#sorry I’m just shaken and tired
cinnibelle · 25 days
I’m going to vent. Sit tight for an artist’s reflection on the acotar fandom!
I was going to use tumblr to strictly post art (at least on my end) and engage with the wonderful ppl here as well. Except what I’ve been seeing as of late is a lot of abuse (across platforms) and it’s very jarring. As an artist, I understand to make the most of your experience in a toxic fandom is to say nothing and do nothing that bothers those a bit **too** passionate about their opinions. I get it, I’m used to being content fodder from other fandoms. So I am not new to this.
But this fandom is *so* toxic that I immediately understood why artists choose to stay neutral or entirely avoid making art for this fandom at all. I have several art friends interested in the books but won’t touch the fandom with a ten foot pole from what they’ve seen. What I’ve personally witnessed the past few months is genuinely disgusting. The only reason I’m here after being FLAMED on twitter is because 1) I began posting BECAUSE people were so kind and encouraging and I don’t want to leave them and the possibility of befriending others 2) I was fully prepared to be dragged for the smallest offense.
I didn’t want to believe people would be downright atrocious to me for Elain, being starborn, holding the sword that reflects her (as I’ve stated when I paralleled quotes) but that’s what they were: awful. And what I got in turn was: why are you victimizing yourself this is what other artists deal with! Ok?? And!? Why is it appropriate AT ALL. Why is it fine for you to do that? I don’t care what anyone ships, why do you feel entitled to comment nastiness under someone’s art. To directly be in their mentions mocking the concept and the way it looks or how you hate the character. It brings me and others joy.. why are you being ruthless? For a fictional character??
It’s too much. And you know, this is my first fandom experience where the shipping is so extreme. I would’ve loved multi shipping as I’ve done it in other fandoms, I really don’t care for what sort of crack ships people make up (though I have my limitations, I think everyone does. “Notp”.) But you know what I DON’T DO as an adult? Ridicule artists for their work. They are providing content FOR FREE. And if they aren’t, they are gifting you with their expertise and talent. You are scaring people away.
I was afraid of joining and just stayed on the sidelines for months just enjoying arts in peace. I only gave in because I showed some friends some of my sketches and they ADORED it. And pleaded that I post. So I did, and I found many others really wanted me to continue posting. So I do. Were it not for the toxicity, I would’ve drawn all types of ships because I’m genuinely someone that does not care about the ship and if it’s canon or endgame or not, if I like the characters and the vibe- cool. Draw it. That’s the beauty of fanart.
But people are acting diabolically UNHINGED over it. And treating artists like they’re players and they’re revoking sponsorships. Fandom should not be a competition. That is exhaustive and tiring. I shouldn’t have to be fearful of the engagements on my posts. I don’t even have 500 followers yet on ANY of my platforms. And still, I am treated like filth. I need people to reflect on their behavior, recognize if they don’t like something ignore it or block it or what have you and be at peace. Stop giving into negativity and using artists as some pawn- they have feelings TOO! And you really turn them off to a character or a ship or a fandom in general with the way you act.
I have my comments off where I can keep them off because I simply don’t want 1) people arguing in my comments and 2) comments that are generally unhelpful or just shaming me for what I post. But twitter I really can’t help what happens. And tumblr too there’s some limits I can take and a filtering system I can take advantage of but even here people lack etiquette. I don’t understand where people get off acting like mean girls over things people made.
This is the most extreme, unhealthy fandom I have ever been in and I’m really not all shocked when I hear an artist quit and doesn’t want to partake. This is not a competition of who has it worse. Stop bullying artists because they don’t make content that pleases you. Just drop it. I can’t believe I am being called TOXIC for defending myself and my art. And I know who these people are, I know exactly the type of content they themselves post and it’s COMEDY to be telling ME I’m toxic for standing up for myself.
Most artists leave or go silent. That’s what you want, right? Or to antagonize them to the point they really lose patience with you. This is me losing patience: a call to being better. Be the change you seek. It’s funny I have people going at me and in their bio it says “ spread kindness not hate” Pardon??
Seriously, I would’ve liked to explore any theory and a variety of arts despite my preferences but the way people act with what I DO put out, I’m just sour. I don’t even want to expand beyond the two characters I really like because I have a headache already with the “you don’t really care about-“ takes that I’ve seen other artists get when they expand what they draw in this fandom.
It shouldn’t offend you that an artist has a preference and wants to share the things that they found intriguing or makes them happy. And if it does, cry about it in private at minimum. Stop dumping your grief onto the artists. That’s all. Maybe then you will see a resurgence of artists that do content for free (and frequently) or a return of artists who left.
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inga-don-studio · 2 years
Oh, so we’re at that mid-tier stage of the sleep deprivation loopiness, eh? The ‘Do All the Things’ stage because I think I suddenly feel great, when All the Things involve using power tools my drunk-tired butt shouldn’t even look at right now.
#I was too nervous about today’s apartment inspection to sleep last night#Not that I had anything to worry about since I take good care of the apartment#It was more because I know how shaken I get when strangers compromise my little personal space- and my anxiety was having a field day#Jokes on my anxiety though-#both the maintenance guy & the apartment manager spent more time geeking out over my weird shit than inspecting#It was actually really sweet though?! The manager started going on about how much she loves the Haunted Mansion too & the maintenance guy-#-wanted to know what all my bootlegs were? And then the manager said she didn’t want to leave? Like bro? 🥹#So this was the first time I haven’t felt violated or gone into flight mode despite having unfamiliar people in my space?#Probably won’t happen again but it was genuinely nice#But uh now that that’s over and the lack of sleep is catching up my brain’s starting to play it’s little tricks#Worse than the mild hallucinations is the impulse to do All The Things to stay awake when I know All The Things involve tools I shouldn’t-#-use when this tired#But I want to get working on the Moon mask & try out the idea I have for making his face spin#And I’m starting to feel the pressure of having the headcrab mask done in time for Midsummer Scream in a month#Too many stabby burny potentially toxic things that my drunk-tired butt can’t be trusted with rn#I’ve never handled a total lack of sleep well so I just need to choose something simple & safe & go to bed early#And maybe order some Pandas because I can tell my energy crash is going to be a doozy & fixing dinner won’t be in the cards#Oh gawd this is long sorry#🎃 cryptid sighting
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strawberrysturniolo · 5 months
fic reqqq
can you pretty pretty please write a fluffy kind of sleep aid fic w chris where yall cuddle in bed tgth and u start snoozing and he tucks u in and everything🫶 np if not your writing is actually so bomb like everytime i see a new post from u i start foaming @ the mouth like a rabid dog and gnawing on my enclosure 😭
sleepy // bf!chris
soft chris
summary: you spend the day filming with your boyfriend and his brothers and can't wait to go home and snuggle in bed with him.
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The entirety of my day has been spent following my boyfriend, Chris, and his brothers around while they film. 
We started our day by getting lunch at a local diner, did some shopping afterwards at a flea market, then finished the night off with a few rounds at Top Golf.
“Good job, babe!” I cheer my boyfriend on as he makes a perfect swing.
He turns around grinning before handing his club to his brother, Matt. “That was pretty good, right?!” He sits down next to me and tosses his arm around my shoulder. I tilt my head to the left so it lays perfectly on him, and he pulls me closer, kissing the top of my head. When his other brother, Nick, leaves the table to film Matt’s turn, Chris leans into me, whispering, “I really appreciate you coming out with us today.”
My exhaustion is evident. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with them on days where they are filming, and while I’m usually hidden somewhere off-camera to maintain privacy, it’s still fun to watch my boyfriend do something he loves, and interesting to see him at work. I have to say, walking around all day so they can get content in, and now sitting down watching them golf only reminds me of how tired I am. 
“Sleepy, baby?” he asks, nudging me lightly when he sees my eyes falling shut. 
“Mhm,” I hum into his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry. I know it’s been a long day.”
He uses his left hand to carefully push my hair out of my face, using his other hand to pull me closer to him, falling asleep right at the table. 
“Alright Chris,” Nick calls out. “It’s your turn, come on.”
I can feel Chris’ head turn a few times, looking between me and his brothers. “Can you go for me? I don’t really want to get up.”
I struggle to push myself up because of how tired I am, but I manage. “No, go play. We’re almost done anyway. I just need to stick it out until we get home and I’ll sleep well tonight.” 
“Are you sure?” 
I nod, not wanting to kill the mood for them. 
He delicately kisses my forehead before tossing his arms around his brothers, his energy back to 100% when the camera is on him.
One thing about Chris is, no matter how private he wants our relationship to be, he will always find a way to show some sort of PDA when we’re around people. Whether it’s holding my hand, putting an arm around me, having me wear his clothes. He may not fully makeout with me in a public setting, but he’ll still kiss my forehead and hold me in his arms so everyone can see how much he loves me without losing an element of our intimacy. 
The boys finish up their game, and when we head back to Matt’s car, he suggests we go to get a late breakfast tonight. I of course am mid-yawn when this comes up.
“Why don’t we head home?” Chris counters. “We already have a lot of footage from today, and if we need more we still have tomorrow.”
Matt groans, but when Nick sees me half-asleep in the backseat next to him, he sides with Chris. “He’s right. Let me work through this footage tonight and see if we need to go back out tomorrow before we end up with an hour long vlog that will take me an extra day to edit.”
I end up passing out asleep on the drive back despite it only being 15 minutes. I’m lightly shaken awake and greeted by my boyfriend’s hushed whisper. 
“Baby, let’s get you inside okay? We’re home and you can sleep in bed.” He unbuckles my seatbelt and carefully leads me out of the car and inside the house, guiding me downstairs with his arm around me. “Go change into your pajamas.”
I pull out a Fresh Love set from his closet and toss my clothes from today into the hamper while Chris is in the bathroom. He comes out with makeup wipes and pulls one from the package. 
“I can do that,” I say quietly. 
“No, I want to.” He flattens out the makeup wipe and gently rubs my face with it, checking it every few seconds to make sure the product is coming off on it. “You’ve had a long day and it’s partly my fault. Let me do this and then you can brush your teeth and wash your face.”
Another minute passes before Chris discards the now used makeup wipe into the trash. I then head into the bathroom and wash off any remaining makeup and brush my teeth, climbing into bed once I’m done. 
Chris follows me through all those steps, laying in bed next to me and smirking at my choice of pajamas. “I love when you wear these.” I have no energy left in me to speak. I simply nod and hope he can read my mind. His fingers trace my face as I doze off, slowly going in and out of my slumber. His arms wrap around me and pull me into him, and my face nuzzles into his chest. He uses one hand to push the covers into our bodies, tucking us in and keeping us warm while the ceiling fan balances the temperature out. 
He places one more kiss on my head as he rubs his hands over my back.
“I love you so much,” he whispers into my hair. 
I mumble a muffled, “I love you,” back to him before falling asleep for the night, the last thing I remember being him holding me tight and feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. 
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boydepartment · 7 months
hiii r u taking requests! if so can you do enhypen reaction where you call them in danger and they get super panicked
pick up- enhypen texts + scenarios
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a/n: HI ANON! i am always taking requests :) i hope you like it!!!!!!
warnings- dangerous scenarios, one reader gets followed, another one burns her hand, they aren’t dark at all tho :) nothing triggering
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you had called jungwon a few minutes ago while walking home and you felt the presence of someone else. it was unusual for you to be walking home late from a study session and other students did too. however your intuition was raising red flags.
- “y/n are you okay? are you safe?” jungwon was panicking, you could hear it in his voice. you knew if he could he would drive over at this moment.
- “i’m okay. i just made it back to my abode. i’m just really shaken up i’m sorry for scaring you and calling you when you were working.”
- “baby please don’t ever apologize, you were scared and i’m glad you come to me for stuff like this.” you heard rustling on his end as you safely locked your door behind you. jungwon spoke up again, “i’m coming over with snacks and stuff. i’ll be there in 15.”
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you were home alone for the first time in years and heard people yelling loudly outside. usually your friend would be home with you but they were off with their family which left you by yourself. during the day you didn’t mind but at night it was different. when you peeked out your window the people were fighting and it scared you. leading you to call heeseung.
- “i’m on my way right now. why didn’t you tell me you were home alone?” heeseung got right to the point when you answered his call.
- “i’m sorry i didn’t think that it was important and i didn’t want you to get in trouble if you came over and-“
- “i don’t care about that. are the people still outside?” heeseung was rushing you could tell.
- “no….”
- “okay i am still on the way. stay on the phone for me pretty.”
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your hand was on fire, quite literally for a few seconds. and pick up the phone when jay called you back. which led him to rushing over to your home and using his key. immediately he rushed over to you and put your hand under the kitchen sink water. your burns weren’t horrible but they were pretty bad. jay swiftly picked you up and sat you down on the counter so he could wrap your hand.
- “i’m sorry i called when you were with your mom….” you mumbled into his shoulder. you were panicking and that alone made you exhausted.
- “i’m not mad at all baby i promise. is the bandage too tight?”
- you shook your head no and places small kisses on the side of his neck. you were too tired and overwhelmed to thank him. he knew and just swiftly carried you to your room.
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the first mistake your made was even going to this party. it was a stupid idea and you got roped in. so when the cops showed up and you scaled a wall, breaking your nail, scraping your knees, and falling into a rose bush , you immediately called jake.
- “okay where are you right now?” jake asked, you could hear his pants, jogging to your location on the life 360. he asked you to get it so he could see how close or far you two were always.
- “i’m now sitting next to the rose bu-“
- “ah i see you!” you saw jake jog up to you and kneel, “hop on. i’ll piggy back you to my dorm and we will get you all cleaned up okay?”
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normally you don’t call sunghoon without asking first. it was just a thing you both did. so when you called he was immediately concerned.
- “baby can you hear me ? are you okay?” sunghoon frantically asked when you picked up.
- “i’m okay…. i just got scared because there was a loud noise in the library i’m sorry i panicked. you’re away again and i got paranoid without you.” you whispered into the phone. sunghoon tried not to softly smile, he missed you so much.
- “im here princess. talk to me tell me about your day. please.”
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your day was terrible. the week prior you and sunoo got caught getting coffee at 4am, and your face was covered thankfully, however, engenes are still sometimes crazy so you were paranoid. when you went to get groceries today, you had a couple of them go up to you and ask about your keychain. which was in the photo. obviously you played dumb but it was still scary.
- “they asked about your keychain? why don’t you take it off now?” sunoo asked, you were putting groceries away now.
- “you got it for me when you went to italy. i don’t want to take it off it reminds me of you.” you said and reached the top shelf.
- sunoo smiled to himself, “i’ll get you a new one. i’ll get you as many as you want.”
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you and riki had gone out to a themepark. no one knew except staff and the other members, you wanted a date and something nice to do since you both don’t get this a lot. the day was going great, and you both didn’t have a care in the world at the moment. at some point you both took bathroom breaks and were separated. as you waited by the men’s bathroom you decided to check your phone for the first time in hours. you saw tweets from a few seconds ago and they were of you, and riki. your eyes widened and you immediately went to a nook of the amusement park to call him. wanting to just hide away.
- “y/n where are you? you were supposed to be waiting for me outside of the bathroom? y/n what is going on?” he was looking for you frantically, if riki lost you at this park he didn’t know what he would do.
- “i’m between these two buildings and and-“ you were stuttering, you yelped when you felt someone pull you into their embrace, “please don’t hurt me!”
- riki looked down at you confused, “y/n it’s me? what happened?” you looked up at him blinking and showing your phone to him which had the screenshotted tweets.
- “fuck…”
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xannsin · 25 days
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Warning: 18+, NSFW, Penetrative Sex, Hardcore sex, Praise, Creampie
Précis: He’s an overprotective ‘best friend’.
A/N: this is my first write, bare with me lol, also major credits to @cherryredstars for inspiring me, thank u :)
Edits & Look-overs: 2
It’s 3am.
You’re walking back to your college dormitory building, exhausted from a night out. Your feet hurt, you have a slight wobble in your walk, and your lungs feel like they burn with every step you take due to the cold air. A misty cloud fleets from your mouth with every exhale.
You left without Miguel’s knowledge. Which, to him, is a big no-no. He isn’t possessive over you, per se, but he does like to know when you leave the dorm you two share together. That’s all he asks for, and you didn’t even do that. He’s been protective over you your whole friendship with him. It pisses you off sometimes but you can’t help but wonder why he is the way he is with you. You mulled over how he’d always hold you close whenever you two went out, like he was trying to show off this imaginary ownership over you, and when he’d give guys death stares at their attempts to flirt with you. That was the least he did — there was a long list of his overprotective ways with you, but those are just the ones you thought about mostly.
When you finally get to your dorm, you unlock the door with your key before quietly opening the door. Thankfully it wasn’t a squeaky door, the faintest squeak of the door or a creak of a floorboard would probably wake Miguel up. He was a really light sleeper. You close the door behind you and lock it before turning around and seeing Miguel sitting on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, his laptop on his lap as he types away, not even looking at you. You freeze up, staring at him with wide eyes. “Miguel? Why are you up so late?” you ask, holding your breath as you wait for his answer. “I could ask you the same thing.” he replies, his husky voice making you exhale nervously.
“Well… I was out,” you mutter, “I didn’t want to wake you just to tell you so I-”
“Don’t.” he interrupts, “just don’t. You didn’t wake me up and tell me because you didn’t want me to know. Look, you’re my best friend and I worry about you. I worry about what could happen to you when you’re out of my sight. I feel responsible for your well-being, and all I ask of you is to just let me know where you’re going, and you can’t even do that, mm? Do you know how worried I was, huh? Huh?!” he exclaims, his voice getting louder as he spoke. You stay silent for a few minutes before sighing, not knowing what to say. “I’m sorry, I just… I-” you’re cut off again by his booming voice, “No, you’re not fucking sorry! Carajo!”
There’s a long pause. You’re a little shaken up, he’s never yelled at you before. “Where were you?” he finally asked, closing his laptop and setting it down before finally looking at you with slightly tired eyes. “I was out clubbing.” you say. He groans at your words, pinching his temple. “With?” he asks shortly after. “I was alone…” you say quietly, causing him to open his eyes. He stands up and walks over to you, his 6’9" frame towering over you. He barely keeps a distance between you and him.
“Listen to me and listen well,” he grunts, grabbing your arm, “I don’t know if you’re too dull to understand this but if something ever happens to you I couldn’t possibly live after that. You may think I’m being overdramatic, and while I’m not disagreeing with you, it’s for a reason, Y/N.” He sighs, staring at you with those piercing crimson red eyes.
“You understand the danger of going out alone, right? I wouldn’t have to be like this if people weren’t horrible, but Y/N, you don’t understand how easily you can get snatched up, hurt, killed, and so on. Especially at night, where sickos like that lurk every street corner and alleyway. I’ve lived through it. You haven’t. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol that makes you so unaware when you’re walking home, but whatever it is, it’s pissing me off.”
You pause for a minute as he gives his big spiel. “How’d you know I was drinking?” you ask, crossing your arms. “Are you serious? You have a wobble in your walk. Either your feet hurt and you’re drunk or it’s a mix of both, your breath reeks of alcohol, and you’re slightly slurring. If you were trying to hide it then that’s… that’s just sad.” Miguel sighs. “I’m glad you’re safe, I really am, but can’t you acknowledge what I’m saying?”
“I… I-I just…” you trail off, sniffling. You try to retract your arm from his grasp but his hand is clenched around your arm. “You just what?” Miguel asks. “I just don’t understand why you care about me so much!” you finally exclaim. After a moment of silence, he’s finally had enough. He tugs you by the arm, “Let’s go.” You’re fucked. Probably in many other ways than metaphorically. He drags you to his room, slamming the door open and pushing you in. He shuts the door behind him and locks it before grabbing you and setting you on the bed, slipping his shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to be sensual, passionate, gentle sex.
He climbs in bed and gets on top of you, staring at you. Your breath was hitched, your eyes were wide. He rolls his eyes before looking down and beginning to unbutton your shirt. It was agonizingly slow, like he wanted to build up your anticipation. “I guess I have to show you how much I care about you since you can’t understand.” Miguel says, getting to the last few buttons. You squirmed slightly, not saying anything back other than an ‘I’m sorry’ under your breath. Miguel just shook his head gently, unbuttoning the last button.
He slipped your pretty blouse off and tossed it to the side. He leaned down more, his mouth hovering over your lips. He finally leaned in just a bit more, enough for your lips to barely touch. But he didn’t want to give you the satisfaction. He just gently grazed his teeth over your lip before trailing his lips down to your neck, where they’d actually settle. His tongue poked out of his lips to graze it over your neck.
He reached his arm up, his large hand going behind your neck and grabbing a fistful of hair to keep you in place as he licked and sucked your neck. He eventually started leaving carmine red hickeys all over your neck. You whined and whimpered under him, all you could really do. He was in tune with your body. Your sensitive spots, what your body responded to, what it didn’t. He knew you.
He pulled back to gauge your expression. You were all hot and bothered, your breaths coming in and out in little huffs. The edges of his lips slightly curled up in a devilish smirk. His thumb rubbed your bottom lip. That ‘tender’ moment didn’t last long until he went back to work. He leaned down and continued kissing and marking you all over, his kisses trailing down your body and leaving spots of saliva in their wake. When he reached the hem of your jeans, he began unbuttoning them.
Once that was done, he pulled them off in one strong tug and tossed them onto the floor behind him. One more obstacle — your panties. He kissed your inner thighs, rubbing your wetness through your panties. He could practically feel your sex pulsing in your panties. He ran his fingers over the black laced hem before slipped them off and tossing them to the side. There it was, what he was looking for. “So wet already.” Miguel mumbled as he began unbuttoning his jeans and tugging them off. He grabs the hem of his boxers and slips those off too, tossing the fabric to the side. Your eyes widen at his length, and you try to push yourself away from him. Miguel tuts in annoyance, grabbing your thigh and roughly pulling you back under him, where you were before. You whine when he slaps his heavy cock against your cunt. You freeze under him, finally learning that squirming gets you nowhere.
He positions himself over you, and you struggled a little bit more. “M-Miguel, it’s been a while since I’ve done this, I’m not-”
“Shh,” Miguel interrupts, patting your cheek a little roughly, “no need to talk. You’ll be fine.” You stay silent but you’re breathing heavily through your nose as you feel Miguel reach down and stroke his tip along your folds. “I’m sure you can take me.” he says, his tone nothing close to passionate. His voice was husky and rough. He stopped teasing you with his tip once he felt your entrance before sinking into you with one push. It was slow and painful, but then it dissipated as he began moving his hips. The pace itself didn’t start off slow or soft, he immediately dove into hammering into you.
You cried out, throwing your head back onto the pillow as his shaft slid in and out of your wet sex. You closed your eyes and panted, but you flinched as you felt Miguel’s hand tightly gripping your chin. “Look at me. Mírame.” he says as he pounds into you. You let out a whine in response as your glassy eyes looked into his. He curses under his breath, holding your waist so you stay in place with one hand, and holding himself up with the other. You never knew dick felt this amazing.
You were feeling this way and he was only a little over halfway in. He was making his way deeper, and you felt it. You went to hold his hand, and he took his hand in yours, your fingers intertwining. Your mouth slightly fell agape and you let out a choked out moan as he bottomed out inside you, his balls nestling tightly against your ass. He fucks the noise out of you, you can’t do anything but let out choked out moans. “Lift your hips for me.” Miguel says, wanting better leverage to your pussy. You weakly lift your hips and he grabs ahold of them, sitting up just a tad to fuck you better. His balls repeatedly slap against your ass with every thrust, fucking a pathetic noise out of you every once in a while. Your boobs moved up and down with the movement, and the headboard squeaked as your body hit it.
“So beautiful…” Miguel murmured, taking one of your boobs in his hand and resting it there, his grip tight on your titty.
You were slightly lightheaded on dick. Creamy little clap noises mixed with Miguel’s grunts and your little noises filled the room. Your seeping juices coat Miguel’s cock with every in-and-out motion his shaft does into you, leaving his cock slicked and with a shiny little coat on it from you.
He was like a machine, his stamina was incredible because he showed no signs of slowing down just yet. “Who’s my good girl, hm? Had a bit of a scare tonight, didn’t we?” he says, hoisting your knees up on his shoulders so he had more leverage. He reaches down and toys with your clit, rubbing his thumb in circular motions on your nub. You whine at the double stimulation. You don’t know if you can take much longer of this before climax slowly comes knocking. Miguel struggled to hold off his climax the more your walls pulsated and tightened around his throbbing cock.
But it didn’t end there. He pulled out of you suddenly, flipping you onto your back roughly and getting behind you. You didn’t even have enough time to react. “Keep that back arched baby.” Miguel says, placing his hand on your back to keep your arch in that position. He uses his other hand to guide himself back in your dripping cunt again, continuing his rough pace. His strokes were deep, fast, and most importantly, calculated. You nuzzled your face in the pillow, and Miguel grinned slightly your muffled screams of pleasure, his lips curving upward.
“Such a good girl… you take me so well…” he breathed out, catching your hand as you swung it back to hold his. “Give me your other hand.” Miguel said, getting both hands and holding them by your wrists as he continued to fuck you roughly. Your upper half bounced slightly upward with every thrust because your arms were being pulled back. “M-Mig.. Mig…” you choke out, whining as his balls smack against your clit. “Qué te pasa, mami? Hm?” he asked rhetorically, his shaft sliding in and out of you with ease. He was getting so close.
He let go of your hands, your hands plopping back at your sides. He had a new fixation — your ass. He grabs both of your ass cheeks in his large hands, groping them and pulling them more towards him, meeting you halfway with his thrusts. With a few more of… doing that, his warm cum eventually shot inside of you.
The two of you moan loudly as you climax at the same time, your juices seeping onto his cock. He pulled out, leaving a trail of warm cum on the sheets, and it seeped out of you. He creampied you. Your best friend gave you a creampie.
“Come here. Fuck, come here.” Miguel pants, pulling you close to him. He wraps his arms around you from behind, both of you collapsing on the sheets.
“So, tell me,” he starts, “still think I don’t care about you?”
You inhaled and exhaled heavily before responding, “I do, I just knew if I said ‘I don’t understand why you care about me so much’ this would be the outcome.” you smirked, rolling over to face him. He froze.
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princessbrunette · 3 months
bunny reader getting the hiccups when on a mission with the pouges and trying to keep quiet </3
˗ˏˋ🐇 ೀ🩹꒱ ˎˊ˗
you were already pouting as you all piled into the chicken coop at the chateau, hiding from intruders. you were frightened, unsure what was going on and on top of that you knew you were probably staining your mini skirt sat in the dirty coop that hadn’t been cleaned out in weeks.
as one of the intruders steps outside the house, you feel a lump in your throat shoot upwards in the form of a hiccup. it comes out in a quiet squeak, and everyone’s head whips towards you.
your eyes widen in fear, before another one sounds — this time louder. “shhhh, shhh.” pope holds his hands up, somehow trying to get you to stop by the magic of his shushing. john b stares urgently, eyes flickering between the outside of the coop and you.
“hold your breath.” he mouths, and as you do— puffing out your cheeks, you hiccup once more. your eyes fill with tears in a panic, which only makes things worse. deciding it was time to step up and solve the problem, jj yanks you backwards— pressing a hand tightly over your mouth to stifle the noise. his other arm is around your waist, holding your body to his— your body slumped so the back of your head was pressed to his chest. he leans his head down, whispering slowly to you.
“breaaaathe through your nose mama.” he instructs and you try to listen, sucking in air.
“you should cover her nose.” pope suggests, making the blonde shoot him a squinted glare.
“and what— kill her, man?”
“well she needs to hold her breath—”
“hey, both of you. shutup.” john b cuts through the whispered argument sternly before glancing at you, wide eyed and frozen. there’s a silence for a moment, before the sound of tires takes off and disappears away from the chateau.
jj releases you, giving your cheek a little pat and you stay slumped against his chest, breathing out in relief.
“jesus, that was too close.” pope runs a hand over his forehead, wiping the sweat.
“i’m sorry, guys.” your lip wobbles, smoothing down your skirt.
“its okay bun, you didn’t mean to. dont worry about that, ‘kay?” john b reassures, despite how clear it is he’s shaken up about what just happened.
“you good? think you got lipgloss all over my hand.” jj grins, holding out his palm and wiggling his fingers in reference to the sticky glitter in the centre.
“oops.” you giggle, before falling onto all fours to climb out of the coop— accidentally giving everyone a view up your skirt.
˗ˏˋ🐇 ೀ🩹꒱ ˎˊ˗
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wingedhallows · 3 months
fix it ; remus lupin
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pairing: remus lupin x reader | 0.8k words plot: remus would never hurt you but he's not himself when full moon hits prompt: "fix it." "I can't." authors note: It's short and simple, hope you like it.
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The lights hurt in your eyes, your head felt heavy. Voices rumbled around you, a buzz of something you couldn’t make out, no words formed in your head. You lifted your arm, desperate to shield your eyes from the unbearable light.
“Y/N!” Lily’s sweet voice sounded next to you, your body came back to itself. You felt less out of it by the minute.
“You’re awake, James, get Pomfrey.” Footsteps retreated and Madam Pomfrey was by your side in a minute. Her warm hand touched your forehead, you scrunch your nose in discomfort.
“How are you feeling, darling?” You breathed out and sat up with her help. Suddenly, there was a burning feeling on your face, your hand reaching up to make out what it was. Something had slashed the skin.
“Don’t, you’ll only get it dirty.” Pomfrey said, a cup of medicine in her hand.
You frowned and looked at your friends, their faces showed you enough. Something happened, something to your face, something so bad that they kept looking at you with those pitting looks on their faces.
“I’ll be right back.” Madam Pomfrey excused herself.
The liquid tasted bitter but you downed it with a sour look on your face.
“So, what the fuck is up with my face?” You asked. Sirius shifted his legs in discomfort and James looked away. You turned to your boyfriend, who sat in his chair, slumped.
“Remus, love-” he released his head from his hands and turned to you, his eyes widened as his orbs locked with yours. He bit his lip, an effort to not cry, you knew that much.
Madam Pomfrey returned with an object in her hands. “I’m sorry, dear.” She said before handing you a mirror, your heart plummeted in your chest, a cold feeling washed over you as you raised the mirror to look at yourself.
“Fix it, please.” Remus almost whispered, but the nurse heard him bright and clear. She shook her head with a sorry look on her face.
"I can't." 
Remus jumped to his feet, a hand brushed over his tired face. “Please, I beg of you.” His lips released a shaken breath.
“I-I-I..She can’t..Just look at her. Please.” You stared at yourself, in disbelief.
There were three big slashes across your forehead all the way down to your cheek. They stung and they looked deep red but you didn’t mind half as much as Remus did- It was him, it clicked after a few moments and you put the mirror down. That’s why he was so distraught, because he had hurt you while he fought through the full moon last night.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Lupin, there’s nothing I can do about scars. I’m very sorry, Miss Y/LN.”
You just nodded before she took the mirror from your hands and retreated to her desk. Your friends didn’t speak, too ashamed to look you in the eyes.
“It’s not that bad, actually.” You said. Their heads turned to you, eyes wide. “Not so bad?” Remus spoke, his hands in his lap. “Dove, I did-”I know and I knew this could happen when I came with you last night.”
You reached for his hand, he was reluctant to give it to you. His glossy eyes found yours, his thumb stroked your hand as he tried not to break into sobs. “The wolf is not you, Remus.”
He peeked at you, his lips trembled. You took a breath and spoke once again.
“You would never hurt me like this, you’re not the wolf.” His head lowered itself to your intertwined hands before he burst into tears, his body shook with each cry. Your friends had taken that as a sign and excused themselves.
“I’m so sorry-s-s-so sorry, my love..I-I- never wanted, wanted to hurt y-y-you.” He bawled as you scooted closer, your hands embraced him in a hug while he sobbed in your arms.
“I know.” You tried. He took some breaths and calmed down, his shoulders still shook and his eyes were puffy. You reached your hand to his face and wiped his tears. “You crybaby.” You gave him a small smile, which did sting and clasped his hand in yours again.
“I look rather badass now, I'd say.” His eyebrows rushed up and he huffed in displeasure. “You’re all beaten up because of me and you think that’s badass?” You nudged his shoulder and a small chuckle left you.
“I mean, you do, so that makes me badass as well.” He shook his head and gave you a small smile, his teeth not showing. “I'm a badass?” You had to laugh out loud as you nodded your head “So very badass, but you’re rather pretty, no matter the scars or not.” He leaned into your hand and a tear left his eyes. “I love you.”
You connected your lips with his as he rested his forehead against yours. “I love you too, Remus.”
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btsficsandsuch · 10 months
It Worked, Didn’t It?
Jungkook’s family keeps referring to you as his girlfriend, but as far as you know you’re nothing more than friends.
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You and your best friend Jungkook were on your way to Busan. It was his dad’s birthday and his mom was throwing him a small party. You were pretty nervous. This was the first time that you were meeting his family. The truth was you had a teeny tiny not so small crush on Jungkook. The thought of confessing to him crossed your mind multiple times, but every time you thought you had worked up the courage you would back out. You didn’t think he felt the same and you didn’t want to ruin the friendship.
You were shaken out of your thoughts when you felt a hand land on your thigh. “We’re here Y/N.”, Jungkook said with a smile. You nodded and opened the passenger side door and exited the car. Jungkook jogged around and grabbed your hand pulling you inside, your heart skipping a beat.
Once inside he introduced you to everyone as you made your rounds. He took you into the kitchen where his mom was putting the finishing touches on some appetizers. You watched him walk over to his mom and give her a kiss on the cheek. His mom noticed you standing in the doorway. She motioned for you to come over, “Y/N come in dear. Don’t be afraid.” You smiled as you entered the kitchen, “Thank you for allowing me to join in the party.” She smiled at you, “Of course. Jungkook’s girlfriend is always welcome here.” You felt like there was a knot in your stomach. Did she just say girlfriend? What did she mean by that? Trying to calm yourself down you told yourself it was probably just due to the language barrier. She just assumed you were a girl and a friend therefore a girlfriend. Right?
You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn’t see the blush form on Jungkooks cheeks. The party was going great and you were having a good time. You just couldn’t ignore the fact that everyone kept referring to you as Jungkook’s girlfriend. You had been trying to ask him about it, but every time you tried he would walk away or make himself busy doing something else.
The party was starting to wind down and you were sitting on the couch next to Jungkook’s brother. To break the silence he cleared his throat, “So Y/N, how long have you and Jungkook been dating?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “dating?” He must’ve, noticed the confusion on your face, “Yeah we were all pretty surprised when Jungkook said he was bringing his girlfriend to the party. We’re happy for him though. He seems so happy with you.”
You were trying to take this all in. Why would he tell his family that you’re his girlfriend? He never even said anything to you. Suddenly Jungkook came out of nowhere, his face in a full on blush, “Y/N you ready to go? We have a long drive back home.” You left the couch and made your rounds saying goodbye to everyone before heading out the door.
Once in the car there was an awkward silence. You weren’t really sure how to approach the situation. Eventually you decided to bring it up needing to know what was going on. Clearing your throat, “Kookie did you tell your family that I was your girlfriend?” You could see him biting his bottom lip, something he did when he was nervous.
After a few moments he let out a breath, “Yeah Y/N I did. I’m sorry. I let it slip to my brother that I was going to ask you out and he told our mom and she called me really excited and begged me to bring you to the party so she could meet you and I didn’t want to back out so I just agreed. The truth is I had planned on asking you out a few nights ago when we were hanging out at my place, but I chickened out and couldn’t do it.” You thought back to that night. You remembered him being extra fidgety the whole evening before abruptly leaving to go to the restroom and coming back to announce he was really tired so you’d get the hint and leave. At the time you didn’t think much of it, thinking maybe he just didn’t feel well so you left.
He was beginning to ramble. Another sign he was nervous, “I was really hoping they’d forget about it, but I guess they were just too excited to meet you.”
You look up at him noticing that he looked like he was about to cry. He continued again, “I understand if you don’t want to be friends any more Y/N. I know I made it really awkward for you today because I didn’t have the courage to actually ask you out first like I should’ve.” You let out a small chuckle at how sad he looked. You just wanted to engulf him in a huge hug.
Right then then car pulled up in front of your apartment building. Jungkook sighed, “I can walk you up to your apartment if you’d like. I promise I won’t stay. I just want to make sure you make it in safe.” You nodded and the two of walked up to your door. You entered in the code and pushed it open walking inside.
You turned around expecting Jungkook to follow you, but he just stood at the entrance. “I’ll leave you be Y/N, sorry again that I put you through that.” You stopped him by grabbing his hand and pulling him in with you. “Do you really think I’m going to let my boyfriend leave without a goodbye kiss?”, you said before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to you, giving him a kiss. “I can’t believe you basically let your family ask me out for you”, you said with a laugh. “It worked didn’t it?”, he chuckled before going in for another kiss.
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llamagoddessofficial · 6 months
Can you believe I've never done Farmtale Sans before? As a certified country girl? Shocking, I know. I'll rectify this issue with my latest brainrot scenario immediately
“whoever this is, it better be real fuckin’ important,” the voice at the other end said, gruff and tired, heavy with a mix of annoyance and sleepiness.
Immediately, shame washed over you. The very small amount of steam you’d managed to muster up completely dissipated from your body as you imagined Sans’ disappointed and disbelieving reaction to your pathetic request.
This was a mistake.
“... H-hey. Uhm... I’m fine, I didn’t mean to call. Butt dial, hahah.” Your voice nearly cracked. “Sorry for waking you up.”
“... wait.” His voice instantly changed. “hey, don’t hang up-”
You didn’t hear the rest of what he said. You hung up, and put the phone down. Now you were right back to square one, sitting at the kitchen table in a freezing empty house at 2 in the morning. It had taken you almost half an hour to muster up the courage to call him- thirty minutes of sitting by the phone, wrapped up in your coat, shaking and holding back tears. You started plotting places you were going to sleep. Maybe if you put more wood in the kitchen stove, you could just sleep at the table until morning. 
... You inherited this place from your grandmother. It was a ‘rustic’ house that hadn’t seen human company for over a decade, in the middle of the deep countryside, cut off from almost everything. Spooky, draughty, on nights like tonight sitting in the kitchen was like sitting in a fridge. You had moved out of necessity- your landlord in the city had evicted you from your beloved apartment to jack up his prices, and you couldn’t find anywhere else to live except this middle-of-nowhere house left in your name.
You had lived in the city your whole life. You weren’t used to being in the country, not at all. The month you’d spent here had only reinforced that fact to you, over and over.
Something made a noise outside. An animal, maybe. You curled your coat tighter around you.
The only upside so far had been meeting the monsters that made up the tight-knit community you had been unceremoniously dropped into. Papyrus and Sans, especially, had been so wonderful and helpful. Sans had told you to call if you needed anything.
... Which was exactly why you didn’t have the heart to tell him why you were really calling. You didn’t want him to think any worse of you than he probably already did. A stuck-up city girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing.
You were scared.
The phone rang. The sound made you jump, it felt so loud in the silence. Despite your increasing shame, and the desire to just let it ring... you picked up.
“c’mon, don’t be like that.” He sounded much softer than when he had first answered. “what’s wrong? something happen?”
“N-no.” Hearing someone else’s voice was so comforting. You felt so alone, far away from everyone. “It’s nothing.”
You obviously weren’t very convincing. “doesn’t seem like nothing. you sound terrified.”
“I’m just cold.”
“didja kill someone? do i need to come over and help hide a body?”
You couldn’t help it, that made you giggle a little.
It just came. You didn’t entirely know why. Probably because it was two, and you hadn’t slept since six the previous morning. Unable to help yourself, you just... burst into tears.
“hey. s’ok, you’re gonna be ok. i’m on the way.”
“N-no, no, please,” You pressed your sleeve against your eyes The shame was absolutely overwhelming. “Please don’t come,”
“too late. already outta bed, it’s serious business. you gonna tell me what’s got you all shaken up?”
You pulled your knees up to your face. Well, no hiding it now, huh? He’d heard you sobbing over the phone. Your voice crumpled under a mixture of tears, fear, immense fatigue and shame. You felt like such a baby. 
“Th-there’s a huge spider on my bed,” you finally admitted, feebly. “I-I’m... I don’t know what to do.”
“aw jeez. why didn’t you just say?”
You could suddenly barely talk through the crying. Hours of stress, all coming out in one mess. He probably thought you were pathetic.
“hey. knock knock.”
As he said that, you heard two soft knocks on your side door. You jumped up, what the hell? Was that Sans? You dropped the phone and rushed to the door to let him in, almost tripping over yourself. 
You opened the door, the air was full of the sound of wind and crickets. Sans stood in the darkness outside of the house, dressed in a thick knitted sweater, blue and white striped pyjama bottoms, big heavy boots, and a coat over the top of it all. He had the phone in one hand, and his smile widened when he saw you.
Shocked, you scrubbed at your eyes and nose again, self consciously trying to wipe off the tears and snot. He lived half an hour's drive from you. “H-how... how did you get here so fast?”
“shortcut.” He winked, those lovely emerald green eyelights glimmering in the low light. “can i come in?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice, stepping to the side. Maybe he knew roads your map apps didn't. Sans eagerly came into the light, kicking off his shoes and closing the door behind him.
“this way?” he asked. 
... You showed him to the bedroom, but cowered in the doorway. 
“I-it’s under the sheet.”
Sans didn’t even hesitate. He approached the bed and flipped back the sheet. The spider hadn’t moved since you last saw it scurry under your bedclothes, still sitting right there, with its fat hairy body and sharp legs. It was probably the biggest spider you had ever seen in your entire life. You felt a horrible chill pass over you.
“dang. he is big. look at the size of that gangly fucker.”
Having said that, Sans just... grabbed it. He picked the spider up before it could run and held it in his enclosed fist like he was scooping up a penny he had dropped on the floor. Just like that, he moved across the room and pulled back the curtain, cracked the window open, stuck his arm out, and threw the spider out into the darkness.
He closed the window again. The air felt less heavy. He even tugged the handle to make sure the window was all properly sealed up, pulling the curtains closed again.
It took him all of fifteen seconds.
“all good.” He turned to you, grinning and showing you his open palms. No spider. “successfully evicted.”
You started crying again. 
Sans mumbled a soft ‘aw jeez’. He didn’t hesitate to cross the room, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a warm hug, ignoring your babbled apologies. 
“he really spooked ya, huh?” A gentle hand smoothed over your hair. He smelled like sweet hay, hours of sunshine, and something slightly musky. “how long were you tryna drum up the courage?”
“T-two hours,” you sobbed, muffled in his sweater.
You’d expected him to laugh at you. But he didn’t. He just held you, letting you cry out all the stress that had been building up over the course of the night. You were pretty sure this was the first time you had been hugged since before you left the city.
Eventually, you calmed yourself down, reducing to just hiccups. Sans didn’t let go until you did, allowing you to pull away, but keeping a steadying hand on your arm. 
“easy, pet.” His voice was so warm and soothing. “you’re all good.”
“Fucking... I’m just such a baby.” Your sleeves were damp from all of the tear wiping you were doing. You made an unattractive sniffling sound. “You didn’t even hesitate.”
“cus i’m used to ‘em. also, i’m a skeleton, so i don’t gotta worry about being bitten. no shame in bein’ scared of the big ones.” 
Your voice was hoarse. “I’m sorry you came out all this way.”
“... did you think i’d be mad at you?” he asked, softly.
“i really don’t mind bein’ yer bug removing hero." He patted his nonexistent bicep. "tell ya what, it makes me feel very big an’ tough.”
He had you giggling again. He always did. He seemed proud of himself- his presence was balm to your Soul right now. 
“I just... I get so scared at night.” Your cheeks were hot. “It’s so quiet, and dark. I feel like I’m the only person around for miles. I don’t know why I thought I could do this.”
"Living out here."
“hey, i beg to differ. yer already doin’ so much better than most who move to these parts.”
You looked up at him. Why did that tiny bit of praise make your heart swell so much? You didn’t feel like you were doing ‘better’. You’d just called your nearest neighbour at 2 in the morning to come save you from a spider. “But I’m always asking for help.”
“exactly. you’re askin’. that’s the important part.” His eyelights were so warm. “that’s how we make it work, out here. we help each other.”
Goddamnit. You were gonna cry again. You just about managed to choke it down.
“... the animal noises also probably freak you out too, huh?”
“Y-yeah, hah.”
“if you don’t know what yer hearin’, it can be pretty scary.”
... You sniffled.
“... you’re shaking. d’ya want me to stay?”
How did he know? He always just seemed to know. You nodded, meekly. You didn’t want to be alone right now, and you knew the house would feel even colder and emptier once you’d known how it felt while you had company.
“Will Papyrus be worried?”
“he knew i was headin’ out to help ya. he’ll be fine.”
... You didn’t need to say out loud where you wanted Sans to sleep. Both of you knew.
The two of you finally took off your coats, and Sans turned off the lights. His forest-coloured eyelights were the only illumination in the room. As soon as he shuffled into bed beside you, you gratefully curled up against him, he was so calming and so warm. He reciprocated, wrapping his big arms around you, his comforting smell soothing your shot nerves. 
“... Thank you.” Your voice was almost a whisper.
“yer really warm.” he hummed. “just so you know, i’m a bit of a snorer.”
You probably should’ve been more concerned, sharing a bed in a very secluded location with a guy you barely knew. But you didn’t have the energy for it. For the first time in a long time, you were warm, didn’t feel lonely, and weren’t worried at all about bugs. 
“I don’t mind.”
... It was the best night’s sleep you’d ever had.
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sorchathered · 2 months
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Break my heart again 🖤
Pairing- Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader
Warnings- language, angst, Jake being an idiot, Bradley being a douchebag
Summary- Jake broke your heart and regrets it more than he can say, what happens when he sees you again but you’ve moved on? Or have you?
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Jake Seresin could be a real son of a bitch. He knew it, everyone around him knew it, and after he broke your heart that rainy September night you knew it too. It played out like a bad romcom, “it’s not you it’s me, I’m just not ready to commit” all the pathetic vague bullshit that really just meant that he wanted to be able to be single and hang out with the boys instead of being “tied down” to you. It hurt, especially when it felt like it came out of nowhere. You had been thinking of forever, and apparently he’d been looking for an escape route. So you did what any heartbroken girl would do, got a new look, drank too much with the girls and blocked him from every social media you could.
That was nearly 4 years and two duty stations ago, all of Jake’s drinking buddies had grown up and had families, and now he was on the outside looking in a very different window. Longing for something he should have held on to, knowing it was too little too late.
He’d been back in California for almost a month, the special detachment had become permanent and it looked like the Dagger Squad was here to stay. He was in his own head while everyone headed out for the day, Coyote finally breaking him from his trance with his suggestion to meet everyone at the Hard Deck for dinner and drinks, a couple of the guys' families had made the move to Miramar and it would be a full house. Jake agreed, still in a fog but at least pretending to be interested in the prospect of meeting everyone.
Every night at the bar seemed to go the same these days, he’d drink a few beers, beat the brakes off everyone in darts, and take some pretty girl home only to kick her out in the morning. It was getting sad if he was honest, he hadn’t planned to be nearly 35 and alone, he figured he’d have a wife and at least a kid by now, he was tired of feeling sorry for himself. He needed to stop this endless cycle of bachelorhood, something had to change. He grabbed his beer from Penny and made his way to the pool tables, jolted from his pity party by the sound of the prettiest laugh he’d ever heard. He knew that laugh, hell it had haunted him for far too long. His eyes scanned the area, frantically searching for the face it belonged to, when there you were. Long hair in loose waves down your back, in a red sundress that could make a supermodel jealous, and your arms wrapped around none other than Bradley Bradshaw himself.
It was like all the air had been sucked out of the room, it was too hot and too loud, Jake felt like his skin was suddenly too tight for his body and he couldn’t seem to school his face to at least look normal. Javy’s wife Britt caught on that something was off, Jake was standing at the entrance of the pool area with his eyes wide and mouth gaping, so she kicked her husbands foot and ushered him to figure out what had his friend so shaken up.
But when he looked at Jake’s field of vision he knew, Bradshaw’s girl had looked familiar when they’d walked in but he couldn’t place her until now. He’d known you were Jake’s biggest regret, and he imagined seeing you in the arms of his biggest rival, probably stung like a bitch. He calmly made his way over, grasping his friend by the elbow and pivoting him towards the side exit, the night air would help, and maybe he could get him to spill his guts in the process.
Fuck this was a nightmare, he’d been thinking of you more and more lately these days, and seeing you in Rooster’s arms was enough to make him nearly throw up the contents of his stomach. He’d never felt this unsure of himself in his life and this was the final nail in the coffin. Coyote was worried, Hangman was never off his game, always the most cocksure bastard you’d ever met whether it be in the air or on the ground but this version of him was someone he’d never seen.
“Man come on, you gotta level with me. Was that y/n back there? I know that’s a sucker punch Seresin but you can’t let this drown you, it’s been what? Almost 4 years? You can’t seriously still be hung up on this” he shook his head in disbelief, his best friend had a wild reputation as a Casanova but somehow 30 seconds around this one girl had knocked him to his knees.
“She was everything. Everything you could hope for if you wanted to start a real lasting relationship and I tanked it before we even had a chance. I wanted to fuck around and sow my oats, what the fuck did that even do for me?! I’ve got nothing at home to keep my going, no one to miss me when I’m gone, and now she’s with fucking Bradshaw? Jesus. I don’t know if I can do this tonight man, I think I’m just gonna head out.” He smacks Javy on the arm and heads out to the lot, hating the sympathetic look he knows he’s getting from his friend.
Back in the bar everyone has noticed Jake’s abrupt exit, especially you. Leaning in to press his lips to your ear Bradley says “Well that took less time than I thought, you sure have got him twisted up honey.” He’s grinning, the little shit stirrer, and while you had expected more of a reaction you knew you were in for it when Jake finally got his head on straight.
You’d met Rooster in Japan, working as a medic while he was on a rotation around six months before. It had been a fun friends with benefits situation, no strings and while you couldn’t deny that the sex was phenomenal you were still in the mindset of settling down. Bradley knew that and had told you whenever you were ready to cut things off he’d respect it, you were a good friend and great company but he wasn’t marriage material and he knew it. So when he’d headed back to California and found out that not only was Hangman there, but that you were still hung up on him he had a golden opportunity. Fuck with Jake a little, and maybe get you your happily ever after, it made perfect sense to him even if you thought he was crazy for suggesting it. You couldn’t deny that it was working, Jake had been rattled and ran for the hills, maybe Rooster’s plan wasn’t so half brained after all.
Bradley made it his mission to irritate Jake as much as possible the following week, making sure to let everyone in his radius know he was taking lunch to his girlfriend, loudly answering your phone calls, even dropping flowers off at your office one day. It was maddening, Jake felt like he’d been deflated, he couldn’t even bring himself to string together a sentence when you were around not to mention how much you being around was affecting his ego.
He still hadn’t spoken to you since you saw him at the hard deck, you were so frustrated, you’d really thought he’d come show his ass and the two of you would have it out but it was almost like he didn’t even care you were here. You were so in your head as you headed for the elevator that you ran smack into a warm wall of muscle, dropping your files and your bag. “Oh shit I’m so sorry, I wasn’t even looking are you o-“ you cut off as you looked right into the pretty green eyes of your ex.
“Hey, yeah I’m ok, you alright? Here let me help you” he made quick work of gathering your stuff, accidentally brushing your hand as he handed you one of the files. You knew he felt it too by the sharp intake of breath, just being around each other was enough to bring it all back, it made you want to climb him like a tree and beg him to take you back. You were far too stubborn for that so you stepped away from him like his touch had set you on fire, for someone so uninterested in your presence he certainly looked offended by the action, brows creased with that pesky forehead vein poking out that you always used to pick on him for.
This was awkward, you’re not his anymore but being this close to you may drive him insane. Your perfume is the same, your hair is a little lighter but it suited you, and you looked so damn beautiful, just like you always had. He needed to say something, just staring at you was going to freak you out but he couldn’t find the words. Jesus when did he get so weird?! He muttered out a “see you later” and started to head back down the hall, but you grabbed his hand at the last second, yanking him back towards you.
“Ok what gives?! You’ve been so weird since I got here, I know things ended badly with us but you left me remember?”
“Oh trust me sweets, I remember. Biggest fucking mistake of my life.”
“I’m sorry…what?” He had to be fucking with you, this wasn’t what you expected at all.
“I did leave, and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever done. Fuck y/n I think it about it every damn day, I was stupid and thought I wanted to party my life away, all it left me with was a broken heart and an empty house. I know you’re with Bradshaw now so we shouldn’t even be talking like this-“
“I’m not with Bradley.” You blurted out. “I mean we dated for a little while but he knew how much you hurt me and couldn’t help himself. He certainly knows how to get under your skin.”
“Yeah well, I probably deserve it.” He said as he ran his hand over his face.
“You do” you said with a grin, but noticed he hadn’t let go of your hand.
“So you’re saying that you’re single then?” He said with his smug grin, all it took was knowing he had a chance to bring back the Hangman persona, you shook your head with a laugh, he was already reeling you in. “Yeah, yeah it looks like. Who’s asking?” He chuckled as he pulled you closer, hooking a finger under your chin.
“I am baby, and if I have it my way you won’t be for long.”
Stubbornness be damned, you’d had your fun and now all you wanted was to give in to whatever was causing the butterflies in your stomach, so you let him kiss you. Hot, heavy and definitely indecent considering the environment, you basked in what it felt like to have his lips on yours again. He pulled a way a little, reveling in the way you tried to chase his lips; maybe he had affected you more than you’d let on too. One thing was for sure, he wouldn’t break your heart again, he was already dreaming up ideas of forever, it finally seemed like you both were on the same page.
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🏷️ Tagging- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @attapullman @roosterforme @bradshawssugarbaby @bobgasm @sailor-aviator @goldenseresinretriever @sarahsmi13s @hangmansgbaby @sebsxphia @mynameismckenziemae
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shadowbriar · 4 months
George Weasley - What Matters
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Pairing : George Weasley x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 0.8k Warning : Takes place on the night after the Seven Potters event. Not proofread I'm too tired. Synopsis : Soothing conversation after what seems to be the greatest nightmare the couple had to live through. Notes : Part of Shadowbriar's 2024 Valentines Project. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
"Have you ever imagined a world where we’re not together?”
George frowns, lifting from the bed to lay on his side, his arm supporting his head. He watches her closely, seeing the glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes. Supposed the nightmare of him arriving at the Burrow with blood soaking his shirt earlier was still etched in her mind. 
The plan was a success, should one argue. Their objective was met. Harry is now safe and sound, sleeping in Ron’s room like a baby. Though some sacrifices needed to be made, loss to mourn and cry for, at least knowing that what they fought for was achieved would be the softer side of the bed they’ll sleep on tonight.
“No, never.” He says firmly, trying to provide some comfort for her “Why would I ever think that?”
She shrugs, “Reasons.”
Gently, George reaches for her hand and places it to his chest. He hopes that it could ease her wary mind a little. He wanted her to feel his heart beat, to feel his heat, to feel him. He knows that it would take more than sweet words and tender embraces tonight to get them through the night, to get them just a blink of sleep no matter how sore and aching their bodies are, but he has no idea how else he could comfort her when he too was still a little shaken from the event that occurred.
“I’m sorry,” She whispers, her voice shaky as she tries her best not to let the tears fall “I should be the one comforting you, but I just—”
“Shh, it’s alright, Darling,” George says as he pulls her close “It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“I could have lost you.”
“But you didn’t,” He reassures, patting her head gently “You’ll never lose me.”
“But I almost did, George. I almost lost you.”
“Love,” George pulls away a little, staring deep into her eyes with that boyish smile “It would take much more than Voldy’s gothic underling to keep us apart, trust me.”
She forces a smile, one that didn’t truly reach her eyes. Her stare was still vacant, like she’s trying to comprehend her surroundings and finding firm stepping after the rug beneath her feet was pulled. There has been no greater horror, no bigger fear and terror than the one she felt a couple hours ago.
“I can’t lose you,” She says to him “I just can’t.”
“I know. I can’t lose you, either.” He says gently, caressing her cheek “I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
“What’s left of you, you mean.”
George raised an eyebrow, “Meaning?”
“You lack an ear,” She tries to jest, smiling slightly bigger though her eyes still welled of tears “Can’t decide if it makes you lose a couple points in the appearance department or if it enhances it.”
“The latter, of course. You have one hell of an unkillable boyfriend,” He says proudly, grinning “Reckon muggles write it on their papers? A bloody ear fell from the sky. Imagine the horror!”
Her laughter finally breaks. Though it didn’t last as long as George wished it would, the lingering smile on her lips was enough to tell him that the storm is slowly passing. Gently, he leans in and kisses her. How the night went by was certainly unideal but now that she’s here, laying on his bed, everything feels alright. Like the pain on his ear was reduced into a slight itch and the soreness of his body was caused by nothing but a typical quidditch practice.
The sigh she let go as they parted lifted tons of her burden. The corners of her lips were still curled, satisfied with the solace they could both find in each other though chaos still unravels around them. It was modest and unadorned, but much more than enough to soothe both of their scarred minds.
“I love you,” She says softly “I don’t want to ever imagine a world without you.”
“Then don’t,” George answers “Don’t imagine it, don’t think about it, don’t worry about it because it would never happen. It’s us or nothing, remember? That’s all that matters.”
She chuckles, “That’s a bit extreme now, init? Us or nothing?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have anyone other than you,” He argues, raising an eyebrow “Do you have anyone you’d have other than me?”
“There’s a short list of possible names.” She jokes once again “You’re in my top three at the moment, honestly.”
“I hate you.”
“Okay, top five now from that comment.”
George let out a satisfied laughter, pulling her head close to his chest that she could feel the echo of his chuckle and the steady beating of his heart. Her arms now encircle his waist. There seems to be too much space between them tonight though their bodies were cramped together on such a tiny bed. No close is close enough for the two right now.
“I hope you know I didn’t mean that.” She whispers to his shirt “There could be no one but you.”
“I know,” George says, planting a kiss to the crown of her head “I know, Sweetheart, I know.”
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cutielando · 4 months
why don’t we go there? ~ mick schumacher
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Summary: Rising pressure, public hate, anxiety, neglect. Those were the only words able to describe the relationship between Y/N and Mick ever since he stepped into the F1 spotlight. Is their relationship strong enough to survive?
Words: 1.2k+
Other works: my masterlist
The clock in front of your eyes moved incredibly slow. As you inched closer and closer to the paddock, your heart began beating out of its chest.
Some time ago, coming to the paddock to watch the race was a dream come true. You enjoyed every moment of it, feeling like you were a dream and you never wanted to wake up.
But now, that dream turned into a nightmare.
You knew the risks you were taking when you began your relationship with Mick, seeing the other partners and what they had to go through just for being with a driver.
Ever since you announced your relationship to the public, the problems started creeping in.
Fights between the two of you, his fans dragging you through the mud, the media outlets tearing your relationship to shreds from the outside.
You felt like a stranger into your own relationship, like an outsides looking in as everything was going to shit right under their eyes.
It tore you apart. Every Grand Prix you attended represented another nail in the coffin of your relationship with Mick.
You blinked, hearing Mick’s voice calling out to you.
Looking out the window, you noticed that you were already in the paddock parking lot, Mick having already turned the car engine off.
“Sorry, I was just thinking” you forced a smile out of you, trying to mask how much you dreaded going into the paddock.
Mick eyed you suspiciously, but nodded nonetheless.
You thanked God that he couldn’t read through tour facade, not wanting to risk having another fight with him in such a public place.
After you got out of the car, Mick reached out and took your hand in his, trying to give you a sense of comfort. But even he knew that it was in vain.
“Why are you so tense?” he asked, scanning your passes and smiling at some photographers.
You smiled with him, not as naturally as you would’ve maybe liked.
“I’m not, I’m just a little tired. Didn’t sleep that well last night” you said, hoping he would buy it.
Of course, he wouldn’t even know how you slept last night. He came back to your hotel room late, opting to crash on the couch instead of your shared bed.
He nodded, not giving you a second thought as you approached the Mercedes garage.
Just like he always did.
“I’m gonna go talk to my engineer before practice. Find a place to sit and do your thing” he said, giving you a chaste kiss on your forehead before disappearing.
You sighed, looking around at the place your boyfriend had been calling home for years now. And yet, despite the many times that you had been inside that very garage, you felt more as an outsider than ever before.
Between the neglect you were suffering from Mick, the hate you were receiving from his fans, the way the media was painting you as a bad influence on Mick, you didn't feel you belonged anywhere in his world.
"Y/N?" you were shaken out of your thoughts once again, meeting George's worried eyes scanning you.
"Oh, hi George. Sorry, I'll be out of your way" you grabbed your purse tighter and went to leave and go to the hospitality, but he grabbed your arm to stop you from walking away.
"Are you okay? You were spaced out for a good while there" his expression was worried, which was exactly what you had wanted to avoid.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired. I'm gonna go hang out in hospitality, wish you guys luck with your practice" you nodded and left before George could say another word.
Being alone in your hotel room while your boyfriend was out somewhere with his team allowed you time to contemplate.
You loved Mick, and you loved being with him. But lately, it seemed like you were the only one present in the relationship. He would barely touch you, look at you or speak to you when you would be alone together.
You had never thought that going public would cause your relationship to completely collapse. It broke your heart, and you didn't know what to do to fix it. If there was even anything left to fix.
The door opening grabbed your attention. "Y/N?" Mick called out, his footsteps growing louder as he came closer and closer to the bedroom.
You quickly tried to wipe your tears, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell you had been crying. But you weren't fast enough.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, his voice not sounding bothered at all.
"I know something's wrong. Tell me what's going on with you"
Maybe it was his tone, or maybe it was his choice of words, or maybe simply the fact that you were so tired of holding everything in that prompted you to completely break down and let everything out.
"We're not doing okay, Mick. Ever since we went to the paddock together for the first time, nothing has been the same. We barely talk to each other, you barely touch me or look at me unless you have to, your fans and the media are tearing me to shreds, calling me a gold digger and saying I'm only with you for your money and your fame and you couldn't care less. I barely see you anymore, it seems like you're doing everything to make sure you're not around me. You're staying out late, I don't know where you are half of the time and you can't wait to ditch me whenever we go somewhere together. I'm tired of fighting for a relationship that I'm not sure is worth fighting for" and with that you started sobbing, curling up on the bed and hiding your face in your hands.
Mick was shocked beyond words.
He knew he had been in the wrong. He realized he had been doing exactly what you had said. He'd been neglecting you, and the worst part was the fact that he didn't have an answer as to why. He saw the hate that you had been getting, and he didn't think it was worth it to say something in your defense. Why? He didn't know.
But as he heard your sobs fill the room and saw your body shaking with the intensity of your crying, he realized how much of an asshole he had been towards you.
"Shhh" he enveloped you in his arms, hugging you tightly and squeezing you close.
This was the first time he had touched you in weeks, you had even forgotten what his embrace felt like. In your vulnerable state, you forgot about the last few weeks, the hate and everything, completely melting in the arms of your boyfriend.
"It's okay, I'm here, let it all out" he kept whispering in your ear, kissing the top of your head and petting your hair.
As you slowly started to calm down, you didn't make a move to pull away from him, having missed his touch too much.
"Can we talk now?" his voice was soft, in contrast with the icy tone he had had when he had come back to the room.
You nodded, clearing your throat and slowly pulling away from him.
"I know I've been a shitty boyfriend lately, and there's no excuse for how I've been acting. I've been under a lot of stress from the team and I've been taking it out on you, which you didn't deserve. I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, I'm sorry for not standing up for you to my fans and the internet and I'm sorry I haven't been around. I love you, and I promise that I'm gonna do better, I'm gonna be a better boyfriend and I'm never going to make you feel like this ever again" he was holding your face in his hands, his eyes tearing up.
You knew you shouldn't cave in so easily, make him work for it more than this. But you loved him, and you could never resist him.
"I love you too" you whispered, caressing his cheek and connecting your lips, sighing at the feeling you had been missing.
Despite your rough patch, you both knew you were going to be alright, as long as you had each other.
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kentopedia · 1 year
hi! i just found your account and WOAH you’re so so talented!! i loved your sleepy cuddles with dazai and i wanted to request sleepy cuddles with chuuya maybe?🫶🫶 sorry about the red text, it suddenly changed my normal text to black on a black background so i cant see what i write unless i change the color 😫
sleepy cuddles w/ chuuya
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*:・☆— wc: 1.6k *:・☆ chuuya nakahara x gn!reader
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You heard the soft and steady thrum of music coming from the other side of the threshold as you unlocked the door to your apartment, releasing all of the tension in your shoulders. It was a Saturday night, and you’d been away from home for almost a week, low on sleep and energy. You felt like you were one step away from falling to the floor and sleeping in the middle of the hallway.
It was just after midnight. You’d had a hotel room booked for the night, but when your job finished this morning, you’d hopped on the earliest train back to Yokohama, desperate to be back home.
The scent of freshly burned candles instantly washed over you, and the further you stepped into the apartment, you realized the only source of light was coming from the waxy flames. The curtains had been drawn closed, though a sliver of moonlight filtered through the cracks, shimmering over your couch like a beacon.
You dropped your bag on the floor, throwing your keys onto the side table. “Chuuya?” He was definitely home. It was cool in the apartment—he always turned it down much colder than you preferred. “I’m home.”
You waited, and after a moment, received no response. The relaxing piano filtered down the hall; it was likely too loud in the other room. He wouldn’t be able to hear you.
Tiredly, you kicked your shoes off, slumping down on the sofa as you indulged in the classical music.
The tune lulled you into relaxation, and you closed your eyes, feeling beautifully soothed. In your wearied state, you couldn’t help but drift off to sleep, falling into a dream as you let your body sink deeper and deeper into the couch cushions.
Minutes later—though it had felt a lot longer than that in your exhausted state—you were shaken awake, a gentle voice calling your name.
“Hm?” you blinked your eyes open, wondering how you could’ve fallen so quickly into a deep sleep. “Chuuya?”
“What are you doing sleeping out here?” he asked with a quiet laugh, tracing your cheek with nothing but his fingertips. “I didn’t think you’d be home this early.”
You yawned, snuggling deeper into the sofa. His hand was warm against your skin, and you leaned into it, threading your fingers with his own. “I didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to come home.”
Chuuya’s smile widened, his teeth showing through. “You should’ve called me.”
“Wanted to surprise you.” Never before had it felt so impossible to keep your eyes open, even as Chuuya bent down to kiss you on the forehead, dragging his mouth down the bridge of your nose until it was ghosting over your own lips. “Now I’m too tired.”
He laughed, the sound warm and so much like home. Hair tumbled over his shoulder, tickling your face as he bent over you. “I can see that.” He tugged your arm, trying to pull you to your feet, though you were dead weight, glued to the couch. You fought against him, grunting out a sound of displeasure.
“I don’t want to get up,” you said, but Chuuya still managed to pull you into a seated position as he stood, straightening his back. You fell forward and rested your cheek against his hip, the sharp bone poking into the thin skin around your jaw. He smelled clean, and the aroma of soap was freshly scrubbed into him. Chuuya must’ve been in the shower when you’d arrived. “Too tired.”
“Come on, sweetheart. You can’t be comfortable in those clothes.” He ignored your protests, scooping you up off the couch like you weighed nothing, and carried you back into the bathroom.
You closed your eyes, barely processing the action of being held above ground, everything experienced through the haze that came with days of minimal sleep. You weren’t sure how much of your weight was held up by his own strength, or if it was his ability assisting him.
Chuuya’s t-shirt was soft against your cheek, and you could hear the steady thump of his heart through the ribcage, just inches below your ear. You smiled to yourself, caught in a sleep-deprived state.
He turned a lamp on, sitting you on the bed as you gazed after him with half-closed eyes.
“Love you.” The words were saccharine, dripping from your tongue with the sickness of adoration.
He was, briefly, caught off guard as he sorted through your dresser for a fresh change of clothes. Though you had said it to him more than enough times, he always froze like it was the first, the smile only slowly appearing. His eyes morphed into the shape of hearts, every line in his face softening. “I love you too. I’m glad you got home safe.”
Chuuya came back over to you with the clothes in his hand and took his time gently peeling your dirty shirt from your skin. As carefully as he could, he swapped the clothes you had traveled in for pajamas, and you stared back at him sleepily, wondering how you’d gotten so lucky. Before he finished his task, he made sure to rub in your favorite lotion, massaging the muscles that had grown tight and sore from the assignment.  
Finally, he scratched his fingers into your scalp, and you relaxed, slumping back onto the bed. Just as you thought you were going to get to drift off into another peaceful sleep, Chuuya had shoved you back to your feet disgracefully.
“Chuuya,” you whined as he tugged you into the bathroom with determination. “I want to sleep.”
“You’ll be mad at me in the morning if I let you do that.” He rubbed small circles into your wrist as you stumbled after him, feeling like you weren’t attached to your feet at all. Though the light was dimmed, it still felt like a bright fluorescent against your retinas.
“Sit,” he said, gesturing to the counter.
You sighed loudly, making sure he knew exactly how much of an inconvenience this all was. Still, you did what he asked of you.
As you watched with drooping eyes, Chuuya gathered the products for your nightly routine, omitting the ones he knew you wouldn’t mind missing for a day. Then, he gently scrubbed your face, running a cloth over your skin before getting all of the soap completely off.
“I feel like a baby.” You leaned back against the mirror, but even with your comment, you didn’t protest when Chuuya massaged moisturizer into your skin, taking care of you with focused eyes. His cool, slender fingers felt nice against the tension of your jaw.  
“Do it yourself, then.” He stopped, momentarily, before laughing quietly.
With your eyes closed, you poked your tongue out at him. “Don’t want to.”
“Yeah.” Chuuya leaned forward to press his lips against your own, the hint of wine lingering on there as usual. He pulled away much too soon, leaving you trailing after him without a conscious thought. “That’s what I thought. You just relax and look pretty for me, okay? Shouldn’t be too hard.”
Despite your annoyance, you smiled, feeling much too pampered, even when he shoved a toothbrush into your mouth, scraping each crevice with practiced care, poking your cheek in amusement. You spit the minty taste out to rinse your mouth, finally slumping your head against Chuuya’s shoulder. Drained, you closed your eyes and yawned heavily, looking forward to a good night’s rest more than anything.
“Can I go to sleep now?” you asked, and his body shook with laughter, fingers dancing patterns across your spine.
“Sure, baby. Come on.”
Once more, he pulled you to your feet, but you went with ease, knowing that there would finally be some relief at the end of it all. The bed was a welcoming haven, the mattress softer than you’d remembered. The pillow felt like a cloud when you finally closed your eyes, humming out a great sigh as you settled down.
Chuuya made his way across the room and finished getting ready for bed before finally turning off all the lights and blowing out the candles. Somehow, you’d managed to stay awake until he’d crawled into the bed, sneaking up behind you.
“Thank you,” you said quietly as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his usually warm body. He pressed a kiss into your spine, squeezing you against him.
“Well at least you’re being sweet about it now.” He groaned, but you could hear the underlying humor in his voice, knew he was only joking as he snuck two fingers under your shirt, rubbing circles into your side. “I just wanted to help, and all you did was complain.”
“I wanted to go to sleep,” you explained, and he snorted, snaking a knee between your thighs.
“Right,” he scoffed. “If you’re so tired, then why are you still talking to me?”
You only groaned, pinching his arm to keep him from making any more comments. “I was waiting for you." You dialed up the charm in your voice, silky with sleep. "I missed you, was all."
Though he huffed, he buried his face into your back, breathing you in quietly. "I missed you too."
Chuuya kissed your shoulder before turning you on your other side, facing him. His features were barely discernible in the dark room, though his lips brushed the tip of your nose, his breath warm against your cheeks.
You smiled, shutting your eyes once more as you settled against his chest, holding his hand loosely under blanket. Another yawn escaped you, and you let it go without a care, feeling the edges of a dream take over you.
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author's note: thank you so much anon <3 i hope you enjoy! no need to apologize about the text. i feel like that's been happening to a lot of ppl for some reason!
dazai version here!!
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bearw-me · 1 month
"The dark feathers of her wings expanding like a protective wall around her back to yours." DID SOMETHING TO ME. That fic was TOO good I swear
Soooo, could I request a lute x fem!reader where they're in an argument and like the reader is really calm during it, but Lute is just yelling until she actually says something that strikes a cord within reader and upsets her. Maybe something reader told her in confidence or something Lute knew would hurt her feelings.
But anyways the moment the words leave her mouth Lute's surprised by her own actions and immediate regrets it - especially when she notices the tears in readers eyes before she storms out and locks herself away.
Yada yada lute apologizes her and it ends in a cuddle session with lute wrapping her wings around her!
I'm just really in the mood for angst to fluff 💀. Sorry if this is too long!
thank you so muchh ( TT-TT ) and no request is too long! the more info i gots the better!
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 — 𝐋𝐮𝐭𝐞.
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𐐒 includes : lute x fem!reader 𐐒 cw : angst to fluff, cuddling, swearing 𐐒 summary : during an argument lute says something she regrets, and she'd like to make it up to you 𐐒 word count : 1 k 𐐒 note : i fear i may be too angsty
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“Lute,” you tried, voice knotted into a whisper as she screamed at you relentlessly.
“On the promenade!! The FUCKING PROMENADE!” She screamed through her teeth like a banshee, pulling at her scalp in frustration. “Why the fuck would you do that! What is wrong with you!”
“Lute,” you tried again, feeling her words stabbing at your heart like a knife.
‘What is wrong with you!’
You knew better than to try and fight her, or even try to touch her when she was worked up like this. . . but you’ve never seen her like this.
The righteous angel’s wings, unfurled with a fury so hot that they broke everything around it. The sound of broken glass made you cringe, a picture of the two of you shattered beside the nightstand.
You stopped trying, screwing your lips shut as you watched on with a blank face-cracked with pain as you laid witnessed Lute’s wraith.
Feather’s breaking from her wings as they fluttered in agony, her finger pointed accusingly at your chest “I’M FUCKING DONE WITH YOU! NO WONDER YOU THOUGHT YOU WEREN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR HEAVEN.”
And then it sunk in deeper and faster than her spear ever could:
The world just seemed to stop.
Her wings fell. The whirlwind of her rage stopping immediately, sweeping your hair across your bubbling eyes.
You stared at her incredulously, her eyes popped open in surprise.
She knew how to hurt you. . .
And she did.
You felt your heart smash to pieces, tears and gross sobs wracking your body so fiercely you could’ve sworn she had physically hurt you.
But maybe you’d have preferred that.
Before she could reach out to you and grab you or try to coax an apology through to you by whispering your name, you stormed out of the bedroom. The image of your white tiled floors beneath you; form already hugging your knees to your chest as you cried violently. The sounds of the door being shaken behind you a long-faded noise in your mind.
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Who knows how long you were in that bathroom until the tears had dried against your face. You stared up at the ceiling, aching everywhere, and tired. So tired. It had been some time since you’ve cried like that, you thought bittersweetly. And like a trigger you saw Lute’s face in your mind, her lips replaying the worst memory you’d ever received.
You sniffled, turning onto you side with a soft groan. The tiles were hard against your skin, but since you’ve been here a while, they were nice and hot against your face.
You managed a glance at the door, Lute had abandoned it for a while now, leaving you alone to your thoughts and to process the whole thing. . . but you didn’t know if you liked it.
Having her gone was nice. . . but was she gone?
Lute. . .
You scraped yourself from the floor, bare skin padding against the cool tiles. You were just tired, and over this fight, maybe you could think about it more when you had sleep.
The bathroom door creaked open, flooding the dark bedroom with a harsh white light. To your surprise, it revealed Lute laying on the bed, pillows thrown around her back like usual, laying on her side. The massive wings of the angel covering her like a blanket.
It always reminded you of a crab in its shell, the way she liked to protect herself when she slept.
A soft sigh slipped from your lips, and you rounded your side of the bed, reaching to lift her wing up and away so you could rest.
The moment your fingertips grazed one of her primary feathers her entire wing recoiled with a shuttering noise. You stared at her, revealed to you like a precious pearl in a dark, dark place. She had been crying some too. Her eyeliner had run and smeared itself all over her eyelids like a grey mask.
Lute lifted her wing up, extending her arm out on the bed and pulling her legs up in a silent offer. An olive branch of peace.
You tried not to smile, crawling into your normal place with her, face to face on the soft mattress. It felt way better than the tiled floor of the bathroom, especially with her warmth against your chest.
Lute snuggled into your face, never once letting go of your eyes when she spoke the simple: “I’m sorry.”
Silence felt better for you, or maybe you could muster the energy to reply to her. She was just so warm around you. Her wings encasing your body like a cloud. No one ever brought it up, but feathers were always good at keeping their warmth in.
“I only said that because I knew,” she trailed off for a moment, “I knew it would hurt you the most.”
It was quiet again for a minute.
You let your eyes adjust to the darkness and welcomed a short sleep in her arms before the two of you jolted awake, a loud snore breaking the silence.
The tender rays of morning were drifting through the rooms shear curtains. It was morning already.
You turned to Lute, missing her innocently before you realized she was awake too, already looking at you with her golden eyes. “Do you think you’d like to sleep in today? I’m too tired.”
You smiled “Yes.”
“Back to bed then.”
She pulled you in closer, skin against skin in the way that felt most familiar to you both. You smiled into her neck, and you could feel her smile too.
With a newfound burst of love, the cuddly aggression took over the both of you. Your hands going up her ribs and around her shoulders while she rubbed your back, legs locking you in as close as she could muster you. Fully appreciating the feeling of your body next to hers.
“I love you,” she stated, eyes flickering down to your lips before hers crashed into yours.
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ashdreams2023 · 1 month
Can I please request hcs for Loki x reader who experience nightmares? And maybe how he would react and help the reader ? :)
Loki x reader who has nightmares
It was something you were genuinely anxious about and made you rethink spending the night a million times
But all that needed to be dealt with since you were already moving in with him in the averagers compound
The first few nights were fine and you slept most of the night without any upsetting dreams
Then fourth night rolled, you were extra tired and went to bed early, the dream was suffocating and you felt like you couldn’t scream or that anyone can help you
You only woke up when Loki shook you awake, your eyes were watery and your body shaken
"It’s ok it’s ok, it’s only a bad dream"
You wanted to cry, because wtf is wrong with you?! You just had to ruin his this streak
Loki could tell you were still upset about the whole thing because the next night you offered to sleep somewhere else to not disturb him but he wouldn’t allow
You still had nightmares that night but he held you and did the same as the night before, caressed your head and let you calm down
The feeling of shame was something hard to get rid off but Loki was willing to help you not feel in such way
"I don’t know why they wouldn’t stop…I’m so sorry" "don’t be daft, you can not control your dreams"
He shares his own experience with nightmares, he explains how he used to wake up drenched in sweat and screaming
"We can try some things to calm you down, if it makes you feel better" 
"That would be…nice, thank you"
Loki introduced you to old Asgardian herbs, they calm your nerves and they tasted nice in the form of tea or you’ll add them to cakes and have it as a snack
You slept better, you still had nightmares but they were less aggressive
He rubbed your shoulders before bed with some oils and basically lulu you to sleep
Loki had his fair share of them too but he always woke up and looked down at you then sighed, he will curl up by your side and fall back to sleep
Also you wouldn’t know this but he places calming charms all over the bed
"I don’t think I’ve had this much peaceful sleep since I was like…forever?"
"Don’t think about it, I’m pleased to see my dove happy and well rested"
"Truly my knight in dark armor" "thank you for acknowledging my aesthetic"
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angelbaby-fics · 5 months
Hi!!! Could I please have one where the cg is bucky and they get into a minor car accident because of ice or something. and little!reader is just so shaken up that bucky just has to calm them down.
Thank you!!!!
Icy Road
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Word Count: 1k
Warning: A small car accident! Nobody gets hurt but I know it can still be scary 💕
A/N: Thank you for requesting this!! Car accidents are actually one of my biggest fears, and I was actually involved in a little bump a couple weeks ago 😰 everyone was okay & unharmed but I was quite shaken up after the fact & writing this was actually very therapeutic for me 💕
You were full, you were happy, but you were exhausted. Tony’s annual Christmas party was everything he’d promised it would be and more, and you’d been kept up long past your bedtime for the special occasion. Bucky was never one for parties, but your excitement made him a willing participant in the holiday festivities. It only took a batting of your pretty little eyelashes to make him emerge from his designated brooding spot in the corner to color with you, and soon coloring became decorating ornaments, and by the end of the night he was laughing with glitter in his hair. It was the first time since he’d joined the Avengers that he’d ever stayed until the end of a party, and he could get used to it. 
As he drove home through the dark winter night, Bucky couldn’t help but smile at himself. What a perfect night it had been. Your head lolled to the side and rested against your shoulder, and the movement caught Bucky’s eye in the rearview mirror. You were so peaceful in your slumber, the slightest hint of a smile peeking from behind your paci. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, even though he knew he should. Especially on an icy night like this. 
When he finally tore his eyes away from you, the car was drifting to the middle of the road. There were no other cars, not out here, but Bucky still corrected the car a little too hard, a little too quickly. The tires skidded on the slick ice and sent the car into a spin, picking up speed until eventually you landed in a snowbank beside the road. The collision wasn’t enough to put more than a dent in the car, but the sudden shift in motion startled you awake, and your cries began to pierce the silence of the snowy night. 
Bucky’s first and only reaction was to unbuckle his seatbelt and immediately run to join you in the back seat. He slid in beside you and scanned his eyes over your entire body, checking for injuries. 
“Are you okay, baby? Are you hurt?” He panted, afraid to touch you in case you were injured. Once he confirmed you were fine, save for an accelerated heart rate, he unfastened your seatbelt and pulled you into his lap. It broke Bucky’s heart how desperately you clung to him, grasping at his sweater with frantic fingers. He massaged your back in soothing circles, shushing rhythmically and softly in your ear, but to no avail. 
“I’m so sorry baby, I’m so sorry. It’s okay now, I promise.” Bucky chanted to you over and over. “I’m so, so sorry my baby.”
He sat there like that with you for as long as you cried; he would have stayed there until the sun came up if he needed to. Even after you’d stopped crying, he held you there a little longer. He couldn’t bring himself to let go. Even though neither of you were injured and the car was an easy fix, Bucky couldn’t help the guilt gnawing at him. He’d gotten distracted, he’d been reckless, but worst of all, he’d scared you. If he’d been alone in the car he wouldn’t care, but seeing your fear as a result of his thoughtless actions made his heart ache. It made him question if he even deserved to be a caregiver after this. 
“It's okay, daddy.” You said, so softly he almost didn’t hear it. 
“What’s that doll?” Bucky looked down at you. 
“It’s okay,” you lifted your head from his chest and looked up at him, dried tears streaked across your cheeks. “Was an accident, right?”
“It was, but I’m still sorry.” Bucky hugged you tightly to him. The snow had stopped falling by the time he’d pulled over, so there was no risk of being snowed into the spot. Bucky leaned over towards your backpack in the front seat as delicately as he could, not wanting to disturb you as he felt you falling back asleep. The pacifier you’d been using earlier had fallen to the floor of the car, so he found a new one in your backpack and gently maneuvered your head to give it to you. He then found one of your blankies he’d packed and covered you with it. He stayed there with you until he felt your breathing fully steady and slow down. He could tell when you fell asleep, the subtle little things only he could pick up like your muscles relaxing and your eyes flicking behind your eyelids as your dreams began to unfold. Bucky held you a little while longer to make sure your dreams stayed pleasant, hoping the events of the night wouldn’t manifest into a nightmare. Once he was confident you were dreaming of nothing but sugarplums, he kissed your forehead and placed you back into your car seat. 
It took every bone in Bucky’s body not to keep watch on you sleeping in the backseat. You were only a few minutes from home, he knew he could get you home safely. As soon as he pulled the car into the garage and turned it off, he couldn’t get out and to your door quickly enough. He managed to keep you asleep as he lifted you into his arms, carrying you into the house and disabling the alarm system without so much as a stir. 
Bucky decided that after the events of the night, he couldn’t stand to be even a room away from you. Instead of setting you down in your crib as he got himself ready for bed, he placed you right down on his own bed. It was like you could sense the safety of your new setting, you stretched out your limbs before curling up into the comfort of your daddy’s pillows. 
Bucky finally let out the breath he’d been holding since the accident. He was used to being hard on himself, but taking care of you was slowly teaching him grace. The sight of you safely slumbering in his bed despite what you’d been through was proof enough to him that he could change for the better.
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