#shall we ignore the mic?
fxckaubreycarson · 5 months
Where: In town somewhere Who: Open to anyone!
“Where is there to dance in this town? I mean I know I’ve been here for a while but I’m still yet to find somewhere decent. Or maybe it’s the people I’m with that are the problem and you can change everything?” Wiggling her eyebrows at the nearby figure with a wicked smile pulling at the corner of her lips. It was pretty late but she’d just finished a babysitting session and truly the blonde needed to let off some steam - preferably with alcohol or another fun additional extra to get involved in. “And I’m not talking like…shuffling from one foot to another like at a school disco, I’m talking like…dancing.” As she moved to indicate exactly what she meant with only the imagined song in her head for accompaniment.  @aurorabaystarter
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writing-fanics · 5 months
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Playful Banter ‘Stayed Gone’
Alastor x Reader
[a/n: I’m not a song writer don’t be mean if the lyrics don’t match up I’m sorry I tried! I haven’t written for Alastor since I think 2020. The entire song isn’t here in lyrics it opens when Alastor and you are walking down the stairs]
Alastor and You, walked down the stairs and noticed sinners gathers around the Voxtech television. You glanced up at him knowingly, and you couldn’t help put clip your heels together. As you made you swiftly made your way, to the radio tower.
‘While they’ve hid in radio, we've pivoted to video’
‘Now their medium is getting bloody rare.’
‘Hell's been better since they’ve split’
You grinned dusting off your clothes; bringing the cup of tea taking a sip. As you glanced ver at Alastor smiling, “Let’s have some fun shall we, darling?” He asked, and you lifted your head with an upturned smile. “We shall.” You chuckle, as you turned on the broadcast. Leaning in closer into the mic.
‘Where's they’ve been? Who gives a shit?!’
You had a devilish smile plastered on your face, “Salutations!” You and Alastor said into the microphone, grinning ear to ear. “Good to be back on the air,” You smiled, holding your cup of tea in hand.
You were ready for some fun, excited, Vox didn’t know what he was getting into with you two.“Yes, we know it's been a while.” You two sang, into the microphone.
“Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast” You two said into the mic, “Sinners, rejoice!” Alastor and You exclaimed, as the crowd seemed to gather around the old timey radio.
The sinners gathered in front of both, glancing back and forth between the two. “What a dated voice!” Vox spat, and You could only chuckle as you brought the mic closer.
“Instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast.” You and Alastor sang, smiling
“Come on!” Vox shouted, angrily annoyed. As the two went on, “Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure?” Alastor sang, and making fun of Vox.
“Fitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?” You sang, smirking and standing beside Alastor.
“Ignore their chirping!” Vox spat.
“Every day, he's got a new format!” Alastor sang, grinning. Vox groaned in annoyance.
‘You're looking at the future, he's the shit that comes before that!’
Alastor sang, “Is Vox as strong as he purports?” as other sinners listened in the feud, “Or is it based on his support?” You sang.
“He'd be powerless without the other Vees,” Alastor sang, then leaning closer into your respective microphones. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“And here's the sugar on the cream,”Alastor sang, leaning closer into his microphone a a devilish smile on his face.
“He asked us to join his team!” Alastor sang, revealing the truth. “H-hold on!” Vox stammered, nervously. You smiled grinning ear to ear leaning closer holding; your microphone close to you.
A devilish grin grew across your face, “A jealous one he surely is!” You sang, stifling back a laugh. Remembering when Vox asked if you wanted to go out. As in start a relationship with you. You couldn’t help but laugh back then. And still laugh even now.
You chuckled slightly,“years ago he asked if we could court!” You sang, into the microphone. You could only imagine the horrified and embarrassed looked, on Vox’s face right now and thought alone. Made your grin wider.
“I said no, and now he's pissy.” You say down in your chair, next to Alastor and smiled. “That's the tea!” Alastor and You sang, sitting back into your respective chairs smiling. Leaning back in them kicking your legs back, as you two sang.
“You two old-timey pricks, I'll show you suf-ffering,” Vox stammered, as his screen started to buffer. “Uh oh, the TV is buffering!” You and Alastor sang into the microphone, with you adding slight coo at the end.
Vox stammered as he started to shorting out, his screen buffering continuously as he was about to lose single. “I'll destroy you, yo-ou lit-tle—” He stammered, suddenly all power across Pentagram City went out. The only source of power coming from the radio tower, attached to the Hazbin Hotel.
Alastor chuckled statically, “I'm afraid you've lost your signal,” You said, grinning. You looked down for a moment before looking up. Your eyes glowing a bright red.
“Let's begin.” Alastor sang into staff, as he slowly transformed into his demon form. Placing down bis staff as his eyes glowed bright red, and his antlers grew bigger. His form slowly started to resemble that of a wendigo.
“We’re gonna make you wish that we’d stayed gone, tune on in,” you two sang, as you slowly transformed. Your body stretching and neck becoming longer.
As your body stretched, into its demonic form. An ‘X’ revealed itself on the side of your neck. As your nails became sharp claws, as you gripped the control board. “When I'm done, your status quo will know its race is run,” You two sang leaning closer, as your eyes and body grew longer.
“Oh, this will be fun,” You and Alastor sang, smiling. Vox stared at the screen in disbelief, as it went blank and fell back into his seat, “Fuck!” he whined, their laughter continuing to taunt him. Leaning back into your chair you smiled, “We still got it.” You said, smiling of course the two of you would. Nothing beats, radio. “I couldn’t ask for a better co-host.” said Alastor, as he smiled at you. “And I couldn’t ask for a better husband,” You said, blowing a kiss his way a smile on your face.
Wonder what Vox’s reaction would be since he still hasn’t moved on, from you rejecting him. To him noticing a ring on your finger.. hmm I’d imagine he’d be buffering
a/n: I did my best with this.
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babybadger · 2 years
Daniel one where your little girl keeps asking for/stealing kisses whilst he’s in the middle of something important e.g ig live, interview or whatever xx and the people think it’s cute and love how soft he is
Baby Ric Takes on the Media
- The first Appearance
During lockdown your little girl got quite obsessed with joining Dan for interviews. Her curly haired head resting gently on Daniel’s shoulder as she refused to be put down for a nap. “If you’re quiet baby it’ll be so so good for daddy’s call okay?” Daniel almost whispers as he hears the call come through for his interview with Natalie. The little girl nodding her head sleepily and receiving a gentle kiss on the forehead from her dad before he answered the call.
“Hey Dan, oh and hello miss y/d/n, I didn’t know I had the joy of interviewing you today”, Natalie laughs as she tucks her face into Daniel’s neck. “She’s pretending she’s shy just now cause she tired and won’t let go of daddy, aren’t you?” He asks his mini me, not expecting an answer but getting a quiet giggle in response. “I hope you don’t mind her here, she’ll be quieter than she would be if I put her down” Daniel looks through the screen to the Sky Sports Reporter. “Absolutely not lovely, let’s get things started”
-The First Race
What would be baby Ric’s first race if it were not Austin. Your little girl clad out in tiny cowgirl boots, a pink shirt, leggings and a pink cowboy hat to match. You arrived later with her at the track to avoid her getting tired early and grumpy. “Mummy hold” Your little girl looks at you and puts up her arms. Smiling down at the overwhelmed girl and picking her up so she can look around from an adults height. “Where is daddy huh? Shall we go ask Uncle Lando?”
Lando informs you that Daniel is doing a media panel with Max, Charles and George. After a cuddle with Uncle Lando along with a tickle and a couple “silly lano’s” from your still toothless daughter, you were off to the media room. “Will we surprise daddy little cowgirl?” You giggle away with your beaming daughter. Thank God she got her daddy’s smile. Could of powered the whole paddock on the energy from them two.
“So we were able to find the pace in Singapore and we can only hope that-” Daniel was cut off as his gorgeous babygirl climbed onto the little platform stage and smashed into his leg. Putting his mic to the side he picks up his daughter and cuddles her tightly. “Well isn’t this a nice surprise” says Max from the chair beside Daniel. “Uncle massy” y/d/n shouts and tries to launch herself over to his chair.
Max managed to hold the girl and distract her while Daniel finished his question. However it wasn’t long before y/d/n was sliding off of Max’s lap and attempting to climb back up on her dads. “Yeah so I’ve had lots of interest from different teams and-” once again the little girl interrupts “Daddy goes so fast.” Daniel burst out laughing and tries to pull the mic away from the little girl who keeps making more noises into it to hear the eco of laughs from the adults in the room. Ever the showboat just like her dad.
“Yeah so as you heard from my newest press officer, I go super fast and hopefully will in this race too.” Daniel laughs as the little girl on his lap just looks at him with massive y/e/c eyes. God how much she reminded him of you . He was in love with his family so so flipping much. “But in all seriousness-” “Dada kiss” the little girl stops his sentence before it could lead anywhere. He tries to ignore it but she’s soon covering his face in tiny kisses to distract him. He looks over at you hoping you’ll help but you’re just laughing at how much she is enjoying herself giving him kisses and laughing her head off at him. A testament to how much love is around her as she is raised in a crazy environment.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Star Child Part 1
This one is fun because I like the idea of both of them being famous.
Newscaster: In entertainment news today, Indiana is hosting it’s own Love Loud concert for the first time this year. The idea which spawned from Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragon’s fame in his own home state of Utah, is to be a celebration of all the kinds of love that are out there, but mainly focusing on the LGBTQ+ community, as proceeds from the concert will go toward charities helping disadvantaged LGBTQ+ children and youth.
The headliner, or shall we say, headliners as Corroded Coffin and Steve Harrington formerly of the boy band, The Kings will be co-headlining tonight. Both are Indiana natives, having made it big. Corroded Coffin, best known for their heavy metal riffs and hard hitting lyrics, formed as a band in their high school and made it big in just two short years. Last year, they sold out Madison Square Garden in under 5 minutes.
Which couldn’t be farther from Steve Harrington’s music if it was designed that way. Steve Harrington made it big in the boy band The Kings, with bandmates, Billy Hargrove, Tommy Hagan, and Jonathan Byers. At the height of their stardom, Steve broke away to write his own music and shot to the top of the charts with his first hit single ‘Drowning in Your Brown Eyes’. Since then Steve has charted ever single he’s put out since.
Steve Harrington will open for Corroded Coffin who will finish off the night with the kind of explosive showmanship they are known for.
Other acts tonight are...
Eddie turned off the TV in his hotel room, having seen what he wanted to. It was nice to see that his band was given the same amount of air time Steve Harrington did. More, technically. It only took selling out MSG to get that kind of recognition. Which was fine. It was what it was. Metal would always be looked down on as other. But that Steve was only mentioned in reference to his old boy band made him smile.
Considering that asshole had made their sound check hell. And worse he didn’t have his band to bitch to, because all three of them were suddenly enamored with pretty boy Stevie.
So yeah, okay, so what if Steve had good sense of timing, solid vocals, and great music writing skills? It just made him more annoying, not less.
He flopped back on the bed and covered his face with hands, to muffle his screams of frustration.
Eddie got up and decided, Fuck it. Fuck Steve Harrington. He was going to blow this stuck up prick out of the water tonight.
He put on his tightest jeans, his messiest chains on his belt, wrists, and neck. He put on a leather jacket and no shirt. He pulled on his chunkiest boots and looked at himself in the mirror.
Fuck yeah.
He grabbed his guitar, and smiled one last time in the mirror.
Eddie was sitting in the makeshift green room, tuning his baby and steadfastly ignoring his bandmates.
“I still think this whole idea is stupid,” he groused.
Jeff scoffed. “You’re just bitter you didn’t think of it first.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “As if. I just don’t think our fans are going to like it.”
“If they don’t,” Gareth said, tapping out a beat on his thigh with his fingers, “then they’re stupid and shouldn’t be our fans.”
“Besides,” Brian said, “this isn’t our usual gig. You’re supposed to do outrageous shit like this.”
Eddie sighed. “Fine whatever.”
Steve was having the time of his life. He was singing his heart out and the crowd was eating it up.
He watched the audience to see if they had caught on to the trick yet. But it didn’t seem like anyone had. It was seamless.
And then it was time for the last song and he moved from center stage to the left and the crowd got a little restless. What was that about?
Steve grinned. “This boy he’s a real star child...” he sang. And crowd went wild.
They went even crazier when the other side of the stage lit up to reveal Eddie Munson, lead singer and guitarist for Corroded Coffin.
“This guy feels like a jaguar...” he belted into his mic.
And the crowd melted and then roared to life as these two singers who couldn’t be further apart musically tore up “Low Key in Love” by The Struts and Paris Jackson.
Eddie kept looking over at Steve and he’s not sure if it’s the song, the lights, or the way Steve is putting his heart and soul into singing, that he falls a little bit in love with this man.
And then Steve looked directly at him as he sang, “Maybe I’ll never have the guts to say what’s on my mind!”
And it’s a good thing the rest of the song was just repeats of the earlier parts, because Eddie nearly blue screened it.
And then the last cords fade away and the crowd is still screaming.
Steve threw his arms around Eddie as they cheered.
“What the hell, Harrington?” Eddie murmured away from the mic. “Where was that growl and energy during the sound check?”
“And risk my voice before a set?” Steve whispered back.
Eddie turned bright pink.
“Corroded Coffin!” Steve screamed, stepping away from Eddie first, as to not blow out his ears. And the lights came on behind them to reveal that the Corroded Coffin members had been playing almost the whole set.
“I love my guys,” he continued. “I tour with some of the best in the business, but playing with Corroded Coffin is a dream come true!”
Jeff, Gareth, and Brian all cheered, while Eddie continued to cover his face with his hair to hide the blush.
“Let’s hear it for Corroded Coffin everyone!”
And the crowd cheered even louder.
Steve clapped Eddie on the shoulder and bowed out.
Eddie did the only thing he knew how to do. And that was rock out. He channeled all his emotions into his music.
“Let’s get it started!” he roared into his mic. And then launched into ‘Boys for Boys’ one of their first singles about being gay in the metal scene.
After the show when Eddie was riding high off the pure adrenaline of playing to such a crowd, when he nearly ran into Steve. Like almost bulled him over.
“Shit, man,” Eddie said. “I’m sorry.”
Steve smiled softly. “It’s no trouble, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He patted Eddie on the shoulder and slipped into the crowd.
Eddie frowned, but shrugged and dug into his jacket pocket for his lighter and pack of cigs. But his hand touched a bit of paper first and he pulled it out.
It read Hopper’s Bar 11pm -Steve and on the back was a phone number. He blinked and looked back at the direction Steve had gone but the crowd had closed around him and he couldn’t see anything, let alone Steve.
He pulled out his phone and put Steve’s number in under Pretty Boy and then synced it to the cloud. Because Eddie wasn’t about that rom-com bullshit about losing a number and never seeing the person again.
He walked back to the green room to meet up with the guys. He was greeted by lots of booze and loud cheering.
“You still think it was a shit idea, Eddie?” Brian teased.
Eddie scoffed. “Even broken clock is right twice a day, man.”  
He leaned over to put his guitar away and something fluttered at of his pocket.
Jeff leaned over to pick it up. He pursed his lips and shook his head. He shoved it at Eddie. “You still want to tell me he wasn’t flirting with you at sound check?”
Gareth and Brian perked up.
“What’s this?” Gareth asked, leaning over to see around Eddie.
“Steve gave Eddie his number and asked him out,” Jeff said with a grin.
Gareth and Brian started stomping and oohing.
Eddie yanked the paper out of Jeff’s hand. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You know I can’t stand the guy.”
Brian laughed. “Yeah, so why didn’t you throw it away, then?”
Eddie could feel the blush burning his neck and ears. “Shut it.” He snapped the clasps on his guitar case and booked it to their limo, the chorus of laughter following him close behind.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 10 months
Taehyung's beautiful "Rainy Days" (Song Analysis)
*taps mic* is this thing on?
Well...it's been a while, hasn't it? We've been silent but we are still very much around, still listening to the Tannie's music, watching all the content, still loving vmin and namjin, we watched all streamable D-Day concerts, the Disney+ movies, all of it, we've just basically been keeping our ARMY time to ourselves.
But then came Tae.
But then came Rainy Days. And we were lured back here to scream a little at what we've gotten.
And yes, before the inevitable anons come to try and discredit everything in this post, yes we are aware that (so far) Tae doesn't have any writing credits on the songs on Layover, Love Me Again and Rainy Days. But try as you might, no one can ignore just how vmin coded Rainy Days is and how specific some of the references are. Everyone picked up on it, regardless if they were a vminie, OT7 non-shipper, or even a xkooker. Posts crying about and pointing toward Park Jimin being the one were everywhere and honestly, I've missed moments like there.
So, Rainy Days, huh, let's talk about the vmin references, shall we?
First of all, can we talk about just how gorgeous and atmospheric Rainy Days is? And how very Taehyung it is? Because it just fits him truly so perfectly, just like Love Me Again does. I love how the soft mellowness of the song contrasts with the brutalistic architecture of the building shown in the MV, the old-school iMac, and the little Pomeranian acting as Yeontan. I did get tricked into thinking it was Yeontan until Tae did his live and told us, nope, that's Rocky, a doggy looking very close to how Yeontan does since he couldn't travel with Tae. We know Yeontan has health issues, so I should've guessed as much, but either way, it is absolutely adorable how much love for Yeontan is in Tae's debut as solo artist. Find you someone that'll love you as much and as deeply as Tae loves Yeontan. I'll wait.
I love the use of the iPhone sounds within the song, the notification tone as well as the typing sound, though it isn't very fitting (it also reminds me of vmin, how they enjoy FaceTiming, texting and calling each other) for someone who was the Samsung Galaxy ambassador ha ha. Wonder what Yoongi had to say about that.
But moving along to the lyrics, as well as two moments from the MV itself, there are a few vmin references that are hard to ignore. And they were "obvious" enough that basically everyone picked up on them.
The first little thing, and this one could very well be a reach, is this Little Prince/Jimin connection. In the MV Tae falls asleep watching TV and we're shown clips of a fox and a flower which immediately made everyone think of the fox and flower from the Little Prince, and then also the moment in the first season of In the Soop when Tae and Hobi went on their little trip and spotted a mural/poster for the Little Prince. Adorable.
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Then in the second verse we have Tae singing the following line:
We can start again, open all the doors
The mention of doors made me perk up because it instantly reminded me of this line in Sweet Night:
That I still hope the door is open
So it feels like, if Rainy Days really is a vmin song, it would either play before Sweet Night, or after, when something came between them but Tae wanted a second chance, still had a hope that they could be together and that all things aren't lost yet.
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Now this, who do we know basically laughs at anything and everything Tae says, who has mentioned time and again that Tae is the funniest, like in one of the RUN episodes he mentioned how Tae had been making him laugh all day as well's throughout the filming? That's right, our boy Jimin.
Don't believe me? Well, check out this thread and see for yourself.
Next we have the line:
You're my four-leaf clover
Do I really need to explain this one? In a BB or memories DVD, I don't remember exactly, we had a moment when Tae was looking for a four-leafed clover and Jimin, to surprise and make him happy, went and acted as though he'd found one for it (though it wasn't a real four leaf one) which made Tae happy anyway. Years later for their performance of HOME, standing in front of what appeared to be a reference to the Mirror or Erised, we saw vmin wearing matching four-leaf clover necklaces with Tae appearing next to Jimin as though he was what Jimin's heart desired the most.
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Then in the MV we have a scene where Tae is in some kind of art room creating. Eventually he picks up a baguette, which points for originality, and uses it to paint a Vante art piece showing a painting that looks like an alien with its little antennas. And who reclaimed the alien "nickname" just a few years and and who is basically the only one who can still call him that? Exactly. Jimin.
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Speaking of whom, further in the lyrics we get this line:
Those hurtful words
And sure, perhaps I'm delulu and reaching, whatever, let me have fun, but still that line reminded me of something. FESTA 2020 where Jimin spoke about how he was sorry for the things in the past, how they were buddies back then (I'm still waiting for him to elaborate on that one, they were buddies back then so, Jiminie, what are you now? Care to share?) and got into a lot of disagreements and how he now feels sorry for the harsh words he used with Tae. And Harsh words can very much be hurtful. So another potential reference?
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At the end of the day, as I mentioned before, Tae doesn't have writing credits on Rainy Days but, as you just read, those things just fit a little too well to be just a coincidence, right? So perhaps, just like they'd done with Chingu years prior, maybe Tae sat down with the producers/lyricist and told them what he wants in the song?
And that would be it. We're both extremely excited for the rest of Layover, for the next 3 (!!!) MVs, and all the promo Tae mentioned he has planned (based on ideas and things he saw ARMY had mentioned wishing for) and if he'll have writing credits on any of the songs. But it is a little strange to me how Tae has been so outspoken about working on and writing songs for his mixtapes for years, how he'd shown us snippets from his songs, and yet now as we are getting his debut album, no writing credits (so far). Guess we shall wait and see.
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
Came here to let y'all know that not all jikook content are real.
As we can see in this video, we see jimin singing for youth' and then the next clip shows jungkook showing a very fond smile towards him . We also saw yoongi smiling towards hobi.
But. But. But.
Hear me out, when I saw this video I was like "is this OG content, or is it not?" So I went to YouTube to check the OG fancam and there you go, I was indeed correct about the video.
The video showed jimin singing then jk smiling towards him .
That's absolutely not the case.
The original video is from KBS WORLD - FOR YOUTH (BTS) 220617
Take a look at the original video
Now we shall observe Jungkook's fancam. I went to the timeline to get check the moment where jk smiled.
This is the timestamp of where he smiled (it's a bit earlier, it takes time to screenshot)
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Let's look back to the BTS OG video
About roughly cutting 10/15 seconds from the video as it had an intro, we saw Tae and rm doing a surprise choreo. I'm not ignoring the fact that jimin was humming into the mic.
But I think jimin was not the reason why he smiled.
What do you guys think?
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In here we have another combined clip where all members reactions were shown when Tae and Joon did a surprise move and it was quite cute, we see all the members having a fond smile for them and they were all quite flustered 😂
So, this clip once again disapproves the sope and jikook video.
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Again, this post was not made/posted with the intention to disprove jikook relationship but it's just to remind people especially jikookers to once again, watch OG content. It is a reminder to all of them to not fall for anything. Believe in OG content guys, let's not be delusional.
No hate to anyone just wanted to spread some awareness
Peace and love to all 💗
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captainsimagines · 2 years
a haunted mission
Summary: On a rather creepy mission to a theme-park haunted house, both you and Bucky can’t wait any longer. 
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Agent Female Reader
Tropes: Tension; Established slow burn; Quickie; Team banter/Feel-Good || Kinktober Drabble 🎃
Based on the Song(s): “Bones” by Imagine Dragons
One-Shot / Anon: “ALSO in terms of drabbles/anything you could write, I feel like you're the right person to write something Halloween-themed for agent reader and Bucky. A mission in a haunted mission and a bit of the team's banter? A good bit of sexual tension, because reader and Bucky were trying to go at it for a while, but the missions just keep on going? Bucky becoming a bit more ruthless and ripping everything, because he just needs to have his girl?” 
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Warnings: the literal walking dead; mild scary descriptions; Halloween themes; strong language; canon-level violence; blood-covered sex (not real blood, lol); sexual tension; unprotected sex; outdoor sex; 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3,800+
A/N: Let’s get the show rolling this October, shall we? IT’S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH WOOHOO!!! xxMoni 🎃
      “Scott, I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up for a quick second.”
You tried to calm your nerves. Truly. But there was something about haunted houses that made your very essence fight to crawl out of your skin, to turn back and ignore the prickling in your spine. But the call had come in from a group of frightened teenagers who originally thought the skeletons were electronic. When the supposed fake skeletons gripped a teenager's throat and threw him into the, thankfully, fake clowns, the mad scientist theory came into play. 
New York was dealing with a mad scientist this Halloween season. And Scott was so not helping your nerves by humming under his breath while surrounded by gallons of fake blood and cotton spider-webs. 
“It’s distracting me, though,” Scott whined, pouting toward you.
“It’s distracting everyone,” Bucky grumbled, blowing a strand of hair from his face. He glanced over at you, rolling his eyes at Scott’s expense. He ducked under a curtain of cotton webs, cursing quietly. 
The strobe lights were incredibly distracting. Red, silver, and orange flashed throughout the tight hallway. No one had come back to shut off the electricity considering the absolute chaos of the walking dead, so your team had to deal with the manic laughter of ghouls and warm steam across the ground. Natasha was out back trying to find the switch, thank the Gods, since she refused to step foot into a “stupid haunted house”. 
“What do you guys think they look like? The videos looked so fake,” Sam commented, holding a flashlight steady. 
“Honestly?” you replied, “Probably like walking toys, Sam.”
Steve snorted, his large body shielding you from the bloody mess of the wall. His entire back of his suit was stained red. “I’m more afraid of that weird display of Frankenstein and the monster.”
The animatronics were creepy. Frankenstein hadn’t stopped moving, wielding a large knife and bringing it down into the monster’s chest, a frightening expression on his wax face. His hair stood at all ends, gray and black, like he had just been shocked. The monster, painted a horrible mossy green, was programmed to scream each time the blade connected. A scream that mixed perfectly with the other deranged sounds. In all honesty, they sounded too real, too close. As if the sounds had been recorded from a real life event. 
“You’re all babies,” Natasha said over the mics, chuckling. 
“Says the one who immediately volunteered to find the kill switch,” Bucky threw back. “You and Clint talk a big game until ghosts are involved.”
“I don’t need to defend myself.”
“You have nothing to defend.”
Natasha scoffed at Bucky’s sarcastic tone, mumbling something like Watch and see, I will make you guys piss your pants if you dare mock me again.
“We’re not finding anything,” you interjected, sighing loudly as you lowered your gun. Your arms were starting to cramp. “Let’s split up. Bucky and I will go into the…” You paused to read the piss-poor excuse of a map. “...Circle of Psychics, while you three go check the Lab of Botched Experiments.”
“Oh, yay,” Sam deadpanned. “I’ve always wanted to go there as a kid.”
Steve pushed Sam forward, ignoring Scott who childishly held onto the collar of his suit, not wanting to be separated. “You two be careful.”
You nodded a quick farewell, turning back to Bucky. “Just us two. What is it that teenagers do at carnivals again?”
Bucky chuckled, glancing around and trying his best to ignore the strobe lights before pulling you against his chest, kissing you hard. 
Three months. You’ve been flirting non-stop for three months, both of you completely head over heels for each other. You hadn’t slept with him on the first date because you wanted to preserve some integrity—even if Wanda and Natasha booed you when you returned to your own room in the compound that night. On the second date, you had said fuck it and were absolutely prepared to fuck him stupid before the compound initiated a lockdown drill. The third time was entirely Bucky’s fault. He had gotten a little too excited, picked you up, and completely miscalculated the distance between you and the railing. You had sailed off the railing to your near death before Bucky had hooked his body around you and received the entire blow. He suffered a broken collarbone and wrist. You had hurt his ego by laughing way too hard. 
It seemed that every time you tried to sleep together, something always interrupted. You knew the moment Bucky kissed you in this haunted house that nothing would come of it. You were in the middle of a mission, surrounded by the most cringy shit imaginable. So you moaned softly against him, from both anticipation and irritation, and reluctantly pulled away. Bucky still held you close, refusing to let you go. 
“We have a job to do,” you reminded him. 
Bucky groaned, resting his forehead against yours. “Can’t blame me, Doll.”
“I don’t blame you.” Your breath mingled with his, hot and electric. “I want you to fuck me so badly.”
Bucky grunted, running you into the bloody wall. He rested his hands, both flesh and metal, against it. Blood seeped through his fingers, but he couldn’t care less. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you breathed. You pulled his hips closer, allowing his thigh to slip between yours. “I think of it every night.”
Bucky kissed along your jawline, moving his left thigh up just a little, enough to apply some pressure against your clothed center. “Please don’t fucking tell me. If you tell me, I’m fucking you right here, right now.”
“You don’t want to know how I fuck myself every night?” Bucky whined against your skin, biting. “You don’t want to know how I sound when I say your name? All quiet, biting into my pillow? You don’t want to know the positions that I fuck myself in?”
Bucky unzipped your pants and dipped his hand in, but he was constrained by the fabric. He could feel the heat radiating from you however, and it made him crumble internally. “I’d give anything to hear you scream my name.”
You smiled against his skin, pecking lightly across his neck. “Let’s finish this mission, okay?”
“Then you’ll reward me?”
“Oh? I’m a reward for you?”
Bucky pulled away to grip your face, the fake blood marking your neck and cheeks. His imprint. “Just kissing you makes me go crazy. I wonder what your tight cunt feels like every single second of the day, Doll.”
You squirmed in his grasp, biting your bottom lip. “I wonder what you’d feel like inside me.”
“How about we do our jobs and when we get home—”
“Bucky!” You pushed him away and ducked just in time, cringing from the boisterous thump of metal slamming into metal. The wall you were just pressed against wobbled, echoes of the clang ringing into your ears and down the dark hallway. 
A skeleton of spine-chilling realism, standing without the help of muscle, growled in your face, its breath frigid. Three more skeletons emerged from behind him, each with their own weapon of choice. An axe, a steel pipe, and a large butcher knife. The skeleton who had tried to decapitate you was trying to retrieve its own axe from the wall. 
“Run, run, run!” you repeated, shoving Bucky at his back. He hooked his metal arm around your shoulders, running with you. You smacked into wall after wall, blood covering your suits, mirrors distracting you from the right direction. The Circle of Psychics was closer in view, but the skeletons were at your heels. 
“We should be running toward the exit!”
“Great idea, Doll! I’ll try to find it when we aren’t about to be sliced in half!”
You yelped when the skeleton with the butcher knife nicked you in the upper arm. Bucky twisted around just in time to take the next hit, his metal arm easily breaking the knife into a thousand shards. The skeleton screamed, its hollow eye sockets actually growing in size. Their bones moved as if attached to invisible muscle, contorting and creaking like puppets. 
The two of you fell into the Circle of Psychics, astonished to find it was a movable stage. The circle stage rotated at medium speed, a glass ball full of green smoke at its very center. You attempted to crawl to it, to latch onto anything that would lessen the intense motion sickness, but it was hopeless. The skeletons jumped into the air, landing on the rotating stage with ease. 
The skeleton with the axe sliced through the air and downward, nearly nailing Bucky directly in the crotch. But Bucky hopped back and continued hopping back on his ass as the axe kept coming. You reached out to grip its fibula, pulling as hard as you could without losing your already loose grip on the wooden stage. The bone came loose, snapping off in a dramatic display of crumbling bones. The other skeletons screeched. They were all struggling to stay atop the stage. 
But the fragmented skeleton did not die—its disconnected arms and legs wiggled with life still, as did its head and hands. 
“Whose skeletons do you think these were?” Bucky shouts, unhooking his knife from his belt. Guns were useless—the bullets would go straight through their ribs anyway. 
“I don’t care!” you responded, gripping that fibula with all your strength. You slashed it across the air as one of the skeletons came closer, its fingers reaching outward. “I’m living my worst nightmare!”
“This is your worst nightmare?”
“Guys!” Steve’s voice was a holy blessing in the middle of Armageddon. The shield flew into the room and smashed into each skeleton. Bones explode in all directions, clattering against the walls and floor. You shielded your face the best you could, wincing when bones sliced across your leathered suit. 
But the bones rattled like stubborn cockroaches, dragging across the floor to find their joint partners. You peeked from your fingers to see Steve, Scott, and Sam about to climb onto the rotating stage— 
“Don’t get up here—!”
Their feet swung from under them like the dumbasses they were. Bucky, regardless of the situation, laughed so hard it had Sam snarling. 
“Why won’t they die?” Scott asked, crawling beside you. He hooked his fingers into the broken wood, digging his hands in and holding himself still. You tried your best to reach for his belt, anything better to hold onto. You lost your grip again, flying around the stage as it rotated faster. You were taking a beating, and not even from those damned skeletons. 
“Natasha, shut off the damn electricity!” you yelled, slamming against the stage like a floppy idiot. But your words were discontinued by a sudden, mechanical laugh. A woman’s recorded voice sounded throughout the room, becoming louder and louder as the glass ball in the center lit up. Green smoke swirled around the bowl, forming the floating head of a woman with black lipstick and soulless eyes. 
“Boil your flesh, I will! If only my hands could keep you kids still!”
“Knock it off the mantle!” Steve ordered, the shield protecting his sides as he tumbled round and round. The woman giggled in response.
Sam flew across your vision, his wings absent and a baton in his hand. “And have the bitch swarm around the room instead?” 
“Agh!” Steve grunted, the shield finally breaking through the wood and hooking him secure. With some balance, Steve would now be able to attempt at grabbing the rest of his teammates. He kicked and thrashed when stray fingers slithered up his shins, across his thighs. He was trying hard not to freak out, not to start crying. Because dealing with aliens who spoke was one thing, but the walking dead? A whole other. 
Natasha’s husky voice crackled over the mics. “It’s not a switch. It’s a wire. A very intricate wire that needs to be cut correctly or else I risk electrocuting all of you.”
Scott cracked one of the four skulls into a million pieces with just his foot. “Cut the red one!” he exclaimed.
You, Bucky, Steve, and Sam all said, at the same time, “Shut the fuck up, Scott!”
Scott, who wasn’t risking shrinking and taking an impact so great it would smoosh him on the floorboards, moaned, “It’s always the red one in movies!”
“I will cut the correct one,” Natasha replied, passive, as if the five of you weren’t spinning without brakes. 
“Natasha!” Steve bellowed, red in the face and trying hard not to throw up. At this point, with all your crashing, you were left to just laugh. Laugh at how ridiculous this mission was. At how ridiculous everyone looked. At how ridiculous your luck was with Bucky, and how a damned skeleton ruined your chance at a good fucking. 
“Hold onto me, Bucky!” Steve ordered, reaching out an arm. Bucky crawled with his metal fingers deep in the wood, his flesh hand smacking away the quivering pile of bones. Once he grabbed Steve’s hand, Bucky tried grabbing you each time you flew past. 
“Guys, they die if you snap their bones!” Scott revealed, snapping all the random bones that came his way. Ribs, mostly. Bucky demonstrated by catching one of the skulls with his metal hand, shoving it deep into the skeleton’s open mouth, and ripping the jaw from its hinges. 
It had you tingling for another reason.
“On the count of three, we’re going to try and snap as many bones in half, okay?” you started, only to be interrupted by Sam’s booming question of, “Do you know how strong bones are?” Then, “It takes a car crash to fracture a femur!”
You swung your stray femur around, smacking all the detached fingertips from your face. “There are two super soldiers here!”
“You guys need to hold onto me first or else when this thing stops spinning, you’re going to—”
“Oh! I found the wire!”
You whipped your head chaotically, searching for Natasha’s voice even though you knew she was not there. “Natasha, no—!”
The stage came to a screeching halt. All of the bones shattered from the impact of hitting the wall, as did the green, glowing ball. Its smoke remained in the isolated corner of the room, quickly dissipating since it was no longer contained. 
But you went flying, as did Sam. Scott had dug his hands into the wood again just in time, but he was immediately complaining about two dislocated shoulders. You slammed back first into the wall, shaking the entire building. Sam hit the floor, scraping any exposed skin along the grass and dirt. 
The air left your lungs in one big swoop, choking you. You coughed and moaned, moaned and coughed, unable to stop either one.  “Oh, my back…”
“Doll?” Bucky stumbled on his feet, having to hold onto and lean against the wall. He held his head in his hands. 
“Give me a second.”
Bucky groaned, stepping cautiously. With his arms extended, he patted the air until he felt the leather of your suit. “Natasha, if you broke my girl’s back—”
“Blah, blah, isn’t that your job?” Natasha joked, her voice pissing you off more than it soothed. 
You turned over, getting to your hands and knees. “Lemme, just…Crawl.”
You crawled to the emergency exit, Bucky stumbling behind you. Sam and Scott were standing too, swaying, but both laughing as Steve sprinted to a corner and promptly threw up his dinner. 
When the cold night air hit you, it was like the world had color again. You knew your own name. You could feel your toes. 
Bucky threw himself into the grass, groaning out curse words. But you kept crawling, crawling deep into the hay maze and finding an isolated corner to rest in. Let the team shut down the rest of the park without you. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, tucking your knees up into your chest. Even lying sideways, you could still see Bucky’s lip turn upward into that gorgeous smile. “Come to roll in the hay with me?”
Bucky chuckled, falling beside you and matching you breath for breath. For five minutes, both of you just breathed. Blinked. Swallowed. Anything that helped you find your center of gravity again, anything that stopped those weird black dots from tainting your vision. 
“You good?” Bucky asked, reaching over to run his fingers over the top of your hand. You moaned quietly in response, eyes still closed. 
You did feel good. Great, even. The heat radiating from Bucky’s large frame was overpowering, calling you in the deepest whisper, in the most enticing purr. Were you crazy to want him now? Covered in fake blood and head still slightly spinning? Let the team handle the mad scientist and any other living animatronic. You wanted Bucky now.
You were crazy, but ‘tis the season to go a little mad. 
You hooked a leg over his hips and grinded down, making sure your crotch sat directly above his. Bucky immediately stirred, his eyebrows rising high. “What are you doing, Doll?”
“You know how when you’re faced with death, it gives you an insane adrenaline rush?” You took his face in your bloodied hands, kissing him deeply. His tongue instantly met yours, trained and brutal, desperate for the tiniest taste. Your lipstick had been smeared a long while ago, stretching its color to your cheeks and mixing with the blood. You reached down to shimmy out of your leathers, not caring if the grass and hay were poking at you from all angles. 
“Here? Are you serious?” Bucky breathed, looking down and marveling at what he had never seen before. Opposite to popular opinion, you didn’t wear a thong with your leathers. You wore cotton panties—white, with floral patterns across the edges. Bucky released a swoop of strangled air, hooking his fingers through to help you tug them down. 
You unhooked his belt and shimmied his leathers to the middle of his thighs. His cock was hard and weeping already, red at the tip and calling to your mouth. So that’s exactly what you did. You lowered yourself down and took him in, licking up and down to make him messier. When his whining became primal, teetering into growling territory, you swallowed him down. Savoring his salty taste, the feel of his ridges, the slide of his soft skin on your tongue. An absolute treat. 
You flicked your tongue over his slit and popped off him, smiling widely as his hips bucked upward and a moan lodged itself in his throat. He was blushing pink everywhere he wasn’t painted red, kissed by the sun and his own desire. You kissed your way up his clothed chest, to his jaw, and to his lips. Bucky groaned quietly when you took his bottom lip between your teeth, pulling lightly. 
“I’m tired of being denied you, Bucky.”
His drowsy eyes opened as you declared it, glazed and surprised. He gripped your hips tightly with both hands, bringing you back on top of him. The weight of you, the breathtaking view he was handed—it did something to his insides. Turned them upside down, twisted them into a perfect bow, ignited a white light—he did not know. But he knew it was good. Good, but not at all pure. 
“Then ravish me.”
You lowered yourself over him, taking him in slowly, swallowing every inch. You held your breath, scared that a ruptured scream might release if you tried to inhale. Not that it would be a bad thing, but a rather embarrassing one. The sheer size of Bucky Barnes was glorious all in itself. 
Finally, you settled at the base and relished in the stretch. In the slight burn and delicious feeling of being full. Bucky, the appreciative sonofabitch, tugged you down so you were splayed across the expanse of his sculpted chest, leather to leather. He ran his flesh hand through your hair, pulling softly, evoking a moan from deep within your chest. He grinned at that, reveled in it, and pulled again. 
“C’mon, Doll,” he ordered, raising your hips with his metal hand. Coordinated, strong. “Ride me.”
And that’s what you did. All the desperation that had been growing within your core for the past three months, simmering on low and pulsing every single day whenever you saw Bucky, poured from your body in such a powerful wave even Bucky was startled. You raised yourself up, positioned your flat hands against his leathered chest, and rode him. Up and down, springing your hips in circles and tightening around him just to make him whimper. 
Bucky Barnes was whimpering. 
You threw your head back, drunk on the feel of him, on his gaze, on his warmth. Everything compiled into this raw, otherworldly thing. Like every interruption was intentional, purposely coordinated to manufacture such an intense rush of pleasure. Desire. You beheld Bucky underneath you, fake blood splattered along his rugged white skin, latched onto the tips of his long hair. Like a soldier during war, taking whatever pleasure he could find in a tent where sounds were not drowned out. Like a fallen angel with tattered wings fucking a virgin in front of his God.  
The experience of Bucky Barnes was something else entirely. And just from looking at him, at the way his eyebrows pulled together and how his moans grew wilder, you knew he saw you in the same light. 
“You feel…” You couldn’t form much else. Your breathing was ragged, forced. But Bucky nodded, guiding his flesh hand down your stomach and finding your clit. His thumb swirled tight circles, urging you to jump over that edge. To squeeze him into eternity, to milk him dry.
Crumbling around him, you shrieked your approval and threw your head back. Your thighs vibrated and your toes curled in your socks. Bucky followed, spilling into you with a loud growl. His neck strained with those gorgeous veins, an altar of evident life. 
The two of you lay for a short while, catching your breaths all over again. Soft touches and promises of a repeat, but at home, ensued. 
But when you stepped from the maze, tired from not just your body’s exertion but trying to find the exit, you were confronted by Sam—Sam, who stood there chugging a bottle of water, still out of breath and sweating, his frown deepening as he beheld you. Like he had been looking everywhere for you. He wiped at his mouth and shook his head, disappointed. 
“I hope you two caught something in there.”
Author’s Note: This wasn’t supposed to be so long but I was bored so I just kept writing lmao. Happy second day of Kinktober!!!! xxMoni 🎃
TAGLIST: @mannien​
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jmkho · 1 year
The One Where They Did An Album Lore Podcast
Summary: The boys decide to talk about some of the lore behind TBAGG.
Warnings: swearing, drinking, talking over each other, gums smacking lol, questionable lore,
Extra note: Thanks to @starcatcherkiszka for sending me a msg asking if I could write this. And also to the OP of the picture that was attached about the guys doing a lore podcast. I tried my best to add some crack into it but also squint hard at what I've written about the songs these are just notes I myself have come up with after listening to each song and looking over the lyrics a lot to try and write something lol so don't take this seriously it's just ramblings of a mad woman.
“Well boys, I think we should at least introduce what we are doing.” Danny spoke into the mic as he looked around to the others. He smiled. To say he was excited was an understatement. 
“Well, I think as the best speaker among us…well, yeah, all of us, I think I, the ever so eloquent, Josh, should, well , you know, should tell the people, the fans, what we are doing today,” 
Sam, who was sat opposite him, opened his mouth to say something to that, but Jake beat him to it. “Go ahead and explain.”
Sam turned his head to look at Jake as if to say, "Do you want to be here forever?" Jake just sat smiling at his twin, totally aware of the burning look into his face, but couldn’t give a shit. “Josh has a magical way with words that will really get this podcast set off, so I think he should be the one to let everyone know.” Jake’s gruff voice broke out again.
Josh cleared his throat. “Well, today we are going to take a balls deep dive into the magical, the mysterious lore of The Battle of Gardens Gate.” 
Jake closed his eyes at the sound of ‘balls deep’ but went with it.
“Exactly! And today we are ——-“ Sam’s voice suddenly went quiet. Josh was moving to look around the mic in front of him to his little brother. Sam decided to move his head as if to speak AROUND the mic to Josh.
Jake pointed a finger to the mic to remind Sam, who just moved, and carried on talking about whatever he was going on about. “—so to say that it took an interesting turn is true.” 
“So guys, shall we go from song to song in order on the album?” Danny asked.
The rest all began to mumble out answers, talking over each other, but he got a collective ‘yes’.
“So, Heat Above. Where shall we start with that one?” Jake smiled into the mic, looking around.
“Well, the opening song comes across as a pleading, right? So, then it moves onto talking about how life ————-“ Sam’s voice went again as he moved his head, looking Josh dead in the eye but was nowhere near the mic. 
Josh laughed. “Sammy, you gotta talk INTO that round thing in front of you and stop leaning to talk AROUND IT TO SPEAK AT ME.”
Sam stopped and leaned back into his chair. “Right, to me, the song means living through the bad, like pushing through it despite bad things still happening around it, you can still live through it an experience good. And to ME, there’s also something with change in the song.”
“What makes you think of change?” Danny asked.
“Well Daniel, by ignoring the bad and ‘the fire burning around’ you can still live, and I guess that makes people make a change to their life. So, the character in the song wants to change above anything else."
The guys all smiled around at each other. 
“Yeah, I agree with Sammy on that view. It seems like a great perspective to have, almost as if the person within the song is putting a stop to the bad things happening to them, like war, to live how they want to.” Jake added.
“This is a great idea. I just wanted to throw that out there into the abyss of the listeners out there. Thank you for asking us to...well, I guess talk about the album’s meaning more and what’s happening.” Josh smiled into the mic with a big grin.
“Next song, My Way Soon.” Jake cleared his throat. “I think this song is quite obvious. We only have one life, and I think this song, in particular, was written to express that. We have so much freedom and so much we can do that we should just do what we want and explore what we want and I think that’s why people, sort of, well love that song, it’s a sense of I’m free and I’m going to do just that.”
Danny nodded to him and leaned into the mic. “I think Jake said everything. There isn't a lore behind the song, story wise, but you can use this song to express your freedom of wanting to, well make your own story."
Someone burped right into the mic after that, which broke the magical moment Danny's comment made.
“Broken Bells is another type of story, I guess you can say?” Sam took a sip of his drink as he looked at Jake, who nodded.
“Yeah the idea of this world was one where the world that’s within this album has people that are forced to fight when they don’t want to, there’s destruction, loss of people, loss of nature, and that-that really stuck with me when writing some of these songs. I wanted to tell a story, a film even.” Josh added
“The person in the story talks about not being able to see stars, doesn’t want to sleep, but still holds hope for the world and themselves.”
“Yeah, there seems to be a lot of hope within this song-“
“I love this song” All three brothers spoke over each other at the same time. And were weirdly having 3 different conversations with each other at the same time.
Danny just sat there looking at each brother until he leaned into the mic. “Built By Nations.”
That stopped them. They all looked at Danny, blinked, and all went “Ah yeah…” and then started talking over each other again.
“WARRRR!” Josh suddenly yelled, clawing at air as he held his hands up.
Sam pulled a face and then commented how the person in the story doesn’t want to follow his brothers but does so because he’s a coward and doesn’t have any pride to do what he wants.
Jake interjected that the person in the song was merely not really a brother but more of a soldier who was bounded to the others because of being forced to fight. Thus making them brothers.
"We're all brothers." Josh said quietly into the mic as Jake and Sam started going on about the soldiers. Sam lifted his cup and waved it about a few times as he spoke, not caring if he spilled any on Jake.
Danny listened to all three of them ramble on at the same time. “What about the line, Trouble gets so loud? What does that represent?”
Josh laughed. “I think us.” He lifted his shoulders in jest. “That’s the war that’s happening. And the wounded warrior can be taken in two ways, I guess, I mean if you want to take it two ways-“ Josh rambled on about how people can interpret songs while Sam’s attention went to the snacks he brought in.
He actually forgot he had them but thought bringing in something to munch would be his best idea of the day.
He tore into the plastic wrapper, making a loud rustling sound before he shoved some Oreos in his mouth.
Jake laughed, letting his head hang as Sam began to chew loudly, directly into his mic.
“I wish I could get deeper with your guys….um, whey-hey to that.” Josh mumbled into the mic, barely making what he said even recognizable before finishing it with a giggle. “But, Sammy has decided to get peckish and near enough, EAT the mic.” 
Sam chewed, looking at him. “Wmhwat?” 
“Your chewing into the mic so all the listeners can hear is your gums smacking.” Danny spoke up and stifled a laugh. 
Sam looked at the drummer, then down at the packet on the table. He wordlessly picked them up and offered them to everyone, still chewing. 
“Anyway! So the wounded warrior can be taken as in this, person, this character we are following, that he has been wounded in war but also maybe that he wounded because he no longer the person he once was because of the war.” Josh sat back with a smile, crossing his arms as the rest of them all broke out with comments.
“I never thought of it that way before.” Danny commented with a smile. “That’s actually an awesome way to look at this character. Is it an actual war that’s happening or one within.”
“This is getting really fucking deep, and I wasn’t ready for this type of discussion. We should have gotten drinks.” Sam took a large gulp of his drink as soon as he stopped talking.
“You have a drink in your hand right now.” Jake lifted his own to take a sip as his younger brother nodded, “True but it would have been better with something harder,”
They all started talking over each other again, Sam was talking about which drink would go with his Oreos as he sat there shaking the packet at the twins. Jake was laughing, telling Sam and the listeners that drinking harder stuff would just make them talk all over each other, despite that was what they were doing anyway. And Josh broke out with his own rendition of, Edwin Starr’s ‘War’.
Danny knew he has to try and get their attention BACK. He unemotionally leaned forward to the mic. “Age of Machine.” 
That didn’t work as good as he hoped. They merely stopped for 3 seconds and then broke out again.
“-humans grow and destroy things it’s about how humanity-“ Jake was getting into the zone, leaning more towards the mic than he was before. 
“Take a step back from what we think we’re wired into and realise-“ Josh was waving one hand around as he spoke.
“But then he told me he wanted to go bowling instead so I said-“ Danny had no idea what the fuck Sam was talking about.
“TEARS OF RAIN.” He yelled this time. 
Sam slapped a hand down on the table. “NWO DIS WILL BE GUD TWU TWALK ABWOUT!” Oreo crumbs flying out of his mouth as his spoke.
“What gets me about this song is that I never sing this live. I know for a fact I’ll over think that fucking high note and crack out.” Josh mused for a moment.
“Yeah, but you scream your balls off for that long ass note in The Weight of Dreams with no effort everytime, so maybe, get your head out of whatever you think about, and just scream your balls off when singing this.” And with that, Sammy lifted his cup and cheered his older brother, who sat there looking at him.
A soft smile faint was on Josh's lips. “Ah yes, I’ll just, as Sammy said so delicately, scream my balls off, next time.”
Sam nodded as if anyone could see him. 
“Bringing us back to the song and not focusing on Josh’s balls for a moment.” Jake cut in but got a bark of a laugh down the mic from his twin. “This song can almost have a connection to Heat Above.”
“I get what you mean, with the rain?.” Danny agreed. 
“So, the people within the world are begging for rain. The land is hot, it's just getting worse and all they want is rain. But could this also be about change?”
“You mean like the weather changing?” Sam asked.
“I think I know what Jake’s getting at.” Danny let out. “I guess the rain can be used as a metaphor almost? Like a metaphor for change. They want things to change as it will make their world different since, apparently, there is no rain. There are so many ways songs on this album can be taken and that is literally, like….you’re following a form of story through some songs, or you can take it as metaphors and apply them to even yourself. To your own life and story.” 
Josh grinned widley. “By joe isn’t he dandy?!” He let out in an English accent which Jake joined in with. “Yes, just splendid.”
Danny beamed a smile. 
“Speaking of rain, Stardust Chords.” Sam spoke way too close to the mic at that time, which made Danny wince. 
“I don’t know how that connects to rain, but okay.” 
“From what I get from that song is that the garden has been cut down, nothing is there, it’s all done and everything has fallen. Next song.” 
“Okay….One of our, well, every song is much loved, but you know what I mean. I mean, when we released-“ Josh went on a ramble again as Sam sipped more of his drink and shoved more Oreos in his mouth. Jolting forward a little when one hit the back of his throat, making him splutter out into a coughing fit.
Jake began to laugh manically because of how much he was going on. “Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Letting me on one of these? I should run for, for office with how well I speak. Don’t you agree?” He looked around the booth to the other members as he broke out in a loud laugh while Sam's coughs were calming down.
“What Josh was trying to say was, The Broken Bells.” Danny saved the day again.
The boys all started talking over each other AGAIN.
“This is where that master is kind of mentioned-“ Sam spoke to Danny this time, gesturing with his hand at the mic as if it was the master.
“—-seeds mean growth, we need to replenish and keep growing to keep going-“
“What I liked that was the fact freedom was promised if they fought in this war, but was he telling them the truth-“
Danny couldn’t take it anymore, they were running out of time for their podcast slot.
The brothers all looked at him and almost began to panic.
“Er, er, er….shit!” Josh groaned.
“Love. It’s about love. Finding love, having love, having someone make you feel love? Right?” Jake asked also getting in a panic.
“Also Danny wrote it!” Sammy threw in as he began to chug his drink as if he was being timed for drinking.
“A BOAT!! EXPLORING NEW PLACES” Jake quickly yelled.
-“A SEXY SOUNDING BOAT!” Sammy yelled back.
“How can a boat sound sexy-“ Jake laughed, but then Danny cut him off
“We should play that song more just FYI.” Jake commented and everyone made a collective noise of agreement. 
“Think it’s about traveling amongst the stars, going through time, to live, to experience-“ Sammy was actually getting into giving a deep answer until Josh cut him off.
“I vote doing the ramramram bit again in a new song.” 
No one said anything they just looked at Danny as if to say, “yell the next one.”
“Oh, right.” He coughed. “THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS!”
“Ah the ball screaming song” Josh laughed and lifted his shoulders again in jest.
“This song is actually quite deep.” Jake smiled into the mic. “The mention of gold can be seen as exactly what it is, something people want, something people need to survive but then having things such as gold, money, whatever, can actually destroy you just as much as you think it will, well I guess, fix or help you?”
Sammy nodded and pointed a finger to him. “Yes.” They all looked at him as if waiting for him to say more, but he didn’t.
“Um, I guess that’s it, right? Did we make it on time?” Josh asked, looking around for a clock.
“Yeah we have a few minutes to spare, but that was quite tight.”
Jake barked out a laugh, throwing his head back.
“Well, I guess, thank you to all of those who listened and who wanted us to explore this world and our thoughts or feelings would have you. It was truly fun and I hope we can um, well I guess do more of these right?” He paused to smile at the other who all mumbled in agreement.
"Bye everyone!" Danny let out smiling and everyone joined in.
"Sweet dreams!" Josh waved to no one.
"All our love!" Jake was smiling at Josh as he continued to theatrically wave.
"See ya next time!" Sam finished the tiny bit left of his drink, then turned to look at the drummer.
"Hey Daniel, have you ever-" and his mic cut out.
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I was tagged by @waitmyturtles (thank you <3) to do the spotify random list. I don't use Spotify - so I shall put my current personal playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play. I have music on here from yesterday and from 15 years ago, so this is going to be fun! :D
BigBang - Fantastic Baby
I heard this song my first year in China. I had never heard K-Pop before hahaha. I've had a soft spot for this song since then, as it was the first non-chinese song I'd heard in public in nearly a year.
2. Paloma Faith - Upside Down
I went to an open-mic night at a bar in China between two of the covid lockdowns in 2021 and an acquaintance of mine sang this song. I love the genre and the lyrics.
3. Proxie - Silent Mode
Look, the music from My School President hooked me, I watched the concert, and then found so many amazing Thai artists from there. Proxie is one of them.
4. Demon Hunter - Carry Me Down
This song has been in my playlists for so long, I don't remember when or how I found it lol
5. Gemini and Fourth - You're Blushing
I like both of their voices and this song is light and summery. But let's be honest - I have every MSP OST and adjacent song in this playlist.
6. Elvis Presley x JXL - A Little Less Conversation
Throwback to high school. From an AMV playlist curated by my group of friends who turned out to all be queer - not surprising from a group of art and D&D nerds!
7. Ava Max - Kings and Queens
I tend to search for FMV's for all my obsessions (old habit from highschool days) and this song was used for a multi fandom edit. It went straight into my girl power song category :p
8. Pet Shop Boys - It's a Sin
For some reason, considering how into classic rock and older music my whole family is, this song didn't cross my radar until it was on a Bad Buddy playlist here on Tumblr. How could I not love it?
9. IVE - Love Dive
Another multi fandom song edit. That edit used a male cover of this song, but as I have no idea who the artist is (sorry!) I'm linking the original IVE version here.
10. 5 Seconds of Summer - Teeth
The art teacher at the kindergarten I taught at loved this song. Every time we had to stay late to do prep work, we'd blast it at full volume. I think it has also been used as a fan edit favourite for almost every single romantic pairing ever.
It's missing some of my top favourite artists and songs, as well as some that are currently on repeat, but not a bad random selection of my musical taste. It's been fun! I've been taking notes of songs to check out from everyone else's lists, so tag me in if you do do this. If you've been tagged before, ignore this, and if you want to do it and haven't been tagged, take this as your invitation! @sorry-bonebag, @petrichoraline, @chalkrevelations, @toastedpoptartsarelife, @user-patpran
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ssreeder · 1 year
*taps mic*
*screeching synth noise*
hem hem
first of all
now that we have That out of the way
SREEDIE YOU’RE SO SPEEDY (that’s an awful rhyme I’m so sorry) ARE YOU READY TO HEAR MY EVERY THOUGH WHILE READING THIS CHAPTER (once again I’m so sorry But not sorry enough to spare you bc I’ve gotta keep being annoying to remind you why we got divorced)
yikes it really must be lowkey terrifying on katara’s end rn… like it’s pretty much the whole They Died And Came Back Wrong trope except sokka only died in theory and yet came back wrong anyway. I feel so bad for her :((
SLAY TOPH keep an eye on iroh please
not katara suspending her disbelief regarding jet being heroic T-T
this is actually a really interesting dynamic change for katara and sokka bc even though katara was always caring for everyone else in the show, sokka was always the one person who was always looking out for katara, so to have him be the sibling that needs taking care of is like… damn yk
okay maybe this means absolutely nothing BUT I feel like jet losing his arm and therefore his ability to wield dual blades has the potential to cause even more tension with zuko bc jet will not only hate him for being fire nation but now they won’t even be evenly matched in a fight and he’s gonna resent the fact that zuko still has both arms. and that’s ASIDE from the fact that it’s gonna be a gruelling healing process before jet even gets the chance to Think about picking up a blade again
jet: is literally on his deathbed
suki: I’m looking respectfully-
“how did sokka handle that” well katara isn’t that the money question, and unfortunately the answer is always Not Very Well
oh katara sokka has also stabbed a man to death with a stick so uh,, yeah while amputating jet’s arm was unideal, alas it is far from the most gory shit sokka has done
perfect girl but sokka wants a boyyyyyyyy~ (these bitches gay)
yes sokka let’s try to keep the house hacking to a minimum shall we
okay definitely nothing has been solved but crying on the bathroom floor is actually very therapeutic not that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything haha HOWEVER I do think sokka needs to cry for longer for the catharsis to work properly. so that’s my note sreedie. MAKE HIM CRY MORE
fuck dude there’s just.. Nothing like sibling relationships. like obviously katara and sokka are (were?) really close siblings but even when siblings are estranged to whatever extent it’s still just so different from any other kind of relationship you have with other people so it’s like… if Anyone would be able to help sokka it would be katara. idk how to express it but not even zuko would be able to help sokka the way katara (though he would Understand it more) bc sokka needs to know that he has people that have enduring love for him and the only person he’ll be able to trust to give him that initially would be katara and I just AHHHHH
ugh sokka stop LYING you LIAR
zuko IS an asshole and I love that about him <3
not katara’s bluffing about yue- absolutely appalling effort folks, katara this is the funniest thing you have ever done
sorry I know it was a very intense and somber situation but I just find it hilarious that the solution to zuko being stubborn and refusing to cooperate (however much that is understandable given the circumstances) is just to straight up knock him out. like night night kiddo
ah shit I wish iroh weren’t the one undressing zuko. actually I wish nobody was undressing zuko this is just shit
speech impediment zuko my beloved <3
ZUKO WHY ARE YOU A MENACE literally first thing out of his mouth that’s not defensive in an attempt to protect himself is to fucking insult jee I can’t T-T
zuko bit jee I forgot omfg this is hilarious (even though it’s actually very sad but shhh we’re ignoring that)
jee the emotional support bestie reporting for duty bc he is the only emotionally stable adult in this household
iroh: is indescribably furious about the fact that zuko has been tortured
also iroh: my this boy has a mighty strange haircut going on
ah fuck here we go. it’s SA discovery time >:/
sreedie did jee break something accidentally bc he was in shock or did he smash something out of rage
rasu fashion icon <3
dragon of the west popping off with the murder plans
when a blind girl and a human disaster are left alone in the kitchen-
oh okay so he Did break a table. slay.
jee in dad mode <3
I’m sorry but not jee thinking sokka is a bigger pain in the ass than zuko. alas, he does have a point
nvm chang is in his struggle era actually
lots of layers LIKE AN ONION-
“little wet-noodle” PLEASE I adore chang
for once in her life, slay ara, now the story is finally fucking getting a move on (no shade to you sreedie <33)
lmao bato is so right both about sokka AND about teasing hakoda despite being in the midst of a very tense wartime situation
omg in relation to you an: pls let zuko fuck up all of sokka’s lies accidentally bc this boy cannot lie for shit LET ALONE when he doesn’t realise he even needs to lie and is also high as fuck from iroh drugging him so that he doesn’t bite people
OR sokka is gonna see zuko on his sickbed and immediately his whole world is gonna narrow down to just zuko (understandably) and everyone else in the room is gonna figure out what’s going on pretty quick and effectively sokka just exposes HIMSELF à la love for zuko spewing out of him alongside guilt and regret and fear and relief (essentially the full emotional gambit)
in review: sokka needs to cry more, zuko should bite more people, zukka needs to reunite, I love jee, I love chang, hakoda is gonna need a head massage after all the mental gymnastics he’s gonna be subjected to next chapter. THE END.
love you So much TOODLES *mwah*
I’m sure you’re like wtf ex lover why aren’t you answering my ask & I’m innocently over here cherishing every word and sniffing it until it loses your smell….
Yes, I’m weirdo. But you keep coming back for me so HA…. ;)
I know some people in the comments were like “I can’t believe Sokka just DID THAT!! no way!!”
& it’s like what’s worse? Stabbing someone in the neck 30 times with a jagged stick you found on the ground while pretend shitting or cutting off your kind of enemy kind of whatever guys arm to save his life??
(There was also the warden situation too… so idk I think Sokka is pretty desensitized at this point and is so emotionally constipated that he doesn’t know HOW to feel about ANYTHING right now ((except Zuko))))
Jee: Zuko is the most difficult person
Jee meets Sokka: I stand corrected
Haha I enjoy your reviews, & I can’t wait to see you soon!!
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origiinis · 19 days
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│ ╱ ﹫ 𝚅𝙾𝙸𝙳𝙵𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴𝙳 ╲ │ …—… asked ⇾┊┈ Don't mind poor Hermes, who's rushing by, practically throwing a scroll straight at Adam's face with a quick, ❝ sorrybossgottagohaveaniceoneannnnndhopeyoudon'tseeAres! ❞ before he's gone in a blur. The scroll has a single wax seal on it, bright red, holding a sigil of a sword held afloat. The contents within reads as follows; [ Calling my wife a whore was your first and last mistake, Mortal. Your cock is small, your balls are barren; ill-fitted for the Goddess of Beauty and Love. You do not hold your Gods favour. You have grown weak. Pitiful. An embarrassment to your kind. We shall rectify this. Come to the Ring of Pride. Battle me in my Arena. Of course, should you decline, then news of your cowardice shall spread forth, I think. Especially amongst your 'exterminators'. You have five hours upon opening this letter. I will know when it has been opened by your hands. In addition; do send Eve my condolences, for the numerous times you failed to pleasure her properly. Suffer well if you are no coward, Ares. ]
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❝ who the fuck — ❞
𝙰 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 𝙾𝙵F events had flown past adam's visor within seconds. a registration that a flurry of commotion had stumbled upon himself, though no words had been noted. only the pace of the scene before him, mirroring the cycle of expressions that shown across the pane of glass. a spree of articulations parodied the expressions below, shielded from roving globes. his gaze, aglow with gold, flickered betwixt the hustling form & the scroll of parchment that had been pitched with regards to the angelic beings very disposition. a grumble of objections ever present on his tongue devoid of a physical target, rather, conducted towards the scroll itself. yellow orbs examine, scrutinizing the written scripture before blowing broad, brow raised. a rumble churns behind the bone of his sternum, a rumble that grows into roar.
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𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚁𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 of the sun that beams through the framework of glass windows, an aura of gold paints the walls of his office as to the shine of his feathered wings. outstretched, an echo of a gust of wind follows suit as an elongated wingspan sends adam soaring to his neglected desk & akin to a record scratch, the plastic wheels of his knackered chair grazed brutishly contrary to the ruined marble floors. a new addition to the collection of carvings dug below feet. his right hand swipes at the evergrowing piles of forsaken paperwork, documents sent scattered in search of a long forgotten microphone that sat upon his desk. a heavy hand briskly pressing buttons with a need, a deafening ring screams from what was the ignored speakers.
❝ howthefuckdoyou mic check one, two, one, two — this thing on ? sick, this shit still works. suuuuper outdated as fuck, but it works. dude. lieutenant danger tits, report your ass to my office ASAP. you gotta come read this ! he's SO mad ! ❞ CLICK !
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ttvnadeeta · 24 days
no stream tonight
reminder for ppl who weren't in my live last night,remember i am NOT going live tonight(since its past midnight),after work today.
testing out a new streaming schedule,for people who don't remember,it was something fiance suggested so that we wouldn't have to worry about me sleeping for work and being able to game longer. i mean i still have to sleep early for Monday,but that's about it.
cause for people who didn't know,my original schedule was Wednesday,Friday,and Sunday. so plan is to do it Friday-Sunday now.
but yeah,so no stream tonight. the only reason we gamed last night was we didn't get to game Sunday as he and i were both busy doing stuff,and then on Monday he wasn't feeling well. so Tuesday was to make up for the Sunday stream.
but yeah,so that's the plan. plan will be to do ps/pc. so typical lineup,3on3,8100d hunt,naruto,amq,mk 1,and/or 11,skribble,etc. it depends on what time the stream is started as well as what games he and i are in the mood for. plus i might check my steam library or my game library in general and see what games he and i can do together(whether its something that is free to play and we can both get instantly,or a bought game we have in our library's or even a cheap game we can get with each other).
but yeah,so in the meantime u guys can check out past VOD's,as well as my highlights/clips. i still gotta edit the ones on my page that don't have like official titles,so u guys can ignore them if u would like for the moment,but i have a bunch of clips/highlights on my page.
oh,no heavy rain stream anymore,unless its to backseat something(so like i can play it while my bf does his own thing),or maybe one day i can do a no mic/talking stream and do it. i saw that,cuz i finished the game already. so my goal now is to either 1. get trophies on the ps5 with the game,and/or 2. get the bad end. but the plan is we're going to start another story game that we have. it's either going to be until dawn or Alan wake,will decide more when the time comes.
but yeah just wanted to let u all know,so that way u guys wouldn't worry/wonder why no live tonight.
well i hope u all enjoy the rest of ur evening/morning <3 . and with luck i shall see u all on Friday. until then^^.
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sovinly · 1 year
So people have some Takes about the First Age Stabby Elves.
And like obviously part of me wants to wade into the discourse, but I shall constrain it to being over here like “hmmmm [generic, plural] someone’s never read Njala/Grettla/Volsunga saga and is missing some ~vibes.”
Mostly in service to: Nerdanel should get a mic drop “ignored my advice? No hair for bowstring for you, husband,” it’s what she deserves.
Also in service to: There is an unwritten fic in my heart, the Nerdanelsginning, wherein she tricks the Aratar into telling her that her family will be returned to her eventually (using Noldorin wordtrickery and a hypothetical binding agreement between the Valar and the king-wes pre-journey).
(I also have Some Speculative AU Thoughts on exile/outlaw as justice system and justice system transitions, but, y’know. Another Day.)
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mercurygguk · 3 years
what a man gotta do? | kth
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genre; established relationship au, fluff
pairing; kim taehyung x female reader
summary; what a man gotta do when his girlfriend is insanely adorable when she’s drunk and doesn’t take no for an answer?
word count; 2,488
warnings; mentions of alcohol, a tiny bit of swearing, just soft tae and oc being a cute ass couple that i really adore
a/n; saw a text quote on tumblr, my brain popped an idea. this is it. also, i know nothing about gaming, so if anything i’ve written doesn’t make sense, just ignore it lol. please love it a lot and enjoy!! ps. please tell me what you think, thanks x
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There is something so oddly pleasing about having the entire apartment to oneself on a Friday evening. Taehyung has been looking forward to this evening for a week and it is finally here. An entire evening for himself with his gaming console, his friends in his headphones and a big bowl of popcorn beside him. It’s quiet in the apartment as he sets up his gaming spot, fluffing the pillows and setting them up nicely on the couch so he can sit comfortably for the next many hours of nonstop gaming with his bestest friends.
The reason for his night alone is because his girlfriend’s (you) best friend just got promoted to a higher rank in the law firm she works at. She then went on to invite all her friends out for drinks which, of course, included you. Taehyung had fought to keep in his excitement when you had told him of your plans a week ago. You had eyed him down then, noticing the small exciting smile forming on his lips as he listened to your words carefully as if he actually cared. He was just overly excited to finally be able to have a gaming night without interruptions. And it’s not that he wants to sound ungrateful or like he enjoyed that you weren’t at home. He loved spending his Friday nights cuddled up with you, hell, that was his favorite Friday nights. But he’s only a boy, really. And a boy has needs. Gaming needs.
So he walks to the kitchen with a pep in his step as the microwave finishes with a loud ping! He pours the popcorn into a bowl and heads back to the couch where his gaming spot has been set up to perfection, everything in place and ready for him to have a relaxing night of games. He sits back in the mountain of pillows, sighing in content as he places the popcorn beside him before grabbing his headset. He sets it atop of his head, checking the sound and mic. Seconds later there’s an incoming call from his group of friends. 
He picks up with a grin on his face. “Hey guys!”
Seokjin gasps from the other end. “What the hell? Got a night off from the wife?”
Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes playfully, a small smile on his lips. “She’s out for drinks,” he explains, “best friend got promoted.”
“Em got promoted?” Jimin then asks, just now hearing about the news of his long-time crush.
A smirk appears on Taehyung’s face. “Yeah, like a week ago. She didn’t tell you?”
Jimin falls silent at his question. Taehyung wants to tell his best friend to get out of his misery and just ask the girl out. He’s a hundred percent sure she’d say yes within a heartbeat. In fact, when Em is here visiting you and Taehyung, she talks about Jimin more often than she’d ever admit.
“Just ask her out already!” Seokjin groans annoyed, causing Jimin to tell him to ‘fuck off’. Taehyung grins, having missed gaming and talking with his friends like this. He saw them a few days ago in person which was nice too, but gaming with them is just so different and fun. It’s been a long time since he has had the opportunity to game for an entire night with Seokjin and Jimin.
“Well,” Taehyung captures the attention of his two best friends, “shall we get started?”
And that’s how the next three hours pass. There’s bickering, arguing because Seokjin didn’t manage to cover for Taehyung which caused Taehyung to get killed. “Come on, hyung! You were supposed to cover for me!”
Seokjin sighs deeply on the other end, calming his temper. “You think I’m a mind reader? How was I supposed to know you’d-”
Taehyung’s phone starts vibrating in his pocket. He pulls the phone from his pocket to look at the caller-id. Your photo flashes across his screen, the wide smile on your face on a snowy day in December. A photo Taehyung snapped one day before Christmas, a day you had dragged him outside and into the snow. The first snow in Seoul in years and you had been so happy that you couldn’t stop smiling, so Taehyung saw it fit to snap a photo of you with his vintage camera which he had brought along.
“Hyung, one second,” he cuts off Seokjin’s rambling, removing his headset to answer your call.
“Hey babe,” Taehyung greets who he thinks is you. He stills, confused as Em greets him back in a rather serious, tired-sounding tone. “Oh, hey Em, did something happen?”
Em sighs deeply. “____ is drunk off her ass. Can you come get her?”
Drunk of her ass? You haven’t been drunk off your ass in months, which is why you being drunk so drunk right now doesn’t come as a shock to him. It’s been a while since you went out drinking like you’ve done tonight, so your body has gotten used to not fighting alcohol. Taehyung runs a hand through his dark black hair, removing it from his eyes.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll come by. Where you at?”
With the information from Em, he hangs up and grabs his headset to put it back on. “Hey, guys, I gotta go.”
Jimin sounds like an unsatisfied child as he whines. Taehyung can imagine the pout. “What? Why?”
“Em just called,” he tells his best friend, “____ is drunk as hell. I have to go get her.”
Jimin mutters an ‘oh’ and so does Seokjin. They tell each other goodbye before Taehyung is shutting off his gaming console and heading for the front door. He grabs a coat from the closet in the hallway, throwing it over the white t-shirt and the green unbuttoned flannel he’s wearing. He jumps into a pair of boots and grabs his keys before heading out of the apartment. 
“Shit,” he swears under his breath as he steps outside, into the cold air of January. He takes long strides towards his car, getting in and turning the key in the ignition. The heat is immediately turned on before he pulls out of the parking lot, heading in the direction of the bar Em told him you’re at. “One night,” he mumbles lowly to himself as he slowly drives around the parking lot behind the bar to find an empty spot, “one freaking night.”
The bar is filled with people, some drunk and some just barely tipsy. The aura in there is happy, void of any worries these people might have on regular days. Taehyung skims the darkness of the bar, trying his best to spot you in the crowd. Soon enough his eyes zoom in on Em who’s waving at him. He glances to her right side, spotting you sitting there with your head resting on Em’s shoulder. You look like you’re passed out and Taehyung immediately finds himself worrying a bit more than he originally had. You never pass out, you just always end up being a slur who laughs a bit too much at anything you find funny in the moment.
“Hey,” Em greets Taehyung. He nods at her in a greeting as he stops in front of them, immediately squatting down to be at your level. He reaches out, brushing your hair out of your face. You look at him, eyes blank and unfocused as you take him in. Thank god, you’re not passed out, just closing your eyes for a few seconds for a short nap.
“Hi baby,” Taehyung coos, thumb brushing across your cheek. You smile sheepishly, a very soft and drunken smile. Your boyfriend has to stifle a laugh as you almost fall over as you sit up. He catches your shoulder with his warm palm, steadying you as he tries to catch your eyes with his own. “Wanna go home?”
You nod, not muttering a simple word other than a low hum as he helps you to your feet. You’re leaning against his chest, cuddling into the warmth of him as he talks to Em for a moment.
“Thanks for calling,” he tells her. 
Em nods with a grin and pats your shoulder as if to say goodbye. “Get her to bed,” she smirks, “she’ll have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.”
Taehyung chuckles and nods in agreement. He bids Em and your other friends goodbye before leaving the bar with you cuddled up against his chest. You’re stumbling alongside him, finding it rather difficult to stand on your own two feet.
“Baby,” Taehyung softly calls, “could you use your legs for a second? You’re way heavier when you’re not cooperating, you know?”
You mumble in response, nuzzling your body even closer to him. “I wuv y-you,” you hum, smiling with your eyes closed as you hug him tightly. The man holding you up can’t help but laugh at you, his heart swelling twice it’s size as you drunkenly confess how you feel for him. Even though he already knew that. Good thing it’s love confessions and not some other kind of confession that slips from your drunk mind.
Taehyung struggles to get you into the passenger seat but he manages. He helps you take a sip of the water bottle Em had gotten for you at the bar. Your head falls back against the headrest of the seat, eyes still closed and lips moving on in another round of mumbles and humming. Taehyung buckles you up before moving to his own seat behind the wheel. He glances at you as he ignites the car. You’re really a sight to see right now. Completely unfazed as you sit in a weird position in the passenger seat, your head lulling from side to side because you have absolutely no control over it at the moment.
“God, you’re drunk,” Taehyung sighs deeply, “let’s get you home.”
If Taehyung thought getting you in the passenger seat was hard, then he had another thing coming. Getting you out of the passenger, however, is a completely different ordeal and then getting you inside the apartment building and into the elevator was probably more exercise than Taehyung has ever done in one day. Ugh, he really hates going to the gym.
The front door is soon unlocked and you’re back home in the warmth of your shared apartment. After the elevator ride up, it’s almost as if you’ve sobered up again. You’re walking better, still holding onto Taehyung, but walking. You’re blabbering now, talking about how you and Em had tested who could drink the most shots in 30 seconds and who could chug a beer down the fastest. Taehyung listens with a small smile, shaking his head in amusement because this is so very much unlike you. But he’s happy you had fun with your friends.
“Oh, you should’ve seen the way I chugged down those shots,” you laugh, plopping down onto the couch as Taehyung kneels down to take off your shoes. “Em could not catch me at all!”
“I’m sure you were ace, baby,” Taehyung hums, grinning now because you’re way too cute when you’re drunk. He’s not even mad that you spoiled his gaming night because you’re too drunk to get home by yourself. This is a sight he would’ve hated to miss out on.
“My head hurts though,” you mumble, frowning. Taehyung matches your frown as he glances up at you while unclasping your heels from your feet.
Once your shoes are off, he gets back up. He cups your cheek, brushing a stray eyelash off it with the pad of his thumb. “Just gonna get a makeup wipe and some pills for your headache, okay? I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
You nod, smiling up at him. He pecks your forehead quickly before heading for the bathroom. Taehyung glances back at you to see you sitting there silently, wiggling your bare feet and hugging a pillow to your chest. He chuckles as he enters the bathroom to retrieve painkillers and a makeup wipe to clean your face. A few minutes after rummaging through the cabinets and the drawers, he exits the bathroom and heads back to you. He stops in his tracks when he notices you’re gone from your spot. He skims the living room, not finding you anywhere. What he does find though is something he hasn’t seen since he was like eight years old. Right there by the dining table behind the couch, you’re currently putting up a blanket fort, a wide grin on your face.
“Baby,” Taehyung catches your attention right away, “whatcha’ doing?”
You smile, looking back at the project you’ve started. “What does it look like I’m doing? It’s a blanket fort!”
Taehyung steps closer, nodding. “I can see that.”
It doesn’t take long for you to finish setting it up before you’re grabbing pillows from the couch, throwing them inside the blanket fort. You’re way too good at this. Something tells Taehyung that you’ve made a lot of these as a child. You emerge from the fort to motion at him, beckoning him to join you. “Come on,” you insist.
Your boyfriend looks at you as if you’ve lost your mind, when really, you’re just tipsy as hell. “____, shouldn’t we just go to bed? I mean, this is-”
“Just get in the fucking blanket fort.” 
Taehyung’s eyes widen as you stare back at him with hard eyes. “Alright,” he puts his hands up in surrender, painkillers in one and a makeup wipe in the other, “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
The hard stare turns into a wide, content smile and Taehyung seriously thinks he’ll get a whiplash from how fast you can switch between facial expressions. You’re already inside the blanket fort when Taehyung stands in front of the opening to it. He squats down, looking inside. It did look insanely inviting and cozy in there. You pat the spot next to you on the blanket, still smiling. Taehyung sighs as he knows you won’t give up until he’s inside your blanket fort. You really don’t take no for an answer.
“You’re lucky you’re adorable,” Taehyung shakes his head before crawling inside the fort, plopping down beside you. You lay on your side facing him with a grin. “I haven’t been in a blanket fort since I was eight.”
You laugh, reaching for his hand, intertwining your fingers. “Then we must make blanket forts more often.”
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 2 years
*clears throat*
*taps mic*
No, no, come back, please, hear me out--
Okay, so. Text vomit of unclear thoughts incoming.
We know Terra formally Bequeathed Riku the keyblade, officially naming him his successor in all but words.
We also know Kairi got her keyblade from when she touched the grip of Aqua's keyblade, and we also know this happened unintentionally with either of them realizing.
So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be.
The only other known variable the Bequeathing needs to unlock the potential for a keyblade is the Bequeathed needs to have the heart for it. (And this is also the only in universe explanation I would begrudgingly accept that goes against my train of thought.)
Now please remember this scene from the end of the second trip to Port Royal in KHII
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(i took the screenshots from GamingCanBeFun's cutscene video on YT, sshh, ignore Ultima)
Now. What do we see?
Sora offered the keyblade voluntarily, not unlike Terra did. Jack took the blade, thereby touching the grip which is the key (ha) in the Bequeathing.
(Not sure if this matters or not but in the second picture we can also see Jack took it while Sora still held it, like how it happened for Kairi and Aqua)
So everything is in place for him to have a keyblade, aside from the "having the heart for it" part. This one can be argued both ways.
Arguments for it:
you're telling me the biggest troll in the universe (except arguably MoM), with his maxed out luck stat and int stat of "I actually have the braincell more often than you'd notice" is not worthy of a keyblade?
you're telling me MoM can have a keyblade tHAT SEES THE FUTURE but Jack goes keyblade-less?
if Demyx can have a link to the keyblade (Nomura, I beg, please explain Demyx and Luxord in KHIV) then so can Jack
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Arguments against it:
we don't know what having the heart for a keyblade means, but going by existing wielders, they seem to have a noticeable amount of leadership skills as well as certain qualities to them
all the wielders we know either have a set goal in mind (Xehanort, Sora, Lea, etc.) or got their privilege from being linked to another keyblade wielder (Xion, Sora, Vanitas, etc.)
Jack does have certain leadership skills (as he should, he's a captain) but they are rarely visible
and he doesn't seem to have strong convictions or goals, aside from being the captain of the Pearl
Jack is also just a plain selfish ass which is very much a trait for the Not Worthy pile
(but his selfishness stems from the desire for freedom so... the jury's still out on that one)
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Uh. Yeah. That's kind of all I have at the moment. An abrupt end to my string of thoughts/theory/headcanon, but what do you guys think?
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Mic On
A/N: this was my first time practicing smut writing and it did okay on AO3 so I thought I'd share it here as well <3 I may end up deleting this unless people want me to keep it up haha
Fandom: Obey Me!: Shall We Date? Premise: Leviathan x Reader Smut Word Count: 1,354 Content Warning(s): C*ck warming; S*x
Find this on my AO3 as Well
[Smut Under the Cut]
“Levi…” I whined in an attempt to gain my boyfriend’s attention. “Hm.” “Can I please have some attention, please?” I begged. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes at me from across the room. Leviathan had invited me to his room earlier to spend some time together and finish an anime we had started together, but his guild in one of his MMORPGs had contacted him for help with a raid just before we had pressed play. He had given me a chaste kiss on the forehead just before he left me in the pile of pillows and blankets we had gathered on the floor, and went to boot up his gaming monitor and slip on his headset. “I’m- fuck! I’m a little busy right now, sorry.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his antics, knowing full well he wasn’t going to come back to the land of the living for a while. At least he had had the courtesy to only slip on one headphone, the side without the mic was instead more behind his ear so he could still hear me. I continued to sit and watch from my place on the floor, when a brilliant idea emerged in my head. Maybe, I could distract him from his games and lure him back to what we were doing before. I slowly stood up, not wanting to alert him of my movement. I knew that he had better hearing than a human, so he probably could notice my footsteps despite his headphones, but the quieter I was, the more the creaking wood under my feet would fade into the background. I made my way to his right side where his microphone was, extending my arms in a silent request for affection. Levi sighed, exasperated, but rolled his chair back and moved his arms momentarily to allow me room to climb into his lap. I sat comfortably, the back of my knees hanging over the arm of his chair and my head tucked into the groove between his shoulder and neck. He moved his chair back to its original position and quickly continued playing the game. I slowly ran my hand through his hair and pulled his face slightly down towards me to place kisses on his cheek. I could see his Adam's apple bob when he swallowed, and his face began to turn a beautiful crimson. I moved my hand so it was in his chest and trailed kisses down to his neck. I heard him let out a shaky breath, just as if he was holding back a moan. Levi quickly muted his mic, “What are you doing?” I shrugged. “Well, stop. I’m trying to focus.” I pouted at his words as he unmuted his mic. I ended up moving so I was straddling him in his chair, my ear over his heart. I could hear it racing. Levi looked down at me again, a look of concern on his phase. A blush was climbing up his neck and across his cheekbones, which only heightened my intrigue in this situation. I placed a finger to my lips in a ‘sh’ position, and proceeded to grind against him. I could hear a strangled moan get caught in his throat, attempting to have his teammates not hear. Levi suddenly muted his mic again, “Wh-what’re you doing? I have my mic on!” he attempted to sound more dominant. “Leave it on, just ignore me.” I placed a quick kiss on his lips, and immediately turned his mic back on. He continued to chat with his teammates and play his game as I let marks on his collarbone and grinded against him. Every time he spoke, I made sure to leave a mark, as it would cause his voice and hands to shake. I found it somewhat entertaining. After a couple more minutes of my actions, something snapped within Levi. He moved his mic away from his face, not even bothering to mute it and whispered in my ear, “If you’re going to be such a brat, then I’ll make sure you behave. Why don’t you sit your pretty self on my dick.” My own voice caught in my throat then, surprised by Levi's forwardness. “Well?” he poke again. I moved my body back, giving myself enough space to unzip his jeans. I pulled his dick out from the confines of his pants as he reached into a nearby drawer to hand me some lube. Leviathan moved his armI prepared myself on his lap, using my own fingers to stretch myself open as I let my hot breath fan across his collarbones. I made sure to stay quiet due to his headset, but a part of me wanted
to moan just to see what Levi would do. But I didn’t push the issue. As soon as I felt prepared enough, I slowly sank myself onto Levi’s dick. He forced a cough in an attempt to hide a moan, but it didn’t sound incredibly effective to me. I could hear shouts of ‘who was that?’ come from his headset. I slowly and ever so slightly raised and lowered my body, fucking myself on my boyfriend’s dick. He briefly put both of his hands on my hips and held them down, a silent way to tell me to stop moving. I waited for his game to end, randomly squeezing around him or slightly shifting to remind him of the situation he was in. “You’re such a brat, you know that?” Leviathan said, removing his headset and exiting the game. I feigned an innocent look. He leaned forward slightly, his mouth directly next to my ear as he whispered, “If you want my dick so bad, then do the work yourself.” I slowly raised and lowered myself, trying to tease my boyfriend but inadvertently teasing myself. I felt him grip my hips again, thumbs digging into my skin. “What happened to me doing the work myself?” I gasped. “You’re, fuck, you’re going to slow,” he choked out his answer through moans. He moved my hips up and down and began to leave dark marks on my neck and shoulder. “Levi, these are high up.” “Fuck it, I want everyone to know your mine.” I couldn't help but moan at his possessiveness as I came closer and closer to my climax. I started picking up the pace even more and grabbed his face so I could kiss him properly. He moaned into my mouth. Just as I was about to cum, I pulled away from the kiss. I threw my head back as my walls began to tighten around him. “Oh fuck!” Levi exclaimed, obviously close himself. I kept the pace up despite it causing me slight overstimulation, but Leviathan quickly came inside me. He let out a low groan as he did so, and I started to slow down, working him through his orgasm. After both our breathing had leveled, I slipped myself off of him. “I’ll grab a towel.” Levi said as he stood up and tucked himself back into his pants. He walked into his bathroom and grabbed a towel. I could hear him turning on and off a faucet just before he walked back out. He made his way over to me and as soon as I was within an arm’s length, he started cleaning me up. He knelt down in front of, cleaning where the cum had dripped down my leg. “I’m sorry that I didn’t give you enough attention.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, “It’s okay. I think it ended well, wouldn’t you say?” I could see the tips of Levi’s ears turning red. Once he was done cleaning me up he threw the towel into his hamper and passed me some clothes to borrow. I didn’t necessarily need them, but who was I to deny my boyfriend letting me borrow some pajamas? We went over to the pile of pillows we had created earlier and laid down together. Levi held me close to his chest like a precious gift, and in that moment I felt loved. · · ─────── · ☆ · ─────── · ·
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