#radfems are racist
queerasaurus-rexx · 1 year
terfs: why do you always bring race into it?
also terfs:
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we bring up race because yall are racist
there are 'developing' countries in the west. (developing is a contentious term in terms of politics but in the absence of an agreed upon alternative, herein we shall continue to use it)
the fact that your first thought of countries that are developing are two countries (africa is a continent, not a country, and 28 countries therein have actually banned female genital mutilation but please tell me how much you really care about it -) heavily colonized by the west and a big reason why they've struggled to regain their footing after decades of conflict is because of direct intervention from the west. you chose two extremely well known examples of countries having issues with women, but if most women in developing countries really are radfems, how come you can't think of any more?
there are developing countries in the west! argentina, chile, dominican republic, ukraine.
i must ask, then why you chose afghanistan, iran and 'africa' (again - not a country)?
is it, perhaps, your rampant islamophobia? your unchecked anti-blackness?
but sure, jan, we're the problem.
(and not to say that trans people have it worse in extremely conservative countries, but they definitely don't have it any easier. this article, published last year, talks about how dangerous it is to be queer under the taliban. again, this is not to say one side has it worse, only to say that terfs act like trans people aren't being threatened and this refutes that idea.)
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crazycatsiren · 11 months
"Women are more inherently magical than men" my racist sibling in Christ that clearly only cares about privileged white women who spend all their money on overpriced "tools" at white people owned "witch shops", which also advertise chakra alignments, third eye openers, smudge sticks, and dream catchers, let me tell you a little about my people's shamans here (yes, the ones your lot tends to love culturally appropriating), about how our male and female shamans have always been equals, and their powers have never known sex or gender, you poor misguided little white supremacist.
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blackfilmmakers · 1 year
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Nonblack people stop using aave and BLM slogans for some shitty racist tumblr funnyman challenge
Terfs and radfems DNI
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
TERFs out here saying you can't be a woman if you don't have a uterus. I didn't realize I was non-binary until my late 30s.
At 31 (family record), I had a full hysterectomy so I could function as a person. Do you have any idea how much pain you have to be in to be 31, no kids, and get your uterus removed?
It's a lot.
Anyway, I had a TERF tell me once (before I was identifying enby, so she was only mostly terrible) that, yes, she did see me as less of a woman because I had removed my womb.
Other than fuck TERFs (and radfems and tradfems, the world's worst appetizer platter, truly), I don't know that I had a point here.
Oh! Wait! It's been 10 years! 10 years without crushing pain and depression every fucking day because I could barely walk for two years due to said pain!
And some fuck said I was lesser for making my choice.
Fuck 'em. It ain't parts. It's you. You make yourself who you are, you got me? You.
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friendsofmedusa · 1 year
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TRAs having a normal one in Laetitia Ky's DMs as usual.
These people are insane.
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hadesoftheladies · 10 months
“good” men: I hate rapists and pedophiles. I think they should be tortured forever and then dismembered. fuck those guys
feminist: I’m glad you feel that way. here’s what you as a man can do to prevent it from happening. stop consuming porn, stop making misogynistic jokes, hold other men accountable, stop defending celebrity pedos and rapists, stop defending pimps and prostitution, stop berating and dehumanizing women as a form of male bonding, stop listening to podcast bros that promote misogyny and rape rhetoric, start uplifting and validating the voices of victims instead of cultivating indifference towards them. rape is the practice of misogyny, the ideology. dealing with the problems at the root will ensure that rape occurs less and that rapists and pedophiles are held accountable
“good” men: no :)
“nice” christians/religious conservatives: omg, I hate how crazy people kill and torture lgbt people for being lgbt. they are such bad people who miss the message of our religious texts, which is to love others.
lgbt people: that’s really cool! if you really hate people killing us, you could stop that by advocating for laws that ensure we have the same human rights protections you do, no more no less, and by not joking, preaching or advising about castrating, converting, lobotomizing, or killing us. you could critically examine your beliefs about us and challenge texts that teach we are subhuman, maybe even consider not making those texts authoritative in legislature. you could challenge your biases about us and try to make the world safer for us. that is how we would feel loved.
“nice” christians/religious conservatives: no :)
“progressive” white people: i hate what they did to george floyd and the other black victims of police brutality and hate crimes. i hate how poc all over the world are treated so badly by karens and rednecks. colonialism is so bad. it’s so sad when that happens.
poc/majority world citizens: that’s great! it would be cool if you could make space for poc to talk about their experiences without getting vibe checked and tone policed and got comfortable with being de-centered in political discussions, entertainment and history. it would also help if you held your politicians, academic institutions, and media people accountable for racist and colonial rhetoric, as well as stolen wealth and artifacts. you could stop exploiting and infantilizing locals when you tour exploited countries. you could criticize your government for neocolonial and imperial activity. you could challenge white supremacist propaganda in your history books. you could also not make fun of poc for their natural and ethnic features and not platform colonialist and white supremacist apologists.
“progressive” white people: no :)
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clawheld · 1 month
celestia was really one of the original big tumblr terf influencers (before we were really using the word influencer) and she was so embarrassing. it was a long time ago so i could be combining a few people in my head but if memory serves one of her pet issues was the fear of trans women in lesbian spaces/relationships and meanwhile she was dating conservative boys and making posts about how she likes babying them. since then ive seen echoes of her for years unending
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moidhaterxxx · 4 months
This one thing annoys me when I talk about radical feminism.
Inevitably some women (western women usually) complain about how "mean" and "too extreme" it is. Then they realize I'm a woc and they immediately say, oh I totally understand for you though, your country has the worst men haha.
Like?! It isn't for lack of trying for yt men. They are just as bad and you need to get into radical feminism before they force you back to the middle ages. They've already gone after abortion haven't they?
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redditreceipts · 10 months
"Black women were not seen as women as well, so what you're doing to trans women now is just the same thing that was done to Black women."
Yeah, Black women were not seen as women, but that was not because they lacked in the "female" category of the "adult human female" definition. They were not seen as "human".
Trans women, however, are not adult human females because they are adult human males. Black women were denied their womanhood because they were seen as adult female animals.
Saying someone is not a biological female vs. saying someone is not human are two completely different kinds of discrimination. Equating those is incredibly offensive, because it makes it seem that Black women were treated like men, when that's not true. Black women were not treated like men. Black women were treated like cattle.
Please never, never equate these two again.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
There is ZERO logical or ethical reason to support sex-work.
I‘m not against sex-workers, who are women trapped under a patriarchal system which coerces them in multiple different ways to let men use and abuse their bodies. The very same men who look down on women in general. I‘m against sex-work.
And you can‘t take the stereotypical privileged middle-class woman who does OnlyFans or "enjoys getting paid for sex" as an example or justification. She‘s STILL getting objectified and degraded by these men, and even though she "feels" as if she‘s in control, she‘s not. Power and control are not feelings.
These "choices" are ingrained into them by the patriarchy and ultimately ONLY serve the men who benefit from them. Women‘s bodies are never a commodity. And consent can‘t be sold and bought. Sexual intimacy is either enthusiastic, mutual and has the same conditions for everyone involved or it‘s simply a violation of the female sex class as a whole.
When one woman can be "bought", all of us can. And no man should EVER be able to "buy" a woman or her consent.
Also, the majority of sex-workers are the exact opposite of the fake-happy and fake-empowered OF women. They‘re trafficked and ripped apart, their humanity is completely taken away from them.
And the focus shouldn’t lie on "What if SHE wants it?", instead ask yourself "Why should HE want it? And be in a position to purchase another human being?".
Embracing women‘s sexuality means embracing HER sexuality without strings (such as patriarchal conditioning) attached, not some man‘s who happens to have the money for it.
What do we call a man who doesn’t care whether the woman actually *wants* him and still performs the act? A rapist.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
I don't know whom the radfems are trying to fool these days, but don't think we buy your bullshit for one second because apparently you think non white people are that dumb.
You fascist cunts cutting the black and brown stripes off of the Intersectional Pride Flag means you want people of color out of LGBTQ+ as much as you do trans people, which we all know, has been what you've wanted all along.
At this point it'd be less embarrassing for you to stop pretending you're anything other than a neonazi hate group. Hilarious by now that you think you can still convince anyone that you don't believe only white cis people are real people who deserve human rights.
Dumb cunts.
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acetaminofem · 2 years
Not the white trans people naming themselves Asian names as an aesthetic... Please have some critical thinking you piece of shit weeaboos.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 8 days
Hey, if you're wondering why it feels likes feminism stagnated in 2014, I have the answer for you:
TERFs and Radfems. It was TERFs and Radfems.
2014 was also about the time that more trans people became more comfortable talking about their experiences on social media. There were definitely trans folks talking about their experiences before then, but the cultural swing of it being discussed on social media and shitheads behind shamed for being shitheads in response to people talking openly about their experiences was around 2014.
If feminism feels stagnated to you it's because TERFs and Radfems got very, very loud about their gatekeeping practices. They'd always had them, but the moment trans folks felt comfortable being themselves in online spaces, TERFs and Radfems lost their entire shit and started derailing every conversation about feminism and equality very, very loudly.
I have literally had a TERF tell me I am less of a woman because I had a hysterectomy. Think about that shit for a moment. I'm AFAB enby (and said so in the tweet that started the thread), and I postulated--as a fucked up joke--that a TERF would consider me less womanly for not having a uterus--and one of them showed up and AGREED WITH MY FUCKED UP GUESS.
And then I had a radfem here on tumblr claim I was lying because "no radfem" would ever say that. And when I said, "I said a TERF said it," the response was "radfems don't believe in TERFs" like we were talking about a vibe on ghosts.
The reason it feels like feminism has stagnated since 2014 is because the most hateful, gatekeeping fucks in the movement refuse to let it budge until we agree to their terms.
Fuck them. They don't care about women. They don't care about equality. They care about the same tiny bit of power that led their foremothers into where they are now: Wanting the most power with the least questions. They want to shame you into silence for believing in ideas like all women are valid and all women have different stories and that intersectional feminism will help us all.
If you feel that feminism has stagnated in the last decade, the problem isn't the whole house of people above the floorboards begging you to hear them; it's the dead heart under the floorboards thumping so loudly you think you owe it your attention. You don't. Let it die.
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jyndor · 8 months
don't uncritically engage with rumors and information from the early days of war. it's called fog of war for a reason - its so easy for misinformation to spread because its hard to report on what's exactly going on.
not saying to sink into denial about horrible things that get reported because lbr war is horrific and for instance rape is a common weapon of war (and a war crime btw) but we need to be careful what we spread, especially from military sources. always be skeptical of military sources, no matter the military. they will get corroborated in due time or they will get debunked. and be careful who you trust to debunk reports, too. just be careful. look at the sources you see - is this a real website i've heard of before? is this a screenshot without any sources linked? is this a video with no context or from a reliable source on this issue?
learn from my mistakes on this shit - don't just react. breathe and come back to it if you're so angry and hurt that you can't think rationally enough to engage critically with it.
also fyi people commonly spread around videos from unrelated stories and situations all the time - just... be mindful what you spread because low and behold there's been some misinformation going around and this is terrifying enough without that shit.
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hussyknee · 11 months
ATTENTION white women, white working class, white LGBT, white disabled and neurodivergent folks, white colonized people, Global North people
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