#she really up and fused w the devil just bc she was bored and wanted to feel god like.
cheemken · 11 months
I sometimes think about that one ask I sent where the Champions meet their messed up selves in the villain Diantha AU. But like imagine if they met themselves in the Villain Champion AU. It’ll be way, WAY, worse then the Villain Diantha AU one
Cause like, they’re all evil, with Iris and Hau being manipulated by them. And because Cynthia fused with Giratina for practically nothing. Shes just evil to be evil. Lance has a body count, Iris is one mean comment away from pulling a Team Plasma, and Leon is a tyrant who sided with Rose
But god, when they see Iris. She’s just a shell of her old self and she’s very violent and quick to anger. But they can tell that she’s nervous around them, like they’re gonna do something to her if she messes up
All of them are gonna be horrified about what the other champions have done to her, just because she almost didn’t meet their expectations. Cause if she faced another tough challenger and almost lost but kept her title. Like the original champions would be proud of her but the villain champions would torture her again and make her training more vigorous
God please Diantha would throw hands w her villain counterpart fr
But yo that's so sad tho imagine them taking Iris and Hau from their villain counterparts and asking them what's really wrong, and Hau's there telling Diantha everything, cause ofc, he still had that mindset, the one talking to him is Diantha, this may not be the Diantha in his universe but the fear is there yknow.
And idk, I imagine villain au Hau being like,, ah, idk the English word for this,, shit wait actually idk the English word for this gimme a sec, like... Two faced???? That's really not the exact translation that I'm looking for but that's a bit close ig. Anyways yeah, yknow, Dia really spoiled Hau in the villain au, and Hau became somewhat of a mama's boy bc of that and he's such a lil shit that he'd often taunt Iris saying that he's Diantha's favourite, even telling Dia what Iris would hide from them just so she can get in trouble, and he'd spare himself the same fate, never admitting he's also scared to be punished
And imagine him telling (not villain) Diantha abt everything that happened tho, how Iris almost lost and if she didn't pull through, she would've lost her champion title, and he's there bringing the spotlight to himself, saying how he's just as strategic as her now, and no one could even come close to beating him
Imagine his surprise when Diantha just softly says she's proud of him, then goes to Iris and hugs her, tells her that it was okay, she did her best, and she's also really proud of her too. Imagine both their surprise tho, cause Iris was also expecting this Diantha to slap her and get mad and get Cynthia to trap her in the Distortion World too, only for Diantha to pull Iris closer to her, and Iris breaks, crying her heart out, clinging to her, her tears staining Dia's blazer.
God just cjmxxbdk the other champions asking Iris and Hau what else the other champions had done to them, Iris kept quiet, and as much as Diantha hated it, she used that fear Hau had and asked him instead, and the boy told her everything
Imagine how much that'd fuck them up tho, how much damage their villain counterparts caused, not only to their region but to other people as well, to Iris and Hau especially, that those two kids, their kids, are so fucking terrified of them, terrified of making a mistake, terrified of getting punished.
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