#starwars x the witcher
noahidkovskikh · 3 months
Obikin sketches cause i can’t make myself to finish an artwork ✌️😩
1st&2nd are somewhat fantasy au idk but i’m thinking about them in the witcher!au constantly
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z00oo1 · 1 year
Fic Recomendations
Does have a lot of Y/N stories  but if you want to get rid of that you can use the interactive fic extension heres the link!
Thomas Shelby
Love Is Sweeter Than Vengence @pherelesytsia
Burglars break into the mansion in search of the safe and stumble upon the lady of the house.
A Small Mishap @garrison-girl-08
which someone hurt the reader (wife) and she didn't tell Thomas until he found out himself.
The Layers of Thomas Shelby @theonewiththefanfics
Fear was an emotion Tommy elicited in others. He never thought he'd feel it himself. Not like that. Never like that...
Don’t Be Late @dandelionprints
When Tommy makes a promise to his wife he could never imagine that breaking it could potentially cost Y/N her life.
Ellie Williams
Glue @whore-era
_ jackson's sweetest girl crushes on the town's grumpy asshole.
Risk @scentedmarkerhq
"That’s not a risk I’m willing to take,
argumentive @hotxcheeto
Ellie gets mad at fem reader because of a little fight
Tommy Miller
Then & Now @musings-of-a-rose
Be Your Armour @heartpascal​
tommy x platonic reader
Violent Delights, Violent Ends @ay0nha
Tommy wanted to hold you, scratch softly at your skin like he had when he met you. His heart always ignored the warning of mixing business and pleasure. You were clever, though, discovering that his touches were exchanged for information and nothing more.
Anakin Skywalker
Its not too late @starlazergazer
Anakin gets a second chance
Flirting with the darkside @starlazergazer
Daemon Targaryen
Scarlet Bound @barbiedragon
Dragons, deaths, and dreams will dominate your world all while being bound to your brother and husband, Daemon Targaryen.
Captial @arabellasleopardcoat
You think you married the plainest woman on earth, and you look away for one second and suddenly she is not. Typical. At least, for Daemon.
Aril @bohemian-nights 
Children are a blessing from the Gods. They fill one’s halls with cherubic laughter. Gracing each chamber that they occupy with sweet little melodies. And yet Dragonstone’s halls remained empty.
Geralt Of Rivia
The Ballad of Orpheus and Eurydice @ro-is-struggling
Life was good when Geralt was by her side. They were in love and happy... Until they weren't and she was left alone once again. After spending so much time under his protection, she had forgotten how dangerous the world was for creatures like her.
Spellbound @thewritersaddictions
The only female witcher is frozen in time at Kaer Morhen, but when Geralt brings Ciri there, something magical and extraordinary happens. Reuniting two past lovers.
Love, Persevering @starryeyedstories
On his journey to Kaer Morhen for the winter, Geralt makes his yearly visit to you.
The Cottage At The Edge Of The Woods @starryeyedstories
When monsters are cruel and the Continent is crueller, Geralt knows he can always find a few days of peace with you, the gentle healer who lives in the cottage at the edge of the woods.
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shelf-care · 1 year
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Ai Generations of Henry Cavill as a Jedi and Wolverine.
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babybattinson · 9 months
Hey y’all! Babybattinson here, going forward I will be moving my fanfictions from fanfic.net to Tumblr!
The Little Mermaid 2022, Attack on Titan (on hiatus until further notice), Barbie Movie 2023, Red Dead Redemption, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, 2,3, Seven Deadly Sins (on hiatus as well).
Starwars: prequels, og films, spin off shows, post-canon content, new generation, clone wars.
Anime: Hiykuu, The Office, Brooklyn99 and other shows alike. The Witcher [Netflix edition bc I haven’t read the books or played the games :( ], Legends of
Zelda: BOtW, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword…
Avengers and other Marvel universes, DC universe like Superman and Batman, Catwoman and Harley Quinn etc..
I take writing requests but please be patient as I update myself on the lore :) I will have to pre your writing requests for mature content and themes, I also have my boundaries and not every request will be published. Things I avoid writing about are ‘major age differences’, incest, parental figure x ____ , so please keep that in mind.
I also will be covering some heavier topics in some of my fanfictions so please heed the warnings and read the tags (when applicable). Please you are more than welcome to correct me if you believe i have misrepresented a group or illness, I am eager to learn.
I look forward to hearing from you all! Whether you are devotee fans, stans, or simply enjoy the content.
For those wondering about my previous works check me out on Fanfiction.net — Lazulite Dragon
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and-claudia · 2 years
600 Follower Celebration Line Up (As of Now)
Currently I only have a couple of requests from the list (it is still open you can check it out here)
But in addition to those here’s what I have planned:
Sneak Peek at my plans for my 600 follower celebration this weekend:
Ones im doing for sure:
Moral of the Story (Eddie Brock)
All I Ask (Geralt)
Spa Day (Eddie and Venom)
The last part(s) of a clan of our own
For the First Time (Druig)
Talking to the Moon (Geralt)
Don’t Blame Me (Maul)
And a few others I’d like to do but I don’t know if I will have time for it.
And as an extra treat… there may be a sneak peak at something I have in the works… 😉😉
Tagging some people on my tag lists and som mutuals
@fioccodineveautunnale @reallyfuckingangrylatina
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spottedlekkudancer · 4 years
Lady of the Stars Part One - Contact
@paytonita @tranquility-or-chaos @inumorph 
Geralt x Jedi!Reader
2.8K words
Originally planed on having 2 or 3 parts to this story but apparently I have diarrhea of the mouth and moved the plot too slow. So get ready to be strapped in for at least 4 if not 5 self indulgent parts. And feel free to send me all the questions you like. 
Warnings: Adult language, mentions of death, violence, and other adult themes.
By whim or by destiny light catches your attention though fluttering lashes. It kisses your cheek with warmth and the subtleness of a gentle dawn. After a moment the fog of sleep sheds from your brain. You adjust. The orange glow crackles at your nose and you realize that you are in more peril than the lingering caress of your dreams led you to believe. The pilot’s dash in front of you is consumed with flame.
“Crinking Hell! Dol'bfai!” You smack the Weequay to your right in an attempt to get his attention, but your hand meets nothing but the padding of your co-pilot’s chair. Heart dropping to your gut you look about the cockpit of your HWK-290. The leathery skinned man was in a broken bloody heap on the floor behind you. You might have felt bad if he wasn’t such E-chu-ta each and every day. If fact you couldn’t help but scold him mentally for not wearing his seat straps. “So much for ‘the experienced never falter’ line, Chuggnut.” You grunted, ejecting yourself from your own buckles to take care of the more pressing matter. 
You leaned over the Weequay smuggler’s body to get to the extinguishing hose and with a little effort you salvaged what was left of your controls. Outside your ship was another wreck all together. Fires were smoldering at every corner of your limited view from inside. You had half a mind to run out immediately, but thought better of it. If your ship was going to blow up it would have done so already you told yourself in a comforting manner. Sending your droids for damage control was the safer option on foreign planets. However, you couldn’t stay put forever. The damages weren’t going to evaluate themselves, moreover, the body of your partner needed to be dragged out before he started to stink. By the looks of things the atmosphere had to be breathable. Most planets with such green life gave off suitable levels of oxygen for humans. Whatever the case, you would have to risk it; your employer refused to provided vacuum suits or travel tanks. Too costly.
You were use to the miserly ways of the former pirate leader Hondo Ohnaka. You had been working with his smuggling cover company for half a decade now: ever since you ran from the Jedi training academy, or rather, Ben Solo. You didn’t know Solo to be a liar, in fact he had treated you like a little sister for all the years you had grown together, but when he told you and the others how Luke had turned on him you were too confused to chose between the two of them. Luke was your master, and Ben your friend. The force whispered something to you then. A soft encouragement to leave everything. You chose to listen; to not pick sides at all, and made a new life for yourself under an identity the Weequay stole for you. 
Once free of your hot metal cage it was clear that things were not as horrible as you imagined. You were safe from any fuel combustion’s or reactor leaks. The two DUM-series pit droids were clumsily scurrying about trying to put out the fire that was inching ever closer to your turret. It was also evident from the back that only one of Pathfinder’s two hyper-drive systems had taken on some heavy laser canon damage. Looked like the shielding component was scored too, but that wasn’t a necessity for getting back in the air.
“The kriff happen?” you weren’t fully talking to anyone, not even yourself. You had a vague memory of being cornered by Absolution, a First Order R-SD, and their TIE fighters on your way to a high bye delivery. But how, moreover where, you crash landed was still a mystery. You tapped the remote on your wrist. A projection fizzed in and out of view with vertical blue static. You must have knocked it out of order in the crash. Now you had no way of knowing what planet you were on or what it’s population consisted of.
“O-T!” The droid with the painted yellow stripe above his singular oculus ambled in your direction. “Once you get this mess under controls see if our Nav is still in tact. The job is a sham but we might be able to at least back track to base. I’ll go scout out the area for any nearby scarp yards. We aren’t getting off this durkload of a planet in this condition, that’s for damn sure.” O-T nodded and whistled a question in response. “Don’t know. Com link is out and I’m not able to check for life forms. If anything happens just lock yourselves in the ship 'til I get back.” You didn’t wait for the little droid to argue with you more as he usually would. It wasn’t likely you would be getting an extraction from Ohnaka Transport Solutions this close to First Order territory anyway. You were on your own.
You traveled 500 paces from your ship in each cardinal direction before you came to something of interest. Flowing SE to S was a small river bed. With noting more than a seemingly endless forest as your surrounding it was your best bet to finding civilization. For another hour you saunter down the unbeaten path until you felt night approaching. There was already little light beneath the canopy and you didn’t have the eyes of a cat, so with your wits and strength still about you you turned back. The rusted roof of your Corellian light freighter would have to suffice for the night.
The cacophonous sounds of shrieking and the boisterous gargling of goose like honks was your first indication that something was awry near your ship. The closer you got the more defining the racket became. Whatever the creature was, and you were sure it was some kind of animal, had to have a massive pair of lungs on it. 
With much disappointment you found your analysis to be correct. Thought the brush you could see some kind giant blue feathered lizard-bird striking at your dead co-pilot’s flesh. You cursed yourself for not burring the poor man right away, and true to your command your pit droids had barricaded them selves inside your transport. 
“Mother of …” You sighed to yourself. Your Jedi teachings told you to let the beast be, however, just hiding behind a tree all night while it desecrated the Weequay’s body didn’t feel right to you. Regardless you held yourself back from attacking the thing. It was just trying to survive after all, and if you didn’t have to get into a fight you didn’t want to. You were already stranded. Adding injury to that would not be wise. 
When morning came the feathered brute had not yet left; roosting atop your ship like it had always belonged there. 
Well if the giant critter wanted it, he could have it. In your groggy state you had little patience and didn’t want to be bothered with defending what you didn’t currently posses. You had everything you needed: canteen, provisions in your belt pouch, republic credits, and of course your trusty light-saber. Once you got what you wanted from the scrap shop you would deal with the overgrown pidgin.
“You’re alive.”
The voice of your pursuer was clear. This wasn’t part of your imagination. The force had bonded you and Solo again. “Careful Ren, you almost sound relived.”
Kylo scoffed. “Surprised is more likely." 
You stood and turned around. Were there was once endless forest now stood the masked Dark Jedi you both dreaded and longed to see. "How is it you keep your standards for me so low when I’ve evaded your every move." 
"I wouldn’t call narrowly escaping with your life an 'evasion’.” Gloved hands ringed rightly around themselves. Anger or worry built like a tumultuous storm inside of him: you couldn’t tell which. “How did you manage that Jump?”
“Jump?” The query slipped though your lips too quickly.
“Don’t remember? Maybe your not as well of as you look” Kylo straightened with pride. You were sure he was gloating to himself on his small victory. “My Knights had you cornered at the edge of a nebula. With no larger ship close enough to tractor you in I gave the order to immobilize you.”
“Why not just kill me?" 
It was an abrupt interruption that went unanswered. Kylo waited for you to calm yourself before continuing. Even now as a villainous "dark lord” he was patient with you. “We took out your Hyperdrive, Y/N. That jump should have been impossible.”
It was coming back to you now. You had prosperously led the TIEs to the cloud of gas and dust. You planed to enter into it blind and use the force as your guide. You figured the lot you were running from wouldn’t dare try to fallow. Instead your ship started to shake and spark as it tried desperately to hold against the onslaught. You panicked. You didn’t even complete the calculations before you pushed your freighter to enter hyperspace. You could have died. You could have been thrust into a star or another mass and exploded into dust.
Your stomach tightened. Dol'bfai was dead because of your rash behavior. He was in the middle of un-tethering a knot in his seat straps when you made that decision. You pulled out of it almost immediately, giving your best attempt at the “skipping” the other smuggler pilots did so often, but it was too late. You were entering the atmosphere of another moon or planet. There was not time to pull up, and you crashed.
If Kylo saw the tear you shed just then he didn’t bother to comment on it. “If you were with those goons of yours you could have planned better for that. You know as well as your father that every standard HAWK series come with two hyperdrives." 
You could have sworn you heard Kylo curse from beneath his helmet. His breathing was expeditious and heavy now; you cold feel his fury swarming in the force around you. 
"Cookie points to you if you are able to find me this time Ren. Even I don’t know where I am.” You teased rather lightheartedly.
This only pushed his buttons more. He gestured to you pointedly. “Oh don’t worry about that. I’ll bring you in myself if I have to.”
And with that your force connection faded. The experience left you feeling diminished and torn. Your past kept endangering the people around you. With a heaving breath and shaking knees you looked ahead to the southern half of the forest. You could dwell on these events all day if you’d like, but it would just be a waist of time. You needed to set your pity party aside and focus on getting off this planet before he really did find you. 
~~~ Two days had passed and you thanked the force that not one of them brought you any sign of the First Order. Your only gripe was that the town you had found proved your worst nightmares had come true. This planet was primitive. The citizens here weren’t even literate, moreover, building any sort of machinery. You were shit out of luck, money, and a plan.
  Was this punishment? You thought it might be far more often than you would like to admit. The force had never led you so astray before. What kind of design could it have for you now?
Your credits weren’t worth anything here but one tavern keeper in this shit stained town you did take a fancy to your Heart of Beskar necklace. You debated for a long while if you should give it to him in exchange for a few hot meals and a bed. It was the only thing you had to remember your birth family of after all. But after a particularly stormy night you didn’t have choice any longer. Not unless you wanted to freeze to death. It was hard to let go, but not as hard as it was each day that passed knowing your parents let you be raised by a stranger. 
Sure becoming a Jedi was a noble cause to enlist your child into, but unlike so many of your piers you did not ever go back home to your parents. Ben and the others always got to see their loved ones for a few weeks every so often, and yet you were kept locked away on the training camp with Luke year round. When asked Luke assured you that your parents were still alive; he even gave you their names and home planet. Even now after having found their old home and poppers grave you didn’t understand.
So to the inn keep you gifted your father’s old armor piece, and two nights stay was what he offered you in return. Not a fair trade by any means, however, how exactly were you supposed to explain the galactic value of Beskar to these simple people? 
A man dressed in bright colors played a 15 stringed instrument in the corner of the tavern. He was merry and boisterous; entertaining at the vary least. You pitied that the crowd this morning was not taking well to him. Half of them were hung over, the other half looked mean and dirty enough to scare a Dewback.
The Musician caught you staring at him. A smile brighter than the three suns of Helioss graced his features. You cringed internally and returned his gesture with a timid one of your own. Silently you prayed he wouldn’t goat you into some volunteer sing-song delights so publicly.  
The Man’s strut was so vaunt it had every patron staring at him as he made his way though the tables to presumably talk to you. You shrunk a little in your seat, not wanting this kind of attention. You had already drawn enough as it was with how oddly you were dressed; you didn’t need any more. He plopped down opposite you at the table. 
“So! How come the only person in this shit stick interested in my song is a pretty young woman like you?” He gave you almost no room to think of an answer before continuing his self serenade. “If it’s my corky charm or boyish good looks please don’t keep me waiting in sufferance to hear those sweet words leave your lips.” The line could have been considered smooth to some, however, the awkward and eager demeanor he carried was a little too much. You could see how it was putting off the rest of the room. 
The only response you had to offer was a perplexed smile. 
He rested his chin in the palm of his upturned hand. “Come on!” He whined enthusiastically. “Care to comment on the quality of my performance? I do love getting reviews from the public.”
You sighed though your nose and fiddled with the food in front of your. “Yes, well… I suppose we all yearn for validation. Don’t we?”
It was the bard’s turn to bewildered. He sat up stat tall in his bench now, brows furrowed, taking a briefer moment to ponder. “What’s your name?”
Your head tilted. “Where I’m from it’s rude to ask for someone’s name without offering your own first.” It was a plane way of throwing his question back at him; you weren’t looking to get overly acquainted with anyone if you could avoid it.  
“Oh!” He was beaming excitedly again. “Where is it you are from?!" 
You gave him an unblinking stare for what felt like a medium sized eternity. Clearly he was not accustom to taking non verbal ques. You decided to just give in to his delicate personality. "Florrum.”
“Ahh.” He nodded in a knowing matter. “Beautiful country.”
“Right.” He was pulling Bantha wool over your eyes in an attempt to impress you. It was arguably charming. 
“Where is that exactly? From here I mean.” The bard laughed nervously as he knocked his head playfully. “I get so turned around while mindlessly fallowing my muse on his travels.”
“Your Muse?” It was time to change the subject. 
“Oh hohoho! He is a man of Destiny, Heroics, and Heart Brake.” The man practically jumped out of his seat and with one leg propped up onto the bench he swung his instrument back front side. “Shall I play you a song about him?”
Head half in your hands you nodded. Your bashful nature told you you would regret this, but you didn’t have the heart to say no. 
He was taking his first heaving breath before starting to strum when another interrupted the musician, yanking him back by the shoulder. “Jaskier. We’re leaving.” The new man was hulking and clad in black studded leathers, with eyes of gold. He wasn’t old, but his hair was as silver as his blades. A striking appearance. Perhaps humans weren’t the only sentient species on this forsaken planet.
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nikaranikita · 4 years
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Witcher Rey of Lyria and Mage Benjamin of Angren love hate relationship in my Witcher AU I am currently working on 😂❤️
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Plus Size Reader
Summary: You and Geralt are due for a bath…
Note: i rewatched this series and forgot how much I loved this show and can’t wait for season 2 in December!😁😁😁😁
Warnings🛑: implied smut
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There was nothing better after weeks of adventuring and slaying monsters than having a nice relaxing bath…
Especially the ones Geralt insisted on joining you. The two of you crossed paths many years ago when he first became a Witcher, for some reason you didn’t annoy him so he kept you for himself. It took time, but you slowly grew affections for your partner in crime.
It wasn’t long until he had you crawling in his bed and vice versa…
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You sighed as you sunk in the tub of warm water, making sure to wet your hair before leaning it on the ledge. Your muscles relaxed instantly, you were insanely grateful this inn was able to keep the water at a decent temperature so you could actually enjoy your bath.
“Starting without me?” Geralt teased as he entered your shared room.
“I couldn’t help myself love,” you chuckled lightly, eyes closed as you went back into relaxation mode.
Geralt hummed deep in his chest, that sound always made you shiver. It was so fucking sexy when he did that, and he knew the affect it had on you. He couldn’t help but to stare at your beautifully naked figure submerged in the water.
What light he had, and with his enhanced vision, he could make out every bump and outline of your curves. He was obsessed with your body.
“Staring is rude,” you called.
“I’m allowed to stare, you’re mine.” he huffed, quickly undressing himself.
“Am I?” you grinned teasingly, earning his low growl which made you excited.
“Do you want me to prove it?” he asked.
“Maybe later, we both need a good and proper wash.” you laughed, but it was completely true.
Geralt chuckled as he got undressed, pushing you forward a bit and sliding in behind you. His hands gently caressed your aching muscles, a hum of satisfaction escaped your lips.
“Love this,” you smiled, tilting your head back looking into his beautiful amber eyes.
“I know my love,” Geralt murmured against my hair line as he laid a gentle kiss there.
You and Geralt took your time bathing, the silence between the two of you so thick, but you two didn’t need to talk to communicate so much to the other. The rest of the night was spent making sweet and slow love to each other…
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@the-sky-writes @tamstrugglestowrite @holding-on-to-starwars @kmuir1 @myalupinblack @simpingbutch @halsmultibitch @jeyramarie
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colonelshepparrrrd · 2 years
Ask Game The Sequel
Thanks for the tag @rawwwwdneyyyy !! 😏
Favourite Colour: Black
Currently Reading: A chapter in a r/nosleep ongoing series, SGA fanfic
Last Series: Farscape
Sweet, Spicy, Savoury: The spicier the better
Coffee or Tea: Coffee is my lifeblood
Three Ships: hmm...I don't ship but ill pick 3 that i like reading or writing about. John Sheppard x Daniel Jackson, Shepcest (thanks chaos), McShep
Currently Working On: Wow...uhhhmmmhmmm
Fics: Reaper!John Sheppard series, John x Daniel smut with plot, SGA Horror fic with Sheppard, McKay and Todd (ties in to the John x Daniel fic), a gen AR1 vs SG1 hockey game fic, post canon fic where Sheppard starts a delivery service (with some smutty romantic mcshep)
Art: Sad Sheppard, an original idea with John in the middle of a battle on Atlantis, Reaper!John, John in goalie gear (for the hockey fic), Sheppard and Rodney stoned from @chaos-monkeyy 's fic best bad idea you've ever had, scene of Sheppard in remnants, sheppard licking a stargate shaped lollipop, rodney in adrift when hes pointing at the levels for something on screen, some hybrid of sheppard in last man and rodney in his lab, kiss scene from @dedkake 's controlled collapse, scene from astolat 's Dark Side (probably rodney using the force to hold all the tools around him), rodney in shibari, ar1 playing strip poker a la that dogs playing poker painting, roach from the witcher, and a starwars drawing of thrawn and eli
Gifs: bamf sheppard series, grey pants series, thoughtcrimes series
Should be working on: a boring paper for school.
Favourite Piece of Clothing: my black bdu with Atlantis and American flag patches from my sheppard cosplay
Comfort Food: Cherry pie or mint chocolate chip icecream
Favourite Time of Year: Summer
Favourite Fanfiction: That is an unfair question. There are so many, but one that sticks out right now is a Bug!John fic
No pressure tags!
The ones I tagged above! And @carsonsweebabyturtles @hero-in-waiting @starlightandpinot @cassiope25
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ggmanreviews · 4 years
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GGMan’s Weekly Video Game Recommendation #4
I play a lot of games. Some, everyone has played. Others, not so much. I'll be listing one game per week, that I have played and believe it deserves more attention. If you have already played it, then that's great! If you haven't, then you might as well. Pushed ahead of time because on other platforms, I’ve already reached the 4th review.
Name: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Genre: RPG, Fantasy, Open World Game Developer: 38 Studios & Big Huge Games Publisher: Electronic Arts Engine: Havok Length: Up to 200 Hours Singleplayer? Yes. Multiplayer? No. Release Date: February 7th, 2012 Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Reviews: Steam 9/10, PC Gamer 74%, GameSpot 7.5/10, Metacritic 81%
Eyyyyyy it's the first of many huge triple-A role-playing games, to come. This unique looking RPG and its story originates through the minds of bestselling author R.A. Salvatore, Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion lead designer Ken Rolston. Although this game was not exactly the best result for 38 Studios, considering how they filed for bankruptcy shortly after its release, it is still a decent game with predominantly everything that you'd expect out of a "poster-cut-out" RPG.
Essentially, you start out as a complete nobody, sadly like how many of us are in real life, until you are discovered to contain a special power or life-force of uncertain heroism, again like how many of us are NOT in real life, and as you would expect, your job to is to find out more about yourself and fulfill your destiny as the world's saviour. Although this game initially received mixed feelings when it was first released, you have got to hand it to the developers of 38 Studios that the general idea of a single man/woman being the supposed "chosen one" meant to save all of mankind and defeat the dark evils, that probably lurks just under your bed, is not a terribly overrated idea. This is considering, how many other games such as Skyrim, Greedfall, Witcher 3, Sekiro, StarWars: KOTOR, and many other similarities, have either fully adopted or partially used a strand of this primitive outline for their own storylines. I'm not saying that these games have done exactly like Kingdoms of Amalur, but rather, these games had done it better, with the exception of StarWars: KOTOR as that game is of its own supreme level and thus, might be covered by yours truly, in the future.
The gameplay, I would say feels like if the original God of War games had a baby with Dragon Age, and then in the mix came polygamy with Darksiders... then yeah, that's probably the best short description I can give you. On a real note, the gameplay wraps around a skill-based system where timing your button pressing skills would lead you to victory. Also, just like most action-based-button-pressings RPG's, this one does include a "rage mode", in or in this case, a "fate mode" where you literally wrestle with fate and use it to bash your enemy's head in. Sadly, unless you're into a full achievements Olympic track record, the replayability is not exactly there. Like Witcher 3, Kingdoms of Amalur is essentially a cakewalk after a few hours of character progression on the hardest difficulty and the only reason, that I would personally find, for going back would be the outcomes of the choices you make throughout the game.
Last but not least, the look of the game is amazing. It could be your alternate, less people-ish / less community-ish World of Warcraft game since the graphics, if you were to compare it, looks fairly similar. However, if you think that this game does not look like a Gordon Ramsay's Special Beef Wellington, then I have news for you. THQ Nordic purchased the rights for the game back in 2018 and plan to release a remastered version some time this year, 2020.
PC System Req (Minimum) OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo / 2.6GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Memory: 1GB for Windows XP / 2GB for Windows Vista & Windows 7 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD3850 Sound: DirectX Version 9.0 Storage: 10.5GB
PC System Req (Recommended) OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Quad / 2.6GHz AMD Phenom X4 Memory: 3GB for Windows XP / 4GB for Windows Vista & Windows 7 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD4850 Sound: DirectX 9.0 Storage: 10.5GB
Side Note: Minimum Resolution of 1280 x 720
Price (USD): $19.99 [PC, Xbox 360, PS3] On Steam it's an assured 20 bucks but for consoles, especially the Xbox 360 (since it's no longer in production), the prices may vary depending on where you purchase the game. In my opinion, the price is just right for the game considering the amount of content it offers. However, if you're like me, who feels that you're are always poor no matter what you've got in your bank account, then waiting for a sale of minus 5 bucks, is alright.
Longest one yet so, I do apologize if you're annoyed because it is a bigger game in comparison to the rest so, I wanted to give a proper take on what it's worth.
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shelf-care · 3 years
Grandma: so why aren’t you dating anyone yet? I’m sure you know lots of nice guys.
Me: I do, they’re just not my type.
Grandma: what’s your type?
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Me: That’s not important.
I have a thing for morally grey characters that’s for sure.
Also emotionally damaged.
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knightowl247 · 4 years
Yo I need some good Sick-fic recs for any of the following fandoms that are gen-teen (can be higher if it's just for violence or language) rating
Miraculous ladybug
Avatar the last Airbender
The Witcher
Fruits basket
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prowlingthunder · 4 years
WIP Meme 10/20/2020
Tagged by: @mandakatt
Look at what you've done. How dare you. I'm not even sure this is all of them. I think some are hidden in gdocs yet. Argh.
Tagging: @egodominustuus @thelostknee @linwyrms-lair @gracethescribbler @skywalking-across-the-galaxy @khantoelessar @zpansven
Read the list under the cut.
1: A Child of Blood
2: Eileen - Birds of a Feather
3: BtVS - Lupercalia - Xander - Wolfthreat - WIP
4: BtVS - PT Alexander Harris Auroresbrother - Denguards - LUPERCALIA - WIP
5: Buffy the Witcher
6: SynthSil - Ascendent Ab Inferis (Lux Aeterna AU)
7: Boys in Blue
8: Butterfingers the Deathclaw
9: Piper - (Lupercalia)
10: Sil/Jack
11: CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red
12: CM - Lupercalia WIP -
13: AC/FFXV - Des and Noct swap places - ffxv Halloween bang
14: Trigun x Outlaw Star
15: Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors
16: Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors
17: Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star
18: Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho
19: Dragons Breath -- DAO&RW
20: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Eddie
21: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Jake
22: Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP
23: GW Pacific Rim
24: GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely
25: Hobbit/RW - Bilbo -
26: House Ronin Warriors
27: RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth
28: RW-PJ
29: RWSG1
30: SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom
31: ST/RW
32: SW/GW - Brothers and Sisters [clonefic]
33: Thor-x-Ronin Warriors
34: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting [Noctis in AoT]
35: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars [Prowls adopts Fire Demon baby]
36: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family [Assassins in FFXV]
37: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor [Kuwabara unfucks SW]
38: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love [Kuwabara adopts a Red Lantern Cat]
39: Voltron/Escaflowne
40: When the Night Comes/Arcana crossover
41: YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids
42: CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP -
43: Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP
44: Every Warden Ever - WIP -
45: Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens
46: Salazar - Crowbar Fic
47: Carslile/Sil - Highschool
48: Joan rambles
49: Junior - (Best laid plans)
50: Junior - Outsider
51: Junior - The G.O.A.T.
52: Junior rambles
53: MacCready - Big Town Blues
54: MacCready - Radstorm
55: Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia)
56: Pandora -
57: Pandora - Lupercalia Fic - [Inside Pandora's Box]
58: Pandora rambles
59: Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic
60: Sil/X6 rambles
61: Silas - Demon Summoner AU - A Leaf in the Wind
62: Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald)
63: Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic)
64: Silas rambles
65: Winter Animals (papa!Artem)
66: Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say
67: Ambulo
68: Contritum Coronam
69: to abstain from doing harm
70: A General Gift
71: ABO nicias&caleb/nicola
72: An Army - Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water
73: Andali misc
74: Ardyn - (Triplets verse)
75: Cathedral of You fanfiction
76: Cor -
77: Cor - Dawnfire - WIP
78: Dave - [Scourgeverse]
79: FFXV Glaive Lupercalia
80: FFXV Prompto Lupercalia
81: Galahdian Noctis au
82: give a brother wings
83: Halloween '19 d2
84: Halloween '19 d3
85: Halloween '19 d4
86: Halloween '19 d5
87: Halloween '19 d7
88: Noct raises Ardyn
89: Nyx -
90: Prompto - Terrible Things
91: Sealions - Cor - The Dance
92: snowchild (Lupercalia wolfProm fic)
93: The Feral Coeurl of Galahd (Galahdian!Cor fic)
94: Transplant Fic Box
95: Vipers Victim
96: what fire burns
97: IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP
98: IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP
99: David and kids
100: David and Bridget, Combat Skills
101: David vs Simon Fight
102: Bridget tending David
103: Music *http://youtu.be/G2ZKKXCuaYc?t=9m46s
104: Seduction
105: Wish
106: Destiny
107: xerxes
108: Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia)
109: LotRO - Aegliraan - Caran Dagra - WIP
110: Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright
111: ME - OC - Blood And Water
112: Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Chapter 5
113: Itachi - Step Two
114: The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone
115: 100+ Words list
116: Bioshock - Big Daddy - ABO verse
117: Character Roulette 2
118: Life of Redemption
119: A lover's homecoming
120: The Dreaming Cord
121: Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP
122: Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth)
123: SPCH - drabble
124: Thor - All The Little Children [Lupercalia]
125: Thor - Lupercalia WIP - Frigga -
126: WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart
127: Haruko - Genji lives path
128: McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans
129: Overwatch - Yuuma - Nest of Vipers - Big Bang
130: Stan/Haruko
131: Stanfic
132: Taijo Aitai tinyfic
133: Yuuma Op
134: Mia - Lupercalia fic - The Chosen Ones ch2
135: RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP
136: Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP
137: Seiji - Kagome, Kagome
138: Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP
139: Yulie WIP
140: Dinner
141: Bamboo
142: Travel
143: Sting
144: City
145: Noise
146: Titan
147: Oddyseus
148: Hera
149: Archangel
150: Centaur
151: Gorgon
152: Rainforest
153: Music
154: Groot
155: Plagues
156: Courage
157: Rage
158: Belief
159: Joy
160: Horoscope
161: Family
162: Obligation
163: Friend
164: Loneliness
165: Anakin - - timetravel fic tcw/ep7
166: Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic)
167: Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark
168: Eurynome - Supernova?
169: Jeeri -
170: Shmi Skywalker - Son of Sands [Aniwolf]
171: Snowdrops
172: Star Wars AU Fics
173: StarWars - WIP
174: Trials and Shenanigans (Bits and Pieces)
175: We Shouldn't Be Friends
176: SG1 - Sam - - WIP
177: SG1 - Sam&Jack - - WIP
178: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band
179: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For
180: SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP
181: Series: Bad Plan
182: Arrow&RW - Oliver - - WIP
183: Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse)
184: Papa!Cye
185: little shadows far reaching
186: Untitled document
187: Voltron - Keith -
188: Geralt - Witchwolves [Lupercalia]
189: Hell Hath No Fury
190: Chapter 3
191: Adventures of Maiwen Tanet
192: Art of Living
193: Asclepius
194: Bloodlines
195: Bondsiblings
196: Cats Cradle
197: Smoke Song
198: Darkness Watching
199: Desert Sands
200: Dragon's Cross
201: Dragonkin
202: Fractured
203: Hydra
204: Lyric Book
205: Poetry Book
206: Red Moon Kisses
207: Rupert's Drop
208: Feyborn
209: Superheros
210: Wonderland
211: A Mother's Love
212: Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
213: Minor Troubles
214: Roses In Stained Glass
215: Even God Can't Save You Now
216: Mirrors Edge -
217: Our Secrets
218: Mica Sands
219: SG1/RW
220: They Call Them Ghosts
221: We All Bleed
222: In A House Of Brittle Bones
223: With A Crash of Thunder
224: Digital Shards [YGO/Digimon]
225: God Save The Queen
226: Fractured Light
227: AtlA/RW
228: NatM/YGO
229: SG1/StS
230: Van Helsing/Helsing
231: GW/Avatar
232: GW/JOH
233: Saving You
234: Firefly/Outlaw Star
235: GW/RW Reincarnation Is A Bitch
236: Escaflowne/RW
237: Mending Of Hearts Hope/Noel
238: The engines of iron Cindy/MTProm
239: Weaver's Undoing
240: A Nomad's surprise
241: A Soldier For Sale
242: Heir of Spring
243: The Ghosts of Haven
244: Master's Vengence gladio/prom d/s bdsm
245: The Unfortunate Ice Cream
246: The Perfect Hustle
247: The Adventure of Odie, the One Eyed Sock Puppet
248: Angels in the Attic
249: Mending the Sun
250: Numb to the Stars
251: Traitor of Heaven - ffx/ffvii
252: Isle of Iron
253: Irreverence
254: the empty tower
255: Bravery In Eternity
256: Changeling's Duel
257: Gilded Dispair
258: Wolfwan return of shark
259: Clonewolf O66
260: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia AU
261: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia snippets
262: Going Down (Cpt. America lupercalia)
263: wake up cpt+girls
264: Lokison
265: Uncle of Mine
266: The Things Wolfsisters Do
267: Howling
268: Shield Sisters
269: starhunter lupercalia
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Future Potential Muses.
Figured this might be a fun ooc post to do now I’ve got rid of a bunch of muses I figured like, might as well throw out some names that maybe I’ll rp one day. Under cut cus very long. 
Alright so obviously the muses that I already rp’d like.. 
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- Aaron Davis - The Prowler - Marvel - Criminal. 
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 - Sterling Archer - Archer - Super Spy. 
- The Blacksmith - Too many fc’s to post a gif for. - Dr.Who - Time Lord
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- Brian Braddock - Captain Britain - Marvel - Hero
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- Cal Kestis - Star Wars - Jedi Padawan who survived Order 66. 
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- Christopher Weasley - Harry Potter - Slytherin - OC Son of George Weasley 
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- Daken - Marvel - Villain? Mostly I guess. - Son of Wolverine 
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- Death - Darksiders 
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- Diego Dynamic - Cyberpunk 2077 - Rocker Boy 
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- Draco - Dragon OC 
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- Jaime Reyes - DC - Blue Beetle - Hero
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- Takeshi Kovacs - Altered Carbon - The Last Envoy 
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- Ravi Chakrabarti - iZombie 
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- Ryan Thompson - The Last of Us OC 
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- Sandor Clegane - Game of Thrones - The Hound
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- Tim Drake - DC - Robin - Red Robin 
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- Tyrion Lannister  - Game of Thrones 
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- Shadow the Hedgehog - Sonic 
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- Pietro Maximoff - Marvel - X-Men - Avengers - Quicksilver. 
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- Billy Butcher - The Boys
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- Geralt of Rivia - The Witcher
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- Grey - Supernatural OC - Hunter 
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- Levi - The Cloak of Levitation - Marvel - Dr.Strange 
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- Skaar - Son of The Hulk - Marvel 
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- Savage Opress - Star Wars
as well as some ones i have never rp’d like.. 
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- Ted Kord - DC - Blue Beetle 
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- Harper - Destiny - Warlock
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- Caradoc Dearborn - Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix 
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-Tywin Lannister - Game of Thrones 
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- Rodrik Forrester - Game of Thrones / Got: The Tell Tales series. 
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- Tails - Sonic the Hedgehog
- A whole bunch of Starwars OC’s
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- Hyperion - Marvel 
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- Killer Croc - DC 
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- Tony Stark - Marvel 
- Just a whole ton of OCS 
But this is long enough for now seeing as I don’t actually plan to add any muses any time soon, maybe some test muses at some point to try some out? But yeah.. this was kinda fun to do. 
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diversegaminglists · 7 years
Games with on-screen kisses
Should be considered story spoilers (except for maybe dating sims), so browse at your own peril.
On-screen means a visible kiss on the lips, in-engine, cutscene or, in the case of visual novels, CG art. Games with descriptions of kisses in text only do not count.
This is far from complete but I think I’ve got most of the obvious ones, as always, suggestions and corrections encouraged (but no suggestions for games featuring unavoidable rape please).
I could really use more examples for the M/M only section as it’s currently mostly porn games in there (where all the smoochy games at?). :/
Akatsuki No Goei (M/F)(Hentai game)(CG)(Translation patch)
Always Remember Me (Otome CG)
Alpha Protocol (Several kisses with optional romances as leads into fade-to-black sex scenes.)
Amagami (CG)(Translation patch)
Aquaria (Naija and Li)
Assassin’s Creed 3 (Kenway and Kaniehtí:io/Ziio, Myriam and Norris )
Assassin’s Creed 2 (Ezio and Cristina)
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Ezio and Caterina)
Assassin’s Creed: Unity
Batman: Arkham Knight (Batman and Catwoman)
Binary Domain (Dan and Faye)
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (George kisses Nicole while she is tied up and she gives him a rightful bollocking for taking advantage, but later forgives him.)
Brütal Legend (Eddie and Ophalia)
Catherine (Anime style cutscenes)
Contract Marriage (CG)
Dandelion (CG)
The Darkness (Jacky and Jenny)
Dead Rising 3 (Nick and Annie)
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (In the good ending Adell and Rozalin smooch, CG art)
Dra+Koi (M/F)(CG)(Hentai)(Translation patch)
ef - a fairy tale of the two (dating sim, cg art)
Enchanted in the Moonlight (CG)
Fahrenheit aka Indigo Prophecy (Two optional, one unskippable, two leading into terrible sex scenes, one of which involves QTE thrusting, because of course it does it’s David Cage.)
Final Fantasy VIII (Rinoa and Squall finally smooch in the ending cutscene)
Final Fantasy X (Story cutscene while flying around in a magical lake, very Japanese.)
Final Fantasy XIII (Snow and Sera)
Final Fantasy XV (Noctis and Luna)
GoldenEye (James Bond and Natalya)
Hakuōki Franchise (Otome game)(CG)
Heavy Rain (depends on what choices you pick but they’re all awkward and creepy in context anyway)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (In the middle of a fight Indiana smooches Sophia, how rude!)
Kaleidoscope Dating sim 1 & 2 (CG)
KatawaShoujo (Hentai game, CG art)
Kissed by the baddest bidder (CG)
LEGO Batman (Batman and Catwoman)
Lego Batman 3 (Poison Ivy)
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (seemingly out of nowhere romance plots with very little build up or logic but does have awkward ps2 facesmushing)
Max Payne 2 (Max and Mona)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Snake and Eva before a sexy time)
Metel Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Meryl and Johnny)
Metro PD: Close to You (Otome, CG)
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (Press X to kiss your wife)
My Guardian Angel (CG)
My Sweet Proposal (CG)
Nameless: That One Thing You Must Recall (CG)
Nicole (CG)(I believe F/F content might be planned in the future)
Office Lover (CG)
Onimusha 2 (Oyu & Jubei)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Story cutscenes)
Princess Evangile (CG)(There are both All-Ages and uncensored versions of this game)
Psychonauts (Raz and Lili)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon and Ada)
Royal Midnight Kiss (CG)
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love (CG)
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (at the end of some levels)
Shall We Date Franchise (CG)
Shira Oka: Second Chances (CG)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) (Infamous scene where a human princess has to smooch an unconscious Sonic)
Snow Sakura (CG)(Hentai game)
Spiderman: The Movie (Spiderman and MJ)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Starkiller’s pilot Juno plants one on him)
Storm Lover (Otome)(CG)
Sunrider Academy (CG) (Hentai game)
Sweet Scandal (CG)
Telltale’s Batman (Bruce and Selina)
To Heart 1 & 2 (CG)(All ages and uncensored versions)
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side Franchise (Otome)(CG)(Translation patch)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Nate and Chloe smooch fairly early on. Nate and Elena finally smooch on screen at the end.)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Elena and Nate again)
Until Dawn (Optional between Chris and Ashley)
Valkyria Chronicles (Welkin and Alicia)
Valkyria Chronicles III (Kurt and one of two possible girls)
War: 13th Day
Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga
The Witcher Franchise (usually before a sexytime)
Wolfenstein: The New Order (Anya and BJ)
Yo-Jin-Bo (Otome game, CG art)
Flowers -Le volume sur printemps-
Her Tears Were My Light
Highway Blossoms (Both all ages and uncensored versions available)
Kindred Spirits on the Roof (CG art)
The Last of Us: Left Behind (T_T)
A Little Lily Princess
Love is Strange (Life is Strange fanfic)
Nurse Love Addiction
Starlight Vega (warning for one step-sister romance route)
why is this dragon so fucking cute?
Animamundi: Dark Alchemist (CG)(Adult game)
Bacchikoi! (CG)(Adult game)
Coming Out on Top (CG)(Adult game)
Hetalia Sim Date (CG)
Lamento – BEYOND THE VOID – (CG)(Adult game)(Catboys)
No, Thank You!!! (CG)(Adult game)
Silver Chaos (CG)(Adult game)(Translation patch)
Sleepover (CG)(Adult game)             
Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate (Roth and Jacob, Evie and Henry)
Backstage Pass (CG)
Bully (M/F and M/M kisses)
Dragon Age: Origins (repeatable smooches wherever)
Dragon Age 2 (Only in romance cutscenes)
Dragon Age 3 (combination of the two, but repeatable kisses only in Skyhold)
Fable Franchise (social actions)
Fire Emblem Fates occasionally gives your player character first person kissing scenes with your chosen S-rank partner.
Heilleen (CG art F/M and F/F)
Hustle Cat (Main character is NB by default)
Injustice 2 (Poison Ivy has a kiss attack)
Jade Empire (Though please note that the same-sex kisses need a mod to display properly without fading to black, see the mod section below.)
Life is Strange (There are options for Max to kiss Chloe and Warren depending on their relationship values.)
LongStory (CG)
Loren: The Amazon Princess (CG)
Lovestruck (This is Voltages’s newer app for games like Astoria and Castaways) (F/F F/M F/NB) (CG)
Magical Diary: Horse Hall (F/M & F/F CG)
Mass Effect (Cutscenes)
Saints Row IV  (Parody of romance cutscenes ranging from romantic kisses, to rough BDSM, to implied robot oral)
The Sims Franchise (So many different ways to smooch!)
Singles: Flirt Up Your Life (This is a game about boinking your room mate, but there’s also smooches and 1 M/M and 1 F/F option each)
Shoujo City 2D (F/M F/F)
Spelunky (Rescuing “damsels” will get you a kiss and an extra hitpoint at the end of the level, you can choose from a lady, a dude, a pug dog, or a combination of all three in the game options.)
Stardew Valley (You can smooch your partner)
Starwars: The Old Republic (Many M/F love interests in the main game. The expansions added some M/M and F/F)
Telltale’s Tales From the Borderlands (Several M/F and one F/F depending on paths chosen)
Jade Empire Gay Romance Fix
Kissing - Immersive Lover's Comfort (Smooching mod for Skyrim, no other mods required.)
Icha Love (Alternative Kissing Mod for Skyrim, page is in Russian, requires FNIS, SKSE, and SKY UI mods)
Kiss Em All (Yet another Skyrim kissing mod, requires SKSE)
Kiss Em All SE (Port of Kiss Em All for Skyrim SE, also available for XBox1)
Bastila Romance Enhancement (Adds a visible kiss between Bastila and PC to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Carth Romance Fix (Adds a visible kiss between Carth and PC to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Juhani Romance Enhancement (Adds a visible kiss between Juhani and PC to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Kiss (Adds kissing to Fallous: New Vegas, hosted on an adult site, which needs an account to access downloads.)
Caricature animation (Adds kissing to Oblivion, requires OBSE20)
Special Mentions:
Exstetra is a JRPG where kissing everyone is a key game mechanic, but it’s only been released in Japan and unlikely to be localised into English.
KissMe - Adds Kisses to Minecraft but I don’t know if it’s text only or animations.
LovePlus - First person M/F kissing, only available via translation patch.
nummyz dating sims - Needs more research
Paranormal Kiss - Not in English yet.
Sim Girls Franchise - Needs more research
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shelf-care · 4 years
I guess you could say I have a type.
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