#replaced my brakes by himself
1-800-scream · 8 months
Okay so I started a new job today in line with my dream career (I’m a professional seamstress now) and I come home after work to find my boyfriend making:
Meringue cookies
Maple creme brulee
Raspberry/Strawberry purée
Herb butter
AND a fucking pumpkin spice cold brew with extra homemade pumpkin whipped cream on top
THESE ARE ALL FROM SCRATCH minus the cow!!!! I guess I’m bragging but I really just am in disbelief at how this man loves me. He told me to go sit and relax and he doesn’t want my help, and on top of all of that he’s been fixing a 1906 singer machine for my friend?? Because he wanted to??? I’m so in love y’all what the hell. Now I gotta figure out how to make him feel as loved as he makes me feel;;
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 months
bluetooth j.t.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: A little suggestive if you squint
Word Count: 1.2k words
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You don't know how you allowed yourself to get manipulated into being a girlboss and moving out of your childhood home to live in your own apartment. While it was nice to have your own privacy and decorate your home however you liked, you realized just how many privileges you lost now that you weren't in the care of your parents.
There was no one there to make sure you woke up on time in the few cases where you slept through your alarm, no one that you could call on your way back from work to ask to switch on the water heater so you could take a steamy shower immediately.
You didn't have your mother's homecooked meals and you didn't have your father to pick you up snacks from the grocery store.
And one of the biggest thorns in your side was the reason you were dreading the entire day. Car maintenance. The auto shop was one of the most daunting places in your life as a girl who knew nothing about cars. Never once had you regretted not learning how to take care of your car or even the procedure required when you eventually take your car down to the auto shop.
But now standing in the hot and dusty garage, you were seriously rethinking your life choices. You should've scheduled these things for when your dad was visiting so you could ask him to take it instead. Or, even better, you should've gotten a boyfriend.
You were complaining in your head, dragging your feet about having to be here in the first place and whined about handing your car keys, with a bunch of adorable keychains attached to some rando.
But when Jason Todd, 6'2 man with biceps that were larger than your own head and a body that looked like he was shaped out of marble by Michelangelo himself walked out with a form for you to fill out, you were all too happy to be there.
Perhaps you'd be leaving here with a boyfriend after all.
"I have to admit, I don't really know much about cars so please don't scam me."
Jason chuckled, a deep, hoarse laugh that made you a little weak in the knees honestly and the boy-crazed fraction of your brain began to imagine how he would sound as soon as he woke up next to you, after a night of—
"A bit of advice, you probably don't want to let scammers know that you have no idea what they're talking about."
You giggled, scolding yourself mentally for finding that funny.
'Come on, (Y/N), pull yourself together it wasn't even that funny. His face is just great delivery.'
"Or I could keep coming here and have you check my car, since you're so trustworthy." You mused, sparing him a teasing smile.
Jason was completely picking up what you were putting down, giving you a coy smile of his own before responding, "Or perhaps this is just a tactic to get you to keep coming back."
You narrowed your eyes playfully, "Devious."
Looking back at his little clipboard, a thin metal rod of some kind tucked behind his ear instead of a pen, Jason asked, "When was the last time you got your car checked out? If your battery and brake pad was replaced recently, we could probably skip that and just do a routine check to make sure everything's running smoothly."
You winced, "I couldn't tell you, honestly. My dad usually handles this kinda stuff for me, I'm still kind of a new lamb when it comes to taking care of my car."
Jason raised his eyes from the clipboard for a second, "Your boyfriend can't do this kinda stuff for you instead?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
He perked up immediately and you ducked your head to hide your smile, "I'm sure you probably have a record of it in your glovebox or something. Most places keep a little sticker with the date of your last service under the dash. I'll check it out for you, do you have somewhere to be, or do you have a couple minutes so I can make sure?"
You shook your head, shrugging your shoulders with a carefree smile, "It's my day off so I'm free as a bird."
He grinned, "Noted. Just give me a second."
You watched his back receding as he walked toward your car, shoulders looking like they could span the entire ocean and it was only when he was sat in the car and had turned on the engine did you whip out your phone at lightspeed.
"Ohmygosh Julie, I think I just met my future husband. Holy shit. He's so cute—gorgeous actually. He's working on my car right now and God, those arms, wow. And those eyes? God, I feel blessed just by looking at his face." The end of your message was interrupted by another mechanic running the engine.
You waited patiently for the sound of the engine to die before replaying the voice message so you could re-record the part that got cut off. Only you couldn't hear a thing.
Confused, you increased the volume, taking a sip from your coffee to soothe the inhumane squeal that you had let out while sending Julie the voice message. Once again you heard nothing.
You bit your lip at this, swiping down at the corner of your phone at access your control center and realizing the reason you couldn't hear anything was because it was connected to the Bluetooth on your car.
You whipped around in horror only to find Jason smirking at you from the front seat of your car. If the world were fair, you'd be struck down with lightning right then and there. Or, since you were at an auto shop, a sentient car might run you over.
Alas, you continued to stand there in horror, completely unharmed no matter how badly you wished to be reduced to a puddle on the ground.
You called him your future husband. The ground should've swallowed you then and there. Instead, you just stood there in complete mortification and embarrassment while you stared at his amused expression.
Something startled him out of his gaze for a second and he pointed at your console, making a gesture like he was taking a call. Confused, you glanced at your phone.
'Incoming call: Julie'
Ah, saved by the bell.
"How much do I owe you?" You asked, quickly popping open your purse to fish out your credit card. You had stretched out the conversation with Julie as long as possible, begging her not to hang up and only interrupting her tangent when Jason finally came up to you, saying that your car was good to go.
"It's on the house." He gave you a charming grin, leaning an arm against the counter, "Can't have my future wife paying for anything, can I?"
Your cheeks flared red, still holding out your card for him to take, "O-Oh, I couldn't, really."
"If you insist, then you can always repay me with dinner. Today's your day off, right? Think you can pencil me in for 7?"
A shy smile grew on your face, your body so warm you had to resist fanning your burning cheeks, "Sounds like a plan."
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Lando's Replacement
Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Rating: G
Words: 765
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Could you do a mini lando new part where Aiden starts karting and lando is nervous about it thanks love your writing
Warnings: None, just fluff
Mini Lando Series
A/N: Aiden is 8, Caleb is 5 and Daniel is 3
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"I'm not built for this stress, Y/n," Lando whispers, staring at your son Aiden. You can't help but roll your eyes at your husband. After all the years he spent giving you stress, he's the one who can't handle it? Drama queen.
"Really? Now you know how I've felt for the past 15 years." Lando grimaces as Aiden moves around his new kart, bumping his shoulder with yours, ensuring everything is in order. "Daddy? How do I start it?" Lando gives a wobbly smile to his little boy. Except he's not so little anymore.
At 8 years old, Aiden has fallen in love with karting and has spoken about following in his father's footsteps. "Let me show you." Lando straddles the kart and turns the ignition. The kart rumbles and then sputters to life. "Cool!" Aiden yells, not even waiting for Lando to get out of the way before he pops himself into the seat.
"Mommy, look!" Aiden can't hide his excitement while Lando looks down at the kart with horror. "Can't believe my Dad and Mum allowed me to do this." He whispers, grabbing Aiden's own crash helmet. "Lando, he's going to be fine. All he's doing is learning how to drive it, not racing." Covering your husband's shaky hand.
Lando has always been protective, especially of Aiden. After all the trouble you two went to get pregnant, it was hard on Lando to see his firstborn become a person and one that wanted to join karting. "He's safe. You had McLaren build his helmet and the kart. Plus you oversaw all of it. He's safe." Lando nods, stepping back from the kart as Aiden slides the helmet on.
"Well, looks like Lando has got some competition now." You don't even have to turn to know who it was. "Mommy, what's A doing?" Oscar stands next to you, holding your youngest, Daniel, and the hand of your second, Caleb. "A is learning to drive a kart like Daddy used to." Explaining what Aiden was doing to Caleb was hard sometimes because whatever Aiden was doing, Caleb wanted to do it, too.
"Can I join?" Right on time, smiling, you push his curly hair back. "Not yet, you're far too small. When you're 8 and still want to try it, we can." Oscar chuckles, seeing Aiden zip off. "Aiden! Brakes!" Lando yells. You cover your snort, seeing your husband chase after your laughing son. "He'll have grey hairs when this is over." Oscar adjusts little Daniel on his hip.
"Good, it'll humble his ass. He puts me through hell whenever he drives. He'll finally understand why I'm just as exhausted as him by the end of a race." Caleb giggles, wanting to run after his father, but you hold him close. "Lando has been dreading this. When Aiden first asked him, I thought he'd faint." Oscar smiled at his old teammate, having moved to Red Bull after his 4th season, and was in a tight battle with Lando, Charles, and Max for a WDC.
"Mommy, look how fast I'm going!" Aiden yells, hitting the gas and whipping his head back. You wince seeing it, but the rings of Aiden's laughter ease your worries. "Aiden, please!" Lando yells, stopping before you, gasping for air and sweat lining his forehead. "You're getting old." Oscar quips. Lando looks up, glaring at the Aussie. "I'm not old, just aging. Like fine whiskey." Oscar just rolls his eyes. "Your son is doing donuts." Lando takes off again, leaving Caleb cackling, watching his father.
"Maybe we should get Max or Carlos to teach Aiden?" You ask Oscar, but he shakes his head no. "He might be freaking out, but he's loving this. It's a memory they'll both look on fondly." Aiden laughs at the sound of the engine cut off as Lando scoops his oldest up.
The image of them laughing, Lando lecturing him with no anger as Aiden just giggles. "Yes, Daddy," Aiden says, his little body wobbling as his helmet makes him look like a life-size bobblehead. "Did you have fun?" Aiden nods, your fingers working quickly to get the helmet off. "It was so much fun. Daddy said we can return with Uncle Carlos, Max, and Oscar!" Aiden jumps around.
"I would love that." Oscar bends down, ruffling Aiden's hair. "Yes! With you teaching me, I can replace Daddy at McLaren." He laughs, and Lando's eyes budge out. The thought of Aiden driving in F1 was enough to kill him. "Y/n, this payback, isn't it?" He whispers, you just smirk. "Oh, sweet, sweet revenge, darling." Kissing his cheek.
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bloodyvicar · 3 months
bloodborne characters and what cars they would drive
laurence: 2020 mercedes c-class, his dad bought it for him as a graduation gift but never drives it . He just bums off everyone else for rides.
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gehrman: 1997 toyota camry. it’s got 400k miles on it, the brakes need to be replaced, windows don’t roll down, but it’s gonna outlive gehrman and everyone he knows. has been set on fire before and still turned on.
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maria: 2012 audi a5 coupe. got it off Ye Ol Marketplace for a banging deal. all the windows have 2% tint on them and she can’t drive at night as a result. keeps it spotless and won’t let anyone eat or drink inside.
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ludwig: 2023 toyota prius. smthn smthn big man small car joke here. it’s fuel efficient and he cares about that type of stuff, the holy moonlight sword gets buckled in the passenger seat.
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alfred: 2003 ford ranger, THE work truck. He has to hotwire the engine, get out and push it 20 feet forward, say a prayer to logarius, and then hope it turns over. radio doesn’t work unless you beat on the dashboard a few times.
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gascoigne: 2005 dodge grand caravan. has enough space for himself, viola, his daughters, and henryk. the back windshield is covered in “my daughter is an honor student at yharnam elementary” stickers and a stick family.
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djura: lifted ford f150. can hear it turn on from 10 miles away, and you Will go blind cause djura installed those blinding LED headlights. doesn’t know how to turn off said headlights.
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eileen: 1989 jeep cherokee 4x4. Laments constantly about how cars aren’t made how they used to despite her getting 5 miles to the gallon on a good day.
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edgar: 2006 volkswagen beetle. i dont have an explanation it just feels right.
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brador: modded ford escape. loves it more than himself, and it REEKS of cigarettes bc he smokes with the windows up.
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micolash: crashed 5 cars until he finally got his license revoked, walks everywhere or gets a lift from edgar.
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kodiackwrites · 2 months
More country music Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
As I said in my previous post of him, Ghost listens to rock, metal, anything loud to pull him from his thoughts. But the second he’s left those god awful war grounds, Simon Riley is listening to good ol’ country music.
He isn’t very fond of newer country, But there’s the odd hit or two he’ll enjoy.
Because of this, he’s not very fond of listening to the radio since all they play is the top 10 hits of that month on repeat, so he has a 2000’s thick CD case, filled to the brim with anything from George Strait to Eric Church. You’ve grown used to his pattern of getting in, pulling open the centre console, Flipping through the CD collection, some burnt by himself or mates of his, Pulling one out, Starting the truck, One finger still in the disc he selected as he turns the key, the engine lowly rumbling to life, And holding the brake as he pulls whatever disc was left in the stereo out and slipping it into the case, Dropping the new one in and putting the case back.
Sounds like it takes forever, but he’s got it down to a tee, only taking a minute to pull the truck into drive, turn around to face the back of the truck, one arm on the back of your head rest and pulling out of the driveway.
When you first got with him, you tried to convince him to just use Bluetooth, but he argued that “it’s just not the same.”
So despite all his friends telling him to upgrade his 2017 Chevy Silverado, he refuses to. It’s a reliable truck, But it also has a CD player built in, although if he had to get a new truck for whenever reason, he would totally tear out and replace the entire head unit just to have a CD player.
Occasionally, you’d flip through the large case, scanning over his ever growing collection, asking where they’re from or to hear that one next, And he’d certainly let you pick from time to time.
He never played the music very loudly, it was always a comfortable 10-15 volume, With him humming or mumbling along as his long fingers tapped the steering wheel along to the beat of the drums or the melody of the guitar.
(NSFW below the cut)
He isn’t the biggest fan of playing music during intimacy, he claims it ruins the moment. However he isn’t objected to sliding into the backseat if you were parked in the middle of nowhere and a good song came on.
And he’d certainly pick certain CD’s that are just long enough to drive to your lookout spot and end with just the right mix to make love<3
This might become a series but idk👍
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Operation Apollo | 1.3 | Jake Seresin x Reader AU
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Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Synopsis: After a threat is made against her life, the President’s grown up daughter gets her security tripled. Her long term detail is about to retire and needs replacing, only — she isn’t the easiest to work with. Ex-Navy and current Secret Service, Jake Seresin is devoted to being the best at everything he does. He isn’t going to let a bratty little girl cost him this job.
Warnings: age gap, power imbalance, enemies to lovers, danger and angst, smut, unprotected pinv
“Okay, turn.” Jake points. “Turn. Turn. You have to turn the wheel!”
You frown, “I am turning it! The steering on this is thing is garbage!”
Jake grabs the wheel, “So brake!”
You slam your foot on the break, the truck jolts and the engine stalls. Jake hits the seat behind him and turns his head to look at you. You can’t tell if he’s going to laugh or yell at you.
“Who the fuck gave you a license?” He breathes out, eyes wide.
It’s hot, it’s the middle of a July afternoon in the middle of Texas, the air conditioning on this truck hasn’t worked since you were in diapers and you’ve been at this for an hour.
You frown at him, “I told you I’ve never driven a stick-shift before.”
“I know, I just wasn’t expecting your steering to be the problem,” He mumbles, running his fingers through his hair. He sits back and lets out a heavy breath, “Alright. Let’s try that again.”
“I think you should drive.” You sigh, adjusting the seat belt uncomfortably from where it had pressed into your chest after stalling.
“No, no - you almost had it.” Jake nods for you to continue, he rolls down his window and lets out a breath. He takes a moment to prepare himself.
You whine in complaint and turn the keys. The engine splutters. You turn your head and look at him, eyes wide. Jake doesn’t seem surprised by the mishap. He isn’t, this happens all the time - he’s already pretty sure he knows what the problem is.
He groans, pulling open the door on his side and stepping out.
“It’s not my fault, I didn’t break it!” You call out to him. Jake almost scoffs, shaking his head as he walks around to the front of the truck. He lifts the hood. It’s exactly what he thought it would be. He gets back into the truck and shuts the door.
“Engine overheated.” He shrugs.
“So, what do we do?” You frown. Maybe your naivety is showing, but you’ve never had to deal with car troubles by yourself before. You’ve never been in a rust bucket like this before.
“We wait.” Jake answers you calmly.
“For how long?” Your brows furrow, growing urgent.
Jake shrugs again, calm, “Thirty minutes or so.”
You whine in frustration, looking around you at the empty surroundings. You had warned him that this was a bad idea. Allen never could’ve talked you into this - Manny either. You sigh, “We could walk back to the house and come back later?”
“Yeah, we could do that,” Jake agrees, turning his head towards you. His lips quirk up into a calm smirk. “Or, we could stay here.”
“Why would we stay here?” You frown, scrunching up your face as you look around you. You’re in the middle of an empty field, about a twenty minute walk from the house, pointed towards a stream at the bottom of the field.
That’s what Jake had been trying to get you to steer clear of.
You turn back to look at him, confused by his silence. Jake raises his eyebrows slightly as he waits for you to catch on. He sits back against the bench, parting his knees further, his arm stretched along the back of the seat.
Jake jerks his head for you to come over. You unbuckle your seatbelt and push yourself onto your knees. Jake smiles as he guides you over, pulling you to straddle his waist.
His lips are on you in an instant. His hands on your hips, against your back, in your hair. Your fingers work open the buttons on his shirt as his tongue caresses yours.
Jake knows what he’s doing. He’s a good kisser, his mouth moves against yours like he knows how you’re going to react before you do. You’re reminded of his experience. Of the women that came before, of the woman he loved.
Jake’s hands skim under your dress, pushing the fabric up around your hips.
Fighting to stay right there in the moment with him, you grab at the sides of your underwear and lift your hips to pull them down.
Jake stops you.
He’s reminded briefly of the girl from his senior year that accidentally left her underwear in the passenger side footwell. The colossal shitstorm that came after her boyfriend found them when Jake was giving him a ride home from school the next day.
As far as Jake’s concerned, there’s a science to hooking up out in the open like this - and he’s an expert.
“It’s like you’ve never done this before.” Jake taunts, knowing that you haven’t. You open your mouth to argue, words catching in your throat as you’re met with intoxicating green eyes.
His eyes lock onto yours as he trails his fingers along the outside of your underwear, rubbing slow, firm circles over your clit through the fabric.
You hold onto his shoulder, lips parted, watching his face. You sit perfectly still for him, not squirming or asking for more just yet. Jake lifts his other hand and swipes his thumb tenderly over your cheek, then lifts your chin.
“That feel good?” Jake murmurs. His voice gets a little deeper when he’s talking softly to you like this, and being here around his family, his accent slips through a little more. If he wasn’t between them, you would press your thighs together. Jake feels your thighs hug his.
You nod softly at him.
He slides his hand down from your chin, fingers cupping your throat, moving down until they curl around your hip.
“Am I talking to myself?” Jake’s fingers still between your legs. Your brows knot slightly closer together, you frown slightly at him.
“No.” You whine, fingers pressing into the muscle of his shoulder. “Feels good.”
“There we go,” Jake hums, circling his fingers again, his touch light enough to make you press harder against him. You reach between the two of you and cup him through his shorts, leaning forwards to kiss him. Jake leans his head back, just out of reach, “You want it, sweetheart?”
You narrow your eyes at him, scowling just slightly, “I’m not going to beg.”
“No?” Jake teases, raising an eyebrow at you. You stare back at him. Your poker face is good, but he knows you’re considering it. His lips quirk, impressed. “I’m not gonna make you beg, honey.”
Your hands rest against his shoulders, feeling softly at the muscle as his own squeeze softly at your ass under your dress. Jake kisses you softly, your lips and then your jaw, nudging your chin back with the bridge of his nose so that he can kiss your neck.
This isn’t the first time that Jake has had sex in this truck, you know that. It plays on your mind that he might’ve been here with her. Your brows furrow slightly.
Jake rolls his hips slightly, grinding himself against you as he peppers open-mouthed kisses to your neck. He curls one hand into your roots and tugs softly, making you moan. His other hand squeezes at your hip.
Jake lifts his hips and pops open the button to his jeans, shoving the denim and his boxers down to his knees. You work with him, pushing his button up off of his shoulders and his t-shirt up his chest.
It’s a rush, he’s out of his shirt and his hands are all over you.
One of his hands slides from your ass, moving between your bodies, lining himself up with your core. He groans softly, lips on your throat as you rock yourself against the head of his cock. His eyes meet yours as you rock yourself against his tip.
You slowly sink down on him, taking in his tip. A soft squeak slips your lips. Jake tugs softly at your hair once more, turning your head and kissing your mouth.
He lifts his hips just slightly, pressing himself deeper into you. You mewl quietly against his mouth, fingers pressing into his shoulder.
“I’ve got you.” Jake murmurs. He kisses your cheekbone, then your temple. He grabs your hips with both hands, holding you still. You push against his hold, taking a deep breath as you press down until he’s buried in you completely. “God damn.”
His hands grip hard at your ass, pulling you towards him as he squeezes your cheeks between his fingers. He growls lowly, shifting his hips, changing the angle. You grab onto his bare shoulders, lowering your head and kissing his neck tenderly as you lift your hips and lower yourself onto him.
Jake lets you set the pace, leaning his head back, eyes closing. You build up slowly until he’s leaving fingermarks in your skin, rocking his hips up against you. Your desperate moans fill the air, mixed with each of his soft grunts.
Jake sits up, lips parted as he watches you. His brows knot together, he looks down between your bodies and groans softly. He smacks your ass, half-playfully, leaning forwards and attaching his mouth to your skin like he’s desperate to get a taste of you.
He kisses the sweat off of your skin, grinding himself up to meet you each time you come down on him. You cry out, then gasp in. Jake takes his lip between his teeth, his mouth quirking up at the sides.
His hands grab at your hips, squeezing firmly. He interrupts your rhythm, making you whine. You gasp, digging your fingers into his bicep as he bucks his hips upwards.
He’s all that you can focus on, guiding you as you bounce on his cock, his eyes on your face as you ride him.
“Shit, that’s it,” Jake nods his head, watching as your lips part and your head drops back. “Good girl, honey. Just like that.”
He grabs a handful of your hair and tugs softly, pressing his mouth to your throat as his other arm tucks around your waist and keeps you steady as he pounds into you. His soft groans in your ear as he fucks you through the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had.
Jake’s thumb strokes at your throat as he sits forwards, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You moan against his lips, breathing hard as he moves back to observe you again.
He kisses you tenderly, a surprisingly delicate motion, gripping your hips so tightly it feels like he might crush them. Jake groans against your throat as he comes undone, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly close against him and driving himself as deep as he can go.
He holds you there for just a moment, leaving lazy kisses against the curve of your neck, then lets out a deep breath. Jake’s arm tightens around you, he kisses your temple tenderly.
“Ready to finish your lesson, sweetheart?” He asks, lifting his free hand and tipping your chin up so that you’re looking at him. You shove playfully at his chest, whining as you lift off of him and fix your underwear. He pulls his jeans back up his legs and slips his t-shirt over his head.
“Alright, alright - I’ll drive.” Jake relents as you swing your leg off of his hips, scooting into the passenger side. He turns his attention towards you, resting his hand on your knee.
You scoot across the bench and rest against his side. Jake turns his head, kissing the top of your hair. He drives back to the house and parks the truck back by the old shed.
You walk back into the house together. Manny’s preoccupied with a work call, too busy arguing with Allen to notice the way you rush for the shower. Jake heads for the kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge.
Michelle squints at her younger brother, “Jacob Michael… is that a hickey?”
Jake scoffs, “No? - What?” He leans forwards and checks his reflection in the chrome over the sink. There is absolutely a soft reddish mark on the left hand side of his neck. He shrugs, “Probably a bug bite.”
“Big bug.” Michelle replies, shaking her head as she looks back down at her work laptop. Jake smiles, then shrugs his shoulders like he doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
You sit across from him at the dinner table. Michelle looks knowingly between the two of you.
“Your dad wants to talk to you tomorrow about heading up to D.C. again.” Manny explains, fiddling with his fork. Jake frowns.
“Before she even goes home?” He asks.
“There’s a couple events he wants her at - makes sense with all the extra security up there, the house is still a threat - eh, I’ll let him explain it.” Manny explains. They discuss your plans like you aren’t sitting there with them. You ignore them either way.
You stare at Jake, not listening to a word he says. As it grows later, you find yourself thinking about the box under his bed more and more. In fact, you can’t think about anything else.
Jake lays awake in his bed, waiting for you to show up and creep through his door like you have for the past couple of nights. He tosses and turns, trying to stay awake long enough for you to show up.
He turns onto his side and stares at the alarm clock until it passes one in the morning. He sighs, throwing the covers back and standing up. You close your eyes as you hear footsteps in the hall, turning onto your side and closing your eyes.
Jake steps into the room, closing the door behind him and slipping into bed beside you. He leans forwards and decides that you’re sleeping. Your heart races in your chest, worried that he’s onto you.
He settles down onto his back, closing his eyes. He listens to the soft sound of your breathing and matches it with his own. He tries to rationalise sneaking in here with you - not being able to spend a night on his own. You’re safer with him here.
“Jake?” You croak out quietly.
He lifts his head, brows furrowing, surprised. “You’re awake.”
You turn to face him and sit up. Jake stares at you. Even in the dark, he can see the sheepish look on your face and knows that you’ve done something bad. He frowns, sitting up to look at you properly.
“I found the box under your bed.”
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
But the fact we know Dot will eventually call Rooster 'Dad' makes my heart swell
Terms of Endearment Masterlist
AAAHHHH my heart just burst inside my chest thinking about this. I feel like it would just slip out the first time, and Bradley would be caught so off guard that he kinda just freezes? But not because he doesn't want to be known as dad, but because you’ve just never spoken about it before or mentioned if you were comfortable with it or if Dot should even be calling Bradley her dad because well, he wasn't biologically.
“You're her father in all the ways that matter though Bradley, so if she's comfortable enough with you to call you dad then I'm okay with it too.” You barely blink after Bradley brings it up. Dot had called him dad at the kindergarten pick-up. She’d come racing out with a drawing she had done just for him, Like she’d done in daycare a million times before. Although this time she’d come racing up to him, jumped into his arms, and squealed two words Rooster knew he’d never forget and would never stop hearing in his dreams.
“Hi Dad!!”
“Okay, well good chat babe.” Bradleys just pressing his lips together and nodding softly, hoping that it wasn't just a one time thing. It's not. Dot calls Bradley dad whenever she isn't calling him Rooster, which had replaced Tooster a few months ago because her speech therapy had actually been working much to Bradleys shock horror. He missed Tooster.
But as Odette gets older, her attitude evolves and when she's fifteen? The spitting image of her mother and a pain in the ass, Dot is calling her uncle Jake to come pick her up from a house party she’d snuck out to attend. Only the cops had shown up and she high tailed it out of there so fast she ended up down at the beach crying. Jake doesnt come and get her, he rings Bradley who's jumping out of bed so fast he doesn't even put shorts on, boxers will just have to do.
“You’re not even my real dad!” She's yelling, a sobbing mess in the passenger seat of Bradleys Bronco, he’d just finished giving her the third degree but told her if she’s gonna do this type of stuff she has to tell him because he just wants her to be safe. “Where do you get off telling me what to do?” And Bradley hates himself for it because he knows it's not good for the Bronco but he's pulling over on the side of the road and slamming on his brakes so hard it sends both him and Odette forward for a moment before their backs hit the seats again.
“Listen here kid–” Bradleys gritting his teeth, clenching his jaw and pointing his index finger at the fifteen year old whos sitting next to him with alcohol running though her system and he fucking knows she high as a kite just by the red in her eyes. “I may not be your biological dad? But I'm here aren't I?” Rooster points out the elephant in the room. “Ive changed my fair fucking share of shitty dippers and I held your hand while I taught you how to rollerskate and ride a bike and I mashed your stupid bananas just so you could throw them in my face anyway.” Dot was dumbfounded, Bradley had never raised his voice at her like this but someone had to smack some sense into this kid before it was too late. “I pay half your school tuition and I make sure you don’t starve to death whenever your mothers working late and need I remind you I’m your legal goddamn guardian, your last name is Bradshaw! So no–I’m not your ‘real dad’ but I don’t need you giving me shit when I’m here and always have been here and always will be here and that deadbeat dickhead isnt and never fucking was.”
It’s silent for a moment while Odette just takes in what the fuck just happened—usually Bradley was pretty passive, never one to raise his voice. But she’d clearly upset him. He’s putting the Bronco into gear again, shifting the gear stick in frustration as he pulls back onto the main road cautiously—his attention now back on the road as he whips the steering wheel around with one hand.
“Your mother would be beside herself if something happened to you kid, so just do me a favour here? and tell me where you’re going, no questions asked.” Again, Roosters met with silence as the fifteen year old just tries to process everything Bradley had just said when her head is spinning and she can’t tell if her fingers were real or not.
“Do you reckon he knew I was defective?” Dots letting her head rest back against the seat as she tries to hide her tears while looking out the window. “That’s why he didn’t want me?” Odette Bradshaw was too young to remember what you’d been through to keep her safe, let alone know why her biological dad wasn’t in the picture.
“You aren’t defective Dot—“ Roosters sighing, he’s still fucking pissed but he can sympathise. “He just isn’t a good person, it was never you.” If there was a conversation Bradley Bradshaw knew not to start without your permission it was the topic of Dots biological father. “But I love you? Isn’t that enough?”
“Please—“ Odette scoffing, picking at her cuticles till they started to bleed a little. Huh, guess they are real after all. “You love mum and you love Riley and you love Nick—“ She’s pausing, her bottom lip quivering as she turned to look at Rooster. “But I was just the package deal.”
“You have no idea how much I love you kid—“ Bradley’s chuckling to himself as he flicks the indicator on. “You’re my daughter, end of story.”
“Yeah but like, you don’t have a choice?” Bradley could tell by the way Dot was slurring her words that she was gonna be sick by the time they pulled into the drive.
“No I don’t have a choice with Riley and Nick—“ Rooster explained. “Because I created them, I have to love them regardless, but you? I choose to love you and I choose to put up with your recklessness and I choose to get up in the middle of the night to come get your drunk ass because I love you and I choose to love you.”
“If you throw up in the car I may have to re-evaluate but yeah kid, you’re stuck with the ‘not real’ dad for life.” By the time Rooster is pulling into the drive your standing at the front door in your dressing gown, arms crossed—glasses on, looking all kinds of angry.
“Oh fuck she looks pissed—“ Dots groaning all the while Rooster is laughing.
“Hey you wanna be a rebel you gotta own up to the consequences of your own actions.”
“Please don’t tell her I’m high—“
“I’m not gonna tell her shit are you kidding me?” Rooster raises his eyebrows in utter disbelief. “Im not suicidal, you’re gonna tell her yourself.”
“Dad!” Dots pleading, begging Rooster to help her out. He thinks it’s hilarious, laughing as he watches you march down the three patio stairs.
“Oh so now it’s dad when you want a bodyguard huh?”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse
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thatone-brightstar · 11 months
Before You (Carmen Berzatto X Fem!OC)
It was Isaac before Carmy, and it was Ross before you.
Read part I.
Part II: January.
words: 3.4k
a/n: Thank you all so much for 200+ followers!!! Idk what to do in these situations but I'll celebrate by giving you more Carmy content! Slide into my dms with your prompt ideas and I'll gladly do my best to write what I can! Also: Image does not represent OC's skin type, just needed a summary pic. WARNING: Smut ahead, p in v unprotected sex (birth control is present but not mentioned), minors DNI but you'll do what you want so don't say I didn't warn you
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This was not how she expected her New Year to go, dress hiked up to her hips, nails digging into his neck and shaking thighs painfully wrapped around the man continuously slamming into her. The lewd sounds he makes reverberate inside the small depot, echoing back into her dew covered skin and fueling the shivers traveling up and down her spine. Ross has always hated her name, but the way Carmy says it- blissed off his mind, crimson cheeks and pink pouty lips rounding over each syllable and followed by a breathy ’fuck’- god does he make it sound devine. 
Her nails drive deeper into his reddened flesh and the pain of her grip tightens his fingers over the plush skin of her parted thighs. The flimsy fabric that barely covers her navel lets him see himself lost with each thrust, sight replaced with a gripping sensation, choking him with his own air.
There was something cathartically thrilling about their… situation. The sneaking around, the lingering stares each time she crossed to the depot and the tauntingly short uniform that made him visibly gulp. It all brewed thick inside his gut like he’d never known, the warmth of her lips weeks before had shaken the loose earth over his buried desires and there was no way he would get his fill from just the one time. 
Unbeknownst to them, they had fallen into a clandestine rhythm. After closing, Ross would get in her car, drive a few blocks away and wait for Carmen in the warm comfort of the vehicle. Her pulse always quickened in anticipation around the ten minute mark, when she’d spot him in the rear view mirror, blowing smoke into the wind and hair disheveled after a hectic service. The drive to his felt longer each time, anticipation thick and pulsing in the empty space. They could never reach his place though, once she parked on the narrow alley beside his building, his fingers would wrap around the side of her jaw and her breath would be stolen by hungry tobacco scented kisses. She enjoyed the feeling of his needy hands circling her hips and pulling her over him, before his mouth attacked the frail skin of her throat.
But tonight felt different to her. The frustrations of a shitty service had Carmen on edge and he didn’t even give her a chance to leave as she popped her head into the empty kitchen to say goodbye. Instead wrapping his grip around her wrist to drag her into the small room and pinning her against a shelf with the strength of his panting chest. His usual doubtful behavior is replaced by strong and steady thrusts, ones that have the glass olive oil gallons behind her vibrating angrily. Her worry of them braking only lasts a few seconds, soon being pushed out of her mind by the constant pattern of his movements and the tightness inside her that’s beginning to burn.
��Fuck- Ross-” He moans into her neck as he speeds up his slams, breath blowing cold over the sweat on her skin.
The relentless strike of his hips on the base of her thighs paints the sensitive skin with a light shade of pink, causing a hiss from her when he readjusts his grip over the slick flesh.
“S..sorry- you good?” Carmen asks with slight concern, slowing down his movements and gulping the dryness in his mouth.
“Ye-yeah-” She reassures with a panting grin, eyes slightly glossy and mascara staining her bottom lashline. “Keep going, I like it…” 
“Oh.. yeah- right okay.” Her bluntness gives him a blush that matches the underside of her thighs before resuming with a brutal blow, ripping a gasp from her lungs and making her breasts jolt with force.
Ross’ fingers tangle in the sweaty strands of his hair and pull him down to her awaiting lips, licking and nibbling over the delicate skin while his hands dent the muscle of her legs and his actions grow faster each time. With a string of groans pouring from her chest, she does her best to chase his hips with her own, striking a perfect spot each time. Her feet hook tightly at the base of his spine and this restricts his actions into shorter and faster shoves against that specific, beautiful spot that seems to split her in two.
An almost filthy cry bursts out when her orgasm shoots up from deep in her core, sparking in each nerve ending in her body and his hand flies quickly up to it to drown out the obscene sound. The remaining force in his last thrusts carries her back down into her body just in time to feel his fingers dig into her bruised skin. A throaty groan blows heavily over her collar bones before he slumps down completely with heavy inhales. She likes this part, when his shoulders lose tension and the beating of his heart doesn’t palpitate as hard against her chest. 
He pulls out with a soft hiss but rather than make an effort to step away from the momentary comfort she provides, Ross feels his thumb brush gently over the red dents he produced; a clear contrast from a few minutes before. She tries to remain quiet so as to not ruin the moment he seems too caught up in, but his tender touch pulls an invisible string deep inside her and the fear of unwillingness to anything remotely close to a relationship triggers her mouth before she can stop it.
“You’re gonna leave a mark…”
“Hmm?” He pulls his head up to meet her eyes, bright pools of aquamarine absorb the little saliva left in her tongue and she swallows drily again and again.
“Your fingers…” She clears her throat. “They’re, uh, they’re gonna leave a mark.” Though that’s not really what she originally meant.
“Tell me.”
“Tell me!” 
“No!” Ross groans towards her friend, trailing behind her as they both cross the entrance to the back of house.
The regularly hectic movement in the kitchen seems less so as service isn’t due for another few hours. There’s a thin layer of peace visible in the rounded backs of a few cooks as they ingest family, elbows glued to the long stainless steel tables. Ross moves to the water filter beside Frank’s station, ignorant to the glance he throws her way, but very present in Meg’s eyes as she gasps.
“Wait, was it Frankie? D’you finally cave?” Meg whispers beside her.
“Ugh, gross no. I’d rather stick hot coal in my mouth…”
“Okay, then who?”
Ross rolls her eyes once again. “I’m not telling you, alright?! So just- hop off my dick.” 
“Oh c’mon, he had to be good if he left bruises like that…” 
Meg leans down to inspect the lilac dents peeking ever so slightly from under the hem of her uniform. A hiss leaves Ross’ mouth and she immediately reaches down to swat her friend’s pointed finger off the darkest spot.
“All I’m sayin’ is, every artwork needs the artist’s signature.” Meg grumbles beside her. 
“What artist?” The cook intervenes as he pokes around his own plate.
“Ross has a new boy toy and she won’t tell me who it is…”
She keeps her eyes trained on the slowly filling bottle, trying hard to tune out the teasing from the two idiots behind her.
“Y’know she won’t shut up ‘till you tell her, right?”
“I’m just hoping for her batteries to run out.” She assures with a flat smile, taking a sip from her bottle and leaning on the table in front of her.
“I thought you’d be more interested…” Meg teases, picking a piece of dried tomato from his plate and nibbling it through her smile.
She can see a slight tension in his jaw before he shrugs, eyes heavy on his dish. “We’ll find out eventually…” He answers under his breath, the words making Ross’ brows furrow.
Frank sighs and pushes his forearms off the table, finally looking up at her. “I mean- c’mon Ross, we know your type- plus, if it was one of these motherfuckers-” his fork drags pointing at the few cooks in the room. “-which it probably was- you know none of ‘em can keep their fuckin’ trap shut.”
If his comment struck a nerve, left it beaten and pulsing in agony, she doesn’t let it show. Instead, she rolls her eyes one more time and gulps down her water, drowning the many colorful swears with his name written on them. A prickling sensation covers her skin, the grip on her bottle going loose when she catches his persistent gaze falling heavily on her from across the kitchen. It washes over her for a few tender beats, and the water in her bottle no longer seems sufficient to cool the heat his strong stare ignites in her stomach.
Carmy doesn’t mean to stare, his eyes had just wandered, obliviously guided by the source of her vibrant voice, the private conversation not so private in the confinements of the blinding white room. A strange sensation flourished in his chest when Megan mentioned the bruises he had previously apologized ardently for and could hear Frank’s slight annoyance  at them.
He doesn’t dislike Frank per se, he finds him irritating and obnoxious at times sure, but not to the point of hate. Right now however- as he appears completely entranced by her- Carmen can’t help the irritation beginning to course through him from the words he overheard. He knows they’re bullshit- the idea to expose her in such a way had no space inside his mind, Carmy isn’t like that- and with his own eyes roaming her tense features, he hopes that in the few seconds he allows himself to sneak a look, she can catch that. The unspoken assurance that she can trust him to keep whatever they have going on a secret.
“- are you even listening to me?”
Her friend’s voice demands Ross’ attention and he drags his eyes away, setting them back on the paper thin sweet potato slices gliding off the sharp edge of the mandolin.
“What- yeah, um… something about… your hair?”
“No dumbass- your psych exam, how’d it go?”
Despite his heavy attention to the task at hand, his ears can’t help but to tune back into the conversation as her sigh floats thick in the air of the kitchen.
“Failed it again… which is- fine-” She groans and reaches her hands to rub up her face in frustration. “-but that blows my second try so I only have one left or I’ll have to redo the whole course.”
Meg frowns up at her and reaches a hand to stroke over her arm. “You’ll do fine on the last one, I’ll help you study.” She offers with a kind smile. “Next one’s the good one… you’ll see.”
“Yeah… I guess'' Ross replicates her friend’s expression and takes another sip from her bottle, only half heartedly believing her.
“Yeah- we’ll both help you.” Frank adds, reaching his own hand beside Megs, a sly expression turning hers into distaste.
“Chef-” Three heads turn to the far left to see Carmen’s usual serious expression, making Frank immediately straighten his posture. “If you’re done fuckin’ around, that duck amuse in the walk in isn’t gonna confit itself-”
“Yes, Chef- sorry.” 
“Thank you!”
Frank briskly picks up his half finished plate and disappears around the corner with a quick step, barely having time to throw them an irritated expression. 
She feels it before seeing him. Only a wisp of white and blue flashes in her peripheral vision before he disappears behind her, the warmth of his extended digits pressing gently on her lower back and a soft ‘behind’ blowing on her exposed neck.  Ross turns just in time to catch the artist’s eyes lingering on her for a sliver of a second, but it’s more than enough to spread a tingling sensation over the blossoming bruises. She doesn’t notice the change in rhythm inside her chest or the soft sigh that he pulls from her as he moves further away.
Meg’s voice is barely audible behind the thin ringing in her ears and it’s only then that Ross notices she’s been staring down the empty space of the corridor, Carmy long gone.
“What the fuck was that?”
It’d be a blatant lie to say she knew either. The way her hands had suddenly gone all clammy and her stomach had dropped to her knees with a simple touch was not characteristic of her usual hookups. The day prior’s fear resurfaces again and the erratic beating takes another definition as she swallows hard and turns to Meg with a thin lipped smile.
“That was um… the artist.”
Roslyn never wanted a relationship, she didn’t need to be in one to know they were shit. All the effort it took to maintain a façade of contentment and joy just for it all to crumble down into nothing, made every cell in her body recoil in disgust. Besides, nothing ever made her believe in the fairytale and every couple she met while growing up seemed completely tired of each other's company. Why would she ever want to put herself through that most ancient form of torture? For what, just to not be alone? 
Big whoop. She’d been alone most- if not all her life- and from the vast experience could confidently say it wasn’t as bad as people made it seem. Her own company was a hundred times better than some of the questionable creatures she found herself roped with.
Yet, despite all the reminders and admonitions that she ‘wasn’t made for that kind of thing’ and to ‘just leave what isn’t for you alone’, Ross could not contain the tumultuous thoughts banging heavily around her skull. 
The shift had gone by quickly as she spent more than half of it in her head, finally clocking off autopilot once the crisp air brushes past her cheeks at the employee exit. The air comes with the lingering wisp of tobacco. Ross tries to disguise how accustomed she’s grown to the smell, breathing in deep and walking slowly in his direction. She throws a nod to her right, where Carmen stands leaning on a tree.
“How was your shift?” He asks a bit awkwardly, pushing himself off and dragging his feet beside her.
“Fine, I think-” Ross stops abruptly.”-hey, is it alright if we like, don’t do anything tonight-”
“Oh shit- no I wasn’t here for-”
“It’s just, my head kinda hurts and-”
“Yeah, I get it- I wasn’t-”
 “I also haven’t eaten so-”
“-I can make you some…thing.”
The silence is filled by tension as his words linger heavy in the air. They slipped past his mouth without contemplation and now weigh more with each second she doesn’t respond. Words turn to dust in the back of her throat- scratchy and uncomfortable- while she tries to come up with a lie on why she wouldn’t find it absolutely appealing to be cooked for.
“It’s okay, you spent the whole day cooking- you don’t have to….”
“I don’t mind it.” He’s soon to assure, keeping his eye contact despite the sharp shake of his head.
Her fingers grow sensitive at the constant assault of her nails, she huffs out a small breath of air and looks up at him. She can only hold Carmen’s strong stare for a few seconds, eyes wavering instead on the treetops above his head.
“No one’s ever really made me dinner before.” Ross delicately whispers her confession.
His offer’s dissected in her head for what feels like an eternity while he just waits in place, knuckles cracking at his sides. A slow smile finally covers her face, nodding gently to him.
He offers what she has come to know is his soft smile, at least what she can see of it under the dim lighting of the street lamp. The clouds of vapor emanating from both their chests pull her from the unintentional staring contest and she makes a following motion to him with her head.
“I-um- I left the car that way.”
“Right- yeah- okay.” Carmy’s nervous stutter widens her grin.
They begin to walk the few blocks in silence, he’s concentrated on the surrounding ambience- second cigarette in hand- while she attempts to ignore the alarms she has strategically set out, all in the name of self-preservation. 
‘It’s just dinner’, she repeats to herself. ‘It doesn’t mean anything’. 
“Can I ask you somethin’?” He speaks out, pulling her from her head. “And you can totally tell me to fuck off-”
“Probably will, but shoot-” She adds with a light laugh, tired eyes concentrated on their path.
He contemplates his words for a second, the dim roar of tired engines penetrating their small bubble of peace. 
“So you really hate your job-”
“Ooh, hate is not a strong enough word-”
“-Okay, so you loathe your job-”
“There you go…” Her humorous smile triggers his usual small one, the tiny dimple on his left cheek guest starring just briefly but she takes a short second to admire it fully.
“Why do you stay?”
Ross contemplates his question while she plays with the strap of her bag, debating between the option she’s always used to deflect any sort of question, or to undust and pop the lock on the box where her truths lay hidden.
“Well you see, I have this horrible habit where I have to eat and-”
“Oh, fuck off- I’m serious.” His laugh is brief but genuine and it shudders something deep within her- it vibrates through her ribs and changes the tempo in her chest- an earthquake came and gone. 
A slight sense of panic trails behind her external joy, looming just out of sight but present still. She sighs and gulps the tightness down, turning to the empty street before them.
“I wasn’t supposed to be there this long.” Ross finally confesses loud enough so he can barely hear her. “I'm majoring in psychology…”
“So this is temporary?”
“Yeah…” She sighs again, picking at the gel polish she gets specifically to avoid the bad habit. “It’s supposed to be, but I’ve been trying to get my license and failed my exams twice. I only have one more chance before I have to retake the course all over again.”
He’s silent for a while, staring at the grimey ground and searching his head on what to say. “I was always shitty in school… but maybe I can like, try and help you study? Some say it helps explaining it to someone else.”
Carmy’s voice falls into a whisper with the last sentence and draws her gaze away from her fingers and up to his concentrated one.
The way his attention falls solely on her- eyes never straining far from her own- heightens her senses and chills her skin past the warmth of her coat. All she can muster is a thin smile, because anything bigger would trigger the lever that’s already too tight. 
“So psychology?” He changes the subject.
“Yeah, the-uh- child kind.” She awaits the usual taunt that comes with her answer- the ignorant thought that ‘why would children even need a psychologist?’- but it doesn’t. When she looks in his direction, it isn’t there either and she can’t decide if what he’s giving her is worse.
“That sounds pretty cool.” He says instead.
Ross’ brows twitch up momentarily, awe visible only for a few worthy moments. “Yeah it… it is.”
And says nothing else. 
‘Don’t read too much into it’ Ross repeats to herself, as many times as needed to push out the ridiculous thought of anything more than what it is- just a casual thing- out of her head, on the drive to his place.
Part III.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat, @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13 and that’s it lmao
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britt-kageryuu · 7 days
It's a fairly calm day in the studio, considering Donnie has decided to update and /or upgrade everyones setups, and equipment. He had the desks pulled from their stations, and multiple parts stacked up around the area.
He periodically tested the parts or programs to make sure they were not broken in some way which would lead to more work, and needing to fix or order replacements, which was not the worst that could happen. Donnie still has nightmares about how somehow one of the setups fully bricked from just one faulty part, he was glad he always had backups for his backups, so it was only a loss of parts, time, and some money.
Donnie was also doing some upgrades to the desks themselves, like making Raphs a bit taller because his while growth rate may have slowed down alot, finally, he's still too big for the current height.
Mikeys was made a bit wider to accommodate a bigger digital drawing setup with multiple custom styluses that look like paintbrushes, pencils, pens, and crayons.
Leo's desk was just getting some new controller storage that doubles as a charging dock, he annoyed Donnie a bit too much recently, so minimal upgrades this time.
Donnie was going to add lighting to his, even if only those in the studio will see it, and maybe add a new monitor or something to allocate 'junk icons' to de clutter the other monitors. And he's planning to upgrade all of their stream decks.
He was also checking on Shelldon who was in the middle of an update himself and 'sleeping' on his charging bed. The updates being sent from a spare laptop wirelessly connected to Donnies main computer in his lab.
As he's about to put a new part into place, he pauses to yawn, and then checks the time.
"Sweet and Spicy Churros, has it been that long already. I'm surprised Angelo hasn't tried to drag me out to make sure I eat. Oh wait, he's working today. Right." Donnie looks around to see his current progress, and decides it's a good time to take a brake. Taking care to not step on any parts that got left out, he starts to head for the kitchen area of the studio.
When suddenly Shelldon shoots off his charging dock and flys across the room, thankfully not hitting anything except the wall he crashed into.
"Pizza Supreme! SHELLDON!" He uses his Ninpo to turn his battle-shell into it's hover mode, and quickly goes to check on his robot son. Donnie picks Shelldon up to look him over, "Are you okay, are your systems functioning?!"
Shelldon comes out of the 'daze' he was in. "I'm find Dad, but if that was real, your ancestors are jerks, except Gram Gram of course."
Donnie is understandably confused, "What do you mean 'if that was real'? And the Hamato ancestors tried to contact you?"
Shelldon shakes his head, "Well I don't know, it was like I was dreaming, and suddenly someone claiming to be a great great aunt from Grandpas aunts side, or something." He then rolls his eyes, "Dude was totally pushy about some distant cousin disgracing the family, or something. My translation programming wasn't working in my 'Dream'."
Donnie is still confused, "I don't know whether to be surprised over the fact that you can simulate dreaming, since you've told me you could, question why the ancestors decided to contact you, or wonder what was messing with your translation programming."
"Yeah, this Great Aunt was trying to tell me a name, but it kept translating the meaning of the name," Shelldon says annoyed at his programming, "And when I asked 'why me?' she was getting more pushy until she started chasing me. Which is probably what triggered me to fly off the dock."
Donnie was still feeling lost, but decided to shelve the idea for later, to focus on getting food. "We can check if this 'dream' was recorded, and look it over while I eat, and you finish your updates."
The dream was in fact recorded, and analyzing it revealed that Shelldon apparently had a human form in this dream, which they believe is why this random ancestor thought Shelldon could help. Also the name they discovered wasn't being translated because it was not the proper way to say the name, or something.
But that was a problem for a different day, when Donnie didn't have another, what feels like, 10 hours of work left, at least.
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sour-ggrapess · 1 year
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♡゙  :    𓈒are you mines tomorrow or only for tonight   📹  ?
jungkook X FEM READER
request by @yourbobaeyestell
A\N: im sorry for the neglect but im back noww and I got new furniture!
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summery; he only wants you when he wants pussy
warnings; toxic jungkook, big d!ck jk, slight f!nger!ng, belly bulge upright missionary s!e!x, jk might be using you.
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"DO YOU EVEN FUCKING EVEN WANT ME?" you scream out at jungkook. Hes sitting on your bed with his head down and eyes low like a child whos getting lectured. "YOU USE ME FOR COMFORT AND PLEASURE!" you exclaim making him feel like a dick. "I think we should go our own ways and you just leave me alone," you suggest in a low voice.
Jungkook jumps up off the bed and grabs your hand and looks into your eyes making you fall into his stary eye illusion that makes you reconsider what you just said. "Baby you know I fucking love you more than anything I truly want to be with you every minute of the day but I dont want to brake you by opening up to you and becoming your boyfriend. Im only doing this because I love you so much, can I show you how much I love you?," He trys to sweet talk you as he grasps your chin.
Was he gaslighting you? He definitely was but when he was around he truly made you feel good. His sparkly eyes making you nod your head giving him approval. His strong tattoed hands picking you up and placing you on the bed as pushed you to lay down. He sat on his knees in between your legs, his mouth meeting yours, saliva mixing as his tongue entered your mouth. Tongues swirling around as jungkooks hard print rubbed against your clothed pussy causing the wet spot to grow.
He lifted your night gown off your shoulders and above your head and tossing it to the floor. His mouth moved from your lips to your right boob, his warm tongue on your nipple making your back arch in the air a bit and a moan escape your lips. His hand replacing his mouth as he moved down to slide your panties off and down your legs.
His warm thumb rubbed against your hard clit, it made soft whimpers leave your mouth and your hips shutter causing him to spread them wide and hold them down in place. He slides his hips up and pulls his grey sweats down along with his PSD bape boxers that made his dick look gaint and it was gaint never failing to shock you.
Jungkook aligned himself up with your sopping cunt then sliding his length in, his dick even touching your pussy made you feel like you smoked 6 blunts and now your cloud9. Sliding in and out at a normal pace making you feel loved more than when he rammed into you just to have a quick nut but it was more fun.
His toned sexy body hovered over you as slowed down his strokes and got more deeper, that shit made your pussy jump like you could fell his dick in your stomach. You picked his hand up and moved it to your lower stomach and showed him how you could feel it in your tummy. "I-in my tummy." you whine out with a moan following after, "You feel me in your stomach baby?" jungkook growls as he bites his lip as he starts going harder making him bump into your cervix.
This action making a porn star moan scream escape your lips as you released on his dick. It felt like your problems and worrys melted away on his dick but this feeling stopping as he pulls your legs apart even more as he nuts all over your stomach and belly button.
"do I go back out your window or do you want me to stay?"
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Birthday Baby Blues
prompt: fearing your friends had forgotten your birthday, you show up at your boyfriend's to the surprise of a lifetime.
pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 5k+
note: dedicated to my sweet autumn birthday angel. i love you, and i hope you like this! i consumed what should be an illegal amount of coffee and cranked this out so i hope it's not too rushed ?
warning: small angst, large comfort. big fluff. big love. author still projects a little in this, so, talk of family difficulties / family angst. only proofread once, so, pardon any mistakes.
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You could hear their voices as you walked down the hallway, the door to the old drama room that was now converted into the Hellfire Room cracked open slightly; letting overlapping voices drift out from within.
Although you were kinda expecting something different that morning, you weren't totally opposed to needing to seek your friends out. I mean, sure, Eddie usually picked you up in the morning but he called crazy early that morning to rush an apology, explaining a 'family emergency' prevented him from taking you to school.
No problem, because your older brother had gifted you his old, beater car about 6 months ago, and while the oil probably needed changed, and the brakes should be replaced, and more than likely needed four new tires, you still drove it the short distance to the high school. You had woken that morning to your father sleeping on the couch (again) and your mother already gone to the hospital for her day shift; leaving it a quiet morning.
Your brother was found in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the new coffee machine that took up half the counter. "Hey, squirt," he muttered, still half-asleep, but hearing you skip down the stairs only moments prior.
"Hey, bubs," you sighed lightly, nudging his shoulder to turn him as he grunted softly when he leaned his lower back to the counter's edge.
"What?" He mumbled as you sighed and pushed his defensive arms down, taking hold of his loosened tie and starting to do it up tightly. "Oh," he sighed, relaxing to let you work. "Thanks, kid, I appreciate it."
"Anytime," you nodded softly, peering over him with worry. "Where are your pants?"
"No idea."
"Are you feeling okay? You look really beat, my dude..."
"I am," he admitted, barely speaking above a whisper. "Been working every day the past two weeks, I feel like I'm seeing double."
"Well, you're off tonight, though, right?"
"At 10," he whined lightly, missing the way your jaw steeled.
"So, don't wait up for dinner, I'll be home late," he half-muttered, looking like he was falling asleep on his feet.
"Why're you working so much?" You asked.
"Got bills, baby sis," he whispered, head thumping back to the wooden cabinet door that housed the plates, bowls, and glass measuring cups. "Daddy ain't workin' no more, had to pick up double shifts..."
"You're working in Daddy's place?" You worried, brows pinching as you let go of the neatly tied-tie to pet over the material of his button-up as he nodded mutely. You sighed deeply, nodding in response, "All right, bubs, well, make sure you take some time off soon. You're no good to anyone, your bosses included, if you're dead on your feet."
"Right," he mumbled, cracking his eyes open. "Oh, hey, squirt, when'd you get here?"
"Are you serious?" You chuckled some, cocking your head as he inhaled deeply. "Hey, wait, maybe you should go back to bed - "
"No, shift starts at 7," he waved you off, turning to the counter, and after taking a deep breath, literally tossed his head back to chug the scolding hot coffee.
You gasped his name, laughing a little because of how ridiculous this was. "Oh, my God," you groaned when he lowered the ceramic mug and gave a long belch. "You're disgusting! I bet you just burned your whole throat, you idiot!"
"Hey! Where are my pants?" He wondered softly, glancing at his boxer-clad hips and thighs.
"You couldn't remember," you laughed a little. "Do you now?"
"Eh... Pretty sure they're somewhere in my room. Hey, you hungry?"
"A little."
"Wanna make us some egg sandwiches?"
You knew what he meant and rolled your eyes, "Sure, all right. Go find your pants, you hooligan."
He laughed a thank you, kissed the top of your head, and raced out of the kitchen; tube socks making him slide a little, and as he rounded out of the kitchen, you heard him slip with a bang into the wall. A moment later, he called, "I'm okay!"
You laughed in response as his feet thundered up the stairs again, nobody truly caring for your sleeping father in the living room. You made scrambled eggs, toasted four pieces of bread, and threw four slices of Canadian bacon in the microwave - complete with a cover for splatter.
You fixed together eggs and two slices of bacon to either sandwich, sprinkling a bit of cheese, and then pouring a drizzle of Sriracha over the small mounds of eggs; smooshing the toast over top to enclose the ingredients. Wrapping either sandwich in a paper towel after cutting them in halves, you met your big brother at the front door. He grabbed your packed backpack, opened the door with his briefcase dangling from his shoulders, and without saying goodbye to the man surrounded by beer cans, stepped out - slamming the door behind you both.
"Oh, hey," your brother paused at your car as he threw your bag in the backseat while you set your breakfast down to free your hands, "I almost totally forgot, but happy birthday, squirt!"
"Oh, yeah, thanks, bubs!" You smiled at him, nodding slightly as he took his sandwich from your hands.
"Got any plans?"
"Um, no?" You cocked your head at him. "I mean, am I supposed to plan my birthday? 'Cause you know Mom likes everything to be perfect and we don't really plan our own birthdays."
"Yeah, but it's your birthday..."
He shrugged, "Nothing, just wondering if your friends had at least said anything about anything?"
"Nobody's said anything, but I thought we were at least having a family dinner?" You frowned, watching his expression fall into a guilty one.
"I'm sorry, kid, but..."
"You forgot, huh?"
"I didn't mean to when I picked up this shift," he insisted. "But bills, and with Daddy not - "
"Are you going to tell me the truth of that?"
He shrugged, "According to Mom, his hours have been cut pretty significantly."
"So you have to work to make up for him?" You nodded.
"Yeah, but, we both know he's unreliable."
"He's still recovering," you snapped, unable to help it. "He fractured his spine - our family is lucky he's even alive, let alone able to walk!"
"Hey, I'm not trying to harp on him," your brother defended.
"Well, I'm sorry," you sighed in reply, "but I'm just a little on edge."
He nodded, "Yeah, where's Eddie this morning? Thought he'd drive you, especially on your birthday...?"
"Some emergency," you shrugged a little, waving it off.
"Oh, well, I'm sure he'll meet you at school," your brother smirked. "Thanks for breakfast, squirt, I love you, I'll see you later tonight, and hey," he pulled something from his back pocket and presented it, "happy birthday, my most favorite sister."
"I'm your only sister."
"Exactly," he teased, letting go when you accepted his colorful card; then slightly lunging to catch you off guard in a huge bearhug. "Ah! Ha-ha!" He wriggling you both around, laughing loudly when your arms snapped around him in thumps. "Ah! Baby sis! Baby sis!" He pecked the top of your head, "'Nother year older, non the wiser, huh?"
"Oh, whatever, jerk-face," you teased in mock offense, letting go of him. "I love you, have a good shift."
"See you later tonight, I promise," he assured, giving you one last pat to your shoulder before turning for his company car parked in front of the house as Mom and Daddy usually parked in the driveway with your junker sometimes behind Daddy's.
So lead to your solo travel to school that morning where you couldn't help but scoff in indignation when you saw Eddie's van in the parking lot. You ate the scrambled-egg-Canadian-bacon sandwich on the drive, making you pause at the water fountain to swish the taste of egg from your mouth - curiously looking around the halls after not spying your friends, or boyfriend, anywhere outside.
It was a gorgeous autumn morning, making you wonder why they weren't taking advantage of one of the last temperate days; sending you into the school on a determined man-hunt.
You felt an odd prickle of irritation budding in your stomach; wondering why today, of all days, of all weeks, of all months, everyone seemed evasive and hard-to-locate. So, you tried to think like them, and by a stroke of luck, you went to check the Hellfire room, and there, you heard their voices.
You paused at the door and knocked loudly, the hinges squeaking lightly as it slowly pushed open to reveal an odd sight. Eddie was pushed out of his throne, making some enthusiastic point over the other's voices - but the room came to a jarring silence when they caught sight of you. Your boyfriend, leader of Hellfire, and long-haired-love-of-your-life, slowly lowered himself to his throne again, clearing his throat as he went, calling, "H-Hey, sweetheart! C'min! Hey, good morning!"
Your head cocked a little, spying your usual group of friends - being that of Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington - sitting with Nancy Wheeler, her out-of-town-visiting boyfriend, Jonathan Byers, who were sitting around the Hellfire game table with usual members Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, and Lucas Sinclair.
Just behind you, Will Byers, visiting with his brother, came sprinting down the hall, pausing as he rounded into the room behind you, panting heavily as you watched him lean on his knees. "Sh-She's coming!" He managed to wheeze.
"Thanks, Will," Dustin mocked.
"One job, kid!" Steve sighed.
"What's going on?" You asked, shifting your weight as the obvious secretive conversations were driving you insane. "Am I interrupting, or something?"
"Not at all," Jonathan smiled at you, "we had some questions for the guys about the game, and they were nice enough to carve out some time to answer them."
You nodded, "You're interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons?"
"Yeah, for sure," Jonathan smiled, nodding.
"And... Steve, Robin, and Nancy were all interested, too?"
"We're thinking of forming our own group," Robin chuckled - but dare you say, it was a nervous sort of laughter.
"Huh," you nodded again. "Well, that's cool, I guess. Guessing this was the 'family emergency', Eds?"
He avoided your eyes.
"We thought it was a good way to, you know, bond with the boys," Nancy nodded as if in explanation, making her little brother roll his eyes dramatically.
"Didn't take into consideration maybe we didn't want them involved, but," he said sassily, making you chuckle some, "whatever."
"Mike," Nancy reprimanded in exasperation.
"Well! It's not a game you play while answering a bunch of questions," the kid defended. "So, like I offered at the beginning, why don't you guys just read the starter's guide?"
"You have one?" Steve asked, making Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all sigh in malcontent.
"Steve," Dustin spoke slowly.
"What? Genuine question!"
By the sound of it all, it was innocent and normal, but you still felt misplaced for some reason. They were thinking of joining in the gameplay, but nobody asked you to join? And Eddie lied about some family emergency, but was actually here, helping them? You felt confusion swell in your chest and gut, glancing at a still-panting Will Byers, who tried to smile, but it was obvious he had run seemingly a distance.
"Okay, well," you nodded at Will, "um, I guess I'll just head to class then," you chuckled some.
"Y-You're not staying?" he panted, but kept his tone low - as the others were in some argument, again.
"I'm obviously intruding, so, I think I'll just," you gesturing to the door with your thumb over your shoulder, "get gone."
"Oh, but you don't have to go," Will worried a bit, reminding you of the sweet boy he always was when you used to babysit him (for free, for his mother).
"No, it's cool, I'm interrupting," you half-smiled, patting his shoulder. "Nice look out, kid," you teased, dropping a quick wink before slipping out the door. You moved down a few steps and then heard the door shut in full this time, doing your best to fight off the ting in your chest. Why didn't they just tell you they had questions? You understood the game really well, and while you didn't always play, you liked sitting-in for the Hellfire campaign.
Eddie was a hell of a Dungeon Master; and no matter whenever you arrived after your own after school extracurriculars, the game was always at an exciting point to watch.
But for the rest of the day, you listened to your friends, barring Steve, who graduated already, argue about fucking Dungeons and Dragons, and all the rules and lore... Never once wishing you a happy birthday. You didn't say anything out of sheer worriment, something akin to anxiety growing as time went - thinking you couldn't bring it up now without a little bit of negative attention.
You could hear them now, asking why you waited until lunch to remind them, so you just stayed quiet. And then lunch passed, and before you know it, the final bell was ringing and only a few random classmates had remembered to wish you a happy birthday. Yet none of your friends ever seemed within earshot of the well-wishes - how fucking convenient, huh?
You couldn't even incidentally remind them!
Your frustration morphed into pure sadness, and knowing Eddie was helping Wayne for a time after school, your only option was to go home in your car. When you got in said vehicle, you paused to just watch everyone disperse from the building - spying Eddie giving Lucas, his little sister, Erica, and Dustin a ride somewhere.
Your eyes drifted to your passenger seat to your brother's card, and after the bubble of sadness burst to let a sheen of tears coat your eyes, you reached for the lilac colored envelope. The Hallmark sticker closing the envelope assured you he used his company's credit card for this purchase, making you giggle that turned into a series of sniffles. Being careful, you pried the golden emblem sticker up to open the gift, pulling out a beautiful white, lilac, and pale, baby blue colored card that had light streaks of a clear glitter.
The outside had a cheesy, but sweet first half of a poem, and the inside held the last half; ending with your brother's handwritten note where he wished you a happy birthday, writing how much he loved you, and how he loved being your big brother - something that made the tears fall from your waterline.
"What a softy," you smiled, sniffling again as you reread the words both printed and written on the card. It was sweet, and after the day you had, it was the small slice of comfort you needed for the time being. Starting the sputtering engine, you slowly made your way home and prayed you wouldn't break down in that time.
When you (thankfully) made home safely, you were parking on the curb in front of the house after discovering the steering wheel stuck and had basically no turn-radius; leaving it a smooth stop to just pull up in front. The engine protested with mild disgust before dying when you yanked the key free; slamming the rusting door shut, and after shouldering your backpack, jogged for the front door of your family's house.
Entering, you looked around and saw the house was surprisingly... Clean. With curiosity, you entered the kitchen only to discover your father preening over a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Um, Daddy?" You wondered lightly.
"Oh!" He jumped, turning with a bright smile. "Hey, now! There she is! Hi there, baby girl! Happy birthday!"
"Yeah, um, thanks," you giggled lightly, letting him hug you. "What's all this?"
"Well," he sighed, nodding, "I heard you and your brother this morning... And I realized what I had to do, so, I talked to your mother."
"I'm going to go on disability so your brother doesn't have to work as hard, and I'm going to be a stay-at-home husband slash father."
"Daddy, you know I'm going to graduate in a few months, right?" You snickered. "Kinda missed the window, you know?"
"I know," he admitted, shrugging. "But you, your mom, and your brother deserve a clean home to come back to, and I want to do that. Your mother agreed, and I promise things are gonna change."
"Oh, well, that's great, Daddy, I'm glad you're happy," you breathed in relief. "You're okay with it?"
"I am," he sighed. "I'm gonna stop drinkin', too."
"Wow," you smirked.
"I know," he teased. "I know I've not been the best father, or husband, but that's gotta change. So, I had a wake up call, and realized it's not fair what I've been doing. Your brother's gonna be able to stop working so hard, maybe your mother, too; but you guys are gonna be able to depend on me again."
"I'm proud of you," you nodded, taking his hand in yours. "So, what now?"
"Well, actually, everything's kinda done. I got the laundry started, and cleaned up everything, and your mom's working late, and so's your brother, so, I thought it would be okay to catch a meeting tonight."
"Oh, yeah," you had to fight off the feeling of rejection, "for sure, Daddy, you should go! That's really responsible, good for you."
"Thanks, baby girl!" He beamed with pride. "Look, I know it's your birthday, but with the timing of everything, is it okay if we celebrate another night?"
"Yeah, not a problem," you assured, trying to be the 'bigger person' you're always hearing about; that person that takes the 'high road' and not letting your disappointment show.
But for the love of God! It was your birthday, how hard was it for people to spend a single night with you!? Dinner, maybe a slice of cake? That wasn't asking too much, was it? And was it asking too much for wanting your friends and boyfriend to remember!?
You weren't sure how long you spent pacing your bedroom. You had set your brother's card to your desk so you could see it, and then left your father's flowers in the kitchen because of the pollen; eventually moving down there to pace by the wall-mounted phone. Rolling your eyes, and knowing nobody was in the house, you dialed Eddie's number with lightning speed. You waited impatiently as the line rang, and rang, and rang...
Hanging up, you tried again.
And again.
And again...
And again, again, and again; again; again, and again, until your panic had taken over in full, and you were rushing to snatch your car keys up, running for your car, and getting in. You're proud to say you didn't cry, but you felt something overwhelming you, and you just wanted some kind of comfort. For the past 2 years, Eddie had been that comfort, and you knew you could show up relatively unannounced.
In your defense, you called, like, ten times! That was plenty warning, right? Your anxiety told you it wasn't, but your heart, mind, and gut said it was fine because it was Eddie - and he always welcomed you with wide open arms.
Even if he was working on Wayne's truck, you were willing to hang out and help. You should be eating steak, or fish, or some fancy salad with fruit in it, or tacos, or whatever you wanted, but instead, everybody had seemingly abandoned you, and you would happily settle for hanging out with your boyfriend.
However, when you arrived, you were detrimentally curious as to why so many cars were parked at Eddie's trailer. Nobody was outside, and when you got up to his door, you discovered only the screen door shut, and heard the frantic voices from within.
"Don't drop that! Be careful, please! Oh, my God!"
"I'm not gonna drop it! Calm down!"
- C R A S H -
"I dropped it..."
Poking the door open, you called, "Hello?"
The silence echoed around you as your eyes adjusted to the sight, feeling a smile spread across your lips at the homemade white, lilac, and pale, baby blue banner wishing you a happy birthday - and all your friends, and family, scattered around trying to help hang matching-colored decorations.
"You're here!" Eddie yelped, looking around nervously. "Guys!? Help!"
"Surprise!" Everyone shouted suddenly, making you jump slightly before laughing at their desperate faces. They hoped it was a good surprise and that you liked it...
"Um, all right, yeah, wow, holy shit..." You clapped your hands together, "Um, hi everyone, what's going on?"
"I-I'm throwing you a surprise party," Eddie gestured around, "so, um... Surprise?"
After everything today, this was... This was outstanding. You burst out in laughter, making the room erupt in cheers as Lucas reached over to turn the stereo on; music flowing around everyone as you made your way up to Eddie's open arms.
"You," you beamed, letting his lips peck your forehead.
"Me?" he chuckled.
"This is incredible, Eddie, are you kidding me?" You chuckled, the bodies around you trying to dance in the limited space but mostly ended up bumping around with laughter. "Thank you for doing this, I actually kinda thought everyone forgot."
"Well, that was the plan," He chuckled. "Good one, right?"
"Not really," you winced, feeling his arms anchor around your waist.
"Wait, are you serious - really?"
"Sweetheart, letting someone feel neglected and unloved isn't really... Desired on someone's birthday."
"Fuck," he winced harshly.
"But," you beamed, rocking on your tiptoes to peck his lips, "this surprise party makes up for it tenfold."
"Really?" He beamed now.
"You did good, baby," you assured, feeling his grin against your lips before pressing another loving kiss to them. "This is really special, thank you so much."
And it was incredibly special. His trailer was decked out in DIY white, lilac, and pale, baby blue decorations, an obvious layer of glitter over the floor and furniture; a keg that was tapped set in the kitchen, plastic cups in everyone's hands, and an array of sodas with a large punch bowl ready for the minors. There was a small pile of gifts left on a table, and if you peaked around into the fridge, you'd see that Wayne had cleared out the entire thing to house the array of foods everyone bought for tonight.
Pot luck's are never out of style.
Nancy brought an array of mini sandwiches her mother made. Steve brought store-bought pasta salad. Dustin brought the sodas. Wayne and Eddie covered the cost of the keg. Jonathan and Will brought their grandmother's baked beans recipe. Robin made the punch - left on the counter with a ladle. Vickie brought a vegetable salad. Your mom brought her homemade scalloped potatoes. Your brother served whatever foods he stole from his office's conference room. He claimed free tasted better. Lucas and Erica brought the fruit platter. Your father had stopped and got not only a case of water, but also a container of trail mix, potato chips, and pretzels. Mike brought his mother's appetizer tray with different dips that were eaten in partner with your father's chips and pretzels.
It was a super cute and intimate party and Wayne had moved everything around to accommodate the number of people. But he had a bright smile on his face as he laughed at something Jonathan was muttering.
Will looked happy to talk all things D&D with Eddie.
Erica and Vickie were playing 'Don't Let It Touch the Floor' with an inflated balloon in the living room. Robin and Steve wanted winner.
Dustin was the life of the party, showing off new dance moves.
And everywhere you look, there was laughter and love. Everyone was happy to see you and apologized profusely for their behavior through the day, all but begging forgiveness and because you were just happy to be here now, you held no grudges. Why would you? Look at the effort they all went through tonight!
"Presents!" Dustin called. "Get the birthday girl to the couch!"
Steve laughed as he plopped a dollar-store tiara on your head and Robin dramatically presented you with a glittery sash that labeled you as the Birthday Princess.
Was it cheesy? Oh, hell yeah. But you liked cheesy, and you were happy to share this moment with your friends. Seeing their combined efforts, you happily pulled the sash over your head and one shoulder, settling it comfortably before readjusting your tiara, giving a twirl.
Nancy, Robin, and Vickie all cheered and clapped while Steve and Lucas gave whoops of approval. But just as you were sitting, the door flew open to reveal a panting Max. "A-Am I too late?"
The redhead held a hand-wrapped present in her hands, fly away hairs sticking to her sweaty skin. "You're right on time!" You cheered, and Steve laughed as he nudged the girl next to you on the couch. "Dustin just called for presents and you're up first, girly."
"Oh," her cheeks flared brightly. "Yeah, uh, h-happy birthday, Y/N. It's not much, but, yeah..."
"Max," you sang out when you opened the present, "did you get me a new Kate Bush tape?"
"You said yours was ruined in the rain, right?"
"It was," you nodded in agreement. "Thank you, it's so thoughtful!"
Max wasn't allowed to get up and after Dustin handed her a cup full of punch (no, it wasn't spiked, but Wayne had a bottle if any adults wanted it) and after Erica provided her with a plate full of snacks to 'catch up with', she was used as a middle-man to hand you presents.
Dustin was happy to hand presents off the table and to Maxine, and everyone watched you a bit uncomfortably, but fuck, did it feel good to get to celebrate with your loved ones! Eddie eventually took a seat on the arm of the couch beside you, watching with a fond smile as you got a couple new books, matching new scarf and mittens, and shoes that Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Vickie all pooled their money for.
And the love didn't stop there.
Nancy had a polaroid camera she was happy to snap away on. There was a growing pile of pictures on the table; everyone giggling as they signed their names on their photos, the night passing as the sun finally sank, and Eddie was nodding to his Uncle Wayne.
You looked up in mild alarm when the lights were cut, but Eddie's flickering lighter was then lighting the candles on a hand-made cake, and you went silent with emotion. He held the cake as your friends all gathered; Lucas wearing your sash and Dustin in the tiara, everyone singing the traditional birthday song.
"Make a wish, honey!" Your mother beamed from under your father's arm - a sight you've not seen in some time.
After closing your eyes and making a wish, you blew out the candles, and as everyone cheered, Wayne flipped the lights back on. Eddie grinned at you before turning some, leaning in to kiss you, muttering against your lips, "Happy birthday, baby."
"Thank you," you breathed, pulling back. "Did... Did you make the cake?"
"Steve and I did," he nodded in admittance. "So... Maybe chew carefully."
"How many eggs did you break in there?"
"Shhh," he hushed you with a smirk, moving for the kitchen to set the cake down, pluck the candles out, and let your mother step up to cut the cake as your father had plates held at the ready.
When he returned, he held two plates; offering you one nervously. Sighing, you took a confident bite of the sponge cake and hummed dramatically, nodding at him in approval as your eyes widened in shock. "Eddie, oh, wow..."
"How bad?"
"No," you paused to swallow you bite, "it's really good! Like... Really fucking good."
"Language!" Your mother called from the short way into the kitchen; making Mike and Erica snicker lightly.
"Seriously, it's really good, baby, thank you for making it," you smirked at Eddie, taking another bite. "What's this icing?"
"I don't know, it's, like, whipped," he nodded. "Mrs. Harrington told us to do it, said it made it all less heavy and dense."
"Right on, Mrs. Harrington," you teased, nudging his hip with yours. "This is seriously amazing, Eddie. Thank you for doing this."
"I thought we were caught this morning when you caught us in the meeting," he sighed. "Holly spilled her juice on some of the decorations, so we were trying to decide what to do - and how to treat you today."
Your eyes rolled with good humor, "Okay, well, consider me shocked. You did really well."
"Well, you deserve it," he nodded. "You should've felt loved all day, and I fucked that up - but I thought it would make the surprise better...?"
"Mmmmh, maybe not?" You laughed lightly, leaning in to kiss the icing off his lips. "But you made up for it all, this is awesome."
"Good," he smirked with a whisper. "I'll give you my present later."
He gave you a look that made you snicker knowingly, stabbing another forkful of cake to slide into your mouth. Though you had spent the day worried and feeling unloved and uneasy, you had to at least admit to yourself, this was pretty fucking cool - and made up for the misdoings of the day.
You spent the rest of the evening with your loved ones, music set to a dull pulse to provide filler for any conversation lapses - but with the amount of goofballs present, that wasn't likely. Eddie was happy to wrap his arm around you and stick to your side, feeling like he had to make sure you were having fun, but based on how effortlessly you laughed, he knew his job was well done.
Maybe next time, he'd keep note that everyone should act normal - and not ignore your birthday as a whole, because, he noted again, it did not add suspense like he thought.
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Why Bahrain 2024 likely hurt Sainz seat options in 2025
So this essay is going to be my thoughts about why Carlos' performance in Bahrain 2024 on and off the track did not help his chances of securing a good seat in 2025.
I want to make it clear that I do think Carlos is a decent driver. He's had some good races(not the ones people usually point to but that's not the point here) . I am approaching this from the perspective that he is a solid driver. Which makes his current situation only more unusual. 
Quick summary of what happened: Carlos started his race in P4 behind George Russell, teammate Charles, and Max on pole.
On lap 11 Carlos overtook Charles(who was clearly struggling and was dealing with a major brake mechanical issue) in a risky move that came close to causing a collision. 
The rest of his race was uneventful. He held on to P3 mainly because Charles and George had major mechanical problems with their cars.
I already stated that the overtake he pulled on Charles was unnecessarily risky, and did not serve the team. Ferrari were very likely going to have them swap(because Carlos' car was working properly) It was obvious that would be the strategy, but he went for an unnecessary and risky overtake to gain a position. 
He finished his race in P3. 
Main takeaways from the race:
Sainz set a slower fastest lap than his teammate who was operating on compromised brakes.
That overtake is not really impressive. 1. It was unnecessary, anyone who knows race strategy would be able to figure out what the plan would be(to eventually have drivers trade places). 2. Dangerous to potentially cause a collision between teammates(bad for the team) 3. It isn't really showing much skill to be able to overtake a car on bad brakes.
Overall the race performance wasn't anything remarkable, it was predictable and didn't require any crazy driving on Sainz' part to achieve.
So what does this all mean?
Well it's easy to think looking at the 2025 driver market that Sainz, who is a solidly good driver, should have no problem finding a seat.
However the way he is playing the game on and off track is making him a difficult choice, especially for top teams.
Carlos says he wants to be world champion one day, and that his goal for his next seat is to be in a car that has the best chance of giving him that. Okay well there are limited options. 
Because yes there are a lot of open seats, but none of the top teams are looking for a first driver. And that is where Sainz is in trouble. Most teams are looking for a second driver(or are not competitive)
Let's examine.
Mercedes: Well they are losing Lewis Hamilton. And Sainz might be a good fit. But they aren't looking for a first driver. They have George, who is more experienced at Mercedes and after being second to Lewis for years he isn't going to be taking a backseat to whoever comes next.
On top of the fact that Merc are clearly trying to keep their options open for Kimi Antonelli to join in the next few seasons. They are looking for someone who can fill the seat in the meantime, bring home points and not cause trouble.
Sainz has shown he'll do the opposite and probably does not want to be replaced by a rookie after a short contract.
Merc was thrown a curve-ball when Lewis left. Sainz is actually a good choice of second driver. The fact that they have an open seat and didn't go to him immediately speaks volumes. 
Red Bull: this is where I think Carlos really shot himself in the foot. 
There is a Red Bull seat potentially opening up. This is ideal if you want to be at the front of the field fighting for podiums.
However Max is RB number 1. They make that abundantly clear. And Red Bull as a team are especially no nonsense when it comes to second drivers staying in line. Carlos has never been competitive against Max, so the pecking order there is clear. 
If you want that Red Bull seat you have to show you are a solid driver who can be that second seat and won't mess up their number 1. The second you start causing trouble you're out.
Once again Carlos showed he'll do the opposite. That if he thinks he has a chance he will take it regardless of if it's smart, safe, or in the interest of the team.
Carlos is racing like he only cares about his own results. That in itself is not a crime. All drivers do need to think like that to an extent. However being driven by that mentality given there aren't any number 1 seats open at top teams is a problem. That mentality just clashes with the ecosystem other teams have already worked out, and it makes him a difficult option to seriously consider. 
So we've covered how his performance and driving overall didn't help. Now let's get into after the race.
After the race Carlos tried to claim he had similar bake issues to Charles(this is factually untrue. He may have had slight brake imbalance settings but it is completely different than Charles having a 100 degree temp imbalance. Race data and team radio does not support his claim)
This was a very obvious manipulation of the truth to try to make it seem like he drove a better race than his teammate(again this is incorrect, and data proves the opposite) 
Once again this kind of rhetoric does not help build a positive image of what he's like to work with and how he will play in a team.
After that he may have options at some of the mid-field teams. However if he shows hes too difficult to work with they will likely explore other options 
Carlos Sainz is a good driver. I don't think he's amazing, but he's decent and pretty reliable. Has experience in upper teams. Any mid field team should be wooing him. The fact that they aren't is once again, very telling.
The fact he is making himself so difficult to work with that teams who have seats to fill aren't trying to more aggressively campaigning for him says a lot.
I know he doesn't want a midfield team. And I'm sure some have reached out. My concern is that he is so focused on trying to get a top seat that he is less and less likely to get by the day, that he is hurting his chances at a good midfield seat.
Being difficult in the press and messy is something teams consider. You can get away with anything if you have the skills to back it up. Sainz doesn't. He talks about himself and his abilities like he's won a championship, when in reality he's won 2 GP and those were not seriously competitive races. 
Here's the thing. I think the results this weekend on paper look good. That in addition to the struggles both Charles and George were having, Carlos' outcome would have been the same. 
This isn't about the result, it's about how it was achieved and how he is speaking about it.
There is a version of this race that has the exact same overall results but looks better for Carlos.
What Carlos should have done is wait for the safe opportunity to pass Charles(likely backed by team orders) hold onto P3(which he did do) and then in the press after say he's happy to get a result for the team and express some sympathy for Charles’ brake issues. It's the very little things that make a big difference.
My main point being, Sainz is obviously trying to prove himself for a seat in 2025. He is doing this by putting himself first in any way possible. This is the opposite of what he should be doing optically to appeal to teams. He needs to show that he is reliable, takes team orders and can play the role of second driver. Or at the very least not stir the pot too much. 
He's doing the opposite and it's probably going to cost him his chances at either the Red Bull or Mercedes seats. 
If he was my driver I would be like "what are you doing?" Because he isn't helping himself.
Ultimately I think that Sainz' actions are a miscalculation on his position in the driver market. He's good, but trying to artificially prop himself up and expressly demonstrate on track that he will be difficult with teammates is not going to land in his favor.
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love-toxin · 1 year
Drooling my friend. This was brilliant. I fucking LOVE it and love seeing them go all guard dog for reader, was just the right amount of sweet 😌 tysm for indulging my request for more of them.
Eddie with a knife being protective made my brain buzz.
Steve being a sugar daddy, yep, yeahhuh. Fucking tracks, with that little bit of praise.
and then this part right here. killing me in the best way.
"Oh, you don’t even realize. The unexpected sweetness of you remembering such an insignificant detail about him actually makes Steve’s heart jump, feels like it’s the first time in ages since it’s done that. It’s baffling to each of them that you’re more concerned about them, though–and there’s that crack of mercy that forms then, that’s slowly gonna get wider and wider as the two of them realize they don’t just wanna tease you, they want you."
This made me wonder, aside from being protective, how older bully!Eddie would show he's growing fond of us. If Steve's way is through money and praise.
Wonder if Eddie would have you start wearing something of his all the time - his ring on a chain, bracelet, (or collar, what? who said that.). Feel like he'd want everyone to know who you belong to whether he's around you or not.
(maybe unnecessary but I might throw in a coffin emoji from now on ⚰️ so you know it's me, if that's okay. ._.)
HEHEHE!!! TY!!!! and i think you're absolutely right, older!bully!Eddie would definitely give you something personal to wear around so that everyone can see he's left his mark on you.
a tattoo would be preferable, but you may not be too amiable to that, so the next best thing is something like a necklace or a bracelet or even earrings. i think he'd likely go the collar route just for the sake of humiliating you because he will make it very clear that you are not to take it off, but he makes sure to treat you to a little smidge of praise when he comes into the diner and you serve the two of them while wearing it, because it genuinely makes him so happy to see his baby wearing something he made for you.
however, he's also an acts of service kind of person. your car's having problems? the next day he'll walk into the diner and demand your keys, and then drive it right out of the parking lot to take it to his garage, spending hours doing all the work he can before he comes back to pick you up at the end of your shift. he fixes your broken tail light, changes your oil, replaces your brake pads, and even fills up your gas tank and he doesn't say a damn word about all the free work he just did for you. just tells you to speak up if it starts clunking up again before dropping you and your car off and walking the rest of the way home. he's also one to take on the responsibility of any work needing done around your home, mowing your lawn, even cooking once in a while--but you better not make a big deal out of it, cause you're gonna be sucking him off til your jaw breaks for all this free labour you're getting out of him. that's what he says, anyways, but who knows if he'll even have the energy once he finishes up and drags himself back home.
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harrisonbrainrot · 6 months
S/o that also has similar car mechanic aspirations as Modern!Han?
Possibly could be a hobby or interest of theirs but then don't specifically work in that field, yet when they're free they help out Han in his little personal car/motorcycle projects.
Like s/o teasing and being sarcastic towards han saying hes doing something wrong or using wrong item and him getting annoyed or something. Or just even being helpful by passing tools and parts, or holding things.
I do have thots on this because I come from a line of mechanics, so here it goes:
At first it starts out as just wanting to spend time with Han while your relationship is new and fresh. Which meant a lot of time spent in his garage, music blasting, him smoking, and Chewie lounging on the cool floor. It slowly turned into a game of twenty questions every time you were in there. 'What does that do?', 'how do you know that's broken?', 'my car makes a clunking noise but it drives just fine.' Han is always amused by your questions, answering them like you were five given the fact that your knowledge was minimal at best. Then that turned into little lessons. How to change and rotate tires. How to change oil. How to check and change your fluids. Flush your lines. Change your brakes. Soon enough, your car is in the garage and he's teaching you how to fix your own.
'Hold the light right there. No, over a little more, over. Okay, stop. Jesus christ, girl..' is a common occurrence. It takes some adjustment, he's completely used to doing this on his own. He knows how to do this all on his own, he doesn't need help. However, he's not going to deny a pretty little thing her wish to get her hands dirty. Learning to hold the light right and pay attention to what he was doing was lesson one, without even knowing it.
'These are your spark plugs, they use electricity to spark the fuel. They basically.. make your car go. If there's somethin' wrong there, car no go. Got it?'
'Car no go, got it.'
'Atta girl.'
It didn't take long before you were handing him tools when he requested them, holding the nuts and bolts, reaching smaller hands into tight to fit spaces on the engine. He couldn't deny that he was thrilled that you were actually into this. He was proud he had taught you what you knew. It didn't take long before he could step back and watch you repair or replace something. He felt his chest tighten with admiration. Your grease stained hands and arms, the smudges on your face, wearing one of his old, tattered shirts. It made him glow with pride. He'd wrap himself around you, grinning into your neck. 'My lil mechanic, look at you. You're doin' so good, sweetheart.' Which would make you almost combust. You were so eager to learn and please him. He loved that about you, your ability to wiggle and worm your way into his heart and life and make him happy.
It didn't take long for you to be able to blindly hand him a tool while you had your nose stuck in one of his old car magazines. He'd stop and stare, watching your eyes as you read. It made him grin like a madman. He'd nudge your foot with his boot until you glanced up. 'Whatcha readin'? Any good?' And you'd flush slightly, paying attention to the pages again with a small nod.
'You know what I'm reading, you know it's good.'
'Yeah, sure.. but I wanna hear ya say it.'
That always earns an eye roll. 'It's so good, baby. Real riveting stuff.' He'd moan softly, tossing his head back as if he was fucking you.
'Don't care the context, hearin' that always gets me goin'...' you'd scoff and kick his leg. He was always trying to find a way to sprinkle his dirty thoughts in as many casual settings as he could. He loved it. He loved you. He knew it. He told you as often as he could. 'Love ya, girl.'
'Love you, too.. stinky.'
'Hey! Stinky? Who, me?' He'd point at himself, a frown and pinched brow directed at you.
'You smell like a guy who has been stuck in an engine in a hot garage all day... wait, that's what you've been doing.'
'Shut up..'
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south-sea · 1 month
something about second chance shadow since it’s been on my mind lately
if you pull back the curtain and look at just how the ARK scientists treated him and how gerald wasn't always really around, shadow objectively didn't have a nice childhood. gerald didn't deliberately mistreat him, but he certainly wasn't warm. his affections were conditional, and he was prone to blaming shadow for his own shortcomings/really hammered in the need for shadow to be "perfect", while a majority of the other scientists treated him as nothing more than an experiment. it was the 50s. look me in the eye and tell me it would've been any different. they just tended to be a bit more blasé about it when gerald wasn't around, which was often. vicious cycle.
all this to say shadow was constantly under a lot of stress during some critical times in his development. he did not come out of the tube 100% fully grown like canon shadow presumably did. all of it combined led to him being physically unstable. i once called him a "DNA-melted runt", and in some sense i was being literal. the stress tests he was put through on the ARK were so much that it stunted his growth. and at one point, it got so bad that the upper portion of his left arm literally started to melt, like the cellular makeup was coming undone.
any iteration of shadow derived from this AU as its base reflects that. second chance shadow himself wears a compression sleeve over that spot. lab rat shadow's entire left arm Literally Fell Off leading up to his escape, so it was replaced with one of metal medic's. neutral end was pulled from the ARK right around the time his arm started to melt for the first time, so he was given a metal cuff to support it like second chance's compression sleeve. weird alien DNA = compression accelerates healing.
semi-modern wasn't pushed that hard during his time on the ARK, or at least had a better work/rest balance, so he doesn't have the same issue. but any shadow who started to "melt" like that even once on the ARK is stuck with it for the rest of their life.
second chance regularly pushes himself enough just in general that he's always at risk of literally coming undone. these days he wears braces/compression sleeves over any section that's sustained past critical damage, including a portion of his upper right thigh that had also started to melt as a result of going too fast for too long when he was already extremely overworked. he's medically obligated to pull the brakes pretty often to keep his physical/emotional stress levels balanced so he doesn't literally lose an arm or a leg like lab rat did.
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ciramaris · 1 year
What would get the Bad Batch in trouble?
Inspired by this @dragon-pups
⚠️Warnings⚠️ mention of Injury 🩹, canon typical violence ⚔,
... Pls tell me, if I forgot to tag something ...
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... Because of his strategies, calculations and the need to inform everyone else about them, easily get him in Trouble ...
The tall Zabrack crossed his arms in front of his chest and scoffed. ,,Really? You think, you and your 4 Laserbrains could outsmart me? Cid thinks too high of you."
Tech righted his glaces while he typed on his Datapad ,,Actually, according to my calculations, outsmarting you would not even be that difficult. I took a brainscan of you- and yours is not fully developed. Indicating, you are not as smart as you presume yourself to be. With this information and with the security Recording Cid provided us with, we can easily brake into your Vault and bring Cid her share. Or you could give us her share and ours now, without the need to replace certain expensive Components of your Vault and House." Tech glanced at the three Guards the Zabrack had, that stood behind him. ,,And without the need of further bloodshed, on your side."
The Zabrack scowled at Tech. ,,And if I don't want to give Cid her share?"
Tech shrugged nonchalant and stated Matter of Fact. ,,Then we are obliged to use deadly force to retrieve said Share."
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... He once again took the biggest Risk out of them all ...
He didn’t want to listen to Tech's Odds and how many hundreds to 1 he was outnumbered. He hoped for the best and he failed.
While he fell down to the river below, he regretted not listening to Tech and sighed inwardly. After he returned, Tech would surely lecture him.
When he submerged in the icy cold glacier stream, he was pulled along with the current.
Hunter tried to stay afloat, but the Mining Guild Members did not take kindly to thiefs.
Especially not, when they just stole something extremely valuable.
He held on tight to his backpack, where he had the refined coaxium.
He took the next opportunity and reached for a wooden branch. He got himself out of the water and run back to the Marauder, while he was still chased by the Mining Guild.
The other four waited by the Marauder, Tech kept the Marauder ready. Echo was the Copilot. Wrecker and Omega had their Weapons, Wrecker stood outside the Ship, Omega stood in the ship- her energy Bow ready to shoot.
Hunter felt more than he heard the Pyro Denton activate and being thrown towards him.
He run faster, the Explosion still rattled him and threw him off balance, but at least further to the Marauder, he fell, rolled, got up and resumed running.
When he saw the Marauder he activated his Comm. ,,Tech- almost there!"
Wrecker and Omega went inside.
Tech lifted off of the ground and hovered there.
Hunter run and then jumped on the ladder. ,,Go!"
Tech flew upwards.
Hunter was glad Wrecker had taken a hold of him, otherwise he would have slipped off of the ladder, because of how wet he was.
,,Do you have it?"
Hunter panted and nodded. ,,In my Backpack."
Omega took out the Med-kit. ,,Hunter? Are you okay?"
He frowned. ,,Yes, why?"
Wrecker looked at his Brother and hissed. ,,Your cheek. It bleeds. Here, hold still."
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... Omega's sense of Justice ...
She cocked her head and starred at the Scene before her in shock.
A young Twiilek, around the Age of Hera, was slapped across her face. One of the five Men laughed and clapped the one, who had slapped her, on his shoulder.
Omegas heart clenched painfully at the sight. She looked closer and saw the Girl had her Wrists bound with Binders and Binder arounnd her Neck, said Collar electrocuted her and the Girls knees gave out, sending her tumbling to the floor.
Omega had enough. She crawled ontop of the Next crate and shot the one who had slapped the Twiilek, with her Energy Bow.
The others were immediately on high alert and fired on her.
Omega ducked behind the crate, then she looked up again and fired three fast shoots, killing three out of the four remaining.
The last one grabbed the Twiilek by her Neck and held her in front of him. He trained his Blaster on the Twiilek’s head. ,,My Syndicate is already on the way! No one attacks us and leaves unharmed!"
Omega rolled her eyes. Did he really think she cared what he had to say? Well, obviously... but she didn’t.
She shot behind him, he turned.
In the distance she heard a faint ,Omega!' From Wrecker.
That is it. She thought and activated her Comm. ,,Wrecker I need you. Somone wants to kill a Twiilek, she almost looks like Hera."
Wrecker sighed. ,,I'll be right there."
She waited a few more minutes and surely Wrecker appeared in the other alleyway.
He frowned. ,,Hey Kid. DUCK!" He shouted.
The Twiilek understood he meant her and tried to duck as good as she could, with the Man still holding her up.
Wrecker took an empty Fuel Container and threw it at her.
Just before the Container connected with her, a shot was fired and an ascension cable swung around her legs, then she was pulled away from the Attacker just beofre he was knocked out by the Container.
The Girl looked up and saw a Man with a half Tattooed Face, he smile kindly down at her.
Wrecker laughed. ,,The Cavalry has arrived!"
Hunter helped the Twiilek up after he removed the cable from around her legs.
When Omega joined them, Hunter sighed tiredly. ,,Omega. I understand you wanted to help. But could you please not do these kind of things alone?"
She nodded sheepishly. ,,Alright Hunter. Sorry."
Tech, who had waited for Wrecker to finish the Rescue frowned. ,,Omega? Are you aware you just stole a Slave from the Blacksun Crime Syndicate and killed 5 of their Men?"
Omega shrugged. ,,No, why? What is so special about a black Sun?"
Hunter sighed. He loved his Sister, dearly. But sometimes...
,Am I getting too old for this Crap?' He briefly wondered.
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... Wrecker's Love for Explosives ...
He was thrilled, the Warehouse Cid told them about was awesome. He had so many explosives surrounding him.
He laughed and hugged a Thermal Detonator to his scarred Cheek.
Omega eyed him mildly worried.
,,Oh you're comming home with me!" He laughed and loaded then im Omegas Backpack.
Omega grin. ,,Wrecker, don't load too much in it. I won't be able to lift it."
He looked Omega up and down. ,,Come here and put it on."
She did as her Brother told her. Soon she thought it was more than enough weight. ,,Wrecker, no more."
He sighed but accepted it.
Outside were Blasters fired.
Echo run inside. ,,We got company! What are you doing? We don’t have much time! Load it and leave!" He said while he fired Stunn Bolts from his DC.
Omega glanced at Echo worried and hurried to the Marauder.
Soon Tech and Echo followed her and entered the Ship.
,,Hunter? Where is Wrecker?" She asked worried.
Her Brother sighed, frustrated. ,,Probably still inside. Tech? Start the Engine and hover, I'll get Wrecker."
Tech did that while Echo huffed annoyed and shook his head.
Hunter found his Brother pinned to a Corner, surrounded by 20 Reg's.
Hunter sighed and shot Stunn Bolts at them.
Wrecker took a Crate of Pyro Dentons and a Crate of Thermal Detonators and run to the Marauder. He loaded it and run back inside, while Hunters frustration grew. ,,What are you doing?! We need to go!"
Wrecker grin. ,,I'll be right there. I just need something else."
Wrecker run inside and grabbed a crate or Ammunition and anpther crate of Magnetic Thermal detonators, he run t the Marauder amd just as he pushed the Ammunition inside, he was shot in his right leg.
He hissed, grabbed a Thermal Detonator, activated it and when Tech lifted off, he threw it at the Warehouse. He looked through the Gunnersmount as it Exploded. He grin. ,,BOOM!"
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... Echo's helpfulness for others (Esp. Clones) ...
He frowned. ,,Hunter? Why can't we go after them? They are our Brothers- they left the Empire and need help. Now."
Hunter sighed. ,,Because we need to maintain a low profile. Echo, I understand your need to help them. But we can't help them at the moment."
Echo shook his head. ,,Then, let me go alone."
Hunter frowned. ,,No. Not alone."
Echo got up. ,,I will not stand by and watch my Brothers get killed. Not again!"
Hunter shook his head. ,,You heard me."
Echo shook his head frustrated, he stormed off the Ship. He sat outside and told Tech and Wrecker about it, they in turn qgreed with him.
Hunter had a feeling this would happen, when Echo with His Brothers stood in front of him and informed him, they would go ater the MIA and AWOL, if he wanted to come with them, that would be appreciated-if not, ue could wait at Cid's.
Hunter sighed but agreed to go with them.
What they didn’t know yet was, Crosshair would be there too. Waiting for somone to pick up the AWOL's.
Admiral Rampart knew where they gathered and ordered him under the Command of CC-1226 to take them and the helpers out.
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... Crosshair's way with Reg's ...
He glared at Wooley.
Wooley smirked. ,,What? See something you like? Want to be like me? Look normal?"
Crosshair's glare intensified. ,,No. I am unique. You look like every one else. Nothing special."
Wooley glared at him. ,,Watch it, Toothpick! I will not get decommissioned for being defective."
Crosshair flicked his Toothpick at him. ,,No, you will. I was meant to be like this. You are not. So, do us both a favor and go follow Orders to the point of stupidety and play Cacon Fodder."
Wooley was just about to lunge at Crosshai, when he was lifted on his Chestplate by Wrecker.
Hunter sighed ans mildly glared at the Reg. ,,Please, let him be or I will have to inform Cody."
Wooley still dangled. ,,It’s Commander Cody to you!"
Hunter sighed. ,,Let him down, Wrecker. Go away- it is best for all of us."
Wooley glared at them, disgusted and left.
Hunter sighed. Why did Crosshair need to rile the Regs up all the time?
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