#i hate radfems
takashi0 · 9 months
I know going into tumblr tags is a mistake, but I'm just fucking flabbergasted how I've managed to find no less than three people claiming that everyone who's not liking the MAWS version of Lois is "the sexist dudebros who would have no problem with a maaaaaaaaaaaan doing the same thing"
Like the bar is so fucking low, how do you manage to be even STUPIDER than the people bitching about Lois in the first place oh my fucking GOD
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A reminder that my blog is a safe space for:
-All gender identities
-All sexual orientations
-All races, cultures and nationalities
-Both neurotypical and neurodiverse folk
-Disabled folk
-All religious beliefs and those who have none at all
-All ages (but minors please do not DM me!)
However, my blog will never be a safe space for:
-General bigots
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queerasaurus-rexx · 1 year
listen as an afab person, 'wombyn' will always be more offensive to me than 'person who menstruates' even outside of trans inclusive discussions
we can get into the politics of people first language later, but like
'person who menstruates' doesn't reduce me to that thing. it's just something i do.
'wombyn' is just like, two degrees shy of shit a tradwife would say.
my ability to have children is all it's saying i am. and i'm not even a woman anymore. 'womb' as a word is so tied to pregnancy and motherhood that it feels like all they're saying afab people are just baby machines.
and to even further prove my point, i asked my mother, who has so little knowledge of the trans community that she's still not used to calling me her child instead of her daughter.
she preferred 'people who menstruate' for the same reason.
'i am not my womb and any language that centers that part of me as who i am is not language i want to be used for me.'
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ihateliterature · 1 year
I'm really sad. Let me tell you why I'm sad
So this whole debate is going on over on twt about wlw content and I see a lot of people giving their experiences with the wlw fandom and it's really disheartening. And from what I see the problem is not that the rest of the queer fandom is overwhelmingly mysoginistic or lesbophobic, it's that the wlw fandom is unbearable
No, really, there are so many people talking about how they've tried joining the wlw fandom but it was too toxic or they were afraid of doing it in the first place because they've seen people who had to deal with them. And the people saying this are not only gay men and transmascs, they are overwhelmingly other queer women
And I understand this, hell, I am one of those ppl afraid of the wlw fandom. That's because every time I've witnessed it they were harassing and dogpilling people for the most minor of things. I can still remember one particular occasion when the author of Percy Jackson tweeted that he sees Artemis as ace and qrts were full of people borderline threatening him and being aphobic until he backed down on it
And this is not the only time. I've seen people getting threats for headcanoning a character as bi or pan, shipped a character with a man or headcanoned a character as ace/aro. I still remember how it was in the SU fandom with Peridot
I wish it wasn't like this. I know for a fact there are nice and civil wlw fans, but a large number of people, myself included, can barely fucking find them behind all the assholes
The explanation, which I gathered from queer women active in the fandom or who used to be part of it, is that the wlw fandom is INFESTED with radfems top to bottom. Which created a hostile environment for EVERYONE including some queer women, especially bi women. All of it leading to a space dominated by radfem ideas, exclusionism and antis. And also to a very stifling creating environment, as many queer women with experience in the fandom I've seen talking about it have said that anything straying from wholesome is heavily policed
And I find it horrible, because so many queer women felt the need to distance themselves from a fandom that is FOR them, because of how toxic it is, depriving themselves of what should have been a wonderful fandom experience alongside other people that can understand and relate to them on that level. I hate it how radfems have infested every corner of the community, warping it and creating conflict. To a point where many of us get red flags when seeing someone with a lesbian pfp because of past experience. It should not be like this. I don't like doing it this, doubting my own family, but I feel like I have to, for my peace of mind at least. And yes, I mean family, because as hard as lesbian separatists tried to drive us away from each other, to make lesbians as insular as possible, to paint transmascs and bi women as traitors to womanhood, lesbians are still my family, just like any other queer out there, and it breaks my heart seeing them becoming the boogie man of online queer spaces and a shield for TERFs
Idk where I am going with this anymore it's just that. . . I'm sad, I wish it wasn't like this
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queermetalgremlin · 9 months
Just unfollowed a possibile radfem Who basically said "i want men to be hurt by my posts" and that "men shouldn't be taught feminism and should learn It on their own without being praised" (making them more vulnerabile to Ben Shartpiro and Andrew Tate type of shit)...
How long before she'll start shitting on trans men too? How long until she'll become a febfem (a mspec woman who only dates women 'cause they're "more pure")? How long until she'll say that women can't be misogynistic (despite most of the misogyny i know comes from my mom and grandma)? How long until she'll completely drink that radfem juice to the point of taking back her support of trans women?
"Patriarchy is made by men for men" trans men would like to have a talk with you
"Men don't have to worry about being raped" again, trans men would like to talk with you
"They're never oppressed" Black men, anyone? Guess racism is cured then! Thanks random radfem on Instagram! /s
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atbussysparks · 1 year
I'm proud of that shark that ate Bethany Hamilton's arm. That shark could see the future and that bitch fucked around and found out.
"shark infested waters" bro he live there 😭
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funkycarabiner · 2 months
can I please clarify dni terfs?? I'm not trans myself or anything but ohhh my goddddd I hate seeing y'all go eat a deep fried dick and come back when you learn basic human decency
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plague-vulture · 2 years
fits acting like the terms "person with a uterus" "pregnant person" "people at risk of ovarian cancer" etc. aren't primarily used in medical contexts is fucking annoying at this point. Oh boo hoo a pamphlet about endometriosis said "those with ovaries" instead of "women" sowwy that huwts ur feewings 🥺🥺 but that's how medical language works. info about diseases more common in people who were amab say stuff like "people with penises" and "those at risk or prostate cancer" and that kind of stuff too so is that an issue too? is is this just radfem outrage nonsense? [hint, it's the second one]
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edwardallenpoe · 1 year
I have a sneaking suspicion that Radfems blogs are bots. Why? Bc I have to block them with the same vigor that I have to block bots. They're fucking everywhere and it makes me nauseous. Pls someone tell me they have a Blocklist.
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mayadefender · 2 years
terfs/radfems/jk rowling supporters
Melanie Martinez Stan’s
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reviewpri · 2 years
Dont know what is happening here. Tumblr is (was) my social media of preference because I could curate the content I am willing to engage with.
Now I get radfems spouting trans bullshit and even the ocasional Depp bro.
 I block them but they keep apperaing. Tumblr- read the room!
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sjbattleangel · 2 years
Wanna hear a joke? Trans-exclusionary, gender critical RadFems AKA TERFs and their entire movement!
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queerasaurus-rexx · 1 year
terfs: why do you always bring race into it?
also terfs:
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we bring up race because yall are racist
there are 'developing' countries in the west. (developing is a contentious term in terms of politics but in the absence of an agreed upon alternative, herein we shall continue to use it)
the fact that your first thought of countries that are developing are two countries (africa is a continent, not a country, and 28 countries therein have actually banned female genital mutilation but please tell me how much you really care about it -) heavily colonized by the west and a big reason why they've struggled to regain their footing after decades of conflict is because of direct intervention from the west. you chose two extremely well known examples of countries having issues with women, but if most women in developing countries really are radfems, how come you can't think of any more?
there are developing countries in the west! argentina, chile, dominican republic, ukraine.
i must ask, then why you chose afghanistan, iran and 'africa' (again - not a country)?
is it, perhaps, your rampant islamophobia? your unchecked anti-blackness?
but sure, jan, we're the problem.
(and not to say that trans people have it worse in extremely conservative countries, but they definitely don't have it any easier. this article, published last year, talks about how dangerous it is to be queer under the taliban. again, this is not to say one side has it worse, only to say that terfs act like trans people aren't being threatened and this refutes that idea.)
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anonimusunnoan · 1 month
Why the fuck is Tumblr suggesting radfem posts to me. What the fuck.
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butimjustaliar · 1 year
ok so technically i'm currently on phone free time, but as a certified terf hater and future woman of stem (i might not have my a-levels, but watch me, bitch) i decided to grace tumblr with my newfound knowledge :))))
for context, i'm currently writing a paper about media and kids learning gender roles aka i'm reading a shit ton of papers, studies and articles about gender and media
anyways there was a study done and basically it was about the gender non conforming/ genderfluid robot of a series
kids who were of the opinion that the robot should choose a gender, were generally more narrow minded when it came to gender norms. whereas kids who didn't have a problem with the robot's (lack of) gender identity were more open minded when it came to acting ouside of gender norms/stereotypes
anyways, do with this what u want
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I think I just had a terf and radfem interact with me. They were also following terfs who had so very transphobic things to say🤢
I’m literally a trans man. Terfs can go fuck themselves
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