#queer bird behavior
a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Considering how often same-sex couples have been documented in birds, do you think extinct dinosaurs would have a similar rate of homosexuality? Similarly, what do you think the gayest dinosaur is?
100%. It's not even a contest. And, again, research suggests that indiscriminate sexual activity is the **norm** for _all_ animals! sex is just fun! (and, yes, refraining from sexual activity is observed in all animals! And preferential sexual activity! The baseline is just pan/bisexuality, rather than heterosexuality. There are diverse sexual behaviors throughout the animal clade because life is just DIVERSE.) Things try out different behaviors and not everything is about direct reproduction, that's a very misleading view of animal behavior. In truth, social connection and physical pleasure are, well, things animals like. And sometimes they don't. Who knew!
Gayest dinosaur, I mean, isn't it objectively the Albatross?
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jimingyue · 5 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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libraford · 1 year
Now that I work with a bunch of homophobes, I feel the weight of being a 'one of us.'
"Why are women so --- oh but not you, you're different."
"Why are gays so--' but you're not like them, you're more like us."
Krusty The Bird Killer rants for five minutes about black women being 'sluts that all have eight kids with different fathers because they'll lay with anything that moves,' and then talk sweet to our secretary, a black woman in her 40s who doesnt seem to count as a black woman when he's ranting.
I've been trying to put words to this behavior for awhile now. And I think it just comes down to 'us vs them.'
I showed up to work in a cowboy hat and work boots, wasnt afraid of the men's room, and lifted a 50 pound trash bag full of dog shit on my first day. I'm not like other women to them. I dont count. I'm one of us.
I talk about my girlfriend in a quiet way: I dont declare queer supremacy and I dont make my whole life about being queer and oppressed. I'm not like other lesbians. I dont count. I'm one of us.
They dont know me. They dont know my girly interests and they dont know about my political art pieces and they dont know about the fake eyelashes that I wore during pride. They certainly dont know I'm trans.
I passed their test. I'm 'one of the dudes.'
I'm really not, though.
If they saw me outside of work, I would be a Them. But they got to know me first. I'm in their list of "thems that are us." And every them that they meet can be an us. But they dont go out of their way to meet many thems.
I'm a Gay. I'm not the Gays. I'm (to them) a woman. I'm not Women. The secretary is black. But shes not The Blacks (pardon the phrasing, it hurt me to even type it that way.)
Every person is the stereotype of their group until someone gets to know them. But that doesn't disprove the stereotype- it just means that the person doesnt count as part of that group anymore. They're with us now.
Respectability politics really dont get us anywhere. If you're out to disprove the stereotype out of a sense that you'll change their minds, I'm telling you that energy is better spent living authentically if you are safe to do so.
Your influence on them doesnt change their perception of the box they put you in. They just put you in a smaller box. Fuck their opinions.
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greenfinchwriter · 1 month
Okay so I debated posting this for a long time but it won't stop bothering me. Before you come for me,all I ask is that you hear me out, and that my intention with this post is NOT to not to attack anyone.
Here we go: Alana Bloom is not a good person. That is pre-moral-decay arc.
Why am I saying this?
It is NOT because:
She's a woman
Female professional in a male dominated field
Somehow "standing between Hannigram"
It IS because,in my very subjective opinion as 1 autistic person, she is a prime example of a self-righteous "Autism Speaks/Facebook Autism Mom" with a degree.
Personally the most insidious kind of allistic ableist to encounter. It took me a long time to recognize that this kind of person is not any less harmful,or bigoted,and they are by far the most difficult to call out. Why? Because they are what neurotypical people see as "nice,well-intentioned,altruistic,allies, compassionate,self-sacrificing" etc, this goes double if you have a degree to cement your authority. Trying to even gently explain to them how and why their behavior is not okay from an actual neurodivergent point of view will always be met with more outrage by other neurotypicals than calling out someone who is outright,loud and proud hostile in their ableism. A similar concept to other subtle, covert forms of bigotry.
Alana is a worse therapist than Hannibal, and hell,even Bedelia. She's on par with Chilton.
Because she is "normal", "nice", and "sweet" it is easily overlooked just how not only ableist but emotionally manipulative she is. She is just as bad as Sutcliffe,or any other professional who sees Will as an exotic case study,and her "fascination" with Will echoes Freddie's. I don't doubt that she genuinely thinks of herself as a "good person who cares about/for Will", and that she firmly believes to be "well-intentioned",and "morally surperior". But she really isn't. Her behavior towards Will is NOT okay. She did and does use,and infantilize him,she does manipulate him,be that consciously or subconsciously. But whereas we make "excuses" for Hannibal, and don't really expect him to act differently because of his pathology,his "nature",his way of thinking etc. We do not hold the "normal" people like Alana to the same measure.
That's why I get angry when people regurgitate Chilton's talking points about Will,and demonize him.
It is far more nuanced,and complex than that.
Imho, in this show (apart from the dogs) there are no "pure" characters. And to deny Alana is not fundamentally flawed,and yes ableist character because "feminism!" could in and of itself be misogynistic. A person can be a bigot regardless of gender,race/ethnicity/culture,religion etc. They can be so without actively meaning harm,or even being really all that aware that their 'good intentions' are destructive. If such a person is willing to learn and change,than that's good. No such thing as doomed. But most of her "with a degree" types will die on their hills,and be affronted by the accusation that their oh so "noble" attitudes might actually be anything but.
I am NOT bird app accusing anyone who likes her character of being any of those terms,to stop liking her,or that she is "worse" but I am saying that just as we acknowledge Hannibal's flaws,can (meta) decry his actions,and still call him Blorbo and fiercely ship Hannigram,we should also be able to do so with Alana.
The "normal" ones aren't always the "good ones".
That is why I dislike Alana,and I just don't like being accused of merely disliking her for being a queer woman,or the infantile notion that she was "in the way of Hannigram". I have my HIGHLY PERSONAL,SUBJECTIVE BUT TO ME VALID,UNRELATED REASONS I dislike her. Not because she read a weird book to Abigail. Or anything else that has recently come up in the fandom.
You don't have to dislike her. It's okay if you like her. It's okay if she's your favorite,your obsession,or you just find her sexy. It's perfectly fine if you ship Marlana,or ship her with Hannibal. I'm not posting this to lecture,or convert anyone. I couldn't be happier for you if you like her and/or find comfort in her character.
What I do have issues with is seeing her idealized without legitimate discourse about her character.
No,I don't think of Will or Hannibal as pure cherubs without fault but I have had enough about the angel-ification of Alana,and reimagining of Will as darker/more monstrous/misanthropic than he is.
That is my perspective. You don't have to agree with it - not if you are autistic/neurodivergent as well,or if you are neurotypical. You really don't have to. That's okay! I respect that,and you!
So respectfully,gently,please let one autistic person of many explain her discomfort with her character,or maybe offer food for thought to some.
There is more I could say but I'll leave it at that.
Sorry if I upset anyone,and for not being more eloquent about this,I hope what I was trying to express came across well enough.
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queering-ecology · 3 months
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Queering the Wild by Micha Rahder (2019) [final]
Queer Intimacy in Non-Human Animals
The author introduces several examples of ‘queerness’ across the animal kingdom—the ‘birds and the bees’, --a lot about birds since we have a lot of research on them. The study on zebra finches reminded me of the concept of ‘naturecultures’; they choose their mates and often do not stray,  same-sex or otherwise and so this supports the idea that there is more to ‘bird life than breeding and that the social aspects of bonding might be just as important’ (02).
“The idea that sexual activity might be about more than just making babies is hard for people who were raised in contemporary U.S. American culture in particular, with its focus on abstinence-only sex ed and heavy legislation of uteruses and the people who have them” (02) but finches, bonobos, dolphins or ‘female fish that prefer males that have had sex with other males, all chip away at that anthropocentric frame’ (02).
“Because scientists carry their cultural biases into their work, most research approaches these kinds of queer traits and behaviors as problems to be solved” (02). Heteronormativity has made scientists ‘run in circles’ trying to explain why such ‘maladaptive’, ‘perverted’ traits appear throughout the natural world such as nutritional deficiencies, the stress of captivity, that they’re just ‘dumb’ and can’t tell the difference, it’s a ‘misfire’ attempt at heterosexuality, or they’re just ‘practicing’.
“Evolutionary biologists need to think about same-sex sexual behavior in non-human animals as more than just a problem to be solved” and “same sex sexual behavior is both a trait that is potentially shaped by selection and a force that shapes selection on other traits” or they should “consider how same-sex sexual activities shape ongoing evolutionary processes” (03).
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Extending Our Chosen Family
Evolution has no “direction or purpose” and humans are not “the representation of the ultimate expression of life on earth” (03). If we look at microbiology, we can see true diversity. “Only recently have scientists started to pay attention to how much [microbes exchanging DNA] might be driving evolution” (03). Fungi are also an incredible example of sexual diversity; with one species alone having more than 23,000 documented mating types (sexes) and individuals can physically ‘merge or separate in different environmental contexts’  making it difficult to differentiate them.
‘Symbiopoesis’ or “how organisms can be intimately involved in each other’s development” (squid and light emitting bacteria, bees and pollination, acacia trees and ants, wasps and figs).(03)  Again this reminds me of the Lakota concept of Mitakuye Oyasin—we are all related, all my relatives.
Competition//Cooperation is another binary that queer ecology can challenge.
“Queering nature means learning about our connectedness with all the living earth. Here, the classic queer recognition of chosen family extends beyond humans, recognizing our kinship and interdependence with our companion animals, the foods we eat, our microbes and others. It means taking pleasure in those connections, learning to recognize pleasure in others and understanding how our human identities, gender expressions and sexual behaviors are only a small piece of the wide, queer living world” (04).
Queer ecology asks us to be curious about the ‘magnificent overabundance of reality’ (Bagemihl). “Breaking free from the historical biases of science allows us to move forward together with other life on earth, rather than thinking ourselves as separate from or above it. That kind of hierarchical thinking has kept queer and other marginalized communities away from the benefits of being outdoors and has led directly to the tangle of global environmental crises in which we find ourselves now. Learning from non-humans is a great way to undo these legacies” (04).
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innoqueer · 6 months
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❝🪽⸝⸝ Purequeer / Innoqueer .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋA queer stance for people who suffered CSA, RAMCOA, Abuse and/or ECSA and are Anti-Radqueer. This stance shows fear and/or aggressive behavior in an defensive way towards Radqueers, Pro-C Paraphiles, Complex-Contact Paraphiles, Neu-C Paraphiles, Radqueer equivalent queer stances, and TransIDs/TransXs. TRANSIDS, TRANSHARMEDS AND TRANSTRAUMAS FUCKOFF, THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO SUFFERED ABUSE AND WANT TO RECOVER.
The fear and/or aggressive behavior is caused by: 1. Trauma involving people from those communities; 2. For seeing how much they glorify abuse and ableism; 3. For seeing how much problems those communities did; 4. For being affected by those communities in an bad way (including psychologically).
Emoji Code: 🪷🪽 (Lotus Emoji and Bird Wing Emoji (Lotus means purity; Bird Wing because Angel and Angels are pure beings and/or related to purity.))
Coined by me.
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Thoughts of this stance:
Anti Thoughts:
Radqueers .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋThey are predators, racists, ableists and transphobes who thinks people can be harmful without punishment. They can just don't exist and the world would be better.
Pro-C Paraphiles .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋPro-Contact means Pro-Abuse, we were Innocent and were groomed into thinking that what we made was good, but feed their fantasies being Innocent isn't consenting.
Complex-Contact Paraphiles .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋWe believe that, in order to consent, people have to: 1. have the option to safely say no, without fearing their no could be disrespected or they could receive punishment; 2. be mentally and emotionally mature enough to truly understand what is happening; 3. not be pressured into saying yes in whichever way; 4. have the emotional an mental capability of forming an unbiased and free decision. Animals and Kids can't consent because animals are Innocent such as children, Kids aren't mature enough to understand what is truly happening, animals don't understand most human actions. Complex-Contact is just an excuse for abuse and another way to say Pro-Contact.
Neu-Contact Paraphiles .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋBeing neutral in this kind of discourse isn't good and it is at the same level as being Pro-C and Complex-Contact.
TransIDs/TransX/TransRace/TransAbled .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋOne thing is change things that are concepts made by the society, gender itself is the only thing that can be transiotioned because it's a concept, it can be distorced simply because even the bible has beings that transcended the concept of gender (especifically angels, demons and god themselves, they all aren't male nor female, only Jesus and Father are considered males by the way they are called, but the Holy Spirit is just called an spirit that can change form). You can't transition to an actual disorder, neurodivergency, disability, trauma, profession, personality, race, age, ethnicy, nationality, murderer, bigot, etc. Also you can't tell you're really that harmful thing but at the same time say you aren't because your trans that thing.
Xenosatanism .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋWe see them as the same as Radqueers but worse. Next.
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Neu Thoughts:
Proshipping (in the mean of Problematic Shipping) .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋIt's bad because fiction affects reality, there's many news showing that sharks were been killed because of how media portrays them. But we believe you can be a non-open Proship and just do proship fics as a coping mechanism as some proshippers are, but this stance is inheritly anti-proship but we are okay with it being a coping mechanism being made on private and the person don't be openly proship.
Syscourse .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋThis depends on who will use, some may be anti-endo, others may be pro-endo, I, the Iudex of Fontaine, am neutral about it.
Good Faith Identities .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋThis depends on who will use, some are Pro, others are them, other can be Anti, even if I have an position I am not open about it and don't pester others with my opinion.
Kin For Fun .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋThis also depends on who will use this stance, people can be anti, people can be pro, I am Kin For Fun myself but respect the people who are anti, I just do it because: 1. it's an hyperfixation; 2. I feel connected with the character; 3. The character has an backstory who looks like mine; 4. the character have an personality who is like mine. It's more an coping mechanism.
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Pro Thoughts:
Otherkin/Therian .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋWe are actually really pro Otherkin, it can be used as an IRL thing, as an spirituality thing, and other ways. Also TransSpecies was made specifically with another meaning made for more than 30 years ago, and we believe that this term can be only used by Therians/Otherkin with it's real meaning and not be used by Radqueers and TransIDs.
Fictionkin .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋWe believe people can be Fictionkin and we are pro Fictionkin, this is not dumb, people can feel connected with characters.
Aromanticity, Asexuality, Aplatocinity and their spectrum .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋEverybeing who uses this stance is inheritly supportive of Aromantic, Asexual, Aplatonic, AroAce, AroAllo, AlloAce, AplAroAce, AplAroAllo, AplAlloAce, AplAllo, and their spectrums. As from our point of view about them, they are part of the LGBTQIAP+ community, showing that not always loves win, but respect wins everytime.
ALL Intersex Gender Expressions .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋIntersex is not another sex/gender, but a whole spectrum of things that changes the human body in the part of homones and genital parts. We believe Intersex people can have their own gender expression in all ways.
Bisexuals, Polysexuals, Pansexuals, Omnisexuals and their romantic counterparts .ᐟ
╰┈➤˗ˏˋPeople can have people from both binary genders (or even non binary people or ALL genders), not just choose one and just be with this one. As we believe the term "Non-Binary" as an spectrum, bisexuals don't feel attraction for all genders, and yes pansexuals and omnisexuals (as they are specifically for people who feels attraction for people from all genders).
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This term is NOT a joke, as I did a joke before (Infernalqueer) as a bait to the Radqueer community to hate me and I'm not sorry for trolling Radqueers.
I made this for myself and my mutuals to use, but anyone else can use it. (When I'm serious, I write an entire text explaining it rather than just a few words and that's it.)
Credits for the dividers: @/saradika-graphics
Tagging: @chuuyadoesdiscourse, @adorbsies, @antiradqueer
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
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Current and past queer athletes at Brigham Young University are voicing with USAToday their displeasure with the school’s honor code, which forbids same-sex romantic behavior and threatens disciplinary action, including possible expulsion.
If you’re interested in learning more, check out the Queer Athlete Podcast hosted by Emma Gee, the first BYU athlete to be out while competing for BYU (many people seem to think that is Charlie Bird, but Emma did it first). She interviews many current and former BYU athletes about their experience
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system-of-a-feather · 3 months
And not being able to resist the "I'm actually a psych major / nerd and its actually a disorder / behavior that has a lot of overlap with bird feather plucking, but thats a topic I can go on for ages about and to save the text I'll leave it at that"
"I know the basics of plucking bheavior like stress induced stuff but why do creatures do that???"
im ok im just autistic and happy to have successfully reconnected with the friend that I made within the first 3 hours of entering a new state
Feather plucking disorder, excessive grooming in animals, and trichotillomania were my OG obsession topic and Im just
*autistic swaying*
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Okay if the Bird Zone is dying I gotta start doing stuff over here so:
I'm Zoe. Co-creator of Blade Maidens with the amazing @valentinemichaelsmith (go read it at blademaidens.com). I'm a trans lesbo, and my writing is always gonna be queer as all hell.
Outside of that, sorry, you're getting selfies and yelling and general goblin behavior. Set your expectations accordingly.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I would love to include more nonavians, truly, I would, but the fossil record doesn't preserve a lot of behavior
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flock-talk · 10 months
Curious, do our favorite husbands Newt and Toto actually show behavior specific to courtship/pair bonding, or is framing it like that more just for fun?
(To be clear I LOVE the husbandposting, I will start talking about the well documented homosexual tendencies in birds at the SLIGHTEST provocation, I’m very queer myself, it’s all a delight for me, very much not coming in to say “um you shouldn’t say that if they’re not ACTUALLY,” just wondering!)
They’re likely sexually frustrated, if a female of each species was present odds are that they’d switch to courting the females instead of eachother. When spring ends and things cool down we’re likely going to see more platonic interactions
Currently though we do see a lot of typical mate-exclusive behaviour with them both preening eachothers’ tails, wings, lower back and chest. We also have Toto attempting to mount Newt every now and then and Newt presenting his luscious booty to Toto. And Toto attempting to gather twigs to make a nest.
So it’s a bit of incorrect framing just for the fun of calling them husbirds (does no harm to them to do that, we’re still discouraging mate behaviours to keep hormones down, etc.)
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
6, 14, 19, 25, and 41 for Jimmy please!
Thank you!
Send Me a #...
6 and 41 already answered here
14. do they stay up too late? do they like staying up?
As a ghost, he never really sleeps, so he usually is up all night reading (and sometimes doesn't even notice the time passing). Other times he might rest, but it's more like the equivalent of meditating or daydream - he's never fully unconscious, just letting his mind wander.
In his life, his sleep schedule was super eclectic. Sometimes he'd have a late shift or would be tasked with observing a nocturnal bird (either as a behavior study or to keep an eye on injuries/illnesses in the aviary) and could be up literally all night. Other times he'd get done at a normal hour and would be in bed early, or would stay up late reading, but there was really no way to predict his sleep schedule.
19. what are their phobias? do they have any at all?
As a ghost, he isn't really afraid of much. There's next-to-nothing that can hurt him in that state, so it's easy not to worry about things like spiders or heights or other common fears. He's a lot more courageous as a ghost.
In his life, he didn't exactly have any phobias, but he was always on guard when he was out in public. Even though he was always careful to keep his queerness hidden, keeping a secret like that definitely played into a lot of his anxieties.
25. do they get scared easily? does loud noises, shouting, etc, scare them?
Again, as a ghost he isn't scared of much, since there's not much that really poses a danger to him anymore. Garraka does terrify him, especially because of all the control he has over ghosts (really, it's the first legitimate threat to his safety that he's encountered in all of his afterlife), and the more ghoulish or demonic ghosts can scare him sometimes too, but mundane things don't affect him much.
In his life, he was a lot more jumpy. He'd jump at loud, sudden noises (like slamming doors or dropping heavy objects), and being shouted at was also a trigger for him. It goes back to that same anxiety over being closeted, he knew that he could get shot or lynched if people found out about that and was afraid of having anger turned against him because it could lead to that violence.
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 year
love it if we made it
Pairings: Matt Murdock x Queer!Teen!Daughter!reader, Karen Page x Queer!Teen!reader
Warnings/Content: so much fucking angst, queer teen - sexuality is not specified although reader is dating someone who uses she/her pronouns - mentions of coming out, catholicism, being catholic and queer, yelling, cursing, crying, mentions of self harm, protective matt murdock, matt is a shitty dad for a bit, mentions of absent mother, queen karen, LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANY PLEASE
A/N: Although it’s shorter than what I was envisioning and definitely not perfect, this might be my favorite thing I've written lately. This thing is ANGSTY AS HELL but i've been told that's my specialty. Little storytime - I went to an all catholic school for 10 years of my life but stopped going to church and stuff soon after I left that school. That was about 4 years ago and I have changed immensely since then. Recently, I’ve been trying to reconnect with my faith and what not but whatever church I go to they can’t seem to grasp that the girl they once knew is bisexual and has different ideas then they do. All I want is to have a better connection with my faith but wherever I go it feels impossible. This idea popped into my head recently with everything that happened and I need more dad mm in my life so - two birds one stone lmao. I don’t mean to push catholicism on anybody or make fun of catholics in any way btw. Trust me the last thing I want is anyone telling anyone that what they believe and are doing is wrong. This is just where I'm coming from and how this fic came to be. Love you all lots, no matter who or what you believe in or who or what you love. Xoxo gossip girl
Matt’s phone rang a 2nd time but he quickly silenced it again. “Do you need to take a call Mr. Murdock? We don’t mind.” A man at the table said, a slight edge in his voice. Before Matt could answer, the phone rang again.
“Uh- I’m so sorry. It’s my daughter. Just give me a minute.” The rest of the men gave unamused looks as he excused himself. (Not that Matt could see it or anything)
“Dad, It’s me. I need you to come to school.”
“Why? What happened?” Annoyance more than worry showed in his tone, making you cringe even more. You sighed before continuing. “I got into a fight at school.” Your father couldn't believe what he was hearing. “What? Y/n Murdock! What the hell were you thinking?” Although any parent might react that way, you didn't expect that reaction from your father.
“They were making fun of me, dad! They made comments about Jane and I. They just wouldn't shut up about the fact I’m gay, even after I politely told them to stop several times, they wouldn't. She and I had enough. It’s not exactly ideal being one of the only queer kids in an all catholic school.”
“That is absolutely unacceptable behavior, y/n.”
“Say’s the guy who runs around punching people in a devil costume!”
“That is completely different.”
“No it isn’t!” Your voice raised quite a bit, having enough of your fathers words. You tried to take a few breaths to try and calm yourself. “Whatever. Look, I need you to come and pick me up. I’m right outside the principal's office, they want to talk to you.”
He let out a large sigh, making you anxious. “Okay, I'll be there in 15.” He hung up not saying an ‘I love you’, or even a ‘goodbye’. Not that you thought he meant it when he did say it, but still, it meant you were in for trouble.
You sat outside the principal's office by the front desk, legs crossed, toes tapping, slumped in a chair, waiting for your fathers arrival. Your eyes caught sight of the man with red glasses strutting towards the door with a cane in hand. You sat up and opened the door to guide him in. “I’m sorry.” You said. He didn’t reply, only kept walking. You followed behind. “Dad, I said I’m sorry.”
“I know you did, y/n. Stop talking.”
Okay jeez. This was gonna be tough.
You sat quiet during the entire meeting. You knew what was coming and thought it wasn't worth putting up a fight. It was no secret that you did something wrong, you were very conscious of that, but come on, you weren't the only one that deserves a punishment. Those catholic bitches would not stop taunting you. It wasn’t only today. The bullying had started years ago with usual pointless remarks to anyone and everyone, but when word spread about your sexuallity, that's when all hell broke loose. All eyes were on you. Teachers, students, and faculty had heard about you being gay. Those who were supportive looked at you with awe and inspiration. Most however, looked at you with disgust, including the girls who got you in the spot you were in today. Most quickly forgot about it and moved on with their lives. Some teachers made a point to bring your father in to suggest ‘help’ for you, but he quickly said he would sue the school and report every individual teacher who made another comment about you to the school board and superintendent. Yeah, he was catholic, but your happiness was (usually) first priority for him. Although, it didn't feel like it today.
The verdict was a week of suspension followed by 3 days of detention. Your dad and yourself made your way out of the building and on the way home. The commute to your apartment was only about a 5 minute walk. You stayed quiet most of the time. Until he spoke up as you entered the building and made your way into your apartment. “You're not gonna give your side of the story.”
“I tried to at school and you told me to shut up.”
“You sure it's not because your side of the story isn't worth it? You sure stayed pretty quiet during that meeting.”
“Because I know you would tell me to stop fighting it anyway. Look I know I was in the wrong, but I wasn't the only one. And talk about me being quiet? You barely said anything to defend me! You just sat there and nodded. And don’t tell me you were speechless or something, you're a lawyer for christ’s sake.”
“Yeah, I was speechless. I didn't expect it. It’s embarrassing, y/n.``
“Of course it’s embarrassing. Everything I do is a disappointment to you.” You said, putting up your shoes and jacket by the front door, quickly trying to head upstairs to your bedroom.
“Hey- I never said that.”
“No, but you think so. Me being queer, me being into arts, me being into all the things you hate. You're the successful, up and coming lawyer who all the ladies thirst over, while I'm just an inconvenience. And don’t say otherwise, I don't have to be able to listen to heartbeats to know when you're lying.”
“Come on, that is far from the truth, y/n. It’s not you, it’s your actions.”
You quickly turned back to face him. “Now that is the most bullshit excuse I've ever heard.”
“Language, young lady!”
“Oh fuck language, and fuck you!”
“Enough! I will not let you disrespect me like that! Whatever you're going through, do not pin it on me.”
“Of course, how could I? Because it’s never your fault, it's always mine. I’m the problem. I’m the fuck up, the stupid mistake you made and have to repent for.”
“Don’t say that, y/n. You know that’s not true.”
“Of course it’s true! Don’t say it’s not. That's why it’s embarrassing for you. Because I ruined your meeting with a bunch of classy, a-list, New York assholes because you had to pick up your daughter who is nothing but an inconvenience for you and a constant reminder of the worst mistake you ever made.”
“Y/n, stop-”
“Stop what? Saying the truth? I bet you wish I wasn’t here sometimes. I bet you wish that car wouldn't have hit her. Then maybe I wouldn't be such an inconvenience to you.”
“Yeah, Maybe.”
Your breath hitched. You always knew the truth. You always knew how you ended up here, but never in a million years did you actually think he would admit it. 15 goddamn years on this earth and never once did you actually think your father would take back a single moment. You didn’t cry or become angry, instead the feeling that rushed over you was some sort of loss. At a loss for words or a loss of movement or the loss of knowing what to do. All you wanted to do was give up, fall limp on the floor and lay there for however long you needed to. Long enough for all of this to wash over. Some would call it giving up. To you, it was the only solution you had left. Too long you’ve spent trying to patch up the holes between you and your dad, all for the sake of this shitty family. You’ve had enough. Enough of the fighting, enough of the lonely nights staying up hoping and praying that your father would come home without a bullet in his head, enough of being tired. Tired. That’s what you were feeling. You had felt it for too long and were sick of it.
Your voice cracked as you continued to speak. “I don’t know what to do, Dad. Those people hate me because I simply exist, and apparently you do too, and I don’t know how to make it better other than changing myself completely or ending my life because apparently you and several others would be just fine if I wasn't here.” A single tear made its way out and down your cheek. Your father stood in front of you like a deer in headlights, he had stayed that way since those last words left his mouth, realizing how bad he had messed up. You didn't know what to say anymore. Hopelessness showed its face once again. You rushed upstairs and into your room, not wanting to stand in front of your father any longer.
Later that night, your phone rang. It was Karen calling to do your daily check in on you. You answered.
“Hey sweets! How was school today?” You just groaned in response. Karen’s curiosity grew. “I heard your dad had to leave the meeting early to pick you up, you doin’ alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.”
“You sure. You sound…different.”
You sighed. There was no harm in telling her. Karen was family and whether she liked it or not, she was stuck with you forever. You trusted her with everything. Might as well tell her…
“I got into a fight today?”
“What? Are you okay?”
That was the kind of reaction you expected from your father, more worry than angry. Of course Karen reacted this way. Maybe she was the parental figure you always needed…
“Yeah. I'm fine. It’s just some stupid kids making fun of me and I had enough.”
Karen could tell something else was off. She paused for a second, then continued. “What else?”
“What do you mean?”
“Come on kid, I know when something is bothering you, I’m practically your mother.”
A smile came across your face.
“Ok so, my dad got really upset at me, and I basically told him that he probably regrets having me, and how I know I'm such a disappointment to him, and he agreed and it really blew up.”
“That mother fucker.”
That made you laugh. It was good to know she would be on your side through all this.
“Do you want to come to my house for the night? I’ll pick you up and we can have a girls night and stuff and you can tell me more.”
“No, I'll be fine here. I’d rather just cry in peace in the darkness of my room, to be honest.”
She sighed, “Jeez girl. You better call me if you need a single thing.”
“I will. Don’t worry.”
You heard your father come up the stairs and quickly shut off your phone and rolled over on your side facing towards the wall, away from your father.
“I know you're awake, n/n.”
Your eyes shot open. How do I keep forgetting he has super hearing?
“Worth a shot.” You kept your direction towards the wall.
Matt took a beat before starting. “Karen called me. She said if I ever hurt you again she would go daredevil on my ass.” He took a seat next to your bed, not wanting to get too close just yet, but still wanting to let you know he was there. “I’m sorry. Really, really, truly sorry.”
“It’s alright, dad-”
“No. No, it’s not. I messed up…really badly.” He moved some of your hair behind your ear in an attempt to comfort you. “I never meant to hurt you. I never want you to question my love for you ever again. I love you so so so much, baby girl. More than anything or anyone.”
A tear escaped down your right eye. You flipped over and faced him. “I love you. No matter who you are or who or what you love, and I didn't do a good job of showing you that, and I'm sorry.” He sucked in a large breath before he continued. “You are the farthest thing from a mistake. Yes, you were unexpected, but I would never, ever take back a single moment of being your father. You are the only girl I ever needed, and I love you so very much.”
You opened your arms and scooted back to make room for your dad to snuggle next to you on your bed. He brought you close to him, letting you lay your head on his chest. You mumbled “I love you too.” as he brushed through your hair with his fingers, in an attempt at some sort of calming peace offering.
This would be fine. This would be okay. You both would be okay.
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gayundertaletrash · 1 year
Nightmare headcannons ✨
These are just headcannons I have for my favorite goopy boy. Some are from other people but a lot are from me.
(Trigger warnings- mentions of abuse, maybe body horror, animal death and eating, cannibalism, trauma, eating and sleeping disorders, self h@rm)
- Nightmare is FtM and uses he/it/king pronouns (I image he loves the idea of neos and xenopronouns to). He is a gay man, and is aro-specrum. To be more specific he is aro-specrum and cupioromantic, along with queer platonic. He is also ambiamorus.
- He is married to Cross, is dating Killer, and is in a QPR with all the Bad Guys+ Error, Lust, and Blue.
- Nightmare is generally very quiet and doesn't engage in conversion unless invited. He prefers to listen to others. His main love languages are quality time, physical touch, and giving gifts and acts of service. With the last two though, he doesn't like it when others give him gifts or do things for him. He likes to be the provider.
- Before his corruption he was pretty short (5'2) and is still short in his Passive form. After his corruption he grew to 7'6. He can change his height but prefers the height his goop makes him naturally. He has gotten very used to others being scared of how tall he is and doesn't care very much anymore.
- Because of his corruption, he is kinda uncanny. Certain features about him aren't normal looking. He has really long fingers that end in extremely sharp claws. His bones kinda clash together, an example is his ribs, which are melted together kinda, so he doesn't actually have individual ribs. His eye is also slanted and looks exactly animal-like. He has sharp teeth, and has rows and rows of smaller sharp teeth that go down his throat. He also purrs and growls like an animal. In all he looks less skeleton-like the longer you look at him.
- Nightmare use to be very abusive to the Bad Guys. After years of being a complete ass, he began to recognize his behavior and turned it around. He is now past his abuse and has made up to them all. He still has a lot of guilt from it, but knows he is better now. He started changing his behavior before Cross joined, so Cross beaver really got the bad part of Nightmare's behavior.
- Nightmare is made of two beings. There is the host body/soul which is Nightmare. And then the goop. The goop is an older creature that had followed Nim when she first came to the Undertale Multiverse. The goop and Nightmare live together as one, and can't separate without both dying. The goop can retreat back inside Nightmare though which makes him become passive. Nightmare has named the good Corrupt. Corrupt is a hive mind though, and is just the whole 'hive' acting together. Each of Nightmare's tentacles are part of this 'hive'. Each tentacle is named. They are named Jupiter, Venus, Orion, and Reginald.
- Nightmare is kinda animalistic. Thai is mostly because of Corrupt though. Nightmare purrs and growls, along with other noises like squeaks and chirps. He also makes nests sometimes. Nightmare also can ( and craves) meat. Usually he gets this from small animals like mice, rats, and bird which he can eat in one bite. But he has been know to eat just about anything fleshy. This includes dead deer, dogs, rotten meat, and sometimes human or other monsters. He still acts very proper though even as he eats a half rotten deer.
- The only reason he has eaten human or monster is to help Horror. Horror, like the rest of his au, had become addicted to the taste of humans and monsters. He hates the fact he craves is and Nightmare is trying to get him off it. But because it is such a strong addiction, he has to do it slowly. Sometimes, to help the process along, he will tell Horror he is feeding him human, while feeding his something like pork. The actual human meat Nightmare has eaten himself.
- Nightmare sucks at understand most social norms. After Dreamtale and Dream being trapped in stone, Nightmare pretty much locked himself away for over 20 years. During those 20 years he forgot how to be a normal person. It isn't uncommon to find Nightmare walking around the castle in little to no clothes, or have him walk in while one of the others are changing and just sit down and start talking. He doesn't care about norms very much either, so as long as the others are comfortable, he will do just about anything he wants.
- Nightmare has a lot of mental health and physical health problems. He has insomnia and hates sleeping also because of past trauma. He has a purging disorder, which is not binging but still forcing yourself to throw up. Nightmare is trying to get better about both of these things and is slowly making progress. He also has seasonal depression, C-PTSD, anger issues, and self harm tendencies. He is slowly getting better though.
- Nightmare loves gardening, and has a giant garden filled with flowers. He loves his roses though, which he takes great care of. He has an area of flowers dedicated to certain events, and will plant a flower if something good happens. He also plays the piano and has an old one in his study. His study is what he calls his library, which takes up an entire tower in the castle.
- Nightmare is very protective of the Bad Guys and considers them first before anything else. If he had to choose between them and the whole multiverse, he would let the multiverse die and teleport them all to a different Multiverse. He loves them dearly.
Ok, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed. :))
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queering-ecology · 4 months
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Eluding Capture: The Science, Culture, and Pleasure of “Queer” Animals by Stacy Alaimo
The chapter begins with three separate quotes—the one that speaks to me the most is by Bruce Bagemihl and his theory of Biological Exuberance where he defines it as, “above all, an affirmation of life’s vitality and infinite possibilities: a world that is at once primordial and futuristic, in which gender is kaleidoscopic, sexualities are multiple, and the categories of male and female are fluid and transmutable. A world, in short, exactly like the one we inhabit” (51).
Alaimo’s opening sentence is a powerful one, “’Nature’ and the ‘natural’ have long been waged against homosexuals, as well as women, people of color, and indigenous peoples”(51). Queer theory is guilty of trying to fully separate nature/natural from queer desire, attempting to make queer sexuality a uniquely social, human phenomenon. When the reality is that nature is awash with examples of gender and sexual diversity. The question and larger discourse ask; is nature queer? Can nonhuman nature be queer? and if so, what might that mean for other discourses?(What are the implications?) Alaimo states that we need better, ‘more robust and complex’ ways of engaging with materiality, that account for the diversity and ‘exuberance’ of a “multitude of naturecultures” (52).
Books such as Bruce Bagemihl’s Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity (1999) (among many other examples) present possibilities for “radically rethinking nature as queer, by documenting the vast range of same-sex acts, same-sex childrearing pairs, intersex animals, multiple ‘genders’, ‘transvestism’ and transsexuality existing throughout the more-than-human world. Bagemihl restricts himself to mammals and birds but still manages to discuss nearly three hundred species and over 200 years of scientific research. “Bagemihl’s exhaustively researched volume renders any sense of normative heterosexuality within nature an absurd impossibility” (52).
Alaimo provides several other examples of challenges to heteronormativity in nature in recent years, including an exhibition at the Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo in Norway called, “Against Nature?” (2007). According to the website for the exhibit, “Homosexuality has been observed in most vertebrate groups, and also from insects, spiders, crustaceans, octopi and parasitic worms. The phenomenon has been reported from more than 1,500 animal species, and is well documented for 500 of them, but the real extent is probably much higher” (Against Nature 2007)(54).
The author argues that recognizing the sexual diversity of animals has several significant benefits; heteronormativity has damaged and diminished scientific knowledge (the author uses biology, anthropology as examples but I’d say this is an issue that science in general must contend with). The ‘scientific silence on homosexuality in animals amounts to a cover-up, deliberate or not’ (54) and thus scientists have a duty to correct this.
Researchers have documented how the ‘majority of scientists have ignored, refused to acknowledge, closeted, or explained away their observations of same-sex behavior in animals, for fear of risking their reputations, scholarly credibility, academic positions , or heterosexual identity” (54). Alaimo then gives examples of cases where this was the case in varying levels. As we’ve learned, the assumption of heterosexuality as the ‘only natural form’ is not an ‘appropriate benchmark for ecological research’ (54) and heteronormative bias might render already difficult work even more so.
“Endocrine disruptors alone demand an extraordinarily complex and nuanced understanding of the ‘mangling’ of environmental science, health, and politics, with misogyny, homophobia, and other cultural forces’ (55). The author recognizes that rather than simply tossing ‘queer animals into the ring of public opinion to battle the still pervasive sense that homosexuality is unnatural, we need to embrace the possibilities for the sexuality diversity of animal behavior to help us continue to transform our most basic sense of what nature and culture mean’ (55).
Alaimo’s continues by saying that biological exuberance, vast diversity ‘deviance’, and astonishing difference make nonsense of biological reductionism and the idea that animals are ‘genetically driven machines’ but creatures who exist fully within their own ‘naturecultures’ (56).
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taichouu · 4 months
1, 3, 4 and 5 for both Jounouchi and Yugi please!
My darling Jounouchi Gnocci and Yugi Boogie..
1. Okay yall are going to kill me. I never watched pokemon and I played like 2% of platinum growing up. I also never watched Digimon. SO! I'm going to do what I do best and assign them a BIRD ! ! !
I was kind of torn on Yugi, I really want him to be a belted kingfisher because they're one of my childhood favorites (and to me? Fit his energy?) They don't really stand out with any extraordinary behaviors though, so I'm also placing him with a parrotlet.
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Parrotlets are the smallest parrot species and they're mischievous little birds that are SO sweet and extremely smart, they fit him very well. I hope to own one some day ^_^
-> Jou was SUCH an easy choice for me, what immediately came to mind was some kind of corvidae family member. I think he could be a jackdaw, but Scrub Jay's are soo him to me <3 They're pretty smart, playful, have big barks and are very under-appreciated birds! Just like our Jou.
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3. Favorite Canon Looks?
-> This question haunts me because I love pretty much all of Yugi's outfits, including the stupid capsule monster filler arc armor suits 😭 Yugi was one of my biggest fashion idols growing up as a queer emo kid. I'd have to say his classic DK/S0 outfit is truly my favorite if I had to pick one. The symbolism of his thick leather vest that connects to his choker underneath his normal school uniform has always been eye catching for me. I also much preferred the rope on the puzzle compared to his silver chains. Very nostalgic look for me. (CLOSE TIE WITH HIS ANZU DATE OUTFIT <3)
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-> Joey baby.. okay so I'm kind of lame, I LOVE. His battle city fit, I think it's so him. The sneakers, the baggy T-shirt, I also think the colors of this palette suit him well. I also like his wtd arc outfit, which is kind of similar vibes.
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4. What movie(s) do you think they would not be able to stand?
This is so difficult.. I'm going to say Jounouchi isn't much of a fan when it comes to musicals or psychological thrillers. He seems like the warrior of the week film guy. He might groan about them in front of Honda but he will watch any chick flick with Shizuka. Hes surprisingly thoughtful about them too!
Yugi .... oh man, I don't know. He seems like he'd be a really big film nerd but at the same time he's not? He enjoys movies that have all sorts of twists and turns and also ones that are bold and not very subtle (FANTASY FAN). I think he'd have problems with very Film Bro movies? He doesn't understand the appeal of them and almost always finds plot holes within them that can never be explained.
5. What is a gentle memory they might have?
-> I personally think Yugi has SO many sweet memories of himself and his grandpa when he was growing up. He is such a grandpa's boy.. he remembers so many times that Grandpa was tucking him into bed at night and telling him stories of magic and fantastical creatures and adventures in his younger days.
-> And we know Jou has SO many memories of him and his sister as a kid. I doubt all of them were entirely gentle and more bittersweet leaning. Coming from a big brother like myself, I could see Jounouchi distracting her from their parents fighting by coloring with her or playing outside. But after they get reunited as teenagers, I bet they have all sorts of fun new memories together like finding the BEST spot to get pizza or biking to the beach every now and then together 🥹💓
Character Questions!!
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