#so i stay on the outside looking in. begging for the door to be unlocked. while they stare through window laughing
autisticlee · 3 months
sometimes being autistic really separates me from other people. there's an invisible wall that separates me from people, society, the world. all those things can reach through the wall and slap me around, but it's one way. I can't reach them. and they never pat me on the head. nothing nice comes through. and I can't get out. I try to share good things. nothing gets through the wall. they see it as I purposely don't come out of the room i'm locked in. they think I act like i'm too good for them. they are offended and reach in to slap me. i'm desperately screaming and trying to reach out to them. trying to be part of things. but I can't. I can't connect with them. I can't be part of society. this wall isn't my doing, but they are making sure it stays up and making sure they only send negative signals through. know I can't stay behind this wall or I literally can't live. but also can't get out. i'm stuck and blamed for it. told i'm not trying and it's on purpose. i've been kicking and screaming at the wall my whole life and didn't make a dent. the lonliness and disconnection that can be felt when autistic is something nonautistic people will never feel or understand.
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vivwritesfics · 29 days
Jimmy is a frisky little fuck, gets the neighbour cat pregnant. But hey, that's an excuse for the neighbour cats owner to introduce her to the pretty man with the mesmerising blue eyes who also can't wait to become a cat grand parent
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Beaver had been acting incredibly strange. When her owner acquired her (literally rescued the little cat from a bin - she had been sitting in the apartment dumpster literally chewing a bit of wood, how she got her name), she had never been one to beg for food. 
In the three years she'd owned Beaver, she'd always filled up her bowl in the morning, and then Beaver would sporadically eat from it. She'd never finish the bowl before noon and then yowl for more. 
And Beaver was definitely getting fat. 
Her owner was incredibly worried.
She scheduled an appointment with the vets and then spent maybe two hours trying to coax Beaver into her cat carrier. But the cat was a wild child. If she didn't want to do something, she wasn't going to do it. 
The cat carrier idea was abandoned. "I kinda hate you," her owner muttered with little conviction as she scooped Beaver up into a blanket and left the apartment. 
It was a little awkward, carrying a cat through Monaco like it was a baby. But Beaver was pretty happy to lay in her arms, happier than she would have been in the cat carrier. 
When, at last, they got to the vets, they were the only beings in the waiting room. Thank God, the last thing she needed was a dog freaking Beaver out, or Beaver chasing somebody's pet rodent across the room. 
She couldn't stop her knee from bouncing as they waited to be called. Her eyes couldnt stop drifting across the room, to that ugly, magnified picture of a tick. When they were called (which didn't take too long, maybe everybody else's pets were thriving that day), she carried adjusted her grip on Beaver and carried her into the waiting room. 
Pregnant. Her mangy little street cat who she loved more than anything was pregnant. "Beaver, you hoe," she mumbled as they walked out of the vets office. But then she looked at Beavers swollen belly. She had kittens in there.
Who the hell was the father? Beaver hadn't left her apartment (by choice), so who had gotten her pregnant?
She didn't mean to gasp as loudly as she did. In the hall of the apartment complex, she stopped walking to look at Beaver, her eyes wide. "It's the neighbours cat, isn't it?" She asked, but Beaver didn't confirm or deny. 
But it madde sense, didn't it? The neighbours cat had a habit of breaking into her balcony to check Beaver out. It wouldn't be a surprise if he and Beaver got busy while she was at work. 
"Well," she said to Beaver as she unlocked the apartment door, "at least you've got taste." 
Yeah, the neighbours cat was pretty beautiful. A Bengal, if she knew her cat breeds (which, she barely did). And his owner wasn't bad to look at either. 
The owner that she should probably inform of what was going on. 
She placed Beaver down on the sofa, and she climbed out of the blanket. "Okay, Bea," she said, holding out her hand (so that Beaver could push her head against it). "I'm gonna go and tell your baby daddy's dad what's going on. You stay here and... try not to let any more boy cats in." 
Beaver ignored her and made her way to the bedroom. 
Standing up straight, she brushed the loose cat hairs from her jacket. She grabbed her keys from the side and made her way out of the apartment, to the one just above her own. 
As she waited outside of her cats baby daddy's owners apartment, she could hear an incredible amount of commotion from inside. Well, I say commotion, but it was one single voice, sometimes shouting. She raised her knuckles to the door and knocked. 
The shouting stopped. Their was a pause, so long that she thought he wouldn't answer, before he pulled open the door. 
Eyes so pretty she got lost in them, and quite literally forgot what she was going to say. She'd never properly met her neighbour before, just seen him when walking through the building. Her mind blanked as she continued to stare into those pretty blue eyes.
"Can I help you?" Her neighbour prompted, and she shook herself out of whatever trance he had her under. Witchcraft, I tell you. 
"Uh, yeah. Sorry to bother you but I live in the apartment beneath you with my cat, Beaver, and I think your cat might have gotten mine pregnant."
His face dropped, and then a smile split across it. "Really?" He asked, and she nodded. "Jimmy is going to be a dad?”
"If Jimmy is the pretty little Bengal that Beaver is obsessed with, then yeah, Jimmy is gonna be a dad," she answered, shifting her weight from foot to foot.
Suddenly he was reaching into his apartment and grabbing a set of keys. "Can I come meet the momma?" He asked, his voice so excited. How could she say no to that?
On the short journey form his apartment to her own, they introduced themselves. Max was Jimmy's dad, and he was a car mechanic (okay this girl clearly didn't know who Max was, and he didn't want to come out with the whole F1 driver thing. So he took a leaf out of Daniels book and called himself a car mechanic).
(She thought it was a little weird, how did a car mechanic afford a luxury apartment in Monaco? Maybe he was a car mechanic to the stars or something).
"Why is she called Beaver?" Asked Max as she pushed her key into the lock on her apartment door.
She didn't judge him for asking, it was an incredibly strange name for a cat. "Well, when I found her she was chewing this bit of wood and she looked sort of like a mangy little beaver. Turns out she was just a mangy little cat," she said and let Max in.
They might have been in the same building, but her apartment was much smaller than his own. A lot more full, too. Where Max had little else beside his set up in his living room, she had so much stuff. A fluffy colourful rug, a sofa big enough for a whole group of people, a cabinet full of DVDs.
"The little miss is probably in my bedroom," she muttered as she kicked off her shoes. "I'll go and get her."
Max kicked off his own shoes. He took a moment to look around properly, careful not to invade her privacy.
She emerged just a few moments later from a little way down the hall, a little black and white cat in her arms. "This is Beaver," she said, holding the purring kitten towards him.
"Hi Beaver," said Max as he took her from her hands. "I'm Max, Jimmy's dad. You're gonna make me the happiest cat grandpa out there."
Beaver pushed her head against Max's, still purring. "She likes you," said her owner as she sat on the couch.
"They're gonna have the prettiest babies," Max said as he sat beside her, Beaver happily sitting in his lap. As carefully as he could, Max fished his phone out of his pocket and passed it to her. "Give me your number, just in case you guys need anything."
But it wasn't just in case they needed anything. After Max went back to his apartment, they texted almost constantly. It started off being about the cats, but then it went further (I say further, but it was just them sending each other memes, giggling from behind their phone screens as they laid in their respective beds).
Max invited her out for dinner maybe a week before the kittens were born. It wasn't anything fancy; he was just craving something unhealthy and he wanted some company.
And then the kittens were born. As Beaver hid herself away in her closet, she pressed her phone to her ear. "C'mon Max, pick the fuck up" she whispered as she sat on her bed.
She was panicking, admittedly. But who could blame her? Her cat was about to give birth!
Max finally picked up his phone. "Hey, I'm at the pet store. What sort of bed should we get for momma and babies?" He asked, sounding all too relaxed.
"Shut the fuck up and get your ass over here!" She cried. "The babies are coming!"
Max ran out of the pet store. He'd never moved so quick in his life (not with his own two legs, at least). In ten minutes flat he was outside of her apartment door, knocking insistently.
Max was just as stressed as she was. But, upon seeing the look on her face, Max let the stress drop. "She'll be okay," he said, pulling her close for just a moment. For a moment was all they had; they had to get to Beaver.
He took charge, sitting her on the bed with a glass of water. The two of them waited while Beaver gave birth. There wasn't much more they could do. Once the kittens were born, Max brought in towels and blankets. He kept a nice distance to her while he set up a lovely warm bed for her and the kittens.
"They're beautiful," he said, not daring to pick them up. "Should we bring Jimmy down here to meet them?"
She shook her head. "Not yet. Let momma and babies rest," she said, laying her head on Max's shoulder.
He squeezed her. "We're gonna be the best cat grandparents," he said. When she held up her hand, Max gave her a high five.
"Can the grandpa take the grandma out for dinner? Is that something a new cat grandparent would enjoy?" He asked, looking down at her with her head still on his shoulder.
She hadn't yet taken her eyes away from the kitten. "Real dinner? Or you just want company?"
"Real dinner, date dinner."
"Love it."
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houseofripley · 4 months
hello :) I have fanfic idea. So how about reader comes over to Rhea’s house and it’s snowing so reader has to stay longer because of the snow storm but Rhea pulls out the game dunk desires (a spicy card game) and things get heated ;) (PLZ SMUT AND FLUFF ENDING🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾) anyways bye bye 👋
Locked In.
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
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WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT, Thigh Riding, Spanking, Strap-On Riding, Strapwarming, Slight Manipulation??? WORD COUNT: 2,773 A/N: literally started working on this the second i saw this. loved this prompt
“Hello hello! I’m here!” You called out as you let yourself into your friend Rhea’s home. “You better not be robbing me, I have a knife!” Rhea joked from the kitchen.
You approached the woman finishing cutting up a watermelon. “You need to learn how to lock your door Rhe-Rhe.” Rhea set her knife down and turned to face your direction, flexing her arms. “Have you seen these guns? No one could stand a chance,” she said before putting the chopped up fruit in a bowl. “Also I left it unlocked for you, it’s fucking freezing out there. I didn't wanna make you wait in the cold.”
“What a gentleman,” You teased as you patted her back. The both of you made your way into the living room before plopping yourselves into the couch. “I swear people completely forget how to drive the second they see a couple of snowflakes.” You grumbled while a chuckle came from Rhea.
The two of you had spent the past few months spending bits of your free time together growing your friendship closer. But the past few weeks Rhea had been begging you to come to her place  nearly everyday. She also became more possessive over you, you noticed how jealous she got two nights ago when you went out with your group of friends. Rhea only talked to you the entire night and would tense up whenever you spoke to anyone other than her.
“Now why was I dragged to your humble abode today?” You questioned as the snow fell outside the large window several feet behind you. Rhea gave you a big cheesy smile before saying “Board games!”
You groaned “Will you ever get bored of forcing me to play your old people games everyday?” You complained to the woman. “You know you love it,” Rhea claimed before adding on “I just want to finish one last episode of my show.” As Rhea began watching her show, you stared at the dark twilight outside.
Both of you were soon disrupted by a weather alert blurting from the TV. You turned away from the window and looked over at Rhea whose eyes were glued to the TV screen, then turned your attention to the weather alert reading “Winter Storm – Blizzard Warning: In Effect 6 PM Through 11 AM – No Travel Advised.”
“Shit,” You mumbled looking at your watch. 5:28 PM. “I should get out of here before the roads get too fucked.” You said as you stood up. Rhea quickly grabbed your hand “No stay, I don’t want you driving out there. The roads are probably slippery already, I’d feel awful if I made you go home in this weather.” She coaxed.
“I’ll be okay Rhea, I really don’t wanna be a burden.” You said looking down at her. “I want you to stay.” Rhea stated, grabbing your other hand. The pair of you studied each other's faces before you nodded “If you insist…” You mumbled while the woman smiled and let go of your hands.
As the last few minutes of Rhea’s show played she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a handful of beer bottles to place on the coffee table. “If we're gonna be stuck here we gotta at least get buzzed.” Rhea voiced as she made her way to her closet which housed all her games. 
You sat on the floor in front of the sofa as Rhea brought back an assortment of Monopoly, Skip-bo, and Connect 4.
“You ready to get your ass beat?” Rhea taunted, causing you to roll your eyes. “In your dreams, Ripley.” You bantered. Rhea winked at you before taking a swig of her beer. 
The woman had beat you in both Monopoly and Skip-Bo. “I need some damn wine.” You grumbled as you stood up.
You poured two glasses of the first red wine you noticed then brought them out to the living room. “Thank you, beautiful.” Rhea smirked, her compliment catching you by surprise leading your cheeks to flush. 
“You’re cheating!” Rhea accused after multiple rounds of her losing to you in Connect 4. You made a sarcastic angry expression “It’s Connect 4 how would I cheat!?” You snickered out. “It’s gotta be rigged!” She swore. “Rhe-Rhe it’s a piece of plastic I promise it's not rigged, also it’s not my fault I’m always two steps ahead of you.” You said playfully patting her thigh. 
“Not always,” Rhea muttered under her breath. You shot her a confused look, “Hm?” You hummed out. “Ah nothin’ you go pick the next game.” 
Rhea scootched back onto the sofa as she watched you make your way to the closet. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion once you spotted a sealed box. You walked back to Rhea, sitting down next to her holding the box she bought just hours before you came over. 
It was a card game that you never heard of, ‘Drunk Desires’ was labeled on the plain black box. “I have literally never heard of this…” You commented, Rhea gave you a look of disbelief before voicing a simple “Seriously?” 
“What is it? Teach me how to play!” You urged, assuming it was a game comparable to Cards Against Humanity. “Oh I’ll teach you how to play,” She purred out as she opened the box. “All you have to do is draw a card and do what it tells you, if you don’t you have to take a drink…but only draw the white cards first.” Rhea instructed, scooting closer to you.
The game seemed simple enough so you took a hold of the white card on top of the deck.
“Tell your game partner what you adore most about them.” You read out, you looked at Rhea smiling. “Ummm, I like your constant attitude…and big strong muscles.” You giggled out. “Oh yeah?” Rhea took a loose grip of your upper arm, her thumb running up and down your skin caused your hairs to stick up.
Rhea used her free hand to pick up a card that read ‘Tell your game partner a dirty secret.’ “I think my little secret will remain a secret until later,” She grinned.
“Now tell me why I can’t know now?” You pushed. 
“I'll tell you later…I promise” Rhea offered. “Hmm, you gotta drink and tell me later.” You persuaded her, she shrugged before taking a sip of her wine.
You both took turns pulling seemingly simple yet flirty cards, you both had answered nearly every question. The drinks you both previously consumed had obviously built  onto the tension the two of you had building over the past few months. 
Rhea’s hand slid onto your thigh as she urged you to grab a black card. “Have a three minute kissing contest, the winner drinks.” You stuttered looking over at Rhea, the both of you staring into each other's eyes. Your breath hitched slightly, you weren't expecting the game to take a twist down this road. “I-I’m sorry, you can take a drink if you don't want to, no need to worry.” Rhea assured you.
“No, I want to.” You confessed quietly as you slowly straddled the buff woman. Rhea grinned, “You have no idea how fucked up I am over you,” Rhea whispered as you rested your forehead against hers.
“Fuck, what type of game have you gotten me into…” You muttered, your hands gripping on Rhea’s shoulders. Lust had taken control of the both of you. You weren't sure who dived into the other first, but the one thing you were sure about is how intoxicating that first taste of your closest friend was.
Messy kisses worked to sync together while Rhea’s hands explored your hips. Both of your tongues mashed together while light groans escaped the back of your throat when Rhea began grinding your hips against her lap. Your hands found their way tangled into Rhea’s hair as her tongue investigated your mouth.
Rhea’s lips traveled down from your jawline to your neck, her teeth bit down on your sensitive skin before pulling away licking her lips. You could tell Rhea had been waiting ages for this. “I think we both deserve a drink for that.” Rhea murmured after prying herself off of you. 
Once you had both set your glasses down you reached over to grab Rhea a card. Rhea bit down on her lip before reading “Both you and your partner must remove a clothing item of the other's choice.” She paused for a moment, “Let’s get you out of those pants, pretty girl.” You obeyed and stood up from her lap, you let Rhea pull the waistband down and off your legs. Her hands caressing your legs for a few moments as she admired you.
You eagerly pulled the woman's shirt off before tossing it onto the opposite end of the sofa. “We have all night sweetheart, what are you in such a hurry for hm?” Rhea teased.
You bent over, grabbing your second black card that read ‘Go into another room and send a naughty selfie to your partner.” Protecting the card in your hand you let the woman know that you’ll be right back before hurrying off to her bathroom.
Once locked in the bathroom you slipped your hoodie and shirt off. You leaned against the wall posing and snapped a photo of your body in the mirror before sending it to Rhea. You added a text simply stating “Missing you in here. :(“
You knew your message had been seen when you heard a yell from the other room, “Get your ass back in here!” Rhea demanded. You decided to stay inside the bathroom, curious as to how she’d take it. “I know you heard me, I don’t like waiting.” The woman's voice approached.  
Rhea had pulled her next card and slid it under the door. ‘Take your partner’s underwear off without using hands.’ was displayed. “You got two options, sweetheart. You could come out now and have some fun with me or you can stay in there and I’ll go to bed without you.” She threatened.
You reluctantly opened the door, Rhea caught you by surprise as she threw you over her shoulder. “Good choice.” She mumbled out.
“Now be a good girl for me and you’ll get what you need.” The woman warned you as she laid you back into the sofa. “I’ll be the best girl for you.” You promised as she kneeled in between your legs. Her lips smirked while kissing on your inner thighs, a thread of whimpers escaped from your throat. She began to bite and pull at your panties, using her hands to keep your legs open for her. As your panties fell to your ankles, Rhea’s finger struck a single swipe up your folds, causing you to yelp out. “Such a sweet girl…” Rhea stated, licking her finger. 
A new card was handed to you as Rhea sat down. You flipped the card around to show the woman. ‘Grind on your partner's thigh for two minutes.’ It read. Rhea spread her legs apart as you settled yourself onto her left leg. ”Atta girl” She hummed.  A moaned “Shit Rhea'' left your mouth once your bare core began rocking against the fabric of the woman’s jeans. The two of you connected your lips as you whimpered into Rhea’s mouth, her hands traveling around your back.
Rhea’s hands got to work unclasping your bra, sliding it down your shoulders, and discarding it.
“Such a wet girl for me,” Rhea pulled away from your lips as she muttered while your sweetness leaked through her jeans.
You both knew you were past the point of no return. You needed each other…and you needed each other fast. 
You whimpered as Rhea pulled you up off her leg. “Shh, give me one second and I promise I’ll make you feel so good.” She reassured you while tugging off her jeans to reveal she had been packing the whole night. Rhea knew tonight was gonna be the night you finally screamed her name.
“Come sit on my cock baby.” Rhea murmured, helping you align your hips with hers. Your head fell back as you began sinking onto her. A whispered “Rhea,” came from your mouth as you settled at the bottom of her strap. You slowly rocked your hips back and forth as you let your walls adjust to her size. 
As you began slowly bouncing up and down her you threw your head into Rhea’s shoulder. Your hands clinged to the woman’s biceps. “So big…Rhea” You whined out, your nails digging into Rhea’s skin.
“Fuck!” Rhea groaned under her breath. “Taking me like such a good girl.” She complimented while her hands guided your hips to bounce faster. Your hands lifted Rhea’s bra off her chest. Whimpers filled the room while your hips traveled up and down Rhea’s length.
“That’s it…so good.” Rhea quietly reassured you. She did not expect how sensitive you’d be, the smallest movements leaving you overwhelmed. 
Tears formed in your eyes as Rhea’s hands held you down, forcing you to rock your hips against her. You moaned against the woman’s shoulder, your clit rubbing against the leather of her strap-on. “Feels so good doesn't it baby,” Rhea comforted.
 Your teeth clamped down on her shoulder once her hands guided you to bounce on her length again. “I know princess,” was said before a kiss was planted on your forehead. “You’re doing so good for me.” Was whispered in your ear. A loud yelp came from you as Rhea’s hands striked down on your ass.
Rhea’s hands tightly gripped your ass leading your hips to rock forward and backward as you bounced on her. You rested your head against Rhea’s cheek, tears escaping your eyes. Your walls tightened around her as your cries turned to screams. “I need you to cum all over me baby.” Rhea urged you.
“Rhea!! Fuck!” You screeched as your orgasm peaked. “God!” You yelped. Rhea helped stabilize  you once your legs began shaking eventually she let you sink onto her length after your legs gave out.
Rhea’s hands brought your face to match hers, planting a long kiss on your lips while your final tears fell from your eyes. “You were perfect.” She praised, wiping your tears. She let you move your head to rest on her shoulder as you let out a pitiful whimper. “Shhh…it's all okay baby.” She quieted her voice, her fingers tracing in your hair.
The woman let you rest on her as you occasionally delivered weak kisses to her neck. “I got you darling…you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hold you.” She whispered, wrapping her arms around you. After letting you rest a while she lifted your hips off her length, shushing you as you whined. She slipped off her strap before lifting you off the sofa. “We gotta get you in the bath, pretty girl.”
Your back laid against Rhea’s chest while you bathed together whispering sweet nothings. “Hey…what was that secret you were gonna tell me earlier?” Your question broke the comfortable silence.
Rhea laughed before admitting “That wasn’t a real weather alert earlier.” 
“What's that supposed to mean?” She had confused you.
 “It’s some year old year old recording I found. I've been keeping an eye on the forecast and chose today as the perfect day. All I had to do was make sure it was playing before you got here.” Rhea grinned whilst coating your hair with conditioner.
You scoffed out. “And you think all that was easier than asking me on a date?” You teasingly asked. “Where’s the fun in all that?” Rhea quipped.
“You bought that game just for tonight, didn’t you?!” You interrogated Rhea. Her silence told you everything you needed to know. “You bought that game cause you were scared to make a move huh.” You accused. 
“Woah hold on!” Rhea protested, “I was not scared, I just wanted to try something new.” She tried deflecting.
“You’re not fooling me Ripley, you’re a major softie. All clingy and jealous!” You teased. “I am not clingy at all!” Rhea fussed.
“Rhea, we are in the same tub and you are clinging onto me for dear life, what’s your excuse for that, hm?” Rhea tightened her grip on you more “I’m keeping you warm of course!” She chuckled.
You were absolutely right, Rhea was so infatuated with you she wouldn’t let you out of her sight until she had to go back to work a week and a half later. She went as far as trying to beg for you to be able to travel with her. Now that Rhea got to hold you, she never planned on letting go.
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kvtie444 · 5 months
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A/N: me and bae
Summary: matt begs reader to come over but is too fixated on his games😣
Warnings: swearing, kissing, suggestive?
As I parked my car outside Matt's house, I sighed and wondered why I had given in to his persistent pleas. The text messages had been relentless, Matt practically begging me to come over. Against my better judgment, I found myself standing at his doorstep, feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity.
He left the door unlocked, so I let myself in before walking to his room. I took a deep breath and opened his bedroom door, finding him seated at his desk, playing some first-person shooter game. He looked at me for a second, moving one side of his headphones off his ear, and nodded. "Hi," I mumbled, focusing on him as he returned to his game. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, knowing that he had barely acknowledged my existence.
Stepping behind him, I ran my hands through his hair briefly and rested my hands on his shoulders, gently rubbing them. He kissed his teeth slightly before the clicking sounds of his keyboard intensified. "Fuck," he practically yelled, slamming the table and making me flinch. I scoffed and walked off to his bed, pulling out my phone and purposely turning up the volume to gain his attention.
He barely acknowledged my existence, and I couldn't help but feel frustrated. 
“Matt?” I speak up.
"Matt," I repeated, my voice slightly raised. "What?" he replied, agitated. I furrowed my brows slightly, "I didn't come here to watch you play your shitty little game." There was a moment of silence before he mumbled a "shit" and shoved off his keyboard after being killed again. He got up from his chair, walking over to me, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at his sudden proximity. "Can't keep your mouth shut for one minute, can you?" he mumbled under his breath before reaching over me and pinning my waist down to the bed, catching me by surprise.
He leaned in closely, pressing his lips against mine. He pulled back after a second, but I chased his lips hungrily, placing my hand behind his head to hold him close to me. We pulled away for a moment, and he leaned up, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Wanna come watch me play, baby?"
I rolled my eyes at him, trying my best not to smile, as much as I hated to admit it, he always effortlessly made me smile. He bit his lip for a second, his icy blue eyes staring into mine, and scanning over the details of my face before practically dragging me up by my waist and moving me over to his desk. I couldn't help the laugh that fell through my lips as I felt his smile behind me. He sat down on his chair again, spreading his legs a bit before pulling me to sit on his lap, my back against his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder, tilting his head slightly and pressing a soft, ghostly kiss to my neck.
One of his hands stayed wrapped around my waist while his free hand grabbed his headphones and placed it on my head, so one side was off my ear. His other free hand came to guide mine over his keyboard, "let me show you how to play, baby."
tag list !!
@iloveneilperry @bernardenjoyer @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @mbbsgf @sturnvilmed @s1urnioloslvr @mattsbratt @mangoposts @christinarowie332 @recklesssturniolo @bluesturniolo333 @flowerxbunnie @kenzieiskoolaid @pepsiskiess @poopydroopt @byechristopher @solarsturniolo @m6ttsturniolo @lustfulslxt @stardustmf444 @mangosrar @ilovetoomanymen @thankyounextt @glossyfx @bellasturniolo @justurniolos @cl0esblogg @strumbolisworld @plasticferal
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toxicanonymity · 11 months
As ugly as he seems. Left in Lincoln pt. 6
8.4k words, dark dbf!Joel x virgin f!reader story master list / spotify playlist / joel master
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You would've given anything for Joel to wake up and ravage you. “s’what I mean, baby,” he murmured sleepily into your hair. "Can't trust myself." He groaned softly as his palm brought you tighter against him. 
WARNINGS: I8+, grinding, light somnophilia, thigh fucking, fingering, oral f receiving, P in V just the tip, reader menstruates, angst, pet names and praise, toxic dark joel, pining, obsession, horror vibes. he's sweet with reader, but he is. . . unhinged. NO Y/N.
You were back home in your room, lying in bed looking at the stain on the ceiling when it all became hazy.  You kept staring until your eyes watered and you could no longer see the spot at all.  The air was thick with smoke and dread.  There was shouting outside.  You went to your bedroom window and opened it. The night was dark, but a flickering glow illuminated the scene in your backyard.  The door to the spider shed was moving, flapping violently.  When it opened, Joel Miller emerged in a white tank top and jeans and an ax slung over his shoulder.  He stared at you but didn’t say a word or even nod.
He charged slowly but deliberately toward the house until he was out of sight and a loud crack downstairs told you he was swinging the ax.  At the other end of the house, the shouting outside intensified. As Joel continued axing down the door, you followed the shouting down the hall and looked out a window facing the front yard.  Bill and Frank were in the middle of the street fighting off infected who were crawling toward the house.  Bill was shooting at them. Frank was futilely trying to put the fire out with a hose.  
Frank saw you in the window and shouted, “STAY UPSTAIRS!”
The cracking at the door turned into splintering, then boots thudding up the stairs.  You ran into the hall just as Joel crested the top landing.  His biceps were smudged with ash but glistening and his hair was wild.  He lunged toward you and crouched down, wrapping his arms around you in a hug before hoisting you over his shoulder to carry you.  He carried you downstairs and to the kitchen where he unlocked the shredded back door.  Once you got outside, Joel didn’t stop.  He kept walking away from the house.  Not toward his house, not toward anywhere.  Over his shoulder, you could see the house shrink into the distance.  The shouting continued but faded as Joel carried you away.  Then, with a loud boom, the house was completely engulfed in flames.  
You tried to scream, tried to beg Joel to save your fathers, but you couldn’t make a noise. 
You woke up at Joel’s house gasping for air and heard yourself making an awful noise, more like a murder of crows than anything human.  You sat up and took deep breaths. Frank’s note repeated in your head: We love you so much. Protect yourself. 
Within seconds, footsteps were ascending the stairs.  The bedroom door opened, and Joel rushed over with a look of panic on his face. He was in boxers and a tight, white t-shirt. 
He sat down and hugged your head to his chest.  “Shhhhhhh, I’ve got you….. You’re okay. . . . you’re okay.”  You felt safer in his big arms, but the dread wouldn’t leave you and you couldn’t slow your heart rate.  When you didn’t stop sniffling, he asked, “What’s wrong?”
“I had a nightmare”
“‘About what, darlin’?”
“Our house was on fire and it felt like everyone was gonna die.” 
He rubbed your back.  “We’re okay, the house is okay.” 
“I mean my family’s house.” 
“Oh,” he muttered and his hand paused for a moment. He kissed your head, then his hand resumed its slow circles on the bare skin above your nightgown. “Oh, darlin’.  That sounds like a real bad dream.” 
“It felt so real.”
“I know, honey.” He held you tight and planted a kiss on the crown of your head. 
You were so grateful to him for everything, but suddenly felt guilty about being at his house instead of yours. You told him, “I should be there taking care of things.  I’m doing a bad job.” 
But at the same time, going back there was the last thing you wanted. It was so scary, so lonely at your house before Joel came and saved you. It was terrifying to think about.  You had to go back, the dream ripped open something deep in the back of your mind, something you couldn’t even discern, but which compelled you.  You hoped Joel wouldn’t let you stay there alone. Of course he wouldn’t, you told yourself. 
“You’re safer here, darlin’.”
“I know,” you whispered. “But I’m worried.” 
He sighed.  “Okay, peaches,” His large hand squeezed your arm and he kissed your head again.  “We’ll go over there in the mornin’.  How’s that?” 
Relief washed over you at the sound of Joel’s offer. Finally the tension in between your shoulder blades began to release. “Thanks.” It was still the dead of night. 
Joel asked, “Got room for an old man?” He seemed hesitant to leave you alone.  Knowing he wouldn’t leave you finally helped your heart rate to begin to slow. 
You nodded and Joel slipped into your bed.  He put his big arm under your neck and hugged you from behind.  He nestled you into him as a little spoon and held you tight as you fell asleep.  Nowhere felt safer than Joel’s arms. 
When you woke up, it was still dark.  You had drifted slightly forward in the bed, and Joel’s embrace had loosened.  Needing to be closer to him, you scooted back into his chest.  He cupped your breast with a sigh, then curved his body against yours again. His breathing suggested he was still asleep. As he nestled his knees behind yours, the solid shape of his cock sent a shock of desire through you. Its shape and warmth were unmistakable, even though it was all new to you.  Your body certainly recognized it and began to prepare itself for what it wanted.  
You pushed your ass back against him and his body rewarded you with a twitch of his cock. He let out soft noise somewhere between a grunt and a whimper. You pushed back again, and his hips gently pushed forward.  You slowly moved your hand to grab the bottom hem of your nightgown and tug it down so your bare nipple would be against his hand.   As soon as the satin was out of the way, your nipple hardened against his palm and you caught a whimper in your chest before it had a voice.  Joel’s palm pressed against your breast, and he sighed as his manhood swelled harder against your ass.  
You would’ve given anything for Joel to wake up and ravage you, but you knew he wouldn’t.  For a minute, you tried to ignore it all. You focused on his breathing.  Even his breathing was masculine and protective.  You had almost fallen back asleep when he began to massage your breast, and his hips began to push his wood against you at a slow, regular rhythm through the thin barrier of his boxers.  Joel’s mouth was pressed into your hair and his body was actively cradling yours, no longer asleep.  You were throbbing and a warm pool was forming between your legs. 
You loosely tangled your fingers with Joel’s.  His lower body broke away, and for a moment you regretted your gesture, as if it had snapped him out of a sleepful indulgence.  But then his hips returned, and you gasped at the contact of his smooth, bare cock.  It rested warm and hard against you with the head nudging the top of your crack.  
“‘S’what I mean, baby,” he murmured sleepily into your hair.  “Can’t trust myself.” He groaned softly as his palm flattened your breast and the same arm pulled you tighter against him.  You began to reach behind you, but he intercepted your hand and held it against your chest instead.  His massive palm cradled your own hand gently around your breast then left it there while he pulled down your panties.  After taking them off, he wrapped his arm over you again.  
With one arm under your pillow, he backed up enough to get clearance for his ample morning wood.  He wedged his foot between your ankles to lift your leg ever so slightly, then nestled his cock between your thighs, right up against your throbbing seam.  
Joel groaned at your wetness as his erection slid forward between your thighs, and you gasped when the thick head of his cock came to rest at your clit.  
“Oh, darlin’,” he breathed. “I feel how bad you want it.” His arm flexed under your pillow. “Poor thing, all wet and swollen”
When you didn’t respond, he added “s’a good thing, baby.  This all for me?”
“Yeah,” you whispered. 
“God damn,” he sighed and dragged his cock back.  The crown stopped short of your entrance before reversing toward your clit again, and you whimpered. Your belly was warm and tingly. 
Joel’s hand lightly grazed your abdomen on its way to your mound, then rested there. His cock slid back, and two fingers took its place where your wetness pooled.  He swirled his finger gently and slowly. “‘s’perfect,” he whispered to himself.
He dipped his fingers halfway in and you gasped at the welcome stretch.  He brought the wetness to your clit and began to draw circles. With his fingers out of the way, his cock slid forward again, bypassing your tight, wet hole, which spasmed at the proximity. “Oh, baby,” he breathed into your hair.   “It’s too much to bear,” he groaned at a low, shaky pitch. Surely not compared to what he was doing to you.  
Just the thought of him inside you–the thought of him occupying your body–was enough to tug at your tear ducts.  Tears of need.  He slid his cock back, then forward again, and when the tip reached your clit, it also met his fingers. You were getting pressure from both directions, and the tension in your belly threatened to burst.  God, you wanted him, needed him. 
He thrust his hips up against your ass with a sigh, moving his cock a little further, deeper between your thighs, as his hips flattened the plush of your asscheeks. Ohh, he knew how to make you feel good. Further, then back. Deeper, then back. He rocked in small movements, and the wet friction with your clit drove you crazy. 
“Joel, please.” You pushed your ass back into him and your bodies moved in rhythm.  
“Mm hmm, love feelin’ ya, baby.” Joel drove his cock a little faster, and his breathing became more labored. 
“Me too,” you whimpered.  He rubbed your clit as he fucked your thighs.  
“I want it bad, baby. You feel that?”
“yea-I, it’s so, it’s so big.” 
“When I’m real big and hard, that’s for you, baby.” His thrusts intensified. His breath was heavy and warm against your ear.  “That’s all for you,” he whispered.  
“Yes,” you whined. 
He moved his hand back to your breast and you looked down.  You watched the head of his cock appear and disappear between them and felt a new rush of arousal. The head was swollen and darker than you’d remembered. 
Your spine arched and you whimpered, “Joel.”
He thrust hard with a grunt, laid his palm on your mound, and covered the head of his cock with his fingers as you began to pulse against him. He groaned with the throb of your climax and finally lost some composure. “God damn, I wanna fill you up.” 
Your body jerked against him.  “I, I– Joel-” 
“Just, oh God, stuff you full of me.” His breath was ragged.
“I–” What you wanted to say was, I need it, I need you to.  He kept thrusting between your slippery thighs, and kept you pulsing.  Your waves of pleasure echoed, smaller and farther apart.   
You pulled yourself together to ask, “Can, can I feel you come?”
“Wanna feel me come?” he panted as he fucked the warm, wet little pocket so close to where you wanted him. 
“Yeah,” you whispered as he continued to accelerate.  
“Yeah,” he repeated and kept thrusting. 
“Please,” you asked. 
“Go ‘head.” 
He moved his hand back to your breast, groping you slowly but hungrily as he made room for your hand. His arm held you still as he railed between your thighs.  “Oh, god damn,” he breathed into your hair as you cupped your hand around the tip of his cock. . “Oh, god-”  Then he shuddered -- When his cock pulsed between your legs, it was so big, so powerful, like it was trying to push your thighs apart.  A new wave of pleasure surged through you.  You gasped as his hot load filled your palm. His breath was ragged against your hair, his chest heaving against your back.  The warm, white spend kept coming, and coming.  You held your hand steady as best you could as your heat twitched against him and his balls emptied. 
You were both still and quiet, with his arm draped over you.  His cum was still in your hand, but you didn’t want him to move.  Once his cock began to soften, he slid it out from between your legs.  He whispered, “I love you, baby” and kissed you on the head before going to get you a washcloth.  Then you went to take a shower and he made the bed.  
After breakfast, Joel walked with you down the street to your house.  It felt like you were leaving a safe place.  The broken asphalt was littered with debris from the storm, but it felt less spooky than when the two of you made the opposite walk, from your house to Joel’s.   As your house came into view, you felt relieved that it looked intact, but guilty for leaving it unattended. Irrational as it was, you were also fearful, as if the house might be decaying from the inside out.   The closer you got, the more you knew the terrible dream hadn’t faded from your mind.  The mood of your nightmare followed you and made you envision the worst. You imagined the insides of the house gutted from a fire.  Tall, black sheets, pieces of your life peeling off the walls.  You imagined the insides grown over with weeds and mold.  Then infected. 
The dream made you see Frank’s note differently. Cautionary.  It even made you see Joel differently.  He saved you in the dream, but something felt wrong.  He saved you, you kept reminding yourself.  He saved you from the fire.  
You knew these feelings would fade, but Joel could tell you were unsettled.  He stopped you when you were coming up to your house.  “You okay, darlin’?” Only then did you realize you had tears in your eyes.  
“Y-yeah,” you stammered. 
“C’mere, baby, I know it was scary.”  He wrapped you in a hug.  “Everything’s fine, you’ll see.” 
Joel peeked his head inside the front door and gave the all-clear, then he checked the gardens while you went inside.  You went to Bill and Frank’s room to make sure everything was okay and ready for them to come back.  It was silly, but you checked under the bed, and behind the shower curtain, and even in the closet, looking for anything bad. Something lurking, growing, falling apart.  You felt like there must be evidence of your neglect somewhere but you couldn’t find it.   
While you were in their closet, a gray metal box caught your eye.  You weren’t looking for it, but you were familiar with it.  When you saw it, you had a strong impulse to take what was in it, lest a fire or horde of infected take it.  It had been years since you opened the box, but it was just as it was.  Your biological father’s wedding ring, a custom knife from your mother, and a loaded gun. You hesitated, then heard Frank’s words again: Protect yourself. You took a messenger bag of Frank’s off the closet shelf and nestled the objects in a zippered compartment.
While Joel was still outside, you went upstairs and packed a few articles of clothing, an extra pair of shoes, and a book in the bag. You wondered if you should plan to stay in your own house again. Joel could stay there, too. It felt foregone that you and Joel would stay together, wherever you were, and thank God.
When you came downstairs from your room, you sat on the sofa.  You recalled the first time Joel came over and comforted you right there. The rush you felt when he first embraced you and the aching throb when you felt him get hard. None of that had changed. You still felt it every time. The only thing that had changed was you. A void had opened up inside of you that only he could fill. 
When Joel came back inside, he stopped at the threshold of the living room and looked at you sitting on the sofa. He put his hands behind his back, jutted his chest forward and stretched without taking his eyes off you. 
He asked, “Ya miss it?” It was a casual enough question, the way he said it. 
“Kinda,” you said.  “But I feel at home when I’m with you.” 
His face became serious and he stopped mid-stretch.  He dropped his hands to his sides and his brows knitted as he approached.  He sat down and put his arm around you.  “You dunno how glad I am to hear that.” 
You nodded, and when you looked up at him, his eyes were softer than you’d ever seen them. A new, gentler shade of brown.  He took your cheeks in his hands and kissed you deeply.  
“Need anything else before we go home?” Joel asked. 
“Nah.”  You picked up the messenger bag and saw Joel eyeing it.  
You thought he might ask what was in it, but all he said was, “Neat bag,” and for some reason, you were relieved.  
You trusted Joel completely but felt better when you were also “being smart,” as Bill would say.  A person can only count on themself, you were taught.  You got the sense Joel would like for you to leave everything to him, but he was only human. You had to protect yourself, too.  
On the way back to Joel’s house, there seemed to be something on his mind.  “Look, peaches,” he started. “I’m sorry ‘bout this mornin’, in bed . . .” This ignited an unexpected flicker of anger in you.  What did he need to be sorry about? 
“Why?” you asked.
“Uh. . .”
“I wish you wouldn’t be sorry,” you added earnestly.
“Well, I’m sorry anyway.” 
Incredulous, you asked, “What part do you regret?”
“No, baby, no, no, no.” He stopped walking and took your hands in his. “Nothin’ to regret.  I just–I felt like I almost lost control.” 
You scoffed. “I wish you would’ve.” 
He squeezed your hands. “I want everything to be special for you.  I’m not gonna catch you off guard like that.” 
You asked, “You’re gonna tell me when, then?” 
“We’ll decide together.” Right. Whatever. 
It put you in a bad mood, so you started walking again, kicked a stick in the road, and changed the subject. 
That night, over dinner, you asked, “How’s Tommy?” When Joel got back from the QZ, you had been so focused on Frank that you forgot to ask. 
“Didn’t catch him,” Joel said. 
“Oh, sorry.” After eating another bite, you asked, “Why doesn’t he ever come visit?”
Joel finished chewing and said, “I reckon Maria and the kids keep’m busy.”
“I don’t even remember what he looks like.”
“What are you talkin’ ‘bout? He looks like me, younger, less handsome.”  Joel winked at you.  Then he went to a kitchen drawer to get a leather wallet.  He took out a worn, faded photograph of the two of them and handed it to you.  They looked so young. They were both in work shirts and hard hats. Joel was strikingly handsome, but nothing compared to now. He looked happy, but you preferred his weathered scowl. Tommy looked shy compared to Joel.  Tommy’s hair was longer and his arms were crossed, while Joel had an arm around Tommy’s shoulder.
You nodded, “a lot less handsome.” and Joel laughed. “But only because you’re that good looking,” you added. “I still don’t get why they don’t just move here,” you said. Joel had told you before: The farm life wasn’t for everybody.  But from what Joel said about the QZ, that idea didn’t make much sense to you. If the QZ was so bad, why would anyone prefer it to Lincoln? And if the QZ wasn’t so bad, why were you never allowed to visit it?
Joel was quiet, and there was something about the quiet that unsettled you. 
It came out of your mouth before you registered the thought. “Is he alive?” 
“What? Tommy?” Joel’s face changed completely. “What kind of question is that? He looked at you like you were crazy.  "‘Course he’s alive. Bill's stayin' with'm.” 
You weren't even sure why you asked. “Sorry.”
Joel's face softened.  "No, no, I'm sorry, darlin'." He put down his fork.  “Truth is, I wish he would visit. But I don’t think he much likes seein’ me.”
“Why? You’re brothers.”
“I reckon it brings back bad memories.”
“Like what?”
Joel sat back in his chair and rubbed one side of his beard. “Things we did. . . Things I did." He shook his head and looked at the ceiling. Quieter, he added, “things I’ve done.”
You were quiet for a minute.  You knew the answer, but you still asked, “Bad things? Like killing people?”
“Necessary things.” He nodded to himself.
“But you only killed bad people, right?”
Joel crossed his arms and his legs. “I don’t wanna scare ya, darlin’.”  
“Please tell me, I wanna know all of you.”
He shook his head. 
“Not just bad people,” you whispered in conclusion.
He swallowed, then looked at the table as he softly admitted, “Anyone who was in the way.” He didn’t look at you for a few seconds, then cautiously, his eyes began to rise to meet yours. “I would never, ever hurt you, darlin’. You’re the last person in the world I would–”
“I know,” you cut him off and took his hand. 
His brows knitted as he searched your face. 
"Darlin', the outbreak, it changed people. It's not somethin' ya can leave out there, either. If you knew what the world was like. . ." he trailed off.
You didn't talk for a few minutes, and in that time, something came over you.  You didn’t know what the world was like.  You heard that more times than you could count growing up.  You were sick of not knowing.  You might have been the only person left in the world who didn’t know. This was your chance, with Bill gone, if Joel could just take you out, even for a few hours one day.  
Joel kept looking at your face as if he was trying to read your mind.  Then you broke the silence: "Show me." 
Joel looked over his shoulder toward the orchard. "Show – show you?" He swallowed. 
"You said if I knew what the world was like. Show me. Take me out there. Just for a day."  
He shook his head and looked down like there was no possible way, like it was such a definite no, it wasn’t even worth the energy of convincing you. 
You insisted, "I know you can protect me." If anyone could protect you, Joel could. 
"Take me out.  Or you're gonna keep saying that for the rest of our lives, I just know it. That I don't know what it's like. Everyone says that."
"What did you just say?"
"Please, Joel, give me a chance, I know you can protect me." 
"The rest of our lives," he repeated, marveling at your words, ignoring your point. 
You swallowed and your cheeks burned. 
He nodded, "That's right, baby." 
After dinner, Joel did some work outside and you stewed–about him holding out on you sexually, about him not wanting to ever take you out into the world.  That night, all you did was kiss on the sofa and listen to his whispers about the rest of your lives.  Once the kisses heated up and he hardened against your thigh, you said you didn’t feel well.  If he wasn’t going to give you what you wanted, you didn’t want him getting you all riled up. When you said you didn’t feel well, Joel didn’t ask any questions aside from what you needed and how he could help. 
When you went to bed, you thought about what he said.  Things I’ve done. You thought about the Red Sox caps.  And you slipped back into your fairy tale where he had done the worst things just to have you. It shouldn’t have made you feel better, but it did.  It made you feel better, not worse.  You knew in your gut Joel wanted you, and once you finally put your bodies together, you knew there would be no taking them apart. 
The next day, you really did feel crummy.  You went to the bathroom and found out why.  You got your period.  You had everything you needed – Joel had stocked your room really well, which made you emotional, and you felt bad for being mad at him. 
After dinner, Joel came in from working outside and found you curled up on the sofa. He came over with two glasses of water. 
“You okay, darlin’?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired.  I don’t feel that good.”
“What doesn't feel good?”
“I have cramps. I just feel pretty bad.  ”
He looked at you then sat down on the sofa.  “What can I do?”
“You’re sweet,” you said.  “Nothing you can do, though.”
“Well, mind if I join ya?”
You made room for him. Before he joined you on the sofa, he retrieved a plastic baggy from the kitchen and offered you a painkiller.  You accepted half of one. Before it had a chance to kick in, you whined wordlessly as you tried to get comfortable. 
“How ‘bout I run you a bath, darlin’?”
“Bathtub’s nicer down here,” he said.  
You went to get your bathrobe from upstairs and curled up on his bed while his bathtub was filling up. When the water stopped, you walked into the bathroom. It was nice, like Bill and Frank’s.  The counter had two sinks.  The bathtub was separate from the shower.  It was a big garden tub nestled in its own nook in front of a window, with a ledge behind the end without the faucet.  
Joel was sitting on the ledge with his sleeves rolled up, checking the water for you. “See how that feels.”  
You dipped a toe in and nodded, then stood there for a moment until you realized he didn’t plan to leave. 
“Ah,” he put his hands on his knees to stand up.  “Lemme grab you a towel.”  
You were still a little shy to get completely nude in front of him, but you wanted him to see how far you’d come in trusting him and being comfortable. By now, you were confident in Joel’s genuine appreciation for your body and every part of you. 
You hung the robe on a hook on the wall, then stepped into the tub and sank into the water before he got back.  You felt less exposed that way.  
He put a stack of folded towels on the ledge behind the bath, then smoothed his hair with one hand.  You looked at him and admired his big, veiny hands and forearms.  
“How’s it feel?” he asked.  
“Better already,” you told him. 
“Good.”  His eyes sparkled as he admired your body through the water then met your gaze again.  “Want me to leave?”
You shook your head.  “No, but – do you have to be so. . .” you looked him up and down and his brows knitted in concern. “Dressed?”
His face relaxed, then he raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself.  “You want me undressed?”
You nodded and he began to unbutton his shirt. You didn’t watch the whole time, letting your eyes drift to the window.  In a way, watching someone undress or dress felt more intrusive than seeing them naked.  He stripped down to his boxers and undershirt, then neatly folded his shirt and jeans and set them on the bathroom counter. 
He asked,  “Better?”
“Good,” he softly pinched your cheek. You wanted those strong arms around you more than anything, but you worried about your period. He was so neat and clean all the time that it was hard to imagine him willingly exposing himself to anyone else’s fluids.
“You could get in,” you offered. “Except for the blood,” you added apologetically. There was only a small diluted plume. 
He cracked a smile and looked at you with soft eyes.  “Blood don’t bother me, peaches,” he said. “Not one bit.” 
“Not yours,” he clarified. 
“It’s not like regular blood, sometimes there-”
He interrupted softly,  “I know what a period is, darlin’. I’m almost sixty years old,” he chuckled. “Went to non-FEDRA school, too.” 
“Almost sixty?” It gave you a rush to hear and a rush to say. 
“If ya round up. That weird? Thought ya knew that, baby.” You knew he was in his late fifties. You celebrated his birthday at one of your last dinners. But somehow, hearing the number “sixty” was wild. 
“It’s not weird.”  You shook your head earnestly and suppressed a smile. It was flattering that Joel, with all that life experience, loved you. It was sexy, too. 
Joel sighed.  “So, am I cordially invited?” He eyed the water with a subtle smile, then he reached into the bath and gently caressed your lower abdomen.  “It’s natural, darlin’. It’s beautiful.” He gripped the side of the tub and leaned in for a kiss.  Then he pulled back and looked in your eyes.  “Every part of you is beautiful. I’m just sorry it hurts.”  
“Yeah,” you said. “Come on in.” 
He stood up and faced you, then took off his white t-shirt.  It was the first time you’d seen him shirtless in the daylight. He was weathered and tan.  Scarred and strong. Strong, but soft enough to be comfortable.  He dropped his boxers without shame.  You averted your gaze, but what you saw of him made you even more amazed at how big it could get.  You were flattered to have that effect.
You scooted forward to make room for Joel to get in behind you.  
“You want me there?” 
You wanted him everywhere, but you nodded.  He stepped into the tub behind you and braced himself on both sides as he moved his feet forward.  He settled in around you with a small splash, his thighs gently squeezing yours. He slid his huge hands under your arms to loosely embrace your torso then leaned back against the porcelain with a sigh, bringing you with him.  You could feel his soft package and hair against you. You tried to relax into him, and he kissed you on the head. 
He rested one of his hands on your lower belly.  “You know we got the other half’a that pill, too, if ya need it,” he muttered. 
“Thank you, Joel,” you said.  “For everything.” 
He planted another kiss on your head.  “It’s my privilege, darlin’.” 
He held you in silence, softly stroking your sides.  Soon enough, you really relaxed back into him.  You focused on the rise and fall of his chest under your back.  You felt so attached to him, so in love with him you could cry.  Suddenly, the idea of not having him wrapped around you at any point in your life made it hard to enjoy when he was. You knew you were emotional.
Joel’s breathing became so slow and regular that you thought he fell asleep. You glanced back to check, and he was wide awake.  
“Thought you fell asleep,” you whispered.
“No, darlin’.”  He kissed you on the cheek, then you caught him looking at the water and you followed his eyes, looking for anything embarrassing he could have noticed.  
He used two fingers to nudge your face back to look at him.  “I love you,” he said, then kissed you on the lips.  He whispered, “I dunno if I can ever show ya how much, but I’ll try.” 
“I love you, too,” you said and felt your eyes gathering tears. 
Joel sat up a little, concerned.  “What’s wrong, baby.” 
“I just wanna be with you forever,” you whimpered.  
“Well that’s what we’re gonna do, baby.” 
“Yeah, but. . .” 
His heart rate sped up against your back. 
“What if we can’t?” you asked. 
He sighed and hugged you reassuringly.  “Told ya there’s nothin’ in this world that can stop us bein’ together.”  Your arms and his were crossed in front of you.  He held both your hands, and kissed you on the head again. 
You were quiet for a minute, but still thinking.  You asked, “What about when Bill and Frank get back?” 
He took in a chest full of air, lifting you on his stomach.  He released your hands as he exhaled. “What about it, darlin’.” 
“What if they — I mean, I guess I’ll go back — I’ll go back to our house, right?” 
Joel was quiet then asked softly but flatly, “Is that what you want?”
“No,” you answered quickly. 
“Then why would ya?” He sounded more confused than hurt. 
“Cause they’re my family.” Your tears began to silently fall.
“Look, peaches.  I know you love’em, but you’re grown,  You make your own choices.”
“I know,” you agreed. 
“You decide who to be with. Ellie loves Riley. They’re a family now, the two of them. I shouldn’ta stopped her, right?” 
“Right,” you whispered.
“We’ll be our own family, darlin’. You and me.” 
Tears stopped up your nose and you sniffled, unsure if it could be that simple. “That’s what I want,” you whispered. 
“That’s what we’ll do,” he reassured you.   
“I just worry about, I don’t know.  Maybe it’s not the same as going off with someone my age.” 
“Ah,” Joel said. “You think they’d have a problem with it bein’ me.”
“I dunno, what do you think?” you asked him. 
“I sure hope not, but you know’em better, baby.”
You sighed and stared at the water.
Joel continued, “I hope they want you to be with who you love. But if they don’t, is that gonna stop ya?”
“I hope not.” 
“You . . .hope not?” His heart pounded under you. 
His voice became serious and less measured.  “It’s up to you and me, darlin’. We’re the ones who decide.  No one else.” 
You nodded, sighed, and wiped your eyes.  The tub squeaked under him as he shifted so you could look at each other. You met his eyes for a moment, and he brushed a tear off your cheek.  He brought a hand to cup your cheek.  You looked down and continued,  “I just don’t see how–” 
“Marry me, peaches.”  He said it softly, but it seemed to echo off the porcelain. Your heart went to your throat as you kept hearing it in your head. You stammered, “What?” and he just nodded. You asked, “How?”
“Marriage is just a decision.  It means we decide we’re our own family, just the two of us, and nothin’ can take us apart.”  
You softly gasped. “Joel. . . .” 
“Ain’t that just what we want?” You were still processing it when he asked again, “that’s what you want, right?” 
Your heart raced. You wanted it, you just didn’t see how it could be that simple. “Yeah, it’s what I want, but-”
“Then what’s the ‘but’ if bein’ together is all that matters?” 
You must have looked upset, because he became apologetic. “I’m sorry darlin’, I know it’s a lot, learnin’ how all this works.”  He cupped your cheek again. “I’m givin’ you my heart right now.” Looking into his eyes in that moment, feeling his skin on yours, you’d never been more sure of anything. 
You reassured him, “There’s no ‘but’. I’m giving you mine, too.” 
He closed his eyes and sighed.  When he opened them again, they were watery.  
“I’m gonna ask you again, and I’m serious.” 
“Will you marry me,” he said in a near-whisper. 
You looked from his eyes to his mouth and back and the how didn’t matter anymore.  You nodded.  “Yes,” you whispered.  “That’s what I want.”
He exhaled and choked on a tearful laugh of relief, then he nodded with you.  “I know it is, baby.” He kissed you long and soft on the lips.  “But it feels good to make it official.”  He wrapped his arms around you tight and kissed you on the head, then laid back against the tub, bringing you with him so you were both laid back, facing the faucet again.  
“So what now?” You asked.  “How do you make it official?”
“Well, I reckon it is, baby,” he said above your head.  Your heart jumped, and not in a bad way. It felt like you were in a good dream. 
He stroked your sides. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
You asked, “We don’t have to do anything else?”
Joel sighed, then mused, “I reckon we could dress up nice and do somethin’ to celebrate.” 
“Like what?” You adjusted your position between his legs.
He lowered his voice. “Like whatever you want.” He brought his lips to your ear. “Whatever you really, really want.” Your clit twitched and you were unsure if the gush between your legs was blood or arousal.  You didn’t look to check. 
“If you’re ready.”
“How ‘bout tomorrow, if you’re feelin’ better?”
“Yeah. . .”
He kissed you on the cheek again, then you turned your head for your lips to meet his.  He pulled back to look at you and your tears of fear–fear of being without him–had been replaced by tears of relief.  Hearing his conviction and seeing it on his face, that was what you needed.  It was just a conversation, but somehow, it changed everything.  If no one could take you and Joel apart, and you felt like you had what you needed forever.  
He moved back to be fully behind you again and let you relax so you weren’t craning your neck to kiss him.  He sighed and his big hands roved your front, one of them coming to rest on your breast.  
His voice echoed hoarsely in the bathtub nook. “I love you, baby.” 
“I love you, too.” 
He pulled you closer into him and his cock twitched against your lower back.  “We’re gonna have a beautiful life together.”  
“Yeah,” you agreed.
Joel said, “As long as we’re together, that’s all we need, right?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. It felt too good to be true. 
Joel held both your breasts with you lying back against him in the tub.  He palmed them over the waterline, then released the light pressure and used his palms to graze your nipples in light circles until they hardened. The desire that grew between your legs drowned out any echo of the cramps that led you into the bath.  
His other hand carefully slid down between your legs.  He fingered your floating curls, caressed your mound, then his whole hand cupped your bleeding seam. He used that hand to gently pull you into him and his manhood swelled against you.  Then he brought his hand up to your lower abdomen and lightly stroked your skin. “How ya feelin’?” he murmured. 
“So much better,” you said. 
“I can kiss it even better if ya want.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“Course I don’t. . . if ya don’t want.” His cock jumped and he sighed.  “Let’s get ready for bed.  How ‘bout that.” 
“Yeah,” you nodded.  
“Wanna rest in bed a li’l bit?” His voice told you he didn’t want to rest.  
“Yeah,” you nodded.  Even if he wouldn’t be inside you that night, you finally knew when it would be.  It felt less cruel. 
Joel pushed himself up onto the ledge behind you, the firm tip of his cock grazing up your lower back, then stepped out onto the bath mat.  He tied a towel around himself, leaving a significant tent, then held out a hand. You held onto him for balance as you stepped out, and he wrapped a towel around you.  You dried yourself off, then bundled up in the bath robe.  Joel grabbed another towel from the linen closet on his way out of the restroom.
“Just the nightgown, baby. Nothin’ else.” 
While you were upstairs changing, he dried himself off, combed his hair, got dressed for bed, and laid a towel out on the comforter.   
Joel was sitting on the side of the bed in his boxers and t-shirt when you walked in wearing just the nightgown. He opened his arms for you, and you stood between his knees.  He held your hands and just looked at you for a few seconds, taking in all of you. His eyes watered.  
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he wrapped his hands around your ass and buried his face between your breasts.  He looked up at you and his eyes were still sparkling when he said, “So, so beautiful.” He guided you to lie down on the towel.
He kneeled on the bed, nudged your knees apart, and got between your legs.  He lifted your nightgown up and planted a kiss on your mound, then your clit, before hovering over your body and putting his arms down on either side of your abdomen.  He lowered himself as close as possible while being careful not to put any pressure where he thought you might be hurting. At that point, you were only aching for him. 
He gave you a deep, long kiss on the lips then kissed each of your breasts and let his hips lay into the bed between your legs. It all started gentle, but he was overtaken by lust. He dipped his head to suck your neck, and as he dragged his lips down your chest, his eyes closed and his brows knitted together.   
He lowered your nightgown under your breasts.  His jaw flexed as he sucked the bottom of your breast, and a brush of his nose hardened your nipple. 
Your back arched and your whole body erupted in goosebumps.  He moaned into your skin as he sucked one breast and palmed the other.  His ass flexed as his hips rocked into the bed.  You wished his hips were rocking into you instead.  You wrapped your legs around him and your knees under his arms urged him up toward you.  “Joel, please.” 
“Don’t wanna hurt ya, darlin’.”   
“You’re not gonna.” You tried to pull him up more urgently, dying for his loins against yours. He read your face and cracked half a smile. You must have looked so desperate. 
“Okay, baby,” he whispered and let you pull him just where you wanted him. Oh god, the wave of arousal his hardness sent through your body.
“Can you take off your clothes,” you whispered. 
He wordlessly slipped out of his t-shirt and boxers and the sight of his erection made you weak.  He let you wrap your legs around him and pull him into you again. His hard cock met your mound. He sighed at the skin-to-skin contact and a look of pain spread over his face.  He lowered himself more, pressing his arousal against you, nudging your clit.  You whimpered as a bolt of need shot through your already weeping core. 
“I’m ready,”  you said.  “I want you inside me.” 
“Almost,” he replied. “Tomorrow, remember?”
You groaned in frustration.  “Is it because of my period?”
“Course not, baby.”  He kissed his way down your stomach and put your thighs over his shoulders.  He planted a kiss on your clit, then licked into your seam.  He moaned and prodded your entrance with his tongue, then swirled it around your clit, his hips rocking into the mattress again.  He let one leg down and fingered you before devouring you with his mouth again. You could feel it building in your belly, but it wasn’t how you wanted to come.  You wanted to feel him. 
“Come back,” you whined.  “Please. I wanna feel you against me, like the first time you made me come.”  He slid his fingers out of you, and tore his mouth away, wiping both on his discarded boxers.  
He held his cock as he looked at your body with heavy eyelids. He got in position between your legs, swiped the head of his cock through your slick, and laid his shaft onto your mound.  He leaned forward, kissed you deeply and the stiffness of his arousal was hot against your skin.  You throbbed as he began to grind against you. You ached to be filled by him.  Only one more day, but it felt too long. 
He swiped his cock between your legs to get it wet again, and he hesitated with the swollen head at your entrance.  “Ohh, baby,” he sighed, lingering with his tip right there, where only a push of his hips would do it. 
Your whole body went weak as it tried to suck him in.  
You asked, “Can you try it, just a little bit?” 
“Oh, darlin’,” he groaned.  He shook his head no, then brought his tip back above your clit. His cock slid hard and wet against you.  
“Please Joel,” you begged.  “To make sure I'm ready.”  You held his arms with both hands. "Tomorrow can’t be perfect if I’m not ready."
He laughed softly.  “You want it that bad, don’t ya.”
He leaned over you and kissed your head, then your lips.  Once again, he gathered your wetness with the tip of his cock, making your walls twitch. He pressed the tip firmly against your most sensitive place and exhaled raggedly as you throbbed against him.  He used his tip to massage your swollen clit.  Your chest swelled with a sigh and arch of your back.  He closed his eyes and groaned,  and the distress on his face told you he was hanging onto his last shred of restraint.
“Put it in, just a little,” you whispered.  
“Just a little,” he finally agreed. 
He put your knees up a little bit, then aligned his body over yours and nudged your entrance with the head of his cock.  It felt so right.  You’d never wanted anything as bad as you wanted him.  He pushed the curve of his tip in just far enough to stay notched there as he hovered over you with both arms on the bed. The crown still wasn’t breaching your walls, but when he looked down at you and pushed a little further, you felt a slight burn with the stretch.   
“How’s it feel,” he asked.  
“G, g, good,” you whimpered. “So good.” 
He laughed silently at how much was left to go. 
“Am I ready enough? Can you tell?”
“Let’s see, baby.”  He slowly pushed his hips forward, giving you his entire massive tip and you groaned. It felt even better than you imagined. 
“Just a little more,” you whined. 
He pushed a smidgen further.  The stretch felt like you were being spread open and made into something else, something combined with him. You felt your face contorting and your spine arched with the beautiful stretch. “Oh Joel,” you gasped. “I—it-”
“Breathe, baby.” 
He brought his hips back ever so slightly, then moved it in and out of you in small, shallow pulses.  It felt so right, your eyes welled up in tears. 
“That’s all, baby,” he whispered. “That’s all for now,” but he kept doing it, pushing just slightly in and out of you. You watched his arms flex and his face twist as he kept giving you the tip. 
“Ah,” He bit his lip as he gently fucked you with his tip. “Oh God, I wanna–ohh,” he cut himself off with a groan, then sighed, "wanna stuff my whole self inside ya baby." 
“Please do it,” you begged. “please-”
“Oh, fuck—"
"Don't stop-”
“-i, i–i gotta”  He groaned, then pulled out.  He held his cock while he lifted his knees to straddle you and press your thighs together.  Then he slid his cock between your thighs, right up against your folds.  He thrust into your thighs just twice and came, slowly moving it back and forward, painting your folds with his warm seed.  “Feel–feel too good, baby.”
The pulsation of his cock sent you for your own orgasm. You gasped and writhed and whimpered his name as you came against his cock.  You were hugging his cock so tight, your pulsations beating into each other’s loins so hard. 
He lowered his weight onto you as you both finished. Then he got on his side next to you. 
"I want you to do that inside me " you told him. 
He dipped his fingers between your legs, into his cum.
"Want me to fill ya up with that?" 
"Leave it inside ya?" 
He whistled silently, then murmured, "can't wait to, baby."  His face was pink and his temples glistened. 
He kissed you on the lips, then you laid in silence for a minute. 
You sighed and said, "that felt really good, being full of you like that."
"Ohh, darlin'," he laughed. "''m afraid ya don't know what full means." He read your eyes, kissed you tenderly, then whispered, "Yet." 
You bit your lip, then he kissed you again. 
“I’ll run the shower for ya.”  Joel went to the bathroom and the water turned on in the standing shower. 
You followed him, and as he checked the water temperature you asked,  “Am I gonna have your last name?” 
“I reckon ya do,” he said and planted a kiss on your lips. 
After your shower, you got dressed for bed again, and Joel asked you to sleep with him.  He dozed off quickly, but you didn’t.  You were too excited.  Once you did drift off, you slept light.
In the middle of the night, you heard a vehicle and urgently woke Joel up. He didn't hear it.
“I swear, Joel,” you insisted, but it stopped. 
“It’s okay, baby,” he reassured you. “Just a dream.”  
He held you and kissed you until your heart rate slowed and you drifted off to the feeling of his breathing. 
PSA. 💒 According to Joel, they're married now. They just are, that's all there is to it. Only thing left to do is "celebrate" 🍆
THANK YOU sooo much for reading and engaging!! I appreciate your comments, discussion, sharing, and reblogs so much, I can't even tell you. Especially when I get labeled so quickly so often. I love you guys! I see you in the wild and I'm like, aw I love them.
And if you're new - I also have another dbf!Joel series, non-horror, but still somewhat of a twist (Trouble AU) at the top of my joel master list. The master list also has a virgin section lol.
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea@evyiione@xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious@chernayawidow@ambassadortotrilliusprime@not-a-unique-snowflake-blog@jasminespringtime @romanarose@fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore@blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires@taeslarityy@str84pedro@lokanda @kyloispunk @filthfairy@fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine@worhols@fan-fiction-floozy@cutesyscreenname  @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl@feministfanboi@gracieispunk@prettypartyfavor@am-3-thyst@babeincolor@milla-frenchy@switchbladedreamz@within-the-depths@am-3-thyst@may-machin@pedromania91 @sloanexx@paleidiot
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clbrq · 6 months
prompt; living alone in LA had its perks and downsides. on the positive side, you had all the freedom in the world and got to experience all the wonders of the city in your own time. however, when you have a stalker, it isn’t as fun. but, when you finally face the mysterious man—maybe he wasn’t so bad after all..
warnings; SMUT, stalker!sam, oral (receiving), very loving sex but also a bit rough at times, cursing/swearing, p in v sex, unprotected sex.
contains sensitive themes, MINORS DNI.
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Tonight was no different.
Walking home from the bar, feeling tipsy and wobbling as you went—you felt like you were being watched. The street towards your house was dark, only lit up by the dim shine of the lamppost.
You stumbled over your own feet a few times, quietly giggling as you stabled yourself. Quickly turning around to check your surroundings, the empty street greeted you. Phew.
Turning around, however, erupted a different feeling within you. The figure of a man walking towards you sent shivers of fear down your spine as his dark outline was the only thing visible. Sucking in a breath, your heart rate quickened as he approached you—his hands stuffed into his pockets.
His face wasn’t clear—covered by a black mask with his hood up, paired with black sweatpants and bright white shoes. Not saying a word to you as he passed you, only flicking his eyes towards yours for you a moment.
The breath you didn’t even notice you were holding for so long released itself as he passed your vision. Thank god. Soon enough, you managed to make it to your house in one piece, the sensation of fear had long worn off.
Unlocking your door, you sighed as you locked it—feeling a small dose of safety as you trudged up the stairs towards your bedroom.
“Thank fuck he didn’t follow me home.” You mumbled to yourself, slipping off your heels and dress, and stumbling towards the bathroom.
As you turned on the shower and hopped in, your innocent little mind turned a blind eye to the man in all black with white shoes stood outside the gate to your house—watching your naked silhouette through the window as you washed yourself. His trousers tight against the hard-on begging to be freed as he stared at your figure.
His eyes never left your body as he watched you—not caring if the window was frosted over to hide your nakedness; he was just happy to even be this close to you. He was lucky you didn’t notice him while you drank and laughed with your friends as he sat at the bar. And even luckier when he took the other route to follow you home—making it look more nonchalant as he passed you.
He didn’t want to scare you, or make you uncomfortable. He just wanted to make sure you were safe—he wanted to protect you. He just loved you so much, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to you.
The next week or so, you still felt that same feeling, like someone’s prying eyes were on you constantly. Even when you drove to work a few days a week, you barely noticed the same Tesla following you behind you, and how it stayed in your parking lot all day until you left. You just assumed it was someone who worked at your building—it was a big company.
But, as you sat at the same bar on a busy Friday night, you caught on to whoever was making you feel like this.
Sat at a small circular table with your friends, your eyes slipped to the strangely familiar man sat at the bar, sipping what looked like Jack Daniels from a glass. You wouldn’t have thought twice about his presence until your eyes landed on his overwhelmingly white shoes. Your brain flicked back to last weekend as you walked home, the same man who passed you.
It’s just a coincidence, right?
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Snapping back into reality, you turned to face your friend who wore a comforting smile on her face, “Oh, nothing. Just thought I recognised that guy at the bar.” You told her, returning the smile.
Peering around you to see for herself, her eyes glided over his frame as she smirked, “He looks cute. You should go talk to him.”
“Absolutely not.” You chuckled, sipping your Margarita, “I think I saw him when I was walking home the other night. He looked a bit creepy.”
“Oh, you and your paranoia.” She joked, “It’s probably not the same guy—just go talk to him. Get out there!”
Feeling the alcohol course through your system, the thoughts of uncertainty washed away as you smiled, “Okay, fine. But the next round is on you.”
Laughing as she agreed, you rose from your seat and straightened out your dress, beginning to walk towards the mysterious man at the bar. As you approached the bar, you took a comfortable seat next to him, turning to face him as you offered him a sweet smile.
“Hi.” You started, meeting his bright blue eyes. You scanned over his face—he was gorgeous. He had luscious blonde hair that accentuated his ocean blue eyes, mixed with plump pink lips and perfectly clear skin. He was lean and fit—he was hot.
“Hey.” He replied, looking you up and down.
“What’s got you sat all alone at a bar?” You questioned, resting your chin in your hand as you peered up at him through your lashes.
A small smirk rose upon his face at your words, a chuckle leaving his lips, “Rough day at work, just looking for a nice drink to relax with.” He lied.
“Me too.” You replied, “Me and some friends always drink here after work. Just gets exhausting sometimes.”
“Exhausting being every week?”
“How do you know I come here every week?” You furrowed your eyebrows at his words, a sudden uncomfortable feeling crawling up your spine.
“Well you said you always come here, so I just assumed..” He trailed off, saving himself.
You laughed at yourself, “Sorry. I live alone so I’m always on edge.”
The man laughed, “You’re alright. Maybe you need another drink to loosen yourself up.”
“Another Margarita then, please.” You grinned, your cheeks flushing red at his actions. The blonde boy called the bartender over, ordering your drink and swiftly sliding a $10 bill over the counter.
“So, what do you do..”
“What do you do that’s so stressful, Y/N?” The boy asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“I work in marketing for social media. It’s tough, but it’s been my dream job for years.”
Silly, you. He already knew that.
“Oh, wow. That’s similar to what I do I suppose. I’m a manager for a social media star.” He lied, again.
“No kidding, who?” You asked, excitable.
As the two of you discussed careers and lifestyles, he listened to you carefully—nodding along as he pretended like he didn’t already know.
“Can I ask for your number?” The boldness of your tone excited him. Finally, he thought.
“Of course. I’m Sam, by the way.” Sam introduced, taking your phone from your hands as he typed his number in, “Are you doing anything tonight?”
Arousal pooled in your stomach at his suggestion. It had been months since you’d had sex—you wouldn’t say you were desperate, but you needed it badly.
Before you even knew it, you were quickly saying goodbye to your friends and following Sam out the door, hand in hand. Excitement bubbled inside you as you climbed into the passenger seat of his car as he opened the door for you.
“Are you sure you’re safe to drive?” You pondered, biting your lip.
“It’ll be fine, sweetheart.” He reassured, the nickname striking you in your in the stomach as butterflies bloomed.
Sam drove slowly and safely—not wanting to scare you or make you feel unsafe. Quiet music played in the background as you stayed silent, silently listening to it as he pulled up onto your street.
“How did you know where I lived?” You chuckled, nervously.
“You mentioned it at the bar, and I know this area pretty well. What number are you?” He brushed off, his voice convincing.
Telling him in a small voice, Sam pulled up outside your house, parking perfectly and stepping out the car. Sam rushed around to open your door once again, smiling sweetly at you as you thanked him.
You made your way inside your house—locking the door behind you as you led him upstairs to your bedroom. Sam could hardly wait. You shut your bedroom door as you turned to face him, walking up to him slowly as you placed your hands on his chest.
“I want you.” You whispered, batting your eyelids at him.
Sam almost fell to one knee and begged for your hand in marriage in that moment. But, instead, leaned down to connect your lips in a sensual kiss as he slid your dress off your body—leaving you topless and in your panties. Sam soon shrugged off his clothes, leaving him in only in his boxers as he kissed down your neck, marvelling in the way you whined when he suckled on your breasts.
Your hand flew to his hair as he placed on you to your bed, and kissed down your body towards your clothed pussy. Sam pulled your wet panties down your legs as he placed your legs on his shoulders.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.” He sighed, his breath hot against your sex. Biting your lip, your cheeks flushed red as he pecked your inner thighs—teasing you ever so slightly.
“Please, Sam.” You begged, your chest rising faster as the anticipation grew.
Sam almost came on the spot at hearing you moan his name. He was lucky enough to even talk to you—let alone being seconds away from eating your pussy. His cock was so hard it was beginning to hurt, he’d had a boner ever since you walked up to him.
Sam’s tongue lay flat against your clit as he lapped at your slick pussy. You moaned loudly as he sucked your clit, as his hand crawled up to slip two fingers inside your aching hole. You mewled his name as he continued to swarm pleasure throughout your body.
You’d had your fair share of men in the bedroom, but none of them compared to Sam so far. Little to none had made you feel this good, let alone make you on the brink of cumming after 30 seconds.
Sam repeatedly licked and suckled on your clit as his fingers curled to meet the sweet spot inside you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the knot in your stomach snapped, cumming harshly on his tongue.
“Sam, oh god, Sam, don’t stop.” You whined, your back arching off the bed as you grasped his blonde locks in your hand as he never faltered his tricks while you came.
As you came down from your high, Sam rose from between your legs, standing up to pull down his boxers to release his large, hard cock from its restraints.
“You tasted better than I’d ever imagined.” Sam muttered, turning you onto your back carefully, and pulling your hips back to meet his.
Sam’s words went in one ear and out the other as he guided his cock gently inside you. You felt so full as he bottomed out, whines and whimpers falling past your lips as he quickly began moving his hips.
“Jesus fucking christ.” Sam groaned, his hands roughly holding onto your hips for dear life as he pounded into you, “Fuck me, you’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Harder, please!” You begged, wanting nothing more than to be ruined by the man behind you.
Sam quickly complied—wanting nothing more than to please you. He was lucky enough to make you cum with his tongue and now he was fucking you—he’d been waiting for this moment for months.
“God, you’re so tight. So perfect.” Sam mumbled behind you, his pace faultless as he fucked you into ecstasy.
He pulled out swiftly, though, flipping you back over as he wrapped your legs around his waist—sliding easily back into you as you soaked his throbbingly hard cock.
“Mm, fuck, Sam.” You blabbered, screwing your eyes shut as the arousal overwhelmed your body.
Sam’s head fell into the crook of your neck, “God, I can’t believe I’m fucking you.” He whined, “I’ve wanted you for so long—you have no idea how much I needed you.
“Wha..” You mumbled, the knot in your stomach once again building up he placed your legs on his shoulders, angling his cock to abuse the sensitive spot inside you.
You head lolled back as Sam pressed loving kisses to your collarbone, “I love you so fucking much, Y/N. I’ve never wanted anybody more.”
“What?” You spoke more clearly, your mind clearly confused, your body rebelling as Sam rubbed fast circles on your clit once again.
Sam’s rhythm picked up as he groaned into your shoulder, “Oh, yeah, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you.” He chanted as he filled you up deeply with his cum.
Your orgasm hit you like a train as Sam’s words rang with your mind. Not only was your body reacting perfectly normally to the pleasure Sam was bringing you, but your mind raced a mile a minute as images of walking home, driving to work and at the bar flashed in your brain.
It was him—this whole time.
As you, for the second time tonight, came down from your high, Sam pulled out of you, apologising as you winced. Words failed you as Sam laid next to you, cuddling up close to your body.
And as the thoughts of him stalking you flashed in your head, the feeling of your orgasm still flooded through your body—you didn’t care. Sam had made you feel better than any of guy you’d been with and he cared about you.
For an incredible fuck and endless amounts of love from Sam, you’d let his stalking tendencies go.
look at you getting two fics in two days
no i do not condone stalking this is purely fictional :)
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ghostieyanyan · 2 months
yandere ruggie bucchi!
hehe~~ i love writing about yandere beasts~ hehe~ this is a little shorter than some of my fanfics but I hope you like the art for it! (I’m proud of it ^^)
~The Bite~
Yan!Ruggie x mc
Warnings: yandere, bite marks, biting, stalking, chasing, pin down, struggle
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You always have to remember... you are human and magicless at that. You always have to stay aware of your surroundings. You always have to be careful with going out at night.
Of course you have grim, ace, and deuce. but they like to get themselves into trouble and sometimes you cant help them.
So tonight, you were walking home... alone. you didn't mean to, it was just you were helping Jack and Epel, then Dire Crowley needed help, and it just piled up for you. Before you knew it, when you finished, it was pitch dark outside. Only well lit lanterns here and there but still. It was dark enough for the long unnerving shadows to give you chills.
You took a breathe and started to head to the dorm... normally you'll have grim talking your ear off with food, or assignments, or the "just you wait, ill become the most powerful mage in all of twisted wonderland!!" speech.. but now you have to walk and just listen to your footsteps on the ground.
Beside it being cold, it was a lovely night. the sky was clear and you could see the stars and moon nicely. it definitely help ease your nerves.
Sadly that didn't last long..- you walked past some forest, right before your dorm, and you heard some rustling. you would have just thought it was just a small critter... if it didn't make a loud thud and have a gargling growl.
you felt your blood run cold and shivers down your spine. practically every fiber in your body told you to run! you were about to- but you then remember something that rook said a while back...
"Some animals, when they see something go by fast, their instincts tell them to chase it! even before they know what they're chasing~! isn't that fascinating~?"
In this moment, NO, its not fascinating!!!
so instead of doing a full sprint, you went for a speed walk? maybe whatever that thing is, it'll leave you alone?
Ohhh hahaha... your hopeful thinking. Ya, no. whatever that THING was, stopped whatever it was doing and you could practically feel it's eyes piercing right through you.
You could barely get another step in before you heard it rush towards you. your auto-pilot kicked in and you booked it home, you didn't even dare yourself to turn around and look behind you. you ran like you never ran before. your feet ached by how much pressure your putting on the ground. next time, Deuce and Jack invites you out for a jog. maybe you'll tag along next time... that is if you live.
you made it to your dorm and slammed the door behind you. your chest was practically about to pound out of your chest. it felt like you were gasping for air through a straw. you were sitting against the front door on the doormat. you had to give yourself a few minutes before you could do anything.
what were you gonna do..?
when you finally got enough air to calm your heart rate a bit. you peeked outside... all you saw were the lights of the lanterns by your dorm...
no one was there...
you quickly ran to find any unlock doors and windows and quickly lock them! you also grabbed the phone that Cater gave you and called Jack and Epel. it took a bit and they weren't happy to be woken up but after hearing your shaken voice and begged to come to the ramshackle dorm, their angry turned to concern.
they told you they're on the way and told you to sit tight.
so you waited.
what were your suppose to do as you wait..? you could recheck the windows and door? you could also get a weapon, too! ya!
you rushed to the kitchen to grab a pan, and checked all the doors and windows again. you even checked the upstairs windows. you were in a magical world, you are not gonna stop and think about logic on how anyone will get to the top floor!
Good thing you did check though... Well unfortunately, your bedroom window was wide open.
you felt the cold wind blow through the window, you held the pan close to you as you slowly stepped away from the window. but your back hit something.. it was definitely not a wall! this thing wrapped it's arms around you and pushed you down on the ground. you tried to fight this intruder off but it was met with your limps being pinned and your pan being thrown across the room.
you couldn't turn and look at this person but you knew they weren't human. their sharp nails dug into your wrist. their knees on the back of your thighs so you are unable to move.
This monster, lowered themselves to you and spoke.
"Shye he he...~ you're such good prey~"
he probably felt your body freeze in realization but he didn't give you a second to think about it as he took his chance and sink his teeth on the back of your neck.
you let out a painful scream until your voice eventually gave out and you've succumb to the pain. you felt light headed and your vision began to blur. your limps became cold from poor blood circulation.
but before you fell into unconsciousness you heard Ruggie whispers his parting words...
"see you next time, prefect~"
when you woke up, you were in your bed. you slowly sat up and felt the unpleasant feeling of blood rushing in your head. you noticed the sunlight shining through your room and that the window is now closed.
you thought to yourself. that was a horrible dream...
but if it WAS just a horrible dream..? why is Jack and Epel sleeping on the floor in your room..?
and why is your neck patched up....
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bitbugbites-cod · 4 months
𝙹𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜, 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 | 𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
Ghost's car sucks -- always breaking down at the worst times. This time, it broke down on Valentine's Day -- right as you were about to leave the house.
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ao3 link
word count: ~1.3k
gender: fem! reader
cw: (light) ANGST, FLUFF // arguing lol
a/n: this was going to be longer and include smut, but I'm tired and going to bed so I might make a part two and post it tmr -- but who knows!
p.s. -- screw valentine's day i HATE being single
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You said nothing. He said nothing. The two of you just sat.
You shifted in your seat, the leathery seat of the car sticking to your wet thigh, begging it to stay where it was placed. You didn’t comply. 
The man next to you in the driver’s seat, Simon, tapped the wheel, his chest puffing up, then down, with a repressed sigh. It annoyed you the way he never had anything to say – and it annoyed you even more the way he looked so fucking good while doing it.
It was a loud sigh, though. You were surprised you were even able to hear it – rain was thundering down, making loud thunks as it collided with the tinted glass that shielded you from the weather outside of Simon’s Jeep. Which, to note, is a busted-up, no-good piece of junk. It was originally a 2013 Wrangler model that he bought used, and no matter how many times it broke down, he always refused to buy a new car. You can’t begin to count how many times you’ve watched him grumble about it making a funny noise or not starting up before rolling up his sleeves and putting himself under the hood. 
He never understood why you hated it so much – and to be honest, you didn’t either. Your closest hypothesis was that you were sick of finding oil stains on all of his clothes – or that you were tired of trying to go on dates, only to find that his car had broken down. Once again.
This was the case for tonight, at least.
Finally, he spoke, his voice sounding a dry kind of deep. It was what attracted you to him in the first place, but right now, you swore it was the most aggravating sound on earth.
“Another night, then, ‘love.”
Your heart dropped in your chest, your eyes hardening as your emotions bubbled. You felt so angry, so sad, you couldn’t speak. You could barely even breathe. 
“Another night?” you repeated, a scoff threatening to escape your throat.
He paused for a moment, before speaking again. “What do you want me to–”
“It’s fucking Valentine’s Day, Simon.” 
He let out a frustrated laugh, his calloused hands slapping against the wheel. “Fuckin’ hell, I know that–”
“Great. You know that. So then you should also know that ‘another night’ is–”
“What do you want me to do? ‘Huh? What should I do, ‘love? get out the car, pick you up ‘an carry you to the bloody place m’self?”
Adrenaline shot through your body, your blood racing through your veins as your eyes began to water. All you wanted was to go out for Valentine’s Day. To feel cared about. To know he loves you.
Grabbing the car door handle, you thrust the door open. The rain got louder, and without skipping a beat, you threw yourself out into the cold, wet atmosphere, slamming the door shut. You heard him yell after you, but you didn’t stop. You pulled your jacket closer to your body, trying not to slip as your heels collided with the slippery concrete. You were going back to the house, inside, where you would foreseeably spend the rest of the night in bed, sobbing, with him on the couch.
You fucking hated this. You hated how disappointing this was. How disappointed you were.
As you reached the front door of your shared home, you held the freezing key in hand, shaking as you attempted to unlock the lock. You regretted dressing up for tonight, wishing you spent your time on anything else instead. Anything.
You heard another Jeep door slam shut, small sloshes of puddles being brutally murdered by aggressive stomps, and you knew Simon and his stupid, heavy-ass boots were making their way toward you. 
God, him and his walk. Even that was driving you up the wall now.
“Y/N.” his voice boomed, fighting the thick, infuriating volume of the rain.
Believing in communication, you ignored him again. 
Nothing good would come from your mouth right now, and god forbid you opened it, he would learn so many new things about himself.
You would save it for later – when you didn’t want to verbally rip him limb by limb.
But then you felt his drenched hand on your shoulder, droplets of water flowing down your jacket sleeve.
“Y/N,” he repeated, and suddenly, something inside you snapped. 
You started to speak, anger coating your words, but you weren’t able to finish. “The ‘fuck do you want, Simo–” 
Within a millisecond, you watched him lean over, scoop you up by the legs, and start carrying you bridal style down the street. 
You paused, saying nothing as he carried you. He said nothing, too. The both of you said nothing together.
It was like something had reset in your brain – you went from being angry, to confused, to shocked. You had no idea what he was doing, no idea what he was thinking. Hell, you had no idea what you were even thinking – you were so taken aback, that you weren’t even sure you had any thoughts left in your head. Which, is a miracle, considering how many new adjectives you came up with about two minutes prior, for this situation alone. 
You felt the rain soak your skin and outfit, some of it landing on Simon first, sliding down his broad, suited shoulders before coating you. His walk was rough and rugged, you bouncing slightly in his arms as he moved the two of you down the sidewalk. Despite how angry you were a couple of minutes ago, you were being calmed by the second just feeling the rise and fall of his chest, the pumping of his heartbeat, the sound of his breathing.
“Simon?” you spoke, sounding cautious.
He said nothing, only looking down, his brown eyes meeting yours as his wet, blonde hair messily stuck to his forehead in small strands. He looked as dead on the inside as usual, but there was something about his stare this time, that let you know he was sorry. It was almost sheepish, in an intimidating way. 
He is a confusing man.
Nonetheless, you went on with what you wanted to ask. “What…are you doing?”
“I’m walkin’ us to the date.” he said in a gruff, matter-of-fact way.
Silence passed between the two of you once more, before you started to crack a small smile, softly laughing at the man’s resolve to solve the problem. 
“I don’t think we’re ‘gonna make it there in time, ‘Monnie.” you said, playing along.
“I said another night, did’n I? We’re gonna get there – ‘just another night.” he quipped. 
You hid your face in your hands, trying to hold back your amusement. It was safe to say that you weren’t angry anymore, at least.
“We’re ‘gonna get hypothermia by then, I think, love?” you replied.
You watched him grin a little, his head moving back up to watch the area in front of him as he walked. “We’ll make a stop at the clinic after, then.”
You laughed, sighed, then laughed again thinking about the stupidity of the situation you were in right now. Simon laughed a little, too.
You started slapping his soaked dress shirt playfully, listening as it made a squelching noise before speaking. “Alright, alright, can we have the date at home instead so that we can skip the whole hospitalization part?”
“I suppose.” Simon replied lightheartedly before slowing to a stop, glancing down at you, changing directions, and walking back towards the direction of the house.
A grin was stuck on your face as the two of you passed by the glowing streetlamps and houses, all while the rain continued to pour down. Suddenly, you weren’t feeling as cold anymore, either – you were glad to be in Simon’s arms.
“You make things really fucking complicated, you know?”
“I know,” he answered.
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reysdriver · 3 months
Sleepover | R.B.
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You and your family finish off a tiring day with a makeshift sleepover — dad!regulus x mom!reader
warnings: mentions of death (a kid's pet goldfish dies), nightmares, just general parental exhaustion i guess
words: 1.6k
a/n: I've been working on this fic on and off for like a month lmao, but this is my comeback to writing so boom
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It’s been a long day. Ascella has been fussy all week, Aurora’s pet goldfish died, so you had to have that talk with her and Perseus plus a fish funeral, and then later, Aurora fell while playing outside and scraped her leg up pretty badly. 
And on top of all of that, the Ministry of Magic needed Regulus to work late tonight. 
So, that long day got even longer since it was just you taking care of the kids. 
By 7 o’clock in the evening, the two older kids kept asking you where their dad was, and all you could tell them was that they would have to wait and see while bouncing Ascella on your leg to quell her tantrum. 
Aurora and Perseus eventually listened to you and ditched asking you questions you didn’t know how to answer for a hand-clapping game they had made up the other day, but that was also dropped the second they heard the front door unlocking. 
The kids rushed to the door and pounced on Regulus, each choosing one of his sides to hug tightly. 
Your husband laughed. Not at the children, but at how he hadn’t even gotten the chance to take his shoes off before they latched onto him. 
“Daddy!” They squealed, arms wrapped around his thighs and their faces squished against his waist. “It feels like you’ve been gone a hundred years!”
“A hundred years?!” Regulus parroted sarcastically. “Well, you all look wonderful for your old age!”
They laughed at their dad and let go of his legs. “You look exactly your age!”
Regulus does an exaggerated gasp. “Well, sounds like no dessert for you two for the rest of the week! And get me your mom and your sister who isn’t mean to me.” 
The children looked at each other frantically, not realising Regulus had been joking about the dessert. Perseus speaks up for the both of them. “We’re sorry, Daddy! You don’t look a hundred years old, we promise!”
“Alright, I forgive you. Just get your mom and your sister so I can tell them I changed my mind about the dessert.”
Eager to earn their after-dinner sweets back, your two oldest kids run back to you in almost perfect lockstep. 
“Daddy’s here!” 
“Oh, is that who was at the door?” You feigned surprise, standing up with Ascella. “Come on, honey. Let’s go see Daddy, huh?”
When Regulus saw you and your baby girl walking his way, his lingering smile doubled in size. He hung his jacket up on the coat rack and held out his arms so he could get more hugs from the two of you.  
Ascella’s frown disappears to morph into an expression that matches her father’s. She babbled and squirmed in your arms until you were able to pass her over to Regulus. 
He pressed a couple of kisses to his daughter’s soft hair, which only made her more excited than she was when she saw her dad for the first time of the day. 
Regulus brought his attention off of Ascella and onto you while you watched the two of them laugh and play. You didn’t think you were letting the events of today show on your face, but Regulus seemed to pick them up immediately. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked softly. 
You shook your head. “Nothing. I’m just happy you’re back home.”
Regulus understood what you meant and didn’t press. He just went back to teasing your youngest daughter. “Did you three make it a long day for Mummy? Huh? Did you give her a hard time today?”
Ascella just kept laughing as he tickled her sides and kissed her cheeks. 
Insistent that she would have trouble sleeping in her room without her fish, Aurora begged to stay with you and Regulus for the night. 
You wanted to say no. You’ve been putting Ascella to sleep in the bassinet beside your bed while she’s been sick because she keeps waking up in the middle of the night in a fit of cries and screams. If Aurora slept in your bed, she would have to deal with that as well. Regulus said that it would be fine, so Aurora gladly hopped into your bed, dragging her stuffed rabbit behind her. 
While she still wanted to chat before bed like you expected, when you reminded her to whisper because Ascella was asleep near you, she quieted down quickly and fell asleep soon after she stopped talking. 
After that, Regulus joined you in bed. Aurora had taken up a fraction of both your side and Regulus’ of the bed, but she had mainly been sprawled across your husband’s half, so he just pushed her over enough for him to lie down. 
Now you and Regulus laid across from each other, one little girl lying between you. You smiled sympathetically at the fact that you couldn’t hold each other like you usually would because of Aurora, and Regulus made the same face back. 
“I’m sorry I had to work late.” He said quietly. “I know it wasn’t an easy day today. I know me having to stay later than usual didn’t help.” Since coming home, he had heard all the stories about today’s happenings, and he felt worse and worse with every one. 
“It’s okay.” You reassured him. “These kids may be a handful, but there’s nothing about them that’s too much for me.”
“Well, I’ll still try to avoid working late from now on. You never know what a day is going to be like with them.” 
“All I care about is that you’re here now.”
“Yeah, I am pretty great company to have.”
You could tell by his little grin that he was expecting you to laugh and argue with him, but he didn’t say anything you could push back against. Instead of fighting him on it, you just put out your hand for him to take in his. 
“You are.” You told him sincerely. “For me and for the kids. And everyone else, too.” 
He brought your hand up to his lips and pressed a sweet kiss to your palm. You smiled but held back a giggle, careful not to wake either of your daughters who were sleeping in your room tonight. 
Regulus kept his mouth on your skin, moving his kisses further along. It started with your palm, then he trailed over to the ball of your hand, your wrist, your forearm. You tried silently shuffling closer to him so he could reach more of you, but he detached himself from you when you heard a soft knock at your bedroom door. 
“Come in, honey.” You called quietly. 
The bedroom door opened, and you could hear Perseus sniffling as he made his way across the room.  You and Regulus both sat up, concerned for your son, and you held out your arms. Perseus accepted your invite and hugged you tightly, wiping his tears on your shoulder. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” You asked, not letting go of your son. 
“I had a bad dream. I got scared.”
“Are you still feeling scared?”
He nodded, unlatching his arms from the hug. “A little.”
Regulus spoke up from beside you, still keeping his voice to a low hush. “Do you want to sleep here?”
Again, Perseus nodded, then he crawled onto your lap. You lifted up the covers so he could lay down beside you. 
Your husband reached over and tousled your son’s hair lovingly. “We’ll keep you safe here.”
 You enveloped Perseus in your arms and kissed the crown of his head while rubbing circles on his back. “Do you want to talk about your bad dream?”
He sniffled into your neck and shook his head. That was okay. You weren’t going to force him to talk and upset himself even more. It was good that he was enjoying your company and feeling safe in your arms. 
“That’s alright.” Regulus told him. “We can just all cuddle and enjoy this little sleepover here tonight. How does that sound?”
Perseus lifted his head up to look at Regulus and attempted to muster up a smile and a nod. “That sounds good, Dad.”
You smiled, happy that Perseus was already feeling better than before. “Yeah, we’re all gonna have a nice sleepover, and then we’re gonna have a great day tomorrow?”
Today wasn’t a great day, but you would do anything in your power to make sure tonight was good and tomorrow would be even better. 
Perseus nodded sleepily once more at your proposal. “That sounds good too, Mum.”
You started rubbing his back once more to help him calm down and fall asleep faster. It seemed to be working as his breathing became more steady and his heartbeat was going back to normal. 
“Goodnight, honey.” You told Perseus, even though you were sure he was too tired to hear you. 
You looked up at Regulus, who was watching you lovingly from the other side of the bed. You were certain that if your bedroom wasn’t full of your sleeping children, you would have lunged across the bed for him the second you saw him gazing over at you. 
“We should go to sleep too.” Regulus broke the silence. “Don’t want to risk waking them if we stay up and talk.”
You shot your husband a sweet grin. “You’re right, as always. Plus, the faster we get to sleep, the closer we get to the great day we’re gonna have tomorrow.”
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miyoii · 9 months
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BE WITH ME 𖥔 bada lee x fem!reader (s.her) next
genre: angst | summary — all you want is her; word count: 628
an: requested by @stupendoussportseclipsepaper ! sorry i couldn’t fit everything in one part 😭 i’ll update again in a few though!!
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for the past few days, their apartment felt empty. even with two people live in it, filled with cherished memories they would never forget. the empitiness it held didn’t go by unnoticed.
yn sighed for tenth time that day. this week has been hectic for her. leaving the house early in the morning and arriving way past midnight was starting to get to her. good thing they had a few days off of filming, yet she doesnt seem to enjoy it as much as she thought she would.
well, how could she. the person she was yearning to spend time for the past week has been going in and out of the house. she couldn’t even greet her a good morning or good night, heck, they don’t even say ‘i love you’ anymore.
yn tried to keep it in, thinking that her girlfriend is trying to make up from the lost of time with her friends. but this day was the last straw for her. yn didn’t even get to spend the break with the love of her life, now they have to go back to their gruesome schedule by tomorrow.
looking at the clock, it was 1:30 am midnight. the couple needs to leave in a few hours, but yn’s girlfriend is still yet to be seen. she was about to give up on waiting for her, until she heard the sound of the door being unlocked. hearing footsteps getting close by, yn let out one last breath before greeting her, “where have you been?”
the figure stood by the entrance of their living room, “out.” she responded shortly. “its past midnight, we have shooting in a few hours bada.” yn said, keeping herself cool.
“can’t i take a breather for a moment? this past few days haven’t been easy.” bada replied while sighing, “did you think it was easy for me, huh?” “what?” she asked looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“bada we have a four day break, and during those days i haven’t even gotten to spend time with you. you’re always out!” yn replied getting irritated, “god yn. not everytime we have to be together, i have a life outside too.”
“am i not part of that life bada? am i not that important to my girlfriend that i’m here begging on my knees for her to give me attention?”
“no, its not like that-“
“then why?! why am i awake at 1am waiting for you to come home? bada…all i want for you is to be with me. that is all i want from you.” yn said standing up, as her voice getting weaker from all of the emotions pilling in.
“why are you so fucking needy.” bada scoffed, too blinded by her own emotions to control her senses, “even jiyu wasn’t this clingy, and she stays at home every fucking day while i’m out working!” she said without thinking.
yn stared at her in disbelief, before letting out a pained laugh. “wow! after all this time bada, you’re bringing up jiyu now? don’t tell me you still love her-“
“i don’t love her yn!”
“are you seeing her then?” bada looked at you silently, not answering. that was all you needed as an answer. a tear fell down from your eyes before you wiped it away and walked past bada towards the front door.
“wait yn-“ bada tried to call her but it was too late, yn shutted the door with a loud bang, and went out, only carrying her wallet and keys.
bada messed her hair in frustration as she sat down at their couch, “why do you always have to mess things up.” she talked to herself before a sob broke its way into the space they once filled memories in.
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vcnillazelda · 1 year
bradley bradshaw x reader
summary: you call bradley on a fateful night.
tags: established relationship, house burglars, protective! bradley, bradley’s such a good bf, he’s bf material, mild angst, happy ending
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you turn off the tv; bored of the news of two burglars terrorising the area. the chances of it happening to your street was one in a million. stretching, you make sure the front door is still unlocked so bradley wasn’t locked out for the night; he was out drinking with his friends. you know jake, bob and natasha were there, yet you weren’t too sure if mav and some others went too. it wouldn’t be surprising if bradley invited them, he liked socialising with his squadron outside of work.
walking through to the bedroom, you turn on your bedside lamp, settling down as your new puppy, arno, settles back down on his bed. he was a pup you and bradley adopted from the local shelter, hes a dachshund pup, and had a tiny wheelchair for his back legs. the second you saw him you begged bradley to get him. bradley agreed as long as he got to name him, which you agreed to; so he chose arno for its meaning, eagle. you should of known he would of chosen something to do with flight.
arno let’s out a soft snort, sleepy eyes staring at you as you smile. “c’mere, arnie.” you pat the side of the bed, watching the puppy get up, waddling over as his little wheelchair squeaks a little. you giggle, scratching behind the tiny dog’s ears. a noise interrupts, and you look over to the door. the front door closes and heavy footsteps wander through the house. you smile, assuming rooster was home and would come join you, then a second pair of footsteps grows closer as an unfamiliar voice mutters a few words. you panic, grabbing arno and your phone, hiding away in the closet. you curse yourself as you realise the lamp is still on and you probably couldn’t risk going back out in case the stranger came in. your hands tremble as you cradle arno close, who licks at your fingers and neck in an almost comforting way. with your other shaking hand, you call bradley, making sure your phones on silent.
bradley laughs, putting his nearly empty glass down. he hadn’t drank much, so he was definitely coherent as he listens to natasha’s story. his phone rings in his pocket, and he excuses himself from the table when he realises it’s you. his teammates smile at him understandingly, and he ignores jake’s little taunt stating “he’s in trouble” to the others. “baby? what’s wrong, it’s late.” bradley asks, making his way to the door so he could hear you better. he hears a soft hiccup and his worry increases. “baby? i can’t hear you, are you okay?” he asks again, and this time he presses a hand to his other ear as he walks outside. “bradley, are you home??” you ask, voice trembling. “no, baby i’m still at the bar. what’s wrong?” bradley glances back to his friends who are all chatting. “there’s people in the house, bradley i’m scared..!” you whisper yell, breaths hitching. “what?! are you hiding? are you safe? do they know you’re there?” he asks desperately, running back inside to grab his jacket. the group all glance up curiously. “just stay there, baby i’m coming okay?” he tells you, trying to reassure you as he hears you weep a little. “what’s wrong?” natasha asks, and bradley briefly pulls away. “emergency.” he states simply, not bothering to say goodbye properly as he runs from the bar.
bradley runs five blocks to get there, not bothering to hang up so you could probably hear him running, he’s out of breath and his chest burns. sure enough, the front doors open a crack and his stomach feels like lead. he hangs up, entering the home with confidence. he spots a silhouette in the hallway, shouting out to them. the intruder peers around the door, eyes wide with surprise. “get outta here!” bradley snaps, storming forward. the burglar dodges, running straight out the house with whatever he had grabbed. the second your scream meets his ears, bradley runs to the bedroom, bursting through the door. the second burglar is pulling you from the closet, and in the struggle you drop your phone. bradley catches a glance of an ongoing call with 911, and relaxes. he focuses on the stranger, grabbing him by the shoulders and yanking him away from you, shoving him to the floor. bradley, blinded with rage of the idea of the person hurting you, he lands punch after punch on the guy; who wails and tries to scramble away. the sound of you crying makes him stop, not to mention the guy had gone limp and he didn’t want to kill him.
“baby, c’mere, it’s okay.” he whispers, carefully wrapping his arms around you as you cradle arno close. “i’m here, baby girl.” bradley tells you, as you wrap an arm around him, still holding your puppy. pulling away suddenly, you grab your phone, standing carefully on shaky knees with bradley’s help. “i’m here..” you tell the operator, following your boyfriend out of the house. “everything’s fine. my boyfriend is here; i’m okay.” you state, sitting on the wall outside of your home; shivering a little in the cold air. bradley drapes his jacket over your shoulders, rubbing your arms as arno wiggles to get out of your grasp. you carefully put arno down on the wall, keeping a hand on his side so he didn’t wander nor fall. “they want to talk to you brad.” you mutter, offering your phone.
bradley nods, taking the phone. “hello?” he greets, and the operator immediately responds. “hello, sir. are you bradley?” she asks, and he nods a bit stupidly considering she couldn’t see him. “yeah, i’m bradley.” he replies, and he hears some typing. “can you confirm what happened tonight?” the operator asks, and he subconsciously wraps his arm around you when you rub at your watery eyes, rubbing your arm to soothe you. “yeah, of course. i was at the bar with some of my colleagues when i got a call about 10 to maybe 15 minutes ago from my girlfriend saying there were people inside our house, i came home and scared one off; the other is knocked out in our bedroom.” he explains, watching arno sniff around the edge of the wall. “how did you get home?” she asks, and he nods again. “i ran. it’s about five blocks from the bar. i didn’t drink much so it wasn’t too bad.” bradley recounts how many drinks he had, he only had a whiskey and coke and two shots.
you sniffle a little, leaning into bradley as he continues to answer the operator’s question. your body absorbs his warmth, yet you still shiver under his jacket. his arm tightens around your shoulders, squeezing you closer. sirens signal the police’s arrival, and he’s able to hang up now that the operator’s job was done. “c’mere, pumpkin i’ve got you. are you hurt?” bradley asks, cradling your tear-stained face. “no..” you mumble, cuddling into his chest. “i’m so glad you’re here.” you sniffle. bradley nods. “i’ll always be here for you, baby girl. always.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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jpmarvel90 · 10 months
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Masterlist Nat Masterlist
Relationship: Natasha x Reader
Summary: A girl with no memories but her time as a prisoner at Hydra, is found by the Avengers. Natasha instantly wants to help the girl to recover and enjoy a normal life.
Word Count: 6396
Nat's POV:
Another day, another Hydra base. This one was the home of their super solider programme. It's where the Winter Soldier was created. So, this base was personal. Steve had initially wanted Bucky to stay behind on this one, but he was determined to come and take down the base which had destroyed his life.
Whilst Steve and Bucky worked their way through the building to plant the explosives, Tony and I were exploring to get as much intel as possible. Tony had found their offices and was downloading as many of the files as he could whilst also collecting anything that looked of value.
I meanwhile had stumbled across what I can only describe as a hospital from a horror movie. I can see rooms with hospital beds, but they all had straps on them, medical tools filling trays alongside the beds. I try not to think about what had gone on here. I eventually reach what looks like a prison. There are a number of cells, but they are all empty. Well, I thought they were until I reach one in the farthest corner of the room.
I had to do a double take when I saw a young woman huddled in the corner of her cell. Her eyes were filled with absolute terror. I manage to unlock the door and slowly make my way towards her, but she shrinks back further, trying to get as far away from me as possible but the wall is preventing. "P-please. No. I-I can't take anymore." She begs, tears filling her eyes. My heart breaks for her. Looking at her body, I can see dark bruising and some lacerations. "It's ok. I'm not here to hurt you." I try to reassure her, keeping my distance so she can see that I'm not a threat.
"I'm here to help you. To get you to safety." I try once again, hoping that she can see that I only want to help. "Bombs are planted." Steve confirms through the comms. "I've got everything I can. Nat are you done?" Tony asks, but I ignore it, not wanting to scare the girl more. I felt like I had to help her. I have to save her. "My name is Natasha. What's yours?" She asks me. I activate my comms so the others can hear. That way they'll know I'm safe and that I can't talk.
"I. I don't know. I don't remember." She starts to cry at that and all I want to do is wrap my arms around her and protect her. "That's ok. We can help you with that. Can you come with me, and we can protect you. Make sure you're safe." I ask her, reaching out my hand to her, but keeping my voice as soft as possible. She looks between my hand and my eyes. The pain and fear are swirling through her blue eyes. "I promise we won't hurt you. Me and my friends are the good guys. We just want to help." I say with a smile, hoping to put her at some ease.
She goes to reach out, but she hesitates. "It's ok. You're safe now." I promise her. I can see those words have an effect on her and she reaches out her trembling hand to take mine. I slowly stand up and use my other hand to help her to her feet. She stumbles and I can see how weak she is. When was the last time she had a good meal or saw the sun?
"I've got you. You're ok." I continue to reassure her as we make our way slowly out of the base. As soon as we reach the outside, she holds her hand up to cover her eyes as she squints at the bright light. But I notice that she takes a deep breath too, as if she is savouring this moment. She surely can't have been kept in that cell the whole time, could she?
We get closer to the jet and her body tenses as she sees the three men waiting for us. "It's ok. They are my friends. They won't hurt you." I encourage her to carry on walking. Her grip on my hand tightens, but she trusts me enough to follow me onto the jet. Sensing her fear, all three of the men keep their distance. Even Tony is being considerate. I see her eyes go wide as we board the back of the jet. "Wow." She whispers as her eyes take it all in. "It's pretty cool huh. This is our quinjet. It's going to take us back to our home where we can get you checked out and looked after." I tell her.
She looks exhausted but I can tell that she's too scared to even attempt to sleep. I guide her to a chair and strap her in. I then grab a bottle of water and take it over to her. I had noticed how chapped her lips were, suggesting that she is dehydrated. "Here, drink this. We'll get you some nice food when we get home. I just need to go and talk to my friends. But I'll just be over there. You'll still be able to see me ok." I tell her with a soft smile. Her panicked eyes dart between me and the three men waiting for an explanation. But she nods, slowly bringing the bottle up to her lips. A relieved sigh escaping as she swallows the cool liquid.
I stand up and make my way over to the others. "Who's that?" Tony asks straight away. "I don't know. I found her alone locked in one of the cells in what seemed to be a medical area. She doesn't remember her name and she's clearly been mistreated for a long time." I explain. I can see pain on Bucky's face as he observes the young woman. "Do you recognise her?" I ask but he shakes his head. "No. But I know that they did some pretty horrible things to people in that place. She's probably been through hell and back." He says, pain radiating from his eyes.
"I'll start going through all the files we have to see if I can find anything on her whilst we head back. I'll also get Cho and Bruce ready for the new arrival. She'll need a full medical. Just from observation she's severely malnourished and has had some injuries." Tony offers up, heading to the other end of the jet, knowing that she needed space right now.
I slowly make my way towards her and take the seat next to her. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, but internally scold myself at such a stupid question. "Who are you?" She answers my question with one of her own. "We're the Avengers. We try to stop the bad guys." I explain loosely. "What are you going to do with me?" Her voice is so timid as she talks, her tone laced with fear. "We just want to help you. We'll help you heal and start a new happier life. No more being locked away or fearing for your life." I tell her with a wide smile.
She doesn't speak again, lost in her thoughts. But I can see that she is completely aware of her surroundings. At any noise, her eyes flick to the source, a small flinch appearing. I stay sat next to her as Steve flies us home. I want her to feel some comfort and know that we're not going to hurt her.
After a couple of hours, we start to descend into the compound. Her whole body tenses as we touch down and the door slowly begins to open. Wanda and Yelena are both waiting like they always do when I return from a mission. But they can instantly see to keep their distance at the added presence of our new guest. "The red head is my best friend Wanda, and the blonde is my sister Yelena." I explain to the girl as I help her out of her seat, showing that they are not a threat to her.
She nods slowly, but her gaze is searching every new thing that she sees. She was exhausted when we found her, I can't believe that her body is still functioning now when she's been so alert for the entire flight. Her body is in flight or fight and I can tell it's taking every ounce of her to be aware in case she needs to protect herself.
I guide her to the medbay where Bruce and Cho are waiting. I can feel that Wanda and Yelena are following behind, but the others have left to give us space. Thankfully, they don't follow us into the bay, choosing to observe from outside. "This is Bruce and Dr Cho. They are here to help you. They won't do anything to hurt you. I promise." I reassure her, directing her to the bed in the middle of the room. But her breathing is becoming ragged, and her eyes are frantic, full of fear.
"Hey, look at me. You're ok. You're safe. They won't hurt you." I reiterate, cupping her cheeks so her gaze is focused on me. "I'll be here every step of the way. Ok." I smile and she nods slowly. "Hi, Dr Cho is going to examine you if that's ok. We can get an understanding of your physical condition and how we can help you." Bruce explains, his soft voice seeming to calm the girl slightly.
Bruce leaves the room, pulling the curtain to give us privacy as Dr Cho begins her examination. I have to fight off a gasp when the girl's shirt is removed, and I see that her torso is covered in scars and new wounds. "Did they do this to you?" I ask her, an anger bubbling inside of me. Her gaze drops to her hands as she nods. I look at Cho who's got a look of sorrow on her face.
She carries out the rest of her examination and we both help her into a clean pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I take the girls hand and give it a squeeze. "You're doing great. You're being very brave." I comfort her and I swear I see her lips turn up ever so slightly. I look through the window and see Cho and Bruce talking before they both re-enter. "Ok. We just need to do some blood tests and then we'll clean up your wounds." Bruce explains, turning to get a needle.
But as soon as the girl gets a glimpse of it in his hands, she starts to panic. "N-no. No. You said you wouldn't hurt me." She cries, looking between me and the needle in Bruce's hand. "He's not going to hurt you. He just needs to take some bloody to make sure you're not sick." I try to explain in an attempt to calm her down, but she continues to shake her head. "No. No more needles." She states at whisper. I look to Bruce who is unsure how to proceed. But we're interrupted by Tony entering.
"Wait." He says and we all turn towards him. Bruce places the needle back down on the tray and I feel the girls body relax. "I found your file." Her says looking directly to the trembling girl with a warm smile. "Your name is Y/n. Do you remember that?" He asks softly. She thinks for a moment but shakes her head. "That's ok. At least we know what to call you now. Are you ok if I share what I have here?" He asks her and she slowly nods.
"Y/n here is 22. She was taken by Hydra when she was 12." He explains to us, and I let out a small gasp. She's been in that hell hole for 10 years?! "She was a subject in their medical testing. Though it doesn't go into too much detail as to why. It just states that they were successful in removing all memory of her past." I feel such a sadness for Y/n. For her only memories to be of that base, being tested on daily. "They tested serums." Y/n's voice breaks the temporary silence, making us all look to her.
"Go on." Tony encourages. I've never seen him like this. He's so paternal towards her. It's warming to see. "There was a group of us. They tested the serums they wanted to use on their super soldiers. The serums I was given were meant to induce self-healing." She continues to explain, her gaze firmly fixed on her feet. There's a shocked silence to hear that. She was there purely as a test subject, presumably only there until they had succeeded, or she died.
"That's how you got these injuries? They were testing to see if it worked?" I ask when it finally dawns on me why she has so many injuries. We all watch as her head slowly moves in a nod. "After each test they would burn, cut and bruise me to see if it would generate any healing." She explains. I feel like I could cry. She was tortured for ten years. It's a miracle that she is even here with us today. Her body must have taken a hell of beating.
There is complete silence in the room as we take in what she just told us. We've seen horrible things in our time, but never seen one person go through so much for so long. Tony clears his throat and takes a careful step forward. "Y/n. I can promise you that we will never hurt you. We just want to help you, but we need to make sure you are healthy. If they injected you with a serum, the only way for us to ensure you're ok is to take some blood. I know you have had enough of needles, but once this is done, we'll take you to your new room." She speaks calmly and clearly which works.
"Ok." She agrees quietly. "I can stay with you if you like?" I offer. I want to be here for her. I want to help her heal, to protect her and never let her go through anything like this again in her life. "Please." Another whispered reply. I take her hand once again and give it a squeeze. "Keep your focus on me. Ignore what Bruce is doing. When we're done here, I can show you your new room and you can have a shower if you'd like?" I offer, trying to distract her. It only partial works as her eyes scrunch up as Bruce puts the needling into her arm. "You're doing great. Y/n." I tell her, squeezing her hand to offer her some comfort.
Once Bruce is all done, he cleans up Y/n's wounds and clears her to go to her room. She'll have to come back daily to get her dressings changed and her injuries checked and cleaned, but otherwise she was free. Something that obviously was alien to Y/n. "Come. Let me show you to your room." I tell her, standing up and waiting for her to follow. She does so slowly, her body clearly starting to shut down without her consent.
Thankfully, it's not far to her room. "Here it is." I say, opening the door for her. "My room is next door and Wanda's is across the hall." I point to the doors so she can see. I then step inside the room but she doesn't follow. "You can enter Y/n. You are free to come and go as you please. This is your home, not a prison." I explain to her, realising that she probably has no memory of her own room. Assuming she ever had one in her childhood. "There are some clothes in the wardrobe and draws, but we can go shopping to get you something you like in the coming days." I explain, opening the doors and draws to show her.
"This is your own bathroom. There is shower gel, hair wash, a toothbrush and toothpaste." I point out and then show her how to work the shower. I'll leave you to get cleaned up. But I can come back to get you for some dinner later this evening if you'd like. Though you are free to leave the room before hand if you want to." I say, trying to make it clear that she doesn't have to wait for command here. "Thank you, Natasha." She gives me the faintest of smiles and I find myself getting a little lost. She really is beautiful. "Please, call me Nat. All my friends do." I tell her and her smile grows slightly.
After leaving Y/n, Wanda and Yelena are quick to question me on the new addition to the compound. I struggle a little to hold back the emotion when telling them how I found her and what she's gone through. What has she done to me? I normally have complete control of my emotions, but when it comes to her, my feelings are so much stronger.
They both promise to support Y/n as much as they can without overwhelming her. Wanda is probably best placed to help her. She's been through something similar, although not to the same extent. I hope that in a few days when Y/n has settled more, that she might be comfortable to talk to her.
I speak with Tony, and we agree that it is probably best that we don't throw her in the deep end with a team dinner. Instead, we keep it to just four of us. Tony and I, who's she's familiar with, and Yelena and Wanda, who we want her to feel comfortable with. As she is so malnourished, Bruce has given us some indication on the foods and portions she should have over the coming weeks until she's able to regain her body weight. Wanda takes this as her mission to cook her the tastiest of meals with the limited ingredients.
Y/n is very quiet during dinner. Only talking if directly asked a question and only moving or doing anything if she is given approval. It's going to take time for her to realise that she doesn't need to have permission to do anything here. That she isn't confined to her room until someone tells her she can leave, or that she can't eat until she is given permission. But I know that I want to be there for her through every step of the way. Supporting her as best I can.
Y/n has been here for a little of three weeks now. She's starting to look a bit healthier. Her wounds are healing nicely, she's putting weight on and she's getting colour back to her face. She loves spending time outside, basking in the sunshine. I guess if you've not seen it for 10 years, you don't want to miss out. She's slowly becoming more comfortable with the team. Everyone is great with her, not pushing her and understanding her boundaries.
She's probably closest with Tony, Wanda, and myself at the moment. But she's getting better with Yelena and Bucky. She still won't do much of her own accord. We make sure that she's not cooped up in her room or missing meals because she's waiting for someone to say it's ok for her to do so.
One night, I'm not able to sleep. My mind is lost in thought of Y/n. She fills most of my thoughts each day. We're getting glimpses of her true personality and I love it. She has a quick wit, though I can tell she is hesitant to use it. Scared of any repercussion. But it's becoming more apparent as the days go by. She's also extremely kind. She's so thoughtful of others. She's making such an effort to learn about everyone on the team.
Wanda and Yelena tease me. It's very clear that I like her. I tried to hide it after the first week, but it's no use. Wanda can literally read my mind and Yelena knows me better than anyone. Besides, I don't want to hide those feelings. Not from them anyway. I think it's far too early to even broach that topic with Y/n. At the moment, I want to be the best friend to her that I can be. We have time.
Whilst my mind is replaying Y/n's laugh on loop, I hear a muffled cry. I focus on the sound and notice it's coming from Y/n's room. I jump up and make my way next door. I knock on her door but get no response. "Y/n, it's Nat. Are you ok?" I question. Again, I don't get a response, but I can hear muttering and crying. Worry taking over, I open the door to be greeted by an empty room. The bed perfectly made.
I rush through the room to check the bathroom, but as I pass the bed, I hear her voice. My head turns and I see Y/n lying on the floor with a thin blanket draped over her. She's having a nightmare. I kneel down next to her and carefully place my hands on her shoulders. "Y/n. It's Nat. You're ok. You're just having a nightmare. Come back to me." I say as calmly as possible. Which is hard when I'm seeing her in such a panicked state. Not a split second later, her body shoots up and she starts to gasp for air, her eyes flicking around the room, trying to find something to ground her.
"Hey, Y/n. Look at me. Focus on me." I tell her, cupping her face so her eyes land on me. "You're safe." I remind her. "Try and take a deep breath with me." I instruct her, doing exaggerated breathing myself to guide her. It takes a while, but eventually she's able to copy and her breathing become less ragged. I slowly run my thumb over her cheek to help calm her as her eyes flick over her room once again. "The bed too soft?" I question and she nods, looking at her hands in shame.
I place my finger under her chin and raise it. "Don't be ashamed. I was the same after I got out of the red room. Took me a few months to get used to sleeping in a bed. I always felt like it was suffocating me." I share. She's listening to me intently as I speak. "I feel the same. I'm used to the hard floor." She mumbles. "How about this. Why don't we lie together in the bed. You don't have to sleep. We can just talk." I suggest. This helped me when Clint would sit and talk with me.
She nods and I help her to her feet. I then move to the bed and pull the duvet off. I grab the blanket and lie on the bed and tap the space next to me. I know the quilt will be too much to start of with, but she needs to keep warm. She takes the spot next to me and I hesitantly place my arm around her shoulders. I smile to myself when I feel her relax into my hold. I lay the blanket over us both and we spend the rest of the night just talking. It was probably the most I've heard her talk. She would ask questions about how I adapted after the red room, and I would offer tips on what might also help her.
After that night, our relationship only grew. She still slept on the floor at night, but I would always go to bed with her, and we'd lie in the bed until she was feeling like she was drifting off. I would leave and she would get comfortable on the floor. As time went by, she started to sleep a little. I was so proud of the progress she was making. "It's ok Nat. You can go to your own room tonight. I need to start doing things myself and it's not fair to keep you from your own room." She tells me which makes me frown. "But I like this time with you Y/n." I admit easily.
She smiles widely at that. "I do too Natasha, but you're not always going to be here. I need to get used to doing this on my own." She makes sense but I still pout at her. "Doesn't mean we can't still cuddle." She says shyly. "One more night?" I request and she sighs. "Ok." She chuckles, opening her door for me.
I'm loving the person that Y/n is becoming. Or returning to be, I guess. She's finding herself and it's a journey I'm proud to be a part of. Her and Wanda have grown close. They have a sisterly relationship. Wanda has helped her come to terms with what happened to her whilst she washeld captive by Hydra. They have a shared experience and I'm glad she's got someone that she can share that with.
She's grown more confident, and I was so proud of her when she started doing things of her own accord. We were sat watching TV and I noticed Y/n's gaze kept going towards the kitchen. I paused the movie and look to Y/n. "Everything ok?" I question and she quickly nods, returning her gaze to the TV. "You can tell me." I assure her and she huffs. "I uh. I want a snack." She admits as if she's just admitted to a felony.
"The kitchen is there, and Tony did the shopping this morning so there is plenty on offer." I encourage her, trying to motivate her, not giving her the go ahead to do it. This was the first time she shared a want, and I was keen for her to take it without needing permission.
I watch as she hesitates, Wanda and Yelena's gaze also on her. Slowly, she pushes up off the sofa and makes her way into the kitchen. She's in there for about 10 minutes before she comes out with a small KitKat bar in her hand. I was so proud as I watch her eat the chocolate bar. When she was done, I wrapped my arm around her and held her close. "You never have to ask to get food." I remind her and she slowly nods before resting her head on my shoulder.
It's been three months since Y/n joined us and it has genuinely been the best three months. She's a completely different person to the one that arrived with us. She's still shy, but she understands her freedom and she is finding her footing. She spends a lot of time with Tony in his lab. Turns out she's got a technical brain and loves working on his gadgets. The whole team have fallen in love with her. She's like our own personal ray of sunshine. Which, considering how she was when she arrived, is a miracle.
I think it is safe to say that I am in love with her. I want to spend all my time with her. She's the last thing I think of before I go to sleep and the first thing in the morning. I'm infected by Y/n, and I love it. I just don't know how to approach her about it. I don't want to scare her away. But I'm like 90% sure she likes me too. We've had a couple of moments where we've almost kissed, but it's never resulted in anything, and I never want to pressurise her to do anything.
Our little bubble is burst though when I'm sent on a week long mission. I've been away for day missions, but nothing longer. I've always been home by the evening, having a snuggle with Y/n before bed. I'm going to miss being with her and I can tell that there is an anxiety for her too. But maybe this will be good. It'll give me time to think clearly about how I'm going to approach this whole situation.
Y/n's POV:
The first couple of days of Nat not being here were hell. I realised that she was my security blanket. I knew I was safe if she was around. Don't get me wrong, I know none of the others would hurt me, but with Nat, I feel completely safe and protected.
It's been a bit of a whirlwind three months. I never knew that life could be like this. All I knew was the darkness of the place I was held. The pain and fear that I lived in constantly. I don't know why I kept fighting to stay alive. The easier option was to let go. But I didn't. Now I think it's because deep down, I knew I hadn't met Nat yet and she was meant to change my life.
She has been so patient with me, helping me acclimatise to being 'normal'. She's always there to support me, allowing me to find my way in my own time. In the odd moments that I'm not with her, I crave to be with her. It's a feeling I'm not familiar with. I don't have it with anyone else here. Yet I like all of them. They have become a family, something I didn't know about. Or at least didn't remember. But with Nat it's different. It's like everything I do is for her.
Seeing her smile and laugh is my favourite thing. To most people she has this tough exterior, but I've never seen that directed at me. I've never felt anything but kindness from her. She's a big softy towards me. Though I've learnt not to say that to her. Sam made a joke about it and he was swiftly on his ass. Much to everyone else's amusement.
After Nat had been away for a couple of days, I decided that I couldn't mope around without her. She wouldn't want that. Instead, I spent time with Wanda and Yelena. They both had become like sisters to me. Both protective, but also quick to make fun of me in a light-hearted way. I love the relationship that I have with them, and it's them that keep me sane for the rest of the week.
It's Friday and we've been notified that Nat and Steve are returning from their mission. I jump off the sofa and run towards the Quinjet landing pad. But as I get closer, I see Bruce and Cho waiting. "What's wrong?" I ask Tony who's just joined us. "Nat's hurt." Is all he says. I feel like someone has just kicked me in my stomach, making all the air leave my lungs.
I just stand there as I watch the jet land and Nat be rushed off the jet on a gurney. As she passes me, I rush to keep up, not wanting to be far from her. She looks in a bad way. There is so much blood. Too much blood. I watch as Bruce and Cho rush around trying to fix her. I can see from the machines that her heart rate is becoming thready.
I step forward and hold her hand, feeling her cold skin which sends a wave of panic through me. "Please don't leave me." I beg her as tears start to fall. "Y/n, we need you to stand back." Bruce asks quietly, but I don't want to let her go. I can't lose her. He asks again and I know I need to let him do his job. My mind is focusing on her being with me, alive and healthy. She has to survive. I go to drop her hand but there is a soft glow which makes Bruce and Cho stop in their tracks. "Y/n what's going on?" Tony asks me with a panicked voice. "I-I don't know." I respond, fear washing over me.
"Oh my God look." Tony points out towards Nat. I turn to see what he's pointing too, but I start to feel lightheaded. My sight starts to blur and all the sound around me becomes muffled and the next thing I know, I'm surrounded by darkness.
"Please wake up." I hear a distant, pleading voice. But I still only see darkness. "You told me not to leave. I'm asking you the same thing." The voice begs. Is that Nat? Is she ok? Confusion washes over me as I try to figure out what's going on. Sounds become more prominent, and I can hear the slow beeping of a machine. "Y/n?" The comforting voice calls. "Her heart rate is changing." I hear a male voice now speak. "Is that a good thing?" Nat questions. Why can't I see anything? "Yes, very good. It's getting stronger." The other voice confirms.
I start to feel a pain in my head, and I squint my eyes to stop the pain. "She moved." Nat points out. Slowly, my eyes start to open, but the bright light only aggravates the pain in my head. "The lights. Dim them." A third voice says. As the glare of the light reduces, I open my eyes further and they land on Nat. I quickly sit up, shocked that she's beside me, conscious. "Whoa! Stay down Y/n." She tells me, gently pushing on my shoulders. "You're alive." I whisper and she nods. "I am. But you need to take it easy." She tells me in a warning voice.
I look around me and see that there are wires attached to a drip and a heart monitor. I then meet the concerned gazes of Tony, Wanda, and Yelena. "What happened? Last I remember you were the one in the medbay." I say, trying to sit up. "You healed me." Nat says with a look of disbelief on her own face. "Excuse me? I what?" I question, not sure that I heard her properly. "You healed me. But it drained you and you passed out. You've been unconscious for two days, your heart barely beating." She explains.
"How are you feeling?" Bruce asks, stepping forward. "My head hurts, but other than that ok." I admit and he nods. "It seems like one of the serums they injected you with enabled you to heal others. They were so focused on self-healing, that they didn't even think to check for that." Tony says. "I healed you?" I turn back to Nat asking for clarification. "Yeah. Not even a scar left on me." She says holding up her shirt to show where two bullet wounds once were. I reach out and run my fingers over her abs in disbelief.
"I thought I lost you." I agonised, remembering the fear I felt that she was slipping away. "I can't live without you." I admit through tears. "And you don't have to. I'm here. Safe and sound because of you Y/n. You saved me." Nat says taking my hand. I hadn't noticed that everyone else had left and it was just the two of us now. "I owed you after you saved my life." I tell her through a watery chuckle. "I would save you ten times over Y/n. You have changed my life. When I woke up and I saw you on the bed next to me barely clinging to life yourself, my heart broke." She expresses, her own eyes glossing over.
"Y/n, you mean so much to me. You have changed my life since you came into it. I can't hide my feelings from you anymore. I love you. I'm in love with you. I know you might not feel the same, but I have to tell you. I can't bare the thought of something happening to one of us and you not knowing the depth of my feelings." I'm in shock as I listen to her speak.
Is this what I've been feeling for her too? Love? I can see pain start to grow in her eyes as I don't respond, the shock almost incapacitating. Tears fall down her cheeks as she goes to leave, but thankfully, my body reacts, grabbing her hand and pull her back. Before she can even say anything, I cup her face and bring her towards me so I can connect our lips.
The sensation is electric as if the world had disappeared and it was just the two of us in this moment. Our lips move in perfect harmony. Nat's hands rest on my hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. My whole body feels a warmth rush over it, butterflies erupting in my stomach as our lips dance together, sharing every feeling we need to share in this moment. As our movements stop, I rest my forehead against hers. "I think I love you too. I've had this feeling I've not been able to understand for a while. But that kiss just explained everything." I say with a laugh as Nat's smile grows.
She leans in and kisses me once again, this one more hungry as my back hits the hospital bed. She deepens the kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, as the passion and desire between us intensified.  I let a small moan out into the kiss as she presses her body against mine. That noise causes her to pull back slightly, and I let out a little whine. "Patience my love. This is all new for you and I want to do this properly." She tells me, which causes me to raise an eyebrow at her in confusion. "I want to go on a date with you." She smirks.
Thank God, she made me watch endless rom coms these last few months or I'd have no clue how this whole thing was meant to go. But over time we grew together, not rushing our relationship. It was perfect to me. When I looked in her eyes, all I saw was pure love and I hope she saw the same in return.
She made me unbelievably happy. There was a time that I never thought I wouldn't get a happy ending. A time when I questioned my purpose. But now, led here in Nat's arms, feeling safe, protected, and loved. I finally understood why I had to keep fighting. I needed to get to her and live our lives together in happiness. 
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wisteriadumster · 29 days
After Party ❥Arthur Morgan
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CW➻❥ Semi public sex ⋆ orgasm⋆ drinking ⋆
WC➻❥1700➻❥ this isn't well proof read so any mistakes or odd things are purely accidental
Summary➻❥ After your father dragged to the mayor of Saint Denis’ party, you drunkenly but mostly soberly hook up with a Mr. Arthur Kilgore right outside in a carriage
A/N ➻❥ I didn’t think I would actually finish this but I’ve been on a writing groove lately so more fics to come hopefully
Do Not Steal Or Translate My Work!
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You were at Mayor Lemieux’s garden party, your father had begged you to go, simply to find you a husband. You walked around, observing all the older men, did your father really think one of these men could sweep you off your feet?
“More wine?” A server came up to you, “oui, s'il vous plait” you set your glass on his tray, his other hand replaced your empty one with another glass, “merci.”
You examined the balcony, “important” men were staring back, one of them was Angelo Bronte. Your fathers most evil associate, you knew Mr.Bronte was nothing but a manipulative and greedy immigrant. You would beg your father to cut ties from Bronte but you were waved away every time.
“Ah there she is!” Your father wrapped his arm around your back, “oh Mayor Lemieux, what a party,” you smiled.
“Merci, are you enjoying the vin?” His voice seemed awkward, “why of course, you surely pick well.”
A small group had formed, your father refused to let you leave, in hopes you’d be attracted by these married “suitors.” A man that had been on the balcony joined the group, “Mayor, what a pleasure.” He clasped his hand with Lemieux’s glove, “are you enjoying yourself sir?” He cleared his throat against his accent, “it’s, different.” Perhaps your father was right to make you stay, “I haven’t seen you before.” Your father remarked, the man awkwardly laughed, “I’m an oil man out west, I’m visiting for business.”
“Well mister oil man would you mind grabbing a drink with me?” You unlocked your arm from your fathers. “I can’t deny a drink,” he smiled and began walking with you.
“Are you married mister?” You dragged, “Kilgore.” He answered, “I am a single man darlin’.”
You blushed and made it to the bar, “bonjour madame, monsieur,” the bartender grinned.
“Bonne soirée,” you greeted back, “I’ll have a glass of champagne, and for you Mister Kilgore?” He cleared his throat, “do you have whiskey?” Mr.Kilgore seemed nervous, “oh why of course monsieur!” The bartender gleamed, he set down the glass of champagne and began pouring the glass of whiskey.
“Merci beaucoup,” you cheered your class and stepped away from the bar. Mr.Kilgore set his hand on the bottom of your back as you navigated through the crowd.
With drinks in your system, you had been flirting with Mr.Kilgore the entire night, he wasn’t rejecting them either.
“What if we go somewhere, more private?” You giggle, “if we leave this party, you’re gonna love me tonight.” He remarked, “will you leave with me?” You advanced, he smirked and looked away from you, “are you sure about that darlin’?” His voice rasped, “I wouldn’t be asking now would I?”
You had both snuck just outside the mayor's home, an empty carriage sat just down the road. “What if we,” you hint as you slow at the carriage, “sweetheart that’s a bit risky now ain’t it?” He was hesitant, “well mister Kilgore, this whole ordeal is quite risky itself, I think it could be fun.” You smirk, your free hand opening the door,
Mr.Kilgore gently closed the door to the one bench carriage. It was small but how much room did you even need? Your ballgown surely didn’t fit within the confines of the carriage, but it didn’t matter, Mr.Kilgore would be tearing you out of it in a moment.
He scrunched his lips as he studied your dress, “oh don’t worry sir, it’s a simple one, just get the strings.” You had slipped in a rather simple ball gown, everything was already attached to the dress, the only thing you had to do was slip into it.
You turned yourself away from Mr.Kilgore, your back was touched by cold calloused hands as he worked through the tight strings.
“What’s your name Mister Kilgore?” You finally asked, you figured you should know the man’s name before he saw your bare body. “Arthur,” he pulled the final silk lace loose.
You took a deep breath as the constricting pressure released. You pushed the straps that laid on your shoulders, your breathing was heavy as Arthur’s hand hesitantly pulled on the fabric that covered you. “Are you sure about this?” He looked up from your cleavage, his eyes desperately searching your face for an answer, “absolutely.” You pulled on his bow tie, bringing him into a delicate and precise kiss. Your head was slightly cocked, your lips slowly connected, distracting you as Arthur’s hands meticulously removed your dress.
Your torso was exposed, the rest of your outfit was a large mass of blue that flooded the carriage.
You could feel your lipstick rubbing off against Arthur’s face, marking where your scandalous lips had touched.
“Darlin’ I need a bit of your assistance,” he pulled back, looking down at your body and the pestering ball gown. You did your best to stand in the cramped space, Arthur’s hands pushed the dress down your legs, revealing how carelessly you were dressed beneath your dress.
There was a moment, Arthur was quiet as he admired your body. You blushed at how vulnerable you had made yourself for a man you had only known for two hours.
You pulled on the buttons of Arthur’s dress shirt, “Mister Kilgore if you mind, I would like a chance to study your body.” You giggled.
You both tackled the suit that Arthur wore: removing his jacket, bow tie, and his white button up. His hand travelled around to it neck, touching the back of it before intertwining itself with your styled hair. He pulled you in for another kiss, his warm body touching against yours as your bodies shifted.
He was on top of you, his fingers squeezing and wondering over your breast. The kiss was hot and heavy; moments away from escalating to what you wanted.
He pulled back from the kiss, looking down as he directed his hand to his pants. You looked back up, fixated on his face.
He looked back to you, both of you making the same expression of shock as his cock pushed through, entering into your eager and wet pussy.
“Fuck,” you blurted as he continued to let himself fully fit. Arthur gritted his teeth and let out a groan as he adjusted himself.
His pace started slow, he analyzed you searching for the speed that pleased you best.
You gripped the back of the seat, your nails digging into the leather. Arthur was quiet with his groans, you could feel the hot air leave his nostrils as his chest rumbled.
“You like that sweetheart?” He asked, unsure of his next move. “Faster,” you mustered before wrapping a hand in his hair and pulling him into a kiss. Arthur obeyed the command and increased his pace, your skin smacking together a little harder.
You pulled at his short hair, moaning against his lips every time his tip hit exactly where it needed.
You pulled back from the ravenous kiss, “we should really get back to the party.” Anxiety had washed over you, what could your father be thinking right now, what if he needed you.
“Darlin’ I’ll do whatever you want,” he finished with a deep and aggressive thrust.
You practically belted out a moan at the sudden feeling, your hands gripping and digging into whatever they held onto.
The thrusts were delicate, Arthur slowly taking you through a growing climax. Arthur was nuzzled in your neck, kissing your fragile skin.
“I really think,” you sentence is cut by a moan. Every time you felt that you should really stop, your body would always react, begging to stay.
Your hands were travelling around his sculpted torso, taking in how his chest hair covered his body in a light layer. “Take a breath darlin’.” He smiled against your lips, you inhaled, deeply.
A hard thrust caused that air to come rushing back out, your nails to dig into his back, something you had only just started navigating.
A hot flash ran over you, your orgasm flowing throughout you. Your legs shook as the pleasurable feeling finally drained out of you.
You were panting hard, your body recovering from the surge of overstimulation.
Arthur pulled back from you, his body soaked in a layer of sweat, a combination of his and yours.
You opened your mouth to speak, but words were unable to process and come out.
“Best we should back, right sweetheart?” Arthur’s words pulled you out of the haze that he had put you in, as well as the alcohol in your system, if it hadn’t been sweated out.
“I suppose you’re right Mister Kilgore.” You sat up, your chest rising and lowering, synchronized with Arthur’s.
You searched through the sea of your ballgown, finding the corseted top.
You turned your back to Arthur, who was finishing the buttons of his dress shirt. “Do you mind?” You asked, “it ain’t gon’ to look pretty.” He admitted and grabbed the loose corset lace.
He pulled the final string tight and brushed your shoulders. “Would you like me to do your bow tie?” You turned, “nah, I think my outfit will do fine without it.” He tucked it inside his jacket coat.
As you stepped out of the carriage, cold and freeze air greeted your nostrils.
You looked back at the carriage, the mirrors were significantly fogged. You looked down the street, a man and woman watching from beneath the light of a streetlamp.
You embarrassing smiled, your face becoming flush in color.
You pulled your hair out of the now messed up-do.
You fluffed your hair with your fingers roughly, hoping the curls from the previous hairstyle could save your up kept look. “Darlin’ you look just fine,” Arthur looked at you, “are you sure?” You begged, Arthur stopped walking, holding your shoulders. “Sweetheart you look just as beautiful as when I first looked at ya.” A smile gently cracked from your worried frown.
“Now darlin’ would you like get back to that party?” He let go of your shoulders, his arm slowly jutting out. You interlocked your arm with his and continued your strut down the street back to the mayors house.
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ddejavvu · 10 months
stepbrothercollege!Hotch sneaking back home every once in a while to come visit his favorite stepsis to make sure he’s still her favorite and not any of the gross high school boys
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
this post is 18+ (and so are its characters) and dark, minors dni. (cw: stepcest; don't like, don't read).
You're not expecting Aaron back because your mom hadn't announced his return. Money comes out of her joint account with Aaron's dad to pay for everything, his gas money, his plane tickets, so if he was returning by either mode of transportation, they'd have gleefully announced their less-full bank balance.
Apparently, he'd used his own cash to buy a train ticket, though. You're three minutes from finishing the tail end of a movie, one you hadn't been paying full attention to. You'd run out of things to watch, but picking something at random from netflix's library only yielded boredom. Still, you're going to finish it out, or at least, you were, until a large hand hooked over your window sill from the outside, latching onto the wood to provide leverage.
You shriek, the sound straight out of a horror movie, while you consider you might be in one yourself. But the face that pops up through the window next is a familiar one, and you regret your outburst as you hear footsteps rush towards your bedroom.
"Honey?" It's your mom, probably in her nightgown and slippers, "Honey, what's the matter? Your- your door is locked," She jiggles the handle, and you're glad you're too paranoid to leave the door unlocked at night, "Let me in!"
You look back at Aaron who's waiting with one eyebrow raised for either a signal to run, or a signal to stay. You try fixing him with a reassuring grin, but it's probably shaky as your heart finally begins to slow, "Uh, nothing, mom. I saw a spider, that's all. But it was on the outside of the window, I'm okay."
She heaves a sigh, "Okay. I'm going back to sleep, honey."
"Keep it down," The gruff voice of Aaron's father follows after her, and you're not surprised the man is concerned more with the noise level of the house than your personal safety. Aaron's jaw tenses, the muscles in it tightening.
"Goodnight," You mutter tersely through the door, and Aaron's already begun lifting himself the rest of the way into your room. You let him grab your hand for leverage and you pull him onto your mattress, a sound that your mother will think is just you crawling back into bed after your spider scare.
"Hi," He murmurs with a lazy grin, keeping his voice low so that no one can hear him but you. He's instantly at home on your mattress, leaning back on his palms flat over your comforter.
"Hi," You breathe, equally dazed, "You're- you came back!"
"I did," He chuckles, an earring hooked through his right ear and glinting in the moonlight spilling through your window. His hair is longer now than when you'd seen him last, swooped loosely to one side of his face, "I heard some rumors from Eric, wanted to come back down and see you."
"Eric-?" You tilt your head neatly to one side at the mention of your coworker, and Aaron's old friend, "What did Eric say?"
"Just that some of the high school boys have been trying to get your attention," His lips tighten in another near-scowl, "High school boys are too confident."
"You used to be one," You laugh, reaching for his cheek and feeling a slight hint of stubble raised just over his skin, "Now I didn't know you then, but I have to assume you were just as overconfident as the idiots from the gas station are."
"I-" He chuckles, tilting his head into your hand, "I was never that bad, sweetheart, I was never stupid enough to think I could get with a college girl."
"Well I sent them packing," You promise, and he takes your hand off of his face only to squeeze it and lean in closer.
"Good," He hums, sharp, angled nose nearly prodding at your own skin, "I might have to beg my dad to pay for your transfer to my school if they don't get the message."
"I'm okay here," You promise, your voice a near-whisper with the hope that he'll finally close the gap and kiss you, "But I think you should keep coming to see me like this, Aaron."
"Yeah?" He inches impossibly closer, his breath warm over your lips, "You like it when I crawl through your window?"
"And get all protective of me," You confess, cheeks heating slightly at your admission, "What about you, Aaron? Any of the girls at law school caught your eye?"
"No, they're pretty boring," He muses, faking contemplation, "There's this one girl back home, though..."
"Oh, shut up," You gush, pressing your lips to his curving ones as he chooses to grin instead of make a move. You're fed up with his teasing, with having him inches apart and not having him at all, and you melt into the kiss that he reciprocates so quickly.
"I have to head back in a few hours," He laments, "It's a long train ride, and I have a class at 10."
"I have a class at 9," You nod solemnly, "But maybe this weekend I can take the train to visit you? I could just tell my mom I'm sleeping over with my friend."
"That sounds," He cuts himself off to press a firm kiss to your lips, "Perfect, sweetheart. Let's just-" Another kiss, "-enjoy the time we have now, and pretty soon we'll have the whole weekend to ourselves."
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 4 months
PLEASE write about Jean seeing you for the first time in four years 😭. Like you got taken by Reiner or something and when they attacked you went and found him. PLEASE THIS WOULD BE SO COOL!!
at last
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pairing: jean kirstein x f!reader
word count: 1.2k +
tw: kidnapping, cursing, angst,
a/n: wow! this is a lil emotional! i hope you love it like i do. also, this isn't proof read.
it'd been four years. it'd been four whole years since you felt the company of your comrades, no, your friends. the day you were taken still burned sharply in the back of your mind, replaying on an endless loop, constantly reminding you of the last day you were happy. there was no forgetting the devastated looks, their faces twisting and contorting with fear. the sounds of their panicked shouts fading into the distance. the most haunting thing of all your brain tortured you with was the feeling of jean's fingertips slipping away from yours.
things like that weren't so easily forgotten, especially from the confinement of your cell. at the end of the day, you were grateful. you were grateful to still have your life, no matter how miserable it might have been. the cell you stayed in was dim, cold and all too quiet. it was the perfect breeding ground for your trauma, festering day and night. of course, there was a time you weren't as grateful; you'd rather have died then reside in marley for whatever time you might have had left. you were angry. you were angry at reiner, at marley, at the scouts for not being successful in their attempts to rescue you. there was fear residing there, too. were your friends alive? where was eren? did they know what you knew? did they know about the cruelty of the world?
eventually, reiner became somebody different. you no longer saw him as the traitor as he once was. you grew to understand him, your resentment eventually fading away. he'd come down most days and visit you. he taught you a lot of things about marley and about paradis. reiner would tell you about the world away from your cell, about things that were happening outside.
the day came where reiner told you that willy tybur, an eldian noble, was going to declare war on your homeland. he seemed remorseful to be telling you this. you screamed at him, begging him to interfere all while reminding him he was once a soldier, too. he ignored your pleas and left you a pacing mess in your cell.
not long after reiner's disappearance, a blond male soldier stopped by your cell. the soldier said nothing as he fumbled around in his pockets before pulling out a set of keys. he unlocked the door as you asked a thousand questions, raising your voice with each word. he said nothing. like reiner, he left without a word.
the sound of eren's titan echoed through the air, shaking the ceiling and causing bits of rock to fall. you thought you were hallucinating, your brain playing another sick trick on you. you heard it again with booms following right behind it. praying on the chance it was real, that eren was really here, your legs took off, your calves burning with each swift movement.
above ground was a nightmare coming to life. the sky was dark. there were no stars to see, the only light from the raging fires. the attack titan's silhouette was visible, muscles rippling as he pounded another titan. there were so many emotions running through the track of your mind but there was one thought that stood out apart from the rest.
if eren was here, were the scouts here too?
then, you heard it. the unmistakable sound of odm gear being launched through the air. anxiety brewed deep within you, letting you know this might be your one chance to go home, begging you to not let it slip away the way jean had let you. tilting your head up to the sky, you saw them. the scouts, in a different uniform than you remembered, were zipping through the air with utter grace. they were angels compared to the relentless war behind them. you wanted to cheer; your saviors were here, at last. you opened your mouth, filling your diaphragm with all the air it would let you and you screamed. you screamed as loud as you could.
"help! it's me, (y/n)!" it was the only thing that came to your mind. you thought your efforts were useless, barely being able to hear yourself over the screams of men, women, and children. the fight between of titans covering up your futile attempts at a rescue. you were about to yell again when you felt an arm snake around you.
the air was cold, an unwelcoming breeze, as you flew through the air with an unknown liberator. your eyes closed as the harsh wind hit them. you'd long forgotten what it was like to be a scout. once being able to zip effortlessly through your environment, you found yourself taken back. the arm on your waist was warm and you reveled in the heat, despite the chilled air around you.
your flight came to an end and only then did you open your eyes. with wide eyes, you blinked, taking in your surroundings. you were on a rooftop now. you centered your eyes in front of you.
"(y/n?)" his voice is choked, barely getting through your name.
jean kirstein.
tears brimming in your eyes like a dam threatening to break, you had let out a guttural cry. the next word out of your mouth was much softer than the sound you'd just made. "jean." you whisper. jean didn't move as water collected in his eyes, spilling over and running down his face. "jean." he nodded his head, at a loss of words. his mouth opened but only the sound of war was heard. jean shook his head and lunged forward, engulfing you in an embrace you thought you'd never feel again.
jean's shoulders were shaking with sobs and the battle behind was long forgotten. jean was no longer a soldier; he was healing. the wounds you'd left had never closed. they were deep gashes all over his body, aching to feel you, to hear you at any given moment. with a single embrace, he felt them closing.
his palm cradled the back of your head, the other wrapped around the entirety of your back. there was nothing said here as you two breathed each other in, finding the love that was once lost with each breath. jean's voice was quiet in your ears.
"i'm sorry," his breath was warm as it poured over the side of your neck. "i'm sorry." jean repeated.
you found it within you to pull away from his arms. you could see him now. you could really see him now. you could see how the four years had hardened him. the only thing that was the same was his eyes. it was the same way he had looked at you back then. his eyebrows twitch with concern, awaiting your next word, scanning your face for a hint.
your mouth fell open, desperately begging you to say something, to say anything at all. the sound of your cry was barely heard over the explosions of thunderspears; your tongue failing you with words once again.
"i know, baby."
you rushed forward, meeting him once again in an embrace. your head became wet with his tears as yours dampened his neck. jean's arms tightened as he let out a shaky breath. "i'm here, baby. you're here with me, at last."
my jean fic 🤍
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Joel fucks/fingers/dry humps/etc. reader under a blanket during movie night in Jackson. I don’t care what they do as long as Joel comes. I like thinking about Joel coming 😈
Movie night (in public)
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850 | Joel x f!Reader
you're in luck, this has been on my mind. we can pick up after she gets him all horny before the movie in Jackson. masterlist
WARNINGS: 18+ HJ, sex, and cockwarming in public, mild dubcon, cum eating
You and Joel go home for a quickie before the outdoor movie night. He has you pinned on the couch with your hand down his pants when you hear a knock at the front door, then it unlocks. You scoot out from under Joel to sit upright while he buckles his belt and Tommy yells, "Y’all comin’?”
“Ehhh I dunno about tonight. This one’s tired,” Joel says and squeezes your knee affectionately. There’s a good reason he’s not standing up.
“Bring a blanket,” Tommy says. “Joel’s a good pillow, nice and soft.”
“Hey now,” Joel says. Tommy just stands there waiting. Joel sighs. “Alright, grab a blanket, let's go.”
You go get a quilt and a big blanket. When you come back down in a flowy dress, the look on Joel’s face says he knows exactly why. He goes to the bathroom before y'all leave and comes out without a belt.
You set up in the darkest corner of the lawn behind everyone else. Joel sits on the quilt wiith his knees bent and you get in between them, resting your head back on his chest with the blanket draped over both of you while people continue to arrive to the event. He wraps his arms around you, and scoots his hard-on into you. He gathers the skirt of your dress out of the way and strokes your inner thigh. When he reaches your outer lips he growls “bad girl” into your neck, although he's not surprised you skipped the panties. Two thick fingers drag along your dripping seam and his hardness swells into you.
He nibbles at your neck and his fingers circle your clit. He could get you off this way and no one would know, but what you really want is his cock. You want him to come in public. It turns you on so much to think about, and he’s never let you do it. It’s always him making you come while he stays totally composed and in control.
You reach back and wedge a hand between your bodies, palming him over his jeans. He breathes deeply and doesn’t stop you. You unbutton his jeans. Then you reach outside the blanket for his backpack and put it behind him like a pillow. “I’m tired, can I Iay on you?”
“Sure, baby.”
You get on your side in the crook of his arm with your head on his shoulder, your hand on his chest, and hook your leg over his closest leg. Then your hand drifts down under the blanket, unzips him, and reaches in to relieve his stiff, aching cock. "Tengo ganas," (I want it) you whisper as you stroke him. He clenches his jaw and looks conflicted.
"I don't think so, baby."
You slowly rotate yourself on top of him anyway. His hard cock is between his shirt and yours, below your belly button. "No one's watching," you whisper.
You move your dress and slowly get higher up on him, straddling him in a koala hug and you throb against him. He inhales sharply when his cock feels your dripping seam.
"Solamente la punta" (just the tip) you beg barely audibly as you drag yourself along his member.
"Kinda cold. Wanna sit still?"
You've done this before and know what he means. You can't pass up the chance to have him inside you.
You drag your wet pussy up his cock again then nestle it at your entrance. He lifts his hips into you and you begin to sink onto him, managing not to gasp at the delicious stretch. His big hands brace on your hips and help you down. He lifts his hips again, pulls you down, and you have to suppress a moan as he bottoms out.
He grunts ever so softly. "Don't move," he says.
You lie there with him inside you, resting your head in the crook of his neck, while he watches the movie. Your hips want to move, but you manage to stay still.
He occasionally twitches and barely moves his hips. You want to get him off and try to slide off him, but his hands still you and he says "where you goin'?" You stay.
When his twitching becomes more frequent, he finally lets you slide off his cock. You get back on your side, bring your leg over his, rest your head on his chest, and stroke him. You keep his cock as close to his body as possible to not make it obvious. It doesn't take long before he reaches down and lifts up his shirt. He takes a deep breath, then pulses in your hand. There's a barely audible grunt, but it's the quietest you've ever heard him.
He buries his mouth in the crown of your head as he finishes coming onto his lower belly and your fist, then his whole body relaxes. You lick his cum off your hand then use two fingers to gather as much of it as you can off his skin. You swallow that, too. He kisses you on the head and you actually do fall asleep as you watch the rest of the movie.
If you like this one I recommend Speakeasy and Picnic Table.
All Joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea. @evyiione
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