#so i consider her perfect for circe
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Greek Deities’ Fancast in Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Natalie Dormer as Circe
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🛶 do you have any DRs that are NOT based on fictional worlds or some type of fame DR or waiting room?
💍 are you married in any of your DRs?
🫶 who is your favorite person in your DR that is NOT an S/O?
🐶 do you have any pets in your DR?
🛶: I do! I’m copy-pasting from another post, but I have a DR where I’m part of a nonbinary idol group called ‘N.B’. The group has five members, ranging in age from 21 to 30, and all of us typically present neutrally but we fluctuate between feminine and masculine too. The five of us work with smaller artists to develop our albums, plus each member has an album dedicated to their personal music preference mixed with pop. We’re globally popular across age groups and genders, and we probably have fan blogs dedicated to the femme and masc versions of ourselves. I haven’t even finished the script yet, but I’m excited. I wonder what this will do for my fear of publicly dancing/singing in my CR.
💍: Generally speaking, I have S/Os that I intend to marry, but I haven’t experienced it yet. That won’t stop me from taking this chance to talk about them though!
In my zombie apocalypse DR, Orion, I originally had 12 wives (and Remus is our husband). I’m not sure if I should add them back to my script atm. I didn’t include all the faceclaims because I don’t remember the t.o.s and I don’t want to be flagged, but-
Carina is a botanist and gardener who takes care of our current greenhouse. She somehow manages to spoil Hana more than I do, and almost all the rest of us spoil Carina too.
Daphne is a MMA trainer with a passion for picking fights with the Helvigs. Felix falls for her taunts quite easily. She keeps all of us in shape and all of us have to be trained by her.
Ivy is a mechanical-electrical engineer and was actually my girlfriend in college before we were separated, thought each other dead, and I met Remus. We were in a band together in college, we both love mechanical-electrical engineering and music.
Circe was a lawyer before the apocalypse, now she’s taking this free time to study more branches of law while we go over what the new society should look like.
Aaliyah is an investigative journalist and radio personality, she also has a radio show. She set it up after the apocalypse, since she had nothing else to lose anyway.
Sylvie is an assassin. Is, not was. But since we don’t really have people we want assassinated, she’s basically retired. When she’s not training or helping Daphne train us, she’s lounging. She can be really intense with her eye contact, but I love that about her.
Valentina was a logistician that’s currently helping to handle our supply distribution. She and her twin brother are typically fighting, but he lives with us because they’re inseparable after what happened during the apocalypse.
Lucia was an architect, now she’s using her education and skills for some urban planning. She loves having something to sip on (as an oral stim, not alcoholism), so she often has a glass in her hand. She’s super giggly and she’s tied with Carina for most spoiled because we can’t seem to help it.
Nadia’s educated and trained as an ethicist, but she prefers beekeeping. Hana prefers it too, since the honeycomb from Nadia’s hives are perfect for her sweet tooth. When she’s smoking, her personality completely flips and she loosens up.
Adele is a general surgeon that would love to not be working, but the Helvigs like putting her to work. Even with super healing, we still need things taken out, aligned, etc.
Jade was a psychologist. She was working towards her own private practice before the apocalypse, now she has her hands full with us. But she’s considering training people to be counselors to take on some of the work.
Yasmin is a political historian that was working as an archivist, books and research are part of her special interests. She’s super easy to get gifts for, since she loves old books and the apocalypse happened and everything.
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Other than them, I don’t have solid plans to marry in most of my other DRs. My only other husband would be…
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🫶: HANA To be honest? My CR little sister who shows up in about half of my scripts as my little sister. If not her, then Juliet Starling, who is my opposite aesthetic best friend in my Lollipop Chainsaw DR.
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🐶: Yeah! Not many, though. In several witch DRs, I have a white Burmese Python named Velvet. She’s just a baby and she’s the sweetest thing. She’s my familiar, so she helps me with my magic, protects me, and we have a psychic connection that allows us to communicate. This is what she looks like at only four months.
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I also have a Bernese Mountain dog named Titan. Technically, he used to be Remus’ trained dog, but the hard truth is that he just likes us better lol
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Thanks for asking!
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acoraxia · 3 months
U like the epic musical right? What do u think of the Circe saga?
I liked it!! It wasn’t perfect by any means and the Ocean Saga and Cyclops Saga are STILL my favorites by far but it was enjoyable
I do like the fact that he changed Odysseus’ answer to Circe. The fact he declined it and wasn’t coerced into bedding her made me fucking relieved because I was anxious it’d be played off as Odysseus falling in love with Circe.. to which, no, he didn’t and he definitely didn’t have a choice in the book all things considered, so it was a nice change! (This just reminds me of the Calypso songs and how creepy they are and why i hate Calypso so much hm. Hm.)
Overall, p good! It has it’s moments where it doesn’t work well (Wouldn’t You Like and There Are Other Ways have their small moments of ‘oof that doesn’t flow well with the song’) but, eh, it’s fine
7/10! I am imagining so many OC animatics in my tiny littol head now
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deathlessathanasia · 2 months
have you noticed the tendency for people to only consider old plays, poems and texts in general as reliable sources for characters if they like what is written in it?
the same person who uses Theogony for gods and monsters will act as if it were absurd to consider it for the characters in Odysseus' circle because they don't like that he died and Penelope married his son with Circe (they also don't like the idea of him having children with Calypso). Why? This goes against the idea of Penelope and Odysseus belonging to each other for eternity! The same person will disregard the versions Odysseus kills Astyanax because this goes against Odysseus being a really nice guy
the same person who shows how Agamemnon has sources that show how he loved Iphigenia and didn't want to sacrifice her (Iphigenia at Aulis) conveniently never mentions the version where Artemis is angry because he committed hubris against her (Cypria) . Why? Because this goes against the idea of Agamemnon always being a poor man wronged! Penelope is only good if she is a faithful wife, so any version in which she was unfaithful is certainly an absolute lie and that is why what is written in Library is not valid (because it goes against the idea of morally perfect female characters who are also strong), but then the same person goes and uses Library as a source for another characte
generally I see this happening more with humans involved in the story of Troy (I don't see people going out of their way to do this with Heracles or Jason). But I also see it in gods too! The same person who explains how this weird idea of Persephone's original myth involving her going to the Underworld of her own free will is a lie, goes and acts like it's absurd to mention the time Persephone got jealous of Minthe and punished her (as in Strabo) because they don't like the idea of Persephone punishing another woman out of jealousy
what irritates me is that the same person keeps talking about how complex X is but then goes and ignores any information that shows X being wrong. Didn't you like that they were complex? Why are you ignoring other sources just because they don't make them look good enough then?
Oh, I've seen stuff like that. For example it's all „Fuck Ovid!” and „Ovid doesn't matter, his works are not Greek mythology.” until he can be used to absolve Apollo of blame in the Daphne situation and pin it all on Eros. All of a sudden it is not relevant that the idea that Cupid is responsible for Apollo's interest in Daphne comes solely from Ovid, „It's Eros' fault! Apollo was brainwashed into harassing her to the point of suicide!”
And yes, many times it seems that people only like complex characters in theory, or they like them as long as said complexity doesn't contradict the image of the character they have constructed in their minds. Thing is, it's perfectly normal to like some myths that your fave appears in and dislike others, even to disregard some of them in your mind or when writing a story about the character, but when actually discussing the mythological figure it is absurd to arbitrarily decide that this or that source doesn't count, or worse, that this part of that source doesn't count but this other one does.
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tanicsims2 · 2 years
do you have any erincund hcs 👀
omg so glad you asked cus YES I ABSOLUTELY DO
some of them i’ve shared across discord servers but i figured it would make sense to cundpile compile everything here too
here are some erincund hcs ehehehe
- they met when vidcund was visiting chloe and lola (they’d only just found out they were siblings and wanted to get to know one another in my hc). erin walked into the living room where they all were and was absolutely transfixed by his cundiness. after vidcund left she joked to chloe all like ‘oh i didn’t know guys like him were your type’ and chloe is disgusted like ‘eww no he’s my BROTHER’ so erin’s just like ‘...is your brother single?’
- i like to project onto imagine erin is bisexual so she is the bisexual woman stereotype: absolutely stellar taste in women, and the most questionable taste in men. just like circe (and me fr). so to erin, vidcund is like. The Dream Questionable Man
- vidcund with his one (1) whole outgoing point was really awkward and shy around erin for the longest time. erin’s not too outgoing herself (especially considering she’s a popularity sim) so she also turns to jelly around vidcund to begin with looooool. she also takes charge for social stuff, i.e. ordering at restaurants
- vidcund has absolutely no idea erin is loki’s sister when they first meet. he just figures beaker is a really common surname back in aurora skies
- they are both too nervous to confess because they both think ‘why would they like me?’ vidcund can’t understand why such a beautiful, intelligent woman would see anything in him and erin worries vidcund won’t take her seriously
- erin thinks vidcund is the absolute funniest person on the planet and hypes up all his jokes. she’d love his standup comedy act x
- vidcund is a light sleeper and an early bird. erin is a heavy sleeper and prefers sleeping in late. Hilarity Ensues
- erin can’t stand the desert heat at all and needs a fan blowing on her to sleep with every night. vidcund is more used to the heat. so they get two separate blankets - one’s thinner for erin and the other is just. normal idk how to describe blankets i’m not a blanket expert
- erin is vegetarian/vegan and so vidcund decides to adopt a vegetarian diet too :)
- their idea of a perfect date is watching nature documentaries and stargazing
- their first kiss happened cus vidcund was rambling about plants and Stuff and erin was like omg.... i wanna kiss you so much rn........ and vidcund’s like why? to shut me up? cus that’s how he had his first kiss with circe lol. and erin’s so horrified that he would think that cus she loves hearing him talk about things he’s passionate about
- erin is super affectionate and likes PDA. vidcund does not and erin respects that. but when it’s just the two of them he does enjoy being held by her :)))
- vidcund uses pet names for erin like ‘darling’ and ‘dear’ and erin loves it BUT her ultimate favourite pet name to be called is princess. at first vidcund is all ‘no i can’t call you that it’s embarrassinggggg’ but one day he calls her princess and he realises it makes her Very Happy
- erin really loves just sitting with vidcund and watching him work on lab reports. sometimes she even helps cus she’s Smart
- erin never wants vidcund to shave or cut his hair lol
- and finally i just love. the idea of erin watching vidcund being cute with tycho and it makes her all broody so they talk about having children and ultimately decide vidcund should get abducted so they can have an alien baby together!!!!!!!!!!!
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mythvoiced · 1 year
' cant you use a telephone like a normal person? ' she asks, peering through the crosshairs of her sniper rifle, ' and not just "pop in" for funsies? ' Amelia pulled back to peer upwards at Hermes. ' cant you see I'm busy? '
@astremourante | Ami i love you so much
The expression he makes is a perfect visual representation of the phrase 'now where would be the fun in that', a small grimace, a delighted smirk tugging at his lips as he performs it, a glance shot at her then to the side, as if wondering with the air wherever she could possibly have gained the idea from that he could ever consider her provided alternative as the better one.
No, no, no.
Popping in for funsies is a lot better. Even if it's mid-work. Even if it might have less to do with her and more to do with the reason she's busy.
He doesn't bother hiding around her, barely did at the beginning and finds no reason to now more than ever. She's a refreshing delight of a mortal, unlike anyone he's ever met before.
Sure, he's danced with women far more dangerous than her, entertaining in the same weightclass she is, delight for mind and soul, someone who spends his time well even though she considers hers to be wasted around him.
But Circe, Aphrodite, those are goddesses.
None had faced him with their wrath, irritation, sense of worth that she claims not to have but possesses enough to consider her time more valuable than to waste it on a god - another reason he likes her, she's been broken often enough she can't recognise that a part within her actually wants to save her - and also been a mortal.
Messing with Aphrodite could mean serious trouble.
Circe couldn't have hurt him, but he also couldn't have hurt her.
Amelia, on the other hand, was completely at the mercy of his whims.
And she didn't care.
"Welp, I don't exactly have your number," is what he vocally offers when he lands softly next to her.
He should be working actually. She doesn't know he's standing on the wrong side of the ordeal solely because he'd recognised her and couldn't keep away, couldn't resist the urge to hear her bicker and figure out what her freckles look like under this light or how familiar her grip on a gun of such deadliness would look like.
Attentive gaze, none of the bored chasing of his own thoughts or the reading of reactions, no, he's drinking her in as though she's the last of her kind, to die in mere seconds.
His chitoniskos looks ridiculous when contrasted to the sheer screaming of the word 'modern' all of her was offering, but he's never cared for how he looks - the bag, the winged-sandals, the helmet, his caduceus swung around like a deadly cane - but the contrast does amuse him.
"I'm busy, too, actually," he admits with a dramatic sigh as he takes another turn around her. He stops behind her, his arms politely held behind himself, his hands folded around his caduceus as he leans forward enough to rest his chin on her shoulder if he wanted to.
"I'm here to take the souls you're about to kill," a soft conspiratorial whisper, offered with a wide grin. "Part of my infinite tasks, you see." He closes on eye, tries lean over her shoulder to cheekily attempt to look through the gun the way she had just earlier.
"Although, you're not entirely wrong," he makes to plop his chin onto her shoulder; the fun here is that if she moves or pushes him away, he wouldn't resist.
He's none of those deities who take because they can. He likes being told no when a no is in order. Spares him the time and defines the rules of the game clearer.
Not to mention it's always intriguing to see what a mortal does with the power to dominate a god.
It's always intriguing to see what Amelia does.
"I did come here to this side of your sniper specifically to 'pop in', but not for funsies," his grin softens, though the smile that reminds isn't gentle, it's too open, too casual. "I wanted to see you."
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blithesrps · 25 days
Pomegranate, jam and rose for any OCs of your choosing?
THANK U I needed a brain break ;v;
POMEGRANATE - Which myth would they relate to most?
For this...I must delve deep...and research...
For Ara it would have to be Prometheus, and the story of how he stole fire from the gods and returned it to mortals down below. In the myth, Zeus is angered that Prometheus has tricked him into allowing mortals to eat the meat of an ox (and future sacrificial creatures). Zeus steals fire from the mortals, and Prometheus endeavors to steal it back. He succeeds, but not without dire punishment.
Rat's favorite myth is the Chinese story of the Moon Rabbit, but one he relates too...? It's a bit difficult because myths are for heroes and he does not consider himself a hero. Though, lately, the story of Persephone and Hades has been on his mind.
Kana jutting in just to make sure everyone knows her's are the stories of Circe.
JAM - Can they cook?
Ara - She can but she's not the best. She's really just perfected a few things for when Ruggie doesn't feel like cooking. But she had Jamil teach her one or two dishes so she can make something special every once in a while!
Rat - Rat actually cooks quite well, though his tastes are simple. Experimenting with new dishes makes him anxious so he can tend to be a bit repetitive. Later on the children prefer his breakfasts to their mother's though...
Of the kiddos, Falla can cook a few things but she doesn't really think about flavor she just basically is fueling her body so she can get back to working. She enjoys vegetable dishes the most. Gigi is an enthusiastic helper in the kitchen but also has started a fire every time she's tried to cook something on her own. Jamil has banned her from the kitchen in their palace. Kana knows a bit about flavor but she leaves the cooking to Ton who is probably the best in the family these days. Olivine grew up with his father and uncles to cook for him so he loves good food, but growing up mostly in the Coral Sea he isn't very experienced in cooking it. Asmina learned at her father's elbow and endeavors to be as good as him one day, though she's still learning and has a tendency to overseason things.
Bonus answer Thorn can char a squirrel corpse over a fire and make a thin stew and that's about it.
ROSE - What gift would they most wish to receive from a lover?
Ara and Rat have no clue. They still haven't quite wrapped their mind around 'having possessions'. Though one of Ara's most prized possessions is a stuffed animal that the boys had won her at some fair when they were in school...something small and frivolous like that, that doesn't serve a purpose but is just cozy and nice. For Rat, perhaps a pet of some kind. He loves animals but would never make the choice to get himself something.
Kit if you're asking for Olivine the answer is probably lingerie don't think too hard about it though she'll love whatever you get her.
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aidoneous-academia · 5 months
Finished Reading Circe
And I think it may be my favorite book ever.
I stopped reading sometime in highschool due to my depression, and recently picked it up again because of my college Fiction class. Checked out a library book for the first time last week, Circe, and finished it today.
What a lovely book and what a lovely ending. I saw so much of myself in this person and I adore the progression of character and how the narration leads you to consider Circe's abilities and how it will end.
Overall it was just... so good. Her narration is so real. The development from just wanting love and looking for it in her family and everyone she comes across to being cautious and standoffish to finally deciding what she wanted to be and who she would be with was perfect, to me.
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Review: The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna
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I was so excited to get into this book because I can’t enough of witchy romances. I have also heard fantastic things about this one, so I was eager to see whether the hype was real. I’m delighted to say that it is!
There aren’t many witches in the UK but Mika Moon is one of them. She knows to keep her powers secret and stay away from other witches in order to keep the magic under control. She posts videos online pretending to be a witch and she’s pretty sure no one will be convinced that she’s the real deal. Until she’s invited to Nowhere House to teach three young witches to control their magic. Unsure whether this is a scam, she travels to the house where she meets a band of wholesome, quirky characters including the aloof librarian Jamie and three little girls who are undeniably witches. As Mika settles in, she becomes aware of the dangers of four witches living together and the potential of catching feelings. When another threat rears its head, Mika needs to decide where she really belongs.
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Mika has been alone for most of her life. Witches are always orphans and must live alone to ensure that there isn’t too much magic in one place. I would have loved the book to go further into the supposed orphan curse and explore why witches always end up parentless. Perhaps that’s scope for follow-up books?
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I loved the imagery of magic existing as gold dust and it took me back to the Disney movies that I grew up watching. Mika’s lessons with the girls at Nowhere House were so much fun to witness and although this isn’t exactly a role she has asked for, she is a natural teacher. I got major Miss Peregrine and House in the Cerulean Sea vibes from these parts -the perfect cosy, magical feels.
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Nowhere House is the stuff of fairytales but its inhabitants are written in such a way that they felt very real. They jumped straight off the page and I honestly didn’t want to leave them after I finished the book. I wanted to keep watching the beautiful romance between Ian and Ken, listening to Lucie bustling around the kitchen and gazing at Jamie through the bookshelves of the library. The characterisations were just so good and I can’t wait to meet more characters created by Mandanna.
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The library at Nowhere House is everything you might expect it to be. It’s cosy, whimsical and packed full of knowledge and stories. It’s the perfect hideout and retreat for an introverted book lover like Jamie. It also has a sea view just in case you thought there was something missing! I could easily have spent forever in there, preferably with his handsome, moody self for company!
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Terracotta is the young witch who has her reservations about Mika initially. She has a fantastic personality and provides a lot of the dark humour in the book. She is written in a way that although she says evil things, she has a sweetness to her that lets you know that she’ll never act on her words. Her bond with Jamie is really lovely to see too and I loved seeing how she grew to trust Mika more, as Jamie grew closer to her.
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Mika has trouble forming meaningful relationships because she has been alone with her dog Circe forever. However, Jamie encourages her to take a chance on love and find her place at Nowhere House at the very moment that she’s considering running. Seeing her open her heart and allow herself to be loved was a really beautiful process to watch and it was so refreshing to see a woman in her 30s do this for the first time.
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The romance was quite subtle at first but as soon as I realised that they both liked each other, I was willing them to get together. They are so good for each other and I cared about both of them as individuals, making their relationship even easier to root for. However, I also loved that the romance wasn’t definitely going to happen. It wasn’t predictable but rather a desperate hope on my part that it would blossom.
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is a heartwarming, magical story with twists galore towards its end. The characters are so fantastic and I know they’ll stay with me for a very long time. With themes of found family, secrets and endless magic, this cosy Halloween romance is perfect for autumn!
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"It's fine," Harry said, smiling at Ron and Hermione through the floo as they canceled the plans they'd made for his birthday.
Ron rubbed the back of his neck, "I mean, one of us could miss it," he said. "She's only three, it's not like she'll remember if we don't come to her ballet recital."
"Don't be ridiculous," Harry said. "You can't miss Rose's first recital. It's fine. Really. I'll be totally fine," he said.
"We could send a cake over," Hermione offered.
He shook his head, "It's fine, honestly," he said, trying to make his voice sound as casual and nonchalant as he could possibly manage because rationally it was fine. "We'll celebrate over the weekend. Wednesday is a ridiculous day to have a birthday on, anyway," he added with a shrug.
"We could-" Ron started.
"It's fine," he said. "Seriously. Go enjoy her dance recital."
Hermione stared at him for a moment longer, "If you're certain-"
"I'm sure," he said. "Go. Enjoy yourselves."
The two of them hung up with minimal fanfare after that and Harry tried not to feel too sorry for himself. It's not as though he hadn't had a load of other birthdays that had gone like utter shit, he should be used to it by now.
For a moment, he contemplated taking himself out to get a cupcake but it just felt too depressing to even consider. It reminded him a bit too much of his childhood, if he was being honest.
Instead, he made his way to the kitchen and opened the cupboard to make himself a cup of tea. Tea would help, it always did. Then he grabbed the novel that he'd been intending to read for ages and settled on the couch, firmly intending to put the whole thing from his mind.
That was until his wards around his house flared, alerting him that someone was approaching.
Frowning, he got up and headed to the door, peaking through the window, to see that Draco was bent over, setting down a box in front of the door.
(Read more below the cut)
Without pausing to think, Harry opened the door, "Draco?"
The other man startled so badly that he almost tipped over the box that he'd been setting down. "Circe, Potter, you gave me a bloody heart attack."
"Well you're the one sneaking around!"
He huffed, "I was bringing you a birthday present."
His heart stuttered in his chest. "And you didn't want to knock like a normal person?" he asked.
Draco rolled his eyes, "You said that you had plans tonight. I assumed you weren't home."
"Thank you," Harry said. "This was," he broke off, not quite sure how to say all that this meant to him, "really thoughtful. Would you like to come in?" he offered, opening the door wider.
The other man blinked, "If I'm not interrupting anything."
"Just me, reading a very dull novel."
Draco frowned but Harry didn't give him the chance to ask more questions, he wandered back into the house calling, "Tea?" over his shoulder.
"Wait," Draco said when he caught up, "Here," he added, handing Harry the box with a green ribbon on top, "You should open this."
The box shifted in his hands and Harry almost dropped it in his surprise, "Is there a living creature in here?"
"Open it and see," Draco said cryptically.
He sat down on the floor and carefully undid the ribbon before slicing the tape with his thumbnail and pulling open the top of the box.
Inside, a tiny ball of black fluff tilted it's head up and let out a soft 'brreow' at him.
"Oh," he breathed, reaching in to scoop the kitten up, "hello," he murmured, rubbing his nose in the cat's fur and snuggling it to his chest.
"She was at one of those adoption centers," Draco said, "you know, the one on the way to my flat?"
Harry nodded, he always tried not to look at it when they walked past, he always wanted to take one of them home otherwise.
"Well, she's been there for weeks," he said, "so I stopped in today to see what her deal was, and they said that it's hard to get people to adopt black cats."
Harry's jaw dropped and he looked at Draco, "What? She's perfect," he added, "Look at her!"
The other man nodded, "I thought you'd like her," he said, sounding pleased. "I brought a bed, food, a litter box, food dish," he listed off, "Everything you'll need to get going. If you want to keep her, that is."
"Of course I want to keep her!" he said, letting her climb down to start exploring. "Thank you, Draco," he added as sincerely as he could.
He shrugged, "Don't mention it." Then he asked, "So where are your friends? I was prepared to do all sorts of magic on that box to keep her safe while you were out."
She rubbed against his leg and Harry scratched behind her ear as he shrugged, "It was Rose's recital tonight. They forgot until a little while ago," he swallowed and trailed his fingers down the cat's back. "It's no big deal."
Draco was quiet for a long moment, "So you don't have plans?"
He shook his head, pulling out one of the cat toys and dragging it along in front of her so she would chase it.
"If you could eat anything for dinner, what would you have?" Draco asked.
"Pizza," Harry replied without thinking.
The other man blinked and then let out a soft chuckle. "Right. I'm ordering two pizzas, veggies for the civilized one of us and pineapple with ham and peppers for the other of us."
"Oh," Harry said, looking up at him, "You don't have to-"
"I know," he said, standing up and pulling out his mobile. "I want to."
Harry looked away, eyes stinging, glad that Draco was headed into the kitchen instead of looking at him.
Draco left for half and hour and returned with two pizzas, two six packs of beer, and a white box that looked suspiciously like a cake box from a bakery that they'd gone to once after a very difficult case.
"You really don't have to do this."
Draco leveled him with a glare, "Have you ever known me to do one single thing that I did not want to do?"
"Yes," he replied. "Remember that time-"
"Shut the fuck up," Draco laughed. "Go get us plates. I'm here because I want to be."
Harry couldn't help the smile that crept up his face as he carried Astrid to the kitchen to fetch plates for dinner.
The two of them set up shop in the living room, eating and drinking while they talked and laughed, and Harry's heart fluttered uselessly in his chest. After they'd both had a couple of beers, Draco said, "I'm sorry that your friends couldn't make it."
He bumped him with his shoulder, "It's alright. They have a family, you know? They're busy. I just-" he broke off and took another swig of his beer, letting the sentence hang in the air.
"You just..." Draco prompted.
"I wish that I had someone, too, you know?" he asked, letting the words that had clouded his heart all evening pour out of his mouth. "I wish that someone would love me, would choose me to be the most important person in their life. I-" he cut himself off again. "It's selfish."
"It's okay to be a little selfish sometimes," Draco said. "It's okay to want people to see you, to celebrate you for who you are." He knocked his foot against Harry's, "Although, you could probably have anyone."
"I don't want just anyone," Harry said, bolder than he'd ever been, knowing that Draco had shown up here, had stayed here, had done all of these wonderful things. Maybe it wasn't just Harry.
"Oh?" Draco breathed, eyes searching Harry's face.
He nodded, "There's someone in particular," he said softly.
"Lucky girl," Draco said.
He huffed a laugh and Draco's eyes dropped to his lips, "It's not a girl."
"Oh," he whispered, looking back up at Harry. "He's pretty lucky then."
"Do you think?" he murmured back.
Draco nodded.
"What if I told you that person was you?"
The other man blinked and drew back slightly, "I'd tell you to tell me that tomorrow."
"What?" he asked, eyebrows lifting in surprise.
"Tell me tomorrow," he said, "when we haven't been drinking, when you aren't sad, when I can feel like someone you are choosing because you want me and not just because I'm convenient."
"I would never call you convenient," Harry teased softly, but he could see the wisdom in what Draco was saying.
He nodded once, "I'm going to go," he said, "otherwise I'll change my mind."
Harry laughed softly, not quite sure what to say.
"Happy birthday, Harry Potter," he whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek before standing.
"Thank you," Harry said, standing too, "for dinner, for Astrid," he added, nodding to the cat where she was curled up in the chair, "for being here."
"My pleasure," he said sincerely as Harry walked him toward the door.
Draco slipped on his jacket, "Good night."
"Night," he replied. Then, "How early can I come tomorrow morning?"
"Whenever you'd like." Draco answered, cheeks flushing a pretty pink.
"Alright," he said. "See you in the morning."
"See you in the morning," he echoed as he slipped out the door.
Harry couldn't help but smile like an absolute loon at the door. He went to bed significantly more cheerful than he'd been at the start of the night.
He showed up on Draco's doorstep at 6:39 the next morning and Draco welcomed him in with open arms, returning Harry's kiss with equal enthusiasm.
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siriusblackloml · 2 years
🍯 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 ... give me a line from your favorite book + a character of your choice and i’ll write a blurb about it! (please specify if you’d like SFW or NSFW)
my favorite line come from the book Circe, and it’s, “I cannot bear this world a moment longer. Then, child, make another.”
and for a character…. JAMES BECAUSE HES MY CRUSH RN <3 also sfw, but it’s really up to you my love you know i love everything you write <3
thank u for leaving such a fun little request my luv bug <3 (SFW / KINDA IMPLIED NSFW? NOT REALLY THO)
warnings: infidelity
"no, james! we can't do this anymore! it's not right..." your voice trails off. you had been sitting on your bed in the dorms, james standing  off to the side. you had hoped he would listen to your pleas, that he would join in on your logical thinking and understand where you were coming from. 
enough was enough, you felt a huge weight tugging at your shoulders that just refused to be lifted. you knew stopping all or any interactions with james potter was going to be the only hope for feeling better...but at the same time it was horrible to even fathom the idea. you were growing to love him more and more each and every day. 
james tries to take your hands into his own, but you pull away and cross them instantly. the boy doesn’t even bat an eye at how you retracted so quickly. he acknowledges your words with a soft smile and a shimmer in his eyes, completely ignoring you to say, “y/n, you don’t understand how badly i want this with you.” 
“sneaking around lily had brought excitement at first, but no longer. do you understand how terrible i feel every time i kiss your lips? every time i run off into a classroom with you? it’s not right...i cannot bear this world we’ve built together a moment longer.” you confess, tears brimming your eyes. you wished he would just leave her for you. 
you always liked being his center of attention for as long as you two had been friends. however, that feeling had been emphasized even more so after he confessed that you were so much more enticing than lily. that you were what he considered to be “the perfect girlfriend material”. then he kissed you. how were you supposed to respond...other than kiss back? 
this had carried on for at least two weeks now, maybe three, you’ve lost count. the guilt is eating you alive. james doesn’t agree though. he listens so intently, and yet the meaning behind your words go over his head. 
he tells you, “then, child, make another...with me. i want to be with you. that’s why i want to be with you so badly.” 
you would have much rather heard the man confess that he was leaving lily for you, however he never explicitly states it. you knew deep down you had to shove james away. you shouldn’t carry this on any longer no matter how promising his words sounded. 
but then...your heart feels like it is going to claw out of your chest at his words. you had been craving this moment for ages now. not even after james had started to kiss you so sweetly, far before that moment was shared between you two you had hoped to be his special girl. and yet lily was always in the way. maybe not anymore...
blushing like crazy, your tears start to disappear. your body has a mind of its own as your stand up to embrace james, hugging him tightly. he gently rubs your back with his large palm, the warmth of his hand coaxing you to calm down. you suck in a sharp breath and tell him, “i want you, too.”
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achillieus · 3 years
we’re fools (bucky barnes x reader)
summary: for all bucky barnes knows, he hates clichés. and this thing between you two, happens to be the biggest one.
(enemies to lovers trope or i watched the society on netflix recently and based this entirely on harry bingham and cassandra pressman)
pairing: college au!bucky x reader
warnings: alcohol, a lot of sexual references, but also a lot of fluff, bucky and reader are in love, also bucky gets cheesy and he hates it
(other parts)  (masterlist)
part 3/3:
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Bucky thinks he fell in love on a Tuesday.
“This year, I’m gonna ask Peggy Carter out.” It’s the first day of their third semester and Steve is putting his black baseball cap in his perfect hair, checking his reflection on his phone screen. One of the freshman girls winks at him and he shyly half smiles.
Usually, Bucky would tease him about it, but now he’s attention is wholly on something else. Someone else.
A girl at the other end of the hall, holding a paper juice box, wearing a gaudy denim dress that stops right before her knees.
He’s certain he hasn’t seen her before and judging by the adrift look on her face he deduces she’s in her first year. Is she pretty? He can’t decide. She’s definitely something. And if he stares at her a bit longer than socially acceptable, well let’s say, it’s completely unintended.
“Buck, did you hear what I said?” Steve says at one point and Bucky isn’t sure for how long he has been lost in her figure.
“Yeah sure.” The girl starts walking at their direction -it must be your lucky day, Bucky-, clutching the golden heart jewel around her neck. She’s looking at the doors, she’s looking at the big campus map they have on the wall. She’s looking everywhere but at him and it’s almost offensive considering the amount of time he spent looking at her.
“I’m sorry,” And then she’s there standing a few steps behind Steve. Almost hidden behind his colossal demeanor. “I can’t seem to find the Admission Office.”
A small nervous laugh escapes her lips and Bucky watches the little wrinkles around her eyes, the subtle blush on her cheeks. She doesn’t look pretty. No. She looks consuming.
“Admission office is on the left, doll”. He replies a little too fast. He had to beat Steve. He had to talk to her.
She smiles at him and somehow, along that smile, Bucky thinks he fell in love. With you.
(bucky barnes has been in love with you for 563 days)
“Did you just kiss me?”
His voice is barely a whisper and his vision is blurry and it’s weird because suddenly he realizes how scared he’s of you. Of the power you have on him. An alarming craving. Every addiction he can’t control combined. Bucky isn’t afraid of many things, not exactly. But he’s afraid that you’ll take his heart and break it, if you want to. And he’s more afraid that he’ll just allow you to. He wonders, for the split of a second, if you have any idea how everything changed when your lips met his. How something inside of him shifted.
“I’m sorry,” You finally answer and he needs a moment to compose himself, “I’m so sorry I just thought-”
“Shut up, I’d died if you hadn’t kissed me.”
It’s innocent and terribly oblivious, the way you ask him that and he half smiles, almost touches your palm before his mind stops racing. Ignores the alcohol in his body. Reminds him that he’s Bucky Barnes, that he’s clever and brilliant and a little bit narcissistic and that he doesn’t do love.  Not anymore. And that people adore him for that. And that he needs to uphold it. At least try to.
“I’m not repeating that soppy thing I said,” He drawls and smirks, his teeth gleaming in the fluorescent light of the hall. He has his mask back on. He’s playing his part again. And then he takes a quick step, opens his door and turns around, swift motions and hard grips and suddenly your spine hits the walls of his room. “But you can repeat that sexy thing you did with your tongue.”
Bucky isn’t stupid. He knows he’d perish and wither in a blast if you asked him to, yet he would never admit that. At least not so fast. And specially not to you. He has built his persona so carefully, wore it like an armor, it has become a second skin.
His chapped lips scratch soft against your neck, his hands play with the end of your dress and you observe the way his orbs are colored darker now. He knows what he’s doing. It’s a show he’s practiced. His touch is sharp, like a razor, cuts through your epidermis, comes close to your veins and the muscles of your heart.
And you’re ready to close your eyes, savor every minute of it, offer yourself like an altar and let him wipe the rationality out of you, but the moment his fingers find the wet silk between your legs there’s pain and your throat dries out instantly.
“Bucky, wait.”
“What’s wrong doll?”
“Can we stop?”
There’s the cruel split of a moment where the anxiety inside of you flares up dangerously and you fill like on the edge of a cliff, like falling and it’s horrible. And then you see his body relax, breathing a sigh of relief and laughing.
“Thank God you asked.”
“Barnes,” you hit him with your elbow, “You’re doing wonders for my self esteem right now!”
“You’re an idiot,” he replies with a grimace, “It’s just that I’m drunk and I prefer if I’m not drunk when we have sex. I want to remember the whole thing.”
A strange sensation tingles somewhere between your ribs and your stomach, something so pure and new, and it raises goosebumps all over you. And you smile at him.
And somehow along that smile, Bucky’s mask starts to fall.
Bucky Barnes, you learnt within your first month in college, is a year older than you, a proud boy that always asks the right questions and always gives the right answers, with charms and wits of a living god.
Bucky Barnes, you learnt the night you kissed him in the narrow aisle, may have a sharp tongue but he also has the sweetest lips, soft and liqueur like.
Bucky Barnes, you learn some days later, doesn’t want many people to know about you two, and sits three tables away during lunch.
“Are you embarrassed of me?”
Your mind is racing with dozens of hurtful possibilities, some more or less, and Bucky looks at you, eyes widen and surprised.
“Why would I be embarrassed of you?”
“I don’t know,” you take the tea cup in your hands, drink and stay silent for a while, observe the way he’s fidgeting with his fingers, “Why else would you avoid me whenever there’s someone else but Sam around?”
It takes some time before he walks closer, sits next to you by his bedframe and touches your hand, your skin freezing under his.
“I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
Your heart almost stops, because Bucky is never scared, and his answer feels strangely heavy and bitter from his lips when he says, “I just don’t want anyone to ruin this.”
He doesn’t smile, doesn’t even smirk like he usually does, just stares at you with narrow eyes and a quick breath.
“Bucky, I hate it to break it to you,” you say, a glint of amusement in your voice, “But I don’t think others care that much about us.”
You cup his face in your hands, guide him backwards, his back hitting the pillow and it’s the first time he has no choice but to comply.
“And even if they do,” you breath in, wet your lips and tease the corner of his mouth with your finger, “It’s not our problem.”
Bucky grabs the back of your neck, shifts even closer to you, his heart not missing a beat. And when you kiss him, he smiles. And somehow along that smile, Bucky becomes more of himself.
It goes like this;
People read it in his eyes. How his gaze never leaves you even while you’re writing a test and he needs to concentrate, how he looks mesmerized when you braid your hair while scanning the textbook in front of you. How he could find you even in the middle of the biggest crowd.
People see it in your reactions. How your fingers always wrap around his wrist, almost instinctively, before he leaves, and you kiss him one time on the lips, and then one more on the cheek. How your voice changes as soon as he enters the room. How you’d know he’s here even without looking.
You really have to try to be oblivious to love.
(text messages between classes)
(10:26 AM) bucky: hey does taylor swift have to be playing in the background when we have sex
(10:27 AM) you: it’s not even noon bucky what the hell
(10:27 AM) bucky: i went through your spotify and APPARENTLY you have a  “🍆🍆🍆” playlist
(10:27 AM) bucky: and it’s just taylor swift and hozier???
(10:27 AM) bucky: who the hell wants to have sex with a taylor swift song playing
(10:28 AM) you: I’m gonna kill you
(10:28 AM) bucky: nah <3
It’s surprisingly easy, dating Bucky Barnes, and by the end of the first month, you feel at home, at ease.  He talks a lot, way more than you expected him to, he shares his favorites, the way he always underlines quotes he likes in the books he’s reading or how he never eats anything that has soy in it. He shows you everything about him, not just who he is, but who he’s ever been. And it’s beautiful.
And you observe how he breathes easier now, smiles more. He doesn’t keep his guard up, doesn’t flinch when nobody’s looking at him.
He thinks it’s weird.
He thinks it’s weird, because kissing has always been an act of foreplay to him and he never paid much attention, but now, with you, he could spend his whole life kissing you.
But when you start pulling at the buttons of his black expensive shirt, well, it’s not like he’s complaining. He presses his body against yours, his hands almost shaking, his fingers burying in your hair, slowly tugging.
“Bucky,” You breath in his neck, “I may be bad at this.”
“What?” He whispers as he leaves wet trails all the way to your chest.
“I haven’t done this before, so I may be bad at it.”
He stares right at your lips, notices your sweet cherry scent mixing with the sharp notes of his aftershave, touches the spot under your eyes and smiles.
“Guess we’ll have to do it over and over again then.” He’s half laughing, half kissing your shoulder and you can feel your cheeks flush and your entire being tighten.
And then his cold fingertips draw circles on your inner thighs and you close your eyes, and Bucky forgets how to breath.
“I probably sound like a fool but, I’m in love with you.”
You didn’t plan on saying it that early, but he’s here, warm and glistening and in your arms and you can’t go another minute without hearing the words out loud.
“And I probably sound competitive but, I’ve been in love with you since God knows when.”
tagging: @tonystankschild @osterfieldshollandgirl​ @roguesthetic @buckyjms​ @ohladymacbeth​
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aalghul · 2 years
Pjo godly parent Anon here!
I see your "grand daughter of Hades and Persephone" and raise you, the Alghul's are blessed by the chthonic goddess/nymph Melinöe. She's the goddess of madness, ghosts, and nightmares and is possibly the daughter of Hades and Persephone herself. It's also possible that she an epithet of Hecate (goddess of magic and necromancy).
And yeah, Dionysus is such an interesting being in the myths with so many different variations that simply weren't done justice in the books. He's a god of wine, sure, but he's also the god of madness and rebirth. He's half of the god Pan who is in turn half of Hermes. He's both one of the youngest and oldest gods. Depending on where your looking he could be a completely different character.
I am obsessed with chthonic gods and minor deities if you couldn't tell.
Also yeah I can see why Cass as a child of Nyx wouldn't be everyone's thing. Honestly her as a daughter of Terpsichore (Greek muse of lyric poetry and dance) is really growing on me.
Now that I think about it, Dick could be a child of a muse too. I don't know if they canonically have any kids, but I will eventually read the wiki and get back to you.
Most of the reason, besides the obvious, for why I chose Nemesis for Jason is because of the fact that I firmly believe that Jason would have joined the Titan army. That's also why I want him to be the child of a minor god, it gives him even more incentive and it would keep with the "bio mom betrays him" aspect. Ethan Nakamura (my beloved) was the lieutenant to Luke and the canon son of Nemesis. She ripped out his eye when she recruited him for the TA. We don't know a whole lot about their powers (the wiki was very interesting though) but her kids at least seem to be able to sense people's week spots or something like that. Ethan almost stabbed Percy in his Achilles Heel leading to Annabeth getting stabbed when she used her body to shield him. It's just a really cool power that I like for Jay. I can see your reason for preferring her as Bruce's parent though.
Some things I remembered last night; I think Joker is a child of Eris (goddess of strife) and the deified mortals thing slapped me in the face with the vision of Constantine as the son of Medea (badass sorceress who killed her husband with the help of Hera and then fucked off to Olympus (or possibly Circe's island). I have many thoughts about this, head full.
Sorry for invading your ask box but the amount of notes I have on this are honestly ridiculous and I'd love to know everyone else's opinions.
This is my first hearing of Melinöe but she sounds perfect for the al Ghuls. She’s got so much going on that matches them so well.
I agree. Dionysus’ characterization is so fluid, and the books really just watered him down (and no mention of his relation to Pan or Hermes, iirc).
Her as the daughter of Terpischore is definitely my choice now. (I do see what you mean with Nyx though.)
Your reasoning has me considering Nemesis as Jason’s mother more seriously now ngl. And especially with Jason just taking Ethan’s place, to an extent.
Constantine as Medea’s kid? I can’t believe I didn’t even think of that. There isn’t a better choice for him.
Again, don’t apologize! I remember exactly nothing from my PJO days so it’s cool that you have all these minor deities ready to go.
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aquamarinescarlet · 3 years
The Psychology of You
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word count: ~3.2k
Warnings: soft angst (I don’t know when things are angsty enough to be considered angst)
Summary: You search for answers but the girl from the library doesn’t seem to want to make it easy for you.
Author’s note: I think this is turning out pretty great, but let me know what you think!
Taglist: @helloalycia @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @trikruismybitch
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Your enjoyment was short-lived when she quickly replaced her shocked expression with a smirk.
“So you read it,” she simply stated and your hands ached to brush that victory smile off her lips.
“Explain,” you repeated.
“The plot?” She referred to the book. “Was your little brain incapable of understanding it?” She mocked in a high pitched voice, as if she was talking to a toddler.
Determined to not let her get into your nerves, you held back a sigh.
“Oh, I understood it,” you countered, “what I didn’t understand was what it had to do with all those weird questions you asked me. So, if you would be kind enough to get the screws on your brain back to work and explain it to me, I’d appreciate it.” Your tone filled with disdain.
“And why would I do that when watching you struggle is much more fun?” Your patience was starting to wear thin.
“You don’t even know me.”
“I know you better than you think.”
“What? You’re Sherlock Holmes now?”
“Something like that.”
You didn’t reply, hoping the silence would be an invitation for her to explain herself. She didn’t catch on, or at least she pretended she didn’t. Tired of this conversation you made a move to leave. That she noticed.
“Color?” You stopped dead, turning back towards her, wanting to wipe that stupid grin off her face.
“I’m not playing this game again,” you simply stated.
“Don’t be such a bore.” She challenged.
Oh how you wished to just punch that pretty face of hers. Your need to always prove people wrong fought with your desire to leave and never see her again. Needless to say which one won.
“Blue.” To your dismay, her smile only grew wider.
“My cousin.”
“The beach.” You stifled a laugh from that subtle pun.
She walked away without another word. You waited at the table, along with her stuff.
“Here,” she handed you a thinner book this time, an orange and black cover, “good luck.” She said before taking her stuff and leaving.
Circe was the title. You’ve heard that word before, but couldn’t pinpoint where. You didn’t have time to dwell on it when Diego showed up in front of you.
“What was that about?”
“What?” You turned your gaze to the boy.
“You and that girl, she’s the one who insulted you last week isn’t she?”
“She wasn’t insulting me.” The words came out before you had time to process them.
“Oh,” he looked surprised, “so you’re defending her now? What happened to ‘she’s crazy’ and all that?”
Honestly, you were as lost as he was. Why did you defend her? Why wasn’t her presence as annoying this time as it was on your last encounter? Or, better yet, why did you agree to keep up with this little game?
Diego seemed to notice your hesitation.
“Do you plan on reading that or…?” He trailed off.
You analyzed the book and what your best friend was implying with that statement. You needed to talk to someone about it, and Diego was the perfect person, he understood you like no one did, and he knew books, maybe he might help you come up with an explanation.
As an answer to his question, you checked out the book and started to make your way to the pastry shop.
Once you were seated, each one with your respective order, you pulled out both books from your backpack and placed them in front of Diego. His eyes went wide, you didn’t blame him.
“Okay, so,” you started, “the girl, from the library.”
“Yes, the one you’ve apparently grown quite fond of.” He teased.
“Not fond,” you corrected him, “I still hate her guts, but I did grow curious.”
He adjusted his position on the chair.
“Curious…” He urged you to continue.
“You remember the first time I met her?”
“The one where she called you dumb,” he recalled.
“Precisely, well, she asked those three questions-” He didn’t give you time to finish.
“Yes, a color, a person and...”
“A place,” you reminded him, “those were weird questions, but she somehow used them to recommend me this book.” You raised the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo copy.
“If I remember correctly though, you had left it on the shelf before you stormed away.”
“I went back on friday,” he gave you a skeptical look, “curiosity got the best of me, what can I say?” You defended yourself. “Anyways, that’s not the point, I read the book and it had nothing to do with any of the answers, or at least not in an obvious way.”
You watched Diego pick up the book and leaf through it.
“What were your answers?”
“Red, you and as far away as possible.” He sat in silence with those words for a second.
“I can see the connection with the place.” He stated.
“I saw it too, kind of, I’m not sure.” You motioned for him to put the book back down and pay attention to your problem. “Today she refused to explain the connection, and she made the questions again.” His eyes drifted to the second book.
“And you answered them.” It wasn’t a question, although you could sense his confusion.
“Blue, my cousin and the beach,” you looked at him pleading, “do you have any idea how they connect?”
He did the same with Circe. Almost studying the book.
“The cousin maybe, for this one, but no, sorry.” You let out a sigh of disappointment.
You leaned back, relaxing your body against the chair. The coffee was only stressing you out more. Your mind swirling with questions just exponentiated your eagerness to go home and read this one, and try to make some sense of the girl’s mind.
Despite that, you made an effort to actually engage in Diego’s conversation, which thankfully shifted to a different topic, instead of letting your mind drift back to the girl from the library. How could a stranger occupy your thoughts so easily? You didn’t even know her name.
An hour later you were back home, lying comfortably on your bed, the book in your hands.
When I was born, the name for what I was did not exist.
That sounds like some paranormal shit, you thought to yourself. You were wrong… well, depending on the perspective, you were wrong. It wasn’t paranormal, it was mythology, Greek mythology to be exact.
Maybe that’s where you’ve heard that word before, ‘Circe’. It was the name of a character from those stories, those beliefs. Diego had gone through the classic mythology-obsessed fase as a kid, you might have heard him mention it during his everlasting monologues about the Gods and all their shenanigans.
You barely made it to chapter two before being hit by a throbbing headache. The medicine cabinet didn’t have anything that helped, and no one else was home to go out and buy more, you certainly weren’t in the state to do it yourself, so you opted to just lay down and rest your eyes hoping it would pass on its own.
It didn’t. At least not before you fell asleep.
Darkness flooded your room, the house was dead silent. You checked your phone, 4am. It didn’t come as a surprise that you still had your clothes from yesterday on. You stumbled towards the bathroom, your body oddly light from the sleep, your muscles stiff from the uncomfortable position.
The headache was gone, thankfully, but so was the tiredness. You had four hours before you had to be up and was hoping to get some extra sleep, but kept tossing and turning, wide awake.
Giving up, you turned on your lamo and picked up the book on your nightstand. The story wasn’t as mysterious as the last one, but it managed to catch your interest quickly. It told the story of Circe, a nymph who has been disowned by her parents due to her not-so-attractive looks.
Was this the girl’s way of telling you she thought you were ugly? You scoffed at the idea, she wouldn’t go that low. Plus, it’d be a lot of work just to tell you something so petty and stupid.
As you advanced on the reading you tried to pick on little details that would clue you to the connection it had to the questions she asked. You even tried to find points in common with the previous book she had recommended, and some came to mind, but nothing that helped solve the full puzzle.
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This one was taking longer than expected. Between classes, practice - in which the coach was making you do lighter exercises - and the headaches you’d get from staring too long at the small words, you were reading at a much slower pace than you’d usually do.
On Friday the headaches had finally subsided, and to celebrate you invited Diego to the arcade.
As always, the simple prospect of going to the arcade kept your thoughts about the girl and her books in the back of your mind. For the time being you even forgot about Circe, which you were only halfway done with.
The music, the lights, the dust, none of those affected you at all, nor did they give you anymore headaches. You pulled Diego excitedly, beating him at all your favourite games. The owner was familiar with the both of you, offering extra coins and making conversation throughout your stay there.
“C’mon, give up, these things are rigged.” You said to Diego, who was playing on the Claw Machine for the third time.
“It’s not rigged, it’s physics.” He explained whilst concentrating.
“It’s luck,” you laughed lightheartedly as he lost yet again, “and you don’t seem to be having any.”
He scoffed at you and inserted another coin, you just rolled your eyes at his insistence. You were getting bored of waiting for him when you were surprised by a voice coming from behind you.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” You turned around and were met by the boy with silver hair.
“Pietro,” you exclaimed, “I could say the same about you. Don’t you live like... on the other side of town?” You remembered from the day you dropped him off after the party.
“Nope, I live a few blocks away.” He gestured to his right. “That was my folks’ place.” He explained, sensing your confusion.
“Really? Then how have I never seen you here before?”
“I don’t come that often.”
“Well, you should, this place is awesome.” You said dreamily.
“Sure is.” He agreed, and you heard someone coughing behind you, suddenly being reminded that Diego wouldn’t know the boy.
“Right, Diego this is Pietro,” you introduced them, “he’s Angie’s… uhm,” you looked at him quite unsure of how to explain, “friend?”
“For now.” He gave you a wink and you were pleased by that. He was good to Angie, and it was about time she fell for someone decent.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Diego said.
“You too.”
“Y/N I have to go,” Your best friend turned to you, signalling to his phone, “my mom needs me to pick up Iz.” His little sister.
“That’s too bad, I was just about to ask you to show me your favourite games here since you know it well.” Pietro looked at you.
“Are you fine to go by yourself?” You asked Diego with pleading eyes.
“By myself?” He brought his hand to his chest feigning offense, but quickly laughed it off. “Sure, have fun.”
You bid your goodbyes, thanking him again for not complaining about you staying without him. Despite this being you guys’ place, it was the place where you could destress, and you certainly didn’t want to leave yet.
Pulling Pietro by the arm, you presented him to all your favourite games, teaching him how to play some, and getting beaten by him on others. He had talent, you had to admit. After at least an hour of playing, laughing and friendly teasing each other, your stomach started to grumble.
“Someone’s hungry.” Pietro joked.
“Maybe,” he didn’t seem to believe you, “okay, yes.”
“Let me take you to dinner.” You looked at him with an eyebrow raised and he rolled his eyes at your insinuation. “Not like that, I just know a place a few blocks away, plus, I’m also starving.”
You quickly agreed and he took you to this place that sold pizzas by the slice. Your eyes went wide with the variety of options you could choose from.
Once you both had chosen three slices each, you sat down at one of the tables.
“So,” you started, “why don’t you live with your parents if they are in the same town as you?”
“They were very strict about bringing girls around,” you both laughed, “so me and my sister decided to move out, we wanted some freedom y’know”
“Sister?” You asked curiously.
“Twin, yes.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you had a sister, have I met her?”
"Doubtful, she isn’t one for socializing, spends all her time with her face buried in books and studies.”
“She and Diego would get along quite well then.” You joked.
“If he’s as shy and sweet as she is, then definitely.” He added.
Conversation shifted to several different topics from there, and after eating five or six slices of pizza you decided it was time to go home.
Pietro walked you home with the promise of getting revenge on the games he had lost in the arcade.
A good shower was much needed, your muscles happily relaxing with the hot water. Settling on your bed, your eyes found the book sitting on the nightstand. You picked up from where you had left, hoping to finish it that night. You didn’t, you fell asleep half an hour later.
You did finish it on Saturday morning, and after lunch you planned to go directly to the library. As you were about to leave the thought that she might not be there passed your mind, so you packed your backpack. In the worst case you’d spend the afternoon studying instead of getting answers from her, plus, you could use some time to catch up on your classes, the headaches leaving you slightly behind throughout the week.
As it turned out, your intuition was correct. She wasn’t there. So you settled yourself in one of the empty tables, scattering notes and textbooks all over it.
You almost laughed at the scene. You were willingly in a library, you were spending more time than needed in said library, you had two novels on the table, two novels that you had read in the past week. That was so different from you, and you didn’t regret it one bit.
Could you have just ignored that girl the first time you met? Yes, you could.
Could you have ignored her the second time you met? Also yes.
But you didn’t, you played along, you engaged in her little mystery game. You let her invade your mind, your thoughts. You let her steal all your focus, which should be on the notes sitting on the table, seemingly forgotten.
Speaking of the devil, your train of thought was cut short by a presence taking a seat across from you.
It was her. She stared at you for a few seconds, none of you saying anything. Without breaking the silence, she took out some of her own notes and started to read over them.
You wanted to say something, you wanted answers, but you found yourself at a loss for words. She was sitting right there, you just had to ask, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Was it because the last time you asked so bluntly she found a way around it? Probably. It was the most logical reason, although it didn’t feel like the right one. That only seemed to increase your anger towards her, you were quick witted, the words always at the tip of your tongue. But somehow this girl changed that, and you still didn’t know her name.
You must’ve been staring for a while when she cleared her throat, breaking you away from your daze.
“I thought you hated libraries.” She simply stated.
You didn’t know how to reply, she wasn’t wrong and you weren’t willing to admit she was the reason you were here.
“It helps me concentrate.” Her gaze met yours.
“Sure.” The glint in her eyes told you she didn’t believe it and you felt shy for being caught. “You don’t seem to be concentrating tha much.” She challenged.
“I would if you left.” Your tone was one of pure annoyance, she didn’t seem fazed at all.
“Are you implying I’m distracting?” She added playfully, a smirk on her lips.
You just wanted to reach over and wipe that off of her. Instead you let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes for a few seconds, determined to not enter into another argument with her that would distract you from what you wanted.
“I read it,” you tossed over Circe to her side of the table, “I still don’t get it.” You admitted.
She reached over for the book, brushing her fingers over the cover. The smirk was gone, now replaced by a playful grin. Somehow that was even more annoying. She was enjoying this, taunting you, keeping you on your toes trying to figure her out.
“You are quite slow aren’t you?” You huffed loudly in frustration.
“Is there even a logic behind those questions? Because I’m starting to think there isn’t any and you’re just doing this to annoy me.”
“Color?” You rolled your eyes, you weren’t falling for it as fast this time.
“Why me though? You don’t even know me.”
“Color?” She insisted.
“I don’t like to read, this will get you nowhere.” You kept trying.
“Color?” Swallowing back a growl, you got up abruptly, startling the girl.
“You know what?” You started to shove your stuff back into your backpack. “I’m not playing this anymore, either you tell me now or I’ll leave.”
You hoped she would give in to your ultimatum, she didn’t. She just stared at you.
“Color?” You shook your head with disbelief, taking your stuff and walking away.
You didn’t want to come back here ever again. The nerve she had. Your blood was boiling with rage. Yet you stopped dead on your tracks once the exit came into view. Something kept you from moving, from leaving and you had no idea what it was.
Before you knew it you were face to face with her, no longer on the table but in the middle of the infinite shelves filled with books. Your nose inches from hers. She was taken by surprise, her eyes went wide and her breathing became heavy.
“Black, my grandpa, the arcade down the street.” You stated with a seriousness you’d never had before.
She didn’t smirk, didn’t grin, her eyes no longer had that glint of playfulness it had earlier. She reached her hand out, without moving her eyes away from yours, giving you a thin book you didn’t even bother to look at.
You held on to that position for a few seconds longer than necessary, not quite sure why you did it, before moving away with a look of displeasure from giving in to her once again.
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lilahisntsadanymore · 3 years
We're the black sheep
Chapter Three
Words count: 2.2k
The scene with Remus using bad words is inspired by a headcannon I saw some time ago, I had a screenshot of it but I couldn't find it now, but just so you know, the scene isn't mine.
Also what Y/n says after the Y/n x Sirius duel is highkey a literal quote of I SUPPOSE what Harley Quinn said in Suicide Squad but correct me if I'm wrong.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Late for class two times in a row on the first day of the school year. This haven't happened to [Y/n] before. McGonagall wasn't very angry but she subtracted some points from Slytherin.
The lesson felt like eternity to [Y/n], she couldn't wait to finally walk out of the classroom and not have to look at Sirius for at least the next hour. When she thought about him, she felt in a way she's never felt before about anyone. It was shameful but at the same time...nice? Out of a sudden [Y/n] got snapped out of her thoughts.
"Ah, fucking shit." Remus Lupin said under his breath a little bit too loud.
"What was that?" professor McGonagall asked, immediately looking in the direction of the desk where Remus and James were.
"James, language!" Said Remus. "Watch your mouth in class."
"Mr Potter, detention."
The class then ended. [Y/n] chuckled at the scene as James looked at his friend angrily. Remus seemed calmer than the other Marauders to everyone, but it wasn't true. He was just like James, Sirius and Peter, except that Remus knew how to hide it. He had the reputation of the good boy of his friend group.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"No more Gryffindors! At least for the next few hours." [Y/n] exclaimed as she and Circe were walking outside, enjoying the fresh air during a break.
"Not for me," sighed Circe, "I have Muggle Studies now. I sit near Evans, she is the only mudblood there and she knows everything."
"I love you, but use that word again and I'll hex you," [Y/n] slightly laughed even though she was being serious, "muggleborns are equal to us."
"...rows your boat, yeah. I have free period now, see you later."
The girls gave each other a quick hug and then walked in different directions. [Y/n] envied Circe the fact, that she could take Muggle Studies. Circe's parents were both purebloods but they weren't as crazy as [Y/n]'s parents and they didn't mind Circe learning about muggles. It's her life after all.
[Y/n] walked to the library, she liked to spend her free periods there. She sat at a table and took the Potions book out of her bag. A research on some potions could distract her from questioning if she really does love her enemy. She couldn't, could she? Of course it was a little impressive how Sirius wasn't afraid of being a rebel and expressing his views, but it wasn't enough to make [Y/n] fall for him. Maybe the thing that made it enough was his always perfect hair that looked a little fluffy and very soft, or the haughty smirk that almost never left his face? [Y/n] scolded herself for thinking about her enemy like that.
"Hey." [Y/n] heard suddenly. Looking up from the book she pretended to be reading, she saw Remus Lupin.
"Go ahead, make fun of me," [Y/n] said, "I don't care."
"Actually I'm here to say sorry," Remus sat on a chair opposite to [Y/n], "You know, for what Sirius did."
"No way. I would have never expected any of you little gits to apologize," [Y/n] scoffed, "are you gonna make me admit I like Black so he, Potter and Pettigrew can jump out from behind the bookcases and make fun of me?"
"No. But didn't you just admit you like Sirius?" A chuckle escaped Remus' mouth.
"Bloody hell."
Remus considered the situation rather funny. It was obvious [Y/n] had feelings for his friend and it was very entertaining to watch her trying to deny it. The silence was a little awkward and Remus wasn't leaving so [Y/n] tried to start a conversation again. But about something else than Sirius.
"I liked how you swore on Transfiguration and just blamed it on Potter." She smirked.
"And Minnie believed," Remus added, "we're now planning a prank on the new DADA teacher, but we know nothing about him yet."
"Kind of unfortunate we have a different DADA teacher each year, innit? Very unfortunate it's my brother this year. I can help you, but whatever information I give you, don't tell your bloody friends you know it from me. I do it just because I don't like him."
They both laughed. It was the first time they laughed with each other. The conversation was the longest and the most friendly one that [Y/n] has ever had with any of the Marauders. Or with a Gryffindor in general. [ Y/n] didn't think she would click with any of them, but Remus did seem like an acquaintance material when he wasn't near his friends. Suddenly she noticed his badge with the letter P on it.
"How's being the Prefect like?" [Y/n] asked.
"I don't know," Remus chuckled, "I got the badge this year."
"Cool," the girl started fidgeting her fingers, "my parents were disappointed when I didn't get the badge, they often compare me to Cieran and he was the Prefect."
"I think teachers made me the Prefect because they expect me to tame James and Sirius."
Both [Y/n] and Remus slightly laughed before another moment of an awkward silence. [Y/n] didn't know what to say now, she didn't have much experience with talking to people from other houses. Not like they were any different, Slytherins just seemed to have a family-kind-of-bond. Sometimes when one Slytherin was in trouble, his housemates would get them out of it even if they didn't know each other well. Unless it was Severus Snape. He wasn't liked among many of his housemates. Probably because of hanging out with Lily Evans a lot.
"Your parents chose interesting names for you and your brother." Remus decided to break the silence. He thought that [Y/n] seems friendly when she isn't around her friends.
"Not really," the girl disagreed, "Cieran means just a 'little dark one' from what I know."
"And what does your name mean?"
"[Y/n] means [whatever your name means]. My middle name is Branwen, some people say it means 'blessed raven', some say 'white raven'. It's also the Welsh goddess of beauty and love."
"Indeed your appearance is...distinguishing."
"I know," she smiled. It made Remus chuckle, but she wasn't joking. [Y/n] was really pretty and she knew it. There was something about her appearance that made her stand out from the rest of girls. In a good way, "you don't look too bad yourself, with those scars, you know?"
"Thank you." The boy blushed and looked down, he didn't expect the compliment. It was the first time [Y/n] complimented someone's looks openly. Or maybe even the first time she complimented someone who wasn't Circe in general.
They spent the rest of the free period together, talking in the library. The time passed rather quickly, neither of them expected one another to be such a nice person to talk to. [Y/n] wanted to ask about Remus' scars. It made her curious but she realized there most likely was some trauma behind them so she just left the topic for another time. If there was ever going to be any another time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the end of the week on a Friday afternoon, a few Slytherins could be seen on their way to the Quidditch pitch, [Y/n] being one of them. It was now the time for try-outs, there was no time to waste. Owen, as the captain, was already waiting at the pitch. He spoke:
"Speeches aren't my thing, I'm not Dumbledore, all I have to say is that if you were on the team last year, doesn't mean you'll make it this year so focus and let the show begin."
He walked to [Y/n] and wished her goodluck even though she believed she didn't need luck. She was sure her skills were above everyone else's, completely forgetting about what Marauders told her a few days ago.
Some time later, [Y/n] sat on her broom and prepared to take off. Confidence was flaming on her face when she flew into the air. But out of a sudden, she started losing control over her broom. Her own broom, how was that possible? The weather was close to perfect, almost no wind was quite rare. [Y/n] had no idea what's happening but she tried her best to keep the broom steady. It was difficult like never before even during matches in the rain.
[Y/n] decided to land and maybe take another broom. She was high up in the air, it would be hard to land with a crazy broom even for a professional Quidditch player. Suddenly the broom did a barrel while trembling, it caused the girl to fall on the pitch when she was about twelve feet above the ground.
Maybe it was just adrenaline's fault, but [Y/n] body didn't hurt. She didn't feel physical pain however it hurt her mentally when she realized she had just got humiliated in front of many other Slytherins. By her own broom. Quickly [Y/n] got up and gave everyone an angry look that told them to stop looking at her. She walked out of the pitch in a quick pace, quietly telling Owen not to worry and continue his captain duties.
Then [Y/n] remembered about the encounter she had with Marauders a few days before. It made her realize they did it. They used some jinx or hexes on her broom to make her fail try-outs. Of course, they were scared Slytherin might win again if [Y/n] would be still on the team.
"Obviously" [Y/n] muttered to herself when she noticed James, Sirius and Peter running away from the pitch. Surprisingly, Remus wasn't with them this time. [Y/n] ran after the three boys. Some pain started to appear in her arm, but she didn't want it to let it stop her.
"Potter!" She shouted, causing James and his friends to stop running and look at her.
"You look upset," James said, "what happened? Or is that your casual face?"
"You bloody gits hexed my broom!"
"I know! It was brilliant." The boy high fived his friends as they laughed. [Y/n] didn't find it funny at all, she hated them even more in that moment. She asked herself how could someone as kind as Remus be friends with people like them.
"So you think you're so good with hexes, huh? You wanna duel? I would easily win with any of you!" [Y/n] took out her wand. The feelings of adrenaline entered her body again, making her forget about the pain in her left arm.
"I wanna duel," Sirius announced, smirking, "if I win, we're going on a date. And I will win."
"In your dreams, Black."
"Show me your duelling skills, Hannigan. Here and now."
[Y/n] and Sirius got on the right positions to duel, a little further from each other with their wands up. [Y/n] knew her duelling skills are great, she was taught how to duel when she was a little child. Sirius was good at it too and he also might have thought he's going to win, but [Y/n] promised herself to fight as hard as ever. Even if she maybe wanted to let him win, it would be too much humiliation for one day.
"Stupefy." [Y/n] started when Peter announced the beginning of the duel. Sirius blocked the spell and casted one as well, which the girl also blocked.
They kept shooting spells at each other for a few minutes. They were both eager to win. One of Sirius' spells hit [Y/n]'s already damaged arm but she tried to ignore it. She was a Hannigan, she wouldn't give up because of a little pain. Her mum didn't raise no bitch.
"What are you doing?!" Professor Slughorn made them stop. They were all so focused on the duel, even James and Peter, that they didn't notice him coming.
"Duelling," [Y/n] replied casually, "I think I'm doing pretty well so far."
"As much as I think you're both good at it, I can't ignore it. Such behavior won't be accepted on the school grounds! Fifteen points from Slytherin for dueling, twenty five points from Gryffindor for dueling AND cheering."
"Me and Peter weren't cheering!" Disclaimed James.
"We were trying to stop them!" Added Peter.
"I wish I could believe it, but I know you too well," the professor smiled slightly, "[Y/n] and Sirius, detention in my classroom at 11am tomorrow."
"Ugh, fucking hell." Slipped out of [Y/n]'s mouth.
"Language, young lady!"
"Sorry, the voices." The girl pointed at her head, causing the others to give her confused looks, but she smiled and added, "Just kidding! That's not what they said."
When the professor walked away, [Y/n] looked at Sirius angrily. She couldn't believe she literally had to spend a few hours on detention with him tomorrow. It was so obvious his friends are going to tease her about it.
"What?" the boy asked, "It was your idea to duel."
[Y/n] clenched her fists and walked away back to the castle. She started to feel the pain in the arm again, probably should take care of it. She walked to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey could take a look at the arm.
There was a small burn, mostly caused by Sirius' spell. Other than that, the arm was quite alright. At least the bone wasn't broken. [Y/n] was lucky this ended with just a few bruises. After Madam Pomfrey put a bandage on her arm, the girl could walk to her common room.
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fw00shy · 3 years
What Happens After Summer is Up to You
Harry/Draco | T | 1.6k | post-war summer at hogwarts, a little story about letting things go and not making a big fuss over it, fluff honestly but not too sweet | ao3 link
for @drarrymicrofic: what if he wants ken not barbie. ty @vukovich for the beta 💙
Draco returned to Hogwarts the year after the war for the same reason that got him into this mess in the first place: because he was told to. "Keep your head down and count yourself lucky," his father had said, and Draco packed his bags the same as he did every year, having learned nothing about making his own decisions.
That would come later.
"Some people need a little more help in life than others," Pansy said with a pitying pat of his bedcovers as she watched him pack.
Pansy more than passed her NEWTs with the help of Polyjuice and a morally compromised Ravenclaw. A two-pm Portkey to Zanzibar waited for her in celebration of her well-deserved accomplishments.
Draco picked up an engraved wooden case and opened it to reveal his father's Snitch, the one from the year Lucius had won the House Cup. Draco packed it with him every year as a good luck charm, but looking at it now brought upon a wave of unease.
"Who else is going?" Draco asked Pansy. She was wearing a bruise-purple miniskirt and black lipstick that drained her complexion as gaunt as a Thestral. Draco noted this with petty satisfaction.
Pansy flopped back on Draco's bed. "I dunno. Everyone, I suppose. Daphne, of course. Blaise. Theo. Greg, maybe? But he says he might not have the money, which I think is for the best really — he's just been so sad, probably wants some time alone, to, you know, process — though Blaise said he'd cover for him…" Pansy sat back up. "Draky baby, you aren't sad about missing out, are you?"
Draco snapped down the lid to the Snitch and stashed it in his trunk. "Don't call me that."
"Don't be like that," Pansy cooed. She got off the bed and flounced toward him, her every step light with barely constrained exuberance. "You know it won't be the same without you. I'll owl you a nice prezzy, alright? Look at me."
Pansy's eyes were black and glittering, her mouth hardened in a crocodile smile. She looked like she was ready to move on with her life, which she might as well go and do. Nobody was stopping her, anyway.
Hogwarts held preparatory courses over the summer for Muggleborns, and the newly anointed Headmistress singlehandedly taught them all. There were twelve students in total across the years, and the terms of Draco's probation stated that he was to aid in their education.
"Studying over the summer… bet this is Granger's idea of fun," Draco grumbled under his breath over dinner the first week.
"Mine, actually," Potter said around a mouthful of peas. "She helped write the curriculum, but then she scored an internship at the Ministry."
They were sitting at the teacher's table, which meant Draco could talk to Potter without having to meet his eye. As such, they'd spoken a few times, though primarily for passing the butter and pepper and whatnot. (Their fingers brushed on occasion. Though never on purpose, of course.)
"I'm happy for her," Harry said.
"It's a good curriculum." Draco coughed. Dear Circe, complimenting Granger… did he have no filter?
Teaching Quidditch to ten-year-olds was Draco's least favourite part of his sentence. You'd think sharing his joy of flying would be his only solace in a soulless summer cleaning up after children barely coordinated enough to wipe their own arses, and you would be horribly, disgustingly wrong. Turns out most Muggle-raised children had a healthy dose of vertigo that often manifested into projectile vomiting from a metre up.
"I just don't get it," Potter said as he Scourgified puke from Draco's hair for the third time that afternoon. Their students were long gone, taken off to the kitchens after one plummeted to the ground in a cannonball of chunder.
"Of course you don't," Draco huffed. Not just anyone could fly like Harry Potter, the youngest Seeker in a century despite never setting foot on a pitch before Hogwarts. "Like any normal dunce can be Harry Potter. You're stupid to think anyone has it as easy as you."
Potter threw a fist at Draco's eye. Draco returned it to Potter's chest, shoving Potter down to the ground. It felt good to hurt, so good that he nearly whined in disappointment when Potter froze and dropped his fist mid-air.
"That was a compliment," Potter said, his face cracked open with bewilderment. "You — God, Malfoy. You mess me up." He got up from the ground, his knees grass-stained and his face bruised with mud. Draco watched the anger bloom red and splotchy over Potter's cheeks and tried not to cower when Potter drew his wand. Was this what Voldemort saw before he died?
Potter muttered something unintelligible, and Draco felt the pain siphoning away from his body. He was light all over, as though Potter had managed to take away all his wounds, even the ones within him, so that there was nothing to Draco but air.
Draco watched Potter disappear back into the castle before standing. He walked through the halls in a daze until he ran into the Headmistress, who told him to clean up before he set a bad example for the incoming First-Years. It wasn't until he was freshly showered and pulling on his robes again that he realised that his Dark Mark was gone.
They started tossing around a Quaffle in the late afternoons after Quidditch class. They were already in their leathers, and saying yes was as easy as lifting off the ground. Throwing around a Quaffle was loads harder than chasing after a Snitch, but neither were practised at it, which helped, as they dove after missed catches with all the vigour of a game-ending Snitch. They flew until the daylight ran out and their breaths with it, sweaty and exhausted and so late into dinner that they were sent to the kitchens to scavenge leftovers.
It was a Sunday afternoon in mid-August when Pansy's promised owl brought Draco a box of chocolates; too many for Draco to eat alone, so it was only sensible for him to share as he would have with Greg or Vince in the past. He walked the long corridor to Potter's door and knocked, chocolates in hand.
It was a terrible mistake. Potter wore only boxers, his glasses askew and his hair still sleep-rumpled (despite it being The Afternoon!). Draco stumbled back as though slapped. Potter honestly had no right being so effortlessly attractive on top of everything else he had going for him. It was like seeing Dumbledore in his sleeping hat, or maybe the first time Draco caught Pansy on the toilet and realised that girls pooped: all wrong, completely wrong, he really ought to go, perhaps another time —
Potter dragged him inside with only the gentlest roll of his eyes.
The inside of Potter's room was as cosy as Mother's cashmere jumper, only uglier (the wrong colours). Potter ate an embarrassing number of chocolates while proclaiming, "I dunno where it all goes, honest; can't gain a stone," and Draco was so disgusted by the utter unfairness of life that he fell asleep over Potter's bed and had to sneak back to his own room in the wee hours of the morning.
It wasn't meant to be an open invitation. But Potter followed Draco all the way back to his room after dinner the next day, and Draco didn't manage to shut the door on him in time.
Potter looked around, his head swivelling around comically, like an owl. And then his eyes narrowed on Lucius's unopened letters piled high on Draco's desk.
"What's in them?"
"Dunno," Draco said. "Directives, if I had to guess. Rather pointless, considering I'm stuck under McGonagall's iron fist until the summer's out." Potter opened one anyway, and Draco watched anger carve lines between his brows with some bemusement. Was this what it was like to have Harry Potter on his side? It was a bit like hanging around a guard crup, or maybe a guard dragon.
Potter burned the letter. He burned them all before returning to his room.
Draco sat on his bed and stared at the scorched top of his desk. He wasn't sure how he felt about it all being gone. Part of him was relieved, sure, but mostly the loss numbed his chest through.
Then Draco remembered his father's Snitch.
Draco summoned the Snitch to him, and it burst forth from the bottom of his trunk amid a cacophony of torn textbooks and scattered winter cloaks. Draco caught the box in his right hand and tucked it under him before gingerly stepping over the mess to his window, where he took out the Snitch and let it go. And then all that was left of Lucius in Draco's room was Draco himself.
The future unfolded before him, cold and barren to the ends of the earth. What was he supposed to do now?
In the last week of summer, Potter told Draco to call him Harry, and then he asked Draco what he was going to do with his life.
Draco said, "I dunno. Get a job at the Ministry. Marry Pansy, I suppose. And you with Ginny, yeah?"
"Yeah," Harry said and took Draco's face into his hands and kissed him.
Was this it? Was this what all those miserable years surmounted to? This crystalline moment, the one that Draco waited for his whole life. And now it took him by surprise.
Harry's lips were very chapped, though his mouth held the sweet promise of fresh grass and sunshine. Whatever that meant. Draco kissed him back. And then he said it wasn't fair that Harry was so good at kissing as he was at everything else, honestly — sunshine? Was there anything Harry struggled at? Because he was so bloody perfect that it made Draco want to stomp on his face and throw up all over him.
"You're the only person in the world who thinks I'm perfect," Harry said and kissed him again.
What happened after summer is up to you. 💙
Read on AO3
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