#since i was always physically moving around in it and seeing all the nooks and crannies and trying my best to see every building i could
butwhatifidothis · 2 months
hmmm, 🔥 about fe3h, but make it something that would actually be one in your specific mutual corner of Tumblr as well, and not just the fandom in general (because that would be too easy)? 👀
Well funnily enough the one hot take I for sure know the majority of my mutuals don't particularly agree with is one I literally just saw one of them say LMAO but I think the monastery is not NEARLYYYYYY as bad as people try to make it out to be. I never once found it to be tedious and I loved running around talking to all the NPCs loitering about the place, and call me an omega nerd but dammit I liked reading the shit in the libraries 😭😭😭
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 8 months
To Be a Man (Part 2) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Wife!OC (Sophie)
Word Count: 3.0k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only
Warnings: Non-Traditional Family Dynamics; Marriage of Convenience/Necessity; Implied Sexual Content; Jealous!Jake; Cocky!Rooster; Third Person POV, Named OC kids and Wife, No Physical Descriptions of Any OCs
Summary: Hangman and Sophie move to Miramar. The Daggers meddle.
Prologue Part 1 Part 3
Master List
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“Alright, ready?” Jake asked Leila and Tyler, who were both practically bouncing where they stood.
Jake placed the key into the lock on the front door of the new Seresin family residence in Miramar before swinging the door open. Leila and Tyler let out a squeal each before racing inside, eager to see the house that would be their new home. Sophie smiled and thanked Jake for holding the door for her before heading inside herself.
She had seen the house very briefly over FaceTime, since she had been busy holding down the fort back in Lemoore while Jake got everything prepared for their move to Miramar. And, after all, it was mostly his money going towards paying for it, so she didn’t offer her opinion on too many things. She told him to just find a house with three bedrooms and not too much work and that was it.
But when she spotted the little breakfast nook like she had talked about; and the big window in front of the kitchen sink like she wanted; and the backyard with the swings that Leila asked for; and the basketball hoop that Tyler wanted at the end of the driveway, she didn’t doubt that Jake put an excessive amount of time into finding the perfect house for them.
Jake watched Leila and Tyler explore, opening the back door for them so that they could run down and explore the yard. Turning back to Sophie, he paused when he caught her blissful smile as she spun around the living room, taking it all in.
“I didn’t do too bad, did I?” Jake asked, leaning on the wall.
“It’s perfect,” Sophie assured Jake, walking over to him.
Watching Leila and Tyler out in the backyard with a soft smile, she turned back to Jake with an expression that he had seen about a thousand times for her. She gave him that look when he offered to marry her, when he actually did, and for just about everything insignificantly small and beyond. She always spoke like he didn’t need to get her anything, when he was willing to give her the world if that was what she wanted.
“Thank you. I feel like I’ll never repay you for all of this.”
“You don’t have to repay me,” Jake reminded her, causing Sophie to nod slowly.
“I know, but—”
“—The truck is here!” Leila shouted, causing Jake and Sophie to turn to her.
Jake stepped outside to see the moving truck pulling around the corner. Jake’s truck and Sophie’s car were both already jam packed, but they still needed a moving truck for the bigger items and a lot of their other crap. Jake walked out to greet the movers while Sophie moved to entertain Leila and Tyler in the backyard, out of their way.
But when Sophie spotted a set of three cars rolling down the road and park in front of their new home, she couldn’t help but look around the house curiously. She quickly recognized the Bronco and Coyote’s truck and walked over to greet them. She wasn’t expecting anyone to come and help them move in, but any help was welcome.
“Javy!” Tyler shouted, darting around Sophie to greet him.
Leila was right behind Tyler, though she moved to quickly greet Phoenix, who she was starting to look up to with greater reverence. Jake was thrilled about that. Really thrilled. But Phoenix seemed content to act as a guide to Leila. Sophie wondered if in ten years, that would involve helping Leila sneak out under Jake’s nose, though she didn’t think too hard about that yet.
“You guys didn’t have to come and help us move,” Sophie stated as the entire Dagger Squad stepped out of their cars. “We didn’t help any of you move.”
“We all moved into apartments,” Coyote pointed out, standing up with Tyler on his back. “And we all knew that Hangman would never ask for help.”
“No, he wouldn’t,” Sophie mused as the aviator in question made his way over to them.
“I don’t remember sending out invites,” Hangman drawled, moving to stand next to Sophie, earning an elbow to the side.
“They’re here to help,” Sophie insisted, causing Jake to turn to her.
“We don’t need help.”
“Sure, we don’t,” Sophie replied with a bright smile before turning back to the Dagger Squad. “Come on, let me show you guys everything.”
“But,” Jake started to protest.
“Looks like you were overruled,” Phoenix mused, causing Hangman to sigh.
“Yeah, Jake, you were overruled,” Leila laughed, adding about four extra r’s to the last word.
“Alright, that’s it.”
Sophie looked back over her shoulder to see Leila squealing as Jake picked her up and spun her around. She giggled and lightly punched at Jake’s back, asking to be put down, but Jake pretended to not hear her and went about his business as if she wasn’t there. Smiling softly to herself, Sophie turned back to the truck to give out directions for where to put everything.
With the two movers and the Dagger Squad, the move was progressing very quickly. Sophie stood in the kitchen, gently unwrapping and putting away all of the kitchen supplies. Just as she was struggling to open another box, a hand reached out to help her.
Except it wasn’t her husband’s.
“Need some help with that?” Rooster asked, wearing a flirtatious smile.
“If you don’t mind,” Sophie replied, passing the box over to him. “Thank you.”
“Anything for a woman as beautiful as you,” Rooster returned, slicing open the box.
Sophie instantly raised an eyebrow, confused at Rooster’s phrasing. Unbeknownst to Sophie or Hangman, the rest of the Daggers had a silent mission of their own. They all saw just how Hangman pined after his wife. They saw the looks that they shared. They saw the subtle way that Sophie could calm him down with a hand on his arm or get him to shut up with a quick look.
And all that they needed was for Hangman to admit it. Because they couldn’t sit through a fifty-slide presentation as Hangman asked for their opinion on a perfect house and then just went with his gut in the first place. They could not do that again.
Hangman walked into the living room with a couch in between him and Coyote. Setting it against the side wall, Jake straightened up to see Sophie in the kitchen, still unpacking the utensils and everything. But she wasn’t alone this time. Rooster as there, smirking like an idiot, as he helped Sophie put away the glassware into one of the cupboards.
“You need help?” Jake immediately asked, walking over to where Sophie and Rooster were standing.
Coyote shared a look with Phoenix, who stood a few paces away. Phoenix shook her head, thinking that the whole jealousy card was overdone and a bad idea. But, hey, she wasn’t going to pay Rooster’s dental bill if he really pissed Hangman off.
“I think that we’re good,” Rooster replied, shooting Hangman a smirk that drew some kind of primitive growl out of Hangman’s chest.
“We’re fine,” Sophie stated, brushing some of her hair back. Smiling at Jake, she gestured towards the door. “Go grab the mattresses before Fanboy convinces Tyler to ride down the stairs on one.”
“You sure?” Jake insisted, glancing over at Rooster with a sharp glare. “I don’t mind.”
“I’m sure,” Sophie replied, having her own particular system in the kitchen.
Jake, a bit defeated, shot Rooster a look of death before walking off to start the process of moving the mattresses upstairs. Coyote and Phoenix shared another look before Phoenix rolled her eyes. Squatting down to Leila’s height, she offered Leila a small smile.
“Want to go work on that sign for your room?”
“Yeah!” Leila agreed excitedly, leading Phoenix out of the house.
Jake, Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy worked together to drag all of the heavier furniture upstairs with some help from the movers. Sweating, Jake wiped his forehead with his forearm after he and Coyote finally got the dresser upstairs and into the master bedroom. But he paused and spun around when he heard Sophie’s laughter echo up the stairs.
“Hey, did you want all of the boxes marked—” Bob started to ask before Jake moved right past him, heading downstairs quickly. “Okay then.”
Jake turned the corner and spotted Sophie kneeling on the countertop as she put away some plates and bowls and other stuff that they didn’t use too often up high in the cabinets. And Rooster the fucking bane of Jake’s current existence, stood right behind her, handing her items. And when Sophie sat up to put the items away, Rooster had a complete, uninterrupted view of her ass.
“Oh, hey, Hangman,” Rooster greeted him, waving condescendingly as Jake nearly combusted.
“You want to do some actual lifting, Rooster?” Jake snapped back, gesturing to the other dresser.
“Oh, but the view’s so nice here. Out your lovely window, I mean,” Rooster replied, causing Payback to choke on air.
“Rest in peace, Rooster,” Fanboy joked, making the sign of the cross.
“I should probably run out and grab lunch for anyone anyways,” Sophie stated, slowly getting down from the countertop. Rooster offered her a hand, which she took, before hopping down completely. “I was thinking pizza and some beer.”
“You need any help with it?” Rooster offered, causing Sophie to turn.
“Oh, I’ll be fine. Thanks.”
“Any time.”
Sophie grabbed her purse off the table and moved to grab her keys. Passing by Jake, she gently grabbed his hand, immediately breaking his death stare into Rooster’s skull.
“You want anything special?” she asked, smiling up at him.
“No, I’m fine.”
“Alright. Just text me if you need anything. Oh, and make sure that Tyler has his snack,” Sophie stated, checking her watch.
“Already did,” Jake reported, causing Sophie’s smile to brighten.
Pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek, she walked off, promising to be back with lunch. Jake watched her go before turning back to Rooster with the same death stare. Rooster waved to Jake and Fanboy swore that he saw steam pouring out of Jake’s ears.
But then Leila ran into the room with her sign, eager to show Jake her little project.
“Jake! Jake! Look at what I made!”
“What’d you make, Princess?” Jake asked, kneeling down to her height.
“It’s for my room,” Leila announced proudly.
Jake looked down at her sign and laughed a classic dad laugh when he saw the writing. On a thin piece of wood, Phoenix had painted a simple ‘No Boys Allowed’ in big black letters. But underneath, written by Leila in magic marker, was a little addendum of ‘But Not Jake.’
“It’s amazing, Leila,” Jake praised, studying the sign. “You think you can make one for your aunt too?”
“But what about Tyler?”
“You can add him to your aunt’s sign. But emphasize the other part, okay?”
Standing up slowly, Jake turned to shoot Rooster one last glare before calling for the other Daggers to put their asses into gear. Sophie eventually returned with a stack of pizzas and some beer for the adults and some lemonade for the kids. They set up shop outside on the deck, which was mostly shaded from the sun, and took a well-deserved break.
“I made a sign for your room!” Leila shouted, causing Sophie to turn to her.
“Did you?”
“Yeah! Phoenix helped with mine! And Jake asked me to make one for you!”
“Did he now?” Sophie mused, taking the sign from Leila’s hand.
She smiled and let out a laugh when she spotted what Leila had written. Just as she was about to comment about it, however, Rooster slid into the seat beside her.
“What do you have there?” Rooster asked, resting his arms behind Sophie.
“Just a sign that Leila made for Jake and my room,” Sophie replied, showing it to Rooster.
“Is that negotiable at all?” Rooster questioned, causing Leila to frown dramatically.
Before Sophie could even attempt to respond, Tyler’s laugh made her turn quickly. Jake was out in the backyard, doing pushups with Tyler on his back, giggling and holding on tight. Jake didn’t even look like it was a struggle, though Sophie had to assume he was sore from all the moving.
“See, you weigh nothing,” Jake joked, causing Tyler to pout.
“I do weigh something!”
“I can’t seem to feel it,” Jake returned, causing Leila to run down there.
Climbing up onto Jake’s back too, Leila laughed along with her brother as Jake continued to do pushups with them on his back. And despite their efforts and their giggles, Jake kept going. Rooster glanced over at Sophie to see her sitting a bit perched on her seat, lips slightly parted with her tongue licking her bottom lip before taking it in between her teeth. Hell, someone could have waved a hand in front of her face and she wouldn’t have blinked.
“Well, I think that confirms it,” Phoenix stated dryly, sharing a look with Coyote.
“Alright, I think that’s enough,” Jake called, putting his knees down.
“Ha! We won!” Leila shouted victoriously, pointing up at Jake.
“Nuh uh!”
“Yeah huh!”
“Nuh uh!” Jake replied dramatically, causing Sophie to smile to herself.
Leila and Tyler continued to squabble with Jake, but he returned it just the same. Stepping up onto the deck again, Jake deposited Tyler onto Coyote and Leila quickly ran to Sophie’s side. And sat right in between Sophie and Rooster.
“Jesus, it’s hot out,” Jake complained, moving to sit beside his wife.
“You’re the one who had to go and do extra pushups,” Sophie pointed out, earning a smirk in return from her husband.
“Just had to prove a point. That’s all.”
Pulling off his now sweat soaked shirt, Jake sat down beside Sophie, who couldn’t help put trail her eyes down his chest. Cracking open a beer, Jake rested his arm firmly behind Sophie, leaving no room for Rooster’s own, and took a long sip.
“You call that chest hair, Rooster?” Jake joked, gesturing at the small patch on Rooster’s chest.
“Jake,” Sophie admonished, though there was barely any force behind it.
“I believe that’s checkmate,” Coyote told the other Daggers, who were snickering among themselves.
After they ate lunch, the Daggers put together most of the other major pieces of furniture and at least got it semi-set up before the Daggers left for the day. Leila and Tyler were tuckered out very quickly and were in bed by eight, sound asleep. Tyler was even snoring. And that left Jake and Sophie alone for a few quiet moments.
“I think this is the last thing today,” Sophie decided as she tucked the sheets under their mattress. “We’ll get the rest of the important stuff situated tomorrow. Maybe Leila and Tyler’s rooms. And then I’ll just unpack when I have a moment.”
“Yeah, I don’t think we need to call in the calvary again,” Jake stated, carrying over the comforter.
Sophie looked up at Jake through her eyelashes as she slowly reached over to help Jake unfold the blanket. She paused in thought for a moment as she tucked the edge of the blanket into the space between the mattress and the frame before turning to Jake.
“Are you feeling okay, Jake?”
“A little tired. But otherwise, fine. Why?” he asked, folding the comforter at the top of the bed.
“You were showing off at lunch.”
“I was just trying to prove a point to Tyler, that’s all,” he replied, avoiding the real question there.
“So, it had nothing to do with Rooster then?” Sophie smiled to herself when she felt Jake’s gaze on her as she turned to pull out the pillow from the box. “You know, you only pull out that pushups routine when you’re feeling insecure.” Sophie fluffed a pillow before turning to Jake. “And Rooster wasn’t even slightly subtle.”
“I’ll beat his ass the next time I see him.”
“I’m assuming that it was some kind of dare,” Sophie returned, brushing off the entire interaction. “I’m not worried about it.” She tossed the pillows to Jake, who set them on the bed in order. Folding up the cardboard box, Sophie shot Jake a small smile as she slipped out the door of the bedroom. “And you shouldn’t be either.”
Jake looked up from the pillows, watching Sophie walk off for a silent moment before letting out a breath to center himself. Maybe he did lose his shit a little bit out there. But, in all honesty, he could have been far worse given the game that dumbass Rooster was playing. Running a hand down his face, Jake let out another breath and turned for the bathroom.
Sophie returned to the bedroom after tossing the cardboard box into the pile and turning off all of the lights. She paused when she heard the shower running and Jake’s suitcase open on the floor. Reaching behind her, Sophie closed the door to their bedroom and walked over to the bathroom door.
Jake let the hot water roll down his back and soak his hair. Running a hand through his hair, Jake spun around when the shower door opened, letting in a rush of cold air. Sophie stepped inside the shower as she locked eyes with Jake. Shutting the shower door behind her, Sophie took a step closer to Jake, letting the warm water spray hit her.
There was a beat longer of silent, burning staring between them, before Jake leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Sophie’s lips. She quickly returned it, reaching up to cup his cheeks. Jake pulled her flush against him, brushing his hands down her spine. Pulling away for a moment, Jake rested his forehead against her own and stared into her eyes once more.
“The kids are asleep, right?” Jake asked softly.
“Completely knocked out,” Sophie assured him.
“Good,” Jake replied, brushing his thumb over her cheek. Reaching down, he grabbed the back of her thigh and hoisted her right leg around his waist, causing Sophie to grab his shoulder for stability. “Wouldn’t want them to walk in on this.”
Prologue Part 1 Part 3
Tags (Just People Who Asked for More/Part 2):
@ahopelessromanticwritersworld @whoeverineedtobe @dingochef @mayhemmanaged @xkylo--renx
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joeyalohadream · 26 days
Clegan Modern Neighbors! AU
This will be a multi-chapter buck x bucky modern AU and they're neighbors! I'm excited and also nervous for this one, but eager to share. I have it all mapped out, but figured I'd get the introduction out there to see if there is any interest.
Title: The Boy Next Door
Introduction –
The unit next to Bucky’s own in the quaint lakeside apartment building near the marina in Manitowoc has been vacant since the red eviction notice was hung on the door back in May. Now, only days away from August beginning Bucky notices a change for the first time in weeks.
He exits the elevator upon his return from the marina, sweat soaked and sunburnt from working in the hot summer sun all morning. As he walks past the vacant 6B, he notices that the door is ajar. His footsteps halt out of curiosity, but as he’s about to give a gentle knock, the door swings open and he smiles as he’s greeted by Robert Rosenthal exiting the unit.
“Rosie, my favorite landlord!” Bucky moves to close the space between them to go in for his typical enthusiastic full body handshake but is swatted with the clipboard in his friend’s hand before he can make contact.
“Keep your sweaty paws to yourself Egan,” Rosie grumbles, but still smiles and nods in lieu of Bucky’s preferred physical greeting.
Bucky throws him an exaggerated pout but backs off with his hands raised placatingly. Rosie and he have known each other since their days playing high school baseball and while Bucky loves to push his buttons, he can acknowledge that he’s a little more than ripe at the moment.
“So, what brings you up to my floor? I haven’t seen you around much since that yahoo finally moved outta here.”
Bucky had been more than happy to see his last neighbor go. Bucky had lived in this building, in 6A, since he returned from college six years ago and he was proud of the work and care he’d put into it to make it a home. Other than his ma’s house, no place was more comfortable to him than the little nook he’d carved out for himself in this building.
He'd gone through many neighbors over the years. It’s a small place, typically attracting young couples on their way to saving to buy their first home. Most of his experiences had been positive. He’s a friendly guy and he always wants to make new friends, so the forced proximity of sharing this corner of the hallway with 6B inevitably leads to some meetups.
The first neighbor Bucky had had was a man, a couple years his junior, by the name of Curt Biddick. He’d moved in to get a break away from his parents, who he had since learned came from old money, and a lot of it. He and Bucky had become fast friends, a shared love of food, alcohol and sports had led to many an evening in each other’s spaces.
Once Curt had finished his culinary classes at the technical school downtown, he’d reconnected with his family and eventually moved out to a large house right on the water. Bucky spends almost every weekend over there lazing about the beach and the pool and utilizing all of Curt’s waterfront toys.
When Curt isn’t helping his father run the two restaurants he owns, he’s collaborating with Bucky on his podcast, and Bucky couldn’t be more grateful to Rosie that he’d leased 6B to someone who grew to be one of his closest friends.
While his first ever neighbor turned out to be a blessing, his last one was a curse. A man in his mid-thirties had moved in at the beginning of the year and at first, he’d seemed decent. He had no interest in small talk, but he wasn’t rude about it. The most Bucky got from him was a head nod and an occasional, “hello.” Which was fine. Bucky was aware that despite his roguish good looks and his undeniable charm, not everyone wanted to be his best friend.
But after a month had gone by, he noticed that the guy from 6B was no longer a loner. The door opened at all hours of the day and night and Bucky noticed an endless string of visitors. Some around his age, some significantly older, some men and some women. The loud music started soon after the visitors, followed by constant shouting and what sounded like a not insignificant amount of potential property damage. The smell of cigarette smoke creeped into the hallway constantly, and despite indulging in the habit himself on occasion, it bothered Bucky endlessly that Rosie’s pride and joy was being treated like a bar.
He’d tried to speak with his neighbor about the disturbance one time, but when he’d answered the door, it was clear that something chemical had taken 6Bs ability to even stand up straight. He’d been angry the moment he’d opened the door and noticed it was Bucky and not one of his usual visitors. Bucky had made it back into his apartment with a crumpled shirt and a clenched fist, proud of himself that his famous temper was still controllable when he really wanted it to be.
 His little slice of comfort he’d created for himself in this building was slowly becoming a burden and he spent more nights sleeping in one of the many spare bedrooms at Curt’s place than in his own apartment.
Only after Curt offered him a permanent relocation, “You know I got plenty a’ space to spare Bucky,” did he finally gather his wits and speak to Rosie.
While Bucky had been away at college studying Sports Broadcasting, Rosie had apprenticed with his father who owned several residential properties in Manitowoc, including this one. He completed some maintenance and management courses at the same technical school Curt ended up attending and eventually was given ownership of this property. Bucky had rented from him during his first month of ownership and the improvements that Rosie made hadn’t stopped since. He put his trust in his landlord and friend, shared his concerns about his neighbor and after a couple weeks of police reports and confrontations that improved Rosie’s already impeccable reputation in Bucky’s eyes, an eviction notice was slapped on 6B.
Thankfully Bucky never saw him again after that, and other than the very occasional disheveled visitor that somehow makes it passed the digital locks into the building to knock on the door to the empty apartment, Bucky has had his little slice of paradise back.
Taking in the clipboard in Rosie’s hand and only just now noticing the smell of fresh paint permeating through the door, Bucky hopes that still stays true.
Rosie heaves a sigh, “I had some contractors come in early this morning to put a fresh coat of paint in the unit. The cigarette smell really lingers and it’s made it tough to rent.”
“I’ll bet,” Bucky grimaces. “Think the paint will do the trick for ya?”
Rosie shrugs with a smile, “Doesn’t much matter actually seeing as I rented it two days ago, even with that stench.”
Bucky blinks in surprise and scoffs, “Let me guess, they wanted lower rent and a fresh paint job to sweeten the deal?”
Rosie laughs and shakes his head, “That’s honestly what I expected, and I probably would’ve gone for it at this point. But no, not at all. This guy just looked around and said it was fine. He even asked if he was allowed to paint the walls or if it was against the lease agreement.”
“That right?” Bucky was skeptical, but he had already decided to be very picky about who got to be his neighbor from now on.
“Yeah, man,” Rosie continued. “I was standing right next to him, and the smell was bothering me so it had to bother him too. But he just asked if he could paint. I’m sure he figured it would help with the smell and didn’t want to push.”
“But why wouldn’t he want to push?” Bucky questioned the odd behavior. “I wouldn’t want to pay my hard-earned money for a place that smelled like a bar, no offense, and I definitely wouldn’t spend my hard earned money to also offer to fix it.”
Rosie laughed but nodded too. “Yeah, Bucky I know. But that’s honestly one of the reasons I rented it to him so quick. I think he’s just a genuinely good dude. He’d already passed the rental background check with flying colors, and he seemed a little desperate to get into somewhere near here. I didn’t want to lose the business.”
Bucky nodded along but still had his doubts. “You say he seems like a ‘genuinely good dude’? Well, I say he sounds gullible as hell and a little naive.”
Rosie puts one hand on his hip and waves his clipboard at him with the other. “Alright Bucky, that’s enough of that.” He scolds. “I know your last experience with a new neighbor was worse than bad and I sympathize with that, especially considering I rented the unit to the guy.”
Bucky immediately moves to defend Rosie. Despite the truth of his words, Bucky doesn’t have any ill will towards the other man, only gratitude for how quickly he righted the situation.
“I’m not done yet,” Rosie cuts him off with another swing of his clipboard. “But this new guy is not like that. I’m willing to bet my reputation that this one is going to work out for both of us. I’ve only met him in person once, but I can already tell you’re going to like him.”
Bucky trusts Rosie, he really does but he’s going to go into this new situation with both eyes wide open. The last occupant of 6B seemed perfectly normal at first too, so Bucky is not just going to take Rosie’s word for it.
“Alright, I’ll keep an open mind,” Bucky relents a little, letting Rosie lower his clipboard. “But then why’d you have the apartment painted if the guy agreed to take it as is?”
Rosie rubs the back of his neck and shrugs, “I felt bad renting it to someone like him without at least trying to improve it a bit. Plus, I take pride in this place, and it’ll help me sleep at night.”
“Someone like him?”
Rosie looks a little flustered, “He’s like, really nice Bucky. Kind, you know?”
Bucky narrows his eyes, “Would you have painted it for someone like me Rosie?”
Rosie laughs and pats him on the shoulder, pulling his hand away with a grimace when it comes away wet and Bucky laughs in return. “Course I would Bucky.”
“You’re good people Rosie,” Bucky answers. “Well, when’s my future neighbor move in, huh?”
Rosie looks at his watch and does some mental math. “He’s coming by for the paperwork and the keys in an hour, but he said it’ll take him a couple of days to actually move in.”
Bucky sighs and nods, “Alright well, I’m going out with Curt and Kenny for drinks tonight so I’ll probably miss him. I’ll roll out the welcome wagon when I see him around.”
“Thanks Bucky,” Rosie says with a small smile. “I know you got used to the solitude, but you can trust me on this. You’re gonna like 6B.”
“Only time will tell Rosie,” Bucky backs away towards his own door. “Catch ya later!”
He watches as Rosie waves his clipboard at him and then makes his way down the hall towards the elevator. Bucky enters his apartment and pulls his shirt over his head, dropping it into his hamper once he reaches his bedroom. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and shoots a quick text to Curt.
Getting a new neighbor in the next couple days. Still up for drinks?
He undresses and turns the shower on and waits for the water to warm. His phone buzzes and he laughs as reads the message.
Aw, no neighbor will ever compare to your first 6B 😉 But if they turn out to be like the last one, I’m ready to kick some ass.
Noted, tough guy. Drinks?
Satisfied with the water temperature, Bucky goes to put the phone down when it buzzes in his hand.
As long as you don’t mind being a third wheel!
Bucky grins and replies immediately.
You gotta actually ask him out before I can be considered a third wheel Curtie.
I’m playing the long game Bucky, you know that.
Eager to wash off the mornings grime, Bucky sends another text.
Where and when?
He waits a moment and grins at his phone as he reads Curt’s response.
The Wharf at 5! Second shift starts at 4 and Benny hired a new server we gotta check out. Well youuuuu gotta check out. I’m telling you, Bucky… you’re gonna swoon.
Only time will tell, see you at 5!
He shoots the text back and drops the phone onto the counter, finally hoping into the hot stream of water. Two new people to meet apparently in his very near future. He’s as skeptical of Curt’s matchmaking skill as he is of having a new neighbor so he’s not feeling overly confident on either front.
Only time will time.
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againstacecilia · 1 year
Target Practice
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Rating: 18+ minors DNI
Warnings: Canon weapon use, flirting, pretty chill chapter
A/N: This is honestly kind of a filler chapter but I had so much fun writing it and learning about the different blasters lolol. This entire story wouldn't be nearly as good without @creatively-analytical as beta-reader extraordinaire, so all my love and thanks to you, darling!!! 💖 Asks are always open!!
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To your immense satisfaction, Din announces after dinner that your hand to hand combat is progressing nicely and you won’t spar nightly anymore. Whether that was due to you taking him down earlier in the evening or genuine trust in your abilities you didn’t really care, it meant that you might not wake up tomorrow sore. Although, that had also become a thing of the past; the more you and Din practiced and sparred, the less often you woke up with stinging muscles and surprise bruises.
A glance in the fresher mirror as you were getting ready for bed shows the physical progress you have made as well. Definition was beginning to show up along your arms, your eyes are bright and clear, and something in your stance radiates confidence. But becoming strong wasn’t something that was strictly on the outside of your body; the changes were internal as well. You couldn’t imagine recognizing yourself if you ran into your past self and the feeling blossomed something akin to pride in your chest.
The hold is glowing when you step out of the fresher, light panels illuminating the angles and edges of the metal around you. Everything is softened in the light, including the Mandalorian sitting on your cot, helmet trained on your every move. His armor remains in the corner of the room, neglected since your training began hours ago. Only his beskar helmet returned to its place after being removed for dinner.
“I had an idea,” he says as you settle onto the cot next to him.
“And what’s that?”
“I think we should stop for one day on the way so I can teach you more about weapons.”
You roll your eyes playfully and scoff, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Tonis sounded pretty clear on his timeframe.”
“This is a necessary stop, you need more than just hand to hand combat skills for what we’re headed into,” Din reasoned. “Plus, it’ll make me feel better about you coming along if I teach you as much as I can.”
You expect to feel nervous about the situation, but instead the care he’s showing in just a couple statements shines through and you feel a wash of gratitude toward him. It’s easy, now, to see the meaning behind his words. You’re ready to learn more, you can handle it, I care for you and want you to be safe. You nod, “You make some good points…”
“I know.” You can hear the smile in his words.
You turn toward him and sit criss-cross with your hands clasped together in your lap. “Alright. We stop and you teach me some more. What am I to be learning?”
Din reaches over and takes one of your hands, rubbing light circles along the back of it. “More practice with your blaster will be the main goal. Might even teach you to use a rifle. General weapons training.”
“Sounds good to me.” You slip down onto your back, legs over his in an echo of the night before. “With such a good teacher, I’m sure I’ll pick it up in no time.” He chuckles, transferring his touch to your legs.
A beautiful quiet settles over the cargo hold. Din’s head tips back with a clunk on the wall of the Crest. “We’ll stop sometime in the next few hours.”
“You can come down here, you know,” you scoot over to give him room on the cot. There may not really have been any room, but the thought of Din leaving and staying in his little nook made your stomach twist in an uncomfortable way.
He stares down at you for a moment in consideration. Slowly, he adjusts his body to lay behind you. Like pieces of a puzzle, your bodies shift together as his arms wrap around and pull you close.
“Din?” you whisper.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
He squeezes you gently, “I’m glad you’re here too, Cuyan.”
- - - - - - -
Your end goal was ultimately the Core World of Corellia, but your stop for training is on Sarka. Mid Rim and small, Din lands the Razor Crest in an uninhabited area in the mountains to avoid accidentally running into anyone. As the engines shut down, the sound of a flowing waterfall rumbles through the walls.
Down in the hold, Din hands you a new blaster, a slightly larger one with a sight, and a belt with a new holster. “You’ll wear your old blaster and holster as normal, but I want you to have this one as well. It’s better for longer ranges.” After you fit your thigh holster in its place, Din helps you adjust the new one. Supple leather rests naturally on your hips, the holster settling on the opposite side from where your old blaster sits. His touch lingers on your hips, sending sparks through you.
“How do I look?”
“Dral,” he responds, both hands pulling your hips and body closer, “Strong.” His fingers dig into your flesh through the fabric of your shirt and leggings.
“Din,” you breathe, trying to keep control of yourself, “Training?”
Din clears his throat, “Right. Training.” He steps back and gives you an actual once over before grabbing his own weapons. “Let’s go.”
You giggle and follow him out of the Crest, ramp closing behind you. The clearing you landed in is grassy, surrounded by mountain trees. The waterfall roars behind the ship. “I’ve never seen mountains like this,” you comment with awe, slowly turning in place and admiring the sights.
“They’re some of the biggest in the Galaxy,” Din responds next to you. “I had to capture someone here, once.”
“I’m sure that was fun,” sarcasm laces your words.
“It actually was.” He leads you to the middle of the clearing. “Alright, stretches first.”
Going through the stretches and forms is second nature now, your body responding and reacting without much thought. You use the time to calm your mind, pushing out any thoughts of lingering touches and glances and focusing on the task at hand. Din seems more focused as well by the time he moves you on to the blaster at your hip.
“This is a modified DL-18 blaster,” he explains. “There’s a sight for slightly longer range shots than what your sidearm can do.” The mechanics are similar to what you’ve gotten used to on your smaller gun (“That one’s an ELG-3A.”) and it’s easy to pick up on the differences. The gun on your thigh would be for your dominant hand, the other for your off hand as backup.
Like during your first training session, Din lines tins and other targets up along the clearing and asks you to knock down as many as you can. No time constraints, just feeling the weapon in your hand and how it feels to shoot. Lift, aim, breathe, aim, and squeeze.
Tins fly off their resting places one by one, some more stubbornly than the others. You take your time and focus on each target. After they’ve all successfully been knocked down, you lower your blaster and turn to face Din.
He’s standing right behind you, towering beskar form eliciting an oof from you as you bump into him. You look up into his visor. “How was that?”
“You’re a natural.” His voice is low, skittering over your bones. Your face heats and you turn away, hoping nothing in that helmet can track your breathing or heart rate. “Let’s practice with the other one.”
He steps away and goes to reset the targets a little further away this time. You watch every step, need growing with each move of his body. You can’t help your eyes roving over his body as he walks back toward you, cape whipping in the light wind and steps purposeful. The power radiating from him crawls over the ground toward you, slinking up your body and sending your mind racing. He steps behind you again, “Go again, and remember to take your time.”
Grabbing the DL-18, you take a moment to feel its weight in your hand. In the back of your mind, though, all you can feel is the heat coming off Din, his body inches from your own. You shake your head and lift your arm.
“Wait.” You freeze as Din’s arms surround your body. His hands envelop yours and he adjusts your grip on the blaster. “This one’s a little bigger so you have a little more room to fit your hands comfortably and securely.”
His hands leave yours and you take a breath. Aim. Squeeze. The slightly larger weapon takes some time to get used to but the targets fall one by one. With comments here and there, Din helps you mold your stance and aim over the next few hours. When he’s satisfied with the speed and accuracy of your shots, Din says, “Good. Very good, Cuyan. Let’s stop for now.”
Arms shaking from the unfamiliar weight and angle of the new blaster, you flip the safety on and holster the weapon on your waist. You realize, though, that the vibrating in your limbs isn’t just from the training; the pent up energy from the afternoon needs a release.
“Let’s spar,” you suggest, removing your weapons and stripping to your base layers. The sun setting through the mountaintops had heated your little hideaway over the afternoon. Although, the heat in your body could’ve been due to other factors as well…
“You sure?” Din asks, unbuckling and removing his armor at your nod.
This is what you needed; a physical way to get rid of the nerves and emotions coiled through your body. You don’t hold back sending punch after jab after sweep in Din’s direction. If he’s surprised at your renewed vigor he doesn’t show it. He just moves along with you.
The sparring session becomes a dance. You weave through his attacks, light and lithe on your feet. He manages to catch your wrist and pull you close before you whip out of his grip and spin out of his reach. You land a blow to his stomach, only for him to catch your shoulder and nearly knock you off your feet. Neither of you get the upper hand on the other for too long before the energy shifts, and the sun sets further by the time you raise your arms in defeat, both of you panting from the exertion.
“You… Win…” You say between breaths. Hands on your knees, you let your head hang as you let your breathing return to normal.
Din sits on the ground in front of you before flopping to his back. “If you hadn’t said something, I was close to giving you the round.” His head lifts in your direction, “You’ve come a long way.”
Straightening up and walking over to him, you help him stand and gather your things on the ground. “I told you, I have a great teacher.”
He holds your hand for an extra beat before letting you go to don his armor again. Even after thoroughly exhausting yourself, you can’t help but watch his deft hands work the armor back into place, the way he places his weapons back where they belong.
Back on the Crest, you both clean your blasters and Din reviews with you how they work internally. He has a few power packs laying around for both of yours, but after this you’ll definitely need to get more. Disassembling and reassembling your guns give your hands something to do for the next couple of hours, leaving your mind free to drift.
“When was the last time someone saw you without your helmet?” you ask after a stretch of silence.
“I removed it for Grogu when he left,” Din responds factually. There’s an edge to his voice, though.
You look up at him. “What does that mean for your Creed?”
“I… Don’t know,” his admission is laced with guilt. “But I’m going to find more Mandalorians and find out.”
Nodding and looking back down at your blaster, you slip the final piece into place before speaking again. “When are others allowed to see you without your helmet?”
His hands still before he answers. His helmet lifts to you slowly, “We really only remove our helmets for… Certain people.”
The energy in the room shifts as your mind begins to race. Family, maybe? Or maybe…
“Oh, like… When you’re married to someone?”
“Marriage is a little different for my people, but yes. My ridurr is the only person who can see my face.”
Heart now racing along with your mind, you nod. “Makes sense. Have you ever had someone… Like that?”
“No,” he answers frankly.
“Ah.” The conversation comes to an awkward end and the two of you clean up the rags and tools. Once everything is put away, you stop in front of him as he heads toward the cockpit.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I... feel like I asked you an inappropriate question earlier and it got weird and I’m sorry.” You look down at your feet after you finish talking.
“Hey,” he calls your attention back up to his visor. “You did nothing wrong. I’m sorry I responded poorly.” He steps closer and takes a breath. “I don’t really know where I stand with the other Mandalorians but that doesn’t excuse me being short with you.”
A soft smile lights your lips and you nod. “It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it anymore.”
“You’re fine to ask me anything, Cuyan, you’ve earned that.” Din squeezes your shoulder as he climbs to the cockpit.
Later, his voice comes over the comms system through the cargo hold. "Let’s stay here for the night and leave in the morning. We’re not too far from Corellia, one extra night won’t hurt."
“Sounds good, Din. You staying up there tonight?”
"Yeah, I’ve got some stuff I gotta make sure is good for the rest of the trip. I’ll wake you up before we leave."
“Okay. Sleep tight.”
"You too."
- - - - - - - -
In the middle of the night, you wake up to strong hands bringing you close to a warm body. You keep your eyes closed as plush lips kiss the crown of your head. The corners of your lips lift into a contented smile as you drift back to sleep in Din’s embrace.
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The Grinning Clown
Allison's peaceful night at home turns into a terrifying encounter with her biggest phobia.
Allison had always found comfort in the silence of her apartment. It was always clean since she lived alone with no children and no pets, and the nights were the best. With the sound of rain and a crackling fire playing from her TV along with a good fictional book in her hand, she liked to escape into another world that would carry her into her dreams.
A sudden knock disturbed her from her reverie. The bedside table's digital clock confirmed that it was far past midnight, too late for people to be knocking on her door. Who could it be at this hour?
Feeling a sense of unease, Allison wrapped her robe across her body and walked toward her door. She glanced through the peephole, and her heart skipped a beat. She nearly screamed but covered her mouth, frozen on the spot. A clown stood on the other side, grinning sinisterly as he stared into her soul.
Fear surged through her veins as she took a soundless step back. Since she watched It at age six, she'd always been terrified of clowns. She couldn't even enjoy the circus. It was their distorted and deceptive faces with dark exaggerated features and demonic grins. They were the bane of her existence and her greatest fear. Someone had to be playing a prank, a mean one since it almost gave her a heart attack. Was it someone she knew? A stranger? Was there real danger? Her mind raced with thoughts. She decided to stay quiet and very still, hoping he'd go away.
Minutes passed, and her heart skipped again when the knocking returned. This time, there was an eerie clownish giggle. When Allison risked another peek, the clown was much closer, staring through the other side of the hole. "I see you," he whispered, aggressively turning the know. It was locked. Allison always locked her door, but she flinched nonetheless, her heart now in her throat.
The grin got wider and wider, showcasing pointy teeth until Allison thought it was physically impossible for his mouth to get any bigger. She was wrong. It grew along with his wide, erratic eyes.
"Open the door," he growled with a menacing bang.
This was too far. Summoning her courage, Allison left the door to find her piece. It was loaded and ready. She decided to surprise her night visitor by confronting him head-on and having him stare down the barrel of her heater. With a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and opened the door, her finger on the trigger.
But no one was there. The hallway was empty with no evidence that anyone had been there. Had the clown vanished? No, that would be impossible.
Allison closed the door, her heart pounding in her chest. She fished for her phone in bed and contemplated calling 911. Was her mind playing tricks? She thought she could see shadows moving in the dark. Suddenly, she heard a soft thud in her living room, and her heart froze. She picked up the heat and aimed once more with her finger on the trigger as she slowly made her way back out, surveying the area.
Again, nothing was there. She flipped on the light and checked every nook and cranny of every room. Nothing.
With all the lights on in the apartment, there was only the bedroom left. As soon as she flipped on the light, she noticed the window had been opened. The curtains were flipping in the wind.
Fearful, she aimed as she walked, peering out the window. There, on the ground looking up, was the grinning clown. She slammed the window shut and called the police, her voice trembling as she explained her situation. They promised to send a patrol car.
She waited, minutes ticking by adding to an agonizing wait. The clown had disappeared, but she could still feel his presence. It felt like he was still around somewhere.
A knock at her door made her jump. She checked the peephole once more, and it was the police. After talking to Allison, they searched the area, but there was no trace of the terrifying clown. They assured her that it was likely a prank by some wayward teenager. Clowns were a popular prank at this time of year.
That was probably true, but Allison was still afraid. The image of the grinning clown trying desperately to get to her haunted her, and for the next few days it turned her peaceful home into a place of dread. Sleep eluded her. She jumped at every sound. She kept the lights on because shadows took on the form of the clown. Her home felt foreign, filled with unseen threats.
Allison decided to invest in a ring camera so that she could feel safe and regain control of her life. She couldn't let one incident run her.
Days turned into weeks with no more incidences and life slowly returned to normal, but Allison was changed. She wasn't as carefree of a woman.
Every now and then, she found herself checking the peephole and checking her locks. She still shivered at the memory, but as time passed, her fear lessened. She found comfort and courage in knowing that even more than shivering and cowering from fear, she'd been brave and reacted. If she could do it once, she could do it again and buss a cap in a clown. When she thought like that, they weren't AS scary.
Time went on. When a knock came at the door, she didn't flinch. She wasn't a victim, and the thought of someone dressed stupidly at her door no longer frightened her. In fact, it didn't frighten her period. If she ran into a clown, she was pretty sure she could handle it.
For that, she was proud.
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Cookies and Cupcakes
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Pairing: Jaehee/gn!reader
Summary: Life's as busy as always after the long awaited opening of your own cafe. While on the road to achieving your dream, it can be easy to get lost in the hustle and miss out on the beauty of simple things life brings you. You make sure to remind Jaehee to take things slow and appreciate the peace you have.
A ringing cry tore through the previously serene atmosphere of a small cozy kitchen, interrupting the soft melody of Jaehee's humming along with one of Zen's numbers playing on the screen of a compact TV in the living room. Your reaction to the alarming sound was immediate: flinching and looking away from your current chat with Yoosung and Seven on the topic of your next get-together at a newly opened cafe. It's only been a week since that long-awaited day when all of your hard work finally paid off. Just a week since the beginning of this new unexplored chapter in the lives of you both. The following days were filled with so many new experiences, good and bad, but they all brought unprecedented colors to the former gray routine under which you had been so deeply buried before.
Jaehee was practically glowing at her new glossy counter, sharing her passion for coffee with each new customer visiting the cafe. Her sincere enthusiasm and positive energy was lighting up every nook and corner of the establishment. Seeing her so bright and cheerful brought a special kind of joy into your life.
And although you were not ready quite yet to share these new warm feelings blooming in your chest, making themselves known every time she once again laid her head onto your shoulder or called out your name with such a warm smile on her face, this new life was as sweet as ever.  
Either way, right now your thoughts were aimed in a completely different direction: forcing you to hastily leave the chat and, after putting your phone down on the coffee table, rush to the kitchen.
"Is everything all right, cookie?", - you asked, finally reaching the kitchen and quickly approaching her graceful figure, which was standing with her back turned to you at the kitchen cabinet. Jaehee swiftly turned around, still hissing through clenched teeth due to the pain. Though, she quickly brushed off your worries with a small wave of her hand.
"Looks like I got too invested in my singing for a moment and completely forgot where I was. Usually I don't have any problems, but today luck just isn't on my side... It's only a small cut, everything's okay. Sorry for worrying you, though."
She smiled as she quickly covered her injured finger with her good hand and moved away from the cutting board to avoid staining the kimchi still resting on it.
You sighed and shook your head as you approached the young woman and, pursing your lips into a thin line, lifted her delicate hand with a disapproving murmur that involuntarily slipped past your lips.
"You work too hard... Today is our day off - you don't need to try and do several things all at once, you know? You already cleaned the house from top to bottom. We could order take-out. I love your hard-working nature, but not when it hurts you, especially physically."
She lightheartedly rolled her eyes in response, grinning at your worried grumblings. Still, her hand remained in your grasp without any complaints on her side.
"You're exaggerating. Besides, how many times a week have I had to deal with you trying to take on my half of the work? Hearing lectures from you on the subject of overworking is not very reassuring, don't you agree?"
Well, you had no proper counterarguments to that. 
"...Ugh, I hate how you're always right.", - you muttered, helplessly puffing out your cheeks at her triumphant smirk. Although it was hard for the rest of the RFA to believe, Jaehee tended to be a lot more cunning than she appeared at first glance.
It's just that her teasing was mainly focused on you solely.
And you will never admit to her outright, that, in truth, you wished for this status quo to never change. You liked being the only person who had the privilege of seeing this more carefree and playful side of her. Even if it meant sacrificing your pride from time to time. 
Still, two can play this game. 
"Okay, that's it! No further work from you for today, Miss! I'll cook dinner for us both while you sit back and continue our planned musical marathon. Let me spoil you properly, you hear?"
You seemingly relented, letting a small mischievous smile light up your features, while gently pulling her towards you and stealthily leading her away from the kitchen cabinet. As expected, her confident facade shattered rather quickly, replaced by an adorable blush covering her cheeks and a pair of wide brown eyes staring at you in shock.
God, she's just too cute...
Completely unaware of how fast your heart was beating thanks to her antics, Jaehee timidly tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, admitting her defeat by letting out a soft sigh and sagging her shoulders. 
"I don't deserve a good friend like you..."
Oh no, that simply will not do. 
You quickly cut that thought of hers off as you gently lifted her chin towards you and chuckled warmly at the beautiful woman standing in front of you. How could she possibly not see all that you saw in her...?
"Don't be silly, Jaehee. You're a wonderful, amazing person, and I'll never stop wondering what good could I possibly do to have fate bring me to you. I can't imagine anything better for myself. I'm the happiest I can be by your side. So, stop trying to do everything by yourself, and let me share these life's challenges with you, whether it's cooking dinner or having a heart-to-heart conversation... I'm just happy to overcome these obstacles together. We're partners, remember?"
You carefully laced your fingers together, now clasping her hand tightly in your own, like some unspoken alliance you were determined to follow.
Jaehee seemed a little taken aback by such a fiery speech, however, after a couple of moments passed you by, you could feel her delicate fingers gently holding onto your own in a warm, gentle grip.
"...I can't imagine anything better for myself either, Y/N." Soft words slipped from her lips in a timid half-whisper, filling your entire being with a ticklish warmth that was only matched by the cup of hot chocolate you shared last Christmas. It was obvious that it was still not easy for her to express her feelings in front of you so openly, thereby revealing the most hidden and vulnerable corners of her heart to you.
Which only made you appreciate these moments of sincerity between you two all the more.
A sudden growing wave of affection for this magnificent woman in front of you unexpectedly spurred you into a rather daring move, which you yourself were quite surprised by moments later. You took a slow and careful step forward, making sure she didn't want to back away or put more distance between you two. With that, you gently brushed a couple of loose brown locks from her forehead before placing a soft, brief kiss on it.
Pulling away from her, you only gave her a gentle, patient smile, trying to capture this moment in your memory as well as possible. From the soft tinge of her flushed cheeks to the pleasant warmth of her hand still clutching onto your own as if her life depended on it.
You didn't need to hear her answer now. And you didn't want anything in return from her.
Everything was just perfect as it is.
And so, you simply pulled her along, reassuringly running your thumb over the soft skin of her palm to soothe her to the best of your abilities.
"Let's go bandage your finger, cookie. We don't want any nasty infections in there after all!"
After a few moments passed by, Jaehee stiffly nodded, giving you the cutest giddy smile you had ever seen in your entire life.
"I'll try to pay off my debt to you next week, cupcake."
-And just like that, your roles reversed once more, causing you to choke on your words in embarrassment and blush up to the tips of your ears while your partner giggled merrily and rejoiced in her temporary victory over you.
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padfootastic · 2 years
it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here
Prongsfoot Week 2022: Day 1
(organised by the wonderful @jmagnabo92)
When and Why did you begin to Ship Prongsfoot? 
my memory is trash so i’m not sure i can give a ~precise answer but here’s what i can say with complete confidence.
i’ve always, always considered james and sirius to be soulmates.
i’ve been writing fic since 2017 and even as far back as then, the one thing i cared about was the bond these two share. i was absolutely in love with their dynamic and had a whole series called ‘Behind The Scenes’ which was just the most random stuff centred around these two. i think, even before harry & sirius, i fell in love with these two idiots.
when it comes to prongsfoot, specifically in a romantic/qpp context, i think that was a bit later. i don’t really care for romance, as much as i do read it. i shifted to this bc i ran out of all friendship fics and needed more stuff where they were each other’s no. 1. i was also, admittedly, spoiled by daily chan’s works where have the most amazing friendship. which is how i discovered prongsfoot and basically just never left.
What makes you Ship it? 
oooooh how do i answer this 🤔
fiction, for me, is a form of extreme escapism. i read so i don’t have to think about real life. i read so i can discover new possibilities and universes. it’s why i’ve read the weirdest, most interesting selection of fics hp has to offer (and if you’ve truly taken a deep dive into the fandom, u know what that’s like)
in that context, prongsfoot is literally the single most comforting dynamic i’ve ever seen.
they embody everything i love in theory but wouldn’t be able to stomach if it happened to me. their ride-or-die closeness, the emotional & physical intimacy, being two halves of the same mind, body, soul—it’s just so, so beautiful. like the stuff of legends.
i love how the two of them complete each other. they’re both privileged, smug bastards but they’ve got these little nooks and crannies that’s filled by the other, effortlessly. i love how out of everyone’s league they are, and the contrast to how they are w others vs each other. there is no scenario i can imagine that would break them up ykno? they’re just that close.
also ok. as i was thinking of ending this here (bc brain isn’t cooperating lol words aren’t easy these days) i remembered me ranting to my friend one day about sirius and his relationship with the potters, particularly james. it is a point of pride for me that i literally made her so emotional that she actually teared up and had a dramatic drop trail down her cheek bc of how passionately i was monologuing & the picture i was painting. (my other friend who doesn’t rly know/care ab hp but loves me also sat through the whole 20min presentation and was moved as well)
the gist of it is this: i love, love, love sirius black. he’s my first and only love. and one of the biggest reasons is how fucking loyal he is. he’s so selfless and so wonderful and a fkn godsend to have in ur corner. and he was so devoted to james and then harry that he tried to do everything in his power to protect these two, including putting himself in harms way multiple times without even caring about his life.
that kind of ‘i’ll do anything for you—burn the world down and rebuild it’ energy? my absolute favourite dynamic ever. i go batshit feral over it. and the way i see james, he’s the same for sirius. he’ll go to bat for him at all times, zero hesitation. he might be a chill, laid back guy most of the time but try coming after his Si and he will fuck you up. he’s underestimated bc he’s such a puppy but nope, he’s v deadly and v dangerous too. and he will not hesitate to show it when he’s protective.
i also just think they fit so fkn well ykno? like yah canon’s trash and all + Ash was so right for mentioning the advantage of only getting 5 lines but what we did get for these two??? i’ll forever be mad that j/s didn’t become the primary mainstream ship for the fandom. its so ??? like literally all ur material is right there. ‘not a day goes by…’; the mirrors???; the symbolism of azkaban—sirius losing his joy and hope and life the literal moment he loses the potters (esp james?); always, always being together; the entirety of swm!!!!! literally there’s no lack of content. u even have fkn outsider pov of a classic ‘historians: and they were just friends 😌’ scenario. it’s literally a queer tragedy, ok?
tbh, as a relationship ideal, prongsfoot isn’t something that would ever appeal to me irl—that level of intimacy—but to read? to imagine? it’s wonderful. and that’s not to even mention how enjoyable this niche is. i get consistently good fics (when i can find them amongst the mess of tags lol) and the best community <333
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sunshine-overload · 2 years
[BSTS] Sinju Onsen Staff 4* Card Story
(note: Starless are working as temporary staff at the ryokan they’re staying at in exchange for their stay being free.)
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chapter 1 -ryokan lobby area-
shinju: Whew~ Time for a short break!
saki: Good morning Shinju-san, are you on break right now?
shinju: Oh, Saki-chan! I’ve been cleaning the main bath area. It’s really big so it gets pretty tiring, so I’ve been taking breaks along the way.
saki: You’ve been at it since sunrise, it must be a lot of work. Good job.
shinju: Heheh, thanks! Though truthfully it isn’t really that bad.
saki: Really?
shinju: It’s a very physical job so it’s tiring yes, but there’s also enjoyable aspects to it! On a trip you usually eat too much before you know it, or sleep in everyday, and you end up not getting enough exercise right? But by cleaning such a large area, I’m moving around plenty, it’s been a great workout. So it’s been fun.
saki: I see.
shinju: Then once I’m finished cleaning I’m drenched in sweat so I need to wash off. Which means I get to feel all fresh and right out of a bath each time I finish the job! I’ve worked a bunch of different part time jobs up until now, but I don’t think any of them have been this fun. All the manual labour jobs I’ve had didn’t have showers on site so I always had to wait till I got home. I’d love to be able to tell my past self that working at a ryokan is cool!
saki: Fufu, it really must be fun then.
saki: (Shinju-san is such a positive person.)
shinju: Oh but, the best part by far is… Drinking some milk or eating some ice cream whilst admiring the sparkly clean bath! It’s like a reward for the job well done.
saki: That does sound rewarding.
shinju: Right? Eating something cold when you’re fresh out of the bath is always the best. However it’s even better getting to savour it after hours of hard work! It sounds delicious just thinking about it right?
saki: Yes.
shinju: That’s why I gotta do my best whilst looking forward to that!
chapter 2 -ryokan lobby area-
saki: Have you been cleaning the large bath area by yourself each day, Shinju-san?
shinju: Oh no, Yakou was given the same task as me. We cleaned it together yesterday. Today he’s at a different spot. I think he must be cleaning the private open air bath.
saki: You’ve divided up the labour then.
shinju: Yep yep, if we didn’t everything wouldn’t get clean. When I saw him working yesterday I thought that Yakou must be the type to get engrossed in a job too! Since if he finds even the smallest bit of grime behind the faucets or between the tiles, he cleans it right away. He’s the type that enjoys making sure every nook and cranny is spotless, just like me! That’s why I think it’ll be a while before he returns, so it might just be me in charge of cleaning the main bath today.
saki: Will you be ok on your own?
shinju: Heheh, of course! I’m almost done actually! Ah wait, but I was thinking of cleaning the sauna today too.
saki: Even the sauna…!
shinju: It’s cause I went in the sauna last night. The one they have here is really great. The scent of the wood was nice, and it was easy to relax. It uses the same water stream as the cold baths and onsens, so you can hear it rippling by. Basically, it felt really good in there. The benches are purposely placed in a spot that catches the breeze coming in, it’s the best~ I need to make sure to clean such a nice sauna like that properly! Oh, I know, today I can look forward to my reward after I’ve sat in the sauna. It tastes good after a bath, but I’m sure it’ll be even better after the sauna, don’t you think?
saki: Fufu, yes I’m sure it will be delicious.
shinju: Right? Alright, I’ve made up my mind! Today my reward will be the fruit flavoured milk that was sold out yesterday that I didn’t get to drink! I’ll chug it down after getting out of the sauna~ I can’t wait. Now that I’ve decided that I’m all fired up, I should get back to work soon!
saki: I wish you luck with the cleaning.
shinju: Thanks~! With you supporting me now I’m even more fired up. I’ll do my best to finish up the job.
*ryokan - a type of traditional Japanese inn that typically features tatami-matted rooms, communal baths, and other public areas where visitors may wear yukata.
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docolives · 1 year
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we used to laugh / flora cash 🎧
blood & muscle / lissie 🎧
keep climbing / delta goodrem 🎧
livvy is … the quintessential horse girl, red-bottomed shoes, crisp white linens on body and beds, family dinners, a soft heart, a determination to move mountains, a glass of wine in a manicured hand, that single tear in the corner of a blue eye, ocean sunrises, a best friend and sister all in one.
There's something to be said about the siren call of horses. Of all of the things that Livvy and I might have in common, our love of those is the biggest, most tying thing. A lot of people who know me online probably don't know that I was the owner of a (retired) thoroughbred racehorse, which was a literal dream come true of mine. I grew up like a lot of kids, fantasizing about having my own horse. I read the Thoroughbred series religiously, wishing that I could be Ashleigh Griffen, I knew movies like Black Beauty and The Last Unicorn by heart, watched Spirit over and over again... and that's the biggest thing that Livvy has taken from me. My horse girl days heavily inspired Livvy and her personality. We also share a love of soft pinks and the sounds of the ocean. It's just that it's our love of horses that fuels is: me to play Livvy, and Livvy to make them her life.
In relation to my other characters, I would say that Livvy is my princess. She grew up in an old money type family that has been in Merrock for years and years. I took a lot of inspiration from that sort of aesthetic: a character who wears high end fashion with Louboutin heels, never goes out without diamonds in her ears, paints her nails, has a lip gloss in every nook or cranny she can find... but has that quiet intensity to her that can burn if you get a little too close. Where Nari is a woman who is loud and outspoken and laughs at everything she sees and radiates sunshine and rainbows, Livvy is the kind of woman who is one step ahead of you mentally and has already figured out the question before it's been asked... but with a smile on her face and a polite word for everyone she comes up against.
My friends also inspired Livvy! I so badly wanted to play a character that would have strong connections to my friends, since she was coming in later down the line -- she was the wife of a dear friend's character, and the sister of Erin's Mandy; because Emily and Claire were born to play siblings! Because of Livvy's connection with Mandy, family became a strong, grounding point of who Livvy was, because of her connection with Nathan, love became something she desperately sough out, but always seemed to be struggling to find. The face claim of Claire Holt did inspire some things in Livvy, too -- her sense of wit and humor, her love of fashion (Livvy very secretly did modeling gigs years ago as a gentle nod to Claire always joking about being a model).
Career-wife, I was torn between a pediatrician and a physical therapist or a veterinarian when creating Livvy; I knew that I wanted her to be someone who helped and healed others, and had original settled on pediatrician when I realized it would be easier to build connections with others in the same field... but instead wrote it into her (somewhat tragic) backstory of having a lover who lost a child when she was still a very young woman, herself. Ironically, I had chosen physical therapist around the time that I broke my foot and uh, had to consider doing that. It felt right! I actually don't like anything medical-related, which is why I'm slowly transitioning her away from working in offices, to working with horses. My desire to play a healer who makes lives good again is so much more achievable around the smell of leather and hay.
There was a sort of 'second round of inspiration' for Livvy that kicked in once she was once again a single woman figuring life out, which is when Livvy 2.0 was born. Girl boss Livvy. High standards Livvy. Love yourself Livvy. Her personality did change a little bit, in which she was no longer afraid to go after what she wanted and be who she wanted to be, instead of the princessy girl most people were intimidated to get to know and talk to. That inspiration, I took from who we all wish that we could be. Strong, independent women as beautiful inside as they are outside.
Livvy's personal life is, mostly, personal. Originally, she was supposed to fix her marriage and go on to have babies and live a happy life -- things don't always work out, and instead, she ended up filing for divorce. But the original inspiration was two people who had broken in every conceivable way, but were mending and fixing things day by day. These days, my inspiration for her love life is a girl who thinks she just wants to have fun and not care about relationships or connections, but deep down, is lonely at night. Not me, necessarily, but people of that age bracket who tell themselves they're fine, when really, they want more out of their lives. Friendship-wise, Livvy was inspired by those girls in high school who were popular with everyone: the cheerleaders, the math nerds, the choir girls, the witchy types... simply because she was kind to them, maybe a little quiet. That translated well into adulthood. And, of course, she's a cat person. I'm a cat person. If you guys haven't figured this out yet, you pretty much will in time.
Oh, and listening to a lot of music by women -- Livvy's playlist is one of those playlists that's like, 90% songs by women. It's hard not to be inspired by songs by women about heart break or standing tall, or figuring things out as they go.
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Vent incoming!
So the other day at work I was just walking normally and my lower back seized up and I almost fell, then had trouble getting back up from a crouch for the rest of the day. It was more “muscles clenching spasmodically” than real pain, though it did ache as the day went on, but that’s honestly scarier as far as I’m concerned, because of the feeling that I’m going to lose my balance and fall down. (This is not a regular thing, thus my alarm)
I am losing my mind about this on several levels! One, it reminds me of my mom and this of course elicits a knee-jerk OH GOD I’M GOING TO BECOME A HORRIBLE PERSON LIKE HER emotional response even though I know that’s ridiculous lol. But yeah, I don’t think I’ve mentioned it in my mom vents because it wasn’t a part of her being an asshole to me, it was just a trait she had (see I logically understand the difference) but she has scoliosis and severe back problems on top of all the other health issues. I also have scoliosis because I have her genetics, but it’s mild and I’ve been hoping it never causes serious issues. Hasn’t so far though once or twice would act up a bit like this (though not quite like this with the seizing up) after I slept on it wrong or something. But then, mom didn’t start having real trouble until she was older, either. From what I’ve heard she was fine when she was my age. So maybe it just hasn’t happened yet. So there’s the element of having to whack-a-mole slap down the “Oh no, I share a trait with my mom who sucks, I am her and also suck” stupid response, and then there’s the “oh God, it’s happening, I’m going to have all of her physical hardships.” And like she retained some level of mobility so that’s good but. She had a hospital stay where she was having severe muscle spasms for weeks, since then she’s had trouble with that that made her unable to move and just stayed in bed, I cared for her several times when she was like this when I was younger.
(I don’t have hospital stay money! I don’t have anyone to take care of me! I got a fuckign loft bed because I was so confident in my ability to climb things and I like the cozy nook it makes under it! My whole job is lifting heavy things and I don’t even get healthcare! And I know from my mom’s absolute pittance of disability payments that disability in this country doesn’t do fuck all even if you can get it! Which again! Requires doctor visits!)
(and ABOUT JOBS! She thinks her back got as bad as it did because she worked in a kitchen and was very active constantly carrying heavy things and bending over etc. JUST LIKE I’M DOING BUT I MAKE LESS MONEY)
Honestly I should have learned some things from watching her though. Don’t push yourself past your limits and start yelling at people and then end up laid up for weeks recovering. Eating paleo and drinking (sometimes living mostly on) green smoothies for years will not cure all ills or even affect your weight that much.
But yeah it’s the worry that I’m going to end up as badly off as she was, and it’s real scary, but like. I don’t know how to express exactly how I feel about it. It’s not a shocking concept I’ve helped her deal with her own disability my whole life. But I always hoped that wouldn’t happen to me, not to that extent, but that’s not a choice I get to make.
and then of course there’s the fact that... I got through the day fine, I wasn’t even in very much pain, I’m still walking around normally and I can tell that at least most of this is supremely paranoid overreaction and some part of me is also embarrassed about that. I’m ok at the moment. But I mean, I can’t know the future, and there’s no way to guarantee continuing to have good or decent or any health. It’s just a fact of life I guess. So I’m like “Oh god how much time do I have, what do I do if I can’t work, aaaaAAA” and meanwhile I’m just. going through my life normally and I’m quite sure actually that this is just another “slept on my back weird and it was just a bit fucked for a couple days then normal again” thing. (But What If It Isn’t)
Anyways, fortunately had the day off today, had to be active but didn’t lift anything heavy. Back hurt last night and this morning and is very faintly aching still. I’m hoping another sleep fixes it. Because I have to work again tomorrow. Idk what else to do. Trying to do some core exercises (when I’m feeling ok to begin with) and hoping that, I don’t know, Does Something. I should do some more jogging when I have time. Maybe That Will Do Something. On some level it feels about like mom’s massive buckets of supplements she hoped would cure her, there’s just not that much control you have over your health. That’s the real scary part I think. It’s not the pain, the pain hasn’t been the bad, it’s the possibility of not being able to move around.
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lavendertales · 2 years
Feel something—Alfie Solomons x maid!f!reader
summary: taking care of Alfie Solomons isn’t an easy task, especially when there are feelings involved.
word count: 3.1k
warnings: some cussing, tension, feeeeeels.
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gif: @laurenkmyers​ 
read on AO3
You approach his bedroom with restlessness. The room, you know, is not strictly off-limits. As his maid, you cleaned every nook and cranny of his house in Margate, including his bedroom. But there’s tension to be felt now.
Alfie Solomons is a fascinating man. You are well-aware of his reputation, but the outside world doesn’t have a clue about the man that he is in his private quarters. Granted, you also didn’t have the full overview, given that Alfie took comfort in his privacy, but you had the most internal knowledge.
For some reason, all of the quirks and little oddities that you discovered about him during your first year of employment made him appear quite captivating. Alfie was a man with so much emotional and physical damage that he no longer possessed the capacity to behave like a normal human being. At the end of the day, he was merely a scarred man, tormented by past demons who shunned his own goodness before the world got the chance to steal it from him.
There was good left in Alfie though; he always stocked up on your favorite wine and food, even if it might’ve not been his personal preference. He spoke to you in a kind tone, always considerate towards you.
You knock on the door and you walk in with a vague tremor upon hearing the raspy Come in. You hold your breath, however, when you’re met with the image of Alfie Solomons bathing. You remain trapped by your own thoughts and emotions, unable to move forward.
Upon seeing you, Alfie rises from the tub slightly, eyes widening with shock, feeling the sudden urge to cover himself, only there is no clothing item available nearby. He’s never felt more exposed and vulnerable and he loathes it.
“What d’you suppose you’re doin’ here?” he growls, eyes staring you down in anger and shock, a truly confusing image that you believe you weren’t meant to see.
“I was asked to come find you.”
“At fuckin’ midnight? Who the fuck – “
“Ollie. He was worried about you, and since I am the only one around here with medical expertise, he kindly asked me to clean your wounds.”
Growling is seemingly part of Alfie’s personality, but you don’t mind it one bit. You take it as a defense mechanism and nothing more. You know he’s rough around the edges and cruel when need be, but you know that he would never hurt you, regardless of the circumstances.
“Don’t need no fuckin’ help,” he mutters, seemingly to himself. “Get out.”
You shut the door behind you. “No.”
“No? What’re you gonna do then? Read me bedtime stories of knights and fairies while I sit here, lookin’ like a fuckin’ prune?”
“I need to remove your stitches and treat your wounds. Do you know how to do that yourself?”
Alfie doesn’t respond. Instead, he lowers his head as if in some sort of discomfiture.
“Alright then, do your work, little one,” he agrees.
When you approach the tub, he gulps in fear. He wouldn’t let anyone come that close to him, especially when he is naked and on display. He watches you as you move slowly and gentle, preparing utensils. His body feels numb, as if it isn’t responsive to the image of you making such a fuss over him, moments after moments. All he knows is the intoxicating scent of your body, lingering in the air, paralyzing his body.
“Here’s what’s become of Alfie Solomons, eh?” he says, apparently having another one of his monologues. “Depending on his maid for simplest tasks. Fuckin’ hell.”
“It’s better when someone else does it. More… visibility.”
You hesitate, and you are certain Alfie realizes it too. But he at least has the decency to keep his mouth shut about that.
“How long till I can go back out there?” he asks as you’re still fumbling with your scissors.
“Out there?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I do, sweetie.”
You gulp, trying your best to ignore the fact that he’d gone from calling you little one to sweetie and how it is affecting you.
“Is that what you enjoy doing the most? Killing?”
“Now listen here, what I do ain’t about that, right? It’s – tricky business.”
Alfie is met with silence, which surprises him. The moment your fingertips touch his chest, he holds his breath as you remove the tiny stitches one by one, taking care not to pinch the exposed and wet skin.
“You’re a bold one, aren’t ya?” he asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Lots of people don’t wanna look at me on account of fear.”
“Do I have any reason to be afraid of you?”
Alfie makes a grimace as if to say you can do whatever you want.
“You haven’t given me any reason to be afraid of you,” you tell him, eyes focused on the stitches and trying your darn hardest to not let your sight wander off further at the sturdy chest of this bear of a man.
“You saw me kill,” he seems to test you. “You saw me come in all bloody, fuckin’ clothes torn… you ain’t said a damn word.”
“It’s none of my business. I am only your maid. Am I not, Alfie?”
Alfie is silent, musing and pondering a plethora of topics about which you were blissfully oblivious. You make the ointment while letting yourself a selfish glance at him. Your eyes don’t go below the chest, not even daring to go to his belly, so you only look at his broad shoulders and chest, your mind wandering far off.
But then you falter, and Alfie picks up on it.
“I have to – “you gesture towards the cuts.
You know how much he despises human touch and how unaccustomed he is to anything that isn’t intended to hurt him. He appears bewildered as he glances at you and then swiftly at the cuts, but he nods, indicating that he trusts you. Naturally, Alfie’s first inclination is to push you away, scare you, and overwhelm you, but with time, he grew accustomed to your presence, and you came to understand him on a far deeper level than you had anticipated.
You start cleaning the wounds one by one, expertly and softly, the only sound in the room now becoming Alfie’s heavy breathing, plainly attempting not to move.
“Sit still now,” you whisper.
“It’s no easy job with these fuckin’ cuts over my chest.”
Alfie swears he sees you smile for a split second, but he averts his gaze. He is acutely aware that he is completely naked, and that the most beautiful woman he has ever met is currently massaging a fragrant ointment on his chest without even batting an eyelid. He is shocked by your strength; he has never seen you like this before. You were usually working hard to make his house the cleanest it’s ever been, but today is a different story. It’s been a full year since you started working for him, and the only thing that hadn’t changed was the way he looked at you, something you had never noticed before.
Alfie’s heart is a concoction of pain and shame, and he’s still avoiding your gaze and your exquisite fingers stroking his skin very delicately. He keeps replaying the previous episode in his thoughts until he can scarcely breathe. You addressed him by his first name, as if humanizing him. He feels like you had humanized him, making him feel like a man, not simply a ruthless criminal.
When he feels a damp cloth against his scarred skin, he suppresses a snarl, and his primordial instincts kick in, yelling at him to push you away and intimidate you in any way he can.
But he doesn’t, and you don’t move a single muscle other than your hands. You’re also holding your breath, your heart racing for the man in front of you.
“I know your answer to this, but… these cuts would heal a lot faster if I’d… burn them.”
Alfie meets your eyes, face flushed and teeth ostensibly clenched. “No.”
After returning home drenched in blood and his clothes burned one evening, Alfie developed a strong dislike to fire. He murmured something about an explosion and “a few cunts who wanted to serve him cold” when you asked him about it. It was all you needed to hear before you realized you’d fallen for him.
You look aside, suddenly flustered, and go about your business. Alfie notices your dissatisfied expression and, despite the fact that he knows you just have the best of intentions, he couldn’t pull it off. He couldn’t face the thought of fire on his skin, the sensation and the scent, but most of all, he couldn’t stand the concept of appearing more vulnerable in front of you, the most beautiful lady he’d ever seen.
Unpredictability and his undeniable passion for you are his two deadliest foes. He wishes to carry his affection down to the grave with him rather than letting it surface. But he can’t deny that it’s true. It is undeniably true, and it is slowly killing him.
He’s also aware of the ramifications, as well as the risks and murmurs that would follow, as well as the looks and stares – despite the fact that he’s never been the kind to give a damn about what’s going on behind – or in front of – him. They did it all the time, after all; but what about you? You have nothing in common with him. You are lovely and gently, and your perfume has become one of his favorites.
“Right, well. You best be on your way now,” Alfie says.
His slightly brusque request catches you off guard. You can’t imagine he’d be so enraged by your presence, especially in this situation. He’s never been rough with you, so there’s no reason to believe now –
“Why do you want me out?” you ask, voice coming down with regret.
“You’re a minx, ya know that? A lethal drug of some sort, running through people’s veins till you get them all… fucked up.”
Your eyes meet with his, pleading, begging, and Alfie softens under their power. “Under my fuckin’ veins. There you have it.”
You clear your throat, glare shifting to his beard and hands reaching for a sharp object.
“You need your beard trimmed,” is all you say.
Alfie is taken aback by the unfolding of his unusual confession, and he’s even more shook – to put it mildly – by your calm demeanor and natural response to his comments. His throat is unusually dry, and his words, which are typically invaluable in all of his undertakings, have failed him. So he sits motionless in the tub, surrounded by only tepid water, keeping a watchful eye on you.
You approach him again, this time with a pair of scissors in your hand. As two fingers guide his chin, you reposition yourself so that your faces are almost touching, unsteady and warm breaths blowing against each other’s figures. You and Alfie lock eyes before you begin to cut his beard to your greatest ability, all the while leaving Alfie drunk on you.
Your presence is the most pleasant constant in his life. When you’re around, he always feels better. As your fingers brush against his face, goosebumps tingle your skin. Alfie is hardly aware that he is holding his breath and possibly becoming blue. Regardless of how hard he tried, he couldn’t care less.
He only notices when he exhales hard, prompting you to come to a halt and cup his cheek, as if your hand had its own mind. Alfie draws away from his own fingers as they flirt with the prospect of touching your bare wrist. He remembers who he is and how terrible he must appear, and the self-loathing begins all over again.
“I’m almost done,” you tell him reassuringly.
Alfie mutters something, in Yiddish you reckon, allowing you to continue nonetheless. Even though he is painfully conscious of his shattered nature and face, he can’t get over how delicate your touch is, how simple it is for him to rest under your care.
“You best not be doing this for pity, luv,” he warns you.
“I’m not offering you that.”
Alfie fights the urge to ask you what you are offering otherwise because it is killing him as it is. He doubts he could handle a proper answer from you.
“There you go,” you say rather proudly, inspecting his face. “Just as handsome.”
Alfie had stopped grooming his beard for a reason. He hoped it would divert attention away from his damaged face. He didn’t dislike it personally, but on days like today, in intimate moments like the one he now spends with you, he is acutely aware that his appearance has faded, replaced by some half-dead lookalike.
“I asked for no pity,” he says, fingers wrapped around your wrist.
Heart in your throat, you gulp. “And I am not giving you that.”
“Then… what are you giving me?”
He’d gone ahead and asked you that anyway. He supposes he could be considered a masochist in many ways, for there was no sweeter torture than you.
“Whatever you need,” you reply breathless. “Whatever you want.”
“You’d be willin’ to give everything you got for a man like myself?”
“Seems like the safest option.”
His gaze is fixed on you now. Your stomach twists at the sight, and you dare to believe for a fleeting minute that he’s thinking the same way you are. You look aside in shame when you discover he’s rubbing his hands together near his belly button, much to your astonishment.
“You, luv, fuckin’ consume me.”
You stare at him, wide-eyed and out of breath, astounded. The silence is deafening, and it makes your stomach turn. You can’t think of anything to say to him, at least nothing that makes sense.
You doubt you could begin to put into words how you feel about him.
You feel compelled to cup his cheeks, but Alfie catches your wrist with a gentler touch than any you’ve ever experienced. You swallow a gasp as your gaze returns to his.
“Burn the cuts,” he mutters.
“Are you sure? It will hurt.”
Alfie gulps, prompting you to move closer to touch his cheek with your fingers. It’s your first time seeing him up close, and you’re struck by how soft and warm he is. His scar on his face seems to have vanished. You think he’s more ruggedly attractive now than before.
Hearing him address you by your first name causes you to shiver slightly. You can’t help yourself when he says it with such nervousness and fear; you can’t stand the emotional barrier between you two any longer.
You push your lips against his, his scrawny beard brushing against your chin, but it’s Alfie’s still wet palm delicately touching the back of your neck as he draws you in, brushing your hair off your shoulder, that makes you shake and feel tingly all over. You hadn’t expected him to know how to react to a proper kiss – he had to be very touch-starved after all those years in the business.
“You sure know how to prepare a man for pain.”
You smile, accepting his strange idea of a compliment, and, with steady hands, you rush to prepare the hot steel. You falter yet again, but see no objection from Alfie’s side now.
“Do it now before I change my mind,” he warns you.
You nod along, and Alfie takes your arm firmly but not violently, much to your dismay. You both take a deep breath and quickly apply the hot iron to the first cut you notice. When he grunts and curses under his breath, trying as hard as he can to not shout or force you away, your face squirms in anguish as well.
“I’m sorry! I know it hurts, it’ll be over soon, I promise!”
“Fuckin’ hell it hurts, FUCK – “
“I know, I know… I’m sorry! It’ll be just a moment longer, just a little longer, I promise…”
Alfie continues to groan, taking deep breaths in and out to stop his whining. His hold tightens slightly, but you maintain your composure. You imagine he’s going through hell, and you wish you could make things easier for him.
You do your best to speed the process as much as you can, finally rubbing ointment on his chest over the freshly closed wounds, feeling the leftover heat still on the tip of your fingers.
“It’s done. I’m done,” you keep saying. “I’m sorry.”
You look at his face, which is covered in sheer misery, but you think you see a glimmer of melancholy in his eyes. You put away the utensils and the small containers as soon as you finish with the ointment, brushing your hands through his slightly wet hair.
“You did really well,” you encourage him.
God, how come you’ve never noticed how emerald green his eyes are?
Alfie does not blink as he stares at you in awe. He can barely breathe, his breaths thick with a mixture of anguish and dread, but he also feels a grief that he can’t place. He realizes that the sensation of your skin on his is all he cares about.
“Did you only kiss me to ease the pain?” his husky voice inquires.
You waver, though the answer doesn’t require much thinking at all. “Partially.”
Alfie cocks his head and fixes you with his eyes, sadness fading away.
“Partially, you say.”
“I should… let you finish your bath and… let you rest.”
He grabs your wrist again, gulping in a very obvious way. There’s hesitation on both your part, the shy kind that managed to bring down even the strongest man.
“I’m sorry about the fire.”
“I’d let you burn me a thousand times over, luv. It’d hurt less than seeing you walk away.”
Taken aback by the rather flirty confession, your cheeks get flushed right away; you unconsciously lick your lips and smile gallantly.
“Can you do it again?” he pleads.
“Do what?”
He smirks at you, eyes sparking with playfulness. Then of course you get it.
“Oh,” you offer a faint smile.
You brush your lips against his, the kiss deepening in a matter of seconds. Your tongues waltz passionately together, and you lose yourself in the moment, completely ignoring Alfie’s arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you into the tub with him.
You stare up at Alfie, your heart skipping several beats inside your chest, your clothes now soaked and adhering to your body, leaving little to the imagination.
“Like I said… you fuckin’ consume me, luv.”
@solomons-finest-rum​ @doin-stuff​ @acourtofsnakes​ @potter-solomons​ @phoenixhalliwell​ 
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roscgcld · 3 years
RYOMEN SUKUNA || my little flower
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: ryomen sukuna
pronouns: she/her 
notes: historical!sukuna x reader, slightly sexual (no smexy time involved lol - maybe another day ;)), quite fluffy towards the end
also - I’ve been reading so many sukuna hcs and imagines of him when he’s in his prime or during the historical era - so like excuse me as I politely simp for the man that is ryomen sukuna >< thank you 
references: https://www.japanese-wiki-corpus.org/literature/Ryomen-sukuna.html 
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Sukuna leans back into the futon with a tired sigh, two of his arms folded behind his head while the other two held you against him securely. His ruby red eyes glanced away from the ceiling to look down at the woman curled up in his embrace, sleeping peacefully against him whilst her own soft arms were wrapped around his muscular torso. He admired your peaceful features at first, but soon his eyes started to travel down your delicate neck and cleavage, your soft skin marked by dark splotches where he had marked you up for the world to see.
Just the sight of the hickeys and bite marks caused Sukuna to smirk once more, the feeling of pride traveling through him at the sight of the hickeys, both new and old, marring your skin. It was a sight he would never get bored of seeing, since it was a constant reminder to you that you were his and no one else’s. 
Many would question just how did this happen - how did a simple human manage to ‘tame’ the infamous Sukuna - the King of Curses, who spreads chaos and bloodshed in his wake? How did you, a mere human woman who looked far too kind hearted and warm, ended up with such a fearsome man? 
Well, how this came to be was actually a cute story.
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You grew up in a small village in Hida province, where many cities treated Sukuna as their patron deity. He was what people would call quite a cold ruler - one who would not hesitate to bring terror and bloodshed down on a town that had angered him. But at the same time, he was quite the generous man as well. He protects the people of the Hida and Mino Provinces, and many towns had florish and grow under his careful guidance.
Your town was one of the may towns that worshipped the Cursed Spirit, preparing offerings on special celebrations and always paying your respects whenever you go up to the ichinomiya on the weekends with your parents. It was because of one of these special celebrations that drew Sukusa to you.
It was one of the many days where offerings were given to him by townspeople, in hopes that they will still continue to get some form of protection from the unknown. He was their patron deity, after all. Even though many times he does all the things he does for his own benefit, it was nice to know that there are some who are gullible enough to think he does it for them. But he it’s one to complain - many of the offerings are things he does not mind indulging in. The best crops from the harvest, women for his ever growing harem, beautifully crafted weapons and clothes are the few he can keep in mind
Many times, he does not care to go through the offerings himself - Uraume goes through all of them and then gives him a general overview of everything. However, as he was walking past one of the neat piles of offerings, a particular garment box caught his eye; causing him to pause before he unwraps it curiously. 
Sitting inside the carefully wrapped package was a beautiful dark blue kinomo made of the finest silk, the fabric so smooth that it almost felt like water slipping through his fingers. Packed along with the kinomo was a beautifully crafted haori, a simple yet beautiful crane woven into the haori in white, the details done so carefully that when worn, the crane moves with the shifting of the fabric. The packet also came with a matching hakama made from the luxurious fabric, and a beautiful kaku obi made from navy blue, white and silver carefully weaved together into in a beautiful talent.
It was because of the level of craftsman ship that had Sukuna curious - who was the mastermind of something so beautiful?
He had went to the town where the garment was from and after some digging about, discovered about you. A daughter to a family of tailors, you were quite well known for your talents in embroidery and your mastery of the loom. Having gotten such talents, you crafted many beautiful pieces, and one of them was gifted to Sukuna himself recently. 
When he first saw you, he was struck by your beauty; how you had such a warm smile no matter who you were referring to. How your movements were graceful yet swift, your needle and threat embroidering the most beautiful depections of animals and flowers without a single mistake. How your voice was so sweet and calming that he can physically feel the tension from his body starting to unwind ever so slightly. If he could, he’d love to listen to your voice forever - which was what he intended to do. 
The first time you two met was actually in the dead of the night; you had stayed up later then usual, carefully embroidering a water lily onto a long fabric for a personal tapestry you wanted to hang in your room. A candle was burning by your work table, casting the engawa of your home in a soft but comforting glow; enough for you to do your work without straining too much. You were so fucsed on your work that you didn’t notice how the flames of your candle started to flicker in the glass holder; even though there was the air was still. Your eyes didn’t trail up from your tapestry even as a large figure quietly entered the hallway you were in; only pausing when you felt a huge presence looming over you.
Your bright eyes flickered upwards and met with four pairs of ruby red ones staring right back at you; all four of them shining in amusement. “You are quite oblivious, little one.” Sukuna hummed out with a soft grin, to which you just gave him a confused look as you tilted your head ever so slightly. “How did you get into my house?” You asked quietly, not even acknowledging how the man before you looked very different from what you’re used to; from the four muscular arms sprouting out from underneath the dark blue haori, the very same one that you had made for him. to the extra pair of eyes he sported on his face. Or how the top of his head was clearly brushing against the simple weed roofing of your family home.
“Is that really the first thing you’re going to ask, little one?”
From that day onwards, things definitely went a lot smoother then Sukuna could have imagined. At first the lack of reaction from you confused him, but he found it quite amusing nonetheless. Even after finding out that he was the same deity that you had heard stories of since you were in diapers, you acted no differently around him. You still talked and laughed with him like he was any other human. which for some reason made his heart feel warm and fuzzy. It makes him want to gather you up in his arms, protecting you from the horrors of the world.
The two of you will continue to meet up in the night like secret lovers; many nights he’d just lean against one of the pillars of your family home, with you perched in his lap as you work on different projects every night; talking about things that happen that day, or the funny stories that the townsfolk would share with you whenever they drop by to mend and purchase clothes, or when they dropped off freshly dyed fabrics. During a few of these nights Sukuna had suggested if you can help him mend a few of his kimonos, which you agreed to without hesitation. Some days you’d ever create new kimonos for him as well, which he would wear quite proudly. 
Soon these innocent nights of talking and laughter, him watching you do your work under the moonlight, to having you gasping and crying out for him as he took you over and over again in his grand bedroom; watching quite gleefully as he corrupted your innocence, ruining you for any other man. Ever since the first night you two shared in his bed, he knew that there was no turning back - there was no one else for him but you. 
And there was no way he was going to let some puny human even try to get in between the both of you.
With that he whisked you away from the somewhat mundane and boring life in your town, making you his entire world. He showered you with the finest gifts and opened the more human side of him to you; one that he thought he had lost the moment he had decided to go down the path he did. But you pulled these emotions out from him with ease, making him realise that he can chase all the power he want till the end of time and that will never satisfy him completely. 
All he needed was you, and everything feels right in the world.
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“I’ve lost you again, haven’t I?”
Sukuna’s eyes snapped towards the direction of your sleepy voice, watching how you gave him the most beautiful yet sleepy smile as you carefully shifted your body so it was pressed against his. He marveled how your naked bodies clicked together seamlessly, even with the clear size difference between the two of you. “You will always have my attention, flower.”
The sound of the simple nickname cause a small smile tug against the corner of your lips, remembering how that nickname came about. You have always love studying flowers, since you enjoyed embroidering different sorts of flora and fauna onto different tapestries that now adorned the walls of the home you two share. You had once told him about your love of flowers, and because of that, you had came home one day to the courtyard in your shared home turned into your private garden; with flowers from all across the country planted at every nook and cranny. 
When you had asked Sukuna about it, he just shrugs and gave you an indulge smile - as if asking were you really shocked by his gift to you. When he realised just how deep your love for nature was, he had started to call you ‘his flower’, and the name has stuck since then. “What a sweet talker.”
A chuckle rumbled deep within his chest as one of his hands found purchase along your back, starting to massage what he was sure were your sore muscles; watching in satisfaction as you melted more into his chest. “Only for you.” He admitted quietly, to which you just gave him a loving smile as you rest your cheek against his chest once more; a soft finger started to trace along the tattoos on his skin. This action caused him to relax further into the futon, sighing softly in content. “Sukuna? Can we take a bath?”
“I’m lazy.” Sukuna stated with a soft groan as he glanced down at you once more, only to be met by the soft pout that you just know gets him to give in. This caused him to scowl as he cupped your face in one of his hands, gently squishing your cheeks between his fingers as he pushes himself up into a seated position. “You little minx.” He growls playfully whilst you just gave him a teasing smile, straddling his lap with your legs on either side of his whilst one of your hands wrapped around his wrist; causing him to loosen his grip on you whilst letting out a loud sigh. “How annoying.”
His arms suddenly wrapped around you before he got up from the comfort of the warm futon, causing you to giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Let’s go, flower.” He sighs dramatically before he walked you both to the bathroom, causing you to perk up before you lean over to press a loving kiss against his cheek; ignoring his soft eyeroll at your act of affection. As if he didn’t enjoy it whenever you do so. “I love you.”
“Of course you do.” He teases before he started to walk you two towards the bathroom, one of his hands skimming down to the small of your pack where a beautiful black tattoo rested against your soft skin; a tattoo that looks similar to the black lines that adorned his own skin. “You’re mine, after all.” He stated simply, causing you to roll your eyes at him playfully as he carefully sat you down on the wooden steps leading to the opening of the ofuro; watching as Sukuna started to prepare the bath for the both of you. “Wouldn’t it kill for you to just be a little nicer to me?”
Your teasing tone clearly didn’t win any points with him, who narrowed his eyes at you and before you know it you were suddenly pinned down against the wooden steps. A soft giggle left your lips at the narrowed eyes that stared back at you, causing Sukuna to scowl softly at your reaction. “Now you’re just asking for it, flower.” He growled before diving down to meet your lips in a passionate kiss; not being able to mask his smile at the sound of your soft laughter just as you wrapped your arms around him once more.
"My little flower..”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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etherrreal · 3 years
“the things you do for charity”
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Pairing: kenma x gn!reader Genre: fluff Summary: kenma's always been a private person, but it was getting increasingly harder to keep his partner off his streams while you live together; so, he decided to join his two loves together for a 24-hour charity stream extravaganza. Word Count: 3,408 Warnings: some swearing, i suppose there are some spoilers from the manga about adult kenma's job? A/N: i'd give my left tit to play some minecraft or mario kart with kenma tbh -Luna
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Kenma's career as a popular streamer was one of the many facets of him that shocked you when you’d started dating two years ago. The two of you had first met in an Animal Crossing discord for your city meant for trading and making friends.
After you had gone over to his island to adopt Raymond from him, he let you keep all of your Nook Mile Tickets with the stipulation that you kept in contact with him to "give him updates" about how the cat villager was doing in his new home. His dorky way of trying to flirt with you was what made you pursue him in the first place, and somehow it had led to a very fulfilling relationship.
It was revealed early on that he was a streamer, but he never expanded on it regarding the actual numbers. Curiosity got the best of you one night, and you decided to google him. Besides also learning that he was a YouTuber, you found yourself in awe at the numbers he managed to accumulate across all of his social media.
And if that wasn’t enough, he was also apparently the CEO of his own business.
Once you moved in together around the one-year mark of your relationship, you got to properly witness the amount of work put into streaming and maintaining a social media presence. This also meant that you got to read the wild comments that were left on all of his platforms–and see the occasional surprise nude picture whenever he opened up his DMs around you.
Because of this, Kenma sat you down to have a conversation about your potential appearance on his social media. You both decided by the end of it that his audience would get to know that he was in a committed relationship, but you agreed it would be best to not show your face or reveal any identifying information of yours.
It had been a year since having that conversation, and you’d both stuck to the agreement closely. The most his audience had ever seen of you was your hand whenever you refilled his water bottle for him.
Of course, it was hard sometimes, especially when you had to remain extra quiet around the house and refrain from yelling out a 'baaaabe' whenever you needed something from him, but since he had his own soundproof office, it lessened the room for any accidental error.
Overall, you were content with never showing your face to his audience for the rest of his career. You knew how nasty the internet could get because of their parasocial relationships with influencers and streamers alike, especially when they discovered those influencers and streamers had a partner who wasn't them, even if they knew they never had a chance. You weren't sure your skin was thick enough to deal with rabid angry stans.
Which is why it was so shocking when Kenma decided one day to nix the agreement.
You were in your shared bedroom answering some emails when he came in. He was dressed in a baggy hoodie, sweats, and tied-up hair; his typical look for a stream.
After some time, you noticed that he was still standing in the doorway, not saying anything. When you glanced up at him, you found him awkwardly toying with the strands of hair that had fallen out of his bun, looking down at the ground like he was just waiting for you to notice him.
"Is there something you need, baby?" you asked. "You're just standing there all adorably shy."
"Yeah, so, um, I'm going to be doing a 24-hour stream this weekend to raise money for charity."
"Oh, really? Cool! I guess that means I'll be going to bed alone that night," you joked.
"Yeah, I guess. Um..." He started before scrunching up his face like he was uncomfortable with what he planned to say next.
"What is it? Do you need me to stock up on snacks and energy drinks? Just send me a list. I can pick  them up tomorrow."
"No, that's not it. I was thinking of making a stretch goal be you coming on stream so we can play Minecraft or Mario Kart or something...I mean, I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable. I could always replace it with something else. I know they've been wanting to see me dye my hair a bright color and dress up like an e-boy, so--"
"Really!?" you nearly yelled.
"What? That they want me to dress like an e-boy? Yeah, Kuroo said it would–"
"No, I mean..." You tried to fight the confused expression that was growing on your face, but your squinted eyes gave you away. "You really want me on your stream? Like face and all?"
"....Yeah, I really want to be able to share this with you. But don't feel like you have to do it just to make me happy."
It was a large ask when looking at the full picture. Kenma had his fair share of fans and "stans" who lacked boundaries, as seen from a select few who visited your home several times this year, or the handful that found you on social media already just from seeing a glimpse of your college ring on the hand wrapped around Kenma's water bottle.
There could be a chance you could receive direct hate on your social media just because you were a person who dated a popular streamer. You would then be in the public eye with little privacy and have a magnifying glass on all of your actions and words. Anything you did would then reflect on Kenma.
What if you messed something up and then Kenma lost viewers? Would they try to cancel you or him for it?
You backed away from all the negative thoughts before you could spiral and looked at the metaphorical 'pro' column.
If you agreed to appear on his stream, you would no longer have to sneak around your house in fear of being heard or showing up in his face cam. You both wouldn't have to feel guilty playing games off-camera with each other because you knew Kenma could be streaming it instead.
And who knew? Maybe his fans would like you. You had to admit, it would be a nice ego boost knowing that you were accepted by so many people.
And, most importantly: you could physically ask him in person what he wanted for dinner instead of texting him and waiting an hour for a break so he could respond, while you sat in the next room, starving, stuck in an endless cycle of wondering whether you should make a snack or if you should just hold off for dinner.
Maybe this was a good idea.
"Okay,” you decided, “I'll do it."
"Oh... alright. Cool." Kenma was trying his hardest not to show how excited he was that you agreed. When he saw the contemplative look on your face, he was sure you would decide that it'd just be too much work and say no. But hearing you agree made him giddier than he would ever admit to.
Despite the cool and collected façade he thought he was putting on, you saw the smile that threatened to break through and the red tips of his ears. You wondered if he felt the same weight being lifted off his shoulders as you did, knowing that, after this weekend, you'd both be finally out as an official couple to the world.
And, of course, the nausea of having to do all of it live in front of thousands of people. No biggie.
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Saturday afternoon came and at 12pm sharp, Kenma began his grueling 24-hour charity stream. The bar had an overall goal of $150,000, and it began filling up at a constant pace right from the start. Donations ranging from $5 to $500 were flowing in rapidly, and you were trying your best not to feel nervous.
You both agreed that if he reached $50,000 within 5 hours, you would join him for an hour or two of Minecraft later that night. Part of you hoped that the donations would slow down and plateau for a bit, but when you saw Kuroo had donated $1000, specifically with the message that he hoped to see you on stream soon, you realized that it was a pipe dream.
So, you had to be your own hype person for now, to get prepared to show your face to thousands of people and not disappoint Kenma.
Whether it was the promise of your face reveal or the people who genuinely adored charity, it took only four hours for Kenma to break $50,000.
When he saw the number update live on stream, the viewers witnessed the most amount of expression Kenma had ever shown: eyes wide as saucers, mouth slightly agape, body frozen. You could see the gears struggling inside his head struggling to turn and comprehend what they all managed to do so early on in the stream.
"Thanks so much, everyone, for being so generous today... I guess this means we'll be having my partner on later tonight," he announced. You watched his chat explode with excitement, his special emotes flying in the chat.
You picked up your phone to shoot Kenma a quick text.
[you]:: hope you're ready to put our minecraft beds together in front of thousands of people 😏
Unsurprisingly, he left you on read. But dating him for this long meant you weren't even a little bit afraid of double or triple texting.
[you]:: maybe we can kiss under the light of an exploding creeper 😫
[you]:: or have a romantic walk through our rainbow sheep while a phantom looms overhead 🥰
It was after the third text when you finally saw him pick up his phone to text you back. You eagerly awaited his response, only to cackle when you read it.
[my sugar daddy]:: im going to replace you with hinata as my partner if you dont stop
Instead of annoying him any further, you set your phone to charge on your nightstand and went into the bathroom to get ready for the stream later.
Once you emerged, you picked up your phone to check the percentage and noticed a text from Kenma stating that he'd have you on at 8pm. You decided to spend the time until then cooking up some dinner for the both of you.
It seemed like time flew by because by the time you were done eating your food, it was 7:45pm. Only fifteen more minutes before you were live in front of all of Kenma's supporters. You refilled your water bottle and sat on the couch, staring at the blank T.V. as you practically dissociated from reality until Kenma came out of his office to retrieve you.
You noticed that he looked just as nervous as you did, despite his face not showing it the way yours did. His shoulders were up to his ears with tension, and his hoodie drawstring was pulled almost all the way through due to him fiddling with it.
He turned briefly to you after he brought you into his office, gesturing to make sure you knew to wait until he gave you the cue. He sat down, unmuted himself, and took down the 'away' screen he had for his audience.
This was it. Everything was going to change in literally ten seconds.
"Well, everyone...please welcome my partner, (Y/N)."
You walked cautiously around his large gaming chair and sat next to him in your modest desk chair that he had rolled into the room for the occasion.
Okay, you thought to yourself, now don't fuck this up.
"Hi, everyone."
Nailed it.
There was a painful moment of silence before the stream finally caught up, and you both heaved a sigh of relief when you saw nothing but declarations of excitement. Amongst the 'AHHHs' and spam of emotes were sweet comments about your appearance and how cute you two looked as a couple. You peeked over at Kenma and saw the ghost of a smile on his lips, elated to know that he was just as relieved as you were.
"Okay, let's start with the gameplay while we answer some questions," he said.
The questions and gameplay started out mild; when did you both start dating, how did you meet, who asked the other out first. They even asked a few simple questions about you specifically, like your favorite anime and your star sign. And while you did see a few bans in the chat after some inappropriate questions –no, you will not tell them the color of your underwear– most were easy and simple enough to answer.
Then they started to get a bit spicier.
"Bokutoslefttit donated $69.69 and asked, 'what is your main pet peeve with Kenma?'" he read, muttering a 'wow' under his breath at the username.
"Ooh, how can I be polite when exposing you?" you pondered while beating a cow to death with your sword. "It's probably how loud he gets whenever he's playing games with his good headphones on."
"I don't get loud," he defended.
"Oh yeah, you do. I've had to come in here several times to tell you to shut up like I'm your mother. I did it literally two days ago when you were playing with Lev."
"... Next question."
You rolled your eyes at his lack of comment but glanced over at the chat to pull up a new question. You stifled a laugh when you read, "Girlboss420 asked 'who has a fatter ass, Kuroo or (Y/N)?'"
"I'm not answering that."
"Come oooon, this is a Q&A. Can't have the Q’s without the A’s."
You were about to start reprimanding him for implying that Kuroo's ass was fatter than yours when you noticed he ran past you with a group of pillagers following closely behind. You turned to head into the house but when you opened the door, you noticed it was blocked off by obsidian.
"You are the absolute worst!" you exclaimed.
You made a break for it, sprinting past the shooting pillagers and around to the front of the house. You made it inside with only 2 hearts to spare. You turned, in real life, to Kenma to see him tight-lipped to avoid smiling about his betrayal.
"I'm moving my bed downstairs for the rest of the stream."
You both carried on with the stream without another incident, turning to the chat every now and again to answer some questions. Kenma even apologized to you by bringing home a horse that was named "I'm sorry."
It was about an hour and a half after you sat down when Kenma decided that he needed a bathroom break. Your heart fell to your ass when you realized that you'd be all alone to entertain his chat. You considered saying that you needed to pee as well, if it meant not having the spotlight on you.
Instead, when he got up to pee, you smiled and asked him to bring you back a snack and a refill. Oh, how the turns have tabled.
In the meantime, you decided to scroll through the chat and some of the donations to pick out another question to answer since Kenma was gone. You were initially looking for a funny or vulgar comment when you saw one that had a completely different vibe.
"Kermithateblog donated $25.00 and asked, 'what's your favorite part about being with Kenma?' Wow, that's a really sweet question. Let me think for a moment."
You paused to reflect on your relationship with Kenma over the two years you’d been together. You'd had your fair share of highs and lows like any other couple, but, in the end, you both learned how to work things out so you were both equally as happy in the relationship.
"So, as you guys know, he's a busy boy with streaming, creating content for YouTube, and also being a CEO of his own company, which all takes up the majority of his time," you began. "But when he finally can shut off his screens and crawls into bed late at night, I know that he's 100% there with me at that moment. He is able to give me his undivided attention and make me feel like his love for me comes above his love for gaming."
You gave a pause, trying not to get too emotional. You rarely got the chance to gush about Kenma because you knew how much he hated having attention on him, so if this was going to be your only opportunity to do so for a while, then you were going to take it.
"What y'all don't know is that he is the biggest baby when it comes to cuddling," you laughed. "He is absolutely the little spoon most of the time, and he loves when I stroke his hair and love on him all night. In a weird way, it makes me feel special and loved knowing that he trusts me enough to be vulnerable with me. I cherish the amount of time we have together because of that."
What you didn't know was that he had come back from refilling your water bottle rather quickly and stood outside the doorway to hear your speech. His heart almost burst when he heard your tender words describing how he made you feel. He knew that you rarely got to hear how much those quiet moments at night meant to him because he was guarded with his feelings.
Which is why he started into the room on a mission.
You smiled as soon as you saw him. "Welcome back, babe, we were just talking about--"
He approached you swiftly and leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. You hardly even got to bask in the moment before he was pulling away, setting down your water bottle as he sat back down with his controller in hand like he didn't just expose to his audience how much of a softy he really was.
It was in that moment when you realized how glad you were that you’d decided to appear on stream because you'd be able to look back at that clip over and over again to relive the intimate moment.
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Noon on Sunday came at last. Kenma would finally be free from the prison of his office. Not to mention he could finally get off his ass and stretch.
Between your official appearance on stream and the sign-off, you popped in a few more times to say hello to the chat when you brought him some snacks and drinks. You stayed up through most of the night, although you accidentally napped for a few hours during the dead of night which gave you a little boost in energy.
In the end, the stream was a monumental success. Kenma had even managed to blow past his goal of $150k and make it to over $200k, which meant that he'd be getting the full e-body makeover for his next week of streams.
By the time Kenma came into your bedroom after freshening up and having a small snack, you were already dead asleep with your laptop propped open to show his now offline stream.
He tip-toed around the bed quietly, closed your laptop, pulled the covers up and over your curled-up body, and slipped in himself. As he settled, he felt you shift and grab at his worn t-shirt, opening your eyes slightly just to confirm that it's him.
He pulled you against his chest tightly, his body finally able to relax. He was sure it wouldn't be too long before he completely fell out.
"That was more fun than I thought it'd be," he heard you utter quietly.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." His fingers gently danced across your shoulder blades as you mushed your face into his clean shirt. "I can't believe we raised so much today so quickly."
"I'm so proud of you, baby. You worked so hard on this."
"I also donated $2000 anonymously to speed up the process," he mumbled sheepishly, pressing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head in hopes to lessen the blow of his secret.
It was quiet for a moment, and he wondered if he’d genuinely pissed you off before he felt the vibrations from your laugh against his chest.
"...I can't wait to ruin your hair, e-boy."
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Written by: Luna
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karlswrites · 3 years
Big Vs. Little Spoon
Demon Bois + Non-Dateables Edition
This game is my newest hyper-fixation, so please bear with me. I know there are a lot of head-canons about the boys cuddling, but here’s my rendition. Boy howdy, this one’s a little long...
Warnings: Pure Fluff 
❤️ Lucifer: Because he’s the Avatar of Pride, Lucifer loves feeling bigger than you.  His pride inhibits him from being the little spoon, so he often opts for being the big spoon. Luci can’t help but admire the way his arms completely envelop you when he’s the big spoon. However, if he decides that you’ve been “a good little Main Character,” then he might acquiesce to your request, allowing you to lounge over him. Additionally, Luci prefers that the two of you cuddle in his bed, as it is rather large and extremely comfortable. Seeing you sprawled out over or curled in his comforter fills him to the brim with pride. Being able to hold you close to his chest gives him more pride than literally anything else. Being the elegant fella that he is, he will always lower himself beside you gently, careful not to disturb you. He won’t jump on the bed like some people. 
(I’m so sorry you had to read that one line of dialogue, if you can even call it that.)
💛 Mammon: A true switch on top of and underneath the sheets, Mammon is more likely to be the little spoon than his elder brother. He will never admit to you how much he enjoys feeling your arms slumped over him, but he does love it. He’ll never object to being the big spoon, though, as having his arms and legs draped over you is a HUGE ego booster. Mammon often feels little in the company of his brothers, so knowing that you feel safe and comfortable in his hold makes the guy’s heart melt. I must warn you, though, that Mammon doesn’t hesitate to leap unto your bed, effectively smothering you with his love and adoration. In the private on your room or his, because he loves showing his stuff off, he’ll entangle himself in you. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to him how you’re lying, as long as he gets to stay with you. If you satisfy his greed, and you always do, he will never leave.
(My friend thought of an adorable Mammon x MC Piggy-back ride idea, but that’s for another day, hehe)
💙 Leviathan: This poor boy isn’t used to physical touch, much less having someone in his room almost every night. His only experience comes from a Ruri-chan body pillow, and that thing does not compare to your warmth. At first, you have to be the big spoon. Although he’s embarrassed, Levi adores the feeling of your arms and legs hooked around him. He always takes the opportunity to take his hands and intertwine them with yours over his chest and waist. Now, if Levi gets jealous, then that’s a whole other story. If he notices a few too many people crowded around you or hugging you throughout the day, he’ll find his confidence and trap you into him. He’ll pull you into the bathtub with him, lay you down on his pillows, and act clingy so that nobody mistakes you for theirs. Good luck leaving the tub, ya hooligan. 
💚 Satan: Out of the two options, Satan is probably the big spoon most of the time. He likes holding you close, being able to enjoy some peace and quiet with you. He’s not so much of a ‘little/big spoon’ as he is a ‘two forks lying snuggly together in a drawer’ kind of guy. You lie next to him, your arms looped around his neck or his chest. Satan holds a book over the two of you, reading aloud softly. His free hand is snaked under your waist, his thumb gently stroking up and down your spine with each sentence he reads. On the other hand, if it’s late at night or super early in the morning, he’ll indulge in that prime spooning opportunity. He’d probably place his chin in the crook of your shoulder. He’ll probably have his hands anchored in your waist. He’ll probably - most definitely- slowly turn you around in his arms, letting his hands wander back towards your spine. Satan loves having you pressed against his heartbeat and vice versa. Your heart is the perfect sound for him to fall asleep to. 
💗 Asmodeus: This guy is a little spoon. With how much he loves himself and you, of course, he will curl himself into you. Asmo doesn’t like as much for his back to face you, so he always ends up turning around in your arms. He wants you to have constant access to his face. Whether you’re looking at him or kissing him, it doesn’t matter; Asmo wants your attention on his beautiful face. Being constantly suggestive, especially when it comes to you, he slowly weaves his legs between yours. He doesn’t hesitate when playing footsies, too. In terms of his preferences, he loves hosting you in his room. If you ever want to cuddle in your room, though, then he’ll eagerly agree. Asmo looks forward to leaving the scent of whatever fragrance he’s wearing all over your bedsheets. He wants you thinking about him 24/7 after all. 
(If anyone disagrees with this one, in particular, square up in a Denny’s parking lot.)
🧡 Beelzebub: As long as you’re eating food during cuddling, Beel could care less how you’re placed over him. He’s a big boy, so he’s often the big spoon. One of his arms will snake its way underneath you, holding you tightly around the waist. His other hand is preoccupied with a bag of chips or another tasty snack. Unlike Asmo, Beel is not nearly as handsy. He keeps you in his strong hold the entire time. When he’s done eating, he moves his hand up to your head. His digits will stroke and play with your hair. It’s so soft, and Beel can’t get enough of how relaxed it makes the both of you feel. Another position he likes, which isn’t necessarily spooning, but him lying on his back with you on top. Beel loves, loves, loves your head on his chest. The way his chin rests upon your head is so nice to him. He drapes his arms down your back, hooking his legs over yours. He keeps you in place, and you feel so safe. He is a legitimate teddy bear. 
💜 Belphegor: The Avatar of Sloth is the best cuddler, hands down. He has so many pillows and, upon request, can provide pillow forts, beds, nooks , or whatever you need. You always fall asleep within minutes. Cuddling was a bit difficult at first, as you didn’t always trust him. Actually, it was Belphie’s attempt to gain your trust that led you to be cuddle-buddies (besides your mutual pining, of course). Like some of his brothers, he doesn’t prefer one position over the other. He can be a big or little spoon. You say the word, and he’ll fall into the position with ease. He covers you with blankets, making you appear as a burrito/cocoon. He is definitely warm each and every time you snuggle in close. Belphie clings to you as a sloth clings to its branch, never letting go, even when you wake up. 
❤️ Diavolo: Another big boy, Diavolo is the - drum roll, please- big spoon. He has the broadest shoulders, biggest hands, and widest chest that’s perfect to fall into. Whenever you cuddle, he silently hopes you choose his castle. He’s always so excited to bring you over, and this guy has a massive bed. It’s literally made for a king. Since he’s a ray of sunshine, Diavolo will playfully tug you onto the mattress with him. He holds your face, caressing your cheeks. He grabs your waist, pulling you in even closer. He doesn’t let go until he absolutely has to. Sometimes, Barbatos has to come in and drag him away from you. Diavolo is completely smitten by you, and his affection only grows every time he relaxes against your back. Furthermore, cuddling with you is the perfect way to end a stressful day of dealing with the crazy demon brothers. 
💚 Barbatos: Barbatos may be a butler, but something about him screams big spoon. He loves scooping you up in his arms. The feeling of his heartbeat against your back brings him the greatest sense of comfort. When keeping you tangled up in his arms, he asks now and again if he can move in anyway, get you anything, or do anything to make you feel even more comfortable. He likes his control, but he always aims to please. Barbatos and you never stay still for long. His fingers run along your arms, sides, and shoulders continuously. He, too, likes playing with your hair. If you fall asleep before him, he places kisses on the back of your scalp, neck, and shoulders. He never goes past that, but cuddling allows him ample time to indulge in some innocent physical attention. Expect to be carried out of bed bridal style when the two of you wake up. 
🖤 Solomon: As the Devildom’s official special snowflake, you might never know what you’ll get with him. Solomon prefers feeling your back against his chest, though he will, like Lucifer, reward you by being the little spoon. He’s very calm and cool, so being the little spoon doesn’t embarrass him. He only cares about encasing you with his arms, hands wrapped around you in a big hug. He’s not as outwardly affectionate with you as another guy might be, but Solomon delivers some high-quality snuggles. You feel small and safe against him, and that’s all he could ever want. In terms of location, the two of you typically end up in your room. However, on days when the demon boys are at it again, he will coyly invite you into his dorm. He loves when your scent seeps its way into his bedsheets, but he also loves it when his gets lost in yours. Solomon is always left floored by how such simple affection can make him feel so warm and fuzzy. He doesn’t need to worry about spells with you, and you don’t need to worry about anything with him. 
🤍 Simeon: Similar to Levi, Simeon isn’t used to physical touch, but he’s not as shy. Cuddling you sounds as good as heaven, and he relishes in the feeling of your soft skin against his. Another true switch, in my humble opinion, he is content with being a big or little spoon. He’s an angel, and his greatest concern is how comfortable you are at all times. He’s inexperienced, so he will more-than-happily follow your lead. He never moves without your consent. You might have to reassure him a few times that moving is totally fine. In fact, it’s welcomed. Once he gets that through his noggin, he finally relaxes into you. From behind, Simeon grazes his hands over your stomach, loving the warmth you emit. If you’re behind him, he’ll seize the opportunity to clutch his hands in yours, loving the feeling of your head on his shoulder. He sleeps so much better with you.
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shoezuki · 3 years
What are some of your favorite au ideas/headcanons about the arctic anarchists?
anon this ask made me realize i have done Nothing like. headcanon related in terms a mcyt shit and. wow. thats shocking that used to be my Brand in other fandom circles lkhsl;hsg anyways uh heres randomass hc’s
technoblade is avoiding home. he gave the go-ahead to let ranboo stay and he Likes ranboo but the last time some kid was in his house.... it didnt go well. hes Avoiding that all over again. also confrontation scary
ranboo is also Very Horrified for when techno goes back to the commune like. philza is great, he’s a friend. technoblade is a ‘friend’ but holy SHIT he’s terrifying. that guy is a force to be reckoned with and like. what if ranboo does something Wrong? also. confrontation scary. 
basically; both ranboo and technoblade are socially awkward messes. philza is tired of them but doesnt step in (yet)
technoblade goes home. he sees none of his things have been touched. his house is intact. theres no ugly cobblestone towers. thats all good signs
philza points to the lil nook in the mountain where he wants to make a dog pen and technoblade sees some makeshift shack already constructed
the cow farm causes him to recoil for just a split second but he ignores that
when ranboo first meets technoblade he stutters and basically shoves the New axe of peace he made for techno in his hands, rambles on about getting them more emeralds and how he Swears he didnt touch anything ever
technoblade shows affection through Giving. when ranboo gifts him a new axe to make up for the one that tommy took he is like. he has to take a few moments ok . he leaves ranboo suddenly
from ranboo’s perspective technoblade like. goes completely silent, back straight, doesnt say a word, and then skulks off. ranboo is writing his will out after that
technoblade Cant like. rationalize this right now hes losing his mind so ofc he goes to phil
“philza he gave me an axe. its netherite.” “Oh yeah, he’s been sayi--” “what is he planning he’s plotting something.” “WHAT”
Philza has to convince techno that, no, ranboo isnt using some extreme manipulation tactics against him. and then he has to convince ranboo that No he isnt going to get killed. bonding times :)
no matter how much philza insists that ranboo can take whatever he wants, ranboo Refuses to take any a their things or use anything unless philza basically Shoves it right in his hands. so philza does. constantly
technoblade is trying to Keep Some Distance but like. he’s gotta be nice yknow? so he gifts ranboo things by leaving them in his ‘house’ when he’s away
its always smaller things, like dyes ranboo was talking about getting or food. 
ranboo doesnt even realize its from technoblade he just assumes that he forgot he got it and moves on. technoblade doesnt ever bring it up
phil catches technoblade trying to sneak in and leave something while ranboo is sleeping and he (quietly) yells at him
ranboo tries explaining how eyecontact Feels to him to the both of them Really Anxiously and that it’s like ‘physically uncomfortable’ but technoblade interupts 
‘wait but isnt that normal’
theres a very long awkward silence before technoblade changes the subject completely
philza is Very used to technoblade’s not so human traits (hiding ‘valuables’ away from them, talking to the voices under his breath, distracted by gold easily, a sort of ‘bloodlust’ if hurt, snorts and squeals when he forgets to repress them) but he is Not used to ranboo’s habits
the first one noticed is that ranboo is... not exactly stealing. but he Always seems to want some block in his hand. he doesnt seem to realize it, picking up things, walkin around, fiddling with it, and then putting it down somewhere random
leads to some arguments with techno before they find their enchanting table in the nearby village
Ranboo is Always Aware of when someone looks at him. philza will glance at him from inside techno’s house through the window, and then suddenly ranboo bolts upright and stares directly at him. philza Always jumps out of his skin
once techno watched as ranboo yawned, his entire jaw cracking and stretching open wide to show rows of thin teeth. techno hasnt been the same since
technoblade berates ranboo’s little ‘shack’, sayings its lame and ‘philza probably thinks its ugly’ ranboo just shrugs but one day he returns home late at night to see technoblade Attempting to build an Actual House for him
ranboo clears his throat and technoblade attacks on instinct. philza patches him up and techno says sorry really briefly then leaves. ranboo keeps finding diamonds and golden apples in his house now
sometimes ranboo finds technoblade just laying in the middle of his cow pen. he doesnt question it
ranboo starts writing little things that like. he wouldnt usually write in his memory book. ‘unimportant’ things
moments like times he spent brushing all the dogs in the kennel, brewing potions with phil and techno in near silence together, weird little ‘catchphrases’ techno says, that time he watched technoblade trip over his own cape. little things
it takes a while for technoblade to be Really and truly comfortable around ranboo. and frankly ranboo doesnt even notice any change. philza does
technoblade makes ranboo clothing to match the aesthetics and actually gives it to him, even specifically making it extra warm since ranboo never lived somewhere so cold
philza instantly notices when he stops carrying Any sort of weapon when ranboo is around at home. 
at some point ranboo calls it home for the first time and like. techno’s ears flick in his direction. he’s perked up for the entire walk home. shifting his eyes in ranboo’s direction but not quite
philza cooes over it and pokes fun of techno later that day and technoblade huffs at him but doesnt say anything
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idreamofplaid · 3 years
Dean Lives Forever
Square Filled: Impala for @spndeanbingo
Characters: Jensen/Dean x Reader; Jared and Kripke mentioned
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Jensen is having a hard time with Supernatural being over. The reader has an idea to help him deal with his feelings.
Word Count: 2409
A/N: This is for you @lovealways-j. Thanks for your friendship and all the thirsty exchanges.
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“Will you play something for me?” You hopefully held Jensen’s guitar out to him. He’d been home for three days now since filming on The Boys had finished, and in that time he’d eaten only egg sandwiches and barely said anything. Eventually, he’d open up and talk about it. Right now he was processing. That’s what Jensen did.
You’d known it wouldn’t be easy for him, being a different character after Dean Winchester had lived in his skin for fifteen years. It was almost a doppelganger type situation it had gone on so long. Dean was like a separate entity that came to life through Jensen every time Jensen flipped that switch, and flipping that switch had become increasingly easy over the years until the lines between Jensen and Dean were blurred.
Jensen took the guitar from you and turned on the barstool to face out from the kitchen toward the breakfast nook and give himself more room to play. He placed the instrument on his leg and started to pluck at the strings. Soon the familiar chords of “Simple Man” filled the air. 
He started to sing the words to the song he loved so much in his smooth soulful voice and had almost made it through the first verse when he stopped. His fingers strummed at the strings of the guitar for a few more seconds before they stopped moving too.
It was a Dean song. Jensen had always said it would become real to him that Supernatural was over when he walked onto another set and had to be somebody else. For the past several months, that’s what he’d done; and he had to do it alone. The travel restrictions were still in place while he was filming. That meant you couldn’t be there; Jared couldn’t be there. Jensen was alone in his head, and he was inclined to think too much sometimes.
The separation hadn’t been easy on you either. You’d lost sleep more than one night after a Facetime call when you knew things weren’t quite right, and Jensen was doing his best to put on a good face for you. He was a good actor, but he wasn’t good enough to hide what he was really feeling from you.
The irony was you had been able to see Jared, and the two of you had met for lunch regularly when he had a day off from Walker. Jared and Jensen were a package deal. You’d known that from the beginning and were more than happy to get a best friend/brother included in the greatest boyfriend ever set. Your conversations had centered largely around Jensen and the ending of Supernatural.
Jared was worried about him too because he knew how hard it was to let Sam go, and the truth was he hadn’t. He couldn’t. Jared provided a lot of insight into the things Jensen might be feeling that he wasn’t telling you about. 
Jared’s words echoed in your mind now as you watched Jensen set his guitar down on the terrazzo tile. He’s got to figure out how to make Dean part of him and any other character he plays, because Dean’s not going anywhere. 
You walked closer to stand between Jensen’s open legs and run your hands through his once again short hair.  Your fingertips massaged his scalp, and he leaned into your touch. “You miss him, don’t you?” you asked quietly.
Jensen opened his jade green eyes, and you could see the melancholy in them, the touch of heartache. He tried to laugh, but it was more of a heavy exhale through his nose and a sad smile. “I know it’s stupid. It’s been a year.”
You kissed the corner of his mouth. “It’s not stupid at all.” Then you took Jensen’s hand in yours, an idea forming in your head and putting a gleam in your eye. “Go get dressed. And when I say dressed I mean put on some plaid. None of this one layer business either. That’s not the Winchester Way.”
“What are you up to, Y/N?” Jensen narrowed his eyes, making the crinkles at their corners more prominent.
“We’re taking your Baby for a ride, so get your sexy ass off this barstool and go get ready.”  You gave his butt a good smack. That would either get him moving or get his dick twitching; both would be ideal.
Fifteen minutes later, Jensen was backing Baby out of her special garage with you in the passenger seat. Driving her was like swimming; you didn’t forget how no matter how long it’d been since you last saw water. Watching the way he handled his beloved Impala was a huge turn on. It had been when you’d watched “Dean” do it on your television screen, and it was even more so now.
As he steered her down the long driveway, Jensen asked, “Where do you want to go?”
You were distracted by the sight of his forearms, with their prominent veins, peeking out from the rolled up cuffs of the red and black flannel he was wearing; and didn’t respond immediately. He looked over at you, saw you checking him out, and smiled. “Why don’t you come closer? You’re too far away.”
Jensen had changed practically nothing on the car. Installing an air conditioner was a must, but he’d wanted her to stay as much the same as she had been as she could possibly be. That included no seat belts, so you could slide across the bench seat until you were next to him. Jensen put his hand on your thigh. “That’s better,” he said. “Now, tell me where to take you.”
You put your head on his shoulder. “It doesn’t matter. Just find a pretty backroad, and let’s drive.”
When he’d driven far enough out of Austin that the road was mostly deserted, you started to kiss Jensen’s neck and nibble at his ear. “How many girls do you think Dean had in this car?” you asked while you blew into his ear. 
“Do you mean had or had?” Jensen moved his hand around to the inside of your thigh and eased it higher up your leg, bringing it closer to your core.
“I think you know what I mean.” You wriggled down in the seat until your pussy made contact with his hand.
Jensen rubbed his thick fingers along the seam of your jeans, making you squirm. “Oh, I imagine he had quite a few.”
“Is this what he did with them? What you’re doing to me right now?” You rubbed yourself against his hand and moaned.
“Among other things.” Jensen’s voice had dropped down into the Dean register. “Why don’t you, uh, open those jeans you’re wearin’, and I’ll show you.” 
He glanced at you, his hand still teasing you through the denim. His expression had changed. You were looking into the eyes of Dean Winchester. He could still fall back into character in an instant.
You opened them up, granting him access to the cotton and lace trimmed panties you were wearing underneath. Dean slipped his hand under the waistband and curled his finger right up against your clit. He started making circles over the already aching nub and applied enough pressure to make you feel like you could come apart at any second.
“You are so wet, sweetheart.” He was watching the road, but his focus was on you. “I bet you’re tight too.” He said it like he didn’t know.
The idea that he was completely in character now, and it was Dean touching you made you come all over his hand. You couldn’t grab him like you wanted to, so you clawed at the seat beside you instead while your orgasm flowed through you in waves that made you weak. 
When your body stopped shaking, Dean pulled his hand from your pants and made a show of cleaning your juices off his fingers. God. His lips. You wanted to feel them on you. He was so close you could smell him, but you needed to be closer. You buried your face in his neck and breathed him in. “Find somewhere to pull over,” you told him. “Somewhere off the road where nobody can see.”
Dean/Jensen knew these Texas backroads, and within a short time he’d found a secluded place to park Baby. “Let’s get in the back,” you said, laying your hand over the swelling bulge between his legs. 
“Sounds good to me, sweetheart.” He kissed you once. His mouth claiming yours, and his need for you evident in the way his tongue tangled with yours. Then Dean opened the door. You smiled when you heard it make the familiar groaning squeak. He got out and gave you his hand to help you out of the car. 
As soon as you were both in the back seat and the door had closed solidly behind him, you reached for his belt. You couldn’t get him out of his clothes fast enough, and he’d worn all the layers just like you’d asked him to. With your clothes piled on the floorboard, you explored each other’s bodies with your hands and your mouths. 
Dean made his mark on you, leaving hot kisses on your stomach, your breasts, and the insides of your thighs. His touch was a little different than the one you were used to, a little heavier with an almost desperation to feel alive through the act of joining your body with someone else’s. 
You knew people said that Jensen should win awards for his acting, and you could verify that they were right because the way he kissed you, the way he touched you, it was tender, caring, and passionate. But the love wasn’t there. This man appreciated you, wanted you, worshipped your body, but he didn’t love you. It was Jensen who loved you.
The way he moved inside you was different too. His thrusts were deep and sharp, then he would slow down and roll his hips until you were begging for him to give you more. When he came inside you, the sound of your name on his lips was a more primal thing. It was basic and raw. This was sex for the sake of the pure physical pleasure, and it felt amazingly good. You clenched him tightly, determined to milk every drop of the pain out of him. 
Immediately after the finish of your mind numbing orgasm, he rolled off of you. “Thank you, baby.” Jensen.
You turned toward him and propped yourself over him, so you could look down into his face. What you saw confirmed what you’d heard in the change of his voice. It was the man you loved. You kissed him, and it was the kiss you knew. It was filled with a soft intensity that made you feel loved, wanted, chosen, and trusted.
You were overwhelmed by how much this man meant to you. Dean Winchester was as sexy as any man had ever been, but it was Jensen you were going to marry one day, Jensen who held your heart. It was Jensen who always thought of you in so many little ways like a true gentleman would.
As if to prove it, he asked, “Are you cold?” He rubbed his hand down your back to check and apparently decided you were, because he sat up and retrieved his flannel from the floorboard. “Here. Put this on,” he told you as he helped you into it and buttoned up some of the buttons in the middle, enough to keep the shirt closed. 
You settled back beside him, his arms wrapped securely around you. His body was warmer than any flannel. You placed soft kisses on his chest, then lay your head down on it. “It’s okay to miss him,” you whispered while you traced mindless patterns over Jensen’s heart with your fingertip. “It’s okay to be him again sometimes too if that’s what you need. He’s part of you, Jensen. Always will be.”
“It’s been so damn hard these past few months.” You kissed his chest again to encourage him to go on. “I hear ‘action’ and to me that means be Dean, but I couldn’t. I had to fight it. I couldn’t walk like him, or sound like him, or make any of the gestures he would have made. And, yeah, I missed him.”
“I missed being on set with Jared too, having him to play off of. We made each other better. We had a rhythm when we were doing a scene that was just natural. So natural, it almost wasn’t acting.” You could feel his arms tighten around you the slightest bit. ”I felt like I forgot how to act.” 
You kissed him again, letting your lips linger on his skin before you pulled them away. “I wish I could have been there for you. I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”
He tried to laugh again, just like he had earlier in the kitchen. It was a little closer to a real laugh. “I couldn’t be Dean Winchester forever, could I?”
You raised your head up to look at him. “That’s not even a question, Jensen.” You smiled when you said it. “You will be Dean forever. You can’t get him out of you. Stop trying to fight it. You’ve proved you can play another character. Eric can’t stop raving about how good you are, and I’m sure when the season is released everyone else is going to see that too.”
He reached up and took your face in his hand. “I’m one lucky son of a bitch to have you.” Your smile got bigger.
“See. That was Dean right there.” Realization crossed Jensen’s face. He shook his head and smiled, really smiled.
“So, you’re saying you wouldn’t mind if I bring Dean out to play every once in awhile?” The smile was still on his face, and it was beautiful. 
“I wouldn’t mind that at all.” You kissed him then with a light flirtiness for the first time that day. “In fact I think it would be a good idea for us to do that. We better keep you in practice because everybody knows Supernatural is coming back, and we don’t want Dean to come across like Soldier Boy,” you said playfully.
Jensen flipped you beneath him. “Soldier Boy? I’ll show you Soldier Boy.”
And that’s a story for another time...
Everything: @gambitwinchester​ @princessmisery666​ @peridottea91​ @beenlovingromansincedayoneish​ @emilyshurley​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @waywardbaby​ @atc74​ @shaniquacynthia​ @mariekoukie6661​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @67-chevy-baby​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @emoryhemsworth​ @crashdevlin​ @jules-1999​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @sammyimpala-67​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @timelordy-fangirl2​ @sweetness47​ @hobby27​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @becs-bunker​ @sandlee44​ @supernaturalgrandma​ @sea040561​ @dawnie1988​ @volleyballer519​ @kdfrqqg​ @lizette50​ @daisymoder72​ @sorenmarie87​ @lovealways-j​ @deansotherotherblog​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @spnbaby-67​ @wayward-and-worn​ @asthesunwentdown​ @vulgar-library​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @petitgateau911​ @calaofnoldor​
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee​ @flamencodiva​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @ellewritesfix05​ @weepingwillowphoenix​
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