#rune magic
andromedasdomain · 6 months
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Chamberlain, Lisa. Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes. Chamberlain Publications, 2018.
Kristen. “15 Best Herbs for Protection.” Schisandra & Bergamot, 19 Feb. 2023, schisandraandbergamot.com/herbs-for-protection/.
“Animal Symbology: Animal Spirit Guides: Shamanism.” Animal Symbology | Animal Spirit Guides | Shamanism, www.wicca.com/animal-guides/symbology.html. Accessed 21 Oct. 2023.
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misspjsuperior · 2 months
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BERKANA woodcut print rune deck hand made by PJ Superior features each of the 24 Elder Futhark runes (plus a ”Wyrd” card) carved by hand into birch wood and printed in a hand cranked barrel press. (The backs printed with a spoon.) Along with the rune symbols, each associated Norse word along with a simple, deeply meaningful illustrative border is carved into the wood from which these cards are printed. The Norse rune symbols are still the main visual focus.
The woodcut print method used to create this hand crafted set of cards ensures that the wood carving typical of the most ancient sets of casting runes is still present in this contemporary deck.
I call this rune deck BERKANA after the 18th rune in the Elder Futhark alphabet, because it means “birch” which is the same type of wood used for the carving of this deck. In runic divination, Berkana represents growth, renewal, and hope.
A home made guide booklet, sewn by hand, is included to share interpretations for divination. The guidebook includes cultural background and history of the Elder Futhark runes, as well as insights into the inspirations and meanings of the artistic imagery accompanying each symbol.
Limited edition of 50 funded via Kickstarter
A handful of decks now available:
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merovingian-marvels · 5 months
The actual meaning of Runes
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When dealing with runes, their name should be analyzed first. The alphabet is called “Futhark” based on the beginning letter of the first six runes’ names.
“Runes” aren’t a singularity. There’s the Elder Futhark and the Younger Futhark, also called Futhork. Than there’s also regional varieties such as the Nordic runes, Frisian runes, Anglo-Saxon runes and varieties due to changes through time. Something that looks like a rune but isn’t is called a “tectiform”.
Etymological there are plenty of Germanic varieties of the word. Rún is Old Norse/Nordic, Old Saxon rūna, Middle Dutch’s rune or ruin and rúna in Gothic. In Finnish runo means “poem”.
The word “rune” in essence means “secret” but is also a word used for “confidential conversation/writing”, “concealment” but also “counseling”.
The meaning of the word was held literally. It was not meant for basic administration, conversation or education. Few people actually knew how to read or write runes. It was reserved for a select but also elite part of society.
This brings us to Odin. The tales tell how he hung himself from the branches of Yggdrasil for nine days to gain the knowledge of runic wisdom. This makes him the god of the hanged (Hangagud), god of runes (Rúnatyr), father of magical songs (Fadir Galdrs) and wise one (Svidur). Knowing runes was viewed as knowing (some of) Odin’s magic and/or power.
Runes were used for “runic magic” a not very specified kind of magic in the Eddic texts. Individual runes were given names, such as the first rune, Fehu which means cattle or wealth. Naming individual characters is a common historic practice. These are not to be taken literally, but often are in modern esotericism and fantasy. Germanic Runic spells however are a weird thing. There are mystical inscriptions on the back of brooches, stones, wooden artifacts, etc. We know what they say, but not what they mean.
Mostly runes aren’t actually that far fetched. They are found on grave/memorial stones or a craftsman’s signature on an object. An example of this is the Nolby stone; “Bergsven and Sigfust and Fride raised this stone in memory of Bure, their father. Fartägn carved this stone”.
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Runes have been made into far-right symbols. Othila, Algiz, and Sowilo have been especially twisted, but the evil of Hitler and his ideological spawn have touched all of them.
It makes me sad.
It makes me sad that some runes are banned in places like Germany. It makes me even sadder that it was correct to ban them.
It makes me sad that some people feel afraid when they see runes. It makes me even sadder that that fear is justified.
However, all is not lost.
Runes are still fundamentally good. They may have to be hidden for the time being because of how they’ve been abused, but they can still be used for good.
All is not lost.
Othila, Algiz, Sowilo, and all the other runes are still good. They continue to be used for evil, but that does not make them evil. Runes will never be lost to evil unless we let them be.
All is not lost.
As long as Odin is the all-father, all is not lost.
As long as Thor is the protector of all humanity, all is not lost.
As long as Heimdall stands guard, all is not lost.
As long as Freyja bears the feathered cloak, all is not lost.
As long as we stand against fascism, all is not lost.
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Meditation on the first Aett of the Anglo-Saxon Futhork
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Runes explained
Runes are an ancient alphabet system used in various Germanic and Nordic cultures, including the Vikings. They were originally used as a means of communication, but they also had spiritual and magical significance.
The runic alphabet consists of 24 characters, each with a specific name, meaning, and symbolism. The runes were often carved into stones, wood, or metal, and used for divination, healing, and protection.
In modern times, runes are still used for divination and personal growth. To use runes for divination, you would typically hold the runes in your hand, ask a specific question, and then draw one or more runes from a bag or pouch. The interpretation of the rune(s) drawn would then provide insight and guidance regarding the question asked.
Aside from divination, runes can also be used for meditation and spiritual development. Each rune has its own energy and symbolism, and can be used to focus on specific aspects of one's life or personality. For example, the rune Fehu represents wealth and abundance, while the rune Ansuz represents communication and spiritual guidance.
To work with runes for personal growth, you can select a rune to focus on and meditate on its meaning and symbolism. You can also incorporate runes into your spiritual practice by using them in rituals, spells, or affirmations.
It's important to note that working with runes requires respect and reverence for their history and culture. If you're interested in using runes for divination or personal growth, it's recommended to study their history and symbolism and seek guidance from experienced practitioners or sources.
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moonlight1237 · 2 days
There are many types of rune systems, including Younger Futhark, Anglo-Frisian Futhorc, Medieval runes, and Elder Futhark, which are the ones I’ll be talking about.
The Younger Futhark (long twig) has 16 runes and is typically used in translation with Old Norse. It was used in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, from 800 A.D to 1200 A.D.
Then you have Anglo-Frisian (Frisian being Dutch), which had around 30 runes and was used in Britain. It’s also known as Anglo-Frisian Futhorc.
The latest and closest to us is the Medieval Runes, which fall back into a 24 system (like Elder Futhark) with the Roman/Latin alphabet, which is also used in translation to Old Norse.
Finally, the Rune system we’re talking about is the Elder Futhark used in a 24-rune system and is used to translate proto-European languages (proto-Germanic, high Italic, proto-English, etc, NOT Old Norse!) None of the names of the Elder Futhark have truly been written down; they have come from reconstruction and guesswork from scholars. The names have come from Old English/Gothic sources and the Rune poems that feature names and pieces associated with names.
Norse=Runa English=Rune both meaning “a secret” or “mystery”
Old Norse=Rún Old Irish=Rún Middle Welsh=Rhin “to whisper” “secret” or “mystery”
Scots=Roun “To whisper” or “speak often about one thing”. It’s also associated with the Rowan tree in Scots, which is a very well-known magical tree in many folklores (also known as the “rune tree” or “the whisper tree”).
It was believed the Elder Futhark came from the Rome/Latin alphabet and had ancient Greek relations—due to the closeness of the Germanic tribes there and the mingling of Elder Futhark and High Italic.
The runes were not traditionally used as magical symbols. they were used in divination but were not considered magical themselves until later centuries, far after the Viking Age when they became popular as magical symbols. The furthest back they were found to be used was theorized to be Germania, as typically (but not always) female diviners would “cast lots” which were believed to later influence the Norse people to cast the runes. It was widespread for Norse kings, warlords, and explorers of this time to have a rune caster or diviner with them wherever they traveled. Diviners and Rune Casters at this time were well respected and always welcomed into people's homes.
Then in the myths, we find where Odin discovers the runes and shares them with the other gods. Later the gods share them with humanity. The god Odin stabbed himself with his spear, Gungnir, and hung himself from Yggdrasil for 9 days and nights without food or water sacrificing himself for the runes till they appeared to him in the Well Of Urd. This myth differs depending on the source you found it on. Then in the Havamal 80’ page, 31 of Jackson Crawford's translation of the Poetic Edda (elder edda), it states, “What you ask the runes will prove true; they are gifts of the Aesir, made by the gods and painted by Odin. You’ll learn best with your mouth shut.”
Freyr’s Aett
Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenuz Gebo Wunjo
Hagal’s Aett
Halagaz Nauthiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowulo
Tyr’s Aett
Tiwaz Berkana Ehwaz Mannaz Lagaz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala
24 runes in total for the Elder Futhark
Freyr’s Aett
Everything for your basic human existence, talking with the divine, human social life, and the earth and its bounty, and how to live our lives happily or at least contently.
Hagal’s Aett
shows us how to navigate the difficult parts of life when things take a rough turn and you don’t know what to do. This Aett shows us how to move forward in life and cause change and unexpected luck for ourselves.
Tyr’s Aett
This Aett shows us how to connect with life around us like. We learn to connect with and communicate with Humanity, deities, and nature around us, as well as how to connect our physical worlds to the unseen spiritual worlds we work in.
Getting into the runes themselves and the meanings and associations
God/Goddess-Freyja, Freyr
Meaning-Wealth or cattle
Association-Wealth, Livestock/cattle, prosperity, abundance, fulfillment, stability, success, new beginnings, things earned and won, reward, good health, unexpected good luck
Runic poems- Old English, “Wealth provides comfort, but you must share it who hopes to cast lots for judgment before the gods.”
Norwegian, “Money causes strife among kin; the wolf grows up in the woods.” Icelandic, “Money causes strife among kin, and the fire of the flood tide and the path of the serpent.”
god/goddess-Ullr, Audhumla (the creation cow), Thor
Meaning-Ox or bull sometimes bison
Association- challenges, endurance, courage, strength, untamed potential, good health, good luck, moving forward after being stuck in stagnation, sudden breakthroughs, overcoming challenges, trials, power, creative forces
Rune poems- Old Norse, “The wild ox has great high horns with which it gores; a fierce fighter who boldly stamps the moors.”
Norwegian, “Slag is cast from bad iron; reindeer cross the hard snow.”
Icelandic, “Drizzle is the weeping of clouds, and blights the harvest and is hated by the herdsmen.”
Meaning-Giant or Thorn
Association-Strength, breaking down barriers, Thor's hammer, defense, reaction, temptations, resisting temptations, disruption, passion, protection, conflict, power
Rune poems- Old Norse, “Thorn is wickedly sharp and causes pain to those who grasp it, hurt to you who rest among them.”
Norwegian, “Giant causes the sickness of women; bad luck pleases nobody.”
Icelandic, “Giant is the torment of women, and the dweller of rocky vales and husband of Varthrun the giantess.”
God/goddess-The aesir, Odin
Meaning-Aesir, the ancestor god
Association-communication with the gods, wisdom, divine power, knowledge, creativity, understanding, passing tests, understanding, communication
Rune Poems- Old Norse, “Mouth is the source of the word, bringing wisdom and counsel to the wise, hope, inspiration, and a blessing to all.”
Norwegian, “Rivermouth opens most journeys; but the sword belongs in it’s sheath.” Icelandic, “Odin is the ancient creator, and Asgards king and lord of Valhalla.”
Meaning-Wagon or chariot
Association-Rythme, journey, travel, personal development, change, evolution, decisions, taking the opportunity, movement
Rune poems- Old Norse, “Riding is easy for heroes inside a hall; it’s much harder astride a strong horse pounding against the great mile.”
Norwegian, “Riding is said to be the worst for horses; reginn forged the best sword.”
Icelandic, “Riding is a sweet sitting and a swift journey and the toil of the horse.”
Letter-K and C
Meaning- the torch
Association-Knowledge, Light, warm, illumination, visions, enlightenment, intuition, learning, Improvement, creativity, Inner voices, Breakthroughs
Rune poems-Old Norse, “The torch we know by its flame, which brings illumination, and light wherever noble souls encourage.”
Norwegian, “Ulcer is the curse of children; grief turns us pale.”
Icelandic, “Ulcer is the bane of children and a grievous blight and the house of rotting flesh."
Association-Love, partnership, giving and receiving gifts, generosity, sacrifice, balance, joy in relationships, talents, abilities
Rune Poem-Old English, “A gift returns to adorn the giver with greatness and honor; it helps and heartens those who have nothing.”
Association-happiness, light, perfection, comfort, harmony, recognition of worth, reward, success, good health, prosperity, flourishing, bliss
Rune poem-Old English, “Joy comes to you who know no sorrow, blessed with grain and plenty, content in a strong community.”
Association-interference, disruption, corrections, changes for long-term good, change, being tested, nature, overcoming obstacles, wrath, chaos, misfortune, transformation
Rune poem-Old English, “Hail, whitest of grains, whirls down from heaven, is tossed by the wind, and turns water.”
Norwegian, “Hail is the coldest of grains; All-Father shaped the world in ancient times.”
Icelandic, “Hail is cold grain and a shower of sleet, and the bane of snakes.”
Association-resistance, demand, desire, personal development, constraint, willpower, endurance, self-reliance, patience, necessity, kindling passion, recognizing your needs
Rune poems-Old English, “Need constricts the heart but can bring help and healing if heeded in time.”
Norwegian, “Need leaves one little choice; the naked freeze in the frost.”
Icelandic, “Need is the bondmaid’s grief, and a hard condition to suffer, and toilsome work.”
Association-cold, lack of change, stagnation, challenge, self-control, harsh reality, concentrated self, clarity, watching and waiting, delay, obstacles, danger
Rune poems-Old English, “Ice is cold and slippery; jewel-like and glistening, fair to behold, the frozen field.”
Norwegian, “Ice we call the board bridge; the blind need to be led across.”
Icelandic, “Ice is the rind of the river and roof of the waves, and a mortal danger.”
God/goddess-Freyr, Idunn
Meaning-Year, Harvest
Association-cycles, harvest, efforts rewarded, plenty, good spirits, change, completion, fertility, growth
Rune poems-Old English, “Harvesttime brings joy when the goddess Earth gifts us with her bright fruits.”
Norwegian, “Harvesttime brings bounty; I say that Frothi is generous.”
Icelandic, “Harevsttime brings profit, and a high summer and a ripened field.”
Letter-Ei, Y
God/goddess-Ullr, sometimes Skadi
Meaning-Yew tree
Association- strength, endurance, protection, movement, balance, death and life, Yggdrasil, change, magic, rebirth, friendships
Rune poems-Old English, “Yew has rough bark without but holds the flame within; deeply rooted, it graces the land.”
Norwegian, “Yew is winter’s greenest wood; it splutters when it burns.”
Icelandic, “Yew is a taut bow, and brittle iron and the arrow of Farbauti.”
God/Goddess-The Norns, Frigga
Meaning-Lot cup/casting cup
Association-fate, gambles, hidden things, unknown outcomes, chance, destiny, pregnancy/birth, luck, common sense, revelation,
Rune poems-Old English, “Gaming means to play and laughter among the high-spirited who sit merry together in the mead hall.”
Algiz (Elhaz)
God/goddess-All the Aesir, Heimdall
Meaning-Elk, the white elk
Association-Protection, awakening, teachings of the divine, ward off evil, defense, guardianship, opportunity to grow, fulfilling dreams, employment, shelter
Rune poems-Old English, “Elk sedge grows in the fen, waxing in the water, grimly wounding; it burns the blood of those who would lay hands upon it.”
God/Goddess-Sol, Baldr
Meaning-The Sun
Association-motivation, action, the sun, guidance, health, victory, cleansing, life purpose, enlightenment, spiritual will, goals, light, energy, self-confidence
Rune poems-Old English, “The sun guides seafarers who ferry across the fish’s bath until the seahorse brings them to land.”
Norwegian, “Sun is the light of the world; I bow to its holiness.”
Icelandic, “Sun is the sky shield, and a shining radiance, and the nemesis of ice.”
Meaning-The god Tyr
Association-Courage, victory, peacekeeping, faith, loyalty, leadership, logic, sound judgment, compassion, honor, passion, masculine energy, truth revealed
Rune poems-Old English, “Tiw is a sign that spells confidence to the noble; unfailing, it holds true though the night clouds.”
Norwegian, “Tyr is the one-handed of the aesir; often has the smith to blow.” Icelandic, “Tyr is the one-handed god, and the leavings of the wolf and ruler of the temple.”
God/Goddess-Nerthus, Freyja, Frau Holle
Meaning-birch tree
Association-New life, life changes, growth, healing, new beginnings, femininity, birth, regeneration, renewal
Rune poem- Old English, “The birch thought fruitless sends out countless shoots; leafy branches, high crowned, reach to the sky.”
Norwegian, “Birch has the greenest-leafed branches; Loki brought the luck of deceit,”
Icelandic, “Birch is a leafy limb and a little tree and a youthful wood.”
Letter- E
God/Goddess-Freyja, Gullveig, sleipnir, loki
Association-momentum, trust, harmony, change, healthy relationships, progress, transportation, loyalty
Rune poem- Old English, “The horse brings Joy; proud on its hooves, by heroes praised, it is a solace to the restless.”
God/Goddess-Odin, Thor, Heimdall
Association-Humanity, soul, divine influence, social order, society, friendship, teamwork, self, family, support
Rune poems-Old English, “We are each other’s mirth yet must one day take leave, for the gods will allot our frail bodies to the earth.”
Norwegian, “Man is the waxing of dust; mighty is the hawk’s talon span”
Icelandic, “Man is the joy of man and the increase of dust and the adorner of ships.”
God/Goddess-Loki, Freyja, Hel
Meaning-Water, Lake
Association- Emotion, cleansing, intuition, dreams, flow, guidance, love, memory, feminine, physic abilities, renewal
Rune poems-Old English, “Water to land folk seems never-ending when they set sail on a heaving ship; the huge waves overwhelm them and the seahorse won’t head the bridle.”
Norwegian, “Waterfalls free from the mountain; gold trinkets are so highly prized.” Icelandic. “Water wells from the spring and the great geyser and the land of fish.”
Inguz (Ingwaz)
God/Goddess-Freyr, Ing
Meaning-The ancient god
Association-love, peace, internal growth, harmony, approval, agreement, completion, Masculinity, time of rest, goals, common sense, home, channeling force
Rune poem-Old English, “Ing, first seen by the East Danes, later rode his wagon away eastward over the waves; thus was the great god named.”
God/Goddess-Dagr, Baldr, Sol
Meaning-Day, dawn
Association-Dawn, daylight, change of direction, prosperity, clarity, awakening, breakthrough, hope, completion, balance, transformation
Rune poems-Old English, “Day is the gods’ messenger; the light of the gods grants ecstasy, good hope, and a boom to all.”
God/Goddess-Odin, Hel
Meaning-Home, Ancestors
Association-Family, inheritance, Home, Knowledge from the past, heritage, experience, value, group prosperity, positive mental state, good health, good financials
Rune poem-Old English, “Home is loved by all who prosper there in peace and enjoy a frequent harvest.”
Bind runes
Bind runes are 2 or more runes combined to make one bigger Bindrune. Used historically as a way to shorten up writing or just as a fun way to write, we now use them as stronger versions of runes, or as a way to have many runes together without having to write them all out.
Famous ones, Vegvisir and Aegishjalmaur (Helm of Awe) aren’t runes or bind runes, but instead Sigils that came around centuries after the Viking Age, and were found to be from the 1800s. Vegvisir is a path finder, not a compass. The Helm of Awe is used as a warding symbol but historically wasn’t actually used for anything as far as our sources note.
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https://oreamnosoddities.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-a-bindrune-Bindrune explaining
https://oreamnosoddities.com/blogs/news/rune-meanings-the-elder-futhark-elder futhark source
http://www.shieldmaidenssanctum.com/blog/2019/3/12/the-elder-futhark-runes-and-their-meanings- elder futhark sources
https://youtu.be/nK51UmwJxRU-bindrune source from witches view with a little misinfo on Helm of Awe and Vegvisir
https://youtu.be/wG9d95vJibk-Bindrune source from Jackson Crawford
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjrPCf9YGy0qzqca1ypcGs50-Jackson Crawfords videos on runes through historical source
https://youtu.be/IROvre0w6hc-Vegvisir info
https://youtu.be/kW9KbtjyHN4-intro to runes
https://youtu.be/Gjmxu7z04kk-explaining the connection between the runic writing and languages
“Runes For Beginners” Lisa Chamberlain
“A Little Bit Of Runes” Cassandra Eason
“Nordic Runes” Paul Rhys Mountfort
“The Poetic Edda” Translated by Jackson Crawford
“Tales Of Norse Mythology” Helen A. Guerber
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5INHBpAeUZ8Ux632760FbNQ0SUHDUGX/view?usp=drivesdk-Reading Past Runes book
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p5L1BFpUFRte-BVq7XgBdXLjAqqZKKkI/view?usp=drivesdk-Nine Doors Of Midgard book
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EGtRedzunDGtUYkAbtdDrOQS0ppBBH9t/view?usp=drivesdk-The Big Book Of Runes book
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renegade-hierophant · 29 days
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Younger Futhark Rune Sieve
ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚬ ᚱ ᚴ ᚼ ᚾ ᛁ ᛅ ᛋ ᛏ ᛒ ᛘ ᛚ ᛦ
fé / úr / þurs / óss reið / kaun / hagall / nauðr íss / ár / sól / týr bjarkan / maðr / lögr / yr
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A true philosophy of tarot isn’t fatalistic. It show’s possibilities of your current path and gives wonderful insights, advices. The future is variable and you can change a path any time. Remember, that you are a real master of your fate & a captain of your soul.
PERSONAL TAROT READINGS✨🔮🧙‍♀️DM ME ᚱ ᚷ ᚨ • How can you improve your lifestyle? - $8 • Divine advice from your spirits / ancestors - $8 • Message from your inner child - $8 • What your subconscious mind / dreams try to tell you? - $8 • Life purpose - $17 • Career/business reading - $11 • Shadow discovery includes a tarot reading and dark side exploration practices. As a psychologist I know how to figure out the shadow, so I can help you with a deep self exploration. - $12
• How can you improve your finances? What blocks your abundance?- $12 (rune magic as bonus) • Love Reading - $11 • Your Next Romantic Adventure - $11 • Your Future Spouse - $17 • Your Soulmate - $17
• Your next 3 months - $8 • Your next 6 month - $11 • Your next 9 month - $17 • Your next 12 months (what’s going to happen to you every month of the year + bonus) - $25
• Prediction for 2024 + bonuses - $22
BONUS - an access to my online library with books about manifestation (Only 12houses and 12month)
Any other readings are available too. WITCHCRAFT 🧙‍♀️ • Cleaning your energy from negativity - $28 (3 rituals) • Instruction how to clean your house (name of herb, spell, how to use it) - $11 • Rune Magic (money, success, love, good luck) - $11 COACHING
Life coaching session - $50
Hypno session - $70
DONATIONS Payment - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/viktoriiathecoach Destream - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate PayPal - [email protected]
LINKS YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheJourneyOfHero/featured
CELEBRITY TAROT READINGS Disclaimer: All celebrity readings are for entertainment purposes only! Take it with grain of salt. You can leave an ask with a celebrity request.
ᚷ ᛗ ᛚ ᛝ
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hecatesdelights · 2 months
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Odin, god of War, Poetry, Magic and Knowledge
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andromedasdomain · 7 months
Runic Sigil with Rosemary:
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ᚭ Fehu Magical Uses: Increase wealth and strengthen psychic ability. ᛉ Elhaz Magical Uses: Protection from negative energy, protection of property, and astral communication. ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
𓆩⟡𓆪Materials𓆩⟡𓆪 ✩Sticks ✩Twine (I used yarn instead) ✩Rosemary (for its prosperity and protective properties) ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
I hung these at my front door with the intention of keeping out bad energy and bringing wealth into our home.
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themordogs · 3 months
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giant runes
Runes left by the Giants are the most common of all three. Their runes are most easily found, read, and cast - making them arguably the most effective. Their magic demands little from their wielder, and it takes very little toll on a reader to cast multiple Giant runes in quick succession. They are versatile and cover a wide range of abilities. Given just how diverse and widespread Giants were, there are very few collective traits to pinpoint in their readers. Those with Giants as their patron range from powerful healers to talented and effective trackers. They often fall into "support" roles within caravans, and those without Giants on their side find the Mor particularly unforgiving. Giants cannot read Daemon runes, but can read Draconic runes.
pictured is a dog casting the following rune:
“Blessing of Kelpies”
This rune allows the caster to briefly walk on water. The surface must be still to safely walk across, as currents still affect the caster. Walking/running on rapidly moving water leaves a chance for the caster to be swept away and pulled under the surface. The caster must be conscious to remain on the surface. Some, with enough practice, can dip portions of their body below the surface while standing on it ( ex. Putting one’s head underneath the water to catch a fish ). If this rune is casted while in a body of water already, the caster will have to pull themselves onto the surface as they would do any other solid object.
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esotericawakenings · 9 months
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The Black River Rock Rune Set
Runes often times made from stone or wood, are used as a tool in divination. A way to predict the future or see obstacles or good omens in ones life. The runes are comprised of a set of 24 ancient alphabetic symbols. They can be made of different materials with wood or glass being the most common and the most attractive. They are typically kept in a bag or box.
Each one of these stones is hand picked and hand carved.
These Runes are Made of Black River Rock. Each stone is slightly different in size, but we try to group them in unique combination of sizes. Each set is totally different than the next so your set will be 100% Unique.
These runes can be customized in any way you would like.
If you don’t see the variation that you are looking for please send me a message and we can custom create your dream set of Runes together!
Due to the nature of the materials used it is possible that there will be slight variances from those pictured above in the style, color and final finish of the runes which you receive.
FREE Shipping on ALL orders!
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ualthum · 2 years
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Mun zol Vir'auk Osiqas.
Mystery of the Eclipse.
Experimentation with this Reed pen I had customized during the Lunar Eclipse.
I'm mainly using this tool as a way to loosen up my hand, to bring about more of a raw texture.
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covenofhecate · 7 months
TikTok and runes😌💅
Hey girlies, I know you missed me. I have way too many TikTok’s on my phone and i dont know what to do either them🥰
Also, currently playing around with runic magic. Lmk if want a tutorial because this shit works.
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i-died-three-days-ago · 10 months
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Futhark Runes
Handmade Futhark Runes, made by me
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