#so i ought to make y'all cry too
irasthingies · 1 year
cw , tw // mention of rape , murder , self-harm
sometimes i will sit and then think about how andrew send aaron a "fuck-off" letter when aaron approached him first not because he hates him, but because he doesn't want aaron to go near drake; how he went further as going to the juvie so that aaron won't go to the spears' house in the spring because drake said that he will 'have fun' with the twinyards when aaron arrived; and how he killed tilda not because he hates her for giving him up to the foster care but because she hurt aaron
like he literally did everything he could to potect aaron even before they made the deal with each other, and in this essay, i will—
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blackjackkent · 2 months
15 Lines Tag Meme
Tagged by @morganaseren
Tagging: @istibaethoriel @thedarkstrategist @astreamofstars @bardic-inspo (also retagging @morganaseren and @writer86 bc I did this slightly differently than y'all did and maybe you wanna try it this way too :D )
(Want me to tag you in work-sharing memes like this in the future? Toss a like on this post over here! Would love a bigger list of folks to tag. :) )
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
I just realized that I don't actually have a WIP currently running that involves an OC, which is a bit wild. (Two WIP Jaheira longfics and a bunch of one-shot ideas I haven't started yet. XD ) So I'm going to do this as not a WIP fic quote but instead fifteen different quotes from Hector across several different existing fics that are representative of his personality. (I'm not sure which the originator of the meme intended and I know prev (Lee) did it the other way XD but I'm gonna reinterpret the instructions bc this is where my brain is taking it instead.)
“Where your Lady looks for emptiness, mine looks for…self-reliance,” he finally says slowly. “Which is itself…not conducive to…” He trails off. “I have not ever felt this way before.” (Happy For You)
Hector hesitates. “I think perhaps I ought to ask you to forgive me,” he says quietly. “There were– and still are– many steps along this path that I have not handled as I should have. I was…very confused for quite some time, and very afraid, and perhaps my actions betrayed too much.” (Happy For You)
“It was one of the mantras of grounding I was taught from when I was a very young boy,” he says. “To…calm myself when I was upset or angry, to stop crying or raging, take control of the feelings and quiet them.” (The Center Cannot Hold)
“I love it,” he murmurs. “And I will keep it close to me going forward, you can be sure of that.” He turns the small talisman in his fingertips, watching it catch the light. “I've seen many of these,” he adds reverently. “But never one of such fine make. And old, too. Some monk carried this through hell before it made its way to you. I suppose I will add to that tradition...” (The Mystery of the Night)
“I don’t think I can go back,” he finally says quietly. “Not after all of this. I’ve… changed too much.” (Riverbed)
“I don’t know how to do what they want me to do,” he says softly. “How to… be what they think I am.” (Riverbed)
“It is only through meditation and strength of will that we master our emotions,” he says. “So I was taught.” (What Good, This Heart of Stone?)
“Discipline,” he mutters. “To control one's body is to control one's mind.” (What Good, This Heart of Stone?)
“SHUT UP!” The roar bursts from him and cracks apart into a sob. Tears flood his eyes, blurring his vision. “Gods… please… just leave me alone. I can’t… I can’t… she is dying and she is in so much pain, and I can’t help her, I can’t stop it. If you were anything less than a monster, you would grieve with me, you would want to help her… you would give a single, solitary damn… but you don’t. All you care about is your fucking worm, and it’s all falling apart… it’s all gone… it’s all gone…” The tears are coming heavier now, choking him, blinding him. “What the hell am I going to do?” he whispers. “I won’t… I won’t do it, I won’t do what you want… I won’t become an… an abomination just to save my heart… I won’t take her choice from her… but how will I bear it…? ” ("Because of What You Are" - drabble)
He swallows the lump that forms in his throat at hearing these words. “There is so much… so much more to the world than I ever imagined…” (vision of selune - drabble)
He flinches, not meeting her eyes. “I was thinking about how I’m scared because I could die. And then I thought about how perhaps there is a certain level on which that would be the simplest outcome.” (night before the brain - drabble)
“You’re perfect,” he repeats softly, and to his shame he hears his voice tremble. “I just…have no idea what I’m doing, and you surprised me.” (Prayers and Hellfire)
“You make me smile,” he goes on when the kiss finally breaks. The words come slowly, carefully - he considers himself no orator, but there is an ocean of feeling inside him waiting to be spoken of. “So many terrible things we see out here, and yet you make me laugh. You see the good in everything, even when it looks so dark to me. You've suffered so much and you're still kind, still want the best for everyone.” He pauses, then adds with fervent sincerity, “And you are so… so beautiful…” (Prayers and Hellfire)
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oddaodd · 3 years
· Wailing Teapots ·
Summary: When Tommy begins suspecting of Y/n's true allegiances he goes and questions her in her apartment only to discover a dark secret. (Angst/Fluff)
Warnings: Implications of abuse. (Nothing too graphic but just in case).
Author's note: I'm back! It feels so good to write again! My life has been a bit hectic lately, but I hope I can continue to make time for my writing because it honestly feels like coming back home after the most exhausting of voyages. Anyhow I hope y'all enjoy this and have the loveliest of days. ❤️
Three strong knocks on the door stole Y/n’s attention from the live fire burning in her fireplace. With quiet feet she tiptoed to the door and placed her hand on the doorknob and stood still hoping to hear something that could tell her who it was behind the door, but she could only hear her own heartbeat beating violently in her ribcage as she held her breath.
She slightly hated herself for being afraid, but she couldn’t not be afraid, not with all the letters that had been delivered to her home.
“I know you’re in there Y/n”
As soon as she recognized the voice as Tommy’s, she finally breathed again before partly opening the door a weak smile gracing her features when she took in the sight of him. Before she could ask him what he was doing there he pushed the door open and allowed himself inside.
The smile vanished from her face in an instant and she quickly closed the door. There was something different about him, something that made the hairs on her arms stand up in trepidation. His eyes didn’t look like they had done a few nights prior when he took Y/n to the outskirts of town for a walk. The kind of walk in which one shares the kind of conversations that makes people grow closer together, the kind of walk which ends with a gentle kisses and fleeting touches.
“This is a nice place” he commented taking off his peaky cap, not even sparing Y/n a glance as he began walking slowly through the apartment which though small and plain held a considerable amount of expensive yet tasteful looking knick knacks that brightened up the whole place despite the old furniture that had beed there when Y/n first moved in.
“You couldn’t have waited for a formal invitation, could you?” She asked in a light tone still standing by the door, in the hope that it could change Tommy’s odd aura, but he ignored her question all together
“Almost too nice, wouldn’t you agree?” He asked picking up a vase and examining it before finally turning to look at Y/n.
“Tommy?” She asked, not really knowing why was he acting so strange.
“I know I pay you fair wages” he began, putting the vase down fixing his eyes on the fireplace where small traces of burnt paper rested “but I highly doubt you were able to make yourself of such an array of treasures with what I pay you.”
“All of this came with me from America.” She said feeling like she ought to explain herself and though her answer was an honest one, Tommy didn’t seem convinced, nevertheless, he hummed in mocking understanding before clearing his throat .
“Aren’t you gonna offer me tea?”
“Sure…where are my manners?” she said with a nervous laugh before walking to where her stove was and putting a kettle on.
Tommy followed her closely and drew a chair from her flimsy kitchen table before sitting down and taking notice of her shaky hands as she tied around a bit in the kitchen with her back to him as he sat on her favorite chair.
“Wish you had told me you were coming, I would have..”she began as she opened her pantry to put away some bread.
“You’ve been burning letters” he interrupted, not being able to shake off the image of the paper remains.
Y/n stilled for a moment before closing her pantry, thing which he noticed.
“Yeah, I don’t have the room to keep every single letter I get ” Y/n said, a defensiveness lingering softly in her words.
“I agree” Tommy said in a cold tone “specially when you are getting so many of them. Paul tells me he delivers at least 10 a week here” he continued, referring to the mailman who after being questioned by Tommy forgot all about post confidentiality.
“They are my mother’s” Y/n stuttered out.
The teapot then wailed, making her jump slightly before going to remove it from the stove and finally turning around to go and pour Tommy a cup.
“Right” Tommy said, his eyes not leaving Y/n’s figure as she poured the tea.
“Yeah, she’s ever so passionate about plants, been telling me all a-a-about her new greenhouse.” She continued pressured by Tommy’s heavy stare and silence.
Tommy offered a small cynical smile that Y/n didn’t see, she didn’t want to look at him. She felt like crying for she realized just then how suspicious she looked.
The sound of the chair being drawn again teased at Y/N’s ears, forcing her to look up at Tommy who was calmly walking towards her. She had never been afraid of him, but she couldn’t help but back away as he inched closer to her, her eyes widening.
“Who is Clyde Attenborough?” He asked producing another letter from his pocked like the many ones Y/n had been receiving for a while now. Same stamps and everything.
Color drained from her face at the sight of the letter and she found herself unable to produce an answer as her back came in soft contact with her pantry.
“What does he know? He asked.
“Where I live” Y/n whispered sorrowfully as a tear finally slipped down her cheek. Her eyes being for mercy.
“What have you been telling him?”
“Nothing” she answered truly.
“I bet he pays generously to know how the company works”
“I swear im not working for anyone else” Y/n stuttered, finally understanding why Tommy was so suspicious. Being his secretary, she knew plenty about the skeletons the family kept.
“Then why are you crying?” He pressed.
“Because you’re scaring me.”
Her words seemed to have an effect on Tommy for he immediately backed away, throwing the letter on the table, his back to her.
”I’m not gonna hurt you” he stated, beating himself up for corralling Y/n like that. His voice much less menacing than mere seconds ago. “Who is Clyde Attenborough?”
“I haven’t been honest with you” she finally confessed sniffing. To hell with everything.
At this Tommy turned around to look at her an unpleasant mix of emotions swimming in his eyes.
“Im married” she sobbed “Clyde’s my husband”
For the first time in a long time, Tommy was caught off guard.
“I came to Small Heath because I ran away from him, I figured he’d never find me but..” She said taking the letter in her shaky hands as if the thing were to blow off in any given second “I guess I was wrong. I-I don’t know how he found me”
She shifted her teary gaze from the letter to a shocked Tommy “I swear im not passing information” she chuckled sadly, the knot in her throat choking her a little.
Tommy stood glued in the same spot, not knowing what to do. His world had come crashing down when he began suspecting of Y/n’s alliances after Polly suggested he look into it. A pretty American girl, moving to a grey English town, taking up a job that was exhausting at best. It reminded him a little too much of Grace.
Now that he knew the truth , he didn’t feel any better.
“Is he dangerous?” He found himself asking after a few seconds of silence.
Y/n sniffed as she walked to her fireplace “I wouldn’t have left if he wasn’t” she said as she threw the letter into the crackling flames.
“Is he in Birmingham?”
“He keeps writing that he’ll come get me if I don’t go back, but im not sure” she answered.
Tommy fought the urge to go up to her and take her in his arms and instead put his peaky cap back on before heading for the door.
“I’m sorry” he whispered before stepping out of her place, The guilt of intimidating her in her own house gnawing at his insides and the newfound anger her husband created present on his drive home.
The next day Y/n noticed as she peeped out the window two men, both in peaky caps standing at the entrance of her apartment complex.
Three more days passed and Y/n was again surprised tby the sound of three knocks on her door as she read one evening.
“Its me, Y/N” Tommy’s voice flowed through the door shortly after the knocks.
Y/n quickly got off her couch and made her way to open the door. Her eyes falling on Tommy’s apologetic features.
“It’s dealt with” he said in all seriousness. The thick accent she loved so much vibrating through her ears.
As soon as she registered what Tommy had just said she let out a strained breath, her lips turned into a tired smile and a lone tear slipped out her misty eyes.
“Wanna come in?” She asked after a few seconds, feeling happier than she had felt for days.
“Is this a formal invitation?” He asked, a soft smile tugging at his lips, relieved that his antics from a few days prior hadn’t maimed Y/n´s trust.
At his question she just smiled, looking at him lovingly before taking hold of his hand and pulling him into her apartment before pressing her lips to his in a soft yer passionate manner. Without breaking the kiss, Tommy then closed the door.
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime @babylooneytoonz @lilymurphy03 @slytherinicequeen
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Can I get a nsfw fic for Diluc where he and reader are vigilantes together? I feel like that would be hot af.
Oh-ho~ what a delightful concept, Friend Anon.
I feel like I've barely had time for fic-style stuff rather than headcanon stuff lately, so forgive me if this is like... idk.. less good xD I hope it's good idk agopwgj
Side note, y'all Genshin people tend to blow up my page every time I post something in this fandom but I get SO few actual requests for it, wtf is up with that
Diluc x GN Reader - vigilantes
NSFW 18+
There aren't many of your typical "dark back alleys" in Mondstadt, but they are there if you go looking for them. If you do, you're sure to make some friends and acquaintances of the sort who also go looking for such tucked away places. And tonight, you're expecting a meeting with a coworker.
You've been tracking a particular Treasure Hoarder for weeks now. He's a cut-throat sort, in that he literally cuts throats, and quite gleefully at that. He's scum, but he's a valuable asset. He's the only Treasure Hoarder idiotic and brave enough to have set foot inside of Mondstadt's walls as of late, and you're not about to lose the opportunity to track him back to his hive. And it shouldn't be too difficult to do so- as long as a certain "Darknight Hero" doesn't decide to step in.
Somehow, you have a feeling he will.
And as you crouch atop the sloping roof of a typical Mondstadt residence, observing your pet rat scurrying through alleyways he clearly doesn't know as well as he ought to by now, you glimpse a familiar flash of red. Moving as quickly as one can with a sword that matches his height while retaining some measure of stealth, Diluc clearly has your subject in his sights. You barely contain a sigh, your brow lowered in flat exasperation.
You'll have to act quickly- Diluc is rapidly closing in on your only source of intel, blade at the ready and eyes devoid of mercy. Never taking your eyes from his dark silhouette in the alley below, you gracefully maneuver from the roof to a nearby balcony banister, then down a railing. Your feet meet the stone pavement silently just as muscles flex and the greatsword hefts into the air above a fiery mane of hair. Without a sound, you draw your own blade and press it firmly to Diluc's throat. He hesitates for just a moment, his surprise causing his footing to waver for the instant you need to tug him back against the wall.
"You-" he hisses with fury in his eyes, "What are you doing?!"
"Keeping you from killing my only lead!" you shout-whisper back to him as the Treasure Hoarder slides around the corner and into the open streets. He's a lost cause now- acting out in the open would draw unacceptable attention to both you and Diluc. For now, the edge of your sword indents his skin, emphasizing the unfortunately seductive sight of his adams apple bobbing as he swallows hard.
"He's a killer." he spits out bitterly.
"Yes," you reply, "And so are all of his friends. And the only way to snuff them all out is to let him live- for now."
His weapon vanishes for the time being, but you know his strength well enough to know that this does not make him 'unarmed.'
"Go join the Knights if you enjoy wasting time so much."
"Oh, perhaps I should," you say, "It was a Knight who gave me the intel to track this target, after all," the playful lilt in your voice guides him to the exact conclusion you want him to reach. What you don't expect is for Diluc to use his considerable strength to spin you back against the wall, jostling your sword from your hand and swapping your positions, with your wrists now pinned to the plaster behind you. You're startled for a moment- but not so much so that you miss the way his eyes scan your body before him.
"It was a strutting peacock that needs its beak removed, more like," he says, his voice low as he looms over you. Your bodies are so close, the space between you seems charged with electricity.
"Is that a touch of jealousy I hear?"
"You're infuriating," he gives this utter non-answer just before his lips reach yours. His kiss is deep and intense from the start, pressing you to the wall as his tongue thrusts into your mouth.
This has always been your favorite way to vent your mutual frustration. There's something about each of you that only the other knows; a part of you both that only the two of you have access to. Those cordoned off sections of your hearts instinctively reach toward one another, binding you and the Darknight Hero together despite all of the myriad ways you find yourselves at odds. Adrenaline and emotion drives your bodies together, and your pulse pounds as his tongue wrestles yours and the warmth of his body catches yours on fire.
You do your best to keep up with Diluc's frenzied need, parted lips working rhythmically against his, yet you can feel the rush of arousal through your body and the fight leaves you almost instantly. In one final act of provocation, you urge your thigh between his, rubbing it gently against the growing heat you feel there. His cock twitches with interest, hardening against the front of his pants. Diluc groans into your kiss, his hands releasing yours to travel down the contours of your sides.
When those strong hands reach your backside, they shamelessly grab at your curves, pulling you firmly against him and encouraging your thighs around his hips. Your feet are barely touching the ground anymore, and you can feel his growing cock grinding into your heat. His impatience is as evident in his touch as it's always been in his fighting style; though, the difference is that now, you're happy to match his pace. Thoroughly trapped between his body and the wall, your hands run across his chest, happily indulging in the plains of muscle beneath conservative clothing.
Then, you nip at his bottom lip, dragging it between your teeth and revelling in the husky groan this pulls from him. His hips sway against you, rubbing the head of his now rock-hard member against you. Quite suddenly, his hands leave your body, then instead, cup both sides of your face. Diluc holds you in place as he kisses you so hard and deep that your legs tremble and you worry your knees may give. And at last, the airy moan you offer him in reply seems to break the last of his restraint.
"Towards the wall," his urgent whisper grazes your skin, and it's all you can do to keep from moaning at the intoxicating, masculine tenor of his voice. Instead, you obey him, turning to the wall, only to feel him pinning you once more from behind. His lips are at your ear, his tongue tracing its curve, until he says softly,
"Truly a shame you can't always be this cooperative."
"I- I'm very cooperative when it gets me what I want..." you half-moan as his lips press heated kisses down the side of your neck. His fevered touch is everywhere, running up your sides to caress your chest, fingers briefly circling your nipples and causing you to arch against him.
"One day I'll make you beg for it." he muses softly, less like any 'dirty talk' you've ever heard, and far more like he's scolding you. Either way, it sends a hot wave of arousal plunging to your core. With a soft whimper, you urge your ass back against him, grinding onto the stiff length of his cock. Tonight won't be the night you beg, but you do need to show him how badly you want him- and he graciously complies.
Diluc's thumbs hook into the hem of your breeches and tug them down over the curve of your ass. Despite his own wants and needs, he does pause to appreciate the sight of you offering yourself to him, lower body exposed and face flushed when you glance over your shoulder at him. A single large hand runs over your backside, cupping and grabbing at it idly, enjoying the sight of your flesh over-filling his grip. Then, with a low hum, his eyes meet yours as he opens the front of his trousers and reveals his thick, twitching manhood to you. It's dark and veined, a powerful, masculine member that practically makes your mouth water- and you can't stifle an eager whine as he positions himself behind you once more.
The warm head of his cock presses to your greedy little hole, and Diluc wastes no time pushing himself steadily into you. With each inch, he splits you open around him, and your body tenses and arches against his strong frame.
"Diluc..!" you gasp out the moment he's buried into you to the base and his tip hits your core. Sometimes you think you'll never truly be accustomed to how fully he fills you.
"Quiet," he whispers harshly, though the way the full length of his cock swells at your cry tells him he quite enjoys hearing you. Yet as his hips begin to move and the veins and contours of his cock grind against your inner walls, it becomes harder and harder to keep your voice down. He feels too incredible, reaches too deep, stretches you out so nicely around him until you fit him perfectly. Your entire body burns, and you cling to the wall in front of you to take some of the strain off of your trembling legs. Before long, you're gasping and panting for him as he bucks into you, the head of his cock dragging against some indescribably wonderful spot each time he thrusts forward.
"You're so... difficult..." he grumbles, and you hear him move, unsure of what he's doing until you feel his gloveless hand sliding fingers into your mouth. Your eyes roll back, your body clenches and squeezes around Diluc's shaft. Perhaps he'd only meant to keep you quiet, but the depravity of being fucked senseless by the most sought-after gentleman in Mondstadt in a back alley while being made to suck on his fingers is simply too erotic to withstand. Your lips and tongue worship those fingers as he pounds you against the wall, railing into your desperate body until the hot, winding knot of pleasure in your gut comes undone in a sudden, mind-numbing rush.
"Nngh- gods...!" even Diluc, with all of his strict self discipline, can't keep from groaning as your climax seizes you. He can feel your body tense and release, feel your inner walls tightening and gripping around him, clinging around his cock like you can't bear to be without it. He draws closer, his hard chest against your back, his head sinking down to the crook of your neck. His thrusts lose their timing, uneven and inelegant as he nears his own release.
You feel the sting of his teeth at your flesh. Diluc silences his own sounds of pleasure, burying his face at your neck and sucking a dark love-bite to your skin. But even this jolt of wonderful pain can't distract you from the way his cock flexes deep within you, swelling and straining out against your tight hole. Then, at last, his breath catches, and his cum begins to shoot out into you. The first impact causes you to whine around his fingers, which he punishes with a harsher bite at your shoulder muscle, even as he continues to fill you. Wild red hair brushes your face as you rally your strength to keep yourself in place for him and he fucks the remainder of his climax into your waiting body. For a moment, he holds within you. You each struggle to regain composure and steady your breathing- no easy feat when his manhood is stubbornly refusing to soften even the slightest bit. Then, with a barely restrained sigh, Diluc eases out of your spent hole.
His hand comes to rest on the wall in front of you, trapping you against his body for a moment longer. You have just enough room to move your hands to tug up your clothing and cover up, and he does the same with his free hand. But before releasing you, he places a lingering kiss to the spot just below where your jawline meets your ear. It's a surprisingly tender spot, and the soft warmth of his lips seems to spread across your skin from that point.
"Be safe getting home." he murmurs, and you find yourself wishing dearly that you could see his expression as he says it. Though, perhaps he fully intends to keep that image from you. Then, he straightens his posture, the cool night air filling the space where his body had warmed you.
"And next time," he adds, having regained his usual business-like tone, "Don't expect me to be so generous if you stand in my way."
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The one where they only have each other Pt.3 (KTH)
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"No babies yet?" demanded Hope's grandmother.
Hope's eyes widen at her grandmother's sudden question, watching as her aged, wrinkled ebony fingers delicately tilted the steaming tea pot. A soothing herbal tea spilled from it's spout.
"Nana, Taehyung and I want to take our time with that..." she muttered bashfully, blushing profusely.
The older woman smiles fondly at her grand-child. "You ought to give the man a baby, Hopie. He done saved up his life's earnings to put y'all on that lil' plantation. He's still the talk of the town because of it."
By now it had been a year since that fateful night, when he asked her to spend the rest of her life with him. And what a pleasant year it was. The land he bought was only just that, and now they'd made it a home... A home everyone was insisting they start to fill up with little ones.
Hope stares down into her tea cup, the chair across her groaning as her grandmother's weight sinks onto it. All her furniture was old, older than Hope, at least. She refused to get rid of it, Hope didn't pry at her to. Especially not after her grandfather passed a few months back...
"We don't wanna rush things, is all." Hope defended. Taehyung was more than excited about having kids. He had dreamed of it his whole life, wanted nothing more than to be a loving and devoted father. It made Hope's heart warm, hearing him ramble mindlessly about the future and what they'd make of it together. He was eager, but not forceful. The daily papers had been publishing articles about this 'new' discovery called 'postpartum depression' and it was such a terrible thing in his eyes. He didn't want to put his wife through that.
Hope knew he cared if he would go to such lengths to educate himself on it. She'd even found a couple hidden baby books tucked away in his wardrobe. Somehow he keeps accumulating more, thinking he was slipping them past her.
Annais, Hope's grandmother, tuts softly, shaking her head. "Don't start with that, gal. Nana knows best."
Hope chuckles, "We're waiting until we're ready." She responded simply.
Annais hums, "Your granddaddy wanted to see 'em. Your babies..." Hope's gaze sinks back into her tea cup, she lifts it to her lips before gently blowing along the surface. It tasted strong, but that was always how Nana liked her tea. "And I want to, too. Lord knows how long it'll be before I'm gone-"
"Nana...!" Hope couldn't bear such words. Her grandmother was the only family she had left. She shouldn't speak of death so casually. Of course, Hope wasn't delirious. She knew Nana was getting old and people don't live forever. Hope was getting worried, especially since she's living alone now. Without Pop to accompany her...
Hope's eyes sting at the thought. She blinks the hot tears back, taking another generous sip of her tea. Taehyung was understanding, especially after Pop passed. If Hope was too caught up with work to check up on her Nana, he'd take it upon himself to see if she was alright. The older woman had always been fond of him since his boyhood. Once, when he visited her on his own she threatened to steal him from Hope after the two had spent a long night of conversation and catching up - Hope had to come fetch her husband at two in the morning, and the two were still talking. He treasured Nana, too.
"It's true, child. We can't deny it."
"Don't talk like that, Nana," Hope dismissed with a firm shake of her head. She clenches her jaw so that her chin wouldn't start to quiver; Hope couldn't bare it. Just couldn't. She had been forced from a young age to deal with death. It never hurts any less. Annais sighs, watching the way Hope's chin began to quiver slightly despite her best efforts, a deep frown etched onto her face. Her eyes were gleaming if you caught them in the light.
Hope feels the warmth of her grandmother's palm wrap around her hand. "It'll be okay, angel. Alright? Don't cry. You're too pretty for that."
Hope swallows the lump growing in her throat. "Tae and I have been talking and..." Annais perked up at the sound of that, looking as though her prayers were about to be answered. "We've been thinking about letting you stay with us, Nana. Since you're alone so much."
Annais kissed her teeth, waving her hand dismissively. She pushes one of the pins in her silky grey hair further into it's tight bun. "Nonsense, gal. I'm fine. Don't you two worry about me-"
"Aht," Hope shut her mouth when her grandmother stuck her finger up as a warning. She shakes her head. "No more of this, child. I'm just fine, I am. You two need to be thinking about some baby names...!"
Hope couldn't help the smile breaking her sullen expression, suppressing an embarrassed giggle. "Nana!"
She smiles back teasingly, "Lord, I'm praying some day soon you two have yourself a little blessing. If not for me than at least to shut the whole town up. All my church friends do is ask if I gots some great grandbabies yet. Don't I look like a fool telling them that my precious Hope's been eloped a year and ain't been graced with a baby."
Hope rolls her eyes fondly. Those nosey church ladies. And their daughters were worse with their gossip. Every weekend that Taehyung and Hope tend to their market (which had now been joined together as one booth) all the women her age could do is boast about their children and anniversaries. As if Hope or Taehyung cared at all that they were among the last in their generation to actually be married when most have been eloping since their teens. By now most women her age have at least two and a half children.
Those same women often gossiped about Hope, though she was quite used to being their target. She could read and write, she had a peculiar marital age, she was in an interracial marriage - which isn't unheard of, however it was all the more uncommon - but most especially they were concerned with Taehyung's absolute devotion to her. Their husbands had never bought them plantations, let alone built them a house and barn to thrive on. Many had to move in with their spouse and his family for the first few years. Heaven forbid the family don't like the new addition.
Taehyung had spent his youth saving to buy that land and everything that would furnish it. He dedicated his life savings to a future with Hope - and he absolutely refused to say how much it had cost him. Not that Hope would be able to afford paying him back anyhow, but the guilt was still there. She made sure to remind him how much she loved and appreciated him every chance she got.
"You got lucky, gal. You chose a fine young man for yourself. The least you could is give him a baby!"
"Alright!" Hope decided, setting her tea cup down. She couldn't help her warm grin, though. Her grandmother always liked to tease. "We'll... We'll talk about it when I get home," she decided.
Annais humphed, seeming satisfied with that negotiation. She lifts her tea cup, sitting back in her chair and taking a careful drag of her tea. "Y'all shouldn't have much room for talking."
"N-Nana!" Hope felt flustered, her grandmother laughing heartily at her sheepish response.
"What's on your mind, darling?" Hope felt the way his voice reverberated in his chest. It was deep and tad bit huskier than usual. Though to his credit he and a few of his buddies had been tilling to the strawberries in their fields since dawn. Taehyung had hired Jimin and Jungkook, who had recently moved into town with the recent boom of their successful marketing. It provided plenty of job opportunities. Hope was glad he got help, it was a lot for just the two of them to tend to. More new-hires would start soon, as well.
"Nothing... Everything... I dunno." She admits softly, adjusting her head so that her chin rested on his chest. He looks down to peer into her gentle gaze.
"Work?" he wondered, and she shook her head.
He hums as he thinks, a few yards away, further down the hill the two of them were laying on, Nectar and Timber gallop about. The stallion and mare were playing together, having grown quite fond of one another. "Those ladies didn't confront you again, did they?" he asked, seeming to be dreading the answer.
"It's not that," Hope murmured. "They don't affect me." His chest sunk as he huffed a sigh of relief.
"Good. They're just jealous."
Hope rolls her eyes fondly, "Nana said something today..." She started, she watched his face harden at the mention of her grandmother. He knows very well how much she meant to Hope, and he loved her, too. Annais was a very warm and inviting spirit. She made it hard not to like her.
He waited for his wife to continue, biting her lip a bit. She'd developed the habit when she got nervous. Taehyung had only seen her chew her lip when her nerves got bad - like such times when she lost her parents and more recently her grandfather. Loss made her anxious.
He sits up, the blue picnic blanket that she'd made crumpling beneath them. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked gently, taking her into his arms and laying a gentle kiss on her head.
Hope sighs deeply, shaking her head. She shouldn't get into it. They had a long week ahead of them and telling him about her concerns regarding her grandmother would only make him stressed. She didn't like to worry him, however she had already started the conversation.
"She was asking about us. Wondering when we'll..." She trailed off, but he waited. He always waits.
"She's been asking me when we'll start our family." She muttered quietly, leaning into his embrace more, ears flushing red.
He hummed but was otherwise quiet for a few moments. She couldn't pull her face from his neck, unable to face his reaction just yet. He still held her, if not closer, almost into his lap. "Do you want to start our family?" he asked her softly, slowly like he was dipping his toe into frigid waters.
She heard a smile in his voice, how it morphed the words leaving his lips. He wanted to, she knew this. He'd always wanted to. But he was patient with her. And she was grateful.
"I've been thinking about it." She admitted, though it wasn't much of an answer. He knew this, but accepted it. She felt another kiss laid to her head.
"It's getting late, darling," He murmured, she felt him strain his neck, looking up to see his gaze set on the vast stars above that began to twinkle. "We ought to start heading back now or we'll wake up late again."
Hope giggled, "Or the sheep might just let themselves out and meet us at the door again." He chuckled heartily at the memory, remembering those fuzzy woolen heads staring back at them the moment he opened the door. Hope counted all twelve heads, thankful none of them had gone missing. Especially the one that was expecting. Her first disappearance was how she'd ended up pregnant in the first place.
She stands up first, the two of them gathering their picnic basket. Whenever the weather permitted, the two enjoyed a nice retreat to the outskirts of their village, a land of open field and occasional wild life - mostly gentle woodland creatures. There was a nice, tall hill, one of many. The couple occupied it, having found it to be quite the romantic spot to watch the sunset and stargaze every now and then. It had quickly become a bi-weekly ritual in their marriage. There the two could talk about everything and nothing. It was peaceful amidst the chaos their work could offer at times. For Hope relentless and sometimes unrealistic demands and for Taehyung the stress of deadlines and complaints. They cherished their little getaway spot. Away from the world and alone with the universe hanging over them.
They rounded up Nectar and Timber to head home, both horses having exhausted themselves after some hours playing together. They would have no trouble settling in their stalls back home.
The ride back was quiet, usually one would provoke the other to race back, however tonight the two just bobbed along side by side, sharing warm smiles.
They'd crawled into bed, slumbered for a couple hours, even. However, Hope grew fond of his hands collected at her waist, gripping it with a possessive firmness. He sleepily pulled her into his chest and had effectively woken her up. When she stirred, he pressed his hips into her backside, refusing to pull back. The forceful sensation sent chills slipping up her spine, but it wasn't one she was opposed to.
His hands travel, lips landing on the surface of her collar. Her night slip cascades down her smooth and slender shoulder, which he continues to kiss gently. His fingers trace the indentation of her pelvic bone and she felt her hips jolt at the tingling sensation, face flushing profusely. He hums huskily into her ear, soft breath tickling the shell of it.
"I've been craving you." He whispered gently.
The night was long a passionate. Hope was grateful that Taehyung had thought they'd need to seclude themselves a few miles away from any neighbors. No one would witness her lustful, loud endeavors. By the time the two had finally gone to sleep, the ever so familiar crow of the rooster and bleating of sheep greeted their ears. Furthermore, they were met with a dozen fluffy heads on their front step again.
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy Chapter 2
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Ten days have passed since Moa became a trainee crew for the Halberd. Every day, Moa would never fail to sweep the lobby and the passage. He also wipes the console panels and the screens sparkling clean. He would run about energetically and take care of even the most trivial errand without delay.
One afternoon, as he sat in a chair in the lobby and drank tea, Meta Knight talked to Captain Vul beside him. “How’s it going with that boy trainee?” Moa seemed to be cleaning the ship, and was nowhere to be seen in the lobby. Captain Vul said with sighs mixed in. “His attitude is serious, but......” “What is it?” “He has no talent as a warrior. The Meta Knights would give him lessons by turns every day, but not one bit does he improve.” Surrounding the large table in the lobby, the Meta Knights too testified all at once. “Moa’s just way too timid. He’d hold his head and shiver from even the slightest attack.” “He does have the willingness, but is just too cowardly......” “-I see.” “At this rate, it won’t be of any benefit to the person in question. I feel sorry for him, but we really ought to order him to leave the ship.” “Let’s do that.” Meta Knight nodded. It was at that moment. A buzzer informing the emergency call rang. Axe Knight, who was the operator, rushed at the communication device in a hurry. An unfamiliar face was displayed on a large screen in the lobby. It is a man with a fiendish expression and a flashy pirate hat on. The man said in a husky voice. “Yo, Meta Knight or whatever. I’ve got something to share with ya. How ‘bout ya lend me that ear of yers?” “What did you just say? How insolent. Give your name first!” Yelled Axe Knight, where the man with a pirate hat snickered and said. “I’m Gray the Great Pirate. A ruffian who rampages across the galaxy.” “What does the likes of pirates want with Halberd?” “I don’t like that cocky attitude of you punks. Y'all would leave me aside and show off here and there, so in short......” Gray the pirate tucked his chin and his eyes gleamed. “I’m saying that the gang of pirates led by me will crush y'all. Once I bring down the crew of Meta Knight and hijack the Halberd, my name will resound all over the galaxy! That’s what I’m after!” These sorts of attacks are apt to happen to the Halberd. Those with ambitions would often pick a fight to win against the famed Meta Knight and make themselves well-known. Of course, not a single one had their ambitions come true. Axe Knight talked back leisurely. “Ha, what an idiot. There’s no way a pirate would stand any chance against our lord. Just us is enough, let alone our lord.” “Keke, I’ll have ya regret those words!” Simultaneous as Gray laughs, a roar resounds and the Halberd shakes greatly. Captain Vul placed his teacup and stood up. “To attack us out of the blue, what a mannerless bunch. I’d prefer not to deal with these small fries, but we should protect ourselves just in case.” Captain Vul shouts firmly. “We intercept them at once. All members, to your positions!” “Yes, sir!” “My lord, it’s alright for you to keep drinking tea. You can leave it to us to take care of these lots......hold on whoaaaaa!” The ship shook a second time and Captain Vul tumbled. The enemy’s shelling packs quite a hit. “Good grief, not like that’s the case anyways. I’ll be participating as well.” Said Meta Knight in a bothered manner, and left his seat. Axe Knight who was checking the monitor shouts. “The enemy ship approaches rapidly. Enemy soldiers are boarding the deck!” “No matter. Mow them down all at once.” “Please wait, my lord.” Having stood up, Captain Vul’s countenance suddenly changed. “Moa should be on the deck!” “What?” “That kid would always clean the deck around this hour. Oh no......!” Hearing that, Axe Knight switched the ship’s camera. “Moa is there, sir! He’s on the deck!” What was projected on the screen was the footage of the deck. Pirates wearing filthy clothes board one by one with swords and axes in their hands. Frozen before the pirates was Moa with a cleaning mop in his hands. “Moa!” Yells Captain Vul and the Meta Knights all at once. “Run, Moa!” “You hear us, pirates? That child is merely in charge of cleaning. He has no involvement in this!” His voice should have passed through the speaker and reached them, but- Far from fleeing, Moa readied his mop like a sword with a strained expression. He seems to intend to stand against the pirates. Captain Vul stomped his feet and hollered. “Don’t be stupid, Moa! This is an order from the captain! Put your hands up and surrender!” At that moment, a figure jumping out swiftly was displayed on the screen. It’s Meta Knight. He left the lobby while his men were glued to the screen and rushed over to the deck before others.
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Meta Knight raised his Galaxia and slashed at the group of pirates. Standing before him was the leader of the pirates, Gray. “We’ll head over to the deck as well!” Together with Captain Vul, the crew hastened to the deck at full speed.
The battle ended in the twinkling of an eye. In the beginning, the pirates were vigorous with their attacks, but were unable to keep up with it. In an instant, the enemies all collapse once the Meta Knights rush out to the deck. With a parting threat “I-I’ll remember this~!,” their leader Gray took to the heels first and his lackeys too retreated in a disorderly manner. They were easily able to repel the enemies, but:
“Where are you, Moa!? Moa!” The Meta Knights rushed around every nook and cranny of the deck and looked for Moa. Moa ended up missing in the midst of the confusion of the battle. Javelin Knight came running to Captain Vul and reported. “No good, sir. He can’t be found anywhere!” Captain Vul commanded with a distress-filled look. “He might’ve been thrown out into space. We’ll send out a small boat and search every inch of the surroundings. Make haste!” “Yes, sir.” A small boat for searching takes off from the hangar of the Halberd. Seeing it with his eyes, Captain Vul left the deck and went back to the lobby.
The lobby was shrouded by a gloomy atmosphere. Sword Knight murmured in an uncharacteristically feeble voice. “Maybe he was abducted by the pirates? Those violent punks......” “......I’m the one to blame.” Captain Vul dropped his shoulder and groaned. “All because I let him board the Halberd......!” The Meta Knights said in unison. “Captain, that’s......” “It’s the same for us. We gave in to his eagerness......” “We approved him as an apprentice. We should’ve refused him flatly back then.” “I told him harshly to take courage and don’t run from an enemy. It’s because of those words that the kid went against the pirates......” The Meta Knights wept. Blade Knight said in a harsh tone. “That’s enough, everyone. No use crying over spilt milk.” “But......” Blade Knight dropped his voice and continued. “Our lord is the one at most pain.” Everyone suddenly became aware. Meta Knight was nowhere to be seen in the lobby. “He has no connection to our lord. I was the one that was entrusted with recruiting rookies.” Said Captain Vul in a harsh tone, but Blade Knight shook his head. “Think of how our lord is. No one cares for his men that much.” “......Ugh......” “He may be just an apprentice, but a subordinate went missing nonetheless. Not to mention how unreliable the kid was with his sword skills.” “......Uuu......ughh......” Every person that gathered in the lobby hung their head.
Meta Knight remained alone on the deck and was standing still. The scars from the battle are freshly remaining. Holes are all over the floor and barrels that were piled up neatly are all knocked away.
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Like a statue, Meta Knight was standing stock still on the disorderly deck. Without a word as he stared at the nihil universe.
“Huh? What did you say just now?” Kirby was wide-eyed. Coming uninvited to Kirby’s house one morning were the Meta Knights. Captain Vul, Sword Knight, Blade Knight, and the Meta Knights...... Captain Vul pulls a face and yells. “Lord Meta Knight has gone missing! He disappeared without informing his destination to anyone!” “Hmm......” Kirby is carefree in contrast to Captain Vul at his wit’s end. “He must’ve left to have some snacks. He’ll come back after he’s full.” “Gah! This is not like you! You think our lord would have snacks!?” “Huh!? Meta Knight doesn’t eat snacks!?” Kirby stumbled from his shock. “Why!? Is he on a diet!?” “You think our lord would be on a diet!? A diet through skipping snacks doesn’t last long in the first place. I tried it before too, but couldn’t even last two days......” “Captain, you’re straying from the topic.” Warned Axe Knight in a low voice, and Captain Vul quickly became aware. “At any rate, our lord has gone missing. Concerning that, Kirby......no, Mr. Kirby. Sir Kirby. Master Kirby......” “It doesn’t matter what you call him!” “Will you lend us your strength!?” “Sure thing!” Kirby answered readily and did a somersault. “It’d be boring without Meta Knight. Let’s go and look for him together!” Kirby darted out of his house no sooner than he said. Captain Vul grabbed him in a hurry. “Hold on. Where are you trying to go when we haven’t even explained anything?” “Huh? The cake store, of course.” “Gah! Our lord didn’t leave to have snacks!!!” “Huh? That’s not it?” “Listen when I’m talking!!!” Roared Captain Vul like a thunder. Sword Knight said in an astounded manner. “There’s no point in running about when we don’t even have a lead. Why don’t we discuss this with King Dedede?” “King Dedede? He’s not reliable.” Said Kirby in displeasure, but Sword Knight shook his head. “He is the ruler of Dream Land in spite of his looks.” “He just claims to be one.” “......Oh well. That’s true, but plenty of inhabitants come in and out of Castle Dedede, so gathering information should be easy as well. Who knows what lead we might find.” “You’re right. It’ll be reassuring to have Kirby and Dedede lend us their strengths.” The subordinates nodded at the same time. “Now that that’s been decided, to Castle Dedede we go!” “Hmmm, I think the cake shop would be better than castle Dedede......” “Quit nitpicking and come!” Kirby was taken away by force, his both hands seized by Sword Knight and Blade Knight.
“......What? Meta Knight has gone missing?” King Dedede was in an ill mood from being woken up early in the morning. “Just leave him be. I’m going back to sleep. Kick them out, Waddle Dee.” “But, Your Highness......” Waddle Dee looked up worriedly at King Dedede. “I think it would be better to listen to what they have to say. I’m worried that Lord Meta Knight would suddenly go missing.” “What’re you so worried about. It’s usual for a guy that's self-centered like him to suddenly disappear. It’s never gonna end if you keep worrying about him every time.” “What!? Our lord is not self-centered!” Fumed Captain Vul. “I have followed my lord for a very long time, but only twice did he disappear without informing me of his destination......wait, five time, six times......h-huh? Were there more? Ten times......twenty times, that’s the only time he did!” “It happens often, huh.” Said Waddle Dee, his worries gone to waste. “You’re wrong!! This time, it’s serious!!” Sword Knight explained, pushing Captain Vul worked up and thrashing out of the way. “Hear what we have to say. Our Lord does do as he wishes, so there have been times when he left suddenly without informing us of his destination. But it’s different this time. We’re afraid that our lord might be brooding over it.” “Brooding over it......?” “Aye. You see, there has been an attack on the Halberd......” Sword Knight told about Moa the apprentice of a boy. Blade Knight and the Meta Knights also interjected and explained the story in detail. Even while hearing the story, King Dedede seemed drowsy, but Kirby and Waddle Dee were listening in seriousness. “The trainee went missing......so Lord Meta Knight has......” “Aye. He probably left in search of Moa. We mustn’t let only our lord be burdened as such. With our lord, we too will......” “Huhuhu!” Letting out a voice that was indiscernible from a yawn and a sneer was King Dedede. Turning his back on Captain Vul and the others in indignation, Dedede spread his hands widely. “Are you all idiots? Why would Meta Knight look for his missing flunky?” “What did you just say!?” They showed anger to his rude attitude. “Lord Meta Knight cares for his men more than anyone!” “Even a trainee is a precious man to him!” “Of course he’d be worried if he happens to go missing!” “But you chumps probably didn’t gain any lead even after searching everywhere.” King Dedede put his hands in his hips and turned around. “It’s not like Meta Knight searching for him alone would pay off. I’m well-aware of that.” “S......Still......!” “He wouldn’t do something so futile. There’s only one thing as for what he would think of.”
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“......What is it?” “Eating snacks without moping about it!” “Shut it, Kirby. What would our lord think of?” “He would re-discipline himself to not repeat the same mistake.” Meta Knight’s men were dumbfounded from such an unexpected words. King Dedede continued as he stifled a yawn. “He lost his precious man because he lacked strength.” “You’re wrong! Lord Meta Knight didn’t do anything wrong!” “Whatever the truth is, he would think like that.” “......I see.” Nodded Captain Vul with a slight frustration in his expression. “How could I of all people not realize that? It’s true now that you say it. Our lord is hard on himself after all......” “He’s hard on me too!” “Shut it, Kirby. So he’d be training somewhere by now? Would it be better to not disturb him......” “No, I feel we should go and look for him.” Said Blade Knight. “Knowing it’s our lord, he might collapse from too much training.” “You’re right. Besides, I feel terrible to have only our lord train. We’re the ones lacking in strength. We all ought to train ourselves.” “Yeah, let’s do that! Waddle Dee, we’re gonna go training, so prepare some boxed lunch!” Trident Knight said to Kirby in high spirits. “This isn’t a picnic. Where would our lord be training?” “Wouldn’t it be places like a swordsmanship dojo or an arena?” “No, why would our lord polish his skills in somewhere so commonplace like an arena? No warrior would serve as a good opponent for him.” At that moment, Captain Vul exclaimed as though something ran through his mind. “I see......how could I!? I totally forgot!” “What is it, Captain Vul?” “For our lord, there’s just one warrior who’s a suitable opponent for training!” “Who is it, sir? There’s a warrior that goes well with our lord?” “There is. Just one.” “And that would be......?” “Feared as the strongest in the galaxy, the ancient warrior who was sealed. Galacta Knight!” The Meta Knights, Sword Knight, and Blade Knight were all in a daze. Mace Knight began laughing. “This isn’t time to make jokes, sir. Galacta Knight is someone from ages ago!” “Right. Him being unsealed is only a story in the movie......” “Wahaha, you lads didn’t know it, eh?” Captain Vul folded his hands from behind and threw out his chest. “I told you before, didn’t I; that only one person has unsealed Galacta Knight before!” “Is it Meta Knight?” Said King Dedede, as Captain Vul paused to put on airs. Captain Vul hollered at Dedede with a look of chagrin. “GAH! Don’t steal my highlight! I wanted to say that!” “Is that true? Did our lord unseal Galacta Knight before?” Asked Javelin Knight, and the rest of the men were in uproar “I had no idea......that’s our lord for you!” “Please tell us the details, captain!” Requested by the subordinates, Captain Vul was in a good mood again. “Now when was that? At the end of a certain adventure, my lord was given a chance for one of his wishes to come true. At that time, what my lord wished was to become stronger.” “Wha, what a bummer. It’d been way better if he wished for something more fun.” Said Kirby, but Captain Vul shook his head. “That’s what’s admirable about Lord Meta Knight. In order to become strong, my lord wished to battle the strongest warrior in the galaxy. The wish was granted, and Galacta Knight, having been unsealed, traversed through time and was summoned.” “I see......Meta Knight unsealed him in order to train. Just as I thought.” Said King Dedede to himself, loud enough for everyone to hear. Kirby retorted at once. “You said it was to get a signature from him!” “It doesn't matter. So who won that fight?” Captain Vul shook his head slowly. “The match wasn’t decided. You could say that it was all but-a draw. My lord succeeded in sealing him a second time, but he himself was injured severely as well. It was a grand battle befitting the two great heroes of the galaxy.” “Amazing......my heart pounds just from imagining it!” “It should be made into a movie! It’ll bring the whole galaxy to tears!” The men quivered with emotion. Waddle Dee said worriedly. “So Lord Meta Knight is planning to fight Galacta Knight again, is he? If he gets injured severely again......” “Aye. Now that Galacta Knight is the opponent, this can no longer be called a training. We can’t just sit here like this. Let’s go!” Captain Vul began to stride. “Where’re you trying to go? You have an idea of where he might be?” Asked King Dedede. “I do. I’ll be explaining the details in the Halberd. Make haste, everyone!” Captain Vull jauntily rushed out of the room.
The Halberd plunges through jet-black universe. Everyone was gathered at the lobby within the ship. “Just where is this ship heading to?” Said King Dedede while gulping tea from an extra-large teacup. “The black market.” Answered Captain Vul, reclining in his chair. “The black market? What’s what?” “I’ll explain in order. Before that, I’ll first tell you about how to remove the seal on Galacta Knight.” “Yeah, we were wondering about that.” Sword Knight says. “It was just once that he had an opportunity for his wish to be granted, right? Then isn’t it impossible to summon him yet again?” “No, that isn’t true. It became clear to me in the previous battle.” Captain Vul raised the visor of his captain’s hat. “You must not disclose what I share with you from this point on. This secret is so great that if it is to be misused, it’ll disrupt the order of the whole universe.” Everyone nodded, seeing Captain Vul’s unwontedly serious expression. “The truth is, it needs to be via an extradimensional road to release Galacta Knight from his seal and call him into this world. ” “An extradimensional......road? What’s that?” “An extradimensional road is, so to speak, something like a passage that leads to a different world than the one we live in. By traveling through this road, Galacta Knight seems to be able to remove his seal and make his way into this world.” Everyone is staying silent, unable to understand the captain’s words. Sword Knight and Blade Knight were the first to respond. The pair exchanged looks and exclaimed at the same time. “So our lord plans to use this extradimensional road. We should also aim for that!” “It’s not that simple. An extradimensional road is in a different dimension from our world, and cannot even be found through normal means.” “What? Then how should we......” “The real issue begins here.” Captain Vul continued in a remarkably fierce tone. “Have you heard of a name called Sphere Doomer?” “Yup, I know what that is!” Answered Kirby. “I’ve met it before. That knucklehead wouldn’t listen to anything I say!” “......I wouldn’t want to hear it from you.” Gibbed Captain Vul and cleared his throat. “I’ll explain it for those who don’t know. Sphere Doomers are mysterious organisms that live in Another Dimension, and their ecology is just about unknown to us. Just two things are known about them.” Captain Vul raised his one finger. “One. That they have the power to connect the extradimensional road and this world.” He raises his other finger and continues. “And one more thing. That a substance called Energy Sphere is their favorite sustenance.” “Energy Sphere......?” “I know what that is!” Kirby bent himself forward on the table.
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“I gathered plenty of it before to repair Magolor’s ship, Lor. Lor Starcutter can’t move without Energy Spheres.” “Yes, correct. Energy Spheres is a substance with a wonderful power concealed in it: it’s the source of an ultimate energy. Its existence however is immensely rare, and cannot just simply be obtained. Sphere Doomers are very fond of these Energy Spheres. They would sniff out areas with the precious Energy Spheres, and arrive at this world through an extradimensional road.” “In other words-” Said Sword Knight who is quick to understand. “We can capture a Sphere Doomer by luring them with this Energy Sphere thingy as bait. By borrowing its power, we then could open an extradimensional road......is that what you’re saying?” “Yes, exactly. I believe my lord will use that method to summon Galacta Knight a second time and try to discipline himself.” “I see. So that means our lord would be somewhere with an Energy Sphere.” “Right you are. But as I said right now, Energy Sphere is an immensely rare substance. It’s not something that would be anywhere. What do you think we should do to obtain an Energy Sphere?” Captain Vul looked around at all present. King Dedede raised his hand and said. “It’s simple. Let’s wreck Magolor’s ship a second time.” “No way Jose! Lor is a ship with a mind of its own. I’d feel awful about destroying it!” Kirby opposed strongly. Blade Knight said. “But we don’t have any lead on that Energy Spheres thingy. Wouldn’t our only choice be to examine that ship......?” “No, there’s no need for that.” Captain Vul struck the table lightly with both his hands. “Energy Spheres can seldom be found. This is because it’s a substance made by an ancient civilization that is now in ruins.” “An ancient civilization......?” “Aye. They once existed far away from our galaxy on a planet called Halcandra. This civilization developed at such a high degree unimaginable to us, but they all vanished at one point.” “Why?” “I do not know why. Anyways, all that’s left now are meager traces. I assume that Energy Spheres and the Lor Starcutter were all made by that civilization.” “Then our only choice is to examine that ship called the Lor, isn’t it?” “No, the Lor is acknowledged as invaluable even among the products of the ancient civilization. Even if it isn’t to that extent, other various items can be discovered once in a while. Those items could be put on sale at a black market.” “A black market......so this ship is bound for there, huh. What kind of place is it?” Asked King Dedede, where Captain Vul smiled boldly and answered. “Black market. It’s a shadowy market that isn’t seen on the surface and deals with shady goods.” “Oh......?” “It exists at a certain corner in a certain star. Although I can’t be clear about it as it is forbidden to divulge its secrets. At any rate, it’s a heinous market known only to a small fraction of the people.” “How do you know about such a heinous market, captain?” Asked Axe Knight. Captain Vul hid his expression with his captain’s hat and answered. “I’m a man of many mysteries. I have an aloof past that I don’t share with even you fellas. Setting that aside, the black market has a lot of sham articles, but you also could come across a hidden gem at times. There’s a chance that we could find a treasure made in Halcandra.” “So basically......” Said Sword Knight. “We’ll be able to get our hands on an Energy Sphere once we find an ancient priceless item there. You’ll then be able to lure a Sphere Doomer and summon Galacta Knight, right?” “Exactly. Lord Meta Knight must be on his way to the black market. We too are heading to a planet of black market.” “Sounds pretty bothersome......” Even as Dedede grumbled, the Halberd steadily gained speed and was approaching the planet of black market.
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Ok so the last 2 episode synopsis came out for season 3 and IDK how to feel. Neither one of them (episodes 12 and 13) have Alex in the main plot. In season 1 Alex was in 6 episode plots as a main storyline, in season 2 Alex was in 7 episode plots as a main storyline and then in season 3 Alex was only in 4 episode plots as a main storyline. I thought with Carina gone we would get more Alex spotlight and stepping up on his own but we have actually gotten less! Its like this season they gave Maria and Kyle the spotlight and basically said f*ck Alex. Also when it comes to Malex we have gotten wayyyyyy less! Yes Chris put Malex together unlike Carina but at the same time we got less interaction which sucks!
In season 1 Malex interacted:
In season 2 Malex interacted:
In season 3 Malex interacted:
(We have a few more episodes to go but still look at how much less! And we are told Echo and Malex are equally important and held to the same standard! 🙄)
I mean granted a lot of the most memorable and well loved Malex moments happened in episodes where one of them or neither of them were in a main plot for the episode which gives us a little hope for the rest of season 3 I hope! I mean Tyler did say he likes how season 3 ends which means something good for Malex because why would he like it if something bad happened to Malex and they break up or something unless he was a fake fan (lol jk) but the show needs to stop treating Alex like nothing and give Tyler actual screen time, storylines and plots both for Alex and Malex! I thought when Chris took over things would change and get better. I mean they changed a bit like having Malex get together but at the same time they were trying to sell us the friendship thing and only interacted for 3 episodes before deciding to date and even then they didn't even interact until episode 3!
But my question is do we think the rest of season 3 will have good Malex content even though they aren't in anymore main plots and do you think season 4 will be better in terms of Alex getting what he deserves and Malex being together with actual screen time, storylines, and plots together?!
Ahh the discourse. For one thing Kyle deserves his screen time and story lines, each and every second, the man is fabulous and they did him dirty by basically ignoring him & hardly even mentioning him in passing since he got kidnapped slash put in a coma (twofer!) aaaall because Maria was a much higher priority. I suppose the degeneration was more urgent but god, can't y'all multitask? Besides, Kyle could've been dead for all they knew.
Honestly if they were trying to make up for her writing the first two seasons, they didn't manage it. She's still a plot device: 1) the vision was overdrawn over the first half of the season, was still nonsense at its conclusion (why would Liz be late? Why would Max be crying inconsolably and unable to speak? Where was Kyle's mom?), and was thrown out as soon as Kyle got kidnapped! 2) the information she gets abt the Lockhart Machine was probably the same as the Caulfield file that Alex received. She could've stalled and waited for Liz and Rosa to split the connection. Yes, they don't know that, but the writers do! (They also used this memory to kill a black alien off screen and show him on an autopsy table, thanks for that 🙄) 3) she's been so focused on Her Vision the entire first half of the season (never mind that jumping off the building and making Max try to catch her could've killed him), then on how Patricia's memory affects Her (never mind her grandmother who actually lived it), and then on how Jones was preventing her from boning a less gay Manes brother, that they even had Isobel regress to her early s2 self where she didn't know who she was just so that Maria could sound "wise" or whatever even though she was 💯 WRONG about where Isobel's focus should be (on saving her twin brother and best friend!! Her person!! Y'all remember the first time the phrase "your person" was used on this show it was @ Isobel abt her brothers right?) ANYWAY
Tyler is supposed to be contracted to miss one more episode, as is Trevino. Heather has yet to miss ANY which 😒 whatever I guess. I think malex ought to be glued together at the hip. I think Alex needs storylines that are less isolated from the whole group. Like once a season he gets a scene or a few with someone other than Michael. And his scenes with Michael are obviously 🔥 but this man has friends! He can have his hand in multiple plots!
As for echo and malex being equal, I actually think they've done that this season...by bringing echo down to their level. (Liz please shake Max next time he insults his brother who literally helped to save his life with the pacemaker. What the fuck was that. "Help Michael be like Michael like" my ENTIRE ass.)
But to be honest, for a queer ship to be on the same level as a m/f ship, they have to give us more. Because there's simply not enough queer relationships on tv for us to make assumptions about who's feeling what. Plus they have to make up for all the, you know, hate crimes, and "if I were you I'd choose (a woman) too" and things I will not mention for the sake of my mental health. Meanwhile Liz and Max's other partners each acknowledged that they weren't The One ("no, use me, use me" "we're just using each other as scratching posts") whilst Michael said "I love you" to someone besides Alex. 🤢
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alittleoptimistic · 4 years
The Wake
A short story by me, cause I've been reading Anton Chekhov and got inspired.
“It was supposed to be candied nuts” said the woman at the other end of the sitting room, her little plate of sweet potato balanced precariously on stockinged knees. “These are plain old pecans.” She had a round face and little eyes, and she held her fork with the tips of her fingers, roughly prodding the sweet potato and the aforementioned pecans. “But I reckon the Lord saved me the temptation.”
If she kept poking about with her food, it was likely to fall onto the carpet. It was a lucky thing, thought Cory Bennet, from her position in the other corner of the sitting room, with her baby Tim squirming in her arms, that the carpet was a conglomerate purple, brown, green. It didn’t match with the delicate lace which webbed the plastic-covered furniture and the upright piano against the wall. It was all white, or had been at some point or another. Behind Cory’s head, the evening sun patted her shoulders like a soft shawl, twinkling far off behind the line of trees at the edge of the shaved corn field just outside Mrs. Marceline’s house. The light through the lace curtains and left a splattering of light ruined by Mr. Brown, who switched on the lamp when he walked into the sitting room from the brighter, busier room down the hall where the rest of everyone spoke in voices which, over time, had risen from a low hum to a delighted babble.
“What’re you ladies sitting in the dark for?”
The woman with the sweet potato laughed a tittering little sound and swished her fingers at him. “Oh, Mr. Brown.”
Tim was clawing at Cory like an animal, his nails far too sharp. He had a finger caught in the button of her shirt, and she wrangled it free. She’d cut his nails when she had a minute at home. He was getting fussy, his chubby face scrunched up, his mouth searching.
Mr. Brown had the decency to laugh, a big bellied, hearty sound, at sweet-potato-woman, fingers in the loops of his jeans. He was wearing the same jeans he always did, but he’d switched to a plaid button up for the occasion. 
“Aw, well, they’re puttin’ way the pie. Y'all want some pie?”
His eyes met Cory’s. She declined. Sweet-potato woman declined as well, though she went back and forth on it for a while. Then, Mr. Brown wandered away, and it was sweet-potato-woman, Cory, and Tim, alone. She shouldn’t have worn this shirt. She couldn’t put him under it very easy, which left unbuttoning the top half her only option.
Sweet potato woman sighed and shook her little head, jingling her earrings. “It’s such a sad thing, isn’t it?”
“Anna? I know.” She pulled Tim into a sitting position and bounced him while he chewed on his fist. “I was just talking to her a few days ago.”
“They think it might have been an overdose.”
“Oh,” she said, which was not much of a reply at all, but it was better than what the woman wanted her to say. No matter, though. The woman continued right along, as if Cory had asked for more.
“Her brother found her, in the tub, see. Just, just horrid.”
The woman hummed, tapping the fork against her lips. She wrinkled her eyes at Tim. “Aren’t you a little precious thing? Where’s your daddy, hmm?” Tim was looking at the clock on the wall like it was the most fascinating thing, and Cory felt oddly vindicated by this. She chuckled. “He had to work after the funeral, unfortunately.”
“That’s a shame.”
“It is.” Cory shifted the way she was holding Tim. “You’ve had a long day, huh? Yeah, honey.”
“He’s getting fussy.”
“He’s hungry.”
“I imagine so!” The woman put her empty plastic plate on the floor and leaned forward so she could see the baby better. “Goodness, so upset, poor thing!”
Yes, he is hungry, Cory thought at the woman.
It was Cory’s own fault for not bringing a blanket, for not wanting to upset the host any further by asking for something. Her daughter was dead, for goodness' sake. But Cory’s baby would not suffer because she didn’t want to unbutton her shirt in front of a stranger. Still, the woman was going to just… sit there, Cory supposed. She wasted no more time, making her movements obvious so that the woman knew she was unbuttoning.
Tim would be content, so that was the good thing. She wished she was at home on the couch, waiting for her husband to walk in. “It’s a shame you have to host a party when someone dies,” Cory said, to the room, really, where the woman only happened to be. “These big things happen, and we have to have manners on top of it all.”
The woman looked a little like Cory had bitten her.
Cory shrugged a shoulder. “Seems… just, her daughter died, and she makes all these pies for people.”
The woman kept looking at her, unabashed. “I wouldn’t judge her, darling. Grief takes all forms, and Lord knows, a good pie is worth more than you know.” After this incomprehensible sentiment, the woman smiled and stood, finally. “You sure you don’t want a slice, hun?”
“Thank you, no.”
“Alright, well, I’ll go get one myself, I think.” With that, the woman, who’s name Cory ought to know, but did not, made her way down the hall toward the clamor of the kitchen.
The shadows were blue in this mostly empty sitting room, the yellow from the kitchen glinting off the plastic couch covers. Cory smoothed the flyaway hairs on Tim’s head and held him tight. She curled inward, knees tight together, and leaned back into the armchair. The window was just beside her.
Outside, parked cars filled the gravel road- far more cars than those that drove down this road in a week. The sky was icy colors, even the glow of the setting sun was cold white, the barest yellow. A few people stood in scattered clumps around the front porch, huddled in coats and shivering in their skirts. Anna’s wake, her final celebration, would be over soon. Cory hadn’t even known her that well.
Tim pulled away with a deep breath, and Cory decided. She buttoned up the shirt, picked up her coat and purse, and started toward the side door, the baby at her hip. The kitchen laughed down the hall.
“Just one slice!” said the woman.
Cory exited, pushing through the screen a little too quickly. The metal was cold under her fingers. Down the steps, through the gravel. They didn’t notice her as she left, and Cory didn’t mind that.
She buckled Tim into his car seat and he immediately began to shriek. Car door slammed shut. She clicked on her own seatbelt and breathed through a thick lump in her throat. Anna’s bulletin, from the funeral, fell from her purse and landed on the ground beneath the passenger’s seat, where it would stay until she found the time to clean the car. The teen girl grinned up from the floor, her arms flung around a horse.
As she drove away, Tim’s wails lit the night and Cory, for some inexplicable reason, wanted to cry.
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Low-key broached the subject of my cause of stress with someone involved in a "just venting" way and it went okay, but chickened out before talking to the person who can most enact a change to ease my stress.
(Don't actually keep reading. It's just a very long and d vague rant about my stress sources. It is a waste of everyone's time to read lol)
I just don't want to inconvenience the whole group just because it's not really working out as is for me!! But my life has changed since last year! We are less in pandemic (though still very much still in on)! And I'm trying so hard to keep that block of time free but it's really really hard when I have to travel 6 hours to see literally any of my loved ones and not have to cut my one visit a quarter (if that!) short so I can drive back in time.
And every time I think I've kind of tried to broach the subject in other ways, (like maybe we can skip holiday weekends???) it always feels like I'm making a huge thing when *they* can all leave that time open, why can't you???
Like I don't like being the only person the day isn't working for, but we started this whole deal during a pandemic. Of *course* I was free then! But maybe now that "life" is going on regardless, my situation might be different and I'm so dang stressed trying to keep all my commitments. I shouldn't have to feel guilty about visiting my family or friends because oh nooo what if it cuts into recording time?? I shouldn't have to cut my visits short so I can get home on time. But likewise, i shouldn't have to miss recordings because I'm trying to see family??
Like both are priorities to me!! I am trying very hard to devote my time to both!! I can't help when they overlap!! Trust me, I try extemely hard not to have them overlap and it's just not possible sometimes.
It's not a good sign that we're nearing our one year anniversary and all I can think is, I wish it was over. I'm so stressed, my dudes. Someone very benignly suggests I come visit and I start crying because I've got recording. I can't do it. But I always have recording.
(This has turned into a full fledged rant my bad)
And like I get it. Release schedules are important to maintain views/listens whatever. And backlog is good to have and ours has gotten real small. But like we never take off holidays??? A holiday happens on a weekend, and we're expected to record? And they hate doing like a one-off filler episode because it "kills momentum" or whatever. And I'm like?? Not in anyway that truly matters.
Anyway, I love this project a lot but oof. It is burning me out so fast. I really wish we'd made expectations when we started but we didn't.
(The part that kills me is I never actually agreed to it. I said oh that sounds cool, and then never quite said no. And you know why??? I had just joined the group and it was my only game because we were in a pandemic. I didn't want to lose that.)
But at the same time I've met some fantastic people and friends through it. And it's been really fun. But the stress now. I am so burned out y'all. Because missing a day you know you ought to be at does not actually help the burnout because the whole time you're stressing about missing it.
I think it also like grew a lot faster than any of us thought. And I personally think we jumped the gun on a few things.
But somehow I'm the only one having issues with it really. So it means if I suggest changing the day, i have literally no one to back me up. And the people running it seem really against doing things like taking holidays off. And I'm just like, this is a hobby yo. A semi-professional hobby. I am using my free time to do this. I am not being paid. I do it because I enjoy it. I am sorry no one else seems to have a life outside of it??? But I do. It's not much of one, but my gosh, I'm entitled to it too.
I am proud of keeping my promises and commitments. I do everything I can to do so. But oof. This is much bigger and more time-consuming than I signed up for. I really want to keep it up, (not least of all because they were kinda pissed when someone else left. Like the circumstances were a little different and funky but still. Pretty pissed off) but I don't know how I can long-term.
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pm-me-ur-dog · 3 years
I guess I ought to do an introduction for this blog, in case anyone finds it. I don't know if anyone would, though.
I'm 29 y/o, they/them/he/him. Y'all can call me Fang (not real name).
This blog exists because I think I might be autistic. I only really started thinking about it seriously in the last month or so, and any quiz I take online I get scores that suggest that it's pretty likely but not definitely likely. If that makes sense? Like, if a quiz is scored out of 100, with 100 meaning “you are showing 100% of signs of being autistic”, I'll score maybe around 60-65.
According to criteria checklists I've looked at, my lifelong obsession with dogs is probably a Special Interest. I cry every time I watch Crufts, especially the agility and flyball. I don't talk about it much IRL anymore cos I got yelled at more than once for repeating myself or talking too long as a kid. My partner lets me babble on as much as I want though.
I'm going to reblog things that sound like me, any stimmy gifs I find, and maybe write text posts to note down my feelings. If any autistic people out there find this, feel free to interact. Especially if you think of something I can read or look at to help me figure this out, or help me decide if going to get diagnosed would be beneficial.
Also, feel free to pm me your dog
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 years
Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger sister. You used to be in the military and have enough PTSD to last a lifetime. With Shane’s help you created the quarry camp and came across the Dixon brother’s in the woods. You bought them back to camp, but after that everything changed and you were still trying to figure out if that was a good thing or not. 
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Rick’s Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Blood, guts, language (just usual twd warnings), mentions of past abuse, physical abuse
Chapter 5-
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After lunch you opted to help Carol, Jacqui, Amy and Andrea down at the quarry with washing the clothes. It was better than cleaning the lunch dishes with the Lori who seemed to be annoyed with you about the whole Atlanta situation, but that was her problem.
You could see Shane and Carl trying to catch frogs across the small lake of water and you smiled watching them together, glad that Shane was distracting Carl about thinking of his father too much.
"I'm beginning to question the division of labour here." Jacqui commented, walking over to you, Amy and Carol with handfuls of clothing they retrieved from Ed's truck which was parked a few metres away while the three of you sat on a couple of crates already washing some clothes in the water.
"I do miss my maytag." Carol commented after nearly five minutes of washing peoples clothes and you chuckled.
"I miss my Benz, my sat nav." Andrea added.
"I miss my coffeemaker. With that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey." Jacqui joined in and your mouth practically watered at the thought of homemade coffee right now.
"My computer. And texting." Amy sighed and you smiled at the girl as you continued to scrub one of Carls shirts.
"I miss my vibrator." Andrea suddenly said a few seconds later and you stopped what you were doing at her unexpected comment as Amy looked at her older sister in shock.
"Me too." Carol mumbled and the rest of you all lost it laughing. If you were honest this was the first time you had genuinely laughed this much for a long time, but of course nothing good ever lasted.
"What's so funny?" Ed's voice suddenly questioned and you glanced over your shoulder to find him walking towards the group of you, a cigarette dangling from his fingers as he stared at you guys, but you didn't miss the side glance he gave Carol.
"Just swapping war stories, Ed." Andrea tried to shrug off as you all glanced at each other before you continued washing the clothes. You knew what Ed does to Carol and probably Sophia behind closed doors, you were pretty sure most of the camp knew, but there wasn't anything you guys could do about it. Shane had tried and it just made things worse, so you tried to bite your tongue around Ed, not wanting to make things worse for Carol and Sophia.
"Problem, Ed?" Andrea questioned and you glanced over your shoulder again to find Ed literally standing a few metres behind the five of you, watching you all carefully.
"Nothin' that concerns you. And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." Ed responded and you felt your hands tighten around the shirt you were washing as you tried to keep your temper under control, despite every muscle in your body telling you to knock the man on his ass.
You were so focused on trying to keep yourself uncontrol that you didn't notice Andrea standing up and marching over to him until she started speaking. 
"Ed, tell you what. You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She said, throwing him one the shirts as he easily caught it and threw it back at her harshly.
"Ain't my job, Missy." Ed muttered, glaring at her as you quickly stood up and walked over to them. Andrea might be trying to act tough in front of Ed and you had to give her credit for that, but you knew she was silently scared of the man, all the women were, but not you.
"What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?" Andrea questioned.
"Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch. Come on. Lets go." Ed called out, looking over at Carol as you glanced over at her before you shook your head.
"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed." You spoke up, taking a step forward so you were the closest person in front of him as he turned his attention towards you in amusement.
"And I say it's none of your business. Come on now, you heard me." Ed responded, motioning for Carol to come over to him as you heard Andrea try telling her not to.
"Hey, don't think I won't knock you on your ass just 'cause you're some college-educated cooze, alright?" Ed threated, staring at Andrea before he looked back at Carol. "Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later."
"So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed? Yeah, we've seen them." Jacqui spoke up as everyone turned around to look at her, but you didn't dare take your eyes off Ed as he chuckled.
"Stay out of this. This ain't none of y'alls business. You don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now I am done talking. Come on." Ed instructed, grabbing Carols arm and forcefully pulling her towards him as the others quickly grabbed her other arm to stop him from taking her.
"Carol, you don't have to." One of the women said, but you were barely listening to them as you watched Ed, his expression turning from impatient to pissed off in a split second and you had been around enough angry men in your time overseas to know what was about to happen next.
"Get your hand off her." You ordered, taking a step forward as you grabbed Ed's wrist and yanked it off Carols arm as the rest of the women quickly pull Carol a few steps away, clearly knowing what you were planning to do. "Touch Carol or any other woman in this group again and I won't hold back. Now-" You began to yell, but didn't get to finish your sentence before Ed tried to throw a punch at you.
It wasn't hard to easily dodge his fist, even if you didn't have military training you probably could have dodge his sloppy attempt at a punch. You quickly ducked your head, as he stumbled forward missing you entirely before you grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him backwards. You didn't particularly want to start a fist fight in front of Carol, but if he didn't back off you then you wouldn't have a choice.
You watched in amusement as Ed tripped over backwards, landing on his ass after your forceful push and Carol gasped behind you. Stupidly, you glanced over your shoulder at her, relieved that Amy and Andrea were holding her back, but as you turned around to see if Ed had gotten his fat ass off the ground you came face to face with his fist as he slammed it into the side of your face and you stumbled backwards.
"Y/N!" The women behind you screamed, but you couldn't really hear them over the sudden ringing in your ears from the force of his punch as you somehow managed to keep your feet. Shit, he could punch harder than you thought.
"Wrong fucking move." You muttered through gritted teeth as you kicked him in the balls before slamming your own fist into the side of his face and watched in satisfaction as he landed back onto the ground, groaning in pain.
"Bitch!" Ed yelled, struggling to get to his feet from the kick to the nuts as he took a step towards you, but before he could do anything else, Shane suddenly appeared and threw him to the ground and began to punch him repeatively in the face. As much as you could stand back and watch Ed get his head punched in, you could hear Carol crying and the others yelling at him to stop.
"Walsh, I think he learnt his lesson." You called out as Shane glanced over at you before he turned back to Ed.
"You put your hands on your wife, your little girl, Y/N or anybody else in this camp one more time, I will not stop next time. Do you hear me? I'll beat you to death, Ed." Shane yelled, punching the man one more time before he angrily stood up as Carol quickly rushed to her husbands side.
"Y/N-" Shane began to ask, taking a step towards you and you nodded.
"I'm good. Head back to camp, we still gotta finish these clothes." You replied as Shane stared at you for a few seconds before he nodded and began walking off.
You didn't bother trying to talk to Carol, who was currently crying over her husbands unconscious body on the ground, so you walked back over to the washing boards as you sat back down on the crate and began washing the clothes.
"Hey, we can finish the clothes. You should go rest." Jacqui suddenly said, sitting down on the crate beside you as you looked up to find her and Amy staring at you worriedly, while Andrea kept an eye on Carol.
"I'm fine, it was just a punch." You replied, shrugging off their worries. You have had worse than a single punch. You have had way worse, but they didn't need to know that.
"It's already starting to bruise, are you sure?" Amy asked and you smiled at her kindness, but nodded. You could feel it already bruising along your left cheek bone, but what could you do about it? It wasn't like you could grab some ice out the freezer and hold it against your face.
"Yeah, let's get these clothes done and head back to camp." You replied and with that Jacqui and Amy sat back down and helped you finish off the last of the clothes. It didn't take very long to finish and by the time you loaded the back of the truck up, Ed had managed to get himself into the passenger side, his face swollen with fierce bruises and dried blood.
When you got back to camp, Carol helped Ed get into their tent and you were almost positive he wouldn't come back out for the rest of the night and that was perfectly fine with you. Andrea, Amy, Jacqui and yourself unloaded the clothes from the truck and hung them up on the makeshift clothes line that Lori had made with rope between two trees.
"Y/N, are you okay? Shane told us what happened down by the lake." Lori's voice suddenly called as you glanced over your shoulder to find her and Carl walking over to you from the RV as you nodded and continued hanging up the clothes.
"I'm fine, it wasn't that bad." You replied as you finished hanging up the last pair of jeans before you turned around towards the two of them properly and you could almost pinpoint the exact moment they saw the bruise on the side of your face as their eyes went wide in shock. You caught a glimpse of the bruise through the revision mirror in the truck earlier, it was already a deep blue and purple colour and would only get worse.
"I'd hate to see what you'd call bad then." Lori commented and you nodded, yeah she would hate to see what injury you considered bad, a simple bruise from a punch was nothing. "We're about to start getting tea ready, come sit down and rest. Dale's going to make tea, said it's gonna be a surprise, apparently he found some stuff in the RV."
"Oh God, it better not be stale oatmeal like he made that time for breakfast." Amy muttered, grabbing the now empty boxes as the group of you began making your way towards the deckchairs around the putout campfire.
"It could be worse, Shane could be cooking and that would end in a disaster. He burns everything." You commented, taking a seat on your deckchair as Carl sat down on his usual one beside you, the others all taking their seats as well after a long deserved rest.
"Hey, I don't burn everything." Shane called out and you turned around in your chair towards the direction of his voice to find him still pulling Glenn’s Dodge Challenger apart for spare parts.
"Shut up, Walsh. You could burn water, don't even try disagree." You teased causing Shane to roll his eyes with a laugh as you turned back around in your chair, but you didn't miss the uneasy expression on Lori's face after your little joke with Shane. If she wanted to give Shane the silent treatment and shut him out, then that was her decision, but he hadn't done anything wrong to you, despite sleeping with your brothers wife, but that was their issue not yours.
You, Carl, Lori, Andrea, Amy and Jacqui all sat around on the chairs for the next hour, just talking quietly amongst yourself. It was nice just listening to the others talk about old memories, friends, family, careers, it was just good to see everyone smiling and laughing as they shared happy moments from before. 
An hour later Jim had gotten heatstroke while he was out digging, nobody knew why he was out in the sun digging for hours and once he gotten over the worst of the heatstroke he didn't know why either. It wasn't a big deal and Shane took the shovel off him easily enough, but had to tie the man up against the tree when he tried fighting back. You couldn't risk him lashing out on the others at camp especially the kids and luckily Jim understood it and didn't seem to hold a grudge against Shane, so that was a win.
Andrea and Amy had bagged out on fish earlier this afternoon with Dales boat and fishing gear so he didn't have to cook tea tonight which was why right now you were all sitting around the campfire with plates full of fish and left-over squirrel thanks to Daryl. But, speaking of Daryl, they weren't back yet and you were starting to get worried, but you'd never say that out loud. Lori, Carl and Shane seemed worried enough as it was, so you just kept saying that they were fine and probably got held up with something.
You couldn't help but smile as you watched the group devour the fish fillets, everyone commenting about how good it was and how much they missed fresh food like this. The kids all passed around the left-over fillets while Dale talked about his wrist watch or something, but you weren't really listening, you were more focused on how happy and relaxed everyone was, despite the others still not back yet. Jim seemed to be back to normal as he sat between Shane and Morales eating his own fish, while Ed still hadn't came out from his tent since Shane had taught him a lesson and nobody was complaining.
"Where are you going?" Andrea suddenly questioned, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked up to find Amy standing up from her chair beside her sister.
"I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here." Amy responded causing everyone to laugh as the younger sister walked off to the RV.
"Should we save some fish for dad and the others?" Carl suddenly asked as you glanced over at Lori who gave you a questioning look. You honestly hadn't even thought of that, you probably should save some for them... but they should have been back by now. It's been 12 hours and it only took 20 minutes by car to get into the city, where the hell where they?
"We're out of toilet paper-" Amy called out from the RV, but her voice quickly turned into a scream as you spun around in your chair just in time to see a walker biting into her arm. 
The minutes after that happened so quickly. You were vaguely aware of the others in camp screaming and shouting in panic as walkers began stumbling into camp from all directions before your body clicked into survival mode.
You quickly pulled out your Glock 18 and began firing at the walkers, taking down the one on top of Amy first even though you knew she was done for before you continued firing at the other walkers. You could hear Shane's shotgun firing from somewhere behind you, along with Dales scoped rifle, but you were too busy firing at the walkers to see where the two of them were. Out the corner of your eye you spotted Jim taking down a few walkers with some baseball bat that you didn't even knew he had, but glad he did.
The walkers seemed to be coming in from everywhere as you quickly fired at the walker about to reach Morales as he gave you a quick appreciative nod before you turned away and fired at the other walkers. Why the hell did you give Daryl your assault rifle? It would really come in handy right now.
You were so focused on the walkers in front of you, you didn't even hear Lori yelling at you until she grabbed your shoulder causing you to jump back, nearly aiming your gun right at her before you realised she wasn't a walker and you sighed with relief.
"Y/N, what do we do? I don't know what to do." Lori stuttered, panic evident in her voice and facial expression as he pulled Carl closer to her body. You quickly glanced around the camp, taking a mental note as to where everyone was and where most the walkers seemed to be coming from as you tried to think of a plan.
"Shane! We gotta work our way towards the RV! Get the kids and women inside to safety and then we take down the rest of the walkers!" You shouted, glancing over at Shane who continued firing his shotgun, but nodded in agreement as you grabbed Lori's hand and placed it over your shoulder. "Hold onto my shoulder and Carl's hand and don't let go! Take this." You yelled, over the screams and gunshots as you quickly pulled out your tactical knife and handing it to the woman before you began making your way towards the RV on the other side of camp, Shane quickly joining your side as the two of you guarded Lori and Carl while taking down the walkers.
Within seconds Carol and Sophia were behind you guys as well while Shane shouted out to the others to make their way towards the RV. There was safety in numbers, you guys needed to be together if you wanted to make it out of this, but at the moment everyone was scattered around the camp with the walkers.
"In front of you!" Lori screamed, but you were in the middle of reloading your handgun to do anything about the walker, but just before you would slam your gun against the side of it's face, Shane fired, killing it instantly.
"Morales, work up here! Everyone, work your way up here!" Shane shouted as you guys reached the RV, spotting Amy lying on the ground bleeding out from various bite wounds as Andrea sat beside her sister in pure panic not knowing what to do, but there was nothing you could do other than cover Andrea and make sure she didn't get bit too.
"Get inside! Don't come out until it's over!" You yelled as Shane quickly opened the door to the RV pushing Lori, Carl, Carol and Sophia inside before slamming the door shut as he joined you standing in front of the RV.
It didn't take long for Morales to get his family to the RV, along with Jacqui and a few other women from the group as he got them inside the RV, but you were more focused on the walkers that were beginning to circle in on Dale in the middle of the camp. 
You frantically fired at the walkers around him before the dreadful sound of your gun clicking filled the air, indicating that the chamber was empty. You were out of bullets and didn't have any more spare magazines. Shit. 
A/N- Link to my Masterlist in my bio
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I really hated the character Ed and I knew I wanted Y/N to punch him at least once before I even started writing this fic and I’m glad it finally happened.
Anyway, if you’re liking this fic so far please let me know in the comments, I love hearing your thoughts and it helps me stay motivated to write. Until next time, stay safe everyone and have a great day xx 
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nix-needs-coffee · 5 years
Smarter Than That
Prompt: “I thought you were smarter than that.” “Then obviously you’re not very smart either.”
Alcohol and self-pity. Katherine has a rough night.
I didn't expect this to go the way it did. Y'all asked for fluff, but only angst wanted to happen. Sorry?
AO3 Link
Katherine teetered perilously close to the road. She had to clutch at the metal railing next to the crossing to keep herself steady. Her fingers squished in the chewed gum stuck to the underside. Unable to hide her revulsion, her face contorted with disgust, and she shook her hand as if it would free her from the germs she had just stuck her hand directly in. Just one more thing to add to her disastrous night which had started so well.
She and a few of the girls had gone to the pub for a quick drink after the show. A “quick drink” always seems to turn into a few drinks, and on occasions like this night, it had turned into many drinks. She had had enough for her to feel the tension slip away from her shoulders and melt away from her limbs, enough to lean her soothed body into Parr’s side and almost pretend to listen to her as she lamented the socio-economic disparity she had expected time to resolve, enough for her lips to feel tingly and numb as she assured Cleves that she wasn’t falling asleep, she was just resting, but definitely not enough to stop her from having just one more drink.
Katherine had risen from her seat with the self-assured disposition of a person undoubtedly trying to conceal how intoxicated they truly are and made her way toward the bar. After ensuring that Jane was not watching her, she ordered a cheeky tequila shot along with her cocktail and swallowed it as quickly as she could, noting how easily the shot went down. She nearly ordered another, deciding against it when she could feel someone’s eyes on her.
She had just turned to make her way back to the table, a little less poised than she had been on her way to the bar, when she nearly collided with a man that stepped directly into her path.
“S-sorry,” she murmured quietly, not meeting the man’s eyes.
“That’s alright, love. I’ve been waiting all night for a pretty thing like you to throw herself at me,” he laughed and lowered himself down to her eye-level, giving her a wink.
Katherine tried to take a step back, but his hand on her hip kept her from creating any space between them. Her heart leapt to her throat and her lungs refused to expand.
“Watch it, love. You almost went right into the back of that guy there.” A smarmy grin stretched across his face.
She attempted to skirt around him, but his other hand came up to grasp her waist, tightening his hold, not letting her go anywhere.
The drink dropped from her hand. Ice, fruit slices, and shards of glass ricocheting off the floor, sending shrapnel radiating in a wide circle. The man jumped backward, unsuccessfully avoiding the splash, but removing his hands from Katherine in the process. Seeing her opening, she dodged around him and the onlookers toward the nearest door.
She didn’t look back until she had put several streets between herself and the pub.
With the fresh evening air and a little time since she’d downed her last shot, she was feeling the effects of the alcohol coursing through her system. Shaking her arm after touching the gum made her unstable once more, and she wobbled a bit trying to find her balance again.
Distracted, she hadn’t noticed the light change until it started indicating how many seconds she had remaining to cross the road safely. Cursing under her breath, she stepped into the road. The sound of a car horn startled her, making her lurch forward and stagger her way to the other side. She found herself pressed against the cool concrete of a building. She rested her forehead there for a moment, trying to will her body into responding as it normally would, but her inebriation continued to muddle the process.
Knowing she was only going to become more incapable of keeping herself safe, she patted her pockets in search of her phone. All she found was her debit card and receipt from her last two drinks. She had left her phone with Jane at the table.
She was well aware of what she must look like. There was no way a taxi would pull over for her.
Sighing, she slid down the wall, not caring that the uneven surface scraped at her skin. Feeling vulnerable, all alone and way too drunk, she resigned herself to the long wait until she sobered up enough to get herself home and let her tears fall freely before her eyes drifted shut.
It was some time later that Katherine felt herself being jostled about.
“We’ve got you, sweetheart,” Parr whispered.
She struggled to open her eyes and make sense of the situation, only able to work with brief seconds between bouts of nausea. She felt someone rub soothing circles on her back before everything went dark again.
Katherine woke the next morning in her own bed with a bottle of water and painkillers on her side table. Her head was still foggy, and stomach unsettled, but otherwise she felt better than she ought to have. It took her a few minutes to realize that she was not alone in her bed.
Flashes from the previous night made her freeze as panic flooded through her. Her breathing became ragged and she felt as though she was going to be sick again.
The person behind her must have sensed her discomfort and woke from the sound of her strangled breathing.
“Hey, you’re alright,” Katherine knew that voice. Anxiety was keeping her from placing it to a name and face, but the comforting tone served as a palliative and she felt her terror subsiding. After a few moments, she was able to turn and face the other person in her bed.
All of the fight in Katherine left her. She eased herself back into her pillows and allowed herself a moment to regain control of her breathing.
“What happened last night? You said you were going to the bar and just disappeared. You scared the absolute life out of all of us,” Parr spoke softly, gently running her hand through Katherine’s hair. “You didn’t even have your phone on you.”
“A man,” Katherine started, feeling her stomach clench again at the thought of his abhorrent hands reaching for her. “He-he stood in my way. He grabbed my waist. Wouldn’t let me go.” She felt the tears dripping down the side of her nose and falling to her pillow. “I had to get out of there.”
“You should have yelled. Let us know what was happening so we could help you. You just left. What if he had followed you? What if someone else had found you instead of us?” Katherine could see the frustration and concern in Parr’s eyes and it only served to make her feel worse. “I thought you were smarter than that.”
“Then obviously you’re not very smart either.” Katherine knew Parr was right, but her words wounded all the same. She shifted over to get away from Parr’s ministrations. She heard Parr sigh before the mattress dipped as she climbed out of the bed.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Katherine heard her bedroom door open, and guilt overwhelmed her. After everything Parr had done for her that night, keeping her safe, looking after her, and making sure she wasn’t alone, she was lashing out at her. Katherine sought solace so desperately, and yet when it was generously offered, she had pushed it away. Incontrovertibly demonstrating that she wasn’t very smart at all.
“Catherine, wait. Please don’t go.” Her voice was so quiet it was barely audible to herself. She heard the door shut. The sound of the latch wrenching the sob from her chest that had only just been contained since she had rebuffed Parr’s comforting touch.
The self-inflicted pain of pushing away her friend and the memories of the night had her in a stranglehold. She buried her face deeper in her pillow to muffle the sound of her crying, not caring that it impeded her ability to breathe even further. She wasn’t sure she wanted to anyways.
Until she heard, “I’m still here.”
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1stunseeliefaelass · 5 years
Warning!!!! Y'all gonna be crying, maybe.
Here's a headcanon I have regarding Strife if he found out about Death being dead. Obviously this would be taking place around the time Haven was being set up and such. I also will be adding an OC version of the Arthurian character Mordred, since I'm shipping Morgen and Death it only makes sense that he's their kid. Mordred just happens to be a small toddler during these events in particular. He's only on Earth by complete accident because he was playing around with teleportation magic and his Mother Morgen was placed in a coma by Lilith around the time too. So yeah sucky all around. This whole spiel will be added into my headcanons later on, but I just wanted to get this little tidbit of the future out to see your guy's reaction.
Strife found himself confronted by one of The Suffering, a large beast that often took a long time to kill. He noticed however, that it's attention wasn't even on him, it was on a small shape trying to escape from under a tarp. Fearing the worst, Strife went into his ultimate form and opened fire on the thing. Not taking chances in the slightest. The beast chose at the last moment to flee, but didn't get far fast enough. Once he was sure it lay dead, shooting it once in the head to double tap, he approached the tarp. He heard child like whimpers from under it and gently lifted it away. Strife was awestruck by the little one he found. A tiny white haired lad with only a single but beautiful wing on his back. This wing and the pointed ears told Strife all he needed to know,
"Mordred?!" He asked surprised.
The small child nodded confirming his identity but remained where he was like a frightened fawn.
"You probably don't remember me, but I'm your Uncle. Here see?" Strife stated calmly before removing his helm.
He gave a goofy smile which Mordred giggled at. He then paused and looked up at seemingly nothing before finally huddling into Strife's arms. Strife minded his little wing and gently scooped him up, noticing him again looking back at his spot again. Confused he finally asked Mordred,
"Hey kiddo, what you lookin' at huh?"
Mordred got excited and pointed towards the spot, "Dada!"
Strife stood there shocked as he saw nothing standing there. But Mordred continued to say that word, indicating that Death should've been there. He finally dared to call out,
Getting no response he sighed and went on his way back to Haven, taking Mordred with him. Mordred kept insisting, "Dada!" but Strife blocked him out now. Simply telling the kiddo,
"Mordred, I don't think he's here right now. He'll be back soon though, maybe. For now I need to get you home, if that's even a possibility right now."
Mordred continued his insistence however, "Dada here, he come now. Watching"
Strife found it plain creepy now and convinced Mordred to finally hush. Only for the kid to get a bit huffy. Sighing he picked up his pace to return to Haven. Once within the grounds, he turned into his disguised form of Jones. Making Mordred promise to keep quiet, he then finally went inside. He was welcomed by Ulthane readily, along with a few of the humans inside. They predictably gushed over Mordred and the doctor of the group quickly examined him. He found nothing wrong by human standards, but Ulthane explained that he'd be fine,
"He may be a wee lad, but he's a Faerie. I can tell by that wing. The boy should be fine enough. Though normally Fae don't come to Earth, wonder where he came from."
Jones then spoke up, "I can answer that I think, in private though."
Ulthane obliged him and let Jones follow him to a secret spot. From there he transformed back and placed Mordred down on a stool.
"So how did de wee lad get here Horseman?" Ulthane asked sternly.
"It honestly beats me, figured we could ask him. I doubt Morgen would've sent him here of her own accord after all. Oh wait.....fffffffffffffuuudge." He stated before quickly censoring himself for Mordred's sake.
"I know only one Morgen from de Fae Realm, that being the Lady Le Fay herself. I've heard rumors, as many in creation have. But to have it confirmed, now that's surprising."
"Death is gonna kill me, but yes he and Morgen did....have a thing going. Mordred is the result of that."
Strife suddenly felt something hit the back of his head. He could've sworn it felt like his elder brother whenever he smacked him upside the head. Course Mordred giggled before saying, "Again Dada!"
Strife made an annoyed face before sighing, "Did I forget to mention that kid seems convinced that Death is always around?"
Ulthane thought for a moment and observed Mordred briefly. He only giggled to himself seemingly before Ulthane noticed a bit of his hair move. He had no proof beyond this however, so he'd keep quiet for now on the matter. Only shrugging in response to Strife's inquiry.
"Uh huh, well I'm heading back out. Think you can watch him for now? Or send him home for that matter?" Strife requested simply.
"I don't think we have de ability to send him home yet. But I can certainly keep de lad safe for ye." Ulthane replied.
Strife nodded at this and headed off to make more rounds for survivors. Mordred in the meantime began to play with a piece of wood nearby. Rolling the log between his hands with little care. Ulthane shrugged once more and went back to his work. He had to make sure this gateway was finished before too long. Course Mordred eventually asked a question, one Ulthane didn't catch as his hammer struck the anvil. However, he did catch a faint whisper on the breeze. Pausing, he waited until hearing an unmistakable voice. He couldn't make out what it replied with, but did catch a low chuckle towards the end. He decided to reply back,
"Ye mocking me Horseman? It's not like I can deal with the dead readily."
He heard the voice whisper again, but Mordred translated this time, "Dada says he's taaankful for you watching."
"Ah, well you're welcome Horseman. Ye'd best find a way to get him home though. This is no place for wee ones anymore. And maybe let yer brother know what's become of ye, assuming I'm correct."
Mordred translated his next reply, "Dada says he's trying. But can't take me home. Veil...broken?"
Ulthane nodded, "I see, the veil around the Fae Realm must still be strong on their side. Don't ye worry though Horseman, this portal should be finished soon enough. Though again, you ought to let Strife know."
Mordred replied in his place, "Dada says Uncle Strife'll get mad. And he can't....materializ.....?"
Ulthane chuckled along with the voice, "I think ye mean 'materialize' lad."
Mordred nodded, "Mmhmm. What's dat mean?"
"It means your Da's soul can't appear right now. He's stuck bein' invisible and barely heard. If he could materialize, we'd be seein' and hearin' him." Ulthane explained simply.
Mordred cocked his head a little but seemed to understand. Ulthane noted his reaction, figuring Death must've explained why his soul is all Mordred can see of him right now. Suddenly a loud caw sounded in the air, then a black crow came down the above. In his feet, he carried Death's mask. This he dropped in front of Mordred before landing in the boy's lap. Dust cawed in annoyance as Mordred grabbed him in a hug, but didn't fuss too much. Only pecking the kid when he squeezed too hard. Mordred then let go and settled for stroking Dust as the mask was picked up by who Ulthane assumed was Death. Watching closely, he saw a force beginning to materialize before them. Before long it formed into a shadowy ball of energy with eyes the same color as Death's own. Ulthane chuckled before hearing Death's voice clearly this time,
"Don't get used to this look and don't....ah...laugh. This form actually isn't all that great...ugh....but it's all I can manage for now....woah....I just really hate the erratic movements this form has."
Ulthane watched trying not to bellow in laughter as the Horsemen's current ghostly visage spun in place and jerked about. Death soon landed on Mordred's shoulder, before confiding in the Maker.
"It wasn't easy, knowing Mordred could see me outright after I found him. He still hasn't quite grasped what me being like this means yet either."
Ulthane only nodded, "I won't pretend I know yer pain Death. But I can imagine it's not pleasant."
Death only nodded before saying, "Strife should be able to understand now though. Give my mask to him when he returns, as I can only materialize for a short time before I need to rest my energy. If I overdo it I'll get stuck in the well again. I'm only here in the first place thanks to Azreal noticing me."
Ulthane froze at the name, but quickly regained himself, "I see, yer probably right about him though. Strife may not believe me at first."
"I know he won't. But I attached myself to my mask. He'll take with him, and likely begin hunting for me. I'll appear to him when I feel the time is right." Death says simply.
With that he dematerialized and the energy went inside the mask. Mordred picked it up and hugged it. Already missing his Daddy. Dust made a few quiet sounds to comfort Mordred. Nudging his head against the kiddo.
Strife returned with a batch of more humans sometime later, and found Mordred eating a little depressed while Dust watched him keenly. Seeing that bird surprised him, and then Ulthane stepped forward.
"Yer brother asked that I give you this."
Strife eyed the mask in Ulthane's hands, and quickly took it, "He never takes it off, where'd you get it?!"
"Horseman calm down, yer brother's bird came by with it just a few hours ago. He's been watching your Nephew since then." Ulthane said raising his hands.
Strife eyed the bird suspiciously before telling him, "Dust, lead me to him. Where is he bird?!"
Dust despite being a bird, knew as much as Ulthane did how useless this was. But he flew regardless after snapping playfully as Mordred. Strife hurried after him despite Ulthane calling to him. Ulthane sighed before turning around to see Mordred sniffling to himself. He figured someone had to explain where his Daddy was, and what exactly all of this talk meant. Meanwhile Strife kept following Dust, memories of Death flashing through his mind.
"I'll be damned if I lose you now you son of a bitch! I just started to understand you! I need to know more about you! There's so much I gotta say! It can't be too late now! I won't believe that!" He shouted to himself, Death could tell he already understood clearly.
But the elder allowed Strife to keep running nowhere in particular in search of someone he'd not be finding. At least, not alive anyway. He waited, watched, and listened as Strife grew more and more desperate. He could hear fear in his voice being mixed with sadness as Strife began trying to choke back tears. Death would not judge him for this, how could he given the circumstances. Sure Strife was a turd, but Death still cared deeply about him and the other two. They were his family, and always would be even if he couldn't be there now. Finally, Strife began to make a sorrowful and slow trek back to Haven. Having finally realized that his brother truly was gone. He made it to a small clearing near the great tree and collapsed to his knees. Both exhausted from running all over the place, and just forced down by the weight of the implications that came with Death's demise. His voice was nearly lost due to screaming his name so much. As Strife broke down, Death finally made an effort to appear to his brother. This time he used more energy to appear as his true self instead of that silly, erratic ball of shadow. He waited a few seconds longer still as Strife hugged himself in his pain. Only then did Death hug his younger sibling, doing all he could to hold back his own rising pain. Strife didn't look up, but sensed the presence of his brother. His arms wrapped around Death's ethereal waist, and he sobbed deeply. Death remained steadfast for Strife's sake, trying his best to remain calm. Death's heart only began to break when hearing Strife venting apologies to him. Death hugged Strife tighter at this,
"This isn't your fault. I made the choice to sacrifice myself. For War, for you, and for Fury. You've nothing to be sorry for Strife."
Strife choked out his reply, "I-I still owe you one. For being such an asshole! For being the worst brother ever! For not recognizing your pain sooner!"
"Strife, we're brothers. We'll always get on each other's nerves. I don't blame you for anything you've ever said to me. If anyone should apologize....it's me. I was the worst brother, to all of you. I was wrapped up in my own pain....that I failed recognize pain in you. I failed to see what you were all becoming. War was losing himself in his rage, Fury was becoming bitter towards us in her jealousy, and you....I can't even begin to guess. How fucking sad is that?" Death stated, clearly angered at himself.
"Death, you do so much shit for us. We just didn't notice enough. I....didn't notice it...until it was too late." Strife said beginning to calm down a bit.
"Then we've all failed as a family then. But maybe, I can fix that now. Starting with you. I may not be capable of much anymore, but I can still protect you and Mordred. I can speak to you whenever you need me. Whatever you need from me, I'll do my best to accomplish it. I just need you to be strong Strife. Not just for me, but for Fury and War too. You don't even have to tell them what's happened to me. Just do what you can to begin mending our bond as family. And do what you can for Mordred, since I can't be there for him. At least....not truly."
Strife finally looked up, and removed his visor before wiping away at his eyes, "You know what, you're right. You're always right. I'll be strong for the others, lead em in the right direction. I'll do whatever it takes to help em out. I'll make sure Fury grows past her resentment, that War has a better chance to make it out of this shit. And I promise....I swear on my life...that Mordred will be safe. I'll watch over him like a fucking hawk damn it. I'll do anything for the tyke."
Death smiled and finally let Strife go, "Then I guess that's settled. Let's get back, you have work to do after all. Just remember that I am watching, and don't hesitate to ask what you will of me."
Strife nodded, "Yeah, I'll get on that. All of it. Maybe sometime soon, we can talk to Mordred about what's going on with you? And maybe we can also talk about what you've been through? I want to start getting to know you like I should've been, to know your pain, how you've been feeling."
"The first option for sure, but I don't think it's neccessary for you to take on my pain alongside me." Death said before dematerializing back into his mask.
"Bullshit. If we're gonna start acting like the family we are, then one sibling's pain is our pain too." Strife declared.
Death chuckled at this, "Very well, but only when I feel up for it. Right now, I still have some thoughts to put together. If you really want to know so badly."
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Aizawa, Toshinori (All Might), and Hizashi (Present Mic) hcs (contains Erasermic)
- The first time Hizashi saw Aizawa in his sleeping bag he got all queasy
He still sorta does
It's like the only thing that actually makes him cringe (bugs make him screm)
- Aizawa and Toshinori had a sleeping contest once
- Hizashi has like really high-pitched screams even when he's not using his Quirk.
And when he is say goodbye to your eardrums
- Toshinori is one of the only ones who likes puns
He's full aware and loves to annoy the shit out of everyone
He had some respect for Dabi becoz he likes em too and like
W e c o u l d h a v e b e e n f r I e n d s-
- Hizashi gets bloody noses sometimes
They're completely random, noone has any idea why he gets them.
He'll just be teaching a class and suddenly
“Soshite kore, kurasu, to yoba remasu aru bloody nose! Soshite watashi wa ikanakereba naranai sewa o suru”
(And this, class, is called a bloody nose! And I have to go take care of it!)
(Or something like that idfk I used Google translate)
- Some of the only English that Toshinori knows is curse words.
“Oh fu c K”
- Hizashi sticks his head out the window in the car.
Unless he's in a bad mood, where he'll just get his face and his hair, his entire torso is out and he's using his arms to push himself up.
“Hey 'Zashi is this where you need to- FUCK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING”
- Aizawa bites on his pencil or pen whenever he's writing
Whether it's the graphite or the ink or the eraser or the lil button thingy, he'll chew on it.
He makes an effort not to around Toshinori though
He hates puns more than his being and one time he was chewing on the eraser of his pencil and
“That's cannibalism”
- Aizawa has everyone help him with his yardwork since he actually has a rather big garden
This includes a huge lilac bush
He gets Toshinori or Nemuri to help him cut it.
Hizashi used to, but once he was holding the branch down for Aizawa or Toshinori to cut it
But then like seven spiders “Attacked” his arm for “invading their home”
He ruptured the entire neighborhood's eardrums that day.
He doesn't help with yardwork anymore.
- If Aizawa wants you to shut up and he's in your immediate vicinity, he'll smack his hand over your mouth.
He doesn't do it to Nemuri because she'll lick his hand and it's d i s g u s t i n g
He used to with Hizashi, but one time Hizashi turned when he was about to and he shoved his fingers into his mouth
And it's scarred him for life
- Aizawa's best compliment is “Your face makes other people reaaaaaal ugly.”
- Hizashi pushes the line of annoyance, even to Aizawa, who has an ungodly amount of composure and self-control.
One time Aizawa just had enough and he went out to buy a pack of lil mini plastic spiders, and some fishing line.
Y'all know where this is going.
The second that Hizashi got annoying after the first warning, Aizawa grabbed the line out of his coat and held the spider he'd attached to it in front of Hizashi's face.
The entire school and probably the surrounding area heard it too.
It only lasted a second cos Aizawa erased his quirk but MAN did it hurt for that second.
- so I think that Aizawa and Hizashi have known each other since early grade school
And entomophobia is kind of a thing that's joked about when they're kids
So of course there's the teasing between them (Aizawa used to be afraid of the dark)
But Aizawa still cared about him and could tell whenever other's teasing went to far.
“Leave him alone, he doesn't like bugs.”
- Aizawa's kitty Fluffy (he's definetly creative) has a squirrel boyfriend and so that has forced him to utter the line “Mt cat's gay for a squirrel.” and it's probably the most humerous thing he's intentionally said.
Hizashi was giggling for the rest of the week.
- Hizashi's family is pretty poor,
he wasn't very privilaged growing up.
Even though he's stable now, clearly, he's still paranoid. He's thought of getting another side job multiple times.
• Okay so this kinda goes into story mode, the rest of this. So if ya don't like that then this is where you stop reading.
- Aizawa and Hizoshi's parents were friends when they were littler. Hizashi was about ten, and he still was quite a bawlbaby and hadn't gotten his quirk down yet, and Aizawa was nine, his birthday in a week or so.
So they went to the mall one time with the kiddos to catch up, letting them go off in one of the play places for a while. They wanted to get Aizawa a gift while they were there.
There was a grasshopper that'd somehow gotten in and that made Hizashi scream very loudly.
One of the caretakers was there then to try and keep him quiet the rest of the time.
And that was when some villian decided that they wanted to strike.
They weren't going for the kids, but everyone hid anyway.
Aizawa, their caretaker, and Hizashi behind one of the big blocks. She was trying to keep Hizashi from crying and letting them know they were there, making them an easy target.
Aizawa was watching, his head poked out. He had erased one of their quirks and they were visually confused. He smiled, that was one of the first 'impending doom' smiles he ever smiled.
One of the other baddies saw his head and went toward them after hesitating some (they were just kids.)
He hid back and thought for a second, their caretaker about to scold him for looking out.
And in that, she let Hizashi go.
Just like Aizawa had hoped!
Then he lunged at Hizashi and that made his head hid the ground harshly. Aizawa covered his ears because he knew Hizashi would start crying.
And he did.
And he was earshattering.
While that left everyone in the vicinity doubled over or on the ground covering their ears, that included the baddies.
Though it gave everyone a huge migrane, it bought everyone enough time for the police to get there.
In short, Aizawa was able to save a mall store with Hizashi by hitting his head against the ground and making him cry, and alerting the enemy of their position.
That was the first time either of them had saved anybody, and Hizashi brags about it still, joking that Aizawa could 'see every equation’
Aizawa just finds it embarassing now, but he can't figure a better way he could have done it. He doesn't say anything but “Kid me was both smart and a huge dumbass.” whenever it comes up and it's his turn to talk.
- They were both twenty, Hizashi going on twenty-one.
Just barely into their hero years, no one really recognized them when they were out of costume.
There was always that 'I know you from somewhere,' but you could never pinpoint it unless one was using their quirk
That's when a little blue haired boy, that couldn't have been older than 16, crashed face first into Hizashi's chest, it was a surpsie when he was recognized.
“Gaahhh, I'm so sorry, P-Present Mic...” the boy had said. His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't been speaking much. “I wasn't looking where I was going.” he didn't act like people normally did when coming face to face with a hero, nevermind ‘inconveniencing them.’
Of course, Hizashi was a very forgiving person, and found it to be his fault underneath it all. “You're fine, little listener!”
“Where you headed off to.. All alone..?” His voice sounded uncharacteristically quiet. Even in the slightly crowded streets and sidewalk, when the voice hero scanned the area, there aas noone with a similar hair or eye color to be found. Noone with that pastey-clay cyan hair or those crimson red eyes that the three all shared.
In this world, hair and eye color were passed down at a much more noticable rate than before.
Hizashi got a quick, careful kick to the heel. “Ow-”
“Hizashi you look like a creep. The guy's like two months old.” Aizawa said.
Hizashi stood, as he had kneeled down to the kid's height. He was quite short. Or, 'Zashi was just tall. “Shō, the kid's all alone. We can't just leave him here, he'll get kidnapped or get lost.”
Aizawa slowly got it, and he knelt down. “Kid, what's your name?”
Of course the blue haired boy wasn't going to give out his name. He wasn't that stupid. “It's... Uhm..” he tried to think of something quickly, scratching at his wrist to motivate himself. “Tomura.” he drawled out the 'o' as he fought for his imagination.
Aizawa saw through it in a second, he was using a fake name. Yet, he didn't say anything, acting as if he was tricked. “Tomura..?” he drawled, asking for his full name silently.
“Shigaraki.” that was the name of an old original character he used yo use, so it came to him a lot easier.
“Tomura Shigaraki, alright, thank you.” While Aizawa wasn't planning on what Hizashi was, clearly, as he was very caught off guard at what the other had to say.
“Do you have a place to go to?” Hizashi asnt dumb either, he wanted to be careful. ‘Tomura’ didn't look very good, he had heavy bags under his eyes, his pupils were smaller than anyone's ought to be, and he had picked up on the scratching that was still going on.
He had a feeling the guy was, for lack of a better term, a few notes short of a song.
He wanted to be very careful with his words.
“Yes.” all the hesitation convinced both heros he didn't.
Aizawa put his hand in his pocket and turned on his phone. He started walking again. “Alright, get going to it. It's gonna get dark soon.” Hizashi looked surpsied, he wanted to take the kid home and make sure he was really okay before he was really let loose. He knew he knew they were heros and wouldn't have ill intent so he wasn't scared.
“C'mon, 'Zashi.”
Aizawa took one last look back and said, “And stop scratching at your neck. You'll claw out your jugular before you knoe it if you keep that up.”
They both were convinced they'd drempt it.
One day, though, Aizawa decided to ask. “You remember that little chalk-haired kid we met a few years ago?”
“... Yeah. I thought it was in a dream.”
Neither of them spoke about it after that and Aizawa couldn't help but think it was his fault. He couldn't remember the name but he was 79% sure that the little boy had turned into a supervillain they had fought a few days back.
What if that so called ‘Tomura Shigakari’ had turned into the chalk-haired antagonist they'd fought a week ago..?
What if, by taking him in and making sure he got to a home, he could have prevented that?
(If you guys are curious about this and want to see more, I have a story here and a few here, here, and here! I like the idea a lot, and so I wrote and drew a lot about it.)
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dietaku · 5 years
Amazing Quest 1: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: My Little Sister can't be this Rig Vedic! (Before we go on, I got this from PalsOwnFire: "The Kimyawa minigame is actually the harder of the two options open to the AQ1 This is because, while it doesn't allow for later paths opened with the griffohump, it does grant Kimyawa massive stat bonuses, and also gives her the "KitsnCllr" an item which not only grants her even LARGER bonuses, but also reveals her darkest secret: That she too is a Chimera. Kimyawa: Since you have spent so much time to help me, I wanted you to know this... Hiro: Eh? Kimyawa: (Produces a fluffy tail) I'm actually a Chimera. My family doesn't like me showing it off. They say I should be a human. Hiro: I don't think much about it. Heck,I don't think there's a true human on our team... Kimyawa: Aaaaaw, Hiro-kun! (The two hug, as Ozma glares from a corner, with "The True Human" flaring over her) "So, yeah. It's kinda cute, not the "Monstrous misogynistic exercise in subjugation" that Amelia Sardinian, that Feminist e-celebrity, posits. Of course, this is also the minigame where Hiro dresses up in a jogging suit and quotes Rocky, so..." (We then get a cut-scene with Zoddon and Jaydea) Jaydea: So, brother. It seems that the Light Pudding dreck has gathered quite the army. He's captured two of the Talismans, and proceeds to trek towards Us even now. He seems quite driven. Zoddon: No matter. We still have the ace in the hole. How goes the Work to sway Toneland to our cause? Jaydea: (Cough) I'm working on it... Voice: GYAHAHAHAHA! Working it, you mean! Jaydea: Kodas! Show yourself! Kodas: Not just me! (Three shadows appear) Zoddon: Ah, your Four Heavenly Kings. Shadow: Four Kings and One Queen. Kodas: Then it removes the entire motif! Just roll with it, Ceuri! Ceuri: (Pouts) Jaydea: No matter, go take care of them! I'll be along in a moment. Zoddon: What exactly are you doing in Toneland? Jaydea: Ehehehe...Well... We then assume control of the party, at the far end of the racign bridge from Chapter 4. There, we're in a large desert. You'll note that the desert saps health slowly so long as you're on the sand. The trick is to go towards a cave to the southeast. Loyroll: This heat is oppressive! My hair is going to go limp! Kimyawa: Aaaaan! Hiro-kun, can't we do something? Ozma: Just suck it up, all of you, we can do this! Hiro: Ozma, you're beet red. Are you okay? Ozma: Erm... Hiro: Anyways, we need something to help us... Mancala: I KNOW! Hiro: You do? Mancala: Yes! It's a great treasure! But one thing. Only I can go to get it. The lands I'd be going to are secret! Loyroll: Ok. Ozma: Go ahead. We'll be here. Kimyawa: Hai! Resty-resty~. Hiro: I guess we're staying here. Mancala: (Pouts) Fine! You then control only Mancala. Proceed to the left, to a pool of water, which connects to the Oceans you were in before. Return to Mermania, and back to the Guild house. There, an elderly merman is crying. Talk to him to proceed. Merman: A bloo bloo bloo! Mancala: Guild Patriarch! What's the matter! Patriarch: Ah, Mancala. You're like a tax hike on my assets on top of this insane revenue cut that already has struck! Mancala: Oh no! Is there anything I can do? Patriarch: I'm not sure how, but my assets are being attacked. The Stone Lord Kord has summoned the Grim Reaper to slay all of my assets and plummet Mer Culture's economy into the Deep Trench! Mancala: OH NO! I must stop it! Patriarch: Psh. I don't see a conniving woman like you acting altruistically. Mancala: Hey! Eh, well, okay. But, I know someone who WILL! And you need me to get them!  Patriarch: I'll give you one hundred gold to get them to fight! (You then get a choice between accepting the money or haggling) Mancala: One hundred ? Pocket change. I'd have to swim aaaaall the way back, and that's hard. Patriarch: TWO hundred! (Another accept or haggle choice) Mancala: Two Hundred? Geez, that's hardly an improvement. I could make that setting up a lemonade stand. Patriarch: FOUR Hundred! (Yet another prompt) Mancala: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh... Patriarch: You're a giant, colossal bitch. EIGHT Hundred! Mancala: Mmmmm, deal! You then have to return the cave. You'll probably notice at this point, that Mancala on her own is pretty terrible in battle, but that's neither here nor there. Talk to Hiro to proceed. Mancala: Well, I have good news! Hiro: You found the item to let us travel across the Desert? Mancala: What? NO! I got us a job! Hiro: Wait, what were you doing? Mancala: Relax, I needed to grease some palms! If we do this, it'll be easier! Loyroll: And whose palms needed greasing? Mmmm? Mancala: Shut up, you greaser reject and help me! (Mancala returns to the party) Enter the pool that Mancala left from and return to Mermania. Talk to the Patriarch. Patriarch: These are your soldiers? They don't look so tough. Mancala: Relax. Where's this reaper? Patriarch: I last heard he was going to slay a Miner in Dun Falafel to the northeast. That miner owes me sixty trillion!  Mancala: We got this! Be sure to have the cash ready! Patriarch: Yeah, whatever. Go north, to the ridges north of Mermania. Follow those, and then go east when you can't go north any longer. You ought to find a cave by the coast. Welcome to Dun Falafel, City of Chimerae. --Dun Falafel-- Dun Falafel has an impressive upgrade set for everyone. Grab a OrichSbr for Hiro, KnklDst for Ozma, NOdhi for Kimyawa and FlSHST for Hiro and Loyroll. To find the Miner, he's in the west house. Chimera Doctor: There's no use. He's going to die in an hour. Chimera Nurse: But, doctor, all you did was check his pulse. Doctor: I think HIS presence makes it a foregone conclusion. Reaper: Hello. Miner Moore: Tell my ma I love her, wouldya? Doctor: Um, yeah, sure, kid. Reaper: Can you guys get this out of the way? I gotta reap this sumbitch. Doctor: By all means, Mr. Reaper. Mancala: STOP RIGHT THERE! Reaper: Mm? You'll try to stop me? But, why? Why stop a natural course? All die within time. Mancala: Why? WHY? FOR MONEY, OF COURSE! --Boss Battle!-- Grim Reaper x1 LP:12000 MP: 6000 Grim Reaper is an annoying jerk, because he spams DEATH, KILL and BREAK, all of which have chances to instantly kill people. Also, don't use any weapons that inflict death, such as the Decap Shuriken from Mermania, as they instantly restore him to full health. Just stock up on Smelling Salts, and he's no trouble. --Boss Battle!-- Reaper: Fine, fine, you crazy people can have him. I'm going to reap some old cat. Moore: Ah, shucks, thanks, folks! Kimyawa: Yatta~! Hiro: Okay, so we did what you asked. How does this get us an item to travel across the desert? Moore: Hello? Y'all listenin'? Mancala: Watch and learn, Hiro! Moore: Oh, y'all are leavin'. Okay, I'll be here...I'll just take a nap. (Return back to the Patriarch) Patriarch: I just heard! Congratulations, you she-devil, here's your cash. Mancala: Ah, here's the thing. I did so much work, so, now, the deal is the money AND the Magic Fan. Patriarch: Wait, what? Mancala: Oh, we can go back and kill that miner if you want? Patriarch: Fine, fine! Here's your fan! Now get the hell out! Hiro: Wow, Mancala. That was...decidedly mercenary. Mancala: Let's go, goons! Hiro: ... You then return to the desert, and entering it, Hiro holds the fan aloft and then switches it on. You now don't take damage, but there's now a large dust cloud flying around the desert. If you encounter it, you'll discover its source: the giant Dark Pudding motorized army. Dark Pudding Soldier: Sir! We found the Light Pudding Army! Praetorian Faa (A woman in oversized silver armor): Splendid! Inform Lord Kord. Dark Pudding Sir! Hiro: So, are they gonna come closer, or... (The Dark Puddings begin firing on the Party) Hiro: BACK TO THE CAVE! You're then returned to the cave from before. Hiro: We can't go back now. Where do we go? Go deeper into the cave. After dropping to the second floor, you'll find a hole. Drop into it to enter the Aero Spire. --Aero Spire-- The Aero Spire is a large cavern with small plateaus the party can walk on. Yu'll get prompts to jump over from one to another. The problem is the swinging blades that damage you should you get hit. On top of that, the enemies shift from the Giant Bats and Cave Trolls to Magik Munchkins and Ghost-o-mancers, magical enemies who love to attack you with party-wide spells. After reaching the end, you'll find a flashing phantom. Phantom: Halt, you cannot pass. Past here is the Ancient Sage. Ozma: Wait, like Ancient Sage that crafted the Talismans in the Long-ago Days? Phantom: Yes. However, to get to her, you need to get past me. Hiro: Seems fair, I guess. Phantom: R-really? Kimyawa: Pretty much, Dead-san. Loyroll: True! Phantom: O-okay, then. --Boss Battle!-- Phantom x1 LP: 18000 MP: 1000 Phantom is nothing new. He enjoys blasting you with light and earth spells, while occasionally striking you with Eghitr, a multi-hit physical skill which also has a high critical chance. Fight as you normally will --Boss Battle!-- Phantom: (Cough) You have proven your worthiness. You may proceed. (Inside is a large bed where a chimera woman is sleeping peacefully) Phantom: Oh, dear. She still hasn't awakened.  (He pokes her, claps his hands, and then smacks her with a pot. Nothign rouses her) Phantom: One second. GHOST! (A palette swap of Phantom appears) Ghost: Yes, Phantom? Phantom: We have Worthy Ones here. Help me wake her up. Ghost: You mean? Phantom: Yes. (The two then assume positions around her, and then blast her with electricity. The Woman jumps up.) Chimera: WHAT! WHO? Phantom: Mistress Deima, we have Worthy Ones here. Deima: Worthy, huh? (Peers at Hiro) Whaddya want, hot stuff? Hiro: Yes, well, um, we were stuck down here because of the Dark pudding Army, and... Deima: Dark Puddings. So, the time has come at last. I assume you're Light Puddings, then? Hiro: Well, I am, yes. Deima: Well, that settles it, then. I'm going to help. What we need is a Lava Worm. Hiro: ANOTHER fetch mission? Deima: Relax! I got it right here! (She produces a brown orb from behind her back) All we need to do is put it in a volcano! Now, the normal thing to do is to return to the surface and go south. NOT, go back to the volcanoes near Zaius and Heston, although that does merit a surfing minigame in the remake, where Hiro and company surf a stone slab over lava back towards the Desert. There, you'll enter Mt. Metalgi. --Mt. Metalgi-- The mountain is home to a good number of fire-themed enemies, including Flame Munchkins, Toasties, and Hella Goodbyes. From the start point, proceed east and north, as you work your way into the heart of the volcano. From there, Deima will drop the egg in. With that, walk out. Hiro: So, how do we know that it worked? Deima: Relax! It totally worked! (The Dark Pudding Army drives up) Faa: Ah, you just don't learn, do you? (The Volcano explodes, and a large writhing worm made of fire descends on the Army) Hiro: I suppose an apology is in order. Deima: Apology accepted. Soldier: OH GOD, IT'S EATING ME! Faa: (ICE SABERs the Volcano Worm, which explodes into steamy chunks) Soldier: I'M OKAY! Faa: GRRRR! MY ARMY! --Boss Battle!-- Praetorian Faa x1 LP: 22000 MP: 15000 Faa abuses Ice Armor and Ice Saber, skills which counterattack with Water-1 and a heavy physical water-themed attack. The best option to counter her is to throw up Kimyawa's Aqua Veil to lessen the oomph of her skills and abuse Loyroll's Whirl form with Hiro. Nothing too bad. --Boss Battle!-- Faa: AAAH! BROTHERS! I WILL JOIN YOU! (Explodes) Hiro: ... Ozma: Nothing? Hiro: No, I'm over it. Kimyawa: Sourpuss. Deima: Well, that's that. If you need anything else, feel free to call. Buh-bye! (Deima then leaves) Now, without any other obstacles, you can then go west across the desert. There, the terrain shifts into greenlands, with farms here and there. If you talk to the villagers, you'll learn that the Dark Puddings were using their technology to restore the desert to arable land, and there was a Dark Pudding Noble in the Hell Garden Keep further on. --Hell Garden Keep-- The overgrown castle is filled with plant monsters, making Kimyawa useful here with her many fire-themed attacks. Once you reach the second floor, you get to a large plaza, where four robed figures were line dancing with Jaydea. Hiro: Jaydea! Where's my sister? Jaydea: Four, five, six, seven, eight! Okay, guys. Looks like they finally came in.  (The four figures take off their robes, revealing a short, fat man in blue robes and a turban, a tall, blonde woman with long razoe nails, a chiseled man without a shirt, and a short, blue man with a monocle) Short, blue man: Biomancer Kodas! Short, beturbanaed man: Dream Magister Modt. Blonde Woman: Star Lady Ceuri. Chiseled Man: Stone Lord Kord. Jaydea: And me, Piedmon! Erm, Jaydea! I've been waiting, Light Pudding! Show us, what progress have you made? Kord: All on you, Boss. Modt: Yes, um, I'm not big on physical confrontation. Ceuri: Yeah, I just painted my nails? So, no. Kodas: I'LL HELP! Jaydea: Yeah, no. (Sigh) Fine, you four... --Boss Battle!-- Jaydea x1 LP: Infinite MP: Infinite Better late than never, this is Jeffcom's obligatory forced loss battle. She'll engage Figgy Pudding, and destroy you with ease. --Boss Battle!-- Kodas: Ooh! Ooh! Jaydea: (Sigh) Yes, you can have them, Kodas. (The party is then seen in a lab, tied to slabs, where Kodas putters about) Kodas: I wonder what would happen if I feed you this shrinking potion? Mm. Whatever, well, it takes a while to take effect. See you in thirty! (He then leaves, as the party begins to shrink) You then fall onto the floor, free. Go north, to a crack in the wall. Inside is a village of mice, who reveal to be escapees from Kodas' experiments. They have an inn and an item shop. Also, in the back, is a mouse who mourns his Panacesean, cheese so good, it cures any illness. He then mentions that the cockroaches took it, who live above them on the next level of the castle. You then need to exit the village, and go east, into another crack in the wall. Continue up, going up the insulation in the wall, until you enter a large, pink room. Follow around the discarded vinyls, books and clothing items, until you see the resident. Hiro: This room seems pretty girly, is this.. (Jaydea walks in. In the US version, she's wearing pajamas, and in the Japanese, she's in a t-shirt and her panties.) Jaydea: Gods above, those idiots. Oh, well. Time to crank the tunes. (She turns on her stereo, and begins to do a dance) Hiro: !!!! You now need to avoid the flailing dance moves of Jaydea, If you get hit, it's an instant game over. Thank goodness for the save point that drops immediately after the cut-scene. The worst, is the fact that, if you take too long, it becomes impossible to exit, as Jaydea plops down, her butt blocking where you need to go. Thus, go as fast as you can, to find another village, of cockroaches. Cockroach leader: Attention all! The Goddess of Destruction has resumed her dance! We will now sacrifice the cheese stolen from those foul mammals to appease her! Hiro: NOT SO FAST! Ozma: WOW! Mancala: My heart! So manly! Kimyawa: YECH! Cockroach cheese? Cockroach Leader: Cockroach Knights! To action! --Boss Battle!-- Cockroach Knights x6 Cockroach knight LP: 4500 Cockroach Knight MP: 2000 By themselves, they're not hard, but together, they tend to run ragged on people. The best option is to whirl with Ozma and smash each knight in turn. If you keep them all alive, they will use "Swarm" on you which inflicts heavy magic damage and a random status.  --Boss Battle!-- Cockroach Leader: Um, let's not get so hasty! Take the cheese! Hiro: Thank you! (The party all eats the cheese, as they grow in size, producing a bang, which gives pause to Jaydea's gyrations, as the party falls onto the floor below) Kodas: Where did they go? (The party falls on him) Kodas: YOOOU! --Boss Battle!-- Heavenly King Kodas x1 LP: 27000 MP: 9600 Kodas isn't so hard at first, casting second tier magic. When you take off half his LP, he then uses the "Kodas drinks the POITON" action and mutates into a horrible, leafy plant monster. This raises all his attacks, and gives him the obnoxious "Viney Winey" attack which hits all targets for earth damage, and also the "Spore" Attack, which causes Red. Smack him down, as you would any other plant-type monster --Boss Battle!-- Kodas: ACK! (falls over and dies) Ozma: So, what do we do now? Hiro: Um, I hadn't thought that far ahead. So, uh... WE JUMP! (The party then jumps out the window)
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Kindred • Part 2
AN: Thank you for supporting my first ever fic you guys are the best and I love you, I love you, I love you!!! 💞💞 I read so many fics y'all and I felt bad like I was coming to a potluck eating everyone's food without bringing a dish 😂😩 But yeah I'm thinking there's gonna be a Part 3. Let me know if you wanna be tagged.
Also, I'm trying to add a page break to make scrolling past the post easier, but it's not working. Are my chapters too long? Help?
Warnings: Language, Slooww build up
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"So tell me, what's your biggest question now?"
Your head is swimming with all of this new information filling empty holes in your memory, creating new thoughts and feelings. It's too much at once and you grab your head as if you can force the thoughts to quiet by squeezing. You start massaging your own temples trying to calm yourself. If this man is telling the truth, and it sounds like he knows too much not to be, then not only was your dad murdered all those years ago with no justice, and not only were you abandoned by a country you didn't know existed, but you also almost died by the hand of someone you considered to be your very best friend. "My whole life is a lie," you murmer, dazed.
"Nah only most of it," Erik sighs standing to his feet in one lithe motion, dusting off his pants. Again the thoughts swirl in your brain. You're emotionally drained, too tired to go through any more shocking revelations or emotional fluctuations. You push everything you're feeling down and breathe. In.. out.. In.. out..
"That's it?" He sounds mildly disappointed. You find your feet underneath you and push off the grey ground so that you too are standing. You start to speak, but think better of it. Then you realize there's one big question you ought to ask, a question that won't trigger you emotionally.
"Where am I?"
He pulls a keyring from his hoodie pocket and unlocks the white door behind him, pushing it open. You were in a garage afterall. He steps into the adjoining room and disappears. You're hesitant to follow.
"Get ya ass in the house," you hear him snap. You shuffle through the door and follow him through the laundry room, into a short hall leading to a den with rustic decor. To your right was a bar that seemed to be fully stocked and to the left, two large leather sectionals, a large stone coffee table and an entertainment system. He waves you over to the sectional closest to the right and you take a seat. "Do you want a drink?"
You shake your head no and he joins you on the couch. He slides his hand through his locs before stretching loudly and reclining back, sinking into the cushion of the sectional. His eyes fall closed. He exhales and his chest slowly falls. You avert your gaze not wanting to stare at this beautiful but dangerous creature. "You'll sleep here tonight," it blurts.
"Where's here?"
"My home away from home," he mutters, eyes closed.
"Are we still in Petersburgh?" God knows how long you were unconscious.. you'd never been knocked out before. He doesn't answer. "Are we still in Virginia?" Still nothing. You sigh, "How long am I supposed to be here?"
"Don't worry about that right now," Erik slowly moves to his feet and disappears into the hall. You look around without getting up. One exit, the hall he left through. No windows. Looks like he still doesn't trust you. You check your clothes for your phone. You still have on the same black t-shirt and the same denim shorts with no shoes. You don't feel 'strange' down there, so you take it there was no funny business while you were unconscious. That's good. However, your phone, ID, and your cash is missing. You sigh and your stomach rumbles loudly as Erik re-enters with two big blankets. He drops one on the left couch and tosses one at you. He then heads to the bar where he bends to open what sounds like a trunk or..
He pulls out two bottles of water... a mini fridge.
"I ain't got no food down here, just liquor.." He pauses, hesitating. He looks back at you as if he's still searching for something. "Where's your head at," he barks.
"I'm trying not to think too much," you murmer, "you know, with all the trauma," you wave at nothing in particular and face the giant black flat screen to your right. In a few seconds, Erik is beside you on the couch offering you a cold water bottle. You take it.
"Drink," he commands as he takes a swig of his own and twists the cap back on. You look at him. His eyes are still questioning yours. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" You snap a bit louder than you intend, surprising yourself. His eyebrows raise and he scoffs, "I think the shock's wearing off now." You glare at him, returning his stare. He doesn't blink and neither do you. This has become a challenge and like in the animal kingdom, you're fighting for some type of control despite the sharp turn your life has taken. He turns his body into the couch to face you and rests his arm across the top, face inches away from yours. Your lip twitches in annoyance and humor filters into his eyes.
"This is the longest you've looked at me since I walked into that house to fuck up ya girl," you notice a glint of something metallic in his mouth, and your breathing hitches. The corner of his mouth briefly twitches upward. Since he's in such a playful mood, you decide to be bold. "Interesting that you'd fuck her before killing her," you look up accusingly meeting his gaze. He smirks. "I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're asking." You realize then that you lost the staring match by staring at his lips and you want to smack yourself. Your stomach grumbles again and he smacks your thigh. It jiggles. "Let's get you something to eat before your body starts eating itself." He hops up and heads to the hall. This time you follow.
The large kitchen is spotless and there are pans hanging from the ceiling. You spot a pizza oven, a legit, real pizza oven. "You must cook a lot," you inquire as you rest on a tall bar stool with your elbows on the island before you.
"I guess," Erik mumbles with his back to you. He's at the stove frying omelettes and bacon. You look at the time. It's almost 2 AM. Finally, he places two plates of food on the island and sits on the stool beside you. You're so hungry you all but lunge at the food on your plate and when you're chewing your last bite you look up for the first time. He's staring at you in mock disgust, plate untouched. You're actually embarrassed. He slides his plate in front of you and takes your plate to clean it. You demolish that plate too, chasing it with the water you were given earlier. "About your earlier question?" Erik looks up briefly before grabbing the second plate to wash, "I can't keep you too long, you'd eat me out of house and home." You gasp. Was that a fat joke? You knew you were a little chubby and you liked to eat, but was that so bad? "Well according to you, you have alternative housing options anyway so what's it matter?" He exhales a sharp breath and you realize he's laughing at you. "You right," he chuckles lightly, "guess I can keep you with me a little bit longer." He turns to you and smiles mischievously as he dries his hands on a towel and you realize you've been played.
"That's not what I meant, I want to go home," you press, not completely sold on your own assertion. "Mhm," he grunts as he returns to your side of the island, spinning your stool until you're face to face and planting a hand on either side of you. "Home where?" He rests his forehead against yours and you're suddenly insecure about your breath. His piercing brown eyes go so deep and for a second you allow yourself to get lost. His low, smooth voice brings you back.
"You're staying here," he moves his head but before you can miss his warmth, he plucks you hard in the center of your forehead. "Ow!" You lunge in protest and try to return it. He grabs your wrist and presses you firmly back into your seat. "You're staying here and you're gonna eat all my damn food. Then maybe if you're good I'll let you eat one of the couches," he muses. You squint in full mocking sarcasm. He grins flashing the golden caps on his teeth hinted at earlier and kisses the inner wrist that's caught in his grip before allowing you to snatch it away. You feel your pussy pulse and immediately know you're in danger and not just of being murdered. You'd be damned if you succumbed to Stockholm's syndrome, especially this early in the game. You still have trauma you haven't dealt with and tons of things to unpack. He watches your face as you attempt to become more distant. He laughs, openly, loudly, niggerishly, and you're low-key offended.
"I'm tryna be sensitive and shit right now but it's obvious you wanna fuck me and you're going through some mental battle. Just let me know what you decide." He sits on the stool beside you again and observes you, humor all through his handsome face, unhidden now. Your face heats and you jump to your feet, stonefaced, "I gotta pee." "Down the hall to your left," he gestures and you feel his eyes on you as you exit.
You're staring in the bathroom mirror at your disheveled reflection. Your bantu knotout has frizzed and you have dust smudges on your face. You're glad you weren't wearing makeup or you'd look like a complete clown thanks to all that crying earlier. You dial down some of the damage to your appearance and drop the toilet lid, sitting to collect yourself. Maybe now where there's some privacy you can think and allow yourself to feel some of the emotions you'd been holding back.. and suddenly, it's like a dam has broken. The tears return. You recall your father's warm hugs and animated accounts of antics and experiences in the beautiful land of Wakanda. A land where blackness reigns supreme and every black person could find their Eden. He'd talk about bringing Wakanda to black people all over the world. "One day I'll bring it to you and you'll drink in freedoms only dreamt about. I'll make it real." He used to say this and you didn't fully understand what he meant, but you'd smile anyway because he was so passionate. Sitting here now, you bet Erik could explain exactly what that meant. He said that you two were similar and that he'd lost his dad the same way you'd lost yours. You decide you'll ask him when you go back out. For now, you appreciate this small amount of privacy.
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