#sirius coming to the rescue
Rescue Me
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Pairing: Sirius Black/Reader
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, James Potter
Summary: When a guy starts hitting on you and getting creepy, you try to get the attention of your friends to help.
Reader is referred to with she/her pronouns and is referred to as a girl.
Notes: I don’t own Harry Potter. I am anti-JKR and her views. This is account is a safe space for all (except bigots, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, racists and any other people who are prejudiced against others for being different)
Cross-posted on AO3 under simplyreflected
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You went for a night out with your friends James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You loved getting to spend time with them as all four of them had been there with you through thick and thin.
The five of you had gone out to a club and you went to the bar to get another drink for yourself. As you were standing there, waiting for your drinks, it felt like someone was watching you. You glanced around and saw a guy standing a few seats away staring straight at you, and not breaking the stare, which scared you a bit.
“Can I help you?”, you asked him warily.
“Just admiring the view,” he said simply, while looking you up and down.
You turned away from him as the bartender put your drink in front of you. You picked it up and turned to leave, only to find him right behind you, and because of this, you almost walked straight into him. You spilled a little of your drink and it landed on the floor. You steadied yourself and as you did so, he took a step closer, closing you in. You could not get away from him. He made sure to put both his arms on the bar either side of you.
Knowing you could not get away from him, you glanced over where your friends were to see James looking concerned and staring at you silently asking if you needed help. You hoped how scared you were to get through to him as you looked him directly in the eye.
Thankfully, it seemed to as he turned to the other guys and said something to them, but you could not keep looking at them, because the idiot in front of you put his finger under your chin, making you look at him.
“How about we get out of here? I could show you what a real man feels like,” he told you.
You fought the urge to throw up in your mouth, but you didn’t have to do much as you felt someone wrap one of their arms around you, as they yelled, “hands off my girlfriend” at him and you realised one of your best friends; Sirius Black had come to your rescue.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed you. He pulled back and looked you in the eyes, “are you ok? Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head, and moved more into his arms. He moved his head down so you could whisper in his ear, “he didn’t hurt me, Siri, but he scares me and creeps me out. He won’t leave me alone.”
“That’s ok, doll,” he whispered back. “I’ve got you now.”
You put your head into the crook of his neck and hugged him as you heard him yell, “If you come near my girl again, I will hurt you.” His voice went deeper as he growled, “now leave.”
You guess he must have left because Sirius guided you to the bar stools and ordered drinks for both of you. The girl behind the counter told him, “they’re on the house. Not everyone would’ve done what you just did.”
“No, but she’s my best friend and the love of my life,” he told the bartender. He smiled softly down at you. “If you’ll have me, I’d love to be your boyfriend.”
You smiled up at him and you saw that he was looking at you with so much adoration, “I’ve been in love with you for the last three years, Sirius. I would be an idiot to say no.”
He kissed you and as you pulled away from each other, you leaned on him.
The bartender handed you your drinks. You turned and thanked her before both of you took them and proceeded to walk back to your friends.
Sirius wrapped his arm around you as you both sat down as he spent the next ten minutes telling the story and answering questions about it with so much pizazz to every one of your friends.
James, your best friend - aside from Sirius, smiled at both of you together, before laughing as he said, “we’ve been spending so long trying to get the two of you together and it turns out all it took was him saving you for him to get his act together and ask you out.”
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ecstarry · 3 months
Fic: Home
When Regulus first mentioned he was moving out of Sirius and Remus’ place, his brother insisted it wasn't necessary. But today, on his last day, Sirius couldn't hide his excitement about living alone with his boyfriend. Regulus was genuinely happy for them, though what bothered him most was leaving their cozy flat behind and getting used to a new living arrangement.
Moving out meant finding a new place and a new roommate. Regulus had enough money to live solo, but the thought of loneliness irked him more than anything. Sirius knew this, which is why an hour after Regulus announced his departure, he received a text from James Potter.
[Jamie] Come live with me
Regulus smirked at his phone. James had saved his contact with that nickname, hoping Regulus would feel guilty about being mean to him. He didn’t, but that didn't mean he wasn't growing fond of James.
[Regulus] Where are your manners, Potter? Shouldn’t you at least ask me out first?
[Jamie] You’re such a princess. I have a spare room and you need a place to live.
[Regulus] So you’re my knight in shining armor coming to my rescue then?
[Jamie] I mean, I do have the looks for it.
[Jamie] Just take the offer.
[Jamie] Don’t even try to say you don’t like my flat when I know for a FACT that you do.
[Regulus] Fine. You sure?
[Jamie] Positive, princess.
Read the complete work here
Snippet of the fic based on the concept that @noasmirrorball shared
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moonstruckme · 6 months
poly!marauders drabbles (1/2)
☁︎ = headcanon ✩ = 18+, mdni ♡ = mae's favs
The marauders are fascinated with their artist!gf ☁︎
The marauders reassure you when you're insecure in your relationship
Marauders x a reader who's hyper-independent ♡
The boys get jealous of your new friend
You give them gifts for your one-month anniversary
The marauders love their individualized pet names
Overprotective!marauders when you sneak out to a party ♡
They think you're breaking up with them after an argument
The boys help when you're having period cramps
Poly!marauders x sunshine!reader
Poly!marauders x overwhelmed sunshine!reader
You worry others are judging your relationship, and the boys comfort you
They help you when you dissociate
You tell the boys you love them (and you get there first)
A calm, domestic morning with the marauders ♡
A semi-calm, domestic night
You get an anxious stomachache, and they help
The marauders discover Target
Poly!marauders and casual dominance
The boys keep coming to your work (totally not to flirt with you)
Poly!marauders x Slytherin!reader who's stressed about school
You don't realize you're flirting, but they don't not like it
The boys are shocked when you swear
The boys are not at all shocked when you swear
They react to you flinching during an argument
The boys help when you have an allergic reaction
There's no way the marauders are flirting with you (except they are)
Poly!marauders x plus size!reader when you're feeling insecure
They learn that sometimes you just need time alone
Your boyfriends think your plushies are adorable
The boys help with your pre-presentation anxiety
They think you're gorgeous with or without glasses
Apocalypse au
When you're reunited ♡ Dancing around the fire You get hypothermia
You all take care of Remus before a full moon
platonic!marauders (+Lily) help you decorate your apartment
The boy help (some more than others) when you can't say what you mean
You and the marauders choose your group Halloween costume
Rockstar!marauders x rockstar!reader
They love your curly hair
The marauders when you come back to school seeming fragile
They take care of you when you're sick
Sleepy aftercare with bratty!reader ♡
The boys comfort you after a panic attack
Poly!marauders x tall!reader when you're insecure about your height
You and the boys figure out you want to be together
They react to you crying over a book
Protective!marauders watch out for you at a party
Poly!marauders x hyperactive!reader
The boys are (lovingly) exasperated when you forget your meds
Roommate!marauders when you come home tipsy
They realize you've been hiding your food
Your boyfriends comfort you before a trip to the doctor
The marauders love your fancy socks
Plus size!reader and shying away from touch
Sirius and you gush about your boyfriends in French
Bodyguard!marauders with sunshine!reader ♡
Bodyguard!marauders when you keep sneaking off
They're casually dominant when you're stressed out ♡
Poly!marauders x (raccoon)animagus!reader
The boys make a competition of abstinence
They worry when you spend too long in the rain
Your first morning with the marauders
You come out to the boys as non-binary
When you and James come home drunk ♡
They throw you a surprise party
You are not on the same page about shower temperatures
You all have a talk about self-harm
The marauders do their damndest to flummox shy!reader (it's not hard)
You hide a black eye from them
Tall!reader teases the boys
They talk you through a friend breakup
They comfort you after you hit an animal with your car
You and the boys enjoy a domestic time during the holidays ♡
You all oggle James
Emt!marauders (see the continued masterlist for more)
They come to your rescue after a car accident ♡ | cont. Your boyfriends are called after a mishap at work Your boyfriends help when you hurt your back You call an ambulance when you're having a panic attack Your boyfriends comfort you through vertigo ♡ Your boyfriends come get you after an accident
The boys comfort you when you don't get into your top school
Short!reader teams up with Remus to give the other boys shit
They want you to let them comfort you after a nightmare
The marauders love your weight gain ♡
Your boyfriends learn about social burnout
The boys coddle a touched starved!you ♡
Roommate!marauders get a teensy bit jealous during a night out
Whimsical!reader tries some alternative healing methods
They bring you, high and giggly, to an aquarium
You want your boyfriends to take charge
You have chronic pain, and they know how to take care of you ♡
Sleepy aftercare with the boys ✩
Your boyfriends know how to share ✩
They reassure you it's okay to have boundaries ✩
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adriennebarnes · 25 days
The “Affair”
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina Wife! Reader
Summary: After adopting 8 dogs, Charles tells his wife no more dogs. However, as a veterinarian working in an animal shelter, it’s very hard for Y/N to turn down a dog. So when she comes home with a puppy while Charles is away but tries to make it seem like she had an affair…getting a 9th dog doesn’t sound so bad, right?
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, probably a lot of inaccuracies
A/N: i love Salma Hayek and the story she tells about rescuing Ochoa is so funny.
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When Charles and Y/N first started dating when they were 20, he knew how much she loved dogs. The first time he went to her apartment, he saw her with two German shepherds.
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“Muñeco! Please meet Sirius and Nova.” Y/N said, walking up to Charles, the two dogs following her.
"When you told me you had dogs, I don’t know why, but I pictured you owning like a shih tzu or maybe a Maltese.” Charles admitted, observing the German shepherds who began sniffing him.
“Why? You think because I am Latina I must have a white crusty dog?” Y/N asked, acting all offended.
“No no no, of course not.” Charles responded scared that me might have offended his girlfriend.
“I’m teasing. No, I got them from the shelter. You know how I’m studying to become a vet? So right now I’m just a vet assistant at the shelter and when I walked in for my shift, these two dogs tried to get close to me, they would whine when I would leave the room, when I would take them outside for their walks, they would follow me, I had to adopt them. No one likes getting big dogs from the shelter, pero son tan lindos.” Y/N said, petting her dogs, the dogs were wagging their tails, enjoying the affection. Charles's heart melted. He always wanted his own dog and by the looks of it, he might get his wish with Y/N.
"How did you come up with the names?" Charles asked.
"Well obviously Sirius is named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter, and Nova to fit the space theme. Since they were picked up from the street without collars, we named them at the shelter." Y/N said. Charles leaned down to pet the dogs. Nova began licking his face while Sirius was still smelling him, you know what they say about a male dog being owned by a woman. After a few seconds, Sirius joined Nova in licking him, Charles was as happy as he can be.
"They are so friendly! Think I'll be able to stay the night?" Charles asked.
"I don't know, Char, you just joined F1, shouldn't you be training?" Y/N asked.
"I have a few days before the Monaco Grand Prix, do you want to come?" Charles asked.
"I don't know if I can leave Nova and Sirius alone." Y/N asked.
"It's only a few hours, please?" Charles asked with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, I'll see if my neighbor can check in on them." Y/N said and her and Charles kissed.
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A year later, 2019, Charles joined Scuderia Ferrari and he was on his way to Y/N's apartment after he rested a day after the Suzuka Grand prix. He opened the door with the key she gave him and he heard barking.
"Nova, Sirius, its me, you know me." Charles entered the apartment, the two German Shepherds greeted him but he still heard barking. Thats when he saw a bulldog on the couch with Y/N. "Amour, you got another dog?" Charles asked.
"Charlie! This is Hiccup, i got him on Saturday." Y/N said, getting to hug her boyfriend. "Isn't he adorable? He has a lot of health problems because of this breeder, but he is the sweetest. Come meet him." Y/N said, holding Charles's hand to lead him to the couch, sitting next to Hiccup.
"Why did you name him Hiccup?" Charles asked.
"I was watching How To Train Your Dragon, he also had a case of the hiccups when i was...como se dice, revisando...checking him! Yeah, during his checkup, he was hiccupping." Y/N said. Charles pet the bulldog and the bulldog smiled, seemingly happy getting affection.
"He is very cute, but I don't think you'll have space for another dog, mon petit chou." Charles said.
"Hiccup wanted to be with me, he wouldn't let the other shelter workers walk him, just me, it was a sign, Charles." Y/N said.
"I'm sure it was." Charles said smiling. "I'm hungry, do you want to order something?"
"Can you manage ordering Chinese food? I have to give the dogs their bath." Y/N said.
"Sure, mon ange. Same as usual?" Charles asked.
"Yes please. Lets go guys, time for your bath." Y/N said and the dogs walked slowly behind her, not being a fan of baths.
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Another year later, December 2020, Charles and Y/N now live together in his penthouse apartment. One day, Charles went with Y/N to her job since he was on winter break.
"Charlie, can you check if Shaggy needs his bowl to be filled?" Y/N asked.
"Sure, amour." Charles said, He was walking through the shelter until he found the gate with the name 'Shaggy' and he saw a fluffy old English sheepdog. "Hello, Shaggy." Charles said hello to the dog and Shaggy started barking, wagging his tail. Charles went to the supply closet to get the bag of dog food, Y/n bought the brand that was specifically for this breed and pour the food in Shaggy's bowl.
"Shaggy looks very happy." Y/N said appearing next to him. Thats when Shaggy started whining and pawing at her through the gate. "Hi Shaggy, como está mi perrito consentido?" Y/N asked in the baby voice, Shaggy lies on his back, showing that he is ready to receive belly rubs. Charles just observes this interaction.
"Are you going to adopt him, mon ange?" Charles asked.
"I would love to adopt him, but it's your apartment." Y/N said.
"Mon ange, it is your apartment too, I asked you to move in with me, it is your apartment too. We can get him, think of it as a Christmas gift." Charles said and Y/N hugged him.
"Can you fill out the adoption papers? I need to check up on a few cats in the other room. Wish me luck." Y/N said.
"Did you take your allergy medicine?" Charles asked. Y/N shook her head no.
"Thats why i need luck." Y/N said. She went with the cats while Charles filled out the adoption papers for Shaggy, since most people in Monaco want small dogs and the other shelter workers know Charles is doing this for Y/N, the process was easy and they were able to take Shaggy home the same day. When they left Shaggy went with Y/N to buy things he needs while Charles went to buy food for the both of them. Charles got home first and he said hello to Nova, Sirius, and Hiccup, place his takeout on the kitchen counter, and refilled their food and water bowls. Charles washed his hands to serve himself good and that’s when Charles heard the door open and he saw Y/N with dog food, a dog bed, and some new toys.
“Mom Ange, I could have helped you.” Charles said, getting the bed from her and placing it on the living room. “Why does he need new toys?”
“It’s why I do for every dog, Charlie, they get new toys, they only share when they want to, it makes them feel important and that they have a permanent home.” Y/N explained to Charles. “Okay Shaggy, meet your brothers and sister.” Y/N let Shaggy off his leash and all the dogs began sniffing each other. After they got acquainted, they started playing with each other, even sharing some toys.
“Come on, mon coeur, your food will get cold, it’s time to eat.” Charles said and Y/N went to wash her hands after seeing the dogs are getting along great. She sat down to eat.
“Muñeco, do you ever think about getting a bigger place?” Y/N asked.
“Eventually, yes. That way we can raise our future children.” Charles said.
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2 years later, 2022, Charles and Y/N now have a huge villa on Monaco after they got married with enough room for their dogs to run around in the grass and a pool. In those 2 years, Y/N adopted 3 more dogs; a border collie, a Carin terrier mix, and an Australian shepherd. Charles was watching TV with their 7 dogs when the door opened and it revealed Y/N with a Euraiser dog, Charles stared at her and Y/N smiled.
“His name is Koda, his owner just abandoned him like straight up went to the shelter and dropped him off, no good reason, no toys for him specifically, nothing. Me dio cosa, Charlie, like you have no idea." Y/N said and since her eyes were tearing up, he got up to hug her.
“My love, I know you love dogs, and I love that about you, you have a big heart, but no more dogs.” Charles said, wiping her tears. Kids barked and Charles looked at him, Koda had his tongue out like he was smiling with his tail wagging. “Nice to meet you Koda, welcome to the family, meet your brothers and sisters.” Charles said. Koda ran to the other dogs. “Don’t be fooled by the size, Mickey is in charge.”
Koda was very happy with his new family. He was playing with Bailey and Bambi very politely using toys but full on wrestling with Sirius, he was very content. Mickey and Hiccup were just observing on their dog beds while Nova chewed on a treat.
“Promise me no more dogs, Y/N.” Charles said, cupping her face.
“I promise no more dogs, muñeco.” Y/N said.
And Y/N kept good on her promise, she was completely devoted to their 8 dogs, taking them to work sometimes for checkups, and it was all going well until.
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Present day, 2024, Y/N was checking a Saint Bernard as a full fledged Shelter Veterinarian.
“Rebecca, where did you get the Saint Bernard? It has worms and I’m afraid he was in the same transport van as the pitbull mixes, I need to check them too.” Y/N said, lowering the Saint Bernard and giving him an oral medication to deworm him.
“He was around Nice.” Rebecca answered.
“Interesting. Have the pitbulls been showing symptoms of having worms?” Y/N asked.
“They are relatively chill, I’ll check them right now though.” Rebecca said. Moments later, another employee named Freddie came in with a dog crate.
“You guys won’t believe what I just found by the docks.” Freddie said.
“Why were you by the docks?” Rebecca asked.
“No reason, but look at this.” Freddie entered the vet exams room with Rebecca and Y/N and opened the crate.
“Oh my god, that’s a pregnant yorkie, who would throw a pregnant dog on the streets?” Y/N asked, petting the yorkie. “Looks like she has fleas too.”
“I’ll take care of her, your shift is over. I’ll give you updates on the yorkie.” Rebecca said.
“Thanks, I’ll come in tomorrow.” Y/N said, she said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
When she got home, she saw all her dogs playing in the yard but as soon and they saw her, they stopped playing and ran towards her.
“Hola mis bebés!” Y/N exclaimed, petting every single dog. She got their leashes to take all of them out for a walk so they're not cooped up in one area, no matter how big it is. They walked around Monaco, some children wanted to pet the dogs, other people took photos or videos of Y/N walking the dogs, the dogs were very well behaved and nonreactive, Y/N couldn't be more grateful. She walked back home, let the dogs off their leash, and washed their paws before they stepped foot inside the house.
Charles was away for the Imola Grand Prix and he said he was going to call Y/N when she got out of work. Just like he said, Y/N's laptop started ringing, she washed her hands and answere the video call.
"Hola guapo! How's Imola?" Y/N asked.
"It's good, I'm tired of press, you know? Sometimes they ask the same questions and I can't deal with it." Charles said.
"I'm sorry, mi vida." Y/N said.
"It's fine, darling. How are the babies?" Charles asked.
"Very good, I went to that bakery where they make pastries for dogs and they loved it. I'm going to look up recipes so I can bake it for them. My babies deserve the best." Y/N said and Bambi jumped in her lap. "yes Bambi, you're my baby." Y/N saod, petting the Australian shepherd. "As a kid i always wanted one, their coloring is beautiful, and now i have one. I know we can't bring all the dogs to the Monaco Paddock, but do you think we can take Mickey?" Y/N asked.
"What happened to treating the dogs equally?" Charles asked.
"Then can we bring all of them? I want them to know where their dad works. I also really want them to meet Roscoe, we can just hang around, I'll keep them entertained, also who wouldnt want to see dogs before practice or qualifying? Like come on." Y/N said.
"Y/N.." Charles warned.
"Okay fine, our children won't see where you work, but it is unfair, they're going to be all alone in the house." Y/N said.
"Yeah, with a dog sitter who will feed and play with them, walk them, and the dogs have the entire property to run around. I bought the villas so you wouldn't have to worry about the dogs as much and you worry about the same." Charles said,
"I can't help it, they're innocent creatures." Y/N said, hugging Bambi tightly and Bambi liked her face. "Look at her Charles, no thoughts behind those eyes."
"Alright my dear, I have to go, I love you." Charles said.
"I love you too." Y/N said and hung up her FaceTime and thats when she got a call from Rebecca. "Hey Rebecca, whats up?"
"Hey, so the mama yorkie is about 8 weeks along in her pregnancy, she seems healthy, but I am going to give her a diet for pregnant dogs, make sure shes getting a lot of protein and calcium for the last week of her pregnancy to make sure the birth goes smoothly." Rebecca said.
"Thanks for everything, you are the best." Y/N said and hung up. She made her dinner, making a small dog safe version for them of course, what kind of owner would she be if she didn't?
A week later, it was the Monaco free practice 3 and qualifying session, she was in the paddock with Charles since he just finished the free practice.
"You did great, guapo, I'm positive you'll make pole." Y/N said, kissing him.
"Thanks, mon ange, I just really want to win my home race and i'll have a better shot of winning if i make pole." Charles said.
"And you will, baby." Y/N said. She felt her phone vibrate and saw Freddie was calling. "Freddie, what's going on?"
"The mom is going into labor, we need you here, please! I'm still just an assistant!" Freddie panicked.
"Alright I'm coming, did she start nesting in her kennel?" Y/N asked.
"She's arranging chew toys and blankets." Freddie said.
"Okay, try your best to get her into the whelping box, I'm on my way now." Y/N hung up. "I'm sorry, mi vida, I need to deliver puppies, good luck on qualifying." Y/N kissed him goodbye and ran to her car, drove off to the shelter, and went to Nani's kennel, where she was in stage 1 of labor. "How long has she been like this?"
"About 2 hours." Rebecca answered.
"Alright, we just have to wait a little while, she should start dilating in about 4 or 10 10 hours." Y/N said.
They waited those hours and Nani succesfully whelped 4 puppies, 3 boys and one girl. Y/N helped getting the puppies out of the amniotic saca and cut the umblical cord to make the processs easier for Nani. She cleaned and rubbed the puppies until she heard them cry out, once they cried, she put them near Nani. Now Nani was feeding the puppies.
"Alright team, in 8 weeks those puppies could be adopted. Hopefull the mom will be adopted as well. Goodnight, I'm going home." Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
Once home, Y/N saw Charles in the living room watching 101 Dalmations.
"Ma belle, how did the delivery go?" Charles asked, pausing the movie.
"The mom delivered 4 healthy puppies, I couldn't be happier. How was qualifying?" Y/N asked.
"I got pole." Charles said. Y/N screamed in excitement and hugged him.
"i am so proud of you, we should get ice cream or go out to eat, I am starving, i didn't eat." Y/N said.
"Then lets go out, ma belle, I'll go call to see if they can prepare something so it'll be ready when we get there, I'll wait for you to change." Charles said and Y/N kissed him.
"You are the best husband ever." Y/N said.
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8 weeks went by and in those 8 weeks, Y/N grew extremely close to Bubbles, the female puppy from Nani's litter. Right now, she was carrying Bubbles, comforting her after her first vaccine.
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"Rebecca, he is going to kill me." Y/N said.
"What makes you say that?" Rebecca asked.
"He literally told me that I couldn't get anymore dogs. What do you think he is going to say when he comes home from Hungary and sees her on my lap?" Y/N said, holding Bubble in front of Rebecca's face. Bubbles licked Rebecca's nose.
"Aww come on, who would be mad at a little yorkie?" Rebecca cooed. "Its not like you're bringing home a Saint Bernard, or a Rottweiler."
"Rottweilers are so cute, I would absolutely bring one home if i could." Y/N said.
"You just have to make it seem like getting a puppy isn't the worst thing in the world." Rebecca said, giving the other puppies Chip, Mikey, and Donnie, their first vaccines. Y/N started thinking.
"I got it! I'll make him believe i am having an affair." Y/N said.
"Y/N, that's a little crazy even for you." Rebecca said.
"But it's perfect! I just need to set it up perfectly. Today is Friday, right?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, why?" Rebecca asked.
"I am not cruel enough to make him worry during the important race events like qualifying or the actual race, during free practice should be fine." Y/N said before she sent the text 'Call me tonight at 8, we need to talk' and she showed it to Rebecca.
"Good luck with that." Rebecca said. Y/N filled out the adoption papers for Bubbles and bought everything a puppy needed, she carried Bubble everywhere because until she has all her Parvo vaccines, she is not touching the ground. Bubbles was wrapped in a blanket and was brought home. When she entered the house, all the dogs came up to her.
"Hello everyone, we have a new member joining the family, her name is Bubbles, everyone, be gentle." Y/N said, emphasizing gentle. She lowered Bubbles a little so everyone had the chance to sniff her. They all went their separate ways. Y/N got a text from Charles. 'What do we need to talk about?' Y/N responded 'It is crucial to our marriage that we talk.' She wants to worry him a little. Y/N had already established and good feeding schedule with her, she just needs to adjust her potty spot. When she checked that this is the time she usually does her business in the shelter, she took her outside and let her pee on the patch of grass thats near the pool. When she was done, Bubbles trotted right to Y/N and Y/N picked her up, giving her little kisses. Thats when she heard her laptop ring.
"It's show time." Y/N said, placing Bubbles on the couch with her blanket. "Watch her." Y/N told Nova and Nova moved to the couch, keeping her eyes on the puppy. Y/N answered the FaceTime.
“Petit Chou, what’s wrong? What do we need to talk about? Can’t it wait until I’m home?” Charles asked.
“No no, I have to tell you know, the guilt is eating me alive.” Y/N said, getting teary eyed, if she wants Charles to believe she had an affair, she really has to sell it.
“Mon coeur, you can tell me anything, what happened?” Charles asked, sounding very worried.
“This isn’t easy for me to say, I love you so much, you have to know that, but my job has me very stressed, I feel like I don't have a life outside of work because you are always traveling and I work late sometimes, we are like two passing ships. Please, have mercy on me, understand where I am coming from, I get so lonely when you're not here.” Y/N finished saying and she covered her face, just waiting to hear Charles’s reaction.
“Please don’t tell me you got another dog.” Charles said and Y/N uncovered her face.
“How did you know I adopted another dog?” Y/N asked.
“My love, I know you, you would never cheat on me.” Charles said.
“I could have.” Y/N argued.
“You love me too much.” Charles argued back.
“You didn’t believe me?” Y/N asked.
“Not at all.” Charles said.
“Oh come on, that was phenomenal acting, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said.
“I think you overdid it.” Charles said.
“Well i acted better than you did for that Shell commercial.” Y/N said.
“Forget about it, can i see the dog? Did you get a big one?” Charles said. Y/N moved off screen to pick up the yorkie.
“Actually she’s a little puppy, I named her Bubbles, apparently this awful person put her dog out on the street because she was pregnant so the mama yorkie was actually with us for a while, i supervised the birth, i was bonding with the mom and her litter, but i guess this one really liked me and she would seek me out. Isn’t she adorable?” Y/N said, putting Bubbles closer to the screen so Charles can see her in all her glory.
“She is adorable, can’t wait to meet her.” Charles said,
“Im so excited for you to meet her too! This is the first time we can raise a puppy together, i can take her with me to work for her vaccines, we need a lot of bonding time with her. I honesty hope the other yorkies get adopted though, they’re so cute! I would adopt them all if I could.” Y/N confessed.
“I know you would. Please let Bubble be the final dog, I really mean it this time, Y/N." Charles said.
"Okay, okay, i promised Bubbles will be our last dog...for now." Y/N said.
"Y/N!" Charles shouted.
"Okay okay, te lo juro juradito por las haditas that Bubbles will be our last dog." Y/N said.
"That's more like it." Charles said.
"So how was free parctice?" Y/N asked Charles, placing Bubbles on her lap, giving her a small chew toy since she's teething.
"Well what happened was..." Charles said.
The End
Hope y'all liked it! I know the buildup was VERY long but i wanted to show you how much Y/N loved dogs.
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theprongspotter · 5 months
Sirius: Would you come rescue me if I got kidnapped?
Remus: No, I'd only need to give them a day and they'd give you right back anyway.
c: @littlewhispersofsolitude
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wzrd-wheezes · 4 months
Not Half Bad - Marauders x Reader
AN - I'm a few minutes early but happy valentine's day, my loves. I wanted to post something that wasn't crazy romantic because I know today can be pretty lonely. So, enjoy some platonic marauders x reader fluff. This is my first time writing anything like this so please let me know what you think. 1.7k words.
Y/N startled awake, her head throbbing and her eyes swollen from tears. She groaned softly, feeling the weight of exhaustion as she rubbed her face, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Then, the unmistakable sound echoed through her apartment again.
Bang, bang, bang. 
With a resigned sigh, Y/N muttered curses under her breath before she shuffled towards the front door. The harsh hallway light made her squint as she opened the door, taking a moment to register the trio standing before her. 
“Come on, you. Out of the way, we’ve got some serious work to do!” James declared, gently nudging Y/N aside to enter her apartment, with Remus and Sirius following close behind. 
“What the hell are you doing? It’s practically the crack of dawn!” She exclaimed; her voice still thick with sleep. 
“Oh, yeah? And you’d know what time of day it was, would you?” Sirius teased, theatrically throwing open her curtains, allowing light to flood into the room for the first time in days. 
“We’re on damage control. Y’know, since we haven’t heard from you in almost a week.” Remus explained, heading straight into the kitchen and flicking the kettle on. 
Y/N sighed heavily, feeling a pang of guilt for having shut off herself off from her friends after her recent break up. The end of her relationship had hit her harder than she had ever anticipated, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. She hadn’t felt up to facing her friends properly. She had shot them a quick message briefly explaining the situation before shutting off her phone and finding solace in her own company as she grappled with the emotional fallout.  
Remus busied himself in the kitchen while he waited for the kettle to boil. He had a tea towel swung over his shoulder as he started washing the dishes that had been piling up in the sink. James was getting the living room straight, opening windows, clearing up the endless piles of scrunched up tissues and fluffing up the sofa cushions.  
“You don’t have to do all this – I'm fine!” Y/N protested. 
“Stop fussing and just let us help you,” Sirius chimed in, poking his head around the doorway from where he was in the bathroom, “Now, get in here because I’ve just run you a bath.”  
Y/N’s protests died on her lips as she relented, allowing herself to be guided into the bathroom by Sirius’s firm but caring insistence. The soothing scent of lavender filled the air as she stepped into the room. Sirius shut the door behind her, allowing some privacy. He had set her some fresh towels and clean clothes on the side, even going as far as to light a few candles. Y/N let out a sigh as she sank into the tub, the warm water washing over her tired body. 
After a while, Y/N emerged from the bathroom feeling a bit lighter. She smiled at the three boys, appreciating their practical gestures of support. They had practically cleaned her whole apartment while she was in the bath. It had taken a bit of a hit in the week that she had been moping around. Remus had set her a steaming mug of tea on the coffee table, and she took it into her hands eagerly. 
“Feeling better?” he asked, patting the spot on the sofa next to him. 
“Much better. Thanks for the rescue” she smiled at each of them, “I owe you guys one.” 
“Nonsense.” James dismissed with a wave of his hand, “That’s what friends are for. Plus, I’ve been dying to bring out my superhero cape.” 
Remus snorted into his tea, “Superhero cape? More like a tea towel tied around your neck, mate.” 
“Hey, it’s all about the dramatic effect, Moony. You should try it some time.” James mock-glared at him. 
“I’d pay good money to see that.” Y/N laughed. 
“You nearly did!” Sirius remarked, “I literally had to pry it from around his neck before you got out of the bath.” 
Y/N burst into laughter at the mental image, shaking her head in amusement, “I can only imagine the heroic struggle.” She said, grinning at James, who rolled his eyes with a good natured sigh. 
“Yeah, well, it was a valiant effort on his part,” James admitted, earning a playful elbow jab from Sirius.  
It was the first time in a good week or so, that Y/N had laughed properly. She felt her spirits lift with each passing moment, the heaviness that had weighed in her heart for the last week beginning to fade. Their light-hearted banter and playful antics had a way of lifting her spirits, offering a welcomed distraction from her recent troubles. It was only when the boys stood up to leave that the empty feeling in the pit of her stomach started to return.  
Sirius noticed her face fall when they started getting ready to leave, each of them shrugging on their coats and slipping into their shoes.  
“Don’t worry, we’re coming back.” Sirius reassured her. 
“Yeah, you didn’t think that you could get rid of us that easily, did you?” Remus chuckled. 
“We’ve just got to nip out to get some stuff but then we’ll be back.” James promised. 
“What stuff?” she questioned.  
“Ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies.” James quipped, playfully tapping her on the nose before swiftly exiting.  
A bemused smile played on her lips as she watched her friends disappear. Although they had only been around at her flat for a few hours, it felt eerily empty now that they had gone. Collapsing onto the sofa, she reached for her phone, hesitating before finally switching it on after days of deliberate avoidance. There was the expected flurry of messages from her friends and family checking in on her and she made a mental note to reply to them later on. She quickly deleted a particularly nasty text from her ex before she gave herself chance to read it properly. As the screen blinked back up at her, the date glared back with unexpected significance.  
Valentine’s Day. 
The realisation hit her and stirred up memories and emotions that she had been trying to suppress. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of loneliness as she thought back to past Valentine’s Day spent with her now ex-partner. For a moment, she regretted even switching on her phone; ignorance might have been bliss on a day like today. Tears prickled in her eyes and she bit down on her lip in a futile attempt to hold back the flood of emotions.  
Just as she had been earlier that morning, she was brought back to reality by the door of her apartment swinging open and James, Remus and Sirius bustling back inside.  
“Told you we wouldn’t be long!” James said brightly, though the look soon dropped from his face the second his eyes fell on Y/N. 
“Oh, no! What’s happened? Everything okay?” Sirius rushed over and crouched in front of her, so his face was level to where she was slumped on the sofa. 
“It’s silly,” she sniffled, “I turned on my phone because obviously I’ve been avoiding it for ages and I saw the date. It’s just... overwhelming.” 
Remus moved to sit beside her, his presence a comforting anchor as he place a hand on her shoulder. 
“It’s not silly at all, Y/N. Valentine’s Day can be shit. Especially after everything you’ve been through.” he said softly, offering her a sympathetic smile. 
James signed, rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped closer, “We came over today because... well we didn’t want you to spend Valentine’s Day alone. We didn’t realise that you didn't even know what day it was. We’ve kind of fucked up really, haven’t we?”  
“Don’t be daft.” Y/N wiped the tears away with her sleeve, “You’ve already cheered me up so much just by being here.” 
“Let’s not stop now then, eh?” Sirius said, patting her affectionately on the head as he stood up, “We’ve got plenty more planned for this evening. Why don’t you go get yourself freshened up while we get set up in here?” 
Y/N smiled gratefully and obliged, making her way to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cool water, letting it wash away the remnants of tears that clung to her skin. As she caught sight of herself in the mirror, she forced a smile onto her face in an attempt to make herself feel better. She quickly ran her hands through her hair and smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothes. 
In the other room, the boys had sprung to action. James rummaged through the bags of shopping, his brows furrowed in concentration as he set about preparing dinner. Remus, ever the organiser, rearranged the furniture to create a cosier and more comfortable set up for them. Sirius, with his flair for the dramatic, set about lighting candles and pulled an assortment of decorations from his bag to add a festive touch to the occasion. 
As Y/N stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes widened in surprise at the transformation that had taken place in the living room. The warm glow of candlelight danced across the walls, casting soft shadows across the room. Tears of gratitude welled in her eyes and with a shaky breath she made her way to join them. 
“Speechless, huh?” Sirius joked gently, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. 
Y/N managed a watery smile, “I don’t even know what to say.” 
“Nothing needs to be said.” James stepped in from the kitchen, floral apron tied around his waist.  
“Just know that we’ve got your back always, yeah?” Remus chimed in.  
With a grateful nod, Y/N settled into her seat at the table, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.  
“Nice apron, James.” Y/N teased, unable to contain her laughter.  
“What can I say? Real men wear floral.” he quipped, setting down plates of food in front of each of them.  
“Ah! I almost forgot!” Sirius stood up quickly from the table and disappeared into the other room.  
He returned a few moments later, holding a bouquet of flowers. He presented them to her with a flourish. Y/N gasped in response. 
“You really didn’t have to!” she protested, her voice filled with gratitude, “You’ve already done so much for me today!” 
“We wanted to.” Remus smiled. 
“Besides, we’d be pretty crappy mates if we let you go a whole Valentine’s Day without flowers.” Sirius chuckled. 
“Yeah, it’s practically a cardinal sin to neglect such an important tradition.” Remus nodded in agreement.  
“See? We’re not completely useless, are we?” James nudged her, grinning. 
“Nah, you’re not half bad.” she beamed back at them, “I might even go as far as to say that you’re the best.” 
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allyeardepression · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic | feb 7 star | words: 1037
Hi so I went a bit overboard with this one but I’m having so much fun writing those you guys have no idea
Anyways enjoy <3
pads i need you to come here like RIGHT NOW
Who are you?
James looked at the message confused.
your best friend?? who needs your help with your dog?????
Wrong number.
Now he was super confused. He talked with Sirius this morning. He called this number and he talked with Sirius.
this is really not the time for pranks pads
moony isnt answering his phone and gigi is vomiting all over my place
what do i do???????
The answer didn’t come right away, but when it did his confusion grew even further. He was trying to give the poor Gigi a bowl to puke into when he read ‘I might know what happened. Send me the address, I’m coming over.’ Without thinking twice he shared his location with the person who was supposed be his best mate. After that, he put down his phone and went back to calming Gigi and giving her some water. If it works for people, it should work for a dog, right? RIGHT???
15 minutes later he heard the doorbell ring and that’s when it hit him. Sirius knows where he lives. Sirius wouldn’t take this long to get to his precious child, as he calls the black mass of fur on James’ carpet. This really wasn’t Sirius.
His first reaction was panic - who the fuck did he send his address to? Then he thought he could pretend he’s not here. But what about Gigi?
When the doorbell rang for the second time, he decided to text that person.
who are you again?
Open the door. I’m not going to kill you.
Or am I?
Now he was scared. Although it was a bit funny, he had to give them that.
Slowly he went to the door, checking in the viewfinder who is on the other side. Unfortunately the person had their back turned to him so it didn’t give him anything. With shaky hands he turned the key and opened the doors with a gentle creak. Hearing that, the person in front of him turned and- wow.
The snow-white face was surrounded by a delicate halo of black waves. His strong jaw and sharp cheekbones could make him look rough if it weren't for his soft, pink lips, turned up in a gentle smile, and his eyes. Eyes in which you could immerse yourself as if in an endless, silvery cloud of stardust.
“Hi there, Sunshine” Sirius’ younger brother said passive-aggressively. Ah, nothing has changed since school. Also, it would explain the ‘wrong number’’ thing. Somehow?
“Hello, Little Star” James replied with a nervous smile, after clearing his throat several times. They stayed there in the doorway for few seconds, intense enough to make it feel like hours.
Finally, James cleared his throat for the last time and turned, letting Regulus in. “Thank god you’re not a murderer” he laughed lightly as he led his guest (his one-man-rescue-team?) to the living room, where Gigi was shaking under fluffy blanket.
“Did you give her something?” Regulus asked, kneeling next to the poor thing.
“What? No! Why and what would I give her?” James burst out, terrified of the accusation. What if he accidentally gave her something he shouldn’t have and now she’s going to die? That would mean he was going to die shortly after. Oh no, oh no, oh-
“Calm down, I was just making sure. Look at your carpet” Reg grumbled pointing at the destroyed thing.
“Yeah, I know - she puked at it like a thousand times. No need to point it out” James huffed, now irritated a bit by Regulus’ rudeness.
“I- That’s not what I meant” shorter man laughed softly, such a sweet sound. “She ate a pice of it, look at the right corner.”
“What do you- oh” in the whole mess oh vomits he didn’t even notice a part of the carpet disappeared. “So she was just-“
“Clearing her stomach, yeah” Reg smiled at him crookedly. “She did the same to my shoe last week. Just give her some water for now and we’ll take her to the vet.”
“What do you mean we? I can handle a vet appointment” James said, pouring some water for his goddaughter (yes, she’s his goddaughter, fuck off).
“No, you can’t. Now take her, I’ll drive” Regulus said strutting out of the room. James just lifted the, whatsoever, heavy dog and ran after his best friend’s brother.
He asked Reg to close the door behind them and take the key. The clinic wasn’t far away from his flat, but either way it felt like forever to get there since Regulus refused to talk to him, because ‘it distracts him’.
When they finally got there, the vet just laughed at them for coming to her for the second time in a week and cooed at Gigi, mumbling something about her ’cool uncles not being very good for her’ (hopefully jokingly but who knows). She checked if Gigi was alright, gave her some medicine and asked them to come in few days for checkup.
Walking out of the clinic Regulus asked James if he needed any help with cleaning up after Gigi’s accident.
“Actually yeah, would you help me?” he replied with hopeful eyes.
“I literally just suggested that” Reg said, rolling his eyes.
So, they did just that. They rolled the destroyed carpet, cleaned the floor and some of the mess left on the sofa Gigi was sleeping soundly in the corner of.
When they finished, Regulus went to the door, with James thanking him all the way down the hall. They stood in the doorway again, same intense silence between them as before.
Reg cleared his throat. “So, I’m gonna go now. Bye.”
James nodded slightly. “Thanks again” he said once more, getting a fond eye roll from the other man. With that Regulus turned and went to the elevator. Then…
“Hey, Reg?” He turned again, one brow raised. James gather himself, swallowed thickly and on the exhale, almost shy, he asked “Would you like to stay for dinner?”
The younger man stood there, both brows raised now. Slowly he smiled at James and nodded.
“I would love to, actually.”
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villain-crown · 2 months
needle | @jegulus-microfic | words: 786
critical care, part 2 | (part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
Sirius strolled onto the medical-surgical intensive care unit with a coffee in one hand and an exasperated Remus Lupin in the other. James had to hand it to them—ever since his friends started sucking faces and Remus had flatly refused to let Sirius sabotage his 15 minutes early arrival policy, Sirius was never late to work anymore.
“Hey, mate,” James replied over his shoulder, examining the patient assignments that he’d just outlined.
“Are we in charge?” Sirius demanded into his Starbucks when he’d come close enough to read the board.
“Yeah, I'm charge nurse for the medical patients, you can have the surgical ones. Looks like your brother’s floating up here today.”
Sirius hurried to gulp down the sip he’d already taken. “Reggie? Yesss! Put him on my team! I want to boss him around.”
“How is that different from any other day of the week?” Remus asked.
It was on the tip of James’s tongue to ask—why would Marlene warn me not to stare at your brother?—when the two-toned wail of the code blue alarm blared through the hallway, automatically pulling their focus towards the far side of the ICU.
Sirius sucked up the last of his coffee, attempting to simultaneously shrug off his jacket and stagger towards the action. “Fucking hell, okay, OKAY!”
James was already taking long strides towards the other end of his unit, his eyes flicking to the blue light over room twelve’s door and the controlled chaos unfolding within it. Three people were already present: his two Gryffindor nurses, Lily and Mary, along with a very slender man in dark green Slytherin scrubs performing chest compressions.
“We started compressions about fifteen seconds ago,” Mary supplied from her position performing rescue breaths via bag mask at the head of the patient’s bed.
“Do you need a step stool?” James asked without thinking.
Slytherin scrubs.
This must be Regulus!
As the petite nurse looked up to spare him a glare while continuing to stand on his toes to maintain his rhythm, James realized exactly why he’d been warned not to stare.
He’d seen it all in the course of his career: severed fingers, gaping wounds, and infested flesh. When Marlene had warned him to keep his eyes to himself, he’d figured it was because there was something physically off about Sirius’s little brother; a scar or imperfection of some kind.
He was wrong.
Regulus Black wasn’t some deformed hobbit.
He was fucking gorgeous.
Truly, James couldn’t imagine anything he’d like to do more than stare into those stunning silver eyes set in that lovely face. His eyes had barely swept down to register the man’s slender body and neat little waist when fingers clicked sharply in his face.
“Watch your fucking eyes, Potter!” Sirius snapped, having finally caught up, pushing roughly past him to join his brother at the patient’s side. “Hold compressions, Reggie.”
Regulus paused his movements, backing off slightly to come down off his toes as everyone in the room observed the meaningless squiggles on the cardiac monitor fade from the reading. A wavy, trembling line replaced the previously jerky chaos.
“V. Fib,” Regulus concluded, correctly identifying the lethal heart rhythm.
He was much smaller than James, which was exactly what James liked. It would make pinning him up against a wall by the hips as they fucked a lot easier.
“Yeah. Take over compressions, Lily. Reggie, can you give a round of epinephrine? Where’s Dr. McGonagall?”
“In a budget meeting, according to the intern answering her phone,” Regulus answered, drawing up the medication with a needle.
Fuck, even his voice was just incredibly lovely. James imagined how it might sound in a much dirtier context than they were in now.
“Ah. Pour one out for McGonagall,” Sirius instructed Remus, who obediently emptied a syringe of sterile saline into the garbage.
Regulus paused his own movements, watched this action incredulously. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“It’s good luck. What, you guys don’t do that in Slytherin?”
“We don’t need luck in Slytherin.”
James rolled his eyes. “See, this is why people hate you guys. Okay, one milligram of epi is in.”
“Hello, everyone!”
James looked up and scowled upon seeing Barty Crouch Jr., one of the resident physicians on loan to them from Slytherin, swanning into the room like it was a lovely day. He seemed distinctly unconcerned by his late arrival and more interested in sidling over to Regulus and throwing an arm around his shoulder, making James frown.
“Hey Reg! Wow, they’ve really got you slumming it with these surgical idiots, huh?”
“Are you here to help or hit on my baby brother?” Sirius snapped over his shoulder from where he was recording the code events with a dry erase marker on one of the windows.
Crouch frowned. “Where’s McGonagall?”
“Budget meeting,” came from three different directions.
“Oh. Hey, Lupin, pour one out for—“
“We already did that! Now fucking give us orders, you cretin!”
“Oh. Alright, pause compressions, let’s check a pulse…”
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kaaaaaaarf · 6 months
Hey you, I'm here for Wolfstar raising harry recommendations 🤗
Hello!! I'm also going to tag @imsiriuslyreading because I know Lana was also looking for some recs!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, but these are some of my very favs:
Wolfstar Raising Harry
Ten Reasons (To Go To Michigan) by @greyeyedmonster-18 (I also love these two unrelated wolfstar raising harry microfics by the same author) — This is a Sirius raising Harry and meeting recently divorced Remus (who happens to be a writer) on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A must read! that's the art of getting by by sarewolf — Remus becomes Harry's guardian and they move to a muggle village in the middle of nowhere. Eventually, Sirius is freed and comes to stay with them, but can they get back what they once had? Honestly, majorly obsessed with this one, but watch out for the angst! Stealing Harry by copperbadge — In an alternate universe where Sirius Black never went to Azkaban, Harry divides his life between the Dursleys' house and Mr. Black's bookshop -- until Sirius realises what the Dursleys are doing to him, and takes him away from their care. This series is fucking amazing and actually spans several of the books!! Mr Mouse by TracingPatterns (which continues in their wolfstar raising harry series) — A lovely little piece in which a young Harry learns about grief.
Like Real People Do by third_crow (part of the coffee shop au series) — Sirius raising Harry, when he starts falling for local barista Remus Lupin. This is also a beautiful story about what it's like to live with epilepsy and I am extremely obsessed with this series. The Things I Did by Lolo_row — canon compliant, Remus gets custody of Harry and works to get Sirius out of Azkaban. A bit of angst, but tasty! the dogfather au by hollimichele — Harry was raised by his adoptive muggle family, when one day a big black dog shows up. His parents just thinks he's a stray, and Padfoot becomes the family pet (to keep an eye on Harry, and protect him from Voldemort). Eventually this morphs into Remus also coming into the picture.
Wolfstar Raising Teddy
the mayors of simpleton by @fruityindividual — Divorced wolfstar are co-parenting a very mischievious Teddy who is not about to let his dads stay divorced!! Honestly this fic is so funny, so heartfelt, so fucking lovely. It also features the most beautiful portrayal of a blind character that I ever seen. A must read! Of Memories and Milk Thievery by @mayescapade — Divorced wolfstar raising Teddy again! Wolfstar have been co-parents for years and they wont stop terrorizing/pranking one another. An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account — Single dad Remus. Remus Lupin knows two things--working and caring for his son, Teddy. When his babysitter sets up crowdfunding so Teddy can go swim with the sea turtles at the local animal rescue, Remus doesn't realise how completely their life is going to change. Especially when he meets Sirius Black, the weekend merman in the aquatic show, and someone who might convince him of love at first sight. Honestly a lovely piece, and it also features the Potter clan.
Other (raising both teddy and harry, wolfstar girldads)
Let's Play Pretend by MsAlexWP — My current obsession!! I can't tell you how many times I've read this. Single parent Remus and single parent Sirius meet at a play date and end up pretend dating so that the old women in Sirius' building (who basically stalk him) will stop trying to set him up. Neither of them can date at the moment, so what could possibly go wrong?? Ultimate comfort fic. Of Quiet Hearts And Thundering Dreams by TracingPatterns — This is single parent Sirius and single parent Remus, both having moved to a small village and meeting at Harry & Teddy's school. A Cup of Sugar by MsAlexWP — Again, they are both single parents. Harry Potter is recovering from surgery and facing the worst summer ever until a guy with the same crutches as Harry moves in across the street with his son. So lovely!! Hide-and-Seek by onehundredflamingos — Wolfstar girldads raising their adoptive daughter Cassie, who is also a werewolf. This is the story of her first transformation. It's soooo sweet! @industrations has done a bunch of wolfstar and Cassie art, which you should absolutely go and cry over!
For supplementary material, feel free to check out my Wolfstar Raising Harry, Wolfstar Raising Teddy and Wolfstar Girldads tags!
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thefearedashantis · 4 months
Garlic Toast and Bloody Noses
Pairing: Sirius Black x SAHM! Reader (stay at home mom)
Summary: Your eldest daughter got in trouble at school and Sirius is livid.
Word count: 3.1K
Warning: None (if you think it needs one lmk)
Emmerson is cranky, per usual. You weren’t sure how long a two-year-old could cry before tiring themselves out, but he was surely going for the record.
Nothing you did soothed him. Rocking, singing, a stroll around the block. He didn’t want to eat. He didn’t want to play. He didn’t want to sleep. The reasoning for his upset was simple enough. One you’d figured out shortly after he was born.
He hated you. Detested. Loathed. Abhorred. As much as the very idea broke your heart.
From the moment he took his first breathe he despised your very presence. Would absolutely scream his little head off until Sirius, or anyone really, rescued him from your grasp. Only then from the comfort of his fathers’ arms would he calm, then turn back to stare at you accusingly with watery eyes.
Well, his father wasn’t home at the moment, and you stare at the clock praying for the minutes to go by quicker. School and extracurricular activities having ended, Sirius and your other two children should be walking through the front door any second.
Your husband would enter your home silently, tuckered out from a long day. He’d take off his shoes and hang up his coat. Round the couch and lean down to peck you gently at the corner of your lips before prying your son from your arms. Wrestling his fat hands loose of your hair which he never failed to get an ironclad grip on. Then you’d stow away in the bathroom for a few quiet minutes after saying hello to your girls. Just to give yourself a little pep talk and allow the headache pulsing behind your eyes to recede. Give yourself some much-needed reassurance that this behaviour couldn’t last forever. At some point he’d warm up to you.
He had to, right?
You’re wretched from your thoughts at the slam of the front door. Followed by a gust of air whisking by you where you were slumped in the living room, thunderous footsteps banging up the stairs. Another door slams in the distance.
From the brief glimpse at the back of a muddy soccer uniform you know it must be Amelia, and that fact has you up on your feet in a panic. Because just as your youngest scorned your existence your eldest adored you. If she wasn’t at school she was virtually glued to your hip. She would never come home without stopping to throw herself at you like you’d been apart for an eternity.
Something was wrong.
You’ve barely placed Emmy into his playpen, a rigorous tussle, and taken a step into the hall when a small body crashes into your middle. Your kindergartner. Backpack, coat and shoes still on.
“Claire!” you try to match her enthusiasm.
“I’m hungry” she mumbles against your stomach, arms squeezing you tight.
“I made your favourite snack. It’s on the counter for you.”
Sirius appears in the archway just as Claire scurries away. He’s in a flurry, making long strides in the direction of the stairs without so much as acknowledging you. “You get back down here right now young lady!” His voice all but shakes the house, sending your heart scuttling into your throat. Sirius never raises his voice, especially not when angry. Sirius was hardly ever angry to begin with.
Your hand shoots out to grab at him before he can get too far, pulling him to a harsh stop. “Whoa, whoa whoa! What’s going on?”
“Lia got in a fight at school!” Claire calls from the kitchen.
And he’s teetering on you, trying to get you to let him go.
“What? Why didn’t you call me? What’s happened, is she alright?”
“I’d say she’s doing better than Isaac!” Now he’s moving, circling to the other end of the room, dragging you along with him. “I mean parents trust me to look after and teach their children! How does it seem when I can’t even discipline my own? She’s old enough to know not to hit others!”
Sirius was the music teacher at the local elementary school. The one both of your daughters attended. That being the case he usually handled anything pertaining to the girls while on the premises.  Didn’t mean you were out of the loop however. If one got so much as a scratch on the playground you were sent a text about it. For the entire day to have elapsed without him informing you on what had happened was odd.
“Sirius” you release his arm in favour of his face, rubbing at the space between his nape and ear in a manner you knew he found soothing “Honey, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.”
But your attempts to pacify him prove worthless when his roaming eyes finally snap to yours with a steely coldness that has a chill running up your spine. You see none of the sticky affection you’re accustomed to within them. Nothing but distaste. There was no questioning Emmy’ parentage with that gaze.
“I told you the haircut wasn’t a good idea.”
Haircut? Was he still upset about that all these weeks later?
“What’s her hair have to do with anything?”
His eyes roll so hard you fear they’ll be lost in the back of his head. He shakes out of your hold. “Because you undermine me with every little thing when it comes to her! I try to put my foot down and you immediately slag it off!”
“It’s her hair Sirius. She wanted it short and you couldn’t give a good enough reason why she shouldn’t be allowed to have it that way.”
Emmy has finally gone quiet in his play pen. Standing and peeking over the edges at the two of you, gaze flitting back and forth like a ping pong ball whenever someone speaks. Probably wondering why his beloved father hasn’t come to pick him up yet.
“Because she looks like a boy!” Sirius throws his hands up, looking to the sky for some sort of backup he would not be receiving. “She already dresses like a boy, you’ve let her chop all her hair off and now she’s running around getting into trouble like some little delinquent!” With every word his face gets more and more red, voice trembling with raging effort.
You can’t seem to find anything to say for a long moment, just watching him breathe in and out in desperate rags. A minute passes, then two. When he manages to catch his breath and stumble over to the couch you follow closely behind. Leaning down near his ear so you won’t have to speak above a whisper.
“First of all Black, I don’t know who you’re speaking to in that tone but I suggest you check it, right now. Her hair and the way she dresses are nobody’s business but her own and they don’t make her a boy.” The fact those words could even leave his mouth after the childhood he had baffled you “And second I think you should stop and reevaluate the way you talk about your daughter, especially while she’s right upstairs to hear you.”
He turns his head. You’re so far into his space that your noses almost brush but you don’t back away. You would always stand firm when it came to your children. The one’s you two created and set out to raise together in the loving and supporting environment neither of you had gotten growing up.
 “Are you guys arguing?”
You straighten up at the squeak of Claire’s question. She stands behind the couch with a slight frown on her round face. Her snack of garlic toast held between two hands.
“No darling of course not,” a smile splits your expression for good measure “why don’t you come with me to check on Lia while Daddy says hello to Emmy hm?”
Claire is not convinced “sounded like arguing.”
You’re at the base of the stairs, swatting the girl up them, when Sirius calls back in a very small manner “I’m sorry.”
He appears more like himself now, the love of your life. Thin, long limbed, warm eyes with a hint of melancholy. Deflated of his anger and replenished with his token skittish composure.
“When I come back there will be no more yelling.”
He nods, and you’re off to discover the root of this grand affair.
Claire stands outside of Lia’ closed door when you arrive. Shifting from foot to foot as if nervous to go in. You reach over her and rap on the sticker covered wood with a firm knuckle. There’s no answer but you turn the knob and enter anyway.
The room is dark, lights off and curtains drawn. The only illumination comes from the device set up on the bedside table that projects stars and planets onto the ceiling. A balled-up form rests in the very corner of the bed, back to you, arms slung over the head.
“Is she crying?” Claire whispers. Well, her version of whispering. Which was just her regular speaking volume but slower.
“No.” Lia grinds out. She twists herself around so you can see her face. She wasn’t crying but she surely had been if the red of her eyes were evidence enough.
You make your way over to the bed, posting yourself up against the headboard. Claire opts to sit at the bottom, gazing up at the light show.
“Want to tell me what happened at school today?”
“Can I sit in your lap?”
Despite the circumstances a warm fuzzy feeling seeps throughout your chest, always happy to indulge in some physical affection. Lia is still quite small for her age. She crawls over your legs and slots her body against yours, burrowing as close as she can manage, sticking her nose into the material of your shirt and inhaling deeply. Her dark hair tickles your face. Not long enough for a scrunchy and too short for much other styling. It sticks up in amusing ends from sweat.
Claire must feel left out because she wraps a crummy hand around your socked foot.
“Daddy’s disappointed in me,” her voice is hoarse and wobbly. She keeps her eyes shut tight while speaking, nose scrunched.
“He’s not, he’s just…unsettled, stressed maybe.”
“Is there a difference?”
To an eight-year-old there might not be.
“Daddy was yelling” comes a whisper snaking up from the end of the bed.
“Be quiet Claire!” Lia tries to shoo the younger girl out of her room but she refuses to go.
“Loudly.” She continues “His face was all red.”
You fight a giggle “Eat your bread Claire bear.”
“Furious” she finishes around the last mouthful of her treat. She’s always been your chatty baby, forever excited for new vocabulary words.
You return your full attention to Amelia “Tell mom what happened bug.”
She doesn’t start immediately, instead relishing in the feeling of your fingers combing through her damp hair for a while. When she does start speaking the story is much worse than you thought it would be.
The boys in class have been bothering her for the last few months.
One in particular who sits directly behind her by the name of Isaac. He is the reason, she confesses, for originally wanting to cut her hair short despite loving the lack of inches now. It was in hopes of deterring him from yanking it by handfuls.
They apparently dislike her always trying to hang around with them and not the girls. Girls belonged with girls and boys belonged with boys as it went. Not allowed to mix. Cooties too easily spread. 
They took to stuffing things down the back of her shirt. Swiping her glasses off her face. Shoving her in the lunch line. Ripping the pages out of her notebooks. Pouring glue in her chair. Scratching mean names into her desk. Cornering her during recess while the teachers were distracted and pulling her pants down in front of everyone. Because if she wouldn’t play with the girls then she must be a boy but if she was a boy then they'd need proof. 
She tried to tell her homeroom teacher when it first started but the woman didn’t believe her because Isaac is a top student and his family name stood proud on the sign outside of the new gym complex. She must have done something to him to earn such treatment.
“Did you go to your father?”
Lia shakes her head “I started to once but he just told me to try sticking with the girls more.”
“What about me? I thought we didn’t keep secrets between us.”
“You always tell me to be brave and stick up for myself if someone bothers me. I was trying to build up the courage but—” she dissolves into a low whine, struggling to finish around her tears. “I don’t think Daddy likes me.”
Claires eyebrows furrow. Up until then you didn’t think the girl had even been listening “Why would you say that!” she shouts, looking seconds away from bursting into tears herself.
You’re quick to intervene “She doesn’t mean it. Your big sister is just really sad right now.”
“No, I mean it!” Lia insists, sitting up to rub at her eyes “He doesn’t like me! He complains about everything I do!” her head bobbles from side to side as she lists “Sit more lady like. Why don’t you wear any of the dresses grandma bought you. Why don’t you do ballet instead of soccer. Why don’t you grow your hair out like the other girls. Why don’t you have any girl friends”
You take her hands into yours, they’re cold. You feel unprepared to deal with her emotions, she’s so young to even be ruminating over such things. All you want to do is ease her heartache, as her mother. An adult in her life who should have all the answers, but has no clue where to start. What would be saying too much and what would be too little. “Oh, my love, your father had a really hard time growing up with his own dad. He was really strict with him. That’s no excuse for him to take it out on you, but I know he loves you very much”
She deflates back onto your chest “Yeah, but he doesn’t like me.”
She finishes the story. 
It was recess. She was climbing up onto the monkey bars and about to go across when Isaac caught her pant leg and tried to yank them down. On instinct she went to kick him off and accidentally struck him in the face.
“I didn’t mean to break his nose. Swear.”
Never in a million years would you think her capable of intentionally hurting some. You placate her with a kiss on the forehead anyway “how about you and mom go out for a treat? Huh? Just the two of us?”
She sniffles in contemplation “Ice cream?”
“Anything you want.”
“Can I come?” Claire crawls her way up to the headboard.
“I’ll bring you back some, but Lia’s had a very bad day and that means what?”
“She needs mommy time?”
You ease said girl out of your lap gently, laying her out on the pillows, and promising to be back in five minutes. Then you’d go for her treat.
On your way out of the room you notice Claire scooting closer. She sticks her pointer finger right in her sisters’ face. “Your eyes are puffy.”
The aggravated “Claire!” follows you down the stairs.
In the living room Sirius and Emmy sit in comfortable silence, your husband bouncing the now cheerful baby on his knee. His neck nearly snaps at your approach. Eyes already glassy with regret.
“Is she terribly upset?”
“Heartbroken more like” you say, not bothering to sugarcoat it for him “she thinks you don’t like her.”
He lowers his head in shameful anguish when you sit beside him. “I just, she’s so much like me when I was young.” No friends his own gender. Only interested in things typically deemed non-conforming “the things I went through in school, at home, it pains me to imagine that happening to her.”
How much had she told him of the bullying you wonder and why had he kept it from you. You'd been there for so much of his own struggle that it honestly hurts your feelings that he’d allowed himself to spiral so much without seeking you out. The number of times he showed up on your doorstep in the wee hours of the morning. The cuts and bruises you’d tended, caused over simplicities like nail polish, the length of his hair, the music he listened to. The way he dressed, acted, spoke. 
 “Ok, but you can’t just force her to change who she is in the name of protecting her. Just because she isn’t the girliest girl out there doesn’t give anyone the right to bully her, not even you. All you’re doing is teaching her that being herself is not ok. Then to go and blow up on her like that. It’s confusing Sirius. You know better.”
You don't say it, wouldn’t ever go that low, but you know he’s thinking it. He’s acting like his father.
Sirius sits with your words.
“Why did she hit him then?”
“She didn’t really. He tried to pull her pants down on the playset so she kicked out. It was an accident.”
“Pull her pants down?”
A fresh wave of anger rolls over his shoulders. You snatch Emmy from his grasp before planting a kiss onto his temple.
“No more of that. Go upstairs and talk to her before we leave.”
You’d get on him later for keeping secrets from you.
Sirius returns the kiss, lingering for a few seconds too long, pressing his nose into the fat of your cheek. He smells like peppermint.
“I love you.” Her murmurs. And you’re suddenly transported back to your childhood bedroom. The sun just creeping over the horizon and spilling through your window right onto his sleeping face. The lips so like Claires’, ears and brows so like Emersons’, freckles like Amelias’.  Hovering your finger over the bridge of his nose, skimming along his throat. Blowing gently at his thick lashes. Poking at the sliver of skin peeking out at his tummy where his shirt had risen up. When you’d fall asleep with him on the floor and always wake up to his breath on the back of your neck, legs tangled in bed with you. The fit of giggles sneaking him out the house before your parents woke up. 
“Love you too. Now go!”
You’re once again left with Emmy in the exact same place you’d started. He watches Sirius take the stairs two at a time before turning back to you, frown already forming. 
“And you my little man, i love you so much.”
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prongslvl · 1 year
LET IT BE KNOWN - james potter.
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PAIRING james potter x fem!reader
SUMMARY when the very reason you and james kept your relationship secret still happens, causing even more chaos that needed, the two of you decided it was time to clear the air for everyone.
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
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i. first act
james potter was a person with a lot of love to give; once he sets his eyes on something or someone, he makes sure his adoration is properly delivered and received. that's what you loved about him so much. he treats his friends like no other, making even strangers feel a tad jealous with how much he openly cares for them. it's also one of the many reasons you and him got together in the first place.
after putting a label of your relationship with him, you thought it was a good idea to keep it a secret from the people of hogwarts. as much as the both of you wanted to, students inside the school tend to get overbearing for couples.
there was this unsaid curse between the students of couples breaking up once they've made each other public. no one knew exactly why it always happened, but ever since then, not one couple ever announced their relationship to everyone. unless there's a drought of people falling in love— which everyone highly doubts — they believed everyone resorted to hiding.
james reassured you plenty of times that even with their knowledge of what you both have, your relationship wouldn't easily fade like the rest did. ("not even dumbledore can do anything about us," james joked, but deep down he meant every word.) so the two of you agreed to keep your love to yourselves.
the first few weeks were unbearable. you unconsciously itched for james touch whenever he was near, either in the great hall, in class, or even in the gryffindor common room. it felt silly, really. pining and yearning for the boy you already have. lily, the only one in your friend group who knew about you and james, constantly told you it was all natural — that it was like the urge to pick on a freshly healed wound — and you shouldn't feel weird about it.
a whiff of peace would come over you whenever lily talked about it, but you knew it wasn't enough. but then, on one of your many sleepless nights, james came to your rescue from the window of your dormitory on his broom.
(something hard hits the glass behind you, realizing it was one of windows installed inside the gryffindor tower. you brushed it off, thinking it was probably a random branch flying towards the tower again before a harsh whisper met your ears.
the window was slightly ajar, letting in some of the cold air from outside and a familiar voice too. yours eyes widened as soon as it met his. a chuckle left your mouth as you saw james excitedly waving at you, fighting against the strong winds. he mouths something that made your heart swell, maybe even a tinge of tears on the corner of your eyes.
'i love you.' he says, giving you one last flying kiss, before leaving.)
ii. second act
it's been a month since that night. you've gotten better in hiding your longing stares at your boyfriend, keeping yourself distracted with the help of lily and your oblivious friends.
it was a normal afternoon in the great hall inside hogwarts, students eating away and talking amongst their housemates. the marauders and your own friend group sat together as you chatted. everyone was in their own world before peter pettigrew spoke up, catching the attention of his friends.
"have you guys heard of the rumors?" peter started, chowing down on his muffin with a mischievous grin. sirius, who sat next to him, scoffed playfully. "you gotta be more specific than that," he said, "whispers spread like wildfire here," he added with a chuckle, james doubling beside him.
you watched in amusement as peter rolled his eyes before continuing, "funny the two of you are laughing when the rumor is about the lot of you." he snorted, pointing at them accusingly. your eyes immediately met with james' who was already glancing in your direction.
"and what are they exactly whispering about?" remus, who eyed the two of his friends, crossed his arms.
the tension peter was creating made you grab your mug, taking a sip of the pumpkin juice as your eyes never left peter.
"pads and prongs are dating!"
you could only apologize in your head to the poor gryffindor in front of you as pumpkin juice spilled out of your mouth.
the rest of the table bursted out in laughter at both peter's words and your pumpkin shower. james' mouth danced into a chuckle before turning completely straight with the glare you gave him. he coughed into his hands as he looked at his friend, giving him an 'are-you-serious' look which peter replied with a shrug.
"don't shoot the messenger," he said with raised hands.
"i'm about to." sirius gave him a strained smile, edging towards a frown.
"what kind of ridiculous rumor is that? it's almost disgusting," he rolled his eyes, going back to his plate. james gave the long-haired boy a nudge that somehow came across different to what he actually meant, hearing the 'ooh's of his classmates. ("someone's getting an earful from his boyfriend." one student said, earning a laugh from the others.)
you shifted on your chair. the only person who's seeing the bigger picture here, lily, practically laid her whole body on you as she giggled. the way her eyes looked at you was enough of a tease. you can't help but chuckle at her antics. "are you jealous?" she whispered innocently, faux concern on her face. you could only push her face with your hand, making her chuckle even louder.
lily continues to make unspoken remarks at you as the rest of the gryffindor joked about sirius and james while your eyes glanced at the bespectacled boy, who's not enjoying the attention as much as the next guy (that guy being sirius who kept denying every little jokes the others made, somehow making it the situation worse.) james felt your eyes on him, giving you a helpless shrug.
iii. third act
"i'm just as confused as you are," james voice echoed inside the empty tower, looking at his girlfriend who leaned on the long railings.
you chuckled at his words, walking towards him. "i wouldn't say i'm confused," you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "more like — surprised, i guess? a rumor like that should've happened a long time, if you ask me."
the taller boy furrowed his eyebrows, a playful grin on his face. "and what's that supposed to mean?"
you could only give him a stare as your response, which he didn't seem to mind, keeping his eyes on yours. there was a comfortable silence between the two of you, james grabbed your waist to hug you as he laid his chin on your head. this was a normal thing for the two of you, keeping each other close in silence, with how much distance you both had to keep from each other, even inside the dormitory, the only thing you needed was his presence, and so did he.
"did you think we did too much of a good job at hiding that they thought you and sirius are together?" you asked with an amused tone, looking up as he rolled his eyes. "i mean, someone has to reward us for our acting skills."
james sighed, cupping your face. "the only reward i need is your undivided attention."
"you want something you already have?"
"not always, hence the undivided part." james still had his usual boyish smile, but you knew him too well for it to be some lighthearted joke.
at this moment, it became clear to you weren't the only suffering with all the secrets. the boy who flew outside your window at the middle of night, almost facing the wrath of filch, probably felt the same itch as he finally grabbed his broom, sneaking out of his own dormitory. it's kind of embarrassing to realize you're the one who believed in such a silly curse that kids your age made up, and now you're both enduring such torture. (you're thinking it only became a thing to reduce pda inside the school.)
james hands traced down your spine before wrapping both his arms around your waist. he was thinking of something, you could tell with the way he furrowed his eyebrows and slightly pouted lips.
"a sickle for your thoughts?" you finally broke the silence. james seemed to hesitate to speak, so you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, your personalized way of reassuring him. "you can tell me anything, you know."
"i don't think sirius is too fond of the little rumors between us," james said with a slow start, the memories at the great hall repeating in his mind. "and, i also think, that— maybe —" he sighed, cutting himself off. you kept quiet, patiently listening as he spoke. your eyes on him somehow helped relieved whatever nervousness james was feeling.
with a quick kiss on your forehead, taking you a bit by surprised, he finally spoke once more. "we should make our relationship public. make us public."
the silence you responded to him made james lose a bit of his confidence. you were probably weirded out because of his words, james painfully thought. but as he heard your giggles, his mouth began to pull into a hopeful grin. "was that the reason you're so nervous?" you said through chuckles, his cheeks flushed. "anyone would be glad if their boyfriend wanted to be seen with you in public, are you mad?" you teased, the egde of your eyes creasing at how big your grin was.
you've learned throughout this whole thing that distance was not good for the two of you and the both of you didn't give a godric's beard on some curse.
(to hell with these curses, james aced enough of his dada tests to counter any of it.)
iv. final act
sirius woke up with a groan, especially burdened to face the day more than usual, tossing and turning around on his bed. he peaked through his pillows, seeing remus buttoning up his uniform, peter (damned peter, he thought.) still sound asleep, and his other friend nowhere to be found.
"moony, where's james?" he said groggily, finally sitting up. he hugged the pillow as his eyes remained on the said boy's bed.
"don't know. he was gone since last night, but i saw him in the astronomy tower with (y/n) when i checked the map," he said nonchalantly, picking up his bag. "but what i know is that you need to get dressed."
he only nodded at the other's nagging, his words making sirius want to go back to sleep even more. remus' words only seemed to sink inside his head after a few seconds of staring into the brick wall.
"wait, he's where with who?" his alarmed voice woke up peter, who mumbled in his half awake state. remus raised his eyebrows at the long-haired boy's outburst.
"in the astronomy tower. with (y/n)," he repeated, like it wasn't the weirdest scenario ever. sirius thought so, which properly woke him up.
remus watched as sirius scrambled to shower and get dressed with an amused stare, "don't tell me you didn't catch it?" he finally said, crossing his arms on his chest as he stared at how his friend struggled to wear his trousers, jumping on one foot. "they couldn't be more obvious, pads. i mean, did you see how she reacted with what peter said?"
"uh, i don't know, the same reaction everyone gave?" sirius retorted, buttoning up his shirt.
"whatever. why are you in such a hurry anyway?" remus stood up from his bed and followed the long-haired boy, going down the gryffindor common room. "are you planning to out them or something? i'd advise you not to do that, we don't know why they kept it a secret. they probably have reason."
"i'm not going to expose them, i'm not a bad person, moony—" remus chuckled as he shook his head, "— but what i do want are answers. you said they probably have a reason, and that's why i'm in such a hurry to find them. i mean, why would they keep it a secret? did they think we wouldn't support them?"
remus only nodded as sirius continued his tangent of being their number one supporter just as long as he makes them the godfather of his future godson. ("wouldn't i fit the job, moony? i can spoil him, teach him my ways—" remus interrupts, "and take care of him, right?" sirius paused for a bit, shrugging, "you can do that part.")
halfway down the stairs, the two boys could hear laughter inside the common room. they didn't think twice of it, making their way downstairs. what they didn't expect to see was the very people sirius wanted to look for, holding each other's hands as more of their gryffindor classmates gather around them.
"how long have you two been together?" one of them asked, visibly excited.
"a few months." you answered shyly, while james simply said, "6 months and 2 weeks!" with such contrasting confidence from you.
your eyes traveled around the crowd, your gaze landing on your friends. remus simply gave you a knowing look before pointing at sirius who stared daggers into yours and james' head. your boyfriend was too busy entertaining the others to notice.
"did the rumor between you and sirius did this? we should've started it sooner if this was the outcome." one of them said, making james chuckle.
'explain. later.' sirius mouthed with the usual mischievous glint in his eyes. you simply nodded, tightening your grip on james' hand as if to prove that it was real.
james was a person with a lot of love to give; once he sets his eyes on something or someone, he makes sure his adoration is properly delivered and received and, additionally, is shown to the whole world.
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 24 - Modern AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 23, word count 937
Sirius gripped his coffee as though it were a lifeline. It was the biggest, strongest coffee he could find, watered down with copious amounts of milk. He took little sips as he logged into his computer at work, brought up his list of tasks for the day and slowly began muddling his way through. 
He’d gone out last night with James, against his better judgement, not that it took much persuasion on James’s part. All he had to do was bat his hazels at him, and Sirius was putty in his hands. 
He’d been having a great time, downing drinks, shaking his arse to the vintage jukebox and then woken up in some fit lad’s bed, hence the massive coffee and the mind-numbing hangover. He’d crept quietly out of the little flat and stumbled his way down the harsh concrete steps that smelled like weed, piss and, for some bizarre reason, hairspray. Sirius had rushed home, hopped in the shower, changed his clothes and hurried to the coffee shop on the corner. He couldn’t even remember the man’s name. He put it out of his mind, reasoning that he’d never see him again anyway. 
It took an age for the little digital clock on his computer screen to blink to 12:00 and signal lunchtime. 
Feeling the need for greasy food, he went to pull out his mobile to order a McDonald’s when he realised he didn’t have it. He checked all his pockets and his bag. It wasn’t there. The panic had just set in that it had been stolen at the bar last night when his computer alerted him to a new email on his personal account. 
‘Hi, erm, I guess Sirius. Sorry, I didn’t get your name last night 😬.
So anyway, I have your phone. You must have left it here when you snuck out this morning. (You are not sneaky, by the way! Like an elephant in size nines!) But yeah, anytime you want to come by and get it is fine. I’ll be in all day. Crap, I hope you get this email, or I’ve just got myself a new phone. It’s actually a big upgrade to mine. On second thoughts, it’s mine now, mwahaha 😈!
Remus Lupin.’
Sirius stared at the words for a few minutes, taking them in, before picking up the work phone from his desk and phoning himself. 
“Hello?” A voice on the other end answered. “Hi, I’m not Sirius. He left his phone at mine last night.”
“Hi, Remus. It’s me. Sirius.” He added in case he hadn’t realised.
Well, I guessed when you used my name. I highly doubt anyone in your phone book knows who I am. Especially ginger toss pot number 1. There’s more than one ginger toss pot?” Remus snickered. 
“Wait, how do you know that, and how did you get my email address? Have you hacked into my phone?!” He felt outraged. How had he even gotten in, though? It was password-protected.
“Sirius, 6969 is not a strong password. Plus, I could see where you’d jabbed at the screen to unlock it. You really need to clean your phone.” Remus went on. 
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” He paused for a second, trying to rein in the snarkiness. “I don’t finish work until 5. Is it alright to come over after that?”
“Sure,” Remus answered. “I’ll be in.” 
“Great, thanks.” Sirius forced a smile on his face so Remus could hear his sincerity.
“Who’s Specky Dick Nuts?  Because they’ve been blowing up your phone all morning before I woke up and found it. They seem to have stopped now, though.”
“Oh, that’s my best mate James. Oh shit, if he’s gone quiet, he’s probably tracking my phone. Er, be prepared. He probably thinks I need rescuing.” There was a loud thudding on the other end of the line. 
“Er, I think your friend might be here,” Remus whispered into the phone. 
“Put me on speaker so I can talk to him.” He heard the faint click as he was put on speaker and the sound of Remus unlocking the four locks on his door. 
“Hi, you must be James,” Remus said. 
“Where is he?!” James’s voice was stern and full of concern. 
“James, mate. I’m fine. I’m at work. I just forgot to pick up my phone this morning. This is Remus, by the way. He kindly let me know he had it.” He prayed that was enough to call off the Potter inquisition. 
“Oh, cool. Hi, Remus.” 
“Hi, James.” 
“Sorry, I thought you were some lunatic. And you were keeping him prisoner.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. Happens all the time.” The phone line was filled with laughter, and Sirius had to hold his receiver away from his head.
“Hey, James, can you take my phone, seeing as you’re there?”
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks, Remus.” He managed to say before James hung him up. He felt oddly dejected for some reason but brushed it off. 
When he came back from lunch, he found a new email, this time from Remus’s actual address.     
‘Can I take you out on a date?’ 
It said. Sirius felt a surge of joy and so replied.  
‘What do you have in mind?’
‘Dinner? Movie? Massive shagathon?’ 
Sirius choked on his own spit at Remus’s reply. He coughed as he typed back.  
‘Jesus, Remus. Are you always so forward?’
‘What can I say? You made an impression 😉.’
‘Yeah, go on then.’
And that was how Sirius found himself for the second morning in a row in Remus Lupin’s bed. But this time, he didn’t sneak out.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi lovely! Me again but with an actual request this time 😭😭 would you be able to write poly!marauders with reader who just got their wisdom teeth out and they’re all taking her home and taking care of her while she’s all loopy and hyped up on pain meds. I think it’d be so silly and cute. Only if you want to though! Much love and thanks!
Thanks for requesting lovely!
cw: mention of blood, effects of anesthesia
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Sirius had offered to be the one to drive you, but no one had let him because of how upset you all knew he’d get. As soon as you come through the door, Remus knows they’d made the right decision. 
“I know, darling,” James' voice is low, sympathetic, and a bit panicked, “but I promise you can have them in a couple of days, alright?” Sirius leaves the dishwater to get cold, beelining for the front door. Remus is hot on his tail. They find James kneeling in front of you, untying your shoes while tears dribble off your chin and into his hair. “I can make you a smoothie, or mashed potatoes, or any non-solid your heart desires.” He turns his head, mouthing help. 
Your face only crumples miserably, and James looks nearly like he might cry too but Sirius comes to his rescue. 
“Hey, sweet girl.” He palms the back of your head, careful of your face as he tilts it up towards him. “What’s got you so wound up, huh?” 
“He won’t let me have marshmallows,” you cry, words all garbled by the gauze in your mouth. 
“So mean,” Sirius commiserates. “I’ll do you one better and make you a chocolate milk, how’s that sound?” 
Your tears dry instantly. James lifts your ankle to take off your shoe, and you grip Sirius’ arms, beaming up at him. Or beaming as best you can, with your mouth all numb and full of cotton. 
“That sounds amazing,” you sigh, blissful. 
Sirius grins right back at you, his hand coasting down your neck and back up again. Remus can tell he’s dying to touch your face the way he normally would, but he restrains himself. “You’ve got a deal,” he says as James pries off your other shoe. “Come watch me work.” 
He steers you toward the kitchen, Remus passing a hand over your head as you go by. You give him a sweet, lovelorn look in return. 
“Can she have her gauze out soon?” he asks James once you’re in the kitchen. 
He sets your shoes by the door. “Yeah, it should be fine by now. They said a half hour.” James leans against the couch and passes a hand over his face. He looks so worn out Remus can’t help but cross the room to him, taking his hand and kissing it lightly.
“Was she very upset the whole time?” he asks.
“No, she’s been all over the place. Far worse than you, though.” 
Remus feels heat rise to his face at the memory. He’d had his wisdom teeth out last summer and reportedly spent the rest of the day clinging to whoever was nearest, grousing about how tired he was but never actually going to sleep. 
“Oh, uh…” James digs in his pocket. A few receipts and a dime come out, then a small bottle of pills. “They said she should start on these once she got home, but I can’t get them open. Can you try?” 
“Thanks.” James’ eyes widen, and he rushes off to the kitchen, saying something to Sirius about how they can’t let you use a straw. Remus follows a few steps behind, reading the label of the pill bottle before twisting the top off. It was childproofed, bless him. 
When he enters the kitchen, Sirius has you sat up on the counter and is poking around in your mouth. He takes out the gauze carefully, one piece at a time, and sets it on the counter. Remus makes a mental note to deep-clean that later. Your eyes follow Sirius’ movements, slowly widening. 
“Is all that blood from me?” Your voice carries a slight quiver. 
“That?” Sirius says swiftly. “No, that’s old blood. You’re good as new now.” 
“Oh,” you breathe, deflating a bit in relief. Remus chuckles, and your eyes fly to him, lighting. “Rem!” 
You open your arms wide. He steps into them, raising his eyebrows at James as you grip his shoulders tightly. 
“Told you,” James stage-whispers. “All over the place.” 
“I can hear you,” you say, words muffled into Remus’ sweater. He pets the back of your head pacifyingly. 
“How are you, sweetheart?” 
You take some time to mull this over. “M’okay,” you decide. “I’m a little sad they had to take my tongue, but it could be worse I guess.” 
“They didn’t take your tongue,” James says, like it’s not the first time he’s had to tell you this, “you just had some teeth removed.” 
“They’re dismantling me,” you say morosely. It’s clear you’ve accepted your fate. 
Remus strokes your hair again, leaning away slightly so you’ll look up at him. You do, and even with your glassed-over eyes and puffy cheeks you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen. 
“I’m glad you’re not hurting too badly,” he hums, cupping the side of your head. You smile dopily and lean into the touch. “I’ve got a pill that’ll help make sure you don’t hurt later, too.” 
Sirius passes you your chocolate milk so you can take it, and James clucks about how you need to take slow, careful sips all the way until you’ve drained the glass. As soon as it’s out of your grasp you’ve replaced it with Remus’ hand, your fingers tracing the lines of his palm with idle fascination. 
“Feel like watching a film?” he asks you softly. 
You hum. “That sounds nice. Can I have the fuzzy pillow because they’re taking me apart?” 
Remus huffs a laugh, and James groans. “Nobody’s taking you apart, darling,” he reasons. “The dentist only took the unimportant bits.” 
“Bit by bit,” you sigh. 
James looks in distress, so Remus takes the crook of his elbow in hand, squeezing lightly as Sirius eases you off the counter and into his hold. Remus thinks you’ll be lucky if he releases you before tomorrow. 
“You can have all the pillows if you want them,” Sirius promises you. “My poor girl, being taken apart bit by bit. You can have whatever you want.”
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theemporium · 1 year
Sirius x fem!reader where she gets stood up for a date so he comes to the rescue. Lots of fluff please!! thanks
thank you for requesting!🖤
You had never felt humiliation quite like this. 
It has taken a lot from you to accept the date in the first place. Pep talks from your friends who were eager to push your limits, for you to try something new rather than staying in the shell you usually kept yourself locked away in. 
Even as you were getting ready for the date, it took everything within you to hype yourself up. You were seconds away from calling it all off and hiding away in your bed until the anxiety bubbling in the pit of your stomach disappeared.
But you told yourself your friends were right, that you needed to step out of your comfort zone even if it meant spending the whole walk to Hogsmeade feeling like you wanted to spew your guts out. 
You reached the pub ten minutes early—just as you planned—to scope out a decent seat with a direct view of all your escape routes. You settled down, ordered a drink and let the minutes pass by until your meeting time. 
However, the minutes passed and time went on, and every time the door to the pub opened, it was everyone but your date’s face walking through the door. 
The embarrassment settled deep inside you after five minutes passed. It only grew when you hit the fifteen minute mark, and by thirty minutes you were wondering why you hadn’t just packed your stuff and ram off by now. Though, you supposed, the embarrassment of leaving and everyone knowing you had been stood up was worse than being stood up itself. 
Yet just as you were seconds away from forcing yourself to make a beeline towards the door, a body slid into the booth next to you and a heavy arm was placed around your shoulders. 
“Sorry I’m late, love, detention ran over.” 
Your eyes lifted to catch the gaze of none other than Sirius Black. 
Now, you knew Sirius in the sense that everyone in the school knew Sirius Black. He was a quarter of the infamous marauders. He was a scoundrel who was constantly up to no good that his charming looks tended to get him out of. You even shared a few classes with him, spent all of third year sat next to him during Transfiguration. 
But you didn’t really know Sirius Black. 
Hell, you weren’t even convinced he knew your name. 
“Uh—” you opened your mouth to reply, to say something, only for Sirius Black to render you speechless for a second time in the last thirty seconds as he leaned down to press a chase kiss on your cheek, a little too close to the corner of your lips for someone who was considerably close to being a stranger to you. 
“Minnie decided to be finicky tonight,” he continued to ramble on, not even acknowledging the way you were gaping at him. “Even when I told her I had a hot date waiting for me.” 
Your brows furrowed together. “What?”
“Something wrong, darling?” he asked so innocently as though there wasn’t an amused gleam in his eyes. The pet names were distracting enough, you didn’t need to throw his pretty eyes into the mix. 
You dropped your voice to a whisper, the confusion still clear on your face. “What are you doing?” 
“I just told you,” Sirius said with a grin. “I’m on a hot date.” 
“I–” But you cut yourself off, unsure what you even wanted to say to the boy.
“Listen, I was chilling with some mates and saw a pretty girl sitting here by herself,” he said in a softer voice, a little quieter too so the nosy patrons around you couldn’t catch a word. “So tough luck to the stupid bastard who didn’t show up, but his loss is my win.” 
You blinked. “So…this isn’t a pity rescue?”
Sirius’ smile softened a little as he shook his head. “Look, if you don’t wanna be here then I will happily walk you out so you can head back to the castle.” 
He tried to bite back the way his grin instantly widened, the arm around your shoulder tightening a little. “Or you stay and we have a drink, and I show you what a real date looks like.” 
“You are not what I expected you to be, Sirius Black,” you murmured thoughtfully as you stared at the gorgeous boy. Less than five minutes with him and all the expectations you had of him were nowhere near accurate. 
“That tends to happen when you ignore me for a whole year during Transfiguration,” he retorted with a chuckle.
Your eyes widened a little, unsure if it was shock that he remembered you or the fact he wanted to talk to you at all.
“What? You think we were just sat together by chance?” he teased lightly, his fingers toying with the ends of your hair. “This isn’t the first time I saw a pretty girl sitting alone at a table and tried to take my chances.” 
You laughed, shaking your head as you found yourself thanking whatever stupid reason your date stood you up for. Not that you cared, not in a single way because Sirius Black did just as he said he would.
He showed you what a real damn date looked like and it was just one of many.
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fourmoony · 6 months
hey! saw you asking for reqs
how about james "oh, the consequences of bad decisions" potter x ravenclaw "i hate how much you acting like an idiot makes me want to make out with you" reader
reader always getting him out of trouble with their critical thinking skills
thanks for requesting lovely!
james x f!reader | 1k | cw: language | Masterlist
You honestly think James Potter, as handsome as he may be, is the thickest, stupidest, idiotic boy you've ever met.
Even as he's being led on what's supposed to be a walk of shame out of the great hall by the scruff of the neck by McGonagall, he's still got that stupidly adorable lopsided grin stretched wide across his face and a triumphant look in his eyes. It's not the first time James (and his merry band of Marauders) have caused chaos in the great hall during meal time and it definitely won't be the last, but there's something in the way that only he has been caught - Remus, Sirius, and Peter are nowhere to be found, strangely enough - that pulls a frown out of you.
The Slytherin's are head to toe in pink, fluffy robes, matching rather well with the bunny rabbit ears that seem to be glued to their heads, running around as though the predicament is causing them physical pain and terror, but you can't find it in yourself to be amused when James has been caught red handed and is being dragged off by McGonnagal right in front of you. Though, he doesn't seem to care if the pleased look on his face is anything to go by.
It takes you all of two seconds to come up with a plan, standing and running after your professor and James. You don't excuse yourself from the table, but you doubt the girls will mind. They're already rounding the corner out of the great hall by the time you catch up, feet thumping on the concrete floor in your hurry. You can hear McGonagall speaking in sharp tones about how James has taken it too far this time, he's always taking it too far, and she's not even sure how to begin punishing him for this.
James Potter is an idiot. Everyone knows this. He's smart - which is the kicker. He passes all his classes with ease, always hands his homework in on time, helps first years with their essays, and can point you to almost any book in the library. He's well educated. But he's an idiot. He doesn't use common sense, doesn't know when enough is enough, and he pulls off reckless and dangerous pranks without a second thought. You shouldn't be so attracted to it. You shouldn't feel your heart beating out of your chest every time you see his signature 'I'm about to do something really dumb, right now' smile and you shouldn't come running to his rescue every time he gets caught.
But the thing about James Potter is - as much as he's an idiot, as stupid and reckless and arrogant and annoying as he is, he's also charming. And handsome. And lovely. And beautiful. And pretty. He has a heart the size of the black lake, even though he has an ego to match. And you can't help it. He's just so.
"Professor!" You call after them, close enough to not really have to shout, but you need to at least play the part convincingly.
There's a classroom on the 7th floor corridor. It's been infested with Cornish Pixies for years, sealed off by McGonagall herself. Everyone knows that's why the classroom is abandoned, and for years, everyone has stayed as far away from it as possible. McGonagall turns around in a flash, murmuring an apology to James who trips over his footing to avoid twisting the arm that's still firmly in her grip.
"I just overheard some of the Slytherin's saying they were going to release the Cornish Pixies from the seventh floor in retaliation!" You fake heave a breath, to make it sound like the utmost of importance.
It helps, you think, that a group of yelling Slytherins pass behind you, heading straight for the stair case in their fluffy pink robes. A smirk passes across James' face, a knowing one, and it makes your knees wobble and your cheeks redden. He's an evil boy, because he notices, and you see the interest sparkle in his eyes.
McGonagall goes pale, and lets go of James at once, eyes wide, "Thank you for telling me," She turns to James, who has the audacity to look guilty, now, "I'll find you later, Mr. Potter."
James nods and waits until the professor has swept off up the stairs in a hurry before he's dragging you behind one of the tapestries. You go willingly, enjoying the warmth of his fingers on your wrist, the smell of his cologne, woodsy and sweet at the same time. He turns and faces you when the tapestry swishes closed behind you both, crowding your space in an instant.
"Are the Slytherins really going to release the Pixies?"
You feel your face redden, "No."
His jaw ticks as he smiles, "You just saved me from a right rollocking, you know that?"
You absolutely detest this part. The part where he makes sure you know just how weak you are for him, how willing you are to abide his boyish pranks as long as he gets you in this situation; flushed and kissable. You hate how much you want him to kiss you, how needy it makes you feel.
"Shut up and kiss me, James. Before McGonagall comes back and gives us both detention."
His lips are on yours in an instant, hot and heavy and rushed and the breath gets caught in your throat. His right hand sits firm on your jaw, thumb pressing into your pulse point, and his right grips at the side of your hip, holding you close to him. James is a good kisser. It's a sick and twisted fact, and you think that a part of you knows whenever you come to rescue him from whatever consequences amount from his own stupid actions, the fact that it always ends like this is what keeps you coming back.
He's got you pushed up against the wall, his weight pressing down on you, right leg between yours and you're finding it hard to remember yourself.
Until Sirius appears, letting out an undignified yelp as he yanks the tapestry closed. Apparently, it garners Remus' attention, who's eyes are curious when he finds you and James sheepishly standing side by side, lips swollen and cheeks red.
"Subtle." He says, swinging the tapestry closed behind him as he goes to console Sirius.
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eclipsedzs · 1 year
Can you write somenthing about just Sirius being extremely romantic and making his love language very clear?
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𝗠𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲
𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗜𝗣𝗦𝗘𝗗 ▰▰▰▱▱▱ Volume: Sirius Black
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Genre: ✓
Paring(s): Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend has made up his mind, he was going to smother you in his love.
Disclaimer(s): Cursing, Alcohol
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THE GREAT HALL buzzed with animated chatter as the teenagers filed in, eager to partake in the spread of breakfast delicacies adorning the long, stretched tables. Amongst the bustling crowd, Sirius Black found himself seated alongside his friends James, Remus, and Peter.
As they animatedly discussed their latest pranks, Sirius's mind wandered, consumed by thoughts of his girlfriend.
Y/N had been unwell for an entire week, depriving Sirius of her presence. The mere notion of being separated from her for such a prolonged period left him feeling starved for her company.
Y/N had gone to seek medical attention from Madam Pomfrey, who imposed strict restrictions on visitors, further intensifying Sirius's longing to see her.
James, ever observant, nudged Sirius gently. "You alright there, mate? You seem a bit lost in your thoughts."
Sirius snapped back to reality, a wistful expression on his face. "Just missing Y/N like crazy. It's been a week of pure torture without her," he lamented with a hint of melodrama.
His friends couldn't help but chuckle at Sirius's theatrics. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, he dramatically draped his body, leaning on Remus for support.
"Oh, Remus," he sighed with faux despair, "Wake me up from this endless slumber when my love finally returns."
Remus, playing along with a smirk, gently patted Sirius on the back. "I'll be sure to give you a good shake when that moment arrives, mate. But until then, you'll just have to endure the heartache," he replied in a teasing tone.
James chimed in, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Or we can try to sneak you into the hospital wing disguised as a nurse. What do you think?"
Sirius's face lit up at the thought, his dramatic demeanor momentarily forgotten. "Now that's a brilliant idea! We could cause some serious chaos," he exclaimed, enthusiasm brimming in his voice.
Peter, always ready to join the fun, added with a grin, "Count me in! Operation 'Nurse Padfoot' it is!"
The friends shared a boisterous laugh, their playful banter providing a lighthearted respite from Sirius's lovesick state.
As Remus let out a thoughtful hum, his eyes instinctively turned towards the grand entrance of the Great Hall. The heavy doors swung open, revealing a figure that instantly caught his attention.
There stood Y/N, looking well and radiant, stepping into the bustling hall.
Sirius, still draped dramatically over Remus, followed his friend's gaze and gasped dramatically. "Remus! It's a miracle! My love has returned!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with exaggerated joy.
Y/N, spotting Sirius among his friends, couldn't help but smile at the sight of his theatrics.
She made her way towards them, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A lovesick Sirius in need of rescuing?" she teased, a hint of mischief in her voice.
Sirius quickly sprung to his feet, his dramatic demeanor momentarily replaced by genuine excitement. "Y/N! You're back!" he exclaimed, his arms outstretched, ready to embrace her.
Y/N matched his enthusiasm, closing the distance between them and enveloping him in a warm hug. "I missed you too, you big drama queen," she whispered with a playful smile.
Their friends watched with amusement, sharing knowing glances as the reunited couple exchanged heartfelt greetings. The Great Hall seemed to come alive with the energy of their joyous reunion, their playful banter filling the air with laughter
“Hey, boys," Y/N greeted with a warm smile, settling herself beside Remus.
Before she could fully settle in, Sirius swiftly wrapped an arm around her waist and gently pulled her onto his lap, settling them both down.
Remus playfully raised an eyebrow. "Well, well, look who's finally back to grace us with her presence," he teased, his tone filled with mock surprise.
Y/N leaned back against Sirius, snuggling into his embrace. "Oh, you know you missed me, Remus," she retorted, playfully poking his side.
James, joining in the banter, chimed in, "It's good to have you back, Y/N. Sirius has been quite the lost puppy without you."
Sirius pouted dramatically, his arms tightening around Y/N. "Hey now, I wasn't that lost... okay, maybe I was a little bit," he admitted with a sheepish grin, earning him a chorus of laughter from his friends.
Y/N leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to Sirius's cheek. "Don't worry, my drama king. I'm here now, and I promise to keep you entertained," she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
The group erupted into laughter once again, their playful camaraderie filling the air with a joyful energy.
"Oh, Remus," Y/N began, attempting to extricate herself from Sirius's tight grip, his face still buried in her neck, unwilling to let go.
“Do you think i could borrow your potions book?” She spoke, as she pressed her palms against his chest, gently pushing back.
She then gave up trying to escape his hold.
Remus chuckled, watching the amusing scene unfold before him.
"Ah, the perils of being loved by Sirius Black," he remarked, shaking his head with a smirk. "And of course, I've got you covered. I have that potions book you need, and I've already prepared some notes for you."
Y/N's eyes lit up with gratitude and relief. "Remus, you're a lifesaver! You know how bad I am at taking notes," she confessed, shooting a grateful glance his way.
Sirius, finally releasing his tight hold on her, feigned offense. "Hey, what's wrong with my notes? I'll have you know, my doodles are quite informative," he protested with a playful pout.
Y/N laughed, ruffling Sirius's hair affectionately. "Oh, your doodles are a work of art, no doubt. But I think I'll trust Remus's comprehensive notes this time," she teased, earning herself a mock offended gasp from Sirius.
As the laughter subsided, Remus passed the potions book to Y/N with a smile. "Here you go, Y/N. Consider it your ticket to catching up in class. Just promise me you won't let Sirius doodle in it," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Y/N grinned mischievously, looking back at Sirius. "No doodles, promise?" she asked, holding out her pinky finger for him to make the pledge.
Sirius, feigning innocence, wrapped his pinky around hers. "I solemnly swear, no doodles in your precious book," he declared, giving her a cheeky wink.
Sirius let out a theatrical sigh, his arms tightening around Y/N as he declared,
"Unfortunately, my dear Y/N and I won't be gracing the classrooms with our presence today." He punctuated his statement with another exaggerated sigh, feigning sadness.
James raised an amused eyebrow, adjusting his glasses. Peter, engrossed in his pumpkin juice, seemed unfazed by the announcement.
Meanwhile, Remus, engrossed in his book, couldn't help but listen to Sirius's proclamation, albeit with a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
"And why is that, my dear Padfoot?" James inquired with a playful grin, struggling to suppress his laughter at the perplexed expression on Y/N's face.
Sirius dramatically shifted his gaze to Y/N, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, you see, dear James, it's a matter of utmost importance," he began, pausing for dramatic effect.
"Y/N here requires an emergency session of cuddles and laughter to cure her severe case of class-avoiditis," he declared, earning himself an incredulous look from Y/N.
Y/N couldn't help but burst into laughter, swatting Sirius playfully on the arm. "Class-avoiditis? Is that even a thing?"
Sirius feigned offense, clutching his chest dramatically. "Of course, it is! I'm Sirius Black, expert in all things mischief-related and made-up illnesses," he proclaimed proudly, flashing a playful wink at his friends.
James chuckled, shaking his head in mock disapproval. "I swear, you two are a never-ending source of entertainment."
The group dissolved into laughter, their lighthearted banter filling the air with joy and camaraderie.
As the laughter subsided, James was quick to seize the moment. He wore a mischievous smirk as he spoke up, breaking the silence. "You know what, guys? Maybe we should all just skip class today," he suggested, his eyes glinting with mischief.
Remus playfully shook his head, a feigned look of disapproval on his face. "Oh, James, you're always the instigator of our rebellious adventures," he remarked, though a small chuckle escaped his lips.
Peter, finally tuning into the conversation, perked up with curiosity. "Wait, are we really going to skip class? I mean, I don't want to be left out," he admitted, a mix of excitement and nervousness evident in his voice.
Y/N glanced around at her friends, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, if the Marauders are in agreement, who am I to resist the temptation of a little adventure?" she declared, playfully nudging Sirius.
Sirius grinned, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "That's the spirit! A day filled with mischief and laughter awaits us!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.
Y/N paused, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she contemplated her response.
With a playful sigh borrowed from Sirius, she dramatically feigned a cough. "You know, guys, I was just sick for a whole week," she announced, her voice filled with faux exhaustion. "I think I could use a relaxing day in the comfort of our dorm."
Sirius blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Y/N's unexpected suggestion. "But... but mischief and adventures!" he protested, a playful pout forming on his lips.
James grinned, nudging Sirius with an elbow. "Come on, mate, even the Marauders need a break once in a while," he teased, winking at Y/N.
Remus, ever the voice of reason, nodded in agreement. "Y/N does have a point. We could use a day to recharge and just enjoy each other's company," he suggested, giving Y/N a supportive smile.
Peter chimed in, his excitement slightly subdued. "I guess a relaxing day sounds nice too. We can always plan our next epic prank later," he suggested, trying to hide his disappointment.
Y/N smirked, reveling in her small victory. "Alright, then. It's settled. A day of relaxation it is," she declared, playfully pointing her finger at Sirius. "But I expect some top-notch entertainment from you, Mr. Black."
Sirius playfully saluted. "Consider it done, my lady. Prepare to be entertained!" he proclaimed with a theatrical flourish, earning a round of laughter from his friends.
The Marauders gathered in their dorm, creating a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. James and Remus were seated on the floor, engrossed in a friendly card game.
Peter observed them, scratching his head in confusion. "How do you guys even play this?" he muttered to himself, determined to crack the code.
Y/N found herself comfortably nestled in Sirius's embrace on his bed. He held her tightly, as if afraid to let her go even for a moment. "No moving allowed," Sirius playfully declared, flashing a mischievous grin at Y/N.
Y/N giggled, playfully squirming in his hold. "But I can't breathe, Sirius!" she protested, her voice laced with mock desperation.
Sirius responded with an exaggerated gasp, dramatically clutching his heart. "My poor, suffocating princess! How could I be so cruel?" he exclaimed dramatically, feigning a look of deep remorse.
Y/N rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, please. You're lucky I enjoy being in your suffocating embrace," she teased, poking him in the side.
Meanwhile, James looked up from his card game, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Hey, Peter, want to join us? We can teach you the ropes of this highly complex card game," he offered with a cheeky grin, motioning for Peter to join them.
Peter's eyes widened, his face lighting up with excitement. "Really? That'd be great!" he exclaimed eagerly, quickly scooting over to join James and Remus on the floor.
Y/N dramatically threw her hands up in the air, pretending to be in distress. "Oh, James, save me!" she cried out, feigning desperation as she clung to Sirius's arm, preventing any chance of escape from his tight embrace.
James, always up for a bit of theatrics, playe along with a dramatic gasp. "Fear not, fair maiden! I shall rescue you from the clutches of this evil captor!" he proclaimed, raising an imaginary sword as he approached the bed.
Sirius grinned mischievously, holding Y/N tighter to him. "Over my dead body, Prongs!" he retorted, pretending to shield Y/N with his body.
Remus, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but shake his head with a smile. "You lot are something else," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Peter, not wanting to be left out, joined in with his own theatrical flourish. "And I, Peter, shall be the wise sage who advises both sides!" he declared, striking a pose and pretending to hold a staff.
Laughter echoed through the dorm as the friends reveled in their own silly theatrics.
As the night settled and the sky darkened, everyone found their own little corners to unwind and pursue their individual activities.
Y/N leaned back against Sirius, letting out a contented sigh as she closed her eyes, enjoying the comfort of his presence.
Sirius, ever the affectionate one, began peppering gentle kisses along her jawline, neck, and face, savoring the closeness they shared.
A soft giggle escaped Y/N's lips as she felt the tickling sensation of his kisses. "You know, Sirius, you have a peculiar fascination with my face," she teased, her voice filled with affectionate amusement.
Sirius paused, his lips still hovering near her cheek. "Can you blame me? It's the most beautiful face in the world," he replied playfully, a hint of sincerity in his voice.
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, and she couldn't help but open her eyes to gaze into his adoring eyes. "Smooth talker," she teased, lightly tapping his nose with her finger.
Sirius grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Only for you, my love," he replied, planting a gentle kiss on the tip of her finger.
As she relaxed into his embrace, Y/N felt the weariness settle into her body, inviting the comforting embrace of slumber. Her eyelids grew heavier, gently closing as she surrendered to the soothing sensation of
Sirius's lips planting soft kisses along her jawline. Each tender touch seemed to lull her further into a state of tranquility.
The gentle rhythm of his affectionate kisses created a lullaby for her senses, coaxing her closer to the realm of dreams.
With each brush of his lips against her skin, a sense of calm washed over her, easing the weight of the day's events and filling her with a sense of serenity.
Y/N let out a soft, contented sigh, her eyelids growing heavy. "Looks like I'm about to enter the dreamland," she murmured, her voice tinged with playful exhaustion.
Sirius grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Oh no, you're not slipping away without me!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms tightly around her and gently lowering himself onto the bed, bringing her even closer. He nestled her snugly against his chest, like a protective cocoon.
Y/N giggled, her voice filled with a hint of drowsy amusement. "You're quite the snuggle expert, aren't you?" she teased, playfully nudging his side.
Sirius chuckled, his chest vibrating against her cheek. "Well, it's just one of my many talents," he replied, feigning modesty.
As they settled into their cozy position, their breaths synchronizing, a wave of warmth and tranquility washed over them.
The room seemed to envelop them in a comforting embrace, cocooning them in a bubble of serenity.
James's mischievous grin spread across his face as he caught sight of the cuddled couple. He nudged Peter and Remus with his elbow, barely containing his laughter. “Oi, look at those two," he whispered, his voice full of amusement.
Peter followed James's gaze, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Looks like they've entered the realm of dreamland," he chuckled, mimicking Y/N's earlier words.
Remus leaned in, his lips curving into a smirk. "Bet Sirius is dreaming of pranks and Y/N's dreaming of chocolate," he joked, his tone filled with gentle mockery.
James let out a snort of laughter, covering his mouth to stifle the sound. "Well, they make quite the sleeping beauties, don't they?" he said, his voice laced with humor.
"I know what to do," James whispered mischievously, a sly grin spreading across his face. He scrambled up from his spot on the floor, making his way to his bed. Rummaging through his drawer, he finally retrieved a muggle camera.
Remus raised an eyebrow, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "What's the plan, Prongs?" he asked in a hushed voice.
James let out a quiet chuckle, approaching the sleeping couple with the camera in hand.
He aimed it at them and pressed the button, unaware that the flash was still on.
A blinding flash of light erupted from the camera, illuminating the room. Startled, Sirius's eyes flew open, meeting James's wide-eyed stare.
Instinctively, he pulled Y/N even closer to his chest, shielding her from the intrusive brightness.
Remus couldn't contain his laughter any longer, a hand covering his mouth to muffle the sound. "Nice one, James," he snickered, shaking his head in amusement.
James sheepishly scratched the back of his head, a guilty grin tugging at his lips. "Oops... forgot about the flash," he whispered, trying not to disturb Y/N's peaceful slumber.
Sirius blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. He looked at James with mock annoyance, pretending to shield his eyes. "Way to wake a sleeping beauty, Prongs," he joked, his voice filled with playful sarcasm.
The room filled with a mixture of laughter and whispered apologies as the friends realized the unintended consequence of their impromptu photo session.
Though momentarily disrupted, the tranquility of the dorm room soon settled back in, with Y/N blissfully unaware of the flash-induced interruption.
And so, the night continued with shared laughter and gentle teasing, a testament to the unbreakable bond between these teenage friends.
In the end, it was just another memory to add to the ever-growing collection of their adventures and the countless tales they would retell for years to come.
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-I had to write this in my notes app, i hate it.
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