#quick doodles but done none the less
biscuits4milk · 1 year
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Puppet wxs complete!
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sinsinsininning · 5 months
A little bit softer
Chapter 4
Eustass Kid x crew mate!fem!Reader
This includes Kid’s POV of the end of Chapter 3 while the reader is in the shower. 😳
Also to clarify, Badger is a made up character, I didn’t feel like incorporating a cannon character into the reader’s backstory. I spent literally 2 seconds on the name and even less time on a vague description of him which I’ll post later.
TW: swearing, voyeurism, masturbating (both male and female)
After you left him on the deck, Kid ate slowly, thinking out the details of his next steps. He had no idea where this bastard, Badger, was or even what he’d look like.
Plus the West Blue was crawling with dangerous crews and the notorious 5 Families of the West, headed up by Capone Bege. Not someone Kid was on good terms with and, depending on how deep into the West they’d go, someone they’d likely run into.
While Kid would prefer to just make this a quick mission, so they could double back and enter the Grand Line, he was excited to think of all the practice the crew would get fighting all these other crews. It’d be good training before they entered the New World.
After finishing, he pulled out the maps and started charting again. Wire eventually returned to join him and the two worked quietly. Kid was making a list of things they could get while in the West Blue when Wire spoke up.
“So what’s this Captain’s name?”
“Why’re you asking?” Kid growled. “Just chart the stupid map.”
“I’m nearly done, I just need to know where to find him, then I can finalize the map. Right now I’ve just got it charted how to get there while avoiding marines bases and included supply stops. But I need a specific area to finish.”
“His name is Badger.” Kid said after a beat.
“Is that his first name or last name?” Wire asked.
“The fuck if I know. His name is Badger, he’s in the West Blue, and I’m gonna kill him. Make the map.” Kid blustered for a moment, he felt a little silly, all this effort and he didn’t even know who the guy was. Fuck he didn’t even know if you’d been honest…. Nah you were nearly crying, you wouldn’t lie like that. Wire sighed heavily and Kid nearly smashed the table.
“Ok, I can’t finish it tonight, but I’ll go through some logs and see if I can get more info on him.” Wire relented, knowing the captain was at his limit. “We should be able to make it to the next island tomorrow, I’ll do some more digging then too.” Kid grunted an acknowledgement, head down as he finished his list, pen nearly tearing the paper.
Wire stood and started putting the supplies away, he glanced at his captain.
“Boss… you know-“ He paused and considered himself, Kid glanced at him with a scowl. Better play it safe. “Just let me know if you need anything, you know I’d help.” Kid bristled at that, but just grunted again to dismiss the tall man.
He doodled a few sketches of his projects on the list, trying to clear his head. Eventually he puts everything up and leans against the railing, watching the waves and night sky.
After an hour or so, Heat joins him to take his watch shift, but brought a few beers for his captain. Kid downs his first two quickly, then nurses the next one.
“It’s none of my business,” Heat starts off.
“Then don’t fucking bring it up.” Kid snaps.
“But I think we should get rid of the sniper rookie.” Heat continues, eyes on the coast.
“What? Why the fuck do you think that?” Kid stood to shout at him. “Thought you two were buddy-buddy?!” He could keep the jealously out of voice.
“She’s alright. But she’s soft.” Heat isn’t phased by the shouting. “She won’t make it in the Grand Line. We can’t have that type of weakness.”
“Quincy’s soft. Wire’s soft. You questioning my authority huh?” Kid gulped the rest of his drink and tossed the bottle behind him. “You think I keep a weak crew?! That what you’re trying to say?!”
“The only thing she’s got going for her is she’s cute.” Heat added nonchalantly, Kid was fuming.
“Fuck off like she’d want your ugly, stitched up headed ass!” Kid grabbed his vest, forcing the other man to look at him. “She’s staying, she’s a good sniper and a good crew mate. Fucking question me again and I’ll fucking throw you overboard!” Heat grinned and Kid felt like he’d been caught.
“I get why everyone’s been fucking with you lately,” Heat chuckled. “It’s fun. You’re so biased for her, I’m a little jealous really, wish you’d defend me this hard.”
Kid wanted to shout again but he felt like he’d reveal too much. Well, more than what he’d already done. His face was hot and he felt deflated, but he released Heat with a shove.
“Maybe if ya did your job and not play mind games I would.” He finally says, Heat resumes his watch. An awkward silence falls over them.
“It’s not that bad, Boss. Trust me it could be worse. Imagine you liked Pomp? He’s fucking insane. I heard he sold his ex husband’s kidney for cheating on him in a dream.” Heat tried to console his friend, not his forte, but he felt a little bad at his trick. Kid let out a short laugh.
“Fuckin’ hell that can’t be true…. Can it?” He started on his next beer, sitting back down. They laugh together again.
“I don’t actually think we should get rid of her. Just sayin.”
“I know.”
“Yeah she’s soft, but she saved my ass that last fight, shooting that guy trying to creep up on me while I was taking care of Reck.”
Kid just hummed in response, still hesitant to say anything about her. Heat noticed.
“I promise it’s not that bad.”
“I don’t think she’s scared of you, not really at least.”
“I heard what she said to you.”
“I think she’s scared of her ex captain. Should make her sit down with Wire, he’d sort her head out.” Heat lit a cigarette, offering a pull to Kid who shook his head.
“Not a bad idea. Just don’t want anyone knowing how-“ He paused. “She can go to Wire but I’m not gonna make her.” He said finally, Heat nodded in understanding.
“You can’t say it, I gotcha.”
“I can’t say it first.” Kid sighed, finishing his last bottle.
“Makes sense. Don’t worry,” Heat claps his hand on the captain’s shoulder. “It’ll happen.”
“Since when have you gotten this mushy?” Kid sneered. “I hate it. Go back to minding your own business.” Heat laughed as his captain got up. It was past midnight and he was tired.
He made his way down the halls, he needed to return his dishes or else Killer would bitch at him all day tomorrow. He placed them in the sink, then a thought struck him. Quickly glancing in the fridge, your plate was still there, all wrapped up nicely.
You hadn’t eaten since breakfast, he slammed the fridge shut. Fuck, you probably hadn’t finished your shit yet. He stalked down the halls towards your make shift shop room, irritated that you’d not finished yet and had still not eaten.
A small part of him was excited to have an excuse to talk to you, even if it was just to bitch at you. Maybe he’d walk you to the galley personally, to make sure you followed orders. Maybe he’d sit with you as you ate too, couldn’t let you try to skip out. After that he’d grumble at you for making him stay up late to babysit you, even though he chose to do it.
Then he may as well make you go to bed. His bed. With him. Obviously to make sure you didn’t try to sneak back to your project. He’d keep you pressed in his arms all night to ensure you didn’t try anything.
Fuck he needed to stop, he was hard in the middle of the hallway. He adjusted his belt before entering the shop room, hoping it’d hide his arousal. Somehow the shop was empty, all the weapons cleaned and stacked up correctly. He looked around for any mistakes or mess you’d left behind, anything that’d allow him a chance to speak with you.
But the room was spotless, everything put away correctly. Then where the fuck were you? He wondered if you went to bed right away, tempted to check your bunk. He headed toward it, pausing when he passed by the bathrooms, steam pouring out the door.
The doors to the bathrooms all had hatches at the top that opened to allow steam to vent. He was a little impressed that the hot water still worked after everyone’s showers.
With you in the stalls he didn’t have any excuse to bother you, you’d finished your work and unless he wanted to wait until you were out to force you to the galley, he was out of luck for tonight. Kid turned to go when he heard you moan.
Oh fuck.
He glanced around the halls, no one could hear you or see him palm his cock over his pants. You weren’t generous with your noises, obviously trying to stifle them, but some slipped out.
Your groans and whines sounded frustrated, like you couldn’t work how you wanted. He reached his hand inside his pants to grip himself, jaw clenched almost painfully to avoid alerting you. His mind filled in the gaps of what he couldn’t see. He pictured walking in and offering to help you reach your climax, since you still seemed to struggle.
He thought about how’d you’d look right then if he did, wet and naked, probably surprised and shy. Maybe you’d try to cover yourself, until you’d realize what he was offering. Or maybe you already knew he was there, confident he’d join you. Maybe you’d tell him exactly what you wanted from him.
He’d let you boss him around, at least at the start, but after you cum once or twice, then he’d be in control again. He thumbed his slit right as you let out a different moan.
Oh. That one was much more satisfied, he didn’t know what changed to make everything work for you, but he was pleased. He stroked himself faster now, checking the halls quickly, then held his ear to the open hatch. Your whines and moans were breathier, much more high pitched. He squeezed his cock, picturing it was you. When he closed his eyes and really focused on listening, he swore he could hear how wet your pussy sounds.
Your moans are getting faster and he tries to keep up, hand pumping hard to get himself off. Finally you let off a loud moan, cutting yourself off halfway through in a pathetic attempt to be quiet. He’s not quite there yet, so he moves his hand fast, but freezes when you turn of the shower.
Shit you were done. He was fucked.
Without adjusting his pants he quickly walks down the hall, his workshop is closer than his room. It’ll have to do for now, it’s not the first time he’s jacked off in there. He gets the door closed and locked before resuming.
Part of him is irritated, his high was so close just to be edged back. But more of him felt a little proud, you’d gotten off before him, as you should. Yeah it wasn’t like he’d gotten you to cum, but it still stroked his ego. He thought about that as he sat down, hand around himself again, stroking quickly.
He wondered how many times he should make you cum before he did. Hell how many times should you cum before he even fucked you with his cock. At least two times on his fingers and maybe three times of his tongue, that seemed fair.
He rubbed his tip harshly as he thought about your sounds, they were so sweet and full of emotion. Kid could basically read your mind from how expressive you were, so open and honest with your lewd moans. He could tell when you were close, when you were struggling, and even when something clicked. He wondered what it was that made you moan like that, thinking of ways to extract that info.
His climax caught him off guard as he thought about you. He came across his hand and chest with a groan, some of his spend getting on his pants. As he came down, panting as he leaned back in his chair, he could hear you walking down the hall.
Leaping up, he tucked himself back into his pants, grabbed an old rag to wipe the cooling cum from his hands and chest. He knocked over the chair and toppled a few tools in his haste. Your steps were quiet but he was hyper aware of you as you passed the door.
After a few minutes of quiet he finally exited, going straight to his room and laying face down on the bed. He wanted to shout but settled for smothering himself until he finally dozed off.
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normal-internet-user · 10 months
Howdy hey lovely!!! 💛💛💫💫💫 how are you? :3c
I wanted to pop in for a small writing request if that’s okay <:]
Can you maybe do a birthday special where it’s readers birthday? (Surprise party perhaps? it can maybe be a donnie x reader too teehee 💛💜)
anything is fine! I’m not too picky ^^ I love your writing so much!!! :D
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I also don’t mind making you a small doodle in return again :]
Okay byeeee have a lovely day!! 🌼🌼🌼
UHHH OF COURSE I CAN??? No doodle needed-
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Summary: Your purple banded boyfriend throws you a birthday party!!🎉
Warnings: None, just full on fluffy stuff!
Requested: Mhm!
GN Reader!
When Donnie sent you an obviously hurried text to get down to the Lair as soon as possible, you'd assumed he needed help in the lab.
While it was rare for him to ask you for help with his projects, (you usually just sat around and watched him work) it did happen sometimes.
You arrived at the manhole cover in the alley beside your apartment, but it was already lifted off to the side...
Oh well, less work for you.
You climbed down the old ladder into the sewers, following your usual path to the entrance of the Lair.
Why the heck was it so dark? You could hardly see a thing as you entered the Hamato's home.
"Hello?" You called quietly, your phone light on whilst you attempted to find a light switch, "Donnie-?"
The lights suddenly flicked on, and all your friends jumped out from behind the furniture, which totally didn't scare you. Nope.
"Wha- what's all this?" You asked, gesturing to the decorations strewn across the Lair.
Donnie took your hands and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, "Happy birthday, my darling. You mentioned that you wouldn't have time to throw a party, but I did so.. Do you.. like it?" he asks nervously.
"Like it? Donnie it's amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!" You respond with a small laugh, giving him a kiss in between each 'thank you'.
You watched in amusment as his face flushed, but before your conversation could continue Mikey tackeled you in a tight hug, grinning up at you, "Happy birthday! I made all your favorites!"
Mikey grabs your hand and tugs you away from your boyfriend into the kitchen to show off all the hard work he'd put in to making all your favorite foods.
You hugged the youngest turtle tightly, "Oh my gosh, Mikey that's amazing! It smells so good already!"
Mikey smiled proudly, before Donnie pulled you back to where the party was happening. After hours of spending time with everyone, you and Donnie eventually retired to his room for some quiet time.
All of your gifts sitting on his desk (A bracelet from April, your favorite Jupiter Jim movie on dvd from Leo, an amazing family portrait from Mikey, and finally, a yellow sweater with lavender plant designs stitched into the sleeves made and gifted to you by Raph.)
"Did you have fun?" Donnie asks softly, his arms wrapped tight around you as he pulls you closer.
"I had so much fun. Thank you so much, this is definitly the best birthday ever." You reply, smiling brightly.
"Ever, huh?" He repeats, amused, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was perfectly planned on my part."
"Yes it was." You agree, watching him puff up at the praise, "It was perfect."
Donnie grins, kissing you softly then pulling thr blanket higher around the two of you, "I love you, my dearest, happy birthday."
"I love you too, darling."
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
DoflaminBROS Week 2023 - Day 3: cigarettes
here is my next submission for the DoflaminBROS Week 2023 event! this one is less overarching than the past two. a proper snapshot, playing with my headcanon that doflamingo, contrary to that one canon doodle of him when he's like 10, doesn't like smoking. well, have at it!
characters: rosinante, doflamingo additional tags & cw: canon compliant, fluff...? less angsty than the others at least, mentions of injury, smoking, implied alcoholism and drug use
special thanks to @gali-la for beta reading!! <3
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The mission did not go well. The infirmary was packed. The seas were stable at least, so the Numancia Flamingo drifted along easily. A glimmer of light pooling down from a hole atop this tunnel to hell.
Corazón feared his arm was broken at first, since his fingers were so reluctant to cooperate, but after some time and ice, he was sure it’d heal on its own. Foolish of him to try and engage in physical combat unarmed, but one of the damn rugrats must’ve bummed his explosives, Baby 5, undoubtedly, and left him in quite the lurch. The good thing was, despite the pain, there were no open wounds. Last thing he needed were those nasty strings in his flesh.
It was an old habit. Decades old, at this point. The best way to distract pain was a hearty meal. Even if that meant that hearty meal was being consumed well past midnight, alone. Even if that hearty meal was cold, because he wasn’t allowed near the ovens. He’d accept that small nugget of defeat if it meant these cretins would cook for him. Only, those cretins were all laid-up. 
Oh well. At least cigarettes went well with cold fish.
The cabin door opened. Corazón would be lying to say he didn’t jolt. A quick glance over his shoulder revealed that it was none other than his beloved brother, limping across the room with a bandaged gash on his thigh. How they managed to get through to Doffy was more than a bit troubling, but he supposed it was dealt with now. And it’d likely be a while before Doflamingo decided to tangle with anyone on a similar playing field.
His eyes drifted from his fork to his brother when the taller of the two crashed there in a dining chair with limited coordination. Corazón’s chewing rate slowed. He waited for the next stir of movement, the rumble of an order, the mind-boggling questions.
Fingers grazed across the surface of the table. The captain sat up. “Do you have an extra?”
Mind-boggling. If only the bastard wasn’t so predictably unpredictable. Corazón just stared, until his brother pointed at his left hand, where his cigarette rested on standby until his meal was finished.
He wanted a smoke? Doffy never smoked. Did he? Rosinante had been here for almost two years now and never saw him smoke. Señor Pink was a furnace and occasionally, Diamante or Giolla would pester him for a light, but never Doffy. Strange time to pick up the habit, but he knew he had no room for judgment, and just handed over the entire box. Lighter, too.
Doflamingo fumbled to open the container with lazy, delayed movements. Likely treated himself to a nice cocktail of liquor and painkillers. Finally, the flap unfurled and he wrangled one of the cigarettes free. Lit it up with enough precision to reveal he had done it before, at some point in his probably-too-long life. Took it into his lungs without a trace of a cough. 
“It’s not going to happen again.”
Behind his cigarette, Rosinante’s bloodshot eyes stilled.
“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”
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thanks again for hosting this @opdoffyzine and @corazine !!
previous entry here!
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redheadspark · 2 years
Can I have Benedict with [ LOOK ] for receiver to catch sender gazing adoringly at them and ❝ i’m not staring, i’m admiring. ❞?
A/N: Thank you for the request, anon!
Gaze On.
Summary: You've always were able to stop Benedict in his tracks, even with a simple gaze.
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Warnings: Just some fluff!
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"And right....there! Perfect!" You hummed in delight as the last easel was placed in the perfect spot, you clasping your hands in glee as the room was finally placed together and was a stunning sight to see and behind. All of these weeks of you planning out how you wished for this room to look was finally done and completed, nothing out of place or missing. Two of the servants looked just as pleased as you looked at them. "Thank you! A thousand times, thank you! You're far too kind to help me with Mr. Bridgerton's birthday present! I can't thank you enough!" You hugged them both, not being able to continue the excitement inside of you, "Please don't tell him! It's going to be a surpise!" "Of course, ma'am," They replied, leaving the room and letting you drink in the entire birthday present you were going to gift your husband. It included fresh charcoal sticks, new paint brushes and canvas of various sizes, one massive easel that was easy to use and maintain with new pencils sharpened at the ready, and several new notepads and journals for doodling and drawing.
All in all, you were giving Benedict his own studio at your new home.
Ever since you two met though your mutual friend and family acquaintance Penelope, you both were attached to the hip. He made excuses to see you at your family estate of when you were out and about with your friends. There was something about his boyish charm and optimism about life that did entrance you and invite you him, not to mention how he gazed at you with love and longingness as well. Whether you were at a polo match with your families, or just strolling through the park during a rousing conversation about art and which artist was going to make breakthrough, you caught his gaze on you. Almost like he was staring right at his muse that would change his life forever. He called you his muse, right before he kissed you for the first time and took your heart into his hold so easily.
"It's not polite to stare you know," You explained as you two kissed, though Benedict still had you in his arms as he shook his head.
"I'm not staring, I'm admiring my muse," He replied, leaning in to kiss you again.
Benedict was introduced to your parents soon after, both of whom were smitten with his charm and quick wit at his first dinner with your family. He was none the less charming and kind, the true gentleman that you father knew would be worthy of your hand someday. You married 6 months later, finding your own home to settle in and to start a new chapter together. Every stare he gave you was filled with love. Whether it was a playful stare when you two played games with his family at their estate, or lustful when he took you to bed and in his arms. You adored his eyes on you, feeling a sense of peace and love rolled into one.
"Darling, I'm home!" You heard from the other side of the hallway near the front of the house. You flew out of the studio, closing the door barely to not have him see before you rushed down to meet him. There he was, giving his coat to one of the servants and seeing you rush to him. "Come now, my dear. Why are you rushing with a smile on your face?" He asked in curiosity, a smile was there too. You just took his hand and started pulling at him to follow, hearing and feeling him come willingly. He just chuckled as your clutched your hands around his one to make sure he was coming.
"I have your present ready for you," You explained, hearing him slightly hum. "My birthday is not until next week, darling girl. Shouldn't I wait until then?" He asked almost coyly. You just giggled.
"Not with this gift, I promise you," You reassured him finally getting him to stand in front of the doors into his new studio. You turned back to him, seeing how he looked beyond intrigued as you moved him to the right spot. He grinned widely, playing along with the tactic as you gave him a kind look of anticipation and excitement rolled into one.
"You and I have talked about you wanting your own room to be yourself, to be free with your work," You explained, seeing him cock his head at you as you pushed the doors open behind you as you kept your stare at him to see his reaction. The light in the room hit his face first, making him squint and almost adjust to the light shining on his handsome face. But one he saw what was in there, you moved out of the way for him to drink it all in. Watching on bated breath, Sousa this face melt into a massive smile that almost engulfed his entire face and then some.
He walked in a few steps, seeing every tool and piece that was his and his alone. You saw his head move, his eyes traveling around to what was nestled against the walls or out in the open with the easel there and a canvas at the ready on the easel. He was so silent the whole time almost making you wish you knew what he was thinking about and how he was feeling about this.
Finally, after a solid minute of him looking at all of the room, he turned back to you. Joy, pure joy that only Benedict would ever have within himself was etched on his face and within his eyes as he looked at you. You felt a sense of ease, no longer wondering if he ever liked what you did for him. It was there, right there on his face as he finally waltzed over to you within a few strides and scooped you in his arms. Squealing in the gesture, he twirled you and kissed you soundly in his new studio.
"This is magic, darling girl! Pure pure magic! I cannot thank you enough, dear wife!" He hummed against your lips as he kissed you a few more times, lowering you finally on your feet right next to the easel that was in the middle of the room. You just grinned and trapped his face in your hands.
If all you had for the rest of your life was tis one smile, this one gaze and look or adoration from Benedict, then you would be satisfied. He was filled with life, nothing slowing him down or hindering him. You only wished you had that within yourself, but you were happy enough to have it from him.
"You have brought me nothing but magic from the moment you courted me all that time ago," You reminded him, "I only wish to give a little bit of that magic back to you in this room, your room. Find your muse in here!"
"Ah, but I'm holding my muse. The only muse I will ever need in my life," He said in a low manner, kissing your eyes and cheeks as he then gave you a alluring look with his gaze, having you look your breath for a solid moment as he went on, "And for my first piece in this studio, I wish to draw you....wearing nothing but the necklace I gave you as a wedding present,"
You grinned wickedly, already sensing the thrill of this room.
The End.
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tuftypompom · 7 months
Update on the Chapter 3 Mock Stuff + Some Other Stuff!!
Hey all! It's me, your favorite purple goat with a booty stank upload and sleep schedule, Pompom!
Ever since the newsletter Toby had published on Halloween, I have started to feel less and less encouraged towards continuing my mock Chapter 3 content. On top of lacking any sort of consistent motivation towards making music like I used to have, it seems like we're nearing the release of Chapter 4 sometime within the next couple of years. Now, that's exciting, for sure! And, while it may seem like a long time, it's been, like, almost half a year since my last uploads, LIGHT THE LIGHTS and Written in Stone, and, while I certainly feel better than I had during that time, there's no denying that I still lack so much of the creative potential I once held, and I'm afraid my motivation has been so lacking, that I can't fathom when I'll ever feel the same again. I would kill to upload consistently again sometime, but it really does feel like I have to be on this little forced hiatus. Darn you, brain!
Well- Apologies for the pseudo vent post! But I only bring this up because, due to these complications, I've decided to just drop what I have now here. This doesn't mean I'll never pick these back up, but I feel terrible for leaving my last upload five months in the past, and I haven't really added anything major to any of these tracks since, well, forever ago! So, if it's something you're interested in, these three are among the primary tracks I was developing for my mock Chapter 3.
"Obligatory Field Area"
Obviously, this track holds no title. I mean, technically speaking, none of them do, but the other two I just decided to play along with the existing naming schemes of Deltarune character tracks (Like "Queen", or "Lancer" (But is that called "I'm the Bad Guy?" I don't really know...)). Meant to be the primary area of the mock chapter, resembling a similar, sprawling "field" to that of Hopes & Dreams and Cyber, this is where you would, inevitably, meet Tenna. The art was just a quick mockup I made and never expanded upon, so excuse the poor quality.
A (very short) song doodle I was making for Mike, the day host (Think of him and Tenna like Nickelodeon and Nick @ Nite, or Cartoon Network and Adult Swim!). Mike holds a more mature, thoughtful attitude and is much less of a "threat" to the Lightners. Even if he has a notably short temper, he knows how to keep his cool and to remain with his stage face on! Instead of directly stopping the Lightners, he more so just likes fooling with them to keep his audience entertained. That is until partway into the chapter, when a mysterious foe comes to bust the party and kick Mike off the stage...
A theme for the Big T himself, Tenna! He's a lot more, uhm.. Obnoxious? Than Mike? Being the night host, he holds a more brash attitude for his more mature audiences, and is a lot less thoughtful than Mike. There's not a lot else to say about him, as that's all I've really had in mind up to now, lol. Probably my favorite theme out of the three, though; Obviously, it's kind of a re-take of my previous "Mike" theme that was just made for funsies.
And that's it, really! Those are the three big songs I was doodling out before my brain said, "No." Perhaps sometime in the future I'll pick these back up and continuing developing my ideas. Thankfully, other than music, I've still been trying to get some stuff done, including prototyping various game ideas pseudo-privately. I do anticipate uploading on Tumblr more, I've just never really had a reason to do so as of yet, lol. Sometime, though, I'd love to eventually start posting about my coding projects, and maybe my art. I've never really worked with social media platforms before, admittedly, but I'll definitely try to at least consider branching out and experimenting more with Tumblr going forward.
Thank you all for the continued support! I hope to continue posting sometime, whether it be about music, coding, or whatever.
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softbean · 1 year
You guys... I want to clarify something. So many of you reblog my pixel art pieces shocked at how I was able to draw them “square by square”.
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(a polished pixel art piece of orym)
I’m sorry to burst your bubble but that’s not how pixel art works, at least not for me. I hope you won’t idolize an unrealistic belief and don’t hold me to an impossible standard. When things like that are said, I start to feel ashamed for “cheating” or “taking short cuts” because I’m not actually living up to your expectation that I’m drawing them square by square. Lines exist in pixel art. The bucket tool exists, so do layers. Even more amazingly, so do dithering brushes. I use procreate on an iPad, not MS paint with my mouse, because this is 2023. I don’t want my art to be appreciated solely for how “difficult” the creation process is—I want it to be appreciated for its content. Intentionally making art inaccessible may be a choice some artists make—and in a sense pixel art is a challenge like that, to limit your shapes and form and colour palette—but that’s what it is: a personal challenge, a stylistic preference. Making art hard can add to its value, but it shouldn’t be the only thing valuable about it, and “hard art” shouldn’t make you think that “easy art” is worth less. There is no easy medium. The amount of awe and ‘THIS IS PIXEL ART?!’ I get in comparison to the silence when I make art in my preferred medium makes me sad that the audience seems to take certain types of art media and styles for granted. There is no easy medium. And, I don’t find pixel art particularly harder than other media. Sure, pixel art style may be more unique, but it certainly isn’t barred from the same advancements in art technology that have developed in other forms of art, and it certainly shouldn’t be appreciated only for its uniqueness.
When people express awe in the “pixel by pixel” process, I get sad thinking they’ll never really know the kind of work that goes into refining a pixel art piece: the meticulous and tedious cleaning of lines (I don’t draw lines pixel by pixel, instead I draw a line and erase pixel by pixel), the overlaying of different dither brushes to create gradients from a limited palette, the block coloring that I do by hand, and the endless revisions I make to capture the feeling I want to convey. None of these are done pixel by pixel as if going left to right, top to bottom, none of these are done square by square like your color-by-numbers, but it doesn’t mean it was quick or easy. To me, my choice of art style doesn’t matter as much as the feelings I want my art to evoke, the impression that I want it to leave on your being, some ineffable part of you that responds without needing to break art down to its technicalities.
I’ve learned over the years that there is no cheating in art. If doing something will improve the look of your piece, and save you time, then that’s a win.
I know a lot of you don’t make art yourselves, and are of the mindset that anything that looks more difficult/time consuming to you than others becomes mysterious, feels cooler than things you think you’re more likely to be able to make yourselves. But I don’t like this view of art as something that is worth more the more untouchable it is. I like to think that art is everywhere, ubiquitous, and something that anybody with soul can make and regularly does make. It just takes the right lens to see the art in your own life for what it is. It’s not so far away. In fact, sometimes the closer to me art is, the more impact it has for me.
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(a roughly sketched comic that resembles the doodles of a child)
Art comes from life, art is alive because we are alive, it is not its own mysterious separate thing. I wish more people would appreciate the art that we can make rather than the art that we can’t, and that more people would embrace the art in their lives as opposed to keep it at arms length like it’s something foreign.
Art is not talent. It’s not about what you’re born with or without, familiar or foreign. If society has put up definitions and parameters for what is considered “art”, to the point where you feel it’s impossible for you to make your own, then perhaps we should reexamine the ideals of our society that only sees artistry in perfection. In truth, art is hard work and dedication, and above all, to me it’s choosing to see the beauty in the most mundane things, in things that aren’t conventionally beautiful. That’s why I don’t want my art to be appreciated for how impossible it feels. I want it to be appreciated for all the ways you feel warm and represented and connected and understood by it.
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rubbery-duckery · 7 days
Art Questions - from this post
When did you get into art?
Around late 2015, but really 2017 maybe.
What art-related sites have you ever signed up for?
Deviantart (circa 2009 maybe) and Tumblr.
Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
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What defines your artistic style?
Now how can I know that? Crude maybe. Lacking any discernable inspiration.
Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
Not really. I feel like I have different styles though.
What levels of artistic education have you had?
None other than art class in elementary school, plus a pottery class in high school. I did take an intro to drawing class as a required art elective.
Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
What is your favorite piece that you have done?
Every crummy, cringey doodle I made that gives people secondhand embarrassment.
What is your least favorite piece that you have done?
Something from 2nd grade that keeps getting shoved in my face by my sister.
What do you like most about your art?
What do you like least about your art?
Have you ever considered taking commissions?
No. I'm not good enough and I don't feel comfortable taking money away from others who actually need it. Maybe like $5 or less for quick fandom drawings, but even that seems dirty and like taking advantage of people's hyperfixation-state.
Are you looking to pursue a career in art?
No, because I know I can't improve enough to ever be professional.
What do you like drawing the most?
My own characters I guess.
What do you like drawing the least?
Things I'm incapable of drawing because it makes me mad. Complicated objects.
Do you draw more fanart or original art? If fanart, what fandom do you draw the most of?
Original because I'm bad at replicating other art styles and don't have a fandom mindset.
What would you absolutely refuse to draw?
NSFW stuff or even suggestive or overly romantic.
What is your purpose for drawing?
To have fun and relax.
What medium/program do you use the most in your art?
Cardstock paper and Medibang app
How would you rank your art? (poor, mediocre, good, etc.)
Do you believe there is such thing as “bad art?”
List at least one of your “artspirations.”
Oswald / Astrocrush (gone)
What do you think you could stand to improve on?
Getting away from same face syndrome and more diversity. Anatomy. Backgrounds.
Do you have a shameful art past? (recolour sprite comics, tracing art, etc.)
I don't think so. I used heavy reference (not tracing) for high school assignments and I think that made me look more talented than I really was to my classmates.
Draw a picture!
Okay !
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly Update Feb 16 2023
Not much to say this week. I’ll keep it as short as I can
Barely did Inktober 52. Cheaped out and didn’t even get the bottle ink out. To my credit I was busy. If I do the same next week I’ll be sad.
Got a whole bunch of frames done on the test animation, and parts that needed to be swapped out got swapped out. Only a couple frames left, though they will be the hardest. I have a strategy for them.
I have decided against new promotional drawings for TRG Colo. I sketched out one, but realized that none of the skits really resonated with me besides the obvious one (and of course, ‘I took a few Liberties’ but I don’t think I can do it Justice with a single drawing. Maybe I’ll do more drawings for next year’s Colosseum?). Instead I’ll just do a quick loop animation in homage to my favorite skit, as it will be easier, it will be good practice for walk cycles, and interaction with props. It’ll be less time consuming, since I can work on it during other activities.
No real OC related news. Chipping away at outlines, pretty dissatisfied with what I’ve done. Mainly have just gotten myself more acquainted with Newgrounds, especially it’s movies tab. I haven’t had the most luck with the website yet, and while I know that’s mainly due to a lack of traffic + a lack of activity, that should hopefully be eased once I have an animation to post. Obv will start with TRG animated, and probably direct traffic there as best I can.
Bunch of little doodles this week. I’m sorry I haven’t messed with digital too much. 2 exams and 3 labs will do that to you. I want to say I’ll do more next week, but animation has been my priority. I’ll see if I can find some writing motivation too, because once I’ve got a solid outline, I can draw some art for it.
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were (pt2)
 harry acts like everything is good and dandy but reader sees Heather wearing the sweater
part 1 here
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST WORD COUNT - 1,892
A/N: hehe because it was december 3rd, I just had to get this chapter done to post even if it might be a little late but here ya go 
      My guitar rested on my thigh as i brought my head down to lay on the fret, staring at the blank piece of lined paper in front of me. I sighed, turning my head away and just bathed in the silence of the separate room from the main studio. The weight on my chest might of suggested the frustration out of my creative block, unable to produce words or lyrics for the past weeks. Or that I was progressively losing the will to even pick up an instrument, as strumming the strings took a lot of energy for me to do. 
The oversized hoodie I brought kept me warm, but i knew that wasn't satisfying enough. However the idea of wearing one of his hoodies I've place in a closed box in the corner of my apartment hurt too much and that now I'm back in the studio after weeks of trying to avoid coming here at all costs. After the New Year's party, I've done nothing but wallow up in my apartment alone, trying to come up with songs as quickly as possible just so I could get this project done and over with. That proved to be difficult however, especially with Harry trying to call on a normal basis.
  "Helllooo bubs, why haven't you been showing up at the studio eh?" "You said at the beginning of this project that I could work at home whenever I want. I'm just taking you up on that offer." "Of course, you'd remember me sayin' that. How've you been love, haven't seen you in a while though." "Fine, just been doing my job." "Well yeah, can't write all these lovely songs without your talent, can I? You gonna come in tomorrow then?" 
I hesitated for a second, biting my tongue when I felt my eyes pool up again. "I'll just send a pdf of lyrics to you Harry." "O-oh. Well that would conventionally work... yes but you have to come in tomorrow though." "Why? Just text me what you like and don't like about the verses and I'll fix them." "Bubs you know how I feel about in person collaboration. Plus the deadlines are coming up and it'll be easier and faster to have you in the studio." "Okay." He hesitates this time and I could see his brows furrowed together as well as having a hand on his hip. Most likely wearing lose sweats and the knitted cardigan he's been falling in love with over the months. His hair a bit longer than it was last time I saw him and his pink lips quirked to the side in thought. Maybe the bags under his eyes are gone, has been looking more happier lately. More happier than I could of made him to be over the months. "Are you okay?" "I have to go Harry, I'll see you tomorrow." "Oh see yo-"
      He was the first one to greet me when I arrived, and I wanted nothing more than to burst out sobbing when I see his smile. It took everything not to do so, giving him a tight lip smile and quick side hug before sitting down farthest away from him. For the first hour and a half of discussion, I didn't say much and zoned off a lot, tuning in and out of the conversation Harry leaded about a song he had written recently. I felt his glances on me when I turned away, probably sensing my unwillingness to comment so he was considerate enough to not put me under the spotlight in the discussion. In the middle of it, Harry's phone started ringing and he didn't waste a second to excuse himself to answer it. "Hello? Oh hey darling, you almost here?" I froze when he grows a cheesy smile on his face as he walks further to the other side of the studio before telling us to continue without him. I took a deep breathe, not mentally prepared to be in the same room as her. Has she always been coming to the studio or did I just choose to worse day to finally come in? I try to focus doodling in my little notebook, but it grew harder and harder to focus on anything else but the way he crosses his arms and laughs while on the phone with her. From the corner of my eye, it was definite he's completely captivated just hearing her voice and I could just picture the angelic tone of it. I didn't realize I was tapping my pencil till I hear Sarah calling out my name, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay, haven't seen you in a while." I nodded, putting on a smile. "Yeah sorry, been getting a lot of work opportunities and just a bunch of family stuff that's exhausted me." Sarah gives me a look that resembles one of a mother who knows their child isn't telling the full truth, but she nods and pats my hand. "Completely understandable. But that's exciting, new artists been reaching out to you n' all that?" "Ha surprisingly, considering saying yes to all of them." my smile was growing genuine a little, thinking about how content I was with my career. Being a lyricist and songwriter was a definite risky path to take in terms of stability, but it made me happier knowing I was able to to do. "Oh of course, you can totally do it. Probably wanted to see what all the hype was about when Harry couldn't stop talking about you at every social gathering he's been at." Sarah chuckles, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah?" I quickly looked down, feeling my eyes water as the pang in my chest came back. "Mhmm, acts like Thomas and Mitch don't even exist." I laugh lightly at that, fiddling with my fingers as I focused down on my notebook. I found myself in an awkward situation, not knowing how to continue the conversation but knowing I didn't want to try. I love Sarah, but I was close to break down right there if I tried and it was not the place to do so. Not when everyone is trying to meet deadlines and Harry was about to walk in with Heather at any moment. "Hey, I actually have a lot of emails to respond to so I'm gonna be in the other room." I stood up, taking a guitar and my notebook. "Might actually be better for me to focus in." "Sure, we'll let Harry know." I gave her a grateful smile, walking out into the hallway to a different room. I let out another shaky breath, feeling overwhelmed once I was finally alone. But before I could close the door, I hear her. I peak out to see both her and Harry standing at the entrance of the building, huddled close together. "Sorry I forget it gets this cold in LA sometimes." She says, looking up at him while he rubs the sleeves of his sweater that was wrapped perfectly around her. It was a simple orange stripped sweater. A vintage that Harry bought in Vienna and became one of his favorites. It was just a simple polyester sweater, but it became my favorite too. So it was hard to give it back after wearing it that night we kissed, but fuck was it harder to see her wearing it. Now as I sit alone with no sense of motivation to do anything else but wallow in my own pity I thought about a lot of things. I should be angry, be fuming and cursing at Harry for how he's been acting. I should confront him, make him feel as hurt as he made me for choosing her. Or maybe I should hate Heather, despise her for taking the chance I had with him. But deep down I know I couldn't hate Heather. She's such an angel, it wasn't her fault he's still hung up on her. And as much as the image of his arm wrapped around her kills me, I couldn't hate him either for the same reason. She looked prettier in his sweater than I did. "You okay in here bubs?" As if the tears welling up in my eyes and heavy weight on my chest wasn't enough, the sound of knuckles against the door and his voice calling out my name made me almost sob. "Yeah, I'm good. Door's open." I quickly try to compose myself when he enters the room, giving me that warming smile of his. "Just wanted to check up on ya, been quiet since you got here." Harry looks at me with concerning eyes as he places a hand on my shoulder before crossing his arms and leaning against the wall in front of me. Keep your hand on my shoulder, the second it was there all the nerves went away. I wanted to say but instead I fake a smile again, waving it off and shrugging. "Oh no, just have a lot on my plate don't worry." He nods, feeling his eyes on me while I try to avoid his by opening my laptop and skimming through my inbox. "Sarah told me about different singers reaching out to you." He points at my laptop before taking a seat on the chair to the side. I nodded, humming while I typed out quick responses. "Yup, thanks by the way but now I gotta sort out a whole schedule for this year." I took a glance up to see him focused on my song journal on the table in front of us.
“So...you and Heather huh?” The sheepish smile he has tugs my heart strings but I tried to keep from fumbling with my fingers.
“Yeah uhh...” He scratches the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on his hands and looking like a young kid with a crush. “Started talking again and catching up, been working out stuff between us since the party.”
I tilt my head to the side, motioning him to continue. “She’s gorgeous...”
“She’s amazing.”
I finally looked away from him and onto my screen, letting out a little chuckle. 
“So you guys are back together?”
“No no, we’re just sort of figuring things out at the moment.” Though it was an answer I was hoping for, the look in his face was none the less comforting. 
“Well, hope everything goes great. You guys look perfect together.” I managed to say, going back to typing while he only responds with a nod and hum.
There was silence. Does he not feel it too? Uncomfortable silence was never a thing between us but it was prevalent here. "Not gonna leave early are you though?" He says out of no where and I stopped typing for a sec to give my attention to him. "Not going to ditch me for someone else of course." He says it with a laugh, playing it off like an obvious joke... but the way he looked at me. Part of me wanted to scream at how oblivious and selfish that statement sounded coming from him, as if he has no idea the drastic shift our relationship has taken. But I see the vulnerability in his eyes, sensing the subtext in his question that is practically asking me to stay. Stick by his side and help finish this passion project he's dedicated to put out, not only for his fans but for himself. Be with him to figure out what to do next, even if I would be in a different county or continent and working with someone else. Keep in touch throughout because I've become an important person in his life. Even if that person who used to fill that spot came back, he's still here and asking me to stay with him in a similar sense. It wasn't the kind of love I wanted, but never the less, it was still love from Harry. Did the smile I wear at that moment reach my eyes? When I placed my hand on top of his in reassurance, was the hesitance obvious? Maybe he did notice the little signs, but he took my hand in his anyways and placed it against his heart. 
"Of course, 'm always gonna here Harry."
part 3
A/N: guys my heart hurts writing this lol. There’s gonna be one or two more parts of this series, but thank you for reading! feedback is appreciated :)
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Archenemies to Superfriends
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Do you know how hard it is to make Lila likeable? Do you know the struggle I went through to write this fic? I know I said I wanted a challenge, something unique. BUT WHAT THE HELL! This took me longer than my last two fics combined. Class salt but make Lila the good guy? Like seriously, do you hate me? I hope the Anon requester likes this. 
"I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend." — Romulan Commander, Star Trek: The Original Series, "Balance of Terror"
It turned out there was a line Lila Rossi wouldn’t even cross. Sure, she wasn’t the nicest person in the world. Far from it. She was a liar, a thief, a cheater, a bully at times, a social climber.
But she wasn’t a monster.
           As she looked the sketchbook in Alya’s hand, and the vindictive look on her face; Lila realized what was about to take place would push her over the line into monster status.
           The school day had just ended. Most students had already left. Lila had been about to leave when Alya stopped her.
“How? How did you get it?” Lila asked. Surely Marinette wasn’t foolish enough to leave it around.
           It was Alix who preened, “I snuck it out of her bag.”
“She’s been so mean to you, girl,” Alya said. “Marinette needs to learn a lesson.”
           No, Marinette hadn’t been mean to her. Lila never even implied the bluenette had been mean to her. Lila spun her stories to the class, and whenever Marinette called her out for lying (which she was), the class would gang up on the Bluenette and accuse her of being jealous, of bullying poor Lila.
           It was actually rather startling how fast the so call best friends had turned on the girl. Lila didn’t even have to push or instigate it like she usually did. No, a few promises of meeting famous celebrities, and they all rushed to do it on their own.
           Rose’s sleepover. Rose didn’t invite Marinette at the other girls’ insistence so Lila wouldn’t feel unease.
           Nino’s party. No one mentioned it Marinette. She had been acting crazily lately.
           Trip to the movie. Marinette would just ruin it for everybody.
           And so on and so forth. Until the class was going out of their way to avoid the bluenette. Some even went as far as verbally bashing the other girl and ending their friendships. It got to the point where no one, not even Adrien, would speak to Marinette; and ostracized her to the back of the class. Only Chloe defended the girl and sought out her friendship. To which Alya snorted, “Of course. Bullies belong with bullies.”
           Now the class had moved on to destroying private property. Great.
           Lila sighed. How was she going to get herself out of this one?
Lila prided herself on still being able to look at herself in the mirror at the end of the day. Despite all she had done and would be willing to do; Lila was firm on what she wouldn’t do.
           Destroying someone’s life work; something they had spent months and months on, something that had nothing to do with Lila, was going too far.
           Lila needed to move quickly. She eyed the sketchbook. It was a standard black sketchbook, nothing special. She owned a similar one herself that she used for quick doodles and to write down ideas.
           That was when Lila got an idea. She quickly put her school books on the desk and beamed at her moronic classmates. Then all it took were quick sad eyes, and a can I hold it first, please. For Alya to hand it over. Then Lila accidentally spilled all off her books on the ground, and when everyone rushed to help her. Lila switched the two sketchbooks.
           Then it took her classmates, not friends (never friends); Alya, Max Alix, Kim, Nino, Mylene, Ivan, all of ten seconds to destroy the book into as little pieces as they could. Never even bothering to look to see if it was actually Marinette’s work.
           They left the pieces scattered on Marinette’s desk.
           Just as they finished said girl rushed back into class, a frantic searching look on her face. It took her five seconds to notice the torn sketchbook on her desk. Pure devastation overtook her face, tears filled her blue eyes.
           Alya snipped a mean retort about Karma and left the class with the other students following behind her. Not realizing Lila wasn’t among them. Not caring that she had just hurt the girl she had sworn was her bestie not too long ago.
           Marinette stared quietly at the mess, not letting the tears fall. “Why?” She whispered.
“I didn’t have anything to do with this,” Lila told her. “You don’ have to believe me. But I swear I didn’t. This isn’t my m.o.”
           Marinette wanted to lash out at the other girl; scream about it being her fault, and her being a liar. But she couldn’t even find words to speak.
“Here,” Lila said as she handed over the sketchbook. “I switched it with mine before they could… you know.”
           Marinette blinked once, then twice, before she slowly reached for the book; hope filling her. And sure enough. Relief rushed through her. She thanked all the kwami. “Why?” She asked Lila. “You hate me.” That had been the basis for their relationship for months.
           Lila snorted, “I don’t hate you. I don’t hate anyone,” She shrugged. “Hate clouds judgment. You’re just my competition. No one likes their rival team.”
           Marinette stared at the Italian girl. Rival team? Competition? What? “We’re not even competing for anything! If it's about Adrien. He’s yours. I don’t want him.” It turned out, the blond was too cowardly for her taste. Not enough backbone.
“Of course we’re competing!” Lila snapped. “Since I got to this school.”
“Over what?”
           It was Lila’s turn to stare. Didn’t the other girl know? Hadn’t they been fighting for the top spot?
“Being the most popular girl in school.”
           Marinette just looked confused. “But I’m not popular. Especially not now.”
“Not popular?” Lila could’ve cursed. “Not popular! On my first day, I didn’t go more than a foot before someone mentioned the wonderful Marinette. She’s so smart. She’s so sweet. She’s so EVERYTHING. I knew from day one we were archenemies. You knew it too. Why else would you try to call me out so much!”
“…I just don’t like liars.”
           That time Lila did scream.
           Because it wasn’t possible. There was no way Marinette Dupain-Cheng hadn’t even realized they had been competing. This wasn’t just some delusional one-side battle on Lila’s side. No way.
“Why me?” Marinette asked, with a tilted head, reminded Lila of a puppy. “There are tons of more popular girls. Aurore; she’s the most beautiful girl in school. Ondine, she’s the best athlete. Ruby in drama was literally voted the most popular kid in school last year.”
“That’s different,” Lila waved it off. “Those girls are popular for one specific thing. Even Ruby was only voted because she throws the best parties. And even then, most only like them for that thing. Everyone likes you.” Or at least all but one class now.
           A class that had proven to be worthless. Lila was starting to realize that she had been playing against her most noteworthy opponent, who apparently never realized they were competing, in a less than worthwhile game to be the most popular girl in class to get the approval of the students. Students who, again, weren’t worth it.
“You’re the only one worth a damn in this school,” Lila admitted as she sat down at her desk. “That’s why you. You’re the best. I want to beat the best.”
She never attacked the weak. She attacked the strong. She went after the strongest of the strong. Lila thrived off competition. She just didn’t want to win. She wanted to be The Winner. Lila wanted the number one spot engraved with her name. To do that she had to beat the best.
Her motto: A hero is only as good as his villain. The reverse is also true.
Lila knew since was a little girl that she would never make it the big leagues if she only fought small fries. So in every school, in every class; Lila found what was most important to her fellow students and went after it. Some school was easy. A few classes valued music; Lila started a band, with her as the lead singer, and knocked out her competition. Sports freaks; Lila always had a knack for futbol. Everyone in class fought to have the best grades (It only happened once) but Lila said bring it on.
Even she had to cheat, sabotage, lie, or whatever else to get to the top she’d do it. And she did. And she was always won.
She was the most popular kid in school within the month. Always.
As for her competition. Some fell easily; too easily for her taste. Some took months to fall. One guy took an entire year. His name had been Felix, and he been Lila’s favorite nemesis. He had fought with everything he had; pushed Lila far beyond her limits and made her think outside the box every time they went head to head.
He had been the joker to her Batman. (Afterall, every villain is a hero in their own mind)
But eventually, even Felix fell.
It had been glorious. A high that Lila road all the way to her new school in France.
Looking back, Lila should’ve known better. She should’ve known that Felix had been preparing her for her greatest battle yet. The fight of her lifetime. Against the greatest opponent, she would ever know.
The Superman to her Batman. All good things good and pure Versus the big bad of the night.
           It had been a fight Lila had been waiting for her life. And yet it turned out, Marinette never even really noticed.
           And to think, Lila had thought she had been winning. The class turned again Marinette. Everyone loved Lila. Except none of it seemed to bother the other girl. In fact, she seemed to get stronger.
           For every friend Marinette lost, she found another; a better one. Aurore, Claude, Ondine, Marc, Luka, Bridgette; the list went on and on.
           Alya voted to have Marinette removed as class president. Marinette gets on the student council. The class loses its most organized student. Lila declines the role of feigning that she was too busy. To make it worse all the well-planned birthday parties, school trips, free costume designer, and the random sweet day where baked goods were brought to class on particularly stressful school days, (all of which Lila had enjoyed).
           Adrien no longer speaking to her. (Honestly, Lila never saw what anyone saw in the blond model besides the potential connection he offered. He was naive and a far too idealistic for her taste). Marinette gets twelve different boys, and three girls, asking her to the sweethearts dance.
           Without the class clinging to her and demanding her time, Marinette seemed to thrive. No longer stressed; rarely ever late. Lila, on the other hand, found her days busier and busier as her classmates tried to lean on her more.
           No matter the bad thing that happened, Marinette just stronger. And she never lost her positive attitude.
           Marinette shook her head. This one turning out to be one strange day. “If you want the class, you can them. They’re my friends anymore.” She glanced at the pieces of the sketchbook on her desk. “I don’t know who they are in anymore.”
“Fame seekers,” Lila answered. “More concerned with what someone can do for than actual friendships. You get used to them.” She paused. “I don’t want them either. They’re…”
“Taxing,” Marinette offered as she sat down next to Lila. “Emotionally draining. Opinionated. Users.”
“Bad friends.”
“That too.”
           It went quiet. Neither girl knowing what to say. Lila didn’t know what to do now that all competition was all but officially declared over. Marinette realized that her ex-friends' actions couldn’t be blamed on Lila. Everything they did was on their own. Forgiveness wasn’t going to happen. So what are they fighting for? What could they fight for?
“Truce?” Marinette offered. “I let the morons believe whatever you want. And you just leave me out of it.”
           Lila nodded, “You go your way. I go mine.”
           This was worse than Superman V Batman movie ending as far as Lila was concerned. At least no one died.
           That was it. They left school that day feeling a little shook. Each girl agreed to move on and avoid each other.
           Except that wasn’t what happened.
           Somehow, slowly, Lila and Marinette became friends.
           It started off small. Lila had needed a break from her groupies and hid in the art room. Marinette had been working in there.
“They too much again?” Marinette asked.
           Lila winced but nodded.
“I used to hide in the back of the library,” Marinette offered. “On the roof.  Any random classroom I could find. Sometimes, I even just left for my parents.”
“Seriously?” Lila asked. “They’ve always been like this.”
           Marinette snorted. “Worse. Wait until they start asking you for favors. Which will turn into demands.”
“…They are just the worst.”
           Then both girls laughed.
           After that whenever Lila needed a break, she sought out the presence of the other girl. Sometimes they hung out in the library, on the roof, wherever. It was nice.
           It wasn’t until Lila showed up in Marinette’s room, bitching about her mom canceling their plans together again. Marinette just listens to Lila’s sorrows and offered ice cream. They spent the entire night just bitching and watching reruns of Doctor Who. (It turned out Lila was a bit of nerd.) Lila slept over and slept easily for the first time in months.
That was when the two realized they were friends.
Marinette, Lila’s once declared greatest enemy, became her first real friend.
After that everything just fell together. Lila started showing up at Marinette’s and more.
Eventually, Lila being invited to Marinette’s girls’ night and being introduced to a new friend to Chloe, Kagami, Aurore, and Ondine.
Upon seeing her, Chloe snorted, “She got you too, huh. It’s the eyes. Don’t look her in the eyes.”
“Yes,” Kagami agreed. “I, too, had declared Marinette my rival. Now I wear bunny pajamas and adorn avocado oatmeal face masks.”
Well shit, Lila thought as she eyed Marinette’s former rivals, did I ever stand a chance?
           The answer was no.
           But Lila didn’t mind.
           After that Chloe found herself having more actually friends than ever before. In Chloe, she found a second-best friend. Someone she could always bitch with, and not just to. The blond had the presence Lila had always strived for. Chloe stalked through the hall like a model on the runway. People jumped out of her way. She was a phenomenal force to be reckoned, likened to Wonder Woman.
           Marinette and Lila were two peas in a pod. They both strived to the best, thrived under pressure, and loved fashion. But while Lila wanted to model and be in front of the camera, Marinette wanted to design.
           Lila loved Marinette’s clothes and decided the girl need a bit of a push. So she reached out to Chloe, and together they teamed up to convince Marinette to start her own website. It took a bit of work but MDC designs were officially online. All designs, of course, were modeled by Lila, Chloe, and Marinette’s other girlfriends. Lila had never felt so glamorous. Marinette never looked so happy.
           Lila started being the one Marinette went to whenever she needed someone to cover for babysitting. Or had to have a random excuse as to why she wasn’t present. And Lila did both jobs remarkably well.
           Still, despite their friendship, Lila was a bit surprised to get Marinette’s birthday invitation. Marinette made her promise not to tell anyone. Even more so, when Marinette took her and Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Claude, Marc, Aurore, and Ondine to Clara Nightingale concert. They had backstage passed and Lila nearly died when Clara rushed over to hug Marinette after a song. Lila took a lot of pictures, even one of her and the superstar together, but didn’t post them.
           Which left Marinette happily surprised. Apart, though small, still expected Lila to boast in class about the additional celebrity she knew. But that never happened. Marinette felt relief and a bit guilty, she supposed some part of her was testing the other girl to see if she could trust her; and was happy to find out Lila had passed.
           Despite their Lila and Marinette’s friendship things at school didn’t change. The other students in class still froze Marinette out. Lila, though, did her best to keep them from doing anything mean to the bluenette. Though this only happened when the other students needed something Marinette used to do for them; like free babysitting, custom-designed dresses, stage design, and interview with Ladybug, it wasn’t going to happen. Or when the class trips were lackluster at best.
           Lila hadn’t realized just how much she and Marinette had grown to like and trust each other until Ladybug showed up in her room. She was prepared to send a barging remark to the hero who had nearly sabotaged her attempts to win over Adrien, thus the rest of the class, when Ladybug spoke.
“Marinette sent me,” The red hero said. “She said I could trust you; that you’d make a good hero.” And then Ladybug showed her the fox miraculous, a replica of the one Lila used to wear.
           Lila’s mouth dropped opened.
“As soon as the fight’s done, you’ll need to return it to me,” Ladybug stated firmly. “Do you understand.”
           And just like that Volpina was reborn. Her costume was darker than before, her tail a bit longer and curved. Her mask black.
           Ladybug and Volpina fought side by side against a Clown Akuma that turn people into balloon animals. During the fight, Volpina learned that Chat Noir had, once again, abandoned Ladybug after the hero turned down his affections. Lila never felt so much disgust. What kind of hero was that?
           After the fight, Volpina and Ladybug met back up in Lila’s room and Lila immediately handed over the miraculous.
“Thanks for the help,” Ladybug smiled as he pocked the necklace.
           Lila nodded, “Chat Noir was wrong. What he’s doing is sexual harassment. Like seriously, look it up. No means no. You shouldn’t have to take that.”
“He’s my partner.”
“He’s not acting like it.”
           The words seemed to affect Ladybug who visibly wilted.  She didn’t say another word as she left.
           However, not long after Lila found herself being called forth to fight as Volpina more and more. Chat Noir never showing up once.
           When both heroines were confronted by a furious Alya, live streaming, Lila learned something.
“What happened to Rena Rouge?” Alya demanded, hurt and anger in her eyes. “Why replace her with this faux-hero? And what about the rest of the new team Miraculous;  Viperion, BrightRoar, and Ryuko. What about the old team?”
           Faux-hero? Ladybug had to physically stop Volpina from ripping into the reporter.
“Rena Rouge has been retired,” Ladybug glared. “She proved herself to be untrustworthy. In fact, all former heroes such as Caraprace and Chat Noir have been retired. They have been replaced by permanent heroes like Volpina, here, Queen Bee, Viperion, BrightRoar, and Ryuko. They have proven themselves to loyal and capable heroes.”
           No one knew who was more stunned Lila or Alya. She was a permanent hero? Chat Noir had been replaced? What?
“What?” Alya asked. “Rena was amazing. A much better hero than some people,” She gave a dirty look to Volpina. “And You and Chat Noir belonged together. Everyone says so!”
“Rena was a good hero,” Ladybug said. “But outside the mask, she proved herself unworthy. As for me and Chat Noir. I’ve said countless times, I felt nothing but friendship for him. It was Chat Noir and tabloid sites like the Ladyblog that hyped up that nonsense.”
“Tabloid?” Alya shrieked.
“Yes, tabloid.” Ladybug hissed. “Why do think I stopped working with you?”
           In retrospect, Lila should’ve realized sooner the fallout that would happen not long after. Alya wasn’t the type of person to own up to her own mistakes. However, Lila had been so busy cheering at being a new permanent hero that she got a little distracted.
           After Ladybug called her out, Alya spent all every ounce energy to find out how she went from Ladybug’s goto to Ladybug’s no go. And then answer was in the comments to her videos of Lila. All calling out the Italian to be a liar.
           By Monday, everyone in the class knew. As soon as Lila walked into class, Alya tore into accused her of lying and ruining her blog.
           TO which Lila gave big crocodile tear-filled eyes, “I just wanted to make friends.” She tried to gain sympathy. It didn’t work.
           Soon all the class was screaming at her.
           It stopped when Bustier and Marinette walked into class.
           Bustier looked like a deer caught in the headlines, unsure of what to do.
           Marinette had looked directly at Lila, “You can sit in back with me and Chloe.”
“Girl’s, she a liar,” Alya hissed. “You were right.”
           Marinette scoffed, “And yet she’s a better friend than you ever were.” She looked at Lila again, ignoring the protests from her classmates around her. “Come on.
           Lila smiled as the two girls made their way to the back of the classroom to join Chloe in the back.
           Lila, Marinette, and Chloe sent matching Ice Queen looks to the rest of the students in class; daring them to say something, to approach.
           And just like the heroes: Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, Lila likened them to be; no one would even consider it.
           It wasn’t like anyone else in the class was worth a damn anyway.
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Another One?!, Part 5
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It turns out that people with access to military-grade equipment are not the type of people you want to dislike you.
Really, the only reason she was still alive was because being Ladybug made her marginally more lucky than the average person.
From people in holding randomly getting out from time to time and somehow managing to get their hands on a weapon, to getting shot by ‘malfunctioning’ firearms, to constant bomb threats, to the one time someone actually tried to drop an anvil on her head, things were just not looking good for Marinette.
And, it turns out, being a boss is just a hard thing in general. When they weren’t attempting to kill her, they were coming to her with questions. She spent most of her day in the office, scanning through manual after manual. She got basically zero breaks, because even when she had a sign on her door saying she was eating lunch they still came in to ask her things.
And then, at the end of the day, she’d get home… things weren’t great there, either.
Barbara had moved in after a year of dating Dick (Marinette had been stunned to learn that their relationship was actually real but that had quickly been dropped when she realized that Barbara was actually a responsible adult that could take care of herself). She had banned caffeine in the house when she’d seen Marinette and Tim’s coffee habits and, unfortunately, everyone else had been perfectly happy to enforce this for her.
This meant that she only had about four hours when she got home to patrol before her exhaustion caught up with her and she’d be forced to go home and collapse on the couch.
On top of that, tensions in the house were high. It turns out that one of the biggest problems with avoiding your problems for years is that emotions get pent up inside and it gets harder and harder to ignore. No one had completely snapped yet, but even the densest person in the world would have been able to recognize that it was coming.
It didn’t help that she no longer had time for baking, which was her normal way of relieving stress…
And let’s just say they were lucky none of them were going on patrols together, those kinds of high-stress situations do not help.
Adrien needed sleep.
He worked ten hours a day, which isn’t that much longer than average but was still emotionally taxing considering his job was teaching.
Then, he’d go on patrol for a few hours. He liked patrol, beating up random people is great for stress, but it was physically exhausting.
Then, he’d come home.
And he’d have two kids and an adult to keep alive.
(Barbara had the night shift, which meant that Adrien was alone for this. He swore it was on purpose.)
He’d go to his room and find Dick swinging around on the indoor gym they’d had installed (they were getting tired of him breaking light fixtures and had given in and put little hand and footholds on the ceiling for him to climb around on).
And then Dick would fall asleep, often hanging from the ceiling still, and Adrien would pick him up and take him to his room and tuck him in.
He’d rush back to his room, desperate to get there for just a second of sleep, only to find that, no matter how quick he was, Jason would already be on the bed. You would think that Adrien would be able to sleep. After all, Jason would be reading a book... that’s supposed to be a quiet thing…
Well, you see, the problem is that Jason reads books like people watch soap operas. He’d curse out characters and call them stupid, tell Adrien contextless jokes, and occasionally close his book to vent about what was going on.
And, eventually Jason would sleep. Adrien wouldn’t move him because a) it would wake him up and b) on the very small chance it didn’t wake him, Jason sometimes half-joked that when he woke up alone he feared that they’d left him behind…
So, yeah, Jason got to stay in the room.
Adrien would blink and then he’d find Tim in the door with his computer.
Tim, it seemed, would actually wait to see if Adrien was okay with it if he came in. He always stood in the door, hugging his laptop to his chest, and wouldn’t dare come inside until Adrien said he could.
Of course Adrien would sigh and nod his head yes, making a joke about how his kids were sleeping in shifts to annoy him, and move over on the bed a bit to let Tim on.
And then Tim would do homework or play games on his computer.
Adrien hated the sound of clicky keyboards. He’d had no clue he was alone in this until one day he complained about it and everyone in the room had stared at him like he was crazy.
But, yeah, the keyboard made him want to die. He just wanted to sleep...
And then Barbara would poke her head in after a long night’s work to tell Adrien that it was time for him to get ready for work.
Sprinkle in one or two probably life-threatening accidents and you’d have a typical night for him.
Now, you might be thinking, why doesn’t he just fall asleep on the couch?
Beyond the fact that the kids would just… follow him there, Adrien was also a rich kid growing up. He couldn’t sleep on couches. They’re uncomfortable.
No, now his only saving grace was the fact that Barbara didn’t have a way to monitor the coffee machine at his work.
… Oh kwami, he had become what he’d hated.
She dropped onto the bed -- she’d had enough energy to make it all the way there for once -- and glared at the mostly empty bulletin board on Antony Agoura. The man was smart, unfortunately, opting to keep his identity a secret as much as possible. He used a fake name. He wore gloves no matter what. He used solely cash…
And it wasn’t like she was going to be able to lure him out again. That had been an intimidation tactic, a way of saying ‘leave it alone or you’ll see exactly what I can do’.
And, as much as she hated to admit it even to herself, she was a little bit scared of him. For the first time since Zucco, the person she was facing knew who she was as a civilian, and she hated that she’d lost that advantage. Even if her family was better trained in self-defense than most, they weren’t invulnerable and they couldn’t be careful every second of the day.
Part of her was tempted to pack up and go on the run like they had done with Zucco… but the situations were different. With Zucco they knew they would eventually be able to catch him but with Agoura...
She closed her eyes, unable to look at it any longer.
Fuck. She was really screwed this time, huh?
She felt someone sink into the bed next to her and reached out for them. She didn’t really care who it was as she buried her face in their shoulder.
Less than a minute later, her phone buzzed to tell her that it was time to start cooking everyone’s meals for the day and she mumbled a curse before peeling herself away from the person. She squinted a little bit in the dark to see who it was. Tim.
She yawned and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Want to cook with me?”
“I’d burn the house down.”
“Probably. Want to stand nearby and make sure I don’t fall asleep while cooking so nothing burns?”
He shrugged a little bit. “Don’t see why not.”
They both crawled out of bed and she used him for support as they made their way down to the kitchen.
Adrien had been on patrol when she’d appeared.
And ‘appeared’ was definitely the way to describe it. He’d been relaxing on a rooftop, giving himself a few second break to just breathe in silence for once… and then he’d felt a hand shaking his shoulder.
He fought the urge to jump or lash out, his head whipping around to look at the person who was shaking him.
It was… a girl?
Actually, she looked about Jason’s age, so maybe a woman?
It didn’t matter. She looked terrified. Her eyes were so wide it looked almost exaggerated, her lips drawn into a deep frown.
The more he took in about her appearance the more concerned he was. Her stance was wide, which likely meant she fought often. Her clothes were ratty and torn. The little parts of her skin that weren’t caked in dirt were split with cuts that were either infected or about to be infected.
He rested a hand over hers as gently as he could and looked at her. “How are you up here? Actually, that doesn’t matter. What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is your family hurt?”
She waved her free hand around frantically. Wordlessly.
He raised his eyebrows.
“Do you not speak English? Or are you mute? Deaf?”
He realized all these questions weren’t going to get answers and he sighed. Crap, what could he do?
He mulled it over for a second before snapping his fingers. He held up a finger for one minute, then held up his hands and made a tiny ‘stay’ motion with them just in case, and then ran to the nearest convenience store.
He didn’t care enough to detransform. It got him through the line quickly, at least.
He found a pen and a pad of paper and returned to the rooftop…
She wasn’t there anymore.
He sighed, a mix of frustration and concern coursing through him. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He should get back to patrol. Maybe he’d find her and/or whatever situation she was trying to get his attention for…
He opened his eyes and actually did jump this time. She was right in front of him. What? He hadn’t heard her…
He shook off his growing unease and handed her the notepad and pen.
She frowned, her face a little more than confused. Had she never seen a pen and paper before? Surely that couldn’t be right…
Still, he gently took the paper and pen back and wrote a tiny question mark.
He handed it over again and she looked at the mark like she’d never seen it before. Maybe her language didn’t have question marks…?
Then she started doodling.
Well, his plan had been for her to write whatever it was down and he would see if his phone would translate it, but he guessed this would work, too.
The first drawing explained some of the girl’s problems with communication. It was a little doodle where the mouth and ears had been X-ed out. She couldn’t speak or hear… or, at least, that’s what he’d figured.
He searched his memory for his old sign language lessons. Unfortunately, though, sign language is something that has to be practiced. All he could do is fingerspell “U O-K?”
She didn’t seem to understand.
Fair enough. He was pretty sure he was using LSF, anyways, and he didn’t exactly know for sure how close that was to ASL… or whatever other language she could have known. He couldn’t really tell much about where she was from, her skin was covered in dirt, okay?
She started doodling the rest of her life story and he nearly punched something. Probably would have if he hadn’t been scared he’d startle her or scare her off.
Whoever her dad was, he was committed to killing him if he wasn’t dead already.
He smiled at her and tried to think of a solution. He couldn’t take her to the police. Even with Marinette in charge, there was only so much she could do to keep the kid safe. An orphanage wouldn’t accept her because he doubted she was a legal US citizen.
He sighed. Marinette was going to kill him…
He reached out a hand to her to tell her to follow and blinked in surprise when she actually took it. Wow. He trusted her.
He tried not to feel proud as he led her home. He probably should have been scared that she was a spy or lying, but he found himself trusting her…
Weird, but he had bigger problems.
He detransformed a little bit outside the house and slowly walked to the door. He pushed it open and cringed when it creaked. Please don’t be home…
Marinette shifted under her blanket and opened an eye to look at him.
He quickly pushed the girl behind himself and smiled at his wife. “Wow, it’s you. You’re home. Wow.”
“Yeah, amazing, right?” She rubbed her eyes and gave him a tired smile. “How was patrols?”
“Great. Uneventful. Definitely good.”
Her smile dropped into a frown. “You’re acting weird.”
“What? Me? Acting weird?”
“Yeah… are you coming inside?”
“Uh… no. Actually, I think I’ll go back on patrols.”
She clicked her tongue. “You’re hiding something. I’m too tired for this, Adrien. Fess up.”
He cringed a little bit and slowly led the new adoptee inside.
The girl clutched Adrien’s shirt sleeve anxiously. He did not think this was a good thing.
Marinette stared at the girl in front of her for a while before a way too wide smile crossed her face. “Adrien…” She began slowly, before shaking her head. Her smile widened, somehow. She looked up, her voice sickly sweet: “Hey! Sweeties! Come down here.”
The reaction was instantaneous. There was a mad scrambling noise and they appeared in the doorway, expressions frazzled.
“Whatever happened, it was Dick!” Said Tim before anyone could speak.
Dick gasped. “No! It wasn’t!”
Marinette gave a pleasant laugh. “You’re not in trouble. Boys, could you help her get cleaned up for me, please?”
“Why is there another kid? Why does he have another one?” Said Jason incredulously.
When neither parent answered, they started ushering the girl away.
She grabbed Adrien’s arm when he tried to disappear through the door with them. “Not. You. Transform, we’re going out.”
He tried not to look too scared as they both transformed. She kept a way too tight grip on Adrien as they made their way through the town, as if she thought he was going to suddenly run away.
Fair enough. He was absolutely considering it.
But he didn’t. That would only make things worse.
They stopped at a relatively abandoned part of town and she turned to him, letting go to cross her arms over her chest.
Did she feel bad for the kid that Adrien had adopted? Sure. No one deserves that kind of life…
But that didn’t calm her down in the slightest.
She was trying to relax herself. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she heard him out to keep herself from yelling or interrupting, her nails dug into the skin of her palms to keep her grounded…
Adrien finished with a sigh and a “I don’t regret it, she was in trouble and it’s our job to protect civilians.”
She didn’t know why those words made her anger worsen. There was some sense in them, and yet she had to strain to keep her voice level when she spoke: “Just once, could you actually just own up to a mistake you make?”
“I’ll own up to a mistake when I actually think it’s a mistake!”
“Whatever.” She thrummed her foot on the floor. “We can’t keep adopting random kids, Chat, there’s only so much we can do!”
“They need our help!”
“Bullshit! You need them more than they need you! Newsflash! Helping a bunch of kids isn’t going to make your own childhood any better!”
Adrien flinched and she felt a twinge of guilt finally poke through the anger, but before she could apologize he was jabbing his finger in her chest.
“At least my terrible coping mechanism helps people! You want to pull trauma into this? What about the fact that we still can’t say Lila’s name? What about the fact that you refuse to make friends with people our age because you fear them leaving you?”
She winced and her face reddened. “Okay, but does that inconvenience you? No! At least mine is only self-destructive! Yours is going to drag the entire family down with you! We’ve already fucked up these kids for sure, but you just keep making it worse and worse by spreading our limited time thinner!”
“Shut up! What do you know? You hardly ever talk to them anyways! You’re always at work or asleep!”
“Really? And whose fault is that? If you’d just stuck to the actual plan B instead of going out and attacking all the cops in the GCPD there wouldn’t have been as much attention on what had happened!”
She groaned and fought to make herself relax enough to speak without yelling. They were in a relatively abandoned part of Gotham but that didn’t mean that there was no one around. The last thing they needed on top of everything going on was to have their fight end up in the papers.
Adrien was clearly doing the same, because he was quiet for a long time before he spoke in little more than a whisper:
“Do you not want to be a part of the family anymore?”
She opened her mouth to say ‘of course I want to be a part of the family’, but no sound came out. She wasn’t sure why she was even hesitating. She cared about them, obviously. She wouldn’t be working so hard if she didn’t…
But it was definitely a lot.
She could only handle so much at once. Beyond the powers she was just a human, and supporting that many other people is hard. Especially considering she essentially had two jobs to keep up with, as well…
The longer she went without answering the more tears spilled over his mask. Still, he was waiting for her answer. He was waiting for some kind of verbal confirmation that she couldn’t do it anymore.
She reached up and gently cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears away with her thumb.
“Chat, I…” She swallowed thickly. “I don’t know how much more we can do.”
He hesitantly brought his hands up to rest over hers. “I know. I just… I can’t just leave them. They always look so sad.”
She’d fallen in love with Adrien for his kindness and now it was the thing that was threatening to tear their marriage apart.
But he’d fallen for her because of her problem solving skills. And she was determined to not let this be the one problem she failed to solve.
The problem wasn’t exactly that he was getting more kids. Marinette loved kids.
The problem was that they didn’t know if they could raise kids without messing them up too badly.
Part of it was that everyone in the family had had one or more big events that had traumatized them, and it looked like it was finally time that they started getting past it.
Could they even get past it at this point? It had been over two decades since Marinette and Adrien had originally gotten their traumas, what if it was too late? What would happen if they somehow did get over it? It had been a part of them for such a long time, what would they be without it?
And then there was the kids. Could they even get them to go?
It was worth a shot, at least...
And the other change they needed to make was to make more time for their kids.
Neither of them were going to give up their day jobs (Adrien wouldn’t and Marinette, unfortunately, couldn’t just yet). That meant that they either needed to get caffeine in the house or give up vigilantism…
Well, cross of the giving up vigilantism thing automatically. On top of just not being able to give up on the city they were in when there was still so much to fix, they knew it would only be temporary. They’d already tried to give up vigilantism. They simply couldn’t bring themselves to.
So that left trying to get caffeine past Barbara. The kids (outside of Tim) were very much against caffeine and they worked very hard to make sure neither Marinette or Tim ever managed to get their hands on it. From purposefully making sure Marinette and Tim couldn’t go anywhere without one of them to monitoring the break room camera at her work to make sure she didn’t drink any, the kids were determined to make sure Marinette couldn’t get her hands on anything.
But Adrien could. No one would suspect him.
She bit her lip. This wasn’t going to go over well. Getting Adrien to therapy AND make him get caffeine? Man, this was going to suck.
“Chaton… I might have an idea… but you’re going to have to hear me out…”
He and Marinette were arguing again, though this was far more light-hearted.
“We are not opening another portal. We’re already lucky enough that this dimension hasn’t collapsed on us, we aren’t testing it.”
He rolled his eyes and stopped scratching runes into the wall to glare at her. “Would you rather we let a girl-woman-female-you-know-what-I-mean room with a guy?”
“What about we give her Jason’s room and let Jason sleep with us? He comes into our room to sleep either way.”
“Jason still uses his room to store things.”
“This is a bad idea, Chaton…”
He grinned. “Mhmm.”
“This is what I meant when you said you’re stupidly impulsive.”
“Would you rather do it?”
He rolled his eyes. “And that’s what I meant when I said you don’t care about your own health. It’ll be fine.”
She clicked her tongue and motioned for him to go on.
He finished scratching the last rune and sighed when he saw some weird tentacle monster slowly unfurling itself on the other side. He got to his feet quickly and raised his staff to fight it, only to cringe when he heard Dick and Jason scream downstairs.
“I’ll deal with that, do you have this taken care of?”
She winced. “Sure. Where exactly is the portal, to be sure?”
He pointed it out and then ran downstairs.
Jason was currently not having a good time, it seemed. The bottom half of his body had been swallowed by a hole in the floor and he was struggling to get a hold on the slick floors.
Dick was also there, screaming incoherently from one of the ceiling lights.
Adrien ran over and grabbed one of Jason’s arms and started slowly pulling him out of the portal. After a bit Dick snapped out of it and scrambled to help.
The three were panting by the time they managed to get him all the way out.
“What the heck what the heck what the heck what the heck --,” Dick mumbled, holding his heart.
Jason, though just as shaken, seemed to be getting over it quickly. “How do we fix that?”
“Don’t remember, ask your mom,” mumbled Adrien as he crawled over to the portal on the floor and peered down.
It was a tiny group of people crowded around a computer.
Wait, what the heck were they wearing? Were they cosplaying as vigilantes? They definitely had the tacky outfits down if they were but Adrien didn’t know who they could be. Well, it had been a long time since they’d visited the Justice League, maybe he just didn’t know them…
He cleared his throat awkwardly and flashed them a blinding smile.
“Um… sorry about this, we’ll fix it as quickly as possible.”
“Was that… was that Dick Grayson?” Said the tallest of them.
Was he dressed as a bat? Why was he dressed as a bat? Dressing up like animals wasn’t technically their thing but on the other hand it was absolutely their thing. Adrien was almost offended.
Wait, he’d said something. He tried not to go pale when his brain finally processed it. This wasn’t exactly how he’d wanted the world to find out their identities…
“What kind of name is Dick Grayson? Ha! Lame!”
Dick sent him an affronted look from where he was on the floor. Adrien gave him an apologetic smile and a shrug.
Jason came back down with a baking pan. “Mom said to drop something through, so…”
“What’s that?”
“You’re dropping our brownies down there? Are you trying to kill them?” Asked Dick.
Adrien blinked once then sighed. “It could have worked for once. Be nice.”
Jason scoffed. “It didn’t. She forgot sugar. That’s why we’ll give it to them.”
“Sorry about this!” Said Adrien as Jason dropped the pan through the portal.
As promised, it closed now that something had been sacrificed.
The three looked at each other for a few seconds before Dick looked away and said, “So… pretend this never happened?”
She cursed as she fell back on the couch, never mind the fact that Adrien was already laying there. Her husband made a quiet ‘oof’ sound as she dropped on top of him. She was hopped up on caffeine and ready to bond with her kids but the problem was that the kids, in fact, had lives.
The little time that Marinette and Adrien didn’t have work was taken up by patrols, by Jason’s homework, by Tim’s extracurriculars, by Dick’s job...
“There’s still not enough time.”
“We might have to stop being vigilantes for a bit…” He said, though he sounded reluctant. “Or rotate off by day…”
She didn’t like the idea either, but it didn’t seem like they had much choice in this if they wanted to be better for their kids. They’d already had to cut back on vigilantism because of their jobs and need for sleep, could they really cut it out of their lives entirely? Just like that?
No, there had to be something they could do. The city was still the most crime ridden city in the world. They couldn’t give up on it.
But then what to do…?
She watched Tim stumble in with a dislocated shoulder and squeaked, pushing herself off of her husband and rushing over.
“Shit! What happened?”
“I… might have messed up a boomerang-horseshoe-thingy catch and it might have hit me in the shoulder.”
She clicked her tongue. “Right. I’m going to reset it on three. One, two --.”
Tim gave a grunt of pain as she pushed his shoulder back into place.
“You should have told someone, how long were you fighting with a dislocated shoulder?”
“A little while…”
She shook her head and glanced at Adrien to give him the ‘kids, right?’ look, only to find him lost in thought.
He snapped out of it and flashed her a grin.
“I think I have an idea. How do you feel about going back on patrols with partners?”
He stretched across his family’s lap as they waited.
Adrien, Marinette, Dick, Jason, and Tim all sat in a therapist’s office for family counseling. They would have invited Cass but the whole ‘not speaking’ thing made therapy difficult. They actually had invited Barbara, only to get shut down because apparently she didn’t want to ‘deal with all that mess’.
So, it was just them.
Well, I say ‘just’ like five people isn’t a lot of people to have in a single therapy session. The poor therapist looked like she was going to have a heart attack when she saw all of them waiting for her.
Good thing they'd chosen the shortest session...
“Um… Agreste?”
“Yep!” Said Dick, far too brightly for a therapy session but whatever.
“Cool… right this way!”
His family glanced at each other before shrugging and pushing Adrien off of their laps in unison. He pouted up at them from his new place on the floor, but no one seemed all that guilty about it.
Marinette did reach out and pull him to his feet by the back of his shirt, though, so there was at least that.
They filed into the therapist’s room and took a seat on yet another couch.
Dr. Quinzel smiled at all of them. “Okay, does anyone have anything they’d like to start us off with?”
The family eyed each other warily. They were here as civilians, so they had to make sure not to slip up and talk too in depth about most things…
“Jason keeps calling me ‘Replacement’!” Said Tim, finally.
Marinette and Adrien frowned at Jason, who was attempting to sink into his hoodie.
“Well, we definitely didn’t know about that…” said Marinette.
“Of course you didn’t!” Said Jason. “You’re hardly ever around!”
Tim sighed. “They’re just busy.”
Adrien flinched. That was way too close to the excuse he used to make for his own father for his liking. Were they really that bad? Sure, he and Marinette were definitely not around as much as they’d like to be, but they were making an effort… did that really matter, though?
“No, Jay is right. We’ll try and do more. We’ve talked about how we’re going to free up time for you guys recently, actually. We’re hoping to include you more in our...” He glanced at Dr. Quinzel. “... hobby. Do more things with you in general, really.”
Marinette nodded her agreement.
She glanced at the boy’s faces and then clicked her tongue. “Anyone have problems they want to share?”
“No, our family is perfect how it is!” Said Dick brightly, his gaze fixed on the window.
Adrien followed his gaze to make sure nothing bad was going down on the streets and then sighed. “Dick, there has to be something. You’ve been just as tense as the rest of us recently.”
“Nope! Everything’s great!”
Everyone else exchanged skeptical looks but they couldn’t really feel comfortable pushing --.
Dr. Quinzel frowned a little bit. “Okay. We’ll come back to you when everyone else has had their say, then. Hopefully you’ll be more comfortable then.”
Dick gave a charming smile. Dr. Quinzel didn’t seem all that perturbed as she turned to look at Marinette.
His wife pursed her lips tightly as everyone else’s eyes went to her and she smoothed out the front of her dress. “We’ve already talked about this one-on-one, but… I think Adrien could maybe think a bit more before doing things. Or, at least, he should tell me when he makes major decisions like adopting kids.”
Dick’s smile dropped instantly. “Are you really complaining about not being told things? You guys tell me nothing! I have to figure everything out myself!”
Everyone startled a little at the sudden change of heart and gave each other wary glances before finding their way back to Dick.
The man in question had pushed himself to his feet (Adrien whined a little bit about losing the person to lean against) and started pacing. “You even ask Barbara things before me! It’s like you think I’m stupid!”
“Sweetie --.”
“Dont!” Dick sighed and came to a stop. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “It’s fine, it’s just… don’t you trust me?”
Marinette and Adrien looked at each other before nodding.
“Of course we do,” he said gently. “We’ll talk more about this at home, okay? When we’re not in the present company?” He looked at Tim and Jason, but he meant Dr. Quinzel. That was a hard subject to tiptoe around.
Dick took a seat on the armrest, likely so he could get up again without disturbing anyone.
Dr. Quinzel nodded. She looked at Adrien, and he fought the urge to try and hide behind Jason. She looked way too smart for his liking, it felt like she knew just by looking at him exactly what was wrong with him...
“I…” He struggled to find the words in French, let alone in English. “... think I try and get a lot of people in the house so I never have to be alone for long. I used to be alone all the time. I can’t do that again.”
Dr. Quinzel nodded thoughtfully. “It seems that all of you feel excluded or lonely in some way. Thankfully, that means all of you are the solution to each other’s problems. But, also, I suggest branching out some. Family is good, but so are friends. Everyone understand?”
They all gave each other wary looks, but they smiled all the same.
“Great, we can have a session again in a month or two to check your progress. That’ll be $7000 --.”
Marinette met her husband’s eyes and they exchanged nervous looks before walking into their room. As expected, Jason was already there. He was ready for bed, it seemed, with his pajamas on and his book out.
They took seats on either side of him and each took a hand.
“Jay…” Began Adrien. “We don’t love you any less because you’re not the newest kid anymore.”
“I know…”
Marinette bit her lip and pressed a tiny kiss to his forehead. “We’re not lying. And you don’t have to, either, just tell us why you think that.”
Jason looked at both of them warily before sinking into his shirt. It didn’t work as much as it did when he was wearing a hoodie or turtleneck, but it still worked surprisingly well.
She looked at Adrien nervously and he took the lead again:
“The reason we tend to focus on the newest the most is because they usually have the freshest problems. When we first got you we focused on you more than Dick because you were still struggling with old habits you picked up while homeless, and he was mostly over what had happened with his original parents.”
Marinette nodded. “And when Tim came in we focused on him because he was dealing with realizing his parents weren’t great and adjusting to a family who loved him. Now we have Cass, who…  will definitely need some extra care…”
Jason sniffled a little and nodded his understanding. “I know you have to, I just… it feels like you don’t want me as much anymore...”
“No way!” Marinette said, squeezing his hand tighter. “We love you, sweetie, you’re just as much our kid as any of the others.”
Adrien smiled. “Exactly. You’re stuck with us, whether you want to be or not.”
Jason gave a wobbly laugh before slowly drawing them in for a hug.
“I love you, too, guys.”
They hugged him back.
“... and I’ll go easier on Tim.”
“Thank kwami, I didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing it up, but… yeah, be nicer to Tim, please,” said Adrien half jokingly.
Marinette grinned. “Maybe give him a nicer nickname, at least?”
“How about Timbers?”
She clicked her tongue. “How about just Timmy? Or Tim?”
“No, no, I think I’m on to something.”
Adrien stared in disbelief.
“You… you did what?”
Dick fiddled with a Rubix cube. Adrien wasn’t sure if that was just to help stay concentrated on the conversation or so he could more easily avoid eye contact.
“I joined the mob two years ago because I wanted to be more in the loop…”
Adrien and Marinette exchanged exhausted looks.
“Don’t be mad! I’ve been rising in the ranks for years now, eventually I’ll be close enough to Agoura to help you guys!”
Marinette sighed lightly and shook her head. “Sweetie, we aren’t mad.”
Adrien raised his eyebrows. “Yes we are.”
“You’re right. We’re mad. But we’re going to let this one slide.”
“No, we aren’t.”
“I can’t read minds!” She said, then she shook her head again. “Look, we just want you to be safe.”
Adrien nodded. “The reason we don’t tell you much isn’t because we don’t trust you, it’s because we don’t like involving you guys in dangerous things when we can avoid it.”
“But Barbara --!”
“We asked her about her opinion on one thing. She actually gave the same answer as you, and we turned her down, too. We’re sorry that you felt like we didn’t trust you, though, that wasn’t ever our intent.”
“And, besides,” added Marinette. “You have a tendency to snoop. We always figured you’d learn everything on your own.”
They took a seat on either side of Dick on the couch and wrapped him in a hug.
Dick beamed as he hugged back.
“... you’re still in trouble, though. That was stupid and dangerous and neither you nor your siblings can never do that again,” said Adrien.
Dick started whining.
Marinette bit her lip anxiously as she looked at her phone. All it would take was one click to call, but…
Adrien sighed beside her and reached over. He took the phone and pressed to call, then tossed it back at her.
She panicked, juggling the phone in her hands as it dialled. Nononononononono don’t pick up don’t pick up --
“Hello?” Said Nygma.
She looked at her husband anxiously.
“This or the Justice League,” mouthed Adrien.
She squeaked and brought the phone to her ear. “Nygma! Hi!”
“... Hello?”
“Hey! I’m a bit bored, so… I was just wondering if, um, you want to do something as…” she wheezed. “... as um… as…”
“I don’t really have anything prepared right now, I’m still waiting on that shipment of penguins...” The Riddler seemed confused, which was a first.
Was she a little concerned about whatever Riddler was doing with penguins? Sure. Then again, this is Riddler she was talking about. What was he going to do? Steal one of her ninja kids and then tell her exactly where they were? Whatever.
“No no! Like um…”
“Yes! That!”
Adrien rested his head in his hands with a deep sigh. She flipped him off despite knowing he couldn't see it.
“I guess my schedule is free until the penguins come in... Sure! Want to go try an escape room?”
“No, I do an escape room every time I see you. I’m making you a new outfit.”
Adrien and Riddler both groaned.
She smiled.
He hesitated, messing with the strap of the bag over his shoulder.
“The city might need me --.”
“The city will be fine for a week,” said Marinette.
“The kids might need me --,” he tried, only to get silenced by a kiss.
She pulled back a little bit later. “It’s one week. Besides, we’re all doing what Dr. Quinzel said, and you’ve stalled long enough.”
He sighed. “For good reason! It’s a week alone! I’m going to go insane.”
“Chaton, we’re murderers. I think we crossed over that line a while ago.”
He cracked a grin, weak as it was, and pressed another kiss to her lips. “Are you sure --?”
“Yes! Oh my kwami! Now go!” She gave him a playful shove.
He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest. “It almost feels like you’re trying to get rid of me.”
“And it almost feels like you’re stalling.”
She waved down a taxi for him and he couldn’t help but cringe as they took the bags from him. It made it feel much more real…
“I love you, Chaton, I’ll see you in a week.”
“I love you, too, M’lady.”
He waved at the kids long after they had disappeared over the horizon and he sighed as he sunk back in his seat. He knew it was for the best, he needed to learn how to function as a person on his own, but…
It was only a week. Only a week.
He looked down at the coordinates of the last known location of David Cain (it was amazing what Tim, Barbrara, and Marinette could do when angry enough).
He wasn’t going to be bored, at least.
She turned away from the cake she’d been decorating and nearly screamed when her eyes landed on Cass. She hadn’t even noticed her walk in.
Marinette forced herself to relax.
She glanced over the tiny girl in front of her and bit her lip. She was wearing a mix of different shades of black which…
She suppressed a shudder. The outfit was okay, if she was being honest, but it definitely needed a splash of color.
“Right, that’s it, we’re finding you some new clothes.”
Cass looked at her blankly.
Right. She didn’t speak language. Marinette pursed her lips as she tried to think of some sort of movement that would convey what was going on, then settled for reaching out a hand for Cass.
She couldn’t help the smile that broke across her face when the girl took her hand. She trusted her! Score!
There was a few seconds’ pause before Jason poked his head in. He glanced at the two of them and frowned, sinking a little bit into his hoodie. “You noticed?”
“I… don’t even know how to respond to that. I’m a designer, of course I noticed. If you want to keep going for the grunge look that’s fine but you need to up your size.”
Jason nodded.
She rested her arm around his shoulders (something that was very hard for her to do now that he was both taller and wider than she was) and pulled the two kids out to the mall.
Jason was getting used to buying things for himself. He still resisted a little bit when people spent money on him or asked what he wanted, but he was making progress.
She pressed a kiss to his cheek and handed him a credit card. “Buy what you want. Remember the PIN?”
“Mhmm…” said Jason. He sent a wave over his shoulder as he made his way over to the men’s section.
She hummed lightly as she walked through the girl’s section to look for things for Cass. The girl was short and skinny for her age -- she was determined not to think about it for too long -- and she could easily fit in kid’s clothes…
But no kid of Marinette’s would have a shirt with the words ‘Girl Power!’ or ‘I love tacos!’ on it.
She helped pick out different shades of black shirts and jeans for the girl, mulling over the different colors she should give her. Yellow and red matched her skin tone but she doubted the kid wanted anything bright…
Marinette settled for giving Cass a blue scarf and some gold accessories.
She smiled and offered them to Cass, only to pale when the girl burst into tears. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck --
Cass hugged Marinette around the middle and buried her face in her chest and Marinette was just very confused.
Jason came back with two bags of new clothes and he blinked a few times as he took in the new situation.
“What the fuck happened?”
“I don’t know!” She hissed back, waving her hands vaguely. “She’s crying and I can’t even ask what’s wrong!”
“We need to teach her a language,” mumbled Jason.
“No shit, Sherlock!”
“Fuck off, Watson!”
She was getting judgemental looks from fellow shoppers now. Great. Amazing, even. She rested an arm around Cass and then used the other hand to flip them off. How dare they judge how she parented her kid she just met.
She waited until Cass was done to pull away and lean down to check her face. Even if she couldn’t really speak, her expression should be a good gauge of what was wrong --.
Cass gently took the items from Marinette and flashed her a blinding smile.
Damn it. Now Marinette was going to cry. This kid was so cute.
She leaned over and gently pressed a kiss to Cass’s forehead.
HER kid was so cute, she reminded herself as she led her along to .
She helped her wrap the scarf around her neck. Was it kind of hot out? Yes. Was Cass super cute with her mouth hidden behind the fabric? Also yes.
She glanced at Jason, who was also smiling a little bit despite not having all the attention.
His smile dropped at her next words, though:
“I know you still have my card. Hand it over.”
It turns out ASL is hard.
It also turns out that teaching ASL, while you’re still learning it yourself, to a person who doesn’t even comprehend language is even harder.
Weird how that works out.
They started with simpler things. Everyday objects, basic emotions, the first letters of their names so she could say who she was talking about. It was a slow process, especially because they often would take two days per lesson because of everyone’s conflicting schedules.
But it was a process.
And he thought the family was doing pretty well, too. It probably helped that Cass was, at least so far, the nicest person in the house and none of them wanted her to be sad or lonely.
Look at that. They were working on making her not feel excluded. Progress! Dr. Quinzel would be proud.
Marinette paused her walk to the kitchen when she saw blonde hair. Adrien had blond hair, but he was still out on patrols with Dick so…
She turned and looked at the person on the couch with Tim. “Please, kwami, tell me he didn’t get another one when we just started making progress.”
Tim barely even looked up from his computer. “No, just my friend, Steph. She’s here because she thinks I’m sad my parents died.”
“Oh, oka --.” Marinette took a step back. “Hold up, what?”
“Yeah, they were killed by this guy in Haiti. I was sad about it for a while but then I was like ‘wait a minute! I can just kill him back!’ Anyways, it’s all good now.”
Steph didn’t seem all that perturbed about the murder thing, so she brushed past worrying about their identities or, y’know, her kid getting prosecuted...
Marinette pulled out her phone. “Yeah, Dr. Quinzel? I’m going to need to schedule another appointment…”
Tim frowned. “I’m fine, Mari.”
“Oh! Yeah! This isn’t for you… but, Steph, he doesn’t have anything going on Friday night, right?”
“I’ll make sure he’s free.”
She nodded. “Thanks, sweetie. Want anything to eat?”
“Guys! I’m fine! I got my revenge! I feel great!”
“Of course, you do, Timmy. And… waffles?”
She continued her walk to the kitchen to finish up scheduling and make Steph waffles.
Listen, at this point Cass having a miraculous was a given.
He might as well make sure it was a good one that would come in useful. And, it kind of matched her fighting style of predicting people’s moves to have one that allowed her to go five minutes into the past. She’d be even better at predicting people’s movements if she’d seen them before!
Besides, she liked the color blue. Perfect fit.
Marinette had agreed to train her, but Adrien was the one to take her out on patrols with him.
It was good to have people with different fight styles together, it made solving problems easier. Adrien paired with Dick and Cass, Marinette tended to pair with Jason, and Tim would tag in on either side since he had no real consistent fight style (he liked to change based on his opponent).
Besides, with group patrols they got to spend more time with their kids! They were nothing if not efficient people.
He and Cass sat on the rooftop across from the building Agoura had asked to meet Dick in. There was a low chance it was going to get violent, there should be no way that he’d know anything was off (Marinette and Dick had been publicly fighting for the past year to make it seem like they were on opposite sides), but it was better safe than sorry.
He watched Dick wave to Agoura and head off. Adrien and Cass watched carefully for any sign that they were suspicious, that they were going to do something underhanded, but Agoura just turned and started heading off into the night.
When his oldest son came up to sit with them, he had a thought. He glanced at Cass and made a swiping motion on his wrist.
She nodded her understanding.
They waited for Dick to transform before following Agoura and his goons. Five people were with him, but that wasn’t actually that bad by Agoura standards, so...
“Y’know, if he gets suspicious of me because of this, I’m never going to forgive you,” said Dick.
He shrugged absently, then broke into a wide grin when Agoura turned down an alley. “Living hotel to hotel wasn’t that bad back in the day.”
“Hm. I disagree, but…” The three of them exchanged grins as Cass activated her power. “Let’s do this.”
Dick brought his flute to his lips and played a high-pitched note that made Agoura and his goons stop in their tracks. Duplicates of each vigilante slowly spread out over the rooftops, as well as a replica of Dick.
The vigilantes and their fakes dropped down to surround the group and Cass suddenly reached out and jerked Adrien’s hand. He almost complained but then a bullet soared past where his head had just been and he went pale.
He squeezed her hand once as thanks and then pulled away so he could activate his Cataclysm.
Doubles went after the goons while Cass went to work disarming people. It was kind of creepy how she disappeared into the shadows without any help from Dick, but no one said anything because it was useful. She would pop out of shadows and break arms and legs to put goons out of commission.
Dick was giving himself an alibi. The fake lawyer ran into the action, only to get taken out by a fake Cass.
Agoura was making a run for it. Too bad, really, that he couldn’t exactly see anything that was going on. The world in front of Agoura was a mess of dumpsters and trash bags that he was struggling to run around. Adrien, who knew for a fact that everything was either fake or light enough to brush away with his staff, followed after him at a calm pace.
He grabbed Agoura by the back of his tailored suit and smiled at him.
“Agoura! Buddy! Where are you going? I just want to chat!”
“Nice one!” Yelled Dick from somewhere in the chaos.
“Thanks, Robin!”
He tipped his head to the side and regarded the man in his grip. It was clear he didn’t really know that much self-defense, but he must have some kind of weapon hidden on him…
Cass seemingly materialized out of the wall nearby and threw herself at Agoura, a blur of blue and black, and the man was nearly knocked out of Adrien’s grip by the force. Then she pulled away with a gun and a few knives.
Adrien raised his eyebrows a little bit before sending her a smile. Yeah. It was definitely a good thing that he’d given her that specific miraculous...
He turned his attention back on the mobster, who was beginning to look a little pale.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m not here to kill you. You deserve way worse,” he said brightly.
He pressed his hand to the man’s wrist. He closed his eyes and forced himself to concentrate on just dissolving the wrist. It was kind of hard to do with the mobster screaming his head off. Kwami, you’d think he’d be quiet so Adrien wouldn’t dissolve him into nothing but apparently not…
The hand popped off and he let go instantly. He looked down and winced at the black webbing its way under the glove.
He glanced at the mobster nearby, who was still screaming, and rolled his eyes. He punched him as hard as he could and smiled when he fell to the ground in a heap by the hand. Good, now that that was dealt with...
He scrunched up his nose a little bit as he slowly peeled the glove off of the hand and then his face split into a wide smile. Thank kwami, he hadn’t ruined the prints.
He turned to his kids and found them waiting for him amidst a pile of bodies. He didn’t know if the henchmen were alive or not, but when he saw the tiny scrape on Cass’s cheek he decided he didn’t care.
He waved the hand at them.
“We got him!”
Listen, Marinette had considered staying commissioner…
For approximately two seconds.
The vigilantes had made their point in getting Agoura arrested (they gave him about four days before he ‘mysteriously committed suicide’ in jail thanks to either underpaid henchmen or old victims). They were done. It had been way too hard to even think about doing it consistently. No, murder was definitely the way to go.
She glanced over at Nygma. “Thanks for helping me pack up.”
“Well, I figured it would be nice to visit again.”
She nodded slowly and looked around her old office. Tomorrow there would be someone else in that chair, someone likely far more corrupt…
“Got a knife on you?”
“Obviously, but why?”
She shrugged and took it from his outstretched hand. She knelt down by the chair and sawed on one of the legs until she had taken off a tiny piece of it. She pushed on the chair and giggled a little when it wobbled. Yes. Perfect. That would be so annoying.
She tossed the piece of chair leg in the air and then caught it, sending Nygma a wink. “The budget here is terrible, it’ll take at least a few months to get a new chair.”
Nygma rolled his eyes and took his knife back from her. “Hm. And they say I’m the evil one.”
They each grabbed a box. His was full of personal items, hers was full of files on every person currently in the GCPD and every mobster and goon she could think of the name of.
“You owe me one escape room.”
She groaned as they slipped out into the halls. “Why? Wasn’t it enough to spit on the floor?”
“Nope! Spitting on the floor was payment for me showing up, you’re making me do manual labor so I get one hour of escape rooms with you.”
“Don’t you know every solution already?”
“A new one opened up across town!”
She clicked her tongue irritably but shrugged. “Fine. But only because I owe you, not because we’re friends.”
He rolled his eyes and then looked down at the box he was carrying. “Wow, it sure would suck if all these pictures of your kids just… fell.”
Her eyes widened. “You ARE the evil one!”
He raised his eyebrows.
“And… you’re also my friend.” She made a retching noise. “Kwami, I’m going to die.”
“What?! No! Only one of my traps is allowed to kill you!”
“Too late! I’m dying. I’ll never recover…”
He raised an eyebrow at the girl on his couch. He was pretty sure she was Tim’s friend but… she was definitely around a lot…
Whatever, he might as well at this point.
“Hey, how many parents you got?”
Steph didn’t even glance up. “Zero, thanks to you.”
He went still. Wait, was she saying this in the ‘my parent(s) was evil and you killed them’ way or the ‘they were civilians and they got caught in the crossfire and I blame you’ way?
“Um… did you like them?”
“No, he was a dick.”
He allowed himself to breathe. Cool. Great. That would have made everything difficult…
“Want to be adopted?”
Steph laughed a little and shrugged. “Do I get to be a vigilante, too?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Then... yeah, whatever.”
@i-am-ironic @nathleigh @mialuvscats @golden-promises @sassakitty @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladythugs @moonlightstar64 @dahjokester @jjmjjktth
71 notes · View notes
nicknellie · 3 years
It’s nearly two in the morning and I just spent an hour writing a Flarrie idea that’s been rattling around my head for weeks, so here you go. It’s essentially both Flynn and Carrie having no idea how romance works. Enjoy.
Smiley Faces and Love Hearts
The notes were really starting to get on Carrie’s nerves. Every time she opened her locker a scrappy piece of paper would flutter to the ground, ripped around the edges and so heavily doodled on that the lines on it were hardly visible. And every time she would sigh and pick it up, read through it, roll her eyes, and throw it in the bin. She wouldn’t have minded the notes if they had been a little nicer. As it was, each and every one of the notes so far had been an insult.
That morning’s note was no different. Carrie was already having a bad day - she had quite literally woken up on the wrong side of bed and ended up stubbing her toe (which was still throbbing almost an hour later), then she had spilled coffee down her favourite top and hadn’t had time to change, so she’d improvised and pulled a jumper on without really looking at it. When she was already halfway to school she had realised that she had forgotten to bring all of the music she’d spent the weekend working on for the Dirty Candi rehearsal that afternoon and sworn loudly in frustration; that had earned her a stern talking-to from an old lady who happened to be passing and thought Carrie had aimed the swear at her. Because of that she had ended up late for school.
And then came the note.
It fell out of her locker the moment she opened it and began drifting to the ground. She snatched it midair and smoothed out its creases. Carrie knew that reading the note would only make her feel worse, but she couldn’t help it. Her curiosity got the better of her and she read the single word scrawled messily amongst doodles of flowers and love hearts.
Should’ve guessed it would be something like that, she thought bitterly, scowling as she scrunched the note up again and flung it into the nearby bin. All the other notes had been equally nasty things, many of them worse, but all had been surrounded by those infuriatingly happy doodles - smiley faces, hearts with arrows stuck through them, beautiful swirly patterns that took up half the paper. It was almost as if the person sending the notes was happy to insult Carrie, like they thought it was a game.
Carrie knew who was sending the notes, of course. There was only one person who had the gall to say that sort of thing to her face, and sending the little notes was only a step away. It had to be Flynn - she was the only one who ever felt able to talk back to Carrie in any way.
That was the worst part because that very thing was probably why Carrie liked Flynn so much. So many people were intimidated by her because of who her dad was and her status, and a lot of people only wanted to talk to her so that they could say they were friends with the Carrie Wilson. It made things quite lonely sometimes - she knew she always had Nick and Dirty Candi by her side, that they were true friends, but knowing that other people weren’t interested in her for the right reasons always stung. That was what made Flynn so different, so charming; she wasn’t intimidated by Carrie, she was willing to put up a fight, and she didn’t want to hang around her just to say that she did. For the most part, Flynn treated her like she treated everyone else, a normal human being.
Except for the notes. The notes, admittedly, were a downside. The worst part wasn’t that Flynn was sending these little notes, it was that Carrie couldn’t work out why. They hadn’t been friends for about a year now and had mostly stayed out of one another’s way, so she had no idea why Flynn was suddenly popping notes in her locker. She wondered if it was to get her attention - but why could Flynn possibly want that?
On a normal day, the note calling her a demon wouldn’t have been too much of a bother. Read it, ignore it, chuck it away and be done with it. But that day, after everything bad that had happened that morning, it really hurt. Carrie didn’t often cry, least of all at school where people would see her doing it, but she found herself blinking back tears that stung at her eyes, forcing herself not to let them fall.
“Hey Carrie,” came an unhelpfully chipper voice from behind her. Flynn’s voice. Because of course she chose today of all days to come and talk to Carrie. “I was just wondering if you happened to find anything in your lo— Hey, are you okay?”
Carrie rolled her eyes. She’d never been a subtle crier. If she was guessing correctly, her face was currently bright pink, her eyes glittering with tears like the sea, and she had been sniffling far too loudly for a minute straight. She wiped roughly at her eyes, trying to dispel the tears.
“Go away,” she told Flynn. “Whatever you’re here to say, I don’t care.”
Flynn looked utterly stumped, like she had no idea what to do. This was probably the opposite of what she had been prepared for - she had most likely expected to find Carrie, annoy her for a little while, unsubtly bring up the subject of the notes, and dip out again. She wouldn’t have been prepared for Carrie to be in tears.
“Do you... do you wanna talk about it?” Flynn ventured. Carrie had never heard anyone sound so uncomfortable. She shot Flynn a glare like a knife and Flynn shrugged as if to say ‘yeah, that’s fair’.
“I don’t have time for you,” Carrie spat, being nasty because right then it felt good in a bitter way. It felt right to take her anger out on Flynn. “If you’ve got something to say then spit it out and let me get on with my day.”
“Carrie...” Flynn said quietly. She might have been imagining it, but Carrie was sure she heard something resembling concern in Flynn’s tone. But it was gone as soon as it had come because a moment later Flynn had composed herself and said, “Your sweater is inside-out,” before walking down the hall, back the way she’d come.
Carrie muttered a swear under her breath and stalked off in the opposite direction.
It was the strangest thing. For about a week after that day, the notes stopped. Carrie wondered if Flynn had finally taken the hint that she wasn’t going to rise to whatever game Flynn thought she was playing. Perhaps she had finally seen it was annoying and it wasn’t a good way to get Carrie’s attention (if that was what she wanted - Carrie still had no clue why she might have). She thought that was the end of it, that they could go back to ignoring each other.
Until exactly one week after the incident, a note fluttered out of Carrie’s locker.
She frowned and picked it up. This one was already a little different to the others - the first notes had all been scrunched into untidy balls, but this one was neatly folded. Carrie cast a quick glance around the corridor, seeing if Flynn happened to be nearby. Presumably it was still her sending the notes. But there was no sign of Flynn in amongst the crowd of other students, so Carrie opened the note and read it. Then she read it again. And again. And again. And each time she read it she became more and more confused.
Smile! Today’s going to be a good day.
It didn’t make any sense. It made less sense than the unnecessary insults. Was Flynn mocking her? Had she planned something for later that would make Carrie’s day considerably less good? Was this some new form of insult that Carrie was unfamiliar with? She doubted the last idea, she was practically the queen of insults. And she couldn’t work out for the life of her how this was supposed to be mean.
And yet the idea that it was sincere was even stranger.
Still, she pocketed the note and tried to push it to the back of her mind. She tried not to let her mind linger on how weird it was that Flynn’s demeanour had so suddenly changed from cruel to encouraging. She tried to ignore the butterflies it awoke in her stomach. She simply tried to forget that Flynn had suddenly started being nice. But over the next few weeks, the nice notes kept coming and Carrie kept getting more confused.
Sending positive vibes :)
Your DC gig last night was great!
Good luck for your English exam later, you’ll kill it.
Your outfit looks amazing today!
None of it made any sense. Especially the last note - Flynn wouldn’t have even seen her outfit when she wrote the note. Carrie kept each of the kind notes because they gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart that she didn’t want to admit to, but she still was utterly clueless about what it meant.
It went on for weeks. Carrie’s birthday came around, and in her locker that morning she found a birthday card. It was filled with smiley faces and birthday best wishes and for once, unlike all the other notes, Flynn had signed it. She and Flynn hadn’t been friends properly for a year, and the idea that Flynn still remembered when her birthday was sent her mind into overdrive.
After a month or so, Carrie finally got the nerve to approach Flynn after school one day and get to the bottom of it all. It had remained a mystery for too long.
“Flynn,” she called, seeing Flynn a little way across Los Feliz’s car park, walking side by side with Julie. Both of them turned to look when Carrie shouted and she felt herself blush a little. “Wait up.”
Both girls stopped walking and let Carrie catch up with them. Julie had a smirk on her face, looking like she knew far too much. It didn’t sit well with Carrie. Flynn on the other hand looked far too casual and collected to actually be calm at all. She was smiling in that over-the-top, fake way she had been when she and Julie randomly came over to Carrie’s house that one time, seemingly just to spill water everywhere and show Carrie and Nick pictures of raccoons.
“I want to talk to you,” Carrie said, forgetting formalities and not beating around the bush.
“Okay,” Flynn replied with a shrug, “what’s up?”
“Just you,” Carrie said awkwardly. She cast a glance at Julie, half-apologetic, but Julie didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s cool,” she said dismissively. “I’ve got to get to rehearsal with the guys anyway. I’ll see you later, Flynn.”
Carrie waited for Julie to have walked far enough away so that she wouldn’t hear what they were talking about. Flynn looked awkward, shuffling about from side to side, fiddling with the strap of her bag. Carrie suddenly didn’t know what she wanted to say.
“Right,” she said, trying to sound organised and matter-of-fact, but coming across as a little bit frantic just with that one word. She reached into her pocket, pulled out a handful of the nice notes Flynn had left her, and shoved them into Flynn’s hand. “Those.”
Flynn raised an eyebrow. “What about them?”
“You’ve been leaving notes in my locker,” she began. Suddenly she felt unsure of herself despite knowing that it had to be Flynn. It was too late to back out now, so she powered through. “They started out as insults and then you stopped for a week and then they became... nice. And kind. Those are the kind ones. And you gave me a birthday card.”
“Yeah,” Flynn said, like it should have been obvious. “What’s your point?”
Carrie threw up her hands exasperatedly. “I don’t get it! Why are you doing it? What’s going on?”
Flynn had the audacity to look amused. Her little smirk, adorable as it was, just made Carrie angrier.
“I thought you’d figure it out with the first notes,” Flynn said thoughtfully. “Julie said you wouldn’t. I guess she was right. But she also said you’d get it with the nice ones, so she was wrong there at least.”
“Get what?” Carrie demanded.
“Look,” Flynn said, “I’m sorry for the mean notes. They were just a bit of fun that I didn’t think through properly. I shouldn’t have done it. I didn’t realise it would upset you.”
It took Carrie far too long to realise what Flynn was talking about. She meant the day she’d found Carrie crying, and she thought it was just because of the notes.
Carrie felt her face flush and she crossed her arms over her chest. She mumbled, “It wasn’t just that. I wasn’t bothered by them that much. There was other stuff too.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not going to tell you,” she snapped defensively. Flynn looked taken aback as if she had expected Carrie to spill everything right then and there. But after a moment or two, she seemed to regain her composure.
“That’s fine. But still, I am sorry. After you got upset I thought for a bit and decided I’d - you know - try and cheer you up. So Julie suggested I try writing you some nicer stuff. Did it work?”
Carrie rolled her eyes, but still thought back over the past few weeks. She didn’t remember the last time she’d felt so... giddy. She had been excited to wake up and go to school, eager to see what message was left in her locker. And her mood had remained high throughout each day because whenever she stuck her hand in her pocket she felt that little scrap of paper with words of encouragement scribbled onto it, telling her how strong she was. And every time she thought of Flynn tucking those notes into her locker, her heart did a giddy little flip and butterflies danced in her stomach.
So yes. The notes had helped.
Suddenly the whole thing felt awkward. Carrie realised in that moment that she had come to get a crush on Flynn throughout all of this. It made her heart slam and she could hardly look Flynn in the eye. And in her momentary panic she said, “Whatever. Just stop leaving the notes. Leave me alone completely.”
And she turned on her heel and left, leaving a stunned Flynn behind her.
Carrie had never regretted anything so quickly. As soon as she arrived home, she headed upstairs to her room and tried her hardest to think of some way to undo what she had said. She didn’t want the notes to stop, she didn’t want Flynn to leave her alone. Quite the opposite. But she had said it, and now she needed it to change.
The next day, Carrie arrived at school much earlier than usual. There were only one or two other students in the hallways, talking in low bored voices or cramming in some last minute studying. None of them paid her any mind as she walked straight past them, past her own locker, and stopped outside Flynn’s. She pulled a note out of her pocket - one she had written herself - and pushed it through the locker door, hearing it drop down on the other side. She took a deep breath, smiled, and then began to wait.
She watched from a safe distance twenty minutes later when Flynn approached her locker. She looked a little downcast and dreary; Carrie prayed she didn’t have too much to do with that. But her look of gloom was soon replaced with confusion when she opened her locker and found the little folded bit of paper inside.
Flynn looked around the hallway and Carrie ducked behind a door. She was only hiding because she didn’t want Flynn to see her and decide, for whatever reason, not to read the note. When she was sure that Flynn would have turned back around, she peeked out again and watched Flynn’s mouth move as she read the words on the note.
Sorry for yesterday and thank you for everything. I really like you, Flynn. —C
She watched Flynn read the note over and over again, watched the little smile grow on her face until there was an all out grin. Carrie thanked the heavens that she had guessed right, that Flynn did feel the same way. That was why she had been doing all this - from the very start, it had been because she wanted Carrie’s attention. It was because she liked her the same way Carrie now realised she liked Flynn. Carrie thought that the fact it had worked was somewhat of a miracle.
Flynn turned Carrie’s note over to the blank side, whipped a pen out, and wrote something down. Carrie took her opportunity - she headed over to Flynn as she began to fold up the note, and she pinched it right out of her fingers triumphantly, feigning confidence to drown the unsteady beating of her nervous heart.
“Is this for me?” she asked sweetly, holding the note between two fingers for Flynn to see.
“I was gonna put it in your locker,” Flynn said.
“This is quicker,” Carrie replied dismissively.
Flynn smiled brightly as Carrie opened the note. She read it once, twice, three times, and felt her heart quicken with each word.
Go on a date with me?
Carrie looked to Flynn again, unable to hold back her smile any longer. She beamed at her and was glad to see the gesture returned. It was a beautiful sight - Flynn had a smile like the sun, in that Carrie was sure her world would revolve around it for a long time to come.
“Does this weekend work for you?”
26 notes · View notes
lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH.6
You wake up sometime around one. Not too late in the day given your morning. With a decent amount of sleep under your belt you roll over and start striping your bed of its sheets. Then you make your way across your room, picking up stray clothes as you go to your hamper and dump your collection of dirty linens and clothes into it. You carry the hamper to the bathroom where you load half into the washer. There's no real point in separating the clothes from colored items and pastels or whites. You're only twenty-four and don't have your life totally figured out yet. You can be a little lazy with laundry.
Once your first load of laundry is being washed you go to do your weekly tidy of your home. The one good thing that came from the paranoia of your car's break in was you rearranged all the furniture of the home, thus cleaning as you went. So that means it's more of a quick wipe down of counters and sweeping today. Maybe you'd organize your art supplies while doing your laundry. It's an activity that wouldn't distract you too much and make you forget you had laundry in the wash.
You finish washing the dishes from this morning you begin wiping the counters and tabletop when you notice your fidget cube is still on the table where Toby left it earlier.
'Don't want to lose this. Back to the bookshelf where you belong.' When you get to the living room's bookshelf you notice one of your book's is missing. Ironically it's The Book Thief.
'Tobias probably picked it up and put it down somewhere.' you'd keep your eyes peeled for the book while you cleaned.
After wiping down bookshelves, tables, counters, even the mantel over the fire place you still hadn't found your missing book. You probably picked it right up and placed it right back down without even realizing. You'll just keep an eye out until you find it. You don't even reread books, you really just kept a copy to lend out to people when they ask what your favorite books are. It isn't a real big deal if you can't find it, plus there's bound to be a copy floating somewhere in a thrift shop or yard sale.
The washer chimes right as you grab the broom to sweep. Pausing this task to go retrieve your laundry and do the rest. You empty the dirty clothes left in the basket onto the floor and place the clean wet ones inside the basket. After starting the final load you carry the basket out back. As nice as this home is its still small and doesn't have a dryer, which early summer is fine but come fall and winter might be more cumbersome. Seeing as you have to hang the laundry out to dry outside. Maybe when it gets cold you'll just do smaller loads and hang them up in the bathroom or over the fire place. But that's a thought for future you. Right now current you is struggling yet again to get a fitted sheet to sit on the line. Fitted sheets are probably Satan himself in disguise.
When you finish stringing all the laundry up you take a moment to just enjoy the quiet and the peace that comes with the outside. It's nice out here, maybe after you finish the last few chores today you can come out and just draw, it'd be a good way to also keep an eye on this weather in case it turns. While it hasn't happened yet you're very aware of the risks you take by ignoring the existence of meteorologists. And by that you mean just not bothering to look up the weather for the day.
Heading back inside you restart your task of sweeping. Like you thought you've finished before the washer has even completed it's first cycle. The house isn't too big so it's easy to clean it from top to bottom within a day normally, but today you had even less to do thanks to this week's rearranging. So you move on to organizing your art supplies and separating all materials by medium.
Of course arranging materials is never easy, after all you end up staring at all your horded empty sketch books and note how your thumbnail notebooks are just covered in doodles and random scribbles but no real art or ideas. Maybe it's time to start kicking yourself into gear. You ran into a major period of burnout before moving and now with this fresh start you might be able to focus on progressing with art, even if you don't pursue it as a career. You've always loved the ability to draw and create images that make others happy. But right in this moment you just want to make yourself happy. Maybe you could start small just a few still lifes and see how you feel after that.
Hearing the chime of the washer you hurry to finish putting away the supplies in their newly assigned places. Just as before you transfer the wet and clean clothes into the awaiting basket and take them out to be hung to dry. You don't have another fitted sheet this go round so it goes by much faster than it previously had. Now with all of your washing for today hung you head back inside to grab a fresh sketchbook.
Having never been one for scenery, more of a portrait artist, you start off with small things. A few stills of a flower under the window, the old tire swing on the tree, and even the blue jay that dove for dinner right in front of you. Of course all of these were warm ups done in a few minutes, though you really wish you had more time on the blue jay one. You really need practice with things that aren't people.
The warm ups of course don't look very good, but you can still see what you'd been going for. The hatching and smudging you'd done, to increase depth and give the quick drawing more life, did help a little but it was clear this was an area where you weren't skilled. But that didn't deter you, after all you  needed more practice and wouldn't be getting better without it.
Deciding to draw the scene before you, a small open meadow surrounded by trees, in other words your backyard with your drying laundry. You start off slow and make sure to actually look and take in the yard in front of you, doing your best to not just make up the trees and their shapes as you go. Soon you are lost in the meditative muscle memory of drawing. The scratching of pencil scrapping across paper further lulling you into a trance like state as you etch out the scenery.
A harsh breeze blows through and the loud flapping of sheet hitting sheet knocks you loose from your trance. Checking to make sure none of your laundry was flying off, it hadn't the laundry was still secured to the line. Smiling you glance down to actually see what you've sketched out so far. It isn't too bad, though you aren't sure how long you've been working on it, the trees all have a distinct shape rather than your typical cartoon one size fits all attempts. Scanning the page your eyes catch onto something off, out in the tree line it looks like you'd drawn a figure hiding behind a tree.
Hearing the beating of your heart that's currently hammering against your chest you look around. Did your mind do that as a joke or had someone genuinely been watching you draw? Your mouth is dry as your eyes scan the tree line for any sign of what could've been mistaken for a person, but you saw nothing. No one was there. Had anyone ever really been there? Why would you draw that? Why wouldn't you remember doing it? You don't feel safe out here anymore. There are eyes watching you you can feel it. They may not physically be there but the phantom eyes that surround you and cause your skin to crawl make sure you know of their presence. You take that as a sign to head inside for the evening, one that doesn't need to be repeated.
You lock the door immediately behind you and check your phone. It's seven, and you have an email notification. Thanking whatever power for the distraction you slide down your back door and open the notification. It's from Hollis!
YN r u  coming to SND? It's that teen beach zombie movie u love. Y;know the awful D list one Blk and wht with the 50yos playing teenagers
Lemme know I'll save your seat.
Sent 6:47 P.M.
They're so sweet to remember you loved this awful D list zombie movie. Horrible subplots and main plot and all. But you're a little spooked right now and watching even that joke of a horror movie is probably too much for you. You doubt you'd feel better by the time ten rolls around to watch it. Not to mention your battery's still drained from Toby this morning. And knowing for a fact you'd probably stay late to talk till morning with Hollis, Jake, and Kirby you decide it's best to skip this week. Just not having the energy to handle Saturday Night Dead.
Nah, sorry man. Battery's dead from being social earlier. Thanks tho, I do appreciate you! ….....,.... lemme know what next week's movie is!
Sent 7:10 P.M.
It'd probably be a good time to make something for dinner, there's a box of mac n cheese in the pantry. Simple but always beloved. As you wait for Hollis to respond you start on boiling water. But you didn't have to wait too long since they'd answered near instantly.
Chill, don worry we'll catch ya next week
ot not...Kirb's said it's the start of watching the entire warren file collection
starting from the beginning
...well the first movie released, Insidious. LOL we probs won't ever see you again.
Sent 7:12 P.M.
How dare Kirby betray you like this. First off those movies are awful, and like not cheesy awful just awful awful. Not to mention he knows how you feel about the Warrens and their cases. You have a power point presentation ready for that dick the next time you see him. ...well not literally but you'd make one to prove a point!
Where's Kirby now? I just wanna talk, I just wanna talk is all.
Sent 7:18 P.M.
Already ran off toy vermont probably
will we get blessed with a ted talk nxt week?
Sent 7:20 P.M.
I can't tell if you're joking or not. If you aren't then yea I can make a power point and we'll play that instead of the movies. Every week until this town understands the severity of this.
Sent 7:21 P.M.
Ya just jkin.
Your passionate hate is funny tho, so could be good to do something mid warren marathon.
Sent 7:23 P.M.
Guess the dissertation on how horrendous the “exorcisms” were will have to wait. They'd just been joking. This is probably a good ending of the conversation anyway, it's hard to tell sometimes but you feel you'll just run in circles with the current topic or worse fall into a rant that they won't read all the way through because they'll have left with the rest of the stunt gang to get dinner before heading over to the Cryptonomica for Saturday Night Dead. Hollis is typically a real good sport about this kinda thing but you'd rather not bog down their night with your hate boner for the Warrens.
'I'll let them know later that I'll still come to Saturday Night Dead next week.' you think as you dump the pasta into the water that finally came to a boil. It's quiet as you cook your macaroni dinner. You'd normally not notice the lack of sound or life in your home before, but maybe having Connor and Toby over put things into perspective. Guests aren't really a thing you've ever had, you always feel rude if your social battery runs out before someone's stay is over. But maybe you're lonely, and it's put you on edge.
Though this week would've put anyone on edge, you have still been alone in this house for two months. That can't be healthy for your mental well being, humans are social creatures by nature after all. Maybe you could get a pet, something that'd make it's fair share of noise and give the home a bit more life than your normally hollow shell wondering the halls. Are you even sure you want a pet? Do you have time for one? You have the standard nine to five, but what about when you're off on a nightly trip because of your sleeplessness? What if you forgot about them? Hell your brain's been so foggy these last few months, it wouldn't be surprising.
Like a sign from the divine themselves, the pot of water boils over. Steam is rising as the sizzling is heard. Your head snaps twice to the right as you scramble to lower the heat and raise the pot off the eye. Putting it down on an unused eye you give it a quick stir and thankfully no pasta got burned to the bottom of the pan....this time. The pasta seems a little crunchy but a texture you'll eat so you kill the hot eye and start on the cheese portion of your mac n cheese.
As you eat you continue your original debate about getting a pet. Ultimately deciding that you just aren't ready for that kind of responsibility right now. Sure you'd had tons of pets in your parents' home but that was with a financial safety net and back when your mental health wasn't all over the place. Not to mention the pets were family pets and responsibility was split three ways.
There isn't much room in your home for you to have a roommate, and that presents a whole nother set of challenges. You could try to make friends through online forums again! It's hard to talk to people in general but you always get scared off before replying to a comment or post. Or overshare to the point people infantize you. Even better trying therapy out could help with your loneliness. Hah ok good one, even if you had money for it consistently you don't think you could trust someone knowing all your secrets but not knowing any of theirs. And while that in and of it self is an example of why you need it, you're rational enough to realize you aren't ready for that either.
After finishing your meal you put away the left overs and clean the dishes. You'll be happier tomorrow knowing they aren't your problem to deal with. You start to make your way to your bedroom but freeze just before the hall.
'You shouldn't stay here...you need to leave.'
A glance at the time tells you it's eight thirty-nine, if you left right now you could make it to Saturday Night Dead with time to spare. You don't need to fill the loneliness with new friends, just spend time with the ones you already have. Duh. Turning you grab your keys off the bookshelf and take one of the masks hanging from a hook by the door.
Checking your door was locked and locking your car once you were in, you're ready to drive. Knowing you're still overstimulated you forgo the music on this drive, hoping it will calm you down enough to enjoy the movie and some down time with friends. And that would help put a pin in your self isolating habits. It'd really be nice if you brought movie snacks over to surprise the gang. You're pretty sure the mini mart carries everything you need. Jake likes swedish fish, Hollis is addicted to those extreme sour airhead ropes, and Kirby's a weirdo with his love of red vines and surge. Hahaha that man will die before he's thirty-eight.
Still having the extra time you deiced to stop by the mini mart and grab the candy. What's the worse that can happen you have another panic attack in front of strangers. Plus you hadn't seen Magnolia the last few times and you'd hate for her to think you'd been ignoring her. Pulling into the empty mini mart parking lot you take a breath to steel your resolve before leaving your car.
Tim looks at the door when he hears the chime and stiffens when he sees you. Fuck you did have a panic attack in front of this guy last night, plus you really haven't formally met. But didn't Toby say his roommate was named Tim? And he and Brian were both here talking with Tim last night before you came in. That can't be coincidence.
“uh...hi?” you say awkwardly standing in the doorway, door closed behind you.
“um, hi?” perfect he's just as awkward in this situation as you are. You can work with this.
Moving through the first two isles you keep your eyes peeled for Magnolia, even though you can make this an in and out trip for candy, you do miss the little bodega cat.
“Wh- hey are you, are you even ok to be here?” Tim calls as he rounds the counter and makes his way to you.
“Huh? Oh...oh yea. I'm chill now.” you hear the bell before you see her. The little ting tin ting of her bell that comes with the grace only fluffy cats have.
“You literally collapsed on the floor last night after blacking out while driving.” his tone is very stern. He and Nate would probably get on like a house on fire. The grumpy old men who secretly care a lot duo.
“I don't remember collapsing...but I know I didn't drive.” well you don't know that but you do firmly believe that.
The man is just turning into the isle when you spot the floof sauntering just behind him. Magnolia didn't spare either of you a glance as she made her way to the counter. Probably going to her bed, an old shipping box for apples, you'd just meet her over there then. With no warning to the man you squeeze past him and and follow the cat. Agitated footsteps following after you in your quest to pet the cat.
Magnolia perks up upon seeing you, the flicking of her tail letting you know she's anticipating her pets. The huffing Tim hovering behind you isn't as pleased with your actions as the cat is. The man is radiating negativity, annoyance maybe or is it concern that breeds frustrated anger? The second he starts to clear his throat, as if to remind you of his hovering, you roll your eyes.
Looking back at him over your shoulder you see him in all his grumpy man glory.  His brow was furrowed so hard his thick eyebrows nearly covered his eyes. But with the way his lips emoted the man before you looked more like a pouting muppet. It would be funny if it weren't for the foreboding feeling of the moments before being reprimanded by a teacher.
When you straighten up you take note that your eyes meet perfectly. He's the same height as you that's surprising, you thought he'd be taller than 5'7. His eyes widen slightly at seeing your full height, it must've thrown him off since the first time he saw you, you'd actively been trying, and had succeeded at looking smaller.
“What are you doing here?” well he doesn't get thrown off for long.
Running a hand through Magnolia's fur a few more times as you respond, “Petting Magnolia.” you really are a little shit sometimes.
“No...no, why are you out? Toby had to take you home last night, you shouldn't just be waltzing around town after that.” maybe it was frustrated concern.
“Oh I'm fine now.”
Magnolia at this point has jumped up on the counter and is headbutting you for more attention. Chuckling you turn your attention back to her. Meanwhile Tim behind you is at a loss for words.
“Fine?? You don't just...bounce back from a panic attack.”there's personal experience behind those words.
“I just rationalize things fast.” Hearing the trill of the clock on the wall reminds you that you need to grab those snacks and head over to the Cryptonomica for movie night.
Going to the candy isle you grab one of each of the gang's favorites, you snag a bag of white cheddar popcorn on the way to the counter and place your items there. Tim doesn't get a word out before you rush off to the cooler near the back that is in all honesty pretty sketch. Like who even makes  Fruitopia anymore? That stuff got discontinued in the early 2000s. The cooler even has Hi-C Ecto Coolers...you might actually check if they're in date and grab a few.
Rummaging around the cooler you finally spot the weird tech green and black splattered can proudly stating SURGE. It has no date...questionable at best. But hey it's only Kirby drinking it, and it's been well established that man will die well before middle age.   Grabbing a can to check the Ecto Coolers, luck is on your side! These cans are from the re-release that happened as a promotion for the Ghostbusters revival a few years back, they'll be good for another two years! For now you'll just take one so you won't have to worry about lugging cans around for the movie.
Once your new items are placed on the counter the expression on Tim's face cannot even be described. The questions of the surge are probably the ones easiest to read...or they're just the most predictable.
“Kirby likes red vines and surge, sickening right?” Maybe a little joke will break the ice.
“...Like that little round pink...thing?”  What?
The laughter is coming out before you can stop it, the image of said pink Kirby consuming red vines and surge only to accessorize as your friend comes to mind. It's adorable and cursed at the same time. Adorably cursed. You'll have to draw that and print a few copies to hang around the Cryptonomica.
“No,” you're choking on giggles at this point, “Kirby, the owner of the Cryptonomica.” catching your breath and regaining your composure, “It's that tourist trap just across from the RV park.”
“Oh.” normally such a short cold reply would make you shut down the conversation. But This is Toby's roommate, and if you want to be friends with Toby, you'll probably run into him a lot more. Plus if he's a new night shift cashier it wouldn't hurt to be on good terms with him for when you're out on adventures.
“Yea, hey Toby mentioned you three just came to town, so you might not have known but the Cryptonomica does a weekly movie night on Saturdays. Saturday Night Dead. Normally it's awful old horror movies but next week they're starting a Warren Case files “arch”.” Tim doesn't take the conversation bait at the pause.
“It's a great way to meet other locals, you guys should check it out if you get the chance. It starts at ten and runs till one or so on most weeks.” Olive branch has been extended.
Tim relaxes for the first time since you got here tonight. The sheepish look on his face and twitchy pupils give the impression he's thinking it over. He sighs and nods before saying, “Yea, that sounds...nice.”
Olive branch skeptically taken! You'll count this one as a win in your book. With the mood lightened Tim breaks the ice a bit further.
“Surge and red vines can not be good for you.”
“Right! If living off mountain dew and pizza rolls doesn't kill him, this for sure will.” you both have a small laugh at that. It's nice to finally have cleared up the mix up from the beginning of the week. Which reminds you.
“Oh...um...I'm YN by the way. It's nice to meet you...sorry for the two,” your neck tics to the side, “previous nights.” you finish.
“Tim...and it,uh happens sometimes...'s fine.” Score awkward acknowledgment of previous meetings and you can now erase those from your nightly anxieties.
Tim finishes ringing and bagging your items and you pay. Giving another pet to the curled up kitty on the counter you nod farewell to Tim.
A trill rings out from the clock on the wall. It's ten.
Two heads snap to look at the wall. You take a second glance at your phone while Tim checks his watch. Both say the clock on the wall is correct. But it just turned nine not even ten minutes ago. Right? You can brush off yourself loosing track of time but when you involve another person that just doesn't make sense. Tim looks just as concerned as you. Only Magnolia lays unaffected by the lost fifty minutes.
“I should go.” Tim nods numbly to you as you exit the store.
You won't be able to make it to the movie, well you could but you'd disturb someone if you walked in mid movie. Choosing to go home instead you drive, once again without music. Entering your home you hang your mask back on the hook. Putting away the drinks and snacks for next weekend, you make your way to your bedroom. Once again freezing just before the hallway. Turning to your living room you can see a book in the middle of your coffee table. You definitely don't remember the book being there, and doubt you'd miss it out in the open. But as you got closer you could confirm, even in the dark, that it was The Book Thief.
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izukuwus · 4 years
Floriography 2
first - next
A/N: so y’all probs saw my posts about this, but ‘Walks Through the Garden’ has been renamed to ‘Floriography’ moving forward! we start to see a lil bit more of the magic in this chapter. I’m still ironing out details for the magic system but I’m having fun with it <3 we also see a little bit less of the flower symbolism. unfortunately, there’s only so many flowers in the world and I don’t wanna repeat flowers a bunch. (also not every scene is like... conducive to starting and ending with flower meanings >.<) sorry if that’s a huge draw for this series! I do plan on keeping with the flower symbolism whenever I have a proper opportunity for it, though!
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Summary: Izuku has a request of your parents. (prince!arranged fiancé!Izuku Midoriya x princess!Reader)
Warnings: uh none really? some mild shitty gender roles as expected of being a female in a monarchy, mildly shitty dads
Word count: 3300+
Sweet peas thank the recipient for time spent together. White violets tell the recipient, "let's take a chance". Yellow water lilies signify a growing indifference, while a wilted flower carries the opposite meaning.
Your fiancé is two people in one body. You've learned this after just one dinner—there is Izuku, the prince, and then there is Izuku, your fiancé. The man you ate dinner with—Izuku, the prince—is distant, speaks in practiced words to fit into the mold he has been expected to grow into. Your fiancé Izuku is kind, almost meek. But he looks at you, sees you.
This much, at least, you can know from a single walk in the palace gardens together.
The morning after your meeting, you prepared a bouquet to be sent to him—sweet peas, white violets, and a single wilted water lily, just alive enough that you can see that it was yellow before it wilted. You'd arranged it by hand, carefully tying an iris around it before having it sent on to Izuku. You learned that same day that the date of your wedding was already set—at the end of the year, you'd be married.
Nine months until you no longer have a fiancé.
Nine months to, hopefully, fall in love with him, so that you can actually enjoy your own wedding.
Your fiancé is someone much more agreeable than you'd hoped, but still you find yourself wishing you were actually in love.
Not that he's making that hard. Every day in the month since your meeting, you've received a single flower and a handwritten note from the prince himself, each reading little things like "ignore the meaning of this one, I just thought it was pretty, so it suited you" and a short little blurb about how his day's gone. You've ended every day with a flower from him, and in the mornings, you send one back with your own short letter and ignore the amused looks your attendants share when they think you're too focused on composing a response or picking a flower to notice.
This morning is different, however. This morning, you magic off your response just after you've been dressed and prepared for the day and receive one immediately.
Sorry for the short notice, but do you think you could request an audience with your parents in my stead? I wish to see you again. My father has requested that you join me on my next trip through the countryside, so that you may learn your new kingdom before our marriage. If it's alright with you, I, too, would like for you to accompany me. Please let me know at your earliest convenience—I have the whole day. :) -Izuku
You smile, leaving your room with the note in hand. At breakfast, you set down your spoon and glance at your parents. "Mother? Father? Izuku has requested an audience with you, whenever it's convenient."
Your parents share knowing glances before your father turns back to you with a smile. "So you've been communicating with the young Prince."
"P-perhaps I have."
"That's good to hear. We'd love for him to visit properly, moreso than merely to have his audience and leave."
Your mother nods. "Invite him over for dinner!"
You blink slowly. "Oh, well, if that's the case, then I'll let him know once I've finished eating."
And you do—before you can be properly sat down for your morning tutoring session, you grab a piece of paper and write him back.
My parents said they'd be more pleased if you came over and spoke with them over dinner tonight. Is that okay?
Smiling to yourself, you doodle a little carnation at the bottom of the note. 
Note: it's not striped.
You receive your response in the form of a beautiful drawing of a better carnation. In the bottom corner, it reads:
This one's not striped, either. I'll see you around sunset. (It's not yellow, either, right? This one's red.) :)
Despite the fact that he's completely blown your little carnation doodle out of the water, you can't help but smile fondly, feeling the tiniest amount of heat rush to your cheeks.
Carnations, when solid in color, indicate acceptance or "yes" to an answered question. Yellow ones invoke disappointment or rejection, while striped carnations are a clear statement of refusal. Red carnations are used to tell the recipient: "my heart aches for you".
You shift anxiously. Sunset is soon and you're ready for dinner. You'd be lying if you said you weren't really interested in this proposal of his—to get out of the palace for a while, spend some time talking with your fiancé properly, maybe even away from prying eyes so you can talk to him when he's not posturing and trying to act all princely? Of course you're interested. You'd be a fool not to be!
Eventually, you cast aside nervously pacing around your chambers to get some fresh air in the garden. (You're explicitly not waiting for Izuku's arrival, and no one can prove otherwise.) Naturally, you're accompanied by your guard, who watches from afar, hand on the hilt of his sword in preparation for the slightest thing to go wrong.
To his credit, for a second you think that it does. One moment, you're leaned over the fountain, investigating your reflection in the water and toying with a loose lock of hair, and the next, runes swirl in the air in front of you, green and orange wisps that foretell a teleport about to arrive. The brief scent of peaches and lemongrass is quickly overpowered by the scent of ash and gunpowder that follows, but you have just enough time to recognize the first before it's drowned out.
Eijirou is quick to pull you back and away, sword at the ready in case of intruders, but you grab his arm with a frown, intending to tell him about the familiar scent before he tries to cut someone down, and more importantly, you should move them from the water before there's a teleport mishap.
"Eijirou, wait–"
"It's alright, your highness," he says firmly. "Please step back."
You bite your lip, watching with anxious eyes as the runes finally take proper shape, dropping from their swirls two familiar faces, who land directly into the fountain with a loud splash.
"Eijirou, stand down," you order quickly, willing yourself not to swear as you rush forward. Speaking of swearing, Izuku's knight ('Kacchan', you think he was called?) is doing an awful lot of that as he climbs out of the fountain and extends a hand to help Izuku up.
The minute both men are out of the water, you curtsy with a profuse apology and begin focusing your magic. After rigorous magic tutoring earlier today so you could finish early, you're a little bit close to being tapped out, but you should still have enough left to dry them off. 
You breathe in slowly as you lightly touch their arms. On an exhale, the excess water pulls away from both of their bodies and clothes. You struggle with the hair, but it's better not to pull all the water at once. Carefully, you will it back to the fountain, your runes dutifully carrying it away.
"You have my deepest apologies," you say quickly as you pop up on your toes to reach Izuku's hair and try to work out all the water with your magic. "I hadn't thought that you'd be using me as a teleport point, or I'd have not been standing so close to the fountain! In just a moment longer I'll have you cleaned up, so please hold still."
Izuku is silent as your fingertips brush his scalp, his eyes fluttering shut as you focus on the water. Frowning, you bring another hand up to assist you. His hair's so thick, pulling the water from it is nothing short of a struggle. Meanwhile, Eijirou focuses on helping the other knight dry his own hair.
With the water finally obeying you and pulling away from his curly locks, you have the moment to realize just how soft Izuku's hair is. It looks more like a mop than anything from a distance, but now, you feel almost like you're petting a kitten, a sensation only furthered by the fact that he's literally pressing his head into your hand. You honestly don't doubt that he'd be purring if he could.
Once you're properly done drying him off with a little magic, you remove one hand from his head to stifle your giggle. The other lingers in his hair just a moment. "Sorry, you have really soft hair. Did I miss any spots?"
You're careful to look him over for any wet spots on his clothes. His hair is back to its usual fluffy mess, causing you to wonder how much time his attendants must spend trying to tame it on a daily basis. When you're both satisfied that he's dry, you quickly pull the rest of the water out of his knight's hair and return all of it to the fountain.
"I really do feel the need to apologize again for that. I thought to pull your runes away from the water, but..."
Izuku shakes his head with a smile. "No, really, it's all right! I should have told you ahead of time that we'd be using you as the anchor point for our teleport. We must have startled you."
"Perhaps a bit, but once I realized it was you I was reassured!" You shoot him your best grin. "Are you two ready? I can go inquire as to when the dinner will be ready before announcing your arrival, if you'd like."
"Ah, yes, please," Izuku stammers. "I wouldn't want to rush your chefs, however—"
Izuku's cut off by the sudden swirl of familiar teleport runes in front of you. The smell hits your nose before you recognize the inky blue, and you crinkle your nose in distaste at the smell of seaweed. Your father's runes. What materializes isn't him, but a simple note, not even written in his own handwriting: Whenever Prince Izuku arrives, dinner is ready and waiting.
You smile. "Ah! Perfect!" You carefully stick out your tongue, pulling forth just enough magic to pull off your favorite new trick: teleporting just enough ink to a page to write without a pen. Izuku just arrived. I'll escort him to the dining hall.
You send back the note with a wave of your hand. "My father says that dinner is already prepared for whenever you arrive, my prince." You say the last two words in a playful tone, grinning at him mischievously and offering one arm to him. "If it pleases his highness, I'd be honored to escort you to dinner."
He chuckles, looping his arm through yours. "By all means, lead the way, m-my dear."
You giggle as you lead him out of the gardens. "You were so close to a smooth delivery there."
Izuku rubs the back of his neck with his opposite hand, blushing lightly. "S-sorry. I'll do better next time."
"I think it's endearing, actually," you comment, hiding a laugh behind your hand when he lets out a choked noise in response. "Only change if you want to, my prince."
"H-hey! Who's courting who, here?" he whines desperately, hiding his face. You toss your head back in a laugh. "Oh, but that actually reminds me!"
Izuku stops suddenly, turning to you and producing a single sprig of forsythia. He tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, and quickly pins it in place with the yellow blooms. "There. They suit you, Princess."
Your cheeks tinge pink at the sudden gift, worsened by the way he smiles and laughs lightly at your expression. "There, now I'm not the only one blushing."
With that, he pats your cheek, turns, and heads toward the door, opening it for you with sparkling eyes. 
"Wh—hey! I'm supposed to be the one escorting you, you little—" With an indignant squawk, you scamper after your fiancé, cheeks still burning red.
Forsythia symbolizes anticipation.
"So, Prince Izuku," your mother says, carefully setting down her soup spoon to peer across the table at your fiancé. "My daughter tells us that you wished to speak to us?"
Izuku's calm and collected as he sets down his own spoon and swallows his food. When he's ready, he opens his mouth and speaks in even, princely tones that don't suit the Izuku you've come to know through his letters. You suppose this means that he's in 'Prince mode'. "Yes, that's correct, your majesty."
Your mother wrinkles her nose in distaste, waving her hand in front of her face as if she's smelled something unpleasant. "Oh, please, dear. If you're marrying my daughter, I'd rather you treat me like family."
"Oh, of course, ma'am. I didn't intend to offend you. I was surprised, actually, that you allow [name]—I mean the princess to refer to you so directly. My father insists on being addressed by his title at all times, no matter who is speaking to him, so I assumed you'd be the same..."
Your mother laughs. "No, nothing so strict. There are plenty of ways to command respect without the sort of iron fist King Hisashi rules with, if you don't mind my saying."
"Mother," you hiss. "Please refrain from insulting Izuku's father in front of him."
"Oh, no, it's all right, [name]," Izuku says. "I know my father isn't exactly... popular when it comes to others' opinions of him. It's refreshing to be far enough from his influence that I'm actually made aware of it, however."
Your father speaks, the first time since the two of you entered the room to eat. "You never answered the question, Prince."
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at how overtly protective he's acting. Moons, he's the one who arranged your engagement to Izuku!
Izuku swallows, and from your proximity, you can see him reigning in his stutter to answer. "...yes. My apologies. I wanted to ask if you'd grant your permission to allow your daughter to accompany me on my seasonal trip through my father's kingdom. My father has historically insisted on these trips to encourage my growth into my role as heir to the kingdom and, hopefully, to build a sensible rapport with my people before I take the throne myself. Since Her Highness and I are to be wedded this year, my father has agreed that it would be ideal for her to join me, so that we might grow closer and our people might learn her face before the wedding occurs. And I, personally, would love to have her company on this excursion."
Your father eyes you with a raised eyebrow. "I assume your betrothed spoke with you about this ahead of time, [name]?"
You nod. "Yes, father. We spoke about it briefly through letters, though I haven't yet requested the full details."
"How many guards typically accompany you on these excursions, Prince?" your mother asks, a hint of interest in her voice.
"It varies depending both on time of year and the prevailing public opinion, but there's always at least four. I'm fairly proficient in combat, and the guards chosen to accompany are all those whom I trust and have been chosen through several combat trials to determine their ability to provide adequate protections. We try to keep the detail low, to prevent from straining resources for travel and not draw too much attention during my travels. If necessary, I'm sure my father would be happy to increase the numbers to ensure your daughter's safety."
"My daughter doesn't know her way around a sword," your father says darkly. (Patently false, but he doesn't need to know about your habit of watching the guards during their training when you have the time, or the fact that Eijirou is more than happy to show you your way around a blade when he accompanies you about the castle.) "If I allow this little excursion, it will be your head if she doesn't return to me unharmed."
"Father, please don't threaten my fiancé," you groan. "I am capable enough with both offensive and defensive magic to defend myself—"
"[name]," he says sharply, not sparing you a glance. "The men are speaking."
Wounded, you snap your mouth shut and return to your food in silence, keeping a trained ear on their conversation and an eye on Izuku, who seems to have gone stock-still at how you've just been addressed.
"Of course, your Majesty," Izuku says, voice strained. "I would never dream of allowing harm to come to her."
A tense silence falls over the room, until finally, it's broken. "The excursion would be followed by a week's stay in the royal palace, if your Majesties and her Highness are all in accordance. I proposed this to my father as a way to allow her Highness to meet with my family and acclimatize to the palace, rather than merely the surrounding kingdom." Izuku's knuckles are white as he grips his spoon.
"I'd prefer to speak with you about this matter in private, Prince," your father says through gritted teeth. You wither under the atmosphere, eyes glued carefully to Izuku as he barely conceals a glare in response.
You're suddenly regretting all the anticipation you'd had for this meal.
"Meet me in the palace gardens before you leave," you'd whispered in Izuku's ear as he left the room at the end of dinner. He nodded then, before following your father to his study with Kacchan in tow.
Your father is an imposing man when he wants to be. Izuku has to remind himself to stand firm, to not give off a moment's glimpse of weakness to the man standing across the room from him.
"If I'm being honest, I'd hoped that the son of the infamous King Hisashi would have been a bit more like his father," the man says, hands folded behind his back. He lets out a sigh, as if it's somehow inconvenient for him that Izuku doesn't demand fear from others or threaten another's life or livelihood at the smallest slight.
Yeah, I get that a lot, Izuku wants to say. Instead, he simply nods. "I see."
"It is not unappealing, per se, for my daughter to marry someone like you," he continues, "but it would be ideal if you could properly set her into her role. She plays her part well, but my daughter is always pushing. She treads the line of her limits, as you saw when she spoke out of turn earlier."
"I'd have to disagree, your Majesty. I don't think [name] was out of line at all," Izuku says firmly, surprising even himself. "I don't know enough about her skills in combat well enough to properly defend them, but if she felt the need to stand up for herself, then I'm glad she acted upon it. What's the point in living if she's to be a quiet little doll who ‘stays in line’?"
Your father doesn't turn his head to look at Izuku, sighing yet again. "I don't think we'll ever see eye-to-eye on this matter. Perhaps it's best if we simply–"
"Did you want to speak further about the excursion?" Izuku interrupts coldly. "I'd be happy to give more details if you have any concerns, but my father would be upset if I returned without a proper decision. He's a busy man, as I'm certain you know, and preparations can't effectively be made if we don't know how many will be attending."
"...color me impressed, Prince Izuku," your father says. "I wasn't aware you had a spine."
"I find it more sound to not play all my cards at once, your Majesty."
"[name] may accompany you for your little trip. Her personal knight—I'm sure you're acquainted—will accompany her. Let me be clear that I was serious about your head should she not return."
"I was serious when I said that I wouldn't dream of letting her come to harm." Izuku's gaze is challenging as he meets the man's eyes.
Your father finally looks Izuku in the eye, one eyebrow raised. "See to it that you don't, your highness."
Taglist: @tooloudarts​ @zylith-imagines-and-fics​
443 notes · View notes
shiteatinggrin · 4 years
Hi, so this is my contribution to my first jilytober, I wrote some canon fic, it is kinda sad so I guess you could call this angst? I don’t know, I’m not that good at categorizing fic. Anyways, here is a love letter to James Potter from Lily Evans because he just died under her eyes. Wrote this fast, so I can’t vouch for the quality of this. This is almost 3k of Lily being a sap, so enjoy! Find it here on Ao3.
Bastard with a shit eating grin
Do you remember our first kiss? I can still feel the cold air of winter seeping through the walls of Greenhouse Number Three and you and I laughing together. It was not an unusual thing anymore, but some people could have been surprised, because we had had some big feuds over the years, the Dormitories Dashing and Destroying Disagreement, the Inflating Inner Ear Incident, the Flying Fiona Fight and the Severus Snape Saga consisting of the big highlights. However frustrating it was, we always had fun together, didn’t we?
Now we were falling in love dutifully without realising we had always been meant for each other in some way. I was all colors: glorious red hair, pink cheeks, pale green eyes and horrendously yellow socks. You were all teeth: shining smiles, arrogant smirking, belly-laughing in a silent room or grinding them in concentration for the task you were committing to (hyper-focusing on) at the moment.
‘Oi, Evans, can I copy your homework?’ You would say that practically every day.
‘How about a please, Potter? Might do you some good.’ You watched me smear some soil on my neck when I scratched it and said nothing. I discovered it in Transfiguration two hours later. Crazy how we can only remember the smallest details years later and the big things just go right over our heads. I could only ever remember the small details with you, because whatever we said to each other was never important, only the talking to you part was.
‘Oh Lily, dearest flower to my heart that I worship beyond any rainbow, might I please please please see your diligently done homework so that I can rewrite it because, being the idiot that I am, I was off gallivanting with Sirius yesterday instead of being a good student.’ You added pouts and made doe eyes for good measure as if I wouldn’t already have grabbed the moon from the sky’s grubby hands every night if you had asked it.
I would stifle a smile and put some piece of parchment in your extended hand without even looking, sometimes it was the homework if I was feeling generous, if I were more in a creative mood I might give you a stupid doodle or some kind of letter that would say something like: ‘Dear Prongs, you are an asshat. Looking forward to our rounds tonight so I can kick your ass in Gobstones. Now listen to Sprout, will you? Lily’ with a stupid heart over the i that basically meant PS: I love you. Finally, I’d say something like:
‘I would have laughed, but your head might inflate so much you’d have neck pain for a week.’
You let yourself smile then and continued to jest me, hoping to wrench a smile out of the beast (you always did it literally two minutes later, it is funny how easy it is to win when you give yourself such small tasks).
But that day, amazingly, we broke out of our routine.
At night we would always hang out together in the common room with our friends and slowly the people would fizzle out, having gone up to their dormitories and I would stay on the couch with the urge to kiss you with some dumb excuse not to leave on the tip of my tongue. I painted my nails or read some book or talked to you extensively about something I’d learned recently and you would listen with concentrated eyes and a much too easy smile.
Then you would start talking and when you started some story it would never finish, even now you can’t even recall something as simple as Harry’s first smile without going on for five full minutes without stopping. In these nights I would try to look like I wasn’t paying too much attention to you, like I was detached from everything pertaining to your person, but being young and in love doesn’t exactly give you the best skills in subtlety and so you would ask me if I was paying attention and I would blush and you would make some quip about redheads and their skins and everything would go back to normal.
And out of the blue, when I was talking about getting some sugar quills next time we were in Hogsmeade and how difficult the Ancient Runes paper was, you kissed me. Your hands flew to my hair and mine to cup your face and you pressed your body hard against mine. I’d never seen you so hungry for anything before, it seemed like you had been starving for a thousand years before our lips found each other. I had kissed three boys before you, and none of them could compare to the feeling of ecstasy of your mouth against mine. No one will ever compare to James Potter, right? That’s what you used to say in fourth year when you made a particular lucky goal in Quidditch or when you caught the Snitch in mid-air even though you were a Chaser and we were in Potions classf. Is it weird that I miss that?
I don’t think there ever was a time when I didn’t love you, all electric hair and much too quick brain and hundred stupid nicknames that didn’t mean anything unless you explained them in excruciating detail and you would smile too much and talk too loud and walk too fast and I wouldn’t feel so out of place with you because I did the exact same things. Petunia was always prim and proper and I always tried to be like her and please everyone but you taught me how to be myself and how to blossom into my personality without even knowing it. With you I’ve never been too much, I was always just enough.
Everything always came so easy to you, and I’ve always hated you for it. Now I think that I can’t appreciate enough how you could always share that with everyone around you, that incredible luck that could get you out of the worst of predicaments. I guess it all caught up to us today, but I don’t mind now. I’ll love you forever, come what may.
My heart is full of wanted posters of you: dead or alive.
I can’t remember the first time I’ve really noticed you, because you were always in the periphery, doing stupid things and getting in trouble and beaming for no reason at all and the memory of your presence was impossible to shake, but I still remember the first time we really became friends. We were fifteen by the lake and my best friend betrayed me under the glistening sun, the following day I had the worst grade in Transfiguration I’d ever gotten. You found me crying by a window on the fifth floor and apologized a hundred times (which I couldn’t have cared less at the moment), but you still went and talked to McGonagall and she agreed to let me retake the test in the afternoon and offered me a biscuit.
In seventh year, a girl told me that she was so jealous of the fact that I was the only one that could make James Potter change and mature. As if your life revolved around me. I thought of your sick father and the fact that Sirius had appeared on your front door one day and never left your house and with a twinge in my heart thought of the war coming and I couldn’t believe my ears. With all this going on, and she still thought you’d only change for a girl?
I’m not proud of this, but I might have shouted at her and maybe, perhaps I was the one that sent a silencing charm her way, but who could really tell? Not her, because her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth.
I wonder if I ever told you that. Probably, because you know everything interesting there is to know about me. You even know the most boring facts about me, because they amuse you just the same. You know I like peonies the best in spite of my name and that my first kiss was with Snape when I was eight, you know that I wiped my mouth right after and didn’t know yet what love was. You know that my favourite band is Hate Potion and that my guilty pleasure is Celestina Warbeck. You know that I wanted to name our son Harry because of a muggle TV show I used to watch with Petunia when I was seven on Saturday mornings and that when I fight my favorite charm is Expelliarmus. You were at my side when I killed my first (and last) Death Eater and that I cried for a week afterward. You comforted me for five hours when Marlene and her entire family were massacred in their own home, the same one where I had spent a good chunk of my summers to avoid Petunia. You know that I only ever paint my toenails blue and that my favorite flavour of ice cream is mint chocolate chip. You know all about my relationship with my sister and how she used to be my best friend and that we used to dance in bathing suits around the sprinkler and fake being witches to make potions out of mud and flowers and how she never forgave when this dream became true for me but not for her. You know all about my failed relationships, with Tuney, Sev and my ex-boyfriend who left me because he didn’t want to be associated with a muggleborn. You know I’m absolute shite at drawing and that I can’t dance to save my life and you laugh at me when I’m drunk and try to follow Peter’s choreography to some dumb song I don’t know. Last year, you helped paint flowers all over my bookcase because I wanted it to be unique and just mine.
When Harry was born, you refused to sleep for two days because he was so cute when he slept against your chest, but you finally fell asleep while cutting onions for dinner and I had to intervene.
One of my favourite things about you is that I have never seen anyone so full of life. You smile like nothing has ever gone wrong in your entire life and you are more loyal than any Hufflepuff I’ve ever seen, you would die for any of us in a heartbeat and we would do the same for you anytime. My love for you is so big I wonder how it even fits in our little house in Godric’s Hollow. You painted our walls burnt orange because you said it reminded you of my hair and I wonder if it is weird to fall in love with you even more over some colour choices. You complete me because as much as you are a complete idiot, you still recommend the best books and are smart enough to plan the best pranks, but too smug to make anyone else take the blame. You had always been my favourite person in the whole universe until Harry arrived, but he is so much like you that it is like meeting you at a much earlier age. He has the same laugh as you, you know?
I cannot believe how brave you are, because traditional courage requires you to go into battle and protect everyone you love like a lioness does her cubs, but you have found the energy to keep going even trapped in this house with an infant without being able to help your friends outside. You go everyday against your most basic instincts and you manage to have so much fun with us, but I see the tired bags under your eyes and the fact that you lose your train of thoughts sometimes and I know that you’re thinking about the war and the security of the boys, I know they are your family and it would kill you if one of them ever fell into battle, yet you never complain, yet you never lose hope. I love you so much my feeble heart can’t contain it all. My love for you is as inevitable as the blue of the sky, as the oxygen in our lungs, as the passage of time, I love you so much that when I see you it is like coming home, your wild hair and round glasses and mischievous eyes and soft voice and much too long limbs and wide chest and calloused hands and smile like an answer to all my problems.
No one has ever made me feel as secure as you and now I know I have to be strong for you, because you are the one that’s fallen, like a marionnette whose strings were cut. The coffee stain on the right arm of your shirt is the last thing I will see of you, or maybe it is a bit of your wild inky hair. I will never be able to look at the night sky the same.
I can hear him in the stairs, and all I can think about is you and Harry this morning, my two favourite people in the world, sat on the carpet and puffs of colour coming out of your wand, your laugh coming out of his mouth, one single tooth poking out, little chubby legs shaking from laughter, the wand you stupidly left on the carpet (the wand you didn’t care wasn’t in your hands because you didn’t care if you died, you just wanted us to live). Your last gift to me was the most precious of all: you gave me the time to say goodbye to Harry.
‘Mama loves you. Dada loves you, Harry.’ That is the only thing I find to say, because it is true and my heart is breaking, I can hear it thundering, collapsing like a dying star, you are dead, I will die, Harry has to live. I cannot withstand the thought.
I have never loved anyone better than the two of you. Apparently I never will, but at least I have known real love, the one that comes from daily life, that never dies because it is kept alive by stupid little things that make us who we are. Crazy how we only remember the little things and the big ones just go right over our heads.
I will remember the smallest things about you, like the little scar in your left eyebrow, the weird placement of your thumb on your wand, the feel of your skin against mine and the way it tanned in the summer while mine just became redder and redder, the sound of your laugh when Sirius said something funny and the way you always pushed your glasses up your nose with your middle finger, the way you sit in any chair like it’s a throne, the way you answered questions in class without raising your hand, the way you held a book open when you were reading it, your last day where you wanted to make pasta and I wanted steak, the way you would mess with your hair not because you thought it would make you look like you just stepped off your broom, but because you were nervous or restless. On your good days it would stand flatter on your head and I had to pass my hand through it because otherwise it just didn’t feel like you. You laughed too much when Sirius decided to read Crime and Punishment to Harry as a bedtime story and your son wouldn’t go to sleep. You would tell him stories of your childhood disguised as muggle magical adventures and I became a knight, Sirius a prince and Snape a dragon. You would call my cat Fiona the ginger cat, as if Fiona wasn’t enough and she needed an extra title. I guess she was royalty after all. You always tried to make me believe that she loved you more than me, even though I’d had her since I was eleven and you once made her fly across the common room just to annoy me.
Do you remember this morning? The last time you ever kissed me? You made me eggs and tea for breakfast and sang some Beatle song for me in the most off-key voice. You stole the bacon from my plate, laughing from across the dinner table. I was so happy because you were in a good mood today, you didn’t seem to feel so trapped and it was Halloween and you were trying to convince me to dress Harry up as a muggle magician, which I thought was the worst joke you’d ever made. You kissed me on the mouth and we settled on a pumpkin costume. Your lips tasted of stolen bacon and orange juice (you’ve never been much of a morning tea person).
I have never loved anyone better, and apparently I never will.
The house is so silent now that you are gone. All I can hear are my own ragged breaths. Harry seems to think this is some kind of game. He is all that we have left now. All that will ever be left of us. To love is to create, right? We have created the most beautiful person in the world, it should be the only thing that counts.
I love you. I could try to make this poetic, the love thing, but I think the most poetic way it can be is on its own. I don’t know any words more powerful than I love you. I love you and you are dead. I love you and I will die soon. I love our son and he will live. Life is as simple as that. I love you and soon we’ll be together again. Miss you already.
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