#so him telling us would kinda defeat the purpose
waywardsou2 · 14 hours
Summer of Bad Batch 2024
Week 1
Alt Prompt: “It’s not what you think”
A/N: This is a snip it of a later chapter in my fic that is currently in the works. I purposely jumped forward in time to write this and will come back to it later when I get to that part of the story. I thought it fit kinda nicely although the actual prompt doesn't fit until near the end of this segment. Still I hope you enjoy it
Tags: Slight Angst, Truama
Tech was sitting on the edge of a cliff over looking the bustling village of Pabu below, the night sky a deep radiant blue as the full moon shone its light down onto the people below. It was so bright you may have mistaken it for daytime. The light from the houses set a contrasting orange glow from the bright white light from the moon brought a homely feeling to the environment around him. He was so used to the sterile walls of Kamino and the stark, blank, white lighting the filled the building. It was tranquil and not like the empty barracks or the still empty calm from roaming the halls in the dead of night. No this was a calm that was full of life. Full of sweet calm and air fresher than any he had ever breathed before. This felt like living. Not like surviving and fighting for life day in and day out. This was truly living, reveling in the moments as they came and being able to fully enjoy what was right in front of him. He was a solider, had been all his life. Face paced, desperate, determined, with one goal in mind. Serve and Protect. But now he could question his existence, enjoy it without anything being constantly expected of him. Tech was free at last.
At least he was mostly free, there was one sad reminder of these years past that he could never let go of. Because now they were a part of him. After his rescue from Tantis Tech’s new augmentations had been badly damaged, and he had damaged them even more during his period of rehabilitation. They needed to be maintained and fixed long ago but he had not had the heart to tell his family of what had happened to him, how badly he had been injured after his fall on Eriadu, and how Hemlock had “helped” him. He didn’t want to worry his brothers, it was a burden for him to carry not them. So what was the point in worrying them? What’s done is done and he cant changed it, even if he wanted to.
Right now he was just trying to rewire the servers. Once he had been fully conditioned he remembered how Hemlock had rewired his new armour to allow him to use the full range of functions his augmentations had. He was currently focused on his right leg, his pants pulled all the way up to his thigh his leg entirely exposed so he could see everything. He wished he was in a more sanitary environment than the earth he was sitting on but he didn’t have a space in their shared home where he wouldn’t be disturbed.
He unlatched the main compartment of his legs wiring and began refitting anything that had been damaged and altering the flow of electricity so that his leg would work at a higher capacity. He then moved onto his knee joint, he loosened the bolt a little big. He struggled to move his knee sometimes and figured that the joints had wounds the suspension up to tight and wasn’t giving him full range of movement.
Briefly he wonders if that was intentional.
A fun thought crossed his mind, if he could get Rex to get him the right parts he could install propulsion jets into the soles of his robotic feet that would allow him to hover and fly around Pabu. Although that would defeat the entire point of keeping his new body a secret.
He continued to work down his leg until the whole thing had been carefully checked, modified and replaced. Maybe next time he would bring a few more spare parts to properly make the adjustments he wanted.
He rolled down his right pant leg, folding the cuff, once, then twice and replacing his book over the top. He then moved to his left leg, only needing to slide his pant leg up a little ways, to his shin and remove his boot. He looked at the titanium of his foot.
He considered it a moment, the way he had when he first saw it. He didn’t know how to feel about it. It worked just the same as the rest of his body. He had to hand it to the droids they had done well. And now he didn’t have to worry about standing on things he couldn’t stand the feeling off or bumping them with his foot, that issue was one he was thankful to live without. But the cost, the cost of his humanity, the cost of his autonomy, the cost of his freedom…was it worth it.
He knew the answer should be simple. That the answer should be “of course not, it was because of Hemlock that he fell from the rail car and had been turned into a machine, that was never worth it” But…part of Tech felt better, better than he ever had. The parts of him that were machine worked so smoothly and he never had to worry about his body failing him in ways he that he couldn’t fix. If anything did ever fail him he could simply replace the part or rewire the mechanics and he would be good as new again.
He knew that wasn’t the right way to think about his situation but he couldn’t help it. That was simply how he felt.
After he had cleared away some dirt from the joints in his foot and made sure that it was working he rolled down his pant leg folding the cuff two times like he had with his right one and replaced his boot. It was still strange to him, knowing what the sensation of putting on a boot or having material slide over your skin felt like but being unable to feel it. He didn’t know if he liked that or not just yet.
Now it was time for the difficult part. He didn’t exactly know how he was supposed to examine his own spine but if he could open and close the servos without any additional pain then he would have to assume that everything was fine. He was also unable to check the state of his wounds and their progress. He would merely have to hope that his body was doing its job as designed by the Kaminoans. He knew that his time in the Bacta tank, as much as he detested the feeling and the memory, would have helped his body immensely. He hoped that there were no infections or still opened wounds, but he assumes he would have noticed by now if that were the case.
Gently so that the fabric would not catch on the exposed notches, Tech begins to pull his shirt over his head. He had managed to find where Hunter had confiscated his CX armour and stolen the remote access panel.
He picked up the access panel and stared at it. It was a different design to the one Hemlock and Emerie had shared. It was wider, and the base was grey. There was a red and blue button accompanying the black ones. Part of him desperately wanted to throw the remote into the sea below and watch it plunge to a watery grave but he knew that would not be a good idea.
He told himself that he should be used to the pain by now, those months of rotaions under Hemlocks “care” should have him build up some sort of resistance to the pain and fear.
But it hadn’t, he could feel his heart racing and his breathing become rugged and quick. His flesh hand shook slightly as he continued to stare at the remote, his fingers clutched the metal as he shook, he could feel that hollow feeling build in his chest as his stomach filled with liquid dread. Like black ink pooling inside of him.
He clicked the button.
33 clicks sounded as the notches popped up from his back, releasing the mechanism that held his spine together. Tech cried out and clenched his eyes shut. He felt a stinging fill the inside of his eyelids as he held them shut. Once the final click had sounded he hunched over, unwillingly.
The fear clouded in his mind and he was swallowed by the memory of his first encounter with Hemlock, how badly in pain he had been in those first few days, how fear was the only thing he could remember. He knew at first he had been defiant but he was afraid. So all consumingly afraid that he would never escape, that he would be forever stuck by Hemlocks side. The image of Hemlock’s gloved hands floated in front of his face and he wanted to bat them away.
He had to remind himself there was nothing there. He needed to get this over quickly, he took a deep breathed and tried his best to centre himself/
He took a moment to feel his back trying to get a sense of the sensations he could still register in his skin. After he was sure nothing was wrong, he braced himself again and pressed the button once again.
He hissed at the pain and sat upright, almost as if he had been pulled by someone else.
Except that it wasn’t “like he had been pulled” he had been pulled. In the moment.
“Tech?! What the hell?!” He felt a strong hand clasped around his shoulder and he was being pulled to the side. His head snapped up, his eyes opened underneath his goggles and he could feel the sting in his eyes more clearly now, they were tears and as soon as he had opened his eyes they had spilled into his goggle. After looking up he was face to face with Hunter. Omega standing just over his shoulder.
Hunter was crouched down in front of him at lines of worry in his face deeper than usual and his brow furrowed so far Tech was surprised he could still see Hunter’s eyes. He could feel Hunters hand gripping his shoulder, he wanted to shake it off but he couldn’t move. He was frozen, staring into Hunters face. His hand was still clenching the remote and his entire body was now shaking.
His vision begun to swim as Hunter’s face morphed into Hemlock’s and then Emerie’s. Tech gasped and tried to push them away but the attempt was feeble. Whoever was in front of him wouldn’t move. Faintly he could hear someone calling his name, but they sounded so far away, he couldn’t tell who it was.
“Tech?! Tech!” Suddenly Omega’s face had taken up his field of view and the hand on his shoulder was gone. “Tech listen to me ok. You aren’t on Tantis anymore. See it’s me and Hunter”
He felt himself sway and then he was forcefully yanked back to reality. He was sitting on the cliffside over looking Pabu, and Omega and Hunter were standing there with him.
Defensively he brough his hands up to cover his exposed chest. “It’s not what you think” he said staring up at Hunter.
Omega reached over and retrieved Tech’s shirt handing it to him and he slid it over his torso.
“Tech, what happened?” Omega asked him tentatively but he couldn’t answer, not yet.
He took several minutes to sit as still as he could and breath, taking in oxygen and expelling that dread and fear. Omega was right, he was safe, he wasn’t on Tantis and he was with his family. He could see Omega she was right there. They had saved him. He knew that.
Once he was ready to speak again he gave Omega a small nod and looked over a Hunter. A mix of worry and anger was twisted onto his brow.
Hunter spoke first “Tech what the hell? What were you doing?”
All Tech would respond with was a “It’s not what you think"
Somehow Hunters brows furrowed ever more and he folded his arms in anger “What should I think then Tech? Because it seems pretty black and white to me? You are covered in machinery that we had no idea about? You kept this from us?! Why!?”
Hunters voice had gradually raised as he had spoken and each time Tech flinched.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, just don’t hurt anyone”
An eerie silence fell between the three of them. The words had fallen out of Tech’s mouth before he could think about what he was saying.
The anger faded from Hunter’s face immediately and a lump formed in his throat. Dread filled his own stomach now and horror clouded his mind.
“Tech…no ones going to hurt anyone. We are worried for you is all” Omega says softly
Tech closes his eyes again, why did this have to happen, he had everything under control without them interfering. Deep down he was irritated that they had come looking for him. If they had only waited a few more minutes he would have been done and this would have never had happened.
“I didn’t tell you because it is not your issue to worry about Omega” he says it quite coldly but neither of them back off.
“Tech we are family, we’ve been doing everything we can to help you since Tantis. You didn’t have to-“
“Yes, I know that and I am grateful but this was one thing that I did not want to burden you with. There is nothing you could have done anyway” What else was he supposed to say? What did they expect him to say?
Hunter turned away and ran a hand over his face. He was in a state of distress one he had never even been in on the battlefield. His brother, had been his usual self and kept a serious issue to himself, he had allowed himself to, once again, carry a burden that he knew he would never have had to carry alone.
All his creation he had done everything he could to protect his family, and now he had realised how badly he had failed. Not just when he had failed to convince Crosshair to stay with them, or when he lost Omega. He had failed to save Tech and he had left him to a fate worse than anything he had imagined. And now after all of that, even after Hunter had done his best to right those wrongs he had discovered another thing he had failed to do for his brother.
Tech never told anyone about anything that was bothering him until it was so bad it was obvious to everyone around him. But something a sever as this? How had he kept this hidden all this time. And why had Hunter never figured it out. That was his job!
He had failed his family…again
Breaking out of his caging thoughts he listened as Omega talked to Tech
“Omega, it is not what it looks like. I was not intentionally causing myself harm; I need to make sure that everything was functioning to its fullest capabilities so I would not get hurt in the future”
Omega frowned but nodded at Tech. “Are you going to tell the others?”
Hunter cuts over her with another questions “Were you ever planning to tell us?”
Tech looked down at his hands, guilt filling his throat “I do not know, but most likely not”
Hunter sighed and walked over to crouch beside Omega. “Tech I know we don’t know what you went through on Tantis…but we don’t want you to feel like a burden. Because you aren’t. We would never hold it against you for being different or whatever you believed our reactions to be.”
Hunter sighed not knowing how to convince Tech. Tech would rival Crosshair in stubbornness at times and it wore him down, especially in instances like this.
But Tech was his brother, his family. He couldn’t just let this go.
“Tech? Can I give you a hug?” He heard Omega whisper
Tech nodded and carefully wrapped her arms around Tech and collapsed into his legs. He put his arms around her and for a while they just sat there, Hunter sitting beside them both his hand on Omega’s back
(obviously not a full chapter but enough for the prompt. You'll see the rest of it in chapters to come)
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him <3
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feline-insolitum · 6 months
i was gonna put this on a reblog to this post but i decided it needed to be its own post so here we go
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most other trainers will be super badass or cool whenever theyre terastallizing their pokemon. but kieran just kinda stands there devoid of life. he looks like hes not even there. almost like he's just... dissociating through the whole thing
you can also see eyebags that his teal mask model didn't have. he's been working himself to the absolute bone to get stronger. another character (i forget who) even says hes been sacrificing sleep just to get stronger. its very obviously been taking a toll on him
but looking back on the battle as a whole, this wasnt even the only time where he looked dull and lifeless. for the entire battle, when hes not being dramatic on purpose, he just looks so out of it
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you cant look at these pictures and tell me hes mentally present. the left picture isnt even timed to make him look like that. his expression is like that the entire time hes giving that line of dialogue.
and again, you can see visible eyebags!!!
i think part of it is that hes imagined the battle against the protagonist so many times since getting back from kitakami that it's feels like it's already happened to him, and he's just reliving a memory.
maybe another part is since hes gotten back, hes just been battling non stop when he has the chance. to him its just another battle. initiate, defeat, get stronger. rinse and repeat. its so repetitive that half the time he doesnt even know who hes battling. i feel like thats the case here, maybe sometimes he forgets hes even battling the person that he became this strong to defeat in the first place
i think why he did this to himself is because of more than "just getting stronger". after everything that happened in kitakami: gaining a friend, only for them to lie to and betray him about the thing he loves most, then for them to get closer with his sister, who would consistently shut him down, then on top of it all, ogerpon chose us, and even in trying to battle us for her, we beat him.
that is a lot to have happen to you in just a couple days, so i think part of the non stop training is him trying to cope. in trying to make up for "being too weak", hes also trying to escape reality and forget that those things even happened. he looks so out of it for the entire battle because he is. thats why he has such a reaction when we use ogerpon against him in battle. because by doing that, were reminding him
this is all part of why he freaks out so hard when we beat him. aside from his whole complex of getting stronger specifically to beat us, its because hes already imagined beating us so many times that to him, it already kinda happened in his sleep deprived mind. its because hes won battle after battle since getting back from kitakami, so after being in this rinse and repeat cycle of battling and winning, us losing causes him to finally snap out of it.
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after the protag wins, hes genuinely confused that he lost. but he knew how strong the protag was going into this. i think its because, for the majority of the battle, due to not being mentally present, he forgot he was battling us.
this, as well as how often he wouldve imagined him beating us, explains very well how surprised and shocked and panicked he is that he lost. "this wasnt supposed to happen" because it was just another battle, and he wins battles. "this wasnt supposed to happen" because he already imagined him beating us so many times that it had to have been real, right?
and because this monotonous cycle he was in that was actively draining him of energy was broken by us beating him, everything that he hadnt had the energy to process since training is hitting him like a truck now. ogerpon, the betrayal, how he kept losing to us, how he just lost to us right this moment, its all too much and he cant handle it. and so he crumples to the ground and has a mental breakdown
i didnt mean to turn this into a whole character analysis on kieran but i have a LOT of thoughts on his character and how hes written
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obaex · 2 months
the blind date - rafe cameron
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summary: your friends set you and rafe up on a blind date, but it doesn't go quite as you'd expected.
words: 1.7k
a/n: based on this request ♡♡ the way this has me giggling and kicking my feet in the air - ahhhh!
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“Alright lemme make sure I have this straight: unlimited access to your jet skis for the rest of the summer, your season tickets to the first two Panthers home games, and two cases of whatever beer I want?” Rafe confirmed, looking over to the driver’s seat at his friend Dylan who huffed in reply and rubbed a hand over his face.
“Yes, dude, that’s what we agreed on. Christ, it’s a blind date, not a death sentence. I swear to God if Maddie didn’t put me up to this, I would’ve left your ass to wallow at home alone.”
“I’m doing you a favor” Rafe replied, “It’s the least you could do.”
“I’m telling you she’s hot, you know you might actually be into her, did you even consider that?”
Rafe looked at him completely perplexed. “What makes you think I’m even looking for a girl? I do just fine as it is, thank you very much, plus you and I have very different tastes.” A pause. “Can I please see her insta?”
“We’ve been over this. No. Maddie said it would defeat the purpose of the ‘blind’ part of a blind date.”
“So fucking stupid” Rafe said as he shook his head and looked out the passenger side window.
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You had gotten to the restaurant early; your best friend Maddie wanted to make sure every little thing was perfect and she was practically bubbling over with excited energy at the prospect of your blind date.
“This is going to be amazing, I just know it!!!” she said enthusiastically. “He is so your type, I will be at your wedding, babes, I swear it! Ahhh!” She had pulled you into the bathroom and was fluffing up your hair, touching up your lip gloss and tugging at your dress.
“So happy you went with this one, like yes you will thank me later, you look so damn hot.”
For all her flustered energy, you appreciated her hype and as you looked in the mirror you kinda had to agree with her. She had helped with your hair and makeup and the result was truly stunning; you had just the right amount of makeup on to make your natural beauty pop. Your dress was a little more revealing than you were used to, but it did make you feel confident and who knows, the way she talked about this guy, maybe it would all work out?
“Okay, okay, enough fussing, I’m already nervous enough. Can we please get a drink? I need a drink” you said, moving to walk out of the bathroom as she checked her own appearance in the mirror one last time before following you.
“Yes, good idea, you go loosen up, I’m going to make sure they got us that table by the window.”
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You sidled up to the bar and leaned your arms on it, happy to have a moment’s reprieve from Maddie’s frenetic energy as you looked around in an attempt to distract yourself. The restaurant was really cute, coastal and modern and there was a sizable crowd between the bar and dining area. The steady thump of tropical house music played softly in the background which calmed your nerves and lifted your mood.
Within moments the bartender spotted you and made his way over. He was just about to greet you when he glanced over your shoulder. “Rafe! What’s up!” he said enthusiastically. “So sorry m’am, just one moment” he apologized as he clapped hands with the tall stranger that had walked up beside you. “What can I get you, bro?”
Rafe was smiling at the bartender and glanced at you briefly when he realized you’d been snubbed. It was a quick glance but he did a double take before he could control himself. You were… simply perfect. Your face held an expression of amusement and surprise with a clear smile that rested on perfectly glossed lips. You had an effortless air about you like you woke up every morning looking that good and then immediately every part of him wanted to know what you’d really look like in the morning… in his bed… at Tanneyhill… the sun reaching through the blinds…
What the fuck is the matter with me? he thought suddenly. And then, Fuck. Was I staring?
The bartender was looking at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised. He asked me something. Drink. A drink. What do I want to drink?
“Yeah man, I’ll have a bourbon, neat, and uh, whatever she wants” he replied, nodding his head towards you.
You smirked at him before glancing at the bartender, “Spicy margarita please, and since he’s paying, I’ll take it with Patrón.”
“Oof” Rafe said, grabbing his chest with his hand like you’d delivered a physical blow to him, “Way to take advantage.”
You laughed and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, well, I don’t believe in coincidences, and it just so happens I need some liquid courage. If a handsome stranger is offering, I’m taking top shelf.”
Rafe pursed his lips and nodded, trying to tamp down the feeling in his heart that you'd called him handsome. He glanced back towards the door to see if he could see Dylan and couldn’t find him. Good he thought, allowing himself to feel guilty for half a second until he refocused on the sight of you in front of him.
He cleared his throat. “So, uh, liquid courage?” he asked.
“I’m meeting a date here actually” you said, shaking your head, your blushed cheeks turning slightly rosier. “It’s a whole thing…” you trailed off, waving your hand dismissively.
Rafe couldn’t reason with himself why he felt so angry that you were here for someone else. Thankfully the drinks arrived which gave him a moment to process as he watched you take a deep sip of your drink.
‘What asshole doesn’t pick a girl up and take her on the date himself?’ he thought. Well, he thought he thought before he realized he’d said it out loud as you nearly choked on your drink in laughter.
You shook your head again, smiling and laughing “It’s not like that, it’s –”
“—Nah, I’m sorry, it’s not my business, I shouldn’t have said that” he interrupted, mortified that he'd let that slip.
“You’re fine” you reassured him. “It was sweet. It’s nice to know there are still decent men out there willing to keep things chivalrous.”
I would’ve picked you up he thought. On time. Walked to your front door. Flowers in hand.
His head was spinning. What the fuck is going on with me. He looked down at his drink and then drank it in one swig. When he set the glass down, he caught your look of amusement as he coughed.
“You good?” you asked, giggling.
He grimaced, “I will be” he said, holding up his empty to signal the bartender for another.
“Is my company that bad?” you joked.
His eyes darted to yours, “Quite the opposite, sweetheart” he said in a low voice that you felt from your beating heart to your fingertips to your belly and shaky knees. Shit you thought as you registered the effect this man had on you.
You blushed and met his warm gaze, realizing for the first time how deeply blue his eyes were, like sapphires. The two of you stood there, an arms-length away and it was like time stood still. You could feel your pulse in your throat, feel your body tingling like it was physically reacting to his proximity. Was he stepping closer to you or were you imagining it? His eyes left yours for only an instant to look at your lips and in that moment he had you hook line and sinker.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed on the bar in front of you and you jumped. He took an imperceptible step back, clearing his throat.
“S-sorry” you mumbled, quickly swiping open a text from Maddie: ‘Where r u?!!!!”
“I-I’ve got to…” you waved your phone by way of excuse and nodded your head towards the tables, literally unable to string a sentence together at this point.
“Yeah, no problem” Rafe said, as casually as he could muster as you moved to leave. “Try to have a good time. And, hey” he said, capturing your attention one more time “Tell this guy he better give you a ride next time, okay? None of this high school ‘I’ll meet you there’ shit, okay?”
You laughed at your little inside joke and met his gaze one more time before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
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Rafe’s next drink arrived and he slammed it back instantly before settling the tab, leaving a hefty cash tip and making his way towards the dining room.
Dylan fucking owes me he thought through gritted teeth, grimacing all the way through the crowded room, replaying your smile, the way you'd looked at him through thick eyelashes, even the way you’d smelled: like vanilla and coconut.
He was clenching and unclenching his fists as he searched the crowd, willing this godawful date to be over before it had even started. Finally he caught a glimpse of Maddie’s bright hair and Dylan’s frame at a table by the window; he moved to shift around several people when his eyes met yours, seated next to Maddie, across from an empty seat.
“Oh my god” you said, covering your mouth with your hand, stifling a fit of laughter and joy when you caught his eye.
He began to laugh too, the tension in his body immediately dissipating as he rubbed a hand over his face in an attempt to wipe away the goofy grin he felt there as he took his seat.
“What is going on, do you two know each other, what am I missing?” Maddie demanded.
“Nothing, it’s nothing, Mads” you said, giggling as your eyes danced and twinkled at Rafe.
She narrowed her eyes as they darted between the two of you. “Okaayyyyy, well YN, this is Rafe!”
“So, so nice to meet you” you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm, though you were thrilled to actually know his name.
“The pleasure is truly mine, sweetheart” he played back, a knowing smile resting on his lips that had you bursting at the seams as you two ogled each other.
Maddie and Dylan looked at you both like you were crazy as you just stared and giggled at one another before they gave up and settled back into their own conversation and you and Rafe picked up your menus.
“Tomorrow at 7:00” Rafe said just quietly enough for you to hear him as he pretended to eye the menu.
“What?” you whispered in reply.
“Be ready tomorrow at 7:00. I’m taking you out. And I’ll be picking you up this time” he said as he shot you a smirk over his menu.
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taglist: @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @moremaybank, @one-sweet-gubler, @m-indkiller, @diary-of-jj, @crlsummer
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siredtoyourlips · 9 months
Chosen ones
Sirius x Remus x Fem!Reader
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Summary~ The aftermath of the war and Y/n Potter daughter of James and Lily Potter and Sister of Harry Potter stayed behind and helped rebuild and heal those who needed help after it, in those two years of staying behind she got closer to Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. What happens when she overhears them talking about something she probably shouldn't have heard?
1.5k words
Warnings~ Small talk about the war, Reader is a nurse, kinda girly ( she wears a skirt), Dirty talk, Threesome, Anal, unprotected sex ( that's a nono), Breading kink ( at the end), James is dead but its still James best friends, kissing, Remus and Sirius kinda fighting over reader, soft sex basically, pet names, my writing, reader got hurt from a belt, Sub!Reader Dom! Remus and Sirius, Kinda begging but not really Reader is about 19-20 and Remus and Sirius are 40.
PSA~ this is never permanently stated but Remus and Sirius are like Lowkey together
Where ever I go there's always eyes glued to me, it's not anything I did per say but its because who I am and the family I was born into.
Two years ago me and my brother defeated the dark lord and the death eaters, they killed friends and family, they ruined our school and traumatized many of us but they didn't take away what was left of our family. We had to make it look like Sirius died so the death eaters would think they had an edge on us, oh were they wrong.
We won and saved people who probably weren't going to be saved like Sirius, Remus, Fred, and Lavender. Every since the war everyone gets along better there's no hateful things said about people with different blood statuses or abilities like there was before.
While Harry went to be an Auror and start his life with Ginny, I stayed behind to help rebuild the castle and help those who were in need, I'm a part-time nurse. I still live with Sirius and Remus or should I say they live with me, I pay the bills but after the war they just wanted to be alone from all the prying eyes and who could blame them. From my parents dying to this day all attention has been on us. It's finally dying down.
Today has been a long day, while so many people are working on building the school there's also so many people getting hurt, I have at least 10 patients a day and today that was tripped. This day is finally ending.
As I walk through the front door I see all the lights off except for one, the living room light. I take my shoes off and walk into the lighted up room and I assume the two men who I've lived with the past two years are on the couch, Remus is wide awake with just a pair of pants on watching some muggle documentary but Sirius is no where to be found .
Remus sees me and waves me over to sit with him, and I do. See the thing is I live with the hottest men ever and it drives me insane especially when they dress like this.
' long day sweetheart?' he asks when I lay my head on his shoulder and I just mumble a 'mhm' and feel him putting a blanket around me. I feel so cozy that I don't realize that I was falling asleep until what I assume is not that later because Remus is watching the same thing but Sirius is on the other side of me rubbing my back, and I feel safe, and I start dozing off again
'how long has she been sleeping?' that's Sirus's voice. ' bout an hour, she fell asleep right after she came home, long day at work'.
'I bet' Sirius mumbles. 'Her short outfits always drives me insane, I swear she does it on purpose' Sirius says and I hear Remus clear his throat before he sits up straight and my head falls and hits his belt. And that's when I really wake up 'ow' I mumble as Remus picks up my head and looks like a deer in headlights, I can tell he feels so bad for moving ' I'm so sorry hunny' he says, clearly tense ' its ok' I say.
Sirius stands up and looks at my head, 'nothing bad love just a little red' he says and takes my hand and says ' lets go to bed, ok?' and I just nod.
They both walk me up stairs and after what I think I heard Sirius say I'm curious as to how Remus feels too so I say, 'can i sleep in your room tonight please?'. and they don't say anything and just open their door and let me come in.
This wasn't a first time thing, I have nightmares frequently and if I don't end up in their bed one or both of them come in mine so I feel more safe after the dream I had. ' How does your head feel' Sirius asks and they both look at my head than at me ' fine, doesn't really hurt at all.
'Im so sorry that you had to wake up to that Y/n'. Remus says and I blurt out ' was kinda awake anyways' rookie mistake Y/n, and they both just look at each other and Sirius asks 'so you heard what we were talking about then?'
I look at him and say 'yeah, didn't mean to but I did' and sirius looked freaked while Remus was the calm one this time. 'Why didn't you say anything' Sirius asks you. 'I dunno, was scared' and they look at each other than back at you 'of what love?' Remus says. You just shrug, you're too tired to do this, so you get up and walk to the door but they both jump right up and stop you sirius closes the door and Remus tilts your head towars him, and with a wave of confidence Remus says 'baby, you gotta tell us what you're thinking' and you do, but have to, theres no way around it. 'I feel that way too' I mumble under my breath and of course they heard it.
'Is that so?' Sirius asks as he walks up to me and picks me up, not giving a single inch of attention to Remus and puts me back on the bed and kisses me without warning. And I let him and if wasn't for Remus yanking Sirius back I don't think the kiss would have ended. It took ten seconds from Sirius kissing me to Remus kissing me.
Remus backs up and just looks at me, his and Sirius's eyes and blown. 'We have to stop, if we don't then I'm going to go all the way' Remus says ' yeah' sirius mumbles.
'I want to go all the way' I say and it doesn't take ten seconds before Sirius's shirt is thrown and I'm laying down with Remus hands going to my shirt taking it off. Then my skirt, and I look over to Sirius and the only thing he has on is his boxers, and you can see how hard he is. Remus now backs up and takes his belt and pants off while Sirius kisses down my neck and reaches his hand down my back and unclips my bra and Remus comes back over and lifts up my ass and takes off my panties.
They both sit back for a minute to look at me, but that miniute ends when Sirius starts rubbing my clit ' that feel good baby, yeah. I bet it does' Sirius whispers into my hear. Remus brings his hand down and starts fingering me. ' shit baby, so tight. How are you ever going to fit me?' he mumbles to himself 'want your cock please' and the second I say that I can tell that they both are about to tackle each other.
Remus stand up and takes his boxers off and out springs the biggest dick I've ever seen. I can't stop staring at it ' you ready baby' Remus says and he lines himself 'mhm' you mumble and he slowly starts stretching you out. And your breath shakes and he notices it ' breath hunny, you got this' and you nod your head and say 'please move' and he does. he goes slow at first but then slowly starts to go faster, and you look over to Sirius who's looking at your tits bouncing, ' want your cock Siri' and he pulls his boxers down and says 'where do you want me baby'
And you think for a second and look at Remus 'please' you say and he looks at you all confused and slows down ' what baby' and you whisper something in his ear and he's grinning ear to ear. He picks you up and walks you around the bed to Sirius and says ' she wants you to take her in her ass' and Sirius doesn't waste a moment before he's going to his drawer and grabbing his lube and making sure it wont hurt as bad
'you ready doll?' he asks and waits for a response ' yeah' and then he very slowly sinks you down on his dick. and slowly starts to move. The faster Remus goes the faster Sirius does and it feels so good. ' OH MY GOD' you moan out. 'Shit' Sirius mumbles as he goes faster and Remus runs your clit ' Shit, fuck DADDY' you scream out and it surprises them both but they don't care who it was directed at, you don't even know who it was at, it doesnt matter.
'Shit, baby you about to cum?' Remus asks and you just nod your head. 'Cum with us sweetheart' Sirius says and you do right before they both cum in you. It felt so good that you blacked out and when you gain control again they're both pulled out and Remus had a warm wet rag against your pussy and ass wiping the mess they made.
'Next time my cum is staying in you baby' Remus says right before you pass out.
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ptergwen · 2 years
Hii :) first of I love your content ! But anyways could I request some fluff where Peter comes home after a long day and he sees y/n asleep on the couch wearing the I survived my trip in nyc shirt and they end up cuddling while he rambles about his day please ? Thanks, have a great day honey <33
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w/c: 527
warnings: peter needs a break
a/n: thank you thank you! i love peter comfort fics our boy needs it bad lmfhsjd daily reminder to once again join my taglist and happy reading
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peter is exhausted. he’s practically falling off his feet as he fumbles with his keys in the door. his steps are heavy coming into your shared apartment, a reflective sigh leaving his lips. he drops his backpack and throws his keys on the counter, padding through the apartment in search of you.
he wants nothing more than to crawl into the arms of the one he loves most after the day he’s had. when you’re holding him, everything is okay.
he’s okay.
peter finds you on the couch. you’re sleeping, face smushed against its arm and a textbook open in front of you. you must have fallen asleep while studying; it wouldn’t be the first time. you look so warm and snuggly wearing his old i survived my trip to nyc shirt and a pair of knee-high socks. he can’t wait to cuddle up to you, forget about his day.
peter moves your textbook and steps out of his sneakers. he gets onto the couch, inching his way towards you from the other side. he lays his head in your lap, arms winding around your upper thighs. your eyes slowly blink open. it takes you a moment to realize that you’d fallen asleep, and that peter is here. you look down at your boyfriend to be met with a frown etched onto his lips, puppy eyes gazing up at you.
“you’re home.”
you weave your fingers into peter’s fluffy curls. peter gives a small nod in response. something is bothering him, you can tell.
“you wanna talk about it?”
peter finally lets it all out.
“my schedule sucks. class ends so late, and i can’t switch because the others are full and i need it. i know it’s just a couple times a week, but i hate it. i barely see you all day.”
you stroke peter’s curls soothingly while he rants.
“the subway was running late, so i didn’t get to work on time and jameson was pissed. i was pretty sure he didn’t like me before, but he definitely doesn’t now. i have to photograph some event this weekend to make up for it. i should’ve just swung there.”
“you think?”
“i dunno, i guess that would defeat the whole purpose. if spider-man shows up and i’m not there to take pictures, it might give away my identity. maybe i should just start working freelance.”
peter rests his chin on your stomach, fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your thighs.
“may called. said she wants us to come over for dinner. god, i don’t even have time for a dinner. i don’t have time to eat. i just…”
he trails off. you card your fingers through his locks, waiting for him to continue.
“sorry to put this all on you. and sorry i woke you up. i’ve just had a really long day, and things kinda suck right now, and i missed you.”
“don’t apologize, pete. you’ve got a lot going on. it’s overwhelming. i understand, and it’s okay to talk about it. i’m here to listen.”
peter smiles his first smile all day. he hides his face in your stomach, leaving kisses over your shirt.
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tags: @mystic-writings @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lnmp89 @jenoslov @crvshnburnn @yourlocalomlette @starlight-starks @belovasheart @liltimmyst @eviewriites @hollandsangel @parkerctrl @eichenhouseproperty @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @varshhyy @ellebutnotwoods @magicalxdaydream @tayyx @parkerdadda @valluvsu @ronweasleysslut @peterficrecs @Winchestersgirl222 @sunf1ower-vol6 @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @niktwazny303 @marvelgurl @thismessymasterpiece @alina02​​ @sapphic_romanoff @It'sJaneDeLuca @lomlbuckyy
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the-possum-writes · 1 month
I loved the fire fin stuff you wrote, Can you write more headcannons about him and the reader trying to keep finn distracted while also trying to turn him back, pls
Subdue the Flame
➼Character: Fire Finn (Finn Mertens)
➼Tags (warnings): headcanons, canon typical violence, gender neutral reader, mentions of servitude, sloppy kisses, misogynistic comments
➼Synopsis: Fire Finn headcanons about distracting him in a fight during the Elemental special.
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➼With the fire citizens heading for the Candy Kingdom it's up to you and Lsp to try and de-escalate the situation, mainly with you trying to defeat Flame Princess's newest champion while Lsp retrieves the jewel from Princess Bubblegum.
➼"Are you sure you can handle him? I mean he already beat you once, it’s like a more intense version of Finn... It’s lumpin hot." Lsp mutters as the two of you scout the area.
"Yeah, we just gotta improvise a bit. At least knock him off his sense until I use my secret weapon and defeat his hot headed butt for good!"
"You sound way too eager about this. But no dude you got it all wrong! the real Finn is still in there somewhere you just gotta play into his hero heart ya know? pull one of those 'I know the real you is in there somewhere' kind of speech."
It's hard not to roll your eyes at Lsp's dramatics, but if she's trying to tell you to solve things pacifically first, then sure why not. Like don’t get me wrong, of course saving Finn is a priority but knowing this prick fire version of him, it’s gonna take more than heartily speeches to subdue him.
"By all means, be my guest."
➼It goes as expected, Fire Finn just walks past her spewing something about war drums and threatens to slice her down if she tries to stop him. This is where you come in.
➼You're the only one who can confront Fire Finn either cause you're physically strong enough to match him in a fight or you have the mental fortitude to deal with the stuff he'll say in hopes of saving him.
➼Like, the guy was pulled in and created in a toxic and violent environment so that leads me to believe he's bound to say some hurtful things and make fun of you with low hanging fruit. For example, if you're a gal (or female presenting) he'll spew some misogynic comments about how he's biologically stronger "You don't stand a chance against me, I'm all hardcore muscle." or "You'll regret leaving your sewing room this morning."
➼If not, he'll still boast about how he's stronger than you and will wipe your face on the dirt.
➼Uses insults too. Mainly stuff like: nerd, loser, mouth breather, girlie, wimp, roach, useless scum, motherless bastard, to think of a few.
➼I don't know if he'll fight honorably (since the other fighters have kinda roman gladiator inspired designs) or fight dirty, but now that I think about it he'll most likely do the latter. He'll kick you in the shins and throw sand at your eyes, that's how he gets the upper hand when fighting you.
➼Dominant, ruthless and a huge show off. Overtime he gets too cocky.
"You're too much of a wimp, I bet I can beat you with nothing but my hands."
➼To mock you further he kicks away your bag and your main weapon but not without stabbing his own sword into the ground before approaching you with cracked knuckles, wrestling you into the ground as he continues to belittle you- albeit with suggestive undertones. "Once we're done with these candy nerds they'll be nothing left but cinders and ash. Maybe then I'll take you back to the fire kingdom as my personal training dummy... All for myself~"
➼You don't know if you're reading too much into this whole fight, but It's now that the physical contact makes sense. He tightens his hold on you, purposely grabbing you where you're most sensitive (that would make you blush any other day) before tossing you around like a sack of potatoes, the pain is real but it started giving you an idea.
➼If there's one mistake he's actively making it's that he's completely underestimated you and your brain power that compensates your lack of extra brawn to beat him on a one on one.
➼"Oh woo is me, you're obviously the better opponent. Might as well start getting used to serving you as you deserve." you cry out, causing Fire Finn to quirk a nonexistent eyebrow. He grips your hair by the back of your head, purposely raising you to his eye level.
➼"And how would you start serving me?" He asks, suspicious of your change of attitude but quickly allured by the promise of servitude.
➼You momentarily lick your lips, it's subtle but hypes you up for what's to come. "Like this," and you lean forward to kiss the fire elemental on the lips completely unprompted. It's a risky move, and considering Fire Finn isn't returning the kiss you're 90% certain that he's gonna slap or throw you away but the second you attempt to remove yourself from him he instead tightens his hold on your hair and pushes you back into his eager mouth, opening it up as his tongue dwells all around yours in unexpected wanton. You try your best to reprocitate but he's completely controlling in this situation as well, now holding your face with both hands as he gives you the sloppiest kiss you've ever had.
➼Underestimating how sharp his teeth are, you cut your tongue on it and has you groaning at the unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, fidgeting in the spot as you try to pull yourself from his hold but it only served to rile him up further, running his tongue over the wound.
He eventually pulls you away to catch his breath, completely devouring your breaths as you exhale to take in the fresh air.
➼His reaction is more enthusiastic than you expected. In fact it's his crazed expression that ultimately snapped you out of your foggy daze, immediately taking advantage of his unguarded walls and you kick him where he counts.
➼Now he's the one falling like a sack of potatoes.
➼You suddenly rush to your discarded backpack as you hear him shout angrily behind you.
➼There's no time to ponder what kind of punishment he's talking about since he's immediately back on his feet and just a few steps away from you, but the second you grab your hidden weapon it's over for this fire elemental. You pull out a plastic water gun and spray it all over Fire Finn, watching him shout in agony as he steps back as you blast him into submission until he lays beaten on the ground. "This is why you need a safe word my dude." You finally spew a well deserved taunt.
➼And to make matters worse and more humiliating for the fire kin, you snap a fireproof collar around his neck, courtesy of Wizard Betty.
"What is this contraption?!"
"It's a little something from a friend, a temporary solution until we find out how to turn you back to normal."
➼With a sigh, you sit back as you watch the fallen warrior attempt to rip out the collar only for it's safety mechanism to activate and spray him with cool water, like one of those automatic car window things.
"You're not in a spot to make demands my dude, so unless you wanna turn into a popsicle you'll have to follow me." You eventually stand up with a more nonchalant attitude compared to earlier, still wincing a bit since your safety now doesn't take away that Fire Finn pulled a heavy number on you.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" He threatens, but the collar activated again before he could lay his blue hands on your neck.
"Maybe, if you say please~?"
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woncherie · 1 year
Thank you for replying about the rules!
Then I would like to make request for the blue lock boys : bachira, chigiri and kunigami, please!
May I request how the boys would try to confess to a painfully oblivious, yet affectionate crush please? Like they enjoy hugging the boys and all, but everything flies over their head.
Thank you for your time!!!
HELLO!! ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖) I'm sorry for it to take to long, I was drowning in uni work. I wanna apologize for this mess that I produced. this kinda got longer than expected so I left out chigiri,, I'm so sorry grr
genre: fluff
Reader: Gender Neutral (if I did any mistakes please tell me!!)
confessing to oblivious reader:
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You always appreciated Bachiras easy and ongoing character, not taking everything that you say to him seriously. you two could just sit around for hours and hours without getting bored, just laughing and joking around together.
His love language is physical touch. He loves having his arm around you, being close to you, his hands on your shoulders, just touching you in any way. he also speaks his mind, not thinking twice before dramatically confessing to you every few days, jumping on your back and hugging you while laughing.
When you began your (now very close) friendship to him, you were confused by his behaviour, but after a few weeks you got used to him and his way of acting. you dont even take these words serious anymore, even though it seriously hurts you. you'd love to hear them come from his mouth and meaning them. (at least you believe he doesnt mean it.)
Some of your other friends might even ask you two if you were dating. You shook your head, Bachira nodded.
"What what?"
You looked at him with wide eyes, wondering why he just nodded. It wasn't unusual for the both of you to get asked this question, but usually both of you would dismiss it with a quick hand or headshake.
You loved Bachira, and you loved the close friendship you two had, but at this point it was getting more than frustrating. it feels like he knows about your feelings and is just playing with them.
"Why would you say that?" You bit the insides of your cheeks, trying to ignore the pain in your chest once again. you couldn't do this anymore, it just hurt. You didnt want to tear up in front of him, but you just needed to tell him about his behaviour just breaking you.
"(Y/N), I told you about how I felt about you around five hundred times already." you heard bachira speak up defeated and discouraged, his normal joking behaviour being gone. instead, a serious looking boy stood in front of you, looking deep into your eyes, taking your hand slowly and gently. "But all you do is laugh and change the topic. I can't stand this anymore. are you doing this on purpose?", he let out rather frustrated.
"... HUH????"
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Kunigami is literally just a big ass fluffball. He is nice and patient to everyone and anyone as long as they are the same to him.
This is probably why you never realised the special feelings he had about you. yes, he is nice and helpful and gentle, integrating and patient, but with you his behaviour goes up another level. he's constantly looking out for you, making sure you eat properly and stay hydrated, he's even walking you home every day with the excuse that his home is in the same direction anyway, acting unbothered and cool when in reality he should've turned to the right halfway through the way home. (but you don't know. he doesnt let you find out.)
he's inviting you over to him every other day, meeting up and probably playing football with you. it doesnt matter to him that you aren't a good as he is, he would even gladly teach you, as long as it means to spend more time with you.
in order for you to realise he really thinks you are more special to him as the other people in his class, he would probably take you to a nice scenery to confess his feelings. which means him forcing you to spend time with him again, not that you would mind though.
you noticed him being more silently and into his head the whole day in school. after school was over you head to his desk, trying to find out if everything is alright.
"Hey, do you need to go home right now?" he asked you, looking up from his desk and right into your eyes, making you feel a bit shy under his glance.
"No. Is there anything you wanna do?" you answered him. He stood up from his chair, throwing his bag around his shoulder. "Lets go for a walk."
You both walked around the city, hands brushing up against one anothers every few minutes. you could feel him trying to hold at least a few fingers of yours, but kunigami always shyed away right afterwards. you didnt say anything, just hoping for him to just take your hand.
The second you two stood at the bottom of a small mountain you started complaining a bit. "What the fuck, do we really need to go up there?"
"Just shut up and follow me" he said with a grin on his face, stretching his hand out for you to finally take.
you placed your hand in his and he grips it tightly, starting to lead you up the mountain. his hand spread warmth through your body and you could feel your heart racing a bit. stop feeling this way, he is just being nice, he's like this to everyone, you tried to downplay your feelings.
once you arrived at the top it was already late in the afternoon and the sun started to set. you both threw yourself onto the ground, looking up into the sky, talking and watching the sky turn from blue to yellow to orange to black, stars beginning to shine brightly all over it.
you did admit that the scenery was amazing from up here, but you didnt say it out loud. you just know kunigami would grin and say I told you so after you complained the whole way up.
instead, you turned your head to him and looked at him, surprised that his eyes were already on you. (they were from the very beginning, you just didnt notice.)
his hand came up close to your face and he put a few strands of your hair away that fell over your forehead. you couldn't help but turn red at his small gesture.
he opened his mouth, wanting to say something before changing his mind and closing it again.
"is everything alright?" you asked him.
"(Y/N). fuck. I really like you."
Here is an insurmountable amount of garbage. It disgusts me as well. I apologize in advance.
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untulithed · 8 days
so, i haven't seen anyone talking about one of the qualities of DBDa that i don't really enjoy/understand..
as a preface id like to say that i love the show! and it is incredible,, buttt i still wanna be honest with my critique of it (and would love to hear y'all's thoughts about allat too)
there is, at least in my opinion, a pretty big difference in the quality between the show's dialogue and non-dialogue writing
at least for the first 4-ish episodes the dialogue feels very expository (clunky, even) and maybe dumbed-down?
like the first few scenes for example.
Charles and Edwin help the war-ghost, and Edwin tells Charles that they have to go, or else Death will take them too. Ok, a bit too in the face, could have been shown, still not bad.
Then we are actually shown-not-told death's process and the boys hiding. Ok, that kinda defeats the purpose of Edwin telling us allat in the previous moment..
And then we are basically told AGAIN that this is Death and the boys have to run from her.
and like. its a cute moment, Death's part is really good too, so i just dont see the point in other characters spelling it out
but still, i then thought that maybe, its just that the show is more for younger teens. but its not. and like besides all the violent moments, the show has SO MUCH nice and well incorporated detail! and the characters and their storylines are deep and multifaceted!
and even with all that detail and nuance, the dialogue just pretty much ruined some moments for me, even if just in small ways
its like the show expects its audience to notice and understand things so minute you have to rewatch it multiple times to actually notice them, while also not thinking that we can handle basic concepts like "we are ghosts and we run from death"
like The Cat King's clothes matching Charles' socks and his signature color, just to mess with Edwin more, which also means that he watched the boys since they appeared in Port Townsend, which means that him asking who exactly used the magic on that cat was just to get Edwin alone (cuz he already kinda liked him) and to be an even bigger drama queen. i for example didn't notice any of that until someone said it on twitter!
and then the more character-driven/emotional dialogue somehow manages to be both, but that would take another 10 paragraphs to explain so i will gracefully let you do your own analyses <3
in conclusion, i dont know if the writing process is to blame, or the higher ups, or maybe i am too picky, but i needed to rant, so im excited to hear y'all's thoughts on this, and thank you for reading this fully, i may have yapped on too long :D
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and a little gif as a reward <3
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mcd spoils
rant :3
hate how jessica started living through aph as the series progressed. jess's annoying little habit to implement her own personality onto aphmau has honestly left me FERAL because whenever i see aph do something in the show in the most recently released episodes, my mind immediately goes to she would never do that. it's kinda ruined the everything. she imposed her own fantasies and fetishes that have ultimately led mcd to be a self indulgent story of hers. its frustrating to think about how great the show could've become was it not for her reflecting her own personality through aphmau and
of course, the butchering of some of the main characters in the show- laurance and garroth to push viewers towards aarmau. i LOVE aarmau, but not the aarmau jess's shown us.
aaron is just a burlier version of garroth. talking to my friend about this has made me realise so much about it, like how aaron was ultimately a substitute for garroth. a substitute for a salty, weird ass husband who couldnt bear to see his wife make her self insert's love interest someone that wasn't based off of him. how insecure do you have to be to lose your shit and change a whole ass story over a fictional character? can't tell you how disappointed i was to learn about jason's behavior when i came back to aphverse.
in any case, even though this happened, they could've saved this whole shipwreck by implementing a proper healing arc for aaron to make it valid and SHOW the romance happening, and not rush it and have aaron fucking explode for no reason- LITERALLY no reason because i found out that zane becomes a damn shadow knight anyway (thanks for that mel😭). defeated the entire purpose of his death, great!
as much as i hate jason, i love aaron SO much and it hurt to see him die so damn quick. just when he was getting used to the people around him as well. RAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH im so sad. the "What If It Was Good?" will never stop chipping away at my brian.
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lightandfellowship · 4 months
Honestly, when Eraqus offered the possibility that Vidar was just using Vor, I think Eraqus was actually 100% correct there even if he was kinda biased against Vidar in that moment.
Vidar spied on Vor (intentionally, if Xehanort saying that the upperclassmen were "keeping tabs" on them is to be believed) when she was talking to the mirror and then used the information he learned from that to manipulate her into leaving her friends and joining him. Even if it was "for her own good" in some ways, it doesn't change the fact that Vidar is very single-mindedly pursuing this grand, time-sensitive goal to avenge his friends + destroy darkness for good + save Baldr and thus has no reason to get sidetracked helping an underclassmen Find Herself. Or, he would have no reason to do that, were it not for the fact that he needed her for...some unspecified purpose relating to finding true light.
I think it's pretty telling that Vidar, at least initially, doesn't even try to sell her on his plans (and in fact doesn't even tell her what his plans are) and instead focuses solely on prodding at her insecurities. To me, it shows that he's going about this in kind of an underhanded way. Rather than giving her even the smallest amount of context necessary to make an informed decision (speaking with her at least semi-honestly about his intentions + plans and requesting her aid after she understands the weight and implications of her choice), instead he's banking on her confusion and distress to compel her to make an impulsive decision. And he does say so himself, that he'll do anything to defeat darkness, and regardless of whether or not he actually has the resolve to back that statement up, I think it's clear that he's willing to do kinda messed up and shady things like exploit an underclassmen's emotional vulnerablity for the sake of his goals.
Granted I think he feels guilty as hell about it, in the same way that he probably feels guilty as hell for endangering the worlds with his plan (I mean, why else would he have gotten cold feet by the end?). After all, Vidar is a principled, compassionate person pushed to make difficult and, at times, hypocritical choices in the name of justice, revenge, and mercy. But Vidar, perhaps due to his responsibilities as a leader, is fairly capable of keeping his wavering resolve under wraps, huh? And so he can masterfully hide how conflicted he really is, creating the illusion that he's utterly indifferent to the consequences of his actions. Until those conflicting emotions become much more apparent when he suddenly and unexpectedly gives up on his plan.
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deathbxnny · 11 months
Hello Bxnny, how are you? I see that you open your request. You still remember about the god-slayer-entity-reader, right? Yeah i basically asked the same request but with the 4 archons (Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida). Also the relationship is platonic (cuz' i'm in the mood for it). And have a great day/night/evening/afternoon
(I almost got anxiety while writing this to make sure you understand what i ask because i don't want to overwhelming you, but yeah i'm fine)
A/N: I hope you're alright and please don't worry about such things! I'll always politely say something, if there is an issue, so no worries! Also thank you for the request, I really liked the idea!<33
Content: Kinda unserious, platonic relationships, summonings, mentions of alcoholic, mentions of battles, fluff, mentions of murder/death?, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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You were quite confused, when you were suddenly summoned by an Archon. You used to slay many God's in your youth... so just what would he want from you? He should be afraid and worried, but instead, he just offers you a smile. "'Are you that legendary entity? That slayed God's and alike?" "Uh... yeah?" "Great! Let's go and get a drink together!"
You couldn't get a word in, as he just dragged you off into the direction of the tavern. He ordered a drink for you and began to sing his heart out on his lyre, never once telling you the purpose of you being there. So you just awkwardly watched him dance around with a drink in hand, your eyes nervously glancing at the red haired bartender, who seemed to stare at you suspiciously... Just what was up with these people here?
By the time you were finally allowed to leave, Venti dragged you back to where he summoned you. "Welp, that was fun... I'll be back next tomorrow! Goodnight!" He simply said, before skipping off and leaving you there dumbfounded... well now you were looking forward to tomorrow too.
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You were really just summoned into her realm by accident, which left you stumbling out of the book that held your entity in it. Huffing, you stand up and dust yourself off, as you give the surprised Archon an offended glare, questioning why she summoned you of all people... or well, entities. "Did... Miko give me the wrong book?" She'd simply ask absently, making it clear that she didn't actually know that opening it would bring you here.
And so, you simply sit down and keep her company for a while, until you can finally return to your book. "So, you're a god slayer...?" "I was one... I don't do that anymore though." "Oh." The silence was a little awkward, but surprisingly calming, especially when she went back to just meditating in peace. Deciding to join her, you soon found yourself understanding realising that you both were quite similar in a way.
When it was time for you to return back into the book, you told her that she could summon you again anytime, which started a beautiful friendship between you two.
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"Can you tell me more about your need to slaughter God's? I'm very curious about the purpose behind it." "... Uh... how old are you again?" You rubbed your head in confusion, as you looked down at the young girl, who looked up at you with curious and eager eyes. You at first mistook her as a simple child, but even after learning that she was an Archon, things still didn't make sense to you.
Not that it really mattered to Nahida, as she just questioned you so throughly about your actions, that you began wondering if this was what therapy felt like. She was quite intelligent however and began noting things down mentally for further research, seemingly never satisfied with just one answer to something.
By the time Nahida was done, you were practically drained of your brain juice in defeat and sat on the ground with your head in your hands. The young Archon noticed none of this, as she just hummed and nodded. "Hm... I guess that's all for now... actually, I have one more-" "No."
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You huffed in annoyance, when you were summoned by someone, your eyes looking around to curse out the person who disturbed your peace. Someone cleared their throat behind you, their hand clasping onto your shoulder tightly, as the person spoke up. "Greetings, old acquaintance. My apologies for the disturbance, but I wanted to apologise for-" "WHAT THE- NOT YOU AGAIN! AAAAAAAA-" You screamed in terror, as you tried scrambling away from him, but his grip on you was too tight.
Many centuries ago, you tried slaying the Geo Archon, arrogantly thinking that you could. But you were violently brought back to reality, when he threw a whole mountain at you with ease. You officially retired that day. Seeing him again now made you therefore think that he was back to finish you off as revenge, but it seemed like he had different intentions in mind. Especially when he dragged you all the way to Liyue Harbour to "drink some tea with you and talk".
Your cup shook violently in your hand, when Zhongli gave you a calm and reassuring smile. "Anyways... as I was saying, I wanted to apologise for throwing that mountain at you." "Oh... uh... t-that's alright..." You laughed nervously, as he laughed with you, before his gaze turned serious again. "Don't try that again." "Wouldn't dream of it, sir!"
A/N: Alright, I hope this was alright! Thank you again for the request!<33
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Random HB headcanons / thoughts I guess
(tw for some sexual mentions and cursing )
Mammon fucking HATES jingle bell rock
Asmodeus sending fizz "send this to someone you love!" Type of videos and fizz sends shit like this
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Just the thought that asmodeus ( the embodiment of lust ) believes love is not love without consent is honestly a great detail
Also thinking about how fizzarolli has eyebags
Millie can use a bow and arrowwwww
I think the human versions of blitzø and his family are indigenous, idk the nose and the skin tone, it might be a long shot but I like the idea yk
Also love seeing indigenous characters
Stolas loving outer space that's canon right
Imagine him as a kid just reading a shit ton of books about space and in any occurrence it's brought up now you know how the universe is going to end
Blitzø: I just need space-
Stolas: SPACE???????
I think after Octavia gets out of her super angsty teenager phase ( do not come after me I know it's more than an angsty "mom leave me alone I wanna be famous" thing, I'm kidding ) she would really like indie music
Like indie rock if that makes any sense
I'm sorry but there neeeeeddsss to be more Millie appreciation
I kinda wish there was an episode that centers around her yk ?
Do you think imps nipples are white too like scars and freckles or am I weird
Ozzie posting on everything " YES THE RUMORS ARE TRUE THIS IS MY FUCKING SOULMATE" because for some reason there was a lot of controversy and debate if it was real or not
Then next to it it's a picture of him and fizz
People were PISSED
I thought mamom was played by bluey's dad bandit if I'm being completely honest I'm so sorry
Millie is spider man moxxie is hello kitty
Stella likes soup. What is she eating now? Oh some fucking soup. What's wrong with her icecub- SHE FROZE THE SOUP TO MAKE ICE CUBES-
Loona has a very bad picking at her skin habit, not really with her face but with her legs and arms ( human form obviously )
Fizz posting " FUCK ALL OF YOU" on all of his socials , deleting everything ( especially the sexually explicit things )
I think being a part of the circus is equivalent to trailer trash in hell
I mean look at em
I love it
Human form Ozzie would have THE MOST luscious hair ever
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This image just says so much about them as a pair it kills me
The way the animators just go above and beyond is just amazing to me
How did fizzarolli get the 2 minutes notice thing planned so quickly...........
Fizz over sharing as a teenager ( not projecting )
fizz really thought in "oops!" That he wasn't gonna make it out of the fire again
Like bro just put his knees to his chest and CRIED
Speaking of fizz how did that mark in the next episode get there? What was that? Idk if it was maybe a bruise from.. something.. I don't wanna say it was from mamon because that would defeat the purpose of his character being EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE and that emotional abuse is still abuse, but idk some people said it might be because of him?
Can you tell I'm obsessed with fizzarolli
The sexual harassment rep.... People who have experienced sh usually think "it's not as bad as *other s3xual trauma* so I'm just being dramatic" ( I say this from experience ) but it ABSOLUTELY IS AND SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED. It's still something you're not comfortable with. Fizz brushing it off as "oh well they're just fans who express their love differently!" Should not have been taught to him.
I'm not slightly projecting again. Nuh uh
Ozzie can play saxophone. He just gives me the vibe.
Beezlebubs design just screams if kesha. Even if they didn't mean to.
Millie getting stuck in trees as a kid and being too scared to get down
Was Barbies real name barbie or is that a nickname? Or was it for the sake of the circus ( like blitzøs name being .. well blitzø )
Millie name is short for Amelia maybe? People used to call her Lia but she hated it so much she started writing her nickname Millie on everything.
People saying they hated / thought the stolas human design could've been better can go FUCK themselves HONESTLY
Blitzø and fizzs as teenagers going to their town center and being like "?????? Why is everything so FANCY it's AMAZING"
Octavia can't handle spicy things for SHIT
Look at their British asses
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They cough at smelling PEPPER
Stolas just randomly texting Octavia "you're so beautiful darling! Have a nice day <3 -your dad" or "don't forget to eat! -your dad" ( he texts like that IDC )
Octavia writes poetry! It's actually really good
Okay so I have this headcanon that in the HELLUVA BOSS universe that songs like contoursionist, toxic ( by ashnikko ), tunnel vision and agorah hills, NYMPHOLOGY, and he has this "one last show" thing where he preforms these songs and HE IS SCREAMING SOME OF HIS OWN SONGS
But that would also defeat his character development so I'll just imagine him singing this songs in the car or smth
Mamon having to do some toxic gossip train shit
Millie kills the spider.
I think that may be all okay byeeee
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
So in comics there's definitely been and are characters that everyone just agrees that they have to die.
And stay dead.
Think of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Uncle Ben etc.
Now these have changed from what they were initially
After Death in the Family, Jason Todd was supposed to stay dead.
And he did, for 17 years before coming back as the Red Hood.
Like there was a fake out in Batman: Hush that it was Jason and it was wild.
Bucky Barnes, also meant to stay dead and did so for 37 years.
... 37?!
Before becoming the Winter Soilder.
And these aren't in universe years, this is real world time.
Now it's hard to imagine them not wandering about.
So I'm trying to think what 3 characters I think should stay dead.
At least for the forcible future.
And who's dead that should be bought back.
Staying dead: Jason Grace (Percy Jackson: Heroes of Olympus.)
Yeah... I know.
I love him I'm still holding out hope he will return but I don't think it's coming.
I say think because... Leo.
Jason Grace is the perfect example of, I followed the rules, I did everything I was supposed to and I still lost everything.
He's the perfect soilder, the paragon of heroism and he fell sacrificing himself to save his friends.
I think it's best if Jason stays dead because his death is used to show the fragility of human life.
Of the harrowing lives demigods lead.
His final words are punctuated by him staring at Lester, Apollo in his eyes as he's stabbed.
And telling him to remember.
Remember what you saw, remember the way my life drained from eyes.
Remember this day, and know I'm not the first nor the last.
It's such a powerful moment.
Especially because Apollo gets to know Jason and is hit throughout the book that Jason is so young.
That he's just a kid.... that they all are.
Demigods aren't promised happy endings.
Most don't live to be adults, and it's perfectly and tragically shown perfectly through Jason's death.
He just got the life he wanted, found out Leo's alive... And than in a moment it was all gone.
Also, for Jason who's served 14 years at 16, he deserves to rest a while.
Coming back to life: Summer Rose (RWBY)
Didnt see that coming, I was very much on the "Oh my gosh can we not... Can she just stay dead" train.
Now look at me.
To be fair we know more than we did than and I am really interested to know what happened to Summer.
What happened to STRQ in general to be honest.The tragic death that no one speaks of.
Who's events seem to be only known by Summer herself.
And with the rise of Grimm like the Hound, a beast made of both grimm and silver eyed warriors.
With the note from Ruby and Yang that Summer could have been the turning point.
From Salem killing silver eyed warriors to capturing them.
Given Salem was trying to kill Maria when she was young, now am old lady.And has only ever tried to capture Ruby.
That and Grimm Summer is just the concept ever, I wanna see Summer Rose the paragon of being a huntress be an underling for Salem.
Especially if she's not as reluctant of a follower as we may believe.
Staying dead: Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Junko is that werid one of I want her to stay dead but like keep her memory alive.
Because it makes sense too, woman caused the apocalypse.
And if we're still operating in that universe it makes sense she'd be bought up, especially after the fact.
But I don't think Junko herself should be bought back.
I get why they did it in Danganronpa 2 because it made sense.
But after, I don't think Junko needs to keep being our main bad guy.
I think exploring the word, her followers and hell people have nothing to do with her would be a lot of fun.
If they do bring her back I'm not gonna be mad, just think hey if we can have multiple protags it'd be fun to have multiple villians too.
She can't carry all of this on her own.
If they do bring her back, kinda defeats the purpose of her death.
Of why it meant so much to her, why she had to lose to Makoto the ultimate hope and her own class.
She lost but she also won.
It's such a huge thing and to bring her back and than kill her later it really deminishes the impact her death had.
... That and...She'd need a whole new body because who knows what happened to her corpse.
Coming back to life: Matsuda Yasuke (Danganronpa)
Speaking of followers of Junko I'd like to see.
We know little about Matsuda, given he's only appeared in Danganronpa Zero.
I think him being around would be really interesting especially in a world where Junko stays dead.
Because Matsuda is that complex thing of being someone infatuated and in love with Junko.
He was her childhood friend and boyfriend after all.
But also someone who wants her to change.
He created a version of her devoid of despair and he'd be happy to keep her that way.
Which is a unique perspective because most Junko followers think she's the most perfect thing ever.
And I think having that perspective would make for an interesting story.
Because no one really sees Junko as a fully realised person, not even Mukuro her own sister.
Also even aside from Junko, Matsuda also plays a huge role in the killing game's.
He's the one responsible for the memory wipes.
Being the Ultimate Neurologist.
I personally would love to see the memory stuff explored given it was always second to the killing games.
I get why but it's so cool and not something we talk enough about. Wonder if he was scouted by Hope's Peak not just for having a talent but for it's usages.
Say... The Kamakura project 👀.
I dunno but I think Junko's boy toy deserves some time in the spotlight.
Staying dead: The Grabber (The Black Phone)
His death was not only deserved.
It was fucking satisfying.
Watching Finney use everything the other boys gave him to beat that fucker.
That has kept him hostage, killed several others and is now getting his just deserts.
Was glorious.
... And I'm well aware that there's a sequel coming.
And I'm just hoping he stays dead.
Because not only do the ghost boys, Finney and Gwenny deserve to rest.
The Grabbers death was just perfectly set up and delivered so brutally.
That him being alive and returning to die later kinda ruins the ending.
Because it's Finney's fight to freedom.
I mean if that's the way they go with it, I can't say I'm not intrigued but yeah... Not in a rush to see him again.
Would much rather see someone else wear that mask.
Coming back to life: Sammy Emily (Five nights at Freddy’s)
The fact everyone dies and comes back to life in this series.
But not Sammy is a crime.
I'm sorry but the story about the mysterious twin brother of the girl who becomes the puppet.
Is something I wanna see.
I know he's only been mentioned vaguely in the Silver Eyes books.
But that's only more reason.
Just Sammy who's thought be dead for years raised by his mother and having an unexplainable connection to Freddys.
I mean tons of kids in the Fazbear Frights books have been drawn or compelled to go to Freddys.
His would make the most sense.
Maybe Williams after him?
Maybe it's Charlie in the Pizzaplex recognising and calling out to him.
Maybe he's the new night guard at the place trying to figure out what happened here... And why it feels familiar.
Maybe he knows about Freddy’s but he knows Charlie was taken and killed.
A parallel to Charlie thinking it was him in the original books.
Maybe he's out for revenge or just trying to find his missing sister.
There's so many possibilities.
I'm just saying if we can get a book about Sea Bonnie's we can get a Sammy Emily story.
Well that's my list.
Feel free to add your own, I'm curious.
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godsofhumanity · 10 days
Any hcs for our favourite flayed friend Xipe Totec?
i have tried really really hard to think up some hc's for Xipe Totec but it's just not coming to me 😭😭 here's what i've scrounged up:
ok so we all know how Xipe Totec flayed himself to give food to mortals... that is sort of a HUGE deal... like to skin yourself alive is absolutely bonkers and shows real dedication.
so i think it tells us two things: 1) Xipe Totec has a soft spot for mortals, and 2) the guy is stubborn as hell.
i hc him to be kinda quiet and reserved... Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca are the guys who make noise, but Xipe Totec definitely keeps to himself.
however, when he has something to say, i think EVERYONE listens to him. even Tezcatlipoca. because they all really admire Xipe Totec, and he's kinda an emblem of strength.
i suspect that part of the reason why Xipe Totec is always so quiet is because he's in pain. like a lot. if you've ever gotten a cut where the top layer of your skin has just kinda being skimmed off, you know that even the slightest blow of wind makes it sting so bad... now magnify that by like 100x all over your body... that's the sort of pain that Xipe Totec is in all day everyday.
as with all the Aztec gods, i think that he values sacrifice. this makes sense given what he's done. but for mortals to sacrifice; i think that's valuable to him and a sign of respect.
his favourite food is obviously corn. he can't get enough of it!!!
however, Xipe Totec also has a dark side. his pain makes his temper all the more harsh. this is reflected in his role as a god who inflicts disease on the people, and the fact that the Aztecs believed him to have invented war.
i don't think he fights all that much himself, because i mean, his skin is like falling off.. how would that even work?? but i think, pre-flaying, he may have been an awesome warrior. maybe he even taught some of the other gods, and now that he's retired from active fighting, he still does some coaching. idk.
he's also a god of goldsmiths and silversmiths, so i think he has a penchant for shiny things :)
he likes jewellery and stuff, but i don't think he wears all that much because it hurts to wear.
i think it's 100% possible for him to numb the pain or to heal his skin, but that would defeat the purpose of his sacrifice, so he doesn't. i think it keeps the gods humble.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
It's kinda funny the way the game emphasises how nerfed Malenia is. You talk to Gideon and he suggests she may be dead. You meet Millicent right at the Haligtree and she implies Malenia has lost her sense of self. You enter the boss room and she's still in slumber. Her prosthesis isn't attached. The game's like, "This swordswoman hasn't picked up her sword for years." Finally finally when you defeat her, the game says, "Oh btw her Rune is also nerfed. It's only working because of her spirit."
It’s the game trying to trick us into thinking she’s not going to be a threat lol
“Don’t worry this demigod is well past her prime, she’ll be a push over I’m sure” then we meet her, she stands up, tells us she’s never known defeat and then proceeds to show us exactly why that’s true. But you’re right though, the game does pretty much tell us she’s not quite what she used to be. Which makes sense when we look at what happened in Caelid.
She was all but ready to throw her life away to bring down her opponent. A huge sacrifice on her part too as she unleashes the rot, the very thing she’s spent her whole life suppressing, to try and turn the tide during the fight. She only partially succeeds (she immobilises her target, but fails to kill him) and is then rendered unconscious for the next god knows how long. In that time the rot advances and begins to do more damage to her mind and body. So yeah, by the time we find Malenia she isn’t exactly in a good state. She fights us regardless, but she isn’t that eager to engage with us. Most of the time we have to make the first move. She can be a little slow to respond and approaches us with caution and bides her time. And even though she remains a huge threat to us and puts up a good fight, we still manage to bring her down, causing her to bloom once more. I know a lot of people think she does this on purpose because she’s losing to us, but to me at least it looks more involuntary than anything. She gets knocked out and right at the last second the rot brings her back and transforms her. I don’t think people realise Malenia isn’t truly in control of her life and never really has been. Her whole life has been dictated to by this outer god. The rot isn't some gift she was given, it’s a curse that wants to consume her. Not something she can call upon whenever she feels like without there being dire consequences. Not only to the people around her but also to herself.
Sorry I’m ranting now and kind of going off topic. But yes, post shattering most of the demigods have been nerfed in some way and Malenia is no different. Would honestly love to have seen what she was like before the shattering. There are some mods out there like Ultimate Malenia and Impossible Malenia which might give us an idea how strong she could be. Obviously these are only mods that are designed to make her more challenging, but even still she’s more aggressive, faster and relentless than before. Think Malenia but on steroids and that’s pretty much what you’re facing. Also just got to say that even though she’s considered a terrible boss who’s just so unfair and so terrible, people are still out there trying to find ways to make her more difficult. Malenia’s boss fight really changed up the game and even though folks will complain like fuck about her they still go back to fight her. Considering she’s an optional boss that you in no way need to fight, for a lot of people she becomes the highlight of their runs. Sure for some they only go fight her out of sheer stubbornness and spite and because they want to ‘put her in her place’ and all that bullshit. But taking the weird incels out of the equation I’ve noticed that more and more people have actually started to enjoy her fight. Even for people like me who have fought her hundreds of times, I still get a rush from the fight because she’s just so fun. She keeps you on your toes and personally I think this change that she’s brought to the game is a good thing. It’s a nice change of pace. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone but I love learning these fights and Malenia took me the longest to learn and was by far the most satisfying and rewarding fight I’ve had in one of these games in a long time.
Okay now I really am just ranting off topic. Sorry, anon 😅 Thanks for the message though, I hope you are well!
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