's actually kinda sad. anyways non-traumagenics this is your reminder to pull out the bat signal if you need us traumagenics to back you up in an argument ah bean-toe /lh -circu
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Do you know of the other npd culture blog that was made? It's kinda weird..
if you're talking about @/the-npd-culture-is, yeah it is. really fucking weird. bro also keeps literally lying about me?? i do not support fakeclaiming or harrassment and i do not own a fucking hate/satire blog, so i don't know what the fuck is up with that and i'd really appreicate if they stopped spreading misinformation about me💀
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
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Don’t Listen
Pairing: Pedro Pascal X Fem! Bisexual Reader
Summary: you receive hate from Pedro's fans because they think you're lying about your sexuality.
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warning: bullying, online harassment.
Note: I know it’s not pride month yet but IM PROUD TO BE APART OF THE COMMUNITY EVERY MONTH. Love you all so much 🏳️‍🌈. In Australia we recently just celebrated Mardi Gras - it inspired me to write something as a bisexual woman.
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Pedro loved this time of the year, he supported the lgbtqi+ community loud and proud, using his platform, he became a public voice for people in the community to support them. You had reposted Pedro’s own tweet and made your own, being apart of the community as a bisexual woman, you wanted you extend your support and acknowledge the struggles the community has faced and face to this day, while admiring how far things had come in the past few decades.
Pedro’s ‘fans’ decided this was outrageous and they simply couldn’t accept it, Twitter users in general were blasting you, because you posted the pride flag and the bisexual flag, owning the hurdles and self doubt you’d felt with over the years coming to terms with your sexuality. Your brain kept repeating the words you read.
“Bisexual? She’s definitely cheated on pedro.” No. I would never.
“It’s any wonder she could attract one gender let alone two.” Everyone is beautiful.
“Fakeclaiming being apart of the lgbtqi community isn’t cute girl. Check yourself!!!!” I would never lie about something so important.
“Fucking dirty slut. Leave pedro and save yourself the embarrassment.” Why are do people say such horrible things.
“How can pedro be with someone like this?” He loves me, right?
Pedro hadn’t been oblivious to the fact that you’d received hate comments over the years as a result of being his girlfriend, it was expected, and usually you handled things great. Communicated with Pedro and your skin grew thicker over time, their comments about you held no weight, your kindness became power for you, disgregarding them like water off a ducks back.
This however, triggered you immensely and sent your mind spiraling, your brain searching for the memories that had traumatised you as a teenager growing up in a strict and homophobic household. It was the one and only thing you truly struggled with in your life, and thought you overcame.
Pedro has never seen a moment where you doubted yourself or a decision you seemed confident making. He had never been in the position where he has seen you so broken down as you are now;
Pacing the lounge room, tears streaming down your cheeks, red and swollen under eyes, and body trembling, the culprit of your broken demeanour coming from your phone, your eyes encaptured in a trance, unable to stop reading.
Pedro rushed forward and pulled you into his body, your arms in an awkward position press against your chests folded inward. You leaned your head on his shoulder, the softness of his sweater inviting you into him, adding to the comfort he provided. His hand caressed the back of your head, stroking your hair, his fingertips lingering on your scalp causing a ticklish tingle that send a shiver down your neck.
“Shhh, I’ve got you.” His hushed voice whispering in your ear made you weak, your heart soaring and overflowing with love as he swaddles you in his arms, protecting you.
“Look at me baby.” You comply, your lip is in a small pout as it wobbles, your eyes shining with a gloss that made your eye colour more enticing as they’re full of emotion, a redness covered your cheeks and top of your nose that begged to be kissed to relieve their anguish.
“No one knows your struggle. You are an incredible, brave and intelligent woman and I am so proud to call you my girlfriend.” Tears fall from your lash line and tickle your red cheeks momentarily before Pedro wipes the tear away with his thumb.
“Repeat it with me baby.” The sincerity in his voice has your chest constricting.
“I am incredible.” His brown eyes watch you as you repeat him.
“I am brave.” Your lips mimic the words and he cracks a small smile.
“I am intelligent.” Your lip stops wobbling through the last affirmation, your eyes drying, tear stains on your cheeks crusting.
“You deserve me, I deserve you.” Your voice repeats his words solidly, believing his reassurance.
“Take some breaths with me now baby okay? Just follow my lead.” Pedro inhales deeply, you inhale, your lungs expanding and holding the air for a few seconds before releasing the exhaling with him. Repeating the process, your mind becomes clear with clarity, the overwhelming anxiety dissipating as your usual levelness settles in your brain like a freshly dried blanket providing some comfort.
You open your eyes to Pedro staring down at you, observing you. His eyebrows are raised upward baring concern, lines in his forehead creasing at the action. “Thank you for bringing me back.” Your whisper barely reached his ears, your fingers tickling his face as you traced shapes along his patchy beard. “I’m always going to be here baby. You handled it incredibly, I’m so proud of you.” He leans his head down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead that lingers for a few seconds before parting. Brown eyes scanning your face, admiring the beauty of you, even after you had a breakdown. Pedro took you all, the good the bad, the fucking terrible. He would do it everyday if he had to. You were his girl, he would move mountains for you.
“I’m so lucky to have you. I love you Pedrito.” His nose comes down to nuzzle your own, foreheads pressed together lovingly in an effort of Pedro creating a safe space for you. “I love you baby, happy pride month.”
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
That particular brand of fakeclaiming that’s like “oh if you just took away their phone for a while their alters would go away!!!” is so funny to me because like I DID have my phone taken away at times after I started noticing my symptoms Guess what? Symptoms still happened even when I was offline because it’s an actual thing, not just something from the internet Not to mention that, for me, I started noticing symptoms before I started really using the internet. I was like... 12... when I started noticing something was wrong. Technically, symptoms showed for me even before that, but a, I don’t remember almost anything before 12 (even my memory from between 12 and 15 is really inconsistent and fuzzy), and b, 12 is around the time we started actually realizing “hey, something about this isn’t normal, there’s something going on here”
Hell, I didn’t even learn any of the words for what was going on with me until about 14-ish. I didn’t know what the fuck a system was, I didn’t know what alters were, what DID and OSDD meant. I briefly knew of DID when I was 12, almost 13 upon meeting someone who had it, but my brain blocked out the memory for years (surprise surprise, my brain didn’t want me to know that the word for what was going on was related to trauma). So for the majority of the first 2-3 years I was noticing my symptoms, I didn’t even know what it was. So you can’t pin it on “lol just following the internet DID/OSDD faker trend” because I didn’t know about the disorders, let alone the online community.
But I still experienced symptoms. I didn’t have the words for it, all I knew is “oh, I’m not always in control of my own body, there’s other people here, and I don’t see them as me/ apart of me especially the ones who are super different from me behavior/appearance/personality-wise, and I have severe memory problems, and I don’t always feel connected to reality or myself”. That’s it. I just knew I had all these individual experiences, didn’t even know they were connected to one another. Because believe it or not, the symptoms existing is a requirement for having the disorder. Not everyone knows there’s a name for their experiences. Not everyone notices the symptoms exist right away. But the symptoms are still what comes first.
TL;DR: Saying systems would just stop being systems if they went offline is fucking stupid, and coming from a system myself who noticed symptoms outside and before I touched the internet and/or online system community, blatantly not true. 
Find better reasoning to fakeclaim, or, better yet, don’t fakeclaim at all because you aren’t these people’s psych’s, you aren’t a professional treating them with the knowledge and training to figure out what is going on in their head.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
r/systemscringe Server Officially Declares Open Season On Systems
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I say "officially" because moderators allowed not only screenshots, but links directly to my blog in their server as far back as December. Basically, since the server was created.
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And again...
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By the way, who wants to watch r/systemscringe freak out some more over the Holy Trinity's plurality? That's always fun!
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And then you all already saw the link to my blog a few days ago:
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So after multiple times linking directly to my blog, they finally decided that they can mention my name uncensored??? 🤣
And don't think it's just me either. DissociaDID's name has been mentioned 63 times on their server.
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Not sure if they actually needed a formal announcement for backing down on rules they never followed to begin with.
It's funny to see them be like "hey, Sophie made us do this," when they've been doing this since the beginning. This isn't a change. They're just codifying how they've always behaved.
But being so transparent, it does make me feel like I don't need to censor the names of anyone I screenshot in the server from now on, if they're going to stop even pretending to care about posting the information of their victims. (Not that they were ever good at pretending to begin with.)
Speaking of which, this member of a discord server for a subreddit notorious for infiltrating other servers to mine for "cringe" content is angry about spies and moles in this really disgusting post:
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Naturally, with zero self-awareness.
Now, I could address the fakeclaiming here.
But can I focus instead on the weird mention of alters in the system being "queer"?
Because for a group that repeatedly claims to totally not be a hate group, they always seem to really zero in on systems being queer.
Oh hey, would you like that with a side of misgendering!
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Totally not a hate group! 🙄
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Believe it!
Remember when r/systemscringe was post on r/AgainstHateSubreddits?
Aside from the OP, I want to highlight this comment in particular:
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This reflects my own experience with the subreddit pretty well, and is especially apparent in the above posts in the server that I screenshotted.
Anyone who has spent any amount of time in that subreddit knows that bigotry in r/systemscringe goes far beyond the pluralphobia.
This is not a secret.
This is who they are and who they've always been.
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Here are the ss that were there.
Soooo there were multiple posts here. But here’s the caption. I made it on a multipost dump, so idk whether they were tryna fakeclaim me or just call me cringe💀
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“You know you’re bad at faking when another faker can call you out on fakeclaiming” I got fakeclaimed for not having any anime introjects and not being an introject heavy system btw.
“DNI alters (WHAT?)” yes! DNI alters! The reason it’s important to tell people who view your account what alters to DNI with is bc if they don’t know it can end shitty! But I do talk about our DNI alters because locking them away is not healthy.
This proves yet again that r/systemcringe is just discriminatory, sorry I don’t fit your perfect picture of a traumatic disorder <3
Next time, don’t be shy, tell me ur gonna post me! Since you love harassing minors why not be open about it?
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“You’re way too young-” imma stop you right there. Has systemcringe forgotten DID/OSDD are CHILDHOOD trauma disorders that you can ONLY get as a child? There’s an age range of 1-9, obviously a traumatized kid is gonna know smth is up at 13 and do their research.
“What fascinating fan fiction and rp” fan fiction and RP doesn’t cause amnesia dissociation and other people taking over your body.
To Celestial_Ari, I hope you’re having the day you deserve and I hope you’re enjoying getting your rocks off to harassing minors.
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