#like he really loves aaron in his own way yk
irasthingies · 1 year
cw , tw // mention of rape , murder , self-harm
sometimes i will sit and then think about how andrew send aaron a "fuck-off" letter when aaron approached him first not because he hates him, but because he doesn't want aaron to go near drake; how he went further as going to the juvie so that aaron won't go to the spears' house in the spring because drake said that he will 'have fun' with the twinyards when aaron arrived; and how he killed tilda not because he hates her for giving him up to the foster care but because she hurt aaron
like he literally did everything he could to potect aaron even before they made the deal with each other, and in this essay, i will—
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Okay so absolutely loving your writing sm <3
So I had this idea while, of course, scrolling down the aaron x reader tag so like you dont have to write it if you dont want to but i wanna throw this out here bc otherwise itll stay stuck in my brain
But like reader who is just,, incredibly shy? Like in social situations they put up a front and you would never expect them to be shy because theyre very present and speak up often despite almost blending in the background when quiet. But its a whole other story at home and such?
Like, Aaron notices and first thinks theyre uncomfortable with him but he slowly realizes that this is like, their love language ig and showing vulnerability? Quiet time, acts of service and such yk? Like, they always put up a front and to drop that (not entirely ofc but a decent amount of it) is just the highest form of trust bc theyve been ridiculed for being shy? And the shyness is much more present in the bedroom, especially when he praises them they just get even more shy and hes just so so gentle :(( like asking if theyre okay, going slowly and asking to see them when they hide their face but never forcing them to and just like praising them when they do and the praise kink of them just sticks its head up and its just the purest form of being together? Like, its not rough but gentle and its soft and theres really no other word than making love for it and its all just :(( and the aftercare the man would provide is just AHHH😭❤️
Oh dear im so sorry but i got sucked into the fandom and got obsessed by hotch and then your writing so- this is so long so imma shut up now but i just needed to throw it out there tbh before id explode from all the hotch ideas i have in my mind that im not writing myself or giving to any writer bc what if they think the ideas are weird or too long like rn- but anyway imma shut up have a nice day/night and hydrate <3 (also you might see more of me if you dont mind long ass rants in the middle of it like this one- if you do mind just tell me to shut up im not gonna be mad or anything <3/srs)
my sweet sweet 🧽 anon <33 this took me a while to write i'm sorry!! i hope you've been well!! i think about you a lot and i haven't forgotten the kind words you had sent to me <3 i hope you enjoy this!! (and ofc i don’t mind long rants i LOVE talking about aaron <3333)
nsfw - minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Can I, honey?” you heard Aaron’s words as he wrapped his hands around your wrists.
You had been covering your face as you usually did when your boyfriend went down on you. After making you finish, Aaron had made his way up again, urging you nicely to look at him.
With a nod of your head, you gave him permission to gently remove your hands from your face.
“There you are.” He smiled at you.
“Hi,” you said, softly, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little.
“Hi,” he answered, just as softly. “Do you wanna taste yourself, baby?”
“Mhm…” You nodded, staring at his chin instead of his eyes.
Your own eyes closed involuntarily, as he lowered himself and his lips touched yours. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to touch yours. Knowing where that tongue had been before it was inside your mouth, made you even more excited for what was coming next.
Aaron placed his hand on your hip, giving it a squeeze and then moved it down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his body. “Open them wider, sweetheart.”
Only a few moments later, Aaron was inside you, rocking his body against yours, in a pace slow enough to be considered both romantic and tormenting.
“Good?” he breathed heavily on your mouth.
“So good…”
“I love you,” he moaned, his face now buried in the crook of your neck. He left open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin after every little whine of yours. “I love your body. I love the sounds you make. I love the way you take me like you were made for me.”
“I was,” you sighed, because you really were. There was no man in the world you’d let yourself be this vulnerable around, other than Aaron. Your Aaron.
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
hi!! if you’re taking requests, i was wondering if you could write something where the reader and aaron both like each other but they just think the others being friendly. like hotch gets all soft spoken and does little things for the reader that he wouldn’t do for the others yk
and one night the team is over at rossis and the reader gets drunk and starts shamelessly flirting with aaron saying things like “you really put the hot in hotchner 😋😉” (stuff they’d never say sober) and the team is just watching him blushing and stuttering while he’s taking in a wave of compliments
there’s something about turning big and scary SSA hotchner into a flustered mess that i love
thank you 🫶🫶
a/n: wait i love this so much :") i kinda wanted to do this a lil different, hope you enjoy! 🤍 it's kinda long lmao ☠ and i'm so sorry for taking forever
3 times hotch secretly pines for you + 1 time the team pushes you together
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it had been a long gruelling day. every one of your team were more than excited to rest up for the weekend, glad to not have work for a two days. all but you, of course.
you were practically having a mental breakdown, unable to move away from the mountain of paperwork on your desk. you don't know how it managed to become so huge but it did mean you were no longer going home tonight and the plans of diving under the blankets were long forgotten.
"hey y/n, do you have the-" aaron's hand came to knock but it stops in its track, he looks at you in shock. your head was against your hands, looking at the piles and piles of files you had to go through. he could see your inner turmoil, how your face was scrunched up in a frown. and then he walked forwards, determined to make your night a little better. he had never done it for any of his team members, he didn't entirely understand why he was going to do it now. but seeing you in any distress was enough to make him want to get you out of it as best as he could.
you let out a sigh, looking back up to see your boss by the door. your heart sinks as you look back down on your desk, trying to find what it was he was after.
"oh my god, sorry. i completely lost track of time, i'll have tonight's case on your desk-" you begin spiralling and he comes closer, his voice gentle. he grabs a good chunk of the paperwork, way more than half and you watch with pure astonishment. why was he doing this??
"that's okay" he whispers back, a ghost of a smile upon his lips. he holds your files in his arms like it was the most normal thing and then he turns back. but you stop him, standing up in confusion
"what are you doing?" your breath is caught in your throat, coming back to the front to meet him
"i'm helping you" his voice is so sweet, you wonder why he doesn't use that tone a lot more often. your hands around around his wrist and it feels warm, paired with your perfume. it smells so comforting, homely even. how close you were and it wasn't enough. he needed more of you.
but he doesn't manage to say anything, your name was being called. and you give an apologetic smile, reluctantly disappearing down the hallways. your hands drops back to your side and he already misses it, your sweet smell lingers in the air and he inhales. letting it caress his senses for a few seconds. what if you were his, what could have been, what he desperately wishes
and then the moment ends, he comes crashing back to reality and he too begrudgingly walks away.
"did you know?" rossi comes in hotch's office who shares the same pensive look mirrored on the others face.
"yeah, i do...." hotch sighs, feeling the stress beginning to pile heavy on his shoulders. it had seemed he couldn't get a break in, no matter what happened. they had just barely come home and strauss had called in another case, it was bad. they all were but each case had it's own emotional baggage that came along with it. this specific one was slightly more harder on the unit chief. he was about to say something, to ask rossi to put yet another coffee on for the long night ahead of them
and then his head lifts, ears perked at the sound. it was your laugh resounding through the bullpen, calling to him like a siren. a warm feeling floated all around him, if he had told you that you'd surely scoff. he wasn't used to this feeling, he wasn't used to this level of intimacy. how your giggles punctured holes in his resolve, your smile dissolving his perfectly crafted barriers. how above all, your laughter blew through him and he felt himself catching his breath. you managed to capture him, overriding his senses altogether
but the scariest part of it all, was that he didn't mind. it was beautiful. fall of warmth, sincerity and life.
he didn't realise his lips had parted into a gentle smile until he glanced at rossi and immediately relaxed his face. he observed hotch's facial expressions wordlessly which somehow angered the other a little.
"uhm.... excuse me. got to get to my office" embarrassed the team leader stands up, hoping his feelings doesn't betray him on his face.
"this is your office" rossi smirks, leaning back on the chairs.
"oh right... get out"
cooking at rossi's was fun, you were both laughing and surprisingly he was very laid back. simply enjoying your company and the food.
"they're done" you hear the oven ping and you grab the mitts, opening the door.
"i have to say l/n, i'm impressed. i didn't think you could do it" the other tilts his wine glass at you, peering at your perfectly made brownies. but before you can answer, there's a knock on his door and he smiles quickly untying his apron.
"the rest of them are here, are you coming?" rossi takes off his apron and set down the tray
"yeah i'll meet you in a second. i'm just going to put these on the plates" you respond and rossi nods, going to take his rightful duties as the host. the music plays and you listen along, completely lost in the moment.
"thought i'd see you here" hotch interrupts your thoughts and you jolt slightly, wide eyes at the door.
he looked so hot standing there-
"sir! sorry i-" "y/n, we're not at work. please, there's no need for formalities" he walks forwards, a warm smile gracing his lips. you chuckle a little, setting down the tray and removing the mitts
"is this what you've made?" hotch asks, a little chuckle in his voice as he peers down
"me and rossi made them. but yeah" you smile, looking at him. his t-shirt fit him so nicely, his defined muscles straining against the fabric. he looked so good, so in his element. so different from the polished ssa hotchner everyone was so used to seeing.
"it smells really good" hotch looks back at you, his dimples deepening at your shock. you expect him to joke but he's genuine, nothing but sincerity pooling behind his honeyed eyes.
"would you like to try some?" you ask, picking a little piece on the spoon. he hums in response and you place it gently to his mouth, glancing back up to his eyes. you're lost in them, soaking up in his warmth. he smells like heaven, so soft and gentle standing beside you.
the attraction practically rolls off of him in waves and you want nothing more than to bask in his glow. you don't know who's moving first, but your lips are a hair away. all you had to do was lean in, you dreamt of this moment so many times. finally excited it was happening.
god he's so near but miles apart
"how is everyone doing??" garcia comes in excitedly and you both jump apart, looking at each other before looking at her. her eyes narrow behind her colourful glasses and you make up some excuse, not really wanting to delve in what was going on. you couldn't make sense of it yourself.
"n-nothing, do you want some wine?" you quickly guide her back to the main room so she doesn't ask anymore pressing questions. she immediately gushes at how good it smells and you're relieved, looking back to hotch who gives you a gentle smile. he tips his glass towards you and you chuckle, shaking your head. but your heart feels weirdly empty, like you had missed on something so magical.
maybe one day
rossi had gathered everyone around his mansion, determined to play a little cupid tonight. unbeknownst to you or aaron of course. you all sit around the blazing fire, comfortably with your glasses in your hands.
with your inhibitions lowered, talking to hotch felt like talking to a dearly beloved friend. once the words poured out from your lips, you couldn't stop them. and everyone cheered you on, any entertainment was enough for them. it had started off with small glances, tiny touches before you were full blown flirting with him
and the team observed how he simply stuttered through his thank yous, just smiling while his cheeks reddened. it was such a stark contrast to how he would've usually acted with anyone else. with you, he rather actually enjoyed it. he liked your attention and you loved his.
so they all nodded a secret head shake, looking back to you both again. completely and blissfully unaware of what they were planning
"truth or dare?" garcia pipes up, her eyes devilish as they land on you.
"what?" you're confused on what's happening, on the sudden shift of atmosphere. like they were profiling your every move, eyeing your every word.
"yeah, truth or dare pretty girl" morgan raises an eyebrow paired with his knowing smirk, taking a swig of his drink.
"uh.... truth" you eye them both, not wanting to entertain whatever activity they had planned
"okay, say something you love about the person on your right" garcia giggles while you completely look baffled. and then it hits you, hotch is next to you, on your right.
"oh-" you begin but hotch cuts you off, giving the team a slight glare and a shake of his head.
"you don't have to say anything y/n, they're-"
"i love your dimples. they're so cute and they suit you so well" without missing a beat, you comment and he simply watches you, his eyes a little wide. his mouth was parted for a response but no words came out. you couldn't possibly be flirting with him, he was ridiculous for even thinking it. you were being just nice, like how you were with rossi and spencer. he wasn't any different, he was just a friend. he had to force himself to know that.
"this is the part where you thank her" rossi nudges his shoulder and aaron coughs a little, composing himself right away.
"r-right, right. i... um.... like your smile too" he manages to say, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck praying the ground would swallow him whole. he was so completely out of the game it was painful.
"thank you" you don't hesitate, giving him a beautiful smile
and the game continues as does your alcohol intake. you didn't even mean to take so much and you usually handle it well. but maybe drinking wasn't the wisest decision you made.
"and don't forget the beard!" emily laughs and you nod eagerly, pointing towards your boss once more
"i'll never understand why jack never liked it. you looked so good with it. definitely putting the hot in hotchner with that one" you hear the team making the sounds
they look at hotch who glances at you, his heart thumping with an emotion he hasn't felt in years. he noticed something different in the last couple years, a genuine smile.
oh..... oh
"i think we should get some air" hotch takes you, choosing to ignore morgan whooping and penelope's winking at you.
he touches you, so gentle and tender. it feels like too much and not either at the same time.
"s-sorry i think i'm kinda drunk" you stammer, as you both walk out on the patio. the air calms you, washing over your skin while you curse yourself internally for what you had done. no doubt tomorrow morning he wouldn't be able to even look at you and you couldn't blame him
"i-" turning around you expect to meet his solemn face but instead you're taken aback when your cheeks meet the warmth of his chest. his steady heartbeat echoing in your ears while his hands come to wrap themselves around your waist.
"hotch?" you ask gingerly, clinging on to every moment. you feel dread creep in the cracks of your heart, hoping he wouldn't push you away after everything that was said tonight
"i like you" you feel a crushing weight in your heart, was that all he thought of you? just as a friend? you had proclaimed your love for him so loudly only for him to think of you as just a measly friend.
"i..... like you too" you deflate a little, stepping a little back. the embrassment had managed to sober you a little and you want to reach for your phone to call a lift home and pretend this night had never happened. cry into your pillow, knowing you could never have him as badly as you desired to.
"no, i mean i like you more than a friend" he chuckles gently, holding your hands. you pause, looking up at him, not daring to anything until he confirms them. and he does, you could faintly feel his hands rubbing the softest of circles on your palm.
"i love you y/n l/n" and there it was. the sentence you had hoped and prayed for you, dreaming of how he would say it. nothing could compare to now, right here. you wonder if he even said it, but if it was a dream it was one you had no desire of waking up from.
the lines were smudged like the red lipstick of a lover. it was like the pair of you were attached together with a rope. everytime he pushed you away, the elastic tension brought you closer than before. and when you pushed him right back, it snapped you back together again
"kiss me" the words spill out of you like ink on a canvas, with a mind clearer than it has been for time now.
"i'd never refuse a lady's wishes"
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thegettingbyp2 · 1 year
hi!!! could you possibly do an angsty hotch request but with a happy ending?? probably where he leaves the reader for haley cause she “wants to try again” but he only does it because of jack, and he eventually finds out about haley cheating (referring to that one episode of her phone ringing which basically allured to the idea) and has enough of it.
it takes a WHILE for the reader to get back with him, or even forgive him, cause I don’t see her jumping into his arms right after yk 🤔 like this man has to go through such heartache and beg for her forgiveness
but I cant help but give aaron a happy ending ☹️ I only enjoy seeing him sad for a while, not forever ☹️ he doesn’t deserve it ☹️ so she does end up forgiving him 🤗
thank you 💗💗
I'll Do Anything
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Turning Aaron away had been one of the hardest things you had ever done; you loved him with your whole heart but there was no way you could just give in and take him back after what he had done to you, what he had put you through.
‘What do you mean you’re going back to Hayley? Aaron, you realise what she did to you, right?’ you asked incredulously as Aaron stood in front of you just after telling you that he was leaving you to go back to his ex-wife.
‘I know exactly what she did, (Y/N), but she said she was sorry and it would be best for Jack if his parents were together. I’m so sorry, (Y/N), I need to do this.’
It had been a month since Aaron had left you to go back to Hayley and it had been a week since he had turned up at your doorstep, having found out that Hayley had once again been cheating on him. Your first thought was to take him back with open arms but you also knew that if you did, you would be doing a huge disservice to yourself; no, if you were going to take Aaron Hotchner back, you were damn sure that you were going to make him work for it.
It killed you at work, it felt like you couldn’t get away from him and every time he looked in your direction, it made your heart ache that little bit more. You could see how torn up he was as well, it was clear that he hadn’t been sleeping but that was yet another thing that you couldn’t let yourself care about.
‘Wheels up in 20,’ Aaron concluded the debrief as you all started to head off to grab your go-bags. ‘Agent (Y/L/N), can I have a word with you, please?’ Your body ran cold as you froze in the doorway, Derek bumping into you before you had the chance to step to the side.
‘We really don’t have time,’ you said, refusing to look over at him as you tried once again to leave the room.
‘It won’t take long.’ The tone of Aaron’s voice told you that there was no room for negotiation. You sighed and closed the door gently behind you, leaving the two of you in the room, alone.
‘What do you need, sir?’ you asked, still refusing to meet his gaze or move further into the room.
‘Don’t call me that,’ Aaron spoke gently, the small break in his voice caused your eyes to move to meet his and you saw red outlining his eyes and knew that he was close to crying which in turn, brought tears rushing to pool in your own eyes.
‘What are you expecting me to call you? You’re my boss.’
‘No. Not right now.’ Aaron said, shaking his head slightly. When he realised that you weren’t going to say anything, he rounded the table until he was standing opposite you. Your eyes automatically lowered to your feet but you could help the feeling of comfort washing over you when you noticed the smell of his aftershave filling the air around you. ‘(Y/N), please, I’ll do anything if it means you’ll forgive me,’ his hands instinctively reached out to take your hands in his and your heart clenched when you saw his hands ball into fists when you pulled your hands away from him.
‘Aaron, I can’t do this right now, we need to focus on this case. I need more time okay? Maybe we can talk after the case.’ You were grateful when Aaron reluctantly nodded and agreed to drop it for the time being.
You were relieved to be back home; you had been away on the case for the past three days so you were looking forward to having the next couple of days off work and not having to worry about anything. You were curled up on your sofa, under a blanket and reading the latest book Spencer had let you borrow, the sound of the rain hitting the window providing a soothing background noise when you heard a knock on your front door.
Sighing, you put your book on your coffee table and headed towards the door. You were shocked when you saw Aaron standing on your front step, soaked through from the rain.
‘What are you doing here?’ you asked, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself to keep warm. Aaron help his arms out to his side, his eyes squinting through the rainwater cascading down his face.
‘I told you I’d do anything to get you to forgive me.’
‘So, you’re just going to stand out here in the rain until I forgive you?’
‘If that’s what it takes.’
It was silent for the two of you for a few moments while you both just stared at each other. You cracked first when you realised that Aaron really was willing to just stand in the pouring rain for as long as it took. ‘Come in,’ you said, holding the open and Aaron shot you a grateful smile before stepping inside. ‘I’ll go and grab you a towel.’
As he was attempting to dry off as much as he could whilst still in his soaking wet clothes, you couldn’t help but watch him and reminisce about the domesticity of him drying off in the entry way, almost as if the two of you lived together and he was simply coming back home to you after a day at work.
It was in that moment, you made your decision.
‘I forgive you.’
Aaron’s movements stilled and his head snapped to look at you. ‘Really?’ he breathed out with a sigh of relief as he walked over to you; this time when he took your hands in his, you didn’t pull away.
‘Yeah,’ you said, smiling softly. ‘But that doesn’t mean that I can just forget about what happened. You really hurt me, Aaron, but this past month has given me time to really think about what happened and I get why you felt you had to go, it doesn’t mean I can just forgive and forget, okay?’
‘Of course! I’ll never be able to tell you how sorry I am and I feel like an idiot for leaving you just to go back to a relationship where I was cheated on yet again, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.’
‘I believe you,’ you said softly and, despite the fact Aaron was still wearing his wet clothes, you stepped closer, wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your toes to press your lips to his. Aaron’s arms automatically wrapped around your waist and pulled you so tightly against his body, you were surprise the two of you didn’t become one. ‘Though before we take this any further, I think we should get you out of these wet clothes,’ you said, giggling.
Aaron let out a loud laugh and pressed his lips to yours quickly before letting you go. ‘Lead the way.’
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rebelcaptain4life · 3 months
6x03 isn't up for me yet so let's complete my 6x02 recap that I never posted!
Ha that 100 in the title card is cute!
And ofc ABC will never miss an opportunity for some extremely in your face Disney product placement.
Nooo Henryyy (coincidentally, a Canadian airline went bankrupt last week and haunted all their ops less than 48hrs after announcing it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. They really need to make some rule to stop airlines from stranding people by basically not giving any time between bankruptcy announcement and shutdown)
Actually really great idea to have a wedding as episode 100 so you can get so many guest stars back for the special occasion.
Bruhh how are they supposed to get more catering, flowers, etc in ONE DAY?!
Ma'am why didn't you immediately take your poor fur baby to the vet?
Chenford being passive aggressive while Angela watches LOL
"no, ladies first" Tim are you scareddd 😂
I don't get the Hammer?? He'd rather 100% go to jail in a fight rather than just give them the ring and make a run for it???
"I have to look good in a dress tmrw, nobody cares what you look like" LMAO
Dude just destroyed his own apartment, too
I love Harper & Lopez 😂
The... The florist just sold their flowers to someone else the day before a wedding just cuz they wouldn't answer the phone?? Don't they usually have a contract or something and yk take it directly to the venue???
NOT THE CAKE TOO what kind of awful vendors did these guys get stuck with for their wedding 😭
"why not, your so good together" everyone can see it even though they've only officially been dating for a few months 😭
I love the way this scene is cut between the convos.
Yes Lucy you are projecting!!! Please acknowledge your own feelings instead of telling Tim he's not acknowledging his own 😭
"I need to show Harper what I'm capable of" "by baking a cake?" Aaron stole the words right out of my mouth
"or he's gonna say something that will make you want to kill him and he wants witnesses" NYLA LMAO
Wow Lucy you didn't have to sit that close 👀👀👀
Tim didn't you think to maybe test out the lie detector first???
Ok so on my first watch, I was really annoyed that basically everything was on Tim for their argument and his hesitancy about Lucy being detective. But after sitting with it for a week and remembering the end of s5, where we see Lucy be super excited, and he's obviously being supportive but he's clearly very stressed about it (couch scene. in that ep with Isabel), I get it. Tim does need to work through.
We had the opportunity to see chenford walk into a wedding TOGETHER for once but nooooo (ughhh Tim looks s goooodddddd) Lucy's like "oh hey :D wait no I'm still mad at you :(" :((((
Omg CELINA?! LOOKS AMAZING?!!! It's always so funny seeing the girlies out of uniform for the first time cuz they're like half the size XD
SLAY LUNA!!!! Awww Grey
I'm crying the vows are so sweet 😭😭😭😭
Ah so the dancing was intentionally really awkward. Good job, James
Noooo Aaronnnn I thought you were going for her cheek djdsfj;aj;a;jak
Um this scene is perfection?! Alicia Keys?! The no-words asking to dance? How Lucy immediately moves SO CLOSE. Lucy wearing THE RING!!!! I love how they always talk super softly about super important things while dancing at weddings 🥺🥺🥺
Tim not wanting to let go but being forced to by Aaron!
LMAO Aaron "everyone was so worried, but I told them it's fine, you're solid". Love how everyone just casually talks about Chenford
Damn everyone comes prepared with go bags?!
nooooo siriiii
Overall, great episode!!
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ashkii-0 · 3 months
Insert Random excuse to just post Abt My ocs
he would be pretty gentle with Ren tbh. He would probably tease ren Abt his height and shit but he would be pretty gentle besides that.
Also, if he ever heard he likes baths, oh you know Tokala is about to get aggressive with baths. HE LOVES BATHS. Tokala is like ren In that way, so he would probably like to take baths with him. Plus since they r both beastkins, Tokala would use soaps, Shampoos and expensive shit he likes on him because he feels like it.
He would also comb his hair, play with it, and he would play with his tail, not much though cause he gets how irritating it is. But if Ren let him Touch his ears or like I said play with his tail, he would take every chance he gets to do that. ALSO, he would do the thing with Ren where they both make little nests out of clothes.
Another thing is, they both LOVE sweets, and yk both of them would go crazy with the candy on movie nights.
Overall Tokala WOULD LOVE REN. (Extra- if Ren favored Aaron over him, he would be neutral with him.)
oh god you don’t even know man, he will FUCK HIM UP. And not in a good way, since he knows him and tokala would get Very attached quickly, he would take that as a challenge and try to kill him very quickly. Like Ren could be minding his own business and suddenly, BAM! Gunshot to the head because he walked into the same store as tokala.
Aaron gets jealous easily, especially with his friends. So he would hate ren so much. BUT. If ren talked to him first and didn’t care much for tokala, He would love him forever. Like Not all “I love you, marry me” Obsession, but Like “I don’t mind them, but if you fucking lay one finger on them you’ll be looking at me from the hospital window.” So if he did favor Aaron then he would be nice, but not overly nice, like bare minimum nice.
He would treat him like shit if he did favor tokala over him, by that I mean he would act like a asshole. Kicking him when he gets the chance, bully him when tokala isn’t home, pull on his tail, steal his things, and blame everything on him. He would act like a brat, until tokala gets the hint that he DOESNT Like Ren, but if tokala is already attached to Ren then he’ll just try to keep them apart. And since that would take more attention on Ren to keep him away from Aaron, Aaron would get even more pissed.
Overall for Aaron, he would be in the middle about ren, depends on who ren talks to first.
She would be pretty neutral with him if she just thought she was human, BUT WHEN SHE FINDS OUT REN IS A BEASTKIN? She’s going crazy over him! She would probably treat him like a pet, not how Strade did. but like- she would put him in little costumes, dress him up and put a bow on his tail. She would obviously clean him a lot, pamper him and treat him like a very expensive dog. Like a Pomeranian i guess!
If Ren didnt really Like her, she would do the exact opposite, kinda like Aaron but more tame. Like teasing, she would tug on his tail and ears, be rough with him, but not much. Pretty much just treat him how she treats strangers at her work.
Overall, she would love him! Like a Small Accessory to her, but the kind you always have with you, OH AND BY THE WAY SHE WOULD TAKE HIM TO WORK AND PUT HIM IN A COLLAR, but not a very tight one so he doesn’t feel uncomfortable.
Alr im not writing anymore im tired, enjoy this Small piece of content which I know will b a dead post I’m sorry to my other ocs 😔
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ask-whumptown · 2 years
helloooo.... KELLY !! yes hah, 4town doesn't get all my attention.
just wanted to ask what it's like working with the boys!! or boy, whichever you prefer, i never complain about some jesse exclusive! i assume you've got some outsider insight, yk?
ty for all you do kelly 🙏🙏 heart hands !!!!
star :D
"Oh! Me?" Kelly points to herself, eyes wide. "Sure, uh..."
She thinks. "They're boys. Children. I don't care how old they are, or how they look, they all have the impulse control of an infant.
"I know Jesse the best." She looks almost apologetic. "Since I do his makeup and all. I think I got lucky, he stays pretty still when I'm working. I don't even want to think about trying to get Aaron T. or Taeyoung settled enough to do anything. He's really polite with the staff too, he's always been good about that. He's a hard worker too, and takes his job very seriously.
"If we have extra time, he'll tell me stories about his family, and that's when a whole other side of him comes out. He'll smile, and get all mushy, it's really sweet. Sometimes I wish he would show a little more of that side to the 4*Townies. I understand why he doesn't, but..."
She thinks for a few more seconds.
"The other boys I know more in passing. I hear a lot about them from Jesse, and the other makeup artists, and I'm around the group as a whole quite often, but one on one time just doesn't really happen.
"I've heard Taeyoung is actually really kind when he's by himself. I wouldn't know, the only time I've seen him by himself was, well... it wasn't exactly a good situation. When he's with the boys though, he's cute, he's sweet, but that boy will tear you to pieces." She laughs. "Great around kids though, they all are.
"The only thing I can tell you about Aaron Z. is that he is very respectful with the staff. I think he's said maybe two words to me. He completely lights up with the boys though. It doesn't really come across on camera, but he comes alive with them.
"Aaron T. too in a way. To this day, I have no idea how he got branded as the 'funny one.' Like, yeah, he's funny, but above that he's a very attentive and compassionate guy. Very personable too, he may not remember names, but he'll remember a story you told him three years ago.
"And then Robaire." Her cheeks go rosy, and she laughs a little. "He's... very professional. Most of the time, I'll see him in meetings, and he's always paying attention, taking notes, and if he's presenting he's well prepared. It leaves a good impression.
"When he's with the boys though, he's a completely different person. Not exactly laid back, but they ease a lot of his tension, you know? He stops acting like a thirty year old businessman, and starts acting his own age." She catches herself. "Sorry, no. Like a boy. He starts acting like a boy again."
"Thank you for asking!" She returns your heart hands. "And thank you for giving them so much love."
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Hey y'all! So, for just under a year, I've had a review for the Season 6 finale of The Good Doctor sitting in my drafts. There's barely anything, and I've never had the motivation to get around to it, so I'm going to do a really quick one here. I'll try and do a more in depth one with that draft in the future, but the finale season (😭😭💔) premieres in a couple of days, and I want it out before then. I'm super busy and tired so I don't have the energy for the full thing lol, so here's just something to ease my mind.
I'm sad to see Danny go :(. I'm glad he's doing what's best for him and that he's not mad at Jordan (because yeesh I understood him but that hurt me, hurt on all sides lol), but I'll miss him </3. Maybe one day he'll come back :') (although in current context I doubt it buuut you never know). And poor Jordan too 😭.
Also thank goodness Jerome and Jared are okay xD. I mean okay is a relative term here but yk. Anyway, I'm so glad they're okay we went through enough this episode 😭❤️ xD.
AAAHHHHH PARK AND MORGAN ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! WHOOO YAYYY FINALLYYYY!!! They took their sweet time huh xD. Like, the show lol. Still, they're gonna be a family together :'DD I'm so happy. They're adorable, I love them <33.
:OO Andrews is quitting! That's wild tbh. I mean good for him, and Dalisay too, but dang xD. Brave move man, lol. You better hope it works out xD, with her I mean. But nah, I'm happy for them :DD.
Iirc Lim and Glassman were with the patient who couldn't move or was almost brain dead or something like that, and I'm so glad they found a way to help her improve :'). I'm proud of them <3.
I don't remember who was on the case with him but I remember Asher's patient's father (I believe) died and I felt so bad for him 😭. Poor Asher :(. And poor the guy's family! They just kept doing heartbreaking things this episode xdd. Also the little Asher and Jerome moment at the beginning of the episode <33 my lovelies.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHAUN AND LEA HAD THEIR BABY :'DDDDD!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM HOLY CRAP 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😭❤️😍🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️. AND THEY NAMED HIM STEVE AARON AAAAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️!!! I'm not okay thank you very much <333. I love them all so much :'))).
Y'all can't/don't believe how much I'm stressin. Again, I do not deserve this xd.
Anyway but him sending the gift was so cute 😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️❤️. But just aUOAGH he was SO CLOSE TO GOING INNNN-
Once again, I don't deserve this <3.
xD But seriously, even if the hat part made me SAD, I loved the whole storyline <33. And I am so glad Glassman sent a gift xd. They'll make up eventually :')). It would be absolutely WILD if they didn't, and it will be pain until they do, but I'm sure they will lol.
Anyway!! There was a lot of drama between people this season (though there always has to be), and sometimes it was stressful, but I really enjoyed this season. There were so many great moments and I just love all these characters so much <333. And let's not forget the new characters!! Danny and Dani (I still find it absolutely wild that they never addressed that btw lol) were icons, and I was sad to see both of them go but they were really good for their time on <3. They were both super unique and I also loved seeing a disabled character in Dani :D. Her journey helping Lim with her own journey was amazing, and I kind of relate as a disabled person <3. And Danny was also super great, it was nice to see him stick to his reasons and decisions a lot. For a one season character he was really complex and I like that :)). Also his relationship with Jordan was great <333. It was also wild to see Kalu return this season lol!! It took some adjusting (though I enjoyed that time too) but I love having him back :DD. I love all of these guys so much and I can't wait for next season <333.
Sooo yeah!! I absolutely loved this episode, it was so dramatic and so good. I'm so excited for the next season!
This has been my review for. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 22: Love's Labor
I loved it, it was such a culmination of the season. I'm scared of the drama but also so excited for it, and everything else about next season. I'll be back then for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7
See you then!!
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wpdarlingpan · 3 years
I have a suggestion! What about pan or jerome valeska kiddnaping the reader/oc? Ik its pretty basic, but maybe pan kidnapps her to obress Emma and Jerome kiddnapps her because he is fond of her appearance yk? Maybe a little bit yandere style.
Thank u I hope you like my suggestions!
Thanks for my first suggestion! I hope it’s good :)
Please let me know if there is something I should fix for later suggestions. Be it my writing style, or if you’d prefer me to make an OC for the story.
Also TW with just a mention of how Greenwood is charged with Rape and Murder. It’s only the mention and will not be brought up further.
Now on with the story.
Background information: Y/N is the daughter of Jim Gordon and Barbara. She isn’t associated with Barbra since she went slightly crazy. She considers Lee like her mom. Her dad is very over protective since he’s seen the dark side of Gotham. She is 18 years old and somewhat shy/innocent from being protected by her dad.
“Bye dad! Love you!” Y/N yelled out as she approached the front door of their apartment. She was hoping to leave before her dad could give her the talk she always got before leaving the house but luck wasn’t on her side. She also felt the teeniest bit of guilt for rushing out so quickly as she and her dad had a good relationship and she knew he was just trying to protect her.
“Wait.” He spoke coming down the hallway into the room. He knew she didn’t like the fact she had to go over rules before she left the house but he’d been even more nervous since there was a breakout at Arkham.
“Yes?” Y/N questioned.
“Got your phone?”
“House key?”
“Emergency money?”
“Right in my pocket.”
“Pepper spray?”
“Yep and with the safety on so I don’t accidentally spray myself... again.” She spoke while looking down sheepishly.
“All right love you kiddo. Remember what I said about those people who broke out yesterday.”
Jim spoke while lightly kissing the side of her head and let her go to school.
“I remember. Also love you Always and forever dad. Don’t forget you have a date with Lee later!” Y/N reminded before closing the door to make her way to the Gotham High school. Her dad had bought her a car so she would be more safe getting to and from school as he didn’t trust city busses or taxis. She didn’t mind though it was nice and she was able to play some music while she drove.
Once she arrived at the school she saw the cheerleaders loading onto the bus. She was a photographer for the yearbook and it was one of their first football games for the year so they send her to photograph for the team. She was way to shy to actually try out for it. Once double checking if her car was locked she put the keys in her pocket and made her way to the bus with her camera looped around her neck.
She got on first as the rest of the cheerleads were talking outside the bus with the coach. Y/N sat in the very back with her feet up next to her as a sign of ‘do not sit by me’ she was rather short so it was comfortable as well. She then pulled out her phone and began to text her dad that she was safely on the bus. He replied with a quick ‘ok’ and ‘be safe’ then she started to play a game on her phone as the cheerleaders began to load onto the bus. Once everyone was on the bus they drove away from the school at the cheerleaders were practice their cheers. The. Whole. Ride. It was beginning to get on her nerves as she preferred the peace and quiet but she knew that being on a bus with cheerleaders would be anything but. She grabbed one side of her headphones and began to play music. She lightly tapped her fingers to it and looked out the window.
They drove for about 20 more mins before they were stopped. A red truck had pulled in front of them and people approached the truck. She spotted guns in their hands. She quickly dialed her dads phone and begged for him to pick up.
“Y/N? What is it?” He could tell by her erratic breathing that something was wrong.
“There are people with guns on the bus! They just shot the driver. We are on (random Gotham street) please hurry!”
“I’m on my way! Try and stay on the line.” She said a quiet okay she a boy with red hair entered the bus. Jim quickly ordered police officers to make their way towards the scene.
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“I want you all to know... this was a very difficult decision for us.” The boy spoke as he waved around his guns as if it was a toy. Y/N had already ducked down in her seat after a different person had handcuffed them to the seats. She wanted to stay out of of the seemingly ringleaders point of view as she watching her phone continue to hold the call with her dad and her headphone was in on low in order for him not to hear the phone. She still listened from her other ear to be aware.
“It was between you and a senior citizen bingo party.
In the end, we decided to skew a little younger.” He spoke while putting the gun to one of the girls heads. He walked towards the back of the bus as he continued his speech. She heard him coming and quickly tucked her phone into her pocket along with the headphones.
“Youth won the day. Sorry.”
He had reached the back to the bus and was about to turn around when he saw her tucked into the seat. She was very small and if he didn’t know this was a high school bus he would have thought she was a kid. She looked up at him with terrified doe eyes and he looked at her with a smile. He liked her. The innocence in her eyes that made him swoon. She clearly wasn’t like his whore of a mother. She would make a good partner.
“And who might you be.” He spoke while he used his charm. He lifted her chin up lightly with his unoccupied hand as the gun still rested in the other. She scooted as far away as she could with the handcuffs keeping her in place.
“Y-Y/N.” She stuttered out in fear. She was trying to hide not stand out. He moved her hand away from the start of the handcuffs and brought up his gun to which she began squirming at as it was raised.
“Shh, just going to get these off.” He attempted to comfort but it was honestly more frighting what was he going to do.
He shot the handcuffs and the bullet got lodged into the seat as she was detached from the seat but still had the cuffs around her wrist.
“You’ll be coming with me Doll.” He spoke while tugging her up from the seat as the cheerleaders continued to cry at the situation.
“No!” She attempted to struggle but she was too small to get away. But he held onto her. He tugged her out of the bus before giving her to Aaron. Since he didn’t trust Greenwood with his girl. Not like he trusted Aaron any more but he wasn’t charged for rape.
Aaron obeyed and tightly held her as Jerome put back on his crazy face and went back onto the bus.
“Give me an "O"!” He shouted to make fun of them.
“I said, give me a "O".” He shot the roof of the bus making the cry harder.
“O!” The cried out through their tears.
“ Give me an "N".” He spoke again with enthusiasm
“Give me another "O"!”
“What does that spell?” He questioned while greenwood handed him a hose that would spray gasoline out from the truck they had stolen.
"Oh, no!"
He walked up and down the isles of the bus and sprayed each and everyone one of them with gasoline while they all screamed in fear.
He finished and walked out of the bus and grabbed a lighter from his pocket.
“Ready? Okay!” Jerome said as he attempted to make the lighter work. The flame wouldn’t appear and Y/N continued to struggle in Aaron’s arms but for the man it was nothing. Dobkins was bouncing in his place with anticipation.
But it never lit.
“This is so embarrassing.” Jerome spoke harshly. He was making a fool out of himself in front of his girl.
“Anyone got a light?” He requested from the group of cheerleaders. Y/N was questioning if he really expected them to give him one since he was trying to kill them. He walked off after they all cried out a ‘No’ and winked at Y/N as she looked at him making her glance away hoping for her dad to hurry.
“I do. I got...” Dobkins replied while reaching into his own pocket to grab a lighter.
As Dobkins went to hand Jerome the lighter sirens sounded and police pulled onto the scene. She began struggling more as Aaron held her with one hand and shot with the other with little to no aim.
She saw as her dad got out of the car and quickly held up his gun. His heart stopped as he saw his daughter in the hands of one of the Maniax.
“Stand your ground, boys. They can't shoot at a bus.” Jerome smugly told the crew. He glanced at his doll to see her struggling still while eyeing one of the officers.
“Hold your fire! Hold your fire!” Jim quickly yelled in fear one something hitting his daughter or the bus.
“Dad!” She yelled out as she attempted to kick Aaron but did little to no damage.
Jeromes eyes widened with surprise. Jim Gordon had a daughter? This would be two birds with one stone. He smirked as Jim looked panicked.
“Aaron, Greenwood, get the truck started. And pass me my girl.” Jerome demanded. Y/N was shoved towards Jerome who caught her with a arm wrapped around her waist. He spotted her phone in her pocket and tossed it onto the pavement so they couldn’t be tracked nor could she call.
The officers had ducked behind their cars as Jerome shot at them.
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“We're gonna blow this barbecue stand, huh Doll?” He told her as he tugged her towards the truck as her dad tried to follow before he was shot at again.
Greenwood sat on the outside holding onto the bus with the hose.
“Light 'em up!” Jerome spoke as he turned around and made a round motion with his arm to Dobkins who struggled with a lighter as well.
Jerome laughed manically as he got into the truck with her on his lap to which she blushed making him smirk and they began to drive off leaving Dobkins with the police.
Soon they were out of view and Jim quickly drove the bus away from the flames that had fought when the lighter was dropped. He needed to get his daughter back.
Y/N had a blind fold put on her as they left the scene to head back to Galivants building. Once they arrived Jerome picked her up bridal style and carried her into the building. He was stopped by the man himself as he headed to his room.
“And whose this?” He questioned quite poshly. She couldn’t recognize the voice but it seemed familiar.
“My girl.” He replied looking Galivant in the eye with a murderous look, daring him to say she couldn’t stay.
“Fine. But she stays in your room. Wouldn’t suggest having her out here with Greenwood.” He spoke before walking away to his office. Jerome laughed at even the thought of letting Greenwood anywhere near her. He brought her into his room and sat her on the bed. He quickly locked the door with a key to which he placed in his pocket before removing the blindfold.
Y/N blinked to adjust to the light and when she did she quickly scrambled back on the bed, away from the boy in front of her.
“Oh Y/N your never getting away from me. Not now, not ever.” He spoke before laughing crazily making her whimper and her eyes water. She curled up in a ball in an attempt to shield herself away from the boy.
“Well Doll, welcome to your new home. By the way, the names Jerome. Jerome Valeska.”
Y/N began to shake, her dad had told her about his interview. She should have for the hint from the fact of his unsettling laughter.
She was utterly screwed.
Let me know if you’d like a quick part 2
Also, please suggest things to write 😁
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p-nut-butta · 3 years
i want to make it expressantly clear that i love and live for a lot of MCD, but as with everything i have my criticisms.
which i will be expressing
because its fun.
anyways, ein time.
right off the bat, i will say that ein was shoehorned into the series, seemingly because jess didnt want to antagonize her husband's self insert character (aaron) and/or her own self insert character (aphmau) which would have been COOL AS HELL to see aaron become the main antagonist with ein as a side antagonist, and i wouldn't have complained if aphmau didnt even end up with anybody at the end because of the trauma of someone she loved being evil.
but this is an ein rant, so lets talk about ein.
like i said, ein was shoehorned into the series and its extremely annoying. i didnt like him from the beginning, and for that i think he should have been a smaller side villian, rather than being the big main villian.
ein's motives are off as hell too, like i get the whole yandere complex thing he's got going on but i dont think thats how it would go down for a genuine yandere (while keeping it somewhat child friendly-), i think the way he would do it would be that he would completely isolate aphmau from everyone through threats and stuff, with slim to no help from others; and then aaron or garroth or maybe even laurance (or all of them) could collectively realize "hey, this guy is trying to isolate aphmau so he's the only one there for her and thats sus asf" and they all correlate and say "hey, ein is trying to isolate aphmau from her friends and thats really fucking weird, we should confront him"- and so they do, and they end up in a fight in the gym (like in the last epsiodes of pdh season 2, but without the other guy there before i can't remember his name right now), and thats also where we can witness garroth's wack ass strength for the first time.
it would be super cool to see ein as a concept in mcd, but as a minor villian. it would be insanely cool to see zane as the main villian still in mcd and ein as one of his pawns like ivy was, but probably earlier in the series.
like he could be one of the new villagers in phoenix drop as a spy for zane, and ask to be a guard in the process so he can get closer to aphmau and therefore learn more.
as a side note: i think aaron would be much better suited half werewolf in the mcd rebirth, but still a descendant from shad (like his mom is a human, his dad is a werewolf dont ask me how it works) and it would explain his lone wolf nature (no pun intended) other than the fact that his villlage was destroyed and yk. he would probably just hide his ears most of the time, and we would only find out he's a werewolf when aphmau gets him to trust her enough.
anyways, in mystreet he could have been done better. I like the whole forever potions thing, but since they're just a remix of the originals i think they should be less potent (like they wont last as long or whatever. and ein as a whole can be revised to be this absolutely infuriated psychopathic man, because of aaron. aaron could be his main target to kill, and he could want to get aphmau under the effect of a forever potion so he could control her to not love aaron anymore, but he makes her stay put and he goes out and faces aaron himself while using aphmau as leverage like "if you kill me, she'll never be able to love you again" all dramatic n shit
anyways, this has been another rant
tl;dr: ein could be better.
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fact: foxes movie nights are sacred so here are some hcs
there's at least one every 3-4 weeks, sometimes more if it's a slow exam/game period
96% of the time, everyone is there (see: sacred) but every once in a while someone can't make it
when they first started, there wasn't much disagreement on what to watch because 1. neil hadn't watched enough movies to have recommendations, 2. andrew couldn't really be bothered, 3. matt and renee didn't mind watching most things, 4. aaron had to pretend that he didn't want to be there to keep up appearances at first and 5. dan was happy enough that they were doing normal enough things together that she'd sacrifice her movie choice in the name of peace
this usually left allison, kevin and nicky (who had no problems fighting with each other) bickering over what to watch and usually ended with an objectively shitty movie either way
as time progressed however they all became more comfortable with each other and with shouting their opinions at the risk of stupid fights over small things like this, so their movie genres began to diversify
aaron brings katelyn to a movie night as a test and when she gets along with everyone and Andrew doesn't say anything she becomes a common appearance at them
turns out she, matt, renee, kevin (no he doesn't just watch sports documentaries) and eventually neil share a taste for older 80s/90s movies (bttf, the breakfast club, the outsiders, etc)
kevin and Dan also really like movies like dead poets society and good will hunting
matt gets invested in every single movie they watch, from the matrix to fast and furious to every crappy rom com
everyone cried at titanic
seriously, neil looked up at one point towards the end to see a roomful of his tough, hardened athlete friends, most of whom have been to hell and back, trying to hide their sniffles and puffy eyes in hoodie sleeves and under blankets
well, nicky wasn't trying to hide shit
neil looks to andrew in surprise and Andrew just rolls his eyes
speaking of our gorgeous striker, neil either sits in a single chair or on the floor at Andrews feet because he constantly gets up during movies and has thus been banished from the couch
when he sits on the floor, though, andrew runs his hands through neil's hair (it's dark, they think the others can't see) (and anyway they get more comfortable with letting the foxes see small things like that eventually) and that helps him settle a bit and he spends most movies tapping his fingers on andrews feet
the others can in fact see but aside from sending each other meaningful glances and smiles, they want to respect their friends and don't comment on it
allison takes advantage of neil being relatively still for once and paints his nails while andrew watches (neil owed it to her after losing a bet over whether kevin, aaron or dan would be the last to break down at their last movie night. it was dan..allison always knows)
but when she's done neil realizes he rather likes them and so does someone else and it becomes a thing that everyone gets their nails done during movie nights
when it becomes apparent that neil and kevin haven't watched what matt considers the modern essentials, they schedule several longer marathons during a week off and they go through the harry potter movies (yk matt is an hp nerd), lord of the rings and most of the mcu
kevin develops a love/hate relationship w the hunger games movies
fights break out over who gets to sit next to renee because she's the absolute cuddliest/comfiest
snacks are obviously a must
the twins and allison can usually be found with their own tubs of ice cream; neil, dan, katelyn and Kevin are sluts for popcorn (dan and katelyn usually share a big bowl between the two of them and neil drizzles chocolate on his because he's a weirdo); nicky and renee usually compile a small mountain of candy and slowly work it down throughout the night (andrew sometimes takes candy from their pile and puts it as toppings on his ice cream) and matt kind of takes from everything
because he's kevin and we adore him, kevin usually brings, makes or tells someone to bring veggie and fruit trays to ease his guilt of letting them all pig out
everyone makes fun of him for it but the trays are always finished by the end of the night because shut up fruit is actually an underrated snack
after a good away game, sometimes they're too high off their win and have too much energy to be alone in their hotel rooms so after they shower they go to whoever's room is the nicest and camp out with a light comedy
everyone's adrenaline usually wears off halfway through and they'll slowly drift off to their respective rooms
they watch the shining once because kevin and dan claim that it's probably overrated as a horror movie and matt and allison vehemently disagree
by the end of it theyre all hashtag shook and end up staying the night in the girls' room, eyes wide and jumping every time someone so much as coughs
they never speak of that..ever
anyway they all enjoy these quiet moments together where time relaxes a bit (though most of them are assholes and won't admit as much) and they each start to depend on it for their own reasons
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danwylds · 4 years
Right okay I never actually got myself to write this fic so have my notes for the fic except I haven’t read through them since June when I wrote them and I refuse to edit anything
Right is bakery au but not
Neil either turned down the offer of exy for the foxes or for coach whatever the fuck his name was
He got caught earlier tho which is . Unfortunate
Stuart still comes in
Maybe I’ll have him move back to Britain for a while? To avoid the moriyamas n stuff
He NEVER misses a match of the ravens/foxes tho
Which leads to him seeing the frankly sickening interview of Kevin and riko
Neil is like yo Stuart let me start smth
Stuart is like Neil the only reason you’d go back to the states right now is if you did smth that you could hide and you can’t do that for shit
So Neil is like yk what I’m gonna find a way bc I’m not letting this kid go through this (Andrews quite into this idea when it’s shared)
So he says yo. Stuart. Uncle. Sir. Let me open a bakery or something in the states
Stuart is like no you fucking idiot
And Neil is like but c o n s i d e r
You can get info or smth
Just have another business in the states yk
AND I’d get out of your hair
And Stuart is like hm okay but you’ve gotta live in a complex I choose for you
And Neil is all only if I can choose where it’s gonna be
It’s a deal
He (very obviously) chooses a place near palmetto
Stuart is tired but is like he’ll be under protection n shit so I guess??? And he’s not stupid enough to start something right. Right.
It’s a bakery that starts out kinda slow
But Neil finds he likes baking and Stuart pays for his nephew to have some sort of normal life so it doesn’t matter too much
Renee starts to frequent it
At first it’s to pick up sweets for Andrew
But eventually she starts bringing Allison on dates there bc they have a cute little seating area (figure where Seth fits in? I think he’ll survive?)
Uhhh what’s a timeline
I think this’ll be around the winter holidays (Jewish neil? Look into it)
So thanksgiving will have happened . I think Andrew agreed to go Not bc he particularly wanted to but bc he cares for Nicky and knows he’ll probably go anyways
Yeah so thanksgiving. h
Andrew JUST got off his drugs and he’s so damn protective of his own that he hardly even leaves their sides
Edens is a def no for em
Meanwhile Neil is tentative friends w Renee who has brought all the upperclassmen there a few times
Allison bullies him for his clothing but it’s okay he deserves it
Renee is sweet and stops em from doing anything too drastic which Neil appreciates
Matt,, my baby,, he’s so happy he just asks Neil about random stuff
Dan is sweet too!!
Seth kinda hates him but Neil hasn’t paid enough attention to return the favor
One day close to the winter banquet the upperclassmen are like yeah Neil we’re gonna go to this thing and it should be really fun!! Oh you know what? Our teammate Nicky needs a date and his cousin doesn’t really like anyone from his class and he’s super fucking crazy abt it so if that doesn’t deter you then you should totally join !
Neil is like oh chance to fuck up Riko? Absolutely I’ll go
when he and Allison emerge from the girls room Aaron is like Who is that
And Allison is “oh nickys date (:”
Andrew gets twitchy and holds a knife to her throat
Renee is like Andrew I stg get away from my gf and Seth is like manic pixie nightmare fuel I’m gonna beat the shit outta you
And Neil is just like same shit every day I guess
And he’s like so you’re Nicky then? COMPLETELY IGNORING YK. ALL THAT
Andrew is like “he is. Don’t touch him”
And Neil straight up says I don’t think you get to set boundaries for people, actually
And Neil has no idea what the effect is of that on Andrew but it’s enough to make him glare
Which is terrifying to everyone but Neil bc again. Dumbass
Anyways Neil very purposely hooks his arm through nickys and they head off to the bus
Dunno what happens there but I’ll figure it out
It’s glorious
Kevin and riko are like who the FUCK are you
And Neil is all wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
They relocate and they’re all like . Ah. That’s why you and Renee get along
It’s kinda funny ngl
Andrew doesn’t think so but fuck him
I think that they head back to the bus when this shit I’d over and wymack is like excuse me what the fuck
And Aaron in german is like thank god he never joined the team bc I could not handle more of that
And Neil in German is like would you believe me I’d I told you I was almost signed
And Andrew is like I fucking Knew it I hate it here
N e ways things go back to normal for the most part
The upperclassmen still show up
Seth has a bit of grudging respect for him
It’s later that all the foxes are getting drunk from a lose that Renee calls him and is like Neil please can I usher them inside for a bit I think they need a place to chill so we don’t get yelled at for being too loud in the dorms
And Neil is like uhh sure why not
It turns out it was not just the upperclassmen
He gives them all water bottles and whatever and lets them lounge around
Gives em some food which they pay for w the coachs card
Uhhh idk time passes and some of the foxes pass out so neil is like y’all can chill in the break room? They have couches
He stays out there bc the bakery is still open
Andrew comes out like hey fuck you but also can I get more of those pastries
Idk I want them to be in love already
Uhh yeah I think they don’t say anything until
“what happened to your face”
“A truth for a truth?”
“If you must insist”
“Fine, my father tried to kill me”
Andrew raises his eyebrow but neils like bitch you said a truth for a truth it’s your turn now
Neil asks him why he wears arm bands
We get the whole knives and scars
They’re quiet again
I don’t know man let them be in love
Uhhh okay
I think Andrew will tell neil like
“That’s the code for the court, Kevin practices at night.”
Neil is like how would you know I’d enjoy playing exy? And andrew is like dipshit that’s how we met
I’m running out of ideas oh no
Maybe they play a couple of night game things
Exchange a few more truths
sick okay! They start dating but since Baltimore happened earlier they never actually come out to the rest of the team
I like to think when they play against the ravens again neils like haha babe you can have as many sweets as you want if you shut down the goal
Also Neil says it’s hot which is like a big thing to persuade Andrew but shhhhh
Yeah the foxes win they celebrate by getting drunk and they all show up at neils like hello again (:
Same thing happens but this time andrew and Neil are together and basically are doing nothing but making out
At least the store is closed
Nicky comes out and just YELLS
Allison wins SO much money
Yeah idk how to end this but happily ever after :3
If you want me to turn this into a fic I will!
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 years
Sometimes I catch myself wishing Robert would be more like Mack, light hearted and adorable with Aaron. I felt that Robert didn't like Aarons personality enough because I don't remember him complementing him or saying out loud specific things he likes about him like: you are hot when you are angry, you are cute now, I like your moodiness. Robert was often very cruel with Aaron, his homosexuality, his self harming, his personality. He has called him boring, weak, unfunny etc. I dunno I know he was attracted to him physically, then he loved him and the rest is history but I hate how in his speeches he talked about Aaron as this guy who made him accept himself like what about Aaron himself yk, is he just a good guy that forced you to come out ? Why are you attracted to him other than "he is a good person" Wtf?? 😙
wow wow wow - hold up. don’t come at me with this Robert slander.
“Have you seen my husband? Dead grumpy but doesn’t look bad in a suit.”
“I want you. A lot.”
“Are you alright?” “I will be when I get you on your own.”
“You’re the strongest person I know.”
“Aaron is the kind of person you want to be. And to be with.”
“You deserve to be really happy.”
“I don’t want easy, I want messed up with you. Forever.”
“I’m not worth the hassle.” “You are to me because I still love you” “You’re the best husband I’ve ever had”
“You have no clue what he means to me.” / “Aaron’s everything!’/ He’s everything!”
“I love you and I can’t watch you suffer”
“You’re it for me. You’re all I want.”
EDIT because I thought of some more: “If the next one [kid] gets your eyes, everyone’s in trouble.”
“Was it love at first sight?” “Yeah I guess for me it was.”
Those are just off the top of my head. There are plenty more. Robert loves Aaron so much he gave up his freedom and his chance at happiness so Aaron wouldn’t have to give up life with his family. Mack is fun and funny in the way he flirts with Aaron - but he’s also completely comfortable in his sexuality which Robert was not. If Aaron suddenly started flirting back Mack would probably do a double take for a minute but then he’d be fully on board. He has no issues flirting with men - he told a police officer Aaron was his boyfriend and they wanted to have sex outside. Aaron being a grumpy bugger in front of that Hot Dog dude = Lovers tiff. My man is out and proud.
2014 Robert wasn’t out, didn’t accept his sexuality, only had one night stands that meant nothing because he was straight, would have run a mile if Aaron publicly flirted with him the way Mack does, would have rather DIED than to even imply he liked men *like that*
“I had to come out to myself first. It took a bullet to the chest and the better part of 15 years.”
I love them both but you can’t compare them like that.
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kellykadesperate · 4 years
For the fanfic ask meme! 😁 A, N, R, T, Y
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
this is super super hard, i have so many so i’ll just say one which i think has lots of my favourite stuff in it: if our stars would meet, it just felt really warm, and soft, and had enemies to lovers, fake dating and had a kid as well which is all the stuff i love!
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
hmm there’s always stuff floating around lol but i have had this idea for a while. it’s based around the film ‘the gift’, i’m not sure if you have heard of it but as soon as they were going to introduce ben i was like hmmm this could work. it’s basically about a happy couple trying for a baby who stumble across the husband’s old friend from school. the old friend starts hanging around them a lot and starts doing weird stuff. so i was thinking of having aaron obviously fitting in nicely and having him sort of try to downplay how horrible he was to the guy back at school until things start getting even scarier. so i thought about having like lots of the surrogacy stuff keep going wrong (natalie’s car breaking down, them missing appointments) and then it leading up to more serious bumps in their relationship (like the old friend makes it seem like aaron is cheating on robert and stuff) so it’s ... just very angsty and stuff until it’s revealed that the old friend is trying to get his own back and ruin aaron’s life. yk ... just light stuff lol
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
ohhhh so many writers, i came into the fandom bursting with ideas and just being so scared about messing anything up so i turned to writers for guidance all the time. i remember reading @strongboyfriends fic: every no turns into maybe and just being like in awe of how you could take canon and create this amazing other world, it was just insane to me
@sugdensquad was just also such a huge influence and genuinely changed the way i wrote and the style of it all mainly because of how detailed and heartfelt their writing was, and still is! 
i still get inspired now from reading all the fic i do lol. i just re-read @some-mad-lunge‘s incredible detective work and it just made me feel so much and just being able to want to replicate that feeling is something that really gets stuck in my head. the same goes for @starwitness42 who just makes you feel so much, in so so much detail and nuance. just being able to have so many writers, yourself included my love, who are just so capable of making you think about the fic so long afterwards just constantly makes me want to achieve the same sort of writing!
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
not many! i’m not a fan of amnesia fics that much mainly because of all the sort of storytelling/explaining that has to go with it. i remember starting one and just giving up because of all the history there lol. i’m not a great fan of like gender bend stuff or teenage romance fics either!
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
no not at all! i tend to appreciate my fics well after they are dead and buried. sometimes i go through all fics and i’m surprised some have fewer kudos/comments than others but it never really relates to how much i like it. i feel like the fics that do not get a lot of attention or love are almost just seen as like little hidden gems rather than outright awful! and fics which people tend to still comment on i’m like ... no ... i hate it forget it pls!
thank you for these my love! send me questions from these! 
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
i love you - aaron conners drabble
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summary: you're in love with him, but you've been hurt before. every base instinct is screaming at you to get the hell out of dodge, but you can't bear to push him away.
tags: @a-second-hand-sorrow @gazebros
a/n: this is more of a drabble than anything because i couldn't be arsed to fully flesh it out and make it better but i wanted to wire for aaron yk. mm. so enjoy, anyway.
whatever strange cafe-bar aaron had dragged you into to have this talk was nearing closing time, and the oddly shaped paper lamps hanging from the ceiling were the only source of light. you resented him for how good he looked under the pale yellow glow. 
"you have to promise me that you're not in love with me." you sniffed, pointedly avoiding his gaze. 
you swirled your paper straw around absently in your long since abandoned gin and tonic, and aaron tried not to focus on your lips and how soft they looked as they closed around it every once in a while, pretending to be interested in the contents of the glass. 
"i can't." said aaron. and for the first time since you'd sat in the booth, you met his eyes. 
"you have to." it was barely more than a whisper, your throat not willing the words any louder. "you have to, or i can't-" 
"i know what he did to you." said aaron, drumming his fingers lightly on the table the same way you swirled your straw around. looking for something, anything to focus on, that wasn't this. 
"then you know why i can't let you-" 
"please." the despondent plea that fell from his lips shouldn't have cut you as deep as it did. but here you were, your chest constricting as his watery blue eyes bored into your own. "just, please, let me love you." 
"i can't, aaron." 
the first time aaron had confessed, it was hushed whisper in his car as you were speeding down the highway at night, the city lights faded to small white pinpricks dotting the curtain of black draped across the sky. you remembered distinctly the warm night air on your face and everybody wants to rule the world filtering from his car radio. aaron hadn't thought you had heard him until you started to cry. 
"take it back. please. don't say that."
"because i can't see you anymore if you do." 
he showed up the day after the cafe-bar encounter at your place of work, shuffling into the office in one of his infuriatingly cute polo shirts, coffee in hand, soft smile on his face. 
"i've thought a lot about what you said, and, while repairing a kneecap today, i reached some conclusions." aaron placed the coffee on your desk next to the ever growing pile of classic literature you had. the cover of the great gatsby faced up at him, and he remembered fondly the night, not too long ago, when you had called him up, practically vibrating with praise for this book and the wonders it presented to you. he bought his own copy the very next day. he hadn't liked it so much, but he wouldn't tell you that. 
"and what conclusions would they have been?" you smirked, closing your google search for "do penguins have knees" before he could see it. 
aaron cleared his throat. 
"number one, we really like each other." 
"no." you shook your head. 
"you weren't saying that last weekend when i was going down on you in that starbucks bathroom." he quipped, settling into the spinny chair opposite you, his eyebrows shooting up a fraction. 
"dr conners, do i have to ask you to leav-" 
"number two! you're scared of being hurt again." 
"was me leaving your ass in that bar not evidence enough of that?" you sighed, sipping the coffee he had brought despite yourself. 
"number three." 
"there's more?" you groaned. 
"number three! all you do is smoke weed and ignore people who like you. which i think is a shitty way to deal with your trauma, if you don't mind my saying so." aaron rolled the spinning chair right up to your desk, stopping inches away from your face. 
"i do, actually." you said. 
"also, i love you. but, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." 
"we'll burn that bridge when we get to it, aaron." 
you slept with aaron again that night. he was falling for you, and you couldn't bear to push him away. 
to say that you didn't love him back would be a lie. blasphemous, almost, but you wouldn't admit it. 
as much as you reveled in the warmth of his body pressed up against yours, your back against his chest and your legs tangled together, as much as you wanted to kiss the socks off him, as much as you loved him back, you would not admit it. 
"why do you let me do this to you?" you asked, toying with the seam of his sheets and allowing him to wrap his arms around your waist. "doesn't it hurt?" 
"i can't be close to you any other way." he confessed, pressing his lips against your bare shoulder. "i take what i can get. i know what it's like to be broken by someone." his breath fanned over your cheek. you turned to face him. "and i know what it's like... when you don't feel like you'll ever be able to trust anyone again. you need to break out of it, for your own happiness."
your eyes were trained on the way his lips moved around the words, and the sharp curve of his jaw, and the way his hair fell perfectly even though he hadn't done anything to it. oh, for the love of all things holy, you loved him. 
so you relented. "look, if i give this a go, like, a real, honest shot--" 
"wait, are you saying--" his eyes lit up, suddenly alert. 
"will you please just be patient with me--" 
"holy shit, you're really--" he broke out into a sparkling grin, and you found that allowing yourself something you'd wanted ever since you'd met wasn't so hard after all. 
"because i need to heal, yknow--" 
"can i kiss you?" he breathed. aaron was near vibrating with joy at a frequency that could shatter every window in his penthouse apartment. "not to invalidate your outpouring of truth, here, but i just... really wanna kiss you." 
"aaron, you had your head between my legs not ten minutes ago, i don't think you have to ask." 
being aaron's girlfriend wasn't that much of an adjustment. it was the same as you'd been doing for months now. aaron, however, relished in the fact that he was able to present you to the world as his, and tell you he loved you every hour of the day, eagerly awaiting the moment you would say it back. 
until then, your various creative responses never failed to keep him on his toes. his favourites so far were: "oh, worm?" and "bet." 
despite all the doubts you had about committing to someone again after him, it was so natural. it was automatic. he moved, you moved. like an invisible force coordinating your actions. it was so blissfully easy to be with him and you found yourself wondering often why it took you so long. 
"do you still think about him?" aaron asked one night, while you were curled up together in his bed, just about to drift off. "is this still hard for you?" 
"it actually surprises me every day how easy it is." you admitted, yawning and tracing your fingertips across his bare chest. "because you're nothing like him, and i feel safe with you." aaron's heart swelled in his chest at that. 
"i won't let anyone hurt you again." he whispered, his words burrowing deep into your chest and fixing themselves there, next to your heart. 
"i love you." the admittance rolled off your tongue so easily that it seemed silly that you'd ever held it back from him. 
aaron audibly gasped. "holy shit-" 
"goodnight, bitch."
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julictcapulet · 4 years
💘 + for all three of our ships!!!!!!
literally MY CHILDREN i love them :’)
where they first met and how: Willow was hired as the band’s photographer so she and Aaron met at the photoshoot, and they hit it off right away
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved: Sooo long, like it was over a year before feelings were actually confronted. It was a lot of both of them having feelings they ignored because they assumed they’d just go away and then realizing they weren’t going away so they had to hide them because they both thought the other didn’t reciprocate, and then over a year later Aaron got impatient.
who fell for who first ( if applicable ): Aaron for sure.
where their first date was and what it was like: I always imagined their first proper date to be at a bar, probably the same one they’ve been going to since they met, and at first it was awkward because they were both very aware that this was a ~date~ but after like ten minutes, things smoothed out.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ): I think after they get their shit sorted out, it was kinda just like....a thing?
who proposes first: Aaron :)
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away: Well, everybody in their friend group already knows they have feelings for each other and they find it insufferable, but after they actually begin dating, I think they’d let it go like two or three weeks without saying anything just so they can have their time, you know?
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ): Aaron proposes in his apartment because they’re both private people
if they adopt any pets together: Omg please, I want them to have so many pets
who’s more dominant: Willow. Aaron’s a very mild guy, and Willow is not.
where their first kiss was and what it was like: A lil drunk, way before things got serious between them, and even though they both enjoyed it, it left things very complicated for a bit. That didn’t stop them from kissing a few more times before they even thought of getting together.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ): I don’t know actually? Feel free to give me your ideas qheifujwjkq
how into pda they are: They’re into PDA when it’s not, like......PDA, you know? Like, they’ll hold hands and Willow will lean her head on his shoulder in front of the group and stuff, like they’re fine with being touchy because they are, but when it comes to kissing and more in public, they’ll do it in isolated areas and still get a thrill from knowing people can see them.
who holds the umbrella when it rains: Aaron because he’s taller
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ): Either their favorite bar or Aaron’s loft
who’s more protective: Aaron. He’s seen Willow get hurt too many times to not be protective
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ): Over a year before they had sex, but they’d probably slept in the same bed a few times at that point.
if they argue about anything: Commitment, lmao. Also, what movie they watch.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ): Willow. We love a top
who steals whose clothes and how often: Willow steals all of Aaron’s shirts
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ): Facing each other because they’re sickeningly in love
what their favourite nonsexual activity is: You know what? I see them playing board games, okay.
how long they stay mad at each other: Probably like a few hours lol. Until shit really hits the fan but we won’t talk about that.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are: Aaron drinks his coffee black and his tea with extra sugar but idk about Willow
if they ever have any children together: I can see it and it makes me emo :’)
if they have any special pet names for each other: I’m not going over this question again okay
if they ever split up and / or get back together: Lmao yes
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ): Messy with not a lot of decor, mostly some of Aaron’s favorite photographs of Willow’s that she’s taken that he hangs around the loft (like aEsThEtIc ones yk) and pics of them. Some fake plants probably
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like: Cute as hell, probably with their whole friend group celebrating together
what their names are in each other’s phones: Their names with emojis next to them <3
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ): Movie nights!!
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first: Aaron falls asleep and wakes up first.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon: Aaron’s the big spoon, Willow’s the little spoon
who hogs the bathroom: Willow
who kills the spiders / takes them outside: Aaron
where they first met and how: They grew up in the same sort of circle since childhood because of their parents, and they were both aware of each other’s existence especially in high school, but because Blake was older and Camille had a reputation that he didn’t associate with, they never actually met until their parents told them about the wedding.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved: There was no real ‘flirting’ phase, there was a lot of arguing, a lot of sex, and then somehow they fell in love.
who fell for who first ( if applicable ): I really really think Blake fell first, if only because Camille was still so understandably upset about the wedding and how Blake handled it? She never even thought about whether or not she had feelings for him until she heard him say ‘I love you’.
where their first date was and what it was like: An arranged public outing at some fancy restaurant that their parents arranged. It was really tense because Camille wouldn’t cooperate and at the end, she wouldn’t even let him put his arm around her for any cameras.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ): Their parents did it for them lol
who proposes first: Do I really need to answer this question? But the second time, it’s after their second huge fight, about the lawyer, and they decide to have a second wedding together.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away: Lmao cute
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ): It’s not a thing, it’s more like their parents just put an announcement on the front page of the paper and that’s how everyone knew. The second time, like the actual proposal, was just between the two of them after Camille came home and it was more of a discussion, not a proposal.
if they adopt any pets together: I don’t see it, just because Camille is a control freak and she can’t handle the responsibility.
who’s more dominant: They both have their moments.
where their first kiss was and what it was like: Their first kiss was a picture for their engagement announcement, but their first like, actual kiss was when Camille came to his office to get him to call of the wedding and they started arguing.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ): They probably got so many matching couples gifts from their first wedding because it was obscenely big and their parents probably invited like 400 people, but I doubt they kept any of it.
how into pda they are: Very :)
who holds the umbrella when it rains: Blake because height difference
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ): A really nice restaurant probably.
who’s more protective: Both of them
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ): They first had sex when Camille went to ask him to call off the wedding and he said no, and I think when they first moved in together, they didn’t really sleep in the same bed for a bit. One of them was probably always going to a different room to sleep without saying anything about it, and then one time they had sex and neither of them got up so it just became a thing.
if they argue about anything: Everything.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ): Blake leaves a lot of marks on Camille, usually where no one can see, like bruises on her hips or her neck that she covers up, and Camille leaves scratches on his back
who steals whose clothes and how often: Camille would steal any of his sweatshirts.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ): Spooning
what their favourite nonsexual activity is: They really just like spending time together when things sort of calm down between them. They’ll sit and talk with each other, or they’ll be doing their own thing but like, together, you know?
how long they stay mad at each other: A while
what their usual coffee / tea orders are: Camille’s is an iced caramel latte no matter the season or the weather because she’s a typical New Yorker
if they ever have any children together: Max, two kids. God help Camille if her first kid isn’t a girl.
if they have any special pet names for each other: I’m not answering this
if they ever split up and / or get back together: Yeah like three times
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ): Clean because Camille is a neat freak and a control freak and she used her designer’s eye to make sure they live in a very nice home
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like: It was probably terrible. They most likely spent it with their families together after their first wedding and they both had an awful time
what their names are in each other’s phones: If Cami’s name isn’t My Wife with an engagement ring emoji next to it in Blake’s phone, I’m suing. In her phone, it’s his name with the 💝 emoji
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ): I think after they become a very stable couple, they both want to actually have dates together so they decide to go to new places every so often. Also, Camille would try to teach Blake how to cook.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first: Camille falls asleep first, Blake wakes up first.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon: Blake is the big spoon
who hogs the bathroom: Camille, but it’s a big bathroom with a his and hers side so they’re fine, she’s just in there longer.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside: Blake.
where they first met and how: As children :’) Lucille was immediately infatuated with Monty
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved: Was there really a flirting phase, though? Was it not more of Lucille being in love with him and him being in love with her sister and then after they met again in Paris, she was literally engaged so it was just a lot of tension?
who fell for who first ( if applicable ): Lucille
where their first date was and what it was like: A picnic, fight me
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ): Monty probably makes a scene in front of Lucille but like, no one else is around, it’s just them
who proposes first: Monty
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away: They probably don’t tell anybody back home until they get home
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ): Probably on another picnic, FIGHT ME
if they adopt any pets together: Maybe a cat. Lucille is a cat person
who’s more dominant: Monty. Lucille is not dominant in the slightest.
where their first kiss was and what it was like: Monty probably just snapped and kissed Lucille and she didn’t expect it and didn’t know what to do
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ): Hand towels as a wedding present.
how into pda they are: Lucille gets a thrill out of it because it makes her feel ~*~scandalous~*~
who holds the umbrella when it rains: Monty because he’s a gentleman
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ): A really nice field or courtyard
who’s more protective: Monty
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ): You know, I have a feeling that before they got married Lucille probably let Monty sleep in her bed, but they didn’t have sex until after
if they argue about anything: They debate over literature constantly, but also, feelings :) If you want some angst when they finally get together, think about Lucille having doubts about Monty and Katherine and thinking she’s a consolation prize and them arguing about it
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ): Lucille likes when Monty leaves marks, but she’d also leave lipstick marks on him
who steals whose clothes and how often: She’d take some of his clothes.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ): Both
what their favourite nonsexual activity is: Going to see plays and operas together
how long they stay mad at each other: Lucille can hold a grudge for a while
what their usual coffee / tea orders are: Milk and sugar
if they ever have any children together: Yes :’)
if they have any special pet names for each other: Enough
if they ever split up and / or get back together: No, it just takes them a long long long time to get together, but once they do, they’re solid
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ): It’s a big space but it’s still a home. It looks lived in and it doesn’t feel like a cold estate.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like: Probably much like it was when they were spending the holidays together as children. Just lots of family around them.
what their names are in each other’s phones: If they had phones, Lucille would just have his name as Monty in hers because she wouldn’t like emojis in contact names. She would use them excessively when texting, though.
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ): p i c n i c s
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first: Lucille falls asleep first, Monty wakes up first
who’s the big spoon / little spoon: Lucille is the little spoon.
who hogs the bathroom: Lucille
who kills the spiders / takes them outside: Monty, what a man
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