#since she can phase through walls now and such
cheemken · 11 months
I sometimes think about that one ask I sent where the Champions meet their messed up selves in the villain Diantha AU. But like imagine if they met themselves in the Villain Champion AU. It’ll be way, WAY, worse then the Villain Diantha AU one
Cause like, they’re all evil, with Iris and Hau being manipulated by them. And because Cynthia fused with Giratina for practically nothing. Shes just evil to be evil. Lance has a body count, Iris is one mean comment away from pulling a Team Plasma, and Leon is a tyrant who sided with Rose
But god, when they see Iris. She’s just a shell of her old self and she’s very violent and quick to anger. But they can tell that she’s nervous around them, like they’re gonna do something to her if she messes up
All of them are gonna be horrified about what the other champions have done to her, just because she almost didn’t meet their expectations. Cause if she faced another tough challenger and almost lost but kept her title. Like the original champions would be proud of her but the villain champions would torture her again and make her training more vigorous
God please Diantha would throw hands w her villain counterpart fr
But yo that's so sad tho imagine them taking Iris and Hau from their villain counterparts and asking them what's really wrong, and Hau's there telling Diantha everything, cause ofc, he still had that mindset, the one talking to him is Diantha, this may not be the Diantha in his universe but the fear is there yknow.
And idk, I imagine villain au Hau being like,, ah, idk the English word for this,, shit wait actually idk the English word for this gimme a sec, like... Two faced???? That's really not the exact translation that I'm looking for but that's a bit close ig. Anyways yeah, yknow, Dia really spoiled Hau in the villain au, and Hau became somewhat of a mama's boy bc of that and he's such a lil shit that he'd often taunt Iris saying that he's Diantha's favourite, even telling Dia what Iris would hide from them just so she can get in trouble, and he'd spare himself the same fate, never admitting he's also scared to be punished
And imagine him telling (not villain) Diantha abt everything that happened tho, how Iris almost lost and if she didn't pull through, she would've lost her champion title, and he's there bringing the spotlight to himself, saying how he's just as strategic as her now, and no one could even come close to beating him
Imagine his surprise when Diantha just softly says she's proud of him, then goes to Iris and hugs her, tells her that it was okay, she did her best, and she's also really proud of her too. Imagine both their surprise tho, cause Iris was also expecting this Diantha to slap her and get mad and get Cynthia to trap her in the Distortion World too, only for Diantha to pull Iris closer to her, and Iris breaks, crying her heart out, clinging to her, her tears staining Dia's blazer.
God just cjmxxbdk the other champions asking Iris and Hau what else the other champions had done to them, Iris kept quiet, and as much as Diantha hated it, she used that fear Hau had and asked him instead, and the boy told her everything
Imagine how much that'd fuck them up tho, how much damage their villain counterparts caused, not only to their region but to other people as well, to Iris and Hau especially, that those two kids, their kids, are so fucking terrified of them, terrified of making a mistake, terrified of getting punished.
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tachvintlogic · 1 year
The Pitstop
It was a normal day at the Justice League Watchtower Satellite. Heroes were milling about, Batman was monitoring Earth from the deck, there was an astronaut tapping on the glass, Flash was joking with Martian Manhunter...
What, what was that 3rd thing?
Batman looked up and saw in front of his view of Earth was an astronaut, wearing NASA's latest suit design. He stood up which alerted Flash and Martian Manhunter to the strange sight.
He tensed as the astronaut began to phase through the walls and entered the deck. Batman was able to activate the intruder alarm when the astronaut removed their helmet.
The astronaut was a caucasian male approximately in his early forties. There were bags under his blue eyes like many of his own cohorts, and he had black hair as well.
"We need to dock."
"Excuse me?"
"Who are you?" asked Martian Manhunter.
The astronaut's face brightened immediately upon noticing Martian Manhunter. "Oh! I'm part of the manned Mars mission! We just launched and were on our way, but something is making a weird noise, and we don't know what it is. Since we're so close, can we just dock one of your garages so we can figure out what it is and fix it?"
Batman recalled that NASA had launched less than a few hours ago.
"How did you get through the glass?" asked Flash.
"I'm the token metahuman crewmember. So can we dock or not?"
"Of course," said Martian Manhunter, looking at Batman. And what was Batman supposed to say? No?
In the parking garage, Martian Manhunter was talking the other crewmembers while the Watchtower's engineers and the metahuman astronaut, who they learned was named Danny Fenton, inspected the space shuttle and tried to figure out what was making the strange noise.
Batman watched from the sidelines as the others bustled about. They had been at it for an hour, and Batman wondered if he should ask Tim to come by and help. He had informed Tim of the development while the astronauts were docking. After all, he had been involved in some of the designs of this particular spacecraft that were done by Wayne Aerospace.
He was doubtful that Tim could help that much. After all, in all likelihood it wasn't something he designed that was the problem.
Then, one of the engineers fiddled with something and Batman suddenly heard loud rattling.
A crewmember who was listening to Martian Manhunter startled and their eyes widened. "That's it! That's the sound!"
"What it that?" asked Batman.
The engineer pulled out a piece of equipment that had the Wayne Enterprise logo on it. "This module is broken," she said, "it could be repaired but honestly," she inhaled sharply, "this thing is a hot mess."
Mr. Fenton jumped and landed on the ship like the artificial gravity didn't affect him. When he saw the logo on the broken equipment, he shook his fist at the sky.
"Of course it's something by Wayne Industries! We give them half our budget hoping they're share some cool alien inspired technology like whatever they did to build this satellite and instead we get half-assed garbage!"
Batman made a point to not share the latest gadgets with the US government (he didn't trust them), but he wouldn't call their products that weren't built using alien tech garbage. That seemed a little harsh.
"Seriously, was the person who designed this sleep-deprived when they made this?" Suddenly Batman found the walls and floor to be incredibly interesting and looked away.
"Oh that's par for the course when it comes to the stuff they give us."
"I am so sorry."
As they discussed how to improvise a replacement for the equipment quickly enough to avoid drastically altering the astronaut's flight path, Batman got a text from Tim.
So I'm free now. Did the astronauts figure out what was wrong or do they need me? - RR
He texted back.
They figured it out. The engineers have it handled. - B
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mountainsandmayhem · 3 months
Shhh...Just A Little Bit More
Part Three (Soft Version)
DBF!Joel x Female!Reader - 18+
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 (Spicy Version)
Summary: Joel Miller caught you working where you shouldn't be after you promised to quit. Now he's taking matters into his own hands. Word Count 4.7k
CW: DBF!, Dom!, SoftDom!, use of nicknames (baby, sweet pea, baby girl etc.), Sub/Dom, DD/LG, use of a collar, use of toys. no use of y/n. no description of reader except for piercings. Praise, degradation. After care.
AN: THANK YOU for all your love on parts 1 and 2. I was in my feels when I wrote this, so this is the sweeter version of the two. I'd love to hear which version you preferred!
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“Hey, buddy. It’s Joel.”
“Joel?” You can hear your dad’s muffled and panicked voice through the receiver. “Where’s my daughter? Why do you have her phone? It’s 5 am!” 
“Remember that time Sarah ran away to your house and you told me that one day I might be doing the same for you?” 
Your dad is silent for a while, a distorted higher pitched voice filters through before you hear your dad again, “It’s alright honey. She’s with Joel.” He lets out a deep sigh before adding, “I thought we skipped the rebellious phase with her.”
“She’s a good girl. I think she just needs some time to cool off.” Joel says, his voice is friendly and light.
You squeeze your thighs together and nuzzle deeper into Joel’s throat. You know what you need, and it isn’t to cool off. He and your dad have been friends since the day he moved in down the street. You were seven and Sarah was eleven, you thought she was the coolest person on the planet. Wonder what she’d think of you now, cuddled up against her dad after he just edged the fuck out of you after spanking you in an alleyway. You’re lost in your thoughts as Joel talks with your parents for a while.
A sane person would stop being so turned on right now. Fuck, I need Joel. So badly. Maybe I should rile him up some more. 
“I’ll come by this afternoon,” Joel hugs you tighter, bringing you back to the conversation. “Ya, if she wants to, I’ll bring her. She’s ok, just never seen her more - frustrated.” 
You squeeze his side, knowing he’s smirking about how frustrated and needy you truly are right now. He hangs up the phone and brings his lips to yours, kissing you harder this time. You moan into his mouth, hands roaming up his body to tangle in his hair. 
Holy shit, Joel Miller is kissing me. 
As you run your nails along his scalp he lets out a pleasurable sounding gasp. Oh, he likes that, he likes that very much. 
Got ya, you think to yourself. 
He pulls away to see you smiling at him. “This is why I usually tie naughty girls down,” his voice is completely different from how it was just moments ago. Deeper, more commanding, and it reverberates through you, right to your pussy. “Because they think they’ve found spots that will get them what they want. Let’s go home now, darlin’.” 
Joel’s front door has barely closed before he’s pushing you up against the wall, caged in by his arms and strong chest. 
Every bump on the drive home had you twitching, you tried your hardest not to gasp and moan but the combination of the gravel road, your insane state of heightened arousal, and the lack of underwear in your stiff denim shorts were all working against you. 
“Did you come on the drive home?” He says coldly, lips pressing against your neck, hitting that sweet soft spot just below your ear. 
“No, Joel,” you whine. 
His teeth graze your throat and you cry out, “It’s Mr Miller, don’t make me remind you again.” 
Your hands scramble for purchase as your knees start to give out, wrapping around the open flannel shirt he’s wearing over a fitted black t-shirt. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I don’t…” you trail off, you aren’t sure if you should say you’ve never been a sub before, at least not to someone this experienced. You don’t want him to stop, you love what happened tonight and you want him to show you and teach you what this all means. But even more so, you trust him to teach you. 
Joel stops kissing you, hands coming to your waist and lifting you so your eye level. When you wrap your legs around his trim waist you gasp out in a mix of pleasure and pain. Your poor cunt is begging for relief but you can’t barely stand your clit to be touched. His eyes look at you with concern. 
I deserve to go to hell if she tells me she’s a virgin. Fuck, you were so stupid when it comes to her. 
“I need you to finish that sentence, babygirl. You don’t what?” 
Your cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink, so shy compared to that bratty girl who told him to kiss his ass. Joel has the gut sinking feeling that you might have him wrapped around your little finger already.
Very very dangerous.
Not to mention stupid. 
“I’ve just..” you start, he brings his hands to cup your face, moving a few strands of stray hairs that are stuck to your lips. “I haven’t had a Dom before. I don’t know what to do or what to call you.” 
Cute, Joel thinks to himself, she’s so fucking cute right now. 
“Well babygirl, when we are playing like this you do what I tell you, and if you don’t like what I tell you, you use the safe word. Do you remember it?”
You nod, biting your lip as you whisper, “Cowboy.” 
His face lights up with pride and in that moment you realize you’ll do anything to have him look at you like that again. And when he throws in a gravelly, ‘good girl’, any inhibitions you had go out the window. You are a good girl, you want to be his good girl…forever. 
He continues, “And when we are playing you call me Mr Miller. Otherwise, you can call me whatever you’d like.” He places a light kiss on the tip of your nose and you melt a little more into him and the wall behind you. “Do you have any other questions, baby?” 
Do you know what it does to me when you call me baby? 
Or kiss my nose or forehead like you have? 
Can you spank me again? 
Can you make me come? 
Can I suck your dick? 
How do you feel about anal? 
“Umm,” you press your lips together, eyes taking in every little bit of his face, trying to memorize this moment. “How will I know when we are playing and when we aren’t?” 
Fuck, if this girl lets me put a collar on her I’m going to come in my pants and then propose. 
“There’s my smart girl,” he praises, his coffee and caramel coloured eyes washing over you. “We can have a symbol, something I give you when we play. And when you’re wearing it you’re mine.” His voice sounds full of passion all of a sudden, each work almost sears itself onto your heart. 
Your heart is pounding at what he’s implied and you’re almost sure he can hear it. “What kind of symbol?” 
He puts you down and then gets on one knee to untie your shoes and help you slip them off. His warm fingertips trail up your legs as he stands before taking your hand in his. With his large palm encasing yours, suddenly you feel safe and loved, your pussy flutters at the promise of him taking care of you in a way that only he can. You know you’re going to be ruined for all other men. 
He leads you to his bedroom and it’s nothing like you remember when you’d play hide and seek while Sarah babysat you. Gone is the old wooden furniture and mismatched bedding. Replaced with a black metal bed frame, along with matching bedside tables and dresser, and the fluffiest white sheets you’ve ever seen. You so badly want to just sink in and get naked with Joel. It looks like it would be like getting fucked on a cloud or cotton candy and those thoughts are only solidified when he tells you to sit before he heads to the closet doors. 
He slides the barn door of his large walk-in closet open. The room seems to wrap you up in Joel’s scent, warm and spicy with a hint of vanilla. As he walks into the closet he toes off his boots and then slides his flannel off, placing it on a hanger. It might be your very neglected pussy talking, but you swear you can see every muscle in his body underneath that shirt and you unconsciously spread your legs a little bit. He reaches up above the clothing and pulls out a black box with a lock on it and then looks at you mischievously as he pads back over to you. 
“Sometimes,” he says gently, “A dom will give their sub a collar. When it’s on, we’re playing. You belongs to me. When it’s off, we can just act how we normally would.” 
A collar, definitely not sure how you feel about that. You don’t want to be like a dog with a black leather collar around your neck. He slides the numbers to enter the combination and then flicks the clasp open. 
To your surprise, he pulls out a dainty golden chain. It almost looks like a bunch of yellow paper clips strung together, and there’s a tiny lock pendant on the end. He runs the thin links through his fingers before looking over at you. 
“You don’t have to do this, I can just take you home and we can go back to how things were. Ultimately, you always have the choice.” If a stranger could see the way he was looking at you right now, they’d never be able to tell he was capable of the spanking he gave you earlier. 
“You’ll stop if I say ‘cowboy’?” You say, voice cracking, nervous and excited energy fighting for first place. 
“Always, babygirl. I’m here to dominate you, but I’m also here to take care of you. A good dom will always take of their sub.” 
“Then I want to. Please, Mr Miller. Make me yours.” 
He almost growls as he pulls you to your feet. You squeal as he hoists you over his shoulder, his hands strong on the back of your thighs as he carries you to the floor-length mirror at the end of his closet. He stands behind you as he works the clasp, placing the thin gold collar around your neck and then doing it up. He’s so close that you can feel his cock harden at the sight of you as he officially makes you as his for the first time. Joel's thick fingers trace along the rings, he thumbs the little lock pendant before he grips your throat just below your jawline. He applies pressure to your pulse point as his now black eyes come to meet yours in the reflection and brings his lips to your ear. 
With a growling, rough whisper he says, “You have five seconds to get naked and lay in my bed with your legs spread as wide as you can.” 
The instant his hand releases, you sprint to his bed, stripping your clothes as you go. He counts to five with authority and after what happened his truck, and now this, you’re sure you’re never going to be able to count without getting turned on ever again. 
“Such an eager little thing, aren’t you?” 
Desperate to hear him praise you, you lay on your back, planting your feet on the bed before letting your knees fall open. 
“Straighten your legs and put your hands above your head.” You position your body how he says, even though you’re completely exposed to him his eyes stay locked on yours. “This is how I want you when we start playing. Exactly how you are now.” 
He grabs another box from his closet and places it on the foot of the bed, eyes travelling up your toned legs, “I’m going to show you what you’ll be going to work with inside of you tomorrow if you decide to stay there. I haven’t forgotten that you were a brat tonight.” 
He opens the box and pulls out a black U-shaped piece of silicone and lays it on your belly. “Do you know what this….” 
He stops mid-sentence, eyes lighting up as they rake over your tits. They dance from each nipple, taking in the tiny barbell and the thin hearts that encompass each one. “You are a naughty little thing, aren’t you?” 
“I like pain,” you whisper, throat going dry at the admission. 
“My little masochist,” he hums. “As I was saying, do you know that is?” He nods his head towards the little toy. 
You shake your head, “No, Mr Miller.” 
“That goes inside your gorgeous pussy. One part pushes on your g spot, the other on your clit. I have the remote.” He holds up a small plastic remote with a few shiny buttons.
“Oh,” you moan, your lips forming in the shape of the word, nipples getting harder at the thought.
“I will keep it turned on low enough that you will not come. In fact, it might be more like torture than pleasure.” His eyes are sparkling at the thought of you squirming for hours.
“But I don’t want to quit,” you whine. You’re a glutton for punishment and you know Joel will dish it out. 
“How long is your shift?” He says, picking up the toy, the graze of his fingers along your belly sends an electric current through your body. 
“Four hours,” your voice is husky with need. 
“I’m going to get some lube and then put this toy inside of you now, babygirl. We’ll see how long you can last. Is that okay?” 
“Of course, Mr Miller.” You try to sound confident but in the bright lights of his room, you can see how dark and serious he looks. 
He lubes up the toy and then swipes some lube through your folds. Your back arches off the bed and you let out a loud high pitched moan when he hits your clit. 
Fuck. I’m gonna come with the tiniest vibration and it’s probably going to hurt. 
“So wet. So swollen. My poor girl,” he says mockingly, he’s loving that you’ve been suffering and on edge since the minute you saw him in that alleyway. 
The toy slides in and the pressure just from the silicone alone sends the air whooshing out of your lungs. You’re gasping for breath, your clit feels like it’s being zapped with electricity and you immediately slam your thighs together and start to whimper. 
A small, almost evil sounding chuckle comes from Joel as he holds up the remote. “Ready?” 
“No,” you gasp, rolling onto your belly. “I can’t. Please don’t.” 
“Are you going to quit?” 
You cry out in frustration into one of his fluffy pillows and then whisper a sad, “no.” 
The vibrator comes to life and the most intense mix of pain and pleasure floods your body. He’s right, the sensation isn’t enough to make you come, just enough so that you know it’s there. You bury your face deeper in the pillows, curling yourself into the fetal position, back towards Joel, as you try to breathe normally. 
Joel strips down to his boxers before shutting off the lights. He slips into the sheets, covering you up along the way. “Good night, baby girl.” 
“What?” You gasp. “Mr Miller. I….oh god…I c-can’t. It’s on.” 
“You may as well get used to it. You’re going to work with it in tomorrow. No more talking. Go to sleep.” 
Joel lays on his back, one arm behind his head, the other palm spread out on his chest. You flip around to face him, the early morning sun lighting his profile. There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep, you shift your legs around. 
Maybe if they’re spread I won’t feel the vibration as much. 
That doesn’t seem to work so instead you squeeze them together. More pressure might make you come and then you can finally get some rest. Joel looks over at you as you jerk around silently. 
“Come here,” he says, patting his chest. You cuddle into him, one leg draping over his warm body. The arm behind his head wraps around your naked body. He feels so soft but hard against you. You can’t help but hump against his hip bone. You’re right on the edge. So close to tipping over it and coming. So very close. 
“Baby, it hasn’t even been four minutes, how are you going to last four hours?” He’s taunting you, trying to get you to beg. “You’re pathetic.” 
You can feel sweat breaking out across your body. This is torture, was right. You hate that he was right, but you hate even more how much he’s loving it. 
“Please,” you whisper. 
He pulls back to be able to look into your eyes. “What are you going to do for me if I make you come?” 
“Anything. Just. Please, Mr Miller.” You grind yourself into him harder, you’re so close that it’s almost unbearable. 
“Quit your job, baby girl.” He demands again. “I’ll tell your parents you’re going to work for me.” 
You start to pant as the pressure in your lower belly increases, you can feel wetness pooling inside of you, begging to be released. “I can’t take your money. Oh god - please - I ca-can’t. Hnnnnng. P-please.” 
A tear runs down your cheek and you’re not even sure why you’re crying, probably out of frustration.  
“You can. I’ll pay you to help around the house,” he holds up a hand, almost like he knows exactly what you’re doing today. “Not for the sex you’re guaranteed to get if you quit and come here.” He wipes the tear away and hikes his leg up to increase the pressure that’s already on the verge of making you pass out. 
Stars start to blur your vision as you whisper, “ok. I’ll quit.” 
Joel has you flipped onto your back, trapped under his weight before you can even register what’s happening. He’s kissing you deeply, tongue taking what it wants as your legs kick and shake under him. 
“Please!” You cry between kisses. 
His thick fingers slide between your puffy folds and the toy, you scream out as he pulls the toy from you. 
“Shhh…just a little bit more. I’m going to make it better,” he says gently, kissing down your neck, swirling his tongue around each nipple piercing. 
“Please. Please. Please, Mr Miller. Please. It hurts. I need, please.” You’re a mumbling mess and the words leaving your lips are practically incomprehensible. 
“I know. Relax baby. Breathe.” He says between kisses down your sternum, his tongue tracing your curves. When he finally settles in between your thighs he swallows hard, he wants to dive right in, make you drench his face as you come. “Look at me, darlin’.” 
His warm breath hits your pussy and you fight your hips from bucking up to his face as prop yourself up on an elbow and try to focus your eyesight on him. You didn’t know it was possible to be so turned on that you practically had tequila vision. 
His voice is serious yet calm as he says, “I’m going to make you come using my fingers and my tongue. Is that ok?” 
You nod your head and a faint ‘yes’, leaves your lips. 
“Can I lick and touch both the outside and inside of this beautiful, weeping, pussy?” 
His words from earlier echo through you. Ultimately, you always have the choice. 
Joel Miller would never do something you didn’t want and that sets your soul on fire. He cares. About you. Only you. Wants to do things for you. You are not a burden here. You are not a burden to him. 
“Yes, Mr Miller. Please. Touch me.” The room suddenly feels twenty degrees hotter, you can feel sweat beading on your skin. 
“What’s your safe word?” 
“Cowboy,” you hum, never taking your eyes away from his blown out obsidian gaze. 
“That’s my girl,” he says, sliding his ring and middle finger around your desperate entrance. You cry out, dropping your body to the bed. Pleasure. Overwhelming pleasure. “No no baby girl, eyes on me.” 
You somehow muster the strength to raise yourself onto shaky arms. His two strong fingers slide deep into your heat with minimal resistance and you immediately start gasping. Pleasure. Life altering, heart stopping pleasure. 
“Fuuuuck. Baby. So tight. Have you ever squirted before?” His cheeks are flushed with need. He might be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
Your breasts rise and fall with your ragged breaths. You shake your head and moan out a ‘no’. 
He smiles down at your dripping cunt, “I can feel it. Gotta relax for me. Just breathe and let it happen.” 
Nerves flutter in your stomach and then he curls his fingers forward, putting so much pressure on a soft spongy spot that you didn’t know existed. On instinct, your knees try to close but his wide frame keeps you open. You yell his name to the ceiling, he knows he should punish you for not calling him Mr Miller but you look so goddamn beautiful as you start to fall apart. 
“Breathe baby,” he says as he curls his fingers once, twice, three more times. You can hear how wet you are and the pressure becomes unbearable. Stars blur your vision again, the walls of your pussy squeeze tightly around his fingers and then it’s just a blur. A blur of all consuming pleasure. 
“That’s it. That’s my girl. Come for me. Soak me. Good girl,” Joel’s free hand pressed down on your mound as a wet heat leaks all over you. “Good fuckin’ girl. Let go for me.” 
You’re not sure if you’re screaming or not, all you hear and feel is Joel. Everything is Joel. Strong hands, deep gravel voice, warm vanilla smell. He’s everywhere and you never want it to stop. 
“Keep going. That’s it. You look so beautiful,” he says, licking a long stripe up your fluttering pussy, drinking up your juices. “Oooh yeah - gooood giiirrll”
Almost immediately after your orgasm crests it becomes too much. You’re so overstimulated that it hurts and your moans of pleasure become cries of pain. You forget your name, where you are, you even forget your safe word. But Joel knows, he always knows. 
He stops pumping his fingers and says your name, “look at me sweet pea.”
You blink slowly, you’re wrecked, barely able to keep your eyelids open, almost convinced they’ve been replaced with steel. You’re sucking in air, did you not breathe that entire time? 
“Breathe baby, you’re ok.” He says, stilling his fingers until you’re ready. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I know I called you Joel. I won’t do it again.” 
There she goes again, being so fucking cute. “It’s ok, darlin’ girl. I want you to let loose when you come.” He places a few light kisses along your thighs. The sheets and his t-shirt a soaked, he’ll need to change things before you both get some sleep. “I’m gonna pull my fingers out.” 
You fall back to the bed and fist the sheets to ground yourself as he slides his fingers out. “You did such a good job. Made a huge mess. I’m so proud of you, babygirl.”
Every bone and muscle in your body seems to have dissolved and all you can muster is a weak smile and a little whimper of thanks. “I need to get you cleaned up. Stay here.” 
Stay here? I have no bones. Where else will go? 
The sound of running water coaxes your eyes to close. The mattress shifts under Joel’s weight as he sits beside you, lightly trailing his finger down the bridge of your nose. “I’m going to carry you to the shower. Ok?” 
You let out an agreeable hum as he scoops you into his arms. His warm naked chest pressed against you. He walks into the shower with you, the steam warming your skin. He places you on your feet and guides you under the water with him. Water is hitting you from all angles. You open your eyes to see 3 showerheads in his large, modern glass shower. A large rainfall one above the two of you, then two down the wall. The bundle of fresh eucalyptus hanging from one head fills the shower with a fresh scent. 
His fingers fumble with the clasp of your collar behind you, “how are you feeling after what happened tonight?” 
You smile at the white and black tiled wall as the collar slides off your neck and into Joel’s hands. “Mmm - like I’m not gonna quit my job so we can do it again.” 
“Don’t think I won’t put this on again right now and make you regret that.” 
You giggle and press your body back into Joel’s. He’s completely naked behind you and you have the sudden urge to taste him. As you spin around and get to your knees he stops you, “don’t interrupt my aftercare, please.” 
“Your what?” 
He grabs the soap and a fresh wash cloth and starts to work it to lather. “I told you, it’s my job to take care of you.” It’s too early to admit it to you, but aftercare is Joel’s favourite part. He’s grumpy and rough on the outside, but he loves the tender moments after playing with his subs. Especially you, and that’s something he won’t even admit to himself yet. 
He runs the soft cloth over your arms and chest, using extra caution not to catch on your nipple piercings. I like these,” he says, eyes memorizing every inch of the skin he’s washing. 
“Thanks, you’re actually the first person to see them.” 
“That right?” He moves the cloth down your stomach before kneeling in front of you and washing your legs. “You know what I think you should pierce next?” 
“I have an appointment next week for something,” you tease. It’s not a lie, you have an appointment to get a second hole in each earlobe, but may as well play with him a little. 
“Oh? Don’t tease an old man like that, baby girl. What new surprise am I gonna find?” He brings the cloth up and down your other leg. 
“What do you want to find?” 
His hands grip your hips and he spins you around. You have a small bruise forming on your one ass cheek and his cock jumps at the sight. “Belly button,” he says. 
“Oh?” You say with surprise as he stands behind you and scrubs your back. You turn to look at him over your shoulder and add, “I was thinking of doing my clit.” 
Joel’s hands come to his heart as he moans. “Fuck me, baby girl. I’d have to leave the god damn continent until it healed.” 
You laugh as he brings his lips to yours. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that you aren’t wearing a collar. But he’s kissing you and washing your body. Does this mean that Joel Miller, your dad’s best friend, might have the same sort of feelings that you have? Or is this just what he does with his subs after dehydrating them with his fingers and tongue. 
“Stay in the warm water while I change the sheets. I’ll be back,” you look over your shoulder to finally take in his naked body. His back is lined with corded muscle, water droplets filling the dips and grooves of his sculpted body. It looks like you could bounce your whole fucking bank account off his round ass. 
Am I salivating. I feel like I’m salivating. 
He wraps a white bath sheet around his waist before you get to see his front - as much as you loved being taken care of earlier you should have looked down. You run some shampoo and conditioner through your hair, rinsing it out just as Joel comes back, now in a pair of fitted boxer briefs. He holds up a towel for you, and after turning off the water you pad over to him for him to wrap you up and gently dry you off. 
“Thank you, Mr Miller,” you say instinctively. 
He smiles softly at you as he dries every inch of your skin. “Go lay down, babygirl. I’ll get some lotion and then you need to get some sleep.” 
When you walk out to his bed there’s a t-shirt and a bottle of water on the pillow for you. 
Fuck. I’m in love. 
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mavrintarou · 2 months
[3:00 PM] Miya Atsumu - A/B/O
All I can tell you all is that it's long and dirty... hope you have a wonderful smutty Friday.
Warning: Full of smutty smut... A little different from most A/B/O au
Atsumu returned home early from a four-week-long training camp.  
He first noticed the unfamiliar pheromone in his shared apartment with Y/n.
Immediately his ears perked, and he could hear moaning and whimpering coming from down the hall.
Sighing, Atsumu contemplated going to Osamu’s place for the night. Now that he recalled, Y/n did remind him that she was going through her rut cycle soon. Normally, they respected each other’s boundaries and spent their ruts at the specialty hotel that was designated for ruts & heats. She had asked if he would be okay if she brought her partner to spend the night at their apartment since he would be out during that time, and he was okay with it.
Before Atsumu could put his shoes back on, he heard a door swing open.
“This is fucken pathetic, screw you!”
Atsumu froze and before he could hide, a half-naked omega stalked past him before stopping to glare at him. “Your roommate is a pathetic alpha!” She shouted before slamming the door after her.
Blinking, Atsumu was shocked at what had just happened.
“She’s just mad I lost my vibe. I didn’t know you were coming home early.”
Turning his head, Atsumu sees Y/n standing only in her robe, leaning against the wall. He could see red blotches along her neck.
He took a step closer to Y/n. “You okay?”
She shrugged and smiled, “don’t worry about it.” She walked over and dropped herself on the couch.
How could he not worry? Atsumu inhaled softly before sitting beside her. He noticed the oddness he had been feeling the last couple of days and couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
He glanced over at Y/n who had her arms crossed over her chest with her eyes closed, almost like she was sleeping.
Y/n was one of the few female hybrids, a special case of an alpha and omega. Hybrids were able to choose between either gender and could breed and be bred.
The setback for most hybrids was that they have a smaller physique than an average omega and due to that, oftentimes time they were looked down on as alpha hybrids. Like both genders, hybrids go through both rut and heat phases and sometimes both could happen at the same time. Hybrids were able to release alpha and omega pheromones yet unable to detect them like betas. They often have to carry with them a pheromone neutralizer to prevent unwanted attention.
Eventually, most hybrids will adopt the more dominant gender. The high percentage of hybrids become omegas due to the challenges of being an alpha.
But Y/n had no problem attracting both alphas and omegas.
Atsumu himself was physically and sexually attracted to her until he discovered that her preference was omegas.
He would take it to his grave that he had imagined how it would be to have Y/n below him, how she would take him…
But they were friends, roommates for three years.
However, things changed two weeks ago when the two of them were casually having a beer in their living room after a long work day.
“Hey,” Atsumu started, staring at Y/n sip on her fourth beer. She was one of the few ladies he knew who enjoyed a good beer and a lot of it. “Wanna play Truth or Dare?”
He could see she was thinking about it before she smirked and answered, “sure.”
Being the gentleman he is, he allowed her to go first.
“Truth or dare, ‘Tsumu?”
He felt a sense of nervousness for some reason and decided to play it safe and chose truth.
“Why are you so uptight?”
Atsumu frowned before letting out a laugh, that was her question? “Honestly, I haven’t had sex in three months. That’s the longest I’ve ever gone without sex since losing my virginity.”
Y/n’s face distorted humorously and she tried hard not to laugh, “okay, your turn.”
“Truth or dare, Y/n?”
“Truth,” she answered.
Atsumu smirked, wondering if she was playing it safe. “Which one do you like more, being top or bottom?” This was one question he had been dying to know the answer to.
Y/n consistently projected an aura of composure and ease, effortlessly connecting with everyone she encountered. It came as no shock that alphas and omegas alike gravitated toward her; there was an undeniable allure about her that drew them in.
She wasn’t surprised at his question at all. “My answer would be top because I’ve never been a bottom before.”
His eyes bulged out in disbelief. “I don’t believe you, you have never…” Atsumu’s voice trailed off as he tried to connect the dots in his head. “But you’re a… hybrid…” his tone was filled with nothing but confusion. “Don’t you get heats?”
Y/n shook her head, gulping her beer. “No, I have never gotten through a heat before. I know, it’s odd. My doctor doesn’t know why either and just continues to tell me to monitor myself.” She shrugs her shoulders, “so, I only know how to top.” She narrows her eyes at him playfully, asking him that nearly makes him choke on his saliva. “Why? You want to do you want to show me how it feels to be a bottom?”
The fun and playful mood Atsumu was in suddenly turned him sober and serious. Was she joking? He swallowed, trying hard not to make it obvious that his cock had gotten excited and was semi-hard.
Their game of Truth or Dare came to an abrupt end before neither had a second round as the fire alarms in their apartment complex went off.
Neither spoke again about that subject and went on with their lives.
Or at least Atsumu tried to.
For days, he couldn’t get the subject out of his head, wondering and questioning how she had managed to go this long without having a heat, let alone that she had never been a bottom before! It had also bothered Atsumu about her question she asked him if he would like to show her, was she serious about it? It made Atsumu excited every time he thought about it.
Atsumu has been wanting to bring the conversation up again and suddenly had the urge to do so.
His mouth opened to speak when something hit his sense of smell, a delicate aroma. Blood began rushing down south and his mouth watered, his mind clouded with nothing but wanting to have a taste of this deliciousness that was taking over his senses.
Realization hit him as this was typically how he becomes when he is being affected by an omega’s heat pheromone.
His eyes narrowed as he looked at Y/n.
He flinched at the way she called his name, not in a threatening way, but in a way that made him want to be nothing but possessive of her. His throat tightened as her pheromone poured more onto him.
“I… think I’m going through my first heat,” Y/n murmurs softly, opening her eyes to peer into his. They were a different color and most definitely very dilated.
He noticed her crossed arms tightening around her petite body. Realization hit him, the faint lingering smell he had detected was Y/n’s omega pheromone, something completely different from her alpha pheromone he was used to. It was no wonder he was not threatened by it because it still had a bit of her scent in it, keeping him calm.
“What?” he growled, trying to maintain his composure and sanity, he wanted to pounce on her. Atsumu stood up and distanced himself from her. “But you said you –“  
“I never had one before so I don’t know what to expect but I’m confident… enough that what I’m experiencing right now is my heat.” Y/n hunched over, her shoulders trembling.
The silence in the room was unbearable and she broke it by quietly asking, “would you – be comfortable to help me?” She bit her lower lip before asking, “I’ve – I’ve never been a bottom… show me. Show me what it's like to be a bottom, Atsumu.”
Atsumu’s eyes bulged out, “sh – show you?” He inhaled sharply as he closed his eyes to absorb her request. He paced back and forth in their living room before clarifying, “say that one more time? What are you asking me to do?” He needed a second confirmation.
“Atsumu,” Y/n called his name, it flowed like soft butter from the tip of her tongue. “I’m in heat right now and I want you to show me what it feels like to be a bottom…” she paused, “if that makes you feel uncomfortable I can go ask –“ She was suddenly tugged onto her feet and pressed against his chest. She felt his hardness press against her abdomen and her eyes widened, breath hitching.
“All you need is me,” Atsumu’s eyes suddenly become dark as he stares at her lips. “I will show you how to be a bottom, Y/n.”
“You’re breaking my heart here, Y/n,” Atsumu growled softly against her nipple. Three of his long and thick fingers have been thrust back and forth inside her pussy. “Am I doing a shit job that I can’t even make you moan for me?”
Y/n shook her head, her knuckles had turned white from gripping his comforters tightly. She let out a heavy breath, “no – no… it feels…”
“Fucken amazing…” she finished, opening her eyes. “I’ve… never felt this bliss before…” her back arched when Atsumu’s fingers curled and fastened.
“Nope,” Atsumu chuckled when she tried to close her legs. “Keep these beautiful legs open, wide open for me.” He shifts his large, toned body to fit in between her legs. He withdrew his fingers to stroke his cock.
Atsumu still couldn’t believe that Y/n has never had a heat before, let alone taken a cock before.
“’Tsumu,” Y/n whimpered, her fingers grazing over her wet pussy, her pussy ached to be stuffed, filled in ways she never imagined before.
Since finding out she is a hybrid at the age of 16, her gender has always been alpha-dominant. She has never experienced a heat since discovering her hybrid gender even though she was capable of adapting to both genders.
Unlike most, Y/n had no problem attracting either gender but she had preferred to be a top giver than a bottom receiver.
It wasn’t until recently, until the game of Truth or Dare with Atsumu that it had piqued her interest. She suddenly was curious about being a bottom but she did not know who she trusted enough to share that moment with. Unconsciously, she began manifesting it.
On numerous occasions, she caught herself staring at Atsumu, and it was then that she began seeing him in a different light. She considered the idea of asking him but was frequently reminded that it would alter their relationship forever.
Her request tonight was her heat speaking. During the few weeks of Atsumu being away, Y/n’s body began experiencing a change she had never felt before. Unlike the times she was going through a rut, her body was burning and throbbing at her pussy.
Y/n has never touched herself in such a way, never having to need to until now. For two nights in a row, she tossed and turned in bed until the temporary relief was her fingers dipping in between her legs and stuffing her pussy in ways she’s done to other omegas.
“Atsumu…” his name slipped from her lips unconsciously. Her eyes widened and embarrassment shamed her for calling out her friend’s name while imagining him, imagining it was his fingers stuffing her pussy.
And now three of his finger pump quickly in and out of her pussy, the mere thought of knowing it’s his fingers that is building up the pleasure is all Atsumu’s doing.
The following day, she snuck into his room and inhaled the scent in his room, filling her desire and yearning.
“Yes,” Y/n moaned, eyes rolling shut, “yes, Atsumu…”
Atsumu shifted onto his knees.  “I can’t believe you’ve never taken a cock before. I find that hard to believe,” Atsumu rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit.
Y/n herself can’t believe she hasn’t either. It may be partly because she never had a heat to begin with. Y/n sat up and reached for his cock, her eyes bewitched at the size of his cock. “It’s so… big.”
She wasn’t big and she was aware of it. The first time she spent her rut with an omega, she thought it was a disaster, not knowing what to expect but the omega had expressed how good her cock felt.
An omega once told her with a wink, “it’s now how big, it’s how you use it.”
“I won’t deny that I’ve never wondered how you would look beneath me, Y/n.” Atsumu admitted, “surely you must know you’re fucken desirable, right?” He pushed the tip of his thick cock in her, groaning when her walls tightly refuse to let him in until he compel, shoving just the tip through. “Relax for me, Y/n…” he slowly pushed back and forth, pushing more of his thick long cock into her until she has lubricated his cock, taking him easier. His eyes were transfixed at his cock disappearing into her pussy until she’s taken all of him. Looking up he sees her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, her lower lip trapped between her teeth. Reaching up he freed her swollen lower lip and smoothed it with his thumb. He pressed his thumb past her lips, “bite me instead…” His cock jerked when she clenched her teeth against his thumb. “That’s it, baby…”
Her teeth loosened and she wrapped her tongue around his thumb, sucking it.
“Fuck…” Atsumu swore before choking out a chuckle, “I’m going fuck your mouth afterward.”
Y/n freed his thumb, “promise?” her legs wrapped around his hips pressing herself upwards to him. “Hurry,” she pleaded, “fuck my pussy, ‘Tsumu…” She never thought she would hear herself say that phrase.
Atsumu didn’t need to be told twice. His body crushed her small one, sandwiching her to his bed as he hiked her legs and began thrusting into her pussy. The bed began to shake violently and the wooden bedframe creaked loudly.
Y/n’s arms encircled his neck tightly while her fingers weaved through his strands of dirty blond hair, gripping them firmly at the roots and giving it a gentle tug. Her hips rolled, meeting his powerful thrusts. She cooed and encouraged him, “yes! Yes… just like that… fuck… you’re so big, ‘Tsumu… you feel so good…”
Atsumu only hummed, his mouth busy sucking a perfect hickey against her neck. It has always made him jealous seeing other omegas mark her and now it is his turn and he is going to make sure his mark is engraved into her skin.
His hips fasten, cock repeatedly hitting her sweet spot. If it felt this wonderful already, he couldn’t imagine how it would be when he was in a rut, when his senses would be fully heightened.
“Y/n,” Atsumu groaned, sliding his tongue along her neck and to her jaw, licking along her cheek. He felt so high, in a state of bliss. Every thrust into Y/n’s pussy sent pure excitement and euphoria pulse through him. “Look at me,” he growled, and when she found his brown eyes, he leaned down and kissed her.
Their tongues tangled and eagerly danced as their mouth moved over each other hungrily.
Atsumu was finally satisfying a lingering curiosity within him, having Y/n beneath him and kissing her.
Y/n moaned his name breathlessly from his kisses, “my tummy… it feels tingly… I’m – I’m going to cum… please let me cum…”
The tightening of Y/n’s pussy and increased enhancement of her pheromone pushed Atsumu to the edge, losing the last of his control. He tightened his arms around her small body and pounded hard until the tip of his cock continue to stimulate her cervix. He badly wished he was in a rut so he could penetrate her cervix and knot her.
Breed her.
Y/n’s teeth sink into his collarbone as she comes undone, her nails digging into his shoulders as her body trembles.
Atsumu follows seconds later, filling her pussy with his hot cum.
There’s no going back, I can’t let her go now, he tells himself. He inhales her scent, feeling his cock already semi-hard once again.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you two in a long ass time, what have you guys been up to?” Their mutual friend, Ryuji said, gesturing to Atsumu and Y/n to take a seat in the two empty spots at the end of the table.
“Just the same stuff, training and tournaments,” Atsumu shrugged, pulling the seat for Y/n and pushing in the chair like a gentleman. “Season is wrapping up so I’ll finally get some relaxation.”
Atsumu and Y/n were oblivious to their physical intimacy, they didn’t see how their three other friend’s eyes widened as Atsumu’s body turned towards Y/n, his arm resting behind her chair and thumb rubbing circles on her upper arm. He fills her plate with food and continues updating his friends about his life.
Of course, he is keeping his relationship with Y/n out.
It has been two weeks since Y/n’s first heat, and it took almost two days for her heat to conclude and yet, neither of them has had their fill. They have fucked each other in every possible space in their apartment. Day and night, every possible moment.
They had even pulled a quickie in his car before meeting their friends.
“Be my good girl and keep my cum in you. I’ll reward you later,” Atsumu murmured breathlessly. Y/n could only nod as she squeezed her walls and slip off his cock. He assists by slipping her panties back in place before lifting her and placing her gently back in the passenger seat before slipping himself back into his pants.
Aside from Y/n’s lightly pink cheeks, he didn’t think anyone would notice their coupling.
“Are you two… seeing each other?” Their other friend Yuma carefully inquired.
Y/n was the first to calmly deny it and laugh softly, “no, why do you ask?”
The three friends, Yuma, Ryuji, and Masachi, exchange glances, silently acknowledging a shared thought but opting to not broach the subject further.
They didn’t need to.
No one would be stupid enough to even dare look her way with the way that she reeked of Atsumu’s pheromone. It unmistakably screamed she belonged to him, and him alone.
The minute passing was only making Atsumu anxious.
Y/n promised to be home thirty minutes ago and it was past the promised time by ten minutes.
Atsumu was aware of his behavior, the possessive behavior he harbored for Y/n. He couldn’t deny it and it only continued to manifest each passing day.
He couldn’t even blame it on his upcoming rut that only seemed to have enhanced with Y/n’s change of pheromone as of late. Atsumu couldn’t quite put his finger on it but something about her has changed and it only made him more addicted to her.
There was one thing that he knew for sure and it was that he was in love with Y/n and wanted her and only her.
Y/n was fully aware of Atsumu’s perilous fixation on her.
She had not meant to let their fling go on this long, or at all. It was all a mistake and now… she couldn’t undo it.
She acknowledged that he wasn’t the only one going through this change alone. Y/n too has become possessive of Atsumu. When he would come home with the scent of another omega on him, she would feel her mood turn sour.
Y/n refused to accept it but since having sex with Atsumu, she has not wanted an omega again. She came to terms that she had officially adopted the omega gender, a lot sooner than later for other hybrids. It was inevitable with the amount of sex she was having.
Studies have shown that the more dominant gender would manifest with the amount of climax and chemicals released each time. Whichever gender they possess during their highest climax constantly, their body will begin to adapt to that gender.
It was an addiction, once Y/n had a taste of being an bottom, there was no going back. She craved for Atsumu, his pheromone, his cock deep within her. She craved feeling his thick cock graze and stimulate her pussy walls. She craved being filled to the point her belly bulged.
Y/n began to be delusional. She has never wanted to be knotted so badly, she wanted Atsumu’s knot. She wanted to be bred.
Aware of her behavior and obsession with Atsumu, Y/n tried to meet other alphas… hoping any alpha would do but when she was approached by an alpha at the bar, her nose crinkled in disgust.
It was undeniable that Atsumu was all she wanted.
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to be greedy, to give in and savor all the seconds she could have with Atsumu. She convinced herself that if she took as much as she could from him, she could let him go and move on with their lives.
She fueled his obsession and possessiveness, allowing him to have his way with her, and ravish her body, mind, heart, and soul to his content. After all, she not only wanted something to remember him by but the same for him, even if it was just her body. She’ll make it so that he would only think of her when he would be with future omegas.  
They were constantly having sex everywhere and at any time, morning sex, second-morning sex, before-work sex, after-work sex, shower sex, and bedtime sex. As if they were in a constant heat and rut cycle. She was not blind to Atsumu’s attempts to mark her. Every time he took her from behind, she would freeze when his teeth would graze over her scent gland, where his teeth could puncture the sacred spot that should be reserved for her mate. Her hand would cover the spot but Atsumu has now locked her wrists together above her head.
Y/n has become weak for him, submissive per se, and allowed him to do what he pleases.
But she needed to put an end to it.
Whatever they were doing was unhealthy.
“Why – why are you doing this?” His voice wavered, his tone laced with pain.
She waited for him to return home from his daily training and as soon as he entered through their apartment doors, the bright smile he always had faded slowly as he felt the heavy atmosphere in the room. Y/n called for him to take a seat across from her before breaking both their hearts.
“We shouldn’t have even started this in the first place, ‘Tsumu.”  Y/n said calmly, but she was anything but calm.
“Don’t call me that, if you don’t want to be with me anymore you have no right to call me that!” A tear slid down his cheek. “Only the woman I love can call me that.”
Y/n held back her tears and swallowed hard before forcing the words out again. “Atsumu, this thing between us should not have even happened in the first place.”
“Why not?” he argued, “it was like you forced me or I forced you. Everything up until now has happened because we both wanted it, and both needed it. We needed each other!”
“Look at us, we know what happens when you cross that line between friends!”
“So what, we can be lovers now?” Atsumu shot back, roughly wiping his tears away. “We can be boyfriend and girlfriend and whatever more if you want, I don’t care. I just want to be with you. I just want to love you!”
As if a veil lifted, she suddenly realizes he loves her.
Y/n blinked, the tears that filled her eyes slipping down her cheeks as she heard his confession.
“You – you do? Like in a real relationship?” Y/n clarified with a careful tone. She didn’t want to misinterpret his words.
“Fuck yes. Do you want to be in a relationship? Then let’s make it official. Do you want to get married? Let’s get married. You want me to mark you, I’ll be glad to mark you to let the whole universe know you are mine…” Atsumu took steps until he was in front of her. When did she look so fragile, so small? He wrapped an arm around her back while his other hand cupped her cheek, wiping away the tear that slipped down her rosy cheek. “I want whatever you want, just as long as you are by my side. Whatever title you want, you can have it all.” He rests his forehead against hers. “But if you are to ask me, I want you as mine in every possible way.”
Y/n shut her eyes tightly. “Say it again,” her voice was barely above whispering, “say you love me again.”
“I love you, Miya Y/n.” Her eyes snapped open and Atsumu grinned, “you didn’t ask but I’m going to give you my last name, so no backs.” He rubbed the tip of his nose against hers, “tell me, Y/n… tell me you love me too.”
“I love you, Miya Atsumu. I love you.”
His life felt 99% complete, there was only that 1% left.
“Now, tell me you’re going to stay by my side for the rest of our lives?”
Y/n pressed her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m going to stay by your side for the rest of our lives.”
Her fingers tremble as the third pregnancy test reveals the same thing, a positive result.
“No… how…” she muttered to herself. She dropped it into the garbage can and massaged her temple.
She began experiencing symptoms that she couldn’t avoid and excuse any longer.
Craving, tenderness, and fatigue.
Everything that was pointing to what she was afraid of was pregnancy.
But how? Atsumu has never knotted her.
“Pregnancy can happen without a knot, it is not as common but it can still happen if you are extremely sexually active.” The doctor raised a brow, questioning, “especially if you are not using protection. Are you sexually active? Having unprotected sex more than four times a week?”
Y/n’s ears burned and she was embarrassed to answer the question.
She and Atsumu did use condoms but would forget, losing themselves to the feeling of skin on skin. Y/n was weak to Atsumu’s begging to always cum inside her. It was to feed his ego of knowing she had a part of him inside her at all times.
Her silence and flushed cheeks were all the doctor needed to know. “The chance of conceiving is much higher if you and your partner are extremely active, which is the case since you said your partner has yet to knot you?”
“That is correct,” Y/n answered meekly.
“With this confirmed pregnancy, there is a high percentage of you becoming an official omega.” They explained that Y/n would no longer be a hybrid, and would no longer have any alpha traits.
The doctor placed a booklet before her titled New Mommy and What to Expect and went through it briefly.
Y/n cleared her throat before asking, “my… partner is due for his rut soon… would it be okay to be knotted while… pregnant?”
Her doctor nodded and flipped to page 8, with big and bold letters at the top: Knotting during pregnancy. “You should be fine, if anything, your body will need your partner’s semen to nourish your pregnancy.”
Y/n shivered feeling the heavy pheromone throughout the apartment. Now, it made sense as to why she had been sensitive to his pheromone lately, her pregnancy hormones had enhanced all her senses. “Atsumu?”
Before she could check the kitchen, strong arms enveloped her in a tight bear hug. His hot body heat penetrated through her clothing and she was swallowed wholly by his pheromone at straight physical contact.
His nose buried into her neck as he inhaled sharply, “what took you so long?”
He knew of her appointment but it did run slightly longer than she anticipated.
Before she could answer him, he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulders and carrying her to his bedroom.
Y/n blinked, hands pressed against his lower back to steady herself… and at the same time comprehend the sight in front of her.
Atsumu’s bare ass. He was completely naked.
She is dropped onto his bed and is immediately pressed against the mattress with Atsumu’s body which somehow feels larger than usual, she feels so small under his body.
His mouth is hot and heavy on hers, his fingers already pulling and ripping off her clothes just to feel her naked flesh against his.
Y/n gasped, feeling his cock pressed against her abdomen, it sent a jolt to her pussy and she instantly felt herself wet.
Atsumu straddled her small body but kept his weight off of her. The only weight he had on her was the weight of his cock and heavy sacks against her lower abdomen. His eyes are glowing gold and dilated, a trait of an alpha in a rut cycle.
“Y/n,” he groaned, rocking his cock against her bare skin, seeking any sort of physical touch. He was fighting against losing control, he didn’t want to scare or hurt her. “I don’t want to hurt you… but my rut cycle… it can – I’ve been told I’m too rough… I might hurt you…”
Y/n cupped his cheek, “you will never hurt me, ‘Tsumu…”
He nuzzled against their palm, pressing a kiss to it. “I’m happy to hear… You’re made for me... right? You can take my everything I give you, right?”
She nodded her head like an obediently, eager to please. “Yes. Yes, I am made for you. I will take everything you give me, ‘Tsumu.” She widened her legs, offering herself to him, “hurry, give me your knot.”
Her approval and request are all Atsumu needed to hear to be tipped over the edge, to allow his rut cycle to take over and please Y/n.
He flipped her over onto her tummy and lift her ass, his palm came down onto her left cheek, making her yelp before moaning. He rubs his more than ready cock along her slits before pushing it deep within her warm pussy, stretching her to accommodate his rut-size cock.
Atsumu leaned over her, his whole body wrapped around hers from behind as he pressed a light kiss below her ear, murmuring, “relax for me…”
Y/n’s buried face against his comforters helped her control her breathing as she tried to accommodate the size change of his cock, something that was march larger and thicker than usual. Atsumu was already large and thick in the first place, but his rut-size cock was on another level.
“That’s it baby,” he cooed, feeling her ease up. He wasted no time ramming his cock, groaning as he nudged her cervix opening that immediately began spreading. “I’m going to knot you, baby. Give you the knot you deserve.” He leaned back, straightening himself before scooting them to the edge of the bed. He stepped off but kept Y/n remaining at the edge of the bed with her ass still in the same position, with that, he ram his knock repeatedly.
The bed squeaked along with the clapping of their skin on skin.
Atsumu’s fingers dug deeper into Y/n’s hips, pulling her back to meet his thrusts hard and fast, his cock stimulating quickly each time the tip of his cock would touch her cervix opening.
It wasn’t as common to knot on the first time but Atsumu is positive he will knot her. Her cervix has already propped open, encouraging and readily welcoming his knot.
And he will happily oblige.
He withdrew quickly, smirking at her whimper of emptiness. Flipping her onto her back, he smiled down at her and swiftly filled her with his cock once more. “I need to see your face the first time that I knot you.”
Her eyes enlarged, knowing knotting rarely occurred on the first try, at least for her during her rut cycle days.
“Your cervix has already opened for me,” he whispered hotly, fastening his hips. “Your body is ready for me, for my knot.”
Her eyes rolled back as he confirmed it, the tip of his cock pushed past her opening and locked in place. A loud moan escapes from Y/n’s lips as she tightens and curls against him.
His sack emptied its load of cum deep, filling her womb, breeding her.
Atsumu has been impatient, wanting to impregnate her soon, wanting to see her full and round. Wanting to meet their children who will take after Y/n.
He groaned in pain and pleasure. It was true to the rumors, knotting the person you love was different in all the best way possible. The intimate bond was indescribable.
His thumb massaged deep circles into her hip, trying to distract her from the pain of his knot. “You did so well, you’re taking my knot so well…” he murmured, pressing light kisses all over her face.
Atsumu is suddenly hit with a self-awareness of being selfish. He had never even discussed it with her about children yet, here, he had knotted her. It was a 99% chance of guaranteed pregnancy.
He dropped his head beside her and muttered an apology.
“Why are you sorry?” Y/n asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
He rolled them onto his back with her above him. He avoided her eyes, “I knotted you without asking if you would be okay with… being pregnant…” His eyes closed, unable to witness the expression she might give him.
“Atsumu, look at me.”
His eyes snapped open at the tone of her voice, one he had never heard her use on him. Panic surged through him as he searched her eyes. His eyes suddenly fell on her tits, noticing they looked slightly bigger than he remembered.
“My eyes, Atsumu, look at me.”
With flushed cheeks, he reverted his gaze to hers and swallowed. She shifted over his cock, his knot already begun to deflate.
“I had wanted to announce this much differently but… there’s no better time to announce it than now,” she giggled and reached for his hands and pressed them against her belly. “You see, I’m already pregnant.”
Atsumu’s world froze as he processed her last sentence. “Come – come again?”
Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his, “I’m already pregnant, Atsumu. We’re expecting.” Her eyes widened as she squealed, pressing her hands against his strong muscles. “Atsumu!” she shrieked. Atsumu’s cock that was still inside her had instantly become erect once again.
He groaned and pulled her down flushed against him. “My cock is just as excited…” That meant he would get to have all the raw sex, knowing his duty now is to supply her body with all his cum. Rocking his hips he slowly thrusts into her, ignoring how each time he withdrew, his cum would leak.
Y/n pushed against his chest until she settled on her elbows, trapping his head in between them. Her face hovers over his, “the doctor says my gender has officially changed, I’m an omega now. So, no more rut-cycles for me.”
“Good, you’re my omega now,” Atsumu thrust upward, his hand came around the back of her head and pressed her lips against his, “only mine.”
. . .
E/n: :)
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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ham1lton · 23 days
50 + jenson button where he goes to readers childhopd room and sees loads of photos of old f1 stars (and him)👀
050. a childhood home or bedroom w/ JB22.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
you had been seeing jenson for a little while. he was seemingly perfect. you both got along incredibly well, he was funny and obviously very attractive so when your family asked if he could come along for your biweekly sunday dinner, you obviously said yes. if you’d known what was going to happen, you would have said no.
“is that me?” jenson laughed as he walked into your bedroom. you hadn’t been home in a while, so you had completely forgotten about your decor which comprised of young jenson, young lewis, young nico and young sebastian plastered all over your walls.
“i was young!” you attempted to defend yourself, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. why hadn’t your mother taken these down? but at least, you know that your parents were so out of touch with celebrity culture that they never would have thought that the jenson in the poster was the same one lounging on your hello kitty themed bed.
jenson grinned as he stepped closer to inspect the posters. "wow, i never knew i had such a dedicated fan," he teased, tracing a finger over his younger self's face.
you groaned, hiding your face in your hands. "i was a teenager! we all have our embarrassing phases."
he laughed, a warm, genuine sound that made your heart flutter. "it's kind of adorable, actually. but now i feel like i have a lot to live up to. do i still meet your expectations?"
you peeked through your fingers, meeting his playful gaze. "you've exceeded them, honestly."
just then, your mother called from downstairs. "dinner's ready! jenson, we're excited to get to know you!"
you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the evening ahead. "ready to face the family?"
jenson reached out, taking your hand in his. "as long as you're with me, i think i can handle anything."
as you both headed downstairs, you tried to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach. dinner started off well enough; your family was sweet and welcoming, and jenson's natural charisma shone through, easing your nerves.
but then, just as you were beginning to relax, your younger brother piped up. "you know, you look a lot like that racer dude on the posters in my sister's room."
your father's eyebrows shot up. "racer?"
before you could intervene, jenson chuckled and said, "it's true. i used to be a formula 1 driver."
there was a moment of stunned silence. your mother blinked in surprise, and your father's face split into a wide grin. "no kidding! my daughter has had those posters up since she was a kid. she was obsessed with racing!"
you cringed, wishing the ground would swallow you up. but jenson squeezed your hand reassuringly. "well, i guess you could say she has good taste."
your family laughed, and to your relief, the conversation shifted back to more mundane topics. as the evening wore on, you found yourself relaxing again, especially as jenson handled your family's questions and quirks with ease.
later, as you walked him to his car, jenson turned to you with a smile. "your family is great. and the posters... well, they make me feel like i've been a part of your life for longer than i knew."
you smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "honestly? i'm just glad you didn't run for the hills.”
he hummed and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "not a chance. besides, who wouldn't want to date their biggest fan?"
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sprout-fics · 7 months
October has a Friday the 13…
Scary movie night with Fix and Ghost?
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Scream (Simon Ghost Riley x Reader)
(This is so late my deepest apologies. Coming in at the very last moment with a Halloween special)
Rating: M Wordcount: 2.2k Tags: Domesticity, Established relationship, Bickering, Cuddling, Sleeping together, Pranks, Practical Jokes, Sexual tension Warnings: Death by garage door, Blood mention A/N: Written for my OC Fix, but can be read as a standalone
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“No, no, no don’t go in the house with the serial killer you stupid girl-”
The TV flickers brightly in the dark room you and Ghost are relaxing in. Luminance dances off the walls and your wide eyes as you sit transfixed at the grisly scene about to occur on the screen. Your legs are propped up on Simon’s lap, where he sprawls comfortably with his legs wide and an arm thrown over the back of the couch. His other hand rests on your thigh with warm familiarity, a simple touch that somehow conveys so much.
It’s a quiet evening, one spent in mutual company in the flat you’ve both recently come to call home. While originally his, he’d gradually acquired to your presence here, allowing you to move in your few belongings from the barracks into the previously sparse space. When you’d arrived he’d had a bed, a nightstand, a couch and TV in the living room, and little else. 
“Typical male space.” You told him at the time, and Ghost had the gall to look offended.
Since then, the flat has become fuller with the addition of new furniture and decorations. A vanity for the bedroom, a table with chairs for the kitchen, an easy chair and coffee table for the living room, all trimmings you had convinced him of. Now, the flat is cozy, homey, warm with the lingering sensation of somewhere lived and loved. 
Tonight, glowing lanterns hang from the front porch, brightly smiling pumpkins enticing trick or treaters up to the front step to ask for candy. You’d been delighted at the prospect of handing out sweets, though Simon had been ambiguous about the affair. Understandably so, for his hulking size and skull balaclava were sure to make a poor impression on the children that huddled on your front step.
He’s silent as he watches the movie, ignoring your quiet commentary as you bunch a blanket in your grip. You can tell that your lieutenant has either seen this movie before, or is so immune to scary movies in general that this doesn’t phase him. It makes sense for him. You’ve hardly ever seen him scared. Even in the face of certain death Ghost has always stared back, as if daring the cold, skeletal reach of the grim reaper to try and take him.
You, however, remain tightly coiled in anticipation at the scene before you. The colors of the TV dance off your wide eyes as you watch the young trim blonde on the screen enter the garage without a care in the world. She bounces down the steps easily, cleavage clearly on display and not noticing the dark figure that lurks behind her.
You suck in a sharp breath, and Simon casts you a sidelong glance. You think he may be smiling under his mask, but you’re not entirely sure. You wouldn’t put it past him if he was entirely amused at your fright. Even so, he squeezes your thigh for just a moment before releasing it, a tiny, wordless gesture of reassurance. 
“Bet he’ll go for her throat.” He intones dryly. “More blood that way.”
You tear your gaze from the TV long enough to frown at him, and he tilts his head to meet your gaze, eyes glinting with mischief.
You open your mouth to retort, but not before the killer on the screen stabs forward into the girls back. The party music within the house pulses loud enough to cover her cries, and as she stumbles away from the man in the ghost mask she sobs and begs for mercy. You watch as she fumbles with the controls to the garage door uselessly, before ultimately trying to wiggle out through the dog door. 
“No- oh my god, no the garage door!” You gasp, watching in horror as the murderer presses on the button to wrench the garage door up bit by bit. “Oh no!”
You cover your eyes with your hands, but even so manage to peek through your fingers and squeak as the girl’s screams cut out- her body is crushed between the door and the ceiling. A terrible, grisly end.
“Unexpected.” Simon offers flatly, and then huffs a laugh as he turns to you. “Pet, you hunt terrorists for a living. This shouldn’t scare you.”
“It’s different!” You declare, face warming. “I’ve never seen a terrorist crushed by a garage door.”
Simon pauses, nods at that with a little shrug. “Point taken.”
A knock on the front door, followed by a chorus of children’s voices. You spring eagerly from the couch, nudging your boyfriend’s foot pointedly as you sidle towards the front door to coo over the trick or treaters gathered outside. 
“Oh look at you all! I love your costumes! Here, take as much as you want, there’s plenty.”
Simon considers for a moment, and decides to follow you, standing still in the hallway, just at the corner of darkness. The kids digging their hands into the candy bowl pause at the looming, skull faced figure lurking in the shadowy corridor. You follow their gazes towards Ghost, who hovers ominously staring at the kids in costumes. 
“Can you not?” You hiss as they begin to pull away, but it’s too late. The kids flee from your front step back to their parents, squealing at Simon’s terrifying presence.
“Sorry for my boyfriend!” You call after them. “He’s just an idiot.”
You hear Simon chuckle behind you, as if gladly accepting the fact purely for his own amusement. 
“Of all the nights-” You sigh in mild annoyance as you close the door with a click. “This is the night when you decide to commit to the serial killer aesthetic.”
Simon hums a low, rumbling sound that catches deep in his chest. He steps forward to encircle his muscular, veiny forearms around your hips, dragging you flush to him. You squirm, but a hand dips to grasp at the swell of your asscheek, forcing a surprised squeak up your throat.
“Gonna kill ya.” He tells you as you struggle not to smile.
“Jokes on you.” You reply breathily, hands snaking up to his chest to splay flat against the muscles there. “I’m the final girl.”
When Ghost abruptly hoists you up into his arms, you feign a shriek of terror. 
“Help, please, he’s going to kill me!” You laugh as you’re carried off to the bedroom, the movie forgotten as it flickers brightly in the den.
You’re not sure what wakes you up.
You’re used to sleeping in foxholes, safehouses, aboard helicopters and inside rocking trucks. Your history of long, grueling days with no rest and midnight stakeouts have made it so you can fall asleep just about anywhere. Yet the training of a soldier doesn’t fade even off duty, and you know as soon as your eyes open that there is something that is amiss.
“Simon…?” You slur drowsily, reaching a hand out to the other side of the bed to feel for his massive form that should be curled beside you, breathing low and deep as he slumbers.
Empty. Cold.
That startles you into something closer to wakefulness, eyes blinking in the darkness as you raise your head to look for your boyfriend. Yet the room is empty, silent, and even the noise of the house down the street with its Halloween party has now quieted into nothing.
A clatter of something down the hall, and you jolt, instincts coming fully online. Alarm has your heart race higher in your chest, breath quickening as the flat goes eerily silent once more. You shiver as you pull aside the blankets, skin chilled by the frigid air. As quiet as you can, you rise to face the bedroom door, left mysteriously ajar.
“Simon?” You echo again, a little louder, feeling uncertainty squirm in your stomach.
The vision of the killer from the movie floats into your thoughts unbidden, of the darkly clad, knife wielding maniac hunting down innocent victims and bleeding them dry as they cry out in vain for aid. You will it away with a small shake, forcing yourself to dispel your fearful delusions. Simon probably just went to the bathroom and accidentally knocked something off the counter, is trying to stay quiet so you go back to sleep.
Even so, something cold and tense seizes your limbs, and you chew on your lip at the undeniable sensation of something wrong.
You’ll just check to see if he’s alright.
You pad over towards the door on quiet feet, unable to stifle the tense sensation of awareness that prickles at the back of your senses. When your hand closes around the doorknob, you feel goosebumps erupt across your skin- chilled by the strange shadows that seem to lurk in the corners of your room. Gently prying it open, you carefully peek just beyond the threshold down the darkened hallway.
You almost don’t see it at first, the massive shadow that moves in the darkness. There’s no light from the bathroom, and it isn’t until the figure moves only slightly that your stomach drops down through the floor.
The thing freezes, turns, and it's only then that you see the thing in its grip.
A knife.
Terror rushed up through your lungs in a gasping breath of air. You’re frozen to the spot, unable to move, petrified by this intruder who has forced his way into your home. You need to move, to lock the door, to try and call for Ghost, but just like those teenagers in the movie you can’t seem to force yourself from where you stand.
The stranger turns slowly, inch by inch, even slower than your heartbeat, until at last he faces you.
A white mask, dark, voidless eyes, a misshapen mouth stuck in an eternal scream.
Terror slinks into your veins like dark tar, gripping at your lungs as they fill with a scream that can’t quite escape you. It clogs your throat in a wheeze even as you try to cry out, the masked menace fully facing you-
And charging.
You do scream then, ears ringing with the sound of your own voice, reeling backwards away from the door. Logic kicks in, and you scramble back to try and close it, chest heaving with uneven, gasping breaths. You slam it shut just in time, closing it so hard that the masked figure collides with the wooden sharply, stumbles backwards with a familiar curse.
“Fuckin’ Hell.”
You pause.
Then you wrench the door open.
Your boyfriend sits on the ground, cradling his face, now absent from his cheap, plastic mask. A low, rumbling groan escapes his throat as he rubs sorely at his nose, the toy knife in his hand tossed to the ground beside him.
It takes an almost embarrassing amount of time before your mind catches up. When it does, the full indignation and embarrassment at having been caught off guard flushes through you in a hot wash of anger.
“You’re an asshole.” You hiss at him, feeling your face warm. “That wasn’t funny.”
Simon doesn’t look at you, still cradling his nose. He does, however, give a small huff, unable to hide his amusement at your reaction.
“Think you broke my nose.” He tells you flatly, and instantly your anger tempers as you flick on the hallway light, kneeling down to inspect him. Sure enough, when you pull up his mask to reveal his nose there’s a small drip of red that bleeds from one of his nostrils.
“Serves you right.” You declare with an unempathetic look. “For running straight into the door.”
“Good reaction time.” He returns, and without his mask you can plainly see the corner of his lips uptick with a smile.
“Not a good way to test it.”
“Point taken.”
You sigh at him, sitting back on your haunches and making to wipe your bloodied fingers somewhere on your pajama pants. Before you can, Simon reaches out to grab them, dragging them forward to his lips. You stifle a shudder as his tongue flicks out, encircling the digits to suck the blood off.
“That’s fucked up.” You tell him, wrinkling your nose. Ghost merely hums around your fingers, and if you didn’t know better you’d almost think it was a moan. “What are you now, a vampire?”
Simon stills, tilts his head to look at you in the darkness with keen, glinting eyes. 
You know that look. 
“Ah- no.” You tell him, unimpressed. “Not until I fix your nose.”
He seems to agree to that with a small nod, but presses closer all the same, licking his lips free of his own blood. 
“After.” He declares, voice low and suggestive, and you can’t help the small shudder that runs through you, trying and failing to frown at him. He can see the humor in your expression though, because a dark chuckle rumbles in his chest as he leans over you, forcing you to fall back onto your elbows. He looms over you dangerously, slides a knee up between your legs and hums in approval at the small, breathless sound you give him in return. You hear the rasping excitement of his voice as he dips his mouth down to the shell of your ear and whispers there:
“Killer gets the final girl.”
Full Series: Snowblind
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hyuuukais · 2 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, food mention, guns, somewhat vague description of a robbery, blood
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO -> BEFORE (partially written, wc: 1.0k)
"Welcome to my childhood house," you say, opening the creaky door, Minho following you through. "It's not that impressive."
With an awkward laugh, you sling your bag over a chair in the dining room to the left, kicking your shoes off in the process. There isn't much to say about where you grew up, the modest little house speaking for itself. Family photos littered the fireplace mantle in the living room, but aside from that, there wasn't much personality in shared areas. No one was home much now since you and your sister had moved out and your mother works long hours.
"Can I see your room?"
You swing around to see Minho leaning against the doorway with his head titled toward you. The action sends a small shiver down your back.
"No!" You blurt, and his eyes widen. "A girl's room is very personal."
He stares at you for a few moments before breaking into laughter. "Did you just quote 10 Things I Hate About You to me?"
"...I might have," you giggle, surprised he got your reference.
"You're wondering how I knew that, aren't you?" The way your eyebrows raise says it all. "How many times did you watch that movie again...?"
"It's amazing," you roll your eyes, a small smile forming on your lips. "You never stuck around to watch the whole thing, so I didn't think you'd know, okay?"
"What do you mean?" Minho seems genuinely confused, standing straight. "I did- ah, right, you fell asleep that time. You snore, by the way."
This makes you blush. "Everyone does."
"I'm messing with you," he sighs.
Rolling your eyes again, you walk past him and move down the hallway toward your childhood bedroom. When you open the door, you're greeted by the soft mint walls and fuzzy white rug surrounding your bed. You sit on the bed, plush blankets shifting. Minho slowly enters, walking around slowly, and suddenly you feel exposed. All of your silly phases and old hobbies out for him to see, past art awards displayed on your desk in the corner and a pile of dirty laundry in another. He stops on the other side of your bed, fingers finding the frame of your family photo, still lying face down on your nightstand, and your heart hurts.
"Don't," you whisper, not ready to see it again. Immediately, Minho pulls his hand away and looks over to where you're now sitting against the headboard, legs tucked into your body.
"What is it?" Minho nods to the frame. When you don't answer, he climbs onto your bed and pokes your side, making you jolt. "Earth to Y/n. What's the photo?"
"Just a family one," you shrug, and he's still trying to catch your eyes. "Before."
"Before what?" He questions, and you finally lock eyes with him.
"...before I got him killed?"
His eyebrows furrow at this, clearly confused. You don't object this time when he reaches over and flips the frame up. Everyone is smiling and happy, two little girls standing with their parents at some kind of theme park. You couldn't have been more than twelve when it was taken, one of the last family vacations you took.
"What happened?" Minho asks, voice low, turning his whole body to face you with the photo still in his lap.
"It was my birthday," you start slow, willing yourself not to cry. "I had just turned fifteen and I didn't get this one album I really wanted. My dad could tell I was upset and said it wasn't in stock when he went to order it, but that he could go now and check if the store had it. We could make a day out of it, and we did.
"The mall wasn't super busy that day, so we got food first. In the actual store, he asked me to go browse as he found the album and paid since he wanted the illusion of surprise still." You sniff, taking the photo in your hands. "So I left to wait outside instead. This guy bumped into me on the way out and I made some stupid comment about watching where he was going," your voice wavers. "When I turned around, I saw he had a gun. Next thing I knew, I was watching him threaten the cashier and my dad."
You pause, taking a deep breath. Minho hasn't said anything, patiently waiting for you to either finish the story or announce you were done, you didn't want to say more. But you did. This is the first time you've opened up to someone about this, not including Hyunjin or NingNing.
"I panicked and ran to my dad, but that must have freaked the guy out because he tried to attack me, but my dad jumped out in front of me and got hit instead." You look up at Minho with damp eyes, voice barely above a whisper. "I still remember the feeling of his blood seeping into my clothes. I still remember screaming, begging him to move. He bled out a lot by the time the ambulance got there."
"Thank you for telling me," Minho says when you're quiet again.
"If I hadn't..." you shake your head. "If I hadn't wanted that stupid album, he'd still be here."
"Don't do that," Minho grabs your face gently by your chin, forcing you to look at him again. "Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't have possibly predicted would happen. Y/n, that's not your fault. This is what you've been blaming yourself for?"
You nod. "If I wasn't being so stupid-"
"You were fifteen, Y/n."
And you can't hold it in anymore, sobbing and hiccupping into his shirt for the second time that evening. You stay like this for a while, and you don't know when you shifted into a lying down position, wrapping an arm across his stomach with a leg wrapped around one of his. His hand is in your hair, the other tracing lines up and down your exposed arm. Falling asleep is easy and unexpected, and when you wake up, he's been replaced with a large, purple cow plushie that was previously sitting in the corner of your room. There's a text from him on your phone waiting for you when you're about to ask where he is.
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notes -> sooo....... y/n is starting to open up more to minho ! 😁 also, i will be closing the taglist at ch 25!
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @stayatinykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @multifandomedsimp @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @catchingskzzzs @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lixie-phoria @aalexyuuuhm @sunflowerbebe07 @st4rhwa @lukeys-giggle @jabmastersupriseee @judeduartewannabe @gaysontheprince @stepout-09-15
^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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chrisevansonly · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐭 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬, 𝐈𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: when charles needs someone to turn to it’s his mother who can help provide him with the insight he needs to try and find the solution to mend his relationship with you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: angst, mentions of arguments, some fluff
𝐚/𝐧: here we are chapter 5 and this time we are doing a little charles pov hehe and we are still in the angst phase but don’t worry i promise things will turn around soon, this is a smaller chapter again🫶🏻
𝐰𝐜: 900 something?
Twenty Four hours that was the amount of time that passed until Charles was crawling at the walls, beginning to go crazy at the unanswered calls and texts he’d been sending to you since you walked out of the door. Arthur could only help his brother so much before he deemed it an issue for Maman Leclerc to handle, and Charles was starting to see that too. Truth be told this was the last thing he wanted to happen to his family, he hated himself for getting so angry and so loud with you, his angel, his wife. 
If there was one thing Charles wasn’t it was a hateful man, he had so much love to give and share with you, seeing your face crumple and the tears that rolled down your face was enough to have him kicking himself in the ass. He almost felt stupid as he pulled into the driveway of his mothers, getting out of his car only to freeze as you walked out with Matteo.
“Papa, Papa!!!” the toddler squealed excitedly 
“Bonjour petit prince”
He watched as you let go of his hand so he could run over to hug him, Charles was quick to pick Matteo up and press a few kisses to his face 
“Papa play please?”
“No baby, I can’t play right now, maybe later okay? You go home with maman alright?”
The two year old frowned not understanding why he couldn’t play with his dad, but held his arms out for you to take him back, barely glancing at him
Your voice sounded tired, a slight edge to it which the Monégasque only had himself to blame for that 
“Not now.”
With that he watched you place Teo in his car seat, quickly getting into the driver’s side door and speeding away from the house, almost like you couldn’t get away from him fast enough, another pang of hurt spreading through him. Blinking back the tears in his eyes, he looked towards the front door where Pascale waited, a knowing look on her face, as soon as Charles reached her she was quick to kiss his cheek and pull him in for a hug.
“Mon Charlie, tu as l’air tellement bleu” 
“Parce que j’ai le blues, maman.”
Charles followed his mother into the house, taking a seat on the couch while Pascale got them both a cup of tea, just how he liked it of course. Silence filling the air as he figured out what to say, where to start, shame quick to cloud his brain as soon as he began to think too hard.
“Seems like you both had a little trouble recently?”
He was quick to look up at his mother, the worry in her eyes enough to let him know she knew everything already 
“I fucked up maman…I-I”
“Chérie you made a mistake and it can be fixed, you know Y/N, she loves you so much despite how she is feeling, and I know she feels horribly about how she reacted as well..”
“Really because she acted like she hates me outside.” 
Charles closed his eyes, letting out a breath 
“She is hurting Char, and I know you want to be there for her and help her through it, but I think right now she needs a bit more time to breath, and you do too, so youre staying here with me, you can help me make dinner tonight, your brothers will be here too.”
Pascale waved her hand 
“Pas de dispute avec moi, tu ne viens plus que rarement me voir pour dîner.”
With that Charles nodded, excusing himself to go up to his old room, letting himself fall against the mattress, he didn’t know what to do, where to go, how to feel, all he knew was he missed you and he missed Matteo. It almost tore his heart apart to see his son’s sad eyes knowing he wasn’t coming home with you like he usually did. 
He felt like a failure as a father and a failure as a husband, but deep down was he a horrible person for wanting to share his passion with his little boy? No, far from, and you knew that, you did which is what gnawed away at you, unbeknownst to Charles. What he did know is he wanted to fix things, and fix things fast because a day without you felt like a lifetime, and it was something he wished to never feel again, even as he stared at the unanswered texts.
▸Charles: can we talk tomorrow…? please
He stared at the screen, patiently, crossing her fingers and hoping to see three dots pop up at the bottom. Seconds turned into minutes, which turned into almost half an hour before his screen lit up, the background you and Matteo when he was first born
▸Amour: okay, just come to the house whenever.
Charles was quick to type back
▸Charles: okay, okay thank you baby! i love you so much..
He didn’t think it was pushing it to text his usual i love you but when you didn’t answer back, he wondered if it was, if he had pushed you already, sending you further away, he only hoped he hadn’t messed up to the point where he really was losing you forever.
It wasn’t until roughly an hour later that his phone screen lit up once more, this time an attachment was sent, a photo of Matteo cuddled up with Charles’s favourite sweater, curled onto your chest a simple ‘we love you too papa❤️’ written below it.
Maybe things would change for the better, maybe there was enough time to fix what had been broken, and to get back to being a family.
ʚlittle karter taglist
@goldenalbon @goldenmclaren @a1leexxa @treehouse-mouse @therealcap @wintfleur
english translations:
bonjour petit prince - hello little prince
mon Charlie, tu as l’air tellement bleu - my charlie, you look so blue
parce que j’ai le blues maman - because i am blue/i have the blues mom
Pas de dispute avec moi, tu ne viens plus que rarement me voir pour dîner - no arguments for me, you rarely come see me for dinner.
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Streamer!Ellie X fem!Reader
Summary: Ellie's introduces you to her stream
(Set early in their relationship and when Ellie's channel was still small 💙)
Contents: fluff, swearing/cursing, body shaming a cat lmao, sitting on Ellie's lap, kisses, references to social anxiety.
Part 2 - Part3
My Masterlist
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It had been 6 hours since Ellie had disappeared into the abyss you called your guest bedroom and now Ellie's newly turned office. Her rooms grey walls were plastered in posters of a various games and bands she liked. LED lights ran around the ceiling, usually on the blue setting, sending the hue beaming out through the crack underneath the white paneled door.
Your small ginger cat was scratching irritably at her offices door. "Garfield stop it," you hissed at him, giggling at the ridiculous name Ellie chosen out for your chunky British shorthair.
"Garfield, I'm serious" you hushed at the creature, picking up the skittish chonk from Ellie's door. Garfield let out a loud, dramatic 'Yowww' throwing his head back. you sighed "You really want Ellie cuddles right now huh"
"yeah, me too..." You looked at the beautifully majestic ginger chunk of a cat and sighed in pity for yourself. "Fine go in then..." You whispered at him, grabbing the brass handle and slowly nudging the wooden door ajar, letting Garfield scutter in enthusiastically, before shutting the door again.
Ellie was caught off guard as a fuzzy orange thing flung itself onto her lap, making her hands stop button smashing her keyboard angrily.
"Oh hey Garf"
User: Omg he's so cute 😭🥲
User1: Give me the baby. Now.
User2: Bro how did he get in here, didn't Ellie shut her door?
User3: Garf? As in garfield?
Ellie's hands grasped the cat turning him in a Simba like fashion towards the camera.
"This is Garfield, if you couldn't tell he has a super power to walk through walls" she joked, obviously realising that her chat was curious about how he got into the enclosed office.
User 4: He's fat
"Do not talk to my child that way." She snapped sarcastically, covering his ears with her palms "he's plump." She corrected before letting out a breathy laugh.
The cat began purring incredibly loudly, now laying across her keyboard vibrating the desk with every exhale of breath.
She picked up her phone discreetly, texting you a quick.
Ells: Gonna have to gaslight my chat into thinking our cat can phase through walls now.
Ells: Oh the things I do for you
You: He was being so annoying thoughhh
Ells: Garf is never annoying, he is perfect in everyway. You're just in denial.
You :🙄
User5: nah but how did it get in
User6: Ghostcat?!?!?
"Yes this is my ghost cat, it seems like he's going to chill with us for a bit.... Aren't you baby~?" she cooes at the purring creature scratching underneath his chin.
Just outside the closed office door, you were pacing back and forth. Shit... Why the fuck did you let the cat in her room, that was the stupidest shit you've ever done. Now everyone was going to know Ellie lived with someone. Then maybe they'll investigate, because some of her fans might be nutjobs. What if they dig something embarrassing up of you?!?
"shit, shit ,shit, shit, idiot, idiot, fucking idiot." Damn you and you're soft heart when it comes to cats.
"Y/N. Just forget it happened, go to bed sleep it off, yeah let's just... Sleep it off..." You mutter to yourself, sulking off to bed in defeat.
"Hey... Hey baby... Wake upppppp~~" she whines squishing your cheeks with her hand, stirring from your slumber. "Hmm hi Ells..."
At the confirmation you were awake she started peppering your face with kisses. "I made you coffee, I tried to make pancakes but I uh burnt them, so ughh toast?!" She smiles suspiciously giddy.
"oh thank you baby," you murmur back, slowly sitting up, back against the bed's backboard and begining to sip your coffee.
"I don't know how you can stomach that liquid, it tastes like shit."
"It is gross, but I can't physically function without it" you looked over at her, she was showing you puppy eyes. Suspicious.
"What did you do ells...?" You sighed
"Last night I may or may not have accidentally let it slip that uhh, I had a uh girlfriend." She stammered, smiling sheepishly at you " And I was wondering and you can obviously say no!! Like no pressure at all, but I was wondering if you feel ready yet to be introduced by my stream" she rushed out words practically incoherent, and if you didn't know her so we'll you wouldn't have been able to understand.
"you can even bring Garfield with you for emotional support!" She chirped happily.
"I don't know baby... I don't know if they'll like me, all my friends know me for being awkward on camera."
"Listen to me right now. You are the most amazing, beautiful, funny, charismatic and smartest girlfriend, person and mother to our fur baby to ever exist. If they don't absolutely love you then they're blind and have no taste. But they will absolutely love you! Because I love you!" She says enthusiastically, a stupid smile spread on her face as she wraps her arms around you, placing sloppy kisses onto your cheek.
"Pfft" you say, her enthusiasm and happiness seeping from her into yours "okay, I can do that...I think" "You will!!! You'll do amazing!" She squeals "I'm so excited!"
"Gosh, your like a puppy Ells" you chuckle, petting and playing with her hair. She let out a quiet 'hmph' as she nuzzled into your neck happily.
It was 6:55pm, Ellie had started her stream, the words 'STARTING SOON' sprawled across the monitor, blocking out the view of the viewers, It was unnerving, siting Infront of a camera, and one push of a button hundreds of people would see you. Ellie was sat next to you, swiveling on the dark blue gaming chair absentmindedly.
"y'know baby, you don't have to be so rigid, or quiet, they can't see or hear you yet."
"I can't do it Ells..." You mumbled out. "Hey babe, you absolutely can." she reassured you grabbing your hand, and squeezing it slightly. "How about this. You sit on the couch, out of view with Garfield, and once I've done the intro you can come say hi. Hows that sound?" She asked softly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
Nodding in conformation you shuffled out of view for the camera sitting next to your curled up cat, petting him as he purred loudly, pushing up against your palm. You tapped your phone screen, it lit up revealing the photo of you and Ellie in a photo booth on your first date to an arcade.
Infront of your smiling faces, the time was shown.
"Hey guysssss!"
It took ten minutes for Ellie to finish the introduction, answering questions, thanking donators and talking to moderators.
"Right so, before we start I have a suprise for you guys" she spoke happily, eyes flicking towards you expectantly. You picked up Garfield, your heart immediately slowed and cradled him like a baby in your arms as you entered the frame.
Ellie had moved the extra chair from the frame, trying to keep the suprise as unexpected as she could for her chat. You stood somewhat awkwardly for a second or two saying a quick "hi" to the camera, you looked at Ellie eyes slightly wide with nerves.
She pats her thigh, gesturing you to sit down. "This chat, is my girlfriend"
User7: I ❤️ lesbians
User8: Ugh I'm jealous.
User9: Is Ur gf single?
User10: forget Ellie I want her gf 🤤
Your eyes everted the chat, trying to focus solely on your cat and to not read the comments, when a robotic voice, you recognized as a donators announcement, caught you off guard.
User11 donated $25 'Bro she's so pretty.'
"Oh um thanks *user11*" you hummed. "Told you they would like you" Ellie said, smirking in content.
"shut up."
Here you go!!! I finally finished it. It's not great but it's done!
Part Two
Streamer!Ellie Headcanons
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and-so-he-rambled · 27 days
The Call
Gotham Rogue Vlad Masters (chapter 0)
Masterlist | Chapter 1
The call came at exactly 7:56 on a Tuesday night. He had been cooking an Italian dish, a tape of Packers highlights playing on the television as he puttered around the kitchen. It was large and empty, decorated to the bare minimum. He’d only just moved in recently to the castle and he hadn’t had time to settle in fully yet. He liked the lack of stuff though, the empty space that was his alone to fill. It smelled dusty and ancient in a way the hospital never did, full of history and echoes of the past.
The shrill ring of the landline startled him, the pan he was holding clattering onto the burner as the handle phased through his hand. He cursed as he turned down the heat and walked briskly towards the phone to see what idiot he had to deal with. Even almost ten years after the accident he still had mishaps, small losses of control that bothered him to no end.
He picked up the phone, slipping into a mask of polite indifference as he prepared for what drivel an investor or cold caller would dump on him.
“Is this Vlad Masters?” The woman on the other end asked.
“Speaking.” He boredly watched flames roll over his knuckles, winding it through his fingers.
“You were an associate of Jack and Madeline Fenton, correct?” The flame flared out of control before dying with a hiss, the plastic of the phone creaking in his hand as he tried to not crush it to dust. Even after escaping their shadows he wasn’t free, haunted by scars and an obsession he couldn’t control.
“Yes.” He bit out, wondering what trouble they would cause in his life now. He had forgiven Maddie in the first few years, she’d realized the error, it was Jack that had stolen his humanity, killed him where he stood and scarred his face.
“I regret to inform you that earlier this week Jack and Maddie Fenton were caught up in a lab accident in their basement and did not survive. According to their wills-“ She kept talking, but it faded out into static. Something in Vlad’s chest pulsed, something deep inside cracking until it shattered with a shockwave that traveled down his arms and legs. He wheezed in pain, bracing himself against the wall as his legs shook and threatened to go out from beneath him.
Pain, that was the only way he could describe it. Pain and grief and loss. Maddie, his dear beloved Maddie, and Jack, a bafoon he had once considered his closest friend and had swore to one day take revenge on. They were gone, dead. Did they have ghosts? Should he go looking? Did he want to?
“Sir?” The staticky voice crackled loudly in his ear. “Did you hear me?”
He forced himself to rein in his powers even as he slid to the floor, cradling the phone to his ear.
“Bad connection.” He grit out as his lungs seized and his heart beat sluggishly before finally giving up and stopping. “What was that?”
“We need to talk regarding the children, Daniel and Jasmine Fenton. They’re currently still in the hospital undergoing treatment, but you’re now their legal guardian. Could you make the trip down to Amity so we can discuss in person?”
He responded on autopilot, making a plan to make the trip down to Amity.
He’d known the Fentons had children. Jack had called him the night Jazz was born, and while he’d ignored every single call since the accident he still listened to each voicemail. It often fueled the hate in his chest, but other times he just liked to close his eyes and pretend they were back in the lab, working on projects no one believed in.
Jack had excitedly told him about his baby Jazz, how she had red hair like her mother and was six pounds, four ounces. He could hear her crying in the background and Maddie’s dulcet voice cooing to her. It sang of other lives he’d never get to live, a life where he’d been a father instead of Jack, or where he’d stayed human and been there for the birth. Jack expressed that he wanted Vlad to meet her.
He taped it onto a cassette to listen to in moments of weakness, but he never reached out. He couldn’t face the product of their love.
He instead threw himself into building a company, relying on petty thievery and lies to build his throne. He tried so hard to make it his obsession, but his core still called out for Maddie, for revenge.
He hadn’t realized a son had been born until he had fed his obsession by viewing the Fentons gaudy website and had seen the portrait of a toddler with Jacks features. Daniel Fenton. Had Jack not called him about this birth? Did he care?
(He did and it drove him insane.)
He resolved to not think about their children, about what would never be his. He cheated and lied and stole, and he definitely didn’t comb through his answering machine until he heard Jack’s grating voice excitedly telling him about his newborn son. Four pounds and eight ounces, stayed in the NICU briefly. “He’s got that Fenton spirit!” Jack loudly proclaimed, Maddie shushing him as he apparently woke the baby. A young Jazz was asking questions loudly in the background, the toddler stumbling over her words. “But not the ghost kind of spirit!” Jack added on just as loudly. “No, that wouldn’t do at all!”
He taped it and put it with the other tapes of shame, knowing it would become background noise to his lowest moments ahead.
He spent the night of the call replaying the tapes over and over, still in unbelievable pain even worse than his death. He cried despite having tried so hard to train himself out of human weaknesses, mourning his love and the past. Did he care that he’d never get his revenge on Jack? Did he miss him anyway? Curse human emotion! Curse death!
The flight to Amity was one spent in a haze, reliving memories like a movie he couldn’t stop. He was a prisoner in his own mind, forced to relive each detail of the past. He caught himself slipping several times, forcing himself to remember how to breathe and force his heart to beat. His grip on his humanity had grown weaker in the wake of his obsession break.
He leaned heavily on his cane as he made his way through the quaint town of amity, the place where Jack and Maddie had chosen to settle down.
Legal talks were boring, laying out what he already had pieces together even if it didn’t make sense. He stared at the will in front of him, reading the statement over and over that he, Vlad Masters, would be entrusted with Danny and Jaz in the event of the parents death.
They brought him to the hospital after that, leading him up to a room and stepping aside.
He opened the door slowly, bracing himself as he met two pairs of eyes.
Jasmine looked just like her mother, a sharp jab of pain shooting though his cracked core. She had the same fiery orange hair, but she had Jack’s piercing blue eyes. She regarded him with open distrust, bag held tightly to her chest.
His eyes shifted over the the boy on the bed, hooked up to machines. Static rippled across the displays as Vlad fought to control his aura as the sight. Daniel was small for his age, tiny against the bed with deathly pale skin and stark black hair. He had the same piercing eyes, but his were round with curiosity.
A case worker stood from her seat in the corner to greet him, but Jazz cut her off.
“So you’re Uncle Vlad?” She sounded unimpressed, eyes narrowed.
“I- Yes, I suppose I am.” Vlad stuttered, entirely caught off guard. He was completely unprepared for this situation, but he was also sure that no amount of preparation would have been enough.
“You’re gonna take us away?” Daniel’s squeaky young voice drew his attention back to the boy. “Now that mom and dad are dead?”
Jazz flinched, pain rolling off her in waves as she kicked the base of the hospital bed.
“Sorry.” The boy apologized, but his eyes were on Vlad still, waiting for an answer.
“Uh, yes. I’ll be taking you two to Wisconsin with me.” It was the first time he’d said it out loud, or really made the decision at all. He hadn’t made up his mind before coming, but he knew the only choice the second his eyes landed on the two children. His core called out for them, needed them safe. They were Jack and Maddie’s, their greatest inventions, he couldn’t spend the rest of his life worrying about them and not knowing if they were safe.
He was wholly unprepared for fatherhood, but he’d always dreamed of meeting Maddie’s children, of caring for them. This was a situation he never could have predicted, but life was unpredictable like that.
The Fenton house was in shambles, both kids left with a garbage bag each of their belongings.
They stayed in the hospital another night as Vlad bought them each suitcases and arranged travel and ironed out legal matters. There was a lot less involved that he thought with taking over custody of two children. His hearing even picked up the case worker lamenting to another about how lucky those children were to have a well off uncle that their parents trusted to take them in.
He picked them up as Daniel was discharged, the doctors still baffled by his recovery from complete organ failure but not questioning whatever higher power they believed responsible. Jazz held her brothers hand as they walked towards Vlad and the open door of the rented car, a worker placing their suitcases in the trunk.
“Jazz dear, you forgot your bear!” One of the nurses ran out holding a brown teddy bear with a white mustache and crazy hair.
“I don’t need it!” Jazz snapped, helping her brother into his car seat. “Those are for babies and I’m not a baby!” She slammed the car door hard in the nurse’s face.
“I’ll take it.” Vlad carefully took the well loved bear. They had warned him that Jazz was trying to shoulder all the responsibility for Daniel and be strong. They’d heavily pushed the idea of putting both children into therapy as soon as possible, which he would take them up on. While he’d never sought therapy for himself, seeing it as a sign of weakness, these children needed any stability he could give them. His parents had died when he was a teenager and he had been a proper mess, these were literal children.
Daniel’s spirit was still bright despite the tragedy, asking questions the whole trip through the airport and staring in amazement out the window of the plane as they settled in first class. Jazz was silent, on edge and watching for danger. She squeaked in alarm as food was placed in front of her mid trip, both children reeling back in their seats and staring at the meat as if it would attack them.
He had the stewardess bring them the vegetarian meals instead, which they hesitantly picked at.
They landed in Wisconsin as the sun was setting, both clearly exhausted children stumbling through the airport as he herded them towards baggage claim.
Vlad stopped walking as Daniel began to tug furiously at his pants. The boy stared at him before throwing his hands up and waving the insistently.
“He wants you to pick him up.” Jazz folded her arms in annoyance, clearly bothered by the action.
“Oh.” Vlad stared at the child, hesitantly placing his hands under his armpits and picking him up, holding him out at arms length.
“You’re not doing it right! Arm around his back, there, put him on your hip.” Jazz coached him until he had Daniel on his hip, legs around his waist and arms wrapped around his chest as he snugged in. Vlad had an arm around his back to hold him and a steadying hand on his leg.
“Good.” Jazz nodded her head, picking her bag back up and marching towards the baggage claim.
“Would either of you like a snack from the kiosk?” He was pretty sure children were supposed to snack frequently. Daniel was dozing on his chest and didn’t respond, but Jazz marched into the small store and began browsing through the shelves of overpriced goods. She picked out two bags of peanuts and a bag of veggie straws, bringing them to the register. Vlad paid for them, weakly returning the cashiers customer service smile and following Jazz as she left.
“Do you know where you’re going?”
“I can read!” She snapped, pointing at the sign ahead that said baggage claim.
“My apologies.”
He somehow managed to haul Daniel’s car seat and the luggage to the car while carrying Daniel, Jazz dragging her blue suitcase behind her with determination. It wasn’t until he was pulling and and starting the long drive home that he realized he’d forgot his cane on the plane.
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spider-jaysart · 5 months
Okay soooo, first time I'm doing something like this, but I wanna introduce a fave oc of mines today that I've been working on for a longtime now :)
Her name is Nadja Al Ghul-Wayne-Kent and she's a Damijon kid
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@camo-wolf @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65
The name Nadja means "hope" in Arabic. My very dear friend @theredheaded-stuff was the one who helped me pick it. And her hero name is Super Canyon, which is inspired by the Canyon Wren bird
(More under the cut)
(Edited some stuff on this post now btw)
After being inspired by the story of how Kon was created, a secret group of no good scientists, who just love causing chaos with many of their inventions, decided one day to create a mixed clone of both Damian and Jon, thinking they can do better than Lex did, so they collected both of the boys DNA's after one of their recent battles in public and got to work. Once their experiment was supposed to be done, they saw that their machine had actually created a baby girl instead of a grown, powerful clone like they had wanted, so they were ready to dispose of her as a failed subject, but were suddenly stopped just on time by Damian and Jon who broke into the place and kicked their butts after finding out that a recently committed crime they were investigating was caused by them. When they were done, the boys found Nadja and were surprised to find out she's a clone related to them both. They decided to take her with them and made her their daughter to raise together after that.
She's helpful, stubborn, is as intelligent as Damian is, friendly but also tough when she needs to be, observant, sometimes a little too honest about things but doesn't always mean it as rude, courageous (a trait that can be pretty helpful sometimes, but also get her into really big trouble during dangerous situations too), a prankster, and very protective of others, especially her loved ones
Abilities and skills:
She has the usual Kryptonian abilities, which are flying, super strength, superhearing, superspeed, superbreath, ice breath, invulnerablity, x-ray vision, and laser vision that's purple instead of the usual red (because Lois has purple eyes, so it's something unique that was passed onto her that way). Sometimes they don't always work though and can accidentally get out of hand too since she's still growing and learning, but Jon aways tries his best to help her get better at using and controlling them. Nadja also uses many concentrating tips from Damian too for improvement, like meditating for example and other things like that, and he helps her practice them
And because she's half Kryptonian, she also has a couple of unlocked special abilities of her own too, which is invisiblity, the ability to phase through walls and objects, plus the power to also transfer the heat of her laser vision into the palm of her hands to burn who or whatever she touches and she can also let it absorb her whole body too if she wants, which makes her even more untouchable and at the same time lets her release a strong fiery blast around herself onto enemies or incoming threats (her body glows completely purple whenever she does this and if it's just her hands, the same happens to them too). Nadja hasn't been able to properly master these special powers yet though, only one of them, which is the invisiblity one
For skills, thanks to teachings from Damian, plus Talia whenever she visits her, Nadja knows how to use a sword and fight well in combat in case her powers aren't working the way she urgently needs them to during patrols and missions
Random facts:
She calls Damian Baba and Jon Dad.
She calls Clark "Grampops" and Bruce "Grampbats". For Talia, she calls her "Grandmother" and for Lois, she calls her "Grandmama".
Her best friend is her same age Cousin Dick II, the Son of her much older Cousin Jake Grayson and his Wife Meredith Robinson. In the Batfamily (besides Damian), she's close with all her Aunt and Uncles. And for the Al Ghul's, she also gets excited whenever she visits Talia and Ra's. And while she definitely also gets along a lot with her other relatives who are in the Superfamily, the person she's most closest to there (besides Jon ofc) is Kon, due to them both being created as clones meant for evil but turned out good instead, which got them to bond even more as Uncle and Niece.
Her voice sounds like Clementine's from Telltales the walking dead games, but specifically the version of it from season 2 for the tween age she's in right now.
She has messy hair like Jon when she lets it loose. Jon is the one who always has to brush her hair whenever it gets tangled up, since the steel strength of it is just too difficult for Damian to actually handle himself.
Nadja laughs at Damian's jokes all the time since she gets his dark humor and he loves that. They always laugh a lot about it together but when Jon's around, they're Iike "You wouldn't get it" and he gets all offended.
Jon passed his love for noodles onto Najda and Damian's usually like "That's not healthy!!" And tries cooking her vegetarian meals more often or healthy ones that Talia would used to make him back when he was a kid, just so that Najda will eat real food lol. Najda also really loves the meals that comes from Damian's culture too and gets happy whenever he makes them for dinner.
For nicknames, Jon will sometimes call her "Sweetpea", "Sugar cookie", and "Tootsie pops", while Damian calls her "Habibti", "Thamin" (meaning "precious" in Arabic), and "Galbi" (which means "my heart" in Arabic)
Damian matches his outfits with Nadja all the time just like Talia would always used to do with him when he was a little kid. He does this with Jon included too and they take pictures together.
When making her hero suit, Damian was the one who helped Nadja out in drawing the designs and brainstormed ideas with her. When she had finally found one she liked and was ready to make it, Damian and Jon could've helped her sew it and everything, but they didn't have many materials that she could use or a sewing machine either, only a regular sewing kit that they use to fix up their own suits whenever they get damaged, so they let her make it with Ma's help instead at her place when they visit her and Pa again, since she actually owned a machine and also had a sewing room filled with many useful materials. When asked, Ma didn't mind letting Nadja use her stuff at all and was instead delighted about it since it would just give them the chance to spend time with eachother while doing one of her favorite hobbies together.
And next time, while having their usual Mother and Son days out together, Talia helped Damian pick out the sarong skirt for Nadja while hanging around stores, since they thought it would be nice for her to have one. Jon was the one who bought Nadja the red sneakers while shopping together with Kathy, since it reminded him of Kathy's old purple, rainbow ones, but with a twist of red thrown onto it, which also reminded him a lot of his favorite old ones that he used to always wear as a kid too. Dick and Cyborg helped her insert digital tech into her cuffs, which lets out hologram screens that let her know whenever she's over using her powers since she's still mastering them and it does plenty of other useful things for her too.
Najda was also given a mask to go with her suit at first too since she thinks it's annoying to wear glasses in her regular life everyday, but then it got lost during a fight and some villains saw her face, so she was still forced to go with the glasses route in the end anyways.
As adults, Jon's a scientist and Damian's a veterinarian. Najda likes visiting both of her Dads at their day jobs after school and doing her homework there while they work. She always promises to behave and not get in the way and if she has no work to do, she'll help them out too, which they appreciate. She also loves watching what they do and let's them happily explain their favorite stuff about the job to her. She knows a lot about taking care of animals and science because of this.
Nadja loves music and making it too. She even thinks about playing rock music for a living when she grows up. Damian and Jon support her in this and buy her the instruments she needs and they also listen to her songs when she wants to show it off to them. Because of them being in a band themselves back when they were kids, Damian, Jon, Chris, and Jake give her lessons sometimes on how to better play her instruments.
Civilians and especially interviewers always question about how they had Nadja and just assume that she's adopted or assume that just because she looks more like Damian, she's probably from a secret ex girlfriend he had before being with Jon. The last one annoys both Damian and Jon so much, especially Jon since Nadja is actually his kid too and he gets jealous at the thought of the ridiculous idea. Both him and Damian hate these rumors and just want everyone to mind their own business.
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via-the-cryptid · 1 year
ok so like. the Riddler is obviously baffled by the fact that a little girl managed to just… phase right through the fuckin wall. like that might as well just happen, I guess, but how??? he has no prior knowledge of Ellie’s Ghostliness(TM) and therefore concludes that 1. a meta snuck into Gotham and Batman hadn’t noticed yet, and 2. this little girl has managed to successfully evade not only the Joker and himself, but also the goddamn Batman.
obviously, Eddie needs to know more, and what better way than to find her again? and this time, he refuses to let her escape so easily.
it’s kind of a mix between “who are you little stranger”, “someone actually managed to outsmart me?? what???”, and “hhhholy fuck this kid’s a menace. I swear if she doesn’t die I’m making her my heir”.
so, Riddler goes on the hunt, and Ellie goes on the run. time and again, he just misses her as she manages to phase through the walls or turn invisible at the last second. much like Danny in his early stages, Ellie’s powers are all out of whack and she has to adjust to using them safely, since she’s now an actual half-alive/half-dead entity and not slowly destabilizing as her body eats away at itself from the inside out. for her, the Riddler is basically good practice from someone who seems marginally less murderous towards her than the rest (cough cough, the Joker).
and then one day, I don’t know how, maybe she’s tired or maybe he’s lucky, but the Riddler actually succeeds. Ellie gets trapped with the puzzle as the Riddler watches with glee, so excited to finally get his answers.
he steps into the room and she’s immediately on edge, because even if he’s not actively coming at her with a sledgehammer, he’s still a threat and she’s still in danger. the Riddler, on the other hand, can’t help but be impressed… and also mildly concerned. she’s just a lot, well, younger than he thought she was.
and MEANWHILE with Ellie, she’s been trying to dodge villains (not ghosts, but villains, because apparently wherever she ended up is a goddamn clown show) for the past week or two and she’s getting fed up with it. now she’s trapped, exhausted, and irritated beyond belief, staring down a man who, while not dressed like a clown this time, still looks like the kind of weirdo you only find in a New York Walmart at 4am. so against her better judgement, she decides, fuck it. might as well play along.
so imagine her surprise when the first thing he says is,
“Wait, how old are you again?”
The Riddler blinks a few times, because honestly he wasn’t expecting himself to say that either, but he’s said it and he’s not taking it back. Ellie just kinda stares at him with a baffled look before going, “wouldn’t you like to know, Question Man.”
“Where are your parents??”
“Never had any. Can I go now?”
And now Eddie’s getting a headache, because goddamnit the genius baby is an orphan and his first instinct was ‘I want to keep her’. He had better not be turning into Batman, he swears.
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Unexpected 51
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Trapped in another holding pattern. That's all that life seems to be. Phases. Dull and prolonged. Waiting but for what?
Your days aren't much different than before Lloyd's return. He may as well have stayed gone. For you, he's not there. He's nothing. He doesn't deserve to be anything to you.
Your routine once more stagnates; sleep and feedings and some crying. Between it all, you see Harlan or Dottie, sometimes both. Your mother-in-law has grown quiet, even evasive, since her son came back. You know why but you won't argue with her or her precious Marion.
You get your walks in, looking forward to the escape from the suffocating walls. Andy passes you often, waving or saying hi. He doesn't try to talk again, not with your father around. They barely acknowledge each other. You ignore his texts. You're still trying to figure it all out.
When you're at home, Harlan holds Luna as you catch up on your reality TV. You whisper back and forth about your most hated personalities. It can never be what it once was, or what you wished it could be, but it's manageable.
That day, Harlan and Dottie go into town to do some shopping. You haven't seen Lloyd but you don't mourn his absence. Not like before.
You have Luna downstairs in her rolling bassinet. She's fully fed and sleepy. You might do some cooking. You're finally feeling up to it.
You shiver and watch your daughter dozing peacefully. Why is it so cold in here? You hug yourself and notice the draft freezing in from the kitchen. You find one of the french doors slightly open and push it shut. You can guess who did it. You should lock him out but you'd rather not provoke a confrontation.
You go back to the front room. Something feels off. You don't know. Maybe it's just the empty house. You check the thermostat then the bassinet. Luna is tucked against the side. She must feel it too.
You make sure the wheels are locked before you flit out to grab a quilt from the nursery. You pant as you get to the top of the stairs. Whew, you still got work to do before you're anywhere close to back to normal.
You snatch the sewn pink blanket and come back down, catching your breath as you sweep through the doorway.
“Lulu,” you say quietly, “gonna swaddle you up–”
You notice the angle of the bassinet. It's not how you left it, almost parallel to the sofa instead. You rush over and nearly scream as the bottom stares back at you empty.
You drop the quilt and spin, searching for any sign of the culprit. You storm back into the foyer and stomp a foot.
“Lloyd!” You bellow, not caring if you wake the babe, “where the fuck are you? Give me my baby!”
Nothing. Just the echo of your anger. You snarl and holler again. Louder.
You stride forward and go down the hall. Not in the kitchen. Nope, not in the dining room either. You go through the first floor, yelling, then ascend the stairs again. There's no way he could've snuck her up there.
“You motherfucker. Lloyd!” You stop at the top, “it's not fucking funny.”
“Jesus Christ!” You hear a door swing open, then another as he comes out of his bedroom, “what is it now? Wanna call me more names? Push me around?”
He has a towel clutched around his waist as his feet slap on the floor. He glistens, his hair slick and dripping the noise of the shower still buzzing. You gulp and your heart drops.
“Lloyd, give her back.”
“Don't. Give me Luna.”
“Luna–” he grimaces, “what the fuck? You serious? You won't let me see her and now– wait, where is she?”
You stand silent in horror. He's a loar to the bone but dammit, he's convincing.
“You took her. I know… I went to get her a blanket and you…”
“I've been in the shower for twenty minutes, sweetheart,” he sneers, “I… she's… gone?”
You croak. It's all you can do. You spin and hurtle back downstairs. You near the bassinet again and squeal. Gripping the sides as panic floods your chest.
“She's gone! Lloyd! My baby! Where is she?!”
You hear him come downstairs and his footsteps rush across the floor, searching everywhere you did. He appears from the kitchen, barely hanging onto his towel. You look at him as he stares at you palely.
“The back door was unlocked.”
“I know, I thought you were out there–”
“Peaches,” he utters as his eyes dilate, “call the police.”
You're still sobbing as the red and blue flash on the other side of the window. You told the story a dozen times over. It's 2am and you haven't seen Luna in thirteen hours. You feel her absence heavy in your chest.
Your baby. You failed her. She's gone and it's all your fault.
Why didn't you just take her upstairs? Why did you want to cook? Why weren't you watching her? Why didn't you lock the goddamn door?
“Honey,” Harlan clinks down a mug and his weight dips beside you on the couch, “they'll find her. She can't have gone far.”
“No, no, no,” you bawl, head throbbing, “someone took her. Someone– it's all my fault–”
“Shhh, shhh, it's alright. It'll be alright. She got everyone lookin’, they'll find her.”
“I fucked up!” You fold over your lap, “I was selfish--c-c-carlessssss.”
He hushes you again and rubs your back. You can hear the police milling around outside, a few inside still investigating every nook and cranny.
“Ma'am,” an officer approaches, “we're doing what we can but these things can take a while. You know, we got a few volunteers from the neighborhood too and some statements–”
“I don't care! I want my daughter back,” you snap.
“Sorry, officer, she's just…scared,” Harlan slings his arm over your shoulders.
“Understood,” the officer says, “we're doing all we can.”
You sniffle and bury your face in your palms. This can't be real. It is and it's all on you. You wished so many times that Luna would just go away, you didn't want her, you remember that, and now that wish came true. You are a monster.
“Breathe,” Harlan coos as your breath turns shallow and suffocating, “honey, please, you needa–”
“Let me look!” You sit up, so dizzy you nearly keel over, “I wanna look for her.”
“Dear, you already did. You needa rest.”
“No, no!” You shove him away and stand, slippers slapping as you stomp around the couch, “she's my baby, I can find her! I know I will.”
“You won't help. Lloyd's already out there–” Harlan calls after you as he follows.
You hurry through the entryway and burst out the front door. You hear your father swearing as he scrambles for his shoes. The snow crunches under your thin soles as you jog past the cruisers and the uniformed figures.
You turn down the street without a thought. The streetlights flash over you, yellow, then darkness, yellow, dark…. You don't know where you're going. Maybe you want to disappear too.
You hear Harlan calling your name but he's getting further away, not closer. You slow down and cough, lungs burning. You lean on a fence post and bend to collect yourself.
“What are you doing out here?” A drawl brings you straight up.
You squint. You think it's Lloyd at first, you haven't seen him since the police got there. Andy steps into the soft hue of the lightpole.
“I… what are you doing?” You throw the question back at Andy.
“I'm a volunteer firefighter. Heard there was a missing baby so I've been helping. I'm sorry to hear about Luna. I don't know who would do this.”
You shake your head and snivel, “I don't know.”
“I know what it's like to lose a child but… I think… she's out there. It'll be okay. You'll see her again, I know it.”
“I hope,” your voice cracks and wipes your eyes as your grief spills anew, “I should go back.”
He says nothing. You back away and turn, dragging your feet down the pavement. You see the sirens lit up and the distant beans of flashlights. Suddenly, you're caught around the neck, a hand smothering your mouth.
“Do you wanna see her?” Andy whispers as you kick out, “Luna needs her mommy…” he wrestles you out of the cone of light and behind the fence, “so do I.”
You thrash, clawing at his sleeve. Your slippers fly off in your struggle as he squeezes tighter. No, it can't be him.
You were wrong. Again.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
I would love to request an Child ghost!reader and the gang, basically child reader got murdered when they were using the VR and their soul got stuck into the game.
Their soul being so GORY AND DISTORTED, like an arm is missing, one eye is like hanging out and their head has an hole. Reader can get invisible like a ghost and move things with only their mind, and they are very quiet and just observes, rarely get mad or anything, but when they snap (for example: Because of jax's pranks) they start throwing things around dim the lights and scream, and lets put like, Reader's screams are like LOUD as hell, basically like an ghost tantrum.
So basically Child reader is just an sad messed up lil goof who needs comfort and therapy.
Sorry if its long, i love love love your blog btw!
TADC cast x ghost!child!reader (platonic + light found family) !
going to take a different approach to writing this one, since i feel bad about being selective of cast/multi characters today, so! rather than having divided segments like usual, its going to be a group thing! hope thats alright! going to be the last request of this batch them imma make something to eat rq for dinner then get back to writing YAHOO!
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when you joined the digital circus, you were already very obviously different from the rest of the gang. even if your gore was toned down thanks to your body being digitized; the programming seemed to struggle with altering your body into something unique... strange... it also seems your body is fighting back against the programming of the world, seemingly trying to restore itself. The effect makes you almost look like you're glitching, or even abstracting
Caine doesnt immediately pick up on your presence, i feel like its in his programming to be aware when a new member joins the circus, but for some reason he didnt notice you until he saw you, or someone brings you up to him
It was Ragatha, who was trying to get answers from him. Who's kid was this? Is it really fair to let a kid be stuck here? Obviously she knew Caine couldnt do anything about it now that you were here, nor did he have any hand in you putting on the headset.
Except... you correct them and say you didn't put on any headset, you were trapped in it.
Of course you're trapped, just like the rest of us, Jax says
None of them immediately believe you try to tell them you're a ghost. Except of course, Kinger, who reasons that that's why you look the way you do; and Gangle, who in my opinion probably finds interest in the supernatural.. or maybe that's just me projecting onto her. Who knows. But the point still stands, almost everyone doesn't believe you.
Not long after, Jax accidentally ropes you into prank that was originally intended for Zooble, I dont think Jax would go as far as to bully a child.... well... actually no, he seems like the type to bully kids on roblox.
The prank wasnt planned for you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You open a door, and are immediately greeted with a fake snake lunging out at you. You scream, more so out of surprise and fear than anger. It does turn into anger when Jax laughs at you, still finding some kind of joy from the prank getting at least someone. Your scream rises, causing nearly everyone to cover their ears, the rest were not there in the room but would come rushing to see what the hell was going on
I think it would be that instance as well as a few other; namely ones where you became invisible and started removing one of Zooble's limbs after they (unintentionally) said something a little too mean to you. The idea of you being a ghost was further cemented when both Gangle and Ragatha watched you literally phase through a wall. But hey at least someone (Jax) starts laying off of you when it becomes clear you weren't lying
There's mixed feelings, a lot negative. I mean, you're just a kid and you're. Well, a ghost. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that something happened to you. Whether or not you remember the details of your death when you became a ghost, or after joining the digital world, is all up to you
Caine, as mentioned before in posts where the reader is a child, tries to be a father figure. He's not the best, since he's programmed to be a ring master, but he definitely tries his best. I like to think he tries to read you bedtime stories when the digital world simulates 'night'
Pomni, who I totally didn't forget, tries to overcome her fear of you and your ghostly powers, ultimately becoming sympathetic you and your situation. Not only was your life cut short, but you were trapped here too, you didn't even get to roam the world in the afterlife. Interactions with her are awkward but there's an effort to try to bring you some form of comfort
Jax, after he stops pulling jokes on you cant deny that he doesnt find you creepy. I think, though, he would ask you if you want to help him scare some of the other members. Whether you be offended by the concept or not is also up to you, since I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be sensitive regarding their current predicament or not
Ragatha goes into full big sister mode, even before it's confirmed that you're a ghost. Sure, she's a little put off by your ganky and gorey looks, but her heart aches for you. Similar to Caine she tries to do general child care activities with you, perhaps if you let her, she would do your hair and make you dresses
Kinger will take a while to warm up to you, but I think after some time would start to open up to you, usually it's best to interact with him when he's already in a calmer state. He already gives me dad vibes that I cant pin down... but he would tell you stories of his past (in house) adventures and some funny stuff that has happened over his time in the digital world
Zooble is going to need a moment to get over the invisible dismemberment thing... as well as Zooble being Zooble and needing some time to warm up to people in general... Not much to be said, yet...
Gangle would offer to lend you some art supplies... kids like arts and crafts stuff, right? Thats her logic, at least, and if it means you have an outlet for your emotions then that would be great!
Overall you now have a funky found family, so hey, at least things aren't totally... terrible.. Unfortunately with them stuck in the digital world they can't do much to get you justice, if you let them know you were murdered. But rest assured if your killer somehow gets trapped in there with them and you recognize them, they have your back
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tibby-art · 23 days
there is one more question that is eating at me. last one for now. take ur time to answer ofc <:] and i understand if u want to wait to reveal some details in a format other than an ask lol
im curious about any possible side-effects of grian's watcher abilities, especially since these abilities are newly-acquired and unpredictable. does he get watery eyes? partial/total blindness? vision abnormalities? hot/cold flashes? sweating? dry cracked skin around the eyes? migraine/headache? nausea? numbness/loss of physical feeling? loss of balance/dizziness? at which point do side-effects happen (if any), can grian burn out? if watcher abilities are used too much.
absolutely, i’ve pictured him getting frequent headaches/migraines, dizziness, and nosebleeds when she overexerts herself. if things get too bad he can pass out, which is unideal, especially because i think he gets really weird dreams after becoming a Watcher
i like to think of the watcher powers like being able to access a less-corporeal reality, where things like physics aren’t as set in stone. kind of like if you were able to /gamemode spectator in real life, but doing so is incredibly overwhelming and the line between physical planes gets a little blurred and can’t be switched on and off so easily. it also reminds me of this game i used to watch lets-plays of as a kid called Beyond Two Souls where you play as this sort of spirit that others can’t see, you’re tethered to a girl and you can do things like move/break objects and phase through walls to see things that she can’t, but because you’re tethered you can’t stray too far from her and you both get exhausted by using your abilities too much
grian grounding himself when things get overwhelming isn’t that difficult, though! i think i’ve said this before but scar lets grian hold jellie often because petting a cat is a great way to stay grounded and focused in this reality
i hope that makes any sense lol. i’ve had some art in the works but i’ve been too busy with The Zines™ to work on it much :’D which is why i wrote instead lmao
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gingiesworld · 8 months
Family Ties (9/9)
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Natasha Romanoff x Werewolf Fem Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Angst
AN: This is the last one guys. I have really enjoyed writing this fic, and thank you guys for the support for it.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @natashasilverfox @the-ox-fan20 @upsidedowndanvers
As soon as the babies were cleared to leave the med bay, Nat had set up two cribs in her room. She even went out and bought a lot of clothes and other things the babies will need.
"I think we should move with your family." Nat stated as she watched Y/N rock Ivory to sleep.
"What?" She questioned as Nat gave her a gentle smile.
"They are like you, Y/N, they need to be with your kind." Nat told her.
"You would move with us?" She asked as Nat smiled at her. "Because I don't think I can deal with being away from you again. My heart won't take it."
"Of course I will be coming with you." Nat smiled at her as she placed Aaron Jr down. "This, what we have is forever."
"But what about the team here?" Y/N questioned, she had already become accustomed to everyone here.
"I will still help with missions and work but my home will be with you and our babies." Nat told her as she caressed her cheek. "You are my home Y/N." She whispered before she pecked her lips. She watched as Y/N carefully placed Ivory down.
"I've been training too." Y/N told her. "Vision and Steve have been helping me."
"When do you find the time?" Nat questioned.
"Some nights I can't sleep." Y/N told her. "Since the last fight, and Ricard. He was a well respected Elder when I was growing up. He had a lot of pull when it came to the pack and I guess he was like a second father to me and I killed him." She confided in her. "And I was ready to die at that moment. I was ready because I stopped the one threat that remained to my family and I knew that you and everyone here would be safe, Steve saw to that."
"He also saved you." Nat reminded her.
"He did." She nodded with a smile as she wrapped her arms around her. "He made sure that I came home to you." She kissed Nat's lips tenderly before Nat buried her head in Y/N's neck. Just enjoying the simplicity of the moment.
"Auntie Wanda is here." Wanda let herself in and made her way over to the babies.
"What if we were naked?" Nat questioned with a raised brow.
"Then I would be saving these two, wouldn't I, babies." She spoke in a childish voice making the two smile at her. "Besides, it's not like you two are even making that move on each other again."
"Wanda, darling." Vision phased through the wall, a smile on his face as he saw her holding Ivory.
"I want one." She pouted as she looked at the sleeping baby.
"Well, get all of the baby time in now." Nat told her as she packed a bag for the two. "We will be moving to live with the pack."
"Why?" She whined as Y/N chuckled at her.
"They will need to be free to be themselves Wanda." Nat told her firmly. "They can't do that here. Besides, they will only be just outside of the city."
"And you can come and visit anytime you want to." Y/N added as Wanda looked between the two.
"You're leaving too." She spoke as she looked at Nat, who only nodded.
"After the wedding." Nat informed her.
"But that's so soon." Wanda whispered as she placed the baby down to hug the two of them. "I'm going to miss having you both here."
The wedding soon came by fast, it was only a small ceremony, just family. Both Y/N and Nat wore matching suits as they listened to Bruce speak. The two couldn't tear their eyes from each other, loving smiles on their faces.
"Now for the vows." Bruce gestured to the two.
"Right." Y/N smiled. "I have never really been good with words. Well, I was away from civilization for the most part." She tried to joke. "But the moment we met, it seemed like something had awakened within me, something called to me and my heart listened. I wasn't the brightest when it comes to relationships, this is my first one and well, I found my better half, my soulmate on the first go." She smiled as Nat listened to her every word. "What I am trying to say is that, I love you so much and my love for you only grows deeper with every passing moment."
"And you're not good with words." Nat teased as everyone chuckled. "Wow, well I guess I used to think that love was for children, that was how I was raised, but you came into my life and it seemed like my whole world shifted. Something changed within me and I was drawn to you. Like a moth to a flame. I never understood my feelings at first, I had never been in love before, but you came crashing into my life and turned it the right way up. It was already upside down and I just didn't know it." She squeezed Y/N's hand as she took a deep breath. "I love you so much Y/N and I will spend every day loving you."
"I now pronounce you wife and wife." Bruce smiled, watching as Nat kissed Y/N passionately as everyone applauded the newly wedded couple.
"I'm so happy right now." Y/N whispered as she gazed lovingly into Nat's green eyes. "You are my happiness, my love and my heart."
"Stop." Nat whispered shakily. "You're going to make me a blubbering mess." Y/N kissed her forehead before the two walked down the aisle, arms linked as everyone smiled endearingly at the couple.
The move was challenging, Y/N and Nat had everything packed but Nat wasn't entirely ready to say goodbye to the family she had grown to love.
"This isn't goodbye." Y/N whispered as they sat side by side in the new car that Tony had gifted them, telling them that Nat's car wasn't suitable for the car seats for babies.
"I know." Nat turned to Y/N. "It's just the end of a chapter."
"And the start of the next." Y/N told her with a smile. Nat started the drive away from the compound to their new home, ready for the future that awaits them.
As the years went by, the two would help the Avengers on missions, but never going at the same time. The children had changed for the first time and Y/N and her father were the ones to take them on their first run. Aaron watched Y/N with a proud smile on his face as she taught the children what he had taught her.
"You have grown into an extraordinary mother." He told her as she put them to bed, reading them a story to keep them from worrying about their mama.
"I had the best parents to learn from." Y/N told him as they both sat on the porch, watching as the stars twinkled in the sky and the moon shone brightly above. "I only want what is the best for them."
"And you have given them so much more." He told her. "When is Nat coming home?" He asked her.
"She was supposed to be home today." She told him.
"You're worried about her." He pointed out.
"I can sense something is wrong." She told him. "I just don't know what." She told him.
"Go to her." He told her.
"But the kids?" She questioned as he smiled.
"They have their grandparents, aunts and uncles." He told her. "We will keep them both safe." He told her as she nodded, not wasting any time in phasing and racing to Natasha, following her scent only to run right into a battle, tearing enemies apart before she changed back.
"What are you doing here?" Nat asked as she held her side, leaning against the wall.
"I figured you needed me." She told her as she helped her up.
"But the kids?" She questioned as she limped, Y/N taking her pistol and shooting any enemies in their way.
"Are safe." She told her. "I just needed to make sure you were safe." Nat just watched as Y/N guided her out to the team, soon placing her on the gurney for Bruce to start working.
"How did you know I needed you?" Nat questioned.
"I could feel it." She admitted as she held her hand. "We are tied together Nat. I feel everything you feel, when you're in pain, I can feel it. I just can't really explain it. I just know that our hearts beat together as one."
"Kiss me." She whispered that Y/N wasted no time in pressing a tender loving kiss to her lips. A smile on both of their faces when they pulled away. The two saw forever in the eyes of the other and Nat felt safe knowing that Y/N would run to the ends of the earth to make sure that she was safe.
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