#sometimes i just need to be the daddy/mommy figure i desire to be
wiz-the-changeling · 2 months
Hello followers,
Yeah, I've been keeping this a secret for a reason, but I think it's finally time to come out: I'm a changeling.
The only thing that's changed is that you know I'm a fairy (and I shape shift into humanoids)
That is all enjoy your day
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max1461 · 5 months
Ok, here's the hill I'm gonna die on: I hate the concept of "chores". I hate it both in the context of parenting, and in the context of romantic relationships. A "chore" is something that you do because you were made to do it by an authority figure. Nobody likes that, and rightly so. But, living in an imperfect world as we do, there are various tasks that need doing. And when we care about each other, helping with these tasks and seeking help with these tasks are some of the most significant things we can do to show it. I think all our thinking around "chores" should flow from that.
Like, if you are a parent, bringing your kids in to help with the Very Important Tasks that the grow-ups do can be presented like an offer, not a command. The kid gets to help! They get to participate! They get to be needed! That feels good, and teaches them skills they'll need when fending for themselves later in life. It's not a chore that you must do, it's "come help mommy and/or daddy with this Important Grown-up Business". In my experience, most kids like that kind of opportunity. And not only does this give them practice helping others, it also teaches them that it's ok to ask for help, and that tasks are things which are often best approached as a team.
Yes, probably kids are still sometimes not going to want to participate. To me this is a heartening thing, however inconvenient it may be in the moment—I like when kids feel the strength to advocate for their own desires—but, you know, sometimes tasks still need to be done, so handle this how you will. But just not presenting things as "chores" from the get-go is I think a good place to start.
As for "chores" in relationships... I do get how, ya know, if a relationship partner says "you need to start doing more chores around here" or something, that could feel bad. Because, it's like, they're framing themselves as an authority figure who gets to assign chores; that would feel bad to anybody! But at the same time it's like, ok—life is full of tasks that need doing, as mentioned above. And if you love and care about someone, if you claim to have their back, shouldn't you want to help ease the load of all those fucking tasks they're burdened with? Isn't that a big part of what caring for someone is all about?
Relationships require labor, and figuring out how to set up an equitable distribution of labor in a relationship can be a genuinely hard problem. Especially if one or both partners are disabled, and things like that. I can't tell you how to do that for you and your situation. But I think a good place to start from is both partners thinking of it like "I care about you, so I want to help you with all these tasks, I want to help make your life easier". Not as, you know, "these are all the chores I/they have to do". That's why it's actually important for both partners to put in their fair share of labor in a relationship. Not because either is an authority figure who has the ability to assign "chores" to the other, but because when two (or more) adults have decided to live together and be committed to each other and face life together, they should be working to make each other's lives better and not worse, taking care of each other, and cooperating to fight The Tasks together is generally a pretty fundamental part of that.
And if your partner isn't helping you with The Tasks, it's not that they're a disobedient child who won't do chores, it's that they're an adult who's meant to be your ally in life but who isn't living up to all the responsibilities of that role, isn't helping take care of the things that need doing. And that's not a fair or compassionate way to treat someone that you're supposed to be a partner to.
Idk if any of that makes sense. I just don't like the concept of "chores" ok. We're all oppressed by The Tasks and helping each other with The Tasks is one of the most important ways we reach out, connect, show love and affection, and express our responsibilities and commitments to each other. I just don't think there's ever a case where it's good to frame it as "chores".
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aleksanderscult · 5 months
Analyzing "Demon in the Wood" (book) - Part 1
(Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5)
Apparently you seemed to really want this (and so did I 😏) so here is the first part of me analyzing one of the best and, simultaneously, most heartbreaking books in the Grishaverse.
I'll analyze the Graphic Novel after I finish with the book.
(Warning ⚠️: get the tissues)
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This book got depressing from the first page.
It's really sad that Eryk (I'm going to call him Eryk in this meta) already knows that neither otkazat'sya nor Grisha will ever accept them. They are unnatural even to the Grisha. Something to be feared and held in a distance. They have powers themselves, they are Grisha. But their rarity makes them both prized and frightening. They cannot truly belong even with their own people.
He already feels like an outcast at his thirteen. And it makes him bitter, sad and lonely.
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That kid has been physically and emotionally ruined. Remember, that all these injuries are a result of him trying to make friends.
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If I were him, I would have three panic attacks, two breakdowns, six outbursts of tears and screams and then I would be knocked out for a week. ☠️
And that boy managed to lie convincingly after an attempted murder against him. He's a natural.
A result of him lying his whole life about:
1) his name
2) his parentage
2) where he came from
4) and all the other things I can't remember now
He has been lying his whole life so much that it comes out naturally to him.
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Imagine how frightened he was from that attack to scream and yell so much to the point that his voice was almost gone.
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It's so sweet how he calls her "Madraya" 🥺 (for those who don't know, it means "mom", "mommy"😭)
It's also sad (the word "sad" is going to be used 29383 times for this meta) how he doesn't allow himself to feel vulnerable and affectionate with his mother like the little boy he is. He wants to. But can't. Baghra keeps telling him how tough he must be (fuck that honestly 😒). But even ourselves feel the need to seek the comfort of our mother or father sometimes. For them to hug us and tell us it's alright. And Eryk feels that too but can't express it and just represses it. 😔
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To play with his new friend, become carefree and have fun. To know how these feelings feel like for once. To become the child he is and go on an adventure!
But that joy was taken from him.
Now he feels ashamed. What will his mother think of him? A foolish child that went off to play. That's not what she taught him at all. He gave in to his boyish desires and he feels embarrassed for it. No child should feel like that honestly. 😔
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As much as I don't like Baghra exactly, this is badass. That look must have been deadly af.
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Seriously, I know Baghra had a difficult life and all. But would it hurt you if you hugged him just once??
I bet that lack of physical affection had affected him to the point that he MUST had been touch starved. It's no wonder he kept touching Alina whenever he could. The name reveal scene comes to mind now. When he took her hands and guided them around his waist. He's craving love.🥲
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Ah, yes, he also has daddy issues.
He never met his father and his mother refused to even speak of him. Heck, he probably never even had a father figure in his life. And it's not like Baghra said "He was a good man" and all. She talked about him as a meaningless mortal figure that is beneath him. Just a person that is only dust. Not his father.
(Baghra, I'm in your walls for traumatizing our boy🔪)
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Can you imagine how many times they had to do that? Him practicing his new name, his new lines every month like a parrot that imitates words? Not only did he not have a home but also people to connect with and a name (his true name) for everyone to know. His whole life he was hiding his true self.
Anyway, that's all Tumblr allows me to write for now. We will continue in part 2, babes 💛
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crisiscutie · 1 year
since we had Sephiroth with his mommy issues, how would it go with him having a darling that has daddy issues?
They both tend to switch sometimes though; when darling is in need of emotional affection and stability, Sephiroth becomes the daddy and when Sephiroth is need of emotional affection and stability, darling becomes the mommy. It's like supporting each other that way. Would it be helpful for them in a way to cope with things or would it turn out to be difficult?
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I can see it working out well for both, for the most part. Sephiroth has a natural warmth and attentiveness to loved ones that will make him a good companion for a darling with daddy issues. He could provide that validation and care she needs in times of hardship. Sephiroth gives the devotion and love (that he desires) to his bonds so I'd imagine him acting in this role will make him feel better about himself. It's great you proposed a switching mechanism of the parental roles! That would be an interesting but necessary part of their relationship, as it allows for a fair exchange of need between both parties. Sephiroth will certainly need his darling to be there for him when he needs the comfort of a mother figure.
Content Warnings: NSFW themes, Discussions of Mommy and Daddy Issues, Mentions of Confinement, Emotional Manipulation and Yandere Sephiroth.
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༻❁༺ To Soothe Sephiroth's Mommy Needs:
He would often lay his head on her nurturing chest, feeling the warmth of her embrace as he wept or quietly mumbled his worries. Most of the time, he found solace in her mere presence; no words needed. On a particularly bad day through, the Darling would struggle to bring him that solace, initially.
Sephiroth appeared before his darling one day, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the silence as his head hung in defeat.
Darling pulled him into her arms, her breath tickling his ear as she asked what was wrong.
He opened his mouth, but his throat was tight, the lump of emotion blocked what he wanted to say.
She tenderly grabbed one of his gloved hands, and with a gentle, reassuring squeeze, led him to the sofa.
She would sit down, her hands patting her lap in a soothing rhythm.
Sephiroth slowly yielded to her warm embrace, feeling his tension melt away as he nestled into her lap.
As she ran her fingers through his silky, silver locks, his exhausted sobs filled the air, speaking of his friends who had left Shinra and his struggle to not fight them.
She would validate his emotional turmoil, telling him it's not wrong to not want to hunt down his friends.
She affirmed that no matter what happened with his friend's desertion, she would be there to support him. She will be his anchor.
Sephiroth's voice was a broken whisper as he asked, "How would you know that?" before his sorrow took hold of him again.
The Darling's following silence said more than words could, as her body radiated a caring warmth.
Late into the night, Sephiroth finally calmed down, thanking his darling for all what she does.
Sephiroth took the following few days off after that night.
During those few days, he was like a toddler, clinging to his darling with a firm grip.
He paid no attention to requests for mission briefings or other duties that called for his attention.
He needed some quality time with his darling, just the two of them.
  ༻❁༺ To Soothe his Darling with Daddy Needs:
Sephiroth will pick his darling up often, either princess carry or having her straddle his waist. She'll nestle her head into his chest or neck, depending on how he's carrying her. Her emotional breakdowns are rare, but when they happen, it'd be like a scorching heat, searing into their memories. When Sephiroth was once assigned to a long mission, her separation anxiety would overwhelm her, making her feel like she was being ripped in two.
One day, his darling came to him, her hands trembling as they covered her chest, her eyes are filled with sorrow as she bid him goodbye on his mission.
Sephiroth discerned a slight, airy shake in her voice. It's her unique, unmistakable cue for the breakdown that was coming.
Sephiroth immediately stepped in front of her, shielding her emotional state from any curious onlookers.
The darling's inner little girl was overcome with fear when she realized what she had done wrong.
Sephiroth spoke with a stern voice, instructing her to follow him to his office.
His expression was composed and collected, but his eyes radiated deep-seated affection and concern for his darling as they walked.
When they were in the privacy of his office, his darling lowered her head, expecting Sephiroth to chide her for what she just done in public. Her struggle to hold back the emotion unravels within her.
Before she blurt out an apology, he gently lifts her chin.
He'd look deep into her eyes, his thumb gently caressing her cheek as he told her he'd come back.
He would find it impossible to leave her side, as the sight of her in such distress was too much for his heart to bear.
He attempted to find the words that will console her, but finds himself tongue-tied.
He settled on the best action to take: He scooped her up into his arms and held her securely against his chest as he carried her to the office's sofa.
After adjusting the cushions to her liking, he'll nestle next to her.
He stayed by her side, a silent but powerful reminder of his support, as she worked through her emotional breakdown.
When his darling's tears faltered, she gave him a faint, grateful smile in appreciation.
Sephiroth's voice was gentle as he instructed her to take a few deep breaths,
Calmness will surge through her as she opened her mouth.
He heard the teasing lilt of her voice, "I'm a big girl, I can manage without you for a while," and felt her peck his cheek as she giggled afterwards.
Despite his desire to stay, Sephiroth knew he had to trust her and prepare himself for his departure.
Just as he finally departs, he'd give her a mischievous grin and whisper that if she's a good girl while he's away, he'd reward her.
As soon as his mission is accomplished, he will dash to his darling and hold her close, pouring out all of the love and adoration that he had been saving up for her.
He revealed he had taken the time to sneak her a souvenir gift, showing he hadn't forgotten her during his lengthy mission.
His heart then would leapt with joy when he saw her eyes light up in delight at it.
He'd shower his darling with attention and adoration for the rest of that evening, feeling fulfilled to offer the same care he yearned for himself.
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Headcanons over! It was fun writing those, so now, let's jump to the analysis!
 ༻❁༺ The negative side: This switching mechanism will lead to the development of intense separation anxiety, for both Sephiroth and his darling. And it will become a major point of concern for Shinra. They would see her as a distraction for their top hunting dog. Sephiroth is savvy enough and will take extra care to ensure that he and his Darling keep their affections private from Shinra and other prying eyes. This ultimately would be one of the major reasons for Sephiroth (and the darling if she is SOLDIER/VALKYRIE) to desert them.
As I echoed with Seph supporting a darling with an anxiety/panic disorder, two hurt people sharing each other's pain and healing it is a beautiful thing. Sephiroth and Darling will give each other the strength they need to work through their individual difficulties and grow as individuals. Not to mention, Darling and Sephiroth's inner child are comforted by the enveloping presence of the other, who protects them from the trauma that lingers.
It is essential to note the Darling will develop Electra tendencies toward Sephiroth, and Sephiroth's will develop Oedipal tendencies toward the darling due to their mutually dependent bond. A very long separation of these two individuals would be emotionally devastating for both.
 ༻❁༺ Now, for a Dark/Yandere Sephiroth:
His inclusion in this post is necessary to explore more of the destructive side of the daddy issues and mommy issues co-existing. In this case, the switching mechanism only enables the worst ventilation of both issues. Yandere Sephiroth would prey on his darling's daddy issues and use her as a vessel to vent his mommy issues. Sephiroth, in general, is the Crisis Cutie because he is an emotional powerhouse. He exhibited a rollercoaster of intense emotions, from rage to sorrow, due to his various crises throughout the FF7 series. I tie my writings to that by having showcasing how (Sane) Sephiroth with his darling is learning to be more vulnerable and open with his emotions by discovering healthy outlets with her. Now his Dark/Yandere counterpart with a darling? He releases his powerful emotions freely and without boundaries, all while the darling absorbs them, because she is addicted to him, his love and attention in particular.
Even with a darling with no daddy issues, he make will her hopelessly devoted to him, eventually. He would keep his darling isolated and make sure that he was the only person she felt connected to. She would hug him tightly, squeezing him close, and never wanting to let him go. And Sephiroth is a magnificent bastard. He would carefully measure the right amount of attention and affection to give to her, to keep him elevated, and her begging. Her world will become him. He will shatter her spirit, in the same way, his had been shattered... He controls her not out of sadism (though he is sadistic), but fear of her leaving him. He takes every precaution to make sure he never loses her, no matter what. When it comes to physical relations, I'd wager that straddling and spooning would be very common, especially when Yandere Sephiroth is playing the daddy role.
But anyways, I absolutely loved this question, thank you for asking it! I'd imagine these issues will play into Sephiroth and his darling's sex life as well. NSFW follow-up here!
Thank you for this interesting ask!
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peraltuki · 1 year
Your favorite redacted audio character but I I'm judging you part 1
This is all for fun and it's not meant to be taken seriously!!1!!2
Gavin: if your favorite guy is Gavin you need to stop telling people about your mommy issues, you love the chase in relationships so you'd go for the guy who's super complicated and has a lot of emotional turmoil in his life, you him because he's a bit arrogant and you think you can tame him, you can't, but you can definitely try to make him obsessed with you! deep down you just have too many responsibilities and you get bored with people easily, you repress your sexual desires because you don't feel that comfortable in your body or you believe there's something more important to be doing, stop repressing it! we get it you're horny, so Go get it!!
Lasko: if your favorite guy is Lasko you have time management problems, stomach ache and a controlling parental figure. You like your teacher probably, you love being in control of everything but you can't organize yourself enough to control anything, and you're very critical of yourself and others, even if you really try not to you're a kind of judgemental in a bitchy way like did you seriously asked me that dumbass question kind of judgemental, you are hypochondriac that's a problem you need to stop seeing therapy as a personal attack!
Huxley: if your favorite guy is Huxley your home was very chaotic and unpredictable, now that you're old you look for peace and quiet, but maybe stop overindulging so much. One thing is to be carefree and the other is to be irresponsible, you like to have a good time not a hard time and it's difficult for you to not bend because you have a tendency to not care about things unless the problem is so big you can't ignore it anymore, you see yourself as a secondary character even in your own life start owning your shit
Damien: if your favorite guy is Damien you're an Aries or a Scorpio don't ask me how I know just check your natal chart. You have anger issues and suppress the darkest parts of your personality, you just want someone who's as insane and annoying as you so you can feel comfortable being like that too, you are very sensitive to sounds and to other's emotions but not in a I'm an empath way but in a everything people do and say makes me irritated or doubt myself or feel weird, I genuinely believe you're just an old person in the body of a young one, try to go on walks honey :/
David: If your favorite guy is David you really believe the power of love and pussy can save him, you love the sun and the moon kind of relationships, he was sunshine I was midnight rain you know? But sometimes you overcompromise with being the nice one and the mediator, you need to say fuck you to people more often, and you need to stop living in your head so much!! I feel like David is what you wish you were because you like how he doesn't take shit from anybody, be more confident in being disliked
Asher: if your favorite guy is Asher you're so serious and you know it like you can be like 😐 around people but it's not intentional, you like to be around extroverted people because you like to be listening not talking, you can be very annoying sometimes telling people what they should or shouldn't do, yes you're very funny you're just shy and you have a resting bitch face, but you also like Asher so I know you like goofy Gemini men
Milo: if your favorite guy is Milo you tend to be super extremist and people often feel like they have to tolerate your control managing issues, you are not as controlling as you think you are you're just bossy that doesn't mean you want to be in charge, you love alone time and you know YOU KNOW you're good company, your jokes can be very inappropriate at times so calm down on that, impulsivity is not a personality trait!!
Sam: if your favorite guy is Sam your favorite guy is also Joel from tlou, you're the person with the daddy issues and you know it, I mean look at what kind of men you like??!! That's not normal! You like being told what to do even if you say you don't, you like having someone behind you giving you advice on what you should and shouldn't do, and you really like your house and comfortability, you were a Carlisle girlie, you HATE unexpected things and yes you are a sucker for older men
Vincent: if your favorite guy is Vincent, you have 100% not gotten over twilight renaissance and you stalk Robert Pattinson, you really like vampire shit and you liked his flirty personality but his emo persona was what made you fall in love, you really believe in the idea of the one, it's monogamy or death for you and you want to be with the same person forever, you are a Phoebe Bridges fan (side eye) and you love the idea of being protected by someone stronger, older and wiser and I don't know in what category of daddy issues does vampire fall but you have both even a little bit of mommy issues considering.....
Quinn: If your favorite guy is Quinn, no it's not, you like making up people in your head he's not even here he's just a figment of your imagination go write a fanfic I'll read it
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acradelius · 2 years
some nsfw with ashe please? 👀
"Sweeter Than Sweet Iced Tea~"
Fandom: Overwatch
Pairing: Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe x Reader
Rating: Lemon (NSFW!) [🟡]
Warnings/Mentions Ofs: Secretive Sex Life, Simply Sex- No Strings Attached, Being a Switch, Dominant, Submissive, "Mistress" terms, "Good Girl" terms, Singular Partners, Multiple Partners, Threesomes, Orgies, Preferences to the "Girls, Gays, and Theys", Denial, Teasing, Human x Human Sex, Human x Omnic Sex, Customizable Gentelia, Persuasion/Manipulation of sex with (Y/N) and others, "love and hate" sex, sex with Cassidy.
Word Count: 714 Words
Author's Note: Ex-queeze me, you have some explaining to do that caused this to come out. Like insert that one "gawd damn" tik tok sound here bestie.
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Elizabeth Caledonia “Calamity” Ashe. Surrounded by wealth and privilege as a young child, ensured by her Mommy and Daddy’s “old money” that she would have every opportunity to succeed. And succeeded she did, becoming a respected figure within the criminal underworld. The leader of the famous Deadlock Gang, her being ambitious and calculating. While she did have these specific and high standards upholds to her appearance and her reputation, there’s always that uphold that goes on behind closed doors that only seem to be theories, or secrets from the world. 
This goes especially with her sexual interests within the bedroom. You heard right: “sexual interest”. Ashe wasn’t one for an actual romance or intimate life with a significant other. With everything she was doing, along with also doing everything else that her henchmen being insubordinate, she simply didn’t have time for any of that. Just a moment or two of physical pleasure with others and then she would move on. Maybe commiting in acts as such a couple times of month at most. 
Ashe, despite being considered a woman of dominance throughout her workforce and seemingly in life in general, she’s actually a Switch within the bedroom. Sometimes Ashe would continue with her high from dominance and take control of her partner(s), usually ones like (Y/N). She loved seeing them squirm in lustful distress, them begging her to bring them to a release. Yet, if Mistress says that they need to wait a little bit longer to cum, then that’s just how it’s going to be. Yet, there’s other times where Ashe is just so physically drained from everything going on, or she wants to give the reins to someone else for some time, then she’ll agree to being the submissive one. Being underneath someone else’s commands, having to beg that she’ll be such a good girl and do whatever it takes to be able to be brought to an orgasm, or five. 
Ashe’s definitely one to have multiple partners, whether she takes them on individually or multiples at once during a night of fun. She’s always down for experimenting with her partner(s), guiding them into having threesome or double penetration sessions. Whether she’s the one giving pleasure or receiving pleasure, she’s always sure to make sure that her partners along with herself are satisfied. She would admit that if there’s multiple partners at once she’s more into giving pleasure to the “girls, gays, and theys” all while playing denial and teasing with the men, or others. 
If there’s anything about this that would surprise anyone, even having surprised herself when Ashe became more into it, is that Ashe doesn’t mess around with just humans. She also messes around with Omnics as well. I mean, does anyone actually believe that Bob’s there just to be her secondary during missions and all that? She sometimes likes to test her own limits, and using Omnics can satisfy that itch. They don’t have limits to their stamina as humans do, “genitalia” can be altered to the mind’s desire, and Ashe doesn’t have to worry about the possibility of an accidental or unwanted pregnancy. She’ll even go as far as to introduce (Y/N) to some of her Omnic “friends” to join in with them. 
Personally feel like she’d be into the whole “love and hate” type of sex sessions with Cassidy. There’d be times it’d be quite rough, angsty, and jealous sex in the middle of the night away from everyone else. Yanking at Cassidy’s hair while she whispers insults into his ear, becoming angrier whenever he’d just laugh, bucking his hips harshly to get his name to tumble out past her lips. Other times it’s built up, having hours of foreplay, before they disappear away from others to indulge in the gentle, passionate pleasure. Ashe mumbling about how it seems that Cassidy is the only one that seems to get her , and she wishes he could stay longer. 
In summary, Ashe might be an independent dominant criminal leader on the outside. Yet, she’s more of a freak and the sheets and she’s living for it. If people happen to find out, they better keep their mouths shut unless they want to end up somewhere off in the desert never to be found again.
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babybluebex · 3 years
laszlo kreizler nsfw alphabet
so yeah this... Happened. the zemo version is coming soon, stay tuned! (probably tomorrow morning bc a bitch is tired lmao)
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(gif credit to @lindir)
A = Aftercare.
Laszlo is such an aftercare king. He’s checking on you in every way he can think of: asking you if you feel alright, maybe massaging your hips if he had you in a weird position, offering you dinner or wine, maybe even a hot bath, if you’d like (and the bath would have special perfumed oils he had sent from Paris because Laszlo is SUCH a self care whore, he’s got soaps and perfumes out the wazoo).
B = Body Part.
His favorite part of yours are your breasts. No questions, hands down. He likes using your breasts as a pillow at night— just settling himself between your legs and resting his head on your tits is a dream he indulges in frequently. He also really loves seeing you in the new French-style of dresses that have a lower neckline, and, if you wear one of those dresses to dinner without telling him beforehand, he’s as good as gone. He’s staring the whole time and can only manage simple sentences.
C = Cum.
I think Laszlo likes to cum inside you, but he also wouldn’t mind cumming on your tits. If you’re on your knees, sucking him off, he’ll pull himself out of your mouth and almost rip your blouse in his haste to set your tits free before his orgasm rips through him. He only chooses to cum inside you if he can’t cum on your tits (for example, if you’re having slow, kissy sex and he can’t bear to leave your wet heat).
D = Dirty Secret.
Laszlo. Loves. To. Be. Degraded. From a psychological standpoint, he understands that his desire to be brought down and ridiculed is born from some sort of childhood trauma that DEFINITELY involves his father, but he just can’t help himself from getting so ridiculously turned on when you call him a dog for humping your leg while you try to sleep. Bonus points if you use his title while you do it: “Just like a little bitch in heat, aren’t you, Doctor Kreizler? You’re so aroused, you can hardly handle yourself. Are you too dumb to touch your own cock? Do you need me to do it? Oh, Doctor, what a dumb little thing you are.”
E = Experience.
Even Daniel himself has said that Laszlo has like NO experience. Laszlo got ZERO bitches (which I find hard to believe but ok whatever you say, writers of The Alienist), so, the first time y’all have sex, he’s more likely than not losing his virginity (let’s not get into the debate of “virginity is a social construct” because a.) IT IS and b.) Laszlo would lecture for hours about this). HOWEVER, these things come naturally to him. He is just Good In Bed. He figures it out very quickly, so, while you make fun of him for going a little stupid when he’s aroused, he makes up for it by bruising your cervix and apologizing later.
F = Favourite Positions.
Laszlo loves that soft, slow, kissy sex, so he’s into whatever position makes it possible for him to be inside you and to kiss you at the same time. Missionary is a go to, but sometimes he’ll have you sit on his desk and kiss your neck as he hikes your skirts up and fucks you all slow and nice.
G = Goofy.
Hardly ever? Laszlo is pretty serious most of the time, and the only time we ever see him Not Serious in the show is when he’s wasted after John’s bachelor party in season 2. So, maybe y’all went to dinner at Delmonico’s, then a ball for members of high society, and he had a little too much champagne and schnapps. He’s not like giggling and all, but his cheeks are red and he’s smiling more than usual, and calling you sweet names “Oh, mein Kätzchen” and “Meine kleine Prinzessin”. That’s Laszlo’s version of goofy.
H = Hair.
OK, my train of thought here is: LOOK AT THIS MAN’S BEARD. HIS BEARD IS NICE AS SHIT. If he treats his facial hair that good— regular trims, the beard oils we all know he uses, even if it isn't strictly canon— then his downstairs hair is nice too. Definitely soft, if maybe a little wiry sometimes (but tbh whose isn’t), and it’s a nice little cropping at the base of his cock. He also has a thin happy trail up his soft tummy, and a good amount on his chest (as we see in the show lol that much is canon).
I = Intimacy.
Laszlo is ALL ABOUT intimacy. You’ll know he’s in a ~mood~ because you’ll ask what’s being served at Delmonico’s that night, and Laszlo is like “I thought we might stay in tonight. John gave me his grandmother’s recipe for chicken soup”. He’ll light candles and pour you wine and play nice music on his gramophone, and he’ll romance you throughout dinner with little hand touches and sly smiles, until he’s kneeling in front of you and slowly kissing up your leg.
J = Jack-Off.
Honestly, he hardly does it. Of course, I’m sure he did it A LOT before he met you, but now he doesn’t need to pleasure himself anymore. He’s got you to do that. The only exception is if he has to travel for work and you can’t go with him. Even then, he’ll hold off until he absolutely can’t stand it, and then he’ll like read a letter you sent him or look at a sketch that John did of you while he whacks off; sometimes, he’ll just hold your letter to his face, and the faint trace of your perfume is enough to do the job.
K = Kink.
He likes impact play a lot (and perhaps a little roleplay wrapped up in it). On the rare occasion that his fucking is anything but soft and lovely, he’s gonna be hitting your ass and the backs of your thighs as you cling to him while he rails you stupid. Laszlo would try to hit your cheek, but he feels too bad when you wince at the pain of it. Spanking your tits is good to him too. His favorite though (and here’s where the roleplay comes in), is caning your ass. He’ll bend you over the desk in his home office and pull your skirts up past your hips, and he’ll make you count the amount of times his thick wooden cane connects with your soft asscheeks. The roleplay is, more often than not, you were his assistant who did something wrong and needed to be punished. If you miss one or forget to thank him accordingly “Thank you, sir”, he’ll focus the next hit on your thighs.
L = Location.
Either the bed or his desk. Laszlo is a little older (I don’t think we ever get an explicit age? But if we say he’s the same age as Daniel, then he’s 40 to 42-ish) so he can’t do it against a wall or anywhere too crazy (not to mention his right arm can hardly support much weight, so if he needs to hold you up, it’s probably not gonna happen). The bed is a special time for you two because of his arm; he’ll hold himself up with his left arm and rest his hand on your hip or wherever to give himself at least a little leverage. But the desk is usually easier because you can sit, or you can bend over and he can grab your hip.
M = Motivation.
He loves you and wants to worship you. It’s truly as simple as that. He loves you and thinks that you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen, and he wants to show his reverence for you by making love to you.
N = No.
He can’t get into the role of “daddy”, nor can he call you “mommy”. Childhood trauma aside, he will be goddamned if Sigmund fucking Freud is correct about his bullshit Oedipus complex or whatever, so he just eliminates that whole thing entirely.
O = Oral.
He’s very good at it. He’s just… His lips are soft and his beard is good, and he’s not afraid to get a little messy with it. He’ll eat you out until he absolutely has to come up for air, and he’ll have a little bit of your wetness clinging to his mustache, but then he’s right back in it. His medical degree is also put to good use here because he remembers his female anatomy and he’s locked onto your clit the entire time. The first time you ever squirted, it was because Laszlo was nipping at your clit and sucking your wet little hole and pressing his thick fingers into you, and it was A Lot To Process, but you squirted and Laszlo came in his pants instantly because he’s like “I didn’t think women could actually do that… I thought that was a thing that penny novels made up”
P = Pace.
Again, he’s a little older, so he doesn’t fuck like some wild boy. He takes his time with you, touching you and caressing you and kissing you, and his pace is the same way. He’s slow and gentle, but has the capacity to go faster and harder if you ask for it.
Q = Quickie.
Hates them. Never. Never ever ever. If he can’t properly romance you and take his time with you, then what’s the point??
R = Risk.
Surprisingly, Laszlo is a little schemer, and he loves running a risk. He’s already looked down upon by other society members, so what’s the harm in squeezing your ass at a party? PERHAPS it’s inappropriate to get caught in a dark corner with your hand down his trousers and him kissing your neck, but it’s easy to blame it on the alcohol.
S = Stamina.
Once more, he is firmly middle aged, so he can do one round— maybe two, if he’s feeling particularly frisky. Usually, though, one is more than enough for both of you.
T = Toy.
HAVE YALL SEEN SEX TOYS FROM THE 1890S?? SHITS ARE SCARY. Laszlo does not like toys, but he understands their need for existing, so he may not like them but he tolerates them. That being said, he likes to watch you use them. LIke, he’ll sit in a chair by the bed and request you “put on a good show”, and he’ll watch you fall apart, and he’ll only come and touch you if you beg and plead for him to.
U = Unfair.
Mhm, so, in Laszlo’s mind, sex and pleasure are not just a give and take, it’s a two way street. They can (and often need to) coexist. He doesn’t like to initiate something if you won’t be able to reciprocate, so he’s not too into teasing or things. At the aforementioned parties, he’ll only goose your ass if he knows you’re 100% down for it.
V = Volume.
He’s fairly quiet. His mouth is usually really close to your ear, and you’re the only one who gets to hear his pretty little noises. The loudest he’ll be is when he’s come home after traveling and it’s felt like ages since he’s made love to you, he’s gonna come inside you, and his little gasp and moan are louder than usual.
W = Wild Card.
He is down to be tied up. He doesn’t like to tie you up, but if he’s the one being restrained, he’s all over it. It’s nothing too intense, just using a ribbon for your hair to tie his left hand to the headboard, not super tight but enough to make his fingers a little tingly, but he loves it. He loves the switch of the dynamic, how he’s fully at your mercy and you can use him however you please; usually, you just suck him off and ride him, but the endless possibilities get him hard as soon as you pull out the ribbon.
X = X-Ray.
Laszlo has Big Dick Energy, so he has to have a big dick. The best example of this sort of energy is in the very first episode after he goes and interviews Wolf, and comes to speak to Teddy, and Teddy is like “you interviewed the suspect? On whose authority??” and laszlo is like “Mine” like OH HIS DICK IS BIG I KNOW IT. He’s got an above average length and girth, but we know our man likes to eat, so some of his weight goes to his dick, so it’s like,,, He’s got a fat cock, sorry, I don’t make the rules
Y = Yearning.
Constantly. Neverending. He’s at work and he’ll catch a glimpse of a pastel drawing that you commissioned from John for Laszlo’s birthday that sits in a frame on his desk, and his heart starts to hurt from missing you. When he comes home, he’ll embrace you and kiss you like he hasn’t seen you in years, and he’ll want to hear all about your day. You have your doctor so whipped for you, and it’s a different kind of whipped than being pussy whipped. He’s, like, feelings whipped.
Z = ZZZ.
He’s a sleepy little baby after you guys finish. His eyes will be a little heavy and sticky as he’s cleaning up and caring for you (and you definitely coo at him “Oh, Las, you’re so sleepy!”) but when you’re both back in bed, our little man is circling his arm around your waist and nuzzling his cheek into your shoulder. He’s so soft and affectionate, and he’s out like a light when you kiss his forehead and tell him you love him.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Like Father, Like Daughter [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader]
Summary: A 4 a.m. fiasco in which your newborn daughter wakes up the entire Lord homestead.
Word Count: 2800>
Rating: PG
Warnings: none! Tooth rotting fluff. Just a newborn baby that won’t settle, a big brother who wants to protect his younger sibling at all costs, and pure familial love. ALSO LADY LORD THE CAT MAKES A RETURN… She's the real trouble maker of the family.
Author’s note: This is SO self indulgent. I cannot stress that enough. I was clearing out my ask inbox and one of the most common requests I get is a) more Lord family and b) more Soft!Max... so here we are.
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No matter what, she just didn’t settle. It was three in the morning and you’d put her back down to bed only twenty minutes ago. Just as you managed to close your eyes and feel yourself begin to fall back to sleep, her cries erupted once more and echoed throughout the house. You had no idea how Maxwell could sleep through it. He was a heavy sleeper, and although he made you promise to wake him when you needed him to take over with the newborn, you couldn’t bear to. He was so busy with work and his career, the last thing he needed was to be up all night with little Aurora.
In practically every way possible, Aurora Lorenzano was like her father. It was funny, really. She was only three weeks old but you could already see the same mannerisms in her, that you did Max. She made a habit of shaking her fists or pointing her little tiny finger at you when she wanted something. She was loud, always wanting to make her voice heard. Her big brown eyes sparkled like starlight and you always wondered how you managed to create something so beautiful. She was a product of you and Maxwell and you swore that you had never loved anything as much as you loved her.
You rolled over and groaned into your pillow as you heard her scream with anguish. You were exhausted, and completely at a loss. You’d held her, fed her, changed her diaper -- what more could she want? You couldn’t remember the last time you got more than an hours worth of sleep, and even then it was broken up into intervals. You looked over at Max who was sleeping next to you, his chest rising and falling with every soft breath he took. And you envied him. This was ridiculous. Just for once you wanted to sleep. Just once.
“Max,” you said, prodding your index finger into his bicep. He didn’t move an inch. “Max,” you said again, a little louder this time, but even Aurora’s wails were overpowering the sound of your voice. You said his name a few more times but he didn’t even stir.
You sighed, climbing on top of your boyfriend and straddling his hips. You leaned over him and clasped his cheeks, squeezing them together. “Maxwell Lord!” you shouted in his face, and watched as his eyes snapped open and he bolted upright. His sudden movement knocked you backwards slightly but you couldn’t help but laugh at the way you had shocked him into waking up.
“What the hell are you doing?” He hissed, rubbing his tired eyes and shooting you a joking glare. “Why are you on top of me?” His gaze flicked from your face, down to your body, and his confused glance turning into something a little more sultry. He snaked his arms around your waist and gave your hip a playful squeeze. “You do know Aurora is crying, don’t you?” he quizzed, with an eyebrow quirked. You had to hold back from punching him.
“I know she’s crying, dumbass,” you spat back, rolling off Max and dramatically throwing the pillow over your face. “Please, please can you check on her? She’s fine. I know she’s fine. I’ve checked on her five times already tonight. But she just-- she won’t stop-- and I don’t--”
Sensing the way you were getting worked up, Max tore the pillow from your face and shushed you. He pressed a soft yet chaste kiss to your forehead. “Say no more, I’m on it.” he whispered, rolling out of bed.
You watched Max grab his robe and shuffle into his slippers as he padded out of your shared bedroom. Well, you were awake now. You sighed and closed your eyes, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you could earn a few more hours of deserved sleep.
Maxwell flicked on the amber night light in Aurora’s nursery, the dim embers burning bright enough to force Max adjust his eyesight in the darkness. “Hey hey baby girl,” he cooed, rubbing his tired eyes again and running a hand through his dark blonde hair. He peered over the side of the crib and his heart ached when he caught sight of his daughter, all snotty and teary eyed. “What are you crying for, huh? Why is my little princess crying?” he asked Aurora, using his thumb to wipe away some of her tears. She sniffled slightly, her eyes fixating on her father. “Tell daddy what’s wrong, and I promise you I’ll fix it. What do you need, hm?”
You could hear Maxwell talking to Aurora, ever so faintly. His voice always soothed you, so it wasn’t that much of a surprise to find it settling her as well. You smiled to yourself, counting your blessings. You had gotten so lucky with your little family.
Aurora made grabby fists and reached out to Maxwell, her big eyes glimmering with desire.
“Oh,” Maxwell hummed, catching her message almost immediately. He reached into the crib and picked up Aurora, nursing her in his warm arms. “You wanted to be held by daddy. Well, why didn’t you just say so?”
Aurora scowled and Max pinched her cheek. “Listen to me, my little princess. Your mommy does everything in her power to take care of you and protect you. We love you so much, but, you keep her awake all night. So let’s make a deal, okay Aurora? Let’s agree that from now on, you only wake up mommy once a night. If that. Can you do that for me?”
Aurora’s scowl deepened and she furrowed her eyebrows together.
“Don’t pull faces at me, young lady,” Maxwell chastised. Aurora’s face softened and she squeezed Max’s thumb. He couldn’t help but smile. “Okay, good. I knew you’d understand. See, me and you are on the same wavelength. We get each other.”
Aurora’s lips curled into a smile that matched her father’s, and Max continued to smooth out her hair. You had overheard that part of the conversation, and you wished that you could’ve only been there to witness the interaction. Maxwell made a habit of talking ‘business’ with Aurora. It was funny, but in a strange way, it was like she understood him.
Now that the crying had stopped, you figured you could at least try and fall asleep.
Maxwell crooked his head slightly and looked over at the nursery door, where his six year old son, Alistair was standing. “Hey buddy,” Maxwell said quietly, ushering Alistair to come over. “Why are you awake?”
“Aurora was crying,” Alistair mumbled, dragging his comfort blanket and one of his soft toys further into the nursery. “I brought her my comforter and my Ewok.”
“Your what--?” Maxwell asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.
“My Ewok.” Alistair repeated, offering no further explanation.
“Well Ali, that’s very thoughtful. Why don’t you put your… Ewok in her crib, and pass me your comforter. We can wrap her in it,” Maxwell instructed, and Alistair obliged. “Why don’t you wrap the blanket around her, hm? But be careful.”
Max lifted up Aurora ever so slightly so Alistair could fit the blanket around her tiny body. “I think she likes it.” Alistair grinned, completely chuffed with himself, and Max nodded his head in affirmation.
“She does,” he smiled, squeezing his son’s shoulder so he knew that his father was proud. “Now she knows her big brother will always look out for her.”
“I will daddy, I promise.”
The two boys spent a few minutes in comfortable silence, gushing and fussing over Aurora.
“Why was sissy crying? Is she alright?” Alistair pondered out loud, the concern clear in his voice.
“Yeah, of course, she’s fine. Look, sometimes we just need to be held. We just need to know that there’s someone out there watching over us. And that everything will be okay.” Max said softly, tracing his finger along Aurora’s delicate face. Alistair stayed quiet for a moment as he took in his father’s words. That feeling resonated with Alistair all too well. He knew what it felt like to yearn for the attention of a parent. And Maxwell understood it too. He had an awful relationship with his own father, which is why he swore to be the absolute best for his son and daughter. “Ali, could you do me a favour?” Max questioned, eventually breaking the silence.
“Could you quietly go check on mommy and see if she’s sleeping?”
Alistair nodded and tip-toed out of the nursery and into your bedroom. Low and behold, you were finally sleeping. Alistair got a little too close to you, and pushed your hair out of your face so he could check to see if your eyes were closed. His brash movement (even though he’d tried his hardest to be gentle) woke you up. Alistair gasped when he saw what he’d done and smacked his hand over his mouth in disbelief.
“Oh no, were you asleep?” Alistair questioned, his dark eyes going wide. You yawned and nodded your head. “Did I wake you?”
You offered him a tired smile and pulled him into the bed so he could curl up next to you. “It’s okay Ali. Did Aurora wake you up too?”
“Yeah.” Alistair mumbled tiredly, nuzzling into your chest for comfort. He was immediately put at ease in your arms.
He’d never had a relationship like this with his biological mother, no matter how much he’d wished for it. But now he finally had you. You loved Alistair like he was your own blood and you treated him as your own since day one. You loved him unconditionally, just as much as you loved Aurora. Alistair was so thankful to have someone like you in his life and your bond with him was unbreakable. Maybe wishes could come true.
“She’s a little trouble maker.” you yawned and Alistair stifled a giggle.
“Like daddy.” he muttered and you grinned.
“Exactly. Just like daddy.”
After a few intimate moments alone with Aurora, Maxwell stood up. She’d settled down a lot and had even fallen asleep in his arms. Max didn’t want to put her down to bed though, at least, not yet.
Maybe he could bring her to bed. That would be nice.
Cradling Aurora, he carefully stood up from the oak wood rocking chair and padded out of the nursery, only to hear a series of thumping footsteps venture up the stairs.
Oh no.
The jingle of her pretty pink collar was unmistakable, as the fluffy white cat, Lady Lord, came bouncing up the staircase. She purred and circled around Max’s feet, rubbing her soft cheeks over his legs.
“What do you want?��� Maxwell asked, glaring down at the kitty.
Lady just looked up at him and meow’ed, her blue eyes wide and awake. If she wanted anything, it was to be fed. She loved her biscuits.
“Lady, it’s almost four in the morning. You’ll have to wait until breakfast.”
She meow’ed again, this time louder, and followed Max by his heels as he walked along the corridor.
“I don’t care, Lady,” Max sighed. “We fed you before we went to bed and you’ll get something in a few hours. I’m not feeding you now.”
Maxwell swore this cat was like having a third child.
Lady wailed and raced past Maxwell once she sensed he was heading to his bedroom. Lady Lord jumped onto the bottom of the bed, by your feet, and curled up. She looked like a snowball.
You smiled to yourself as you heard Max approach. He tilted his head and frowned when he entered the bedroom and noticed you were still awake. His frown deepened when he saw that Alistair was laying next to you.
“I thought he’d gone to bed,” Max confessed, gently passing you Aurora so you could hold her while he discarded his slippers and robe. You smoothed out Alistair’s dark hair and watched him as he slept peacefully by your side. “And why are you still awake?” Max questioned.
“I was listening to the conversation you were having with your business associate-- I mean, your daughter.” you joked and Maxwell rolled his eyes, sliding under the covers. He took Aurora from your arms so he could nurse her again.
“She gets me.” Max assured you and you had to stifle back a laugh. You leaned your head on your boyfriend’s shoulder and looked down at the newborn.
“That’s great honey, but if her first words end up being ‘Life is good, but it can be better’, I’ll not be happy.” you quipped and Maxwell smirked.
In this precise moment, Maxwell swore that he had never been happier. He spent much of his life believing money and materials would satisfy him, but he was still left with an empty, gaping hole in his heart. He always wanted more, he wanted to try and somehow fill that void, but he just didn’t know what to look for. He was never searching for love, and yet you still found him. And you filled that hole in his heart. You completed him, and made him into a better man. He could never fault you for that, and he’d always be grateful for everything you did for him. Everyday that was spent with you and his growing family was a day well spent.
If he could change one thing, it would be that he realised this sooner. But you taught him that he shouldn’t regret anything. Yes, he had made mistakes, but so does everyone, and that doesn’t make him any less of a person. What inspired you the most about Max was that he consistently worked on himself and tried to better himself for his family. And you saw his progress every single day.
“Do you want me to take Ali to bed?” Max asked, kissing your shoulder softly.
“No, he’s fine here,” you replied quietly, feeling the utmost contentment with your family being by your side. “This bed can easily fit five people.” you acknowledged.
Maxwell’s eyes went comically wide at your comment. “Five?!” he wheezed, and you pointed your finger down towards the edge of the bed where Lady was sleeping. Max hadn't even noticed her joining. Clearly, it was a family event, at 4am in his bed. “She follows me everywhere!” Max exclaimed incredulously, shaking his head and scratching the back of his neck. Lady opened her eyes and glanced up at Max, recognising the mention of her.
“She loves you.” you cooed.
“She’s annoying.” Maxwell frowned, but you knew, deep down, he adored that cat. He had never been an animal person, and he wouldn’t have adopted Lady if it wasn’t for you, but he truly did love her. She was loyal and compassionate and despite the trail of cat hairs she left all over his three piece power suits, he wouldn’t trade her for the world.
“And you love her too.” you corrected him.
Max sighed and shook his head in defeat before returning to his previous statement. “You know, this bed might actually be able to fit more than five people. Maybe six. Or seven…” he trailed off, his free hand caressing your thigh as he sized up the double king-sized bed.
He wasn’t subtle. You could read him like an open book. You knew exactly what he was implying.
Your jaw dropped and you looked up at him with wide eyes. Max’s smirk only grew upon seeing your reaction. “Wait… are you saying we can get more cats?!”
And just like that, his smirk fell from his lips. “I--”
“Oh my gosh Maxie!” You squealed, wrapping your arms around him. Maxwell blinked as he tried to process what just happened.
“I didn’t mean--”
“How long had you been planning this?” Teasing Max Lord might have been one of your most favourite hobbies. If only you could snap a photo of his face at this very moment.
He said your name, slowly and looked slightly disconcerted.
You grinned and cupped his cheek. “I know,” you laughed. “I know what you meant.”
A brief silence filled the room.
“I do like cats…” Max told you eventually. You leaned over him and turned off his bedside lamp.
“Mhm…” you mumbled, rolling over so you were snuggling into him. He was still on his back, nursing Aurora.
“I’m just saying…” he trailed off, staring at the ceiling. “I think we’re pretty good at this parenting thing. And I like… having kids with you…”
You smiled in the darkness.
“Go to sleep Maxie.” you whispered.
“I just think--”
“Go to sleep.” you giggled, and you felt him press a kiss into your hair.
“Goodnight,” he uttered. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 ​ @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73
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kaitycole · 4 years
chapter one: does she know?
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Summary: Two little friends have always desired one thing: to end up as siblings. So when the chance presented itself after a finalized divorce, who were they to decline such an opportunity to finally bring their parents together?
Pairings: Bokuto Kōtarō x f!Reader
Word Count: 2572
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Mentions of divorce, cheating, cussing
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters portrayed in this series. Part of the @babythotshq​ Dearest Daddy Collab
Tags: open (send me an ask to be added!)
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February 2025
Frowns fill the faces of those who look at the small girl yelling as she works her way through the sea of people to the court. Where are her parents? Riddle the faces of those around, but she pays no mind, she’s on a mission and there’s nothing that’s going to get in her way.
She screams out again, but this time stops halfway when she sees who she’s been looking for. A large smile spreads across her lips as she starts sprinting across the wooden court.
“Daddy!” She cries out once more and this time he hears her.
His round, golden eyes find her matching ones and he immediately stops whatever conversation he’s having, dropping into a squat with his arm extended outwards, just in time to catch her as she throws herself into his arms.
She wraps her arms tightly around his neck, barely allowing him room to pull her backwards just long enough for him to place a kiss on her forehead. She quickly realizes the mistake she’s made before pushing against him, telling him that he needs to shower. With a loud, hearty laugh, he puts her feet back onto the court before ruffling her hair.
“I am so sorry, Bo.” You start to apologize, “She took off and there are so many people.”
He waves you off before looking down at his daughter, who already knows what he’s going to say. “Seiko, you know better. What do you need to tell Y/N?”
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Seiko puts on her best apologetic face, poking out her bottom lip to added effect.
You laugh, shaking your head looking at the golden eyed little girl whose hair matches her mother’s brunette hair instead of Bokuto’s wild mix of colors. “Thank you, Seiko.”
Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt
You slip the phone out of your back pocket before rolling your eyes at the name on your screen before pressing the side button twice; sending the caller straight to voicemail. Bokuto cocks his head to the side, having watched the whole ordeal, but before he can question your actions your son grabs his attention.
“Uncle Bo you looked so awesome!” Your son Haruki exclaims as he eagerly jumps up to give the volleyball player a high-five.
“I did, didn’t I?” Bokuto throws his head up victoriously while you and Seiko just roll your eyes.
*                      * “Careful, careful. Hold on to each other!” You call out to Haruki and Seiko as they run down the sidewalk and into a small café near the stadium. It had become somewhat of a tradition to eat there after a game or at least the games you and Haruki could attend. Seiko and Haruki are still talking a mile a minute as Bo opens the door for everyone.
Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder if they were best friends because they were born just a few months apart and raised almost like siblings or if it had anything to do with you and Bo being best friends. You had met by complete accident; you had gone to your locker to get a textbook when you saw a boy with crazy colored spiky hair trying to open it.
When you questioned what he was doing trying to open your locker, he looked completely puzzled before stating it was his. You debated it for a few moments before he handed you the paper with his locker number and combination. You pointed out his locker was in fact the one next to yours, causing him to laugh. After that every day you were greeted with a very enthusiastic ‘hey hey hey’ and were attached at the hip. That had been 16 years ago.
The four of you pile into the same booth as always with you sitting across from Seiko and Haruki across from Bokuto. Your son absolutely adores the wing spiker and has been begging you to let him start playing volleyball too, but your husband doesn’t think he should.
Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt
You quickly click the button on the right side of your phone, this time just silencing it instead of sending it to voicemail.
“Are you getting excited to see your mom, Seiko?” You ask after the waitress takes everyone’s usual orders.
She beams, “Yes! She said we can go No Very Farms!”
You look between her and Bo confusingly before he corrects her ‘No Very Farm’ to ‘Knott’s Berry Farm’ and explaining that it’s an amusement park in California. It still surprised you to this day that Bokuto ended up having a kid with an American journalist. Mostly because there was so much mystery as to why they didn’t end up together.
You’ve seen them interact on several occasions and they always seemed to get along really well. You understand that some people just don’t work together, but Bo and Jess were great. They even had an adorable how we met story, but alas they didn’t end up together.
“And Mommy said we can take lots of pictures to mail to Daddy since he’s gonna miss me.” She giggles.
Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt
“Aren’t you gonna miss me?” Bo looks at his daughter who is still giggling as she shakes her head no. He places his hand on his chest and gasps before turning away from her, pretending to cry.
“I’ll miss you daddy, please don’t cry!” Seiko tries to throw her arms around his broad shoulders but her arms just aren’t long enough to wrap around his muscular form. She whispers repeatedly that she was just joking before he turns around, wrapping her into a hug.
This will be only the second time since finding out he would be a dad that he’d be apart from Seiko for more than a few days. Being a professional athlete meant that he spent a lot of time traveling, but those trips never lasted longer than five days. The first time was when she was two and he was gone for two weeks, this time she’d be gone for two months and he’d miss her fifth birthday. Jess has already promised to live stream her party and Bo had already mailed Seiko’s gift to Jess so she’ll be able to open it on her actual birthday, but it still feels like the end of the world.
Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt
“You can answer that if you want.” Bo offers, “If you need to step outside, Haruki won’t mind sitting here with us.”
Haruki smiles up at you, “Yeah Mom. Your phone has been going off since we left home.”
You shoot your son a look, the ‘you shouldn’t have said that’ look which causes him to sink down in his seat. Truth be told you don’t want to answer the phone, you have nothing really to say to the person on the other end, but you didn’t want to ruin your outing with Bo and Seiko either.
“It’s fine. I can just get it later.”
Bo drops the subject as Seiko and Haruki begin talking about Seiko’s trip some more which includes promises of souvenirs, handwritten letters, and daily video chats.
You look at your phone: 6 missed calls, 3 voicemails, and 18 missed text messages. All from Nakajima Youta, your husband. As you sit there, staring at the excessive amount of notifications, your mind begins to wonder.
*                      * It was an early autumn day, the kind where it wasn’t too chilly but the overbearing heat of the summer was long gone. You sat in a room, surrounded by your mother, friends and future mother-in-law as they all chatted away about how beautiful everything looks. You fiddled with your engagement ring as your mother pinned your hair up, pressing her cheek to yours as she smiled at you through the mirror.
There was a knock at the door and your mother was shocked to see it was Youta who had his hand over his eyes.
“Youta? What are you doing?”
“It’s bad luck to see the bride, but I just need her for four seconds.”
A smile twitched on your lips as you walked over to him, “What’s going on?”
He removed his hand from his eyes, but they are tightly squeezed shut as he awkwardly moved his arms around before finding your face. He stepped closer before he pressed a chaste kiss on your lips, his thumb gently stroked your cheek.
“What was that for?” “This will sound lame, but I’m kinda nervous and I figured you were too. Thought it couldn’t hurt.”
You saw him smile before turning around so you could shut the door before he opened his eyes. Your mother and his began to talk about how sweet that exchange was. Followed by them wondering how you were remaining so calm when they had been complete messes before their wedding. Then it hit you that you were extremely calm, not once had you thought of bolting or canceling the wedding which to you was strange. You get nervous about a lot of things, you second-guessed a ton of things, and here you were with nerves of steel.
Two weeks later
“Mommy!” Seiko bounces up and down, glancing up at Bo with a huge smile on her face. Jess flew in so that she could attend a volleyball game with Seiko before heading to California. The original plan was for Bo to fly out with Seiko, but a last-minute change to the MSBY game schedule disrupted the plan.
“Hey baby girl!” She scoops the little girl up in her arms, spinning her around. She peppers her face with kisses as Seiko squeals, wrapping her arms around Jess’ neck. “Hey Bo.”
“Jess!” Bo wraps Jess and Seiko in a hug before placing a quick kiss on her temple. He grabs her bags as Seiko refuses to be put down; claiming she was too tired to walk. The family of three walk through the airport and make their way to the parking lot.
The ride back to Bo’s apartment is filled with Seiko asking her mom all about California, the same thing she’s asked her every night since she learned she was going. It doesn’t matter to Seiko that her mom has already told her the same thing, it’s different because this time her mom is sitting next to her instead of telling her through a screen.
*                      * “Can we watch a movie?” Seiko asks as Bo and Jess finish cleaning up the kitchen from dinner.
“Of course.”
“YAY!” Seiko screams before running up to hug Bo and Jess then takes off to find the movie she wants to watch.
“She gets that from you.” Jess says.
“Her adorableness? I know.” Bo sticks his tongue out and Jess throws the towel in her hands at him. The kitchen fills with laughter as Seiko comes running back down the hallway, DVD case in hand.
“I want to watch this one!” Seiko holds up Coco; it was her favorite movie lately which Bo was thankful for, he was tired of watching The Lion King 2.
It wasn’t even 45 minutes into the movie and Seiko was asleep on Bo’s lap, his shirt tightly gripped in her little fist while Jess’s head is rested on his shoulder.
“Jess?” Bo whispers, not wanting to wake their daughter.
“Mm.” She hums, half asleep.
“She’s asleep. Want to tuck her in with me?”
She nods against his shoulder before sitting up, stretching the best she could; her body heavy with sleep. Bo cradles their daughter in his arms as they walk into the four-year old’s room; it’s decorated in fairy lights, purples and grays with owls everywhere. She has books on the floor, she said she had been doing research for her and Haruki’s next adventure and crayons littered her desks with drawings she had done to take to California.
Jess pulls the blanket over Seiko, pressing a kiss to her forehead before the little girl turns over to get comfortable. Bo turns off the light after making sure her nightlight is plugged in.
“You’re really good at that.” Jess says as she curls back up on the couch, Bo getting himself a glass of water.
“Turning off lights?” He laughs when she rolls her eyes.
“At being a dad.” She smiles, “I never really did thank you for how great you were with all of this.”
He just shrugs, “I couldn’t imagine having a kid with anyone else.”
A wide grin spreads across her face, “Really? No one? Not even someone with a son? A son who is best friends with Seiko. No one else? Huh.”
Blush faintly covers his cheeks as he clears his throat, “She’s married Jess. Plus, we already talked about that, remember? When we met?”
*                      * October 2018
“That’s all we have time for today. A special thank you again to Bokuto Kōtarō and congratulations on the win.”
The cameraman signaled that they aren’t live anymore before the brunette let out a sigh.
“Are you okay?” Bokuto asked.
“Oh.” She started to fiddle with the microphone cord, “This was my first interview, I’m new to Japan.”
“Well you did great!” He exclaimed, holding up a hand for a high-five. The woman looked at him like he’s crazy but complied.
“Thanks. Ah, so did you.”
Bo smiled, “Jess, right?” She nodded. “I can show you around if you want.”
She shook her head, “Oh no, I couldn’t impose like that.” Bo waved her off, “I really don’t mind. I think it’ll be fun.”
“Only if you’re sure. I have a guidebook I don’t mind using.”
Bo scrunched his face up, “Those don’t show you half of the best places.” He asked for her phone and put his number in. “Just let me know when you’re free and we’ll work it out.”
She smiled, going to speak before you ran up to Bo whose expression had changed; it was no longer just a polite look but one of adoration. His eyes appeared softer and the way his face lit would melt anyone’s heart.
“You did so great out there!” You throw your arms around him.
“Thank you.” His cheeks turned red which didn’t go unnoticed by Jess, “Y/N, this is Andrews Jess, she conducted the postgame interview.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Nakajima Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Jess said, feeling a tad bit awkward and blurted out the first thing she could think of, “You two make a lovely couple.”
“Oh no. No no no.” You shook your head, “We’re best friends. I’ve known Bo here forever.”
There was a slight shift in Bo’s demeanor but a shift nevertheless when a wave of sadness washes over his expression. He almost seems to have stiffened at the word ‘friend’ and somehow his hair seemed to have deflated. Jess tried not to think too much into it, she doesn’t know him or them at all.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Hinata waved from across the court.
“Hinata!” You waved back before heading over to meet Hinata.
“Did you see my spikes!?” He jumped up and down, “They were all swoosh bam!”
Jess looked back to Bo, “This is probably way out of line, but does she know?”
Bokuto frowned as his attention went back to Jess, “Does she know what?”
“That you have feelings for her?”
“I don’t…” He stopped when he saw the same look in her eyes that he’s seen in his, “No. She just got married.”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
You know the working daddy captain fanart that you've reblogged recently.. I can't get Kuroo and his son out of my head so may I request a domestic married life au oneshot revolving around that particular fanart - him, his wife and their first kid, a toddler son? Fluffy and romantic, no angst please. If you're up to date with the manga maybe it could be based on post timeskip Kuroo? Thanks a lot!
DILF Day Care With Daddy Kuroo Tetsurō 🤱👼🍼 📆📈
“Yeah. Yeah. So that’s what I told Jim in marketing already. To send Bokuto to Tampa to surprise a Japanese little league team there and to send a camera crew with him. Kenma is already putting our ads on his YouTube channel—he told you what?! That he’s not doing it? Well did he say why?! That bratty cat, must have caught him on a bad day. Okay. No, I need this handled TODAY, Greg! Hold on, he will. He’s currently in Italy at some big video game tournament but I’ll stop by his office right now to work it out with his assistant. Just give me thirty minu—“
“Oh no you don’t, Kuroo Tetsuro!”
The wife of the sexiest businessman in the Japanese Volleyball Association Corporation set a cup of French vanilla coffee in front of her talkative husband before stomping her foot. Kuroo quickly covered the speaker part of the phone and gave you a pleading face.
“No!” You repeated. “I am going to Lev and Alisa’s Vogue Magazine cover day-party at their mansion. The babysitter is on vacation. Which means you and only you have to take River to his appointment cross-city.”
Giggling because he understood his own name, almost 2-year-old baby River Tetsurō blew bubbles with his own spit and clapped his tiny hands. Kuroo looked down at the miniature baby he held in his lap as he was on the phone. River looked up at his Daddy and Kuroo’s stomach tightened in return. He quickly said bye to his group call with the interns.
After marrying you 2 years ago, Tetsurō never thought he would love someone as much as he loved you....but he was happily mistaken 9 months after the honeymoon when little River Kuroo popped out.
“This is my son?” Kuroo, decked out in a light blue hospital dress—took his baby from the doctors hands. He was the first to hold him. He stared down at his son, already seeing the start of little jet black hairs pressed to his baby’s head.
“Yes.” The nurse grinned, moving Kuroo’s hand so that it was supporting the newborns neck.
Fresh tears sprung out of the ex-middle blocker’s eyes as he shuffled his son to one arm as he moved hastily to hold your hand and show you. He squeezed your hand and the tears kept pouring, showcasing the life you two just created to the wife he loved so much.
“Oh Kuroo....” you whispered drowsily as your eyes filled with tears also. You looked up at your husband in amazement. “He looks just like you.” You whisper to him and then sit up so that you can hold your beloved son yourself.
“Yeah, he does.” Kuroo handed him over to your weak arms, still keeping his hands under yours to support you and the baby. He kissed you on the side of your forehead and wiped your tears. “I love him so much already, Y/N. I love you so much.”
You smiled through your happy tears and leaned your head in to reciprocate Kuroo’s embrace, then leaned down to kiss your baby boy. After a few minutes of admiring him, you handed him back to Kuroo and told him to show the baby to your families and Kenma who were all still waiting in the waiting room. You knew Kenma seemed disinterested to others because he was on his video game, but all who knew him well knew that Kozume was only distracting himself because he was itching to meet his new Godson.
“Okay.” Kuroo whispered into your hair before taking River and planting a kiss on your lips.
Returning from his flashback, Kuroo realized that you were in the middle of lecturing him about the balance between work and parenting. He was a phenomenal father and he was there 95% of the time, but he was still a businessman and that meant sometimes he had to work more than he would like to.
Your son started to cry because he didn’t like seeing his mum worked up, so like second nature, Kuroo gave his two index fingers to River to grasp in his tiny hands. That, combined with his dad bouncing him on his the leg (which is exactly what Kuroo was doing) stopped River’s crying in its tracks. River loved holding onto his father’s fingers for some reason, it soothed him. Baby River blew more spit bubbles and giggled.
Kuroo watched you lecturing him, biting his lip because damn was his wife sexy when she was mad. You were all dressed up for this day party in a long black sundress that hugged your curves and as his eyes roamed your figure Kuroo decided that the amazing morning sex you two had earlier suddenly wasn’t enough.
“—Kuroo!! Are you even listening?!”
He returned his eyes back up to yours.
“Uh yes. Listening and undressing you with my eyes. Yep.”
You narrowed your eyes at your man then reached over the expensive island to use River’s bib to clean your son’s snot and spit off his babyface.
You leaned in for a kiss from River and the angel cutely bumped his face against yours, getting saliva all over you. You used his bib to wipe your face too.
“River, honey? Mommy is going to go and have some fun at a party that mommy put on the obvious calendar weeks ago.....the party that she has been excited about going to FOR MONTHS! So, baby boy, your annoying twin will take you to see Dr. Wimble this time because he shouldn’t be working on his days off anyway not to mention he promised, okay my Riv-honey?”
Kuroo deadpanned. “I hate when you speak to our son but you’re really talking to me.”
“Don’t care. I left both your boys’ breakfast is on the stove. And Don’t forget River’s diaper bag!” You stole a sip of your husband’s French vanilla before snatching the car keys and your purse off the island.
Kuroo tried to think about what he was going to do as he continued to bounce his son on his leg, his analytical brain running through dozens of scenarios in a matter of seconds. No matter how he spun it—though, the sexy businessman knew he wouldn’t be without his son today. Looking down at his spiky haired mini-me that looked back up at him with bright, happy eyes, Kuroo realized that—no matter how he spun it—nor would he desire to be without his son today.
“Wait, Y/N! What time is the appointm—“
“—Calendar! Use it!” You yelled dryly before you shut the door and headed to the car Kuroo bought you for Valentine’s Day.
Back inside, Kuroo dragged his son’s high chair next to him at the island and served him the kiddie breakfast you made. Your husband sat beside him, giving River his finger while he drank his coffee and ate his food with one hand. When both boys were done he picked up River and walked over to the calendar.
You were right: it was there. In plain capital permanent marker on today’s date:
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It read:
River giggled as if he was making fun of his father and Kuroo looked down at the love of his life. “River, should daddy piss mommy off and erase it so that daddy looks like he was right?”
River stopped giggling and pouted up at his daddy, his tiny lip quivering like he would cry if he did anything to upset mommy.
“Okay okay!” Said Kuroo hurriedly, giving his son his finger again so he’d stop crying. River smiled. “We have 2 and a half hours until your appointment Rivs, which is on the other side of town, and in between is Uncle Kenma’s office. So we will stop there on the way and then the park. Let’s go, son.”
The raven haired baby cheered. “YWAY DA!”
In 30 minutes flat, Kuroo was decked out in an elegant Armani navy blue business suit. He had every colour and material. He collected River’s diaper bag, packed snacks and his baby chest carrier.
Locking up, Kuroo buckled his son in the back of his 2020 Jag, checking thrice if he was safe in his car seat. Then, he clicked the button to play River’s favourite kid show on the car tv and handed him the stuffed cat Hinata got River for Christmas. It was his all time favourite toy.
Once Kuroo parked in front of Kenma’s high-rise office, he strapped on his baby carrier over his Armani suit and placed River in it. The tall and sexy businessman garnerned SO MANY stares as he looked PRIMO SEXY DILF as he locked his car and strutted inside Kenma’s office building with his son, pressing the elevator button. As he waited, he called his best friend who was in Italy. Kuroo held his phone in between his shoulder and cheek before he snapped at his friend.
“Kenma. Do you need me to hop on a plane with River and crash your video game tournament right now?! Because I will.”
There was murmuring on the other line.
Kuroo gasped.
River squealed loudly because he heard his name.
“Listen Kozume....... I have the keys to your loft, did you forget? You’ll come home to a mountain of River’s diapers in your game room if you back out now. You can’t just say no because my administrators are calling too much!!”
Baby River smiled cheekily and clapped his adorable hands as he rode the elevator with his daddy all the way up to his godfathers top floor.
That boy had a mother, father, godfather and a long list of pro volleyball player uncle’s who doted on him....
He couldn’t be happier.
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bloomyn · 4 years
climbing waterfalls
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
summary: your midlife crisis happens rather quickly, and its not midlife, you’re twenty three with a baby whose daddy just left with your best friend. peachy.
part of: pink peonies
apricot aisles x climbing waterfalls x next
isn’t weird how your eyes smell? 
your tears have a scent even though they’re pretty much just water. there are tears half-soaked into your pillow cases and you can smell them. you laugh to yourself, pathetically. 
pathetic. three years ago you would’ve berated yourself for behavior like this. you’ve turned off your phone and akio’s playing cars in his room next to yours but the image still rings fresh. well the article had only been published an hour ago but still, you know. the desire to take a picture of your puffed face almost wins but after, what, twenty plus years of being here, alive, you know the image will only send you down an awkward depressing spiral, and you still have to make dinner. 
seventy two hours ago
“mommy wake up.”
you roll over, peeking out from under the covers and squinting at the figure in front of you. 
“it’s too early.” you groan, “go back to sleep baby.”
akio frowns, his little hands coming up to tug at your sleep shirt. 
“but someone’s at the door.”
immediately you shoot up, yanking akio into your bed, ignoring the little ‘ouch’ he whined. 
“you. stay here. don’t move, okay?”
he nods, tugging your sheets over his head.
“okay mommy.”
tip-toeing down the hall you say a silent prayer. it could be no one, it might even be the neighbor but there is no way in hell you’re taking a chance on it being some serial killer waiting to take you or akio away. so you grab the baseball bat that sits against the wall of your living room, gripping tightening as you approach the door. 
you really need to invest in one of those door hole things. what do they call them, peepholes?
cracking the door open you quickly scan the figure in front of you, only to sigh in relief at the familiar face and then quickly close the door again.
“u-ushijima-san what are you doing here?”
you groan inwardly at your appearance, bed hair and wrinkled pajamas, how sexy of you. hastily, you push a few stray hairs out of your face and tug your shirt down, hoping to flatten it at least a little bit before your open the door again. 
“this is for you.”
the bright red gift bag in front of you is a little intimidating, especially with the way ushijima stands so forwardly, training his eyes on your face. 
you don’t have time to process the fact that the man you might soon be in love with (based on previous engagements with said man) is standing at your front door with a gift for you. your brain is still stuck on the fact that your standing in front of him with pjs on. so that’s exactly what you say.
“sorry about my clothes,” you stutter, “ i wasn’t really expecting any visitors.”
and now you sound like he’s intruding on your morning. 
“ah, sorry about that. i sent a text and thought about calling you but i didn’t want to seem intrusive.”
oh. you’ve really dug yourself a hold on this one. 
“akio was actually the one to wake me up, and i freaked myself out a little bit when he told me someone was at the door and i didnt bother to check my phone.”
you don’t miss the way his eyes travel around your figure.
“i should probably clear this up but, the gift isn’t actually for you.”
suddenly every ounce of possibility that the man was interested in you flies out the window.
“sometimes the merchandising company gives us extra clothes for family members and i thought that akio would like a jersery or tshirt, so, it’s in the bag.”
and there it goes flying back into your heart. 
“he’ll love it. i’m sure.”
he gives you a little smile and you cheer on the inside. 
“well, i have to go to morning practice so--”
“oh! yeah of course, i’ll give this to akio, yeah! sorry go ahead.”
ushijima gives you a small nod before heading off, and you wave a good-bye to his car. 
you’re terribly in love with this man.
you hate men. 
“that doesn’t include your husband.”
misaki gives you a small smile. 
“oh honey,”
its pity in her voice. there is no reading into it. if you continue like this any longer the stack of midterms on your desk will stay ungraded and the kids will hound you until you’re done. 
“if you want i can make sure that ushijima stays behind to clean up after practice.”
you snort, “nah, he’d be too dense to realize it was a punishment.”
at that misaki laughs, “you don’t deserve him you know? you know what, get yourself a - a ,”
“a what.”
“i was going to try and say someone on the team but, i really couldn’t think of anyone.”
“terrible.” you laugh, “terrible.”
“it’s true though! i’ve snatched the last viable man, what a shame.”
“poor me.”
“poor you.”
sighing for the millionth time you grab a stack of papers and a pen,
“well, i’ll be here for the next hour till class starts.”
“and my class starts in two minutes.”
you say your good byes, promising to grab lunch because she misses akio’s face so, so much. and you get to work.
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obeydontstray · 3 years
I Want More (A Maxwell Lord X OFC rp)
0(A Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal - Patty Jenkins universe) rp between myself and my girlfriend @historianwithaheart ) Can be found under the same name on AO3)
Maxwell sat at his desk, getting his first breather of the day. He looked around for his son. Being the first month of summer, Alistair was spending time at the office with him, but the kid was not in his office where he left him. Max hit the button on his desk and spoke. "Hey Britney, did Alistair leave me any messages of where he was going? Did you see him?"
“No sir I thought he was with you.” In Melony’s office she sat typing away. The little black haired boy munched on his carrots and drank the soda she had gotten for him. She didn’t know who this little boy belonged to but he had stolen her heart. “Like the new Mario Alister?” She asked him. He smiled.
“My daddy is so busy most of the time so it’s nice to come hang out.”
It wasn't uncommon for Alistair to take walks around the offices. Max always made sure he had a piece of money so he could buy anything he wanted from the cafeteria, vending machines, or gift shop downstairs. But he wasn't usually gone this long. It had been....an hour? Maxwell began to get nervous.
“Sorry I couldn’t get you McDonald’s this time but I figure that you shouldn’t be eating junk every time we visit.” She felt her heart ache when he smiled at her. “I get bored so it’s nice to come sit with you.” Alistair smiled. “Well I think I’m gonna have my Lunch break soon if you want a player two?” He nodded.
Maxwell walked through the office hurriedly, asking random people if they had seen the small boy with black hair and dark eyes.
“Did you tell your daddy where you were going?” She asked typing on her desk top. Ali stair nodded. “Left a note.” She smiled at him. “Good boy.”
Someone stopped Max. "I saw a kid go that way, down the hall." He thanked the person and began opening doors.
“Hey kid, have some water okay? Only one soda!” She handed him a water bottle. She sighed. One week late for the meeting. Wonderful.
The door flung open and a head appeared. One with dark blonde hair, handsome features, and dark eyes. "Alistair!" He said, stepping in the door and reaching out his arms.
“Hey daddy!” Melony nearly choked on her drink. “Well Mr. Lord you’re only a week and three hours late to our meeting.” She stood.
He hugged Alistair and quickly stood, straightening out his clothes with his hands and suddenly turning on the biggest smile. "I'm sorry, you are?" God she was beautiful! She had shoulder length blonde hair and the biggest, bluest eyes he had ever seen. Her ruby red lips were perfectly shaped.
“You new head of financials Mr. Lord.” Ali stair smiled. “She’s my friend!” Alistair said. “Look she brought me stuff to play with.”
Maxwell scanned the room. A few scattered toys, food wrappers still out, and a a Nintendo. "So this is where you have been disappearing to."
“She’s nice, and she bought me a Nintendo and she was gonna play with me on her lunch break.” Alistair said. “ if your daddy says you can we can still do that.” Melony smiled. “Melony Morningstar, Head of your financial division. We were supposed to have a meeting one week and three hours ago.”
Maxwell sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Shit, yeah you're right. Sorry, things have been so busy."
Alistair went and hugged around Melony’s thigh. She pet his hair. “Well unfortunately for you my schedule is full up until next Wednesday at two. We’re diversifying your portfolio Mr. Lord.”
"My, you are a busy busy woman. Could we meet now?"
“Well I have a very important meeting coming up, with a top partner.” She winked at Alistair and he smiled. “Can I have another soda?” He asked drinking the Mountain Dew.
"How many have you had?" Maxwell asked. "Your mom's gonna kill me for letting you drink too many."
“He’s only had one! I let him have one when he visits.” Melony said. Alistair leaned against her shoulder. “Mommy doesn’t let me have anything, she’s too busy with her new boyfriend.”
Maxwell frowned. "That's okay, you'll always get attention from me." He promised. "If it's okay with Mrs. Morningstar, you can have another."
“Miss.” Melony corrected. “I’m a Miss and I think you’ve had enough. Don't want to send you home to Daddy and have you bouncing off the walls.”
"How considerate." Max smiled warmly. "Miss Morningstar is right. How about some water, or juice?"
“I gave him water a few minutes ago.” She blushed. “Well I guess you better go little buddy. I think the jig is up.” She ruffled his hair. “If you want you can take the NES system home. That’s up to your daddy. I..I can’t make that decision.”
He nodded. "If she doesn't mind your visits, that's fine. You can keep it here and I'll get you one for your room at home too."
“Alright little man you should probably head to lunch with your pops.” She smiled at the boy. “As for you Mr. Lord, seems you're as irresponsible with your child as you are your money. I’d like to know why you just couldn’t make our meeting a week ago.”
"I'm not irresponsible!" He said, a little flash defiance in his voice before he ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed hair. "He usually makes quick trips to the gift shop or cafeteria and back up. I didn't expect him to start touring people's offices. And I apologize, my only free time lately has been in the late afternoon. No business like show business, ya know."
“Mmm. No worries, little man and I keep each other company!” She smiled. “Oh yes far too busy. Then I guess it will have to be a business dinner then. Tonight at 6 your choice though perhaps a nice place to sit outside. The office is stifling.”
His eyebrow raised and a lopsided smile shown on his face. "Really? Tonight huh? How does Thai sound?"
“Fantastic. It’s my favorite. I’ll see you at six.” She penciled in her planner. “You best be there Mr. Lord, I am your new head of finances you hired me for a reason. And it wasn’t because I’m pretty, because you weren’t even there to look at me.”
"And I regret that deeply." He said, giving her a very obvious look over. "I'll meet you there." He said, laying his hand on Alistair's shoulder. "Come on baby, let's go."
She waved at Alistair. She sat down and smiled to herself. She had just strong armed the most powerful man in this company. Not taking his his excuses. Alistair walks with Max. “You’re not mad at me daddy, she’s really nice and she plays video games with me sometimes. She says that if you were smart you’d start investing in Nintendo.”
He grinned. "Well I'll have to think on that. No buddy, I'm not mad at you. She's a very nice lady."
“Are you gonna date her?” Alistair asked. “She’s pretty, really pretty almost prettier than Momma.”
"No no, this is just a business meeting." He assured him, even if he had different things in mind. "She is really pretty, isn't she?"
“She looks like that Disney princess, Aurora.” Alistair said. “She sings pretty too.” He said. “Can I still hang out with her?”
"Sure thing buddy." He said, ruffling the boy's dark hair. "When did you hear her sing?"
“Well one day when you were super busy, and I got bored I went exploring and I got really lost, and she found me. I was crying a lot because I was scared. She picked me up and she sang a song to me to help me stop crying because I was scared.” Alistair told him.
He lay his hand on his son's shoulder and bent down to his level before pulling him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry you were lost and scared. I'll thank her tonight for caring for you."
“It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it to happen.” Alistair hugged him. “Just be nice to her okay?” Soon five o'clock came and Melony went home to change into a sweet little blue floral patterned summer dress. Cuban stockings, blue pumps. She did up her hair and spritzed her perfume. She picked up the phone as she put on her pink lipstick.
Maxwell looked himself over in the mirror. He wore a sunset yellow blazer with white slacks and a pastel orange shirt. His white loafers were shined and he pushed up his sleeves to his elbows. His hair was perfectly coiffed and he was cleanly shaven. He picked up his Polo cologne and sprayed it on. "Daddy, if it's not a date then why are you dressing up?" Alistair asked. "Dress for success, buddy. When you're a business man, you have to always look your best. This is a meeting, it's just outside the office so I'm dressing different." The phone rung and caught his attention. He lifted a finger at Alistair. "Hold that thought."
“Good evening Mr. Lord, Raquel said this was your home number. I’m honored.” Melony laughed.
"And who said you could call me at home?" He said in a flirty tone. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
“Well Mr. Lord by proxy of not specifying which Thai restaurant in DC you have hence forth invited me to call you at home.” She spoke. She heard the flirtatious tone in his voice. She felt a zap of desire run down her spine. Oh Melony, don’t you know any better. She thought to herself.
“Precisely. I’ll see you there soon.” She smiled over the receiver. “Oh and come prepared to work Mr. Lord. I’m not one of your office floosies.”
He smiled broadly and chuckled. "Work for what?"
“Honestly you think you’re so charming. Work work. Like portfolios and the future of your company, I’m sure you enjoy being able to spoil your little conquests. In order to keep doing that my darling Mr. Lord you need to be wise about the market.”
He grinned even harder. "I could have you fired for speaking to me like that, you know." He tested.
“Then I guess you wouldn't have a company much longer Mr. Lord. I will see you in a bit. Tell my little buddy that next time he wants to come play he brings me a snack okay?” She smiled.
"Okay I will. See you soon." He hung up and Alistair looked up at him with a worried look. "You would fire her?" "No! No!" He assured his son. How could he explain himself without telling him he was flirting? "I was testing her! It's hard to explain, you'll understand when you're older. But she passed. And she said when you go see her again you can bring the snacks."
Alistair smiled. “Okay!” He happily went to to go get ready for the babysitter. Melony was sitting at a table overlooking the river into a forest. She checked her watch, her legs crossed as she skimmed through a book and sipped a beer.
"Daddy, can I dress up next time I go see her?" Alistair asked. "Sure buddy." Soon Max had dropped off his son and strolled into the restaurant looking for her.
She sat there. Looking much different from before, more soft and feminine. She checked her watch again, when she heard whispers. Ah he's here. She thought to herself.
Women stared at him as he walked past, a handsome grin on his face and he shot random women flirty winks. His bright gold watch and rings flashed in the low light of the restaurant. "Miss Morningstar, nice to see you again." He greeted before took off his jacket and draped it on the back of his chair before he sat down.
“It nice to finally capture your attention for a moment or two.” She smiled at him. It was a flirtatious smile. She couldn’t help it.
"I'm a man in demand." He said with a wink.
She rolled her eyes. “Indeed.” She grabbed her brief case. “Okay so you started in oil but how long before that goes dry, you need to diversify.”
"Alistair said you told him I should invest in Nintendo." He chuckled. "What about that little computer company? Apple is it?"
“I think that’s a solid bet, personal gaming systems, personal computers, making it individual is going to be big.” She continued. “Your oil company is a great start, it really is, and your other investments are doing well but we need to be able to have more than one leg to stand on, what are the big draws? Entertainment, technology and of course oil and trade.” She handed him a large book. See.”
He flipped through the books pages quickly. "Hmmmm, I see." His lips were pressed together in a goofy shape, making him look as if he was only half considering the things he was looking at.
She looked at him, she knew that look. He's only half considering it. She bit her lip and let her anger simmer. “Sir, I’m trying to be diplomatic but do you think I’m a joke? I’ve spent hours doing the job you’ve hired me to do, and then you can’t be bothered to see me at our planned meeting and then you come here and half ass your considerations.”
"What? I'm thinking!" He said, his warm brown eyes flicking upwards and locking with hers.
“If you say so.” She sipped her beer. “I apologize, this is important to me.”
He nodded and looked her in the eyes again. "And it shows, I apologize if I'm not demonstrating my interest. I'm just a little distracted, but here, let me take another look."
She sighed. “It is kind of late and if I’m being honest Mr. Lord. I’m tired.” She spoke. “At least I have you thinking.”
He nodded. "Yes it is late. I'm sorry we got off to a rocky start, but I really enjoyed your company tonight." He said with an earnest face.
“Well I guess at the very least you can continue to enjoy my company. I wouldn’t protest.” She said to him sipping a beer. I mean our first meeting was supposed to be just a get to know your employee type deal, but your company took a big chance on me and I..I just don’t want to fail.”
"I'm really glad whoever made the decision did. I uh-I'm not as involved in the hiring process as I should be. But I would like to get to know you more. And if it's okay, can I borrow this book? I'll review it in the morning with fresh eyes and a clear mind."
“Don’t you eat breakfast with your son?” She asked him. “And what we’re you distracted by.” She handed him the book.
"I do. I'll look it over again after I get to work." He looked up at her again. "Who wouldn't be distracted by someone like you."
She scoffed. “Honestly, Mr. Lord, I hate to sound pretentious but, again, I’m not one of your office floosies.” She looked at him. God, his eyes were so sincere. “But I have a feeling you know that.” She handed him his beer.
He nodded and took his beer before taking a sip. "I know you're not like them. I don't pay attention to them. But you..."
“But what about me Mr. Lord?” She smiled at him. She moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You're authoritative and commanding and just...beautiful. You fill up the whole room with your presence."
She felt her face betray her emotions flushing pink. Clearly not the rouge one her cheeks. “Mr. Lord, I..”
"And my son told me what you did for him when he was lost and alone. And that, I'll forever be grateful to you for."
She was really blushing now. “Oh it’s nothing, anyone would have done that. I honestly thought maybe he was like a receptionists son, or something I didn’t know he was yours, but I...I can’t stand to hear a child cry. Especially...a sweet little boy like that.”
Maxwell's eyes moved to his empty plate. "I never thought of him getting lost like that and getting scared. I trusted him to just go to one of two places and back. I never thought of him getting lost. It broke my heart when he told me what that was like. But, he told me he thinks you are like Princess Aurora."
“Mr. Lord, if I could be so bold.” She said to him and took his hand. “He never blamed you, and he loves you dearly.” She said to him. “I just heard him cry and I just wanted to help. But you’re a good father.”
He nodded. "I try. I only get him on weekends right now and I try to set aside time to be with him, just one on one, but it's so hard to make time in the business."
“He sees you try. I’m sure.” She realized that she was holding his hand and blushed. “I..I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand away and chugged her beer.
“This is inappropriate and I’m sorry. I should go.” She went to stand.
He reached out and lay his hand on hers. "No, no please. Don't leave. We're just getting to know each other."
She felt her heart leap up into her throat. The story playing out in her bright blue eyes. The felt it, the attention, but her mind raced. What would he do with her when he was done. He could see it, she was sure. She sat back down. “I guess then maybe I should tell you more.” She didn’t take her hand away.
"Yes, tell me everything." He said, curling his fingers so that his hand wrapped around hers.
She felt her breath hitch. Her mind racing. “I...I..” she stammered. This seemed like a hazy dream. This man, the man who ran the most successful company right now, and her. Little old her. She wasn’t worth his time. “My name is Melony, I’m twenty eight, I have masters degree in finances and law. I...I like nature, and art and archaeology. I..I’m single. Have been for a while. Because being woman, having feelings gets you no where in this big business world. I’m witty and intelligent. Some men call me frigid or a bitch but I call it getting by.”
"You don't not seem those bad things to me. And I'm Maxwell Lord as you know. I'm divorced. You know Alistair. I'm 35. We have similar tastes."
“And I’m being incredibly stupid right now. Letting you know these things about me. Letting my guard down.” She confessed. “I should have Just kept it business.” She felt the room grow hotter. “This is how a woman gets a reputation.”
"How? Just by talking to me?" He asked, confusion sparking on his face.
“By letting my guard down around you.” She said to him. “Maxwell Lord, the infamous business man, being seen with his head of finances, a young woman.” She searched his face. “I guess one of my poor traits is I’m obsessed with my image.”
He raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "We can keep our meetings strictly business and in office, Miss Morningstar."
“I suppose, but you’re still holding my hand Mr. Lord.” She breathed out.
He drew back his hand slowly. "Well, I guess I should let you go. I'll see you at work Monday afternoon to give you a decision." He said as he stood and grabbed the book.
“Mr. Lord.” She reached out for him. “Don’t.” She looked at him. “I, am just scared. I haven’t, I haven’t let myself be vulnerable in a while. You astound me. Have since I first saw you on tv, have since I applied to work for you. Your company gave me the opportunity to do more than fall into the darkness that was waiting to take me. You’ve set the annals of my heart alive with flames once again. Forgive me if I am a guarded woman.”
He looked down at her with the softest expression before he sat down again. "Really? You'd use such beautiful words for me?"
“Perhaps you need a little beauty and honesty in your life.” She replied.
He reached out and took her hand once again and his thumb smoothed across her knuckles. "Maybe you could be the sunlight in my life, then."
“Mr. Lord, I...I don’t know about all of that, but I think perhaps maybe for a little while we could make each other realize that the sun still shines.” She paused. Not knowing what to do next.
"Call me Max, please." He looked at his watch. "It's getting late, I shouldn't keep you. The babysitter will be ready to go home soon, it's after Alistair's bedtime."
“What if...I want to be kept. Max.” She looked up at him and stood. “Maybe it’s the beer or maybe it’s just your touch, and maybe it’s just my personality but I feel brave.”
"I'd love to stay but I have to be home by midnight. Unless..."
She stood and moved closer to him she took his hand and placed her lips on his in a slow sensual kiss. But her shaking body betrayed her confidence.
He moved to hold her cheeks gently in both hands and kissed her again. "Then come home with me."
“You don’t have to ask twice.” She replied. Thank god they were at a secluded table.
"Come with me, let's take a taxi."
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alexander-turners · 4 years
Roger’s Little Family
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: Roger returns home at 3am and finds you and the kids sleeping together. He spends some quality dad time with his children in the bed. Also a puppy named Sprinkles makes an appearance.
Wordcount: 2224
Warnings: fluff, dad Roger (is that a warning?), implied smut
A/N: I’m so sorry if there are any mistakes. English is not my first language.
I hope you guys like this one. It’s like a prequel to my other fic Home Is Where the Heart Is but it’s a sequel to Skin-to-Skin Contact. But they can be read in different order too. Tell me what do you think ;)
Gif credit goes to owner/maker.
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Roger unlocked the front door as quietly as possible. You and the kids were probably sleeping; after all, it was 3 in the morning.
Finally, he managed to carry his huge suitcase inside the house. He let out a deep breath, eyes roaming around the dark hall and the stairs. “Home Sweet Home,” he whispered before making his way to the kitchen.
As he reached the kitchen Roger turned on the lights, but immediately regretted it. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness outside and the lights only hurt his eyes.
Reaching over his head, he grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He lifted the glass towards his lips but something on the fridge caught his eyes.
Roger left the glass on the counter and walked to the fridge. Usually, it was covered with magnets all around the world – New York, Sydney, Rome, Paris; polaroids of Roger holding baby Ben and Sophie, silly family pictures. Also, you would put some of Ben and Sophie’s drawings and new photos which Roger hadn’t seen because of the touring. You would pin them using the magnets.
He grabbed the first new photo and squinted at it. It was Sophie’s. Her face was covered with chocolate ice cream but her smiling face was enough to make him happy. The next photo was you and Ben making kissy faces to each other. Roger let out a chuckle and pinned them back.
You weren’t Linda McCartney but your photography skills were as good as hers.
Roger drank his water, washed the glass and left it on the drying rack. He turned off the light and grabbed his suitcase, walking up the stairs.
He passed the kids’ bedroom, knowing where they were. As he reached the bedroom you and he shared, the drummer opened the door very quietly. And there we you and the kids, asleep in the king-sized bed. His son was sprawled on his side of the bed. You loved to joke that Ben was sleeping exactly like him, which meant like a dead person, nothing could wake him up.
You were snuggled with Sophie but your left hand was touching Ben’s chest too, just to be sure he was there.
As much as he loved recording, touring he was most happy with you, Ben and Sophie, with his little family. Damn him when he said to John ‘Your “Best Friend” song sucks” almost ten years ago, because he was wrong.
Roger left his suitcase next to the door and took off his jacket. The sound made Sophie shift in your arms, Roger stopped moving and his daughter fell asleep.
Throwing the jacket over his suitcase, the drummer made his way to the bed. He sat quietly on the bed. Ben was not only sprawled on the bed but also he kicked the covers. There was no need for a DNA test, Ben was his son. Roger himself would kick off the covers when he’s sleeping alone.
The blond drummer tucked him in, then leaned down and kissed Ben and Sophie’s foreheads. To kiss you Roger got up and went to your side of the bed because he didn’t want to squish Ben and Sophie.
The bed sank down when he sat. First, he removed a piece of hair which has fallen over your eyes, then he kissed your forehead and lips.
That woke you up. You slightly jumped and stared at the person next to you. You were ready to scream but when he spoke and you calmed down.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry I woke you up, love.”
Roger grabbed your outstretched hand and kissed it, “Rog, you scared me.”
“It wasn’t my intention,” he whispered, kissing your lips. “I will take a quick shower. You go back to sleep.”
You sighed sleepily but nodded, pulling him by his shirt to kiss him one more time.
Roger broke the kiss and pushed you back towards the pillow, you both chuckled, “Go back to sleep, love, it’s late.” he mumbled.
You lied back; Roger covered you with the blanket then went to Ben’s side, who had pushed the blanket again. After tucking him in, the drummer undressed silently, grabbed a white t-shirt and black boxers from the drawer and got inside the bathroom.
The shower helped a lot; the hot water calmed his sore muscles and increased his desire for sleep. Nothing could replace sleeping in bed than sleeping on the plane. Nothing could replace sleeping in his own bed with you and of course sometimes with the kids too.
Roger got out of the shower with a towel in his hand, drying his wet hair but something in the bed has changed. This time Ben was sleeping next to you and Sophie on his side of the bed. The drummer blinked a few times, still trying to figure out how this happened. But he let it go, threw the towel to his suitcase and got in the bed.
You let out a tiny sigh and hugged Ben closer to you, probably thinking it was Sophie. Before closing his eyes he kissed both of his children’s foreheads and your lips.
Sophie clutched herself to her dad like a koala; Ben did the same thing to Sophie. Roger smiled and closed his eyes. Sleepily his hand reached for yours and squeezed it.
Before drifting off he felt your hand squeezing his.
Ben opened his eyes and rubbed them, trying to wake up. He watched you sleeping, a mischievous smile appeared on his beautiful face. He raised his hand and booped your nose. You shifted in your sleep but didn’t wake up. Ben chuckled, he wanted to do it again but withheld himself. Instead, he peeked over your head at the clock. It was 9:15.
He still remembered how Grandma Winnie taught him the clock and how to recognize what time it was.
Ben turned to Sophie, he was ready to wake her up as well but when the boy saw his dad sleeping next to his sister his blue eyes widened.
He started shaking Sophie, at first gently but a few moments later more forcefully, he started whisper yelling too.
“Sophie, wake up!” the blonde girl opened her eyes reluctantly, “Daddy’s home!”
Sophie blinked, still sleepy, “What?”
Ben pointed at Roger, whisper yelling once again, “Daddy’s home! Look!”
The three-years-old girl turned around and her eyes almost fell from their sockets.
Ben helped her to up and both of them started jumping up and down, yelling “DADDY’S HOME!” as loudly as they can, neighbors were probably awake now.
Which woke you and Roger as well.
When the siblings saw that their dad was up they threw themselves over his body.
Roger grunted loudly as his kids’ bodies landed over his. You, on the other hand, were laughing, it was the funniest but also the most heartwarming sight.
“Daddy, you are home!” Ben and Sophie said at the same time.
“Yes, I am.” he smiled as his kids sat between him and you.
“When did you come?” asked Sophie, as she held his right hand in her tiny ones. She’d help him later put some cream over his blisters on his hands.
“Last night, you were sleeping.” they nodded, “So tell me what did you and mommy do when I was away.”
Ben and Sophie started speaking together; their arms outstretched gesticulating like crazy. No one could figure out what they were saying, even the best lip-reading expert would fail in his job.
Roger held out his hands laughing, oh god he had missed this, yes he had seen you and the kids three weeks ago when he returned home for a few days for Sophie’s birthday, but he still missed it. The craziness, the never-ending questions from them, how they talked together when they were excited.
“I can’t understand what you are saying,” you laughed and moved next to your husband.
“Daddy wants you to speak in turns, can both of you do that, please?”
“Thank you, mommy.”
Sophie looked at Ben and whispered something in his ear, your son nodded and jumped out of the bed dragging his little sister behind.
“What was that?” Roger chuckled.
You kissed his cheek, “You will see. They want your approval to keep something.”
He hummed, pulling you to his body; you chuckled breathlessly as he pressed his lips over yours. But for his taste, the kiss lasted less than two seconds.
“Roger, the kids are in the house and they will return any second,” you warned him.
“That didn’t stop you three weeks ago.” he reminded you.
Your cheeks turned red, god he loved making you blush, “Shut up, the door was locked then and it was middle of the night.” you looked over your shoulder, as you heard your children’s voices, “They’re coming.”
First Sophie entered the room, she jumped on the bed and asked with her sweet voice, “Mommy can you tell daddy the story how we got Sprinkles?”
“Of course, sweetie.” Ben entered the room too; he was clearly hiding something under his t-shirt, the thing was moving and squirming.
Roger’s gaze moved from you to Ben and back to you.
“Rog, you know Mrs. Eastman, right?”
Mrs. Eastman was your neighbor, she is in her 70s, a very nice old lady who would look after Ben and Sophie for a few hours when you and Roger are working at the same time.
“Yes,” he answered but didn’t quite catch where this conversation was going.
“So you know Mrs. Eastman has a golden retriever named Lucy right?” he nodded finally figuring out what Ben was probably hiding under his t-shirt. “A few days after you left Lucy had 5 puppies,” Sophie held out five fingers, which made Roger smile, “and she gave us one of the puppies as a gift.”
As a cue, Ben jumped on the bed and pulled the small golden retriever puppy under his t-shirt. “Please, daddy can we keep it?”
“Pretty please!” Sophie wrapped his arms around his neck, it always worked, she knew it and damn it Roger knew it too.
You and the drummer exchanged a look, you smiled and shrugging.
“Mommy agreed on keeping Sprinkles but she said you have to agree too,” Ben explained, petting the puppy. “And Sprinkles is a boy, like you and me, daddy.” Ben gave his dad a toothy smile.
Roger looked at the distance, like he was thinking, “I would agree on two conditions. First, he won’t be sleeping on this bed or yours, okay?” his children nodded, “Second, what kind of name this that? Sprinkles? We better change it if he will be staying with us.”
“No!” the children yelled.
“His name is Sprinkles!” Sophie yelled.
“But we didn’t hear daddy’s answer,” you interjected which made your kids stop talking and looking at Roger with hopeful eyes, “can Sprinkles stay with us?”
“Yes, he can.” Ben and Sophie jumped on him, kissing his cheeks. “Okay, okay, now go wash your faces and play with Sprinkles until mommy and I make breakfast.”
They stormed out of the room, the last thing you heard was Sophie’s muffled voice and Sprinkles’ tiny bark.
“Fuck Y/N, I just allowed them to have a dog,” he laughed.
“Technically it’s a puppy, Rog.” you kissed his lips, making him sure that what he did was right, “It’s good for them to have a dog at home, it’s good for their self-confidence and can reduce their anxiety and depression.”
“Babe, you sound just like Brian.”
You hit him playfully, “Oh, shut up. We gotta get up,” Roger’s eyes landed on your exposed stomach as you stretched, “make breakfast.”
Roger hummed, eyes still on your exposed tummy, “Do you think we have some time for a quickie?”
“Rog, the kids are probably in their room…”
“Playing with Sprinkles. How did he get that name?” he asked casually when his hand went under your t-shirt but he only caressed your stomach.
“He ate the sprinkles Sophie gave him.”
The drummer let out a snort and shook his head, “Those kids will be the dead of me.” he murmured, before asking, “Do you know that they’re switching their places while they’re sleeping?”
You pointed a finger at Roger, “I knew something was off, because a few days ago I found Ben sleeping at the other side of the bed,”
“Why am I not surprised,” Roger admitted, “last night when I came home you were hugging Sophie and after I showered and entered the room you were hugging Ben,” the drummer nodded to confirm because you were shocked, “I still don’t know how it happened.”
You shook your head, “Wow, I’m shocked…”
“Yeah, me too.” The drummer took a deep breath, as his fingers made their way to your boobs, “So, do you think we have time for a quickie?”
“No, I don’t think so, Rog,” You kissed Roger’s pouty lips, “I promise to give you the most unforgettable blowjob after we put the kids to sleep.”
His eyes widened in shock and desire, “More unforgettable than the one you gave me on my 30th birthday?”
“We will see, but you have to wait, Rog.” you left the room after winking at him.
Roger lied down on the bed, chucking to himself, “It’s good to be back.” he whispered and got up.
Tagged: @rogmeddows @ohtheseboysilove​ @witchbloodsworld @liamarietayor @benders-diamond-earring
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Paradise 🌴
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Wednesdays on a normal week were hectic. Wednesdays on a tropical island with your blonde bombshell of a boyfriend were the complete opposite.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluffy!!! Jimin, sometimes Jimin makes me so soft y’all, Boyfriend! Jimin, mentions of Dancer! Jimin, smut (18+ only please)
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: All of the words that are italicized are supposed to be Korean :) I’ve been working on TnT but, that fic is still quite a long way from being finished so, I wanted to give you guys a little something while you’re waiting. Thank you guys so much for all the support! 
Love youuuuuu
Warnings: smut, language, kittens! (read at your own risk, kittens are sometimes too cute too handle)
The sound of meowing rouses you from a deep slumber...for the fourth time this week. There were many reasons why you decided to put off having children for quite a number of years. One of them, being, that you valued your sleep. However, recently, you made the choice to sacrifice some shut-eye and adopt a pair of orange and white orphaned kittens from your local shelter. The speckled little rays of sunshine were named Peaches and Cream and, despite the loss of sleep, they had stolen your heart.  
You resented waking up however, the fluffiness of your duvet being far too desirable to depart from, the pillow beneath your head feeling very much like a plush little cloud you were destined to spend another few hours on. With your eyes still closed, your right hand stretches across the blanket, searching for the warmth of your boyfriend who, would usually still be fast asleep beside you. However, you were surprised to feel nothing but, the slightly cooler fabric of his side of the bed. It was then, that your eyes pop open, taking in the sight of an empty room. The sunlight paired with a hushed periwinkle sky both of which streamed gently into your bedroom.
How early was it?
The phone on your nightstand buzzes, startling you momentarily before, you sigh and reach for it, the light from your screen too invasive for the early morning.
It was way earlier than you had previously guessed which only furthered made you question why your boyfriend wasn’t in bed with you. Jimin adored many things in life but, nothing made him happier than waking up beside you. When the two of you moved in together 4 years ago, Jimin was still finishing his training at the dance academy and, you were finishing up your internship at your dream company. Needless to say, for the entirety of that year, the mornings the two of you spent waking up together were few and far in between.
Once Jimin decided he was going to coach with his company, rather than tour, he vowed that he would spend every morning he could waking up beside you. You landed your current job 2 years ago and, recently, your company had promoted you and, sent you on a two-week paid vacation to the Cayman Islands: All expenses paid for 7 Days and 7 nights.  
Jimin had been over the moon when you told him where you were going but, because the kitten adoption was already in the works and, with your new furry friends being so young, he had insisted you find a way to bring the kittens with you.
Whatever Jimin wants, Jimin gets.
With your bags packed and, two tiny kittens in a TSA approved animal carrier, you and your boyfriend had set off to the Cayman’s roughly 4 days ago. The vacation was extremely overdue and, you and Jimin had spent most of your time drinking margaritas, playing in the ocean and, well, playing with eachother. The kittens adapted just fine and, when Jimin left them alone long enough, they took it upon themselves to explore the nooks and crannies of the Cabana you had for the week, with only minor accidents along the way.
While you were having the time of your life, you still couldn’t figure out what Jimin was doing out of bed so early. The past four mornings, he had woken you up with his head either in your neck or between your legs. Neither of which, you complained about.  
They call it paradise for a reason.
Accepting that you won’t find your answers just laying around in bed, you decide to do the unthinkable and, drag yourself out of bed. You shiver slightly due to the fans being on full blast in your room, something both you and Jimin needed to sleep. The previous night you went to bed in Jimin’s t shirt and, a white pair of cheeky underwear, which weren’t sufficient enough to combat the cool temperature of the bedroom. Your fluffy robe lay across the wicker chair in the corner of the room and, you quickly throw it on before, meandering sleepily out into the living room.  
“Yah...don’t be mean to your brother, he’s just trying to play...” You hear the Jimin’s Busan dialect slip out from across the room before you see him, his delicate giggle following soon after. The sound warms your heart but, the sight of him, dressed in a white t-shirt and yellow boxers curled up on the couch with both kittens splayed across his lap makes you melt.  
You lean against the doorframe, taking a moment to admire the scene before you. Jimin’s hair was platinum for the summer time, the mass of it disheveled atop his head, his eyes still lightly swollen from sleep. The tan he had acquired on your trip had only intensified his newly dyed locks; he looked like was late to his Baywatch audition. His fingers wiggled around the bodies of the kittens playfully and, he giggles as Cream catches a fingers in her mouth.  
“Don’t bite your daddy, I feed you remember? You have to be sweet to me...” He admonishes in his native tongue and, you feel proud of yourself for having understood most of what he said.
You don’t want to interrupt him but, his voice, his smile, the cozy appearance of his sleep clothes, it was enough to make you desperately wish you were Peaches and Cream.
“Good morning...” You call softly as to lessen the chance of startling him.
His blonde head whips to your direction and, the sight of you makes his puffy pink lips break out into a smile.
“There she is...good morning Jagi...” He takes Peaches’s paw gently into his hand waving it towards you, “Say good morning mommy...I woke daddy up cause I pooped in the laundry again...”
You giggle, shaking your head at them before making your way to the couch, “Again huh? What are we going to do with you?”
Jimin giggles with you, releasing Peaches before offering his arm to you as you approach the couch. You take his invitation, cuddling into his side, relishing in the natural sweetness of his leftover cologne.
He smiles warmly, nudging your cheek, “Sorry if we woke you...”
Your hand reaches down to smooth over the kittens, their purring igniting as you do. Shaking your head you turn towards him, pecking his lips lightly.
“The meowing woke me, not you...”
“Yah, see what you did? You poop on our things and, then you wake your mommy up, that’s not nice...” He coos at the kittens, rubbing their backs gently.  
“They will repay us one day when they get rich and, are able to take care of us in our old age...” You joke, causing Jimin to giggle again, his eyes soft as the kittens began to leave his lap.
“They grow up so fast...” He laments through fake tears and, you laugh watching them as they scamper over to the other end of the couch, stalking one another playfully.
“Did you sleep ok?” You murmur gently, leaning your head on his shoulder.
The light from the sunrise is intensifying, the sound of the ocean beginning to creep in as one of the bay windows creaks open.
Jimin nods, pulling one of the soft fleece throw blankets over the both of you, snuggling into you further, his blonde hair tickling your neck.
“Its high tide right now, the waves are really big...” His voice is quieter as he indulges in you, your presence calming him, subduing him as it normally does.
“Are they?” You follow suit with his choice of volume, not wanting to disturb him as he seems rather content.
He nods, his hand coming up to tuck underneath your robe, fingers brushing along the skin of your thigh lightly.  
“Can you hear them?” His voice is a whisper now and, it allows for the growing sound of the waves crashing on the shore not far from the entrance to your cabana.
A smile is on your lips then as you nod, a sense of intense relaxation enveloping your body. Jimin nuzzles into your neck, his legs tucking up onto the couch whilst his fingers continue to brush along the top of your thigh.
“You’re soft...”  
His whisper gives you goosebumps, your leg moving slightly to allow him better access to your skin.
“It’s all the sand we’ve been playing in, it’s an exfoliant...”
Jimin chuckles, feeling himself plump up in his boxers as he continues to touch you but, he’s in no rush, he has all the time in the world...
“I wish we could stay here forever...” You lament, eyes closing at the sound of the ocean and, the feeling of your boyfriend’s hand.  
You feel Jimin nod, his hand dipping down towards your inner thigh, tracing patterns on the sensitive skin, “Me too...I love being able to be alone with you so much, we need to be alone more...”
He’s right, your respective workloads were demanding and, there were several days out of the week where you and Jimin wouldn’t even one another.  
“We’ll make more time for us when we get back. We can plan another trip for later this year too...” The steadiness in your voice is wavering, Jimin’s hand making its slow ascent up your inner thigh, dragging his nails gently across it.
“Two trips a year...that’s what we need. I can’t have you like this back in the city...”
You know what he means, the two of you are so distracted by your responsibilities that even you’re alone time back home tends to feel rushed and, it never feels like enough.  
His nimble fingers tuck into the edge of your panties, sliding the back of his two fingers along the side of your core, his face never leaving your neck.  
“What are you doing ?” You giggle and, Jimin follows suit, tilting his head to look into your eyes. His pupils are dilated, his lips puckered and inviting.  
Before he has a chance to answer you lean down, pushing your lips against him. He smiles into the kiss, reciprocating as he cups his hand against your cheek.  
It doesn’t take long before you’re suckling his bottom lip into your mouth, its literally impossible to resist. Jimin hums contently, nudging your nose, submitting to the motions of your lips. There’s a sweet sort of laziness to the kiss, the two of you indulging in one another: unrushed and unashamed.
Jimin, with his lips still connected to yours, starts slowing ushering you underneath him, pushing off your robe in the process. His eyes are gentle and, hold more emotion than they did a moment ago, he looks over you, smiling softly as he does, eyes lighting up in adoration.
“How do you keep getting more beautiful huh? What are you eating?” His tone is charming and, it warms your heart, your hands reaching up towards him as you giggle.
“I can’t though,” He chuckles, leaning down into your body, “I have to know Jagi...”
Pursing your lips is enough to hint at another kiss and, Jimin snickers as he gives in, kissing you. It’s soft and messy, there’s no need for pretense, the chemistry, as always is ever present.
“I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours...”
Jimin giggles into your mouth, hands bracing on either side of your head, “I eat you most of the time don’t I? Guess that must be my answer...”
Smooth bastard.
You roll your eyes, spreading your legs to allow him to settle between them. As he does, you feel the stiffness of his erection that’s currently straining against your panties. The feeling causing you to roll your hips against him, sending a shiver up his spine.
“Do you feel how hard you got me? For no good reason...just came out here in my shirt and these panties and, that was it huh? That’s how easy you’ve made me...I get hard just thinking about you...” He colors his voice with annoyance but, he rolls his hips back against yours, smirking as he hears you whimper at his words.
You lean up to peck at his lips, smiling as you do, “You should put it inside me then, since it’s so hard...”
Jimin’s smirk doesn’t falter but, leaning back so he can pull your underwear off, biting his lip as he notices the viscous shine over your pussy.  
“I love when it when you get this wet for me...” He moves his hands to the waistband of his boxers but, his eyes don’t move from between your legs. “I love knowing that you only get wet for me...”
“That’s cause I’m yours...” You whisper leaning up with him, eyes soft and full of love as you lift up his shirt, kissing gently at the skin there, your fingers tucking into his boxers.  
Jimin’s heart is pounding in his chest and, he’s certain that the love he’s believed in his whole life, the true, gooey, fairytale bullshit type of love was right here in front of him. Even after 6 years of dating, you could still make his heart go faulty in his chest.
“...and I’m yours...” He whispers before pulling off his shirt completely, taking your face in his hands, pressing his lips to yours, another smile returning when he does.  
After a few moments, Jimin has lined himself up with your entrance and, upon laying you back down, he reconnects your lips, catching your gasp in his mouth as he pushes inside of you. He sets a languid pace, both with his mouth and, his hips, taking his time with you.
“I love you...” Three words are in your mouth and, you return them just as quickly, your hips grinding upwards towards your boyfriend.
“Shitt...” He giggles, his mouth breaking from yours as he glances down at where you’re connected, “I always think slow sex is going to help me last...”
“Not working?” You pant, trying to focus on his struggle but, it’s proving very difficult as he hits something inside of you
“Never does...not with your pussy...it’s too good...” He laments, biting his lip as his eyes flit up to yours, his breath uneven as he continues to fuck into you. “I can last for you jagi...I’ll hold off.”
You smile, licking your lips as you bring his own back to your mouth, “You don’t have to...I’m right there...wanna feel you cum in me...”
He groans into your mouth, nodding vigorously as you give him the ok, his hips stuttering momentarily, “Are you sure? You’re gonna cum for me?”  
“I’m sure...let me feel you baby, I want you to cum inside...” You’re growing desperate, feeling the hot sensation of your orgasm beginning to warm the tips of your toes.
Jimin’s teeth attach to your lip, his hips pumping into you faster and faster when he begins to release inside of you.
His toes curl as a string of curse words and, his native tongue tumble past his lips, “Oh my god...I love you, you’re so good to me, you’re so good...”
Jimin speaking Korean into your mouth as he cums is enough to send you careening after your release, your center contracting over and over again as your orgasm hits you. Pleasure soaks your senses then, leaving you breathless as your exhausted boyfriend collapses ontop of you, slowly rocking into you as you both come down from your orgasms.
The sun is fully awake and shining into the cabana, the waves continue to crash in the background, the only other sound being yours and Jimin’s ragged breathing.
The two of you don’t move or speak for quite sometime, merely enjoying each others presence until Jimin’s gentle voice finally breaks the silence.
“I love you...”
With a soft smile and a kiss to the side of your boyfriends head, you respond,
“I love you too...”
Maybe paradise isn’t a place, maybe, paradise is a person.
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ckret2 · 4 years
do you have any tips on writing ace/aro characters, so that they come off as natural n not forced?
I'm gonna assume you're coming at this from a non-ace/aro perspective, so like, lemme give a super simple quick-and-dirty trick, and then I'll give you a couple of caveats to it. Also every time I say ace/aro in this post I mean "ace&aro OR ace OR aro." The example I'm using for this trick is more ace-oriented but like, apply the same mental exercise to romance. Here we go, here's the trick:
Pretend you're writing inside the mind of an adult character in a series aimed at little kids.
On the surface that sounds terrible I know, but bear with me while I explain it.
If you're watching, like, Sesame Street? There are adult characters running around. Various humans, Oscar the Grouch, Bert and Ernie, etc.
None of these characters think about fucking.
Like, ever.
I know, this concept is jarring, because Oscar is clearly a freak, and we all have headcanons about Bert and Ernie—but like, realistically speaking, they live inside a show aimed at preschoolers, and therefore they never think about fucking. They think about taxes, they think about repairing broken home appliances, they think about the state of the environment, they think about great works of art, but they don't think about fucking. You can examine the thoughts inside their heads at any time and fucking never crosses their minds.
Now, this doesn't mean they're childish/immature/naive. I specified "adult characters" for a reason. (Which is why, say, Elmo can't count for this example; the reason Elmo doesn't think about sex is because he's a baby.) Oscar is the wisest person on the planet. Bert and Ernie are out there living adult lives—and Ernie's a bit of a dork, but he's clearly an adult with some goofy thoughts, not an adult with the mind of a child. The human characters on the show are all normal humans, and the only trait they have in common is that they all get along with kids or else they wouldn't be on the show. You could write any of these characters into serious adult plots, just age up the vocab a bit, and they'd work just fine.
These adults are also all living in a real-ish world, and all have adult educations and knowledge bases. If you removed these characters from the setting of Sesame Street to ensure there are no preschoolers around and like, asked them if they know what sex is, they'd be like, yeah. Sure. Obviously. They wouldn't be naive. They are probably all reasonably knowledgeable about sex, to whatever extent we can expect out of muppets.
But none of them think about it. None of them care about it. They don't not know about it, they just don't think about it. If a guest singer comes on with a low-cut top, none of them will even notice that you can see almost all of her cleavage. If someone shows up who they personally consider extremely good looking by whatever their respective standards are, they will admire that person's looks but not once think about that person naked. On Valentine's Day they will think about handing out chocolates to their friends, and not think about the state of their sex lives. Due to the fact that they're not naive, if SOMEBODY ELSE goes "got a date for valentine's!! Hope we'll be up late. ;)" they might go "oh congrats, gonna see a late movie? ...... oh no wait, I figured out what you mean, haha good luck."
They aren't clueless. But the nature of the reality they live in precludes sex from naturally occurring to them or appealing to them.
You can do ace characters like that. You can also do aro characters like that—this specific example is focused on ace because like, even toddler shows will show romance in the form of A Mommy And A Daddy Who Are Married or whatever, and I couldn't think of an easy broadly-recognizable example for romance-free settings. But you can apply the same "knows about it, doesn't think about it, doesn't care about it" logic to aro characters.
The advantage of taking that approach is this: you never have to focus on I wonder what it's like to never think about sex/romance? because it is, at least in my opinion, VERY easy to imagine the aforementioned characters never thinking about sex/romance. You don't have to stop and try to figure out how they interact with the world, because they just DO interact with the world, never thinking about the things they don't feel the need to think about.
A lot of times I see ace/aro characters written as somehow preoccupied with their own absence of XYZ feelings, or else mentally explaining/justifying why they dislike XYZ activities as if their orientations are something they thoughtfully reasoned out rather than something innate/unconscious; and in both cases I think that's a reflection of allo writers being preoccupied with the absent feelings or trying to come up with an explanation that makes sense to THEM for why someone would "decide" to have this orientation the writers themselves don't have an internal instinctive understanding of.
But the same writers would probably have no problem writing Oscar without sexual thoughts because it probably never occurred to them to give Oscar sexual thoughts in the first place. It's not something they need to think about and justify. They can just do it.
Now, here are the caveats:
- Of course you don't want to LITERALLY write ace/aro characters like ACTUAL characters from shows aimed at preschoolers. You can AND SHOULD have them be gritty and intelligent and willing to go commit murders or whatever, and can AND SHOULD have them demonstrate all the depth and complexity of a character in a Victor Hugo novel. This example isn't given as a suggestion for a basis of characterization, but just as a thought exercise to help someone I'm presuming is allo get into the mindset of what it's like to have a character who simply never thinks about sex or romance. "How to have a character not be thinking about sex" is all you should take from this. Please don't write ace/aro characters like you're writing to a five-year-old audience.
- Of course, ace/aro folks are all different. Some of them think about sex or romance a lot. Some of them find romance fascinating to think and write about specifically because they don't have an internal sensation of it—hi there, yours truly. Some of them are demi or gray and do feel sexual or romantic attraction once in a blue moon. Some of them aren't merely neutral to the topics, but actively repulsed, uncomfortable, hostile, etc, whether that's because of just an instinctive Ew Yuck reaction or because they live in a society where the topics (and sometimes the activities) are forced on people all the time and they got sick of it. Some of them are actively sad/wistful that they don't experience those desires. Some are very pleased with how they are but still spend a lot of time comparing/contrasting their experience of the world with other people's. "Completely oblivious and completely disinterested and completely neutral" is a real possibility, but only one possibility out of many, and it would suck if that's the only sort of ace/aro rep we get.
But—BUT—if you're new at writing ace/aro characters, particularly if you're still figuring out the very basics of how to write about them in a way that sounds natural, I still recommend this thought experiment as a way to wrap your mind around the very basic root level experience of what it's like to have a character that doesn't feel attraction. Everything else can be piled on top of that foundation later.
Because if you hop straight on to something complicated like "smut scene with a character who's ace but sex positive and into doing kinky shit," what you might actually end up writing is "character with a token line included about how they don't desire sex but think it's fun and then they spend the rest of the scene having extremely allo-sounding thoughts/reactions," whereas if you've already had some experience/practice putting yourself into the head of a, like, basic tutorial level ace character, it's easier to extrapolate from that and do things like go "well, this character is into kinky sex, BUT I probably shouldn't have them get aroused at the thought of seeing their partner naked, since their source of fun is from the act itself and not from a physical attraction to that person..." or whatever.
- If you want an example of a character who is definitely ace but who also definitely has weird sex, it's Oscar the Grouch. I will not be accepting criticism. You know it's true.
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 24 - Finding Normality
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.8k words 
Chapter 24: Finding Normality 
           “Alright, we’re here to discuss the charges for Mr. Cho Weong-Bin.” said a judge, sitting up in his seat as he looked at the people in front of him. Weong-Bin, who was exhausted after a day of interrogation as well as being detained overnight, was standing beside the lawyer he had hired, a tall, skinny, older man with glasses and his hair slicked back. He was dressed in a suit that screamed ‘I’ve been in this business longer than you’ve been alive’. Weong-Bin had connections in his work, people who he befriended who kept trying to preach that he would never hurt his wife, that this was all a misunderstanding. However, despite their encouraging words, he was still stuck in court, waiting to see if he would be detained or not until his trial really began. As he stood there, listening to his charges as they were read out, his eyes wandered around the room, falling on you. You stood in the back of the room; your purse clutched tightly in your hands. He had seen you outside as he was being brought in, sitting with your family, who were keeping the girls entertained. They had no desire to be in there, but you made it absolutely clear that you wanted to see every single moment of this, from beginning to end. “I am understanding he’s brought to trial for assault of his ex-wife?”
           “Correct.” Said the prosecutor, the stoic and sturdy woman who was helping you win. She and the police had been working diligently to make sure everything was and will be submitted on time to ensure that Weong-Bin would be unable for release from detention until the end of the trial, but they assured that wouldn’t happen, with the evidence that they had. “We want to make sure that not only is he detained until proven guilty, but that he has no contact at all with his ex-wife, their two young daughters, or any member of her family as well.”
           “Oh, that’s ridiculous.” Weong-Bin’s lawyer said with a scoff. “This is all a misunderstanding and we plan to prove that.” The judge let out a deep sigh as he looked down at the records.
           “Well the safety of Miss. Cho and his girls are my top priority. So, Mr. Cho will remain in detention throughout the trial unless he can make a 6 million won (500K USD) bail. If he does, he is unable to go within 500 feet of his ex-wife, their children, or any of her family members, nor have any technological contact with them. If he goes against these rules, he will remain in prison until his trial.”
           “But-.” Weong-Bin said.
           “Enough, be thankful I’m being that polite about it.” The judge said. With a smack of his gavel, the man stood up and excused himself. Weong-Bin turned around to see you still standing there, as the prosecutor approached you. While she was speaking to you, your eyes wandered towards Weong-Bin, who looked annoyed as he said goodbye to his lawyer and was escorted out of the room by one of the police officers. As he walked out, he made sure his eyes remained on you for as long as they could, as if he was attempting to burn his gaze into your soul forever. He knew it was working, as he saw you shrink back and turn towards the door with the prosecutor following close behind.  
           It had been a few days between being in court and when you had to take the girls to talk to the cops, and really set this entire event into motion. With Weong-Bin being in prison, you were unsure if he would be able to make his bail. He had a good job and his family was pretty well off, so you wouldn’t’ be surprised. Even with the rule of no contact, you were still uneasy at there even being a possibility he could be released. All you could think about was the interview Min Ja had with the female cop and a child psychologist a few days ago. It kept playing back in your mind, over and over.
           “Alright, Min Ja-.” The kindly cop said, smiling as she sat across from the girl. She had already revealed her name was Seo-Yeon to the little girl and introduced the doctor as Mrs. Geum. She looked at them after just seeing you and Hoseok take Hyo Bin out of the room. “We need to have a little talk, okay?”            
           “…Am I in trouble?” she asked curiously.
           “No, of course not.” Mrs. Geum said gently. “We just want to talk to you about your Mom and Dad.” Min Ja set down the doll in her hands. “Can you do that?”
           “Do you mean the fighting?” She asked curiously.
           “What about the fighting?” Mrs. Geum asked.
           “They yell at each other all the time, even when Daddy lived in our house. I don’t really know what they yell about, but it’s really loud…”
           “Does it scares you?” Mrs. Geum asked. Min Ja nodded. “I’m sure it does. What do you do when they start to fight?”
           “Uhm…well I make sure Hyo Bin can’t hear it because she cries at loud noises. Sometimes I hide under my covers or in my closet…”
           “…Have you ever seen your Mommy or Daddy use their hands to hurt each other?” Min Ja looked down at the doll, holding it tightly in her hands. “…Min Ja?”
           “A few times…Daddy is the one that hits Mommy…”
           “…And what does Mommy do?”
           “She yells and tries to stay away from him, but he keeps trying to hurt her…” Mrs. Geum nodded. “Why does he do that?”
           “Well, that’s something only your Dad can tell us…” Mrs. Geum said. “Has he ever hit you, or Hyo Bin?”
           “No.” Min Ja’s eyes widened. “He doesn’t hit us.”
           “…Does he do anything else that makes you sad?” She asked curiously. Min Ja pursed her lips together. There was a soft moment of silence, but Mrs. Geum and Seo-Yeon waited patiently. Finally, Min Ja began to explain everything to the police as best as she could. She mentioned everything she was told about Hoseok, how he couldn’t stay in the house because her father was trying to come back into their lives, how he got upset when she said Hoseok was nice, and how all of that made her head hurt.
           “Even when Daddy said he fixed all his mistakes, he still made Mommy cry…” she said softly.
           “I see…” Mrs. Geum smiled happily as she set down her notepad. “Min Ja, you were very helpful today. You’re a very smart little lady.” Min Ja looked up.
           “Do you have to talk to my sister too?” She asked. Mrs. Geum nodded. “Well, I make sure she doesn’t hear the bad scary stuff because it makes her sad.”
           “Well then you’re a really good big sister, Min Ja.” She smiled. Min Ja’s eyes sparkled a bit, and she nodded happily. “Okay, you’re all done, sweetie, you can go outside to your Mom.” Min Ja got up, politely nodding her head just like her mother taught her as she headed out of the room.
           Upon returning home from the courthouse, your family piled into your little apartment, the once quiet air immediately filling up with bustling commotion.
           “Why don’t we help you unpack some more, Hoseok?” Your mother asked, turning happily to him as he set Hyo Bin down on the floor. Not only was this entire trial going on, but Hoseok had officially begun bringing stuff from his own apartment into yours, boxes, and bags of clothes, objects, even some furniture. It left the house looking cluttered, while was only adding to the anxieties piling up on you.
           “What? Oh no, you don’t have you, that’s all you’ve been doing since you arrived.” He said quickly, waving his arms.  
           “But I’m sure this clutter is doing nothing to calm your nerves.” She huffed, walking towards a stack of a few boxes. “It’ll make me happy~.” Hoseok sighed softly, chuckling.
           “Let’s at least figure out what we’re doing for dinner first.” Taehyung said. He watched as you made your way into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a drink. He could see that you were not focused on the conversations going on inside your apartment whatsoever. He called your name as you closed the fridge door, but didn’t get a response. So, he called it again. And again. And again. Finally, your mother shouted your name out, loud enough to finally make you turn your head.
           “Your brother is calling you.” She said.
           “O-oh uh... Sorry, did you guys want something to drink? Hobi, Sprite?” you glanced over to Hoseok, who glanced up at you at the call of his name. He, like Taehyung could see that offering your guests drinks was not the first thing on your mind. He walked over to you, reopening the fridge and pulling out a Sprite.
           “I’ve got it.” He smiled. “Why don’t you go rest? You’ve had a long day.” You chuckled.
           “I’m not going to go nap when I have guests.”
           “Well I live here now, too. So technically they’re my guests.” He corrected, reaching back into the fridge. He pulled out a few more drinks, turning around and tossing one in Taehyung’s direction. “Go on, rest up. We’ll do some unpacking then get dinner. It’ll make you feel better.”
           “Go on, you’re wasting precious time that you could be sleeping, all cute in bed.” He teased, taking your hand. He led you into the bedroom. “Go, go, go. We’ll all be here when you wake up.” He smiled.
           “Yeah, go rest, honey! We’ll watch the girls for you.” Your mother said happily.
           “…Alright…” you said softly, finally walking into your room and closing the door behind you. Everyone in the living room took this time to share glanced with each other unsure of what they should say now that you were finally out of the room.
           “Poor thing.” Your mother sighed softly. “I don’t know what to do to help her.”
           “There’s nothing we can do.” Taehyung said simply, watching as Hyo Bin hurried towards him, reaching her arms up in his direction. He quickly scooped her up and held her tightly in his lap. “We just have to help her through until it’s all over.”
           “…When did you become so smart?” Your mother sighed softly, putting her head in her hands. Taehyung chuckled. “But you’re right, we can only do so much. Oooh, I knew that piece of garbage was trouble. I can’t believe this.”
           “Well standing around isn’t going to change anything. Let’s figure out what to do for dinner.” Your step-father said, rubbing his wife’s back. She nodded, turning back to Hoseok. “Now, time to unpack.” Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh.
           “You really don’t have to do that; I assure you I can handle it later.” He tried to stop them, but they were adamant about lending a helping hand in getting some of the boxes opened and some of the stuff organized. Hoseok watched your mother walk to one of his luggage, asking to open it and start a load of laundry. After finally realizing he couldn’t stop them, he let out a deep sigh and finally allowed her to do so, much to her delight. He turned towards the bedroom, trying to picture you curled up under the covers and sleeping comfortably. When he heard nothing coming from the room, it put him slightly at ease. You needed a good nap.
           That evening, you all found a really nice meal at a local Italian restaurant, which was a bit expensive, but Taehyung took the bill with his recent magazine shoot doing really well. He wanted to try and take your mind off everything that was going on, and based on the faces you made as you swallowed up the chicken parmesan, he could tell that it was working. The dinner was a nice change of pace, something that got everyone out and enjoying themselves instead of worrying about the prick who was sitting in detention a few miles away.
           “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.” Taehyung said, turning to you as you exited the restaurant. Hobi and your parents were ahead of you with the girls, both of whom were chattering on and on. “Did that nap help?”
           “I guess so…” you said softly. You watched as Hoseok lifted Min Ja up in his arms, as she pointed up to the lights that lit up the street all around the restaurant. “I just can’t wait for this to be over.”
           “I know.” Taehyung sighed, pulling you into a tight hug. “It’ll be okay, he won’t be able to hurt you anymore. And if he makes bail and tries, I’ll just kill him.” You chuckled a bit.
           “Yeah, then you’ll be taking his place behind bars. I don’t want that.” Taehyung chuckled. He watched as Min Ja continued to take all of Hoseok’s attention, motioning to different things that she saw in the bustling Seoul streets.
           “I guess I don’t really have to spend so much energy worrying about you anymore.” He said, making you glance up.
           “What, you’re finally going to stop worrying yourself into a coma?”
           “Well, no.” Taehyung sighed. “But well…” he motioned to Hoseok. “You have Hoseok-Hyung worrying about you now. I did my part, I guess.” You chuckled, feeling the hug Taehyung had you in tighten. “It’ll be weird not having to rush over to you all the time when there’s a problem.” He pouted. “I won’t like it, tell me I can still worry about you, Noona.”
           “No.” you scoffed, looking up at him. He whined, his pout remaining on his face. “Take all that worry you have for your Noona and go find another girl to worry about.”
           “Nope. You’re not allowed to argue with me. It’s like you said, I have someone else worrying about me now, you’ve done your part.” Taehyung sighed, and you offered him a tight squeeze. “Don’t worry about it.” You said, patting his shoulder.
           “Mommy!” You heard Min Ja shout, making you both glanced over. “Mommy, Mr. Hobi said we can get ice cream!”
           “Hobi.” You pouted. “What-.”
           “I want ice cream.” Hoseok shrugged.
           “My treat.” Your step-father said.
           “Alright, fine…” you said softly. You pulled back from your hug and headed back over to them, Min Ja grabbing your hand as soon as she was placed back onto the sidewalk. “Come on, Tae.” You said to him. He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets as he followed you.
           At the ice cream shop, you knelt down at your children’s level, pointing out some of the different flavors that they saw. Your mother and step-father were at the counter, already placing their orders with the sweet teenager at the counter. Taehyung watched as Hoseok stood beside you, hands in his pockets as he watched you help your kids pick out a flavor that they wanted. He walked up to Hoseok, tapping him on the shoulder.
           “Hm?” Hoseok looked over.
           “Can I talk to you?” he asked curiously. Hoseok glanced over to you, seeing you meet their gaze. Hoseok glanced back over and smiled.
           “Sure.” He said happily. He looked at you really quick. “I’ll be right back; just order my-.” Just as he was about to ask for some Rocky Road, he saw you standing up and putting in that exact order with the worker. “Awww, you already knew.” He said, and you looked at him.
“…This is for me.” You said. Hoseok blinked, eyes falling to the now empty container of rocky road, that the woman pulled out of the display case.
“…Aaaaah, so mean.” He pouted, but only receive a giggle as some form of sympathy. “I’ll be right back. Order me something else, you pick.” You nodded, watching the two of them walk out of the parlor together. As the boys stepped into the cool air, people shuffling past along the sidewalk, having their own side conversations, giggling and chatting as they walked past the duo in every direction. “Man, I can’t believe that she did that right in front of me….” He mumbled sadly. When he didn’t hear a response from Taehyung, he glanced up and saw the boy was looking directly at him. “Is everything alright, Taehyung?”
           “Yeah, everything is fine.” He said, putting his hands behind his head. He looked at the scenery around him, humming. “I just…you need to promise me something.”
           “…Okay.” Hoseok chuckled.
           “I maybe a year younger than my sister, but I’ve looked out for her since our parents got married. I didn’t want my father to remarry someone after my mom passed away. I was a little brat for the longest time, even afterward. But she still went out of her way to treat me well and make sure that our family was happy together.” He said. “She’s stubborn, and that makes her kind of stupid sometimes. So, I’ve always tried to look out for her, even when she dated you in college. I just didn’t want to ever see her hurt, because she made sure I never was.” He chuckled. “When all of this happened with Weong-Bin trying to get back into their lives, I couldn’t help but be infuriated, but I knew it wasn’t helping her.” Hoseok nodded.
           “I’m sure she knows you mean well.” He said simply.
           “Yeah, I know.” He sighed. “But it’s been over a decade that I’ve been the guy looking out for her.” Feeling a bit anxious, he ran a hand through his hair. “I know that, well, that’s not my role anymore.” He looked at him. “When Weong-Bin and her started dating, I made it clear I wasn’t going to let just anybody take my sister.”
           “I know, you said the same thing to me.” Hoseok chuckled.
           “Yeah.” Taehyung nodded. “The day before they got married, Weong-Bin asked me again if I was ready to let her go, and let him protect her.” Taehyung’s eyes darted to the side a bit as he pursed his lips. That day continued to play in his head all of the time.
           “Come on, Little Bro-.” Weong-Bin hummed, resting against the wall of the living room. You were inside making the three of you some tea, and Taehyung had stopped by to bring you some of the final boxes from the house to complete your move into Weong-Bin’s house. He had kind of wished he had waited.
           “Don’t call me that.” Taehyung sneered. Weong-Bin rolled his eyes.
           “Whatever. Taehyung.” He walked over to him. “I know how much you care about your sister. We’re on the same page, I care about her too. But she’s going to be my wife tomorrow.” Taehyung could remember the smirk that formed on Weong-Bin’s face at that moment. “Don’t you think it’s time that you stop playing the protective little brother and let someone else take care of her for a change?”
           “What?” Taehyung asked, standing up.
           “I’m just saying, you’ve been taking care of her for the past few years, and that’s great. But, as her husband, it’ll be my job to protect her. There’s no longer any room for you in that role.” He stepped closer to Taehyung, who crossed his arms. “So, what do you say? Do you finally feel ready to let your Noona go to someone more…hm…capable?” Taehyung tried hard to restrain himself from knocking Weong-Bin’s lights out at that moment. He was still making a name for himself at that moment, and Weong-Bin knew that stopped him from doing anything drastic in fear of penalty. But that was just physical violence.
           “What happened?” Hoseok finally asked, drawing Taehyung back from the memory.
           “Hm? Oh, well I told Weong-Bin to go fuck himself and he punched me in the face.” Taehyung said simply, placing his hand on his cheek as if the punch had just been inflicted. “Hurt like a son of a bitch, but I didn’t care. I wanted to make it very clear I had no intention of letting him of all people protect her. I knew he would do a crummy job of it, and I was right.” Hoseok nodded. “I keep thinking about if it was you instead of him that married her. Things would be so much different.”
           “Well I wouldn’t have punched you.” Hoseok said. Taehyung chuckled a bit.
           “Yeah I know. But…I wouldn’t have said what I said to you, either.” Taehyung glanced at Hoseok. “If you’re the one that promises to protect her, then I have no reason to worry….” Hoseok chuckled.
           “Are you passing the torch to me?” he asked curiously.
           “…Mhm…” Taehyung said. “Reluctantly, I admit.” Both of them shared a smile. “But…you need to promise me, no matter what, that you’ll protect her, but it has to be a promise that you can’t ever break. No matter what.” Hoseok looked at him, seeing in Taehyung’s eyes the same seriousness and intensity that he saw 7 years ago when he met an 18-year-old Taehyung, one who had told him almost the same thing back then, back when Hoseok thought he would be the one who walked you down the aisle first. Hoseok couldn’t help but nod.
           “Of course. I never planned to do anything different.” Taehyung let out an exasperated sigh.
           “I know, I know that.” He said. “I just had to make sure. With everything going on, I told her I would back off because she has you now. But…I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page.”
           “We are.” Hoseok said. “I promise, I have no other intention in life but to love her for as long as she’ll let me.” Taehyung nodded, smiling.
           “Thank you, Hyung.” He said, nodding his head a bit. Hoseok patted the younger boy’s shoulder, nodded.
           “Let’s go inside before they eat all our ice cream. She’s done it before.” Taehyung laughed as he followed Hoseok inside.
           “She used to do it to me all the time, then leave the empty carton in the freezer for me to find.” He pouted, and Hoseok began to laugh.
           You watched the boys enter the parlor again. Min Ja and Hyo Bin were now sharing a cup of ice cream, their faces messy as they dug their spoons into the cold a delicious treat. Your mother was trying to clean them up, but they were not having it, they were too busy eating!
           “Welcome back.” You motioned to their ice cream, set on the table waiting patiently to be eaten. As the boys took a seat, you smiled. “Are you guys done talking about me?”
           “Who said we were talking about you?” Taehyung asked, sitting down and beginning to eat. “We have other things in common than you.” He grinned as he put a scoop of ice cream in his mouth. “Don’t inflate your own ego.” You laughed a bit.
           “Okay, fair.” You said, looking to Min Ja. She looked up to you, then to her Uncle and Hobi.
           “We got chocolate chip.” She beamed.
           “Me too~.” Hobi smiled happily. “I was going to get Rock Road, but they’re out.” He pouted, and Min Ja giggled as his little childish tantrum. You chuckled. “Well, not out, but I was betrayed by someone who I thought loved me-.” His eyes fell to your ice cream cup, consisting of Rocky Road and rainbow sprinkles.
           “Oh yeah, it’s my fault you stocked my freezer with Rocky Road and got me hooked, isn’t it?” You huffed, putting your spoon to his mouth. “There. Take some.” Hoseok chuckled as he leaned forward and took the bite. You smiled a bit. “There. Satisfied?” You asked. Hobi hummed and smiled, tilting his head in excitement as he ate the bite of ice cream. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched him. Taehyung watched you both, seeing the wide smile forming on your face as Hoseok leaned forward, begging for another bite. “What? No, no.”
           “Please?” He begged.
           “You have your own ice cream!” You laughed a bit. Taehyung chuckled, leaning back in his seat.
           “Mommy, me too!” Min Ja begged, still trying to pull away from your mother’s attempts to clean her face. “I want some too!”
           “Min Ja, let me finish cleaning you.” Your mother gasped.
           “Mom, quit while you’re ahead.” You begged. Min Ja smiled as you held the spoon out to her, allowing her to reach out and take a bite. As she allowed the cold treat to tickle her taste buds, her eyes lit up. “I like that, it’s yummy.”
           “Isn’t it?” Mr. Hobi beamed. “You’re such a smart little girl, Min Ja.” he cooed, making Min Ja giggle. Quickly, she took your cup and spoon, making your eyes widen.    
           “What- Min Ja! Give that back!” You gasped. She took another spoonful, a smaller one, and held it out to Hyo Bin.
           “Try some, Hyo Bin.” She said. The little one reached out from her seat, opening her mouth just enough to take some of it into her mouth. She blinked, swallowing it. Almost immediately, her nose scrunched up, a confused look etched on her face. “You don’t like it?”      
           “…No,” she said softly. You chuckled, reaching over and taking your ice cream back.
           “You girls eat the ice cream grandma and grandpa bought you instead of stealing mine.” You said, and Min Ja pouted a bit. “Go on. Before it melts.” Min Ja nodded and continued to eat with her sister. Finally, you were able to start eating your own ice cream.
           “That was yummy!” Min Ja grinned, taking hold of her grandmother’s hand as the group of you exited the parlor. “Bye-Bye, Ice Cream Lady! Thank you!” She shouted, waving behind her. The workers smiled as they waved back.
           “Alright, time to go home and take a bath.” You said to the girls, and once again were filled with their whines and begs not to. “You mean to tell me you two sticky rug rats don’t need to be cleaned? I doubt that.” You scooped them both up in your arms. “Oh, jeez-.” You groaned, finding the task a lot harder than usual. “When did both of you get so big?”
           “I’m a big girl now, I don’t need to be picked up all the time anymore. Hyo Bin does, though.” Min Ja pointed out, pointing to the toddler who was curling up in your arm already, all the food finally beginning to make her sleepy. “See? She still gets sleepy from food. I-.” Min Ja stopped, covering her mouth to yawn. “I don’t.”
           “Right.” You sighed, turning back to your parents and Taehyung. “Do you need to come back to the house for anything?”
           “No, we can just catch the train from here to Taehyung’s house~.” Your step-father grinned, hitting his son on the back. Taehyung blinked.
           “…Who said you were staying with me?”
           “Well we can’t stay with your sister, can we? Her house is already filled to the brim. Besides, all our stuff is at your house. Your house has a spare room, doesn’t it?”
           “Well, yeah, but-.”
           “What? Is there a girl you’re hiding from us or something?”
           “NO!” You saw your brother’s ears turn red.
           “Then it’s settled!” Your mother turned to you again. Taehyung did too.
           “Noonaaaaaa-.” He begged, walking up to you. “Don’t do this to me, they snore.” You sighed, nodding.
           “I’m doing this to you because they snore.” You said, and Hoseok began to laugh. Taehyung groaned, giving in as his father came and gave him yet another supportive pat on the back. Finally, the group of you said your goodbyes, with the promise to see each other tomorrow. The girls yawned as they hugged their grandparents and uncle, Hoseok offered to take Min Ja into his own arms as she began to fall asleep. The group of you parted, Taehyung leading your parents to the train while you and Hoseok headed down the block to your apartment. “Well, that was fun.”
           “I’m glad. I hope you made you feel a little better.”
           “It did.” You said. Hoseok chuckled. He looked over to you as you fixed Hyo Bin as she continued to drift into slumber. He took this chance to take hold of your free hand, interlocking them together. You glanced over at him and smiled, making sure to give it an extra squeeze. “…Hobi, can I ask you a question?”
           “Of course.” He said.
           “I want to tell my parents and Tae, about the baby from college… I haven’t yet. With everything going on right now, it’s just another thing that’s been weighing on my shoulders.”
           “I can only imagine.”
           “Will you…help me?” Hoseok looked at you.
           “Of course, I will.” He said gently, lifting your hand up to his lips and giving it a kiss. You smiled, a force pulling you slightly closer to him. “Taehyung just entrusted me to protect you. What kind of man would I be if I let him down already?”  
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