#sorry again for not opening tumblr for the past 600 years
nicktoonsunite · 23 days
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manny discovers something mildly disappointing about jenny
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hopelesshawks · 2 years
Fingers crossed that tumblr doesn’t delete my match-up profile this time 🥴
I’m a Libra 😏 My MBTI is a ESTJ but I’m actually pretty empathetic. My hobbies are reading, eating out, dancing, chilling with friends, and going on night walks. I like cats, the ocean, taking pictures, paintings, and having meaningful conversations with the people I care about. I dislike people who always think they’re in the right, toxic people, and I don’t like lamb chops. In terms of relationships, I look for ones that will allow us both to grow and be a stable source of comfort for each other. Uh I like to think that I’m a nice person, but the moment someone messes with me or someone I care about they’re ✨goners✨
Thanks again for taking my request even though it’s well past the event. I love tumblr sometimes 😍
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lmao yep! Making up for tumblr eating your ask during my matchup event. The last part of my 600 follower event Literally more than 300 followers later 💀
also wtf that's so many more followers goddamn I love y'all
Ok I told myself I wouldn't choose Todoroki because that's too obvious so instead I match you with Eijirou Kirishima
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Kirishima literally looks like he’s glowing as he drives you both out of the city, refusing to tell you your final destination. If you take the time to think about it and pay attention to the road signs, you can probably figure out where he’s taking you, but it’s adorable how excited he is for it to be a surprise so you let him have his fun.
About an hour goes by before you suddenly notice the coastline coming into view. Your eyes widen and Kirk’s grin does as well when he sees you take notice.
“Surprise! It’s been awhile since we made it out here so I figured a beach trip was overdo. I brought the camera locked and loaded with a new memory card so you can take as many pictures as you want,” he explains eagerly. As much as he wanted it to be a surprise you can tell he’d been equally dying to reveal it all to you and it’s hard not to giggle at his enthusiasm.
“Oh! And there’s a new restaurant that just opened near the beach we could try or I guess we could go back to the old place. Or we could try to find a club? If you want? I kind of didn’t really plan much further than getting us here,” He goes on to admit sheepishly but you just give him a soft smile before leaning across the center console to press a quick kiss to his cheeks.
“Thank you, it’s perfect,” you assure him as his cheeks go as red as his hair. It never gets old the way he still acts like a school boy with a crush when he’s with you, even though your school days are long behind you now. “Yea, well, it’s the least I can do to thank you for putting up with me.”
Neither of you actually say the words ‘I love you’ but as you watch the sun start to set through the windshield and Kiri links his fingers with yours over the gear shift, you both hear them anyway.
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A/N: Again I’m so so so sorry this took fifty thousand years to get to but here it is, I hope it’s worth the stupid long wait 😭
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sekceesimps · 3 years
The Dragon’s Requiem (A Zhongli x Reader x Childe oneshot)
Summary:  Zhongli reflects on his past with the reader as he watches her move on with someone new. 
angst with fluff and maybe a lil nsfw?
Pairing:   (past) Zhongli x Reader. Childe x Reader  
a/n  NOT THE GENSHIN HCs GETTING 600 NOTES WHAT THE HECK THANKS EVERYONE! That was such a great present to wake up to (who needs a S/O? smh I have my 200+ tumblr followers). 
I tried writing the reader as gender neutral, but since I’m a female it might not have come across as that, so I’m sorry ahead of time. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys, leave some requests and feedback (it means so much to me)! 
Sincerely Coffee 
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Your fingers tangled gently into his dark locks, tugging him closer to you. You smile softly at him as he delicately places light kisses across your face and jawline, slowly inching towards your neck. You bask in his warmth and glowing attention as you arch your back to get even closer to him. In times like this, he couldn’t help but admire everything about you. From how happy you look, to the way you slept so peacefully just moments ago, or the way that you would look in a few minutes with your face flushed and begging for him.  
Zhongli has always been a man who lived in and cherished the past. He could spend hours talking about Liyue’s history or explain the customs and cultures of a time long before. It would bother some people, but never you. He admired you so much. Your patience for him, the openness of your heart to allow him to come into your life, and the unique beauty you had that surpassed anyone else in his eyes.      
He never really cared for humans. Yes, he knew he had a responsibility to them, but he never truly loved them. At least, he never loved any mortal the way that he loves you. He has been alive for thousands of years, but he had never felt this attached to someone, especially not a seemingly simple mortal. It was his strange attachment that made losing you all the more difficult.    
His greatest insecurity had always been his lifespan. If he could give everything up to spend his life with you, then he would have. He knows he has responsibilities as a protector of the nation of Liyue, but the promise of your sweet embrace and a meaningful future with you was too good to pass upon. With you, he wasn’t stuck in the past, but looked towards the future. 
“Childe! You’re such a tease,” your soothing voice sharply breaks him out of his reveries of the past. 
“Well it’s not my fault that you’re too stunning to contain myself around,” the harbinger known as Tartaglia shot back playfully and moved to grab for your hand. You take quick notice of his actions and allow him to wrap his fingers around yours. 
“Can we have dinner there!” you point excitedly at the Liuli Pavilion. 
“Anything for you, love” he grins and pulls you two towards the restaurant. 
The crowds parted at the sight of the young Fatui and his darling Y/N. He was accustomed to showing them off to everyone, proud of being able to pull someone as stunning and kind as them. Zhongli looks down, feeling sick, was that the feeling of seeing his dear Y/N with that man. He didn’t really move on. He stayed in Liyue’s harbors, sometimes you even caught glimpses of the God who stole and broke your heart in a different time. 
“I love you,” Childe grins after pulling away from you. Allowing you to catch your breath following the heated kiss, before you respond, 
“I love you more,” smiling back at your boyfriend before leaning in to steal another kiss. You move your arms to the back of his head, digging your fingers into his hair as he passionately returns your kiss. His own hand traveling low and playfully squeezing your ass. It was a simple show of affection between a young couple in love. A couple that most everyone was familiar with and adored. Of course the two of you thought you were in a secluded area, but there are people who have known this land and it’s hiding spots for years. 
It was a shame, he thinks, as he watches you and the auburn haired man enjoy your day out together. Together. The word really hits him right then and there. You had moved on past your days with the archon.              
He knows it’s selfish to continue to long for you. He left and hurt you so unfairly. You were someone precious to him, and he broke you without a care in the world. 
“Zhongli, are you ok?” you asked meekly as you walked into your shared home. He’s agitated, pacing and scrunching his eyebrows. The normally calm composured man looked flustered and sad in a way. 
“I want to take a break” he pronounced unexpressively. With blank amber eyes he tore your heart out. No, I don’t want this. I want to be with you forever. I don’t want to hurt you, he chides himself internally
Your silent tears hurt him more than any wound he’s received in battle. This is for you though. You don’t deserve this pain, but what you feel now is infinitely better than the suffering he would inflict on you in the future. 
He stops himself from reaching out to you. That would only serve to give you false comfort. He leaves without another word, heart shattering more and more as you finally let out your sobs behind the door. This will be better for you, he justifies to himself, I could never give you what you wanted. 
It was you who changed him. It was you who showed him how to really and truly love someone for the first time in his thousands of years of life. It was you who made him want to be better and grow. 
“Why do you love me,” you asked suddenly, breaking the calm silence between you two. 
“What kind of question is that?” he had questioned in return, slightly tilting his head to face you, truly puzzled as to why you were asking something like that. 
“Well I’m not particularly special. My fighting skills are average. I’m not as attractive as others around here. I guess I’m just wondering why a God like you is interested in someone as average as me. I’m sorry this is probably annoying you” you mutter and turn away from him slightly to hide your face. 
“You’re not average. You’re stunning, brave, true, and compassionate. You are so much more than even that. There has never been any other mortal that has ever captured my attention like you have. I only have my eyes for you so don’t apologize,” he answers honestly, gazing into your eyes, which were now welling with tears. 
“I love you,” you whisper and let him wrap his arms around your body, pulling you close to him and offering a comforting touch. 
“I love you more than you could ever imagine,” he mumbled into your hair and placed a light kiss on your forehead. 
Something inside of Zhongli curls up and dies when he hears your illuminating laughter and head thrown back, as your E/C eyes gleam in the sun’s light. That should be him making you laugh. Him causing your happiness. Him kneeling on one knee. Him devoting his life to you. 
“Yes!” you exclaim in shock at seeing the man you’ve spent the last two years with get down on  one knee in front of you.
“I haven’t even asked anything yet,” he teases as he slides a silver band onto your finger, “but I’m glad you said yes.” you smile back at him and place soft kisses all across his face. 
“Come on, let’s eat some golden shrimp on the roof over there!” he declares as he places another kiss on your cheek right before he takes off towards the roof of a building on the harbor. 
This would be the final time Zhongli swears to himself again as he takes another glance at your grinning form. He knows it’s a useless promise because he knows that he’ll be back soon. 
He thinks it’s ironic that it took leaving you to realize how much he can’t live without you. 
As he turns away from the scene of the grinning couple, his heart crumbles, but it’s the thought that you would finally be happy, keeping him from breaking forever. Yes, he would be at your side for the rest of his days, it may not be in the way that he wanted, but he holds you too dear to leave for good. 
“Goodbye for now my darling Y/N” the archon murmurs. He hopes you hear his requiem for what the two of you had. For what he would still protect and cherish, even as he watches it get replaced by someone you deserved more. 
You hear a familiar voice faintly echo as you cling further into your now asleep fiance's arms and rest your head on his shoulder. As you feel a shadow of a kiss on your forehead you can’t help but think back to those precious times with your geo archon, “Until we meet again Zhongli. Perhaps in a different life I’ll be enough for you,” you whisper into the night.  
The dragon lets out his final song, all the while your own resolve crumbles away, longing for the man you once called home, but accepting this wonderful future with a man you love. 
a/n  Feel free to drop a like or comment, it boosts my fragile ego. In a bit of pain if you couldn’t tell. I’ve also gotten too addicted to this game and it’s sekcee characters, please send help 🤧  
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Sorry @frenchy-and-the-sea​ but Tumblr keeps ruining my read more attempts if I dare to save a post as a draft or edit it... anyway here it is again but with the PROMISED CUT in the right place:
Permission to ramble about Ciphers? Why THANK you! Mostly under the cut because that’s how I [try to] roll these days.
So, a Cipher is basically a rare individual who is able to learn languages at a ridiculous rate, only needing to be taught words and phrases once before they are dedicated to memory. It is a hereditary skill, and there are nine Cipher families currently in operation, which is down from what used to be over twenty In some cases, the ability just disappeared suddenly. In others, the Cipher died before having children and it never manifested again. In others, it skipped too many generations and was effectively ‘lost’ because, even if it did reappear, no one was actively looking for or fostering the ability and it just sorta… flew under the radar.
Ciphers generally have a pretty straightforward life-path. They are born, their ability is discovered at a young age (typically by their Cipher parent, who will test their ability to learn language periodically). The first years of their life are largely dedicated to the explicit teaching of all the languages known by their family, which can vary based on location, exposure and issues mentioned in the previous paragraph. Then, when they are old enough, they go to work for a member of the nobility (royalty, lords and ladies, etc.) who will act as their patron until they grow old enough to tire and be replaced by the next Cipher in their line.
In the earlier days after the Divide, Ciphers played an extremely vital role in translating and deciphering texts, documents and inscriptions, determining what should be kept of the old world and what should be destroyed. They were essentially the gatekeepers of information, as they were the only ones who could actually understand what was written, and if the language was utterly unknown, they had the best chance of decoding it based on languages that share geographic and  linguistic similarities. They were also key players as the world began to establish its new order, privy to the highest meetings and negotiations, serving as trusted translators between royalty as the kingdoms began to form. They were, essentially, essential.
However, almost 600 years post-Divide, things have changed. Trade Tongue was developed in the mid-second century, which has opened communication significantly across the known world. Languages have also consolidated considerably, particularly with the expansion of the Khathi Empire, meaning there are fewer one must learn in order to serve as a functional translator. Majority of texts have been located, decoded, and sent away to the various archives to be locked in dusty rooms. Basically, Ciphers have found themselves in a world that has largely outgrown them. They are a convenience, rather than a necessity. Where they used to deal with incredible artefacts of the past, tasked with uncovering lost knowledge, they are now more likely to be found performing general bureaucratic services to ‘earn their keep’.
The tradition of patronage has continued largely due to the generational bond formed between Cipher families and their noble patrons (who often remain loyal to a single Cipher family, and visa versa). This allows current Ciphers to still live comfortably, but there is no real prestige associated with their abilities anymore. In fact, they are often actively disliked, as when their services do happen to be required, their patron sets the price (and that price is usually very high). So, many now view Ciphers as little more than lapdogs whose main function is to line their patron’s pocket. And they’re really not wrong.
Delver is the only active Cipher who lacks a patron. He basically acts as a freelancer, strutting around the kingdoms, spreading word when he is in the area. His general practice is to undercut the local cipher for work needed by the lower classes, and overcharge the nobility for his discretion (given his lack of affiliation). He is also from the only Cipher family where the ability has not skipped a generation, but that comes with its own cost that has only recently begun to manifest. There are theories that the Cipher ability skips generations as a kind of biological safety mechanism, as over time having that many languages at your fingertips can become overwhelming for any one mind. If a generation was skipped, the Cipher’s knowledge had to be consolidated and written down as best as possible, all while maintaining regular day to day work and duties. As a result, a lot tended to slip between the cracks, and often large portions of knowledge were lost in the process. While this meant that less languages were passed on when the ability reappeared, it alleviated some of the strain on the individual’s mind. There had been no real consequences for Delver’s line until his great-great grandfather, who was said to have gone mad in his seventies. Then his great grandmother, at about the same age. Then his grandfather, in his late fifties. Then his mother, in her early forties.
TBH I know it’s nothing particularly exciting on paper, but I think what excites me about the whole prospect is because I like the idea of change, and how time and development causes people and places and skills to fall in and out of favour. The joy I get out of it is writing from the perspective of someone who is trapped in a place of impotent bitterness, and how that jaded feeling changes the way he approaches the world. Delver longs for a challenge - dreams of the days when everything was mysterious and exciting, and people looked to Ciphers as links between the past and the present. Now, people just look to him for a seal and a signature, and he desperately wants to be more than that.
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oliverwxod · 5 years
Whatever it takes (Part 7) - Steve Rogers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (and sometimes Bucky x reader)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
Summary: Angels and Demons have been sworn enemies their whole lives, that’s just how it is. When Bucky decides to go against these unsaid rules, it brings a set of consequences into the lives of those who spend time with him. In Y/n’s case that consequence is an angel named Steve Rogers.
A/N: BECAUSE LINKS STILL DON’T WORK (pls Tumblr bring links back it’s ruining me and I have so many less readers now) YOU CAN CATCH UP ON THE PREVIOUS PARTS OF IT IN MY MASTERLIST IN MY BIO (you may have to scroll a little as it’s about half way down under Steve Rogers heading) xxxx
(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9)
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“Steve?” Natasha spoke out loud in concern when she saw him enter the bar she was in with a group of her friends. 
Steve turned around at the sound of her voice, his face showing how surprised he was to see her there.
“Hey Nat” he spoke, looking behind her to the table she had been sitting at and smiling at the familiar faces of her friends in a greeting. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with... her” she spoke, not liking to say her name as she didn’t approve of Steve hanging out with Y/n, knowing she would only break his heart in the end. 
She never gave him the benefit of the doubt. Steve was fully aware Natasha thought he was naive, but he really wasn’t. He was still being careful around Y/n, Steve was anything but stupid. 
“I was... but your little friend wasn’t happy about it.” Steve mumbled bitterly, the distaste he held for Bucky showing clearly, he never bothered to hide it.
“You spoke to Bucky?” she asked, eyebrows raised in question and a simple sense of curiosity. She knew they didn’t think much of each other. It was natural and understandable, they were born enemies, it was just the way it was.
“Briefly, it wasn’t a long conversation” he spoke, frowning at the pure thought of it.
“what did he say?” she asked not being able to help herself. Natasha didn’t want to be that person, but she had to know if not it would be on her mind, bugging her constantly. 
“I’d rather not say” Steve said. He didn’t know what Bucky and Natasha were to each other, he didn’t want to be the one who hurt her by telling her what Bucky had said and what Bucky was still doing with Y/n. 
“Please” she spoke, now looking serious. “Is it something I need to know?” 
“No. But it’s something you may not want to hear.” Steve said grimacing, knowing he would end up telling her, after all it would be good for her to know sooner rather than later, he was Natasha’s friend and he had a job to protect her from guys like Bucky. he only wished that could extend to Y/n as well, but Y/n had known Bucky her whole life, Steve knew he would never be able to change her. 
“Go on.” she spoke, nodding her head and holding her shoulders up high, posture straight as she held herself strong, ready for what Steve was about to tell her. Steve didn't want to knock her down, but he gritted his teeth and told her the truth.
“did you know they were sleeping together? Bucky and Y/n?” Steve asked quietly. 
“Yeah, he told me they had history before, but he said that was over ages ago.” Natasha replied feeling a little relieved as she already knew that.
“Nat, I'm sorry” Steve sighed shaking his head, watching her tense again. “but they still are. He said they did just last night... unless he was lying to try and get a rise out of me... but I wouldn’t put it past him... or Y/n for the matter of fact.” He spoke defeatedly. 
Steve watched Natasha’s frown deepen in thought, he had never known her to stay silent like this and it was concerning. 
“You okay?” he asked, gently touching her arm to bring her out of whatever trance she was in.
“Yeah. Guess I shouldn’t expect anything less right” she shrugged, still bitter. She wasn’t showing how mad she really was. “did it work?” she asked suddenly remembering everything Steve had just said.
“did what work?”
“did it get a rise out of you?” she asked. Steve looked taken aback at the question. 
What Bucky had said made him so angry that he had to pause outside their apartment block. But whether he wanted to admit that to Natasha he wasn’t sure. 
“No. It didn’t bother me. She can do what she wants, she is who she is, and I know I won’t be the one to change her” he spoke, forgetting that he had always been a terrible liar and Natasha always knew when he was lying. 
“Are you sure?” she asked, looking at him he had two faces, a knowing look on her face. Steve was glad she didn’t dig deeper, knowing he would spill everything he was thinking. And Steve didn’t want to admit any of it out loud, because that mean’t it had meaning. 
He nodded “yes” 
"Bloody hell" Bucky spoke, the voice beside him making him jump. He turned around to see Tony Stark casually sitting next to him at the bar. He glared at the Angel who had startled him, looking as if he wasn’t bothered about making him jump.
"You and Y/n haven't caused any trouble for a while, I was actually becoming concerned. Where is she?" He asked scanning the surrounding area, frowning when his eyes couldn’t seek her out.
"She's not with me" he mumbled bitterly. Bucky and Y/n hadn't been spending much time together lately. Bucky knew it was because he had been pushing her away and closer to this Steve guy and he wasn’t happy about it, angry at himself for doing what he always did so well; Fucking everything up. 
"Excuse me?" Tony asked sounding surprised, it was a shock to ever see one without the other, they were a pair, ‘partners in crime’, ‘the dynamic duo’. 
"I said she's not here" Bucky spoke, voice tense as well as his posture, if Tony thought he would get Bucky to speak about her than he had another thing coming.
"Why ever not?" Tony asked scoffing. 
"Ask your own kind" he spat back, not even trying to hide his distaste. Bucky cursed himself for speaking, knowing Tony would now pry and not leave until he knew everything. 
Maybe, just ,maybe it would be good to get an Angels perspective on the situation - Bucky thought, nodding to himself before falling into the conversation, still as reserved as ever.
Tony's eyes widened briefly before speaking.
"What are you implying?" 
"She's been hanging around some guy called Steve, know him?" Bucky asked, glancing up at him curiously awaiting his answer, it could be his chance to dig some dirt on Steve.
"Steve Rogers?" Tony spoke nodding his head. "He's a good man, what would Y/n be wanting to spend time with him for?" 
"You tell me" he said. "She's not the same girl I knew. It's the small changes she's acting... she's acting more like an angel than a demon now a days and that defies everything. " 
Demons never had the desire to be like an angel. But Bucky could sense the smallest things different with Y/n, it was hard not to when you lived in such a confined space with someone. She hadn’t been acting like a demon recently, she had been smiling more often than not, humming unfamiliar upbeat song tunes out loud while making food. 
"Interesting" Tony spoke in thought. Bucky could tell he knew more but he wasn't going to share.
"An angel surely can't turn a demon into one of them right? No matter how much time they spend together?" Bucky asked, it had been plaguing his mind recently, he knew it was most likely impossible, shutting the thoughts down every time. But one night the other week he had looked it up, doing some research just to make himself feel better. He had found nothing that indicated it which only settled him slightly. 
"A demon normally has no desire to be an angel. It is very rare." Tony spoke, informing him.
"But it can happen?" he asked, knowing Tony hadn’t given him a straight answer, deducting that it probably could happen. 
"If a demon wants to be an angel and is willing to change then it is possible" Tony spoke nodding formally. "But they need to want it bad"
"So it's not possible for Y/n to be one? Not when she's done bad things before" he asked.
"Bucky. Every demon has a grace out there and if they want to become an angel so bad they will find it or be willing to look for it. Everyone has the potential, people just don’t go around shouting this information around, so many people are unaware" Tony said shocking him. 
"But it is very rare for the common demon, I’ve only ever seen it happen twice in my whole 600 or so years of life. It's not natural for them to ever want the desire to be an angel. It's more common in-"  
"More common in what?" Bucky asked hurriedly.
"Those who have a a parent from either side." Tony said quieter as if it were a secret no one should know. 
"But that’s really rare, there's only ever been two cases of that known in the world.” Bucky said, he had read about the cases of Angels and Demons being together to see if it had ever worked.  “And y/n... her parents, one was Human and one was demon so it's not likely for her to be-”
"Who told you that? Did she?" Tony asked frowning, he gave him an odd look, striking Bucky with slight fear.
"That's what she knows. I was there when she was informed of it, why? Is- is that not right?" Bucky asked now panicked slightly, but not letting it show. Tony’s silence was implying that Y/n had been wrongly informed. 
"I can't be the one to tell you that" Tony spoke and before Bucky could ask more questions Tony had disappeared.
Bucky sat there in silence, giving himself time to think it over.
“fuck” he called out, slamming his hand into the top of the bar side. A couple people looked over to see what the noise was before turning back to their own conversations. 
Bucky was glaring at the bar top, eyes burning, open wide and dilated fully black. 
He was in trouble. He had to find out about Y/n’s parents and work on keeping her close. He couldn’t let her spend anymore time with Steve, knowing his Angel side was rubbing off badly on her. 
He needed to remind her of where she belonged; Next to him and wreaking havoc on the world. 
Y/n sat in her room silently, watching the rain fall onto the streets below her as blurs of people ran, shielding themselves with their coats, umbrellas and shopping bags. 
Normally she would be laughing at them but she was too distracted by the rain. It made her think of Steve and smile, she hated it. Since when had she turned into such a wet wipe- she thought. Y/n couldn’t tell if she liked the rain now or hated it more than ever. 
Recently the thought of Steve made her feel things she normally felt when herself and Bucky were getting into trouble. 
She hadn’t spoken to Bucky properly in days. Not since he made those comments when she brought Steve back to the apartment. In fact she hadn’t even seen or heard Bucky around the apartment recently. 
Y/n couldn’t help but miss him. He was her best friend after all, she would still do anything for him... within reason. 
Her hands reached for her phone sitting a foot in front of her, tapping on the screen to unlock it and search for the messenger.
She was about to press call on the button of Steve’s number, but she could hear Bucky enter the apartment. 
Chucking her phone back down she made her way to her closed bedroom door, swinging it open only to come face to face with Bucky, whose hand was up in a first where he was about to knock. 
“Hey” he spoke wide eyed.
“Hi” she replied quietly. 
“I didn’t mean to shut you out” Bucky spoke, it was his way of an apology without having to say sorry. 
“Me too” she replied. 
“The last thing I want is to push you away” he carried on, looking sincere and Y/n knew it wasn’t an act. 
Y/n walked forwards, arms open to bring him into a hug. He clung onto her tightly, missing the feel of her in his arms and the comfort she brought to him. Y/n could always make him relax no matter what. 
“why don’t we go and do something?” she spoke, smiling up at him mischievously. 
Bucky smirked, “I like your thinking, grab your coat and shoes and lets go” 
She did as he said in a hurry, slamming her bedroom door shut as they made their way out of the apartment. 
As soon as the front door was locked, Y/n’s forgotten phone that lay on her window sill started to ring.
The other side of town Steve awaited patiently, his phone to his ear and a nervous flutter in his stomach. When it went to voice mail he hung up, a small frown on his face. He just wanted to talk to her and see what she was up to. He constantly found himself thinking of her, the amount of times he had held back from messaging her would make a long list. 
He felt a little disappointed and embarrassed. Of course she wouldn’t pick up, why would she. There was absolutely no reason for her to - he thought, his brain relaying angry words at himself. Was he being everything he had reassured himself he wasn’t? was he being naive? 
AN: Thank you for reading if you’re still here!! I love hearing your comments so let me know what you think!! (I can’t reply bc this is a side blog, but I see them and thank you so so much to all of you, you are my motivation) big love xxx
Forever tags:
@dreambigbeawesome @hellosafie @linheliano @extreme-supernatural-lover @thisismysecrethappyplace @mannls @1elboomdemsechevarria @what-the-hell-is–a-hufflepuff @myrabbitholetoneverland @jbarnes87 @permanent-lines @alyssaj23 @piensa-bonito @maresmiley @soldierplum @jjsoccer11 @les-bio-lie @dewy-biitch @despelllestrange @kingdomcage @unlikelygalaxygiver @hiddles-rose @httpmcrvel @breezy1415 @artisticlales @imthegirlyourparentswarnedyouof @maladaptive-ninja-returns @xinyourdreamsx
Bucky Barnes tags: (it’s going to have a lot of Bucky x reader in but if you don’t wanna be tagged just message me xx)
@tranquility-or-chaos @analovesseb @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @australianhorrorstory @chloe-skywalker @bexboo616 @adamsbubblegumbitch
Whatever it takes tags:
@melimelbean @piensa-bonito @midnightmondaze @maladaptive-ninja-returns @delusionsofnostalgia @sectumsempra-beaches @marveldivergentouatdctvfangirl @rainbowkisses31 @black-sunday1412 @jcc04220 @albinotigerpython @tatertot1097 @hiken-no-stark @theshekinahb @hiddles-rose @enchantedreadersworld @fairytaleprincess8314 @tinyglamdramaqueen @jaebom @bit-of-a-timelord @spangled-starbucky @winterboo-bearloverhere @teenwolfbitches2 @kendrawr-kitkat @zigadaba-stitch @momma-loves-her-some-capnbucky @disagreetoagree @midnightmondaze @budlitebitch @rraise-a-glass-to-freedom @blondekel77 @vulpecula-minor @trashforfictionalpeople @maladaptive-ninja-returns @slytherinrising @slowly-gently @sad-me-space @inumorph @adamsbubblegumbitch @astronomicparker
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schweeeppess · 5 years
Callout Post
So this is what the title say it is, but not a bad kind of callout post :D It’s a post to show my mutuals my absolute love for y’all, and I hope it’s worth it? Sorry in advance if I forget anyone, or don’t have much to say! I love you all!
@mizmahlia: Gosh where do I start? M&Ms, you were the first person who sent me a prompt when I popped up on this site and you gave me so much courage and motivation to keep on writing when I was still a small blog (well I technically am one again now but that’s my bad 😂), and I’m forever grateful to you for that. Honestly you were someone I admired even before I had Tumblr--I read some of your stuff over on ff.net and was in love. Back then I didn’t even dream that I’d get so close to someone that’s as awesome and supportive as you. Whenever we talk it’s always a great exchange, whether I’m telling you about that crush I have or we’re just goofing off about DC. You’ve been a positive influence in my life for about three years now, M&Ms, and I’m so grateful to you for that. Honestly, I don’t know if I’d have kept writing if it weren’t for you, so thank you. You’ve been there the entire time to watch me grow as a writer, and I literally can’t thank you enough for being part of my story. Lots of love goes your way, M&Ms.
@an-all-write-life: Sunbeammmmm! Your nickname should say it all, sis, but I don’t know if even that can properly express just how wonderful and awesome it is to know you. I started following you when you were doing the ships for a celebration (I think it was 600+?), and fell head over heels for your stuff. I don’t really remember how we got to talking, but we did, and I don’t regret that for a minute. We started off just talking about Batfam and Marvel (oh my God do you remember the football touchdown dances????? 😂😂😂), but then discovered each other’s just fantastic taste in books and had even more to bond over and talk about. Like, Minho? A whole sass master. Nothing can out-sass him. Evan? A whole ball of deadly killer who suffers extreme social anxiety. Target is his worst enemy. You were another positive influence I had in my writing. Your reblogs were enough, but when you added commentary it encouraged me even more. I haven’t known you as long as I have M&Ms, but you’ve become a great part of my life all the same. Thanks for putting up with this mess of mine 💙
@crazyfreckledginger: My CDS, my gold in the flames, my diamond under pressure! I think you were the one who reached out when we started talking, and I couldn’t be happier that you did. You’re such an awesome and great person that I have the extreme pleasure to know, even if you don’t see that all the time. Your work is great and every time you write it’s amazing. THAIGO IS TIM, SIS, YOU CAN’T TELL ME HE ISN’T!!!!! You tease me the most about my crush and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re someone I’m comfortable with and someone I talk to who cheers me up when I’m feeling down, even though you might not know it when I am down. You’re just such a great and kind person that ever interaction, whether you’re feeling down or great, is always a wonderful, enjoyable one. Thank you, CDS, for simply being part of my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
@boosyboo9206: Oh, O. (haha, puns :D) I remember that we bonded over a YJ post that got way too long, and another that I made to help you with S2 feels, and a fic I wrote. You were the one who popped a message first and from there it evolved into alternating screaming about Jason and Lobdell’s godawful writing, crying about Wally, screaming about fanfiction, normal conversations without yelling or crying, and just an amazing friendship to have made. You I hinted to about my past and something traumatic that happened, and only you have I told about that. You didn’t react the way I thought you would and surprised me by understanding and reassuring me about it. You’re a wonderful person that I have a privilege to know. Thanks for being a great friend and support. 
@pure-leafs: Siiiiiiiiiiii, the person who has not made me get invested in a mascot that gives children nightmares, the person who’s probably as awkward as I am, the brilliant writer with the sometimes red hair, my good Gritty friend! I’m not sure how we started talking either, but man am I glad we did. You’re funny and kind and a sarcasm queen. You’ve been there when I feel down, and have supported me through some of my decisions. You’re a confidant and an amazing friend to have. Not to mention your writing! You haven’t written something in a while but I take immeasurable joy in rereading your stuff :D Thank you, Si, for being a friend.
@avengerdragoness: Jules the dragon ruler! Gosh I’m saying this a lot lately but I’m (again) not sure how we started talking? Just that we did, and shared a couple of laughs over Jason’s dumbass and John Mulaney. I think you’re the only one I really vented to about my dad’s side of the family, and you were so supportive and awesome throughout it. Talking to you took an edge off my body I hadn’t known about, and I’ll forever be grateful to you for letting me open up about that. We don’t talk as much anymore, but your friendship is still one I value and treasure regardless ^^ Thank you, Jules, for your support and care.
@red-balistic: Redddddd! Your stories are gonna be the death of meeee! ALL OF YOUR ANGST FOR MA BOI TIMMY I JUST---BKDSFAGHN. We started talking by you reaching out after I encouraged you to post your writing, I think? It started on the notes section of Buried Among Ashes and evolved into a awesome friendship and companionship that I will never regret and always think on with a spark of joy. You’re always there to cheer me up if I feel down, or give me some advice I didn’t know I needed, and I want to thank you for that. You’re such a cool and uplifting person to know, and I’m grateful every time we talk for it. Thanks, Red, for your cheer and encouragement ^^
@angstytodd: Alex. We started talking only recently, but that hasn’t been something I regret in the least. You’re a very real, very strong person who knows her limits and when she needs help, and I admire you so much for that. You’re a great person to know, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you as a friend and part of my life. You’re awesome, Alex, and thank you for your companionship and support.
@queen-fighter: PAISANAAAAAA! I think you reached out to me about being Mexican? No se, but I’m so happy that you did. It was awesome a saber que I wasn’t the only Mexican here who had a great love for the Batboys. We didn’t talk often, and we still don’t, but every time we do it’s always a pleasure that I enjoy. Tienes un personalidad tan amazing. Te quiero paisana!!!!
@v01d-ch1ld: I can’t remember how we started talking either, but I’m pretty sure you reached out about your story, or asked for advice? I offered to be your beta and from there we started talking. We don’t talk as much anymore but I think that’s my bad. Pretty sure that’s my bad. Really sure that’s my bad. My bad! Sorry about that! You’re a very calm and down-to-earth person who’s going through some rough stuff, but carries it like a soldier. I respect you for that, and it really is great to know you. Your writing is improving every time you write, and I couldn’t be happier to have been a part of your growth the way someone I admire was for me. You gave the the opportunity to be, and thank you for that.
@pythiaaa: Hey, Pys. We haven’t spoken in a long time and that is entirely my fault. Ever since out last conversation I’ve been staying away because I thought that you would want me to, that you didn’t want to hear from me or see my blog title at all or ever again because it utterly sickened you. It was an assumption I made on my own and I’m sorry. I’m sorry because with you all I ever did was assume. I assumed you understood just how busy I’d become in school, that you were okay with the long pauses between our interactions, and that you knew why I could only ever really to force myself to make at least a couple of minutes for you when I felt you needed me. I’m sorry for that. It was such a wrong and unfair thing to do to you, and I’m owning up to it. I’m sorry for everything I did wrong, for every way I hurt you without intending on it, and for the distance I hadn’t realized I put between us. I included you in this post because you were a very important part of my life. I opened up to you the most about my feelings, even if it didn’t seem like it, and you supported me and helped me feel better about myself. You encouraged my writing and always commented if you could. You’re part of the reason I got to where I did, whether or not you realized it, and I wanted to thank you. Thank you for being part of my life for as long as you were. Thank you for the support and kindness you gave. Thank you for the encouragement. I’m not telling you all of this now thinking it’ll fix everything because I know it won’t, but I wanted you to know regardless. Thanks, Pys.
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tkpro-scenarios · 6 years
tkpro-scenarios 1 Year Anniversary!
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Today is October 9th, meaning it’s been one whole year since tkpro-scenarios has opened! It doesn’t feel all that long ago to us, but it’s really been 1 year... How about you guys? though you probably spent most of the year waiting for us to open the ask box lol
We just started this blog for fun and because we love Tsukipro but here we are now with 600+ followers!! We can’t thank everyone enough for all the support we’ve gotten, with your requests, reblogs, likes, follows and kind messages.
It’s probably a little late into the game lol but mods decided to finally make an introduction post for ourselves! We’ve also included how we made the blog as well as how we usually go about handling with requests. We hope you enjoy reading them, they’re under the cut~!
Mod mari
(the mod who wrote yokai!ryo angst)
Favorite unit/characters:
GROWTH. I fell in love with Growth and Ryo(heh)
I generally love all the units and their members, you can’t just dislike one haha Ryo, obviously stands over all though.
I found out about Tsukipro after researching more about Tsukiuta, since after Tsukiuta’s anime ended, I was reading up about them when the Tsukiuta fb page introduced the tsukipro units and Growth just became my first unit because they said that they do harmonies and celtic-like compositions. I grew up listening to classical music, so I was drawn to them haha
My next unit was SolidS, because aside from being a fan of the SolidS seiyuus, I befriended mod nana, whose first unit was SolidS haha and then I listened to Quell and SOARA soon afterwards.
Other fandoms:
Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume must be protected at all costs)
Donten ni Warau (I blame mod nana for anything related to this series)
Hunter X Hunter
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
I have more than this, but yeah
Other accounts:
Fanfic/Story Blog
Tumblr: @aria-haru
Mod nana (aka the mod that hogs all the SQ/Kou requests lol I’m sorry mod mari!)
Favorite unit/characters:
SolidS is love, Growth is life.
“So you like Growth the most?”
haha well, ‘この愛は 命越えて | This love transcends life’ (I’ll stop trying to be poetic now)
I love all the units but yeah, SolidS was the first TsukiPro unit I decided to follow (I knew of Tsukiuta before but following 12 boys was too much for me at that time lol).
I kept seeing the word ‘SolidS’ around a lot at that time and wondered what that was but didn’t pay much attention to it. I then heard Shiki’s “Shinku no Koi, Rin to Hikare” on a blog I used to frequently visit and wondered what series it was from, only to see ‘SolidS’ again.
After that, I saw this video of Egu’s OreIya program and I was finally like “okay what the heck is SolidS?” and decided to find out more about them. I was surprised to see that it was related to Tsukiuta and listened to a few more of their songs and here I am now, drowning in SolidS hell with no intention of getting out lol
It was around that time that I also became friends with mod mari after finding out she listened to Growth. As we kept talking, I also started listening to Growth’s music and eventually SOARA and Quell as well.
Other fandoms:
Donten/Rengoku ni Warau, Shinigami x Doctor, :REverSAL, just all of Karakara Kemuri’s works. Please check her out, she is an amazing mangaka and storyteller.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Natsume Yuujinchou
Hypnosis Mic (Fling Posse King!! Buster Bros still no.1!!!)
there’s more but this is all I can think of off the top of my head lol
Other accounts:
Main tumblr: @nanadesuyo
art tumblr: @nanairomosaic
twitter: /nanairomosaic
How mods decided to start this blog:
It’s a pretty boring story really lol. Both of us have always wanted to try being part of an imagines blog for a while now but didn’t really know which fandom to make one for. After ProAni started airing, it was basically just “hey wanna make an imagines blog together?“ “sure why not?” and here we are~!
How mods usually go about answering requests:
There’s no hard and fast rules, we just work on whatever request we want or split the characters for a single request among ourselves. After we’re done, we post it in the drafts for the other to proofread and if both of us are happy with how it turned out, we post it.
We do have fun brainstorming with requests as you can see from some of our chats below:
(When the White Day Poll was ongoing pt.1)
mari: Either Serious/Obligation or Teddy Bear for Ryo is perfect for tsun!ryo tho
nana: ikr? But they don’t suit Tsubasa...
mari: Yeah...
nana: Can we switch prompts for Sora and Tsubasa? Tsubasa would probably give flowers while Sora would give a teddy bear
mari: Is that possible tho lol
nana: ...If Sora miraculously gets more votes than him?
nana: the recent votes are either for Mori or Ren so there’s a small chance Ren could beat him by the end of the day
mari: Ren is about to beat sora with something again besides height
nana: lmao you can do it Ren-kyun~
(When the White Day poll was ongoing pt.2)
nana: For the sake of prompts I’d like Dai-chan to beat Tsubasa cuz like how cute would it be to get a teddy bear from Dai~?
mari: Very cute
nana: “I-I didn’t know what to buy... b-but here. *hands teddy bear*”
“Wah~ So cute~! Thank you Dai-chan! ...but you know you have to return with triple the value right?”
“Y-Yeah so?”
“So, triple what I gave you wouldn’t just be a cute teddy bear... but you dressing up as one don’t you think?”
mari: Tsubasa(eavesdropping): GREAT IDEA
nana: lmao run Dai-chan, run!
mari: Rikka and Shiki wants to see too
nana: Ooh alternate (borrowing from [an idea for] Ken)
“I-I didn’t know what to buy... b-but here. *hands teddy bear*”
“Wah~ So cute~! Thank you! Haha I think I’ll call him Dai-chan~”
“Wh-Why Dai-chan?!”
“Because you don’t let me call you Dai-chan, so at least let me call this cute little bear you got me Dai-chan~”
(White Day Poll results... pt.1)
nana: It’s
1) Eichi (White Day Date)
2) Ryota (Serious or Obligation?)
3) Tsubasa (Teddy Bear)
4) Sora (White Day Sweets/Flowers)
nana: Fluffy!Eichi coming your way fans~
ooh and wondering whether to ask Kou for help or if it has more meaning if he everything by himself while Ken teases him(rip Ken-kun)
nana: But I can also see him being smooth af and be like
“Think of these as my serious feelings for you, after all, I need to answer yours with three times the value, don’t I?”
mari: But its not honmei either, i just want to return what she gave from valentines...
Bruh, imagine him going up to kou asking to help him make choco or how to do it and then kou asks innocently/curiously: why.
(White Day Poll results... pt.2)
nana: Sora’s gonna be sending reader Sweets and Flowers. Taking a page from Shiki are you boy?
mari: Tsubasa be like: y’know, we forced Shiki to wear a tux, go to s/o’s place with chocolates and flowers...
nana: Tsubasa: ...and it ended with something AMAZING happening~
Sora: s-something a-amazing...?!
Tsubasa: Well they played the pocky game and then things went from there~
mari: Shiki: stop telling him these things
nana: Shiki: *points at camera* IT’S 10 YEARS TOO YOUNG FOR YOU!!
...And that’s pretty much it about us and the blog lol. We still have requests pending and we apologize for not getting them out as fast as all of us would like but as always, we’d like to thank everyone for your patience and support.
Please do join us for the Cards Against Humanity Game we plan on holding later this month if you have the time!
We can’t say if this blog will last for another year or longer, but both mods would like to keep it going for as long as we can!
Thank you once again for everyone that’s been with us for the past year as well as those of you who joined midway or even just a few days ago. We hope you’ll stick around and send requests from now on as well.
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powerandmagic · 7 years
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HEARTWOOD: Non-binary Tales of Sylvan Fantasy is the newest anthology from P&M Press.
Across time and cultures, humanity has spun tales about the forest: tales of caution, adventure, rites of passage, and discovery. Some of those stories persist as the folklore and fairy tales that delight our imaginations today, and the forest remains a symbol for facing the unknown and emerging transformed.
This anthology is for everyone who’s walked through the undergrowth, in the silence of nature, and longed for an adventure of their own to unfold. These stories of modern-day sylvan fantasy will showcase the best non-binary cartoonists of our day, guiding characters like us into the woods and back again.
Submission Period
Submissions will be open to the public from October 16th - November 13th. (A line-up of preselected creators will also be unveiled throughout this period!)
Who Can Participate
We want submissions from people who identify as nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, bigender, neutrois, twospirit, genderfluid, demigender, trans fem or trans masc, and other genders outside the “man or woman” binary. 
For team submissions, at least the writer must meet the above criteria. If two submissions are equally matched, the all non-binary team will be prioritized. Use #TeamHeartwood (Tumblr or Twitter) to find teammates!
Age Restrictions
All contributors must be 18 years or older. All content must be suitable for readers as young as 14 years old.
Comics from 4 - 12 pages long
6” x 9” trim size (template provided)
Bleed? Yes.
Black & White or Grayscale (no screentones please)
600 dpi
Selection Process (October 2017 - December 2017)
Project Announcement - 2 weeks
Open Submissions - 4 weeks
Final Selection - 2 weeks
Work Period (December 2017 - July 2018)
Creator Portraits - 1 week
Script + Thumbnails - 8 weeks
Pencils - 10 weeks
Inks - 6 weeks
Grayscale - 6 weeks
Letters - 2 weeks
Bios - 1 week
Kickstarter (Fall 2018)
Contributors to our first anthology were paid $100/page plus Kickstarter bonuses. In keeping with P&M Press’ founding goal of increasing pay with each successive campaign, HEARTWOOD contributors will be compensated at $105/page plus any Kickstarter bonuses.
Contributors also receive a minimum of 10 complimentary copies of the anthology, royalties on all digital sales, and royalties on any print runs of the anthology after the first printing sells out.
Creators will cede exclusive first worldwide print and digital rights to their stories for a full calendar year from the date of publication, and non-exclusive worldwide print and digital rights in perpetuity. Ownership remains with the creators.
What We Want
Previously unpublished stories.
Forests. Jungles. Decaying structures reclaimed by nature. Trees, trees, and - oh yeah - more trees! Deep, lush settings that have character. (If you absolutely hate drawing backgrounds/characters interacting with their environment, you may want to sit this one out.)
At least one protagonist must be non-binary.
At least one non-binary protagonist must be human (they can be half magical-species-you-made-up, but their gender should not be portrayed as a “fantastical” result of that).
Stories set now-ish (a hard date isn’t necessary, but keep the human fashion and any tech to post-1990 and pre-2030).
Movement from one space to another (entering, leaving, traveling), literally and/or metaphorically.
Personified aspects of the natural world (e.g. whispering winds, walking plants, talking animals, etc).
Original fantastical creatures/beings.
Discovery and Understanding.
Tests (of will, wits, ethics, etc).
Person Allied With Nature.
A spirit of adventure!
What We DON’T Want
No fan works. No auto-bio. No prose. No one-off illustrations.
Stories that basically amount to “protagonist realizes they are non-binary and explains gender to the other characters/the reader.” Your character can come to understand their gender better by the end of the story, but there should be a plot beyond that.
Meet-cutes. (“Two people meet and crush at first sight, the end.”)
Horror: this includes horror tropes, body horror, classic horror monsters like werewolves or vampires, popular cryptids/urban legends like Slender Man or the Jersey Devil, and so on. Your story can use fear and danger as plot elements, but if instilling fear/existential dread in the reader is the overarching theme, this is the wrong anthology.
Tolkienian fantasy: no elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. We won’t freak out if you make something up that’s very loosely(!) inspired by any of these (unless it replicates the problematic elements of Tolkien’s work, in which case your work will not be accepted).
Cursing is permitted as long as words aren’t used literally (i.e. “Shit, you scared me!” as opposed to “Let’s go shit in the woods!”) and are used very sparingly when used at all. In general, we’d prefer not.
No porn. No references to specific sexual acts. No explicit nudity whether sexual or non-sexual (sorry, folks). “Consensual fade-to-black sex between legal adults” is fine.
No depictions of abuse (sexual, physical, psychological) whether pictorial or written. Characters may vaguely reference (in non-graphic language) abuse that they have suffered in the past if doing so serves the story or is integral to the character (i.e. maybe the story is about a survivor working on their agoraphobia by going on what they believe will be a brief, non-magical hike...).
No gore. People can get hurt, bleed, die, etc, but not in a grossly over-the-top way that fetishizes violence.
No slurs, no racism (not even “fantasy racism”), no misogyny, no transphobia, no ableism, no xenophobia, no white supremacist nonsense in general. (And please, no stories whose sole purpose is to teach that these things are bad.)
Ready? Here’s How To Pitch
Send us an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Heartwood Pitch” that includes the following information/attachments:
The name, pronouns, and role of everyone on your team (or just yourself for solo submissions). Give the name(s) you want used during communications with you, marketing of your contribution, and credits in the book (even if those are all different).
A working title and page count for your comic (doesn’t have to be exact).
A synopsis of your story, including a beginning, middle, and end. Spoil everything, but try to keep it under 500 words.
Preliminary sketches associated with your pitch: character ideas, important creature designs, environment concepts (the latter is especially important if your portfolio lacks strong examples of background art), etc. These don’t need to be final or polished pieces! Just detailed enough to give us an idea.
Links to any relevant publishing credits (whether you’re writing the comic, drawing it, lettering it, or doing everything yourself). Self-published works and webcomics count as credits! Choose examples that best reflect the style you intend to use for this comic. You may simply include a link to your portfolio if you have no pre-existing credits, but please note that folks with sequential storytelling examples will receive preference.
Tell us about yourself, your cultural and artistic background, and why you want to be in HEARTWOOD. Short and sweet is best!
More Questions? 
Check out the FAQ. If your answer isn’t there, Ask away!
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