#since the request specifically asked for that
be4chywritez · 3 days
had me at hello | oscar piastri
request are open!
oscar piastri x perez!reader
part ll
you bump into Oscar in the paddock and that’s when he fell.
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You wandered through the paddock star-struck with the Formula One atmosphere Checo gave you specific instructions but you tend to veer off your brother's instructions. You've been to races before it's been a while since you've come to one, being busy building your own career, with your family's support you went off to become a world-renowned actress meaning you didn't have time to follow your brother around anymore.
As you pulled out your phone to see where Checo told you to meet him, you were bumped into. Letting out a huff, you turned around to be greeted by a flustered-looking guy. “So sorry, my mate pushed me,” he said, stabilizing you by holding your elbows.
You glanced at his “mate,” Lando, whom you’d seen before. You knew he was friends with Carlos, and Carlos was friends with Checo, so you gave the guy a graceful nod.
Calling out Lando’s name, he blinked in confusion. “Do you know where Carlos is or Checo?” Then it clicked; you were Checo’s sister.
A small smirk makes way on Lando's face, "Y/n this Oscar, Oscar this is Y/n Perez" he says, Oscar blinks his cheeks turn rosey, "Nice to meet you Oscar," you give a smile and Oscar swears he's done for the way that his name rolls off your tongue and oh that smile.
Lando being a great wingman checks his watch, "Oh shoot, I've got something I gotta do, Oscar can you walk her over." he lets out before walking away from you backwards Oscar makes a face at him but you don't get to see it because as soon as you turn to face him he smiles at you.
“Shall we?” he asks you give him a nod, while walking you strike up a conversation
“So why haven’t I seen you at the race so far?” he asks. Oscar usually doesn’t take well to strangers, but he feels like he’s known you for a long time.
“I’ve been busy with my career,” you say, looking at him. He nods. “Oh, you’re a driver?” he asks. You let out a giggle. “No, no, I’m an actress,” you say. Oscar nods, realizing where he recognized you.
“So what about you, Oscar?” There it was again; Oscar would turn into a pile of mush if you kept pushing it. He swallows.
“It’s good, challenging but rewarding,” he says, giving you a smile.
You turn to face Oscar, finally taking in his features. His warm brown eyes hold a gentle spark, the slight flush on his cheeks contrasts endearingly with his clear skin, scattered with a few freckles that you could spend counting all your days.
Your eyes trace the constellation of moles on his face and neck. Each one seems perfectly placed. There’s something intimate about those small marks.
You realize you’ve been staring and quickly look away towards the Redbull garage, too embarrassed to face Oscar after catching yourself. He has a small smirk on his face, his cheeks even rosier if possible.
Checo spots you and Oscar, looking confused as he approaches. “Te he estado buscando por todo el maldito paddock,” he says, glancing at Oscar with confusion.
“I was trying to find you, but I got lost, and Oscar,” you place your arm on his bicep, not noticing how he melts under your touch, “helped me find you.”
Checo looks at Oscar, then at your hand, and finally at you. “Okay, c’mon, Christian is waiting,” he tells you, nodding at Oscar who gives an awkward thumbs-up. You turn to Oscar, saying, “Thank you, Oscar,” with a smile, before walking into the Redbull Garage, or as Lando likes to call it, the “Lions den.”
As Checo walked you through the Red Bull garage, he looked at you and raised a brow. “¿Qué estabas haciendo con él?” he asked, genuinely curious but also protective.
“Nada. I got lost, and he was there to help me,” you said with a small, unwilling smile, thinking about Oscar.
Checo cracked a smile, taking off your Red Bull cap and ruffling your hair. “Te gusta, cabrona,” he joked. You swatted his hand away. “Shut up,” you said, finally reaching Christian, who watched you and your brother fight with a small smile on his face.
“What’s got you all riled up?” Christian asked with a smile.
“Just saw her talking to a McLaren boy,” Checo said. Christian let out a loud laugh. “Was it the new one?” he asked. You nodded shyly. “Well, we can’t have you switching alliances,” Christian teased. You rolled your eyes at his antics. “I’m just gonna go sit,” you said, taking a seat on the back wall and being handed a headset by an engineer, whom you thanked.
While you waited to start your watch, you watched the hustle and bustle of the garage on both Max and Checo’s side. So enthralled by it, you didn’t realize the camera had cut to you.
Oscar stood towards the back of the garage with Lando, who was yapping about something. When you appeared on the screen, Oscar completely stopped listening to Lando and watched you. The way you looked so amazed by everything made him want to just sit there and watch you.
Lando brought him out of his daydream. “Osc got a little crush?” he asked jokingly, but Oscar didn’t respond, going back to looking at you. “Oh, he had a big one,” Lando joked before they were called to get suited up.
The race was disappointing, to say the least. While you were happy for Max, your heart ached for your older brother. When he got out of the car, he went straight to the garage, and you made a beeline towards him, pulling him into a hug and patting his back. “You’ll bounce back, you always do,” you reassured him. He pulled away, offering a suggestion with a smirk, “Deberías ir a ver la ceremonia del podio. Creo que cierto chico estará allí.”
You rolled your eyes before walking towards the podium ceremony.
Locking eyes with Oscar, you noticed him walking towards you.
“Were you going to the podium too?” he asked. You nodded, and he offered, “Do you want to come with me?”
You gave him a smile, “Yeah.” He then flushed, adding, “You might wanna walk in front of me sometimes; people really like to shove.” Following his advice, while walking, Oscar placed a hand on your lower back. You excused it as a guide to not get lost, but internally, you felt like putty.
Surprisingly, you both made it to the front of the barricade. Oscar still hadn’t removed his hand from your lower back, and you didn’t say anything, not wanting to disrupt the moment.
As the ceremony started, you clapped for all three of the drivers. Lando and Max looked down below, spotting you. You saw Lando point towards the two of you, and then Max laughed.
After the ceremony died down, you and Oscar walked in silence, neither wanting to break the connection between you. Each step felt heavy, as if you were both reluctant to leave each other’s side. Finally, when you reached the Red Bull garage, you turned to face Oscar with a small smile.
“Well, this is me,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood. Oscar chuckled softly, but there was a hint of reluctance in his eyes.
As you opened your mouth to say something more, Oscar cut you off gently. “It was really nice meeting you,” he said, his voice tinged with sincerity.
You nodded, a rush of emotions swirling inside you. “It was great meeting you too,” you replied, your heart pounding with anticipation. Gathering your courage, you decided to take a chance. “Maybe we should exchange numbers, just in case I get lost, y’know,” you suggested, a slight heat creeping up your cheeks.
Oscar’s expression softened, and he nodded in agreement. “Yeah, totally,” he said, pulling out his phone and handing it to you. As you exchanged numbers, excitement bubbled in you.
After handing his phone back to him, you couldn’t resist the urge to give him a hug. It was an unexpected gesture, but Oscar embraced you warmly, his arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace. You felt the warmth of his body against yours, and for a moment, everything else faded away.
When you pulled away, you met Oscar’s gaze, feeling a sense of connection that was hard to ignore. With a final smile, you said, “Goodnight, Oscar,” before turning to leave. But before you could go, you leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his cheek.
Oscar’s breath caught in his throat, and he blinked in surprise, his cheeks flushing slightly. “Goodnight,” he murmured softly, his eyes following you as you disappeared into the Red Bull garage.
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luvfy0dor · 3 days
Hiya! How're you? Congrats for 600! You're an awesome writer and you deserve every one and more! For the event, may I please request 'Spiderman kisses' with Fyodor and Sigma (If you do gendered readers, male preferably but I'll go with GN too if that's easier!). For details... I have two (if you don't mind). 1. I want Reader to be the one initiating the kisses, please! And 2. Let's say Reader doesn't have an ability. Instead, he manages to hang upside down is because bro just chills in the cramped-ass ceiling vents system and he knocks down ceiling plates all the time to drop down into rooms from the ceiling as opposed to using the door like a normal person LOLZ-. Feel free to decline if not suited to your tastes, bye-byeee!
Sigma and Fyodor + Spiderman Kisses ♡
Warnings; might make you feel a little lightheaded, it made me feel that way lol
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Sigma ★
Walking the halls at night in the aerial casino became one of Sigmas least favorite things when you wiggled your way into the ceiling and vents. You had popped out of no where one too many times for his liking, always giving him a mini-heart attack. He was walking back to his office when he heard the faint sound of thumping up in the vents. It was so quiet and minute that he almost thought a chipmunk had crawled up in there instead of his boyfriend, but when one of the tiles was popped out, he was proven wrong. "Sigma!" You said quietly, happy to see him but unwilling to disturb the visitors in the rooms throughout the hallway. "Ah, y/n, I was looking for you. Are you headed to bed?" He asks, those pretty grey eyes staring up at you. "Not yet, I don't think so. Not unless that's where you're going?" You respond, situating yourself so that you torso is hanging upside down from the ceiling with your legs keeping you from falling. "No, I'm going to my office for a little while longer, but I'll be back in the room soon." He gives you a smile that you return. "Alright, but before you go, I've missed you all day long." You say, cupping his cheek and leaning closer to him. "I haven't had a kiss yet today, you know that?" You laugh, to which he blushes and chuckles under his breath, letting you pull him in and kiss him. He didn't really know where to put his hands since your position was inverted from the usual standing, but he decided the back of your head was the way to go. He felt his nose press against your chin as he kissed your bottom lip, and your nose bump against his. He hummed into the affectionate action, his hand trailing up to caress the nape of your neck quickly before he pulled away. His breath was slightly shaky and his heart rate increased as he looked into your eyes. "Okay, I'll see you later!" You crawled back up into the ceiling and went on with your past times up there. He watched you disappear and smiled before heading off. Suddenly, having you pop out of nowhere every now and again wasn't that bad.
Fyodor ★
Fyodor knew if he needed to find you during hours at the DOA hq, there was no specific of guaranteed spot you would be. He'd have to find you hanging out of one of the cramped, tight vents somewhere by luck. He found it both confusing and interesting that you willingly hung up there all day, but each time he thought about it he understood just a little bit more. The silence and peacefulness of alone time away from interaction could be very enjoyable, especially if it was combined with a good book. He walked through the halls with his cape flowing behind him. With each room he walked by, he glanced inside for any sign of his lover. "Y/n? Where are you?" He calls out to you, listening afterwards for any rustling or thumping above his head. "Hmm..." He thought to himself, heading to the furthest room down the corridor and walking inside to find you hanging out of the vent. "Oh, I don't recall having found you in here before, darling." He says, drawing your attention. You lift your book from your eyes and smile at him. "Yeah, I realized I hadn't hung over here yet so I figured I'd try it. Not like it'd be massively different." You reply, watching him walk closer to you. "Is it time to leave?" He nods with a small smile of amusement. "Yes, it's best we head home now rather than walking through the dark later." You stare at him while he speaks, entranced by his beauty, even after a stressful day dealing with a clown and a naive manager. "Okay...you know, I always want to kiss you like this, but you never take the hint." You whisper, reaching out and brushing his hair behind his ear with a small pout. He hums and gently holds your hand over his cheek and leans in closer. "Well then, maybe you should have been more direct." You huff with an eye roll and pull him in, connecting the two of by the lips in a passionate kiss. Your thumb caresses his cheekbone and you can feel him sigh quietly. You quickly pull away when you feel your body start to heat up, hurrying to get yourself out of the vents before you loose your balance and fall on your head in front of Fyodor. "Hah...I shouldn't need to be more direct if you're as smart as you make yourself out to be." You say, slithering back up into the metal tunnel to backtrack your way out. "Maybe I just wanna hear it from your lips, Myshka? Is that so bad of me?" He grins and you feel yourself do the same. You definetly didn't think that was all too bad now.
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A/n; Thank you so so much for the compliments and request!!! 💖💖 this was super duper cute, it just made me feel a little dizzy while writing it, but I wish I could hang out if vents like that thats so cool ^^
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scribbledghost · 2 days
Back to back angst request- I won't be too specific on all of them because I want you to have some freedom but anyhow, fem! Simon shuts down emotionally after a particularly traumatic mission and her girlfriend struggles to break through her silence and help her open up
Simon hasn't spoken in five days.
When she returned home from her latest deployment, you'd known in an instant that this one had been worse than the others. She'd held a far-off gaze, breaking it just long enough to reach for you with a trembling hand. She'd stepped back when you'd tried to hug her, only allowing you to hold her hand.
That'd been almost a week ago. And not much has changed. In fact, if you were to really think about it, much of it has gotten worse.
So much so that when Simon retires to the guest bedroom (a very common occurrence now), you step outside and call Captain Price.
"I just don't know what to do," you tell him, trying to keep your voice down and level to hopefully not give away the fact that you've been crying. "I don't know how to help. She won't speak, won't sleep in the same bed, won't even look at me half the time. She's just completely shut down."
Price can't tell you specifics about the mission they just returned from, but confirms your notion that it had been incredibly traumatic for Simon in particular.
"I don't want to go into detail," he says. "That's for her to do when she's ready. And she will be ready, eventually. But it's probably going to take a lot longer than you're used to. Just... be patient, yeah? You bein' there is helping more than you think."
The conversation ends, and you return inside, immediately running into a wall of muscle.
"Shit, I'm sorry Simon," you say, "I thought you were in the spare room."
You look up at her, and for the first time since returning home, she gazes back at you. Then, she tilts her head. You don't need words to know what she's asking.
Who were you talking to? And why?
"I called Price," you say, and her expression remains the same.
You try to contain yourself, try to tiptoe around the reason you'd called her superior in the middle of the afternoon.
The restraint doesn't last long.
You end up explaining (perhaps over-explaining) how helpless you feel. How badly you want to help, but how you also don't want to push too much. How you want to be there for her, but don't know how. How you want to do something - anything - but you don't want to risk making things worse.
"I just..." you say, sighing as you scrub your hands along your face, "You're always there for me. You always know how to help, you always know just what to say or what to do. I want to be that for you too. I want you to feel safe here."
Then, in a much softer tone:
"I don't want you to have to go through this by yourself."
When you look back at her, Simon is still holding your gaze. Her expression still hasn't moved, and her slightly tilted head would be endearing if not for the circumstances.
She doesn't speak. Not that you'd expected her to.
No, instead - for the first time since she'd returned home five days ago - she hugs you.
It's crushing, the way she pulls you in; like she's afraid you'll slip through her arms and down through the floor if she's not careful. Her grip doesn't falter, and you lose track of how long the two of you stay like this, wrapped up in each other. You suppose it doesn't matter.
It's in this moment that you know Price was right. Eventually, she'll open up again. She may never tell you what happened, and that's okay. But for now, getting to hold her in your arms is more than enough.
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estellan0vella · 3 days
Attention ❀ Ino (Requested) Masterlist
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The late afternoon sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. You sit cross-legged on the plush carpet, flipping through the pages of a magazine, occasionally glancing up at Ino.
He's seated at the desk by the window, immersed in what looks like a complicated blueprint, his brow furrowed in concentration. The sight makes you smile; he's always so focused when it comes to his work.
After a while, though, you start to feel a little neglected. It’s been hours since you two have had a proper conversation, and you miss his voice, his touch, his attention. You try to distract yourself with your magazine, but it’s no use. You want him to pay attention to you.
An idea pops into your head, and you decide to put it into action. Quietly, you get up and tiptoe towards him, grabbing a few sheets of paper from the printer on the way. You crumple one into a ball and toss it gently at him. It bounces off his shoulder and lands on the desk, but he doesn’t look up.
“Inooo,” you sing softly, dragging out his name in a playful whine. “Pay attention to me.”
The crumpled paper ball hits Ino's shoulder, but he remains fixed on his work, his concentration unbroken. You try again, this time with a slightly larger ball of paper, aiming for the back of his head. It hits its target with a soft thud, but still, he doesn't react. Determined to capture his attention, you gather up a handful of paper balls and start pelting them at him one by one, each one landing with a soft rustle on his desk or chair.
“Inoooo,” you sing again, your voice taking on a playful tone as you continue your assault. “Pay attention to meeee.”
Finally, your persistence pays off. Ino lets out a laugh, his shoulders shaking with amusement as he turns around to face you, a grin spreading across his face.
“What on earth are you doing?” he asks, amusement evident in his voice as he leans back in his chair.
You flash him a mischievous grin, holding up another paper ball. “Trying to get your attention, obviously.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Well, you definitely succeeded. What do you want?”
You pause, momentarily caught off guard by his question. You hadn’t really thought that far ahead; you just wanted him to stop working for a moment and pay attention to you. But now that you have his attention, you realize there’s nothing specific you need from him. You simply want to spend time with him, to bask in his presence and enjoy each other’s company.
“Nothing, really,” you admit with a shrug, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “I just missed you.”
Ino’s expression softens, and he pushes his chair back from the desk, gesturing for you to come closer. “Come here, you goofball,” he says, patting his lap.
You obey without hesitation, crossing the room in a few quick strides and settling yourself onto his lap, your arms winding around his neck as you nuzzle into the crook of his shoulder. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close, and you let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension melt away from your body.
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in work.”
You shake your head, reaching up to cup his cheek and guide his gaze to meet yours. “Don’t apologize,” you say softly. “I know how important your work is to you, and I’m proud of you for all that you do. But sometimes, I just need a little attention too.”
Ino smiles, his eyes warm and affectionate as he gazes at you. “I know, and I promise to make it up to you. How about we take a break and do something fun together?”
You nod eagerly, a spark of excitement igniting within you at the prospect of spending quality time with him. “That sounds perfect.”
Ino’s grin widens, and he hops up from his chair, taking your hand in his and leading you towards the living room. “Great. Let’s see what mischief we can get up to.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon indulging in simple pleasures and enjoying each other’s company. You play silly games, share laughter and secrets, and just revel in the joy of being together. Ino’s attention is solely focused on you now, his work temporarily forgotten as he devotes himself to making you happy.
As the sun begins to dip below the horizon and the sky turns a fiery orange, you find yourselves curled up together on the couch, Ino’s arms wrapped around you as you watch the colors dance across the sky. It’s moments like these that make you feel grateful for the love and warmth that fills your life, and you know that as long as you have each other, you can weather any storm that comes your way.
And as the last rays of sunlight fade away, you lean into Ino’s embrace, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath your fingertips and knowing that there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than right here, in his arms.
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lazyveran · 1 day
Kazula cuddles tysm
wrote this out in under, like, 20 minutes and havent reread it but HERE! thank u for getting my brain going anon.
(set in the arranged marriage verse, a good few years along)
“Five more minutes.”
Katara huffs. Loud enough, she hopes, to rouse her wife from the document that was clearly more important to her than her own wife.
Azula huffs back. Louder, more punctuated (because of course, the blasted woman practiced her sighs, categorised them by inflection and level to convey adequate messages) and taps her caligraphy brush against the table.
“You’ve been working all day.” Katara says, internally denies the whine that carries her words, “And besides, didn’t we both agree to no work in the bedroom?”
Azula flips the parchment, places it neatly in the pile next to her. It was one that had grown in recent days, now obnoxiously tall where it was stacked on the desk.
Her wife murmurs something under her breath. Then, “Would you really have the entire east coast collapse for—” A pause. From the bed, Katara watches her tilt her head (this one was at a forty-five-degree angle – her mocking confusion angle), “cuddles?”
“Of course.” Azula sighs. “Water Tribe predilection. It’s a shame I never—”
“Do not finish that sentence.”
Azula sighs again. At once, the second document is placed on the pile, and she turns. Golden sharp eyes, hair straying into her face as undone from its top knot. It was domestic, as far as a woman like Azula could ever be.
It’s that sharp, golden softness that trails down Katara’s bare body, lingering, before neatly returning to her eyes.
“Really?” She deadpans.
Katara smirks. “Water Tribe predilection.”
She rolls her eyes. “And subtlety. Fine—” Azula rises to stand. Clad in her dressing gown, wrists and hands bared to show marred, delicate flesh, she crosses the room. “Though you’ll find I lack the energy for any extracurricular activities.”
A laugh escapes her. “Only you would call sex ‘extracurricular activities.’” Katara watches her wife roll her eyes and grins. “My love.”
She grumbles. “To think I put up with you.”
The red silk robe is laid neatly over the chaise lounge. Bared to Katara’s indulgent eye, Azula finally approaches the bed. One sharp eyebrow raises – expectant, awaiting. Requests or demands, she stills in the face of both.
Katara softens. It was a wonder, sometimes, how easily Azula trusted her, how much she’d give to her if only she asked. She often finds a fear buried deep within her throat, to ask too much of Azula and see the woman break herself apart without a thought for it.
Tempering the woman’s love was something she had never thought to do, in the years past. Since then;
“We won’t do anything, love. You’re tired, I know.” Katara cocks her head. “Only curricular activities tonight.”
Azula loosens. Though her tone is still sharp, “Must you?”
“I should ask for a divorce,” She climbs into the bed.
“You won’t.”
Azula opens her arms, shifting the silken sheets to accommodate her space, “No, I won’t.”
The heat of the woman is like a blanket in of itself. Katara is greedy, she finds, in these moments where Azula surrenders. Still sharp, but oh so soft.
She wriggles into her warm embrace. Often, she wonders if Azula specifically regulated her body heat in these moments. It was never too hot, never too cold, and wrapped into the soft, steelcord of her arms, Katara thinks this is what Heaven would feel like.
Azula rests her chin on the crown of her head, tangling their legs. Pressed to her chest, she feels a delicate breath leave Azula.
“Thank you,” She murmurs. Those were rare, only whispered in the dark – the only time Azula ever relaxed.
Katara noses along her collarbone. Takes a moment to press a kiss to the halberd wound carved there. When she reaches the base of Azula’s throat, she smiles into it. She gets a shiver in response.
“Someone has to look after you.”
“Mmh,” Hands reflexively tighten around Katara. Often, Azula clings so hard it hurts. “What rotten work.”
A kiss to the hollow of her throat. “Never.”
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xxchaosjojoxx · 8 hours
Hi :)
I have always loved law since his first appearance in the anime.
May I ask for a law x Reader but reader is an absolute GREAT at lying. Like they lie all the time and no one would know it was a lie due to specific things that aren't exactly related to the lie but was somehow a "proof" that it was believable. It even fooled Law himself.
Reader is always so happy, like always smiling and cheerful and everything. But with a really constructed lie, a smile isn't always real.
You get what I mean?
Most lies I was talking about was:
"I ate dinner" for example.
Reader didn't actually eat but can be proven to because 1, reader could have planned to "eat" later due to "work" when in reality, they just planned to go inside the lunch room for a few moments and made sure someone saw so they'd have an alibi.
So basically, it's based on alibis and statements that make said lie true.
A/N: Thanks so much for your request. I had an idea in my mind and suddenly it went dark/angst. I hope it is still to your liking and I’m not sure if I should do a second part to add some fluff like I had originally planned.
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You were the sunshine on and inside the Polar Tang. With your bright smile, you could earn a lot of happy smiles and joyful words whenever you enter a room. No one would ever think that this was a facade. That all of this would be a lie. Even your captain would call anyone crazy who would think not of a bunch of sunshine whenever you are around.
Your skills as a thief back in the day are kinda handsy. You are quick and precise when it comes to battle. With your radiant presence and this bright smile paired with those big soft eyes it was easy to gain a lot of free supplies and goodies, whenever your duty was to go shopping. You joined the Heart pirates after stealing some things from Penguin and Shachi nearly 4 months ago. Sadly you couldn’t escape the blue orb nor the teleportation as this man, now your captain, Trafalgar Law was grabbing you with a smirk on his face. You had skill, this might come in handy for sure. That was his reason to let you join his crew. The fact that you would probably lose your head was not an option back there. He was intimidating but handsome. You would be a fool to not follow an attractive man.
The life you had back there was a life you wished to erase forever.
As a foster kid some adults used you for stealing. Kids are small, they can hide better, right?
Over the years you could perfect your stealing skills and one more skill. To lie. Whenever you trembled, whenever you where crying or doing not exactly what they told you, they would hurt you, torture you. You had to learn to lie, because you needed to survive. You had to lie to yourself, that all of this wouldn’t be your whole life. That you would find something better for sure someday. Then you met the heart pirates, they all welcomed you like a family. And even though you showed them your brightest smile, your happiest face, the loudest laugh, you were still aware of them. This is not real. They will use you when they get a chance. Don’t trust them. All of this was repeating in your head every now and then. No one knew what you were hiding because no one suspected anything.
The first time Law suspected something was not too long ago. He worked a lot today and went to the kitchen, to get a snack as he passed you. “You ok, y/n-ya? You look pale? Did you eat anything?”
You were looking at him, giving him a bright smile. “Hey Captain. Of course. I ate dinner already. I just ate too much, maybe that’s why.”
He looked at you with a stern look. “Ok don’t overwork yourself.”
“Aye aye Captain.” and with that you left him. Only after he entered the kitchen and saw the dish, he knew something was off.
Law saw Shachi and Penguin sitting at the table, talking and laughing. “Was Y/N in here?”
They looked at him. “Yeah, she just left with a plate in her hand. She has too much work to do, so she wanted to eat in her room.” The red haired said and Law tilted his head in confusion. “I just saw her, and she didn’t even have a plate in her hand.”
Bepo entered the kitchen from behind. “Oh she gave me the plate earlier. Said I should eat it. She had too much earlier and put way more on the plate for her to finish.”
“I see.” With this Law grabbed a snack and returned to his office with a bad feeling.
He was reading some paperwork as he took a bite from his snack. His mind was wandering back to you. It felt off. Did you really have dinner? The fact that you filled your plate with food and the fact why you didn’t have it when he met you earlier, it all was reasonable. But something was still weird. Would you lie to him? You had no reason for it. But remembering the food, he knew that Shachi was in charge of cooking today and he also knew that Shachi used some spices especially one you didn’t even like. There was no way you wouldn’t notice it and there was also no way that you would eat it to the point you would grab another plate. He hid his face in his hands and was remembering every situation with you in it since you joined. There was never an occasion that he would feel like this. Without even realizing he went towards the storage room, knowing you were on duty today, to write down what else you would need when you dock on the next island.
You stand there with a pencil and a little book in your hands, taking notes. As you felt his presence you turned around to see your captain and smiled at him. “Hey Captain. Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, can you give me your hand for a second please? I need to confirm something.”
With a confused look you reached your right hand towards him, his warm hands were cupping your own and you could feel a light blush on your face.
“What exactly do you confirm?” You gulped and were looking at him.
“I thought I saw something earlier.” He had not enough time to think of anything clever.
“Do you feel better now? You know because of your second plate of food today.”
He had to concentrate on your heartbeat, on your pulse.
You were looking at him even more confused. “Yes, thank you.”
He squeezed your hand a little tighter. If people lie, their heartbeat, pulse and the breath would give them away, but everything was normal. Not even a slight change. But he knew that you didn’t have another plate. You gave it to Bepo. “Didn’t you give it to Bepo?”
He was staring at you. You felt a little shiver as he was staring at you with this cold look.
"Yeah, I did. I thought I could eat more, but then I felt sick so I gave it to Bepo instead.” Again you were smiling. You didn’t even have to think long enough or even stutter. Your answer was way too perfect. Even if you were telling him the truth, you wouldn’t answer as fast as possible.
“Did you ever lie to us?”
You shook your head and your eyes were wide. “What? No, why should I?”
“Tell me the truth.”
“I do. I never lied to you or anyone else on this ship.”
You were looking at him in determination and in this moment knew, he wouldn’t get the answer out of you.
He knew something was off but he couldn’t prove it. Just his gut feeling wouldn’t be enough.
He let go of your hand. “I’m sorry. I'll let you finish your work.” Law was about to leave the room as he turned his head towards you.
“You can trust us, you know? I know that your past was hard, but you are safe now. If you wanna talk with anyone about anything, do it please.”
Law could see a small nod coming from you. “Of course I do, captain. I already trust you. Thanks for checking on me.” You showed him a big grin and Law couldn’t help but feel this bad feeling inside him to blossom. Now that he felt off he couldn’t help but wonder, if those smiles of yours and your shining personalities are fake. What about you is real? What is a lie? He was determined to find the truth from this day on.
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13eyond13 · 3 days
hello — do you have any death note fic recs that occur in the canon universe? they don’t necessarily need to be canon compliant, and i’d specifically prefer gen or lawlight. thank you so much :) your blog’s really fun to scroll through whilst putting off doing assignments
Aw, thank you anon! I quite like scrolling through my own blog too lol
And you got it, pal. I'd say it's about time I dust off my rusty fic recommending skills (I haven't been reading fanfiction regularly since probably about 2018, so these recs are not going to be the newest of the new, jsyk)...
Also, I'm ASSUMING this is the same anon who asked recently for fics a bit similar to
(X) Nights - youremyqueen [E, 400k+ words] L imprisons Light and then Light imprisons L and then L imprisons Light again. Sometimes they have sex, too.
? If not please forgive me, because I also used that as a guide when picking out these recs.
Also most of these recs are explicit and many of them are dark, so please check the tags and content warnings on the fics before reading them, just in case there's anything listed there that might be a dealbreaker for you! Should go without saying, but it's entirely on YOU if you end up reading something you're not comfortable with linked here, dear reader(s)...
(X) Slap Fight - Shipaholic [E, 2k words] L makes a request. It gets out of hand. -(the girls are fiiiiighting...) (X) Love is an Open Door in My Ass - Shipaholic [E, 4k words] Matsuda gets very excited about an email forward. The task force despairs. -(technically meant to be taking place in the dramaverse, but you can easily imagine it as the anime/manga characters too. Rough sex but done with a lighter/softer tone) (X) Losing - Twyd [E, 2k words] L knows what losing feels like. -(depression!L is having a bit of a bad time... this writer makes L so quiet and sad and cute, and even though that's not often my cup of tea I still love everything they write) (X) Tresemme - Twyd [M, 2k words] L x Light slash. Set when they are handcuffed. Light just wishes L would dry his hair properly. He takes matters into his own hands. -(understated bittersweet fluff-smut) (X) Brilliant Bodies Disintegrate - Tartpants [E, 5k words] "L gives Light flesh made fact. L is the wayward flock for him to tend -- he’s Lucifer, the dawn-bringer, delivering light back to Light. Put bluntly, L’s the one who keeps shit interesting." -(L keeps being a big ho and making Light jealous on purpose to goad him into some rough sex-having, basically? Good if you liked that aspect of Nights...) (X)Trash Note - Tartpants [E, 3k words] "The character whose name is written in this note shall obey the writer’s every trash whim, no matter how out-of-character, preposterous, unsavory, carnal, humiliating, or cracktastic." -(if you ever want some goofy handcuffs smut that isn't taking itself too seriously at some point...)
(X) Coexistence is Boredom - Sakurazukamori6 [M, 232k words] A new deathnote. A new plan for world sanctity. And an entirely misled Catholic clergy. Raito and L take their respective places on the sides of their own justice. A final battle waged in the Garden of Eden. -(This was my very fave Lawlight fic back in the 2000s, and a lot of it still holds up for me now and has a very special place in my heart even though it never actually got finished. I just love how L and Light and all the other characters are written in it, and appreciate that it can be angsty and suspenseful while still being funny and kinda lighter in tone for a canon universe Lawlight fic - it frequently makes me lol when I'm reading it. From what I remember it was the first fic that convinced me they'd potentially make a good couple beyond just unresolved sexual tension, too) (X) The Lies of Light Yagami - Kildeer [E, 38k words] “You’re pretty good Light, but I don’t see how you could hurt someone more with love than with death.” It was Light’s turn to smile as he leaned back in his chair. “Well then Ryuk, prepare yourself for a good show.” -(a bunch of missing scenes from the canon storyline, mostly smut. Very angsty and well done) (X) A Tithe to Hell - Aja [E, 34k words] Light has thirteen days to find out how it will feel--not just to kill, but to destroy. -(considered a fandom classic. I remember finding it intense and well-written, and that it also has a few interesting twists and turns) (X) Between the Black and White - Serria [M, 103k words] When L captures Light, he finds himself unwilling to relinquish his kindred spirit to the police, and instead has other plans to make Kira atone for his crimes. But the saga of Shinigami, genius intellect and old memories - BB - has only just begun. -(I haven't read it since it was new, and I don't think it ever got finished, but I remember this one being my fave of Serria's fics back in the day when I was a very fussy reader and only wanted to read fics set in the canon universe. Serria wrote a lot of great early Lawlight fics, and was my first friend in the fandom back in 2008 as well!) (X) A Cure for Love - halfpromise [M, 230k words] Light and L fall in love during the Yotsuba arc and Light's master plan is derailed when an assassin steals the Death Note. The threat of Kira is dwarfed when Kira's powers seem to have fallen into the hands of a terrorist organization known as Astraea and Light and L are united to find the culprit, but for how long... -(you've heard of the legendary Hinterland Doctrine fic series, now get ready for what I believe is halfpromise's very first fic? I don't think I actually read this whole thing so I don't know if it's finished, but I remember finding it fun to read her take on the canon characters too, and that what I did read had a pretty interesting plot and at times was quite funny as well)
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bleach-smashorpass · 3 days
Another housekeeping post!
Greetings, friends! It's been a week since the last poll posted, and I wanted to thank everyone again, it's been a ton of fun! But, I also want to sort of talk about where we're at.
• Anime only stats!
I won't be putting together graphics this time around, but I might put a small text post together under a read more with some information that we've gathered; though I can tell you now: overwhelmingly passes across the board for the anime onlys, as expected.
• What's next?
We got a couple requests to run a tournament bracket of sorts; and I'm still willing to do this, though it might take me a bit to set up — if we do this, there will be no duplicate characters, one each for everyone, no bonuses (bc they were just for fun) and will potentially include characters we skipped (see below!)
I still want to do a Beyond Resurreccion round, just because I love those designs, so I am going to go ahead and set those up; they'll only have one image each though!
I'm tentatively considering running polls for characters who were skipped the first go around; specifically Orihime, Chad, Ishida, Riruka, Yukio, and Hollow Ichigo — why, I hear you ask. Well, honestly, we originally intended to run these polls, and in choosing not to (to avoid discourse) it actually seemed to start more by excluding them. Obviously, we can't go back and re-do everything, that was just the decision we made at the time.
If you've thoughts on any of these points; especially the latter, reply to this post or send us an ask, but please remember to be civil.
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techs-goggles9902 · 20 hours
Two Souls Entwined
Part 4 (Eventual) Captain Rex x oc
A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS IM BACK. I COOKED UP A STORM THIS TIME. These are my personal headcannons so if you don’t like them you’re welcome to leave 🤩 feel free to criticize I love criticism. Not beta read (as always) 😆
Word count: 2883 (went way overboard)
No warnings unless you’re scared of mean Kaminoans
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“If you’re thinking of leaving, Kal, you know the deal. Su’cuy, Niva,” a voice says from beside the pair of stunned mandos. 
Jango Fett stands before them, looking out the window as well. 
“Jango, you said-”
“I said you’ll be training special ops troops. They just happen to be growing them.”
“Clones…” Niva says before Jango can answer Kal. “Clones of Jango.” 
“I knew you were the brains, ad’ika,” Jango chuckles, grinning at the girl. 
“How the fierfek did you get involved?” Kal asks. 
“A good five million and a little something special. Don’t look so surprised, you would do the same.” Jango looks between Kal and Niva before gesturing for them to follow him down the glossy corridor. Niva’s senses are overwhelmed as she looks between the toroids. 
She blinks rapidly as thoughts spiral in her brain. They aren’t her own and they change as she looks between the towers. It’s like the fetuses are speaking to her. She pauses and looks at one tower specifically, squinting slightly as her gaze lands on a certain tube. The fetus floats in the translucent liquid, an umbilical cord abnormally curling around its leg. 
“Niva, c’mon,” Kal shouts from down the hall. Niva hesitantly pulls her eyes away from the baby to jog back to her adoptive father. 
If something was wrong, the Kaminii would know. They would know. The baby’s fine. 
“You’re both dead now, don’t worry about it, Kal,” Jango says. Niva must’ve missed a bit since they’re both mid conversation about something. 
Right… I’m dead. 
“So, Ilippi threw your sorry shebs out?” Jango asks Kal, who’s expression softens slightly at the mention of his ex-wife. 
“Told you, you should've married a Mando girl. Aruetiise don’t understand the mercenary way.” 
Niva’s eyes narrow involuntarily as Jango brings up Ilippi. She refused to let Kal take their 8 year old sons into war with him, and soon, Kal’s family were no longer waiting for him to come back. 
Didn’t let those kids go into battle, what an outsider! I turned out fine, Niva thinks. 
“Ko Sai said something wasn’t right about the first batch of clones. They’ve been tested and I don’t think they’ll make the military grade, but I’ve told Orun Wa we’d look at them before… you know,” Jango explains. 
“I don’t. Please elaborate,” Kal says. 
“You’ll see.” Jango leads them down the hall, ushering them into a nearby room. 
“Welcome, gentleman,” says Orun Wa in his peaceful monotone, not even addressing Niva, with a gentle tilt of his head. The Kaminoan has a bony fin going down the back of his head and to the nape of his neck. 
“So the first batch have been confirmed as below the accepted standard?” Jango asks. 
“These units are defective, I admit there was an error made while enhancing the genetic template.” Orun says, craning his slender neck to call out to someone in the corridor. “Bring them in.”
Niva turns as the door opens, glancing at Kal. He gives her a small nod, putting a hand on her shoulder. Six pairs of footsteps enter the room. Niva notices: the footsteps are close together, shorter strides instead of longer ones that would fit an adult. 
Kal turns, his eyes widening as he looks down. Six identical boys - maybe four, maybe five at the most - walk into the room. 
These are children, not soldiers… not droids… not units… little kids. 
All had identical curly black hair and dark blue tunics and pants. Both Kal and Niva expected grown men, not… 
“Kids… Kal’buir…” Niva can’t take her eyes away from the boys as she whispers to Kal. His hand leaves her shoulder as Jango inhales sharply. The boys huddle together, one of them holding his arms back like he’s shielding his brothers from Orun Wa, two boys clutching each other as they look at Kal with their big, dark, unblinking eyes. 
Oh… He’s defending his brothers… 
It rips at Niva’s heart, reminding her once again of her brothers. She figured out fast that Kaminoans didn’t tolerate anything that doesn’t meet their society’s principles of perfection. Maybe they don’t know that it’s often imperfection that gives humans an edge?
She hears Orun Wa, Jango, and Kal talk about the boys, but she can’t bring herself to tune in. Not that she understood most of what they said, anyway. Her Basic wasn’t as up to par as she’d like. She spoke with a slight accent, just barely there, pronouncing some letters and words differently than born Basic speakers.  
Three of the boys look up at Niva with their big round eyes. Niva tries to smile and give them a wave, but all three flinch as her hand raises, making Niva immediately put her hand down. 
One of the kids mimics her wave, his scared expression softening a bit. Niva grins at him and he bares his teeth in an attempt of a returning smile. 
“What do you mean by reconditioned?” Kal says, drawing Niva back into the conversation. She obviously missed a lot. 
“In this case, termination. These units cannot follow orders and are simply too unreliable, failing to meet the personality profile required,” Orun Wa replies casually. 
“Terminated? They’re children!” Niva says, gesturing to the boys.
“Niv…” Kal mumbles, placing a hand on her shoulder again. Evil is supposed to be dark and menacing… not soft-spoken.
Then Kal registers what they meant by terminating. Within a second, his clenched fist is at Orun Wa’s chest. “You touch any of those kids, you gray freak, I’ll skin you alive and feed-” 
“Steady,” Jango says, pulling Kal’s arm back. 
“This is uncalled for, we only care for our customer’s satisfaction,” Orun Wa states. Niva watches with wide eyes, instinctively stepping towards the boys. Kal hears his heart thundering in his ears, yanking his arm out of Jango’s grip, stepping in front of the kids, who were silent. His eyes never leave Orun’s yellow irises. 
Jango grips Kal’s shoulder hard enough to hurt. Don’t. Leave this to me. 
“We could do with a few wild cards,” Jango carefully says, stepping between the Kaminoan and Kal. “It’s good to have a few surprises for the enemy, no? How old are they?”
“Two standard years.” 
Niva’s jaw literally drops to the durasteel floor. The boys look older, though. Kal slowly puts his hand back to place his palm on the head of the defending boy’s head. But small fingers clasp onto his calloused hand instead. A helpless gesture. Kal swallows hard. Two years old.
“I’ll train ‘em. What’re their names?” He asks, looking between Jango and the Kaminoan. 
“All units are numbered,” Orun Wa starts. 
“We can… give them names… right?” Niva speaks up quietly. All three men look at her. Kal gives her a discreet hand signal: later. 
“Anyway, our quality control designated them as Null class and-” 
“Null? As in, no di’kutla use?” The veins in Kal’s neck have never been so prominent. 
“Kal, leave this to me,” Jango breathes. 
“No, they’re not units, Jango.” The little hand was holding on for dear life. Another boy comes up and wraps his little arms around Kal’s leg. 
To Niva, the next minute goes by so fast. Before she can even blink, the boy thrusts his fingers into Kal’s boot, taking out the hidden blaster, tossing it to the boy who’s holding Kal’s hand. 
The boy caught it cleanly and pointed it at Orun Wa, his little fingers just barely holding the blaster steady. 
“Osik,” Jango sighs. “Put it down, kid.” 
But the boy held the weapon at the perfect angle, left hand steadying the right, eyes focused on his target. Niva looks between the men, flabbergasted at how calm Jango is. 
I couldn’t protect them… so… maybe I can protect these boys…
“Hey, bud,” Niva says, gently putting a hand on the boy’s arm as she kneels down beside him. “Put it down, yeah? No need for shooting anybody, kyr’ika. Give me the blaster.”
He doesn’t budge, barely blinking.
“You’re safe, lad,” Kal’s voice is soft as he squats down beside the kid, nodding to Niva, a silent indicator that he’s got this. “Come on… put it down. There’s a good lad. Now give me the blaster.”
The boy lowers his arms slowly, “Yes, sir…” He hands the blaster to Kal, who scoops him up. 
“Good lad…” Kal lowers his voice to whisper in the boy’s ear. “Nicely done, too.” 
A small hand tugs Niva’s, making her look down. Two pairs of big eyes stare up at her, one boy mimicking the wave she gave them earlier. Niva grins and waves back with her free hand. She crouches down so she’s eye level with the boys. 
“Hi, I’m Niva,” she holds out her hand. The boys stare at it and then one of them shakes her hand with his little fingers. 
“I’m N-7 and that’s N-10,” he says, meeting her gaze. 
“Pleasure, boys. We’ll work on names later, yeah?” Niva keeps up her smile. N-10 looks at N-7, nudging him with his elbow. Niva can barely hear under his breath as he whispers to N-7, “I wanna shake her hand, let go.” 
Niva lets out a small laugh, N-10 now holding her hand and meeting her gaze just like N-7. These were little boys but were so much like grown men. She’s aware of Kal and Jango speaking behind her. 
“What kind of armor is that?” N-10 asks. 
“It’s made out of beskar. It’s Mandalorian - do you know what that is?” Niva replies. Both boys shake their heads. “Well, I’ll teach you.” 
“You talk funny,” N-7 chimes in.
“So do you, little man.” The boy’s eyes widen as he looks at N-10, who gives him the same wide eyed look. Niva can see N-7 mouth silent words to his brother, We talk funny? She smiles at the pair’s sudden realization. 
“Ad’ika, let’s go.” Kal looks down at his daughter, the little marksman who pointed the blaster at Orun Wa on his hip. Niva nods and stands, her hand slipping from N-10’s much smaller one. 
Niva doesn’t even need to help Kal take the six boys to their quarters. The tiny soldiers silently march behind the two Mandos. 
The walk back to the room was eerily silent. Kal occasionally tried to make simple conversations with the boys, all attempts ending in one word answers from various kids. 
Niva could hear the boy’s thoughts and felt their emotions. Not a clear thought, though, just a jumbled mess entangling with her own thoughts. Multiple voices spoke to her as she walked beside her father figure, some small and quiet, others prominent and deafening. 
As the group walked down the sterile halls of Kamino they passed lines of other clones, all the same age as the Nulls, marching in the opposite direction. One of the boys caught her eye, his shaven head differentiating him from his brothers.
He caught her eye, his amber irises following her green ones as they passed each other. His thoughts melted into her own. The bridge of Niva’s nose pulsed with a deep ache, silencing her overcrowded mind. 
“Ad’ika… Niva, are you okay?” Kal’s voice broke her trance. 
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine. Headache, ‘s all, Buir.”
“Mm… Have you ever finished that story of yours? Remember, the one you wanted to write before we met?”
”I remember. No, I haven’t done much with it since then. Should I?”
”Maybe. Just find something inspiring, like these little lads.” Kal reaches back to ruffle one of the boy’s hair. 
“In… In what?” 
“Something that gives you ideas, ad.” 
The first night with the boys was… something. Niva hardly slept with two little four year old boys clinging to her all night, their little fists white knuckling her sleep shirt. 
Kal settled on names for all six of them, taught them a bit of mando’a, filled their little bellies with uj cake, realized how traumatized they were, and knocked out with Ordo - N-11 - on his lap.
N-7 and 10 - now Mereel and Jaing - clung to Niva as if she were their lifeline. They held her pant legs tightly in their little fists when they walked down the corridors or just to the ‘fresher. Whenever she’d ruffle their mops of brown curls they’d look up at her with a confused look, not aware it was a sign of affection. 
The first time she did so, Mereel looked terrified, his pools of amber going wide, like his eyes were taking over his little face. 
What did the kaminiise do to you boys… 
Niva eventually worked up enough courage to begin wandering the halls of Tipoca City in her spare time, finding training areas and barracks under construction for the millions of clones that will eventually call this sterile place home - or as close to home as possible. 
On her fourth day of exploration, she saw the kaminioan. Of course there were kaminiise everywhere, it was Tipoca City, but this one was different. She sat on a tall bench - built specifically for kaminioans - overlooking one of the few functioning training areas. 
Her skin, a sickly gray, shined in the light. Her large black eyes with blue-gray irises were focused on the cadets through the glass. Niva was intrigued by her, the way she looked at the cadets like they were roba up for slaughter. 
Niva made a habit to walk past her on her walks since the kaminioan always sat there at the same time everyday. A couple days after first seeing her, she spoke up, not looking away from the cadets. 
“Can I help you, Ms. Niva Veen?” She startled Niva, stopping her in her tracks. 
“How do you know my name?” 
“I read your file, Mandalorian. May I ask why you’re always walking about instead of training our troops?” She still didn’t look up. 
“It’s my free time, I finished training one standard hour ago,” Niva says as she walks up to the kaminioan. “What’re you doing?”
“My job.” 
“May I ask what your job is, then?”
“I am Chief Scientist Ko Sai’s assistant. I’m here to study the Generation Ones, seeing what should be improved and changed in later Generations,” the kaminoan answers in the same monotone Orun Wa used several days prior. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Nala Se.” 
“Nice to meet you.”
“Why do you always come here?” Nala Se asks with a sigh, seeming to be done with Niva. 
“I’m-” Niva couldn’t think of the correct word. “You’re just always out here. You look sad sometimes.”
“I am allowed to feel emotions sometimes, Niva Veen.” 
Niva cocks her head. “I’m good at reading people. You seem more than sad, like you’re focused on something important to you, something to prove to someone.” 
Nala Se finally looks away from the cadets, her massive eyes meeting Niva’s. “You’re correct, actually.” She leans back slightly and pauses, her eyes widening as she realizes something. “I need a trainer. Not for myself, but for… special ops troopers. You seem qualified, for a sixteen year old.” 
“I can train troops. I know what I’m doing,” Niva replies, narrowing her eyes slightly. Nala Se hums an acknowledgement, standing and turning her back to the girl. 
“Follow me, then,” she says. 
The private tubing system fascinated Niva, her face nearly pressed to the glass as she zoomed past the water and its inhabitants. 
“Have you never seen an ocean before? It really isn’t that intriguing,” Nala Se says. 
“Not this close…” Niva replies as she unfocuses her eyes to see the water streaming past her. 
The lab was just as sterile as the rest of Kamino, but the dimness was a mixture of soothing and eerie. They entered through the floor, directly in the center of the lab. 
“You remember how the six other Null ARCs were disposed of?” Nala Se asks Niva. 
“Yes…” Where is this going? 
“I saved them. Orun Wa and Ko Sai didn’t think they’d last in combat, you see. One was smaller than the rest, one stockier, two very thin, one a female. The female and one of the lankier cadets had poor eyesight compared to the average clone,” Nala Se explains. 
She walks to a panel on the wall, opening a hidden door. A hidden door in a hidden lab. What else lies in these walls? She continues, “I was tasked with the extermination of those six. Yes, I directly disobeyed orders, but once I show the higher ups, I’ll be rewarded. I will surpass Ko Sai to become the next Chief Scientist.” 
Niva watches as the hidden door leads to a brighter corridor. The hallway leads to another door, small noises can be heard from behind the transparisteel. 
“CT-9903 and the female would’ve never lasted. I’ve done all I could to preserve their eyesight but not much can be done. Both require glasses. In addition, I modified the entirety of the batch so they can’t be traced back to the Nulls.”
“Wait,” Niva says, “CT? Not ARC?” 
The door at the end of the hidden hallway behind the hidden door in the hidden lab opens to reveal six clones, the same age as the Nulls, sitting on their respective six bunks, dwarfing them. 
“Clone Force 99, this is Niva Veen. She will be continuing your training from now on.”
Mando’a used:
Kaminii means kaminoan (the se at the end of certain scenes is just plural as in kaminoans)
Fierfek is just some random curse I think
Aruetiise means traitor
Shebs means your rear
Ad’ika is a term of affection for a kid (ad means the same)
Buir is father/mother (no gender in Mando’a)
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @hellhound5925 @skellymom @angie-is-silly (why did you change your fucking name dude 😭 you gave me a stroke trying to find you)
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
I don't remember if I ever made a post about this, but for a long time I thought Griffin made up the whole clone pod thing to give Barry an excuse to get his body back again and then eventually also Magnus, and that that was a cool little world building thing. But I found out a while go that no, apparently it's a real spell called Clone from the Player's Handbook. 8th level necromancy wizard spell.
Also, it takes specifically 120 days for a body to form completely, which means that technically, Barry could have popped into his body again since before Petals lol
In the spell description, it also says that you can make the body younger, and I love the fact that he had that option but chose to keep himself the same age anyway
Also, since Magnus first gave Garfield his blood during the interlude before Crystal Kingdom, technically his body would have been ready since around the Eleventh Hour, and Garfield decided to just hold on to it for another few months without doing anything with it lmao
Man I love how that whole arc played out in canon, but I so wish we had gotten to know what would have happened if Magnus did take the Chalice and how that would have played out
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Could I request HC Hyrule + HC Time + a bike?
Time glossed over all the bikes in the shop, wondering which one would be best for Hyrule. After the young paramedic had damaged both his bike and himself a few days ago, he'd been quite glum, and Time wanted to cheer him up. But he was not exactly an expert on bikes.
What determined what would work best? This one had more talk about gears, another about durability... he had no idea what he was doing.
Desperate, he texted Malon, who did some quick online research to try and assist him.
You should ride it home to test it out his wife teased via text.
Time smirked. He wasn't one to back down from a challenge.
But he really should have worn a helmet, he realized, after testing the bike out at the ranch and finding the nearest rock to throw him off balance. Malon's laughs were all the impetus he needed to scramble to his feet, pointedly ignoring her commenting how trauma surgeons of all people should know to wear damn helmets.
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
hi i know i closed kofi requests but that doesn't mean i'm taking requests in the askbox loll!! just means i'm not taking requests
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swansong-if · 5 months
I'm sorry, I already sent an ask earlier about fluffy achillean Odile/MC, but after reading "Die in the arms of your beloved" in the pinned post, I can't help but crave some angsty achillean Odile/MC. This is so messed up, but I'm just picturing Odile sobbing and begging his love to stay with him as he cradles his boyfriend in his arms.
I was Tempted but, as this is something that will happen in-game I am going to gatekeep it 🤭 Sorry!
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raayllum · 1 year
How do you think callum will treat rayla during her first pregnancy?
So I thought that for sure I'd make a headcanon post for this somewhere, and discovered that while I've talked about fanbabies, I haven't talked about pregnancy headcanons, so here's some to drum up:
Overall Callum dotes on her. At first it's endearing and she does enjoy being pampered, but eventually there's some exasperation and frustration (him being a lil overprotective / too worried, but mostly at how her body and capabilities are changing). That said - having a husband who can fly to the nearest village if there's something you're really craving is something she's very thankful for, and I've always pictured Callum being the better cook between them (not that she's bad, but that he has more patience/enjoyment for it) so any cravings he can fulfil he will!
Katolis is more about written works (things like picture books for children etc) whereas Moonshadow elves have a more oral tradition, so Rayla spends a decent amount of time during the pregnancy teaching Callum traditional Moonshadow stories and lullabies. Callum probably draws some books for their child as well
Years before pregnancy, Callum gets her into knitting (something Sarai taught him growing up) so she can do something with her hands even when she's unable to be more physically active. Eventually it becomes a tradition to exchange knitted gifts back and forth, although they knit their baby’s first blanket together
Callum also talks to the baby a lot, hands on the belly and kneeling, which Rayla rolls her eyes over but is very endeared and fond of. They practice big feelings time a lot (especially since pregnancy hormones pack a wallop) and definitely to their benefit
I also picture Rayllum getting married young (like by 20-22 years old) but I think they'd wait a good 4-5 years to have kids. They want to enjoy being married and independent together, and it was primarily about the commitment for them. Then they start thinking about children once they're a bit older and have decided they're ready for that next phase of their life
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leaf4e · 2 months
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nevadakincentral · 13 days
the hoffnar and mantis shrimp connection is so real i can see it like one of those detective boards in movies with all the string and pins
it is a surprisingly common connection. i dont see your detective pinboard but i belive you anon
also it seems like the madcom fictive/kin community is full of marine lovers. we had sharks, shrimp, lobsters, got some crickets in the askbox too which is not marine animal but still unexpected. we started with bees and wolves and got progressively more specific.
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