#so i know they've thought about this and are sincere in what they're saying
chateautae · 2 years
I respect the boys’ decision, of course I do, it makes me sad that they felt this way and it makes me even sadder that they’re afraid of how’d we react. But what I’m afraid of is that, despite them saying multiple times that they’ll come back, that they simply won’t. A lot can happen during (a few months? a year? a few years?) they could meet someone and build a family, they could realize that they prefer acting or solo work more than group work, they could grow out of the whole bts thing now that they have time to be by themselves. Idk, I’m not being dramatic I’m just being realistic- I know a lot can happen when you have off time and I just don’t think they can say with certainty, as of today, that they will come back because they simply don’t know that for sure
Hey babes, I'm glad you could express how you feel, but everything will be okay <3 I think it's because of the fact that bts are certain about returning as a group that they could say what they said today! The boys are never insincere, and Jimin did say to take their words as they are, so that's exactly what we should do. They will live different lives for sure, and experience things that bring them new meanings, values, and perspectives that may make their feelings towards bts change, but it's something they honestly deserve. they deserve time to just be namjoon, seokjin, yoongi, hoseok, jimin, taehyung and jungkook. it's also important to remeber that the tannies themselves said they felt closer after being apart!! i don't think their feelings will change that drastically since the video shows just how much bts and army mean to them. living separately has already made them so much closer with each other, and i firmly believe that being apart in their solo work will also make them stronger once they're together again!! they'll still visit each other, film group stuff and be bts, but they'll just be focusing on their individuality instead.
a cute k-army said on twitter: "if all seven of them are the same colour, how can they form a rainbow?" the babies just want to cultivate their own colours and show it to the world, and i'll be ready with open arms to embrace anything they release!! let's trust bts and their words, they love us very deeply and always tell us things in confidence <33
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cobragardens · 7 months
CORRECTED & UPDATED Clothes + Equivocation = Romance: The Husbands in 1793 (Part 2)
From Part 1:
Crowley and Aziraphale share clothes as a common interest. They don't have the same style, but they're both aware of current fashions, and Heaven and Hell aren't. You can't tell me Hastur or Uriel would recognize the significance of Crowley saying "Dressed like that, he's asking for trouble" about someone else while wearing black stockings and cravat and waistcoat himself. And that means Anything the husbands communicate to each other through clothing choices goes undetected by their masters.
SO. With all this in mind, let's go through the 1793 scene again and look at what the husbands communicate to each other without using words or actions to do it, and how their clothing choices help them do that.
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Hello. I'm here and I know you're in a spot of trouble. I like you.
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It's you! I'm so happy you're here!
Sheen's voice and face when Aziraphale says Crowley's name in this moment makes me think that Aziraphale is in love with Crowley--the demon Crowley, not the angel who became Crowley--long before he consciously realizes it in 1941. The way Sheen has Aziraphale say Crowley's name is so soft.
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The way you're he way you're lounging there and what you're wearing are uncomfortably sexy and also incredibly inappropriate for the Bastille at this moment in history. I suppose this is very on-brand for you.
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Crowley: I listen when you talk about your interests and goals and keep track of your general whereabouts and pursuits.
Either they've spoken with each other recently or Crowley has been keeping tabs on Aziraphale. Aziraphale isn't upset that Crowley knows what he's been up to, which suggests the former, which in turn suggests they're in semi-regular (every few years or decades) contact at this point.
Also we've now got a general idea for when Aziraphale opens his bookshop.
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Okay, brief tangent while I point out two things here.
One, my favorite thing about Aziraphale is that he is a sensualist. This is libertine behavior, y'all. He 'popped across the Channel' during the Reign of Terror because he wanted a specific carnal experience of a specific really lovely food.
And two, even when Aziraphale does weird, frivolous, silly, ill-advised things like this, things that clearly baffle Crowley...Crowley never makes fun of him. He never laughs at him. He always has this look of disbelief on his face, like Am I hearing this?--
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--but Crowley never, not once, shuts Aziraphale down.
Until Aziraphale asks him to go back to Heaven.
Anyway. Back to our scene.
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Aziraphale: I am unwilling to abandon my sartorial sensibilities even when it threatens my corporation, and I am insane, so I think this is reasonable. At least I'm not wearing a Slutty Monarchist outfit.
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You're happy to see me, aren't you. You're relieved to see a demon. Go on, say it.
Tennant's delivery of this line cracks me up. It is so gloating and flirtatious and smarmy and indulgent of Aziraphale.
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I am very happy to see you and lucky you're here, and I am willing to say so sincerely even though you are gloating about it.
And then there's the exchange where Crowley very carefully doesn't answer Aziraphale's question about why Crowley's in the area but also reassures him that he didn't cause the French Revolution and Aziraphale can still like him.
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We can't speak openly about this. It's dangerous for me.
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Message received: I won't mention what you did again. But I want to show my gratitude and spend time with you; is it safe for us to get lunch together?
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Yes, but one of us is going to have to change so we can walk the streets of Paris without getting arrested again, and I'm the one doing the rescuing here so it's not going to be me. Your 'standards' will have to take the hit.
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Fine, you've got me over a barrel. But hey, if I have to wear the silly hat anyway I might as well go all the way and wear your colors. Except not monarchist. And not slutty.
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Oh, I don't know, I thought you looked pretty slutty too. (Meaning 2) I'm having this guy killed for touching you, btw. I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Immediately. I see you are having the guy who assaulted you killed in a copy of the clothes he would have killed you for wearing. I wholeheartedly approve of this (Meaning 3), your sexiness in those clothes notwithstanding. The utter insouciance of Crowley's little sniff and the inquiry about what they'll have for lunch drive home hard that Crowley could not be more unbothered by Aziraphale having the man who tried to harm him beheaded.
What really tickles me about this line is not only that Crowley's joke has three distinct meanings, but that Meaning 1 (the meaning that exists without reference to Crowley's clothes) is the opposite of Meaning 3--Anybody wearing clothes like that deserves what they get (Meaning 1) versus It rocks how you just killed someone who tried to kill you for wearing those clothes (Meaning 3)--and yet because of the clothes he's wearing, both meanings come through with perfect clarity, dependent only on whether the listener(s) can see his clothing and know its significance. Aziraphale can, and does, so he receives Crowley's real meaning. Hell/Heaven can't, and don't, so they just hear Meaning 1.
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And then we get Aziraphale's pleased little smile and look of tranquil interest as he watches Jean-Claude dragged off to his death. Its such an interesting facial expression for an angel watching a demon have someone killed having someone killed, isn't it?
Crowley has just told him they're probably being listened to by Hell. That means Aziraphale, Crowley, and the audience all know this is the most Aziraphale can safely react. Aziraphale can't show any overt approval of anything an agent of Hell does, because by definition anything a demon does is demonic and angels must be against That Sort of Thing. In light of the fact that Aziraphale is the one who causes Jean-Claude's death, I now argue that this responsibility not to react too positively to something the other side has done falls on Crowley, and that the reason he makes this joke is primarily to tell Aziraphale I see what you've just done, and I like it without identifying aloud what exactly has just happened for their presumed eavesdroppers because an angel arranging a human's murder is the sort of thing in which head offices might take undue interest.
The awareness that their conversation is not private means the audience and Aziraphale know they need to be watching and listening for multiple meanings from Crowley, and it also means the audience and Crowley know we need to be watching Aziraphale's face closely right now. And that little smile shows us that Aziraphale has received Meanings 2 and 3 of "he was asking for trouble."
Or, at minimum, Meaning 3; even if Aziraphale picks up on Meaning 2--You looked really sexy in your vintage clothes, you crazy weirdo--that's not a message he can afford to react to at all. But he does react to the other coded communication Crowley is sending when he says "Dressed like that, he was asking for trouble" while dressed for trouble himself: I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Immediately. People who think your clothes give them the right to hurt you can go to Hell, and I am delighted you just sent one of them there.
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You just had someone beheaded for assaulting me, I acknowledge and am pleased by your delight at my cleverness. and I could not be happier. Would you like to come enjoy one of my very favorite sensual pleasures with me?
EDIT: To be honest I like this reading better than my original, incorrect understanding of the story despite the fact that it is slightly less romantic, both because I love the idea of Crowley as a thirsty witness to Aziraphale quietly being a vengeful badass, because it gives us a glimpse of something important about Aziraphale's character that we don't get to see elsewhere: Aziraphale doesn't have a problem with killing per se.
We learn from the business with the Antichrist that, like Crowley, Az. can't bring himself to kill children. We learn from his perturbation at the Flood and the Crucifixion that he doesn't hold with killing innocents. He gave away his flaming sword. But this scene establishes that Aziraphale will actively cause someone's death if he feels they deserve it. That seems like an important character note for him that may become relevant in Season 3 (feathers crossed that it happens).
And I think there's something else in there too, something about how Aziraphale kills Jean-Claude, not with outright violence but with a trick. One party thinks he's in control of the situation; with a wave of his hand, suddenly a turnip has turned into an inkwell an executioner has turned into the condemned--or at least it seems that way long enough to get the job done. It's a bait-and-switch, like stage magic, and it slots right in to the motif in Good Omens of sleight-of-hand, of characters wearing other characters' appearances (for more on this, see fan theories re: Maggie is possessed), of supplying false meanings to an audience to disguise the true actions going on behind the scenes.
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healthy disagreement tip by crowley
[Hello, it's the good omens mascot here, for legal purposes can I please state here that I do love Aziraphale as a character it's simply that this post is about Crowley so no one eat me, okay? It's been a week since I finished GO, I'm not stable enough for discourse]
I noticed that Crowley doesn't ever insult Aziraphale as a person. (Have I missed anything?) Even when they're fighting, Crowley is careful to disagree with decisions that Aziraphale is making, views that Aziraphale may have, but he never implies that Aziraphale is in any way lacking as a person.
The only instance when he ever seems to insult Aziraphale is when the angel refuses to come with him to Alpha Centauri after Crowley drives up to him and apologises. He asks how Aziraphale can be so stupid.
But he says it in such a way that it's very clear he isn't calling Aziraphale stupid, or that he even remotely thinks that about him. He's calling Aziraphale's decision stupid. And he makes sure there's no misunderstanding about this.
In the middle of this disagreement, before he says anything about stupidity, he first tells Aziraphale he's clever. With the endearment added. And he's being entirely sincere about it.
You're so clever, angel.
But he doesn't stop there. He says it again.
How can someone as clever as you--
and only then does he talk about the decision
--be so stupid?
And to me that's just. That's such healthy behaviour? Obviously both of these idiots are constantly shit at communication, but Crowley is very, very clear about this. His 'insults' to Aziraphale are always thinly veiled compliments about how he's all good and has the moral high ground, and during their fights, Crowley still never puts Aziraphale down.
The world is about to end, the timer is ticking, Crowley is scared and frustrated and they've had a massive fight where Aziraphale insisted that they're not friends and there was no our side, and Crowley is stretched to his limit with stress.
I'm sure a lot of us would say things we didn't mean in those circumstances. Even in casual situations, we say things like don't be stupid or why are you being an idiot, and that's mostly okay, if everyone knows that it's not meant seriously.
Aziraphale does that, he says things like you're the bad guys and we're not friends, banking on the knowledge that Crowley will not be hurt and will understand why.
But Crowley, even under that high stress situation, a fight with everything at stake, doesn't call Aziraphale stupid, even though no one would have thought twice about it. It's a manner of speaking, Aziraphale would know what he meant, etc. He still doesn't do it.
He takes the time to remind Aziraphale twice that he is clever, so clever, and then begs him to realise that the decision is stupid. He's so careful, so respectful, even in the literal apocalypse.
During the final fifteen, too. He never implies that Aziraphale is of the same material as Heaven, or even that he would make a bad leader. Even before he says that he, Crowley, doesn't need Heaven, he first says You don't need them.
It's just something that would make a lot of inevitable fights in any kind of relationship so much healthier. To know that even though you are fighting, you are loved. Even though the other person disagrees with you, they respect and admire you as a person.
Not judging the person, as Heaven loves to do, but judging the decision or the view.
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the-modern-typewriter · 4 months
Hello! I've been reading through your blog for the past few days and everything you write is so amazing. I was wondering if maybe you would consider writing something about an aro high schooler who gets asked out by this person they've convinced themselves that they like, but when they're actually asked about it, it just feels wrong? (Bonus points if they think kissing is gross because imo it is) - sincerely, an aroace teen writer who is very inspired by you
"River kissed you!?" Their best friend shrieked, with all of the excitement that the protagonist had expected to feel.
They managed a weak smile. Their stomach squirmed.
It was supposed to be great, wasn't it? A first kiss. People wrote novels about them. It was the epic climax of the episode. It was fireworks and a fluttering stomach, it was the whole world narrowing down to a single moment, it was heart pounding love.
It was gross.
"...was it bad?" their friend asked, catching their expression. Their face fell. A smashed plate of disappointment.
The protagonist swallowed. "It was...wet."
"I mean, it takes a bit of practice to get good at it. Even with the right person. Did they stick their tongue down your throat?"
"No. I don't think so? I mean - it was fine." It would be fine. It would definitely be fine. Maybe their first kiss hadn't exactly been what they were hoping for, but it would get better. Wouldn't it? Their throat suddenly felt horribly tight. They pressed their lips together to keep their voice from wobbling and took a breath. "You're probably right. I mean, I don't know if they've ever kissed anyone before either. Maybe I was really bad at it."
"It's okay." At least, if they were bad at kissing, that was something they could improve upon. At least it wouldn't always feel so...
It wasn't like it was all some elaborate ruse the whole population was in on, anyway. That would be ridiculous!
It had been a nice night otherwise. The movie had been good, and their hands had touched over the popcorn, and they'd got into a great discussion about the plot after.
It would get better.
...it did not get better, though.
They started to find excuses not to kiss River; "Let's take it slow."
A kiss on the head or the cheek wasn't so bad, or like a one second peck on the mouth. It was all the other kisses.
When it didn't feel wrong, they felt nothing. They counted the awkward seconds for it to be over, then vowed to do much better next time when they caught a glimpse of the confused sort of hurt in River's eyes.
"I know you're shy," River said, one day, in a trying-to-be-casual voice. "But you like...never kiss me. It's always me kissing you. Did I..." Their voice dropped, agonised, "am I really bad at it or something?"
"No, no!"
"Oh, good."
"I just - I don't now." Their stomach squeezed. "I'm not sure I really like kissing," they confessed. "It's - I don't know." It felt rude to say ew.
"Oh," River said, in a tone of less good, but trying to be chill and non-judgy. "Okay."
"It's okay." River took their hand, squeezed. "Kissing isn't everything, I guess. There are other things."
For a second, just a second, they were sure they'd never loved anyone more.
They liked River. Didn't they? They certainly thought they had. They had those cheekbones, and those pretty eyes, and they were always nice to everyone. They made the protagonist laugh, at least when there wasn't kissing involved.
It should have all been perfect.
They'd always wanted to fall in love.
In the end, they broke up after about three months.
The protagonist didn't ask what they'd done wrong, because it felt obvious, even if River wasn't cruel enough to say it. Maybe they should have ended it themselves, instead of forcing River to do it. Probably.
But what could they possibly say? It's not you, it's me. Nobody would believe that even if it was true. Oh, I know I said yes to dating you, but I'm just not that into you. That felt far too mean. It wasn't like River had done anything bad.
Their best friend held them while they cried, wracking things that choked up in their chest.
"What if I die alone?"
"Don't be stupid." Their best friend hugged them hard. "Of course you're not going to lie alone. River wasn't that great anyway! There's clearly something wrong with you if they don't want you."
The protagonist didn't quite dare say that wasn't exactly how it happened.
They kissed a few other people over the years, normally around the time when everyone else did. New Year, at the strike of twelve. If there wasn't any fireworks in the kiss, at least they were popping and fizzing outside and a new year was a new slate. They tried once after a few too many cocktails, with a friend, because maybe it would feel a little better when they were tipsy. With someone who definitely knew what they were doing.
It wasn't, though.
"You'll find the right person," their best friend said. "It's different when it's the right person, you know? Like me and Willow. I didn't think, but then..." They were happily in love; exuberant on it, nonstop on it.
The protagonist didn't want to resent it. They didn't want to be that person, spitting bitter like the villain in a fairytale.
"Romance novels are very exaggerated," their best friend said. "It's not always butterflies. It doesn't have to be butterflies to be real, you know? It's just someone you really want to spend time with."
But, the more the protagonist thought about it, the more they weren't sure that was quite true. There were plenty of people that they liked being around. It still didn't make them want to kiss them.
They weren't even sure they wanted to fall in love anymore. It wasn't like they spent most of their life miserable or anything. It was just...sometimes, when everyone else in the room had someone, or their parents asked them yet again if there was anyone they'd been seeing. Even in the height of drama, it all seemed so much easier for them.
They were twenty when they first came across the words.
Aromantic Asexual.
It was the second time they'd cried over the whole kissing thing.
That time it was relief.
"Oh my god," they left their best friend a message, vindicated. "It is an elaborate ruse!!! I'm going to bite something!!"
It got better, after that.
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ao3cassandraic · 9 months
What does Aziraphale know and when does he know it? Part 3, The Fiasco
Prologue, Part 1, and Part 2, for those who need them.
Let's play an incredibly clichéd game about acting: What's My Motivation?
When Aziraphale walks back into the bookshop after his chinwag with the Metatron, Crowley's motivation is singular and steel-strong: he wants to declare his love for Aziraphale and truly launch Our Side. That's it. That's all there is.
If only things were so clear for our poor angel. If we accept my prior analysis, at this point he's got several things he needs to do, all of them in the name of thwarting the Metatron's wiles:
Like Shax, inform Crowley that something -- something still unclear, but definitely something -- is going down in the up. Up up. (Beautiful bookending here. Beautiful.)
Beg for Crowley's help to...
Make a plan to deal with it. (And he's all out of plan-juice after the demon fight in the bookshop, poor angel.)
All this without letting the Metatron know that Aziraphale doesn't trust him, didn't buy his bullshit, doesn't want to accept his job offer but may have to accept to have any chance of thwarting him (or, you know, surviving), and thinks the whole business reeks to (you should excuse the expression) high Heaven. He has reason to think this feat can be pulled off, because he knows from the chinwag that the Metatron is neither infallible nor omniscient.
So yeah, I think there's some playwright or screenwriter slogan about characters who are talking to one another having completely different conversations at the same time? Totally what's happening here.
In a truly remarkable bit of dramatic irony, Crowley, who is usually a stickler for kayfabe, has utterly dropped it -- he's being gorgeously heart-on-his-sleeve sincere -- while Aziraphale, who is often slack about kayfabe, is playacting for the Metatron's benefit like their lives depend on it. This... doesn't help them get on the same page. (Litotes. Your key to quality meta.)
Let's see how that works out for them.
As Nina and Maggie leave after blowing Crowley's brain to smithereens, Aziraphale continues taking deep breaths to pull himself together, pasting on a smile for the ladies... and, as it turns out, for the Metatron watching from across the street.
He who hesitates is lost; the determined, singleminded Crowley starts in. Aziraphale tries non-verbally to stop him. That's what the hands-out pushing-down-and-away gesture is -- with a quick sidewise glance out the window toward the Metatron, no less. But Crowley will not be stopped, so Aziraphale has to use his words -- "hold that thought."
Not "no." Not "I'm talking blithely over you for no reason." Just "not now, please, I need help." And again, I can't blame him. He does need help, urgently, because whatever bullshit the Metatron laid down about "take all the time you need," he's expecting an answer from Aziraphale (and it jolly well better be "yes" at that) and worse, he's not leaving the vicinity to wait for it.
So Aziraphale starts explaining the Metatron's offer, sounding rather forced and inarticulate. None of the bodily markers of true Aziraphalean joy are present. He's holding his torso straight and still, and his hands are not doing the shoulder-level wave of joy -- they're doing the aimless-gesture dance of anxious confusion.
He says, "The Metatron... you know, I don't think he's as bad a fellow -- well, I think I might have misjudged him."
When Aziraphale's happy, he tosses around words like "nice" and "kind" and "good." Did y'all hear any of those words? I didn't. I heard another covert call for help: I misjudged the Metatron, Crowley, he's not as bad as I thought -- he's so, so much worse! And he rather reasonably thinks Crowley will pick up on this because they've played a lot of rounds of the kayfabe clue-dropping improv game over the millennia, the last round not fifteen minutes ago.
Then Aziraphale recounts the chinwag. His words appear accurate (the cuts back and forth to the chinwag itself are pretty seamless), though again, we don't know what he might be leaving out.
Crowley is distracted from his purpose by the raised bribe. "He said what?!"
If I'm Aziraphale in this moment, with the Metatron all but physically dragging me back to Heaven, I would want Crowley with me there in the worst way! Going to Heaven together, rather than Aziraphale alone, might be the start of a plan capable of thwarting the Metatron! So I don't think Aziraphale's starry-eyed statement of the offer is about wanting to change Crowley (though the implication absolutely is there for us to pick up on and dislike). I don't think it's about keeping Crowley safe, either -- anyplace with the Metatron in it is categorically not safe. It's a "yes, actually, this might work! do you think it'll work? will you come with me and see?"
Aziraphale then puts on the unhappiest happy-news performance ever. No happy hands. No shoulder shimmies. His voice is in its highest, most anxious register. His smile is decidedly tense and kayfabe-y.
Over the next part of the fiasco, Aziraphale figures out that Crowley hasn't picked up the kayfabe phone; the angel's face visibly falls as he listens to Crowley rant. Crowley's taking all this seriously -- which is also reasonable; Crowley's being honest and Aziraphale, historically, mostly ignores kayfabe. And this is a problem, because Aziraphale still needs Crowley to locate a clue, still needs a plan, still needs help.
So Aziraphale calls back to the s1 bandstand: he starts telling the same old whoppers about good and evil and Heaven and Hell, whoppers so transparent to Crowley (and likely enough to fool the Metatron, what with his contempt for everyone ever) that Crowley must pick up on the kayfabe, mustn't he? Mustn't he?
But he doesn't. Crowley doesn't pick up on it. (Again, fair. He's had to put up with centuries of Aziraphalean unexamined self-righteousness.) He just says "Tell me you said no," with a strong undercurrent of "if you actually care for and value me, you bloody well said no."
And Aziraphale can't, because the Metatron is watching, explain that he didn't say no because the Metatron was not taking no for an answer, and because Aziraphale himself doesn't know what to do, which response will lead to a Metatron-thwarting. He's running out of kayfabe lines to say that will get Crowley back onside, and this desperation shows in his face and his two or three fruitless attempts to speak, before he finally says, sincerely to my ear, that he could make a difference.
Which is what he's trying to do! It's his motivation! He wants to make a difference by thwarting the fucking Metatron! Which may well mean going back to Heaven!
But this isn't the meaning that Crowley hears (and a lot of us missed it too, me included at first -- no shade, Gaiman and Sheen did a lights-out job of trick-with-the-truth with that line). Crowley hears that Aziraphale wants to go work with the Metatron to do Heaven's will, and he'll trample Crowley's very identity to do so. So Crowley, still singleminded, still determined, now as desperate as Aziraphale to be understood, finally forces himself as close as he can get to a declaration of love.
Watch Aziraphale as Crowley declares them a team, a group. He glances out toward the Metatron again. He looks anxious and unhappy, hardly the face of an angel whose long-time unacknowledged partner is finally acknowledging their partnership. This isn't what Aziraphale needs just then. Just then, Aziraphale needs Crowley's help, and he can't for the life of him figure out how to tell Crowley that without tipping off the Metatron to the kayfabe. He's failed at it how many times by now?
Then Crowley pulls a second bandstand: "we can just go off together." Aziraphale, as other meta-ists have noted, can't say yes to this any more than he did in s1. He's got a Metatron to thwart! So he shakes his head, and he begs Crowley to come with him, repeating that they can make a difference. That's sincere! He wants them to! But, to my ear, there's still a teensy bit of possible kayfabe in there, with "second-in-command." That just rings false.
"You can't leave this bookshop." "Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever." Kayfabe, kayfabe, kayfabe -- Aziraphale is a guardian and an avowed and demonstrated preservationist. This line is for the Metatron to buy and Crowley to finally do a proper WTF about.
And Crowley WTFs, all right, but in the wrong way, putting on his shades and heading for the door. Now Aziraphale is truly desperate -- he tries to call Crowley back, and he tells another part of the truth: "I NEED YOU!" To help. To thwart the Metatron.
And yet another part of the truth, duly kayfabed, with the angel starting to be a bit irked at Crowley's stubborn misapprehension: "I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." Namely, a chance to thwart the Metatron.
Crowley sure doesn't. He suuuuuuuuuuuure doesn't. He's still having a completely different conversation. Aziraphale gives up in exasperated despair: "then there's nothing more to say." And on his face at that moment: calculation and displeasure, because he still has a Metatron to thwart and it's looking like he'll have to do it alone.
Only Crowley has more to say, about the absence of nightingales and us-es. And Aziraphale's face is all are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Aziraphale still has a Metatron to thwart, and if Crowley won't help, the least he can do is get out of the way, as Aziraphale made him do in their earlier argument over helping Jimbriel.
He looks away, giving Crowley the chance to jump him, haul him in by the lapels, and kiss him. Because that's the conversation Crowley's been having all along.
If I'm Aziraphale in this moment, my brain is exploding in several directions. I have a Metatron to thwart. He's watching this drama from across the street. What is he thinking, and how do I deal with him now? I don't have Crowley's help to thwart him. With that in mind, do I accept or refuse the job offer? I have finally figured out the urgency of the conversation Crowley thought we were having. I'm so terribly sorry I didn't make any gestures toward that conversation, because -- Crowley is actually kissing me, there aren't enough WTFs in the entire history of the entire universe for this!
No wonder his hands are tentative. No wonder the camera doesn't let us see much of his face; the above is a lot to convey for even the mega-ultra-talented Master of Microexpressions Michael Sheen.
Aziraphale, shocked and irked and scared and brain-exploded and feeling new things, tries kayfabe (mixed with truth; he is direly irked at Crowley's obtuseness) one last time: "I forgive you." Surely this time Crowley's got to --
But no. Still no uptake. Crowley leaves. Fiasco complete.
Next post will be the last: The Aftermath. Plus some comment on this as, in my view, the most parsimonious and narratively accommodating read on the scene, ergo (again, in my view) the likeliest.
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sillyromance · 6 months
Good day everyone!
I like thinking about protective vore scenarios where both involved are two absolute, unfixable sweethearts who care about the ones around them more than about themselves... But actually, a prey doesn't know that they'll be safe in a pred's stomach. Perhaps, there was not enough time for explanations or the pred didn't have an ability to tell the prey what they were going to do; but anyways, the big guy ends up struggling to swallow their panicking friend who is quite unhappy about the situation. The pred sincerely hopes that it'll be easier for everyone when the prey reaches the destination, but, unluckily, they are wrong; the little one continues wriggling and trashing around, mercilessly squeezing and scratching sensitive stomach, making their protector suffer in pain. The latter is too kind to make any attempts to stop their friend instantly, for example, punching their belly roughly or yelling at their friend; they just hug their sickly growling, aching middle, feeling tears flowing violently from their eyes and say: "Listen... You're safe, pal... Please... Don't. You're hurting m-me..."
The prey entirely ignores the first part of the sentence; however, they stop fighting right away as they hear the last words. Like... No doubt, they want out really bad, but...They didn't mean to harm anyone, their friend in particular! It appears that all this battling was completely instinctive. The prey goes brightly red of shame; they mumble apologies all the time, sobbing because of the thought they could cause irremediable damage and stroking, kneading tender walls they're sinking in, their hands tremor as the tiny remembers how hard they were beating their comrade a minute ago... And outside, the pred, blushing too, just coos at them, reassuring that the prey did nothing wrong and they don't need to reproach themselves for the fear which was nothing else but natural.
It can be a completely opposite variant as well; the prey has done something bad - they have committed a prank or made some mess... The pred gets extremely mad for some reason and, in spite of their kind soul, decides to punish the guilty one by trapping the latter away in their stomach. With a heavy heart, they gulp small, trembling body of the prey down. The pred expects threats, screams and furious banging on their insides from the consumed friend, and they emotionally prepare for that. But instead... Their ears catch faint crying. The little one curls up tightly in noisy, wet environment, completely giving up on the all joys of life and a possibility to see daylight again. As far as it's discovered, the pred is hit so hard by this, that they immediately forget their irritation and hide their face in hands, paralysed by shame and horror of what they've done. The giant begs the tiny to forgive them for the giant's dared to scare their precious little friend with such cruelty. Meanwhile, the prey comforts their big friend, rubbing the flesh moving around which gently embraces them - and insisting that they are the only one who should be sorry for showing poor behaviour.
These small ideas are connected to Skyfire from G1 (I've finally begun to watch it, this show is literally mind-blowing!) He is one of my favourite characters from this series; and whenever I see him, I can't get a thought out of my head about what a compassionate, and soft, and loving being he is (when it doesn't come to decepticons, of course). In order to that, I think he would fit perfectly for the situations I described.
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thefiery-phoenix · 28 days
I have a request if that's OK can you do Yandere class 1a(romantic) (and Yandere eraser mic platonic ofc) x reader with powers like starfire or raven
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Sure and I'll go with the reader having powers like Starfire if that's okay with you and I sincerely apologize if this sucked
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You were a part of class 1A and over a period of time, they started growing obsessed and possessive of you so much that you weren't even allowed to hang out with students from the other classes. To say you had powers was an understatement, you were basically a walking weapon with your abilities of being able to fly, shooting laser beams from your eyes and hands, superhuman strength and agility. You aced the UA entrance exam like it was nothing and left everyone awed and speechless of your powers. You were soon sorted into class 1A after you received your acceptance letter and you became friends with your classmates, unaware of their darker masked desires and hidden intentions for you
You were book smart but when it came to figuring out the intentions your classmates had for you, you were quite naive indeed. The other day Monoma, TetsuTetsu and Kendou wanted to hang out with you and you agreed to hang out with them, when your classmates found out about your plans to hang out with some other class instead of them, they were annoyed and their jealousy bubbled inside him. They usually couldn't stand each other at times, each of them wanting to have you for themselves, however during times like this they were forced to work together. "HAH!? TF DO YOU MEAN HANGING OUT WITH THAT BLONDE RAT!? NO WAY!" yelled Bakugou as he muttered profanities and cursed under his breath while threatening to blast Monoma to the orbit. Uraraka, Momo and Mina had resorted to trying to guilt trip you by telling you that you barely ever hang out with them and you wanted to spend time with other people instead of them. Even the usually calm Deku and Kirishima had dark looks plastered across their faces, looking deep in thought while Iida was busy lecturing you as usual about how you shouldn't ignore your classmates when they wanted to spend time with you and besides, you also had homework to do and started listing out every possible reason why you couldn't hang out with the class 1B students
Eventually you ended up giving in and decided to have a movie night in the common room with your classmates since they just wouldn't stop with the incessant pestering. You don't know what it is they've done, but they've done something for sure since no one from class 1B decided to approach you the next day. Even Monoma kept his distance from you and scurried off in the opposite direction as your spotted a few scars on his face and hands which your dear classmates may or may not have caused. They won't allow anyone else to steal you away from them, you're theirs. From hanging out with Shoji and Koda and playing with Koda's pet bunnies to helping Sato bake his goodies and doing homework with Iida and Shoto to going shopping with the girls, you feel like your classmates are monopolizing your time way too much but you can't really do anything about it, how could you possibly prove that they're in the wrong for wanting to spend time with you?
Your teachers are of no help either whatsoever, Aizawa sensei and Present Mic think it's a GOOD thing your classmates are so protective and possessive of you. They're worried you might become reckless one day and your powers might end up hurting you which is the last thing they all want, so it's like a mutual silent agreement and understanding between them to keep an eye on you and protect you. Even if they have to get their hands dirty. Aizawa and Mic see you as one of their own kids to take care of and they take that role VERY seriously. The other day some random dude actually had the GUTS and audacity to try slipping in a love note into your locker while Aizawa was passing by and his eyes narrowed as he wrapped the guy in his scarves and gave him detention for the rest of the semester every day. If someone dares to make the mistake of bullying you, Mic would be the one to deal with that by using his quirk on them to make their eardrums literally BLEED till they apologize
Now, about your powers, it's a tricky situation. As much as they all love you for who you are and how capable you are to take care of yourself, they're also worried you might end up getting hurt one day because of them. No way in hell would Aizawa ever give you strenuous training tasks despite your whining and pleading, you could get hurt. They ALWAYS have eyes everywhere and they know your every move no matter what. Some of your classmates have literally resorted to stalking the living daylights out of you and you're still unaware of the secret cameras placed in your room, courtesy of Iida when you both had that study session a few days ago. Your every movement is now watched by all your classmates and your teachers as well. They don't even realize they're doing something wrong and they're lost so far in their delusion, they think they're just doing their jobs as good heroes in protecting you, their loved one and keeping you safe
Denki, Kirishima, Sero, Hagakure and Ojiro think your powers are cool but the rest of them are really worried for your safety. You always get lectured by Iida whenever you end up doing something risky and Deku would just be pleading with you to never do something like this again while Bakugou would lovingly insult you to knock some sense into your head. You are NOT to be fighting villains, they've all established that already and made that rule VERY clear. If there's a villain attack at some point, you'll be taken to safety because they do not want you engaging into such dangerous stuff. Look, you might have strong powers and you might be a good fighter but that still doesn't mean they'll let you fight villains and criminals, you'll always be seen as someone naive and sheltered in their eyes, someone they need to protect from the darkness of the world. But not to worry though, after the villains are dealt with (Or probably murdered), Aoyama will comfort you with cheese, Momo will make you some tea and Jirou will play some of her music for you as you'll spend the rest of your time surrounded by your classmates once again, your teachers pleased with the turn of events of the extreme lengths your classmates are willing to take to protect you. What sort of heroes would they be if they can't ensure their loved one's safety after all?
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milogreer · 18 days
touched on this in my top ten list, but i wanted to expand on it separately because i've been thinking about morgan and the seer obscura a lot lately 💭
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so. "time is a song." morgan kinda blew up after its release, i feel like, and it's with good reason; the atmosphere of that audio is calm and sleepy but also, like… to me there's this longing for connection throughout the whole thing, ykwim?
like. we already know that the seer obscura is sort of at odds with their powers, given how they waited so long to go to the department, how they suppress their sight, and how they go radio silent after their first meeting with morgan. the seer obscura is clearly uncertain about all of this - morgan even calls them standoffish in "consulting with a seer." but they keep going back to him. being the only two known seer obscuras is naturally going to pull them together; the seer obscura is struggling to live with their unique type of sight after the inversion, and morgan is the only one who understands what they're going through.
(and he's gotta kinda pry them open because the seer obscura is notably a reserved person, but he's very gentle about it, he's understanding and patient and does his best to explain their shared sight even though he's never had to before because a) normal seers don't wanna hear it and b) he never thought there would be another seer obscura in his lifetime (much less one his own age) to talk to about it. and then giving them his own personal view of time when the typical water allegory doesn't work is just further building that connection between them.)
anyway, given the end of "learning about your magical abilities" and the fact that there's a year between its release and "time is a song," i'm sure they've gotten together at least a handful of times to work on the seer obscura's control. morgan to this point has consistently been open about wanting to help any way he can, but you can still kinda tell in "time with a song" that they aren't exactly friends yet, and that's why this one really gets me.
the setting for "time is a song" is so intimate - it's his home, in the middle of the night, with not a lot of time to make things presentable before someone he hardly knows outside of work comes over. the seer obscura needed help and comfort and even when they tried to backtrack out of asking for that, morgan invites them over anyway. he says he specifically focused on tidying up the apartment rather than himself, which means he’s looking like he just out rolled out of bed because he literally did. and that's just such a vulnerable thing to me, and it allows the rest of the audio to settle into this quiet, comfortable space that the seer obscura needs.
"when i said you can call anytime, i meant that." "another seer obscura like me[.]" "then there's you and me." "but you've got me. i'm here." "i want to know you." "it takes two to tango; you asked, and i said 'let's dance.'" like it's all just. i feel like i'm going to cry right now just thinking about this LMAO the seer obscura feels so lonely to me and morgan is constantly reassuring them that they aren't alone in this anymore, and i think that means a great deal to them.
to me this entire audio is thick with tension, but it really ramps up when they move out onto the balcony and morgan starts listing things he likes, because it's a shift from obscura lore dump to a personal heart-to-heart. he opened up his home to them and now he's opening himself up too. he gets a little silly! and then he drops the "i want to know you. you won't know that unless i tell you, so i'm telling you. [...] we can just be people with one another, too." and it is genuinely one of the most insane things i've heard in the entirety of the redactedverse. the period of silence after his laughter trails off where you can feel him gearing up to say something, the sincerity with which he says it, the relaxed atmosphere, the mental image of the only two seer obscuras on earth standing together on a balcony in the early morning hours...
(there's more to be said wrt the seer obscura backpedaling in the beginning and later apologizing for "wasting" morgan's time after he's already told them he wants to get to know them, but this post is long enough without me theorizing about that. i'm really interested to see if it gets touched on again; i'd like to know more about them.)
um. anyway. i'm driven insane by the audio every single time. all of the insane lore gained from all three audios so far aside (<- refusing to think about how morgan brought having your threads cut into the prime timeline instead of leaving it in cataclysm), the relationship these two have already is just captivating. the end
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destiel-wings · 2 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your thoughts on angel x buffy? :)
Hii i don't mind, thank you for asking 😊
So, I used to love bangel sooooo much when i first watched the show. I was 100% into it, (with a crush for Boreanaz too) and i cried so much for them in s2 and when Angel left the show in s3. And I truly, sincerely, unironically hated Spike too (I thought he was a great character but i just loved hating him, you know? Lol). When we saw Spike's dream of kissing Buffy I swear i felt nauseous.
... and then they aired Fool for love.
By the end of that episode I was left in utter existential crisis in front of my tv because i felt my whole world shift. There was a part of me that still liked Angel and Buffy, but there was also this new part that wanted her to be with Spike now.
So anyway, that's when i decided to switch teams and i became team spuffy, and for as much as i had been obsessed with bangel before, it was nothing compared to how deep i was caught into the Buffy and Spike relationship. I never looked back. They were just much more complex and real and compelling. And it made me reevaluate Angel and her relationship with him too. Angel never really knew Buffy, always treated her like a child, and let's be honest--and that's something that hit me only years later when I got older--she was a child when they were together. He was spying on her and falling in love with her when she was just fifteen years old and he was a 240-year-old vampire who had been sired at like 26 years old, and they got together when she was 16/17 and he broke up with her when she turned 18... I don't think that's something the writers did intentionally of course, because (as everything else in buffy) it's just meant to be taken as a metaphor for the ideals and struggles and the intensity of drama of a girl's first love, but it still comes off as icky.
And before anyone comes at me, I know spuffy isn't healthy either, but that's kinda the point and the appeal. First of all, it's fiction and a metaphor, and secondly, it's about two broken people that are supposed to be mortal enemies but are actually two sides of the same coin, so different and yet so much the same, who can understand each other as a whole, light and darkness, in a way that no one else ever could, who yes, hurt each other along the way, but whose love saved them from the deepest darkness, ultimately bringing them into the light.
This is what spuffy is to me, and this is why i think it's not only the superior ship, but one of the best ships of all time (thee best, until i saw destiel, now they're sharing the podium).
So anyway, to get back to your question, the moment i became obsessed with Buffy and Spike (and i have been ever since 2005, lmao, they've been my first real obsession, alongside btvs, until spn and destiel) Angel sort of became the enemy 😅. And I hated him so so so so so much when he appeared in 7x21 and kissed Buffy (pure fanservice, but okay) and brought the medallion that ultimately killed Spike. So i spent years very maturely holding my vendetta against Angel (like, rooting for every demon that fought against him when I watched Angel, lmaoo). In most recent years, I've (sort of) made my peace with the character, after rewatching Angel. I mean he's still the enemy (of course, duh!! Who am i if not eternally petty??) but i appreciate him in his own show.
So i don't ship Angel and Buffy anymore, but I can understand why someone would (as i myself used to), and more importantly, i respect other people's right to ship them.
If we're joking, I'm going to insult Angel and keep saying he's the enemy. But on a mature serious note, I think Buffy and Angel were a great first love (for Buffy), but they were supposed to be just that, the impossible teenage girl's dream of a first love, eternal but doomed to end and break your heart.
I think Angel was much more well paired with Cordelia (which is something I'd never think I'd say), and i found myself shipping them so much when I rewatched the show. It felt so much more mature and profound than what we saw with Buffy and Angel (and that's probably due to the fact that we got slow burn for them - as we did for Buffy and Spike- and could actually see the feelings growing, while Buffy crushed on Angel in the pilot and she was madly in love (as teenagers do) in 0.5 seconds for no apparent reason than the fact that he was hot and mysterious.
So when I say the kiss in btvs 7x21 makes zero sense, I'm not just talking about spuffy, but also about cangel. I feel like both characters parted ways and lived on in their own shows to grow and become their own persons, developing other relationships that were more adult and meaningful, and that kiss was just disrespectful for both (but anyways, it doesn't change anything).
I have so many thoughts about all this honestly, and I hope I haven't gone too much off the tangent with my reply, but i couldn't just give you a simple reply because that would've had to be something like "angel is the enemy and i don't like bangel" but as you can see my thoughts are a little more complex than that 😅
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solradguy · 10 months
has there ever been anything from daisuke on why bridget was amab/an otokonoko to begin with? i feel like i remember reading that he thought it would be a fun trope (interesting, since bridget basically spawned the crossdressing boy trope) but i don’t know if anything else has been said on why he chose that trope.
(btw, this isn’t me disrespecting bridget’s transness! i fully see her as a girl, i’m just curious about this specific issue.)
Funnily enough, the Artworks of GGX 2004 interview I recently found talks about this. Translation by fairymisao:
(27)---The character Bridget, introduced in Guilty Gear XX, looks like a girl but is actually a boy, right? What was your intention in deciding on creating this kind of character? Ishiwatari: The creation of Bridget as a boy happened at the very last second; during development I was drawing him as purely a girl. It's just that when there is a need to give a worldly backbone (to the game), in order for me to try to not forget each character, and in order to revive the character, I give them my very heart. As a result, the creation of Bridget as actually a boy instead of a girl was because I thought he could become my alter ego. Well, if there was a need for the reverse—a girl that looks like a boy—that would be okay too, but it doesn't look pretty game-wise. It's also somewhat calculated (laughs).
I don't have the original text for that second to last line so I don't know what Daisuke actually said/was trying to say about a female character that looks like a male character. It sounds like he swapped Bridget's assigned gender right at the end because he wanted to project his personality through her though haha Daisuke's personal relationship with gender fascinates me. I hope some day he does an interview where he talks about it more in depth. There's also that one comment he made about Testament's gender:
Back then [1998-2002], Guilty Gear creator Daisuke Ishiwatari told fans in a newsletter interview [from 2002] that Testament wasn't really male or female. "They're androgynous," he said. "In fact, they've transcended human existence. Just like me." - via The Gamer
What did he mean... The Gamer sourced the original interview and the word Daisuke used for "androgynous" there was actually 両性具有 (ryouseiguyuu; androgynous), not 無性 (musei; agender), which is the word used to describe Testament's gender in Japanese now.
IIRC there's a comment he said about Bridget's design starting because he wanted to make a cute character to balance out all the gruff battle veterans that made up a hefty chunk of the cast at the time but I cannot for the life of me remember where I read that at. It must've been in one of the interviews; I couldn't find it in documents I translated/edited.
I said before that a lot of the older comments from Daisuke about Bridget and Testament's identities felt like he was trying his best to describe "new" genders that he may have been a little familiar with through media he liked but that he just didn't know the right terminology yet. He always seems very genuine and sincere about wanting to explore gender even though some of it hasn't aged the best in hindsight...
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shimamitsu · 7 months
i've been rotating so many mika and shima thoughts in my head since chapter 55 came out so i might as well share them with the skiptuals. please don't take anything i say as a serious analysis or something i'm just loafing here. ok. i think the transition from shima to mika in the last two chapters wasn't unintentional at all. they (and their own arcs) resemble each other in ways i hadn't thought about until i read the latest chapter. let's start with how both of them have kinda "built" a public persona to navigate social situations. because of their respective past experiences, shima thinks that he's worthless if he isn't playing the role of the "perfect popular friendly guy", and mika's changed everything about herself so she could be accepted by other people. they're both insecure kids who have tried to find value in themselves by acting according to what others expected of them or what made others "like them more". but at the end of the day this is just putting a band aid on a major wound because the problem obviously lies elsewhere.
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this "persona", "facade", "mask", "role" or whatever you wanna call it is harming them rather than saving them. it protects them from getting hurt, but by doing so they're keeping people at arm's length and stopping themselves from genuinely connecting with others.
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that's why letting people get close to them and see through this front they put up is difficult for them, they've gotten used to wearing these masks after all. take mika's fear of rejection or how she was hesitant to stay with the girls in ch15 as an example, or shima being worried about how the way he's perceived by other people can make them dislike him. i think it's interesting how both nao-chan and mitsumi's reassuring words conveyed the same meaning on both occasions. "everyone here is friends with someone who threw up on the first day of school" means that people that love you won't stop doing it because you act a little weird or because you make mistakes (and vice versa!). "it's cute to be embarrased" is another way of saying that putting yourself out there, being vulnerable or trying new things won't be the death of you, what's more, it's endearing. both scenes are trying to communicate the same thing: don't worry, being yourself won't make people hate you (and if they do, who cares?).
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or, alternatively:
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and on that topic, i think chapter 46 and chapter 55 play the same role in shima and mika's character arcs, respectively. both of these chapters are turning points for them. even if the connotation is different, both mitsumi and nao-chan deliver lines that should be exhibited forever in the skip to loafer hall of fame. mitsumi tells shima, who's always thought that he had to be like this or that to be valuable, that no matter who he is she'd still like him. nao-chan tells mika, who's always wondered if anyone would ever love her as she is, that she will definitely find someone who does. both these statements are direct, sincere and come from people who care about them. they're not empty words, they're not saying this just to cheer them up. these are facts. these words refute their deepest fears.
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even if mika and shima's character arcs are going in different directions (and each of them has their own circumstances), both of them are in the process of internalizing these ideas. i'd say mika's getting closer because she's always been the type of person who's in tune with her feelings, unlike shima. it's clear after the last chapter, like how she opened up to nao-chan and how she was ok with mukai listening. but shima's getting there too, this arc was definitely a decisive moment for him. that's why i'm only pointing out a few similarities i've noticed, they're both doing their own thing. and as i said before, they're not alone in their journeys, the people around them are helping them too. you know how nao-chan said in the last chapter that someday mika "will definitely find someone who will love her, warts and all?" i've said in one of my previous posts that even if nao-chan was referring to a romantic partner, i think that what she said can also apply to any kind of relatioship. that's why i believe it's important to mention that the first character who sees beyond mika's facade is... mitsumi! and well, that's because mitsumi is mitsumi. even though mika wasn't very nice to her at first, mitsumi still goes to her and asks for her help. mitsumi's not telling her "i'm overlooking your bad points because there might be something good underneath it all" or something, we know she's not that kind of person. she's looking directly at mika and telling her "because of the way you treated me i know you can help me". she welcomes mika into her life and into the group, warts and all.
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and that's not where it ends. kindness is like a domino effect. once you're shown kindness, you can't help extending kindness to someone else. we can see it in the way mika lends her beret to mitsumi when she feels bad about her bangs. nao-chan comforting mika wouldn't be possible if people like mitsumi or goro weren't kind to her first. yuzu talking to mitsumi that one time at karaoke gave her a little confidence to talk to makoto and befriend her. almost 40 chapters later, makoto goes to yuzu after she finds out what happened with her classmates. shima might not even realize, but him helping mitsumi on their first day of school was literally what started it all. and of course, being kind to yourself will come with time too. kindness is a never-ending cycle. kindness moves us into growing, and that's what sukirofa is all about, really.
peace and loaf on planet earth
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
the contract's cycle.
summary. changsheng's contract is a cycle.
trigger & content warnings. angst angst and more angst on the side, mentions of death & chronic illness.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. angst, hurt/slight comfort. baizhu & reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of invisible disability? it's rather visible to me. this post contains spoilers for baizhu's story quest.
author's thoughts. i did baizhu's story quest (i am telling lies. i did not do it, i watched someone else do it on youtube. genshin burnout is REAL i swear). got fic inspo. wrote fic. this is a little messy but please spare me i wrote this on a whim at 10:30 at night HSKSHJFGFGD
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baizhu, who does not want anyone else to fall victim to changsheng's contract, yet also does not want her to die as a consequence of having no host.
it takes time, but despite this, he eventually realizes that what he has with junior herbalist [name] is the virtually the same as an apprenticeship—it is the same as what he had with his master before him, and what his master had with his own master before him, and so on. baizhu only refused to label his relationship with [name] as such for fear of them becoming the next in line, should he fail to attain immortality.
he does not intend to fail, but he cannot deny that he may not be able to succeed, either.
he suddenly finds himself scared, because if he's become so close with them without even consciously realizing it... that means that something drew him in, that he is endeared with them like a parent would be to a child because they are undoubtedly very much like him—a selfless, gentle soul void of ill intent. that fact simply scares him. they're so young, too young. maybe they'll change as they get older. maybe they'll become less selfless and kind. maybe he should encourage them to be more selfish? perhaps that might change something?
(he is only fooling himself.)
[name] is a viable host for changsheng; she herself has confirmed it, albeit a little reluctantly, upon baizhu's request. "it is a matter of my host's natural temperament," she reminded, "and that does not change as someone gets older. you know this, baizhu."
baizhu is now terrified. his fear has increased tenfold, because they are already chronically ill. he was not necessarily so weak before taking on changsheng's contact; his current state is a consequence of transferring countless ailments onto his own body. if he is fated for an early death... archons, their death would be even earlier. his heart drops at the thought.
briefly, he wonders if his predecessors ever felt like this—did they, too, fear the deaths of their apprentices, or is it different in his case because of how young his is? is it different because, even though he hesitates to say it aloud, he thinks of them as his own child? or were all his predecessors the same way?
he doesn't realize it, but gradually, the liyuean doctor begins withdrawing from them.
[name] notices that baizhu seems to be engaging less with them, that he's less involved with them overall, and they worry about if they've somehow disappointed him. they become more fidgety and distressed during their work hours, always trying to understand what it is that they did wrong, and trying to amend it without even knowing what they did.
changsheng eventually exposes hers' and baizhu's shared secret because maybe she's seen a teacher and their student fall out and maybe she doesn't want to see it again. who knows? but baizhu sure as hell won't tell them, so she takes it upon herself to do so, and the doctor is helpless to stop her because she... is stubborn.
[name], though very worried, expresses little surprise once changsheng finishes her explanation. all they do is peer up with gentle sincerity directed mostly at baizhu. "changsheng isn't normal—no offense, changsheng, don't get mad—so... i somewhat figured that something like this was going on. it's not exactly uncommon in liyue. this is the nation of contracts, after all, but... why didn't you tell me sooner? are you worried that i would be her next contractee? is— is that why you're ignoring me lately?"
(changsheng forces baizhu to apologize to them for that. he didn't offer much resistance and was quick to console and reassure them.)
baizhu is now even more set on his quest than before, because he will not let another person fall victim to the contract's cycle, "fate" be damned. he will not let [name] fall victim to the contract's cycle.
([name] knows that deep down inside, if something ever happened to baizhu... they would take on changsheng's contract, because like all those before them, they do not want to see her die, and changsheng has, albeit begrudgingly, accepted that they are just like all their predecessors.
if there is a life in front of them that deserves to be saved, why shouldn't they do everything within their power to save it?)
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Okay wow! Now you just made me sad about the “Compliment Assault” Vasco fic. I NEED THEM TOGETHERR AHHH. The fic is so good, It hurt me when they didn’t confessed🥺🫶. Can u pls make another one where Vasco ended up confessing to the reader with the help and around burn knuckles?. Heehhe thank you so much! Your fics are so good😘
- 🥔
Hello my favourite carb! Thank you for your lovely words :D Yeah I thought I ended it on a little bit of a sad note. I dunno how to end things lol. Your ask intrigued me with how Vasco and the reader would leave things, so here's my brainfart. And it's looooong and ramble-y (I even used the keep reading feature!!) and tbh not the best but! Enjoy!
Vasco x Reader: With the help of Jace's ears
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"What's wrong Vasco?"
Euntae was sitting in the empty classroom, looking worried and deep in thought.
Jace sincerely hoped it wasn't more trouble with the 4 Crews. They've only just managed to recover from their injuries and rest. He knew that himself and the rest of Burn Knuckles still have a way to go before they could even be considered a threat. He was desperate to get stronger and actually be a help and not a hindrance.
Besides, sometimes it's easy to forget they're still in school and should really be more worried about their grades and attendance.
Still, if this is what Vasco needs then Jace has no doubt that he will have the full backing of Burn Knuckles.
"I had a really strange conversation with Y/N the other day," Vasco turned to Jace with one lone tear falling from his face.
Jace felt a surge of relief but what's this now, "Oh?" his ears start to wriggle.
"She called me sweet, felt my muscles, and then was sad about me getting a girlfriend..."
"!" The ears grew a little larger...
"I'm not even interested in dating, especially if that means spending less time with Y/N." And a little larger still. "I made a promise I would always look after her."
"VASCO!!" Jace grips his shoulders and shakes him. Huh? Has Jace's ears always been this big? "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!"
"Fuck you, morons! Put me down!"
You are kicking and punching any which way but to no avail. The Burn Knuckles crashed into your class, "They're over there!!", lifted you - chair and all - out of the room.
You are now being carried in one of their weird formations, but you weren't going to go down without a fight. No wonder the Principal wanted to expel them! They were usually pretty chivalrous with you but this crossed the line.
"I'm sorry, but these are orders from Lord Vasco and Sir Jace!" one of the oddballs pipe up. You immediately stop your flailing. Vasco and Jace? You haven't seen Vasco since your almost-confession the other day, but for Vasco and Jace to summon you, even with this... method, it must be important.
"Hmph. Fine."
The crew discards you in a heap outside their classroom. You dust yourself off and yell insults and threats to their retreating backs. One of them even has the gall to turn back and wave. Urgh.
"VASCO!" you open the door and stride in, "Do you know what those blockheads-"
You pause, taking in your surroundings. The Architecture classroom was transformed, with petals covering the floor and candles lining the room. Was that... music? Vasco stands in the middle of it all, looking like he was on the verge of fainting.
Your heart flutters. Is this what you think it is?
"What's going on?"
If anything, from the second you opened your mouth, Vasco looked even more nervous. "I... I- erm. Y/N. You... Me... and I..." you could see him visibly gulp. Is that a sheen of sweat?
You move closer, hoping to comfort him. You give him a small smile and a tender look, "Euntae, it's ok. What did you want to say?"
"We. I mean... You. I think... Myself... No. Wait," Vasco squeezes his eyes shut, "JACE!"
Jace pops out from behind him. What the fuck he was there the whole time? You take a step back from them both. Maybe you actually had the wrong idea.
"Wait, Y/N! What Vasco meant to say was that he was thinking about what you were saying the other day when he walked you home..." Jace turns to Vasco, who nods his head immediately, his eyes still glued to the floor. You don't think you've ever seen Vasco so anxious or embarassed. Or Jace's ears so big.
"...And he likes you."
Your eyes widen in surprise, "Is this true?" you direct at Vasco.
He completely freezes on the spot under your scrutiny.
"Ahem, what Vasco meant to say is yes. It's true." Another swift nod.
"..." Vasco mumbles something indecipherable under his breath.
"He thinks you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen,"
"Oh right yeah, inside and out."
"And he wants to date you. Be your boyfriend,"
"Wants to take you out, hold your hand,"
"He thinks about you all the time,"
"Jace!" You cut him off. You get it. You do. And you're truly grateful for his help, but you would really rather the rest of this conversation happen in private. The words coming from Jace ruin the effect somewhat. "Thank you, but would you mind if I speak to Vasco alone?"
"Oops, heh. Of course..." Jace claps Vasco on the back and leaves with a self-satisfied smile, his ears trailing behind him.
"Euntae," you stand in front of him. Your hands reach out to his. He finally looks at you shyly, a nervous smile on his lips. Like he wasn't sure what you were going to say, like you haven't been obvious.
"You've been so good to me. You have such a good heart. And," Vasco lets out a squeak as you squeeze his pecs, "Your body is just..." You make a sound of appreciation. "I would love for you to be my boyfriend."
Vasco would have thought he mishead you, or you were just messing around again, but he catches the way you look at him. You are absolutely smittened.
The final barrier breaks, he takes you in his arms and holds you tightly. He couldn't believe it's happening. After all this pining, he was the one (with the help of Jace and Burn Knuckles) who had the confidence to actually confess first. His only regret was not doing it sooner.
You reach up to seal your new relationship with a kiss-
Vasco flinches sharply. "AHH NO Y/N! You can only do that when we're married!!"
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apt502-if · 8 months
• ‘you're just... not at all what i anticipated.’ with G, please? 🥺 Thank you!
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"There's a typo in your book, by the way."
The one time you can get G to react in a way that's not nonchalance is when talking about their book. True to nature, G stands up from their chair and quickly moves towards you, grabbing their book from your hand to read the page. After a moment, their eyes cut to yours, unimpressed.
"Har Har. Very funny." They toss the book back at you over their shoulder as they walk away, followed by your laughter.
"And here I thought you were [Mr/Ms.] Confident," you continue to tease, moving closer to them as they sit on the couch. G watches you move, their eyes never leaving you, a secret smile on their face.
"Oh, I am. Thought you figured that by now," they retort, their voice overly sweet, heavy with sarcasm and humor.
"Ugh." You roll your eyes lightheartedly. "There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance."
G hums, putting their hands behind their head and shutting their eyes with a grin. "When you're like me, you can be both."
You bark out a laugh and G opens one eye to look at you, their grin widening. "Should I call you [Ms/Mr.] Arrogant instead?"
"I don't know," G says, closing their eyes again. "So as long as I get to call you..."
They stop, making you lift your brows in curiosity. A frown crosses their face and they shrug. "I don't know what to call you."
Their humor fades, replaced with sincerity. You, on the other hand..."Gorgeous, funny, charming, likable, the best thing that's ever happened to you after Riley?"
A lopsided grin rises on their face and they nod once. "Suuuure. All of those things. Definitely." You grin and their smile fades. "But, um...I don't really know what you are to me."
Oh. "I-" You swallow. "Does there have to be a label?"
They shrug. "No. I guess not." They crane their neck to the ceiling, groaning loudly. "I don't know what I'm saying."
"Mr./Ms. Confident not so confident anymore?" you prod quietly.
"No." G winks at you and then laughs a little. "You're just...not at all what I anticipated."
There's a warmth that settles over you that wasn't there before, and the compliment makes your blood heat. You smile. "Touché."
G wrinkles their nose, waving a hand in the air. "Okay. Yeah. This got weird. Go back to making fun of me."
You bark out a laugh, happy to feel the air shift into something more comfortable. More familiar. That's what G likes, right? The ease of a casual friendship. It's not like they're looking for more. They've made that clear, haven't they? They're too busy.
But, for some reason, even as you help G make dinner and Riley comes home, you can't stop thinking about that tiny moment. So small that you should've forgotten it a long time ago.
You're just...not at all what I anticipated.
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silverynight · 29 days
By blood
Part X
Tanjirou starts getting anxious; sometimes he paces around his room thinking about Akaza. He's worried because he knows the upper moon is probably getting concerned about him as well, imagining all sorts of things that could've happened to Tanjirou.
The problem is that his concern could make him do something risky, besides, Tanjirou really wants to make sure he doesn't feel the need to consume innocent humans ever again.
He needs to see him, but at the same time he doesn't want to lie to his Pillars again in order to do that.
His hashira...
They've been nothing but kind to him since he told them about the blood, but he has also noticed that they're even more protective now.
Uzui's wives bring him food and spend time with him and Nezuko in the butterfly estate.
His Pillars have also been kissing him a lot; it's okay, Tanjirou likes it and he understands it's the natural next step in their relationship. They're courting after all.
However, he also promised to give Akaza an opportunity too and that's something he hasn't discussed with the others yet.
Tanjirou wonders what will upset them the most; knowing Tanjirou has promised a demon to give him a chance or that he's been drinking blood directly from his thighs for a while now.
Maybe he can tell them details later, right now he needs to convince them to let him look for Akaza.
The next time everyone is in the butterfly estate at once, which is just a couple of days later because the hashira do anything to pay him visits often, Tanjirou decides to talk to them.
"I need to see Akaza again, to make sure he's doing okay. Besides, I'm sure he's worried about Nezuko and me."
The reaction is obvious and immediate; a couple of them start growling and others begin to tell Tanjirou how dangerous and ridiculous that idea is.
It doesn't surprise him.
"I want to help him."
"I'm pretty sure someone like him doesn't need your help," Iguro says immediately, grimacing like he just bit into a lemon.
This is going absolutely great. And by that he means wrong.
Tanjirou crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes, making the others gasp and look at him like they're waiting for him to break up with them.
"I want to see him."
"Fine," Tomioka finally blurts out, not looking happy at all. "But one of us will go with you."
Akaza is not going to show up that way.
"But–" Tanjirou immediately presses his lips together as soon as he noticed everyone's expressions; it's obvious nothing is going to change their minds. "Okay."
"I'll go with you, my boy!"
Everyone seems to like the idea of Rengoku being in charge of his protection because they all trust him completely.
After Tanjirou nods, huge arms pull him into a broad chest and when he feels someone nuzzling against the back of his neck he relaxes somewhat.
"I know you're not happy about this," Himejima mumbles against his skin. "But allow us to do it anyway because we worry so much about you. Perhaps you trust this upper moon, but we don't and the thought of you going on your own and meeting him scares us to the bone."
"We'll die if anything happens to you."
Tanjirou flinches at the sincerity in Tokito's voice and decides to look away for a moment because he's not sure he's ready to see what's in his hashira's eyes at the moment.
Although at the same time he melts at the thought of them caring so much about him.
"It's because we love you completely, darling," Kanroji adds, almost like she's reading his thoughts.
"I... l love you too. All of you."
Tanjirou gets so many kisses after saying those words he feels dizzy and warm afterwards, but it's definitely a very good feeling.
"Where do we have to go, exactly?" Rengoku asks, after they arrive at the village where Tanjirou's last mission took place.
"It doesn't have to be a particular location," the redhead mumbles, feeling suddenly shy out of the sudden. It's weird to talk to one of the Pillars about Akaza like that. Especially after all the time he kept his encounters with him as a secret. "He just... he always finds me."
At that, Rengoku makes a worried expression, but doesn't say anything. He gets closer to Tanjirou and starts looking around, almost as if he's waiting for the upper moon to attack them at any moment.
He doesn't trust Akaza, but Tanjirou understands, even though he's sure the demon won't hurt Rengoku.
He wouldn't... right?
"Well... we just have to wait then, come here!"
They go to the woods for a while; Rengoku builds a bonfire and sits on the ground before pulling Tanjirou on his lap.
He puts his arms around the redhead and kisses his cheek a couple of times as he tells him stories about his mother and his little brother.
After a while Tanjirou relaxes in his arms and enjoys the moment, even though he has the feeling he won't see Akaza anytime soon.
Later Rengoku convinces him to go back to the village and buys dinner for them both; they have a good time and for a moment it almost feels like they're having a date.
Rengoku even kisses him on the lips and tells him how much he loves him, how much the Pillars love him.
They stay the night in the inn Tanjirou stayed last time and they cuddle because Rengoku almost begs him to. He didn't have to because Tanjirou loves him too, as he loves all his hashira.
As he thought, Akaza doesn't appear that day and they go back to the butterfly estate where the other hashira welcome them back with relieved expressions on their faces.
"We can try again later," Kocho assures him, although Tanjirou knows they won't let him go alone which means he probably won't see Akaza for a long time.
Tanjirou usually goes to the backyard at night to play with his little sister Nezuko. He's glad to finally have the proper time to do so because he was so busy when he used to sell charcoal he couldn't spend time with his siblings.
Sometimes he just wishes they all were here with them, even though he knows it's impossible.
Of course, Tanjirou and Nezuko have a family now, the Pillars, the butterfly girls, his friends and some of the slayers and kakushi who have been nice to them through the years.
Akaza too. He's part of their new family too.
Tanjirou shakes his head in order not to think about him at the moment and keeps playing with Nezuko; usually the Pillars keep them company but they all have been pretty busy lately.
Then, Nezuko points up and Tanjirou is sure she's looking at the moon, but when he turns around he sees a figure on the rooftop.
And he recognizes him immediately.
He climbs up with Nezuko and narrows his eyes at Akaza.
"What are you doing here?" Tanjirou asks, alarmed. "This is too risky! I only told my Pillars about you, but the others–"
Akaza cuts him off by pulling him into his arms.
"I've missed you." He says and sounds so heartbroken Tanjirou melts immediately.
"I've missed you too."
You can read Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part XIV and Part XV on my patreon already.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Scenario: MC is at a party/festival. They are getting overwhelmed because reasons, so now they're quietly crying in the corner and hiding from everyone.
How would the ROs react to finding them? Would they try to comfort MC or would they try to ignore it? Friends/Crushes/In-Relationships?
How would dads react to seeing RO trying to comfort their child?
I'm sorry if this is spoiler territory, I think I'm just sad and want a hug. ;-;
Also a part of violetnshenanigans' ask:
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Hi Anon, saw your ask and thought that I must respond to it! :( I hope you're feeling okay now, and that this helps you a little 💕 I'll try to add the parents soon, but I hope this suffices for now!
Long reply incoming!
SALVATORE. It probably doesn't cross their mind that you'd want to be left alone. They'd flock to your side immediately, panicked and asking if you're okay? This goes whether they know you or not; they'll look out for someone, even a stranger. As they know MC, though, their concern is even greater, and they will long to help you feel better, in a way they wouldn't for just anyone.
If you tell them to leave you alone, they'd probably be stubborn and insist that they be with you. If you truly don't want them around, though, as friends, they'll leave you alone, though not without asking someone close to you to keep an eye on you from a distance. In a relationship, they'll take it upon themselves to watch you from afar and make sure you're okay.
If you're fine letting them stay, they'll do so happily and want to know what happened. They're someone who offers reassurances more than advice, but the latter they give towards the end, rather than as you speak.
If you rather not say much, though, they instead try to cheer you up. As closer friends or in a relationship, they probably already know the things you like, and try to coax you into a better mood with them. Exaggeratively cheerful, hoping to infect you a little with their own happiness. If that's not what you like, they'll just quietly sit with you and make sure you aren't alone.
LUCIEL. Not in a relationship, they would be unsure of how to approach you. They don't think you should be alone, even if you want to; at least, that people should look out for you, even from afar. For someone they don't know, they'd watch them, but not approach. For you, as someone they're at least familiar with, they'll quietly sit next to you and let you decide to speak or just to be next to them.
If you need to speak to someone, they're the best listener. They hardly speak, but they nod and never even look away from you, like nothing but you mattered in that instant. They won't offer advice unless you ask for it, but they will offer you reassurances, which you can count to be sincere if it came from them. They'd hand you water, or offer to calm you down with a soothing sensation.
If you'd rather just be distracted, they'll muse out loud to you about things they've thought about, things they'd been contemplating in the moments they were alone. Their voice is calming, lulling you into a sense of peace. It has the power to take away all that worries you, all that pains you.
For a relationship, though, they will likely already know what you want, and act accordingly without asking. They will offer anything they know that will make you happy, even if it's something they're not used to doing. Anything to bring a smile back to the face they've grown so fond of, the most beautiful they've witnessed. They likely say as much to you, blissfully unaware of how cheesy or embarrassing that may be.
CIOCANA would come over and check on you. They'd lightly but gently ask what's wrong, sitting down next to you. They'll want to stay, even if you resist them at first, only going if they think that's what you truly desire. Otherwise, they will try to take you somewhere more comfortable or familiar to you, and coax you into doing something fun for distraction. Not feeling for fun? They'll instead regale you with tales, or chatter on casually to keep your mind off it. They can carry the conversation, even without your input.
This is only a little bit different in a relationship, where they're less playful and more willing to be genuine in front of you. In that case, they won't hide their concern as much, quick to ask you without a teasing tone.
Their default is to distract you, as something they would want themselves. If you're looking for a listening ear, however, Ciocana would be quite good at listening. They'd be silent throughout. They frown in concentration as they listen, and remain wordless even after you're finished. After a moment, they gather their thoughts and give you some insight, having carefully considered what you said. They're not great with comfort, but their concern will be obvious--you can feel it from them, seeping through every part of their being, even as they don't say anything. They can only think critically of your situation and give you sound advice, or try to cheer you up with conversation or activity.
If comforting words are really what you want, they'll do their best attempt. It comes out awkward and a little strangled, but it never sounds disingenuous.
ALESSI. Heart on their sleeve, they'll come up to you and try to calm you down, even without knowing what happened. They can only guess, and yet, what happened is irrelevant to them; the only thing they know is that you're crying and you're alone, and so they must be here to help you somehow. They can't ever leave anyone alone, both Alessi's greatest virtue and worst vice.
Alessi is the most versatile of all of them when it comes to comforting someone who's crying. They will ask you what's wrong at first, but will not push; they will sit with you quietly, if that's what you'd like. If you'd rather be distracted, they have many ideas for that, too. Overall, they're quite good at taking care of someone.
Like the other ROs, in a relationship, they'll probably know what you'd prefer. Yet, they will always ask what you want-- because even someone who holds their tears from others will want to speak of their grievances to anyone who'd listen. Even the most stoic man must fall apart from the weight of their emotions eventually. They don't want to deny you the chance to express yourself or be alone, even if they already know the answer.
Unlike the other ROs, though, their concern and fondness for you manifests in microscopic, yet noticeable ways in a relationship. They are so painfully mortal like that. They offer no grand overtures, but they're gentle in the days that come after, cooking you a meal in the morning, or fixing up your hair if you're okay with that. A deity hardly needs to take care of themselves, and yet they try to do so anyway. Surely even eternal beings require a little self-care.
In a relationship or not, though, they will always make sure to keep an eye on you for parties or celebrations in the future.
I know this ask was sent a few hours ago, but if you're still feeling a little bad and are able to see this--I hope this gave you any comfort! Either way, I hope your days to come are wonderful, and you deserve to be hugged all the time. I am sorry if this is a little strangely read; I wanted to get this out, and it's a little late over here. Thanks for sending an ask, and take care of yourself 💕💕
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