#she got her strong personality after her mom 😂😂😂
hyunjinz · 2 years
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luffyvace · 3 months
Saiki k x Reader headcanons
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This is on my anime’s I write for list and I haven’t written for it yet so I wanted to show what I can do! 😉
Enjoy!! I Love Saiki, Aren and Aiura 💗💜💛
Okay let’s face it
your regular.
literally. (probably) like you are irl
doesn’t it feel good to have reader be accurate to how you are for once?
and that your fav would genuinely be into that and you know it?!
like you don’t have to pretend or imagine to be this cool, physically strong person your not for once?? Just me?
idk but it sure is refreshing
especially since it’s canon with saiki after he practically stalked that one dude
anyway onto the headcanons
I wanna start off by saying Saiki’s love languages are gift giving and quality time
the best part about gift giving is he could just leave it on your desk or night stand and watch your reaction from afar
they’re always very thoughtful since he can read your mind :) which is a plus!
and as for quality time he finds it quite peaceful to be around someone who’s not such a weirdo for once
and even if you are one, for some reason he can tolerate your strange behavior way better than he can your friends 😂
it’s always fun to play that one video game he has together
and it’s practically a requirement that every saiki k hcs have—you two will eat coffee jelly together
he would at least want you to try it and if you don’t like it’s that’s fine more for him
He’ll just get you whatever sweet, savory or spicy food you like so you can both enjoy something (and someone 💋) you love together!~
his mother absolutely adores you and is always pestering Saiki about when you’ll be back again
his dad thinks your a “good kid” (🗿) (like every dad says 😭)
Saiki loves to go on walks together
What he doesn’t like is when something chaotic happens to ruin it
but that’s besides the point—he loves to walk to school together!
nothing like getting up every day and seeing your lover. Going on a romantic walk too?*chefs kiss* 💋👩‍🍳
will try to indulge in your interests and hobbies to keep you happy
you may or may not be a introvert like him
if you aren’t he’ll go out and hang out with friends even if that’s outside of his comfort zone for you
but do remember to cut him some slack if he doesn’t want to or wants to go home early <3
and if your an introvert? Wonderful!
99.99% of dates are spent at either of your rooms (not just houses cuz parents are annoying)
or at that one shop that sells the coffee jelly he likes
only if you agree of course
if you prefer something even more private that’s just fine with him!
he only ever wants some peace anyway
and you simply never disturb that, to which he very much appreciates
if your a touchy-feely typa peep, please keep it to a minimum? Especially in public??
he’s already not really a physical touch person the way a perceive it
not that he hates it or anything
he just is more comfy without it when unnecessary
at least in public
he already will probably want to keep your relationship a secret/private for as long as possible
(he knows it’ll get out eventually by some misfortune event 🤦‍♀️)
but since they find out anyway here’s they’re reactions!
Honestly Nendo probably won’t realize your dating until you explicitly say so
either that or he’ll be the first one to know and just be like ‘oh, i thought everyone knew that’
Aren really doesn’t mind and thinks your relationship is sweet
Hairo supports wholeheartedly- maybe a little too much 😅💗
Chiyo is lowkey jealous you both got into a relationship before her but she’s happy
Torisuka is MAD jealous of Saiki but deep inside he’s still happy for you two
Kaido is also a tad jealous because he knows he would practically never find a girl his mom would accept but otherwise he pretty much supports 😭💕
Mera just uses your dates to get some free food (JOKING) she thinks you guys are cute
Saiko (Teruhashi’s brother) would be happy Saiki finally stopped desperately chasing his sister and learned his place (it’s the other way around bro 😑)
Uryoku (the magician dude) would be like ‘oh you dating someone master? Great! Now I need help for my upcoming show-“
Aiura immediately tests to see if you two are compatible and how long you’ll be together
turns out you are!! And you two stay together ♡
she thinks that’s adorable and will do anything for your relationship
will tear anyone who tries to split you apart a new one (they were just trying to say hi)
Aiura is the most supportive of your relationship
btw here we’re going with Saiki is her platonic soulmate instead (she prob already is)
Kusuke (Saiki’s brother) is very much so interested in the person his brother has fallen in love with
he will observe you and ask you lots of questions once he meets you
which I’m telling you Saiki tried so hard to make sure you never would.
what happened?
his mom happened.
”Kusuo! He’s your brother! He should get to meet your partner!”
now Teruhashi I had to save for last..
her reaction depends
if she still loves Saiki she tries to befriend you while turning on the charm with Saiki
her plan is to befriend you and basically make you go ‘oh! You like Saiki? Well I guess I’ll back off then since were friends”
and finally have Saiki go ‘oh wow’ and fall in love with her
otherwise if she doesn’t love him, moves on or whatever the case may be..
she probably doesn’t care much for your relationship unless your friends
i mean she’s kinda like that to anyone she isn’t friends with right?
In other news
Your friends def mess up your dates unintentionally
poor Saiki- since he’s usually the one to plan them
nothing too extravagant- usually just out for food..BUT STILL!
They always tag along and become 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th wheels or more! 😀
on the bright side-
at some point in the relationship you get to call him Kusuo and it’s a big step for you two! 💖
”well, I guess we’ve been dating long enough right? You can just call me Kusuo..”
I wanna write for the disastrous life of Saiki k (mob psycho 100 and black butler as well) more in the future! So send in requests!
Truly hope you enjoyed loves~
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ariadnethedragon · 3 months
HOFAS thoughts as I read it: (SPOILERS below)
All that t*rture in the dungeons, Ruhn’s piercing and tattoos. Baxian’s tattoo. The wings. “How strong is your bite?” Sarahhhhh!!!!! Stop! That was more than I could handle😫
The Middengard Wyrm😖. Nesta dealt with it brilliantly but it just makes you appreciate how impossible it was that human Feyre managed to kill this thing by herself with no decent weapons.
Azriel hugging Nesta and stroking her hair after she took the Mask off🥺
Bryce’s wallpaper being Hunt and the photo of her friends in the phone case—that made me tear up
Imagining the inner circle all surrounding Bryce’s phone trying to figure out how it works is hilarious. Also Nesta being jealous of Bryce’s music collection, “THOUSAND?”
The nightbright angst KILLED me💔💔💔
Hunt just dreaming of Bryce. She’s the only thing pulling him through, “He’d wanted so many things with her. A normal, happy life. Children.” HE BETTER GET EVERY SINGLE ONE IF THOSE THINGS OR HANDS WILL BE THROWN!
Silene. The Daglan. My theories were true😁😁
Sigrid. I had so much hope for her story but I was disappointed. Hopefully it’ll get better
Ariadne!! I wanted to see more of her😕
Ruhn’s bedroom. The burn cream😭😭😭
Lidia FUCKING Cervos. That breakout scene. Magnificent.
Jesiba and Ithan’s dynamic. Librarian Ithan and the fact that Jesiba is a Parthos priestess!!! Also JellyJubilee being the computer password😂
Bryce using the mating bond to teleport to Hunt😭😭😭
Bran and Ace. Lidia giving them her ruby ring for tuition as a goodbye💔
Hunt and Bryce got married?!!! WHEN?
Cloudberry crown sounds funny idk why
If I had a penny every time SJM included a set of unhinged/partly unhinged fae twins (yes connall I’m looking at you) in her series, I’d have three pennies bc it happens every single time
So the astronomer is basically a Voldemort 2.0
Flynn and dec going crazy for waffles on the mer ship
“I never had anyone fight for me” Oh Lidia my love😭😭
Guess I’m shipping Tharion and Sathia now🤷‍♀️
Lidia being turned on by Ruhn lighting a fire—girl, I get it.
“Because I’m yours, Day. I’m fucking yours.” Screaming crying throwing up
Lidia: “I want you all the time”😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩💗💗💗
Idk why but I am disappointed in the Autumn King, I thought there would be some redemption for him for some reason
Ruhn: “I am going to live and I am going to live well without you”😭😭
Bryce was always a queen but now she a queen Queen👀
Avallen becoming all green again.
Hunt being a demonic test tube baby😂😂
Dec being the first to look for service. Typical😂
Ithan x Perry???? Cinnamon and strawberry? I start getting suspicious when they notice all the nuances of that person’s scent. I think they’d be cute though
Nooooo, the prime—I keep thinking of him as master oogway from king fu panda and it makes me sad
Sabines finally dead🥳🥳
Ithan is prime now? Okay okay pop offf!!
Hunt finally breaking free of his halo and freeing Isaiah as well❤️
Is the under king from the ToG universe??? Valg??
Connor💔💔💔😭😭😭 The bullet. Memento mori
Sathia and Colin McCarthy. This will be interesting
Commando Hunt. The underwear was too small🤭🫨🫨
Morven guest room having red lace thongs😂😂
Okay tharion and sathia are really growing on me🥰🥰🥰
‘She’s my mate you fucker’ SCREAAMMING
Ace finally calling Lidia Mom😭❤️
Lidia is the descendant of Brannon. The fire, the hind/sacred stag. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!
Pollux being incinerated☺️☺️☺️
The sprites and Irithys💗
The kill switch, the godslayer rifle. Bryce just blackholing the Asteri. She is so brilliant and cunning and clever and I love her.
Danika and the pack. Light it up Bryce. I SOBBED
Jesiba crying and then her sacrifice😭😭😭💔💔
Ember and Randal going to Prythian. Randal bonding with Rhys but more importantly Ember and Nesta—I want to cryyyy🥹🥹🥹
Starsword/Gwydion back in Prythian…whats going to happen in ACOTAR 5???
The princes of Hel—you gotta love em
Lidia and Ruhn finally having that beer
Flynn x Perry? Jealous Ithan😏
Syrinx running for his life when Hunt and Bryce share a heated look. It’s nothing new but it cracks me up all the time
Pegasuses in Avallen🥰🥰
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Hello, Can i request rottmnt platonic hc of mom reader (she's co-parenting with splinter and they're relationship is platonic) and enjoys spending time with her teenager turtle kids?
Like she likes to talk about science stuff with Donnie, she praises leo and boost his confident, she sewing for raph teddy bears and cook with mikey.
But i guess her only down part is whenever she gets kidnap by anybody she immediately pull out her album and show her kids's pictures to other villains, mostly big mama, that's why the kids try to save her faster before their secrets are exposed 😂😂
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RotTMNT + fem!reader
Warnings: platonic fluff, movie stuff mentioned, vague mentions of nightmares and injuries
A/N: Could you imagine if they had a mom? Donnie and Mikey are 100% a mama's boys and you can't tell me different. Each parent gets a twin (me and my twin are much the same)
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Nicknames: DeeDee, Donato (the real name of the artist), Galileo, Aristotle, Archimedes, and much more.
You once called him Grimace when he was upset and he never forgave you
You are the only one allowed to hang out around Donnie's lab
You are the only one who listened to his info dumps
If the others actually listened, they might find it interesting
You might not understand all of what he's talking about, but seeing your son so passionate makes you so happy
You are the one he goes to when he has a nightmare
Donnie enjoys you singing him to sleep, its peaceful
It reminds him of when things weren't off the rails
He installed multiple trackers on you because last time you were kidnapped you showed Hypno pictures of the Turtle Tots
It made Hypno a little nicer, but there were some embarrassing memories
He once threatened to destroy your camera because of you showing the album to anyone near
Nicknames: Len, Lenny, Blue Belle, Cookie Monster, Ace, etc.
You are his biggest supporter
He goes to you when he needs help, when he's not feeling his best
When he was younger, he often bunked with you and Donnie
He just didn't like being away from his twin
He didn't come to you often when he was little
In fact, he doesn't go to you very often as a teen
Opting for Splinter
But you can't be everyone's favorite, you knew that Leo needs Splinter like Donnie needs you.
Leo isn't embarrassed by the pictures in the album, in fact he looks at it quite often
Nicknames: Lino, Angi, Michi, Goldie, Firecracker, Giorgione, Caravaggio, etc.
Cooking with Mikey was always a blast
He was energetic, but serious
Music would be playing while you 2 worked
You could also be found painting with Mikey
Whether it was on the walls of the skate rink or if it was on canvases in his room
Mikey always comes to you for advice
Splinter and his brothers have a tendency to underestimate and protect him, but he knows you won't
You were the person he ran to about his hands after he saved Leo
He cried, but you showed him how strong he was
How even with shaky hands, art can still be made
Why would he be embarrassed by the album? He helped make it
Nicknames: Rafa, Alfie, Ray, R.J., Bubs, Cuddles, etc.
You and Raph grew apart as he got older, but you still make him sweaters and outfits for his bears
He loves you, he just feels like being 17, he needs to stop relying on you and Splints
When he was younger, he would watch you make him teddy bears
You'd let him name them, write their names down on a heart shaped piece of fabric and place it inside (like Build-A-Bear)
He still had those bears
Although he didn't sleep with them in fear of destroying them,
They sit nicely on the shelf across from his bed
So they watch over him
Absolutely goes nuts when you get kidnapped, knowing you're probably showing whoever it is baby photos of him
He was a cute kid, but not everyone needs to see that!
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widowbitessting · 2 years
i think trigger warning?
How would they react to scars from fights like maybe r got into fights when they were younger for whatever reason ill leave that up to the imagination
Please look after yourselves. 
Baby’s parent’s are not nice in this. They’re the antagonists of the series. They’ll make Count Olaf look like a saint. I personally hate them😂 
I’m serious, PLEASE do not interact with this if anything around parents being abusive and general disgusting people offends you. Nothing sexual happens. Just Dark themes. This is completely fictional. 
Background into Baby’s childhood.
Growing up in your home was...hard. Beyond hard; difficult in fact. To the point where you ran away countless of times but sadly you was always brought back to them.
To your mom and dad.
You have no idea why they hated to you so much. Their own flesh and blood. Their first born child. Yet they did. Loathed you in fact you’re surprised they didn’t kill you in your sleep.
They hated each other too. Only got married because their parents made them when your mom got pregnant with you, which you guess explains a lot. “You ruined my fucking life kid.” You’ve become so numb when your dad tells you those words. 
So, regarding the scars on your body - the ones you know about are all from you being clumsy AF. Tales past where you tripped over your own two feet and injured yourself. You can talk about those scars for days. 
It’s those few scars that you have that you can’t bring yourself to talk about. Especially not with the Trio! not yet. Your folks ruined your childhood, you refused to let them ruin your adulthood too. 
There’s a small one on the back of your leg that you received from your Father. During one of his many drunken blind rages, he and your mother argued and shouted way past your bed time, and as a result, little seven year old you had ended up meandering downstairs to find out why mommy and daddy were screaming at each other. Your Father had ended up launching a glass ash tray - one stating #1 Dad! - right at your mother. It had missed her and instead smashed on the wall, sending shards flying around the room. You ended up with a large shard sticking out of the back of you leg because you had chosen to run. By the time you had returned from the hospital, carrying a huge teddybear gifted to you by your mom, your dad was nowhere to be seen. The broken ashtray crunched under your shoes as you slowly limped your way back to your bedroom, hugging the bear tightly as you heard your mom sob downstairs. 
The other scar is your right earlobe. Fast forward your childhood to your 16th birthday, where you decided to get your ears pierced as a treat. Your mom was furious with you. The second you got home she was shouting at you. Demanding you take the earrings out and when you refused, your mom, the woman who birthed you, slammed you into the wall and screamed right in your face. When you still refused her hand latched onto your ear and pulled. You fought back; yelling back at her, telling her how much you hated her and wished she had died when she managed to rip out an earring from your earlobe. In retaliation, you had smacked your mother back before fleeing to your room and locking the door behind you; clutching your bleeding and throbbing ear in your palm.
Your granddad, and then later MJ, were the only reasons you survived your childhood. 
When you finally let the Trio! in and tell them, they’re understandably horror stricken. And vow to never let these people near/hurt you again. 
Phew! That was so tricky to write! I love you all, stay safe and strong. You’re all awesome. 
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
Remember that essay that I wrote on here about Chucky? Well, it occurred to me that Nica studied psychology, so maybe I could write a fic where Chucky’s trying to annoy her and she just does a full on psychological analysis 😂. I’ll give it a sappy ending because that’s my favourite type to write, and it’s set during Season 2 of the tv series where Chucky/Nica, Kyle and Glenda are hiding out together because I thought it would be fun. Enjoy it :).
Today, Chucky thought he’d try and play ‘psychologist’. His logic for this is that he spent some time in a mental institution, so he was basically an expert. Nica just rolled her eyes and ignored him as he tried to piece together her (in his words) ‘messed up’ childhood. But then he tried talking about her dad, and that hit a nerve.
“Okay Charles, let’s talk about you.”
This stopped the doll in his tracks.
“…Excuse me?”
Nica smiled sweetly knowing full well he could see her and politely responded:
“You’re excused.”
Chucky seemed flustered now.
“W-what do you know about me?”
Nica scoffed.
“You talk too much. When I get bored of your blabbering I look through your memories to see how you got like this. After months of careful examination, I’m confident I have a full psychological profile that can explain why you are the way you are.”
Now Chucky seemed really nervous.
“I’m like this because I wanna be, there isn’t some touchy feely crap that-‘
“Wanna talk about your mom, Charlie?”
If Chucky could’ve killed her, he would’ve.
“Nobody calls me that.”
Nica smirked knowingly.
“Two important women in your life have.”
Trying to regain control, Chucky retorted:
“Yeah well, I hate to break it to ya, but you ain’t an important woman in my life.”
Nica choked out a bitter laugh.
“I disagree, but I’m going to move on. Shall we begin?”
“I don’t want to.”
“Great, let’s get started! Okay, this is just my best guess, alright- I’m spitballing here. But… little boy kills his mom in a panic and realises that he made a huge mistake. Big strong man that reminds him of his newly dead dad teaches him a valuable lesson and spares his life so the idolising of violence begins… you move to a Boy’s Home and the only person who truly understands you calls you by the nickname your mom called you in moments of extreme fondness and rewarded you with I’m guessing physical affection like hugs and head pats when you committed a destructive act. She treated you like the little boy you still were inside despite having to grow up quickly in the foster system. Oh yeah, and I’m pretty sure she groomed you.”
Chucky seemed outraged by this point.
“Okay, two things. One, how the hell did you know all that? And two, I wasn’t groomed, isn’t that only to do with-‘
“It counts for other things, the thing you’re referring to is just the most common one. In your case I believe she was grooming you to be a killer in order to live out her own twisted fantasies- maybe more, she creeped me out so I didn’t look at those memories too much. But you grew up, and she still treated you like a kid when you were convinced you were an adult. So, craving independence, you distanced yourself from her and began hunting at night clubs, right? That’s where you met Tiffany and began a super toxic, borderline abusive relationship that spanned several decades. But she wasn’t enough, was she?”
After a quiet moment of reflection, Chucky admitted:
“She was just… too much.”
Nica nodded sagely.
“Exactly, and you wanted to be loved, didn’t you? At that point in your life you didn’t want someone who could match or maybe even surpass your level of crazy, you wanted a family, with someone who was (in your eyes at least) innocent and untainted. And what could be more innocent than a pregnant woman who already has a fully potty trained kid ready to go? But she didn’t love you, and my sister didn’t warm to you the way you’d hoped-‘
“I tried everything to get that stubborn brat to like me. She refused to call me Daddy so I settled for Uncle, but that wasn’t enough, oh no. I brought home every toy I could find, I even untied her mother for a few hours a day once I’d locked the door because it made her sad. Hell, I let her keep going to daycare! Why didn’t she like me if you’re so wise in the ways of psychology, Nica?”
“Well, you killed our dad. That doesn’t usually make for a great start. Also, I’ve seen those memories and… you looked sorta creepy. Would a haircut have killed you? You looked like Tommy Wiseau in that really bad movie ‘The Room’. I kept expecting you to ask some one called Lisa ‘Why’ and respond to a man called Mark’s trauma with ‘What a story, Mark’. To a little kid, you probably looked like the boogeyman.”
Chucky’s only response was a quiet and disbelieving:
“My hair wasn’t that long-‘
Nica cut him off with a mocking:
“Maybe he was born with it? Maybe it was L’Oréal?’
She punctuated her last sentence with a dramatic head toss, letting her hair sway from side to side.
‘L’Oréal: Because you’re worth it.”
“We’re getting sidetracked here.”
“Yeah, maybe. Anyway, where was I? Psychopathic tendencies…’
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
‘Classic textbook narcissism…’
“I’m not a narcissist.”
‘It shows in the way you attempted to raise your kids-‘
“Don’t you fucking talk about them. And I’m not a narcissist.”
‘So you don’t believe you’re God- sorry, Damballa’s gift to this world?”
“Well… I am pretty great…”
“I literally want to slap you right now. Anyway, moving on. We’re just gonna skip past most of the doll years, the height perspective makes me dizzy. But I would like to discuss the twins, thanks for bringing them up, by the way. I thought you’d forgotten that they existed-‘
“Why would I forget my own kids’ existences?”
‘-Well you aren’t a great dad, you tried to kill your own six year old-‘
“He started it.”
“That’s very childish logic, but I digress. You traumatised that poor kid because you expected too much. You wanted them to be like you. You made Glen kill when they weren’t ready and Glenda made their first appearance because the kid was so stressed out that their twin probably felt the need to protect them! You were a horrible parent and you still are!-‘
“I’m an amazing parent actually.”
Nica raised an eyebrow.
“Oh really? What were their first words as dolls?”
Chucky thought for a second, then he said:
“Not sure about Glenda, but for Glen it was probably ‘violence is bad’, they said that a lot.”
Nica shook her head.
“Nope. Not even close, and even I don’t know. How about first words as humans?”
“Tiff was raising them, so probably something like ‘Mama’?”
“And you wish it was ‘Dada’, don’t you?”
Chucky didn’t answer, so Nica tried again.
“It’s okay to admit you love your kids and regret not being there-‘
“I don’t regret anything.”
“Okay, strong words for the guy who willingly transferred his soul into a doll.”
“Every move I make is meticulously calculated.”
“Stop changing the subject Charles, we’re talking about your kids here, your flesh and blood. How you failed them.”
“I didn’t fail my children.”
“Glen told me that they don’t feel whole, neither of them do, they were born in one body and they were meant to be together, but you went along with your wife’s batshit surrogacy idea and literally fractured their souls. Don’t you feel guilty about that?”
“Do you tell your children you love them?”
“Hey, I called Glenda beautiful-‘
“You did, but in the same conversation you called them ‘Shitface’ despite knowing about their trauma. And we both know that was just to get them on side so they’d free you. Now answer the question, do you love them?”
Chucky didn’t say anything, so Nica kept talking.
“Your kids- or Glenda is at least- are terrified of you. The poor kid has to constantly be at your beck and call otherwise you scream at them. You haven’t tried to get to know them, you haven’t talked about their interests- your twins like art, did you know that? The twins waited their whole lives to meet their dad and now they’re learning that he’s a tyrannical monster who doesn’t give a crap about them. I mean, what’s your plan in the long run? Have the twins stay by your side to rub your tiny doll feet or some shit as your army rises to the top? Kill them and stuff their souls into any old doll so you have more soldiers for your little army? You aren’t parenting them, Chucky, you’re torturing them.”
Chucky finally spoke, but he wasn’t as defensive as before. He was quiet now, as if he didn’t want to admit this.
“I don’t want them to be scared of me. They’re actually the only people I don’t wanna scare. But… I don’t actually know how to love someone. I failed every time I tried. I couldn’t make it work with anyone, platonically or romantically. Do you know how much it hurt when I had to fight my own kid? I was so proud of them when they used that axe… I think I’m starting to realise that violence is the only way I can properly express myself. Maybe in a way me fighting Glen was like if I was teaching them to ride a bike or something, I don’t know, I’m not a psychologist. I’m getting off topic, but what I meant to say is that I do love my kids deep down, but I don’t know how to show it.”
Nica was taken aback. She hadn’t expected this sort of breakthrough, not when Chucky always seemed so convinced that he did nothing wrong and had zero flaws. Maybe her comments had actually been getting to him? There was no way to know for sure; this could be some sort of act after all, but if it wasn’t, she wanted to try and repair Chucky’s relationship with his children. If only to cheer up the heartbroken twins (after speaking with them a few times, Nica actually really liked them, they were sweet and almost nothing like their dad). With this in mind, she suggested in a soft voice that was barely above a whisper:
“I don’t think you have to do anything… overt, exactly, just tell them the truth, that you love them and feel bad about how you treated them. Do you want me to give you control of the body for an hour so you can tell Glenda?”
Chucky was confused.
“You hate it when I take over, why would you do that?”
There was quiet, then a tired sigh.
“I’ve been in the twins’ shoes. I would do anything to hear my dad say he loves me, even once. And you’re still alive, so you have no excuse not to do it.”
With that, an agreement was made and Nica voluntarily fell asleep so that Chucky could control her body. It was quite late, so Kyle wouldn’t be up. But would Glenda be? Chucky had no idea. Even when he had control of Nica’s body it took him about fifteen minutes to work up the courage to wheel into the small bedroom that his youngest had claimed as their own. He chuckled when he noticed that Glenda slept sprawled out like a starfish - just like he had when he was first human. 
It occurred to him that he had no actual plan from this point onwards. He refused to launch into some sappy speech, he just wouldn’t do it. But he wanted to do this, and Glenda was asleep so there would be no shame or embarrassment on his part unless he woke the kid up (which he wouldn’t, he had experience sneaking around at night). Clearing his throat, Chucky began to whisper:
“Hey kid, you up? No?… Good, because this would be awkward for us both if you were awake. I don’t have much time till Nica wakes up again and bugs me, so here goes… I love you. This isn’t some sort of manipulation tactic or something stupid like that, I actually do. And I’m sorry for pretty much everything. You and Glen didn’t deserve to be dragged into this mess, so my bad.”
It didn’t feel like enough, despite the fact that Chucky’s heart was pounding in his chest with fear and panic with the knowledge that he’d been brave enough to do all that. Extremely unsure, Chucky extended a metal hand (it was so weird to have no sensation in either arm or hand, he’d experimented with his new limbs several times and was still confused) and cupped the side of Glenda’s face.
In their sleep, Glenda smiled and contentedly nuzzled into the cold metal hand. Chucky denied all of this when both Nica and Glenda asked him about it the next morning. 
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ambrossart · 7 months
hi! I remember you did a poll on ships for Paper Men and I was wondering…. what are your top 3 favorite ships in this story? and why? thank you, I hope life is treating you well! ❤️❤️
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to answer this. I was working on another fic and I knew if I answered this ask, I was gonna end up spending the entire day thinking about Paper Men, and I just couldn't afford to do that. 😂
Anyway, I wish I had a really cool, unexpected answer to this, but I feel like everyone already knows what my favorite ships are, so I'll try to also include ones that I don't talk about so often.
#1 is a three-way tie between Evelyn x Vic, Evelyn x Henry, and Evelyn x Patrick (huge shock, I know)
Evelyn x Vic - I don't normally like the childhood friend trope, and I had no intention of their relationship being romantic at all when I started this story, but man this pairing really snuck up on me. By the time I got to Ch. 12, when Evelyn was drunk and sad and wanting to hold Vic's hand, I was fully on board. I love them together. I love how different they are. I love how Vic kind of comes out of his shell when he's around her. He's not shy by any means, but talking to people literally gives him a headache, so the fact that he likes Evelyn, who talks SO MUCH, is so sweet to me. The boy is in constant agony when he's around her (in more ways than one), but he's willing to suffer for her. He likes her that much. 🥺 Poor Vic. If only he had accepted his feelings a little sooner.
Evelyn x Henry - Okay, I know this ship is kind of sinking like the Titanic right now, but I am fully prepared to go down with this ship! Out of all the pairings in the story, this one affects me the most emotionally. I'm very invested in it. I know it's going to end in tragedy, but I don't care. I still can't help but root for them. These two have such a deep history with each other. Evelyn entered Henry's life on the day his mom left, so for most of his childhood, Evelyn took on that nurturing, almost motherly role. As they got older, they developed a romantic attraction to each other, then a sexual attraction to each other, and (as we all now know) that's where things got really messy because it exposed just how broken Henry truly is: physically, mentally, emotionally, and there's nothing Evelyn can do to help him. As he currently is, Henry Bowers is incapable of having a healthy relationship. So as much as he loves Evelyn (and I do think he genuinely loves her) he's only going to end up hurting her, even if he doesn't mean to. There's a sense of helplessness there that just really makes me sad. Evelyn cares about Henry so much, as both a lover and a person, but at some point she has to start thinking about her own wellbeing. I still want them to end up together, though.
Evelyn x Patrick - I've talked about these two so much already, I don't even know if I have anything new to say. Evelyn and Patrick have such a bizarre and fascinating relationship. I'm absolutely obsessed with it. It's incredibly complex and layered, but underneath all the mind games and manipulation, there is a very strong mutual attraction there. Evelyn has admitted several times that she finds Patrick physically attractive. Her loyalty to Henry has stopped her from acting on that attraction, but we're seeing that starting to change a little bit. Problematic as he is, Patrick is exactly what Evelyn needs right now. She's spent her whole life chasing after guys who don't seem to want her, and now here comes Patrick, someone who openly and unapologetically desires her. I don't think anyone can blame her for being a little curious.
For Patrick, he's been drawn to Evelyn since the beginning of the story... for reasons nobody, not even Patrick, fully understands. In his dull grey world, Evelyn Tozier stands out. She's colorful. She doesn't behave like the other people he's toyed with in the past. She challenges him. She questions him. She says his name a lot, which seems insignificant, but it's actually very powerful. By saying his name, not only is Evelyn commanding Patrick's attention, but she's also showing that he has her full attention as well. She's speaking directly to him. She's listening to him. She's seeing him. And I think that makes Patrick really uncomfortable because he's not used to being seen like that. But he likes it. Yeah, he likes it a lot. Evelyn is affecting him in ways that he wasn't expecting, and that's... very dangerous for Evelyn because now nothing will stop Patrick from getting what he wants, and he desperately wants her. God, these two are going to have such a wonderful, toxic relationship. It's gonna be the most beautiful dumpster fire. I love writing their scenes so much.
#2 is Maggie and Wentworth Tozier
These two are absolute marriage goals. They have, without a doubt, the healthiest, most stable, and loving relationship in the entire story. Nobody else even comes close. Maggie and Went are truly each other's best friends. They have a very similar sense of humor. They love to laugh. They love their children. They're perfectly matched in every way.
#3 is Reggie and Christie
I haven't gone into much detail about their relationship, but now that Christie has officially made her appearance in the story, we're gonna start learning more about her and her relationship with Reggie. They have a really sweet, wholesome relationship—probably the best out of all the teenage couples. They have a ton of things in common. He's kind of the calm to her crazy, but they honestly get along very well. I love how protective he is of her, which is partly why she's been a background character up until now. He doesn't want her to become a target of Patrick or to have to suffer through one of Henry's random blowups. She's one of the most important people in his life, and he wants to do everything he can to keep her safe. They're adorable together.
Okay, once again I wrote way too much. Now you understand why I had to wait to answer this. 😆
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
Billy and Max sibling content owns my heart rn and I wanted to do some justice or a small fix-it for them post S3 if Billy survived. this is more one-sided sibling content since it’s mostly Max reflecting on things, but then Steve fucking Harrington wormed his way into this and now I’m thinking about how Max and Billy’s relationship could have an effect on Steve and Billy’s and vice versa. consider this a part one because i will write a part 2 or 3 if even one person expresses interest 😂
Max & Billy, Steve Harrington, post-S3 hurt/comfort
tw hospital atmosphere, mention of tracheotomy for ventilator use, mention of feeding tube, mention of wounds
@black-wolf066 i feel like you’d maybe appreciate this? we both want more Billy and Max sibling content and I am nothing if not a provider, so…🤍
Max is at the hospital for the rest of the summer after Starcourt. Not because she needs to be, she’s mostly fine, but she wants to be there - and if she doesn’t, who’s going to visit Billy?
She gets Steve to drop her off every time her mom can’t, and she figures that maybe he feels guilty because he never says ‘no’.
Not guilty enough to come up and see Billy, though.
Not like there’s much to see, she supposes. Billy’s been in a coma ever since he was pulled from the mall, actually declared dead for a few minutes before they’d managed to revive him and immediately put him under. She still can’t decide if she’s happy or not that he survived.
But, despite the complexity of her emotions and feelings, she knows one thing: she wants to be there for him. He was shitty to her and she was shitty back, but he didn’t deserve what had happened to him. Maybe.
The way he’d begged and sobbed in that hot sauna still haunts her. She’d wanted to help but she had no idea how to, not when the Mindflayer had its claws sunk so deep into Billy. She hadn’t thought it possible to get him back, until she’d seen it herself, but even then it was too late. All she could do was cry over his body, wanting so desperately for him to get up, because he was strong. He worked out every day, he could do it, it should’ve been so easy—
“Hey - we’re here.”
Blinking out of her thoughts, Max glanced out of the window to see the familiar building before looking back over at her driver.
Steve is, as usual, biting the inside of his cheek and looking at her a little funny. Like he’s trying to figure her out.
“Oh,” she clears her throat with a nod, “Yeah, thanks. My mom can pick me up after her shift, so…”
“So you don’t need a ride back. Got it.”
Their relationship isn’t much. They’ve been through things together, yeah, but they’re not close. Not like him and Dustin, at least. But they’re close enough for Steve to understand that these visits to the hospital are important to her.
She offers him a tiny smile in thanks before climbing out, shutting the door and giving a wave before going in, shouldering her backpack as she does.
The sterile scent is always a little nauseating. Clean, sharp, invading. But it’s familiar now, and she takes the stairs up to that same room she frequents, listening to the sound of her shoes gently squeaking in the quiet hallways.
Room 211.
The beeping of the heart monitor greets her first as she pushes the door in, leaving it wide open as she goes into the room and sees Billy there, still asleep and still breathing thanks to the machines around and in him.
“Hey,” she says softly as she goes over to her usual spot: in the brown chair beside his bed, her back to the window. She shoulders off her bag and sits, placing the bag between her legs as she takes a moment to look at him, searching for any minute differences.
But there’s nothing. His eyelashes are longer than before, though. His blond hair is the same, maybe needs a wash. His skin is still a little pale, even with his summer tan. His lips are dry. His jaw is rough with stubble.
He’s still Billy, even with the tube in his neck and nose and the wounds healing under thick gauze.
“I, um…brought some music,” she says as she unzips her bag and pulls out her walkman, along with a few of his favourite tapes, “Don’t be mad, but I did go into your room to get these…” she mutters as she pulls out the tape from the Black Sabbath case and shoves it into her walkman. She places the headphones carefully next to his head on the pillow and presses ‘play’, turning the volume up just enough for the music to flow out through the soft spongey speakers.
Ensuring the walkman is settled on the bed next to Billy’s hand, she digs into her backpack again, pulling out her homework this time. It’s easier to get it done here than at home, and sometimes she likes to ask Billy if he knows the answer to some of her math equations - it makes her giggle, in a slightly twisted way. She’s sure he would appreciate the joke.
And she likes to pretend that this is quality time with her brother. That they’re bonding. And it’s fucking pathetic and sad as hell, but it’s better than nothing. Better than what they had before.
The thought makes her pause, her hands gripping her notebook tight as her bottom lip quivers. Her eyes prick with tears. Her cheek warm. The lump forms in her throat.
Here it comes.
She can’t help it and she doesn’t bother to, not anymore. She shoves her notebook and papers aside to bury her face in the starchy hospital sheets, her sobs muffled as she grips the blanket in her hands and cries for her brother, for herself. For what she’s sorry for and what she wishes she could tell him if he were awake.
She cries so hard she doesn’t hear the first time someone clears their throat.
When she hears it the second time, she looks up at Billy, her face wet and hot and full of hope until she sees him still asleep. She glances over at the door and feels shame wash over her.
Steve looks just as embarrassed and uncomfortable, his expression twisted to show it, and he mumbles, “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” she mutters even though it’s not.
“Should…” he makes an almost funny attempt to step back and forth, totally and clearly unsure of how to proceed, “Should I go?”
And she wants to say ‘yes’. She wants to tell Steve to leave, to get out, because this is her time with her brother and she’s clearly grieving something bigger than her - but then she realizes that Steve is here. In Billy’s hospital room. He had to sign in as a visitor downstairs, under Billy Hargrove.
Billy’s first non-familial visitor in the almost three weeks he’s been here.
So, she shakes her head ‘no’ and watches him step further into the room, those big brown eyes peeking at Billy and widening as he sees the machines her brother is hooked up to.
“Oh,” he blinks, his lips parted in shock, and she wants to laugh at him but she doesn’t.
Instead, she wipes the tears from her cheeks and sniffles wetly, resting her chin on top of her hands as she eyes her brother with Steve, watching Billy’s damaged chest slowly move up and down with the ventilator.
“Sometimes I just sit here and, um,” she wipes at her nose, pausing as she furrows her brows, “I read somewhere that sleep…heals your body. It wipes away all the ‘bad’ stuff in it. So, when I’m here, like this, I just…imagine his blood cells cleaning up his lungs and heart and stomach and wherever they need to.”
She glances over at Steve, who has this unreadable expression on his face, and she laughs wryly, “I know it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” Steve insists quietly.
“It is,” she smirks, but there’s nothing behind it - no malice, no amusement, no sarcasm, nothing. She’d learned that from Billy. “But, it helps. I like to think he’s getting better, rather than just…wasting away on this bed with tubes stuck in him.”
They fall into silence again, the sounds of the machines doing little to swallow up the sound of Black Sabbath playing through the headphones, which Steve hears.
“You play music? For him?” He asks curiously, hovering at the foot of Billy’s bed now, his eyes trained on the walkman.
She nods and wipes at her face as she straightens in her seat, “Yeah. I don’t know if he hears it or not, but if I were to be in his place, I’d want someone to play me something. Talk to me. Be with me.”
Steve nods in agreement or understanding, maybe both, and she can’t help but to stare at him. He notices and gives her a tight smile.
“What are you doing here, anyway?” She finally asks.
The way his smile falls makes her feel a little bad, but only a little. No one gave a shit about Billy, and Steve didn’t have a good relationship with him to begin with, so to see him standing here is…strange.
And maybe Steve doesn’t know why, either, because he shoves his hands into his pockets with a small shrug, eyeing Billy again. “I, um,” he starts, brows furrowing, “I guess I’m just…curious.”
Steve looks at her again, chewing his bottom lip as he thinks. Max knows Steve isn’t stupid. He may have his moments, sure, but he’s smart in his own way.
“I guess I’m curious about how you…go about forgiveness…and understanding,” he tilts his head towards Billy, “Him.”
Maybe she’d given him too much credit.
Her face twists a little, both in disbelief and confusion as she reiterates, “You’re standing at the foot of my unconscious brother’s hospital bed because you’re curious as to how I, his sister, forgive and understand him?”
Steve’s lips purse a little and he shifts his weight foot to foot, eyeing the ceiling with a soft sigh because she’s hit the nail on the head, so to speak.
But the question now is why?
“Why?” She asks.
Steve’s eyes widen again, a little, and he pulls out a hand to gesture weakly at Billy with it, staring right into her eyes, “Because he fucking sacrificed himself for us and I’ve spent the last three weeks wondering what the hell for?” He quasi-explains, although he does sound a bit frantic and unsure.
Max sighs and sits back in her chair, arms crossing over her chest as she looks to Billy. “That makes two of us,” she mumbles, flicking her gaze back to Steve when he goes over to the other chair by the door and pulls it over to the bed, so he’s sitting across from Max.
And then they stare at each other, for a moment. Max wonders what he might be thinking about - if he has questions or if he wants to know more about Billy, or how to move on from here, because he did mention forgiveness and understanding. And those two things are hard to get with Billy. Always have been and probably always will be.
But there’s no harm in trying.
Steve settles in his chair, deeper, like he’s getting ready to stay a while, and sighs, “So…what do you usually talk to him about?”
And she wonders how Billy will react, when he finally wakes up and she tells him that Steve Harrington was the first to visit him.
Maybe he’ll laugh. Maybe he’ll be shocked. Maybe he won’t care.
They’ll just have to wait and see.
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
I'm afraid you'll have to suffer through some of my mistakes
Reba McEntire - You’re Gonna Be
I’m DG85 on AO3.
Slow clap 👏🏻👏🏻 Well done, my friend, you have achieved what no-one else has and, with your song choice, you have got me to write a Marina baby!fic. 😜😂
Before writing this, I went back and rewatched Maya with the baby in episode 2x11, which is such a wonderful moment, and that is how I have always envisioned Maya being as a mom - not how she was with Pru in season 5. I hope you enjoy this! 😊
A link to the song
It is almost ten p.m. when the baby starts fussing for a feed. Carina is still under sedation after her surgery and doesn’t stir, which leaves Maya – literally – holding the baby, walking him up and down the short width of the room in the hope of getting him to quieten. A nurse brings by a bottle of formula and hands it to Maya without a second thought, apparently confident that she knows what she is doing. Maya takes it from her with a ‘thank you’ and a grateful smile, then settles on the rocking chair in the far corner and watches as he gurgles happily while he drinks.
Maya has barely stopped staring at him since his arrival a couple of hours ago, taking in every bit of him, mesmerised as if he is the first baby she has ever set eyes on. He is all DeLuca, as far as she can see: a button nose and soft pink lips, dark brown eyes and long lashes that he definitely gets from his Mama.
His hands fumble at the bottle, not able to grip anything just yet but already trying. It distracts him from the task in hand and Maya encourages the nipple back into his mouth.
“Come on, baby,” she coos gently. “You need to get all these nutrients inside of you so that you grow.”
He does as he is told and latches on again. He is a little small for a baby born at thirty-eight weeks, just five pounds and eleven ounces, but otherwise healthy, according to Jo. Still, Maya is determined for him to gain a little bit of weight while he bottle feeds, until Carina is strong enough to try breastfeeding.
Maya runs her thumb over his fingers, watching as his fist curls into a ball – so small, yet so strong.
“You know, baby, you’re gonna have a lot of people telling you that these are surgeon’s hands. It runs in the family, you know,” she says softly. His eyes dart around at the sound of her voice, as if he is trying to look at her. “Maybe some people will wonder if you’ll do something more physical, like me, or if you’ll be artistic, like your Uncle Mason. But what I really want for you is for these hands to do whatever you want them to do.”
As if he understands her, his little hand collides with hers, his palm warm against her skin. It makes Maya smile as tears pool in the corners of her eyes. Motherhood has brought about a new slew of emotions that she had not been expecting, including some that keep trying to transport her back to her childhood despite all the work she has done to move forwards from it. Thank God for Diane Lewis helping her navigate it all.
“Not that being a surgeon would be a bad thing, if that’s what you want,” she says suddenly, as if she needs to clarify her words. “Because your Mama is a surgeon and she is… well, she’s the most amazing person that I know. And we are so lucky that she’s ours.”
She feels him sigh against her, as if agreeing with her.
“I know you’re impatient to meet her. I know she really really wants to meet you too. She’s been waiting for you for so long. She’s sleeping at the moment but, as soon as she wakes up, you’re going to be the first thing she wants to see. So we’re going to make sure that this belly is full, and these clothes are clean, and this diaper is empty, so that you can have the best cuddle with her, okay baby?”
She convinces herself that he smiles as she talks about Carina.
“And I’ll be nearby too,” Maya promises. “I’ll always be nearby, your whole life, whenever you need me.” She falls solemn. “I can’t promise that I’ll always get it right. In fact, I know I won’t. Being a mom… it’s not something I ever saw for myself, until I met your mama. And between you and me?”
Maya pauses, biting into her bottom lip.
“I’m a little bit scared,” she admits, lowering her voice into a whisper. “Because I want to be a good mom – but I didn’t have very good teachers, you know, so I’m probably gonna make mistakes along the way. But no matter what, just remember that all I want for you is to be safe and loved and happy. And if you’re all of those things, baby, then I’ll know I’ve got something right.”
A tear falls down her cheek, landing on his hand, and Maya kisses it away.
“We are going to give you a name, by the way,” she says. “You won’t be ‘baby’ forever. We have a shortlist, but Mama and I can’t agree on which one we like the most; and we thought we had another couple of weeks before you were going to be here.”
He grows tired of the bottle and she takes it away, lifting him up to her shoulder and rubbing his back to encourage the gas to escape from his stomach. Maya uses her legs to rock them back-and-forth in the chair.
“But if Mama asks, tell her you like Finley the best, okay?”
“Are you and our son ganging up on me already?” a groggy voice catches her attention.
Maya looks over at the bed, where Carina rubs her eyes as they adjust to the dimly lit room.
“Hey, you’re awake,” Maya says happily, although keeping her voice low.
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s perfect,” Maya gushes. She smiles across the room at her wife. “You wanna meet your son?”
Despite the pain that radiates from the wound on her stomach, Carina nods as she lifts herself up slightly, her eyes lighting up keenly. Maya stands carefully and walks over to the bed, placing their newborn onto Carina’s chest and watching as he snuggles in, knowing immediately who she is.
“Oh my God,” Carina says. “He’s beautiful.”
“Beautiful like his Mama,” Maya says, leaning down and pressing her lips against Carina’s hair.
She watches as Carina’s eyes sweep over him, soaking it all in, counting each of his ten tiny fingers.
“How are you feeling?”
“Tired, sore,” Carina says. “But happy.” She looks up at Maya with shining eyes. “He’s here.”
“Thanks to you,” Maya says. “You were amazing in there, you know? And I have never been more in love with you and our family, as I am right now.”
She leans down and kisses her wife softly, laughing when the baby lets out a small whimper of discontent that the attention has been taken away from him for a moment.
“I guess we’re going to have to get used to being interrupted,” Maya muses.
“I think you’re right,” Carina says with a small laugh. She kisses the top of his head. “And I think we’re going to forgive him every time.”  
Maya smiles to herself. She is pretty sure this kid is going to have her wrapped around his little finger in no time. In fact, she already is.
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tessatales · 2 years
Touch Starved ✨Kate✨
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Kate Bishop x F!reader
Warnings: Touch starved (obviously), Swearing(not much), not much else really 🤷🏻‍♀️
Theme: Touch starved Kate, comfort, sweet, secret crushes(maybe) AvengerReader
A/N: Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve had chance to write- and I’m meant to be doing coursework right now so obviously is a perfect time to write one of these 😂
Oh yeah, and this one has a slightly different way to tackle touch starvation 👌🏻
*Your POV*
There is something wrong with Kate.
For the past few weeks you’d suspected she wasn’t feeling herself; her usual bubbly and sarcastic demeanour had slowly diminished as time went on.
At first you’d thought it had been the move to the Tower that had done it; knowing from personal experience the jarring nature of the move. But Kate had seemed to settle right in, the other team mate taking her in as quickly as Clint had.
But as you watched her now, aggressively shooting arrow after arrow at the moving targets in the practice room; you knew something was bothering her.
“Hey stranger, Tony said if your not up in 10 minutes he’s going to eat your food” you said, slipping into the practice room as quietly as possible. Kate stopped, the bow pulled taught to sit against her cheek. This was the first time you’d seen Kate consecrate on the target for more than 2 seconds since your got here.
“Oh hey, sorry. Tell Stark he can have it.” Kate said, breathing out as she shot her final arrow. Her shoulders stayed tight, her whole posture screaming stressed as she turned to face you.
“That will be the second meal you’ve missed today”
‘I’m planning to pig out on my weights worth in Chinese food later if your interested?’ Kate quipped, her grin not quite touching her eyes.
You grin.
‘That doesn’t sound bad to be honest. But first. Serious stuff.’ You say, pushing yourself off the wall to walk towards her.
‘Uh oh. What have I done’ Kate said, shelving her bow and turning towards you.
‘Whats wrong Kate? You seem off.’ You asked, crossing your arms. Kate’s shoulders sagged.
‘I’m all in my head recently. My mom’s trial is all over the news. Clint had just sort of left me here. Not like I’m not grateful! It’s just-’ Kate said, her words a rush as she tried to correct herself.
‘It’s just you want your normal life back, right?’ You chime in, your smile soft. Kate nodded.
‘Come with me’ you said, taking Kates hand and leading her out of the room.
*Kate POV*
She’s taken me to a freaking Cat Cafe. A Cafe, full of cats.
Kates thoughts ran wild and she and Y/N entered the little cafe, the quite purrs and meows that greeted them as the walked in being music to her ears.
‘I know your more of a dog person, but the dog shelter wasn’t taking walk ins today.’ Y/N said with a shrug.
Kate blinked. As much as she loved dogs, she was perfectly happy here.
‘No worries, we can go to the shelter another time, let’s talk tea and cats’ Kate exclaimed, quickly finding a seat.
*Your POV*
Within moments of sitting down, a beautiful pure white cat had wondered up and sat on Kate’s lap. It’s purrs so strong you were sure it was reverberating through Kate’s leg.
‘So, why the sudden trip to the cat cafe?’ Kate asked, taking a sip of her drink. You shift in your seat.
‘Well, your not the touchy feely type Kate, so I thought the best way to fix your touch starved ass was with animals’ you reply simply, shrugging as you stroke the chin of a ginger kitten.
Kate gaped.
‘I am not touch starved!’ Kate exclaimed. You sighed.
‘Have you been feeling antsy and upset recently?’
‘Kinda’ Kate mumbled in response.
‘Do you feel miles better because of the cat on your lap?‘ you ask, raising an eyebrow.
‘I guess’ Kate replied again, looking younger than she was as she considered her words.
‘Wow, maybe I was touch starved. Figures’ Kate said, shrugging before taking another sip of her drink.
You laughed, shocked yet completely unsurprised she took it so well.
‘So what do I do about it? Just keep petting cats?’ Kate said, looking deep in thought as she scratched the cats chin, it’s purring deepened.
You thought for a moment.
‘Well, you could. Or you could- I don’t know. Ask one of us for a hug?’ You quip, staring as the girl in disbelief. Kate’s cheeks coloured slightly.
‘I know, I know. It’s just- I.’ Kate starts, stumbling over her words as she tried to think.
‘I find it hard to ask people for things. I can be sarcastic and witty without thinking; but asking for help? Is like pulling my own teeth out’ Kate admitted, her head pointed towards the cat in her lap but her eyes were unfocused. You sighed.
‘Figures, you don’t have to speak you know?’ You say, reaching over the table to poke Kate in the arm affectionately. Kate frowned
‘You ever seen Wanda just wonder up to one of us and just hug us?’ You ask, watching as Kate frowned in thought before nodding.
‘And what about when Bucky will get overly hyper and start play fighting with anyone who will take it?’ You continue,
‘Yeah, what’s your point?’ Kate said, shifting slowly as to not disturb the cat.
‘It’s all their own way of fixing their issues. If they’re feeling down or touch starved, they do those things to help feel better.’ You say, hoping your point was getting across. Kates eyes seemed to light up.
‘So, I don’t have to ask? I could just- I don’t know, knock on your door and then flop on you once you’ve invited me in?’ Kate said, her voice the brightest it’s been in weeks. You laugh.
‘Yes, if that’s what would make you feel better’ You reply, grinning. Kate beams back
*Kate POV*
‘Thanks for taking me out Y/N, I really needed this’ Kate said, smiling at Y/N as they made their way to the lifts of the Avengers tower.
‘It’s no problem’ Y/N replied, her smile broad as she looked at Kate. For a second, the world froze, it’s was just Kate, Y/N and that was it. Before she gave herself time to overthink it; Kate sprung, attacking Y/N with a forceful hug.
‘Whoa!’ Y/N yelped, the smile still evident in her voice as she clung onto her.
‘Really, Thank you’ Kate said into Y/N’s chest, relieved the feelings she couldn’t place had finally been understood.
Kate had been through a lot over the winter, so being able to have this, this calm; was perfection.
The pair stood there for several moments, clinging onto each other like their lives depended on it. It should be a big step to take; learning to ask for help; but Kate was glad that if it ever got to much, Y/N would be there to help. Always.
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outlawssweetheart · 9 days
Sorry I'm only reacting now to your OC post ! 😩 I'm glad you managed to get the draft back haha ! Hoping this one doesn't disappear as well ! 🤞
I'm always weak for the thought of dad Erron being scared of fatherhood at first and suddenly realizing how much he loves his baby. Holding Lizzie for the first time must have been such a strong revelation for him. Makes me wonder if he was the one who brought up the thought of a second child? 👀 Like, Lizzie was pretty much unplanned from what I understand but Lana ? 🧐 I think Skarlet would be torn between being overjoyed at the prospect of having a second child and being surprised that it was Erron who brought up the idea ! 💖
Honestly I'd love to learn more about their family dynamic, especially Lizzie because I find it sooo funny how she'd be like- the only "normal" person in this family of murderous adrenaline junkies. 😂 Her parents being weird in front of her friends would probably embarrass her as well !
Also I'm curious about how Skarlet would develop as a person in your story because I remember you saying you weren't really up for a redemption arc for her canonically. Yet, she finds herself being a mom and leaving a rather "normal-ish" family life in Earthrealm. What do you think would bring her to this point in her life in your story ?
Finally, I'm curious because you often mention your stories/books/fanfics and I've been wondering if you have ever posted any of them? Like, I remember seeing snippets of your original stories but do you have any of them or any fanfics published?
(Sending you my support for your writing projects btw ✨)
I've never actually thought about it, when they decided to have a 2nd kid. Like I honestly never thought about it, or if she was planned or another accident, but I LOVE the idea that Erron suggested having another! Lizzie is 7 years older than Lana, so that's quite some years between kids. I suppose that after her, they figured she'd be an only child, but then years later they caught the Baby Fever and just wanted another one.
I think he was shook holding Lizzie for the first time. He probably cried a bit, but he would never admit to it. (Skarlet knows. He denies it, but she saw it.) Not only realizing that he loves his child but also feeling the weight of his own familial trauma... all at once. Maybe that's why she let him be the one to name her? 🥺
I think Elizabeth is a bit of a Sad Girl™. (I have "Ow (Intro)" by Pom Pom Squad and "Human" by Christina Perri on her Pinterest board section for my original story, so I must've been cooking a bit for her.) Which makes sense; one of the children is bound to get Skarlet's and Erron's melancholy, and it ain't Lana! 🤷🏽‍♀️ (Sidenote: I remembered that they're both low-key named after Lana Del Rey because her real name is Elizabeth! 😭 I mean, she is my Skarron queen! 🫶🏽)
As for Skarlet: That's my CONTRARIAN ASS because I love Skarlet as a villain, but I also love the idea of her and Erron just living a domestic life together. *sighs* So in The Bubblegum Project (the story I mentioned because I have another one that I'm supposed to be writing rn), Lana's mother is a vampire, her father is a 185-year-old witch, and they settle down in Texas, acting normal. (He uses witchcraft to secure a job as a history professor, and she has a job as a showgirl at a fancy burlesque club.) However, he's a hitman on the side, and she's still killing people for blood even though there is a medication to fill the need for blood. (I reblogged this gif-set to my writing/story inspo blog for them, and I just love the idea of Erron & Skarlet having that kind of dynamic, due to the way Erron still shows signs of his humanity. *chef's kiss* TOP-TIER ship dynamic for me! 🤌🏽)
I think they got to that point because she got pregnant, WOOPSIES, and they wanted to give their child the best life they could. Idk exactly where my OCs were living, but they knew their lifestyles (which would've been similar to Skarron's) weren't good for a child to grow up in. And Skarlet and Erron would know that Outworld is not a good place for a child to grow up in. Skarlet knows that firsthand. And it's most definitely not safe because they've both likely made enemies there.
And unfortunately, no, I have anything written or published yet. I have 2 old Marvel fanfics, and I started writing a Scream fanfic over 2 years ago, but my attention span is garbage, along with the fact that I hate my own writing. 😩 And I have bits and pieces of original stories written, just the beginning of a chapter here and there, but nothing really yet. But THANK YOU! 🫶🏽
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therudepickle · 2 months
Well, seems like I get too excited when I start to like someone and I invest too much time thinking about them 😂 sure I’m pretty damn lonely, but I’m content with it. We started to talk, but I think as the title says “feelings not mutual.” She’s such a beautiful person, but we’re far apart. She’s smart, funny, drop-dead -I’ll fight the whole world for you-gorgeous, but she’s also like way younger than I am 🥲 oh well right? I don’t know why she asked for my number honestly, I guess that’s where I’m confused. I mean I dated older women when I was younger too, but I think that’s different. How did I let myself think there could be more? Idiot central on my brain stem.
What I truly miss about a relationship/friendship is spending the time with someone and doing things together, even mundane things like grocery shopping to make sandwiches. I’ve spent most of the last decade being reserved. All the things I got excited to imagine doing with this person.. I gotta just do them myself!
Ideas so far : go hiking (hell if I get stuck in a crevice and die, that’s two birds with one stone, right?) Next, go downtown to paint the legal walls in the arts district. I really wanted to go ice skating or even regular skating, but I do that by myself sometimes anyway. She said, “you should go take a trip somewhere!” Because I have some days off, but it’s more so because it’s my Dad’s birthday and the first of his birthdays since he passed away. I took the days off because my Mom has been crying all week and I’m staying home to get some larger projects done around the house; like painting walls and climbing ladders to clean high-up which makes her happy, but like how happy could that really make her on my Dad’s birthday now that he’s gone? But hey, I’m joining a gym tomorrow, so that’s new I guess.
The real problem I have, my brother being an addict and continuing to relapse every few months. He was high when my Dad died, he was high as I was performing cpr on my Dad.. after we carried him to the floor.. he was high taking my Mom downstairs as she nearly died from her heart breaking (literally.) He was high the last time we saw my Dad to say goodbye after they pronounced him dead.. and he saw me close his eyes with my finger tips. He was high everyday my Mom was in the hospital- and he’s been high all this month and last month. He threw away five months sobriety because some girl moves back here and she (big surprise) gets high too. The most hurtful part is the lies.. and why lie when I already know the truth? I can see it, I can smell it, and god be damned if he doesn’t know that by now. More so it hurts watching him do the same to her. My mom said, “You were high when your Dad died and you’ll be high when I die! Won’t you?!”
She has always been so strong my whole life and it’s been devastating seeing her deteriorate in the last couple years. Honestly, if she’s gone I don’t know what I’d do, my whole life’s purpose has become caring for her and helping with bills, but really with my brother torturing her like this.. I mean, it just all feels so pointless. The last day I was at work, everyone knew I was down and out over something.. but how could I even say any of this to anybody? Why burden anybody with it besides some strangers who happen across a post this long and take the time to torture themselves with reading all of it? Lmao 🤣 (sorry if you made it this far.) Well.. till next time I guess, whenever I’m feeling stuck in between giving up and pushing through.. I’ll keep everyone updated 👍 *cricket chirping intensifies*
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bklynmusicnerd · 3 months
Can u outline what u want Trina’s storyline/arc/scenes to be going forward while Spencer is gone? I know for sure that I don’t want her in a boring Ashford/Curtis storyline of her helping him through his therapy. As bad as it sounds, I want a Depressed that turns into semi-dark Trina😂. Not dark as in evil, but a “ while I’m in my depressive state it’s fuck you, fuck your feelings, and fuck the world” type of dark. Preferably to her mom and Laura. Even though I love her borderline good girl who never puts a wrong personality, I want to see the effect and toll Spencer’s death has on her that changes her for the time being. Then after coming to terms and accepting his “death”, she slowly comes out of it right when he returns.
So I wanted to wait to see the week play out before I responded to this because I was really curious to see how they were gonna write Trina in the immediate aftermath of the moment. First of all, I just want to praise TA for playing the sort of quiet shock and the frustration in the middle of Trina's grief because the script they're giving her is very generic "soap heroine has just 'lost' her love" grief. I'm finding myself frustrated because I'm finding the way everything's playing out so far to be really lazy and by-the-books.
I actually think it would have been much more interesting to have Trina completely in denial about Spencer being dead and everyone around her fearing that she's refusing to process reality. I also feel like it would have been more true to her. Trina locking herself away with Curtis and Portia is too similar to the post-Rory stuff and I guess I'm just waiting for when the writing gets interesting for Trina again? I get what they're trying to do, Trina is depressed and gives up until she sees a sign of hope and she starts chasing that lead.
I just think it would be more true to Trina, and everything she's experienced (it's not her first rodeo with death at all), for her to dive into her work and ignore everyone just accepting that Spencer's dead. Have it culminate in frustration and anger over everyone "giving up" on him. The emotional beats are just being so rushed in the script that I almost think they should have just put Spencer in a coma if they didn't want to take a presumed death arc seriously.
Right now, I'm disappointed in this initial direction for Trina (strong performance from TA and EM in today's ep aside), I'm hoping it pivots soon, and I'm looking forward to my Cam and Trina bestie reunion and Nik and Trina interaction. I still want Gray Trina but more importantly I want ACTIVE Trina. I just think she's a proactive character at her core and I don't think her grief is really being written that way. So in the hope that things pivot and get better with this story, I want this all to build to Trina being entangled in Cassadine mess and interacting with Spencer's family more.
I also want them to lean into Trina's ruthlessness as hinted in lines like "let her bleed." We should have seen Trina expressing her rage over Esme ripping away her planned life yet again to Joss. They keep putting Trina through trauma but then dancing around letting her have ugly emotions. Grief isn't always pretty, Trina's shouldn't be.
Let Trina see the mercy that she showed Esme as a mistake that she'll never make again. Right now we're getting a Trina that's basically accepting defeat, I hope that changes soon. In general, I'm not planning on taking the Feb writing too seriously since those two got fired for a reason.
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dragonlord-emrys · 8 months
Hi, it’s the doggie anon! Thank you for such a kind, generous answer 🥺
I’m working on a (highly scientific) theory that every dog has a personality that matches with a character from Winnie the Pooh, and mine was a Piglet all the way: small, sweet, gentle, affectionate, loyal, and very timid around anything or anyone new (also cutely round in the torso and skinny in the legs).
She was meant to be my mom’s dog, but she sort of picked me instead, although she loved everyone in my family. There was and is something really precious about that to me, being chosen. I’ve never been anyone’s favorite, except hers.
At first she slept in my parents’ room, but after they went to bed she kept sneaking out through the dog door and coming around to the sliding glass door in the kitchen, where I’d hear the tap-tapping of her little nails politely asking me to let her in. She started sleeping in my room after that. She was my buddy and I got so used to hearing the pitter-patter of her little feet following me around the house that I think I took it for granted sometimes.
One of her funniest habits when she was younger was doing these loud, high-pitched shrieks of excitement when we came home from being out. She was so happy to have her family back home again. (She also did this when my dad played the harmonica.) Another funny habit of hers was jumping onto a kitchen chair, and from there onto the table, and helping herself to any food or crumbs she found there. I still remember that image, walking into the kitchen to find a small, suddenly guilty-looking poodle on the middle of the table, licking a plate. She was a silly girl, but such a good one.
Thank you again for inviting me to talk about my dog. If you feel up to it, I would so love to hear about yours too 🌼 Hugs!!
Thank you for sending such a kind message in the first place 💕 And I love hearing about your dog! She sounds like such a sweet and fun little lady! 🥰🥰🥰
Oh yesss, being chosen by a pet is a hundred times more valuable even than being chosen by a human. A feeling better than winning the lottery. Hehehe, the cheek of her to wait until everyone was asleep to sneak out <33
(I know exactly what you mean about missing those little tip-taps of claws on the floor. My dog developed separation anxiety as he got older, so I was being followed around constantly. It's very strange now. And the nights have become eerily quiet. Where's the snuffling and the snoring 😔)
Hahaha, that's so adorable that she shrieked when your dad played the harmonica! Do you think she was happy about the music, complaining about the noise, or trying to join in? 😂
I adore your theory about dog personalities. But I'm afraid I can't really place mine ? Probably because my knowledge of Winnie the Pooh characters is lacking. Maybe you can do a remote diagnosis :D
My little Benny was full of mischief. His first act of deception? Transformation! When we got him as a puppy, he was pitch black with brown paws. One year later he'd turned silver grey with light beige paws. No one wanted to believe that it was the same dog. Absolute rascal!
We always teased him for being a little drama queen. He hated water. When it drizzled he would take two steps outside, do an immediate u-turn and try to get back into the house. No matter how urgently he had to pee, it could wait. And I told him, after he had braved the rain, what a poor little guy he was for getting wet and toweled him off especially well, which he relished in. He loved getting pampered.
He had the soggiest, wettest poor-little-meow-meow look on his face when he had a tiny little boo boo or had to endure something that made him uncomfortable, but whenever he had an actual reason to be mopey, illness or injury or post-operation, he was really brave and would bear it exceptionally well. No massive soggy eyes. (These last few days of his especially he was so brave and strong <3)
Normally, he wasn't the brightest cookie in the jar, but he could be really cunning when it came to stealing food. Once in the middle of feeding time, he walked to the front door, started barking like mad as though someone had rung the doorbell, so my other dog shot out to the hallway to join him. He quickly stole back into the kitchen and ate all her food. Creating a diversion to trick my other dog to leave her bowl was a feat we hadn't thought him capable of, but clearly we underestimated his intelligence.
Another time he stole my greatest culinary creation, a waffle tower (several waffles stacked on top of each other with layers of jam in between). I left it on the coffee table, walked away for 20 seconds, came back and the entire massive thing was gone. Only thing left was Benny, gulping down the last bits of waffle like he was a snake trying to unhinge its jaw to eat a cow. He definitely knew to pick his moments of opportunity.
When he was younger, he loved to play with scrunchies, loved to pull them out of our hair when we were lounging with him on the floor. We'd make a big show of telling him off in a silly, exaggerated voice, which only increased his joy of stealing scrunchies and shaking them in his mouth, throwing them in the air and chasing after them.
He had a spot on his forehead right between his eyes that always smelled like powdered sugar. Conveniently also the best spot to dig your nose in cause the fur there was just sooo soft <3
He was such a sweet cuddly dog, inquisitive (to the point of being nosey - he literally had to poke his nose into everything to investigate, probably checking whether it was edible lol), < insatiable, a bit clumsy, loyal and affectionate to boot. He always did a tippy tappy dance with his front paws when he was excited, which happened so very easily.
Aaah, I waffled on and on. If anyone is still reading this, hee thanks. I'm rewarding you with a picture - evidence of mischief caused.
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Can you see how utterly innocent he is? It seems the pillow jumped on its own.
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Scream (1996)
Smoking: Splatter
So today definitely needed to be a review day. The holidays are coming up. That painful time of having to see family that you don’t want to. And putting on that face of “oh I’m happy to be here” instead of the inner turmoil of, I hate you all and wish I was at home smoking a BIG FAT BLUNT. But here we are.
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Decided to do one of my favorite series Scream!
Ironic that I’m smoking out of a bowl I named splatter when we are about to see blood splattered. LOL. Sorry couldn’t resist.
Opening is with Drew Barrymore, Casey. I never really understood why she was in this movie. I felt like she could have been a bigger part than just the first death. I’m probably going to give away this movie. I don’t care. It has almost been out for 30 years, if you haven’t seen it yet your fault, get MAX and watch it lol.
Ironic that DB’s favorite movie is about a killer in a white mask stalking a person. When that is literally what is happening to her. Granted she’s not a babysitter, but still. And then she burns the popcorn... not cool.
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Haha, big Sony TV that is on Channel 3. You know she was about to play a movie in the VCR. FLASHBACK 🤣
How has the fire alarm not gone off yet? The kitchen is full of smoke and the Jiffy Pop is literally on fire…maybe they took out the batteries because they needed to be changed and it was making that annoying ass sound 😂 oh there it is. Finally goes off after her parents get home. It so would have gone off sooner. Those things are annoying AF.
You would so need so much therapy after seeing your daughter strung up from a tree dead with her entrails just flowing to the ground.
SO a 90s film when you see Courtney Cox in a lime green/yellow skirt suit. Like you’d see that from space 😂
Love that Henry Winkler is in this movie. He’s so great ❤️
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I will say that I get my own movie mentality off of Jamie Kennedy. He is very this is what happens in the movies. And if I was ever in a movie type situation, I would say the same things.
All I have to say is that freaking Scary Movie basically got this movie to a T! Freaking David Arquette being dumb. CC and her video guy. So just like the movie 🤣 it is also one of my favorites. The Waynes brothers are probably my favorite comedy people in the whole world!
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Haven’t even mentioned Neve Campbell when she’s the main character lol. Sucks to be made out like you’re crazy. I know that pain.
I love Matthew Lillard, “I’m starting to feel woozy here!”
I do find it interesting that they think installing a curfew for the town would help reduce deaths. I mean HW was killed in the middle of the day. And then of course there is a party where people just get killed left and right. I do have to say that Rose McGowan’s death is probably my favorite.
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I love how ML is just walking around in a fancy robe like he’s Hugh Hefner or something 🤣
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If RM would have just calmed down, she would have fit through that doggy door. She was slim enough. And I doubt that that garage door would have been able to lift with that extra weight. I don’t think they would be that strong.
NC loses her virginity to her suspicious boyfriend Skeet Ulrich. Which according to JK is going to get her killed. And it looks like that’s what happens with who we all know to be ML comes in after they are done and “Kills” SU.
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ML “peer pressure, I’m far too sensitive….my mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me.” 😂
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I take it back. RM isn’t my favorite death. ML’s is. Death by tv to the face. Definitely a way to go.
Thanks for joining on this week’s update.
Toke on 😶‍🌫️
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Almost at the end of our angst run now!! But there’s still time left for me to cause some emotional distress before it is dkflgjdflgfd 😂
Follow up to Day 5 - Cursed
Also on AO3!!!
Chloe missed Beca in a way that she had never thought it was possible to miss another person. The first month at her Grams’ had been suffocatingly lonely, Chloe had stayed in her room, too angry to be around her and not trusting herself to do something she knew she would inevitably regret. The only time she saw anyone was when her Grams sent someone with her next meal, which Chloe ate very little of. 
Every day, Chloe wrote a letter to Beca. She couldn’t send them, there was no way to without her Grams finding out, and it wasn’t like it helped ease the pain her chest, but she felt like she still needed to maintain that connection, to remind herself of why she was doing this. Because the urge she got to climb out of her window and run back into Beca’s arms every night that she tossed and turned was so strong that she needed to remember that this was the only way to protect her.
After a month, Chloe was surprised by a very welcome visitor.
“Hey Chlo-bear...”
Chloe looked up from where she had been staring out of the window, a tired but delighted expression on her face as her eyes met her father’s.
“Dad...” Chloe breathed, “What are you doing here? Grams said I couldn’t have visitors.”
“Oh your mom made a pretty good case...” He chuckled, Chloe able to hear the sound of her mom’s voice drifting from the living room two floors away.
“Do you think I care about your damn legacy?! That is my daughter, you do not get to lock her up here because you don’t approve of the woman she loves!”
Chloe chuckled softly, sniffing as she wiped the tears from her cheeks, “I take it Grams isn’t listening though?”
“No kiddo...” Chloe’s dad sighed softly as he came and sat opposite her on the window set, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Chloe shrugged a little, her head resting against the cold glass, “It means Beca isn’t in pain anymore.”
“She misses you.” 
Chloe’s eyes filled with tears as her eyes snapped to meet her dads, a small gasp leaving her lips, “You’ve seen her?! Is she okay?!”
“She came to us the night you left.” Her dad smiled softly, “She wanted us to do something, to get you to come home, but most of all she wanted to know that you were safe.”
Chloe bit her lip as her head fell back against the wall with a soft thunk, “I can’t come home dad... Beca was dying, she was in so much pain all the time I... I couldn’t keep doing that to her.”
“I know.” Her dad reached out and gave her knee a gentle squeeze, “I told Beca that, your mom has been fighting with your Grams every day for the last month-”
“Fuck you, you wizened old hag! You have no right to do this!”
“As you can hear it’s going very well...” Her dad sighed, Chloe giggling tearfully.
“I miss her so much dad...” Chloe whispered, “I- I don’t even have my ring anymore, Grams took it off me and threw it in the fire...”
Chloe’s dad had to suppress a wave of anger at that. She might be his mother, but she had officially gone too far.
“I wish I could help Chloe...” He shook his head, “But this kind of magic, it’s only passed down through the female line and I-”
“It’s not your fault.” Chloe lifted her head to look at her dad, hating that he was carrying any kind of guilt, “Please, don’t blame yourself.”
“I’m seeing Beca later.” His voice dropped to a whisper, “Is there anything you want me to tell her?”
A soft smile spread across Chloe’s lips as she got up, reaching under her bed to loosen the floorboard that she’d hidden all her letters to Beca under, “I- I’ve been writing these. Just to try and explain y’know? If she’s not mad at me could you... could you give them to her?”
“Of course.” Chloe’s dad quickly tucked them into the inside pocket of his jacket, “And she’s not made at you Chloe. Just the opposite. She misses you a lot.”
“Just... look out for her for me?” Chloe could hear footsteps ascending the stairs, “She doesn’t have anyone else.”
When her dad had come back a month later with a letter from Beca secretly stowed in his pocket, Chloe had burst into tears. Something about that familiar scrawl made her heart soar and that hole that she felt inside her seemed to fill a little. It was by torchlight under her sheets that Chloe read the letter that night, not daring to do it while her Grams was awake.
Oh my god, you have no idea how happy I am to have all these letters from you... even if it’s taken me like two weeks to get through all of this rambling. I don’t even care, what else would I do now you’re not here? 
I miss you so much... I get it, I get why you left but it’s like there’s this hole in my chest now you’re gone. I sleep wrapped around your pillow, how lame is that?? But it smells like you and that’s all I care about. I should’ve kissed you before you left, I should have savoured those moments with you more. 
But I don’t want you to feel guilty Chlo, I’m sorry, that all sounds so awful... I  love you so much, I hope you’re okay living with the Wicked Witch Of The West. I swear if she’s hurting you I’ll come over there and kick her ass myself. You’re eating right? And sleeping? You get cranky without any sleep and you need to eat, I know you forget when you’re stressed...
We’ll figure something out Chloe. You and me, we’ll work this out. Because I’m not going anywhere, I’ll wait as long as it takes, even if it’s years from now. I love you, that’s never going to change okay? I love you Chloe Beale. you are the love of my damn life and we’ll be together again, I just know it.
Your dad said he’ll pass along as many of these as he can so I hope you’ll write me another thousand letters for me to read??
I miss you.
Love, always.
Beca xxx
It was the first of many letters passed between the two of them as the months wore on. Chloe would wait until her Grams was asleep before slipping downstairs to peruse her library of magical tomes, teaching herself in tiny snippets of the early morning. It was slow progress, progress that would be a lot faster if her Grams was teaching her, but Chloe refused to give her what she wanted.
They had a plan, she and Beca had a plan. It was a long shot, and a long game, but if it worked... god it would be so worth it.
Beca paced back and forth outside the house, her heart fluttering in her chest. This had to work, it had been two years of sneaky letters and long cold nights alone, this had to be the end of it... they’d planned this moment down to the every last detail, to every single possible scenario and thing that could go wrong.
Beca’s breath caught in her throat as she spun on her heel, tears in her eyes. A watery grin spread across her face as her eyes roamed over the achingly familiar red hair, the electric blue eyes, the soft smile that she had missed so much.
“Chloe...” Beca breathed, hands shaking as she seemed to freeze for a moment. She couldn’t believe she was really here.
Chloe ran to her, arms thrown around Beca’s neck as Beca’s wrapped tightly around her waist, sobbing into her shoulder as she held her as tight as she could.
“I love you.” Chloe choked through her tears, “Oh baby, I love you so much...”
Beca just held her tighter, too overcome with emotion for words as she breathed in the smell of Chloe’s shampoo. She loved that smell, GOD she’d missed that smell.
“Let’s go home.” Beca mumbled into her neck, head lifting to rest against Chloe’s. “Let’s get you home Chlo, where you belong...”
“Yeah.” Chloe nodded, pressing her lips into Beca’s for the first time in years, “Let’s go home.”
“Chloe Elizabeth Beale...” 
Chloe let go off Beca with a yelp, spinning on her heel as she pushed Beca behind her, nostrils flaring as she stared down her grandmother.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m going home Grams.” Chloe swallowed hard, hands clenching into fists, “I’m going home to Beca, and there’s nothing you can about it.”
“You have doomed her.” Florence growled, twisting her hand, “I warned you what would happen.”
Beca let out a loud shriek as a pain she hadn’t felt in years spread through her, forcing her to her knees as it spread up her arms, down her back, everything from the waist up burning as flames enveloped her. Chloe turned to Beca with fear in her eyes, hand resting just below her waist where the flames weren’t.
“You’re okay baby.” Chloe whispered, “Just breathe for me...”
Beca panted through her tears, gripping the grass underneath in her hands. It hurt so much, Beca had missed Chloe so damn much, but she had not missed this. 
And then, as Florence watched in shock, the flames dampened and dissipated, Beca’s burns soothed and healed, and she slumped into Chloe’s arms.
“What...” Florence mumbled, “H-How?”
“Just because I didn’t learn from you doesn’t mean I wasn’t learning.” Chloe’s eyes were narrow as she cradled the still sobbing, shaking Beca to her chest, “You can’t hurt as anymore Grams. We’re going home.”
“You think you’re strong enough to take me on?” Florence had recovered from her shock, furious as Chloe helped Beca to her feet.
“I know I am.” Chloe’s jaw clenched as she supported Beca against her, “I’m going home now. Don’t ever come near me, or Beca, or anyone else I love ever again.”
“Stop.” Florence watched as Chloe turned her back and they began to walk away from her, “I said stop!”
Such was the force of Florence’s anger that it sent a wave of energy flying forward, hitting Beca and Chloe. They tumbled forwards, Chloe taking the brunt of it as they fell into a heap.
“Ugh...” Beca groaned softly, Chloe like a dead weight on top of her, “Chlo... Chloe?” 
Panic flared in her stomach as she saw the blood trickling down her forehead, eyes finding the rock that Chloe’s head had hit as they fell.”
“No.” Beca mumbled, scrambling out from underneath her as she cradled Chloe in her arms, shaking her, “No Chloe, wake up... wake up!” 
Chloe remained limp in her arms, Beca’s heart breaking in her chest as she pressed her fingers into the side of Chloe’s neck, praying for the impossible. She let out a loud sob when nothing could be found.
“Chloe?” Florence moved forward shakily, tears beginning to well in her eyes.
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Beca held Chloe tighter, tears pouring down her cheeks, “LOOK WHAT YOU DID!”
“I- I didn’t...” Florence shook her head, looking genuinely remorseful and bereft.
Beca stroked Chloe’s face, lips pursed as her tears continued to pour like a torrent, “I’m so sorry Chlo...” She whispered, “I’m so so sorry... I should’ve never let you leave...”
“Beca I-”
“FUCK OFF!” Beca snarled, eyes blazing with anger, “YOU DID THIS! YOU KILLED HER!”
Tears ran down Florence’s face as the reality of her actions hit her like a ten tonne weight. Beca was right. She’d killed Chloe, she had done this to her granddaughter.
“I never meant...” Florence shook her head, words lost to her. What could she possibly say that would explain this, what reason could there possibly be to justify this?
“Get away from us.” Beca held Chloe against her, shielding her from Florence as she glared hatefully at her, “I’m taking her home. That’s all she wanted, all she wanted was to come home. How could you have killed her for that?!”
As a weeping Florence backed off, Beca continued to stroke Chloe’s face, rocking her still body gently in her arms.
“I love you.” Beca whispered, “I love you so much Chloe. I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...”
Florence stood on a hill above the graveyard, dark sunglasses hiding her red eyes from anyone that would look her way. Not that they would, no-one even knew she was here. She wasn’t supposed to be here, but they were burying her granddaughter today... 
She watched the mourners huddled together, watched her son hold his weeping wife close, watched Chloe’s friends press together in an attempt to comfort each other, watched Beca drop to her knees as Chloe’s coffin was lowered into the ground as if she wanted to follow her in. 
Her heart lay shattered in her chest. She had never meant for it to end like this, all she had wanted to do was protect her family line, protect their legacy... but in one simple act of anger she had been the one to doom it.
Florence had seen enough as a woman with short blonde hair gently helped a sobbing Beca to her feet, holding her against her as Beca wept into her chest. It was time for her to leave.
“I’m sorry Chloe...” She whispered, “I never meant for this to happen.”
Beca sniffed as she got into the back of the car, followed by the blonde who had cradled her at Chloe’s graveside.
“Did you see Florence?” Beca rolled her eyes a little, “I can’t believe she actually came.”
“I know.” The woman next to her huffed, removing her sunglasses to reveal a familiar pair of intensely blue eyes, “But that’s why we had a funeral remember? Just to make sure we really sold it. And you definitely did, sinking to your knees like that? You always were dramatic...”
Beca laughed as she leaned over to press a longing kiss to her lips, “You know you love that about about me Beale.”
“I do.” Chloe grinned, brushing Beca’s hair from her eyes, “And it was worth it... she won’t ever bother us again.”
“Does that mean you can change your hair back?” Beca frowned a little as she twirled some of Chloe’s blonde hair her finger, “Not that you’re not really hot as blonde, I just miss your red hair...”
Chloe giggled, snapping her fingers as Beca’s expression lit up with delight to see it return to it’s natural red state.
“Perfect.” Beca cupped Chloe’s face in her hands, “Just like you.”
“I love you Becs.” Chloe’s expression misted with emotion, “I never want to be apart from you again.”
“Me neither.” Beca shook her head, “We won’t ever be apart like that again, I promise. Just you and me forever Chlo.”
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