#so i am going into season 2 with the bar on the damn floor
birlwrites · 9 months
more crowley thoughts!!!
(also, muriel is a child of divorce now and crowley is a single dad 😔)
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staticl0ve · 1 year
Baby It’s Cold Outside [2] - Connor x Fem!Reader
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Pairings: Connor/Female Reader Rating: Explicit/NSFW 18+ Chapters (AO3): [ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] Words: 4.7k Warnings: Smut, dear god so much smut, oral sex (both receiving), VnP sex Summary: Superhero AU. WandaVision vibes. After a spontaneous set of events, a virtual machine: RK800, was granted a real body. Luckily for him, he’s given a spot on a superhero team. Life’s pretty easy as a super but when Connor develops a crush on his teammate, things take a turn. Notes: Having a bit of seasonal fun with a superhero twist to a DBH universe.
Part 2/2 - All I Want *
It was peak holiday season, or as the tradition had become: a shopping season.
Shoppers buzzed around a busy downtown, weighed down by bags full of goods. Ice, gray and hardened with salt coated the edges of the roads. Taxi cabs honked at pedestrians too caught up in a snowball war to notice they were stalling traffic.
The most absurdly decorated building in downtown was Kamski Tower. Ropes of garland wrapped up the railings with bows, pine cones and candy canes embedded in the plastic pines. A tree, tall enough to reach the fifth floor was covered in sparkling red and gold tinsel and orbs of shiny metal and glass.
There was a celebration at the cafe along with a steady supply of warm beverages, some spiked with hard liquor to boost morale. People held their glasses up, sweet and spiced liquor sloshing together in a hero’s welcome for your return to The Nine.
“To Scarlet!” they cheered.
“Aw, guys,” you cooed.
In your hand was a mug of buttered rum, half filled and cooling. You had given the team quite the scare, nearly dying on an operating table. Groups of supers had come to talk and reminisce on their days of near death experiences. Some money was exchanged between those who participated in the bet, gallows humor from people too powerful to die of ordinary circumstances. You found Connor after the celebration, waiting patiently for his chance to speak.
“Hey, uhm…thanks for helping me out there,” you said.
“Of course,” he replied politely.
He was doing his best to seem like he didn’t spend the past few days anxiously pacing outside your room. Hank was there too, although he spent most of his time reassuring Connor. The first day was the worst, sitting in blood caked clothes, his tall frame hunched over a chair. Hank had ensured he’d be unbothered by work until you were fully recovered. A few other supers came by to drag Connor away, claiming a bar run would ease his mind, but he stayed like a guard dog outside your door.
A few days later, you were whole, back to laughing and joking with the team and ready for the next mission. But he was observant, very little got past his sensors. During gaps in conversations, your fingers wandered and stroked where the gash once was, the wound now closed into a tiny five pointed scar.
“It’s kinda nice being the damsel instead of the hero,” you said with a soft laugh. “Once you’ve been a super as long as the rest of us have…it’s easy to forget we’re not invincible.”
“I am relieved to see that you’ve recovered fully.”
The air thickened as your eyes met. There was so much more Connor wished he could say but his tongue was a lead weight. In the days that passed, he had time to reflect and peruse error logs. His desire for companionship was tinged by animal wants creeping into machine neutrality. There was no more denying it, he had it bad.
Connor wasn’t the kind of person to impose or demand but for the first time, he intended to. Even now, as your hands nervously fidgeted, he wanted to soothe you in a way best left in private. Damn it all. He was going to do it.
“Oh!” A short squeak slipped through your lips when a pair of arms engulfed you, pulling you close until all you saw was the white of his button up. The steady rhythm of his hardware drummed against your cheek. His nose brushed a line through your hair and he sighed, visibly relaxing his shoulders. His breath fanned over the back of your neck, warm lips ghosting over the shell of your ear and his voice, was low and richer than the drink warming your stomach.
“Will I see you at the party tonight?”
It was an innocent question from a coworker, one that you’ve been asked all afternoon. But the hand on your back and the proximity of his body wrapped around yours made your voice catch in your throat.
If there was one thing supers did best, it was throw a party. Models, celebrities, millionaires, anyone with a name and a pretty face got to mingle with the best. The penthouse floor was as rowdy as a metro station in rush hour. Drinks were flowing, mouths were running off and challenges accepted.
Your dress was thin and silky, cascading over your curves like a second skin. It was red to match the holiday theme and you knew some people would get a kick out of it.
“Ow! Scarlet in a scarlet dress!” A super you were close to, Nat, short for Natasha, lingered around you like a smug mother hen. She had hair as firey as your magic and it made you wonder why she got a spider themed code name instead of Scarlet. “Come to keep me warm?”
“Mhm,” you teased back. “As long as your green beast of a boyfriend doesn’t mind.”
“I’m sure he would not.”
The small talk was pleasant, a few other supers came by for photos and chugging down drinks together. But you sensed she had a top secret objective in mind.
“So,” she said with a long drawn out “o”.
You followed her eyes flicker from you and a certain adorably dressed android in a snowflake knit sweater.
“No,” you replied and failed to hold together a stern expression. A laugh broke through you when she elbowed your ribs. “Whatever you’re cooking up, no.”
“Why not? You have been eye fucking him all night.” She swirled her drink and sipped. Her lashes fluttered menacingly behind the glass.
“W-what? I have not! I was…curious about his sweater. Do you think he knits?”
“Who knows? Let’s ask.”
You could barely squeak out another “No” before she grabbed your wrist and tugged.  For an agent, she was incredibly strong. It was no wonder that she could handle her boyfriend. You stopped your scrambling as soon as Connor turned from his conversation with a look of intrigue and surprise.
“Hey,” you said.
“Okay. Bye,” Nat added with a wave and vanished back into the crowd.
Oh god, it wasn’t this awkward before. That hug seemed to have completely turned things upside down for you. If Connor noticed, he played it down, asking you about the party and complimenting your dress. You learned the sweater was a gift from Hank which was rather sweet. It was all going a lot more smoothly until a drunken outburst startled you apart.
“Yeah! You can do this!” a deep voice shouted.
The noise came from a crowd around a low table. Between the masses was a smug looking thunder god as guests took their turn at lifting his hammer.
“Shit! It totally moved an inch!”
That was unlikely, as very few could be considered worthy enough to wield Mjolnir. Thor’s grin grew while he coaxed Kamski into giving it a shot. The inventor wrapped a metal arm around the hammer base. Miniature jets sparked and hissed, knocking over drinks. Suddenly, something blunt came flying in your direction and you ducked. Without thinking about it, you grabbed Connor’s arm, tugging him gently away from the commotion and towards a balcony.
“Trust me,” you said with a shake of your head. “You don’t wanna stick around to see how this ends.”
His cheeks lifted, tinting visibly pink in the dim light. “I was hoping for a turn.”
“Mmm…you might just be the guy who can do it but last time someone broke the table trying. Come on, let’s go.”
He chuckled, following you out into the cool air. No detail was spared in the seasonal decorations outside of the tower. Golden fairy lights lined the railings, adding a warm glow to the plush garland wrapping around the metal. Snowflakes dusted over your heads, the clouds light and parted enough to reveal bits of a starry sky.
“Wow, pretty night,” you said in awe.
“It is,” he replied with a quick glance over to you.
In the distance, the party was only beginning, glass shattered and people cheered. But the noise didn’t reach either of you. Snowfall had a way of soaking up the commotion of a sleepless city. Leaving two people, not quite coworkers and not quite friends, to stare awkwardly at anything but each other.
It was certainly too cold for you to be on the balcony in your thin attire. Connor knew that and yet, he was busy arguing with a voice in his head instead of offering you…oh, the shirt off his back. He should have brought his jacket.
“Are you cold?”
When you glanced up, he was much closer than before. Shadows fell around his doe like features, sharp lines forming around his pointed nose and cheeks. His hand snaked up your arm, running up goose-bumped skin.
“A little.”
“I…” he began, dipping his face to yours. He hesitated, stalling just inches from your lips. He couldn’t just offer body heat, could he?
You made a hand wavy gesture and a plant appeared, hovering over your heads with a red plume of magic. “Would you look at that? Mistletoe.”
“Does this mean…” His eyes brightened, full of anticipation.
Nodding, you leaned into him, hands digging into his wool sweater to pull him closer. You barely caught a glimpse of his lips stretching into a smile at your impatience. His nose brushed the tops of your cheeks, colliding lightly against your nose until his lips finally met yours.
From the moment you moaned softly into the kiss, Connor knew he was ruined. Your fingers buried into his hair, lightly gripping the soft strands. A little part of him wanted you to pull harder. He lost his mind when you did, coaxing your lips to fall apart and greeting your tongue with light flicks. You were trying to keep up with him as he explored the velvety texture of your cheeks. At the slightest shiver on your part, he closed the gap by wrapping his arms around your back, fingers kneading into your shoulder blades.
This was getting far too heated for a holiday party. One glance outside the glass walls and anyone inside could see. You had to wiggle a palm between your bodies to plant it onto his chest and he reluctantly broke the kiss.
“We s-should…get back…to the party,” you suggested between drawn out breaths.
“Is that what you’d like to do?” His canines glinted, teeth catching his lower lip. A fox grinning in the snow.
“No,” you replied with a smile that matched his grin.
“Then…we should go.”
With a flick of your wrist, a seam of red light tore into the space behind him, opening up into a portal. The makings of a bedroom could be seen just beyond it. He took a few steps back, dragging you with him. Gone was the chilly and snow dusted city, replaced with a warm, fire lit room.
You kicked off your heels and he did the same with his shoes, mindful of not knocking snow all over your room. As he took in his new surroundings, he noticed a thin layer of dust coated the surfaces. The sheets on the bed were undisturbed and the closets and dressers devoid of fingerprint smudges.
“It doesn’t look like you come here often,” he said. He regretted the comment as you tensed, face falling into a thoughtful, far off stare.
“Yeah. I meant to move here when—if I ever left The Nine. They’ve got plenty of bedrooms back at the tower and I…I forget to come back here.”
Especially since trouble didn’t sleep and you, the glutton for punishment, didn’t mind being on call.
“It’s like I clocked in and…forgot I could…leave,” you sighed.
The last time you left was ages ago. You visited home to see friends and family.  And they were shocked to see you unchanged after so many years apart.
“Dude, you’re like a vampire.”
“Wait…Is that why they call you Scarlet?”
It was all fun and games. You had missed them. But as they laughed, you noticed the lines on their skin ran deeper than before. Their children giggled and screamed as they ran circles around the room.
Time was not a thing you could place in a box and check on later in the hopes that it would be exactly as you left it. Change had to happen. Change was natural as many would say.
Still…you haven’t been back since.
Your arms crossed defensively over your chest. While you shrunk back, Connor did the opposite, drawing in closer and placing his large palms over yours.
“You are not a machine,” he said, head dipping until his nose rested on the crown of your head.
“Says the ma—”
“And I, am not a machine.”
His hands loosened yours apart, moving one of your palms to rest on his chest. Your skin tingled from the gentle thrumming and rhythmic pounding. Slowly, you looked up at him and his honeyed eyes poured over yours.
“I can feel and when I close my eyes….” He did, long lashes kissing his cheeks. “I see that I am more than the magic that has bound me to this body.”
His eyes fluttered open, brimming with adoration.
“I see it in you, too,” he added.
The scar on your belly itched, the skin not nearly as healed as you played it off to be. Exhausted, you sank into him, shoulders sagging and arms wrapping around his narrow waist.
“You are not alone. We’re a team. As long as you want, I will be here.”
You smiled up at him, chest swelling with a warmth you haven’t felt in years. “I…hope you know it’s the same for me.“
Your lips met in an urgent kiss. You muttered something against his cheek, barely inaudible but he heard every letter.
“I need you.”
He cupped your cheeks, squeezing them before slowly lowering them down your neck. The straps of your dress slipped down your shoulders. He snaked an arm around to find the zipper. In an agonizingly slow pace, it fell apart with his fingers occasionally dipping between the fabric to trace the skin beneath.
“You feel nice,” he replied in a husky voice.
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread to your cheeks, as starved eyes drank in every inch of your skin. He kissed down your neck, gently massaged your chest as he pulled the silk past your waist. It fell gracefully, slipping down your skin in a slow reveal.
“I like seeing you like this…you feel…so soft.” Warm lips pressed on your scar and an even hotter tongue licked it. He glanced up when he reached the apex of your thighs.
“I’ve always wondered…” he mumbled.
“Oh…!” you gasped. His tongue fell out of his mouth to lick a stripe up your laced panties. You heard him make a noise of surprise, like he wasn’t expecting you to be so drenched there. He hooked a finger under the lace, tugging it to let his tongue slip under. Small, teasing nudges probed at your folds. That was all it was, a bit of teasing. He pulled your underwear down, rising to his knees with a devilish glint in his eyes.
“Want these off,” you hissed impatiently at his clothes and he chuckled. You reached out to him, nimble fingers working his sweater over his head. His slacks followed suit, his belt hitting the hardwood with a loud clatter. You had a faint memory of his naked form. Your palm followed the planes of his chest, down the ridges of his lightly toned abs to a set of freckles that trailed down his hips like a map leading to treasure.
“You know, you’re not half bad yourself,” you said playfully and pushed.
Connor sank backwards into the bed, elbows propping him up as his legs draped lazily over the edge. From down in the sheets, he could see the glow of night kissing your curves. A pink tongue wetted his lips and his cock twitched in interest. His eyes were bright, a bit too eager in a strangely naive manner. A stray thought cut through the fog of lust.
“Wait, Connor,” you huffed out a nervous laugh. “Is this…is this your first…”
“It’s alright. I have adequately researched this.”
He held a hand out, teeth sparkling in an encouraging smile. You let him pull you closer until your knees hit the edge of the bed.
“I might feel better about this if you told me what you liked and didn’t?” you asked.
As he nodded, you began to straddle him, your knees digging into the mattress below. You flattened your palms down his chest. His muscles had a surprising amount of give as you drew little swirls over the skin. It reacted to your touch, retracting to the android skin you’ve seen before. Accidentally, your thumbs grazed his nipples and his hips jolted from beneath you. You had to hold onto his shoulders to keep from falling off.
“Mmph…!” he said while biting down a moan. “S-sorry.”
“It’s okay. How does that feel?”
“G-good. Really good.”
You made a sound of acknowledgment, giving the pink flesh some attention before grazing your fingers down his abdomen. Instantly, his muscles tensed and flexed in anticipation. You barely touched his cock when he whimpered.
“Should I keep going?” you asked.
“P-please, touch me,” he replied with an eager hand covering yours, bumping the tip against your wrist. He pleaded again, silently with large and desperate brown eyes. As you enclosed your hand around him, his hips rose in encouragement. It only took a few languid pumps before your palm was coated in his slick. Breathier, louder moans rushed out of him and he knew he wasn’t going to last very long, not when you felt so good. rA9, and this was just your hand. A fire burned behind his closed eyelids, a coil wrapping tighter in his abdomen. He could feel the precipice of letting go, like snow teetering on the edge of a branch.
“Fuck, Connor…you’re so…” Your words came out breathy, and another moan escaped him. You brushed your lips against his cheek, smearing lipstick on the pale skin. “So perfect.”
He grunted, using a free hand to cup the back of your head, pulling you into a sloppy kiss. You lost your rhythm momentarily, only to tighten your grip on him, swirling his slick from his tip and down his length. His tongue broke past your lips, thrusting into your mouth with a roughness that was demonstrative of what was to come. He hardened in your hand, tensing and expanding as he spilled between your fingers.
“Oh!” you exclaimed. There was so much on your hands, his spend dripping everywhere and somehow he was still rock hard. He slumped backwards, panting with a glazed look over his eyes.
“Connor? You okay?”
The hand on your head twitched, gently pushing you lower in a not so subtle direction.
“I…can y-you…” he muttered in some post orgasmic stupor.
You grinned a little, relieved to see he hadn’t short circuited. He gasped as soon as your hands went back to stroking him.
“Think you can handle it?” you mused, licking your lips just inches away from his face.
A deep, rough sound broke out of his chest. Your eyes widened marginally before narrowing challengingly back at him. You were both supers, hard to kill and impossible to maim. It meant he could be a little demanding.
Connor sincerely didn’t know what came over him, pure need infecting his limbs, causing him to push your head down to his lap. Obediently, you opened your mouth, greeting him with a wet tongue. A sweet and salty taste coated your senses. You lapped at him for a bit, cleaning the mess he made. His regulator pump nearly leapt out of his skin when you shoved him down your throat and suckled him like a candied treat.
“F-fuck…” he hissed. At this rate, what was left of his politeness had vanished between your lips. A warm palm tenderly stroked your swollen cheeks. “Your tongue is…ah!”
When Connor said he had done some research, he wasn’t kidding. Thousands, maybe even millions of hours of porn condensed into the quickest marathon a machine could attempt. He consumed content of every category and had come to the conclusion that nothing held a candle to the real thing. Sex was animal, noisy in ways that didn’t always sound sexy, messy and clumsy. But it was also incredibly hot, your moans vibrating down his length and lips wrapped around him. He could feel himself disappearing down your throat, feel you choke a little and strangely, he liked it.
“May I move?”
Your fingers tapped his thighs and tugged at his hips. Message received. He started thrusting his hips and you were more than eager, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing over him at an increasingly faster pace. A hand dug into the back of your head and he began guiding you along his length. You could feel him getting close, his cock growing heavier on your tongue until he flooded the back of your throat. He moaned your name, repeating it as he slowed his thrusts.
You freed him from your mouth with a small pop, but before you could speak, he lifted you off your knees. In a blink, he adjusted his position, lying back and pulling your hips towards his face.
“W-what are you—“ you chuckled while trying to not smother him. It seemed to be what he wanted as his fingers dug into your hips. With parted lips, his tongue slipped out, licking up your inner thigh.
“Come, sit.”
“If I sit, I’ll probably drown you,” you joked.
“You won’t.” He grinned and winked. “You can’t hurt me, I don’t need to breathe.”
Using your hands as leverage, you placed your palms on the mattress and leaned forward until your hips hovered above him.
Connor wasted no time, lifting his head off the mattress to close the gap. His tongue curled around your folds, massaging them between his lips. Shocked by a new discovery, he traced the line of your slit as your muscles pulsed just beyond it. He groaned, resting his face in your leg.
“I can…I can feel you,” Connor murmured on your skin. Blinded by need, he dove back in, holding you in place as his tongue pushed past your folds.
“Connor! God…!”
Your back arched, teeth biting into your bottom lip. His tongue stroked your silky walls, pumping into you as you clenched around him. While his taste buds were nonexistent, he still found enjoyment from your slick coating his tongue. Even better were the moans you made, for him. And when he glanced up, he had quite the view of your muscles pulled taut, chest heaving and thighs trembling as he crushed his nose against your clit. That seemed to be all you needed as you came with a sob.
He heard your quiet whimpers when he removed his tongue out of you to lap at the nerves above. After a few swirls, you no longer humored him and moved off his face. Collapsing backwards into the sheets, you let out a pleased sigh. You stroked his thigh, running it up to his length.
“You coming?”
With renewed vigor, Connor abruptly sat up and settled between your thighs. His palms rested flat around your head as his legs pushed the backs of your thighs further open. He planted a tender kiss on your lips, your tastes swirling between your tongues. The head of his cock was achingly close, his hot skin only grazing over your folds. He broke the kiss, glancing down at where you were almost joined.
“I-I can’t seem to help myself,” he confessed as he ground against you.
“This may be a lot for you. Go at your own pace.”
He was touched by your words and began to move. His mouth was on your shoulder when he began to push in slowly. His tip was barely in, stretching and holding you open as his hips stilled. “Y-you’re so tight. It’s like…”
Your muscles swallowed him further and a force beyond him drove his hips forward. His shoulders pressed down your open legs, keeping you firmly in place. You called to him, encouraging him between moans. He slipped halfway out, only to nuzzle his hips closer, pressing as deeply as he could go.
His gasps were sharp in your ear and his eyes pinched shut. It was as you said, a lot. He wanted to work through it, hear you fall under the same spell he was under. You followed the same rhythm, hips rising to meet his every push and pull. Your nails raked up his back, your moans hot against the shell of his ear. He could feel you everywhere: your skin beneath his teeth, your pulse on his tongue, the same beat hammering around his cock.
You cursed when his fingers worked its way to your clit, drawing swirls as his hips snapped more violently. A smattering of dots sparked in your vision as you shuddered and clenched tightly around him. He groaned, mouth clamping on your neck as a spurt of something hot spilled into you. In his excitement, he slipped out and more of him coated your stomach.
“I’m going to be drenched by the end of tonight and it’ll be all your fault,” you teased.
He pulled back, eyes blinking innocently. His fingers swirled the mess on your skin, collecting it before plunging it all past your folds. Something about seeing you covered in him struck a deep and insatiable need in the machine. Biologically, it didn’t even make sense to him why his body bothered with anything at all. It was just…he didn’t expect he’d like it so much.
You found yourself flipping onto your stomach with his arm wrapped tightly around your middle. He waited briefly to scan for any signs of discomfort. Your hips rose, face turned to the side as you presented yourself.
rA9, he was going to lose his mind.
His chest crushed your back, hips colliding with yours as he pushed himself in. Without the restrictions and mess of limbs bent around each other, he felt bigger and deeper at this angle. A large and possessive palm slowly lowered between your thighs to work a set of nerves that made you choke on a sob. His weight on your back was a comfort, a faint reminder of a shield.
“Please—“ he barely groaned out. “Again.”
He cursed and rolled your clit faster between his fingers. “W-want to…feel you.”
You gasped as the hand slipped lower, a finger pushing in. It was a tight fit as he thrusted in time with his hips. He ground his palm on your clit, curling his finger to stroke a spot that had you screaming into a pillow. Bed sheets filled your clenched fists. He was relentless, never leaving you empty. 
“Yes, like that,” he growled, feeling you pulse around him. His thrusts grew frantic, and desperate. He buried himself like it would become permanent, mark you as you’ve marked him. He held you close as you shook and he once more emptied himself deep within. Moments elapsed with his breath on your neck, his lips trailing loving pecks down your spine. You softly groaned and shifted. As gently as he could, he eased himself out and brought you to his chest. Absolutely spent, you flattened your cheek on the strong muscles below and let out a deep sigh.
“I feel like we’ve gone through half of a magazine of sex positions,” you said.
“Nope,” you joked, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
“Another time then,” he laughed.
The room had calmed as you both laid in bed. Snow lightly battered the windows and frost coated the glass, masking out the cerulean delight of evening. The wood in the fireplace crackled and popped, orange streaks dancing across the walls of the room. Connor’s hands wandered up and down your back, following the flickering light over your skin. As he wrapped his arm around your body, his fingers grazed over the scar that still ached.
“Hank might have been right about the whole…rest day thing,” you huffed.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, it might be nice doing non-superhero stuff. Go on a sabbatical, visit a different realm and ride a Pegasus. But maybe I should start with something closer? I haven’t been home in a while. I dunno, it’d just…it’d be nice to go somewhere.”
“If I may, would there be an android present on your journey?”
You hummed, sitting up to kiss him once more. A strange set of circumstances brought Connor into your life and another set almost took you out of his. There was something about his infectious bright outlook that was rubbing off on you.
It was time.
“Only if he would like to come along,” you said.
Warm palms cupped your face. Connor’s face broke into a soft smile.
“I would.”
A life beyond The Nine.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
And we are on 3x09 1/2: ‘ITS JUSTIN AND BRIAN!! LOOK AT THEM BACK IN THEIR ELEMENT DANCING IN THE CLUB! I missed them being slutty on the dance floor. Every episode should start this way’ Ben says the most historic reunification since Germany ‘FUCK YEAH BENJAMIN! NEVER HAVE YOU BEEN MORE RIGHT THAN IN THIS MOMENT…maybe there’s still some faith for you’ ‘finally Justin is back to how he was! I missed him in the club being free and slutty. He acted all high and mighty before. BUT NOT ANYMORE’ and then immediately stockwell pops up ‘for fucks sake, theres no escaping this trump wannabe, is there? BRIAN, why would you do this to me?! This is the type of commercial that would pop up to convince you to stop smoking and fail miserably. (Stockwell invites Brian to hottub) *starts singing* two dudes, sitting in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they’re not gay. Except one of them definitely is and the other one has a secret crush on Brian’ ‘wait, why cant Mel work while pregnant? Isn’t maternity leave at the end? That’s fucked up. Girl fuck ‘em and go to work’ Brian is now in a hot tub with Stockwell and he said something about getting used to it but once youre inside it feels good ‘That “yeah” from Brian was him trying very hard to not make a gay joke, no one can convince me otherw- HE LIKES HIM? Brian, you’re better than this. OOO SOMETHING HE NEVER TOLD ANYONE? IM CALLING IT! HES GAY..oh he’s just afraid, well that was anticlimactic. Now what would Brian’s doubts be? Love? Life? That peanut car? His future with Justin?’ And we are at Justin showing Mikey the rage cover ‘OH ITS A BLOWJOB COVER?! Yeah! Speak on it Blondie! it hurts my soul to agree that Mike was right (justin says brian will never say he loves him) HE WILL! I am working on it! I know i said that the last season will end that way but unfortunately you fucked up my plans so i will make it up to you this season! Ha, blowjob on a comic cover. i fuck with it, hey, did i ever tell you about the time I accidentally told a store employee that i am looking for that machine for blowjobs instead of blow dries because i forgot what it was called? It got a little awkward’ ‘why does Mike keep staring at Justin and Brian? Dude, you have your own boyfriend. Imagine being called out for being a prude by Ben of all fucking people. I MISSED THEM BEING MESSY TOGETHER-wait why is the cop here? Why are they shutting this do-? FUCKING TRUMP WANNABE, look what you did Bri Bri (The cop spots Brian at woodys) oh he’s also got a crush on Bri Bri. I see we all have a crush on Brian.’ Debbie is now calling out Brian at the diner ‘oh Bri Bri, it hurts me to unfortunately have to agree with Ben and Debbie. Look what you’ve done, you have me agreeing with Mike AND Ben in the same episode! Brian HE IS NOT STIRRING SHIT UP! shit he wants out of this town..SHIT HE WANTS TO GO TO NEW YOR- YES PLEASE TAKE JUSTIN WITH YOU! Finally michael speaks some facts! Here i go again agreeing with him’ And now the Carl/protest scene is on ‘EXACTLY CARL! NO NEED TO CALL PEOPLE NAMES! Oh she’s mad at carl, damn i kinda feel bad, i think this trump dude is above his pay grade..Lindsay you aren’t being really reasonable to Mel right now. Actually neither of you are reasonable. Youre both annoying me and they wanna bring another kid into it?’ And here comes the scene where Brian gets fired ‘Brian for fucks sake stop working with this pig! SHIT HES GETTING FIRED?! HELL YEAH! Oh fuck, its because hes gay?! FUCK YOU but also Bri Bri you should’ve seen this coming, you’re smart, why are you acting dumb now? Oh so that guy wasn’t checking out Brian at the bar. Well that’s disappointing. Now THAT is a good rule Brian. I like it. Now go home and do some business transaction with a certain blondie to celebrate you not working with this fucker anymore’
Every episode should start with them dancing and being slutty!
Your brother is working on Brian saying I love you to Justin! He’s so invested. I’m so sorry he’s not going to get his wish for a long time .
I’m loving how much he hates Stockwell and how torn he is about Brian working for him.
They’re both annoying and they want to bring another kid into this? My thoughts exactly.
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goofyhoffy · 3 years
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook × reader
Genre: romcom
Word count : 3.4 k
Warnings : fluffy, swearing, angst, anxiety attack, smut, kinky, abusive language, mention of hickey, sexual harassment, yandere, love, sex, romance, licking, bullying, misunderstanding, one shot, rudeness, humiliation.
Summary: Gone for the last fairwell party where you meet the nerd kid Jeon Jungkook. The rudest boy who hates the popular kid like you. But then something changed and make you fall for him.
Author note: smoky fanfic for some smoky peeps . Share your opinions.
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"You're not going to attend the fairwell party, _____" your mother said. Tonight there is your first year fairwell party at the restaurant. Everyone is already so excited and planned about tonight. But your heartless abusive mother detains you from going.
"Why, that's so cruel. It's my first college fairwell. Everyone will be there. Let me go." You gasped at your mother. She with her eyes wide open signed you to stop your mouth.
"Be at your room till I come back from our ladies get to together. I'll be late, so close all the door. And be at your room. Don't think of going anywhere. Understood." Your mother shouted and leave the house for the party.
You close the door and shouted at the top of your lungs. You're so annoyed that your abusive mother never let you go anywhere. She's so mean that she goes everywhere without letting you go. But you also know your tricks to go there.  You know  the fairwell party gonna be lit with kids on the bars and restaurant all around. As early as your mom leaves you dressed up in your short silk black dress with your long curly hairs open. Match up with some smokey eyes and pencil heels. Afterall you're the most popular kid there, so you have to go there. But you never want to go cause the people around there are so mean and a bully to others.
Though you never get bullied but you felt bad for others. The better you know that the college guys are the meanest and cruelest. You're also so soft hearted that you fear of speaking up for them. Only for this reason you keep hating other and never went to any of the colleges parties. Even everyone insisted you so much. But today there is a sudden urge to attain the party. Because of your bestie since birth. Because of him you're going to the party. The season last party. Your guts are telling you that something big is gonna be happen with you. Something fun gonna be happen.
You waited at the front door for your bestie to pick you up. You checked the time it's already 9 pm and you need to came back by 2 am or else your mother gonna kill your ass of. It's drizzling outside , soft rains are always your favorite but today you don't have the time to appreciate the nature beauty. But you have to kill the party the fullest. You were just waiting.
"Babyygirl, come on! Get inside this beast." Suga shouted at the high pitch. You glad to see your bestie after waiting for them so long. He along with some other guys ride in a black open Jeep Wrangler. You got astonished to see the big Jeep. You walk upon the Jeep and gulped.
"We're going in this?" You questioned.
"Yes baby, now don't waste your time. And get your ass on this." Suga giggled. You get on that open Jeep. Suga helped you too. The Jeep started and all your hair dances in the air. The moonlight along with drizzling cloud make the sky look beautiful. You're feeling so alluring the whole journey.
When you stepped inside the restaurant,  it was nothing like that. It's filled with smoke and known people faces. Kids are drinking , smoking , dancing and making out. As soon as you step in, the focus shifted to you. Everyone started to making cheers, noise with your name. Some people said "look ___ is looking damn hot." "Her ass! I can die for" "can I fuck her only for today" "she wear this dress to show her big cleavage." And some girls there bitching "why this slut is here?" "God! I thought she died. Now who gonna see me." "I need to cover my boyfriends eyes, or else this whore gonna seduce him."  Everyone is just objectifying you. Only for this reasons you  hate to attain any party. All of them only gonna blame or body shames you.
Hearing all of this you squeezed Suga's hand in shame and murmured "Suga can I go home. This place is not for me." He instantly feels that you're feeling uncomfortable. He grapped your hand and shouted "hey people, look! If anyone gonna open their mouth to spite any bad words to ____. I'm gonna make their college life a hell. So shut the fuck up." Suddenly everyone looks downwards and keep on doing their things. Afterall Suga have hype on the college because he's the captain of the basketball and all of the college kids are afraid of him. This is the perks of having a scary bestie.
"Thanks. Today I'm not gonna interrupt you more. So, now you can have fun. I will also find someone to have fun." You sighed to Suga.
"Shut your thanks, babygirl. I'm always here for you only. If anything happens you can  just call me. I will be here around." He said and walked inside the bar.
Being a popular and good looking girl isn't a great thing. People only notice the worst side of you. You're thinking only this things and make your way to the near by open area on that Place. There's no one. Only you and your loneliness appreciating the cloudy night weather. Even though you have Suga as your bestie,  he also can't always look after you. Apart from him, no one was there as your friends. As you interact really less.
Standing there for so long your eyes trail down to a huge postures sitting down the couch. Black leather jacket, high black boots, smokey black eyes, dark gelled hair with tattooed neck a boy was sitting at the couch. You side eyed at him for a better view. He was drawing something. You peek into the painting you saw it was the soothing sky he was drawing. You again trail your eyes to his full muscular body. But you were unable to see his face as he head downs to draw. You just want to look at his face.
For quite a long there,  he said nothing to you. As only both of you're there you thought of asking him. "It's looking like you're painting this beautiful sky." You asked. The boy looked up to your face. His dark glowing eyes look straight into you. It was a known face too. His baby face isn't matching his devil body postures. You mesmerized to his beauty.  You tell you heart you know him, but never noticed him. He was Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. The nerd kid who always sits at the last bench but tops the class. Who never spokes to anyone. Who's always so lonely when noticed.
"Yeah. I guess you have eyes." Jungkook scoff. But one thing more he's the rudest. Never in his life he talks to anyone in the straight face. Because of that he never have friends. You rolled your eyes.
"I also have mouth but I guess it's best to shut. People are so mean here." You said.
"Huh! Afterall meanest than me. I'm the one who haven't talk about your tits and ass in the whole room here." Jungkook smirked
"Better for you to not open your mouth. I'm only trying to start a conversation with you politely. But you -" Jungkook intrepputed you.
"Yes, I'm the one who shut your bullying mouth. You popular kids always thought we nerds are piece of shit. But we aren't. We aren't even not care for you to answer back. But see today I did." Jungkook again smirked.
"What? I never bullied anyone. Actually you're mad or anything to start a verbal fight here. Do your shitty work, you're good to be alone. Now, I got it why no ones talk to you." You chuckled devilishly.
"I don't make fake friends like you or I say friends with benefits. Huh!" Jungkook giggled.
"Friends with benefits? What do you mean. You totally ruined my mood. Just fuck your life with this shitty attitude you fucking nerd. I'm good to go." You shouted at him and walks towards the bar.
But suddenly,  Jungkook dropped all his drawing book at the floor and runs towards you and grapped you wrist from the back.
"What do you think? Where you're going? " Jungkook said.
You got confused by his actions. "Wait. Why the fuck you touched me? Get off me." You screamed at him. And he instantly released your hand from his grip.
"Cool, using women card huh. See you soon babe." Jungkook smirked turns to devilishly chuckled.  You just get off from there.
Soon you go inside the bar. Asked the bartender to give you some cocktail. He handed over to you. You sit beside a group of creepy men who were keep staring at your thighs. You were getting super uncomfortable because of  that. They're laughing, talking shit about you and your dress. But the limit crossed when one of guys handed over a page to you.
'One night stand! Money as much as you want.' Your blood started to rush over those guys.
You just want to slap them in the face. You hate how the whole fairwell night is turning into a nightmare for you. You never want to come here. You're cussing Suga for insisting you to come.
You grumbled the paper and through it on there faces. But then one of the guys started to touching you inappropriately around your thighs. You don't know what to do. Your anxiety level is getting on peak. All the men covered you and started touching you inappropriately. Out of fear you just sit like a piece of stone.
But then only Jungkook shouted at the group of men around you. His muscular body fitted his leather jacket perfectly. "You creeps,  just get off from her."
One of them says "who is she? Your si-"  Jungkook intrepputed them.
"Yeah, she's my fucking friend. Get off from her." And he grapped your hand and take you aside.
"Just kept your fucking dicks in your pants. If I ever see anyone of you to humiliating any girl. I will cut your penis off. Understood. Fuck off now." He shouted at them. And all of them just leaves the bar.
You're still in a sense of shock. You never believed this happens with you. Room full of air-conditioned but still you're sweating like crazy. You got your first anxiety attack after certain long. Your hand are trembling and tears down to your eyes. You still sense less what's going on.
"You're okay?" Jungkook asked with his baby voice.
You didn't answer anything. You just hugged Jungkook so hard. Nothing in your mind just you hugging him to get some heat and strength. Tears rolled down your eyes stopped to get his presence. He hugged you back and patted your back smoothly. Slowly the terror lives you.
"It's okay. Don't worry. I'm here. You're save." He said.
"I'm here to get your back. Calm down. Your makeup gonna ruin." He scoffs.
"Keep your mouth open. Or else i- " you cut him off.
"I'm okay. Thanks." You gasped.
"Want to have some fresh air outside?" He asked.
"Let's go. I can't breathe here anymore." I sighed. I grapped his wrist and fetch him to outside.
It was storming outside and slow winds crossing over my face. It felt so soothing to go outside and breathe some fresh air. I looked at Jungkook and felt so guilty for misunderstanding him earlier. His baby face just melts my heart. He's a purely the kindest and most helpful. I still regret why I never talked to him on the first hand. Well, I  always have an eye on him for his tonned body. But the behavior always drive me crazy. The way he looked when he was angry at them. His veins hands with silver rings. And those messy dark hair sooths my heart. I once again fall for his kindness,  generosity and smartness.
"Thanks but sorry." You looked at him.
He gazed at me "nothing to thanks me but take care of yourself. A girl should keep her mouth open for herself. Never depend on anyone else other than yourself. You're your own security. Understood."
"Your words are always so deep. But again sorry." You apologized
"Well, I'm sorry too for being rude. I don't mean to but -" you cut him off.
"But nothing. Just end those shitty things. I really liked how you saved me. I promise that from now onwards I will take care of myself." And you smiled at him.
He caressed my cheeks and smiled too. "I always thought you're mean but I was wrong. You're such a sweetheart."
"I know, people assume mean things about me. But at my surprise you're too a darling. But your words are full of sarcasm just like you." You  said.
He giggled at my words. Then you gazed at his eyes and caress his dark long hairs which was covering his baby face. You touched his hairs. You feel a sudden arousal to find him. He was different and amazing. You realized he have something you are finding since a long. He get stumble too with your touch. He felt like he got goosebumps to your touch.  You both keep staring to each others eyes for so long.
But then Jungkook broke it and scoff "your touch gives me goosebumps. Don't be so touchy or else something wrong gonna happen." And you giggled hard at him.
"Okay, I'll give you space." You scoffs.
As you both walk down to a group of boys having tons of beer. The whole area beside them smells like alcohol. You felt like trying some alcohol.
"Want to try some beer?" You asked him.
"Sure. Let's compete who can have more alcohol in their blood tonight." Jungkook smirked to me.
You both took one can of beer and gulped it at one shot. It was so refreshing and taste weird. But alcohol are meant to be tasteless. Jungkook goes for another one and so do you. You both keep on finishing the beer cans one by one. You're so into the competition that both of you crossed all the limits. Just drinking and laughing. After having enough can beer you were just pretending that you're drinking. But you were fully drunk. The alcohol is all over your body. Your dress got drenched with beer. On the other hand, Jungkook keep on going with the beer. Drinking and drinking but not stopping. He's the actual nerd kid who have a super big competitive ass in anything.
"Stop you dick. I can't drink anymore. You win. Cool!" You screamed in annoyance.
"Winner. Yeah. I knew it. No one can win from me." Jungkook yelled.
You made a annoyance face and said "look at my dress, alcohol is all over my body. It's drenched me. I smell like alcohol."
"Are you telling me to lick the beer from your body! Huh?" Jungkook grinned. He's totally drunk. He lost all his senses and so do you. Both are drunk and alone.
"Would you lick me if I say! Huh?" You giggled.
"Just say and I will lick you all up from head to toe baby." He smirked. And walk up to you and licked your neck.
"Stop it. I'll clean it myself." you pushed him kiddingly and ran towards the washroom to clean all the mess up.
At the water basin, you got some tissues and clean all the mess. From neck to your torso where all the beer spilled. But there also Jungkook followed you from the back.
You suddenly feel someone touched your back. You looked back and realized Jungkook is hugging you from behind. Locking your hands and softly kissing your ears. His warm huge body fits you finely. The alcohol fragrance along with his cologne smells it's so sexy. You don't want to leave him and not either tried to get out of his grip. He makes you so comfortable with his body all over you. That's feels so calming and horny. You want him to eat you.
"I said I'll lick you clean. You don't need to clean yourself." Jungkook softly said.
He then smoothly take your open hair aside and kissed your neck. It's feels like you're the last person to eat in this planet. He spins you and now you're facing him. He's so close to your face, you can feel his hot alcoholic breath on your face. He kissed you again all over your neck and beyond leaving some purple marks on your fine white body.
"Don't you want to clean by me! Huh?" Jungkook smirked.
"I-I yes, I want." You said in a shaky voice.
He hovered over you with his lips. Licking neck to chin and then he stopped. He looked into your deep pale eyes. You meet his eyes. His eyes speaking that he will made you watch the heavenly stars today. Without any second thought he kissed you in lips. You deepens the kiss with your tongue into him. His pink juicy lips taste so fine.  He bit you on your upper lips which make it more loving. Then his one hand goes under my dress while the other is still there to deepens your lips. You put your hands on his long dark gelled hair. You both are caressing each other. Deep moans under Neath the breath was changed. Before going out of breath you broke the kiss and you both breathed so heavily.
He lifted you on the top of the water basin of the washroom and touched your inner thigh. A little moans let out from your mouth. His cold long fingers when touched your warm fizzy thighs it's giving you thrills. You spread your long legs further directing him to devour you inside. The hot make out already make you so wet that you can't resist. He pulled the hem of your dress and looks at the most beautiful site at that time. His eyes were glowing to meet with your small pussy.
"You want?" Jungkook asked me before putting his hands further.
"I want you to fuck me. Made me see the stars tonight." You softly screamed.
Jungkook getting the signal to proceed he touched your wet pussy over the panties. But the panties are already drenched of your cum. He gulped and smirked leaving your panty at the floor. He tilted you aside and thrust two of his finger inside of you. His cold veiny long fingers when get inside you, it gives you thrills. You moan his name. He gently thrust each of the finger inward. You already can see the stars.
"Jun-Jungkook!" You moans
"You want more?" Jungkook asked.
"Jun-Jungkook. Yeah. I want you to be inside." You screamed in pleasure.
He gently keeps on going with his fingers all the way. You lift up and you can see the budge on Jungkook jeans. You unlock his belt and put his jeans off. His big member is already waiting for you. Your eyes glowed up to see his big huge dick. You stroke it and it's already having a Boner. Jungkook stops and looked at your eyes.
"Are you sure that you can take my member inside you! Huh?" He smirked.
"Can't wait more to have you inside me. I want your fucking dick to tear my fragile pussy." You growned.
"Then let's just fuck you, ______" Jungkook moans.
You spread your legs further and he put his tip of the cock inside you. He's teasing you but then you thrust him in. His huge cock perfectly fits your pussy. He started to thrust fast and fast. He's moaning your name at high pitch. And you want him more and more. His hips are thrusting hard into you. You see all the colours of the stars. Jungkook made you realize the pleasure. It's get so heated that at last he thrust your g spot. You feel relieved.
"I'm going to cum, Kook." You said.
"I want you to cum on my fucking dick!" He exclaimed.
You cumed in his dick and all over his shirt. Your white liquid is all over the place. He smirked and gently took you off the water basin.
"Did I licked you well, ____?" Jungkook murmured.
"Yeah, I want you to lick me every day, Jungkook." You said softly.
He gently put your clothes on and you wear them. He also did the same. And he kissed your forehead and patted with love.
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
"I've never cried over a broken dryer before"- "and you better not start now"
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Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: got nothing to say for myself really, just listened to a song, the idea hit me and i haven't written anything non science related in a decade so i gave it another go....that being said i realised i am awful at emotions lol. Side note i am from the UK so if some things seem off i apologise
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (College!AU/ University!AU)
Warnings: ? mentions of skin? terrible fluff and flirting attempts
Word count: idk, it would not stop ~4k
A bop. A bop and some alcohol. That is all you needed after a long tiring week of studying for finals and cramming for your practical assessments. This week had been the last week of exam season and you were more than grateful that it had ended. You did not particularly care about how you’ve done on the assessments. That was not your present self’s problem, that was something for future you to worry about. Presently you just wanted to take a nap and head out with your girlfriends on a night out to just dance and drink all the stress away.
You weren’t a drinker, not by a long shot. You barely touched alcohol once or twice a month, and that happened mainly when you would have a get together with your friends. It was hard not to get sucked in when everything around you was so loud and chaotic it made you want to be part of the chaos not just an observer. You’ve done the whole ‘being sober whilst your friends got drunk’ and you swore to yourself it would never happen again. Funny how nights out looked disgusting and cliche when you were actually awake to witness them. From the group who ended up dancing on the tables, to the group who dispersed to hunt for one night stands, to the group who decided to pass out at the bar or in the toilets and then you, the sober one left to pick everyone up and send them back home safely and make sure than no one got into a fight. You sometimes wondered how the hell you got home alright when you ended up actually drinking on these nights out as none of your friends seemed willing to stay sober and watch over you. For once, you were not going to question your luck and just roll with it.
Before you settled for a nap though you knew you had to go downstairs to do your washing. Being a student during exam season meant you were surviving on microwavable food, lots of caffeine, sugar in all sorts of forms and that your tiny dorm room looked as if a hurricane has passed through it with dirty clothes all over the place and bedding that has been left unwashed for at least 2 weeks. You felt disgusting and unfortunately the neat freak in you kicked in, unsuppressed anymore by your pre-exam anxiety. With a sigh you started undoing your bedsheets and stashing them in a basket along with other bits and pieces of clothes. Making sure that you got your laundry detergent and your key card you started lugging the basket out of your room praying to the Gods that the lift was not broken.
Living on the 8th floor had its perks, but not when you were in a sleep deprived hurry. All you could do is check the numbers going down to the lower ground hoping that the lift would not stop at any other floor. But of course your luck would run out, on 3rd floor the lift slowed down and stopped, making you release an angry huff. ‘Of course it would’ you muttered to yourself as the doors opened only to reveal a tall men impatiently tapping his foot. Huffing he too got into the elevator making you aware of his stature. He may have not been as tall as some of the men you’ve seen but he was clearly working out as his muscles made him look way broader than his stature permitted. A gym rat, you rolled your eyes and tried to move the laundry bag and yourself into the corner, the space feeling too cramped for your liking. The dragging sound of the bag made the person turn around and give you a curious glance which you dismissed quickly. You weren’t interested in conversing with strangers on a normal basis let alone a gym rat. Nothing against them, you just had nothing in common and your tired brain did not want to make up a polite small talk.
‘Lower ground?’ the person asked you, surprisingly the voice was soft and clear, something you had not expected of him. It made you glance at him, ‘yeah’ you nodded after composing yourself. The person nodded making their long bangs fall into their eyes which prompted the next two surprises for you; in an attempt to settle his bangs out of his face he not only revealed a muscular defined arm which you’d have to admit was kind of attractive- you’d have to be blind not to notice, but also an array of random tattoos all over his arm and hand. The other surprise hit you a moment later after you realised you’ve been staring at him for a second too long and you sniffed and turned your face away. The smell of alcohol was coming off of him strongly as if he’s been drinking for a few days straight and his pores exuded it. It took you all you had to not cough. Frat boy, gym rat- this guy was ticking all the ‘no no’ boxes and so regardless of how good looking he was he did not deserve second thoughts.
Your prayers being answered, you reached lower ground quicker than expected and you prepared yourself to rush out of the lift. However, the clothes basket was heavier than you’d thought so instead of a swift exit like you’ve planned, you closely resembled Santa dragging his toy sack.
‘Would you like some help with that?’ the guy who’d turned around and observed you amusedly as you struggled extended a hand in your direction. You huffed and dropped the basket on the floor and couldn’t help but notice the basket he held in one hand and how the effort made his muscles and veiny arms that much more noticeable. Hot.
‘’S all good thanks’ however, you were not going to accept his help. You just wanted to get these damn clothes in the wash so you could go and nap away the remainder of your post exam stress. The guy held your gaze for a second too long before he raised an eyebrow and looked unconvincingly at your basket and your face, which was red by now you’d presume. Then shrugging he carried on walking towards the laundry room getting further and further out of your view, and you could have sworn there was an extra spring in his step. That fucker.
After monumental efforts you managed to drag everything to the laundry room only to notice that it had been left propped open by an empty bottle. Entering with difficulty you made your way to the closest washer available and dropped the laundry basket on the floor with a relieved sigh. Bending down to start putting your clothes in, you could definitely hear a snicker behind you. Whas that….? Of course it was, you were the only two souls in there. Everyone else was probably either enjoying some much needed sleep or partying the evening away already. Deciding to ignore him you continued to pile your clothes into the machine and soon enough you got distracted so much so that you did not realise you had started humming.
‘Nice voice you got there, but do both of us a favour, leave it for when you’re on your own will you?’ another snicker from behind. Flustered you whipped around, ‘what?’ his gaze on you held a smouldering effect making you feel as if you were pinned down by just its sheer force. His dark eyes, whilst amused, were also narrowed on your form as if commanding you to listen to what he was saying. Your breath hitched and as much as you’d tried to shrug off the feeling and the temptation to not listen to him and turn around, you found yourself unable to. Trying to hold his gaze your eyes wavered for a split second when the tip of his tongue peeked out from between his lips to wet the lower one. A gesture so fleeting, done as if by habit, but paired with the intense gaze it had your throat constrict and your instincts had been to follow his moves, your own tongue coming out to lick your own suddenly dry lips.
Had you intended to do this to toy with him? No. Has it worked? Judging by the way his eyes travelled slowly and purposefully down your face towards your lips, you could swear it has. Refusing to give him more vulnerability than that you turned around with tremendous efforts and continued pilling clothes into the washer completely missing the way he stared at your ass that was now on display. Biting his lip he gave you another once over before returning to his own washing.
You couldn’t help to glance his way every time you would turn around to pick up more clothes out of the basket. He was sporting a concentrated face, his lower lip caught between his teeth, his broad shoulders and the way his arm muscles were defined by the effort were making you breathless. However, what made your head spin and your heart to skip too many beats for it to be healthy was what happened next. You blame your bad luck - or good luck- for glancing at him only to catch him grab his shirt and give it a tentative sniff and a shrug. So he knew he reeked, but your snicker turned into a hiccup as soon as he had grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Normally a situation like this wouldn’t phase you, you have seen plenty of men naked. But this one, this one was a special one. His bunny like features, defined nose bridge, jawline and floppy but rugged hair were a complete contrast to his defined jawline and...oh lord….were those six or eight abs??
‘What in the name of abs are you doing?’ sputtering you turned to fully face him. What a mistake. He did the same so now you had a full frontal view, first row, VIP seat to his naked upper body. That was definitely a six abs package. Shrugging, which by lord made everything tense up in ways you did not need to see, he threw the longsleeve into the wash and slammed it shut. All that did not take more than 5 seconds but to you, it seemed like a slowed down eternity in which your eyes got a good view of a muscular anatomy.
‘What, it’s dirty and i’m doing my washing?’ he stated as if it was plain as day and absolutely normal to get naked in the laundry room.’In the name of abs? Should i be calling you a peeping Tom?’ A slow forming smirk that made him look dangerously mischievous made its way onto his face.
‘Pffft, what? I said in the name of gods, what are you on about? Why would I be looking at you, whilst you think it’s perfectly fine to strip in a public place??’ he laughed at your clear distress but chose to not to mention your choice of words. ‘Hardly public is it? There’s just you and i in here’ he rebutted whilst turning around to scan his laundry card onto the machine and pressed start. You scoffed indignantly, ‘what am i chopped liver? I’m not goddamn blind’ you mumbled, not for his ears but instead chose to say out loud, ‘what about the poor souls who will see you in the lift back up? Is that not a public place?’
Unbeknownst to you he had clearly heard your previous statement, his smirk once again widening, so you had actually been looking. Good. Clearing his throat he put on as much of a serious face as he could ‘I think it’s unfair to call them poor, this is not cheap accommodation, if they live here it is clear that they are anything but poor’ he knew what you’d meant by poor, but just the annoyed tick in your eyebrow that appeared at his statement was worth it. Choosing to stay silent instead of taking the bait, you returned to your laundry. Only to curse out loud- you had finished it and upon scouring your belongings haphazardly you realised your card was missing. Vaguely remembering you had only taken your room card you groaned, this was not how you’d intended to spend your afternoon before the party.
Without a second’s notice, a tattooed hand with a card appeared before your eyes and the washing machine burst to life. Indignantly you whipped your head around to look at the owner of said hand, ‘what are you doing?’ only to come face to face with the end of a defined collarbone and jawline. And by all that is saintfully just, the line of his throat was just as attractive as the whole of the man. Being this close to him rendered you absolutely useless, jumbled thoughts ranging from ‘i need to pay him back’ to ‘what is he even doing’ to settle in the end to a single thought which you also voiced out loud without even thinking. ‘Your moles are pretty’. You had managed to get past the expanse of his neck to the outline of his lower lip when you noticed his mole, and to your defense- it was cute, but with the whole package, cute is the last word you had in mind. More like- it added a completeness that you would not think he needed but there it was.
He swallowed thickly, enjoying for a second too long the glazed look you had on your face as you said that. ‘And you have nice eyes’ he retaliates even though this is the first time he’s had a closeup look at them. Bright and sparkly, unknown to the both of you, a mirror of each other’s. Sparkly with a promise of something. Something which would have to wait for….if you had your way, forever, if he had his way- a second. You finally willed your legs to step aside and away from the unclothed man.
‘Uh-thanks’ you never stutter, but something about the heavy and thick air around makes it hard to take controlled breaths. ‘For the washing i mean’ you correct yourself. You will never admit to him out loud that him complimenting your eyes made your heart stumble and your brain freeze. You turned around to escape the situation, completely missing the amused expression on the man’s face. ‘You are welcome’ he extends his hand out walking to your side not missing the way you try to put some distance in between the two of you.
‘I’m Jungkook’ he smiles, a complete 180 from his appearance, his smile was warm and genuine, the type of smile that is reflected not only in his eyes but his whole face. His nose scrunches up too cutely, you think to yourself. He somehow resembles a bunny? Mustering up all the courage and bravery your heart still had, you grasp his hand. Hm, soft, odd for a gym head. You knew what he was asking for, but you would not give it to him. As cute as he is, you still tried to tell yourself you were unimpressed. ‘And i’m a poor soul who lives in this block of flats’ you mutter ‘i will pay you back for the washing’.
As soon as you reached your tiny cramped room and settled down for that nap you’ve been craving, you could not help but replay the last words he said to you, sounding way too smug for his own good. ‘Is that you telling me to put a shirt on for your sake?’
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pressedinthepages · 3 years
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Eskel/Reader
Rating: E
a/n: Reader Request: [ Hey Erica 👋 How are you? I hope you don't mind me dropping an ask here, I saw your fic requests are open. I've had a terrible time lately, I'm stuck in another country unable to go back home. My flights home have been cancelled twice already and it's really bumming me out. I love your stories, though. They bring me joy. Could I request a fluffy Eskel x reader where they're reunited after months apart? You can make it smutty or not it's up to you. Thank you, I love you ❤️] Love, I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to write this prompt. I have been in such an odd writing headspace lately, but i finally was struck with inspiration and knocked this out. sending you love, and I hope that if you’re not already home, you will be soon <3 (also, i 110% used the scene from Narcos season 2 episode 3 at the very end as reference O.O)
As always, thanks to @sometimesiwrite​ for beta’ing <3
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Warnings: smut, oh my god the smut, unprotected sex, eskel can be tender and a fucking beast at the same time, get you a man that can do both
After a long year, Eskel once again finds himself at your door.
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    You shivered as a burst of wind slithered in from a crack in the wood of the door. The soft wool of your shawl tightened around your shoulders as you stepped from behind the bar, ready to slip the key in to lock up for the evening. The three rooms that you had available were sold for the night and you were ready to tuck in for the evening. 
    But something made you stick your head out into the evening air, your nose reddening in the sudden chill. You glanced around and shook your head, retreating back into the warmth of your inn. Wait, was that-
    Emerging from the fog was a strong, dark warhorse, rising tall under the moonlight. You swung open the door fully and bounded into the road in front of his rider, your breath coming in gasps that swam in the cold air in front of your face. 
    Eskel lowered his riding hood and smiled down at you, relief and longing tinging those sweet summer gold eyes. “Ah,” he rumbled, straight into your bones, “just the woman I was hoping to find.”
    “I’ve been looking out for you, you’re late this year,” you said, willing your teeth to not chatter. Eskel had always been observant though, so he shook his head with a little grin. 
    “Get yourself back inside before you freeze. I’ll be in shortly.”
    You nodded and turned back to your doorway just as you heard his boots hit the ground with a damp splash. “That is...if you’ll still have me?”
    You furrowed your brow and glanced over your shoulder, finding him fiddling with the hem of his cloak and tilting his head towards you. “Eskel,” you close the distance between you, resting your hands on his chest, “you stop here every year. I always have, and always will, be more than ecstatic to have you come rest with me.”
    Eskel breathed deeply and bent down, pressing his lips softly to the apple of your cheek. “Then I’ll be just behind you.”
     You scurried inside and left the door unlocked as Eskel let himself into your stables at the rear of your inn. At the beginning of every spring and the end of every fall, he stumbled onto your doorstep, sometimes much too thin, others warm and full of life. But always loving, always reaching for the parts inside of you that you tried so hard to hide away. 
    And he always found them. 
    You busied yourself as you waited for him, readjusting how your tankards were set beneath the counter and checking your stores of ale. Again. You didn’t end up needing to wait terribly long, for Eskel let himself in and shut the heavy wooden door behind him. You tossed him the key and he flipped the lock, cocking his head as the bolt fell into place. 
    “You’ve got yourself a draft, love.” Eskel’s cheek came into view as he glanced back at you, a smirk turning up his already scarred lip.
    You sighed and blew a strand of hair away from your face. “So I’ve noticed. But there hasn’t really been enough coin lately to justify replacing the damned thing, so...draft.”
    Eskel hummed contemplatively and ran his fingers delicately over down the knots and grains. “Maybe I’ll see if I can fix it before I leave…”
    “I would appreciate it, but if you can’t fix it, it won’t be the end of me.”
    Eskel turned fully to you now and walked to your side, wrapping his arm comfortably around your waist. “I would hope not. Then I’d have to find a new spot to stop on the way home.” 
    “Besides,” he murmured, kissing the crown of your head, “there’s not anyone on this continent who could replace you.”
    You closed your eyes and sank into him, letting him guide you back into your bedroom at the rear of the inn. He toed the door shut behind him and carefully began to slide your shawl down your shoulders. Eskel’s lips peppered your neck and up behind your ear before you spun around in his grasp. 
    “You’ve still got your traveling clothes on, dear,” you chide with a smile, reaching for the knot on Eskel’s cloak. He tilted his head up, baring his neck to you as you felt the knot give way and his cloak spill onto the floor. You let your shawl join it before trailing back towards the bed. 
    Light from the moon danced over Eskel’s cheeks and down the arch of his nose, and you just couldn’t resist reaching up on your tiptoes and placing a little kiss right to the tip. You felt his chuckle under your hands before he pushed your hips backwards. The backs of your knees hit the edge of the bed and you fell onto it, resting on your elbows and looking up at your Witcher. 
    Eskel slid his swords off of his back and rested them at the bedside, just within reach. He pulled and tugged at the straps of his armor, letting his jerkin and pauldrons hit the floor beneath him and tugging off his boots in one swift motion. You reached for the buttons on your blouse, but his hand shot out and caught your wrist, his face before yours impossibly fast. He was kneeling over you now, smelling of the road and pine and the spice of the chaos that flows in his blood. 
    “Not yet,” he murmurs, a low growl torn from the depths of his lungs, “I want to do that.”
    You swallowed thickly and nodded, lowering your hand back down to rest at your side. Eskel hummed and pushed himself up, still kneeling, his legs straddling one of yours. You could feel his arousal pushing into your thigh and though you wanted nothing more than to reach out and take him in your hand, you just...waited.
    Eskel smiled down at you and resumed undressing himself, lifting his linen shirt up over his head, baring his chest to you. You raised a brow and held up your hand, reaching out to him. He carefully captured your fingers and trailed them up his stomach, over the soft stomach dusted with dark hair that led down below his trousers. There had been one winter he had come to you bare as bones, as if a stiff gust of wind would threaten to carry him away. Most springs when he came he was soft and warm after a few months of good eating and safety. 
    “A sign of a good year,” you whispered, pressing your fingertips gently into the cushion of his stomach.
    “I spent some time in Skellige this year,” he said, running his thumb over the back of your knuckles, “tends to be a little more dangerous, but they always pay fairly.”
You bit your lip and teased the edge of his trousers, barely dipping into the warmth there before he pushed your hand away. You pouted as he reached for the ties himself.
Eskel leaned down and pressed his lips to the furrow in your brow, “Don’t give me that look. Patience, you.”
You huffed good-naturedly, watching the dark curls of hair be slowly revealed as his trousers loosened. The tanned skin of his inner thighs found its way into the air and your tongue darted out to wet your lip, just waiting for the glorious moment that his cock will leap from the confines of his trousers.
And then, you fucking shiver. The cold air had seeped far enough into your skin to bring goosebumps to the surface and it was only in the blink of an eye that your body tried to warm itself, but it was too late. Eskel noticed every little thing, there was no scenario in which he would overlook your chill and take off his gods-be-damned pants.
“Shit, you stubborn woman, why didn’t you say you were cold?” Eskel laughed and pushed himself up and away from you, sauntering over to the dark fireplace. You threw your arm over your eyes and groaned as he flicked his fingers, letting the fire bloom and blossom in the room. 
“I was fine, I just want you nake-”
“I know what you want. But you also need to not freeze before I even get you naked.” Eskel shook his head and stood between your legs at the edge of the bed. You peered out from beneath your elbow as he slipped his hands into the band of his trousers and slid them down, finally releasing his hips and thighs and the fucking delicious cock nestled away. He was already hard, straining up towards his stomach and flushed ruddy at the tip. 
    “See?” Eskel smirked, giving himself a few long, slow strokes over you, “Sometimes it’s best to be patient…”
    “Eskel,” you sighed, feeling your underclothes grow wet as your eyes raked down his shoulders and chest, over his powerful thighs and the little swells of his hips that just begged for your fingers, the fire raging in the fireplace having nothing to do with the heat roaring under your skin, “p-please, will you-”
    “Will I what, love?” He smiled, his fingers leaving his length and reaching for the ties at the side of your skirt, but not yet touching. 
    You arched your back up off the bed and keened, your voice high and thin. “Eskel, don’t tease, please just touch me…”
    “Since you asked so nicely, sweet woman,” Eskel finally ran his hand up your thigh and you could feel the heat of him even through your skirt. Your head hit the bed beneath you as you felt him quickly undo the tie of your skirt. You lifted your hips and he pulled the soft fabric from beneath you, leaving you in your blouse and smallthings. 
    Eskel crawled atop you, straddling your hips. His hands were firm as he smoothed them up your stomach, bunching your blouse in his fingers before reaching the button at your collar. He reached into the gap in the fabric and pulled, the button slipping free of its hold and revealing the barest glimpse of the smooth skin of your breasts. 
    He leaned down and pressed his lips to your chest as he quickly continued undoing the buttons. You reached up and rested your hands on his shoulders as he finally pushed the shirt open, freeing you to his burning gaze. Eskel took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked lightly, wrapping his arm around your back when you arched up to meet him. 
    He reached down with his other hand and ran his fingers up your clothed slit, feeling the warm wetness that had seeped into the delicate cotton. “Gods, woman,” he breathed, grazing his teeth over the tender flesh of your breast, “so good for me…”
    “Always a pleasure,” you moaned as he slipped your smalls to the side, sliding his finger through your folds and circling the little bud of nerves at your core. He chuckled and pushed his finger down, dipping slowly inside of you. Your walls fluttered around him like flowers first opening for spring, something innate and easy, as if Eskel belonged just as he was. 
    Eskel shifted off of the bed, yanking your delicates down your legs and tossing them away. His eyes were dark with lust as he climbed atop you once more, bruising your lips with his own and rolling the two of you over. You rested atop him now, your fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck and your breasts pushed flush against the fluff of his chest. You pushed yourself up with a grin, rising to your knees and hovering over his arousal. 
    “Go on, pleas-” Eskel’s words were cut off with a groan as you sank onto him, soaking him in your folds as he pushed into you. Your head fell back, baring your throat to him as you were filled to the brim. Your hips met flush against each other and your hand reached out to brace on Eskel’s chest. His muscles, corded and powerful, lay tense beneath your fingers, his own fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. 
    “Eskel,” you breathed, peering down at him through heavily-lidded eyes, “fuck, I’ve missed you so much…”
You raised your hips and lowered them, feeling the stretch of his cock along your walls and impossibly deep in your core. Eskel already looks wrecked, his teeth bared and cheeks flushed, the veins in his neck taut as he attempted to wrangle his control.
The sounds your hips made as they met over and over again were lewd in the dark evening, and they kept coming quicker and quicker. You bounced in his lap, slamming down onto him as if trying to fuck away all of the yearning, all of the worry from the last year of not having Eskel in your bed. He seemed just as eager, meeting your every move with thrusts of his own. 
Suddenly though, his hands grasped your hips harshly, stilling you in his lap. “C-can I move you?” He asked, his chest heaving under your hand. 
You nodded and he moved like a whip, whirling you around and under him, on your hands and knees facing away from him. He ran his hand up your back and into your hair, his touch suddenly tender. Eskel kissed the space nestled between your shoulder blades and lined himself up, sliding through your folds and smearing the slick onto his length. 
He pushed back into you slowly, letting the new angle do the work. A gutteral noise fell between your teeth as he bottomed out, allowing you to adjust. “My love?”
“Yes?” You moaned, flexing your walls around him. 
“I-I can’t be gentle right now, I...I need-”
“Go on, Eskel,” you reach back, grasping onto his hand, “I trust you.”
And with that, Eskel seemingly just...allowed himself to let go.
He rocked his hips back and then slammed into you, immediately setting a brutal pace. Your breath was torn from you as you saw stars behind your eyes, holding onto the sheets beneath you for some sort of tether to reality. Every thrust he was hitting something devastating inside of you and you thought you may have been crying out, but you weren’t really sure.
    Eskel was grunting and groaning as he ploughed into you, his hands gripping hard into your hips, pulling you in for every thrust so that he just hit deeper and deeper. You were so warm and wet and fucking perfect around him and his mind was finally...quiet.
    Your toes tingled and you felt that familiar build up of pressure in  your core, everything very quickly amplifying towards the end of a tunnel. Eskel felt the shift, everything getting slicker and your walls fluttering desperately around his cock, so he sped up and just kept hitting harder. 
    You hung in the balance for a moment, teetering on the edge as you felt him hit that spot over and over again and you finally fell, crying out for him as your climax overtook you. It was a blinding white light in a pitch black night, all desperate hands and clawing moans. Eskel’s voice turned breathy and strained as he rode through your high, his own approaching mind bendingly fast. 
    He wrapped his arms around your waist and hauled you up, pressing your back flush against his chest. Eskel’s hands held on for dear life as he gave one, two, three final thrusts up into you before his own peak washed over him. He gasped and his mind blanked as he spilled within you, his breath hot on your ear as he gave stunted thrusts into your core. You reached up and stroked through his hair as his orgasm faded into the background, leaving the two of you wrapped in each other with the evidence of your arousals seeping down your thighs.
 Eskel latched his lips to your neck, feeling your pulse slow and calm under his touch. He shifted and let his softening cock slip from you, leaving you oddly empty before you turned around in his arms. 
    You met his lips, slow and loving, pushing him gently back to lay in the bed. His bones felt like jelly and his mind was thick as molasses in winter, and it was precisely what he needed. You weren’t terribly far behind him, just reaching for a spare rag to clean up a bit before climbing into his arms. 
    He was warm and soft beneath you, his breathing slow and steady as your head rested on his chest. You could have sworn he was already sleeping, but as always, he surprised you.
    “I missed you too,” he whispered, kissing your head lightly. You sank into him, content to rest in his arms as long as you could before he had to leave. Or maybe, you thought as the last threads of consciousness fell away, I could get him to stay all winter. 
    Just maybe. 
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JB Fic Exchange Recs - AU Oneshots
Well, I’ve gotten through about half of the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange fics at this point, which is both not nearly enough for my liking and also pretty impressive for me, lol. I wanted to get some recs out ahead of the reveal because the wealth of talent in this fandom should be celebrated and shouted from every rooftop...and here we are down to the wire.  Haha!  Obviously, there are SO many more awesome fics available, so take this as just a lovely sampling.  Thank you dear authors for sharing your talents with us all!
Bug Juice: Jaime and Brienne's Summer at Camp - THIS IS MY GIFT FIC!  READ IT NOW!  Okay, even if this wasn't my gift fic, I would absolutely love this fun romp of a fic.  My prompt was basically summer camp with JB flair and my author took that to such a level of creativity and snark, it was just beyond perfect!  This one is in Myrcella's POV...I didn't even know I needed this, but I really did!  She's watching the season finale of a reality tv show that's set at summer camp.  Everyone is riveted by Jaime and Brienne's will-they-won't-they, enemies-to-lovers subplot, Myrcella included, even though she does have a bit of insider knowledge naturally.  I love the way this is written like reality show segments, with Myrcella's brilliant reactions/commentary/texting of her uncle from her couch.  There are commercial breaks that will crack you up.  A very serious discussion about Capture the Flag is had.  The GoT show digs are fantastic.  Really, this is the fic you need to read if you like smiling for long periods of time and laughing potentially so hard you spew your drink.  Oh, and also if you enjoy a good ole reality show HEA.  Excerpt 1: “When Daenerys took over as Camp Director mid-session, I was worried,” Jaime says to the camera, running his good hand through his hair. “I have a complicated history with her father and she doesn’t trust me. The young Starks don’t exactly either, but Brienne has fought for me. She insisted that I am good at my job—good with the kids. She said that I am a good man.” Jaime’s eye twitches just a touch as he stares straight ahead, his face otherwise a mask of calculated neutrality. Myrcella picks up her phone, about to text her uncle to make fun of how sappy he is when the scene switches to Brienne. Excerpt 2: Brienne takes a long sip, eyeing Jaime skeptically over the rim as she lowers her cup. OMG, when are they going to make out? Just kiss him! Ugh, they better kiss or I’m going to lose my damned mind. “You keep it warm enough in here,” he complains with a sigh, brushing past Brienne, who slowly sets her cup down and turns to him. She wipes her wide palms on her shorts and watches his back as he struggles to shed his hooded sweatshirt. Excerpt 3:
“Nooooo!” Myrcella screams and falls off the couch. She lands on the ground with a thud. She scrambles to untangle herself from her blanket and clamour back up onto the couch to grab her phone. She sends Jaime a shouty text.
Score - Jaime, Brienne, and bar trivia!  Also, face-sitting goodness...what's not to love?!
Excerpt: “And because I was right and you were wrong, I demand you two go on a date.”
“Excuse me,” Brienne squeaked. Was Tyrion trying to humiliate her? How could he suggest something so absurd without a cruel intention?
To Jaime’s credit, he had the decency to look mildly embarrassed. He even blushed. “Stop it, Tyrion,” he said, annoyed.
“I’m serious,” his brother replied. “You two have been flirting all night. Do something about it or this trivia arrangement will not work out in the long run.” Privilege - Jaime coming up with ridiculous lawsuits so he can keep spending time with his lawyer, Brienne (and a couple not-so-ridiculous ones too).  This one is hilarious and clever and also very sweet.  Do yourself a favor and read it!
Excerpt: “Jaime. At this point, I have known you for eighteen months—”
As their drinks appeared, he tapped his mochaccino against her tea. “Cheers!”
“—we have never not been in court! Seven Hells, Jaime, last month you had me sue Stoneheart Press because you didn’t like the representation of Goldenhand the Just in their line of historical fiction novels.”
He took a sip of his coffee. Anyone else would look ridiculous drinking what was essentially a dessert in a three-piece suit. But not Jaime. Jaime just…looked good. “And you won all those cases, Tarth. You’re good. Occasionally graceless while dealing with opposing counsel, but good all the same.
I hope our paths will croissant again - the way to my heart is baked goods...no, really, my hubby's a good and generous baker.  So, any story where Jaime has baking skills is going to appeal to me.  That said, this one is sweet and funny and has some pining and dare I say it was delicious?  Go enjoy it!
Excerpt 1: “She didn’t hire me,” Jaime says. “She’s holding me hostage, actually.”
  She stares at him for a moment, and then realizes he’s joking, and he laughs uproariously at the look on her face. 
“I’m good at my job. Why’d she hire you? ” 
Excerpt 2:
When Jaime comes back to work, he teases her again, though lightly, and she assures herself that whatever she felt in his apartment that evening is something that he can’t possibly reciprocate and nothing is ever going to come of it, so they can just be coworkers and it will be fine. She scrubs the kitchen countertop very aggressively when he comes to help her with a batch of coconut cake and hopes he doesn’t see her blushing. Thankfully, he then spills coconut flakes all over the kitchen floor and she has to get the broom and by the time she comes back her heartbeat has slowed down properly. She tells herself she’s being very, very stupid. The stupidest, really. Absolutely top tier stupidity. 
On Paper - Addam is wingman extraordinaire, guiding is best friend through some unintentional sandwich wrapper flirting.  
He knew better than to bring a date to Tarth’s. It was a surefire way to ruin a good thing in case of nasty break up.
Bringing his best friend along should have been safer. Less risky.
It would have been if his best friend wasn’t Jaime Lannister, that’s for damn sure.
Meet Me Cute - J & B are bodyguards to Sansa and Margaery and are forced to be around each other following their charges’ meet cute and all that follows.  This is told through multiple POVs and is so fun!
“Margaery, can you tell Jaime to stop using ‘our’ when referring to me,” Brienne replied, opting not to engage with him directly.
Margaery sighed and turned towards her girlfriend’s bodyguard. “Jaime… why does Brienne hate your guts?”
“Not what I said.”
Jaime shrugged, “Don’t know.”
“Don’t know?” Brienne exclaimed, snapping her head up to glare at him. “You don’t know?”
“I don’t have a clue,” Sansa chimed in. “And Jaime has told me a lot about you.”
“You shush,” Jaime said. Sansa simply laughed.
vellichor - This mesmerizing story of a world-renowned violinist and a used-bookstore owner is told via before & after segments that reveal the development of the characters and of this beautiful relationship.
So he does not let himself falter as he surveys the audience, sketching out a half-bow before lifting the violin and settling it against his shoulder. His bow is still loose in his right hand, and it trembles when he goes to raise it, the scars protesting a motion he has done a million times.
Those watching will see his hesitation as part of the show, the spectacle—a prolonging of his grand return is what the articles will say tomorrow morning. They will not see the terror that jolts through his body, the fingers of his left hand pressing harder against the strings. They will not see his eyes wandering over to a box on the left side of the hall, the box where a few people he has carefully chosen sit, leaning forward along with the rest.
They will not see how he searches for a tall woman sitting among them, nor will they see the ache that takes hold of his heart when the spotlight blinds him and he is unable to push through the curtain of brilliance to see if she is there.
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Request: Spencer has made an enemy with an unsub. The team believes it’s over after they catch him, but they don’t realize one big detail; unsub isn’t working alone and that partner has gone after Spencer’s girl. Will Spencer make it in time to save her? 
// Anon request: can u do one where reid saves the reader from getting kidnapped or shot pls🥺🥺 //
// Anon request:  ok this might be confusing but can u do one where the team goes on a case, but like the unsub actually had a partner back at reid and the readers apartment and kidnaps her and he gets super like protective and cute and like awe reid is so baby🥺🥺 // 
A/N: sucker for angst. So I combined these two requests because they’re so similar. I steered away from the request a little and may have gotten carried away while writing it, but I’m kind of proud of this one. Thank you both for your request! I hope you enjoy :) xx 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNER
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Finally, the BAU team tracked down the unsub. Currently he is in custody, chained to the interrogation desk. This was the man who’d taunted the BAU team for months. He’d sent them on numerous goose chases and they finally caught up to him when he made a mistake, which then led to his capture. This man got under Spencer’s skin the last time they faced him and since then Spencer did everything in his power to find him and take him down.
The first time they had caught up to the man at his home, they were all shocked to the core, Spencer specifically. Inside the home, the team found a room dedicated to photos of him and his wife, in their home, his wife at the grocery store, the two of them on dates. The man had been following them, taking photos of them, invading their privacy. Spencer was sick at the thought and since then, he couldn’t sleep until he knew his wife was safe. Until he knew the man was put behind bars.
The man had killed numerous women, up and down the coast. They caught up to him outside of Georgetown and when they arrived at his home, he’d already slipped away into the darkness. The man had laid low for a few weeks, then the murders began again, this time, the women favoring Spencer’s wife. Spencer and the team knew exactly who was behind these murders. He was back, this time in a small town on the coast of South Carolina. After the 3rd woman, the man made a mistake and slipped up, allowing the team to finally put an end to this.
However, the BAU team made a mistake, a very big one. They’d missed key information, that could potentially put the woman Spencer loved in danger.
Spencer stood across from the man that had tormented him and his wife for months, anger boiling inside him. It took everything he had not to reach across the table and strangle the man.
“This is the end for you. You’re facing charges for over 20 women up and down the east coast.” He slammed his hands against the metal table, “You’re facing the death penalty. You will get what you deserve!”
The unsub smirked, “Oh but Dr. Reid, this isn’t the end. You really didn’t think I would leave without making sure your suffering will continue?” He sits a little straighter in his seat, leaning forward, “Tell me Dr. Reid, have you spoke to your wife today? Told her you loved her?”
Spencer straightens, fear washing over him. He hadn’t spoke to you today. He was caught up in the case to bother to call you. The unsub began to laugh wickedly, seeing Spencer’s fear. Spencer then stormed out of the interrogation room, the rest of the team waiting by the door. Hotch already on the phone, “We need officer’s at (you and Spencer’s address) right now!”
The team was in South Carolina, you were back at your home in Quantico. He checked the time. It was Thursday, 5:43 pm. You would have been on your way home from work by now. You would have stopped by the grocery store on 4th to get groceries to cook dinner. Thursday’s were chicken night. He knew you probably would have splurged and bought a bottle of wine for yourself along with cookies. Cookies were your weakness.
Spencer’s hands began to shake, “How could we have missed this?” He roughly runs his hands through his hair. How could he have missed that this unsub had a partner? How could he be so stupid?
“Reid, calm down. Hotch has officer’s on their way to your home now.” Morgan tried to calm his friend, but all Spencer seen was red.
“I’m going to kill him.” He mumbles. Before anyone can act, Spencer has barged into the interrogation room and has thrown the unsub into the wall, his hands wrapped tightly around his throat.
“Reid! Stop!” Hotch and Morgan are grabbing at Spencer, trying to pull him off the man.
“You sick bastard!” Spencer’s hands tighten and he can feel the life draining from the unsub.
“Reid if you kill him, we have no way of finding her!” Hotch yells, ripping Spencer off the man. Morgan’s arms wrap around Spencer’s body, holding him back, “Kid, you got to calm down!”
“Get him out of here!” Hotch yells at Morgan, who begins dragging Spencer out of the room, the door clicking shut behind them.
“Morgan, he’s got her… he’s got y/n..” Spencer’s body goes limp in Morgan’s grip and begins wracking with sobs.
You push open the door with your foot, your hand full of groceries. You only needed a few things for dinner, but you hoped Spencer would be home this weekend so you two could spend the weekend at home, binge watching tv and eating your weight in junk food. You grunt, setting the grocery bags on the counter. Slipping your shoes off by your bedroom door, you enter the kitchen and begin putting away groceries, continuing to play your playlist you were jamming in the car to.
Your body tenses as you feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed against your back, “don’t move.”
Your breathing becomes rapid and you slowly raise your arms, “Please.. please don’t do this.” You whisper.
The man puts a cloth over your mouth and you thrash, trying to keep it away. “No!” You throw your head back into the man’s nose and groan. That hurt more than you thought it would. The man staggers back against the counter, holding his nose, “You bitch!”
Your head throbs and spins as you slip passed him and head for the door. Just as your hands grasp the door, the man grabs you, throwing you into the wall, the mirror falling to the floor and shattering. Your body falling into the broken glass.
 You whimper as he grabs you by your hair, your hands going to his, “Let me go!” He drags you along the floor into the living room, tossing you into the coffee table. Pain shoots across your body, but you ignore it grabbing a vase from the side table, hitting him in the side of the face. He falls to the ground and you stagger to your feet heading for the door once more, but you never make it.
A gun shot rings through the home you and Spencer shared. The last thing you see is the smiling photo of you and Spencer on the wall. It was your wedding photo, taken moments after you two promised to love and protect each other.
Spencer and the team were on the jet within the hour, heading back to Quantico. Back to you. When the police arrived at you and his home, they found the door opened, broken glass and a trail of blood out the door, but you were no where in sight.
He stares aimlessly at the wall in front of him, the gears in his head running a mile a minute. He racked his brain wondering how it come to this. He had caught the unsub that had terrorized you two. He promised you after he was caught, this would all be over. You two could live normal lives. Now, the unsub was locked in cell somewhere, but you were gone, disappeared. The only thing left was a blood trail out the door.
“Kid.. we’re going to find her.” Morgan says quietly, his hand going to Spencer’s shoulder.
“We won’t stop until we do. She’s family, Reid.” Emily says, taking a seat next to him.
He figured he was in shock. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t function. When they arrived at your shared home, he could see you put up a fight. Those self defense classes must have helped. He glances at the kitchen counter, the groceries still there, untouched. Sure enough, there sat a bottle of wine and a box of cookies. He’s broken from his trance as Hotch’s cellphone rings.
He’s nodding, listening intently to what someone’s saying. He looks up at the team standing in the living room, “That was the sheriff from next town over. Said he just received a call about a woman stumbling up onto a porch, bloodied and beaten. Thinks it could be y/n.”
Spencer’s heart was beating out of his chest as Morgan drove to the hospital. The sheriff informed Hotch, they took her to the hospital immediately. She suffered extensive injuries, but kept telling people she escaped, that a man had kidnapped her and kept muttering that she needed to speak with Spencer Reid.
He practically ran into the hospital to the room where the unknown woman was. His heart dropped when he entered. It wasn’t you laying on the bed. He slowly walked over to the bed, the woman’s head rolled over to face Spencer, wincing as she sat up a little.  
“Are you Spencer Reid?” The woman asks. Spencer only nods in response.
“Your wife…” Her voice is hoarse, “She saved my life.”
“Y/n? How? What happened?”
“The man brought her in, there was blood everywhere. I thought she was dead. But he left her in the room with me. I rushed to her side and she had a pulse. He’d shot her in the side. The bullet grazed her. I patched her up with what I had. Which was only a few t shirts. She finally woke up later that night. She told me that she knew where we were, she’d woken up long enough during the ride. We were in the middle of the woods, not far from civilization. So, we thought of a plan. She knew she couldn’t run so she told me to run and get help. She would attack the man when he came in. She made me promise if I got out, to tell them I needed to talk to Spencer Reid. It was late that night, the man came into the room and she attacked him from behind. I was able to slip out the door and I ran to find help.”
Spencer was quick to get on the phone with Penelope with the information. She worked her magic and soon there was a location.
Swat and the BAU team had the small cabin surrounded. There was no way out of this for the guy. He knew that. When he entered into the room, he was panicked. You used that to your advantage and was able to fight the gun from him, getting a clear shot through his chest.
Spencer’s heart stopped as the gunshot was heard. “Move in!” Swat yelled and begin closing in on the home.
Morgan was the one who saw it first. The door began to open and a figure limped out of the door. “Hold your fire!” 
It was you. You were safe. Before he knew it, he was running to you, his body colliding with yours.
“Spencer!” You cried. The collision sent pain through your body, but you ignored it. Spencer was here. You were in Spencer’s arms and that is all that mattered.
Spencer’s body wracked with sobs and he held you, “Oh god… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
You shook your head, “I’m okay. I’m fine..” You pulled away to look at him. He looked rough. Bags under his eyes. His face was red and wet from crying. A tear slipped down your cheek and you wrapped your arms around him again.
“I love you so much… god I love you.” He says into your hair.
“I love you too…”
Spencer carried you to the ambulance and he never left your side, riding in the ambulance to the hospital. He never let go of your hand either, scared that he would lose you if he were to let go. He finally had to let you go as they took you into the hospital. He didn’t want to leave your side then, but your reassured him, you would be fine. You were safe and everything would be okay.
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ex-vengeancedemon · 3 years
Payback and Performances
Summary: Set at the beginning of Season 2 after Buffy gets back from summer vacation in LA after having been killed by the Master. A what-if scenario where in episode 2x01 When She Was Bad, Buffy dances with Spike instead of Xander to make Angel jealous.
Alternate version of my fic "Hey Jealousy" written from Spike's POV instead of Buffy's.
Read below or on ao3.
Well this was the joint. The Bronze. What kind of tosser named this dive anyway? Supposedly this was the slayer's regular haunt, according to the Annoying one and his lackeys. Spike wasn't sure how much longer he could play nice with the locals. Then again, maybe he wouldn't have to. He may just have gotten all the useful information from them that he was going to get. Which didn't amount to bloody much. Oh so she liked this... what even was this place? Bar? Dance club? Bar dance club? Much more of this music and he'd really be needing a drink... didn't have to be booze. The only other things he had learned from his new colleagues was that her watcher was the school librarian and she tended to move around with a group of nerds. The irritating lack of information was the cause of this little bit of reconnaissance. Gotta get to know a slayer a bit first before you kill her.
Spike moved away towards the edge of the dance floor, sliding seamlessly between the dancing patrons. She wasn't here. Not yet. But someone else was. Spike did his best to put bodies between him and his old pal, keeping carefully in the shadows. No need to go ruffling Angelus' soulful feathers. At least, not before he found the slayer. Spike had heard that he was going by Angel now, feeding off vermin and such. Pathetic really. How the mighty have fallen. And what was up with the hair?
On the bright side, if the slayer didn't show up, he could certainly make a night out of messing with Angel. The ponce was just standing there, staring intently at the door of the establishment. The few people who had attempted to speak to him had been curtly dismissed. Angel's seeming fascination with the door had allowed Spike to more or less have a run of the place. He could probably slaughter everyone on the balcony without Angel even raising an eye. What'd he think was gonna waltz through that door? Redemption? An evil demon? A blood bank? Elephants on parade?
Spike plucked a full cup out of some co-ed's hand as they walked past.
"Hey man!" the guy with the Hawaiian shirt protested. Good thing for the shirt too, it was the only thing the dullard had going for him it seemed. "What gives?"
Spike took a drink out of the cup and made a face. "Mate, that's the worst piss I've put in my mouth since the prohibition." Spike tossed the cup aside, spilling liquid on a few of the dancers and earning him a few glares.
The man muttered under his breath but scampered off when Spike shot him a toothy grin. He didn't know why the humans got so worked up over his real face. It was just for an instant. Sure was funny to watch though. As Spike suspected, Angel remained completely oblivious to his little scene. All the better.
Finally, Angel straightened, tensing up as he did so. Spike eyed the door. Whatever Angel had been waiting for, this was it. And then the devil walked in.
Although walked certainly didn't seem to cover it. More like strutted. She removed her long black coat that extended just as far as her little black dress. The back was low cut, exposing what was meant to be a scintillating amount of skin. She looked good, and she knew it. So this was the slayer. Buffy. She matched the photos. He was a bit surprised. This was clearly a girl out looking for trouble. And you know what they say: go looking for trouble and you're sure to find it. Not exactly what he had been expecting, but it would make things more interesting. Slayer on a bender. He loved a good bender.
The surprises didn't stop as Angel approached the vampire slayer. So the git had a death wish then? Probably couldn't take one more day of rat. However, instead of staking him, they just... talked. Well, that was anticlimactic.
Spike couldn't hear what they were saying, but he examined them carefully from afar. She seemed flippant, even laughing. He seemed dour. Then - what was that? Was that hurt? Did she hurt Angelus' feelings? Realization dawned on him as he broke out in a grin. This was just too good. Spike could spot a heartbreak from a mile away. The vampire was in love with the slayer. Poor Angelus. Couldn't be a man, couldn't be a monster. Forget Fortuna, Spike's new favorite deity was irony. If only he could get a picture of that crestfallen face, really preserve the moment.
The slayer brushed passed Angel - giving him the cold shoulder so to speak - and headed out onto the dance floor. Spike was somewhat amused to notice that she was quite literally turning heads. Confidence has that effect. All about confidence. Put on a good show. His amusement turned to concern as he realized she was moving directly toward him. Had he been made? 'Suppose it was too late to slink off. Bugger it. He could give her a damn good show. Plenty of people around to threaten and all. Then again, he wasn't sure exactly where she was stashing the stake...
She stopped in front of him, apparently reaching her intended target. She was at ease, seemingly not bent on killing him. At least, not right then.
"And just what can I do for you?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
Buffy tilted her head slightly as a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. It suddenly struck him that she wasn't intending on staking him at all. Apologies Fortuna, I'll never slander you again.
Buffy cocked her head towards the crowd of people moving along to the music. "Well this is a dance floor. Dance with me."
His eyes widened slightly and he glanced over at Angel, the movement almost imperceptible. Angel seemed to be struck in some sort of shock. Guess the cover was blown.
Spike let out a low chuckle. "Who am I to refuse a lady?"
Buffy took his hand and pulled him out into the center of the dance floor. Now this was a laughable turn of events. Spike shot a smirk over at Angel. He was paler than usual and his forehead was creased with concern... and fear. No good mate, all that worry will give you wrinkles. Angel's eyes never left them. Spike also noticed that Buffy was casting furtive glances over Angel's way. Lover's tryst then. Even better.
Spinning around to face him, Buffy slowly raised her hands above her head and began swaying her hips to the music. It was a slow, sultry song, which was perfect for taunting one's jilted former. Spike placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer as he moved along with her. He could almost start to like this music. It was different than the type of dancing he normally did with slayers. Probably not something he should make a habit of, although she was making a tempting case for it.
He leaned in closer to her ear and said, "Name's Spike."
"I don't remember asking," Buffy replied, moving her arms down over his head.
Ouch love. Fine then. Names get left at the door.
Spike grinned back and pulled her flush against him. "Oh you're a fiery one. I like it. Got to appreciate a girl with flair."
Buffy locked eyes with him, holding his gaze for a moment. Curious. She had green eyes. He was going to enjoy watching the light leave them. A light blush rose in her cheeks as she broke eye contact. She hastily turned around with her back facing Spike, wrapping his arms back around her waist as she did so. He let his hands wander slightly as he looked over at Angel, who stood rigid as a board. Spike mimed biting into Buffy's neck - letting his face transform into that of a demon for an instant - then raised a finger to his lips. Now now Angel, let's not do anything rash.
He leaned back down next to her ear and asked, "Is that your beau over there?"
"What?" Buffy asked, startled out of an almost trace-like state.
Her eyes drifted immediately over to Angel, who seemed to be sweating in the metaphorical sense of the word. Of course, Spike assumed that was exactly what she wanted. A reaction. Well, she was certainly getting one.
"The git you've been eyeing," Spike replied, smirking against her ear. "What'd he do to merit this little show?"
Instead of answering, she reached up and put her hand behind his head, moving slowly down and then back up again. He momentarily forgot about Angel as his hands traced lightly along the curves of her body, barely concealed under the thin layer of fabric. She certainly knew how to give a performance. And he wasn't exactly rushing to give up the charade.
As she moved his head back down to her neck, she finally answered, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Spike turned her around and placed his arms on her shoulders, locking his hands behind her. "Bloody right I would. But, I'll settle for evening the score. Want to give him a real show?"
An idea had hit him. Something that was sure to get under Angelus' thick skin and even their scorecard.
He took her chin between his thumb and index finger and lifted her head up slightly. This time when they locked eyes, Buffy didn't look away. Taking that as an invitation, Spike leaned down and kissed her. The kiss started out slow but quickly deepened as he leaned her backwards slightly, holding her firmly by the small of her back. She tasted familiar. Spike placed it easily - she tasted like fear. Although he doubted he was what she was afraid of at the moment. He traced his hand up her spine and smiled into the kiss as he felt her shudder. He hoped Angel was watching. Wouldn't want him to miss a moment of this. It was only fair really. Payback's a bitch.
Buffy pulled away, her skin slightly flushed, as the song came to an end. "Guess that's curtains."
"A gentleman would walk a lady home," Spike replied, still holding onto her waist.
It'd be such a shame to end the night so early. And without spilling even a drop of blood.
"Are you a gentleman?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" he replied, mimicking her earlier line.
He raised an eyebrow at her and offered her his arm. She hesitated for a moment before accepting it. It really was too good to be true. And pissing off Angelus was just icing on the already frosted cake. Alright slayer, how about you, me, a little deserted alley with no witnesses?
Spike winked at Angel as they walked to the door. All the fear on Angel's face had been replaced by pure unadulterated rage. Been a while since Spike had seen that expression. When was the last time? Boxer rebellion maybe? Buffy glanced back at Angel and Spike registered her surprise. Guess he hadn't ever been that pissed at her before. Cute.
Buffy and Spike had only gotten maybe 10 yards outside the Bronze when he heard the metal door slam open. Spike sighed. Of course, Angel would have to ruin all the fun.
Angel came rushing out of the Bronze and yelled after them. "Buffy!"
Spike took his arm back from Buffy and gave her a charming smile. "Well, I think that's my cue."
With that, he walked off - not bothering to hurry - with his hands in his pockets, leaving a bewildered Buffy behind him. Angel had broken out into a sprint and was barreling toward her, her gallant savior and what all. No matter. There was always next time. And he had a feeling this time would be stuck in both their memories for a good long while. He knew he wouldn't be forgetting it anytime soon.
"Angel?" Buffy asked. "What the hell?"
Spike raised an arm up and waved without looking back. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around, Slayer!" He paused a moment to let his words hit. "Oh, and Angel?" Spike said, turning around and continuing to walk away backwards. "Your girl? Delicious."
He gave one last satisfied grin before disappearing around the corner. See you soon love.
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“It’s you, you idiot. I’m in love with you!”
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word count:  3060
Warning: My bad writing I guess 
Prompt 13, “It’s you, you idiot. I’m in love with you!”
A/N: Van my darling, my best gal. I hope you enjoy this. I may have been inspired by your baking attempts with this prompt ngl x
Thank you to @canarypoint​ again you legend x
Also Tumblr really didn’t like me uploading this so I’m sorry if it’s all bunched together. 
Tags: @missmonsters2
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“It’s you, you idiot. I’m in love with you”
"Okay, I went to five different stores, nearly killed a guy and almost lost the checklist. However, I managed to find everything you needed to make that dish, Myshka" Nat says, rushing through the kitchen; both hands full of bags filled with ingredients.  I wipe the bead of sweat from between my brow and sigh in relief, before leaning towards her and planting a quick kiss to her cheek. 
"You are the best assassin and friend a girl could ask for" Nat fakes disgust as she wipes at her cheek. 
"Yeah, yeah if I didn't like the idea of you trying to woo her so much. You'd be joining the guy at the store" she grumbles while helping me remove all the ingredients from the bags. We both make quick work at preparing the famous Chicken Paprikash dish and with Nat's amazing abilities at being able to read almost every language it almost seemed effortless. 
If we both weren't so bad at cooking.
 I keep an eye on the time, anticipating her arrival home. Wanda, Steve, Bucky and Sam had been sent on an undercover mission almost two weeks ago, the whole thing had been kept under the radar with only a few of us in the know. 
"You think we have enough time, Nat?" 
"Of course, Sam messaged me about half an hour ago. They'll be back in 2 hours that gives us plenty of time to cook this dish and help build up your courage to finally confess your undying love for our, Malen'kaya Ved'ma (little witch). Now stop pacing around, you're making me dizzy" 
Since joining the Avengers over a year ago, I've gotten to know each of them very well, already knowing Natasha and Clint from our Shield days it was an easy transition into the great band of supers, that was until I met Wanda Maximoff. Her sparkling hazel eyes and long chestnut hair framing her beautiful face with that shy smile had me a goner from the moment I laid my eyes on her. After a few weeks of being with the team every day for training and team-bonding sessions, the more I realised how much fun and carefree Wanda could be. After speaking to Clint one drunken night about our blossoming friendship outside of the team buildings and training I was dumbfounded by how shocked he was to hear about that side of Wanda which they all only catch small glimpses off. According to Clint after losing her brother she was an empty shell of herself just moving through life as if it was a chore and not a gift to walk this earth. 
I guess she just needed a reason to live again. 
After that revelation I continued to spend time with her alone, I asked more about her and her life in Sokovia, her face lighting up talking about her family and all the traditions they would follow each year even if her and Pietro weren't overly fond of them. Some nights there were tears as she spoke fondly of her brother and her parents no matter how briefly they were mentioned. She would laugh at all the stories I would tell her about our shield adventures both on mission and around the base, her mouth wide and eyes bright with mischief as I relay the story about how me and Nat unscrewed the screws from one of the vents just enough for Clint to fall through right above Fury's office while he was in a meeting with the council. Since she's been away and radio silent, I've never felt so lost even with Natasha around trying her best to cheer me up and letting me win more sparring matches than ever before. 
I take a deep breath in and settle my nerves before helping Nat continue to season the chicken.
 "Okay so it says that we have to boil the rice in a non-stick pan? How do we tell the difference?" I look at her dumbfounded.
"For someone who's supposed to be the world’s most smartest, most deadliest assassin you sure are dumb" I state, I can feel her eyes burning into me. If looks could kill... 
"Do you want my help or not?" 
"No, no I need your help. Thank you Natalia" I say sweetly, smiling innocently at her. She rolls her eyes and continues with the rice. 
Once everything is in the cooker and pan, we retreat to the kitchen island, a bottle of beer in hand as we talk about anything and everything. After some time had passed, I'm interrupted by Nat's hand indicating for me to stop talking as she sniffs at the air. 
"What is that god awful smell?" 
My eyes widen in fear as I start to notice the smoke coming from the pan. I race to grab the fire extinguisher while Nat tries desperately to turn everything off and open the kitchen window. I quickly release the white foam over the pan cutting the small fire off,  as I step back my foot slips slightly on the wet floor, sending me crashing to the floor but not before I manage to hit Nat square in the face with the foam. I groan slightly at my now bruised ass and tenderly sit up, leaning against the counter behind me.We both sit in silence for a moment before bursting into laughter, Nat joining me on the floor, so we're shoulder to shoulder. 
"Let's agree to never cook again".
"God damn it, look at my shirt it’s ruined! I can't confess anything to her looking like this! She'd think I'm crazy!" I quickly unbuttoned my shirt revealing a thin, white tank top underneath. 
"What the hell happened here?" The most angelic voice exclaims by the kitchen doorway, our eyes widen as we both come to the same conclusion. 
She's back. Early.
I quickly scramble to my feet and try to adjust myself accordingly before sending her a beaming smile which quickly turns in a worrying frown after taking in her tired complexion, her hazel eyes no longer holding that bright twinkle whenever she smiles. A large cut visible across her right eyebrow and Sam standing behind her not looking any better. 
"Oh my god, Wanda!" I race forward and delicately place my hands on either side of her face, my eyes scanning every inch of skin. She winces slightly before grasping my forearms gently and removing them away from her face. 
"Oh Sam, how are you? You want me to help clean up that cut, maybe get you snack" I hear Sam mutter behind us rhetorically.I roll my eyes in good nature as Nat laughs behind me. 
"I'm okay, Lumina mea (my light). You should see the other guy" she attempts a small grin before casting her eyes over to the mess that is the kitchen and Nat quietly trying to salvage the meal, with no real joy. I blush at hearing her native tongue slip through at the end of her sentence even if I don't understand the meaning behind the saying. 
"Again, I'll ask, what the hell happened in here and why can I smell paprika?" Her cute button nose scrunches adorably as she takes in my crumbled-up shirt and Nat's wet face. 
"Oh, well we uh.. decided to try and cook a meal for you guys. We know the mission was rough and wanted to surprise you all, we kind of got carried away" I grimace at my cowardly response, I can feel the disappointment in waves from Natasha's direction. 
Okay so I'm not ready to come out with it yet, sue me. 
"Oh, you could have waited until I got back and asked me to help. You know how much I love to make paprikash"I can see the hurt in her eyes even though she tries to brush it off with a small smile. She knows what a bad cook Nat is and how much she loves cooking for you both after a rough mission. 
Great, you've also offended her.
Good going Y/N. 
There's an awkward silence between the four of us before Wanda clears her throat and takes a step back towards the entrance way. 
"I'm gonna go and get cleaned up, I'll see you both at the party tonight, yes?" She addressed us both, but her eyes stayed locked on mine. I blush slightly at the thought of her wanting my company. 
Please she was addressing you both Y/N, as if you would ever stand a chance.
 "Of course, Wanda, we wouldn't miss it" Nat answers for us as I continue to stare at her. I quickly avert my eyes and nod in acknowledgement. 
"We'll be there" 
Once she leaves a dry towel hits me square in the chest, I instantly catch it while looking up in the direction of the thrower. 
"Come on lover girl, let's clean this mess up and order a take away. I'm starving. Also, Sam "we'll be there in two hours" can you not map out a timescale" 
"Listen I lost a lot of blood tryna get out of that place, forgive me please" he grumbles jokingly as he sulks out of the room, mumbling about never getting any attention for how badass he is. 
A few hours pass by and before I know it, I'm making the final touches to my makeup. A loud knock echoes in the room before Nat swings it wide open and struts in looking like a red-headed goddess. Her dark green off the shoulder dress clinging to her in all the right places. With one more stroke of my mascara brush I turn and face my best friend with a grin. 
"You ready?" 
"If you need me tonight, I'll be behind the bar, slowly drinking my boredom away" "Hey, am I such bad company?!" 
"Well youuuu, missy is going to charm your way into Maximoff’s pants. Therefore, you will be too busy to entertain me tonight, Myshka" 
"Nat, I don't think tonight is the right time, you saw how she looked in the kitchen today. She doesn't need me pestering her all night" 
"Actually, it's the perfect time! Go an' comfort her and if you manage to slip in that you love her then great!" I roll my eyes in good nature before making my way to my door. 
"Come on, Romanoff. I need a drink" 
The party is too loud and overly crowded with people none of us really know with drinks flowing around every part of the room. 
"Why does he always feel the need to throw a party every time we finish a mission?" 
"Would he be Tony if he didn't? You gotta give him credit though this party is insane" Nat murmurs beside me, making me chuckle in agreement. 
My eyes are already scanning for the beautiful brunette avenger. Nat notices me searching and shoves me forward slightly. 
"Go find her, I'll be by the bar" with one last shove, I'm left by myself looking out into the crowd. 
My eyes finally land on the brown-haired beauty, I bite my lip as I take in her form. A long black flowy dress falls just past her knees with the straps of the dress sitting comfortably just off the shoulder, giving me a great view of her cleavage. Her hair hangs curled and loose over her shoulders, her red lipstick perfectly in place. 
God she's beautiful. 
As I continue to take her in, I notice an unfamiliar arm resting around her waist. I look up to identify the persons whose arm it is and my heart stops as I witness this man lean his mouth to her ear and whisper some bullshit that makes her laugh out, he pulls back clearly satisfied with the response he got from her. As if sensing a presence her eyes turn and rest upon me, a soft smile forming on those red lips. I quickly drop my gaze and turn away from her, heading straight to the bar; trying hard to blend into the crowd.
 "Why the sour face?" Nat questions as she instantly hands me a bottle from behind the bar. 
"You didn't tell me she was seeing someone" I sulk to her before taking a big gulp from the bottle, cringing slightly at the bitter taste. Nat's eyebrows pinch together as if confused by my statement. She leans forward slightly over the bar to peer over my shoulder to take a good look at Wanda and the mystery man. 
"Who? Matthews? Please that guy wishes he could have her. She's just being polite Y/N" Nat tries to reassure me, but I can't seem to remove the image out of my head. 
"It's not like I stood a chance anyway" I grumble grabbing the vodka shot from Nats hand and letting the burning liquid flow down my throat. After a few hours of drinking with Nat; who’s now joined me on the other side of the bar, I start to feel the effects of the alcohol hit me as I laugh out loud from the stupid stories Nat seems to be sharing. Any thoughts of Wanda and her mystery guy fading into the background of my mind. 
Or that's what I keep telling myself. 
In my daze, I quickly lose my balance on the bar stool but before I could hit the floor, I feel a familiar strong arm wrap itself around me, steadying me on the stool. 
"Careful Myshka, you'll end up on your ass" Nat teases as I start to lean heavily against her, sleep fighting to take over. 
"Also, just to let you know Maximoff has been looking over here all night and throwing daggers at me, similar to the one she's throwing right now" Nat says clearly amused at the concept. She leans herself further towards me and traces her finger up and down my arm slightly, my eyes widen in surprise before she leans in and whispers: 
"Just got with it" 
Before I have a chance to question her, I feel a warm body pressed into my back. I gasp slightly at the faint smell of cherries and forest, the smell consuming my senses. I close my eyes briefly knowing that smell all too well. Her lips brush slightly against my ear, making me shiver. 
"Can I talk to you in private, Y/N" I barely have time to nod before her arm is wrapping tightly around me and escorting away from Natasha and out of the room. Once we are alone, she releases her hold on me and starts to pace in front of me, her dress sway slightly with each turn. I stand watching her waiting for her to gather her thoughts, I bite my lip anxiously debating whether to make the first move. She stops suddenly and takes a deep breath in before releasing it into the open air and turning to look at me with a heartbroken expression. 
"You've been avoiding me all night" I gape at her forwardness before replying defensively: 
"No, I haven't, maybe you've been a little preoccupied with prince charming on steroids in there to notice me at all!" She frowns slightly, almost bashfully.
"You mean Matthews? Y/N that guy has a brain of a mouse. I was simply being polite. Anyway, you are one to talk! Are you and Nat ever going to go public because the way shes’s being all handsy with you tonight, you may as well let everyone know!" Now it's my turn to gape at her in shock becoming slightly annoyed.
 I take a step towards her slightly wanting to keep her full attention on me as I feel the word vomit slowly creeping its way up my throat.
"Are you being serious right now?! Me and Nat are best friends that's never even been a thought! Are you so blind to see Wanda?! You think I'd go and pick up your favourite flowers every Thursday even though they make my nose itch and makes me sneeze because I thought they'd brighten up your bedroom? You have plants covering every window sill! You think I'd attempt to cook a dish that I can barely understand let alone cook and make a complete mess of it for just anyone?! Wanda you are always in my thoughts every day, the past two weeks have been torturing for me wondering when you'd be home.  I missed you all the damn time! I missed our nights in where it was just the two of us watching crap reality television because even though we make fun of it we both secretly love the drama" She stares at me in shock, her lip twitching into a smile ever so slightly at the last part of my confession. 
Her silence clearly an invitation for me to continue: 
"But you really want to know what I missed about those nights while you've been gone. I missed watching your beautiful face scrunch up slightly as you slowly doze off with your head falling onto my shoulder. I would stay sitting in that upright position for hours if it meant keeping you like that, close to me. Wanda there could never be a me and Nat... you wanna know why? It's you, you idiot. I'm in love with you!" 
Her emerald green eyes drop to the floor, suddenly finding it very interesting before a wide smile settles on her red lips and her eyes slowly make their way to meeting mine. 
“You love me?” 
“Yes I love you, you idiot” I whisper, shuffling slightly feeling uncomfortable and exposed with my feelings. 
Before I can turn and hide away from my embarrassing confession, I feel warm, soft lips press hard against my own, the taste of vanilla chapstick lingers on my lips as I brush my tongue gently against her bottom lip making her gasp, granting me access. Our tongues clash, both fighting for dominance before pulling away slightly, my teeth catching her bottom lip gently and tugging at the soft skin softly before letting go with a small pop. 
"If I'm an idiot, I'll be an idiot who’s in love with you too" she whispers breathlessly into the open air between us, her forehead resting gently against my own. 
I smile.  
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beskarhearts · 3 years
Intrigued (Din Djarin x oc/reader)
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gif credits: @bestintheparsec​
Recluse series pt. 2
Pairing: Din Djarin x oc!bountyhunter/f!reader hybrid (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: pre-season 1, cursing, mentions of sexual harassment, drinking, mentions of prostitution/sex workers kind of, canon typical violence/death (let me know if I missed any!)
Word count: over 10.5K
Summary: At every step and turn, Bullet served as a reminder to Din of why he didn’t work with others. But it still didn’t stop the inkling of curiosity he had about her, which just seemed to grow more and more.
Notes: I am honestly not sure if anybody is enjoying this series so far, but I am enjoying writing it and have some ideas so I will keep going! Please let me know what you think, I always love to read your reactions and opinions. And if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know!
Previous Part _ Next Part
When Din woke up, he had almost forgotten about the previous days events. It wasn’t until he realized he was sat in the cockpit with a creak in his neck that it hit him. He let out a small grunt and began to sit up, slowly rolling his neck as it let out a series of cracks and pops. Sleeping in the armor was necessary but it didn’t make it any less painful.
“You snore. Sounded like a damn starfighter through your modulator.”
The sound of her voice spooked Din. He wasn’t used to someone being there when he woke up and someone talking to him so early in the day. In fact, he wasn’t used to people speaking to him at all, speaking most of his days alone and with zero human interaction. Din rolled his head to look over at the woman, who looked how he felt. She must of not gotten a good nights rest as well, some bags under her eyes and a tired expression on her grumpy looking face.
“Sorry.” Din muttered softly and she shrugged.
“I’m just glad you’re awake. I need to piss.” She stood from the seat, using the arm rests to pull herself up as she trudged over to the ladder. She didn’t look back at him as she climbed down it, a loud noise ringing out as she moved the item in front of the fresher door, tossing the weapons out of the small room, and then slamming the door shut.
Din also made himself rise from his seat to make his way down into the hull, his body aching from the position he had slept in. He made his way down to the hull, sparing a glance at his cot with a small expression of want. He turned over and as he expected, his weapons had been unceremoniously tossed on the floor outside of the fresher door. He bent down and grabbed them all before attaching them to himself, feeling instantly more at ease. He had just finished attaching the last piece when the door was torn open, Bullet standing in the door way of the fresher. She looked at him and Din found that her weapons were also back on. “When will we get to Tatooine?”
“Should be landing soon.”
“Good.” She muttered and brushed past Din, into the body of the hull. “Our best bet is going to be Mos Espa. It’s the most highly populated place so easier to hide in and it’s where all the gambling and credits are.”
Din nodded. She was completely right. A man from Coruscant was most likely want to find somewhere that slightly resembled the city landscape he was used to. And even though Mos Espa was small, it was still the biggest city by far on Tatooine, perhaps the only one Din could recall. It would be a prime area for a man with lots of credits to go to, whether it be for gambling, betting on podraces, or anything else of the sort. The type of activities a man who stole credits would most likely take part in.
“Sounds good.” Din said.
“I have a couple ideas of where he could specifically be. One in particular.” She said, standing to face Din with her hands on her hips. She seemed focused and on stand-by, ready for action. 
Din tilted his helmet slightly. They haven’t even stepped foot on the planet and she already had a place in mind. He would usually land on a planet, inspect the area, and then come up with possibilities for where the bounty could be. He had to put himself in the shoes of them, try to imagine what he would do if he was on the run in that place. “How do you have a place in mind already?”
“Think about it.” She countered but when Din didn’t respond, she sighed. “We’ve got a man from Coruscant, with loads of credits. He needs somewhere to lay low, a place where people don’t care who you are and at what your name is. But he also wants to use his credits for something good, continue to feed off the thrill of stealing them. That leads to three options: gambling, a bar, or women.”
Thinking about it, it all made sense. Perfect sense actually. Din nodded slowly. “Mos Espa had loads of those types of places.”
“Yeah, but I know a place with all three. They will either know something or he will be there.” she stated. Din was kind of at awe by her confidence. He could sense that she had an innate feeling that the man they were hunting for was there. It made all the sense in the world to her and she was already formulating a plan - Din could see the gears grinding in her mind. 
Part of Din felt a spark of annoyance course through him. He hadn’t even had a moment to contribute his thoughts to their plan of action. She was laying down the rules before he had the chance to think properly. He felt like he had been one-upped and was off his game. He blamed it on his space being intruded on and having to work with another individual but a part of his mind couldn’t help but to question if it was possible that this woman was better than him. After all, he couldn’t even be too annoyed because she hit the mark. Everything she said was sound and logical. He couldn’t argue against it unless he just wanted to do so for purely selfish reasons. “Okay. We will stop there first.”
She nodded, satisfied that he hadn’t questioned her authority or ideas. “Good. You land us and we’ll be off.”
Tatooine, and Mos Espa in particular, was the same it had always been. The double suns of the planet beat down on him, warming his body even more than it always was under all the armor. The town was busy, full of merchants and workers, as well as loads of questionable personas that all gave Din weary looks as he passed by. Bullet was taking the lead, Din following closely behind as she winded her way through the people. She seemed familiar with this place and Din swore he even saw a few people give her a nod of recognition. 
It only took them a few moments before she led the way to a building and stopped in front of it. “This is it.”
Din inspected the building and was unimpressed. It was completely lack luster with no defining features besides a single sign that red Oppa’s in deep red writing. No people hanging outside of it, no windows, no signs to indicate what the purpose of the establishment was. “Are you sure?”
She let out a snort at his question, as if she found it funny he was questioning her. “Absolutely. Check the fob.”
Din fished it out of a pocket and looked down in shock to find it blinking quickly. The bounty was nearby, incredibly close for that matter. He looked up to see the woman giving him a cocky grin. “Told ya.”
Din pushed the fob back into his pocket, feeling disbelief course through him. She had been right. Not only right, but incredibly precise in just how exactly right she was. She didn’t just know what city he’d be in, or what type of place he’d be at. She had narrowed it down to the specific place. Din wanted to ask her how but he just let out a grunt and gestured towards the door. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Hold on, big boy.” She said, making Din stop in his tracks. She began to back away from the door and towards an alley along the side of it. Din hesitantly followed her as she continued talking. “You can’t just walk in there. Everybody would be out the door before we had a chance to get to this guy.”
“What?” Din asked.
“This place is full of the type of guys who would have bounties on their heads. If a Mandalorian walked in, they’d all shit their pants and run. And then the ladies would be out of business.” She stopped at a small door at the side of the building, this one not even having a sign. Just a small entrance whose door matched the color of the sign at the front of the building. “I’m honestly surprised you’ve never been here for a bounty before.”
“How do you know this place?” Din asked.
“Used to work here.” She muttered, the distinct sound of bitterness winding around her words. Din didn’t have anything else to ask but he wouldn’t have even if he had a moment to before she opened the door and walked in, Din following her movements.
They had walked straight into a kitchen that looked empty and showed no signs that it had been used. Din had to guess the place had been a restaurant before it had been converted into whatever it was now. The sound was muffled, but he could hear music coming from what must of been the main area of the building. The bass of it was loud and pounding, the kind of music that typically gave Din a migraine and was a good indication that this was not his type of place. He saw a small door leading from the kitchen to the main room, only a small window giving the smallest view into it. He couldn’t see much except that the building was dark besides fluorescent lights and what appeared to be a stage in the center of it. 
Bullet didn’t walk through the door, instead walking over to a bell that sat on one of the countertops. She hit it three times in quick succession and then walked over to the fridge that sat in the corner of the room, peering into it before deciding to grab a bottle of spotchka from it. 
The door in the kitchen opened and Din’s hand flew to his blaster, just to find a scantily clad woman to enter the room and let out a small squeak as she saw the Mandalorian. “Calm down, dude.” Bullet exclaimed, looking over at him with annoyance as she saw the blaster clasped in his hand. She rolled her eyes before looking over to the woman.
“What the fuck, Bullet? You bringing Mandalorians around just for them to aim blasters at me?” The woman said in a high, pitchy voice, one Din couldn’t tell was her natural voice or due to fear. She finally stepped further into the room to stand besides Bullet, grabbing the bottle from her and taking a big gulp from it while her hands shook slightly. Din put the blaster back on his side, feeling an inkling of guilt for pulling a blaster on the woman. But he always had to be on edge, prepared.
“Don’t worry, Kira. This wasn’t my idea. Karga made me partner up again.” Bullet responded and the woman laughed, all fears seeming to dissipate with it as she looked between the two in disbelief. 
“Oh shit. Does he know what happened to the last one?” She said through laughter.
“Yeah.” Bullet said, grabbing the bottle from the woman and taking a big gulp from it as well. “So far he isn’t a pervert like that one though.”
“Did I not teach you a thing? All men are perverts.” The woman, Kira, spared Din a glance and gave him an awkward smile. “No offense.”
Din just let out a small sigh and looked back at Bullet. She was now propped against a counter, harboring the bottle of spotchka. For the first time since she had joined Din, she seemed relaxed. Her shoulders weren’t held back as much, her body seemed rid of tension, and she had a small little smile on her face that wasn’t overwhelmingly big but seemed genuine. He didn’t know anything about her but she clearly knew this woman and trusted her. 
“I need your help.” Bullet finally said and Kira redirected her attention back on her.
“Of course you do. Let me guess: another bounty?”
“Yep. A big one.” Bullet responded with a greedy grin.
“We’ll help you out. I need you to deal with a problem while you are here anyways.” Kira said, pulling herself up to sit on the counter.
“What is it this time?”
“This ass keeps coming in her, requesting dances with the girls, threatening everybody, and then not paying at all.” 
Bullet let out a dark chuckle, shaking her head. “He doesn’t know how it works here?”
“Nope. He is new around these parts. Thinks he is hot shit cause he is from Coruscant. Clearly doesn’t know people around here don’t care if you come from a big city.” As soon as Kira finished speaking, Bullet’s head whipped over to look at Din. She gave him a knowing look, a grin still spread across her lips, but a bit of fire consumed her eyes. Kira seemed to recognize the meaning of it, giving the two of them a sly smile. “This is your guy?”
“Yes.” Din responded.
“Now we know our guy is dumb, running around telling people he is from Coruscant.” Bullet said, directing the statement towards Din. He nodded back, feeling relieved at the bit of information from Kira. If this guy was running around trying to brag about where he was from, he was an idiot not used to hiding and being subtle. Made him an easier catch for the two of them.
“Makes sense someone would want him. He is a real tool.” Kira added.
“Is Lu here today?” Bullet asked, now turning her back to Din and looking at Kira. 
“Yeah. I actually think she is being pestered by the creep right now.”
“Bring her in here. I need her help.” Bullet said, throwing another sip back before placing the bottle on the counter. She shrugged the jacket off her shoulders, revealing some of her skin as she tossed it on the counter as well. Din looked over her, taking note of the small scars and scrapes that littered her skin. Those were the accessories of any bounty hunter, especially one who got down and dirty. He himself also had skin littered with the small markings of the profession. He took his gaze away from her skin, now looking at her face as she she leaned back against the counter. 
Kira let out a loud laugh and looked down at Bullet with a sparkle in her eyes and a knowing look. “Are we sure that’s a good idea?” The woman tilted her head towards Din and Bullet looked back at him. It took her a moment before realization spread on her face and she let out a chuckle of her own, her face breaking out into a big grin. 
Din looked back at the two women who both looked at him and felt uncomfortable with the attention. “What?”
“Let’s just say our friend Lu is fond of Mandalorians.” Kira teased before slipping off the counter and towards the door. “Let me get her.”
“What does that mean?” Din asked Bullet who still was smirking. 
“Oh, she just has a thing for the helmets and the silent, brooding type.” She threw him a wink and Din let out a grunt. The first time Din finally saw this woman crack a genuine, full smile and laugh at something, only for it to be at his own expense. He suddenly grew very flustered and annoyed, wanting to just barge into the building. grab the man, and leave. 
They stood in silence for just a few more moments before a smaller woman walked in, her hair pulled into intricate braids and a big smile beaming on her face. She didn’t seem to notice Din, her bright eyes landing on Bullet and widening. “Bullet, about time you show your face around here!” 
She made her way over to the woman, giving her a giant hug that seemed to asphyxiate the woman. She didn’t embrace the smaller female, just bringing a hand to pat at her back as her head leaned away from the hug. “Good to see you, Lu.”
“Oh man, I am so glad you are here. What is up?” Lu exclaimed emphatically, throwing her hands up in a very theatrical manner. She turned around, moving to sit on the counter when her eyes landed on Din and she froze. Her smile dropped, except for one corner of her lips that remained quirked up. “Please tell me this guy has something to do with why you’re here.”
Bullet chuckled, clasping a hand on the womans shoulder forcefully, making her stumble a little. But her eyes still remained on Din and she batted her eyelashes a little. Din cleared his throat, suddenly wanting the ground to swallow him whole at the way she was looking at him. He turned his helmet to look at Bullet who just chuckled. “Sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t bring a Mandalorian for you to marry.”
“We are here for a bounty.” Din added, wanting to make it clear he was only here for that and nothing else. 
Instead the womans eyes widened and she looked over at Bullet with flushed cheeks. “Why tease me with a Mandalorian whose voice sounds like that!” 
Din immediately regretted speaking, feeling his face heat up under the helmet even more than it had from the temperature of the planet. Bullet shook her head. “Karga gave me a partner for this bounty. Speaking of which,” Din let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the change in conversation “I need your help.”
“Which one is it?” Lu asked, immediately switching gears and seeming to understand what Bullet needed immediately. Din tilted his helmet, wanting to know more information about what Lu would be doing but also wanting to not speak.
“The one from Coruscant.”
Lu let out a groan, her body sagging as disgust rippled through her. “That sick pervert was just trying to rub up on me.”
Bullet grabbed her jacket from the counter, reaching into the inner pocket of it and pulling out a small satchel. She tossed it over to Lu, who grabbed it. “I think this will make up for it.”
“I’d do it for free, for you, but I guess I won’t say no to some compensation for my services.” Lu jokingly said, giving Bullet a small smile that indicated she wasn’t upset with her. “Give me a few minutes.”
The woman bounced out of the room, giving Din one more fleeting glance before walking through the door. The Mandalorian suddenly let out some air he didn’t know he was holding in and looked over at Bullet. “What is she doing?”
“Don’t worry. She has helped me with this kind of stuff before.” the woman said nonchalantly, giving him a plain expression. 
“Has she helped you with bounties worth this much?” Din asked, placing his hands on his hips. He didn’t like being out of the loop.
“Listen, all she is going to do is bring this guy to a room we can sneak into and then tie him to a chair.”
Din’s jaw dropped within the helmet and he looked at the woman in astonishment, not that she could see. “What?”
She must of heard the concern in his voice but she brushed it off, just seeming exasperated by it. “I’ve trained all these girls on how to defend and protect themselves. Need to with a job like this. Lu is the best. She has done this before quite a few times.”
“I can handle this.” Din sternly said, hearing his voice get deeper.
“I’m sure you could. You would barge into that room, grab the dude by the throat, and stuff him into your carbonite freezers. But then all these customers would run off, tell their friends that this place is harboring bounty hunters, and all my girls would be out of jobs.”
Din bit his tongue. She was right. That was usually how he did things because it usually worked. He didn’t feel the need to be sly or make things harder than they had to be. He liked to just get in and out, using his brute strength and cunning mind to get his bounties. But this woman didn’t do things like that, at least not in this case. “Why do you care about this place?”
“Sappy reason is cause I’ve known these girls for years. Logical reason is cause I own the place.”
Din paused. “You own this place?”
“Yeah. Bought it a little while ago.” She shrugged, as if the information she had revealed wasn’t of any importance or interest. Like it was just something everybody did. 
Din hated to admit it, but he continually found himself impressed by the woman standing before him. She was hard and rough around the edges, and seemed to barely have a nice bone in her body. But Din didn’t mind that, honestly saw those qualities within himself. He had no false allusions that he was any better than her when it came to his personality. But her work ethic and the way her mind worked was something else, downright impressive he might say. He had only gotten a glimpse at how she played but it was smart, tactile, and she was proving to be very accurate in many of her assumptions. Adding that she owned a place like this only made her more interesting. “Most women don’t own places like this.”
Din didn’t even know why he was talking to her. This was unlike him. He was the type to stand by silently and make people uncomfortable with his lack of verbal communication. But the statement had spilled from his lips before he had a chance to think it over. He half expected her to ignore him but she gave a small shrug. “Yeah. Usually. The person who ran this place before was a man, same one who was around when I worked here. But he stole from all the ladies and was a overall piece of shit. So I took over.”
She didn’t explain how she took over but Din felt he understood the message. He didn’t need her to say it out loud to understand that she hadn’t just bought this place in a peaceful business transaction. But Din didn’t mind. If what she said was true, which it most likely was considering the type of folks who ran places like these, then the women who worked here were probably for the better. The two he had seen had embraced Bullet with wide smiles and seemed to trust her.
Din looked over at Bullet, who now was playing with a loose string on her jacket with her nimble fingers, not looking at him. It gave him the opportunity to look her over. She was rough, no doubt about that. Not in the way men would typically say a woman was rough looking. Din didn’t mean it in any offensive or derogatory way. She just looked like a woman who could take care of business, get her hands dirty, and didn’t dwell away from the tougher things in life. The scar that ran across her face told him she had a story of her own, probably not one of happiness. Her toughened expression that seemed to always be on her face perfectly encaptured the wall she had up around her. Din couldn’t help but to wonder if she would think similarity about his own face if he could see it. A lot of Dins own qualities could be seen in her, and if he wondered if he had the kind of face that reflected that.
Suddenly, Din was hit with the bizarre thought of her working here. The two woman he had seen alone had appeared to be very unlike her. Nothing wrong with them. They were both beautiful in their own ways. But very different from Bullet. He couldn’t imagine her in an outfit like theirs with her hair and makeup done up. He didn’t want to intrude and ask but he felt compelled to. “You used to... work here?”
He didn’t need to fully explain his question for her to understand what he was getting at. “Bartender.” was all she replied with before chuckling to herself. “I wasn’t pretty enough or nice enough to be one of the girls.”
Din only nodded in response, refraining from speaking any more.
It only was a couple more moments before Kira popped her head through the door and both Din and Bullets heads whipped over to look at her. “You can head up. Lu has it under control.”
Bullet gave her nod before the woman walked off. She strolled over to the opposite side of the kitchen, walking to what Din originally thought was a pantry only to realize it was a small, narrow stairway. Before she began to climb up it, she turned around and looked at the Mandalorian who stood closely behind her. “I know you want to go in there and tie him up and leave, right?” Din only nodded. “Just give me a few minutes with him before we do that, okay?”
Din paused. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like waiting or giving his bounties the time of day. They didn’t need to do so. They had him secured already. Din felt like he hadn’t even done a job and this might of been the easiest credits he’s ever made. Part of him felt thoroughly dissatisfied and wanted to quell the thirst for the hunt by barging into the room and dragging the man away as he yelled. But he saw her eyes. Saw the way that she appeared to be for the first time asking permission. Din realized this was perhaps a little more personal for her. This man was not only in her territory, but disrespecting it. Looking back on it, Din should of said no and stormed past her into the room and frozen him in some carbonite. But instead he gave her a short nod which she returned before making her way up the stairs.
The stairway led to a small door at the top which she pushed open slowly, looking into the hallway it led into and stepping out once she realized the coast was clear. She quickly but quietly made her way to a door at the end of it, knocking two times quickly as her head continued to whip around. Din also looked around, making sure no one was walking up.
“Come in honey.” A voice called out and Bullet opened the door, shuffling it and closing it just as Din walked through it. He looked around at the room and was impressed by the cleanliness and environment. The building looked like nothing special on the outside. But this room was painted a nice warm color, with a collection of elegant looking furniture in it, including a sofa which Lu was sat on. It took Din a moment to take everything in before his eyes landed on the main attraction: the man sat in a chair in the middle of the room, tied back and with a cloth over his mouth. As soon as the man saw Din, his eyes widened and he started to whine as loudly as he could, but it was muffled and relatively quiet. Immediately, Din saw how he looked like a creep just as the girls had kept calling him. His face was covered in a thick sheen of oil, hair that was equally as shinny was slicked back in what Din guessed the man thought was a good look, but very much wasn’t. The only good part of his look was the clothes he wore, which looked expensive and made out of finer fabrics than most wore.
“Watch out before you take the gag off. He is a talker.” Lu warned, about to step out of the room but Bullet held her hand up, indicating for the woman to stay. Even though she was doing so to Lu, her eyes remained trained on the man before her and Din once again saw that fire in her eyes blaze. It was primal and dominant and she looked like a predator staring down at her prey.
She gave the man a good look up and down as he continued to whine, his line of vision now landing on her. Fear was already apparent in his eyes but when he saw her it seemed to grow even more. Bullet gave a small nod, as if she had finished assessing the situation and come up with a course of action.
“I’m going to take your gag off. If you scream or yell, I’ll break your jaw.” The sounds the man made ceased to exist after Bullets threat. He gave a small nod and she walked over to him, yanking the cloth off aggressively.
“Please don’t kill me.” The man begged and Din rolled his eyes. He was used to this. Used to the begging and pleading. This was just the usual soundtrack of his life now.
“Do you have credits on you?” Bullet asked, ignoring his pleading. Dins eyebrow quirked up but he kept his helmet aimed steadily at the man, not showing that he didn’t know where this was leading.
A fire seemed to grow in the man as his face twisted in annoyance. “I’m not giving you my money.” He hissed.
“I actually don’t think that money is yours. Hence the bounty on your head for stealing them.” The man rolled his eyes in response but his cockiness seemed to subside a little as Bullet bent down, now eye level with him. “Now answer me. Do you have credits on your right now or did you walk into here empty handed?”
“I’m not telling you shit.” The man spat and Bullet stood straight up. “Who are you anyways?”
Bullet looked over at Din and nodded. “Show him the fob.”
Din dug the fob out of his pocket, which now blinked in a rapid succession. “Shit.” The man muttered, his concerns now being confirmed with the appearance of the fob. Din pushed it back into his pocket.
“Now, your friends want you alive. Lucky you. But before we turn you in, you are ours.” Bullet said, her head moving to look at Din who simply nodded in agreement.
“I’m not telling you a thing.” The man hissed once again and Bullet let out a grunt. She turned to look at Din.
“Do me a favor?” She asked and Din only nodded. “Please punch him in the face.”
Din paused before giving a slight nod, walking over and lifting his fist up. Before he had the chance to bring it down, the man let out a whimper. “Fine! Fine! What do you want?”
Din kept his fist raised but looked back at Bullet, who gave him a small nod that gestured he could move back. He dropped his fist and back away slightly. “Do you have credits on you?” she repeated for a third time.
The man now slowly nodded, seeming like he wanted to hold out from giving up their location. “In my pocket of my jacket...”
Bullet walked over, digging her hands into his jacket and pulling out a hearty satchel. She looked over at Lu and tossed it over to her. “This is your payment for these girls who you neglected to pay for their work.” Bullet said to the man who let out a grunt, clearly annoyed with being forced to pay. Bullet gave a nod to Lu. “Make sure all the girls who had to deal with these creep get their fair share.”
“Yes ma’am. It was good seeing you, Bullet.” Lu said, giving her a soft smile. She looked over at Din one final time and gave him a wink. “And I hope to see you again.”
The woman slipped through the door, now leaving the two bounty hunters alone with the man who now looked even more nervous than before. Sweat now began to drip down his face and his clothes became patchy in areas with the moisture. Bullet turned to Din. “You can go wild now.”
Din was ready to grab him and drag him away when the man began to plead. “No! No! Please, I’ll do whatever you want!”
Din ignored him, accustomed to it. He had been doing the job for long enough that he had heard almost of it. He had been offered credits, free labor, even sexual favors from men and women alike. But he had never taken the bait. It was against the Creed he swore. He was here for a job that required him to follow the rules and bring him back in one peace. So instead of even giving his pleading the time of day, Din began to untie the rope around his arms only to cuff him right after. Bullet seemed to follow his lead, ignoring the man until a certain offer fell from his lips. “I have all the credits in my room at the inn I’m staying! I’ll pay you!”
Din continued to ignore him, honestly think Bullet would do the same but he froze when she looked over at the man and propped her hands on her hips. “How much?”
The Mandalorian froze, his helmet tilting to look up at her but she either didn’t notice or neglected to acknowledge it. What was she doing?
“I have two-hundred thousand credits. I can give you some. Pay you more than they are willing to.” The man offered, relief seeming to wash over him just the most minuscule amount, sensing that Bullet was intrigued.
“How much?”
Din interrupted before the man had the chance to speak, rising from where he had been kneeling. His hands clasped on tightly to the man as he finally pulled him up from the chair. Din was ready to go. He didn’t want to deal with this and didn’t know what she was doing. “Bullet, no.”
Once again, the woman spared him not even a glance as she kept eye contact with the bounty. “How much?” she repeated and Din let out a loud sigh, clearly expressing how upset he was.
“Twenty thousand. Each.” The man offered.
“Not interested. Let’s go, Bullet.” Din said, his helmet tilting down at her as he began to drag the man towards the door, whose feet were dragging along.
“Speak for yourself, Mando.” The woman spoke.
“Dank farrik. What are you doing?” Din hissed, feeling his heart begin to thud. Anger was coursing through his body. He didn’t sign up for this. He should have ran in the opposite direction of Bullet, never taken a job with her.
“Can’t tell me twenty thousand credits doesn’t sound appealing.”
“This is not part of the job.” Din nearly yelled. He usually was a well tempered man, exceptionally patient. If he ever got too annoyed with someone, it was usually a bounty whom he just froze in carbonite to shut up. He usually didn’t see red and feel his body heat up. But Bullet was pushing him and she was teetering on a dangerous line from him having even the smallest amount of respect for her from him wanting to freeze her in carbonite himself.
“Don’t worry.” Bullet said but Din let out a grunt.
“We need to turn him in.” He insisted.
“If we say it was a false lead and he could be anywhere, it is fine.” Din couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Maybe it was silly considering he had know this woman for only a day now, and had barely uttered a word that wasn’t purely work related to her, but he didn’t see this coming. She didn’t seem like the type to entertain an idea so stupid. A plan so risky. She obviously valued credits but letting this man go for some more? It seemed ridiculous to Din, though he supposed people didn’t stupid things when it came to credits.
“I’m not doing that.” Din countered but she brushed him off.
“Shut up, Mando.” She finally looked up at him, making contact with his T-Visor and Din felt himself suck in a breath when she made direct eye contact. He felt like she could see through the helmet and to him. She gave him the smallest, almost undetectable nod and a knowing look in her eye. Din didn’t know how he understand, but he immediately did. She had something else planned. He still didn’t know if she was actually considering his offer, but she wasn’t revealing her true intentions to anyone, nonetheless to the man stood between the two bounty hunters. “Twenty thousand credits?”
“Yes! Of course!” A sick smile began to creep on the man’s face as he started to get a taste of the freedom he was bargaining for.
Bullet nodded slowly, looking to Din. “Take off the cuffs.”
“Bullet, I am not-”
“Do it or I’ll do it.” Bullet sternly said. Din let out a loud sigh. He couldn’t do this. This was against everything in his very nature. This was wrong. But even with all the thoughts running through his head, he took off the cuffs. Because he deep down wanted to see what her plan was. She nodded at him when the mans arms dropped and he began to cradle his own wrists. She looked back at him. “If you try to run away or do anything besides take us to your room, I will aim my blaster at that stupid head of yours and pull the trigger, you understand?”
The man nervously looked back at Bullet as her hand ghosted over the blaster on her hip, his eyes following their way to it and he nodded quickly. “Yes. Of course.”
Din couldn’t help it. He grabbed Bullet’s arm and pulled her to the side of the room where they could keep a close eye on him but hopefully speak quietly without him hearing. He hovered over her, watching as she looked up at him plainly. “What are you doing?” he spat, trying to whisper as best as he could through the modulator.
“I’ve got a plan.” she whispered back, not offering any more details.
“You said we would come in here and grab him and go.” 
“Maker, Mando. It’s fine.” She said, seeming like she didn’t understand where his frustration was coming from.
“No, it’s not. You have made every decision so far but this is one I am not willing to go along with.”
Bullet paused and looked straight into his visor. “Then go back to the ship and I’ll meet you there in a little while.”
Din paused. Maybe that was the best option. Maybe he should go to the ship and wait for her. Or hell, maybe just leave her behind. Leave behind all the stuff she was stirring up and let her deal with the consequences. Go to Karga and tell him it wouldn’t work out and to never give him a partner again. Go on with his life and ignore this hunt which was becoming a disaster. It was probably for the best.
But he couldn’t. He needed to know what her plan was. If he didn’t follow her, he would always wonder and he didn’t know why the thought of that was bothering him so much but it was. He desperately wanted to know her intentions. “I’m coming with you.”
Bullet nodded slowly, seeming fine with him coming along or going off to the ship. She leaned into him slowly, her voice dropping even lower as she whispered so quietly he swore he wouldn’t have been able to hear if it weren’t for how his helmet could pick up sound. “You will get your bounty in the end. We needed to find the credits anyways so I promise you, this will work out. Just...trust me.”
Din didn’t know this woman. He knew more than he did yesterday but the amount of knowledge he had about her was so limited. He still didn’t know what kind of person she was or what kind of morals and standards she held for herself and others. For all he knew, he was falling for this genuine response and would be caught in the jaws of defeat once she revealed her true intentions. She could be planning Maker knows what. But as he looked at her face, all he could see was a more reckless version of himself for some reason. So he nodded slowly, an action which was reciprocated by her. 
He turned around and looked down at the man, who had been watching them intently but seemed to hear nothing they had spoken about. “Everything good?”
Bullet looked at him and scowled. “Another rule: don’t talk unless I tell you to.”
The room that the man was staying seemed to be more consistent with the rest of Tatooine. It was a shady little place, with rooms that reeked of drugs, spotchka, and sex. This place bared more resemblance of places where bounties usually hid out than Oppa’s had. As the man led them forwards in a dingy little hallway, Din saw various, unidentified stains litter the carpets and walls of the establishment. He figured the man could afford better, but this place probably didn’t require he present identification or even his name. The perfect hide out place for a man who was wanted. 
The man finally paused at a room, digging a card from his pocket that he held up. A beep rang out into the hallway as the door creaked open and Bullet pushed past the man and walked in. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed and Din walked in after her.
He immediately saw the reasoning for her reaction. The room was filthy, even more so than he suspected the room had already been. Bottle upon bottle of liquor was discarded around every space in the room, along with wrappers and half eaten foods tossed about. The bed was stripped down, the sheets and covers balled up in a corner. The room had a potent smell to it, one that Din couldn’t identify but repulsed him. “What the fuck did you do in here?” Bullet yelled, looking at the man who looked rather embarrassed by her reaction.
“Drank, ate, sleep, brought some company over...” He muttered, looking away from her burning gaze.
“Maker. This is disgusting. Show us where the credits are so we can leave.” Bullet demanded.
The man rushed over to the bed, beginning to flip over the mattress. The man seemed to struggle but Din and Bullet made no move to help him. They both just watched as he took several moments to finally flip it over completely. That was when Din saw the big cut in it. The man pulled it back, to reveal bag upon bag of credits. Din couldn’t help but to the look over at Bullet’s reaction, whose eyes had widened. He had never seen that many credits in person and he assumed neither had she. “Told you I had them.” 
He looked back to find the man happily smiling. “How many is in each bag?” Bullet asked.
“Ten thousand.” 
“And this is all of it?” Din asked.
“I mean, I spent some on a few things. Food. Drink. Gambling. Probably about five thousand. And then the money you gave the girls today was probably another five thousand.” The man explained.
Bullet nodded and Din looked over at her. This was the time where he would finally found out what ulterior motive she had. Was she going to grab a couple bags and leave this man be? “So, we get two bags each and then you are good?”
“Yes! Thank you!” The man responded triumphantly, the grin only becoming bigger on his face.
Bullet nodded. “One more thing though.”
“Of course. What?”
Bullet didn’t speak but Din saw her hand flash to her side and whip her blaster out. The man didn’t have a moment to scream before she pulled the trigger, causing him to drop dead immediately. The room fell silent as Din looked over at the man on the ground. “What was that?”
Bullet shrugged, looking over at Din. “There is your bounty.”
“He was supposed to be alive.”
Bullet rolled her eyes. “C’mon. I’ll come up with an excuse. Say there was no other option.”
“You don’t think they will be suspicious since you have a habit of killing people.” Din spat, feeling anger fill him. He should of left her behind. He should of stormed off to the Crest when he had a chance.
“Oh, please! They were going to kill him anyways. All they really cared about were the credits! Which we have now!” Bullet yelled back, her own face twisting into anger. “I don’t know why you are so upset.”
“This was not the job.” Din sternly said, stepping towards her. But she took no notice, not seeming intimidated in the slightest.
“You are telling me you’ve never killed a bounty before when they were supposed to be alive?” Bullet asked plainly.
“Yes, if I had to!” Din hated how upset he was getting. He was always calm and collected but something about Bullet pushed his buttons and her doing this really just got to him. He didn’t know why he was allowing it or why he cared, but he did and it made him even more flustered.
“Well, I had to. He messed with my girls and it doesn’t really matter.” Bullet hissed. She turned over, looking back around the room and finding a duffel bag in the corner. She emptied the contents of it and put it on the bed, beginning to fill it up. “C’mon. Let’s do this.”
Din walked over, grabbing at one of the bags of credits and dumping it into the bag. Each bag was heavy and large, each ringing with the sound of credits clanging together. Nineteen bags in all should of been there since the bounty had used one up. But when Din put the last bag in, he looked over to find it short of one. 
“We are short.” Din looked up to Bullet to see her holding one of the bags at her side. His eyes darkened as he straightened up. “Bullet, what are you doing?”
“Don’t worry about it.” she huffed, pulling the bag closer to her.
“You can’t steal credits. They will put a bounty on your head next.”
“They won’t find out. We will say he spent it and they will believe it.” Bullet explained, giving him a plain expression.
“You want me to lie for you so you can be a little richer.” Din said and Bullet scoffed.
“Get off your high horse, Mando. You’ve never done something you aren’t supposed to do?”
“I follow the rules. I get the bounties and turn them in.” 
“Well, good for you. You are such a good boy.” Bullet spat.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” Bullet hissed, looking up at him. “The credits aren’t for me.”
“Who are they for?”
Bullet ignored him, closing the zipper of the bag and pushing it towards Din to carry. “Let’s get these to the Crest.”
“What about the body?” Din asked.
“I’ve got him.” 
Once Din froze the body in carbonite and all the credits had been stored away, he began to stomp towards the cockpit. He was in a foul mood and he wanted to get to Nevarro as soon as possible. He wanted to be done with this and rid himself of Bullet. She may have been competent but he didn’t like the way things were being done in the slightest. And this was why he didn’t work with people. They only made things a hassle and a pain, even more than life already was.
“Wait.” Bullet called out.
He had nearly forgotten she was there. Ever since they left the shady hotel, she hadn’t said a word and let him take the lead from there. Din had been grateful for the silence, worried that if she said a word he would snap at her. But hearing her finally speak caused him to let out a grunt and turn to her slowly. “What?”
“I need to stop somewhere. Before we go.”
Din shook his head. “You can come back on your own time. We have the bounty. Let’s go.”
Bullet let out a huff. He could see how she was annoyed but appeared to be trying to hold it back. He wondered if she was doing that for her own sake or for his. “C’mon. It will be quick. It’s really close by.”
“What is it?” Din asked. He had no intentions of stopping but he would at least entertain the notion if it sounded like something necessary.
“I just got to drop the credits off somewhere.”
Din let out another grunt, his helmet tilting at her. It was probably better she got rid of the credits now, instead of leaving them to possibly be found by Karga. Din considered trying to convince her to not take them, but he knew it would be fruitless considering how stubborn she had already proved to be. “Where? Oppa’s?”
She shook her head. “No. It’s only like a two minute walk away. I’ll be back in no time.”
Din froze. He could say no, maybe risk her getting caught with the credits once they returned to Nevarro. And while the idea just slightly made him smile, he knew that what would result from her being caught would be more than a slap on the wrist. “Fine. But I am coming with you.”
“Shouldn’t you stay on the ship? All the credits are here.” Bullet asked.
“No one saw us. I’ll just lock the ship and it will only be a few minutes. Anyways, I don’t-” Din froze, stopping himself mid sentence.
Bullet’s eyebrow quirked up slightly. “You don’t trust me.” she said, giving him a small nod. She didn’t seem annoyed by it or angered by it. She actually seemed to understand. 
Instead of saying anything else, she began to walk down the ramp of the Crest. Din followed closely behind, closing the door to the ship briefly before catching up to her. At this point, it was well into evening, the double suns beginning to skirt the horizon as a deep orange bloomed in the sky. Din took note of it, taking a second to look and appreciate it before he continued to follow the woman. 
She hadn’t lied. The place was only a couple minute walk away, and Din didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it earlier. It was a bigger building but looked run down, even more so than things on Tatooine usually looked due to the sand and sun. Outside of it, a group of small children played in the sand, chasing each other and causing fits of giggles to pop out of their mouths. Bullet froze before they got to close to it, looking back at Din. “Just stay here please.”
Din felt a bit of shock course through him. He hadn’t heard her say please once. It seemed like a word so unfit for a woman like her. A woman who demanded, not pleaded. But he heard her say the word and saw the way her face had softened considerably. Din gave her a short nod and she turned, beginning to walk towards the building.
The children looked up, seeing her and began to run over. Din couldn’t hear much but saw the way they all reached up for a hug and shouted gleefully. Din tilted his helmet. He couldn’t imagine the woman he had been working with being good with kids, nor liking them for the matter. But he watched as she gave each of them an individual hug, crouching down to talk to them for a moment before a woman walked out of the building. Bullet rose, looking over at her and talking for a minute. Din watched as she handed her a bag and he recognized it as the pouch of credits. She hadn’t lied. It really wasn’t for her. 
The woman threw her hands around Bullet, giving her a tight hug before she pulled away. She called something out, resulting in the kids rushing inside. Bullet gave one final nod before walking away, back towards where Din stood, studying her. Once she made her way in front of him, she gave him a small nod. “Thanks.”
Din nodded and began to turn away. He had no plans to make conversation but he wanted to know what that place was. Why she was handing over ten thousand credits to them. “What was that place?”
Bullet stayed silent for a minute and Din worried she wouldn’t respond, that he had possibly crossed an unspoken line set in the sand. “An orphanage.”
Din looked over at her, but she kept her eyes trained in front of her. He shook his head, not asking any more questions. He didn’t want to admit it, but he felt a strange inkling of respect for her. She hadn’t lied about not keeping the money. In fact, she had given it to something that needed it far more than either of them did.
And while Din didn’t agree with breaking the rules, nor taking the money for themselves, he couldn’t help but to think the money would be much better in the hands of an orphanage that needed it rather than a bunch of men from Coruscant that were already richer that one could even fathom. Once they made it into the ship, Bullet paused and looked back at Din. He couldn’t read her expression when she stared at him. Instead of saying anything, she just began to take off her blasters and her knife, handing them over to Din.
The Mandalorian froze, just looking down at the weapons but making no attempt to take them. Bullet let out a sigh and pushed her hands towards them more. “I am going to sleep. Take them.”
Din looked up at her. She did look exhausted. “Why?”
“I trust you won’t kill me in the middle of the night. Maybe that’s dumb but I have a feeling.” Bullet said, shrugging lamely as her hands remained held out. “And you don’t trust me so... here.”
Din tilted his helmet at her. He began to walk away, leaving her hands outstretched but not taking the weapons from them. “Keep them.” He made it to the ladder that led to the cockpit, sparing her one last glance. “Just sleep down here.”
Bullet’s hands still held the weapons but she looked up at him with a curious expression. She didn’t ask why he hadn’t taken them, which Din was grateful for because he didn’t even understood why he hadn’t done so. She had offered willingly but it felt wrong to do so. 
Instead of saying anything, she gave a small nod and dropped down to the ground, leaning against a stack of crates.
Din looked away, traveling into the cockpit and punched in the coordinates for Nevarro.
When the Razor Crest landed on Nevarro and the two bounty hunters made their way down the ramp, they were met with the smiling face of Greef Karga. He held his hands out as he saw the two, looking triumphant like he himself had caught the bounty. “Glad to see you are both here!”
“Yeah. We didn’t kill each other.” Bullet said. Din couldn’t tell if there was a hint of sarcasm or if she was being literal, but either way it made him smirk a little.
“That was impressively fast. Everything go smoothly?” 
“The credits are short. He spent about twenty thousand of them on liquor, gambling, and woman so...” Bullet trailed off.
Din held his breath, looking over at Karga would let out a small sigh. “Yeah. The client expected that. No worries, I am sure they will be happy you got the rest of them.”
Bullet slowly looked over at Din and to the naked eye her expression would make no sense. But he could see the small glint in her eye, telling him ‘I told you so’. Instead of saying anything, Din just turned back to Karga as Bullet began speaking again. “Oh, and he is dead.”
Karga now froze, his smile dropping from his face completely as he looked back and forth between the two. “He was supposed to be alive.”
“I know but complications arose.” Bullet tried to justify but for the first time, Din saw Karga roll his eyes and look at her in annoyance. Din couldn’t think of one time he had seen the man look angered, but he understood. Bullet seemed to do that to people.
“Dammit, Bullet. You can’t keep doing this. I can’t save your ass every time.” Karga hissed at her, sparing no attention to Din. Din watched Bullet’s expression drop slightly.
“It couldn’t be avoided.” Bullet countered but Karga shook his head.
“I don’t believe it.” Karga said.
“I killed him.” Din said, shocking himself as well as Karga and Bullet, whose heads both whipped over to look at him. Bullet raised her eyebrow just slightly. 
“You killed him?” Karga asked, a bit of disbelief written on his face
“He was attacking Bullet. There was no other option.”
Karga froze before nodding his head. “Okay. Fine.” Somebody caught Karga’s attention and he walked to them, leaving the two alone.
Bullet put her arms over her chest, looking up at Din. “Why did you do that?”
Upon thinking about it, Din had no clue why he did it. He means, he knew Karga would believe him more than her considering her track record. Wouldn’t be upset with her and she wouldn’t face any repercussions. But Din didn’t know why he cared whether or not she did. He could of shrugged it off, disregarding it because he had no plans to see her ever again. But saying it was him felt like the right thing to do.  Instead of explaining all of that though, Din just shrugged and looked away from her to watch the people who began grabbing the bounty and credits from his ship. 
“Thank you.” Bullet said, giving him a softer look than she ever had before. 
Din cleared his throat, looking away from her. “You may want to stop killing your bounties, though.”
“Duly noted.” Bullet responded and this time Din could definitely hear a hint of sarcasm. 
They stayed standing in silence until Karga returned. “Okay, your awards have been delivered directly to your ships.”
“Good.” Bullet said and Din nodded in agreement.
Karga looked between the two, a small smile forming. “How did working together go?”
“Fine.” The two both said at the same.
Karga let out a chuckle. “You two are very similar. Was curious how it would work out.”
Bullet shrugged. “Yeah, yeah. It was great. Thanks for setting us up.” she muttered, seeming to revert back to how she normally was. “Give me some bounties.”
Karga looked at her in slight shock. “I just gave you my biggest bounty.”
“And I did it. Hence needing more bounties.” Bullet responded plainly.
Karga let out a sigh. “Maybe you could take a break.”
“Funny joke.” Bullet plainly said, no hint of a smile or laughter on her face. “C’mon, big boy. Give me them.”
Karga rolled his eyes and looked over at Din. “I assume you will want some too?”
Din only nodded and Karga reached into his pocket. “Don’t know how you two do this. Y’know, taking breaks is actually healthy.”
Bullet scoffed. “Screw off. We are your best hunters. Wouldn’t last a week without us.”
She held her hand out as Karga dropped three fobs into them, doing the same to Din next. “I only have three for each of you. And I am not giving you more when you just got a very generous bounty.” 
“Fine.” Bullet said.
“Okay.” Din nodded, looking down at the three fobs in his hands.
“I’ve got some business to attend to. You two have a good time.” Karga said, giving them one last grin before walking off.
Bullet and Din both stood side by side for a moment. Din was the first to move, stepping back and giving her a short nod. “Goodbye.”
Bullet gave him a small nod as he made his way towards the ramp of his ship. He had nearly made it all the way in when he heard the woman call out for him. “Hey, Mando!”
He turned around slowly, looking at her as she gave him a small grin. “What?”
“You are a good bounty hunter.” Din didn’t know what to say, standing still as she continued. “So am I. How about some friendly competition?”
Din froze. He didn’t do competitions, especially with people. It wasn’t his thing because it required communicating with them and interacting with them. He also never felt the need to prove anything. So he wasn’t one for ‘friendly’ competition. But as he saw the woman smile up at him, a slight glimmer in her eyes, he was intrigued. And he hated how she always seemed to make him feel that way but so far, she had proven to be interesting at every turn. And maybe after all, Din needed just a little bit of excitement in his life. “What is it?”
“We both have three bounties. Whoever gets all three in quickest gets a portion of the loser’s winnings.” 
Din considered the idea. He had always gotten his bounties in quickly, but also on his own accord. He never rushed to try to get them in fastest or worried about someone else doing better than him. It wasn’t his way. But maybe, just maybe... he could do it this once. 
He probably should of asked her why she wanted to do it. Because for him, he didn’t really care about the credits he could possibly win. And if it wasn’t about bounties, that meant it was either for the thrill of competition or because he wasn’t opposed to the idea of seeing her again, if only to just rub in her face that he could win. But why had she offered it? Just for bounties or did she also not mind the prospect of crossing paths with the Mandalorian once again? Instead of inquiring as to why, Din gave a sharp nod and her grin grew even bigger. 
“Well then, good luck.” she said teasingly.
“Good luck.” Din said but Bullet let out a chuckle.
“Oh, I am not the one who needs it here.” Din didn’t have a chance to retort before she began to jog away, giving him a wink before she disappeared.
Din closed the door to the Crest, leaning his back against it for a moment and taking in a breath. He didn’t know what he was doing. It all felt like uncharted territory. And he hated to admit it, but it was just the tiniest bit exciting. 
Din marched up to the cockpit, slipping into his seat and punching in the coordinates of his first bounty. 
He hadn’t even realized it, but for the first time in a while, Din felt a little excited.
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
Duncan x Sugar Babies Angst Pt 2
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Can we just appreciate this gif for a moment? I forgot how much I love Duncan Shepherd. 
Thank you all for hanging in there for a year for part 2 lmfao! I hope you enjoy it!
Italics to signify time jump! I hope it makes sense lol
love you!
also...... the fact that this..... is finally out a YEAR after part 1.... what am i?? a hollywood script writer? ugh i hate myself. 
also.. this is really just one version of how the met! i know we’ve talked about different scenarios of how they came together but i liked this one for the storyline :’)
tw: duncan kink shames piss kink (as he should) jjnkdvjskv, a smutty mention, but genrerally pg-13, a lot of fluff. 
word count: somewhere over 4,000 words i think
Duncan huffed as he walked down the narrow aisle of the plane. How the airline mixed his first-class seat for an economy one was beyond him. But after a stressful conference and being away from his home for so long, he didn’t have the energy to fight them. All he wanted was for this flight to be over. 
He glanced at his boarding pass and back up to the numbers above the seats. 18 B. A middle seat. As if this could get any worse, he thought to himself. 
Duncan’s sharp blue eyes found where he would be seating; he held in a sigh as he noticed his seat mates were already in their designated seats. 
Y/N peeked up at the man who stuffed his carry on in the overhead compartment. She tried not to stare as his shirt rode up his tummy exposing a bit of skin. She looked over at her best friend, Jim who was watching out the window with his headphones in. 
“Excuse me,” the older man offered her an almost shy smile as he asked her to stand so he could take his damned middle seat. 
“Oh! Sorry!” Y/N stood from her seat allowing Duncan to squeeze in between her and Jim. 
After Duncan was seated, Y/N reached over his lap to tap Jim on the shoulder, “Sorry, sir,” she told Duncan - he lifted his hands and nodded, “You’re good.” he flashed her a quick smile. 
“What time do we land again?” she asked when Jim removed his headphones. Duncan glanced between the two; curiosity took over him as he wondered whether they were a couple. They were both very attractive, roughly around the same age, and had arrived together.
“10:00 p.m” Jim shook his head at his best friend. He loved her to death - truly. No one else could convince him to fly across the country with so much uncertainty. 
“I’m sorry,” Duncan interrupted, “If you two are.. Together, I can switch seats with one of you.”
“Oh no! We don’t mind, sir! Thank you.” she glanced at him once again. 
Duncan tried to get comfortable before the plane took off - he had a long day and an even longer flight ahead of him. 
The flight attendant started to make her way down the aisle 
“What would you like to drink,” she set down napkins on each of their trays. 
“I’ll take a Sprite,” Jim answered, giving her a sweet smile. “Me too,” Y/N echoed. 
While she worked on getting their sodas, she turned her attention to Duncan, who was taking out his AirPods, “Anything for you, sir?” 
“Scotch; neat.” he nodded, putting his earpiece back in. 
Thinking back to that flight, it’s hard for Duncan to recall how one thing lead to the next. 
Y/N, always the extrovert in Jim and Her’s duo, asked Duncan what brought him to Washington D.C. 
He told her he worked for a company there, being careful not to divulge too much personal information (like the fact that he was the heir of the company in question). 
“And you two?” Duncan glanced at Jim. Duncan wasn’t used to small talk on planes - but he had a few drinks on an empty stomach making him looser than he’d normally be. 
“Uh..” Jim hesitated, giving Y/N a panicked look. 
“Work!” she answered, 
Duncan gave her a puzzling look, but decided to not press it. 
What Duncan had expected to be a long flight, literally, flew by, with conversation with Jim and Y/N. 
They were careful not to give each other any information that felt too personal, but it was easy to just listen to his interests. 
Before they knew it, the flight was over and they parted ways. 
Duncan lingered with them as they gathered their bags. It’d been so long since he had real conversations with people who weren’t just interested in his power or company. 
Duncan watched out the window of the car that his chauffeur picked him up in as Jim and Y/N stood by the curb, fumbling with their phones for an Uber. 
‘I should have offered them a ride’, he thinks as the shrink off into the distance. 
Not a week had gone by since Duncan arrived back home when he already had another event lined up for the weekend. Perks of being the face of the Shepherd Foundation often times felt more like chores. 
At least the Gala was just out of a D.C and he didn’t need to worry about an airline messing up his seat again. 
He smiled and waved at the flashing cameras. 
As the night started Duncan made his way through familiar faces and strangers. A glass of champagne secured in his hand as he made rounds.
As elegant as these events were, they were often a bore - especially when he came alone. He found himself seated alone at the bar waiting for his eyes to land on someone he found vaguely interesting enough to chat up. 
His eyes scanned the room until they fell on a pair that seemed to be new comers. The woman wore a silk red gown with a low back, tracing over her figure. When Duncan turned his attention over to the man that stood by her, he realized he recognized them. 
Jim fumbled with the cuffs of his shirt, trying to keep himself together before his “date” got back to him. 
Duncan recognized them from his flight back a few days ago. Truly, D.C was smaller than he realized. He picked up his drink from the bar and strolled over to them, easy grin on his face. 
“Hey, 18 A and 18 C, right?” he glanced them up and down a bit. He almost could have gone the whole night without realizing who they were - they cleaned up so well from the old t-shirts and sweats they were wearing on the flight to the designer clothes they wore now. 
Jim felt his face go hot. Both he and Y/N had gushed over the handsome man they sat next to after that flight. 
“Hope our first clients are as hot as that guy...”
“HA!” Y/N let out a humorless laugh, “If only...”
Y/N kept her cool demeanor, offering Duncan a sly smirk.  “Hi stranger,” 
“Duncan.” his lips. tugged up into a smile, “Duncan Shepherd.” 
Y/N and Jim had assumed right to think Duncan was just the kind of guy they sought after as a client. The way he carried himself screamed wealth and power. 
“And you two are...” he raised a brow, waiting for their names. He hadn’t seen them at any other gala or even so he knew they were new comers. Maybe heirs to some fortune 500 company. His eyes wandered around the room wondering who their parents were. Duncan had the reputation of getting “inside information” on some of his competitors by pulling his charms on their trust fund babies. 
Duncan chuckled, raising his champagne flute, “Work hard, play hard, right?” his gaze flickered between her eyes and her lips. 
“Duncan,” his attention was called by a big name politician that had appeared at Y/N’s side. “It’s been too long,” he extended his hand out for a shake. “Tell me, how is the development of your app coming? We really could use someone like you before reelection,” he laughed. 
Duncan didn’t fail to notice his hand on Y/N’s waist (or the tight lipped smile she had as soon as the man appeared). 
“You’ll be the first to know when it’s ready,” Duncan answered, tearing his eyes away from his hand. 
“James,” another man approached them. Duncan had seen him before at other events. The man looped his arm in Jim’s before handing him a drink. He leaned in and whispered something in Jim’s ear, making him blush. 
Duncan lingered between them, easily making conversation until both men made their rounds for more drinks, leaving him with Y/N and Jim again. 
If he knew anything, he knew the game the powerful in D.C played. And he knew well enough to know what kind of work Jim and Y/N were doing. 
“Working,” he gave them a knowing smile. He raised his flute to them before taking a long sip, drowning back his champagne. 
He watched the color flood to Jim’s cheeks again and it only made him chuckle. It wasn’t past Duncan to hire an escort. Dating as an up and coming business mogul doesn’t always allow him the time for dating or anything other than business. Sometimes, he just needed to secure his own private deals. Much less of a hassle than having to deal with the entanglements of relationships.
Duncan wasn’t a callous man. He planned on settling down at some point. He was an older bachelor. Well seasoned - he didn’t mean to sound cocky but it wasn’t that he didn't have the opportunity. He didn’t want that - not yet at least. 
“Walk with me,” he nodded his head towards the hallway. 
Y/N looked over at Jim, both exchanging in a silent conversation before following alongside Duncan. They turned the corner into a quiet hallway away from the gala. 
“You both clean up nice,” he smirked, “Although, I personally loved your airport wardrobe,” he winked. 
Y/N mirrored his smirk, reaching forward to adjust his pristine tie, “Are you wanting to talk business Mr. Shepherd? If not... our clients are waiting.”
Duncan chuckled. “I’d like to propose something more... exclusive.” He searched their eyes, smile tugging on his lips. He remembered enough about his flight with them to know he liked them. And now, seeing them look so... sexy. “Let me take care of you.” 
Jim shifted back and forth on his feet. He was sure the offered only stood for Y/N. He looked down at the floor, chewing on his bottom lip. 
“Both of you,” Duncan met Jim’s eyes. 
“You two made for great... companions on the plane. If you’re willing to,” he coughed awkwardly into his fist for a pause, “extend your uh... companionship -- I can be very generous.”
“Like a sugar daddy!?” Jim finally spoke up, his voice dripping in a mixture of surprise and interest. 
Duncan shrugged easily, his thumb running over his bottom lip. “That’s one way to put it,” he bit his lip. He reached into his card holder and handed them a beautifully embossed business card. 
“Give me a call if you need to think about it. Unless you’d rather go up to my room to... discuss it further,” he chuckled. 
Y/N and Jim remember ditching their dates to follow Duncan to his suite. Hushed whispers between them as they got the courage to take up Duncan’s offer. 
None of them knew the love that was about to blossom for them that night. They sat out on the balcony of his suite, letting the cool breeze hit their skin. Always the gentleman, Duncan didn’t initiate any advances that night. He bought them room services and gave them a safe space away from the former clients. 
They curled up in the California king bed just talking like they had on their flight. 
“Uh so... what exactly do you like,” Y/N asked. She fidgeted with the gems on her dress. It was beautiful - beyond what she could ever afford, but it was starting to become uncomfortable.
“Cashmere and fine wine,” Duncan laughed, making Y/N roll her eyes. He caught her struggle with getting comfortable. He got off the bed and found his small suitcase they’d brought up for him, digging for his pajamas. He placed a few comfy items on the bed, “If you two.. wanna get more comfortable,” he smiled sheepishly. 
Y/N sat up on her knees sorting through the clothes and tossing a tshirt at Jim. “Seriously like... we have to know what you... enjoy, daddy..” she pouted, playfully testing the waters. 
It was his turn to roll his eyes, but there was no hiding the fact that he did like the sound of that. “I don’t have a piss kink or anything like that,” he scrunched his nose, “But,” he got closer, tilting her chin up, “I’d like to hear you that again for me some time.” 
Y/N and Jim floated back down from cloud 9 a few days later when they were back in their not to luxurious apartment. 
After that first night, they spent the next two days at Duncan’s penthouse slowly going over what the arrangement would entail (although, if they were being honest most of the time was spent between Duncan’s bed and sharing sharing pastries with Duncan on his balcony). 
Duncan pulled up up to their run down complex. He’d been having so much fun during the past few days, he didn’t want it to come to an end yet. 
Duncan didn’t say what he wanted to say, but he felt a strong distaste for where they were living. 
They’d just moved to the city and started working when they met Duncan - they were still hoping to make enough money to find a nice place. This was just a temporary stay. 
It wasn’t long before Duncan gave them an extra key to his place...
“I figured if where you’re staying is just temporary... you’d rather stay here..”
Duncan knew he could easily get them their own loft or apartment, but he was enjoying them being there more than he realized he would. 
He knew starting this arrangement would be fun. He knew he liked them. He just hadn’t realized how lonely he’d been before. 
He looked up at the ceiling as Y/N and Jim slept on either side of him... reminding himself that for them... it was just a job. A way to get their things paid for. But then again... it was he wanted, right?
Another realization that came far later for Duncan Shepherd was that to Jim and Y/N... it had also become much more than a job. 
For Jim, he remembers the moment he knew he was falling for not only Duncan, but his friend of many years, was on one of the first trips Duncan ever took them too. Jim had always wanted to be near the ocean. He had such bittersweet memories connected to it. But for him now, the sweetest one comes from laughing in the sand after convincing Duncan to try and surf. Y/N was rubbing sunscreen on their backs soon turning into a pile of kisses on to one another with the sunsetting softly over the horizon. 
From the beginning, it never felt “mechanical” or “strictly business” with Duncan. Not like their first few clients. It’d always been easy with Duncan. Maybe it was the initial crush Jim had developed on the plane that made the difference. Either way he knew he loved Duncan. 
Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t have feelings for Jim before the whole affair started. She often brushed it off as just a friend crush -- but after being with him and Duncan things began to develop quickly. She loved them both so much in their own way. They each filled different parts of her heart to make her feel whole. 
The moment she knew -- the moment she took them to uncharted territory by being the first to say “I love you,” was after she’d spent the day in bed crying. Feeling so vulnerable after a hard day. She felt herself isolating herself from Jim... from Duncan. 
She remembers them silently coming into the room to hold her. Duncan let her cry on his chest while Jim played with her hair. In that moment of safety, she whispered, “I love you,” and there was no question as to who it was directed to -- because they knew she loved them both. 
“You want to what?” Duncan spoke, his composure faltering. “I don’t - I’m sorry.” he felt loss for words. He hadn’t noticed that his hands started to shake until Jim reached forward to take his hand in his own. 
“Shh,” Jim cooed. Duncan wasn’t used to this. He wasn’t used to being the one who needed to be babied. He wasn’t the one who needed his hand held, for Christ’s sake. 
“Hear us out.” Jim led Duncan down on the chair. 
“Duncan.” Y/N’s voice was clear and steady. “We don’t want to be your sugar babies anymore. We don’t want this to be…” she searched for her words, “an exchange.” 
Jim rubbed her back reassuringly. “You mean so much more to us than the nice things you buy us. We want you, Duncan. We want to end the arrangement because we want to be with you. Like, as a real relationship.” she peeked up at him from her lashes, “If you’ll have us,” she nodded her up towards Jim, who was all but vibrating next to her. 
Duncan blinked back tears. The knot in his throat made it hard for him to say anything. All he could do was nod - nod and let the tears fall freely from his eyes. 
Y/N reached up to his face, wiping it clean. “Is that a yes?” her lips tugged into a smile.
Duncan cleared his throat and took both of their hands in his, “Of course. Yes. A million times yes.” 
The way they made him feel so loved - after years of feeling like he wasn’t capable of it, and here he was -- madly in love with two beautiful souls. They wanted - they loved him for him!! He knew it in his heart before that morning but hearing it sent his heart into overdrive. 
He called into the office that morning to be able to spend the day with the people he loved the most. The idiots back at the Shepherd Foundation could figure it out on their own. 
After that restless night, they all needed all the R & R they could get. 
After a few mimosas and waffles, Y/N and Jim dragged Duncan out to their hot tub on their back patio. Duncan had that hot tub long before he met Jim and Y/N, but didn’t start to truly enjoy it until they moved in with him. 
Duncan sighed as he slipped into the hot water, the jet pressure working against his calves. “Well,” he smiled up at them, “Are you not going to join me?” 
Y/N smirked at him right before grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head. She exposed herself completely stripping down to nothing before she slowly made it down the steps into the water, “Mhmm,” she sighed as she took a seat next to Duncan. 
Duncan chuckled softly, shaking his head, “Baby?” he called over to Jim, his hand, already wandering up Y/N’s thigh. 
Jim followed Y/N example and stripped off his clothing before climbing into the tub, on the other side of Duncan. “You’re overdressed,” Jim mumbled into Duncan’s neck, snaking his hand into the waistband of the little black trunks...
Duncan told himself he wouldn’t cry. After everything they’ve been through - it had led to this...
His toes dug into the white sand as he looked out into the sea. He couldn’t have chosen a better place - his their beach house was their haven. Their little slice of paradise. It was only natural for them do it there. 
Every thing was picture perfect. The sky was a beautiful array of purples and pinks, reflecting on the clear water. To his left, a gorgeous set up of candles, blankets, twinkle lights, and a picnic of his babies’ favorite treats. 
Jim and Y/N knew that Duncan had been planning something for weeks now. When he booked a getaway to their beach house, he didn’t allow them to lift a finger packing. Told them he’d take care of it all. And he did. 
He had their outfits laid out on their bed for them. For Jim, he had a thin pair of linen pants in a light sandy colored with a baby blue shirt of the same material. Y/N’s wasn’t too different. He had a white dress of the same fabric. It was soft and flowy - perfect for the beach. 
They made their way down to the beach where Duncan waited for them. He turned to face them, his hands behind his back, biting down on his lip to try and keep it together, 
He knew they were his life and he was spending forever with them.
“Duncan,” Y/N breathed out, her eyes going over the set up. She reached for his hand, “This is beautiful,” 
Duncan squeezed her hand, and took Jim’s in the other one. 
“I have something for you,” he dropped their hands and dug a little velvet bag out of his pocket. “I know there isn’t anything... traditional,” he laughed, “about our relationship, but” he pulled the string of the baggie and dumped the contents of it into his palm. He played with the cool metal, shifting them around his hand. 
“I wouldn’t want it any other way and,” he paused to look into their eyes, “I’d want to spend the rest of my days with you,”
He took his time, placing a finger on Jim’s finger and then YN’s. “Since we can’t really do a courthouse wedding,” he laughed, taking both of their hand again - this time adorned with the precious jewels he gifted them, “I figured, we could do something more our style,” he gestured towards the romantic scenery he’d set. 
“Will you take me to be yours forever?”
Without an ounce of hesitation, Jim and Y/N replied their “I do”’s over each other. When Jim noticed the tears pooling in Y/N’s eyes, he reached over to wipe her cheek. 
Duncan couldn’t smile any more if he tried. Jim loved the way the corner of his eyes crinkled when he smiled that big. Duncan’s hair blew softly in the gentle breeze. His peppered hair matched his graying beard, but like the fine wines he adored, he aged well. 
He pulled them closer, caressing their cheeks before kissing them. 
He loved them. Duncan Shepherd had found love.
Y/N and Jim embraced him with everything they had. They never wanted to let each other go - but when they finally did, Duncan popped the champagne, loving the way Y/N giggled when the bubbles poured out of the bottle. 
By the time they downed the champagne and cake on the beach, the buttons of Duncan’s shirt where messily unbuttoned. He had sand in his hair and lipstick marks on his neck. 
The sun was close to being gone, but the candles and fairy lights were enough for them. The were covered in the soft glow of the moon. 
Duncan’s heart felt so warm as he watched Y/N feed Jim another bite of cake. Jim’s laughter like music to his ears. Jim caught his eye and crawled over to Duncan. He swung his legs over Duncan’s thighs and sat on him. Jim took his face in his hands and kissed him tenderly. 
Jim found his place. 
He found a home with Duncan and Y/N - a home with nothing but love to offer and he was ready for it. 
They each had their space in each others hearts and it melted perfectly into who they were. 
Who would think that a day would come when Duncan Shepherd would be thanking his lucky stars for an economy flight seat?
Tags: @desertsunflower00 @xavierplympton @quillanpie @spoo-per @langdons-pinkyring @little-grunge-flowerz @sexwon131 @leatherduncan @royalblueviper @shenevertricks1831 @sadhoecentral @chloelucia13 @shyvirgoanon @langdonswhoreprobably @littledemondani @bitchchatter @rpwithjayn @chloelucia13 @agonydearest @midnightontheearth @7-wonders @prophecy-is-inevitable @wroteclassicaly @ritualmichael @wickedlangdon @fckinsupreme @michael-langdon-appreciation @jimmason @brattylovee @dark-mei-rose @lovelylangdonx @blakewaterxx @dyns33 
sorry if i missed someone!
and please LMK what you think 🥺
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countjason · 2 years
Jason’s 11th Annual Post/Pre-Year Review/Goals
Once again, we’ve reached that time of year when I log into Tumblr for its the only purpose in my life and reflect and set goals for the forthcoming year.  What a year this was for everyone.  With the pandemic continuing, moving to a new home, raising Dante, Caitlin graduating, this was an eventful year.  So let’s look back first and see what I said entering 2021 and reflect.
Be a good father - This is my number one continuation goal.  So far, I am going to start Florida Pre-Pay college for Dante, and I don’t know how long this “stay at home” father deal will last.  When he's old enough, we need to interact socially, but I am not a baby expert, so I don’t know if that is necessary between now and next year.  As long as I continue to be the best I can be, I should be okay.  All I strive to do is take the best qualities of what I imagine a good father should be, add to what my dad did right for me, remove what I think didn’t work for me, and hope for the best.  Will it work 100%?  Absolutely not, but it’s a start.
(Achieved - I think) - I can’t say I did wrong; the boy is still alive.  As I write this, he’s taking a nap after playing in the sand outside and getting a bath.  I did start the Florida Pre-Pay, so I feel good knowing college is one less thing later, but for now, is I think I did alright for now.  We’ll find out later if this was true or not. 
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He is getting to be a bit harder to handle working from home with, but fortunately, the family has stepped up where I seem to be floundering.
Be a good husband - I feel this goes without saying, but then again, looking at my finalized 2020 post, I didn’t include this, so I guess if I was a dick to my wife last year, I could say that’s why.    
I want to make sure my wife is happy.  This includes doing the small shit and the big shit.  I hope 2021 includes her graduating mortuary studies.  I may die that day from partying too hard.
(Good relatively speaking) - I mean, are things perfect?  No.  Are things bad?  No.  So I think this is okay.  There are always areas to improve on, but I also think I did a lot of good, too, and I try to focus on that more.  Caitlin did graduate college, so we went to Salem, MA, and stayed at “haunted places” even though the only thing happened, happened to me and it was just lights flickering (I have a thing with talking to ghosts through lamps for some reason).  
Racing career resurgence -  My bar is set low, but at the same time, I want to raise the bar eventually.  At the time of authoring this, my car’s brakes aren’t, or appear, to not work correctly; my biggest problem thus far is having confidence in my vehicle.  For car #1, the brakes pedal went straight to the floor, and I hit the wall.  The brakes worked for car #2, but I locked them up, thinking I could go faster than I could and hit the wall.  I painted Auburndale speedway with the dead caucuses of my cars in 2020.  I did take the #7 car out for practices, but the brakes were questionable the whole time, and now, I will miss the last race of 2020 because when I went to bleed the brakes this morning, the brakes went straight to the floor.  
I’m over this.  I will have the car looked at and hopefully put in a race-ready shape, so I can start the 2021 season proper.  I hope to create and race enough to be “competitive,” but I don’t think I will win a race in 2021.  I want to run when I can and as appropriate with my responsibilities right now.   I would like to learn this damn thing, so maybe someday I can “retire” and crew chief Dante and take everything I learned and behave a “thing” we can participate together in (see goal #1).
(Failed) - I did have the car looked at, and I did race once on asphalt, and frankly, I was a joke to myself and my family witnessing it.  I think mentally, I damaged more than the car when I had two accidents, and now I just don’t trust driving those Legends Cars on asphalt for fear the brakes will fail, and you can’t race with anxiety and be competitive.  Maybe time will heal that wound; we shall see.  I did race dirt and plan to race some dirt in 2022, but I’m really pissed off at the fact that nobody officiated the race I did race and was treated like it never happened.  Given Auburndale and some private messages I’ve received, along with how help at the track was a joke, this comes as no surprise from the source.  
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I own the car for now and start it to maintain it once a week, but I will likely sell it off since it really just sits in the garage, but I can’t complain.  I tried and did something many people don’t do, so I accomplished something small. 
Vacation - So good news - there are 2 events planned in 2021.  I convinced my wife to go to Las Vegas for my 40th birthday in January, so we plan that now.  Hopefully, when I write about this in 2021 in my retrospective, it will be as fun as I had hoped.  Also, the 2nd planned event, I hope it is just as unique as I planned.  I can’t say anything now because that would give too much away because this 2nd planned vacation is my 5th marriage anniversary, but I hope that is as special as I hope too5th.  There will likely be more, so this goal seems achievable today.
(Accomplished) - Vegas was fun.  Caitlin and I gambled a bit on Keno, and she had fun there as well, which I was happy about.  She said she wouldn’t like it, but I think I proved her wrong.  We went to the Body’s Exhibit, Zack “Friends with my boy Post Malone” Baggins Haunted whatever, and the Titanic Exhibit.
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The “surprise” mentioned fell through as it was a 3-day cruise, but COVID killed that plan.  We ended up going to a local place not too far away and swimming with a manatee.  Those suckers were big, and I was scared.  
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As I mentioned, we also went to Salem, MA, as a way to celebrate Caitlin finally graduating college.  
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I’m very proud of her as I know the road was long and painful.  
Get a raise - I am still one of the most underpaid project managers I work with.  Don’t get me wrong, I really have nothing to complain about because my current job was the first to put faith in me. So they should get some rewards for giving me my first shot at being a no-shit project manager and not spending a decade of my life underutilized. Still, at the same time, it would be nice to get paid the same as someone who is hired off the streets and just so happen to have a resume that suggests they are good.  The best thing about my career was getting hired where I work. The worst thing that happened to my job was underselling myself, as usual, to get away from bad situations. Now I pay the price for underselling myself earlier on and making myself seem more valuable now.  The good news is my immediate supervisors know what they got…it’s just a matter of convincing HR who don’t even know me.
(Accomplished) - After winning the MARLINS contract, I pleaded my case for a raise and got it.  This is huge because it makes life easier.
Pay off Debt - This is moving atm quickly.  I think this is super important, even if it’s not the number #2 or #3 ones I’ve posted, because it will be essential once Caitlin finishes school and we start considering moving.  One thing we know is Caitlin, and I don’t intend to live at our current house much longer.  I would say the moment Dante hit’s 3 years old, if we are still living at our current house, there’s a problem.  
(Accomplished) - we did pay off a bulk of our debt when we sold our house with the positive equate we obtained.  We have very little debt at the moment, with the bulk of it being the house, cars, and some small debt to buy new furniture and stuff.  This is always something to monitor and keep low.
Health - I got to live for my boy and my wife.  Since the gyms closed, the good news is that I bought a home elliptical. The goal is to get exercise and still work on the weight - much like everyone at 40.  
Anyway, I think that’s a reasonable goal for 2021.  This isn’t my usual “10 things,” but I don’t think I’ve done 10 things in several years, and for the most part, I want to focus on what I CAN do more than what I should do and failed at because I said I wanted to do something to fill in #9 or #10 like previous years.  
With age comes wisdom, and maybe this is wise.
(Meh) - this seems like always something I say I’m going to work on but don’t.  The excellent news with looking forward to 2022 is that Caitlin stopped drinking altogether, so that makes not drinking too easier, and I’d say that’s where I gained the most weight. I’m already on a diet and lost 10lbs, and I’d say from 2021, I’ve lost 20lbs.  Looking at some of those pictures, I’m like, “good god...”
Moving ahead to 2022, we have some things to report that weren’t part of the goals from last year.  For starters, we moved.  That’s right, we left 1601 and moved to New Port Richey in a beautiful Victorian-style house complete with an in-law suite converted to be my man cave. 
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While this house is a longer drive for Caitlin to get to work, I work from home, so it works out for me.  Plus, this is a GREAT area to raise Dante outside of 1601.  We moved here in July 2021, so we are slowly making this our forever home. 
Now...onto goals for 2022.
1) Be a good father - Once again, numero uno on my list.  At the time of authoring, he is 1 year 5 months, so by the time I respond to this, he will be 2 years 5 months, and I’m sure a lot will be different.  For starters, I hope he interacts with more kids.  He and Levi seem to kick it off really well, and I’d like to continue that.  I don’t think we’re going to take him into daycare given 2023 plans I can’t discuss publicly, but I think for me, continue to try to make the hamster feel loved and all that gooshy stuff.
2) Be a good husband - I need to be better with my attitude.  I get so frustrated sometimes that my frustration gets the better of me.  The good news is we communicate pretty well, maybe not as good as it was or could be but still areas of improvement.  I need to be more supportive of her too.  Health has been a concern as of late and, while I hope it gets better, there are no guarantees, and I need to be more supportive than how I usually am.
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3) Find a new hobby - This isn’t a replacement for racing per se; I just need a goal that is not family or work-related.  Not sure what this is, but it needs to be something different.  I joke about being a “giraffe trainer” since most of my hobbies end up being hair-brain ideas that sound crazy, but that’s pretty much how I’ve always been.  
4) Health - For me, I’m going to lose some weight.  I think this should be “easy” since, as I stated, Caitlin doesn’t drink, and I think that’s what hurt me the most.  I’m not necessarily going to stop drinking altogether as Caitlin did, but basically, dial it down to a 2, which means nights on the weekend after Dante is in bed.  Yeah...listening to music, dancing around the house, and things aren’t the same anymore, but hopefully, I can find pleasure in other things.  A
5) Build out the house - The wife will keep me busy with this one, but the goal for 2022, at a minimum, is to replace the floors.  There are other things like repairing the bathroom, renovating some things, and building the man cave, but most are doable.
6) Vacation - So, unlike last year, we don’t have definitive plans going into 2022.  We kick around the idea of going to Ireland, but I need to pull the trigger.  I’m not sure what we have in mind, but let’s go with one vacation as a goal.
7) Professional certification - This is digging into the bottom of the barrel, but I may try something like this.  I won’t be disappointed if I get this, but I don’t want to say I stopped learning either.
8) Teach Dante to ride a tricycle - He should be old enough sometime this year for this to be possible.  
9) Go to a convention for fun - idk...it’s been a while.  Maybe take Dante to Spooky Empire or the wife to a tattoo convention.
10) Start considering opportunities in business - I LOVE my job but maybe start looking at how I can expand beyond my current career and find a side hustle.  I don’t know.  This is very unlikely but worth looking into.
Well...there you have it.  Goals and reflection on 2021 and 2022. Away we go!
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novoaa1writes · 3 years
“f**k you.”
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pairing(s): mandy milkovich x reader
summary: you and mandy are friends with benefits, or... something. you tentatively discuss her pregnancy, and offer your help. mandy is... less than pleased. (contains spoilers for season 2 of shameless)
rating: mature
word count: ~1,400
warnings: unhealthy relationships, implied/referenced canonical child abuse, teen pregnancy, implied/referenced sex, swearing, brief discussion of abortion, minor blood, implied/referenced drug addiction, implied/referenced forced pregnancy
notes: reader is an adoptive gallagher, raised with them since childhood but unrelated by blood. also, the reader is not necessarily specified as female, but they do have b00bies. take that as you will. also available on ao3.
if you've seen shameless (U.S.), this is written very much in keeping with the fucked-up interpersonal dynamics that make up the entirety of the show. the reader's relationship with mandy isn't a healthy one, and the writing reflects that. i'd even say there's likely a solid argument to be made that the relationship between mandy and the reader is actually abusive in some aspects. please don't read if that's going to trigger you in any way.
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You’re lying in bed together, naked and glistening with sweat, when you finally dare to broach the topic. 
“So, uh…” you trail off, sitting yourself up with a grunt to reach for the pack of cigs and lighter strewn on the floor nearby. Mandy stares you down with an unreadable expression as you put one between your lips and— “Shit, sorry,” you apologize, tossing the joint aside. Smoking and pregnancy don’t mix. “That’s, um… Sorry.”
‘Cause sure, maybe you’re not the pregnant one here, and maybe you know for damn sure that your meth-head mom wasn’t sober when she had you kicking around in her tummy, but you figure refraining from smoking around Mandy when she can’t is the least you can do.  
Mandy sighs, props herself up on her elbows and gives you a knowing look. “Just ask,” she says. She sounds exhausted. 
You lean back into bed, hold yourself up with an elbow as you turn to face her. “Pregnant, huh?”
“Ian told you.” 
“Your dad, actually,” you correct her, then instantly regret it when you see something like fear flicker through her gaze. “Ian’s fine, though.”
“No, he’s not.” Mandy huffs out a sigh, hanging her head back, eyelids fluttering shut. An errant thought comes—that you’ve never seen her look so defeated or beautiful: naked in bed after rounds of desperate sex, bedsheets sagging low on her slender hips, pert breasts rising and falling with every measured breath. You’re quick to do away with it. “My dad’s gonna kill him.”
You shrug. “Lip and I’ve been doing some brainstorming. We’ll figure it out.”
If Mandy hears you at all, she doesn’t let on. “I tried to tell him,” she murmurs, eyes still shut. “He didn’t listen.”
“Who, Ian?”
Mandy gives the slightest shake of her head. “My dad.”
“Well, I mean… We know it can’t be Ian’s, but you had that thing with Lip, right? What if it’s his?” You feel a little uncomfortable bringing it up, having grown up alongside him since you were little. Lip, Ian, Carl, Debby, Liam… they’re your siblings in everything but name. 
“It’s not.” Mandy collapses back down onto the mattress with a huff. 
“Oh,” you say. You don’t ask, ‘Then whose is it?’—even though you kind of want to.
“My dad… he drinks a lot,” Mandy mumbles after a long moment. Her eyes flutter open, but she isn’t looking at you. She’s staring straight up at the ceiling—through it, even, like it isn’t even there. Like she isn’t there. “Mistakes me for Mom.”
Every muscle in your body goes tense as nausea churns in your gut. “Your dad…” you repeat, swallowing down bile. 
Mandy slants a look over to you, dead-eyed and emotionless. “It’s not a big deal,” she tells you, a cold edge to her tone. “Stop fuckin’ looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re pitying me.”
It takes everything in you not to glance away from her, run down the hall to the bathroom and puke your guts out in the toilet. “What do you want to do?” 
Mandy shifts her gaze back to the ceiling. “You got $600 lying around?” 
For a split second, you’re confused. Why $600— 
And then it hits you. An abortion at the clinic. 
You shake your head. “No, I don’t.”
Mandy nods, eyes watering, a sardonic smile tugging at her lips. “Thought so.”
You bite the inside of your cheek hard until you taste blood, thoughts racing. A second later, you’re surging upright, stumbling to your feet. 
“The hell are you doing?” Mandy asks, sounding caught somewhere between bone-tired and just plain irritated. 
You snatch up your jeans, feel around for the flip phone you had in your back pocke—
There it is. 
You flip it open, scroll through the handful of contacts until you reach Kev. 
Phone against your ear, you chance a look back at Mandy. She’s got a murderous look in her eye. You figure you’ve got about two minutes before she starts chucking anything and everything within reach your way. 
Please, Kev, pick up. 
Two rings on the other end, then—
“Go for Kev.”
Thank fuck. 
“Hey, Kev,” you say, beginning to pace. You’re buck-ass naked, and Mandy’s watching you like a hawk (a very angry hawk, granted), but you don’t really have it in you to be self-conscious about it for the moment. “You think I can rent out the Alibi for tomorrow night, do a, uh… fund-raiser type thing?”
“What? Who’s dying?”
You roll your eyes. “No one’s dying, Kev. I just need to raise $600 bucks. It can be a… bake-sale, or some shit. Put a couple other random things up for sale, too. Grammy’s gun, some of Monica’s old clothes… All goes well, we make enough to cover renting the bar for the night and then some.”
Mandy’s gaze turns from murderous to calculating as she watches you, though you know better than to think that means you’re in the clear with her. 
It’s quiet on the other end for a beat, then two. Eventually, “Tomorrow night?” he repeats. 
You nod, biting your lip. “Tomorrow night. I’ll get everyone off their ass to start baking tonight. Debby can make some fliers, spread the word. It’ll be a full house. Please, Kev.”
He heaves a sigh, and you know you have him. “Alright,” he agrees. “Drop by later today, we’ll work out the details, yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah, ‘course, I’ll be there,” you agree earnestly, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Thank you, Kev. You’re the best.”
“Don’t I know it. See you soon. Bye.”
You’ve only just shut the phone and clutched it to your bare chest, wearing a stupidly proud grin, when—
Pain explodes across your left cheek, whipping your entire head to one side. 
“Fuck!” you curse, looking up to see a fuming Mandy standing before you, bloodshot green eyes alight with mutiny. “The hell was that for?”
Mandy just glares, seething silently. 
“What?” you ask, pins and needles dancing along your cheek. 
It’s quiet for a beat. 
Then Mandy’s surging forward, crashing her lips into yours in a bruising kiss, all tongue and teeth and wet warmth. 
You’re frozen in shock for a second or two, your mind still kind of stuck on the part where she slapped you, but a warning growl against your mouth has you instinctively parting your lips and ceding Mandy’s unspoken request, reciprocating with fervor. 
A strangled groan works its way up your throat and she swallows it with ease, fingers snaking into your hair, yanking until you whine. 
You toss the phone somewhere off to the side, hear it land with clatter. You really couldn’t care less. 
Your hands fall to her naked hips and you pull her flush against your body—chest to chest, hip to hip. Mandy whines with approval as you snake an arm around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer like it’s not enough to have her breasts mashed against your own, her heartbeat thrumming along your skin. 
You want more; no, you need more. 
She’s a whirlwind—destructive, turbulent, beautiful in her fury. Your free hand creeps down to lift her thigh, guiding it to curl around your torso even as she devours you, bites at your lower lip hard enough to make it bleed. 
“Fuck you,” she gasps between violent kisses, breathless and angry. “You fucking idiot.”
“Kiss me again,” you say, and she does—gripping a hand around your throat and crashing her lips into yours, one hand still tugging relentlessly at a fistful of your tousled hair. The stinging sensation brings tears to your eyes. 
“Don’t need your help. Don’t need anyone’s help.” She pulls away panting, only to lick up the blood that’s started dribbling down your chin before kissing you again with just as much fierceness and hostility as before. 
Your cheek aches, your lip stings, your lungs burn from lack of oxygen. All you can taste is coppery blood and stale cigarettes and Mandy, Mandy, Mandy. 
She’s never been this rough with you before. Then again, she’s never been this pissed off at you before.
You decide you should piss her off a lot more often. (Especially if this is how it’s gonna be when you do.)
✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳
end notes: do i realize mandy milkovich is problematic and kind of insane? yes. am i still lowkey in love with her? double yes. 
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bowensbyrams · 4 years
the canada dream {02}
n/a: hey, guys! Here’s part 2 of TCD, as promised. I’m sorry it took me so long to update, my classes are back and last week was kinda hard, but here we go! Please let me know what you think <3 
Pairing: Pierre-Luc Dubois x reader
Warnings: a little bit of angst at the beginning, mentions of abusive/toxic relationship
Word counting: 2,1k
Ps: part 1 can be found here: https://royaltyofhockeylosers.tumblr.com/post/627737248109133824/the-canada-dream-01 
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I realize there's something wrong the moment I find myself opening the door to my old apartment in Boston. As far as I remember, I moved to Montreal and am living with my best friend Anna... Or was it just a dream? I wouldn't be surprised, I've been dreaming on moving to Canada for a while now. I enter the living room and drop my bag on the couch, heading to my room but a noise stops me. No, not a noise. A moan. A woman's moan. I live with my boyfriend, Thomas, and as far as I know, we don't share the apartment with another girl. My heart fasten with every step I take until I'm facing the white door that leads to my room. Our room. "Faster, Tommy" I hear the girl say and my boyfriend groans, making my skin shiver "Yes just like that" "God you're so hot, baby" Thomas' voice is like a fist to my stomach and the tears start rolling down my face. Not again, please. I open the door and the scene in front of me breaks my heart into a million pieces. My boyfriend is buried into a blonde's pussy and keeps thrusting in and out of her as he sees me. "Hello, princess. Do you want to join us?" his smile is almost wicked and I can't move, I can't breath as I watch him fucking her the way he used to make love to me. The tears never stop coming down and my sobbing seems to make him want to go deeper and faster until the girl screams his name.
~~ I sit on my bed, tears running on my cheeks and my heart racing like a horse. My entire body hurts as I'm forced to remember every single scene from that damn day, unable to erase the overwhelming feeling for good. My phone pings and I reach out to check it. When my eyes catch the clock and I realize it's almost 1 p.m, my heart skips a beat. I've never woken up this late, but I guess the adventures from last night and the anxiety of moving to another country to restart my life got the best of me. Unlocking the screen, I check the message app before anything else. There are 2 texts from Tyler and 6 from Logan, so I decide to open the latter thread. L: Hey Y/N, it's Logan L: I'm sorry for last night, I hope Anna is okay L: Tyler said he invited you two to the barbecue, cool! L: Here's the address and don't worry about anything, just bring whatever you guys wanna drink L: We reeeeeally want you to come, Luc is excited to meet you two I smile at the last text which is formed by at least 10 different types of emojis. I reply saying I need to ask Anna if she wants to come and lock the screen again, leaving my bed and going to Anna's room. My best friend is sleeping like a baby, so I decide to go make something for us to eat. When I'm almost done with the spaghetti, Anna appears in the kitchen with a pout on the lips and her brows furrowed. "Good morning, sunshine" I sing and my friend groans, sitting on one of the benches by the marble island in the middle of the kitchen. “I’m not feeling sunshiny today. I feel like I’ve been ran over by a truck. Multiple times” “That’s called tequila hungover and I’m not saying I told you so...” “Nah shut up” she shushes me waiving her hand “Can you get me a pill that’ll make this go away?” Anna points at her own head and I hold back a laugh, opening one of the cabinets where she showed me the medicines were. Handing her an Aspirin and a cup of water, I go back to the stove and turn it down, taking the pan to the island. Anna takes the pill and sighs, looking at the food. "Is this a dream?" my best friend asks when I put a plate in front of her and lets out a small moan when she takes the first bite "Honestly, if I had known you could cook like this, I would've invited you to move in with me way earlier" "Oh, don't get to used to it. My cooking knowledge is resumed to spaghetti, lasagna and burgers" "Who said we need more than that to survive?" Anna looks at me with an offended look making me laugh. We're half way through our meal until I decided to tell her about the barbecue. "So Logan and the other boys are hosting a barbecue today and they want us to come. It'll be just us, them, Tyler's girlfriend and that other guy they were telling us about yesterday. You in?" "As long as Logan keeps his alcohol to himself, I see no problem" she replies and I can't hold back my laugh. "Hey you're the one who suggested you guys should see who could get more shots in less time" "I never thought he'd say yes! That guy is crazy!" she snaps back and I laugh even harder. "Okay so we're going?" "Yeah, I guess so..." "Cool, I'll let him know then" * "What's up?" Anna asks as we're getting ready to leave. She's in my room, laying down on my bed as I finish putting some make up on. I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt with a jeans skirt and snickers since the weather gods decided to send a chill night to break the living hell temperatures of the day. Me and An spent the entire day laying on the floor and drinking an absurd amount of water while watching the latest episodes from The 100. "What?" I ask and look at her through the mirror. "You have a worried look on your face. What's wrong?" "Nothing... I just have a weird feeling that I should know something but I don't" I reply and focus on applying my mascara. "You're weird, Y/N. Are all americans like this?" "Hey!" I throw a pillow at her, making her laugh. As I finish everything and grab the beer packs we're taking, we're all settle to go. On our way to go, I open my Instagram and start scrolling through my feed - which is the most diverse thing in the world. It’s the perfect balance of hockey, singers, food, friends and family. I look at some of the posts before heading to the Story part. I slide through a couple until one catches my attention. It’s the same bar I was yesterday and I can see Anna in her white and red dress in the corner. I check the user and my heart skips a beat when I realize who it is. Pierre-Luc Dubois, one of the few hockey players I follow on Instagram. He plays centre for the Columbus Blue Jackets, my ex's home team, and my heart aches a little when a memory gets me. "Hey, I just saw you follow PLD on Instagram" Thomas' voice reaches me before he appears on our room. "Yeah, I've been following him for a while now, Tom" I say and go back folding the clean clothes. "Why?" he asks, making me look at him a little confused. "Why what?" "Why are you following him?" "Why not? He's a hockey player and I like him. What's wrong?" "Oh you like him? What, do you think he's gonna fuck you if you ever meet?" his aggressive tone makes me blush and my heart fasten. "Why are you saying this? I'll never meet him, Thomas, he's like super famous and lives in Ohio" "Exactly, so stop following him. I don't approve it and I don't like the fact that you're following these hockey guys. They're all assholes" my boyfriend says before storming out of our apartment, leaving me to try and understand what the hell just happened. I never stopped following Pierre's profile, but that was never needed since I caught Thomas in bed with another girl just two weeks after his little scene. That was three months ago and now I was living in Montreal with my best friend, trying to rebuild my life after what he did to me. I look at Pierre's story again and can't help the weird feeling that takes over my body. I knew he was French-Canadian, but I definitely did not know he lived in Montreal during the off season. I guess I never took the time to check on any player's personal lives. I mean, expect for Mitch Marner's but that's just because I really wish we were best friends but anyways. "Hey, you're on Pierre-Luc Dubois' Insta Story" I says and Anna almost throws the car out of the road. "I'M WHAT?!" Definitely should've waited until we got to the house. "Yeah, he was at the same bar as we yesterday and posted a photo of the dance floor. You appeared in the corner" "Wait... You're telling me that that fucking greek god was at the same bar as we and none of us saw it? Are you kidding me?" she says and the annoyance in her voice makes me laugh. "Yep, that's what I'm saying. What are the odds?" "I mean, they're high since his parents live here, but still.. We weren't even at the best bar of the city" "Maybe he is low key and was trying to avoid the crowds" "Yeah, probably" she agrees and changes focus. I observe the streets, filled with big houses with even bigger yards. "I guess Pierre is not the only rich who prefers underground bars..." I comment and Anna snorts, looking at the mansions. “Should’ve guessed he had money when you told me the neighborhood we were heading to, but damn” Anna says and all I can do is nod in agreement.
I was worried we would be late, but when we get to the house, Tyler and his girlfriend, Kate, are the only ones waiting for us. "Hey, guys" Ty greets us and takes the beer packs from me "Logan went to buy more beer, Jesse backed down and Luc is late as always" he leads the path to the backyard and I have to keep myself from dropping my jaw. The house is huge but the backyard is unbelievable. There's a deck where the grill is, a pool with a pool house and a soccer court. "This is my girlfriend Kate. Kate, these are the girls we told you about, Anna and Y/N" "Hi!" the curly haired and green eyed girl says and we down by her side. A couple of minutes go by and we're all getting along pretty well until Anna looks at her phone and sees that it's dying. "I think i have a charger in the car, I'll be right back" She leaves and only two minutes later my phone pings. A: don't freak out and act normal but i just bumped into logan outside Y/N: so what? A: pierre is with him My eyes go wild and before I can process what I just read, Logan's voice reaches me. “Look who I just found outside!” I look up asking God for Anna to be messing with me, but she's not. Pierre-Luc fucking Dubois is standing between Logan and my best friend, how's acting like there's nothing wrong. I try my best to do the same and I guess it worked since no one is looking at me with funny looks. "Luc, this is Y/N and Y/N, this is Luc" Tyler introduces us and Pierre shakes my hand with a small smile. "Cool, now you two know each other. Can we eat? I'm starving!" Logan says heading to the grill. “We’ve known each other for less than a day and I’ve already noticed that’s a constant mood of yours” Anna snaps back following him with Pierre right after her, leaving me, Kate and Tyler behind. "You look like you just saw a ghost" Tyler says getting my attention. "I'm just thinking why none of you bothered to tell me that your friend looked like that" I snap back, making Kate laugh. I decide not to mention the fact that I'm a hockey fan and know the NHL player that has just walked past us. "Nah, the minute he opens his mouth you'll see he's a dork" Kate says and heads to the area where the rest is. I follow her with Tyler right by my side and asking God to help me out here.
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Damon Salvatore x reader
Requested by @thefandomplace​ //Summary: Someone from Damon’s past wants to get back at him and uses you as her leverage against Damon.  
A/N: Okay so I actually really like how this one turned out. I hope you guys do too! Thank you for requesting! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix):
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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She watches the two of you from the rooftops. You and Damon were walking together, sharing ice cream; laughing as some dripped onto his chin. There was some kind of festival going down below in the Mystic Falls square; hundreds of people. This wasn’t the place; she would have to wait for the right moment.
You laugh when some of the ice cream drips onto Damon’s chin.
“Geez, you could at least get it into my mouth?” He chuckles, grabbing some napkins at the booth next to him. 
“I’m sorry,” You laugh more, taking the napkins from him and gently wiping the ice cream from his chin, “You moved.” 
“Oh? I moved?” He chuckles, shaking his head, taking the ice cream from you, “It’s my turn to control who feeds the ice cream.” He gets a small spoonful. 
“Damon you better-” It was too late, he tapped the spoon onto your nose, dabbing a little ice cream on your nose. “Damon Salvatore!”
 He chuckles, shrugging, “I’m sorry baby doll, you moved.” 
You roll your eyes, wiping it off your nose, “Now I’m all sticky.”
He takes a bite of the ice cream, pointing to the Grille, “Go in there and wash up. Then we’ll go get a funnel cake to finish the night off.”
You nod, kissing his cheek, “Sounds good.” He motions to the ground with the spoon, “I’ll be right here, waiting.” 
You walk inside, pushing through a small crowd of people. Stepping into the bathroom, you go straight to the sink, wetting a cloth. When you look up in the mirror, there’s a woman, dark red hair standing behind you. Before you know what’s going on, she pushes the back of your head forward, your forehead hitting the mirror and it shattering to pieces, darkness overcoming you. 
He pulls his phone out of his pocket. You’d been in there for more than 5 minutes but all you had to do was wash your hands. He looks around, before heading inside and straight to the bathrooms. There wasn’t a line, so that wouldn’t be holding you up. He spots Stefan and Elena at the bar and grabs Stefan by the shoulder, turning him around, “Have you guys seen y/n?” 
Stefan shakes his head, “No. We’ve been here all night.” 
Damon looks around the bar once more, maybe he missed you, “She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and she hasn’t come back yet.” 
Elena puts a hand on his arm, “Don’t freak out. Maybe there was a line. I’ll go check on her.” 
Damon nods, “Thank you.” 
Elena makes her way to the bathroom and opens the door. The mirror is shattered to pieces, glass scattered around the floor. There’s blood on the mirror and droplets over the sink and floor, “Oh god.” 
When she turns around to exit the bathroom, Damon and Stefan are already there, looking at the mess behind her. 
“Shit.” Damon pushes Stefan out of the way and rushes out of the Grille, looking left and right as he exits the Grille. “Y/n?” He heads toward the square where the funnel cakes were. Maybe you headed there while he was inside, but you weren’t there. You were nowhere to be found. 
When you woke up, you screamed. Your body was leaning forward over the ledge of a building and all you saw below you was the concrete sidewalk. 
Someone pulled you back by your hair, “Oh don’t worry. I’m not letting you die. Just yet.” She laughs, pushing you to the ground.
 “Who the hell are you?” You winced, sitting up. It was the red haired woman from the bathroom. 
“You mean Damon didn’t tell you about me?” She frowns, “Oh honey, I’m his worst nightmare.” She bends down to your level, inches from your face, “The name’s Elizabeth.” She tilts her head at you, as if studying you.
 “Damon’s never mentioned you.” You press your fingers to your forehead, blood on your fingers. “What do you want with me?” 
“Oh, I want to kill you.” She smiles, standing, “So Damon knows what it feels like to lose someone he loves.” 
You gulp a little, looking up at her. Damon would save you. He would save you in time. Right? 
 “Damon, maybe she went home?” Stefan reasons. 
Damon shakes his head, “She wouldn’t have gone home Stefan! We were going to get a funnel cake, then leave. She wouldn’t have gone home.” Him, Stefan and Elena were now making their way around the square, looking in alley’s, in shops still opened, but you weren’t there. 
“Yoohoo! Oh Damon!”
 Damon looks around, looking at Stefan and Elena, who are looking around as well.
“Up here, darling!” 
Damon looks above him. There stood a woman and in her grip on the edge of the building was you. He starts toward them, but the lady grips your hair harder, causing you to cry out in pain, “don’t even think about it!” 
“Let her go, Elizabeth!” He’d recognize the red hair anywhere. He knew what she was doing here with you on the ledge of a building. She was here for revenge for killing her lover. 
She tilts her head at him, “Now, why would I want to do that? That would end the fun.” She pushes you closer, your toes at the edge. 
Damon flinches, ready to dart to you if you fall, “this is between you and I. Not her. She has nothing to do with this.” He holds his hands out in surrender, “Kill me instead, not her.”
 “I don’t want to kill you, Damon. I want you to feel the same pain I felt when I lost Ben!” Elizabeth screams, “You ripped his heart out of his chest and killed him! For what? Over nothing!” 
“Then do the same thing to me! Rip my heart out! Damn it, Elizabeth, leave her out of it! Please!” 
She smirks, “Don’t move until I tell you too.” She whispers to you. 
You whimper, looking down at Damon. You couldn’t move. Your body was frozen on this ledge. 
Elizabeth slowly let go of you, “Hang one foot off the ledge.” 
You slowly do as she says, letting out a squeal as you almost fall, “D-Damon..” A tear rolls down your cheek as you look down at him. 
“hey, it’s okay.” He nods, “You’re going to be fine.” He gives you a reassuring smile, “You’re okay.”
 “Aww so adorable!” Elizabeth rolls her eyes, “Boring!” 
Suddenly she’s standing in front of Damon. As Damon lunges at her, she orders you, “Jump y/n!” 
And that’s when you took the leap off the side of the building, falling to your death. 
“No!” Damon screams, watching you fall, his eyes wide and panicked.
 You scream on your way down, but your body never hits the pavement, falling into the strong arms of Damon himself. 
It had all happened so quickly. Stefan had ripped Elizabeth’s heart out as you fell, giving Damon time to get to you, saving your life. You knew Damon would save you in time.
 “I got you… I got you baby girl..” He whispers, kissing your temple and holding you close and tight against his body.
 “You saved me..” 
You can see the tears in his eyes and he gives a soft smile, “Always..” 
The Vampire Diaries tag list: @thefandomplace​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​
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